#this woman will pseudo-blame me for ANYTHING
honeyboychangbin · 2 years
anytime something goes missing or something is broken/wrong in the house my mom comes to me for answers like i’m god or smth
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nyrobnua8983 · 1 month
SCP staff reaction to you [2/2]
Female Gender Reader, She/Her
K.P. Crow
Before this pseudo-doctor, you had already managed to embarrass yourself on your very first day at the new site. It so happened that Dr. Crow was without his lab coat, and you didn't know that there was such an interesting employee like him. Considering that no one had warned you, you suddenly got scared in front of all the staff in the cafeteria and called Dr. Crow a "mutt" when he ran into the common cafeteria to grab a quick bite before a heavy workday.
How it happened:
–"Why is there a dog running around here?" you shouted, startled.
–"Are you a new employee or D-class?"
the doctor calmly asked as he approached you. He immediately realized who you were because the entire Foundation was abuzz with talk about "the researcher who survived."
–"Dr. Researcher..."
you whispered, still in shock, staring at the talking white dog, who seemed to take an interest in you.
–"Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Crow, and you are Y/N?"
You nodded in agreement, calming down from the unexpected encounter.
Conclusion: "I'm not mad at her; she didn't know there were doctors like me! But her reaction was funny."
Dr. Gerald
This unfortunate man met you in the medical bay in a very interesting situation. You were undergoing a medical examination because, due to NUS, you had injured yourself in many ways, and the Chaos Insurgency had patched you up. According to the documents, all your bruises and wounds needed to be recorded and documented.So, there you were, standing in front of the female doctor in just shorts, without a shirt, and only in a black lace bra with red accents (sorry, the author couldn't resist), when suddenly a battered guy with bandages on his head and plasters on his face burst in, seemingly needing medical assistance as his hands were covered in blood. Quickly covering yourself with a curtain, you looked embarrassedly from the doctor to the uninvited guy who had interrupted. Luckily, you managed to react and put on a shirt.
–"SORRY! I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING! Could I just get my hands bandaged!?"
When you came out from behind the curtain, already wearing your shirt, the doctor had finished everything and was waiting for you.
–"I'm Gerald! Sorry about what happened... and you must be Dr. Y/N. The whole Foundation is talking about you! You're a star!"
With those words, he left you alone, exiting quickly to avoid making things worse.
Conclusion:"I am, of course, embarrassed about that situation in the medical wing, but I'm more worried about her... she has so many cuts and bruises on her body! I think she definitely has more than me... but still, poor girl... I know how painful it is to get hurt, even though I'm used to it."
Dr. Iceberg
Let's be honest, he wouldn't care about you due to his ego and his focus on his own and others' paperwork, which he receives from Gears and other colleagues. He didn't even notice or pay attention to the commotion at first; he was more concerned with his important task—eating the delicious, freshly prepared food. But when he overheard some information about you, he still didn't care. Will you be able to melt his cold heart?
Conclusion:"Clearly, you are not of interest to him at the moment."
Dr. Rights
While standing in the cafeteria, a fairly tall woman with a good figure and smooth black hair, styled to the right side, approached you. A pink shirt slightly revealed her bust, and a pencil skirt emphasized her beautiful long legs.
–"What a beautiful girl! I'm Agatha Rights, pleased to meet you!"
she said, extending her hand for a greeting with a slight smile on her face.
–"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you..."
you said, not very loudly but enough for Rights to hear.
–"It will be nice in bed, sweetheart," she whispered with a soft laugh as she gently ruffled your fluffy hair of Y/C (your color). A rush of blood quickly turned Y/N's cheeks a deeper shade of red. You tried to blame the redness on the heat in the room, but Rights thought otherwise and understood what was happening.
Conclusion: "She’s too sweet and beautiful for this dangerous Foundation, but also shy. I did offer her sex to calm down, but she refused, which is a shame. But I won't stop at just one offer."
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A teasing look at a fic I'll be publishing on AO3 when it's done. Everyone loves Steve in glasses and for good reason. But I give you... Eddie in glasses.
Edit: Finished fic
“Oh please,” Eddie said on a particularly hot July day. “You cannot read that sign from here.” He rolled his eyes and stretched up before leaning back against his trailer. “You don’t have to pretend to show off or whatever.”
The look Dustin gave him was downright indescribable. “You’re messing with me, right?”
And that’s how Eddie learned he couldn’t fucking see.
Dustin was quick to turn him into a test subject and use signs and distances around the trailer park to test Eddie. He’d never realized how much writing surrounded him, but Dustin had a knack for finding it. Only because they were focusing on things he’d never paid attention to before did Eddie believe Dustin that he could, in fact, see that far away.
Wayne was beside himself when he found out that evening. “I should have gotten you tested years ago! All that time you struggled with notes in school—I had no idea it was because you couldn’t see the board.”
“I thought that was normal!” Eddie said, more to defend Wayne than anything else. Maybe he himself should have noticed things getting fuzzier, but Wayne had never hesitated to get him medical attention when it was actively needed. “Besides, we didn’t have the insurance, and I didn’t realize I needed to. You can’t blame yourself.”
If it had been purely up to him, Eddie still wouldn’t have gone to the eye doctor. Glasses didn’t seem particularly metal, and he’d never noticed a significant enough impact to notice that he needed them; clearly that meant he didn’t. He’d probably break them right away or maybe lose them. It was a ridiculous amount of money to spend just to make things a little sharper. Surely it wouldn’t make a big difference one way or another.
It was Steve who pitched a fit.
“You deserve to be able to see well, Eddie.” His hands were on his hips. Eddie was fucked. Hands on the hips was never a good sign; it usually meant Steve was just getting started. “Besides, if you can’t see things like the board at the front of a classroom, you are missing all kinds of things while you’re driving. Like no wonder you’re kind of a shit driver. Bad habits, sure, but your reflexes don’t stand a chance. What if something happens when you have the kids in the car?”
Eddie wished he could have had a better comeback, but the idea of endangering the children that they pseudo-parented together kind of pushed out anything else. He couldn’t even defend his own driving here.
It was another month before he actually could actually get an appointment, but Eddie didn’t have to go alone. Steve waited in the lobby area while he went back and answered whether one or two was clearer a million times, sometimes not even sure if he was answering correctly. Eventually, though, he and his new eye doctor figured it out. He had a prescription. Now he needed the glasses.
As he walked out into the waiting area, he found Steve already inspected the various pairs up on the wall display.
“Don’t bother.” Eddie shrugged to himself and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m going to get literally the cheapest pair they have. No sense spending extra just for the looks.”
Steve glared at him and held up a little piece of plastic. “My parents haven’t cut me off yet, so it’s at my discretion to use this however I want to. We’re finding you glasses that make you look hot.”
Maybe it was the wording that threw Eddie so much. He could have handled “that look nice,” “fit current trends,” or even “suit your face.” But look hot? He didn’t stand a chance. Instead he let Steve shove pair after pair in his hands. He’d put them on, look in the mirror, and if he liked them, turn around to show Steve and the woman helping them. Eddie felt bad that he didn’t know what she was. A technician? A receptionist? A nurse? Regardless she had only pleasant opinions from herself but nodded along to every scathing response Steve had. They were damned and determiend to make sure Eddie ended up with the perfect pair.
“Try these ones,” the woman suggested, handing the pair not to Eddie but to Steve.
Steve considered them for a moment and nodded. “They’re shaped like those other ones that looked good on you, and the color’s better. Try ‘em.”
Eddie obediently put them on his face and promptly tried to ignore the gut-punched look on Steve’s face.
“That bad?” he joked before turning to look in the mirror. Despite himself, Eddie let out a low whistle. “I think we found them, Stevie boy. I look hot.”
“They certainly fit your face well,” the woman said, and Eddie was pretty sure that was the closest she could get to agreeing with him on the job.
He glanced back at Steve. “Like them?” He flushed slightly but hoped niether would notice. Doubtful when both were looking at his face.
Steve swallowed audibly and nodded. “They’ll do.”
Eddie felt a pleased stirring low in his stomach, but he ignored it. Now was definitely not the time to consider such things.
“It’ll be about two weeks before they come in,” the woman said. “We’ll give you a call when they do.”
“Thanks,” Steve said as she swiped his card.
Eddie still don’t know how to feel about Steve spending this kind of money on him. He leaned over, letting their shoulders bump together. “Thanks again,” he mumbled, voice low.
Steve smiled, like there was a secret Eddie didn’t know. “I’m glad I could help. You know it’s not about the money?”
Eddie snorted and pointed out, “You know you have to have money to think it’s not about that?”
“I know.” He paused. “But you know what I mean?”
Eddie sighed. “Yes, Stevie, I know what you mean.”
When he got the call about his glasses two weeks later, Eddie went to get them.
He wasn’t dealing anymore. (Hopper wouldn’t let him.) He had picked up spare hours here and there at a local mechanics, but they didn’t need full time help right now. Eddie was home more than he wasn’t. He tried not to let it bother him, but it was dificult not having a job when it was his fault Wayne had to patch their lives back together. They’d barely been able to keep anything from the trailer, and while government hush money had gotten them a new place, it didn’t replace all the little touches that made up their lives. Wayne hadn’t saved up much, but he was spending it all trying to piece things together.
But until Eddie could convince someone to hire him full time, he was home most of the day. At least that made picking up his glasses easy.
Once he had them on, the same woman as before leaned forward, arms folded on the counter. “How do they feel?”
“Pretty good,” Eddie said as he blinked a couple times. He looked across the store, mouth almost falling open at the level of detail he could see. Holy shit, had he been blind? Maybe he just had super vision now.
“If you have any problems like headaches and eyestrain or think your vision still isn’t where it should be, let us know. We’ll do a followup with you in the future, but you’ll know something’s up long before we will.”
Eddie nodded his understanding and headed outside. He stopped short in the sunlight, scanning the road around him. He could read store signs and—fuck, Steve had been right about his dangers as a driver—even road signs that Eddie had never been able to make out from this far away before.
After a moment of marveling, he got in the van. Eddie contemplated just driving around for a while, but he wanted someone to react to his new look honestly. He considered heading to see one of the kids, but none of them would let him hear the end of it if he “chose” someone else to show first.
Right. Decision made then. He was going to see Steve.
And Robin, Eddie reminded himself as he pulled out of the parkingly. She could marvel seeing his new look for the first time. Of course, Steve got to see the full effect with lenses and everything, so that was a bonus. He also didn’t know Eddie’s glasses had arrived today. It seemed like a nice little test to surprise him and see how Steve genuinely reacted seeing them again.
Eddie parked down the block like he usually did since his van was bad for business.
He had a bit of bounce in his step as he approached the door.
He pushed it open.
Steve made eye contact from behind the counter.
He’d been half-leaning with his head propped up against one arm. When he saw Eddie, Steve’s arm slipped.
Eddie winced as he heard as well as saw Steve’s chin hit the counter.
“Dingus!” Robin called from somewhere among the movie shelves. “What did you just do?”
Steve stood back up straight, rubbing at his jaw. “Eddie’s here.”
“What did Eddie do?” Robin asked, her voice floating as she moved closer to the counter. When she emerged, Robin stopped short. She gawked at him for a moment before letting out a bark of laughter.
“That bad?” Eddie asked. He tried to make it sound teasing, but he still grabbed his haid and pulled it in front of his face. He could see it against his glasses. That was weird.
“Not bad,” Robin promised, and Eddie peeked out from behind his hair. “You look really good actually. I’m laughing at this one.” She jerked her head toward Steve.
“Hey!” Steve protested. “Why do we have to laugh at me?”
Robin sent him a look that Eddie couldn’t read, and Steve sent one back. Apparently that was the end of that conversation because Robin hopped up onto the counter instead of going around it. “So… Lifechanging yet?”
“I can see.” Eddie personally felt that answered the question.
“They look pretty good,” Robin said, and her eyes flicked toward Steve. “Don’t they, Steve?”
He cleared his throat. “I should think so. I helped pick them out.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Your fashion sense is not a promise of anything around here.”
She and Eddie grinned at each other as Steve protested.
Robin continued on as though she hadn’t heard him. “So are you going to wear them all the time?”
Eddie shrugged. “Originally the plan was just for driving and when I really need them, but I might wear them a lot more. Obviously no concerts or anything. They’ll never survive a pit, and I’m afraid they aren’t going to be great for my cred on stage.”
“I don’t think you’re giving people enough credit,” Steve managed, but he wasn’t looking at Eddie again. Curious.
“We’ll see.”
Eddie couldn’t help his smile, and Robin grinned right back. They’d discussed some possibilities that she refused to violate best friend privileges to confirm or deny. This, though, was confirmation. Steve liked the way Eddie looked, and he especially seemed to like the way Eddie looked in the glasses.
Time for some fun.
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belit0 · 1 year
Unbreakable Bond (part 4)
It took me a while because I had no idea how to approach this chapter, but finally, here we are. Lots of revelations in it, and more Uchihas in the cast!!!
it always helps me a lot to get feedback on what you think, so please share with me your opinions on this!!!
"What about that one?" Obito tersely asks, lying on the roof of the tallest building in the city, black wings camouflaging themselves in night's darkness despite their blue feathers, these acting as a cushion for his body. He scans the streets with disinterested eyes, fed up with the situation and eager to return home.
Hunting humans is much easier than hunting angels.
"No, poor physical ability, he won't even withstand a hit," Shisui answers, observing the same celestial being his companion pointed out. Their goal is clear, to find a divine protector of excellent conditions and skills, though they have been on the task for about a month and the aforementioned does not seem to exist.
"Why can't it be either of us two, again?"
"You didn't hear a word the leader said, did you?"
"I mean, can you blame me? I get chills just listening to his voice, creeps me out so much I'd rather act as if I don't exist when he's talking to us."
"You're a child."
"I'm not a child, I value my life, it's different. I don't wanna be subject to the leader's wrath."
"Yeah, and for that very reason you keep asking what the fuck we have to do since we arrived!" Shisui ends up pseudo-yelling in frustration, shoving him and getting a punch in reply. "You wouldn't have a fucking clue about what to do if-"
"LOOK AT HIM!" A blue claw points at a new angel, and following the direction Obito guides, Shisui agrees with him for the first time. Down the street, an angel with a powerful aura and a bowl-cut walks beside an old woman, probably the human to whom he must be bound.
His wings are large, thick, and his body looks in good condition. Not so young, not so old, he's the perfect description provided to them by the leader before leaving. "Do you think he'll be strong enough?"
"I sure hope so." Both demons stand up in unison, launching themselves into the heights and taking advantage of the darkness to camouflage themselves without any problems. They fly higher than any angel would, out of the radar and shielded, following their target at a safe distance, waiting for the right moment to act.
When the angel they are tailing seems to stop in front of a building, they quickly descend, taking up position on another rooftop and observing again. "You have the leader's blood, don't you?" Obito asks, biting his lip at the sudden anxiety for action. They've spent what felt like an eternity searching for the perfect vessel, and now that they have it in front of their eyes, they can't fail.
