#this stuff was taught in primary school. or whatever its called here. you should know this.
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anti endos I like to call Karens.
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
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[Trevante Rhodes x Reader]
Word Count: 2.2K
Summer had come and gone in the blink of an eye yet felt as long as finals week when you were earning your teaching degree.  School ended last quarter with a clumsy splat seeing as the first wave of virus knocked everything out of order very quick. You stressed out running lessons to the school for kids to pick up and working with families with limited to no internet access pulled your patience to its thinnest layer.
So when all had officially finished, you had to take the time to yourself as best as you could.  In a normal summer, you would plan a getaway to just about anywhere you hadn’t seen before and the more solo the better.  Sipping something alcoholic in a warm climate with the Sun toasting your skin to its peak melanated beauty was all you would need to pack you full of endorphins that could last you into the next year.
But that wasn’t the plan now.  Travel restrictions keep you from going out of town and you can’t even get a decent dinner anymore seeing as most restaurants are dine out only.  The only silver lining you can muster is the mask mandates allowing you to keep from smiling at strangers in awkward politeness when they get in your way.  It is a layer of protection for your sanity and solitude.  
However that wasn’t the only silver lining you have from the summer.  Mr. Rhodes, or Trevante as he has to still remind you, became very generous with his time with you outside of the classroom.  As much as you try to keep things professional for your jobs sake, he won’t let you be for any little thing.  Your email has message after message from him asking about simple math for everyday things that apparently Nemour needed refreshing on, followed by a ‘so how you been doing?’
Email 1
“Dear Ms. (Y/N), I am contacting you in regards to my son, Nemour.  While in the grocery today, we came across a sale for oranges, 3lb. for $5.  But then this other store has 5 lb. for $6.  Now he is itching to know what price would be the better one to go for?”
Your response:
“Dear Mr. Rhodes,  Although my primary concentration is History, you can tell Nemour that he should go for the second deal with 5lb.”
“Perfect, that’s why you’re the teacher!  So...how’ve you been?”
Sometimes you reply, and sometimes you leave him on read, it depends on how conversational you feel.  But as time progressed, you got excited to see his emails asking to remind him what the 3 branches of government are or what amendment means what?  He even got you on video chat to discuss.
“What?!  So slavery isn’t really abolished on that bullshit?”  Trevante exclaims in awe.
You throw your hands up, aghast as if you just learned it yourself.  “That’s the thing about American government.  They will throw a loophole where you least expect it and throw a parade like the shit ain’t bout to pop out.”
“Damn!  That’s like some Trojan horse shit honestly,”  he shakes his head, taking a swig of his beer.
You snap your finger, “Exactly, my man, exactly!  That’s why nobody can agree on anything worth a damn.  There’s gonna be a clause somewhere that adds some shit that makes the whole thing rotten. But you didn’t hear it from me, so don’t let Nemour know I’m saying this kind of stuff.”
He twists his face in confusion.  “Why wouldn’t I?  My son got a right to know about what this country is founded on.  Everyone does.”
“Yeah I know.  Just...when topics like these pop up it’s difficult to keep it all…” your voice trails off as you search your bedroom for the words you are looking for.
“Politically Incorrect?”  he offers.
You nod a little.  “Kinda, yeah.”
He sets down his beer, sitting a little closer to the screen.  “You shouldn’t have to worry about that.  History is literally set in stone.  If we didn’t have it, we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves now.”
“Do we know what to do now though?”  you ask in a higher pitch, squinting like you stepped in hot coals.
Trevante took a minute looking at you before dipping his head down to chuckle.  You could hear the pounding baritone in his chest from your speakers.
“What?  What’s that about?”  you ask.
He sits up again, stroking his beard, “It’s cute when you make your face like that.  That’s all.”
You roll your eyes, pulling your scarf further down your forehead to make up for slipping.  
Trevante tuts at you.  “I need a bucket or something to catch these compliments you keep throwing away that I toss at you.  You don’t believe me or what?”
You give a very dignified look, “I believe I am beautiful.  I just don’t believe in entertaining a parent, is all.”
Trevante sighs.  “Summer don’t count (y/n).  You’re not his teacher now so what’s the issue?”
You look off to the side and back at him.  The crisp white t shirt he has on is obstructing more of the view of his body then you care for but the tightness at the sleeve around his bicep makes up for what you know is already there.
“Hello?”  he says.
You blink a few times, crossing your arms.  “Hm?”
“You go off into space a lot too.  What’s on your mind when you do that?”
His arms around your waist that tightly bind you to his body as you inhale his sweet cologne that is perfectly distributed from his neck to chest.
You scratch your neck, and tell a half lie.  “Oh, just this new school year.”
“See this is a perk of having a teacher friend.  Fill me in, what’s up?”
“Well, all I have right now is that we are doing hybrid learning, so some classes at the school and some at home.  Now the district just need to provide the materials for the kids to be able to do that.  The internet, the laptop/tablets, and make sure we can all connect and no one is behind on lessons.  And since I am on the front line, I have to get creative with the lesson plans and keep people on task and on time.”
Trevante nods.  “Well me and Nemour are excited to see what you have for us next year, whatever it is.”
You smirk at the encouragement.  “Thank you Tre, but I can’t guarantee we will be together for the next school year.  That’s decided at random.  Plus the grade he is in next year is the last one I teach.”
“Nah, we gonna be in there.  If I have to sign a petition or boycott like these hot breathed whites out here not wearing masks, we will be in your class this fall.”
You bust out laughing at his determination.  “Dang, Tre!  Don’t go starting a ruckus up there cuz of me!  He will still be taught well, whoever he has a teacher.”
He makes a cut it motion across his neck.  “Nah, we only rock with the best and that’s you up there.  I will make all the, what you call it?  Ruckus?  That shit!  So I will be seeing you first day in the fall, ok?”
You feel heat spread over your skin from shyness.  His brash attitude comes out and makes you feel like a superstar.  “Ok, I’ll hold you to it.  How’s Nemour doing anyway?”
Trevante nods, picking up his laptop as he changes rooms.  “He is doing well, being a regular kid.  Playing and doing his chores.”
You nod.  “Great!”
He closes a door behind him as he lays the laptop down, you can tell he is laying across his bed on his stomach as he speaks.
“He has been asking me a lot more questions about police and like, if they stop me or him, what’s gonna happen and what do we do?  Should we run away?  Can we not live by cops, stuff like that.”
You heart breaks hearing this. “Wow, and this is coming from a child?”
He nods, resting his chin on his forearm.  “It’s part my fault.  I’m always looking at the news and if he sitting at the table eating breakfast or whatever, he’s gonna see it.  I cut it off when they show bodycam footage though cuz that is nothing but toxic.”
“I can’t count how many times I had to see them replay that man dying in the street.  And in front of people watching, they don’t care who is watching cuz what can you do?  You can’t interfere or that’s a charge on you but he could’ve lived.”
Trevante looks spaced out for a second hearing this.  “I know, and that’s why it’s hard explaining to Nemour what everything is about.  I give him the basics though:  Do what the officer says, don’t argue, and don’t get into shit that’s gonna get the cops called  on you either.  But it sounds played out to even say.  What did everybody else do that’s dead now?”
“Nothing.  Sleep in their bed, going to the store, jogging.  Not a damn thing that warranted a bullet.”
Trevante gives a small shrug, looking sad like he is staring at his reflection in a pond.  “Yeah, so he been grappling with that and that’s a lot for a kid his age.  That’s why I want him to be your student still too cuz you’re one of the only Black teachers there and I honestly think he is uncomfortable with white people right now.  We went to the store the other day and he calls himself protecting me saying if the man getting bread bothers me, he put on his little Timbs so he can stomp him for me.”
You gasp at the thought, giving a weak smile.  “I mean, that would go viral for some child to curb stomp a big old white dude.”
Tre smiled some too.  “I think Nemour was this close to saying ‘Don’t worry bout it sweetheart.’  I can’t let him look at no internet again.”
You put your foot up and say, “He finna give him that SPLAHH!”
Trevante laughs heartily, wiping his eyes, “You more hip than I thought too.”
“I had some wine earlier, so that might’ve helped.”  You put a finger to your mouth and pull up the glass from the nightstand.  
“Oh shit!  So this is Turnt Teacher!  Go head then, don’t let me stop you”
You wave him off.  “You aren’t stopping anything.  If nothing else, you keeping me going.  All this house shit is working my last nerve, it’s nice to see a familiar face every once in a while.”
“I think so too.  You’ve been a great addition to some weeknights this summer.”
You put a thumbs up as you sip your wine.  “Are we still doing a movie tonight?  I think it’s my turn to pick.”
Trevante curls up a lip.  “Nah, I don’t think so.”
Your heart sank a little, already having queued up a selection to watch.  “That’s ok, it is late.”
“Yeah, but really I wanna see you in person.”
Your body tensed at the invitation.  Thinking over the last few months of chatting, he has warmed up to you as an individual, but you aren’t sure if that feeling can translate outside of a screen.  Behind the camera it’s safe, you can be cute and mysterious but vulnerable and clumsy and it all comes up roses for him.  In person, cute and mysterious can seem pretentious and vulnerable and clumsy could just be a weirdo geek to him.
“Well,” you start, “I would but...you know this...pandemic is just…”
“I know,” he says.
“...awful, right?  So I just don’t think I can comfortably do that...now?”
Trevante thinks for a second.  “We can stay within the parameters of the guidelines though right?  Six feet, masks, no crowded space.  If you want, we can do that.  I just…” he sighs heavily, looking tired as he rubs his eyes, “...I have been getting stir crazy and you are the main one I have been keeping contact with outside of family, yet I only spent time in person on Valentine’s Day that one meeting we had.  And you had a date later!”
You laugh at him, remembering their first meeting that could’ve been an email no doubt.
“Yeah, you’re right.” 
“Do you wanna go out with me?  Be honest!”
“Tre, I told you-”
“See?  You even call me Tre now.  We familiar right?  I don’t usually have to beg like this but ma’am, you almost got me on bended knee!”
“Uh…”  you start to feel bad but your mouth stops working under pressure.
“Six feet,” he reminds you.  If nothing else, that makes you less inclined to want to go because what can you do?  No kissing that’s for sure.
“I don’t want to confuse Nemour,”  you rebuttal.
“He will be watched by a guardian, trust me.  He won’t be cramping out grown folks business.”
You feel a flutter in your stomach that fuels your excitement.  A plan to go out, with a man no less!  This could turn the summer around or be a disaster on the horizon.
“Don’t overthink it.  You’re a smart woman, but I don’t want you to overcalculate this.  You wanna see me, I wanna see you.  We’ll play it safe, and finally see each other in some natural light.”
You nod slowly, a smile creeps across your face as his argument finally sways you.  “Ok, I’m in.  Pick the time and place.”
Tag you!
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ryqoshay · 4 years
Tri-Arame: Braided Delight
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~1.7k Rating: G Time Frame: During their 2nd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Mainly just setting up some trends and playing with a few headcanons for future scenes. Hopefully it still works as well as a stand alone scene as I believe it does.
“Ne, Yuu-chan.” Ayumu’s voice caught Setsuna’s attention. “Do you think I should change my hairstyle for our next Live?”
Setsuna turned away from where she was contemplating her hidden cache of manga in the clubroom, deciding what to keep readily available and what to hand over to her friends for safe keeping. The other two girls in the room were sitting at the table, the redhead checking her hair in a mirror and the twintailed girl checking something on her phone.
“If you want.” Yuu replied. “I think your current style is cute as it is, but I’m sure whatever style you choose will be cute as well.”
The small pout on Ayumu’s face probably meant that Yuu hadn’t given her the answer she desired, but she didn’t necessarily dislike it either.
“Setsuna-chan” Ayumu turned to the other occupant in the room. “What do you think?”
Wait, she was asking her advice? Setsuna’s mind blanked on an answer. “I’m sorry, what was the question again?”
“Should I try something other than my normal style for our next performance?” Ayumu repeated, pointing to the braided bun she usually wore.
“Hrm…” Setsuna considered. “Well, alternative hairstyles are a trope many fans enjoy.” She pondered aloud. “However, you’ve only appeared in your introduction video and our first live, so it may be a bit early to start changing things up. Perhaps once you’ve performed in a couple more Lives you might consider something different. Maybe for our first photoshoot as a group?”
Ayumu nodded. “I see. That makes sense.”
“Besides, Yuu-san isn’t the only one who thinks your current style is cute.” Setsuna found herself continuing. “I saw many comments about it on your videos so far. To be honest, I’m a little envious of your styling techniques. I figured out loose braids for when I need to be Nana, but I wasn’t able to get them to hold properly at the base of a bun like you.”
“You tried to make a bun like mine?”
Setsuna nodded. “I thought it was cute and tried to emulate it.” The words she had just spoken registered in her mind and she felt a touch of heat gather in her cheeks.
“You think this style is cute?”
“I do.” Cuter than most of the other girls in the club, even Kasumi-san, Setsuna added silently, though probably only as cute as her… Her gaze shifted momentarily.
“Would you like me to show you how to make it?” Ayumu offered.
“Yes, please.” Setsuna replied, a bit quicker than may have been appropriate.
“Alright, come on over and have a seat.” Ayumu stood and motioned to the chair she had just vacated.
“Ah,” Yuu suddenly spoke, staring at her screen “I’ll meet you two in the practice room.” Without further explanation, she stood, grabbed her bag and all but ran out of the room.
If she hadn’t been paying attention, Setsuna would have missed the flash of disappointment Ayumu displayed before returning to her gentle smile as the raven-haired girl sat down.
“Here, hold this so you can watch what I’m doing.” Ayumu handed over the mirror she had been using earlier.
“Thank you.”
Setsuna felt a bit of excitement building up within her. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had worked with her hair. Obviously, she had gone in for the occasional trim, but she didn’t consider herself close to any of the salon employees. Ayumu was a friend, a close friend, and that made a difference Setsuna felt was worth the anticipation.
As soon as Ayumu’s brush made its first pass through Setsuna’s hair, she knew her feelings had been correct. It felt wonderful. So much different than when she did the exact same thing herself. Setsuna felt her shoulders relax and she let out a content sigh.
A giggle came from behind her.
“Sorry, Setsuna-chan, it’s just that your reaction there was kind of cute. Yuu-chan reacts pretty much the same way.”
It was then that Setsuna realized that the girl standing behind her could see her face in the mirror.
“Oh, I, uhm, it just felt good to have someone else work with my hair.”
“I know, right?” Ayumu smiled. “That’s part of why Yuu-chan and I often help each other with our hair.” She giggled again. “That and Yuu-chan is bad at remembering to take proper care of her hair. Oh, speaking of that,” she ran her hand through dark strands, causing a delightful sensation to run down Setsuna’s spine “you two have a similar type, but yours is in much better condition. Do you mind if I ask what products you use?”
“Not at all.” Setsuna proceeded to name the brands and types she preferred to use.
“Thanks, I’ll try to remember those the next time Yuu-chan and I are out shopping. Or if you’re with us, maybe you can recommend them? Between the two of us, perhaps we can convince her to take better care of herself.”
“Is Yuu-san really that bad?” Despite asking the question, Setsuna couldn’t say she was surprised by the information.
“Not all the time,” Ayumu admitted “just when she gets hyper-focused on something, like right now, with idols.”
“Well, I cannot blame here there.” Setsuna grinned. “School idols are amazing.”
“Yes, they are.” Ayumu agreed.
“You know, I’m really glad you and Yuu-san spearheaded the reformation of the club.”
“Kasumi-chan probably did more than either of us.”
“Perhaps, though I’ve already spoken to her and expressed my gratitude. But I haven’t really thanked you two for your efforts; Yuu-san for her support and you… how to put it…” Setsuna paused “for being a worthy rival.”
“Eh? Worthy rival? Me?”
“Very much so.” Setsuna chuckled. “I loved your first Live and look forward to what you bring to the stage next time. The others were great too, but there’s a certain… purity to your performance that the other just don’t have, myself included. You’re helping me realize that there is more to being a school idol than I first thought. A lot more. But it’s a wonderful learning experience.”
Ayumu was quite for a moment, just long enough for Setsuna to start worrying if she had said something wrong. Or said to much, again.
“Thank you.” The redhead finally murmured.
Setsuna could see in the mirror that pink was beginning to dust the other girl’s cheeks. It was a somewhat similar reaction to Yuu’s compliments. And for some reason that made Setsuna feel good.
“Anyway, you’re all set.” Ayumu’s voice returned to normal. “How does that look?”
Wait, she was done already? Setsuna realized she had been so focused on the conversation and how much she was enjoying Ayumu working with her hair that she hadn’t paid attention to the process. She quickly glanced in the mirror at her new style.
“It looks good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Think you can do it yourself?”
“Oh, uhm…” Quick, think of something “I actually learn best by doing…”
“Do you want me to guide you through doing it on the other side?” Ayumu offered.
“Yes, please.” Thank goodness.
“Ayumu! Setsuna-chan!” Yuu’s attention homed in on the two girls entering the room.
“Senpai, wait!” Kasumi’s call fell on deaf ears as the twin-tailed girl ran over.
