#this was alternatively called 'i miss my wife tails'
mothsandbees · 2 months
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Josie doodle bc I can't remember how to draw atm
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
girly girl creep yan who looks so adorable and cute with pink skirts and everything, but she's just got a huge and unethically-collected bone collection at home and jars full of questionable materials and if you talk to her for even more than 0.1 second you start to fear for your life.
alternately tomboy girl creep yan who's just. covered in mud and has sticks and leaves in her hair at all times. also very cute imo, probably loves bugs and raccoons and armadillos and seems more likely than girly girl creep yan to actually get rabies. what's more romantic than holding ur murderous gf's hand while she has to get those rabies shots amirite. anyways feel like this girl creep yan would be more likely to wear a studded collar you gift her and actually bark at people to warn them away before resorting to violence.
girly girl creep yan gives no warnings and goes straight to stabbing
Honestly my baby girl Callie/Calliope is the embodiment of girly girl creep Yan with a little sprinkle of tomboy. Her first post had her bashing in someone's face with a rusty hammer. That hammer has probably been her best friend since grade school. Vibed more with insects and stray animals that entered her backyard as a kid and collects the corpses of both to this day. Unironically calls herself your "precious puppy girl" and has a few collars with your name and number printed on the back. Growls at anyone who comes to close to you. She's leans more tomboy dress wise in the sense wearing a skirt in public will do years of mental damage because of old scars on her legs, but keeps a handful of dresses and skirts on her closet to change into when she knows you're around.
I miss my wife, Tails - and my wife's name is Callie.
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‘‘ The greed of an ordinary man. Crawl to move forward.
Narcissist fools himself. Give it your all and act like you are the brightest star ,,
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Name [ ♥️ ] : Tsukasa Tenma! Obviously~!
Pronouns [ 🌀 ] : Mostly he/him, but I do want to try neos as well~!
Age [ 🌟 ] : Around my 20s, though my current vessel is a minor !!!
Media [ ‼️ ] : Project Sekai, though I come from an alternate universe of the game!
My Canon [ 💙 ] : (this is my 5th attempt UGH)
1. I am in the ringmaster of a circus ring with my treasured performers! (emu, rui, and nene!)
2. I am semi canon divergent personality wise- I’m abit quieter and more eccentric (not to mention THIRSTY for the spotlight~!) then the ingame version of me. Say I’m a fusion of ingame tsukasa and rui! ☆☆
3. I miss my wife, tails (Rui <33)
4. Died in a circus fire, resurrected by a video game!!
5. Toya-kyun, the player!
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DNI: anti-kin, radqueers, transid, pro endos, cluster b abuse believers, bigots of any kind, nsfw blogs, people above 18, THOSE ruikasa fans
BYF: My kin is a bit problematic, though I am a different person than who I once was, so I wish to separate from the bad parts. Also, I’m autistic, so DO tell me if I’m ever impolite! Tone tags are VERY BERY much appreciated!!
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kins obtained! (Yes yes! Shocking isn’t it~? ☆)
#//🎭 = Jesterkasa
#//🩷 = sad mother!Kafka (Honkai Star Rail)
#//🪽= Klaha (Gardenia by Malice Mizer)
#//🎬 = Director!Rui (project sekai)
#//🌸 = Goddess!Emu (project sekai)
#//📐 = Bill Cipher (Reverse Falls)
#//🎪 — running rehearsals = Me blabbering utter nonsense~!! ☆☆
#//🫧 — like a fleeting bubble = trying to unjumble my memories
#//👤 — into character = my experience outside of my kins
#//🧶 — closely knit bonds = longing for my old friends
#//📖 — stories of the past = introducing myself as my other kins!
#//📰 — extra! extra! = reblogging INTERESTING posts~
#//💫 — from the audience! = answering my asks~!
#//‼️ — calling all superstars! = kin calls!
#// 🐦 anon = The silent spectator!
#// 🎈 anon = Rui-kyun!!
#// legoshi = big sibling from the interwebs!!
#// 🐇 anon = My personal bunny, Kokichi-kyun!
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tessa-liam · 5 months
- Chapter 2 – Once Upon a Time 
The Royal Romance, an AU series 
Series Premise: An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobles, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Catch Up: Marabelle Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC (Sophia) 
Other Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC (Daniel) 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Sophia Taylor, Bethany Beaumont, Melanie Smithson, Tyler Gregson. 
Rating: M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language. Not Beta'd; Please excuse all errors. 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2390, Read 11 minutes 
***insert pic 
Chapter 2 – Once Upon a Time 
Chapter summary: Sophie is introduced to Marabelle, all thanks to her encounter with her personal ‘knight in shining armor’. 
Music Inspiration: One Call Away – Charlie Puth 
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week #22 prompt #3 - “I am at my wits’ end with you.” 
A/N2: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the US; is Barthelemy Beaumont’s 2nd wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) was Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N3: Melanie Smithson is a love interest for Drake. Tyler Gregson is Prince Liam’s personal assistant. 
En route to the horse stables, near the Cordonian Royal Polo Club. 
“This is where we played polo growing up, Sophia,” Bertrand said as he pointed to the gate of the Cordonian Royal Polo Club. 
Sophie looked out the window and saw a beautiful clubhouse with a spacious polo field with several horses grazing in the grass. 
“Wow! That looks amazing.” 
“It really is. We used to play every weekend during the summer.” Maxwell said fondly. 
“At the Sage Hill Stables near New York, I had completed a dressage program,” explained Sophie. “That is where I really fell in love with horses. I would go riding at that ranch, once my lessons were completed, at every chance I got.” 
“Well, Soph, once your new horse is settled in at our stables, you can explore the countryside whenever you want.”  
Max, you will have to come with me to show where the best trails are to ride. 
Bertrand smiled seeing the look of happiness on Sophie’s face. 
When they arrived at the horse ranch, they were greeted by a young woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. 
“Duke Ramsford, welcome. My name is Melanie Smithson. Drake Walker has asked me to meet with you this morning.” 
“Hello, thank you for meeting with us, my dear. This is my brother Lord Maxwell Beaumont, and this is my cousin, Lady Sophia Taylor.” Bertrand replied. 
“Will Drake be meeting with us?” Maxwell asked Bertrand. 
“If I may,” Melanie interrupts, “Drake will be joining us very shortly. He was called away by the Crown Prince to attend the Polo club.” 
“I can give Lady Sophia a tour while we wait for Drake to join us.” Thank you, Miss Smithson.” Bertrand replied. 
As Melanie toured Sophie around the stables, Bertrand showed Maxwell which horses he was planning to buy for the Beaumont stables. Next to the stables was a small indoor riding arena, a large outdoor riding area, a round pen, and two barns. 
There were several horses in each barn. Some of the horses were in stalls while others were roaming freely outside.  
“Do you see a horse that you would like to ride, Sophia?” asked Melanie. 
 “All of them actually,” Sophie teased. “And please call me Sophie.” 
“There is a particular horse that caught my eye that I found on your website for Sophie.” Bertrand said as he pulled out his phone to show Melanie the picture of the horse. 
“Oh, yes, well why don’t I get him ready so that you can go for a trial run.” 
“That sounds great, thank you,” Sophie smiled. 
Melanie walked over to a stall where a horse was standing. The horse was black with brown spots; his tail was long and swished as Melanie approached him. Opening the stall door, she led the horse out of the barn. He was then saddled and was ready to go. 
“His name is ‘Bandit’. He is a 4 year old retired thoroughbred racehorse.” 
Sophie walked over to the horse and stroked his nose with her hand. He was a large stallion that whinnied when he was led outside to Sophie. 
“I do not think this horse is the best fit for Sophie, Bertrand. Look at the size of him! We should wait for Drake to get here.” 
“No, Maxwell, this is the perfect horse for her. You need to let her make her own decision.” 
“All I am saying is, is that Drake can help Sophie with her decision and help her to decide if this horse is a good fit.” Maxwell huffed, frustrated. 
“Maxwell, I am at my wits’ end with you.” Bertrand admonished, pinching his nose. 
“Sophia, please ride this horse to see if you feel comfortable. I am sure Mr. Walker will be here momentarily.” Bertrand directed. 
Melanie handed the reins to Sophie, and they took off walking toward the outdoor riding area. 
As Sophie mounted the horse, she could feel the horse’s muscles under his coat. He felt muscular and powerful. 
After circling the arena, they began to trot. Melanie directed Sophie to lead Bandit to the open riding area. As Sophie used the reins to guide the horse, she held onto the saddle horn and tried to relax as the horse started to pick up speed to run. As the horse reached full speed, she felt herself being pushed back against the seat of the saddle. 
Then, the horse began running faster. The wind rushed past Sophie as the horse sped up even more. 
Without warning, the sound of a starting pistol sounded to her left. 
The horse reared up on his hind legs and bolted. Sophie clung to the saddle horn and reins as the horse galloped across the field. 
“Oh my God,” Maxwell screamed as Bertrand’s face turned white. Melanie quickly mounted a horse to chase after Sophie and her ‘spooked’ horse. 
“What the hell!” Drake appeared behind Maxwell. 
“I told you that this horse wasn’t right for Sophie, Bertrand!” 
“Fuck me!” Drake bolted and ran to saddle a horse quickly in order to do after Melanie and Sophie. 
As Bandit ran, Sophie’s adrenaline was at an all-time high. Any thoughts of fear were pushed far back in her thinking.  
In the distance, Sophie could see another rider on a grey horse in her periphery chasing after her. Melanie shouted something but Sophie couldn’t hear what she said because the wind blew through her hair. 
Then, she heard the sound of hooves pounding the ground behind her. Before Sophie knew what was happening, two arms reached in front of her to grip the reins.  
The rider pulled back forcibly on the reins and slowed the horse to a trot. 
Sophie looked to her side and saw a blond haired man wearing a polo uniform.  
{Sophie thought, ‘Whoa. He’s really cute!’} 
When the man looked over to her, his blue eyes sparkled with concern, “are you alright, Miss...?} 
He asked in a deep, baritone accent. 
“Oh, Sophie." She answered. 
“Charmed to make your acquaintance, Sophie.” 
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for slowing this horse for me.” 
“Of course, I would hate to have seen you get hurt. Please, call me Liam.” 
“Well, Liam, thank you again, I was nervous to pull back. In case he decided to rear up again!” 
“That was a smart decision; I see you have hands on experience with riding.” 
“Yes, I do. I am looking for a horse for my own and my cousin Bertrand suggested I try this horse.” 
“Ah, here, let me help you get down.” Liam dismounted from his horse and went over to help Sophie get down from hers.  
“I hope you enjoyed your ride, well, before your horse was startled.” Liam intently looked at Sophie. 
“The ride was okay; I love all horses. But, to be honest, I don’t feel ‘a connection’ with this one.” 
“If I may say, you are new to Cordonia. You had mentioned that Bertrand is your cousin.” 
Sophie explained, “yes, I moved here from New York recently to live with my Aunt Bethany. Bertrand and Maxwell are my cousins.” 
“Ah, I see. Well then, I have to thank the Beaumont’s for looking after this venture for you” 
As they both sat down on a log close by, the gallops of two incoming horses and their riders could be heard. Melanie and Drake came galloping up to them and slowed to a stop. 
After dismounting, they walked over to Liam and Sophie. Melanie curtsied, and Drake went to shake Liam’s hand. 
“Li, man, I owe you one. Sophie, are you okay? I am so sorry for not being at our appointment on time this morning!” 
“I should have chosen a different horse for you to ride. Duke Ramsford was so adamant that he wanted you to ride Bandit in particular. I wasn’t thinking.” 
Melanie was clearly flustered that she allowed Sophie to ride that particular horse....and that Prince Liam, of all people had to get involved to correct her mistake and save the day. 
“Please, please stop,” Sophie interjected. “Thank you both for your concern, but honestly, it was a blast!” Smiling, Sophie continued, “I am in awe of his speed; he is so powerful.” Sophie bashfully chuckled but then remembered that she caused a Royal to come to her rescue. 
“I do apologize to you, Liam, for taking you away from your polo match.” Sophie said softly, shaking her head, thinking that causing such a distraction to a member of royalty was a selfish act. 
“Please, no apologies are needed.” Liam countered. “I was just in the right place at the right time.” 
Drake continued, “that horse had spent far too much time locked in a stall. He was skittish when I rescued him from a stable in Cormery Isle.” 
Liam raised a brow, “Vancoeur’s Duchy; I will talk to him at the next council meeting.” 
Drake asked again, “Sophie, are you sure that you are, okay? 
Why so quiet?” 
“It’s been an action filled morning,” Liam looked over to Sophie and smiled. “I guess we’ll have to introduce ourselves properly later. Right now, I think we need to get you back to the ranch to rest.” 
“Okay,” answered Sophie, lowering her gaze. As she stood up to join Melanie, Liam also rose. 
“I am charmed to make your acquaintance, Sophie,” Liam raised her hand to kiss. 
“It’s great to meet you,” Sophie smiled bashfully. 
“Ladies, I will take the horses back to the ranch. Melanie, please walk with Sophie and later arrange refreshments for Sophie and her cousins.” Drake instructed. 
As Sophie and Melanie turned to leave, Liam pulled Drake back. 
“Drake, the winning derby horse that was retired last month, has she been rehomed yet?” 
Sitting on the porch at the ranch, Sophie, Maxwell, and Bertrand were enjoying iced tea, waiting for Drake to return. 
Bertrand was once again perusing the net for potential horses, while Maxwell told Sophie about his ‘Beaumont Welcome Bash’ idea to introduce her to their group of friends and members of the court. 
“Max, how many people will you invite to this party?” 
“I was thinking, maybe, 150 to 200 people. Oh, and of course Crown Prince Leo and Prince Liam.” Secretly, Max was also a planning a surprise to celebrate her 18th birthday that night as well. 
 Sophie thought back to earlier this morning when Melanie curtsied to the man that stopped her horse. Liam. 
“Maxwell, the man that I met this morning, Liam....” 
At that moment, Bertrand stood up, knocking his chair over. "Prince Liam was the man who saved you?!!” 
“Maxwell, why did you not tell me that detail!” 
Maxwell’s cell phone chimed with a message from Drake. 
“Okay, Drake wants us to meet with him now at the Polo Club. I think he has found the perfect horse for Sophie.” 
Arriving at the polo club, Drake was waiting at the entrance and ushered the cousins to the polo club stables behind the clubhouse. 
Bertrand and Maxwell waited at the entrance to the stables as Drake and Sophie walked toward to the row of horse stalls. 
As Sophie moved forward, she saw a familiar face standing beside a beautiful black horse. 
Liam looked over and smiled. 
“Thank you for coming.” 
Sophie dropped down to curtsy, “thank you for meeting me here, Your Highness.”  
“Please Sophie, no formalities are needed. I would like to suggest this horse for a ride.” 
“Hello again, Liam,” Sophie looked up at his smiling face and she was mesmerized by his crystal blue eyes. 
As Drake watched the exchange between Liam and Sophie, he noted that his friend was gazing at Sophie, while Sophie blushed. Clearing his throat, Drake spoke, “Sophie, this is Marabelle. She won the derby last season, and her owner retired her from racing wanting to rehome her. 
Sophie stepped up to stroke Marabelle's nose as the horse bumped her hand in response. "She is gorgeous. Want to go for a ride with me, Marabelle?” 
Liam smiled, “okay, let's give Sophie some time to bond with the horse.”  
“Liam, would you like to ride with me?” Sophie asked. 
“I would be honored, thank you for asking.” 
“Your highness, I will prepare your horse.” 
“Thank you, Tyler.” 
“Li, I have some horses to show Bertrand. I will see you in a bit.” 
Drake turned to retrieve Bertrand and Maxwell for the viewing. 
After a time, Liam suggested resting the horses, and dismounted. Sophie was next, but when her feet touched the ground, one foot landed on a rock, and she stumbled. Liam was quick to assist and took her hand to steady her. 
As they walked along the brook, Liam and Sophie chatted while their horses grazed, tethered together. 
Sophie smiled at Liam, “Thank you for riding with me; I have taken up so much of your time today.” 
“Hmmm...you’re right. Now I’ll have to find some other excuse to get you to stay,” Liam grinned. 
“An excuse for me to stay? You don’t need an excuse. Turns out...I’m having fun.” Sophie giggled, not minding that Liam was still holding her hand. 
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glitter-bunny420 · 2 years
for your viewing pleasure, here is a list of some of the most iconic quotes from snapcube’s sonic the hedgehog fandub series
*sighs* "I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."
“Oh!” “Bitch, you are gon’ get in this car or I'm poppin’ between your eyes!" "Wait, I know you! I saw your dick on Twitter!" “AGH! GOD DAMN-!”
"What the fuck?! Is that Shadow's dick?!"
"Who posted my nudes on Twitter dot com?! Oh no! Oh no, they put it all the way in the fucking islands! Now everyone’s gonna know about my secret egg dick. Where do you think you're going, cucker?" "I don't talk to people whose dicks are less than three inches.”
"I can't believe your tits are one polygon!"
*evil laughter* "You fool! I have seventy alternative accounts!"
"Ah! I just remembered a traumatising experience in my past. Hang on, I have to stim and I'll feel better."
"Welcome to Tilted Towers! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Memphis Tennessee and I'm part lizard."
“I peed on your wife, Robotnik. She's mine now. That’s the law." "What the actual shit?! What?!"
"Alright, since Team FurAffinity fucked my wife, I’m going to have to have you both be a part of my team. Why is the camera zooming in?!" “I mean, I guess that’s fine as long as I get my weed back, I don’t really care.” “I don’t have a character motive.” “Listen! We’re going to explore this island. You’re going to find Sonic. He has all the weed that you need - the gonja, that mary jane. Mari-jamij! All in his pockets. He is your local drug dealer and I’m going to blow up the island. Now go look for Sonic. And hurry up, you... fucking... cuckhogs.”
“I'm going to kill you. And then kill you again."
"Hi, Mr. President! We need your help! Some masked villain named the Glitch-” “Sonic! My long lost lover! It’s fi- Oh.” “Wha- Hey, I told you not to bring that up anymore. I'm putting that behind me, Mr. President.”
“You didn’t think I had legs, did ya? I’m like Gru, except I’m the one before Gru. I’m... Eggru. Ooh, gottem.”
“But Maria, you smelt it! Therefore, you are the one who dealt it!”
“You motherfucker! You just left me to die!" "Top thirty reasons why Sonic is sorry. Number five will surprise you." “Top thirty anime deaths! Number one! Your fucking ass right now!”
”All of that you see before you? Everything the piss touches, that is your kingdom. And you, my son, shall go forth and inherit it.”
”What are you two fucking talking about?!”
”Well, ten years have passed and I feel the same way, Rouge.” “You still wanna pee in a Hot Topic?” “Yes, Rouge. Thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a Hot Topic.” “Listen, I’ll take you to a Hot Topic.” “Finally... A place to release myself.”
”Oh, this? It’s my arm!”
“Do you see this? This is the diamond that I’m going to give to my brand new husband and/or wife. It’ll be theirs for the rest of time. With the GameCube 2. So if you want-” “Whoa, he’s bisexual! I didn’t know that-” “By the way, I’m bisexual.”
“Are you my mom?!” “No? What... the fuck?”
“Maria.” *explosion sounds*
“I don’t feel so good. Why are all my limbs slack? Why can’t I move my eyes? Why can’t I move my mouth? Is this an internal dialogue? I can’t see the end of the horizon. HATSUNE MIKU, IS THAT YOU?!”
*various voices repeating “Maria” all at once* “I never learned how to reeeaaad.”
“Silver, you know what? You’re a twink. I’m gonna go smoke some weed now.” “How long were you waiting to say that?” “The whole dub, baby!”
“One!” “Yeah, one.”
“This is an advanced skateboarding trick.” “Yeah, it’s called ‘Digging Up Atlantis’.”
“I... will fucking... end you.”
And last but certainly not least...
"I've come to make an announcement. Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker! He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was ‘THIS BIG’, and I said ‘That's disgusting!’, so I'm making a callout post on my Twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like!” *explosion sounds* “That's right, baby. All points, no quills, no pillows. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Earth! That's right, this is what you get! My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher! I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrop-o-lets hit the fucking Earth! Now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!”