"Ha, and here I thought you hadn't heard anything of what he'd told us."
"It's hard to ignore when the strongest man in the entire fucking world gives you a vial of his blood, you idiot."
Shisui produces a small container filled with red liquid, carefully feeling it in the palm of his hand as if afraid of losing it. The cold glass on his skin generates a sense of comfort, securing the most important part of the entire sequence in his grip, ready to proceed.
They listen as the old woman and her angel exchange a few words, presumably having arrived at the lady's home. "Thank you very much, Guy, again, no need to take care of this poor old thing if you have business to take care of up there you know."
"Please, Akira! In heavens I'm bored, it's much more fun to spend time with you and feel the blessings of youth blossom! Did you enjoy your Shogi game? Your opponent was humbled by your skills!"
His aura is sweet, pleasant, powerful, the kind of energy any human would want to have around.
The being's gestures, the bizarre movements of his body, the awkward way of speaking and expressing himself, everything is strange about him, but the strength he carries within is undeniable, just as the leader described he needed.
"You are exaggerating, my dear angel, I could only win once, but it was more than enough. How are your friends? I haven't seen the gray-haired boy for a long time."
"Kakashi? He's too busy to pay attention to me, I'd rather devote myself solely to you!" The angel flashes a perfect white smile and gives a thumbs up when he hears his human snorting.
"Ayay, come back soon so I can cut your hair, it's getting too long."
"Will do!"
As the woman closes her front door, the angel is left alone on the street, spreading his wings, and setting out to take flight. Analyzing him closely, both demons confirm he is the perfect vessel, the best body for the leader to possess and execute his purpose, they can't miss the opportunity.
Once they see him flying, the two decide to follow at a moderate distance to avoid suspicion, waiting until a reasonable altitude for no one to see them intercept him. At this hour, most humans are eating dinner, watching TV, getting ready for bed, and the flow of angels diminishes due to lack of demand.
It is the perfect moment.
At the right moment, both demons increase speed in sync, sandwiching him one from above and the other from below. Obito takes it upon himself to land on his back, shrinking his unsuspecting wings and embracing him in a constricting grab. “WO-A-AH”. Shisui, on the other hand, approaches from below, the vial of the leader's blood open, and grabbing him by the neck.
When Obito has him successfully imprisoned, being the one to keep the angel from plummeting to the ground due to the inability to move his wings, he spins in midair, letting the celestial being rest on his chest while still managing to keep them moving.
Shisui, now staying on top of him, doesn't waste a moment or give him time to understand the situation, squeezing his cheeks and forcibly opening his mouth. The blood from the vial enters smoothly and slides down his tongue like honey, until the last drop is secured inside.
The change is immediate, and when the angel stops struggling in the demon's arms to try to free himself, Obito sets off for the landing, choosing a particularly desolate alley without prying eyes. Followed closely by his partner, they both hit the floor of the cramped passageway kicking up a cloud of dust, and deposit the angel carefully on top of a dumpster.
"And now?" the blue-feathered demon asks, uniquely sure of how they were to execute the plan but having no idea how it all follows.
"Just wait." Shisui kneels on the ground, bows his head, and prepares for his commander's triumphant entrance.
The angel's body, stiff and paralyzed as if dead, suddenly convulses. His limbs tremble uncontrollably, his ridiculous haircut moving with the uncontrolled shaking of his bones, his mouth producing incomprehensible and agonizing noises.
Obito can only watch in horror as the celestial being that seconds ago he had trapped in his arms now seems to transmute in front of him, its sickly sweet energy changing into a dark and terrifying one, the same one that gives him goosebumps when he has to face it at home.
The leader's own power takes possession of the angel's body, invading the entire cramped alley with spikes of fear and panic, the air becoming thick and heavy. Imitating his companion, he quickly collapses to his knees upon realizing what is about to happen, and ducks his head nervously to avoid looking his commander in the eyes.
None of them dares to watch the transformation, but after a few seconds of screams of agony and convulsions, all goes silent. Unable to check what's going on, they listen as the angel's body sits on top of the dumpster, and lands on the alley floor a few seconds later.
"Took you long enough." It is the guardian of heaven's voice, but both demons know it is not him speaking.
"I'm sorry... we... we weren't finding anyone bu-" Shisui tries to explain without daring to look up, only to be stopped in his tracks by that terrible presence. "Not interested in your excuses, where is he?"
"We have no idea." Obito bluntly confesses, preparing his body for the most brutal beating he will ever receive. The Leader is ferocious, a beast with no restraints, to be subject to his rage is a straight ticket to death.
"You're telling me you've been here for a month, yet you couldn't find who I asked you to find? A month, a whole entire month, and you have no trace of him?" The possessed angel walks up to them, and with their heads down, they can both see the sandals of the being they just abducted inches away.
"Sorry, my lord, but-" before he can explain anything further, Shisui gets kicked straight in the mouth, fangs flying and blood in the air. His head slams against the opposite wall of the alley, and the demon slumps to the ground. The Leader walks over to him, stepping on his black and emerald green wings on the way, grabbing him by the neck, and lifting him into the air.
"A month, a whole month, one where both of you strolled around whilst I still haven't regained my powers." The demon struggles for breath, holding the wrist of the possessed angel, desperate for release. "A whole month, where I remained wingless and you flew free as birds." Obito feels a shiver of terror run through his body at his words, finding himself paralyzed on the ground, unable to move his body out of fear of suffering the same as his companion.
"A whole month, where my brother wanders free through life and I continued to suffer his injustices." He has to move, he knows he has to say something to save Shisui's life, but the panic is stronger than his will, reduced to a bundle of tremors and cold sweat.
He hears his brother's body hit the ground again, a desperate cough as he tries to regain the air he lost for more minutes than would be prudent, and the dirt on the alley floor rattles again under the angel's sandals.
"Come on, I feel him." Is all he says before taking off, white wings unbecoming of any demon fluttering rapidly in ascent, and when Obito feels him far enough away, runs to Shisui, assisting him to stand and draping one of his arms over his shoulder. "I'm fine... I'm fine." The previously attacked demon manages to regain stability, able to launch himself into flight on his own and following the pace of them both amidst labored breaths.
Together they mimic the Leader, flying off and following the direction of his dark, unmistakable aura. If any angel in the city was paying attention, it would not be at all difficult for them to identify him, pure and materialized darkness in his whole person.
It is overwhelming to keep up with him, and it is bizarre to observe how the celestial being they captured, cheerful and calm, funny, now wears a long and angry face, serious and unpleasant countenance.
Obito never saw him in action, never able to witness the unrestrained power of his commander, so to be faced with his presence, not literally but energetically, about to go into action, is both wonderful and terrifying. He could stand and watch the perfect movement he executes with his borrowed wings, so different from what demons themselves do, but the fear the man inspires in him is stronger than anything else.
From birth, both demons were trained by their elder brothers, Izuna and Madara, without ever having had the privilege of seeing the leader use his might. They have grown up under Izuna's tales, the stories he always told about him, about his strength and power, about how he is the most powerful being of all time. The leader always confined himself to his private quarters, where only invited guests could enter, always wearing a long black cloak covering him from the shoulders down.
The only things he knows about him are myths, but he has no doubts about those either.
The man himself is a legend, a figure of respect and fear, someone not to be contradicted, and the only thing the blue-feathered demon is sure of is that the Leader has no wings. No one knows what happened to him, not even Madara himself can explain the story for he has no idea, and the only certainty is that they were taken away from him at some point.
Nobody knows why or how, who did it.
Engrossed in his fear and overwhelmed by his thoughts, Obito concentrates on keeping up, his companion a few meters behind him, and descends quickly when he notices the leader goes first. He seems to be heading for a rural area, few houses scattered around a small neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, desolate.
The possessed angel lands hard and without fear of attracting attention in the middle of the street, while the other two prefer to remain unnoticed, not sure if their help will be needed for the moment, hiding together at the top of a tree.
Several angels appear before the rumble, some coming out of their humans' houses and others rapidly descending from the sky. The two demons watch as a circle of white wings and light robes surrounds the leader, confused and worried faces asking him if he is all right.
Neither of them knows this angel is not normal.
One, in particular, stands out in the circle, a celestial being the commander keeps staring at, and before everyone can take note of what is happening, he pounces on him with the cry of "ASHURA!". The onlookers soon try to join the conflict, attempting to attack the leader among all, and that's the moment when they realize they both must help.
Angelic bodies fly back and forth and both are convinced the Leader could handle them all alone, without an ounce of help, but he seems to be interested in one particular guardian, and if the demons don't get rid of the excess, he'll never have time to fuck him up alone.
"NOW!" they exclaim in unison urgently, coming out of hiding and bringing out their sharp claws for combat. Where ten angels simultaneously attack the leader without any success, the two demons join the fray, landing on the heads of several and mercilessly launching themselves at others.
They form the perfect distraction for the Leader to take care of his target, fighting one-on-one with no hindrance in between.
Ashura looks at that particular angel, who landed in the middle of the street and left a crater in the asphalt, and asks him if he is all right. It irritates him terribly to think about how he’ll have to repair the damage in the morning, but it worries him even more whether his companion is in trouble and needs help.
"Are you okay? Hello?'" He asks again, and his neighboring angels join the round of curious onlookers. They all form a circle around him, repeatedly asking if everything is okay, but something is wrong with that creature.
His aura is heavy like pure darkness itself, energy full of black and revulsion, terror, and the hairs on his back stand on end when those eyes stare at him. Serious countenance and leaving nothing to be seen, the angel is scary, plain and simply scary.
Words catch in his throat as he realizes how recognizable the intensity of that gaze is, but before he can react, two hands grab him by the neck and take him flying over the street to the cry of "ASHURA!"
It can't be. There's no way this is happening, he's supposed to be dead.
Paralyzed, he watches as the rest of the angels swoop down on his attacker, trying to cut him down, but none are successful in their attempt. White feathers and forged bodies fly this way and that, and each one that tries to touch him is hurled in the opposite direction without success.
It cannot be.
In his peripheral vision, he notices two pairs of black wings, and the paralysis ends when a nostalgically familiar force impacts his face mercilessly. Ashura flies backward again, this time impacting a tree. "'Thought you'd never hear from me again?" The possessed angel asks, and no doubt remains.
The movements of his hands, the way he stands, the coldness of his gaze and the madness of his words, all indicate it is him. "A-Aniki-i?" he tries to ask, before a foot dives into his stomach and steals all the air from his lungs.
"Did you truthfully assume I would die, how you would never have to deal with me ever again?" there is venom in his words, pure resentment in every sentence, tangible evil in the way he expresses his loathing. When a fist is about to impact against his chin, Ashura finally reacts, deflecting the blow with his own hand and using the opening to stand up again.
"HO-OW… HOW CAN YOU BE ALIVE! I-I SAW YOU FALL!" his question is abrupt, solely because of the surprise and anxiety he feels knowing his brother never disappeared, never left. "I SAW YOU FALL, I TRIED TO STOP IT BUT-"
"Try to stop it... you were the one who yearned the most for my banishment, pure greed in your dirty intentions to keep everything for yourself." The serenity with which he relates his point of view is at odds with the violence with which he wields each blow, lashing out again and again at him relentlessly. This is not his body, yet there are marks of his own in each of his movements.
Ashura can even visualize that large, flowing brown hair flying in the wind after each lunge, red eyes full of anger at him, his Aniki's soft hands, the ones he held in his own over and over again as a child.
The way he uses the wings of the body he borrowed, the short, precise flicks of the white feathers, everything is an account of how Indra used to fight, exactly as he set out to remember him after the day of his death.
He saw him fall, and could do nothing to stop it.
Memories and flashbacks mix with shock and surprise, reducing his ability to battle the brother he thought dead years ago, showing himself weak and insecure at every step. Ashura cannot find within himself the strength to put aside all that was awakened when he recognized that look, exposed in front of the most brutal and merciless angel that ever stepped on heaven.
He saw him fall, for fuck’s sake, he saw him fall!
Two wings wrap around him from each side, acting as a catapult to bring him face to face with the body his Aniki stole, earning him a direct headbutt to the forehead that leaves him dizzy enough to collapse to the ground.
No one seems to come to his aid, unable to see what happened to all his companions, but the lack of assistance indicates they were reduced and defeated by those creatures that appeared alongside his older brother.
Everything is a blur from that moment on, but his last memory is how those black-winged beings hold his arms and legs, while his Aniki steals his blood from one of his cuts, and plucks two white feathers from each of his wings.
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sometimesoliloquy · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 5x06 “Together ” (or, “Warm Milk and Murder”) 👀
I’ll be honest, the first draft of this recap/review just read “NIIIIICK” with a string of heart-eye and water gun emojis. Second draft was “This episode could have been the last 15 minutes”, and I stand by that.
However, that is not what we were given,  so into the  scary kidnap van with June and Luke we go. Luke tries a trick he saw once on Dateline where a girl kicked a car tail light out to escape, and June’s like that’s nice honey, maybe just save your energy. They get their fake No Man’s Land Gilead mugshots taken and June reminds these Gilead(?) goons (and us) that she is a bad ass and is of NOBODY, motherfucker.
Then we’re once again at Serena’s prison the Wheeler’s house, which I swear is reminding me more of the Murder House in the first season of American Horror Story by the minute. Good morning, Serena! Today with your green breakfast smoothie you get a side of creepy surprise gyno house call! Lucky girl, as Aunt Lydia would say. Up the Vertigo staircase they go, to the reveal that the W's have set up a full birthing suite in the attic, which is totally normal and not creepy at all, and the good doctor is very excited to get her up in the stirrups and take it for a test drive.
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(Just for me, huh?)
Dr. Egregiously Inappropriate proceeds to casually discuss Serena’s perineum and which essential oils from his MLM she should use to massage it with. Five seconds after being knuckle deep in her cervix, he asks her to dinner, because romance is not dead (generally the dinner part comes first, pal!). He humble brags about the mean cedar plank salmon  “his martha” makes, giving us another small, disturbing glimpse at the wider pseudo-Gilead community outside of the Wheeler’s creepy mansion. Just how wide is it, I have to wonder? This scene also echoed back to the creepy doctor in s1 who called June “sweety” or “honey” and offered to bone her on the doctors table “help her out” (gag). Before he finally got the dinner invitation out I really thought what he was going to ask Serena was if he could be next in line to impregnate her (really I guess the end goal for him is the same, though).
