#this time its a structured tote
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katyobsesses · 2 years ago
I just got my first commission for a crochet piece 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 sure it's my Aunt, and I've offered a family discount but it's EXCITING none the less. I hope she agrees with the price because I am excited to get started!
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icycoldninja · 9 months ago
Hello! I have an idea for a (fluff / angsty?) request with Vergil - might be a little long sorry abt that
Basically after dmc5 he returns from hell with Dante and he has some loose ends to tie, one of them being mending his relationship with his s/o (aka neros mother). I was thinking maybe she worked for Dante as a devil hunter and V gives subtle hints of his true self but she didn't catch on until the big reveal. I dunno if that'll be good enough so feel feel free to add on whatever!
Thanks for reading all this if you do and have a nice day :)
Nah, nah, it's fine. Have a MOTIVATED day yourself!
Lots of catching up to do (Vergil x Fem!Reader angst/fluff)
You knew something was odd about this "V" fellow the moment he set foot through Devil May Cry's door. You'd been visiting your employer and friend Dante at the time, and happened to be present when the mysterious man showed up, cane and book in hand. You recognized that book; it was an old copy of William Blake's poetry that Vergil used to tote around, occasionally reading excerpts from it during his downtime.
Ah, Vergil. It'd been a while since you heard that name, or even seen the man, for that matter. The last time you had an interaction with him was years ago on a moonlit eve as you said goodbye to him for what you thought was the last time, right before he departed in his quest for power, and just a month before you discovered you were pregnant with your son Nero.
You were lost in thought for a while, barely even noticing the fact that V was staring you straight in the eyes, a smug smirk on his face, as if he knew something you didn't. You wanted to question him, but knew it'd be better to keep your mouth shut. You, Dante, and the rest of Devil May Cry's staff had a mission to complete.
Imagine your surprise when V insisted on you accompanying him and Nero into the Qliphoth, only giving you a vague, meaningless reason you didn't care to remember. It seemed he just wanted you nearby, even though your skills would be better put to use on the front lines, with Dante, Trish, and Lady.
After the first assault failed and mostly everyone crawled back home, defeated, you found yourself being followed by a tall, skinny, emo-looking man whose name was one letter long. Why he was still following you around despite the separation of the devil hunting team made no sense, but since he was somewhat friendly and didn't seem to have ill intentions, you let him stick around.
Some time passed while you tended to your son, whose arm had been ripped off not too long ago, and over time, you two had to charge back into the fray to save the city from more demon attacks. V disappeared for a while, but you didn't mind, since your focus was on helping and protecting your son. Nero always came first in your mind, because he was the only piece of Vergil you had left.
V eventually returned, in terrible condition, bringing with him Dante, who had been found half buried and covered in blood in a hole near his shambling house. Though none of you but V knew it, the moment all four of you stood together was one of the rare moments when the whole Sparda family was all in one place.
Then V scampered off, trying to find Urizen before the others did, and while an inner instant compelled you to follow him, you decided to go with your son, because again, Nero always came first. You ended up running into V once again, except now he had all the structural integrity of a soggy marshmallow, and needed to be carried between the two of you to his final destination, where Dante was duking it out with Urizen.
After the beast had fallen, V broke free of yours and Nero's hold and scrambled on top of it, which was when he jammed his cane right through its chest and exploded, bringing forth an individual you never thought you'd see again: The father of your son and the love of your life, Vergil.
The hope and joy you felt as you watched him materialize was nothing short of incredible; now you saw why V was the way he was, why it was so soothing to be around him, and why he chose to stay with you. V was Vergil. In a way, he'd been with you all along.
You thought that this would be the end of everything, that now, after so many years, you all could go home and be a happy family. You couldn't have been more wrong, for not one minute after finally returning, Vergil went off to the top of the Qliphoth to fight with Dante, Nero following after them, with you being the last to catch up. You arrived just in time to watch them dive off the demonic tree into the underworld, and felt all the happiness drain out of you in an instant.
There he goes, again, this time taking Dante with him. Oh well, you decided. You'll have to devote all your attention to your darling son, who surely needs more comfort than he's letting on.
Several months passed with you and Nero dedicating all your attention to exterminating demons that lingered in the land, feeling sad over the departure of the Sparda twins, but unlike most, you two vented your stress and worry out on demons, by killing them. You two were doing somewhat fine; Nero was still struggling to cope with the fact that Vergil was his father and you never told him, and you were still heartbroken. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, Vergil knocked on the front door right as you were getting ready for bed.
"Vergil?" You gasped as you opened the door.
"Yes," Vergil replied, expression as grim and stoic as ever. "I...I'm home, Y/N."
"You came back from Hell...but how? And where's Dante?" You asked, not entirely sure if this was reality or you were dreaming again.
"He is at his shop," Vergi, replied, sternly. "Do not concern yourself with him. Where is our son?"
"He's upstairs, why?" You said slowly, wondering if he had ill intentions at heart.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," Vergil answered, a warm smile flitting across his face for just a second. "All three of us."
"That we do," You agreed, chuckling as you took the half devil by the arm and dragged him into your house. "Nero! Come down and meet your dad!"
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ruckooos · 4 days ago
(I couldn't figure out how to at you, so apologies for that, but here u go rynxi! U didn't specify what kind of fiction u wanted so I just made hc + fic, hopefully it's fine. And I also made her like around 12 cuz I thought it would make it cuter). Sorry if it wasn't what u wanted!! If you want, I can totes make a part 2
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(F!reader watches her dad train in secret, and tries to do the same when he leaves)
Y/N looked up to her father, like he was as powerful as a deity. His devotion to his family, his clan, and his formidable gentility. She wanted to be like him; just like him!
She wanted to make him proud, it was her dream to prove that she could be just as strong as how she saw him
Kenshi would train in the family home's gym, the garden, where a metal structure stood tall on the ground. The family home sat in the center of gorgeous valleys and mountains, granting a golden hour glow to his practicing dojo. The pine trees rustled with a gentle breeze, enough to cool a sweat, but not cold enough to shiver. It was a perfect place.
Y/N knew his schedule: 5:30 PM sharp, sparring with the stationary mannequins that spun with each blow for an hour and a half, then returning back to the house for dinner.
5:25, she ran to her window, which faced the gardens, and patiently awaited her hero to arrive outside. 5 minutes pass, and like clockwork, Kenshi strides out of the door and in front of the metal training dummies, with Sento in hand.
Y/N was excited. She saw the same exercises and moves every single day, but to her, it meant she got to see her father's skill again and again. She was too embarrassed to ask him if she could watch him next to him, for she knew he'd say no.
"It's too dangerous, darling. I promise I will show you sometime." He'd say. But he was a busy man, leading his people; she knew he wouldn't fulfill the offer.
She excitedly saw him slice and lay blows on the metal. With aplomb, he'd grant strike after dash after kick after stab. It was like art; flowing through violence and brutality as his form was impeccable. He struck hard at the structure, the spokes would spin equally as quick and hard; he blocked and landed a swift cut with Sento.
It was part of his routine, as well, to exponentially deal with more of the dummies at a time -and as the hour passed, he was easily dealing with three at the same time!
Y/N clapped silently, seeing her superhero below fight. He made her feel safe, how could he not when she saw how easily he could damage three structures of metal?!
She fantasized in her head: One day, a bad guy will attack her or an innocent person. She'd grab his arm and give him blows and strikes, just like the ones her Papa dealt. Y/N would then slash the bad guy with a sword and save the day!!
She also constantly thought of having her own sword; preferably one like Sento, so that she could be just like him even more. The sleek, svelte, and transgenerational blade with a scarlet, leather handle... just imagine how it'd feel to win with that thing!
She grinned at the thought. "I wanna be a hero too, just like you..." She whispers, looking at her superhero outside.
Speaking of, he was landing swift hits one after the other on all three; his attacks were going so quickly she couldn't even make sense of his limbs anymore.
Suddenly, he released a whole airborne kick, jumping into the air and digging his heel into the metal. She gasped. The metal dented at the contact, and snapped completely off of its post!
Y/N's jaw dropped. Just... how??? Pure metal?? He kicked it???? She just... couldn't even fathom it. She was giddy in the inside, swelling with pride, she almost couldn't contain herself!
But she had to stay quiet.
She returned to the window and saw her father shake his head in annoyance, setting aside the iron structure and returning into the house.
"Hmmmm..." a plan was abrewing.
Dinner was amazing, but not because of the food. She sat right across from her superhero, watching him eat with a grin on her face. It was strange how much of a celebrity she saw him as, even though she's known him for every day of her life.
Kenshi noticed the eyes. "Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yes, papa, I'm fine!" She smiled back, returning to her food. Y/N made sure to eat her pork cutlets, every single part of it, including the fat and the greens (she hated those). She had to be quick, and be on her best behavior; she had a plan, finally.
"Well aren't you in a good mood?" Her mother poked, jocosely, "You're eating your cabbage, you normally don't do that!"
"Change of heart.." Y/N shrugged, giggling in the inside.
"Why all of a sudden?" Her father laid a finger on Sento, seeing his little girl smiling. He smiled as well.
"Welllll...." Y/N giggled, although slightly panicking on the inside. Should she tell? Should she hint? Should she lie? Hmmmm....
Kenshi raised his eyebrows, expecting an answer. But he wouldn't receive it.
"I'm just really starting to appreciate plants..." Y/N lies, shrugging. Kenshi rolled his eyes (if he had any), holding Sento again and looking at Y/N. But no. She looked normal. She wasn't hiding anything (physically, he means), and she wasn't the type to ask for toys or games. What was she hiding? He shook off the question, just gladly accepting she was eating healthily, and went upstairs. He was exhausted. Y/N smiled widely; her plan was close to unraveling.
After helping her mother in the kitchen, and parting ways to the land of slumber, Y/N waited about 10 minutes in her bed, keeping her mind awake with her goal, fighting off sleep. Get the metal! The plan was simple: Drag the training dummy up to her room, hide it during the day in her closet, then pull it out and practice whenever her father would also practice outside. This was her shy way of training alongside him. Was it foolproof? ....no. but it's the thought that counts.
After the 10 minutes were up, she quietly slipped out of her sheets, tiptoeing into the dark halls. Her bare feet padding against the cold wooden floorboards as she lightly made her way down the stairs, avoiding the spots that made the most creaks. Finally, after what felt like a month long stealth mission, she made it to the first floor. Y/N he made her way to the back door, past the kitchen and into the cold backyard. The moon lit up the land with a dark blue glow, iluminating it just enough for her to see without light. The trees rustled gently, but each wave semt hurdles of cold air hurling at Y/N's face. She felt her shoulders shudder, her fingers hurting, and her face started to burn; It was freezing outside! But Y/N instead took it like a challenge.
She'd heard stories from her father, how he helped save Earthrealm, fighting monsters and bad guys with Sento. He'd taught Y/N the importance of discipline, and she saw her fighting through the cold as a testament to that.
Y/N searched for the metal scrap but to no avail. Father must have thrown it out already! Fuck! Oh- she's not old enough to say that yet... She sighed. Her head hung low in disappointment, and she turned around to return to her room. Until...
How stupid of her! She didn't need the scrap! She was right there in the training grounds!
With rekindled hope, she ran back to the fighting dummies, standing straight up the ground. She tested them, by spinning them around and landing a few light punches. They worked well... well there was no excuse now.
With weeks of watching her father's form from the sidelines, she tried a common combination he'd always do. He dashed it right; then dealt a blow straight to the left; ending with a jump and a kick in the center. The first two were simple enough, although her poor hands were too untrained and brittle from the cold to be as firm as his, but the third was the challenge.
She either fell back on the ground before she could kick, or pushed herself away from the dummy, sending her tumbling back. Y/N groaned in frustration. What was she missing?? She tried again. Then again. Then 10 times. Then 20.
She felt herself getting sloppier, more desperate instead of focused. Y/N was on the brink of giving up.
"What are you doing so late, YN?" The soft, paternal voice chimed calmly from behind. Y/N's head snapped back like a band, and there her father stood. Sento was strapped to his back, and he was wearing his night clothes, with a thin jacket put loosely over his shoulders. "Well? You're going to give yourself a cold. You have to be up early tomorrow!" He sighed.
His tone was firm, and with an expression hidden by distance and a red cloth, Y/N stammered. He must've been angry at her.
"I was..." She felt the hard lump in her throat and heat in her nose, tears forming in her eyes from intimidation and embrassment. Kenshi walked slowly to her, hands behind his back. He placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. He raised an eyebrow.
Y/N sighed. "I want to start training... like you do! Night seems to be the only time I can do it uninterrupted..." She looks down at the ground, her tail far between her legs; she waited for him to tell her off and send her to her room. And she would wait for nothing.
Kenshi seemed to chuckle warmly, very softly, just above an exhale. Y/N looked up at him, seeing the corner of his lips curl into a warm, fatherly smile. One of pride.
"I see... I assume this is because I never make the time to do it myself?"
Y/N nods, sheepishly.
His smile only grew wider. He patted her on the shoulder, and from his back pulled out a thin jacket. "I saw you from the window the moment you stepped out... I just wanted to see how you'd go about the challenge. I only stepped out now because you seemed like you were going to relent, and I don't want you to do so. Now, put it on." Y/N was shocked, but obeyed. Her mind was running tracks with thoughts -was this the day (or night) that her father would train her??
"You seem to only jump upwards, love; there is no power in that." He turns her back around to the dummy. "When you jump upwards, your strength only goes upwards, leaving nothing to power you forwards. Try it again."
Y/n stammered in surprise, but did as she asked. It felt so strange; her dream of training alongside him was becoming true? It made her happier than she could even fathom! She did as she was told, jumping towards the dummy with her leg outstretched.
"Stop." Her father said, gently grabbing her leg to stop her from continuing. "You don't stretch it immediately. The energy of your stretch will prove for naught. Instead, you unfurl it mid air. Like this." He demonstrated, moving her gently to the side. Her father did his classic two-side strike, ending it with a forward jumping, unraveling kick. Y/n was left in awe. When seeing it in person, it felt more powerful than a view from above.
"I see..." She said, noticing how he would only unsheath his leg the closer he got. She tried it once more.
She struck the dummy left and right, but her father had criticisms for it as well.
"Do not lean your body forward. It all relies on the hip, dear." Y/N did it again, following his instructions as attentively as she could. But he still had critiques. "Do not try to hit it directly in the front, my Y/N. Strike it to the side."
She'd try it again, hitting from the hip and towards the side. But her father kept pointing out more and more foibles. "Your feet are not anchored correctly." "You're relenting." "Strike from the side!" "Don't lean forward, stay straight"
Y/n felt herself getting more and more discouraged. Like no matter what she did, she could never get anything right. Attempt after attempt, she wasn't able to eve succeed once. But Kenshi never seemed to show any signs of irritation at her repeated failures. He held the same look of hope no matter the outcome of
"You're starting to relent. I can see it." Her father said to her. "No matter how many times you fall, you must get up and do it again. That is the only thing you must master to become a true fighter. Not the skill, the strength or the power; just the perseverance. Try it again, my dear."
Y/N didn't know if she believed him. She heard him, but all she could feel was disappointment in herself. But her father's words gave her the hope to try again.
She took a deep breath, collected herself, and moved. She anchored her feet, straightened her back, and used the twist of her hip to strike the dummy at the side. It spun wildly, its spokes spin like a bike. Y/n was stunned for a split second, but she didn't stop. She jumped forward, keeping her leg kept in a fold until the last moment, then unsheathing it right into the center of the dummy. A loud clang echoed into the night, as y/n stumbled to the ground.
"Excellent! Absolutely excellent, my Y/N!" Kenshi congratulated, beaming with pride, more emotion on his face than y/n has ever seen. He gently grabbed her and brought her up to the feet, holding her close into a deep, deep hug. He wrapped his arms around her tight and lifted her up to the air. In the midst of the hug, she looked over his shoulder to see the dummy. In the center of the kick, lay a huge dent.
Afterwards, she went back to bed, not after whole speeches of pride from her father. He promised her that he'd make time to train with her more, but only after heaps of apologies for making her feel that she had to train in secret.
But y/n was just proud she was able to prove herself, not only to herself but to her father. Maybe she had what it took to be a fiersome fighter like her hero was.
She'd never forget this day.
Authors notes:
Whooooooo!! So sorry this took so long, my ruffle, there were a lot of technical errors that made this hard to do, but im glad I got this done cuz I think it looks amazing!!!! ^_^ have fun yallz
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months ago
The Guardian
Chapter 11: Alone (Part 2)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: ANGST (like, hella angst), non-canon character deaths, descriptions of violence, animal injury/death (I’M SORRY), Reader experiencing Trauma TM, Obi doing his best.
Summary: While leading a clone battalion through a routine supply delivery, you suffer a surprise ambush. However, with Obi-Wan away leading the rendezvous as he simultaneously investigates new elements surrounding your being, you are left alone to make the hard-hitting decisions expected of leaders during The Clone Wars. But when the present meshes with the past, how will you perform as deeply buried struggles are forced to the surface?
Song Inspo: Alone — Neil Finn
Words: 9.1K
A/n: Oh boy, this one is gonna be heavy y'all. And that's all I'll say. Enjoy 😈
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
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You lose them a thousand times in a thousand ways. You say a thousand goodbyes. You hold a thousand funerals — Sara Seager
“80% of the containers have been secured in the port bay with the rest being carried in as we speak,” Boil relayed, pointed finger strictly scrolling through his datapad that hummed a striking cobalt glow amidst Lanos’s softer, earthy tones.
He stood at the ready to your left with his helm resting under an arm, taking in each and every two-to-three digit number emanating from the device while you surveyed the array of pale blue repulsersleds bustling atop the port’s grayed, metal landing platform. Ferrying tightly strapped cargo into the bay alongside their clone guardians like a flawless, tapered conveyor belt adhering to a strict timetable.
Most notable, however, was the way this living machine collectively dwarfed the sporadic bands of clone lieutenants who, toting their own Republic-issued datapads, coordinated delivery logistics with counterpart supply port stationaries. Though the brighter energies that rippled through the Force certainly haggled for a higher podium, as the latter of those two, similarity garbed groups seemed all the more enlivened by the marginal increase in activity on such an otherwise docile planet.
“The station Sergeant is currently off-base engaging another matter—,” Boil mentioned off-handedly. “—but sends his regards.”
“Thanks, Boil,” you hummed, silver orbs drifting beyond the organized fuss that circled like bees calculating predetermined patterns long ago inscribed in their very DNA.
Those same eyes flitted by the steel, square-cut terrace’s narrowed path which assumed the shape of a bottleneck in its stretch through the far, inner bay. Then, past the raised, blocky, metallic structure trading in checkered viewports for highly reinforced paneling. One that every day offered the station’s clones a welcome retreat from the planet’s emphatically beating, yellow sun. Just as it shielded them from any other element posing as a threat to the Republic’s mission.
To its perseverance through this war.
“I suppose the next step is to finish the delivery before regrouping to return to The Negotiator,” you evenly deduced. “Right?”
The sharp-eyed clone offered a slight nod. “Affirmative.”
But even foreign structures that cried Coruscanti architecture and hammered down brutalist design amidst Lanos’s creamy breezes and florid expanse did little to hold your attention. Those motionless, gray confines battling against any root or creeping vine that dared to snake under its foundation or slither across its walls failed to yank at your outer lip’s muscles.
At least, not with a vigor comparable to the involuntary jolt you felt strike those same nerves just from the swiping flash of a certain bunch of saffron fur scampering by the tree line.
Though, in spite of the curious, fox-like creature’s daring attempts to acquire the title ‘Honorary Republic Recruit’ from afar, the attentive animal still maintained a devoted caution as they steered a wide berth around the manmade metals which, like a disease, thinned the once lusciously stretching trees bordering its walls.
