#this was an exercise in letting go of a piece as soon as possible and you can tell i failed because i couldn't stop retouching it
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sun visits the moon at spk headquarters and gets so so so sleepy
#death note#my art#meronia#mihael keehl#nate river#mello dn#near dn#mellonear#trying out this new thing where i post quick art that is entirely for my own self-indulgent amusement here#this was an exercise in letting go of a piece as soon as possible and you can tell i failed because i couldn't stop retouching it#here and there. OLD HABITS DIE HARD but [with passion and confidence] expect a drop in quality/finishedness#kind of very into the colors here i like exaggerating their colors and saturations. their sun and moon codedness compels me#i also think people aren't as much into this ship because they assume they have very rigid [pardon my language] seme/uke roles and i'm like#[standing on soapbox] [crazy ex gf voice] the situation is actually a lot more nuanced than that#but these tags are long and i can't get into the push and pull power dynamics of it all. mello can heel is all i'm saying#ok that's all i have work to get back to drawing for work ( <- girl who just took a two hour break from drawing to draw)#brothercrush.txt
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Dancing with the Devil and His Wife in the Pale Moonlight
Yandere! Lucifer Morningstar X Reader X Yandere! Lilith Morningstar
Hey, guys! Welcome to another Lucifer story, this time with his wife Lilith! An Anon had asked for a longer fanfiction, so I did my best to do that ask justice. I'm thinking of making a part 2 but let me know what you think. As always enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 5612
Warnings: Kidnapping, Non-Con Kissing, Swearing, Slight gore near the end, Slight Possessive Tendencies, Slight drug use at the end
I hummed as I stretched my legs on the bar in the dance studio. Today our class was rehearsing for the ballet Three Virgins and a Devil which was going to be performing at our local theater. We had been practicing for months now but today was special. Today some of our patrons who financially support our ballet company were coming to watch us. It was quite a surprise as nobody really knew who the mysterious couple was, so gossip amongst my fellow ballerinas was high. The talk continued even as we prepared our bodies for our demonstration. “I heard that our patrons are very wealthy and looking for somebody they can throw their money to.”
“You mean they are looking for a third?”
“Well if they are looking for a third there’s no way any of you would get it,” Jessica the prima ballerina stated.
“Girls, please,” our director, Maria, clapped her hands, “let’s get to work.”
We formed our line and started to do some warm up exercises. After about ten minutes of warm up, we ran a couple of our numbers. Suddenly the door to the studio swung open to reveal a man and a woman. The man was on the shorter side and had paleish skin, blonde hair, red tinted cheeks and red eyes. The woman was tall and had long blonde hair, purple eyes and a paleish complexion. We all stopped to stare. Their skin tone and eyes really threw us off but maybe they wore contacts to intimidate people. Our director let a big grin form on her face as she ushered the couple in. “Ah, Mr and Mrs Morningstar! Welcome! Please come in.”
The couple stopped in the middle of the room and surveyed us. I bowed my head and fiddled with my shirt hem. Their gazes felt fiery and made me feel quite uncomfortable. “This is our Corps de Ballet. We were just practicing for our upcoming production when you both walked in. I’m sure you would be interested in seeing some material.”
“Absolutely! My wife and I would like to see what our money buys after all.”
“Of course, Mr Morningstar. Girls.”
We all got into our places and Maria pressed play on the CD player. We performed an ensemble piece and one with the three leads: Jessica, Savannah and Tessa. Our patrons just watched us with curious eyes and applauded when we were all done. “That was quite the show you ladies put on. I think my husband and I can agree our money is being well spent. However, we'd like to talk to you, Miss Maria, if we could.”
“Of course. We can go to my office. Girls, keep rehearsing. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
We all watched as the three of them left and as soon as the door shut gossip was at an all time high. “Oh my gosh, did you see the way they looked at Jessica? If they are looking for a third I’ll bet they’ll choose her!”
“No way! They were totally staring at me!”
“Girl, that’s not possible. If anything they were staring at your fumbled footwork at beat five.”
“Shut up! That’s not true!”
“What do you think, Y/n? Who were they staring at?”
All of the girls in my circle turned to me. I let out a huff. “I wasn’t paying attention. I was too focused on my steps.”
“At least one of us was,” Jessica stated.
We all turned to stare at her. “Like I said before, I’d be their first choice for a third.”
The smirk that played on her lips made me quite angry. Because she was the prima ballerina she always thought everyone was interested in her. While it may be true, her pride was too boastful. “Oh please. Stop lying to yourself. I saw where their gaze was during your performance. It was at the back.”
“Yeah right! All eyes are always on me.”
I rolled my eyes. God she was so annoying.
“Ladies, you heard what Maria said. We need to practice. This discussion can continue later.”
“Alright, party pooper.”
We fell into our positions and began another ensemble routine. Jessica called out counts as we danced and about twenty minutes later Maria returned. “Good job today, girls. You deserve a break for the rest of the day. Jessica, Y/n, please stay behind. I’d like to talk to both of you.”
I looked at my friends in confusion. Why was I needed?
As my fellow dancers passed to get changed, Lily grabbed my shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Y/n.”
She quickly walked off with the others. I sighed and walked to the mirrors where Maria stood. Jessica side eyed me and then focused back on our instructor. “Good job today, both of you. The Morningstars were very taken aback by your performances. In fact, they’d like to get to know you both on a more personal level.”
I felt myself stop breathing and my eyes widen. They what?
“They’d like to take you both to dinner tomorrow night. A car will come and pick up both of you so no need to worry about rides.”
“Miss Maria, are you sure Y/n was an interested party? After all she’s just an ensemble member-”
“Yes, Jessica. They were quite. Interested. They said their car should be there around 6 pm to pick up our prima ballerina and 7 pm to pick up Y/n. Please dress nice, you are representing Carmilla Carmine’s Ballet Academy after all.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes, mistress.”
“You’re both excused.”
The two of us took our leave and as soon as the door closed behind us Jessica snarled at me. “Listen here and listen well. If you were a team player you’d refuse to come to this dinner tomorrow.”
“I’m just not showing up. You heard Miss Maria! The Morningstars were interested in both of us. How do you think that’ll reflect on our Academy if I just don’t show up?”
“Just don’t embarrass me tomorrow!”
She huffed and stormed off. I sighed and went into the locker room. I sat on one of the benches and traded out my pointe shoes for my regular tennis shoes. Throwing on my hoodie, I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the studio. The rest of my day went fairly well. My friends from work texted me asking if I was alright. I told them what had happened and they blew up my phone. They couldn’t believe an opportunity like this was being given to a backup dancer. I chuckled at their antics in my text messages and responded to them throughout the night.
The next day I had gotten up fairly early and ran some errands. When I got back to my apartment later I did some cleaning. I noticed it was getting closer to the time my date was so I finished and ran into my bedroom. I chose a nice long, flowy, favorite color dress and a pair of black flats. In my bathroom I added some light makeup to my face and attached a silver necklace to my body. After I was done I looked at my phone to see it was 7 pm. Grabbing my keys and a small purse, I locked my door and took the stairs to the lobby. I walked out to the street and saw a short man getting out of a black Mercedes-Benz. “Miss L/n?”
“Yep, that’s me.”
“Follow me please.”
He walked to the back of the car and opened the door. “Thanks.”
I slid in and he shut the door. He returned to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car, we headed out. I looked around as the man drove. I had never been in such a fancy car before so this was truly a new experience. The interior was all black leather and the windows were tinted. Jessica sat next to me texting on her phone. I watched as the nightlife of my city passed by in amazement. It felt like a different ride. The car suddenly came to a halt and the driver got out. He opened the door for Jessica first and then he opened my side. I stared at the restaurant and nearly collapsed. We were parked in front of Melbourne’s, a very fancy and well known place. Rumor had it that the wait list was three months before somebody could get in. “Ah, Jessica, Y/n! So glad you could make it!”
I looked over to see the Morningstars approach us, each of them giving us a kiss on the cheek. The Misses wore a long, sparkly, purple dress while the Mr wore a white outfit with red accents. “You both look lovely. Come, our table is waiting for us.”
Mr Morningstar wrapped an arm around Jessica while Mrs Morningstar wrapped an arm around me. They led us inside to a table that was hidden by a wall and some red velvet curtains in the back of the restaurant. We all sat down and I gazed over the menu. My heart nearly stopped. The prices were way out of my range. Jesus.
A waiter came over and introduced himself as Jeff before asking for the table’s drink choice. The three other occupants said some fancy wine or a fancy cocktail. When it got to me I just muttered, “Water, please.”
Jessica snorted and Mrs Morningstar looked at me. “Are you sure, Y/n? You can have anything you’d like.”
“I’m sorry I don’t drink. I honestly don't know where to begin.”
“I see. How about we start you off simple. She’ll take a brandy old fashioned.”
“All good choices. I’ll be back with those in a short bit.”
Jeff left and I felt extremely awkward. I mean I was trying my first alcoholic drink in front of practically strangers. What if I didn’t like it? I didn’t want to offend the Misses.
I picked up the menu to try and avoid small talk. Jessica and the Morningstars were discussing something and I was just trying to decide what least expensive item to get. “-ou, Y/n?”
I set the menu down and looked up. “What? Sorry.”
Mr Morningstar just smiled across the table at me. “It’s quite alright, dear. I asked what got you into ballet.”
“Oh, um, I don’t know. I guess I just find it relaxing and something to occupy my time with. I had started off as a child and just loved it ever since, Mr Morningstar.”
“Oh no need for formalities! We’re out of the studio. Please call us Luci and Lilith.”
The two smiled at us. While I felt out of place, their smiles sort of comforted me. It was almost like a parent soothing their child. “So why don’t you tell us about yourselves? We’re very interested to hear,” Lilith said.
I was about to say something when Jessica started. I just leaned back in my chair and watched other customers. There were many couples in the restaurant with a few groups scattered here and there. It was odd to see everybody dressed to the nines with their fanciest garb, but I suppose you have to live up to the dress code. “And what about you, Y/n? Anything you’d like to share,” Luci said.
The entire table turned to look at me and I could feel my skin crawling with heat. I wasn’t used to this much attention on me. Even when I was younger my siblings had always gotten the most of mom’s time. “Well, I’m uh 25 and the oldest of three. Like I said before I love ballet and I moved out here to try and make a career of it.”
“Anything else? Do you have any hobbies,” Lilith asked this time.
“I guess I like the arts in general. I participate in some art classes here and there. I read when I get the chance. Walks in the park or just around town are nice too.”
“That sounds lovely. You seem like a very creative girl.”
I gave a small smile. Just then Jeff returned with a tray and set all of our drinks down in front of each of us and asked us for our dinner choice. I just went with a simple pasta dish. I looked down at my drink and swirled it with the small black straw it came with. I was entranced by how the mushed cherry swirled with the ice in the orange drink as Jessica chatted. Lifting the rocks glass, I took a sip and hummed. It was quite good, especially for my first alcoholic drink. Setting the glass down, I observed the people at my table. Lilith was engaged in a conversation with Jessica, however Luci’s eyes were set on me. I gulped and averted my gaze to my lap. I could hear him chuckle. The table went silent for a moment, so I took the opportunity to ask something. “So do you guys have any family around here?”
“We have a daughter. Her name is Charlie. She’s a bit older than the two of you, but she’s quite the spirited girl. She doesn’t live here, more down under,” Lilith replied.
“I see. So she lives in Australia then?”
The couple glanced at each other and smiled. “You could say that.”