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tngrace · 3 years
Brotherly Comfort
Written for @911lonestarangstweek I used one of the alternate prompts for this because I thought it fit better with the direction of the story.
aided by @moviegeek03 who sent me the prompt list and encouraged the muse after the promo was released. your encouragement for all my writing means the world.  💙
@justkillingtimewhileiwait who always listens to my writing rambles and who was & is the angst queen to my fluff. Thanks boo for helping work out the opening to this. 
Spoilers for S2 E8 finale; not really speculation because I don’t think the show would go this direction, but it is set in S2 E9 timeline. I just wanted some more TK comforting Judd because we know that’s going to happen once TK learns what happens. 
Read on A03; my 911 LS masterlist. 
Judd can feel the discharge nurse judging him with her eyes, even though his head is bent over the forms as he hurriedly scrawls his name at the bottom. It took too damn long, over twenty-four hours, to argue with the doctors about setting him free from the jail that was the damn hospital bed. All he wants, no, all he needs, is to get to Grace. He knows what the doctors said about her condition but he needs to see her for himself. 
He grabs the clothes Owen had dropped off for him, and even though it's painful, he changes and heads up a few floors to the ICU ward. His mind is still struggling to wrap around the fact that his precious Gracie is in the ICU on a ventilator. He thought he'd gotten her above water soon enough. He'd done all he could to make sure he got her out of the truck. 
He takes a shuddering breath, trying to shake those thoughts off as he gets off the elevator. He's slow moving with his own injuries, but he finds the nurses station, and they let him back into her room. His breath catches when he sees her. Tears sting his eyes as he slowly sinks into a chair. He knows she hasn't been alone all this time, even though she is at the moment. Tommy would never stand for that. 
Judd scrubs a hand down his face to wipe the tears as he's still processing all the doctor had disclosed about both of their injuries. He couldn't take his eyes off his beautiful wife no matter how lost in his head he is with thoughts of the accident and Grace's injuries. She was just sleeping, that's all, he kept telling himself despite knowing different, despite knowing she was in a medically induced coma. He hated the sounds of the machines, but he knew they were necessary. "You gotta wake up Gracie," he whispered, squeezing her hand. "I need you." He knew his PTSD was kicking his tail at the moment, the accident flashing in vivid color any time he closed his eyes, but he didn't feel strong enough to deal with it without her. 
He zoned out for longer than he thought, maybe even falling asleep. He startled when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. "Sorry. We didn't mean to scare you," Tommy says quietly as Charles takes up a seat off to the side.
"I's fine." He checks his watch to see he's been in Grace's room almost twelve hours now.
"Any change?" 
Judd shook his head at Tommy, knowing she could scan the monitors herself and figure it out. 
Tommy let's out a soft sigh as she shares a look with Charles. She knew Judd had signed himself out that morning, and from the looks of it, he had not moved from that chair all day.  She knows what she says next will be met with a lot of fight and resistance, but it has to be done because she knows he has to be hurting. Charles gives her a subtle nod letting her know he's got her back, as always. "Judd?" 
He finally meets her eyes. 
"You need to go home and rest. You're healing too, and you're no good to Grace if you're not taking care of yourself." 
"No. Nope. No way. I'm not leaving her. I won't." His reply is instant and full of conviction. 
"She's right brother. You need to sleep," Charles finally speaks up. "Tommy and I are gonna stay. She's not gonna be alone. The girls are taken care of, and we need to take care of you. Go get some rest. You know we'll call." 
Judd cuts his eyes between them seeing an impassable wall. He turns back to Grace as he shakes his head and squeezes her hand. "Judd. I'm serious," Tommy says, breaking out her mom voice. "When Grace wakes up, you're going to be dead on your feet if you don't go. Let us help." 
Judd finally hangs his head in resignation knowing she is right. "Ok... ok just for a little bit." He stands up and leans over kissing Grace's forehead. "I'll be back darling," he whispers. 
Tommy pulls him into a tight hug, as does Charles, before Judd glances back at the bed once more before he heads out. He makes it to the elevators before the tears fall. Walking out of that room is one of the hardest things he's ever done. He wipes at his eyes as he steps into the elevator. He can't go. It doesn't feel right to go home when Grace is laying in a hospital bed with a tube breathing for her. 
He pushes the button for another floor as he scrubs his face. He tries to ignore his racing heart and headache as he gets off on the correct floor. He knows Tommy is right and he needs to rest, but he can't. It's too much, and his rock, his steadfast, always there wife is not there right now, and he feels himself breaking. He walks down the hall, lost in the thoughts of his racing mind. He finds the room easily enough, and he hates that he's just now making it up there or that he even has another room to visit. The room is dim, and Reyes is passed out in the sleeper chair. He knows how uncomfortable that is, so he knows Carlos has to be plum exhausted to be that asleep. 
He knocks softly on the door frame, and green eyes shoot straight up to him. "Judd! What are you doing?!" TK asks bewildered, before he remembers Carlos sleeping and winces hoping his boyfriend stays asleep. 
Judd shakes his head, walking into the room and taking the chair on the opposite side of the bed. Carlos thankfully had stayed asleep. "Came…" his voice is shaky so he clears his throat and shakes his head. TK is looking at him with so much concern it's almost overwhelming. "Came to check on you. Sorry it's taking me a minute to get up here." TK's been there two full nights and days already, this being the third since time got away from him earlier, and he's just now checking in on him. 
"Judd what the hell? No, don't apologize to me. Christ you should still be in your own room!" 
"Signed myself out," he says with a shrug. 
"I know! I heard this morning after you did it. What are you doing up here? Is Grace ok?" TK hates seeing Judd so down, and he's a little surprised to see him, figuring Judd would be holed up in Grace's room. He just wants to make him feel better any way he can. 
Judd just shakes his head and scrubs at his eyes some more. TK swings his legs out of the bed, being careful of all his wires. He squeezes Judd's knee wishing he could make this better. "Please tell me what happened so I can help you feel better." 
"Tommy…" he takes a shuddering breath and shakes his head wiping his eyes before looking up at TK. He hates worrying him, when TK is hurt, so he releases a deep breath. "Tommy and Charles wanted me to go home and rest. But I just…. I can't. It doesn't feel right to go home without her." 
"Makes sense. But you still need to be taking care of you."
Judd nods, but doesn't say anything. TK can sense his need for a distraction. "Alright how about this, since you should be in a bed. You take the bed and I'm gonna sit up for a bit." Judd starts to protest, but TK silences him. "Seriously. I can sit up for a bit, and you should lay down." 
"TK. I'm fine." 
"Judd! You have 3 broken ribs and a broken arm. You have 15 stitches that I can clearly see," he says pointing at the bandage on Judd's head. "And who knows what other injuries I don’t know about. Lay down for a bit. I'm fine. I should be discharged tomorrow. The headache is lessening and so is the dizziness, hence being able to sit up." 
"Fine. But I'm not staying here long." 
"Of course not," TK says with a pleased grin as he switches places with Judd. Carlos stays asleep, much to TK's pleasure because he knows his boyfriend needs all the sleep possible after the last couple days of barely any sleep. Once Judd is comfortable, TK starts talking. He talks about anything that comes to his mind. He tells Judd about the kidnapping, the rescue, Carlos's parents wanting to meet him for real. The longer TK talks, the sleepier Judd gets, and it doesn't take much of TK's rambles before he's asleep. TK sends Tommy a picture of Judd asleep in the bed so she’ll know he’s resting.
Carlos wakes not long after Judd falls asleep, and his face is adorably confused, making TK chuckles softly.
"Hey babe," he says quietly, as Carlos reorients himself. 
"What did I miss?"
"Tommy tried to make Judd go home. But he couldn't. So he came up here, and I got him to rest." TK is rather proud of himself, and it makes Carlos chuckle softly. 
"You're a good little brother even if you're a brat sometimes," he teases. 
TK sticks his tongue out in return, but he feels light and relieved to finally have laid eyes on Judd. He knows Judd's not ok yet, but he will be because he has a family that loves him and supports him, no matter what. 
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catthegreat123 · 3 years
From life to death, from the last to the first
In the beginning there was only yesterday, ruled by fifteen gods.
These gods grew in strength and even more with the want to create.
So the first Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ were created.
They breathed life into a distorted growing world, a vast landmass emerging in their wake. The fifteen gods who created land and sea.
The Ą̸̡̨̛̭͎̲̪͔̜͖̰̱̜̘͇̹͚͓͍͚̼̗̦̯̬̞͔͓̣̘͖̥̘̱̩̯̃̋̏̉̔͋͋̒̀͛̑̽͒̌̄̐̀̇͊̍̓̊́̽͌̒͗̇̒̈̅͘̚͘͝͠͠͝ͅl̷̨̛̜̺͙̤̘͆͑̆̈̇̃̊̀̽͂̔̀͑̎͆̔̀̅̂͂̌̉͒͆͗̍̆̋͊̚̕̕̕͘ͅl̵̨̛̛̦͍̥̅̈̓͒̐̎̾̅͂̌̃̊͆̅̌̊̉̔́̆͊̓͐͆̀͒̀̓̅͛̒̋͛͆͘̕̚̚͘͠͠m̴̛̲̟̳̪̱̻̰̞̪̲̯̺̉̂̔̍͑̌̈́̓̽̉̾̀̌͐̍͑́͊̾͊̈́̇̈̏͌̅͊͘̕͝͝͝o̷̧̧̡̧̢͖̤̹̩̼͉̩̭̾̌̒̉̀̾̅̐́́̏̓͌̍̑̓́̈́͛̑͒̓͊̓̂̔̕͘͜͝͠͠ẗ̷̡̢̜̬̺̮͕̬͖̹͎̪͓͉̳̳̮͕́̈́͋̇̚̚͜h̷̛̥̖̬̜̘̼͎̣̟͚̯͙͉̱̥̦̥̭̀̌͑̈́͛̐͗̈́̕͜͝͝ͅe̶̢̢̢̛͇̰̟̦̦͎̟̪̱̭̘̹͕̫͈̜̮͈̰̞̬͊̒̄̈̉̋̋̅̔̉̅̊̈́̎̀͐̌͛͋͛͗̑͌̂̈̊̎̓̆͗̃͂̽̍̕̕̚͝͝͠͝͠͝ŗ̵̧̢̨̧̡͙̥̼̯̣̭͕̙͖̗͉̣͙̫̫̜͕͍̜̟̣̻̪̱̘͕̗̰̦̜̮̝͖̞̖͇͈̤͔̻͊̌̓̂͜ͅͅͅs̸̨̧͓͈̳̩͚̑͌̋̆̑͋̈́͂̈́̀̾̒͑͘̕ had three for every of their species, the first mothers. They are false gods, worshipped for their power but just as dangerous and killable as a minawnii.
I feel the rocks shift, I watched my sisters leave for the shallow colors above me. I want to sleep, I do not care for yesterday it bores me, though I do quite like the island in the middle.
It’s so full of life and society builds around herds of thousands….that’s the only place I want to go. Maybe I will go one day…maybe…
I reached my head out of the sea, watching the sands of tomorrow calling for something to take me from this sea to the land beyond. I have hoped for eons for that, now yesterday is gone, Today is here.
I have watched things pass over me as the land becomes lush, huge white kangaroo-like beings. They have black pupils that have watched me…I will not care when they die..
As I beg on this watery fence a nycoton comes to me, oh how I owe them my life. I know now I should not have cared for another mortal again after this NYCOTON but I did, and it hurts me still.
They stared at me like a pitiful dog who just fell in the river, I am older than the lush grass beneath that creatures claws. Though I will never be able to tell them not in my garbled words, corrupted and vile.
The white beasts came and attacked the poor creature ripping them apart, they died taking me to that lake, forever I wonder how it would be if they never lifted me from that cursed stream.
They lifted me from those waves and took me to a lake, an oasis. The same white creatures stare at me forever more like I am a plague come to kill them. In the end I was I guess…
The days grew hotter and I watched the pond shrink as centuries passed it became sand, the dense fur of those white diesura made them leave I think. They looked panicked every time I rose my head from the water, tossing meat at me in fear.
They ran and the oasis was empty for a while I watched hungrily, and soon wardens came.
Huge creatures, hellions I believe they came in wondrous elegance casting order in an empty land. They were at war I think, they didn’t like a poisonous alternates, big as them or as toxic as a mola mola.
I watched as in fear a huge green portal ripped through the sky, I watched as these wardens, overseers, protecters.
They betrayed their own duty….
They chased the creatures they warred with to the sky killing those who ran. I saw a young sar’hingaro fly away in tears, given mercy and vengeance by the wardens, allowed to live forever alone in this evil land.
I decided this land must learn, I told stories and legends from yesterday to anyone who came near my pond, speaking of trees bigger than imaginable, and mushroom grass that fed you like berries.
They all listened to these tales, some stayed to hear more, despite the stories being limited to the tales and songs told to me by the winds.
These tales attracted many beings across the lands, some came to the oasis for the stories. But overtime it became that the creatures wanted to not be alone.
Many creatures were roaming the land, alone save for their family. This barren desert served a collection, the steps and gallops of these creatures led to the oasis becoming more desert like.
Under the wardens rule the land flourished, but I listened to the wind, and heard the cries of that sar from oh so long ago.
It was called grief, it was alone forevermore, all it’s people left in a wasteland save for this poor beast.
Grief, as what was it’s name, grows to vengeance, so I watched as the sky was painted green in its monstrous size.
I watched helpless, as the wardens queen, a huge boreal, followed by verdants, ardors, and hellions alike.
It was a slaughter, the beasts I played games with and wondered at snow the young creatures I watched dance under the moon,
Fire painted the sand red as the sar named grief destroyed the land, blowing holes in the mountains.
I watched it felt as if my gills ripped themselves from my body and cried with me.
A black and white kendyll heard, it listened to my distorted garbles, incomprehensible but full of tangible emotion, I had not eaten in so long and I was sad.
The kendyll listened and left for a few days and brung me, a carcass of something too marred with bites and blood to tell. I stayed quiet, carnage wrote itself over this poor thing.
I feasted like a starving dog that night.
I learned how to speak sonarian better because of that kendyll, she talked to me so much….it was nice. A friend…I hadn’t had that in many millenia they were something I wanted to be if I could walk these lands…
But all things die, some more brutally than most.
I woke up one day swimminb to the shallows looking for that kendyll who spoke to me so much bringing me food and warming a heart as cold as the trenches below. Only to find only her dead floating body , bobbing on the surface of the sea covered in poison, already starting to rot.
Yet again I felt my heart twist and feel heavy, yet again that horrible feeling you despicable mortals call….grief. I swam around the shallows looking for any sign it was a joke…it wasn’t…
I will keep hope I WILL you mortals are just….lost…
But after a week or so, her child came to me, tail between their legs filled with the same twisting sight in their own hearts. They ranted sadly about how unfair it was an so on and so forth, I listened my heart broke a little more…. More than a god could even stand….. funny..
I have been here since the world began but I just can let go of the fact that mortals are corrupt.
The young kendyll grew older, as all mortals grew, they shown like stars on their stripes, a beauty to rival the three moons above our own heads, but at a cost of their own mother. A sad price I don’t think any being would pay…
I came to the shallows again hoping to be given food by the sad kendyll but found their drowned body instead, another friend had died. Those useless mortals can’t stay ALIVE why can’t they just STAY.
Yet again I cried and cried, but I didn’t want them to be eaten by a hungry idiotic scavenger so I buried their body in the sandy waters where kelp still grows, green by my blessing.
The last these kendylls to bring me food was the sad ones niece. I never learned their name but they were excitable. They ruled when the rulers of the oasis were divided, and rules were strict and cruel.
She ranted to me about the unfair rules and made plans of rebellion, they never came true though…. She died of sadness after she found her eggs crushed, and wife dead.
So useless….
The ani’s lasted longest out of all the rulers of the oasis, probably more than in the rule of the cruel Jeff’s.
The Jeff’s I never saw, but was told to me by the gods. The Jeff’s who built castles out of lightning and rock. Bigger than mountains and crushed creatures big and small out of rage.
The ani’s grew to a empire across the oasis. They swam in my waters playing and giving me food, as every ruler did before.
They were cruel killing every carnivore that came, it was hypocritical in a sense, they kept me alive at the cost of many I will never know…..
Their foolishness though led them to die to a volcanic eruption. I do not miss them though, they were religious and hateful to other species.
The ones who had lived under other kings, queens, emperors and empresses.
The final true caretaker was a green kendyll, scarred and mute. He never spoke but he is the only one I knew by name. The kendyll’s name was luv, a weird one but land dwellers are like that.
He showed me things in the sand I will never see and I marveled at it despite my life eons longer than his.
He brung me food more than the others, quiet, always seeming regretful.
One day I watched as he looked around with insanity in his eyes, a need to kill.
I watched as he killed anyone in his path, it was a slaughter. He killed everything, the sands blood red. Bubbling with hate and white hot vengeance.
Luv roared words that could only be described as madness, and anger that was fueled by a broken mind.
He screamed and crashed in hatred killing the divided rulers and their people. When I looked out of the pool of water I saw blood everywhere. Many sought retribution.
He came back after a few weeks scarred beyond comprehension and filled with grief. I couldn’t bear to lose another “friend”. I tried to protect him but….Luv didn’t survive his grief of killing so many. I tried hard to protect him and heal him, but it was all for not.
So that night he passed away.
As many centuries passed, empires and tyrants rose and fell like the suns above us all, the oasis changed. The sand would forevermore be red with rage and insanity and murder and disaster haunted every corner. I protected those who asked but was feared.
Kohiiki’s as old as me looked ghoulish and as ancient as I was I still hoped every little creature to every mammoth would live in peace one day.
One who shared my thoughts was a small vaumora not even three, who danced and played on the shallows of my large pond, always joyous when I spoke in my garbled mimicry of you land dwellers language.
The vaumora seemed to light up every bit of the red sands painted by blood for so long. Making even the worst of the inhabitants smile. But the little vaumora’s joy didn’t last, caught in the crossfire of a turf war, they died in flames.
I loved the oasis but I had seen it grow for what was three millennia now, crying over lost friends or watching coldy over corrupt rulers.
The last of these rulers to ever reign under my blessing and hopes was a group of jotunhel.
These seals were smart enough to protect and Ally with the worst but after so many generations the ideals changed. War painted the dunes, the plains, and redwoods. What was my last promise was gone, so I take my last goodbye.
I have watched the world change and tears of the last wardens. I hope while I leave to the dark abyss that I came from, immortal as I am. That your world changes to something better.
But I will not watch, my heart has been ripped from my gills to many times for that.
I want to come back, maybe when you have learned…
So goodbye to the oasis May we meet again at a time which is better.
I have listened to the words of the wind for a long, long time. Watching the waves sing their hymns to me
My hope, despite being broken so many times may just be true. So I tell my sights back to the place a lot oh so long ago.
When I returned it was not the same place, scattered but at peace. It did have an overseer of sorts.
I really should have listened to those words and warnings the wind carried to me, through the depths of the ocean to the place this world rose from.
I placed to much hope in you creatures filled with greed and fear, to angry at each other to notice what had watched, like me fro an eternity.
Aereis were old things, things that had been there since before the mountains were even molehills.
They always watched, some came but many hid and died in the ancient mountains of yesterday.
But for every species there was an allmother, the first of their kind, immortal and huge. There were three Aereis that were allmother’s, and one who watched a bit to closely. They were jealous of the allmother kohiiki who despite their title never had a single child.
A false god of sorts, she was jealous that they played, and spoke, and shared eternal knowledge to those from today and tomorrow. The Aereis waited, and waited for three millennia, and finally the Kohiiki allmother left, sad and hopeless.
The Aereis flew down casting order and life in to a broken kingdom teaching them of the world from before, when the volcano was a mountain in a sea. When the very oasis they stood on was nothing more than an island therochales congregated in massive herds of thousands.
The broken lands stood in confliction staring hatefully at the first predators, the ones who caused this wonderlands destruction.
From this hate the Aereis allmother molded the land into what she thought as perfect.
A land with no rules and only her false prophecies stolen from the great lmakosauridons from that long taken sleep and dreamed of better days.
I saw what had become of my waters filled with scratch marks, trying to get rid of what was the last words to this beloved place to me.