I’m going to have a hard time ever getting that image out of my head, but at least it gives us Serena delivering the line “I’m not going to date my gynecologist”, which is the most reasonable thing that’s ever come out of this woman’s mouth in her life and that’s a fact. Unfortunately, Mrs. W does not agree, Serena simply cannot be a slutty single mother and she is grounded until she finds herself a nice respectable husband baby daddy like Dr. McCreepy. GO TO YOUR ROOM, young lady. The irony probably lost on her (or maybe just once again overshadowed by self-pity), Serena sadly slinks off  to her cell bedroom to cry under the looming crucifix, probably not thinking at all about how she absolutely reveled in doing the exact same thing to June (and I’m sure June’s predecessor). I am a little confused by Mrs. W’s strategy here because I thought handmaids couldn’t be married, but I digress.
Meanwhile, Aunt Lydia is extremely disappointed to hear that poor Esther’s UTERUS HARVESTING (fucking excuse me?) has been canceled. It’s very upsetting because she was just sure Esther’s been looking forward to this all week! But it seems that said uterus has already been “filled with his divine light” which is confusing to Lydia because Esther’s not yet been posted, and confusing to me because “divine” and “light” are the furthest words I would use to describe anything coming out of Warren Putnam. After she’s done victim blaming the 15 year old rape victim (but what was she wearing?) she declares it is JUST AWFUL that Warren raped Esther in that way, because if there’s one thing Lydia knows it’s that there is a proper time and a place for rape and that was NOT IT. It’s truly egregious that he did not wait the one day’s time to legally rape her at the right time, because this is definitely the problem here. Esther understandably freaks the fuck out at Lydia and continues to writhe and scream in pure despair, and my poor darling damaged murder-child, if they keep doing horrible things to you or kill you off, I swear I will riot on their front porch while they are trying to watch the latest episode of HoD.
Aunt Lydia rushes to deliver the news to Commander Lawrence, who has the nerve to not be outraged, and engages in his current favorite pastime: dropping truth bombs of the hypocrisy of the Gileadean system she’s enforced and facilitated all these years. He has a point but she’s not quite ready to hear it (it’s gonna be a long road, I think) and she storms off in a cloud of righteous indignation, leaving JLaw “TO IT.” Despite being unmoved by Lydia’s morality play, we can see the wheels turning in that mysterious noggin, and he apparently decides it’s time to invite his good buddy Warren over for drinks to congratulate his raping of a child pending fatherhood.
Back in fake NML Gilead, Luke and June have been locked in (according to June, quite spacious, actually) cages and Luke will not shut the fuck up about how fucking CRAZY this shit is, and I’m not sure what kind of amusement park he thought Gilead actually was but finally June says what we’ve all been thinking for the last 5 minutes and tells him to please shut the fuck up (KEEP YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER, LUKE). He laments not being able to “be that guy” to swoop in on a white horse and save her or something, and wishing that he had been there with her (no, you don’t, trust me!), still somehow not getting it that she doesn’t need a man to save her but ok. I have to assume that he’s thinking of Nick (and Serena’s words) here. The thing is, for all her ill intentions, Serena’s phrasing was actually quite accurate: June had “Nick’s support”, not Nick to save her.  I do think actually that Luke was trying to convey a similar sentiment, but it’s so interesting and telling to me that his wording seems to consistently center his feelings around himself, and around an idea of protective ownership that screams of benevolent sexism. Anyway, they say some more sentimental stuff that I don’t quite buy and flirt to pass the time. The goons come back and of course as soon as June tells Luke what not to do, he immediately does it. He tries to break free and run away (um, where?), and immediately they viciously beat him (the “he’s not resisting!!”, was rough to watch… damn, constant parallels to awful events in irl America).
Later that evening in real Gilead, Lawrence, Nick and Putnam cozily clink glasses by the crackling fire, and Putman talks about how much he loves raping women and children the perks of his job. In fact, he wasn’t even thinking about conceiving a child and the subsequent benefit to his career, he did this purely for the joy of raping his work, that is how dedicated he is. He (thinks he) gets a dig in at JLaw, wondering what’s the point of even being a commander if you’re not going to rape anyone take advantage of the perks?  Nick is once again having a real hard time controlling his face, but he manages to get out some Gilead double speak, and JLaw does some very pointed double speak, as Warren continues to fail miserably at reading the room.
The next day, in Canadian wanna-be Gilead, Mr. Wheeler summons Serena to his study.  She thinks it’s about her quarrel with Mrs. W, but LOL woman, he has not the time for silly female squabbles. He tells her his men have captured June, and  he’s going to have Ezra execute her in NML since Gilead keeps fumbling the ball. Serena looks... concerned? upset? I don’t know, their relationship is weird. But she also sees here an opportunity: the enemy  of my enemy is my friend as they say (or at least she can be for a hot second until they go back to enemies again, I guess). She begs Mr. W to let her tag  along, saying that she wants to watch June be killed with her own eyes. Mr. W is super turned on moved by this and just like that goes from “absolutely not” to “yeah ok”.  She can’t get the fuck out of that house fast enough as Mrs. W trails  nervously, looking a little suspicious. From the looks of it she starts having contractions in the backseat so let’s hope Ezra is a fast driver...
June and Luke have been laying on their cage floors for god knows how long at this point. Luke is pretty fucked up, and June blames herself. She apologizes to Luke for not stopping him from coming (”You didn’t know how bad it could be. I did.”) but he insists it was his choice. He wants to be able to at least say goodbye this time, and June, sensing that he is giving up hope, gives him a pep talk that includes a pretty good impression of Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans (Stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you! No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. ! I WILL FIND YOU.) It didn’t quite ring true to me, but seems to work with Luke, bolstering his will. Then the goons are back and dragging them off in separate directions, onto separate vehicles. June yells frantically after him and despairingly mouths “I’m sorry”, still feeling responsible.
Naomi and Warren are just trying to have a nice brunch at the country club when a bunch of guardians roll up before they can even finish their eggs benny and bottomless mimosas (RUDE). An alarmed Naomi prances down the stairs after her wayward husband as he is dragged and deposited quite satisfyingly at the dress-shoed feet of our two favorite commanders. Nick recites Warren’s crimes in a way that makes “apostasy” sound like something I very much want to do, and then it’s Lawrence’s turn to quote some apt scripture to silence Warren’s self-righteous whining. Not to be outdone by his late buddy Fred, WP gets his “but I’m going to be a FATHER!” moment, but somehow Nick is not moved and proceeds to blow his despicable brains out. Crows caw in the distance (at least that’s what my subtitles are telling me, I can’t really hear over my own cheering).
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(Pls send help.)
Back at the Blaine household, however, Mrs. Blaine is not so impressed. Apparently she is cool with her husband facilitating the death of rapist commanders as long as he specifically is not the one to do the dirty work (what, he changed his shirt at least!). I get that her religious beliefs probably include “thou shalt not kill” and that it would be startling (especially for a seemingly gentle soul like Rose) to hear that your husband just shot an acquaintance point blank in the head, but in this case I can’t help feeling like it’s something akin to being horrified at the sight of someone snapping a chicken’s neck, and then going home to enjoy some nice breaded tenders. She worries about “the kind of person it makes him” and Nick implies he’s doing it for their CHILD, casually giving Rose’s pregnancy reveal(??) and looking just overjoyed to be a father to be, as we pan out on the truly uncomfortable silence of two people sitting as far away from each other on a couch as physically possible. Sorry Nick, darling, you truly deserve a hero’s welcome. June would have got it (and so do I, call me).
A bit later that day, Aunt Lydia takes the girls on a fun field trip to the wall where Warren’s body has now been strung up on display. She tells them this was justice and then shoos them home for a nice cup of warm milk before bed. She’s been wielding the wall as a warning to “her girls” for years, of course, but we see a slight shift in tactic as the new woke, softer, kinder slightly remorseful Aunt Lydia now uses it also as a vow of reassurance, that she will protect them from abuse from corrupt commanders (as long as they behave), and of course make sure they only get raped at the proper time and place. Janine lingers staring at the limp body of her abuser and says “I wish I could have watched” (me too, girl, me too).
June is on the school bus to hell Gilead with a bunch of other poor souls, and (praise be!) the inner monologue is back, as June reflects on meeting her imminent end, and the unexpected twists and turns of life. The bus stops and Ezra shows up to call her out of class and go to the principal’s office. BOOM, here is your twist, June, the principal is Serena (of course, eyeroll). And she is pissed. But she also has a plan. With the magical powers Serena apparently possesses over anyone with a penis, she convinces Ezra to let her be the one to shoot June and he gives her the gun (not sure why would he think she even has any idea how to use it?) and unties June, also at his queen mistress’s demand, so she can pray. June is like FINE, BITCH, but then sincerely prays for her daughters, for their children: “may they do better than we did.” Serena was either duly moved, or this was her plan all along and she just wanted to make June sweat a little first (which I suspect), because she shoots Ezra instead and orders June to get in the car and DRIVE, bitch, before she has this goddamn baby right here on this dusty ass road. June’s like Jesus WTF is happening, oh hell I guess we’re doing this now, and off they race into the sunset, Thelma and Louise style. For a second I thought June would do an ode to Emily and run over Ezra on the way out, but no, they leave him merely winded thanks to his bullet proof vest, and surely about to give chase/run back to his boss with the bad news.
So. “Together”. Obviously Serena and June are together at the end of the episode (and about to get into some birthing hijinks from the look of it). Nick and Lawrence are continuing to work together to methodically dispatch Gilead’s corrupt and further Lawrence’s agenda (whatever that is). I suppose Aunt Lydia and Lawrence are also working together, albeit in a very dysfunctional (and very frustrating for Lydia) way. Aunt Lydia and Janine, it seems, will work together to protect handmaids (from unsanctioned abuse, at least). And then we have June/Luke and Nick/Rose.
Nick and June’s marriages parallel each other in an interesting way this episode. The two couples are physically “together” (well ok, maybe not Luke and June at the end), but in their  trajectory and mindset, miles apart.  Neither Luke nor Rose fully understand the brutality of Gilead, both having I think been spared/sheltered from the worst of it, and because of that, Nick and June each now find themselves very much alone.
Nick retreats to his stoic mask and inner shell in the wake of Rose’s disapproval, but the sense of loneliness and longing for understanding in this moment is palpable. He already doesn’t think of himself as a “good person” and this seems to be a reminder of how little his wife really knows him. Despite his underlying shame and feelings of unworthiness though, he is actively trying to set some things right, and as much as he would never admit it, it must hurt to be so misunderstood here.
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On her end, June finds herself for the majority of the episode alternately instructing, reassuring, apologizing and worrying about Luke, who is experiencing his first small taste of Gilead’s inhumanity and is woefully unprepared for it. She knows she has to stay strong for him, and she must feel alone in this and in feeling the responsibility for their safety and survival, for Luke’s safety and survival, squarely on her shoulders.
Nick and June are both without the person who would understand in each of their respective situations, and would actually be able to provide comfort and support: each other. In contrast to their married spouses, they are physically apart, but mentally and spiritually on the same page. They’ve been through war together, they know the brutality of the enemy, and they’re willing and able to wield brutality back against it, whatever “kind of people” that makes them, because they know it’s the only way that works here.
So hopefully, we can stop playing games, get these two together, and get this revolution going, ASAP. May the lord open.
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demivampirew · 2 years
Alright, now here comes the other part of my thoughts.
I'm surprised on how much the fandom has changed. We used to have our inside drama but, I've never imagined fans would turn on Henry this much - I cannot blame them, I turned on him for a moment back at the start of the year after the "let's pretend I don't have a girlfriend for the promotion of my show" to then soon after, Mr. Private to post about her and let her post about him.
Now, I'm feeling better about the situation and I'm back on my deep love for the guy - I mean, my love for Henry never left but, I was too upset to be in the fandom and continue to post, to create content of him.
One thing it hasn't changed, it actually intensified, is my hate for his girlfriend. I truly cannot stand her, not even just a little bit. I see her and I feel a raging fire inside. I cannot stand how this woman, who nobody knew or was relevant enough to have a verified account, is now a pseudo-influencer. She goes to red carpets with him, has a verified account with 121 thousand followers ... and all because she's dating Henry - that's the truth and you know it; without Henry, she'd continue to be just another executive in the industry who's name nobody knows but the people who work with her. The worst part is that she clearly loves the attention. Since she became the public girlfriend of Henry, all her social media is about him; even worse, it's about Henry's career or living a fancy life with him. Except for the Kal/Meat photo, the rest of her photos are of him on the set of The Witcher, of him on the cover of a big magazine; she posted stories of him being Superman and living the hot fancy life of being a Hollywood star's girlfriend. Yesterday, she posted about Enola Holmes and instead of posting the poster or stills from the movie, recommending it to her followers and explaining why they should watch it, she made it all about herself, being with him on the red carpet, wearing a fancy dress and having a team to help her get ready for photo time -it really makes my blood boil to see that.
What's more upsetting about the situation is seeing his fans kiss her ass and throw flowers at her in her comments - I'm not talking about those fakes that appear on Instagram after the chess photo, who insults or throw hate at anyone who dares to say anything negative about her and even made their accounts dedicated to her; I'm talking about the true Henry fans out there who adored him for real and go and praise someone who's clearly taking advantage of him for her own gain. It saddens me to see it and contributes to my dislike for her to grow.
Call me a hater, a bad fan, a "troll", a bad fan, I really don't care, I just feel that way and I really hope Henry opens his eyes eventually and let her go and finds someone worthy of him.
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revivethesleeping · 11 months
can you elaborate on what you meant about fish being unsafe for a worse reason i am actually very confused and concerned by what you meant by that
I'm answering this from my phone and just woke up. I'm sorry for a giant ramble that's genuinely pretty fucked up and cursed. I'm also sorry for just.. answering this in general.
I can't exactly spoil text on Tumblr, so I'm sorry. Most I can do is a "read more" thing.
I'm prone to ramble so the short answer will be in blue. If you want to just read the blue part, I don't blame you.
The last paragraph is also probably a good idea to read. I would've also rambled more but my phone is refusing to let me type anymore and it's probably for the better.
Disclaimer: I have an odd interest in cannibalism, probably more interested in the subject than anyone should be. I don't intend to actually do anything related to cannibalism (ex. Kill and/or eat a person). I'm completely aware that Cannibalism is a terrible idea and illegal (atleast in the USA). I am not a cannibal apologist either, it's still fucked up. It's not a kink or anything, it's just something weird I look up information about sometimes besides some pseudo-sciences (ex. The Morphogenic Field, which was mentioned in Zero Escape), Pokemon information, information about a hyperfixation, or random trivia. I kind of just look up stuff I have questions about, ya know, research but by my own will. In this case, it's basically "what does it taste like".
Around 2018, I had found a thing about Cannibalism that was talking about what each stage of a human tastes like-- like adult humans were "a very tough steak", but stringy and kinda like pork?
The stages of life included babies, which had the texture of fish.
I've been unable to find the text I read, so I could be wrong and I hope I am.
I have another thing about Cannibalism (that I actually bookmarked back then) that was this Japanese man documenting what a woman he killed and ate (in France) tasted like. Thighs were one of the best areas, the anus was literally the worst in every way possible (it smelled bad, it tasted bad, and he couldn't even bite through it no matter how much he fried it).
