#this was so hard. you cant make me choose just five
bl4ckbox · 3 months
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!
if you want to do it you can
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midniallsnack · 1 year
*wakes up in the morning to wipe my tears* so we're just going to keep living like this???
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etherealkissed88 · 9 months
𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐢’𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
this is how to actually apply the law & this is how i personally manifest. it includes main points that i always try to share on all social media platforms. this guide will contain five steps for how to manifest. enjoy!
🎀 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
𝐈. know the 3d is neutral
𝐈𝐈. identify as the inner self
𝐈𝐈𝐈. be the desired version of you in imagination
𝐈𝐕. fulfill
𝐕. its done
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🎀 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭
once you've decided what it is you want...
𝐈. know the 3d is neutral: everything in the 3d has no original meaning, it is always you who assigns it meaning; this is why you are the operant power. you always choose what everything means so stop labeling things as ‘circumstances’ when theres nothing against you, until you give it power by assigning it w meaning. everything in the 3d includes circumstances, thoughts, emotions, doubts, time, everything. all of it has no original meaning. knowing this means that theres nothing to fear and absolutely everything is under your control. as the only source of power, why would you worry about “will this thought manifest?” or “how can i get over this hard circumstance?” when you decide everything’s meaning? no circumstance has power over you, no anxiety has power over you, and this can help you feel more free to make it easier to accept that you really do already have what you want. you cannot be a victim in a reality that has no original meaning. its your choice to identify with any thought or feeling, meaning you have control.
𝐈𝐈. identify as the inner self: yes the human body experiences this 3d. but this human body and five senses are very limited. think about it: if you want to manifest an sp, you cant see your sp's thoughts or if you want to be rich, you cant see money getting transferred into your account, or fat cells burning to give you your desired body. you are also imagination playing the role of this human body and life. so you yourself is limitless, imagining what we label as "limits". imagination = the inner self. you are the inner self who is always present because you are always manifesting and its the inner self (imagination) who manifests. you are always the inner self but when you identify with your human limits you give power to those imaginary limits such as ‘negative thoughts’ and ‘circumstances’ while on the other hand, identifying as the inner self means knowing those limits dont exist. thats why its important to identify as the inner self (you can call it god) who is simply experiencing a human life and has the power to change any aspect of that life. to identify as the inner self, just know you are the inner self and you should never be limited to the human self. if you find yourself searching for shit in the 3d, thats a sign of identifying as the human self. experience what you want as the inner self in imagination to be free. to the inner self everything is instant: when you imagine something it is happening in the now, not past or future. everything is in the present. as the inner self, you remove the idea of a 3d. there is no human self or 3d now, just focus on limitless imagination.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. be the desired version of you in imagination: now that you know you are the inner self, be the desired version of you in imagination. this means imagine using any techniques you want. if you want to be rich, you visualize, affirm, script. use inner convos or sats (and other techniques) to imagine already being the rich version of you. once you imagine it you have already experienced it so it really is done. you also dont have to use a technique, you can simply decide you already have what you want but i personally recommend using a technique at least once. let me give you an example: nelly wants to manifest being rich so she chooses to visualize a scene where she is taking lots of money from the bank to imply that shes rich.
𝐈𝐕. fulfill: whatever you imagine doesnt matter. what matters is how it makes you feel. for example, it doesnt matter if nelly visualized the bank scene or if she affirmed shes rich because techniques dont do anything besides bring you to a fulfilled state. so when to fulfill yourself, imagine whatever you want that provides you a feeling of satisfaction by using whatever techniques you are comfortable with. keep repeating the scene or affirmation or technique until you successfully feel satisfied. you may be able to feel this fulfillment while doing it once or multiple times. you may be able to feel fulfillment in a few days or in one hour. the point is to generally feel good about embodying that ideal version of you. fulfillment = the feeling of knowing you are already that desired version. you reach this state of satisfaction therefore accepting that you already have what you want 100%. the more you continue to get into this fulfilled state, the more natural it becomes so its okay if you dont feel completely satisfied the first time. thats why i said repeat that scene or technique.
𝐕. its done: congratulations, you are what you desired. you are the one with the sp, the one with $100,000, the one living their desired life. continue being/identifying as that person in imagination aka persisting. persisting means continuously choosing to identify with the ideal version of you whenever you think about it. see the world through the eyes of the one who has to their desire already. move thro the 3d knowing it is done in imagination. this means you could continue enjoying your techniques by visualizing or thinking as the desired version of you. but also: thoughts come from your state so if you are in the state of being fulfilled with what you desire then your thoughts should naturally match that. if it doesnt, dont stress, just continue satisfying yourself in imagination. being in the state of the wish fulfilled aka feeling fulfillment helps make it easier to stick with your desired state/assumption. whenever you feel lack, fulfill yourself again and remind yourself that its already done. its already yours. theres literally nothing else to do since you experienced it in imagination, youve fulfilled yourself and feel satisfied in imagination and continue sticking with that regardless of the 3d. regardless of the 3d means you are indifferent to the 3d because you know you are the one in power above the dead 3d. you dont care about what the 3d is showing and you stay true to self because that is how you apply the law.
🎀 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲
know the 3d is always neutral so theres no such thing as something working against you, only you give thoughts and circumstances meaning and power. know this because that proves the only source of power that exist is always you so you control everything and nothing in the 3d can tell you no
identify as the inner self, not the human self because the human self is limited while the inner self is forever free and limitless and experiences everything instantly
be the desired version of you in imagination by using any techniques you want
fulfill yourself by satisfying yourself in imagination with whatever techniques or simple decision. return to this fulfilled state / repeat using your techniques to make it natural and give you that knowing feeling
its done meaning theres nothing else to do but persist. no depending on the 3d when everything is already within you. just experience it in imagination and its done instsntly.
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🎀 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 + 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
“what do i do if there are negative circumstances in the 3d?”
- remember that everything in the 3d is always neutral. you can claim they are negative but dont identify with these ‘circumstances’ by making and dwelling in imaginary negative stories and thoughts. you can say and do whatever you want in the 3d because it never matters (since its all neutral) so theres no need to ignore circumstances. just dont accept them as final. let the discouraged emotions and thoughts out but know you dont have to accept them as true or identify w them. there are negative circumstances. okay and? if circumstances were so hard to get past how is it possible that people still manifest while experiencing the complete opposite of their desire in the 3d? because the 3d and circumstances never matter. you are imagination which always molds the 3d so why worry about the 3d when it will change either way? remember your only job is accepting you have your desire in imagination only. you can accept you dont have shit in the 3d and continue living your normal (shitty) 3d life while still being the version of you who already has your desires in imagination. you can accept the 3d circumstances and move on. im telling you: if you were really fulfilled, you wouldnt care about 'circumstances.' gently get back into the fulfilled state when youre ready. also: you deadass have the choice to identify w the 3d or identify w already having your desire. so its all up to you.
“what should i do if i feel anxiety?”
- whenever i feel anxiety i observe it and let the feeling pass because i know it is always neutral therefore anxiety has no power over me. i would do meditation just to calm myself down but i would not try to force myself to feel fulfilled or do techniques. mental health comes first so relax and calm down, then you gently get back into the state of the wish fulfilled. i dont identify w negative emotions and thoughts. and if i find myself dwelling in it and imagining negative stories, i just stop myself and decide it didnt effect me (or my manifestation in any way). returning to the fulfilled state is always the answer.
