#this tiny interaction gave me so many feels
smallpwbbles · 11 hours
Who’s the babysitter here?
Wanted to get a more fluffy fic for the au out, my brain automatically told me to use Cream for such a purpose
“Why are we here again?” Shadow's voice rumbled out as he turned to the bat on his shoulder, he wasn’t one to let people hitch a ride on his body. Rouge was fine though, she was very respectful of the gigantic hedgehog's boundaries and was kind enough to ask for permission before settling herself on his right shoulder.
Her tiny weight reminded him to trek slowly, at this point it was an unconscious behaviour to be careful with the regular sized people around him.
“Don’t worry it’s not a task from HQ, just doing a favour for Rose and grabbing some stuff she left at Vanillas”
Shadow gave her a look.
“Why did you bring me for this then?”
The bat gave the monstrous hedgehog a sheepish look “I don’t really interact with Vanilla much so I just wanted familiar company”.
That surprised Shadow a little, he honestly considered Rouge an extreme extrovert, the bat had such a way with charming people and swaying them with her charisma.
“Listen I’ve had to participate in a LOT of meetings back at HQ hun, my social battery can only take so many conversations with acquaintances before it depletes completely” Rouge complained, she dramatically raised a hand to her head and feigned fatigue.
Rouge could feel a rumble go through Shadow, he was chuckling, she knew the giant hedgehog could relate as his social battery was practically non existent. The bat really had to fight just to get him to attend the smallest events, be it going for a walk with her through station square or anywhere else in general.
The memory of his rampage after his awakening was but a flickering spot in her head as much time had past, the residents of station square seemed to have forgotten the event as well as Shadow had become quite a small celebrity, it was preferable to people being afraid of the gigantic hedgehog however Shadow hated it all the same.
He would avoid going into the city, even the spaces that could accommodate him just fine. She could only push him to socialise so much. The bat and Omega were just fine for him at the moment she guessed.
They had been trekking towards Floral forest village, the home of Vanilla and her daughter Cream. Rouge could agree the two rabbits lived in a peaceful and lovely outpost, though she much preferred the bustling and loud life of the urban city.
A few residents of the village were alarmed by the bat and giant hedgehog lizard's presence, but Rouge was sure it was mostly Shadows' looming stature and hedgehog body mixed with that lizard that caught the villagers off guard.
The bat glanced at Shadows face, it was hard and steely she knew he was used to people being wary around him but she was sure it never got any easier to deal with.
The bat leaped off the furry shoulder and spread her wings to flap and hover in the air next to Shadows head, she took a moment to look around before spotting a cute little house. The front yard was adorned with bushes covered in beautiful pink tulips and carnations no doubt due to Vanillas' expert gardening skills.
It made Rouge want to buy potted plants to spice up her apartment more, they’d have to be fake though as she wasn’t sure if she’d have the time to take care of them the way Vanilla did with her plants.
The bat flew down to the front door of the cute house, Shadow trailed behind her but kept his distance, he was quite tall compared to the home so Rouge assumed he kept away so as to not accidentally step on Vanillas flowers.
Rouge knocked politely three times on the wooden door, there was a moment of waiting and Rouge began to tap her heel in impatience. Amy said Vanilla was definitely home today so the bat hoped she wouldn’t have to wait too long.
As if the universe was listening to her thoughts the door was opened to a slightly frazzled Vanilla, “oh! Rouge my dear I was expecting you, so sorry for making you wait” she apologised. The rabbit patted down her skirt, it was covered in a white sort of powder “I’ve just been baking some pies for the elderly residents of our village so excuse my appearance”.
“No need to apologise, Vanilla” Rouge felt a little bad for her impatience, making pies for elderly people? That was literally one of the most wholesome things Rouge had ever heard, the rabbit was a saint.
Vanilla looked behind the bat to acknowledge the gigantic hedgehog standing a couple feet away “oh Shadow! It’s so nice to see you, your looking well sweetie”
Shadow's face turned red as he looked down at his feet, it wasn’t like he hadn’t met Vanilla but her kindness was always so foreign to him. Rouge had told him Vanilla contained a maternal aura that she spread to literally anyone and everyone she encountered but the hedgehog was not familiar with the feeling at all.
At Shadows silence Rouge sighed “don’t mind him he’s just shy”
Vanilla brought a hand up to her mouth as she laughed “oh that’s no issue, I remember when Cream used to be just the same, she’d always cling to my leg when I talked to others” she reminisced
Speaking of Cream, the younger rabbit poked her little head out to see who her mother was conversing with, her face brightened when she saw Rouge exchanging pleasantries with Vanilla, and a gigantic hedgehog standing awkwardly behind the two.
“Miss Rouge! Mr Shadow! Hi!” The young rabbit practically jumped out of her home to greet the two. Cream was also adorned with an orange flower crown containing many different plants that Rouge couldn’t identify, It was extremely adorable.
“Hey sweetie, how’ve you been?” Shadow simply waved pathetically behind her, he was even more awkward around children.
“I’m really good, Miss rouge, I’ve been making flower crowns with cheese and helping mom bake!” Rouge was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the two rabbits, they radiated so much good vibes it was gonna give her a heart attack.
“That’s nice hun, hey Vanilla, sorry to rush but I needed to do a favour for Amy, she said she left a some kitchen stuff in here” Rouge didn't mean to speed up the interaction but she could sense Shadow behind her getting antsy
“Oh of course, I’ve kept them in storage for when she next visited, I may need a minute to grab them unfortunately, this weeks been hectic and I’ve just been throwing things all about in there” the elder rabbit explained.
Rouge sighed in her head, that meant she’d be here a bit longer than intended, she didn’t mind that much but she could tell Shadow wanted to get outta there. The bat turned towards the younger bubbly rabbit and felt a little intrusive thought enter her mind.
Maybe she should let Cream play with Shadow until she got the items.
A devilish smile grew on her face, she’d already got Shadow to come out with her today, why not get him to socialise a bit with someone that wasn’t the herself.
“That sounds good, Vanilla. I’ll even help you out, but can Cream watch over Shadow for me? He gets a little anxious by himself.”
Rouge swore she heard something in Shadows neck crack with how fast his head whipped to turn to her.
“Oh that sounds like a fine idea, Cream you don’t mind playing with Shadow while me and Rouge are busy do you?” Vanilla questioned.
Shadow hoped Cream would be put off by the suggestion but her elated expression somehow got even more excited. “Oh yes please! I’d love to play with mr Shadow!”
The gigantic hedgehog had never felt so patronised, was Rouge seriously passing him off like some toddler for a play date, he glared down at the bat who returned it with cheeky grin,
He desperately fought the urge to step on her right then and he didn’t reject the tiny rabbit when she ran up to his paws. It would be too rude to do so now.
Cream managed to hop up and grab at one of Shadows fingers, she pulled at the claw that hung dangerously from the finger with no sign of fear on her little bunny face. “C'mon Mr Shadow! Let's go into the back garden”
Rouge watched as the little rabbit somehow managed to get Shadow to move in her direction, it was a hilarious sight to see as Shadow bent down awkwardly so the rabbit could pull his claw easier, the giant hedgehog turned back to the bat with a look that screamed “help me”.
She felt Vanilla take her arm and gently pull her inside the comfy home. It was very small but so cosy in the kitchen, the entire room smelt of cinnamon and sugar and it made Rouge's mouth salivate.
As the elder rabbit led her to another room in the house, Rouge felt the need to make sure Vanilla was okay with leaving Cream in Shadows care or maybe Shadow in Creams care when she thought about it.
“You're not worried about Shadow squishing Cream on accident or anything are you” it was a blunt way to address it but Rouge did consider herself to be a blunt person when she needed to be.
“No actually, I can see it in the way Shadow treats you, he seems to be a very kind and careful person,” Vanilla explained.
It kind of made Rouge's heart warm, Vanilla was very perceptive of people and the elder rabbit could see Shadow had no malicious intentions.
Though she hoped Cream's bubbly exterior didn’t end up scaring Shadow until he teleported somewhere she couldn’t find him.
Shadows mind was at a blank, after walking over and into the fenced garden he sat in the middle of the grass yard with his hands laid flat. Cream was in front of him looking not any less excited, he was sure she’d never played with someone like him before and he had no idea how to feel about it.
She was much more observant than he thought as the young rabbit sensed his tension. “Oh don’t be shy mr Shadow! I won’t bite”.
He felt like such a baby, the tiny child was comforting him, the giant monster. The irony was not wasted on him.
“Oh let me give you something!” She exclaimed as she ran to a small patio table that wasn’t too far away, the table was covered in many flowers that Shadow assumed were Cream's early attempts at flower crowns. Her little chao pal, Cheese, was laying in this pile and slept adorably.
The rabbit carefully removed a crown from the pile so as not to disturb Cheese and came back to present it to Shadow.
She held it up high possibly so Shadow could see it better, he had impeccable sight though but he leaned in just to respect the rabbits actions “this is for you! It’s got poppy’s, roses and dahlia in it”.
The rabbit suddenly brought it down when she realised that Shadows head was much too big for the little crown. “Oh… sorry I got so excited to give it to you I forgot how big you were Mr Shadow”
He was about to wave off her lapse of memory, he was too big for a lot of things so the huge hedgehog didn’t take it personally. But she jumped up as an idea popped into her little head “wait! May I have your hand please?”
He didn’t see a reason to not do so so he slowly lifted up a massive claw to her tiny body, the rabbit hopped to his pinky finger and furnished the appendage with her crown. “There! Now it’s a ring”
She looked quite proud of her quick thinking, and the Shadow couldn’t deny the crown turned ring looked really nice. He looked down upon the tiny rabbit and uttered a single thanks.
It made the tiny rabbit immensely happy though so Shadow guessed he was doing this weird little play date right.
“Can I sit in your hand?” Cream suddenly asked, surprising Shadow. It was a very forward question and Shadow really didn’t like picking up people he wasn’t used to. “I’ll be really careful!”.
Shadow wasn’t worried about her being careful, he was worried about himself handling her. The hedgehog really didn’t want Vanilla coming outside to her daughter as flat as a pancake if Shadow ended up squishing her.
But the adorable look on her face was too hard to deny.
Cream watched as a gigantic claw of the giant hedgehog was carefully placed back in front of her, his palm went flat as he invited her to climb it, she readily did so and gripped onto his forefinger for extra measure “lift me up as high as you can!” The rabbit suggested.
Shadow swore the tiny rabbit could fly, she could go as high as she wished herself. He guessed it was just a different feeling when a giant creature was doing all the labour for you.
Creams stomach lurched a bit as the hedgehog did as she commanded, her view went from her garden to the entire village as Shadow even stood up to give her access to more height, she jumped about in his surprisingly bouncy palm as she enjoyed the view
“So cool! Youre so cool Mr Shadow” she exclaimed. Shadows' face turned red again as the little rabbit bounced in his hand. He’d come to expect that for the rest of his life he’d be subject to the rejection and fear from those below himself. He wasn’t like anyone else and was never going to be and he’d come to terms with that.
But people like Rouge, people like Sonic and his friends, even Cream as she bounced in his hand. They were different, he didn’t understand it but no matter what he did they never looked at him in fear.
It felt corny to say but he couldn’t thank them enough for letting him feel just a bit of normalcy in his messed up life.
“Let’s play hide and seek” the tiny rabbit's voice took him out of his thoughts, his face fell flat at the game she proposed considering his stature would make hiding anywhere impossible.
Cream noticed his change of expression rather quickly though “oh it’s okay, you’ll be the seeker and I’ll hide, I have to warn you I’m super good at hiding, I always win at this with Charmy so he doesn’t like playing hide and seek with me anymore”.
Shadow snorted a bit at the warning, it was a bit hysterical coming from Cream but he did love a challenge.
The giant hedgehog was gripping at his head, the game had gone on for about 15 minutes with Shadow finding the bunny girl in easy places like behind the patio chairs and under a picnic blanket that was chilling on the grass previously. He grew bored of the game after finding her the first time and thought her challenge was just childish exaggeration.
But now he couldn’t find her.
He really truly could not find her and it was taking all the chaos energy within his system not to panic, his thoughts began growing irrational as he wondered if Cream had just left the garden to hide somewhere else. He didn’t think she would do so as the game was kept within the garden.
Where the hell was she then?
It would look so embarrassing if Rouge came out right now for them to leave only for Shadow to have lost Vanillas daughter.
He wanted to disappear in a puff of chaos control when Rouge came outside a second later, she was carrying a large bag full of what was probably Amy’s items.
“C'mon honey let’s jet” the bat pointed a thumb towards the village.
Rouge then noticed Shadow looked downright strung out, his quills were standing up in their ends and he was sweating, she also noticed Cream was not with him.
“Shadow, where's the kid?” she questioned.
His face went beat red as he fumbled for a moment “I… I don’t know” he finally admitted.
Rouge was perplexed “whu- what do you mean you don’t know?”
“We were playing hide and seek and now I can’t find her” Shadow put his hands to his face as his words became muffled “I lost her”.
Rouge stood there for a minute, the guffaw escaped her before she could stop it.
Shadow looked irate by her outburst “don’t laugh, I need to find her! his voice was raised and she felt the yell through her entire body. It didn’t stop her from laughing though.
Rouge wheezed as she wiped a tear from her eye “oh my gosh Shadow how are you that bad at hide and seek that you can’t find her now”.
The giant hedgehog looked a little offended at her teasing, he played many games of hide and seek back in the ARK and happened to be quite good at making himself scarce and finding people.
Rouge calmed herself, she knew Cream was definitely somewhere with them, the bat had to make sure they identified where before Shadow lost his nerve and ended up breaking something.
Before she could offer possible hiding places she was interrupted by Vanilla poking her torso outside “is everything okay out here? Are you two ready to leave?”
Shadow stepped over Rouge, his sudden movement catching her off guard and his footfall making her lose balance “yes everything is just fine” the panic in the giant lizard hedgehog's voice betrayed his words as he tried his best to regain control of the situation.
Rouge moved herself from behind the leg that stood in front of her, if Shadow wasn’t gonna be honest about the hilarious situation she was “actually we can’t find Cream, these two were playing hide and seek and it seems Creams pulled a fast one on Shadow”.
Her voice was full of Mockery, she didn’t turn up to look at the Shadow because she knew the face he was probably giving her could kill her if it was able to.
Vanilla didn’t look affected by the fact her daughter was missing, Shadow was fully expecting to be scolded for losing the younger rabbit but Vanilla simply looked around the garden. She took a moment before making eye contact with Shadow, he saw something like realisation strike her as the elder rabbit's eyes widened.
“Cream dear you can stop hiding now, I know your up there”
Shadow was confused, up there? Up where?
He was immensely startled as he suddenly heard a tiny defeated voice come from in his head, “noooo, I was doing so well!”
The giant lizard hedgehog squirmed as he felt the spines of his upper and middle quills be moved about, Rouge watched as Cream's tiny head popped out of Shadows quills “here I am!” She exclaimed.
That sly little rabbit Rouge thought, she really got in there without Shadow even noticing. The bat had to admire Cream's sneaking skills.
Shadow was flabbergasted. He didn't feel Cream make her way in there, he was usually so sensitive to the touch of others. He attributed his lack of awareness to his earlier tension and apprehensiveness with spending time with the tiny rabbit. If he didn’t then he was sure he’d explode with embarrassment, if Sonic heard about this the blue hedgehog would never let him live it down.
“Cream come down now, you're making Shadow uncomfortable” Vanilla ordered.
“I’m trying but I think my leg is stuck,” the younger rabbit replied.
Rouge flew up to inspect the situation, the little rabbit indeed had a leg stuck in the spines of Shadows quills, she was near dangling and holding onto the spines of Shadows top head spine for support.
“Shadow relax your quills would you, the poor thing is hanging on for dear life” Shadow perked up at that and tried to manually relax himself, it worked too well as Rouge had to quickly catch the bunny girl when the quills smoothed out and her leg was freed.
The giant hedgehog turned to the two of them, his face was etched with concern. Cream was once again very observant to this expression.
“Oh don’t worry Mr Shadow, I’m okay! But I did say I’m really really good at hide and seek” the rabbit reminded him.
He would never underestimate Cream again, he was still standing there trying to work out how she got in there without him realising.
“You sure showed him Cream, it seems he’s not as good at sensing people as he likes to brag” Rouge chided, voice full of ridicule.
She was so lucky she was still holding Cream in her arms because Shadow could have swatted her out the sky.
Vanilla had sent them on their way with the items but also a bit of the cinnamon pie she made.
Rouge was glad she didn’t have to worry about what to have for dinner today.
She was perched on Shadows head as they took the scenic route back towards station square, rouge took notice of a little ring of flowers on Shadows pinky finger as he raised his hand to swipe at leaves that had flown too close to his eyes.
“Aww did Cream give that to you, that’s super sweet of her”
Shadow extended his hand out to look at his pinky,
The large hedgehog smiled at the little gift.
“Cream is nice, she and Vanilla are really kind”
“ I know right? It's insanely cute but it’s also suspicious” Rouge hinted.
Shadow was confused by that statement, Rouge couldn’t see his face on top of his gigantic head but she knew he was probably questioning her statement.
“Nice people always have the wildest things to hide, I'd bet you 10 rings that Vanilla has killed someone before”.
Shadows' face turned incredulous, he shook his head “too many crime documentaries Rouge”.
“I’m just saying! Where did Cream learn to be so sneaky and quiet?” She challenged.
Shadow opened his mouth but closed it when he realised he didn’t really have an answer for that “touché”.
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Just a tiny thing but with Leon in my party, he acknowledged Venti mumbling apologies in her sleep during Arc 2. 😭
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Friendships and Sleepover (meeting in Barcelona Part 2)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words: around 9k
Warning:a tiny bit of angst,fluffy.
Part 1 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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“¡¿Qué?! ¿Eres la chica por la que ha estado deprimida durante semanas?!” (What?! You're the girl she's been depressed about for weeks?!) she exclaimed, surprised.
“¿Ella habló de mí?” (She talked about me?) I asked, surprised. It shocked me because, since she rejected me, I didn't think she'd talk about me to her sister.
“¡Sí! ¡Eres la chica que le pidió su número pero ella te rechazó porque tiene miedo al amor debido a su trabajo, verdad? pero por alguna razón nunca me dijo tu nombre!” (Yes! You're the girl who asked for her number but she rejected you because she's scared of love due to her job right? for some reason she never told me your name) she reminded me, surprised.
“Sí, soy yo ¿De verdad te dijo eso?” (Yes, it’s me. Did she really tell you that?) I asked, a bit embarrassed.
“Sí, lo hizo, pero ¿por qué no me dijiste que la volviste a ver?” (Yes, she did, but why didn't you tell me you saw her again?) she asked.
“Me dio mucha vergüenza y quería olvidarlo, lo siento” (I was too embarrassed and wanted to forget about it, I'm sorry) I apologized feeling a little bad.
Alba truly is an amazing and loving person. She has been a tremendous help to me here in Barcelona, always offering her support and guidance.
We share everything with each other, from our deepest secrets to our everyday experiences. Her presence has made my time in this city so much more enjoyable and fulfilling.
I feel a bit guilty for not telling her about my interaction with Alexia in the street, especially since she was really excited when I first mentioned Alexia to her that night at the sushi restaurant.
Now, it feels like I kept something important from her, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel left out.
“No necesitas disculparte, lo entiendo. Tenías todo el derecho de no decírmelo. Todos tienen sus propias razones para mantener ciertas cosas en privado, y respeto eso. Tus sentimientos y decisiones son importantes para mí.” (No need to apologize, I understand. You had every right not to tell me. Everyone has their own reasons for keeping certain things private, and I respect that. Your feelings and choices are important to me) She told me gently putting her hand on my thigh,squeezing it.
“Eres la mejor” (you’re the best) I simply told her putting my hand on top of hers on my thigh.
“Pero te dije que el nombre de mi hermana es Alexia; podrías haberlo deducido por el nombre.” (But I told you my sister's name is Alexia; you could have figured that out from the name) she said getting back to the subject.
“Alba, no sabía su nombre hasta que la volví a ver en la calle y fue entonces cuando ella me rechazó. Además, ¿sabes cuántas Alexias hay en España? No podía simplemente sacar conclusiones basadas en un nombre y no tenía idea de cómo se veía tu Alexia” (Alba, I didn't know her name until I saw her again on the street and that’s when she rejected me. Plus, do you know how many Alexias there are in Spain? I couldn't have just jumped to conclusions based on a name and I had no idea how your Alexia looked like) I replied matter-of-factly.
She gave me a look that said “yes you’re right” and shrugged her shoulders.
“Somos las chicas más tontas de España” (we are the stupidest girl in Spain) she said laughing a little.
I turned back to the field, watching Alexia's every move. I couldn't believe it...
Alexia and the other players started heading back into the tunnel. Alba called out her name to catch her attention. Alexia looked up at her sister and smiled.
Alba then put her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer,so that Alexia could see me.
Alba grinned widely and pointed at me. I smiled softly at her and waved.
Alexia's jaw literally dropped in shock, her eyes widening as if she had just seen a ghost.
She stumbled a little, almost falling over, before colliding with one of her teammates.
Her face turned pale, and she quickly apologized to her teammates.
Then, she turned back to look at us, her eyebrows furrowed deeply in confusion, and her mouth still slightly agape. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her bewildered reaction, finding it both surprising and amusing.
After blinking a few times to collect herself, she managed to smile and gave a small wave.
Her movements seemed almost mechanical, as if she were on autopilot. Then, with a final glance back at us, she turned and disappeared into the tunnel, leaving an air of lingering uncertainty behind her.
Throughout the entire match, I was mesmerized by Alexia's performance.I don't watch football because I find it boring but it's completely different when it comes to her.
She is absolutely incredible. While watching the match, Alba filled me in on Alexia's career details.
She explained how Alexia is nicknamed “La Reina” because she's the best female footballer in the world. She's also a two-time Ballon d'Or winner, she has won the Champions League back in 2021, and numerous other trophies.
I couldn't believe my ears. I was in the presence of a true legend. Given the number of people wearing Alexia's jersey and the way the crowd cheered every time she touched the ball, it was clear that she was deeply loved and idolized.
At the end of the match, Barcelona clinched an easy victory with a score of 3-0. Players from both teams exchanged congratulations and hugs.
Alba and I stood up to leave the stadium when we heard someone calling her name. We turned around to see Alexia signaling for us to come closer.
We walked down the stairs and leaned over the barrier separating us from Alexia. She looked up at me and said “hola” with a soft smile. I returned the greeting and smiled back.
She looked incredibly attractive in her kit, and the sweat only added to her appeal. We gazed at each other for a few moments until Alba broke the silence, waving her hand and saying, “¡Oye! Todavía estoy aquí.” (Hey! I'm still here) which made us laugh and looked at Alba.
“Ven a mi casa” (Come to my place) Alexia said. “Podemos pasar un rato allí y luego unirnos a mamá en el restaurante.” (We can spend some time there and then joined mom at the restaurant) Alba nodded in agreement.
“¡Vale, nos vemos allí!” (Okay, see you there) Alexia said with a smile before walking into the tunnel.
Alba and I got back in the car and headed to Alexia's apartment. Once parked, we entered the building and take the elevator to Alexia’s apartment. Alba searched through her bags to find the spare key to Alexia’s place.
After finding it, she unlocked the door, and Alexia’s fluffy dog came bounding toward us. “Nala!” I exclaimed, picking up the tiny dog.
“¿Cómo sabes su nombre?” (How do you know her name?) Alba asked, closing the door and moving further into the apartment, settling on the couch. I followed her, still holding Nala, and sat down beside Alba.
“La conocí en el parque. La segunda vez que vi a Alexia, Nala corrió directamente hacia mí.” (I met her at the park. The second time I saw Alexia, Nala ran straight to me) I explained, petting Nala as she attempted to lick my face and Alba just hummed.
“Todavía no puedo creer esta situación, ¡es una puta locura!” (I still can’t believe this situation, it’s fucking crazy) she said, reaching for the TV remote and turning on the TV.
“Yeah, I can’t either” I replied, more to myself and looked at Alba.
Now that I think about it, how could I not have noticed that Alba and Alexia were related? They look exactly the same, with their strikingly similar features and mannerisms. It's almost uncanny how much they resemble each other, right down to their expressions.
“Así que, ¿estás enamorado de mi hermana?” (So, you’re in love with my sister) Alba teased, poking my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts
“Deja de decir eso, no estoy enamorada. Solo he conocido a tu hermana tres veces antes de hoy y apenas hablamos.” (Stop it, I’m not in love. I’ve only met your sister three times before today and we barely talked) I said, swatting her hand away.
“Claro, claro... Alexia y Y/N están enamoradas el una del otra” (Sure, sure… Alexia and Y/N are in love with each other) she sang cheerfully, puckering her lips in a playful manner.
I grabbed a pillow next to me and playfully hit her with it. She pushed me away and laughed, turning her attention back to the TV.
About 20 minutes later, the apartment door opened, and there stood Alexia. She was wearing a Barcelona tracksuit and her hair was a little wet. I couldn't help but think she looked even more stunning.
Nala, who had been in my arms since we arrived, leapt out and ran straight to Alexia to greet her.
“Hola nena” Alexia said, picking Nala up and kissing her soft fur.
Alba also got up and ran to her sister, greeting her with a big hug and multiple kisses on the cheek. Alexia hugged her back and kissed her forehead as they pulled away and Alexia put Nala down.
I stood up too, feeling a bit unsure and awkward in the middle of her living room.
Alexia glanced at me and walked over. She smiled softly before pulling me into a gentle hug.She smells so good…
“Hello” she whispered in english into my ear and I greeted her back softly.
With her arms around my waist and her tall, muscular body against mine, I had never felt so safe.
She pulled away far too quickly for my liking, and I already missed the warmth of her body.
“Alexia, te presentaría a Y/N, pero aparentemente ustedes ya se conocieron antes, ¿verdad?” (Alexia, I would introduced you to Y/N but apparently you guys already met before right?) She asked a smirk playing on her lips and she wriggled her eyebrows.
Alexia walked pass Alba putting one of her large hands on Alba’s face pushing her away “Métete en tus asuntos, tonta”(Mind your own business, idiot) she said making her way to the kitchen.
“Voy a hacerme un batido, ¿quieren uno?” (I’m making myself a smoothie, do you guys want one?) she asked, looking at both Alba and me.
Alba and I politely declined, and we both took our seats at the kitchen table, sitting face to face.
As Alexia rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, searching for the ingredients for her smoothie, Alba and I started discussing our upcoming classes.
While I was talking to Alba, I felt Alexia sit next to me, really close, placing her smoothie on the table. Honestly, I couldn't focus on what Alba was saying anymore.