Humans are a living being in the animal kingdom, so they are also meat at the end of the day. Considering we are not supposed to be eating our own species, it has a lot of cons and basically no pros besides "it's food".
Nothing about the human, from what I've previously read, tasted like chicken. So chicken and meat substitutes are the safest when it comes to being scared of accidentally eating a person. But, unless the area you live in is fucked up, you're probably never eating human meat. Human meat has a lot of ways to make fellow humans sick when consumed-- like I'm talking hospital trip level of sick.
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phoenix-knight · 2 years
Femme Fury
I got my period yesterday and damn it,its soo fucking wet, uncomfortable and painful down there, I might murder someone. i just got over some really bad period cramps yesterday and after being incapacitated for half the whole damn day, I had to struggle for a fucking hour with mounting anxiety because my university conveniently decided they're gonna change all official mail to the one they assigned and not google. fuck do they have to make everything so goddamn complicated, like now I can't login to the official mail because I forgot the fucking password. i can't even- I mean, google keeps asking me to answer captchas and type in letters. like I am acting sus because I'm a bot or malware, for fuck's sake, I'm not a bot, I'm just stupid!!! I forgot the password and google won't even use my gmail as a recovery mail so I can reset the password. it says I have to contact the network admin instead. man, if my uni was uncooperative and tiresome enough to put me through this ordeal, what makes google think they're actually gonna help me with something like this? god I hate not knowing shit about anything while every possible password I have tried is wrong and I wanna throw my laptop. i wanted to wash my hair on the weekend, now I am on my period and too busy trying to survive one cramp to the next, too fucking tired to wash my hair now. so I am going to college tomorrow with greasy 4 day hair which is gonna continue until my period decides to spare me enough energy to let me maintain some basic dignity and hygiene. it does not make me feel any better that I am so fucking irritable, I might snap at someone or lose my shit if anything provokes me. is this how men feel everyday, limitless freedom to spite the world even though ur trash urself? god, I wish I could k1ll a few of those ungrateful fuckers. i am soooo tired. godddd. I am so grumpy. i don't want to do anything. maybe this is why there is so much rage inside me. maybe I was born with it. maybe all women are born with it in us. we are not afraid of blood, we see about a litre of it seep out of 7 days a month until menopause. blood is a regular occurrence. violence? been the victim of that in whatever way enough to know how to terrorize people. being treated as less than a human, a product, a piece of meat, an object, a sex toy, a vagina...? we have all been there, done that. we have pain inside us, we have been on the receiving end for all of history. it makes me wonder what would happen if all women turned their rage outside instead of turning it at themselves. its funny how we blame ourselves for everything and take responsibility for the bullshit men throw at us on a daily basis, while feeling insecure about the standards men have set in order to commercialize our insecurity. we were never the fucking problem. and we have to do more than wish for a solution, because this is our problem, and we have to make it their problem. its not a problem if it doesn't affect them, so lets make it affect them. lets tear down the structures and social constructs which benefit them from birth, lets put new meaning to the word feminism instead of the muddy polluted water it has become of the pseudos, lets have girls and boys and everyone else who identifies as women or any other gender start at the same place, with no boxes to tick, checklists to make or unnecessary shoes to fill. destroy the pedestals which make men look down at us with pity, while we scratch at each other to reach the top. reclaim the power which we know exists is all of us, whether we know it or not. we are more than the pain, we are more than our body, we are more than what men think of us, we are more than what men's perceptions of who we are and who we should be, we are more than their small minded one track tunnel vision picture of who a woman is, we are more than their fucked up version of what gender means, we are more than their disdain and disgust at our pain. destroy the constructs that allows them to chill on the sidelines while we fight, let make it their fucking problem because enough is fucking enough.
we all have had enough. i have had enough. UK what fuck you. i will not keep quiet and submit to your beauty standards, leering glances, sexual innuendo, and dirty words. i will not let you shrink me, I will take up space, enough space to make you wanna fight me. i will scream. loud and clear, confident and reliable. i do not need you to attest for my capability. i will stand with pride and you will take me or leave me. i will not bow down. i will not stop. i will not take your bullshit. i will speak boldly, and I will say whatever in the fucking hell I want. YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH IT, DUMBFUCKS.
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bringerofworlds · 7 days
some venting under the cut
i am a very big proponent of never saying or allowing yourself to believe that other ppl are 'npcs' or do not have inner life but my god the writing group i went to today tested that principle of mine to the very brink
in the discussion portion we ended up sidetracking a bit into like, robots, cyberpunk, climate change, whatever whatever, and like this one sort of middle-aged woman was like 'yeah i think our species is terrible; i like the robots better, they can have the planet' and she went on about how she felt bad about all the trash she makes or whatever
like girl the decision that the coffee u bought would be served in a cup that would outlive your children was made decades before you were born
you feel bad for driving your car but you did not build the roads and you did not determine the price point of electric cars
you don't hate humanity, you hate what a small portion of humanity has done to the world
this woman was writing in her own words a "social justice book" and i just... I cannot
corporations have sold your own guilt back to you as a pacifier. you blame yourself and other people for something you have no control over, and you think it makes you a good person to feel that way, but little do you know that your self-flagellation is a billion-dollar industry that BP, Exxon, Chevron, came up with to ensure their own survival
And even when someone tells you this, you cling to your belief that you are at fault because it feels morally safe. and you want to write a book about justice?
and on the other side of the table is a fifty year old man, who when you say you're writing a "social justice book", responds that he "doesn't think he believes in social justice"
god. how insightful, sir. how profound. how brave of you to stand on the very farthest edge of the human race; at your back is millennia of evolutions of society that can only be summarized by the majority of people trying to make life better and easier for the majority of people, and to claim you "don't believe in social justice." say more, great philosopher.
i'm not an optimist, i am not a hopeful person, but god how i am bored to death by ahistorical cynicism and the feeble pseudo-logic people use to exculpate themselves from taking any action
sometimes I think people only write stories about Chosen Ones who save the day so that they can reassure themselves that in a world where Chosen Ones don't exist, they don't have to do or think anything of importance.
*edit; forgot to mention the one lady who said she was writing a romantasy book with AI. the fact that that did not even rank on the initial list of top reasons why this meetup pissed me off is genuinely quite impressive.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Paulus Hook NJ and it's another battle it takes place August 19 This year it'll happen again and it was last year a little bit this year is pretty big. It's important because it is the way to New York as the last gate and they do defend it and what happens is trump runs up there and he pushes through it's coming up in August of course and it's a interesting time and usually the nuclear stuff is August 6 to 9 and at this rate it will be the cities that get hit and they'll try and blame the Japanese and Asia is getting ready by eliminating all of the Mac anything and we should follow their lead and we're going to. After this is Sandy Hook It is Connecticut in its Newtown NY right down the street and that's the site of the incident like 15 years ago or something and it has been boiling up every year it is about nuclear weapons and I'll be it to anyone surprised some of the Mac proper figured out what Dave was up to and avoided it and started to eliminate the pseudo empire using him. And he figured it out and he found out where they were and tried to hit them many times and he got in a lot of trouble and you people didn't support him and you got in trouble for doing it they're going to try and blame our son it's very awfully weak and there's going to be a battle where Trump goes up there and tries to use nukes and he gets nailed and there's more.
--- And a very important story came out and Mac Daddy is going to sue for a court case and that's how we say it and our son called him and said just get him out of there he's in a hospice and he doesn't know it then they said that he knew it and then our son said that he doesn't have a fatal injury and they're lying and you can't do that to someone assistant suicide is illegal in New Hampshire and they said this it's actually true. And the case is going to be brought and it's going to go to trial and we want it to we want to heat up New Hampshire and we can get Arnie out. There's a couple reasons one is we want our son to have stuff and he used to help a lot. The other is we wanted to show what we're doing and that he can see he can't stop anyone because they're all stupid it's not his son doing it seems morons. So we are up to it and Mac Daddy is up to it and we're up for it and the Mac proper too they want to go up there and it's because of Arcadia and the stone goes down about 10,000 miles and Hera knows all about that she's on a solid rock of steel and rock. Furthermore Arnie did not want to die and he said it so am I getting treatment here get me out to his wife and our son said I think he goes over there or did already she kept checking and they said no he said I can't get him out he said what did he what they're doing is illegal you need to contact your own people in a different state so they got messages out they're not letting him out they're committing assisted suicide no it's homicide he does not want to die and he put it in a statement and Mack had him sign it. Tommy F is going to go to jail and he's going to start the slide he should be on. And we have a story about his mom. That she was in Utah no she was in Northport FL and our son saw the comp and it was Tommy F and he's a witness and those two other mac Morlock are suffering and BJA assigned permanent people to them because our son requested it and he said they have to change out and they started doing that and Tommy F is following all of them and they turned around and started fighting them and they're getting information. That his mom That his mom was left to rot in the hospital. And the dog almost died but broke out no someone went over there and got the door open and they took the dog and mom was missing and she's missing here and they think it's Tommy F in the ship above threatening our son and threatening her and threatening Camilla and of course she's a woman she's doing things secretly no woman can ever resist that. When we're going to bring charges against Tommy F it has to come out we're going to charge him for what he was doing to our son at Castle there's a group lawsuit about both of them and we're going to we're going to try and get that out this week
and we're going to we're going to try and get that out this we
Thor Freya
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rametarin · 6 months
Doomsday preppers bore me.
Speaking a little bit about my background again.
So. It's 1995-96. I'm 11-12 years old. Parents divorced, we've since moved from where we started into a trailer so I can go to school in a new town, because the old one had a teacher that was an immovable object and destroying my mental health. Mom would either have needed to stop being an utter cunt and bringing her stress home with her to take it out on me, or my teacher would have to, and rather than just stop being a cunt at me, she chose to put me in a different school in a different town.
So we moved in with my 40-something dad after my parents divorced. She was a raging bitch again, dictating things she had no right dictating, starting screaming matches over control issues and just generally causing problems and dilemmas so no one could have any peace unless they were submitting to her and giving her attention. Just privileged (the real definition, not the sociology major one) white woman shit, knowing the law at the time would stan for her no matter how much of a raging cunt she was to everyone and everything. Any excuse to kick a man out of his own home was a good excuse, and everybody knew it.
It got so bad my father took on an obscene financial burden just to buy a house down the street and stick us in it so he'd have his space back. Since mom was hellbent on getting every dollar from him and lording ownership of his property over him while both of us, his kids, were under 18.
By 1996, she had really fallen off the deep end and was being a belligerent and aggressive bitch to everyone and everything for no reason other than they weren't doing exactly as she wanted, immediately when she wanted it. Failure to do that meant she was going to just make your life miserable as a pasttime, since women do not reap physical consequences for these actions without triggering other women's "THAT COULD BE ME! I CAN'T TOLERATE THAT HAPPENING TO ANOTHER WOMAN! SHE'S A MOOOOMM!!!" response.
She started writing down her delusions in a lined notebook. She's always believed she was some sort of psychic/sensitive spiritualist. She identifies as a Christian and sees "the occult" as bad, but she believes herself to be holyer-than-thou and thus, her self-aggrandizing brand of pseudo-spirituality is centered around receiving divine prophecy. Any stupid thing she imagines, she believes is going to happen and continues to look for it. Anything she did not personally imagine, she discredits as impossible, because she didn't foresee it.
So you can have the flu and she won't give a shit and consider you exaggerating your pain and distress, but if she "prophesices" you're going be ill, she ignores how you actually feel and projects her delusions of how sick you're going to be onto you. Just, antagonize you to try and get you to play out how she imagines reality working. It's like being aggressively Live Action Roleplayed at and being stuck in that awkward moment where you won't do what she imagined is true.
It's a kind of narcissism where she's both acting as well as deluding herself to try and convince herself and those around her of her preferred way of seeing the world. She AGGRESSIVELY tries to gaslight reality itself. That level of audaciousness and pride is just, 10/10 asshole. And it's exposure to this raging, consequence-free, insulated piece of shit that has forced me to intolerance when dealing with them. Because like any petty dictator, you can be as deluded and egotistical as you want so long as you make OTHER PEOPLE die or suffer for your delusions. She sacrificed my health, safety and future by forcing my participation in her delusions as a consequence of living around and with her, so whenever she faced setbacks, she demanded I somehow MAKE her delusions work, or not only did I get punished by the consequences of her disgusting decisions independent of her response to it, but I was given the blame for them when they failed. Like it was my ass that filled the room with canned food until the cheap plastic shelves collapsed.
So anyway. By 1997, she had a raging "I'm just, like, psychic, y'know?" boner of self-importance, and she looked around to find literature that'd compliment and play along with her delusions. She was depressed, and the only reason she wasn't suicidal was because she was too prideful to die while we, he kids, were still young and dependent. But, she was miserable. Independent of anything else, she wanted a situation where she could die but be utterly blameless for it.
In fact, she wanted to go to heaven but it be God's will, but god wasn't cooperating. Outside a few panic attacks, she was fit as a fat flabby fiddle. Dispirited, she started diving into literature that confirmed her bias and found a culture of similar doomer-boomers online, from similar backgrounds and attitudes. She found the world of Christian online rapturism.
Now, when one imagines these, they imagine a very top-down hierarchy of cultists preaching to ignorant, receptive, submissive sheep about bible scripture and what for sure is going to happen. This is not true. Each person in that room that is not the preacher has certain expectations for them to confirm their bias and say what they want said, and the preachers that would be popular have to read the room to figure out their bend, biases and what they want, in order to affirm the bias. They are only giving these supposed preachers the power over them to fit that role. If the preacher starts dictating things they don't believe, they lose their top-from-the-bottom narcsisstic flock and wind up followerless. They aren't all a bunch of Pentacostal tongue speakers babbling nonsense or Catholics LARPing demon exorcisms.
So she joined these 'prepper' forums where boomerdoomers talk about how the end for sure is coming you gais, it's prophesized in dur by-bull.
The number of nights I had to listen to this stupid bitch moaning and diatribing to herself about "the mark of the beast" being an ID chip for some dystopian cyberpunk world, and microchips in milk and other stupid shit, were far too many. Chemtrails being poison by some nebulous government agency poisoning the air (JUST FUCKING WAKES OF PLANES YOU DUMB CUNT) and, just, an endless cavalcade of confirmation biases for her delusions. And every single one gave her the confidence to fake it until she made it about The Rapture being right around the corner.
The truth was, I think, she hated the idea of "being used" by us, her kids. Me, in particular. We'd finally gotten stable to where, as a nurse, she was pulling in between 65 to 70K a year in 1990s money. She wasn't paying rent or a mortgage, because the house we lived in was owned by my father, they were divorced, and him paying the mortgage was basically like child support since it meant she didn't have to pay rent to live anywhere. That was easily $1,200 a month in savings.
