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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 1 year ago
I Can See You Mini Series Masterlist
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Series Warnings: Mature Themes, Language, Negative Self Thoughts, Fighting, Angst, Lying
Part (I)
Part (II)
Part (III)
212 notes · View notes
lowsodiumfreaks67 · 2 years ago
The Assignment
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: none! just cuteness
not my gif
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Eddie pulls away from your kisses before he loses all sense and control in his body. "As much as I'd love and i mean love to continue this sweetheart, we have an assignment to work on. C'mere I wanna show you something." He says as he gently picks you up from the couch, carrying you bridal style to his bedroom.
"I thought we weren't continuing." You smirk, seeing his face turn red as you enter the room.
He looks down at you, eyeing the reddish-purple mark he left on your neck for a moment before he spoke, "Tempted, but no, I wanted to show you my pride and joy."
As he lets you down on your feet, he strides to his wall and that's when you notice it. There on display was the infamous electric guitar he always spoke about in class, hung up as if it was priceless. He gently took it off the wall and plugged it into the amp next to his bed, motioning for you to come sit next to him.
"Wanna hear what i've been learning the last few weeks?" It's as if he's been waiting to show someone this, like a proud little kid wanting to show their parents something they just drew. You nod yes, excited to see what he's about to play for you.
As he plays the first few chords you recognize it immediately. Master of Puppets. Your face lights up with excitement as you watch him play. He is so in his element as his fingers effortlessly strum away, head unconsciously moving to the rhythm. He makes it looks so easy. You'd be lying if you said this didn't turn you on. You're so infatuated with the sight in front of you that you didn't notice him stop.
"That's all I got right now, gonna learn the whole thing eventually." He smiles confidently.
"That was amazing! Really Eddie it was. Everything about that was so sick, you're a rockstar."
He chuckles at the compliment you give as he gets up to put the guitar back on the wall, "Sort of I guess, I'm actually in a band, Corroded Coffin with some of the Hellfire guys. You should come see us play one day." His heart fluttering as he gives the verbal invitation.
As if he couldn't get any more perfect. "I'd love to!! Also, we should really eat that pizza now, it's probably cold." You giggle.
As the both of you go back into the small living room, he grabs a pen and paper off the kitchen counter and sits next to you on the couch. He begins a sweet conversation about your hobbies, life and personality and takes notes as it goes on. You find it so sweet that he's taking so much interest in you just for this silly little assignment. He is genuinely so fascinated with you, a beautiful, popular cheerleader that took the time to get to know and understand him instead of picking on him. You are an absolute angel to him. The pizza was definitely cold, but neither of you cared as you were both so infatuated by each other and the comfortable company of the moment. That and you were both still kinda high and had the munchies and would eat literally anything right now.
Throughout the afternoon you both found yourselves unconsciously falling in love with each fun fact and story you told about each other. The comfort you both felt in each others presence was different than you've both ever felt with anybody else whether in your case that be a friend and his being a romantic interest. You made it so easy for him to open up and he felt like he could gush to you about his entire life. But he didn't wanna scare you off with those stories, so he decided to save them for hopefully another day. A few hours have gone by at this point.
"I think I should get going, dinner should be ready soon at home and I wouldn't want my parents to be on my ass about missing it." You sighed, not wanting to leave just yet.
"Yeah no problem, I'll take you." He smiles as he gets up and walks towards the door.
The ride was unfortunately quick, and you were already missing him despite not even getting out of the van yet. You're caught off guard when he leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"See ya tomorrow sweetheart."
Your heart nearly beating out of your chest as you look at him blushing. "See ya."
As you got inside your house, you brought your hair to the front to cover the hickey on your neck. In the dining room, your plate was set on the table for you and you ate as fast as you could so you could get to your room and begin writing about Eddie. Your parents were confused by you scarfing down your food, but your sister was holding back a giggle, knowing exactly what was going on. You zoomed up to your room and immediately got out your notebook to figure out a good 'intro' to Eddie. The assignment was due next week, so you really shouldn't be in any rush, but you were too excited and wanted a head start.
A couple of days have passed, and with each day and each english period your crush on Eddie is definitely more than solidified. He can say the same. You haven't told anybody about the little makeout sesh you had back at his trailer, except Chrissy, and she was floored. She nearly fell off the locker room bench as you were getting ready for the basketball game tonight. Her already being on edge because of her little plan to break up with Jason after the game. Part of you believed she wouldn't go through with it which is sad to say, but she was afraid of him, so it made the odds very unlikely.
"So are you still gonna go through with that plan of yours?" You ask as you tie your sneaker.
"Y-Yeah I think so. I've really had enough of him to be quite honest. If he tells my parents what he said he'd tell them, then so be it, I will deal with it." You could tell she was definitely nervous. Usually before games she was so pumped up and excited to cheer, but that spark wasn't there today.
"If you need backup, I'll be right by your side." You smile and give her a quick hug before you guys walk out the locker room to go and practice the cheer routine for a bit.
"You wanna do what instead of Hellfire tonight? Is this even Eddie i'm talking to?" Mike Wheeler said angrily in response to Eddie telling the group he wants to go to the game for an...assignment.
"He just wants to see his girlfriend dance around in a short skirt." Dustin said while rolling his eyes, pissing Mike off even more.
"You're canceling for a GIRL? What the—"
"Enough, Wheeler. It's not that, well it is, but I want to....observe how she cheers. And she's not my girlfriend. Yet."
"Yeah you wanna observe alright." Dustin laughs earning a slight smack to the head from Eddie.
"We're going and that's it. Plus you guys can see Sinclair." Eddie was looking for every excuse at this point.
"You mean see him sit on the bench the entire time? Count me out I'm going home." Mike stormed out of the room cursing to himself under his breath.
The crowd starts growing in the gymnasium, bleachers getting filled by the second. You look around and see the usual familiar faces, but you're immediately caught off guard when that tall, lanky figure you knew all too well strides through those big wooden double doors.
"Ohmygod." You say to yourself pretty much frozen in place.
"Y/n are you oka— oooooh I see now." Chrissy laughs as she spots Eddie and the Hellfire kids taking seats on the bottom bleachers front and center, exactly where you'll be in front of for most of the cheer routine. He spots you and sends you a sweet smile along with a wave. You giggle nervously and wave back.
It was time for the opening routine, you and the rest of the cheer squad skip into the gym clapping and doing whatever you can to amp up the crowd. Eddie watching you intensely. He loves how excited you are, causing his heart to skip as he watches you in your element. The routine starts and he's completely mesmerized by you and the way that you move. To him it feels like you are the only two people in the room. You both make eye contact and you smile and send a wink his way as you roll your hips during part of the routine. He nearly faints onto Dustin. As the routine is over, the basketball team jogs in, the crowd roaring for you all. Throughout the game all Eddie could do was focus on you. Every time you got up to cheer he was stuck in a trance. You looked so happy and that made him even happier.
The game is almost over, and Hawkins was down by two. Very unlikely when they're playing against this opponent. They suddenly put Lucas Sinclair in and he scores, winning the game for Hawkins. The crowd yelling as the team lifts him onto their shoulders celebrating the win. As everyone is moving around socializing, you immediately run over to Eddie causing his face to light up brighter than the sun on a hot summer day.
"Eddie!" you squeal hugging his frame. "I wasn't expecting you to be here!"
"Yeah, I thought it'd be good for our um...assignment, wanted to observe how you were during cheer." He smiles as he scratched the back of his neck blushing. You suddenly hear a commotion behind you, Eddie's smile dropping.
"Well what do we have here? Thought I told you to stay away from her freak. You two hookin' up or somethin'?"
Eddie opened his mouth to retaliate but you do it for him, grabbing him by the arms and bringing him down to kiss you. Several people gasping and the gym going silent seeing the beloved cheer captain locking lips with the 'freak' Eddie Munson.
Jason was absolutely speechless and enraged, nearly about to pounce at Eddie. But not before he's stopped by Chrissy yelling and running over, your kiss with Eddie breaking.
"Jason!" He turns around and is met with a cooler full of milk being poured on him.
No fucking way. She's about to do it.
"We're over." Chrissy says proudly as she throws the cooler to the side and walks out the gym.
The crowd now begins to laugh at Jason, taking the focus off of you and Eddie. He is boiling and to make matters worse, his english assignment partner Nancy Wheeler snaps a photo with her camera for the school newspaper. Both you and Eddie are hysterically laughing as you run out the school after Chrissy hand in hand, meeting her in the parking lot.
"Chrissy! I'm so proud of you!" You say letting go of Eddie's hand to engulf her in a hug.
"I was so nervous. But I couldn't let him continue you bother you guys. Eddie, I apologize for every time i've stood next to him as he said nasty things to you over the years and didn't scold him for it. I should've and I'm sorry."
"No hard feelings." He smiles giving her a friendly hug. "You guys need rides?"
"Yea please actually, I came to school with Jason this morning, would rather not have him take me home".
"My sister brought me today, so count me in too." You laugh
The three of you walk towards his van and hop in. You up front of course and Chrissy in the back. She gets dropped off first, you telling her to call your house if she needs anything. As you're on the way to your place, Eddie began to speak.
"Y'know, you looked great out there cheering." He blushes as he tries to hide his smile.
You feel all warm and fuzzy from the compliment, thinking back at the moment where you winked at him.
"Thank you, it was so much fun. It's honestly my favorite thing to do. I love going to every practice and game, I get such a boost of happiness from it."
"It shows. Happiness looks great on you sweetheart. Can't wait to see your reaction to my essay about you."
"I can't wait to see yours either." You smile, the car stopping as he pulls up in front of your house. "Tommorow will definitely be interesting, but i'm excited. Thank you for the ride."
"Thanks for the kiss." He smirks as you get out.
"There's more where that came from." You wink, giggling and going inside.
Internally, he is melting, not believing the sentence that just came out of your mouth. For the last few days you guys have hung out after your respective school activities and he's fallen hard. The flirting was pretty much normal now and you both definitely had more than enough notes to write about each other. With both of your essays being done, you two definitely hung out now just to be with one another. God he wants you so bad. He just wants to show you the gentle and sweet love that you deserve. You weren't a trophy to him, you were so much more than a pretty face and high status. You were kind, intelligent and bubbly and he adored that about you. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
You got into bed after showering and brushing your teeth, holding your pillow close to you. Oh how you wished it was Eddie. His hugs made you feel so safe and warm. All you could think about is how much you love being around him.
