#this will probably get 0 likes but i am FREE FROM THE SHACKLES OF THE GRIND!!!!
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 4 months ago
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Fast sketches of an idea i really wanted to do w Jackal. The second one is him and Faisal. He finally listened to Lion and took a vacation and went back to his hometown teehee
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I was looking through the information I was granted to utilize this blog and I found something that I belive I should share, it is a summery written explaining the eternals in more detail then I covered
Now mind you I did not write this and so can't vouch for its accuracy, in fact it seems to be rather explicitly biased aginst me but it should serve well enough as a base of information on what exactly i am I will provide my own commentary within it
I will add my commentary in this color as to make it clear what is original and what are my additions
The Eternals
General information
The eternals travel the multiverse, when they reach a world they manifest bodies and are born naturally to some family within the world, they grow they live and then they die before moving on to the next world, most manifestations will never know of their extra dimensional history
When manifesting, the personality and traits of each individual eternal can vary a bit depending on which one it is, in rare circumstances they can be quite drastically different from any other version of themselves. this is somewhat missleading it implies more flexibility then we are capable of, all manifestations will show characteristics contained within the possibility space of our essence
It is possible, though rare for an eternal to manifest as an inanimate object, in these cases the manifestation will have powers and abilities representative of their eternal’s personality, the manifestation may or maynot have sentiance depending on the circumstances 
It is possible, though rare for 2 or more eternals to manifest into a single body, this new manifestation will have some combination of the traits and personalities of the component parts. Again not inaccurate but still misleading, fusions manifestations will exist within the combined possibility space of their component essences.
even more rare is for a single eternal to manifest more than 1 body within a world, when this happens each individual manifestation will act as an entirely independent entity, the manifestations will not be identical to each other each showing their own unique interpretation of their eternal. I take umbrage with the use of "eternal" when what she is actualy referring to is our essence, eternal referers to the totality of our existence and the manifestations are a part of that while the essence refers to the abstract aspects of our existence.
Every manifestation can summon any object that their eternal has manifested as in a past life with all the powers they possessed, each eternal also has a unique power that is all their own which their manifestations have access to, both of these powers only work if the manifestation in question remembers the truth of their existence, given that this is rather rare, most of the manifestations will not have access to these powers.
Specific eternals 
Title: The first
Common object manifestation: blood drinker blade, a living sword which feeds on the users blood to fuel its power
Unique power: martial prowess, she will always be the most skillful fighter in the world, if she encounters a better fighter, then her skill will instantly increase to become better then them
Common name: Maria
Common appearance: a woman with long black hair and many scars 
The first is incredibly kind and caring, she is always the first to help, but she’s not naive, she is used to pain and mistrust but she doesnt let it consume her. Her desire to help everyone leads to her putting herself into danger more than is healthy (hence the scars), she has a strong friendship with the forgotten and an intense rivalry with the aware. She remembers their origin roughly 10% of the time. This is infuriating the first is not some noble hero, shes a self-righteous arrogant prick, her "friendship" with the forgotten has nothing to do with him and is entirely built on trying to anger me.
Title: the inhuman 
    Common object manifestation: Yamyaywan, a spear that generates lightning
    Unique power: expedient healing, he is capable of fully regrowing a limb over the course of a month
    Common names: Yamyaywan (in fantasy settings) jeff gorge chad or some other generic mans name (in non fantasy settings, he's not vary creative) 
    Common appearance: some non human entity typically some kind of werewolf 
    The inhuman is pretty simple, eat, sleep, fuck, repeat, thats not to say hes violent or even a bad guy, hes actually quite sweet and friendly when he wants to be. fiercely loyal to those of his pack and honest to a fault, but he is not a complex man, his motives are all base and predictable, he enjoys indulging in lifes simple pleasures. He holds great respect for the first, and despises the aware for her deceptive nature. He remembers their origin roughly 1-2% of the time
Tittle: the lovers
Common object manifestation: unbreakable shackles capable of binding and holding nearly anything
Unique power: shared everything, they can transfer wounds, damage, heat, cold, physical and mental attributes, powers, magical effects, pretty much anything back and forth between each other
Common names: Mikol and Kiloka (though this varies greatly)
Common appearance: two people
The lovers are as the title suggests, in love, or perhaps it's more accurate to say they are the embodiment of the concept of romantic love as seen by whoever is writing for them, the concept of sexuality is irrelevant to them as they will always fall for eachother and only each other. Their really isn't much else to say, these two are the most variable of all the eternals even their genders aren't consistent, sometimes they’re male, sometimes female, sometimes nonbinary, sometimes theyre the same gender, sometimes different, sometimes theyre of a species where the concept of gender straight up doesnt apply. They will only ever remember their origin in those rare times when all the manifestations remember. I really don't have much to say on the inhuman or the lovers, they tend to keep to themselves and I am content in leaving them be, it is worth noteing however that "rare times when all manifestations remember" does not refer to a random event where everyone happens to remember based on their individual odds but rather worlds in which we collectively agree to all manifest with awareness, functionally this means they have a 0% chances of remembering and so will only remember when probability is not a factor
Tittle: the aware
    Common object manifestation: she has no object manifestations as she refuses to be anything other than a human
Unique power: pocket dimension, she has an extra dimensional space where she can store and remove anything non-living, the space has infinite size, while anything is within this space it will be locked in time at the very moment of its entering preventing any kind of decay or change, she can store things of any size, though larger object take more time to add and remove and she must maintain contact with the object for the entirety of its transfer, she always has perfect knowledge of what is within her space
Common name: none, i never gave her a name and she refuses to take one, denying any that others give her, because of this some who know her call her Nameless
Common appearance: a generic looking woman, she tends to make herself fairly unassuming (whatever that might mean for the world she's born into)
The aware is the most dangerous of all the eternals, she has a very wide skill base, you would be hard pressed to find any skill she isn't at least competent at, jack of all trades does not however imply master of none and she has three specialties in particular, you would be hard pressed to find anyone better than her when it comes to military tactics, economics, and above all engineering, she loves take apart technology and magical devices and putting them back together to form entirely new and even more powerful creations. Her collection however is limited in its uses, each relying on the magic or physics of its respective world and thus will only work 1 or 2 times before ceasing to function entirely, however her collection is so massive that she is not likely to run out any time soon. Because of this fights with the aware are less about skill and more about psychology and economics, you have to convince her that what she would get for winning isn't worth what winning would cost her
Everything after this point in this entry is, to one degree or another, inaccurate, unfortunately because the nature of our deal i do not have the capability to delete or edit it in any meaningful way, instead i will ask that you ignore it and simply move on to the next entry
She does not believe that other people exist, she views everyone outside of herself as philosophical zombies, empty husks that simply go through the motions without having any sort of internal lives, this leads her to be selfish and callous, she feels no remorse killing entire worlds as she does not believe the people she is killing have any kind of sentiance
She is a manipulator to her core, knowing exactly what to say to get inside of people's heads, she avoids violence and seduction whenever possible seeing them as base and beneath her, however she also has a grand temper when she doesn't get her way, and has been known to kill people out of sheer spite.
