#this was not on purpose I did not know this existed
paraphwrites · 1 day
so obviously the time period a character comes from impacts them. but i adore the analysis of dbda and loneliness so now i want to analyze the characters + their time period + loneliness
edwin. so, edwin is from the 1900s. he was raised with the knowledge that he would join the military, that he would get married. this was an accepted part of life. now, i do not wish to analyze the full scale of edwin's relationship with violence (at least, not here), but i do think it's interesting that edwin goes out of his way not to inflict harm on others. this is potentially because he was raised in such a way where that was the norm, and he always knew he did not fit traditional male standards. he has always preferred knowledge and books to fighting and sport. this would have been incredibly isolating, especially as a young boy in a school for children of military members. additionally, as a queer person, edwin would have been entirely socially isolated from his peers. whether they picked up on it like simon or just thought he was un-manly, the point stands: edwin would not have fit in with his peers and seemingly had no friends when he died. which is very sad. and very lonely.
crystal. crystal's parents neglected her for their work. she lashes out. she lashes out and pushes people away (or in front of traffic). she is volatile and destructive and she is like this because she lives in an age when parents are expected to care for their children, and her parents still actively chose not to. crystal is especially traumatized because even tho she is in upper class which may have a higher rate of willful parental neglect, the expectation is still that parents love their children. moreover crystal is psychic, and that's never really been fun. she'll be completely different from all her peers in a fundamental way which she probably never talks about with any of them! so, like, of course when david, a demon, comes along, she lets him in - she's finally with someone who understands and makes her feel less lonely. someone else who's weird and angry and pretty and supernatural. and then he, too, betrays her. there is also almost certainly a race element, which may further disassociate her from her peers, seeing as the upper class is usually very white.
jenny. so jenny grew up as a lesbian in the 90s. now, i don't know much about washington state, but i do know that they legalized gay marriage in 2012. which means for over half of jenny's life, she was living with the knowledge that she would never get to live the same type of life as her peers; though the white picket fence americana dream may have been less prevalent by the 90s, it still was very ingrained in american society - especially small town society. i wonder if part of jenny's gothic fashion is to distinguish herself from other people - if she cannot have the same lives as them, then no one will make the mistake of assuming she will.
so the night nurse is lonely in a very unique way. she is lonely because she does not have a proper conception of an actual human life. she has no friends or relationships - nor does she want to; she does not know what they are like. and, i think, because she exists so outside of time and removed from society, that it makes her inherently lonely. she is lonely because somehow she was created and somehow someone convinced her that her only purpose in life is to collect lost children and she is satisfied with this but she is also alone. she has no time period to be contextualized in, and that in itself is the context.
niko is lonely because her dad is dead and her mom lives in a different continent. and i think that because she is able to utilize manga and cartoons as a form of escapism, it allows her to fill that void of devastating loneliness a bit more. she lives in a world where if she doesn't want to think she does not have to. she is not obligated to be courageous. however, she also lives in a world where she is able to choose to self-isolate, even if that isn't good for her. so when she is sad she hides away because she can and it's scary and she doesn't want to do it alone but she doesn't want to do it with her mom. i've seen people saying crystal is such a teenage girl but niko? niko wants her mom to comfort her but doesn't want to talk to her mom. niko is horribly lonely and it's only a gay victorian twink who can get her to smile again. niko is lonely because she exists in a world which allows her to be and it takes someone who is not from this time to help her move past this
charles. god, we all know how lonely charles is. biracial, abused by his father, probably bisexual, good with people yet killed via hate crime, morally upstanding. charles is the epitome of loneliness because he grows up in such a particular moment of time. he lives in the 80s. feminism and queer rights have been radically shifting in the past two decades. the 80s have huge amounts conservative pushback from these movements. so, yeah, being gay isn't a crime anymore, but gendered expectations are being reestablished in a new harmful way. so, yeah, charles is growing up in a time of progress, but he's also growing up in a household which will absolutely be anti-progress, and ergo charles is stuck in this dichotomy of he could hypothetically have everything but that would mean losing everything, too. he's lonely because his dad beats him. he's lonely because his mom doesn't say anything. he's lonely because he has a piercing but his dad locked him in his room for three days after it. he's lonely because he attends a boarding school which rich racist pricks. he's lonely because never once in his life has he admitted how the intersection of all his identities puts him in a situation where he is completely alone. and he isn't alone -he's got edwin- but their experiences with loneliness are vastly different.
as i have said a stupid number of times, dead boy detectives is a story about loneliness. and the writers made these characters so damn brilliantly because they all make so much sense in the context they were raised in.