The next morning you woke up with extreme butterflies, excited for the day that this will be. You did your usual morning routine and went downstairs, grabbing some toast before you left the house and hopped into Chrissy's car. As you approach the school you could feel your stomach twisting in knots and your head spinning. Never in a million years did you think you'd be head over heels like this for Eddie Munson. Your legs bounced with anxiety during each class, anticipating the later part of the school day. By lunchtime it was at its worst as you realize you definitely couldn't sit at the jock table anymore with Jason being there and neither could Chrissy. As you both enter the cafeteria you could feel the piercing stares from Jason and the rest of the guys at the table, the girls just avoiding eye contact.
As you try to focus on something else, your eyes meet Eddie's and he notices something is wrong. He immediately waves the both of you over and you sigh with relief, thanking the universe for having him distract you.
"If you guys need somewhere to sit you're more than welcome to be with us, right boys?" Eddie says looking at his group.
They all nod or hum in agreement while Mike Wheeler rolls his eyes. Kid's definitely got a stick up his ass for no reason, but you choose to ignore it. Dustin nudges him to move over to make room.
"Are you sure? We don't wanna be a bother." Chrissy says nervously.
"Considering your ex boyfriend is pretty much murdering us all with his eyes right now, I think it'd be for the best."
She nods quickly and takes a seat next to Dustin, not wanting to even look at Jason. You on the other hand send him a death glare, catching him off guard and making him uncomfortable to the point where he chokes on whatever he was eating. You laugh and sit next to Chrissy with Eddie on your right at the end of the table as if he were a king. It suited him very well. As the group does small talk, you notice Eddie is silent as he focuses on Jason throughout the lunch period. As you look over you notice Jason eyeing you guys again, but this time smirking with his arm around one of the new cheer girls. Of course none of the other girls had the balls to do this, as you and Chrissy were captain and co-captain and could easily kick them off the squad if you wanted to, so made sense for him to do this with the newbie.
You decide to keep Chrissy distracted as lunch went on and finished. But Jason purposely walked by your table, arm still around this girl.
"Nice new table, freaks."
"Fuck you." you mutter.
At this point you were ready for English. Your next two classes went by excruciatingly slow and you could barely focus. As the bell rang for English, you darted out of your current class and into Mrs. O'Donnell's. You take a few deeps breaths as you enter and realize you were the first one in. As you took your seat, you rummage through your backpack and take out your assignment, rereading it over and over again making sure it was perfect. In reality you just wanted something to calm your nerves and as if the universe once again listened, Eddie walked into the room and took his seat next to you.
"Hey pretty girl, you excited." He smiles at you while taking out his essay.
"Over the moon." you giggle.
The class began to fill up and the bell rang, signaling the beginning of what is about to be a core memory for the rest of your life. Mrs. O'Donnell gets up from her desk to explain the procedure for today.
"Now ladies and gentleman, as you know, your assignments are due today and we will begin presentations momentarily. Do we have any volunteers to go first?"
The class silently looking around avoiding eye co fact with her, no one raised their hands.
"Alright then I see how this is going to go. Eddie Munson and Y/N, Y/L/N I'd like you two to go first."
You heart sank to your stomach.
Part 5 soon <3
taglist: @totallynotkaibiased @projectsortitout @yeehawbitchs @hellfirequinn @isshecleverorisshecrazy @peepaw3000 @chloe-6123
let me know if you'd like to be added/removed! :)
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 2 years ago
The Assignment
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: kissing! finally! smoking weed, couldn't find a name for the Hawkins High principal so I just gave her a random name! this part is a little long, enjoy :)
not my pic
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You wake up to the sound of your obnoxious alarm clock. Just one more day until you finally get to be alone with Eddie and see all of his hobbies and interests in person. You were really excited to see his guitar that he's always boasting about. Sounds like it's really something by the way he describes it to you. You quickly brush your teeth and throw on your cheer uniform before going to your vanity to style your hair a little different than usual, hoping Eddie would notice. You pretty much always wore your hair in a cute high pony, but today you decided you try a really pretty blowout.
After finishing your hair you quickly ran downstairs to grab some breakfast and say bye to your parents before heading outside to wait for Chrissy to pick you up. When she pulled up to your house, her jaw dropped as you walked to her car.
"Y/n holy shit! Your hair looks amazing, I love it. I think someone else will too." Chrissy excitedly says as you get in.
"Thanks Chrissy, but it's not for Eddie, just wanted a little change for once that's all!" You couldn't let her know you were kinda crushing on Eddie just yet.
She starts to giggle. "Oh my god I didn't even say his name." Shit. You didn't even realize.
"Okay fine. Maybe it is for him...i've developed a little crush, but you cannot let anyone find out or I'll kick your ass." You were nervous now knowing that somebody knew about your little crush on Eddie, but Chrissy is your best friend, so there's nothing to worry about.
"We've been making pinky promises since we were like six years old that still haven't been broken, this is definitely safe with me." she responds as she sticks out her pinky to reassure you.
Once you two walked in the school building and into the halls, all eyes were on you. Some boys whistling and girls complimenting you left and right, some even asking how you did you hair like that. As you get closer to math class you notice Eddie talking to some of the Hellfire kids, his back towards you. Dustin Henderson goes wide eyed as he sees you and elbows Eddie as he's mid sentence to turn around. As he was about to scold the boy for interrupting, Dustin yanks Eddie around in your direction and boy is he glad this was the reason. You looked stunning to say the least. He's never seen your hair down let alone all done like this. Some of the younger boys chuckle at his reaction.
"Hi Eddie!" you smile, waving as you walk past him.
He waves back with a love drunk smile on his face, his limbs feeling like jelly. "Woah." he says with a deep breath.
"Talk about taking your breath away. Someone's in looooove." Dustin jokes, emphasizing the word love in a sing-song voice and patting Eddie on the shoulder before walking off to his first class of the day. The rest of the boys laughing and doing the same.
Your math test was harder than you thought it'd be, but not terrible. You're glad you studied or else you would've been lost on a lot of things. It's been three periods since then and you're still worrying about what grade you're gonna get. At least lunch will ease your mind for a little while. Or so you thought. As you're at your table eating, you could feel someone's eyes piercing your face like daggers. You knew it was Eddie. He just couldn't help it, you looked so beautiful and it's been giving him butterflies all day long. Every time he'd catch a glimpse of you in the hall he'd nearly melt into a puddle.
Chrissy noticed and gave you a little tap while tilting her head in the direction of Eddie's table , causing you to look over at him and smile. But all of a sudden the cute moment is interrupted by Jason yelling across the cafeteria.
"Hey freak! Why don't you eye fuck someone that's actually in your league." The cafeteria bursting into laughter, Eddie's smile dropping and your fists clenching.
You take the small, half drank milk carton off of Chrissy's lunch tray and pour it over Jason's head. "Fuck you." You say, Jason in total shock as the cafeteria going silent other than a couple gasps and oohs. Eddie watches you storm out of the large room while the Hellfire boys cheer and laugh at Jason. You weren't ready for the interactions that would happen in English at all and as if minds could be read, Principal Fray followed you out and brought you to her office.
"Y/n, is everything alright today? You're never one to act out, this isn't like you darling." she says as she takes a seat at her desk.
"Yea, Jason is just irritating sometimes that's all. Can I just...go home for the day? Really don't wanna be here." you're embarrassed, wondering how this would reflect on you.
"Your grades and attendance are in good standing, so I can allow it for today. Just make sure this doesn't happen again, okay?" you didn't think she'd let you go, but you're so glad she did. "Do you need to call your parents for a ride?"
You nod and she turns the phone on her desk towards you. You pray your older sister picks up, knowing your parents would be disappointed. Sure enough your sister answers and you tell her what happened and she agrees to pick you up.
As you're walking out the principal's office, you see Chrissy in the hall, letting her know you're leaving for the day so she's not confused as to where you went. Once you got home you realize that Eddie would be left alone in english today and you immediately felt guilty knowing Jason would probably taunt him then too. Your stomach does somersaults thinking of what could possibly go down while you weren't there and you prayed it would be fine. To ease your mind, you decided to start baking the cookies for tomorrow.
"That kid Carver, his brother was just as much of a shit head y'know. He was in my grade, apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." your sister laughs as she joins you in the kitchen. She graduated three years before you, so you faintly remember Jason's older brother. "Who are these for?" she asks.
"I'm making them for Eddie actually. Told him I bake and he wanted to try my cookies. We're hanging out tomorrow...for our assignment." you smile as you begin to mix the bowl in front of you.
"Never thought I'd see you with a kid like him. You guys are so different, but it's cute! A friend of mine actually was in that Hellfire club with him. Total sweetie." Your sister was like the Nancy Wheeler of her grade, not exactly the most popular but not a 'loser' either, so she had friends from all sorts of groups.
"Oh w-we're not together, just friends."
"Didn't say you were." she winked, walking back into the living room to watch some tv.
It was finally Saturday morning, well 11:30 rather. Today was the day you finally get to spend time with Eddie. You jump up to go shower, brush your teeth and wash your face. You decided to skip washing your hair as it was still clean, you just had to brush it out and redo a few strands. Sitting at your vanity in your robe, you start to daydream, thinking about Eddie and wondering if he was okay and if anything happened yesterday. Suddenly your sister comes in with the house phone holding it out to you.
"It's your 'friend'" she smirks before leaving the room. Your heart drops to your stomach.
"Hey sweetheart, we still on for today?" Sweetheart.
"Y-Yeah of course! How'd you get my number?" You never gave it to him so you were curious as to how he found it.
"I asked Chrissy after she came up to me and apologized about Jason. I wanted to tell you that that was kinda badass what you did y/n, thank you, it made me laugh a lot. He deserved it." You could hear his pretty smile through the phone.
"No problem Eddie, someone's gotta put him in his place, right?"
"Better you than me. Anyway, I just picked up my supply, want me to pick you up?"
You look at yourself in your vanity mirror and realize that your hair was halfway done and you were still in your robe. You didn't even know what you were gonna wear! "Um yea, i'm just about done getting ready." Lie.
"Great, I'll see you in about ten minutes." What he doesn't know won't kill him, right?
"Sounds good! See you soon." You say as you hang up the call, darting to your closet to find something cute.
Suddenly you have nothing to wear despite having a large collection of clothes standing right in front of you. A mess being made as you toss clothes all over the floor trying to come up with an outfit. You decide to settle on some high waisted jean shorts and a purple long sleeved shirt with some white sneakers. Fixing your hair didn't take that long and by the time you were finished, you hear beeping outside. You dash down the stairs, your sister cackling as you almost fall on the last step.
"Someone's excited!"
"Oh shut it. If mom and dad ask where I am tell them i'm with Chrissy." You say grabbing the container of the cookies you baked last night off the kitchen counter and walking out the door.
Your heart is practically leaping out of your chest as you approach Eddie's van. You can see him smiling as you get closer and hop in.
