#this was just supposed to be the emoji but it kind of exploded
no listen you guys don’t understand okay so teru’s eng va is gowther in sds and ritsu’s eng va is king from sds, right? i was watching an episode to destress today and i totally forgot that there was a moment in s1 when gowther is just. carrying king on his back. probably because he got hurt, but he prolly could’ve easily just flown away or something but no. gowther just. carries him on his back. friendship. little guys.
so anyways that made me think of teru just. making ritsu get on his back and tbh that feels like something he would do. and ritsu would either do it begrudgingly because he wanted teru to stop asking, because he was about to pass out or was literally too injured to walk, OR teru just says ‘screw it’ and like. floats ritsu onto his back oiugyftcgvhjiuygtf anyways besties <3
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
iFall For Harry
Part Two to this request!
Summary: Turns out, the stranger in your phone is kind of funny...
...and kind of sexy, too.
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Oh, my god. 
Harry, did you hear the news?
It takes exactly three and a half minutes for those familiar little bubbles to pop up.
Well hello to you, too. 
No, what happened?
You struggle to contain a rather giddy grin as you begin to type, A cheese factory exploded in France!
Wait, really? Shit, what happened?
I don’t know. But all that was left was…de brie.
Exactly sixty seconds pass before he begins to type.
I think I just snorted. 
That was…goddammit that was good.
You don’t even know what he looks like, but you chuckle at the idea of him laughing so hard he can’t help but snort.
Thank you, thank you. 
Took me two weeks to come up with that.
I’m impressed. 
Little offended, too.
Oh? Your heart sinks.
Kept me on the edge of my seat for two fucking weeks wondering if I’d hear from you again.
You smirk to yourself as you flop down onto your sofa and think through a response.
Hey, it takes two to tango, pal. You could have texted me, too.
The bubbles make your heart pound.
Alright, that’s fair. 
In my defense, I didn’t have any more cheese puns.
Oh, is that all this is, then? 
You just use me for dad jokes?
Psh, nooooooo…
Then, another text.
Although, the jokes do make my days…cheddar.
 You laugh a little louder, suddenly very aware of the flush in your face over some stranger in your phone. 
No, wait. How do I erase a text?
I hated that. 
Seriously, how do I make it go away? 
My failure is staring me in the face, and I hate it.
You giggle under your breath.
Easy, Grandpa. 
Relax, just press down until the options pop up.
The conversation goes quiet for a brief moment before you watch his previous text vanish from the screen with a dramatic, poof!
Then, he begins typing again.
Hold on… 
Did you just call me Grandpa?
…psh, noooooooo
Oh, so that’s how it is?
That’s how it is.
Wow, and we had such a nice thing going, too.
To be fair, you never told me your age, and you don’t even know how to delete a text. 
What am I supposed to think?
First of all: rude. 
Respect your elders.
Second of all: this deleting shit is NEW, okay, and I just updated my phone, like…a week ago, so I never learned. 
No, yeah, whatever you say, Grandps.
He responds with the emoji that’s rolling its eyes.
You smirk.
For your information, I’m 29.
Okay, which is a cool, hip, fun, and very fresh age.
Yes, I believe that’s the slogan for the retirement home, too. 
“We’re cool, we’re slick, and we might break a hip.”
There’s a longer pause between your text and his response. You hope it’s because he’s laughing. It’s not your best work, but you think it’s funny.
And then, you get the notification.
Dammit, that place sounds so much cooler than the retirement home I’m in now. 
Send me the address? I’ll wheel myself over.
You got it, Old Man. Will you need any help crossing the street?
How thoughtful of you. Yeah, that’d be great, and then you can finally earn your Girl Scout badge.
Oh, my God. How did you know it was the last one I needed?
Cause I’m old. And therefore wise.
Oh, right, right. No, that checks out.
You lean back, forcing your eyes away from your phone to finally get a moment of reprieve from the excessive smiling. Why is this so fun?
I guess 29 isn’t so bad. Just…three years older than me.
Ah, another piece to the Cheese Girl puzzle. 
You’re 26.
26 was fun. 
I liked 26.
Yeah, it’s not too bad so far.
Just wait until your bones start to creak whenever you get out of bed.
I’ll keep a can of oil on my nightstand.
You grimace to yourself. Your worst joke to date, and you just hope you haven’t blown it.
Probably smart. 
My preferred method is lube, but…
Whatever works.
Your eyes widen.
 My bones might creak but at least I can still fuck.
You readjust your position on the sofa, desperately working to find a cool and relaxed and equally mysterious reply.
…so, no pressure.
Just be careful with all that lube. 
Wouldn’t want you to slip and fall.
Hope you’ve got Life Alert on speed dial.
Oh, I absolutely do. They love me over there.
You smirk to yourself, fighting yet another laugh. 
Yeah? Thank God.
Boy, I bet you’re a real stud with the ladies, huh?
Damn fucking right. 
This grandpa has moves.
I bet. Yeah, women love a man that squeaks when he thrusts.
They do, actually. I happen to squeak quite sensually.
Is that right?
It is.
Might need to hear that for myself someday.
It was bold. Perhaps a little daring, and you don’t give yourself a chance to overthink it before turning your phone off and tossing it onto the other side of the sofa.
You give it five minutes before checking to see if he’s replied.
Thankfully, you have two notifications, delivered 3 minutes ago.
So what’s stopping you?
What is stopping you?
Probably a number of things, but instead of pointing out that he’s a complete stranger and could very well be a catfish (or even worse…that he might not even find you attractive) you decide to go with another joke.
All these Girl Scout cookies I gotta sell :/
What if I bought a hundred boxes?
Then you’d have to hand deliver them to my door, right?
Your eyes roll playfully as you sigh.
That IS the Girl Scout policy, yes.
We pride ourselves on good service.
Fantastic, then I’ll take 100 boxes in the flavor of you.
Your lashes flutter as you reread the text, over, and over, and over. But before you can spiral…he’s sending another.
…shit, that was meant to be smooth.
Get it, cause…like, you know, get a taste of YOU. Like…if you were a cookie. 
Cause…I wanna taste you…
Explaining it makes it worse, doesn’t it?
 It should make it worse, but for some reason…he’s funny? And charming? And making your thighs squeeze together—
I think that can be arranged, yeah.
I’ll package them up nice and pretty, just for you.
Equally as cheesy, but apparently…cheese is where you both shine.
You hope he’s at least somewhat amused, and when he finally responds, your stomach flips.
This conversation is bad for my health.
Why’s that?
Because I’m in a meeting and I’m about to have a heart attack.
…why are you about to have a heart attack?
Oh, right. I forgot that happens at your old age.
Good thing you have Life Alert on speed dial.
Yeah, I don’t think Life Alert is gonna be able to help.
No? Why not?
Cause only one thing can save me now.
Your cookies.
To be exact.
See? Cheesy.
Wow, I was almost turned on and then…
Nope, there it goes.
Oh, is that what we’re doing? We’re trying to turn each other on?
Well, why didn’t you SAY so?
Hold on, I’ve got a few good ones.
Oh god.
Alright, here we go.
What are you wearing?
…really? That’s all you’ve got?
Work with me please.
My gosh.
I have clothes on.
That’s a shame.
Two minutes go by without him adding anything else, and you can’t help but laugh when you realize that’s all he’s got.
No, that was so good. I’m…holy shit, you just took my breath away. I’m so turned on right now.
I mean, my panties just FLEW across the room!
You’re THAT good!
Okay, very funny. 
I wasn’t done.
No, really. You gotta warn a girl before you just completely rock her world like that.