we are all shaped by the context's we're raised in. everyone is raised at a different moment in history in different environments with different families. human experiences are so unique that everyone is inherently lonely. but lonely does not mean alone and lonely does not mean forever. it means when you were fourteen you cried yourself to sleep but now you're twenty and know how to play cricket and your friends come to all of your matches. it means you were raised in a world that was cruel and unforgiving, AND it means that because of that you don't have to be. dead boy detectives teaches us that we're all horribly lonely, and maybe that makes each other a little less lonely
i'll take some of your burden if you'll take some of mine, and whatnot
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gemsofgreece · 1 day
Mycenaean Greek
(and examples of lexical evolution to Modern Greek)
Mycenaean Greek is the most ancient attested form of the Greek language (16th to 12th centuries BC). The language is preserved in inscriptions of Linear B, a script first attested on Crete before the 14th century BC. The tablets long remained undeciphered and many languages were suggested for them until Michael Ventris, building on the extensive work of Alice Kober, deciphered the script in 1952. This turn of events has made Greek officially the oldest recorded living language in the world.
What does this mean though? Does it mean that a Modern Greek could speak to a resurrected Mycenaean Greek and have an effortless chat? Well obviously not. But we are talking about the linear evolution of one single language (with its dialects) throughout time that was associated with one ethnic group, without any parallel development of other related languages falling in the same lingual branch whatsoever.
Are we sure it was Greek though? At this point, yes, we are. Linguists have found in Mycenaean Greek a lot of the expected drops and innovations that individualised the Hellenic branch from the mother Proto-Indo-European language (PIE). In other words, it falls right between PIE and Archaic Greek and resembles what Proto-Greek is speculated to have been like. According to Wikipedia, Mycenaean Greek had already undergone all the sound changes particular to the Greek language.
Why was it so hard to decipher Linear B and understand it was just very early Greek? Can an average Greek speaker now read Linear B? No. An average Greek speaker cannot read Linear B unless they take into account and train themselves on certain rules and peculiarities that even took specialized linguists ages to realise and get used to. Here's the catch: Linear B was a script inspired by the Minoan Linear A, both of which were found in the Minoan speaking Crete. (Minoan Linear A inscriptions have yet to be deciphered and we know nothing about them.) The Mycenaeans (or was it initially the Minoans???) made only minimal modifications to produce the Linear B script and used it exclusively for practical purposes, namely for accounting lists and inventories. Linear B however was an ideographic and syllabic script that stemmed from a script that originally was not designed to render the Mycenaean Greek language, and thus it could not do it perfectly. In other words, the script itself does not render the Greek words accurately which is what made it extremely hard even for the linguists to decipher these inscriptions. Due to its limited use for utility and not for prose, poetry or any other form of expression, the Mycenaean Greeks likely did not feel compelled to modify the script heavily into some more appropriate, accurate form to cover the language's needs.
Examples of the script's limitations:
I won't mention them all but just to give you an idea that will help you then read the words more easily:
In the syllabic script Linear B, all syllable symbols starting with a consonant obligatorily have a vowel following - they are all open sylllables without exception. Linear B can NOT render two consonants in a row which is a huge handicap because Greek absolutely has consonants occuring in a row. So, in many cases below, you will see that the vowel in the script is actually fake, it did not exist in the actual language, and I might use a strikethrough to help you out with this.
For the same reason, when there are consonants together, at least one of them is often casually skipped in Linear B!
There were no separate symbols for ρ (r) and λ (l). As a result, all r and l sounds are rendered with the r symbol.
Exactly because many Greek words end in σ, ς (sigma), ν (ni), ρ (rho) but in Linear B consonants must absolutely be followed by a vowel, a lot of time the last letter of the words is skipped in the script!
Voiced, voiceless and aspirate consonants all use the same symbols, for example we will see that ka, ha, gha, ga all are written as "ka". Pa, va, fa (pha), all are written as "pa". Te, the are written as "te".
There are numerous other limitations but also elements featured that were later dropped from the Greek language, i.e the semivowels, j, w, the digamma, the labialized velar consonants [ɡʷ, kʷ, kʷʰ], written ⟨q⟩, which are sometimes successfully represented with Linear B. However, that's too advanced for this post. I only gave some very basic, easy guidelines to help you imagine in your mind what the word probably sounded like and how it relates to later stages of Greek, and modern as is the case here. That's why I am also using simpler examples and more preserved vocabulary and no words which include a lot of these early elements which were later dropped or whose decoding is still unclear.