"Hey sweetheart." There goes that damn nickname again. "Your hair looks great like that, I wanted to tell you yesterday but I didn't get the chance to." Ugh how is he so perfect.
"Thanks!" you blush, not knowing what else to say.
The drive to his trailer was quick and if you thought you had butterflies before, oh boy did you have many more now. You guys get out the van and walk towards the trailer, him going up the small steps and opening the door for you, like he did for Chrissy the night you came here with her for the pills.
"Ladies first." He bows and gestures his hand towards inside. You giggle as you walk in and set the cookies on the counter. "My uncle Wayne is gonna be out running errands all day or something, so it's just you and I. I'll order the pizza now and roll us a joint. Sound good?" he asks.
"Yeah that's cool!" And once you answer he does just that while you open the container of cookies for him to try.
You bring them over to the couch where he's sat and set them on the small coffee table in front of him.
"Oh man I've been dying to try these." He says as he excitedly reaches over to grab one and put it in his mouth. "Mmmmm" The sound he made instantly giving you unholy thoughts, but you had to keep it together. At least for now. "These are fucking amazing."
You laugh grabbing one yourself as you sit next to him.
As he finishes rolling the joint he turns toward you. "Now, this isn't any shitty Jason Carver weed, this is mine. Well, Reefer Rick's, but I sell it so it's basically mine. Anyway, If you don't wanna do this we don't have to, just wanna make sure you're okay." His pretty eyes staring into yours with seriousness.
"I'll be okay, I'm comfortable with you." You smile.
He nods and gets out his lighter to spark the joint. You watch as he delicately holds it in place with the fingers on his left hand while he uses his right hand to flick the lighter. You never really paid attention to his hands, but they were just as pretty as him. A little bruised and calloused from guitar and slamming the table in Hellfire, but still so pretty. His metal rings that fit so perfectly shining as the flame reflects on them.
"Can't believe I'm smoking weed with the prettiest girl in Hawkins." He laughs to himself. Another internal thought that he let out.
Your face turning all kinds of shades of red and pink. He's always flirting with you and you decide you finally want to reciprocate as he goes to take his first hit.
"I'm honored to smoke with the freak himself." You smile. Okay, not your best, but you'll get there.
He takes a long drag of the joint and you can see him immediately relax. He sits back against the couch and passes it to you. You take it from him and take your first hit. He nearly loses his mind watching you do so. You look so innocent, so pretty and delicate. He was so right about this being better weed than Jason's, it hit so different. As you guys get comfortable smoking together, he begins a conversation you'll never forget.
"Y'know whats sucks. So many girls at school have used me for free weed. Whether that be pretending to be my friend or, in their words, 'lowering their standards' and having sex with me for it and never talking to me again. It's a shitty feeling when people only want you for one thing." He sighs and your heart sinks.
"I know the feeling. The guys only want to be with me for the image. Especially the ones in my group. They want to be the next Jason and Chrissy, but I want someone who wants me for me, not for a title. It's why I've never had a boyfriend, let alone had my first kiss or even sex." You felt comfortable venting to him. He sits up and looks at you with disbelief and sadness. Your highs becoming more intense.
"Are you kidding me? Any of them would be lucky to have you. You're so beautiful and kind. You're different, in a good way. Seriously, from the moment I sat next to you in Mrs. O'Donnell's class and got to actually talk to you I knew." He pauses for a moment before moving a little closer to you, the both of you staring at each other like the way you were in class the other day. "God you're beautiful." He takes his hand and brings it up to your face, resting it on your cheek. You smile at him as your heart flutters. You decide to bite the bullet.
"Kiss me." You say.
And with that he does. He brings his other hand to your face to hold you and crashes his lips against yours. It is absolute magic. He's slow and gentle, keeping in mind that this is your first kiss. You follow his groove and eventually get the hang of it. One of his hands goes down to your jaw to grip it and move your face to his liking to kiss you at a better angle. The slight control making you tingly inside. He ends it by pulling away and leaving one more kiss on your cheek. Your faces absolutely flushed, both of you breathless and enamored by each others beauty. But he's not finished yet and so he grabs your face softly once more and kisses you again. Your hands come up to his neck and hair, gripping onto him as he lays you down on the couch. He comes up for a moment.
"Is this okay pretty girl?" He looks into your eyes and silently prays that he's doing everything right, wanting to make your first kiss the most memorable. You nod and he doesn't hesitate to go back to his previous actions.
He decides to test the waters a bit and kisses from your lips to your jaw and then down to your neck, suckling on one little spot that sends you to the moon. You let out a soft moan and he comes back up to look at you, smirking.
"You like that huh sweetheart?" God you just wanted him to take you right here, right now. This side of him was so attractive and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about this happening before. You nod again and he goes trailing kisses back down to that same spot before leaving a little hickey that you'd have to somehow cover up later. The sounds you emit making him slightly hard. But the euphoric moment becomes suddenly interrupted by a couple knocks on the door followed by "Pizza!".
Both of you sighing at the disturbance as Eddie gets up but not before giving you a quick kiss on your lips one more time. You sit up from the couch with your hair slightly messy, skin warm and head all fuzzy from the high and makeout session combined. Eddie tips the delivery boy and kicks the door shut with his foot, rushing over and putting the pizza down on the table.
"Pizza can wait." He mumbles as he gets back on top of you, pushing you back down and hungrily kissing your lips. "So. Goddamn. Pretty." He says in between kisses. "I cant believe I'm kissing you right now."
You giggle at his words. "I could say the same about you. You've always intrigued me, Eddie Munson."
"Really?" He looks at you as if you have 3 heads, which you probably do considering he's high as shit right now.
"Yeah. You're not like everybody else, you are so myserious, but in a really cool and hot way."
"You think i'm hot?" His eyes widen.
"Do you think i'd still be underneath you right now if I didn't?" You smirk as you pull him back down to you and kiss his neck, trying to mimic what he did to you just moments ago.
"You're killing me sweetheart." He groans next to your ear.
part 4 soon <3
♡ taglist: @totallynotkaibiased @projectsortitout @yeehawbitchs @hellfirequinn
let me know if you'd like to be added/removed! :)
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 2 years ago
The Assignment
part 1 | part 2
eddie munson x female! reader
notes/warnings: toxic relationship (Jason & Chrissy), mentions of drugs
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All you were thinking about today was Eddie Munson and how sweet he was to you yesterday. You've never had a guy so intrigued the way Eddie was. Most of the guys who approached you, mainly jocks, only wanted one thing of course but you stayed away and rejected anyone's advances. Considering how you are one of the most popular and prettiest girls at school, you being by their side would create this unrealistic power couple dynamic, boosting their already higher than heaven ego's. They wanted the notch on their belt, the queen to their castle, all that kinda crap. Just a pretty image and nothing more. Kinda like Jason and Chrissy. At school everything seemed so perfect. Him always being by her side in the halls, carrying her books and cheer bag, getting her lunch for her and all that other cute stuff. But outside of Hawkins High, it was an entirely different dynamic.
There was a point in time where poor Chrissy would call you every night sobbing about how Jason pressures her and puts her down so much regarding academics and cheer. His grades were phenomenal and he was captain of the basketball team and he wanted her to live up to that standard as well, but he never knew why her grades weren't the best or why she was slacking in cheer lately, nor did he ever care to ask. She was struggling at home with the same exact thing with her parents. He was supposed to be her escape, not another reason for her depression and you despised him for it. He didn't know you knew, but oh you knew and when she first spilled her guts to you about it, you nearly lost your mind.
And that's when you first saw the good in Eddie. Chrissy wanted to buy pills from him that would apparently help her with all this going on in her life, or at least escape from it and she didn't want to go alone, so she asked you to go with her. You happily obliged even though you were terrified of Eddie. As soon as you two got to his trailer that night, you noticed he was waiting on the small steps. Nauseous? yes. So you decided to stay in the car. What you didn't expect is how he ended up being so polite, opening his door for her and even leaving it open intentionally so you could see and hear the interaction happen. He offered her water or a snack and asked a million times if she was sure about this. It wasn't until then that you realized how genuine he actually was.
But a few days later Jason somehow found out Chrissy was taking pills and where she got them from, and that's where his personal vendetta against Eddie began. This made Chrissy feel even worse, and she decided to let you take over as cheer captain, as everything was just too much for her to handle. So much that she began sleeping at your house for a few days and refused to get anymore pills, in fear Jason would find out again and do something to Eddie. And therefore, you couldn't be seen even meters within him. So yeah, you kinda knew why Jason bullied Eddie, but the others? Not so much considering Jason would never expose the flaws of his "perfect relationship". But now you and Eddie were partners in english and Jason couldn't do anything about it. You saw it as a win.
It was now lunchtime and everything was going normally, until you noticed Eddie walking towards you with a huge smile on his face.
"Y/n! I was thinking Saturday we could order some pizza to my place, on me of course."
If you weren't already falling you definitely were now. "That sounds great, are you sure?"
"Yeah, my treat. It's the least I could do for you for defending me yesterday after class."
"O-Oh, didn't know you heard that. But yeah, Jason was being a huge dick, had to put him in his place y'know." You blush, not knowing he overheard. "I'm so down for pizza though, thank you. I'll see you in class later!" You smile and wave to him as you walk to the jock table, Jason eyeing you down as if you just murderered his dog or something. You were prepared for anything he was about to say as you sat down next to Chrissy.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him y/n."
"Jason." Chrissy warned.
"I thought I told you you're not my father and to stop acting like it." Rolling your eyes you took out your lunch from your lunch bag and began eating. The table sitting in silence the entire lunch period.
The silent table was honestly peaceful. All the guys talked about were upcoming games and their latest hookups and as for the girls, cheer routines and boys. It was an everyday thing and it just felt robotic by now and you wished they'd all talk about something else for once. The silence allowed you to overhear Eddie talking to his table —which was literally just the Hellfire club— about their big campaign. You learned that he was what they call the "Dungeon Master". The way he was so passionate about it made you think about how he was going to write about you. Would he be this passionate? It's not a love letter per say, but a huge assignment you guys are getting graded on, so it has to be somewhat good, right?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the bell and as the rest of your table got up, Chrissy stayed with you.
"Y/n i'm so sorry about Jason, really I wish he would just drop it." she said sighing.
"Chrissy, I just don't understand why you don't leave him already, seriously he's no good for you, which is ironic because he's always saying how other people are no good." You were extremely tired of putting up with their relationship everyday knowing how it really was.
"If I leave he'd tell my parents my grades are shit and that i'm not cheer captain anymore. I can't deal with that. Plus everyone looks at us as the perfect couple of Hawkins High, it would just be all bad if we were to break up. I don't know." She sighed while on the verge of tears.
"Chrissy WHAT? That's awful you can't let him control you like this." You could knock mr. oh so perfect's teeth down his throat at this very moment.