So how did this selfish cunt spend the savings? Was it on securing new cars to get from A to B? Was it on college educations for us, her kids? School supplies? A second car, so I'd be able to get to and from a job in order to make my own money?
No. She blew what savings that would've come from that out of her disgusting cottage cheese ass on frivolous feel-goods. Going out to the movies every weekend, buying movies, buying junk food, driving around waaaaay more miles than was good for the car, paying automotive bills from using the car too much, throwing fistfuls of money to lord how she was "the good sister" and a martyr and oh how her sisters abused her generosity, at all her sisters.
And she expected ME to get a job, put a car in her name, buy the car, have absolutely no control over where I could go with it, no right to drive it without her explicit direction and permission, but all responsibility to take care of it from maintenance to gas money (and she loves to just ride around in circles for no other reason than to wastegas.) And wanted all my future minimum wage dollars to go towards paying her bills..
So she could, again, blow more of her own money out of her ass. Which she patted herself on the back for by taking the initiative and spending, whether we wanted her to or not, to then wail and scream about how we "owed her" and she'd expect us to fork over our income when we were making any.
So from 1997 to 2002, conveniently from the time I went from 13-18, this world class cunt became the most insufferable, entitled, antagonistic, greedy bitch in the world. Every minute of the day had to be about her, every dollar had to be about her delusions, every inch of space in the house was taken up by her spending exorbinant amounts of money on canned foods and powdered milk and other nonsense until just moving through the house was an episode of Hoarders.
No matter how much I might say, "We HAVE NO MORE FUCKING ROOM!" She'd just buy more because, "IT WAS ON SAAAAAALE. MAKE ROOM!!" and make it my responsibility to Tetris-block rearrange her shit so we could fit more into the way too small house.
It wasn't bad enough that she was keeping us poor as fuck by only investing in her delusional, "seven years of tribulations and strife" food, preceding the rapture. But that she filled the house with her shit, and forced me to participate in moving it around. Forcing other people to normalize your delusions is a power move intended to dominate and control the environment and setting in which other people live. It's a way to try and impose reality onto them by forcing them to interact with it on your terms.
I couldn't have any social life, money to go with other people, or even build my own future, because this disgusting cunt wanted to LARP out some fantasy that god would swoop down, alleviate her need to kill herself to escape reality, and bring her up to heaven while everybody she disagreed with burned in hell beneath her. But I didn't want to surrender to the state and just become homeless.
I wanted her to snap the fuck out of it. I thought she was just a proud moron, not rotten to her core evil. I know better now, but I will never, ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt like this again. You show me who you really are once, I'll believe you, even after you claim to change. Because the reality she was going to be not just worthless but a detriment to my life was too cold and horrible to imagine for teenaged me. The reality was worse than I ever could've imagined.
She never got better. Even after her date of 2000 new years when the rapture was supposed to happen, the world didn't end. Nor did it happen on new years 2001. So we go into 2001, and she's still talking about "any day now." Since she married herself to the idea Jesus was going to beam us up and there was no reason to invest in the future because God made sure heaven was going to be our future.
I was going to turn 18 in summer of 2002. I figured she'd see that she'd been foolish and just went through a rough spell, mentally, and would recover.
And then fall 2001, 9/11 happened. She got back on her bullshit and being irrational and unreasonable. With added bigotry towards Islam above and beyond the antipathy that Islamototalitarianism deserves.
Then that stupid murmuring of prophecy shit caught in her dumbass Doomsday prepper online forums, and 2012 became the next big date of global catastrophe. Which, surprise surprise to people in 2024, was another great big fat fucking nothingburger.
I have no patience or tolerance for doomerboomers. I know exactly what you are. It's ugly, it's selfish, it's ignorant, it's mentally diseased and it belongs in a god damned nuthouse.
The only reason I didn't try to have the stupid bitch committed was she was just functional enough to provide a bit of money for my grandparents (her parents) to keep them out of complete poverty.
Well. Both my grandparents are dead, now. And all her sisters and brothers (my aunts and uncles) are despicable, selfish, delusional assholes that I wouldn't piss on to put them out if they were on fire. She's no less psychotic and insufferable now than in the 00s. Less so, even. I lose nothing and hurt no one if telling the police about her would get her put on the funny farm.
Anyway. Yeah, the eclipse brought out people like her in droves, and it made me angry.
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theremnants · 1 year
I just recently had my first real experience with someone not being there because of me being trans, and it kinda broke my heart in a way I didn’t expect. It was this big writing award that I won, and that I submitted under my actual name. I was kinda surprised but honestly I haven’t been as happy and excited about something in years. Seeing my real name coupled with something I put a lot of passion and time into made me really emotional, and that’s something I don’t think I’ll forget
But, of course, my parents wouldn’t be there. They know and are in that pseudo “we love you but we hope this is a phase” level of support, which considering their values was about the best thing I could hope for. However, that meant that they weren’t gonna be there when I got the award. I didn’t wanna tell them, because honestly I didn’t wanna see their faces when they called me by my actual name and gave it to them. I knew they’d be upset, and that that’d make me upset, and so on. So I didn’t tell them, which was the first time I’d ever hidden something like that from them
I regret it now. The whole reason I came out to them in the first place was because I didn’t want to hide, to feel like I was constantly putting on a show for their benefit at the cost of my own. And as much as they don’t really support it, at least I don’t have to hide it. They know who I am and they still love me, which makes me feel ok. But now I hid something from them, something that was something super important to me. It’s not like I blame myself, I know it’s not on me that they wouldn’t accept it, but it still hurts. Not having them be there, just being by myself, watching other winners and runner ups with their families (including two that were trans) almost brought me to tears.
So I regret it, I wish I had at least given them the chance to say no. Because either way, I still feel shitty, but in different ways. I don’t know, I don’t know what the right call was. I just wish they’d get over it, because I hate this more than almost anything. Feeling like there’s part of me I can’t share, a part of me that makes me so happy and free. Because as shitty as their absence felt, being recognized as me, both for my writing and as a woman, almost made me cry tears of joy. More than anything else I just want to share that with someone, with people who I love and I know love me but put this wall in between us.
Next time, if there is a next time, I’m telling them. At least giving them a chance to say no, or a chance for them to see just how happy I am. Because as much as being rejected by them might hurt, hiding it from them hurts just as much. I’m hoping that it’ll help, but even if it doesn’t at least I won’t regret it. It’d almost be easier if they were just totally unaccepting, so that way I could just shut them out. But I don’t want to, and I know they still want to be a part of my life. It’s just fucked, and I wish I knew what to do. At least I know hiding it from them won’t do me any good, so that’s one less thing to try.
I wish that they’ll see it one day, and that they’ll be there to share it with me. As happy as winning the award and being recognized was, that’s one thing that would make me really cry from joy. Here’s hoping
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lightcreators · 2 years
@sheyearns​ continue from here
       HE SOUNDED LIKE A spoiled brat. It reminded Lacie of those little chumps she had met during the first years of her needing to socialize with other children from noble families and oh, how much she dreaded it to step foot out of her comfort zone and socialize with them. Levi aka Glen wanted her to have more friends around her age. Did he know none of them actually liked her? They just had to look at her eyes and Lacie could already see the expressions of dislike. The worst were the ones who pretended to like her. Who had to play with her because their parents told them so but Lacie was not a fool. They were too scared to lose the Baskerville’s favour and Levi wanted to put her into a mocking situation.
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       Lacie laughed, shaking her head and disapproving of his statement. “You’re too naive and I almost feel sorry for you.” She had heard it before. Many times by those arrogant fools who think the whole world was going to kneel for them and listen to their commands. “It’s a game you can’t win. You already lost before you even started it. I’ll give you a piece of advice; stop trying to rule over others.” Lacie had her fair share of other people blaming their shit on her. The accused sentences still replayed in her head from time to time. She did it! It was her fault! Don’t look at me, look at her, everything’s done through her! She ignored it. She walking her path as if she couldn’t hear anything. But she did. She always did and they were too ignorant to care for it.
Everything  about  the  situation  was  actually  funny.  Did  she  was  thought  she  was  the  only  one  he  met,  watching  at  him  with  disgust,  about  how  he  expressed  arrogance  inside  her  expression,  making  her  somewhere  …  threatening  ?  Ooooh,  he  should  be  scared  because  of  her  apparent  disapproval  about  how  he  considered  life  as  his  little  playground  ?  Oh,  he  knew  that  gaze.  He  also  understood  possibly  the  misunderstood  who  installed  between  them.  There  was  no  immediate  intention  to  using  her  as  a  pleasant  piece  doing  everything  he  desired  without  realize  it,  without  even  an  ambition  to  be  nasty  over  her  …  Not  immedietly.  It  was  depending  of  her  actions  if,  at  some  point,  he  would  have  to  be  bad.  Shouldn’t  he  received  some  thankfulness  for  have  informed  her  ?  Shouldn’t  been  flattered  about  bring  down  that  confession  so  much  naturally  with  a  clear  not  faked  happiness  ?  A  the  very  least,  he  appreciated  her  presence.  Otherwordly  presences  were  something  …  rare  …  to  be  pick  up.  Inside  his  realm  filled  of  obscurity,  into  complete  silence  he  was  flattered  of,  he  touched  quickly  things  and  people  who  aren’t  from  that  world  …  even  if  he  didn’t  know  the  taste  of  a  daylight.  The  underground  giving  him  all  informations  he  needed  to  know  about  the  noblesse  sphere,  as  he  helped  them  doing  their  goal  of  revolution.  
Her  Masjesty  probably  had  saw  him  one  or  two  times  even  since  he  became  her  Spider,  and  slowly  ruling  everything  from  the  backstage.  Everything,  afterwards,  depended  of  his  moves  and  moods.  He  giggled  so  much  towards  her  first  remark  he  needed  a  short  moment  for  recover  of  the  pseudo-insult.  Naive  ?  What  a  compliment  !  Oh  yes,  he  was  going  to  let  her  believe  how  much  he  was  n  a  i  v  e.  Oh  yes,  she  could  p  i  t  y    h  i  m  ,  feel  so  sooooory  for  him,  looking  at  the  disaster  of  the  boy  he  was  —  it  woud  be  such  acknoweldgement,  such  pleasure  !    ❝  Oooh,  I’m  naiiiiive,  it’s  such  a  shame  !    ❞  He  self-mocking  himself  while  expressing  tears  inside  his  eyes,  pretending  to  be  heavily  hurt  by  her  words.    ❝  Ah,  you  really  do  feel  sorry  for  me  ?    ❞  He  asked  out  of  the  blue,  deciding  the  test  the  potential  of  that  woman.  Because  she  was  funny,  he  was  going  to  play  her  game.  Someday,  she  would  realizing  how  fooled  she  had  been  with  the  illusions  of  his  person.  Someday,  she  might  understood  they  were  the  same.  It  wasn’t  even  a  possibility.  She  was  like  him,  inside  that  selfishness  and  distance.  She  was  like  him,  inside  imposed  norms  on  society  for  people  belonging  to  another  realms.  It  would  be  a  nice  gesture  of  his  part,  an  forgiving  one.  Best  the  pathetic  he  was,  greater  the  result  would  be  for  later  !  It  was  something  he  understood  by  the  moment  he  got  an  occassion  to  kill  that  old  asshole  asking  support  over  a  witch  …  It  was  something  he  understood  by  meeting  that  man,  when  regardless  polite  gestures,  understood  how  cruel  and  heartless  he  was.  He  was  meant  for  great  things.  He  was  meant  for  destroying  people  from  their  powerful  seats.  Besides,  he  liked  that.  He  liked  playing  the  role  of  a  powerless  boy  when  he  knew  all  control  was  coming  from  him  …  when  he  knew  people  could  be  fooled  by  appareances  …  Inside  his  misery,  he  had  been  blessed  of  that  talent.  It  was  making  him  his  life  worthwhile.  It  doesn’t  matter  if  no  one  cared  about  his  broken  heart  and  his  actual  distress.  No  one  cared  about  him.  No  one  could  perceiving  reality  beyond  the  appareances  …  She  wasn’t  an  exception.  She  joigned  another  people  be  fooled  over  what  she  saw  without  saw  beyond  …  His  fake  tears  lasted  for  a  short  while,  as  he  expected  an  pleasant  answer  towards  his  answer,  half  crying  in  everything  he  could  about  the  previous  remark.  At  some  point,  a  little  happy  smile  flattered  his  features.    ❝  You’re  really  lucky.    ❞  Was  an  gentle  warning  as  his  tone  turn  out  somber.    ❝    You’re  the  one  saying  that  meanwhile  you’re  trapped  into  darkness  too,  mh  ?  You’re  the  one  saying  this  to  me  while  you  want  also  some  comfort  into  others,  right  ?  I  am  supposed  to  believe  you’ve  a  beautiful  angel,  even  though  linked  towards  darkness,  who  suddently  stopped  to  give  up  because  you  are  cursed  ?  Or  maybe  watching  a  poor  miserable  boy  is  a  terrible  reflection  for  you  ?  You’re  really  lucky.  You  have  such  an  interesting  potential.    ❞  His  tears  were  gone  on  his  face,  and  he  slowly  watching  her  with  interest.    ❝  Besides,  didn’t  you  get  your  research  before  ?  I’m  the  Queen’s  shadow,  far  more  better  than  the  obedient  dog  of  that  Phantomhive  who  bends  down  at  every  whim.  I  am  London’s  darkness,  the  terrible  shadow  laying  in  England,  it’s  what  the  Trancy  are.  As  a  member  of  a  powerful  family,  you  must  understand  that,  mh  ?    ❞
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
you need a woman's touch in your place
[Taste Of A Poison Paradise Ch. 1] - Series Overview
Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader
A/N: Kathryn in this dress has me in a chokehold soooooo this is what Agatha is wearing in this fic. Also, this kinda feels rushed idk i hope u enjoy nonetheless! 
Warnings: 18+, darkfic, soft!dark!milf!agatha, pseudo-incest, infidelity, virginity and first times, masturbation, praising, corruption(?), just filth below the cut. minors dni!!!
ch. 2
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You pace back and forth in your hotel room, on your way to get your fifth glass of sparkling water (can’t have you drunk hours before the big day) and you still can’t calm your nerves down. You have read all about it. Pre-wedding jitters, bridal nerves– how you would calm yourself down, all the breathing techniques you’d known, failed. Basically, all of your preparations have gone to waste.
No one could actually blame you for it, right? You were a few steps away from becoming someone’s other half, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do you part… A life-long commitment with the love of your life. It all sounds dreamy, growing up to stories about how the princesses got their happy ending with their princes, living their best lives… But now that you’re about to start yours, you feel frightened.
Frightened of the uncharted waters. Marriage is a whole different thing. Honestly, the thought of this wedding is a mistake, and cancelling it has crossed your mind a lot of time prior to this moment. Though you suppose as long as your soon-to-be husband is there with you, you would be able to make it. Franklin, your fiancée, is your first (and last) boyfriend. Almost all of your firsts are with him, but in spite of many shared experiences, there are still more you didn’t have the chance to explore.
