#this was made harder by the fact that Kai said they were teenagers in Hunted so I started there and went down
weirdestninjago · 1 year
Ninjago Age Headcanons
(And red means they died that season-just for my personal reference. Although I do have a separate list just for specifics)
Zane-45, 15 (physically)
Season 1: Rise of the Snakes
Zane-45, 15 (physically)
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja
Zane-45, 15 (physically)
Lloyd-7, 15 (physically)
Season 3: Rebooted
Zane-46, 15 (physically)
Lloyd-8, 16 (physically)
Pixal-1, 20 (physically)
Season 4: The Tournament of Elements
Zane-47, 18 (physically)
Lloyd-9, 17 (physically)
Pixal-2, 20 (holographically)
Season 5: Possession
Zane-48, 18 (physically)
Lloyd-10, 18 (physically)
Pixal-2, 20 (holographically)
Season 6: Skybound
Zane-49, 18 (physically)
Lloyd-11, 19 (physically)
Pixal-3, 20 (holographically)
Day of the Departed
Zane-49, 18 (physically)
Lloyd-11, 19 (physically)
Pixal-3, 20 (holographically)
Season 7: Hands of Time
Zane-49, 18 (physically) [actually died twice this season]
Lloyd-11, 19 (physically)
Pixal-4, 20 (holographically/physically)
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon
Zane-50, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-12, 20 (physically)
Pixal-5, 20 (physically)
Season 9: Hunted
Zane-50, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-12, 20 (physically)
Pixal-5, 20 (physically)
Season 10: March of the Oni
Zane-50, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-12, 20 (physically)
Pixal-5, 20 (physically)
Season 11: Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu-Fire Chapter
Zane-51, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-13, 21 (physically)
Pixal-6, 20 (physically)
Season 11: Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu-Ice Chapter
Zane-111, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-13, 21 (physically)
Pixal-6, 20 (physically)
Season 12: Prime Empire
Zane-112, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-13, 21 (physically)
Pixal-7, 20 (physically)
Season 13: Master of the Mountain
Zane-112, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-14, 22 (physically)
Pixal-7, 20 (physically)
Miniseries/Season 14: The Island
Zane-113, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-14, 22 (physically)
Pixal-8, 20 (physically)
Season 14/15: Seabound
Zane-113, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-15, 23 (physically)
Pixal-8, 20 (physically)
Season 15/16: Crystalized
Zane-114, 21 (physically)
Lloyd-16, 24 (physically)
Pixal-9, 20 (physically)
18 notes · View notes
kuroko26 · 7 years
Day 1: protection
Hello everyone! Here I am, submitting this piece of work for the white rose week…the first of many in the future.
It’s the first time I’ll be writing White Rose so I hope you enjoy this and the other pieces created for this event.
Also, I’m sorry for the late post but I wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t finish the pieces for the respective days and I still just plain suck at writing. I don’t know how but I’ll do my best to finish this!!!!! ————————————————————————
Three weeks. It’s been three weeks since Weiss escaped the prison she once called home, set a foot on the Kingdom of Mistral and found her sister Winter, who while taken by surprise was glad to see that her younger sister arrived safe and sound, specially after learning of the circumstances that led to their reunion.
While she may have visited Mistral in the past, it was always for her father’s business. Only staying in places of the highest class and only sightseeing or visiting places that her father would allow her; so she took her time to get acquainted with the city as a whole this time, like a normal person instead of the heiress she once was.
And in one of those walks around town she saw her. Her partner, Ruby Rose. The partner she was forced to leave behind and had a varied sort of feelings towards, was in complete eyesight.
So, she couldn’t help herself when she just shouted “RUBY!” For all the people in the street to hear, including her partner, who after some seconds, just sprinted right to where she was, and engulfed her in a tight hug.
“Oh my gosh Weiss! It’s you! It’s really you!” Said the younger girl glad to finally see her partner after so long and her teammate returning it lightly for a while, just enjoying the moment until a question just popped out of her mind.
“Yes Ruby, it’s me…and while I’m glad to see you again, I need some explanation about why are you here in the kingdom of Mistral instead of being back at home…with Yang and I’m assuming, Blake”
At the mention of her sister and other teammate, the read headed girl’s smile dimmed considerably which didn’t go unnoticed by the older girl.
“Weiss, could we speak in private please, there’s so much I want to tell you and….and..” Ruby takes a deep breath before continuing and flashing a smile “there’s this nice bakery on the way to the hotel we’re staying and it has the best cookies I’ve tasted in a long time. We should grab a bite before going into the serious stuff please?”
Ah those puppy eyes that she secretly found cute and quite hard to resist.