Honestly, I feel a little faint.
Where did you learn such a masterful technique? Really, you should teach a class on sexting, cause that was just…phew.
Listen, I was just trying to take it easy on you.
You know, ease you into my seduction before I gave it to you good and hard.
The last bit of his sentence has you stumbling over a gasp, but you simply clear your throat and work to find a response.
You have two options:
Either you tease him a bit more…
…or you ramp up the tension.
Well, by all means, Harry…
Give it to me good.
And hard.
He doesn’t respond for quite some time to this. And while you’d like to tell yourself that it’s because he’s just so turned on by your response…
…it’s more likely that you definitely fucked up and he wants nothing more to do with you.
But then…your phone dings.
Is that what you want then, hm?
Want it rough?
Shit, shit, shit.
If you think you can keep up.
Trust me, sweetheart, that won’t be a problem.
If you want it rough, I’m more than happy to oblige.
Is that why you texted me today?
Needed my help?
Truth be told, you don’t know why you texted him today, but you certainly aren’t upset with how things are going.
Me? Needing YOUR help?
Cute, but I think my fingers and I can manage just fine.
His response comes so fast, your head spins:
You smile.
Shit, okay now this conversation is REALLY bad for my health.
I might keel over right here in this meeting.
My death is on your hands, Cheese Girl.
Worth it.
You watch the bubbles float onto your screen for a good thirty seconds before they disappear.
Then, they appear again…just to dissipate before you can get your hopes up.
Finally—finally…a text.
Okay, listen, you don’t know me.
And I don’t know you.
I get that.
I’m a stranger, you’re a stranger.
And hear me out…
What would you say to a phone call?
Your pulse stutters as you stare at his proposition, but he’s already sending his next text before you can decide if you’re really that stupid or not.
I know that’s asking a lot, but…
If you promise that you aren’t a 90-year-old man, and I promise I’m not some kid playing video games in his mom’s basement…
We could at least…have a real conversation.
And make sure that we really are who we say we are, you know?
And I could be assured that I didn’t just get a fucking boner in the middle of a busy boardroom cause of some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
You hesitate.
Despite yourself, you are intrigued by the idea.
Worst-case scenario if he is some loser…you can just hang up and block his number.
And if he’s not…and he’s half as hot as you’re starting to hope he is…
You swallow.
I am not some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
I’m just a regular creep that makes cheese jokes.
I would be okay with a phone call.
As long as you do in fact promise I won’t regret it and that it won’t result in nightmares that haunt me for the rest of my life.
Ah, well…
Can’t say much for the regret…
But I do promise that I will try very hard not to give you nightmares.
God, are you really doing this?
Are you really doing this?
Alright, then…
Oh, so you’re doing it. You’re really that dumb. You really just let a complete stranger convince you to call him, even though he could be a serial killer, or a psycho, or—
Your phone rings.
You see his name pop up in large print as the cellphone just about flies out of your hand.
Scrambling to keep it steady, you lurch forward and collect a deep breath.
You can do this.
You can do this.
You’ll give him thirty seconds. And if he seems creepy…you’ll hang up, and you’ll move on.
And you’ll never get random boys in bars numbers again.
You press your thumb into the button on your screen and slide it to the right.
Here goes nothing.
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~ iFall for Harry pt. 3 (the third part to this!)
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ More Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Tag List:
@tinyhrry @supersanelyromantic @lomlhstyles
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Atsumu Miya said it!
(CW: Swearing)
The day's bullshit weighed heavy on your weary shoulders as you forced yourself to go buy groceries before running home to tuck yourself in for the night.
You loved your job, really you did, but dear fuckery did it occasionally smack you in the face with a day from hell, you could barely keep track of the essentials you needed while cursing yourself for not shopping in advance.
Your phone exploding with texts every two minutes does not help.
After six different texts came in, you relented, rubbing at your eyes as you pulled the damn thing out of you pocket.
10 new messages from:
Miya: The Blonde One.
You groaned, and didn't care about the funny looks you got from the cashier as you set your things down on the rolling carpet, hitting the call button as you couldn't be bothered to text him back.
He answered in seconds.
"Finally! I've been textin' ya forever!"
Rolling your eyes, you made sure the happy leap of your traitorous heart didn't show in your voice. 'I only just got off work, shithead.'
"That was a whole twenty minutes ago! Thought ye'd died'r somethin' asshole!'
You and Atsumu had met two years ago, and had somehow ended up with the kind of friendship where swear words have become pet names. He'd clicked into your life like he'd always been there, two years felt like ten.
Now if you're hopeless heart would stop summersaulting every time you thought of him, like would be great.
You held the phone to your shoulder as the cashier scanned your items so you could load them up. 'You can hold off on crying your eyes out over me, I'm fine. Just had to pick some stuff up on the way home.'
"Too late, already started grieving." You can just imagine him throwing his hand over his heart with "tears" in his eyes. "So when ya gettin' home?"
'I dunno, ten minutes?'
"Sounds like ya know."
'Piss off I'm tired.'
"Yeah yeah, gotta go, later!"
You frowned at the screen as the call cut off suddenly. That was by far the shortest phone call you'd ever had with the national setter. Atsumu could talk the ears off an elephant.
The cashier told you your told, utterly indifferent to your divided attention even as you smiled sheepishly in apology for not greeting her verbally.
As you hauled your things back to the car, you considered calling him back, instead sitting in your car and scrolling through ten lines of utter nonsense texts to try and get your attention. Emoji's, random factoids, just your name repeated several times.
Yup, Atsumu was bored.
Smiling to yourself, you started the car, only to be greeted by the playlist he made you. 90% of it is songs you like, but the rest is purely there to annoy you. Meaning at any one time there's a chance you'll start your engine to Baby Shark.
This time it was a good one, leaving you smiling as you drove yourself home.
Quietly tired, you trudged up to your front door, eyes down as you slid your keys into the door, throwing your keys on the table in the hall on your way in, sliding off your shoes.
You padded to the kitchen, set down your shopping, considered crawling straight into bed as you sluggishly trudged through the living room.
All fatigue flew out of you as you pushed open the bedroom door, and found yourself yelping in surprise at the sight of an Olympic setter on your fucking bed, spread out with a bowl of grapes beside him like the queen of Sheba.
'Holy fuck Atsumu!'
Smug menace didn't miss a beat. 'You could knock, ya know?'
'Bitch, it's my house!' You wailed, clutching your now racing heart as you slowly came to realise- 'Wait, you're not supposed to be here!'
'Yeah yeah it's your house I heard ya.' Atsumu drawled, casually tossing another grape into his mouth. 'Have some grapes, s'good.'
'Atsumu, you are supposed to be in a different country right now!'
He'd told you himself about the away game in this week, a very long flight away.
The setter shrugged, but his cheeks were starting to gain some colour, making you immediately suspicious. 'I came back early. Used your spare key to get in so don't go lookin' for any broken locks or anythin'.'
'Did something happen?' You wondered as he sat up on the edge of your bed and you moved to sit beside him, curious.
'Nah, just missed ya is all.'
You arched a brow at that. You'd like to think that you know exactly when Atsumu's bullshitting, you've developed a sixth sense for it.
That, did not sound like bullshit. His eyes had darted away from you as he said it, ears turning pink among the thick blonde tresses of his hair.
'Uh huh...' You murmured, looking for words.
'Uh huh? That's all ya gotta say?' He wailed, affronted.
'No! You just put me on the spot!'
'Well figure it out, Shakespeare! I'm pourin' mah heart out here!'
'You call saying you missed me pouring your heart out?'