Like sex and everything that revolves around carnal desires.
Growing up with your grandmother, you didn’t really have the chance to have sex ed from her. She’s deeply religious and it had a huge impact on how you viewed sex. According to them, your body is sacred and you must only give it to your partner once you are bound in God’s blessing.
Sure, you make out with your boyfriend, but that’s it. The one time it almost went beyond, the image of your grandma flashed in your mind. She’s not yet dead but she haunts you already. 
Luckily, Frank understands and respects your decision. He didn’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable. He’s worth all of this. You’re definitely not going to cancel your wedding.
Thinking about this now, you wish you could go back in time and at least watched porn and explored so you know what you would be dealing with on your first night as a married couple.
A ring on the door interrupted you from your racing thoughts. Wondering who could it be as your bridesmaid won’t be here for at least three hours, you set the empty glass on the bedside table and walked to the door. Peering at the peephole, you flinched away from the door in surprise.
It’s none other than Agatha, your future mother-in-law.
You feel your heart racing. Why was she here? Is she here to tell you that her son called off your wedding? Did something happen to him? What–
The doorbell rang again, and you heard her call you, muffled by the door in between. You took a shaky breath, bracing yourself for whatever news she comes to break.
Your heart raced even faster, and not because you were scared of her or what she was about to say. Instead of greeting her, your throat dried at the sight of the woman. The neckline of her dress was very inviting, it was taking all of you not to look at them. Your eyes traveled from her face down, lingering on her smooth and long porcelain legs. It should be illegal to look this hot, you think, but a bolder voice in the back of your mind was saying ‘what’s illegal is that you find the mom of your boyfriend hot’, but you don’t pay attention to it.
“My eyes are up here, sugar,” she said with an amused look.
“Sorry, sorry. You just look… very good, Agatha.”
You snapped out of your ogling, immediately initiating a hug. Pulling back, she put her hands on your arms. “I came to check on you, dear. I know how bridal nerves can be a real pain in the ass.”
You sighed in her embrace, relieved that help has come, and more importantly, she isn’t here with bad news. “Oh, thank God. I thought you were here to say that Frank has bailed on me,” you chuckled nervously. “And you’re absolutely right. The nerves are killing me. Why don’t you come in?”
It seemed like your eyes have their own will, once again finding yourself checking her out. You’ve always found her beautiful, clear that she’s only gotten better and wiser with age. When you first met, you got intimidated by her intense and scrutinizing gaze but as soon as she spoke, all of your fear dissipated.
Agatha sat at the edge of the bed while you get her a glass of sparkling water, apologizing that it was the only beverage you had. You sat beside her, suddenly feeling very small (and naked) in your silk sleepshirt.
“So, what’s running inside your pretty mind?”
You opened your mouth but closed it again. Were you supposed to tell her that the main worry you have right now is your inexperience in the bedroom?
“C’mon, honey. You know you can tell me everything, right?”
Agatha’s eyes never left your face, the patient and encouraging look in her expression making you spill the beans. You sigh, looking down on your lap to hide the heat in your face.
“I’ve never had sex before. We’ve never done it, and I… I guess I’m afraid. What if I do it wrong, you know? What if I embarrass myself and look like a complete idiot on our wedding night? I’ve no idea what to do. I mean, we’ve kissed, yeah, but we’ve never gone past that.”
Overwhelmed by your worries, you missed the devilish glint in her steely gaze. She’s quick to go back to her caring façade when you looked back.
“Oh, Y/N, hon, don’t worry. I get where you’re coming from. I know it can be scary dealing with something you know nothing about, and what you’re feeling is totally normal,” her hand traveled to your knee, thumb caressing the soft skin. “I’m guessing you’ve never touched yourself either, don’t you?”
“Uh… I’ve tried. But I just– I can’t go there– that feeling that ‘something washes over my body’, like everyone says. So I didn’t try again.”
The older woman’s nails pressed into your skin. Although short, you were sure that they’d leave marks if she pressed on. “Agatha?”
She was deep in thought, your revelation confirming what she had guessed from the beginning. When she first met you, the sweet innocent thing that you are, sparked an unknown desire in her. Agatha wanted to break your purity and taint you, to see you come undone beneath her and tear you apart all for her own amusement. She relishes in your obliviousness when she visibly undresses and fucks you with her eyes (when Frank isn’t around, of course). The brunette has this burning need to break you, meld you into the perfect plaything in-law.
“I know the fastest way to release anxiety,” Agatha suggested.
“Oh? What is it?”
A beat of silence. You stared at each other for a good while, Agatha contemplating her next words.
“Wait, what?” Your eyes were as wide as saucers, mouth gaping open. Chuckling nervously, you pressed on. “Did I hear you right?”
Of all the things you expected Agatha to say, this is definitely not one of them.
“You heard me just right, honey. It’s great for de-stressing! They even use it to relieve anxiety and pain during labor and delivery, did you know?” she remarked, raising the hand from your knee to wave in the air like she was sharing gossip with you.
“No, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”
Yes. You’ve heard about it on a medical show somewhere, but you’re curious about how you’d actually do it.
“I’m serious, Y/N,” she urged. “I want you to be at your best on this special day. You’re about to take a big step in your life, and I know how tensing it could be. At least help me relieve some of that.”
You know what she said was right, and how could you even deny her when you could feel her concern to the bones?
“I just… don’t know what to do. I told you I’ve never done this before. Well, never did it right.”
“Why don’t you let me teach you? You know, the basics of it. I’ll walk you through so you know what happens.”
Oh. “Really? H-how?”
Agatha stood up and moved to lie back at the headboard. You gulped as you watch her while she adjusts her position, her little black dress riding up as she spreads her legs. Before you can even find yourself looking at something you shouldn’t, you looked down, the floor all of a sudden interesting.
“Come here, sweetheart. Lay your back against me.”
You did as you were told, crawling your way between her legs, your gaze falling on everything but her.
“Look at me.”
Cold eyes meet yours as you kneeled, stopping short. You couldn’t decipher that look on her face, but it feels very predatory. Like you’re an insect caught on a web, and Agatha is the spider that’s waiting to devour you.
Agatha’s gaze fell upon the way you're presenting yourself, kneeling in front of her like she always longed for. Seems like you’re very easy to break, after all. She motioned you to continue. Once your body was against hers, she takes a deep breath, summoning all of her willpower not to take you right there and then. The woman was always willing to play the long game, especially now that you’re the prize.
You relaxed against the older woman’s body. You’re not sure if the thrumming heart you could feel is yours or Agatha’s.  “Uhm, so how do I- how do we do this?”
Agatha’s hand gently wrapped around your throat, a gasp passing through your lips from the unexpected gesture. You could feel her fingers twitching.
“I want you to touch yourself first, sweetheart.” She takes your hand that’s resting on your lap and then brings it to your breast. Kinda aware of what she wants you to do, you start fondling your tits, her hand still on top of yours.
You let your free hand on the other one, with Agatha instructing you to stimulate your nipples as well. The action sent electricity to your lower region, but not quite enough. You need more.
Seemingly satisfied with how well you obey her, her hands slowly slide down your stomach, your breath hitching with anticipation.
Agatha hummed as she cupped your pussy, feeling the heat from your awaiting cunt that’s begging to be touched.
“You’re already this wet from that, dear?” Agatha husks, her middle finger pressing against your clothed slit. She smirks at her discovery, feeling her own underwear getting soaked.
However, she provides you no more relief as she retracts her hand, only for it to take your hand once again.
Once your joined hands had reached the hem of your panties, your legs closed, ashamed of how fast Agatha had you all worked up just with her teasing touches.
“Don’t be afraid, baby girl. It’s me. Let mommy help you,” the brunette cooed, her hand temporarily leaving yours to pry your thighs apart. She nudges them softly, her cold fingertips leaving goosebumps on their trail as she caresses your skin. Agatha’s hand has finally reached your inner thighs, and you’re just waiting for her to touch you already, but to your dismay, she puts it back to where it was.
“Let’s get this out of the way, shall we?”
As lust and excitement consume you, you quickly shimmied out of your soaked underwear. Your nervousness never subsided, but this time was a good kind of nervous. The shivers that ran through your spine aren’t caused by the chilly room, but because the woman behind you had bitten your earlobe.
Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, Agatha had told you to stroke your clit. Gently, she specified. The feeling is divine, but it's not enough.
“Now trace circles around them for me, slow and easy.”
“That feels good, right?”
“I bet you’re dripping, yeah? I think you’re ready, baby.”
All these words that were coming out of her mouth were making your head spin. Every last thought in your brain is replaced by Agatha.
“Try pushing in a finger, sweetheart. Slowly.” You nodded, doing exactly what Agatha is telling you to do. There is something that’s so sexy with the way she commands you that makes you aroused even more, and she also finds it so concupiscent about how obedient you are.
You take it easy, thrusting your digit in and out, finding the rhythm that calls out to you the most. A sigh escaped your lips as your head lolled onto Agatha’s shoulder, enjoying the bliss.
“You think you can add another finger, hon?”
At loss for words, you nod, trying to insert a second finger inside. Once you’ve got the feel of it, you continued your ministrations, your digits pounding into your pussy knuckle deep.
Agatha notices your ragged breaths, alerting her that you’re close. She bites her lips as she stares at the evident arousal on your face, finally taking pity on you as she slides her hands to touch you properly.
Your hips bucked as you felt the light touch of her finger on your clit, eagerly chasing the added relief of her glorious hands. Her feather-like touch turned into fervent rubbing, making your eyes wide as you feel that not-so-familiar intensity building up.
“Agatha, I-I think I’m going to­–”
“Don’t fight your orgasm. Just relax,” she whispered in your ear, her hot breath adding making you shiver.
You could feel your muscles spasming, your walls wrapping around your digits nicely, while Agatha has not once diverted her attention on the sensitive bundle of nerves. In your haze, you didn’t notice her free hand playing with your erect peak. Agatha’s so good with her hands.
“I’m gonna–oh fuck fuck fuck­–” Is this it? Is this the out-of-this-world experience people are talking and gushing about?
“Yes, that’s it, angel. Cum for me.”
At her confirmation–as if she can read your mind, you finally let go, closing your eyes as you feel the white-hot pleasure flow through you. Unbeknownst to you, Agatha’s name had passed your lips. Although your voice was low, but at the non-existent distance you two had, the woman in question had definitely heard it.
The next time you’ll moan her name, it would not be as low as a whisper, Agatha thought.
Once you had gone down from your high, limp torso resting against hers, Agatha kisses your cheek, mumbling how ravishing you look when you cum. Your head turns to face her, a tired smile gracing your features. You relish the moment to take a good look at her, noticing how you can barely see the blue irises with her dilated pupils, and god, her parted lips… How would it feel against yours?
You and Agatha are on the same wavelength, but before that, the brunette takes the hand between your legs, gently holding your wrist as she admires your pretty fingers glistening with arousal. Agatha brings said fingers into her mouth, her tongue consuming every essence that coated your digits.
“Mmm. You taste like fucking candy.”
Heat is pooling in your belly once again at the sight of her sucking your fingers clean.
“You did so well, Y/N. How do you feel?” Agatha asked as you turned around to face her.
“Fucking good,” you chuckled gingerly. “But I still wonder how I never reached climax before.”
“Maybe you just needed a helping hand, dear. Happy to help,” she winked, making you snort at her answer. 
“So uhm, I guess that’s it, right? I mean I’ll just probably figure out the rest myse-”
“You’re so silly, toots! That was just me helping you masturbate. Now I’m going to show you what he’s gonna do to you.”
She’s going to ruin you for anyone else, even her own son, but you don’t need to know that. Agatha’s just going to wait for you to come back to her for more.
tags: @ilovehotactresses @inluvwithfictionalwomen @p-nymph
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goldentsum · 4 years
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— made to be together.
PAIRING: adopted father! sakusa x adopted daughter! reader; sakusa x mentioned wife (beginning)
GENRE: smut, dark content
SUMMARY: after trying so hard to get his wife pregnant so many times, sakusa is done and coming to the conclusion that his wife would never give him children. already fed up with trying and getting his hopes up, the two decided to adopt a child to avoid getting disappointed again. in the midst of searching for a daughter, he didn’t expect to find a sweet little thing he won’t be able to resist.
WARNING: pseudo-incest, age-gap (10+), smut, dark themes, unhealthy relationships, daddy kink, manipulative tendencies, implied miscarriages, creepy and asshole! sakusa, cheating, unprotected.sex, .dubcon, virginity loss, delusional! reader, narcissistic! sakusa, 17-18 years old! reader at the beginning but then turns 18+ when smut is happening
AUTHOR’S NOTE: MERRY CHRISTMAS HOES! tis a present from me~ first dark content fic and my first long fic after 2-3 months of hiatus! but i’m still excited! if you don’t like content like this just ignore this then. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR OR UNCOMFORTABLE WITH DARK THEMES. if you don’t like content like this, just block the tag tw.darkcontent,, READ WITH CAUTION!
REMINDER: this is not love and i do not condone this type of behavior. be smart on the internet. if you don’t like it just click away, no need to hate. you are responsible for your time on the internet.
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“shit” sakusa cursed as he sat on the bed, hands running up and down his face in stress and anger. his wife bit her lip at the sight of her husband getting angry. she called out with her small voice, trying to lighten up the mood and chirped. “w-we can try again, yoomi.. we have all the time in the world-” 
sakusa stood up, his beautiful wife’s words trailing off. he looked at her with a scowl, “and how many times more do we need to keep trying? it’s your fault, for fucks sake. always fucking it up and losing the damn child.” the glare on his dark eyes was enough to shut the timid woman up. sakusa saw how she was trying to make herself small in the large king size bed and scoffed. 
he then exited to go to the connected bathroom in their bedroom, leaving his wife with her self-destructive thoughts as she blamed herself for always stressing her husband out. it was her fault that the man was angry and sakusa makes sure she knows that. it was her fault that she can’t get pregnant. all of those time trying and money spent for vacations wasted because she can’t even do what normal women do. 
quickly wiping the pesky tears that run down her soft cheeks not wanting her husband to see it because she knows how sakusa doesn’t like it when she plays the victim. 
sakusa washed his hands on the sink, gritting his teeth in irritation. shutting the running water off and quickly wiping his hands on a clean towel he puts on the sink, he stared at his reflection. dark eyes trailed down his features. 
it wasn’t his fault. it was his wife’s. he is a capable man. he can do anything. he is not at fault here. how can he be? he’s perfect. he’s handsome. he’s rich. athletic. at his prime and can do anything his mind tells him to. 
“w-we can try other things...” sakusa heard his wife’s timid voice call out. his wife, such a delicate woman. a pathetic one too at that. 
the man rolled his eyes and moved to enter their shared room again. “what other things, misa?” 
the woman tried to smile, but her lips were too wobbly and shaky. “we can always a-adopt, right?” 
sakusa scowled at the suggestion. adopt? raise another man’s child? what kind of bullshit was that. that was the stupidest thing his wife ever came up with and that’s saying something. 
