#this was so hard for pansy
tomriddleslove · 4 months
Mattheo and the Ranking Kisses Trend
Mattheo Riddle, who picks you up from your closing shift at the little bookstore in hogsmeade, with two cups of hot chocolate.
Mattheo Riddle, who makes you stand there whilst he bundles a scarf around your neck, not wanting you to get ill as you walk back in the snow.
Mattheo Riddle, who listens to you ramble about your day, gazing at you like an absolutely lovestruck fool.
Mattheo Riddle, who can’t say no when you flop down on his bed next to him and ask him to film the trend where you rank the kisses generated by the filter.
Mattheo Riddle, who holds his phone up as this song begins playing in the background. He grins when the first kiss, a forehead kiss, pops up and you shuffle over to press a sweet kiss to his forehead.
Mattheo Riddle, who ranks it second best because it reminds him of all the times he’s fallen asleep next to you, finally feeling safe as you press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s a little too excited when a neck kiss comes up and you press a slightly too long kiss to the underside of his jaw. (You’re going to pick up from where you finished off the second you stop recording.)
Mattheo Riddle, who can’t help but grin with delight when french kiss is the last one. He’s got lipstick kisses on his cheek, nose, forehead and neck.
Mattheo Riddle, who all but pulls you into his lap. His phone drops onto the bed sheets, still recording. You squeal his name with a giggle as he drags you over, and his laugh echoes throughout the room as he pulls you in for the sweetest kiss.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s bruised-knuckled hands tenderly cup your head as he kisses you. It’s all love and little laughs slipping into the kiss, Mattheo holding onto you like he can’t get enough.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s found his forever person.
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Ok, are we ever gonna acknowledge how fucking cool the name "Aziraphale" is? Like every time I hear it I lose my shit because its such a baller name. And then the angel himself is just a little fruit, and I love him
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valoale · 10 months
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I painted Pansy last summer and I realised I never posted it and quite frankly forgot this existed
I like it, though
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pansy-picnics · 8 months
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some very inconsistent horses
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sciderman · 6 months
I'm a lesbian and I'm pretty sure you'd beat me. I present more masc but ain't no way do I have the strength
i am made of toothpicks and tissue paper
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rainypebble07 · 1 year
Op you're so creative, thank you for drawing these! Can I get uhhh byler as plants
Ok! I'm here! I was going to answer this ask many hours ago but then the power went out and I couldn't access the stuff I needed on my computer, but now it's back!
First, I was researching plants and came across this, which actually made me very sad for some reason, like, whoops. Sorry, grass:
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And, then, of course, Byler as plants:
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Will isn't even a plant :(
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fairybasketsxo · 27 days
the feeling of him rimming me while jerking me off and fingering me had me astral projecting like 😵‍💫
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dailyeca · 8 months
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INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] — A rosebud, more stem than petal. A teacup, with a steeping sachet of lavender. It will take time. But they will wait for each other.
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portrait on its lonesome (disco elysium style is so. difficult hkjh i blend colors too much and am too cautious about palettes to be able to pull it off, does not help im a warm colored art kinda guy)
Dialogue: AUTHORITY — Don't let this perp get the last word! Who does he think he is, talking to you like that? RHETORIC [Medium: Failure] — Who *do* you think he is? PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Trivial: Success] — Someone with a permanent frown. LOGIC [Easy: Success] — Someone who's a criminal. CONCEPTUALIZATION [Formidable: Success] — Someone who's an artist. HALF-LIGHT [Medium: Success] — Someone with two brass knuckles and the know-how to use them. ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Hard: Failure] — Someone who doesn't seem a lotta fun to be around! VOLITION [Heroic: Success] — …Someone who fell through the cracks. SHIVERS [Godly: Success] — Some 20-odd years ago, a kindergarten runaway is herded into the metal belly of packed public transport and emerges reborn in a new city, baptized and spitting up the holy water in the wake of an identity you could barely say was remade as much as it was, simply, made. SHIVERS — He drowns again at age 7, at age 14, and every year thereafter, water filthier and colder every time, treading without a shore in sight. Even as his limbs grow leaden, come hell or high water, he maintains that stepping foot on land after so long will doom him. INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] — He doesn't even know who he is anymore; he just feigns indifference. He is a ladybeetle inversed - in the same way there are dots of yin and yang. Stiff belief that there will always be bad in the good. Living proof that there is good in the bad. He will never shed the former, nor acknowledge the latter. EMPATHY [Heroic: Success] — Not now, at least. Not with you, and not without time.
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
Youre 12 if you think dyke is a bad word and gay men cant say it
Why do I feel like you’re a gay man (saying this to me, a sapphic 😒)…
I don’t think dyke is a bad word. I say it all the time, as a queer woman. I think it’s a word that has a lot of history attached to it and has been used to cause a lot of queer women substantial trauma. And I think queer women reclaiming that slur is amazing and powerful and I love to see it.