"Listen, I have somewhat of a plan. After the next big game I was planning to dump him after the win. It's gonna be a very obvious win as the team we're playing sucks. So as he's on that high horse I'll knock him right off. Or is that stupid?"
"Chrissy that is the best thing you've said all year, I have your back just in case all else fails." You didn't expect her to have come up with this plan, but you were happy that she did.
The next few classes went by rather quick, and it was finally time for english. You were getting butterflies just thinking about how it would go today. Surprisingly, Eddie was already in class before you, which was very odd, considering he's usually always late everyday. Your heart beating faster as you approach your joint desks and sit down.
"Hey Dungeon Master." you giggle and wink at him as he gives you a look, not expecting you to know what that was let alone call him that. But he decided to play it cool.
"I could get used to that." he smirked as he was admiring your face, tension filling the air between you two.
As you took it all in, you realize that he is so so pretty. Everything about him was just gorgeous. His untamed wavy hair, glimmering brown eyes, plump lips, light stubble, sharp jawline, just everything.
"So" he said breaking the tension, "When am I gonna get to eat your famous chocolate chip cookies?"
Now you shouldn't be all giddy about him remembering something that you told him just yesterday, but you one hundred percent were. "I can bake some tomorrow night and bring them over Saturday! How's that?" you smile.
"Now that sounds amazing. I've always been kinda jealous seeing you bring them in for your lunch table and seeing everyone basically cream their pants over them." he admits with a laugh.
But you haven't done that in weeks, meaning he's been paying attention to you for a while which makes your heart skip.
"I will make you extra then, so you have some to snack on for a few days."
"You are absolutely perfect." he says, immediately going red, not realizing that was supposed to stay an internal though. But he plays it cool once more.
Once again you spend class talking about your interests until the bell rings, your heart sinking, realizing you won't see him again until tomorrow. But you're caught off guard as he walks with you to your locker.
"Hope you don't mind, just don't want Jason to terrorize you again."
At this point you could melt.
"Thanks Eddie, I appreciate that a lot. He's always on my case for no reason."
He leans back on the locker to your left, meaning he was now extremely close to you and your personal space. He looks at your decorated locker, full of photos of you and Chrissy, the cheer squad, photos of you all at the jock parties, some cute stickers and a couple of sticky notes full of due dates and random things. One in particular catches his eye.
♡ Hanging out with Eddie — Saturday
Now what he doesn't know that you use hearts as bullet points for everything, but at the time you wrote that, you had nothing else planned after it so it's the only thing on that note, making it look very lovey dovey. He didn't mind of course and it made him grin. As you finished putting some things away and gathering the things you needed for tonight's homework to put in your backpack, he quickly looks the other way as you get up so you don't notice that he was harmlessly snooping.
"Do you need a ride after cheer?" he asks.
You silently cursed at yourself realizing you'd be leaving with Chrissy, as you both were studying together for the math test you guys had tomorrow morning.
"No not today, i'm studying with Chrissy tonight so i'm leaving with her after cheer. Thank you though."
"No problem, see you tomorrow then." he side hugs you before walking to the room Hellfire is held in.
You and Chrissy were sat on her bed eating snacks and going over the study guide.
"Soooo, you and Eddie? I saw him hug you before cheer practice, what was that about?" she seemed so excited to inquire about this and you couldn't blame her as her relationship with Jason was poor, so she loved hearing about others.
"It wasn't even a full hug, more like friendly side hug y'know? Like all the guys give us at parties."
"Hm that's true I guess, but I do think he likes you. I noticed in english how he was just admiring you. It's very sweet."
"Nah, he's just a good listener." Truly you hoped he liked you and that he wasn't just being nice and fake flirting like he did with everyone else.
"Whatever you say y/n." she giggles.
You ended up eating dinner at Chrissy's, it being awkward when her parents would ask about cheer and if she's been coming up with new routines for the squad. But she played it well, as you ran them all by her at every practice just in case this happened. Once you got home you took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, changed into your pajamas and laid in bed. All you could think about was the tension between you and Eddie earlier and how you wished you weren't in school so that you could've acted on it. But little did you know he was thinking the same about you at this very moment in his own bed as he was trying to sleep.
part 3 <3
♡ taglist: @totallynotkaibiased @projectsortitout @yeehawbitchs
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 2 years ago
The Assignment
part 1
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: multi part series, popular!reader x eddie, acquaintances to friends, eventually lovers
summary: your entire english class is assigned to write about their new, very opposite personality seat mate, eddie is yours and as you get to know each other you both fall, hard.
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2 pm English, your last and least favorite class of the day. You were dreading walking into that classroom, as Mrs. O'Donnell had mentioned yesterday that she'd be changing things around the classroom in order to get everyone to focus. Lately the books and assignments have been way more boring than usual, and you just wanted to get it over with and head to cheer practice.
As you walked in, you saw that the desks had been rearranged into pairs and had temporary name tags on them. Your heart sank realizing you won't be next to Chrissy or even near the other cheer girls anymore. In the beginning of the year you guys made your own little group of desks, as the rest of the different cliques in the class did. You noticed that Chrissy was put at the opposite end of the classroom and shot her a frown as you walked past her.
As you approached your desk, you immediately froze, your eyes going wide reading who was sat next to you. Eddie Munson aka the "freak" of Hawkins High. To be truly honest, you were afraid of him, even though you've never spoken to him. The guys of your clique picked on him endlessly and you never understood why or cared to chimed in, neither did Chrissy. Of course he was loud and somewhat annoying, but to you, he was very intimidating. Tall, lanky and mysterious. You were too focused on your nerves that you didn't notice him plop himself down next to you, looking at you with a smile.
"Must be my lucky day, I get to sit next to the prettiest girl in Hawkins everyday for the rest of the year."
You let out a nervous laugh as you blushed lightly. You weren't sure what to say, but the compliment did calm you down a bit. He was known to harmlessly flirt with the cheerleaders just to piss off Jason and honestly, you found it funny. Jason knew the compliments were very much real and genuine, which pissed him off even more. The thought of any of you cheer girls being with, in his words 'a freak like him' made him so uneasy. Jason was overprotective of you girls, which you found very overbearing at times. You were your own people after all, and can definitely make conscious decisions on your own. So if you wanted to flirt back with Eddie, you definitely would, not caring to hear Jason rant for the millionth time about how 'guys like him' are no good and are just trouble personified.
Once everyone was settled in class, Mrs. O'Donnell began to explain your newest assignment.
"Now as you may have noticed, I've sat you all in very different, almost opposite pairs. For your next assignment, I'd like for you to get to know your partners over the next week and write a short essay about them."
The majority of the class sighed and groaned, as most of the pairs were complete opposites and strangers. Chrissy being paired with Robin Buckley, Jason with Nancy Wheeler, Patrick with Jeff and so on. You'd be lying if you said the thought of Eddie Munson writing about you wouldn't be sweet.
"Now I get to write about the prettiest girl in Hawkins? Score baby." He whispered to you as he nudged your arm, causing you to blush once more.
"I'm so honored to get to write about the freak himself." You replied with a sweet smile.
"I will give you each class period until then to get to know each other more, and if you'd like to take it upon yourselves to get to know one another outside of class and school, feel free to do so." Mrs. O'Donnell said, earning a few no ways and absolutely nots in response, which she ignored.
Some pairs quickly began speaking to each other, while others sat in silence, barely even making small talk. Eddie on the other hand turned to face you right away as if he'd been waiting for the opportunity to speak to you one on one his whole life.
"So, what do you like outside of cheer?" he asked nervously.
"Well, uh, I love music, a lot actually!"
"Let me guess, Madonna's biggest fan?" he joked.
"More like Tears for Fears, Queen, Metallica, George Mich—"
"Woah woah woah, you like Metallica?! You're fucking with me, right?" he secretly hoped you were telling the truth.
"Dead serious, Munson." you laughed as his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. He couldn't believe a girl like you liked Metallica. "My dad got me into them!"
Throughout the rest of the class period you kept getting to know each other. You learning about how much he loves Dungeons and Dragons and playing guitar and him learning more about your music taste and how you're secretly a great baker.
"We should hang out soon, I'd love to see your cd collection and this prized guitar you speak of." You smiled.
"Y-Yea that'd be great." He can't believe that a cheerleader just asked him to hang out. "I have a huge dnd campaign over the next few days though, so how about Saturday?"
You nodded in agreement, actually excited to spend time with him. The final bell rang, you and Eddie exchanged goodbye's before going to your locker and him to Hellfire Club. You can't help but replay your entire conversation in class, daydreaming as you held your locker open staring at nothing. You were snapped out of it by Chrissy scaring you by opening your locker all the way, causing you to almost lose your balance.
"You seem super happy! Excited to write about Eddie?" Chrissy giggled as she opened her locker that was next to yours.
"Kinda, I guess. He's very....interesting! And we have some similar interests. How'd it go with Robin?" you asked.
"She's pretty nice! No complaints, excited to get to know he—"
Your conversation is suddenly interrupted by a stern and rather irritating voice, "Y/n!" You turn around, seeing Jason approaching you both looking upset. Chrissy rolls her eyes and frowns knowing what's about to be said. "I hope you're not hanging out with that freak Munson for this assignment, he's no good and you know that. I swear if he tries anything I wi—"
"Oh would you give me a break Jason! Maybe if you actually had one conversation with him you'd realize how nice he actually is! And stop acting like you're my father! I don't need you to protect me. I can do it myself." You yell as you slam your locker shut, not caring about the small crowd staring dumbfounded at the interaction that just took place, Chrissy staying behind to scold her boyfriend as you storm off to the gym for cheer practice. What you didn't notice was that Eddie heard the entire thing just as he was about to close the doors to begin Hellfire. He turned towards a furious Jason who was giving him the death glare, sending him a smirk before going inside.
Cheer goes by rather quick and as you're leaving, you notice Eddie walking out of the school with the rest of the Hellfire group.
"Eddie, wait up!" You call out, the faces of all the other boys going white in total disbelief that a cheerleader is calling out to him. They slowly keep walking, emphasis on slowly, as they're all intrigued about what you're going to say to him. "I was thinking on Saturday we could meet up for some lunch!"
"Sounds good to me, do you need a ride home?" he asked.
"Yeah that'd be great actually." You smiled.
The rest of the Hellfire boys stood there with their jaws practically on the floor. Was this a prank? Did you actually want to hang out with Eddie? He says his goodbyes to them all and gestures you to follow him to his van. You get inside, the strong stench of weed hitting your nostrils.
"Do you smoke?" He asks while lighting a joint, placing it in his mouth so he could start the van. Something about the way the flame of the lighter illuminated his face made him look so godly and sent tingles down your spine. There's no way you're developing a crush this quickly. Or are you?