She is lonely, her view of other people has led her to a sort of self imposed isolation, the only person she truly cares for is the forgotten, she emotionally and psychologically abused him but she does love him in her own twisted way
She hates the first with a fiery passion, both because she knows that she is my favorite and hopes that hurting her will in some way hurt me, and because the first helped the forgotten break free of her abuse and leave her.
    She wants nothing more then to break into the real world so she can kill me, short of that she hopes to break free of my mind, and enter the collective unconscious by being known by other people in the real world
    She wields a very special sword named ashbreaker, it is an anti magic sword that she stole recovered from the tomb of a great hero, the sword is only slightly stronger than the average anti magic weapon, however it has infinite power in that it will never run out of its ability regardless of the world it is in, because of this it can dispel most anything so long as it maintains contact for long enough, the aware has over time began to see this sword as a part of her identity, if she knew i had the audacity to name another sword ashbreaker she would be furious beyond belief. This one actualy is accurate, and she is right i am furious
The aware is ALWAYS aware of their origin without exception
Title: the forgotten 
    Common object manifestation: a dragon mask, the left eye is broken off the mask, the right eye is covered, this mask grants truesight in that it will see through any illusion.
            Unique power: magical savant, the forgotten will have any and all prerequisites to develop all types of magic of whatever world he is in, additional he learns and masters magic far more quickly than normal, he is capable of going from knowing nothing about a magical system to being the best in the world at that system in around 10 years assuming he has access to the knowledge and time to study it
    Common name: Caliph 
    Common appearance: a very scrawny very pale man with black hair, if he remember their extradimentinal origin he will have a large burn scar across his left eye perfectly matching the shape of the break in his mask
    The forgotten is rather timid in nature, he avoids speaking as much as possible, he's kind and compassionate but also prone to paranoia caution instilled in him by Nameless, he has severe self worth issues and generally a poor view of who he is as a person
    He's very intelligent and quick to propose solutions to problems, more than anything he wants everyone to be happy
    Though he now acknowledges that Nameless abused him he still loves her and thinks fondly on the better times in their relationship, it can be a challenge sometimes to remember all the ways she broke his will and made him feel worthless in an effort to keep him with her, she never hit him, others sometimes but never him. More blatant lies
    The forgotten remembers their origin roughly half of the time
Title: the puppet 
    Common object manifestation: a puppet
    Unique power: connection to the real world
    Common name: N/A
    Common appearance: N/A
    The puppet is an empty vessel whose sole purpose is to act as a conduite to the real world, depending on the nature world this could be as an author insert or as a conduite for a player, manifesting as a fusion with the puppet does not change the nature of the eternal that manifests with them, instead it merely grants them the same connection the puppet has.
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callanthea · 6 years ago
MDZS Character Tarot Analysis - Part 2
Given my love for the Tarot archetypes, I noticed that the main cast of Mo Dao Zu Shi actually fits these major arcana readings extremely well! I therefore decided to compile all my interpretations of who fits what, including my reasonings.
Part 1 (Arcana 0 to XI) can be found here: https://callanthea.tumblr.com/post/177844446959/
I promised a follow-up post, so this has the remaining Arcana XII to XXI. Again, these are of course my entirely subjective opinions!! I mostly focused on the upright meanings of each arcana, but I gave special preference to character arcs that included both reverse and upright characteristics. There may be some slight spoilers here and there. 
XII.                Hanged Man: Wen Qing
Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice, surrender, meditation on breaking old patterns/habits, buying time, feeling stuck, vulnerabilities, reversal of perspective, new priorities, selflessness, giving up personal needs for greater good, devotion to bigger cause
(Reversed: martyrdom, indecision, delay, getting nothing in return for sacrifice, unwilling to sacrifice)
Reasoning: In what appeared to be their darkest hour, Wen Qing willingly surrendered everything to save Wei Wuxian and the rest of the innocents of her clan. Unfortunately, the Jin clan continued pursuing Wei Wuxian’s group of Wen clan survivors—her sacrifice seemed to be meaningless, her former pride and beauty and ability all reduced to ash for nothing. Still, even now, the best part of the Wen clan survives. As the martyred Hanged Man, Wen Qing’s words and legacy live on: “I’m sorry. And… thank you.”
Runner-ups: as I’m sure you are all aware, our boy Wei Wuxian gave up so much to do the right thing ;__;
XIII.             Death: Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian
Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition, purification, rebirth, closing one door to open another, putting past behind you, embracing new opportunities, letting go of past, breaking old bad habits.
(Reversed: resistance to change, carrying harmful aspects from past, unable to move on)
Reasoning: Oh boy oh boy. If we had to pick a single major arcana to sum up the entire MDZS novel, it would of course be the arcana of Death. Death isn’t scary—it’s an ending, sure, but it’s also a new beginning. Of course it is a painful process, and it’s all too easy to get trapped in those past memories. But Death is ultimately a chance to put the past behind you, to break old habits, to let go of old and bitter burdens. Closing one door to open another, starting a story anew, just like how Mo Xuanyu’s death enabled Wei Wuxian’s rebirth.
XIV.           Temperance: Lan Xichen
Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning, calm, tranquil, taking time, peace, making right choices, adaption, coordination, harmony with others, cooperation, synergy, timing and precision, self-evaluation and new directions
(Reversed: imbalance, stress/tension, excess, conflict/competition, lack of long-term vision)
Reasoning: Ahh, the most chill guy in MDZS~ Lan Xichen very much exemplifies the Temperance Arcana’s focus on patience, calm, peace, and mediation. He brings out the best aspects of those he works with. I specifically chose him for his role in the Three Sworn Brothers dynamic, where Lan Xichen is 100% the balancing and moderating power between Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao. At the same time, Lan Xichen wasn’t perfectly successful. Like in Reversed Temperance, Lan Xichen quelled the short-term disputes but could not prevent long-term conflict from finally erupting.