Instead, the well-groomed critter found temporary solace in nuzzling their tail with cheerfully squinted eyes amidst the deeper, healthier greens and sturdier trunks carrying thicker bark. A microcosm of the wider forest’s hilly character, which rolled around the entrenched, and fairly hidden, compound before flinging back out again for miles, like massive waves frozen in time millennia ago to house a countless abundance of life.
“If you’re worried about that animal interfering with platform operations, I can send a few boys to scare it off.”
“No, no,” you quickly assured with a flicking wave of your hand, dismissing the no-nonsense clone while silver eyes strung to distant, peering yellows.
“That’s alright. They aren’t hurting anyone. Just curious.”
“Understood,” he asserted quickly before stretching back into his planned briefing with a muscle memory akin to the dash of his head toward the glowing datapad.
“Because the storm has cleared it should be an easy takeoff. The shuttles will be able to meet us at port.”
“Sounds like our legs will finally get a break,” you teased lightly, sending the horseshoe-bearded man a knowing glance.
A deep, throaty chuckle fell from his lips as you lifted a few fingers to flit away another droplet of sweat rushing down your forehead from the increasingly belting heat and weakening gusts whose dying breaths failed to chill the air.
“I certainly hope—“
A sharp, singeing thread tugged at your prickling senses from within the Force, snapping your neck toward the source of the sensation before the flaring, scarlet bolt rapidly consuming your vision launched your nimble body, arms fanned out, to roughly shove Boil out of the way. Sending you both tumbling toward the unforgiving ground as the steaming blaze just barely hurled above each of your heads.
“Ambush!” You screamed after sorely rolling off the rather surprised clone and onto a less bruised back, primary hand clawing for your belt.
Your madly thrashing heart reigned into a steady chill with the initial pulse of adrenaline beginning to wean. And by pure chance alone, it was in that very brief second, as blood rushed past ear drums, that you began to feel an unexpectedly sudden heat center on your left wrist.
Thrusting that very arm up and into your vision, you spotted the sporadic, bubbling crackles and scarlet sparks of a damaged wrist comm whose drooping, dark metal structure threatened to melt into your already itching arm.
Quickly, you scrambled to your feet, right hand tightly wrapped around your unclasped saber as you levied it to thwack off the sizzling comm, permitting the decaying device to clatter across the dense platform as it sibilated into spare parts.
Having freed yourself of that discomfort, you swiftly ignited the saber’s buzzing, gray glow before angling toward the damage-inflicting direction. Yet even still amidst such a swift spin, you couldn’t help but absorb just how the landscape’s bright aura, which once overshadowed the rear port’s barren metallurgic twilight, now hung moodier as peaceful woods suddenly turned not so serene.
Emerging from the left side of a large hill positioned before the facility appeared an ever-growing array of creaking and whining metallic beasts.
With the prickling hairs atop the nape of your neck, you felt as the rear clones rushed to their assigned stations while a line of at least ten… twenty….. thirty and counting mustard yellow, beaked droids carrying stringy arms and legs jounced through the ground’s apex with grimy, heavy-duty blasters secured in hand.
Interspersed within their ranks and towering at least triple their size inched forward a darker, all-encompassing model whose pointed soles shredded verdant grass into marred, brittle soil. Colicoid-like droids that commanded three jointed legs, two weaponized arms, and a spine contorting into some sort of red-fanged face that curved inwards, all behind a spherical shield which quivered a transparent blue.
That’s what must’ve nearly hit Boil, you surmised, when another one of those cold, rigid arms blasted off a similarly behaved bolt toward a far cargo container. Shattering it into scattering, hot white-and-red shards, and sending a few nearby clones flying by some feet as a cacophony of shocked yells stalked their paths.
And, unfortunately, it appeared that second blast was enough to effectively signal the rest of the progressively expanding battalion to finally commence their full-fledged attack.
Streaks of thick, fiery crimson, slender orange, and harsh blue beams coated the sky like violent patchwork, darkening the planet’s once stilled and luscious atmosphere into one of rising, smoky death. Filling your nostrils with the noxious scent of burning plasma and battering your eardrums with strained voices that desperately shouted all around you.
“Men, with me!”
“I need help over here!”
“Move back! Move back!”
“You two, blast ‘em Rollies!”
Their echoes careened over the sharp buzz of your saber as it swung through the air to collide with showering beams. And while, foregoing your long lost wrist comm, you remained relatively unscathed, you still struggled to afford the men fighting alongside you that same luxury.
Far to your left, a quintet of clones gradually retreated through a clean, V-formation as blue spires erupted from their phasers. Only for the incoming brigade’s ceaseless fire to clip the far right soldier’s arm, tearing at his upper plate which oozed a deep crimson athwart its snowy glaze.
Another profuse liberation of deadly rain, and an additional victim emerged as a flaming, hot bolt dug its way through the stepping foot of one of the middlemen, eliciting a pained groan while smoke sprang from the blackening wound.
You tried to help them. Mostly by tapping into their interlinkage with the all-encompassing Force as you’d discovered to do in recent weeks. Relying on this riddled tactic to empower your connection against insurmountable odds as you shoved pre-fired blaster heads into non-lethal directions and tugged out the legs from underneath yellowed battle droids while their brethren marched on unfazed and unfettered.
It wasn’t a chief, battle-altering tactic, but it was sure to meet at least one goal you had in mind: doing everything in your power to give the clones around you those precious, few extra seconds needed to seek cover from this overwhelmingly multiplying attack force.
But you only had so much to give.
No matter what, you couldn’t take your eyes off the eternal task of reflecting away each bolt that careened toward your person. And that was all while making every attempt to reduce the droid’s numbers with a deliberate swipe of your saber or a dexterous application of the Force. But it was when you considered the added responsibility of aiding any nearby clone struggling to defend against perpetually growing enemy numbers that the muddling task became quite daunting.
Suddenly, the corner of your vision caught a familiar, garish tone, drawing your gaze back behind the gradually receding quintet and toward a clone marked by an unavoidable, olive-green circle. A symbol that would’ve blended with the planet’s wider greenery had the billowing plasmic smoke been given enough time to clear.
However, unlike the rest of the platoon, this particular soldier chose instead to steadily march forward, soon passing the withdrawing V-formation like passing ships in the wildest of starless space sectors as he covered their retreat with an azure floodlight of bolts flying from his blaster.
“Get back, Getter!” You commanded, saber swinging elegantly in a controlled retreat as you sent an occasional hard glance toward the disobedient clone.
“I’m Forward Line!” He shouted through the muffled feedback of his sound-amplified helmet, failing to spare any glance away from the threat that marched head-on.
His feet crept forward, indefinite tone communicating his plans while the increasing barrage of bolts threatened your versatility.
“I’ll cove—“
A dense, blistering flare of plasma swiped straight through the eye of Getter’s helmet, leaving a charred, flaky perforation in its place that stifled his body like an off-switch.
He didn’t even tense.
Instead, the moment gravity recalled its birthright, he collapsed like a rag doll. Simply becoming a jumbled pile of arms and legs.
Your jaw slackened as a pinprick chill consumed your body.
“Silvey! Orders!?” Boil cried from close behind as his blaster ricocheted into the panoramic mob.
Row upon row unfurled across the hill’s peak, spilling into the valley’s depths like loose marbles from an endlessly deep bucket.
Though the frigidity that repeatedly ripped down your spine seemed to momentarily disconnect you from its horror as your mind focused on the present threat.
Those larger, curved ‘Rollies’ could transform into whirling spheres, empowering them to rocket down the hillside. Treating anything you were unable to Force shove away in time, be it scattered equipment or Front Line clones, like loose pins for the taking.
And it seemed, as your brain dizzied at the lives being ripped out of good men’s hands, that such a manipulation considered effortlessly simple by any Jedi was becoming too much of a task.
“Get a comm to Kenobi that we need reinforcements yesterday!—“ You yelled somewhat hazily as your mind desperately centered a connective blanket around one of the barreling Rollies so to redirect it into another speeding down beside it, coercing their shields to interact and combust into blue sparks and stinging flames.
You heaved in another gasp of chemically tinted, plasmic smoke.
“—And to bring any ideas on how to cut off this slope! Else we’re sitting ducks!”
“Copy!” He called before you sensed him spin on his heel toward the rear command center.
Until your next words stopped him in his tracks.
Because Getter’s sacrifice wouldn’t be in vain.
And you needed to do something.
“I’m getting in the trenches to try to cut these rolling things off!”
You creaked your neck sideways as another hot blast whizzed past your tingling ear.
“You’ll need support!” He advised with a hand cupping his mouth. “I’ll redirect a few boys your way!”
Another bolt diverted toward an unsuspecting set of droids smashed a few of the batch’s heads together.
“No!” You slammed, fending off another wall of vivid fire.
No more men die today.
They can’t.
Not during your first command.
Not ever.
Not after—
“You focus on getting that message to the General,” you continued with gritted teeth, saber spinning into a swelling, pallid fireball. “If I need help, I’ll ask. Now go!”
His boots squeaked against the once sun-dried platform, now spattered with occasional streaks of thick, deep-crimsoned goop. Smattering the sound of his voice as the subtle scent of copper trailed in the air like itinerant pollen that clogged your sinuses and sullied your tastebuds.
“Comm to me in the bay!”
Oh, Anakin.
That was the repetitive acknowledgment encircling Obi-Wan’s thoughts as he silently observed Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Chancellor Palpatine’s shivering, blue holocomms occasionally snap out of shape, all while he stood casually in one of the ship’s empty, gray conference rooms to ensure a private meeting.
Calling from such distances was sure to elicit additional signal disturbances, and, sometimes, would even cause temporary blackouts. But fortunately, or unfortunately, for the General, none of those occurrences prevented Kenobi from discovering his former Padawan’s unsanctioned change of plans through a similar comm exchange a few hours ago.
Of course, it was his responsibility to ensure the arrival of the escort in Anakin’s charge. Maybe that’s because, whether tied to the mission or not, Obi-Wan always seemed to be the first to learn about Skywalker’s impulsive decisions. This time being his insubordinate choice to rope his own Padawan into a patched-together rescue mission following ambivalent reports regarding Master Plo Koon’s fleet.
He certainly always found a way, didn’t he?
Yes, technically, because it was just Anakin and Ahsoka redeploying, then the convoys would be unrestricted in meeting the arranged rendezvous with the rest of the fleet.
But still, Skywalker was a General now. Could that chestnut-haired man not go off on his own without at least informing another Jedi tasked with this mission first?
Anakin could have told him.
And, honestly, while Kenobi knew he would’ve put up a bit of a fight at the suggestion of such a change of plans, the Jedi Master still fully comprehended that, in the end, he had the trust to watch his former Padawan go.
Because, deep down, Obi-Wan knew that, despite the potential strategic sacrifice, it was the right thing to do.
Not that he had much choice to do anything else since Skywalker had already arrived at the attack site.
And now, consequentially, in his station as both military General and Jedi Council member, Kenobi was the one required to deliver this pesky news to the necessary officials in his place.
“Twice the trouble, they have become,” Master Yoda sighed, rounded eyes dribbling toward the ground in contemplation. “A reckless decision, Skywalker has made.”
The weary Chancellor’s snow-white furrow deepened. “Let us hope it is not a costly one.”
Palpatine exhaled gradually, dipping gaze giving room for the three Jedi hovering subserviently in his presence a moment to absorb the flickers of combat fatigue that affected the deciding politician. Though, despite the momentary pause, the Chancellor was quick to recover, flicking his far-out stare toward the trio with a manufactured smile that struggled to assure that he was, in fact, quite alright.
“I do apologize, gentleman, but I have another meeting with the Senator from Kestos Minor shortly, so I must leave you.”
“Of course, Chancellor,” Kenobi acknowledged for the Jedi in attendance.
And with that, the former Senator’s unstable image evaporated into azure sparks before fading into the room’s wider darkness.
“An eye on your former Padawan, you must keep,” Master Yoda noted, motioning a hand clasped around his irregularly curved gimer stick toward Kenobi. “An update, I request, next we meet.”
“Yes, Master Yoda,” Obi-Wan assured. “I will keep track of him.”
But not before addressing the puckering questions that prodded his brain tissue all afternoon.
At least, ever since speaking with you.
“Do you have a moment, Master Windu?” Kenobi questioned, just as the Grand Master’s digital picture similarly flickered into cerulean specks of nothingness.
The older Master glanced at Obi-Wan out of his peripheral, torso still respectively angled toward the empty cavity where Yoda’s silhouette once stood before smoothly pivoting with a subtly tilted neck toward the inquisitive Jedi.
“I do,” he punctuated with taught features. “And what is this regarding?”
“Silvey,” Obi-Wan plainly replied, allowing his voice alone to carry him through the next few seconds so to disallow himself from failing to speak of these matters at all.
“I was made aware earlier today that they were not fully informed of their condition following the incident. As their Master, and the one tasked with notifying them in place of the Healer, I was hoping to inquire as to why?”
A blank stare of unreadable stillness crossed the thousand light years in a fashion only Mace Windu, complexion of secrets and answers, could achieve.
“As their advisor, I provided only necessary information,” he clarified simply with the gesturing support of his hand. “It was unnecessary to subject Silvey to the past when they successfully recovered.”
Obi-Wan’s lips twitched into an imperceptibly partial frown.
Perhaps Master Windu… knew more than he was letting on?
He talked of deeming certain details imperative to share, which could suggest that there were facts being kept secret, even from you, for reasons beyond the bearded Jedi’s current knowledge.
At least, that’s what Obi-Wan convinced himself.
It would be the only explanation for such a decision, he thought. For seemingly sending you on a mission without any concern for the unknown factors at play, and for this indefinite justification of why.
That would be the only thing that made any lick of sense.
And that also could’ve meant, maybe, just maybe, Kenobi wasn’t the only one beginning to sense remnants of your mind within the Force.
Perhaps Mace Windu already discovered this development. Or perhaps, it was even possible the elder Master had something to do with it.
That, as your ‘advisor,’ he was already a few steps ahead. And that, in your meditation sessions, he found something. Triggered something.
Knew something.
Either way, the General desired to understand.
“And how are we to know that?” Kenobi tested carefully, eyeing the strict Jedi’s cheekbones for any small, reflexive hint. “You yourself admitted to an inability to perceive their mind, the cause of these headaches, or the incident’s nature. By those facts alone, how can it be possible to assume that this is truly in the past?”
Pressing his lips into a thin line with arms confidently folded into themselves, Master Windu intrepidly spoke as broadened shoulders secured his stance.
“The Republic is in need of more Jedi on the field. You of all people are aware of that fact, Master Kenobi,” he stated. “I made the most reasonable decision given our circumstances. Such details are not of our immediate concern. We cannot afford it.”
Obi-Wan couldn’t help the taught string of confusion and wiry cords of astonishment that knit across his forehead, muscling down the rest of his features like a sudden tug on the loose end of an interwoven thread.
Mace knew nothing.
And, with that in mind, Kenobi never expected such indifference to be applied to a situation deemed incomprehensible by even the Grand Master himself a few days earlier. Toward a state of affairs clouded by the ever-living Force in a plum of enigmatic readings, which, to the Council, was always a less than desirable sign.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
Said the Code.
So then to brush this all off? And dismiss its repercussions to his own mentee, no less.
Obi-Wan raised a hand, curling a few knuckles to provide his chin a thoughtful rest. All in an attempt to imbue the Force with interim civility as his mind rapidly flipped through Mace’s words.
And it didn’t take long for him to realize that all this… Every decision made concerning you…
It was this war.
It was changing Windu like it was changing all of them. All the Jedi. Causing them to lose sight of what was once important in the days before the Battle of Geonosis.
But this wasn’t right.
Something was clearly influencing you. And, despite the Republic’s shifting priorities, Mace needed to be reminded that this situation, no matter how diverting, was just as important to the Council’s overarching mission as its efforts in this war.
To the Jedi’s purpose.
To peace.
These headaches and their culminated crisis may have evolved into a creature of the past. But it was their state of unpredictability, and the Galaxy-altering implications of a Guardian thrown from commission, which convinced Kenobi that the Council mustn’t lose sight of such solemnity. Especially not during a decade in which the Grand Master sensed the Force to have grown, in some pockets, indecipherable.
And no matter what, you deserved to know the full nature of these incidents.
Obi-Wan’s jaw released, poking away the useless support of bent fingers as his arm fell to the side at a rate equal to the blooming resolution which consumed the bearded man’s blue-eyed countenance. A visual marker, or signature stamp, of the Master Jedi’s acceptance that no war would stymie him from making these very thoughts known to the glitching holocomm across from him.
So much so, that he nearly missed the echoing chime of the conference room’s automatic door as its mechanics whirred open.
Kenobi’s neck snapped toward the urgent inflection shimmering from Commander Cody’s tensed lips, just as brightly as the orange embellishments accenting his trooper armor reflected the white lights streaming overhead.
He was leaned into a forward stance, a puff of air proving him not a still-life statue as he caught his balance. All in an effort to suddenly halt a spirited sprint into the conference room that eventually, from the exertion alone, impelled him to expel the rest.
“There’s been a surprise attack on the supply port and the platoon left behind on Lanos.”
A dryness consumed Kenobi’s tongue as another simply armored clone dashed through the same whirring, mechanical door. Sprightly stepping up to whisper a few quick words to his Commander just before the aperture behind him buzzed shut once more.
“Reports of heavy casualties,” Cody parroted with an ear leaned toward the newly arrived lieutenant. “And they are requesting immediate reinforcements.”
“I will leave you to address this more immediate concern, Master Kenobi,” Windu relayed from the twitching holocomm image strikingly emanating from behind; his expression stilled except for the subtle twinge of disappointment drooping the outer corners of his eyes.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan affirmed, clearing his voice as moisture coated a tickling throat.
At least enough for him to sign off with one final message aimed toward his fellow Council member.
“I will see you at the rendezvous.”
A burning ache entangled each limb’s muscles like winding vines as you fended off the coming onslaught. Centering yourself in the lowest dip of the valley’s crease wasn’t necessarily the most strategic move given your current predicament. Especially considering it labeled your dodging figure as prime target practice for the ropes of Rollies that erratically spun down the hillside at spine-chilling speeds.
But you didn’t have any choice.
Not if you hoped to become an unbreakable barrier of pure might and agility, impeding a near three-hundred mix of droids threatening the platoon’s lives who hastily regrouped behind you.
Various squad formations would mark the best vantage points atop the port’s landing platform from which to lay fire upon the siege. Though that was the extent to which the battalion could effectively participate. Joining you in the, quite literal, trenches was a death sentence to any non-Force Sensitive individual hoping to take a stand against an attacking strength of this magnitude.
It was your ability, and your ability alone, to navigate the rapidly shifting elements of surrounding energies that empowered you to fight in their place while dodging and manipulating droids who shot walls of steady fire or suddenly sprung at you with their dense, steel bodies.
Yet, no matter your resilience, you still possessed the same weakness every other living being faced in adrenalizing circumstances.
You were growing quite exhausted.
“Reinforcements are almost here!” You heard Boil yell from far behind while he used a nearby repulsersled flipped into a makeshift shield to traverse the compound drowned in chemical fires and bloodied chaos. “You can’t stay there forever!”
You wrapped your fingers around the air as invisible claws shimmied their way around a Rollie barreling toward your figure before rapidly thrusting that same fist to the side, leading the machine’s suddenly bouncing trajectory to hurtle into a group of about eight battle droids.
One in particular sluggishly swiveled its head toward the oncoming sight with subtle reservation as it expelled creaky, undulating words.
“Oh no.”
Until they became another scattered pile of far-flung, broken parts, an explosion colored by blasting crimson and cobalt sparks.
“I’m gonna have to!” You called back, the swing of your saber nearly transforming into a cloudy blur of heat before your very, watering eyes as you deflected bolt after bolt while sidestepping through the uneven hollow. “We’ll lose our only advantage!”
“Excuse me for saying, Silvey, but I think that losing a Jedi will be cutting our advantage!”