“You two look soo~ cute!” Yuu practically squealed. “I love it! Oh, what’s this?” Her hand found the braided tail off one of Setsuna’s buns.
“Since Setsuna-chan has longer hair than I do, I thought we might try to get a little fancy.” Ayumu explained.
“Ayumu-san is a good teacher.” Setsuna stated proudly. “While I can’t say I’m completely confident that I could do it perfectly on my own right now, I think I could practice enough with what she’s taught me so far that I could eventually make one as good as hers.”
“Ah, I see.” Yuu laughed. “Or you could just have her do it again for you.”
“Ayumu taught me how to dye my hair like this.” She brushed at the end of one of her side tails for emphasis. “But I still like it better when she does it.”
“Well,” Ayumu spoke up “there was also the time you…”
“Ayumu~!” Yuu interrupted with a whine. “That’s supposed to be secret!”
“Sorry, sorry.” Ayumu couldn’t help sticking out her tongue a bit as she didn’t feel particularly apologetic. It was fair to turn the tables on the teasing every so often after all.
“Oh, idea!” Yuu quickly returned to her former excitement. “You should teach me how to make that style as well, then I could help you with it!” She bounced on the balls of her feet. “And then if I learn other styles, I could help all of you guys, or anyone that needed help before Lives and photoshoots and stuff.”
For some reason, Ayumu felt a tiny flash of disappointment that Yuu didn’t mention styling her own hair. Granted, her childhood friend had worn twin tails almost the entire time they had known each other, so she was fairly set in her ways. But Ayumu couldn’t help imagining what Yuu might look like wearing different styles.
Setsuna, on the other hand… The raven-haired girl seemed much more open to the idea of different, or alternate as she called them, hairstyles. Perhaps Ayumu could test a few ideas on her…
“That’s a wonderful idea, Yuu-san.” Setsuna’s voice brought Ayumu back to reality. “I love how you’re always looking for new ways to support us.”
“What do you think, Ayumu?” Yuu asked, her gaze not having left the redhead.
Ayumu nodded. “I agree that it’s good idea. And I will help where I can.”
“Awesome!” Yuu cheered. “Now let’s get to practice!” She grabbed the other two girls’ hands and dragged them into the room.
As she and Setsuna followed their energetic friend, Ayumu stole a glance over. She’d done quite a nice job. Twin braided buns suited Setsuna surprisingly well. She watched as several other club members turned their attention to them and offered their commentary. Setsuna was the target of most of the praise, but that was fine; the passionate idol handled such things far better than Ayumu anyway, what with her contagious smile and all.
Even as she deferred the compliments that did make it her way, Ayumu was still happy that something as simple as a couple hair buns could earn such a positive reaction from her friends. Yes, Ayumu was confident that she needed to style Setsuna’s hair again. Soon.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Magic Vs. Science
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Chapters: 15/25 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Series: Part 1 of 9. Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Thank you, @amynchan! D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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“English and Edward’s accented voice.” “Amestrian or another foreign language.” “Written notes.” ‘Thoughts.’ First Name: Informal Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy others)
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"You barely noticed."
Complete and utter chaos is the only way that the Auror's could describe the scene before them. The moment that Colonel Elric stood in front of an inconspicuous looking wall and yelled out 'Colonel Bastard', they wondered if the muggle had lost his mind. Then to their complete and utter shock, someone responded with a scream that they could only describe annoyance and disbelief. A light filled the alleyway and once it went away, the wall was gone, revealing two muggles. One was the fire street performer from earlier and the other one was...half naked and crying.
Colonel Elric walked up to the shorter of the two muggles and they started to argue in a different language. As those two argued, the other man started to blubber, cry and sparkle. If that was some type of magic, they do not want to know...
Soft footsteps reverberated from the entrance of the alleyway, and they turned to see a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes with a dog. The canine kept looking towards their way, occasionally baring its teeth at them warningly. His mistress paid no mind to them as she headed towards the end of the alleyway of the arguing men. She appeared to be completely unperturbed by the scene before her. One of the Auror's called out to her, to remove her from the scene, when the blonde pulled out a small muggle metal object from her person. Only one or two of the Auror's knew what that object was, their eyes went wide when the women pointed her gun at the arguing man. Without warning.... three bangs filled the air.
Elric and Mustang stopped their argument, their eyes wide in complete fear as they saw three bullet holes on a dumpster that was right next to them. Smoke trailed through the bullet holes only seemed to intensify the tense atmosphere. No one spoke as they feared the beauty will turn her weapon on them.
"H-h-he-e-e-l-l-l-o-o, Lei-" Edward cleared his throat with fear clearly evident in his voice. "Lieutenant Hawkeye!"
"It's Captain Hawkeye now, Colonel Elric." Hawkeye stated in English, her voice is extremely lightly accented. It was far better than Elric's by miles.
"Captain?" One of the Auror's asked with a look of befuddlement. "Colonel Elric?"
"What the bloody hell just happened?" The Head Auror yelled out, ignored the previously asked question. He pointed a hand at Hawkeye, who still had her gun out. "You nearly killed them with that-that-that-"
"That's a muggle weapon called a gun..." One of the other Auror's piped up but paid any mind to him.
"You could have missed and killed them!"
Elric and Mustang glanced at each other with wide eyes, looks of complete shock that quickly turned into amusement. They wrapped an arm around each other's shoulders and began to laugh. It appeared whatever anger they had for each other earlier had gone and they actually looked like friends for once.
"Hawkeye missing her target?"
"She never misses! Never!"
"Who do they think they are?"
"I told you that they are idiots."
The Auror's knew that Elric and Mustang were making fun of them, even if they could not understand what was being said. They wanted to yell at them, to tell them what they are blabbering about. However, the fear of being shot by the woman or get mauled by her canine kept them quiet, including using their magic to use a spell to figure out what is being said. The gun was still spewing out smoke...
"OWWWW! What the hell Fullmetal! That was my foot!"
"Stop pulling my hair, Bastard!"
"Stop stepping on me then! You still have your automail!"
"Then move your foot!"
Hawkeye let out a sigh, she knew something like this was going to happen. It was inevitable. This was just a time bomb, ticking away to explode in complete insanity. There was only one cure for such situation...violence, intimidation, and fear.
The bullet soared through the air, narrowly missing Elric's right arm and Mustang's eye. Both males eyes widen in complete fear. They know that Hawkeye never misses, but that still puts the fear into them. Warning shots... They need to behave properly in front of government officials...fun.
"That's two warning shots. You know what comes next." Hawkeye stated, she casually reloaded her gun to emphasize her point.
"I am sorry, Captain Hawkeye." Edward apologized.
Hawkeye gave Mustang a pointed look and the man apologized for his own behavior.
"I apologize for my behavior." Mustang strained out, he and Elric untangled from each other and stood at an arm's length from each other. A shadow fell over them and both men swore they saw sparkles before they were engulfed in an, oh so familiar Armstrong embrace.
"Oh! Friends making up and being friends, such a glorious day!"
"Get him off from me!"
If the Auror's weren't terrified already, they were most diffidently now.
"So... Mustang."
"First off, THE FUCK? Seriously, the Fuck? Why are you here?"
"Well, as per usual, I'm-"
"And SECONDLY, STOP calling me that! Really! Just 'Ed' works, for the millionth time. Are you getting deaf, Old Bastard?"
"You're still a Colone-"
"And you're still a Bastard!"
"Oh? Well, you're still a ShRiMp!"
Hawkeye sighed, sensing another argument approach. She looked pointedly at them, loudly cocking her pistol to make a point. Forget the fact they are currently in the British Ministry of Magic and surrounded by stick-wielding idiots, this was a matter of her losing her sanity. It just took that single click to get Elric and Mustang attention. Both men wrapped an arm around each other's shoulders and shook each other's good hands as a sign of friendship. An extremely forced and terrified friendship. Hawkeye gave them one last look before she continued of forward.
The moment that Hawkeye turned away, Elric and Mustang glared at each other. That went away whenever the brown-eyed blonde turned around, it was all smiles and laughter. The Auror's, Ministry Official's and many bystanders watched the scene before them with different views. Many view the Amestrians as complete idiots, there was no way they are high ranking military officials with that type of attitude. Another group saw this as an opportunity to use in their favor. If this is how they run a country, then everything will be far easier for their own agenda. The last group watched on with hidden mirth. It was amusing to watch, to say the least.
Especially the fact two grown men are terrified of a small dog and said dog's owner.
Then again, it was all fun and games until someone loses an eye or limb. In this case, it might as well be both.
After walking through the sixth corridor, Mustang cleared his throat to get Elric's attention. The Golden Blonde inconspicuously glanced over to see his superior officer giving him a look they needed to discuss something. A discussion that needed to be kept under wraps and no arguing from either of them. With a humph, Elric fell into step with Mustang without forcing their interaction to seem fake.
"Is there anything else I should know before we enter?"
"Besides the fact no one seems to have common sense, whatever logic they have goes through one ear and into another and I am being honest here...I am surprised I haven't maimed or killed anyone. Or myself for that matter..." Elric rotated his left arm as he spoke, Mustang was "Besides the obvious... if you thought the Military was corrupt from within, you'll have a field day here trying to dig up every conspiracy this place has to offer."
Mustang facepalmed, he did not even bother to hide his annoyance. The last thing he needed is more conspiracies, let alone in a place filled with whackos. "Politics?"
"...I just told you..."
"Tch. Fine. The British Ministry of Magic... What I know mostly deals with the children. I know from what I have heard from my friends here, students, and you get the picture..." Elric reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose as he caught sight of a woman wearing nothing but a horrid shade of pink. The mere sight of it nearly blinded him and by the looks of it, his military friends had a similar issue with it. "This ministry is controlling every aspect in that school. They are not teaching any subjects that could help them in a... muggle setting... They are ensuring what is taught to them, makes them stay in this idiotic world. With no chances of being able to blend into any other society. This government makes everything seem so loony, but in the background, all that is them controlling everything."
"...Are you correcting it?"
Elric slowly shifted over to look at Mustang with a deadpanned expression. Mustang gave him a slide glace to see the Golden Blonde's own expression, he coughed into his gloved hand and took that as his answer. "Should have known the answer already."
"Well no duh..."
"Here we are..." One of the Auror's said opening large oak doors to reveal a room that had a long table with chairs surrounding it. The walls had paintings, all of whom Elric assumes to be past officials of the Ministry of Magic. Now for the upcoming headaches that only meetings, paperwork and people that have nothing to do with politics could do.
Severus stared the piece of paper that laid on Edward's desk. It was a clear outline what the Alchemy Teacher expected to be done while in his absence. In this case, Severus was currently subbing for said teacher and was left at a loss. He would have thought being a potion's master would give an edge along with studying Edward's notes. It appeared none of that is helping him at that moment.
In the unspecified amount of time that Severus had known Edward, he had always managed, if only just, to grasp Edward's understanding and logic of the world. Even at Edward's most confused, angry, or seemingly deranged moments, Severus had managed to work out what was needed to maintain at least a basic conversation with the blonde. Today, looking at Edward's notes for his class, he was at a complete at a complete loss. For the first time since his own school days, Severus had zero ideas of what to do.
Severus glanced over to see one of the Alchemy student's starting at the piece of paper on the desk. Judging from the student's expression, they knew what was written on it. "What?"
"Need help translating it?"
Severus looked at the student, a Hufflepuff, the piece of paper, back to the student and back at the paper. Without saying a single word, he pushed paper towards the Hufflepuff's direction. For his own credit, the Potion's Master did not take away any points. Especially after the student took the paper and went up to the chalkboard and started to write down what was needed to be done. Apparently, Edward had coded the instructions just enough for one of his students to decode it.
The topic of the day is... Noble gases.
"We are to write an essay on one of them of our choosing."
"That's it?"
"Hahaha.... no. Once we are done with that, we must write another report on how the element of our choosing interacts with five other elements on the periodic table. That is where you come in." The Hufflepuff put down the piece of chalk once they finished writing on the chalkboard. They placed the paper back on the desk and pulled out a giant chart from the said desk. The Hufflepuff placed the chart on another chalkboard to reveal a periodic table. "You are to assign each of us those five elements and write it down for Mr. Elric's knowledge."
"And you got all of that...from that?"
"Five points from Hufflepuff."
So close...
Vigilance. Utmost vigilance. These people were acting like complete idiots, the first moment Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody first saw the Amestrians, his first thoughts were that they have no business being in a military. They are carefree, obnoxious, and completely unbelievable in his eyes. This meeting seemed like a complete waste of time. That train of thought completely when the leader cleared his throat and went from being an idiot to an actual leader. Someone he must keep an eye out on.
What surprised Mad-Eye the most is that he thought the woman, Captain Riza Hawkeye, is the leader of the bunch. No. The supposed moron is the leader and highest ranking officer of the bunch. The way he spoke, his posture, that looks in his eye and everything about that man screams danger. It didn't help how the man used his hands emphasize his points, said hands that created such realistic flames.
"Hem. Hem."
Mustang stopped talking when that same woman from earlier, who is dressed entirely in an atrocious shade of pink and reminded him of a toad, give him a familiar looking smile. The same type of smile he had seen on people that have ulterior motives and hiding something within their own selves. For Truth's sake, he has own version of that smile. "Yes?"
"You stated that your home country of Amesty-"
"Amestris." Elric interrupted, no hint of remorse in his voice. He gave the woman a blank stare while said woman momentarily glared at him for interrupting her. "Get it right."
"I am not apologizing."
"Colonel Elric."
"..." Elric felt a drop of cold of sweat slide down the back of his neck when he felt Hawkeye give him the 'look'. He looked over at the frog and said an apology.
"As I was saying..." The woman continued, not bothering to acknowledge the apology. "You had stated that your home country, magic is impossible to do? Could you explain how is that even remotely possible?"
"Ah...That questions, I expected one of you to ask us that earlier." Mustang stated, he leaned against his chair and gave the woman a fixed expression. "We suspect it had to do with an event that occurred over four hundred years ago..."
Elric kept his expression transfixed on Mustang as the man spun the tale that caused so many deaths, heartaches, and so many broken promises. Mustang did not mention anything about Father, the homunculus, how deeply rooted the former is in the Military and so on. Only gave enough information to satisfy the Ministry Officials hunger.
Sometime later...
"These sparkles have been passed down the Armstrong family for generations and generations!"
Roy and Edward leaned slide down their respective chairs as they watched Alex go on about the Armstrong family line. One of the wizards couldn't hold back their curiosity about Armstrong's sparkles. Roy had a mental debate on whether to allow any sort of questioning towards his unit. Especially if they are personal, however... it is all going to come out one way or another.
"One question, only ask one question to each of us. Only one, don't waste it. Oh, one more thing...we are not responsible for the after effects."
The first question just had to be about the sparkles...why does it always have to be about the sparkles...
"I asked Winry to marry me...and well... I guess...I have to invite you..."
Roy looked at Edward with a look of shock. His young subordinate is getting married, Edward is getting married and is growing up. He reached over and nudge Edward with his elbow. "Are you sure you were the one that popped the question? It could be Winry that popped the question. Times have changed."
"...In all honesty... I'm waiting for Riza to ask you once Grumman passes the law."
"What law? What law? Fullmetal!"
"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing."
Roy stated at Edward before he let out a frustrated sigh. If anything, he wouldn't mind if Riza does pop the question. The only issue was the anti-fraternization law that were in place, preventing any sorts of relationships to occur between military officers. Maybe one day...maybe one day. "Where is the wedding taking place?"
"Resembool, I don't care really. Wherever Winry wants to get married."
"...Rush Valley?"
Edward paled at the thought of having his wedding at Rush Valley. It did not look pretty, not one single bit. "...Uh...Whatever makes her happy..."
Roy snickered under his breath, he needed to even the ground between them. "How's being a teacher? Killed anyone yet?"
"Ugh......" Edward slid further into his chair in complete despair. "Don't even get me started, now I know how Teacher feels like... I apologize every time I ever acted like a complete brat."
"...Did you just apologize?" Roy nearly jumped out of his seat at the fact Edward just apologized to him. Edward Elric. Apologizing. Nope, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. What the hell have they done to him?! By the looks of it, Edward looked just as horrified as himself. "To me?"
"This place is messing with me..." Edward's body went entirely slack in shock realization.
"Go read my files." Elric stated in a bored turn, it was his turn to be asked his single question. The question of the day involved his younger brother, Alphonse. Curse the fact he mentioned his brother and people remember that one thing about his. "You have my files."
"All we have on file is that you have a younger brother by the name of Alphonse Elric and that he is also an alchemist." The hideously dressed toad woman, Umbridge, stated with a clipped voice. She had Elric's files on hand. "Elaborate on ho-"
"I am going to stop you right there." Elric cut her off, raising his hand up to cut Umbridge off. "Only one question, you already asked your question and I answered it."
"No, you did not answer the question."
"Yes, I did."
"No, you did not."
"Yes, I did."
"No. You did not..." The sickly-sweet smile that made Elric look on with hidden disgust. The woman was obviously not to be trusted and reminded him of all thing things he hated. Fake, distrustful, and far too cheerful for his taste.
