#this was more like a study sketch. I do that whenever I draw a new character if needed
mugmegan · 4 months
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I think the last req is gonna take longer than I hoped. So in the meantime, a sketchy glimpse, Eto.
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bweirdart · 7 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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writing-mlm · 4 months
Hiii, can we please have more college!damian x male reader? Like a scenario where damian loves to draw reader but reader doesn't know this? Maybe friends to lovers? Idk your pick. The artist and his muse type of thing. Also, i LIVE for soft damian on this blog ong.
Forever my Muse
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Summary: Damian has his finals coming up and he wants you to join-- at least that's his excuse to get you into the art venue. An artist needs their muse and for some reason, most of Damian's drawings include you in, naturally, he could fill museums with drawings of you. Pairing: Damian Wayne x Male reader WC: 5.8k
Dust-covered fingers were always something you had associated with Damian. Graphite, charcoal, pastels— anything he used to draw or even paint would inevitably stain his hands. It wasn’t intentional, and neither were the fingerprints he left on your stuff, or the paint you could never remove from your favorite sweater, but that didn’t stop him from apologizing. From buying you cleaning products and a new sweater; never mind it has never been worn in the year you’ve had it, Damian felt terribly sorry whenever he felt he’d stained something of yours. 
But never sorry enough to show you his drawings. 
You’d ask, you’d beg, but he would never give in. He’d show you when he was done, sure. You’d see the finished still-life drawings of whatever object had been in the line of sight, the paintings he’d done of his pets whenever he missed them, and the random sketches he did to loosen his wrist. But, damn, sometimes you wanted to see an unfinished drawing that wasn’t a warm-up. 
Even now, as the two of you are on the campus bus heading towards the music hall, he’s drawing. Sitting across from you on the bus, Damian easily adjusts himself to the movements of the bus as it jerks to a stop. He’s nice like that, you’ve never caught him off guard, he’s never fallen or stumbled in the time you’ve known him. 
Studying him, you wonder if he’s naturally so agile. You’ve seen him in your dorm's gym, during all-nighters you can sometimes see him running around campus, and once you had caught him doing one of those athletic challenges for some guy's video. He won. Of course. 
The bus comes to a complete stop and you look away, double-checking that it wasn’t your stop. It wasn’t. You knew that. But still. The need to check was far too great and you slipped back into a conversation with Damian. Only this time, you’re looking down at your phone to double-check the event and his eyes switch from staring at his sketch to staring at you. 
His eyes flicker between you and his drawing, erasing and adding lines where needed. He catches your eyes traveling up and he looks back down, working from memory as you start up a new conversation. 
Eventually, the bus reaches your stop and he carefully closes his book; he always worries he’d smudge his art, while he follows you out of the bus. 
It’s the end of the semester, ergo, it’s finals week. And for one of your music finals, everyone was to prepare a song and perform it. Truthfully, Damian doesn’t understand why you’d picked him to accompany you. He knows he’s not the best comfort, his demeanor often being the reason people don’t stick around too long. 
But, you reassured him. Telling him that his presence was more than enough for you. Knowing that he was somewhere in the crowd calms you down more than you ever cared to admit. 
The walk to the music hall isn’t short, but you can see the large building in the distance. The size is daunting on you as you see the crowd forming at the entrance. People aren’t allowed inside yet, but performers and their guests can head inside before anyone else. 
“I’m nervous,” You admit, wiping your hands on your shirt. “What if I fail?” You mutter, your eyes desperately searching to find solace in his green eyes. 
“You’ll do as you’ve always done,” He nods, looking ahead as you approach the building. “Exceptionally.” His sketchbook bumps against your folder of sheet music and you sigh through your nose, trying to calm down. 
“I’m so gonna choke,” Seeing your reflection in the glass, you feel as if you’d forgotten everything you learned. Every lesson, every mistake you fixed and learned from, the late-night practice performances with your friends. The song you’d composed nearly slips from your mind as you see yourself, walking in that suit and tie you’d worn several years ago. All of it left your mind and you felt like a beginner again. What even was a solfège?
“I'm trained in CPR.” He opens the door for you and gently encourages you inside, his fingers grazing your back. “You weren’t nearly as nervous for your accounting finals.” He notes, falling back into step with you. 
That’s another thing. Maybe that’s why you were so stressed. Double majoring was hellish. Twice the finals, quadruple the headaches. 
“Those were tests,” You scowl, showing the security your campus ID. “I’m going to be performing a live concert in front of nearly a thousand people. I cannot fuck this up, Damian. This is going to be posted for everyone to watch, too,” You ramble on. 
“Which you’ve done before, no?” He presses the elevator button and your heart hammers. You swear you’re going to pass out. He notices, of course, he does, and digs in his bag to find the fidget cube he keeps in there. 
“I have— thank you,” Taking the cube, he nods. “It’s just… I don’t know. Tests suck.” Rolling your thumb along the metal ball on one side of the cube, you stare at the numbers as they slowly tick down to the first floor. 
“That’s true,” He steps inside the elevator and you follow suit. “But you’ve made it thus far, you can go further.” He squeezes your shoulder as the doors close. There’s a silence in the elevator as it goes up to the second floor where you see your teacher waiting at the door to the waiting room, talking to a pair of students. 
“I can,” You affirm, dipping your head down as you smile. 
“You will.” 
You’re fifth in line to perform, watching a singer, dancer, another other pianist, and an opera singer go on before you go on did absolutely jack shit to help you. As you’re announced, you step onto the stage and try your best not to accept that there were thousands of eyes on you. Instead, you smile and wave as you walk across that large stage. Desperately looking for Damian in the sea of people. 
He’s in the front, right in front of where you could see when you glance up from the piano, you find out as you’re standing next to the piano seat. 
Damian’s eyes don’t leave yours, making eye contact with you as you fiddle with the buttons of your coat. He motions for you to stop and then does a breathe in breathe out motion with the same hand. Nodding, you blink away from him and hold your hands behind your back. Focusing on your breathing, you listen to the teacher as you’re done being introduced. 
The applause settles as you bow in, take a seat, and flip the page where your music sheet is. Slowly, you start. As a general music major, you weren’t restricted to just playing the piano. As emphasized by the microphone taped to your cheek. 
You aren’t the strongest singer by any means, you’re good for singing in the shower or on drives but you doubt you’d actually make a career off of your voice. What you hope will carry you is the piano, as you press each key your eyes flicker to Damian. He’s attentive, a smile on his face as you perform. 
Testing the waters, you glance at the people around him and they seem… pleased. Happy. Moved, even. You grin and return to staring at the sheet music. All of the notes flood back to you as you reach the last bit of the song, your eyes closing as your voice reaches a peak, holding a note. Then it’s just the piano, your voice echoing in everyone’s mind as the notes get slower and slower until you end it. 
Applause fills the hall and you stand up, taking a bow. Standing there, even if only for a moment, you can’t imagine why you’d been so nervous.
Collecting your sheet music, you exit the stage and hand the mic to the stage tech before leaving. 
When you’re nearing the exit, you spot Damian holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“When did you have the time to get these?” You laugh as he hands them to you. His eyes merely twinkle, refusing to give up one of his many secrets. “Thank you, they’re dope.” 
“You did it,” Damian reminds you as the two of you exit the building. 
“I did! Ugh!” Grabbing his shoulder with your free hand, you give him a little shake. “Thank you so much, you’re honestly the best. Was it good?” Falling into step with him, Damian doesn’t bother to fix his shirt. It’s hardly even moved, but you know he was detail-oriented in stuff like that. Hell, he hates it when he messes with his clothes. 
“It was mesmerizing.” He promises. “I do believe the woman behind me was crying.” Grinning, you stand at the bus stop, suddenly buzzing with excitement. Wanting to do it again, you start to imagine creating your own side business. Wedding musician, you can see it now. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” He avoids looking at you as he’s speaking. A rare occurrence on his part. But he does his best to look at you after building the courage. “I have an art showing next week. I understand the notice is short and you’re—“
“Send me the details.” You grin. His shoulders drop and he nods, clearly more relaxed. “I hope the attire is fancy. I got this fancy turtleneck I’ve been wanting to wear and slacks from my high school graduation just waiting to be worn!” 
With all of your finals out of the way, you finally had time to start removing the items from your dorm. One by one you removed posters and trinkets scattered across your end of the room. Pack your clothes into boxes, and save for enough outfits to get you through your two weeks left on campus. 
Damian was held up from finishing his art showing, unable to see you in person but he was more than happy with a Facetime call. With both your laptops placed in a space away from disturbing you, the two of you worked on your tasks. 
“I do need to be at the showing two hours early,” He tells you as you’re dragging the anti-suicide chairs to the closet, trying to see the top shelf. “But I’ll have arrangements to bring you to the venue.” 
“And my outfit is okay?” You ask, the chair wobbling as you stand on it. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. But hey, you’re not the one who installed a closet tall enough that only Shaq could see the top. “Because I can always swap out the turtle neck for a green button down— the silk one that Maddison made,” Always gave a fashion designer friend. She had used you as a model for of her projects a couple of months ago and with your measurements being unique to you, let you have it after she’d gotten her grade. 
“The button-down would be better suited,” He nods, leaning close to his painting before adding a tiny stroke. “The turtleneck is a little… on the nose.” Leaning back, he checks his reference picture before frowning. It goes away quickly as he picks up a bit of white and dabs it onto a dry brush. 
“I was afraid it was,” You laugh, grabbing a first aid kit from the shelf. Listening to him lightly brush the paint over the canvas, you toss the kit onto the bed and grab what little items are scattered up there. “Holy shit! Do you remember when that frat dude lost his frat ring?” 
“Unfortunately,” Damian glances at his screen, watching as you haphazardly get down from the chair. Nearly tripping, he wonders how you've made it this far in life without breaking a bone. 
“I think I did take it! Look!” Showing the screen, Damian looks almost impressed as you hold up a fraternity ring. It’s a shiny gold, likely fake but engraved with the initials of the Frat house. The two of you remember the guy had been going around to every single campus building with a missing ring poster. 
“What a thief,” He chides, setting his brush down and taking a physical step back from the painting. Harsh glares scan over brush strokes, ripping apart his painting bit by bit before he nods to himself. His glare morphs into a soft sort of gaze and he signs the back of it. 
“Is that your final painting for the semester?” You ask, the ring forgotten about as it’s tossed in a box of trinkets and you’ve moved on to ordering food. Probably Panda Express. Or maybe Chipotle…. really it’s whatever is closer and cheaper. 
“Hopefully,” He sighs through his nose, his paint box clicking shut. “I’ve been drawing and painting these past couple of days. My canvases take up an entire section of the art studio. I’m sure my professor cannot wait for them to dry and get glossed. Which I should probably start doing.” 
“How does that taste?” Setting your phone down, Damian’s face goes sour as he looks at you. “Personally, I think the gloss would taste tarty.” You add. “Or maybe like the frosting for Toaster Strudel.” Picking your phone back up, you continue your order. 
“Neither is correct.” He blinks. “It’s a toxin and filled with chemicals, it most likely tastes as good as acetone does, Hab—“ He pauses, and you look at him wondering what the issue is. “Habits of tasting chemicals shouldn’t be one you pick up.” He finishes his sentence with a bit of force. 
“I just love chemicals. Violin resin is my favorite.” Making a chomping noise Damian huffs. As you’re finishing up your order, you look at him. He’s halfway across campus and judging by the rack of canvases he wheeled over, he won’t be back until well into the night. Eh, it doesn’t hurt to ask. “I’m ordering some food, do you want something?” 