You knew he was right.
But you were quickly learning that in war, there was no easy choice.
You weren’t going to lose anyone else.
Maker… you couldn’t.
You just… couldn’t.
A scorching, slash clawed into your left calf, electrifying all the way down to your ankle as a surprised yelp was drawn from your lips.
And it wasn’t long before that very foot and sorely exercised knee buckled under the shocking pressure, slamming both roughly into the dirt as you felt another breeze graze the touches of your back exposed by rips in the fabric. All from those quick tumbles against newly jagged ground with raised rock shards and disturbed mounds formed by the ongoing conflict.
You briefly glanced down to assess the damage, relying on your senses' contextual intertwinement and the dancing light of your gray saber to defend against the ongoing downpour of bolts. Showers that fell from the hilltop with such magnitude that you could’ve sworn the sky was crying smoky tears.
Speaking of bolts, it appeared one had cut you down pretty good as a severely bloodied laceration oozing black, bubbling soot stingingly throbbed the bottom half of your leg. Consuming your vision with its strongly contrasting, dark tinge even amidst your armor’s shadowy undertones.
So much for those Republic-tested shin guards, you internally grunted.
And, regrettably, with one leg out of commission, it didn’t take long for your wearied body and continuously fogging gaze to make another mistake.
Even if it was only for a split second.
While desperately side-crawling toward the landing pad, in an effort to impede an enemy group from its newly-angled, swift approach, you missed an arbitrary bolt that collided with the hilt of your saber. Snapping it out of your hand as its protective covering took the brunt of the blast, but still flung it a few meters out from your grip all the same.
Your head spun back toward the main invading Force, only to be met with an inky black blaster whose cold body was levied mere centimeters from your forehead.
Dark spots crept into your peripheral like a predator surveying its prey as your palms dug into the disturbed dirt below.
“Wow, look guys!” The titillated battle droid exclaimed. “I got a Jedi!”
Shades of flaming red exploded before your very eyes.
But not for the reason you thought.
No, whatever that was, it wasn’t blood.
It was much more…
Much too…
Scrapping at whatever strength you had left, you focused your shaky stare above. Only to be met with the strikingly pigmented fox of before, wrapped around the battle droid’s torso like a constricting tendril as it gnawed with growling rage at the mechanical thing’s armed skeletal limb.
“Ah! What is this?” The off-yellow machine bellowed. “Get it off me! Get it off me!”
He spun in unsteady circles, flinging his targeted arm as if fire consumed its nonexistent nerves, drilled feet stumbling over each other while the fox laid savagely into their assault.
Until the droid hoisted its other revolving hand, slamming it down once, and then twice, across the creature’s wet snout. A sickening crack, and its shiny, fur coat slung from the machine before landing as a mangled heap onto the ground.
You thrust a hand toward your saber, scratching at the Force to coax it to your fingers as it catapulted into your grasp.
A reflection of the blaster’s barrel stung your eye.
One squealing pop flung through the air.
And then another.
“Good riddance,” the droid mumbled while it drearily kicked the still warm, but entirely lifeless creature left at its feet.
You were too late.
You were always too late.
Qui-Gon’s paled skin. His glazed, breathless eyes.
And then you saw it.
You swore you saw it.
A flash of that horned, devil face harshly stomped across the fox’s barren throat.
And your blood ran cold.
So frigid, that an icy film must’ve shielded your eyes while they blurred in contest with an increasingly congested mind. The resonating cries of commanding clones, marching mechanical feet, and rushing metal clamoring against loose bolts all melded into a muddled echo of the past. Even Boil’s distended calls, which freely rang around inching droids as he laid down fire, melded into the rest of the world.
Instead, a high-pitched tone displaced their existence, slackening your jaw and dangerously slowing your breath while a weight unlike any other yanked down at your sternum.
And amidst all that drowning havoc, you barely noticed the large, gray shuttle with faint red accents descend before you.
Almost immediately, and with growing intensity, its engines were able to sweep away any nearby battle droids as they flung and tumbled across the grass like loose scraps. Even the Rollies found their maneuverability stifled as they transformed back into a legged form before being tossed away like loose credits via their curvature alone.
Yet, even though the vehicle landed between you and the incoming fire, its rear door descending as a fluttering ivory robe and flashes of white armor darted down its ramp, it was still not enough to rip you out from yourself.
It was only partially, that your awareness sparked, and for a moment oh so brief, as a flash of auburn tufts poked a hole in that stunned cataract.
A distant echo among muffled blaster fire, but the ringing tone did seem to partially subside.
“Silvey! Can you hear me?!”
You swallowed, vision clearing just enough to recognize a familiar pair of widened, bright blue eyes.
Though you had no idea how he got here.
“Obi-Wan?” You questioned hazily with scrunched brows.
“Let’s get you to the ship!” He declared firmly, eyes drifting toward your mangled leg as a hint of displeasure creased his eyes.
But he hesitated for only a second before quickly wrapping his fingers around your free arm to tug you that away.
And, truth be told, it was that moment, that single moment, the warm feeling of his grip as plasmic fumes assaulted your senses, that became the last instant of Lanos you truly remembered.
You recalled the gentle pressure of Kenobi’s fingers releasing your arm into the shuttle just before it lifted from the ground while he sprinted off, pearly armor catching the sun’s smoke-scattered glare as he joined the fight. And you could remember the stinging weight that dragged at your muscles as you stood for the first time after the hull abruptly docked at The Negotiator.
A feeling that haunted you with each step you traversed from the shuttle bay to your temporary quarters.
You could even recall the taste of the stale ship air that reigned menial against Lanos’s essence of fresh vegetation and untouched atmosphere. Though that particular memory was hard to forget, considering those same elements pervaded your quarters.
What you couldn’t remember, however, was what anyone had said to you. If anyone had said anything at all. You couldn’t remember when your injured leg was wrapped, or who did it. You couldn’t remember whether the battle was won. You couldn’t remember entering the lift to the residential section of the ship. And you couldn’t remember the familiar whooshing creak of your quarter’s automatic door.
Oh Maker, no.
You couldn’t recall whether that faulty sound tolled when the aperture opened.
You could only trust that the door had, in fact, shut behind you as you ambled into your quarters, deactivated lightsaber falling from your bruised fingers before rudely clacking across the carpeted floor. You could only hope that the walls, too, were thick enough to deafen the sound of your falling knees as they collided with the itchy carpet’s prickling texture.
And you could pray that the falling tears wetting your cheeks and soaking your tunic, and the hiccuping breaths stopping your heart, would somehow ease the agonizing burden that crushed your chest with the bodies of all you had lost.
“And the facility was secured?” Master Kenobi inquired once Commander Cody concluded his cursory report on the impromptu attack.
Both general and soldier ambled down the curved, tubular hallway of one of the ship’s upper decks, lined with identically placed doors and overhead lights that perfectly reflected the Republic’s preference for uniformed architecture. Still though, Obi-Wan’s wandering eyes would soak up their every detail, down to the personalized wear of certain entry panels or noticeable scuffs decorating the steel floor whenever he participated in such debriefs.
It allowed his mind to focus on the task at hand. No matter the aeonian tumult that bled into their essence or bordered his thoughts.
“Yes, General,” Cody assured evenly as his long-barreled, black phaser, still warm from battle, patiently hung from a confident grip; swaying with each step that fell in line with his superior’s steady stride.
“And we incurred far less casualties than anticipated,” he continued, with a hint of optimism so subtle that even Kenobi struggled to detect it. “My men report that the General is to thank for that.”
An unconscious hand hovered toward Obi-Wan’s chin, gently stroking his beard’s loose tufts while the Jedi Master continued to absorb his officer’s words like a Bluebell squish would sunlight.
Though his gaze still dallied across the ephemeral doors.
“Had they not stood their ground in the valley’s trench…” Cody liberated. “I doubt much of the platoon would be left standing.”
Kenobi’s chest rose and fell with a gradualness that seemed to suspend time itself. Still, his legs carried him onwards, as a shuttle set on autopilot would transport its passengers by endless star systems, and the beauties in between.
You certainly took a huge risk, he noted. Pushing yourself to the very brink to protect the lives of his own battalion.
But did you know just how close you came to the point of no return?
The Master Jedi considered that even Anakin would’ve deemed the act of entering and remaining in the trenches terribly reckless.
And that was saying something.
But you were Qui-Gon’s Padawan, after all. And Obi-Wan knew better than anyone that drilled into your being was the desire to avoid violence at all costs. To preserve the manifestations of the Force by protecting any and all beings who necessitated aid.
Though you were never prepared for a war that coerced Jedi to conform to a changed Galaxy.
And it coerced him to consider…
Should he say something?
The General need not rely on Force-attuned senses to notice the Commander slowed his gate into a standstill from the corner of an observant eye. Leashing Kenobi to do the same as he angled to face the solider whose mollified shoulders stimulated satiny brown orbs to soften.
“Some of the boys and I would like to thank the General in person for what they did today,” he expressed somewhat awkwardly, hand jolting up to scratch the back of his head as his eyes dipped off to the side. “Any chance you could share a heads up when they may be up for it, Sir?”
An involuntary twitch tugged at the corner of the General’s tensed lips. Though his revelation after the fact choked the sensation before it had any chance of crawling up to ensnare his bright, cerulean orbs.
No. Not yet, the bearded man concluded.
He couldn’t share his worries.
Because Kenobi dreaded that doing so would risk metamorphosis.
It would be, conceivably, like asking you to transform into a different breed of Jedi. One who’d fail to touch the hearts of men with such infectious reverence and unity.
You were a being who would, no matter what, sacrifice each and every far-off particle of themselves if it meant preserving just one more life, or to cease the wands of conflict indefinitely.
The Way of Qui-Gon’s age, that felt so long ago.
Before its prime was sullied by war…
Suppressing his former Master’s Renaissance teachings in favor of this changed Galaxy, like so many Jedi of late, like Mace Windu, would fundamentally alter you.
And it was that very concept that sucked away the energy of his mind, like a siphon draining liquid gold down through his stiffened spine, and out through his toes.
“Of course, Commander,” Kenobi expelled fluidly. “I’m certain they would valu—“
A gust of pressurized mass flung by the duo with the brawn of a rushing wave, consuming Obi-Wan’s senses and depressing the hairs along his arms like a sudden shift in gravity as his once drained neck flicked toward the impression’s oozing source, located somewhere farther down the hallway.
But while the piqued Jedi Master’s piercing eyes initially saw nothing of concern, it was only a mere second later when the feeling quickly morphed into a troubling array as a pointed hole the size of a marble appeared to form in his ribcage, deliberately expanding into a bleak vacuum that nearly caught his breath.
Then came the pain.
An intense jab whose sharp instrument seemed to pierce the air with progressively afflicting shocks that were surely impossible for any Force-Sensative being to ignore.
At least, for him.
And while this sensation’s source appeared to stray from his inner being, Kenobi could still perceive its utter potency, shattering his thoughts with one, unavoidable clarity:
That, no matter the impenetrability of mental blocks or molecular hints of presence within the Force, the only other being in this sector at all capable of emitting this kind of energy, was you.
And that could only mean one thing.
Something was very very wrong.
Given that you’d nearly escaped with your life not even an hour prior, Kenobi could only fear the worst as he mentally recounted your previously noted injuries.
That earlier hesitation…
“General!” Cody alertedly yet curiously called after his superior officer as the auburn-haired man’s once composed posture devolved into a notably rushed jog, his white shoulder and shin guards doing little in the ways of stifling the whipping surge of his ivory robe as it caught the ship’s manufactured atmosphere’s resistance. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m not certain,” he replied with a leveled tone, though never assuaging his gate or turning his chin away from the path ahead as he rushed by door upon equivalent door. “I will comm you if not.”
It was quite fortunate, Obi-Wan realized, that he’d already been returning to his own quarters when he sensed the shift in the Force as they were situated a mere few doors down from your own. Otherwise, given your mind’s weak presence in its endless flow, he may not have caught onto the displacement until long after the fact. Still, he couldn’t help but assign himself preliminary blame for whatever it was he began inwardly preparing to walk into.
He was too distracted to check in with you until now. Too preoccupied with leading reinforcements to turn the tide of that bloody sea of an ambush. And too absorbed in the logistics of determining just exactly how that Separatist attack force landed on Lanos without a lick of intelligence soaring his way. All while the General simultaneously ensured an on-track fleet rendezvous in the background.
But now, stood before your door amidst the heavy rise and fall of a stunted chest in which breath clutched its heels, the Jedi Master gravelly understood once again, fist hovering before its grayed coating in fleeting hesitation, that he had no choice but to rectify another mistake made in his task of certifying The Guardian’s safety.
His knuckles resonantly rapped the cold metal sheen separating you both.
But that empty, weighted crevice slithering within his deepest senses persisted, its stinging ambiance threatening to crack open his skin. Quite enough to convince the Jedi Master, as he reached a few fingers toward the door’s panel to levy a couple overriding taps, that your current well-being transcended any and all swirling discomforts rooted in invading your personal space.
Yet, even with such logic secured as firmly on his belt as his lightsaber, nothing could’ve truly prepared Obi-Wan Kenobi for the sight that patiently awaited the mechanical entryway’s opening swish, as his subsequent few steps into your thinly carpeted and modestly furnished quarters delivered an image not easily unseen.
Kneeled just a few meters before the stilled, auburn-haired man was your sternly bent-over figure, back hunched as strikingly as a shadow in a room simply lit by the vast array of stars that glimmered unbothered beyond the far wall’s viewport. Your wears were the same, with the various splotched, grimy stains and ripped, sagging ends of disturbed cloth still hugging your body like fearful younglings. Just as they had during the battle’s peak when Kenobi’s shuttle first landed.
Their drying crackles. Their stretching tears. They caught his gaze as fiercely as a spark of fire with each subtle quiver of your spine, an action which took his mind a moment to register as the trembling quake bedeviling enervated lungs.
From your blood-soiled calf bandage, ruggedly stuck, tussled hair, and sweat-adhered, dirt-crusted arms, Obi-Wan could only assume that you’d remained like this since your arrival. Submitting to your dark surroundings while lacking the inspiration to flip on a light.
And, most eerily, in a muteness that heightened the slightest creaks and far-off humming engines of a periodically groaning ship.
A recognition that deepened the already cavernous void threatening to swallow whole every vein branching from Kenobi’s chest into the muscle of each motionless shoulder.
This was nothing like the incident of days prior, which meant that the General was uncertain of what would help. How to fix this. Or even, what was wrong.
But he veritably knew that dropping a pin in the uncanny silence engulfing you both like a gaseous cloud would shatter his eardrums just as savagely as he assumed it would spiral whatever affliction you were enduring into a perilous state.
And that meant that, for the life of him. The Master Jedi had no idea how to proceed.
He could not breathe for apprehension that it would burst like a spark within an invisible hypermatter leak. Let alone speak a few words, nor your name, unless he knew that, without harm, he could.
So, Master Kenobi did the only thing he dreamed acceptable.
After idling by the entryway in perpetual uncertainty, the cautious Jedi adopted a lissome tread, leading his troubled brows and downturned cerulean eyes to finally seize a glimpse of your collapsed head as he rounded your form.
Your blotched countenance of stained tears and drained listlessness. Loose strands of hair soaked from sweat or anguish he did not know. Still, even your radiantly silver eyes seemed to gray in their moribund stare straight ahead, as if to watch a tiresome scene a thousand parsecs away run its course.
And it was that utter and complete stillness, a feeling invoking time to recede into long-forgotten history, that remained for a tense, immeasurable while.
Unsteady breaths continued to shudder your torso while eyes strung wide enough to perceive the whole Galaxy struggled to maintain their shape following the long sered, torrential flood. The cogs of overflowing thoughts crowding their rusting gears before the speechless man’s very eyes.
It felt near an eternity into the future or past had elapsed for Obi-Wan since he met your distant orbs. Yet their departed state, it seemed, never reflected your true awareness.
You were not trapped within your mind again.
“I spent my entire life on that barren planet,” you suddenly relayed hoarsely.
Or, maybe, in some ways, you were, Kenobi amended, as the sound of your strained voice heightened the General’s alertness all the way up to his hassled brows.
“And a decade of it in complete isolation.”
Laggardly, your jaded orbs lifted toward his own, neck barely shifting while you held his pursed lips and tensed jaw in a vice grip by the anticipation of your slowly spilling words alone.
“And yet—“
A single tear seeped through the dam, etching another stain into your storied cheeks as your chest quickened its heaves.
It was more than enough to have impelled Kenobi toward you. With a hand outstretched and a pulsing drive to somehow bring you any sliver of relief.
But Obi-Wan refrained from all that.
He knew he needed to listen. To understand first. So to learn how best to fix this.
He just wanted to fix this.
“—I’ve never felt… quite… so alone.”
But with those six words, the Master Jedi’s temperance seemed to wash away with the second droplet that traced a serene path down to your chin, proving another chink in the levee.
Promptly, but still with great care, Obi-Wan neared your body, both sets of eyes never severing while he lowered to his knees. Mirroring your form in complete and utter stillness as he encouraged you to continue with a reinforced, steadfast expression.
A tremulous exhale escaped your lungs, silver gaze breaking the connection before sinking to the wayside.
“Not as I do now,” you breathed. “Not when Qui-Gon is gone.”
Those two syllables, Kenobi registered. Two knocks that brought that dam to ruins.
“He’s gone!” You croakily sobbed, a glare that could only reflect betrayal by the Galaxy itself rushing to perceive Kenobi’s affected countenance with an intensity that matched the gushing rain.
You raised a fist, tightening it in the air through a paled potency so sheer that Obi-Wan worried with stitched brows about the sharp damage your fingertips could be afflicting upon the contorted palm. All while silver eyes squeezed shut as if disgusted by the waves of pure agony that surmounted your figure.
“He’s gone for good,” you gnawed breathily. “And nothing will ever bring him back.”
While heaving gasps brimmed the once noiseless, dulled gray walls, amplifying the hollowed suffering emanating through the Force, Kenobi felt his tensed spine and rigid limbs ease with the surge of conviction that steadily overcame him.
Doubtlessness that, like a good Jedi, he felt the need to ease your misery.
More than that. Your pain happened to affect him in such a way, that it felt distressing to do anything but lift his wrist to reach out a bracing palm.
For someone he appreciated as an admirable individual.
And for a being he was beginning to consider a good friend.
Gently, his palm graced the side of yours, signaling him to carefully wrap warm fingers around your strikingly frigid, raised fist. A gesture which relaxed open your tear-brimmed orbs while Obi-Wan cautiously lowered your languishingly trembling clutch. So gradually, that as both your and Obi-Wan’s arms reached each respective knee, the clasped hand was spurred to wholly unfurl, giving Kenobi room to relax his thumb against your flushed palm while he eyed you meaningfully.
“You are not alone,” Obi-Wan firmly assured, his own voice eliciting a momentary shock as he heard its baritone timbre crush the presence of such prolonged and confounding silence.
“He’s gone,” you repeated mindlessly with an empty gaze barely supporting your head.
Yet Obi-Wan’s persistence was as boundlessly unyielding as the grip he maintained on you.
“But, you’re not alone.”
“Obi-Wan,” you wept, nostrils flaring as you shook your head with thinned eyes; swallowing harshly. “Pleas—“
Rapidly, with any fret of heedfulness tossed out the airlock, the Master Jedi brought his unchained hand toward your tottering jaw. Resting a loose knuckle under your chin to lift your searching gaze toward his.
You needed this, he excused. You needed to hear this.
And as your damp, sparkling eyes absently met his, he knew:
Distance be damned.
“You are The Guardian. Anakin is forever tied to you. And you will always, always have the Order. Thousands of Jedi ready to stand by your side because of who you are,” he declared with unshakable conviction.
Until his orbs softened below shattered lips.
“Silvey,” he whispered pregnantly. “Drink in my words.” His fingers tightened around your own. “You are not alone.”
