#this uhhhh got way longer than i meant it to
the-fiction-witch · 9 months
The Best Way To Start The Day
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT
I woke, as I so often did these days now, my body naked swaddled in the cotton hospital sheets, the heat of the morning sun cascaded across my body,  The heat of skin against my own. The only sound was the click of the clock ticks, the gentle sound of my breaths, and his. Light threatened to force my eyes open but I ignored it. I laid my head against his peck, I listened to the sound of his heartbeats, of his breaths, they were slow and constant giving me comfort. My hand was on his stomach, and my fingers absentmindedly drew shapes on his skin with my fingertip. 
His body shifts and stirs under me, a gentle yawn. 
"Umm Good Morning," I cooed my voice barely louder than a whisper.
His callus hand found my hair, he stroked his hand down my head, his fingers knotted themselves around the loose strands of my hair, "Good mornin'" He whispered into my hair, 
"Morning. Ing." I corrected, 
"Shit- Yeah Morning." He sighed as he rubbed his eyes, 
"You are spendin' too much time with Fagin," I giggled purposely I mimicked him, 
"No I'm just tried Hun," He yawned, 
"Awww, Sleepy?"
"Mhm..." He nodded, 
"Ohh dear, you poor thing, you want to rest some more?"
"No, no I'll get up... eventually." 
"You can sleep a little longer if you want to Jack,"
"No, I need to wake up,"
"Alright," I smiled as I nuzzled closer into his chest and rubbed my nose on him,
"Umm I'm meant to be getting up, you cuddling me tighter doesn't help that hun."
"Five more minutes,"
"Five more," He cooed as he kissed the top of my head, 
I smiled and held him as close as I could as I tried to savour every second of our sweet snuggle, my fingers drew little pictures on his skin, 
"What are you drawing?" He asked,
I giggled and began to write him secret little messages, 'H. I.'
"Hummm Hi hun," He smiled as he kissed my head again, 
I smiled and drew a little heart across his chest, and he smiled back as he drew a heart across my arm, I blushed and wrote him another little message, 
He smiled and stroked my jaw to tip my head to face him, he pulled me closer so our lips could gently touch, and as I pulled back he stroked across my cheek with his thumb, "I love you too." he whispered as if afraid if he spoke those words any louder the whole hospital would hear him, 
I giggled and wrote him a final secret message
"What does that mean?" 
I smiled and tapped the tip of his nose, "Boop."
"Boop" he laughed as he tapped my nose back, "Ohh god- I need to get up..."
"You still tried?"
"Very much so, Sorry hun I can't seem to wake up this morning,"
"Would you like some help?"
"Help?" he chuckled, 
"Well, would you like a hand?" I cooed as I moved my hand to draw little hearts on the bottom of his stomach, He gasped and held his breath as he felt where my hands were headed, He nodded quickly, I giggled and slipped my hand under the sheets until I met his erection. I gently stroked across his shaft. He bit his lip hard and was restricting himself, so I spoke up. "Don't limit yourself, Jack, I want you to relax, don't restrain yourself, let it all go and relax," I cooed as I firmly took his shaft in hand, 
"Uhhhh!" He groaned and threw his head against the pillow his mouth hung open, his body untensed as he fully gave into my hand and the pleasure I supplied him. "Uuughhhh! uuuhh!" 
I giggled and softly moved my hand making sure to make it as pleasurable for him as I could, and even this early he struggled to contain himself, his moans fell unhindered by his concerns of fears merely as they should be, an outlet for his pleasure, his hand gripped the sheets and other held me close to him, so if needed he could kiss my head and knot his fingers in my hair as I gradually got faster, and faster, and faster, I never gave him a second of mercy but I'm sure if I did he'd have begged me to continue. 
"UUuuughhhh! Uughhhh Y/n! Honey! Uughhhhh!" He whined his hips bucked up towards my hand in his desperate state "Please! Please..." He gasped, So I did as he asked and moved my hand hard, fast and tightly and that was enough to send him over his edge his jizz sputtered across the sheets, He let out a long and throaty moan before his whole body collapsed into the mattress, his mouth hung open as he desperately gasped for breath,
I giggled as I licked what little ended up on my hand and I smiled as I nuzzled closer and gently rubbed his stomach given all the tension that had built in his desperation I wanted to make sure he didn't get an upset tummy from such excitement "There we are, That better?"
"Mhm... Much better Hun."
"Good, I'm glad" I smiled as I squeezed him a little tightly and he squeezed me back "The best way to start the day."
"I have to agree," he chuckled, "I'd love for you to do that every morning,"
"Well, Maybe I will someday" I smiled as I kissed his lips "But come on, you need to get to work," I reminded before I climbed out the bed, and looked around his room for my dress, but I noticed his eyes as he watched my naked body, so I rested my hands on my hips and turned to face him "Yes Jack?" I glared playfully 
"Come back to bed hun," he smirked in his usual sly smile, 
"You have work, you have your rounds to do, and that amputation at ten and-" I began but, 
"Honey," He smirked authority to his voice, which made it less a request and more a demand. "Come back to bed, honey." He practically ordered as he curled his index finger slowly towards himself three times, in his little 'come hither' gesture,
I rolled my eyes a little and went back over as soon as I was within reach he tugged me into the bed to sit on his lap, "Jack!" I protested "You have to go to do your work."
"Work can wait," he smirked as he tugged me down to kiss him, 
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rickytickychow · 4 months
Ok uhhhh initial thoughts cuz I'm SO dazed
FIRST OFF THE ANIMATION KICKED ABSOLUTE ASS WHAAAAAT the fight scenes the goofy little gags the goddamn FIGHT fight everything was so smooth and atmospheric whaaaaat
This got way longer than I anticipated lmao enjoy?
Okay so uh. As cool and awesome as the Cherub b plot was (AND SWEET AND ADORABLE THAT THE REST OF I.M.P. FOLLOWED BLITZ??? AAAAAWWWWW) I think we all Understand What's Going On there so imma dive into the MEAT of this one pun intended lol
Ummmmmm so first of Blitz VERY CLEARLY CARES AND IS ANXIOUS ABOUT SHOWING STOLAS A GOOD TIME???? But since their relationship has been technically "friends with benefits+" all he knows about Stolas is the sex stuff. He didn't even know how to describe the mood!! The MOOD!!! Alexithymic whore. He had NO idea Stolas wanted an emotional conversation because their full moon meetings were Always "hey sexy let's do this" bc they both enjoy each other's company. Blitz's problem is that he sincerely believes that anyone could truly enjoy just his company.
As for Stolas???? Goofy ass bird. Good god. Like he's outta meds he very clearly didn't mean to start their meeting with such a somber tone or make it about his book. While he was talking about Blitz being tied to him, in Blitz's view it very easily sounded like Stolas was the one who felt "tethered." Blitz outright denies this at first because of the routine they've built; he is SO attached to the idea that Stolas only wants sex because it keeps his feelings safe, so when Stolas sprung this on him and actually meant it OF COURSE he got confused.
Hot-and-cold out of meds repressed emo bird or not, Stolas should Not have started it off so emotionally without warning; he then misinterpreted what Blitz was trying to do with the gifts and attitude the imp brought. He cares about Blitz's business, but didn't make it clear that that's what he wanted to talk about. Like starting that off with "I need the book back permanently" when he REALLY should've led with anything else shows how easily a conversation can go south when two people aren't on the same page.
They both tried to do something nice for each other that the other wasn't prepared for. Blitz does care about Stolas but IMMEDIATELY assumed Stolas was getting "creative" with his advances, genuinely confused by the tone-shift compared to their previous meetings. Given the joke sinstagrams and what little full moon fuckery we see in the show, their meetings probably ALWAYS started playfully. Stolas IMMEDIATELY threw a curve ball that Blitz wasn't ready for and takes the imp's Very Inappropriate response as rejection.
It wasn't a rejection, but the way Stolas didn't think for a second WHY Blitz might not believe him to have feelings??? Or even ask???? Fucks me up but at the same time makes sense. Stolas got up and walked away because he was upset, leaving Blitz to be confused and alone in that room.
Who wouldn't get angry at that? Of course Blitz, thinking all his worst fears were being confirmed, finally lashes out about how he feels in his position. He took Stolas's initial words as "I don't want to be stuck with you anymore," found that Stolas really did want to talk about deeper feelings but never clearly expressed it, and Blitz got confused about their normal routine getting disrupted and his own efforts seemingly going unnoticed. And then Stolas leaves him alone. So fast, all of a sudden. Of course Blitz screamed after him, and Stolas doesn't know that this is how Blitz is when he's hurt and angry. It doesn't excuse the lashing out, but Stolas should not have made assumptions so quickly or turned his back on Blitz just like that. But he did, for understandable reasons:
All Stolas knows about Blitz is that his business is important to him.
All Blitz knows about Stolas is that he likes getting laid.
They do not know each other well enough for Stolas to have started that conversation immediately. There should've been a warning, a greeting, anything, but since he's off his meds and on his feels shit, Stolas doesn't get that.
Like AT LEAST SAY "Can we talk first?" Maybe call Blitz and say you have something important to discuss before springing it out of nowhere?????? But of course Stolas didn't think to do that, because he has no idea how Blitz sees himself. He has no idea that Blitz ignores his feelings in favor of actions to the point he can hardly even name them because they do not know each other.
Blitz had no idea that Stolas was being genuine. He had no idea that his push to get back into a normal routine would hurt Stolas because Blitz is not used to those honest conversations. He didn't know Stolas wasn't in the mood based on his posture because they do not know each other. Also Blitz, as we all know, can observe a room to death but cannot READ a room for shit. Autistic fucks both of them.
Stolas ran away because he felt rejected. Blitz screamed at him because he felt abandoned.
Idiots. Queer hypocritical emotionally stunted situationship of situationships I love this cartoon so much
wish my ex-relationship wasn't an early-twenties rendition of this shitshow but thats life lmao (yeah you'll never guess which half I am /sarc)
(Also so fucking cool how the crystal is attached to Blitz's glove).
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seraphmaws · 10 months
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(feel free to help with flag id, I don’t feel well enough to make them rn)
A alternative term for Xenoidenity, Neoidyn is the same concept of xenogender, but rather than something relating to your gender, it applies to your identity. It can apply to your whole identity or only parts of it (which can include gender). Neoidyn can be used along side of xenos and is NOT anti-xenogender. Any gender can double as a Neoidyn (Examples, Catgender can be Catneoid, Boything can be used as a Neoidyn, and so forth). Neoidyn can be used by anyone and can be altered to fit one’s experience.
This is not a replacement for xenogenders, but rather a counterpart. More information under cut
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Here it is!! Ive had a fascination with xenogenders for years now and i’ve connected with many of them. However, i never could connect to them on a gender level, but rather on an identity level. The term xenoidenity seemed like the perfect term for me, though unfortunately, everything i’ve read about it claims it is meant to be inherently anti-xenogender. I never felt comfortable going ahead with using the term as i am pro-xenogender and firmly believe that one should identify as whatever makes them comfortable with themselves (as long as it’s not harmful *coughcough*radqueers*coughcough*). But there was a lot of confusion with the term as i saw a lot of back and forth between pro-xeno people reclaiming the term and anti-xeno people trying to maintain its anti-xeno intention. I’ve had enough and decided to coin this so i have some peace of mind and no longer worry about using a term that is against what i’m am firmly for.
(Edit: So uhhhh, when I started making this I had no idea xeniden already existed. But this one is meant to be an add on to existing terms while xeniden looks like you have to coin a separate term. There are also not many xenidens from what I’ve seen. I’m coining this for my own personal comfort, I hope this isn’t too much of a recoin)
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How It’s Used
Neoidyn is essentially meant to be compatible with all genders. That meaning any gender can be a Neoidyn. For example, you can take Catgender, change “gender” to “neoid” and boom, you’ve got Catneoid. For terms that don’t have gender in its name (Ex: Boything), you can leave it as is. Neoidyn is meant to be very open ended so it can fit any experience. Catneoid can mean:
- Identifying as a cat
- Identifying with cats
- Having a strong connection to cats
- Behaving like a cat
- Being cat kin/linked/hearted or a cat alterhuman
- Being catgender
- And anything having to due with cats that can be tied to identity
- As well as any of these examples combined
There is absolutely no wrong way to use Neoidyn. It’s essentially an add on to xeno/neogenders. Since Neoidyns are intended to use existing genders/terms as a base, there is no need to coin your own or make your own flags. You may, however, coin subterms for Neoidyn
This is not necessary, but if you’d like to indicate you use a xeno as a Neoidyn you can apply two dark bars in the corners of the flag like so:
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End note: I am NOT a mogai/liom blog, I’m just a silly lil editor and stimboard maker who wanted to fill a gap within his identity 😭 This is a one off thing and I won’t be coining anything else after this, my silly edits and stims will resume shortly. This also gave me extremely anxiety posting this and I don’t wanna go through that again lmao. I don’t wanna be too involved with this, I just wanna hand this to yall, let yall go wild with it, and be done. Like I said, I made this for my own personal comfort and at least if I have this out there other people may connect with this and I can have an easier time explaining my identity. Credit is absolutely not required, just go crazy
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vinetae · 2 years
Vanilla and Jasmine - Part 2
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Genre: Hybrid!AU, Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, 18+
W.C: 7k
Pairings: Jimin x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: Ohhh boy it's a lot. So first off starting with out appitizers is a little bit of angst. Followed by smut, smut, smut- uhhhh smut, and oh yeah more smut. Sex ed. talk, Jimin teaches Y/n the ropes, Jungkook gets a lil cray cray, Namjoon is the dominating daddy as always -how fucking considerate is he- we got some sad moments, and happy moments!! Jimin is literally so in love with Y/n like- guys it's almost too much for me. Jungkook and Y/n have a little flingy flingy thing going on until they don't 👀 Flashbacks, blowjobs, unknowing of sexual things!Reader, dom (like really really dom)!Jungkook, Soft Dom!Jimin (we'll see that later in the chapters 😉) uh Horny!Taehyung (same bro-) and eomma Jin because literally he is so precious. Sope being sope as always. Emotional reader and she's wishy washy on her decison because of 🌟 T R A U M A 🌟
A/n: Spent all day but literally guys it's so long -that's what she said- Like non-stop writing kind of long. Yeah. So, enjoy!!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Fuck him
Fuck him
Your body felt absent while laying flat out on Jimin's soft comforter. He'd been tucked in the corner, invested in some little self-help book he'd started a while back. Your limbs stretch out, high-pitched whines exhale past your lips in agony. 