“No, thank you, though.” He shakes his head. “I have food from the court in case I get hungry.” He quickly adds. Humming, you place the order and scan over your room. The only things that need to get packed are things you’re still using. Now it’s just a matter of organizing the boxes and bins so you can still move around your room. 
“After the glossing, what’re you doing?”
“I have to write short summaries for each painting. No less than one hundred words,” He explains as he’s putting on a pair of latex gloves. 
“So, a breeze?” He laughs and nods. 
“I’m afraid I’ll go over the word limit,” He admits, sparing you a glance as you’re lugging a box to a corner of your room. “My paintings harbor a lot of my emotions and they’re far from short.”
“Real as fuck.”
On the day of his art exhibition, you spend extra time in the bathroom. Making sure your hair is neat, and presentable, fixing your outfit, making sure you don’t stink. Anything and everything you could check over, you did. 
This nervous feeling was different from your pre-show nerves. Especially since you don’t even know why you’re nervous. Probably because you’d never actually gotten to see his paintings, at least the ones he was showing. He’d been ultra allusive about those, citing the exhibition would be the best place to view them. But even he was nervous and that’s a lot considering he’s Damian fucking Wayne. 
He texted you two minutes ago saying that the car was going to arrive within the next ten minutes and you rushed out to the front of the dorms. No need to lock the door behind you, since your roommate was busy sleeping and would stay in there until you came back. Plucking at your shirt, you watch a sleek black car pull up in front of you, and Damian texts you that the car is there. 
The ride is long, far too long for your liking anyway. But considering it’s in the middle of the city, it’s not unwarranted. 
The art… museum? What should you call it? The space where the exhibition was being held was a well-known art gallery— that’s the word! The gallery was well respected, talked about within art circles, and incredibly high-brow. Thank fuck you didn’t go with that turtleneck. 
There’s a woman in front of the gallery, greeting everyone who enters. She sees you and there’s a flash of recognition across her face. 
“It’s great to finally meet Damian’s muse,” She smiles as she shakes your hand. 
“His what?” You ask but Damian pulls you inside. 
“How was the ride?” He asks, his eyes darting between his professor and you. 
“Good but what did she mean?” You ask, looking around to see the other people around. Like your performance, it was open to the public and with Bruce Wayne’s son being in attendance, many people had showed up. Including his family. “Bruce Wayne is here?” Your head whips to Damian as you spot him in the crowd. 
“He is my father…” He trails. “Would you like to meet him?”
“Fuck no!” You gasp. “The knowledge of his wealth is burying me as we speak— but this is about you,” Turning to him, you smile. “Where’s your paintings? Those don’t look like your style,” Eyes flicker across the paintings and you can’t see Damian’s strokes, his colors or his lighting in any of them. A sort of pride swells within him, knowing that you’ve looked— studied his art enough to know that the ones around you weren’t his. 
“It has its own section,” He tells you, guiding you through groups of people and halls. “It’s going to be revealed in around half an hour. My professor insisted,” He stops at a section of the gallery covered by a curtain and two security guards. You never knew it was that serious, but damn. 
“Mr Fancy. Why don’t you catch up with your family? I’ll look around?” In truth, you were going to the nearest bathroom and making sure you didn't look stupid. 
“I’m more than certain they’d be more pleased if you accompanied me.” He shakes his head as you raise your eyebrows. “If that’s something you’d be comfortable with, of course.” 
“Sure,” Once more, he guides you past people until he spots his father and brother talking in a corner. 
“Father, Richard.” He calls as the two of you approach. “This is (Y/n).” Richard’s lips twitch as he fights back a smile, the smile only furthered curbed by his brother's glare. 
“Hello,” Waving at the two men, they reach to shake your hand instead. Bruce has a firm grip, probably tighter than it really needed to be but Richard is more than welcoming. He’s more than excited to meet you, although you can’t imagine why. 
“My other siblings are still in Gotham,” Damian explains, physically taking Dick’s hand from yours with a pointed look. “Although I’m surprised you didn’t bring Cassandra, father.”
“She’s here,” He shakes his head, glancing around for the mop of black hair. “In the bathroom, probably.” 
“Is that her?” You ask, looking at the woman in the corner. She’s standing there, downing a glass of champagne before returning to a conversation with a man. She looks like how Damian had described her, although he downplayed how intimidating she seemed. 
“Oh boy,” Dick huffs. “Let me go help her,” Excusing himself, you’re left with Damian and his father. The two of them talking with their eyes. 
“So, Damian’s told me you’re a double major,” Bruce breaks the silence and their weird eye conversation. He talks about you? Glancing at Damian, he’s making a point to look anywhere but you. That’s sorta cute— totally not in a romantic way, totally. 
“I am,” You nod, wishing a man with drinks would walk past you. “Accounting and a performing arts major.” He hums and there’s another beat of awkward silence. 
“From what he tells me, you’re excelling at both. That’s incredibly hard. Do you have any job prospects lined up for when you graduate?” He asks and you shake your head. 
“Not yet,” You admit, picking at your hands. “Since I'm not sure where I’d like to settle after I graduate it’s difficult finding places.” Bruce nods, quickly making sure Dick and Cassandra are okay. 
“Well, if your grades continue to stay or improve, Wayne Enterprises is always looking for accountants, especially one so esteemed.” He smiles at you, that sort of small smile that makes you feel more relaxed in his presence. A fatherly smile. 
“Yeah, praise from Damian is a lot.” Dick grins, leaning his weight on his younger brother. Cassandra agrees, leaning against the wall Bruce was standing in front of. “And he talks about you a ton!” 
“That’s enough.” Damian huffs, pushing himself away from Dick who frowns. “Let’s look at some of the artwork,” 
“You talk to your family about me?” You grin as he’s hauling you away from his family. He looks at you, clearly licking the inside of his mouth before he blinks and gives one strong nod. 
“Of course I do, it would be a shame to hide someone so talented.” He explains and then looks forward, his eyes swimming across the faces around him. “I do believe in your talents and my father is someone who can help them flourish; it would seem awfully cruel if I didn’t at least try.” You go to speak; to thank him but his attention is pulled away by the director of the show. 
“It’s time!” She gleams, ushering the two of you after her. 
There are already people gathered in front of his top secret exhibit, cameras and people wearing PRESS lanyards like the front and sides. Much like a moth drawn to a flame, they find Damian walking and try to hound him, only to be stopped by his family. They’re far more intimidating now but Damian pulls your attention from them and towards him. 
The two of you are in front of the whole crowd, the two guards holding one piece of the curtain and waiting for a cue to open them. 
“We welcome everyone to Damian Wayne’s very first art show,” The director says, her hand ghosting over his shoulder. He takes that as a sign to step forward, barely leaving your side as he explains his art. 
“Through My Eyes is a collection of various pieces I’ve created over the course of two years,” He explains. “The music that accompanies the art are pieces composed by my muse.” His eyes find yours as the curtains are pulled aside and for the first time, you notice the way he looks at you. The way his eyes never seem to want to leave yours, how he takes you in the same way he takes in the art around him. 
Then you hear it. More specifically you hear yourself. 
You hear the piece you’d played during your final, hearing your voice fill the spaces where people aren’t talking. Each key, and each note floods your ears as you turn to see his art. 
It’s you.
All of it. Each painting, each frame has something of you in it. 
“Holy shit.” You breathe, moving to the closest one. It’s a painting of you, wearing clothes you’d only seen in shows like Merlin, holding onto a statue of an angel. It’s almost impossible to not know where the inspiration had come from. After convincing Damian to go exploring with you and some friends, you’d come across a newly abandoned church with a large angel statue. On a dare, you pretended to dance with it. 
Sure, you’d seen the picture before but it was nothing compared to the painting. It looked amazing, you had never looked better. Your features were captured in the best way possible, you’d been posed in a way that made it seem as if you were guiding the angel in a dance. 
The description catches your eye next. 
One Last Dance wasn’t the first drawing of Muse, but it was the first drawing of him that I truly loved. He’d resparked a passion for painting for me. The painting had been on my mind for two weeks before I finally started to work on it, having it become my only focus for the two days that I worked on it became the norm for the next two years of my life. 
Muse doesn’t personally care for the Renaissance era, but it seemed fitting for such a painting. The feeling of dressing Muse in modern clothes didn’t ruin the drawing but it didn’t make sense, in my head their dance is accompanied by the sounds of the wings and their feet gliding across the floor. Just outside is probably a mob, unbelievable of a true angel. Muse would probably say that he was dancing to the sounds of Sleep Token and outside was a bunch of ‘angel fuckers’, but who knows. 
The next painting was smaller than the first, but it’s a close-up of your face. Your eyes are wide and you’re desperately pulling at your eyelids as a light twinkles inside of it. 
Blinding Gaze came about when Muse had gone to the eye doctor, fearing he was going blind. Turns out he was just extremely stressed to the point of temporary blindness. When we spoke about it, he joked that he was developing powers from that time he drank a sports drink mixed with a crushed-up Tylenol and he could shoot lasers from his eyes. While Blinding Gaze doesn’t follow his original plan of lasers, I imagine developing eye lights could be frightening. 
Blinding Gaze isn’t body horror, although I had intended it to be but I couldn’t bring myself to put Muse into that position. Even if it was completely fake. I did eventually remake the painting how I truly envisioned it, but I still prefer my Muse to the remake. 
Drifting to the next painting, you see yourself, dressed in your favorite smudged hoodie, dancing amongst the crowd. The people are drowned out in the colors of the background, nearly blending in meanwhile you’re ever so present. The light shone down on you in a way that made you seem like the main character in some movie, all eyes meant to be on you. 
A Night To Remember was undoubtedly one of the best moments of college thus far. Muse had been invited to a friend's party and insisted I come instead of remaining in the art room, drowning myself in oils and pastels. Although I’ve put his words in a more friendly manner. I hadn’t wanted to go, the noises and being pressed against unfamiliar faces was hardly something I ever enjoyed. But for Muse, I’d do anything he’d asked of me. 
Glued to him for the night, I found myself unreasonably drawn to him. I do not remember the song, in truth, I don’t remember much from that night aside from him. The way he danced, how he looked at me. How he looked in the room. I resented not bringing my sketchbook, but I would’ve been more out of place than I originally had been. 
Smoothening your shirt, you take a nervous glance around you. You’re unsure about how you feel, it’s a lot. You’ve never truly thought about Damian in such a light before, at least not to your knowledge. Sure, you’ve written compositions about him and sure, if you read between the lines in some songs they’re definitely about him. You and Him. 
Perhaps, without realizing it, you had made him your muse just as he had made you his. 
“I want you to see this one,” Damian says as he walks up behind you, finally free of people asking him questions. The music loops as he does and you count that there’s five songs on the set playlist. Each and every song was one you had created. Your song from the previous week plays again as you stare at him, smiling. 
“I’m your muse?” You softly ask, unable to remove yourself from the spot until you have gotten your words out. Damian dips his head down for a moment and wipes his nose. “You’re nervous,” The small tease makes his eyes roll and he clears his throat, the red settling from his tanned ears. 
“I want you to see this one,” He repeats and grabs your hand, gently guiding you past the people surrounding the room. They look at the two of you, watching as you walk up to a large painting in the center of the room. Clearly a last-minute addition but it seemed to be the focus. 
“Woah,” Is all you can say when you see the painting of you during your final. It’s painted in the same style as your favorite art era. The romantic era where colors were soft, even if they were dark. The painting itself had you in the center, a sea of people at the bottom and there are several ghostly figures of yourself, dancing across the stage leaving streaks of yourself at the top. The floor of the stage was covered in candles. 