What changed?
I saw the Aereis, staring along the land like it was a junevile just out of the egg. What cruel fate was this?
I forged this land though my broken heart and it now belonged to a false god? They did not know who had forged these sands into something better, who watched it change and cry?
I looked for anything that remained, I may have been confined to the waters and held captive by the binds of the waves but the rain and wind told me songs and stories from tomorrow and today.
I listened to what happened, not of peace but of trickery and jealousy, and I raged.
I called every storm I could call hoping for change
I called for the greatest floods and the strongest hurricanes
The most evil gales that tore through mountains like paper
I called to every cloud and every drop of water to reek justice to what had been my hopes and dreams.
Dishonor to had been once was, but I am not cruel.
I called to the furies had sent to not harmed those who still remembered, those undeserving of the evils. Those who met justice would be given it in kind, I will reap just what they sought.
What was left of my land, stricken grew better, the red sands filled with blood no longer haunted the corrupt oasis. Trees grew tall and the island from yesterday grew back. But this cruelty still must meet justice.
I swam to the heart of this world and cried my regret, not thinking of the blood shed to a world that will never know. I will give something back to fix what had been lost.
I wanted to give the gift of a portal locked away. The wardens were long gone, I could not open it.
So I searched for some being who could. For decades a swam the endless waters, listened to the rains chatter and the winds excited symphonies.
I found what could’ve been, the tired ancient sar’hingaro from the days of the hellions, and it’s dying hope. I took what was needed, a soul for the freedom of a wastelands sorrows.
Finally my gift had been given, the world the wardens locked away in their unfit justice.
So few were left from that exile but they came back and I was happy.
I watched as my gift healed the blood that had built this tomorrow.
I am at peace now so I say this to my last hopes and dreams, I am ready to sleep I have rebuilt a world into something that yesterday had been, today had destroyed, and tomorrow was again.
It had been 20 long millennium and I am tired, so I sleep in the primordial rocks I came from with my two sisters. They will comfort me while I sleep, have been away from them for much to long…
From the ends of the earth and the reaches of the sky, my greatest treasure, I have told to you,
Till I awake again,
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introvertguide · 3 years
Chinatown (1974); AFI #21
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The next movie that we reviewed was a very dark example of neo-noir film directed by Roman Polanski, Chinatown (1974). This film was a throwback to very dark crime thrillers that reflected the outlook of a Great Depression followed by world war. Polanski was experiencing a very dark period since he had just moved to America to get married and immediately lost his wife and unborn son in a horrific murder. The film was well received by critics and audiences, but it could not stand against the award winning juggernaut which was The Godfather Part 2. Polanski’s film was nominated for 11 Academy awards but only took one home for best original screenplay, a category that didn’t include The Godfather Part 2. It is hard to describe how incredibly down beat this film is without spoiling too early, so let me give the breakdown with the standard warning:
In 1937, a woman identifying herself as Evelyn Mulwray hires private investigator J. J. "Jake" Gittes (Jack Nicholson) to follow her husband, Hollis Mulwray, the chief engineer at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Gittes tails him, hears him publicly refuse to create a new reservoir that would be unsafe, and shoots photographs of him with a young woman, which are published on the front page of the following day's paper. Back at his office, Gittes is confronted by a woman who informs him she is the real Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) and that he can expect a lawsuit.
Realizing he was set up, Gittes assumes that Hollis Mulwray is the real target. Before he can question him, Lieutenant Lou Escobar fishes Mr. Mulwray, drowned, from a reservoir. Under retainer to Mrs. Mulwray, Gittes investigates with suspicions of murder and notices that although there is a drought, huge quantities of water are being released from the reservoir every night. Gittes is warned off by Water Department Security Chief Claude Mulvihill and a henchman (Roman Polanski) who slashes one of Gittes' nostrils. Back at his office, Gittes receives a call from Ida Sessions, who identifies herself as the imposter Mrs. Mulwray. She is afraid to identify her employer but tells Gittes to check the day's obituaries.
Gittes learns that Mulwray was once the business partner of Evelyn's wealthy father, Noah Cross (John Huston). Over lunch at his personal club, Cross warns Gittes that he does not understand the forces at work, and offers to double Gittes' fee to search for Mulwray's missing mistress. At the hall of records, Gittes discovers that much of the Northwest Valley has recently changed ownership. Investigating the valley, he is attacked by angry landowners who believe he is an agent of the water department attempting to force them out by sabotaging their water supply.
Gittes deduces that the water department is drying up the land so it can be bought at a reduced price and that Mulwray was murdered when he discovered the plan. He discovers that a recently deceased retirement home resident is one of the valley's new landowners and seemingly purchased the property a week after his death. Gittes and Evelyn bluff their way into the home and confirm that the real-estate deals were surreptitiously completed in the names of several of the home's residents. Their visit is interrupted by the suspicious retirement-home director, who has called Mulvihill.
After fleeing Mulvihill and his thugs, Gittes and Evelyn hide at Evelyn's house and sleep together. During the night, Evelyn gets a phone call and must leave suddenly; she warns Gittes that her father is dangerous. Gittes follows Evelyn's car to a house, where he spies her through the windows comforting Mulwray's mistress, Katherine. He accuses Evelyn of holding the woman against her will, but she says Katherine is her sister.
The next day, an anonymous call draws Gittes to Ida Sessions' apartment, where he finds her murdered and Escobar waiting for Gittes' arrival. Escobar tells him the coroner's report found salt water in Mulwray's lungs, indicating that he did not drown in the fresh water of the reservoir. Escobar suspects Evelyn of the murder and tells Gittes to produce her quickly. At Evelyn's mansion, Gittes finds her servants packing her things. He realizes her garden pond is salt water and discovers a pair of bifocals in it. He confronts Evelyn about Katherine, whom Evelyn now claims is her daughter. After Gittes slaps her (a lot), she tells him that Katherine is her sister and her daughter; her father raped her when she was 15. She says that the glasses are not Mulwray's, as he did not wear bifocals.
Gittes arranges for the women to flee to Mexico and instructs Evelyn to meet him at her butler's home in Chinatown. He summons Cross to the Mulwray home to settle their deal. Cross admits his intention to annex the Northwest Valley into the City of Los Angeles, then irrigate and develop it. Gittes accuses Cross of murdering Mulwray. Cross has Mulvihill take the bifocals at gunpoint, and they force Gittes to drive them to the women. When they reach the Chinatown address, the police are already there and detain Gittes. When Cross approaches Katherine, Evelyn shoots him in the arm and starts to drive away with Katherine. The police open fire, killing Evelyn. Cross clutches Katherine and leads her away, while Escobar orders Gittes released. Lawrence Walsh, one of Gittes' associates, tells him: "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
I really cannot emphasize how much of a bummer ending this film has. It is right up there (down there) with Sophie’s Choice. A man who pays to dump water so that he can purchase cheap farm land, kills his partner who threatens to tell, and rapes his own 15-year-old daughter is the antagonist. In the end, he is released to take custody of his young granddaughter without punishment after the police shoot the daughter that he raped. The investigator who tried to help and solved the mystery is left with no say and a slit nostril for his troubles. Polanski later said in interviews that he wanted to emphasize the futility of trying to find justice in Los Angeles. Both his life and this movie really proved that as a fact. It is funny that the screenwriter who won the academy award wanted Cross to die and Evelyn to live, but Polanski insisted and the dark tone is what pushed the award in their favor.
There was some discussion about finding an actor that was willing to be the lead with a bandaged face or prosthetic injury for most of the movie. It was still all about face time and dialogue, so most lead actors didn’t want to cover up their face. Nicholson was not actually known for his good looks as much as other actors, so he was more willing to take on the role. Actually, it was Nicholson who wanted to work on a project with Polanski and suggested the script in the first place. Also, Nicholson really connected with Polanski at the time and was not afraid to play dark roles. Jon Huston was not as keen on the heavy pedophile incest role since he had a lovely young daughter of his own (actress Angelica Huston). It turned out to be a good choice for all the actors involved.
Something that came up during the viewing with my housemates was reactions to the scene when Jack Nicholson is slapping Faye Dunaway when she is admitting that the girl she visits is both her sister and her daughter. She keeps alternating between “she’s my sister” and “she’s my daughter” and each statement is punctuated with a slap in the face by Jack Nicholson. It is supposed to be deeply serious and a major reveal in the movie, but we were laughing so hard at the absurdity. It was truly unrealistic and more of a trope of film noir than anything else (slapping a hysterical woman). It truly was a throwback to 40s and 50s style Hollywood and some of the standards of film story telling at that time were a bit silly. 
I have reviewed this move in more ways than I thought because I realized on this viewing that the video game L.A. Noir borrows very heavily from this film. So many aspects, from the locations to the situations to the soundtrack, were all put into the video game. I have spent many hours of my life playing through that game a number of times and I am shocked each time. I am curious if Rockstar Games had to pay any money to Roman Polanski for such a close similarity to the film? I tried to look it up but didn’t find anything, so probably not. 
So should this film by on the AFI to 100? For sure. It is an Old Hollywood story about even older Hollywood. It stands out as one of the darkest endings that I have ever experienced. It has major star power and surrounded by amazing stories of Hollywood. Would I recommend it? I sure would. It is a great trip around old Hollywood with some of America’s greatest actors. I think just as interesting is the story of Roman Polanski (who I did an article on as well) and why his head space was so dark during the production of this film. Definitely worth a watch and a background deep dive.
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sucuretcannelle · 3 years
I will pay the person who goes through the dub, finds quotes and matches them with the anon it fits best... I'll pay you $150
I'm too lazy so I mostly did eggman
"Tails, listen to me. I know who your mother is and— *dies*"
"Martha, what have you been tweeting about...WHAT THE FUCK, IS THAT SHADOWS DICK?"
"Why is my body doing this thing? I'm like a puppet on a string bririrbbriri you see that? Look at that!"
"Shoot me, you fucking coward. Do it! You won't! I have no reason to live anymore."
"I am going to kill you..........and then kill you again."
"You have 13 seconds till the island fucking explodes you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch. You have done nothing but destroy my life and I hope you both die."
"If you say please stop one more time, I'm going to piss my own ass."
"I peed on your wife robotnik, she's mine now."
"I gotta get on that plaAaNe 🏃‍♂️"
"Who is this red stripe mohawk—why you got hot sauce on your hair cuz, what's wrong?"
"Get the fuck out or I'm gonna shoot Amy in the fuckin face, I swear to gosh I'll do it you bitch, get out!"
"What the fuck— why does tails have the fucking weed?"
"I miss my wife, tails. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."
"Let me check her Twitter page on my holographics"
"Go ahead, I have 50 alternate accounts."
"I put hot sauce on everything. From Twinkies to milk. It's what I do!"
"I'm taking over Victoria's secret, I'm taking over best buy, the news is mine, and everyone else can leave. You see that planet? IM TAKING IT TOO! It looks like a fucking walnut— BOOM AND IT BUSTED A NUT THEN AND THERE"
"Hey bitchessss, didn't expect to see me?"
"That's right little girl, I hate you and your stupid nose. I'm taking everything from you, give me your phone."
"I'm taking over your worlds, I'm taking your tv, I'm glitchin it! They call me the glitch, do you know why they call me the mother fuckin glitch? Cuz I glitch the tvs out."
"Get out of here you thotass bitch you still owe me $100 anyway, we need to go."
"I've come to make an announcement, shadow the hedgehog is a bitchass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife And he said his dick was 't h i s b i g' and i said 'thats disgusting' so I'm making a call out post on my Twitter.com, 'shadow the hedgehog you've got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like— that's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like 2 balls and a bong..."
"*struggling to remember the password to the twitter account*"
"I have no character motive 😔"
"What are you two fucking talking about?"
"aUUGH MY BONES! I know i shoulda— *intense coughing* WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"
"I hope you're ready to die it's gonna be like evangelion get the fuck out."
"...I fucked your wife 😐"
"ouch ouch ouch 😐"
"please stop, your mother would be very disappointed"
"as you can see, twitter went through a bunch of updates. This one, is that one that makes me go away from yo bitchass."
"Did you see that hot jpeg footage that just—"
"You thought you were gonna escape and I knew you were gonna fart in here so I had to put up a fuckin seal!"
"Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too."
"Shadow! Get back here right now! Shadow! What the fuck?!"
"How do you think I feel about being cocked by a hedgehog!?"
"Don't gamble my life for a piss rock!"
"It's been 17 days, I'm still trying to get out of here"
"So if I've had enough you took my wife, you fucked my crops, I'm takin ya life"
That one anon:
"How did you know my middle name 😕"
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel
I am absolutely going to regret starting to post this, but here goes.
An AU: a Russian agent slips Agent Carter a letter that seems to contain a clue to the location of the Valkyrie crash site.  What is Peggy willing to sacrifice in order to bring Steve’s body home?  Her job?  Her reputation?  Maybe even her life?  And what will she do when she learns what her Soviet source already knew - that Captain America isn’t a corpse after all?
Peggy was not at all happy about the situation, but at the same time, she knew she had nobody to blame for it but herself.
After all, she was the one who’d broken Dottie Underwood out of prison and then lost track of her.  That made it, technically, Peggy’s fault that the woman had robbed the Toucan Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, making off with some two hundred thousand dollars.  Now the mafia was looking for Dottie, along with dozens of corrupt police officers all over the country, all of them getting in Peggy’s way, alternately threatening her, trying to bribe her, and ignoring her… and as if that weren’t enough, now the bloody FBI had gotten involved.
All things considered, Peggy was very tempted to call in to work with a headache.  The main reason she did not was because half the people involved in this fiasco already considered her a potential criminal and she didn’t want to give their theories any support.  But there wasn’t exactly a spring in her step as she opened the door marked Auerbach Theatrical Agency and stepped inside.
It was a sunny morning in Los Angeles, and light was pouring through the big window into the middle of the room, where a blonde in a pink cardigan was kneeling on the floor doing a scene from MacBeth.
“The Thane of Fife had a wife!” the woman lamented, in a shockingly obnoxious mockery of a Scottish accent.  She mimed thrusting her hands under a stream of water and rubbing them together to wash them.  “Where is she now?”
“Good morning, Rose,” said Peggy, to the woman behind the desk.
“Good morning, Peggy,” Rose replied with a sigh. The SSR had gone out of its way to make the supposed ‘theatrical agency’ nearly impossible to find, and yet hopefuls still showed up quite regularly.  When Peggy had left the previous evening, there’d been a pair of young East Asian men, twins, juggling knives.  One of the blades was still embedded in the wall where its owner had thrown it.  Now there was this would-be Shakespearean.
“What, will this hand never be clean?” the blonde went on, refusing to break character.  “No more of that, my Lord, no more of that!  You mar all with this starting!”
“Well, if anyone needs me, I’ll be upstairs waiting for my ten o’clock,” said Peggy.  FBI Agent Russel, here to offer his ‘assistance’ apprehending Ms. Dorothy Underwood – and to keep an eye on SSR Agent Carter to make sure she wasn’t involved in any criminal activities.  They might have at least tried to be subtle about it.
“I’ll let you know when he arrives,” said Rose.
Peggy turned to head upstairs, when a new voice said, “Agent Carter?”
She turned around.  The blonde was standing now.  She was quite small, shorter than Peggy, dressed in a mid-calf beige skirt, and the pink cardigan was over a matching blouse with a single tasteful string of pearls. Her makeup was quite dramatic, with deep red lipstick in a similar shade to Peggy’s own.  Her purse was also bright red, and she reached into it and pulled out a little leather billfold which she opened to reveal a red and silver FBI badge.
“I’m Agent Nadine Russel,” she said.
Peggy should not have been startled – she really should not. She was thoroughly sick of everyone she met being surprised that SSR Agent Carter was a woman, and this Agent Russel probably felt the same… but it took her a moment to regain a neutral expression regardless.  She looked at Rose.
Rose shook her head.  Apparently the woman had simply walked in and started doing Shakespeare.
“I’m sorry,” said Russel with a smile.  “But she asked me if I were here to audition and I couldn’t resist.”
“To be fair, she’s not one of the worst we’ve had,” Rose put in.
Russel stepped forward to shake Peggy’s hand.
“I apologize as well,” Peggy said, as she accepted the gesture.  “I wasn’t aware the FBI employed female agents.”  It made sense, though… if they wanted to send somebody who could tail Peggy anywhere, a man would not do.  They would know from her history that she could get away from them easily.
“That’s how they like it,” said Russel with a nod. Her accent was educated American, non-regional.  Peggy could not have begun to make a guess where she came from.  “Let’s go upstairs, and we can talk.”
In the upstairs offices, the other employees of the Strategic Scientific Reserve were already getting on with the day’s work. Director Daniel Sousa was having a conversation with Agent Sato when Peggy and Russel arrived, and Peggy waited a moment until she knew the men had seen her before interrupting.
“I’m sorry, Daniel,” she said, “but Agent Russel wants to discuss the Underwood case with me somewhere private.  May we use your office?”
Daniel was just as surprised to find that Agent Russel was a woman as Peggy had been, and while there was a part of Peggy that thought he, too, really ought to know better, another part was just glad she wasn’t the only one.  “Of course,” he said.  “Go right in. Ben, let’s go to your desk.”
Benjiro Sato nodded, and the two men got out of the way. Inside, Peggy sat down in Daniel’s chair, leaving Russel to take the one opposite.  It was not intentional on Peggy’s part – she merely entered the room first – but she decided not to change the situation.  It would help to remind Russel, who after all was not exactly an ally, that she was on her home turf here and the other woman was not.
Russel didn’t seem to mind.  She pulled her chair closer to the desk and took a leather-bound folio out of her briefcase.  “This is the most important information we have on Miss Barynova,” she said.  “I was going through it again on my way here…”
“Barynova?” Peggy interrupted, a chill running up her spine.  “You mean Dorothy Underwood?”  In all her own work on and with the woman, she had never encountered anything that might be her real name… only a series of aliases, with ‘Dorothy Underwood’ merely being the one they’d placed on the ‘most wanted’ list.
“Oh, yes, I beg your pardon, her name is Olga Barynova,” said Russel.  “At least, according to sources at the CIA that I’m apparently not allowed to speak to directly.”
The CIA as well?  There were entirely too many acronyms involved in this, Peggy thought crossly.  The more organizations got interested, the more bureaucracy, the more paperwork, the less communication, and the less chance of them ever finding their target. “I see,” said Peggy.  At least that was new information.  She wasn’t surprised the CIA hadn’t shared it with her, but she was a bit surprised they’d been able to find it out.  Her impression of them in peacetime was not good. Perhaps the information could serve Peggy at some point in the future.
“Anyway, as I was saying.”  Russel took out a notebook and sat back to balance it on her knee.  “I was looking through our information and realized that for all you’re the one who first encountered her, nobody has apparently interviewed you about your history with Miss Barynova, which…”  She paused, perhaps searching for words, and settled on the tactful, “seems like an oversight.”
“It is, rather, isn’t it?” Peggy asked.  She remained calm on the outside, but inside her mind was scrambling.  Russel was about to ask her to tell the story.  Peggy didn’t want to incriminate herself because that would only slow down the whole process of catching Dottie and lead to a lot of sidetracks. But she didn’t want to tell too many lies, because lies could be checked, and whatever she said was going to have to be self-consistent.
“Maybe you’d like to tell me what happened?” Russel suggested.
“I would very much like to,” Peggy lied.  “To the best of my knowledge, Miss Un… Miss Barynova came to America in the employ of a man named Fenhoff, who claimed he needed her help with something to do with undermining democracy… I’m not sure of the details.  What he actually wanted from her was help in a plan to take personal revenge on Howard Stark…”
The first half of the story was easy enough to tell… the half in which Peggy had been purely trying to catch this woman and hadn’t been complicit in her presence.  The second half, the part that took place here in Los Angeles, was far more difficult.
“When I left New York she was locked up,” Peggy said. “The next time I heard about her, she’d escaped and had been sighted here in California.”
So far, Russel had been listening, making notes, but not interrupting.  Now she suddenly asked, “what do you think brought her here?”
Now it was time to lie.  “Quite honestly, I think she was following me,” Peggy replied. “When she was arrested at the bank she had taken some trouble to look like me.  I think I may be the only person who ever really tried to get inside her head, and that seems to have impressed her.”  Perhaps Peggy was tooting her own horn there, but she did get the idea that Dottie was somewhat obsessed with her, and that was her best guess at why.