"Jimin-" you moan out, feeling the numbing of your pills finally searing off. It had been a few hours, that you just laid here in silence. Planning all of their funerals, might you add. Your heat had decided to wait a little longer until you'd finally build up some good connections with the guys. Learned a bit more of their native tongue, without the reliance of Jungkook's horrible translations to aid. 
You admire how the soft glow from Sun's last drops of rays beam down into the room, illuminating his heavenly figure. Light, sandy blonde hair gets brushed back as he flips to another page. The agonizing sight leaves a burning ache between your thighs. Want nothing more than to just throw that book to the pits of hell and mark him all the way up his neck. You want his hands soothing the pained mumble of silent suffering below your stomach. The thought of just having his entire body to yours forced a large moan past your lips. His head quirks to the side to check on you. 
His heart truly did break at the sight. Your wrists tied at the joints to his chrome headboard, while the roll of your ankles bound to his footboard. The sweat drips down the sides of your forehead. Your pink tinted lips part, desperately staring at him to try and coerce a move. The flush in your cheeks, heavy and smeared. 
He also knew that what you wanted hadn't been from your own consciousness. You hadn't mentioned one thing to him about any of the things you've been begging aloud for, for the past 3 hours. Especially not 'Alpha's cock'. Whatever that meant. 
His eyes scan over the little words pressed in paper, as he flips to the other side. Trying to block out the strings of plea echoing in his room. 
"J-Jimin please-" desperation is clear in your tone. "I-I was so good!" Tears sliding down your cheeks faster than a slip-and-slide. Your emotions had fluctuated back and forth for the past three hours. Going from highs, to lows, usually cussing him out or begging him to fuck you against the window. No inbetween with this one. 
His heart hurt over this, truly. He didn’t know how much pain this would actually cause, Jungkook’s heats usually are pretty chill. 
But maybe that’s because Namjoon has had him on suppressants for almost half a decade now..
Your back arches off the bed, arms stretching out to pleasingly grip onto something to release from this demon. It had felt like a thousand ropes coiled around your neck, snagging you towards his way, just for even the tiniest bit of comfort. You just wanted his touch. Your body felt like it had been set on fire, the ache in your stomach now boiling to its highest level. 
You felt like dying. 
Not an ounce of embarrassment shines through as you cry out for him. The excruciating torture he heard taint your voice made a knock at the door abrupt. 
"Jimin! Let me in!" Jungkook's voice sounded urgent, laced with panic. Your body recoils at the thought of Jungkook going anywhere near Jimin, but something inside had led you to another thought. 
"Jimin isn't our Alpha."
"N-No.. I l-love him-" 
"You don't love him. You're just so pathetic,  wanting someone's cock." The voices' harsh words collide with your groggy senses. Lips parting to deny the thoughts with a slight whine, but somewhere deep down,
You knew it was true. 
All of a sudden you're met with Jungkook's body towering over yours. His palm placed against your forehead, pinching his nose from the prominent stench. 
"Did you try giving her an ice bath?" Jungkook twists his attention to Jimin, who'd shaken his head. 
"You told me to wait it out." Jimin replies, eyeing the empty pill bottle on his side table. Jungkook's eyes follow in horror. 
"Did you give them all to her!?!" Jungkook's voice toiled with anger, which made your pussy clench around nothing. The same voice so desperately trying to get you out of these chains. 
'He can be our alpha. Just imagine, having his little pups. Being his little breeding bitch, only useful for giving him the babies he deserves.'
"N-No..!" You cry out, trying to rid yourself of the thought all while repeating;
Jimin's calm exterior quickly diminished when he noticed Jungkook's panicked tone. "Well she had been complaining of some pain so I gave her another dose." Jimin didn't really get the big deal. It didn't have any type of hormone altering additives to them, he read the back panel himself. 
"Her heat is trying to fight off the pills. The stronger dosage you give her, the more she's gonna fight them back. Her body is in overload!" Jungkook's quick to untie the knots around your limbs, as you quickly jump up to sit on your knees, knuckles digging deep into the comforter to try and control yourself. Your head hangs low, as deep breaths exhale your chest in agony. 
You couldn't let this win. 
Jungkook's expression scrunched when the scent of your heat hit his nostrils. He could already feel the stir in his cock, his own needs begging to tower this situation. Jungkook backs away, chest heaving while his hand grips the doorknob for support. 
"G-Get her in the tub. I-It'll help with the te- fuck.." Your head lifts, knowing damn well what Jungkook had been struggling with. Instead, you put all your might into Jimin's soft features. Focusing on that instead. 
Jimin snakes his arm under your side, lifting you from the bed to help you to the bathroom. Your body halts itself, eyes glancing at Jungkook's pained frame. A silent word comes to mind. 
The next thing you know you watch as Jungkook's fist slam back into the door, busting a hole wide open for everyone's viewing glory. His body trembles, eyes burning into yours as they melt away from chocolate brown, to a deep amber. He reaches out towards the door, calling for his owner weakly. 
"N-Namjoon!" His voice is hoarse and raw. A low growl slipping through, churning the fire in your stomach even more. Jimin's quick in stripping you of the green set pajamas Jin had bought for you a few days ago. His head tilting away, as he guides you into the ice cold tub. Your body pushes against his, fighting weakly for the right to not get in that Alaska bath. 
"Come on, Y/n you have to get in-" your fingers grip into the tightness of his skin, nails leaving deep imprints in their path. 
"Jimin please- please!" Your begs aid in no victory. He lowers you to the edge of the tub, tugging on the clasp of his belt. 
"We'll get in together, come on" he's soon stripped of all his items, left in only navy blue boxer briefs, coiled tightly around his thighs, meeting in the center for what was your rightful gift. Hands quick to fly up to tug the material down, he stops your actions. "No- I meant in the bath. I'll get in with you, okay?" Your voice pleads out in high pitched whines. 
"I don't want you in the bath, I want you in me!" His eyes widen, as you hear the low growl coming from outside the door. An idea tugs your thoughts. You stand, quickly making your way down the stairs before Jimin has any time to catch you. Completely bare, your voice calls out in sing-songy tones. 
"Fuck.." You hear him grumble. Eyes scanning over the room, ignoring the rest of the guys. 
Or.. maybe you don't have to. 
Hands raised in the air as a sort of invitation, for all the men to see your bare self. You could already smell their delicious pre-cum soaking through all of the underwear at the sight. 
"Who wants to fuck me!"
"Y/N GET BACK HERE-" Jimin's voice is rasp and harsh as he runs after your quick, and quite nude self with a towel to try and keep you decent. 
"No! You refused, so I go!" Your eyes set on Jungkook's figure who'd been sat on the couch's edge, nursing the tip of his beer in cope. A smirk plasters your lips. Your body sways itself over to his side, as you wrap your arms around his neck. His Adam's Apple bobs up then down from your proximity. "Kookiee~" you whine, straddling his lap with ease. His lips part, hands hesitant to hold your hips as he feels the warmth of your pussy side across his clothed cock that'd been begging to attention. 
"What… in the fuck is going on.." Yoongi quietly remarks, watching the pornographic scene unfold, chugging down a glass of Jungkook's stashed Banana Milk. 
"Jimin, why doesn't she have any clothes on?" Namjoon questions, head craning away out of respect for you. Some of the boys do the same. Others enjoy the free show. 
Jimin groans, trying to pry your body from Jungkook's,shielding your bare form with his own proportions. "Jungkook told me to give her an ice bath, but she didn't want to get in so I said I'd get in with her but now she's really fucking horny." He was displeased in this behavior, but mainly in himself. Had he just let his pride go and given you what you needed, you wouldn’t be straddling his friend’s lap, begging for his cock. Jimin’s hands clenched in anger. 
Hoseok lets out a chuckle, glancing up from the screen of his IPhone. "Makes sense why she'd go for Jungkook first." Their heads crane over to his comment, as your hands are halfway down Kook's jeans, taking his hard cock in your hand. Jungkook's head lulls back, hands kneading at your hips in agony. It was taking his everything he possibly could as to not flip you over and fuck you on this couch for everyone to watch. 
"What do you mean makes sense!?" Jimin's hands are no use for tugging you off. The mind of a mid-heat dog hybrid was much more determined than a simple human. 
"S-Someone please h-help!" Jungkook's whine pushes Namjoon from his spot on the couch, grabbing your hips to aid Jimin's struggles. The two men groan in frustration, Namjoon silently cursing under his breath. 
"Holy fuck, she's strong." He comments, trying another round. Jungkook's hips involuntarily grind up against yours, nearly chasing his own selfish high. 
"Hot damn, they're really gonna fuck right here." Jin chuckles, resting his chin against his palm to enjoy the show. His legs spread wide, his finger caught between plump lips. 
Taehyung turns around, eyes widening at the sight. "Holy shit that's hot." Hand unconsciously running along the outside of his jeans, toying with the zipper. 
"Tae are you gonna jack off to this?" Hoseok butts in, scoffing at the younger man's shameless actions. He smirks, unbuttoning his jeans to slide them down his thighs, watching as they circle his ankles. 
"Fuck yeah I am. Who needs shitty porn plots when you got these two." His fingertips dance along the seams closing around his cock, running a shutter through his body at the touch. Taehyung breaths out, palming his hand to his cock in a slow, teasing manner. “Slap her ass, Koo” He calls out. 
“Tae!” Jimin’s voice strung with annoyance towards his so-called ‘friend’. Taehyung’s shoulders lift to shrug. 
“We were all thinking it.” His tone, laced nonchalantly. 
“Actually I was thinking more of Kook bending her over.” Yoongi’s voice cuts in, which makes all the heads -except for yours and Jungkook’s, which had been so desperate to get two different things-. Yoongi’s glass lifts, cupping his lips around to gulp down a few sips. His body leaned against the side table’s edge now, peaked with curiosity towards the scandal unfolding in their living space. “You know? Give her the ol’ ‘doggy’.” He chuckles at the joke. 
All’d been quiet -except for yours and Jungkook’s struggling moans-.
“Tough crowd.” After a few beats of silence, he plops back down into the couch. Legs unconsciously spread, signaling his interest in the scene. Jin’s lips part slightly, adding in his own two cents. 
“Why not just stuff ‘em in the basement for a while ‘til they calm down.” 
“No.” Jimin’s quick to retort, sending his hyung a bold glare. Jin’s body shifts to the side, uncomfortable with the energy Jimin exceeded.
Namjoon's eyes roll. "Number one, Jungkook would refuse a condom. When Jiyeon comes over, she makes sure to always stay on birth control. With Y/n’s body, she’s already too far gone to try, plus it takes days to start working." He stands, pulling at your nape gently. Your head whips around, staring down the tall blonde. His voice lowers, rolling a wave of need through your lower body just like before. 
“Y/n, if you get off I’ll give you a surprise.” Your ears perk at the word, twisting around on Jungkook’s lap to face the brooding man. A smile tugs the corner of his lips, as he continues. “That means all the way off.” Your legs are hesitant, but with the look he’d been giving you, you’re quick to hop off, eager for the gift. His hand reaches behind your ear to scratch. 
“Good girl.”
This.. was the surprise?
Namjoon slides a little box towards your feet, crossing his arms in sync. “Well, don’t just stand there. Open it.” You bend at the knees, curious to see what you’d been promised for being good. Even though you knew you hadn’t. 
Was not what you were expecting. 
His eyebrow quirks up, tilting his head in curiosity. “Do you like it?” 
Your hands poke at the little box tucked into the corner, buried underneath a few newspaper folders. He sighs, lowering himself to the ground to meet your level, helping unbox the item. In just a few seconds, he’s holding a strangely shaped object, almost like the bananas you saw using to make ice cream sundaes for movie night. Only, this had been a lot more… plastic-ey?
“Know how to use it?” His question pulls you from your train of thought. Head lifting, slow to nod. Whatever it is, you’re sure you could figure out how to use it. 
Five hours. 
Five fucking hours it took you, trying to figure out how to use Namjoon’s gift. In the shower, in the sink, hell, you even tried using it to clean the blinds with. Nothing had been working. You’d thought it might be just something like a puzzle. Something the care center used to let you and the other pups play with in your young years. But this - had been something new for sure. 
At first you thought it had been food. Yeah no, you were quick to rule that one out. 
Next, it might’ve been a vase of some sort. Nope, no flowers would fit either. Actually, there’d been no hole to even make it a vase. Don’t know how you got that idea..
Finally, you’d try using it as a hair curler. Seeing Taehyung using something similar. Only, this hadn’t gotten hot. So, maybe you had to use heat. Then, it kinda started to melt like ice cream. 
So after many tries and fails, and a big glob of Namjoon’s gift sitting on the floor, you’d decided to give up. 
Just as you were about to pack up what little glob you could back into the box, a knock sounded outside the door. Ears perking in curiosity, taking a sniff of the air. Who was this?
“Come in.” You call out, while trying to use a little page from Jimin’s books as a scooper-kinda-thing to put the melted pile into its box. Hadn’t worked very well either. 
“Hey, Y/n if you’re having trouble I can - what the fuck happened in here?” His eyes widen like saucer plates at the messed up room. The curtains ripped from i’s hooks out of their hooks, courtesy of your anger fit. Bed sheets all junked up from your little tantrum, and finally, the pink glob of goo sitting in front of you. His eyebrows knit together in confusion, bending down to meet your level, his voice is soft and sweet. 
“Uh= what.. Were you trying to do?” You huff, slapping your palm face down onto the floor in frustration. 
“Stupid thing is not good.” His head tilts to the side, hand reaching up to stroke your cheek gently, making your anger simmer just a bit. 
“Was it too.. Big?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“Uh.. you know. Did it hurt too much?” 
“Well yeah, I burned my finger for this stupid thing.” 
“You.. what?” 
Now you both were confused. 
Just then, a set of footsteps march into the room, mouth dropping at the sight. 
“Y/n?” Your head lifts, body scooting away from Namjoon’s tall figure in cowardice. Was he mad? Were you not supposed to heat it up? 
Your body’s quick to tuck itself further behind Jimin’s using his as a shield. Hands trembling, as your voice begins to break. A flow of tears pricks your eyes in fear. “Pl-please- don’t send me back- I’m sorry! I’ll fix it!” 
Namjoon lowers his body until the three of you are sitting on the floor. Jimin’s hand reaches back, pulling you to his chest instead. You yell out, not wanting to get closer to Namjoon, but Jimin’s embrace keeps you planted. “Y/n-” His voice is soft and nurturing. Your cheeks burned with red, as more streams of tears stained your face. 
You could barely croak out; “Pl-please.. I don’t wanna go back..” 