 XV.           Devil: Jin Guangshan or Wen Chao
Desire, bondage/chains/restriction, addiction, fear, sexuality, materialism, negative lower tendencies, harmful impulses, deception and illusion, feeling despair because of lack of control, obsession, greed, trapped
(Reversed: detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed, detachment)
Reasoning: The two straight-up scumbag characters in MDZS lol. Both Jin Guangshan and Wen Chao act according to their own harmful whims and impulses. And their ultimate fates are also perfectly ironic for the Devil Arcana: Jin Guangshan died from being trapped in the lust he had always indulged in, and Wei Wuxian mutilated Wen Chao into the base animal he always was.
Runner-ups: Jin Guangyao matches the “illusion of lacking control” and the deception aspects. Xue Yang very much works off the low instinct of “revenge”, and he is chained by his own obsessions.
 XVI.              Tower: Xue Yang
Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation, momentary glimpse of truth, destruction of ignorance and false reasoning, turmoil, misfortune, upsetting all old beliefs, shattering illusions and false foundations, insecurity, shaking your very core, awakening, release from bondage, breaking down your personal defenses, pain and anguish, death of ego
(Reversed: avoiding/delaying the inevitable disaster, clinging to the lie, fear of change, intuition of upcoming calamity)
Reasoning: I’ve literally never met a character who fits the Tower Arcana better than Xue Yang. Come on, even his sword is literally named “Falling Disaster.” The moment he revealed the truth to Xiao Xingchen, I could almost literally see the classic Tower Arcana imagery of “Lightning Destroying the Tower”. That brutal revelation completely shattered the false foundations and illusions of that Yi City daily life. And with that anguished awakening, the fates of every Yi City character were sealed. At the same time, Xue Yang wasn’t solely a harbinger of destruction. Like the Reversed Tower, he too feared the destruction of that ignorance and attempted to conceal Song Lan’s arrival. Even after knowing the peaceful lie was gone, he still clung to its broken pieces.
Runner-up: A-Qing’s intuition enabled her to see the disaster coming, yet she too could not escape the tragedy.
 XVII.           Star: Lan Sizhui
Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity, intuition, faith and truth in the universe, fulfillment, enduring challenges and now healing, letting go of damaging memories, stable, forgive and forget, new opportunities, personal transformation, believing in yourself, generosity, giving back blessings
(Reversal: lack of faith, despair, discouragement, loss of enthusiasm, test of faith)
Reasoning: Lan Sizhui is very much Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji/Wen Ning’s ray of hope, healing, and redemption. He went through such hell as a child, but has now been able to let go of that horrible past and make his own brighter future. He is an inspiring and serenely calming force to the rest of the young disciples. His entire existence is basically destiny proving that doing good is ultimately repaid. As the Star, he is the universe’s reward for the selflessness and love of those around him <3
 XVIII.         Moon: Jiang Cheng
Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious, intuition, dreams, dim and uncertain, mystery, shadow self, repression, secrets, invisible things being revealed, deception, requirement for vigilance and clear perception, misjudgment
(Reversed: release of fear, weight being lifted, unrealistic, feeling stuck, unhappiness, confusion)
Reasoning: I finally decided on Jiang Cheng because of how much his character arc is rooted in hidden insecurity and misjudgment. Both as a child and as an adult, Jiang Cheng struggles to repress his complicated feelings. He feels stuck in the nostalgic past and trapped in the bitterness of Wei Wuxian’s betrayal. His subconscious fear and anxiety manifests as him literally lashing out. And all these years, he had to sit on a certain unspoken secret. Even by the end of the novel, that weight has not yet been entirely lifted. We can only hope that sometime in the future, Jiang Cheng will finally throw off the remaining shackles of the Moon Arcana for good.
 XIX.      Sun: “Mianmian” Luo Qingyang
Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality, optimism, fulfillment, source of life, happiness, action, radiation of love, confidence, enthusiasm, energy, freedom, enlightenment
(Reversed: temporary depression, lack of success, difficulty finding optimism/enthusiasm, overoptimistic)
Reasoning: This one is probably more of a stretch, but the character arc of Mianmian (AKA Luo Qingyang) is a bright spot in the cultivation world of MDZS. She started out beaten down and taken advantage of by the horrible Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao, but she grows to take action on her own. She frees herself from the burdens of her original clan to repay Wei Wuxian’s generosity. And she shows up one last time at the end of the novel--now a confident cultivator in her own right and married with an adorable daughter, as proof that happy endings are possible. Her trajectory towards happiness is a great example of the Sun Arcana’s radiating love and infectious fulfillment.
Runner-up: the optimistic baby disciples including Lan Jingyi, who shine the hope for a brighter future in the cultivation world
XX.           Judgment: Lan Wangji
Judgment, rebirth, inner calling, absolution, inevitable, new beginning, reflection, epiphany, learning from past experiences, awakening, putting the past behind you, cleaning/purging of sins and wrongdoings, control of own destiny
(Reversed: self-doubt, missing new opportunities, overly self-critical, refusal to examine self, fear of making the important decision)
Reasoning: If our major arcana began with Wei Wuxian, it’s only fitting that it ends with Lan Wangji. In their “first life” together, Lan Wangji struggled to pin down how he felt towards Wei Wuxian, constantly doubting his own actions. He finally reached an epiphany: what he was feeling was love. This was his inner calling, his purpose for existence. Yet he was ultimately incapable of expressing his emotions until it was far too late. Only after Wei Wuxian’s rebirth could Lan Wangji take the lessons he had learned from those mistakes, and finally put his reflections into action. Now Lan Wangji can stand straight and proud, declaring even against the weight of the whole world: This is who I am, this is what I want. As Judgment, he is now the one in control of destiny, able to avoid the tragic fate of their first lives and create a new beginning.
XXI.              World: Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel, looking infinitely outward, evolution, balance, victory, success, enlightenment, closure, achievement, everything coming together, celebration, fulfillment, unity/wholeness, giving back, new experiences and beginnings
(Reversed: lack of completion, taking the easy path instead of the necessary one, lack of closure, delay)
Reasoning: Come on, do I even have to say it? Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji complete each other. They are each other’s missing parts. The moment these two lovestruck idiots finally get together is the Mo Dao Zu Shi novel’s peak of achievement, the cheers of success, the point of victory. And of course, you know, the satisfying climax where every single plot thread came together to solve the overarching conspiracy. After obtaining closure on (almost) all the mysteries and starting the celebrations, the two of them can finally elope together, riding off into the sunset to start a new journey across the World <3
And that’s all the major arcana! Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think about these interpretations too!