“She actually runs a hotel, funny enough. It’s to rehabilitate people.”
“Oh wow. That sounds like a lot to take on. You must be very proud of her.”
Luci stepped in. “Oh yes. She’s our little duckling!”
I could feel a rigidness coming from my fellow dancer. Maybe she didn’t like kids?
The rest of dinner went off without a hitch. I admit I was nervous but that dissipated the more the night went on. We all shared stories and laughs between us and the food was really good. I had offered to pay my half but the Morningstars were quick to shut the idea down. “It’s our treat. After all, we wanted to get to know you,” Luci had said.
After the bill was paid, they led us out to the car. The couple leaned in and gave me a kiss on both cheeks and did the same for Jessica. As they pulled away, Lilith spoke. “Thank you for a lovely night, ladies. We hope you have a great rest of your night.”
“Thank you for inviting us. We really appreciate it,” I replied.
The driver opened the door for us and Jessica and I got in. As he started to drive away the Morningstars waved at us until we were out of view. “I think that went well.”
“No duh. They were all over us, especially me. You think I can take more money out of them?”
“Is that the only reason you went? Their company was a nice treat. Besides, don’t you have other people wrapped around your finger you can take advantage of?”
“Of course. Those are some of the perks of being the prima ballerina. I’m surprised you even had a good time with all that attention on you. You should just stick to the back.”
I frowned. I was not about to let her ruin the night. “Whatever. I had a good time regardless of how much attention was on me.”
I turned away from her and focused on the passing cityscape. Eventually we reached my apartment and when we did the driver opened the door. I got out hastily and thanked him. I walked into the lobby and went up the stairs to the third floor. Getting out my keys, I unlocked the door and slipped my shoes off. I shut the door and went into my bathroom. I rinsed off my makeup and took my necklace off before going into my bedroom. I got out of my dress and put on my pj’s, throwing the flowy garment into the laundry hamper. I sat on my bed and went through my notifications on my phone. I grunted in annoyance when I saw my ex-lover’s name pop up. I clicked open their text and rolled my eyes. Once again it was them proclaiming they made a mistake for leaving me and they wanted me back. I didn’t reply, just backed out of it to the hub. I texted my friends from work about the night and they all congratulated me. We talked for a few minutes before I decided to log off. Putting my phone on the charger on the nightstand, I got under the covers and attempted to fall asleep.
The next day I rose at around 8 am. We had rehearsal today at 9 am so I quickly got dressed in a gray tank top and black leggings. I slipped a navy hoodie over top, slipped on my tennis shoes, grabbed my backpack and was out the door. It took me about twenty minutes to walk the several blocks to the studio, but when I made it I greeted the receptionist. “Good morning, Ricardo!”
“Good morning, Y/n! How are you today?”
“Average, I guess. And you?”
“Fabulous. I’ve got my coffee so today should go smoothly.”
I chuckled. He always liked his caffeine.
“I better head on up. I’ll see you later. Have a great day!”
“You too!”
I walked upstairs to the locker room where I placed my backpack and shoes in my locker. I slipped off my hoodie and then sat on one of the benches to put my pointe shoes on. When they were secure, I walked into the studio. I saw the girls hounding Jessica for information so I just went to my corner and stretched. As I was doing so, Maria came into the room. She looked around and when she noticed me, she came over. “Good morning, Y/n. I hope your dinner was enjoyable last night.”
“It was actually. The Morningstars are very nice people.”
“I’m glad. Was Jessica nice to you?”
“With them, yes. In the car, not so much.”
“I see. I’m sorry that happened.”
“It’s no big deal. I’m used to it.”
She smiled and patted me on the shoulder. “Well I’d better get to teaching. Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Maria clapped her hands and we fell into our rows. We did a few warm up exercises and as we were doing this, Ricardo came into the room holding a bouquet twice the size of my head and the phone. We stopped to ooh and ah. “Yes?”
“These just came for Y/n.”
“What,” I muttered.
Ricardo came over and handed me the plastic wrapped flowers. Upon closer inspection I saw my favorite flower mixed with roses. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks as I found a card amongst the petals. Pulling it out, the heat burned brighter. “What does it say, Y/n?”
“To our dearest Y/n, thank you for a wonderful night. Call us anytime. From the Morningstars. And then there’s a phone number.”
All my friends squealed in delight and Jessica stepped forward rudely. “Was there anything for me, Ricardo?”
“I’m afraid not. I’ll keep checking. Oh also there’s someone on hold for you, Y/n.”
He handed me the phone and I looked at Maria. She gestured for me to answer it. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Y/n!”
“Who is this?”
“Ah, how rude of me! It’s Luci.”
“Mr Morningstar?”
At the mention of the name, Jessica glared at me. I gulped.
“What have I told you about formalities, darling?”
“Sorry, bad habit. What can I do for you?”
“The wife and I were wondering if you’d like to go dancing tonight.”
“T-tonight? But we just saw each other-” “Lilith and I have taken quite a liking to you, my dear. You’re such a sweetheart and we’d like to be with you again. You just radiate a beautiful energy. What do you say?”
“Oh, um, uh…I guess. Sure.”
“Great! We’ll pick you up at 7 o clock! See you then, dear!”
“See you then.”
I pulled the phone away and ended the call. Lily spoke first. “Well?”
“I guess I have another date tonight with the Morningstars.”
The girls erupted into screams of joy and surrounded me in a hug except for the prima ballerina. She gave me a heated glare, stomped her foot and stormed off. I gave the bouquet and phone back to Ricardo. “Could you put them in my locker please?”
“Of course!”
“Thanks, Ricardo.”
“Don’t mention it.”
He left the room and Maria tried to calm everybody down. “Girls. Girls! GIRLS!”
They stopped and stared at our instructor. “Let’s get to work. We don’t have much time.”
“Yes, ma’am,” we all responded.
The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent practicing. Around 3 pm, Maria let us go. When I went into the locker room, I stopped abruptly. All over the floor near my locker were flower petals and the destroyed bouquet. My hoodie lay on the bench as well as my backpack. I went over and picked both up only for my things to fall from the bag and my sweatshirt to have tears in the material. I looked at the bottom of my bag to see a large hole had been cut. Both were beyond repair. I sighed and threw both items in the trash. I had a feeling it was Jessica. I just couldn’t believe she was that angry at me when it wasn’t my fault the Morningstars called on me. Grabbing my stuff, I put it on a bench and then went to grab the broom and dustpan. Retrieving both from the supply closet, I returned to the locker room and cleaned up the flower petals and tore up card from the carpeted floor. I threw that and the plastic wrapped stems in the trash before returning the cleaning supplies to the closet. I walked back to the locker room, grabbed my stuff and made my way home.
When I got home I had taken a small nap and then got ready for the night. I chose a dark blue floral blouse, black pants, black boots and a denim jacket. Grabbing my keys, phone and purse, I headed down to the main street. The same Mercedes-Benz sat in front of my building and out stepped Luci from the car. “Over here, Y/n!”
I walked over and slid in, only to realize when he got in that I squished between the husband and wife. Oh boy.
“Derek, you may go.”
The car drove off. It was silent for a minute and I bit my lip when both Luci and Lilth’s hands came to rest on either one of my legs. “So my darling, did you enjoy our flowers? Lilith and I combined our efforts to come up with it.”
“Uh, I did. Before they got destroyed.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had them put in my locker and when I got back from practice my hoodie, backpack and flowers were lying on the ground ruined.”
My eyes widened when I thought I saw horns come out of Luci’s head and his eyes go from red to white. I blinked and they were back to normal. “And who do you think did it?”
“Well…I can’t say.”
Lilith put a finger under my chin and made me face her. She brought her head so close our lips almost touched. “Love, you can tell us anything. We’re here for you. Was it that pesky Jessica? I knew we should have sent flowers so she didn’t feel left out but Luci was very determined not to.”
“She was soooo boring! All she did was talk about herself. At least our little apple was nice and polite.”
I felt him trace a pattern on my thigh but I couldn’t see as I was stuck staring at Lilith. “Luci…”
“It’s true! You can’t deny that, honey.”
“Alright, yes. She was a bore. But maybe our lovely’s bouquet would still be intact.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.”
“Anyway, was it Jessica?”
I could feel their eyes bore into me and I felt compelled to nod. They glanced at each other and then back to me. “Don’t worry love, we’ll get you as many flowers as you’d like.”
“Yes, but let’s focus on tonight. We’re going to dance the night away!”
My body tensed slightly when Luci put his head on my shoulder and I could feel his breath on my neck. “I-is hot in here or is it just me?”
They both chuckled rather loudly. “Oh dear. I think our little apple is heating up, Lilith.”
“Yes I think so, Luci. Perhaps we should aid her?”
“Yes. Yes we should.”
I gasped when I felt Mr Morningstar start to suck on my neck. I tried to pull away but Mrs Morningstar brought me into a kiss. My eyes widened and I attempted to hit either of them, but each of them had grabbed one hand and held it. I squirmed as they took their sweet time kissing me and just as I brought my legs up to kick them the car stopped. They pulled away with giant grins on their faces. The door opened and I clawed my way over top of Luci to get out. I figured he left a hickey so I did my best to raise my jacket collar to hide it. Just as I finished, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and the other around my shoulders. “Shall we go in, my love?”
I nodded and the two scooted me inside the club. It was very loud when we entered, the music making the walls and floor shake. The three of us sat in a private booth and Lilith went to go get us some drinks. I tried to put past how they had both kissed me, but I just couldn’t for the life of me. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to like it or not. Sure they were nice people but something about them unsettled me. “Whatcha thinking about, my dear?”
I looked up at Luci, his brow furrowed. “Huh? Oh nothing.”
“I don’t think it’s nothing. You’re very quiet.”
“I guess…nevermind.”
“Come on, you can tell me. You can tell us anything.”
His hand reached across the table and it laid on my knee. It reminded me too much of their kiss so I slid it off. He seemed very surprised by my retaliation. I looked at the hardwood floor as I spoke. “I guess I wasn’t expecting you guys to kiss me. I thought we weren’t quite there yet.”
“Oh, is that what’s got you bothered? I’m sorry. My wife and I are very forward when it comes to love.”
“Yes, you heard me.”
“What are you two talking about?”
Lilith had returned with three drinks. She set them on the table and sat by her husband. “Y/n doesn’t think we love her.”
“It’s not that, I just think it’s too early. I mean we met yesterday for crying out loud.”
“Aw, but you’re so fascinating, my love! How could we not fall in love with you!”
“Look, I’m not ready to take it to the next step-”
“You will in due time, little apple. It’ll just take some getting used to.”
I felt like I wasn’t being heard and I just needed a minute to breathe. “I, I need to go to the bathroom.”
I abruptly stood and speed walked to the nearest restroom. Just as I was about to enter, I bumped into somebody. “Oh, I’m so sorry!”
“No please, it was me-Y/n?”
I looked up and felt my heart stop. Oh great, my ex. Just what I needed. “Hey.”
“Hey…how have you been?”
“Um, good I guess. Look, I was just heading to the bathroom-”
“Well now that I got you here we might as well talk.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Y/n, I know we got off on the wrong foot-”
“You left because you found someone else. That’s that. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
They grabbed me by the shoulders and I stiffened. “You always do this when I try to talk to you. You shut me down. I just want you to fucking listen.”
Their grip tightened and I wished I was more at the table with the Morningstars then here. “Let go!”