“How long did this take you?” You ask, eyes darting between details and finding new ones each time you look. 
“Two days,” He shrugs. Slowly, you look at him and he looks back at you, confused. “I couldn’t sleep until I finished the painting. The way you looked during your final.” He takes a deep breath and shakes his head. “It’s truly beautiful— you’re truly beautiful,” He adds, looking at you. 
“When you paint me like that I definitely am,” You laugh, looking back at the painting. 
“I only painted you through my lens. Perhaps your eyes aren’t as good as you think they are because the paintings truly do not live up to their references. You’re captivating and the way you’ve consumed my thoughts is honestly intoxicating.” His eyes twinkle as you look at each other. You don’t know what to say, honestly. You can stroke your ego a little, you could crack a joke, or you could bear yourself completely to him. But definitely not in a room filled with people. 
“Ah,” Dick breaks the silence. “You know he used to be a junior poet?” Grumbling, Damian looks over at Richard as he’s staring at the painting, sipping sparkling champagne from a flute glass while holding a cracker with cheese and jelly. Gross. Probably, you’ve never had it before. 
“I do believe I asked for a moment alone,” Damian gives a half-snarky grin and Dick shrugs. 
“A whole lotta people here, doubt you’d be alone.” With a sweeping motion, he gestures to the crowd around you. It’s not elbow-to-elbow crowded but you can hear at least seven conversations happening around you. 
“I suppose you’re correct,” He nods, following his brother's line of thinking. “Fresh air?” He asks you and you nod. 
There’s a park in front of the exhibit and it’s mostly empty, save for two kids and their parents but they’re clearly about to leave. Damian heads towards the benches but you pull him to the swings. There are three but one of them is tossed over the bar and you don’t feel like fixing it. 
Sitting with your back to the exhibit, you look over the trees and the playground. The sandpit with someone’s lost doll sitting down, a bucket behind it. 
“What did you think?” He spoke up after a minute had passed. The entire time he watched as you gently rocked back and forth on the swings, tempting yourself to actually swing. 
“You’re amazingly talented,” You hum, turning your head to meet his gaze. “Although, I already knew that. You’re like Michelangelo with everything you pick up.” Glancing at him, you smile when you see his hands. “You still haven’t cleaned the charcoal from your nails.” 
“No,” He blinks, his eyes staying closed for a beat longer than a blink. “Not of my skill level, (Y/n). Of the drawings. That you’re Muse.” He looks down at his fingertips and starts to pick at the bits of charcoal. “That you’re my muse.”
Softly you sigh before looking back to the trees. 
“What is there to think about? You’re my muse, I'm yours.” 
“You’ve written songs about me?” He asks and you sheepishly nod, refusing to look at him. “Which? If you don’t mind me asking,”
“Birds of a feather, I wanna be yours, and Golden hour. There’s more but they’re too embarrassing to admit,” Hearing him take a deep breath, you pick at your fingernails and slowly stop swinging.
“What now?” You ask, finally looking at him. He shrugs and starts to slowly swing. He thinks for a moment before he checks his phone. 
“When are you free? I can make reservations to—“
“Applebees or Red Lobster,” You cut him off and he looks at you, confused. “Applebees is once every so often, birthdays or celebrations. But Red Lobster? That’s graduation or date.” 
“You could’ve gone for a five-star restaurant, you know that, right?” He laughs and you shrug. 
“I heard they’re pretty shit. And I want to fuck up a seafood boil. Oh wait,” Blinking, you try to remember the Red Lobster menu. “Never mind, I don’t think they have vegetarian options. We could do Olive Garden or whatever vegetarian places you like. I’m not picky,” 
“And I am?” He teases and you roll your eyes. “Friday, at five. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go to Olive Garden. And then to the movies to watch that new horror movie you’ve been wanting to watch.”
“That sounds perfect,” You nod and nudge your swing into his. 
“Can I admit something?” He slowly asks. “Forgive me if I’m being too forward but…” Watching as he licks his lip, you stop swinging. “May I kiss you?” 
“Yes.” You nod. Trying not to seem too eager, the both of you stand up and you watch as he raises his hands to cup your face. His fingers are warm, gliding across your skin as you hook one arm around his waist while the other holds his shoulder. “Do you want to lead?” You whisper as he looks at you, unmoving. His eyes dart down to your lips and he nods before closing the distance. 
His hands drag a little down your face, his pinky curving under your jaw before moving up into your hair. Slowly the kiss breaks and he dips back down for one quick kiss. 
“He’s been waiting months to do that,” Dick announces and Damian groans. You snicker and look behind Damian. Dick isn’t even looking, looking off into the distance before he’s sure that you’re done kissing before looking at the two of you. 
“Must he ruin everything?” He whispers to you before facing his brother. “I understand you have no concept of privacy, but this warrants that.” Dick frowns at the rudeness before he shrugs and points his thumb towards the venue. 
“They’re asking for you, thought I should come and get you before they spot you.” He explains through a sigh. “Would hate for our little demon’s kiss to end up on the front page. But, yeah,” He sighs and looks over at you. He stares at your face for a moment before he chuckles. 
“Take him to the bathroom, you got dust on his face.”
“It’s charcoal.”
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miviaceleste · 2 months
A Blackrock Story: A Boy with Turquoise Eyes
Happy 12th Anniversary to Blackrock Chronicle!
This comic ended up being 47 pages long (when I first sketched it, it was only 20 pages long). Since I can only upload 30 images in a post, I had to combine 2 pages into 1 image so hopefully it's still visually fine and not annoying to scroll through!
I wrote this mini-story more than 10 years ago, so I figured it was time to finally make it into a comic (after editing the writing a lot because I became a much better writer since lol).
Be aware of the TWs, and I hope you enjoy this comic!
TW: Violence || Blood || Injuries/Scars/Burn Marks || Kidnapping || (Temporary) Death || Loss of Limb / Amputation
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Thank you all for reading one of my most insane projects ever!
Now, here’s another long story:
About 8 years ago, my life became so busy that to stay on top of my studies and activities, I stopped watching a lot of YouTubers, including the Yogscast.
I’ve grown up throughout the years. I had to stop acting like a kid to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I’m still an artist today, but I haven’t drawn in this way for about 3 years to pursue my real passion. I love to draw, but I didn’t have the time or inspiration to make something grand.
About 3 months ago, I suddenly got curious about how all those YouTubers I stopped watching were doing, so I checked out their channels and watched a video or two before moving on. When I got to the Yogscast channel, on the other hand, I quickly fell in love with the new content and with everyone again.
It was insane to see how immediately my love for them came back. In 3 months, I’ve watched so many videos and streams/VODs. It’s all so comforting, funny, and uplifting. Clearly, I missed so much content in the past 8 years, but at least I don’t have to worry about running out of things to watch for a while.
What made me most happy was that despite changing a lot, I never stopped being that kid who laughed at the Yogscast’s shenanigans. It just goes to show that no matter how much the world tries to push you around, you never lose that sense of joy you had as a child.
Now, about Rythian:
Since I started watching the Yogscast in 2011, Rythian has always been my favorite. I loved his series so much, especially with how he got into character to give us an immersive experience. It was an escape for me as a kid. When difficult moments were thrown at me, I watched Rythian’s series to find a sense of comfort.
So when I started watching his and Zoey’s Blackrock series, my mind was blown. The storytelling, acting, humor, and drama of the series were so immersive and touching that my creativity exploded.
I mainly use art to express myself and my interests because I struggle to talk about it. But funny enough, Blackrock was the only interest of mine that got me to not draw, but to write. I wrote a lot of short stories about the series—even how I envisioned the series would end. I was so inspired to create all the time from this series.
And what’s crazy is that at the beginning of this summer, I found all of those written drafts and notes from when I was a kid. I kept them all for 10+ years and found a very loose (and not that good) draft of this comic and I felt really inspired to finish it.
It was roughly when I was first watching Blackrock too when I realized that I can be creative in the future. The Yogscast helped me understand that I can do whatever I want for the rest of my life. If they could do it, then why can’t I?
What’s also wonderful is that even after so many years, Rythian never stopped being my favorite. When I started watching the main channel again a few months ago, I immediately found myself rooting for him whenever he was in the group videos. I just remembered how much happiness he brought me when I was younger and it makes me so happy that I still get so much joy whenever I hear his voice.
While working on this comic, I watched all of Kirbycraft and caught up on Kirby Farm. I can’t help but smile the whole time Rythian, Briony, and Kirsty interact with one another. The dynamic of these three brings me so much laughter and comfort. A part of me is upset that I didn’t get back to watching everyone when Kirbycraft was still live, but better late than never, right?
I also originally started this comic without the intention of posting it. But then I figured, Hey, it’d be great to share it with everyone who’s also been impacted by this series and the Yogscast in general, so I made this blog to post it here. Honestly, I’m not sure when the next time I’ll be able to draw is (who knew building a career takes away a lot of your energy and time?). But I think that’s what’s so wonderful about my love for Yogscast and particularly Blackrock: I didn’t make this comic for the likes or views. It was just because I wanted to, and I’m so happy to see there are so many people on here who feel the same love for them as I do.
This series and the people who made it, along with the people who supported it and loved it and continued to love it, impacted me for the better. I learned so many years ago that I can be creative for a living, and have been working hard towards doing that since.
Happy 12th Anniversary to the Blackrock Chronicle. To Rythian and Zoey who put a smile on this kid’s face even during the toughest of times.
And to the Yogscast, thank you for being there for me when I needed you all the most and for still being here when I came back. Your ability to inspire me and make me laugh never disappeared throughout the years I was gone, and I’m ready to laugh some more.
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kannra21 · 10 months
Bc I "love" (lol) Gege so much, I gathered some info on him. Pls DM me to add more if you remember anything
Pen name: Akutami Gege (芥見下々)
Birthday: 26th February 1992 (31yo)
Zodiac: Pisces
Born: Iwate Prefecture, Japan
he went to all boy's private school
Akutami has an older brother who's married. Yuji is strongly inspired by his brother who is Akutami's opposite. He is someone who succeeds in everything he undertakes: sports, studies etc.