“ive been persisting for a long time but it still hasnt reflected”
- stop trying to get shit in the 3d and start being satisfied with already having it. these links might help: 1, 2, 3.
"i feel fulfilled but the next day i fall out the state"
just return to the state whenever your ready. thats all that matters. it doesnt matter what happens but how you react: are you accepting/assuming that you "ruined your manifestation" or do you just move on because you know you are still human who experiences demotivation? read these: 1, 2.
if theres anymore questions, check my masterlists for answers: tumblr, twitter.
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🎀 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐬
- actually apply the fucking law. a lot of you just ask questions and then “try” to apply and when one thing seems wrong, you go back to asking questions and wasting both your time and mine. persist. apply the fucking law and stop looking for outside validation.
- get tf off your phone. this is my favorite tip ever because the internet and people can rly demotivate you. delete social apps like tumblr and twitter and insta etc. you already know about the law after reading this so give up on search for more info. being independent from the media and your phone rly provides freeness and calmness. you know when you tell your mom your sick and she says something like “its that damn phone”? well lemme be your mother real quick and tell you “its that damn phone” when you complain about “the law not working”. the law is always working. you just arent applying correctly to get what you want. get off the phone and find some other hobbies instead of overconsuming.
- dont use your past “failures” to validate your current experience. you can do it! i know you can! its too easy but you think its hard.
- you always hold all the power so dont identify with negative thoughts and if you do, you can just decide it doesnt affect you (either way it wont unless you identify with the thought/emotion). you always have a say in every second of your life. be the god of your reality.
- remember, your only goal is changing self: you change who you are being in imagination and stick with it. if this post was not clear enough, i have a law of assumption cheat sheet on twitter for clearer info. but after this, its time to delete your apps and actually apply. im not playing.
- for the links that are from twitter: some of them are threads and you could only see it thro the twitter app to see the full thread
thank you so much for reading. i rly hope this helps people and clears things up. now delete your apps and apply! it all comes down to YOU.
kisses, jani ☆
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
I cant stand when other het women act like celibacy is hard and oh "you want to deny us love and companionship"...like be serious for a sec. Men dont ever love us. I never felt as lonely before, as I did when I was still with my ex bf. I never felt as insecure before, as I did when I was still on the dating apps and I never felt as humilated and degraded before , as I did when I had sex with men. Men never add anything to your life. They just take and make your life worse. I have been celibate for five years now and I will never ever go back to dating men. My confidence is the best its ever been now.
I think what some het women get wrong is that they believe they have to choose between either "love and companionship with a man" or "lack of love and companionship by being single".
But its more like this : You can choose either "being free and finding your love and companionship in family,friends,yourself,etc" or "have a lack of love and companionship dating a man".
Believe me, nothing is lonelier than being with a man. Speaking from experience. So i really dont understand what these "Oh so you want us to be lonely and miserable" arguments are all about. Men are the one who will make you miserable.
I believe only women can make women happy. Men simply lack the humanity to form meaningful bonds with others, because they are defect rapey sex pests.
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starrbitez · 5 months
Is it a coincidence that both Rick AND Beth abandoned morty for summer? Like father like daughter? And isn’t it interesting that in this universe she doesn’t regret not aborting summer? They way rick hugs summer back in the gotron episode. But he never hugs morty back until fear no mort, but even that has hesitation. He said summer reminds him of Diane. Does Beth think that too? would rick abandon morty for Diane if given the chance— morty clear thinks so from his pov in the hole, but the question is, would Beth give up morty and summer to see her mother? I really want to dissect why everyone in the family dislikes morty.
Jerry calls morty stupid multiple times, and always yells at him for not trying hard enough. I see this as projection, personally. Jerry projects his own insecurities onto his son because he cant be the Only one like this. Morty even says he’s just like his dad, when someone asks “is everyone in your family an idiot?” And morty says “well for sure me and my dad are” in the Pluto episode.
Rick dislikes morty early on because he is supposed to. He knows thats how Ricks are supposed to treat morty, but we clearly see that rick cares the most, especially in Close Encounters of the Rick Kind, where he cries watching memories of morty. Evil rick says that no rick cares about their morty, and from then on we see rick continuously overcompensate with insults towards morty. However, we see that rick truly cares in multiple episodes, to name a few; Meseeks and Destroy, Get Schwifty, Look who’s Purging Now, Rest and Ricklaxation. These are all episodes prior to season five, where rick realizes he is a bad partner and leaves. Something interesting is that in GoTron, Rick only abandons Morty when his ideas are not being backed, and are instead being backed by summer, who he says reminds him of Diane (in fear no mort). It’s interesting because we can assume that rick is looking for comfort and acceptance from Diane, and the closest person he can get it from is Summer. He also values summer in this episode because she has never really stood up to Rick on adventures, something Rick dislikes about Morty.
It’s also interesting to add to the mix that his Morty is Morty Prime, the grandson of the man who killed his family. Rick had no problem leaving the rest of the Prime dimension behind, but on some level i think he knew that he needed Morty Prime (before he had even really gotten attached). Rick values the one thing he has against Prime, but he knows that Prime is in Morty’s blood, and I think every time Morty stands up to Rick he sees a small flash of Prime in the kid’s personality, and it scares him to death. It’s a juxtaposition between one grandchild representing his dead wife, and the other representing his mortal enemy.
Finally, I want to talk about why Beth seems to dislike Morty so much, only really showing she cares when he’s in distress—and when she’s right. Beth obviously seeks Rick’s approval, and because of that she has a lot of the same traits. Again, Morty stands up to her, (i forget what the episode is called) but when Summer is turned giant, Morty tells Beth that she is just as arrogant and reckless as Rick, and that being like him isn’t going to make him like her more. Beth wants attention more than anything, and when she and Jerry are going through the divorce in season two, Summer immediately chooses her mother, refusing to talk to Jerry at all. Morty, however, talks to both of his parents. Beth values loyalty and trust over everything, and her abandonment issues are obvious when she appreciates people who stay more. In the Prime dimension, Beth Prime tells Jerry, “a real man stands by his woman,” and in the post credits scene they have this exchange:
Jerry: do you ever wonder what happened to rick and morty?
Beth: sometimes, but i hate to admit that now that they’re gone, im finally happy.
Beth knows that Rick would always abandon her, and on some level i think she believes that morty is betraying her by putting trust in rick, among her disappointment in a lot of Mortys actions in school and socially. This episode really shows that she values Jerry and Summer above Rick and Morty, because Jerry and Summer would always stay.
Beth and Summer both know that Beth had almost aborted Summer, and Beth wants to prove that she’s not like her father; that she wont suddenly abandon or betray her daughter. Choosing Summer over Morty in Morty’s Mind Blowers is Beth’s way of showing her devotion and loyalty to her daughter, saying that she wouldn’t leave. She’s better than Rick. Again, in the GoTron episode, Beth is willing to leave morty behind because she trusts Jerry, summer, and Rick more, because she knows they could leave, and she needs them to stay with her, because they have shown that they’ll stay with her. the only time Beth truly comforts and shows affection to Morty is in the Planetina episode, where she consoles him after the break up. In some way, this reminds me of something Rick would do, and has done. She and Rick had both at one point manipulated a loved ones relationship for their own benefit, or simply to hurt someone else. Rick sabotaged Beth and Jerry’s marriage multiple times, and Beth (even though she was right bc planetina was lowkey weird as hell) sabotaged Morty’s relationship—actually his happiness, and the first time he had felt valued—because she needed to feel valued more, the same way rick wanted to be valued over Jerry.
