#this was stuck in my head
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bakugo-softski · 9 months ago
In which Izuku is left quirkless, so they find a new reason
Katsuki stayed crouched above Izuku, pinning one arm with his foot and clasping the other, pressed to the floor of the training mat. Almost in an exact replica of their fight at ground beta all those months ago, minus one arm and a slight change in hand placement. They both stay like that, breathing heavily, staring into eachothers eyes with the mutual feeling of impending doom sat heavily between them.
Because Izuku was getting weaker.
Katsuki had noticed, though he tried his best to ignore it. They both did, afraid to speak it into reality. Afraid for their dynamic to change. But as Katsuki had an easier and easier time pinning Izuku, as the embers slowly died out, they both found it hard to ignore that this
whatever it was they had, was coming to an end. Katsuki felt frantic, empty. Watching as something dear died before him, completely out of his reach.
Izuku had resolved to accept his fate, his eventuality. He didn’t mind being quirkless again. The loss held between them came from a different place, and they both knew it.
Kacchan?” Sad. So sad.
Katsuki released his hold and stood up, before offering Izuku his hand to help the boy up, too. They stood in silence, Izuku still breathing heavily and looking embarrassed about it, unable to find the words to express what they both clearly wanted to say to eachother.
“I’ll make katsudon tonight.” A common condolence when Izuku suffered yet another decline in power. It seemed now that one for all was gone for good, the embers inside izuku were dying at an increased rate than what All Might had gone through. The embers seemed to die at a steady rate regardless if Izuku used OFA or not. When they’d realized, they’d fought eachother deep into the night, openly crying at eachother and throwing punches. A silent agreement they’d do this as often as they could, until they couldn’t anymore.
This.. felt like a goodbye. Katsuki stared into Izuku’s eyes and felt like he was at a funeral.
okay. Thank you, Kacchan.”
With one last look into Izuku’s eyes, Katsuki turned and walked out, Izuku staying behind to put distance between them. To give eachother space. Katsuki managed to stifle the sob caught in his throat till he made it onto the elevator.
Katsuki poked the pork frying in the pan on autopilot. In his head, he thumbed through the same stack of thoughts sitting heavily in his mind like clockwork. He felt lost, weak, trapped. Condemned to a fate he had no control over. They wouldn’t be able to keep sparring. Izuku had stopped being able to keep up with catch-a-kacchan months ago, and they had been staying ground-level for a while but they both knew even that was too much for him now. The embers were barely even there anymore.
Katsuki hadn’t seen Izuku since he’d left him at the gym. They hadn’t texted eachother, either. What would they even say? There weren’t words. Katsuki didn’t have the words.
At this, Izuku makes his first appearance in hours, to slink into the kitchen and stand beside Katsuki. He’s silent for a moment.
Can i help?”
Katsuki is relieved those were the words that came out of Izuku’s mouth, instead of..well.
He lets out a little breath of relief.
“Sure. Grab the egg, mirin and soy sauce for me.” Mix those together-equal parts, four eggs, and chop some of those green onions while you’re at it.”
“Got it.” Izuku flits around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and settling again beside Katsuki, beginning his task.
They don’t know how to bring it up, but the silence is somehow comfortable, each settling in to their tasks, accomplishing the same goal of katsudon together. Katsuki can’t say it, but he’s thankful to have a reason to be near Izuku like this. Even if it is just making a meal together. They don’t say much else, afraid to break whatever fragile comfort they’d created.
They ate in silence. And then stared into space together, in silence. And then Katsuki said he’d wash their dishes, and then Izuku left, in silence; and Katsuki wished he’d asked for help instead.
Katsuki stared into the dark, in silence. Thought about texting Izuku. Couldn’t find the words.
It’s Saturday. Katsuki came down to make breakfast. Hoped to see Izuku, but he didn’t show. Thought about taking the food to him, put it in the fridge instead.
4:24pm. He’d stayed in the common room the whole day, but Izuku never showed, and Katsuki couldn’t find the words to give him a reason to seek the boy out. What could he even say? “You haven’t eaten all day.” ? As if. How stupid for Katsuki to care about that when
when he couldn’t even..
Fuck it. A reasons a reason, he supposes.
