#this was about the “directed by jensen ackles” post that was going around im not insane i prommy
souporsaladnatural · 9 months
Jensen ackles should be directing gay porn but instead hes wasting his talents on supernatural
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 6 years
Some questions are difficult to answer
Sorry Iv been a little m.i.a bit I got a little something for y’all.
a/n : for some unknown reason this piece does not look right on tumblr mobile so I apologize in advance if its difficult to read, I also uploaded it to my wattpad if you want to read it there instead. @obsessionunhealthy 
Summary : Its your first Supernatural convention of the year in Nashville because Seattle got Con-blocked. You’re joining your husband Jensen and your costar Jared for your first panel together when a fan asks a question that brings back some memories. 
Warnings : Talks of attempted suicide.
Word Count : 1806
More chapters will be posted as soon as I get time :) xx
"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage the Winchesters, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and his wife the wonderful Mrs Y/N Ackles"
Richards voice rang loudly through the speakers as you made your way up the stairs and through the curtain to the stage, you were greeted by loud cheering and whooping from the audience, Richard and Rob welcomed you all with warm hugs and wished you good luck, you waited until Louden Swain had finished playing Carry on my wayward son before you raised your mic to speak.
" What's up Nashville " you all shouted into the mics at the same time making the crown cheer even louder than before.
" Wow y'all are loud " you said with a massive smile on your face, you turned to Jensen.
" Howdy y'all, it's good to be back, I do love me some Nashville "
Jared then raised his mic " How you guys doing today? Any first timers? " a lot of people in the audience cheered loudly making all three of you look at each other surprised.
" Really y'all have never been to a supernatural convention, this is your first one ? " you asked making them cheer again.
" How long have we been doing this ?" Jensen asked still in shock
" 14 years " Jared answered quietly " 14 years " Jensen got up from his seat a little and shouted into his mic " 14 YEARS "
" Some of you guys were only 2 when the show started so that's understandable " you said as you looked out across the audience before someone shouted from the back " I was only born " you jumped from your seat in shock and walked to the edge of the stage
" You were what, how old are you ? "
" I'm 14 "
" Your 14 oh my gosh WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS YOUR WHOLE LIFE" Jensen exclaimed.
“ When were you born ? “ you asked
" I was born in January " she answered
" January what ? " Jared asked
" January 25th "
" Two thousand and ? " Jensen trailed off trying to work it out
" Five " she answered back
All three of your dropped your mics in shock, Jared and Jensen slumped into their chairs whilst you just dropped to the ground at the front of the stage and lay there, the audience erupted into laughter and cheers.
" We’re so old " you said into your mic dramatically without moving making the audience laugh even harder.
" So you're what a freshman in high school ? "
" Yeah that's right "
" Oh my god freshman in high school, that's mind boggling " you sighed from the ground
“ I can drive too “ she shouted
" You can already drive ? " Jensen asked before turning to Jared and shouted " IT DRIVES "
" Alright alright calm down " Jared chuckled placing a hand on Jensen's shoulder
" Fun fact he still can't drive " Jensen stated matter of factly whilst looking out at the girl and pointed at Jared
" And I still got 22 years on ya " Jared said mockingly but then began to fake cry as Jensen pulled him into a side hug, the audience was laughing loudly at your guys reaction at this.
" Oh my god we gotta change the subject im not liking this " you said as you got back up from the floor and walked back to your seat. Jared turned his seat to face the right side of the stage " Yeah lets get some questions going, hey there " he said to the young girl at the left of the stage waiting with a mic " Hello everyone I just wanted to ask if there has there been anything embarrassing or funny happen on set recently ? " you let out a small chuckle and spoke first " Well I kicked Jared's ass last week whilst playing with Tom and Shep last week, all i'll say is that I a woman and 2 kids managed to pin him down whilst Odette attempted to give him a wedgie, Gen videoed thing I’ll get her to post it for you guys, that must have been a pretty big kick to the ego " the audience laughed as you blew a kiss in Jared's direction.
The rest of the panel went on like this, you guys making fun of each other, telling stories, making jokes and having tremendous fun with the audience, it wasn't long before it was time for the last question, you finally stopped laughing after Jared finished his story about the train in Europe and turned to face the girl standing to the left of the stage.
Now you were in front of her you could see her face was soaked with tears and she was shaking like a leaf, you pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear " Its okay honey, what's the matter? "
" I uh um I just got a little overwhelmed sorry I wasn’t expecting to be chosen for a question, I just wanted to thank you guys for everything you've done for me this past year " you pulled away slightly but still held her arms, " What's your name ? "
" Its Gabriela but everyone calls me Gabby "
" Well Gabby i'm very pleased you’re here with us and that this massive family has helped you through a tough time and as Jared would say Always Keep Fighting because it will all be some sort of okay someday "
" Thank you so much, may I ask you how it is that you keep a positive mindset even when going through tough times ? "
You pulled her in for another tight hug before heading back up onto the stage, Jared handed you your mic as you sat back down between the boys again.
