#this will either spawn lots of memes or a lot of smut...or both
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callmemerry00 · 1 year ago
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YELLING why did they translate Ougon no Tsume = Golden Claw as Golden Tentacles asjsjdbs
"Who will be the first fortunate soul chosen by the Golden Tentacles?" This sounds so wrong 😂😭😭
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foreverfallen · 6 years ago
———  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 !  
name!    megan pronouns!    she / her zodiac sign!   virgo taken or single!  single
———  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 !  
1!   I have an unhealthy obsession with this particular muse, that goes back years, so much so that this character is more of my own than strictly canon-adherence anymore. Even if he first started out that way, he quickly took control and made it his own game.  2!   I can generally only “obsess” (for lack of better word) over one main fandom at a time. I love way too many things, don’t get me wrong, and watch/read way too many forms of media consumption, but when it comes “who’s in the top spot” there really is a top spot that one show/movie/book holds for me at a time. (Right now, it’s back to being SPN, despite the problems I have with certain things.)  3!    I have always loved cats more than dogs. I’m a cat person. Easily. They’re just... so easy to take care of, so independent, and I love them. Dogs are like children with their constant needs and care and I don’t have time for that. 
platforms used!   Right now? tumblr and discord pretty much, though previously I did do skype and kik for a select few partners, and I did the twitter thing (very very briefly) and started out on LiveJournal. Never really hooked up on the forum side of things, though... at least as far as RPs are concerned. 
female or male!  both? I’ve gotten better (I think?) at writing females, because I used to not be able to write them at all. All my canons were always males, easily. now, though, I think I can manage either of them alright; it just really depends on the character itself, whether I find their voice.   least favorite face(s)!  I’m not really one that has a problem with particular FCs; I’m not a huge fan of just... band members or models or what have you, but I’m like “Hey, if you want to use that FC, if they work for you, go for it. It’s your blog, your character, not my issue.” -shrug-  multi or single!   I have both, a multi and a few single blogs. But the multi does come in handy for having a place for those characters that I wanna have the chance to write, but I may not feel drawn to enough to maintain a full blog on, you know? Or I want to give a test run on someone, before committing. (Luci here, when I “brought him back” was originally on the multi, then he just took over completely so he got his own blog. So it can go that way too.) So I’m all for both ways, since I know sometimes it’s a lot easier to have all your muses in one place. (And a multi is a lot easier than a lot of side-blogs, I know that’s for sure!)  fluff / angst / smut! all of it, really. I am much more likely to write angst than fluff or smut (at least as far as this muse is concerned), but I’m a fan of writing it all. Really, though, angst takes the top for me no matter what muse, and I will generally always make something fluffy at least have a tinge of angst, no matter how it starts out. I just... can’t maintain the fluff for long? I don’t know. hah. The smut, when I do it on some of my blogs, I like to have some reason for it, and I have to be in the “smutty mood” of writing to get that to point. I can’t just... write smut. Not like I can with angst or fluff. So really, yes, it goes-- Angst is number one. Fluff follows that a little ways down. And down some more we would have smut.  plot / memes!  both again, I suppose. This is a another one where I can go either way. I find that memes are great ways to just--dive write in, and a lot of the times they spawn a great thread, verse, what have you. Most of my threads, as a matter of fact, come from memes that have just... grown and grown. Sometimes even verses get developed through them. You never quite know. Plotting is a little more tricky for me, firstly because I am a little more “let’s see how it goes” and I hate feeling like I’m tied to a direction. Maybe a general idea is okay, but plotting out specific road points along the way-- yeah, I’ve never been the biggest fan of that. I guess it depends how detailed the plotting is one wants to do, whether it works for me or not. But really, best way I’ve found it shooting a meme or starter and seeing what becomes of it, because like I said, sometimes that grows in ways completely unexpected (in a very good way). 
tagged by!     @summerxmelodies tagging!         @ anyone who wants to do this
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commonxscents · 6 years ago
Tagged by: Stole it from @attitxde​ Tagging: @ my mutuals!
NAME! Roiaru, or Roi for short PRONOUNS! She/her TAKEN OR SINGLE! Taken
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I got two cats now, a grey tabby lookin one named Abby and a siamese mixed lookin one named Patches (they were both strays so i dunno their breeds exactly)
I own approximately 400 videogames, more actually if I include digital ones
I have freckles- face freckles and some arm ones. They’re not too prominent though because I don’t spend a whole lot of time in the sun lmao
Deviantart chat, Tumblr, Discord.