Katsuki sped through the curry prep, in a hurry to get it to Izuku’s door and tell him he hasn’t eaten all day. With two steaming bowls held on a dish platter, because he didn’t want his to get cold while he ate alone, he marched his way up to Izuku’s room and knocked firm, once, twice, and waited.
Izuku opened the door quickly, and Katsuki saw he was in a similar shape to himself, dark circles under his eyes. He hasn’t slept either.
“You haven’t eaten.” An observation, a request, a plea.
Izuku looked at the bowls, took one. Stood in the doorway, awkward.
At the same time Katsuki makes to turn away, Izuku speaks up. “Do you want to come in? You just, you have two bowls. You don’t have to
but. Um. I’d like you to.”
His response was immediate. “Yeah.” A breath, a small relief. A break from the pain.
They both settle down on Izuku’s bed to eat, backs against the wall. Close, even if neither one of them acknowledged it. They didn’t speak. Until,
“Um. So, theres a show I started a couple days ago. Do..you wanna watch it with me?” Izuku digs around for the remote. Kacchan grunts for him to go ahead, so he turns it on from the beginning and they settle back in to eating, watching together.
They’re on episode five now, bowl’s of curry empty and forgotten on the floor beside the bed. They’ve pulled Izuku’s blanket up over their legs and are zoned into the show, a merciful relief. A reason. Katsuki hides his yawns as subtly as he can, and Izuku pretends not to notice.
They both pretend not to notice when Katsuki subtly shifts further into the bed, afraid to break the spell. They’re both tired enough to not think about it.
Katsuki blinks his eyes open and finds the clock on the wall that doesn’t belong to him, and then feels legs that also don’t belong to him entangled with his own. He can’t find it in himself to feel embarrassed about it. Izuku is sleeping peacefully, soft snores and breaths coming out in little puffs, one hand resting peacefully on his chest and the other holding Katsuki’s forearm, which was sat snuggly against the curve of Izukus side, being held in place in the air. Katsuki didn’t dare move. The TV sat dark and paused on the wall, long forgotten. He’d have to check to see when they both fell asleep so they knew how far back to go, he thought idly. A problem for later, though.
He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
When he woke back up Izuku was silencing his phone, his ringtone for Uraraka being cut short and detangling his legs from Katsuki’s in order to stand up from the bed.
“We uh...we fell asleep last night.”
Yeah.” A yawn.
“The show’s good. Whats the last part you remember? We’re probably gonna have to find where we left off.”
“Oh uh, i think..the new guy, the blonde one had just fought with that guy in the boat restaurant. I think he was gonna leave.”
“Huh? The last thing I remember is whats her name and whats his face playing some drinking game.”
A chuckle. “I’ll go back and find our spot tonig-when we-um. Anyway. I’m..I’m glad you liked it, Kacchan.”
“I’ll come back tonight. And we can watch more.” Small reliefs. Small reliefs, small reliefs.
A smile, small, shared. “I’d like that.”
“So. Um. It’s..it’s Sunday.”
Sundays they typically spent the whole day in the gym, sparring, being in each others company. Katsuki didn’t get much physically from their sparring sessions these days, they both knew it. They seemed to be at an understanding though, of what they got from their Sundays together.
Suddenly, Katsuki had a thought. The words are out of his mouth before he can think better of them, eager to run from the conversation he so badly feared having.
“Lets go play some fucking baseball, Zuku.”
Izuku’s eyebrows shoot up and he looks funny like that, Katsuki thinks. It makes his stomach do a weird little flip that he usually only felt in the heat of the moment during their fights and sparring sessions, back when Izuku was at full strength. The feeling puts a surprised little crease between his own brows.
hah..what?” Izuku’s smiling, confused.
Katsuki keeps going, fueled by the quick return of the feeling he hasn’t felt in months, replacing the impending doom.
“C’mon, nerd, let’s go to the batting cages back home and play some fucking baseball. Maybe we can stop at your moms and say hi or something while we’re out.”
Silence. But..different this time. Better. Expectant.
Izuku huffs out a little laugh, relief of some sort.
“Yeah, Kacchan, that sounds good.”
It does sound good, Katsuki thinks.
“Hold your fucking arms higher, nerd!”
“Shuddup! I know how to hit a ball, Kacchan!”