Idk if this makes sense im just kind of spitballing here but . I think everyone in the family has a distinct reason for disliking and excluding morty, and while they have their moments, i don’t really think they matter compared to the sheer amount of disrespect morty gets. I didn’t put summer here because they both have their own problems, and for the most part they value each other the same amount because they both want to break the cycle their family is stuck in.
If u read all of this thank u :) lmk what u think
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v3nusxsky · 11 months
114 and 34 🔥 with larissa? i don’t know how it works, i’m sorry it’s my first time here
Sweet girl 18+
*Authors note~ loving the use of the prompt list and a formal apology to anyone waiting for requests im still not in the swing of school yet*
Trigger warnings~ public sex edging mommy kink Praise kink degrading kink fingering oral teasing edging dom larissa sub r fem r punishment spanking
Prompt~ 114 and 34 🔥 with larissa? i don't know how it works, i'm sorry it's my first time here ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ "Come in my love and lock the door dear. You'll be here for a while" the principal murmured to you as you entered the room just after the lunch bell. "Rissa, my love, i have class" you whispered hoping to avoid what was ultimately coming your way in the near future. "Now i know my little witch knows that mommy already checked her schedule. Are we trying to escape your well earned punishment?" Judging by the blondes raised eyebrow, you knew you'd added fuel to the fire, "No mommy, i was a brat" you confirmed hanging your head low in shame. "And now you're going to see what mommy dose to sluts who cant follow my rules, kneel" she demanded pointing to the side of her desk chair.
While you repeated the safe word's for her she worked on stripping you of your skirt, tights, and emerald lace underwear. "Good job, now you are getting five, so be good and it will stay that way, misbehave or miscount and we start again with two extra for every mess up, am i clear?" You tapped your index finger against her thigh to show you understood before feeling a hand rest on the small of your back to steady your frame on her lap. "One thank you mommy" you squealed and made sure you took a deep breath before the next strike. You do not want to disappoint the older woman anymore than you did to get yourself in this position. "Five mommy thank you!" you sobbed slightly gasping for some air as the sting began to subside. "Good job darling girl, now tell mommy how to fuck her girl. Rough or gentle?" she purred rubbing your back in a soothing manner. "Rough please mommy" you whimpered as she brought her fingers down to tease your soaked hole. "Hmmm later sweet girl, God I'd fuck you right here if i could, however you haven't earnt the privilege of mommy touching you like that have you love?"
"Please mommy let me earn it. Please! Ill do anything" you pleaded with the principal. That is where she brought out your remote controlled vibrator and instructed you to sit still and not fight her. if you could make it through her meeting she'd fuck you the way you love. Naturally you were ready to do anything to cum for her so she knew you'd let her insert thee toy, fix your skirt and conjure yourself some tights. the joys of dating a powerful witch. You took your place under her desk with her final warning ringing in your ears, "don't make too much noise, you don't wanna get caught now, do you?" The voice of the Mayor filled the room and you internally groaned, this was going to be one hell of a meeting because he talks entirely too much for your liking. it could also be down to his jealousy of Larissa choosing you, an outcast, a witch over little ole boring him. Thankfully for you, your wife also tires of the Mayor quickly and focused on subtly playing with your aching core until you were driven to insanity of being edged to high hell. A constant vibration was currently assaulting you swollen clit when you noticed your wife spreading her legs to reveal her cunt to you. immediately knowing what she wanted you to do you got to work eating her out like your life depended on it. the thrill of getting caught only adding to the fun as you flicked your tongue against her hard puffy clit as you thrusted two fingers into her warm heat and began to curl them just how your mommy had trained you to.
It's a blur really, one minute your lapping up her orgasm and the next she tugging you up from under the table and praising you for what a sweet slut you are and how well you did for her. You'd truly earnt your reward and she was going to make damn sure she spent all night, touching, kissing, sucking, biting your smooth skin as she brought you over the edge and overstimulated your poor pussy until you were nothing more than her dumbed down sweet little girl who had been properly fucked like her slutty heart deserved. There would be no surprise to Larissa if your magic reacted during this, it only happened during heightened emotions like this and you knew she would always listen to your body. Who needs to walk on a Saturday morning anyway?
word count~ 986
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yourtouchismidas · 11 months
could you write matth and rg taking the girls trick or treating for the first time please?? 🥺
so i think you take gigi trick or treating every year when she is very little, too little to remember, dressing her up as an avocado when she is a five month old and has only just learned how to hold her own hear up, and then as a spider when she is one, with big stuffed legs that she chewed on while held her in your arms and matty rand doorbells for her and smiled proudly as everyone cooed, then took all the candy round to georges to eat when they got high. when she is three she chooses her own costume, a witch, and asks for the sweets herself. matty still eats most of it, "to save her little teeth" and you share a few chocolate bars with her.
gigi's fourth halloween, you are with matty on tour in america, lounging in the hotel room the morning before his halloween show. you've talked about the fact that it's halloween, obviously, over gigi's head, and the boys have picked out their costumes for the show. gigi hasnt really said anything about it all day, you're not sure she even remembers halloweens past, or if its all just a hazy dribbly chocolate blur. but while you and matty are cuddling in bed watching telly, gigi hitches herself up to look out the hotel window.
"its scary day!" she says.
"yeah, gi," you say, "it's halloween."
she runs back over from the window and jumps on you both "we need to get my costume!"
you peer out the window yourself and see a bunch of school children waiting at their bus stop, all dressed in cute little costumes.
"we can get you a costume" matty says.
"will we have time?" you fret, worried about getting to the venue and sound check and everything.
"yeah, definitely."
"then we can knock on people's doors?" gigi says, "thats what you do on halloween"
you and matty look at each other. there will not be time for trick or treating, you know that. you break this news to gigi, and she starts sobbing into matty's chest, and he strokes her hair but he can't change anything, you simply dont have time. he feels like the worst person in the world.
gigi is still crying when you meet the rest of the band for breakfast, and she holds her hands up to george and he lifts her up and asks whats wrong. she just buries her head in his shoulder.
"we dont have time to go trick or treating," you explain.
"oh dear, gus," george says, as she sobs into his shoulder, "it's a hard life isnt it love?"
you take gigi to walmart while they sort venue stuff out, and she picks a skeleton onesie and you take her back to the hotel room and draw more bones on her face with eyeliner. she giggles with delight.
matty texts, can you bring gi back stage before the show? everythings done, wanna hang.
so you set off. when you get back stage, it's oddly quiet, like no one is there. you cant hear voices. the stage set looms like an empty house, the arena echoey. you take gigi and go and try and find matty's dressing room by yourself, with no one to ask. you find it, in a corridor of dressing rooms, the first one with matty's name taped on the front. you knock.
matty opens the door in his costume. he's dressed as a magician, with a black suit with coat and tails, a top hat, and a wand.
"oh hello there, can i help you?" he asks, looking surprised. you and gigi side eye each other.
"matty," she says, "it's me. your daughter."