I have a tendency towards male muses.
Single, but I’ve entertained the idea of having a multi-muse account.
Fluff or angst! I don’t really rp smut much. But man, give me fluffy situations between two muses, or just fight mine and make them cry because I’m perfectly fine with either.
Honestly I can’t plot to save my life. It’s hard for me to think of things on the spot, which is also why I don’t post a whole lot of starter calls (sorry;;). Plotting is good and all for figuring out details, but I love doing memes. They help spur my idea process and some of my deepest rps have spawned from them.
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theashen-fox · 2 years ago
Name: Fox/Ash-mun (preferably the first)
Pronouns: He/him
Muse(s): Ash Vulpes/Dante, Nero, Vergil, V ( @legacyofsparda )/ Geralt ( @whxte-wxlf-xf-rivia - mostly inactive)/ Spawn ( @hxll-spxwn - mostly inactive )/ Doom Slayer ( @rxpxndtxar )/ Raiden ( @zxndxtsu )
Preference of communication: Tumblr IMs/Discord
Experience (months/years): I first started RPing here in 2017, but had RPed on a few other sites before then.
Best experience(s): Some of the best friends I’ve ever had are my RP partners. Some have, unfortunately, either moved on from RPing, or don’t do it often, but I try to keep in touch with them.
Platforms you’ve used: This, Discord, and the aforementioned “other sites.” I’d rather not talk about those sites, though; the muses I made, they were pretty ridiculous. Of course, I was still just starting out.
RP pet peeves/deal-breakers: People using asterisks (unless it’s a crack thing or a drabble or something), general RP elitism, fandom drama, etc. I have more, but I can’t think of any offhand at the moment. Edit: Not a big issue, but when RP partners don’t specify verses (if we have a regular verse that we use, then disregard this). Also, more of a secondhand thing, but if you’ve sent a reply, don’t send another after with a “@” in it. Just ping them in the reply itself.
Plots or memes: Both. I often like to use memes to get the ball rolling, so to speak, then just see what happens, but plotting does give a good roadmap for how muses can interact.
Fluff/angst/smut: I do plenty of the first and third (with proper precautions in place, of course), but for some reason, despite giving my muse a sad backstory, I’m often hesitant to do angst. A friend of mine once illuminated what they thought the reason was: because I wanted to play Ash as someone who, for all the bad things he’s gone through, still cares about people, about doing the right thing. But yeah, I tend to do fluff and smut more than angst.
Long or short replies: A bit of both.
Best time to write: No specific time; just whenever I feel like writing.
Are you like your muse(s)?: The canon ones mentioned above? No. Ash, though? I admit, I did “inject” some of my own personal beliefs, issues, and so forth into his story and personality. I’ve been careful as I can be to avoid making him a self-insert, though. Admittedly, Ash is a lot of things I wish I could be, but even so, his identity and mine are distinct.
Tagged by: @umbranstilettos
Tagging: @vendettamuses @forevermonsters @concretefantasy @frostworkxfiction and anyone else.
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abodynamicslife · 8 years ago
CHAPTER 1: Overview / History
Omegaverse (also known as A/B/O(/G) or simply Alpha/Omega) is one of the most prevalent, long-living and popular AUs in fandom. Though it originates as a smut-centric, niche AU, it has long-since grown to accommodate the need of contemporary fandoms and fans alike. Though it remains very smut-centric, there are a lot of themes that are often included (if not exclusively tied with) the omegaverse AU.
It details a world where people are divided according to two sexes instead of one: a primary sex (male or female) and a secondary sex (Alpha, Omega, Beta or Gamma). Though the primary sex will constitute for a large portion of the individual’s reproductive anatomy, the secondary sex will modify and emphasize a particular demeanor within the individual's reproductive physiology.
Secondary Sexes
 In general (and especially for betas), secondary sexuality will vary somewhat between individuals. There is no super hard or fast rule for every omega male or alpha female or thensome, just general anatomy for each secondary sex and some of the things they can expect of their body and mind.
 It is also not unheard of or impossible for an individual not to identify with the anatomy of their secondary sex just as much as their primary, and are able to take hormones to supplement or suppress characteristics of the typing they identify as. For example, it isn’t uncommon for, say, a Beta-A male or female to take alpha hormones, or a Gamma male or female to take omega hormones.