And for a moment, Kenobi could note a subtle lift in your features. A slight lightening of your irises that indicated at least some partial unshackling of an invisible burden. A development that began to stitch closed the gaping crevice nestled within his sternum as it was reflected through the Force, stabilizing against your releasing shoulders and loosening throat.
Though your mind appeared to travel elsewhere.
Still, they were all gradual indications of your calming thoughts. Hints that whatever he was doing was mending something. And signs that first appeared when he touched your hand.
Another theory that added substance to the sealing emptiness Kenobi first experienced through the hall in what felt like eons ago.
So, he leaned into it, gracing his once stilled thumb across your palm’s supple skin as he, bit by bit, traced a messy oval to soothe your thoughts.
And it didn’t take long for your continually calming presence to uncontrollably elicit the soft smile that gradually adorned his lips.
But, as soon as his gentle finger uncovered the aplomb to supply a deeper, more sustained motion of solidarity, it seemed, instantaneously, that this very transference snapped you out of whatever distance your mind had traveled with an unforeseen start.
Your suddenly surprised gape jumped out at Kenobi while a once relaxed hand instantly recoiled out of his own. Chiseling an equally confused expression across Obi-Wan’s face as his brows furrowed at you uneasily.
Still, that did little in forestalling your hurried launch to stand, all done in an effort to put a few strides between you and the bearded Jedi before crossing deeper into the dark shadows enveloping your quarters, a back of tattered robes separating you from Obi-Wan’s probing stare.
The older Jedi felt that hallowed void dilate within himself once more as he observed your sheltering arms fold into themselves, a familiar, throbbing pain emanating into the surrounding Force while he too promptly rose to his feet.
Especially as there was no denying that it was a feeling, Obi-Wan gathered, he’d somehow caused.
A myriad of thoughts swirled his mind as your quarters adopted that familiar aura of soundless reticence. One that rivaled the emptiness of its dimmed lightning that somehow felt far more barren with the presence of two beings blending into its grayed walls.
And the silence was deafening. Thunderous enough to fester a chest-displacing emotion Kenobi sometimes experienced, but knew no Jedi should long entertain.
“Silvey?” He questioned with indecisively parted lips, phonating barely above a whisper.
But you never spoke.
Instead, the Jedi Master received his answer from the tautening cross of your arms and intensifying dip of your head.
The clatter of heavy footsteps and low conversation echoed from the hall, cutting the still air like an endless barrage of saber swipes. Their passing din muffled by your quarter’s steel separation as Obi-Wan partially sensed the handful of clones retreat down the passageway’s other end until their overlapping noise whispered into a distant memory.
And it was following that minor rattle, the long, interspaced stretches of pure stillness, and a timeless affair of observing your statued figure for any hint of an imparting thought, that the General reluctantly accepted the inevitable as pivoted on his heel toward the long gone entourage.
Although he now ambled toward the metal door, he only moved with stalling muscles, still in anticipation that he’d sense some shift, some indication of lightening impressions through the Force. At least, any idea that maybe, maybe you’d say something to him.
But once Obi-Wan’s fingers reached for the green-rimmed panel, releasing open the aperture with a whoosh, he began to come to grips with the fact that his presence would facilitate no locution, and, instead, only make things worse.
Stepping beyond the threshold, Kenobi’s eyes drifted to the side, as if to glance at your enigmatic figure staring out the viewport from far behind.
Though, despite the effort, he never dared to fully turn. Instead, Obi-Wan simply allowed his reluctant features to subdue against the throbbing remorse that struck through his mind like an unruly blaster spear as he murmured through uncertain lips one last time.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
A soft exhale, and the door hissed closed.
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alistair-blackwood · 7 months ago
1) A device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance.
2) A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle.
3) A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished.
Laios and Kabru take care of each other.
Rating: General Relationships: Kabru/Laios Touden Chapters: 1/1 [Complete] Word Count: ~2k Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Comfort No Hurt, Established Relationship, Autistic Character, Trans Male Character, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Beta'd by @yuri-puppies
“I still can’t believe the new series director was sitting in the audience with us that whole time,” said Kabru as he weaved through the oncoming crowd. Must have just missed the train , he thought, looking over his shoulder back at Laios. “Good showmanship. Makes me excited to think that the studio’s getting out of its slump.”
“Yeah,” said Laios, craning his neck over the stream of people. His elbow bumped a passerby, abruptly jostling the tote bag of merch in his arms. “That was pretty crazy.”
Kabru nodded, scanning his metro pass onto the card reader. “It’s too bad we couldn’t get any autographs,” he called over the din as he shuffled through the turnstile, “but I guess there’s always next year.” He glanced back at Laios again with a sheepish look, gesturing toward his own shoulder bag brimming with merchandise. “Provided this year’s con hasn’t already bankrupted us.”
After squeezing through the turnstile himself, Laios drew up next to Kabru, his gaze wandering off with drooping eyes. “Hmm.”
Kabru had to hold back a sympathetic sigh as they reached the platform and stepped up to the yellow line. They still had another seven stops to go before they got home, but it was clear that Laios was starting to flag. The noise must be getting to him, even through his earplugs. As much as Kabru loved the opportunity to people-watch on the train, part of him still wished he’d insisted on just calling a cab from the convention center. But Laios was right that they couldn’t really afford it, especially after Kabru encouraged Laios to splurge on that new lorebook … If Kabru could at least snag him a seat …
[Continue on AO3]
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themelongum · 1 year ago
meeting eren in a classroom after he'd annoyed the shit out of reader
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haven't posted about my wip here in a while, so here are some Eren crumbs for you <3
multi-chaptered rating: explicit main pairings: eren/reader; jean/reader AU: college; band
Monday came in a flash. With everything happening, I nearly forgot why I got here in the first place, but the early morning class in my schedule was a harsh reminder. Since none of my roommates were as lucky as me, I quietly got ready, breakfasted alone, and left the apartment with a lingering feeling of jealousy.
The road to the campus was only a twenty-minute walk, according to the GPS, so I opted to go by foot instead of waiting for a bus. Despite the early hour, the sun was already warming my skin enough for me to take the sunglasses out of my tote bag. Putting them on, I smiled to myself, feeling good in my first day outfit—an oversized milky sweatshirt, a dark-brown miniskirt, and a pair of loafers in a matching color—academia enough, but not too formal.
As a tall, Gothic-style tower with a spire came into my view, it wasn’t long before I stepped foot onto a green, extensive lawn, intersected by an organized layout of concrete paths. Besides the main building, there were two other structures. The one on the left had the very same spire I saw from afar, while the right one had a circular shape with a glass dome.
But the keystone of the campus was definitely a circular rotunda with two long wings. Made from limestone and brick, it had multiple columns and pointed arches with ornate carvings and reliefs adorning its walls. The only thing capable of stealing attention from the centerpiece was a large reflecting pool in front of it.
Before, I had only seen the pictures, but the University of Trost was much more impressive in person, especially at that time of the year, when the stone walls were drowned in greenery.
Walking through a grand hall, I mumbled under my nose, “Classroom 139… 139… Is it the right way?” Due to the early hour, my navigation was significantly complicated as I had not encountered anyone to ask for directions.
Finally getting to the room, I found myself the first one to arrive. I took a seat in the second row, at the table nearest to the window, so I could space out, observing the outside. Scrolling on my phone, I would lift my gaze every time someone walked in, but none of the faces looked familiar. Until one did.
With a backpack on his shoulder and his hands in the front pocket of his dark-gray hoodie, Eren carelessly walked to place himself at the table in the second row, one away from mine. I only noticed his sullen expression for a second, for I quickly averted my gaze from his figure. Or was it his tired face? Anyway, the only thing bothering me was the fact that, out of all people, he had to be in this class.
As time came closer to the start of the seminar, more and more people flooded the classroom. Soon, all the tables were taken except for the seat next to me and the one next to Eren. Just as I thought nobody else would come, a red-haired guy entered, making his way towards a table in the second row. Luckily, not mine.
Noticing the guy, Eren got up, and it looked like he was about to turn away before the former called him out. As they greeted each other, I heard the guy asking whether he could take the empty seat, and Eren gave the nod, mumbling something else. Only he didn’t sit back at his table, but instead came to plop right next to me.
“It’s taken,” I said without looking at him.
“By who?” He snapped his head in my direction.
“Not by you.”
“I’d say otherwise.”
Not finding the right words, I huffed and looked even further away from him. It was true; my only acquaintances were his own friends. Clearly my disadvantage.
It all went quiet when the door shut with a loud, echoing sound. A short, black-haired man, presumably in his thirties, walked into the classroom. Standing behind the lectern, he looked around the room with his piercing eyes, and I instantaneously realized it was better to pay attention, or else I would be screwed.
🌾 read the whole thing here or here
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gemaee76 · 3 months ago
The Allure of Hermes Bags: Exploring Dubai’s Exclusive Collections
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Dubai, a city synonymous with luxury and style, offers an unmatched shopping experience for those with an appreciation for high-end fashion. Among the plethora of luxury brands that define Dubai’s retail landscape, Hermes stands out as a symbol of timeless elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship. For aficionados of premium accessories, Hermes Bags Dubai represents the pinnacle of sophistication and exclusivity.
The Timeless Appeal of Hermes Bags
Hermes bags are not just fashion statements; they are iconic pieces of art that embody heritage, innovation, and meticulous craftsmanship. With their origins dating back to 1837, Hermes has carved a niche for itself by creating bags that seamlessly blend practicality and elegance. The brand’s commitment to quality is evident in every stitch, making each bag a testament to the artistry of its skilled craftsmen.
In Dubai, this timeless appeal is amplified by the city’s penchant for luxury and its commitment to curating a world-class shopping environment. From the iconic Birkin to the Kelly, Hermes bags in Dubai are much more than mere accessories—they are investments in enduring style.
Why Dubai is a Paradise for Hermes Enthusiasts
Dubai’s reputation as a global shopping destination is unparalleled, with its vast array of luxury malls, exclusive boutiques, and high-end shopping districts. For Hermes aficionados, Dubai offers an exquisite selection of collections that cater to diverse tastes and preferences.
Exclusivity and Limited EditionsDubai often showcases limited-edition Hermes bags that are hard to find elsewhere. The city’s ability to cater to an elite clientele ensures access to some of the most coveted designs, making it a must-visit destination for collectors.
Diverse Styles and VarietiesWhether you’re seeking a classic Birkin in neutral tones or a vibrant Kelly with unique embellishments, the options available in Dubai are vast and varied. The city’s boutiques are well-stocked with a range of sizes, colors, and materials to suit every taste.
Tailored Shopping ExperiencesThe luxury retail culture in Dubai emphasizes personalized service. From expert guidance to bespoke shopping experiences, Hermes enthusiasts can explore collections in an environment designed to cater to their every need.
What Sets Hermes Bags Apart
Several factors contribute to the allure of Hermes bags, elevating them beyond the realm of fashion accessories:
Exquisite CraftsmanshipEach Hermes bag is handcrafted by skilled artisans, often taking several hours to complete. This attention to detail ensures a level of quality that is second to none.
Premium MaterialsHermes uses only the finest leathers, sourced from the best tanneries around the world. Exotic skins such as crocodile, ostrich, and lizard further add to the exclusivity of their creations.
Iconic DesignsThe clean lines, impeccable structure, and timeless aesthetics of Hermes bags make them instantly recognizable. Whether it’s the sleek design of the Kelly or the spacious functionality of the Birkin, these bags are icons of understated luxury.
Investment ValueUnlike most fashion items, Hermes bags appreciate over time, especially limited editions and rare designs. Owning a Hermes bag is not just a style statement but a sound financial investment.
Tips for Finding the Perfect Hermes Bag in Dubai
Exploring Hermes Bags Dubai is an exciting journey that requires careful consideration. Here are some tips to ensure you make the right choice:
Research is KeyFamiliarize yourself with the various styles, sizes, and colors available. Knowing what you’re looking for will make your shopping experience more efficient and enjoyable.
Consider Your LifestyleChoose a bag that aligns with your daily needs and personal style. Whether you need a spacious tote for work or a compact clutch for evening events, Hermes offers options to suit every occasion.
Understand Pricing and ValueHermes bags come with a premium price tag, but their value lies in their craftsmanship and exclusivity. Consider your purchase as an investment and ensure you understand the pricing dynamics.
Explore Unique OptionsDubai often offers exclusive designs and rare pieces. Don’t hesitate to explore these options, as they can add a distinctive touch to your collection.
The Enduring Legacy of Hermes in Dubai
Owning a Hermes bag in Dubai is more than a fashion statement; it’s an embrace of the city’s luxurious lifestyle and a celebration of fine craftsmanship. The exclusivity and elegance of Hermes align perfectly with Dubai’s reputation as a global hub of luxury. From the moment you step into a boutique to the day you carry your bag for the first time, the experience is one of unparalleled sophistication.
Your Trusted Source for Hermes Bags
For those seeking to buy Hermes bag Dubai, ensuring authenticity and quality is paramount. In a market flooded with imitations, it’s crucial to purchase from trusted sources that guarantee genuine products.
At Gemaee, we understand the value of authenticity and the importance of delivering a seamless luxury shopping experience. Our commitment to offering high-quality Hermes bags ensures that you can indulge in the timeless elegance of this iconic brand with complete confidence.
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kiliinstinct · 1 year ago
Magnetism: Xiaother One Shot
Series: Genshin Impact Pairing: Aether/Xiao ( m/m ) Rating: T for Teen - Setting: Royalty/Masquerade AU - Fantasy Setting A03: [ link ] Aether's Outfit Inspired By: [Rueleaf]
Not going to lie- this universe may end up having a series of one shots because of the amount of ideas I have for it. We'll see. Special thanks to @genavere for being my Beta!
The mask weighed heavily on Aether’s hip, unlike the brown and gold one his sister diligently placed upon his face. Its intricate design framed his face as golden bangs fell over the lace that secured it. The one he wore was a fine mask: hand-crafted and expensive with an elegant design meant to match his coat and flowing sleeves. The one on his belt, however. hummed with a power that pulled the attention of every onlooker in the vicinity.
 Every gaze felt heavy on his shoulders, and an uncomfortable shudder ran down his spine.
“Why do they keep looking at me?” he whispered, hissing to Lumine with all the subtlety of a running waterfall. Her answering sneer as she placed her own, moon shaped mask against her nose was all the answer he needed.
“You're the one who decided to keep it,” she said, motioning towards the pulsing accessory. 
Unlike him, her only mask was on her face and matched the pale hues of her dress that hugged her curves and elongated down the back in a feathery train. Aether couldn't help but wish the stares aimed at them were for her beauty rather than him.  She deserved it, after all. With her light blonde hair and golden eyes, his sister set a fetching image against the backdrop of the Palace Gardens. 
That was nothing to say of his own suit set in the same brown and golds as his mask, and covered his shoulders and doublet before cascading silk down his back. If not for the humming accessory being an obvious attention draw, he would have assumed the both of them were hard to ignore.
But Lumine’s words pulled a grimace along his lips, shrugging helplessly at the claim. She was right, of course. He could have denied the mask he brought along with him; could have kept it wrapped in the silk linens it had been purchased in, and kept tucked safely at the bottom of his clothes trunk. 
Could was the operative word, and while the stares he garnered did make him question his choices, he knew the truth. If he'd left it behind, he wouldn't have made it five feet from his bedroom that morning. It's call was too strong to ignore, and it simply wouldn't let him leave without it.
"Hu Tao did say these things have a mind of their own," he said sheepishly, gaze lingering on everything but Lumine's tacit face. While his avoidance was obvious, he'd never been so deep in Liyue Harbor's city before. Its glowing lanterns and tall structures were beautiful to behold, giving him the perfect excuse to continue dodging her every attempt to meet his gaze. If only they had arrived earlier in the day, he would have loved to explore before the Masquerade began.
Unfortunately, he was late to wake that morning. Aether refused to admit it was from his own lack of sleep, not wishing to worry Lumine over the extent of his building dreams as of late. The haunting images of shadows he couldn’t recognize and a terrible shriek of pain in his ears left his nights restless and his body difficult to rouse when the sun finally rose.
Nightmares aside, their morning had been a rush of breakfast, packing, and ensuring their own outfits were carefully toted away for later use. The small town funeral director who had allowed them room and board was just as quick on their heels, ushering them onto the road to make it on time. 
”This isn't a party you want to be late to,“ she declared, eyes whirling in earnest unlike her usual, lackadaisical manner. They'd only known her for a few months, but Aether had the distinct feeling she was hiding something.
”Oh! And Aether,“ she said just before the twins had shut the carriage door behind them.” Make sure everyone can see that pretty mask of yours!“
”Isn't that the point of a masquerade?“ he questioned, holding up the half-mask he'd chosen for his finery. 
”Of course, and it matches so well,“ she cooed, reaching out to poke his nose. ”But that's not the one I meant!“
Not for the first time did Aether attempt to ask her about the horned mask, but the shorter woman slammed the door shut and sent the carriage off before he could ask again. All he recalled was her low and cryptic humming as they rode away. And while he considered stopping the cart to chase her down for an explanation, the sensation of a shadow looming just behind kept him seated. That strange sensation was happening a lot lately. Another reason for Aether’s refusal to talk about his nightmares. Not only did he sense it watching him daily, but it cast a horrendous figure that loomed over his bedside deep in the night. His first night witnessing it left him staring into the empty spaces of his room in shock, unaware of his sister’s worried whispers into his ear when she found him staring into empty space. She later claimed to have felt a presence over them that felt suffocating, but he couldn’t remember such a feeling. In fact, to her surprise, he admitted to feeling an odd comfort radiating from it. As if he’d gained a protector during the night.
Strangely enough, the appearance of the shade even chased off the dreams that plagued him, making it a welcome presence despite the ominous entry. Nights were easier when he sensed it around following that occurrence. 
”I still think you should have trashed it," Lumine said from across the carriage, eyes narrowed at the offending object on his lap.
There was no point in responding, so he didn't. It was already too late, after all, and the thought of throwing the heavy mask out only served to twist his stomach into knots. 
Even now as they explored the gardens of Liyue Palace, too enthralled by the courtyard to enter the main hall, Aether felt the mask hum at his side. 
There was an air of mystery about it that left him off-kilter, but the weight felt familiar. Like a security blanket. It reminded him of the dreamless nights when the shadow would hover in the corner or the warmth of a hug when the evening wind brought a chill. And while its teal  black hues felt colder than his brown and gold dressings, he simply felt naked without it.
The pointed horns looked far harsher than his wispy golden feathers. A stark contrast in comparison, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Though, with how Hu Tao had urged him to keep it close and the lingering gazes of the other guests that continued to follow his every step, he wished he had studied more regarding Liyue's customs.
”Are you sure we didn't learn anything about Liyue before coming here?“ he asked Lumine, giving her a side eye as she examined a nearby patch of glaze lilies.
”I know as much as you do," was her breezy reply, glancing back at him, ”or did you forget that, too?“
He flushed, ashamed. ”No! I remember that much!“
Grimacing at his hurt expression, guilt assuaged her features, ”Sorry- that was insensitive.“
No further commentary was needed. Aether's shoulders relaxed, accepting her sincerity with ease. He couldn't blame her for the accusation. The holes in his memory for the last three months wasn't something either of them could ignore. He expected some snappiness, but her concert was tantamount to hovering at this point. But he still kept making decisions that made her worry. 
The mask being one of those many decisions.
After he'd been found along the riverbank, unconscious and waterlogged, just south of Qingce Village, the memory of how he arrived there was choppy. It had only been by the grace of Hu Tao, who'd been convinced she'd found a corpse, that he was able to recuperate in peace. 
Lumine was a different story. Since his disappearance, she had frantically searched for days, convinced she’d lost him in the depths of a country they were strangers to. When she made it to the village, begging any passerby to look out for her brother, it was only by pure chance Hu Tao had overheard her before she gave up hope. 