Mycenaean Linear B to Modern Greek vocabulary examples:
a-ke-ro = άγγελος (ágelos, angel. Notice how the ke symbol is representing ge, ro representing lo and the missing ending letter. So keep this in mind and make the needed modifications in your mind with the following examples. Also, angel actually means "messenger", "announcer". In the Christian context, it means "messenger from God", like angels are believed to be. So, that's why it exists in Mycenaean Greek and not because Greeks invented Christianity 15 centuries before Jesus was born XD )
a-ki-ri-ja = άγρια (ághria, wild, plural neuter. Note the strikethrough for the nonexistent vowel)
a-ko-ro = αγρός (aghrós, field)
a-ko-so-ne = άξονες (áksones, axes)
a-na-mo-to = ανάρμοστοι (anármostoi, inappropriate, plural masculine. Note the skipped consonants in the script)
a-ne-mo = ανέμων (anémon, of the winds)
a-ne-ta = άνετα (áneta, comfortable, plural neuter, an 100% here, well done Linear B!)
a-po-te-ra = αμφότερες (amphóteres, or amphóterae in more Archaic Greek, both, plural feminine)
a-pu = από (apó, from)
a-re-ka-sa-da-ra = Αλεξάνδρα (Alexandra)
de-de-me-no = (δε)δεμένο (ðeðeméno, tied, neuter, the double de- is considered too old school, archaic now)
do-ra = δώρα (ðóra, gifts)
do-ro-me-u = δρομεύς (ðroméfs, dromeús in more Archaic Greek, runner)
do-se = δώσει (ðósei, to give, third person singular, subjunctive)
e-ko-me-no = ερχόμενος (erkhómenos, coming, masculine)
e-mi-to = έμμισθο (émmistho, salaried, neuter)
e-ne-ka = ένεκα (éneka, an 100%, thanks to, thanks for)
e-re-mo = έρημος (érimos, could be pronounced éremos in more Archaic Greek, desert)
e-re-u-te-ro-se = ελευθέρωσε (elefthérose, liberated/freed, simple past, third person)
e-ru-to-ro = ερυθρός (erythrós, red, masculine)
e-u-ko-me-no = ευχόμενος (efkhómenos or eukhómenos in more Archaic Greek, wishing, masculine)
qe = και (ke, and)
qi-si-pe-e = ξίφη (xíphi, swords)
i-je-re-ja = ιέρεια (iéreia, priestess)
ka-ko-de-ta = χαλκόδετα (και όχι κακόδετα!) (khalkóðeta, bound with bronze, plural neuter)
ke-ka-u-me-no = κεκαυμένος (kekafménos, kekauménos in more Archaic Greek, burnt, masculine)
ke-ra-me-u = κεραμεύς (keraméfs, kerameús in more Archaic Greek, potter)
ki-to = χιτών (khitón, chiton)
ko-ri-to = Κόρινθος (kórinthos, Corinth)
ku-mi-no = κύμινο (kýmino, cumin)
ku-pa-ri-se-ja = κυπαρίσσια (kyparíssia, cypress trees)
ku-ru-so = χρυσός (khrysós, gold)
ma-te-re = μητέρα (mitéra, mother)
me-ri = μέλι (méli, honey)
me-ta = μετά (metá, after / post)
o-ri-ko = ολίγος (olíghos, little amount, masculine)
pa-ma-ko = φάρμακο (phármako, medicine)
pa-te = πάντες (pántes, everybody / all)
pe-di-ra = πέδιλα (péðila, sandals)
pe-ko-to = πλεκτό (plektó, woven, neuter)
pe-ru-si-ni-wo = περυσινό / περσινό (perysinó or persinó, last year's, neuter)
po-me-ne = ποιμένες (poiménes, shepherds)
po-ro-te-u = Πρωτεύς (Proteus)
po-ru-po-de = πολύποδες (polýpoðes, multi-legged, plural)
ra-pte = ράπτες (ráptes, tailors)
ri-me-ne = λιμένες (liménes, ports)
ta-ta-mo = σταθμός (stathmós, station)
te-o-do-ra = Θεοδώρα (Theodora)
to-ra-ke = θώρακες (thórakes, breastplates)
u-po = υπό (ypó, under)
wi-de = είδε (íðe, saw, simple past, third person singular)
By the way it's killing me that I expected the first words to be decoded in an early civilisation would be stuff like sun, moon, animal, water but we got shit like inappropriate, salaried and station XD
Greek language | Wikipedia
Mycenaean Greek | Wikipedia
Linear B | Wikipedia
John Angelopoulos
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spahhzy · 3 days
Ruby: Give up Cinder, it's over...
Team RWBY currently had chased down an injured Cinder, who has made her escape through the sandy streets of Vacuo
Cinder when she heard that just began to laugh.
Team RWBY looked at each other before suddenly a door could be heard, and boots echoed loudly against the chapel floor as a mop of blonde hair and narrow blue eyes stalked toward Cinder.
