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The rage has finally calmed down. The house is not on fire anymore, but the flames still live in the insides of its walls. It's a quiet slow melting anger, quiet slow melting love. I'm walking out of it, but it lives in me.
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You come to me naturally, like the summer's heat, and naturally, you leave with the autumn's wind. Naturally, I attach my roots to your ground and wait the whole year around.
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“Did you know at the edge of your ordinary , human days the gold of legend blazed… Know - your hand is a star. Your blood is famous in your heart.”
— Carol Ann Duffy - from The Bees (via watchoutforintellect)
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You get to much, but it's never enough for you. You kill too much, but that's never enough to fill up your chest. Has feeding your enormous ego ever gotten tiring? Maybe. But it's still hungry, isn't it? Maybe it's your heart that's hungry, maybe you confuse it with your growling ego, or maybe you only care to kill, weather you're hungry or full.
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― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
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“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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sunrisedreamsaftertherain · 2 years ago
Come to me clean and pure, come to me like that look in your eyes when you see me. Dust it off of your back, that dirtiness life has put on you. Come to me like a summer rain, come to me like a late spring scented wind and wander through my curly hair. Come to me like a ghost and visit my movie-like dreams. Come to me even like an earthquake and we'll collect our ruins together. Come to me like whispered poetry while i sleep. Come to me like the rays of a sunrise. Come to me in whatever form or shape, just come to me and I'll come to you like a ladybug in a summer rain.
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