Then Alba's phone started ringing. She checked who was calling.
“Necesito contestar esta llamada, los dejaré solos para que puedan hablar un poco” (I need to answer this call,I’ll leave you two alone so that you can talk a little bit) she said winking at us a smug expression on her face.
She then stand up and walked towards what I assumed was Alexia's room, closing the door behind her.
I was left alone with Alexia, and an awkward silence filled the room.
“Did you like the game?” I heard Alexia asking after a few minutes of silence.
I couldn't say it enough, but I loved when she spoke in english.
I turned my head towards her and looked into her eyes, smiling. “Yes, you were amazing” I told her truthfully.
A blush spread across her cheeks, and she looked a little embarrassed but smiled nonetheless.
“So, you've been friends with Alba all this time? You work together at school, verdad?” she asked curiously, taking a sip of her smoothie.
“Um, yeah, we are co-teaching a class together. We met like two days after I first met you at that restaurant” I said to her.
“I didn't know you were her sister until today, though. She talked about you, obviously, but I never saw what you looked like or anything” I continued explaining and she nodded her head.
“Alba también habló de ti, pero al igual que tú, no relacioné los detalles. Mencionó tu nombre, pero para mí solo era un nombre, así que no podría haberte reconocido.” (Alba spoke about you too, but like you, I didn't link the details. She mentioned your name, but it was just a name to me, so I couldn't have recognized you) She explained her perspective in spanish.
“It’s okay, now we know…better late than never I suppose” I said smiling gently at her and she smiled back before looking back down at her smoothie.
Another awkward silence filled the room…God Alba please come back…
“You know, I felt very bad for not giving you my phone number. I—” but I cut her off because I really didn't want her to keep talking about this embarrassing moment.
“It's okay, you don't have to feel bad. I understand now” I told her.
She smiled at me sympathetically. “You know, now that you're pratically Alba's best friend, we can be friends too, but only if you want to...” she trailed off nervously and unsure.
I smiled at her. “Yes, we can be friends, of course.”
I extended my hand for a handshake, and she just looked at me in confusion.
“Let's do this all over again. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and you?”
She smiled softly and took my hand. “I am Alexia Putellas” she said, shaking my hand.
We smiled at each other and we let go of each other's hands “by the way nice jersey, you must be a big fan ..” she said jokingly.
“Oh thank you, Alba gave it to me, I only wore it because I like the colour.I have no idea who that “Alexia” is…but Alba told me that apparently she’s the best player in the world, I doubt it since I have no idea who she is, do you know her ? ” I joked.
“No, I don’t know her either, but you’re right the colors are pretty” she played along and we both giggled.
I smiled at her and and was about to agree when we were interrupted by Alba coming out of the other room.She sat back down, smirking at us.
“Soy yo de nuevo. Espero no estar interrumpiendo.” (It's me again. I hope I'm not interrupting) she said smugly, making me roll my eyes.
“Eres tan molesta, Albita.” (You are so annoying, Albita) I told her, glaring playfully and using the nickname the kids at school gave her.
Even though she'll never admit it to the kids, she absolutely hates that nickname for some reason.
“No me llames así, puta” (Don't call me that, bitch) she said, now glaring at me.
“No te enojes... Albita” (Oh, don't be angry... Albita) Alexia continued, also using the nickname to annoy her sister.
“No, no, no, no estamos haciendo eso, solo porque ustedes dos son pareja ahora no significa que puedan unirse para molestarme.” (No, no, no we are not doing that, just because you two are a couple now doesn't mean you can team up to annoy me) she scoffed.
No way, she did not just say that.
“No somos pareja.” (We're not a couple) Alexia and I said simultaneously, glancing at each other in surprise and then smiling.
After some time and talking more about this crazy situation to clear things up, and also teasing Alba, Alexia got up to get changed as we were about to leave for the restaurant to meet Eli, Alba, and Alexia’s mom.
As Alexia was getting ready, Alba was lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone, and I was at the kitchen table playing with Nala.
Alexia then made her reappearance; she looked beautiful. She was wearing large blue jeans and a white top with a “just do it” cap—so simple yet so beautiful.
She noticed my staring and looked at me with a teasing smile. I quickly turned my attention back to Nala.
Alba suddenly got up from the couch, shouting, “¡Vamos chicas, tengo hambre!” (Come on girls, I’m hungry).
Alexia and I both laughed at her. “Vamos en mi coche.” (Let’s take my car) Alexia said, picking up her car keys.
We exited the apartment but not before saying goodbye to Nala and made our way to the parking lot.
Alexia’s car was a sleek, black Cupra with tinted windows and shiny rims. As I stared at it, a wave of recognition washed over me. Wait a minute, I’ve definitely seen this car before.
“Hey! I recognize this car. It was you! You almost ran me over the other day in the parking lot” I told her accusingly as we got into the car. Alba and Alexia sat in the front, and I was in the back.
“It was you?! What do you mean I almost ran you over? You should be careful when you cross the road.Your mom never told you to look both sides of the road before crossing it? ” she laughed a little, glaring at me playfully.
“¡Oye, habla en español! ¡No entiendo! que está pasando? ” (Hey, speak in Spanish! I don’t understand! what is happening?) Alba said feeling a little left out of the conversation.
Alexia and I burst into giggles as we recounted the entire situation to her in Spanish.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, she joked that Alexia should have just run me over and not stopped, so we could have met each other again even sooner.
The playful banter made the moment even more memorable, and we couldn't stop laughing at the thought of such a dramatic reunion.
Arriving at the restaurant, we made our way towards the entrance, and Alexia opened the door for both Alba and me. I smiled at her and thanked her.
The waitress greeted us, and we informed her that we would be four, as Eli hadn't arrived yet. She led us to a table for four, and Alexia and I sat next to each other, with Alba facing me.
While waiting for their mom, we talked about Alexia's upcoming important match since Barcelona will be playing in the final of the Champions League against Wolfsburg.
She mentioned that she told her teammates if they win the Champions League, she'll dye her hair pink.
Not gonna lie, I think pink would suit her.
After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Eli finally arrived, giving us a warm hug. She seemed to recognize me from the restaurant where we first met in Barcelona, as she looked at me a bit longer than usual.
As she sat down, Alba introduced me to her mom, saying, “Mami, esta es Y/N. Trabajamos juntas en la escuela y ahora es mi amiga.” (Mami, this is Y/N. We work together at school, and she's my friend now)
Eli greeted me warmly, saying, “Mucho gusto, Y/N. Aunque siento que nos hemos visto antes, ¿verdad? En un restaurante hace un tiempo, eres la estadounidense.” (Nice to meet you, Y/N. Although I feel like we've met before, right? At a restaurant a while ago, you're the American one.) Her gentle smile made me feel at ease as I confirmed “Sí, esa soy yo” (Yes, that's me.)
Throughout the entire dinner, I had the chance to get to know Eli better. She reminded me so much of my mom—sweet, caring, and fiercely protective over her daughters.
Her warmth and attentiveness were palpable, making me feel instantly at ease. It became clear to me where both Alba and Alexia got their kindness and sweetness from.
Eli's nurturing nature and genuine affection for her family shone through every word and gesture, leaving a lasting impression on me.
After a delightful dinner together, we bid farewell to Eli, exchanging warm hugs and promising to meet again in the near future.
Alexia, Alba, and I got back into the car and began our drive back to Alexia's apartment.
The ride was serene, with only the gentle tunes from the radio playing softly in the background. I frequently noticed Alexia glancing at me through the rearview mirror, and each time, we exchanged knowing smiles that spoke volumes.
When we finally arrived at Alexia's apartment, she carefully parked the car.
Alba and I started to say our goodbyes, lingering for a moment to appreciate the evening, before heading towards Alba's car.
As I hugged Alexia and said my goodbyes, she gently asked if we could talk for a moment. Her eyes conveyed a sense of urgency and sincerity.
She then looked at Alba, subtly signaling her to give us some privacy.
Understanding the cue, Alba nodded and walked towards her car, giving us the space we needed.
She patiently waited for me there, allowing Alexia and me to have our conversation undisturbed.
Alexia leaned casually against her car, her gaze fixed on me as she softly uttered, “Would you like to have lunch together tomorrow? I want to talk to you, just us” a tinge of nervousness evident in her tone.
I responded with a warm smile, “Absolutely, that sounds good.”
“Can I have your phone number please?” she inquired, extending her phone towards me.
I accepted, taking her phone and putting my number. “Sent me a text so I can save your contact too” I suggested.
Our laughter filled the air as she mischievously sent a message saying, "Alba es una tonta" (Alba is an idiot).
After saving her number, I playfully labeled her as “La Reina 👸” in my contacts, eliciting a playful eye roll from her.
As she opened her arms for a hug, I embraced her warmly. With a gentle rub on my back, she bid, “See you tomorrow.”
Returning the sentiment, I echoed, “See you tomorrow”.
Walking towards Alba's car, I glanced back to see Alexia looking at me. I waved, and she waved back before heading to her apartment building.
I got back into the car and Alba looked at me teasingly making kissing sound with her mouth, “tonta” (idiot) I insulted her and slapped her softly on the arm she just laughed and started the car.
The next day, I was getting ready for lunch with Alexia. I was a little nervous about it.
Alexia was supposed to come and pick me up, so I waited for her.
I spent almost an hour deciding what to wear—not something too fancy because it wasn’t a date, but not too casual either because I wanted to at least look good.
After choosing an appropriate outfit, I went to the bathroom to do my hair. I decided to leave it down instead of tying it up.
A few minutes later, I received a text from Alexia telling me she was in front of my building.
I quickly exited my apartment and spotted her waiting for me, leaning on her car with a bouquet of roses in her hand.
I got closer to her, and she looked up, smiling widely at me. I gave her a hug as a greeting, saying “hola.” She said it back, hugging me a little tighter.
We pulled away, and she handed me the bouquet of roses, saying “para ti” (for you) nervously.
I awed at her. “Thank you, Alexia. Those are my favorite flowers. How did you know?” I asked, smelling the roses.
“Um... I asked Alba about it” she said, a little nervous. I decided to be a bit bolder and kissed her cheek as a thank you.
She blushed a little. “Vamos” she said, opening the car door for me. I smiled at her and got into the car.
We parked in the restaurant's lot, and I smiled shyly at her upon realizing where she had taken me.
It was the place where we first met.
We both got out of the car and walked to the restaurant, with Alexia being the gentlewoman she is, opening the door for me.
We were seated at our table and placed our orders. “How was training this morning?” I asked her, since she mentioned during dinner yesterday that she had training.
“It was good, a bit intense since we're preparing for the Champions League final”she replied, sipping her water.
“I'm sure you all will do great. You won it last year, right?” I asked.
“Yes, we did. How did you know? Alba told me you didn't like football and didn't watch it” she teased.
Okay, so last night, just before heading to bed, I found myself diving into some research about Alexia and Barca.
Despite my usual disinterest in football, there's something about Alexia that's making me reconsider my opinion.
I read about her impressive career, her achievements, and the impact she's had on the sport and her team.
It's fascinating how someone can completely change your perspective on something you thought you didn't care about.
Maybe football isn't as boring as I once thought; in fact, it might be quite intriguing after all.
“Well, you know..Alba told me about it” I lied blushing slightly and took a sip of my water as Alexia chuckled.
Our food finally arrived, and we began to eat it. The paella I ordered the last time I was here was delicious, so I ordered it again.
“How's the paella?” she asked playfully , looking at me “Delicious” I simply replied, and she smiled softly at me.
There was a small moment of silence until I decided to speak. “I think we should address the elephant in the room" I said, looking at her.
Alexia frowned and looked around. “There’s no elephant in the room” she said, looking at me as if I were weird.
Oh, she didn’t understand the expression. Well, obviously Y/N, english isn’t her first language.
“Oh, sorry, no, it means... we should talk about...you know IT” I murmured, looking at my plate, avoiding eye contact.
I felt her large hand over mine, forcing me to look at her. “Yes, let's talk about it” she said delicately, stroking my hand before pulling it away.
“Um... I won't lie to you, the first time we met I felt like some kind of…connection? I guess. I know it sounds cliché, but it's true” I said diving right into it looking at her, but still unsure of myself.
“Don't worry, I felt the same.When I first saw you I thought you were really beautiful and I could not stop myself from staring at you” she said a little embarrassed and I blushed. “And when I saw you in the park again, I thought maybe, I don’t know, it was fate and it was my chance to talk to you” she continued.
“So, do you feel the same as I do? Like an attraction?” I asked.
“Yes, but...” she said, trying to find the right words.
“I know... you don’t want a relationship right now because of your job, Alba told me” I said, and she just nodded looking at me pitifully.
“Estoy realmente dedicado a centrarme en mi carrera en este momento, y es difícil equilibrar eso con tener una novia. Los viajes constantes y las demandas de mi trabajo hacen que sea difícil mantener una relación estable. Quiero darle a mi carrera la atención que merece, pero es difícil cuando los compromisos personales me están tirando en diferentes direcciones” (I'm really dedicated to focusing on my career right now, and it's tough to balance that with having a girlfriend. The constant traveling and the demands of my job make it difficult to maintain a stable relationship. I want to give my career the attention it deserves, but it’s hard when personal commitments are pulling me in different directions) she continued, and I nodded in understanding.
“I understand, it’s your career before everything else. You need to prioritize your professional growth and opportunities right now, and that means making some tough choices. It’s clear that your job requires a lot of your time and energy, and maintaining a relationship might not be feasible with your current commitments.” I said completely understanding where she’s coming from.
But I couldn't help feeling a bit sad. Since my first night in Barcelona, I've been feeling some kind of way about Alexia.
It's difficult to accept that I can't be with her because her demanding job takes up so much of her time and energy.
Feeling really sad and maybe a little embarrassed, I just look down at my hands resting on my lap, nervously playing with my fingers. It's like I'm trying to find some comfort in the small movements, but my mind keeps swirling with thoughts. The weight of the emotions makes it hard to lift my head, and I just want to disappear for a moment.
Alexia whispered, “mírame” (look at me), as she reached over the table and gently lifted my head with her hand. Her touch soft.
She gave me a sad smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and regret. It seemed like she felt bad for technically rejecting me... again. The moment was heavy with unspoken emotions, and her expression showed that she wished things could be different.
“Sabes, cuando Alba me habló de ti, mencionó repetidamente lo increíble que eres. No podía dejar de enfatizar lo maravillosa persona que eres, destacando tu amabilidad e inteligencia y por los pocos momentos que pasamos juntos, puedo decir que ella estaba diciendo la verdad.” (You know, when Alba spoke to me about you, she repeatedly mentioned how incredible you are. She couldn't stop emphasizing what an amazing person you are, highlighting your kindness and intelligence and from the few moments we spend together I can tell that she was telling the truth.) She spoke honestly in Spanish; I suppose she can express her emotions better in her native language.
“I still want to be friends with you, if you still want to be. I really value the connection we have, and I'd love for us to keep being a part of each other's lives. I really want to see more of you” she continued gently switching the language.
I hesitated for a moment to consider the situation.
Being friends with someone you might have a small crush on could complicate things. It’s probably not the best idea because it can blur the lines between friendship and romantic feelings, potentially leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It’s important to think carefully about how this might affect both your emotions and the friendship itself.
Alexia could definitely see the hesitation on my face. She nervously bit her lips and looked away, her eyes reflecting a mix of anxiety and disappointment.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I completely understand…” she said, her voice tinged with sadness. It was clear that my reaction had affected her, and I could sense the vulnerability in her words.
She seemed to be bracing herself for a rejection, trying to mask her emotions but not quite succeeding.
Despite my initial thoughts of not wanting to be friends with someone I have a crush on, I also really want to be part of her life.
In a way, I already am, since Alba and I are inseparable, and that naturally keeps me connected to her.
Maybe, in time, I'll get over this crush... who knows?
It's a confusing mix of emotions, but being around her, even as just a friend, feels important to me.
“Yes I do still want to be friend with you” I finally told her smiling a little, reassuring her.
She seemed genuinely relieved by my answers and her face lit up with a bright smile. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and the warmth in her eyes made me feel more at ease.
After that, the conversation flowed effortlessly. We discussed a wide range of topics, from the mundane to the profound, and in the process, we got to know each other better.
She shared details about her career, and I discovered that not only does she have the Champions League final coming up, but she will also be participating in the World Cup in August. Her dedication and achievements were truly impressive.
She was equally interested in my life, listening intently to every word I had to say and looking at me with genuine interest.
For a brief moment, I forgot the reality that we could not be together, lost in the connection we were building.
After finishing eating, Alexia drove me back to my apartment.
When she parked, we both got out of the car. “Thank you very much for lunch. I'm really glad we were able to talk things out”
I said, genuinely happy about our time together. "We should do it again sometime," I added with a hopeful smile.
"No problem at all. I'm also really happy about it, and yes, we should definitely do this again," she replied, her eyes sparkling with the same happiness I felt.
The warmth in her voice and the sincerity of her words made me feel even more connected to her.
“Alright, I'm heading out now. I'll see you around, Alexia” I said, giving her a smile.
“Bye, Y/N” she responded, smiling back.
As I started to walk away, I heard her call out, “Espera!” (Wait!) I turned around, slightly surprised. “You forgot your flowers” she said, walking towards me.
“Oh, thanks” I replied gratefully and take the flowers from her hands before turning to leave again. Just when I thought I was free to go, I felt her hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I turned back, curious.
“Wait... there's something I wanted to ask you” she said, a bit nervously.
“Sure, what is it?” I asked, focusing on her.
“Um... Quería preguntarte. Tengo un partido el sábado por la tarde. ¿Te gustaría venir? No tienes que comprar una entrada; tengo extras para familiares y amigos.” (Um...I wanted to ask you. I have a game on Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come? You don't have to buy a ticket; I have extras for family and friends) she said a bit more nervous now.
“Um... will Alba be there?” I asked her.
“No, she has a dentist appointment, but Alba doesn't need to be there for you to be there too” she informed me. “Ahora también somos amigas, no necesitamos a Alba para pasar el rato juntos.” (We’re friends now too, we don’t need Alba to hang out together) she continued smiling a little.
“I’d love to come see you played again” I said, smiling softly. She smiled and hugged me.
I hugged her around the waist and buried my head in her shoulder, and I heard her whisper softly in my ear “No te arrepentirás” (You won't regret it.)
We parted, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye, waving to her.
She waited for me to enter the building before getting back into her car and driving away.
Saturday arrived quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting by myself in the stadium, waiting for the game to start.
Throughout the entire week, Alexia and I were in constant communication.
Every morning, we would exchange cheerful good morning texts, and then we’d hop on FaceTime to cook breakfast together.
It was such a delightful routine to prepare our meals side by side, even if it was through a screen, and then sit down to eat together, sharing our first moments of the day.
She continuously showed her care by frequently checking in on me. She would ask how my day was going, and it felt wonderful to know she was thinking about me.
In the evenings, our connection continued as we would FaceTime again during dinner time. We’d prepare our dinners together, step by step, and then enjoy our meals while chatting and laughing, making the distance feel so much smaller.
Finally, as the night drew to a close, Alexia would always send me the sweetest goodnight texts. She wished me sweet dreams, and her words were the perfect way to end the day, leaving me with a warm and happy feeling as I drifted off to sleep
As I was looking around, I got a text from Alexia.
La Reina 👸: ¿Estás aquí? (Are you here?)
Me: Yes, I’m in my seat.I can’t wait to see you play!
She just sent me a winking emoji.
I smiled at my phone before locking it and waiting for the players to come onto the field.
After a while, the players finally emerged from the tunnel. Alexia was the first one out, with a serious face, ready for the match.
Barcelona was playing against Madrid CFF. It was their last game before the Champions League final in June.
Barcelona was down 2–1, with Alexia being the only one to score so far.
Unfortunately, Barcelona lost. I could see the disappointment in Alexia; she shook hands with her opponents and hugged her teammates before going to see some fans to sign their jersey and take photos.
She got closer to the section I was in, signing jersey and talking a little bit with the fans placing a smile on her face but you could clearly see she was disappointed with the match.
She spotted me and smile at me and I returned it.
Once she finished she went back into the tunnel.
Knowing that she probably is not in the mood to talk right now, I got up and made my way out of the stadium.
As I got into my car, I received a call from Alexia. “Hello” I answered. “Hola, are you still here?” she asked. “Yes, I'm in the parking lot; I was about to leave” I informed her.
“Can you please wait for me? I'll be there in 10 minutes” she requested. “Yes, no problem, I'll wait for you” I told her, and she thanked me before hanging up.
Just as she promised, 10 minutes later, I saw her car pulling up next to mine.
She got out of the car and smiled at me. I got closer to her, and she engulfed me in a hug, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my neck.
“Lo siento” (I'm sorry) she murmured softly. “Why?” I questioned her.
“You come here and I lose the game” she explained.
I pulled away and held her face in my hands. “I don’t really care that you lose, I enjoyed the game and you were amazing, chica este golazo!” I exclaimed trying to lighten her mood and she laughed a little.
We completely pulled away, but I could sense that she was still a little sad, so I took her hand in mine, caressing her knuckles softly to bring her some comfort.
“¿Estás haciendo algo ahora mismo?” (Are you doing something right now?) she questioned, her eyes looking at our joined hands
“No, why” I answered still caressing her knuckles.
“¿Te gustaría venir a mi apartamento? Podríamos ver una película y luego puedo cocinar la cena” (Would you like to come to my apartment? We could watch a movie and then I can cook dinner?) she proposed.
“Me encantaría tener compañía en este momento, no quiero estar sola.” (I’d love some companies right now, I don’t really want to be alone) she continued.
“I would love to” I told her not hesitating, squeezing her hand.
I pulled away from her hand. “Okay, let's go. Follow me” she said, and we both got into our cars, driving to Alexia’s apartment.
Upon arriving at her apartment, I sat down on the living room floor and played with Nala.
“Ella realmente te quiere” (She really likes you) Alexia said from her spot next to me on the floor caressing Nala’s soft fur.
“Of course, who doesn't?” I joked sassily, and Alexia smiled, giving me a gentle push.
She then got up and headed to the kitchen. “What do you want to eat for dinner?” she asked.
“I don't know, whatever you want” I replied.
“We can make lasagna” she suggested, rummaging through the cabinets for ingredients. "Oh, I love lasagna!" I exclaimed happily.
She laughed as I got up and headed to the kitchen to help her with the cooking.
She took her phone, connected it to the aux, and put on some music. “You and Alba are obsessed with Karol G” I told her.
“La mejora” (the best) she simply replied, singing along to the lyrics.
As we cooked together, I noticed that Alexia often glanced at me, and every time I caught her, she quickly looked away.
While waiting for the lasagna to cook and Alexia went to the bathroom, I decided to scroll through her Instagram. As I was doing so, I felt hands on my hips from behind and heard Alexia whisper, "Boo!" I got scared and almost dropped my phone as I turned around.
“Idiota” I said, laughing as she did. “Did you liked my pictures on Instagram? ” she asked teasingly. I blushed a little, huffed, and removed her hands from my hips, walking past her to check on the lasagna.
Once the lasagna was cooked, Alexia took it out of the oven while I set the table with plates and cutlery.
We both sat down, and Alexia changed the seating arrangement to sit next to me instead of across from me. We took the first bite of our lasagna.
“Mmm” I moaned. “Delicioso” I told Alexia, who agreed with me. “Good job” she said, raising her hand for a high five.
After finishing dinner, we cleared the table and did the dishes together. The kitchen was filled with the sound of running water and clinking dishes.
Alexia and I were standing side by side at the sink, chatting and laughing as we scrubbed the plates and glasses
Suddenly, without warning, Alexia decided to splash water on my face.
“Hey! Idiota!” I exclaimed, drying my hands quickly and rubbing my eyes since the water had gotten into them. The cold splash took me by surprise, and I blinked rapidly to clear my vision.
“Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurt” I said, pretending to be in pain and squinting as if the water had caused more discomfort than it actually had.
“¡Oh, mierda! ¡Y/N, lo siento mucho! ¿Estás bien?” (Oh shit! Y/N, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!) Alexia asked urgently, her voice filled with concern.
She took my face gently in her hands and tilted it back to get a better look at my eyes, her own eyes wide with worry.
I smirked at her, seeing the genuine distress on her face, and decided to take advantage of the situation. I scooped up a handful of soapy foam and, with a mischievous grin, smeared it all over her cheeks.
Alexia gasped in shock, her eyes widening as the foam clung to her face. I let out a loud, triumphant laugh and bolted from the sink, running across the kitchen. “¡Vas a arrepentirte de eso!” (You’re going to regret that!) she shouted, her initial shock giving way to laughter as she chased after me, both of us laughing and slipping on the wet floor.
By the time we finished our little water fight, our shirts were wet, so I asked if I could borrow one of her shirts. She agreed immediately and went to her room to find one for me.
She came back a moment later with one of her black hoodies. I thanked her and went to the bathroom to change. The hoodie smelled just like her and was so warm.
I returned to the living room to find Alexia already comfortable on the couch, her legs resting on the coffee table with a duvet covering them. She was scrolling through Netflix in search of a movie.
I sat down next to her, leaving some space between us so as not to make her uncomfortable.
She extended the duvet so she could covered my legs too. Nala came, jumping on the couch placing herself on Alexia’s leg.
Alexia selected a film named “Nowhere” and pressed play.
Midway through the movie, I felt myself getting tired, so I rested my head against the back of the couch. Alexia glanced at me and uttered, “Ven aqui”(come here) as she raised her arm. I moved closer to her and nestled into her side.
She slid her hand under my hoodie and began to stroke my side. “¿Está bien eso?”(Is that alright?) she inquired, to which I responded with a hum, too relaxed to speak.
Nala noticed me and barked, prompting me to place my hand on her soft fur beside Alexia's.
Over time, Alexia's hand inched closer to mine, and I instinctively reached for it, placing my hand in hers as our fingers intertwined.
Everything was so calm and peaceful that I couldn't help but fall asleep.
I woke up in a dark room, still in the same position as when I dozed off. Alexia was sleeping with her head resting against the back of the couch, which couldn't have been comfortable. Nala had decided to sleep on the floor.
Alexia and I were still holding hands, our fingers intertwined as if they were reluctant to let go. I could feel the warmth of her touch and I gently pulled my hand away, feeling a slight pang of reluctance as our fingers slowly separated.
“Alexia, Alexia” I called softly, shaking her gently. “¡Despierta!” (Wake up)
She groaned and woke up startled “¿Qué? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Estás bien?” (What? What's wrong? Are you okay?) she asked, placing her hand on the back of my head with concern.