Both the men’s hearts break at the words. How could they ever send you back to such a place? Anger burned in Namjoon’s chest at the thought. His hand reaches down, placing itself upon your knee to sooth you. “You’re not going back, Y/n. I promise.” You could feel Jimin’s palms rubbing circles into your back, which made you calm down just a bit for Namjoon to add on. “You’re here to stay, no matter what the boys say, okay?” You nod, making the two smile. 
“Now,” His head quirks over to the melted pile of goop you’d somehow created. “What happened here?” 
They both had been too stunned to speak. 
“So.. you’re telling me that.. You somehow managed to melt a dildo..” Namjoon’s strange sentence made your head tilt. “And you used it to curl your hair?” 
“Tried to, mister squidward. Tried to.” Jimin chuckles at your words, explaining them to his hyung. 
“I let her watch a few episodes of spongebob.” The two laugh in unison. 
“What is so funny?” Your arms cross, huffing. You’re hurt on how they couldn’t let you into such an.. What’s the word.. It’s something to do with being inside. And it’s funny…
“It’s just-” He could barely speak, laughing so hard at the thought of you using Taehyung’s flat iron to melt the sex toy. 
“It’s unheard of. That’s all.” Jimin cuts off Namjoon, speaking in his place. Once he’s calmed down, he asks once more. 
“So.. you DIDN’T know how to use it, huh.”
You shake your head. “You looked uncomfortable giving it to me.” 
“Because it was to help with your heat.” Your eyebrow lifts in confusion. 
“How?” They both exchange an awkward look, before Namjoon stands up. 
“Wow, would you look at the time- uh Jimin you’ve got this, right?” He’s quick to make it to the door before Jimin gets a say in his exit. 
“Wait hyung!-” 
“Oh so I-”
“And that’s why Namjoon-”
“And it goes in my-” 
“Yes, yes. Right on the money.” You glance down, lifting your butt to look up under you before giving him a confused expression. 
“I’m not sitting on money.” 
“I- … that’s an expression.” 
“Huh.” You think, sighing. “You humans talk weird.” He chuckles, nodding. 
“Indeed we do.” A few moments of silence pass by before you comment. 
“So why did I need it?” 
“Well, Namjoon needed something to get you off Jungkook. And because it would’ve helped with your heat.” 
“Hmm, that doesn’t answer my question.” His eyebrow quirks, not fully understanding the assignment. You crawl over to his side of the floor, meeting at face level. “Why did I need it? It’s not like I’ll die without using it.” 
“Well, it feels good.” Your head tilts to the side.
“How so?” 
“Jesus, Y/n-” He lets out a frustrated breath, making you back away. Ears turning downwards. Hands coming to rest in your lap, as you back down from the question. 
He glances to your side, sighing. “No, sweetie that’s not what I meant-” 
“You know, why don't people teach me here? It’s like you think I’m stupid.” His hands come to catch your cheeks, thumbing over your skin lightly, bringing your face to his. 
“You’re not stupid, Y/n. Don’t even think that either. It’s just-” He pauses for a second, before continuing. “It’s an awkward conversation.” 
“How so?” 
“Because it talks about stuff humans are afraid to show.” 
You think for a second. “Like.. feelings?” 
He pauses. “Well.. I mean it does have something to do with feelings..”
Your back sits up, posture straightening out of curiosity. “Tell me.. Please?” 
Fuck, he couldn’t resist those puppy eyes. 
“Okay, okay it’s just-” He sighs, chuckling to himself. “Can’t believe I’m having to have this talk right now..” 
Your hand reaches out to hold his, pleading to know the answer. “It’s okay. It’s just you and me. No.. awkward stuff.” His lips roll off a chuckle, hand coming to stroke your hair, admiring your cuteness. 
“You’re adorable, you know that?” 
“I’m not a door- oh. Is that an expassion?”
 He nods. “Expression, yes.”
“Jiminnn” You whine. 
“Right, right.. So uhm-” He lets a breath pass by, before pulling out his phone. “You know what? Maybe YouTube will explain it bette-” Your hand grips his, restricting him from pulling out his phone the rest of the way. 
“No. You teach me.”
A thought comes to mind, pressing a miniature smoke to his lips. 
“Teach.. Or show?”
“Wait- she really had never heard of a dildo before?” Jin chuckles out, draining the rice for the fourth time. 
Namjoon nods, snatching a bite of his apple. “Makes sense. I mean who’d just be having toys laying around in that facility anyways?” 
“Wait- Y/n used a dildo and you guys didn’t tell me!?” Taehyung faints a pained expression, clutching to his chest while entering the room. Namjoon’s eyes roll at his drama. 
“Number one, why would we tell you if she used it or not? Number two, aren’t you supposed to be down there with Kook right now?” Taehyung shrugs, peeling back the skin of his banana for a bite. 
“He sounded fine. Told me to leave. Think he just wanted to jerk it in peace.” Namjoon pinches the skin on his nose bridge, sighing at the younger male’s decision. 
“Did you at least chain his leg?” Taehyung’s eyebrow quirks. 
“We have chains?” 
The two older males share a horrified look. 
“Fuck!” Jungkook’s voice echoes the empty room, groaning in frustration at the stench. His head bangs back against the wall, as silent, pained tears roll down his cheeks. 
Your stench to be exact. 
Your heat had been like a steak taunting a lion. Especially with your little behavior earlier had the tip of his cock more red than Santa’s sleigh. He’d tried everything to get rid of it. After about the seventh jerk session, he’d given up. Learning to just bear with the pain for the next couple of days. 
It’d all been Jimin’s fault really. If he would’ve gotten you on those fucking pills like Namjoon told him to, he wouldn’t be the one down here suffering with a raging hard on and sweating bullets. 
It should be him down here, not Jungkook. 
He’d done nothing wrong. In fact, Jungkook tried helping by staying away from you! For days on end, he did everything he could to stay away. Going to mind-numbing basketball games with Yoongi, helping Hoseok go out and shop for some new knives for his collection, hell! He even took up knitting! 
Now here he is, being treated like the bad guy. The one who fucked up YOUR heat schedule. Yeah sure. 
His hand comes to squeeze his abdomen as soft whines roll from his lips. He was paying the price for something he never bought in the first place. 
“When you sais show I thought you were gonna-” 
“I am. This is showing you.” Your eyebrow raises, questioning his ways of teaching this. His hands gripped the two barbies tightly, explaining the process as he went along. “So then the sperm- are you even listening?” You shake your head, pulling yourself from the train of thought. 
“W-Where’d you get these Barbies anyways?” 
He sighs, setting the plastic dolls on the floor. “My little cousin comes over here sometimes. She left two here for me to keep.” 
A smile creeps your lips. “Cute.” 
He chuckles, picking the dolls back up once more. “Okay, so as I was saying the sperm-” 
“Do we have that?” 
He stops for a second. “You mean hybrids?” You nod. “Yeah, I mean that’s how a baby is made so-” Your hand placed on top of his, stopping the little show. 
“So where do you keep it?” 
“Uh.. in the testes, like I said.” You nod, humming. Finger placed against your lip, pondering the images. His head tilts, catching your eyes. “Ready?” 
“Me to keep going.” You hum in question, pulling the plump of your bottom lip between your teeth. 
“I think I got it now.” He smiles, silently thanking the universe for this being over. 
“Alright so you-” 
“But what about hybrid heats?” 
You stand, placing your hands on your hips. “I’m a hybrid, Jimin. I know your body now, but what about mine?” 
He’s silent for a second, before responding. “Uh.. you could ask Jungkook.” 
You huff, arms throwing up into the air. “I thought I could ask my mate instead! You’re supposed to know everything about me!” His eyes widened in shock. 
“Y-Y/n.. I’m not-” 
“Ugh, forget it.” You quickly walk out the door, slamming it behind you in the process. 
Jungkook’s body reeked of sweat and grime. His heat, for some reason, felt as if it was ten times worse this month. Eyelids flutter to stay open, as his chest heaves with might, as if fighting himself. As he laid there on the hard mattress, his ears perked at the sound of a door opening. Feet trotting down the stairs, before your voice groans with disgust. 
“Ew, it smells.” His fists clench at the sight. 
“Nice to see you too.” He bites back with gritted teeth. Your eyes scanned across his sprawled out body, laid flat against the mattress which hadn’t looked the least bit comfortable. A slight pang in your heart rang at the sight. His body looked exhausted and worn out. The charcoal, natural bangs stuck to his forehead made a frown tug on your lips. You lower your body to meet his level, hand unconsciously coming to brush the sweaty locks from his face. A low growl rumbled in his chest. 
He turns over, facing the wall instead of you. “What do you want.” His voice is harsh and cold, unlike his body. 
Your butt lands on the floor, sitting next to the mattress. “Jimin told me about babies.” 
That made Jungkook’s stomach churn with want. Fuck, why did it have to be you of all people to come down and tell him this? Saying it like that made him want to-
He shoos the thoughts away. “So why are you telling me?” 
Your body rolls over his, sitting in front of his face to make him pay attention. “He used barbie dolls.” That made Jungkook chuckle. He sits up, leaning against the wall. Talking as if he’d just run a marathon. 
“So why tell me this again?” Your eyes soften to meet his, a pouty expression lowering your lips in plea. 
“He only taught me his way of doing stuff.” Jungkook’s eyebrow quirks. 
“Sex.” He comments, making you nod. 
“And when I tried asking about the hybrid part he-” 
“Listen Y/n,” He twists to the side to meet your eyes. Trying his hardest to fight the urge of not just taking you right on this dusty, greasy mattress, breeding you for his own, making you cry out his name as he pounds into you like a-
He shakes the thoughts away once more. This time, being even more of a pain to get rid of. “Even though I live here, other than Namjoon, none of the other guys really know how it works for hybrids.” Your head lowers, nodding.
“I should’ve guessed that..” A few moments of silence pass before you continue. Grabbing onto the sleeve of his oversized white tee, you give him the most puppy-like begging eyes you could muster. “Can you pleeeease with cherries on, teach me??” He chuckles. 
“First off, it’s ‘pretty please with cherries on top’. And secondly, why me?” 
“Because you’re a hybrid, dummy.” 
“Mmm, well Namjoon knows the same as I do. Maybe a little more.” Your hand lowers to grip onto his, guiding his palm to your heart. -Which just happened to be under your breast-
“I want you to teach me.” A low growl echoes through the room, making the same fire burn in the pit of your stomach. His fingers lightly clench onto your breast, earning himself a little whine from you. 
“Say it again.” His voice seemed like it changed in an instant. Your eyebrow raises, but obeys. 
“I want you-” 
“There. Keep saying it.” His hand takes control over yours, guiding your palm to press into his crotch. You both let out similar moans at the touch. His lips lower to meet yours, grazing over the plump goodness, with the protruding of his teeth. Breath toys on the edges as he whispers in a lowered tone. “I’ll do you one better, baby girl. Forget teaching, I’ll show you. But I want you to do one thing for me.” 
His tongue pokes out to graze across your bottom lip, making a whine slip from your end. Bodies both now share the same fiery heat and touch, as your hands reach out to grip at his neck. “A-Anything..” 
A smirk presses his lips, as he pulls you to straddle his lap. 
“I want you to scream so loud that everyone in this damn city knows my name.” 
The clock ticks against the wall like a death bomb. Any minute, you’d be back up with a smile on your face from getting the explanation you deserved. Jimin lets out a sigh, plopping back against the bed, wondering if what he’s been doing really was the best thing for you. He absolutely adores you and all, but something felt off about it. Like, you’d be much better off with your own people. He practically forced you into learning his language, etiquettes, manners, and biology, without even asking if you’d wanted to. Being forced to do something you didn’t want..
Was exactly what the center had done to you. 
He groans out, using his forearm as a shield against the brightly lit fireplace lights. Soon, a few footsteps echo through the room with a large slam of the door against his wall.
“Jimin, where’s Y/n?” Namjoon’s quick to ask, frantically searching around the room for you. Jimin lets out a sigh, leaning back down onto his wallow bed. 
“She’s talking with Jungkook. Check his room.” He replies, turning over to face his fireplace. Watching as the embers crackle. 
“Jungkook’s in heat!” 
“Fuck- Oh God, Y/n..” His head throws back, basking in the way her lips wrap around his cock so delicately. The swirl of your tongue doing a number on his mental state. Your lips part, popping off just a bit to see how he was doing. 
“Is this good?” His chest heaves of a deep groan, watching as your eyes twinkle with innocence, admiring the way you’d been sucking on his cock for the last two minutes. His tattooed hand lowers, tightening his grip of your roots sternly. 
“You’re doing great baby, keep it up.” he praises, which sends a wave of arousal coursing through your body. Eyes screwed shut, lips falling apart at the pleasure of your lips. You choke back a few times, before finally popping off for the last time. 
“What’s that white stuff?” You ask, as his lead lowers, chest heaving a light chuckle. 
“Where are we going?” 
This just makes him laugh harder. “No, baby girl. This,” He lifts the tip of his finger, swiping a little off the slit before pressing it to your lips. 
“Open.” He commands. Your lips part, as he presses the salty liquid against your tastebuds. “Is cum.” 
Your face scrunches, processing the flavor. “It tastes like Namjoon’s cooking..” He laughs, nodding. 
“Salty, right?” You nod. His fingers grip the tip of your chin, meeting your lips in the middle for a sloppy, yet arousing kiss. His hands come to lift your knees, sliding down the little pajamas shorts Jimin had bought you. 
“So fucking sexy.” He groans out, slipping your panties and shorts off his one go. His hands are quick to guide you to hover you over his lap, rubbing the length of his cock between your soaked folds. Hands gripping onto his shoulders for support, as his finger comes to press between your legs, activating some kind of button. You thrust your head back, mouth drawing out a loud and whiny moan. Fingernails digging into the buff of his shoulders.  
“Yeah, you like that?” His free hand comes to rip away your satin pajama shirt that Jimin had also bought for you. 
Your lips part, chest pressing into his as you felt the tip of his cock line up with your entrance. His mouth presses hot kisses along the side of your neck, paying extra attention to the little sweet spot hidden on your shoulder blade. His teeth, baring and pleading to sink down. To claim you as his own, to where no other fucking man would ever touch his little baby aga-
“Alright you two, party’s over!” Namjoon’s voice calls out, as the four men rush down the stairs. All except Namjoon’s eyes widen from the men, as they take in this pornographic sight. 
“Holy shit.. They actually did it..” Taehyung comments in awe. 
Namjoon’s eyes roll at the younger’s comment. “Time to put the genitals away, kids.” 
“Speak for yourself.” Taehyung adds, already moving to peel off his button down tan shirt. “Hey, Kook, got room for one more?” Jungkook’s chest heaves a low growl, pulling you body closer to his -as if that was even possible-. Then, his eyes stop on Jimin’s form. The man wore anger as cold as ice, and red as blood. If this were a cartoon, his ears would be blowing out steam. 