Lumine learned that not only had Hu Tao brought him safely to a healer, but had fixed him up with a place to sleep in the loft of her own home.  (The fact it was connected to a funeral parlor did nothing to ease Lumine’s growing concerns.)
Unfortunately, when Aether awoke, sore from head to toe, he and the others were disappointed to find he couldn't remember a thing. The dark void where his memories should have been left an empty echo in his mind, almost teasing him with the knowledge that wasn't there. Not only that, but a strange, gripping sensation pulled at his heart each time he attempted to fill in the void. 
Physically, his body was healed, but something else singed along the edges of his soul. As far as he could remember, he’d never kept secrets from his sister, but this was something he dutifully kept to himself, uncertain how to bring it up. 
”We were supposed to be meeting with someone at Wangshuu Inn.“ Lumine had told Hu Tao after he'd awoken, ”but we've missed the meeting time by several days now. I doubt they're still waiting for us.“
Hu Tao was a weird one, having merely grinned at the information and sang a little tune under her breath. She airily waved her arms about, clicking her tongue as she glanced out the window towards the direction of the marshes. 
“Well, to get to the palace, we'd have to cross through the marshes, right by the inn,” she told them. “But no matter! You can stay here as long as you need and we'll decide where to go when you're ready!”
The amount of food she was willing to share was more than enough to convince him, but Lumine held back, gauging Aether's health before relenting, and it didn't matter how much she poked and prodded, he still couldn't fill in the gaps. But he was more than grateful for Hu Tao's offer. It was nice to have a friend in a foreign country. No matter Lumine’s wariness, even she had to admit that gaining a new ally in their trek across Liyue was a godsend. It gave them hope for their mission, now put on hold due to Aether’s condition. Fortunately, figuring out where they'd go from there became simpler not even a month and a half later.  
While in town, Aether came across a mask that hummed with dark energy. From the window of the tawdry trading post, it called to him, and filled him with a burning need. At the time, he couldn’t explain what led him to that shop in particular, but later realized he’d been drawn there from the start of his morning; pulled by a feeling in his gut that just knew where he needed to go with very little reason behind it. 
He entered the shop without a second thought, all but rushing towards the mask with every intention to barter for it until he was blue in the face. Anything to secure it as his property. Instead, he was stunned when the trader practically stuffed it into his arms and refused to accept any proper payment for it.
“If it called to you, then it was mean for you to take,” he exclaimed, seemingly glad to be rid of it. 
While Aether had tried to argue, guiltily reaching for his coin pouch to give anything to the trader in return, he was ushered back out the doors before he could blink. He could hardly believe the encounter and after a few puzzled seconds, he shrugged the nagging feeling away and inspected his free gift.
Its silk wrapping was designed with hand stitched floral edges: Qingxin Flowers he guessed. It was a thick, shining fabric that looked far too opulent for a small shop like that and the mask weighed heavily in his hands. Almost as if the item itself was refusing to be released. If he looked at it just right under the light, he could have sworn he saw a strange aura surrounding it. 
Hu Tao had whistled and danced at the sight of it, exclaiming it was their ticket into the Palace of Liyue. “Whoever you had to meet is most likely there, and this mask will get you right into their Masquerade Ball without any problems!”
“... and why is that?” Lumine's frown deepened when the funeral director waved off her question, claiming it was traditional not to speak too in depth of such matters.
“All will be clear when you get there,” she assured them. “Just wait and see!”
It did little to make the two feel better, but as time drew nearer to the ball, Aether began to trust in the Director's words and kept the mask on him at all times. 
Lumine hated it from the moment she saw it, and now that they were finally viewing the Harbor for the first time from behind their own hand-made coverings, that opinion had changed very little. She made a show of standing on his right, opposite to the foreboding energy that hummed on his hip. 
“It just...feels sinister to me." She tried to explain on the four day carriage ride to the Harbor. "Can't you sense it?“
Even now as Aether walked by another group of partygoers - who fell silent by his approach- he couldn't say he didn't agree with her. Whatever gave the mask its foreboding energy that sparked beneath his fingers at every touch, it certainly wasn't good. But he couldn't bring himself to fear it. The moment he'd found it in that window, he'd been drawn to it, and leaving it behind was comparable to losing the rest of his memories.
”It called to me,“ he explained earnestly the day he got it. Aether recalled their joint confusion over the matter and the sudden determination deep in his bones that demanded he keep it. “It's mine.“
Hu Tao had agreed, stating that whoever set it in that window, had intended for it to reach Aether's hands from the very beginning.
There was a mystery surrounding it, one that Lumine wanted to solve, convinced there was something untoward being planned. If their roles had been reversed, Aether may have felt the same. Instead, he realized while passing a third group, moving to stand by an elegant fountain in the center of the gardens, he only felt secured. 
Whatever happened, he decided, it was meant to be. And if someone meant for him to have this mask, then maybe he'd learn the truth at this very party.
”- look, he has the mask of the Yaksha-“ He caught the soft whispers of someone to his left and whirled his attention towards them, eyes wide.
“Shhh! Not so loud!” Another quieted them and a few onlookers shuffled off.
That word...he was certain he'd heard it somewhere before. His brows scrunched together in thought as he delved through his memories, only to stop short as the attempt caused a stab of pain to shoot behind his eyes; Lips pulled into a thin frown and he turned to Lumine ready to ask if she recognized the term. 
The absolute horror that paled her features, the whites of her eyes visible even as they flitted between him, the mask, and the many onlookers. All of it confirmed his suspicions as he tried to put this new puzzle piece into his disjointed memory.
“We learned about them before coming here,” he surmised, head pounding from the strain. “I'm not crazy?”
“We did.” The way she spoke through her teeth rang bells in his mind. He began recounting every detail he remembered of Liyue before they'd left Khaenri’ah, ticking them off on his fingers one by one:
A city governed by the Adepti; Illuminated beasts that walked in human and animal form.
Many walked the streets among humans with hints of their heritage decorating their clothes or their own features. But the strongest of them all, a Dragon who mastered the Element of Geo. He stood above all as their Emperor. This God of the Adepti was the very reason Aether and Lumine had struck out for Liyue in the first place.
Aether frowned as he sifted through his memories—the word Yaksha meant something and was connected to the Adepti, he was sure of it. “A Yaksha is-“
“The Guardian Adepti of Liyue,” Lumine bit out through her teeth the obvious answer, “Rex Lapis’ chosen soldiers that defend the regional lines and absorb the malice of demons and dead gods alike.” Fixing him with a pointed stare, she added, “We were warned to be on our best behavior when around them. They’re known for being adept killers who go insane from the karma they build up!”
That's right , recollection settled back in and he relaxed, but none of that answered the question shifting in his ribcage: If he'd learned about Yaksha before coming to Liyue, why did it feel as if he were fishing it out of the void? 
“I think,” he began, feeling his throat fill with molasses, “I think I may have met one.”
”Really?“ While it sounded like a question, the way Lumine grasped his wrist and  dragged him through the crowd said otherwise. They ended beneath the shade of the largest tree, away from the crowds  and those looking for gossip. 
Aether couldn’t help himself, he automatically looked up into the branches overhead, eyes peering through the golden leaves from branch to branch with a wistful pain in his chest. The branches were strong, strong enough to sit upon with -... with what? With whom? Distracted by the faintest whisper of a memory, he almost missed Lumine’s sudden movement towards the humming mask, her intentions clear.
He twisted his hip away reflexively and smacked her hand away with a frustrated squawk. “What are you doing?”
“You somehow got your hands on a Yaksha Mask, Aether!“ she hissed, frustration seared through her words as she made another attempt for it. A short scuffle erupted between them as both twins muttered beneath their breaths and tried to overcome the other. He was determined to keep it safe. Desperate even, but Lumine’s desperation matched his own as she struggled to do the only thing she could think of to keep him from further harm. “Hand it over! I knew we should never have kept it!”
“Do you really think Hu Tao would have let me keep it if it was dangerous?” he reasoned, yanking the mask off his hip to hold it over their heads. Unfortunately, they were too even in height and he had to move to his tip toes just to avoid her grasping fingers. Dark energy throbbed through his fingers from the mask, numbing the pads, but he ignored it. 
Don’t let her have it - the thought rang through his head in a garbled voice that wasn’t his own, a familiar rasp that haunted his dreams.
“We don't know that!” she bit out. 
That pulled his attention back and he noticed the panicked fear simmering in her golden eyes. 
Her voice lowered an octave, pleading with him to listen as her eyes blinked repeatedly. Aether realized, in horror, that his sister was on the verge of crying and all his instincts to protect her warred against the rest of him, “Aether please; Khaenri’ah is in danger of being invaded by the Abyss. And the moment we set out to get help, you’re attacked and lose your memory! What if they’ve already picked a side? What if… “
She inhaled sharply, squeezing her eyes shut to hold back her unbidden tears. After a few breaths, they opened again, gold and sharp, begging for him to listen.
“What if you lost your memories because you angered one of them?" She continued, voice terse. "What if they're looking for you? What if that mask leads them right to you? We can't risk-”
“Yes." Lumine was stubborn, but so was he. "We can.” His hard-headed resolve battled her fear until it broke through and grounded them in place. The mask stayed held above them until she relented, shoulders sagging with a heavy sigh, and a calm expression—merely a facade, they both knew—melted along the edges of her pinched eyes. He worried she'd chew through her lip the way she gnawed on it, and unthinkingly, set the mask atop his head (jostling his own slightly out of place) to smush her cheeks.
“Healing me, giving us a place to stay, helping to get us here safely…If anyone wanted to hurt me, they had plenty of chances to do it before now,” he whispered, tweaking her nose when she pouted. “Can you trust me, at least?”
Her answering whine was the agreement he needed. 
“That's cheating,” she claimed, reaching out to pinch his cheeks in return. 
He flicked her nose again and laughed. “As long as it worked!” Their matching grins helped ease the tension between them. Feeling a little better, he nodded towards the courtyard exit, “Can we go in now?” He was anxious to finally step foot inside the palace. 
Lumine's consent came with a slap to Aether's shoulder and the twins laughed as if all was right in the world once more. 
As they emerged from the shade, the two fussed over the others' hair and clothes, straightening them out from the earlier scuffle. Amusingly, Aether almost forgot to move the Yaksha mask back to his hip, remembering it only after a few onlookers' jaws had dropped. Realizing what the added weight upon his head was about, he sheepishly moved it back to his side, unaware of the new whispers building around him.
Everyone, no matter who they passed, continued to give him a wide berth, as if getting too close would burn them. Was it the mask itself, he wondered? The energy that ebbed and flowed was a gentle call beckoning him to move along through the crowd. Feeling rushed yet moving far too slow. It wanted him to go inside, that much he knew. He held that fact against his chest, guilty of hiding it from Lumine.
There were things he couldn't say out loud. Not just yet. The mask was the key to his memories, he was certain of that. And the looming shadow that watched his every move tickled the edges of each empty space. 
A normal person would fear the shade, but not Aether. Like a moth to a flame, he wanted to follow its lead until he reached his destination, whatever end that might be.
If he'd mentioned that, however, Lumine may have never allowed him to enter the palace, let alone the Harbor City. In fact, Aether knew she would have turned them both back on the road towards home, refusing to finish what they started. 
The mere thought of backing down despite their attempts to ally their homeland with the Lord of Geo left a sour taste in his mouth. He understood Lumine's over protective fear and loved her for it. But he couldn't let it interfere with their plans...or have it keep him from finally meeting the one who sent him the mask. 
Was a Guardian Yaksha dangerous? All the stories said as much. And the crowd's reaction proved it better than any story read in a book, but Aether's instincts were strong. If he felt no fear, no hint of danger, then his destination was as clear as the sun in the sky. 
He'd enter this Masquerade and, with Lumine by his side, they would both get what they were there for. One way or another. 
That was one truth Aether was certain of.
When the twin travelers from afar entered the Palace Great Hall, Alatus Nemeseos stood beside the Emperor's Throne with a stiff back and ears buzzing with a pounding headache. 
Over the last three months the migraine had persisted, oftentimes rendering him all but useless in his day-to-day tasks. His kin had willingly covered for him during his time of recuperation, even going as far to take his place patrolling the border, at times.  When the pain had ebbed to a small drumbeat that could be ignored, he'd resumed his duties protecting his Emperor, determined not to be of ill-use.
Only today, it had returned with a vengeance at the sun's rise, and the height of its attack began to stab like a thousand needles behind his eyes. The only saving grace that kept him in place was his well practiced ability to remain stoic. 
Adopting a pose that offered the best view of the gathered crowd, Alatus ensured it would hinder even the most observant to see the pain through. That left him relying on the party mask to hide the visible effects. 
Not for the first time since he'd given up his true mask did he wish for its return. Not only would his pain be nullified upon its recovery, but a heart he'd long thought dead and lost would be with him again, as well. 
It wasn't often a Yaksha formed a soul bond; even rarer was it for Alatus, Conqueror of Demons, to turn his head for anyone. Yet, he had, and the splitting pain against his skull was a constant reminder of his failure to protect the first bond he’d ever attempted. It left a sickening taste in the back of his mouth that festered by the day. 
He attributed the loss of the bond mere minutes after forming it to a case of bad karma. The irony  was not lost on him. 
Each of the Lord of Geo's guardians were well-known for their battle prowess and capabilities of protecting the border of Liyue, but even more well-known was the negative energy they absorbed over time with every kill—their karmic debt. If he were anyone else, he would have found the scenario bitterly hilarious. 
Grimacing behind his false mask—a poor replica of the one he'd released to find his intended, Alatus resisted the ever-present pain, and continued to watch attendees approach to greet the Lord of Geo: Emperor Rex Lapis, or Morax, as the people of Liyue knew him.
The line was non-stop, yet every now and again there would be a blissful few seconds of silence as one group was held back to give Rex Lapis a small break. This break served Alatus just as well. It was a moment he could relax his shoulders, inhale deeply to calm his nerves and allow his careful facade to fall away: if only for a second. This respite was a boon before the storm of greetings began again. 
A second that did not go unnoticed by his Lord. Morax angled his head just enough for his sharp, intellectual gaze to peer upon Alatus in muted concern. “...is it too much, Xiao?”
The question and casual drop of his true name sparked his attention. He peered through the openings of his mask, hoping it covered his pain better than he could. 
“I can take it,” he rasped, voice dropping to a whisper. “But, my Lord, you should use my title.”
Blinking back a stinging tear as another wave of pain wracked his frame, Alatus swept his gaze back to the crowd as he continued,. “You know better than I that it's unsafe to reveal our true names to just anyone. Others could overhear.”
Rex Lapis' smile beneath his mask was just as sharp as his gaze, ”I wouldn't worry about that. You're vigilant, even in pain, but I wish you'd take a break.“
“I can't,“ Xiao replied tersely. ”I've taken enough time off, as is.“
“Working in the palace while Bosacious and the others cover the border is not taking a break,“ Rex Lapis chided, sighing as he waved another group forward to speak with him. “...I will not stop you if you leave for fresh air. I am fully capable of defending myself, if need be.“
The denial was on Xiao's lips before he could stop himself. “I would never-” but the next pang struck against his eyes, blurring his vision and silencing him instantly. Through grit teeth, he kept his watch, trembling fingers gripping his polearm in a desperate attempt to ground himself. 
If only time would move faster, maybe then he could finally rest and this blasted headache would settle to its regular dull roar. He steeled himself as the seconds ticked by and almost fell into quiet meditation to escape the pain. In those slow moments, he felt the damaged bond inside his being and examined the tug of his karmic energy.
While he couldn't locate his mask, he could still feel it, as if it were an extension of himself. He could tell its current bearer was alive, but he couldn't pinpoint their location. In his weakened state, keeping focus on the connection was excruciating. Which is exactly why he was stunned when he mentally reached out and recognized the brimming of his own power echoing back from across the hall.  
Blood turned to ice and a chill of silent, desperate hope ran up his spine. Was this the reason behind his headaches increasing in frequency? Was he finally done waiting?
Those nearby saw the change in the Vigilant Yaksha's presence. Once still as a statue, he now looked upon the room with eyes glowing, brimming with a suffocating amount of power. 
Magic filled the air around him in a whirlwind of chaos. Alarmed shouts and concerned murmurings created a pitch of white noise at the core.. Hair whipped against his pointed ears, tickling the skin as the air currents moved with his energy. Like a dog on the hunt, he searched the crowd, scanning over the many heads in hopes of finding a glint of gold in a sea of intricate masks. 
With his entire being focused on finding his soul bond, it took several seconds for Xiao to realize that someone was speaking to him. Rex Lapis, his voice a low, curious command, pulled him back and the howling power dulled instantly. 
Xiao bowed his head. “I—sorry, I shouldn't have-!”
The command was simple. Final. His voice cut through Xiao's shame, his hand lifted to pause anyone  approaching. They could wait a few more seconds. 
The Emperor no longer looked upon Xiao with kind, concerned eyes that could pinpointed every crack in his armor. Instead he viewed Xiao as one would an erring child: eyes narrowed and lips drawn into a fine line.His order gave no room for arguments.
“My…” Xiao stumbled over his words, confused, “My lord?”
Rex Lapis softened gaze through the openings of his own opulent, gold dragon mask as he gestured through the hall, “He's here, isn't he? You sensed it.”
There was no point in denying or confirming what was already clear. A disgruntled sound escaped Xiao's throat as he resisted every instinct that screamed inside him to leave. His chosen was here, amidst the crowd. So close and yet... and yet-
Rex Lapis' voice broke through his thoughts again, voice reverberating off the stone halls as he commanded the very essence they were created from. “I said: Go.”
Xiao didn't need to be told a third time, body relinquishing control to his baser instincts. His power rose and flowed around him, again and in a wave of teal energy and wind, he dispersed from the crowd, unseen, as he moved to follow the ever constant tug of his heart. 
'I'm coming, Aether!'
It was like walking through a fine mist when they entered the hall. What once looked to be an opulent room full of gold and marble columns and a beautiful skylight etched in cor lapis frames, fell to a babbling brook surrounded in fog.  The sudden change was disorienting as Aether felt himself lose his grip on reality as he sank into a hollow memory.
His steps slowed as he took in the surroundings, eyes narrowed as the dense fog kept him from peering through the thick trees. It was a scene both familiar and foreign to him, though how he knew it remained a mystery to him. Reflexively, he reached out for Lumine, and was startled when his hand grasped thin air.   “Lumine-?” He called, voice on the edge of panic, “Lumine where are you? I can’t…”
He reached for her again with mounting desperation as his breaths grew more shallow at each attempt. Whipping his head from side to side, he tried to find a hint of his sister. Perhaps she’d simply walked further than him to inspect the area? Maybe if he moved forward he’d grab hold and-
Nothing. He couldn’t find her. Not in this strange place. Not anywhere. His hand fell to his side and he inhaled a deep, shuddering breath to calm himself. If he or she were lost, she’d find him. He knew this. All he had to do was wait and carefully examine his surroundings. Yes, that’s it. That’s exactly what he’d do. With a goal in mind, he looked upon the area with fresh eyes. 
If not for the oppressive atmosphere, the stream would be beautiful. The leaves and horse tails that littered the bank outlined peaceful, crystal clear waters. The sun above him was a muted, gentle heat- or should have been, but even that was masked by the fog. 
He knew this place, but it was wrong, unfinished. Like a broken puzzle with too many missing pieces. He spied footprints in the mud, one pair belonging to him and the other... 
A spark of something struck his mind and he winced, eyes watering from the pain. The haunting shade he'd felt before loomed ever closer, urging him closer to the precipice of knowledge he couldn't fully grasp.