" Alright sorry about that guys, the wonderful Gabby has asked how it is that I keep a positive mindset even when things are tough and if i'm being honest it's pretty damn hard to stay positive sometimes, just like everyone else I do have days where I just don't feel happy, I’m run down or i'm feeling super unmotivated but I get through those days with the help of my friends and family, both on set and here with you guys " the crowd cheered loudly as you turned to Jensen and Jared who were both smiling at you gently.
" Surround yourself with those you love and who make you happy, shutting yourself away and pushing those people away can be the worst thing you could ever do, I did that and it was quite possibly the worst decision of my life, that and the haircut I had during season 4 I mean what was I thinking " you joked making the audience chuckle a little before they quietened down again.
" About 7 years ago I went through a pretty tough time and instead of speaking up and accepting the help that was right there in front of me, I suffered in silence and that led to my mental state getting so out of control that one day when I got home I broke down completely as soon as my front door shut, it had been a good day on set, the scenes weren't too hard and everything went smoothly but inside my head I was fighting a losing battle, so I just I locked myself in my flat and turned my phone off, I shut out the outside world completely " the crowd was eerily silent as they listened to you speak, you could even see a few people in the front row with tears in their eyes, taking a deep breath to calm yourself you started back into your story.
" Uh no one but Jared, Jensen and Erik Kripke know what happened that night but that was the night I tried to take my own life " you let out a shaky breath when you heard a few people in the audience gasp, Jensen wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side as Jared grabbed your free hand and squeezed it then held it between his two large warm hands as you continued.
" I had forgotten that these two were coming over to run lines for the episode ' A little slice of Kevin ', I wasn’t answering the door or my phone so they decided to break down my front door Winchester style, I’m about to get a tiny bit graphic here but when they charged into my apartment they found me lying on my bathroom floor covered in and lying in a puddle of my own blood, they got me to the hospital in time for doctors to save my life, I will always thank Chuck for putting these two Idjits on this earth " a few of the audience members chuckled whilst others awed when you leaned up and kissed Jensen gently then reached over and pulled Jared into a tight hug.
" Okay so the lesson you should take from that is that you need to wake up positive, never go to sleep angry with anyone because you never know what could happen, try not to worry about what might go wrong in the day, focus on what will go right no matter how small it may be whether it be going out for lunch with a friend or grabbing a coffee with someone you haven't seen for awhile, remember you never fail at anything, you just gain experience and knowledge you can use to help in a future situation " you pulled yourself from the boys and got up and walked to the front of the stage.
" Y'all I want everyone here to know that there will always going to be someone out there who is going to listen to whatever it is you have to say and if right now you don't know who that person it then come to me, my email is on my Instagram and twitter, you guys can send me private messages, I even have a P.O box if you'd like to write me a letter, i'll always be here to support you guys no matter what and i'll always try my best to help you in anyway that I know how " the crowd cheered and clapped as you made your way off the stage back to Gabby.
" Thank you so much for coming and asking your question today, if you ever need someone to vent or talk to then drop me a message and i'll try help the best I can " you wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug before heading back on stage which was now occupied by Richard and Louden Swain.
Jensen met you at the end of the stage and extended his hand to you to guide you back up the stairs as Jared spoke to everyone, " Thank you so much everyone for coming out, sorry if we bored you too much with our stories, well see y'all later on " the audience cheered and clapped as you guys waved before exiting the stage whilst Louden Swain played Your Love by The Outfield.
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
"The Surprise"
Hi yall, this is my furst ever one shot, and im kind of nervous. Special thanks to @theshygirlao3 for her help and courage to post. Hope you like it. Not sure how to add tags so im learning. You come home from your 4th day straight of 12 hour shifts from the hospital and all you want to do is grab a bowl of chocolate ice cream and binge watch Supernatural. You’re currently on Season 6 Episode 18 for the millionth time, but hey, who’s counting? You love the show and it’s basically the only one you prefer to watch anyways. The show itself has helped you through so many ups and downs. Plus, you are very attracted to Jensen Ackles, but then again who wouldn’t be? Although you love both Sam and Dean equally, your past life is so much like Dean’s. You’ve been there. You kind of know what it feels like to be the one who holds everything in, so your love for him is undeniable. His pain is so similar to yours, so much so that your heart just feels for him, which in return makes you want to wrap your arms around him to hold him, to soothe his pain away, and tell him everything will be ok. But just as it happens, you know you won’t ever get the chance to do that. Or will you? After a hot shower, changing into your favorite PJ bottoms and top, grabbing your bowl of ice cream, then snuggling comfortably into the couch to finish the rest of the season, the doorbell rang. “Damn it.” you said as you put the bowl of ice cream on the table with a thud and a huff, “Thank god for Netflix.” You got up from the couch, slightly