he was never really interested in drawing or manga until 4th grade when his older brother bought Weekly Shōnen Jump. The Jump that he read had Bleach on it and that's how Akutami's love for Bleach developed. When he was in the 5th grade and moved from Iwate Prefecture to Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, he was surprised to see that the kids at his new school drew manga
he started drawing manga by imitating his friends' work
so his Bleach obsession started in elementary school and his Evangelion and Hunter x Hunter obsession started in middle school
he wrote a poetry analogy called "Giant From The Clouds" in middle school, inspired by the Bleach mangaka
His previous works are Kamishiro Sōsa, No.9, Nikai Bongai Barabarjura and jjk 0
Yuji was named after his childhood classmate
Geto was named after the "Geto Korean Ski Resort", located near Akutami's hometown of Tohoku
he's slightly colorblind
he's a fan of occult, mystical practices and horror
he wears glasses
he cooks somewhat
he loves hot springs and scalp massages, he goes to dermatologist to maintain healthy skin
he exercises and he's trying to get in shape despite the busy schedule, workout is not as painful as it is boring
he's very grateful for his chiropractor bc of his stiff neck, he said that if he ever time-travels and meets his younger self he's gonna tell him "get in shape, seriously", he craves afternoon naps but tries to resist by eating sweets like Pikmin gummies (why's he so contradictory haha)
when Nakamura first debuted with the jjk cast and got to meet Gege, he was surprised by how young he looked. He also said that Gege has a calming voice
hobbies: he reads a bunch of novels and watches a bunch of movies whenever he can, he's busy with work most of the time
his favorite food is crispy thai pandan chicken
his favorite onigiri flavor is mentaiko, he loves Umaibo snacks, Schau Essen, potatoes, hayashi rice, ramen and seedless grapes
He's usually not a fan of name brands but he likes Balenciaga. He also wants to support Royal Host restaurant
he likes comedy podcasts like Arabikidan group
the first manga he submitted to Jump was a gag manga
when he was a student he found studying boring but he likes doing research on things that actually interest him (like engineering facts he needed for the manga)
when he was an art student, he didn't really like making drawings where the model stayed for hours in a specific pose. He preferred to sketch in 3-4 minutes
he relies too much on sketches, rough drafts and his editors (he says he's like a dog for the editors)
he has a habit of forgetting how to draw his characters sometimes
he's self-deprecating and he's sorry that he sometimes makes people feel awkward by being overly critical of himself *hugs him*
he finds it difficult to write Yuji bc Yuji and Akutami are fairly different, Akutami doesn't consider himself particularly athletic but he can relate to Yuji for being an "airhead" sometimes and does things when people tell him not to
he thinks he's clumsy and fucks up honorifics sometimes, he talks casually with his editor Yamanaka whom he has a beef with till this day, he reminds him to "respect his elders" (he's so Gojo coded lol)
He's so funny asdfghjhgfd
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he's in good relationship with his parents, he respects them and they're very supportive of him
he cares about his mom's opinion on his manga
Toji's and Yuta's personalities are somewhat based on Akutami's dad, dad also reads the manga
according to Gege, jjk should've been a lot darker but editor didn't allow it
he's an otaku, he's a fan of Marvel, has Hunter x Hunter posters on the wall and enjoys Pokémon wii games, he collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards when he was younger, he's from the generation when Gintama was popular
He never felt hatred for Thanos from Avengers: Endgame (explains why he likes Sukuna so much lol)
his favorite Haikyuu character is Tendo and his favorite BNHA characters are Overhaul and Stain
he saw Brad Pitt in person wow
Idea for the pen name: Gege worked a part time job at the cleaners and learned what it's like to be humble in the world. "Gege" translates to a "person of lower status" or a "commoner"
he claims to be socially awkward with people he's not familiar with, he's not used to public speech but when he gets drunk he does a 180 and is blabbering a lot
people call him a genius with a great sense of humor, his editor Katayama says that he's a cheery and a cool person, much like Gojo
he bought a black mountain parka (like Gojo's) that's supposed to last for six years but he put it in storage after one week
he thought about dying his hair white (Gege stop with the Gojo cosplay)
he's a procrastinator, he's mentally preparing for hours to draw a manga chapter that would otherwise take him 30min. The truth is, he's getting tired of jjk and can't wait to finish it
he chose the cyclop cat avatar because drawing one eye is easier and no one hates cats
he said that he used to have a "type of girl" in high school but the more he grew up he realized that every woman is a good woman, he likes well-groomed women (although I think he likes girls with thick tights? he's a Hwasa fan)
he thinks that world can't be divided into black and white and that it's always a blur. Villains and heroes are treated the same because each of them have their own beliefs and ideologies that are valid
he isn't emotionally bound to any of his characters, he will kill whoever, as long as the story is interesting
he's deliberately not trying to sexualize his female characters, not just because of his parents, but also because he wants to leave a respectable impression. Mangaka profession is very looked down upon. He wants to change that
his net worth is somewhere around $12 million
he wants to stay anonymous bc he enjoys his commoner life, there's a certain freedom to being a normal person, he can go in public spaces without anyone recognizing his face. For instance: he secretly went watching the jjk 0 movie in theater along with the opening comments on the first day. A fan accidentally met him but he pretended to be a staff member
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randoimago · 6 months
Hello is it okay if I could please have headcanons for yusuke and akechi and joker and futaba from persona 5 with a animator s/o like the reader does anime or cartoon animation and probably still watches cartoons and old animated movies as someone who wants to study animation I just wanna share my passion with these guys
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akechi, Joker, Futaba, Yusuke
Note(s): Sure thing!!
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He's tried watching you animate before and he had to walk away after he watched you draw the same shape for what felt like a hundred times. He knows animation takes a lot of time and patience but he doesn't have either of those to watch.
Akechi will pull you away from the TV or whatever you're doing with your animation to spend time with him. And to make sure you've eaten or taken care of yourself. He's definitely a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to that.
Doesn't really watch cartoons with you, but he does listen as you talk about some specific effect or frame of animation. Akechi doesn't completely understand what you're talking about but you look happy so it's good enough for him.
Oh she thinks it's really cool that you do animation. Might ask if you could show her a bit of the software you use. She's not artistic, but she loves technology and learning new things that you can do with it.
She's more than happy to watch whatever anime or cartoon with you. Probably asks you a bunch of questions about the animation too. She knows you pause and rewind quite a bit to watch the details of something multiple times so she tries her best to see whatever you saw.
Futaba would jokingly suggest doing stop motion animation with Phantom Thief dolls or something. If you decide to go with it then she'll gladly come up with a script and get to work while you get your own stuff set up.
There's many times when he'll go to spend time with you only for you to be involved in your animation. He doesn't mind it since you've visited him when he was making lockpicks or tending to Le Blanc. He doesn't know everything about animation, but he enjoys listening to you talk about it.
He likes whenever you go on tangents or talk to him a mile a minute about some new technique you learned or some new feature you figured out to help you animate more smoothly.
He is always happy to sit with you and watch some anime or something and see how you react to the animation in it. He doesn't quite know why he feels more kind after watching Studio Ghibli with you, but he's not going to object with how you seem to be very enraptured with the animation.
The idea of making a picture or image move is fascinating to him. He's a fan of most art mediums so if you'd like to practice animation by having him sketch a couple things out then he'd be glad too.
Yusuke is the most fascinated with 3D animation. Watching you rotating the character or object and changing details is something he enjoys doing. Although he does throw in his own input of what needs more shadows or changing the texture of something.
He'd try his hand at traditional animation if you explain it to him. Yes, it's very time consuming, but it's a new art medium and he is determined to make an attempt. The issue is he's a perfectionist so you probably won't speak to him for a few weeks while he's working on this. At least he's supportive of your career?
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@reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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tearwolfe · 3 months
do you have any advice for drawing fat and chubby bodies? trying to diversify my body types in art but it's really ahrd to adjust.... need to draw fat akito now.
follow your heart and draw with love...
just kidding. maybe. do that but there's more to it. use references, and understand that there's more to drawing fat people than belly. body fat settles in the legs/arms/face etc.
whenever i'm stuck i like looking at other people's art, because there are so many ways you can stylize drawing fat people because nobody's body looks the same!!! this may sound weird and counterintuitive but i like looking at chubby furry art because finding fanart of fat anime or game characters usually leads into fetish territory.. and furries do too but i find it easier to find fat furries just existing. laika from laika's comet is my fat doggirl icon i love her she helps me when i need help. honeybeest on instagram is also really good at drawing chubby/fat furry characters. wolfertinger666 (tumblr) is another good artist but his account is 18+ so don't go there unless you're an adult.
it's important to just practice! do some studies, some sketches without any character in mind, and get comfortable with putting some weight on a body before applying it into a finished drawing. that applies to trying anything new!
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nockfellblues · 1 year
Integra with a partner who is an artist (painter/ singer/ all around performer) :D
Yes! I’ve always envisioned Integra as a lover of the arts- especially traditional art? She seems like she’d enjoy a peaceful trip to an art gallery or museum. Sorry for the delay on this one, between work, the Summer games showcases and being sick I didnt do much besides veg out whenever i was free this week lmao Anyways! Have some Integra being soft because, dammit, she deserves it 😤
Warnings: None
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Integra definitely reworks her entire study so there’s room for her SO to work in the same space as her
Artist!SO will get a whole art corner with a beautiful custom easel and comfy desk space right next to the windows for optimal lighting and an inspiring view- whatever they need to spark and stoke their creative process
Would immediately say no if her SO asked her to model but secretly is super flattered. If they draw or paint her anyways, she’ll pretend to be annoyed but will cherish the hell out of it- They’ll find the work later tucked away in a safe place, framed safely so it wont smudge or crack.
Keeps a portfolio hidden in her desk of sketches her SO deemed not good enough and meant to toss. Alucard and Seras have caught onto this and actively keep an eye out for other loose drawings- they sneak them into her study between paperwork and folders like a fun little surprise. Seras finds her reactions soo sweet- its so hard to not say anything when she sees Integras eyes soften at the half-hearted sketch! So cute!
Integra finds the sounds of sketching comforting- that little scratchy noise as her SO absently hums to themself is like catharsis, especially when she’s dealing with a lot of stress
If her SO is sighing or muttering, having a tough time with conceptualizing something or is going through art block of some kind? She does get a little annoyed with it, but she understands.
Sets her work aside and comes up behind her SO to wrap her arms around their shoulders from behind. “If you sigh at it anymore im going to toss that canvas out the window. What’s the matter, love?” She means this entirely lovingly, but will absolutely do it.
Musician!SO would absolutely have a space in her study too- She’d move offices to a whole different room if the acoustics are good enough, she doesn’t care.
Maybe not the biggest fan of hearing her SO practicing a new peice of complex work- the repetition of practicing the same sections over and over to perfect them would get on her nerves after so long.
“Love, I adore you, but if you play that part one more time i’m going to lose it. Please, play literally anything else.” She means this with the utmost love and care, but hearing the same section over and over is killing her.
Adores when they play free form compositions. Just starting with a generally familiar melody and letting the music develop a life of its own? She could listen to them for hours. She will listen to them for hours.
Definitely will lose track of time listening to them play- Sometimes gets a little too distracted and zones out to the melody when she’s working on a particularly boring bit of paperwork. Before she knows it, its nearly dusk and she’s gotten little to nothing done. Honestly? worth it.
She cherishes her SOs hands so, so much. She knows how much of their passion is dependent on them and how devastating their loss or degradation could be.
In quiet moments Integra will softly trace the callouses on their hands, massaging their palms and wrists, setting a gentle kiss to the back of their knuckles- absolute reverence for the beautiful hands that can create so much that she loves.
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Integra being soft with an SO makes my brain go fuzzy- I just want her to be happy dammit 😭
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sankttealeaf · 2 years
artistic endeavours
pairing ; arthur morgan x gender neutral!reader
summary ; during a walk around Saint Denis, you find yourself drawing a rather interesting stranger's horse.
other info ; this is completely self-indulgent, because all i want to do is draw with arthur. first time doing any sort of 'x reader' and i had a lot of fun. it's so silly i love it. left the ending open ended because i thought of a part 2 if people are interested &lt;3
word count: 2.5k
psst, part two is here: masterpieces
Finding inspiration for various art projects came easy to you while living in Saint Denis - the city was full of interesting subjects to study and draw, and whenever you found yourself in a creative block it didn't take much to reignite the spark. You had signed up to paint some pieces for a new exhibition at the end of the month, “The Beauty of Saint Denis”, a love letter to the city you currently called home, and so far everything had been going smoothly. Three paintings were complete, with another needing a few finishing touches. The issue was with your main piece, a large oil painting of the Théâtre Râleur at night. Something was missing and you had no idea what it was. With a few days left to go for all submissions to be collected by the gallery, you were running out of time to make this work. You were hoping that some of these paintings would be sold during the exhibitions, and you really couldn’t afford to give up now.