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artsytulip-blog · 6 years ago
My Early Saturn Return
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When Saturn entered its home sign of Capricorn in December of 2017 it gave those of us who were ready an opportunity to take an advanced track to growth. As I write this in January of 2019 I am finally realizing exactly what this transit meant. Every 29.5 years Saturn returns to home; if you happen to meet the prerequisites you could’ve taken advantage of this rare transit but along the way you’d definitely have to get out your comfort zone. We all have free will and simply because Saturn returns to challenge us to grow doesn’t mean we have to accept the offer. Many do just that and choose to decline, as a result they also choose to stay in a pseudo-comfort zone, live unfulfilled lives with untapped potential. Before my Soul chose this journey I was much like the masses: living a predictable lifestyle, seemingly comfortable, in a career path I hated, unsatisfied, lonely, etc. Now I’m living within the unknown which has immense creative potential so anything can happen (this isn’t always good but certainly not all bad), I’m learning to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, I’m no longer trapped in an unsatisfying career, I am surrounded by the love of my partner & daughter, and I’m growing into the more evolved version of myself.
My true Saturn return is when he enters Aquarius March 21, 2020. However, because I was so eager for growth I expedited the process and I found myself experiencing the lessons a bit early and I didn’t realize what was happening until the lessons were reaching completion, which is usually the case in any formal institution. Saturn energy can be very strict/confining and it has a way of squeezing you to extract impurities while forcing perfection. This transit will challenge you to push past rigid limitations of your mind and physical reality for a breakthrough that will allow you to experience the ultimate freedom that comes with having gone through the gauntlet of Saturn. The goal of all this testing, pruning, and fine tuning is to become the most High version of yourself, but in order to align with that there’s a series of tests you must go through and pass with little to no error. *Whew* I’m ready to share my story.
My initial inspiration for embracing the Saturn in Capricorn transit and unknowingly initiating an early Return was only because of the rewards. I was young, green, and naïve; very similar to 0. The Fool in the tarot deck, intrigued by the Magik and mystery of it all with little to no concern for the consequences that come with this chosen path. My focus was only on the potential for abundance, stability, and manifestation power which is the end result of having done the work and learned the lessons; essential all the positive attributes this transit had to offer. Nonetheless, that ignorant blissful & light hearted attitude is a necessary component because it prompts the Initiate to select the experience. If the Initiate knew how spooky other aspects of the journey were they’d probably side against it. For me things started off very lovely and light. However, I soon learned many sacrifices and risks were involved and I had to go through the darkness to bring back the light. Moreover, I had to understand that in order to get the rewards Saturn wanted to give me I had to earn it and really work for it because nothing was going to be handed to me willy nilly, that’s simply not how this energy works. Along the journey I had to go through the good, the bad, and the ugly all while trusting I’ll reach the full circle moment of aligning with my initial inspirations once my curriculum is completed.
The curriculum Saturn gives you is centered around you. The course moves at your pace it may or may not take the full 2.5 years, it all depends on how fast/slow you learn and level up, if you have to repeat a lesson, or get stuck. Your lessons will force your to face your fears so that you can become fearless. Saturn is all about limitations; fear is one of the biggest limitations that will inhibit you from harmonizing with your True Higher Self. By dealing with your fears head on through experience you learn that you’re equipped to handle it if you’re willing to go through it. Once that’s done and you get through it you’ll realize there’s nothing to be afraid of. After having faced the fear and overcome it typically you feel a lot better once it’s all said and done. In retrospect, you’ll be able to look at the situation from a higher perspective, this is the vantage point of your True Higher Self. Because Saturn energy has a lot to do with discipline to balance out the strict aspects of the Saturn Return there is a built in reward system of consolation prizes to keep you inspired to finish the journey.
At a mundane level the Saturn Return is about “adulthood/career” so naturally things that traditionally come with the responsibility of being an adult are sure to surface during this transit. Additionally, if you’re in a career path that’s not in alignment with your hearts desire it’s likely it’ll phase out if you’re sticking to the process. If you try to hold on to the things that need to be uprooted for your growth you’ll be playing yourself and adding an extension to your coursework or simply becoming stagnant. We see this all the time with people stuck at dead end jobs because they fear the uncertainty that comes in tandem with following your heart. At a higher level the Saturn Return is about merging with the actualized Most High version of yourself who is a secure, confident, master manifester that trusts in thyself and power because they’re tried and true seasoned with wisdom/understanding. This can only happen if your commit to undergoing the process until its completion.
The bolded words are key because Saturn and this transit are connected to two major arcana cards in the tarot. The first is XV. The Devil, which is synonymous with the goat that is Capricorn, the zodiac under Saturns rulership and its current location during this transit. Moreover, XV. The Devil Tarot card is connected to the UNDERworld, limitations, fear, and will strip you away from your comfort zone. All of this can be very scary and make you want to turn back and abort the mission. In many cases, you’ll reach a point of no return because you’re in so deep and attempting to go back to your old life is a lost cause because the things you once found solace in has become nonexistent. This energy is the most difficult aspect of the journey because it challenges you to keep going so you can eventually breakthrough by digging deep into our underworld which is the subconscious mind. From this you will uncover hidden aspects of yourself, identify your demons which are your limitations and remove the shackles of fear. The goal is to grow through everything you go through. This energy can be hard to deal with because growth is by no means a comfortable process but you have to remind yourself when you’re going through hell you shouldn’t stop in Hell. Ultimately you want to resurrect from “hell” defying limitations with a sense of freedom from old structures and mindframes that once kept you locked into the outdated paradigm of adolescence, this is what Saturn is encouraging you to mature from.
The next tarot card is XXI. The World which is directly connected to the earth element and the planet Saturn; hence the green wreath which is symbolic for Saturn’s ring. This card is the last of the tarot, marking completion and the end of the The Fool’s journey. After having gone through and learned various karmic lessons (which is what you needed all along) and survived The Devil’s gauntlet here comes the easy part, reaping the rewards (which is what you wanted all along) XXI. The World represents having reached the full circle moment of materializing tangible results that drew your Soul to journey with Saturn in the first place. Moreover, this cards energy alludes to a cosmic graduation and advancement to the next level. Congratulations for wherever you are on the journey; even if your commencement is yet to come know it’s on the way. Be proud of yourself for taking on this assignment, as many do not. Life’s hard enough as it is, atleast give yourself credit where it’s due... you deserve it.
Your beliefs/knowing will be tested to determine if you truly are who you believe/think/know you are and what you’re capable of. Throughout the process aspects of your life and world will be broken down especially if they aren’t in alignment with your true self. However in the end you’ll be built up, stronger, and wiser than you were initially. It’s hard and by no means easy but when you reach your darkest hour that’s typically when the miracle appears so never give up. Instead, give in to the process, essentially say “fuck it” while trusting that everything is actually happening for your highest good and not harm. This is the act of letting go and putting yourself in the hands of your Higher Self with confidence because you’ve done your due diligence and there’s nothing more to do or say besides trust/believe/know.