"i'm just a person in my house on halloween. ready to give treats to the children who knock" he says, "or tricks," he says, poking gigi with his wand and making her squeal. he disappears behind the door and hands her a plastic basket shaped like a pumpkin, and then tips out a bag of sharing candy into it.
"yay!" gigi says, and you smile knowingly at matty, kissing him on the cheek and wrapping your arms around him.
"no time for this affection young lady," he says, unwrapping your arms from him, but kissing you quickly on the side of the head, "plenty more houses to visit." he gestures down the corridor at the unopened dressing room doors. you grin. matty waves his wand dramatically at the both of you, then closes his door slowly behind him, saying "have a good night," in the most creepy voice he can muster.
you go from door to door, and behind each is another member of the band, or their partner, or a manager, or a security guard. george is dressed as frankensteins monster and chases gigi down the halls with his arms out in the front of him. Ross is wearing red lycra as the devil, a tail pinned to his bum, his long hair all out and down his back, two red horns sticking up out of his head. he's bought way too much candy for gigi and she throws herself at him in gratitude, screaming "i love the devil!" and making you both split with laughter. adam jumps out dressed as a ghost and gigi screams and then pretends not to be frightened at all, and ends up chasing adam round the halls with ross' red plastic pitchfork.
you have gigi say thank to the boys, for making her her own trick or treating street backstage, and she kisses her daddy with her black lipstick before he goes on stage, and he leaves the print there the whole show, while you watch in the audience and your little skeleton falls asleep in your arms, happy as ever on halloween.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Lo’ak x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: When a slight mishap separated them apart, they find the time to see each other, even in the form of a secret. Warnings: Mentions of Na’vi/Alien racism, Brief mention of mating, Brief anxiety Word count: 1.9k
A/N: This is part 2 of ‘just the start’!
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Her parents where not pleased. Neither was ___. How could her own brother snitch on her? To her parents?? To her mother??!! 
She hates the sky people, rightfully, but she also hates the fact the Sully’s have demon blood. Just because some of them have five fingers does not make them any different, she is royally pissed at her Tsahìk. Although the extra finger is strange, Lo’ak says it is called a..’pinky’
That is besides the point. 
She is banned from ilu riding for a week. And swimming. ‘I am a Metkayina, a Na’vi of the reef and she says I cannot swim?! That is like taking a fish out of water’. Currently ___ was sat wallowing in self pity, but she does not regret what she did that day. Meeting Lo’ak and going to the cove…
She blushed at the thought, they were so close together, and when he tucked the flower in her hair. She squealed and kicked her feet into the air, falling on her back. But as she did her brother came into their home. Turning around she chooses to ignore him. 
‘’Please ___. You know I did not mean to tell them’’
‘’You did’’
‘’Ok I did. But I had too, you two were too close, the look in your eyes..WERE YOU ABOUT TO MATE?’’
‘’AO’NUNG’’ ___ threw a basket at his head but unfortunately Eywa was not on his side as he caught it with ease. ‘’I hate you for telling them. You know what they think of these people, especially mother’’
‘’I apologise again little sister. But I was looking out for you..it’s just.. seeing you both together, I hated it. If he ever hurt you I will hunt him down I hope you know that’’ her brother looked her in the eyes with a look so serious she couldn’t help but nod, but she saw vulnerability in those blue orbs. It was something she rarely saw. So ___ stood up and walked up to him, holding his hands.
‘’Brother I understand. I see you. But I like Lo’ak. He is different, I know you and your friends have been hard on him and Kiri, please, you must stop. For the sake of peace and for me’’ she squeezed his hands, speaking quietly but firm, she had to get the message through that she was serious. 
‘’Ok. For you I will…and also for Rotxo, have you seen the way he looks at the Omaticaya girl?’’ He grinned, ___ chucked loudly and gave Ao’nung a hug before he was called out by one of his friends who wanted to go hunt outside the reef.
___ wished him the best and made a silent prayer to Eywa to keep them safe, the outside hasn’t been safe as of late. 
So there she sat, alone and bored again. She only had three more days of this but to her it’s forever, there’s only so much she could do in there marui. She’s already sang her song cord over a hundred times, she’s made five more chest pieces for herself and braided and re-braided the top of her hair, it is important for her people to keep the hair out of their eyes when swimming. But she has added beautiful shells and pearls to the braids, and made sure they were weaved into the locks that flowed down her back. 
Suddenly a ‘’psst’’ could be heard from the entrance, at first she thought it was the wind but when it was persistent and annoying she swivelled her head around and found Tuk with her head peaking around the corner. ‘’___ I have a message from Lo’ak!!’’ She waisted no time.
‘’Tuk? What is it?’’ The Metkayina was eager to hear what she had to say, she knew the boy was ‘grounded’ (Earth term he says) too by his father. Apparently Jake said ‘’no girls until you’re old and mature. You cant even look after your sister let alone a woman’’ it definitely bruised his ego. 
‘’Lo’ak says to meet him at the far end of the beach at eclipse tonight’’ the child whisper yelled and ran off before she was spotted or heard by anyone nearby, all she could hear was the bouncing of the walkways as she went. 
‘Sneak out..and meet him? At eclipse?’ ___ was contemplating, she has never snuck out before, never really having the need to and growing up it is tradition for children and parents to sleep together before they become adults. So it would have definitely been hard. But she would do it, it has felt like years have passed before she has seen them.
So there she sat making a plan in her head while going through the many outfits she has made for the past two days while thinking about how she was going to sneak herself out of their marui.
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It was just past eclipse and the Metkayina decide to rest for tomorrow, the children are put to sleep and her parents just got into their hammock for the night. Her sister and brother where snoozing in their own and ___ thinks it’s the perfect time to leave. She quietly steps out of her sleeping space and throws on her nicest chest piece and tweng then slowly walked out and through the walkways until she came across the far beach, like Tuk said.
But no one was there.
She decided to sit by the water and admire the view of her home while waiting for her companion. But as the minutes ticked by no one came to meet her. Was she in the wrong place? Did Tuk give her the right information or did she just not hear her correctly? 
Her ears turned down slowly as more time went by, she felt silly. She felt dejected. Why isn’t he here, was this a prank? Maybe they were just not meant to be after all. She even got her best outfit on for nothing. Her eyes watered as terrible thoughts filled her head.
But leaves rustling caught her attention and a certain Na’vi jumped out and panted, having ran a little over here ‘’I am sorry, Tuk was hard to put to sleep and mother was getting- ___? Are you ok?’’ He immediately walked over to where she was stood and wiped her eyes with his thumb ‘’why are you crying paysyul?’’
Her heart beat at the nickname, water lily, ‘’I thought you’d never come..’’ she sniffed, holding his hands that were cupping her face and looking up at him with wide eyes.
His breath hitched, in this light, with the glow of the island, it looked like the time they were swimming to the cave. Where the bioluminescence of the plants and creatures made her look like a dream. The way the pearls shon in her hair was alien, a good alien, Norm said it was extraterritorial or whatever the word was. Lo’ak didn’t care to listen. But she looked kissable… ‘later Lo’ak, later’
‘’I would never, ever, do that to you’’ he bent to place his forehead on hers and breathed in, trying to gain his confidence ‘’I wish to take you flying’’
___ blinked and pulled back a little, trying to not notice the slight hurt in his eyes as she did ‘’flying? But I am Metkayina, we do not fly’’
‘’And I am Omaticaya, we do not swim’’ ok valid point. But she has never flown before, shes only been on her father tsurak a few times with him growing up and even end the creature doesn’t go high enough to fly like a banshee. But she trusted Lo’ak, a lot. So she moved her hands down to his arms and squeezed them. 