“Getting cocky? Since when do you talk back to me you little shit?” Katsuki hasn’t felt this much like himself in months.
“You make it easy being such a know-it-all, Kacchan.”
“I’m a know-it-all, because i know it all, you little asshole. Don’t you patronize me.”
They’re both laughing, and Izuku is trying his best to hit the baseballs flying towards him in between snorts of laughter and playful banter. It’s so easy like this. Katsuki had imagined the day Izuku’s ember’s went out a million times, he imagined it like death, but this didn’t feel like death at all. This felt like..the birth of something new.
Then, suddenly,
“Lemme show you how it’s done, nerd.”
Izuku backs up and turns to hand Katsuki the bat but Izuku misinterpreted what he meant, because Katsuki turns him back around and comes up behind him with his hands on his shoulders.
“Pick your arm up dummy, higher, angle it like this, you want to meet the ball at the same angle its coming at you.” Katsuki takes Izukus arm and imitates hitting the ball the way he wants him to, and then pushes Izuku forward again. Izuku is weirdly quiet, now.
“Try it like that. And don’t be pissed when it’s better than your way.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Kacchan.”
Fine. Don’t be rude about it, though. You’re still a know-it-all.”
Katsuki can’t contain his shit eating grin, and that feeling in his gut is back with a vengeance.
“There’s a reason for that, Zuku.”
Inko was delighted at the unexpected visit, flitting around to whip something up for the two and offering apologies for not having more ready for them both. In the end, they’d eaten curry for the second day in a row, but neither of them commented on it, happy to be in Inko’s company, happy to see Izuku happy. Eventually they’d thanked Inko and ushered themselves off into Izuku’s bedroom for a while before they went back to UA.
Izuku was pulling All Might merch and knick knacks out of every corner of the room, handing them to Katsuki along with stories and “do you remembers” and Katsuki felt overwhelmed. The feeling in his stomach only grew the longer the day went on and he found it harder and harder to keep the stupid, easy grin off his face. He felt so happy it almost felt wrong.
“Ah! kacchan! Do you remember when we drew these!”
They were two sheets of paper, one, in big letters, labeled “KACCHAN”, punctuated by tiny explosions in between each letter, and the other, “IZUKU” written neatly, simply across the top of the page. Underneath each name was a drawing to match, the both of them drawn in crayon as heroes, in gear that hadn’t quite matched up with what they’d grown accustomed to.
Katsuki took the papers from Izuku and stared, and stared, and stared, and only snapped out of it when a single tear drop hit the page.
And then it happened again. He spoke without meaning to.
“I don’t want to go back to the way we were before, Izuku. I-i don’t even care that we can’t spar anymore. I don’t care about that. I just-i wanna keep hanging out with you. I don’t care what what we do. I just-“ he was shaking, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. He’d feared this conversation, so.. why did this feel like relief too?
Katsuki just let himself cry, tiny sobs crawling the way into their atmosphere.
He looked up through wet lashes just in time to see Izuku launch himself into his arms, throwing him back into the bed and burying his face into Katsuki’s neck, sobbing with all the intensity Katsuki felt in his soul.
“I wanna be with you too, Kachhan, always, always. I-i..just want-to be around you...”
Katsuki wraps his arms around Izuku and lets the relief wash over him. Katsuki doesn’t know what compelled him to say it.
“I love you.”
Izuku pulls back just enough to look into Katsuki’s eyes. His heart is hammering in his chest, stunned speechless, and as Izuku searches Katsuki’s face he feels the boys breathing become panicked, coming out in short puffs verging on hyperventilation. Katsuki barely opens his mouth to take it back, to unscare Izuku when he seemingly realizes this and smashes their lips together in an effort to stop him.
It’s sudden, scared, mutual. Blissful.
It takes Katsuki all of two seconds to come back online and fit his hand into Izuku’s hair in an effort to keep him there, and returns the kiss in full. Izuku grunts out a little sound that seems pained but somehow matches that feeling in his own gut, swirling and verging on the side of too much too much too much
They break the kiss at the same time, leaping away from eachother and doubling over themselves, anxiously giggling against their will and breathing heavily. Izuku leaps to his feet and starts pacing, muttering all the while, energy buzzing within him with the same intensity as one-for-all and Katsuki feels it seep into everything, feels his limbs buzz, heart racing, mind running a mile a minute and somehow not at all.