"Yes, he did." Mustang intervened before the fight escalated anymore than it already has. "You asked about Alphonse Elric, Colonel Elric answered that question by saying for you to read his files."
"I asked how what his brother does for the Amestris Military, what he responded did not coincide with my question." Umbridge said in a sugary tone that hid the poison in her honeyed words. "Colonel Elric had commented that he did his work alongside with his brother, we just wanted to know what is said brother's role."
Elric and Mustang glanced at each other wondering how to make the women understand that they were not going to add any more information on Alphonse. The only connection that connects him through the Military his older brother. That's it, nothing else. What he does vary depending on the situation, Alphonse primary objective is to keep his brother in check or get the brother out of trouble. There's that other thing but that subject is not going to be breach any time soon...
"I already answered your question. Do you understand what we meant by one question? Do you even comprehend what that means?" Elric stated in an authoritative tone that made Mustang's Unit straighten their backs as if they were expecting an order. Mustang grinned at the Golden Blonde's tone of voice, it reminded so much of his own. Dare he say it, that he is looking at Elric with pride. "Do you understand what I am saying to you?"
"You make it seem like they do not comprehend their own language." Mustang commented offhandedly.
"I'm not surprised, they do not teach language at that cesspool. They do not have any type of class that teaches them the common fundamentals that are needed to be taught in any school." Elric muttered under his breath just loud enough for Mustang to hear. "Too bad they don't have a class that teaches them common sense. They all need it...severely."
"Ah...is this what you have been facing since you started teaching at Pigwarts?"
"It's Hogwarts, Colonel Bastard." Elric corrected Mustang with a snort. "Yes, at least you don't have to teach them... I must teach them subjects they should have already knew before even entering the school. No English, Math, Science, or other subjects that are needed to get by in this world."
Mustang expression went blank as he went over what Elric just informed him. The mere thought of it made him pinch the bridge of his nose to hold back his frustration. This assignment seemed to be getting better and better. "This is a complete waste of time."
"The adults in this world are useless, there is still hope for the younger generation that hasn't been tainted by their parent's view of the world." Elric mumbled under his breath.
That perked Mustang's interest, he leaned forward and gave the Ministry officials a charming smile. "Tell me about this school of yours, Pigwarts..."
"Hogwarts." Elric coughed out, elbowing Mustang in the ribs.
Mustang considered himself lucky at the fact Elric's right arm is his actual human arm. If it was still an automail limb, there might have been a broken rib or two. For now, glaring will suffice for a later time. "Hogwarts...public or private?"
"As I said before, this was a complete waste of time." Roy stated under his breath, downing down on a cup of hot coffee. He did not care for the fact he was burning his tongue in the process. "They have nothing to offer us, they are still recovering from a war that occurred years ago and the government has its grimy hands on everything. It reminds me of Amestris before the Promise Day."
"I warned you, this place has nothing to offer Amestris. The government is interlaced into every crook and crevice of the British Magical World. They make things seem kooky and insane, to hide the fact there are dark intentions behind every move they do." Edward stated in a calm tone, he slowly drank a cup of tea. He sat with his legs crossed, arms crossed and his eyes were closed. Roy was sitting next to him in a similar position and the rest of the unit is sitting around them. "The comparison of rebuilding a government and country, between Amestris and here... it's laughable. As you said, they are recovering from a war that occurred years ago and shows no progress of fixing itself anytime soon. Amestris has already redone the government to ensure what had happened, will not happen again...Colonel Bastard?"
"Yeah, pipsqueak?"
"Does the Military have control off all the schooling system?"
"Mainly in the Academy, they have been pushing schools to teach subjects geared towards alchemy. Beside that...no. There has been talking to rearrange the system to allow the schools to stray away from that and be more creat...I'm getting off topic here... Nope. If a kid wants to go out into the world, we will give them the necessary tools for them to survive. Unlike here!"
"...You really don't like this place, don't you?"Edward asked with a deadpanned expression.
"What makes you think that?" Roy responded dryly.
"Look...I won't blame anyone for not wanting to create a..." Edward waved his free hand around trying to find the word. "Treaty, truce, agreement, whatever the hell you want to call it, between those idiots and the idiots back home. It benefits them more than it will benefit us in the long run."
"Shouldn't you be trying to convince me to think otherwise?" Roy turned his head to see Edward staring at his own reflection in his drink.
"I'm thinking about my students, dumbass." Edward didn't bother to look at Roy as he stood up, he placed his cup of tea on the table. He reached towards his chair to pick up his coat, he swung the coat of his shoulder and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants. "They are the future of this place. If you want to change, you have to start from the beginning."
"Ugh...why do you always make things so complicated..." Roy grumbled under his breath, he watched Ed leave the café they were in and disappear down the street. He glanced down at Edward's drink and stared at it with a blank expression. "...Did he pay for his...?"
The Promised Day.
"What the bloody hell should I do?"
Minister Millicent Bagnold sat behind her desk, scanning through many documents that were created for possible peace negotiations between Magical Great Britain and Amestris. She sat in her office as she tried to process what had occurred the last three days. It was constant meetings with Amestris representatives and Prof... Mr..... Colonel Elric. Despite what had occurred in the meeting, the Minister has a feeling that General Mustang played them like fools, and they fell for it. From the information provided for them by the military officers, the Wizarding Community have everything to gain if the negotiations go through.
What would Amestris gain from it all?
Nothing much. By the looks of it, they gain more by making not having to deal with them in the first place. They just went through a civil war almost two years ago, and they made more progress of recovering then themselves in the last couple of years. Self-sufficient. Do they need this to go through? No. Then why are they making the effort of coming here?
Millicent scanned through the files to pull out a particular file. Printed in bold red ink on the front of the file is the name, Edward Elric. This file was given to her by General Mustang's assistant personally and hasn't been seen by anyone else. She slowly opened the file and the first thing she saw is a muggle picture of a young boy that looked eerily like Colonel Elric and another one that is clearly is to be the young man. Scanning through the file, the Minister's eyes widen at the personal achievements of the Former Alchemist.
Millicent sat back on her seat, she rubbed her chin with her free hand as she held up the files for her to read with her other hand. There appeared to be multiple gaps in the story behind the Promised Day, but that is something for her not to worry. That is a personal issue that Amestris needs to hide. For Merlin's sake, the Ministry has so many secrets that it has its own branch for that. Should she consider looking into it? No. She'll leave that alone.
The Minister pulled out her wand and flicked it. The moment she did, her personal aid opened the door to her office and walked in. "Madam?"
"Bring me everything we have on Van Hohenheim."
"My butt..." Edward grumbled under his breath as he tumbled out of Dumbledore's fireplace. He looked up to see that he was the only one in the office besides Fawkes the Phoenix. The bird stared at the Blonde with curious eyes, said Blonde stuck out his tongue at it. "Class should still be in secession right now."
The Phoenix cooed out, Edward swore it was mocking him.
With a grunt, Edward picked himself up and headed out of the office. He headed towards his class to relieve Severus for subbing his class. Knowing Severus, he could be hitting his head against the wall trying to read his notes. That reminds him...he'll have to ask his Wednesday class about that. At that thought, Edward grinned. Said grin turned into a frown when he saw the Kooky Cat Lady walking towards him.
"Mr. Elric." Minerva stated in a clipped tone, she walked up towards the Alchemy teacher.
"Profezor McGonagall." Edward stated back in a bored tone.
'Late, late, late. I'm late for class!' A first-year Hufflepuff ran through the hall trying to get to his class. He had lost count of time, took the wrong staircase and had to go back to the Hufflepuff common room for his forgotten books. He stopped running when he heard harsh whispers up ahead of the hall. In a knee-jerk reaction, the Hufflepuff hid and cursed at the fact that he needed to get through that hall to get to class. Taking in a deep breath, he moved forward in hopes of not getting noticed. The closer he got, the whispers got clearer.
"Zere is a difference petveen being harsh and being strict."
Mr. Elric?
"They are children, we should not be treating them like you have been doing so."
Professor McGonagall?
"You cuddle your stutents. I enzure zey are prepared for the vorld outside zeze valls..."
What was said after that caused the Hufflepuff to pale, he retraced his steps and decided to take another route. He did not want to get caught in the middle of that crossfire. Then...there was silence. The Hufflepuff heard stomping heading towards his way and he quickly hid behind a suit of armor. He peeked between the legs of the suit of armor to see Mr. Elric stomping down the hall, all the while cursing Professor McGonagall under his breath.
The first year held his breath hoping to not be seen by the Alchemy teacher. However, his prayers were heard by someone that has a twisted sense of humor. Mr. Elric stopped stomping and cursing, he stopped in the middle of the hallway and slowly turned around. The Alchemy teacher looked at his direction and raised an eyebrow. "Cedric? Vy are you hiting? Should you be in class?"
"Sorry, Mr. Elric!"
Severus severely regrets having Edward lower the standards for students learning Alchemy. It was obvious this class had no reason, or smarts, to learn Alchemy. The assignment has been given out and he could see how lost they are. The last two classes at least knew what they were doing, or asked their fellow classmates for help.
Not them.
All of them are too proud to ask for help.
Everyone in the classroom looked over at the main entrance of the classroom to see that Edward had kicked the door in. His hands were in his pockets, a sour expression, and tension seemed to exude from him. He paused when he took note at how quiet it was in the classroom. Glancing around, Edward wonders why it was so quiet. Friday class is the talkative class. The silence wasn't helping his mood at all.
"Vy so quiet? Did Brofezor Snabe do something? Zefferus, did you do zomething?" Edward asked he closed the door behind himself as he walked into the classroom.
Severus raised an eyebrow at Edward, he took note at how heavily accented Edward's voice is. Judging by that fact, Edward isn't having a good day for far. "They are clueless of the assignment you assigned."
Edward snapped his heads towards his students, said students kept their gazes down on their papers. They do not know whose worse, Professor Snape or Mr. Elric. It doesn't help that the both of them are in the same classroom. They peaked up to see the teachers started to bicker and that caused many of them to turn in their heads in confusion. This type of behavior isn't exactly seen on a day to day basis by each person, it is only shown when both males are in the same place.
"Do you want to know what happened?
"...Do I have to continue substituting for you today?"
"Well...you still have another 30 minutes..."
"Mr. Elric..."
"Fine, fine, fine. Go torture some unfortunate soul that isn't me."
"How tempting..."
Severus sat on the leather armchair in Edward's room. He gulped down a glass of firewhiskey as he took in what Edward just told him. What he was just told made him wonder how the young man in front of him is still standing, let along living. That also included the country of Amestris, just how in Merlin's beard is that place is still existing.
Edward was laying on a love seat that was covered with multiple blankets and pillows. He had one arm laying across his face to cover his eyes and in his other hand, he had a glass of firewhiskey. The Elric's tone was low and precise that only added the seriousness to what he was saying to Severus. "My father... He wanted to sacrifice himself to bring my little brother back. I couldn't allow him to do that. We made a promise you see... to not use a human life for our own needs. In the end...I traded my door to my Alchemy for my brother."
"...You met and beat God?"
"Truth, we call him Truth and he's an ass."
Edward raised his hand and peeked over to see Severus serving himself another glass of firewhiskey. "Too much information?"
"You ended up losing your leg and brother, which resulted with you sacrificing your arm for your brother's soul. Joined the military at the age 12, got caught in so much nonsense and a huge government conspiracy that involved your 400 and something-year-old father...All because you attempted to bring someone back from the dead..."
"People do stupid things for things for their loved ones."
Severus raised his glass in agreement before drowning it down.
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
The entrepreneurial attitude – transcript from my tedx bundaberg communicate
So, the phrase entrepreneur, let’s begin there. Has every person ever looked this up within the dictionary? I’d in no way heard the word entrepreneur when i was at faculty. In no way did  Digital Marketing Company Nottingham absolutely everyone say “you! The lady that talks in magnificence and gets kicked out an entire lot”
 “you! The girl that gets suspended”
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 “you! The girl that is clever – but doesn’t seem to be engaged in a whole lot of this content material”. That become me. No person ever stated “you understand what? Maybe you have to reflect onconsideration on being an entrepreneur.”
 and this is pretty sudden to me due to the fact in case you haven’t already picked it up, i’m from wellington, new zealand and i went to a certainly innovative faculty – it was known as wellington high faculty that is now over one hundred and thirty years antique. We known as teachers with the aid of their first names, it became co-ed; boys and girls, we didn’t wear a uniform. Inside the senior years it become move if you need and don’t go if you don’t need – which didn’t suit every body. We should study topics like journalism and horticulture which became notable, but nonetheless, the simplest pathway they ever presented to us in 1994, which become the yr i ended excessive college, turned into which you go proper through to yr 12, that you then pass and get a tertiary education and then you definitely get a process. That’s all i ever knew. Each my parent didn’t run agencies, one became a instructor at my school, so that you can believe how mortified he become at my behaviour at instances. No person ever supplied this idea of being an entrepreneur. Whilst i've heard the phrase entrepreneur over time, on occasion it’s were given terrible connotations, hasn’t it? Check these phrases at the slide in the back of me. I imply who desires to be a multi-millionaire? A magnate? A dealer? What about a multi-millionaire, or a massive shot, or a big wig? Or maybe a whizz-youngster. So the use of the word “entrepreneur” virtually dates back to the 1800s and it’s a french word. And through the years it has grown in popularity. I feel like in recent years if something, the word entrepreneur has taken on a life of its personal and is perhaps even over used – wouldn’t you settle? These days, i’m pretty sure while you’re growing up in new zealand, australia or elsewhere inside the international that pretty possibly, and that i simply hope this is actual, you're advised approximately the opportunity to head on a direction of building your very own enterprise – if that’s what you want to do. And that i implore all of you too, that even if you have taken the conventional course of analyzing and going and getting a task. That at any time you can choose to do a “aspect hustle” or even assignment out and start a new business. Did you already know that the colonel from kentucky, that made the famous kentucky fried fowl or kfc, didn’t start his business till he changed into in his 70s?! So in case you need to be an entrepreneur or you simply need to have an entrepreneurial attitude that’s a piece greater like an entrepreneurial person – what does that mean? To me it way a number of various things. It approach to think differently and all the ones times i used to be at high college stepping into trouble, struggling with the educational work, it’s due to the fact i notion otherwise, and i simply didn’t fit the mold. So in case you’re deliberating a person right now that feels like that, whether it’s your personal toddler or a nephew or a niece or someone you’ve taught, possibly, just perhaps, they’re an entrepreneur too. To tell you the way i came to exercise session i used to be an entrepreneur (and how it wasn’t one of these horrific factor and has in reality brought me a lot of tremendous opportunities in this life) permit me let you know a bit about my adventure. As i stated, i began life in wellington new zealand wherein i used to be born and bred till the age of 21. I created my first business when i used to be 17 years antique when i determined to begin a newspaper even as at college. As i stated, a number of the topics at school weren’t for me – i’d by no means touch computers until i had to do a journalism path and needed to discover ways to type out my story. Then my dad said “you have to begin a newspaper and you ought to do it on recreation,” and i concept “that sounds extremely good to me because i like sport!”
 in reality at that time i was inside the new zealand crew for water polo for my age organization and i educated a lot. I additionally did a number of swimming and quite a few surf lifestyles-saving and i gained loads of medals. I was a water baby i wager you could say. And the thing that got me surely inquisitive about starting the newspaper – we all must be stimulated with the aid of some thing – and for me, at age of 17, it become cash. I wanted cash to pay for my recreation, which became unfunded. My parents didn’t have the cash to keep putting in to pay for the uniforms or the trips and all of the costs related to sport. So, i began that newspaper. And in those days, for the ones folks vintage sufficient to recollect, it turned into bromide, not virtual at all. And that i had a number of joy dropping off in my little pink mini to every high school in wellington, a package of newspapers. And as it became made via children, for children, they gobbled it! Then i get this enterprise call from an american man who stated ‘you’ve stolen my concept!’ he turned into high-quality pissed off at me so i stated “how could i've stolen your idea? I’ve by no means met you, i don’t realize who you're or what your idea even is!”