A smirk presses Jungkook’s lips. “What’s the matter, Jiminie? I’m just doing what you were afraid to.” Your head turns to the side, throat mewling out a whine towards him. 
‘No. He hurt you too much. He drugged you.. Tricked you.. Teased you, just to leave you high and dry. He doesn’t deserve us.’
As if the little voice in your head turned your head, your eyes meet Jungkook’s. Full of lust and intensity. 
‘See? He’s the one that loves us. Jimin doesn’t want you. He just wants someone to fix… to him, you’re just a project. You’re broken. 
But… even after everything he’s done, you still-
“Y/n, please.” His arm is reaching out to yours. Eyes full of warmth, and kindness, almost as if it hadn’t been fixed, but.. nurturing. 
Jungkook shields your body away, using a blanket to cover up your indecency. “Don’t you fucking learn how to knock?” 
“Come on, Jungkook, just give us Y/n and we’ll be out of your hair.” Hoseok answers, slowly bending down to try and carefully pull you away. 
“I’ll even call Jiyeon for you if you want-” 
Jungkook spits out. “I don’t want that whore. She always smelled like that fucking birth control anyways. But this,” His finger drags along your cheek, as if like a knife’s edge. “So fragile, so full of life..” You flinch from his touch, trying to pull away from his body, but the grip he held over you had been three times as strong. 
Your voice is so weak. It’s like something has been draining you of energy by each passing second. “J-Jungkook..?” His eyes meet yours. The chocolate irises once so fluffy and doe-like had been replaced by something much darker. More dangerous. 
He smirks, tugging at your cheek to coo at you. “Yes, my love?” 
No- you were about to-
“Ohhh shit!” Taehyung exclaims, backing away from the puke pile that landed right to the side of you and Jungkook. Where Jimin stood. He cringes, scooting away from the pile but still manages to hold out his hand for you. 
Jungkook groans, pushing you from his lap in disgust. “Fucking bitch!” He yells, pulling up the hem of his boxer shorts before towering over your barely decent figure. His hand raises, as a wave of memories flood back. 
‘Little piece of shit!’ He calls out, as you fall backwards to the floor. His large body stood as tall as a mountain you’d read about in  one of your books. 
Your hands fall behind, propping yourself up as you try and scoot away from his shadowy and menacing figure. “I-I s-s-sor-” 
He lets out a deep chuckle. “Aw, is little doggy gunna say her sorry?” His hand reaches down, lifting you from the collar of your dress. Hand coming to muffle your screams. 
“It’s gonna take more than a sorry to fix it, you little fucker.” One of the other guards chuckle, as a swarm of large men cage your entire body. 
One of the men comments, as he reaches down to unzip his uniform’s pants, panic tearing your eyes. 
“Down, bitch.” 
“FUCK!” Jungkook curses, hunching over to cough up a small pile of blood. His nose, now oozed with a red liquid, as it drips to his hand. Someone pulls you to the side before scooping you into their arms. Soft whispers and coos breath against your ear, as his arms wrap around your figure to keep you from being exposed. Tears stream down your cheeks like Niagara Falls. You watched as Jungkook takes a few more hits, before throwing his own towards Namjoon. He’s quick to dodge, putting the younger man in his place. 
“Alright you little mut, let’s get you a cold shower.” Jungkook growls, head craning to you as he spits some blood to the cement floor. A smirk presses his lips. 
“You see this, pup? This is what we do.” He chuckles, before Taehyung and Namjoon both escort him firmly up the stairs. Soon, you’re just left with someone’s familiar embrace holding you tight. A soft lullaby sung in your ears, as he rocks your back and forth gently. Then, you let it loose. 
“I-I did w-what?” His voice had been laced with anxiety. The cold shower obviously helped Jungkook tremendously, and Nmajoon had been able to give him a larger dose than before to combat the hellion that came out of him. 
“Fucked up, bad.” Yoongi comments, scoffing at the younger male’s actions. Namjoon grumbles, shooing him out. Now it’s just him and Jungkook. Namjoon plops down next to the tub’s edge, letting out a sigh. 
“Well.. I mean you kinda did fuck up pretty badly.” Namjoon scratches the younger’s ears with worry. 
“I-I didn’t mean to- I didn’t want to hurt her- she came down to me, hyung!” Tears soaked his cheeks. Namjoon pulls the poor boy into a tight embrace, soothing his cries. 
“I know, Kook. You’d never do anything like that, we all know it.” Jungkook pulls away, sniffling. 
“B-But I did it, hyung.. I couldn’t control myself.. This has never happened before!” 
“I know, I know. It's because she’s new, and her breed is so close to yours. Jiyeon’s is what?” 
Jungkook sighs, pulling his knees to his chest, quietly answering. “She’s a minx hybrid.” Namjoon claps once. 
“See? There we go! Y/n’s papers said that she’s a Kilatski hybrid. So she'll be totally more attractive to you than Jiyeon.” Jungkook nods slowly, turning his head to the side to face the tub’s wall. 
“I guess.” 
Silence. Shame. Guilt. Embarrassment. 
Not long ago, these four things lived together in Y/n’s heart. 
Still do. 
“Come on, sweetie. You’ve gotta eat something.” 
You felt sick. Like you didn’t deserve to eat his food. You didn’t deserve these clothes, the shelter he provides, the love he’s giving. 
He holds out a bite of oatmeal to your lips, making a little theme song up as he goes. 
‘Come on Y/n. 
Please eat the oatmeal. 
I worked really hard. 
Don’t let it go to wa-’
“That doesn’t rhyme.” He chuckles, pushing the spoon to your lips. Your head lowers, not being able to even look him in the eye. 
You’re going back. 
He hates your guts, and he’s sending you back. He’ll take away all of the clothes, maybe even make you puke up the food you’ve eaten today. 
Actually, you haven’t. 
He flashes a bright smile, making a little strange sound. “Chuga-chuga-chuga-chuga-choo~” He sighs, setting the spoon down on the counter. Pushing the bowl away, he comes to pull you into his arms. He tucks your head underneath his chin, as your tears stain his shirt for the seventh time today. 
“It’s alright, baby. You’re okay, see? Nobody’s gonna hurt you. You’re safe.”
You’ve never been safe before. 
When you weren’t fearing for your life from the workers of the facility, you’d been busy being terrified of the other pups in your circle. Some had been quite mean. Pouring their leftover milk into the kid's hair, yanking down their skirts. (that’s why the facility made us switch to the dresses instead.)
But to be honest, they were all just scared too. 
His hand rubs soothing circles into your back, allowing you to sit up when needed. Your face flushes red at the love in his eyes. 
“W-why are you..” You could barely get the words out. “D-Do you still love me?” 
He pouts, pulling you closer to his chest. “Sweetheart, nothing could ever make me not love you.” 
You sit back up, wanting some answers. “Then wh-why didn’t you want to-” His hands gently take yours, tilting your head to catch his soft gaze. 
“I know what they did to you in that center, Y/n. I didn’t want to be the cause of you remembering any of it..” He straightens his back, letting go of a sigh. “But.. I know that I also should’ve helped you when you were in pain.. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for that, baby.” He thumbs a few tears away as you keep choking up from it all. 
“I-I’m s-sorry..” You croak out before letting your head fall into his lap. Tears now claiming his dark-wash jeans as well. His hands rub all around your back, like a mini massage. 
“I was the dick in this, Y/n.” You lean up, sniffling. 
“B-But you’re not a penis.” He chuckles, pressing his forehead to your own before lightly peppering a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
“There’s my sweet girl.”
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
a few days ago you mentioned that you headcanon that remake Leon lost his virginity to Claire.
Do you think this is something he would regret or would he still have some lingering feelings there?
Like, I love Ashley but I also really love Claire too and since you mentioned this I've been kinda torn lol!
So basically, care to elaborate?
So, in OG canon, RE2 ends with Leon being all amped up to go after Umbrella. This apparently ends up with him and Claire in an argument about the next steps to take, and he all but shoves her to go in the opposite direction of him and Sherry so that she can find Chris -- and then Leon and Sherry get picked up by the CIA just a few hours later.
Like, that whole thing happens really fucking fast in OG. Leon has not had a chance to sleep in the time between driving into Raccoon City and being kidnapped into CIA custody.
And yet, somehow, despite this, Claire is able to keep in contact with Leon to the point of being able to email him during the events of Code Veronica??? Like, it makes absolutely no fucking sense at all, and Capcom never bothered to try to explain it specifically because it's complete plot convenience nonsense lmao
So I feel like this is one of the changes that Remake is making -- because RE2make did not end with the same tone as OG RE2. RE2make ends with Leon looking at Claire and Sherry as his immediate priority, and if any Umbrella shit pops up, they'll deal with it then.
Leon's wording during the intro of RE4make is suspect, too -- that he was "later asked" by the CIA to join up. That makes me think that this didn't happen right away -- that there was at least a handful of days, or even maybe a full week, in between him escaping Raccoon City and the CIA getting a hold of him. And this is sort of backed up by the lingering nerve damage in his left shoulder in RE4make -- he probably carried that open gunshot wound around for a bit longer in Remake than he did in OG canon.
(side note: I know that the photo of Leon that Krauser has been very uhhhh attached to, let's say, looks like Leon was literally just taken off the streets like he was in OG canon, but like. Capcom wasn't going to make a whole new, cleaned up version of his RE2make character model just for Krauser's jerk off fantasies LMAO it was just easier to put in his endgame RE2make model there)
So this meant that there was a not-insignificant amount of time in Remake canon where Leon, Claire, and Sherry were basically playing house, so to speak, while Leon and Claire tried to figure out what to do next.
I imagine this is when it happened.
You've got these two college-aged kids trapped in a domestic situation together after escaping from an actual literal waking nightmare together. They're hurting not just physically, but emotionally. They've been isolated from the rest of the world and have only each other to trust and confide in and try to figure out a way of coping with any of it and moving forward.
Yeah, that's going to boil over at some point very quickly. Any number of things could have been the trigger point for it.
It could have been Claire helping Leon keep his wound clean and feeling like she's actually helping in a way that matters while he's a little overwhelmed by someone taking care of him.
Or it could have been a melancholic moment where they're both lost and directionless and feeling helpless, and they both end up looking for some comfort in each other, because that's all they have.
Or it could have been a tense moment when one or both of them can't make sense of why they're still alive -- or if they're still alive, and they just need to feel something to remind themselves they're still human.
Or it could have been a quiet moment in the middle of the night, where neither one of them says anything at all, and neither one of them is quite sure just how Claire ended up on Leon's lap while he kisses her as though he's afraid she'll disappear if he stops.
It doesn't really matter what it was. No matter what happened, it happened.
And I don't think that Leon would have told her up front that only the first two fingers on his right hand know what the inside of a vagina feels like. She probably suspected it when she noticed how nervous he was, and she definitely figured it out after the third time he went too far and accidentally pulled out of her completely mid-thrust instead of just pulling back -- but I don't think that this was information that he volunteered.
But Claire was probably the awakening of Leon's praise kink, because I'm sure that once she did figure it out, she literally took him by the hands and walked him through it. And after a few comments along the lines of "You're a fast learner" and "That's it, you've got it" and "Keep going, just like that" and "You're doing so fucking good" -- Leon learned something about himself that he did not know previously.
I don't think he regrets it, and I don't think that he ever will.
Well, I mean, I'm sure he regrets it a little whenever she decides to hold it over his head later in life, because she's Claire Redfield and there's absolutely zero chance that she's going to let him forget that she was the one who taught him how to please a woman.
And he probably regretted it a little bit the first time that he ever had to look Chris in the face.
And then also one other time way later down the line when it hit him that he was now much closer to Chris than he was to Claire, and that weird "oh my god I fucked your sister, and now I'm also kind of attracted to you oh god no why is my life like this" realization came over him.
But. You know.
I don't think he regrets it in a serious way. It was an important moment in both of their lives -- it meant something; it wasn't like he slept with her just for the sake of losing his virginity. It helped both of them get through the worst parts of the darkest time either of them had had to face or endure. Going through Raccoon City itself was the easy part -- fighting was simple, and it kept both of them focused. But it was the aftermath, when the enormity of all that had happened settled down on them -- that was the true nightmare of it all. And they got through it together.
Do I think either of them caught feelings because of it? No, I don't -- so, there was no heartbreak attached to this at any point, either. But it was still emotional and poignant and it mattered, and I think both of them are really glad they did it.
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 6 months
I’ve written another chronicle
Shorter than the last, but I’ve had this one in my head for a week now and was writing it throughout the week, and uhhhh
Yeah hope you all enjoy :)
Word Count: 677 words
Warnings: mentions of nightmares, mentions of trauma (not detailed, but mentioned), mixed angst and comfort (dashing of fluff)
Genre: Angst, comfort
Notes: This chronicle relates to snippet #7, so if you want more context, you can read that snippet first. Not required, but it’ll allow for more understanding of what’s going on in this chronicle :)
chronicle II - savior
That night, he saved her from whatever monster was surely coming to get her.
“You keep working late, and you’ll start losing sleep.”
It was worth it.
That’s what Bucky had told himself when V had shown up at his door.
Mere hours before the sun would rise, cresting the horizon with its warmth.
It couldn’t come fast enough.
She was running, running from monsters and people and things that weren’t even real, yet her mind was clouded with what was real and what was fake.
A fuzzy line that split reality in two. Halves of a whole, broken and misused.
Bucky hadn’t ever seen her like this, but he didn’t need to.
He saw it in himself.
Nights upon nights of cold sweats and screaming and sobbing so hard that sheets and pillow cases were damp for days after. Mirrors that held another of yourself, somehow you and another of yourself at the same time. Gazes held in glass that you couldn’t hold for long before turning back to shaking hands no longer your own.
It was 3 am now, a head sprawled across his lap as he sat on his bed.
Soft breaths, no longer shudders of her breath in the wind, tears spilling out of troubled eyes.
She didn’t tell him what she saw.
He didn’t expect her to.
The fear of another shadowy snake with fangs and poison and eventual demise far outweighed the voice lodged in her throat.
Her hair had grown.
Long, almost all the way down her back, loose frizz of waves and curls a heap in Bucky’s lap.
Stark white bangs, contrasting red.
The white hadn’t been there before-
He hadn’t even heard him.
“You okay? I, uh, heard screaming from…”
Steve didn’t have so many nightmares anymore.
They both knew he wasn’t a stranger though.
“She had a nightmare.”
It was a knowing between the three of them. Of knowing there needed to be someone to turn to when the nights got rough, when the nightmares were no longer nightmares, but reality.
The halves of the whole.