“Ahhaah, AHHH, Kacch-i love you, FUCK I love you, holy-sh-shit, holy shit, oh my god. kachhhANNNN OH MY GOD.”
Izuku’s yelling and Katsuki finally yanks himself out of his shock to speak up just in time for Izuku to run out of the room screaming.
“Hey-what the FUCK, IZ-get back here!” And then he’s off the bed too and running out the door behind him, leaving a stunned and confused Inko sat on the couch.
Katsuki catches up to him already at the bus station, pacing circles around the bench, laughing and crying hysterically. He catches a glimpse of Katsuki right as he stalks up to him and grabs Izuku’s arm.
“Caught you.” He grins triumphantly, and so, so happy, and doesn’t even give Izuku the chance to respond before he captures the boys lips again.
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faelyn42 · 3 months ago
"So... What are we looking for?" Emma wondered, as she looked around at all the clutter. Regina's vault was always overflowing with strange and esoteric artifacts, a sharp contrast to her perfectly tidy house.
"I am looking for a spell. You just followed me in here." Regina stood facing a wall, head bowed as she scanned the pages of a dusty tome.
"Right." Emma chewed at her cheek, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. "So... what kind of spell are we looking for?"
"I don't know yet, I just started looking. And it will take even longer if you keep interrupting me."
"Sorry," Emma muttered under her breath. In the name of not distracting Regina from her Very Important Work, she turned her attention to the objects scattered around her. Lots of books and scrolls, mostly, in languages she couldn't understand. She gave a glance at Regina, whose nose was still buried in her book, and unrolled one of the scrolls. Looked like Arabic, or something. It was wrapped around a wax cylinder though, that had some pretty cool carvings. Emma reached out to pick it up and get a closer look.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Emma looked up, startled, to find Regina twisting around to stare pointedly at her. Emma shrugged, nonchalant, and pulled her hand back. "What," she joked, "Is it going to turn me into a toad?"
"No, it will just kill you," Regina replied, turning back to her book. Slowly flipping the page she added, "I prefer to deal with my enemies directly."
"Yeah, I noticed that," Emma muttered. She rolled the scroll back up, careful not to touch the wax cylinder, and her eye caught on a glint of light. A tiny silver bell, with a handle of black wood. Pursing her lips, she reached out.
"Emma!" Regina scolded, and rushed over to snatch her wrist away from the bell. "You're like a puppy," she huffed, "Getting into everything she sees."
"Hey," Emma defended, but faltered. She, didn't really have a good argument. "Puppies are cute," she finished lamely.
Regina paused, and looked her up and down. "Yes, well. My point stands." She stepped away, back to her spellbook—leaving Emma to stare after her, gaping. "I think I've found the spell we need," she continued, oblivious to Emma blue-screening behind her. "The ingredients will be difficult to find though. Gold will have some, but whatever he wants in return probably won't be pleasant."
"Did you just call me cute?" Emma asked, slowly recovering.
"Do you want to waste time talking?" Regina asked, moving quickly to the exit with her spellbook tucked primly under her arm. "Or do you want to break this curse?"
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nieceeee · 10 months ago
“Sorry Connie, this ride is for the big boys.” You tease. “You got to be a little bit taller baby.”
He smirked at you before leaning back against the couch. Smoke passing his lips as you sat around with your friends. “Funny sweetheart.” He starts, locking his eyes on you.
“But my height really doesn’t make a difference when you’re on your knees now does it?”
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victorclays · 1 year ago
Eddie: this is my boyfriend Steve. And this is his soulmate Robin.
Wayne: ... ... ... *sigh*
Eddie: i can explain more if you desire.
Wayne: *already walking away* i don't need to know the specifics son. As long as you're happy.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year ago
When we first stated dating, I thought:
If I gained 50 pounds, would you still love me?
It's been 14 years, two kids, and 40 pounds
And you look at me with more love than I have for myself.
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kaosanddestruction · 1 year ago
Adam: I've come to make an announcement: Lucifer Morningstar's a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wives. That's right, he took his shapeshifting-fuckin' fallen angel dick out and he pissed on my fucking wives, and he said his dick was "THIS BIG," and I said "That's disgusting!" so I'm making a callout post on my Twitter dot com: Lucifer Morningstar, you've got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. PSHEW! That's right, baby! All points, no quills, no pillows — look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wives, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! How do you like that, God?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!