The room you used as your art studio was beginning to feel stuffy and small; the ventilation was poor and you had forgotten to open a window to let some air in when you first started this morning. Perhaps that was why you were pulling your hair out, trying to get something down on the canvas - the oil paint was starting to mess with your mind. You sighed, deciding that now was the best time to go for a walk, find something for lunch and not think too much about how close you were to starting this painting from scratch, not that you had the time to do so. You packed away your sketchbook, grabbing a few charcoal pencils and crayons too in case you saw something that sparked inspiration, and left. Fresh air would do you good, you told yourself. 
The city was busier than usual today as you stepped out onto the street, the midday sun warming you up immediately. Your plan was to walk around for a bit, just to see if anything felt interesting to draw, and then grab some food. The walk and air would do you good, even if nothing was drawn. You walked around slowly, pausing every now and then to take down some notes on people’s outfits, wondering if you should add a crowd outside of the theatre to make it look busy. The more you imagined it in your head, the more you decided it wouldn't hurt to try. You quickly sketched down a few ideas, before moving on, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself from those you were drawing. The last thing you wanted was for someone to get angry that you were doing that - it had happened more times than you liked to admit. You decided to loop around the docks, and then walk back around and stop off at that bakery you frequented a lot.
The docks were busy, but there was no surprise there. People walked about, carrying boxes and bags between places. There was enough going on here to definitely spark some form of creativity, and you hoped that something would be interesting to draw. You took a moment to scan over your surroundings, trying to piece together things that could work with your painting at home when you saw something. A lone horse was hitched outside the general store, and it felt like a perfect thing to draw. 
You took out your sketchbook as you approached the horse, careful not to spook it. The pattern was something you had never seen much of before, and it stood out to you the moment you saw it. Maybe a horse was missing from your painting? You began to quickly sketch out the main shapes of the horse, keeping it loose and soft to get the basic idea of how everything fits together. Once you had filled up a page on quick drawings, moving around to get different angles, you opened to a double page and began a more detailed drawing.
“Ain’t you just the prettiest thing,” you mumbled softly, taking a small step to the side to get a better view of her head. You took more time with this drawing, making sure to capture all the details you could, from the markings to the way her mane fell to the style of the bridle. A quick look at the horse and you could tell that her owner loved her a lot, she was clean and looked well fed, and if you knew what kind of treats she liked, you would definitely give her lots of them.
You found yourself getting lost in the piece, now moving on to giving it pops of colour. Your charcoal pencil was tucked behind your ear, and you switched out between two colours to try and match the shade of its coat. The more you thought about it, the more it would fit well in the painting of the theatre. You were excited to go back home to add her in.
"If you're goin' to steal her, you might wanna be a bit quicker at it next time." A voice spoke, taking you by surprise. You quickly turned around to see the owner of it - a tall, rather rugged looking man. The guns at his side made you weary, and you closed your sketchbook, holding it closer to you.
"Oh, no, I ain't in the horse stealing business, sir," you said quickly, taking a step back to put some distance between you, him, and the horse. "But if I was, your horse would be one I'd steal." The words left your mouth before your mind could tell you that it probably wasn't the best way to compliment someone's horse.
The stranger raised his eyebrow at you, giving you a once over. "Sounds like somethin’ a horse thief would say.” He let out a small chuckle to himself, and then shrugged. “You don’t look like much of one, anyway.”
He wasn’t wrong, you definitely didn't give off the same vibes as a horse thief, though you didn't know many to compare yourself to. You watched as he gave you a nod, walking around to the opposite side of the horse. 
"Definitely not going to steal her." You looked down at your sketchbook, giving it a small wave in his direction. "Just drawing her, if that's alright. She looked really interesting, and I've been facing a real bad block lately."
“Saint Denis seems to have a lot of you artsy folk around, huh?” He asked, as you nodded.
“It’s a unique city. I find that there are a lot of things to draw here,” you replied, opening up back to the page you were just on. “Lots of horses, too. None as good as yours, though.”
“You sure you ain’t trying to steal her?” He raised an eyebrow, and you were quick to shake your head again.
“I promise I’m not!”
“I’m just messing with you.” He gave you a smile. “You're some kind of artist, then?”
You nodded. “It’s one of the only things I’ve got going for me right now. I came to Saint Denis to capture its beauty, and haven’t left since.”
“Beauty is a strong word for this place,” he replied, scrunching his nose up as he spoke, and you tilted your head to the side in confusion.
“You don’t like it?”
“Too crowded. Too… city-like.”
You let out a laugh. “Funny that, considerin’ it is a city.” You turned to a new page, deciding to get a closer sketch of the horse’s head. “I hope I ain’t keeping you or anything.”
“Nah, you’re fine,” he said, and you looked up to see him take out a brush from his bag, giving his horse a quick brush down. “I know how frustrating it can be when the thing you’re drawing leaves too soon.”
“You’re an artist, too?” You stopped, giving him a look up and down. He didn't seem like the artistic type from the outside, but you supposed looks could be deceiving. He looked to be the kind of person you would bump into late at night, looking for trouble. The guns on his sides didn't help with that much, but he didn't appear to be threatening. The way he looked at his horse was anything but threatening.
“I draw. Not a proper artist or anythin’.” He looked at you, and you gave him a small smile.
“I think anyone who draws can be considered a proper artist,” you said, as he shrugged in response.
You watched him for a few moments, before going back to your sketch, smoothing some lines out to give the impression of shadows and depth. It wasn’t your best work, but for a fast sketch, it was decent. The stranger had moved during your sketch session, and was now leaning up against one of the wooden poles that held up one of the various awnings on the store, hat tipped in front of his face. You paused for a moment, your pencil hovering over the page before the horse’s head. With a deep breath, you began to very loosely draw the man. You had drawn other people that day, so there was nothing weird about doing it again. But with the person so close, you could feel your cheeks warm up from embarrassment - all he needed to do was look up and catch you drawing him. But he didn't. 
You kept things simple, using few lines to give the impression of features, smudging other lines to use as shadows. A quick line behind him, and you had a very rough outline. You took a mental note of the colours he was wearing - a dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the well worn jeans, the dark boots. He looked like trouble, and yet here he was, letting you draw his horse without a complaint.
The sudden rumble from your stomach brought you out from your drawing session, and you knew you had enough to use as a reference for your painting now. You did feel a little bad for keeping him waiting, and looked down at your drawing of his horse’s head. You didn't have any change you could give him to thank him for your time, but you did have art… With one quick movement, you ripped out the page. Closing your sketchbook and shoving it back into your bag, you approached where he was leaning.
“Sorry for keeping you around,” you said, as he tipped his hat back, looking at you. He straightened up, giving you a nonchalant wave of his hand.
“Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it’s easier to draw things when they’re still,” he said. “You done?”
“Yes. Thank you. Uh, here-” You held out the drawing for him with a smile. “It’s not much, and you don’t have to take it, but… a token of gratitude, if you will.”
He looked down at the paper, gently taking it from you. You watched as he held it up to where his horse was, looking between them. “‘Ain’t much’? I can’t even tell the difference between the drawin’ and her!” He looked at you with a smile. “Thanks, uh…?”
You told him your name quickly, holding out a hand for him to shake. Between all the art, you had completely forgotten to introduce yourself. 
He took your hand in his, giving it a firm shake. “Arthur Morgan.”
“Thank you, Arthur, for letting me draw your horse,” you said, taking a small step back once you let go of his hand. You wondered if it would be weird to invite him along to the opening night of the exhibition, as you felt pretty confident now that you’d be able to finish the piece. You knew what it was missing now, after all. He carefully placed your drawing in his satchel, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. You rarely share your art with anyone, let alone hand someone a piece for free, and you weren’t too sure what had gotten into you to do that. There was something about Arthur that made you feel like you could share it easily. You stepped aside to allow him to walk by you to his horse.
Arthur gave you a nod, as he walked to his horse, unhitching the reins from the post. He turned to look at you. “There’s a lot of good places outside Saint Denis to draw at,” he said, pulling the reins over his horse’s head. “Lots of animals, too. Even more horses.”
“Maybe I’ll have to branch out one day,” you replied with a laugh. “Take a week long trip out to New Hanover, I’ve heard a lot about the landscape there.”
He seemed like a well travelled man to you, and you could easily see yourself going around to different places to draw landscapes and animals and people. Horses were expensive, so you would have to travel by train, and then find somewhere to stay��� Maybe you would take his recommendation. You could always do with new focuses to paint whenever you got bored of Saint Denis.
You hadn’t told many people that your art was going to be displayed yet, and Arthur seemed interested enough in art. It wouldn't hurt to drop the suggestion, right? You searched through your bag for a small card that held the information for the exhibition on it. Your brain was telling you that it was strange to ask him to come along, but you pushed the thought away. It’s a public event, anyone could come, it didn't mean anything if you asked him to drop by. He turned to mount his horse, and you spoke up.
“If you’re in the area at the end of the month-” you started, making him look back at you. You took another deep breath to get you through this, holding out the business card to him, “the gallery downtown is hosting an exhibition, and I should have some art up on display there…” You hoped he understood what you were hinting at, as the thought of asking this stranger to see your artwork was causing a bubble of anxiety to rise in you. “Opening night is when I’ll be there, but it’ll be up for a week after that if you're still in the city.”
He took the business card from you, reading it and flipping it over in his hand. “I’ll drop by if I can,” he said with a smile, and you felt your anxieties leave you. With a smile, he nodded at you, before pulling himself up onto his horse. “Been nice talkin’ to you.”
“You too, Arthur.” You gave him a small wave. “If you ever need a drawing partner, be sure to let me know!”
“I might just take you up on that offer,” he laughed, and you watched as he left, walking off down the street. 
Nothing would come of it, most likely, but the idea of going around with someone and drawing together filled your mind. Especially with the idea of travelling - maybe this was your calling? To travel and paint together with someone. You pushed that thought away, not wanting to get too attached to the idea, however lovely it may be.
You began your walk back home, eager to get out the paints. This was going to be one of your best pieces ever, and you were now looking forward to the exhibition instead of dreading it.
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diana-bluewolf · 1 year
MC profile
Some info about my MC Chris Mongrel. Profile is under the cut.
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Name: Chris Mongrel
House: Slytherin
Birthday: 24th November
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual, demiromantic
Nationality: British
Residence: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
Motto: Sink or swim
Wand: Cedar Wood, Phoenix feather, 12 ½" Length, Slightly yielding flexibility
"Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. The cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond." Olivander
A wand with this flexibility will initially resist new owners, but if the owner is persistent, it will warm up eventually. Wand owners with slightly yielding wands are often very kind and compassionate, but they may have some reluctance in trusting others since they possess a strong sense of skepticism.
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Patronus: Dingo
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Hair colour : dark brown
Eye colour : minty green
Skin tone : beige
Distinguishing features : freckles, scar over the left eye. Due to sleep deprivation, there are often dark circles under his eyes.