Background / History of Omegaverse
  From the Alpha/Beta/Omega page on fanlore:
“The trope originated in Supernatural fandom with a few very specific AU kink meme prompts for the J2 RPF ship. The first one was in May 2010 and has also been identified as the culprit responsible for the popularity of knotting in SPN fandom….The trope was a natural extension of SPN's popular werewolf and knotting kinks.”
The origins of omegaverse go as far back as 2010, as stated in the quote above, from the Supernatural fandom. The SPN fandom at the time was known for it’s abundance of inhuman characters, monsters, demons and thensome, often taking inspiration from mythology and popular adoration of monsters for a majority of it’s lore.
Werewolves were a very common theme in various SPN fanfics, and is what spawned the original inception of omegaverse as a way to include the popular heat, knotting and male pregnancy kinks without including most other aspects of a werewolf AU fic, such as shape-shifting.
Omegaverse took hold as a pan-fandom AU soon afterward, but remained associated mostly with male/male smut, due to its origins only including males as alphas or omegas. Even today, omegaverse is still regarded as a smut-centric AU due to the elements most popular works include, but has diversified with the inclusion of several other sexes (Betas and Gammas) as well as including sexual relationships outside male/male.
Chapter 2: Terminology  
Primary Sex: The base sex of an individual, commonly either male or female, but exceptions occur with a combination of the two. These are not influence secondary sex (females are not more likely to be omega, etc).
Secondary Sex: Commonly referred to as the ‘modification’ of the primary sex. Secondary sexes (or types) refer to being Alpha, Beta, Omega or Gamma. It is not influenced by the primary sex.
Sexual Orientation: An individual’s attraction to specific, often primary sexes. Specific terms, such as type-sexuality, refer to an individual’s attraction for specific secondary sexes.
Gender: The state of being male, female, a combination thereof or a lack thereof, typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. Gender has no correlation with primary or secondary sex.
Type / Typing: Shorthand for referring either to an individual's overall secondary sex or a Beta’s specific typing (A, O, or otherwise).
Alpha: Commonly the most territorial of the typings and are commonly (but not always) the most dominant. They exhibit knots and go into ruts.
Beta: A general term for someone who is between being an Alpha or Omega. They are able to detect scents and are able to scent others, but they do not possess all the anatomical or biological parts of either an Omega or Alpha. The most common Beta-types are Beta-A and Beta-O, with the letter indicating which side of the spectrum they lean.
Omega: Commonly the least territorial of the typings and are commonly (but not always) the most submissive. They exhibit heats and will have a womb or womb-like structure (depending on the primary sex).
Knot / Knotting: A bulge of muscles at the base of a cock that swells either when erect or before orgasm, often to keep both individuals from separating during and after ejaculation to ensure conception. A knot, regardless of primary sex, will last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour.
Rut / Rutting: A period of 3-5 days where an Alpha-identified individual will act more possessive and territorial than normal, but not specifically in need of mating with someone. Normally, rutting periods are more common after being mated, as part of a biological cycle to protect said mate.
Scenting: Alphas, Omegas, and Betas all give off a very specific sort of scent as a personal marker to their primary and secondary sex. They all have the ability to scent others, which is simply the process of spreading their specific scent on another person or object (often by physically rubbing against them).
Beta-Type: The specific leaning of a Beta on the secondary sex spectrum, commonly either being Beta-A or Beta-O.
Estrus / Heat: A period of 3-5 days where an Omega-identified individual will experience sexual excitability and have an increase in fertility. This often comes in tandem with a large release of pheromones to communicate the biological shift to others.
Pups: A general term for young of Omega-identified individuals, but can also refer to children in general.
Slick: A word describing the increased self-lubrication that Omega-identified individuals experience, specifically during their heat.
Nest / Nesting: A structure that Omega-identified individuals build, most commonly during heat and while pregnant. It can vary in appearance, but serves a calming purpose and dates back when a nest was required to keep an omega-identified individual safe during heat and pregnancy, as it was often built specifically to be hidden. Some still consider nest-building to be part of an omega-identified individual’s courtship or heat cycle process.
Suppressants: Medication given to Alpha or Omega-identifying individuals, specifically to suppress rut or heat cycles. It can also suppress the fertility of the individuals, and is often referred to in conversations about birth-control.
Read so much more here!