‘’Ok, let us fly..’’ he grinned and interlaced their fingers, pulling her nervous figure along the sand and doing a call with his mouth. It was bird like, and slightly higher pitched than his normal voice. The trees in the forest moved and out flew from the top was a beautiful, blue ikran. The iridescent skin glowed a purple and white, the freckles on its skin running down the nerve system in intricate patterns. It flew around the waters and landed on the sand, it looked a lot more intimidating from up close..
‘’Are you sure it wont hurt us…’’
‘’My ikran wont hurt anyone I do not want them too, have faith in me paysyul’’ and he dragged her closer, patting the ikran’s head and jumping up on their back, connecting the bond. He held out his hand and smiled, encouraging her to get on. She slowly took it and leaped to sit behind him, her feet resting on the creatures back. ‘’Make sure to hold on, we don’t want you to fall off’’ he turned and winked commanding the banshee to fly, making sure it was a quite as possible as to not disturb the clan. If they were in the mountains they could’ve had a bit more freedom…oh well this’ll do for now.
___ clung to his back and inhaled sharply as she felt the wind pick up ‘’just a make sure we will be above the water’’ Lo’ak made a noise of amusement and reached around to stroke her leg, coaxing her into calmness.
‘’open your eyes, you are missing the best view ever!’’ 
And then she did, and gasped at the view that surrounded her. Sure her home looked beautiful in the sea, above the sea, around the sea…you get the idea. But when they were way above, in the sky, it was perfect. The wind rushed through her hair as she laughed, slightly making her grip looser on the boy ‘’this is gorgeous Lo’ak’’ she turned to look all around her, taking in the sights.
‘’Yea it is..’’ he stared at her then turned to face around, speeding them up a little and going past the three brothers, taking them closer to the water and tipping his ikran, the wing skimming the sea and creating a blue path where it glided.
___ outstretched her arm and did the same, squealing as they rolled upside down. Her eyes adjusted after the tumble and she looked down, seeing a familiar tree. ‘’We are at the spirit tree?’’
‘’Yes, I thought it would look good from up here. But not as good as the one in the forest’’ he grinned in jest and ___ only rolled her eyes.
‘’You must take me there on day, to her home’’ Lo’ak promised and flew his ikran to land in the water, unlinking the bond and grabbing his partners hips to pull her down. There they floated above the metkayina’s tree of souls, as if anything can be more romantic. ‘’Lo’ak..thank you for tonight’’ ___ grinned and blinked shyly ‘’..my tsawksyul’’
Lo’ak flushed, sun lily. If she was his water lily then he was her sun. She then said it was because of his eyes and how they glowed the perfect shade of yellow. Can she get anymore perfect..
He made an impulsive decision and her family and his dad were gonna kill him.
He kissed her.
Holding her soft cheeks and tilting his head slightly, their lips connected and it was like everything fell into perfect alignment. She was his everything and he hers. They could only imagine their life together for the future.
And it seemed perfect.
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cryptidclaw · 11 months
The clans, and by extension the Erins, whole “yOu CaN oNlY hAvE kItS wItH a CaT oF tHe SaMe ClAN” rule only makes sense if you don’t think about it for more then five seconds lol. It’s honestly a miracle that the canon clans have survived this long. Because if a insanely deadly disease flows through, due to their lack of genetic diversity, they are done.
And how exactly does the Outside Sire thing work exactly? Do order cats just go out and find some random cat or is it kinda like a job application where other cats have to come to them and they pick the most suitable sire? With how order cats can be with outsiders, part of me feels like they would be a bit picky.
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Yes! I completely agree! in reality kits with cats of the same clan would just lead to such bad genetics...
anywaysss to explain the donor thing further:
First off I want to establish that I dont think these cats have the same connotations or feelings around uh... reproduction, as us humans. Ofc they can have accidental pregnancies but i dont want to think abt the connotations abt that tbh. to me they mostly mate just to have baby.
because of this there isnt anything emotional between the donor and the cat who wants babies, they also dont need much of a relationship. I think the main criteria is "is the cat strong and with good genetics?" and "will they do this with no strings attached?" the donor needs to be just some random cat that isnt going to show back up wanting the kits, which i think is actually not too hard to find in loners outside the Orders since they are often just wondering travelers who dont want to be tied down. I think that there are a lot of toms who like the idea of spreading their bloodline with no need to be involved with the kits at all as well.
I think that they would be a bit picky about who they choose, each Order also has their own values on the kind of traits that are most important, so i think they would lean towards a donor who is closer to their Order's idea of a good choice! ex: Wind would want a slender swift donor, and maybe Thunder would want a big tough donor. Tho cats cant be too picky, there are only so many loners wandering around near the borders to choose from (ex: Ravenscourge's donor was a very littol guy lol).
also meta things: basically donors cease to exist after they serve their purpose, i dont want them to visit or come back as a part of the plot. I like the idea of most donors being wondering toms who just travel around and don't stay in one place long, which can explain this. I also will simply assume that each donor is a different cat, no repeats for the good of the gene pool even if in reality there probably would be several different litters sired by the same Outsider.
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your-queer-dad · 21 days
hey dad idk what to do about my boyfriend. We’ve been together for a year and five months and we both recently started college. Im going to a university and hes going to a community so we’re long distance now. I cant help but think things will come to an end soon and ive thought that for maybe three months now. Hes been getting on my nerves a lot and lacks maturity. I was working a full time job and he couldnt even make ramen. He constantly showers me with gifts, but those gifts are bought with his moms money. He has no understanding of money and uses words like “oh gorsh” in serious convos. He just overall acts like a chronically online child. Every time i bring up his lack of maturity and independence and he just says he’ll be better but we’re yet to see any change. But hes also the sweetest man in the world. He showers me in love an affection and makes me think im the best person in the world, i know i probably wont be treated this good after him. I genuinely cant imagine a world where i am. I do love him but i cant see myself with him due to the lack of maturity even if he does make me feel loved. I dont want to date a guy who makes me feel like his mom. But hes also so sweet and special. UGH i dont know what to do and all convos with him lead to a dead end. And the situation is so cozy since his mom purposefully made him codependent on her and i just dont know what to do. I feel stuck.
I didnt have anyone else to rant to that isnt personally invested in him. Thabks for listening to my rant dad
-Jonah (he/him)
Hey kiddo! Thank you for reaching out. You shouldn't have to be a parent to your romantic partner. You are equals, choosing to be together- you are not his parent, nor should he treat you that way or expect you do those things. It sounds really unfair to me that you have to do all that work. I get that it's hard because he sounds like a great guy but you only have so much energy and time to give. You need a teammate, not a child.
- dad x
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
In another time — Shinichiro Sano
Content: Imagine
Warnings: mentioned accidents, rather derogatory language (from Shinichiro’s point of view) towards a homeless man
Tropes: non-canon content, non-canon Shinichiro
Summary: an alternate universe in which Shinichiro didnt choose his fate, but rather it was forced upon him
Vixen’s two cents: I love Shinichiro. I cant handle him not being there, this is my coping mechanism. Sorry if this is a little odd to read this isnt my normal writing style, i wanted to try something new. If you like this and want to see more, please let me know! Also remember that my requests are always open so if you have an idea, please tell me about it, id love to write it! Enjoy
„Stop Messing with your IV.“ Shinichiro grunts form his chair at the man occupying the hospital bed in front of him. The man on the bed does not respond, only continues to finger the IV insert in the crook of his elbow. Shinichiro sighs, shifting front in the uncomfortable chair and rests his arms on his knees.