You have twenty-three hours before the piss DRRRROPLETS hit the fucking Earth, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!
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hanasnx · 2 years ago
“Oh, c’mon. You serious?” The distant voice of a former school yard bully grabs TERRY MCGINNIS's attention enough to pivot his head. Not only does he recognize the back of Nelson’s red head in the courtyard, but his friends too. He strides over, a hand on his pack slings and one in his pocket.
“What’s up with Nash over there?” Terry quips, coming to a halt after he invited himself to the group. From afar, they resembled zoo occupants, judging animals from behind thick glass. Up close he realized it’s more personal than that, and crueler too.
“Trying to get Blade back.” Max answers, inclining in Terry’s direction to keep her voice low. Her, Dana, and Chelsea couldn’t take their eyes off the arguing ex-couple. Blade clutching her comp-book close to her chest, and Nelson as irritated as Terry’d ever seen him. If he isn’t mistaken, a malicious curl to Blade’s lips has him deducing she’s asked her ex to prove himself.
Nelson emits a loud and jarring noise of frustration. Blade’s unaffected, but Dana clutches onto Terry’s arm out of habit.
Terry glances curiously between the girls. It’s not unlike Nelson Nash to cause a scene, and it’s not unlike Terry to remind people like that to cool off. “Maybe I should step in.” he suggests, that determined tone of his accentuated with his one stride toward the situation. Not only does Dana clutch tighter, but Chelsea catches his other limb, effectively arresting him.
“No way, McGinnis, you’ll make it worse!” Chelsea chides under her breath, and surprisingly meets his questioning gaze to place emphasis on her request. “Besides, Blade’s handling herself just fine.” She gestures her chin discretely towards how Blade’s countenance shifts to a mischievous shade.
“She’s makin’ him do something— what’s she makin’ him do?” Terry addresses the throng at and unacceptable decibel, and all three of them shush him in response. His brows upturn; he had no time to apologize before the girls exclaim and corral him elsewhere at the sight of Nelson’s head turning their way because of their noise.
The thrill of narrowly escaping had the three of them snickering to themselves. Not to mention the reminder of what Blade is asking of the bully.
Dana wraps herself around Terry’s bicep, closing in so she could confess the secret. “She’s making him wear a bra.” No sooner had she finished her sentence than they erupted in a fit of giggles. It’s a particularly innocent dare, yet they drew such joy from it.
Terry crosses his arms, cocking a brow as if to sell a playfully scolding persona. One that made Dana and Chelsea specifically think they’d stumbled upon comedy gold. “Why? ‘Cause he’s a chauvinist? It’ll teach him some sort of lesson?”
“I think the more appropriate term you’re looking for is ‘misogynist’, McGinnis.” Max corrects, unable to stifle her own grin. “You gotta admit, you’d’ve never thought Blade would make him think he’s got a shot, just for a silly little prank like that.”
“It’s so simple but he won’t do it.” Chelsea predicts, leaning back against a wall, shaking her head at the ordeal.
Terry’s morbid curiosity gets the better of him, and he maneuvers to peer around the corner, spying on the topic of their conversation. Blade doesn’t seem so amused anymore, and Nelson’s taken to gripping her wrist to keep her from running away. She yanks it out of his reach, and Terry’s jaw clenches. It’s better if they work it out, she’s not in any real danger. “If I were Blade I’d make him jump off the roof for me.” the phrase slips out, an exaggeration at worst, no way he means it.
Chelsea scoffs. “Oh, c’mon, Terr, he’s not that bad.”
Terry flashes her a look. “Maybe not.”
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bigtimefreq · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
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superloves4 · 1 year ago
Curufinrod to me is
Friends to lovers to bitter exes to enemies to bitter lovers to enemies to bitter exes to old married couple
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bamfjinxy · 1 year ago
The sound of a machine beeping, the smell of a sterilized room, and finally the sight of white walls.
Was she in the hospital?
She needed to leave, she wasn't safe. She moved all the wires and needles preventing her from to doing so.