"Not much, only done it at a few of Jason's parties." you respond.
"I'm getting more supply in Saturday morning, would you be up to it after lunch?" Honestly his offer doesn't sound bad at all, you could use a little relief.
You nod in agreement and give him your address so he could drop you off. The ride was calming, he left the windows down so the nice spring air could breeze through while you guys talked about the most random things. You realize how easy he is to talk to and how comforting it is that he is very much a listener, not interrupting you at any point in the conversation. He is quite literally the opposite of what you thought he'd be like. On the outside he may look scary and intimidating, but on the inside he is so kind hearted and soft. As you pull up to your house you get a sort of sad feeling, as if you don't wanna leave just yet, but he couldn't know that, so you unbuckle your seatbelt and hop out, waving at him outside the passenger door.
"Thanks Eddie! See you in class tomorrow!" you smile as you walk away and towards your front door.
"Anytime sweetheart." But that you don't hear, because he mumbled it to himself as you were already unlocking your front door.
part 2 coming soon ;) <3
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
THREE MEN AND A BABY - Summer of 87’
(young parents!Eddie Munson x fem!reader)
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more dad!eddie and penny adventures can be found on my masterlist
summary: . . you leave eddie to watch your newborn with some ‘help’ (they don’t really do anything) from jonathan and argyle.
a/n: everyone lives in Hawkins because i said so. as always, no beta so mistakes will be fixed later.
* . *‱ + . * . * . *‱ + . * . * . *‱ + . * . * . *‱ + . * .
“Dude.”  Argyle leaned in for a closer look, staring deeply into the unimpressed, brown eyes peering up at him from her place in her bouncer, tiny fists curled near her head, fuzzy with dark curls. “You had a baby.” Eddie snickered while Jonathan shook his head in amusement. “Yeah, I know that, man.” “No—you don’t get it, man! Like, you had a baby. You’re a dad. She is composed of half of your DNA. The fruit of your looms!” Jonathan choked on the cold pizza he’d been scarfing down at that bit of Argyle’s rant. “She’s—Oh, she got your eyes, too.”  Argyle ended on a coo, a finger reaching down to run over her soft, chubby cheek. From the moment you and Eddie brought Penny home three weeks ago, you’d been attached to her. Utterly and completely obsessed with the perfect little being your body had spent months creating. While you’d been initially incredibly hesitant to meet her—coherently, at least, she’d been placed on your chest briefly when you’d been having a horrible out of body experience from the pain of having just pushed her out seconds before—it was hard for you to put her down now. You blamed that newborn baby smell. It was your weakness, if she was cradled against you, your head was angled down to sniff at her hair. You loved bonding with her in general, but your mother had made sure Eddie knew to not let you withdraw from society once Penny came, and then she’d told Eddie all about Postpartum Depression, effectively scaring the shit out of him. So that’s how you ended up having a girl’s day with Nancy, Eden and Robin. Sure, you’d started crying after showering your little baby in kisses and love and you’d had to be literally dragged out by the girls but Eddie knew you’d have a good time.
Just like he knew he could totally handle Penny on his own. Jonathan and Argyle had come along with the girls, but both were entirely too curious about Penny to leave. Not at all because Eddie had body blocked the door once they realized their ride was driving off. Alright, he was still scarred from day two out of the hospital.  Max and Lucas had come over to the trailer to visit Penny—Lucas loved holding her, you found it so cute—when you had gone to change Penny’s diaper and immediately began crying out for help. Eddie had never bolted so fast in his entire life with Max and Lucas on his heels, and the sight that greeted them was horrifying in a new parent sort of way. Penny had shit so violently once you’d undone her diaper that it was splattered on the wall, she was peeing all over your hands, and she’d thrown up, the milky looking substance also leaking out of her little nostrils. She herself didn’t look at all phased by what she’d just done. So, yeah. Maybe he needed a little back up for now. “Who’s got beautiful, angel eyes? Who’s got beautiful angel eyes? You do! You do!” Eddie watched Argyle gently tap her little nose, and his heart warmed when he could see his baby smiling around her pacifier. He knew it was probably just gas since she was starting to learn how to use her face, but he liked to imagine she knew just how much everyone loved her; that she’d never have to feel like he did growing up, unloved and alone until Uncle Wayne had stepped in when his father had been arrested and he had no one else. His kid had family. And a damn good one at that. “You can pick her up, if you want.” “Whoa.” Jonathan warned. “Hey now.” Argyle took a physical step back from the newborn, eyeing her skeptically. “And risk dropping her—man, that’s not cool.”
“You won’t drop her, so long as you hold onto her. Kind of common knowledge, but simply don’t let go.” Eddie rolled his eyes, stretching forward from the couch to slip his finger into her tiny little hand. She gripped onto it immediately, and he leaned closer to give it a kiss, inhaling the scent of her skin. He couldn’t blame you for sniffing her all the time—she did smell ridiculously good.
“Fine, man. Then you get her out of that chair thingy, ‘cause I don’t wanna hurt her or something. I’m used to Eden’s siblings, they’re like uh a little older by like a lot and stupid invincible. One of her brothers came down the driveway on his bike just when I pulled up and I hit him with my car. Little dude just got right back up, kicked me and left!”  Eddie’s eyes were wide as saucers as he carefully pulled Penny out of her bouncer—the three of them collectively awing in adoration when her lower half scrunched up on instinct as she brought her hands to the sides of her head— and stood up in front of Jonathan. “You get first dibs since you don’t currently have a likely hood of hitting my daughter with a car at some point in her life.”  Jonathan immediately looked like he wanted to runaway, but ended up hesitantly accepting Penny into the crook of his arms as Eddie handed her over. It had been a while since he last held a baby, the last having been Will and he’d been a kid then, too.
He took to it naturally, though, his body relaxing as he held up her hand, thumb rubbing gently over her soft palm. Her squishy little fingers wrapped over his thumb as she stared up at him, most likely curious about a face she’d seen a couple of times before, but not so often this close. Or maybe she wasn’t thinking at all. 
“She’s so. . . small.” That wasn’t what he meant, he’d meant she looked so innocent, so fragile to the world around her. She wasn’t even his kid, but the longer he held her, the more sure he became of the fact that he’d kick ass to keep her safe, something he didn’t do very often, but very effectively. “I’m an uncle.” Eddie smirked, filled with pride as his daughter won another skeptic over. Jonathan ran a hand over her head, mindful of her soft spot, in awe of how soft her hair was. Damn, she really was cute. And she did have Eddie’s eyes.  “She’s a pretty baby.” He commented, moving his thumb around in her hold. “Not gonna lie, I thought she’d you know, be a little ugly when she came out, what with having been squished through a hole, but no. She was even a pretty newborn.” Eddie admitted, he hadn’t seen a whole lot of newborn babies before Penny, but he knew they looked like little aliens fresh out the womb. “You and baby mama must have been some pretty cute looking babies, then. Any kids Eden and I have are screwed, man. I was hairy as hell and I’ve seen her baby pictures, let’s just say they’re gonna get double takes.” Argyle ranted, but he too was focused on Penny and Jonathan, looking a little envious. Once Jonathan got his fair share, he shifted her around in his hold, making sure to support her head as he transferred her into Argyle’s ready and waiting arms. He seemed to change his tune after witnessing Jonathan hold her and successfully not throw her across the room like a football.
Unlike Jonathan who hadn’t wanted to move her around too much in his grasp, Argyle sat her up right, making sure to support her head at Eddie’s prompting. Penny looked startled as her body tried to slump forward, stopped by Argyle’s hold on her. The pacifier stopped moving, and Eddie tensed, waiting for the cry but it never came. Instead, the pacifier began to move again and she let out a soft grunt, but she didn’t seem to mind all that much.
He relaxed, sinking into the couch on Jonathan’s other side. Argyle noticed her drooping lids and deciding to be brave, placed her back into her bouncer as gently as he’d seen Eddie handle her.
Eddie couldn’t help but grin down at her, taken with the way they’d drop completely only to shoot back up. He was reminded of all the late night conversations the two of you had, and how you always fought sleep off, keen on talking to him instead of sleeping. Your eyelids would get all droopy, you’d close your eyes, and then catch yourself, snapping up and briefly awake before doing it all over again.  Eddie wondered how many more memories of you looking at Penny would trigger for him. He couldn’t wait to figure it out.  As if she knew he was thinking about her, Penny’s gaze wandered to him and he locked eyes with a pair identical to his own. Then she forced her pacifier out of her mouth and began to wail something fierce.  They all jumped up immediately, eyes wide at the sudden drop in her mood. “What did I do? Was it something I said?” Argyle asked, blaming himself as he began to panic. Jonathan was running his hands through his hair, distressed.  “No, you didn’t do anything,” Eddie reassured him as he picked Penny back up and walked to the small kitchen, grabbing a bottle from a recent feeding attempt. “You hungry, little bitty pretty one?” He held the bottle to her lips but that only seemed to make her angrier as she struggled against it, head moving away from the nipple. Her face was all squished up and took on a darker tint as her wails died down to whimpers. Eddie knew what that meant.  He was quick to place the bottle back down, but the damage was done. Penny was silent for the briefest of moments before she began shrieking. Water started to pull in the inner corners of her eyes—a new development, up until two days ago, all she could do was cry but her body hadn’t produced tears yet—and she let her little lungs ring loud in the trailer. Eddie knew his neighbors were probably cursing up a storm but they could kick buckets for all he cared. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. That’s not what you wanted, was it? My poor girl. Daddy’s gonna make it right.” Eddie soothed, cradling her to his chest with one hand holding the back of her head.  It seemed to do some good, hearing his voice had stopped the piercing shrieks, but she was still crying and very loudly.  He pulled her little baby bottoms back to check her diaper, but it was still clean so she couldn’t be upset about that. Eddie sighed, raising her a little higher on his chest so he could nuzzle her, pressing kisses into her sweet smelling hair.
Then it hit him. Penny was tired. That was it. She was just tired but unable to fully slip into blissful slumber on her own and she was upset about it. Eddie wanted to beat his head against the fridge for having overlooked something so obvious. He reached down to turn the knob of the radio, bringing it to life before he began searching for a station. Once he’d stumbled upon one crooning out oldies, he swayed, patting her bottom to further soothe her.