Someone else was supposed to be there... They had met at the water's edge many times before since Aether had crossed the border. That day they had revealed themselves in their entirety, urging Aether forward with an outstretched hand, and an offer that filled his soul to bursting. He wanted to take the offer, to soar the skies, to hold this person's hand and-
“ther-...Aether?” Lumine's voice shattered the waters, brushed away the fog, and illuminated the ballroom once more. His breath caught and he nearly stumbled at the sudden change of scenery. Looking behind him, he noticed they were only just past the entrance, and his nerves sparked along his skin. The beginning of a headache thrummed behind his eyes, wet with tears. 
“I-“” Aether paused, mid-sentence, unaware of what he was trying to say. His voice sounded strange, even to him, rasping and hoarse as emotions broiled inside him. “I'm all right- I just...I thought I saw something.”
She gripped his hand, their knuckles white from the force they used to hold onto each other, especially after what he said.  That was when he realized the thin air he'd felt before had only been a trick of the mind. He knew what she was going to say before a syllable could leave her lips.
“I'm fine,” he assured her with a smile not reaching his eyes. “I think it was a memory.”
When she tried to ask again, he shook his head, motioning towards the crowd currently dancing and mingling around them. Now wasn't the time. Understanding, she loosened her hold and the two finally drifted through the ocean of dancing, masked strangers. 
It was easier to move through them with the mask on Aether's hip. As if sensing the accessory, other party-goers would move aside, giving them a wide berth as his approach. While the twins were well-trained in greeting masses of citizens back home, the customs of Liyue differed in subtle ways. Most attendees milled about, chatting with friends or family. Others spoke in garbled jargon towards the city's economy that Aether and Lumine could never hope to understand without ample time to study. 
However, one mass of onlookers did not move at the sight of Aether's mask, blocking the way  through the middle of the hall. They were far too focused on what lay farther ahead, the throne of Rex Lapis sitting on a raised platform. Consternation was their first emotion, followed by a readjustment to the room around them. Their eyes were quick, observing the scenario around them to take in  information anywhere they could while piecing it together with what they already knew.
The mask was significant in a way most could not explain or even attempt to do so, but an opportunity to greet their God-Emperor overcame that significance. The line was kept in order by security patrolling up and down it, making gaps between groups intermittently for easier travel in certain areas. Servants  stopped at each group, offering drinks, and the echoing tumult of the gatherer's chatter grew the closer to the throne they came. Their excitement to see their Emperor face to face was almost palpable. 
Aether and Lumine shared a glance and nodded: they too would join the line. The Lord of Geo, Emperor Rex Lapis, was their true destination from the very beginning. When they first traveled through the borders of Khaenri'ah and made their way to Liyue, it was with the intent to meet with a member of the Qixing. Someone who could, through proper documentation and peace talks, bring them before this very throne. After Aether's accident, however, this ball was their best chance.
They could figure out the secret behind Aether's mask later, if this line brought them closer to the alliance they so desperately needed, so be it. 
At least, that was the plan. One that Hu Tao urged them to take the moment she told them about the ball. But Aether still remembered the way her eyes constantly followed the mask in his hands, the look in her eyes as she did. 
The longer they stood in line, the more anxious he felt. That shadow of a memory had snapped something into place, and Aether wasn't sure he liked the emotions that broiled beneath those implications.
It wasn't an accident, he felt, gnawing on his lip at the realization, but an attempt on his life.  Something or someone had come for him, and he couldn't escape the contradicting suspicion that it was tied to the Guardian Yaksha his mask belonged to.
Lumine's worries were valid. They very well could be walking into a trap, but he wanted to believe there was more to it. Silently, he wished for another memory to jam itself back into his broken puzzle. 
“They can't seriously expect me to believe these people have nothing better to do,” Lumine griped through her teeth. Accepting an offered drink, she sipped from the crystal flute with a deep set frown, heels tapping the floor in impatience. “Is the chance to shake his hand really that big a deal?”
“I hear he only appears during festivals,” Aether replied with a sardonic grin. “Don't you remember how it was for us back home?”
The reminder of their own status made her frown darken the rest of her features, eyes burning. “Good point. At least they ask for permission before they touch here.”
“Of course, it was.” He poked her side in mischief, “I'm the one who said it.”
Another poke and she was holding back an uncontrollable giggle swatting at his fingers with an empty glare. “Says the one who was found face down in a riverbank three months ago.“
“Shh, a lady shouldn't speak that way in public,” he chided playfully.
“If you don't take this seriously, I'll knock out the rest of your memories.”
Ah, this was the distraction he needed. That they both had needed. His smile grew to crinkle the edges of his face, “My dear sister is so violent sometimes. Whatever shall I do with her?”
“I'll tell you what you can do,” she started, following the line as it  progressed along. “You can take that smartass grin off your face and shove it down your-”
Aether squinted as her sentence quieted and then grew mute. He watched as her lips moved, cheeks flushed in adorable irritation, but no sound reached him. In fact, the rest of the room was just as silent as the roaring waves of an angry, torrential river swallowed him up and struck against him like a battering ram. White noise and a piercing, Inhuman shriek echoed within him as glowing, wild golden eyes reflected in his mind. A manic laugh, giggling behind the shout set his nerves ablaze as bloodied fingers reached out to grasp the ones belonging to... 
The world rushed back up to meet Aether as the rivers in his mind receded. Instinctively he reached for Lumine, grasping her shoulder tight, but the words froze in his throat before he could warn her. He met the eyes of a dancer, chilling him to the bone as the mask they wore struck his memories like a hammer to an anvil. They wore the mask of a beast he’d seen before, but the recollection was adrift like a butterfly he couldn’t reach. The dancer met his gaze mid-spin and their movements slowed as their eyes gleamed from the depths of their mask. It was a person like any other, he told himself, but panic swelled inside his chest as the memory clicked into place.
A creature of the abyss. Horror choked him and the shadow that followed him leaned ever closer against his shoulder, hissing in his ear a silent warning. 
Stay away! He had to get-
A thrum of power emanated from the mask and he stumbled, falling into Lumine as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He couldn't hear her worried whispers as she held him up, strong arms bracing him as the world flipped itself upside down and spun. 
“L-Lumine-” He quivered, feeling the old chill of an Abyss Mage's magic trail down his spine. “Lumine, help, I-”
The words caught in his throat in a jumbled ball as the tendrils of green-black smoke ebbed from his hip and swirled about them. It's dark aura was thick, but the warmth it emanated chased the freezing cold away from his aching limbs and another memory snapped back into place:
The eyes. The mask. They belonged to someone. Someone he knew. The intense gaze had followed them since they passed the border, always staying just out of reach of the twins' sight, but never far enough to feel alone. 
Nights of travel and the trilling of a bird at night had drawn him from his slumber. They lured Aether to the ancient waters of Liyue where he'd first met a beast of blazing purple, teal and gold feathers that encompassed the width of the entire stream. The remains of dead hillichurls crumpled beneath its sharp talons and littered the area. 
They hadn't seen a single monster since crossing into Liyue and now he knew why.
The world spun again and those talons faded to long, delicate fingers that strongly gripped a polearm. No longer was the beast’s gaze a threat as his brow softened to a gentle stare. Instead of a strange creature, there stood a man who seemed more human as the days went by. Nights upon nights Aether sought them out, and their meetings brought them closer at each attempt.
Yes - those eyes, he knew them.
The shadow that had loomed over him since receiving the mask crept closer and almost felt like it would swallow him whole. The true owner of the mask had slipped from his fingers, but found him again. It had protected his sleep and warded away enemies as they traveled. A fact Aether couldn’t prove, but knew deep in his bones to be true. He knew all of it. Down to the original owner whose strong will to protect him had led to this very moment. 
That face...Aether scrunched his nose and whimpered, desperately trying to fit together pieces of memories too disjoined to visualize. Why couldn't he see the face?!
“-please, Aether, you're scaring me!” Lumine pleaded in his ear, urging him to come back to reality, to stand on his own two feet. The onlookers' stunned gazes struck as strong as the waters of Liyue and his grip tightened on her shoulder. Focus…I need to focus!  
Lumine's hiss was acidic in her panic, “Everyone’s looking! Aether, talk to me!”
His eyes flung open.
The mask and the energy that swirled around him dispersed, overshadowed by a collective gasp in the hall as the throne erupted in a mini whirlwind. Aether could barely see through his own tears, but he felt Lumine pulling him from the line and back through the crowd, only stopping when his legs gave out and pulled them both to the floor.
“Aether! Aether please!” Shaking fingers pushed aside his mask and pressed against his face. She cursed, “Archons, you're burning up! We need to get you to-”
He whined, his own panic building as he struggled to gulp in the air. His head throbbed as more memories filtered through, and he looked through fluttering, wet lashes to his sister. While her attention had only been on him, the moment she touched his shoulder, something happened he couldn’t quite comprehend.
Her touch had been warm, but was pulled away as he reached for her. She shouted words that were ringing in his skull, too loud and jumbled to understand. He struggled to make sense of them while those surrounding them, despite their curious gazes, made no move to assist them.
What was wrong with-
”Move.“ One voice, firm and familiar, broke through the buzzing of Aether's mind as the strange winds dispersed and a masked man stepped beside Lumine. He urged her to step aside, but she stubbornly stayed, maneuvering herself between him and Aether who struggled to piece together what he was watching. She shouted something and moved to shove the man back, but the winds around them picked up and a collective gasp shot through the crowd. A couple jumped from the crowd to pull her back as they bowed repeatedly. Aether thought he heard apologies rising over enraged shouts, but he couldn’t be sure. 
Lumine was not one to back down, struggling against them, but the newcomer held up his hand and everything stopped: the wind dropped, the two pulling at Lumine froze and she was released instantly. The rabble echoing through the hall fell silent and Aether blinked through the haze of his own tears, shivering on the floor anxiously.
”It's all right,” the man whispered, moving past Lumine to kneel before Aether, “I wont hurt him.”
Every garbled memory, every shattered piece of the puzzle, slammed against Aether’s skull with the force of a tidal wave when citrine-gold eyes burned behind a mask that looked wrong: out of place. The wrong color, the wrong size, not like the one humming from his hip. It wasn't correct at all. 
In a moment of insanity—maybe clarity, he reached for it, snapped the ribbons that kept it on his belt, and shakily pressed it against the other’s face. The movement was shaky and he almost dropped it, but the man caught his wrist in a gentle grip, holding it in place.
The mask he currently wore was in the way pulling a growl from Aether in a fit of anger and annoyance that burned away his common sense. “Not you...it's not-”
The shadow was gone, the space behind his shoulders was now empty the moment this masked man approached. Aether felt it. Felt it merge with the true face of the one he couldn't recall who finally stood before him. He directed Aether’s hand to set the mask down, letting it rest on the marble floor between them. 
Its once dark aura had ceased to pull at Aether's senses, leaving a void in its departure. The silence was deafening, and left him feeling off-balanced and weak. Insecurity struck as he grunted through grit teeth, his fingers twitching to reach for it again, but the grip on his wrist stopped him.
He clicked his tongue, regaining Aether’s attention, tilting the current mask he wore slightly off his face to reveal the true features underneath. And everything changes in the space of a second. 
Immediately, Aether felt his muscles relax, his eyes darted to the familiar chin and jaw line, moved upward the red that adorned his eyes and up again, finally resting on a gaze that set every nerve in his body on fire. Bright, gleaming jewels of citrine with a diamond shaped pupil; and a gaze intense enough to see straight into his heart and soul. Aether sucked in a breath of air, tears finally spilling over as a sob shook his quivering frame.
He knew this man. 
He knew him, he realized, letting out a shaky breath and a name tumbled from his lips. It spilled over like a feverish prayer, his voice hoarse and tired. “...My Xiao?” 
He barely understood it himself, but the spoken name sent a joint shiver through both of them, fixing something that had broken months ago. 
In those scant moments between Xiao pulling Aether's limp body into his arms and standing to meet the crowd, all became a blur. He thought he heard Lumine, her voice beside him as he was whisked away, but the beautiful scenery of the hall and the collective shouts of well-dressed party-goers became a faded memory as his mind slipped in and out of consciousness. 
With each flutter of his eyes, the setting changed: first a hallway, a set of stairs, the gentle rocking in the arms of his carrier, and then the canopy of a bed he couldn't remember laying in. A sense of deja vu made him dizzy, half expecting Hu Tao to come dancing in with a pleased grin on her face, much as she had the first day she found him. But there was no Hu Tao, and no Lumine when his eyesight swam into focus. 
There was only the unknown room he slept in that smelled slightly of dust and old fabric, and a tiny girl, not even to his knees, sweeping the floors. 
“...Um?” Was Aether's intelligent response to his predicament. “Where...am I?”
The sweeping paused and the girl tilted her head with eyes wide and empty as she observed him through the tiny talisman that hung between her eyes. When she set the broom aside, Aether noticed the tired pace she set, stretching her arms over head as she turned back to face him.
“You're awake,” She stated, voice slow and melodic. “Please stay still. I'll...” She paused, pressing a finger to her lips as she thought over her words. “That's right. I remember. I'll get Master Alatus.” 
“Wait,” he rasped, reaching out in a failed attempt to stop her. “Can you tell me where my sis-”
The door slammed shut behind her as her soft feet pattered down the hall, leaving Aether stumped and uncertain of his whereabouts. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long for an answer. 
While he watched the door and twisted the sheets between his fists, he tried to ignore the rising anxiety of the unknown. As far as he was concerned, the moment the door swung open, he'd either blast the new arrival with demands to answer his questions, or make a break for it. Waking from his stupor without Lumine by his side gave him a sense of vulnerability he didn't like, and he was prepared to do something about it as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
Except, the door never opened as far as he could tell. In fact, neither did the large windows to his left that overlooked the large expanse of Liyue. 
A sudden wind ran through the room, circled itself in the familiar teal hues he'd seen before and all the tension fell from his body as a figure formed within it as if the very air had pieced his body together from nothing.
The mask that had been with Aether these past months swung idly on the hip of the other. He no longer wore a suit befitting of a masquerade and instead stood in finery Aether recalled seeing before: In the dead of the night, when he'd leave camp to talk to the quiet person who followed his and Lumine's every step.
Aether's eyes widened as the memories that assaulted him during the ball settled into his mind with ease. The pounding in his head was quieter now, muted in the presence of the Yaksha he'd visited many times in secret, but something wasn't quite right.
Recalling the little girl's words, Aether surmised the owner of the name and worried his lip. “So, Xiao isn't your real name?“
The man before him, this Alatus, stiffened. His eyes looked him over from head to toe while his posture spoke louder than his stoic expression. He carefully covered any emotion that may have gleamed in his brightly colored eyes. But with crossed arms, shoulders held square and tense, he was guarded, ready to bolt at a moment's notice.
Aether could tell, now seeing the way his feet were angled toward the door, that this man was uncomfortable and looking for a quick and speedy exit once his task was done. A fact that made his mouth twist in a disapproving frown, uncertainty gripping him. Was this how it should be?
“Alatus is what the citizens of Liyue call me,” he answered tersely, and Aether felt a different pain from before that dug into his ribcage. Disappointment settled in his bones, mourning the loss of openness he remembered seeing days before his attack. 
“Is that what I should call you?” He asked, voice barely a whisper.
Xiao paused, emotion betraying his careful facade for a split second before he sealed it away. “If that is what you wish.”
Wrong. This was all wrong! 
Aether remembered now. The call of Xiao's music as he trilled in his beast form. The destructive beauty as he destroyed enemies encased in darkness. The sharpness of his eyes softened each night Aether came to see him. They'd been so close that fateful night and now...
There were too many questions unanswered for him to settle upon,  and while he meant to ask one thing, a complete change of subject fell from his mouth instead. “Is Lumine okay?”
A soft sound of surprise broke through once again. Aether's question startled not just himself, it seemed. With a sigh, Xiao seemed to relax just a bit more, the corner of his mouth quirking upward. 
“It was almost impossible to keep her from your bedside,” he admitted, casting his gaze back towards the door. “But she is with Rex Lapis now.”
Startled, Aether shoved the blankets aside and swung his legs off the mattress. “We were supposed to do that together! I can't sit here while she's—”
Xiao was beside him in an instant, firm hands grasping his shoulders to keep him seated. How the yaksha managed to move so quickly, Aether couldn't fathom, but when his next attempt to move was met with concrete resistance, his expression soured. 
“We're aware why you were coming here,” Xiao muttered, voice dropping to a familiar softness that squeezed Aether's heart. “Don't worry. My Lord would prefer you rest for now.”
Something akin to bitterness struck Aether in that moment. He wanted to feel relief. To believe his sister would be returned soon and their mission to meet the Lord of Geo would end in success, but none of this was right. It was all wrong, and he couldn't find the right words. He wanted to see Lumine. He wanted to verify everything, but most of all...
His nose wrinkled, and he turned his attention onto the Yaksha before him. There was an ache in his fingertips, silently begging to reach out and touch the skin of the other. This was no shade haunting the empty void of his memory, tantalizing him with a want he couldn't understand. This was the real thing. He was real, but an invisible wall held fast between them. 
Aether felt his mouth run dry, relenting to Xiao's unspoken request, but unwilling to truly relax. 
“And you?” he asked, words dropping like coals on his tongue. “Do you also want that?“
Xiao's answer was quicker than the seconds between them, “Yes.”
So simple, but the message behind it spoke volumes. Aether swallowed, glancing to his closed fists then to the floor where the other stood. Xiao's pointed shoes were elegant in their design and, while he wanted to distract himself in the many details of the other's clothing, his observant eyes picked apart every minor detail. The clothes looked stiff and dusty, and the stale scent that clung to them spoke of disuse. It matched the smell of the room, made to look impressive, but rarely occupied. A bit of the collar was out of place and a button or two off-centered. Not only were they rarely worn, but dressed in a rush. The Yaksha was still tense. So much so that if Aether blinked, he'd miss the slight trembling in the other's muscles as he stood in place, attempting to stay as still as a statue. 
For a moment, Aether thought Xiao was holding himself back. Whether to run or something else, he couldn’t be sure, but the image didn’t fit what was reflected in his memories.
It didn't make sense. 
From what he could remember, their separation had been quick and sudden; with Aether torn from Xiao's arms in the midst of an embrace that burned Aether's skin to think about. To keep his and Lumine's identities secret, they'd been forbidden the use of their full abilities, but that night had been a night of firsts, and Xiao's ability to move with the wind, coupled with Aether's wings had led to a dance along the waters that stuck behind his eyelids. 
Something had grown tight and broken that day, something that Aether now realized had been formed between them during that dance. Young and fragile, but beneath the surface it screamed for completion.
Yet, here the other stood, reunited with him after so long, and Aether couldn't tell if the Yaksha was glad to see him or upset. It didn't make sense unless-
”...do you regret meeting me?“ Aether found himself asking before the thought had fully finished in his mind. 
A sharp inhale and dead silence thick enough to slice fell between them. A heavy weight of thoughts fell upon his shoulders. That was it, wasn't it? What had grown between them wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a mistake after all and now  
Xiao caressing Aether's jaw between his thumb and forefinger brought him out of his thoughts, newly aware of the wet tears stinging the edges of his eyes.  
They were close. Almost too close. With Xiao's nose against his as the guardian of Liyue trembled in place, looming forward to keep their eyes reflecting the other’s. In them Aether finally saw what the other was carefully hiding away: relief, adoration, fear, desperation and... guilt.
“My only regret,” his voice cracked, breaking the surface of the feelings between them as he wiped Aether's tears with his thumb. “Is failing to protect you.”
The world spun on its axis, and Aether released a breath he didn't know he was holding. The ache in his heart ripped open as he gripped Xiao's hand in his own. When the other flinched, he tightened his grip, determined to keep them close enough for their words to mingle.
“You didn't fail,” he said, words ghosting over their lips, spreading a simmering heat. “Your mask found me. It led me back to you.”