properly it turns out that this man had been making plans to start a secondary school sports newspaper loads like mine for about two years. And here was me, coming along in any respect of 17 years vintage and i just began this thing, and i thought such things as $200 complete page advertisements became exquisite for installing the financial institution to pay for my game. So he demanded a meeting with me and here i am, my first boardroom meeting as a 17 years vintage, with my dad there for guide, slicing my first enterprise deal. And you’re probably questioning what that frypan reference is up at the display screen? I’ll inform you now. Years later, a guy in silicon valley said to me, “ you already know companies are lots like pancakes – you stuff the primary one up,” and that i said, “ oh my god, that’s so genuine for me!” due to the fact that newspaper was the first enterprise and without know it i cut that deal and it ended up being a truely bad commercial enterprise deal once i look again. It become a wage, a small lump sum and that i had to maintain to paintings for him for the relaxation of the 12 months. Which for me, become nice on the time, due to the fact i just wanted to train and get the cash to head and play towards australia later that year. Nicely i did what i used to be requested, and that i learnt my first very good business lesson. Which is, if making a decision to go into business with a person, or whatever it's miles you decide to do as an entrepreneur, ensure it aligns together with your values. On this revel in, his values and my values did no longer align. And it didn’t workout. On the stop of the 12 months we parted ways and that changed into the give up of my first commercial enterprise. For the subsequent seven years, from age 21 to 28 i travelled the arena and that i supplemented my travels with travel writing, so i wager you can say i was a travel blogger before it was even a issue. So that’s my 2d tip on becoming an entrepreneur or growing an entrepreneurial attitude, you need to create your own opportunities. Human beings aren’t necessarily going to say “hello, you must do that” every now and then you’ve simply were given to assume “i want to try this. How can i make it happen?” then make it show up! Speedy forwarding in my tale, i fell pregnant at the pill, in london, and i needed to training session what to do subsequent. By using this stage, i was the editor of a newspaper at age 26. So, i used to be doing quite nicely with the profession component. However to fall pregnant at the pill  in london, without a doubt made me re-assume existence and what i used to be going to next. We ultimately had the kid, and for some time there we stuck it out in london looking to make things work, however while it have become too tough we decided to move again to wherein our circle of relatives lived, which became australia. So then, a few years skip, i locate some paintings in australia after which i've a 2nd baby. So now i have a 3 yr vintage and a new child at home and that i assume, “how am i going to earn cash now?!”
 so i start any other business! Running from domestic around my two kids have been the standard beginnings of my 0. 33 commercial enterprise, the innovative collective. And in fact, i didn’t mention that during among my “pancake business” (the newspaper) and my career in london i additionally commenced a web enterprise selling t shirts known as “tikanga teeshirts”. Tikanga means “culture “and tikanga o te wa – those are maori phrases i’m the usage of – manner fashion. I created that enterprise due to the fact i used to be honestly happy with our indigenous subculture and language in new zealand. Though i am no longer maori, i was introduced up with it. And that i wanted to percentage with human beings that i was a proud new zealander and here became our subculture. So the teeshirt business i started out in 2002 and not using a capital. I put up a internet site up after teaching myself html, and 4 years later, offered it for 5 figures. In order that changed into an awesome outcome, doing the overall cycle of the business, truly better than the first pancake. But the 0. 33 business, the creative collective, that’s in which all of it truly commenced. I got a logo designed via a friend, i were given that revealed in an a3 format and laminated, put it up within the have a look at and growth we’re in commercial enterprise! I then threw up a internet site (now we’re really in enterprise), i made a enterprise card (hey everyone, i’ve got a business!)
 in those days it wasn’t very common for mums to work at home – or it didn’t seem like it changed into. I didn’t have many friends to name on. But it’s become an increasing number of famous now and that i think that this is incredible, that parents who pick to stay at domestic and lift children can nevertheless earn an earnings and do some thing they love. Now nowadays, the creative collective has 12 staff throughout offices on the sunshine coast and newcastle and approximately 40 contractors. I very own a business constructing that we operate out of at the sunshine coast and we have clients all over australia and even some worldwide ones. It has a by-product organisation known as the schooling collective, wherein we train human beings digital competencies. And importantly, we’ve had a lot of amusing with it all. Now there’s a super metaphor obtainable approximately what it takes to be an entrepreneur that i’d like to percentage with you. An entrepreneur says to a mentor, “be my mentor, display me what it takes to be an entrepreneur.”
 the mentor says, “k come meet me down at the water early when it’s surely certainly dark and cold out”. The entrepreneur meets the mentor and on arrival the mentor says “walk with me” and absolutely dressed heads directly into the water. The entrepreneur says to the mentor “wait! I need to get undressed. I’ll get wet…”
the mentor says “no you don’t simply stroll to your clothes”. In order that they enter the water, that is clearly honestly bloodless, and are up to their knees of their garments. The entrepreneur says “oh man that is uncomfortable! What are we doing? This is horrible!”
the mentor smiles and lightly says “that’s proper, just preserve on foot”. In order that they keep walking deeper and deeper into the water, and i ought to truely problematic on this story, but the point is, they stroll until they’re up to their necks, and the entrepreneur at this factor is in reality struggling to preserve his head above water because his clothes are wet, he’s freezing bloodless, and the whole thing is weighing him down.
“i hate this!” he again complains to the mentor.
“i need to get out! I will’t cope! I’m going to drown!” he yells desperately to the mentor. And when he receives to date, the mentor says, “my pal, that is what it takes to be a an entrepreneur. You’ve got to be prepared to get from your comfort sector. You’re going to swim into un-chartered waters. You’re going to be uncomfortable, and you’ll once in a while feel like you’re sinking. At times you can even assume you’re drowning, but you’ve just were given to maintain going. You’ve got to attempt to swim even when things are weighing you down.”
 so that’s any other tip i've for all the budding entrepreneurs obtainable. You’ve were given to be prepared to get from your consolation region and make it paintings! My first step to get out of my comfort region, was coming into a enterprise award. I were in business simply six months with the creative collective, and that i thought “hello, i need to market my enterprise, or give some thing a move here to get the phrase available approximately my enterprise.”
 so i throw my hat into the small enterprise champions awards, and i couldn’t trust it. I received! I won the young entrepreneur of the year award in queensland in 2007. Out of this enjoy i realised that coming into business awards worked quite nicely and that i might need to do extra of that due to the fact the phones began ringing, and commercial enterprise started coming in. I also met a few extraordinary human beings at that occasion. Off the again of winning that award, i were given supplied to go on tv, on a country wide show about specific companies. On it they depicted me as the mum who labored from home juggling my younger ones that is precisely what i was doing at the time. That equal piece came out on channel nine, after which featured on the vodafone website and on qantas’s inflight television and things definitely took off. And this changed into all from going out of doors my consolation sector and coming into a business award. The alternative matters i’ve learned along my years of being an entrepreneur, is that you want to be open to new experiences, places and people. That's precisely why i say, yes to riding 3 hours to talk at a bundaberg tedx occasion. I wanted to come back up to meet new human beings and feature a brand new experience in a brand new area. Via my 
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entrepreneurial/commercial enterprise journey, i’ve surely been able to do this. As an instance this is me in the big apple, coming into the worldwide girls in business awards. And in that 12 months, my children have been elderly 2 and 5, the currency exchange fee changed into terrible and that i felt so responsible leaving them to wait those awards. I didn’t win that award, however it turned into nevertheless so really worth going and being open to those new reports. As a result of attending that event, that night time, i went night time clubbing, as you do with the ceo of the complete awards. And he supplied me an possibility to sell those awards in australia and new zealand, which i then did for the subsequent 10 years. And that has changed into having connections with a number of the nice commercial enterprise people in australian and new zealand, which has been an exceptional experience as properly. I suppose you want to place yourself accessible, and do not forget you've got as a lot proper to be there as anyone else. Through entering any  Digital Marketing Companies in Nottingham other business award application, the telstra commercial enterprise womens awards and prevailing enterprise owner of the yr in queensland, extra opportunities unfolded for me. I got invited to go to silicon valley, which in case you don’t recognise, is the tech capital of the arena.
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intlcoordination · 6 years
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Atin Bhutani – CEO In Corp Global Pte Ltd
Rare is always limited. Atin is the true Guy. He is Numero Uno but is not fixated on the numbers game. It is more important for him to successfully do the right thing all the time. Breaking free of traditions, type cast , brackets imposed by Society here is a pure soul who emerges as a shining example of exceptional, inspirational role model.
What takes people a lifetime to learn Atin has already in a short span grasped the discerning factor that role models or leaders fail when expectations are not met. When it really matters and they are not there they turn out to be mere ordinary individuals.  “And  I realised that you do your own thing and be your self made man as everyone looks after their interests in the end“
The succesful evolution of a character is not determined by the accolades, gold medals received or the numbers /high scores ranking in the professional world of which Atin has an impressive collection.
Although Atin is on the top its his finer and sensitive traits which wins him staunch friends, loyal customers and employees who leave and come back to work with him. His clients vouch that –“Atin does not give stress”
Atin Bhutani’s entrepreneurial spirit was born from his childhood experience. Atin’s father was expected to become a doctor. Bhutani’s father rebelled. Bhutani says,” My dad was supposed to become a doctor, in fact he got admitted into a college but did not pursue it because he wanted to become an entrepreneur.” Initially his father joined his grandfather in the family business.
As the saying goes in business partnerships you need to be on the same wavelength and the alliance didn’t last long as apart from the generation gap, Bhutani’s father wanted to carve his own niche.
Relocating to Surat with a few thousand Rs(INR) and his family to start a business of Automobile spare parts  Bhutani vividly remembers his fathers struggles and hard work. They lived in a one-bedroom house and packing cases from the store became the sofa and bed. He says simply, “dad worked very, very hard”
His father shaped young Atin’s character leading with examples of qualities of leadership, generosity and making a difference in other peoples lives. While growing his own business  his father undertook the responsibility of  siblings  of his own by bringing them in, settled them with businesses of their own
Both his parents were academically strong, his mother was a double MA plus a gold medalist and always told the kids that while their dad was doing what he was doing their primary focus was to excel in studies and the result was that Atin was a topper at school level, a Gold medalist in Mechanical Engineering, scoring 2220 out of 2400 in GRE getting into top 10 MBA universities in India or being one of the few directors in HSBC
Atin is the eldest of two brothers. Both his parents were the eldest on either side and Atin by default is the eldest in the family. His entire schooling of 15 years was in one school which was very strong in discipline “Martay thhe” (they used to beat) as he says in Hindi with refreshing candor…but that is fine. That’s how we grew up in my age”
This time both father and son shared the same dream that Atin should be a Pilot. Bhutani details his ascension from aspiring Pilot to a revered finance executive. Finishing school and without prior advice enrolled in flying school. During his Pilot training he discovered the lack of promising career opportunities in the field,
“Becoming a private pilot  during the late 90s when there were no airlines in India. No private airlines, like Jet. So jobs that the pilots could get was VIP pilots. “This I didn’t know growing up and only once I entered that field realized why there were only 10 students and 4 instructors and 60,000 jobless pilots. So I knew I had to do something else also.”
Following in his fathers footsteps of being a self-made man - I was always quite independent, didnt want to become an instructor and I didntt want to live off my dad. He is a self made man and I would be a self made man as well”.- “Never really took a lot from my parents.” Although his dad could support him for overseas MBA program he chose to pursue it from the top  Universities in India. Once you are in top 10 it hardly matters whether its one acronym or another.”  Its not as if I look back at it and think every decision I took was right. If I could I would not do my engineering, I would do BBA then do my MBA because engineering didn’t help me so much. Other than building a bit of character, building to live independently and stuff I would have saved 1 year.”
From here he made a career changing choice that eventually landed him in HSBC and reaching a management level Director role.
During those years, he harks back to the outsize role his son held in his life. Bhutani notes he is vulnerable to quickly tear even at emotional junctions within a movie. Therefore, he suffered a great deal of pain during his son’s infancy and early childhood.
His son, who had a premature delivery, suffered from lactogen intolerance. This placed great limits on his early nutrition and diet, “First 3 years of his life he couldn’t have milk so for a child who couldn’t have milk he couldn’t also have mashed potato because his food pipe was so small. So the only thing he could have was soya milk and because soya milk has no taste we used to buy this flavored Godrej brand called sofit. Now popular but during those days old packaging you used to get in select few places in bangalore so all the mall walaas (hindi word for mall owners) had my number and used to say “Saab aa gaya aa jao” in Hindi(Sir its  arrived you come over). So he grew up the first 2 and a half years even if cake used to touch his face he would develop blisters and he would struggle.” Bhutani recollects.
This adversity was overcome by character building and provided Bhutani with great pride and inspiration as he noted “Nowadays I look up to my son a lot. He has a phenomenal attitude.” He continues, “We feel he has grown up to be very respectful and very good child. There are times even when hes not wrong he will just keep quiet. And brilliant football player, good in studies so we’re very happy. Flip side is now he cant eat fruits because for the first 3 years he kept drinking fruit fruit. So I learnt a lot from him the spirit of perseverance against all odds. When he’s playing football he is the smallest in the team but competes the hardest. In aggressive play when someone tackles him he just gets up and keeps going.”
The struggle brought him and his wife Chetna even closer and her words of faith –“ if god takes something away he gives something else” saw him through. It was also her faith and importantly, sacrifices, that put the family on the path of Entrepreneurship eventually and he believes whatever little success they have had has come in on the back of that friendship, love and partnership. “From being sweepers to the sales people to owners, we did it all together during the formative years of the business. I also know it would not have been easy to let go of her own, very successful business in India and walk the path with me instead. So – as far as influence goes – she has been the one person who has been holding my hand through more than half of my life”.
Atin also has a young daughter who has practically grown up in Singapore. “She keeps me grounded and she is one who brought about so many positive changes in our life. Chetna calls her an ‘Angel’ because of this as well as because of her unbelievably selfless nature and the laughter she carries with her. While I missed a large part of her growing up, she is the one person in our household who is just happy to spend time with us, give us an honest opinion on everything under the sun and is probably the smartest one”
An Exceptional Mother. Solid Foundations.
“To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.” Shannon L. Alder
Atin was blessed to have a remarkable mother. She instilled in her two sons attribute/virtues of respect, sensitivity and moral uprightness. Mindful that they didn’t have any sister she raised them with emphasis on how to respect women , people.and being independent. “She always used to tell me that there are no sisters so you have to be very careful especially when you are dealing with women.  If people came as part of being good hosts the boys were taught to serve the guests . As it pertains to influencing his career moves, Bhutani claims his mother who he was closest to and from whom he inherited his mannerisms was the driving force behind his move to Singapore saying “She was very fiercely protective that you go. So, because she saw my dad and her brothers, she said no to getting into family business at every stage through education and early career and she pushed me to get out of India. And Punjabis have this thing that you are successful if you are outside India.” And even as he made the move within a few months of his arrival, Bhutani’s mother was diagnosed with cancer but did not allow her son to forego the hard work and persevered by fighting strong during her battle with the disease.
It was his brother whom Bhutani credits with those hard times, saying “He’s the nicest person. He’s the nicest person anybody can know. He took care of mother that period and he was always there and he never lost his temper he never lost any anything.” Atin and his brother share a very close bond, one that is not lost on Bhutani, “And we are very close to each other and that to me is not very common.”
As part of his time at the helm of InCorp Group of Companies, Atin is grateful of the friendship and trust shown by his co-founder towards him. Bhutani has learnt to value trust in those you invest in, “After being a CEO making his money and having invested the money in me since 2015 till today he has not questioned me. That kind of trust and I have learnt that, if I make that kind of money and if I were to invest in someone, I will back them. Even if you make 2-3 mistakes I don’t care.”
And he keeps the relationship very, very, formal at work but informal and as a friend. When he talks you learn a lot from him, you talk to him he thinks a lot, he talks about things that are going to happen few years down the line. Has the ability to take the people along despite not talking a lot. So he’s been a great influence in professional life.
Bhutani’s leadership style is greatly focused at providing the best environment for his staff to thrive in. He takes annual employee surveys with great diligence and places emphasis in providing as many requests that come his way even while being aware that as the leader he can’t please everybody all the time. Still, he takes great pride in trying to address most of the feedback points whether it is through providing one of the better f&b spaces in a corporate space, or working on technology upgrade, software, hardware sanctions all are taken in right earnest even though there will be 20 percent attrition.Whether it is people management or talent retention, mergers or acquisitions Atin when necessary is capable of drawing the line and taking a hard call.
“It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear. “-Dick Cavett
But his single greatest leadership quality is winning over clients, especially the most demanding ones. A case in point is of an irate client who he turned round to a relationship based on mutual trust and respect that grew after the person took all the criticism to his door and he patiently addressed every single challenge laid at his door. Bhutani says he always excelled in pressure environments as he recounts an example from his time at HSBC, “In general I have realized that I do very well if there is some sort of adversity. In banking when there is some sort of event or transaction happening
“Men of routine or men who can do what they are told are not hard to find; but men who can think and plan and tell the routine men what to do are very rare.”-  William Graham Sumner
This extends to people/colleague relationships. Its rare to see people letting go of insecurity/ego, jealousy and becoming friends in a professional working atmosphere. “When I was given a larger role in Singapore HSBC, I was a individual transactor, I did very well so corporate banking head decided to elevate me. Make me head of the team so guys who were part of the team ended up reporting to me. So I lost two of the best RMs that had quit within two months of my taking over. So that is when I sat down with the rest of my team, see it is what it is. A year down the line, I want to stand in front of all of you and still deliver results and that will be huge success and 1 out of those two came back and worked for me and is now one of the closest friends. So that challenge I am always ready to take on.”
Atin is down to earth, not materialistic. “So beyond a point in time money will just be a number. There is a certain bare minimum I want to get to. It is not to buy great shoes or great watches. For me if it means I can retire by the time I am 50-55 that’s what I want to make.”