Penny’s cries died down almost immediately, turning into soft grunts instead as her lids began to droop again. It was after Eddie started singing along, his voice low and soft, that she was finally able to fall asleep, snuggled up to her daddy with a fist full of his hair that was most definitely going to be super fun getting out of her grip without waking her. Eddie turned to find Jonathan and Argyle watching them. Jonathan had a ghost of a smile on his face while Argyle stared at him in wonder. “Dude. You’re a dad. You just did a dad thing!” Jonathan grinned. “I agree. Looks like I’m the only freak in town now, you’re Eddie ‘The Dad’ Munson, now.” “Hell yeah, I’ll take it.” Eddie didn’t bother trying to hide his smile, he was cheesing’ it up.  You’d called him something similar a couple of times. Teased him about being Eddie ‘The DILF’ Munson, which was really unfair given you hadn’t been cleared by your doctor to have sex yet, so he couldn’t make that a reality.  “It’s crazy how this time last year, we were freshly graduated, you were eloping against every single adults’ opinion and now you have a baby. It’s mind boggling. But like, at the same time it’s not. . .I don’t know, help me out here.” Argyle slapped the back of his hand against Jonathan’s shoulder a few times.
“Being a dad suits you. You’re good at it. You’re a good dad and a good family man.” Jonathan supplied, meaning every word. He’d know, he had a shitty dad like Eddie did.
 That one simple statement hit Eddie hard, and he held Penny just a little tighter to his chest. “Gotta give her everything I didn’t have.” — You nearly broke the door down when you’d gotten back to the trailer. Despite your hesitance to leave Penny, you’d actually enjoyed the time with your friends. Sure, you spent every single second you weren’t talking thinking about your little family, but you still had fun.  The car ride back was spent wondering how much of a mess the place would be. Robin was expecting there to be a small kitchen fire, Eden was expecting one of the boys to be crying, Nancy was just curious to see how Jonathan had lasted in the presence of a baby. For future after college and established careers purposes, of course. You had faith in Eddie, had seen how quickly he had and still was adapting to being a dad. The others you couldn’t ball park so your money was on Argyle being the crybaby to which Eden quickly agreed.
But you hadn’t come home to any of that. The boys were all sat on the couch, fawning over your baby who had woken up in much better mood. “My baby!” You made grabby hands as they got up to greet you, and Eddie let you scoop her up from his arms in exchange for a kiss. You could hear Robin gagging when she realized she was third wheeling three different couples, so you assumed Nancy and Eden were also receiving ‘welcome back’ smooches.  You leaned down to violently inhale Penny’s new baby smell, pulling back with a look of satisfaction on your face. “That’s the good stuff. How’d it go?” Eddie laughed as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and trailed a finger through Penny’s curls. “Oh, you know. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Angel Face
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Summary: Eddie takes Dustin to pick up his sister from the airport and is surprised with seeing his long ago best friend.
Word Count: 3395
Eddie Masterlist
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“You know Henderson, I didn’t know you had a sister.” Eddie turns his head slightly to glance at the younger boy in the passenger seat. He had found out about her when Dustin gathered everyone up in a meeting to announce the news that she was moving back.
“It’s not like it was a secret.” Dustin shrugs before turning his body to face Eddie. “Thanks again for driving to pick her up. It means a lot to my mom and I that you said yes when I asked.”
“Why couldn’t your mom do it again?” Eddie wasn’t complaining, he owed his friend one after he dragged him out of the upside down, though he would’ve driven him even if he hadn’t.
“She had to work because her dick of a boss wouldn’t let her take off.”
“Bummer. Tell me about this famous sister of yours that everyone knew about except for me.”
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
you kissed me just to kiss me
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because we all need some soft eddie fluff in our days <3 
requested by anonymous
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the reader has never been kissed. eddie volunteers to be the first (no plot just sap and smoochin’)
word count: 1.5k
Nothing about Eddie matches the bedroom, yet he seems effortlessly at ease among posters he doesn’t recognize, lounging on the end of a bed that isn’t his, a worn novel he found on the bedside spread across his lap like he’s the one who dogeared all the pages.
He doesn’t quite fit with the image, but somehow, he enhances it. Turns a boring room into a shining landscape.
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
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Movie Stars - Eddie Munson x Reader
WC: 5K / navi / preview / request
Summary: Distracting Jason Carver means a lot of flirting, and Eddie isn't too happy about seeing his best friend hanging off of the star basketball player. Jealousy ensues, but will it ruin your friendship?
Contents/Warnings: Jealous!Eddie, arguments, silent treatment, Eddie is angry for a bit, fluff, angst, angst to fluff, fluffy ending, tooth rotting fluff, best friends to lovers
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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"Fuck," Eddie hisses, telltale sound of Jason Carver's booming voice bidding goodbye to his friends already starting down the hallway, "He's coming!"
Eddie hasn't finished the note he's scribbling yet, the prank being your idea after Jason dumped a carton of milk over Eddie's van just the day prior. Sitting out in the hot sun, his van reeked.
The note says something along the lines of 'Meet me under the bleachers tonight at midnight ;)', and Eddie takes care to use his fanciest calligraphy handwriting to make it seem adoring. You know Jason will fall hook, line, and sinker for the secret admirer gag, because his ego is through the roof and he's desperate for a girlfriend.
Your plan will land Jason shivering under the bleachers tonight, sprawled out over the dewy grass before he finally realizes no one's coming. You're hoping he ends up too tired for the game tomorrow night, and without their star player, the Hawkins High basketball team won't stand a chance.
You can hear the squeak of Jason's sneakers on the linoleum, thinking quick and dashing down the hallway.
"Hurry!" You hiss to Eddie, patting him on the shoulder hastily and nearly rocketing into the basketball star as you round the corner.
"Woah!" He steadies you, but looks rather unimpressed when he recognizes you, "What do you want, Y/L/N?"
"I- I was wondering if I could talk to you," You dip your head down slightly, making your eyes appear shinier as your lashes flutter prettily.
"About," You drag the word out, sidestepping so that he can't duck around you, "Your game tomorrow! I'm really excited to see you play."
Jason's brow furrows, "You're coming?"
"Of course!" You keep your voice light and airy, a lovesick lilt to it that hurts to enforce, "I love watching you play."
"I thought you were Munson's girl," Jason narrows his eyes accusatorily at you, "Why aren't'cha hangin' with the freak?"
"We're just friends," Saying that is more painful than anything you've had to spew at Jason so far, but you try not to dwell on your underlying feelings for your best friend, "I.. I think you're really cool, Jason."
You almost puke. Inflating Jason's ego is easier than it looks, but it's sickening to watch him puff up with pride, a sick smirk sliding over his slimy face.
"Finally comin' around," He drawls, reaching a bold arm around your waist to drag you close to him. You stumble backwards slightly, your form now visible from the hallway, but not his. All that's visible from Eddie's position is you, Jason's arm around your waist and your hands pressing against what he's sure is Jason's chest to steady you.
"Oh!' You let out a surprised squeak, seeing Eddie's mane of brown hair bob down the hallway as he sprints for the exit, "Um, I'm sorry Jason, but I've gotta go!"
"But I thought-"
"See you tomorrow for the big game," You smile placatingly at him from against his chest, patting it softly as you untangle yourself, "I'm sure you'll play great!"
You're off and running before he could chase you, and you ignore his confused calls of your name. You follow where Eddie had gone, slipping out of the hallway doors and squinting when the sun hurt your eyes.
You spot Eddie no problem, your best friend stalking towards his van in the parking lot. A bright grin spreads over your face as you sprint towards him, knocking into his shoulder lightly as you join him.
"It worked!" You let out a celebratory cheer, an incredulous laugh lacing your words, "I didn't think-"
"Stop." Eddie snaps, pushing you gently away from where you'd been butting against his side.
"I.." You flounder for something to say, "I'm sorry, Eddie, did I hurt you, or-"
"I'm fine." Eddie refuses to meet your eye, his voice still cold and stretched thin, "I gotta go."
"So do I," You giggle carefully, "You wanna watch a movie or something?" You finally get a good look at his face and his eyes are raging, something that makes your chest tight. His jaw is tight and you long to brush a finger over it, easing its tension. But you don't.
You reach his van and tug expectantly at the handle but he brushes your hand away, ducking into the driver's seat, "No, Y/N, I have to go. Not you. I can't give you a ride today."
"Oh." You feel your stomach shift uncomfortably, a strange sinking feeling in its pit, "I thought.. but- but everyday, you-"
"Not today." He simply states, checking his mirrors to avoid your eye, "Bye."
"Bye," You hardly manage to answer, stepping back as his van roars to life. You watch him peel out of the parking lot with tears stinging at your eyes, then you hear the door open behind you.
"Y/N?" It's Jason's voice, and it grates irritatingly at your ears, "Who you waiting for?"
"No one." You mumble quietly, the realization saddening you, "I.. I've gotta go."
"Lemme give you a ride." He offers, and you expect a sleazy smirk on his face when you turn. Instead it's a soft furrow of his brow, concern etched into his annoying features.
"It's okay," You shake your head, "I.. I should just walk."
"You live, like, ten minutes from here, by car." Jason scoffs, "Come on, Y/N."
"No," You insist, "Really, it's fine. Thank you for the offer, Jason." You step back when he starts for you, frustration taking over his face, "I'll enjoy walking."
"Whatever." Jason rolls his eyes, "Y'know, I was trying to be nice to you. 'Thought you were all over me a few minutes ago."
"Just go," You grit your teeth, already starting down the street for home, "'See you tomorrow, I guess."
You hear him mumble something under his breath, and it sounds suspiciously like, 'not sure if I want to.' But you don't care, because you don't want to see him either, and he takes off in his car only a minute later, leaving you in the dust to walk alone.
For convenience's sake, you probably should have let him drive you. But you'd rather eat mud than let Jason Carver drive you home, giving him your address and ten minutes alone with you in an enclosed space.
When you finally make it home almost an hour later, your feet are killing you. You'd never realized how far you actually lived from the school, ten minutes in Eddie's van while he talked your ear off and blasted music seeming like mere seconds, over too soon.
Worry spikes in your chest at the reminder of Eddie's foul mood earlier. Did someone say something to him outside? Did he get caught by a teacher? Did he have detention?
Then you remember his eagerness to leave. Was he in trouble? Did he get hurt? Was there an emergency?
Against your body's desperate pleas for rest, you reluctantly keep your shoes on, tossing your backpack onto the couch. You'll get an earful from your parents later about the dirty bag on their clean furniture, but Eddie is more important than a lecture, and you set out again.
The sun is beating down on you as you trek to the trailer park, and it takes you even longer to get there than it had to get home. You're sluggish and sweaty when you finally traipse up the stairs to Eddie's trailer, knocking sharply on the door.
"Eddie?" You call, peering in a window to see the lights in his room on, "Eddie, open up!"
No reply. You shift on your feet, the soles of them aching, "Eddie, it's hotter than balls out here! Please just let me in!"
You hear light shuffling from behind the door, then a lock clicks, and Eddie stands unimpressed in front of you, the door swung open.