“i-i know what you’re t-thinking.. but uhm.. we can always just look around and see if you like them?” misa trailed off, her voice scared and small when sakusa only continued to stare down at her. 
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this is stupid and a waste of time. why is he even here? in this place filled with vermin and shitty things? oh that’s right. because of his wife, who’s stupid enough to suggest they go to an orphanage. 
dark eyes glared at the children playing on the courtyard. hate and shame filled sakusa’s being. why can’t he just have children of his own. tsk, of course the woman he chose to be with has to be utterly useless. sakusa scoffed at his thoughts and followed his wife. she was quite excited if he guessed correctly. her soft eyes observed the dirty children around them. 
“hello, welcome! welcome! come in” an old woman greeted them by the door, her smile wide and happy. the couple entered the large building much to sakusa’s dismay. 
“thank you so much for having us” sakusa heard misa said softly in front of him as he looked around the place and grunted in disgust when he saw the dusty windows. it was a good thing that he always wears a mask, other people are too inadequate to be trusted and they can’t even clean the damn place right. 
the headmistress smiled at the lovely woman in front of her then turned her gaze to the tall stoic man behind her. the two were in their separate world while the man ignored them. 
the older woman chuckled wearily making misa copy her in nervousness. the woman then toured them around the building, introducing little kids that might capture their attention but sakusa couldn’t care less. they won’t be adopting. he won’t take a little vermin into his house only for them to disturb his safe place.
sakusa grunted in boredom, making his wife’s attention snap to him. wide nervous and questioning eyes stared up at him. 
“i’m going to stay in the car.” he grumbled and walked away, leaving misa with the headmistress, not even waiting for her response. 
he left the building, the noise inside now was a muffled sound making him sigh in relief and irritation. sakusa climbed down the stairs of the porch, rolling his shoulders and groaned when his joints cracked satisfyingly. when he reached the bottom, he looked around and realized that it wasn’t where he parked his car. 
“for fuck’s sake.” cursing under his breath, he was about to go back inside when he noticed something or someone at the corner of his eye. 
he stood there in awe, looking at the most beautiful creature he has ever saw. you sat on the bench in the garden while flowers and trees accompanied you. you looked so picturesque and ethereal with your long (h/c) hair down in a braid on your shoulder and your white prim and immaculate dress. 
sakusa continued to look at you, loving the contrasting moment with you and the building where he hears the muffled noises inside. with you, it was quiet, peaceful. 
the man snapped out of it, scolding himself for ogling at a young girl. that was a new low and sakusa kiyoomi does not do low. he wasn’t the type of guy who’s creepy and fucking disgusting. he was above that. 
sakusa scowled and moved to enter the building again but then the door opened and in came into view was his wife and the headmistress. his wife stared at him in shock but quickly replaced it with a soft smile.
“yoomi... good timing, the headmistress was just going to introduce me to someone” his wife said, sliding down a hand to grasped his making him cringe in disgust but his wife was already used to that. 
the headmistress cleared her throat, seeing the awkward interaction, and smiled at the couple then to the garden where you were sitting at as you read. 
“(y/n) dear? where are you? i would like you to meet someone” the older woman called out and sakusa saw you perk up from your seat and smile at the headmistress. 
when you smiled, it felt like you just knocked the air out of his lungs and all he could think of is how to make you smile again, this time directed at him. 
you walked ever so gracefully and stopped when you were just merely a couple of feet away from him. from this distance, sakusa could smell the fresh scent of flowers that followed you. 
“dear, this is mr. and mrs. sakusa, they’re here to look for a child” the headmistress cooed at you while you smiled at her then turned to the couple, greeting them like the good girl you are. 
“hello, mr. and mrs. sakusa. i hope you’ve been successful in your search” your voice was a melodic chime, a sweet and alluring call like a siren, pulling him closer and closer. 
your big doe eyes then locked with dark ones. sakusa didn’t realize how beautiful the color (e/c) was until he saw it in your eyes. he just found his new favorite color. 
“the headmistress told me so much about you, (y/n). and i do hope it is successful as well” his wife giggled softly, looking at you. 
the older woman smiled at the couple and then turned to you, “go on, dear. go to your room” 
you raised a brow at that when you heard the line the headmistress uses when the children are about to get adopted. confused but also happy, you nodded and bid the couple goodbye. 
when you were out of sight, the headmistress then asked, “what do you think of (y/n)? she’s very smart. she’s a well-mannered girl and she helps the church” 
sakusa furrowed his brows in confusion then looked to his smiling wife who was quick to explain, “i suggested to the headmistress that it would be nicer to have an older child” 
“an older child...” 
the headmistress then cut in, seeing the tension that was rising between the couple, “an older child might be better, sir. mrs. sakusa told me that you and her have a very busy schedule” 
his wife nodded and smiled at the headmistress, “she’s perfect...” the older woman nodded as well, smiling brightly and bid them a small farewell to relay the news to you. 
“what the hell are you thinking, misa? have you gone crazy” sakusa glowered at his wife making her flinch. 
“i-... i want her yoomi! she’s perfect, isn’t she? and with o-our busy schedule, she can fit right in” misa argued, she really needed the company. 
sakusa always leaves her alone and when he does get home, all he does is belittle her. reminding her of her shortcomings as a wife, as a person... she needed someone... someone who can be her safe haven.
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you sat inside the car, looking out of the window, happy that you were finally adopted. in the midst of your happy thoughts, you didn’t notice the constant shifting gaze to you by your new dad on the rear view mirror. 
misa turned to you from the passenger seat with a smile, “i’m so happy that you’re here, (y/n).” 
you smiled back at your new mom and nodded, “i’m very happy as well” 
the beautiful woman grinned at you and nodded back then sat normally again, humming a cheery tune under her breath. sakusa shifted his eyes again on the mirror to look at you. suppressing the shiver that ran down his spine when you caught him staring as you smiled at him, he ignored you and looked back to the road again. 
you let your smile fall when you saw the cold reaction the man gave you but quickly shrugged it off and looked back again to the window to watch the buildings go by. 
when you finally arrived at your new home, you gaped at the huge house. clearly, your new parents are rich. filthy rich at that. misa giggled at your expression making you snap out of your thoughts as you looked away in embarrassment at being caught while sakusa scoffed and exited the car, leaving you and misa alone. 
misa frowned at her husband but quickly smiled back at you, reassuringly, “don’t worry, (y/n)... your new daddy... he’s just a bit reserved and quiet...” 
you knew for sure that the man hated you or something. well, maybe hate is a strong word but you’re sure that he doesn’t like you. you nodded at misa with a small smile. 
“let’s go, sweetie?” misa exited the car as well making you follow her. you gaped at the sheer size of the house as some people went out of the house, greeting your new dad that ignored them and went to the car to get your things. 
you were about to help them but your mom quickly held your hand. misa smiled at you and led you inside, “it’s okay, sweetie. let’s just get you settled in, okay?” 
still a little awkward, you nodded and followed misa. your new home was stunning. it was spectacular! you knew you were lucky enough to get adopted at your age but adopted by a family that’s rich? it was amazing!
misa led you to your room as you looked at the large room in awe, admiring it. the beautiful woman giggled at you. you were like a breath of fresh air to her. it was always so silent, filled with tense atmosphere in the house but with you and your innocent energy, it was like she was in a different world now. 
“i guess you like it, sweetie?” 
you turned back to her and nodded with a huge smile, “it’s beautiful, miss. thank you”
misa pouted at your words making you think you have said something offensive, “miss? you can call me mom! i’m your mommy now after all!” her tone was youthful and happy. 
you nodded, “thank you, mommy” 
misa glowed at your words, eyes getting teary. you tried to go closer to her, worried but the beautiful woman only smiled at you and held the door, “i’ll let you settle in, sweetie. call me if you need something, okay? kiyoomi’s and my room is just around the corner” and then she shut the door. 
you smiled at the door, remembering your new mom. she must’ve been lonely. her eyes showed so much emotions. 
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the couple was very busy, now you know why they didn’t adopt a younger child. also your mom was an absolute sweetheart. she was busy with her job but she always tried to make time for you. you two always bonded when she gets home. even though you can see that she was very tired, she always talked to you before going to bed. 
your mom was lonely. your daddy wasn’t home at all. you barely even see him and when you do see him, he never really acknowledges you. like that one time you greeted him on the way to the kitchen. 
you were going down the stairs and saw your daddy going up, to clean up you guessed. you smiled at him when he noticed you and chirped happily at him, “good morning, daddy!” 
the only response you got was a sharp inhale and then he was out of sight. you frowned at his cold response but you didn’t mind. your mommy said that it was quite normal and it takes time for your daddy to warm up to someone. 
but it has already been years since then and the only real conversation you had with him was when you asked if he could drive you to school because your usual driver was sick. 
you tried everything to make him like you. it was weird. you didn’t know why you want to be closer to him. you want him to look at you. his dark eyes locked with yours. you want to feel him. and it was making you feel sick with how desperate you are for the older man. it wasn’t right but you just couldn’t help it. the way he looked at you made you felt needed.
for the past years, sakusa was being tortured by his own mind. the sound of your voice follows him wherever he goes. your scent stuck on his skin when you hug him goodbye. your presence was like a ghost, haunting him. taunting him. 
he’s really trying to keep these feelings at bay but as years go by, you are starting to grow into a fine young woman. more curves appearing in your body, an alluring slope as your hips grew that sakusa desperately wanted to grip. thick thighs that was usually covered by thigh highs. lips so plump and red. 
everything about you was so perfect that it made sakusa want you more than ever. he wants you to want him too. he wants you to depend on him. call him with that soft teasing voice as you cry out the fucking name that makes him tick every time, “daddy~” 
sakusa groaned at his thoughts and held his head in his hands as he sat on the bed. you two were alone in this huge ass house. misa was out for a week because of her job and the thought of being alone with you makes him jumpy and his emotions in a messy whirlpool of madness. 
thoughts of how he can just fuck you right now makes his cock twitch in his sweats. 
he sighed in irritation, trying to think of something else because if he keeps this up he’ll only make himself horny and bothered and that doesn’t sound very enjoyable. 
a knock caught his attention. he looked at the door with a frown and answered, “who is it?” 
“it’s me, daddy” 
for fuck’s sake. why can’t you just leave him alone? if you keep this up, sakusa won’t be able to keep his emotions at bay and might do something that’s frowned upon by society. 
“what is it” 
the door opened and you stood by the door, your glossed red lips curled into a shy smile. sakusa’s dark eyes trailed down to your body, you’re just so beautiful he can’t help himself. a thin singlet and short shorts hugged your gorgeous figure.
you are a goddess incarnate in his eyes. so immaculate. you were calling out to him like the snake in the garden of eden, tempting him to just bite the forbidden fruit already.
“-dy? daddy? are you okay?” sakusa’s eyes snapped back to your face. you looked worried. he sighed tiredly and nodded.
“do you need something?” 
you bit your lips in nervousness, his eyes watching the action. you hugged your figure, not knowing how to say what you had in mind. 
“u-uhm... i just thought that maybe we can eat together...--” you trailed off, looking at him, anticipating his reaction. 
the man made you nervous that was a fact but you would be lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. and that small little fact made you guilty and confused about why you felt like that for him. he was your dad for fuck’s sakes! yes, not really biologically but still your ‘dad’
you were ashamed that you thought of him that way. you can’t even consider him as your father. and every time you call him “daddy” it makes you shy. staring at him, you bite your lip as you wait for his response. 
sakusa grunted and nodded, standing up as he walked towards you. the unwavering gaze he had upon you made a shiver run down your spine. you looked up at him through your lashes, fluttering those pretty eyes up at him. 
that was the final straw! sakusa can’t keep this up! he has to have you and what better time to have you than now. you two were alone and you look so fuckable as always.
he gluped when he stopped right in front of you, so close. you two were just a breath away. your eyes drifted to his lips for a moment but quickly returned to his eyes, feeling the shame rise inside you when you realized what you did.
the older man wanted to coo at you when he saw the embarrassment that crossed your face. he wanted to tell you that it was okay. you can need him. you can want him all you want. hell, he preferred it. now that he saw the small action, he can’t help himself now. he can’t pass this opportunity.
“what’s wrong, sweetie?” he whispered, you shivered when you felt his minty and warm breath hit your lips. you stuttered at the nickname and guilt rise in you as you heard the same name your mommy calls you. 
“n-nothing, daddy...”
“you can tell me, (y/n). it’ll be just between us, don’t worry. i won’t tell a soul” the low seductive voice of your daddy made you clenched at nothing as heat spread across your cheeks. 
“i-.. i uhm..” you continued to stutter. sakusa hummed in amusement at your obvious awkwardness, a small smirk growing in his pink lips.
“do you want daddy?” he whispered, leaning closer to you as your noses touched and your lips barely grazed each other but it was enough to get you excited. sakusa could feel your breath hitching as he does so. 
your eyes turned half-lidded and you pouted in embarrassment, lips curled in such an alluring way. 
“c-can i have daddy?” 
sakusa’s heart started beating rapidly inside his ribcage, this was so new for him. he never felt like this before, not even with his wife. you have such an effect on him, it was scary. 
“you can have daddy anytime, sweetheart” he grunted, tongue swiping against his bottom lip to wet it as he watched you lean closer, slowly standing on your tippy toes.
sakusa groaned at your slow movements and quickly leaned closer, kissing you with ferocity. his large hands gripped your hips, maneuvering you inside the bedroom as he slammed you against the wooden door. you gasped at the pain but it quickly faded into pleasure. 
he groaned into your lips, taking advantage of your open mouth to slither in his tongue into your mouth. you moaned when he started licking and playing with your wet muscle. you unconsciously grinded against him, searching for friction. sakusa moaned into the messy kiss when your clothed heat grazed against his hard cock. 
his hands drifted down to your thighs, squeezing and kneading it. the heat of his palms was so distinct. he then gripped your thighs, carrying you up. you squealed at the sudden movement and quickly wrapped your arms and legs around him. in that new position, your clothed pussy was directly against his member. 
you gasped at the feeling of sakusa’s dick twitching against you. the male groaned and started kissing down your neck, your arms tightening around his neck. the overwhelming feeling of his lips trailing hot wet kisses against your sensitive neck and his constant grinding of his cock against you was too much. 
your moans spilling out your pretty red lips as you tried to match your daddy’s grinding. sakusa’s breath heavy against you, it was all too much for him. you were finally in his arms, moaning like the pretty slut that you are. sakusa could feel your wetness sipping through the thin cloth of your shorts. 
he removed you from the door and carried you to the bed as his body covered yours. leaning against one of his arm while one hand groped your chest, his large hand slowly slithered down and in your singlet and caressed your stomach, savoring every skin until he reached your bra. 
he continued to litter your pretty and sensitive neck with his marks, humming in satisfaction when he sees your neck covered with bite marks. you whined when his hips stopped moving against you for a moment. sakusa leaned back a bit to look at you. his breath hitched when he saw you. you were such a sight to see. 
your eyes heavy and dark with lust, chest heaving with every pant. your singlet was raised up to expose your smooth stomach. your lips were red and a little swollen as your red gloss was smeared across your chin and lips. 