Weiss: Jaune....
Jaune paid her no heed, just marched at Cinder with a purpose.
Cinder, holding her injured human arm, continued laughing as Jaune.
Cinder: Oh Jaune~
Jaune said nothing continued his pace and finally met Cinder at the altar.
Cinder: What a night~
Jaune just grabbed Cinder with both hands and lifted her up by the hems of her shirt. She was dangling in the air.
Cinder: Fresh off a kill, and back for more, eh?
Jaune: Penny still alive.
Ruby felt relief wash over her as Cinder looked on in disbelief.
Cinder: Now that's not funny...
Cinder used her grim hand to suddenly rip away from Jaune's grip before manifesting a glass blade and swipe at him only for Jaune to block it with his own.
Team RWBY looked to want to help, but Jaune's glare at them said to 'stay out of this'.
Cinder: All this-all this rage! All directed at me, and for what!? You know, if you actually let me finish a sentence, you might learn something! You might learn that we're not so different... you might learn something about yourself!
Jaune: You need to learn to shut up.
Cinder: You know it's sad, really...it's like you don't care to see the good side in me... I mean, you did it for Neo... maybe I should try to kill her next, hmm?~
Enraged even further, Jaune quickly swiped at Cinders glass blade before raising a foot, which connected roughly against Cinders chest, sending her crashing into the pews as Team RWBY looked on in worry.
Cinder just laughed, slowly getting up.
Cinder: Is all this for you or for me? You must know that I'm a lost cause. Oh, but Jauney, I have hopes for you~yes, I got great hopes for you...
Cinder wagging a finger at him.
Cinder: Come on, Arc, don't stop now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?
Jaune just grabbed Cinder again and tossed her into one of the stain glass windows, shattering it as her body fell to the floor, but still Cinder wasn't down for the count even as her aura shimmered.
Cinder grabbed two shards of glass as she saw Jaune make her way to her.
Cinder: You just can't get it through your thick skull!
Jaune stopped walking as he looked at the broken Crocea Mors before deciding to ultimately sheath it and looking at his gloved hands... before he removed his gloves, too, giving them a nice pop before resuming his walk towards Cinder, who had just risen up holding the two shards of glass tightly in her head.
Jaune: Give up! You've lost!
Cinder attempted to swipe at with one of the shards of glass, but he was able to easily grab her hand and delivered a shot to the bottom right side of her body, causing her to drop one of the shards of glass.
Cinder just giggled maniacally through the pain as she attempted to swipe at him with the other hand, but Jaune side stepped it and delivered a quick jab to her face, causing her to drop the remaining shard as her aura flickered.
Jaune just delivered three more body strikes to Cinder, who just took it before Jaune landed a thunderous haymaker to Cinder chin, sending her atop the altar.
Team RWBY still looked unsure of how this was going to go, as they wanted to incapacitate and lock down Cinder to get her maiden powers transferred from Ozpin old machine...but if Jaune was going to kill her than...she could very well give the powers to whoever she thinks of...
Cinder: Aww, Jauney, your time away from me has been so worth it~
Jaune says nothing as he struck Cinder across the face again.
Cinder: ooooh~ that's why you do it. You did the same with Tyrian... you like the way it feels...it's what you need!
Jaune just delivered another strike to Cinder face before grabbing her midsection and lifting her up with his strength, Cinder just dangled helplessly, all with a smile on her face as Jaune threw her to the ground hard.
The force of the slam cause Cinders aura to finally shatter, but Cinder didn't care as she scrambled to sit up.
Cinder: Come on, baby~ beat me till your knuckles bleed, but why stop their? You know theirs only one way to stop me! Come on Jaune Come on ki-
Before she could get a word out, a mechanicle hand punched her in the face, effectively knocking her out.
Jaune just huffed in and out as his anger began to simmer down.
Yang: I think she's talked enough.
Jaune just said nothing as he looked at Cinders unconscious body.
Ruby slowly walked up to her friend.
Ruby: Jaune... did you mean it? Did you mean it when you said Penny was okay?
Jaune slowly looked at Ruby before nodding as he suddenly felt Ruby hug him tightly.
Ruby: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank!
Jaune was able to gently pry away from Ruby's grip as Yang hoisted up the fall maiden on her shoulders, Blake walked up to him.
Blake: Are you going to be okay?
Jaune just nodded, and Blake gave him a look over, not entirely convinced after seeing that display.
Jaune: I'll be fine, Blake...I promise. go your leader is just about to burst joy.
Blake said nothing but nodded as she followed her team leader and partner.
Jaune took one more glance at Cinder before leaving without a word.