She walked out, not caring about being only in a hospital gown. She kept walking and walking.
She's surrounded by the trees and the wind, and the darkness, the moon is alteast out. It's enough light to see. She keeps walking, she's needs to find something...
There's a snap of a branch at her side, she turns. Is...she seeing a man in a suit. He looks surprised to see her she thinks, his features are still a bit covered, in an instant he's in front of her. Dark hair, dark eyes, strong jawline.
"Elena? What are you doing out here?" His eyes show concern, the rest of his face blank..like he's trying to put up a wall....wait...what did he call her?
"Who's Elena?" Her voice comes out, the name sounded right, he looks shocked, then there's a jacket over my shoulders.
"I'll take you someplace safe" He says gently, his eyes still looking at her in concern, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.
Everything blurs, she's inside some building. A manor? The man pulls away, a small voice in the back of her head gives out a feeling of safety, then a name rings out.
"Elijah?" She softly asks, still confused. He freezes looking at her, studying her.
"You remember me?" He asks, there's a small hope in his eyes, was she important to him? She shakes her head.
"No....just a feeling, Sorry" He steps forward a bit towards her, hand on her cheek, he's still intently studying her
"Feeling?" He softly asks, he's being gentle, she can feel how dangerous he is yet she still feels safe
"Safe. You feel like safety." She feels tired, really tired before everything goes black, not before feeling warm arms wrap around her.
An: had this stuck in my head, probably going to let anyone have at it.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year ago
The loud winds from the heavy blizzard were the only thing that filled the silence as Cyn stood motionless meters away from her big brother. N laid seemingly unconscious on his left side, his back rising slowly, but falling faster, as if he was trying to take deep breaths, but only managed heavy sighs. Yet Cyn heard nothing. His tail occasionally flicked and twitched against the wooden floors. A now empty barrel of oil laid toppled over onto its side in front of his head, which was facing away from Cyn. The few drops of oil that remained very slowly formed a tiny puddle on the bottom — or side — of the barrel. The light was off, so the main source of light was from the door Cyn had opened while looking for him. Thanks to that, she could also see that the barrel looked as if the top had been torn off with three long claw marks dug into the top that was still screwed on. After a few more seconds of howling winds and snow hitting the window, Cyn finally spoke up.”N...?” She said nervously.
As if she had flipped a voice activated switch, N’s head suddenly shot up and a low growl echoed through the empty room. Cyn took a step back as N slowly rose to his hands and knees. Well, not exactly hands, more like claws. Claws that were so long and curved in just the right way that if they were on his feet, they might’ve been considered talons. His tail swished side to side and up and down as he turned to face her, both his eyes replaced by an X symbol that glowed starkly in the dark as he turned around. However, there was no message detailing or specifying what error there was, and it wasn’t blinking. He wasn’t experiencing any technical errors, but that didn’t mean he was alright. Cyn took another step back and N followed her, rising to his feet and taking a step forward. Each movement he made was slow and tense, and his posture was low to the ground with his claws outstretched and ready to grab, like he was a spring ready to release his energy and pounce.
Cyn couldn’t run very well, and even if she could, no worker drone could outrun him or outlast him. Even if she tried using her Solver abilities to grab him, he’d eventually break free and come after her. Running outside wasn’t an option either, even if she could make it. If anything, the raging blizzard would make it so much easier for N to catch her. There was no escaping a murder drone unless you had a flamethrower, and Cyn didn’t have one. N’s tail moved side to side as his mouth opened in a wide smile. His too sharp teeth were on full display, and with a powerful spring, he lunged towards Cyn.
“N, please.” James repeated for the fifth time. N, who was currently sitting and had an X mark where his left eye should be, continued to glare at him and rapidly shook his tail in agitation similarly to how a rattlesnake would. Except the only sound it made was a faint swishing sound from the nanite acid, not a creepy rattle. Truth be told, he was a little scared by his threat, but the nature of the situation nearly made him laugh. He tried to keep himself under control so N wouldn’t think he was mocking him.”Snrk- Please, can I just have one of the blankets?” He asked. He slowly reached his hand out to grab one of the many blankets used to create a sort of nest that Cyn was getting nice and cozy in, but as his hand grew closer, N lunged for him and snapped his jaws near his hand as a final warning. James let out a totally-manly scream and pulled his hand back quickly. Tessa couldn’t help but laugh at what just happened and James turned to her with a fake sad expression.”It’s not funny.” He said. Tessa laughed more and J smiled a bit.