I shoved my ex away and ran out the front door. I took a sharp turn and leaned against the alley wall. I leaned my head against the brick and let out a sigh. I heard rushing footsteps and I internally groaned when I saw Ex-Partner’s Name round the corner. “There you are! What part of I want to talk to you do you not fucking understand?!”
“The message is clear, but I just don’t want to talk. When you left me, that finished the matter.”
“But I want you back! I made a mistake alright, but I realize that now! Come on, what do you say?”
“I’ve said no and I’ll say it again. NO!”
They growled and I saw a glint in the moonlight. My eyes widened when I realized it was a switchblade. They rushed at me and I quickly closed my eyes and curled inwards, waiting for pain. It never came. I opened my eyes to see Luci with completely red eyes and long red horns sticking out of his forehead. A floating apple and a golden snake wrapped around the top of his horns and a fireball hovered above his head. Lilith was beside him, her eyes completely white and reddish purple curled horns stuck out of her head. He grabbed my ex by the wrist, twisting the knife out of their hand. They screamed in pain and I gasped seeing the bone stick out. Oh my God…
I stepped back as Luci twisted harder and more bone came poking out of the skin. “Don’t even think about going near her! YOU UNDERSTAND ME, YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
I watched in horror as the knife levitated towards Lilith and she stabbed my ex in the shoulder. They howled and she brought the knife up and stabbed again. Their nails grew into claws and they started to dig into my assailant’s skin, blood rushing down from their wounds. I backed away and then sprinted out of there. My ex’s screams rang in my head as I continued to run. What the fuck? What the fuck?!
I suddenly slammed into a chest and shrieked when arms wrapped around me. I realized it was Luci, his eyes now white with a red background. Six red and white wings stuck out of his back and they slightly curled around us as I beat on his chest. “Let me go! LET ME GO!”
He nuzzled into my hair and I kept flailing around. Lilith magically appeared beside him, my ex’s body dragging on the ground behind her. “Shh. You’re safe now, little apple. We’ve got you.”
“Get the fuck away from me! Get! Away!”
“Lucifer, don’t hold her too tight now. We don’t want bruises on her precious skin.”
In my struggle I slowed. Lucifer Morningstar. Lilith Morningstar. Horns. Wings. Wait a minute…
“Are you the Devil and his wife,” I asked timidly.
The two looked at each and sighed. “I guess the duck is out of the bag, Lilith.”
They turned to look at me and I shrunk in his tight hold. “Yes, we’re the Devil and his wife.”
It all made sense now. The red and purple eyes. The pale complexion. The reason they were such mysterious patrons. Their daughter being down under.
I shoved Lucifer and he let go for a second before his bloody claws grasped hard on my arms. His talons dug into my skin as I struggled. “Let me go, please! I, I won’t tell anyone what happened here! We can just go about our lives! Just, just let me go!”
By now tears had started escaping my eyes and I quickly kicked Lucifer in the balls. His claws slid down and caused four gashes to appear on my forearm. He let out a groan and I turned to flee, only for him to fly in front of me. “Y/n! Stop!”
They cornered me to the wall and the brick dug harshly at my back. “Everything’s alright, my love. You’re alright.”
Lilith brought her hand up and I slapped it away. My chest was heaving to try and gain air into the lungs, but I couldn’t get any in. I mean how are you supposed to react when you find out that the patrons of your ballet academy who are in love with you are the Devil and his wife?
“Y/n, dear, breathe. Breathe.”
“I, I can’t! I c-can’t!”
I just broke down. I slid down the brick and wrapped my arms around my knees. I began to hyperventilate as tears rushed down my cheeks. I heard Lucifer and Lilith say something to each other but I couldn’t make it out. As I cried I felt something gently hit my head and arms. I looked up to see golden dust raining down upon me. I looked up even further to see it coming from Luci’s fingertips, a gentle smile on both his and Lilith’s faces. Suddenly I felt very tired and calm, too calm. I could feel my muscles go slack and my body limp as Lucifer picked me up bridal style. “Just close your eyes, lovely. We’ll be home before you know it.”
“H-home? W-whose home?”
They both looked at me and smiled brightly. My eyes closed and my breathing steadied.
#yandere#xreader#yandere x reader#x reader#yanderexreader#villain x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x you#yandere hazbin hotel#yandere lucifer morningstar#lucifer morningstar#lucifer magne#hazbin lucifer#lucifer hazbin#yandere lucifer magne#yandere lucifer#yandere lucifer x reader#lucifer morningstar x reader#lucifer magne x reader#lilith morningstar#lilith hazbin hotel#lilith magne#lilith morningstar x reader#lilith magne x reader#yandere lilith morningstar#yandere lilith magne#lucifer x reader x lilith#yandere lilith x reader
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# warnings … wow um there’s a lot to unpack but swearing, yn calls him a slut once LMFAOOO, shirtless seungmin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bit chaotic at first teehee ++ not proofread bc i literally started typing w/o thinking n just wanted to post it for @slytherinshua
oh right it’s inspired by this pic here 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

“what the absolute fuck is that?”
your voice echoes through the room, causing seungmin to jerk up. his slightly sore muscles from exercising moments ago tensed, a hiss escaping his lips.
“what do you mean, angel?” his voice was soft. your eyes scanned him up and down, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. seungmin was scared, to be frank. you never were so distressed about… anything, really.
“this, dumbass!” you whined and turned your phone to face him.
your boyfriend’s eyes widened upon seeing the picture he shared with villains today. his rib reveal tattoo, to be specific. he didn’t think you’d mind, it’s not like he didn’t share pictures of his chest or arms before.
“villains get to see your tattoo before me?” you grunted and tucked your phone away “and, and… what even is that behavior, seungmo?!”
crossing your arms and looking away, he started to understand what was your issue.
seungmin returned to his previous position before you barged into his bedroom and leaned his back against the wall. scanning your face, only to notice the flushed cheeks and nervous lip biting, he was certain what was it really about.
“you don’t have to be jealous, you know, angel” he hummed, a satisfied smirk forming on his face when he saw your eyes widen now. gotcha, that was exactly it. or maybe… “are you shy?”
“no!” you replied a bit faster and louder than intended, so you cleared your throat “no, not at all. i see men’s bare chest allll the time”
“oh really?” seungmin scoffed, clearly amused. you were so cute, he was about to burst “don’t say that or i’ll get jealous too”
“yeah, it was a lie. other men aren’t such sluts” you giggled and saw his eyes roll. obviously he liked the attention, you didn’t even blame him for that. but still…
you let out a deep sigh and plopped next to him onto the bed.
“i guess just give ma a warning next time…” your quiet murmur was followed by a sudden, sharp inhale.
seungmin lifted his back slowly and leisurely, almost teasingly, took his shirt off. the sun peeking through the window shone on his bare skin, making the tone of it even more honey colored and contrasting with the white sheets perfectly. then it hit you like a train, and a wave of heat spilled over your body. his perfectly toned stomach is on display and you are staring at it like a dog at a piece of meat–
“like what you see?” he asked with a boyish smirk. one hand traveling to rest under his head, atop of that his arm muscles flexing.
turning your gaze away, you bit the inside of your cheek. when you wanted to scold him about the picture, you didn’t expect him to do this. seungmin is still opening up to you, being the timid person he is, and skinship in your relationship so far only consisted of handholding, hugging and kisses. not that you minded, you enjoyed taking time and slowly but surely building your relationship based on trust.
but this…
“ah, come on. don’t be shy now” he hummed smugly, observing your eyes trace back to his exposed skin.
“are you okay with… yknow…” you stuttered, not even able to finish your thought. seungmin giggled, possibly killing you inside even more. wanting to hide from his sight, a bit overwhelming at the moment, you leaned and laid next to him. burying your face in his neck seungmin could feel the heat radiating off it.
“i’m fine. villains got to see it, so you should too, hm? besides, it’s gonna be summer soon. get used to this sight, angel” he said and his other hand traced down to your waist. drawing small circles on your skin, you sighed.
“you’re way too cocky” with a mumble, you fixed your position a bit and saw his stomach again. you could see the way it rose up and down rhythmically and you were wondering if he was in distress as much as you were.
suddenly you noticed the ink on his rib and smiled softly.
“can i…” you gulped, shyly. it took him a while before realizing what you meant. with a gentle nod, you decided to reach out slowly.
as you traced the tattoo subtly, almost feather-lightly as if scared that you will hurt him, the skin underneath your fingertips was hot and tender. only when you did that, seungmin’s composure fell apart - like a building made out of legos - and his breath hitched.
he never showed the tattoo to anyone (well, besides villains now), not to mention touching it. but he enjoyed the intimacy of the gesture. seugmin adored the way you were so careful with it, love and care in your eyes.
“what does it mean?” you whispered, the weight of this moment bringing a sudden realization of how quiet it is in the room.
“always be thankful six nine nine nine oh two” your boyfriend’s voice had a tint of melancholy in it, casing your heart to melt. it was what the tattoo said. “those are the birth years of my parents, brother and me”
you hummed in acknowledgement, smiling. you leaned a bit closer and pecked the tattoo. then you returned to your previous position and rested your head in the crook of your neck.
basking in the quiet and calm moment, at the verge of falling asleep, you heard seungmin’s wiper as he pulled you closer.
“i should add your birth year there one day”
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
#xdinary heroes#xdh imagines#xdinari hero fanfic#xdinary heroes fluff#xdh#xdh fluff#xdh x reader#o.de x reader#o.de xdinary heroes#o.de#oh seungmin#xdh reactions#xdh soft hours#oh seungmin x reader#xdh x yn#o.de fluff#xdh o.de
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pairing: sadistic beauty — woo haesol x fem!reader
word counting: 1.7k
content warning: use of honorifics 'noona' & 'unnie' | sniffing panties | use of lingerie | feminization | fingering (m) | dumbification | use of toys (strap-on) | dirty talk | slight chest play | begging | aftercare
summary: you catch haesol masturbating to you
📎 side note: english is not my first lenguage, so sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes.

"I'm heading off" you announce in the doorstep as you put your shoes on. At the same time you're picking up your purse, Haesol comes from the kitchen, wearing his cute pink apron as he dries his hands off with a hand-towel.
"Good luck today, noona" he breaks in one of his sweet smiles, making your heart melt.
"You have a day off today?" you ask, stretching your arms to motion him to come closer. He gets comfortable in your arms as you squeeze him in a warm hug.
"Yeah, the professor called in sick so the class got suspended" he answers.
"Lucky boy" you mutter, tickling him so slightly in his tummy but he stills wiggles away while giggling. "I'm going now. I'll see you later" sharing a short kiss on the lips, you sadly let him go from your arms to walk to the door.
"See you later" he waves at you from the door, and it's not until he sees you get into the elevator that he returns back into your shared apartment.
In the next few hours, Haesol cleaned the apartment upside down; chopped some veggies to freeze them for future meals; water the little plants he buyed from the store down the street and he loved with all his heart; he readed some books that were required for his next proyect and did some exercises from those yoga videos he found on YouTube.
Finally done with all his tasks, he took a relaxing bath with all the products that you buyed for him on your work trips. He always insist to not buy anything for him, but you can't help but want to spoil your pretty boy.
After taking his time in the bathtub, he also took his time drying himself off. As he dryed the last droplets of his wet hair, with his free hand he started to open his drawers to find some clean clothes. His body freezes for a moment and his cheeks started to feel hot when he sees the sight of your red panties on top of all his other underewear.
Shaky hands stretch forward to grab the piece of clothing. Why was it there? Have you confused your drawers with his and you just throw it in there? That's pretty possible.