Weiss watched briefly as he disappeared into a gathering crowd.
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kitsunemist66 · 3 days
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Explaning Rei as a character and some small backstory things
Although now a "cryptid-human and bunny person" Rei originally started off as a type of Tulpa like character, in a way accidentally made by Sebastian because he was trying to cope with his situation
Although he could only really access Rei via dreams, Rei is more in the subconscious mind area if that makes any sense
Since he often sleeps to escape the bizarre situations he would stick around Rei in said dreams, befriending them more and more
Because Rei is a type of coping mechanism,i made it so that they protect sebastian mentally at least by defeating creatures in said dreams that represent the household (as you know bad thoughts create nightmares which also causes many more issues to a person already suffering lol)
Reis main purpose of existence is to protect Sebastian
Although wanting to make a bigger impact on protecting him via real world, they would set off to try and enter the outside world
I plan to make a comic going more in depth on their journey but to keep it short , despite being informed that they cant leave without an actual vessel to possess they still went for it
When they did manage to spawn into the woods they experienced Amnesia and forgot their purpose and who or where they are , with no vessel to posess their body at the start was really flexible and floppy like a rubber hose animation (their whole being trying to adjust to reality with no real body) + their vision being based off of the way they perceive people (this effect stayed)
They Stumbled upon Present day problem robert takeuichi in the woods who attempted to recruit them, spent a week traveling the woods together before being fully seperated by a "werewoof infected person" (not sure what to call them) attack
Rei pretty much ran into the roadside where they got hit by the ivory familys truck and was then taken home because Luther wanted to help them recover (main reason why Rei really is respectful towards him and sees him as a normal human) although would later allow Randal to keep them as his pet
Since they forgot who sebastian was they had to completely start over, again Rei made it their main goal to escape the house with him (thats all i could think of at the moment.)
So very much ReiSeb (oc x canon because im insane)
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I am cringe but free.
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shellswritesstuff · 11 hours
listen usually I’m down bad for smut (always am tbh) but what about. what about just….some fluff…..i wanna put my head on those Titus Tiddies and fall asleep…….what if i just gently stroked his hair……..
could be post-coital snuggles
𓊆ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪᴀɴ ᴛɪᴛᴜs X ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ - die with a smile.𓊇 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚(⸝⸝> ᴗ•⸝⸝)
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rating: no rating/sfw. fluff!!! and a hint of angst.  cuddling, intimate skinship. ugh my heart.,, 
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ oh you got it anon! i love the energy in my inbox, ty friends for the asks! ugh,, i want to hold his and and ruffle his hair and tell him everything is ok sjdalksd- (its not, 40k things u know)
Forget the worlds outside. Forget your endless anxieties, your purpose in life. To hell with it all out there, your whole existence was here in this room. This metal quarter was your paradise.
"Hush, Titus..." A faint whisper fell from your lips, pleading for your lover to relax.
A gruff hum was your response, yielding. You two were in bed like always, stealing another moment from the horrors outside. Titus laid on his back, cradling you gently. Your fingertips graced his skin, tracing the scars of his Rubicon surgery. It was unfair. Titus and his brothers bore the weight of the Emperor on their shoulders. To them, duty and living were one and the same.
You wanted so much more for him. The harsh reality of these times, it must wear him down. You'd never hear it, though. Servitude was in his DNA. His unyielding devotion to his lord and brothers alike; one of the many, many aspects you adored. Is it so bad to be selfish...?
"You told me to be quiet, but your mind is racing." Damn him. He knew you so well.
You whined, your apology coming in the form of a sigh. "I love you too much."
And you did. What would become of you if Titus hadn't returned from his mission? Had he died...
Titus pulled you impossibly closer, your head taking its resting place on his broad chest. His scent, his skin, the rise and fall of his diaphragm; you were in the moment once again. A comfortable silence swept over the room, the only noise being candle flickers. You fought hard against the comfort, not to fall asleep. Your efforts were in vain. The last thing you felt before drifting away; a hand supporting you head, and fingers running through your hair.
"Sleep, my love. I will be here."
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siremasterlawrence · 11 hours
The Gift: Ryan’s Private Lesson
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Poor Ryan! Going for that run is the biggest mistake of his life as he races out of his own apartment complex door, he makes a turns around the corner of the complex as I enter the main door with a copy of his keys and walk up to the forth floor to his main door at the top of the steps. I slip the keys in to the slot as I waltz in to the room with excitement as I reach for his ear pods panting a small discs under it with glee in my eyes and with little effort I walk through his apartment heading in to his bed room finally settling in his closet allow me time and access to hide away.