“Everything's fine, we just fell asleep” I reassured her.
I sat up and reached for my phone. It was one in the morning. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just so tired” I apologized.
“It's okay, don't worry” she reassured me, sitting up. “I should go” I said, standing up.
She stopped me by grabbing one of my hand “No, sleep here. It's too late and you're too tired to drive” she told me also getting up.
“No, no, I don't want to bother you” I told her. "You're not," she answered softly.
I take a moment to think it over. It's just one night, and with tomorrow being Sunday, there's no work to worry about.
“Fine” I finally give in.
“Let me grab you some shorts; you can't sleep in jeans” she said with a warm smile. I thanked her, appreciating her thoughtfulness, and she quickly disappeared into her room.
Moments later, she returned with a pair of Barca shorts in her hand. The fabric looked soft and comfortable. I took them gratefully and headed to the bathroom to change. As I slipped into the shorts, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, thankful for her kindness and the comfort of the new attire.
Returning to the living room, I was about to lie back on the couch when she stopped me with a gentle hand on my shoulder. “No, go sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the couch” she insisted softly.
“Alexia, it's your apartment. You should sleep in your bed” I protested, trying to reason with her. “No, you're my guest. You sleep on the bed” she retorted firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
“No, you sleep on the bed” I replied, standing my ground.
She let out an exasperated sigh and stepped closer, taking me by the arms and gently but firmly pulling me up. “Alexia, what are you doing?” I whispered, half yelling at her, confusion and surprise in my voice.
“Shhh” she shushed me, leading me with determined steps into her bedroom.
“Alexia—” I started to object, but she cut me off with a stern look. “Callate. We're both going to sleep in the bed. Is that okay with you?” (Quiet) she asked, her voice softening.
I looked at her, seeing the earnestness in her eyes, and just nodded, unable to find any more words to argue.
I settled onto the soft mattress, feeling her presence beside me, a comforting warmth in the dimly lit room. Despite my exhaustion, sleep eluded me, perhaps due to her proximity.
The scent of her shampoo lingered in the air, a subtle reminder of her closeness. Unlike on the couch, where slumber came easily with her nearby, sharing a bed introduced a new level of closeness and intimacy.
Turning to meet her gaze, I found her already looking back at me with a gaze that seemed to convey unspoken understanding. As she drew nearer, I shifted to face her, our eyes locked in a silent exchange of emotions.
Her hand, gentle and reassuring, cupped my cheek, her thumb tracing soothing patterns against my skin. The tender caress lulled me into a state of tranquility, my weariness giving way to a sense of calm.
“Está bien, ve a dormir, cariño, estoy aquí”(It’s okay, go to sleep,I’m here) her voice, a soft murmur, resonated in the quiet room as she pressed her forehead against mine.
The closeness of our breath mingling, the shared warmth, and her comforting presence gradually ushered me into the embrace of slumber.
I woke up the following morning to an empty space where Alexia should have been. Glancing at my phone, I saw it was 7 AM, and a sense of unease washed over me.
I got out of bed, thinking she might be in the bathroom or the kitchen, but after searching the apartment, I realized she was nowhere to be found.
Where could she possibly be at 7 AM on a Sunday?
Then, as I walked into the kitchen, I noticed a note on the table. My curiosity piqued, I picked it up and read:
“I went running, I will be back soon”
- Ale.
I couldn't help but chuckle. Who goes for a run at seven in the morning on a Sunday?
Well, apparently Alexia does. Her dedication and energy never ceased to amaze me.
I greeted Nala by giving her a lot of kisses and some belly rubs and made my way to the kitchen.
To show my gratitude for her hospitality and perhaps surprise her upon her return, I decided to make breakfast for her.
I rummaged through the kitchen, finding ingredients for a hearty meal. As I started cooking, the aroma filled the air, adding warmth to the quiet morning.
A little later, as I finished cooking, Alexia returned. “Bon dia” she greeted, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
She had been very affectionate since yesterday; maybe just maybe a little part of me think she had changed her mind about not wanting a girlfriend, or perhaps she was just naturally affectionate as a Spanish person.
“Bon dia” I replied. “I made you breakfast” I said, presenting the plate. She smiled softly at me. “Gracias” she responded.
As we settled at the table, the morning light creating a cozy atmosphere, we enjoyed our breakfast and chatted about the busy week ahead. There was a comfortable ease in our conversation that made the moment feel special.
After we finished eating, we tidied up the dishes and decided it was time to head out, feeling content with the start of our day.
I then decided it was time for me to leave. I truly enjoyed my night and morning with Alexia; spending this time together allowed us to bond even more. The conversations we had and the moments we shared made me feel closer to her.
I went back to her room, made the bed, and changed back into my clothes. I carefully folded the clothes she kindly let me borrow, making sure they were as neat as when she first gave them to me.
I strolled back into the living room, my heart filled with gratitude for Alexia's generosity. “I'm heading out now, thank you so much for letting me stay” I expressed to her.
Alexia, with a gentle smile, rose from the sofa and enveloped me in a warm hug. “De nada” she whispered softly, her voice carrying a sense of genuine care and hospitality.
After our embrace, I planted a tender kiss on her cheek, grabbed my car keys, and followed her to the door.
Alexia opened it for me.
“Adios” I told her , to which she replied with a kind smile. “Text me when you get home and be careful on the road” she reminded me, “and remember to look both way before you crossed the road” she teased playfully, a smirked on her lips and I giggled at her,
“I will” I assured her, touched by her thoughtfulness and made my way out of the door to the elevator.
The rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about my time at Alexia's. I just can't figure her out; she says she doesn't want a relationship right now, but then she goes and does all these things—giving me flowers, cuddling me, holding my hand.
It's so confusing because her actions speak differently from her words. She makes me feel so special and cared for, yet insists that she's does not want a relationship. It leaves me wondering if there's something more to her feelings that she's not ready to admit.
Ughh I hate love.
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ashtxrie · 3 months
submitted 11:59 pm
— alternatively, enhypen maknaes as your typical high school crush!
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PAIR. high school! enhypen maknaes x gn!reader (rest under cut) GENRE. fluff, high school au, bullet points WORD COUNT. 1.8k total HYUNG LINE VER.
김선우 — kim sunoo
candy hearts, spotify playlists, good morning texts, easy laughter, crescent smiles
in high school, sunoo's known as being super friendly and sociable
and because of that, he has a ton of friends
like he basically knows everyone
you and sunoo have definitely talked before, and you may have had a teensy tiny crush on him from your... downward of five interactions
he's kind of like your hallway crush!
however, you DON'T know that he has had a crush on you for FOREVER
and his friends are SICK AND TIRED of hearing about it
man's dedicated because he really saw you in every single one of your phases and STILL decides to like you. he's a real one
he's so whipped like he's hitting up the group chat (named "en- gang" by riki btw) at 1 in the morning being like
"GUESS WHAT?!!! she smiled at me today ☺️ i forgot to tell you all"
everyone is so done
"did you talk to her though"
"NO. i'm getting there"
"all you did was make eye contact for the past month be srs rn"
so one day jay and jungwon (your mutual friends), who were in the same english class as you both, were feeling DEVIOUS
it was the fall semester final project, and it was supposed to be worked on in teams of 2 to 3
"bro you are NOT working on it with us the love of your life is literally RIGHT there"
jay and jungwon took matters into their own hands and forcefully excluded sunoo ("you guys are so fake")
so now, with no other option, he had to approach you!
"do you have a group already? if not, we could work together?"
wait wtf he didn't say that
it was YOU???
you approached him first??? he was SHOCKED
tried to play it cool but his smile gave away how happy he was
"yes!!!! let's work together!!!!! :)"
the project actually went so well he has literally never been happier typing away on that document every night
updates the group chat periodically too
"when we were working on the google doc at 2 am in the morning our cursors went over each other’s & it was like we were holding hands :>>"
"how do i unsubscribe"
"you're just mad because you've never been in love <333"
secretly sunoo's thanking his friends though because now you guys are basically close friends!
while doing the project together you started talking about school, friends, life, and everything in between
talking with you just seemed so natural, and sunoo wonders why he was so afraid of it before
i'd like to think that with you, sunoo doesn't feel the need to always put on the bubbly and outgoing side of him
sometimes, he can just be quiet and calm sunoo with you, and the silence feels so comfortable and safe
you start hanging out more and more, and soon you've met so many people through sunoo that they think of you whenever they think of him too
it's like a package deal!
throughout this time he's still madly in love with you btw
he just wants to take things slow! he didn't want to scare you away or anything
and yes, the gc is STILL getting their daily sunooyn Down Bad News Network
"today during lunch she gave me a yakult bottle, i think she’s starting to like me back! :D"
he does Not know you've liked him all this time
the mutual pining is crazy
he (finally) confesses after a whole YEAR
he's super nervous about it, has possible plan b's scripted and sat through 30 minutes of youtube subliminal audios the day before for extra good luck
after he says his whole heartfelt confession, he gives you this handwritten letter with all of his favorite moments with you in the past year, complete with spotify codes next to each one that links to a specific song he thought of at the time
you teared up a bit because oh my gosh it was so cute he was so cute and your heart just melted
you told him you've liked him since forever too and he was FLABBERGASTED
you both also reveal that you've BOTH had hidden spotify playlists dedicated for each other???
let's just say that even years later, the 'en- gang' group chat would NEVER let sunoo live down his digital footprint
양정원 — yang jungwon
strawberries, honors classes, coming of age, familiarity, inside jokes, paper rings
your childhood best friend
who just so happens to also be mr student council president, king of extracurriculars, resident academic powerhouse
and also a LITTLE SHIT about it
since elementary school, you've got some friendly (and not-so-friendly) rivalry going on
"we both know who’s going to get the higher score for this chem final” 
“yeah, and it’s going to be me”
but the drive you get from the competition is really what brought you guys together
it's what keeps you motivated, it's what keeps you going
and he's funny! (though you'd never admit it)
because yes, you're both trying to beat each other for the top spot in class rank
but you also get each other
you've been study buddies since the beginning of time, and he keeps the two of you accountable
sometimes he's TOO responsible
"jungwon don't let the pomodoro timer dictate you life can we PLEASE take a snack break right nowww"
"we literally did that FIVE MINUTES AGO"
outside of studying he's really chill though
one summer he started to get really into alchemy of souls and you binged the series twice together, effectively destroying both of your sleep schedules right before school started
he just loves existing in the same space as you tbh
definitely loves calling you for hours during the school year, whether to review for an upcoming exam or to just have the two of you do your own things while connected on the phone
it's pretty common for the two of you to fall asleep while on call with one another
late night yapping sessions (hello??? his weverse addiction??)
he feels like he can just let his responsibilities go and you're the only person who really understands him and everything he does and why he does it
lowkey.... he also just wants to make you proud :(
he was so happy that one time you offhandedly mentioned how you've seen and appreciated all the hard work he was putting in for one of the school events
when he eventually confessed to you, everything just made sense
like the way your eyes always lingered on his bright smile when he showed up on your doorstep at the crack of dawn
and how even when you tease each other, you never miss how he would reach for your hand with his own before retracting it hurriedly as if changing his mind
now, oh he just makes you feel so loved
texts you at random times of the day just because, sending you the most random images and captioning them with "us"
he's still got the silliness in him though!
"i want to try every strawberry with chocolate combination with you <333"
西村力 — nishimura riki
neon lights, school dances, sunglasses, finger guns, playful banter, shared hoodies
honestly he's just at school for the vibes
however, he DID take homecoming very seriously
with one goal in mind: to DOMINATE the dance floor
and dominate he did.
he partied in the USA so hard that by the end of the night, everyone was talking about that freshman who left everyone speechless at a HIGH SCHOOL DANCE
among those witnesses of how riki out-danced the entire school population, were you
and you thought he was literally the coolest person ever
fast forward two years, and you're a junior now
it's all good! you've definitely outgrown your month-long admiration of the Guy From Hoco
but yo what guess who sits right next to your seat in class???
it's the Guy From Hoco himself
honestly, you're a pretty chill person so you turned to him and were like "hey aren't you that guy that got famous back during hoco freshman year?"
but now? he’s EMBARRASSED to admit it
"oh uhhh that wasn't me haha"
boy bffr you would know his face anywhere
you kind of gave him a questioning look and shrugged
"oh well, i thought it was really cool though"
he instantly backtracks, because you thought it was cool and NOT an aura loss????
"wait i think i remember now haha that WAS me!!!"
you guys match energy so well tbh
he started to catch feelings for you because of how funny you were and how you two just clicked, but he was stuck in denial FOREVER
"I DON'T CHASE I ATTRACT" (desperate)
heeseung also tried to give him "rizz counseling" but that just ended up with them both saying "mb gang" at everything
which was..... not very rizzy!
you had convinced him to audition for the competition dance team at your school, which he obviously made
he texted you the day he got in too, typing in all caps in everything which he NEVER does
"why would you scream about things in caps lock when you can be cool and nonchalant" YEAH SURE RIKI
updated all his social media bios to @[school]varsitydanceteam the moment he got the acceptance notif
“[name] is my instagram bio tuff”
"because i’m committed and it lets them know i’m part of a professional community"
(heeseung told him that it would show his commitment to the sport and thus his potential to commit to you.)
at this point, riki was ready to fire heeseung and switch to jake as his ghostwriter 💀
but little did he know, you started liking him too once you saw how genuinely hardworking he was when he has a goal
like those hours he spent on call with you asking if you thought this one move was clean enough?? he really put in his all (he also wanted to impress you)
you kind of had the idea that he liked you back, because let's be honest he was being a bit obvious about it
the way he almost choked when you hugged him congratulations??? he looked DAZED for a whole hour
you had to confess to riki because his heejake rizz courses consisted mainly of heeseung and jake arguing about whose approach was better
even when you two became a couple, you still had teasing as a love language LMAO
"HAHA 🫵🫵 YOU'RE SO SHORT i still love you though <3"
it's just how he shows his love, but he also loves draping his arm across your shoulders when walking around
made sure to emphasize to heeseung and jake that this was all his doing and they did not help him at ALL
but let's be real, YOU were the rizziest of them all
and riki agrees <3
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TAGLIST : @star-sim @boyfiejay @jlheon @jwsdoll @dimplewonie @suneng @en-gelic @mygnolia @asteria-wood
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eccentricallygothic · 1 month
Pairing: Daddy!Ari Levinson | Brat Baby!You.
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Description: Ari decides to actually act upon his literal threats of ‘teaching your ass a lesson’ this time around.
Warning(s): D/s dynamics, ddlg, power imbalance, meanie Daddy!Ari, bratty!you, allusions to spanking, size kink, strength kink, begging, humiliation, rimming, ass fingering, age gap (reader is 20’s and Ari is near 40’s), possessive!Ari, dirty talk, brat taming. Minors do not interact. 
Type: Request (anon), here.
Note: Unedited because it's 5am and I have class around 10am. Forgive me for any errors. Hope you like it <3
Your hot and pouty face was buried between your arms that were folded ‘petitely’ over your boyfriend's work table even though you were anything but. “Daddy, please!” You whined and tried to shift in his beastly hold only to fail yet again. “I already said I was sorry and I already got a spankie!” You kicked your foot and complained like you had any power against him. 
Ari's rough fingers only groped your stinging ass cheeks harder as he kept them spread apart for his experienced tongue to keep torturing your quivering pucker. “Nah, today is the day, baby. Buckle up” his words made you whine even louder than before and you puffed out your cheeks, your hips struggling to break free from his tyrannical grip. 
“But I already said I was sorry!” You were a sensitive little thing that was used to being spoiled and treated like you were the reason the sun rose everyday, not getting your way or being rough handled was not something you were particularly accustomed to. Especially not at the hands of the grizzly kneeling behind you. 
“As you have a million times before” Ari simply responded before the sharp tip of his tongue ran around your rim again before he probed the opening that was tightly wrinkled shut. As if the tiny stretches he was causing weren't uncomfortable and humiliating enough, the recent spanks on your ass made it even worse. You had no idea how, but the jerk had even managed to spank your poor little backdoor. He was lucky you loved him. “But today is the day punishment will actually teach you something, you little brat.” 
You huffed and shook your disapproval out through your body. “Daddy, you're being so mean!” Your eyebrows were furrowed but you dared not look behind and at him. You were not allowed to do so, as he had ordered you to look ahead when he had begun. “It's not my fault those little boys look at me! I only have eyes for you!” You heard his snicker of disbelief.
“Yeah, right–” your eyes widened when you felt him heatedly spit on your asshole, clearly further instigated by your words, before one of his fingers began to push against your virgin rim. 
“DADDY!” You panicked but Ari was unbothered. “Oh, no!” Your face burnt hot in humiliation but that didn't stop your pussy from tearing up. 
“Oh, yes” Ari's guttural voice was quiet as he leaned in to lick at one of the many fingerprints he had left on your ass cheeks, the digut he had inserted in you now knuckle deep. His thick beard tickled your sensitive skin where his tongue touched you. “Only have eyes for your old man, huh? Is that why you go bowling with your silly girlfriends in those cute little shorts, hm?” He gave you a good few jabs so you would feel his knuckle butt against your rim. “Tsk, like I don't know about those foolish little boys following you around like dumb little mutts.” Okay, maybe you did like the attention. 
“B- But that's not my fault, Dada! I only want you!” That was true. “You know it!” It was the reason why you liked to rile up Ari like this. Especially during periods when his stupid work took nearly all his time.
Ari began to pull his finger out and your ass humiliatingly squelched. He stopped when only the tip reached your rim. You whimpered as your pucker clenched in discomfort. “Too bad that is not going to stop me from breaking this–”
“Daddyyy!” You whined when his finger began to push into you once more.
“– bratty little ass in like I should have a long time ago” you shuddered when he added some tongue to the finger fucking. “Maybe you will finally learn some fuckin’ patience when you limp all over the place like a sorry little baby slut.”
Oh dear, oh dear.
You had a long evening to go.
And a lot of begging to do. 
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heeseungwifey · 6 months
I'll pick you up - Park Sung Hoon
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pairing: idol!Sunghoon x y/n
warnings: contains smut! Minors don’t interact pls
Is a well-known fact by kpop fans that once an idol gets their driving license it means they’re having sex. Since they live in a dorm shared with their group members, they have no other choice but to fuck in the backseat of a car. 
Sunghoon is one of those idols. Annoyed he has to share a bedroom with the other 6 members of Enhypen, he got tired of having no privacy and got into driving classes ASAP. It was quite easy for him to pass the test, since he’s very skillfull and has learnt a lot from driving video games. 
How does he get girls? easy, he can pick and choose at all the fanmeets, in which many fans would slide their phone numbers in tiny pieces of paper between the album pages when he’s gonna sign them. 
He often turns them away, scared of getting into a scandal. But, from time to time, he sees one fan he wishes he could call and meet up with. That's why he was so keen to get his driving licence so that he wouldn't have to wait so long.  
At the very first fanmeet Enhypen did after he passed the driving test, he was expectant of who was in the crowd. Many girls showed up, excited and happy to get an interaction with their favorite member of the group. As the fans sit down on the chairs in front of them, Sunghoon spots a girl with long dark hair and an angelic aura. She's a fan of his, a T-shirt with his picture on it and a banner with his name on it. Lucky him.
The queue moves way slower than he wishes, making him desperate to greet her. When he sees she’s already talking to one of the members, he can no longer focus on what he’s doing. All his signatures look like scribbles and he keeps forgetting the name of the fan in front of him. After many apologies, she’s right in front of him.
-Hello! What’s your name? - Sunghoon says as he stares at her while she sits on the chair in front of him. 
-Y/n - She says, shy and blushy, avoiding his eyes.  
- Y/n… a very pretty name - Sunghoon looks directly into her eyes, wanting to keep eye contact with her. 
-Thank you… - She looks at him and now she can’t stop giggling and darting her eyes from one side to the other of the room. 
-And tell me y/n… I see you’re wearing my face on your T-shirt. Am I your favourite?- Sunghoon smirks. 
-Yes, you are. Since the very beginning, I knew I wanted to be your fan. - she has sparkles in her eyes, enjoying talking about her dear bias.
-Good to know I have such loyal fans. You know, I have to admit you are also been my favourite since you walked in here. You’re beautiful. - Sunghoon lowers his voice and gets closer to her ear, freezing her on the spot. 
-Ahm… that’s, that’s… uhm I don’t know what to say… about that… ahm… - y/n gets surprised by a timer, indicating the time of their brief talk is over. 
Y/n doesn’t want to get up from the chair. She still has something to give to him. She looks at him in the eyes and shakes the pages of the album he just signed in front of him, a piece of paper falling from the inside. 
Sunghoon couldn’t be happier. He was worried she might be a fan who thought didn’t have a shot with him. She does, oh my god how much she does. He couldn’t think of anything or anyone else throughout the whole day. With her phone number written on a piece of paper in the bottom of his pocket, waiting for him to get off work.
When Sunghoon got to the dorms, he stared at his phone waiting to gather the courage to call her. He knows she wants to meet up with him, that’s why she gave him her phone number in the first place. So why was he feeling so doubtful? 
Sunghoon picks up his damn phone and calls her, jumping with every dial tone. When he’s about to give up, a voice on the other line answers:
-Hello…? Who’s this? - y/n answers the phone and Sunghoon can hear voices in the background, a male voice standing out from all of them. Is she with a dude right now? Isn’t she a fan of him? Why did that bother him so much?
Sunghoon thought about hanging up the call. It’s whatever. She has her own life, of course she’s not gonna be waiting for him to call her. When she repeats herself for the third time, he decides to just try it, this is not about catching feelings but a one-night stand with a groupie. 
-Hi! y/n, this is Sunghoon. Do you have a minute?
-Omg, what?! I had the feeling it could be you, I don’t know why... this is a strange hour to call someone don’t you think?
-I want to see you. I’ll pick you up wherever you are right now. You up?
There’s silence on the other side of the call. She’s thinking. She’s not stupid, it’s obvious what this is about. She has to decide whether to leave her dignity aside or be happy. She now chooses to be happy. 
-Sure! I'm in Itaewon right now with a bunch of friends. I was going to go home in fifteen minutes, but I can leave now… Is it okay for you?
-I’ll pick you up outside of the metro station. 5 minutes and I’m there. 
Sunghoon hangs up, not even letting her answer. With a bunch of friends? His ass. Sure there’s some dude in that friend group that has been trying to make moves on her since they met. Women are so naive. He couldn’t have a girl friend that looked like that. A doll straight out of a magazine. The most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and sure he has seen a lot of pretty girls at award shows. It’s gonna take a lot for him to forget about that man’s voice, reminding him that this is just gonna be a one-time thing. Or that’s what he tells himself.
He’s already waiting outside the metro station. There are a lot of people on the street since is a Friday night and everyone’s enjoying their free time drinking and going to clubs. He has done that a bunch of times but got so scared of getting caught that didn’t enjoy it one bit. 
A girl in a miniskirt and high heels walks alone around the entrance of the metro station, waiting for someone. Sunghoon realizes that he didn’t give any indication of how his car looks, and she doesn’t have a way of contacting him. Sunghoon curses at himself for being so careless, picking up his phone and calling her. 
-y/n I’m here. - Sunghoon observes as y/n looks around, looking for a car. 
-Hi! Ahm… What colour is your car? I swear there are so many people here It’s driving me crazy.
-Hold on, let me get out of the car and get you.
-That’s not necessary, just…
Sunghoon double-parks and gets fast in front of her. She looks gorgeous. Her eye makeup, sparkly and feminine and rosy cheeks. She seems to be a bit cold, so Sunghoon takes his coat off to put it on her. 
-You really didn’t need to get out, your car is pretty noticeable haha. If you had told me to look for the most expensive car around here, I would have walked to yours. 
-It would not be very gentlemanly of me to just wait for you in the car. Come on, let’s get inside, you’re gonna get cold. 
Sunghoon puts his hand on her shoulder, leading her to his car and opening the door for her. This is the least he can do, he sure does not plan on being a gentleman when they get in the backseat. But for now, he’s gonna give her a great time. 
He has a plan that although cliché, is still romantic. There’s a viewpoint in the Hannam-dong Hill in which one can park their car. That’s where he is headed. 
-So, where are we going? - y/n asks, turning to look at him curiously. 
-It’s a surprise. Just get comfortable. Is a 10-minute drive there. 
-May I ask you… why me? I know I gave you my phone number, but this is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me. 
Sunghoon looks at her, her body language showing an insecure side of her that Sunghoon rather than offputting finds charming and attractive. Constantly being surrounded by women who just care about their looks and are rather egocentric, y/n is just a normal girl. A gorgeous normal girl, with long legs and a pretty, pretty face. 
-Just because. Can’t I just want to spend my Friday night in your company? Since you're my fan, you might know a lot about me. I wanted to know more about you.
Y/n smiles from the passenger seat, charmed by his response. Although Sunghoon hadn’t prepared it, he was quite happy about how smooth that sounded. Guess he’ll get more experience once he starts doing this more often. 
The Spotify playlist is playing low on the car radio, giving a great ride for both. By the time Sunghoon gets to the viewpoint, y/n has already deciphered his plan. 
-Oh, the Hannam-dong hill, how fancy… I love this place, it’s such a beautiful sight of the Han River. Look, there’s a boat over there!
Sunghoon knows it was a good decision to come here. She seems so excited, pointing at the buildings and boats that can be seen from over there. With her flushed nose from the cold and his huge coat on her, his heart feels a warmth that scares him. What is he feeling right now for a girl he just met?
Overwhelmed by her cuteness, Sunghoon turns his mindset to the plan. This is not a date, he came here to fuck her. The faster he’s done with it, the earlier he can go to his dorm without having to give any explanations. 
-Y/n, get in the car. -He says coldly and gets in the backseat of his car, waiting for her to do the same. 
Y/n walks to the door of the back of the car. Slowly opens it, getting in with a cold breeze, looking at Sunghoon in the eyes just as he’s doing. The car is dark, with the only source of light being the streetlights.
Y/n realizes that her miniskirt has ridden up while sitting, revealing her thigh highs.  She attempts to cover them by pulling her skirt down, but Sunghoon stops her. His hands roam her legs, getting closer and closer. 
-May I… kiss you? - Sunghoon is focused on her lips, some lip tint still on them. She thought there was no use in reapplying before the date, so she just left them like that. 
-Sure… please do it - y/n didn’t have to say anything else, Sunghoon jumping to kiss her.
His hands were only on her thighs at first, but as the kiss got deeper he groped her ass and sat her on his lap. The miniskirt, now a belt pooling on her waist, and her hands all in his hair, pulling on the roots. 