Steve was a half in this whole.
“You can’t keep saving her like this. You heard what Banner said. It would have to be a miracle if she even remembers-”
“I wanted to save her.”
Simmers of anger, bleeding into Bucky’s veins.
“I know, Buck-”
“No, you don’t. You have no idea what it’s like. Stop trying to pretend you know what it’s like.”
The anger died on the tip of Bucky’s tongue.
Steve was just a half of the whole, trying to find his best friend, desperate to make things right.
Deep down, the truth had been twisted by the short outburst.
Bucky was still adjusting to having someone who cared, not a figment or dream, but real.
“It’s okay.”
Soft padding of feet, the weight of another joining Bucky next to him.
“You’ve always been the savior, Buck.”
In truth, he was.
Bucky had been the one to save the damsel in distress, to fight for a lady in the bar behind the movie theater, laying his life down, even if it meant coming back home with a black eye.
“I love her.”
“I know. I was there.”
He was a savior to his home. His person.
To V.
“I vowed to protect her, Steve.”
The stillness kept the words Steve wanted to say at bay, tides going back out to sea, retreating.
Steve knew the lengths Bucky would go to.
Even if she didn’t remember.
“She always said you’d lose sleep staying up this late.”
Stillness stopped, the warmth of the joke spreading.
Steve caught the crack of the smile on Bucky’s face.
“She did.”
Steve was a half in the whole, comforting, and Bucky’s best friend.
Even if Bucky was still grasping to remember everything about his best friend.
In the warmth of his friend and the soft sage green lamp, he wondered if V would ever remember his vow to be her savior.
“I promise to protect you, and love you till…”
tagging peeps who I think would like this because i don’t even know what my taglist is anymore: @hellothere-generalangsty @eyecandyeoz @monako-jinn-stories @rainydaydream-gal18 @emperor-palpaminty @chaoticvampirejedi
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agonycrossbow · 7 months
Remake Claire took Remake Leon's virginity headcanon
So, in OG canon, RE2 ends with Leon being all amped up to go after Umbrella. This apparently ends up with him and Claire in an argument about the next steps to take, and he all but shoves her to go in the opposite direction of him and Sherry so that she can find Chris -- and then Leon and Sherry get picked up by the CIA just a few hours later.
Like, that whole thing happens really fucking fast in OG. Leon has not had a chance to sleep in the time between driving into Raccoon City and being kidnapped into CIA custody.
And yet, somehow, despite this, Claire is able to keep in contact with Leon to the point of being able to email him during the events of Code Veronica??? Like, it makes absolutely no fucking sense at all, and Capcom never bothered to try to explain it specifically because it's complete plot convenience nonsense lmao
So I feel like this is one of the changes that Remake is making -- because RE2make did not end with the same tone as OG RE2. RE2make ends with Leon looking at Claire and Sherry as his immediate priority, and if any Umbrella shit pops up, they'll deal with it then.
Leon's wording during the intro of RE4make is suspect, too -- that he was "later asked" by the CIA to join up. That makes me think that this didn't happen right away -- that there was at least a handful of days, or even maybe a full week, in between him escaping Raccoon City and the CIA getting a hold of him. And this is sort of backed up by the lingering nerve damage in his left shoulder in RE4make -- he probably carried that open gunshot wound around for a bit longer in Remake than he did in OG canon.
(side note: I know that the photo of Leon that Krauser has been very uhhhh attached to, let's say, looks like Leon was literally just taken off the streets like he was in OG canon, but like. Capcom wasn't going to make a whole new, cleaned up version of his RE2make character model just for Krauser's jerk off fantasies LMAO it was just easier to put in his endgame RE2make model there)
So this meant that there was a not-insignificant amount of time in Remake canon where Leon, Claire, and Sherry were basically playing house, so to speak, while Leon and Claire tried to figure out what to do next.
I imagine this is when it happened.
You've got these two college-aged kids trapped in a domestic situation together after escaping from an actual literal waking nightmare together. They're hurting not just physically, but emotionally. They've been isolated from the rest of the world and have only each other to trust and confide in and try to figure out a way of coping with any of it and moving forward.
Yeah, that's going to boil over at some point very quickly. Any number of things could have been the trigger point for it.
It could have been Claire helping Leon keep his wound clean and feeling like she's actually helping in a way that matters while he's a little overwhelmed by someone taking care of him.
Or it could have been a melancholic moment where they're both lost and directionless and feeling helpless, and they both end up looking for some comfort in each other, because that's all they have.
Or it could have been a tense moment when one or both of them can't make sense of why they're still alive -- or if they're still alive, and they just need to feel something to remind themselves they're still human.
Or it could have been a quiet moment in the middle of the night, where neither one of them says anything at all, and neither one of them is quite sure just how Claire ended up on Leon's lap while he kisses her as though he's afraid she'll disappear if he stops.
It doesn't really matter what it was. No matter what happened, it happened.
And I don't think that Leon would have told her up front that only the first two fingers on his right hand know what the inside of a vagina feels like. She probably suspected it when she noticed how nervous he was, and she definitely figured it out after the third time he went too far and accidentally pulled out of her completely mid-thrust instead of just pulling back -- but I don't think that this was information that he volunteered.
But Claire was probably the awakening of Leon's praise kink, because I'm sure that once she did figure it out, she literally took him by the hands and walked him through it. And after a few comments along the lines of "You're a fast learner" and "That's it, you've got it" and "Keep going, just like that" and "You're doing so fucking good" -- Leon learned something about himself that he did not know previously.
I don't think he regrets it, and I don't think that he ever will.
Well, I mean, I'm sure he regrets it a little whenever she decides to hold it over his head later in life, because she's Claire Redfield and there's absolutely zero chance that she's going to let him forget that she was the one who taught him how to please a woman.
And he probably regretted it a little bit the first time that he ever had to look Chris in the face.
And then also one other time way later down the line when it hit him that he was now much closer to Chris than he was to Claire, and that weird "oh my god I fucked your sister, and now I'm also kind of attracted to you oh god no why is my life like this" realization came over him.
But. You know.
I don't think he regrets it in a serious way. It was an important moment in both of their lives -- it meant something; it wasn't like he slept with her just for the sake of losing his virginity. It helped both of them get through the worst parts of the darkest time either of them had had to face or endure. Going through Raccoon City itself was the easy part -- fighting was simple, and it kept both of them focused. But it was the aftermath, when the enormity of all that had happened settled down on them -- that was the true nightmare of it all. And they got through it together.
Do I think either of them caught feelings because of it? No, I don't -- so, there was no heartbreak attached to this at any point, either. But it was still emotional and poignant and it mattered, and I think both of them are really glad they did it.
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there are more of these bc the two towers is probably my favourite of the trilogy, despite the distinct LACK of boromir 😔
BUT i did notice a few things that baby birb totally ignored or forgot about!!! find out what they are........below 😈
one of baby birb's fav shots of aragorn was when he's lying across a rock tracking merry and pippin bc it reminded me of that one episode spongebob squarepants where the lads end up riding a rock to the customer's house 🤣 'it's not a boulder, it's a rock! a big, beautiful ROCK!!' lmao
baby birb ALSO loved all the shots of everyone running. as a smol individual, i had to run EVERYWHERE to keep up with the Tall Folk 😒 sure it was nice seeing THOSE feckers sprinting for a change!!
am still very confused about why anyone listened to grima what's his name, ur man's half the way to gollum u know 👀
tangential to the running scenes: i love aragorn's doofy run where he's flinging his one arm about like a silly. reminds me of my OWN unhinged run 🤣 (it is possible that these films are more deeply imprinted upon me than i thought 😅)
legolas's FACE every time he has an emotion. delightful
knowing that viggo mortensen broke his toe made me laugh at the helmet kicking scene tbh, i know it's meant to be poignant but that EXTREMELY REALISTIC scream of pain got me going like 🤣
shout out to treebeard holding merry and pippin in his tree hands. i kept thinking 'what if he just. smashes them together like barbie dolls 🤣'
that gifset ruined everything for me. 'this forest is old......very old....' old as balls. that's just the line now. i no longer acknowledge the original. 😔
cheeky gandalf!! 'u wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick!! 🥺😳😘🤭🙄' (<- this is how birb thought using emojis worked a scant five years ago. be GRATEFUL i was not on tumblr back then, for the carnage would have been GREAT AND TERRIBLE!!!)
i love love LOVE the scene of the trio beating the shite out of the bg guys while gandalf walked slowly toward the king. u just see legolas punching a dude in the face, aragorn ZOOMING round in front of gandalf and off to the side, it's hilarious 🤣
so many ICONIC lines!!! 'boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!!'
'it's the beards 👀'
rip eowyn, she's so lonely and sad that the slightest validation from a hot guy she's known for five minutes was enough to make her fall stupid in love with him 😔
(i am also stupid in love with him, but it's different when i do it bc. um. uhhhh. 👀😳)
god he IS great tho, isn't he??? he's so dirty and greasy and wet and soggy, i love him and his dirty face and his dirty clothes and his dirty hands i love him i love him i lo
legolas got SO ANGRY about the orc telling them aragorn went over the cliff, he took it SO PERSONALLY. this makes birb want them to kiss each other 😊
they can kiss gimli as well, i don't mind!!
also the king awkwardly patting legolas on the shoulder like he's a slightly homophobic dad trying to comfort his gay son after a break-up, 'i still care about u but im super uncomfortable so im just not gonna say anything ok?? ok. manly head nod. im out 😐'
side note: poor elrond, here he is trying to make sure his daughter has a good life and all she wants is to marry the dirty ranger like
'u think u know a girl, u raise her for 2000 or whatever years, organise her birthday parties and buy her a pony and teach her how to control the river, and then in the end she leaves u behind and marries a guy with a fraction of her lifespan, dooming herself to future suffering and despair smh 😔'
also arwen's face when aragorn is breaking up with her,,,,,'what did daddy say to u?? this is bc of what he said, isn't it?! i can't believe he's still interfering with my love life!!!!' ;A;
that lil ~half caress~ aragorn does to legolas's hand when he's returning arwen's necklace to him????? it's like??? idk super romantic??? it made my stomach go SWOOP?? if i stare at a gif of this scene i feel a bit dizzy??? is that weird. am i. weird 👀
i want them to make out with each other, sorry lads 😔
the annoying thing in all these medieval fantasy type stories, when there's not enough men for the war, they're always conscripting 10 year old boys, while the teenage girls and young women without any kids are hiding with the elders and children. LIKE. HOW can u justify sending little 8 yo haleth son of hama to the front lines?? LOOK AT HIM!! HE'S TINY!!! surely a 15 - 21 year old young woman would have a better chance of NOT DYING than a wee lad!!! they're peasants, they're used to hard labour!! do directors/writers etc think it's more ~realistic~ or sth?? do ppl think NO WOMAN ever took up a sword in a crisis??? even if certain things are Not Done (and in some places, even under penalty of DEATH), the Rules tend to fly out the feckin window once there's an emergency!!! I THINK 10,000 ORCS MARCHING ON HELM'S DEEP COUNTS FOR AN EMERGENCY???????
all im saying. is if we're all going to die anyway, then EVERYONE should get a sword. even the kids. ESPECIALLY the kids. it went really well in the walking dead when the lil girls each had a pistol. i promise i can be trusted with weapons i p romi s
the best thing in medieval-style warfare is when the two armies stand across from each other and shout insults back and forth for a bit, like 'you're ugly!' or 'you're smelly!' or 'i slept with your sister, and it weren't anything to write home about!!'
please could somebody fetch gimli a ladder, ur mans can't see above the fecking wall like nnO NO NOT THAT KIND OF LADDER
legolas and gimli counting their kills will never NOT be funny to me
god when he shoves open those doors and ARRIVEs it's so so so fucking hot. god he is sso hot. he's so hot i love him i love him i
lol they sneak out the side door like 'hee hee hoo hoo, no one shall see us~' 🤣
'TOSS ME!!!!!' *yeets the dwarf*
im sorry
imagine being such an asshole that u make the fucking TREES angry??? like, u make the trees hate u SO FUCKING MUCH. that they literally come MARCHING OUT OF THE FOREST to commit mass property damage???? 👀
when i watched the scene i shouted 'TILL BIRNAM WOOD DO COME TO HIGH DUNSINANE!!!!' out loud but nobody laughed ._.
come onnnn it's funny right??? esp since we know that 'no man of woman born' can kill the guy in the next film!!! iT'S FUNNY, RIGHT??? ;A;
sam and frodo tumbling down the stairs also made me laugh but i paid for it immediately after when sam goes 'it's your sam. don't you know your sam?' fucknig KILL MEEEEE PLS
the most iconic, most beautiful, most painful line of the film-----the one that always makes me cry, the one i couldn't forget if i wanted to, the words that stand between me and DEATH------
'That there's some good in this world, Mr Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.'
GOD. IM FUCKING DEAD 😭😭😭😭 beautiful delivery as well, shout out to samwise gamgee for being the best man to walk middle earth, i will now lie in a puddle of my own tears _(:3」∠)
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flavia-draws · 2 years
I am ridiculously late to the Progtober party, so the first 10 will be all one post.
1. How(e) did you first get into prog music? Everybody asks this, so I've gotten very adept at telling the story. It all started when I got the book Ready Player One for Christmas, 2019. That book, full of Rush references, got me into Rush at around the time COVID hit. I stayed obsessed with Rush until early 2021, when I got into Yes, and then it just exploded from there with Tumblr's help.
2. Baby's first prog memories THERE ARE SO MANY so I'm just going to make a list.
Sitting up and squealing the first time I listened to 2112 on headphones (before I started flapping, I used to squeal all the time at prog things).
Reading poignant YouTube comments about Neil Peart's death.
Downloading the rest of the Rush discography (I started with 2112, Moving Pictures, and Signals), then going on an unexpected trip (very long story that I will not tell here) before getting the chance to put it on my music player, then returning home and immediately listening to Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows.
(Writing that out, though, I realized that the way it actually went was I went in order, starting with the self-titled debut, so forget that last part I guess.)
Lying in bed listening to Power Windows.
Listening to half of Hold Your Fire in bed the night before Election Day, then pausing it because I decided to get up, go online, and RSVP for a last-minute campaigning thing an environmentalist group was doing. (I won't say who it was for because then people could figure out where I live, but I will tell you they didn't win.) I then decided I wasn't going to finish listening to the album until after the election.
Which meant I didn't finish it until the following Sunday, when Biden was declared the winner.
Elaine (remember her?) making so much noise I couldn't focus on In The Court.
Being so affected by "Heart of the Sunrise" I couldn't focus on Elaine.
Watching Yessongs videos with the sound off because I didn't have my headphones and didn't want to wake people up but I was still in love with Jon Anderson.