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Ryan blazes through the door out of breath dropping his keys on his table by the door taking his time he struggles to walk to his bedroom once more searching for his air pods, he sighs a bit flipping the pod holder open as he slips one after the other in to both ears as he peers down to see if the pod is syncing unfortunately for him the pod is blinking red. Unknowingly he head to the veranda taking the dork handle sling it to the side as he is walking outward on to the deck the air is in a blaze of fury brushes past cooling him a bit in a sexy state, he digs his fingers under shirt lifting it upward past his head throwing it on to the wooden floor as he stood half naked, sweaty and with a rock solid body to boot.
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“Ryan…get undressed “
“Rip your pants off “
“Your eyes are closing “
“Relax, stay calm and sleep”
“Your body is now a mere puppet “
“You are at my beck and call”
“Your will is mine”
“You are a extension of me”
“Feel your body lift in the air and swirls all round and round.”
“Repeat after me”
“I am owned by Master Lawrence “
“I am owned by Master Lawrence “
“I surrender to Master”
“I surrender to Master”
“Yes Master”
“Open your eyes and fall deeply in love “
“Oh My God!”
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“I’ve never seen you before”
“Are you new here?”
“Brand spanking new”
“Lucky me”
“Baby come here!”
“I can’t stop”
“Touchy touchy “
“I love you “
“You can’t “
“Why not?”
“You barely “
“Know you ?”
“Who cares?”
“It does not matter “
“Good boi”
-S N A P -
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“It is time to rewrite you”
“Your facial hair is growing “
“Your hair is well combed”
“You are suave”
“Take care of me “
“You are nice “
“A soft”
“A total pussy “
“A pretender”
“You have no higher purpose “
“No higher”
“What are you?”
“Your purpose “
“Who am I?”
“Everything “
“Lick my boots”
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“Go take a shower you stink””
“Yes Master”
“Stop staring “
“Begging huh?”
“Speak “
“Join me”
“Fine! Whatever”
“You need me”
“Always and forever “
“Guide me”
“My love”
“I want to worship you “
“I am your life line”
“Did you hear me?”
“Of course me”
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“You clean up nicely!”
“I am so happy “
“Thrilled even”
“Good boi”
“Will you serve me?”
“Nodding yes”
“I crave you my king”
“I crave you “
“So bad”
“So hard “
“My god”
“You are my god “
“My life “
“My world “
“I am your God”
“Consume me boi”
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“You taste so good”
“So wonderful “
“You are my man”
“I want you “
“God! Yes”
“You are my life “
“My light “
“My everything “
“My anything “
“My life “
“This is yours”
“My what?”
“Body “
“Existence “
“My soul “
“Godly! Call me boi again”
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“I am your puppet”
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The end
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mothsakura · 2 days
Pssst, I really love your OCs and would like to know more about them 🐋
I AM VERY HONORED- hmmmm as for ocs let me think although i will give a small disclaimer: anything older than 3 months is most likely outdated lore, i update these dude's lore frequently if you have any specific ocs you have in mind then please tell me! but i'll ramble about my favorite: GRANDPA <3 <3 <3 (Rotting Balance)
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(little icon i made for him <3) First off, Rotting Balance (ID: 0.2|000021) was made with the purpose to be able to neutralize rot, following the recent (at the time. this was around late prototype/very early first gen) case of an early prototype succumbing to the rot. His administrator, Reflections in Last Fracture, Speaks of Mirrors had planned RB to become the next major breakthrough. However RB's construction put the council in debt, as Fractures basically built RB behind the council's back while stealing funds. Yes, Fractures was politically powerful enough to do this (second highest ranking), no the council was NOT happy. Furthermore, Fractures had neglected to approve RB's model (he tried post-activation but failed). RB's model is not listed on any network either, he literally does not legally exist by the law (at the time. no this was not fixed). Neither did RB turn out successful at all, he failed to pass the rot trials, the rot had (ironically) rotted the R.N.C (rot neutralizer core) from the inside out. That and RB's severe dislike and distrust of benefactors (the dudes who built the iterators) made him very hard to work with :( I do have a post about this actually! The art looks.................. kinda goofy............ I was tired and this was a while ago so unfortunately it did not end up turning out well, I will link the post here if you want a more coherent ramble on his backstory.
