#this will be... within our means
ursidanger · 5 months
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I will accept art requests based on ANY donation to a campaign from gazafunds.com
(website of compiled + fully vetted gofundme links; if you find the list overwhelming I recommend supporting the spotlight campaign featured on their front page)
OR the Municipality of Gaza
(whose goal is to restore access to water in Gaza City after half their water wells + 42k meters of water networks have been destroyed by Israel’s occupation)
I will accept drawing requests in exchange for recipet of donation to either of these viable sources!
Palestine will live to see liberation 🍉
•Higher donation = more time spent
•Even a tiny amount is sketch guaranteed! Anything is better than nothing
•DM/email request + receipt of new donation
•No revisions
•Keep SFW
•Hate speech/joke requests will not be tolerated
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captain-flint · 11 months
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What do you like about livin'? Don't think. Just, speak it.
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eskildit · 1 year
i think a lot about hot sauce and jeannemary. two young girls so ready to kill and to die. a comparison made all the worse when you recall that hot sauce lost all her family to the cohort, that she can specifically recall fourth style necromancy (using corpses as bombs). a fourteen and thirteen year old that could easily have been on opposite sides of the same front line. 
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pennybunpirate · 6 months
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This is taking a long time 🫠
Shoutout to podfic narrators, I’m so thankful for what you do!
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scrambledslut · 1 year
the “that’s another toe” to “who am i to you?” pipeline is crazy
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le-poofe · 6 months
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scoriarose · 2 months
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They regularly ask me to let them in the other's enclosure so they can cuddle. When Sakura thought I was pestering her sister she put herself between me and her; incredibly brave of her as she is still afraid of human hands (but much better than she use to be.)
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When Sakura gets frightened she'll run to her sister and often hide her head under her.
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Both enjoy exploring and doing their enrichment activities together. Seeing this on a daily basis, and the bond these little ones have with each other (and me) I think more research needs to be done regarding the current belief Hognose snakes are incapable of emotion or bonding, and are completely solitary. While both go to their individual dens after socializing, both seek each other out and cuddle together. (They are only allowed together while I'm there watching as sometimes snakes will eat each other, and they seem to enjoy having their own home space when it isn't play/cuddle time.) Sakura benefits so much being with her sister, just being near her she's exponentially braver and far less jumpy, and will watch her sister with great interest learning from her.
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@seemoreseymoursbay day 4!! Platonic relationship day
I chose Nat and Louise for today! I just love how she looks up to Nat, Louise seems to have a lot of insecurities about her place in the world and how she expresses herself and her gender (being worried about not liking girly things or about her interests being too scary or dangerous and about those things making her bad or wrong) so the way she seems to see Nat as a positive rolemodel for non traditional femininity and aspires to be more like her is just really sweet to me. I also personally hc Louise as a lesbian and I think when she starts to crush on a girl (in this case jessica bc i love them together) she wouldn't want to talk to her family about it for fear of them trying to involve themselves so she starts going to Nat to vent about her crushes and get advice (and hold snakes probably)
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david jenkins makes every executive decision for OFMD through the filter of “the gays have suffered enough” and I love him for that
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hummingbee-o0o · 1 year
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Morning, love
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varyathevillain · 11 months
you know what I really like in season 2? how Jim Jimenez, who was not exactly part of the comedy in S1, which was most probably the reason why Blackbeard got them into the new crew in the last episode of S1... is now hamming it up as much as they can.
they used to be the silent support (posing as literally silent, mute) of the crew, someone who'd be on the fringes of both conflicts and comedic situations. and then, when Jim realises what exactly the good old days were to them, things they miss, the stories Stede told... they re-enact the wooden boy story the best they could. bring up the "toxic environment" to Izzy, refuse to let good things go, don't run from them, kiss Archie when she allows, ham it up with jokes and needlings, have a curly moustache drawn onto them and are the life of the party, and then Jim's the one to help Olu out with his new romantic partner. you'd think S1!Jim would be called "nosy interferer"? personally, wouldn't think so.
as much as we call a certain other character "person amongst Muppets", Jim Jimenez had also escaped their own genre, of "Hispanic revenge thriller", into queerness and acceptance of it wholeheartedly. with Jim being themselves, nonbinary and poly and breaking as many stereotypes as they can.
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sarucane · 10 months
Why did Ed think becoming a fisherman made any sense at all?
Seriously, this was always a ridiculous idea. Stede gets zero blame for laughing the first time Ed says it--it's an even crazier and more extreme whim than Ed saying "we'll go to China." And it's reasonable that it blindsides Stede for Ed to be leaving--a few hours ago Ed was making Stede breakfast in bed and taking Stede out to his favorite restaurant, and now he's leaving forever. That's a hell of a mindfuck there. So why does Ed think it makes sense to follow this whim?
Ed starts this episode by throwing away his leathers. He's trying to discard and excise the 'kraken' part of his personality, trying to consciously transform into something else (hence wearing Button's clothes).
At first, he's also trying to embrace being with Stede.
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He volunteers information that shows how important Stede is to him by describing the mermaid vision. But, just like when he told Stede about how "sometimes it's nice to just be patient," Ed's not directly owning his feelings here. He's skimming right past the fact that it was he, himself, who was choosing (unconsciously, but still choosing) to die, and his bond to Stede is why he came back. In fact, the closest he comes to actually saying he felt a certain way is by admitting he panicked over the twine.
And Stede, who just feels so secure in this relationship right now, more comfortable in his skin than we've ever seen him, just does not get Ed's insecurity. He doesn't reassure Ed by saying "the breakfast is great with or without the twine" he says "it actually made it!" And when Ed tells about the vision, Stede doesn't seem to register how big a deal it was.