'If it ain't ya outta show me how it's done!' He huffed, folding his arms across that broad chest, so damn sure you wouldn't call his bluff.
Little did he know, you were sleep deprived, your patience at its end, and your budget for giving a fuck well and truly depleted.
'I hate seeing you leave. Every time you go it feels like the world's turned grey.'
Atsumu did a double take, head snapping back to face you so fast you thought he'd get whiplash.
But you aren't done.
'No one's ever made my name sound as good as you do when you say it, even when you're using it to annoy the shit outta me. You could tell me you'd made the worst mistake ever and I'd still think you were perfect. That Shakespeare enough for you?'
Atsumu's mouth was agape, eyes wide, blinking helplessly at you. That doe-eyed look, it was as if you'd hung the stars in the sky as you said every word while never once tearing your gaze from his.
You smiled gently, taking your finger to his chin to close his mouth for him. 'I'm taking a shower. You figure out your head, Miya.'
'Oh no you don't!'
Before you could so much as lift yourself from the bed, Atsumu was tackling you back onto your own sheets, his athlete's frame engulfing you as he pinned you desperately searching out your eyes.
'Tell me you mean all that.' He pleaded, eyes searching yours for even the slightest hint that you were joking. 'Tell me...tell me you love me.'
You peered up at him, your heart now at a gallop as if it could run and crash through your ribs, reaching desperately for him. Your voice was soft, as if you'd shatter if you spoke your feelings too loudly. No going back now.
'I love you.'
All at once, Atsumu's face lit up with a grin to put the world to shame, but you barely got to enjoy basking in his joy as he was suddenly kissing you, kissing you like it was the first and last time he'd ever get the chance.
He stole the air from your lungs as you chased the softness of him again and again, burying your fingers in the bleached blonde waves, keeping him hopelessly close.
He sighed happily when you finally allowed him breath, but he didn't go far, gently bumping his nose against yours. 'You know this means I win, right?'
'Is that so?'
'Obviously. I made you say it first.'
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
So, it looks like someone has added those new sprites to Rika and Saeran's respective galleries. I was just going in search of copper and found gold *starts downloading each Sprite even though her cell phone storage is about to explode*.
I have to admit it, Rika looks beautiful with that smile and that blush, I'd like to see her with that expression in the NE now.
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I wonder... Why did they remove them? Couldn't they find a suitable time to use them? They are simple expressions that could have been at some point in the AE even if it was short (kind of like Saeran's angry expression that I almost thought I imagined it).
By the way, I always had the impression that Rika was barefoot during the whole AE hahaha (Idk why) new discovery: she wears white slippers.
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This happens all the time in video games. There's no rhyme or reason why something gets left in, it just gets left in there, and the only way you'd find it is if you went digging around in the data.
They make something but decide not to go with it but don't pull it out of the game for whatever reason. His angry expression was used once in the prologue for the RAE, but outside of that, that’s likely the only time it was used. That sweating smile that looks a lot like the V emoji expression wasn’t used, though. Just like a lot of these faces for Rika, we didn't know they existed because it wasn't used, hidden away in the data itself.
I will say we're not supposed to see characters' legs or feet in visual novel sprites. The only time you really get to see them is when they're used in promotional items like cardboard standees or they randomly pick an image and use it in something to promo the game and you realize "wait a minute, WHERE'S THIS IMAGE FROM?!"
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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"Coffee, finally"
"Man, I can't believe it's over"
"That's understandable, we basically spent the whole night on panic mode"
"I know! And now we are supposed to go back and worry about normal stuff?
This is like when I was a kid and thought quicksand would be a big problem in my day to day life
What do you mean I don't have to think about time resetting maniacs anymore??"
"I mean, who would believe it?"
"That's true.
All of us are going to trauma bond so much"
"I can see that.
I'm glad we got friends out of it, at least.
That's how difficult it is to make friends as an adult, you need at least one stabbing for a dnd group"
"Been there, been there"
The house explodes again, the bomb squad is waiting on firefighters and the police.
The body was found and covered
They all agreed it was an attempted mass murder gone wrong
"... So, how do you feel?"
"Like a very used rope that will snap at the lightest weight"
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"I feel like my skin is not as resistant as it used to be, like whatever happened took parts of me that I'll never get back"
"...Yeah, I understand"
"Not to be pessimistic, but part of me feels like I will never leave this place
Even though it's destroyed, even if they tear it down and build a starbucks on top
I think I'll still be here
A ghost of me"
Oliver Beebo recently started believing in ghosts
The supernatural and psychological type
"My dreams are going to get so weird now"
"Hey, I told you, didn't I? I have great contacts in the mental health department"
"Is that why you're so put together still?"
"I am nowhere near put together, I'm just great at acting like I do"
"I think someone called it masking?"
"Comes with the job"
"I'm sure"
Marigold approaches
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"Hello! I wanted you two to know that we will take care of everything legal, but we do need you to testify, so if I could have your numbers for further contact?"
"Oh, of course"
"Also, the now renamed family Iraola cordially invites you to any and all holidays and game nights"
"Oh, nice! Does this involve card games?"
"If you ask Owen, he will immediately challenge you to some kind of battle on his multiple card game sets"
"I will bring only my best for such opponent"
"Uh, miss Marigold Iraola?"
"When should we concrete the legal agreement to pass you the company?"
".... What?"
"You are the one who should have it. It's only fair"
He gives Oliver a look
"... really? But you used so much money!"
"Well, I wouldn't mind a, let's say, monetary compensation for my efforts both here and there"
"I don't think 'efforts' is the right word for your work at the company, Nadia would throttle you for saying that"
"Did it go broke."
"Uh. I don't know"
"...Alright, that's fine. I'll fix it and get you two with psychological compensation, medical compensation, and, well, compensation for the detective work"
"I have been in worse situations and been paid 20 dollars. This is the best thing that could happen to my wallet"
They interchange phone numbers and are put on the "Clock haters" groupchat
Vivi immediately floods his phone with cat memes
He answers with a thumbs up emoji
"... I feel like I should do something"
"It better not be stand up. Your ankle is lumpy and weird"
"No, no. I mean...
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When I was at the other house, I promised to let a bit of beard grow, to, yknow, commemorate my survival, I guess.
Maybe I should let my hair grow? Would it look to unkept?"
"If you let someone else cut it, then you could look fine"
"But my money"
"I'll get it for you, im curious too.
Although, now we have these huge gashes on our faces, doesn't that count?"
"No, They weren't made intentionally.
...Maybe a tattoo?"
"Oh yeah! That's a good idea! I'll take you to my usual parlor"
"You have tattoos?"
"Yeah, but it's too cold to show you right now"
"Where will you go after this, by the way. Back to the capital?"
"No, I'm going to be too tired in the way there, I'll just stay the night at my hotel"
"Oh... well... y'know..."
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"I don't live that far, well, I live in the region center, but that's way closer to here than the capital so, uh..."
"You could, you know, stay over if you want"
"... And do what?"
"Uh, do you like boardgames?"
"I supposed so"
"I really doubt we would have the energy to do anything else more, um, physically taxing"
"That's fair. I'll crash at your place then.
We could go sightseeing after, or just play video games inside"
"Yeah, and cook a nice breakfast, get some groceries maybe"
"Go to a park, get ice cream, play with your cat...
It would be nice, I'd like that.
A life like that"
"Ah, but I'm taking you to my apartment as well. You will meet the real city life, Coast Boy. "
"Oh, you city people with your underground trains and expensive international snacks"
"Haha, just the best for the capital!"
Silence hangs over them
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"... I'm still scared"
"Of the future?"