His circumstances are nothing to be desired. He's rotting, he's restricted via protocol (he lashed out at Fracture, Fractures "taught" him a lesson on that. The protocol shuts down half of his structural water-collecting pipes, which leaves him unable to provide his structure with enough water to cool down.), and his tired old machinery is far from it's prime. But it isn't all doom and gloom tbh!!! He is very passionate about his work ....that being crazy scientist experiments with rot and whatever weird contraption he builds, usually nicknaming it "The Rot Wrangler"
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his crazy scientist look on full display here <3 <3 <3 He does not trust people easily, but if you are one of the people he trusts, asking him about his work will practically have him rambling on for hours about his weird contraptions that fight the rot <3 Also hc but not canon: he adores common ferns. He thinks they're funky little plants. They do not grow in his district, but he'd definitely try to keep one. (and accidentally kill it....) He also has a purposed organism named The Mauler!!! Mauler lives up to it's name, as it is a mix between slugcat and red lizard, but it is pretty docile to RB. It has become sort of like a therapy dog to him?
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he's practically a whole other hyperfixation at this point ......................................................... mad scientist grandpa ................................................ i adore him.................................. and his weird old machinery
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This is one of his 4 cores! It is unfortunately waaay too hot due to the aforementioned issue with cooling his structure :( but despite that, it still continues to function. Iterators were built to last after all. I probably have more to share but unfortunately my brain seemed to leak out of my ears as of lately- i am not too good at rambling in public- but i do hope that this ramble was coherent enough!!
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tllgrrl · 2 days
The Favor by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
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Sam touched the biometric pad on the case, and heard three soft clicks.
[“I called in a favor from the Wakandans.”]
The last time he was in Wakanda, he was on a battlefield just outside Birnin Zana: The Golden City.
He and his friends were fighting to save…everybody…everywhere…but before the battle he’d gotten a glimpse of the Blackest nation he’d ever seen.
A nation that had never been touched by colonization.
Sam also saw technology he’d thought only existed in Sci-fi movies and books…or maybe in Tokyo…but even more advanced than that.
T’Challa introduced him to General Okoye, leader of the elite Royal Guard known as the Dora Milaje.
Sam was also briefly reunited with Steve’s friend Bucky Barnes, who Steve had taken to Wakanda to see if they had the technological wherewithal to remove HYDRA’s super-assassin programming from his brain.
Apparently they did, they were successful, and two years later, there he was. With what looked to be a brand new arm, Bucky was joining the Wakandans and the Avengers in the fight against Thanos and his forces.
And Sam met T’Challa’s younger sister, Princess Shuri. A Black, teenage, African Princess tech genius who, with her team of scientists, doctors and engineers, freed the brain of mildly annoying, staring, grumpy supersoldier Barnes, who is now his “co-worker”.
(… and who is also now trying to aim those blue eyes of his at my baby sister!)
Shuri was also responsible for, among other things, developing the newest versions of T’Challa’s Vibranium-infused, nanotech, fighting suit.
[“I called in a favor from the Wakandans.”]
Sam thought about that battle. How it ended with half the universe, including him and Bucky, turning to ashes one minute, then waking up the next minute…
5 years later.
Like a film clip, images started speeding through his mind: Things he’d experienced, people he’d met, places he’d been from the moment he met Steve Rogers—as they both were doing their morning run around the reflecting pool at the Washington Monument in DC—to now.
All of that…ending up here, back in the house he grew up in, staring at this fancy, high-tech case.
[“I called in a favor from the Wakandans.” ]
(I’m actually gonna do…this.)
He opened the case and took a breath to steady himself.
There was a schematic on the inside of the case’s lid, and what almost looked like some kind of hieroglyphs. Sam couldn’t decipher it, but he immediately knew where it was from.
He lifted the piece of handwoven fabric that seemed to serve two purposes: beauty and function, as he could see metallic threads woven throughout the rich, surprisingly dense protective cloth.
The fabric had Vibranium woven into it, and under it there were three items:
A wing pack like his broken StarkTech one, but lighter in weight. By feel he immediately knew that these wings, like his shield, were made of virtually unbreakable Vibranium.
A neckpiece that was similar to the one he saw T’Challa wear, but not nearly as large, also far less traditional and ceremonial in design.
And inside a pouch made of the same fabric as the protective cloth, was a beautifully carved wooden box holding a bead bracelet like the kind worn by nearly everyone in Wakanda.
He also found a large envelope containing some official-looking paperwork, and a manual for the items in the case.
On the front of the envelope were Wakandan glyphs, and underneath them it read:
Samuel Wilson - Captain America
He read the opening paragraph of the manual, slipped the bead bracelet (called kimoyo) onto his left wrist as instructed…and shortly felt the beads lightly vibrate as his cellphone rang…
* * * * * * * * * *
Fan Fiction and Fan Art Submitted for the @samsseptember Samtember 2024: Day 3 -Costume, Day 19 - Wakanda. I honestly don’t know where this falls. It’s kind of about the costume but it is more about where and who it is from.
Happy Birthday Sam Wilson!