A broken sound escaped the Yaksha and his eyes fell shut, clenched tight from the memories of that night. “The Abyss Mage who struck you fell by my hand, but I...I couldn't sense you after. I couldn’t find you-” 
Aether could see it then. The truth behind his raised walls. And the final pieces of his disjointed puzzle realigned themselves as Xiao's head fell upon his shoulder. The severed string that bound them grew anew and relief fell from him in waves. 
“It was my mistake,” Xiao continued, speaking into the fabric of Aether's dress shirt. (He would have to ask for the rest of his clothes later.) 
Waiting with baited breath, he let the guardian he'd found in the woods take his time to explain himself through broken, choked whispers of self-depreciation. “I searched for hours and returned when the broken bond between us threatened to take me along with it...”
He was holding Xiao now, one arm wrapped around the other as a tentative, tired hand moved to rest in the tendrils of the yaksha's hair. “I wish I understood your customs more,” he lamented, urging Xiao to continue. “I knew something had happened, but I'd forgotten, and it's instinct to hide my aura when wounded.” He paused for a second, muttering a quiet apology, “That’s… probably why you couldn’t find me.”
The explanation was meant to sooth the other, but the gentle touch and soft whispers into Xiao's ear only made his trembling worse. Aether wondered if this growing sense of unease was from the bond between them, one he was increasingly becoming aware of as the seconds ticked on. 
“Bonds are meant to tie souls together.” Aether almost missed his next words as he pushed away, face growing impassive once more. “Guardian Yaksha are sensitive to the energy of the world -” he watched Xiao pause, considering his words as an ache began to knot itself in his chest, “ binding ourselves to someone is a dangerous affair. One mistake is all it takes to … to…” 
His voice dropped, but the word hung in the air: kill. A failed bond could kill one or both involved. Aether swallowed thickly, panic rising when the Adeptus began to turn away.
The air currents began to rise. Aether felt it in the way his hair began to sway, and the staleness in the room began to filter out. He recognized the sensation, watching the dead, guilt-filled eyes of Xiao as he took another step back. He was preparing to leave, to disperse with the winds of his own creation. Aether’s instinct’s kicked in immediately and he lunged forward, not only following Xiao off the bed, but nearly knocking them both to the floor. Reflexively, the adeptus caught Aether in his arms and he took the opportunity to fist his fingers into Xiao’s shirt, determined to keep him close.
“Don't go!” he pleaded, voice dripping in a desperate need. “Please...I spent months missing you, but not knowing it for what it was. Don't…” he wet his lips and tried again, “don't make it worse.”
“I should let your sister know you're awake,” Xiao hesitated, wavering between the pull of the winds on his fingertips and the bond that sang between them.
“We can tell her,” Aether agreed, tightening his grip, “together. Please. Xiao. You did nothing I didn't want to begin with.”
This threw the Yaksha off, brows rising into the fringe of his teal hair and mouth dropping, stunned. “I don't understand. You said you didn't understand our customs?”
“Not understanding doesn't mean I wasn't aware something was happening,” he insisted, urging the other back to the mattress. “You were so beautiful...so deadly, that first night we met, but when you sent me back to Lumine, I couldn't help but hope I'd find you again and again each night. And I did. Almost like you were looking for me, too.”
A blossom of red spread across Xiao's ears and Aether knew he'd hit the nail on the head, beaming in triumph. His heart was pounding in his chest, fluttering like a crystalfly and hanging on to the edge of a precipice. “...it's the same reason I kept the mask. I could tell it was meant to help me, I just…didn't know how.”
“...it was my last resort to find you,” he coughed, covering his face with the back of his hand in an attempt to hide his red cheeks. “Accepting your death was...impossible. Rex Lapis told me what that meant: I wasn't ready to give up. So...I didn't.”
Aether gulped, feelings threatening to overflow as he loosened his grip. Xiao made no further attempt to leave and settled Aether back onto the mattress with his back safely supported by a cluster of pillows. He leaned over to adjust the blankets keeping himself close enough for Aether to speak directly into his ear as he worked. 
“Thank you for finding me,” his breathless words came out like a confession. “Lumine was worried, but...I knew it couldn't be dangerous. Something that makes you feel safe can't be bad, right?”
Just like that, the tension between them snapped.
Xiao's weight fell upon him in an instant, arms and legs twisting together as they grew tangled in the sheets. Aether's words had broken the last defense in his armor, reopening the sensations and emotions they'd shared before. Holding tight to the other, Aether basked in the sensations, allowing the memories to flow through him like the rising tides. They had kissed many times that night, he recalled...
And the next kiss Aether received was on his wrist, held reverently by Xiao, whose eyes misted over and regarded Aether like a long-forgotten treasure. He trailed his lips and fangs along the skin of his arms, to the pads of his fingers and back up again. He marveled at the shudder the action brought down Aether's body.  
“You trust too easily,” he chided, voice full of gratitude as his burning touch moved to trail along Aether's jaw, following the outline of his face. “I thought that then.” He followed his hands with his teeth nipping playfully along the skin of Aether’s neck before leaning back. Predatory golden eyes held Aether’s captive , the barest hint of a smile curved his lips, “And I still think it now.“
Aether chuckled, voice breathless from the attention he was receiving after so long apart. His own hands weren't idle, moving along to trail along Xiao's sides and memorizing every plane of muscle he could find through the rich fabric. When Xiao's lips ghosted over his own, he chased after, finally molding their lips together after the months they'd spent apart. It was amusing to realize he'd kept a secret tryst from his sister, but now that they were reunited, he couldn't bring himself to feel ashamed for it.
”Is that supposed to charm me?“ he asked after a time, still seeking the feel of Xiao's mouth on his own despite the lack of oxygen in his lungs. The other man pressed a firm hand against his chest, holding him down to give them space for air. His own, mirroring smile was small compared to Aethers, but the upturned edges softened his features to a degree that turned Aether's body to jelly.
”Perhaps not,“ Xiao answered, voice brimming with amusement, ”but you were always insufferable...reckless even.” He brushed Aether's golden hair from his face, one finger trailing to the edges of his ear to play with the earring that hung there. 
Choosing not to respond, a royal of Khaenri’ah now bonded to a Guardian Yaksha tilted his head, following the hand that memorized him. Biting the tip of Xiao's finger he did his best to remove the other's glove, eyes brimming in heat and trickery. 
He didn't miss the way Xiao's breath caught in his throat, or the rumbling growl that came in return. Aether wanted to hear more, pull more sounds out, see just how far the two of them could go while alone in this room in the Palace of Liyue. But his emotions and wants fogging his mind weren't enough to distract himself from his true goal as he examined the newly barred hand beside him.
Teal and dark, like the energy that swirled around him with sharp claws once covered by his glove, now gleamed in the light of the room. Aether had seen the majestic bird, larger than life, covered in thick feathers of gold and talons scaled in the same colors. Those hues stained the tips of Xiao’s hands and bled up along his arms: a testament to his inhuman nature. 
Aether couldn't resist the urge to return the favor Xiao had given him, and kissed the tips of those dark-touched hands. “...you're still as beautiful as I remember.”
“Shameless,” Xiao spat with no heat behind the words. He silenced Aether with another kiss, tongue delving into his mouth to taste the other as he held him down. Admittedly, it was sloppy and rushed, desperate from their time apart, but Aether thrilled from the actions regardless, shuddering when their hips rested against the other.
But that was as far as they'd go. 
Xiao's own groan answered in kind, holding their hips in place as he struggled to regain himself. Their kiss turned to a languid, slow pace as the Yaksha reacquainted himself with the feel and taste that was purely Aether. 
He resumed his trail of kisses along Aether's face, and he spoke into the shell of his ear quiet endearments that would never leave the spaces between them.
“Thank you,” he said, voice a husky drawl as Aether drowned in the throes of glee. “For finding me…for letting me find you. For staying alive. Thank you.”
“Shouldn't those be my words?” Aether muttered, laughing when Xiao cut him off again. 
Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to an hour of the two reaffirming the bond that had formerly been created. They would have more to discuss in time. The implications of their union, Aether and Lumines status in Khaenri'ah and the alliance they wished to form, as well as the implications of monsters from the abyss attacking them on the road. 
All of that would be dealt with in time, but the only thing left on Aether's mind when they finally calmed down, resting his head against Xiao's chest while they dozed, was something he'd been ignoring for quite some time now.
“Lumine is going to kill me when she realizes I got with someone before she did.“
Xiao huffed an amused laugh and the bond of the Yaksha, once broken and near debilitating, thrummed in a newly realized strength between them. “I suppose I’ll have to protect you, then.”
“There's no protecting me from an angry sister. If anything, she’ll take you out with me”
“Hmm…so be it then.” “Xiao!” 
Their playful chatter and affirmations continued between them for quite some time; The mask that brought them back together lay on the bedside table, its dark energies dormant after a job well done. 
It could finally rest. For now.
Bonus Scene:
"So, I was attacked and lost my memory the same night me and Xiao kinda confessed and formed a bond between each other-"
"You bonded with a stranger?!"
"Uhh no…uhm. Remember how I'd take walks by myself at night while we were camping and wouldn't come back for a couple hours?"
"You didn't."
"Apparently, I did!"
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dresshunters · 5 months ago
Top 10 Women’s Fashion Essentials Every Wardrobe Needs
Fashion trends come and go, but some pieces are forever. Whether you’re a minimalist or a trendsetter, there are fashion essentials every woman should have in her wardrobe. These pieces can be styled in endless ways and serve as a foundation for any look, making it easy to mix, match, and reinvent your style for any occasion. Here’s a look at the top 10 must-have fashion essentials that every woman needs in her closet.
1. The Perfect Pair of Jeans
A well-fitted pair of jeans is a non-negotiable wardrobe essential. From high-waisted to straight leg, finding jeans that flatter your body type can be a game-changer. Dark wash jeans are particularly versatile, as they can transition effortlessly from day to night.
Styling Tips:
Pair with a tucked-in tee for a casual look.
Add a blazer and heels for a chic, business-casual vibe.
Try different washes and cuts to find your ideal fit.
2. Crisp White T-Shirt
A classic white tee is one of the most versatile pieces you can own. It can be dressed up with a blazer or dressed down with jeans, making it a go-to item for any occasion. Opt for a high-quality fabric to ensure it holds its shape and lasts over time.
Styling Ideas:
Tuck into high-waisted jeans for an effortless look.
Layer under a slip dress for a trendy, layered style.
Pair with a skirt and accessories for a casual-chic outfit.
3. Little Black Dress (LBD)
The little black dress is timeless for a reason. It’s sophisticated, versatile, and perfect for almost any event. Choose a style that flatters your body shape, and you’ll always have something to wear, whether it’s a dinner date or a business event.
Styling Tips:
Add a belt to define your waist and create shape.
Style with bold jewelry for an elevated evening look.
Throw on a denim jacket and sneakers for a casual day outfit.
4. Blazer
A structured blazer can instantly upgrade any outfit. Whether you’re going to the office or meeting friends for brunch, a blazer adds polish and sophistication. Neutral colors like black, beige, or navy are highly versatile, but a bright-colored blazer can be a fun statement piece.
Styling Ideas:
Wear over a dress for a professional, feminine look.
Pair with jeans and a tee for a smart-casual ensemble.
Roll up the sleeves for a more relaxed, modern vibe.
5. Comfortable Flats
Comfortable flats are a must for everyday wear. They’re practical, versatile, and pair well with almost any outfit. Ballet flats, loafers, or classic slip-ons are all great choices that combine comfort and style.
How to Style:
Wear with cropped pants for a sleek, elongated look.
Pair with a dress or skirt for a feminine, comfortable outfit.
Try loafers for a polished, sophisticated touch.
6. Classic Trench Coat
A trench coat is a timeless outerwear piece that never goes out of style. It’s functional, fashionable, and works for both casual and formal looks. A beige or camel trench coat is the most versatile, but black is another great option.
Styling Tips:
Belt it at the waist for a fitted silhouette.
Layer over a hoodie and jeans for a chic streetwear look.
Pair with tailored pants and heels for an elegant, professional outfit.
7. Versatile Tote Bag
A stylish, roomy tote bag is a functional accessory every woman should own. It can hold everything you need, from a laptop to daily essentials, making it ideal for both work and play. Look for high-quality leather or canvas for durability.
Tips for Choosing a Tote:
Opt for neutral colors that pair well with multiple outfits.
Look for bags with multiple compartments for organization.
Consider a structured tote for a professional appearance.
8. Statement Accessories
Statement accessories can transform a simple outfit into a chic look. Whether it’s bold earrings, a chunky necklace, or a printed scarf, accessories add personality and style to your ensemble.
Styling Tips:
Use accessories to add a pop of color to neutral outfits.
Layer necklaces or bracelets for a stylish, on-trend look.
Experiment with hats or sunglasses to complete your outfit.
9. White Sneakers
White sneakers have become a wardrobe staple, blending comfort and style. They can be paired with jeans, dresses, skirts, and just about anything else, making them incredibly versatile.
Styling Ideas:
Pair with jeans and a tee for a casual, effortless style.
Wear with a floral dress for a trendy, sporty look.
Try with tailored trousers for a balanced, chic outfit.
10. Black Pants
A pair of well-fitted black pants is essential for both casual and formal settings. Look for a flattering cut—like straight-leg or high-waisted styles—that complements your body type. Black pants are timeless and versatile, perfect for building countless outfits.
How to Style:
Add a silk blouse and heels for a formal occasion.
Wear with a chunky sweater for a cozy, everyday look.
Pair with a graphic tee and sneakers for a fun, modern vibe.
Building a wardrobe around these essential pieces gives you a solid foundation to create outfits for any occasion. Focus on quality, fit, and versatility, and you’ll have a closet full of items that never go out of style. Remember, it’s not about having more clothes; it’s about having the right clothes.
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 2 years ago
AU by @marrondrawsalot
[Synopsis]: Miyeon Choi gets summoned to Twisted Wonderland and are with NRC.
[(A/N)]: Now I’m thinking and writing up interactions of my TWST MC OC with the cast in this AU.
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[During Prologue]
[Miyeon Choi was summoned at the beginning of the year at NRC.]
Miyeon: *Appears in front of the Dark Mirror and everybody present during the Dorm Sorting ceremony*
Crowley: Greetings, great Eldritch Master. I have summoned you to bring protection of this school and its students. Even bring power to-
Miyeon: Hold up! You summoned me when I was in the middle of saving my home world.
Crowley: Pardon?
Miyeon: One second. *Uses their Sling Ring to open a portal back to their world*
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Miyeon: *Enters through and close the portal behind them*
[1 hour later]
Miyeon: *Reopens the portal and enters back into TWST* Okay, saved my world’s reality with Strange, again. What is it that you need me for?
Deuce: Your world…What’s the difference from our world?
Miyeon: Well, my world has both science, technology and magic coexisting together with some occasional alien invasions.
Deuce: Alien invasions?
Miyeon: Yeah, it’s annoying when you get used to them. Plus, Magic users like me don’t experience Overblot like you here. Just fatigue for overexerting our abilities.
Ace: Sounds like you lucked out. What else can you do?
Miyeon: I can also push your Astral-projected form from your physical body.
Ace: Really? Try me.
[Miyeon performs Astral Projection out of Ace’s body.]
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Ace: *In astral form* I’m out! That’s my body.
Miyeon: Yeah. But the downside of this technique is I’m the only one who can see and hear you.
Grim: Who are ya talkin’ to?
Miyeon: Ace. He’s floating around and making faces in front of you, guys.
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Miyeon: You’re not a fuckboy, 바보 [Pabo] (Idiot).
[Chapter 1]
[When battling against Cater Diamond.]
Cater: *Activates his Unique Magic: Split Card* Try to find which is the real me!
Miyeon: *Uses Images of Ikkon to duplicate themselves*
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Miyeon: I can do that, too.
Cater: *Surprised* No way.
Miyeon: *Eliminates the decoys* Found you~
Cater: *Stumbles back by surprise* This is totes too quick for me. How are you able to find me?
Miyeon: I studied for a long time. It’s not too hard to duplicate yourself and finding the real you.
[During Riddle’s Overblot.]
Overblot!Riddle: I am not wrong! You imbeciles would never understand! *Throws a rose brush at the gang*
Miyeon: *Uses Eldritch Shield to block off the attack* Settle down, you tyrannical brat. Hit me instead of them. *Casts the Mirror Dimension around the dormitory*
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Overblot!Riddle: *Falls and trips over the moving structures of the dorm* This is a disadvantage! You…
Miyeon: I control this dimension and you can’t. Why? Because that’s my rule when I’m in charge here.
[1 hour later]
Miyeon: You had to be the easiest yet troublesome individual I have to save and fight against just because of trauma, emotions and overusing your magic.
Riddle: *Lying in bed* I’m sorry for everything.
Miyeon: *Sigh* You’re good. Just watch yourself carefully, both your magic and attitude. Also get therapy while healing.
[During P.E.]
Azul: *Struggling with his broom for flight lessons*
Miyeon: *Floating off ground* You need help?
Azul: I do not need your assistance. I’m certainly capable of riding a broom. Exactly how are you flying with no natural ability to do so?
Miyeon: It’s my sentient Durumagi [Korean overcoat], Junior. They lay on my shoulders and we fly around together.
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Azul: If I were to use them for-
Miyeon: Don’t even try, Ashengrotto. Last time you tried to swindle something from me, I barely turned you to grilled octopus.
[Eldritch 101]
Miyeon: Okay, students. Today we’re going to-
Crowley: *Crashes in during class* Hello!
Miyeon: *Uses her amulet to freeze Crowley’s concept of time*
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Crowley: *Freezes in place*
Miyeon: Okay, as I was saying. We’re going to talk about the Time Stone, the other Infinity Stones and why it is crucial to protect these lumps of reality-bending minerals.
[Meeting RSA the first time]
RSA Student: Do not fear, kind lady! We’ll save you from those retched villain-!
Miyeon: *Strikes them in the throat*
RSA Student: ACK!
Miyeon: I can save myself, you little bastard. Those “retched villains” are actually hurt, emotionally and mentally. I’m staying until my job is finished. Now leave the NRC premise before I call your headmaster.
RSA student: But-
Miyeon: *Glares down at them* Leave.
[The RSA student scurries off out of sight.]
Kalim: Miyeon!
Miyeon: Kalim, why are you here? Where’s Jamil? He’s probably looking for you now.
Kalim: I saw you confronting that RSA student. Why did you hit them?
Miyeon: They were chatting too much. Pretty sure they’re didn’t realize I was summoned to your school specifically.
Miyeon: *Unaffected by Malleus’s magic* Tsunotaro? Could you please lift your curse up? I don’t think this would solve any issues you have and I’m afraid this can lead to something much worse than sleeping for Eternity.
Overblot!Malleus: Hah! You do not know such experience. Why would I listen to you?
Miyeon: You should because if you don’t, I won’t go easy on your royal ass.
Overblot!Malleus: You can try, human. You do not possess the power to seize mine.
Miyeon: *Opens an enormous portal to the Dark Dimension*
Overblot!Malleus: What are you doing?
Miyeon: Beating your royal ass.
[Then Dormammu comes into Twisted Wonderland to do Miyeon a favor.]
Miyeon: *Points up* I owe him big time for this. You can’t beat a higher multi-dimensional demonic god-like sorcerer and warlord. *Activates their amulet to replay time*
Dormammu: *Throws down his fist at OB!Malleus*
Overblot!Malleus: Oh f-!
[Dormammu smashes the future king.]
[10 hours of Time Looping later.]
Miyeon: *On the phone talking to Strange* Don’t worry. I’ll do a favor for him after he defeats an immature dragon fae prince…It’s a long story. Yeah. See you later. *Hangs up* Had enough?
Overblot!Malleus: *Faints from exhaustion*
Miyeon: I thought so.
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💫[Reblogs are appreciated and helps create more content.]✨
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jacketpotatoo · 11 months ago
1, 8, 10 and 43 for the bookworm ask :)
1.Name the best book you've read so far this year. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Such an engrossing writing style and such an interesting book to think about in the context of the true-crime genre (which is a genre I don't really dip my toe into because the ethics of it all), as well as the fictionalisation of 'non-fiction'. Also if we're counting plays then Angels in America by Tony Kushner is GREAT.