“It’s a little funny.” Tessa said. James briefly let a small smile on his face and shook his head as J stepped forward to give it a try. She crossed her arms and glares at him, hoping he’d surrender one of the blankets.”N, hand it over.” She demanded. N shook his head. They weren’t exactly friends, but J doubted at the very least that he’d be just as willing to resort to actual violence against her as he would be against James. She stood her ground and grew angrier.”N, now!” She ordered. N stood up to his full height, just as tall if not a bit taller than Tessa, and loomed over her with his entire screen showing an X. He switched his hands to claws and held his wings wide open, which made him look bigger. J instantly knew that he was not going to be ordered around this time and backed off. She stood next to Tessa and N gave them all another very irritated glare before turning back around to the nest. He climbed into it and nudged Cyn so he was curled up around her while laying on his belly with his arms folded as a pillow for himself. Cyn made herself comfortable by his side, knowing fully well that she can’t escape her fate so she might as well succumb to it and enjoy a nice nap. Once she closed her eyes, N purred contently and rested his arms on his head. He gave them one final glare before he used one of his wings to cover up Cyn and part of himself.
“...Maybe we should get V.” Tessa suggested.
The room was fairly vacant and devoid of windows, which was probably the reason N had chosen this one when he built the nest. The lights had been turned down very low, but V had enough light to see. She walked up to the nest as quietly as she could. In the case that they were already asleep, she didn’t want to keep Cyn and N awake longer than she had to. Once she was close enough, she couldn’t help but smile a bit when she saw Cyn and N napping. N was curled up around Cyn, who was fast asleep against her big brother’s left side, like she was using him as a big pillow. She hugged the old snake plushie that she had with her when she and N first arrived at the mansion and N used one of his wings as a sort of extra blanket for Cyn, covering her from the shoulders down. After a few seconds, she leaned down and tapped N on the shoulder to wake him up gently.”N.” She whispered.
N was a pretty light sleeper, so he was awake after a few more taps and whispers. His screen flickered from “sleep mode” to show one closed yellow eye and an X mark where the other should be as the five semispheres on his head quickly glowed to life. He yawned and looked up at V. When he saw her, a smile appeared on his face and his tail laying around the nest perked up and began moving side to side at the stinger, but it didn’t look threatening. A small yellow blush appeared on his screen.”We really need one of the blankets, so if could spare one, that would be—“ V cut herself off when N suddenly reached up and grabbed her arm. He began pulling on her, not hard enough to hurt her, but definitely enough to make her stumble forward into the nest. He then pulled her down until she was sitting down right in front of him. He then moved his hand to hold her’s. A small blush appeared on V’s screen as N began... Was he purring?!
Cyn was woken up by the movement and mumbled the word “yawn”, which caught N’s attention as he quickly turned to her. The yellow blush disappeared from his screen and he tilted his head slightly. Cyn slowly pushed herself up and opened her eyes to see what was going on.”Oh, sorry for waking you, Cyn.” V said. Cyn stretched her arms as best she could.”It’s okay.” She said. She looked over at V and noticed that she was also in the nest of blankets with them, a small smile breaking out and barely illuminated by the light of her screen.“Oh, are you here to join us?!” She asked excitedly.
“Doing what?” V asked.
“Just enjoying a nice nap with each other’s company.“ Cyn replied. She looked at V with a slightly bigger smile than before, and she could tell it was a look of expectation. V felt her screen heat up and knew that there was a white blush on her screen, but she was more focused on what it would mean for her if she joined as Cyn suggested. Given the tight room in the nest, it meant that she would be sleeping with N, and possibly cuddling with him. The thought of cuddling her crush made her mind go into a frenzy. V suddenly felt like she couldn’t think straight.
It was a good question, though. Should she accept the offer, or should she refuse? V started to think about i, not noticing N’s face falling and his tail slowing to a stop. If she refused and just got the blanket and left, she’d miss the opportunity and possibly make N and Cyn upset. If she accepted, she might be able to enjoy a nice nap... V decided that she didn’t actually have to think about it and cleared her throat.“Alright, I’ll stay for a little bit, but then I need to get these blankets back.” V said nervously. N smiled and his tail started wagging again as V laid down next to him.