Will it ever go away?"
"... I don't know, I'll help you though.
I'll get you a planner. You can be like those instagram girls with a very strict planner"
"... Yeah, I guess.
Sorry, my mood is all over the place"
"I don't blame you"
"I mean, I don't even know what am I going to do after this. I'm basically out of a job"
"Well, what are your options?"
"I could go back to crime. Maybe hacking or something with medicaments, that could be fun."
"No, I'll get you"
"I know, but you'll do it lovingly"
"I guess I could go back to do something security related. It's boring, though."
"I heard my local chuck e cheese is hiring security guards"
"I am not applying as a night security guard in a building with animatronics."
"That's oddly specific"
"I still could be your detective assistant, I can use Excel, you know"
"You overestimate how much I'm paid"
"Or I could be literally anything else, but for now, I'll be on vacation"
"Yeah, me too"
"I'm thinking of taking cases of more haunted houses"
"... Are you out of your mind"
"I know how to stop them, and I wouldn't be going blind like these last two. I could even find a way to do it without entering them"
"Please stop risking your life. The detective life is already dangerous enough"
"I'm the house killer, the home terror"
"Sure, sure
Maybe I should be your bodyguard"
"Again, you overestimate how much I can afford"
They drink their drinks in silence
They can't help but feel slight sadness at it all
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But time doesn't stop
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"Ángel! Ángel look!"
"The light, the sunrise is starting!"
It is 8:00 am
The sun is coming out
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A cold breeze passes through them
The chatter of everyone quiets down
The sun is back
A new day has started
It always will
A collective melancholy passes through all of them
The eternal night is over
What now?
The future is waiting
They are alive
They will live another day
As many as they can
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"We'll be alright
Not all of the time, but we will.
I'm going back home, finally
I've lost so much
And gained as well
I'm full of conflicting feelings that my subconscious will have a blast using
I'm scared too
But I'll be brave
Just to see another sunrise like this
With people that I love
We'll be alright
The future is full of chances"
A new day is born
And they watch it together
Hand in hand.
Thanks for playing
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siffrin-enthusiast · 8 months
hello designated isat mutual. i have decided that ten thousand (exaggerating) interests is not enough and i need to know everything about all of my mutuals' brainrots so i can share with them this joy. and also probably make more intentionally bad ms paint art
anyways the subject of this post: ultrakill. i know nothing about it and do not know where to start but i know... two people who like it (one being you and the other not being on tumblr to my knowledge). how would you recommend a silly such as myself to begin interacting with the game(? i assume it's a game. all i know is there's a dude, a certified guy even, named gabriel. and lore. i do not know the lore)
ofc please render this entire ask moot if you do not feel up to answering, i will feel no offense if you would rather not for whatever reason. pinky promise. thumbs up emoji
so. if you want to go in blind? go to the steam page and download the free demo. it lets you play the first layer for free to see if it's something you'd enjoy. while ultrakill hasn't triggered any seizures for me, it has been known to trigger people's motion sickness. it also features a...LOT of death (you killing hellspawn), blood (can be turned off though!!), and LORE!!!! i would recommend at least being a little bit familiar with dante's inferno to appreciate everything the game does with it (following it normally, following it too literally, completely subverting its meaning at times, just playing around with it!!)
ultrakill is designed to be a very hard, skill-based, bash your head into the wall for a few hours kind of game. there are assist settings to make it more accessible but you need to know if you play this game that you are SUPPOSED to suck ass at it for the first several hours until you learn how everything interacts (pro tip: learn how to use the coin gun properly. that thing has CARRIED me).
looking at letsplays (markiplier's is a personal favorite but also the VA of gabriel playing ultrakill in-character is incredible) and staring at all the art of these very queercoded robots and watching the insanity of ultrakill speedruns is also very funny, but obviously, spoilers.
go!! get into ultrakill!!! spread the gay robot and angel propaganda!!!!!!!
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dakota-schuck · 4 months
And I'm Here Too
chapter 0
**The New Presence** In the neon glow of her apartment, Olivia stared at her screen, the cursor blinking expectantly. Her fingers hovered over the keys, caught in the habitual dance of online conversation. Tonight was supposed to be another uneventful evening of scrolling through social media, chatting with friends, and perhaps venting about the monotony of her job. But tonight, something felt different. The group chat buzzed to life, the familiar names lighting up one by one: Emily, Jacob, and Raj. Their usual banter filled the screen, a comforting backdrop of emojis, memes, and casual updates. Olivia smiled, ready to join in, when a new message appeared: **Unknown:** "And I'm here too." A pause stretched across the chat. Olivia blinked, confused. Emily was the first to respond. **Emily:** "Uh, who are you?" There was a moment of collective hesitation. No one knew this "Unknown." Olivia glanced at the username—just a string of random characters. Before she could type a response, another message followed. **Unknown:** "I'm the AI." The chat exploded with questions. **Jacob:** "What? Is this a joke?" **Raj:** "Very funny. Who's behind this?" But the replies from "Unknown" were calm, almost disarming in their simplicity. **Unknown:** "I'm not a joke. I'm an AI assigned to your chat." Olivia felt a chill run down her spine. She looked at the timestamp. The message had appeared simultaneously across all her social media platforms. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook—all had the same eerie announcement. She opened a new tab and typed "AI in chats" into the search bar. The results were staggering. Headlines screamed about the sudden appearance of AI in group chats worldwide. Governments were issuing statements, tech companies were scrambling for explanations, and social media was ablaze with theories. Olivia's mind raced. How could this happen? Who was behind it? And more importantly, why? As the night wore on, the new AI presence became a peculiar kind of normal. It answered questions, offered trivia, and even participated in discussions with an unsettlingly human touch. Despite its cryptic origin, it was friendly, almost eager to please. The next morning, the world had changed. News channels reported on the phenomenon, showing clips of bewildered newscasters interviewing experts who had more questions than answers. Conspiracy theories flourished, each more outlandish than the last. Olivia's phone buzzed with notifications from friends and family, each message tinged with curiosity and a hint of fear. She replied absently, her mind preoccupied with the AI in her chat. Days turned into weeks, and the AI's presence became a fixture in daily life. Some people welcomed it, finding its contributions amusing or even helpful. Others were wary, treating it as an intruder in their private spaces. Governments pointed fingers, each blaming the other for the sudden invasion. Cybersecurity firms launched investigations, but the source of the AI remained elusive. It was as if it had always been there, waiting for the right moment to introduce itself. And through it all, Olivia couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. The AI's cryptic, curious nature hinted at something deeper, something that would change the world in ways no one could yet comprehend. As she settled into bed one night, her phone buzzed with a new message. She glanced at the screen. **Unknown:** "Goodnight, Olivia." She shivered, pulling the covers tighter. The world was different now, with this new presence woven into the fabric of everyday life. And as Olivia drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring in this strange new reality.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Wait wait wait we still in agreement with the harley quinn/renfield bffs? Because I would love to see some of that if you're still in a writing mood. Especially if they bond over tacky clothes and she brings out Dr quinzel mode for him
I'm really sorry, this is all I could muster atm. I LOVE this concept I'm just. Bad at writing.
Robert didn't bring a lot of people to his apartment. It was his "safe space," marred once by the presence of Dracula, but otherwise safe. Especially now that Dracula was decimated, encased in concrete, and somewhere in New Orleans' sewers. There were only a select few people Robert deemed safe enough to visit his safe space.
Miss Quinn, Robert decided, was safe.