3. Prog band you thought was big but isn't There are probably so many of these too because I generally tend to think prog bands are less obscure than they are, but I do often get surprised when people don't talk about the Strawbs. Someone did think a drawing I did of Robert Fripp was Dave Cousins, though, so maybe they aren't the best example.
4. Prog band you thought was obscure but isn't This is hard! I don't have the opposite problem very much! I do remember thinking Rush was more obscure than they are, though.
5. Your top ten Big™ prog bands Pink Floyd. Uhhhh...Genesis? Does Genesis count? *looks around at posters* I don't know. Unless you want to argue that the Beatles are prog, which I don't really...howe big is Big? Does ELP count? If they count, doesn't Yes count? See, my sense of obscurity is skewed because the bands I grew up on varied in their levels of obscurity so much from Tiger Trap to the Roches to 80s Genesis to the freaking Beatles to local artists I don't want to mention for fear of people figuring out where I live.
Okay, let's say Pink Floyd, Kate Bush, Genesis, and no one else. Top three, in no order.
6. Songs you wish were 20 minute prog ballads I wish Firth of Fifth (by Genesis) was longer. It made me fall in love with Tony Banks. Yes, I know it's something like 11 minutes already, but I do not care! Wonderous Stories (by Yes)! It could have used a nice instrumental interlude or something!
8. Fave five prog albums of all times Making me pick five? You are cruel, Keef, cruel. 😂 ... Okay, okay, okay... Selling England by the Pound - Genesis Lizard - King Crimson Tales From Topographic Oceans - Yes Barrett - Syd Barrett (Okay, this one isn't exactly prog rock, but someone* called it "progressive acid folk," which is close enough for me.) Still - Pete Sinfield (If someone wishes to contest my blorbo-claim to Pete, this someone may unblock me and present his case. No, I'm sorry, that's a joke. The other fervent Sinfield-lover gets Pete, and I will be respecting his unwillingness to interact with me.)
*Wait, that was me.
9. Least favorite prog songs/albums/bands and why Well, Love Beach, to be sure. Except "Canario" and "Memoirs of an Officer and a Gentleman," the latter of which is a fucking underrated 20-minute prog suite, people. (Also, did anyone notice that Peter Sinfield's actually referencing a line in his earlier song "The Song of the Sea Goat" about officers and gentlemen?) "The Gambler" isn't half bad either, but the first three songs (I can't remember what "For You" is like) are lyrically so distasteful to me that I can't notice anything I might like about the music.
Other than that, I don't know. I like 90125 fine, but I'd probably like it more if it wasn't by the same band that was making prog epics the previous decade. Didn't stop me from flapping like crazy when Owner came on the radio at a restaurant one time, though. (And then "Another Brick In The Wall part 2"! Definitely some of the best prog luck I've ever had.)
I've only listened to Going For The One once in its entirety, but I remember not being so in love with it. (Strangely, I love Tormato.) "Wonderous Stories" is fantastic, though, and I've heard some great things about "Awaken" (from Rick Wakeman, to be fair, but still), so perhaps I'll give it another try.
10. Proggers with uncontainable fashion drip This one deserves a fanart. I will be editing the post with something suitable shortly.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Bedroom P3
Media Doctor Who
Character Doctor (The 11th)
Couple Doctor X Lyla Ashwood (Reader Companion)
Rating Smut
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"you did?" She blushed
The Doctor nodded his head up and down while smiling at her. Her blushing was so charming to him and he couldn't help but feel a little bit proud of himself for having caused this.
"I definitely did..."
She giggled her face red with blush her thighs clenched together and tucked into her stomach "I uhhh... I uhh... Did uhh did you like doing it?"
The Doctor loved this reaction from her and it only made him even more giddy with excitement.
"I liked it very much..."
"oohh... Okay" she blushed hard "I uhh I admit... I didn't know time lords uhh... Got uhh... Well...excited…"
The Doctor laughed again but this time he laughed out loud, his laugh filling the room with its amusement. "We certainly can get excited and there are a lot of things that can excite a Time Lord… And I have to say, you're definitely one of those things that excite me..."
she gulped clearly overexcited "uhhhh this is going to sound unbelievably stupid! But... For the sake of ... Physicality. I am a human you are ... Technically an alien... Is this... Uhhh even possible? Like physically? Like this isn't gonna be like trying to shove a car key into a door lock right?"
The Doctor laughed again. he couldn't help but smile even more when he heard it.
"No, it's definitely possible... We're not that different biologically speaking... So no, this is not like shoving a car key into a door lock, it's much easier and much more fun than that..."
"good... And it's not like... Uhh dangerous? Like... Some kinda alien acid isn't gonna come out right? Or like glow blue?"
"No, I'll be honest with you, it's no different than being with another human except for the few differences that exist." He chuckled in between his words,
"such as?" she asked sheepish
"Well first of all, Time Lords are longer lived than humans and we've certainly seen more than humans have ever thought about. We're more intelligent, faster, and are able to handle more physical pain and endurance. On top of that, we have two hearts which makes us more resilient and able to keep going longer. And… don’t need to rest as long after, And that's just a few physical differences…Overall, humans and Time Lords are similar in many ways and you won't have to worry about anything strange, but if you do encounter weird things that happen let me know... So yeah, we're very similar in many ways and don't worry, I'm gonna be gentle with you…”
"you will?"
"... I swear I will..." He said with a playful but serious demeanor. It was still hard to determine whether or not this was all still a big tease for him or not but he meant every word he was saying now, he was going to be gentle with her. Because it was his first time doing this with a human, he wanted to make sure that she was totally comfortable and taken care of. The Time Lord did not want to risk anything bad happening to this precious little human.
"would uhh... You want to?"
"Oh absolutely..." The Doctor grinned widely, he wanted her so bad now and it was becoming quite evident. His eyes couldn't help but wander up and down her body as he glanced at the position she was in now. He was getting ready to claim what he wanted.
"uuughhhh.... Okay" she giggled excitedly
The Doctor couldn’t believe how easy this was for him, he had expected a bit of resistance from her but she was being so submissive and compliant, it was almost too easy but he should not complain. The Doctor’s eyes stayed on her body as he watched her giggle and be excited, her body was so responsive and he just couldn’t seem to get enough of how cute she was now.
"could uhh could I have a kiss first?" She blushed embarrassed she was even asking
The Doctor's face lit up in surprise as he could not believe she had really just asked to kiss him, it was adorable. His playful and cheeky attitude came out once more.
"A kiss?" He teased.
"yes please"
He moved his head to hers and leaned in, taking her into a slow and gentle kiss. He didn't want to push too much too fast but he wanted to keep the teasing going before he got too excited. His hands also moved, one to her hair and the other to her waist, but the contact was barely there as he just kissed her.
Lyla happily melted into the sheets letting him move fully on top of her her hands stroked up his shirt and one held him by his suspender the other cradled his neck her fingers trialing into his hair
. He took a bit of pleasure in just how eager she was for him to have his way with her, and her hands moving up his body only made him all the more turned on. He kept kissing her, although he soon broke the kiss to glance down at her for a second. his eyes staring into hers as he took his other hand off her waist and moved it down to her breasts, sliding his fingers underneath her cotton top and starting to caress them. She was already so sensitive from his touch and after what he had done to her in her sleep, her nipples reacted instantly to him touching her again. The Doctor was in heaven now, he couldn't believe how good this was going.
she moaned loudly but tugged him back to kiss her as she touched her moaning until his mouth as their kisses become a heavy make out full of lust and passion
The Time Lord would not let her deny him the satisfaction of taking control of her once again. He pushed her back underneath him, letting his weight sit heavily upon her lower body as he continued to kiss her forcefully. He was getting more and more turned on with each and every second, he couldn't resist the desire that he was feeling for her. He was not going to let her keep control for long, he was going to do everything he wanted with her.
she happily gave him control breaking the kiss breifly to let him pull of her shirt leaving her completely exposed to him
The Doctor wasted no time in taking advantage of this opportunity that was being presented to him. His eyes quickly scanned her exposed body with desire, he was so excited at the sight of her now. His lips found hers once more as he began exploring her body, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. At this point, he was going to let his urges take over and take her in whatever way he desired.
The Doctor loved this reaction from her more than anything else, he could feel his excitement growing and growing with every moan and every noise that she made. Her body was so responsive and it was almost too much for him. The Time Lord was so turned on now that this was turning into something more than just a tease, it was turning into real pleasure now and she was just so much more fun than he had anticipated she would be.
she whined slightly and her hands began to push on his suspenders trying to plead without actually taking control
The Doctor was enjoying this little act of power play she was trying to play without him knowing, he could be in total control and she wouldn't be able to stop him unless he let her. He smiled as he noticed her hands pushing against his suspenders and he pushed back to keep her pinned down.
The Doctor had her exactly where he wanted her now, completely helpless and pinned beneath him. He began to kiss her neck and her collarbone as his hands started to move all over her body. His fingers moved across her belly and then down to her hips, he couldn't help but touch her everywhere and this was just making her body more eager and sensitive, it was so much fun for him and he didn't want to stop.
she began moaning and screaming her body squirming against his grip in pleasure all that fell from her lips where moans, his name and pleads for what she wanted
The Doctor could not believe how good this was looking from his perspective, it was almost too perfect. The Time Lord kept touching her body and kissing her all over, she was so sensitive and so turned on by him that it wasn't even funny anymore, he was in heaven now. She was so hot and so ready for him and he couldn't keep his hands from exploring her body and touching her everywhere. Her begging now only made him want her more
His finally moved his hands to her thighs before starting to move them upwards to her hips, he had to touch every inch of her body and he was only getting more turned on by the second. The Time Lord had a bit of a devious smile on his face now as he wondered just what he should do to her first. He was not going to take his time with this at all, she was his and he was going to take her.
His hands slid up her thighs and started to move slowly along her hips before finally making their way towards the small of her back. His fingers began to explore up and down her body and the more he touched her the more turned on he got. That was exactly how he was going to finish her now, make her sweat and make her orgasm over and over again...
The Time Lord kept moving his hands from one spot to another, touching her body all over. His fingers now explored her, until he began to use more pressure. His fingers moved up her back and down her skin And with every moment he wanted her more and more, his hands were becoming more insistent of touching her, rubbing and touching without mercy on her until she squealed loudly and orgasmed for a second time her body trembling against his sheets as she did
He couldn't believe how much pleasure he was finding from her satisfaction. She was already getting so turned on and satisfied and she was only just getting even more turned on from him. So much so, that she had already orgasmed twice from just his attentive playing. That just made him feel even more turned on, he wanted to hear her make noises of pleasure all night now. And judging by the way she was still moaning and squishing her body against his sheets, he had not finished yet… His fingers began to brush up against her sensitive spots and this was getting her so hot, she was moaning and squiggling against him with every stroke. His hands were becoming more insistent of exploring all of her while he was still on top of her, he wanted to make her keep feeling good.
her moans became more throaty more lustful as she was already overstimulated and overwhelmed so much so she began being for mercy on the edge of her third orgasm
his hands moved more quickly, she was so sensitive now he had already taken her to the edge of a third orgasm she would soon have enough. Her begging for him to stop just made him feel all the more confident, he knew that she was so much more than he originally anticipated and he wasn't going to stop until he was fully satisfied in his own right. Her body was so responsive now, the smallest touch was enough for her to moan and gasp and squirm.
she hit her third quickly screaming his name and her body reacting with shaking, arching, and liquid flooding the bed before she laid collapsed and exhausted trying desperately to gasp for breath "s-stop... Stop please..."
The Doctor was impressed, she hit her orgasm so fast this time that it nearly took him by surprise, but now he was feeling satisfied in a different way. For her last orgasm he stopped and just let her get her breath back and for the rest of the night he planned to let her rest to recover from everything they had just done.
"Are you okay?"
He asked while running a hand through her hair.
"yeah... I uh... Whoa.... Uhh... You do know human girls like... Rarely get one right? Three is kinda a bit much"
"I was gonna keep going but I think I'll let you rest... We wouldn't wanna tire you out now, would we?"
"keep go- uhhh until what?"
The Time Lord joked slightly as he watched her try to catch her breath. “I guess human girls need to be taken a little slower and gentler? I was going to keep going until we got high tens atleast.”
"ohh my... I uhh I think three is about all I can handle for now..."
"... Maybe I could try and give you one more... If that's all you think you can handle..."
The Doctor teased, seeing as he was in a playful mood he wanted to have a little more fun with her before the night was over...
"..what about you?"
"What about me?" a slight smirk forming on his lips. He was ready to tease her further but before he could speak further he was interrupted by the way she suddenly looked at him and her questioning look.
"it's hardly fair I get three possibly four and you don't get anything"
The Doctor smiled as he saw that she had a sympathetic side towards him as well, that was unexpected but a welcome change in attitude. He didn't mind her questioning him now that he knew what was behind it.
"I can easily give myself one or two later when you're asleep."
"... Yourself or... Using me while I slept?" She smirked a little
This remark and her smirk certainly caught the Time Lord off guard. He had never thought about doing that before but it was a tempting thought. He took a second to consider it before finally deciding what to say in response.
"Is that something you want me to do? I suppose I could always use you while you're exhausted and barely conscious..."
she blushed hard at the meer idea "well... I've had three and you want me to have more ... You haven't had any. How about you just... Use me until it's all fair?" She smiled stroking his shirt and playing with the clasp on his trousers
The Time Lord's smirk widened into a full-on smile when she started to play with his shirt and his pants, he could not turn down that offer even if he was trying. He was suddenly starting to feel even more turned on than before and he hoped that he was not going to get himself too carried away now that she was going to let him use her for as long as he wanted.
"Hmm... That sounds like a lovely offer... I will take you up on that then."
The Doctor had a mischievous sparkle in his eyes now that he knew what was on the table. He was going to have fun with this for sure. He reached down to his pants in response to her playing with the clasp and started to undo his belt.
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For the non-american ask set...
All of them pls >:)
Suffer <3
hold on- I fell asleep
not gonna give too many explanations cuz that would take WAAAY too long
1. dripstone cave of Aggtelek
2. if by holidays the list meant like Christmas, then at home, if it meant summer break then I'm okay with whatever
3. nope, it did before 1920 but not anymore
4. Gulash soup
5. almost any/every older song, like "Petroleum lámpa"
6. I don't really like newer songs, they make me feel weird in a bad way
7. Megszentségteleníthetetlenkedéseitekért, (uhhhh ←stopped remembering words) lángos, cinege
8. not really, or at least never happened
9. haven't been to too many but Romania (more specifically Transylvania) is pretty cool and I guess I know about I a little more than other neighbouring countries
10. well that's though.. I don't swear soo uhh.. giving you a fun one that has no actual swear words hehe: Hogy a villamos szabja rád a rövidnadrágot!