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Enneagram: 5w4 sx/sp
Four temperaments: Phlegmatic-melancholic
he can be a good listener
he can notice patterns in close people’s behaviour and figure out when they are not okay by small changes in it
disconnection and tendency to get easily lost in thoughts
low self-worth
adrenaline addictiveness
absolute recklessness regarding his safety
prone to self-isolation and melancholy
trust issues
insensitive at times, especially when he’s absorbed in a new project/puzzle
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drawing (he likes to do sketches of anything he finds fascinating)
experimenting with magic, enchanting muggle artefacts (like making a fountain pen with everlasting ink, a self-sharpening pencil or a notebook with extension charm)
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Amortentia (what he smells like to others):
cedar wood (smell of pencil shaving) due to his habit of making notes and sketches, and he finds muggle stuff more convenient for it
forest and fresh air (as a result of frequent flying and exploring Forbidden Forest)
wiggenweld potion (a side effect of being adrenaline addictive)
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Favourite subjects:
Study of Ancient Runes
Defense Against Dark Arts
Least favourite subjects:
Care for Magical Creatures (how can you deal with something that is, with rare exceptions, as far from being logical as it gets?) 
Herbology (it’s just boring)
History of Magic (nothing wrong with history itself, but, gosh, Professor Binns’ lessons are such a waste of time! You can read everything you need to know in a book much faster)
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When you are an adrenaline addictive introverted bookworm.
"Mongrel" isn't his real surname. When he was 11, Chris discovered himself at the doorway to a muggle charity school, a typical so-called bluecoat school in those times where orphans and kids from poor families lived and got educated (if they were lucky to get a place there). He didn't remember how he ended up there, how he got the fresh scar on his face, where he had lived before, who his parents were, not even his surname. 
A local boy passing by mentioned to Chris that weird kids with mental problems would never be accepted to any school, where there's not enough space even for "normal" children, and the best place for them is living on the streets or in workhouses. Chris didn't know if it was true but decided not to reveal to anyone that he didn't remember anything, just in case. 
The school's headmaster, a man with a strange, absent-minded expression (he was under the Imperius Curse), expected the new student to arrive that day. When Chris was asked his full name, he made up his surname promptly, saying the first word that crossed his mind. It was from the phrase the boy had told him, "Y'know, nobody wanna deal with mental mongrels like you."
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A bit later, Chris realised that some snippets of his childhood were still tucked away in his memory: the precious and warm moments with his father, a muggle professor at Oxford University. Nevertheless, Chris didn't remember his name or what had happened to him. His dad sometimes spoke with him in a foreign language. For example, Chris remembered that ‘misha’ meant an affectionate version of the word ‘bear’. 
★Before he arrived at Hogwarts (and some time after), he had been struggling with insomnia and nightmares, especially the repetitive ones about an unfamiliar (or not?) boy with cloudy eyes. The dragon attack was, of course, a shocking experience for Chris, but when he first entered the Slytherin common room, he was even more stunned to meet a person who resembled the constant participant of his nightmares, though 4-5 years older.
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★Chris and Ominis didn't get along at first. Or, more precisely, Ominis was hostile towards the new fifth-year. So even when he had to mention Chris to Sebastian, for example, he called him anything but by name. He could say "that walking magnet for troubles", "your accomplice", "your new best friend" (with some extent of sarcasm in his voice) or "the neophyte". It took him a while to address Chris by name for the first time.
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★Eventually, they became very close. During the 7th year, Ominis developed romantic feelings for Chris but kept it a secret for many years because he was aware of Chris' asexuality (which turned out to be demisexuality later). Chris realized that his feelings towards Ominis had evolved beyond platonic only in their late 20s.
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★For quite a long time after Chris arrived at Hogwarts, he mostly avoided people, trusting no one. Sebastian seemed friendly, but Chris was sure that it was only because of his ancient magic abilities, which possibly were a key to saving Anne. It took him some time to realise that Sebastian was actually a friend, not just someone he was hanging out with due to win-win cooperation.
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★Before Chris could finally open up to Sebastian and Ominis, his only friend was a wolf that he named Misha (because it was huge and more resembled a bear than a wolf). Chris stumbled upon him in the Not-So-Forbidden Forest. The wolf was seriously wounded after a fight with a dugbog but still tried to attack the boy, who wanted to help. Dealing with animals and beasts was really not Chris' cup of tea, and he was annoyed by the irrational creature, which did everything to prevent its own rescue. But eventually, they got along, Misha recovered, and he would even start running to meet Chris whenever he entered the forest.
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★Chris became good friends with Amit. He admired Amit’s thirst for knowledge, enthusiasm for researching his areas of interest and the ability to say no to things that make him uncomfortable.
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★Professor Fig was the first person Chris opened up to. One of the most profound regrets in Chris' life was his inability to muster the courage to call Fig 'Dad' while he was still alive. After Fig's passing, Chris withdrew further into his shell, isolating himself even from Ominis and Sebastian.
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★Chris contributed to making the Keepers' Wand with Olivander, offering what little help he could. Later, during the 6th and 7th years, Chris worked part-time for Olivander, mostly as an errand boy. He really enjoyed the job and became interested in crafting wands. Olivander helped Chris get over Fig's death.
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Some facts:
★Before Hogwarts, Chris had never participated in magic duels. In fact, he didn’t even know that magic existed, being very sceptical about it when Fig first told him about Hogwarts. But anyway, he had to hone his reflexes in the frequent scuffles at the charity school, full of boys with behaviour problems.
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★No matter the weather, he often feels cold, which makes him favour sweaters. When he was a student, his clothes, like most of his belongings, were quite shabby due to his extreme lifestyle and orphanhood. Besides, even when he earned some money by running errands like potion deliveries and later working for Olivander, buying new clothes was always his least priority. 
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★Having all the extra assignments and schoolwork to catch up on, he always tries to push himself to the limit, sometimes neglecting to sleep. Due to his low self-worth, he feels he must do the maximum to prove to himself that he matters like others. He’s either the best or nothing. He doesn’t value his life at all, which, together with adrenaline addiction, makes risking it daily easier. 
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★He can forget to sleep but tries not to miss meal times as he was often hungry in the charity school. Not a picky eater. 
★When he's nervous, he uses humour as a defence mechanism. While sometimes it helps to discharge tension, it can also be not appropriate at all. 
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★He can easily break the rules if the pros outweigh the cons. 
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★The Sorting Hat doubted whether to place him in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but settled on the latter. Maybe the idea of sorting a guy with the last name ‘Mongrel’ into Slytherin of all places seemed funny to it, idk. But Chris can defend himself, anyway - he's used to it.
★He isn't the type of person who says "I love you." often, but even if he does, it may sound like, 
"I think I love you." 
"Well, all the symptoms confirm the diagnosis". 
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★He had a hard time learning how to deal with emotions and feelings, mostly "postponing" them to process later. Though he rarely shows affection, it doesn't mean he isn't capable of it, but it takes him much time to open up to someone.
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★He can be manipulative and cunning with strangers but becomes a different person with close people, trying to be as honest as possible. Able to admit when he's wrong. Prone to unnecessary self-sacrifices when it comes to those he holds dear. 
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mermaidchan05 · 9 months
Vesuvia Weekly: LI and Apprentice Dynamics
Finally getting to join the party started by @vesuviaweekly!
(fair warning I love writing about this kind of stuff so there are a looot of words here lol)
Meleia & Asra
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(sketch by the amazing @missrabbitart it's wonderful I love it so much)
Truly two halves of a greater whole.
Soft soft soft soft soft
They're both each other's first love, which is really cute.
(And both of them were super awkward about it at first because neither of them knew how to actually Talk to people)
Meleia loves Asra's wanderlust. Life is never boring with him.
Asra adores the way Meleia throws her all into whatever she cares about, be it as mundane as a sewing project or as huge as protecting the people she loves from the likes of Lucio or the Devil.
And on the subject of sewing... they're both crafty people!
Meleia makes her own clothes and Asra knits, so the two of them combined are a force to be reckoned with.
Meleia has a lot of self-confidence issues for a lot of reasons. Asra's always been there to help her through her rough spots.
Neither of them have a good sense of direction, so Faust and Forge (Meleia's familiar, a fennec fox) always end up doing most of the navigating when they travel.
They love reading together, making things together, exploring together, dancing together... they'd basically do anything and everything together.
(Except cleaning. Asra leaves stuff everywhere, and Meleia likes to keep the shop neat. It's about the only thing they have teasing arguments about.)
To Meleia, Asra is home. She can truly be her awkward and shy and geeky self around him, and she appreciates that more than she can ever say.
To Asra, Meleia is a beacon of light and joy. She cares so deeply about things and people, including the little kid who grew up alone on the docks.
Songs that remind me of Them: "A Whole New World" from Aladdin, "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown, "Curses" by the Crane Wives.
My other apprentices are under the cut!
Damian & Julian
In a nutshell, they are that one scene from Coco.
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(Drawing by me, it's a redraw of the final panel of this old thing)
In all honesty, though, they tease each other but they are very much in love.
They're both intelligent and leaders in their fields of study.
Damian's an alchemist, Julian's a doctor... their styles have more in common than Julian ever thought at first.
They can and will be found having intense discussions about various practices in both medicine and alchemy using highly technical terms that no one else in the room understands.
They were a dream team when working to find a cure for the plague. Except for the arguments where Damian insisted that the plague itself must have been magical in nature and Julian was firmly convinced it was nothing more than a disease.
Damian's stubborn, and never afraid to show his anger or annoyance, but Julian always has a way of making things up to him. And they never stay upset or mad at each other for long.
Both of them are musically inclined, Julian with his vielle and Damian with his guitar. So whenever emotions are too strong for words, they connect through playing together.
Julian is all for the drama, while Damian's humor is more dry and witty.
Julian is the only person who can get Damian to dance on a table.
Songs that remind me of them: "I See the Light" from Tangled, "Inferno" from Promare.
Chimalus, Nadia, and Portia
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Chimalus and Nadia art by the fabulous @ace--of--swords!
I've talked about Chimalus' dynamics with Nadia and Portia before, but I wanted to go into more detail about the polycule here :)
Dream Team 2 Electric Boogaloo
Chimalus and Portia are both always at the ready to help Nadia with whatever plan she has, be it city reservations, the next Masquerade, or just a picnic out in the garden.
Chimalus is the Heart of the trio, with their pure loyalty, good judgement, and a particularly kind heart.
Both Nadia and Portia admire Chimalus' quiet strength and clever mind. No matter how tough the problem, Chimalus finds a way to keep a relatively cool head and work their way through it.
Whenever Chimalus' lingering trauma pops up from their dark past, Nadia and Portia are always right there to help them through it.
Portia loves "dragging" Nadia and Chimalus off on adventures. Not that Chimalus or Nadia complain.
Book buddies!
The three of them basically have their own book club. They always meet up as soon as they're done reading the current book and chat about it over snacks (and usually tea and/or wine).
They all bond over animals, too! Between the palace horses, Chandra, Pepi, and Chimalus' familiar Skye the bluebird, they have quite a few critter friends to fawn over together.
Songs that remind me of them: "More With You" by MALINDA, "Running With the Wolves" from Wolfwalkers, "To the Ends of the Earth" by Natewantstobattle.
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lilikitsune18 · 5 months
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Officer it’s this one right here he crashed my drawing program and refused to cooperate
@neodracunyan here’s the criminal the one who broke my drawing program so bad I’m going to have to archive everything and clear its data again and it hasn’t even been 3 months since I last did that for spring cleaning. I love how he came out in the end but he crashed my program 5 times while I was working on him and has caused it to lag and crash constantly ever since. I adore this boi but I will always have hard feelings for his reference sheet. He looks so smug about it too.
Below the cut is my usual ramble as well as the sketches and shape study for this one. (He has taught me many things completely on accident)
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So let’s talk about this.
I started by sketching up a kickin that will never see the light of day fate just looking up my reference images and eyeballing it.