The atmosphere feeling heavy, y/n had to take a breath. Grabbing Sunghoon by the neck and pushing him away, a string of saliva left behind, connecting them. He looks confused, as he might have not realised something have made her uncomfortable. 
-Are you good? Did something happen? - y/n just has her eyes closed, breathing and leaning her head back on the driver’s headrest. 
-No, just… take your shirt off. - Sunghoon follows her command immediately, his pale chest on display for her eyes to see. 
-Okay, I didn’t know this was gonna happen today so don’t laugh… - He raises an eyebrow, not understanding what she means. When y/n takes her top off, her breasts are cupped by a Hello Kitty bra, which makes Sunghoon giggle. 
-I told you not to laugh… - y/n pokes his cheek, giggling along with him. 
-You know what, I can fix it right now, don’t worry. - His hand goes to her back and unclasps her bra, her boobs bouncing free from the cute undergarment. 
Open-mouthed, he had never been in front of such pretty tits, taking her perky nipple to his mouth while he looks at her face. Y/n throws her head back, moaning in pleasure as she moves her hips, the feeling of his tongue connecting straight to her core. 
Sunghoon feels his hard-on rubbing inside his pants and it hurts bad, opening his pants and pulling them down to free his member, creating a tent on his boxers. Y/n whines at the sight, she knew he wasn’t average-sized but seeing in real life it sure seems big and girthy. 
-Hoon, I want to… help you with that - y/n gets off him as she places herself to give him head, being stopped. Sunghoon flips her by the legs so she’s on her back, laying on the seat while he hovers over her. 
-Such a good girl… wanting to take the lead. I’m sorry, this is my car, I make the decisions here.
Sunghoon gives a trail of kisses from her jaw to her belly button, licking her nipples on the way down. When he gets to her underwear, he just presses his pointy nose and smells, groaning.
-Delicious… uhm, the things I have been thinking of doing to you while in this position…  I don’t think I get to do them all today. - Sunghoon is hissing while he palms himself, enjoying the warmth of his head between her legs. 
-Please Hoon, take them off… it hurts - she’s rubbing her legs, trying to do something with the awful ache she has. 
Sunghoon peels her panties off, placing them on the headrest and pushing her legs to the side, so she opens them more and he gets to see her glistening pussy. His sight right now is to die for, the prettiest girl he has ever seen with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, open-legged for him. 
His mouth goes directly to it, savouring all of it as he licks, her moans making it difficult for him to concentrate. She grabs his hair, trying to keep him there as she’s feeling closer and closer to the climax. 
Inserting two fingers, Sunghoon works hard for her release, often looking at her to see her eyes rolling back and teeth biting her lip, trying to stop screaming. He might love blowjobs but, the pleasure it gives seeing a woman fall into madness as she contorts and whines would never compare. 
With loud screams and nonsensical sentences, Sunghoon knows he needs to keep working hard for her sweet venom to hit his tongue. Once she comes, she twists in pleasure, crying and tired of the cardio. 
Y/n lays there, heavy breathing and covering her eyes with her forearm, while Sunghoon cleans her by sticking his fingers and licking them. After a minute of gentle tummy rubs, he kisses her, grabbing her by the arms and sitting her up. 
-Hey pretty? Are you game over? - As hard as he might be now, he can’t help but think it is endearing how exhausted she seems, wishing he could just watch her sleep for a bit.
-I’m good, it’s just that it was so… strong. I have never come like that before. 
-I’ll take that as a compliment for my incredible labour. Hey, listen, if you’re too tired I can get you home and just…
-No, I’m good. I’m not getting out of here just yet. Aren’t you gonna fuck me? - she tilts her head and Sunghoon lets a laugh out, brushing her hair out of her face. 
Y/n grabs Sunghoon’s face with two hands and kisses him with passion, french kissing and their tongues up to each other's throats. She hops on his lap, her wet folds damping his boxer while she rubs herself. 
After licking and playing with her tits while making out, Sunghoon can no longer endure the pain on his member. He remembers that, before this date, he bought condoms and left them inside the glove box of his car. 
-Y/n hey… I need you to do me a favour - Sunghoon says as he keeps on peppering kisses on her face and upper body.
-Uhm, tell me… - she has her eyes closed while she answers, fisting his hair while he sucks on her nipples. 
-I have condoms… in the glove box… can you pick them for me from here?- He looks up, straight into her eyes. 
-Sure. Hold on, let me flip over. - She crosses her leg over his lap, now sitting the other way around, a nice view of her ass and back for Sunghoon. 
He holds her by the hips as he elongates over to the glove box of the car, thankful nobody was around to see her naked. On the back of the car, the windows are tinted but at the front, anyone could see her. 
She grabs the box and hands it to Sunghoon, who takes no time in opening it and ripping the wrapping of a condom to put it on. He taps her asscheek and she stands up, waiting for him to pull his underwear down, letting his member free. 
-Do you want me to put it in? - Sunghoon slaps his dick on her leg, asking for consent. 
-Of course I do! ... And if you don’t do it now I’ll do it myself… please Hoon, do it already! - It’s funny to Sunghoon how cute and sweet she seemed to him that morning at the fansign and how now she’s now begging for his cock in the backseat of his car. He loves girls like that, with duality. 
Not even a minute passes but y/n is already grabbing his member and sticking it in herself, her face of pleasure visible from the rear mirror. He needs to stop looking if he wants to last more than five seconds, her open mouth and furrowed eyebrows too much for him to look at. 
He instead focuses on her ass slapping on his thighs, wiggling with the movement. He grabs her by the hair lightly, pulling her to his chest while she keeps on moving. She grips the headrest in front of her with two hands, to help her keep on bouncing up and down. 
As soon as she gets tired and her movements become sloppier, she begins to whine for Sunghoon’s help, and he swiftly places her laying on the backseat, now in missionary position. 
With the windows steamed up from the heat in the car, they look into each other's eyes in the midst of the most passionate sex encounter they've ever had. They moan in unison, their skin sticking and a moist sound coming from where they connect. 
-So.. fucking good… I can’t let you go just yet… this can’t be the end… arghh… - Sunghoon is feeling anxious, with his and her climax approximating, he knows the end of this is coming. And he’s only wishing for this to last forever. 
-I’m…I’m…not going…anywhere, it’s… okaaay Hoon - Even though she can't say a complete sentence, what she means is true. If he's afraid of this ending, she's afraid it's the last time she'll ever see him again. It may be a great memory to cherish forever, but it's heartbreaking to think that it’ll never be repeated.  
She understands, from the moment she heard his voice on the phone until now, she knows her role. She’s a one-night stand, a groupie, a slut. She took the offer and left her dignity and integrity at Itaewon, trading her respect for herself for a quick fuck with a man who might not even care about her.
This is the first time she has done this. She has only had sex with men she was in a relationship with. Although nowadays is not a big deal, she promised herself she would take care of her body, never letting anyone have their way with her if they didn’t love her. 
But why is Sunghoon being way gentler than the men she swore loved her? Why does he look into her eyes with passion, fondness and warmth? Is he a psycho?
They both hold hands as they come, y/n first and then Sunghoon, falling on top of her and resting his head on her chest while she embraces him with her arms and legs. The car feels hot, perfect for them to have a quick nap in this position and not freeze in the cold of the night. 
At 4:30 am, after they’ve gotten dressed, they go to a convenience store, where they both pick onigiris and ramyun, hopping back into the car to eat. 
Sunghoon stares at y/n as she eats well the onigiri, hungry from all the exercise. A smile scapes from the corner of his lips, getting y/n’s attention. 
-What’s so funny? Do I have mayo on my face? - She looks into the rear mirror, checking. 
-No no, you don’t, I just think you’re so cute - Sunghoon pinches her cheek, laughing.
-Funny how you can still think that about me… tonight has been quite enlightening about my true self. -y/n looks outside of the passenger’s seat window. 
-You can be cute and have a good ride… to me that just makes you ten times hotter. I don’t know if you’re under the wrong impression, but I liked what we did tonight.
-It’s just… I have never done this before, I swear. I just like you so much that I had to… say yes. 
Sunghoon shouldn’t feel guilty, but he does. Without wanting, he pressured her into doing this. It made him insecure, and even though he does consider himself a handsome man, maybe he shouldn’t use his fame to meet up with girls, his fans.
-Sorry, if you felt pressured to meet up with me, I didn’t mean to… fuck, I feel like shit now. 
-Sunghoon that’s not… what I meant at all. It’s the best thing that has happened to me, the best time I’ve ever had. I am just afraid of what you might think about me now…
Her hand, which was rubbing his neck softly, stops. Sunghoon looks at her, a tint of shock in his eyes. So that is what this is all about. She’s scared he thinks she’s some sort of whore. When he has never felt this much intimacy, or connection… with anyone. Not even with some girlfriends in the past.
-Hey, what the fuck… what I think about you? C’mon, I would be an asshole if I thought shit about you. Y/n, all I know is that… if you ever wanted to meet up again, I’d cancel everything just to pick you up.
-Yeah, I guess so… to meet and do this again, right? That’s what I thought. You know, I wouldn’t feel good about that. - y/n looks outside the window, trying to end eye contact with Sunghoon, feeling betrayed by herself. 
- I mean as a date, y/n. If you wanted to meet, I would do it in a heartbeat just to see you again. We might have to hide, you know, so people don’t see us, me, around… don’t feel pressured to say yes this time, I just want you to know that I like your company before anything else. 
She looks at him, wondering if she should believe him. While it sounds sincere it also seems impossible for them to become something. He grabs her hand and kisses it, soft warm lips getting in touch with her cold skin. 
-We could try… Sunghoon, is safe to say that I love you… as an idol, and I don’t want to kill that version of you. A man who’s so passionate and caring about everything he does… please don’t hurt me and make me hate you…
-I would never do that, ever. I swear to you, y/n I’ll take the chance and never let it go… just, let’s try. Okay?
He holds both her hands now. And with that “okay”, she feels she could trust him. Now she feels like it was meant to happen, giving him her number, picking up the phone call… everything is connected. 
She gets closer to him and gives him a kiss, exciting Sunghoon who suddenly deepens the kiss, like a starved man that has been waiting decades for it. She reciprocates, minutes of the most loving kiss any of them have ever had. And of which there will be many more in the future. 
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comfortless · 6 months
Priest!König and succubus!reader perhaps 👀? (Unless you're uncomfortable)
cracking my knuckles… sin??
18+. minors do not interact. this is a little shameless. corruption kink, religion, implied virgin!König, cunnilingus, come eating, a little angst.
It’s rare to find a parishioner in the confessional this late; the church’s doors were always open, their opening and shutting is not what had König stirring from a restless sleep, but the creaking of the old hinges in that little booth certainly had. The priest hurriedly dresses himself in his cassock and makes his way to the opposite end, closing the door behind him as he wearily drags himself to his seat.
“Father,” the voice greets on the other side, so soft and quiet he can hardly hear her at all. Shy, almost. The woman on the other side seems to shift, her movement rustling against the boards of wood that separate them.
“Bless me… I have never made a confession before.”
Not a parishioner, then. A stranger coming under the veil of night… König allows a silence to settle over the confessional for a moment before he produces the holy text and sets it in his lap in preparation to free this poor woman from the sin that binds her.
“Go on then, child,” he encourages, tone mirroring her own. The priest anticipates the usual: admissions of lust, falsehoods, or the common doubts. He has pages dog-eared in his book that list of scriptures for those common problems, the ones he would easily find the words to pray for, to cleanse her soul, to hopefully return to his bed to sleep before morning prayers.
There’s laughter from the other side of the booth, muffled as though an attempt to stifle it beneath her palm had been made. Then, “Father, what if I do not wish to be absolved?”
There had been no preparations made for that, but something in the tone of her voice holds his attention. His side of the booth regains its silence as his brow pinches, determined to piece together some reasoning as to why someone would choose to play some dull prank on him of all people…
“Let me see you.”
Her demand catches him off guard again, but of all things this is hardly strange. Her tone suggests nervousness, a feeling he knows all too well as he wrings his hands and rises with a heavy sigh. The door shuts quietly behind him as he waits for the woman to follow suit. A soft rustling follows his leaving from her side, and when she does step out…
No amount of internal Hail Marys could keep his stare from lingering upon the sight of a woman nude: it isn’t that he hasn’t fantasized before, he would take his lashes and fastings and sit in the quiet of his room to comfort himself with prayer after a weak defeat to his own sins. Still… imagination could not compare to the real thing; he takes note of each soft curve, each dip and line and groove of her. Her breasts are soft, her hips enticing, the length of her legs and what lies between her thighs…
He damns himself the moment his cock twitches to life below the cassock, there’s no slow tensing; only the immediate feeling of feeling horribly confined within his own clothes. He breathes out a drawn out sigh, feigning disinterest when his eyes squeeze shut and he turns his head from her.
“… You need to leave.”
The woman’s lips purse in a small pout when he does will himself to meet her eyes again- just her eyes. No part of him wishes to lose his place in heaven, let alone take advantage of some poor lady who clearly must have lost—
“But you are so lonely… I only want to help,” she whispers, her eyes are wet and pleading, expression only further softening as she gazes up at him with an adoration he hasn’t even seen on his flock.
And those words… something shatters in him, breaks into a thousand tiny pieces when he recounts all of those miserable nights lying in bed alone, imagining a woman as he pulled his cock free and gave himself so many weak, dull orgasms that the skin of it began to sting. If God could forgive him for his weakness then… surely, just once he could allow this.
König sighs again when her hands move to free him of the cassock, but he does not take her wrist to stop her. Even with each hesitant motion, he doesn’t take her wrists into his hands or push her away. He lets her strip him bare, lets her see the way his cock drools at the sight of her and his breath seems to stutter in his chest.
“See? It’s alright,” she coos as she takes his face into her gentle hands. There’s Hell in her eyes, the devil on a forked tongue, but he allows her to guide his face downward, to bring his mouth to her tit, and he feasts upon her. To have his last supper be forbidden fruit… all of the metaphors buzz in his head when his tongue begins to circle her nipple, then the other without her even needing to prompt him.
He could not even begin to describe the sounds she made, like the softest of voices amidst the roaring of a choir in his head, Hell’s wailing and Heaven’s chiming all at once as he licks his way down her sternum, her middle and finds his nose pressed to her mound. Nothing in Heaven could have tasted as sweet as her, no amount of lashing could pull the same shudder from him as he feels course through each knob of his spine when his tongue lathes over her slit, up to the hood of her clit and back.
The sounds of her pleasure only increase further when his grip on her thighs forces her to kneel. He maneuvers her onto her hands and knees to lick her properly, eat her out in ways he had only imagined himself doing before as he grips his weeping manhood in one hand and grips her ass with the other. His tongue sweeps over her in repetition— sloppy, clumsy even as he tries to keep himself from spilling into his palm from her taste and the sight alone.
He gets… curious, flicks his tongue over her other hole too and his fingers move to graze over her clit. She encourages him with soft squeals of pure delight, even draws her hand back to touch herself while he spears his tongue in her hole. If it’s only once, he would be sure to make the most of it.
Lust is not his only sin, because pride wells up deep inside of him the moment she orgasms. He smiles, grins, before he buries his tongue back into her leaking cunt, desperate to consume her, lapping inside, around, over her her until she shivers and whines, saying that it’s far too much.
He doesn’t know how to fuck her properly, admits it sheepishly when she lies back on the floor intent to have her take him in some gentle manner, sweet for her sweet priest. Missionary of all things seemed most blasphemous considering where they are, beneath a holy roof.
So, she opts to climb into his lap, seats herself on his cock in one go. He knows he’s well-endowed, thick and lengthy, and he babbles his concerns about breaking her in a weak string of words. Her cunt is too tight, he feels the way she stretches to accommodate him, each ridge of her walls when she squeezes him… The woman only tosses her head back and laughs, digs her nails into his shoulders as she bounces on his cock with such an easy grace he can’t watch— can’t because he already feels himself beginning to tense, feels the blinding heat spread from the pit of his stomach to pull his balls taut.
He swears he sees the angels right before she pulls off of him, leaves him a trembling, aching mess where the wetness of her own arousal has spilled down to his thighs.
“I want you to pray,” she suggests, sweetly peppering his face in the most chaste of kisses. “Pray you get to finish in me.”
She wants to ruin him, wants drag him down to Hell with her. There are no protests when she bends over to present herself to him; the priest does as she asks in a whisper, pleads for her and when it’s done, his reward in in the form of two words “good boy” and her tight, pulsing heat wrapped around him again.
He doesn’t last long, doesn’t even try to anymore for fear she may decide to leave him high and dry entirely. He ruts into her with a grip on the back of her neck and the plushness of her hip, leans his weight entirely over her as the sounds of impact fill the hollow church. God isn’t watching, but the little succubus below him is so appeased and her favor is all he can care for anymore.
When he comes, he fucks her through it, doesn’t even attempt to slow down as he whines into her ear about how good she feels, how they could get married, have this forever and he will show her the light. Fuck, he would leave the church behind entirely for her if she would just let him feel this every night. His thrusts only slow when he grows soft, when he can’t even keep himself inside of her cunt, slippery with his own seed.
She lies back, spreads her legs and lets him see what he’s done, fingers herself and presses his own come to his lips. She tells him he’s fed her better than anyone else, tells him to have a taste too and he does. He laps at her fingers as desperately as he had her pussy, until she pulls away, wipes his saliva onto her thigh and asks him if he’s ready to sleep.
The bed feels so much warmer with another person present, safer somehow even if he’s never felt himself in any danger… not here. He falls asleep in her embrace, the most blissful sleep he’s ever had. It’s only a shame that he had… because when he wakes in the morning the woman is gone. He misses his prayers searching for her, for even a trace of what occurred between them. There’s no stain on the floor or clothing in the confessional… not even a note to suggest she would return.
He goes back to his sad masturbation sessions, doesn’t even repent for the way he wanders into the confessional after service to fuck his fist and imagine her voice calling to him from the other side. He pictures her body beneath him, thinks of her praise and the way she damned him when he shoots spurts of wasted come against the boards. There’s no love, no woman at his side when he returns to his bed at night, but he has his imagination for that too.
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
An asked 'I feel like if Adam met the gen Z overlord before he came to the hotel they talk circles around him.'
But it came out as their first interaction, they still roasting Adam when they can.
Set in the first episode
"Ah yes, the first man. The reason I had to live my life and have responsibilities. So wonderful." Said (Y/n), after Adam revealed who he actually was..
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking too? I'm the dickmaster!" Adam said finally noticing (Y/n)'s presence in the room.
"Well being the first man, you really had nothing else to compare it to." They told him with a smile.
"This is (Y/n), they came with me because-."
"I don't trust any of you so I'm making sure Charlie stays safe." (Y/n) finished the sentence not wanting Charlie to soften any words with the Angels.
"No sinner should be here, I should end you for even setting a foot in here." Said Lute, glaring and getting close to (Y/n), who just glared back while getting up from their chair.
"Test me, bit-." Getting interrupted by Charlie pulling them back into their chair. (Y/n) looked at Charlie with a upset glare but settled back down while Lute returned back to Adam's side.
"I want to discuss biggest problem." Said Charlie, trying to get back on track on why she was here.
"Oh herpes. Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam replied.
"Seems to be a you problem." Said (Y/n), seeming already done with Adam.
"No! Our... other biggest problem."
"Ugly people? Math? Global Warming? No wait, that's earth problem." Said Adam, earning a deadpan look from Charlie, who (Y/n) patted on the back.
"You can't change stupid, Charlie. No matter how you try." They whispered to Charlie. "But hey maybe he isn't a complete moron."
Which (Y/n) completely took back after tuning in to Adam being on a different topic now. Being sexist and boasting his own masculinity.
"Do you cope by being a complete ass?" They said, Adam completely ignoring (Y/n) went on.
"-expects you to pay the check but you're like 'Hey, I thought you wanted equality."
"I'm gonna kill him." Said (Y/n), looking at Charlie.
"No! Our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie finally said before (Y/n) could try and kill him.
"Ohh, well that's not a problem! We got that covered." Adam said before turning to Lute. "Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?"
"A good 275 this year, sir."
"275? Woah, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." Adam said putting his hand up for a fist bump which Lute did.
"That's not good! They aren't your people to kill!" Said (Y/n), upset with how casual the two seem to be about it. "They are Charlie's people, me including."
"Well that must suck for you." Said Adam before laughing, making (Y/n) pissed. But Charlie jumped in before they could get any more heated about it.
"But these are souls...Humans souls just the same as the ones you have up in heaven." Said Charlie, getting (Y/n) to sit back down.
"They're not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation." Lute coldly said before looking at (Y/n). "Like you."
"Oooo, so scary." Said (Y/n), flipping Lute off.
"You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." Said Charlie.
"Angels don't make mistakes."
"You really believe that?" Said Charlie and (Y/n).
"I know that."
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fucking life." Said Adam.
"Didn't you get kicked out of the Garden?" (Y/n) asked him.
"That was one tim-."
"And apparently had your first wife leave you."
"Low blow, tiny." Adam said before Lute walk around the table to where Charlie and (Y/n) was seated.
"The only reason you're still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?" Lute said, taunting Charlie.
"Bitch, he probably did that because he cares about her." Said (Y/n), glaring at Lute. "So go fuck yourself with a chainsaw."
"Nothing is stopping me from killing you now, sinner." Lute said, getting close to (Y/n)'s face for to long before moving on.
"Opps, almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Said Adam.
"Oh fuck!" Said Charlie, getting her presentation ready. "Okay I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes."
-I ain't typing a whole ass song-
"-Ugh, Shit!" Said Charlie, after (Y/n) and her got pushed out of the room.
"Mother- trucker!" Yelled (Y/n), not wanting motherfucker and Adam in the same sentence or thought. "Dude that hurt like a buttcheck on a stick." They said getting off the floor and helping Charlie up.
"Are you okay? You weren't treated kindly in there." Asked Charlie.
"It's fine, I knew what I was walking into when I came with you." Said (Y/n), shrugging.
"I'm sorry you got dragged here for nothing." Charlie said before getting a side hug from (Y/n).
"You got nothing to apologize for. I knew from the dipshit's face from the start it would be a long shot if he is in charge."
"Thank you, (Y/n)."
"Soo.. 6 months, huh? I have to go back to my territory to get ahead start with that but I'll meet you at the hotel afterwards, okay?"
"Alright, see you then!"
"Byyyyeee~" With that (Y/n) took off to their territory.
"(Y/n)... where have I heard that name before?"
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if-whats-new · 8 days
Passings and Hiatus
Hi everyone!
Bex here. We have a very very sad message from the rest of the group which needed to shared.
Hi Everyone, This was not an easy post to write, but something that still should be communicated.
During the night of Sunday to Monday, Marjorie suffered an aneurysm. Unfortunately, she passed away before anything could be done.
Marjorie had been sick for a very long time, but her state deteriorated this year, and worsened during this summer. She had felt for a while she would probably not see many more milestones or even get to the end of the year, but she did her best to stay with us for as long as she could.
Marjorie strived to fill her days with happy moments and do things that made her happy, especially at the end. She wanted others to feel loved, appreciated, and seen, with her actions. In recent years, Interactive Fiction brought her a lot of joy (and sadness, and anger, etc...), and through it, she could connect with others - others who didn't see her in pain or sickly. IF had become her safe heaven when things were rough.
What's New in IF? would not have existed without Marjorie. Truly. She was the one who came up with the idea. She wanted to do something special, she told us, to bring some positive into the world, however she could. Marjorie was the one who hyped us up, and brought us on board. It was an electric time, and we stayed up deep into the night messing around to make... something with the idea. It wasn't well thought out, and we didn't realize what we were getting into, but she'd never been this excited about something in recent time.
So, she became the captain who steered this little ship of friends, connected through our appreciation of and love for the medium. But she wasn't just the idea person, she was down in the trenches, organizing it all, spearheading us on the right path, turned words into actions. When we needed some time, she would take over without a second's notice. She was always there, no matter what, at the ready.
She hoped, by her little idea and couple of hours of afflicting efforts, she was doing at least a little good for the community. She worried, often, that she wasn't doing enough, or doing it well enough, to give back the last of herself to the community who made those past years enjoyable for her. But not once did she want to pull that string publicly: she never wanted to take attention away from those who worked hard on their craft (her words). It mattered so much to her.
Through her and thanks to her, we learned so much. About ourselves and each other. And we shared with each other our appreciation for others, what we were passionate about, what we hoped for ourselves. She made us such better people, and we could never thank her enough for it.
Marjorie was first and foremost a loving daughter, a kind and attentive friend, and a passionate woman. Even with her failing health, she advocated for all who needed even a tiny bit support. She was a wonderful and compassionate soul, who always tried to see the best in people, but was never afraid to confront those who needed to face their mistakes. She forgave easily and loved even more.
Marjorie, you left behind a very quiet and empty space, and already are and always will be sorely missed.
- Noi, Axelle, and the rest of FMoDF Gang (Erika, Joss, Olive, Derek, Chaz)
As I'm sure you can all understand that this was a surprise for us and everyone who was close to Mrajorie, I think we can all say she was an amazing woman who invited me (Bex), Brij and Dion to help and create this wonderful Zine. We do wish to continue this on but we will be pausing this until at least the end of September until we can get our bearings and talk about future plans.
Let me assure you, this tumblr will stay and be available to keep a trace of her, the memories and support she gave everyone in the IF community.
If anyone is willing to help keep this zine and Marjorie's hard work alive please contact us here, COG, or in the comments
Until then RIP Marjorie, you were a shining star gone too soon.
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lightwing-s · 8 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐯 ; 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
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pairing: jason todd x fem! reader
summary: you're pregnant. somehow, your baby daddy has to find out about it.
word count: 5,6k warnings: pregnancy, mentions of abortion.
a/n: i wrote and rewrote this a lot, and I don't think this is the best I could come up with, but here it is. a lot more angst that previous episodes and I do recommend reading it while listening to The Flame by Valerie Deniz and also Give me Love by Ed Sheeran because I love how emotional that song usually makes me feel. Hope you all enjoy it ♡♡♡
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
links: previous ; next ; series masterlist ; general masterlist
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With a deep sigh, you tried to settle down your nerves. Your hands were sore. Sweaty. Tired of trying. The heaviness still lingered on your chest. The feeling of incoming doom. The air all around was thicker than you’d remembered it for, nearly making it impossible for you to breathe. And you swore to your reflection in the mirror, you were gonna make it through.
It had been three nights since the result. Two days of pain. And one single thought looming in your mind. Pregnant. You’re pregnant. You didn’t know what to do, nor what to think. Sinking into a pit of terror and despair. The idea frightened you, tore you apart. And just thinking of your future, of what was to come from now on, made your head spin.