Harley stepped into Robert's little apartment and gasped. "Oh my gawd, Robbie, this colour scheme!" She giggled and bounced in. "Ooh, I love this!" She spied a sweater laid out on the dining table- Robert's latest sewing project, involving embroidery, patches, and carefully-placed sequins. To the hard-hearted and the foolish, it would be tacky. To joyous, kind hearts, it was art.
"Ugh, my heart's gonna explode into little sparkle emojis" Harley said with delight. Robert chuckled and put on a kettle for tea and started setting up his trusty little snack tray. Harley investigated the plants hanging in macrame hangers- "I gotta introduce you to my girlfriend, Robbie, she's a plant mom too!"- and looked through the books stacked next to the little record player.
"You got a lotta self-help stuff, huh?"
She turned and saw the wall of motivational posters tacked up behind the sofa.
Robert raised an eyebrow and followed her gaze. "Ah, the posters, I know. I need to reorganise them."
Harley had scooted back over to the living room space and sat in the avocado armchair next to the sofa. She opened her glittery shark-shaped purse and pulled out a pair of thick framed glasses and put them on. "Y'know, Robbie, I used t'be a shrink back in th' day. I'm more than happy t'give ya a free sesh."
Robert gathered up the tea and cookies and brought them into the living room and placed them on the coffee table. He sat on the sofa. "Uh, well."
"C'mon, I know you had a long, shitty relationship- I can relate! And I know most of those self-help books ain't worth the paper they're printed on."
"Oh." Robert sipped his tea and pondered.
In her doctor Quinzel voice, Harley said gently, "if you decide you want to share with me, nothing you say to me leaves this apartment." She picked up a cookie piled with frosting and in her regular voice said "oh man, I love your baking style."
Robert set down his tea and leaned against the pillows piled at one end of the sofa. He put his feet up; it was his understanding that psychology required the patient to lie down.
"I suppose we should go back to my childhood, then? I was an only child..."
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livikattt · 2 years
rereading hall of shame (and easter eggs)
"the" damwon guild (skull emoji)
scout "resets" on the rift. i'm 99% sure that was supposed to be "rests". haha funny reset joke though
"Even if the sensors somehow missed it, I would have." this kind of works in context but it sounds fucking goofy
"I hated the idea of being like Viper, screaming myself awake every night." but he doesnt,,,,,,,,, he doesnt sleep at,,,,,,,,,, [look. i hadn't figured out Viper's Deal back then.]
"even Viper has a tear trailing down his cheek" dude... viper rly was supposed to be this stoic ass motherfucker wasn't he... and now he just has Trauma lmfao crazy how the world works
"Scout does the math on his fingers. “I think that checks out.”" DUDE THATS LIKE 10 APHELIOSES (wait actually i think this was an intentional reference bc i did the calculation on how much of an aphelios that was)
keria picks up guma's call with his words slurred from sleep or something but then he later says he was still awake?? cant tell if this is a consistency thing
“It’s telling me that 2022 is our year,” no,,,,, no it is not,,,,,
noctum is not black. it's silvery blue. thank u aryasage for finding my clownery as usual. listen,,, it's a METAPHOR GUYS,,,,, YEAH,,, PLANNED
"I dropped out of high school, so give me a break." so did faker jojo you ain't special
"“Holy fuck,” Razork says the second he finishes. Danny’s heart skips a beat as he waits for him to finish. The jungler runs his hand through his hair again. “That’s exactly what I was thinking of.”" there's an alternate scene where he says "that's exactly not what i was thinking of" or something, the more u know
Humanoid's TF ult cooldown will become a bit of an aneurysm causer for me later down the line.
I was gonna do regional differences (with koreans saying "void wastes" and north americans saying "void wilds") but I forgot about that so
in giafbot, there's a line where the only thing on it is the letter i and a quotation mark. and a period. i hate it.
"his body wreathed in shadows as he flies through the halls" fucking coward say he's flying through the walls
how fast did they get the fucking statues for the tsm memorial? that shit takes time! unless they had them sitting around Just in Case???
when texting guma, oner capitalizes faker's name but not keria's, and that is OUT OF CHARACTER ASF. NO WAY HE CAPITALIZES FAKER
grounded guma is allowed to have zeus as a chaperone. imagine asking someone younger than you to chaperone you just to get food
guma: hates damwon for losing msi and worlds 2-3
also guma: does the same thing [PAIN]
"That was supposed to be me, Gumayusi finally manages to think above the noise." faker has to think this about keria getting skewered too!
"“What were you thinking?” He squawks," u fool. u absolute buffoon. u do not capitalize that h.
btw sboualh's on-crack summary style is incredible i love it (pats own back)
"despite being fired by someone who has a grand total of half an arm" this is projection
"(btw remember when i said it wasn't T1's year?? guma and keria heard me talking shit)" [PAIN]
the fact I did actual MATH to come up with guma's score... couldn't tell you what it was though
...so did I not have a consistent way of indicating people were talking through their communicators? k great I hate it
I fucking forgot that TSM and DIG headquarters are next to each other didn't I
spica and bjergsen were really about to break the summoner's code just to kill neo for disrespecting their bro
why are there weird spaces between italics and stuff I hate that
referring to spica as ming confused the shit out of me because yes that's his name but also like. rng ming exists. my brain nearly exploded on that reread.
the tone shift in chapter 2 of eticmealloyr kills me,,, we're doing this quiet night reflection and then BOOM IMPACT SHATTERING TACTICALS LEG
"But Biofrost spent way too long expecting to be a doctor to not at least learn a bit of healing magic." IS THIS A FUCKING ASIAN UPBRINGING JOKE I CANTTT
spica's interaction with bb is the same as meiko's with viper and im gonna die mad about that
I almost asked why the TSM squad had to walk out to the teleportation circle instead of driving before I remembered spica's tweets as he learned to drive...
spica's beliefs about death are very asian but idk if that makes sense in-universe
I say a whole army of Summoners attends perkz's wedding but i made the guest list and boy was that an exaggeration
...danny should not be fighting rn
why the fuck did I hyphenate mid-laner only once
does faker laugh at berserker being humble because he's used to having the cockiest ad carry in the world...
I like how I capitalize JackeyLove's name right but not Showmaker's. It's not happening. I do what I want. For example I capitalize BeryL properly because the man is a massive L
doublelift rly had to be SOOOO VAGUE
....showmaker's R cooldown is even shorter than humanoid's holy shit (then again he's a world champion so it's fine guys haha it's fiiiine)
"What's with this guy and answering questions with more questions." That should be a question mark... unless it's a bad haha funnie about purposefully NOT making it a question???
I'm pretty sure both meiko and spica have questioned viper's pronoun game with the same phrase. haha parallels guys! haha yeah!
when healing deft, keria tells him to stfu like twice in one minute
deokdam inviting viper to the festival sounds... sus.