Russel nodded.  “We’re not used to people trying to get inside our heads,” she observed, tapping the side of her own.  “Men tend to assume there’s nothing much going on in there.”
“They do, don’t they?” said Peggy, not amused at all. Of course, Russel was doing the same thing with Peggy now, trying to get inside her head… and she was perfectly well aware that Peggy knew that was what she was doing.  This could turn into a dangerous game indeed, and a distraction Peggy did not need right now.  “Unfortunately, during Miss Barynova’s stay in California I was far too concerned with Agnes Cully and the problems at Isodyne to really have time to pursue her.  By the time I turned my attention to that she was long gone.”
“Do you think she has a long-term goal?” asked Russel.
“I can’t say, honestly,” Peggy replied, and that was the entire truth.  “Sometimes it starts to seem like she’s up to something fiendishly clever and I’m only seeing the tiniest corner of it… other times I think she’s doing all this just for the fun of it.  I do know she doesn’t want to go back to the USSR.”
“No… we have some idea what happens to Russian agents who outlive their usefulness,” said Russel.  “Besides, we’d much rather have her here in the States where we can pick her brains.”
“I doubt you’ll get much from her – nobody else ever has,” said Peggy.
Russel nodded.  “What did you do when you first heard about the Toucan heist?” she asked.
The two women talked for most of the morning, and while Peggy wasn’t sure what Russel thought of her, her impression of the other woman was of somebody intensely focused.  That was not good from her point of view.  The reason she’d been dreading meeting the FBI agent was because she’d thought he’d be a pain in the arse to get rid of – but she’d never doubted she’d be able to do it.  Russel was another matter entirely.  She would not be avoided by going into the powder room, would not be scared off by a mention of ‘ladies’ troubles’.  Nor had she been asking a list of routine questions.  She’d let Peggy lead the way, while she inscrutably wrote notes, keeping her thoughts to herself but attentive and interested.
Nadine Russel was an equal, and the most annoying thing about the situation was that if it weren’t for the situation that had set them up as rivals, she and Peggy would probably have got along like a house on fire.
Finally, around lunch time, Russel checked her watch and closed her notebook.  “Thank you for your time, Agent Carter,” she said.  “I’ve got some more interviews I need to do today, but I will definitely check in with you again.  If you need to contact me, you can do so at this number.”  She held out a blank business card, with the phone number written on it in tidy black ink.
“Thank you, Agent Russel, I hope I was helpful,” Peggy replied.
They shook hands again, and Russel took her red purse and her leather folio, and left.
Once she was gone, Peggy sat back down in Daniel’s chair and pushed her hands into her hair.  Bloody hell, she didn’t need this right now.  She did not.
There was a rap on the door.  “Peggy?” Daniel asked, sticking his head into the room.
“Sorry, Daniel,” she said, and got to her feet with a sigh.  “You may have your office back.”
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“I’m better than I might be, but worse than I’d hoped,” Peggy said, and that much was entirely honest.  “It would be a gift if I could just tell her the truth, but that would create far more problems than it would solve.”
There was a moment of silence.  Peggy and Daniel both knew that ‘more problems’ would involve them getting in deserved trouble for laws they absolutely had broken.  The problem was that there was nobody else they trusted to handle things like Dottie.  The police were corrupt, and the government and big business was, half the time, the problem, and they definitely weren’t going to let the mafia deal with it.  That left only so many options.
“Well, better get back to work,” said Daniel.
“Yes, back to work,” Peggy agreed.
She returned to her desk and dropped her purse on it heavily.  The world was such a mess.  During the war it had been so clear who were the good guys, and who the bad. Now it had become ever so much more complicated.
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laisaxrem · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi Additional Tags: 50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts, Prompt 46 - A lingering kiss before after a long trip apart, I’m an idiot, I had read wrong, so I corrected the prompt, I said you that I’m an idiot Summary:  Kakashi. If you reply to this letter by telling me that you will be late again, know that it doesn't matter, I understand perfectly. Hokage's duties come first, I've always told you. Also because now I have someone else to keep my bed warm at night, so I don't need you anymore. Sakura
It had been a long and tiring month. Kakashi had been summoned by the Daimyō and what must have been a short visit of less than a week had turned into thirty-four days away not only from his beloved Village but above all from his beloved wife. Obviously when he had realized he wasn’t coming home on schedule, he had Sakura send a messenger hawk assuring her that he would be back by the end of the week. He had had to send two more messages of this kind and finally, on the twenty-fifth day, had summoned Pakkun asking him to come and see Sakura, make sure she was okay, and maybe stay with her until he returned.
Now that he finally saw the gates of the Village, Kakashi accelerated his pace. In the pocket of his uniform he heard the creaking of the paper of the last note that his wife had sent him and that he had read and reread in the last few days.
If you reply to this letter by telling me that you will be late again, know that it doesn't matter, I understand perfectly. Hokage's duties come first, I've always told you.
Also because now I have someone else to keep my bed warm at night, so I don't need you anymore.
As soon as he had read it for a moment he was baffled. Then he had burst out laughing and took pen and paper to answer… which he had never done because the Daimyō had called him urgently. From there he had returned to his apartments only to throw himself into bed for a few hours and take a quick shower the next morning. Three days later, finally, the Daimyō had given him permission to return to the Village. Kakashi hadn’t had it repeated twice and left the next day when the sun hadn’t risen yet. Throughout the journey he had forced his escort to keep pace; his goal was to get home by evening: he wanted to arrive before Sakura went to bed, he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her close and kiss her until he fell asleep.
Too bad he hadn’t come to terms with his two babysitters. Genma had started muttering about a hypothetical sprained ankle in the middle of the morning but Kakashi had ignored him. He had not been able to ignore, however, Tenzō’s insistent chakra which a couple of hours later had started to glow in waves like fire; it was a clear warning sign from his ANBU team’s taichō and for a while Kakashi was able to ignore it. It was nearly noon when he had had to give in to the insistent chakra pulses and signalled Genma and Sai to stop for lunch; he had given them a little over forty minutes, mostly because Kakashi realized that his head had started to hurt and he needed to rest (oh, he would have come up with a way to make Tenzō pay for that, that was for sure).
They had taken two more breaks, much to Kakashi’s despondency (although, as the sun went down on the horizon, it was increasingly clear to him that the chances of being able to return to the Village before evening were slim or nil) and it was dark when they finally entered the gates of Konoha.
Kakashi did not want to do anything but leave his escort there and run home but he knew he had to go to the office first: the next morning he would have to meet the full Council and update them so he needed to have all the documents in order. Shikamaru was waiting for him there and a part of Kakashi was amazed (it was tragically far beyond his usual schedule); but on the one hand he was grateful because thanks to his help he got the last chores done in half the time.
Almost two hours later Kakashi closed the file he had in front of him with a sigh.
«I’m sorry, Shikamaru, but I really have to go for today», he announced, casting a worried glance at the wall clock. Shit.
His young friend nodded and began to collect the papers neatly.
«Sakura will be mad, huh?»
«Mmm… Maybe», he conceded. Then he smiled and added: «She wrote to me that she found someone else to warm her bed».
After a second of amazement (Kakashi was happy to have said it just to see his usual bored expression give way to a pair of wide open eyes) Shikamaru laughed and rubbed the back of his neck absently.
«Good luck, then».
Too exhausted to run but with his chakra at a frighteningly low level, Kakashi weighed his alternatives and, with a nod to Shikamaru, grabbed his backpack and used the Shunshin to leave the office and reappear outside his home (he knew that Tenzō hated it when he did and that awareness was enough to compensate for the severe dizziness that hit him upon landing).
When he opened the front door he was greeted by darkness and silence.
«Tadaima», he announced in a low voice as he gently placed his backpack on the cabinet in the genkan and tidied up his sandals.
For the first time in a month, Kakashi felt he could breathe perfectly and the fatigue and frustration he had been carrying around all that time faded away from his body.
Part of him wanted nothing more than to run to their bedroom and wake Sakura, lose himself in her embrace and feel her warm skin against his, her thin but strong fingers stroking his hair. Not to have sex (he didn’t think he had the energy right now) but simply to feel her. But the other part of him knew that it was terribly late and Sakura had a bad habit of overdoing it in the hospital and Academy and wherever they called her, so she deserved every minute of sleep she could carve out.
But Kakashi needed to hear her voice. Damn.
Sighing he went into the bathroom on the ground floor and washed quickly using the little showers: he was tired but not so tired as to take the dirt of the trip to bed and at the same time he didn’t want to risk waking Sakura using the shower upstairs.
A towel around his waist and one around his neck, Kakashi padded up the stairs and went to their room. The fusuma was open and as soon as he appeared on the threshold the man realized that Sakura had not lied in her letter: in fact his wife was not alone in their bed.
With her there was a mountain of dogs.
Sakura was in his half of the bed, lying on her side, the sheets all bunched up at the bottom, Pakkun lying belly up under her right hand. Bull was crouched at her feet, his forelegs intertwined with her legs, and took up most of the bottom of the bed while the other six ninkens were arranged around them: Bisuke had his muzzle pressed against Sakura’s back, Akino was for half lying on Bull, Shiba on his stomach took up almost half of the bed forcing Ūhei to remain curled up in a corner while Urushi managed to carve out a space of his own on Sakura’s pillow and Guruko’s tufted tail was sticking out from under the sheets. Finally a small black ball was curled up on his pillow next to Sakura’s pink head, its tail stretched out to brush her neck: Yoru, their kitten, not even three months old.
Kakashi stared at the scene with his mouth open for a moment, his eyelids blinking fast, and then a laugh escaped his lips. He stopped it immediately but it was too late. Sakura moved and opened her eyes and after a few seconds she brought him into focus.
«Mmm? Kakashi?» she moaned, her voice hoarse with sleep.
He came over and knelt on the floor, one hand going to touch her shoulder left bare by the loose t-shirt she was wearing. That brief contact was like a balm for Kakashi: he knew that he had missed Sakura but until that moment he hadn’t really realized how much.
«Sorry. I didn’t want to wake you up», he whispered, leaning forward to gently kiss the skin he had just stroked.
Sakura’s eyes fixed on his and Kakashi got lost in that green, so much so that he almost didn’t notice her fingers caressing his face slowly, gently, as if to memorize every curve and every corner.
Kakashi could no longer restrain himself and leaned forward to kiss her. He didn’t even open his mouth, too exhausted to think about deepening contact, and Sakura didn’t protest. Yet that kiss on the lips, one of the most chaste they had ever exchanged without the hindrance of the mask, lasted an infinity of seconds, the lips brushing and retracting and then approaching again in a slow dance.
Finally Sakura sighed and rested her forehead against his for a second.
«When did you arrive?»
«Less than two hours ago. I had to go to the office», Kakashi replied, his fingers tracing Sakura’s skin in slow movements. Then his gaze was drawn to the movement of a tail and he smiled. «So you weren’t kidding when you said there was someone else to keep your bed warm, huh?»
«Yeah», Sakura chuckled as her fingers mimicking his. «In fact, maybe they keep a little too hot», she added, nodding her head to the sheets abandoned on the bottom of the bed.
«We can always leave, girly», came the grunt from Pakkun.
The little ninken opened his eyes and scanned them with his stern frown but Kakashi knew it was just a farce.
«Absolutely not», Sakura replied, giving a little scratch to the brown fur of his eldest ninken. «You are not going away, tonight».
«Oh. So I’ll take a futon…» Kakashi began, uncertain. Because the more he looked, the more it became evident that the ninken took up all the space in the bed and that there was no room for him too.
He had to admit, he was disappointed. Yes, the sight of Sakura and the dogs snuggled together warmed his heart, but after thirty-four days away, Kakashi wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and fall asleep to the sound of her breath.
«Where do you think you’re going?» Sakura stopped him, grabbing him by the wrist, as if she was afraid of seeing him disappear. «There is room for you too, you know?»
«There is?»
«There is. Come on, Rokudaime-sama, come here», Sakura urged
Kakashi hesitated a little longer, trying to figure out where he could actually lie down. On Bull, like when he was just a six year old boy? Or maybe he could convince Shiba to sleep a little more composed so as to carve out a corner of the mattress?
«Stop being precious and join us», Pakkun scolded him as he idly stretched his legs and slightly changed position. At his words, the other ninkens moved just enough to create a space behind Sakura, small but enough for Kakashi to stretch out beside his wife and hug her. «Or go to the other room: we’ll take care of keeping Sakura company», added his old friend again. Then he closed his eyes.
Giving in to Pakkun’s words and Sakura’s smile, Kakashi got up and shook off the damp towels. He already had one knee on the bed, his eyes looking for the best way to reach his place without stepping on some ears or some tails, when he was interrupted by two brown eyes that glared at him.
«Put on a pair of underwear first», Pakkun growled louder than before. And Kakashi realized that he had never actually worn a pair of boxers after washing. «What are you, a savage?»
Sakura and Kakashi stared at each other for a second, then they both burst out laughing.
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I know this is controversial but do you have any johnlock non-con or (preferably) dub-con for the twisted minds out there? If it's roleplay even better. If you don't do this sort of stuff just ignore me.
Hey Nonny!
Ahh, I usually don’t so I don’t have a lot of personal recs (more… it just happened in the fic and it’s a side issue), but I’ll give you the ones I have bookmarked as well as the ones I have on my MFL list, if only to bloat this list a bit more, LOL.
Cheers, and as always, if anyone has some recs, please let us know!
See also Alexx’s Lists:
John bottoms, Dub-con - Johniarty, Johnlock, Johncroft
Alpha!John, Omega!Sherlock & the Dub-con sex
Dubcon Johnlock
Drugged Non-con sex
Johnlock non-con and dub-con sex
And my alternate list: Consent and Relationship Negotiations 
Upon Waking by joolabee (E, 3,901 w., 1 Ch. || Mild Dub Con, Magical Realism, Angst, Somnophilia) – It sets on slow: John can only be awake while Sherlock sleeps, and vice versa. Their lives are codependent, but never meeting. Like a set of scales.
A Certain Kind of Hunger by MapleleafCameo (E, 5,881 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Creatures || Incubus!John, Worried Sherlock, Tail Penetration, Somnophilia, PWP, Threats of Non-Con) – A concerned Sherlock watches as John seems to be rapidly losing weight. What he discovers is that John really isn't normal. And he is very, very hungry. The tail was the real surprise.
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures, Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say 'oh well, at least we tried'. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.”
On the Losing Side by missselene (E, 8,210 w., 1 Ch. || Anal / Oral, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Misunderstandings, Mild Dub Con / Drunk John) – After Mary's death, John moves back into Baker Street, but is still upset at the loss of his wife and child. Eventually, he and Sherlock stumble into a sort of relationship, but it's more physical than anything and they don't talk about it. They especially don't talk during sex. If they are going to have sex, Sherlock notices the signs hours beforehand, and he prepares carefully. The lights are off, they're under the covers, he prepares himself using lots of lube so he can make it feel as much like a woman as he can, and he doesn't let himself make any noise so that, if John wishes, he can pretend that he's still with Mary.
Better Than One by Innerspace (E, 14,760 w. 1 Ch. || Threesome, Self-cest / Clone Sex, First Time, BJ’s, Power Play, Slight Dub-Con) – Sherlock creates a clone and discovers things about himself and John he never imagined. John is just along for the ride, so to speak.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world's only consulting detective will be on his own once again...or will he?
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It's a lot less cracky than you're probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
A Love with No Name Series by aceofhearts61 (G to M, 49,955 w. across 20 stories || Asexual Sherlock / Straight John, Est. Rel, Queerplatonic Relationship, Romance, Cuddling, Fluff, Platonic Romance, Domestics, Rape/Non-Con) – In which Asexual!Sherlock and Straight!John are platonically in love life partners.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
Scars by SilentAuror (E, 60,494 w., 5 Ch. || Rape / Non-Con / Abuse, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Dub Con Elements, Homophobia, Angst With Happy Ending, Mary is Not Nice) – S3 rewrite, showing Mary’s manipulation of John as he realizes his love for Sherlock. Mary is not having it.
A Cure For Boredom by emmagrant01 (E, 81,665 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Talk, Threesomes, Light Dom/Sub, Sex Club, Experiments, Anal, Mildly Dubious Consent) – They’d never talked about sex in the year they’d known each other. Well, that wasn’t quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions.
Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah (E, 83,535 w., 9 Ch. || Sentinel / Guides Omegaverse AU || Adventure, Violence, Anal / Oral, Omega!John / Alpha!Sherlock, Case Fic, Politics, Mild DubCon) – Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he's kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes. Now the Sentinel Tower is after him. Can John stay out of their hands until he can reveal his secrets to Sherlock? Part 1 of Secrets and Revelations
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w., 23 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
Ten Days by Engazed (E, 137,208 w., 31 Ch. || Rape/Non-Con, Post-TRF, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Case Fic) – Sherlock Holmes has been dead for forty months, and John is at last beginning to live his life again. But just when he believes he might be happy, his world crashes back down around him. John is named a missing person. Someone is pointing DI Lestrade in the wrong direction. And as the days pass, his situation only grows more dire. It seems like the disappearance of his best friend is the only thing that can bring Sherlock Holmes back from the dead. Part 1 of The Fallen
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w., 26 Ch. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, H/C, Dub Con, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
The Gilded Cage by BeautifulFiction (E, 326,887 w., 31 Ch. || Omegaverse || Omega Sherlock / Alpha John, Friends to Lovers, Dub Con, Reproductive Rights) – In a world where Omegas are the property of the elite Alphas, locked away and treasured by those wealthy enough to buy them, John never questioned his flatmate's secondary gender. Sherlock Holmes was an Alpha through-and through. Wasn't he? A chance discovery turns the world on its head, and John is left grappling to come to terms with Sherlock's past as events conspire to threaten their future.
Three drinks or was it five by iriswallpaper (M, 1,455 w., 1 Ch. || Mild Dub Con / Drunk Sex, Morning After, First Time, Awkwardness / Awkward Sex, Idiots in Love, Avoiding The Talk™/Miscommunication, Fluff, Happy Ending) – Sherlock wakes up beside John, naked in his bed, after a night of getting hammered together on very good Scotch. Trying to spare John embarrassment, Sherlock makes as much noise as possible to indirectly wake John, all the while dreading the Very Important Talk he knows John will want to have.
Scars by Mildredandbobbin (M, 2,516 w., 2 Ch. || Post-TSoT/Pre-HLV, Rape/Non-Con, Hurt/Comfort, Rape Aftermath, Past Torture, Pre-Slash) – On his honeymoon, John starts receiving anonymous texts with increasingly disturbing images. He discovers how much he doesn't know about Sherlock's time away. Part 1 of the Scars series
No Means No by lindor1306 (M, 3,606 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Underage / Non Con / Rape / Child Abuse, Dub Con, Drunkenness) – When Sherlock attends a party with John, he finds himself in a horribly familiar situation, and learns the meaning of the word 'No'.
Tumblr Mini-fics #7: Triskadekaphilia Fic Fest - The Johnlock Fics by berlynn_wohl (E, 3,791 w., 16 Ch. || First Time, Alley Sex, Dub. Con., Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, ABO Dynamics, Mpreg, Omega Sherlock, Sub Sherlock, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Chastity Device, Drugged Sherlock, Milking, Omega John, Experiments, Nudity, Yoga) – In March 2013, I celebrated 1300 Tumblr followers with my Triskadekaphilia Fic Fest. Followers requested a pairing and a kink, and I wrote a fill for each that was 13 sentences long, with one sentence that was 13 words long, and with one word that was 13 letters long. These are the resulting Johnlock fics. Part 7 of the Tumblr Mini-Fics series
If You Go Out in the Woods Today by Sexxica (E, 5,247 w., 1 Ch. || Fawnlock, Mythical Beings/Creatures, Teen John, Virgin John, Anal Sex / Fingering, Mildly Dub. Con., Bottom John, Top Sherlock, Outdoor Sex, Blow Jobs) – You're sure of a big surprise. 18 year old John Watson certainly didn't expect to stumble into the realm of a forest god, let alone one demanding payment in order to let him and his friend Mike leave.