Today, you forced yourself to forget. Pretend your life was normal, like it used to be. Not Much had changed since you had taken the test three days ago, but to you it felt like everything was different. 
You had skipped the gym the last couple of days, the first time doing it since you could remember, scared to face anybody and them finding out, but also too anxiety stricken to even leave your bed. You felt cramps, but also your stomach turning. You felt nauseous, but you weren’t sure if it was due to your newfound condition, or if it was the anxiety acting out.
Nessie had called, and you gave her some excuse that your boss needed you elsewhere. Another city. A quick work trip, you’d be back soon. At work, you told them you had caught some contagious disease you found on google, and they let you off for the entire week. Thankful for a relatively full pantry, you survived for two days on your own, but you sure couldn’t manage to eat much anyway.
You’ve never lived worst days. You were sure of that. Fear fills you to the brim. Sadness eats you up from the inside. And because of that, you felt even worse. There are so many people who dreamed of being where you were now, of getting a positive. So many have struggled for this. And here you were, ungrateful for yours. But you never wanted it in the first place. Not now, not like this. It didn’t follow your plan. It wasn’t perfect.
It wasn’t long ago that you were graduating college. And as of this moment, you were a mere assistant, not even a proper writer or a journalist yet like you’ve dreamed since you were little. An assistant. The bottom of the food chain, with still a lot to grow and harvest in your career. You neither had the finances, the stability, nor the time and mental capacity to be raising a baby on your own.
Because you would be raising it on your own, wouldn’t you? Your baby daddy would just disappear, like many others you’ve heard about. He would pack his things and disappear. He would live his life, continue with being young, having fun, while you were left to fend for yourself and your kid. All alone. 
Would you even tell him? Should you even tell him?
Three nights. Three nights of torture. Of overthinking the future and sulking in your bed, your pillow drenched with your tears. You knew you’d go crazy if you kept that going for too long. So, finding some bit of courage, some tiny little ounce of determination, you left your bed that morning ready to forget. Ready to clear your mind, to make it think straight. And then, you wished, you would know what to do.
You showered, ate, did your skincare and put on makeup, and went for a walk around the park. But you just had to step out of your apartment to find someone who made you think instantly of him. Running back inside and leaving your raven haired neighbor staring confused at you, you made a beeline to the bathroom, dropping your entire breakfast in the toilet. 
You had to tell him, hadn’t you? You had to tell Jason. It was the right thing to do, right?
So, here you were. Back at the gym you’d quit a month ago in favor of another. All because of your last encounter. You thought it was the best to be done, remove him entirely from your life so you could be free again. If only you had known then where you’d be a month later, you’d have laughed at the irony the world was throwing at you. You still remembered the times he’d come, praying he didn’t have them changed for some reason. Maybe he wanted to avoid you too. Maybe he had quit. Please, God. Be on my side, only for today.
It had been, perhaps, a full hour since you arrived. Roy had greeted you with a large smile, asking if you were back for good. You couldn’t match his enthusiasm, offering him a poor excuse of your own smile instead. All this time, you couldn’t complete a full set, never mind finish an entire exercise. Your body trembled, not answering you. Too exhausted. The heaviness on your chest helped in weighing you down and making every effort insufficient.
The weights you had tried to use now stood on your feet. Crooked, disordered, unorganized. Then, you found yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were red and swollen. Your lips were dry and exposed some nervous bite marks you’d been taking off them. There were a few pimples on your forehead, and you had bags under your eyes. In the corner of the mirror, too stood the reflection of the one you’d been looking for.
He chatted with another man. It wasn’t Roy, by the darker hair color and shorter size. Yet it was a face you recognized, but failed to name. Jason looked happy, smiling as he spoke excitedly about something you did not know about. Were you really ready to tell him? Were you okay with ceasing his happiness?
Your eyes lingered on him for longer, and eventually, his eyes found yours. His smile was quickly replaced by a frown. An air of disgust and anger. His tongue poked his cheek, and he rolled his eyes at you. Turning around, he decided that facing the other direction was much better than facing you. Now, his broad back was all you were left to stare at.
You felt the nausea return. Leaving your things behind, you rushed to the restroom. He hated you. He hated you and he was fucking right for it. And what were you thinking? Telling him he was going to be a father, to your baby above all, at the fucking gym?
After dumping your stomach in the toilet once more, you wanted to get out of there. Collecting your things and shoving them inside your bag, you headed out. However, in good old fashion, you felt a body stop as it came in contact with someone else’s. You didn’t have to look up to know who it was. Eyeing you from above, Jason started to apologize before he could recognize who you were, proceeding to roll his eyes again. You excused yourself, still looking away from him, and his demeanor changed from anger to worry.
“Yn, are you alright?” he inquired, reaching for your arm. You felt your eyes start to burn, the tears finding their way back, and the nausea only got worse. Running past him, all you managed to say was a quick “I’m fine,” before disappearing.
You arrived at his building straight away, using the faint memory of the directions that remained in your brain from the night he brought you here. You were still clad in your gym clothes, not caring to stop at home first, nor remembering to actually do it. But it was fine, because you didn’t sweat anyways. You couldn’t even finish one full exercise in the hour or so you were there. 
So you waited. You waited on the opposite sidewalk, thinking back to the first time you came here. It was almost two months ago, or maybe more, you don’t remember exactly. It seemed longer, though. It all seemed longer. Longer than two months. Longer than three days. It all seemed like an eternity.
The sun waved goodbye on the horizon, hiding between Gotham’s skyline. The weather started to shift, as the warmth of summer slowly gave place to the strong winds and the coolness of the autumn days. The breeze made you wish you had brought a coat or something to keep you warm, the thin gym clothes you wore doing nothing to help you. And so, your body shivered.
Shivered from the cold. Shivered from the fear. The agony you’d so desperately tried to keep away returning back to you. If you went up. If you knocked on his door. If you talked to him, there was no pretending anymore. There was no hiding facts you so wished you could. There was no fighting reality.
A lump formed in your throat, and you tried to swallow it away, to no avail. Your breath, your hands, your legs, your all trembled. Fighting to keep yourself up when all you wanted was to fall down, to curl up under your covers and hide from the world. From the truth.
You thought back to the days when things were easier. To your days at the park, playing around with your friends, the hem of your jeans always dirty from mud, dust or paint. You remembered the days all you had to do was study, your chores, and your drawings. Reading books from sunrise to sundown, or for the entire night. Of when responsibilities didn’t follow you everywhere, and the perspective of the future didn’t break you down.
You thought of your parents. Of how mad they would get. There was always a path to them, a way to follow. A way to live your entire life. Just like they had done theirs. Any step out of that line often led you to trouble. ‘You have to get married to a good and respectful husband. One that will care and provide for you. And then, when the time is right, God will give you children to raise, just like he did to me and your father,’ your mother would tell you. ‘There’s nothing more shameful than a single mother’, were once the words of your father. And the thought of what they’d do to you once they found out had your tears rolling down faster than you could hold them in.
An old lady passed by you, asked if you were okay. You lied, like you’d been doing for the past few days. You weren’t one for lying, never was, and suddenly it was all you did. “Oh dear,” she cooed, and embraced you in an unexpected hug, before her tiny pomsky pulled her away.
Grey took over your surroundings, like one of those movie filters that left everything somber. A single headlight of a motorcycle let you know he was finally here. That the time of truth was upon you. You watched him park his motorcycle like a creep. Hidden in a dark corner, away from his sight. He had showered at the gym, and now wore a different outfit. Sweatpants and a hoodie. 
He looked comfortable. You clearly weren’t. He looked happy. Opposite to you. Were you ready to take all that away from him? To curse him to the same pain and anxiety you were feeling now? 
But you couldn’t do it alone. You couldn’t. You needed him. You needed him. You needed him by your side. You need someone, something. Something to tell you everything would be okay. Gathering up all your courage, every bit you could find within yourself, you took one step out of the sidewalk.
A deep breath taken before entering the building, you walked in without ceasing to cry. Each step you took up the stairs was heavy. Heavier than when you were drunk, and heavier than the day you left. Each step was a gulp. Each gulp was a scream inside your brain telling you to turn around. About two or three times along the way you stopped to look down, and wondered what would be of you if you’d just ran away. 
In your mind, you counted each and every step. An attempt to clear it of thought. It obviously didn’t work. Your legs shook and your breathing faltered with the last steps you took to reach the sixth floor. The tears had dried, leaving your skin cold to the touch. You moved on automatic. Everything else you did a blank stain in your memory. 
It was the feeling of the hardwood under your knuckles that brought you back to reality. The hollow sound it made woke you up, showing you’d made it to his door. Your breath got stuck in your throat, and you felt like you could vomit.
He took his time to answer the door. And you wondered if it was a sign to turn around. To leave. But your feet wouldn’t move, even if you screamed at them to do so. The ruffling inside the apartment made your heart jump, beating hard in its place. Your breathing halted, trapped in your larynx, as the tears started rapidly falling down again.
When he opened the door, it was like time had stopped. He assessed you through narrow eyes, still angry at you. You didn’t blame him, not at all.
“They run from you twice and still come right back,” he hissed. His voice was hoarse and monotone, and his eyes found yours in a blank stare. The corners of your mouth fell. Your chin trembled. And had to avert your eyes from him otherwise you’d start sobbing all over again. “Yn,” he called, and his voice didn’t show the hate or disgust anymore. It was worried. It felt pain. Softer and watchfull. “What happened?”
You took a deep breath, swallowing down the tears. Trying so hard to keep them in, but the drops that fell beside your sneakers on the floor were a testament of how your body had stopped responding to you a long time ago. Your shoulders shook, and Jason went from worried to desperate. He didn’t know what was going on. But seeing you like this made him freak out.
And suddenly he wasn’t mad at you anymore. In retrospect, maybe he never truly was. But whatever anger, or frustration he had disappeared from his body. You felt his touch on your shoulder, and you imagined he had just put one hand there as a sign of support. You’d be thankful for just that. But then, you felt his arms drawing you close, wrapping around you, until you felt the soft cotton of his hoodie through your cheek.
The tears ran down faster, soaking a spot on the thick fabric. Your loud sobs only made Jason pull you closer, not knowing how, but still trying to call you down. Whatever happened was too bad that you’d run to him of all people, and he felt obligated to help you in any way he could. 
By this point, he was holding you up himself. Your body giving in to the tears. Jason tucked his nose in your hair, breathing in the sweet scent of your shampoo. He caressed your back, kissed you temple, spread warmth through your body with his own hands rubbing at your arms. However, your tears ceased to stop, making the stain under your eyes enlarge, second after second.
“Yn,” he whispered right into your ear. The air he let out hitting against your skin.
You pressed your eyes shut. The tears that still lingered there being forced out. You tightened your hold on him. He called you again, and forced his neck to get a glimpse of your puffy red eyes.
You didn’t want to let go, but forced yourself to push him away just so you could finally face him. You felt your throat dry, a weak cough trying to fix it up. Jason couldn’t help the quick thought of how pretty you looked when you cried, but he felt so much pain in his chest at the same time that he wished he would never see you like that again.
The first time you opened your mouth, nothing came out of it. Jason’s fingers drew figures on your back, both a distraction and an encouragement. You can do it, you can do it. With another deep, long breath, you slowly opened your eyes to meet his.
“I-I’m…” you started, breathless. A single tear late to fall from your eyes. “I’m pregnant.”
Jason’s mind went blank. His body was suddenly weightless. The moments past your announcement, a mere stain in his memory. You now sat beside him on his sofa, your hands covering your face as he heard continuous sobs coming out of you. Your knees tight against your chest, and it didn’t bother him you had your shoes on the sofa. Nothing bothered him. Nothing was on his mind. 
Your body quivered, nonstop. His own unresponsive. What the hell did he do?
Pregnant. Eight letters that had the power to change everything. Pregnant. You were pregnant. With his baby.
Jason felt his chest tighten, and breathing suddenly was harder. He tried swallowing the knot in his throat away, but it wouldn’t bulge. Resting his back on the sofa, a hand threading through his hair, he allowed a couple of tears out, rubbing his eyes off any others that dared to hang around.
“Are you sure?” he asked, breaking the prolonged silence with a raspy voice. Moving your head from it’s place buried on your knees, your eyes looked at him with a pain he’d have thought he’d put a knife on your back. “It’s not that I don’t trust you,” he told you softly. “I just want to be sure.”
Straightening beside him, you stared at the cat worriedly looking up at the two humans occupying the sofa. You fiddled with your fingers, pulling at the fabric of your leggings.
“I took a test,” you started to explain. “Three nights ago. And my period was late, and it’s never late. And it’s not like we were careful when we…”
“Not at all.” Jason shook his head. You weren’t careful at all.
The room fell into silence again, the only sounds coming from the cat, now playing between his legs, unaware of the turmoil you’d just caused in his life.
“I’m sorry,” you said, resuming your sobs. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, no,” Jason kept saying. He turned on the sofa, sitting in a position he could easily wrap his arms around you once again. “No, Yn. Don’t be sorry. There’s nothing to be sorry about,” he soothed.
“Jason,” you called him, your voice broken. “How there’s not? I’m fucking pregnant!”
Jason held you tighter. But the truth was, he might’ve been just as scared as you were. A baby meant a new life, responsibilities. And he was still getting used to being an adult and the responsibilities that came with that. It was all going to change. And he had plans…
The two of you stood there until your sobs had quieted down. You didn’t know how long, but you were grateful he was quiet for the entire time. You were thankful he was quiet instead of  telling you any of the things you’d thought he would. And you were also thankful he didn’t close his door on your face.
“Have you thought…” Jason tried to speak, but his voice kept on breaking. “Have you thought… of all possibilities?”
He hoped you understood what he meant, because he couldn’t bring himself to say it. It was a hard thing to ask, but he had to. He didn’t want you to think he was pushing you to it, but he needed to know if it was a possibility too. Jason remembered hearing some friends saying they had their girlfriends do it, that they basically forced them. But Jason would never.
He felt you moving on his chest, pushing yourself away from his body, and his breath halted. “It’s your call,” he whispered. “I’ll be there for any of them.”
You had sat back up, hands tugging at your leggings again while you thought. It took you long to answer. Too long for his liking. But he understood your pace, everything was happening way too fast. You needed to think things through. For some reason, his stomach took turns, making him feel sick as he waited.
“I don’t think I could do it,” you stated, staring blankly at your legs. “I don’t think I could end it.” Jason let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. A lightness on his chest he could not name. He nodded, as words didn’t make it out of his lips.
Leaning back on the sofa, you felt his shoulders hit yours. He let out another breath, it was long and you found it hard to read his emotions through it. He was silent beside you, making it even harder for you to guess what was going through his mind.
That’s it, he’s gonna tell you he can’t do it either. He’s gonna leave you alone.
“You just took one test?” he asked after a while. You just nodded. “We should go to the hospital,” he suggested, head turned to watch you. “Get a proper test, just to make sure.”
His suggestion made you hurt. The fact that he doubted you, the fact he thought you’d go to him if you weren’t a hundred percent sure, caused you a pain you did not expect. However, on the other hand, you knew he was right. You had to be certain. False positives happen, right? You could be wrong.
 “Okay,” you agreed weakly, turning to face him after all. “I’ll do it.”
It might have been the uncomfortable chairs or the freezing air conditioning, but the time didn’t seem to pass. It was well over an hour since you’d arrived at the hospital, and you’d stopped counting how much you’ve waited for your test results to come out. They said between thirty minutes to an hour, but you were sure it had been longer than that.
While you remained seated for most of your wait, Jason was restless. He stood up and sat down more times than you remember, and he was seriously starting to piss you off with his pacing. Stopping in front of a snack machine, he put some dollar bills in it and took something with him before walking back to you.
Stretching his arm in front of you, he offered both a granola and a Snickers bar. In no mood to be healthy, even though your possible new condition sort of demanded that from you, you took the chocolate gladly.
Jason dropped down on a chair beside you with a huff, and took a bite of the granola bar with a certain annoyance. You were both tired of waiting, that was for sure. The agony you’d felt earlier had simmered down, but you too now sat restless, one of your legs shaking incessantly.
It was involuntary, but Jason’s hand on your knee made it stop. It lingered there for a while, fingertips gracing over the thin fabric and tugging at it just like you had been doing before. You saw his head move, and so did yours, catching his eyes. 
Your expressions had been everywhere tonight. The whirlwind of emotions you had gone through justifying each and everyone of them. But this time, his eyes bore into yours much softer, sweeter than they’d been before.
“Yn,” he called your name as if you hadn’t been staring down at him for what seemed like forever. “Whatever happens. Whatever the results say. I’ll be here, alright? I won’t leave you.”
The sincerity in his tone made your eyes tearful once more, but this time you managed to hold them in. You gave him a soft smile, and you were really glad he was here with you now. Putting a hand on top of his, he flipped it over so you could interlace your fingers, caressing its back with your thumb just like he was doing to you.
It was then that your name was called, both of your heads snapping in the reception desk’s direction. Jason stood up and walked over, grabbing a single piece of paper before walking back to you with even taking a glance at it.
When he sat back, he offered you his opened hand. You intertwined your fingers, and held his with both your hands, taking it closer to your heart this time. You couldn’t deny the tiny bit of hope lingering inside you that, just perhaps, you were actually wrong. You weren’t pregnant. But, over the hours, you’d also grown accustomed to the idea. He opened the results with between his thumb and pointer finger, and both your eyes fell on the big letters found on top of it. 
Positive. Again. It was positive. You were truly pregnant. 
You let out a sigh, closing your eyes to stop the tears from returning. Jason’s hold on you tightened, and you could sense the tension on him returning. He buffed some air out through his mouth, taking another deep breath before doing the same thing again.
“That’s it,” his voice was shaky. “You’re really pregnant.” He forced himself to smile, and you tried to do the same. To no avail. His eyebrows furrowed. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you replied honestly. “I just wanna go home. It’s been a long night.”
“Okay,” he said softly, standing up and walking with you hand in hand till you left the hospital.
The parking lot was almost empty, and you found Jason’s car sitting isolated far ahead. The silver Toyota Supra shone under the faint light of a lamp post, and you remembered how surprised you were to find him driving it. It finally occurred to you that other than his name and his gym membership, you knew nothing about the man you were about to have a baby with.
He didn’t know you either. Gosh, you didn’t know a thing at this point. About him, about pregnancy, about babies and having children. He asked you ‘what now?’ and you didn’t even have an answer. How the hell were you going to do it?
When he felt your fingers leaving his, Jason immediately turned to face you. Frozen in place and flooded eyes.
“I don’t think I can do it,” you said breathlessly. “Jason, I don't think I can do it. I never wanted kids. I mean, I’ve never really thought about it. I didn’t want it now. I wanted to do it all right. This is not it.” You cried once again, rambling the words that left your mouth. Jason had walked over to you, trying to calm you down and wipe the tears off your face. “I don’t know anything about babies. I’ve only babysat before, but they were much older. And even my nephew, I didn’t meet him until he was, like, six months old. And I don’t know shit about pregnancies. I hated biology. I slept a lot during classes.”
“How can we do it? I barely know you. Gosh I don’t even know your surname, Jason. You’re what, Jason fucking Linetti? How can we have a baby together without knowing each other? We’re supposed to build a family together. A family. My family… I-I never had a family. Not really. I didn’t want a family, Jason. Not now. I don’t think I can do it.”
“Hey, hey,” he cooed, stopping your rambling. He cupped your cheeks with both his hands, holding your face. His forehead rested on yours, forcing you to stare him in the eyes. “I also don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do. For fucks sake, Yn. But we have time. The baby is not gonna come tomorrow. We’ll figure things out. Together.  We have each other, alright? You have me. I’ll be here, with you, all along. You don’t have to worry. We’ll learn how to do this together, and with time. Okay?”
Jason’s dark eyes passed you enough confidence to have you thinking that, maybe, possibly, he was right. You could actually do it. The baby isn’t coming tomorrow, you have time. You’ll figure things out. With Jason. Together.
Slowly, you nodded. You could do it, right?
Jason sighed, relieved you actually believed him, because as of right now, he himself was struggling to do so. Giving your head a long kiss, he pulled you into a hug before pulling away to open his car door to you to enter. Dropping on the driver seat beside you, you desperately waited to get back home.
“I’m Jason Peter Todd. I’m 22 years old. A leo. I work as an exercise physiologist, but I want to be a doctor someday. So I’m working on getting into med school soon. I love motorcycles, they are fucking cool and driving them makes me feel free. I have probably over twenty tattoos and my favorite book is probably Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.”
“What was that for?” You gave him an amused smile.
“You said you didn’t know me or my surname. Now you do, and you can say you know a little. If you want my social security number too, it’s 108…”
“It’s okay,” you laughed, softly, for the first time in three days. “I guess knowing your surname is fine for now.”
He gave you a smile, but raised one eyebrow at you. Confused, you frowned, trying to understand what he meant until he pointed at you with his head, leading you to do the same as he did.
“Okay,” you started. “I’m Yn Sn. I work at Runaway Magazine as Sandra’s assistant, but I really want to be a journalist. I don’t have any tattoos because I’m afraid of needles, and I can’t choose a favorite book because I like too many.”
“Nice to meet you Yn Sn,” he greeted, extending his hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you too, Jason Todd. Now can you please take me home. I’m exhausted.”
“Alright,” he gave you a smirk. “Do you remember the address this time?”
He insisted on walking you to your door, wanting to make sure you actually got home safe. You didn’t know where he thought you could disappear to between the sidewalk and your apartment door, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t starting to enjoy his company. 
The elevator ride was silent, and neither of you spoke as you tried to unlock your front door.
“Thank god,” you said. Relief spread through you as the door opened and you got into your home. Immediately taking off your sneakers, you placed them by the door so they could keep it open for you. Looking back at Jason, who still didn’t dare step inside your apartment, you managed to give him a thankful smile. “And thank you too, Jason.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s not even the least I can do, it’s my responsibility now.”
“But still, thank you. There were many ways out for you, and you took none,” you explained, resting your shoulder on the door frame.
“Yn, you didn’t make this baby alone” he began. “I saw your state when you knocked on my door, and I also made you a promise. I don’t usually break them.”
For a brief minute, you two stood in silence again. Eyes lingering over each other. A recognizable tension in the air. You averted your eyes from him, as warmth engulfed your cheeks, the painted nails on your toes suddenly a lot more interesting to you.
“I’ll be going then. Call me if you need anything, alright?” he said, already halfway to the elevator.
“Jason,” you called and he turned back. Hopeful. “Do you even have my number?”
He stopped to think, and a dumb smile appeared on his face upon realizing he had never asked you for your number, nor did he ever give you his. Taking his phone out of his sweatpants pockets, he handed it to you. “If you don’t mind. I think I really should have your number.” He combed a hand through his hair.
You typed in your phone number, trying to think of what to write your name as, but concluding your name would be just fine. You gave yourself a call so you could save his too later, and returned him his cellphone.
He awkwardly waved you goodbye, and called the elevator that opened up instantly, not having left your floor since you had gotten home. You watched him as the door began to close, head hanging low and a tired demeanor. 
“Jason?” you called again, and he put his hand on the door just as it was about to fully close. It opened again, and he placed his hands on each side of the door frame. “Thank you,” you said softly.
“Stop thanking me,” he laughed and now allowed the door to close.
You stood there, dumbfoundedly watching the closed door as you swiftly repeated the entire night in your head. Every moment of pain, despair and torture morphing into nervous expectation of the future that was about to come.
You didn’t allow yourself to think too much about it. An entire day was already enough, you needed rest.
A rumbling beside you grabbed your attention, and your head turned to your friend’s door. Nessie poked her head out, clearly surprised to see you there.
“Weren’t you on a trip?” she asked, and you shook your head, leaving her a lot more confused.
“There’s so much we need to talk,” you sighed, allowing your weight to fall on her as you engulfed her in a tight hug.
tag list: @igotanidea ; @acornacreacure ; @erochuu ; @gone-batty-fics ; @jasontoddslover ; @jkvolgs ; @just-lost-inbetween-worlds ; @killxz ; @kysrion ; @loonymoonystuff ; @munimunni ; @novs9011 ; @spideytingley ; @starcrossedtrek ; @strawberryforks ; @sttrawberries ; @vanillaattack ; @veryfabday ; @vissavin @xxsweetnlowxx ; @willieoo ; @wordsfromshona
418 notes · View notes
hees-mine · 8 months
𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝟖
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Pairing: heeseung ⚥ reader
Warning: smut, unprotected sex, sir kink, crying, angst, taboo relationship, angst, fluff.
Genre: 18+, best friends dad, smut, single dad, taboo relationship, minors do not interact!
WC: 3,186k
Decided to make a longer chapter also kinda wanted to add a daddy kink but would that be weird? I feel like it would :/ lmk also I think there will only be one or two chaps left after this one
It took every last ounce of strength to pull yourself out of bed after heeseung came into the guest bedroom. All you wanted to do was lay there in his arms, wake up to his pretty eyes staring at your own, but you couldn't, and you knew that, so with a heavy heart, you moved his arm that was draped over your body and snuck out quietly, leaving him all alone.
You went on about your day or tried to, but the image of him crawling into your bed last night and hugging you was still fresh in your mind.
You remembered what he said about not caring anymore if you both got caught, but he was drunk. Surely, he wouldn't say that sober. You convinced yourself of that and erased the thought from your mind completely.
Even though you did your best to try and ignore him, it didn't work, or maybe it would have worked if he didn't personally ask to speak with you when it got late and his daughter went to bed.
You know you shouldn't have, but your body dragged itself to his bedroom on its own. You knocked softly before entering. "Come in," you hear his voice through the door, and you have to take a deep breath before opening the door. You hated how the first thing you thought about was how handsome he looked in a plain black tank top and gray sweats.
"Y-you wanted to talk." You closed the door and stood awkwardly, staring down at your feet.
He nods even though you aren't looking at him. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for last night. I don't know what came over me; I was drunk, and I probably did and said things I shouldn't have," he admits.
"I figured." You lifted your head, finally looking at him and chuckling softly.
He smiled slightly, feeling a little less tense around you after he saw your little smile. "That being said, there is one thing that I truly meant, drunk or not." Your eyes widened a bit as your mind raced with thoughts of what exactly he could be talking about. "Look, y/n." he stood up, taking slow steps to your figure that was pressed against his door. "I love you, okay? You know that." He grabbed your hands, lacing your fingers with his. "And I don't know how this is going to work, but I need you. I know it's wrong, but I just can't let you go. I tried, but I can't." You looked up at him as he stared into your eyes, not even blinking once, showing his sincerity.