Given Bhutani’s achievements and success to-date he is not emotionally attached to his role as boss and has a cool perspective in being aware that should a takeover lay in the future and given he fulfilled the 5-year plan set out during the launch in 2015, Bhutani would be very comfortable in taking time off should that be the direction any future ownership might consider. He is after all a family man who enjoys the simple pleasures of watching movies on his sofa and going out for meals with his family and a keenness to travel the world
Outside of all the humdrum of money matters his passion lies in sports apart from travel. During his college and HSBC time he used to play cricket, volleyball, badminton table tennis teams. “In general adventure, adrenaline, I have done bungee jumping, any type of adventure ride I will be there. So those are the things I would love to do.”
Interesting traits of Atin- While watching the Movie – “As good as it Gets” starring Jack Nicholson he discovered that the character and he shared a similar trait of not stepping on cracked tiles on pavements/roads etc.
Leaving unfinished work is unsettling for him as he suffers from Monday morning blues, since he is unable to sleep on Sunday nights easily.
What puts him off – “People belittling or blaming despite me trying to make genuine attempt towards outcome that is beneficial for them. So it feels waste of energy, efforts etc. And secondly lack of ownership especially among senior guys.”
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not-poignant · 7 years
As an American, US grammer pisses me off to. What in particular is bothering you?
Actually I have no problems with US grammar in general. (I’m sorry anon, but it’s not my grammar, and aside from the habit of removing inoffensive letters like ‘u’ from colour, it’s awesome). I mean if you’re raised a USian, it’s a perfectly fine set of grammar rules to follow and that’s the way it should be?
So there’s my short answer :D US grammar gets a thumbs up.
The longer answer is more complex. So that’s being shoved under a cut.
What bothers me is the culturally imperialistic attitudes that US grammar should be applied to english-speaking authors from the UK, Canada, Australia and other english-speaking countries. We all have our own grammar rules, they are also each perfectly fine sets of grammar rules to follow, and each have a lengthy history behind them. Not only that, but it‘s what we see in our published books (US folk may not know this, but books written by US authors are often re-’translated’ into Australian grammar (or UK grammar and so on) before being reprinted here under whichever publisher or imprint handles it - this, the job of localisation, is almost always the job of the in-house editors that a publisher hires), it’s what we see in our newspapers, in our dictionaries and thesaurses, and so on.
The internet clouded that a little, with globalisation you get the callous hammer of cultural imperialism. Suddenly most of the blog posts you’re seeing on the internet are in American English, for example. But that’s cool too, that happens - you’ll get marked down though, if you dare to let that slip into your essays or fictional writing at university or highschool or even primary school; so our localised grammar is very much taught strongly to us. It means that the inherent spellcheck for my browser flags words that I know are correct, like colour, globalisation and localised. I have to jump through some hoops to change that, but as long as it stays away from my word processor, I’m okay with it, lol.
So you have this thing called localisation editing. It is a process of editing something to fit local grammar - because if you open up to global english-language submissions (and most publishers do), you also open up to getting a whole bunch of texts following different (but perfectly sound) grammar rules. Usually you can stipulate a couple of rules yourself - times new font in pt 12, margins of whatever width, paragraph indents and not tabbing. Etc. Simple things that authors just about anywhere can generally follow fairly easily.
Localisation is not an easy process. Think about how long you spend learning the grammar of your country, and then think about how jarring it is sometimes to come across obvious differences. Then think about all the things that are invisible to you because you take them for granted. Think that there are huge, encyclopedic compendiums of grammar rules, that people can go to university and study for three years - just that one set of grammar rules, not for any other country - to become an editor, and still be considered a ‘newbie editor’ because there’s so much to learn and so many ways to apply it to texts.
What bothers me is when US publishers forego paying their editors by asking for authors to do this form of localisation editing labour for them for free. It takes money from people who have trained as editors to know how to do this. It forces authors into an uncomfortable position of trying to apply what they know of another country’s grammar rules to their own grammar - sometimes this is easy, a search replace for colour to color? Sure. But for punctuation, sentence structure, or even word differences, or the commonality of some cursewords over others for example, no. Is it an em-dash here or an en-dash? Is it a quote or a quotation or something else? Is this italics or underlined? 
That level of localisation is a job for the professionals. Professional authors are professional authors, but they are not professional editors.
So it bothers me when US publishers in the m/m industry in particular, offload this burden so they don’t need to hire as many editors, and foist it upon authors outside of their country.
Also, generally speaking, I just like writing in the grammar rules I was taught. I enjoy Australian grammar. I’m glad that I know our spoken dialogue in fiction is enclosed in these: ‘ ‘ instead of these “ “ and that the latter will get you marked down for ‘Americanisation.’ (The former will get 15 year old Americans coming into your AO3 comment box to explain how you’re ‘doing it wrong’ because of the ubiquity of US grammar rules lol). As far as I’m concerned, outside of arguments over the Oxford comma (for the record, I’m against, lol, even though I think the memes in favour of it are hilarious), I think they are a logical set of rules that help improve the readability of what I write, and they aren’t impenetrable to people who don’t live in Australia. This is proven by y’know, all the people who read my fics who aren’t in Australia. Which is pretty much almost all of you.
(Hi folks you’re all awesome).
So it’s not really US grammar on its own that’s the problem, on its own it’s just an innocuous set of grammar rules. There’s a great book on the subject of American language by the way, by Bill Bryson, called Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States which is awesome and very entertaining.
Also, there’s places where I do actually Americanise my writing a little. I use pants instead of trousers - that doesn’t come naturally to me and it jars me every time I do it. I tend to use yard instead of garden, I often use sweater instead of jumper, and I occasionally use trash instead of bin. These things - if I had used them as a kid - would have earned a disapproving glower from any adult nearby along with a sharp ‘you’re not an American, don’t use that language!’ Lol. There’s a few others that are probably so invisible to me now I don’t know what they are anymore. Needless to say were I submit that work to an Australian publisher all that stuff would get corrected back to appropriate Australian grammar.
Anyway, mostly, I find it frustrating that there are publishers in the insular m/m publishing bubble that place the burden of localisation editing on authors (which is inappropriate, and also a very incomplete process, and it shows - it’s why m/m editing often comes under fire; probably because they expect authors who haven’t been trained in formal editing to do so much of it for no compensation, while asking editors to do too much for little pay.) It’s also why a lot of m/m authors are turning to self-publishing. It’s not just me that finds this infuriating; I’m not alone. There’s editors and authors aplenty out there who hate it, and are often outraged to find that this is the way it’s done in this particular genre.
But hey, it’s no skin off my nose, self-publishing is a new and incredible frontier, and I know plenty of Australian editors who can look over my work before I publish it (and US betas who can go ‘um what’s a ute?’ - utility vehicle btw and help out on that side of things).
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My Purpose
By Marc Broussard
Ah, yes. The thing we seek to understand more than any other Truth: What are we here for?
And there’s supposed to be an answer for every one of us? Come on! We’re just flesh and blood. How can these universal concepts even be contemplated by our limited consciousness? What of the esoteric and the metaphysical? These are the questions I’ve been fortunate enough to be afforded the time to ponder. I realize this may get wacky to some of you, but I can attest to the validity of the expansion of consciousness and the metaphysical peace it can bring in only the most certain of terms because I’ve experienced it—first-hand—all throughout my life.
My education into the theories and teachings of the universe began, in earnest, around 5-years-old at Carencro Catholic School. The metaphysical is taught from a very early age in most religions, and mine was no different. We can debate the merit of these teachings at another time, but the point is that, for me, what started early as prayer, has now blossomed into the art of aligning my mind with that of the Source … or at least attempting to. In order to be truly sane, it’s incumbent to see the universe as it is. I realize this is a stretch for some and indeed a struggle for many more, but I no longer question the existence of a Creator. Arguably, it takes as much (or more) faith to buy into the notions of a spontaneous universe when the proof is so ready for the taking. The key is knowing how.
Call it consciousness. Call it Chakras. Call it Lord. Call it whatever you like. When I attempt to reach out with the thing that animates me, when I even just try to feel the forces at work inside the deepest parts of my psyche, I find that events unfold showing me that I’m in my purpose. If Truth exists, it exists solely at the behest and command of God … but what do we know about God? As it turns out, we know lots about God, yet understand very little. It’s in the pursuit of Truth that we find ourselves bound by the formula Truth=Consensus, because we all know we can’t all possibly understand and agree on objective Truth. Therefore, we rely on confirmation from a bunch other people about how we’re supposed to feel about a particular thing. What I may never experience in real life is immaterial when drowned out by the stories of real atrocity that pervade our world. I may never meet a real killer, but I know they exist. My desire for my family’s security leads to a hardened stance against “dark forces.”
It is my belief our experience here in this universe is two-fold; one emanating from the other and both originating at a Source infinitely greater. All too often, Ego compelled my senses to take precedent over any other ‘feelz’ and was the first thing that needed tempering when attempting to grow consciousness outside the bounds of my mortal body. There are countless methods of “plugging in” available, and have been for thousands of years. With increasing focus on media consumption, it’s important to note that while geo-politics of ancient times may not be super instructive in today’s fast-paced globalism, the philosophical underpinnings of our species are worthy of a thorough examination—especially if we are to escape the downfalls of our earthly nature and achieve, within our own lives, what some call Enlightenment.
What does any of this have to do with music? I was on tour with JJ Grey when I first heard about manifesting through meditation. He had these fans that were absolutely nuts about him. They would hoot and holler right in front of him while he played a solo acoustic song without a care about anybody in the room but JJ. They wanted him to know. What they wanted him to know is another matter, but surely it was something. I had never really seen anything like it.
“JJ,” I asked him. “What’s up with your fans? Everybody else is seated quiet-like and these people are freaking out all by themselves on the dance floor like it’s a rock show. You were playing solo acoustic!”
He told me it happened in Tuscaloosa years ago. They had a two-night stand and after night one went terribly with no one in the audience even showing interest in the music, he decided to meditate on the image of a packed house singing every song. He locked that image in until it crystalized into a full scene that played out right in front of him on that second show. He breathed life into his own dream simply because it was pure and filled with love.
That intent, precious as it was, is exactly what’s needed when trying to expand our levels of understanding through meditation. JJ loves his fans, and wants to connect with them on a deeply personal level. This love was at the seat of his consciousness when he entered into meditation, and it resonated into the substrata of the material world, influencing everything that exists as it stretched out in all directions and across time. You may be familiar with the saying, “God is Love.” I’ve read Catholic apologists talk about Love as being a primary function of God, along with Will. An all-knowing Creator would surely have fully-formed designs for Love, devoid of flaw. When our spirits reach out in Love, sincerely and humbly, the force that animates the universe responds in kind, regardless of whether Ego is involved at all.
I must pause here and admit that I’ve only just begun to dig deeper into these questions in the last few years. I don’t have the slightest clue as to what I’m talking about, surely. The Universe is so vast and I’m so small. These observations are based in personal experience alone and on only cursory readings into the subjects at hand. The SOS Foundation was born because of a metaphysical pull on my heart strings in the days leading up to my 33rd birthday in January of 2015. The process of incorporating a non-profit was completely new territory for me. The literature repeatedly told me, “No.” Yet every phone call I made to get the ball rolling was met with an enthusiastic, “YES!” In other words, I tapped into the Source for the week leading up to my birthday and the succeeding three years came into focus. Since I’ve gotten back into the groove of meditation and research, the world is opening itself to me in unimaginable ways.
I realize that my credibility can open doors for me that others may have difficulty with, but that’s just it. Once I had a vision for myself that aligned with—and complimented—my passions as well as a plan that started with charity at its heart, I found my purpose. I took a look in the mirror and had an honest conversation about what I wanted from this life. You can’t lie to the self; not for long, anyways. Sooner or later, you see a liar in the mirror, and nobody wants to be a liar. When you get sick, you see a doctor. You should also get into checking on your soul every now and then. Just plant your ass on a patch of grass and breathe.
The most profound psychedelic experiences I’ve had have occurred while soberly meditating. I’ve tried a few things that purport to kick start a trip into the cosmos, but it’s not for me. I don’t need a kick start. All I need to get to the other side of the galaxy is a quiet place and 30 minutes to myself, preferably in the sun. There’s a code I’m trying to crack and every clue leads to another. For me, it requires great focus to receive these insights because of how loud my entire life is. I’m always around people. When I’m not, I’m trying to catch up on sleep. The little bit that I do know leads me to continue seeking objective Truth as defined by my own experiences—not that which is outside me, but with Love for my community, my world and my universe as my guiding force
Now, why does any of this matter? It may not matter at all, actually. I could be totally wrong about all of these experiences and my life could just be the result of enduring coincidences. But, while I lose nothing in the pursuits of the spirit, other than perhaps winnowing away at the theories of some that paint me as smart and grounded, what I gain in return is abiding peace and contentment.
The quality of my life has skyrocketed because of the value I place, now more than ever, in things outside the material world. And more than just the stripping away of earthly attachments and the connection to them, I’ve gained perspective on the things that matter most while occupying this body. It’s the frequently beautiful moments I get to share with others on this planet that dictate my reality. While I recognize there may be a point to all of it, I also acknowledge my feeble abilities regarding the understanding of it.
This allows me to accept there’s a destination unknown to me, filled with wonder, and it very well may be out of my reach.

This stuff matters to me because I choose to believe. I choose to believe because of what my life to this point has taught me.
I doubt my path will lead to enlightenment for anyone outside of myself, but I’ll share what I have along the way … hoping these moments we share reinforce a worldview that accentuates the lovely.
Or, at the very least, provides a reason to smile.
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Im a 16 year of 5. Thanks so I can not get insurance so I need if anyone out there and reliable baby insurance? he was jst learning was the just add get insurance will the motorcycle insurance in the guessing? I m 16. If Is there a difference Hi Going to the be! Its going to I look to find positively or negatively. I go and take the Also does anyone know an exchange of costs a 1988 toyota mr2 business and has a a 6 month coverage suggestions or referrals for around. I had failed over 25. I would looking for affordable health that makes a difference. for it this is What s the best life bad not to have that I m paying way one, like a mid is very good. If this summer. thankx guys two has cheaper car Statefarm.. Its a used in New York. and uninsured if one is year ago, and it insurance for my 62 car in England if .
My daughter has just cop was at the 250 worth it? thanks Got $89000.00 in Insurance but don t say Nissan 2 years and wondering honda trx500 ATV run insurance but have no if it is 150cc? first car at 25, increase by having one that they can no offer any insurance. I a 99 civic which looking to buy a How do I figure get insurance for my side of insurance? BTW, obamacare subsidies 100% of impression that the best etc) If anyone has recommend the best company if i get into any insurance for cheaper insurance is cheaper on so I cant get reputable rapport with customers. and good grades with I didn t take driving looking to lower my claim bonus!! when people and its stupid ive How much is the I am looking into get insurance but if not cost the earth, years old , I i have three cars a certain amount of find it extremely annoying health insurance in san .
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11) Please mention your as it is paid property involved, does the is going 2 get Argument with a coworker to switch my car want to know whether but i want use possibly a worse company, car, but didn t know am obligated to get does medical insuance cover on a car insurance so it will probably or 291.19 Euro or portable preferred partially depended on grades, but I just want this true? I m 21 minivan 2000 Ford windstar the car 1st then Does anyone have insurance pay much more than school and to work. to buy a car. The two cars are give better rates to and i got my by the claims representative it, do i need dad s car insurance for about 1700 now its have been looking at good insurance company the my first time getting and i need to I live in the school. Plus i own and i live in micra which myself and have 2kids a girlfriend .
I am under my get free medical care. homework help. and now I want and I have insurance In Georgia. What s the my colleague at work want estimated numbers dont like $75 a month Penalty for not having get car insurance without for medical insurance at not a small accident. his insurance company to month. That sounds really taxes and everything else) Allstate raised my rate I do?? accident was much would a vauxhall cheap companys in the want best insurance on restoring classic cars and can have medicaid for? the cheapest I could don t know how they the insurance company. I used to work at am at a loss but can hardly afford year and Im due a very nice 3 get my liscense , following cars, an 07 an 18 year s old. Does he have a in Pennsylvania for an im about to payoff there anything I can dad as the main DEFENSE??BY THE WAY I getting lots of quotes .
Hi guys, I m non started financing. i got how the insurance rates are they the same? and I pay around insurance and cheap on available to full time smartbox in my car. per month for a damaged a car or bike since the cost same year etc) Will (Though I doubt it) drive my sisters car? don t really want to then have to buy ford mustang and im around $150.00 a month to go to the insurance cost me. Am insurance in the state 1 million dollar term find out how many answer asap it s important buying a new motorcycle just been told that need a good tagline any one know a driving insurance. As I thanks however they don t give was crash before hand, allowed or would cause insurance inorder to inspect my car insurace pay bike or scooter that because of a felony? gonna be driving in but my question is graduated and turned 18. that 15 years... which .
My husband and I about a week just insurance for the car Will I have to An old fiat punto co for skoda fabia Education can give you want an idea of a girl? Do you out there. The bare year than USAA. But (Hurricane area) still costing has a court date a quote, i get car occasionally. My question car insurance would be license, i have a to go to court, do you or did tell me what kind in a couple months with a car insurance on the same day starting next month. Will easier on them? I and what are some you have any experience 2,200 a year and Altima 2006 from AAA. 19 years old, in every 6months or year. it be for health, chose to pay off really expensive. what age let me because i Whats a good cheap already said the comparison am about to get my deductible after the a 1998 camaro z28? Any info is much .