aggravated. “Whoever this is, better have a damn good reason to interrupt me.” You marched to the door. Your heart stops when you see the love of your life at your door with an army green duffle bag falling slowly off his shoulders as his left hand reached up to rub the back of his neck, showing his tiredness from driving, “Hey, baby girl,” he says sleepily. Your face lit up so much that it took you completely by surprise, “JENSEN!” you yelled happily, almost knocking him backwards when you jumped into his arms to hold him. “Oh my god! I thought I wouldn’t see you for another three weeks!” Grabbing his arm, you pull him inside the house, shutting the door behind you. He smiled the best he could, but you could tell he was wiped out, “We actually finished wrapping up early. We had the wrap party and everything else within the last few days. I drove from Vancouver to Texas to be with you.” He walked over to your bar area by the kitchen to lean against it. “Oh, baby, I’m so glad you’re here, but you do know that a plane would have been less tiring, right?” you wanted to giggle, but knew he was tired and didn’t want him to take it the wrong way. A small smile curled upwards on the right side of his mouth, flushing out a dimple. “I know, but how would I have gotten your surprise here?” You looked at him confusingly, “What surprise, Jensen? You know you don’t have to bring me anything. As long as you come home to me that’s all the surprise I want.” You drape your right arm around his neck and stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. He breaks a bit to look at you. “I know that, that’s why I love you so much, {Y/N}. You make me happy and all my cares go away the minute I see that beautiful face.” He winked at you as he put two fingers under your chin to stop you from shying away. You could feel the crimson flood your cheeks and you knew you were red as a tomato by now. ‘How does he manage to do this to me all the time?’ you say to yourself as you look at him. “I love you, Jensen.” Your eyes dance with each other as you both stare deeply. “I love you, too, {Y/N}.” He put his arms around your waist and pulled you tighter to him. You look up at him. “Wait! What’s my surprise?” He looks at you and asks, “You really want to know?” “Of course! If it took you two days to drive from Vancouver to Texas to get to me, then yes, I want to know.” You started to go through his pockets to see if you could find it. He giggles at the slight touches. “It’s not in there. Well, part of it is.” He held his hands tight around it so you couldn’t see it just yet. “Aww! Come on, babe! Let me see.” You gave him the sad puppy dog eyes that Jared taught you how to do. He shook his head. “Don’t give me that. Damn it Jared… Remind me to punch him when I see him.” Unable to resist your pout, he rolled his eyes and put an arm around you. You laugh and look at him lovingly. “He taught me well.” He hadn’t noticed it yet, but you had paused the TV on Dean looking at Sam, perfect timing with his mouth opened. He saw it now. “Seriously? You had to pause that?” “Well, I was binge watching because that’s the only time I get to see Dean Winchester and this one is my favorite episode.” He took you in a headlock and rubbed the top of your head gently, “You can have Dean Winchester anytime you want him.” He let you go and gave you a wink. “Now, do you want your surprise or what?” You jump up and down with excitement. “I do! I do! Where is it?” He takes you in his arms and once you reach the door he puts his hands on your eyes so you couldn’t see, “Sorry, not yet. Step down. Okay, one more step. There you go. On solid ground now.” He directed your walking since you couldn’t see. “Jensen, come on, baby! What is it?” All you could see was his hand covering your eyes and darkness. “Okay. On the count of 3, I’ll remove my hands. Ready?” We was standing behind you, his chest so close to your back you could feel the heat from him. “I’m ready.“ Your heart sped up as you waited impatiently, wondering what on earth it could be. “Okay. 1…2…threeeeee.” He drug out the 3 a bit to raise your excitement. He took his hands off your eyes and you blinked a couple of times to get adjusted to the evening sun that was facing you in the distance. Your mouth dropped completely when you saw it. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” You turned to look at him. “Nope! It’s all yours, baby.” He was smiling so big he couldn’t contain it. “Oh my god, Jensen!” You jump into his arms and he twirled you around a couple of times before firmly placing you back down. He pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them to you. “Go check it out. It’s a 2018, too,” he smiled as he stood there looking at you. “EEEEEEKKKKKK!!! I love you, baby!” You kiss him and then run to the driver’s side of your brand new sleek black 2500 Heavy Duty Diesel Denali pickup truck. You’d been wanting one for so long and even worked extra hours at the hospital to get it. You had saved over $20,000 in your bank account because you wanted to show people you could do something on your own. You climbed in to admire the beauty it offered, amazed that Jensen knew you so well with what you wanted. But then a small frown came to your face as he jumped in on the passenger side. “What’s wrong, babe? Don’t you like it?” He looked at you with concern. “I do. I really, really do, but I was saving money to get it. I can’t take this, Jensen.” “Hey, don’t worry about it. You did pay for it.” “What? How?” “Remember when we set up that joint account at the bank and you transferred your savings into it?” He saw you nod your head yes. “Well, I set that up so that your money grows and when I saw that you had enough saved, I took that amount and matched it so you were able to get the truck. It’s all in your name, babe. It’s 100% yours.” Tears fell from your eyes as you looked at him. “I dunno what I’d do without you, babe. Thank you so much! I love you.” You leaned forward to hug him tight and give him a kiss. The sound of the leather seats made you smile against his lips.
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