Company by lookupkate (E, 6,004 w., 2 Ch. || BDSM Club AU || Dom John, Sub Sherlock, Soft Dom John, Mentions of Previous Bad D/S Relationship, Past Non-Con, Humiliation, Happy Ending) – Sherlock goes under cover to suss out an embezzler at a BDSM club. His past is marred by an ex-boyfriend who verbally abused him under the guise of a D/s relationship. What he thinks he needs is a little different than what he needs. Luckily he's placed with someone who can see how fragile he is, Dom John Watson. Once the case is over he realises how much he's going to miss the man. Damn.
Let's go home by thewallflower07 (M, 6,333 w., 2 Ch. || Post-S3, POV Lestrade, Cuddling, Snuggling, Protective John, Hurt/Comfort, Hospital, Restraint, Psychological/Physical Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Non-Con Touching, Non-Con Drug Use, Kidnapping, Fever Dream/Hallucinations, Villain Mary) – Lestrade is driving John to the hospital and helps him bring a heavily injured Sherlock home. In a flashback Mary had kidnapped Sherlock and played her cruel tricks on him. Sherlock is walking through a weird London where nothing is logical and he sees a John Watson he no longer recognizes.
Splat! by Vulgarweed (E, 6,618 w., 1 Ch. || Historical Appalachian 1970′s AU || Dom / Sub, Gunplay, Knifeplay, “Non-Con” Roleplay, Switchlock, Anal, Rimming, Bondage, Hunting Kink, Rough Sex, Object Insertion, Dirty Talk, Comeplay) – Sherlock decides he does want to go hunting with John after all. But not for deer. Part 2 of the The Bone Fiddle series
Pulse by SoftTae (E, 6,620 w., 1 Ch. || Vampire AU || Vampire John, Human Sherlock, Dark John, Dub Con, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Blood Drinking, Anal, Light Bondage, Violent Sex, Biting, Vampire Sex, Angst, Preditor/Prey Dynamic) – This was written for a friend who asked for vampire John, and human Sherlock.
Black Cat by CatieBrie (E, 7,158 w., 1 Ch. || Psychological Horror, Supernatural Elements, Disturbing Themes, Body Horror, Sex, Major Consent Issues / Possible Rape, MCD, Intent Magic, Ambiguity) – He’s watching Sherlock crawl up his body, doesn’t have to see to know he has a blade tucked away somewhere, knows his body will react no matter what. “Do you know what this is, John?” Sherlock holds up a doll made of rudimentary cloth stuffed with god knows what. It’s wearing a crude rendition of John’s favorite striped shirt, denim pants and the hair is too fine and blonde-shocked-grey to be anything else but his.John tries to answer, has no voice, shakes his head. “It’s a poppet.” Sherlock explains, pushes the arms together and John’s limbs react, snapping to his sides and remaining there even as he tries desperately to struggle free.
Perception by orphan_account (M, 7,821 w., 1 Ch. || Rape/Non-Con) – John is perceptive sometimes.
A Chemical Defect Found (On the Losing Side Remix) by AreteArt (M, 7,978 w., 1 Ch. || First Time / Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Mildly Dubious Consent, Angst, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Pining, Anal / Oral Sex, Frottage) – A remix of missselene's "On the Losing Side." After Mary's death, John moves back into Baker Street. He and Sherlock stumble into a relationship, or something of that sort. Sherlock's rather giving when it comes to sex, but that doesn't mean he and John ever talk about it.
A Study in Asexuality by ladyxdarcy (M, 8,082 w., 1 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Acephobia, Mentions of Rape/Corrective Rape Therapy, Past Suicidal Ideation, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Overdose, Past Mary/John, Emotional Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Vulnerable Sherlock, Est. Rel., Angst with Happy Ending, Fluff) – When Sherlock, asexual to his core, fears that John may grow bored of a sexless life, he decides to do whatever it takes to make John happy so he stays. Good thing John is already happy.
as if not spoken to in the act of love by coloredink (E, 8,288 w., 1 Ch. || Dubious Consent, Codependency, Angst, Drama, Consent Issues) – Sherlock endures the indignities, bodies squirming against one another, the sweat, the saliva, because of John's jam in the fridge and sour-breathed kisses in the morning.
Making History by SaraDobieBauer (M, 8,622 w., 6 Ch. || Vampire AU || Season 1, Vampire John, Dark John, Bondage, Dub Con, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes lay unconscious and handcuffed to John’s bed. John had been waiting for this day ever since he’d first met the consulting detective. He'd been waiting for centuries really.
Slave by skadi_zlata (E, 15,654 w., 1 Ch. || Slavery AU || Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Dub Con, Abuse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – In the gambling dens of a vaguely AU London, John Watson has won and lost fortunes in a night. One evening he winds up playing with entirely the wrong crowd, the kind of people that make him feel he’ll be lucky to get out of there with his life – let alone anything else. But the announced prize is somewhat unexpected. It’s an abused slave with dark curly hair and mesmerizing blue-grey eyes.
Kingdoms Rise by colbee (E, 15,668 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, References to Canon, Graphic Descriptions of Crime Scenes, Mentions of Rape) – "The name is Sherlock Holmes, and I broke in."
The Wench Is Dead by Chryse (E, 15,915 w., 1 Ch. || Underage, Extreme Dub Con, Flashback, Manipulative Relationship) – “You thought…not just you, Molly too. Probably everyone assumed it. You thought that bad things happened because I used drugs. That I made terrible choices and got myself hurt. And you weren’t wrong, not exactly. You just got it backwards.” What Sherlock put in the box. Part 2 of the Another Country series
Evidence of Human Life by thesardine (E, 16,906 w., 1 Ch. || Possessive Sherlock, Mental Health Issues, Rough Sex, Dubious Consent) – Sherlock's sanity deteriorates while he and John are stranded on a deserted island.
Broken Wings and Cigarettes by solisandluna (NC-17, 20,298 w., 10 Ch. || Violence, Abuse, Rape, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Sherlock Whump, Dark Story) – Sherlock has been missing for two years. So when he is found in a cellar, tortured and raped, how will John help him recover? Can he get over the shock and guilt of seeing his seeing his friend so abused? And can Sherlock be fixed?
A Question of Intent by Mildredandbobbin (E, 22,129 w., 6 Ch. || Omegaverse || Dub Con / Consent Issues, Misunderstandings, Knotting, First Time, Switching, Mating Cycles, Top/Bottom O!Sherlock, Top/Bottom A!John) – Sherlock was on the bed, naked, writhing, tangled in the sheets, on all fours and apparently in the full throes of a Heat. So very not good, the non-lizard part of John's brain was saying -- the enlightened 21st Century, reconstructed Alpha part, the part that supported Omega contra-heat, equality, pro-choice, the Omega rape legislation and general gender liberation. The part that knew Sherlock did not, obviously did not, want to copulate with him and certainly did not want to bond.
Consent by KeelieThompson1 (M, 26,466 w., 11 Ch. || OMC, Rape/Non-Con, Rape Recovery, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Developing Relationship, Triggers) – Sherlock has a difficult past regarding sex which John discovers when he tries to change their relationship.
Dubious by mslilylashes (M, 29,907 w., 14 Ch. || Rape/Non-Con, Dub. Con, Abusive Relationships, Victor Trevor) – John says every time Sherlock says 'stop' he will do so immediately. Sherlock knows that there is always a point that most men say they can't stop. The idea that John might be so much more than what Sherlock has come to expect from other men intrigues him, so he begins an experiment in consent. John begins to realise he is being tested, but he doesn't know why. (Does he ever when it comes to Sherlock?) All he knows is that something happened in Sherlock's past to make him think that what he wants or doesn't want doesn't matter in the bedroom. Then the nightmares start. Part 1 of the Dubious series
Lessons in Astronomy Series by CaitlinFairchild (E, 31,164 w. across 3 stories || Angst, Post S3, Grief/Mourning, Mildly DubCon, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Physical Abuse, Oral/Anal Sex, Unrequited Love, Pining, Sibling Incest (No Actual Holmescest), Masturbation, Accidental Voyeurism, Drug Addiction, Romance, Dev. Rel., Trust Issues, Happy Ending) – In a different time, a more naive time, Sherlock thought he was the star and John the satellite, circling him in worshipful orbit. He knows now that was never true. John was always the sun, bright and fierce, and Sherlock was the pale, cold moon, his only heat coming from the light he reflected. And then his sun went into supernova. Moriarty said he would burn him and he has, and John is the fire, his rage and grief incinerating Sherlock, burning the heart out of him in the end, turning him into nothing but cinder and ash. And now the supernova is collapsing, a black hole born where there was once warmth and heat and love, and Sherlock is being pulled down, down past the event horizon, into the endless frozen void where nothing can ever escape.
Unsettled by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy (E, 33,879 w., 10 Ch. || HIs Dark Materials AU || Daemons, Dark Themes, Non-Con) – Sherlock's dæmon hadn't settled. Once John realised that, so much made sense. Though so much else didn't, because it practically wasn't possible. Part 1 of the The Utmost Edge of Hazard series
The Half-Life of Love by Calais_Reno (E, 38,751 w., 12 Ch. || Dev. Rel. Angst with Happy Ending, Obsessive / Possessive Sherlock, Different First Meeting, Manipulative Mycroft, Drug Withdrawal, Rehabilitation, Pining, Mild Dub Con, Abusive Parents) – “Maybe we met too soon or at the wrong time, under the wrong circumstances,” said John. Sherlock shrugged. “Hypothesis Contrary to Fact: none of these 'what ifs' happened, so it’s all pointless speculation. We did, in fact, meet at a specific time and place.”
Renegades by augustbird (E, 39,405 w., 12 Ch. || TRF AU, Dubious Consent, Torture, Drug Use) –  Sherlock Holmes takes down Moriarty’s syndicate. He also takes John Watson with him. AU of The Reichenbach Fall.
Shadow by MapleleafCameo (M, 40,845 w., 11 Ch. || Rape/Non-Con, Supernatural Elements, Non-Con Kissing, Non-Con Touching, Dub Con, Implied Slavery, BAMF Molly, Angst, Creepy) – Invaders from an alternate universe, another dimension, invaders called Shadows have humanity fighting for their own survival. John, captured by the Shadows, has more to fight for more than he originally thought. Eventual Johnlock.
Defrag by 7PercentSolution (T, 43,748 w., 21 Ch. || Graphics Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Angst, Drug Use, PTSD Sherlock, Memory Palace, Case Fic, Mental Health Issues) – Sherlock's hard-drive needs to be cleaned up; viruses detected, malware files deleted, memory freed up, order restored. Follows on chronologically from Musgrave Blaze, but there will be enough back story to stand alone if you haven't read that yet. An important Part of the Game Theory Series. Part 4 of the Game Theory series
Silence by halloa_what_is_this (T, 44,993 w., 13 Ch. || The Piano Fusion || Victorian Sherlock, Dub Con, Voyeurism, Permanent Mutilation, Johniarty, Mute John) – In 1850, John is a mute young man forced to marry to save his father from indebtedness. His sister as his interpreter and his piano to keep him company, he travels to London to live with his husband James Moriarty. Without John's consent, James sells the piano to his friend Sherlock Holmes, who only asks for lessons from John in return. The lessons turn into a power play between the two when Sherlock proposes a deal: John may earn his piano back one key at a time, certain conditions attached. Part 1 of the Aborted Wings series
Mind the Gap by orphan_account (E, 45,089 w., 6 Ch. || Victor Trevor, Dubious Consent, POV First Person Sherlock, Character Development, Friendship, Pining Sherlock, Fluff, Introspection, Parent Death, Vulnerable Sherlock, Doctor John, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Child Abuse, Implied Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse) – An introspective journey through the life and relationships of Sherlock Holmes. "I can hear the bones hum beneath pale and freckled skin, this sack that holds my form together. Bits and pieces that start at the bottom and end at the top, hiding the blood, muscle, fat. Cells, knit together, constantly in motion. They'll live and die, and replicate, until total equilibrium is met."
Vault by masterofall14 (M, 47,766 w., 23/31 Ch. || WiP || Loosely Inspired By Room, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Parentlock / Sherlock Has a Son, PTSD, Eventual Johnlock, Suicide Attempt, Pining John, Sherlock Loves John & Vice Versa, Big Brother Mycroft, Triggers, Creepy Magnussen, Happy Ending) – Jack lives in Room with his Pa, Sherlock. They share everything, except the secret that Jack isn't privy to... Room is in Appledore's vault. Magnussen and the woman his Pa calls the Wicked Witch visit when Jack sleeps and Jack can't explain where the bruising on his Pa's body comes from... But if they get out, how will they both cope after years of imprisonment? Even Sherlock, who can imagine nothing other than the four walls he has known for thirteen years...
The Night Is Darkest by missselene (E, 48,461 w., 8 Ch. || Post-TLD, Extremely Dub Con, S4 Rage Monster John, Insecure Sherlock, Self-Esteem Issues, Sexual Exploration, Healing, Self Care, Self Acceptance, Sexual Exploration, Casual Sex, Gentle Sex, Sherlock/OMC, Threesome with 2 OMCs, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Communication, Internalized Homophobia, Relationship Negotiation) –  Sherlock Holmes would do anything for John Watson... and that includes letting John do whatever he wants to him. What would it take for Sherlock to stand up for himself and finally start taking care of his own needs?
Command Structure by 221b_hound (E, 49,034 w., 16 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post TRF / Not S3 Compliant, Dom/Sub Play, Dom John/Sub Sherlock, Oral/Anal, Anal Fingering, Frottage, Past Child Abuse, Anxiety Attacks, Captain Watson, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective John, Slow Build, PTSD Sherlock, Consensual, Past Dub Con, Rimming) – Sherlock Holmes returns from his hunt to destroy Moriarty’s network. He comes home to John, and at long last they start this thing between them that couldn’t begin while Moriarty threatened them. But Sherlock has returned fractured and suffering anxiety attacks. He thinks he needs discipline - the whip - to help him focus and be strong. But his problems are deeper and run back to a childhood of neglect. John Watson is prepared to be Sherlock’s Captain, but he’s a doctor too. His command style isn’t about pain and subjugation. It’s about care and responsibility: and those concepts go in both directions in Captain Watson’s command structure.
Brotherly Bargain by xenobia4 (E, 50,187+ w., 17/19 Ch. || WiP || Rape/Non-Con Elements, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Abuse, Torture, Blood and Gore, Fisting, Dismemberment, Non-Con Oral, Object Insertion, Watersports) – A violent drug cartel abducts Sherlock Holmes after two of their operations in the UK have been shutdown. They upload the videos of torture online, gaining the attention of both the British government and Mycroft.
Musgrave Blaze by 7PercentSolution (T, 64,527 w., 28 Ch. || Equestrian, Country House, Series One, Murder Mystery, Case Fic, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con) – Mixing ACD canon, Sherlock and John are drawn to the rolling hills of Gloucestershire to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a horse, the death of its trainer, and the theft of a three-day eventing trophy from Musgrave Hall. Multi-chapter case fic that brings back some old memories for both men.
Roommates are for little people by alexxphoenix42 (E, 69,042 w., 14 Ch. || Teen/Unilock || Forced to Share a Bed, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Fake Relationship, Sherlock is a Prick, Drinking, Inadvertent Drug Use, Family Wedding, Footballer John / Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Frottage, Slow Burn, Mild Dub Con, Cuddling While Sleeping, Slight Homophobia, Posh Boy, Dirty Dancing, Endearments, Nosy FAmily, Bathing Together, Mild Angst, UST/RST, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff) – John was looking forward to seeing his friends back at uni, but a new year brings new complications, not the least of which is a dorm room with only one bed, and a stroppy roommate with an utterly spectacular arse. God, John doesn't need the headache.
Sherlock's Bane by toggledog (E, 70,095 w., 19 Ch. || Post-TRF, Rape/Non-Con, Rape Recovery) – John's friend, DI Toll, is brought onto a case involving murder and the destruction of a Mozart bust. He starts sexually harassing Sherlock. Toll being such a likeable guy, this appears to go unnoticed by everyone. Sherlock, himself just wants to work on the case and not cause trouble for John. However, the harassment starts getting more and more obscene…
Next Right: Welcome to Westbound Rest Area 818 by elwinglyre (E, 73,618 w., 16 Ch. || American Unilock AU || Bunk Beds, Anonymous Sex, Homophobia, Closeted John, Roommates, Angst with Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Music, Rape/Non-Con, Hurt John, BAMF John) – Sherlock Holmes dreams of escape from his smothering family and space to breathe. Studying chemistry at the University of Michigan, he's almost far enough away to fill his lungs. Almost. While John Watson dreams of being a doctor, he also dreams of being with another man. John knows that with hard work and study, he can make the first a reality, but he's certain the second can never be. Until a secret encounter in the dark at Rest Area 818 changes everything. When Sherlock meets his new roommate, John Watson, he sees a man in the closet. Sherlock hides from no one. Except from his own family, a detective inspector who wants his evidence returned, and his secret encounter at Rest Area 818. Setting late 1970s, Michigan, USA. POV third person alternates between John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
Stranger at the Gate by bendingsignpost (E, 85,190 w., 11 Ch. || Vampire AU || Vampire Sherlock, John with a Sword, Hypnotism, Vampire Sex, Dub-Con, Lying Sherlock, Vampire Puberty) -  As far as initiation rites go, kidnapping a human doctor from a defended town ought to seem extreme. When James Moriarty offers him the challenge, Sherlock never considers saying no.
A Study in Slavery by sweetinsane (M, 88,538+ w., 12/? Ch. || WIP || Dark / Slavery AU || ASiP, Angst, Domestic Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Slow Build, Dehumanization, Sexual Slavery, Child Abuse, Master/Slave Dynamics, Dark Content) – John has never owned a slave of his own, but after returning from Afghanistan is awarded one with his pension. A disobedient male slave with way too much troubling history, however, is not what he would have chosen himself.
Fade To Black by twistedthicket1 (M, 93,389 w., 29 Ch. || Split Personality Disorder, Action, Romance, Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Fluff and Angst, Baskerville, Human Experimentation, PTSD, Implied Self Harm) – John Watson believes one day he'll just fade. That he'll drown in the black spaces of his mind, and that one day he will no longer exist. It's always been like this, the dark spots marking out moments in his life he can't remember. Where for just a moment he's someone else. Having a Dissociative identity disorder, he can't even be entirely sure he's really who he says he is. Then he meets Sherlock Holmes. A brilliant detective who when he looks at you can read your entire life story. John is immediately fascinated and afraid, half-wondering if maybe Sherlock can see the other personalities in him and half terrified of the thought of him finding out. Becoming his flatmate seems at once to be a wonderful and horrible idea. Yet as John's Blackouts become more and more severe and his other personalities begin to truly awaken and show themselves with Sherlock's help, the two soon discover that sometimes even the kindest person can harbour a demon best left untouched inside of them. Because not all of John's other personalities play nicely and some may be hiding secrets best left undisturbed...
A Waste of Breath by Chryse (E, 95,452 w., 25 Ch. || References to Drugs, Dubious Consent, First Time, Friendship / Love, Hurt / Comfort, Angst) – John had always assumed Sherlock was uninterested, untouchable, married to his work. He was wrong on all counts. But when Sherlock embarks on a relationship, John worries that he is in over his head.. .and this time he might be right.
We're All A Little Mad Here by angelblack3 (E, 98,019+ w. across 4 works || Series WiP || Dark AU, Obsessive Behaviour, Stockholm Syndrome, Torture, Kidnapping, Dark Sherlock, Abusive Relationship, Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Rape/Non-Con, Painplay) – In this universe, Jim got a hold of Sherlock way before he ever met the ones that were meant to save him. Now, they're happy business partners. Though, according to Jim, Sherlock isn't nearly as happy as he could be. He should find someone like Jim found his dear pet Sebby. Sherlock is skeptical, until he finds an army doctor with a psychosomatic limp in a twisted sense of fate.