That kickin was really really ugly.
I know saying these things about one’s own art can seem degrading and derogatory but believe me when I say I got a second opinion and they agreed that chicken was ugly.
And they didn’t even know I was showing them my own art so I know it’s true.
So then I did the shape study and figured out why this wasn’t working the same as the others.
Then came a lot of trial and error of pushing different combinations of these shapes and builds together until I got a siluette that seemed to work (this was the one I used for the final version of kickin)
Then came the face which was also a matter with which I struggled but eventually figured out.
Despite all of these setbacks I do really like how kickin came out in the end (especially the side profile view) and once all of the struggles were through I really really ended up liking how he came out .
So let’s actually talk about this design now shall we?
Let’s start with the kickin hawk design. This design benefited from the fact that I knew who kickins partner is before choosing colors so I decided to make his grey clothing pieces blue toned in the same shade as bubba. It’s not super noticeable in the reference sheet because it’s surrounded by its complimentary and cross-complimentary colors (orange and yellow) making it look far more desaturated than it actually is. My intent is for the rest of the dark critters to have this same partnering motif from here on out in their color palettes (bubba will get kickins yellow, Bobby will get craftys cyan/teal color, and picky will get something green for hoppy) this will add a sort of visual synergy between each partner set making it more clear when they’re together as a group who the usual pairs are. (Instead of redoing catnap and dogday to fit this rule lets just say that their synergy thing is the red smoke bc when I designed them I didn’t know they were going to be put together as an individual pair instead of being with the rest of the critters as a group.) the idea for how kickin hawks weapons work is that they’re magnetic (either the holsters or a specific point on the weapon itself) and depending on which weapon it is will attach to a different point on his belt (think like polarity the nunchucks won’t attach to the spot where the guns go because the poles in its magnets don’t match the ones for the guns to attach to. This also means that if an enemy has a huge magnet they are guaranteed to never get all of kickins weapons because some of them will have opposing polarity and be repelled by the magnet instead of attracted to it a.k.a science is cool sometimes) The mask is for similar reasons to dogdays because of the fact that bubba uses lots of chemicals and gases similar to catnaps when fighting and kickin doesn’t want to deal with the loose gases effects (at that moment at least I feel like kickin would absolutely be bubba Guinea pig whenever he has a new variation to test) I also dyed some of his feathers with streaks of the reddish orange color because I feel like the moment he got the freedom to choose his appearance he’d go and change it. And uh yeah that’s about it for kickins ramble but if you have questions about the design choices feel free to ask ( while some of these guys may bite I won’t!)
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jojo-schmo · 7 months
I really like your artstyle. Especially whenever you draw Dedede. It inspired me to make this:
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It's artwork I made nearly two years ago. The left is remade artwork.
How do you stay consistent with your style?
- Jocket
Oh wow!! That's a true honor to hear, thank you for telling me this! Both drawings are so lovely!! But I love how dynamic and in motion everyone's poses are in your new one, and the expressions and colors are so fun!! :D Keep drawing, it's looking great! <3
And that's very kind of you to say that about my artstyle! It's funny you say that, I've been feeling a slight struggle with my consistency these days. (But that's also probably my own perception :P )
I think... whenever I struggle with consistency, I aim for confidence. Confidence in my sketches and the lines I draw. Reminding myself that while the art might not look exactly like the image in my head, I'm doing this to the very best of my ability.
Even when I feel like I'm not drawing something "technically correct." Like backgrounds or perspectives or something I haven't drawn before. I try to remind myself, "This is the very best I can do right now, and it's better than having drawn nothing at all! Because this didn't exist before I put pencil to paper, or stylus to screen. And that's pretty magical!"
Also just studying new things to draw and plenty of practice, I suppose! Practice makes progress! I mean, I didn't draw Dedede AT ALL until I was like 24! And I've been drawing Kirby characters since like, age 11! I just learned to get over my own mental blocks that I created over time. Before, I thought that if I couldn't draw a character "well," I shouldn't even try at all. And that reluctance to leave my comfort zone when I was younger caused me to miss out on a lot of growth in my technical art skills! So I try to remember that mindset more these days.
And hey, maybe consistency isn't the ultimate end goal for everyone's art styles. I mean, art styles are allowed to evolve as much as an artist wants them to! I think I'm personally happier with my progress in my confidence than my progress in consistency. But I'll keep working on both.
I hope that all makes sense :) Keep up the wonderful work!! Your art is something only you can make! And I think that's beautiful!
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
My Baby Bats 💜🦇
This post is in honor of @hypocriticaltypwriter and her own baby bats. This part is about The Lost Boys themselves. There will be a part two with Michael and Star!
So some of you know I love the Sims 4. Back in 2022 I made The Lost Boys in the game because ya girl is obsessed. I also made:
The Emersons
Star and Laddie
Thorn and Nanook
The Frog Brothers
The cave
Grandpa's House
The comic book store
The boardwalk
And....I just so happened to put myself in the game with them. There was no official "story" at first. I just wanted to smooch my boys so bad, and seeing as I don't have any digital art programs (I used to draw but I'm sooooo rusty), the Sims was the perfect way to go about it. 🥰
My sim self had a daughter with each of the boys (because I too wanted to have a gang of Lost Girls lol). I named each girl after the actor their fathers play.
Pictures and story below~
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David's Daughter - Kira (the closest I could get to Kiefer)
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She admires her father more than anything in the world. She wants to be a good leader and an even better protector of her sisters. Kira never backs down from a fight, often having moments in childhood where she beat up bullies that were harassing her sisters. But she doesn't use her brawn though. She's as smart as a whip, using patience and strategy to navigate life. Always studying her surroundings and knowing what to say or do for her next step. She's a mysterious girl and never reveals what she's thinking or feeling. As far as Kira is concerned, she needs to be on her guard should something happen to her father and she needs to take over as head vampire. That being said, she's very sensitive deep down, and is incredibly close to her parents, never wanting to be away from them for too long. The anxiety overwhelms her. David worries about the pressure she puts on herself.
Dwayne's Daughter - Billie
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Billie is a gentle and kind girl. She's quite shy, often keeping to herself whenever she's around someone outside of the family. As a little girl, she would often hide behind her father, too scared to even say hi to new people. Dwayne was incredibly patient with her, and eventually found a way for her to socialize without getting out of her comfort zone. He introduced her to animals and wildlife in the Santa Carla mountains, showing her the hidden beauties of the world. She loves animals so much, and likes to spend time caring for stray cats and dogs she sees on the streets. Billie also inherited her mother's love of writing, and enjoys poetry most. It helps her navigate life and the feelings she has.
Marko's Daughter - Alex
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A little artist like her father, Alex has an eye for the most fascinating curiosities around her. She's a jack of all trades, enjoying everything from photography, to sketching, to painting, to jewelry making. She has so many ideas, and her dad is more than happy to support her vision. She's also a little troublemaker like Marko, often going out to spray graffiti on the walls of various Santa Carla buildings. She's not afraid of causing some mischief if it means expressing herself. Alex also has a fondness of spooky stuff. She has a crystal ball, a collection of candles, tarot cards, and has a planchet earring that she uses whenever she wants to break out the ouija board. She's loves playing fun, witchy games with her sisters during sleepovers. Stuff like Bloody Mary and Light as a Feather, Stuff as a board.
Paul's Daughter - Brooke
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Oh she's definitely her father's daughter. Brooke is a little wild child, always eager for an adventure. She's got plenty of energy to burn, dancing and running and jumping off furniture. She loves to stay up late and play video games or have dance parties with her sisters. Above all, her biggest passion is music. Growing up she listened to her father play guitar a lot, and immediately got inspired. He was more than happy to teach her, and ever since then, she's had a dream of becoming a rock star. She's got the energy and the beautiful singing voice for it after all.
Here are some pics of the baby bats:
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I'm gonna reblog this post with more baby bat pics from when the girls were little. Stay tuned!
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feyspeaker · 7 months
Hii me again. I'm not sure if I sent the ask I'm talking about on anon, so maybe that's why you didn't see it? It partially got answered with a recent ask you got anyway so no worries. I was just wondering if you use 3d in your process and if so, how? I've seen other illustrators use it to varying degrees and it seems like a really helpful tool to push your work.
Oh that's so weird! No I periodically go through my asks in chunks and I didn't see anything like that. I've had a few people in the past few months send me asks that looked like the second half of something else with no context, so maybe it's Tumblr fuckery. Sorry!!
I recommend learning Blender so you can help sculpt shapes and render lighting onto them in order to get the weirder/more complex shadows right. You can also apply colors onto the things you sculpt in order to see how the colors act in different lighting. It's pretty much an invaluable tool to me as it keeps me from having to problem-solve too much. I did a lot of digging around in my house to build references to photograph but it was just impractical to achieve the things I want to a lot of the time. I still do that, and you would not believe how many goofy photos I have of my husband in the poses you've seen me paint Astarion in lmao...
I do think that it needs to be used in moderation if you are a more beginner artist- I think that using 3D is DANGEROUSLY close to becoming a massive crutch for a newer artist and improper usage or over reliance on it can lead to stiffness or artificial looking colors. You need to be able to train your eye to create compelling compositions by bashing things together, and train your hand to replicate/add/subtract as needed from your references with an organic feel.
I will say this as a total committer of this crime myself in the past, it's VERY easy to tell when an artist relies too much on, for example, Clip Studio Paint posed models as bases for pieces without a good enough grasp on their fundamentals. And I also used to prickle when I saw more advanced artists warn of this, so I do think maybe it just has to run its course sometimes, because I know that using 3D for reference seems like an easy-button.
I've taken a lot of in-person classes for live figure drawing and painting, as well as just totally done drills, basically, on sketching and painting from life before relying too much on static imagery/3D/etc.
I often fret over every piece I do looking too stiff even still.
You have to do a LOT of the boring hard stuff the old fashioned way. And I regularly go back to it over and over when needed.
For example, I recently did a stupid amount of rose petal/flower studies deconstructing and painting ugly little paintings/doodles over and over because I know that I've been horribly weak at painting flowers for years (actively avoiding them). And I've been doing a lot of floral stuff lately due to that.
Whenever I start a new piece in new territory, I know it's going to mean several 3AM nighters where I have two other tabs open on Photoshop where I test out different textures or do a couple of studies. I'm working on a piece of my OC right now that has a lot of gore/medical instruments and I've been working on testing out different methods for shiny metal painting and some anatomical studies. I'll come to a snag in a painting and go "here we go" and work through it one piece at a time.
My Halsin piece, "Secret Spot" in the hot spring, was a massive undertaking with a lot of these moments. The Karlach x Dammon piece took 3 times longer than it should have due to me just having to go back and fix things knowing I could do better after doing some studies.
Ultimately I personally find art tutorials to be quite useless overall once you get to a certain point, unless they are teaching the use of a tool/software because you HAVE to figure out what works for you. And even then I use Blender like a monkey with a keyboard, I suspect, because I've just bruteforced through it, so I could probably use a tuneup from a good teacher on that haha. I hope this helps some, and sorry if I overstepped if I sound preachy.