"Hee, we can-"
"Stop saying that we can't, princess" he leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "If you want me too, we can," he whispers, tightening his hold on your tiny hands.
"What about your daughter, hee? There's just so many things that could go wrong. I could ruin your relationship with her, and I could also ruin our relationship. We've been friends for so long, and I just don't kno."
"Baby, I know, I know." he closed his eyes, resting his forehead on yours and cupping your cheeks. "We have to make it work, we have to," he whispers. "Since the day I saw you, you gave me butterflies, and baby, I tried so hard to control myself around you, but it was impossible, and now I just can't see myself living a life without you in it."
"Oh hee," you laughed softly and lifted your palm to his cheeks, rubbing it softly. "W-"
You paused as you heard his daughter's doorsteps coming down the hallway.
You and Heeseung quickly parted from each other, hearts racing in your chests.
Your eyes grew wide, and before you knew it, she was poking her head inside the door. "Dad?" She says, still half asleep.
"Hey, sweetpea, what's wrong?" He asks her while you take a few more discreet steps away from him.
"Nothing, I just thought I heard some sounds from your room," she mumbles.
"O-oh yeah, y/n was just uhh wondering if I had some extra toothpaste," he lies not so smoothly and smiles to distract her from the fact that he just lied to her face. You were definitely not looking for toothpaste.
She nods her head, shuffling back to her room and you. Both release a sigh of relief.
"That was close." Heeseung stood there, breath heavy and heart racing cause you both almost got caught.
"See? It'll never work," you reasoned, trying to calm down.
"Then let's just tell her y/n I need-"
"N-no hee, you think you need me, but you don't. Please, let's just end this." You backed away from him.
"Y/n, please," he hugged you in his arms. "Let's just try"
"No." Ever since you ended whatever you and him had, it seemed neither of you could be on the same page. One night, you wanted him, and the next night, you were screwing your head in straight and saying no.
Same for him. One night, he was telling you to leave his room, and the next, he's wrapped into your arms, and it's clear to see how much you were both fighting, but it had to be done because it could potentially ruin everything.
You pushed his arms off, and he stood there, obviously hurt, but you couldn't. You just couldn't. "Hee, you'll be fine without me. Maybe go on more dates. What about your co-worker? You have options, hee, just don't waste your time on me." Tears were welling in your eyes as you slowly walked to the door, him automatically following after you.
"I don't want anybody else, though." his eyes softened once he saw the tears in your eyes. "What don't you understand? I don't want to date my co-worker; I don't want to date, period, unless it's you. When I was with her, nothing felt the way it did when I was with you," he cupped your face, stroking your cheek softly. "Please believe me, don't you want more? Don't you want us to be happy together? We deserve each other, and you can't say otherwise cause I know you love me."
"I won't say it again, hee." You backed away from his touch as hard as it was you had to.
"Y/n, you're killing me," he whispers, and with that, you shut the door, leaving him before you stupidly run into his arms again, just like all the other times.
While sometimes it seemed like you and Heeseung were getting somewhere, you ultimately weren't, and you hoped now you were both seeing eye to eye.
Understanding that you and him would never work out.
It was back to the both of you ignoring each other, not even sharing glances anymore, and you could tell it was so hard for him. He looked completely defeated. His eyes were sunken in. He started locking himself in his office again, and you barely saw him. The look on his face when you first walked in almost brought tears to your eyes, but you kept telling yourself it was better this way. Even though your relationship with his daughter wasn't the same, it was still better than no relationship at all, you convinced yourself.
Heeseung would beg to differ, though this was affecting not just him but his work performance, his sleeping schedule, and his relationship with his daughter, whom he now barely talked to cause he engrossed himself in work like he always had when life got to be too much for him.
He knows it's unhealthy, but the quiet space and privacy of his office are what gave him some type of peace while everything fell apart. He did the same thing during his divorce, and he could feel himself going down the rabbit hole, only this time he might not make it out.
You put on a happy face only so his daughter wouldn't notice anything, but you were dying on the inside. It felt like without him, you would die. It hurt so much not seeing, hearing, or talking to him, but what could you do? Be selfish and start a relationship with him, or be the better person and just understand it was right people's wrong situation.
Heeseung has been avoiding you so much that you don't even see him anymore. It's been weeks since you saw him, and everything just felt so hopeless.
Usually, he'd pop his head out of his office when the coast was clear and grab a snack while you were in the living room, but he didn't do that anymore, and if you didn't know any better, you'd say he didn't even live there anymore.
Your friend looked to the side, knocking you from your thoughts and noticing your gloomy state. "What's wrong?" She asked, concerned. You hate the fact that you made her worry with your stupidity.
"Nothing," you put on a fake smile like you've been doing for the past month. "Just a little tired"
"You can sleep in my room," she offers, and it makes it hurt so much more cause she was so considerate, and here you are lying and fucking her dad behind her back.
"I wouldn't want to disturb you. I'll just go home soon," you politely declined.
"Oh, then use the guest room, my dad won't mind," and that was it. You could barely keep it together anymore.
"O-okay, goodnight." You nearly sprinted to the guest room, hearing a quiet goodnight from your friend, and you closed the door, leaning against it to let all your tears fall.
Heeseung had come out of his office hoping to catch a peek at you, but you were nowhere in sight. He grabbed some water from the fridge, joining his daughter on the couch. "Y/n leave?" He asks casually, making it sound like he wasn't dying to know your whereabouts.
"No, she was tired, so I let her use the guest room. I hope you don't mind," she pouted slightly, getting ready for a scolding.
"Of course not, sweetpea." he played with her hair and started watching whatever she was watching. "Learning your manners from the best dad ever," he chuckles, and of course, she only scoffs at him and rolls her eyes.
Although he was watching TV, he couldn't focus cause the thought of you being all alone in that room wouldn't leave his mind.
He felt bad for thinking this way, but he couldn't wait til his daughter went to sleep so he could go see you.
Which was only about half an hour later, so if he was lucky, you might still be awake. He peeped through the door, seeing you on your bed on your phone. "Hey," he whispers, and you nearly jump in surprise when you see him at your door.
"What are you doing?" You say, looking panicked as you rose up from bed.
He doesn't answer. Instead, he turns around, locking the door so there won't be any interruptions like last time.
He walks over to you, slipping under your covers and wrapping you in his arms like the other night, only this time he was sober. "What does it look like?" He says, pushing his face against your skin and placing kisses along your neck.
"I don't want to hear it this time. We love each other, and that's all that matters." he climbs on top of you, pinning your wrist above your head, dipping his head down to kiss you while he circles his hips over your core.
"Mmph," you moan instantly when he kisses you. His soft bulge rutting against your core is already making it really hard for you to say no. "Fuck” you curse, body heating up instantly cause you've wanted this so bad you tried to suppress your urges for him, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't think about you and him in many different compromising positions and to finally feel him again was just feeding all those urges that your body couldn't deny no matter how much you tried to fight it.
"If you don't want to, I'll stop, okay?" He leans back, pausing his movements, making sure he has your full consent.
"Don't stop, hee, please I need you so fucking bad missed you so much," you cry out as he kisses the side of your lips, hips grinding on your front, and you feel his cock getting harder as he humps your clothed cunt.
"Me too," he whispers and trails his hand down, slipping it under your shirt and gripping your supple breast in his right hand. "So soft," he whispers on your lips.
"Ahh hee," you moan, arching up into him for more.
"Yeah?" He breaths out, freeing your other hand. "Arms up." You obediently lift your arms so he can easily peel your shirt off. "So fucking gorgeous," he whines at the sight and quickly attaches his mouth to your perked nipple, kneading the other with his left hand as you tangle your fingers in his silky hair.
Your eyes flutter shut as you squirm under him, whining from the pleasure. "Please take your clothes off."
He doesn't even have to be told twice. He quickly got up, stripping himself entirely for you, and you nearly drooled at the sight of his big cock. You missed, sucking him off and feeling him fucking it into you so bad.
Getting back on the bed, he situates himself above you as you slip your bottoms to your knees. He soon takes over and drags them down to your ankles until they're off finally, and you both share a smile before he lays on top of you, making out with your soft, juicy lips that he loved so much. "What do you want sir to do now?" He whispers in your ear, biting it gently.
"Fuck me please, sir, need your cock in me so bad," he groans from your straightforwardness, and he can tell by the neediness of tone you missed this as much as he did.
"Fuck yeah? Need sir to fill that little hole probably aching for, huh? Begging for my cock? It's been a while. I bet you were just dying to get it right, baby hole, just so wet and needy for sirs dick?" He rubs his tip on your entrance, mixing your precum together and drenching his shaft in the wet stickyness.
"God, yes," you whimper, eyes rolling into your skull as you squeeze around nothing. "Yes, want it, sir. Been so empty without you" You spread your legs wide open, showing him how you clench desperately for his cock and how much you're already dripping for him.
"Don't worry, princess, sirs gonna do you right." he holds your hips, shifting your body as his tip meets your hole. He throws his head back as he ruts forward, his tip getting lost in your creamy wetness. "Oh fuck” he huffs out, chest muscles tensing as your tight walls welcome him in.
"Hmmp fuck” you whine, rotating your hips, trying to get him to put it all the way in.
"Oh god, princess, you feel so fucking good" he looks down as he thrusts forward, watching the way your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back. "Missed this," he breathed out, bending over and kissing your lips as he pushed all the way in your walls, stretching them open just for him.
"Oh hee," You gripped his shoulders, pulling him in as close as possible to kiss him deeply as he thrust in and out, his wide tip brushing on your walls perfectly.
He dug his hands into the sheets, fisting them each time your walls fluttered around his hard cock. "Y/n," he whimpers softly, losing himself in the feeling. It was so intense he was already twitching in need to fill you with his cum.
He tucked his arm under your head, kissing you feverishly as you moved your hands to his waist, strumming his back and sides. "So deep, oh my god fuck yes, yes, yes, yes" Your whines only made him pick up his pace, going faster as he gave you every last inch of his dick til his balls brushed against your ass that was wet with a mixture of your guys precum.
"Princess, I'm already so close," he mewls and hides his face in your neck, feeling bad that he can't make it last longer for you, but your next words take him by surprise.
"Me too" he slips his hand between your bodies, pinching your clit between his fingers rolling softly and then transitioning to a soft rub, the pad of his thumb stroking your clit perfect your toes curl as you bite your lip, body hot and tingling in anticipation, to cum around his thick cock.
"So fucking tight," he groaned, licking your bottom lip as he bucked his hips nonstop, filling up the room with smacking sounds. "I'm going to cum” he says against your lips, and the way you squeeze sends him over the edge, his cum shooting inside you in long hit spurts.
"Cum in me, yes, please, sir, fill me up" His warmth invades your insides, filling you to the absolute brim, and you feel complete with his warm cum and cock buried deep inside you.
"Come on, baby cum on sir's cock. I know you want it. Come on," he encourages as he fondles your clit, and you reach your climax seconds later, he quickly covers your moans with a kiss so you both wouldn't make too much noise.
He steadied his tired hips, thrusting a few more times till your highs faded away.
For at least the next three minutes, you both lay there kissing each other, melting against one another, and you only pull away when you need to breathe, and even then, he pulls you back, not wanting your lips away from him for even a second. "I love you," he says in the kiss, his hot breath fanning your flushed cheeks. "I love you so much." he pecks your lips one last time and cradles you in his arms.
"I love you too." You smile at him, and so does he, not being able to hide his feelings of happiness. "You're so cute." You kissed the tip of his nose, running your fingertips along his sweaty back.
You both lay there satisfied and content, but of course, that nagging feeling makes its way into both of your systems. "Let's just keep it this way. We don't have to let anyone. I promise we won't get caught, and if somehow we do, I'll fix it, okay? I'll make sure we stay together no matter what, yeah? Look at me." You turn to face him, your eyes a little teary, not from sadness but just how much he was willing to go through for you. "I got you, princess," he promises, and there's no way he was going to go back to the way things were last time.
Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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navstuffs · 4 months
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x GN!Reader
Summary: "A condition in which stimulation of one sense generates a simultaneous sensation in another". Or aka the fic where Gojo Satoru fucks you inside his domain expansion.
Trigger Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!, SMUT, tiny squint of dubcon (reader goes mind blank inside the domain), creampie, multiple powerful orgasms, reader gender isn't mentioned
Author's Notes: probably the hardest smut i have ever written. idk how many times this has been done in the fandom (im sure tons) and one time i read this INSANELY good fic abt it and have never found it again. anyway, enjoy! credit on the images from this post right here.
other gojo fics
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An average person will feel many sensations in this world, either physically and/or spiritually (if you believe in that type of stuff). Before meeting Gojo Satoru, your emotions were still there to remind you, hey, you are human: come and feel us; you can't stop us.
Everything changed after you met Satoru.
Gojo Satoru wasn't normal. Even in your first meeting, even without being a cursed user, you could tell something was off about him in the best way possible. The white hair, the ethereal blue eyes behind the sunglasses, or the fact that he consumed sweets as someone should be consuming water. Even your concerns about diabetes didn't feel necessary with this man. 
And then you started dating him. Yes, you, the average human being of this world, the single person in the million of eight billion or more. And he chose you, fell for you, for some crazy idea in his head. You became his new drug in the best way possible. Gojo Satoru could never have had enough of you. 
The kisses were intoxicating, and his neediness was that of someone who could not hear the word "no." Satoru would pout like a child, his head down enough that you could see his eyes shining through his sunglasses. And you would say "yes" as if only that vision persuaded you (it was your heart speaking).
Now, fucking Gojo Satoru, that was on a whole new level. At this point, you knew of the curses, the Jujutsu world, and the fact that somehow you are dating the strongest of that universe (?!). Fucking Gojo Satoru was not like fucking your other lovers. Satoru was entirely in during sex. As in head, soul, mind, the total package deal. And it was only fair you gave him the same. 
"What would happen to normal humans inside your domain expansion?" 
The question is met with curiosity by Gojo, who is wearing his black bandana today. He ponders for a moment, one finger toward his chin (because you said once he looked cute doing it, and he does it every time now). "They probably wouldn't be able to see it. Just feel it."
"Could it be considered safe?"
"Mhmmm, let me think. For some milliseconds. Why?"
Oh, but Satoru had already perceived your interest. Your eyes did not meet his, and you tried to look away, embarrassed. His smile grew from his side lips until Satoru questioned, his voice low, " Is there anything I should know of?"
"You promise you won't laugh?"
That's how you end up on top of him, his dick buried deep inside your body. It is already overwhelming, suffocating almost, the air being pulled from your lungs every time your hips meet his, and you weren't even inside his domain yet. Satoru insisted on starting slowly for your safety: 0.1, 0.2 seconds max, according to his estimation. 
"Are you close?" You shake your head impatiently, furrowing your brows. "Didn't think so."
Differing from all the other nights, you sense Satoru's tension. He can't relax, not even without you moaning in his ear. It's not that Satoru believes he will hurt you; Satoru has to consider the slight possibility of what could happen if he lost control for a tiny second and ended up frying your brain on accident.
"'Toru. Focus on me." You demand, squeezing his nipple so he can come back to you.
Satoru reacts: he starts rubbing in between in the middle of your legs, stroking your sex in a way only he knew how to do, after weeks of studying your reactions every time you had sex. In less than two weeks, the prick had learned places you haven't even discovered yet. It had to be six eyes, giving your body away like that. Biting where the neck meets your shoulder together with a particular way of fucking you and hitting on the place that made you see stars could make you cum in minutes. You are thankful he is the strongest because Satoru had ruined you for any other person who existed. 
"Focus, honey."  His voice is steady, his chest heaving up and down.
If someone asked you how a mere mortal felt bringing God to his knees, you would know exactly how to explain. That's exactly how you felt fucking Satoru. Like now, with his hands on your hips, helping you sink inside further every time, your open palms resting on his chest for support. It feels powerful and mythical; his mouth parted away like that, licking his lips from time to time. Satoru is a proud moaner, loud and about - but for this time, his forehead is furrowed in concentration, and barely any noises are coming from him. If it were any other time, Satoru would have helped you or taken control when it had gotten too much for his small patience to handle, moving his hips until you were a blabbering mess.
But now, he has to be focused on not harming you. The situation is even more thrilling if you think like that. Bring a God to his knees because if you don't, he might kill you with his power.
"Satoru!" You moan, needy. A warning that you are getting close.
His white hands raise, and you watch (as always) fascinated as the bandana comes off, even forgetting about your looming orgasm. Gojo Satoru is the most attractive man you have ever seen in your entire life, and if you believe in reincarnation, about ten more lives. He has a smirk on his lips now, happy with the way he affects you. I mean, how couldn't he? 
"Domain expansion, Unlimited Void."
Everything stops. The air stops moving, and time stops. You are paralyzed, your eyes wide, feeling everything and nothing at the same time. Your mind goes blank in the total sense of that word; you can't form a single thought. You forget your name, can't remember your parents' names, or where you were born, what you do. 
At the same time, everything is being shown to you; your consciousness is there, floating lost in the sky, but you can't grasp it. The only thing you can feel is your orgasm, but even that feels like it has toned down, a small explosion the size of a jelly bean growing inside your stomach.
The next thing you know, you wake up in Satoru's arms, gasping for air, shaking, with tears coming down your eyes. You can't stop squirming, and you realize it is your orgasm, with so much energy that could light up an entire city, spreading in your veins and going back into your brain at a swift speed, amplifying your senses. Then you find yourself staring at Satoru's blue eyes, and your mind goes blank again, but not like when you were inside the Unlimited Void. No, now you can feel everything: Satoru's love, Satoru's shooting his cum inside of you, Satoru's hand gripping your hips, the scream coming out of your throat!
Satoru is murmuring something, praising you, saying he loves you, but you pass out again, and the entire world goes black. Satoru holds you, feeling your heartbeat, not placing his bandana on his eyes, your body twitching unconsciously. 
You return to him after a few minutes - if anyone asked Gojo, precisely two minutes, twenty seconds, two exact milliseconds, almost three. 
"'Toru?" Your voice sounds exhausted, grateful, and in disbelief all at the same time.
"I'm here, honey. I'm here. You are okay." He kisses your forehead, holding you tightly in his arms, still buried deep inside you.
Later, when you ask, Satoru will answer that he had felt your orgasm within you. He had never seen you so out of this world, literally dumbfucked. He won't confess he got worried for a second and ended up placing you inside his domain for ONLY one millisecond. You also won't confess yet that you wanted to try again, up to 0.3 seconds (normal humans wouldn't survive), but who cares? You want Satoru to fry your brain. Instead, you will roll your eyes at his answer, slapping his arm playfully, and he won't even turn infinite on because it is you. And who is he to ever deny you? You who finally made his life whole. 
You that had a God wrapped around your finger.
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dalamjisung · 6 days
A muted shade of green ✧ Chapter 4: Pushing the limits
genre: mostly fluff... with a tiny bit of angst because I just can't not write angst LMAO
word count: 5861
pairing: reader x spencer reid
description: for once, you have a good day. and you feel untouchable. until, that is, you're not.
a muted shade of green masterlist
previous chapter // next chapter
author's note: sorry for the delay on the update, but it's finally here! I'm excited to see this story evolving! what are you excited about with this chapter? Let me know in the comments! <3 if you want to join the taglist for this series, please let me know in the comments!
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It’s weird to think that once upon a time, you lived in New York. 
You had always loved the city in all its might. A lot of people complained about the grey, tall buildings, but you used to think that the colour suited you. That the lifeless of it all didn’t really matter, because life was all over New York City. The bustling of the people, the voices and languages mixing in every block, the smell of food from the falafel carts in every corner; sure, the city was dead, but my god were the people alive. 
You were alive, back then. 
So much so that you think you might have attracted the dead, because the night you met Josh was a night you felt invincible. You felt like you had enough power in you to light up the entire grid of the city that never slept, so when he approached you, with his light blonde hair and bright blue eyes, you were up for the challenge. Even your friend was impressed when you didn’t coil away from his eager hands, and maybe she regrets it now– maybe she curses herself for not pulling you away from him, for not stoping you when you left with him. Maybe she hates herself for what she let you do back then, but the truth of the matter is that even if she had tried, you don’t think she would’ve succeeded.
Josh was different than most guys you knew, but that didn’t mean much– your aversion to human interaction had always plagued you when it came to romance and friendships. Alas, you found your similars; you met people who loved book just as much as you and you found your place with a selected few. You didn’t mind, not having all that many friends when you had an amazing handful instead; they were all loyal, understanding, and kind, much like you. 
Meaning that Josh wasn’t. But you didn’t know that at first, too blinded by the flowers, and the expensive dinners, and the beautiful gifts. Whenever you remember them– the moments, the memories, the things– you’re washed by a sense of shame and embarrassment unlike anything else you felt before. You’d like to stand up for yourself and deny it, deny all of it, say you’re not materialist like this, but that would be a lie. You are a bookseller, for crying out loud. A collector. For you, mementos mean something; the feeling of something familiar in your hands, be it the weight or the texture or just the shape, enough to bring back moments that are long gone in the hands of time. Objects and souvenirs are the next best thing you have to a photo album of memories that can’t be captured by a camera, and you are not ashamed of it. 
What you are ashamed of was how easily you fooled yourself for him. For Josh. It was all those damned fairytales you’ve read growing up, it had to be. Or maybe it was his friends and their comments of how perfect you two were together. Whatever it was, it had to be something. You’d hate to believe that you were shallow enough to endure him on his worst days just because of the things he gave you on his good days. 
Naturally, Josh was a much more extroverted personality. Keeping up with his social life was exhausting. Every night there was something to do, a dinner, a party, a meet-up. And those weren’t all that fun, either, though you learned to fake it pretty well. During these public appearances, you let yourself believe that yes, you two were this amazing power couple. You allowed yourself a moment to push away from all the regret and just enjoy the small things– the touches, the fleeting kisses, the loving nicknames. Because you knew that once you got home, all of that would fade and disappear until the next event you’d be forced to attend.
The question that most people asked was why did it take so long for you to leave him, why did it have to be that bad before you allowed yourself to go; and the answer was always the same: you don’t know. You don’t fucking know why you stayed with him, you don’t know why you loved him, you don’t know anything except the fact that you did– you did stay, you did love him, you did everything you wished you hadn’t. And it still led you to that night, to that rotten smelling taxi, to you crying in a red eye flight, to you landing, lost and hurt.
Because that night might have been the first time he laid his hands on you, but you doubted it would be the last. And it was up to you to do something about it. 
“Y/N? Are you up?” 
It’s a rhetorical question more than anything– you’ve been awake all night and Spencer knows. He blinked awake with every twist and turn, and in the morning, when his alarm went off, you were stiff on your side, trying to pretend you’re asleep. 
This has nothing to do with him. Last night, things ended in a positive note. After he showered, he came to bed to find you still wearing his FBI hoodie, and the smile on his face was enough to have you smiling too. You fell asleep to the sweet sounds of him reading you The Illustrated Man. Ray Bradbury is a common name in your guys’ conversations and it’s cute how he spends almost fifteen minutes looking for one of his books in the mess that are his shelves. According to him, they used to be alphabetised by author’s last name, much like in your store, but because of the time you’ve had in there, things have gotten a little… messy. You have a habit of reading different things at the same time and Spencer finds that adorable, even if it breaks his system with how you leave books scattered around the house.
“Yeah,” You call back, meeting his eye when he pops his head through the door. His hair is pointing in all directions, and you can smell food coming from the kitchen. “Are you cooking something? Spence, you said you don’t cook, what are you doing?” 
“I’m a thirty year old man,” He said, laughing at how you push the duvet away so desperately you trip on it to run to where you assume the fire is. “Careful! Oh my god, Y/N, you’re breaking my heart here, I’m not burning anything!”
It’s not your fault that your mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. From all the stories you’ve heard, all the ones that ended in disaster were set in his kitchen. “Spence, you could’ve woken me up,” You shake your head when you see that he actually just made toast with butter and jam. “I would’ve made you something to eat.” 
“You’re not my maid,” He says, standing behind you with his hands in his pockets and this is when you notice– he’s wearing sweatpants. Previously, when he was sick and you brought him medicine, he was wearing casual clothes too, but you were too busy fussing over him to fully appreciate the beauty that is Casual Spencer. His grey sweatpants and crumpled white t-shirt are enough to have you blushing and averting your eyes. In your store, he is excited. At home, he is relaxed. Those are two different things in the best of ways. “And I wanted to… talk.” 
Immediately, you have alarm bells ringing in your head and he notices it. It’s kind of funny, how you learned to read Spencer while he is reading you– you know when things set him off when his eyes widen a little, like a little tell he does every time. Maybe you’re better at this than you think, proud of yourself when he immediately waves his hands in the air, a desperate gaze in his eyes making you snort. “No, no, no,” Words fall from his lips a bit too fast for you to not trip up on them. “No, it’s nothing like that! It’s nothing bad, I just want to know how you’re doing and… check in on you.” 
“You want to check in on me?” You shouldn’t sound this enamoured, and you hate yourself for it. For the first time, you two are having an open conversation about what is happening and you want to make sure you’re present and paying attention.
“Of course I do,” His mumbling is barely audible from the living room, but when he yelps ouch and turns around with a plate of toast and coffee, you hear him loud and clear. Words mean a lot for someone like you, someone who lives off of them, but actions might just mean more because of who they are coming from. Because of his shy nature, when Spencer is direct and a bit more abrupt, it means something– it means that he is angry, or happy, or emotional, or dedicated. You like that he is dedicated about this; about you. It’s selfish in nature, but it’s true– him making you breakfast, him fussing over you, him trying… it’s all just Spencer’s way of showing that he is serious about this, and you don’t mind one bit. “Here you go. Eat up.” 
Instead, you show him you’re serious too. You smile, and wait until he has grabbed his own food and joined you on the couch, to start talking. “Spencer, thank you,” You whisper, looking down at the little space that keeps you two apart as a reminder: things might be getting better, and they might be on the mend, but there is still a long way to go for things to get great. 
Surprisingly enough, though, it’s quite easy to forget about Cat Adams when she’s not harassing you with unwanted gifts or letters, and it feels quite powerful to do so. Just like how easy it was to forget Josh when he couldn’t call you anymore, or touch you anymore, or scream at you anymore. What felt like the weight of the world on your shoulders now is simply the touch of a butterfly, floating away as soon as the moment of overthinking and anxiety is done. Some days, it lasts longer than others, and those are the bad the days. But on the better days, the ones that you are able to busy yourself with your store, your crush, your family; yeah, those are the days that Josh and Cat simply can’t get to you. 
Today is a better day. 