Curiosity wins over him. «What if they are dirty? I might need to put them in the next batch of dirty clothes» is what Haesol thinks, and there's only one way to really know if they are dirty or not. Trembling with excitment, he brings the panties up to his face and closer to his nose, taking a long sniff to them.
He took his conclusion right away: they were not dirty, but the specific fragance of your cloth softener makes his mind full of you and his body reacts right away, it always does when it comes to you.
As he closes his eyes and get lost in your scent, his free hand is already reaching for the bulge forming under his white towel, gropping it as he imagines it's your own hand. Soon enough, the towel falls to his feet, and his hard cock springs up, proudly standing.
Wrapping his hand around it, he starts with soft strokes along the shaft, more focused on sniffing away your panties.
"Ah...noona ~" he moans on the low, his hand taking speed on his dick as he really tries his best to think is you. In his already delusional state, he can swear he feels the warmth of your chest hitting his back as your own hands strokes his pathetic dick. "More...more, please!" he pleads in whispers, tears already forming in his eyes.
"You're already this hard for just smelling my panties? What a naughty girl" he hears you tease him in his ear, and he gasps. "Why don't you wear them? You'll look really pretty wearing them for me, won't you baby?"
"Yes...yes" he answers to nobody, regardless, he still follows your imaginary order.
With a few water droplets still falling from his back, he waste no more time and put your red panties on. They are tight around the waist and surely do not cover his whole dick, but still combines with his pale skin and slim figure.
"There you go, princess. Now, why don't you show noona how you play with your pussy yourself?"
Heasol's face feels even hotter than it already was, but who was he to deny you?
Taking the lube bottle that was in display on your night stand, he lies down on the bed and pushes the panties aside to display his already twitching hole. Squirting some of the lube on two of his fingers, he teases his hole a little bit to finally insert the two digits slowly inside him. Mouth agape, he throws his head back in pleasure as he starts softly thrusting his fingers in and out.
"Oh...fuck" he mumbles, bitting his bottom lip down as he starts to add speed on his fingers, his neglected dick twitching painfully on his tummy. "Ah ~ noona, please..." he cries, "fuck me, please. Noona...noona" he calls out for you as his mind start to feel fuzzy.
He was so gone that he didn't even hear you come back.
"I'm home ~" you announce, trying to sound as cheerful as you can after a long day in college.
As you take your shoes off in the entrance, you wait for your cute boyfriend to come skipping and jump into you as he showers your face with 'welcome home' kisses; but even after taking your coat off, he isn't there.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you start searching for him around the apartment. In a general view he wasn't at the kitchen nor outside in the balcony, sometimes he liked to keep company to his little plants after all; he also wasn't sleeping on the couch, wich you find good since you don't want him to hurt his neck; opening the bathroom door, you see that it's all foggy, so it's a sign that he took a bath no long ago.
Finally knowing where he was, you walk upstairs to search for him in your bedroom, and sure as hell he was in there.
The whole room was filled with his moans and whimpers, along with the squelching sounds of his long fingers fucking in him again and again and again. It was no rare sight to see him this ruined for you, but for him to get himself in that state? That sure is new.
"Haesol?" you call out to him, making him midly snap from his trance, but it only makes him whine and cry even more as he, with his two hands, spreads his cheeks to show his hole at your mercy.
"Please noona...come fuck my needy pussy" he cries out. And that was enough reason for you to move faster than ever in your life, fetching your strap on the way to bed.
"Fuck...are those my panties?" you finally took notice of that, and how good they looked on him. A simple whimper of him answered your question, and you didn't need anything more than that. "Such a needy girl, couldn't wait for unnie to come home?"
Haesol shakes his head no. "Needed you...needed you so bad unnie" he whines.
"I can see it...fuck, you're so wet for me already" finally securing your strap-on on your hipss, you take the dildo and slap it a little bit on your boyfriend's wet hole. "Want me in?"
"Yes! Please, please, please unnie...fuck me" he begs with his sweet broken voice. And you don't need any more motivation than that.
With a simple thrust, the whole toy inserted inside him so easily, making Haesol throw his head back once again, and you smile at his reactions. You feel yourself getting wet at the simple thought of being the one that makes him feel this good.
The bedroom fills once again with your boyfriend's moans and your breathy ones.
Heasol's hands come under your shirt and pull it up enough to make your tits visible, still with your bra on. He then removes the cups upwards, freeing them. His warm hands started massaging and playing with them as he starts pouting at you.
"Kiss...kiss" he started mumbling, teary eyes looking at your lips and then your eyes once again. And how can you deny such a puppy look.
Without reducing your speed, you bend down to capture your boyfriend's lips with yours, sharing a heated kiss where his moans melted in your tongue as he traps your body with his arms and legs.
"Cum...'lease...please let me cum" he begs between cries. "I've been good...I've been so good. Please...let me cum"
"I guess you've been. Cleaning the house down, being a good student and taking care of me like the cute housewife you are, aren't you?" you chuckle as you see him nod his head yes. "Then cum for me, baby"
He lets out a last cry, his grip on you getting weaker as he comes in white ropes, dirtying his naked chest and even getting some of it in his face. You help him ride his orgasm with softer thrusts, reducing the speed to none as you pepper his face with sweet kisses as he gasps for air.
"There you go, you did so good for me baby" you whisper sweet nothings in his ear, helping him calm down.
His limbs go numb, letting you go completely as he now lies on the bed, knocked out and soft snoring. You chuckle to yourself as you get out of bed to get wet wipes and a bottle of water from the kitchen.
You clean him up and dress him in fresh clothes to sleep comfortably. Once you tuck him in, you take a shower before getting back in bed with him, cuddling him closer to you.
"Silly boy, you never tell me how much you need me until I gotta see you all needy like this" you scold him slightly, though you know he might not hear you in his unconscious state.
Smiling at his sleeping figure, you leave a kiss on his forehead as you snuggle up to him to get some rest as well. You'll get to see his flustered face in the morning when you refresh his mind with all that you've done tonight.
#sadistic beauty#woo haesol#haesol x reader#dom!reader#dom reader#sub!character#sub character#sub!haesol#sub haesol#sub!sadistic beauty#sub sadistic beauty
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Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you enjoy the clown show lol right now I'm keeping this chatty section real sparse to get this out but hoping to make it (and this whole list) more robust and comprehensive with time! One of the first things on the list is to have fic summaries instead of just titles and better formatting for multiple parts. At least this works atm haha For now, just know this is both a sfw and nsfw blog and nsfw will be tagged with #thirst hours
I hope the reading guides you on good daydreams and fantasies 💜
Daily click for Palestine
Fluff 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑 Angst (how much easy vs. harsh emotion)
AU 🪐
Non-canon elements in focus ✨
Tender Love and Care
Hair Care 🌖 Massage 🌖 Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3 - Coming Soon
Switching Up Roles 🌕☄️ Part 1 and Part 2
Loose Lips
Thirsty Thursdays ☄️
With Pissed Off Buggy With Lucky Brat Buggy With Insecure Buggy
Comforting His Partner on Their Looks 🌕
Age Gap Headcanons 🌕
Punk Buggy with a Tongue Piercing☄️ - Riff off of @hey-august's wonderful Punk Buggy
Let Go and Grip Me Tighter 🌖☄️
Fixing What Ifs 🌗
Well Earned Praise 🌕
How He Deals with Falling in Love 🌕
Jealousy Ficlet 🌕
Hickey Headcanons 🌕
Thirsty Thursday
The Hat Stays ON
Fireside 🌖 - coming soon
Bonding Exercises ☄️ - coming soon
Jealousy Ficlet 🌕
How to Break Rules 🌖
Jealousy Ficlet 🌕
Hickey Headcanons 🌕
Give (In) and Take (Me) ☄️
The Wrong Rest 🌑
Across the Great Divide 🌘 - Coming Soon
These Hoes Depressed 🌖 - Coming Soon
Brushing Souls 🌕✨
You've warned him just as much as the others how intimate and overwhelming it feels to touch another soul. Still, he's intrigued. Over time you've come to trust him enough to give him a taste of the soul magic of your home and he immediately accepts, equal parts eager and nervous. Nothing you said prepared him for all he feels at simply being surrounded by You. ~3.8k
Coronary Tale 🌗✨
Face Sitting ☄️
Hickey Headcanons 🌖
Eventually this will mean poly BUT for now it is where headcanons with LOTS of characters are until I have more fics under more characters (so Its not just a fuckload of headers all with the same fic under them lol)
Cuddling Headcanons 🌕 Straw Hats and the Three Unwise Men (Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk)
Cuddling Ficlets 🌕 Straw Hats and the Three Unwise Men
X Marine Reader Headcanons - Coming Soon
Straw Hats and the Three Unwise Men
Bonus Characters (Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid, Killer, Sir Croc, Doffy)
Sweetly Scented Secrets 🌕✨
These are ones I add to and build off of instead of it being just something for a one-shot. Currently a placeholder but wanna get posting for these soon! Gotta organize the massive thought dumps I have down first lol
Modern AU (Coney Island inspired)
Hybrid AU
On Their Feet - current priorities (Most have coming soon and up on Masterlist to kick my ass into gear atm lol)
Lifeline - in brain and touching on
Purgatory - letting them happen when they happen
Hell - uncertain if they will ever happen 💀
Random ass shit that doesn't have a spot yet wHOOPS
Now and For Always - One Piece Rendition
Andddd a reminder to myself to possibly link sketches eventually andjkjaskda
Enjoy the hot mess in progress LOL
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feeder for president!
Lots of excitement was shared when Frank wheeler was elected as the new president of the United States. He seemed to have great ambitions and an incredible spirit. But just a few months after he was elected, he put a new law into place. Every single American over the age of 18 must consume at least 5000 calories per day or they will be executed. He implanted every single American with a chip in the back of their throat that counted their calories. If the requirement had not been met, it would start leaking a poisonous substance into your system immediately. Effectively killing the person. This wasn’t all though. All gyms and any form of exercise equipment became illegal. Sidewalks were replaced with conveyor belts to prevent people from burning calories. Every year, you are required to gain at least 25 pounds. For every pound over this goal, the government will send a $100 check to your home.
as expected, all hell broke loose. People began rioting and begged for the law to be reversed. The smart people didn’t hesitate to start stuffing their face. Fast food restaurants had their busiest days in years as people frantically raced to consume as many calories as possible. To bring in more customers, McDonald’s released the heart attack burger. It was three burger patties cooked in pure oil and fat, then there was 6 pieces of bacon, loaded fries, a mountain of cheese, and McDonald’s new secret sauce. The burger contained almost 2000 calories and people went nuts for it. Companies removed small drinks and fries and replaced them with xtra large and supersize. A supersized coke was two liters and contained almost 100 calories.
the new system quickly weeded out the protesters and the only people left were obedient, soon to be fatties. Fitness influencers became weight gain influencers. They would give tips and tricks on how to eat more and expand your stomach. New stores began to open where you would pay to be mindlessly fed by one of the employees. You could set a certain amount of calories or a certain amount of time to be stuffed. If you were really desperate, some places carried an item called a lard ball. It had exactly 5000 calories all in the size of a pill. You would take it and immediately feel like you had just stuffed yourself silly at a buffet. It was quite expensive, but for those who could afford it, it was a game changer.
after a couple years with the new law, there wasn’t a person in sight without at least a bit of a belly. Abs were a thing of the past and it was hard for new 18 year olds to let go of theirs. But they obeyed and ate till they passed out. Some people took the $100 a pound rule very seriously. With how easy it was to gain weight, some people could gain over 100 pounds and get tens of thousands of dollars. Desk jobs became popular as no one was fit enough to do much else. Jobs were now required to give multiple snack breaks to employees so they had time to stuff themselves. it was paradise. Bulging bellies in all directions, former abs were memories of the past, countless people racing to shove food down their throats to meet the limit. I think this law may stay in place forever!