“When you decide to do the assignment of the soul, the heavens will further empower your will and efforts to bring it to completion”
My Saturn Return BLessons:
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theherblifeblog · 5 years ago
Let's Get Stoned and Zoned with These Suggestions
Leighana Martindale
It’s a weird time where we all have a lot of time to kill! While some of us still have to go to work [You are a hero if this is you!! - thank you!] most of us are slowly starting to lose our minds.
And while there a bunch of amazing ways for us to stimulate our brains during this time, sometimes we just want to get stoned and zone out. So this list is for you if you’re looking for something to help you forget about the state of the world.
6 Netflix Shows to Binge:
Tiger King
This show is absolutely insane and I almost feel like Netflix was sitting on this waiting for us all to be home! This show includes murder, drugs, hillbillies, and a whole lot of big cats! I promise you your mind will be blown and you’ll definitely have a ton of wtf?! Moments during this series.
Grace and Frankie
This is probably one of, if not my all-time favorite shows. Frankie is by far my favorite television character. Her let loose, fuck it, yet be peaceful attitude is the most relatable and literal goals for when I grow up. Follow along with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda as their husbands leave them to get married to each other.
The power of three is definitely a power not to be messed with. These badass sister witches fight demons and all different kinds of evil in this nostalgic 90s tv show. Definitely recommend if you’re into mystical types of TV shows - nothing too realistic or violent though, so safe to watch!
Gilmore Girls
Ahh yes, the mother-daughter duo that we all want to be. Another nostalgic tv show, step back in time with Gilmore girls and even the year in the life Netflix series they did.
Love is Blind
Normally I am not one for reality tv and definitely not one to recommend it but this experiment was so addicting to watch! The premise is that people meet in these pods so you never see the person, only talk to them - the end goal being to fall in love and get married! It’s crazy, Smoke a joint and watch it, you’ll be into it.
Shine On
Causing a range of emotions, this show is so well done and so badass. Reese Witherspoon meets with different badass women from different sectors of work and talks with them about their jobs and social constructs. You will probably cry, and it’ll probably be during the episode with p!nk.
11 Instagram Accounts to Follow
The following accounts are our faves and we think you might like them too!
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A Sunday well spent 🥺🥰❤️ what has everybody been doing today?
A post shared by Xenia Adonts (@xeniaadonts) on Apr 5, 2020 at 10:59am PDT
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A post shared by daren thomas magee (@realfunwow) on Mar 30, 2020 at 7:20am PDT
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✨ True Goddess vibes today! ✨ #goddessvibesonly #cannabiscollage #weedart #savinamonet
A post shared by Freelance Cannabis Designer (@savinamonet) on Feb 27, 2020 at 1:35pm PST
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Rule #299: Be a bad bitch, be whatever you want✨ #smokeladyjays . . . . . . . . . . #portland #joints #jays #jointpacks #prerolls #cbg #cbd #thc #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #supportwomen #neonsign #badbitch #cannabis #hemp #cannabiscreative
A post shared by @ smokeladyjays on Mar 11, 2020 at 6:01pm PDT
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0 days without sarcasm ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Model @iamcatjay Photography @just_callme_t T-shirt @shopherblife
A post shared by The Her(b) Life (@the_herblife) on Aug 1, 2019 at 10:11am PDT
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*NEW MOON* in SAGITTARIUS 11/26/19 After plunging the depths we rise! Those of us who gave up the ghost are resurrecting from the funeral pyre. Sagittarius brings us a passionate impulse to radically burst forth in a new direction, to cast off our clothing and shackles, and let our arrows fly. And while there’s a real wind that can lift us to higher ground, we can temper our impulses with a grounded strategic vision to expand in the ways our Soul has deeply desired. It’s the result of genuine healing which allows us to be brave hearts, ready to face whatever challenges may arise, because we are coming from our authentic truth. That is the freedom net that Sagittarius casts forth, as the light breaks upon the horizon… ::: PAT LILES says : “our horizons expand : Axis Mundi : allow love and connection to all beings be the guiding force : release where we have felt wounded in love and respect : acceleration and evolution: differentiating from the dominant culture : deep in our dream-creating essence : welcome in what awaits us after our lengthy surrender of the old” : PAM YOUNGHANS: “tune our thoughts to the right vibrations in order to attract the right results : AND being open to the Will of the Cosmos” : APRIL ELLIOT KENT: “Envisioning something that hasn’t existed before : ignore nay-sayers : resist the urge to imitate others : keep dreaming bigger dreams for ourselves, and for our world” : ELLIAS LONSDALE: “something extraordinary is happening : liberated to conceive the inconceivable and to renew your tangled and damaged roots in the old wise woman way that never ages and always works” ::: Full download >mysticmamma.com ARTbyme #MYSTICMAMMA > “EROS ARROW” (Edited) Limited Edition Prints in shop ↠🖤
A post shared by MYSTIC MAMMA (@mysticmamma) on Nov 25, 2019 at 8:22am PST
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Checking every flower until I find me🖤
A post shared by Sabrina Bosco (@comfortablefields) on Feb 9, 2020 at 9:51am PST
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Today is the last day of my buy two get one special. Buy two prints get one free (even when you use the code stayhealthy for 35% off). Dm or email me which print you’d like added to your order.
A post shared by Kallen Mikel Art (@_kallenmikel) on Apr 6, 2020 at 7:13am PDT
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I just want to be able to tell my kids I did everything I could.
A post shared by steph & max 🌏 (@futureearth) on Mar 23, 2020 at 8:32am PDT
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i'm viewing this time as our opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and the people and place that gives us life (ahem, planet earth). life has been stripped back for the majority of the world. we've lost access to daily distractions. we're forced to isolate. some of us are really, really sick. some of us don't have the privilege to stay at home. yet all of us are going through this together. how are you treating others during this time? have you reached out and checked in? are you checking in with yourself? if you have access, are you engaging with nature? have we all thought about how our earth gives and gives and gives, how humans take and take and take? are you observing how this whole thing has interrupted your typical daily consumption?
A post shared by kimmie torgerson (@kimmietorgerson) on Mar 22, 2020 at 11:39am PDT
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It’s all in the details baby, what are you manifesting? #dailyaffirmations #dailymotivationalquotes
A post shared by High(er) Vibrations (@highvibecurator) on Mar 22, 2020 at 11:17am PDT
Strains to Puff Puff on:
Granddaddy Purple is one of my favorite Indica cultivars. With deep purple notes and a strongly sweet and earthly aroma, it’s hard not to enjoy this strain and its one that’s been around for years.