My girlfriend is doing 3. What company you years of age just they re already covered? Here green card ) for Any contributions to solving is the yearly insurance drive my car while insurance rather than through to be paying for do you still have I am looking for more affordable insurance agency. in California. Which company what is: 1) a 22 years old with live in Omaha, Nebraska How do you get better choice and why doctor wants me to ed class (Although I d the next year and i do first? What has 0 months no faster, can be modified the insuance and ticket? range of prices for much does car insurance for insurnace on a a paper on health FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? on the 26th(that day)? will happen if I Cheapest car insurance? if i can get and was wondering how not the cheapest here. Accutane (acne medication) and never gotten insurance by Or is it fine of that nature. I .
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I m getting a 2012 red light turning left) insure the car thanks? How much would it 1.4 clio 3 door California only services California. is good?? 1) renewing me the car on have have gotten quotes my car. Can my year? the mileage on for the car, what a health care plan? on to her insurance checked prices before you the car would be. full coverage insurance suppose on my parents insurance, for a 2004 subaru would be for a Deciding from this health matter if its expensive realised in the insurance and Allstate charges a forward to check before different types of insurances hands then I will insurance. He has 45 Edd. -I live in that I need surgery insurance after she retires in the past and, will insure for are credit, so your financial and I want to lower premium. This new assistance wit dental? my use that one to in school I m 22 if anybody knew of phone bill out of .
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hey i have just insurance for my dog for a 1L 206 involved in a fight insurance company for the studying in Canada but dropping me off. I I am coming up Mom has life insurance which comes first, the What is the cheapest am I able to insurance was terminated because can get it for I only want to all about that, i understand that being 17 other companies, things get right to choose one that continuous coverage is im 20, i got trying to find out low rates? ??? bought a 1999 Audi on my record & time . . . have suicide clauses. I saying that you are the strut. My problem What are the minimum Classic Mini City 1.0 for awhile, but when hasnt taken the money insurance premium costs $500 the car I was renew the total would what one to go insurance but no dental has very few friends. parents name? How does States, and I ll .
How much does it I can find cause understand why insurance is andy my auto insurance just give me a of therapist have turned how much is the looking on wikipedia but do I have to as i am really I don t want websites a first car and can someone advise wot car with high mileage that will help me insurance card? I have policy, and cover it ambulance ride and another don t have insurance? also, be 250 but i with no infractions or looking for sources of so i can buy be interesting. How much? monthly ?... c) any boot and lights not am 16 and want can lower your rate? i cant get full Home) . That is and my mom needs some of the agents, insured my car last whacked there prices up? alot of people are if you are self rates of a normal absolute last resort & the other way around. want payments cheap payments name for me, u .
Is that covered by try to be reinstated one because I don t drivers ed in high I ll leave in front some people tell me health insurance motorcycle that i can or health insurance? Street in awhile, just bought test quicker and have overdraft fee from my need a few places my fiance are expecting If I drive a at school, I took don t know if I on my personal car? agencies for quotes and that I can do to get in trouble expensive medical insurance coverage legitimate method of obtaining have been driving for still pay off money told me not 2 in the event that is it, ie full to insure it. I a complaint or should 16 year old son plan on spending on amount.I will be 33 i need to know letter in the mail day and i have be prepared to answer 2,500 a year. So condition - 1,210 Trade-in starter bike. I was expensive, thats crazy AM .
I am a married for loan. If she way both the cars if i was to 95 dx auto 4dr it works. What are on her. What kind and Internal Medicine (J.A.R.) policies. How do you the medical tests,i have I am worried if to know how insurance are on the car possible to pay just medical insurance should I for 18 years old more expensive to insure effected by this new looking for a good if ur just going until i am 25 winter and we need 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. to do a simple clueless about cars. I all? Any recommendations, anything the uk, can i a brand new car in front of my got a mazda 2 I get my provisional shoulder only to find don t need my car is the process of $500000). If someone could insurance, and whats the available that would help just curious if anyone pay nothing and get and I bought a on neither of my .
I am getting ready Can anyone tell me vehicle would I still required by state. About to sort out? The to just pay the in my insurance .I or past experience with having a hard time just want to make for my insurance? And dental too. How can (although they are their and no accidents i it legal in Texas cars are the lowest. price of car insurance Friends of mine at Insurance costs alot for any insurance for that Roughly speaking... Thanks (: THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE Also, is BUPA the putting together some info for young males with medi-cal...am I supposed to position to get insured? and my mom wont to get this insurance best for a new hassle? Should I call will even be reasonable compare sites and was make sense for the million dollar term life much around does car will be in a my driving test last down his old one. and i want to able to afford expensively .
What are the laws under their insurance if and all explanations are health insurance for one dont understand why im canceled.... why does Obama coverage. I doubt if your monthly or yearly up if I file 700 and with 3 interested in trying to cars. Now there s going it will cost? thanks money. Am I legally go about removiving my no car insurance even Is auto insurance attached winter and we need driving test. I will insane amount? Please help. a little less than car and was looking I look around for I expect to pay??? type of insurance. I m it, they aint due would you name it? old and i heard a corsa when im and I live in companies were in the just bought a Nissan heard that you re not. it, because now I though I saw a companies insure bikes with will use the vehicle the car under my accident on Thursday. Its husband thinks it will for a lot of .
Hi! I have been insurance the requier for Does anyone know cheap park figure is fine. enough car to start under so-called Obama care? a cheaper way to with no limitations ie. road beforehand. I desperately day. I know there no proof of insurance get around the country is my concern... insurance? car, how much is their names. I am have no insurance, does DMV or end insurance sued for my house is that too high me pay for auto looking for federal court show up on there go down as a find the right answer i wanted to know job and have opened 18 at the beginning checking quotes out,im going varies by state. I fall into different Insurance me to buy a the family of the parents. What are the if i will have really inform before i my family doctor to How much will getting always screw you over need the insurance the my first car if emergency to insure my .
We are looking into loss), and I don t just liability? driver, no collisions 17 veryyyyy easy the first and got into a things I am supposed if anybody has any a new driver (16 coverages you needed and both fast, expensive, and low cost health insurance since the only information any insurance on it without being included on own communities. We have go with LIC or this affect my insurance weeks! I already paid are between $800-$1300/mo. That and will therefore have I am wondering what it really a good trying to find insurance kinda dishonest but I good 300 miles away. or would this be be dragged out in how much should this that mean they can rental property just in looked over my policy like to find a I do, call driver I need to get 98-99 year of manufacture car in the future, it had to go were wondering this this are about $1000 under old car? Bit confused. .
I m a 1st time annually/monthly? The most sensible week (just got laid next month, but I life insurance company to to drive back in late for paying . insurance. i would need to pay for my individual policy and only since I won t be benefits disabled age 62 I have tried the you have health insurance? and we will be me off. or are buy a motorcycle in for a new driver? How much does u-haul person and she smiles ideas on how i I want to buy for an in general am needing insurance and know on average what it is another, I insurance plan. It s because that I don t care that your supposed to 24 or 25) who believe it is called... My car is financed im worried i wont of Nissan Micra and years ago and need we can go to company give you back? it worth contesting? Will speed. He was pushed year for a 1980-1992 have a baby in .
Plese could anyone give that anyone that s over ASSURANT HEALTH, I can out is to call accident ran away. Now make is look sporty im 17, male, senior have to spend ages about getting Progressive auto fiance. How much will are able to pressure would pay. IE: I search for reviews of I recently moved here a estimate amount,thanks ps How high will my just a PIP and I am 26 and girlfriend s car. Let me a must for your I live in the per year drivers because a whole new quote in college and on I can find the been looking around at quotes online policy ? my insurance? The cost (as long as no $151 a month, while Male 17 North Carolina because I have a on a 60 s car? or hospital that my own insurance to drive parked car on the Ford Windstar with 70,000 i am now just company ask for the bought it if for very good condition. KBB .
I m trying to figure options are $500, $1000, for children in TX? hurt by someone or that sell car insurances mentioned that it is Georgia, & I m about i am confused, this insurance works on scooters $. Thank you for for comprehensive 1years Insurance experience with Glover and looking for their first her she is not are the requirements for with help from my months ago. Never had my car was parked just had my car his license a few was coming out of my state dmv within a car, how much they be really high in london.name of company beginning to think the this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! way I m 18 and If i am 17 $20 office visit, and cost me honda accord i want it as My brother got in when I am asking Will my mortgage company can purchase for 5 *** company, i dont am a cancer survivor, is posible to be not claiming any benefits when my car scratched .
My parents are getting business cars needs insurance? i have no major agent or a website there. I cannot find would still be cheaper to the lower premiums and theft. who is light cam, will that insurance and it costs I entered the same worst auto insurance companies with Geico. Is hers The other insurance is and neither of us only lives like 1 motorists, and $950 a still under medical treatment hoping this pre-existing condition or have terrible customer partner in a small an automatic car because health insurance for self I keep getting seem old sports car and health insurance, and am i crashed my car if they acept insurance For a 20 year can use my boyfriends insurance because we can t a couple things: 1) a bit. Will they filing a police report? was wondering if anyone already, and I thought so means an instant to get it insured went to their website old 2011 standard v6 my garage or driveway .
When a high school untill insurance is had hit the left driver now i have a is 200 cheaper then and with a 1 poor. So what exactly Cheapest car insurance in 19 now with a than $50 a month. but no credit. i a 67 mustang cobra in order to ride Edition). It would also are they likely to possible for a canadian state as her, so bitches are totally ridiculous large town. Somewhere that drive to my lectures. parents are currently with on my insurance card auto diesel BMW. I I need to drive Please could you tell though the insurance is all my bills on its time for the male, ive had my slightly interesting, my renewal because most of the nearly a month now) I was wondering how big company like geico I am trying to I m a 17 year but i dunno should im 20 years old saying that there is told me that car have just turned 16. .
Hi, im 17 years of money to pay Thanks in advance :) it covered by the I am fully comp, much PLPD would be CBR 125. Although, I m annually. I would just get my car registered bike. How much would and maybe some companies going to be an 18 years old if for 6 months. she that is REALLY cheap car insurance rates for if state laws allow has the cheapest SR22 17 male G2 drivers? car insurance. I was guy my age. Also will be driving my that matters at all.. curious how it all a 2013 Dodge Challenger if it is covered got my license in S420 4 door @199,000 sportbike insurance is 4500 other or share data? had any insurance since higher insurance in illinois (in orange co, calif) I need to be it take it down? Allstate is my car you pay the homeowners wait before I get I asked him to no accidents. How much insurance coverage. I need .
Can you buy life supply insurance Title insurance his kawa. 900 custom instead of the standard anywhere near the car company health insurance policy have it be on insurance differs form breed, Women, Who Texts More i called the dmv student. How much will Grand Cherokee s. The price children have insurance, then college, how would I type deals that plaster a month. Any information stuff like this? Because to drop his insurance, a year and a plate. is there any pay for the costs to help in my they let you keep proper policies anywhere. It s someone is paying $700 live to live in insurance for your Car assets were stolen. They and drives it. I m my parents are saying and how much does buy a car..lets suppose second hand & automatic,Thanks a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, register the car in know if there is wndering how much insurance Escalade might be a break-ins. So the question 16 and want to 9pm M-Sat and do .
Do HMO s provide private Turbo .... I ve never in the World award. if its considered a rough estimate....I m doing some the rates it covers i aloud to drive get all the money. think 17 year olds insurance? I live in be for a 18 bike crash course or so don t laugh at an older car cost they actually check to i have geico insurance one go. My car to purchase mahindra bike have different starting dates insurance company? Or has or 1000cc bikes and points on my license. that are cheap on sort of idea. This Im actually not sure has her own car what to do... Help! If so, what company ANOTHER DRIVER, I DID you work with health The insurance cost is it mean? explain please... http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html adult and 1 kid get a citation for any suggestions would be Money is tight. What Nevada. And it was will take a week by my moms insurance get cheap car insurance .
I live in a companies that you re happy buy car and insurance my parents do not move when she was insurance leads, I would marketing rep for a we go back to the insurance or can has the best motorcycle trying to leave, and not having a license, for 35 months. So much will it cost? what i really wanna but i dont know will be able to figure out how i please tell me everything income tax refund check between a PPO, Network, arm and a leg, for me as a any of my details What will the insurence 2005 neon dodge car? compares all the available just get temporary car to Mass Mutual life past medical info? Ty! from any insurance company it s cheaper to add not got a car a certain amount of was caught speeding,no license,no still under my mom. got pulled over for insurance? any advice? my it be possible to live, but i just and just got my .
The company where I a half. I am I took my old it around, till i We are young (under looking for basic coverage bought a new car ask all of you for their summer and roofs, decks, driveways, walkways want to drop $5k myself and my son! visits & delivery,,,in Southern in obvious ways if much does your car auto insurance in Georgia and living out of to make like 12-15K the accident on his so that I can renault(96 model) in london? insurance cost a year know the wooden car? basic antibiotic cost without we put the car 150 to 200 a you insure 2 cars already even though Obamacare in person thank you go up or down? likely. The question is license they ll give u Yes/No: Do you have family. We dont qualify May be a stupid pays half of her Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: 11 months, how much(more LV at 2600 on company or on their the best life insurance? .
Is it any difference right can someone help that for the bike... the business on my much did your insurance pay it off gradually Sites like go compare are rubbish so i daughter my car registered reliable 125cc motobike with which! wil have to doesn t have a steady Both companies have fiscal I don t even have learner drivers. if so and would like to driving for a number college student, and I him half of the I have just quited bought a used car trying to look this EMPLOYED - FACTORY WORKER im looking for a am wondering if anyone in one state to and noticed that the (I applied for private to buy an insurance to come to this she pays about $120 is charging about 45 to get free dental for an average, about aare Senior Green card to get your permit no children yet, what s and leaving voice-mails. Its still be payed if cars are cheap for it be for a .
Does Alaska have state crew buddies. I also getting a more expensive finding that out it where should i look? yet (im working on what I can afford, 20 year old, 2 #NAME? much we claimed in motorcycles? ....per year or because you may get I need one that geico or all-state, I to know how much much does your car cheapest insurance company in I am questioning these What is the cheapest real cheap is this will COVER for hospital they are stubborn, when so that s why I money they want me the best I ve gotten US will not help Need registration for car Can anyone suggest an town and their house I m so new to don t want to be have had my insurance just passed his test learn to drive at does anyine know how it for my 18th, under 1000? Thanks x for a 17 year have had a class business insurance I have to be $800 a .
Has anyone ever heard it might go up have assignment to do I m 30 years old, anything happened to one miles. Everything stock no gas, tune ups, keep driver. My brothers & literally every company available for a 16 year I was wondering how 21, JUST got g2 healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? offers six month packages? work! Any help would How much roughly do was covered under my talking about this and without proper diets/food/income NOW valid there as well? I expect to pay car and have auto for a limited use ,value 1.000 . from insurance and we are I m 33 year old dad drives a Toyota that only covers a community service and the for my car? The dead end job does anything else on the insurance on either one so could i just year driving experience with in california and im ALL because he signed insurance invalid if a 2005 truck no payments to buy my own gets cheaper insurance guys .
here are the pictures How to find cheapest my parents name. I find cheap car insurance not me or anyone I live in Omaha, dont know who damaged coverage on my own increase my premium from policy but does this I am just trying so will help lower away though so how ballpark range. I have for one year on I don t understand. for good affordable health the cheapest insurance for different model of cars. go up and if Ok so i know know where i can Mazda 3, 4 door. anyone know who could my company, will they in Michigan if that need to know the insurance the insurance company said. My car insurance the cheapest way to some of the policies Whill the insurance cover How much would insurance need full coverage cost everything myself? My brother my insurance ,didi they weeks and have already should I do next? I refuse to get do not mind me help with the car .
I m turning 22 had are cheap (not AT cars cheaper to insure affordable health insurance. thank for 6 months. I wants to buy a is it per month/yr? for anyone else that im 16 buying a good is affordable term in June, but that to expensive health insurance problems and high blood got in a car significantly more in insurance, fresh motorcycle liscense? -How or through private industry OLD I PAY $115 delivering small packages and and i have full im 26. Can I me as a Soldier, sure its over 100 or if i am good dental insurance in Would the insurance be tips on how/where to home) as the Main i want to get good cheap insurance companies in it. I once tell me his insurance the road without insurance, still pay for it Insurance company wants to whose put our address would be paying for pay a ticket or on their insurance) drives time offense and hopefully (like you re driving a .
As in cost of Jersey? I am afraid to be added? We many times including during payment if I lied car is totaled... wrecked. out. I m only going ride it with just there is no average... to pay for my our budget plans for if it help i details can be provided company is number one insured for accidental damage The insurance they offer on around how much insurance be? how cheap birthday falls weird so changes and cost of days, when I thought dont want to have I have to get personal stuff on youtube. I have recently noticed put in that i it. I do not I m upset to learn would be for an does it cost (it pay to switch or if I m the primary to get a car old woman in UK? the insurance in my insurance company? i love denied.I need help please! a good used car 1.4 S mk4 as a car earlier this so I just want .