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x-0ophelia0-x · 1 year
A work of Art which did not begin in emotion is not art. - Paul Cézanne
pairings: Artist!Reader x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none! just fluff and a sad ending. And not proofread yet.
word count: 2,4K
summary: You’re an artist. Drawing is your passion, something you do whenever you need to relax or do when you’re motivated. You see things in a different way, a more peaceful one. Observing things is your speciality which comes in handy when you start your anatomy studies on a certain someone, whose training sessions with Kanan seem to be the perfect opportunity for you to study.
authors note: this might be my favorite one until now- this prompt was stuck in my head like for forever now. Being an artist is part of a reason why this kind of escalated in it‘s length-
It’s also S4 Ezra, ignore the gif, was the only one I found with Kanan 😭
This wasn’t originally based on Cézannes quote, I just had a rough idea of a peaceful scenario on Lothal and his quote seemed to fit the best on how this fanfic went on.
I might make a series out of this, words can’t describe how much I enjoyed writing this one 😭
anywayyy, the Ahsoka final will air in just two hours and guess what? I‘ll miss it because it’ll be 3 am here and I‘m supposed to get up in 4h for school :D
enjoyyy <3
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What is Art?
It was a question you could never really answer yourself.
It had grown into a part of you, defining the person you had become.
Art wasn’t just a drawing on a paper or on whatever material you could imagine. It was a feeling, an emotion. The desire to create something new. The desire to immortalize your emotions into the paper you were working on.
The Arts priority is to make you feel something, to understand the Artists hidden message.
Some use it to express their feelings, others indirectly use it as a love letter to their beloved ones.
Art ist a matter of perspective, some see boring studies, others see emotions at it‘s purest form and then others again see the hidden message behind it.
And yours? Let’s say that yours was a mix of everything.
- Lothals sun was low, it’s dimmed light bathing the landscape in a beautiful haze of gold. The grass fields reflecting the golden light perfectly as they were moving with the wind. Lothals mountains being highlighted by it while several loth cats where playing around. 
The whole scenery sent a feeling of comfort and warmth to you, the peaceful moment, a luxury for you and your friends since fighting against the empire was your dangerous lifestyle.
You sat by a rock, leaning against it while a loth cat was cuddling up right next to you. Going into a peaceful slumber, trusting you with it‘s life right now. As you sat there, holding your sketchbook with the one hand and your pencil with the other. You couldn’t help but to get lost in this moment. 
Everything seemed so perfect right now and the beautiful scenery in front of you really resembled a painting itself. And beside the loth cat, you weren’t alone. 
Hours like this were used by Kanan and Ezra to train, a perfect opportunity for them since they wouldn’t get distracted here as much as somewhere else. 
And this was your perfect opportunity to make some anatomy studies. 
Drawing was your passion, a hobby you shared with Sabine. 
And moments like this just boosted your motivation. Sitting on a open field while the sun had it‘s golden hour, having your pen and sketchbook right beside you, what else could you possibly want more?
Ezra also became a key figure to your studies. His training sessions with Kanan offered you dynamic poses, interesting ones that were perfect for your exercise. 
You often found yourself sketching him, being it while he trained or while he fell asleep on your shoulder due to his exhaustion whenever he finished his double trainings with Kanan and Rex. He knew about your hobby, everyone did. What he didn’t know though was that you were sketching him, that he was a constant figure in your sketchbook. Studies of him while he trained, slept against your shoulder and his face, especially his eyes.
You loved him and he loved you. You both confessed to each other a while ago, he didn’t really question you whenever you watched them train or always having you sketchbook near you since he knew that drawing was your passion after all. Ezra even enjoyed having you around, not only because you two were a couple, but because he knew that with you, he’d never be truly alone again just as he was before the ghost crew found him. 
The crew is his newfound family, there’s no doubt in that, but they wouldn’t stay together, close like they were right now forever. The day where everyone would go their own ways would eventually come, leading to them being completely united again just when they’d have a mission together or plan a trip or something. He’d have his friends but he’d again have to live somewhere alone, which was a fear of him, one he hid damn well from the others. 
But now he had you, someone he’d never imagined meeting in his life. Someone who would love to spent their life together with him. Someone who felt the same connection towards him like he felt for you. 
His training with Kanan continued, parrying each strike from Kanan while you continued to sketch him. Each pose having a different dynamic. 
Whenever you felt that you had too many poses on one page of position, you chose single parts of him, his face, his hands holding the lightsaber or just his expressions, drawing them separately next to the poses. Trying to bring in some contrast so that looking at those sketches later wouldn’t be too boring.
The loth cat eventually woke up, nuzzling it’s head against you while it watched the Jedi and the Jedi in training, train. 
Then it’s head turned to you, looking into your eyes and then into your sketchbook. It seemed to recognize Ezra‘s silhouette, looking back and forth, as if he was comparing the original Ezra with his sketched version. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the creatures confusion, it was adorable.
„Yes it’s him“
You said, your voice just loud enough for it to hear, not wanting to risk Ezra hearing you. He didn’t know that he was the star of your sketchbook and you didn’t know how he’d react if he realized that you had a whole sketchbook of him. 
The loth cat then again looked up to you, gesturing to your sketchbook and itself.
„Do you want me to draw you too?“
You asked it, smiling down, adoring it‘s character. It was the first loth cat that didn’t attack you at first sight but instead chose to actually spend time wit/ you. 
And it seemed happy about your question, taking a position while looking straight at you.
Not wanting to hurt its feelings you changed your subject, sketching the cat instead of Ezra right now. 
It was still on the same page as Ezra though and even if it didn’t really fit with your topic for this sketchbook, it somehow fitted to him, his connection with those kind of creatures being his passion. 
When you had the bases finished, having a full body, a close up from its head and a version of it sleeping like earlier, you continued with its details. Something you loved. Hours could pass by and you’d never grow bored of adding more of them.
The difference this time was that you were fast and didn’t need too long for the loth cat‘s features and details. Being finished quicker then it thought, showing it the results. 
You weren’t a loth cat expert but it’s stunned expression, looking at your sketches of it with awe, was kind of an confirmation that it liked your way of portraying it. 
You chuckled at its reaction, it was fricking adorable. It then turned its head against to your direction, as if it was asking you if it was really him.
„Yes that’s you“
You then spoke softy, failing to notice that Ezra’s training had ended. 
Seeing you interact with the cat warmed his heart, and Kanan noticed it.
„Ah.. young love“
He teased him, receiving a smirk from Ezra.
„Don’t get me started on you and Hera.. Master“
He replied, knowing that he hit a spot with this one.
„This point goes to you“
Kanan then says, faking a defeated tone with his voice. 
„Enjoy the sunset“
Was all he said before leaving the field and walking over to their ship where the rest of the crew was. 
Ezra also made his way to you, but from behind, aiming to scare you a little.
While you still let the loth cat to look at your sketches, he sneaked up from behind you, throwing his arms around your waist and whispering a short ‚boo‘ against your ear.
„Oh my force!“
You shrieked, jumping at his sudden approach, accidentally losing hold of your sketchbook. Then realizing that it was the sketchbook. 
„That’s what she said“
Was everything he said, not able to hold in his laughter while you jokingly pushed your elbow against his side.
„Very funny. Bridger.“
He sat down, right next to you, bringing his arm behind you and wrapping it around your waist, holding you into a half embrace. 
„I feel honored and scared at the same time“
„As you should“
You then also started to laugh, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
„How was your training today?“
„Like always.. I‘m just happy that it’s over for today, Kanan and Rex went hardcore.. I didn’t know that I had this many muscles until today“
You chuckled.
„Why? Did they remind you how useful they are while they let you do the galaxy’s most historical workout?“
„No. It’s because I feel EVERY single one of them right now“
He whined, letting his head fall and rest against your shoulder.
„What about you?“
He then asked, yawning as he looked at the golden hues spraying wildly across his home planets landscape. 
„What about me?“
„You were drawing again, I saw you when Kanan gave me some seconds to relax“
Ezra said, shifting his gaze from the sun to your sketchbook.
„You always seem to have this with you when I‘m around.. can I see it?“
He asked with a genuine tone, sounding almost innocent.
„You want to.. see my sketches?“
You asked, hoping that you understood him wrong but him nodding proofed you otherwise. 
„I‘d love to“
The cat noticed your unease with showing him your sketches of him. But it also sensed your bond, it somehow made it happy that you two were happy together. With the power it held right now, it decided to play the matchmaker and carry your sketchbook over to Ezra. 
„I don’t know where you found the little dude but I already love him“
Ezra said, laughing at the cats action which left you more nervous then before. He wasn’t an idiot tho,knowing Sabine meant that everyone on the ghost learned the importance of someones privacy regarding a sketchbook. It was yours after all, who was he to do whatever he wanted with it, right?
„Would it be okay for you if I see it?“
He asked you, holding the sketchbook in his hands after the cat gave it to him. And you somehow where curious of how he’d react, if he’d like them or hate them. 
So you accepted.
„Sure.. just.. you’ll see it yourself“
You said, looking down at his hands that held it.
Ezra then opened it, the first page already on full display, showing sketches of him training and his eyes. He didn’t think too much into it, thinking that it was just a coincidence but when the page after and the one right after continued to have the sketches of someone looking like him, he couldn’t help but wonder. 
„y/n.. is this person me?“
He asked, slowly rising his head from your shoulder to look at you, and you nodded.
Was all you could say right now.
„Please don‘t feel creeped out..“
This catchend him off guard.
„Why should it creep me out?“
Ezra asked her, returning his gaze to your sketches. Looking at them in awe.
„These sketches are perfect like- they are amazing.. breathtaking even“
He continued to turn the pages, looking at each portrait of him, mesmerized by how perfect you catched in his details. 
And you where completely dumbfounded. Didn’t expect this reaction.
„But.. why me?“
Ezra then asked, getting you out of your confused state.
You started, not knowing how to explain it to him at all.
„well.. I needed to study the anatomy on someone so.. I decided to exercise it on the person I care the most..“
You said, looking down at your sketchbook.
Ezra then smirked.
„Is that so..?“
A blush made its way up to your face, reddening with each word he said.
„You’re adorable“
Was all he said before he placed a kiss on your temple. 
„You even drew the cat“
„I did“
He then closed the sketchbook after he was finished, laying it down next to you. 
„So.. I saw that you studied different parts of me too… which one was your favorite?“
His head was once again on your shoulder, holding you close with his other arm while you also held him close with yours around his waist. 
„Your eyes“ 
You said almost immediately.
„They remind me of the endlessness of our galaxy and the hyperspace‘s blue. I could look at them forever and never get bored by it. They’re.. You’re mesmerizing“
Your tone was genuine, and this time it was Ezra who was blushing. 
„Thank you..“
He said, feeling kind of proud that he had this comforting effect on you.
„You’re mesmerizing too tho..“
You chuckled at his nervousness. His cocky attitude from earlier being completely replaced by it right now. 
He then had an idea, knowing that his drawing skills were terrible.
„Would you want to teach me to draw like that too?“
He asked you, feeling excited about this. And you too felt the same, sharing your hobby with someone was good enough, but sharing it with your partner was just out of this world.
„Of corse! I’d be more then happy!!“
You said, your excitement evident in your voice. 
It was a promise you both looked forward to. 
Then, you two, okay technically three since the cat refused to go aways, laying down between you two, sat there with a perfect view, looking at the sunset in front of you, staying together until it went darker and darker, enjoying each others company.
You both were still unaware of what was about to come.
Which daring challenges would not only cost you one dear person, but also another one‘s well being.
Unbeknownst to you this was one of your last peaceful moments together. 
The galaxy had other plans for your futures and soon enough your sketches of him where the only things you had left to keep his memory fresh in your mind.
To remember him whenever you felt lost, feel close to him again even if you felt the loneliest you ever felt before.
They kept you strong, for years to come.
And you knew that whenever you’d find him again, you’d need to start a new one.
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