“you’re such a sight, sweetheart,” sakusa praised, making you whine as your hips bucked
“my pretty baby” he muttered then he captured your lips again, biting your bottom lip and quickly soothed it with his tongue. 
“d-daddy, i need you...” you whimpered through the kiss, your words muffled with sakusa’s lips against yours. 
“don’t worry your pretty little head... daddy will take care of you” 
his hand then trailed down, leaving your boobs. he tipped down to your shorts and in your panties, grazing your mound as you gasped against his lips. 
“so wet... is that all for daddy?” 
you cried out at the unfamiliar feeling when sakusa massaged your clit. the older man’s hissed at the wetness, his self-control slowly threatening to snap. 
“have you touched yourself before, princess?” 
your eyes widened at his question but shook your head no, embarrassed by it. your hands gripped sakusa’s shoulder when he started massaging your clit faster, gasping at the pleasure coursing through you. 
“you’re so cute, (y/n)” he muttered, watching your virgin body already shaking at such light actions. 
sakusa’s hand left your shorts making you whine at the loss of pleasure but was quickly followed by a welp when the man removed your shorts, your body getting tugged along at his aggressive action. 
you lowered your gaze and clenched your thighs together, trying to hide from your daddy’s intense gaze. sakusa clicked his tongue and gripped your thigh, “let daddy see you, pretty girl” 
you slowly let your legs open, your embarrassment worsening when you felt the air nipping at your skin. sakusa admired your wet pussy out in display just for him. his fingers touched your wetness ever so slightly but even that makes you gasp. 
“so beautiful...” you heard your daddy whisper making your heart full that he finds you attractive. sakusa wet his fingers with your arousal, caressing the clenching hole but never really prodding inside. 
you watched sakusa between your legs, biting your lips when you saw the prominent tent on his grey sweats. you let your head hit back against the pillows, trying to control your breathing as your nervousness slowly got to you. 
“that’s good, baby. relax for daddy. my pretty girl is so smart” 
sakusa groaned when he finally sunk one finger inside you as he watched you whimper while your hips buckled against him. “so wet and tight...” 
he watched you get lost at the feeling of his finger pumping in and out of you. his gaze then went back to your cunt and his finger, seeing the thin string on his finger that connected him and your pussy. sakusa groaned and leaned down, capturing your neglected clit in his mouth. 
you cried at that, looking down at sakusa. your eyes locked as he fingered you and his tongue flicking against your clit. you moaned, your eyes rolling back into your skull as you threw your head back when he hit the spongy spot inside of you. he hummed in satisfaction making you shiver at the vibration as he added another finger. 
the older male watched your body writhe because of his ministration, finding it so alluring and seductive when you arched your back so prettily when he kept hitting your g-spot. he sucked on your clit, his tongue massaging it. the rising of pleasure was too much for you and the feeling of something threatening to snap in your stomach made you teary. you cried, hips moving frantically chasing the pleasure given to you. the clenching of your pussy against sakusa’s fingers was the sign that you were close. so deliciously close. his movements quickened at that, wanting you to cum for him. the sound of your wetness was embarrassingly loud and sakusa’s constant smacking as he ate you out messily was getting you closer than you want to admit. 
the unfamiliar feeling of the intense pleasure made you close your eyes, loud moans escaping you. the constant flicking of his tongue finally pushing you to the edge as you cum. loud whimpers and whines escaped you as sakusa rode your orgasm for you, moaning against you when he felt your cum sticking to his fingers, trailing down to your ass. 
he released your sensitive clit, swiping a last lick on to it, and his fingers moved away from you, the wetness made his fingers glossy. you panted on the bed, the sensitivity of coming for the first time still in your system. sakusa smiled down at you and kissed you. you whined when his hard cock nudged your sensitive pussy. 
“will you let daddy fuck you, princess?” 
you moaned softly at his dirty words and nodded tiredly, opening your legs like the good girl you are. sakusa’s eyes turned dark and removed his hard cock out of his sweats. you gaped at the size and closed your eyes with a hiss when he grinded against your still sensitive cunt. you looked up at him with a pout and grasped his tight t-shirt. 
“w-wanna see daddy too” you muttered with a pout, tugging at his clothes. sakusa smirked and nodded, removing every piece of cloth in his body until he was nude. your eyes trailed up and down his body, trying to memorize every feature. hands going to his body, caressing his skin. 
“you’re p-pretty too, daddy” you whispered shyly, smiling at him. sakusa didn’t reply but only moved closer to you, letting his nose graze your cheek, nuzzling into you. you giggled softly at his affection. you guessed that this was his way of showing his love.
“ready for me, baby?” he asked as you nod, grasping unto his shoulders. sakusa lined his hard cock against your wet cunt, slowly nudging forward. he hissed at the feeling of your tight and wet pussy clenching around him. 
you felt divine. so good. so wet and warm. and you’re all his. 
you gasped at the feeling, it was so much larger than his fingers but the stretch was addicting enough. you moaned when your daddy kept going in. you panted, tongue lolling out when he finally bottomed out. you felt so full. 
sakusa grabbed your hips, moaning beside your ear. he waited for you to adjust to the feeling of his cock and when you grinded back, he knew you were ready. 
he started slowly, savoring the feeling of your walls dragging against his thick cock, your wetness sticking on him. sakusa then groaned when the pleasure started getting intense, chasing the high of it. 
your nails made crescent marks on his skin, moaning loudly at the feeling of the constant pumping of his large cock inside of you. the tip of his cock nudging your cervix, so deep inside of you. 
you choked on a moan when he hit your g-spot again, the sensitivity was making you tear up whilst sakusa leaned back, watching your body tremble at his mercy. he watched your pussy suck him back in every time, your cum decorating his cock with strings. 
he fucks you with intent, loving the way your boobs bounce to the way he fucks you hard. your pretty mouth open, letting strings of loud moans out, whilst a thin line of drool escaped to your chin. eyes almost getting crossed eye with how good he���s fucking you. 
“you like that, baby? you like the way daddy fucks you dumb?” you could only cry out, incoherent mutters and cries was the only thing sakusa heard from you. 
the man groaned when he felt his release coming way sooner than he expected. the way you were clenching around him was almost enough to send him over but he doesn’t wanna cum before you cum again. 
sneaking his hand on your pussy, he started rubbing your clit with rough circles. you sobbed at the intensity. your legs shaking around sakusa’s hips as he grinded against you harder. 
“fuck, you’re g-gonna make me cum...” he cursed, his rhythm getting sloppier as he chased his high. 
your moans gotten louder at that as sakusa smirked when he felt your pussy clenching around his cock, “you like that? you want daddy’s cum inside you?
fucked out from your daddy’s thrusts, you could only arch so beautifully for him. your position making it easier for sakusa to hit deeper inside you.
“cum for me, princess. cum for daddy” sakusa groaned, hand frantically rubbing your clit pushing you to another orgasm. you sobbed when you felt your second orgasm rushing into your system, eyes rolling back to your head while your pussy milked sakusa’s cock, making him paint your insides with thick ropes of white. your body jerking violently against his at the feeling of the intense climax.
the man growled and it trailed into harsh moans, his hips rolling against you as he rode yours and his climax. 
the room was filled with harsh and loud pants as you two climbed down from your highs. you gulped, throat dry and sore from all the screaming you did. your thighs trembled around sakusa’s hips. he slowly let your legs down and lay down beside you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him. his strong chest against your slender back.
you moaned when you felt the soreness kicking in but cuddled back to him, touching and caressing his arm that was thrown over you. you hummed, satisfied, when you felt his cum dribbled out of you. it was his love inside of you.
sakusa’s heart was full. you were finally his. finally in his arms and he’ll be a fool to let you go. he’ll get rid of the older hag after this, he has no need for her anymore now that you were beside him..
he won’t share you with anyone. you are his. only his. and anyone who gets between you two will suffer the consequences. sakusa guarantees it. his dark eyes trailed down to your body, admiring your bruised skin. 
“are you okay, sweetheart?” you heard him asked quietly behind you. you smiled and nodded, leaning your head back. 
“i am...” 
sakusa hummed, sleepiness coming over him. his hand touching your stomach where his cock was bulging out earlier.
“w-will daddy be here with me when i wake up?” 
“i’ll always be with you, princess. i love you... now sleep” 
you bit down a huge grin on your lips, listening to sakusa’s breaths that started to get even signaling that he has fallen asleep. your daddy loves you. no one ever said that. no one ever treated you like him. it was a nice change from all the times you were alone in the orphanage. 
the moment felt warm and gentle like it was a moment shared by a couple who loves each other deeply. you hummed a soft sleepy tune, your hand caressing his arm to his hand. 
your warm and soft moment came crashing down when your hand touched a cold metal on his finger. your (e/c) eyes trailed down and stared down at the ring that was glistening as the light hit it, heart thumping in shame and guilt when reality hit you like a wave. 
that’s right. he’s married and he’s your “daddy”. 
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Here to fill the void for non-explicit Carol x Therese prompts! 😉
Can we have Therese planning a birthday surprise for Carol? Maybe she gets a little stressed out bc she doesn’t have that much money so she can’t buy any extravagant gifts or book a fancy restaurant the way Carol does for her but she plans something adorable and romantic and Carol is so happy
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“I didn’t ever think it would come to this,” Abby exhaled, the smoke from her cigarette curling into the air as she watched it float away, disappearing into the air.
“You should really stop that, Aunt Abby,” Rindy sighed, shaking her head at her pseudo aunt as Abby merely winked at her, trying to tousle her hair as the girl dipped away with a screech.
“Not all of us have younger women to fall in love with who persuade us to quit smoking,” Abby explained dramatically to the younger girl as Therese took her turn at rolling her eyes. Though her dynamic with Abby had changed vastly over the past few years, the woman never missed an opportunity to throw a good jab out, especially at Therese’s sake. The only thing that made her feel better was that it was certainly in light jest even if there was some truth trickling around the edges of it, and knowing that Abby gave Carol an even harder time than she did with the brunette when it came to teasing.
“You have Rindy,” Therese smirked, tapping the eraser of her pencil lightly against the girl’s hand as she giggled. “She’s younger than you and you’re in love with her. And as her favorite aunt, you’d do anything for her, right? So might as well quit for her.”
“Because you’re in love with me,” Rindy snickered. “Thanks, T.”
“Of course,” Therese grinned, squeezing her shoulder. “Now if the aunt of the year and the love of her life could turn their focus to me so we could actually get to planning for Carol’s birthday, that would be swell.”
“And way out of character for this trio,” Abby mumbled, stubbing out the cigarette against an empty dish she’d stolen out of the cupboard much to Therese’s chagrin. Though she couldn’t blame her. Carol used to do the same.
“Okay,” Rindy nodded, swinging her legs back and forth under the table as she bounced in her chair with excitement. “What did mom do for your birthday, T?”
“Oh, I’ll tell you kid,” Abby chuckled. “But we wait until you’re 18 alright.”
“Abby,” the brunette snapped. The other woman held her hands up in surrender.
“Kidding!” Abby assured Rindy before mumbling quietly to herself, “not.”
Therese cleared her throat, intent on not thinking about what Abby was insinuating, but probably for very different reasons. Because Carol had shared something very intimate with her for her birthday, but it left her flustered and red to think about and it was certainly nothing she was going to discuss in front of her future daughter and Carol’s best friend/ex girlfriend. The more tame parts of that leading up to it, however…
“Carol took me to Chicago,” Therese continued, smiling down at Rindy. “We stayed in a beautiful hotel. Had a fancy dinner. She bought me a gorgeous camera.”
“A hotel in Chicago, huh?” Abby smirked, leaning back in her chair as she stared at Therese pointedly.
Neither of the older women missed the faint blush that passed over Therese’s cheeks, each knowing the significance of the location and Carol’s desire to perhaps recreate their past and do things a bit differently this time. Turning back the clock a bit, only to race ahead of the memory.
“Anyway,” Therese sighed, shooting a warning glare at Abby, before she continued. “We all know I can’t pull something as marvelous together as Carol can, and I don’t have a fortune to spend either, but I still want it to be special, of course.”
“I want to help!” Rindy exclaimed.
“Well, that’s just why you’re here, silly,” Therese grinned, squeezing her hand. “I was hoping you might like to help me make a cake.”
“Me?” Rindy gasped. “Can it be pink?”
“Of course,” Therese laughed with the younger girl. “It can be whatever you’d like. And I know your mom will love it.”
“I have an idea!” Rindy announced, racing off into her room, no doubt to grab her colored pencils that Therese had gotten her as a surprise a few weeks ago, so that she could draw out their design.
“Contrary to popular belief,” Abby smirked. “I may be able to help you.”
“Just don’t tell anyone I’m being nice,” Abby warned.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“Darling, I can’t believe you did this all for me,” Carol gushed, blotting the napkin against her lips as she looked out at the water. “How did you even know about this spot? I’ve loved it since I was a girl.”
“I had some help,” Therese shrugged.
“Well, I know that Rindy had a hand in the cake,” Carol laughed heartily. “Quite literally.” The two shared a laugh as Therese leaned back against the blonde, Carol humming against her as Therese looked down with a grin at the cake, that sure enough, had a messy handprint made of icing right smack in the middle of it that had originally had Therese wanting to cry and race out to the bakery, but then she thought better of it, knowing it would make Carol’s heart flutter to know that Therese and Rindy had baked it together and Therese had let the little girl run wild with ideas.
“Abby suggested the place,” Therese murmured, closing her eyes as she leaned further back against Carol, the blonde kissing the crown of her head.
“She can be nice sometimes,” Carol whispered.
“That’s exactly why I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” Therese giggled. “She might get a good rep.”
“There is one thing I was wondering you might do with me once our stomachs have settled from that beautiful picnic and Rindy’s…interesting…cake.”
“Anything,” Therese breathed, enjoying the gentle sway of the breeze around them and the smell of salt water in the air.
“Dance with me?” Carol asked, turning her head slightly to face the brunette as her eyes twinkled, her face already seeming to be dancing on its own.
Therese didn’t need to point out the fact that there was no music besides the occasional squak of seagulls or the sound of waves crashing in the distance, but she jumped up all the same, Carol pulling her head against her chest, circling her with gentle, strong arms as she started to sway them back and forth.
“I never thought I could be as happy as this, dearest,” Carol whispered into her hair, squeezing her tighter as Therese let her eyes flutter shut, feeling Carol’s embrace and love surrounding her.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
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