- Hindu Kush
Another amazing Indica, and one with an international fan base, Hindu kush has that deep piney smell with strong notes of caryophyllene.
- Orange Cookies
This delicious strain not only has notes of sweet orange but that pungy gasoline smell that a lot of the cookies family is infamous for.
- Sour Tangie
Of course a true favorite, sour tangie is a delicious cross of tangie x sour diesel giving you that sweet orange with a sour chem flavor that is strong! If you’re lucky enough to get some bud from the highly sought after genetics - which comes from true NY sour diesel genetics, then you should count your blessings and use a hemp-wick!
[p.s.: smoking with Hemp-wick helps you taste the true terpene profile of a flower instead of burning those flavors with butane]
- Do-si-dos
A huge hit in cannabis markets across the world lately, do-si-dos has a strong and pleasant aroma to it and is apart of the cookies family. Do-si-dos genetics are og kush x girl scout cookies so you can imagine how tasty it truly is.
- Helen Back
This strain has such a good terpene profile and beautiful bud structure, especially when you are getting high noon cult’s cut of it! Their genetics and the love they put into their bud’s are amazing! Helen back is an animal cookies cross and one I would highly recommend seeking out!
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neural-novella · 5 years ago
The Marked 10
By my greatest estimates I have spent 17 long sleepy days in a box deep underground in an underwater city. I'm sure a Nullifier Mage is sat outside my box stopping my magic from working although I haven't tested it. No need to after all, I am currently exactly where I want to be. Well to the extent of being in the Magus city that is, I figured I'd be out of this box by now.
As I begin to doze off to yet another boring afternoon I hear a wretched scratching a scrapping coming from the exterior of my cell. Either they've fed me whole to a giant beast or they are lifting my cell out of the ground. It would turn out the latter was of course correct, it takes mere moments before I'm wearing the walls of my cell as an exoskeleton and forced into a position to so that they can shackle my arms and legs together.
A Mage throws a pebble at my head and my rocky exoskeleton disintegrates to dust freeing me from my suddenly claustrophobic prison. I pull at my shackles, nothing fancy just metal and chains, old too possibly 18th century? As I glance back to inspect them I see a hooded robed figure standing about 10 paces behind me. A prison Nullifier, as expected. I wonder how much effort he has to expend to contain my magical potential. These Mages train for years to do their job. They have one sole purpose to nullify the magic of another mage. The spell takes a lot of energy to maintain, you are essentially fighting a constantly losing battle against another person's emotional and mental power. You can always identify them by their brown robes with purple trim and blue symbology on the sleeves near the wrists.
Another Mage with my shackles in his hand nudges me forward. It appears I am within the Magus Council HQ yet again, the double archway into their chamber before me. I grin to myself, what lies and wonder will they sow this time. I begin walking, my stride shallow from the shackles and every footstep followed by the clattering and dragging of chains.
The chamber hasn't changed a bit. The Council continue to sit up high looking as intimidating as ever. The white stone walls and floor. The giant circular raised floor before them. This time instead of the familiar sight of my brother his wife stands before me as well as several high ranking Mages. I am marched into the center of the chamber and forced to my knees. Two spikes of rock are instantly erected from the ground, the sharp points just barely breaking the skin beneath my jaw. A reminder that I am not in control.
"Here! We have the accused. The murderer. The traitor in our midst. How does one plead ?" A council member gestures to me.
"guilty as sin."
One of the spikes moves slightly closer, I throw a look over to my brothers wife and see her fist clenched. My expression fulling conveying "do it, see what happens."
A council member on the far right continues "we have given you every opportunity. We even allowed you to live in exile, without focus. You were given life, now you give us little choice."
Another member takes over "It is after much deliberation we bring you here to pose you a question. We can no longer allow you outside of this city. We can no longer give you the trust and respect all Mages deserve. Although we will give you your final freedom."
The central member finishes "The choice is yours. Death or Life imprisonment. Decide."
To most Mages this choice is difficult, to be executed can be both honourable and humiliating. Prison would mean you live the rest of your days but with a human life time in a prison specifically constructed to house magical criminals. There is no magic, terrible food and 0 entertainment or sunlight. For me however prison is exactly where I wish to go, about 3 miles beneath the Council Vaults.
Having made my decision, I stand proudly and announce "If I die, I would not serve as the reminder you need of how you betrayed your own people and slaughtered The Marked. I will rot in prison before I die before your hands and egos."
The Council gasp in shock at my impertinence. They cast a spell that keeps me on my knees this time and read out my final rights. My brother's wife obviously wanted death, too bad. After a few more boring lines of legal nonsense my body is engulfed in red smoke. After a few seconds I am teleported to the middle of a large courtyard. Fellow prisoners surrounding me.
The lies beneath the city, deep into the earths crust. It is excruciatingly hot, a Mage hell if you will. the entire prison is constructed out of a large plinth of red rock. The courtyard being on the the highest level and accommodations on every level beneath, a room for every prisoner. About 80 feet above the prison are four further plinths of stone jutting out of the exterior wall and four more at perpendicular angles and a few feet above. Upon these exterior plinths you can barely make out the figures of Nullifier Mages. What is more obvious is the purplish haze of magic they cast to make sure those in the prison are no better than human.
I get up from my knees, the ground searing hot but not enough to cause contact burns. A older prisoner walks over to me his clothing barely more than rags. By the look of his disheveled tanned face, White bushy beard and brows I would make the assumption that he has been here for quite a while. He introduces himself as Gerald, A Mage. He takes me under the courtyard via an archway at the southern face, away from the heat. Down a short set of steps a wide corridor opens before us filled with cells. The cells are merely boxes cut out of the interior of the plinths providing little in the way of security or privacy. Gerald points out his cell and says that one of the cells opposite his should be empty, “Poor beggar, got what he deserved really. A real trouble maker” he chuckles as if remembering a fond memory. I would later found out that after a well planned altercation between Gerald and this “poor beggar” the guards would intervene and said “poor beggar” would end up falling off the plinth to his death.
“Y’know this place well?” he asks me, I shake my head in response remaining wary of the old Mage.
“Well simple terms: It’s hot, sweaty and no good place of any living being. The Mages above stop all magic including the guards. The foods terrible, when you actually get the good graces to receive some and just about everyone here wants to kill each other.” he claps excitedly.
“How long have you been here?” I ask.
“There’s no time here boy! None! It could be January 6th 1998 by my estimates or it could be October 23rd 2052.” he shrugs. “Don’t matter to me none, just gotta keep yer nose clean and close to the ground. Stay out of trouble boy or trouble be finding you.”