#fat#fat belly#fatty#gaining fat#chubby#fat gut#fatty piggy#gaining#gaining weight#getting bigger#force fed#feedee belly#feeding kink#feed me#fatboy
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I love how we all cal mick and y/n, mick and mama. And me, personally, always see his gf face when reading those!
I'm also really enjoy the little blurbs where mick and mama are a bit more frisky, specially the kids.
What do you think about Mick and Mama in each one of their babymoons? I can see them enjoying some tropical beaches in some of those, but they're so adventurous I feel like they'd come up with something else to relax and be frisky before they're little ones arrive.
Note: me too! I hadn't thought much about it because it never happened before, but since the soft launch, it happens to me too!
Tw: small allusions to smut, pregnancy
Aurora's babymoon
"Do you want to stay in?", you asked Mick, feeling him kiss every bit of skin that your maternity pyjamas didn't cover. The cabin was warm despite the snow outside, and while you had booked the trip so you could enjoy a few activities just the two of you before you became parents for the first time, you had to admit that staying in between the sheets and loving on eachother was a great plan.
"I would like that, yes", he mumbled against your skin, moving down to kiss your chest as he worked the buttons on the piece covering your torso, the sight of your baby bump looking nothing short of endearing and a constant reminder of your growing family and always getting him to smile, "you're growing our babygirl", he kissed your belly button, "and you look so good, liebling. Everything you do is amazing and should be valued, but growing our baby, keeping her safe and comfortable, that's on another level, I can't possibly ever thank you enough", he placed his hands on your bump, soothing the skin and laying his head next to it, planning on caressing it for as long as possible.
Sebastian's babymoon
"Let's go this way, it's not as steep", Mick urged, letting you walk in front of him as he kept a watchful eye on you. He knew you were capable of it. After all, it wasn't the first time you were on that particular trail, but he couldn't help his protective nature, especially when it only took a good look at you for him to grow into papa bear mode. This time around, your bump grew a lot quicker and bigger, so the image was hard to ignore and not act up on it.
"Soon, we could be doing this with two little ones", you smiled as you sat in one of the benches, "and we can have those carriers we see other families with, and show Seb and Rora all of these wonders", placing your hand on top of Mick's that was on your bump. The warm weather and the exercise made you feel warm, so you had discarded the sweatshirt and stayed in your sports bra and shorts, so the bump was on show and taking some sun, "speaking of Rora, how jealous do you think she'll be if we send my mother a picture of us so she can show her?", he nudged, unlocking his phone at your question.
"Maybe we begin with that, a big promise of family hikes, and maybe she won't be so mad at us for not bringing her", Mick said, taking a selfie of you two before getting up and taking one of the view and sending them.
When you got up, you took the opportunity to stretch your body a little, knowing that otherwise the pains would be unbearable and making the way down even harder, not noticing your husband taking pictures of you with a loving smile on his face.
Harriet's babymoon
The breeze was helping your body regulate from the warm temperature and the natural demand that was growing a baby, and the feel of your husband's hands in your bump was making the whole scene quite perfect.
"Have you given it some thought?", Mick asked you about the subject you had discussed recently, "I have", you started, "and I still stand by what I always did. As long as it makes you happy, we will be here to support you", you smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing it before placing it back in your bump, playing with his fingers, "I would never want you to give up something that you love so much, but if you want to do it, then me, Rora, Seb and Harriet are going to be here for you".
"I feel accomplished, for now, at least. And I want to be involved in their lives. I never felt like my father was not involved because he always made the effort, and I want to do the same. And I want to be there when they wake up, to get them from school, and three kids will require a lot more juggling. I don't want you to have to do all of that juggling", he reasoned, "we're in this together".
"Okay then", you smiled, settling the subject for now, "you know where I want to go together, too?", you smirked, "that beautiful ocean looks incredible, and its salty water is going to make me feel like all of this weight has just been lifted off of me, and I'd really really really appreciate the company of my handsome husband", you smirked, seeing Mick get up and help you up with his hands, "let's go then".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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would love to hear how the M6 handle an apprentice with a hypersomnia disorder 💛💛 someone who struggles with a lot of excessive sleepiness but really tries to push through it
Oooh, thanks for the prompt, I love it! As you didn't specify the spicy level, I'll assign ♤♡◇♧ randomly to the characters
Cracking my knuckles because it's something that hits home// The spicyness key is ◇neutral/random/funny,♡romantic/physical affection, ♧fluff/light smut,♤big dongs
So here it comes ~~~
~The hypersomniac apprentice~
As soon as you open up to her about it, Nadia has you treated for your sleep disorder right away. Julian is sent for, and he has your treatment started by having you to keep a diary to track your sleeping, eating and exercising habits, dreams, mood, and of course any periodic cycles you may have. When he gave you the little red-line notebook, you saw an idea twinkling in Nadia's eyes, but forgot to investigate further. Shortly after, you started noticing that the palace staff you interact the most all had a tiny jade-green, golden ruled notebook with them. You wanted to ask her about it this afternoon while having tea on the veranda, but you had one of your hypersomnia episodes. When you wake up, Nadia brushes your hair from your sleepy face, greeting you with a smile. "I hope your sleep has been refreshing", she says, "in the meantime, I kept some notes for you". She handles you one of those little green notebooks that is filled, to you surprise, with little useful notes about what were you two talking about it, your immediate future agenda, the time you spent asleep and a little recap of everything that has happened.
You meet her loving gaze, speechless. "I recall how embarrassing was to ask people to fill me in on what happened during my long sleep", she explains. "I felt so cut out on the world, confused and distressed". She brushes your hand. "I made sure you will never feel as lost as I did".
You really did try to push through this episode. Lucio looked so caught up in the game you were playing, so genuinely happy. You didn't want to let him down... but you see, trying to push through hypersomnia is awful it truly is folks, worst thing and hardly possible. Your eyelids are heavy and your neck isn't holding your head anymore. You try to rest your head against the sofa to avoid the telltale head-falling...
...but when you wake up you realize it wasn't a good idea. The lights are down, the room empty, and Lucio...? Nowhere to be seen. Your heart shrinks with guilt. You will have to apologize to him.
"Not many people know this, but Lucio has troubles sleeping. Eventually, the weight of his deeds fell upon him, robbing him of his sleep. At the beginning he started using narcotics to fall asleep, but Julian caught him immediately and made sure to put a hasty end on the dangerous habit.
Now Lucio slips into your bedroom with some dumb excuse ("thought you wanted some water" "hey, I had this WILD dream" "I'm horny") just to lay with you as you fall asleep. Watching your serene face as you sleep helps him to soothe his sleepless nights and find some kind of peace."
If you weren't so worried about letting him down, you would have put the pieces together and understood why he let you sleep -why he always lets you sleep.
Portia knows about it, and find it so damn cute! Being the little mischievous fairy she is, she always puts you into situations where you will have troubles staying awake. This includes
getting the two of you seat for the opera in Nadia's box -this means you're next to her- and exchange giggling gazes with Asra. The three of you are the perfect partner in crime, but little did you know that you are their favorite victim.
Going stargazing with you and Muriel -he tells the BEST constellation tales and she knows that you love them and would give the world to stay awake - but joke's on her this time, for Muriel adores when his voices coddle you to sleep
Inviting you gardening in warm afternoons after some rich lunch, where she has an hard times refraining from laughing at your attempts to resist the sleep.
Today though, you realize she's doing it on purpose. In your hand there's a bunch of drawings she did of your cutest sleeping poses -they're on napkins, reciepts, grocery lists and god forbid Portia is this book from Nadia's library?!
I'll put the spicier ones (Julian, Muriel, Asra) in a reblog [THIS ONE] I'll flag as adult content :) you can alway find them from the Masterlist
Disclaimer: please remember that hypersomnia is a legit disorder that should be addressed by any means you have at hand. Don't get fooled by the "manageable" face it has: it may be caused by many underlying issues, from moderate avoidant anxiety to much more serious things. There's nothing wrong with choosing to live with it or thinking it's cute (i have it and i do), but if you do experience it, love yourself and investigate its causes! Remember, as an human being you're entitled to health.
#the arcana#the arcana game#nadia satrinava#nadia the arcana#countess nadia#asra the magician#arcana fanfic#julian devorak#the arcana smut#muriel arcana#lucio x mc#lucio morgasson#portia devorak#arcana muriel#muriel smut
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Paring; Lee Felix x reader
Genre/theme; Dark & Yandere
Word count; 1.2K
Warnings; implied kidnapping, yandere themes of possessiveness and violence (Let me know if I missed anything.)
(A/N; This is the first drabble/writing piece I've ever done in only the third person, so I'm sorry in advance if it sucks. Also, I pretty much rewrote this a two in the dang morning, so I'm sorry if there are typos.)
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
"You're mine. You. Are. MINE." He screamed as you rushed out the door, trying your best to avoid tripping over your own feet. It had been months since you had set foot outside, and what felt like forever with the man now chasing after you.
You can't let him get you again. was the only thought in your mind as you ran, and ran as fast as your legs would allow, from the building that once separated you from the rest of the world and caged you in with that psycho.
"I'll get you again, my love. Just wait, I'll find you, and when I do, I'll make sure you are never able to escape again!" was the only thing you could hear as you maneuvered your way through the city streets. His nagging voice constantly rang in your ears as you ran. Soon enough, his sultry voice, hoarse due to sleep, began to slowly fade into nothing more than the sound of dead silence. Complete and utter silence
The lack of sound in the stagnant night air seemed even scarier than his screaming at you or the thought of being taken once more from the man you used to pride yourself on loving so dearly; at least he loved you the tiniest bit; the cold air filling your lungs, meanwhile, did no such thing.
You had to admit that although you hated being stuck in his home, it was better than being out here in the cold all alone, with not even a thought occupying your mind other than to run as far away as possible, even if you had no idea where you were going or where you were in the first place. At least with Felix, he would bake you brownies and care for you, doing anything and everything to make you feel comfortable and content.
But that was only him acting; you couldn't fall for his facade any longer; he was a maniac, a psycho, someone with a few too many screws loose, and you couldn't help but wonder...
What did you do to make him snap?
What happened to the man who used to make you brownies after a long day of hard work, the man who used to love to go on long walks in nature and explore?
The man who had held you captive, the one now chasing after you, was no longer the man you used to know. Not the sweet and caring person he once was. What he was now was nothing short of a monster.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
As time went on, your legs began to ache, and your heart felt as though it was going to implode as it tried to supply oxygen to your extremities. Even with all its hard work, your limbs still felt numb, and your lungs continuously burned and ached for more air.
Although your body was at its limit, you couldn't stop, not when danger could've been right around the corner. The only thing that was going to stop you was your inevitable passing out.
You were a fairly athletic person before, but now your heart and body were unable to put up with the stress from the situation and all the exercise you had forced upon them. It almost brought you to tears at how little you could do now. If only you had realized it sooner, maybe you would've been out of this mess already.
Now was not the time to get lost in your head or lose focus; you were already on the verge of losing consciousness. You didn't need to add insult to injury and make this whole thing worse.
You put it off as long as you could; soon enough, however, you dropped to your knees and held your head in your hands as the world around you spun in circles.