Hell, you might even dare to say that today is a good day, and more and more, you realise just how rare they are. So for today, you don’t allow the ghost of past and future lives to haunt you. For today, you’ll enjoy the blessings of the present. 
“Thank you for… helping me through all of this,” You continue, sipping on your coffee to try and keep your hands busy and away from his. After you got a little taste yesterday, feeling the warmth of his palm enveloping yours, you can’t help but want more. You want more touches, more smiles, more sneaky glances. You just want more Spence, however you can have him. “You didn’t have to help me through it all like this. And you certainly didn’t have to come back in the middle of a case just because of this whole mess. So thank you. This really means a lot. You… You mean a lot to me.” 
“Y/N, I didn’t come back because of this situation, I came back for you.” 
All air is knocked out of your lungs when he says that. In a very Spencer fashion, he doesn’t say it like a confession, like it’s a secret he couldn’t keep it inside anymore. This is nothing more and nothing less than a fact, like all the many others he has told you in your year or something long friendship. He came back for you, and the Earth is round. He came back for you, and the Russian Orthodox Church excommunicated Tolstoy. He came back for you, and Plank’s constant is a fundamental universal constant that defines the quantum nature of energy and relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. 
Simple as that. 
“I came back for you,” He says again, nervous finger ripping his toast apart until there is no longer a toast there anymore, just bits and pieces of what it once was. Cleaning your hands from crumbs and butter, you gently extend your arm, wanting to show him support in the best way you know how to. But then you remember: Spencer is a germaphobe. He’s reserved and he prefers to wave rather than shake hands, and you pause, hand hovering over his in unsureness. Just as you’re about to pull away, he moves, a flash of limbs and plates that leaves you not time to react.
Spencer is fast and it actually surprises you to see the clumsy man being so agile. He takes a hold of your hand and the familiarity of it all spreads a blush through your body. Even if he had stopped then and there, giving you just this little taste of affection, you would be happy. The way your cheeks flush to that rosy tone he loves so much and never says anything is enough of a hint to how you’re feeling, and this time around, Spencer wants to push the limits just a little bit, just a little more. And it’s obvious by the way his eyes shine with a mischievous glimmer of intent, grabbing you into him until your bodies crash together. 
This is the first time you two hug. It’s the first time your arms go around his shoulder, and it’s the first time his arms hook under yours. Spence hugs you like he needs to hug you, face rubbing on your neck like he’s trying to bury it there and hide from the whole world. Like you can actually protect him, and this time, you actually think you can. Your hands move up and down his back, a soft touch for the man that hated them so much. Sadness sweeps through you when you think about little him, avoiding touches and waving from afar instead. “Spence…” You mumble, pushing away for a second to try and talk to him, but he is quick to hold you in place. 
“Stay,” The way his voice breaks off makes you hug him even tighter. “Please. I… I’m happy you’re here.” 
“Spence, what’s going on?” Maybe it’s good that you can’t really look eye to eye. Those honey orbs, always so shiny and expectant, render you defenceless every time. 
He takes a moment to answer and you know he’s thinking, the machinery in his head whirring to lifer. “When you called me that night, I think my heart stopped. I thought… I thought something had happened to you, and I couldn’t… be there. I couldn’t be here. And it broke my heart, because this is my fault. It’s my fault that you’re scared and that your entire life changed, and I’m just really sorry, Y/N.” 
That is a hard pill to swallow. You knew he was feeling guilty; you know more about Spencer than he thinks you do– but what you didn’t know was that he was feeling bad. “Spence, I’m okay. And I’m safe. All because of you. I… I’ve been doing some research, and I know this is not usually something that would take priority for the FBI, considering that besides a note, Cat hasn’t really done anything to me, and if it wasn’t because of you, I’d probably be going through all of this alone.” 
“You are a priority to me.” 
“I know that now,” You whisper, shaky fingers raking through his hair in a desperate attempt to calm him down, praying, begging, hoping  he won’t ask you to stop. “At… first I did blame you a little. Like, not blame you, but… it was like I couldn’t separate you and what was going on and I was angry and upset and I’m sorry too. I pushed you away when I think we both needed some support from each other, and I didn’t mean to make you worry even more, you have to believe me, I swear!”
You don’t know when the roles reverse, but it’s like a war of tug, sometimes you pull and sometimes you get pulled, and right now, Spencer is pulling you into his arms with the strength of a man who needs you. “No, Y/N, no no, you don’t have to apologise! This… God, this is a mess.”
Chuckling with him feels better than chuckling at him, and you take the moment to just enjoy the feeling of being in his arms with no rhyme or reason. “It really is, but it’s our mess and I think that, all in all, we’re dealing with it quite well, Spence.” 
Everything about that moment is soft. The light is trying to come through the curtains and you smile to yourself. Spencer has always been stubborn about sunlight and he prefers the apartment on the darker side, but you can’t help but let your fingers move from his shoulder, dragging the tips all the way from his shoulder, down his arm, and extending to the end of the curtain, hooking them on the corner and raising a little bit. “It’s a nice day out…” You mumble more to yourself than him. 
“Do you want to go out?” Spence asks, raising his head away from your shoulder to look at you, but you just shake your head. “What do you want to do? I have the day off today, so we can do anything you want, I swear.”
“Hmm, can we go to the store?” Sure, it’s not the most exciting thing ever, but you miss it. You miss your books that you keep in a special corner behind the counter, and you miss the deliveries that are probably pilling up with your neighbour. The question is more amusing than anything, though, because you know the answer already. 
And him shaking his head only confirms your theory. Even though you know, you’re still frustrated. “Spence, please…”
“Y/N, your house is above your store,” He does seem to be upset with his own answer, and though that does not make you feel any better, you at least know he understands where you’re coming from. “We can’t risk it right now. Cat just sent a note straight to your address, and we don’t know if she knows you own the store or not, or if she has a partner working with her from the outside, or–”
“I know, I just– I don’t want to lose my store. It’s all I have.” The way your fingers fidget, playing with each other in a familiar nervous manner that you’ve surely picked up from him, has Spencer reaching out to hold your hands with both of his. It leaves you a bit breathless to notice just how big his hands are, covering yours completely. 
“You will not lose your store. I will not let that happen. But I think this could be a good chance to maybe think about a hiring a manager or a helper for a while. Temporarily! Just until we can make sure that you are safe.” Without noticing, his thumb slides over the top of your hand, a calming back and forth that eases the frown on your forehead when you think about a stranger at your store. “Just someone to be with you when the store is empty, Y/N.” 
Logic is on his side, as usual, and although you would never consider this under normal circumstances, you are reaching a point in which there are no other options. “A couple of days ago I sold out of stock for the first time since opening the store. I’m finally turning profit after being barely able to keep the place afloat. I love my daily routine there. I can’t let her take this away from me, Spence.”
“And she won’t. But don’t you think the help will be good? With new stock coming in and the reading events you wanted to prepare, having a trusty helper will save you some stress. And we’ll have Penelope run a check on every candidate!”
“I don’t know… is it fair for me to get someone involved in… this?” He instantly knows what you mean. “Can I think about it?” 
“Of course you can. I understanding this was not in your plans, and I know you love your job and your routine and we’ll make a new one for you! We’ll create a schedule and we’ll alternate days so that you don’t have a predictable location and-and we can make it a fun thing, you know? Creating the week’s schedule, like the Sunday crossword! We could do the schedule on Saturdays and the crossword on Sundays– what do you think?”
You think this is a plan. A future plan. A future plan that is reliant on the fact of you still living in his apartment and part of you hates it, because part of you, a big part of you, wants to go home and stop feeling like such a burden to him. But then there is the smaller part of you; the part that likes waking up and hearing his hoarse voice first thing in the morning; the part of you that feels spoiled with the breakfasts in the couch; the part of you that hasn’t really been loved in a while and really missed it. That is the same part of you that swoons every time he smiles at you, and you nod, and nod, and nod. “That sounds perfect,” You whisper, looking around the living room and seeing this future he talks so much about. It truly does sound… “Perfect.”
That afternoon, he helps you write a job ad for a store manager. It’s fun doing this with him because you get a chance to pick that brain that always amazes you so much. “No, no, you should give them a feel for the store,” The way his breathing hits the nape of your neck with every word he says while reading over your shoulder makes you shiver. “Oh? Are you cold?” What you miss is the the little smile he gives you from behind, turning to quickly grab the blanket you left on the armchair to cover your shoulders.
“But I don’t want them too comfortable, it’s still my store,” You grumble, leaning back without even thinking about it. You are both by the kitchen counter, and you’re sitting on a stool with Spencer right behind you, so when you fall back, arms curling around your body and wrapping the blanket tighter around you, you fall right onto his chest. The shattered pieces of that wall you two had between you two lay on your feet, no completely gone but simply lowered; the jitters of having him so close, the anxiety of maybe having him pull away, the strong beat of his heart right on your back. It’s all there, and it all amplifies when his arms wrap around your waist. It’s too careful, the way he holds you; too light and gentle and oh so slow. You just want him to hug you like he did before, to show you more of that hidden strength he kept suppressed all the time. Spencer is not dominant by any mean, but he isn’t someone to be walked all over, either, and the more that Cat pushes you, the more you are starting to see him push back. 
And you love when Spencer push back. 
“Okay, focus!” His voice snaps you back to reality, so close to your ear and his chin digging on your shoulder. It’s cute how he likes to fit his face in the little nook of your neck, between your cheeks and shoulders, and it’s… oddly intimate. The kind of intimate that makes you tense up a little just at the thought. “Hey… I know this is a big step for the store, but I’m proud of you. It’ll be great to be able to share the responsibility of the place with someone else. A team is not so bad, Y/N.”
If he is any indication of what is like to have a partner, if having Spencer by your side and ready to back you up is a little taster of what being on a team is like, then he might just be right. “I know, I just… this is my baby, you know? I moved to Washington with a backpack and an email from the agent to lease the place and there is a lot of effort and emotional energy and money that went into this!”
“You moved to Washington with just a backpack?”
Curiosity is a natural response for a man like Spencer. He is curious about virtually everything and anything, and it makes your heart beat faster, every time, when he asks something to you. It feels like a sign of trust, that he is willing to actually learn from you, to listen to you, and to store all you say into his hungry brain. This time, however, when your heart speeds up, it doesn’t have those same palpitation of adoration, those same butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Instead, it feels like there’s a rock, heavy and cold and hard, being thrown around your gut, all sharp edges and precise hits. “I, uh,” Immediately, you want to move– you want to push your hair back or scratch the mysterious itch on your nape or rub the tension off of your forehead– but then you remember that he is an avid reader. And that, apparently, you are his new favourite book. 
You try to play it cool, hand coming back down to the laptop’s keyboard to type out some basic information on the store and the schedule. “Yeah, it was a weird time,” And that’s all you say on the subject, even if the way he squints, those molten brown eyes running over every inch of you that you’re sure he has committed to memory, tell you that he has gotten much more information than you were willing to give. “Okay, I think it’s ready?” 
He knows what you’re doing, but he doesn’t care. Uncomfortableness is written all over you, from how your shoulders hunch forward to how you stick your hands between your thighs to stop them from fidgeting. Spencer is very careful of your self-awareness. He has seen you shut down before and he knows the telling signs– you pull away, withdraw back and back and back, until you disappear in the background of your anxieties. The last thing he wants is for you to not speak to him again, arms squeezing you a bit close in fear that you might just get up and leave him behind again. Having you sit on the armchair, so close yet so far while he slept in the couch next to you, had been hard. Incredibly hard. And Spencer isn’t sure he can handle that again.
So he lets it go. 
He hums, and nods, and lets you think you’ve fooled him. He lets you think that you’ve successfully whisked his attention away from the topic he wants to chat through and dissect so badly. “Looks great,” It’s cute how fast he reads the ad, and before you can overthink about it, he clicks ‘send.’ “Spence! Oh my god!”
“You weren’t going to do it,” He laughs, shaking his head and turning the stool so that you two are face to face. “I’m sorry you have to do this.”
“It’s okay,” You whisper, breath hitching on your throat with just how intensely he’s looking at you. There is tension between you two, strong and growing, and it’s not the first time you’ve noticed it. 
Sometimes, you think that this weird connection dates back to the first few months you knew each other. At first, it was about stupid things like what authors were truly considered cult or what were the best tropes. Banter, with Spencer, was always fun, like a little debate filled with smiles and giggles and… privacy, almost. Intimacy. It’s like every time you two talk a bubble forms around you, and no one can steal his attention. He is present, at all times, and it makes you feel like you matter; it makes you want to be present, too, happily listening to his rants and lecture with attentive eyes. Sometimes, you even pulled out a little notebook after he was gone to work, noting down the facts you’ve managed to remember, and whenever you were a bit bored, you would pull your notes out and read them over, smiling at the memories of him. The memories of him that are now locked in the drawer behind your counter. “Fuck.”
“I need to go get some stuff from the store,” You mumble, looking up at him with begging eyes. “I know you said to keep out, but please, Spence, I need more clothes and I need my things.” 
It doesn’t take much convincing to have him ready to go, and you are almost giddy at the sight of Spencer in jeans. Everyone can, or at least they should, see beyond the slacks and the sweater vests. Underneath it all, you know there is a man who needs some tender loving– you know there are scars, maybe visible, maybe not, but it doesn’t matter. Without his tie and his button ups, Spencer is just like any other guy, and the walls come down. Right now, he is Spence, your favourite customer and the guy that makes your heart beat faster, and you kind of love that you get to leave Agent Reid behind for a day or two. 
“Let’s go, Spence!” You call, excited to get out of the house for a bit. The fresh air coming in from the open window teases you enough to have you stomping, shouting for him again. “Spencer!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” His laughter echoes in the apartment and you smiled when you see him grabbing his phone and keys. 
This is too good to be true. It has now been eight days since the initial package you received in Spencer’s name, and as much as you know his intentions are good, you do wonder if maybe he is going a little overboard out of guilt. “I’m so excited to go to the store with you again!” You shriek, going down the stairs with him in tow. You’re not really looking where you’re going, constantly turning back to look at him just to catch a glimpse of that adorable smile he tries to hold back. 
“Y/N, watch out–“ In all fairness, Spencer tries to reach for you and hold you back, but the moment your feet touch the ground floor, your body hits another with such impulse that you sway back into Spencer’s hands. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes, yeah, I’m–“ Turning to the person, a young woman with an expression of as much shock as yours, you immediately start to apologise. “I’m so sorry! Oh god, I’m so sorry, I–“ “Don’t worry at all,” She smiles and picks up her boxes again. “I couldn’t see because of the boxes, it’s my fault.”
“Are you moving in?” 
You know that tone of voice. It’s stored in your brain as the tone of voice you never wanted to hear again, after hours of it back at the BAU office. “Hey, come on,” You whisper, allowing him lightly. 
“Yes! I’m moving into apartment 13. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Abigail. Do you guys live in the building?”
“Oh, I uh, I’m just–“
The way he slips his hand in yours, fingers folding with yours. “Yeah, we live upstairs,” He says vaguely, slowly continuing to walk own the hall. “We’re a bit late, but it was great meeting you Abigail. See you around.” 
You barely have time to wave before he has you out in the street, phone out and ready to go. “Sorry, I just need to call Garcia for a second. Go ahead, yeah? I’m right behind you, I promise.” 
Under his watchful eyes, you take the lead in making your way to the bookstore. The sound of his shoes crackling in the sidewalk behind you is comforting. “I’m going in, just call out for me when you’re ready, okay?” 
As soon as you get inside, it’s like you’re home. The books are everywhere, and you feel their warm embrace as they whisper stories in your ears. You’re like a hurricane in there, moving around with such trained expertise that no one could ever contest that you belong there, in your sacred place. Your backpack is by the counter, slowly filling up with books you want to take with you, and you enjoy the fact that Spencer is busy to check your emails for online orders and stock. So far, no big losses have taken place and you’ve only been closed for a couple of days, but you are realistic about the future of this place and you know this cannot continue. The more you see the store suffering from all of this, the more you agree that having someone mind the place while you’re out might be a good idea. Hesitancy still swirls in your heart, but you’ll do anything to avoid the heartbreak of losing your bookshop. 
You don’t turn around when the bell rings. “Spence, I might need a couple more minutes–“
“We got to go. I’m sorry Y/N, we need to go, grab whatever you can.”
A sharp exhale escapes you like a knife just wedged itself in your lungs. “What’s going on?” 
“Officer Kaper just called for backup,” Everything is fast again, moving forward, forward, forward, and Spencer knows how overwhelming this must be, specially after the slow and soft morning you two had, but he is working on a one track mind. He needs to get you out of there. 
“Backup?” Cars honk while you two cross the street in a hurry. “Spencer, stop running, stop! What’s going on?!”
He doesn’t answer you until you’re both in his apartment, door locked and phone in hand, nervously squeezing it while he paced around. 
“Spence,” You call again, careful with how you approach him when he is trying so hard to keep control of himself. “Spence, I– What’s going on?” 
His eyes tell you everything. In those whiskey coloured pupils, you see the hurt and the pain, and you see the hesitation. One hand moves to push his hair back, frustration lacing every movement he makes, from walking to the couch and letting his body plop down to how his head hangs low. 
“He’s on his way to the hospital. His house got broken into and… we have no confirmation, but we think it’s–“
“Fucking Cat.”
112 notes · View notes
all-things-fic · 1 year
Jealous Guy / A Quarantine Harry interlude
A/N: Hey everyone…. Long time, no writing. Hope you are all okay? You’ll have seen from the odd ask that I’ve mentioned this one being in my google docs getting dusty. Genuinely I feel that it’s been giving me a mental block on writing anything else, and I think it was because I really thought there should be an element of smut. Re-reading it, that isn’t the case at all.
Happy reading! Speak soon x
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He was panicked.
Trembling hands unknowing what to do.
Exhausted of any other option that he once relied upon.
Options that had previously worked. Options that were now failing him quicker than they ever had. 
This time his eight-month baby girl was having none of it. Changing a nappy and gently rocking, no longer seemed to work. She was upset and she was letting him and the entire house know it. 
“Be good for Daddy, Edie,” he hushed, a quick whisper mumbled against her temple. “‘M trying my best.”
Harry leaned his body back slightly as he turned his attention to trying to remove the lid of the baby bottle with one hand. 
Usually she was good for him. The handful of times that he had done any sort of thing - a night feed or shift here or a nappy change there - she had nuzzled into his bare chest and drifted off once more. 
The problem was those handful of times had been when she was tiny. And things changed. He hated admitting it to himself but he felt he didn’t know his daughter. The seven month old that he held so securely to him now felt worlds away from the tiny baby whose curled up legs barely reached his belly button when she was first placed to his chest. 
He hissed a ‘yes’ as the bottle lid finally gave way, popping off from the teet and allowing him to clasp the bottle. A relief flowed through him as he found confidence to shift his daughter in his arms.
“‘S coming, baby,” he opted for a gentle tone. 
Laying on your back, you stared at the ceiling of your bedroom and slowly blinked. Cries and grizzles had been non-stop for over thirty minutes now and as much as you loved a trier - and there was no bigger one than Harry - your fingers twitched to offer some form of help no longer wanting to hear the distress. 
You knew it would be a tumultuous line to cross. One that he would either be grateful for, or one that would create the faintest amount of resentment. 
Trying not to dwell on your thoughts, you pulled back the bedsheet atop your frame and exited your bedroom. 
As you rounded the doorframe, you caught Harry with his head rolled back on his neck and face looking up towards the ceiling. It was a picture you had found yourself in many times in the early stages, a level of exasperation radiating off him that could be felt by you from over the other side of the room.
Staying silent as you rested, your eyes took in the way he presented your daughter her feed. His movements were forced, but not forceful, his hand quick to pull away the item each time her tiny hands pushed and pulled at the plastic intrusion.
“We’re not playing, Edie,” Harry said, a hefty sigh rocking through his upper body and over the words.
“She isn’t,” you replied for your daughter. 
The sound of your voice had him raising his tired eyes to look at you. While his stare lingered, you noticed it seemed void of any care, almost too lost in logical thought to slow himself down rather than quickly complete the interaction with his first born like a task (of many) on a list. 
“Here, let me show you how.” 
You slowly pulled yourself away from the doorframe, movement tentative as you approached them both. Gently, you lifted your hand and placed it to the top of your daughter's head, stroking at her hair.
Harry’s body was stockstill as you lifted her tiny body and felt the soft trembles rock through her body from her subsiding distress. If your eyes hadn’t been so taken by your baby, you would have been able to see the dejected expression that laced Harry’s features as he noticed the way she began to soften when in your hold. 
Taking on a rocking motion almost immediately, you looked on as Harry loosely held the bottle of milk towards you. You easily took the item from his faint grip, feeling zero resistance. Turning the teat to your daughter, you gently let it rest at her pouty lips. 
It didn’t matter that you were mostly fading this out now for solids, not when she needed comfort. 
“You need to let her take it when she’s ready,” you softly spoke, voice barely a whisper. “She’ll know when she wants it.” 
Folding his arms across his chest, Harry made his barrier as he set his eyes on the relaxing face of his pride and joy. He took in the motions of your hand as you gently stroked the teet at her mouth and watched it drop open slightly to suckle. 
“Sometimes if you let her know it’s there, she’ll do the rest,” you kept your eyes down as you addressed Harry, waiting for her chubby hand to join yours in holding the bottle. “She does this thing if she takes my boob where she nuzzles first and finds my nipple herself.”
Soft eyes looked up at you with a pique of enquistism. 
“Yeah, you do, don’t you?” you heard the way your voice lifted as her small hand clasped against yours as you felt a smile lift at your mouth. “And when she’s grabbing, she’s not playing,” you flicked your eyes up towards Harry who stood quietly watching your exchange. You turned your eyes to Edie once more, “She holds it herself sometimes now, cause she’s clever. Aren’t you, Edie? Are you a clever girl for Mommy?”
Breathing deeply Harry found himself unable to continue taking in the two of you. 
“Shall we show Daddy how we do it?” You whispered, glancing again towards your husband. Harry took in the eagerness in your gaze but fell short of being able to match you. 
Why was he so incompetent? 
With downturned lips, he leant in to press a kiss to your bare shoulder from where your dressing gown had slightly fallen open. 
Feeling him move around you, you lifted your face to look at him. His body now slightly behind yours. 
“Stay,” you asked. 
“You’ve got it all in hand.”
Feeling his hand slip from your collar, you bowed your head as he walked away before raising it and looking at his retreating figure from over your shoulder. 
Watching her small body rise and fall with breath, you were confident enough that she was settled to slowly leave the room. Feet softly padded against the carpet, down the landing and back towards your bed.
You found yourself stilling in all movement when you saw his side of the bed still empty. With a soft frown gracing your brow, you quickly swiped up the baby monitor that sat at Harry’s bedside table and turned to walk downstairs.
You were able to make out the dull light that came from your kitchen, once you had walked through the rest of the house which was cloaked in darkness. It was there that you found your husband standing in almost pitch black, besides the light that sat in the extractor fan above your oven. 
Harry rested against the kitchen counter, presenting himself in a shape to you that had gone unnoticed due to your lack of closeness since the year prior. He would always be a kind of lanky that exuded he was partial of tripping over his own two feet, but he wore his impending Dad-bod in a way that acknowledged while he had been eating for two, he’d also been working out for two. 
You noted his nose rested against the lip of his trusty mug, most likely warm and filled with his favourite coffee. It was something he often did when in thought and you didn’t know if your presence would be welcomed once he came to.
Placing the baby monitor down to the kitchen counter caught his attention, his eyes peering at you across the barely lit room. The silence was deafening. 
“Everything okay?”
He hummed, tone flat. A short nod thrown in your direction as he took a sip of his drink and rolled his lips into his mouth to remove them of any moisture the drink had given them. 
“You should’ve gone back to bed.”
“So should you.”
You felt a wry smile lift at your lips. 
“‘M awake now. I’ll probably just go for m’run or summat,” he continued.
“It’s not even five.”
“Perfect time then, no one’ll be around to harass me.” 
He threw back the rest of his coffee, tilting his body slightly to place the mug in the empty sink behind him. 
Your eyes looked him over as he stroked at his face, heels of his palms rubbing - almost pressing - into his eyes. He was obviously frustrated.
“Like I’m doing right now, you mean.”
The sigh that left him was one filled with exasperation. “If that’s what you think,” he trailed off, right hand running over his mouth and his day or two old stubble.
You felt yourself close up at his response, the way he seemed dismissive of your comment. Your - or at least you thought - obvious concern. While you didn’t have the desire to fight, his energy was the reason you had come to the conclusion that you were nothing but an annoyance to him in the moment. 
The first you realised he had moved was when his hand rested gently at the curve of your waist. The slight pressure against your skin before he stiffly drew you to him. Lips at your hairline, his whisper of “go back to bed” seemed almost a figment of your imagination. 
Then he was gone and suddenly it felt cold.
His feet pounded the pavement as he reached up to fix the bud of his earphone once the voice of Aaron Bruno had started to fade.
The heave of his chest and the dryness of his throat were two of the main things that kept him going. Blood pumping and fatigue weighing down his legs, he felt his frustration heavily lace his limbs before soaring away into the dark London morning.
Street lamps were still lit, leaving him running with nothing but his shadow and mind racing with bitterness.
It sounded silly, and he was ashamed to admit it but the green-eyed monster within him had openly reared its head above the parapet and Harry felt it would take a lot to push it down once more.
A run usually cured him. Allowed him time to proceed. To realise how minute he really was in the world. 
The feeling of the damp air signalled that there would rain at some point, a feeling that would’ve once soothed his soul. Heart pumping out of his chest, reminding him of how alive he was. Not today. 
He felt bile rise up the back of his throat causing the harsh stamp of his feet to slow as he approached the wooded area of the street in which he ran. 
Body bent over, hands on his knees he threw up his morning coffee, spitting to try and remove the bitter taste from his mouth. Slowly raising to full height, hands now on his hips, Harry tried to catch his breath. 
Inhaling through his nose and out his mouth, the tremble of his lower lip threw him off guard. His throat thickened, his blinks quickened. Harsh swallow. Heels of his palm pressed against his eyes as he tried to hold it. 
Hands wiped down his face with a harsh pull, he looked up at the sky which had started to get lighter. Worry racked through him as his mind raced. Why was he crying? 
It was eerily quiet when he finally made it back home with a Gail’s Bakery brown paper back swinging at his side. He tried his hardest to not draw attention to his arrival, the palm of his hand encasing his keys entirely as he laid them gently on the sideboard next to the front door.
Toing his trainers off, one by one, his Nike socks padded against the wooden floors with a stealth that he welcomed. As he walked, he slowly paused in the doorway to the lounge. His eyes found you curled up on the sofa, your favourite throw cushion nestled in the space between your neck and shoulder.