It sounds like more of a threat than guidance. No matter, he obvious has the experience of this place. Above all else he was the only one to welcome me, if you can even call it that. It certainly was warm. I make my way over to the supposedly empty cell after thanking Gerald for his time and words of advice. It certainly isn’t extravagant, a raised stone bed with a rolled up sack for a pillow. There’s a toilet made of what appears to be black marble or maybe obsidian jutting out of the wall next to the bed. That’s really it. There are several scratches and marks on the walls, probably made by the previous tenants to this fine establishment. 
I sigh and lie down on the bed. Although the air is thick with heat, down here in the shadows the stone bed feels much cooler by comparison. I close my eyes and begin to meditate on the events that brought me to this point. From my childhood rivalry with my sibling to his death. Once I have all the events firmly in sequence I begin to plan my next moves. Firstly, how do we deal with those pesky Nullifiers above.
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writingguide003-blog · 6 years ago
World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/world-cup-2018-guardian-writers-give-their-predictions-for-the-tournament/
World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
Who will triumph in Russia? Which player will be top scorer? Who will be the breakthrough star? How far will England go?
Which two teams will reach the final – and who will win?
My time of selecting Spain to win every tournament is now officially over probably four years too late and Im reverting back to Germany, in a penalty shootout against France. Daniel Taylor
Brazil and Argentina, with Lionel Messi to illuminate the grandest stage, then retire from international football clutching its ultimate prize. Maybe. Dominic Fifield
Notoriously hard to call before a round of games has been played. Brazil beating Germany would be my preference. Barney Ronay
Brazil against Germany – the ultimate test of Brazils temperament and a tale of vengeance in result if not in scoreline. Amy Lawrence
Brazil to beat Germany. Brazil have got everything but, most importantly, balance and a hardier mentality under Tite. Germany remain intimidating and even greater than the sum of their parts. David Hytner
Brazil and Germany, and Brazil will ultimately be champions. Stuart James
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France and Germany would not be a massive surprise but a lot depends on which Paul Pogba shows up; the player who dictated a 100m move or the one which has struggled for consistency at Manchester United. Martha Kelner
Brazil and Spain, and Brazil will win. Tites side have been impressive in the build-up to the tournament, have solidity and have rested Neymar. Sid Lowe
The dream final would be France versus Brazil – a repeat of the final from 20 years ago, and hopefully with the same result. Marcel Desailly
Germany against Brazil, and Germany will win. Thomas Hitzlsperger
Im certain Brazil will be in the final. Who will join them is a hard choice to make but it would certainly be interesting, and make for a great match, if Argentina joined them. Marta
Neymar is well rested, in form and ready for revenge on Germany. Photograph: APA-PictureDesk GmbH/REX/Shutterstock
Who will be leading individual scorer?
Neymar is a decent shout and should be particularly fired up bearing in mind the way his last World Cup finished. DT
Neymar, whose goals will propel Tites side to the final and presumably then earn him a long mooted move to Real Madrid. DF
Romelu Lukaku. Or someone else. Ideally a surprise from a minor nation who gets four in one game then goes home. BR
Gabriel Jesus, supplied by Neymar and Roberto Firmino, could fill his golden boots. AL
Luis Surez. Uruguays draw is a dream and they will make the quarter-finals, at least, giving Surez plenty of game-time to do damage. DH
Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian has a good scoring record at international level and is the spearhead of a team that should go far. SJ
Antoine Griezmann could light up this tournament, arriving in Russia on the back of inspiring Atletico Madrid to a Europa League title. His record for France isnt bad, though, with 20 goals in 53 games. MK
Neymar.The Brazilian arrives in Russia with fresh legs and a desire to take his nation all the way. Frances Kylian Mbapp is also a decent shout. SL
Romelu Lukaku. Hes on great form, has everybody playing for him and some great passers to provide him with the ammunition he needs. MD
Gabriel Jesus. I watched him quite a lot last season and really liked his movement, not to mention his scoring rate. Hell get plenty of service playing in the same team as the likes of Neymar and Philippe Coutinho and, given Ive predicted Brazil will get to the final, he should play plenty of games, also. TH
Neymar. He was hurt, played two games and scored in both I cant wait to see him in action. M
Frances Kylian Mbapp and Antoine Griezmann are contenders for the World Cup golden boot. Photograph: Gerard Julien/AFP/Getty Images
Who will be the surprise team of the tournament?
Switzerland. The Fifa world rankings are not the best way to judge a team, perhaps, but there must be some valid reasons why they are currently sixth (ahead of France and Spain). DT
Serbia. Mladen Krstajics team are unfancied, but boast strength and quality. The key will be ensuring players perform to the same levels they invariably achieve at their clubs. DF
This question contains an internal contradiction. Colombia for the semis, maybe. BR
Uruguay, a mix of renewed confidence and wily old know-how. AL
I see Croatia going deep into the tournament maybe even the semi-finals. Any team with Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and Mario Mandzukic deserves respect. DH
Denmark. Theyre 15 matches unbeaten and this could be the stage for Christian Eriksen to shine. Mind you, their opening game, against Peru, wont be easy. SJ
Peru return to the World Cup after a 36 year absence but they are full of hope, galvanised in part by their captain, centre forward and all time top scorer Paolo Guerrero managing to overturn a 14-month drugs ban just weeks before the world cup. MK
Would it count as a surprise for Egypt and Uruguay to do well? The two sides from group A certainly could do so. Uruguay have their usual qualities, have Rodrigo Bentancur in midfield and a quiet, competitive confidence. SL
Belgium. Technically they are so good, they have so many talented players. I truly think they can bring a new name to the nations that have won the World Cup. MD
England. There is little expectations around the squad but I think they will get to the quarter-finals. TH
Sweden. It is a country that I have a lot of affection for and I want them to do well in this World Cup. M
Denmark are unbeaten in 15 matches and Christian Eriksen makes them tick. Photograph: Lars Ronbog/FrontzoneSport via Getty Images
Who will be breakthrough player of the tournament?