The silence in the room was loud. It hung in the air like the stench of the dead. The light was the typical sterile hospital-blue, and the floors were the signature awkward speckled white and blue that every other hospital had.
The window to Shinichiro‘s right would have shown your average hospital park, with your average hospital park paths which weaved around your average hospital park trees and average hospital park ponds.
But none of that could be seen. It was dark; it was late; and most importantly, it was cold. Way too cold to be sitting in front of a homeless man who wouldn’t leave alone his IV. Out of the reflection of the dark window Shinichiro could see the man; the old, wrinkly, rancid lump of a life that he had most literally ran into earlier that day.
„The IV itches.“, it spoke. Shinichiro turned his head to look at him, an almost offended scowl on his face: „So what? You leave that damn thing or or else. I didn‘t drag you in here half alive just for you to die.“ The thing on the bed met Shinichiro‘s eyes and stared. Cold, hard, lifeless beads of black pierced his own eyes, and the air felt electric all of a sudden.
The clock that hung on the wall was the only source of noise, its everlasting ticking marking the endless spiral of time. Shinichiro counted the seconds he heard: three, four but he was sure to already have missed some: eight, nine, ten nevertheless he kept counting: fourteen, fifteen just to see for how long he could endure the daggers thrown his way: twenty-one, twenty-two. Some time around one-seventeen, one-eighteen his eyes started watering, and he gave in, blinking away the tears that had formed.
He heaved another sigh, once again shifting in the chair, this time slouching back and throwing his head over the edge of the backrest. “How are you even alive anymore?“ He grunted at the man, the angle at which he sat making the sound almost guttural. „In general I mean.“ Shinichiro knew the man was homeless; the clothes, the skin , the smell, it all accumulated to the one conclusion. Based on what he saw and sensed however, he could not fathom how the husk of a man sitting on the bed had managed to sustain himself in the first place.
“I’m cursed.” It grumbled back at him. And Shinichiro almost rolled his eyes, “Right.” A lunatic then. he thought, running another hand across his face, contemplating that it would have been better to run the loony over completely. “Cursed.” His voice was flat and unimpressed as it replied to the shrivel in the Hospital bed.
Another silence insued, but this time it was Shinichiro who was staring the man down with a you’ve gotta be kidding me expression. The man was avoiding his eyes, instead choosing to flit his gaze from one ceiling tile to the next. Shin counts the ticks again, and this time he could feel his blood pressure rising. He gets to around fourty-four, fourty-five before the homeless man spoke again.
“I can travel back in time.” Shinichiro didnt know what he was expecting, but this wasnt it.
“What.” It felt like the blood is his body froze, whether it was with rage or with confusion he didn’t know.
“I was naive when i accepted the curse, and now look! Im here. Ive tried to go back and fix it all so often, but it just wont work. I cant do this anymore. I dont want to. I’ve failed and now it’s all over.” The man keeps talking, his already rough voice now thinning into a whispered shout, his voice straining under the sudden stress as he fell into a hysterical spiral, rocking his body back and forth on the bed, his arms coming up to hug himself.
The monitors beside the bed beeped, and nurses came rushing in, flooding the room with a flurry of noise and movement, but Shinichiro remained sitting on the chair, staring down the stranger. Only when one of the male nurses asked him to please leave the room does he get up and remove himself from the room. Shinichiro cast one last look over his shoulder when he stood in the hallway to see the man being lifted onto a separate bed, and be wheeled out behind him into another direction, the nurse squad accompanying him running in perfect coordination.
Shinichiro stood there for a while, and he thinks he might have been offered a seat by a lingering nurse, but he wasnt quite sure. There were no ticks to count, so he didn’t know how long he was standing there. Too long probably. Numbly, Shin made his way down the average hospital stairwell and through the average hospital reception before exiting the average hospital doors, the click that shut the door finally easing his mind.
His breath billowed up in front of him, the clouds of condensation rising slowly, wafting through the cold, crisp air before dissipating completely. His ears picked up on the noise surrounding him- the distant beeping of cars, the solemn crow of a bird in the distance, and most notably, the rain. It was raining now. How strange, he could have sworn it was a clear sky when he looked out the window earlier.
Shinichiro blinks a few times, the piercing cold making his eyes uncomfortably dry as he makes his way down the concrete stairs and towards his bike. It takes him a while to understand that he might have killed that man tonight.
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
idk if you want other experiences about cannabis? So feel free to ignore!
But it is our go-to and helps our psychosis and schizo stuff more than anything else. (Antipsychotics had no effect on my psychosis.) Weed helps me so much both with reducing the amount of delusions and their severity. It also makes me care way, way, way less (same for my social anxiety and phobias and physical pain). It also just reduces my stress which reduces my hallucinations and delusions. I don't think it specifically reduces visual or auditory hallucinations much for me outside of that but it does make me not care about them. [And note: if I get *really really really high* (like taking double my tolerance in edibles or something) it can make my psychosis worse but still in a way where I'm less distressed by it and don't need to act on it, so like, still a win?]
I had fully developed schizoaffective for years before I tried cannabis, and stayed away from it for a long time, for the same reason as you. So totally up to you, and I respect your decision either way! (Not that my input matters lol but just reaffirming it's your right to choose!] and I definitely would try it with someone I trust the first time, and not use very much.
But i know quite a few psychotic people who really benefit from cannabis. And I know a couple who aren't psychotic in regular life but get paranoid on weed. So like. It depends! It's not for everyone but it can really help some people. My partner and i are both much saner on cannabis. But it's up to you if you want to try it or not! Feel free to message if you ever wanna talk about it or have questions. <3
I'm sorry things are hard, have another baby Julian (he's growing up so fast sob emoji 😭 )
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ID: a five week old dilute orange kitten. He has white on his chest and big ears and is sitting among a bunch of toys, and half sitting in a coiled spring toy
That's honestly really good to know. I thought there was no chance someone like me could ever use weed, but maybe there is hope. I cant be normal about substances, but maybe I cant get a medical marijuana card.
I'm trying to see substances as a means to an end, instead of moralizing them and feeling like I'm doomed because I use them. Yeah, I definitely am on a downwards trend but, harm reduction. That's what helps me most, and weed is a lot safer than narcotics and alcohol.
Also so happy to see kitten Julian growing up!! honestly the fact you link me to him even tho we dont know each other in person or talk privately a lot is :') it warms my heart. Thank you friend, I always love hearing from you - your experiences and insight are always helpful.