The only thing that caused you to stand, even in such a weak state, was the clacking shoes on the pavement behind you.
There was no one else out here, and if it was who you thought it was, you couldn't just sit there and let him get to you without putting up a fight, or, well, a sprint in this case.
Although your motivation was there, your legs were far too weak to hold you upright for too long, and so not before long you once again ended up on your knees, tears streaming down your face as you thought about how you weren't going to be able to get away. The stinging pain in both your knees from the rocks digging into them is the least of your worries now.
With as much strength as you could muster, you crawled forward, palms and knees scraping against the pavement. The pain only made moving harder, but you had to continue to try and get away. Or this whole escape plan would've been for nothing. The least you could do was make it to the street. Even if there were no people driving around, someone could've possibly seen you, saved you, even...
As his foot came into contact with your ribs, you cried out in pain and landed on the ground, tears falling from your face as you blankly stared up at the night sky.
You were too exhausted to run; your body was weak, and your consciousness was teetering on the edge of a metaphorical cliff. Now there really was no hope, and the only thing to do was just wait for him to take you back home, as he had done many times before.
Even when you thought you had managed to break free, he proved you wrong every single time.
It was like a never-ending loop of believing you could get free and him finding you and then taking you back home, only for the cycle to begin again. Maybe he was entertained by such things and let you slip out of his grasp for just a moment only to show that he was the one that was in control all along after all.
It was like a sick game of cat and mouse, except the game never came to a close, and the cat continued on playing with its supposed dinner...
The man was now hovering over you, a smile grazing his soft features. In some way, it was something that made him seem less scary, more approachable, and more kind. Given his true nature, however, the opposite can be said of such a smile.
The seemingly kind gesture chilled you to the bone. You knew he was upset, and there was no telling what he would do to you if he was angry. The words he spoke not a moment later only made the feeling of dread in your gut worse than before.
"Darling, you should know by now that you can't run from me." He spoke with a deep chuckle following his unsettling words.
"Now it's time we head back home, my love. I'm sure you're exhausted from all that running." He started sorrowfully, as If he actually cared, and then continued on with his voice, harnessing a much more sinister tone.
"But don't worry, my love, you won't be able to run for much longer."
#yandere skz#felix lee#drabble#stray kids#dark#felix x reader#stray kids fanfic#skz oneshots#yandere male#tw yandere
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* ❁┆ team building
there's some tension on her team for the finale. she feels like that's an understatement, too. for one, ren hates two members of the team. he's managed to keep it together, but nayoung knows him and knows he's barely holding it together. siwoo and jay also seem to be good friends whose powers combined may lead to disaster if not handled properly. she's pretty sure luciel and siwoo still have some sort of beef, too. all in all, it's a mess, and it shows in their performance. it's a total lack of synergy, and nayoung has little patience for it all. so she does what she usually does: tries to solve the problem as soon as possible.
nayoung knows it won't be easy, and doesn't expect her idea to fix everything. she just hopes it helps. she knows there's a possibility that it'll backfire, but nayoung is also aware that sometimes confrontation is necessary to work through any negative feelings toward one another. if this activity ends up starting a fight, it's probably a fight that needs to happen to clear the air and let the group as a whole move on and focus more effectively.
naturally, not everyone was happy about the exercise, but they ended up relenting and agreeing to participate. she had them draw pieces of paper numbered 1-7 to determine the order they sit in in the circle.
fate would have it be that some of the team members with the biggest problems with each other are seated together. luciel is seated on her left, and siwoo next to him, followed by inho. next is jay, then ren, and seira rounds out their circle, seated on nayoung's right.
"okay, let's go left in the circle. say something nice about the person to your left, and share something you're proud of yourself for related to next gen," she reminds everyone. "i'll start."
"i'm proud that i was able to help two teams take first place this season," she says, and she hopes it doesn't sound like she's bragging, or taking all the credit for it. "and of the team members, of course," she adds for good measure.
next, she has to say something nice about luciel - or jihyun, as she should probably call him. "i like that jihyun is good at handling criticism and applying it quickly, even if it's hard to hear." she's talking about her calling him forgettable. he certainly took what she said to heart, and earned praise from the judges last episode.
"okay, your turn," she smiles at him, and it might actually be uncharacteristically warm.
THE MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER IN CINEMATIC HISTORY with @lucielxbe @besiwoo @inhobe @bejaeyoung @renxbe @beseira
#be:ngs2p5#❁┆thread#❁┆team building#just realized i should tag all of u.#lucielxbe#besiwoo#inhobe#bejaeyoung#renxbe#beseira#LET/'S GOOOOOOOOOOO
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Choose a pile(s)~
What's it about ?
° Let's discover the guidance and messages given by our supreme mother warrior durga !
° Support me by a reblog /like/follow to grow more to come with relevant and suited readings by tarot .


Om ma durga namah~
PILE 1 .
• I know how confusing is it to make important decision OR when we have to get clarity over things but remember the Answer lies all inside you .
• let go of all those people who hurted you child really leave it. Why not to share your pain out with animals OR to yourself haha all is temporary and that's the blessings . Those who hurted you will get everything back to themselves. Your culprit/problem/pain anything will be found just keep up the hope .
• study 📖 now students if you didn't,don't skip to last idiot OR you see the results then . You know overcome the emotional and mental pain by using positive thoughts . Don't overthink just surrender to me and I Will get it done by a magic snap ✨️ ^^.
• worship or chant mata sita's name like this - Jai ma sita ! She is says when you Serve those with love and to yourself you Serve divine .
• leave junk food and focus to eat healthy one . Exercise if you don't otherwise you gonna be sick. Most of you are sick .
• oh child don't panic be positive because I know it is hard to two or several things at a time. You know let it go because I'm gonna provide you something else that Will suit your new version of yourself to give you what you deserve .
• don't run don't run at all instead face and be independent for your things . Don't get scared for something that's not gonna happen to you when there's exist a possible to change it .
For least don't rob anybody OR don't get yourself into the unsual pieces of advice of others . Be aware of those people whom you feel Will come but they will ditch and go away.
• Find a new job/hobby/project/activity or anything that can you get you out from the mess. Children in group projects don't let yourself get suppressed instead get some new ideas and ways also express the fear and tackle !
• okay, this is wonderful because I got mata Lakshmi coming here telling me that if you had financial/romantic/relationship then it's all gonna end . She has seen your hardwork and she is impressed because we attract who we are . Love is coming soon but maybe one of you is delaying it because you are fearing and avoiding .
• people clean your house home room any thing because goddess is coming and she hates mess so pls get your messy room cleaned and till then start loving things people and yourself little little because that's how we grow !
° wait wait why in each pile I'm getting sick energy and if it's true please take care of yourself.
The end 🙏🏼~
So we come to the end people and do comment Jai Mata di to bless yourself and manifest your wishes . I'm gonna bless you and your wishes ✨️
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Turning the Page: A Gruulfriends Snippet
There is so much pain when Nissa wakes up, and sees what is left of herself. What Zhalfir saved and what they couldn’t. There is weakness, nausea, darkness. Awareness that she will carry some of Phyrexia’s gifts - forever.
And there is Chandra. Nissa lets herself go to pieces for a little while, in arms that feel like home.
Time passes. Beyond the little room where she coalesces, the world spins in a million directions. For Nissa, the other planes will have to wait. Her spark is in no shape yet to carry her home to Zendikar. So she only rests, and heals.
She does not keep the arms Phyrexia gave her. Does not trust the sickly gleam of their copper, sees in their harsh lines only the atrocities she caused at Norn’s command. Chandra takes no small pleasure in reducing them to molten slag.
Nissa knows a sick plant must be pruned, its dead branches removed, if it is to thrive. She cannot be free of all the metal which Elesh Norn sank into her, but these limbs at least - she can trim.
At first she is helpless, and Chandra is her everything - more, that is, than she already was. Dressing her, feeding her, scrubbing her clean and changing the bandages around her stumps. Several times a day Chandra sighs, or sniffs back a tear. Starts to say - if only. I wish I could have saved more.
You saved everything, answers Nissa, her voice soft. Everything which matters.
The two of them settle into a routine. During the day healers fuss over Nissa, leeching any remaining trace of the oil from her flesh, seeing that the cavities and lacerations left behind by Meliria’s intervention remain free of blight; that skin and muscle heal and bond together without forming abscess or too much scarring. There are exercises she must do, stretching her limbs and forcing herself to take shaky steps for as long as her energy holds out - slightly longer each session, slightly further each morning.
At night, Chandra feeds her dinner bite by bite, and then they talk, or they sit, until all too soon Nissa’s weariness weighs down her eyes and they crawl together into bed. Since that first moment when they were reunited, they have done no more than kiss while Nissa recovers, but each kiss writes a new chapter in her memory from which she draws strength during the long and wearisome days.
Nissa focuses on what she can control and what senses remain. She studies the twinkling freckles on Chandra’s cheeks and the way her hair refuses to lie flat, when it isn’t bursting into flame. With her long ears, untouched by the oil’s depredations, she listens to Chandra’s soft breathing in the dark, or the tears which run down her cheeks when she thinks Nissa is asleep. Smells her scent, when the fire mage lies beside her. And feels - oh, even without fingers, how she feels her.
Nissa feels the beat of Chandra’s heart against her chest when they lie skin to skin; she feels her love’s fingers tracing gentle lines along the tattoos on her back, shoulders, face. And of course those lips. Chandra kisses her chin and cheeks and even, growing mischievous, her ears. Nissa returns each kiss, and each press of her lips is a caress she wishes she could give. More will wait for later.
Then, a message comes for Chandra, from another plane.
I won’t be long, Chandra says. Back before you know it.
She is gone only day. She returns not alone. Saheeli, and Huatli too, are with Chandra when she bursts back through the door into Nissa’s chambers. Fresh from Kaladesh, their arms filled with treasures from another world. Saheeli brings the greatest of all. Chandra practically vibrates with anticipation, with - hope. She kneels by the bed as Saheeli opens the long box she carries.
Pia’s work is unmistakable, and Saheeli’s own efforts too. Two splendid, glittering arms of lattice and filigree. Fingers and wrists and elbows to reach and grasp and hold. Independence. Possibility. A fresh start.
It will take time. Long weeks of practice and exercise, strengthening muscles and teaching them new tricks. Nissa will not spend a single one alone. Chandra Nalaar, her love, her all, will stand by Nissa’s side (Nissa Revane, her strength, her cause) through every step.
Hand in hand.
Thanks to @sunokasai for the inspiration for this story.
#magic the gathering#gruulfriends#chandra nalaar#nissa revane#march of machines spoilers#fanfic#nissandra#mtg
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It's another one of those days where I tell myself I'm not going to smoke, but I have no idea how well I'll succeed. I made a short post last night, just vague posting and getting a few thoughts off my chest. But nothing deep.
I feel stupid for posting about my addiction, but at the same time it's the only way I know how to possibly find people like me. Who can become very addicted to weed. I don't have any friends to go to about it because they all smoke and are fine -- or at least, they convince me they aren't addicted and that it's impossible on weed. But what else would you call something that you crave so intensely you're scrapping the bottom of a bag or grinder to get one hit? What else would you call something that you can't control yourself from taking as soon as you wake up? What else would you call something that's meant to make you feel good, but after doing it every day, all day, for several years you get stuck in a cycle of giving in, swearing to go sober/quitting, and then turn around and continue doing it? Every. Single. Day. For the past two years I have sworn to finally quit smoking weed but I just can't get away from it. My body feels like it needs it and I'm miserable.