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ask-timeout · 1 year
Insert reference to chairface from: the tick
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(Must be a relative...)
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼���🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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pixiemage · 7 months
Holy crap I completely forgot I attempted to download the entire Unus Annus channel right before it got deleted. I just found an old hard drive in my desk I forgot I even had, and like - dude. I have no idea how many videos are on here but it HAS to be in the triple digits, including thumbnails. This is friggin' insane.
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ooooo-mcyt · 7 months
Do Scar and Grian need THREE duo names? No. Am I now in love with "Peskytimes" and going to tag it on everything? Yes.
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 20 (finale)
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#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#d20 introductions#fhjy#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#WOW dang. what a season#i'm glad the episode didn't end on like. as bleak of a note as it could have for the ratgrinders#being literal teens that were taken advantage of by adults that groomed them and all#was honestly REALLY obsessed by the implications of like how kipperlily's shatterstar was willing and the rest of her friends' weren't.#like there are so many fucking ways that could be interpreted#was she the last to go? was she the first? did she KNOW? was she complicit in it? did she do it by her own hand? what HAPPENED there?#i'm so obsessed. like holy fuck#also this is something vague i was hoping for but like- in the combat when ally said they wanted to go for oisin after he died at first#i was thinking of something like. that they might revive the ratgrinders whose shatter stars already left to have them rejoin the fight#on THEIR side for the purposes of saving the others? but that didn't happen and went on otherwise#i can't. fucking believe. that we got fucking blimey'd AGAIN. fucking insane#and now K2 canonically exists in the real world#fig has an army of inevitable automatons hunting her. fabian has a literal unborn nemesis. adaine has a wizard mom to kill.#senior year problems..... honestly i feel like the high level play this season was really fun to watch#and i think i'd really enjoy seeing a senior year too#what a season. i was IMMENSELY enjoying it for the majority of it that like Starkly dropped around eps 18 and 19 that left a bad taste#but i don't know. i feel like the finale managed to salvage some of that good that i'd really enjoyed over the course of the season#what a ride though‚ I did enjoy it a lot#see y'all next season!!
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One thing that TotK does constantly but really doesn't land for me when compared to BotW is that every NPC loves Zelda so much.
She is the sweetest, and she loves animals and is the very best at them, and she goes to every major landmark to spend time there and also she teaches the people secrets about the lands they have always lived in and they're like woow thanks zelda incredible I'll change my entire ways because you were just SO enlightening (Lurelin + Gerudo Town feeling particularly questionable here for obvious reasons), and she's so wise and beloved and talented --to the point that nobody (beyond the Zora King) even dares to question her actions when she starts acting off.
(Yunobo please stop letting her walk all over you, like it's alarming that you understand she basically brainwashed you and your entire race, and you're still running after her like a lost puppy for an explanation that will surely make everything make sense instead of, like, punting her into the sun? I know it's the eeeevil zelda, but that this situation could even remotely begin to happen feels... so offputting.)
In BotW, the rare mentions of Zelda worked because 1) she was an ancient figure and the modern hylians knew very little about her and would build her up as a legendary figure accordingly, 2) she was literally giving her life for them (I mean she kind of still does here but people do not know that or cannot infer that in any way --which is its own sort of problem), 3) she was extremely hard on herself, felt like a failure and... kind of was one (and she was given shit for it).
(also in BotW we are in a post-Hyrule kingdom world, while here we're living its re-foundation, and so it feels very... convenient that they excavate a previous version of their perfect kingdom to boister up the hylian claim upon the lands also --but that's beyond the topic)
So for anyone to give her grace and compassion in BotW, while a little eyeroll worthy at times, was endearing and made sense. None of this was her fault; she may have extreme power, but she didn't directly yield it --her imperfections the byproduct of a stressful situation every champion was being forced into due to the tides of fate. Also the king was criticized for being a little ruthless and asking too much of his subjects, including his own daughter. There was solidarity between you and everyone else at the same level.
But here? I don't know, it feels like the entire kingdom is terrified that the sheikah secret police will drag them back in the Bottom of the Well if they breathe wrong when talking about their beloved princess, it's so unsettling. I liked BotW Zelda, but... I don't know, I'm literally more comfortable around fake Zelda than the real one. Fake Zelda feels more like a real person that she does.
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strqyr · 5 months
shout out to beacon for being the only academy not in the middle of its city while also managing to have a defensible position on a cliffside.
the goal was to have the vaults & relics protected by warriors (at least ones in training) at all times, yet some people didn't get the memo and are closely surrounded by entire cities on top of that.
not that the relic necessarily is at beacon anyway, but at least it's acting as a perfect decoy.
sucks for the students, tho.
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