In his silent watchfulness, he thought that there was no way you were comfortable. Surely not. Then he supposed your exhaustion may have gotten the better of you. 
With the bag still in hand, Harry approached you and gently placed it onto the coffee table. His hands reached behind you for the throw that had recently become an addition to the back of he sofa, there if ever the need for a quick baby cuddle struck. 
As the blanket hit your body, he noticed you move with such a sudden jolt it caused his neck to dart to the right to look at you. Owlish eyes, round and startled, looked back at him. Your right arm had moved upwards, almost to stop his gesture of covering you. His touch somewhat foreign to your recent memory. 
“Shit,” he abruptly whispered, more so to himself. “‘M sorry, I didn’t-“
His voice trailed off. Didn’t what? He didn’t mean to wake you? Didn’t mean to be a prick? 
Two sets of eyes stared at each other in silence. 
The tautness of your body slowly seemed to fade as you came to, Harry steadily lowering himself down to sit on the edge of the coffee table opposite, abandoning trying to cover you.
“What time is it?” 
The sound of your tired rasp made his shoulders sag. You really needed the rest, and he’d broken your slumber.
“Just after seven.”
“Must’ve really needed that run.”
Your comment was innocent, though it could’ve been taken snidely. He had been gone longer than he should’ve been.
“I got us breakfast.”
His words were woven with an unspoken peace offering. He felt guilt crawl inside him, slowly starting to eat away at the jealousy within. Selfish, selfish man. 
He couldn’t look you in the eye. The ticking of his jaw as he clenched it to fight the burn of his throat once more, at his silent deprecation, which would surely be seen as unjustified. 
“Bet you could use a shower first?”
He scoffed a laugh at your suggestion, a faint smile lifting at his lips. “Smell me all the way from over there, eh darlin’?”
The term of endearment warmed you. You felt yourself sink into the cushions beneath you. He was within reaching distance, nowhere near as far as the question would lead to believe. The literal meaning was nonsense, figuratively he had hit the nail on the head.
He chanced a glance at you. “Fancy comin’ wi’me?”
You strangely blushed at his offer, but faintly nodded your head. It felt odd to blush over such a simple request. You supposed part of you felt tension between you both and you appreciated his apparent desire to try and smooth things over. 
He stayed seated as you swung your legs out from underneath you and sat so that your right knee brushed against his. Standing, you felt the terracotta silk of your pyjamas brush your skin as you reached to sweep at his hair that was damp from a mixture of morning dew and perspiration. 
“Come on then,” you smoothly whispered, hand squeezing lightly at the curve of his shoulder. 
Slowly standing, Harry’s front awkwardly bumped into your back, his hand reaching for yours as a way to steady you both. 
His touch was clammy when your fingers slotted against his. The knowledge of such a thing calming any nervous edge that fizzled within your being as you led the two of you upstairs. 
Harry lingered on the landing as you walked into the bathroom, reaching into the shower to turn it on and let it warm. His feet tread lightly, trying to avoid the lone squeaky floorboard that haunted you both on night feeds. 
When he stepped inside he caught you leant over the bath, rearranging the bath toys and trinkets that were placed in a basket to the one corner.
As his eyes dropped to take you in, they noticed the one lone rubber duck that was sitting at your feet. Silently bending, Harry retrieved it before declaring himself in the room with a, “don’t forget ducky.”
You pressed your hand to your chest, taken aback by him being so close. It amused him, his expression alight for the first time over the last few hours. 
He watched as your eyes fell to the plastic duck, hand reaching out to take it from his grip. “This thing is the bane of my existence,” you admitted.
“You love it,” his voice was as hushed as yours. “Gets her to laugh every single time, without fail.”
That was one thing he could rely on that hadn’t changed during his time away. 
You noticed the slight downturn to his lips as he spoke, before turning to place the duck on the side. “You get in first,” you nudged him. “Let me go undress-“
“Do it here,” he paused, before softly asking “please?” when his hand reached up to brush your hair behind your shoulders. The back of his hand turned to smooth down the silky fabric before dexterous fingers slowly rolled at the buttons of your pyjama top, the two sides giving way. 
He bit away his smile as he felt you press his hand to your breast bone, spoiling the fun before the fabric gave way and revealed the swell of your breasts. You saw the way his bottom lip bounced ever-so-slightly when he let it go from the bite of his teeth to say, “Gonna need my hand back to get involved.”
You let it fall.
Harry quickly made use of it and pulled at the collar of his shirt to lift it up and over his head. His socks, shorts and underpants quickly followed only for him to cup his manhood to cover himself as he turned to walk under the warm spray of water.
Next, the silk of your garments satisfying slid down your skin, trousers easy to step out of and top aimlessly forgotten too.
From behind the glass shower door, you watched Harry close his eyes and willed the subconscious frown to relax from his brow. 
You stayed silent and looked on. He needed this moment. For the water to fall onto his taut muscles, to loosen and wash away whatever concerns that were weighing him down. 
There was something lingering under his skin and while part of you was determined to get it out of him, you knew for the benefit of you both it had to be on his terms. 
Opening the shower door, you stepped inside with Harry keeping himself turned away from you, the expanse of his back was impressive as he held his hands flat to the bathroom tiles and let his head hang forward. 
You lifted yourself onto your tip toes, arm wrapping around his front to steady yourself as you pressed your lips to the skin on his back.
In reply, he squeezed your hand. 
As expected the shower had been filled with awkward silences, lingering stares and fumbling feet as you moved around each other to bathe. Harry haa gotten out before you, roughly drying his body and hair before tip-toeing out to peep into Edie’s room. You only knew the last part cause you caught him slowly shutting the door when you left the bathroom underneath your own fluffy towel. 
“Fast as a rock,” his voice rumbled, confirming she was indeed still asleep. “I reckon we’ve got another two hours for us before she makes herself known.” 
You had softly smiled at his words at the time, not really knowing what to say. He gave you a small smile of his own, as he walked past you and mentioned something about flicking the kettle on as he made his way downstairs. 
The two of you were now laid out on the sofa, Harry on his back, legs accommodating you as you lay atop him. Crumbs from the pastries that you’d shared mingled with your skin and sprinkled the plates that sat on your coffee table. 
His hands were gently massaging at your shoulder blades as he sang under his breath to John Lennon’s ‘Jealous Guy’. The rumble of his chest was soothing, as you pressed your face further into his pec and inhaled the smell of his freshly washed skin.
The sound of a drowsy sigh caught your attention, your head turning on Harry’s chest to look at the baby monitor that was now directly in your eye line. 
A video of a sleeping Edie met your eyes, all content with one arm resting above her head as she remained on her back. You kept silent as you tried to zone in on the coos she was making to see if anything was out ordinary, but she continued to seem satisfied. 
“She’s happy dreaming,” you spoke more so to yourself. 
“How do you know tha’?”
“Listen to the noises she’s making,” you pointed out, well aware of how you sounded.
A silence fell over both you and Harry, but rather than one of contentment, an awkwardness lingered.
“I’m useless.”
Those two words he spoke were heavy as they broke through. “I’m so- so fuckin’ useless babe.”
You lay still, atop him, a frown forming at your brow as you listened. He wasn’t useless but it wasn’t your time to intervene while he was on his self-loathing train. Not yet.
He quite clearly had a lot to mull over, to speak out loud. 
“I have not got a fuckin’ clue what I’m doin’ wi’her. Not one single fuckin’ clue and-“ he sucked in a deep breath that racked through his chest when released. “I’m standing about like a spare part, in the way of you and the incredible job that you're doing for the both of us because-“
“Because what?”
Your voice sounded so unusual to you. So small. 
“We all have to start somewhere, sometime-“ you continue.
“No, it’s not that, I know that. It’s because- I feel like I have to when- I guess, I’m making it worse.” He paused. “Every time I come home I’m reminded of my inadequacies and earlier on during my run I actually thought about not coming back because I can’t stand it.” 
You felt yourself hold your breath as his confession, body wriggling to try and get out of his hold. His voice was getting breathier and breathier as he spoke and you knew if you pulled yourself up to get a proper look at him, you’d at least find his lips downturned. 
The heavy swallow he did next only confirmed that for you.
“I’m so fuckin’ jealous of you,” he croaked. “Of the bond you share. Of,” his voice faded. “Everything, pretty much.”
As he spoke, you lay in silence unsure of how to broach the subject. Did he need you to be supportive, or did he need some tough love? 
Before you could stop yourself you felt the bubble of laughter start, the shake of your shoulders underneath his touch.
“Okay,” he started, clearly offended, “alright, I get it. I’m being ridiculous. You can stop laughing at me.”
“Babe,” you started, lifting yourself slightly. As you did so you saw the way his vacant stare lingered on the ceiling, his stubble unnecessarily inviting to you as it peppered his cheeks, chin and underneath. “Harry,” you tried again to get his attention, “I’m not laughing at you. Am I laughing at you telling me this while Jealous Guy is playing in the background? Yes but not at you.”
Listening to your words, Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In a matter of seconds he’d turned his head slightly and from this position dropped his eyes to look down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admitted. “At least not the new things. I am impressed that I’ve made it look like I do.” 
From your words, you watched his features soften. “And don’t,” you reached up to hold his chin between your forefinger and thumb. “Don’t think I don’t ever need you, that we don’t need you-“
“Cause we do,” you paused. “But if I’m honest, I’m going to need you to just do it. To just get involved, to make the mistakes and to learn from them because I can’t do it all on my own.” 
“I don’t need you dwelling on the fact that she didn’t take a feed from you one time. I need you to suck it up and try again in two hours time when we- you, try her with baby porridge because quite frankly I’m sick of finding it in my hair and I think you should get the enjoyment of experiencing that at least once.”
Seeing the flicker of his lips gave you hope.
“Really nice of you tha’ is,” he started. “To give me tha’ experience.” 
“I know. I’m really a giving person in that way.”
A small silence filled your space again. It was a little light this time. Progress. 
You let your eyes run over his features once more, hands getting the better of you when the thumb on your right hand tried to work away the lines of worry etched into his forehead. 
“We need to learn together, grow together. Help each other,” you hummed, unable to look him in the eye, your own concern of how he’d admitted how he was thinking of leaving ringing far too loudly for you. “We’re stronger together.”
“Look at me,” he requested. You fought against his ask, feeling the burning of your throat appear. “Darling, I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”
You swallowed heavily, nodding your head. “So, can you please look at me?”
Two pairs of sad eyes met. 
Envy had no rest, and the trouble was you were both already so tired.
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
Tears of an Angel ❝part two❞
♡ Pairing: The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Unbeknownst to you, lots of time has passed and Bucky still hasn’t come back. You begin to wonder if he was ever real in the first place. There’s someone new. The Soldat— who is he?
♡ Warnings: HEAVY ANGST, some fluff, hydra, bucky’s trauma, torture, needles, abuse, hints to sexual assault
part one ✧ main masterlist
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You wondered how many times you could count the amount of stones on the walls before a guard approached your cell again— dragging you into the horrific room. The room that only held vile memories— ones that had you shuddering.
Ever since you had been left alone again— ever since Bucky was gone— you had lost track of time completely. Everyday blurring into one another, there wasn’t a pause in time. Every morning leaked into the night without recognition. It was disorienting and made you feel out of touch.
You rarely talked— the only sound of your screams ever escaping your lips. You would go so many days without uttering a sound— the slightest talking ached your throat. Your voice hoarse at the end of the day, with only six words leaving your lips.
You could hear the manic laughter as the guards teased you about being mute. Cackling sinisterly at the idea that they had broken you. In a way they had.
You weren’t sure why you were still here, and what your purpose was. You were sure you had an idea one time in your life— but with how things are now. You remember nothing, know nothing— are nothing. Well, you remember nothing but him.
Even after all this time, you still pathetically clung to Bucky. Hoping in your sick and demented mind that he’d come back for you one day— that he’d remember you just as you had him. But as the days melted into the other, you weren’t sure if that would ever be the case. But what harm would it bring you to hold onto the tiny hope.
The door unlocking to your cell had you jumping in surprise, having been lost in your head it spooked you. But otherwise, you sat still— even if the pain didn’t even start, you wished for it to end already.
You heard the door open completely and the sound of two footsteps enter.
“Soldat— take her to Room C.” One of the guards instructed, and you wanted to furrow your brows at the name.
“да сэр (yes sir).” A thick russian accent answered, and you risked a glance up.
You were disappointed to meet a half covered face, forehead curtained by thick brunette locks. It was definitely a man considering how deep the voice was. His lower half was muzzled— like a dog. But the look was certainly intimidating.
The Soldat grabbed your arm harshly, yanking you up— not giving you a second to steady yourself. You whined, the bruise on your collarbone shifting from the movement.
Ignoring your sounds, he dragged you out of your cell and down the hall towards the room of nightmares. You weren’t sure how much more pain you could take— you wish the darkness would just consume you already.
The guard had disappeared by now, leaving you and the Soldat alone. You weren’t sure if you should celebrate or not. The guards were harsh— mean. The Soldat so far has been aggressive— but you guessed that was nothing new.
“Please— don’t!” You whimpered when you could see the door to the room ahead.
You felt eyes on you, and you glanced to the side— your glossy eyes meeting with his dull ones. His stare gave you goosebumps, the fury hidden behind his eyes. Towards you? You weren’t sure— if so, why?
He didn’t respond, snapping his focus back ahead of him. Pulling you more aggressively towards the doorway. You could smell the room from here— even many steps away. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing what was to come.
“I’ll do anything, please! Don’t take me in there!” You cried quietly, as you tried to pull away from him— your feet attempting to plant you in your spot.
The Soldat whipped his muzzled face to you, his eyes wide with anger and something else. He wastes no time in trying to come up with a response— instead scooping you into his arms.
You gasped at the sudden movement, and didn’t try to wiggle out of his hold— as he was much stronger than you. You crying and walking to the room was already draining you of all your energy. With your weeks spent sitting in your cell— the walk from your cell to your room was tiring.
You continued to cry quietly, and noticed how close you were to him. He smelled of sweat and gunpowder— but also a familiar musk. A particular gust of the scent wafted into your face. It had you stopping your cries, looking up at him. At the same time he glanced down.
You blamed it on your delirious state— but you swore you saw his eyes.
Your mind wandered to the memories of his face through the gap. The way he held onto your hand— the feeling of comfort in this hell. The way you believed he was going to save you. Fuck— he couldn’t even save himself. You hated him, but you missed him more.
All too soon, the flashes of memories faded away into the abyss that was your mind. Coming back to reality, you felt the Soldat lower you onto the steel table. You immediately panicked, thrashing your limbs about.
“No! Please please!” You begged, grabbing his wrist in a tight grip. “Don’t leave me here!”
You weren’t sure why you begged this man for help when he was the one who brought you here. Meanwhile, the Soldat was confused. Your begging was sparking something inside of him. Something foreign yet familiar— it made him uncomfortable.
You watched as the Soldat grabbed your wrist— to the hand that held onto him tightly. He squeezed painfully, prying your hand off him. With a cry you had released him— your wrist throbbing from his hold.
He escaped your hold, turning to the right to exit the room— and that’s when you saw it. The sickly familiar flash of silver— his metal arm.
It’s Bucky… it has to be. Bucky.
Your cries went silent, your body going into shock that Bucky was so close. He was standing in front of you, in the flesh. He had held you— touched you. You were right when you had seen his eyes— you knew it was his eyes. The familiar smell. The familiarity that was his whole aura. He was here… so why was he treating you like a prisoner?
“Bucky?” You tried, desperate for his comfort as you had back in your cell.
He didn’t budge, simply continuing to walk out of the room. Leaving you alone in the torturous space. Your heart broke at him ignoring you— if he had heard you.
You wanted to call out again, but was interrupted by the door slamming shut. It was Bucky— he was here. You just needed to know what happened to him. Why he was acting like he didn’t know you.
You were left in shock, unaware of the scrawny doctors entering the room. You were stuck in a state of confusion— but also knowing just what was going on.
You didn’t want to believe it, he wouldn’t. Hydra wouldn’t. Yeah right.
A prick into your arm had you jumping, whipping your wide eyes to the doctors.
“Sleep now— you’ll wake soon.” The nasal voice whispered to you.
You weren’t sure if the fact that you’d be unconscious during your torture would be worse— not knowing what body part they’d be prodding. A part of you knew this was a true gift— not being able to feel and experience the pain. You’d be violated, yes. But you’d escape the agony— and that’s all you cared about.
The room spun for a little bit, until everything faded into darkness. You could only hope that it was the permanent darkness you’d been praying for— but you were never that lucky.
The sounds of metal clinking together had you jolting in your sleep hazed mind, the fog heavy in your brain. Your limbs felt heavy, like someone had tied weights onto your arms and legs. Your body was sore, even the slightest movement uncomfortable.
The metal clinking had you jumping again, and it was the sound of shoes shuffling against the floor that made you realize that you weren’t alone. Forcing your eyelids to lift, you could only see a blurry silhouette of someone standing over you.
You groaned in pain, as your body shook violently in agony.
What had they done to you?
The thought of not knowing had your skin crawling, the same feeling of wanting to rip your flesh off— coming back full force.
The longer you kept your eyes open, the blurriness started to clear, and soon you were staring into the eyes of him. Bucky.
But was it really him? You had assumed it was a him because of the metal arm— as no one else had one in this facility. Or so you knew of. But you still had that sliver of unknowing with him wearing the mask
His gaze was intense, his eyes full of a certain fury— but it wasn't towards you. His eyebrows were almost stuck in a furrowed manner, like he was always disturbed. He didn't shy away from your stare, if anything he held your gaze in a pleading manner— almost like he wanted you to see something hidden behind the striking blue.
"Bu—" You attempted but broke out into a cough, caused by the dryness in your throat, " Bucky... it's you."
His blues darted down to your mouth, watching the words slip past your lips. His eyes burned with confusion, like the simple spoken words were so confusing.
To you, it wasn't confusing. To him— he couldn't quite understand this nagging feeling that threatened to split his brain apart.
Who was Bucky? He thought.
It was a mixture of fear of the unknown feeling, but with that came an odd wave of comfort. He didn't understand why a prisoner like you would bring him anything of comfort.
You watched the war enrage in his mind, and you could almost hear the internal battle happening. His eyes flashed with pain, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips frantically.
"Bucky, please stop acting like you don't remember me— I'm scared! Please!" You begged, forgetting your condition. You'd be nothing but dead weight with your limp body, as you were unable to sit up by yourself.
His eyes grew practically red with anger, and turned away towards the cell door. His metal arm whirred by his side, his flesh hand twitching in frustration. You felt the fear fill your body as he turned away, his body facing the door— you didn't want him to leave you.
"Don't leave... please." You whispered, your voice breaking at the end.
He slowly turned his body to face you, the desperation in your voice sparking something yet again within him. He hated it but clung to it at the same time. Without controlling himself, he had kneeled in front of you. Without uttering a word— he stared. Taking in every detail etched into your face. Your skin, the lines, the indents— everything that he was sure he'd forget by the next mission.
He found himself memorizing your features, and he wasn't sure why. He was shocked to find your features familiar— the nagging feeling coming full force. Knocking the air from his lungs as he struggled to breathe through the muzzle.
"Thank you." You whispered, your eyelids feeling heavy again and you were afraid to shut them— worried he'd be gone the next time you open them.
He didn't say anything back as he just stared at you with a longing gaze— his breathing heavy and fanning through the muzzle.
You wanted to ask him why he was here with you in your cell, seeing as there was no point. But instead, you found yourself lifting your frail hand— hovering your fingertips above the mask.
He instinctively flinched away, his head jolting back from your reach. You paused your hand in mid air— staring at him with glossy eyes. Watching him cower away from your touch, the way his eyes held fear. The blue in his eyes stormy— haunted.
"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you— don't think I could if I tried." You tried to joke through the tightness in your throat.
His eyes widened slightly at your words, and you quickly clarified.
"But I won't hurt you— I won't even try." You promised to him, holding his eyes with such genuineness it had shocked him.
He sucked in a quiet breath, easing his head back to your hand. You kept your hand still, waiting patiently as he leaned into your fingertips— deepening his push until your entire hand palmed his muzzled face.
As he waited for the pain to come from your touch— he found the pain had never come. He was leaned against you and he felt comforted. Your touch was soft, and even through the muzzle he could feel the warmth coming from your clammy hand.
"See... I'm not hurting you." You whispered weakly, your body curling inwards— throbbing with a wave of pain.
The brunette's eyes widened in panic, darting all over your body— frantically searching your being for the cause of your pain.
You recovered quickly, the pain passing as fast as it had arrived. Now it had left you weak and sluggish— the tensing of your muscles tiring your already frail body. You met his worried eyes again, the sight refreshing— to know he had a soul after all. His empty behavior was worrying you for the longest time— unsure if he was even your Bucky still.
"M'fine... just tired." You mumbled, unsure if he could even understand you— but you were too tired to care.
Your eyes shut only for a few seconds, and thats when you heard the sound of buckles unfastening. The sound had you cracking your eyes back open, a gasp of surprise escaping your lips at the sight of his fully exposed face. He had taken off the muzzle.
It was your Bucky.
Your dry and cracked lips broke into a smile, one that would never reach your eyes. Despite the hollow look he sported, and the way he didn't even look like himself in little glimpses— you were happy to see him. Enjoying the quiet moment— the peace that came with his company. It all came flooding back into this cell as it did in the last one. The gap in the wall that had you two connecting— clinging to each other.
A sharp inhale had you snapping from your daydream, your eyes focusing back on his face. His blues were shining with unshed tears— almost like he was unable to let them fall. He crawled closer to your crumpled form on the bench in the cell— his hands resting near your body, but just enough where his knuckles could brush against you.
His lip quivered in frustration, needing to say so much— but knowing he didn't have enough time.
"It's okay... I've got you." You mirrored from the very first time he had comforted you through the gap.
His breathing slowed and he looked like he had instantly relaxed— letting his guard just slightly. But with that, came the flood of tears that ached to be freed. The emotions he had muted, painfully burning from him. It was too much and not enough at the same time.
He sobbed, leaning his forehead down to your arm. Bowing before you in a way— hiding his face away by smushing into you.
You just sat still, keeping your arms by your side— unsure if your affection would be welcomed. His cries broke your heart— his whimpers making your stomach knot up. You were broken beyond repair, but if you could you'd take away all his pain.
Both of you were stuck— trapped in what felt like an enteral hell. There was no end to the tortuous tunnel and you both knew that.
At least with each other— you wouldn't suffer alone.
A/N: sorry if there is spelling errors, i did a quick proof read once but it was awhile ago🤍
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for bothering, I have a request if you don't mind, but I have a thing to say too. I downloaded tumbler just a week ago, and I've been in love with everything you've written. Literally, you can't even imagine how much. The dynamics between Hotch and Reader are >>>>>>>, not to mention the Jack-Reader bond, which, honestly, is healing my inner child, lol.
If you have time, of course, and if you wouldn't mind doing that (I really don't wanna bother you) could you write something with this plot?
The team has to share a room for a case, and Hotch had to bring Jack because Jessica couldn't be with him. Hotch, since he was with Jack, had decided to take the room alone, but when Reader asked Emily to room-share, Jack insisted on staying with Reader. Then, you know, there's only one bed... And while Hotch is showering, Reader ends up comforting Jack, and they fall asleep together, cutely. When Hotch cames back, he asks Reader for cuddles.
I'm sorry if that's too long or if you don't wanna write it, it's totally okay, really. Sorry for bothering again <3
hii! i just wanna say you mentioning about 'healing your inner child' really touched my heart. like this is the biggest compliment i could ever get? thank you for telling me! i love you and i hope you like this <333
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Are you ready to play uno with me till 3am?” you grinned at Emily, your hand squeezing hers tightly.
Her own grin revealed that her answer would be positive, but she didn’t have the chance to actually reply. A tiny voice rushed to respond on her behalf.
Aaron turned to look at his son with a surprised expression, watching him running to you and grabbing your hand that was holding Emily’s.
“Stay with me instead,” he whined. “Please, Y/N!”
It was endearing how attached Jack was to you. Just a few nights of babysitting to help out your boss were enough for the kid to consider you as one of his best friends. And of course the feelings were mutual.
Still, you weren’t sure how to respond. Jack accompanying his dad to a work trip was already unconventional, but the three of you sharing a room? It felt way too intimate for a boss, his kid, and his subordinate.
“Sweetie,” you said, squatting down so you could be face to face. “You’ll be staying with your dad.”
“There’s room for you too!”
You let out a sigh, unable to say no to the kid’s puppy eyes. Your own eyes searched for Aaron’s, finding him staring at your interaction amused. At least he wasn’t mad.
“Only if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable,” he said.
“Oh no, not at all,” you reassured him. Getting up, you took Jack’s hand and walked close to Hotch. “But are you sure you’re not uncomfortable?” you asked him quietly.
“Jack loves you. We’ll be happy to have you.”
“Okay then.” You gave him a sweet smile, and the two of you laughed at the sound of Jack cheering.
“Come here, little man,” you ordered Jack with one eyebrow raised, even though you both knew it was all very much an act.
“You said we’d play uno!”
“No, I said I’d play uno with Emily, who is a grown up and can stay up till late. You mister, should be sleeping already.
He pouted at your words but you wouldn’t have it. “Come here, and I’ll tell you as many bedtime stories as you want.”
“Promise?” he asked, stretching out his arm and raising his little finger.
You hooked yours with his, “Promise.”
Aaron was still in the shower when you and Jack crawled under the covers. You worried about making room for him, since you would all have to share one bed. The situation was so domestic and intimate; it felt as if you were a real family. A part of you wondered if that was the way things were meant to be.
Jack’s little head on your chest, shook the thoughts away and reminded you that there was a bedtime story waiting to be told. So you pulled him even closer to you, and started playing with his hair.
“Once upon a time there was a little country girl. Her mother had a little red riding hood made for her, so everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood…”
You weren’t sure how many stories it took for you and Jack to fall asleep. You hadn’t even realized you had fallen asleep until you felt some movement on the bed, which was Aaron struggling to get just a little bit of your shared blanket.
“Sorry,” you whispered as soon as you were awake enough to figure out what was happening.
“It’s okay. It’s too small for all three of us.”
“Yeah…” you said, feeling almost guilty.
“We should probably move closer so it can cover us better,” he suggested and you couldn’t help but grin.
“Just say you’re jealous and want cuddles too,” you teased him.
“Fine, busted,” he said, obviously not caring that you had found out his true motives. “Now both of you come here.”
He stretched out his arm and you and Jack were snuggled up in his embrace in no time.
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