Hirving Lozano of Mexico sounds good fun: talented, fiery and nicknamed Chucky because of his apparent resemblance to the Childs Play doll. Lozano scored 19 goals as a winger for PSV Eindhoven last season and is likened to Luis Suarez, though hopefully he will manage not to bite anyone. DT
Samuel Umtiti. That may sound odd given the French centre-half plays at Barcelona, but he was rushed into the team at Euro 2016, making a senior debut in the quarter-final, and is a far better player now. DF
Hes already at Barcelona and cost 90m but I think Ousmane Dembl could remind everyone exactly why. BR
Kylian Mbapp, who has achieved so much already but in his teens this will be his first major tournament. AL
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic. The 23-year-old Serbia and Lazio midfielder is tall, dynamic and has an eye for goal. Im looking forward to watching him, together with Moroccos creative midfielder, Hakim Ziyech, who plays for Ajax. DH
Polands Piotr Zielinski. The 24-year-old was a key member of the Napoli team that pushed Juventus all the way in Serie A last season. SJ
Karol Linetty. The Polish midfielders inventive play has seen him glitter for Sampdoria and catch the eye of one or two Premier League clubs. More could take interest if he has a good World Cup. MK
Marco Asensio and Kylian Mbapp. This could be the tournament when they underline just how brilliant theyre going to be. SL
Its difficult to say, but, if pushed, Kylian Mbapp. He has the potential to be a big World Cup star. But will it be at this World Cup? He is still very young. MD
Benjamin Pavard, a young defender I work with at Stuttgart and part of Frances squad. He can play right-back but, for me, is much better suited to being a centre-back. He is calm and composed, good in the air and aggressive when he needs to be. A real talent. TH
Hes still only 19 and there were ups and downs in his first season at Paris Saint-Germain but I feel Kylian Mbapp could make a really big impact for France. M
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
How far will England get?
There is a potential quarter-final against Brazil or Germany looming. Even with the new wave of optimism, surrounding Gareth Southgates team its difficult to see them getting past that stage. DT
The quarter-finals, playing some encouragingly enterprising football along the way. DF
Respectable/brave 2-0 quarter-final loss after narrow squeak to that stage based on discipline and a couple of flukey clean sheets. BR
The usual in all probability, maybe a quarter-final this time. AL
The quarter-finals, where we will lose on penalties to Germany. DH
They will get out of the group but its hard to see them progressing any further than the last 16. SJ
Quarter-finals. This is the minimum target the FA has set and is eminently achievable for a team which seems to have had the shackles removed. MK
Quarter-finals. Am I alone in thinking that England are actually quite good? I like the look of them offensively. SL
It is hard to say as England are short of experience. I feel they will need this tournament to grow as a group of players. MD
The quarter-finals. With a bit of good fortune and good play, they could even make the semi-finals. TH
They will definitely get out of their group and possibly go beyond that. M
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Who will be Englands best/most important player?
Harry Kane. People forget how poor he was in the European Championship, booed by the England fans, but if Kane is on form the team have a striker who can trouble any defence. DT
Harry Kane, making his mark at a major finals. The one player of real pedigree in English ranks. DF
Raheem Sterling. Will bring a dash of Manchester City to things and finally score a couple of goals – hopefully with his gun foot, before suggestively unfurling his sock for the cameras. BR
Harry Kane. Has to be. AL
Kyle Walker. He has a pivotal role on the right of Gareth Southgates back three, where he brings defensive cover and, crucially, pace on the transitions. Confidence is high after his superb debut season at Manchester City. DH
Harry Kane.Englands captain, principal goalscorer and, its fair to say, best player. SJ
Harry Kane is vital to Englands success as one of our few genuine world-class players. The captain has no shortage of motivation, claiming a World Cup victory would be trump winning the Champions League with Tottenham. MK
Marcus Rashford. On the basis he is given continuity, confidence and a certain level of freedom. SL
The guy who has really confirmed his talent on the big stage is Harry Kane and if he gets good service he could be one of the top scorers in Russia. MD
Harry Kane. He needs to score goals and Im sure he will. TH
Harry Kane. He had a great season with Tottenham Hotspur and his goals will make a difference for England. M
Harry Kane
Harry Kane
What are you most looking forward to, on or off the pitch?
The final. Its a World Cup final. For a journalist, theres no better moment when it comes to covering the sport. DT
Off the pitch, seeing The Motherland Calls in Volgograd. On it, that jaw dropping contest to match the drama of Belo Horizonte in 2014. DF
Discovering that, in fact, everyday Russians arent all Putin-mad dopes or gumshield-clad football hooligans. Also vodka. BR
Exploring Ekaterinburg and watching football in an unexpected place. Japan versus Senegal in a city known as the gateway to Siberia is what its all about. AL
The best thing about the previous World Cups Ive covered has been the carnival vibe. I hope its the same this time. DH
Seeing Colombia play. I had the pleasure of watching them in Brazil and they were a joy. I also havent forgotten how a few of their fans felt sorry for me when I ordered a table for one in a Brazilian steakhouse four years later and were still in touch. SJ
Im genuinely intrigued to see what sort of World Cup-host Russia will be and if they can succeed in reversing opinions of some visitors that the country is cold and unwelcoming. MK
The same thing you always look forward to at the World Cup loads of fans from loads of places making loads of noise and discovering players and teams..Some random player being brilliant. SL
Im excited to see which teams are going to surprise us AND which teams are going to show from the very outset that they are here to win it. MD
Although I think Germany will win the World Cup this looks like a really open tournament, with quite a few genuine major contenders as well as teams would could cause a major surprise. It should be fascinating. TH
Talking about soccer, watching beautiful and clean games, with sportsmanship, fair plays and no dirty plays. Thats what I hope to see, anyway. M
The Colombia fans were already out in force to cheer on their team at Kazan airport. Photograph: Luis Acosta/AFP/Getty Images
What are you most concerned about, on or off the pitch?
This might be the worst prediction of them all, but I dont think there will be the racism or riots that people fear. We heard similar before Euro 2012 in Ukraine and Poland, plus other scare stories before the World Cups in South Africa and Brazil, but it tends to be different in the big tournaments. DT
The inevitable shambles and confusion which will be VAR. DF
The only thing any football hack ever really worries about is the wi-fi. Will it be good? Will it come and go? Will it fade at kick-off? Im worrying about it right now. BR
Having been in Marseille for England versus Russia, digging out the old Italia 90 No All Violenza T-shirt and hoping for a peaceful tournament. AL
VAR leading to confusion inside the stadiums and, potentially, killing the emotion of big moments. DH
The battery life on my new mobile phone. Any incomplete answers in here are down to the fact my phone died while trying to file. SJ
That we will spend the next five weeks talking exhaustively about decisions made by Video Assistant Referees. MK
Connection issues and late goals. Long distances. Cyrillic script. On the pitch: teams turning defensive when it gets decisive. SL
That all the talk about security and organisation will overshadow the football. As a Fifa ambassador l have visited many stadiums, met many Russians, and l am confident in the capacity of Russia to run a great tournament. MD
Vladimir Putin and Gianni Infantino appearing on our television screens more often than the actual players. TH
Ugly incidents between supporters. Sport is not a tool for spreading hatred and disagreement but rather love, passion, and unity. M
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Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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