But I’m not going to act like queer women who have trauma surrounding that word are somehow less progressive for not using it and not wanting it used around them. And I’m certainly not going to act like non-sapphics using it (even if they are in the lgbt community) is in any way progressive or evolved or ok whatsoever.
If you are not a queer woman (or femme-presenting nb person), you are not in the demographic that’s been victimised by this word. It’s not yours. It’s no less lesbophobic for gay men to use it than straight people.
Same goes for sapphics using slurs specific to gay men or cis people using transphobic slurs etc.
And like I said in the original post, it’s disheartening and disturbing that queer people (especially younger queer people who may not have as much direct history with these slurs) are getting so comfortable throwing around all of them with little discernment and being downright rude when they’re challenged on it.
Just because you’re under the lgbt umbrella doesn’t give you the right to cross boundaries of groups you’re not apart of & haven’t had to deal with the same struggles as. And if you send a bitchy anonymous message instead of just respecting what said groups are telling you (when it literally doesn’t cost you anything) then I’m assuming you don’t actually care about the “community” that much anyway.
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raatopaikka · 1 year
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Three decades III/III of Taemin - 2013-2023 (2023)
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audrac-blue · 1 month
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A tribute to Alphonse Mucha's work and artstyle
This is Onyx, inspired by my character from the RPG Shadow Of The Demon Lord. He's a fancy librarian, shy and nerdy but can open himself when he find someone who catch his interest...
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pansypossum · 1 year
Got my first tattoo today, yippee wahoo!
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How did the twins take first seeing Ilmari when Mama Cass brought her home?
ohhhh alina and ryder thought they were SO cool…..the moment they saw them they were all over them and cassandra asking like 500 questions per minute, which ilmari was definitely….less than thrilled about, considering they were anxious, in a new place and weren’t quite used to being the center of attention yet
moms and dad definitely saw this coming though, and knowing how hard the adjustment would be for ilmari, they quickly had a little room prepared for them. nothing too fancy, just their own private space where they could easily hide away if they wanted to. they did their best to usher any visitors away as not to overwhelm them, and that did include the twins, though much to their dismay
this of course didn’t deter them very much, if anything it probably made them MORE confused and way more curious bc now the surprise visitor had this aura of Mystery attached to them, so they ended up sneaking around a lot trying to find them or get a chance to talk to them
ilmari was very weirded out at first but eventually they realized just how amazed they both were by them, following them around like little ducklings and ilmari’s ego was INSTANTLY boosted
it also didn’t take alina long to pick up on ilmari’s visual cues, and ryder followed soon after. they both realized that they tended to enjoy more quiet activities, so alina took to showing off her favorite toys and books and ryder would come to draw and do crafts with them. before long, it wasn’t uncommon for their parents to find their littles snuggled up to ilmari while they told the twins folktales from their hometown or taught them dragon facts
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of course ilmari is kind of an egotistical little shit (both because they had a very passive parent and because. well have you SEEN a 9 year old they’re menaces) so they definitely got a bit of a power trip when they saw how much alina and ryder looked up to them, but eventually they both started to treat them way more like an actual older sibling and they were fucking HUMBLED
like they kind of considered themselves the Leader and took a lot of pride in this so when ryder was like 8 and hit them with the “YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME” for the first time they were like
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cowardlychimera · 2 years
no background because canva is being mean to me.. anyways 11:11 PM au headspace Sunny!
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"pansies are associated with free thinking and thoughtfulness or consideration...also linked to feelings of remembrance and nostalgia."
"The yellow pansy represents happiness, joy, and positivity."
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sitp-recs · 2 years
I can’t believe LCD prompts are closed and I just thought of a High School Musical AU with Drarry as Ryan/Troy and Ginsy as Sharpay/Gabriella, ugh why must I live with this idea now!!!!
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man i really need to like... write up a post about the undercurrents of queerphobia going on with how five is written, mostly aro/homophobia and transphobia. tbh i think i'm going to make separate posts for the two, for a few reasons; one of them is that the transphobia part delves a lot into the reading of the mogadorians' narrative as a metaphor for radfem BS, and that one's gonna take some deep dives into several other characters as well as straight up the series as a whole. it also runs through Major Central Themes for five himself, so there's that.
the aro/homophobia, though... i'm not really sure what to make of the fact that it's there, given that he otherwise doesn't seem like they're trying to portray him as a gay stereotype. and who knows how intentional it is; i get the feeling they didn't exactly sit down and rub their hands together about Time to Write a Malicious Depiction of a Gay/Aro Kid--especially since i doubt they knew what aro even was--but conscious or not i feel like both of those things were a factor in the resulting background radiation. but there are a lot of things, most of them small ones, that start to form a picture when you put them together, and some of them stick out more than others in ways that feel weirdly pointed.
anyway that's going to be interesting to go into, but for starters his backstory involves scaring off a guy harassing him on the street who was about to beat him up after calling him a homophobic slur, so lmao
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