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littleguarddog · 8 years ago
• NAME: sarah • PRONOUNS: she/her (i answer to a lot of things like ‘hey you!’ and some of my muses names lol) •  SEXUALITY: not picky •  TAKEN OR SINGLE: sort of single. i have a friend from work that knows i like him and i know he likes me and we’ve kissed once but real life likes not giving us time outside of work to hang out and see each other so idk what we are at this current point. us not being able to hang out where we don’t have to be professional makes things hard to move forward.
i used to own a horse while i was in college. she had to be put down bc of medical complications with her, otherwise i would still have her
i could literally live off of pizza (or any italian food really)
i cosplay 95% more guys than girls. i’ve only done two female cosplays to date in the 3 years and numerous cosplays i’ve done
•   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i am 3 days short of 6 years. i had to go check my very first rp blog way back on deviantart for an exact date. hard to believe it’s been that long •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: aim, deviantart, facebook messenger, skype, tumblr. •   BEST EXPERIENCE: long term? i have two. meeting the friend that would later become my best friend and is now my roommate and cosplay partner. and my best friend from college met her fiance (he hasn’t proposed yet but we all know it’s coming) through me bc of rp’ing and it’s amazing how the course of one’s life can change with something as simple as a suggestion of ‘hey you should join the rp group i made with some people’.
•   FEMALE OR MALE: to write? i can go either way but i tend to have better luck with male muses. i’ve done a lot of females, from ema skye from ace attorney to sharon rainsworth from pandora hearts to elizabeth midford from black butler to gou matsuoka from free iwatobi swim club. i love me a good strong female muse, but i haven’t had one in some time now. •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: all but i have to be in the mood for angst. i can write fluff all day every day (except with ciel really lol) and i’m almost always game to write smut depending on which muse it is. •   PLOTS OR MEMES: both. plots are good for long term writing ideas and memes are great intermittent ideas when one or both partners are busy or on mobile or what have you. and even memes can spawn great rp ideas in their own right. •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on my mood. i can write one-liners and i can write novels (keeping shane’s reply lol) •   BEST TIME TO WRITE: depends on the time of day, if i worked that day, how tired i am from work, and if i have to be at work the next day. how late i can stay up can really impact my writing muse, and it also depends on who’s awake when i’m awake and wants to write. •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i suppose i’m like ciel in some ways (i love me a good sassing with my roommate) but there’s a lot of noticeable difference between us
TAGGED BY: i pilfered this from @liesbecometruth TAGGING: @domina-gladiis
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TAGGED BY @laverginedegliangeli​
TAGGING: anyone who wants to, i’m having a bit of trouble thinking
NAME: Ghost
PRONOUNS: they, I guess, or just the name instead of any
SEXUALITY: pretty solidly ace, probably panromantic, all around horrific mess
I’ve been diagnosed with many different mental disorders, so I really don’t know which one I have anymore, but I definitely get some serious panic attacks so I probably at least have anxiety. Major depression is likely the other, but it could also be bipolar of some sort or something else I can’t think of. My brain’s several levels of doesn’t work lol.
I used to be a physics major, before the intensity of the math got to be too much. I still love science, and I really do like math too, but I couldn’t keep up. Now i’m an English and Philosophy student who has no idea what to do with those degrees. :’D
I literally learned how to read with star trek novels.
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Uhh.. 6 years off and on?
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Chatroom, instant messagers, forums, and tumblr, I think.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Back when I wasn’t nearly as stressed, I had an amazing experience on tumblr, and I met some people who are still my friends even now, and I wouldn’t have nearly as much experience in writing or getting myself out of negative people relationships without them. I miss those times dearly, but I try not to let it keep me from writing still.
FEMALE OR MALE: Honestly most of my characters tend towards middle roads, probably because of my own difficulty getting into the head of either side lol. I might tend to be able to consistently write female muses a bit better, but that’s more because I fear messing up the other side.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: All of the yes. In balance yes. Sorry, no.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I am the absolute /worst/ at coming up with consistent plot structure, but when a plot can be made, it’s amazing! Memes are really good for letting things come up or spawning fun ideas without too much stress. I guess both, is what I’m saying, but memes are often a fun starting point.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I want to say middle, haha. It really depends on the thread and the people and what’s going on, but usually it’s a middle of the road thing.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Too late to actually be a good time to write when I have to be up early the next morning for work/school.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I feel like most people have some similarities to their muses in some way, which is how they can play them well? Like, not always similarities themselves, but they can identify at least. Not that that’s the rule, but it’s something i’ve noticed with myself. I’m like Althea in some ways, but not nearly as cool lol. She’s also actually more confident, even with all her worries. I’m a little weenie.
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