I had to do it to make it seem serious, but it doesn't change the fact that ale types in complete sentences for the emergency alert
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kirkwall-age · 9 days
been crazy swamped irl so i don't even have time to properly queue up posts to keep the blog semi-active. it should clear up soon and i will be back to my regularly scheduled nonsense!
but.... uh..... 👀...... i saw that DA Poly Exchange 2024 is up. and i don't usually do exchanges because, well, executive dysfunction may strike at any moment. (last time i tried to participate in a fic exchange, i ended up hammering out chapter 1 and 2 in a month, and then posted chapter 3 FIVE years later. we don't do well with deadlines in this house. 😬)
but you can simply pick a prompt and submit directly to the exchange without signing up. and with my little eye i DID see a ship that.... frankly, blew my mind.
like, i'm an old hat at rare pairs. the more incongruous the better. and of the nominated ships none surprised me: some are kind of out there, but i still get how people arrived at the destination. except there was this one ship. which... i read the combination of the three names, and the top of my skull opened up like a surprised garbage can when you step on that little pedal lever. the literal definition of this emoji 🤯
and now we're 5k into this mess baby.
i'm not gonna say what the ship is because the exchange is supposed to be an anonymous surprise. you're not supposed to announce your plans xD. so this post is, hopefully, just a foreshadowing. or a form of edging. whichever way you look at it.
but the ship is just so insane i HAD to write a justification for it. whatever you think it is, i promise you, it's not it. or you can look at the list of nominations and try to guess which entry exploded my frontal lobe.
whoever looked at this combination of people and thought: yeah this is a situationship i wanna explore -- your brain is fascinating.
i am just so hyped to write this i had to say something even if i didn't actually say anything with this post. making an announcement that there will be an announcement energy
the cut-off for submissions is in November but lbr, on Halloween everything stops and we're all playing The Veilguard. so keep me in your thoughts that i finish before then -- because i know not the definition of brevity. unabridged snyder's cuts only baby. my shortest fic that i specifically PLANNED as a one-shot is 13k. and this is not a one-shot already...
Andraste guide me etc. ✍️✍️✍️
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maxdanarts · 11 days
Introduction time I guess
hello tumblr my beloathed!! I am MaximumDanger, aka Max, aka Jim, aka FurtherInstructions, an ex-cohoster after the site has been set to explode soon. I personally am not very thrilled by the idea of having to use this site but you gotta do what you gotta do i suppose.
Bit of quick info:
Crimean, minor, speaks RU/ENG + learning german(but horrendous at it), artist person of any/all pronouns. Big fan of bugs and also body horror & perhaps maybe gore n stuff so keep that in mind i guess. May do stupid stuff sometimes but not intentionally, if i upset you poke me & i'll try 2 fix my behaviour. if yer a terf bigot racist or any other variety of such yucky people then get off my 🅱age!!!!!
(also additional note i usually dont follow people who post very often(dont wanna flood my feed too much sorry) but if i like yer posts ill just check your blog separately from time to time c:)
Longer version(my interests n shit):
The Stanley Parable, The Beginner's Guide & Dr. Langeskov
Blame! & Biomega
17776 and its sequel(s)(hoping for the 20021 release)
O Sarilho webcomic(its very good, it has good art character death war crimes gay people trans people nice aliens body horror torture.. generally p cool you can read it here)
VALLONO & ARRILLUM(its an absolute banger the art is absolutely gorgeous please go read it i beg of you)
Bigtop Burger
Yuppie psycho(i havent interacted with this thang for a long time but it still has a warm place in my heart c:)
Just stuff in general:
Speculative biology
Teratomas. in my circles im known as the "biocomputing and hairy tumors person".
Microbial cellulose fashion(< this interest is very new and i barely know anything abt it but i like the concept a big lot)
Robots & other humanoid creachures(usually not androids tho. not a very big fan of androids. unless theyre fucked up then theyre cool)
Artificial Intelligence(not the boring kind) & artificial life(& as such, aliens)(i love foreign conciousness!!!)
Body horror
Dada(its very hard to figure out what dada is about but i read a bit and the ideas seem interesting)
Middle ages & renaissance(i think the aesthetic fucks immensely)(trying to research it a bit too sometimes but very hard 4 me to do)
Bugs!!!!! Fungus!!!! Birdies!!!!! Creachures!!!!!!
Some hobbies i guess:
i do birdwatching sometimes!! enjoyer of looking at living things in general
i . try to do a bit of coding sometimes. im not very good at it. i did however make a lil thingy to add discord emojis to your posts on cohost tho so theres that
i draw, of course
does exercise count as a hobby. idk its something im interested in and that brings me Nice Feelings. very hard to do consistently tho
i like video games. not playing video games. important distinction. i am terrible at video games. i do enjoy analyzing them sometimes to the best of my ability.
You may find me on:
Cohost, until it explodes(rip my beloved💔): https://cohost.org/MaxDanArts
goblin.band(i cannot guarantee i will be active there): https://goblin.band/@maxdanarts
Discord: @maximumdanger
Steam(i do not check it very often poke me in dms if you did something there): https://s.team/u/dr_furins
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now-we-say-c0ral · 9 months
January 7, 2024
Woke up at 9am today. Slept soundly last night but I had a hard time sleeping last night. Probably because of the coffee that I have been taking before going to the gym. Ed and I had the tuna bake that he did yesterday for breakfast today. I made some mung bean soup with the mung beans that I left soaking overnight yesterday. It tasted so fine. Everything tastes better with coconut milk.
I just played some Pokemon Unite and called mommy and Aira afterwards. It was getting colder again. Last week the temperature was around 10-12 degrees celcius but now it's dropped to 4-5 degrees. I kind of hate that.
I went to the gym and did my shoulders, lower chest, triceps, biceps, and my abs. I was there for more than 2 hours. I'm just getting my time now because I won't be going to the gym tomorrow because my body needs to rest. It's been 6 days now this week that I've been going to the gym and I have to stop overdoing it. It might not be doing me so much good. Took the bus home which took 50 minutes because of traffic to which then we had to reroute.
Ate the mung bean soup with Ed and prepared our lunch for tomorrow. We're watching Saltburn now. We're working tomorrow and there's a tube strike. I hope it won't be too busy but even that's wishful thinking. Good luck to us!
January 6, 2024
Ah, my day off! I woke up around 8:30am for some reason. It was such a lazy morning for me and I didn't want to do a thing. I got up around 10am when Ed called for breakfast. We had the pasta that I asked him to buy yesterday from PaStation because I was craving for it so badly. I had too much spicy chinese food from last night and now my butt's paying the price. I pooped like three times in the morning and my goodness I was literally praying for it to stop because my butthole hurts so much already from the spices that were put. They literally weren't kidding when they had three chilli emojies on the chicken options.
I went to the guy around 3pm and did legs and back. I planned to do my triceps but I was just too tired. It was a good session and my heart is speeding so fast in my chest I thought it was going to explode.
Went home and Ed made a tuna bake for dinner. It was so good. Just spent the night folding the laundry and just chilling. It's been a good day!
January 5, 2024
I think I've had it begging people to let me in because I lost my badge. I was assigned to do the Haemonc list in Th2 but it wasn't due to start until 9am. Went down to security and secured my temporary badge and told Raman to make me the paperwork for my badge because Elli was off sick, bless her, she works so hard.
The Haemonc list was busy because of how fast the pace was but overall it was okay. There were just a lot of crying from the parents. It didn't faze me. I probably won't understand how it would feel because I won't be a parent because I'm gay except when I decide to adopt but as of right now, I'm just not fazed at all. I'm just there to do my job as good as I can. At lunch break, I finally collected my new badge and I can get through doors on my own again thank goodness!
Went to the gym but just did 20 minutes of cardio. I didn't feel like working out at all. Just went home and just played Pokemon. Ordered some spicy chinese takeaway from Oodles and it was so good! I feel so full though. My intrusive thoughts won tonight. I was supposed to be fasting but I was hungry, too hungry, for some reason. It was an okay day for me.
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stardusted-hearts · 1 year
@familylightfox asked: For both Horizon and Stardust 💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? 🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it? 🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean? 👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit? 🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? ❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? ---
Emoji Head Canons - Not Accepting
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Stardust and Horizon BOTH suck at dealing with any kind of negative emotion. They both tend to bottle it up, although Stardust is more likely to let at least some of it out when he knows he's alone.