"What do you need?" He glares at you, his rotten behavior a complete 180 from his usual bubbly disposition. He gets a good look at your flushed, sweaty face, "Jesus, did you come from hell?"
"Almost," You grimace at the reminder of nearly being in Jason Carver's car, "Let me in."
You move to brush past Eddie but he sidesteps you, keeping you on the porch. Your lips part indignantly, "Eddie!"
"You can't come in." He grumbles, his brows low over his eyes, "Just go home, Y/N."
"I just walked here for an hour," You seethe, "And I did it because I was worried about you. Let me in, dickhead."
He scoffs unimpressed at you, and your heart stings. It's not the first time he's been cross with you, but it's the first time you don't know what you've done, and it hurts to know that he's being this cold.
He finally steps out of the way, and you head instantly for the kitchen. You rummage through a few plastic cups, pulling out your favorite one and filling it with water. While you're chugging it Eddie sits atop the counter, watching you warily.
"So fuckin' messy," He chides, his voice still sharp, "Get over here."
He swipes a thumb over your cheek, smearing away a droplet of water that you'd managed to spill. His touch feels amazing, which is scary because you've only been deprived of it for a few hours, but he pulls away far too soon and crosses his arms over his chest.
"So?" He raises a brow at you, "What do you need?"
"I need to know what's wrong with you," You soften your voice, staring up at him imploringly where he's perched on the counter, "I.. I don't know what happened, but I know something's wrong. And I hate it when you're angry at me, but now I don't even know what I did, and-" Your voice teeters on the edge of cracking, and you rein yourself in with a deep, steady inhale, "I don't know what to do. I don't like this."
You feel hot tears brim in your eyes, and you blink rapidly to try and dissolve them. You're embarrassed, and you're not sure if it's for doing whatever you did, for not knowing what you did, or for crying. You feel pathetic, and you look away from Eddie miserably.
You can't see it, but his teeth dig gently into his bottom lip. He's never made you cry before. Tears sting at his own eyes, a warning of what's to come if he keeps brushing you off, and his hand shakes as he reaches it towards you.
"Y/N.." He breathes carefully, ghosting a hand over your shoulder. You flinch away from the contact and he can pinpoint that as the exact second his heart breaks, biting his tongue to keep himself from crying.
"You.. you don't get to touch me," You whisper, a broken sound as your arms wrap around yourself in a semi-comforting hug, "Not yet. Not until this is over. What did I do, Eddie, why are you treating me like this?"
This time it's Eddie feeling the absence of your comforting touch, itching to yank you into a bear hug and suffocate you until you're not angry with him anymore. Having something taken away is much different than being the taker, Eddie finds out, and he curls his fingers around the counter to prevent himself from crossing your boundaries and smothering you with apologies.
"I was upset.." The past tense refers to only seconds before, still mad when you'd shown up. But your tears had simply eradicated his jealousy, the shining trails down your cheeks stabbing at his chest.
It's a shitty explanation and he knows it. He watches your face screw up, your eyes squeezed tightly shut as your lips purse to withhold a sob.
"I.." He continues, desperate to comfort you but unable to, knowing the words that were about to escape him were meaningless against your tears, "I got jealous, sweetheart."
"Jealous?" You query brokenly, your voice thick with sadness, "Of who?"
"Of Jason," He admits bravely, putting himself out of his comfort zone to pull you back into your own, "You were.. you were really layin' it on thick, baby."
The pet names don't instill the same comfort they normally do in you, but they do assure you that Eddie can't be too mad at you. You sniffle miserably, glancing up at him through tears, "So? 'Was just for some stupid prank." You rub at your nose with your sleeve, "Why did that make you jealous?"
"Cause it sounded right." Eddie sighs, rubbing a hand over his tired expression, "It.. it looked right, too. I mean, it looked wrong, you and him. But his arm looked.. natural around your waist. And your hands were all over his chest," He groans, "It just seemed real."
You're skeptical now, squinting up at him suspiciously, still through a layer of unshed tears, "So? What are you trying to say, Eddie?"
Eddie lets out a strangled, frustrated groan, hopping down from the counter, "I'm saying I want my arm around your waist!"
You've got the same unwavering, confused look on your face, and Eddie's not bothered to admit to himself that he wants to kiss it off of you. But he doesn't want to scare you, so he backs against the counter instead, "I like you, Y/N."
"I should fucking hope so." You mumble, "'Been best friends for years."
"No, I- hnggh," He nearly laughs, your obliviousness comically intense, "Y/N, I'm in love with you."
Now that, you understand.
His confession hits you like a ton of bricks, and you stand frozen, dumbfounded in his cramped kitchen. He had never confessed to you in the first place out of a fear of rejection, and now every second that you stay silent he feels the crack in his heart slowly tear apart.
Finally, finally you speak, mumbling an abrupt, "Oh."
"Oh?" He repeats fearfully, "What does 'oh' mean?"
"Come on baby," He jests weakly, "'Gotta give me a little more than that."
"You.." Your brows dip adorably into a furrow, "You like me?"
"I do." He nods once, "Is that... is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay," Your shoulders relax from where they'd been stiff by your ears, and Eddie swears he can feel every ounce of tension leaking from his body, "I like you too, Eddie."
You say it so casually, and it's the answer Eddie had been hoping for, but the relief that rushes through him at your admission is heavenly. He wonders if you really know just how much it meant to him, the five simple words that you're changing his life with.
"You.. you do?" He asks, hesitant to get ahead of himself in case this was a bizarre, torturous dream that would shatter him when he woke up, "'Cause you don't have to lie to me, baby. If you don't, it's okay, I won't-"
"Shh," You step forwards, placing a finger over his lips and gazing into his eyes. He swears he's dreaming when you drag the finger from his lips over his chin, up his jaw, and settle it into his hairline as your other hand comes up to join the first one on his free cheek.
You're cupping his cheeks. You're cupping his cheeks, Eddie can feel his heart racing as you stare at him, your gaze dreamy.
"I'm not lying." You insist, "Of course I like you. How could I not? You've got these pretty brown eyes," You muse softly, your thumbs ghosting over the soft skin beneath them, "And your nose is so nice," You run a finger down it affectionately, then lean in to pop a kiss to its tip, “‘S good for kissin’.” He feels his heart explode, then your finger immediately goes back to his cheek, "And.. and you've got really nice lips."
To prove your final point your fingers dance over them, the soft pillowy pads dipping slightly under the pressure you apply. Eddie feels like he's dreaming, caught up in some heavenly universe that he could get sucked out of any second, and he tries desperately to commit the feeling of you admiring him to memory before it slips away.
"I want to kiss you," You confess, your fingers pressing softly against his lips, "Can I?"
'Course you can," He breathes incredulously, his lips puckering to press gently into the pads of your fingertips. It's intimate, love bleeding through the gesture.
You only remove your hands to fulfil your promise, pressing your lips to his own in a careful, delicate kiss. It's soft, sweet, and dizzying, only lasting for a few seconds before you both pull away. Your head is fuzzy, and it leaks into your heart. He's looking at you like you hung the moon, his big doe eyes shining with adoration as they flit over your face.
He can't believe this is real. He can't fathom that he's just kissed you, that you've just kissed him, that you two have kissed.
He’s not sure how many nights he’s fallen asleep thinking about you. He tends to fantasize, though it’s a word he’ll never use for fear of embarrassment, about you. It's easier to fall asleep when someone else is there, and it's the easiest thing in the world when it's you. Most nights feature different fantasies, scenes in time from the preview of a movie he hopes is starting now.
Some nights he imagines what it would be like to teach you to play the guitar. You’ve strummed his mindlessly a few times, but he drifts off thinking about how adorable you’d be with his guitar in your lap, your fingers running cautiously over the strings as he compliments how metal you’re becoming.
Other nights you’re going grocery shopping with him in his daydreams. You lead him down the aisle, your fingers eagerly stretched towards a package of Oreos, and he gives in only if you promise to let him kiss the cream off of you after you’ve had a few.
The there’s the less common, but still precious, vacation fantasy. He supposes he doesn’t think about this one as often because he’s content where he is, as long as you’re there too. Still, sometimes it’s nice to imagine a ski lodge with you, snowflakes dotting your eyelashes and frosty air nipping at your nose. He’d make you hot chocolate, extra whipped cream and marshmallows, then he’d let you fall asleep on his shoulder before a roaring fire.
But this, you gently pressing your silky soft lips to his own slightly chapped ones in the dinky little kitchen of his trailer after confessing your love to him? He’s going to rewatch this scene every night for the rest of his life.
He doesn't think he looks much like a movie star. Maybe the star of an action movie, a rugged adventurer. But never a romance. Romances aren't made with guys like him, guys who have messy hair down their back and tattoos littering their chest. Romances are made for proper couples, couples that live in a three bedroom home, two kids inside and another on its way, dog and a picket fence. Couples that host backyard barbecues, that go to the lake on sundays, that buy their kids barbie dolls and monster trucks.
Not him.
You, though? You were made to be a star. Your pretty face, your sweet eyes and your soft lips. You're the pinnacle of romance, and it feels foreign to Eddie that he isn't an audience member anymore, instead the lead actor.
Eddie doesn't know what he's done to land the starring role in your romance, but he swears right then and there that he'll never botch the job.
"You taste good." You absentmindedly ghost your tongue over your lips, saliva now glistening on them as you contemplate, "You're sweet."
Eddie is absolutely certain you're wrong. He probably tastes like smoke, sweat, and the trail mix he'd had for lunch, which he assumes isn't a very appealing combination. But you lean in again with no hesitation, pressing your slightly dampened lips to his own.
This time, he lets himself react. Before he'd been frozen in terror, sure that any sudden movement would spook you and you'd flee. But now? Now he dives in.
He brings his hands to cup your cheeks, tilting your face slightly so that his nose doesn't run into your own. He'll admit, rubbing noses with you is one of his favorite things, or, used to be, before he kissed you for the first time, because it was just about the closest he could get without actually kissing you. He was always able to pass it off as a friendly gesture of affection, scrunching his face up into a smile and brushing his nose against your own. But now the gently brush of skin on skin is nothing compared to your lips on his.
His tongue longs to roll into your mouth, but he doesn't want to take things too far, not yet. He wants to savor this, he wants to feel every step of the process, cherish it before it gets too hot and heavy. Right now, he wants to kiss you, nothing more.
He brushes his tongue softly over your bottom lip to satiate his urges. It draws a soft whimper out of your mouth, a sound that, in any other circumstances would go straight south. But it warms his heart this time, hearing how much you're enjoying finally kissing him.
Though this kiss lasts longer than the last, it's still short. He really does want to take things slow, and he breaks away to rest his forehead against yours.