They're not communicating here, they're just not. They've had this very intimate experience, but there's still distance between them. The visuals reinforce this: they're at opposite ends of the bed, they don't come close to touching at any point in the scene. Ed's dressed and Stede's comfortably naked.
Ed snuck out of bed and went to throw his leathers away by himself. He doesn't tell Stede what he's done, and Stede doesn't comment on Ed walking around in Buttons' clothes. Ed's thrown away the kraken--and then he watches Stede embrace being "a sea god."
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And this fear and disconnection to Stede goes right back to how Ed's been acting ever since he came back. He's not been opening up to Stede. He's not been willing to get vulnerable with Stede again; he doesn't trust himself not to wreck it and get his heart broken, and he doesn't trust Stede not to break his heart. The filmmaking choices (bless this amazing meta for explaining it all) have been signaling this ever since they found each other again: they love each other, but they're on different wavelengths.
Ed's trust in Stede is brittle, even before he gets the idea that he and Stede want different things out of life (piracy vs anything-but-piracy). So, Ed goes out and sits with himself. Then he takes Izzy's suggestion and he listens to himself, to his desire not to live a certain life anymore.
But rather than deciding to talk to Stede about this, he decides he's going to leave before the conversation even starts.
Ed gets really, really close to real communication with Stede here. He admits that he doesn't feel safe in the relationship, and that the speed and intensity that Stede has reveled in have made Ed feel less safe.
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And even now, even though he lost all track of Ed for a big chunk of the day and now he's being surprised by deep withdrawal--Stede is still all in. He could have been heartbroken or angry. He could have panicked and apologized, or frozen and shut down the conversation.
Instead, Stede listens. And he tries to make good on what he told Ed: "I love everything about you."
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But Ed doesn't really hear this, because he doesn't trust Stede, the connection between them, or himself. Because "Trust no one" includes not trusting oneself.
Rather than engaging with what Stede actually says, Ed starts ranting, and uses his own insecurities to push Stede away. Stede's right, it is panic.
Stede mirrors Ed's body language all through this part of the scene. He gets what's happening, understands insecurity and what it can trigger (particularly related to an insecurity of "I'm bad for you you're better off without me") deeply--which is why it's so easy for him to forgive this later.
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But while Stede understands exactly what's going on now that Ed's finally talking to him directly, for Ed it's all confusing and happening much too fast. So he shuts down, lashes out, and bails out.
Figuring himself out is complicated, navigating his relationship with Stede is complicated, trust and self-realization are complicated. Fishing, on the other hand, is simple. Unlike love or psychological integration, there's no risks in fishing.
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Cancel Culture Vs Show Cancellation Culture
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*Norman attempting to speak with Ayshe using the demon language again and Ayshe getting mad at him for it.
Semi-continuation of the "If Shirai announced one more chapter of TPN, I would want it to be about…" Poll where a resolution to this conflict was the option with the most votes.
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(Chapter 181)
Other related posts: • Shirai's post-series reflections on the Ayshe-Norman conflict and some thoughts • My guess for what Norman says to Ayshe in chapter 160 • Did Ayshe forgive Norman during the timeskip?
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papayafiles · 8 months
i need one of these edm djs/musicians obsessed with lando to write a song about him. not only is he PERFECT fodder for songwriting (look at that face! make him your muse!!!) but do you recognize the commercial potential of that marketing choice… be the voice of the fangirls and we will reward you with endless spotify streams
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
Maybe I've just curated my dash well but anecdotally, I haven't seen almost anyone express disapproval of the Izzy arc in this particular way, which I would agree is judgy and unproductive. The main concerns I've been seeing (and hopefully expressing, although maybe not effectively) have been from:
People reminded of traumas/relationship dynamics reflected in Izzy and Ed's s1 relationship in general, or specific parts of it like Izzy telling Ed he was better off dead than acting so f*ggy.
People who feel like point number 1 is being retroactively minimized by the narrative (not the characters, the narrative) not acknowledging the role Izzy played in setting off Ed's Kraken era.
People who have seen their abusers get to control the narrative around harm they caused, which the narrative silence around points 1&2 seems to underline.
People who have been gaslit about their traumas and/or felt like the only person in the proverbial room who remembers that something harmful happened.
People who see Izzy suffering and then being granted grace, and walk away concerned that the message is being sent that suffering is the path to forgiveness, which would be a dangerous message period but is especially perplexing from this show in particular.
(I'm not here to argue with any of those interpretations if Izzy or his actions so save us both the energy, I'm here to talk about the post I linked.)
I can understand how, from any of those perspectives, the Izzy arc has felt like a sour note in an otherwise great season. I certainly haven't been able to engage with it as fully as I had hoped to do when I first saw hints of where things might go while watching the first episodes of the season.
I don't need a big speech or conversation about it all or even that much screen time devoted to it. But if the narrative wants me to buy a redemption arc for Izzy, the narrative needs to acknowledge what he's being redeemed for in the first place. When I talk about what's "earned" I'm talking about what the narrative has earned, not the characters. And right now, the narrative doesn't feel like it has earned more than me holding my nose to get through Izzy redemption scenes. And that's sad for me, because I've never felt like that about this show before.
I don't believe you earn forgiveness, or that you atone for your actions for someone else's sake. True forgiveness is something that the wronged party grants for their peace of mind. True atonement is something you do for yourself to make peace with yourself what you have done. Neither is "earned", much less through groveling or suffering. But both require acknowledging and reflecting on the truth of what happened, and that lack of narrative acknowledgement is the missing stair so many of us are having to learn how to work around when it comes to watching this season.
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