He uncurled and reached one of his arms out to grab V and pull her closer to him, to the point where Cyn was snuggling in between them. There wasn’t a lot of room, but that didn’t exactly make it uncomfortable. In fact, it was quite the opposite as V’s core speed up more and her screen felt even warmer. N moved his arm to hug them both with his hand landing on V’s back. He then covered her and Cyn with one of his wings like a blanket or an extra arm hugging them, purring quietly. He nuzzled his head and face against both of them, which was fairly easy since they were all pretty snug together. The purr was fairly low and sounded a bit like an old engine, not exactly like a cute little cat, but like a large machine. Cyn mumbled the word “yawn” and grabbed onto N’s arm to hold as she quickly fell back asleep.
With how nervous she was, V wasn’t sure if she’d be able to fall sleep, especially with N nuzzling the side and top of her head while purring. Truth be told, it really felt like he was trying to give her affection similar to a kiss, but that could’ve been her imagination. N only stopped after a few seconds to move his head so their foreheads were touching and closed his regular eye while the X still remained. Now V was starting to think that it wasn’t her imagination. She was wondering if he really did have feelings for her or if it was just because of whatever’s happening to him. Then again, he might’ve done the same to J and Tessa if he was just being really, really affectionate. She knew that wasn’t the case since they had actually come to her for help, explaining that he’s the reason why there are less blankets in the storage room and claiming that she might have a better chance at convincing him than they did.
Whatever the reason, she would ask him about it later. For now, V closed her eyes and snuggled ever so slightly closer to N despite already being close enough to hide her face against his chest if she tried. Pretty soon, she was asleep.
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đŸŽ¶ whatever Laura wants
Laura gets
and undead ma’am
Laura Bailey
wants you đŸŽ¶
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laneigeuse · 6 months ago
I want to be alone... but in the end, when no one's here to disrupt my thoughts, I want you.
J'aimerais ĂȘtre seul... mais au fond, quand personne n'est lĂ  pour interrompre le fil de mes pensĂ©es, ce que je veux, c'est toi.
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jadynrosetta · 2 years ago
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Please laugh

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msnova-scotia · 1 year ago
Hey weird question, if you were walking past a field of strawberries, and you were hungry, would you take one?
Oh you would. Ok well what if you had to climb a fence to get to them?
Too much work, yeah. Oh. You already knew this was a test for if you’d cheat or not. Well it’s a dumb test anyways, I just wanted to ask
The farmer? I didn’t know there was a farmer. It’s supposed to be you getting caught cheating? Well that’s good you’d own up to it at least.
Yeah yeah, capitalism and keeping food from those who need it.
Just eat your berries. I’m watching you >_>
What? No I’m not climbing a fence for you. Since when are you the strawberry?
Babe you can’t burn down the fence. No, you can’t murder the farmer either. It doesn’t matter if I’m the strawberry!
I’m supposed to be the farmer anyways. The berry is that bitch that hit on you from the club a while ago
I think it’s telling how someone can equate taking a strawberry from an entire field to cheating on your partner. Like yeah they’re both bad on some level but they’re not even close enough to warrant comparing them as equal? Also why must I answer these questions without knowing what it’s for? Do you not trust me to be honest? Is that why you never just asked me outright if I would cheat on you? Because I wouldn’t. Cheat, that is. I’d take a strawberry without hesitating.
Hey can you be the fence so I can climb you?
Wait sorry
If you’re the farmer can’t I just ask for some strawberries? We’re already dating
I roll to seduce the farmer, we get married, and then I can have all the strawberries I want
I wouldn’t even take a strawberry because you already keep me fed
Well if you’re the farmer what am I? Can I grow watermelon?
No? Ok
You can take a bite out of my strawberry *wink* Nope, still not the strawberry got it
Yeah I’d totally climb the fence if someone dared me to. I love climbing things
Babe you’re literally allergic to strawberries. Why are you a strawberry farmer?!?
Ew no, what if a dog peed on them? Or if they had pesticides?
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mistoffeleesisawitch · 2 years ago
Society if HOTD used Tudor fashion
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