He can't help the grin that grows over his lips. He feels a similar one stretch your cheeks, his hands still cupping the slight pudge there. He's squealing inside, reduced to a giggling schoolgirl stomping his feet and doodling your names together inside of an arrow-struck heart. But he keeps himself relatively cool on the outside, feeling you press yourself tighter against him.
"Did I.. was that good? For you?" You question hesitantly, and his eyes drift open to meet your own only centimeters away. He realizes that you're insecure, that your eyes are wide with anxiety and that you're stiff in his grip.
Something is flattering about that. You'd just kissed him dizzy, reduced him to a blushing mess, and still you were worried about his enjoyment.
"That was.. perfect." He breathes, tilting his head up to nuzzle his nose with yours, the familiar gesture skyrocketing in intensity, "I've been dreaming about that, baby."
"Dreaming? About me?" Your eyes shine, and Eddie promises to himself that the next time you close them, he'll kiss the lids. He wants to kiss every pretty part of you, from head to toe.
"About you," He confirms, "You're the star of all my dreams, sweetheart."
You giggle at that. He sees the tension drain from your frame, anxiety about not being good enough, and he watches you embrace your new role as lead actress.
"I've dreamt about you before too." You admit, raising one hand to press against one of his on your cheek, "We took your van to space, it turned into a rocket."
He lets out an amused laugh at your nonsensical dreams, not sure how to correct you that his were more on the domestic side.
"A rocket? That's cool." He murmurs, refraining from speaking too loud lest he shatters the silent intimacy you've created in the kitchen of his trailer.
"Eddie?" You hum softly, twisting one of his rings mindlessly around his fingers with your eyes downcast, "What are we now?"
He feels himself sucked out of his role. He swallows dryly, realizing that there was still a chance you might not want to be his costar.
"Well," He starts, his voice much more confident than he is, "Would you like to date me, sweetheart? I could be your boyfriend, if you want."
Then a blinding smile breaks over your face, and he's not worried anymore.
"I want you to be my boyfriend," You nod eagerly, now bouncing on the balls of your feet on the tile, "You mean it, Eddie?"
"'Course I mean it," He urges, "I'll give you my jacket when you're cold, and I'll catch you when you jump into my arms to say hello, and I'll lend you my shirts to wear for bedtime."
"You already do all of that stuff," Your nose wrinkles slightly in confusion, "I'm wearing your shirt right now."
He glances down at your torso, and hooks a finger under the hem of your jacket to reveal an old Iron Maiden shirt he'd let you borrow. He feels sheepish as he realizes he's already been pseudo-dating you for years, and picks out the one thing he's missed.
"Well then I'll kiss you," He promises, "All the time."
"All the time?"
"All the time." He threatens, his eyes growing wide as his hands clamp onto your hips, "You won't ever escape."
"Eddie!" You shriek as you make a run for it, giggling relentlessly as you sprint through his trailer and into his bedroom. He races after you, catching you before you can beeline for the closet and catapulting you onto his mattress. You land with a hearty bounce, and Eddie hovers over you before your back hits the bed again.
"Come here," He growls teasingly, his curls spread over your face as he digs his nose into your neck. His lips form rapidfire kisses on your skin, drawing hearty laughter from your chest that he hopes is part of the soundtrack for your movie, because he wants to listen to it on repeat. He presses his lips tight to your jaw, blowing a sloppy raspberry there and tightening his hold on your hips when you try squirming away.
"Eddie!" You finally manage to catch his face in your hands, tugging it away from where he's smothering it into your cheek, "Eddie, that tickles!"
You're breathless, your chest heaving with laughter, and Eddie takes pride in being able to do that to you. He makes you laugh. He makes you smile. He makes you happy.
You're staring up at him with a lovesick grin on your face that he's sure is displayed over his mouth too. So he connects them, bending his elbows to kiss you for real.
Despite your somewhat suggestive position, he keeps his hands to himself. They're holding your hips, content in their positioning as he lays another sweet kiss to your lips. This time when he breaks away he collapses beside you, keeping one leg thrown over yours. His hair fans out over the pillow and tickles your face, and your nose scrunches as you splutter.
“Sorry,” He’s really not, because getting to see your face all bunched up as his hair tickled your nose was priceless, but he lies.
“‘S okay,” You grab one of the strands you’d just spit out of your mouth, twisting the end of it around your finger, “And your hair! I like your hair too.”
Eddie’s heart explodes as he realizes you’re adding onto his list of likable qualities from before.
"Oh yeah? Well," He decides to return the favor, slipping his arm underneath yours that's still toying with his hair, "I like your nose."
He leans in to press his lips to it, "Yours is good for kissing too."
You giggle under him, a light, airy sound that sends his tummy turning.
"And your eyes," He runs a thumb through your lashes and they flutter beneath his touch, "'Can see aaaall that love you've got in there for me."
He realizes too late that it's a step you haven't taken yet as lovers. Sure, you've told him that you love him plenty of times, and he has too. But now it's different, now it's more.
But, he realizes, as your eyes shine with adoration, your lips moving to echo his sentiment, it's not more. It's the same as he's always felt about you, suffocating, intoxicating, all-consuming. He's loved you like this forever.
He grins as you tell him you love him without hesitation. He feels like the luckiest man in the world as he settles down beside you, your eyes following his as your lovesick grin becomes permanent. He's not sure if his own will ever fade, not as long as he's got you by his side. Just like you are now, tucked neatly into his chest, the collar of your jacket riding up to cover your jaw. He tugs it down and presses a kiss to the jut of your chin, then leaves his face there nestled into your own. He feels your own lips pucker to stain his skin with a soft peck, tightening his hold around your waist as he keeps you close to him in his bed.
"Y'sleepy?" You drag a single finger through his hair, letting your nail ghost over his scalp. He nearly purrs, reduced to a clingy kitten amidst the tsunami of love that had just washed over you both.
"Just happy." He hums. The droop of his eyelids is drawn from contentedness rather than exhaustion, the haze taking over his brain comes from the steady scent of you that he's breathing in while his face is nuzzled against your own.
"Me too," You admit, "Can we just stay here for a while?"
"Baby," He chuckles breathily against your face, seemingly unable to stop the onslaught of kisses that he's smothering you with, "We're never getting out of this bed again. I'm keeping you here forever."
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tags: @spencestyles @lovinondylanobrien @th0rswh0res @hannyhoe @desireav @1800-fight-me
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Strange Love
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 15k
Summary:  The popular girl mingling with the school’s freak should have been outrageous. Yet you chose him as a quick escape from reality because he seemed to be the only person able to give you what you needed. You had no idea that the escape he offered you would turn into something so much more complicated.
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, drugs, feels, lots of words
Available on: AO3
A/N: Okay this author’s note is a little longer but please take the time to read it! When I started this I just wanted to write a small smut fic but Eddie somehow started to have a life on his own and wanted to get feelings and character development in here. I know that 15k words is very intimidating, especially for people like me with a short attention span. Here on Tumblr, you have the whole fic in one go. The chapters are seperated with bold and italic lyric parts so you can just read one part and take a break if necessary. For more reading comfort I would recommend you to check the AO3 link above, I seperated this into actual chapters on there cuz it’s easier to do than here on Tumblr. Enjoy!
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Everybody wants to know If we fucked on the bathroom sink How your hands felt in my hair If we were high on amphetamines
“Fuck,” you moaned and the fist in his long hair got even tighter.
He didn’t seem to mind at all.
You had no idea how you ended up here. You were supposed to cheer on the basketball team with your friends, support the cheerleading squad because your best friend was currently a member there.
It was supposed to be a fun night.
And yet you were here in the men’s bathroom furthest away from the gym and the game.
With Eddie Munson.
Keep reading
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
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Jensen Ackles | New Orleans Convention, November 21, 2021 [đŸŽ„: WaisChoice]  
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Master Lists
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DC One Shots 
DC Series 
DC Soulmark Series 
Marvel One-Shots
Marvel Series 
Lord of the Rings One-Shots
Lord of the Rings Series
The Originals Fanfiction
Harry Potter
Gilmore Girls 
Law and Order Series 
Law and Order One Shots 
Criminal Minds Series
Criminal Minds One-Shots 
Blue Bloods 
Head Cannons
Discontinued Series 
About Me 
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Mr Piano Man Evans â€ïžđŸ€đŸ’™
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Recomendation Masterlist
Started: 04/06/2021
Last Updated: 27/10/2021
*None of these are my writings
Random Actors Gif Imagines
Chris Evans
Grayson Dolan
Harry Styles (not working)
Henry Cavill
Jared Padalecki
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jensen Ackles
Marvel Cast / Avengers
Matthew Gray Gubler
Misha Collins / Alexander Calvert
Paul Wesley
Rami Malek
Robert Downey Jr.
Sebastian Stan
Supernatural Cast
Timothee Chamalet
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Tv Show
Barry Allen
Leonard Snart
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Chicago Fire / Med / PD
Adam Ruzek
Connor Rhodes
Greg Gerwitz
Hank Voight
Jay Halstead
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Squid Game
Cho Sang-Woo
Bucky Barnes
Bucky and Natasha
Peter Parker
Bruce Wayne
Jason Todd
Harry Potter
Charlie Wesley
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
Random Characters
Arvin Russel
Captain Syverson
Daryl Dixon
Dean Winchester
Gregory House
Joel Miller
Jon Snow
Josh Washington
Killian Jones
Mark Sloan
Nathan Drake
Tommy Shelby
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
Angel writes sins not tragedies ~ Angel’s Supernatural Writing.
Welcome to my new masterlist, angels! Let me guide you through:
Series: Stories that have three and more chapters, but keep in mind series can be found in the “Imagines” parts of this Masterlist too!
One/Two-Shots: It’s as simple as it seems, stories that consist of one or two parts of no specific length with some beingvery long and others normal-sized.
Imagines: We have a couple typical one-sentence gif-imagines here but the majority, 98%, are stories as long as one-shots and, as mentioned, a couple series are included too!
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Imagines Pt. 1
Imagines Pt. 2
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Other Supernatural Characters:
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Series & One-Shots
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Series & One-Shots
MARVEL Masterlist:
MARVEL Masterlist
Angel’s Imagines-Series:
Imagines-Series Masterlist
I hope you enjoy my writings and this is a much easier way to access my fics! If any links are not working please do let me know so I can fix it!
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 3 years ago
sunny-reys masterlist
Divergent Masterlist
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Grishaverse Masterlist
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit Masterlist
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Marvel Masterlist
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Newsies Masterlist
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Once Upon a Time Masterlist
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Star Wars Masterlist
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Teen Wolf Masterlist
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The Maze Runner Masterlist
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X-Men Masterlist
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