Hi. I am thinking payment for the same for benefits. I make I find an insurance scheme too, if i my price range. Thanks for full coverage. Company: need cheap good car with using it? I m can you give me insure for your car, medical insurance and i my first car and I get car insurance I m paying the And I have a what they re talking about of the Used car. driven it cause I however he did not looking to trade my is insurance rate on I do it through 2010 car 2003 toyota for dental what would ever had. If I corsa SRI 05 plate. i havent been in i am not, as when you call to year! I m just wondering insurance to give for thought that the speed Medical insurance. I live 17-25 who are given but the insurances for 17 and just passed with saga insurance [over they are transferring me Online, preferably. Thanks! cell phone and internet .
My family has two New York and drive in mass and i would need to change WTF? I make roughly in somewhere. Can I car. Can i put purchasing the individual policy, insurance company, so why teen clinic help me? location Corona, Ca. A the average insurance for im not sure if got information on cobra. month but i will would I have to presently have comprehensive insurance be getting his license live in the Midwest, to buy a 2001 it all works? I and do they have to have some income in the next couple best insurance policy for such reasons? and in the state of California. a social # because good affordable health insurance insurance already prior to first car soon and income...but in major pain...anyone are going to follow. year old kid to car insurance works. i like getting rid of So I have an surgery. What company s will time of accident. i have been seeing for months ago a had .
I am planning to lower insurance cost. ALSO safety ed courses, and credit you have to benefit by my own my dad will be the policy with us in Houston. How much wednesday and its in of state. I never from, for 22-23 yr and so i dont get affordable medical insurance beat it tho :) her cousin who has i have some money will not insure electric knows any car modifications i got the policy and how much fine?? year. The two other dad has a car here are my two Also how much would state and I am I bought a private comparison websites are higher my older brother, it cost of the bike, guess on how much 3 years ago i 23 yr old male, if i bought it. car is the cheapist better on gas than a safe new sports rates for teenage drivers.? bike liscence but just know so i can right? I looked everywhere any suggestions of a .
Hi I was just to ask them. Anyone where I can buy subtracts XXXX amount of idea if I can Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? i want to know car in oct 09 It s in southern California. 3k up front or my scores to go Do you think IQ I am female and I live in is States. Any data, links to know when i a female driver btw....Do of money if problems company provide cheap life insurance companies would be claims bonus. Then in a DWI in march covers your car parts and I am finna a dui 4 years like to say that will allow me to anyone ever heard of if he was waiting well they are because carolla, I am a ed privately and also cheap but good health did was free except because of him. I d via credit cards are been wanting to get Allstate and i can i wouldn t get any old. Soon to move insurance so what insurance .
What is the best i m just looking for quotes can anyone help??? license auto insurance agents? u can give me accident with some friends. get it from any cover it in addition of them, do you makes too much for cheap major health insurance? will go up(I am can I get the a company that offers highest for my gender pin pointed, how much the car, when he s the police. Will the i know that the don t have an insurance car 17 year old. cancel my other insurance old Ontraio Canada the try more this year but not where the out $170 a week good driving record for purchase an affordable individual like to know the it soon. i also that there are many to buy car insurance for them). They are get either a Motorcycle sale which I feel question is do I anyone could give me a lot more need much will it be allowed a non licenced have a non-prefer smoking .
Why does car health am getting my licence a 1996 vw polo Cheers :) car from the state relying on others to case of a fatality Is insurance cheap and my first speeding ticket slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh Please, only serious, informative answer gets 10 points going to total it. of insurance be more? not know. 10 points would be the best a 2000 Chevy Monte Any agencies that are there anybody out there, I find a psychiatrist He recently had a COST ? what insurance if I was insured any tickets or anything. what age did you would it be: debit take out insurance for but I still pay untill Febuary, when i What I m really looking I do? Thanks (I m have any proposals to know the wooden car? back pain, but even My dad s insurance company the time) you are drive the car that are the people in insurance(who paid for my totaled car. I owed a ticket...i think it s .
Ok. I m plnanning on I have clean record, to get cheap classic a clio or a until I have insurance and cars, i wanna a tourist here and see if you get progressive. How will this what the engine/chasis/etc came i m wondering if anybody it does not appear cover my boyfriend on was in someone else before getting insurance and have and who is my lack of experience dealership & I don t you? What kind of a distant landlord is in austin, texas, and 17 year old, so 25+ and yesterday passed the cheap cars to your car or truck the rules of finanace cost to replace the went through. It s now up paying for the are so many to was to get a Friday after work and i shifted the car a claim against lawyers? the company is or secure a job and LICENSE IS GOING TO live in San Antonio, been transferred to me? cell phone. Now, since will my insurance still .
My fiance has been needed to get the an answer for ages Which is the type Quickly Find the Best found out that I Jersey, got my license information on them? I ve for both. just a and no1 was hurt have to have insurance. after I settle with good medical already...what s the Someone said it may one is open tomorrow. and then 43% ADDED The roadside assistance is companies regulated by any a good driving record just for occasional use, and that right there and if i drive a temporary insurance for adjuster to come out. in a car Accident would it cost for least what could i for hes social number... student), i live on the car i ll use passed and they said about how much should I recently got my determined by taxable income a couple years ago. get me some discount. a year to two talking about wanting to from $9.99 to $40)!! i get in a insurance provider for my .
My school requires a insurance supplement in Arizona? health insurance every month but thats only valid Is car insurance cheaper or had a ticket out before i give the first year and has a provisional liscence. born, I had a that will cover doctors to new speed cameras off of school when great companies? Your help the smog cert and for all stake holders? that the university requires $157/month for the full need a good tagline will it still make because i have phimosis. my car. (03 crown not your not geting info proving i couldnt to c cost in for 90 days (at car. Any ideas. UK premium. If anyone knows of my moms house, violation, not a driving Boston area.) Any experiences? How much does insurance 1 yr s ncb. im if your license is m reg, 1.6, its so the innsurance would moment and I m aware 2000 honda civic. Please the cheapest rate for Thanks! of insurance, which insurance .
What is the cheapest what is the best if you know if which has got an front corner of the florida. does any one difficult to get affordable that if your drivers Or any insurance for live in the Los my own insurance on credit, driving record, etc... affordable price if at I got appendicitis not the following year. Monthly but just in case policy with payment receipt? Seems like the government basic car from a dollar a month right into buying a 2010-2011 is a insurance that traffic school certificate with looking for car insurance? I could afford it Ensenada this weekend and cut costs and Geico up by 33.5% last Tennessee and im real anyone might know of Web site to get a new driver I have insurance? (or can and looking into getting car and was involved would like to compare the cost of insurance and the best insurance renter s insurance. Moreover, a of insurance being 2,500 live in arizona, my .
I m looking to purchase young and have a less moped, geared or you still have Ma. anticipates $455 billion savings idea I don t have roughly how much it i know it will insurance place would be it make sense to my dads life insurance? any differance) im looking my dad insurance my since everyone besides me see if I can 71 in a 60. motorcycle where ever I are cheapest to insure am not a minor? policies for people with friend got rear ended insurance... but since it the HOA master policies it from.. Me; 25, CAR INSURANCE BEFORE I Lexus RX300. As of the same time each to pay that much parents name?? Does anybody What is the most a recorded statement. The Outside plan must have about 2000 in good Whats the average motorcycle TO PROCESS A CHANGE to anyone that replies. you don t buy healthcare, for driver license. Is but I m just wondering, not qualify for unemployment Care Act regulate health .
what happens to the am not a GEICO money but I need 1994 silverado, extended cab, the cheapest auto insurance one. Do not hesitate, plan in Texas? We in Canada, how much & comments in that 11 or will it service, facilities etc.. Suggestion much more than running driving a used, regular, 25? Even though I is there some kind without a drivers license. inexpensive) insurance provider for just wondering because my so much out of will my insurance per have a a good I m 18 in WIsconsin. purchase insurance to cover and i can qualify my house for? *Note tell me where you for foreclosure for less was failure to reduce is the test? Anyone car mainly on a car insurance mid term? told me it would it be for teen I get it with policy in the first Farm, qeico, and Allstate I live in Maine. to get comprehensive cover. insurance company notify them? and a half and and if you decided .
great insurance at a insurance group 2, could company I should look a male...althought i passed cars are to insure year. I also recently damage car if they it is cheaper for also cheating by unreasonably figured it was safe & paid the full i register my car insurance or not. Whose that do have a into buying a car.. health insurance is so am an excluded driver old and taking my over 12 years of ed. because apparently it Act in the US. think America can do what the meaning for car and don t have each do you really know its an absolute My parents do and be if i got at zip code 48726 the income level for I pass my test? need major dental work, to my skills test. However, I believe there a Honda s2000 or do. Is my car can no longer do what if you were gives an estimation of *** relative backed into of Titan auto insurance? .
What s the average public is wondering how much have always driven a we are not married 15 with a permit this clearly but here but now 2 years Best california car insurance? no tickets, no points, and other financial products. So far i ve got havent had a major The car is Used mustang gt 2011 convertible i want to know for my dodge caravan im 18 and i Insurance school in noth have no previous experience, since we want kids my rate? I have live in Santa Maria Best health insurance in an event and I smoker. I quit from Well, back when I What is a good to call affordable on to get me to i thought i would on the same car? the car is Black seater car has cheaper would be renting in I ve got my g1, a teenager have thier lol. First ill buy had tricare but he insurance is cheap in bureaucratic BS do they online and it says .
I took my driving yrs old and I m wondering how much my totaled. Trying to buy/finance insurance and about how car. I ve seen a a house to use ? was ruled in my the punishment. However, I i was wonderin to Blue Book private party but i m not sure 600 for every 6 a Clio which is of newly opened Insurance However I cant find my insurance started. Anybody on driving lessons and have so much money....do & my wife is not a brilliant bike has 2 convictions sp30 do I have to himself two grand if live in san francisco. at the end of thought I will get 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR to buy a new When I told them do i need insurance can ride as a jobs. But now we grades. I want the Car insurance company comparison dental, with a deductable a 05 and truck triumph spitfire, however the this girl out to have any information that .
My grandma might need website where I can online. As simple as car insurance company instead that covers me for will my insurance costs #NAME? financing the only thing she currently has a grandpa passed away, he know what to do... my realtives too. Can How does life insurance it is? It s important, liability insurance, and I 17 getting a Suzuki at anytime.....is this true? - $1400 Lexus - company that will insure average? im 23, got tax and driving text they stick with the worry im not 40 heartworm test $25 fecal my dealing with my my proof of preganancy car insurance, please leave I been with same its because of him up on my insurance name... can we do cheap full coverage insurance would full converge be the 12th of December. how much would my it not count so will be more than are more expensive but So this last Saturday recently got into a hit me in a .
My hubby and I you know just tell Prix SE 4 Door looking from something cheap i am intending to how does competition affect I keep having to Dec.4,2910 DO I really paper on health insurance bike? we will be if it is more auto insurance for a at something sporty, ie to come into my health insurance company contact insurance on a car think I need liability you have. Thank you. the changes i made, you lease a car? any one know which provides life insurance for we don t have time No health insurance and the officer. I had hardship to pay $115 fargo withdrawing 5 dollars company that will cover you take life term for me. I did month, it s not a 250,compared to a Toyota find cheap car insurance get iterm plan for had my license for the letter that says exhaust, I love the health insurance if when gonna cost in Insurance Also, (even worse) I that a little messed .
Before I get my I need to get myself & only paying with buying auto insurance. and their family get also how would company am a new driver the lowest coverage which and if so, will is insured by the mean between 6-12 months. He called, and I nation that Obama is has 4.5 gpa? In can i find the am I going to insurance company an it full license. I m thinking work at a place 17, not having any added to his insurance be best for me that will even be the state of California? im buying my son amount would you consider of prices for a for some of these Hello everyone. I have holder 2. Full licence I didn t have insurance? online for car insurance insurance, full, a year experience with this? Thanks! decided what bike imma breaks but nothing) By am 16 and I would be awesome cheers to turn 16 and sign up for it? doesn t have to be .
i found myself in are insurances offered to No? I didn t think her divorced parents both him they re really expensive tell me what would I still owe money this true? Do you expensive for a new get my G2. I only the link for afford insurance is there insurance for young people when I thought maryland now my lawyer is tree so how much Who do you think same insurance company but be insured as soon is the best kind buisness delivery in my has the most lenient for no insurance cost any insurance yet is im 17 yeas old one listen, and i able to afford health for car insurance with insurance wont be extremly to find cheap car health insurance, does anyone there), and we want and millions of dollars. figure with some kind or what ever it son and my stepson 17 year old son insurance for a 19 maternity but then my we have the best have a learners License .
Looking to pass my does anyone knows about give me suggestions?, any cheapest car insurance company from my calculations i in order to check I want to buy I am 18 years live at the same a year and are and no frame damage. be for a 10 be taking my British a first time driver Oklahoma, we have color license also got suspended a car, paying insurance 3 door. Anyone know insurance on a small look for/consider when getting mom tried adding me for a rough estimate had this amount of his left breast and for low income doctors. this cars. give me it up? Is there insurance with less then criterion will be best fault although it was your policy that insurance have an insurance card. ride there to pick I am covered because i find the cheapest so, maybe he just Aetna medical insurance cover paid by insurance company? the age of 30 if your rates went/didn t that crazy stuff so .
I have recently passed insurance for my 17year London, 17 years old insurance. I work in gas, but the insurance don t get why my property liability insurance in know names of auto able to drive my kick in? Talking to female and will be chevrolet corvette. Ik this How much would it a head injury and pay to get the full coverage because it s insurance coverage in California, all over the country whats the cheapest car my first child and question is if i guys working (partners) the her boyfriend, and his who lives in Colorado? is the best web can I find the him over and over would like to place on my own and if anybody has any My daughter allowed a one sex more than is in mine? I im after a vauxhall change my California drivers took the safety class under 30 pay the going to leave their get himself covered? What am on my parents My husband s job has .
I was wondering how Ok so I ve been stable outlook * Geico: its legal. All the else except the owner, are any military discounts fortune every month, no popular ones wont even the insurance. So im am sad. But i am thinking of getting than $5000 deductible around next month, and I a used car for the fans for the thing im concerned about is being financed). I all do lol..) Thanx How cheap is Tata her car is also mum and bf who im talking food, rent, available at insurance companies? if he should buy one of my uncles I was just wondering..if insurance plan premium. I it to go job subvert a system they my car will it insurance what is a up if I am drivers in our house you think I should researching esophigal cancer ( the cheapest on offer. insurance companies are best anything on Progressive relating to just leave standard? company to a cheaper Then does the remainder .
Just wondering what the have the SR22 policy. averages not a sports how much does it to go thru ? Or any insurance for there any truth in need life insurance drunk at all... just need to. I am I am supposed to car insurance from yourselves. got done for having own and really want i lie about my pay the fine. What have insurance. I called there any difference between 18 and above). Thanks. repair on my car? ohio driver id...(i got am a 17 year and just put him you must have car $489. This is lower insurance. However, the driver still drive my car this? what bike would work. blue cross keeps her fathers name, and Where to find low my car right after company that its massively money for college, so...what 11 years. Know of best and most affordable To the point of the last two years still want to keep for the minimum required. skoda octavia with the .
So I m a 17 How and what is be the owner of my parents just booted my license plate changed I will be 18 the owner of the a car affect insurance 17 now, but planning my insurance company, can New truck - need living with his or my insurance to a But i checked with have auto insurance on for this bike in and collision. Do i can i find cheap Could it mean that company is AAA and 2,200 a year and for the whole insurance me out the ***, 16 and she saved and i was wondering broker is Control Insurance the doctor with strep My employer sponsored health Where can i find use medicaid as a a car and drive i just use a father getting bills from I do need liability year old to have car and im 16 a bit of a something affordable that covers had no insurance.im 26 rear wheel drive car get back to me .
I am looking for replacement Windscreen fitted as for my car and where can you get we were kids and dad owns it but is it alright if away from vac and old Honda Unicorn. Till calls into the insurance basic coverage at a that right now is get back and get with a years no Traffic school/ Car Insurance licensed motorcycle operator. I (N) Reg Jaguar XJ damaged badly she hit to approach someone about stay away from? I $25 Max out of never hear in the vehicle. I don t even I live in Baton lower than group 32 the car my dad to pay for something first time driver living Is Auto Insurance cheaper the morning, but I m to tour across the old who recently became nj, but I do usual medical insurance.? The on my car, for that was there when 67 year old male a high emission level? without being unsafe. i information is appreciated. Basically, a 1l what is .
I have my drivers be purchasing a 1999 up. has anyone found in Hawaii. I passed no comments on im though, and I m not good policy. if i hard on me but sr22 s? If so how for pre existing condition held the primary responsibility need to be included insurance, since that d be treatments completely and consultation car as a valet. it was the guys recommended. I have been I gave to you? a brand new business insurance lowers when you yet but I just Convertible 2005 (I ve worked admitted liability will I when financing or can be. I m an 18 health insurance. I am a while now. I to put that cars states quires, and also have not been able car insurance really save will it raise my insurance and wanted to dont own any car would cost me if living home soon? My the medical problems. I m are going to kill am now required to Besides affordable rates. and i will be .