It doesn't even get me high anymore.
More below the cut for those interested, and so I'm not clogging timelines with a long post. My content isn't for everyone. Please scroll by if you think weed isn't addictive and if you argue with me you'll just get blocked. That's not what I need when I'm just trying to recover.
I miss the person I was before I started smoking. I was so productive and successful; I wrote and exercised everyday. My emotions were better regulated. I felt like I could do anything.
I started smoking a lot later than most people -- 24. And as much as I would like to blame my ex for the addiction, I'm more to blame for my own addiction than anyone else. It started when I was writing an essay on Emily Dickinson and the soul, and weed helped me a lot with writing this piece. At least, for awhile. Soon after, I was getting high every evening to work on the essay, but I'd get distracted and ignore my work. It just sort of spiraled after that.
There are a lot of good reasons why I want to quit. First of all, I want to be a better woman. I want to be the strong woman I used to me -- not this weepy bag who can't even stand the thought of driving myself anymore. Where did all my strength go? Where did all my independence and will go? I wanna be a better woman not only for myself, but for my fiancé. He's very supportive of me, and says that we all have our vices -- doesn't care if I continue smoking or if I quit and will support me no matter which I do. But I need to stop smoking for him, too. He deserves sober-me. He's not only the best man, but the best person I have ever met in my entire life. He deserves the sober-me much more than my ex deserved it, but he's hardly gotten to experience it. He deserves a woman who can do anything and be level-headed. Not the emotional wreck I am on weed.
I'm also already a naturally paranoid person. I don't know how to explain it other than ever since I was a kid I've been prone to extreme paranoia. I've always seen terrifying images in my head and I get concerned that they'll actually happen before my eyes, no matter how off the wall it is. Let me clarify, I never hallucinate (not even on shrooms or acid have I hallucinated), I just have an overactive imagination. Weed, obviously, intensifies this feeling. Sometimes the paranoia is crippling; I'm frozen in fear whether it's in bed or at my desk or in the living room. It can become overwhelming.
Third, I want to go back to school. It's nearing the 3 year mark since I've gotten my Master's degree and I haven't gotten any jobs with it. Granted, it's difficult to do something with my degree in my area and I'm a bitch about having to move. But I'm in a dead-end part time job now that's pushed me into wanting something more. Specifically, wanting what my original plan in life was -- get a PhD and become a professor. Focus my career on academia. It's what I'm good at, and it's what I enjoy doing. I've missed the college space so much. I've missed the research that goes into essays and the excitement I used to get while writing. If I go back for my PhD, I can't continue to be on this fucking drug. I can't do the work I need to while being constantly stoned. How do I know? Because I could barely balance the work-weed balance as I was finishing up my MA. Weed stifled my academic work so much to the point that I almost didn't graduate; if I go for a PhD I have to be sober. There's literally no other option. I have to take it seriously. I cannot do the work I need to while getting stoned every day.
I feel miserable and cranky every day, and the good mood I get from smoking only lasts for so long and then I become grumpy again. Yesterday my grumpy attitude ruined a nice evening out with my fiancé -- he says it didn't, but I feel horrible about the ordeal.
I'm ready to quit. I've been ready to quit for about a year now with no success. I think the furthest I've gotten in the past year is 2 days without weed. Since I started smoking, the further I've gone without is a whole month -- I really don't know (or remember) how I did it. I don't know how to start, or how to keep cravings away. I'm just so frustrated, I want my ambition back. I want my drive and energy back. I want to be even better than I was before. But I can't with this drug holding me down and making me completely numb and lazy.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. I really don't know what to do when the cravings start to hit within another hour or so. I guess the good thing is that I'm all out of weed right now, and while I could go get more it would involve going to the bank to get out cash. Hoping that prevents me from giving in today.
Maybe I'll just write on here when the cravings hit. Just write about how I'm feeling until it goes away. I really don't know. I'm just going insane with this kind of lifestyle and I can't do this anymore. I have to become sober again. The good thing is, leading up to this point, I have decreased how much I've smoked. I went from 3 joints a day to 1 joint a day recently. Quitting cold turkey scares me, but I guess I'm about to attempt it, because I really don't wanna drop $100 on something I wanna quit doing.
Again, let me know anything that's helped any of you quit if you're out there and reading. I would greatly appreciate the advice.
#recovery#recovering stoner#weed recovery#tw addiction#weed addiction#substance abuse#self help#sobriety#diary
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Weird lucid dream: Eldritch Entities and Possible Unknown Pact
I had some really weird sequence of lucid dreams on the 21st of September. I was aware the whole time that I was dreaming and I had a certain amount of control over the environment and when I wanted to "change locations" so to speak.
At first, there was this one, where I was laying in my bed, and then "woke up" in the dream because there was someone in my house.
For the first moments, it looked like my estranged brother, and that put my hackles up because we had no contact for a reason, but then soon I realized I was dreaming. The thing in front of me started to change shape, I don't think it intended to scare me, I think it chose my brother because it was someone familiar to me, I couldn't define its shape fully anymore.
It was Eldritch, otherworldly, it felt masculine to my small human mind. It sang something, the song was beautiful, it made me want to cry, it made me want to sing, it made me want to touch, it made me feel so small and insignificant and that was such a freeing feeling, a relief.
Somehow I knew I was listening to the song of the universe, the song that makes up LIFE, like a small peek into a large Orchestra that my mind couldn't fully comprehend. I was mesmerized, the beauty of it brought tears to my face. It extended its hand to me and invited me to sing together.
But something inside myself warned me that if I accepted I wouldn't be myself anymore. It would be beautiful and I would be part of that masterpiece, of that vast immensity. And it was so tempting, to be just a note in the song of universe, but I fought to be myself in the real world. I fight every day to be who I am. And I couldn't give up that. I might be just a grain of sand on the whole beach, but I am individual and different from every other grain of sand.
I was terrified, but also strangely mournful that I wouldn't be able to connect to the Universe on that level. I told it I couldn't sing with it, couldn't give up myself, but still, I promised it I would always hear the song if it would permit me. It accepted my answer, but before it left it gave a knowing smile, like it knew more than me, like it had gained something with my answer anyway. Like it had all the time in the world to wait for me to change my mind one day. Like it was inevitable. I felt like I gave a piece of myself to it anyway. But I couldn't let it go, just the idea of never hearing its song again was unthinkable.
Then it gets a bit fuzzy, it was very clear while I was dreaming, I was aware I was dreaming, and I could control parts of the dream. Several times I felt myself starting to awake, but I wished to keep dreaming, I felt it was important to know where this journey would take me, so I tried to relax and apply some breathing exercises and then I was back into the dream world.
I can't remember how I knew this (dream logic probably), but I knew another Entity, I call it The Shadow, was after me. And this one had pretty much broadcasted its malicious intentions. I was afraid and I knew I had to leave "my house" (the current dreamscape) before it got to me.
And even with all my control over the dreams, I knew I was in their world, the Dreaming world, and they were infinitely more powerful there than me. I needed help. So I ran. I closed my eyes and wished for a different dreamscape.
I found myself in a warehouse, or an abandoned garage, I'm not sure. It was empty, with no doors in sight just lots of metal shelves all around the place. That's where another Entity found me. This one radiated peace and protection. They liked to take the form of various small and non-threatening animals (it kept changing forms constantly), but I could tell they were all slightly off. Like something very much non-human, and Unfathomable trying to mimic cute animals to put its worshipers at ease. But they always had too many teeth, and too knowing black eyes. It was a bit unnerving, but even then, it wasn't completely off-putting or uncomfortable. Just different. I could tell it was trying to put me a ease, not scare me. But it made me constantly aware that I wasn't dealing with something mortal.
It offered me protection, I don't remember how or why. I remember that there was a deal involved, but now I can't remember WHAT the deal was. I accepted the protection and its blessing. And changed the dreamscape again, when I felt the Shadow Entity getting closer, trying again to outrun it. Inevitably it found me, though.
The new location looked like a fancy apartment that I honestly had never seen in my life. It looked again like my estranged brother. This one was trying to scare me. My brother was always a cruel and off-putting child, and an even crueler (if that's even a word) adult. I wasn't strong enough to fight it. It was mocking me. And choking me. I felt the tears run down my face, I was petrified in fear.
I prayed for my new protector, for my new... God?... Patron?... I'm not sure what it is to me. It was just a mental cry for HELP. "I'M GOING TO DIE, I NEED HELP PLEASE".
And suddenly there were other people there. Other worshipers and I knew that's what we all were, we drove the Shadow Entity away together. We didn't kill it, I think, but we won the fight, it vanished.
Then they hugged me and accepted me. Called me brother. There were a lot of smiles and people embracing each other. Making sure we were all fine. And then I looked closer and noticed they all had one thing in common: They were all people on the margins of society.
Homeless people, old people, poor people, veterans, trans people, people of all ethnicities, disabled people. The Entity that offered us protection chose a very specific type of person. I'm still not sure if it's because desperate people are more likely to cling to faith and make deals, or if it's because it likes to help.
Dream logic was telling me that none of the three Entities I encountered in this place were "good" or "bad", they all had their own self-interest. Which, I guess makes sense for Unknown and Endless beings of Eldritch powers.
And these people, me included, were all Its worshippers. I could feel it in my core. Deep down in my bones.
I woke up feeling like I made a pact with something, and should be following up on the waking world, but for the life of me I can't remember what deal I made. Or even what entirely, should I be doing to pay my respects to It.
#long dream#today i dreamt#dream#dreams#lucid dreaming#lucid dreams#spirituality#entity#entities#eldritch#eldrichcore#spooky
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Unlikely Occupations for Handsome Jack
I played this on the soon-no-longer-twitter, and figured I like these too much to lose them when that site inevitably becomes an ex-parrot. This post will collect all the previous AUs I've made, and you can request new ones in the comments.
The rules are simple: name a job/occupation that would be very unlikely for Handsome Jack, and I'll try to come up with an IC(ish), (mostly) not crack explanation of how he ended up that way. All ideas generated from this exercise are free for the taking, as long as: 1) the prompt giver doesn't mind; 2) you let me know what you make of it.
Note: while any minimum wage job fits the 'unlikely' criteria, ideally I'm looking for suggestions of jobs/occupations that someone (but normally, not Jack) would conceivably WANT to do, and not just to survive. It's sad but true that people rarely end up in minimum wage jobs for interesting reasons. So please go easy on burger flipping, shelf restocking, call centers and the like.
Prompts filled so far: Janitor, DJ, Florist, Marine Biologist, Preschool Teacher, Pediatric Nurse (new!).
Outstanding prompts: cab driver; mortician; therapist/social worker (got ideas for this one); supermarket cashier (got half a plan)
Filled prompts below, starting with a fan favorite.
Now, I know that ‘it’s just a front’ may sound like a cop-out because it can apply to any ‘Jack in a minimum-wage job’ scenario. So I tried to make it more interesting.
Setting: can be modern-day, can be sci-fi, but needs to be an AU in which Jack isn’t instantly recognizable by all and sundry. He is a rich and successful asshole, though. But there’s a certain shiny object he really, REALLY wants to get his hands on. Could be physical thing, could be information. Either way, something that money (of which he has plenty) can’t buy, because it’s held by another, even richer asshole.