11. uhhh... I don't have one... so I'll just.. got with basic answer of Sándor Petöfi
12. never seen any, the only time I encounter poems is in literature class
13. Name day, definitely name days. also pulling each others ears when it's their name day or their birthday (that one is only done in my family I think)
14. I think older cartoons were pretty good, don't think there's any new made here actually
15. the "lopásvédő törölköző" when on a beach is the main thing we can recognize each other in neighbouring countries lol
16. apparently people think we ride horses everywhere (???) which is just plain stupid and not true (multiple sources said this stereotype) — I do somewhat agree with us liking to drink. Like if someone is here as a guest for longer than an hour (and we rarely see the person) you can bet your life on someone asking them if they want some Pálinka
17. eh.. not really. I guess maybe like the very begging of it. Like how we got here and all
18. lol yeah. There's even a wikipedia article on the dialect. (szigetköz dialect)
19. I think it's fine, I mean... I may or may not had my room painted red, white and green for a while so I got no say in this... The emblem is near and I only hate the national anthem because I had to memorize the whole thing for class in middle school
20. I'm pretty sure either it's soccer or basketball
21. hmmm... túró rudi and Pálinka I guess
22. that our language is still alive somehow?? Like damn. I am ashamed of the fact that we're incredibly hateful and stubborn
23. Pálinka, next question
24. we hate on Belgium but that's a collective European thing. So I'd say uhh neighbouring countries..? + Russia perhaps..???
25. nah, in the end of the day I like it here
26. Fun fact! many times they shoot parts of movies here because it's way cheaper than others, yet architecturely it's still pretty nice I guess. It's always fun when parts of Budapest is in big movies lol
27. I don't have any
28. a near by city is literally dubbed as the "the city of rivers" so I guess. There's two major lakes but you can only go swim in lake Balaton (and lots of smaller lakes scattered all around). There are some mountains, but there are more plains than them. No favorite place
29. Not to my knowledge, no
30. from my moms mom side German, from her (my moms) dad's side Székely (no clue of the eng translation). And from my dads side, only guessing by our surname, we probably have ancestry from Slavic people (not sure if this is what the question was asking..
anyways, this took waaay too long and I'm not built for knowing stuff about this wretched place
(had to edit, forgot the 20th question)
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thequietmanno1 · 8 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 98, Replies Part 1
1) "Ohhhhh Yeaaaah! Time for some vigilantism folks! Time to once again take a deep breath and behold the nightmares that furuhashi shall unleash on my poor psych. Onward and fear no darkness and all that. It’s time to see how Koichi is gonna escape this one, Aizawa is here, and although he’s not as fast, when he’s around neither is Koichi.”- Still didn’t make much difference, as apparently Aizawa’s spiderman-technique isn’t as fast-paced as Izuku’s Blackwhip will later be. I’d say he was getting too old for this, but he’s canonically younger than he is in MHA’s timeline and all.
2) “Yeah koichi, but be positive, it could’ve been worse, they could’ve put All Might here, on Captain Celebrity
Actually C.C. here would’ve been fucking awesome and would give a real emotional impact- dammit now I want to see C.C. again.”- Bet you never thought you’d be saying that when he first showed up, eh? 3) “it certainly has been Koichi, and we hoped that it would be even longer, but here we are.”- Long enough to reach MHA’s timeline without any embarrassment to Aizawa’s character, perhaps? “Points for Aizawa calling him by the right name, even if it is a sign of respect for an opponent he’s about to beat the shit out of”- To be fair, it’s on point with his later teaching methods. 4) “Dammit Aizawa, he was a bit to the right, you need to recalibrate your aim”- Aizawa decided to go with the “aggressive intimidation” method of beating the lesson into Koichi, since just talking isn’t enough to dissuade him. Needed to demonstrate to this boy what state he’s be carrying his bound body back to the authorities in. 5) “Yeah, sure Aizawa, they definitely are
I mean, considering how easily they let him go I would almost be willing to believe they are just here so another hero that doesn’t sympathize with Koichi takes their place and actually catches him, like Fires Georg”- They’re not completely incompetently nerfed by Furuhasi to show off Koichi’s skills, so there’s at least a little bit of leeway in them holding back their 100% on him. Except Aizawa, but he’s actually fairly close to Koichi’s skillset already, so long as there’s enough distance between them. 6) “oh, is he now
is he, Aizawa
that means that a vigilante that was involved in a pretty high-profile villain fight, who everybody knows the name of and where he lives, was just allowed to wander free for the past three-non-important-years”- There was a lot of grey area applied to Koichi’s role in the incident. “Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies” kind of deal. 7) “Uhhhh- Aizawa did you crushed that metal pipe like a plastic cup
Did I saw that right? I know those scarves are strong, but jesus, I think there’s something weird here”- Aizawa’s “dad instincts” are kicking in strong and giving him the strength of 10 men….all to beat the shit out of Koichi with. 8) “Aizawa what the fuck was the way you ripped this metal pipe
it doesn’t look like it simply disconnected from the other two segments, it looks more like it was ripped like it was plastic”- Maybe they only used the cheap building materials in Koichi’s neighbourhood, since it was likely gonna get torn down by a villain street brawl anyway. 9) “Oh nice moves there Koichi, Aizawa is mildly impressed by it, so much so he almost could blink. Almost.”- The one thing Aizawa wasn’t expecting: Somebody who can fight without a quirk assist, just like him! Like he said, they’re basically a rarity nowadays with how flashy Quirk have grown. 10) “He’s giving up on his previous identity, he’s no longer the crawler, he’s now the runner
and boy is he running right now
but even so, I’m slightly surprised Aizawa hasn’t caught him already”- It being his neighbourhood backyard, he knows all the shortcuts to take, even moving on foot, whilst Aizawa still has to locate him time and again every time he ducks around a corner Quickly. 11) “OKAY YEAH, EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT, HOW DID AIZAWA LET HIM GOT THAT FAR FROM HIM
AIZAWA IS SPIDER-MAN-ING AROUND”- It might have taken Aizawa a moment or two to get the elevation above ground to swing after Koichi, which he used to get a head start. Lacking peter Parker’s spider-strength, he can’t just leap straight up to get above the buildings, so it takes him a bit of time to ascend.
12) “…
is that… is that a Nomu?
is that another Nomu, but now “disguised”?”-
  (Later on…) Police: So, can you describe these “suspicious individuals” to us? Civillain: I dunno what he looked like exactly, his face was too black….er, I mean, his face was darker than the blackest void….I mean his whole body was like, made of ebony darken- oh, uh Wait, It's just that, they all looked the exact same way- aw F%%! 13) “OH MY GOOD LORD
AND AIZAWA IS HERE, SO THIS IS GONNA BE A SHORT-LIVED FIGHT I SUPPOSE”-Not if he’s planning to fight in the shadows of the unseen this time… Nomura’s stopped trying to be the hero who stands in the spotlight, now he’s the villain who wears the darkness as a tool to sate his ambitions. 14) “Koichi please, he’s a famous hero and you two were around each other for the better part of a year, how did you not know that first-hand and need to rely on information from other sources?!”- Aizawa’s not really one to freely give out intel about how his Quirk works, and Koichi is, as we have long established, very dense at noticing stuff. The Hottas being the ones who provided this info – incorrectly assuming some details along the way – makes more sense, especially if they’re partially guessing from just observing Aizawa in action. 15) “WELL EXCUSE ME, WASN’T THE CONDITION SUPPOSED TO BE THAT AIZAWA NEEDED TO BLINK BEFORE IT STOPPED WORKING, AND THAT DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT WAS NOT NECESSARY ONCE IT WAS ACTIVATED? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE IMPLYING RIGHT NOW, AND I HOPE I`M GETTING IT WRONG”- Yeah, but the Hottas would only be able to assume this based on how the target reacts when they see Aizawa doing hero work, as his goggles are designed to help hide both where he’s looking and when he’s blinking, so they couldn’t deduce that characteristic. And Since Koichi is managing to evade Aizawa for several minutes longer than most, he’s blinking in the time it takes him to get another look at Koichi – the only reason he could keep the trick going as long as he did against Tomura was Manuel’s delicate aid, so an intense chase like this will make it easier for him to blink whilst on the move. 16) “Yeah Koichi, but luckily there’s a nice heap of garbage down there to save your ass. Knuckles let it there years ago because he knew this day would come and you would need it to fight Aizawa. There’s a gun on the bag on the left.”- Koichi has graduated from Trash-landing to managing to swing him own way through the streets. Honestly, I’d have loved to see him incorporate more gadgets like the grappling hook into his costume, much like Izuku’s constantly refining his own look and support benefits. 17) “Well, I mean, he had a quirkless teacher to show him the ropes. Can’t rely on your quirk alone, you need to be ready for every single situation, you know that Aizawa.”- Yeah, but for somebody trained out with the hero curriculum, Koichi’s showing above-average adaptability and decisiveness in how to handle himself even when de-powered, which is something Izuku also dealt with from the opposite perspective, only being able to be “super” for a single move at first. A young kid like him showing surprising skill at handling himself even when powerless is something Aizawa would be proud of if he were his student, but as his opponent, that same tenacity and resourcefulness is a massive pain in the butt to deal with non-lethally. 18) “AIZAWA WHY YOU TAKING OFF THE GLASSES, THEY AREN’T SUPPOSED TO HINDER YOUR QUIRK”- For the big dramatic staredown, obviously, 19) “Aizawa I feel like you’re making this unnecessarily difficult for yourself. Sure, Koichi is showing a lot of quick-thinking and using everything he has on his arsenal, but I still feel like you’re really not bringing your A-game to this chase”- Yeah, Aizawa’s got a bad habit of being a big softy towards kids, no matter how harsh his demeanour on the outside. He might lambast the other heroes for being “irrational” in not handling Koichi with full seriousness right from the start, but even he figured Koichi wouldn’t take more than half his usual effort to stop. 20) “Oh my god is Tenya still on the chase?
Fucking love that guy, but oh my god, Koichi evaded him before the sun set, this is like the middle of the night already, talk about persistence.”- Tensei’s not one to quit in a race before the final whistle blows. Until Koichi’s apprehended, he’ll keep his legs pumping. 21) “Oh it’s Soga- WAIT WHY DOES SOGA HAVE MIDNIGHT’S NUMBER
WHAT THE FUCK”- Maybe she gave it to him and the others when they first rescued Pop, since they showed they were trying their best to help her in their own way 22) “Well, neither were every single person reading this goddamn manga, but alas, here we are. No negotiating it, at least not yet, give it another ten minutes and Koichi’s gonna get away”- Koichi’s popularity amongst the official heroes backfired on him. No matter how high-ranking Phelps is, he likely couldn’t have gotten this much hero support on this endeavour if the others didn’t respect Koichi’s sincerity and realise that he does have heroic potential within him, that he’s throwing away by turning himself into a vigilante and risking himself in the line of duty. @thelreads
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majoringinsarcasm · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on A03?
71! I’ve deleted and orphaned a few over the years though.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently on the Ace Attorney train but I’ve dipped into Good Omens a bit, and I’ll never say no to any of my old faves.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Inside Jokes (MHA)
2. Surprise Party (MHA)
3. Complete The <3 (Haikyuu)
4. And They Were Roommates (Haikyuu)
5. Keeping Up With the Reserve Course (Danganronpa)
And because NONE of those are ace attorney haha the highest kudos fic for that fandom is: the kiss and cry
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to do as many as I can even if I’m late because comments mean a lot to me. I have not replied to every single one but I try my best.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(currently not finished and posted so this answer will change) Uhhhhh all mine usually have a happy ending with angst being at the start or middle. I guess maybe OH duh
“a fizz and a pop” which is a Crowley pov fic I wrote after the season two finale. “a rumble and a hum” is about equal angst but Aziraphale’s pov and I meant them to be a pair so those two for sure
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings but Happiest in universe is probably Indirect Correlation which is a MikexBill fic taking place in a nobody died AU of the second chapter of the IT movies when they’re all adults. Loved that one and it got lovely reception on the timeline when I shared it. Bike night!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. Got some comments that I still don’t know if they were trolls or not
9. Do you write smut?
I do and want to improve.
10. Do you write crossovers?
None currently posted but I had a Free! x Host Club fic way back in the day I ended up deleting. And I want to combine some Ghost Trick characters into an AA fic I’m planning. So I’m not opposed if the mood strikes
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but I’ve gotten one of those scam “we love your work” comments so who knows.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not. (I don’t think I dont remember anyone asking unless they did and I’m forgetting and I don’t wanna go check Again I keep flipping back and forth).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Haha does role playing with friends count? Not yet but maybe someday. I’ve written fics that my friends have inspired and I shared the progress with though. Oh no that’s a lie I have once but it’s no longer around. Hope that person is doing well.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
See this is tricky because I have ships I love that I’ve written about and ships I love that I enjoy without creating for it. I’ll say Hinata and Kageyama from Haikyuu though they are a ship for life.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them uhhhh I have a 10k wip that may never see the light of day about cheating and marriage proposals but we’ll see if that ever becomes a thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think when the iron is hot my sentence structure for comparing things is really sharp. I love writing people talking and often Hate having to add the proper fillers in between which is why Way back in the day I loved dialogue only fics. And chat fics / social media I LOVE those.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
If someone told me to describe a setting, room or outdoors doesn't matter, or they would put me in a meat grinder I would just jump in. I have a project that will force me to practice though
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’ve done my fair share of google translate this phrase in the past but I don’t know how accurate that ever is and I’m not skilled enough in any language other than English to attempt it in a meaningful way
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An RPF / Real Person Fiction “couple” and if you don’t know that’s for the better. (It was not Dan and Phil in case people are trying to guess it was specific and niche and that’s all you’re getting bc it’s no longer posted thank goodness)
But aside from that the first fandom is Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. Miss those boys.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It’s a toss up between Surprise Party (MHA) and you’re in his recent texts, I’m in his shitty car, we are not the same (Until Dawn).
Surprise Party I feel like is the most fun I’ve had with smut and it’s also my first ever fic someone did a podfic for which was so insane I was buzzing for a week afterwards. And recent text / shitty car I just think it flows so well and captures the personalities of Chris and Josh in a way I really love. Not 100% canon accurate but canon in the scenario I put them in if that makes sense.