Riptide Lover by jinglebell (E, 114,090 w., 20 Ch. || Merfolk & Victorian AU || Mermaid Sherlock, Human John, BAMF John/Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Mild Gore, Dubious Interspecies Consent, Stockholm Syndrome, Dark Romance, Dubcon and Morality, Rough Sex, Abstract Mentions of Rape, Size Queen, Switchlock, Foot Fetish) – The year is 1866. When John becomes swept overboard, he never expects to encounter a living creature of myth. When the merman absconds with John, the lost sailor must use every tool at his disposal to convince Sherlock not to kill him. But it seems that killing John Watson is not what the deadly, beautiful creature has in mind at all...
Thirst by bittergreens (E, 122,257 w. || Post TGG, POV John, Angst, Pining John, UST/RST, Masturbation, PTSD, Sexual Fantasy, First Kiss/Time, Nightmares, Frottage, Friends to Lovers, BAMF John, Mildly Dub Con, Hurt/Comfort, Oral Sex, Rain Sex, Voice Kink/Porn, Loud Sex, Rimming, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Case Fic, Baths / Bath Sex, Mild Gore, Psychological Torture, Fluff, Slow Burn) – When John realizes he has feelings for Sherlock and decides he must keep those feelings secret at all costs, the resulting tension might bring Baker Street to the ground.
"Merry Christmas" I wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I love you" by starrysummernights (E, 135,132+ w., 30/31 Ch. || WIP || Post S4, Slow Burn, Mary is Not Nice, Christmas, Fluff, Smut, Angst, Parentlock, Past Torture / Rape) – John has moved back into 221B with his daughter Rosie after Mary was killed, but things are not exactly comfortable between him and Sherlock. After everything that has happened, they are trying to become friends again...and maybe something more. What better time than the Christmas season?! Takes place after TLD.
A Little Help from my Friends by Ttime42 (E, 140,776 w., 28 Ch. || BDSM AU || Switchlock, Fluff, Verbal Abuse, Bondage, Hospitalization, Military Kink, Teacher/Student Roleplay, Consensual, Punishment, Violence, Blood, Knives, Past Drug Use, Dub Con, Masturbation, Case Fic, PDA, Stalking, John’s Giant Junk, Aftercare, Kidnapping, Happy Ending) – In a world where everyone identifies as either a dominant or a submissive, Sherlock is having a rough time moving on from a bad relationship and has sworn off doms forever. John has recently returned to London from war and has a fortuitous run in with an old friend in a park. Sherlock and John's lives are changed forever because of that chance meeting, and they'll both find their way through life with a little help from their friends.
The Frost Is All Over by Chryse (E, 148,518 w., 21 Ch. || Pining Love, Implied / Referenced Rape / Non-Con, Period Typical Homophobia, Virginity, Teenlock, Major Illness, Implied / Referenced Child Abuse) - John was brave and clever and loyal, a commoner who longed for an exciting life. Sherlock was dashing and brilliant and passionate, an Earl’s son who longed to solve crimes. Being a Tale of Glorious Adventures, Love Letters, Treachery, Longing, Secret Identities, Deathbed Confessions, First Kisses, Daring Escapes, and True Love.
Failing Upward by elwinglyre (E, 204,847 w., 40 Ch. || Parallel Universes || Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Magical Realism, Science Fiction, Supernatural Sex, Non-Con Unwanted Frottage, Memory Loss, First Time, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Immortal Johnn, Friends to Lovers, First Person POV John) – When John Watson, a young med student who supports himself as a florist-by-day and musician-by-night, finds he is heir to supernatural powers that others would kill to possess, John’s life transforms into a mixture of comedy and terror. As he fights to understand what’s real and what’s imagined, he travels from one alternate universe to another. Along the way he finds the key was there all along: his brilliant best friend, Sherlock Holmes, the man who becomes the touchstone for all that John is and ever will be. Set in current day cities and countryside of Michigan, this story blends romance, magical realism and science fiction with humor. Part 1 of the Failing Upward Universe series
A River Without Banks by Chryse (E, 203,286 w., 23 Ch. || Alternate Realities || Angst with Happy Ending, Depression, Suicide, Violence, Torture, Rape/Non-Con Elements, PTSD, Serial Killers, Virgin Sherlock) – "You love this, being Sherlock Holmes."He had once. When had it all gone so wrong?
The Jewel in the Tower by PoppyAlexander (E, 207,079 w., 39 Ch. || Dystopian AU, Violence, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Mild Dub Con, One World Government, Class Issues, Assassin John / Geisha Sherlock, Self Esteem Issues, Slow Burn, Espionage, Miscommunication, Sexual Fantasy, Masturbation, Letters/Texting, Phone Sex, Infidelity, First Time, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Injury Recovery, Panic Attacks, Frottage, Scars, Misgendering, Happy Endings) – In a contemporary dystopia, Unity is peace – despite the fact unsanctioned information, illicit currency, and every sort of danger flows unchecked in the world's pleasure districts. John Watson, a weary hired gun, is assigned by the mysterious Mentor to investigate a subversive element lurking in the Icehouse, the world's most famous House of Repose. As accustomed as he is to dealing with the unexpected, John is nevertheless woefully unprepared to meet the gem of the Ice house, Xie, the world renowned "drashaskaya," the living work of art after which all other drashas are modeled. In sumptuous suites, amid trailing puddles of silk and fervent whispers in the night, John soon learns that nothing is as it seems in the floating world of London's pleasure district. (PUBLISHED AS “At Night in the Floating World”)
Conductivity Series by liriodendron (E, 207,367 w. across 7 works || TRF / Post TRF, ReunionCanon Typical Violence, Developing Relationship, Friendship, Romance, Sexual Tension, First Kiss/Time, Synesthesia, Power Dynamics, Self-Harm, Drug Use, Case Fic, Est. Rel., References to Drug Use, Homophobic Language, Religious Content, Intercrural Sex, Unrequited Love, Angst, References to Suicide, Injury, Anal, Dub. Con, BDSM, Suicidal Thoughts, Violent Sex, Suicide, Grief/Mourning, Break Up) – In which Sherlock Holmes locates his heart, John Watson learns what it's like to burn, and there is no darkness that cannot be made bright.
Deflowered - Director’s Cut by Lorelei_Lee (E, 328,535 w., 51 Ch. || Mafia / Mob AU || Rape/Non-Con, Dub-Con, Boss John/Rentboy Sherlock, Bottomlock, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Jealous John, Prostate Milking, Sounding, Anal Beads/Plug, Anal Sex / Fingering, Spanking, Begging, Blow Jobs, Riding Crops, Begging, Romance, Desperation, Minor Character Death, Implied Self Harm, Violence) – It should have been strictly business. Being a Mafia boss with a sadistic sexual streak, John had long since realised that his playthings were in it for the money only. Being a masochistic rent boy, Sherlock seemed too good to be true. Little did they know…
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squidproquoclarice · 4 years
Hey Squid 👋🏻 Regarding your Sunrise AMA, what is one of your favourite moments from the story, or favourite thing about Sunrise in general? Was their a line or paragraph that stands out to you as one were you were like yes, this is good and just flowed easiest? Did you have any things that you knew straight away that you needed or wanted to write about? Also I was wondering what inspired you to have them join the Circus? And what do you think their kids jobs would be when they grow up? (I probably have a dozen more but I will just leave it at that for now 😊 ty!)
Heya!  Let’s see.  Since we’ve got multiple questions, I think I’ll leave the favorite moment(s) question for someone else to ask.   Favorite thing about Sunrise: I started it a few days after finishing the game.  From the savefiles and my chapter 1 posting date, it was only four days.  Obviously Arthur touched something emotional within me, like he did for a lot of people, and seeing Sadie so cold, alone, and fatalistic in the Epilogue hurt too.  I wanted to see if I tried to write what could have happened after that fight on the ridge where it might lead.   So I guess my favorite thing about Sunrise is that it debunked the assumption that Arthur had to die for the story to work or matter.  I wrote a journey for him and for Sadie that a lot of people connected to and told me that meant a lot to them to see them thrive and heal.  Characters don’t need a tragic ending to be deeply meaningful.  Characters don’t have to die for redemption.  It’s not somehow more artistically pure or daring to kill someone off.  I didn’t break RDR1 by writing Sunrise, and I made the plot beats of the RDR2 Epilogue work.  So Arthur’s death also frankly wasn’t necessary for plot integrity towards the events of 1907 and 1911. A line or paragraph that I really enjoyed writing: I’ll go with one early on, from chapter 6, “Death Is A Woman”, that actually gave the chapter its title. He managed a low, dark chuckle at that, leaning forward to rest his arms on his knees. His lungs gave a bit of a grouchy hitch at it. “Newsmen are a different breed of confidence men and liars, that’s all. Anyway, I’m sure Death’s got to be a woman, Sister, cause it seems even she won’t have me.” That one made me feel like I really finally nailed Arthur and his character and state of mind in the weeks right after he’s had his entire life and identity knocked out from under him.  But of course he has to couch it in a self-deprecating quip.  Also kind of a funny line in retrospect because I hadn’t planned anything with Death/The Strange Man cropping up in the story at this point, but apparently Arthur’s wrong and Death is not a woman in RDRverse.  ;)   Things I immediately needed or wanted to write about: Giving Sadie a voice and POV to show what was going on in her head.  Beyond that, giving both of them the respect of acknowledging their PTSD, but doing my best to let show what trauma recovery really looks like, and showing that it’s possible.  I didn’t want to either shrug it off as inconvenient to a happy ending, or else treat them like permanently broken things.  I wanted it to be a journey.  When it came to Arthur’s TB, I also wanted to write something realistic and accurate to the period in terms of his recovery rather than just sort of handwaving it.  Historical medicine’s an interest of mine, so this was a good chance to explore some of that.  Joining the circus: This is one of the rarer instances where the tail sort of wagged the dog and I had to make something fit to an immovable future plan.  I had them in 1904 having claimed a homestead up in Canada that needed to be settled and improved within three years.  And I knew for 1907 Team Griffith needed to be in the five-state area of the RDR2 map in order to be involved in the Epilogue.  I could have had them go back to Chuparosa and continue eking out a living, and debated pushing them back on the bounty hunter path to put them being sometimes in those American states that would let them cross paths with the Marstons somehow. Didn’t really like it.  Given how averse they were to bounty hunting together with two very young children at home, how Sadie absolutely wasn’t going to be the little wife sitting at home and letting Arthur go alone into danger as an alternative, and how much they both liked the idea that they no longer needed to live that sort of life, it felt like I needed something else.  And it needed to be something that they could walk away with no offense taken from in three years.  In retrospect, I could have had them hire on at MacFarlane’s full time rather than seasonal and developed that bond even more, but I ended up coming up with a circus that folds in 1907 as a good alternative.  Given they’re ace riders and crack shots and pretty fair actors, that Arthur was very used to a nomadic lifestyle, that circus folk are great actors and can deal some mild well-meaning trickery as part of the delight, that they were fairly egalitarian for the time, and that traveling circus folk sort of existed as a quasi-disreputable and tightly knit “outsider” group, it felt like a neat chance to mirror the gang, but in a positive way.  So with the circus, I got to write Sadie and Arthur getting to live the best version of that kind of life, and sort of coming to peace with more of the past by it.  Proving the things they missed about the gang weren’t the robberies or Dutch’s antisocial philosophy, but the people they loved and the freewheeling lifestyle.  Also proving that while they enjoy that life, they do both really want to have something more settled and put down solid roots.  Sadie misses that, and Arthur yearns for it as something he’s never had. Also noting I hadn’t planned at all on Arkady Rudenko when I wrote Sadie and Arthur performing as the “Cossack Karolovs”, and I only realized that connection after I’d written the final chapter.  Guess my unconscious brain knew more than I thought even back then, though I’d only earmarked a few months before that final chapter trying to possibly work in the interesting fact of Ukrainians being a very prevalent immigrant group to the Canadian prairie provinces at the time.  But yeah, as an actual Cossack kid, Archie’s probably going to laugh his ass off. Kid’s jobs: So I actually have a short scrapped bit that I didn’t include as an extra document at the end of chapter 88, though I debated it.  I like the piece, but I wanted to leave it with Sadie and Arthur’s journal entries and the circle of things being sort of complete. It’s a preface to a book called “Red Dead Redemption” written by Jack--who’s become a writer of a fairly famous radio play turned TV serial--in the ‘60′s once all the OGs are finally gone and he feels safe to tell that story.  It mentions that the illustrations were done by his wife, Bea.  So yeah, Bea got Arthur’s artistic talent, and by submitting her work as “B.M. Griffith”, she managed to get some illustration jobs that would have been denied to her as “Beatrice”.   Mattie (Matt as he grows older), becomes a doctor.  He’s already got the caring heart and desire to heal and help people.  He’ll likely end up helping Felipe out as a teenager and learning some of the ropes there before going to college. Susie ended up becoming a teacher.  There were definitely still strictures at the time against married women working as teachers, so if/when she got married (and I think if so, she did it later in life) she’d have been expected to retire and effectively become a housewife.  But she’d still keep teaching as a tutor.  Andy, with his energy and love of horses and the outdoors, actually shows a passion for farming and ranching.  So he’s the one who ends up running the day-to-day of Paradise Run as the next generation.     Feel free to keep up with the AMA with those further questions!  Might be better to send them in individually, though, as this one got pretty long.  ;)
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darks-ink · 4 years
Naturalistic Observation
Prompt: maddie and jack learn a bit more about ghosts, but not through scientific study Prompt by: @imperfection-at-itsfinest Word count: 3,904
[AO3] [FFN] [more Phic Phight fics]
The dashboard of the Ghost Assault Vehicle beeped, and Maddie’s fingers tightened around the wheel. Jack leaned over to watch the screen.
“Looks like a group of ghosts,” he reported. “All medium to high level.”
“Guess that our shopping trip is coming to an early stop.” Maddie darted a look at the screen, then turned them in that direction.
Jack kept his eye on the screen, trusting Maddie to bring them to their destination safely. “Looks like they’re stationary, at least at the moment. Not far.”
“I don’t see them. Must be in that fenced in area.” Maddie’s gaze remained steady forward. “Odd. They must be low to the ground.”
They stopped, and Jack immediately swung open the door. Before he could even exit, though, he heard the clear voice of another human.
“Alright folks, here’s how this is gonna work!” the Red Huntress shouted, and a hush fell. Jack hadn’t even realized noise was happening prior to her yell.
He shared a look with Maddie, and they both jumped out of the GAV. Meanwhile, the Huntress kept talking.
“I’m gonna go over the rules in a minute, but, first of all, there’s the matter of teams.”
‘teams?’ Jack mouthed at Maddie, and she shrugged back. They crept closer to the fence, peeking over it.
Inside the fence was a flat area of dirt, a line drawn to separate it in two halves. On one side of the line, a large group of humans stood. Mostly teenagers, it appeared, but some adults were included as well. They were all dressed somewhat sporty.
Just next to the line, in the center of the field, stood the Red Huntress. Next to her, on the other side, stood Phantom.
And there, on the same side as the ghost, were the other three ghosts the GAV had detected.
“So, it’s very easy!” The Red Huntress swept out her arms. “If you’re a ghost, you’re on Team Ghost, on this side of the line.” She gestured at Phantom, who waved at the crowd. “If you’re alive and not a ghost, you’re on Team Human.” The Huntress gestured at the other group. “Don’t worry about the fact that there are way more of us humans than ghosts, or the fact that ghosts have powers, we’ll get to the rules in a minute.”
She bent down, picking up a ball that laid at her feet. “We’re gonna be playing dodgeball! The team that runs out of players first loses. The price is bragging rights.”
“I don’t recognize all those ghosts,” Maddie whispered to him. “But the big wolf in the back, it attacked us during that first ghost invasion. And Phantom has a little look-alike, too. I don’t trust this.”
“Let’s keep an eye on them,” Jack agreed, peeking over the fence again.
The Red Huntress bounced the ball on the ground. “So, rules. We’re gonna play a pretty basic game of dodgeball. If you get hit, you’re out, and you join the row on the side. If you catch a ball, the first in the queue gets back in. Now, that’s all the rules us humans have to worry about. Phantom?”
“Yes. Besides the fact that we kept the teams uneven, we’re also limiting the use of powers for us ghosts.” Phantom grinned at his captivated audience. “We’re gonna restrain ourselves, strength-wise, to make sure no one gets seriously hurt. In return, we do ask that you guys try to keep it reasonable, too. We want the dodgeballs to stay in the court, if possible. The spares are here for back-up, we’re hoping not to use them.”
“As for actual powers, we’re limiting the ghosts to just two of them.” The Red Huntress shook her head at Phantom. “Ghosts are allowed to go intangible, and they’re allowed to form shields, if they can. Because they are built to be anti-gravity, we’re also allowing them brief moments of floating, but no outright flight. Stay in touch with the ground as much as possible.”
Phantom nodded. “Now, as for introductions. You probably all know me. I’m Phantom, et cetera, et cetera. Here are my teammates for the day!”
He stepped to the side, gesturing at the first ghost behind him. She looked like… well, like a smaller female version of Phantom. Her jumpsuit was a little different, but still alternated between black and white, and she even had the same logo on her chest!
“This is Dani,” Phantom introduced, and the female ghost waved. “Yes, she’s my family. No, she doesn’t come to Amity very often. Yes, I’m expecting you all to play nice.”
Dani laughed, then stepped aside so Phantom could move over to the next ghost. This one was also a teenager, although a male. The entire ghost was monochrome, colored in varying shades of gray. He also appeared to be shy, flinching when everyone’s attention moved to him.
“This is Sidney Poindexter, and please, guys, call him Sidney.” Phantom patted the ghost on his shoulder. “All of you Casper High students might’ve heard of him before. Yes, the rumors are true! Now, as for our last member…”
Phantom clapped Sidney on the shoulder before moving on to the last ghost. The one Jack and Maddie both recognized, the wolf that had attacked them during the invasion.
“This is Wulf!” Phantom cheerily declared. The ghost was almost twice as tall as Phantom, broad, and with massive paw-like hands. It was also covered entirely in pitch black fur, its tail swishing eagerly. To its credit, though, the bipedal wolf did wear a bright green hoodie and tattered pants. “He might look a little scary, but no worries, he’s a big softie!”
The Red Huntress stared straight at Phantom, and Jack could guess at the look she was giving him underneath that helmet. “…Right. Anyway, those are your targets, people. You know the rules, you know the price. Any more questions?”
Phantom floated back over to her, landing soundlessly. “Not a question, but I wanted to thank everyone for coming here. Let’s all have some fun, shall we?”
The crowd—both humans and ghosts—cheered, and the Huntress shook her head almost exasperatedly. She offered her hand to Phantom, who quickly shook it.
“May the best team win,” he declared, a wide grin on his face.
“Don’t embarrass yourself,” she told him.
They separated, Phantom backing up into his half of the field. The Red Huntress placed the ball she held back onto the line, then gestured at some of the teens on the side. Two more balls were rolled over to her, and joined the first on the line. With that done she, too, got up to join her respective team.
“Ready?” she asked, voice loud and clear. “On three! One… Two…”
“Three!” she and Phantom shouted simultaneously, and the game burst to life.
Of the ghosts, only the female Phantom—Dani—shot forward to claim a ball. She lunged, faster than the humans on the other side of the line, and threw it the moment her fingers made contact. A girl on the human team yelled, then drooped off to the side.
In the wake, though, two human teenagers grabbed the other ones. The blonde nodded at his equally broad friend, and then wound back, throwing their dodgeballs at the same time.
Phantom rolled his eyes, the two balls phasing through him. Behind him, Dani and Sidney grabbed the missed dodgeballs off of floor.
The game continued like that for a little longer, neither side getting far ahead. The ghosts knocked out a few of the human players, but there were always enough players left to catch the balls and reclaim their victims. The ghosts, on the other hand, were almost impossible to hit. Between intangibility and the occasional shield from Phantom, only one got knocked out: the biggest target of them all, Wulf.
Who was then promptly brought back in by Dani, who lunged sideways to catch a ball that would’ve flown out of the fence otherwise.
To his surprise, Jack found that it was actually pretty interesting to watch. The ghosts all seemed content to play the game, all following the rules set up beforehand. Not much teamwork, though, unless they counted the fact that Phantom spoke for them all beforehand.
“It really is quite novel,” Maddie said, eyes on the game. “I wonder how they came to the agreement to play this game? It seems organized.”
Jack hummed, watching as Phantom formed another shield. One of the incoming dodgeballs hit it, bouncing back towards the humans side.
