#this was especially memorable
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taexual · 1 year ago
sooo... before chpt 17 I didn't think OC should get back with JK.... but now i might want to retract that 🤭 bless him he does have a good heart after all, he's just misguided 🤦 I legit laughed so hard at the projector story, that whole story was so real. for sure he still needs to step up going forward, but my rage levels towards him have definitely lowered. my lord this fic is a rollercoaster for me as a reader 😅 also plse tell OC to STAY IN BED omg 😣
he definitely does have a good heart, he's just very very dumb!!!
and i'm so glad you're on this ride with me!!!! 🤍🤍 we'll have some more ups and downs in the near future, but we got this!!!!
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nitw · 7 months ago
i've been waiting for gravity falls to become relevant again so i could share one of my favorite underrated bits from the entire show. like it's only episode 2 but this whole segment just makes me lose my shit. i think jason ritter's exasperated line delivery is what makes it
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egophiliac · 1 month ago
looking at next month's schedule and between the end of 7-12 and the wishing lantern event it's like
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February is officially RIDDLE MONTH, brace yourselves to be absolutely blasted into ashes everybody
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discard-celestia · 5 months ago
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creekfiend · 4 months ago
it's not like I enjoy regular nightmares or anything but I think that the worst kind of dreams that I have are actually false awakening dreams, which seem like an unusually malicious thing for a brain to do. it's like if your brain transformed into a very stereotypical comic book villain and then kidnapped itself. like why do we even have this lever. I wonder that about many functions of sleep though. there are a lot of levers that we should not have installed up there I think
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serpentface · 3 months ago
emense [ɛmɛnse] (eh-mehn-say)
Has meaning close to 'beloved' or 'darling'. "Ya emense" (meaning 'my beloved'/'my darling') is often contracted "y'mense".
bubuch [bubuk] (boo-bookh)
Somewhat of a nonsense word, basically ‘big-big’. Tends to either be used for small children or flirtatiously between adults (kind in between 'baby' and 'big boy' in functionality, though without gendered implications of the latter). Sometimes instead used as a form of intense condescension.
ya mache mes [ja mɑke mes] (yah mah-kay mace)
Functionally means "my other face", using the figurative word for face describing a concept of fundamental nature rather than anatomy. Very intense term of endearment, expresses the recipient as a core part of one's identity. Kind of equivalent to 'my other half' but not exclusively romantic.
ya tsitsima [ja ͡tsi͡tsimə] (yah tsee-tsee-muh)
Means "my blood". This term is used more broadly to denote familial relations, and is more of a term of endearment when used outside of actual biological relationship (calling your sister 'my blood' is just an intense way of saying 'my [relative]', calling a non-relative 'my blood' is VERY pointedly affectionate).
ya ungande [ja ungɑnde] (yah oon-gahn-day)
Often contracted to y'ungande, dead literally means "my liver" as in the organ. Ungande alone is also used as a food-based term of endearment, similar to 'honey' except instead with delicious organ meat.
anuje [ɑnudʒe] (ah-noo-jay)
Food based term of endearment, referring to a tree sap that is the most commonly used form of sweetener. Functionally identical to 'honey' in usage.
anu tlansekoma [ɑnu tlɑnsekoʊmə] (ah-noo tlahn-say-koh-muh)
This one actually means 'honey' (dead literally 'bee sweet'). Less common than 'anuje' as a term of endearment due to general cultural preference for anuje as a sweetener and the relative rarity of beekeeping.
inyagit [injəgit] (een-yah-geet)
Diminutive form of 'sun'. 'Ya inya' (my sun) occurs as well, but is less common.
y'mit agai [j'mit ɑgaɪ] (yuh-meet ah-gai)
Contraction of 'ya amit agai', 'my blue moon'. This specification is more common than a general 'my moon(s)' and is fairly loaded, given this particular moon is the site of the afterlife for the most honored dead. The phrase both suggests a sort of celestial beauty and a sense of being honored and finding rest in the recipient. This is a VERY intense and almost exclusively romantic term of endearment.
coutomara [koʊtoʊmɑrə] (koh-to-mahr-uh)
Means 'handsome' or 'beautiful', implies masculine attractiveness. (Dead literally closer to 'strong face'/'strong featured').
jaimara [dʒaɪmɑrə] (jaim-mahr-uh)
Means 'pretty' or 'beautiful', implies feminine attractiveness (dead literally close to 'beautiful face'/'beautifully featured').