This was super fun. I haven’t looked at my stuff via statistics in a long while. Makes me excited for the potential of the new year. Anyone who sees this I encourage you to look up your stuff even if you don’t post about it. Helped me remember some of my old favorites
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frogsandfries · 9 months
The progress so far
Tumblr media
You can really tell the difference between the ones I've glued and the ones I haven't. Paper bag is really not quite the right media for this. But. It was the closest material I had on hand to achieve what I had in mind, and the paper bags were just sitting around waiting for me to do something with them.
I finished the other half of these top two layers, even the coloring. But I wanted to seal the gel pen on these pockets before gluing them down, mostly because there is. Just. So. Much. Glitter.
I randomly chose three pairs each of the primary and secondary colors, as well as a pair of silvers and a pair of golds, and some pinks.
One set of pairs were broken up and shuffled into random pairs. And I also chose four greens to be the "leaf" colors.
Two of the pairs are meant to be used in alternating fashion on these background triangles, as you can see, starting with silver, which you can't see, then red, one down and one to the right, another red, and so forth.
So I'm kinda stymied until tomorrow when it's daylight out, and hopefully a little warmer.
Apart from getting glitter all over me and everything and in my glue, I'm also concerned about, particularly the cheaper pens, reactivating when I put the mod podge over them. Thus starting with a spray sealant.
I think I might set this project aside for a while, or at least a few days, until seeing if I actually can pull off the extra, secret bonus pockets. I might also press it? Before adding the extra pockets? For science?
The thought of maxing out this project, just filling every pocket with layers of the next size down until you get to the main smallest size of pocket, is oddly alluring. How many pockets would that be? I probably would not do it with paper bags.
But doing just "half" of that will be satisfying enough for now. This wallet is going to be so thick before I even begin using it.
This really was just supposed to be a real quick project. Easily the part that has taken the most time has been coloring it.
Anyway, spray sealing it should be pretty quick, I can just do that first thing in the morning. Gluing down all the flappies on the tops of the smallest pockets will take a while, then I can glue down the second half of the second smallest pockets and probably finish coloring it.
So that's the story of how a real quick project ended up taking........uhhhh, well, today is the fourth day.
I bought some frosting. I should go make that Dr Pepper chocolate cake.
Or.........I could just eat frosting out of the can.
I also pulled the beef out of the freezer. I decided I'm just going to make like two or three meatloafs with like, instant potatoes and rice, maybe some beans. I have like four bread bags full of dried bread and still don't have a replacement bowl for my stupid food processor, which is honestly why I haven't been making meatloaf. I also have this stupid sloppy joe powder, so I might as well use that up too.
Additionally, I'm probably going to also make a giant batch of sloppy joe--with manwich, how capitalism intended, goddammit. I used the gift card from work (which I don't know why I got it) to buy bread and cheap ramen from the store. I couldn't think of how else to use a measly ten dollar gift card. You can't really buy something off like, Etsy.
Can I just say, I don't love Starbucks. I don't live for my Stargetbucks runs. It's convenient. It's right across the street. It's a hyper-sugarfied caffeine fix.
But the more I remind myself that Starbucks is making poor decisions, and I'm not supporting those poor decisions...........the longer I go without this simple convenience, the more often I want it? The next closest coffee place is not as close. It's more like a fifteen minute walk, and walking fifteen minutes one way, versus fifteen minutes round trip, is just not the same plan or execution. And that place is more like a pale imitation of Dutch Bros than Starbucks. Don't love that place.
Anyway. I think I'm gonna go lay down in my bed with my tablet and work on the Darger Project and unwind.
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sungbeam · 1 year
Sorry I think I actually went into a comatose state once the Holiday teaser ver pics came out
Suffice to say that I will be investing in these albums 🫡
Also lemme just talk abt the fact that we’ll technically get 9 different versions of the same album technically 😀
The Boys is also way lowkey scary so yeah you’re right 😭 AND YEAH THE ACTOR THAT PLAYED HOMELANDER WAS LIKE… TOO GOOD AT HIS JOB 💀💀 ALSO I saw what you meant about marvel invasion cause ummm what is up with that reader insert plot armour type beat character 💀💀💀 like I saw her scene on twt and not only does it look bad but I was like HUH??? Characters that are so OP are fkn ejdwjjrkekf TOO MUCH LMAO
And I am once again sooo excited for Rhapsody Anonymous even though I saw you were struggling a bit writing it but I think it’ll really pay off 🥹🫶
I’m so glad that you did take some time off for yourself to ground yourself when you felt overwhelmed and I’m really glad that it helped you as well!! Take care of yourself above all else! 🥺💖
Also! Random Q&A time!
1. What’s your fav type of bread
2. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media (optional answer 💀)
3. Have you ever been in love 🫣
I got like 2/4 of these from teen vogue so don’t @ me ok 😔💔
- So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. (Paulo Coehlo)
Love always, 🌷 anon
NO CUZ SAME???!(!(!) like I literally was supposed to wrote the day the present concept came out and i couldn't think abt anything else for the rest of the day :l BRO THATS WHAT IM SAYING ?? ist making MONEY MOVES this comeback 😭😭😭 pulling out all the stops to suck the money from our wallets ksnfkemdk I'll need to drop out of college if I were to get even one per concept 😭😭😭
HELP NO CUZ THE COLORS FROM THE PRESENT VER ARE SOOOOOO VIBRANT AND BEAUTIFUL???? THEY WERE SO SO PRETTY. and omg CHOI CHANHEE WAS MADE FOR THE GLITTER VERSION 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ someone said *im spinnin like a ballerinaaaa* LMAO have u seen the clips from the zeneration behind lol chanhee and kevin on the POLES !!! so iconic tbh i think it was for savior?? not too sure
ur so right anthony starr (?)/homelander plays his role FAR TOO WELL O_O he freaks me tf OUT w that smile omg sknfkendk all his scenes put a shiver down my spine and i haven't even properly watched the series 😭
bro secret invasion threw me for a mfkn loop 😭 idk if you've watched the whole thing but KEVIN FEIGE WE NEED TO TALK ABT UR CHOICES FOR MISS MARIA HILL WE NEED TO TALK S I R. i actually really like the title sequence for it tho i thought it was so masterfully done like for some reason i really liked it in particular 😭💀
ahhhh thanks !!! 🤧🤧 hopefully u like what I've done for it LMFAOOOO it's been a struggle up in here, but it's prob gonna come out to be longer than the estimated word count 🤣🤣 i am not doing very good at keeping it under 20k
omg random q+a 😃
brioche !!! tho i think i have more opinions abt cheese than bread 😭 wheat works too LMAO
uhhhhh 💀 the things i posted way back when r more embarrassing/"u idiot"/"u bitch" type things, but ig i can say all of the over filtered pics 😭😭 i cry every time i think of that try hard bathing suit post i did once it was awful
uhhhh if being in love counts as being in love w white rice then yes 🤩🤩 idk dude lol i don't think i've met anyone yet whom i have really felt so strong an emotion for as sad as it sounds, but i am patient
HELP ME KDFKLEMDK CUZ .... Apparently when i was 1 or 2, i had a SICKENING crush on jimmy neutron 🧍🏻‍♀️ but after that it was probably zayn from lego ninjago, i don't make the rules LMAO i am a nerd-lover through and through !!!
NOW UR TURN GO !!! 😼😼 LMAO no worries i think it was cute and fun !!
— "'If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you.'" - T. J. Reid 💖
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Kinktober Day 1
Somno/Sleepy Sex with Argbur/Editor Wilbur
warnings for somnophilia, dubcon, unsafe sex
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say you’re used to sharing a bed with your roommate, at this point. Between the failing electricity your landlord never got around to replacing and the below zero temperatures the winter brought, you’re both desensitized to grabbing your blankets and crawling into the other’s bed for warmth. Maybe for comfort sometimes, too. 
He’s been gone more, lately. Out for days at a time, working on a project of his. You’re happy for him, in many ways, glad he has something to be passionate about, like this. But god, you wish he’d at least text you back and let you know he’s okay, especially on days like these when the already frigid temperature drops into the kind of cold that feels unreal. You check your phone as you double check the locks before bed, sighing at the lack of new notifications, and resign yourself to getting extra blankets out of storage to block out the cold.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, your phone slipping out of your hand and falling under your pillows, but you become aware of it when you’re ripped from it by a loud noise. The room is pitch black, making you blink hard as your brain stutters, thinking you hadn’t opened your eyes yet, the absence of the lights of your electronics gone. Another blackout. 
You startle when your bedroom door opens, but you feel only relief when you see Wilbur, buried in blankets, his phone flashlight on as he staggers into the room. You scoot over in bed automatically, letting him collapse next to you. He groans dramatically as he does, burrowing closer to where you were asleep, leeching off the warmth there, and you huff a laugh. He’s always craved warmth, almost desperately.
You move his phone so it’s lighting up the room, and start helping him bundle in, frowning when you realize he’s still wearing his coat and shoes. It takes some convincing to pull his face out of your blankets, but you manage to bully him into taking off his outerwear, pulling him back into bed the moment he’s done.
His phone light turns off as the battery dies, and you’re left lying together in darkness, face to face, blankets pulled up over your heads to keep in the warmth.
There’s a moment of silence.
“I’m home, by the way.”
You hide your laugh in your pillow, “I never would have guessed! Welcome home, Wil.”
You ask him how his project is going, listening to him ramble about it as you doze off. He never goes into the details, tries to be vague about it in a way that tips you off that it’s probably more than a little creepy, but you’re long used to him. You let his voice lull you back into sleep, sighing contently as you register the smell of some kind of cologne, and your last amused thought is that he must have put some on before coming home.
When you wake up again, it’s still dark, and you’re unwilling to spend enough time outside the blankets to check the power. In your sleep, you’ve changed positions. Wilbur’s arms tight around your waist, dragging you back into his chest, his face tucked into the nape of your neck. It’s endearing, the way he always ends up clinging to you.
You almost slip back into sleep, your eyes heavy and your roommate comfortable, when he shifts in his sleep, the hot breath of a sigh against your skin making you shiver. Then you feel the press of his hips, and your cheeks flush hot. God, he’s so hard, his hips rocking gently into yours as his grip tightens momentarily. You breathe out shakily, a hand fisting in the sheets as you hide your hot face in the pillow. 
Your relationship with Wilbur has never gone there, before. He’s always been gorgeous, even when he’s a mess, and you can’t deny you’ve thought about it before, but you’ve never been brave enough to say something. You should pull away now, pretend it never happened, that you never guiltily basked in the way he pulled you close to grind against you in his sleep. 
But you don’t.
You don’t, instead taking a shaking breath and experimentally rocking back against him, savoring in the way his hands fist in your sleep shirt, in the quiet, low groan against the back of your neck. It feels like sin, and you almost want to cry, that this is all you’ll get, that you’re such a pervert you’ve resorted to this.
You’re so caught up in it, the feeling of his cock pressed against you, the thought of more with him, that you barely notice when he goes still behind you, your hips still rocking back lazily. You do notice, however, the sharp breath he takes, and the quiet curse he lets out. The drawn out fuuuuck in a voice heavy with sleep is intoxicating, and you whimper before you can register that you should be pretending to sleep, pretending you’re not- not this kind of creep.
Wilbur is still behind you, and you think he’s even stopped breathing with how quiet he’s gone. You can feel tears of embarrassment pricking at your eyes, making you squeeze them shut, biting your lip at the thought of the conversation you’ll be having. Your mind is running, spiraling into anxiety and worst case scenarios, images of Wilbur calling you names, demanding you move out.
Then, his hands are tight on your hips, and he’s rolling his hips deliberately into yours once, twice, experimental and hard. The sudden stimulation makes you choke, half gasp and half whine of his name. You barely have time to process how you’ve given yourself away, because he’s groaning, loud and needy, and then his face is buried in your neck, pressing soft kisses over your pulse point.
“You’re- god- you’re awake, fuck… You want this, don’t you sweetheart?” 
Your gasping reply is a needy whine of his name, a shy please as you tilt your head to give him better access to your throat, a squeak as he groans and nips at your skin. His hands slip up under your shirt, skimming over your stomach and up to grope your chest with greedy fingers. The way he squeezes your tits, pinching and rolling your nipples gently, has you squirming against him, torn between pressing back into him more and arching your chest into his hands.
You can barely think past your own desperation, barely comprehend the words Wil is saying, the steady stream of desperate filth spilling from his lips between harsh bites and soft kisses. All you know is he’s wanted this for ages and you have no idea why he’s not inside you already. When you voice this, he goes still for a moment. Then, you’re being flipped onto your back, his hands sturdy and firm as he squeezes your thighs, settling between them and thrusting against you, only a few layers of cloth keeping you apart. 
He stays like that for what feels like eternity, languidly grinding against you and listening to you whine, before he finally pulls away, just far enough to strip you down, abandoning your bottoms to the ocean of blankets but only shoving your shirt up enough to expose your chest. 
You’re half expecting him to fuck into you right away, desperation making both your hands shake, but instead he tucks his face into your neck to mouth at your skin as he slides a finger, then two inside you. You tangle your hands in his hair, accidentally pulling as he curls his fingers up and makes you moan, loud and pleading. He preps you methodically, working you into a soaking, needy mess as he does, compliments moaned into your ear the whole time.
When he finally presses the head of his cock against you, you nearly sob. You didn’t know you could get this wet, but when he pushes in it’s effortless, filling you so perfectly your mind shorts out. He bottoms out and you’re in nirvana, in heaven, in every form of paradise all at once. You’re so full and he’s so deep inside you, he’s everywhere, cold hands smoothing over your hips and his mouth on your chest, pressing wet kisses down towards your ribs.
He rocks into you, gentle and sweet, and god, if it isn’t everything you’ve ever needed. His breath is shaky, moans slipping out through his stuttered praise, and it’s so clear he’s trying to hold back, trying to be good for you, and it’s so sweet you could almost cry.
Instead, you hook your legs behind his back and beg him to fucking ruin you.
He sobs on a moan, and obliges you, quickly shifting the pace until he’s pounding into you, making you wail. He pushes you over the edge so fast, and when you come it’s to a snarled chorus of mine, mine, mine. 
He fucks into you almost mercilessly, lost in pleasure, and all you can do is cling, squeezing tight around him, and when he finally chokes on a final moan and comes, it’s to your needy plea for him to come inside, Wil- please!
He presses his forehead to yours as he comes down from the high, collapsing on top of you, only to roll to the side so you’re held by him again, and you nuzzle into his neck as you breathe. 
You’ll have to talk, in the morning when you can both be clear headed adults, but for now you sink into his hold and savor the touch. He feels warm, a rarity for him, and you can feel his cum hot on your thigh as it leaks out of you. It’ll be gross later, but for now it just feels like another mark that proves you’re his.
You slip back into sleep quickly, but before you do, you could almost swear you hear a murmur of I love you.
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