A second dodgeball bounced off, this one to the side, and Phantom… paused? The ghost seemed to still, slightly, before turning to look at Jack and Maddie.
Directly at Jack and Maddie.
His luminescent green eyes seemed even brighter through the shield. The ghost’s face split into a challenging grin. “If you’re enjoying it so much, why don’t you two join?”
The shield dropped, and Phantom caught the third dodgeball easily.
“Time out!” he shouted, holding up the ball. “Let’s give the human team a chance to switch up their players. Red, can we talk?”
The Red Huntress held up a hand, and the game came to a complete halt. “Sure thing, Phantom. People, anyone who wants in, or out, now’s your chance!”
A murmur started in the crowd as they dispersed, some of the kids leaving entirely. Their absence was immediately filled, however, by other people. Apparently the game had drawn more watchers than just Jack and Maddie.
He turned to shoot his wife a hopeful look.
“I don’t know, Jack.” She sighed, crossing her arms. “We’re not exactly the type for these kind of games.”
“It would give us a good opportunity to watch from even closer, though,” he pointed out. “And the Red Huntress is playing, too. Team human, led by ghost hunters?”
Maddie made a thoughtful noise. “I suppose it would put us right at the front line, should something go wrong…”
“And it would allow us to see what these ghosts will act like in a combat situation.” The more he thought about it, the more exciting it was to Jack. “All the knowledge, with far less risk!”
“Well…” she said, and Jack knew that he’d convinced her. “I guess you’re right, honey. Let’s show these ghosts why they shouldn’t mess with humans.”
Jack grinned at her, and they entered the fenced in courtyard. The Red Huntress nodded at Phantom, and the two of them moved back into the center.
“Alright, everyone in who wants to be in?” the Huntress asked, her voice raised. “I see we’ve got a few more members on Team Human, including the Fentons. Last chance, people!”
No one moved, and the Huntress nodded. “Alright. Phantom and I had a quick discussion, and we’re tweaking the rules a little. Team Human gets more players, and Team Ghost gets more powers. Because, admittedly, the last rules made it so that not all ghosts could participate equally. So, here’s how we’re going to do it now!”
The Red Huntress turned her head towards the humans, but gestured at the ghosts. “The ghosts can now use any of their powers except invisibility and flight. They are still allowed to briefly hover, if they can’t stop themselves. They are not allowed to target the human players with anything except dodgeballs. Phantom, give us some examples of the adjusted rules?”
“Sure thing, Red.” Phantom stepped closer to the line, nodding at the humans. “Ecto-blasts of any kind are a no-go, because they are a purely offensive ability. This rule, of course, extends to all purely offensive abilities, as well as superhuman strength. If we can find a way to use powers to defend ourselves, or to make it easier for us to dodge, that’s allowed. Duplicates, for example, are fine. It’s really dependent on the ghost, so we’ll have to play it by ear. If something seems too much, Red can call it out.”
“Let’s all play a fair and honest game of dodgeball, though, folks!” The Red Huntress turned to look at both teams. “Yeah? Alright. Let’s get the balls ready, and we’ll go on three again.”
Jack sidled up next to Maddie, right in the middle of the human front line. The two teens from the first game were on either side of them, bouncing with anticipation.
“Ready?” the Red Huntress called, backing up until she was right in front of Jack and Maddie. “One… Two…”
“Three!” she and Phantom shouted, and the game was off once more.
Much like last game, the two human teens raced forward to grab dodgeballs, as did Dani. The ghost was, once again, faster than the humans, but instead of throwing the ball, she jumped backwards with it.
The kids grabbed the remaining dodgeballs, winding back to throw them at Dani.
A green wall formed around the female ghost, though, Phantom standing right behind her. Both dodgeballs bounced off to the sides, where Sidney and Wulf grabbed them.
“Gotcha,” Phantom declared, as his three teammates wound back with the dodgeballs. And threw them!
Two of the dodgeballs veered off to the sides, but one came pelting right for Jack. He startled, raising his hands.
Maddie jumped in front of him, catching the ball. After a brief moment of hesitation, she wound back and chucked it at Phantom.
The ghost laughed as the ball passed through him, Dani picking it up afterwards. “Good try!”
After that, the pace picked up again. The three dodgeballs sailed through the air, neither side getting an advantage over the other.
One of them hit Jack, and he was forced to move aside. This did allow him to watch the game more carefully, though.
Phantom was definitely the most powerful, and the most versatile, among the ghosts. Wulf was by far the biggest, but made up for it by also being their best catcher. Sidney had opened up in the heat of the game, seemingly determined to prove himself, and controlled a stack of school supplies that had been laid to the side, possibly for this purpose. The ghost used telekinesis to drag books over to himself, using them as makeshift shields.
Dani, unlike the rest, seemed to have no special powers. Unlike Phantom, who she looked so much like, she didn’t seem to possess shields. Didn’t use them, at least. She was fast, though, and far more energetic than the rest.
Jack shuffled up the line as his team caught dodgeballs, until he was all the way at the front. From there, he could see that Phantom was behaving oddly.
The ghost had fallen back, relying on his three teammates to continue the game. His eyes, previously vibrant ecto-green, seemed to have changed colors to a cooler green. His glow was still bright, seemed even brighter, but had an almost blue tint to it.
“Ready, guys?” the ghost asked. Jack wondered who he was asking, but then the three other ghosts nodded.
They all jumped, simultaneously, and Phantom threw his hands out wide. The ghost’s eyes had gone icy blue, matching the rays he was sending out from his hands, which were aimed at the ground. He moved quickly and constantly, until the beams had swept over the ghost’s half of the field.
When the other three landed, Phantom was panting, but he had a wide grin on his face.
He had frozen their side of the field.
Jack hadn’t even known Phantom had ice powers, never mind that they were that strong. The decision to freeze the field was odd, though. He could understand it if it were on the human’s side, to handicap them, but that wasn’t allowed anyway.
One of the dodgeballs went flying towards Dani, but the ghost quickly darted aside. Hell, she didn’t even jump, she slid. Over Phantom’s ice.
That was… actually very clever. Phantom had given his team an ice rink, allowing them to move more swiftly. And, with the natural inborn balance of a ghost, they were much less likely to slip.
Maddie caught the dodgeball on its return, and Jack quickly returned to her side.
“Missed me?” he asked, playfully. She grinned back.
The pace of the game picked up even further, now. The ice had sped up Team Ghost considerably, and they were knocking more and more humans out of the game.
Dani had started throwing her balls from low, lunging into a slide before actually throwing, which made the dodgeballs come from unexpected directions. Sidney seemed to have picked up on this, and managed to throw a ball from high at the same time on occasion.
Jack caught a dodgeball thrown by Phantom, then grinned back at the ghost. He could return the throw, but Phantom would be expecting that.
Winding back his arm, Jack pretended to be aiming for Phantom. Then, at the last moment, he threw the ball at Wulf instead.
The ghost wagged his tail, shooting Jack a wide toothy snarl. Or, smile, maybe? The ball flew straight at him, with such speed that Wulf couldn’t possible dodge.
Had Wulf’s claws always been that long?
A cold wind picked up as Wulf swept both hands down, claws tearing through— through reality, revealing two slits of bright swirling green. Ghost Zone.
The dodgeball Jack had thrown flew right through the one in front of Wulf, then exited through the other portal. Immediately afterwards, the tears closed themselves again.
Briefly, Jack wondered if he’d just imagined it, but Maddie made a startled noise next to him.
“Phantom!” Red Huntress barked, over the din of the game. “No Portals to the Ghost Zone! We want to keep the balls in the courtyard, please!”
Wulf shook his head, barking something back at Phantom. It wasn’t English, though. Ghost speak?
“It’s still in the court,” Phantom countered, picking up the dodgeball. “He opened a return portal back to the human world. Sorry, Wulf, you’ll have to work around it.”
The other ghost scoffed, then nodded. The game picked up again.
Jack tried to keep an observational eye on the ghosts, but it was… hard. The game was exciting and fun, and he kept getting swept up in the fervor of it! And it seemed that Maddie was no better off than him.
Their team had steadily decreased, leaving them with barely a quarter of the players standing, when both Phantom and Dani came to a sudden stop. Blue mist emitted from their mouths, and they shared a startled look.
“Time out!” the Red Huntress shouted, and all other players stopped, too. “Phantom, Dani?”
“Ghost sense,” Phantom managed to explain. He opened his mouth to say more, but was interrupted by the noise of what sounded like jet engines.
The ghost that appeared over the fence was humanoid, but robotic. Made entirely out of metal plates haphazardly welded together. Plane-like wings jutted out from its sides, green ectoplasm flaring up from its head like a mohawk.
“Whelp!” it sneered at Phantom, ignoring everyone else present. “Finally, I have cornered you, my prey! Now— Ah!”
A dodgeball bounced off of its chest. The ghost turned its violently green eyes on the human team, snarling. “Who did that?!”
Two more dodgeballs went flying, hitting the ghost in its wings. Its flight faltered, and it crashed down in front of the fence.
“Brats!” it snapped at them, kneeling on the half-frozen dirt. “I will—”
More dodgeballs pelted it. The Casper High kids that had formed Team Human were all reaching behind them, grabbing spare dodgeballs—and any of the dodgeballs that bounced back.
Phantom ran towards the ghost, his aura once again going blue. He raised a hand, and froze the opposing ghost solid.
He then paused, making a face at the Red Huntress, who had also stepped forward. “I don’t have anything to capture him.”
“You’re a moron.” She scoffed. “Why not?”
“Was afraid it would get damaged during the game.” Phantom shrugging, then shot another beam of ice at the attacking ghost. “Can I borrow something?”
“I don’t have anything that isn’t part of the suit,” the Huntress admitted.
Jack threw Maddie a look, then turned towards the GAV, then back to her.
“I don’t know, Jack.” Maddie turned to look at the ghost, which Phantom was occasionally re-freezing when it cracked the ice.
“All four of them played a perfectly fair game of dodgeball,” he pointed out. “The one dubious case, Phantom immediately interfered.”
She made a face. “That could’ve been for any reason, honey.”
“Someone has to make the first step here.” He gestured at the three ghosts on Phantom’s team. All three now stood waiting, looking coiled and ready for action.
Well, Sidney looked a little hesitant. Not much of a fighter, it seemed.
“Give him the chance to prove himself.” Jack nodded at Phantom and the Red Huntress, still standing side-by-side. “She changed her mind about him, too. Maybe there’s a good reason for that.”
Maddie sighed, but nodded. “Fine. But we’re keeping a close eye on him.”
“Of course we will!” He bounced forward, towards Phantom and the Huntress. “We have a Thermos you can borrow, Phantom, in the GAV.”
The ghost jerked towards him, clearly startled. “Oh. Uh. Yes, that would be… nice. Thank you.”
“Here it is.” Maddie came up next to Jack, holding out the Thermos towards Phantom. “We want it back at the nearest convenience, though, Phantom.”
“Gotcha.” He took the Thermos from her hand, nodding at both of them. “I promise, and… Thank you, really.”
He then turned around, walking towards the metal ghost. It was swiftly captured, and Phantom capped the Thermos again.
“Alright folks!” he shouted, the murmur of the humans quietening again. “Looks like we’ll have to end the game here! Thank you, everyone, for playing, and I’m sorry for the abrupt end!”
He grinned, cockily. “We were so close to beating you guys, too!”
As expected, the crowd went wild, shouting back.
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll just have to schedule another game for a rematch, won’t we, Red?” He leaned up against the Red Huntress, who shoved him away again. “Anyway, I’ll go dump Skulker somewhere far away from us.”
He jumped up, floating above the courtyard, and waved. “Cheers, folks, and stay safe!”
Phantom was off like a shot. The other three ghosts rose up in the air as well, following after him.
And then suddenly it was just the humans left. Even the Red Huntress walked off.
Jack blinked. Then realized…
“How long did we just spent around those ghosts?” Maddie asked him, sharply. “And we didn’t catch a single one, Jack.”
“And learned nothing?” he asked, shaking his head. “Nonsense, Maddie! Their teamwork, the creative application of their powers. Reacting to the changes in their environment? Learning from their actions?”
“I…” She frowned, considering this. “Yes, they… they did, didn’t they?”
“And they were so competitive!” he tacked on, grinning. “Such excitement over the game! Even that shy one, Sidney, seemed to open up.”
“Oh, well, I suppose.” She clicked her tongue, but looked far less downtrodden. “You are far more observant than people think, honey.”
He laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “And you are much more vicious than people think.”
“Someone has to look out for us humans,” she joked back, as they walked towards the GAV. “I suppose we have a lot of data to process, now.”
“We learned so much!” he agreed. “And without doing any scientific study, too!”
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twiistedgalaxies · 4 years
Genesis: Chapter 3: Where it all Goes Sideways
How two brothers can take two opposite paths. How a man can be made into a monster and how the other must pay the ultimate price to save everything he knows and loves. Or, alternatively: The origins of All for One and One for All.
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First Chapter
A/N: Rape TW for the first half of the chapter, though it isn't necessarily explicit, only implied.
The night was cold, quiet, and dark. The Shigaraki household’s quaint apartment was still, all of its residents long asleep in their beds, anxieties of the waking world forgotten. It is because of this that Tomura woke with a start when he heard a loud crash in their living room. Slowly, he opened his eyes, bleary and sticky with sleep. Was Hisashi back from wherever he seemed to have run off to after dinner? He sat up, feet dangling over the edge of his bed. He was rubbing his eyes when he heard a voice from the other room. Tomura felt his blood freeze. That wasn’t his brother. 
He stood up, letting out a small hiss through his teeth as pain shot through his legs. Slowly and quietly, he made his way across the cramped room and opened the door, the knob cool and harsh against his warm skin. He poked his head out and saw several silhouettes standing in the living room and kitchen, carrying things out of the front door. He swallowed nervously. Tomura stepped backwards into his room, too afraid to shut his door and reveal that he was awake. 
He checked the top bunk. His brother was fast asleep. Hands shaking, he retrieved his cell phone and called 911 as he wedged himself under his bed.
“Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?” A female voice rang out, Tomura hurriedly lowered the volume.
“There - there’s strange men in my house,” he whimpered, trying to keep his voice quiet.
“Where are you, what’s your name?” The woman asked, her words a calm anchor amid the sea of panic Tomura was drowning in. He gave his name and address, having to pause as intruders walked by his door. They spoke for longer, him telling the operator what he could, and her giving him empty placations. She told him to stay on the phone, he nodded though she couldn’t see him, and pressed his back further into the wall.
A man stepped into his bedroom. Tomura had to cover his mouth with his palm to quiet his breathing, eyes wide. The stranger stood there in silence for what felt like eternity before meticulously going through their belongings, ripping drawers from dressers and throwing books from their shelves. Tomura couldn’t help but wince as his precious comic collection flew through the air, their colorful pages splayed open like butterfly wings. The stranger approached the door to their cramped, overstuffed closet when Tomura heard a shrill scream. Mom.
“I’ll give you what you want, just don’t hurt them, please!” She cried from down the hall. A loud click. 
“Get your filthy hands off my wife!” Pops, like firecrackers.
Another scream, “No, Tetsuya, not my husband!” Hana’s voice broke, descending into sobs. The man left their room.
“Tomura?” Hisashi called from his place on the top bunk. His voice shook.
“I’m here, I’m under here,” he whispered, still as stone.
Slowly and quietly, Hisashi crept down their ladder and slid under the bed next to his brother, “What’s happening?”
The 911 operator parroted his question, and Tomura explained as quickly as he could. More loud sounds came from his parents’ bedroom. A sob. Hisashi’s frigid hands rubbed gentle circles into his back. The world was intense in color, yet muted. His brother’s hands were trembling. Tomura swallowed.
“It’s not here!” a gruff voice called. The living room.
“You bitch!” A man crowed, shouting all manners of unpleasant things he’d like to do to her. Shapes in the hallway, heading towards his parents’ bedroom door. Eager. Tomura clung to his brother like a lifeline, burying his face in his shirt in a vain effort to block out the rest of the world. The pitter-patter of a racing heart and adrenaline induced breathlessness. Repeated thuds. Hisashi tensed, his rage practically seeping into the air around him. (“No, no no nonononononono-” his mother cried, the word said like a mantra, a broken prayer to an uncaring world.) The harsh smell of copper. Laughter not born of kindness. Tomura curled further into his brother’s chest. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. In a few seconds he’d wake up to the smell of waffles and green tea. 
Red, white, and blue shone through the windows. “Fuck!” one of the men yelled. Another loud pop, his mother’s screams now silenced. The deafening crash of glass and the creaking floors accompanying hurried footsteps. 
The sirens were like music, choirs of angels. The floodgates the preteen had built broke, and his eyes began to stream with tears, his throat ached with the sheer effort it took to not cry out. He felt a myriad of emotions, all intertwined like a ball of thread, too messy to pick out and understand.
The police precinct was sterile and cold. The plush plastic chairs in the reception hall were stiff and uncomfortable. Tomura was curled up under the soft yellow shock blanket, clutching his brother’s hand like a vice, his brother who was staring into the distance, gaze unfocused. It didn’t feel real. Nothing did. What they don’t tell you about terrible things, at least on the person level, is that they happen so fast. In blink-or-you’ll miss it speeds. There was nothing elegant or poetic about death, about the brief glance he’d had of his parent’s room, as he was carried out of the apartment by EMTs to check him for injuries. There was blood. So much blood. It was such a grizzly thing. Tomura’s eyes stung with unshed tears. Around them people hurried about the busy precinct. It was as if they moved in slow motion, underwater, in another time and place.
He wanted to cry, to scream, to do something. But he just hugged his knees to his chest and examined the grains in the wooden floor. 
“What’s going to happen to us?” he asked his brother, voice barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know,” a crack in his brother’s composure, “I don’t know.”
The reception area’s fluorescent lighting was so, so bright, casting everything in a harsh glow. Tomura wanted nothing more than to pull the shock blanket over his head and hide from the world. From what happened.
“Mom’s in the ICU,” his brother said, looking everywhere but his little sibling’s face, “Dad’s - he’s - Dad’s dead.”
Even though Tomura already knew this, hearing it out loud made it more real. Made it feel as if he jumped headfirst into icy water. Distantly, he heard crying. His face was wet. Who was going to cook them dinners? Who was going to burn their dinner and have to order takeout again? Something burbled and cracked in his throat when he realized that he’d never see his father walk through the door after work ever again. He would kill for that to happen one more time.
A police officer approached them, a young woman with blonde hair pulled into a hastily made bun and pale hands clutching a clipboard, “I need to get both of your statements.” She looked at Tomura expectantly. 
Hisashi blocked his body with his arm, face cool but eyes alight, “He’s just a kid, can’t you give him a moment, especially after what we just went through?”
The woman held her hands out in a placating manner, “I understand your anger, but if it makes you feel better we can interview you first.”
He looked between the woman and Tomura, visibly torn, “Fine,” he eventually spat out.
The two departed, but he didn’t miss the way Hisashi clenched his fists hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. Tomura borrowed deeper into the mustard colored shock blanket. Once their retreating figures disappeared down a hallway, he felt a calloused hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see a bald black gentleman, another police officer. His smile was kind. 
The man must have seen the unspoken question on Tomura’s face because he said, “My name is Detective Shepherd, can I get you anything?” 
He shook his head, dishevelled hair getting in his face.
“You sure? I know all the secrets to getting the vending machine to work.”
Tomura perked up at this, but hesitated. Did he really want to rely on some stranger? His stomach growled, he nodded.
A chuckle, “Alright, I’ll be back.” Tomura flinched as the man ruffled his hair. 
The detective’s trip to the vending machine and back felt almost instantaneous, as Tomura had spent the entire time gazing into the distance, mind unable to process what had happened. Everything had seen so normal that morning, how could it have gone so wrong?
He felt a bag of chips and a cold can of pop get shoved into his hands. Shepherd sat in the seat across from him.
“What do you want from me?” he asked, drawing his knees to his chest.
The man heaved out a sigh, “I’m working on your case, there’s not much we can do right now, but I can at least help you feel better.”
Tomura dug into the chips, wincing at the loud crackle of the plastic bag, “Is my brother going to be okay?”