katsuy [kɑtsui] [kaht-soo'ee]
Sexually charged description of physical attractiveness, basically calling someone 'sexy'.
ya katsuymen [ja kɑtsuimɛn] (yah koht-soo'ee-mehn)
Related and also sexually charged, close in meaning to 'my desire'.
at akmatse yachouy [ɑt ɑkmɑtse jɑtʃɔɪ] (aht ahk-mat-say yah-choi )
Sexually explicit term of endearment. The dead literal translation is "one who makes me flower". The word "flower" here is not as euphemistic in context and is rather the nicest sounding possible way to say "makes me cum (HARD)". Not considered vulgar, rather cloyingly romantic if anything.
gan(ne) ama [gɑn(e) ɑmə] (gah(-nay) ahm-uh)
Means 'bull'. When used affectionately, implies masculine strength. Usually used in conjunction with an adjective (ie 'handsome bull') or more teasingly gannit ama (little/baby bull))
jaimeti [dʒaɪmɛti] (jai-meh-tee)
Means 'gazelle' (the name for the animal itself is close in meaning to 'beautiful horn'), heavily associated with grace and beauty. Also tends to be used with adjectives ('lovely gazelle' 'handsome gazelle' etc) or with a diminutive.
ansiba [ɑnsibɑ] (ahn-see-bah) or ansibit [ɑnsibit] (ahn-see-beet)
Means 'duck' and 'duckling' respectively, specifically refers to the animal and implies cuteness. Ansibit is a very common term of endearment for children.
"Wannaukoma such datse anmo" [wɑnaʊkoʊmə suk dɑtse ɑnmoʊ] (wahn-now-koh-muh sookh daht-say ahn-moh)
Means 'an ant could swallow you', implies cuteness (ie the recipient is so small and tiny an Ant could devour them whole). Usually used on children, occasionally used on adult women (in a way that feels intensely patronizing to many). 'Datse' (you) may be replaced by the recipients surname or honorific in the rare case that someone would dare calling someone this without being on first name basis with them.
wannaukomit [wɑnaʊkoʊmit] (wahn-now-koh-meet)
Means 'little ant', a term of endearment that borders on insulting even to babies.
-it [it] (eet)
This is a diminutive modifier, which can be added to a name or other word/term of endearment to denote affection (can also be condescending). It lacks internal meaning in everyday use and is closer to the English -y or -ie (billy johnny rosie susie puppy kitty ducky etc).
hippe [hipɛ] (heep-peh) (some dialects drop the h sound entirely)
Means 'small' or 'little', can be spoken with other words/names as an affectionate diminutive.
Other epithets-
Various epithets used in the language are not exclusively used as terms of endearment, but can be contextually. Most commonly, this will be the -machen epithet of the recipients zodiac birthsign (particularly those considered auspicious). Someone with the lion birthsign could be respectfully and/or affectionately called 'odomachen', or VERY affectionately called 'ya odo' ('my lion'). There's also a good variety of poetic epithets that have worked their way into common language as affectionate compliments/descriptors- ie ganatoche (dead literally 'cow-eye', more prettily 'ox-eyed') is a complimentary descriptor for brown eyes, anaemaitsa (dead literally 'river-haired', more prettily 'flowing-haired') compliments wavy hair.
Given name basis-
In Wardi culture, full names are spoken with the family name preceding the given name. When respectfully speaking to a stranger, peer, or authority figure, you refer to them by their family name, title, and/or an honorific. Being on an accepted given name basis with someone is generally indicative of closeness and affection.
datse [dɑtse] (dah-tsay)
This is the word for "you". Similarly to the use of a given name, actually referring to someone as 'you' (rather than a surname, title, or honorific in place of the pronoun) expresses familiarity and intimacy.
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genericpuff · 4 months ago
y'all have no clue how wild it is to live in my timeline, because 12 years ago i was a huge fan of these cute lil' zelda strips and at the time i found out through the grapevine that the creator apparently stopped making these comics because they had started drawing NSFW content-
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and at the time i was like "oh ok that's wild but respect"
and now in the present the artist who's making the OMORI manga adaption is under fire for being a shota fetishist and it's putting the spotlight back on the OMORI creator themselves for ALSO being a shota fetishist and oh my god the omocat who made those zelda comics over a decade ago is the same omocat who went on to make OMORI holy shit-
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sovamurka · 4 months ago
love how in the intro of s2 we see Ekko turning back time RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS FAMOUS DODGING POSE THAT HE USED IN A FIGHT WITH JINX
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chidoroki · 7 months ago
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August 19th - Happy (belated) Birthday Kiryu
(with one Kiryu from almost every chapter he appears in)
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 month ago
Look maybe it is just the hat but my ideal fanon version of game Knuckles would be him being a (reverse) Indiana Jones-type character.