“….Of course, just lead the way”
Once the purchase has been done, they went to Winter’s place where Weiss assured Ruby they could talk without problems and so, each partner let the other know about what they have done in the last months.
Weiss talked about the lost of her inheritance, how her father pretended to lock her in her own home and once again try to control her life and future.
“I decided I wouldn’t let things be like that, so I trained myself and waited for the right moment to escape…if it wasn’t for Klein, it might have been harder, impossible even” said Weiss with a hint of fondness in her voice at the mention of the loyal butler.
“But enough about me, I would like to know what have you been up to in the last months? All alone?” The former heiress inquired.
“But I’ve not been travelling alone, Jaune, Nora and Ren have been travelling with me all this time. From Patch to Mistral, we’ve been together…except for that part with that abandoned town and that rare Grimm and…”
“Ruby, please…start from the beginning”
“Oh right…when I woke up….”
Ruby told Weiss about waking up, talking with uncle Qrow about her eyes, the clue in Haven academy, Blake’s absence and the effect it had on Yang along with the loss of her arm, the decision to go to Haven in search for answers with the rest of JNR, doing some hunting jobs along the road. But that was nothing compared to the encounter with Tyrian, the revelation of the maidens, almost losing her uncle or the fight with the Nuckleavee….Ruby revealed every event that transpired in her life for the last six or eight months, which spoke volumes of the level of trust she had on her partner.
Weiss, well she felt flattered even if she found it unbelievable the fact that the maidens of fairy tales were real that there was this mysterious, evil being bent on destroying the world and now was targeting her partner but Ruby was never the type to lie about something like this, there was no question, besides she promised long ago that she would be the best teammate she could.
“So, what can I do to help? Should I try to gather as much information as I can? Maybe Winter can help a bit…as long as I don’t intrude her own investigation of course”
“Weiss, I’m glad you want to help but are you sure? We kinda have a target painted on our backs, you just got out of an ugly situation and your father might be looking for you… do you really think is a g-hmmpf”
Before even finishing that question, Weiss put a finger on Ruby’s lips, silencing the younger one and causing a bit of reddening in her cheeks.
“Ruby. That night on Beacon, I promised that I would be the best teammate I could ever be. Even if Beacon has fallen, that promise still stands and….why is your face red? Are you feeling alright?”
The red headed girl nodded slowly and it took a little while before Weiss realize where her right finger was, only to retrieve it swiftly and become as flushed as the younger girl and place her hands on top of the girl’s own.
“Well sorry about that but my point still stands, I will help you find those who responsible for the fall”
After hearing this, Ruby couldn’t help herself and hugged her partner once more.
“Thank you…you know I’m really glad to see you again. To work together once more you know?”
“I am glad as well Ruby, I am glad as well” the former heiress replied, basking in the warmth of a hug she found, was enjoying more than usual.
“If only this moment could last forever; wait, why am I having these kind of thoughts!?”
But the train of thoughts came to an abrupt end, just like the hug, because Ruby realized it was getting late and her uncle and friends would worry. So, after exchanging new contact information, the girls said their respective goodbyes and in a unexpected movement, Ruby kissed Weiss on her cheek and seeing herself out very quickly, leaving a trail of rose on her path and a very flustered Weiss at the door.
“What in the world motivated Ruby to kiss me!? And, and….why am I feeling strangely giddy about it!?”
A lot of thoughts were coursing through the former heiress mind; past and present experiences with the scythe wielder had been varied. It all started with hostility and disdain, but it morphed into respect, loyalty, friendship and perhaps even more?
She never voiced any of these feelings to anyone, not even Winter in all the time they had been living together but Weiss might have started to develop a slight crush on her partner a bit after the time Blake accidentally revealed herself as a faunus and a former member of the white fang. Normally, she dismissed this thoughts at first and focused her attention on a certain blue haired boy from Haven. That didn’t progress too much and she certainly didn’t put any of those kind of thoughts about her partner with all the tournament excitement and the horrible events that destroyed the place she once thought of as home.
“Maybe, I’m just very happy to see her. It’s been long after all; yeah, that must be it” this was the conclusion Weiss Schnee got after a very silent dinner and for the sake of having a peaceful sleep at night.
And so, the days passed and true to her word, Weiss spend any time she could helping Ruby find clues about Cinder and the others, fighting Grimm along the way to keep themselves sharp, have something to do in the meantime and earn a bit of income; which is why Winter had no problem with her little sister’s recent endeavors as long as she exercised herself with caution.
Still, those funny feelings for her partner kept growing and much to the white haired one frustration, couldn’t actually figure them out, not at all. But maybe, just maybe, fate would do something about it.