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nathanialhowe · 3 months
Dragon Age OC Lineup
Richter (Ricky) Cousland. -> Human. Sword & Board Warrior. He / Him. Bisexy. -> Lawful Good/Stupid to Neutral Good pipeline (still stupid) -> Romance: Morrigan but there was a lil something homosexual happening with Alistair for a bit if i'm not mistaken. In the end pragmatic and probably evil coochie won out sorry brother. -> Meat? There's heft. Really big. but hes like shy about it hes like omg? am i packing 12 inches of uncut beef? whaaat. ermmm. do u still like me? 😳
Ricky is ignorant, naive, a little classist, dumb, self-sacrificing, trusting, loyal, brave, spineless in his beliefs cus he thinks he's stupid, and will trust people in positions of power more often than he should. He likes it when people tell him what to believe cus then he doesn't have to do any hard thinking. This changes a lil bit in that he loses faith in a lot of the institutions around Ferelden and the greater world but he still doesn't like to do any big deep thinking about stuff <3 He's also a deadbeat dad and Idt he knows how to parent Kieran very well lmao. he used 2 be rlly uptight abt his appearance/cleanliness until oggie called him a stupid rich pussy and now hes like eh whatever abt being waist deep in hurlock cunt or whateever
Batman Hawke. -> Human. Mage. Iforget what kinds there r in da2. She/Her. -> Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good probably probably but shes reluctant to do "good" shit cus she doesnt really want to deal w ppl being like omg youre ms nice woman cus she's a bit of a self-hating poor who will not examine her freshly minted privilege ): I wouldn't say she's easy to manipulate thru appeal to pathos but if you're annoying enough with your sob story she will probably Consider. -> Romance: all of them like i literall had anders t posing in the back of the hawke estate while isabela and hawke rawdogged in the next room over lmaoaaa....Like canonly id say its like BatmanxFenris and Fenris and Batman are also with Isabela and Isabela is ALSO with Merrill. anders is there. idt batman actually recruited anders i think he got all intense on her and she was like damn lets ball ok but then he got too extreme and she was like dude im literally; strugling to care abt mage rights rn can you put a lid on it and then he was just following her around to mansplain why shes wrong. fair. she learned like nine new slurs from him. -> Meat? Biggest. like so big shes like which staff do u need tonight babygirl 😂😎 heyoooo and then gets left at the hanged man
Batman likes money and having stuff. <3 She likes beaing rich but she's really tacky about it. shes grubby and gross and is like im bringing wolfcuts BACK adn its like a shitty mullet <3 she goes into situations like ok explain why this involves me? and leaves while u r talking about ur missing wife or whatever. real "i dont want to talk abt politics at the table" type of shit shes on. i havent thought too hard about batman hawke but shes like passively suicidal but very cool about it and is 6ft and buff and has huge boobs and huge meat. she wants to be mr steals your girl but goes in for the high five at the worst possible time and doesnt realize shes actually the biggest failgirl of all time. i cant stress this enough she is NOT cool. "fake it till u make it" shes saying as shes applying 50lbs of eyeliner in the morning and shes crying but doesnt think u can see and she lies abt why her eyes r all red and says shes just smoking pot again. she should just be working at a waffle house but shes here.
Kronk of House Trevelyan. -> Another Human. Big Surprise. Rift Mage. -> Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil pipeline but probably he was always a schemer and a social climber. -> Romance: Josephine and Dorian do not make me choose between them but if I'm being honest I don't know who'd want him. probably he fronts as way more kind and charming than he actually is and i DO think when kronk is loyal to someone he is ferociously so. but it takes a lot like that dude had half the inquisition hate his pussy so bad lmao. -> Meat? Yeah He's Got It but also if Kronk could cease to be a person and become, like, god? he'd do it. then meat wouldnt matter. (hes on some crazy copium) Actually he's thick as hell and chunky and all and is built like a brick wall but im going to be brave and say he's probably not packing a crazy amount like ricky and batman and if they ever found out theyd tease him abt it cus hes such an asshole lol
Kronk does bestieship with Vivienne and would destroy people's lives to see his allies in positions of power. he'd declare himself divine if it was possible. he's a self-hating mage and loves the circle. he doesn't necessarily have Faith in the circle OR in institutions but he wants to make it so they benefit Him and doesnt gaf about if theyre hurting other ppl who aren't in his #crew. (his crew is very small cus most ppl cannot stand this dude btw). he threatens to make ppl tranquil for the fuck of it and follows thru most of the time. he'll lie and cheat to make his way to the top but he wont get his own hands dirty <3 he loves knowledge and learning and power <3 he doesn't actually care abt money but he cares about status cus it will create avenues for him to pursue evil magic or whatever the fuck this dude wants. type of guy whos like yeah world domination sounds fun i could do that then he's in control and hes like FUckckkkkkkkkkkk im so bored. ok public execution time! or something. mostly he's a nihilist and doesnt have faith in his fellow man. he wants all the secrets of magic revealed to him <3 he doesnt like templars but hes like fine whatever we can deal if they wanna keep all other mages (NOT ME) under their thumb. "circles are great but u wont catch ME going back to mine!" type of guy. i resent that inquisition suggested the inquisitor was a huge Hawke fan cus kronk would fucking hate her new money ass. like shes just so stupid about things. ricky hates this dude btw their first meeting would come to blows and i think he was like morrigan can u just blow this dude Uppppppppp and she was like erm no. we cannot blow up the inquisitor and ricky was like farkkkkk ok. i just dropped kieran on his head again btw honey what do i do ):
Mingus R. Shepard.
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Kinktober Day 1: Masturbation || Miles Miller/F!Reader.
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Day 1: Masturbation.
Summary: After hours Miles seeks relief. 
One shot. 649 words 
Warning: Masturbation, fantasizing. 
Notes: For #kinktober2022. Reminder that these will not have part twos, or continuations. Please follow @wbslibrary​ since tag lists are gone. (I appreciate ya’ll so much but it was stressing me out, and I was worried I’d miss someone). Comments and sharing let me know you love me, likes are appreciated. Thank you so very much for reading. It’s so appreciated and means the most. 
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The guests had all returned to their rooms, the lobby lights dimmed, in case any late-night travelers stopped in. Miles wiped the counter once more, tucking the rag out of view under the counter. It has been an ordinary day, two rooms filled. One room occupied by a married couple with five rambunctious children in tow, the other room occupied by a woman traveling by herself.
He had been captivated when you walked in, the absolute picture of demure grace, your mouth curving into a small smile as he launched into his sales pitch. After choosing a room in California, he carried your bag to the room. He was acutely aware of the sound of your heels on the pavement behind him, and it took everything in him to offer a smile when you thanked him for showing you to the room. Your fingers brushed his when he handed the key over, and it sent warmth cascading through his body.
You had called once for an extra blanket, and the room was warm when he brought it to you, he lingered in the doorway the soft vanilla of your soap calling to him like a forbidden siren song. You had smiled when he once more assured you that he was at your call.
It was well past midnight when Miles retired to the small room, he called home. Carefully he hung his jacket on the chair, unbuttoning his white shirt, and folding his uniform pants he placed everything together. He sat on the edge of the bed, hands on his thighs, eyes closed going over the events of the day.
The only thing coming to him was your smile. The way your mouth turned just so when you said his name. The softness of your skin burned against his hand, and he swears he can smell vanilla. Miles flushes, feeling the heat spread down his neck and chest. His cock is aching, a damp patch spreading shamefully on the worn cotton of his shorts.
He settles further on the bed, his back against the wall. Hands trembling as he eases the waistband of his shorts down, groaning as the cool air hits heated skin. Miles' flush intensifies when he spits on his hand, wrapping it around his length. He couldn't remember the last time he had done this, something so vulgar -- relying more on the rush of his drug of choice. His cock is so hard and heavy in his hand, the slick of his spit mixing with the pre-cum that beads on the head.