Shepherd hummed, “We just have some questions for him, if you want, he can be in the room with you when you give your statement.”
“I - I don’t want to talk about it. That. What happened,” he bit out in between sips of his sprite. 
“I know, but the more you tell us the easier it will be to find the people who hurt your parents, okay?” Shepherd replied, and took a swig of his coffee. It seemed like it wasn’t a long night for just the Shigaraki household. Tomura nodded. The detective glanced over his shoulder, a small smile on his face, “Ah, and it looks like your brother is done already! Hey Bullens, that was pretty quick.”
The woman from before approached. Hisashi tailed behind her, face guarded. “Well,” she said, “That’s because he was asleep for most of it, it seems.” Shepherd and Bullens exchanged a series of facial expressions, holding an entire conversation without speaking. If it weren’t for the events of that night, Tomura would have laughed at the absurdity of it all. Instead, he raised an eyebrow at his brother, who shook his head.
“Ah,” the detective said, “Well, I was just chatting with little Tomura here, he should be good to give his statement.”
He bristled at being referred to so condescendingly, but swallowed his indignation, “Fine.”
“Do you want your brother to go in with you?”
Tomura thought of Hisashi’s white knuckled grip and tense shoulders, “No, I think I’ll be okay on my own.”
His brother opened his mouth to protest but Tomura shot him a look. Bullens took his hand and led him to a small, cramped metal room. He swallowed nervously upon seeing handcuffs on a metal table. Bullens gestured for him to sit, then slid into the chair on the other side. A camera sat at one end of the table, pointing towards them.
She must have noticed him staring at the handcuffs, because she said, “Don’t worry, those aren’t for you, this is just our interrogation room, but you aren’t a suspect.”
Tomura nodded, but her words did nothing to abate the anxiety swelling in his gut. He missed the comforting weight of the shock blanket.
“Now normally, we’d have you both give written statements, but seeing as how you two are minors, we decided to conduct taped interviews, is that alright?”
“Sure,” He wrung his hands together under the cold table.
“I need you to tell us everything you can about the people who broke into your house.”
Tomura swallowed, “They were male, tall. I think there were three, maybe four of them? I think they were looking for something.” Gazing out from under the bed dust in my eyes trying not to breathe too loud oh god oh god- “One of them wore a pair of brown work boots.” His throat felt tight.
“Anything else?” Bullens asked, face pinched with concern.
Tomura shook his head, “It - It was dark. I couldn’t make out much.”
“Did your parents have any enemies? Anyone who’d want to hurt them?”
“No I-'' he broke down in sobs, the reality of that night hitting him like a wave. The pandemic. The eviction. The terrifying nights they spent bouncing from shelter to shelter. “We never should have come here,” whispered beneath thin blankets in socially distanced spaces. His brother, shoving a wad of bills in his father’s hands, face set like stone and eyes determined. No one could afford to question where it came from. They didn’t want to. It was enough to land an interview, or two, or three. How he bounced around their new apartment with joy. His first night in ages with a secure roof over his head. His father would come home complaining about annoying customers, his hands smelling like potting soil and pants smelling of paint. His mother smiled more on the few days she didn’t have work, glowing and beaming like the sun itself. Gone, gone, gone, gonegonegone-
Tomura buried his head in his arms, shoulders shaking.
“I’m sorry,” Bullens said, voice soft, “I’m sorry.”
“What next?” he finally said, voice cracking, “What happens to us?”
The officer’s face fell, “It depends on what happens to your mother.”
He picked his head up, looking at the woman through dark, tear-filled eyes. His chest ached.
“She was shot in the head, she’s in emergency surgery right now, but with how much brain damage there is,” a grimace, “We don’t know if she’ll ever wake up, or how functional she’ll be if she does.” There was a moment of tense silence, and then, “Do you have any other relatives?”
Tomura shook his head, “Not that I know of. We left Japan when I was a baby.”
“Well, in that case it’s up to Social Services, you’ll probably be put with a foster family or in an orphanage for the time being.”
“Okay,” he sighed, trying to wipe the tears from his face, “Okay.”
A/N: I can break grammatical tense rules a little bit, as a treat. As always comments are appreciated, feedback helps the world go round after all. We're heading into our first arc!  I don't have any additional fanfiction uploads planned out for this week because the holidays were pretty busy, but the next chapter should be uploaded on Monday like usual.
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olympusnerd · 4 years
The Story of Aphrodite Part 1
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The sketch was done with 4H and B7 pencils and a little color for her majesty’s eyes. 
This story is a snippet of a background I’ve written about Aphrodite the Goddess of Love regarding how she became the goddess of love. This piece is rated PG but installments will be rated R and will have additional warnings. Mostly writing this because it’s always bothered me how it seems like pop culture appreciates her because she’s hot and thinks she’s just a petty manipulator. I see a lot more of an icon and wanted to paint her in a different light. 
Word Count: 3377
For so many, the beginning was chaos, but for Aphrodite, that was more than a poetic truth. While the world would have one believe that the goddess of love, sex and beauty was put on this earth already ordained the most beautiful or the most sexual, it was a long and strenuous road for the goddess to become the icon mortals will remember her for all time. No, her entrance into the world was anything but beautiful. 
The sky cracked angrily with flashes of lightning jetting from one end of the world to the other as the ground quaked with Mother Earth. Gaia was shivering in stunned horror at the brutality of Uranos’s death. Though she had orchestrated the entire event, nothing could have prepared the celestial for seeing her husband slain like cattle, his severed genitals scattered across her lovely planet like seeds to tilled soil. 
It was from his blood that various creatures arose from Mother Earth's womb. The Furies: a rightfully dreadful group of female monsters with sharp teeth and claws made to rip apart oath breakers; the Giants: massive beasts of great strength and aggression; and the Meliai: a melancholy family of ash-tree nymphs. 
But there was one last piece of the Sky Father left unnamed, floating along the water in a white foam of divine seed. Gaia blew the breath of life into the water, then watched as the waves of the oceans lead the mass away from the grizzly scene of patricide towards the quiet white beach of Paphos Cyprus. Here, in the crystal clear waves, something extraordinary happened. 
From the foam emerged a shimmering pink clam that opened to reveal a head of thick wavy hair the color of blood, which rose as the being stood. With surefooted steps, a creature rose from the sea, a creature that didn’t resemble the Furies, the Giants, or even the Meliai. No, this creature was something else entirely. 
She somewhat resembled the Titans in shape, with smoothe, earth toned flesh and hair that reached past her hips, but there was something different about her face and body that set her apart from her half siblings. Nude, as all beings were after birth, every inch of her perfect form was on display. Long, strong arms, a shapely form, ample breasts and a round bottom. Her dark skin glistened in the remnants of sunlight, giving her the characteristic glow of what Gaia recognized immediately as that of a goddess.
Her face was lovely, with eyes that held curiosity as they scanned across the beach she found herself on and supple lips pursed in awe at her own spontaneous existence. 
“Hello?” she called out in a soft voice. “Is anyone there? Where am I? What is this place?” 
Gaia didn’t answer at first, instead she watched from a distance, as she usually did in these types of situations. Best see how things will play out in her own absence before interfering unnecessarily. 
Just then, the waves retreated from the shoreline, then rose up into what looked to be a wall that stood a great deal taller than the woman. Dropping down in a sudden downpour, two bodies were left in its wake. A man and woman dressed in thin, iridescent robes with bluish toned skin and black hair gave a shallow bow to the newly birthed woman. 
"Hello," the man spoke tenderly, "I am Oceanus, the lord of the ocean. And this is my wife Tethys." His wife gave a small smile and tilt of her head. 
The woman who had only lived for minutes inhaled sharply, then glanced around. 
"Don't be alarmed, I won't harm you. I saw you appear so suddenly and heard you call out. Do you have a name, my child?"
She shook her head.
"Then we should see to it that you find a fitting name. I'm sure you must be confused, we can help you. And perhaps Mother would be so kind as to come to your aid as well.” 
At the que, Gaia materialized in the sand, a grand creature shaped like any other woman save for the granules of rocks and mud used to give her large body form. Tendrils of the seaweed that had been floating along the shore were swept into the manifestation of Mother Earth and to anyone she appeared the epitome of a Primordial Deity in all her ancient glory. “If you knew I was here then I assume you’ve seen what Cronos has done.” 
“You mean what you’ve had him do,” Tethys gently corrected. Her large dark eyes fell upon the soft fleshed woman standing between them all, not shivering in the draft of wind sweeping across the land. “Yes, we’ve seen. Is it not what you wanted, Mother? Father dethroned?” 
“Not like that,” she answered honestly with a gentle shake of her head. “Your father wronged me and deserved to have his strength stripped of him, but not disrespected. Not disgraced. What Cronos did will forever taint my soils as the first ever blood crime.”
The three bowed their heads in silence as they contemplated what to do next. 
It was the newly birthed woman who would break their thoughts with a soft, melodious voice, “What is to become of me?” All eyes turned to Gaia, who tapped a finger on her chin while brooding. 
“You don’t strike me in the same way as the other creatures. And I can’t be sure that Cronos even noticed her being born, I myself would have missed it if I hadn’t seen the current pull away as it had.” 
“What is that supposed to mean, Mother?” Tethys asked. 
“Nothing. I’m simply making an observation. One never knows when such information can be useful.”
Tethys and Oceanus shared a glance at their mother’s scheming ways, but it was never a good idea to argue when Mother Earth was involved. 
This was, after all, entirely her domain that the Titans inhabited. She was, and always will be, the great force when angered. 
Uranous, the Sky Father, had learned this lesson the hard way. 
“Oceanus, Tethys. I would like you to look after this child for the time being. I know you’ve your own children you’re rearing but she doesn’t look to require much care. She should be strong enough to carry her own weight, have her work hard alongside your other daughters and raise her to be good and loving, but also strong.” Gaia reached out and lightly stroked a sandy finger across the unchildlike face with round dark violet eyes glossed over like a sparkling amethyst. “She was born of your seas, Oceanus. She belongs with you. Take care. I can sense great things will come from this one.” 
The woman’s eyes met with Tethys, who offered a sincere smile while taking her husband’s hand and offering her other towards her. “I have enough love to spare for one more. You are more than welcome to join us in our home.”
The woman looked between these three and, seeing no other alternative, took the light blue hand of Tethys and followed her and Oceanus into the salty water of the Mediteranian Sea. 
And so, the world was given the one born of foam, Aphrodite. 
Life with the gods of the world’s oceans was as good a life as any other Aphrodite could have hoped to have. The kingdom of Oceanus spread across the seabed, with a central, enormous palace in the deepest crevices of the seas, carved out of various corals blossoming in red, pink, and yellow reefs. The inhabitants of the kingdom ranged from the fish, whales and sharks that filled the waters to merfolk with tails in place of legs as well as those like Aphrodite with feet. The main difference between the foam goddess and other oceanic humanoids was her lack in ability to change shape at will like those truly born of water. In certain corners of the palace were air pockets that one could dry off and rest their weary limbs after a full day of swimming, which is where Aphrodite found herself most evenings stretched out on beds of seaweed and sponges.
Many years passed since that fateful day on the beach of Cyprus and the young goddess found herself happily living as a member of the Oceanus’ courts. He and Tethys raised thousands of children who would grow and leave to venture into the world, creating streams, rivers and ponds to preside over as their own domain. Many bore children, whose children had children, and so on and so forth. All while Aphrodite stayed the same, day in and day out. Her brothers and sisters tried for many years to try and find a suitable partner for their beloved, adoptive sister, but none caught her attention, though she caught many other’s eye. While she seemed to be, without question, the most beautiful creature yet to be born, she remained, for the most part, content with being single. The love of her family was all she needed, perhaps one day she would find a mate to settle down with but for now she reveled in her freedom of such responsibilities of being a wife and mother. Instead she worked on herself, studying the power of the sea in synchrony with Selene’s moon, helping to classify the many sea creatures she came across, to staying physically fit and maintaining strength. She was just as strong as any man in the sea and as fast as any fish. 
For the most part, the goddess had a leisurely life. On any given day, Aphrodite and the daughters and granddaughters of Oceanus swam from one end of the world to the other in races, searched the seafloor for rare shells and gems, or explored underwater caves for new signs of life. On rare occasions they would find themselves on the beaches playing with crabs and gulls, but for the most part they were warned against going above the water surface. 
“I rule all within this realm, but once you are under Helios’s sun, I cannot protect you. So take care, my daughters of the sea, to stay close and stay safe,” Oceanus told the women in all seriousness, though usually it would fall on deaf ears. The ladies had never known harm unto themselves or anyone else, truly this life was perfect without danger. 
But Oceanus knew all too well that the world above was not as peaceful as that within his home. Cronos, after the death of his father, had grown more cynical every year. While at first his reign was dubbed the Golden Age for all the food abundance and peace that came after the initial slaying of his father Uranos.
The peace, however, was not meant to last. Over time, Cronos became paranoid that his rule was tainted by the curse his father spouted in his dying breath, that he too would someday be dethroned. It was said to be empty words by his brothers and sisters, merely the final cries of a being desperate to have the last say in how the world he helped reign over would crumble without him. Cronos tried to hold onto that thought, tried desperately to quail the nagging suspicions he had playing in the back of his mind like a fly buzzing in the ear of a bull. Until the day the ruler of all the world found out something terrible: his wife Rhea was begotten with child. 
He tried to maintain his composure for the most part, but in the end, his own paranoia got the best of him. At the end of the infant’s gestation, Rhea gave birth to a beautiful, clay toned baby girl. While all of her sisters, who had helped with her delivery, were busy tending to the new mother, Cronos stood in the corner of the room holding the newly washed, freshly born child in his arms. She was small, incredibly so, compared to other children of titans. And she held a slight reddish glow around her fragile form. 
How strong would she be?
How powerful?
His eyes went over to Rhea, who gave a soft smile in return. “Darling?” she called out. 
But he didn’t move. Instead, Cronos looked back down at the infant. 
He couldn’t risk it. 
To the horror of everyone in the room, Cronos raised the child by her ankle, high above his head, and with a crack unhinged his jaw like a snake. 
He swallowed the child whole. 
Rhea was so stunned she passed out while her sisters stood in mortification as the king of all the world quietly left the room. 
Five more times did Cronus do this unspeakable act of consuming his children, each time sliding more and more into madness. 
Where once the world was bursting with life, now it had grown dark from clouds that offered only lightening and thunderous roars. In a few places his misery hadn’t tarnished the lands and those who could fled to escape his wrath. 
But those under Oceanus’ rule knew nothing of this pain and suffering, spending their days playing oceanic games and hosting grand feasts as their neighbors above starved. 
It was on a particularly normal day that Aphrodite was babysitting for her adoptive sister Doris. It was nothing new for the lovely foam goddess to be asked to keep children, as she didn’t have her own and typically didn’t have any worldly duties like her siblings. She hadn’t a river to attend or a kingdom to rule, and so she found herself with her niece Amphitrite and nephew Nerites playing hide and seek in a grotto off the coast of Megiste. As children of Doris, Amphitrite and Nerites could transform into tailed creatures to help them to move through underwater caverns, though that did little to keep Aphrodite from catching up to each of them. She had been swimming for immeasurable years before these two thought of being born and she had grown to be as fast as her aquatic brothers and sisters, despite being tailless.  Over and over, the children cried out in delight at their aunt’s ability to best them repeatedly at their own game, no matter how hard they tried or what animal they transformed into, she would catch them. 
They had gone nearly one hundred rounds when Aphrodite stopped just short of tapping Nerites’ arm at the sound of thunder. 
His high pitched voice echoed when he shrieked in surprise at the sound, making his sister laugh at his plight. 
“You’re such a guppy,” she giggled. 
“I am not, I was startled is all!” 
“The water seems to be getting worse,” Aphrodite cut in, looking outside as the water began to pour. Fortunately, underwater seldom changed from the surface weather problems, but it still would warrant a cautious swim home. 
“Did you see that?” she asked, her amethyst eyes rolling over the cavern walls. 
“See what, Auntie Ditey?” 
“I,” she narrowed her eyes, was that a shadow on the wall? No, it must have just been refracted light. No one ever came into the blue caves, she reassured herself. Most land dwellers were afraid of unknown waters. “It’s nothing. Who is ready to head back to see grandfather and grandmother?” 
“Oh, can’t we play one more time?” Amphitrite begged, her oversized eyes sparkling with the last of daylight echoing off the water. “Just once, please, Auntie Ditey?” 
Both children sported their largest eyed pleads they could muster before Aphrodite shrugged, “Now what kind of aunt would I be to say no to such sweet faces. Alright, darlings, we’ll play once more, then we have to hurry off.” 
“We can race home!” Nerites offered in a boast. “I’ll turn into a dolphin!” 
“Of course, and I’ll beat you like I always do,” Aphrodite teased. 
The children turned her towards the cave wall and she proceeded to wait for their collective, “I’m ready!” before she began her hunt. 
As they played their last match, somewhere just inside the mouth of the blue caves floated a wooden raft that had rolled inside to escape from the oncoming storm. A man quietly sat on his makeshift boat as he watched the woman and children playing until they swam away, mere feet away still unaware of him. In truth, he wasn’t paying them much mind until had a good view of the earth-toned woman's rise from the water to stand on the outer ridge of the cave’s wall before throwing herself back to make a splash. The children yelped in delight as the man’s jaw fell agape. She was lovely, in the most sincerest of forms, unlike any creature he had ever seen. Her dazzling eyes, her smooth skin, her flaming hair. It was nothing to him that she was nude as most creatures, particularly those of the water, chose to forgo such trivialities as hiding their bodies.
Yet here this man was, watching the woman with a rise within himself he had never imagined before. What was this yearning he felt? He didn’t speak up, in fear  
When the storm passed, he made his way out of the caves towards the beaches of what would later be dubbed Athens. There he made his way towards Mount Othrys, where his father and uncle eagerly awaited his return. All the while, images of the enchanting woman played over and over in his mind’s eye. 
 “Atlas!” his father Iapetus greeted from the dining table. He sat as always to the left of King Cronos, who was brooding over a meal a servant had just served like it had been burnt. Atlas never liked his uncle, but didn’t care enough about politics to press the matter, rather he explored the corners of the globe in search of adventure and unseen lands. “I was beginning to think you had been held up somewhere and we’d have to track you down.” 
“No, not at all, I got caught up in some weather just on the other side of the eastern islands. Nothing too concerning.” 
When he took his seat beside his mother Clymene, dinner commenced and the guests took up their light conversations as Atlas stared down at his plate deep in thought. Around the table, he could hear everyone carrying on, his uncles Coeus, Hyperion, and Crius, his aunts Queen Rhea, Theia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, and a few cousins whom he never took the time to memorise their names unless he liked them. As they carried on as normal, he replayed the images of the intoxicating woman he had seen in the cave. 
Why hadn’t he spoken up?
Why hadn’t he asked her name?
“Dear, you’ve been out all day, surely you’re hungry?” his mother gently asked. 
He heaved a heavy sigh before his eyes landed on his mother, her glistening light blue skin reminding him of the children that played with the woman. That’s right, they would have been descendants of Oceanus. And that woman, she must have been someone from his court. Perhaps a nymph of some kind?
An idea popped like a bubble into Atlas’s head. 
“Actually, Mother, I was wondering. Tomorrow could we visit your father’s kingdom? I haven’t seen grandfather Oceanus in quite some time.” 
“Oh, well, I’m actually going to be busy tomorrow, but I’m sure your father-”
“I can accompany you.” 
The table’s idle chit-chat ceased as all eyes fell on Cronos, who rarely spoke at such events as trivial as family dinners. 
“Tha-that won’t be necessary, your highness,” Iapetus reassured, “I know you must be busy with more important things than traveling into the realm for a family visit.” 
“No, I’d like to visit our brother. I haven’t heard from him in quite some time, it would do some good to… catch up with one another.” 
Atlas noticed the tension in the room thicken. As far as he’d known, Oceanus was as dedicated to Cronos as any of his other brothers, but there was speculation that Oceanus had closed his doors to most of those above sea level because he didn’t agree with the way his younger brother ran in domain. 
But again, politics wasn’ t what interested Atlas. 
For now, it was finding out who that mysterious woman was who had ensnared his heart.
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