8. Favourite Queer fiction book(s). The locked tomb books (Tamsyn Muir) and This is How You Lose the Time War (Amad El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone). What I love about tlt is how its very essence is queer. It's not just because gay people (which I love don't get me wrong), but it's the Found Family, the exploration of love in all its forms, the gender of it all and the absence of gender of it all. It's engrained into the very fabric of the world and its themes. Time War does it similarly but it's less about character and worldbuilding and more about the style of it all - it's more about the poetry. And the poetry is gorgeous. I wrote a little something about that here if you want to check it out! I would like to read more queer lit but uni hates me
10. Favourite Classical literature Currently obsessed with The Odyssey (Emily Wilson's translation specifically). Frankenstein is structurally brilliant and also fascinating to me. Mary Shelley is so metal for writing that at 18 and keeping her husband's heart in a chest after he died. Icon! Talked about that more on my goodreads so I won't go into it here but yes. I read Jane Eyre recently too and loved it.
43. Title of a book you own that's in the worst physical condition you have. Explain what happened to it.
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It was in fact my copy of Jane Eyre and long story short, it did not survive the rain in my little tote bag :,)
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team-jpde · 2 years ago
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>Meinos: Hello there, and welcome to JPDE - Behind the Music! A new devlog series where we'll dive a little bit into a big part of what makes JPDE - Sonata of Fire the game it is: the music.
When I first started making the game, I didn't have the budget to commission original pieces, so pretty much 100% of the music I was using was from RPGMaker packs or other similar freeware/shareware resources.
That eventually changed! I started commissioning people regularly, starting with JoJo at PlotTwist Studios! One of his first works was Madness for a Penny, aka Penny's theme from the game. It was an ambitious endeavour, and he delivered. The track is structured in four segments, which detail four phases of Penny's descent into something I cannot go into due to spoilers (if you want to know more, you should totes check out the game, SINCE IT'S FREE!).
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Then, further down the line, when it was time to go into the finale for Ruby Rose's route, there was one event that I needed to have: Ruby and Penny fighting in the semifinals of the Vytal Festival! Such an engagement deserved a suitable soundtrack... And that's where OddTillTheEnd came in.
Odd had already contributed quite a few tracks by then but this request from me was a first. I asked him to make a fighting track by mixing together Red Like Roses from the RWBY OST and segments from Madness for a Penny.
I didn't know if it was even a logical thing to ask, considering how different the two tracks are... Yet he did it, and mash-ups for fights became a regular occurrence since then! What do you think of the final result? Hopefully the new battle system I'm making for the game will finally be something worth it of its soundtrack...
What did you think of this track? Where were you when you first heard it? What tracks from the game would you like me to talk about next? Let me know in the replies!
ART BY - SaDui
P.S.: All the artists featured in this post are open for commission :)
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78plusdesigners · 9 months ago
Luxury Defined: Premium Leather Handbags Online
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In the realm of fashion, few accessories hold the allure and timeless appeal of premium leather handbags. These exquisite creations not only elevate one's style but also serve as a testament to craftsmanship and quality. For those who appreciate the finer things in life, exploring the world of premium leather handbags online offers an unparalleled opportunity to discover pieces that are as functional as they are luxurious.
At 78Plus Designers, a distinguished purveyor of luxury goods, the selection of premium leather handbags online is nothing short of extraordinary. Their website, 78plusdesigners.com, stands as a gateway to a world where sophistication meets practicality. Whether you're searching for a statement piece to complement your evening attire or a versatile everyday companion, their collection promises to captivate.
Craftsmanship Beyond Compare
What sets premium leather handbags apart is not just their aesthetic appeal but also the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into their creation. Each handbag featured on 78Plus Designers' website is a testament to this dedication to quality. From the selection of the finest leather hides to the precision stitching and finishing touches, every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure durability and elegance.
One standout feature of the handbags available at 78Plus Designers is their commitment to using only the highest quality materials. Premium leather is chosen not only for its luxurious texture but also for its durability, ensuring that each handbag ages beautifully with time, developing a unique patina that tells its own story.
Diverse Styles for Every Occasion
Whether your style leans towards classic sophistication or contemporary flair, 78Plus Designers offers a diverse range of styles to suit every taste. From sleek clutches that add a touch of elegance to evening ensembles to spacious totes that effortlessly transition from work to weekend, their collection is designed with versatility in mind.
For those who appreciate timeless elegance, the range of classic leather handbags at 78Plus Designers is sure to impress. Imagine the soft touch of premium leather in a structured silhouette, accented with subtle hardware that enhances rather than overwhelms. These handbags are not just accessories; they are investments in style and quality that will stand the test of time.
Shopping with Confidence
Navigating the world of premium leather handbags online can sometimes be daunting, but 78Plus Designers' website ensures a seamless shopping experience. Intuitive navigation allows you to browse their curated selection by style, color, or occasion, making it easy to find the perfect handbag that speaks to your individuality.
Each product page on the website provides comprehensive details about the handbag's dimensions, materials used, and care instructions, empowering you to make an informed decision. Whether you're treating yourself or searching for the perfect gift, 78Plus Designers' commitment to transparency and quality ensures that every purchase is a worthwhile investment.
Embrace Luxury
Owning a premium leather handbag is more than just owning an accessory; it's a statement of discerning taste and appreciation for craftsmanship. The pieces showcased on 78Plus Designers' website embody this ethos, offering a glimpse into a world where luxury meets functionality seamlessly.
Imagine the feeling of running your fingers across supple leather, knowing that each stitch and seam has been carefully crafted to perfection. Whether you're attending a gala event or simply running errands, a premium leather handbag from 78Plus Designers is sure to elevate your ensemble and leave a lasting impression.
In conclusion, the allure of premium leather handbags online is undeniable, especially when sourced from a reputable retailer like 78Plus Designers. Their commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and style shines through in every handbag featured on their website, making it a preferred destination for fashion enthusiasts seeking to indulge in luxury.
Whether you're drawn to classic designs or contemporary trends, the versatility and timeless appeal of premium leather handbags make them a must-have in any wardrobe. Explore the exquisite collection available at 78Plus Designers today and discover why investing in a premium leather handbag is a decision you won't regret.
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digirankguide · 1 year ago
Content Marketing & SEO: A Guide to Improve Traffic & Conversions
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an approach used to optimize web sites and internet pages in a bid to rank better in seek engine results or SERPs. Ranking above other websites will increase visibility, driving more traffic and conversions. Empower your brand with our cutting-edge SEO Services Company in South Delhi, driving growth, engagement, and success in the digital landscape.
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Valuable content continues users to your web page lengthy sufficient to generate first rate leads. Search engines like Google use sophisticated equipment to determine whether or not your content material is precious, then determine in which to place you at the SERPs.
Content Marketing Being the New search engine optimization
In the digital marketing panorama, content material advertising and marketing and SEO have grow to be crucial factors for online success. Their relationship is beyond key-word optimisation, which has ushered in a brand new generation in which content material advertising is now search engine optimization. Let’s look at the dynamics that make content material advertising the brand new search engine optimization and its function in developing logo authority.
User-centric Approach
Content is now the bridge between serps and happy users. By growing valuable, informative content material that solutions actual questions and solves troubles, you’re boosting search engine marketing and building consider and loyalty together with your audience. This consumer-centric technique is more than a tactic. It’s a commitment to creating your website a destination, no longer only a touchdown page. In these days’s digital international, content is the key that unlocks loyalty, believe, and achievement.
Authority Building
Imagine you have got a website approximately Women’s purses that’s rating nicely at the SERPs. Then, you write an article on why building a concrete wall is a high-quality way to enhance safety for third-world international locations. This article will in all likelihood no longer see the light of day and could get little to no traffic because it isn’t associated with your web site. Google may also also be harassed as to why you have got this newsletter on your internet site.
On the opposite hand, an article on “quality tote luggage for summer season” is probably to do well and can even rank within a few days, relying on how sturdy your content material advertising and search engine optimization efforts are.
The motive why the article on tote luggage does nicely is Authority. Through SEO, you can position your website as an expert in a given area (ladies’s purses) such that while you write content material round that subject matter, google speedy crawls and ranks your weblog.
Dwell Time and Bounce Rate
Dwell time is the duration a consumer remains on a web page, and the soar fee is the percentage of site traffic who depart after viewing one page with out enticing. Engaging content meets seek rationale, captivates users and extends their live.
Google considered longer reside instances as a sign of relevance and person satisfaction. A better leap charge is regarded as a pink flag and indicates that users didn’t discover what they had been searching out, hence impacting ratings negatively. Transform your brand's digital footprint with our expert Top SEO company in South Delhi, where innovation meets strategy for unparalleled online success.
Social Signals
Social indicators at the moment are influential SEO elements in virtual advertising. Users create social indicators once they proportion, like, and touch upon content published on social media structures. This point further confirms social media’s critical function in SEO.
Social indicators indicate relevance and popularity, which search engines like google and yahoo use to determine scores based totally at the symbiotic relationship between engagement and content material nice. By captivating a broader audience on social media, content material earns greater clicks, stocks, and comments, boosting its perceived value and snowballing its impact on seek engine visibility.
How search engine marketing and Content Marketing Work Together
The primary query is whether or not content material advertising and marketing is the brand new search engine marketing, but the reality is that these two supplement and not replace each other. You realize, the manner a great marriage ought to work. SEO directs human beings on your content, at the same time as the content material maintains people for your web site and converts them into customers.
Therefore, a a hit search engine marketing approach requires content material advertising and vice versa. The surefire manner to get the quality outcomes from your advertising campaigns is via building a strategy that blends Content advertising and search engine optimization, as highlighted under.
Know your Target Audience
Both your search engine marketing and content material advertising strategies are only successful if you understand your target market properly. Through audience research, you make sure your content material is to be had to fascinated human beings so you don’t waste treasured resources writing to people who aren’t interested in what you have to mention.
When getting to know your target audience, try to be as specific as possible through knowing the entirety about them. For instance, if you are promoting a handbag, you can ask your self those questions about your target audience:
Are you focused on a youngster, mid-twenties, or older ladies? Better nonetheless, exactly how vintage is the female you would really like to goal?
Find the Right Keywords
Keywords are the heartbeat of search engine marketing. Without them, search engines like google and yahoo wouldn’t realize what your content material is ready, and accordingly, you wouldn’t rank. This makes content material optimisation essential in case you are to look any outcomes. Think approximately it. Will you promote any product if you have first-rate content that never gets found? Highly not likely.
Search engine optimisation is extra than sprinkling key phrases right here and there for your content. Instead, you have to be strategic in how you use those key phrases. First, perceive your primary key-word, that's the main attention of your content material.
Then, discover semantic key phrases, that are words associated with the number one keywords that Google anticipate you to apply while writing approximately a subject. For instance, in case your primary keyword for the instance we gave above is “excellent women’ purse,” Google would possibly count on to peer phrases like “designer baggage and women’s bags” in your content material.
Create High-Quality, Informative Content
Quality content material refers to properly-written, clean-to-study, properly-structured, and properly-centered content. Google sends consequences it feels answers a query within the fine way. In their helpful content material machine report, Google says it rewards content that satisfies readers.
Although numerous factors effect how nicely your content material ranks, relevance impacts how happy readers are after they go to your web site. If they live for your web page and your soar charge is low, Google will take this as a superb signal and send you greater site visitors.
If they jump as soon as they study the primary paragraph, you are in all likelihood to be on the incorrect side of Google. Quality content also has a tendency to draw back-links from different websites obviously. Backlinks show Google that different human beings agree with you and your statistics. This is essential and one of the major ranking factors. Learn greater approximately one-way links and why they matter here.
Also Read:
Understanding Search Intent: How it Works for search engine optimization
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July Mycopal Q&A
Q: “ Hi do you mist the cake or just its side walls to fruit...i exsperment with a all in one grow bag..and another i have a water bin were the cake sits on brick abouve water...but do i ned to ever spray the cake its self ..or just side walls n lid.“ A: hello mycopal! sorry for the late reply! I don't seem to get notifications for comments on my own videos :(  I apologize for the length of this message, but I'm passionate about this topic, and I appreciate your genuine question! After reading it, fel free to let me know if you have any follow-up questions or thoughts. I'm also open to suggestions for content you would watch if I created said content related to mycology (with some cross over into microbiology). 
I suggest, if you haven't already, get yourself a hair-stylist's misting spray bottle for your mycojourney :) I recommend using a misting bottle because pressurized spraying, even with a fine nozzle salon misting bottle, can dislodge spores of contaminant fungi from their microscopic structures. Additionally, water splashing can spread bacteria, which usually requires transfer from the user's skin or falling off the nose, eyebrows, hands, etc., or through water transfer. Some bacteria have flagella and can wiggle around, but not very far on dry surfaces. 
I strongly advise against directly spraying the surface of the mycelial colony or any mycelium. Instead, only mist the sides and underside of the lid when they become dry. This should not happen often if you maintain proper field capacity. In general, direct spraying (and sometimes even just air flow) can cause mycelium to bruise. Bruising isn't necessarily "bad," but if an area of the colony is severely bruised for an extended period, it can hinder the mycelium's metabolism in that specific area and even stall the growth of the entire tub. When you're breaking up grainspawn and mixing it with substrate to "birth" it into a tub (often referred to as S2B), it's important to understand the concept of "field capacity" (FC) in substrates. If you're confident about your FC levels and have control over your spawn, substrate, and other variables, the substrate and colonized spawn/sub mix should maintain humidity within the tub itself without the need to remove any lids or introduce misting. This advice specifically applies if you're using shoeboxes or other plastic tote-tubs, and it requires some adjustments to the methods used when working with an AIO bag.  In the case of an all-in-one (AIO) bag, which will have reduced flush sizes/pin spread by the nature of available surface to do so), you have no way to confirm its sterility or exercise quality control (unless you made the bag yourself). You CAN control contamination at the injection site and in your local environment where you inoculate/inject the AIO bag through its injection port. However, you do not control the sterility of the syringe fluid you are injecting or the cleanliness and correctness of spores or mycelial tissue if using a liquid culture syringe. If you have the opportunity, using LC syringes is much better ( I have more reasons but will refrain cause this comment is already too wordy). Multi spore syringes I consider, very much, chaotic "luck of the draw". The single spores must meet a pair-mate, and their coupling results in the first initial mycelium hyphae that then spreads and colonizes. So, technically, the mycelium 'colony' is an individual organism and the mushrooms are just the final stage of the life cycle of the fungal organism :)  BUT -- Do not be dismayed: AIO bags do work; but I do not use them due to the reasons mentioned above. Worth noting that grain-bags can be useful for those with limited space or time/resource constraints, and some gourmet mushroom species require fruiting from blocks of colonized spawn (not so much with AIO bags). On r/contamfam (where I have the privilege and pleasure of being a member of the mod-team), we have mycopals who have entered our summer full canopy contest with impressive canopies grown on small 4x2 blocks pulled from an AIO bag or similar sizes. However, I strongly encourage all mycopals I advise to work towards doing as much of the hobby themselves as possible. There is a lot of variability in substrates, and you can often find materials at your local farmer's cooperative or grain/feed stores. Additionally, if you're interested in exploring woodlovers, you can often source woodchips from local mills or other available sources.  As I have mentioned before, if you can afford it, I highly recommend transitioning to using shoeboxes. They are 6qt Sterilite tubs designed for long-term sneaker storage. They have a passive FAE (fresh air exchange) at the lid-clasp/handle area, which is sufficient to allow for colonization without losing humidity in a birthed tub. If you use a larger tote, you need to consider passive air flow and potentially drill 2" holes slightly below where the handles are and cover them with a filter patch or lightly stuff them with polyfill to avoid restricting FAE. When your cake is fully colonized, you can "flip the lid" and introduce 12-hour light cycles from the sides of the tub. Alternatively, you can try what I call "shotgun tubs" where you clean another 6qt tub with isopropyl alcohol, let it dry, then spray it with preferably filtered or sterile water from the misting bottle and place it on top of the base tub with the lid removed. This allows light to come from above, which I've found helps with pinning formation, spread, and fruit growth direction; while aiding in moisture retention during the primordia formation and pinning initiation phases of the process (moisture is SO important in this hobby. Generally 90% humidity or above within the enclosure at all stages of the process. The more aspects of the process you can handle yourself, the cheaper the hobby becomes, and the easier it is to contain contamination and identify contaminants with greater reliability. I have never attempted a technique where you place a cake above water as it seems problematic and not feasible based on my personal techniques developed over the past few years. From what you mentioned, it seems like placing a colonized cake on moistened vermiculite within a plastic tote a few times larger than the cake itself might be a more appropriate approach for your project. However, don't let me deter you from experimentation! I have no judgments!
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gdgdrgbf · 1 year ago
Commercial Metal Roof Replace
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subsequent to it comes to safeguarding a public notice building, a robust and durable roof is paramount. in the course of the various roofing options, metal roofs stand out for their longevity and resilience. However, subsequent to any further building component, they too require timely allowance and attention. This guide explores the realm of public notice Metal Roof Restoration, helping businesses create informed decisions. 1. public notice Metal Roof Restoration Restoring a public notice metal roof is not just virtually giving it a well-ventilated look, but furthermore reinforcing its structural integrity. greater than time, metal roofs can wrestle from corrosion, leaks, and further wear and tear. A restoration relief ensures that your roof gets the attention it deserves, extending its lifespan and enhancing its performance. 2. public notice Metal Roof Replacement Sometimes, due to extensive damage or age, a easy repair or restoration might not suffice. In such cases, a perfect replacement becomes inevitable. This process involves removing the dated roof and installing a brand-new one. subsequent to the latest techniques and materials, a roof replacement can drastically tote up the value and safety of your public notice building. 3. public notice Metal Roof Repair Minor issues, if neglected, can guide to major problems the length of the line. Whether it's a little leak, rust spot, or a loose fastener, timely repairs can keep a lot of allowance and worry in the long run. Learn more virtually how a dedicated public notice metal roof contractor can address these issues promptly. 4. public notice Metal Roof Installation Installing a metal roof requires precision, expertise, and the right materials. Not every roofs are the same, and neither are every installations. A reputable public notice metal roof installation company ensures that your roof is installed subsequent to the industry's best practices, guaranteeing durability and performance. 5. Costs Involved Two of the most significant concerns for any event are the costs of repair and replacement. even though it's inspiring to give a ballpark figure without bargain the specifics, you can acquire an idea of the public notice metal roof repair cost and the public notice metal roof replacement cost by visiting the links. 6. Emergency Metal Roof Repair Emergencies are unpredictable. A hasty storm or unforeseen damage can compromise the integrity of your roof. In such scenarios, hasty attention is paramount. An emergency roof repair relief ensures that the damage is addressed promptly, preventing further complications. In conclusion, a metal roof is an excellent investment for any public notice property, but its upkeep is crucial. Whether you're subsequent to restoration, repair, or a perfect replacement, always ensure that you're operating subsequent to professionals. Visit Armadillo Metal Roofing for collect solutions tailored to your needs. https://commercialmetalroofreplacement.blogspot.com/2023/10/commercial-metal-roof-replacement.html Commercial Metal Roof Replacement Commercial Metal Roof Installation Commercial Metal Roof Installation Companies Commercial Metal Roof Replacement Cost https://metropolitanlocalsearchengine921.blogspot.com/ https://metropolitanlocalsearchengine921.blogspot.com/2023/10/metropolitan-local-search-engine.html https://www.tumblr.com/achmedblog2/730727161601949696 https://metropolitanlocalseostrategydanburyct.blogspot.com/ https://metropolitanlocalseostrategydanburyct.blogspot.com/2023/10/metropolitan-local-seo-strategy-danbury.html
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