#this was Caves of Sac Actun btw
xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
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jibanyans-chocobar · 3 months
i'd love to see some dashi and ryla drawings plz and thank you 🙏
Here ‼️
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Sum Dyla for your soul 😼🫵✨‼️ (Dyla shippers pspspspsps come get your food)
I hc that Dashi dyed her ends pink to match Ryla hahahahhaaha anybody else??? No???
Btw Ryla's design is. SO COOL thx for inspiring me to draw her
Some talking blahblahblah + individual drawings below the cut!!! Requests are still open btw!
Fun fact: while I was drawing this, I showed the drawing to my mom when i was in the middle of drawing Ryla and asked her: "Who do u think this is" and she went "Oh uh I think Dashi's friend...? What's her name again? It's Ryla isn't it? She's really cool!" Even tho we haven't watched ABAB too much and she has seen the Caves of Sac Actun movie with me just once. I love her very much she pays so much attention to my interests hahahsjhajs-
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
why is your favorite character Barnacles? and do you relate to him in any way?
Oh, there are various reasons why he's my favorite character! And in some ways, I do relate to him! (Thanks for the ask btw!) Spoilers ahead! As well as some mentions of drowning, being stung by a jellyfish, and similar themes! So, a lot of the reason he is my favorite character would be his personality. He's clearly strict, to some extent, and protective. He's exceptionally detail-oriented and clearly hates when things seem out of place (or when things go out of his control). He has a preference for how things are done. That's evident in many ways throughout the cartoon itself (scenarios of the other Octonauts sounding the alert, something slightly inconveniencing his plans, or when Kwazzi goes on without order, he is clearly taken back and has to regain his thought process). Many instances show how protective he is with his crew as well (he has been stung by a jellyfish, swallowed by a whale shark, tossed into the ocean from considerably high, nearly drowned, nearly crashed, and various other items)!
Not to mention how he takes pride in his strength! He is very willed and takes matters into his own hands if necessary. It's typical for him to take conflict on with hands-on force (and not to mention that he actively works to maintain the strength he has). Despite being the most muscular member of the crew, he only teases with the knowledge (unless, of course, it's a dire situation). His mental strength is also quite interesting to see put into play throughout the show. Throughout the episodes, it's rather apparent that he has experienced some rather traumatic conditions but never once let the circumstances downhearten him. I feel his repression (of trauma) prevents the crew from worrying about him because they all look up to him; they rely on him. When you think about it, Kwazzi was the only one that knew Barnacles had claustrophobia (that we know of). He keeps most of his personal fears and his early life private. Seeing him come forward and open up to Peso (Caves of Sac Actun) was such an intriguing way to see a build of the character. He was opening up more (which he deserves) and showing that even as captain, he has a more sensitive side.
The fatherly act that he has is another reason he has my favorite character. He treats each member as more than a crew but a family, and it's clear that he's completely lost without them. His protective behaviors always come through most when one of his crewmates is in trouble. He is always quick to take a sting for any one of the people he loves (he even punched a block of ice mid-air to stop it from crushing three walrus pups and his relatives). I believe that any word to describe his paternal instinct could never be enough. He just has it engraved in his mind that HE is the one that is to protect everyone. He will not stop for anything. He most certainly knows that he's seen as a father figure. Ex (I couldn't find the clip): Sea creature @ Peso: "Is he your mom?" Barnacles: "Um, no, but I look after him!"
He's incredibly fatherly, constantly pushing the team to do what they want, blaming himself if something goes wrong. The best example would be "The Jellyfish Bloom," season 1, Ep. 34. He blames himself for letting Shellington stay out overnight, even though he had no control over what nature was bound to do. He just feels it's his fault if they get hurt. He ends up hurting himself while blocking the entrance to the Octopod, ensuring that neither the crew nor the jellyfish is harmed (and is clearly upset for most of the episode because he is rendered, mainly, immobile).
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(This is a clip right before he is stung.)
I also love the fact that he is very proud of the fact that he was a Polar Scout. Most people would be ashamed that they were a scout, but he flaunts it as a tremendous achievement. It is fascinating to see from a leading character (though I'd like to see more of his past)!
And his past is another reason he's a favorite. What we know of his past is the stories about the Polar Scouts he shared, but nothing beyond that. His story, and the theories to go with it, are exceedingly intriguing aspects of his character. It makes anyone want to know more about him. Though there are hints to who he was (the wheel from the M.V. Manitoba, the sextant, and the anchor. As well as the Octopod that was before the current one). It makes me want to learn more about his character (even if I have theories).
- I relate to him because I am protective of those I love (willing to jump in front of anything for them)! I am a very parental friend, it's true! There are a couple of his aspects that I relate to.
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