One of many afternoons before, the two huntresses in training spent it exterminating a small group of Ursa in the outskirts of the city and now they were on the way to return to the city. Weiss encouraged her partner on a speedy return because, while the job was easy and carried on without difficulties, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that someone was following them. It could be anybody at this point and she just didn’t want to risk herself or Ruby.
While getting near the entrance of Mistral, the pair of teenagers found their path blocked by three guys that certainly didn’t look like they had any good intentions.
“Excuse me, could please move aside? We’re in a bit of a hurry and we don’t want any trouble-”
Ruby’s petition was suddenly interrupted when one the men just tried to hit her with a sledgehammer, which the little red dodged easily and made both girls draw their weapons and be on guard.
“Look red, we’re only here in business. The girl next to you have been very naughty, worrying her father lots and lots. So, he has paid a pretty penny for us to bring his rebellious daughter home.”
Of course, her father. He couldn’t let go of any self perceived slight against his person, could he? But there’s no way she would go back to that piece of hell is she had a say on the matter but before she had the opportunity to reply, another hoodlum decided to address her teammate.
“Just step aside red, this got nothing to do with you so if you let us take “princess” here, no harm will come for ya kay?”
“If you think I’m going to let take Weiss away to that horrible place, you’ve got another thing coming”
While Ruby tried to look imposing, it didn’t phase the criminals nor their approaching allies.
“Suit yourself. We ain’t going anywhere without that white haired bitch and well, sorry not sorry, but you’ll lay in a puddle of blood for trying to play hero!”
And so, the fight started. Ruby’s speed gave them some advantage and Weiss, thanks to her glyphs could emulate her to some extent, making a quick work of some of them but these men were quite experienced and it showed when one of them tried to take Weiss out with a dart filled with a tranquilizer and it would have worked, had Ruby not pushed the former heiress out of the way and taken the hit, much to the girl’s horror.
“RUBY NO!” Weiss couldn’t help herself to shout  her partner’s name and rush to her side, only to be restrained by one of them.
“Such a waste of tranquilizer but it’ll do just fine for such a pest” the apparent leader of the group mumbled before giving the downed girl a kick to the ribs and turning to address Weiss.
“And you. You’re nothing more than daddy’s little girl, no matter how hard you try to act tough; I mean, it’s basically your fault little red here has gotten hurt so why don’t you do yourself a favor and come with us, quietly? Don’t wanna damage such a pretty face without reason….”
But Weiss was paying no heed to his taunting words, in her mind, listing all the things that Jacques Schnee had taken away from her: her childhood, her family in a manner of speaking, her dream of making things right on her grandfather’s company.
But this, this was one of the things he wouldn’t take away again unless it was over her dead body: her freedom and with that, the right to stay with her loved ones, like Ruby for example…..
“Not this time Jacques….” The white haired mumbled taking the attention of her captors and making them oblivious of the glyph that appeared on the floor.
“What did you say missy? Not this time?” The gang just starts laughing “are you pulling me my leg? Cause where I see it, you’re pretty fu-”
Without any warning, the brute was swatted to a side like an insignificant fly, colliding with a nearby tree and losing consciousness in the process.
All the astounded viewers looked behind and saw, much to their horror, a spectral figure standing tall and imposing, with a big sword on one hand.
“I said, you inconsiderate brutes, NOT! THIS! TIME!” Weiss Schnee shouted with all the strength she could muster and for all her current tormentors to hear.
As if it was given an order, the knightly summon started the attack once again, starting with the ones that kept its master restrained not giving a single thought to the attacks of the terrified criminals only to make a quick work of them.
Once she was free, Weiss got near the remaining conscious man and said this: “Tell your contractor this: “if you dare to go after me or my beloved ones once again, I’ll make sure you regret it!”
Not saying anything else, she just knocked the poor bastard out, switching from annoyance, to concern over her unconscious partner.
Once its job was done, the knight just kneeled before fading away, while the preoccupied Weiss folded Crescent Rose to its portable, thanking Ruby for actually teaching her how, calling Winter to request help at the city’s entrance and finally, she grabbed Ruby and mustering all her remaining strength, carried her on her arms and resumed the walk home.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you but rest assured, I’ll do whatever it is in my power to protect you the same way you’ve protected me because….”
She looks at her teammate, dedicating a smile to Ruby before giving a soft kiss to their cheek.
“Because I might be falling in love you know? And I really wish to do things properly so hang in there Ruby, please?”
And so, Weiss didn’t say anything else for the rest of the way while ignorant of the fact that Ruby let a little smile come out.
Well that's the first of the seven prompts of the event! Let's do this!
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