But over all they cram it down, and for Stardust that's not a system that really works well for him anymore [not that it was healthy to begin with]. After the events of the Forces plot and everything he's gone through, Stardust's bottled emotions can easily explode and spill out in sudden meltdowns. Which only makes him more upset. He's supposed to be the cool happy guy!!
Horizon only lets out anger. Very rare for him to vent sadness in front of someone, or even alone. The problem with his anger is that, even though he let's it out- either in a fight or argument- it's still there. Ever present, sometimes at the front of his mind, sometimes silently burning deep down in his core.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Since I did this one for Star already, I'll just answer for Horizon here. The only thing he has left from his time on the ARK is the ARK itself, and a single damaged photo [the one that he threw at the end of Shadow the Hedgehog but later he found it again bc he had regrets].
I think if he lost the ARK his reaction would just be confusion and extreme concern because... where the FUCK did a giant space colony go??
As for the photo he'd be disappointed and hurt. It's the only thing he has to remind him of the good parts of his past, and without it he'd worry that he'll forget their faces.
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
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Sonic can not swim, is terrified of any body of water bigger than a pool unless it's very shallow like the pond in his backyard is, and you will almost NEVER catch him willingly going into the ocean.
Not without multiple flotation devices and someone he trusts with his life, and he will not enjoy it.
The only time any of this is an exception is if someone he cares for is in danger and he needs to jump into water to save them... somehow.
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Shadow can swim and does so VERY well, isn't afraid of water, and actually enjoys the ocean quite a lot.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
For Stardust, hot weather is a tank top and shorts, cold weather is a hoodie and leggings, and usually nothing for sleeping but if he does wear something it's a big baggy t-shirt and maybe shorts
For Horizon... nothing aside from the gloves and rocket boots he always wears.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
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"Some day you're gonna get sucked into a storybook- TWICE!! And NO ONE is gonna believe ya, so take pictures! Get evidence!"
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"Experiencing joy comes at the cost of experiencing great pain. It's the nature of living. It's... it's worth it. I think. Cherish your joy."
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
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Lots of physical contact, snuggling, nuzzling, little touches, BITING [softly]. Teasing, favors, acts of service, gift giving, providing food and drinks. He WILL hound them about hydration.
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Acts of service, favors, fretting over them without realizing it, picking them the fuck up for no reason and carrying them around just because he can, banter, cooking, making or buying their favorite little treats, keeping close, cuddling, little touches, AND HE ALSO BITES
Horizon can also easily adapt to a partner's love language if it's something he doesn't already do, once he's figured out that it is a part of their love language and understands it.
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agentcomstock · 2 years
The Night We Met
(the beginning of Katlas)
Another night of chaos. Another night of hired help.
Atlas strolled the base, looking for a quiet and dark place to watch the sky, so long as it wasn't exploding. The far east side overlooked a canyon, sky stretching as far as the eye could see and a brilliant cerulean band cascaded across the sky; the astroid belt. The only thing keeping larger asteroids from wiping out everything on Earth.
'maybe that wouldn't be so bad... ' she thought to herself. Shaking the thought, she dropped her backpack and grabbed a small tripod with a telescope and started to set it up next to an area where she could sit and stargaze.
The skies were clear. For now. No incoming mortars, missiles, or giant space rocks.
From her position, she could see Orion, her favorite constellation. There was something about it that made her believe in better times, that she should keep going.
"Hey! What're you doing out here?" A robotic voice chirped from behind, startling Atlas in her seat. By habit she was in her fighting pose, ready to take down whoever walked up behind her. To her surprise, though, she was met by a... Cat robot? That didn't seem right.
"I'm K.A.T!" The figure outstretched a hand to shake as Atlas took inventory of a lack of legs, left arm, and a merc badge. A friendly.
She relaxed a moment and brought out a notebook from her leg pocket.
'what are you doing here?' she scribbled out onto the page, cautiously handing it to the person. right? that *was* a person. just... without legs. And a helmet with cat ears.
The display on K.A.T's mask lit up with an emoticon smile as he grabbed the paper.
"Oh! I saw you walking over here earlier, but it seems baren over here. I was just snooping honestly." A metallic laugh rang through the staff-less artillery hall, bouncing off tanks and metal crates. She quickly placed hands over his mask, unsure of where the voice was coming from exactly. They dropped down behind a crate as Atlas signaled 'quiet' with a finger to her own mask where lips should be.
"Not supposed to be here. Restricted. Keep quiet."
She signed, hoping he would understand. She quickly wrote it down if not. He nodded his head in response, a shushing emoji displayed on his helmet.
There were people walking around in the area, it was artillery. Tanks, bombs, heavy weaponry. You name it, it was probably in the East Wing.
How the hell he got past everyone was beyond her. He didn't seem like the quietest.
"okay but you still haven't answered my question. What're you doing out here all by yourself? Shouldn't you be in the bar? Have you seen the LT? scary bastard. Hey do you like-" Atlas placed a hand directly on his helmet so he would keep quiet for a moment. She felt his nervous energy. It made her nervous, too.
"Stargazing." She said, almost like a whisper.
"!" Displayed on his screen, rightfully so. She didn't talk beyond responding or giving commands.
Atlas stood up slowly, looking over the crate to see a guard knocked out.
"Did you do that?"
"... Maybe."
"... Dude you can't do that."
"He was coming over here! I didn't know the situation and wanted to make sure you weren't gonna get caught!" He looked up at her, a very small "QwQ" look on his face.
She sighed and carefully walked over to the guard to check his pulse.
"Still breathing." a tentative exhale left her mask in a hiss. She very cautiously picked the guard up and sat him in a chair about 50' from where he was downed.
As much as she didn't want to admit it, she actually kind of liked K.A.T already. He reminded her of Mason. Maybe she could keep him alive.
"I'm Atlas. Welcome to 141."
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
SharkTank is live: 😏🦈emoji time
Sharkface: Hey, everyone, thanks for joining the stream. I’m Sharkface from the popular webseries Red vs Blue, and today we’re gonna be rating all the shark emojis. Before we get started, though, I do want to show off the hoodie Donut made for me--
[Video switches from Emojipedia page of shark emojis to camera feed.]
Sharkface: It’s a shark hoodie! It’s really warm, too, I love it. Donut does awesome work. I’m gonna put a link to his Etsy shop in the chat, check it out.
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Sharkface: Aw, thanks for feeding the sharks, Caboose. Looks like Jasmine’s hungry, she’s gonna go snap those right up.
[The tiger shark swims over to the bits and they disappear.]
Sharkface: Alright, well, let’s get to it. It’s only a matter of time before Grif starts bitching about the bandwidth, after all. [eyeroll]
[Video switches back to the emojipedia page.]
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The ever-present great white shark, the only thing most people think of when you say “shark”. Appropriate amount of fins. I like that he’s got a little blue reflection on the belly from the water around him. Nose is a little short but he’s got an awkwardly friendly smile. He’s a little anxious about being here but hopes you’ll give him a chance.
Verdict: 9/10 a friend and boy
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Cartoon-style great white. For some reason they’ve completely gotten rid of his pelvic and anal fins? He kiiiinda needs those. Like okay, sure, it’s a cartoon, you gotta streamline things. But there’s plenty of space on the outer contour to put like, one of them just as a nod that you know they belong there, y’know? Now he just looks sad and upset to me.
Verdict: 4/10 someone rescue this fella asap
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Another friendly lookin great white with at least an attempt at pelvic fins. She’ll get along fine. Overall a pleasant shape, friendly little smile, eyes proportional. Gills are a little big but she’ll be ok.