His head tips back, hitting the wall. Eyes closed, breath coming in soft pants. He tightens his grip ever so slightly, thrusting up into his hand. "Please, please..." His voice cracks as he speeds up. The only thing he can hear is the rush of blood in his ears and the slick sound his hand makes as he pumps away.
You voice comes unbidden to his thoughts. The way his name tumbles from your lips, the soft blush on your cheeks when he managed to make eye contact. The pink of your tongue when you had chased the foam from your cappuccino off your lip.
"Feels so good..." Goosebumps rise on his skin as he's chasing a high that he rarely found satisfying. His hips cant upward and he's fucking himself into the fist he's made. He whimpers feeling the spiral of heat in his belly, the tremble in his thighs as he spills over his hand. He pants, looking at the spend coating his hand. He wipes it on the scratchy thin blanket he slept under, curiously licking the missed droplets in his thumb.
Miles tucks himself away, reaching for the T-shirt he slept in, the post orgasm warmth fading from his frame. He gets to his feet gathering up the blanket to take it to the wash before he could rest.
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mybackup-account · 6 months
Tagged by @luthientinuvielss to post my top 5 songs at the moment. – I took this too seriously and struggled to choose.
1. Kaiser Chiefs
I don't know anyone who dislikes them, and they're always a fun vibe. Their latest album is hugely enjoyable, too.
2. Franz Ferdinand
They're just a joy. There's something about them and their consistent ability to make anthems that appeal's to me.
3. Lorde
I was so close to choosing Lizzy McAlpine, or Phoebe Bridgers but I'd recreationally listen to them. Whereas Melodrama is an album I listen to fully through in when I'm in certain moods.
4. Wallows
I dont know I just love this song even if it is quite long, i enjoy an alt artist who can give can both pop and emotional songs, hard to say why they speak to me, they just do.
5. Twenty One Pilots
I wasn't planning on putting them here, but hey, I've already blogged about them. They always have and always will be my MVP I cant wait for the Clancy LP, and I'm interested to see how the Dema lore will come to an end.
I took this too seriously and paniced last minute for a silly tumblr post. - Wasn't going to include twentyonepilots cause I gatekeep them, even though they are hugely successful along with some other (my favourite) artists but then again it's no secret that I love them. Having said that I am aware that all five of mine are mainstream.
tagging, no pressure: @natashasupernova-romanoff @chocolatesawfish @sharks21 @cakesoncakesoncakes @completeutterstancytrash @huntingpeople-savingsam
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 3 months
nobody asked me to answer, but I’m gonna anyways 😝
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
Idk how to do that lol
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I couldn’t find any fics that I wanted bc I’m too specific, so I started writing. It was purely for fun and I wasn’t fully thinking about the fact that people might actually read it AND enjoy it lol
  🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
me and some of my moots from TikTok created this playlist lol (it’s, like, 14 hours long)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? Idk what that means but ima go off of what I’m thinking and that is just editing while proof reading and I enjoy it! 10/10
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🙏👉😁🔥💀 (no, it’s not abt the burning church 💀🙏)
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I’m new here, I have no EXTREMELY close moots so idk. But @paul-ster seems pretty chill so probably them (
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I HAVE SO MANY I LOVE! But if I had to choose rn Soracha for the author and “Ron Weasley and His First Year at Hogwarts” by snoopy_owl. Two of my favs!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
none, believe it or not. I constantly check it for ao3 updates. But I also have three separate yt accounts so I get regular emails abt comments and updates and I normally check them everyday. The only exception is one email I use for spam sites like grammarly, that email has 408 unread emails.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
ooo, neither tbh. Unless its a one-shot or a mini fic where I add a S/O or like my unpublished Uber fic where I had to add several OG characters, I don’t like adding new ones bc I think it disrupts the story a lot and I normally don’t read fics when people do that. And personally, unless it’s the ones that are supposed to be halrious and satire, I think self-inserts are kinda cringey bc most people who write them over-sexulize the characters and add weird stuff in that makes me cringe (key word: MOST not ALL) but also I just cant imagine myself dating someone let alone my comfort characters.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I don’t think I have any
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I just can’t get into the writing mood. But when I start it’s really hard to stop
  🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
PURLY! I love to think Curly calls pony “Mi Amor” or like calls him pet names in Spanish. I think it’s really cute
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
literally don’t be fake as hell. Don’t be all shy and sweet like, if you are comeback or Yapping king/queen then tell me bc we can yap together. Like, If I can call you Pookie within the first four interactions, we are besties, considered us married at that point
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m redecorating my room, I got a new puppy, and- wait, bitch, who gives a fuck, let’s be honest 💀🙏
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
can’t say bc it’s an unpublished chapter of a on going fic 😝
  🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Harry Potter is kinda an ass
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t write anything too bizarre so I can’t think of anything
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
strive to accomplish what you set as a goal, not what society set as a standard or a must
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
My comfort character gets ignored hard core, makes new friends, get into shenanigans, and then a lot of angst ensues. Who would write it best? Mmm…Fictionalcharacter graveyard or Soracha
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
if you have a scene you want to write for a fic, start writing it but ONLY WRITE THE DIALOGUE. You can add who said it but I do it all the time and it gives me new ideas and gradually helps me continue a fic. It’s also easier to add detail in between when you are focused on that instead of getting to the next dialogue scene.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Nick Sturniolos iconic “Then he will taste the rainbow while he goes out”
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
“I LOVE THIS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER!” Then they go on an entire yap session about how they think the fic will turn out or parts they’re excited for. It always makes me happy to see someone enjoy my hobby as much as I do even though we have different perspectives 🤭
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Alr, ik im gonna get backlash but i cant stand Cherry Valence. 1. I will give it to her, she’s a downright badass.
2. her hair is really pretty
3. She was nice to pony at the drive in, I’ll give her some points (still don’t like her too much tho)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Not much. Okay, this is gonna sound so fricking clique but that last lie I told was “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired” even though I know damn well I’m probably depressed asf
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
I have only older siblings and every time one moves out, I stop talking to them so I don’t become the annoying youngest sister, so I’m afraid their gonna forget about me, and they probably will. I only have two siblings that still live with me so that’s only two more people left to forget me before I’m totally alone lol. (Depressed, see?)
  🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
book writers that can describe really well.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I think I’m too impatient and give myself an unrealistic deadline for stuff
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them a lot!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I’ll add that later lol
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
it was a name my family wouldn’t be able to find. I’m embarrassed to write bc my family LOVES to pick out your insecurities and hobbies and never let you live them down.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
again, I’m new here, so nobody here is my “supporter” but @shae-pine has liked all of my posts so ig them? I got to say, that “The Youngest (The Favorite)” fic I really liked! Ur also just the sweetest person ever! 😭🫶🏻
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I have 7 (I had 8 but my cat passed away yesterday, RIP in the comments for Sophie 🩵)
I won’t post pics because that’s a large file 😭🙏
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Tumblr media
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
self insert, too much OOC scenes, pairings I don’t like, oc’s/characters unless it’s the character I’m reading abt, pure smut or p*rn, over sexulization or romanticizing R*pe, over detailed non-con, specific characters are dead, and the fic doesn’t focus on a character that I wanna read about.
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