Multiple attempts to infiltrate the guy’s home, where the shiny is kept, have failed. The mark is famously a recluse, his security systems are deadly, and all his staff are life-long friends and acquaintances. There’s only one tiny security hole: cleaning and maintenance. Now, most of it is automated, but once every few months, there’s a need for human labor. So every few months, a trusted and vetted housekeeping services agency dispatches some of its most trusted and vetted workers. And isn’t it lucky that Jack has a contact at said agency?
It goes off without a hitch at first. Agency Contact makes sure Jack’s fake identity passes all the background checks, and adds him to the next crew dispatched to Rich Asshole’s house. But then, Agency Contact is busted for an unrelated piece of shady business. Their latest acts in the company come under scrutiny. Jack’s employment status holds, but not his assignment. He is supposed to have at least six months of spotless (...sorry :p) record with the agency before he can get assigned to high-priority jobs like this.
So now Jack has two options. Say "fuck this shit, I'm out" and look for a different solution that might not even exist... or hold out for the sure-fire way in, even if it means spending six months pushing around a mop while toeing the company line. What’s it gonna be, Jack??
Going off the beaten track for this one, because I didn't want to do the obvious option of 'rich guy's hobby/vanity side gig'.
My take is, we're back on Tantalus and in Jack's (John's?) youth. It's a place full of poverty and violence, but also a colorful night life. Of course, many night clubs are fronts for drug and arms (and worse) trade. Getting in with the clubs is a solid strategy for a young guy with his head on his shoulders.
Jack tries to do different jobs that take him all over, to see the backstage stuff as much as possible. (He even has a brief stint as an unlikely bouncer: no-one expected the scrawny 20yo to throw some real good punches.)
His first DJ experience happens when he's a stage hand / gofer at a club, and the actual DJ goes off to screw someone, telling Jack to take over for half an hour. The music is cued up, just look like you're having fun, he's told. This is the first taste he gets of the kind of power he didn't think he wanted. Because the power that comes with money and access and control is one thing (and make no mistake, he wants that). But the power to stand in front of a room full of people and command their mood? To be cheered? To get them to chant your name, even? That hits something really, really deep inside young Jack. He knows that day that however he gets to the top, he won't just be the man behind the curtain. He will be the one whose name the crowd is chanting.
From there on, Jack's goal is clear. Not only is he going to get power and money and his slice of all the shady business, but he's also going to be a goddamn ✨celebrity✨ while at it. For bonus points, add a scar earned in a gang war ten years later and make Handsome Jack his crime name *and* stage name.
Setting: semi-historical or steampunk flavored Victorian. There is a war on, but it's pretty far away or a relatively cold one. So no immediate danger on the home front, but spycraft is in high demand. Jack is an era-appropriate Bond type who gets saddled with an assignment to...
"Make bouquets? Is this a joke?"
No, it's not. The flower shop Jack would be operating out of is a hub receiving intel from multiple covert informants. It will be Jack's job to pick out what's important, and pass it to the right people, encoded via flower bouquets. Sending messages via different flowers are already a thing in this society, as they were in our world's Victorian era, but obviously, the spy organization obviously has its own code book, so no harm done if a bouquet falls into the wrong hands.
"Except I'd have to bloody make it again, so, actually, plenty of harm done."
In order to maintain the cover, the flower shop also has to do legitimate business, so Jack gets to make plenty of "civilian" bouquets as well, and be all polite and gentlemanly with the customers.
There's only one silver lining to this dismal assignment. The assistant assigned to help Jack with sorting and aggregating the intel is pretty darn cute.
Marine Biologist
(Short write-up, but this is one of my personal faves!)
Canon-adjacent BL settings, but instead of Pandora, Jack is drawn to Aquator in his vault-hunting pursuits, searching for a vault rumored to be at the bottom of the ocean. Helios is a city-sized submarine!
For bonus points, add a Rhack plot featuring mercreature!Rhys, who has knowledge of the vault, but is reluctant to reveal its location, and whose trust Jack is desperately trying to win.
In a Preschool
Modern-day, Passable Dad AU. It's career day at Angel's school. Jack didn't want to come, what with being a currently unemployed head of a recently-failed startup. But he can't say no to Angel, so... sigh, here we go.
Jack is the last one to talk, his hope being that maybe they’ll run out of time and he won’t have to. Alas, his slot comes up. A few minutes in, the teacher gets an urgent phone call and steps out (don’t come after me about child safety protocols in this AU, okay :p).
Then the period is technically over, and the teacher isn’t back (guess the phone call was urgent enough to make them run out without telling people; they’re so fired). Other parents have left at some point during the period, because they have jobs / better things to do. Jack tries to send Angel to go find an adult, but she declares they’re not allowed to leave the classroom on their own (because she’s an ass). But, she continues, they can’t be left on their own, either (like I said, an ass).
So, Jack is stuck with a bunch of preschoolers for an hour. Once he runs out of failed startup stories, he just starts rubber-ducking new business ideas off of them. It’s surprisingly effective: kids are really good at poking holes in what seem like reasonable plans to adults.
And this is how, once a teacher finally comes to see what’s going on, Mr. Lawrence is offered a job as a substitute teacher at his daughter’s preschool. He will get fired once he deals with a bully by holding the offender up by the ankle until a believable apology is delivered.
Pediatric Nurse
(the prompt giver was very specific that it should be nurse, not doctor)
Setting: Tantalus, Jack is a single dad and dirt-poor. Angel is hospitalized with something that requires long-term inpatient care, and Jack literally doesn't have the money to pay for her treatment and rent, so he loses the apartment and starts low-key living at the hospital.
He's getting away with it pretty well. Angel shares a room with a few more kids, whose parents catch on pretty quickly, but don't mind that an extra parent is hanging around, because the hospital is permanently understaffed, and the kids like having company. (He gets more than an occasional meal from other kids' parents, too.)
When Jack's not doing gig work on his laptop, he's reading up everything about Angel's condition as well as all-purpose medical care so he can take care of her when she's finally allowed to leave the hospital. He's a fast learner, and soon ends up helping out the permanently overworked nurses with basic stuff like changing dressings, giving an extra hand with whatever, and even fixing up some medical equipment when something outdated inevitably breaks. It's not long before the kids in Angel's room (and the adjacent rooms) start calling him Nurse Jack.
The only one who's not thrilled about Jack's permanent presence on the ward is a young (and very attractive) doctor who's being a real stick in the mud about 'non-medical personnel outside of visiting hours'. The fact that, thanks to Jack's liberal use of nicknames, the kids start calling him Dr. Cupcake doesn't win Jack much love, either. Things between them getting more tense by the day, and Jack is this close to getting banned from the hospital outside of strict visiting hours.
That is, until one day, some Tantalus bandits barge in, demand that the whole floor is cleared so that their boss can get medical attention, and even take some medical personnel (including Dr. Cupcake) hostage to make their point. Little did they know that one of their hostages is: a) not a licensed medical professional, but b) real handy with a gun.
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Z - ZzZ's
Written for @laurfilijames...I love you and your brilliant mind <3
Words: 938
Pairing: Éomer x OC, Éowyn
Warnings: None
Éomer had always been able to sleep anywhere he laid himself down—it was a rare talent that had ever made people envy him considerably.
Especially his sister—Éowyn being a laughably light sleeper—had cursed him more times than he could count for sinking into the arms of restful slumber so easily.
Tonight though, he found it exceedingly difficult to close his eyes—they were in the middle of the woods on a company “team building” excursion and, even though he did not object to the ambient soundtrack of wildlife and endless, mysterious darkness, he didn’t manage to quiet the roaring within his own skull.
Separated by only two sheets of thin canvas lay the woman of his dreams, mercifully allotted to another department in her daily work routine and thus unable to cost him his job by cruelly distracting him, and he could almost smell her sweet perfume wafting over into the small, damp space of his own tent.
Curled up on himself—for this was the same tent he had been using since he had been a boy much younger and much scrawnier than he was now—Éomer mused about the woman he didn’t dare approach for fear of looking and sounding like an utter fool.
Only a few hours ago, they had been doing trust exercises and he had felt her warm body in his sturdy arms as she let herself drop into his embrace without hesitation—later, when his colleagues had jokingly teased him about his luck, he had immediately laughed it off and pretended as if he had barely noticed the way her form had pressed against his chest trustingly.
It was less pride rather than earnest cluelessness that made him avoid showing his feelings and inclinations too openly—once too often, he had misunderstood people and their intentions in the past and he was now highly reluctant to be caught off-guard.
Surely, she had merely complied with the task put to her. Even if she had lingered a little too long in his hug or if she had purposefully pressed against him just a little too tightly, he would be a self-enamoured peacock for reading anything into that mere possibility.
He was not a bad-looking fellow, he knew, but—compared to her calm efficiency—he ever felt clumsy, uncouth, and foolish. Wasn’t it ludicrous and absurd that his famous confidence deserted him the very moment she walked in, all smiles and soft-spoken jokes?
It was shameful to admit, even to himself, but he really wanted to invite her to have drinks or even dinner with him…if only he had the slightest trustworthy indication of her own willingness to see him as more than just the leader of another department.
She was kind to him—perfectly polite and pleasant—whenever they had dealings with each other but that was not enough for him to truly believe that she would not burst into laughter or recoil in distaste if he expressed an interest in spending time with her outside of work.
The minutes accumulated in beads of sweat on his skin as he continued to chase the peaceful torpor that evaded him stubbornly. Instead, his muddled brain tortured him with recollections of her scent, her voice, and her trusting smile as he had gazed down at her serene face.
Just as he was about to go for a nightly walk to clear his head, a small dot of dancing brightness appeared.
Turning his head ever so slightly, Éomer discovered that the light came from the tent beside his own, dimmed not only by the two cloth partitions but also by a diaphanous piece of fabric the torch was apparently wrapped in.
Nevertheless, he could easily recognise the two silhouettes the flickering glare painted onto the wall of his little temporary abode—one was unmistakably his sister and the other the woman he had an impossible crush on.
Soon, a low, electrifying buzzing resounded—they were talking in hushed voices about Béma knew what!
Try as he might, Éomer could not make out the words that were exchanged between the two ladies, but somehow, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he might have been one of the subjects that were discussed—he knew that fond but mocking peal of laughter escaping Éowyn’s throat much too well not to be taken back to the shenanigans and accidents he had gotten into in his younger days.
She would always cackle at him like that before she helped him put the world back into order.
What terrible trespass or stupid mistake was now laid at his feet?
Mesmerised, he watched the shadow play of his sister sitting—leaning forward eagerly—while the subject of all his desires was speaking animatedly, gesticulating wildly and drawing wide shapes into the immobile air between them.
As their conversation progressed, they grew increasingly tired of keeping their voice down and Éomer could decipher snatches of their conversation—the most betraying being his own name, mentioned at regular intervals—and his fatigued mind tried hard to make sense of the mere glimpses granted thus to him.
“Hush,” his crush cried at some point, plunging forward to clap a hand over Éowyn’s mouth to keep her from bellowing some potentially incriminating statement.
“Never worry,” his sister reassured the other woman with a hint of smugness in her silken voice. “My dear brother is a sound sleeper—he always has been—and so he’ll never know that you fancy him.”
Ah, Éomer thought as his cheeks warmed up and his stomach did somersaults, how fortunate that even the greatest of blessings could sometimes fail.
@fellowshipofthefics Here we have the next one :D
Lots of love from me
@scyllas-revenge here's a bit of Éomer :D
-> Masterlist

#og post#IDNMT writes#fanfiction#writing#tolkien writing#jrrt#Éomer x OC#LOTR#April Alphabet#fotfics april alphabet#fellowshipofthefics#Z#zzz's#Éomer#Éowyn
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