Swashbuckling adventurer who's kinda dense common-sense wise but smart spatially and with a scholarly streak that feels like it comes out of left field compared to his usual behavior. Guy who's kind of a jerk in that he doesn't have the highest cognitive empathy when it comes to stuff that might hurt other people's feelings, but he is genuinely well-intentioned and incredibly heroic in a way that he isn't hiding either.
Protecting the Master Emerald would obviously still be his main duty, but what he actually does all day? Archaeology on Angel island! Finding "treasure", artifacts that he chronicles and studies to learn more about the culture he came from. Have him give lectures about his discoveries. Big jock guy, except he's the world's leading expert in Echidnean ruins. Do you understand my vision?
This also goes metatextually also. Indiana Jones is a character that screws up, gets hit, fails, shows pain, and is sometimes the butt of the joke. Yet he's not portrayed as the mindless or simple comic relief for it! He's still framed as a serious and persistent badass. I want Knuckles to be portrayed in the same way. He might make mistakes due to his own miscalculations, but have him still be well-rounded in personality and considered an unstoppable force of nature anyway rather than just making him the "dumb strong guy".
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 2 months ago
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Cheers to 2025, Happy New Year !
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annestie · 4 months ago
Do you think Jake ever ran out of stories to tell his kids and so just decided to use like religious stories? The kids don't know. How would they know? So he continues telling these stories until Norm somehow stumbles upon him doing it one day like:
Norm: What are you guys doing? Little Lo'ak: Dad's telling us about old human heroes! Norm: Nice, which ones? Batman, Superman- Little Neteyam: Moses! Norm: ... Norm: Jake Jake, desperately: I ran out of stories. They're insatiable. Norm, sighing and sitting down: Yup, Moses. Did your dad tell you about the parting of the ocean yet?
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mochayoubi · 1 year ago
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i was very surprised at how difficult it was to find (good) resources for learners that accurately describe how 部首 (in English we translate this to be the "radical") work in 漢字 (kanji). i pulled these from a very comprehensive guide of kanji from おじゃちゃん, a native speaker who is also a language teacher and if youre interested in learning more, you should check out her full overview here.
to a beginner this might not be as useful - but when you get deep enough into japanese i think it's worth it to understand how kanji is actually used by native speakers. understanding how the radical works can also help you guess at meanings and recognize common patterns that may make memorizing kanji easier
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loppiopio · 1 year ago
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just some 🥥 related sillies i've made for that fic we all know.
#durarara#izaya orihara#shizuo heiwajima#shizaya#a cheap imitation#i made a thing#i've been holding off on posting these here for so long whoops#i'm so shy... check out my lemonade guys#i've been very motivated to make various things for this fic as a result of this book club i've been hosting for my friends#i actually made the first image (not the video) like two years ago?#back around when i first read the fic and started being annoying about it to my friends#never posted it though because the shizuo i drew was ugly!!!#and the shizuo i drew for the second image this time around is still ugly!! unfortunately :(#well anyways if it isn't clear the images are both for chapter 19 while the video is for chapters 28 to 29 and a little bit of 30 lol#also i know izaya's actual problem isn't fucking shizuo but kissing him lol but it was funnier to keep it like this#you can check out more of this deranged behaviour over at my twitter of the same name#i know not everyone wants to go there though especially with the current situation...#so i'll try to bring over the more memorable stuff to post in batches over here which i think is the stuff i did any art for#since i've made a lot of multimedia type things dedicated to particular chapters as “marketing” for my friends#but i'm not sure they'll make much sense out of context so#my plan is to compile all of everything i've made for the fic during the book club into a powerpoint that i'll try to keep for posterity#because ngl i feel i went kinda hard with certain things that maybe only two people will appreciate#but i'll do it for those two people out there#also it's a whole book club for aci!!#*i'd* want to see what some random people have been up to with a book club for this fic#be the change you want to see in the world#side note i wonder if having so many fucking tags on your own post is a bad look...#idk it's so much clutter but i have too many things to say!!#i look back at my own previous tags and i physically can't bring myself to read them ahhhh#i hope anyone's enjoying them anyways
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uinre · 1 year ago
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Vanille: We've been together ever since I woke up. Lumina: Right. Thick as thieves.
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krakenshipwreck · 1 year ago
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