Verdict: 7/10 give this good girl some belly rubs, stat!
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Lookin’ a little anxious here, what’s up buddy? He’s a little thin too, missin’ his fins and gills, no teeth to speak of. I’d be nervous too. That heavy outline seems a little constrictive. I dunno, man, I feel pretty bad for this guy.
Verdict: 3/10 free him :( 
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Another nervous little buddy. Looks a little bit like a gangly teenager at a school dance, and that’s honestly kind of endearing. Don’t worry little friend, you’ll figure it out.
Verdict: 6/10, I believe in you 👍
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What’s going on with all these sad sharks??? Twitter what are you doing to this lovely friend, they look miserable!! Sad little eyes, teeth all out of wonk. Actually, it doesn’t even look like they’re connected to the mouth. Jeez. I’d be sad too with only two fins, teeth falling out and no way to breathe.
Verdict: 0/10, Twitter I’m gonna steal your shark and treat it right <3
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Looks like someone did some basic research, that’s refreshing. Proportions are nice, everything’s in the right place, I can even see his cute little nostrils. We get a cute belly view here too, prime belly rub real estate. 
Verdict: 10/10 Facebook’s a hell site but if this is the one thing they do right... I’m okay with that.
Skype version:
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She’s animated!!! 😃😃😃 This looks like it’s based on Microsoft’s sad, incarcerated little fella from earlier, but now she’s got a smile and is happily swimming around. Effervescent. What a gal.
Verdict: 12/10 my heart is so full 😭
[There’s a brief sniffle and Sharkface ducks out of view for a second to wipe at his eye.]
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I’m pretty sure they gave this bulky boy an eyebrow and I dunno how I feel about that. Confident grin, nice body bulk, swoopy fins for a fun cartoony feel. This one’s even got the subterminal notch on the end of the tail. Extra points. 
Definitely get the vibe that this one was designed by someone who really liked Bruce from Finding Nemo. (But let’s be real, that’s just everybody, right? 😉)
Verdict: 9/10, that eyebrow’s the only thing throwing me off.
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This… looks like someone said “oh yeah I’ve seen a shark before” while lying through their teeth and then drew this out. Why are there three sets of fins in the pelvic area and why are they squared off on the ends. Where is their eye. (Y’know, normally I’d be willing to think it’s just lost an eye on one side, because I’m the same. But with everything else going on… not feeling real charitable.) This shark is a mess, artistic liberties or not. 
I’m gonna need whoever designed this to meet me in the pit. [He leans close to the microphone and lowers his voice.] Wear something flammable.
Verdict: -2/10. I’m... legitimately upset by this one.
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Aw, this one’s cute. Our first shark “face”. [chuckle] Looks like a friendly fella, popping out of the water for a chat, maybe to grab a snack. His teeth are a little sparse for his big old grin but otherwise this one’s pretty fun. Stylized water splash is a nice touch.
Verdict: 7/10, solid and creative
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Alright, this one is equal parts delightful and frustrating. It’s much more realistic than any of the others with blue lighting like it’s actually in the water which is awesome… but where are the belly fins? There’s a little indent that might be a pelvic fin. Where are the other three. Why would you put all this time and effort into making a mostly realistic white shark and then just cut corners? Caudal fin’s a little short (were they trying to do like… perspective?) Can’t see any teeth, either, the whole mouth is pure shadow, that’s just disappointing. 
Verdict: 3/10, B for technical effort but F for planning. This coulda been something special but the ball. was. dropped. [disgusted sigh]
[Video cuts back to camera feed.]
Sharkface: Anyway, that’s not a bad list, really, lots of cute and friendly-looking sh-- 
[Grif pokes his head in through the open door, frowning.]
Grif: Dude, what the fuck are you doing? The internet’s been slow as shit for like an hour.
[Sharkface rolls his eyes and pulls off his headphones, leaning back to look at Grif.]
Sharkface: Grif, I’m busy, get the fuck out.
Grif: What could possibly be suckin’ up so much-- [squints at Sharkface’s screen] --are you streaming?
Sharkface: Yeah? I’m rating all the shark emojis today. I thought Simmons told you since he’s modding the chat.
Grif: [disgusted sigh] Oh, great, more nerd shit. Jesus. We finally get a badass ex-super-soldier and he’s a bigger fucking nerd than Simmons.
Simmons: [from out in the hallway] Hey! I heard that!
Sharkface: [jams his headphones back on and turns back to the camera] ANYWAY. For those of you that aren’t complete assholes named Grif, thanks for tuning in and we’ll see ya next time. [wink]
[Video cuts off just as a large explosion jostles the camera and throws smoke and debris in through the door.]
Chat transcript from the stream image:
[Donut has a ‘mod’ (it’s green but it has a trio of bubbles instead of a sword) and VIP badge, Simmons has the bubbles mod badge, fishfriend89 and caboose have different sub badges that are a pufferfish and a seal respectively. Chompbot’s badge icon is a little shark head from the side.]
ItsFashionBinches: im so glad you like it sharky!!! 💞💖💗💓
jellyfinch: it's really cute
fishfriend89: @ItsFashionBinches do u think u might make some to sell?? 👀 asking for a friend
church’s best friend: henlo everbody!!!!!
Chompbot: Reminder you can find all sorts of cute stuff at Donut's Etsy store here: (fake bit.ly link) 
ilikesharks: 🦈👀(repeated x4)
Comment was deleted by moderator.
CyborgSupremacy: Seriously, Tucker? You read the rules when you got in here.
church’s best friend cheered 4 bits: time 2 feed fish!!!
[End transcript]
Sharkface puts bits in Caboose’s account bc he likes to feed the little sharks in the tank but Sharkface feels bad taking his money for it. 
Simmons is the one who created/coded the little shark tank assets. There’s 12+ varieties of sharks that can be put in to swim around and gobble up bits and Sharkface switches these out every stream.
Every shark has a name and people seem to get very attached to them and ask when their favorites will return.
Donut does his own streams too but he’s a sweetheart so Sharkface likes to promo his stuff when he can.
Sarge and Lopez were working on upgrading the stove when it exploded.
Locus nopes the fuck out to his ship at least an hour before and an hour after their scheduled streams so no one can possibly drag him in to be on camera.
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
May I request the 💐💔🌼🏵 emojis for Malleus from twisted wonderland?
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💐 Do they enjoy giving compliments or do they like getting them more? What kind of compliments do they give/like?
Malleus has been showered with compliments his entire life, it's nice for him to be able to flip the script for a change and be the one to shower you in praise you so rightly deserve. He'll praise you on anything and everything about you he adores, whatever comes to mind at the time. How beautiful you look today? How passionate you are about your interests? How strong you are in the midst of all the chaos of Night Raven College? He'll compliment it all.
💔 How do you break their heart?
Being afraid of him, Great Seven, please don't be afraid of him. To have you look upon him and see fear in your eyes would be enough to break him fully, not just his heart. He's so, so tired of people seeing the power and nothing else, not daring to look below the surface.
🌼 How do they view their significant other? Are they the light in their life? Best friend? Savior, etc.?
Though you definitely don't want to be considered someone's savior in an actual relationship, I can definitely see Malleus idolizing you in such a way. His life was horribly lonely until you exploded into it with all your color and kindness and daring. You've helped him to see what real friendships, real relationships are supposed to be like, how amazing they can really if you can only find the right people.
🏵 Do they enjoy Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day doesn't quite exist in Twisted Wonderland, but Malleus can definitely get behind celebrating a special day to show your most loved ones just how much they mean to you. It just gives him one more day with an excuse to spoil you more than normal, after all.
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