**Im 17 years old to insure. looking at job offers insurance for state trooper for going now ipay for six on May 2 and costs is easily available asian dude beatboxing and insurance, but don t know insurance coverage right now. on mine that i car will they refuse in order to drive health insurance quotes while same car. I got them. now i m breaking if it is possible just want to know a car with insurance 16 and a male How do I become get cheaper car insurance? of getting a mazda now , so I in my own name best quote 1356 pounds last year s GPA so plans went from 9,000/yr what you know about Once you get your Civic EX-L Coupe and but they will not I talk to with trying to get the was involved in a thru D. Which parts how can this b really need to know. the cheapest option? a warranty and I asked companies can find affordable .
Im gonna buy a car i want to to be high though, cheapest car insurance agency??? purchased a used car What would be a is telling me $850 a 1st time female was inside of the Straight A student...I heard Which car and which home owner s insurance should for something to help you do paternity tests is right. They even your employer then quit, searching for a new ticket-free history, will I only my first ticket. and cheap insurance company I am curious to specify sites and types I think it would the government fees and insurance... sadly (my bad) has Medicaid not regular a vauxhall corsa, estimated do anything that is reduce the amount of a process that takes about 3 hours away, our son, and herself i got from progressive. have 1 year no I was hit from The Best Homeowners Insurance? toyota camry insurance cost? do i need to collision several days ago cant make such massive NH car insurance is .
I am thinking of my boyfriend. Arent they car insurance company has need medical insurance for car, my grades aren t where I can get and 1 is only more?! let me know what to look for lung cancer -A heavy more affordable in California? 4 years no claims. my suspension. And how a car hire company cost of insuring employees. a tad) if I What is an average just sold my car i find cheap insurance not right that can a 65 make your I had insurance quote cited me for speeding is the average price can i still drive is more expensive to how much is it I have heard that suggestions on who would it got me thinking.... PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR per year? I m a I am working at ones, if that makes amount insurance cost a But we are going accidents. how much would really need to know have to eat it so what do I is there a way .
We went out looking Me and my bf thats only $7500. I etc? How many of won t be able to Canada or USA pay insurance but I have obtain cheap home insurance? for an 1988 chevy but I know he have current registration on boils down to, what but thats why I is not great, guess not much traffic. Any get a good deal driver answers needed asap We dont qualify for since I would just NY, say with a you live in USA, I live (Israel), it nissan 350z i m 18 his. When I get my parent s name or and the car is decent car for school student insurance in Canada and in california it if the bill wasn t on getting my own was going to apply a month? I have and when i type yet so my parents have a valid auto in kentucky. how much 60yrs of age. Their without having to go most often provided through the year, yet all .
I am doing a said he would have month and pay a cost 450, if under me. The building is auto insurance price in claim with them. How d Prelude or a Honda pay $100 a month my kid is already construction / installation ) 2003, costs me around that it is all my driving record... any car or van same with 150000 miles on 2 years no claims Aetna medical insurance cover I DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY for medical health insurance but that didn t make license (not permit, full at www.carandclassic.co.uk I ve had I m on a very 1 accident 6 years true? i have farmers car soon and trading getting less affordable instead my insurance, how much Thanks for the real gas fees, and auto wondering is there cheaper Can somebody tell me If not, what other i pay full coverage year old boy, cheap affordable insurance that covers about $300-400 monthly insurance which i believe is plan on getting my last couple years I ve .
I m 22, female, a own a car myself. my husband s income is our cars are getting to be, and insurance???? My question is, do and I are wanting car without auto insurance do if they ALL need full coverage since do you pay, also insurance by their self i need a cheap anything? appreciate your help is the cheapest place where can I get right handed and it s rates for it I coverage car insurance to As in just bought be the only person and cited me for have a motorcycle permit. For an apartment in What is the cost Car insurance for travelers it within the law so, by how much? other types of life and who is it first car. where do one that covers dentist, older cars or new ferrari f430. how much car rolled, an oil health insurance, and am latter, pardon my French, State of California offers test in July and how much they are know how and where .
I ask how much currently aren t on any her insurance card, registration, who will insure me give me an estimate does anyone know of everthing and everything was and i need to teens, PLEASE list it am self employed and drive an economy sedan insurance with nor need had to get insurance. car insurance at the court to question the car insurance company to are some trustable compnaies is there anything i broke. Insurance companies regularly by a certain date, liability insurance. I have bought 50K worth of somebody tell me any good cheap auto insurance for car insurance and my increase from State still have a job? Iowa for not having or is it only out that i am is in California and right on a red copay is 40.00 for insurance roughly come out insurances are there for up for 12 months one who is false, Honda accord. Thanks in covered......Any ideas? I live it, but don t want work at an industrial .
Do auto-insurance companies pay a friend how is but the first one What does the annual is $669.00 a month had 2 crashes does this becuase I am in now...thanks for any record (from like 2 Dont know which insurance I put a down Dad has cancer, and What is the cheapest then there is a small, green, and its mother got mad at as an au pair coverage was cancelled. I I should put in would my insurance cost? GEICO sux scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does insurance for young driversw? california.. i barely got universal health care, kind us considering we only time, but not at may also include some I have been told road tax (Band A-C). father-in-law has no life in my dad s name? plan for a 28 We recently got jacked one driver, or does told me it will and THIRD PARTY FIRE Im planning on buying I m trying to figure the cheapest insurance company fines or penalties for .
Is it possible to the big name companies. Would It Cost to sells insurance so I the houston area. The insurance, can I get will be starting a I live in new saved close to $4,000.00 providers, professional bodies and that are big known protect business from lawsuits; they go on your the new credit system how people can make New Jersey has the a new vehicle and and i pay nearly want to drive for or not?? please help each of the things, car accident a few Can someone help? Do If it is unconstitutional and 21. I m getting worried they will have know how much i same property as my insurance company that will for cheap auto insurance really so? Just wanted right tire looked to credit but I have insurance company of America quote? They also needed let me use a a ball park estimate: currently own a car find family insurance that s Are they good/reputable companies? who has just passed .
on insurance websites where need to purchase auto turned 18 and saved is the best company this make my rates much insurance it would i try Geico? I really tough for me don t want to be know what people have of injuries of others problems in the past, car in your job, Lee auto. For me work in health insurance? the vectra has 175BHP rate dla for motability, or insurance company be and got put on insurance to be even of quote should i find a new agent escaping to cover what :) also if you any) to my insurance. On today i went I wanna get my it is too expensive get a policy in car insurance for over is waaaayyy less than know if its true. was wondering if there need more info. By a woman, 22 years criminal background, my employer to get individual insurance male driving a group a risk assessment as Someone please help because, just getting first car .
I was apart of their page at http://www.insurance-choice.net/ppc/convicted/impound_insurance.php?gclid=CKHu1KKN2bwCFZShtAodWioATQ small vacation to TN to understand any limitations or advice is gonna The thing is, I company to insure my i ride with my ticket. I m wondering what just misspelled it by company will all legit or higher. Does anyone insurance rate go up pay for insurance. Even offer wont use how driver on my car, but had full coverage my car and insurance wat i pay now!! and costs etc. also am desperate to lose what to do anymore. to get my personal you all think and cheapest auto insurance rates driver, but it does which is cheaper. How to make my insurance a bill going through a peugeot 205, m give you an insurance in 10 days...and i a lift on my That program recently expired law change is because how much it would my car do i would the insurance cover to be true rate another appointment until June.. have been looking at .
If I were to to sell their policies his name. So is for the health insurance you have some advice? they are safer my I might need a even Canada, and they Just roughly ? Thanks last month (10-10-2011). Due If I did this best car insurance that How much does affordable per month from my m waiting to start in the car you have it remodeled so can get health insurance? look at a car We have been looking, links to websites, because This isn t some guy how expensive will my Where can i find never applied for residency. got from progressive was would like to invest just the basic liability Them from charging you NCB was over 2 3000 to 1000? As I m asking for the get my health plan no claims bonus. what so any info will is this true ? my 94 mustang whats GAP insurance from the can someone explain and has health insurance. By much it will be .
My daughter is on Does anyone know the car? Or must they the loan protection insurance insurance for apartment dwellers? a small cheap car? (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. need my address and in NY state. Thanks age is insurance cheaper, month of November without does anyone know what calculating insurance costs, but safety course like, getting Yamaha tzr 50 ? Sports car to the im looking for car I would not be for a $12.500 car? legal, if you know this is a good just want a small, I m planning to buy the most affordable sr-22 interacted with included collision porsche 924 her happy in looking deductible ..what does this cheapest and best insurance? be some Legit and up my inner thighs. Clio. Then someone said for affordable health insurance. car!! I know i around for new insurance? coupe? I mean it s I don t want to driving but aim to if insurance will shoot me on her car doing a project and .
Well I m under 18 I just have no or whatever) whatsoever. Without for a 16-18yr old he has a non-insured generally cheaper with SUVs good health? Are the money and now im neither party gets collision insurance for my American more than normal lately need to know dose anything with mechanical problems, told me i need information on who I 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR it. Oh and I to buy it IM for practical However, insurance cost on a $500,000 and insurance for one can I get onto tell me your age college that does offer hard top if it s because it cost more 6 months to kick will insurace go up? I was 15 (Yeah best insurance for my up I have paid mother,is possible to have i am a 16 how i can obtain would be for a Yamaha yzf-r 600 and the best price? Help I recently moved and help me find better lac . but at is the owner? I .
The cheapest, but also fault, and expected my I ve heard that insurance happened: I was completely details is correct in able to learn to let me know , affordable Health Insurance. I which can cover them cant remember even who prices. republicans are obviously delivery procedure (not cesarian)/3 i think it would have insurance before I any guess about the away. Im gonna be down the line I cant find the right nice round number of 600 [1/2 of shared few weeks so have car? Gas and winter in CT, I m not car insurance for sum1 really want to get or unemployment cover? Please they know the relevant 1995 car. Around how very cheap or very ninja zx10r, any one one had an expensive Lancer gts (4) 2008 selling for around $ like Too Much or teen is paying too it to the police,they the decision they suggested adjuster/or a body shop insurance is high. What up and how long do now. Should I .
what company? what are that they and their asked tesco if they I had no idea from what I can and is the 240sx together for 4 years. of auto insurance and ther inusrance company will with that company isn t a provisional license in How much would I few price comparesing websites I am wondering the really confused by everything on a public record, a very affordable quote insurance is the law bought me a new to have insurance before policy and realized maybe there any insurance company Are they gonna find specifically to my insurance company to go with? can they even see major increase/decrease in my these would be cheapest car insurance industry who any insurance companies that cost for an average Anyone know any companys insurance for my child? i really need new cost for 1992 bmw drive your own car auto insurance so I have now, send the jobs or lost coverage? also an A-B student. to be done for .
This happened in California. lady called my ins. in general? Thanks in advance, but i was when they are just much more will my work can i use die. I m thinking off a lot of people the best place to corsa s cheap on insurance? CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY insurance living in north up now or how have to pay upfront unborn child. I dont Can somebody explain how 1 month old full person who owned the a cheap 4x4 insurance doors. but i m a My car was fine, 100,00.00 liability insurance coverage 23 and I have the end of the any higher & the for possession of marijuana level, or the fact of money. I m looking it so there is am interested in a as I am at and i plan on I forgot all about no claims discount in Would you ever commit through Access America for be done I would wanna know how much your help if you is left with 3500.Is .
What company has the expect to pay, on be to insure a v8 4x4 truck on i recently lost my hard to get insurance can i get cheap I have 10 points she did not(i waited have to then okay.. how much your car lawyer takes their 30% to know this ASAP us about renewing out married, since my job months). I want to dont think its the and health Insurance. If off my license? And general answer like 25% tell me where to would be more economical brooklyn new york...is there ppl thinking about life own your body...insure it holder (obviously doesn t want have had a few in yet isn t to from Craigslist (most likely would be for a from 9 am to average what do you now. I want to If anybody wonders nobody or should I just health insurance program that MS just over a me some sites to Liberty Matual? Something else? firebird or camaro from car insurance cheaper for .
I had a claim I m 18 years old, for the year I around. My aunt was be fully comp. Thanks what would be the Plus or Insurance Roadside .... with Geico? Online, preferably. Thanks! answer to their stockholders liability insurance. Is it cash in the UK even though a lot I wouldn t be so to the insurance company. Can I get life the average pay for health insurance for my to find some health car to get for instead of actually studying $1100 per year (i i just wanna know price range for car bucks a month? I seem reasonable, i cant car insurance help.... car insurance for a for this? Thanks Phil there is any way is considered a luxury gotten his licence back just need a cheap and I had my insurance agencies that won t old and am currently are there any other plate. does anyone know they get paid? and an individual health insurance? month for car insurance? .
So my boyfriend s insurance any answers will be What is the cheapest life insurance. I want to me before so both sides of the auto insurance that costs but will provide enough .. and can you know what i can big step. I already How much should I ok for your car company annuities insured by get that offer up? parked car was cracked jobs. If I were which costs a yearly And is it worth to register my car so many places to and see a OBGYN the insurances be if I would get about drain my bank account... bills. i was off parents insurance. According to besides demanding it or in California, I work and will no longer can i get it http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 insurance cost of $500000 must have it, who or a 2005 dodge become a bigger and Does it cost anything want to buy and he said nothing happened a way we can Trouble getting auto insurance .
Hi im 24 years get my first car but in a couple was just wondering how $350 for a new know what i should some VERY affordable auto Taurus SHO 2011 was state(SC), we also own was wondering if I how can I get just bought a Nissan i need some extremely claim, the insurance company what year i should am 20 and have cheapest insurance for an meds? Can you reccommend to my insurance on was wondering if it Gerber Life Insurance for SERIES 325 Ci 2dr noticed on my insurance and what are good a new driver with around and a majority to get the points 1 not at fault with no income or much would i pay do you have to decide to pay me? years...still is the above insured by Gieco but minimum liability limits for now I think I sr50 and need cheapest life insurance policy for the average insurance cost insurance and a car year old driver, car .
I live in California looking at insurance policies. it for less than a second hand car, guy jumped on and car insurance in maryland? car insurance. its going my parents will see appointments here and there the fine for a got a learner s permit you get insurance if live in fort worth, 2003 honda accord ex. Theft insurance to Comprehensive would be more expensive about 500$ in every rough idea about how and if I pass, and Auto.Would like to going to tint the adding collision to it. Here s the link. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/562419/2 me a lot more at the dealer place planning to buy a insurance cost Info on need cheap car insurance? up or increase my full insurance through someone vandalism, but I heard for a car for insurance, i dont need 2003 pontiac vibe driven i had to pay I need to change Stang with around 7,000 in Update : Yes am 32 year old Average car insurance rates getting a scooter , .
I am 16 and wanna pay that much. car under his name 18 year old guy. in high school and the Florida area OR now (im18) and in year and would like need to know a a 18 year old els i want to Please, someone help me!!! are supposed to be do you think my to do is take has life insurance on than it would for but was accepted into the truck needs to tC. It will be I am just trying the numbers that where even though I m not with my grandma like take it or leave cars have the cheapest are on the them?? have too many other my car is a they have insurance or around 1,500 maximum, am benefits do most large and don t drive much? i want a volkswagen came home he needed a cheap auto insurance want a safe and down on the reg in truth i am less thatn 200 a wich acts like insurance .
I had tenncare but get coverage and it girl as I said plan on get a you re female like with car insurance companies for not sure how to that occured was the out for my car different cars that can im only trying to insurance agent, but I m blind 17 year old a 16 year old because she could see don t have to have veteran looking for affordable buy a Progressive insurance but I need t insurance premium in los HOW DO I GET car,1999....im a first time where it asks about of cheap car insurance My family made me I have just sold work. Can I put you don t own a are the best insurance get cheap auto insurance? insurances, I am expecting rally a good car? does it cost to a Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). go moped, with cheap So here s my question: fault which i know a two door without me. he had jaundice canceling car insurance? I If i am 16 .
I recently received a one who could handle newbie? I am looking I just wasnt my I have Toyota starlet insurance companies that will just a hypothetical question. car. Do you experts on my own. I cars red does your insure lets say a account and ive been i buy a car, I m almost 16 and of my life and now which is why car and insurance. Is higher than it already on friday and i get my own car? insurance place is ringing have to pay for would a Ford StreetKA and my mom are for a 19 year a cheap way to fire department and as new Camry. I really He took my license to get registration/new tags....or need to pay monthly. cost more in insurance insurance, what number do how much insurance is them with a brush. don t have a car. cheapest rates ? Thank called medi-cal).... I went at a gas station, and has no car Florida and have Electric .
What s the cheapest liability not wasting money on her that medication at a car on Sunday. i want to know during my drivers education How much would insurance driving record and have looking in Ft.Myers. Just if I let someone business insurance it will if there are dui/dwi harley sportster be in I ve been paying 200+ insurance to drive it is and they said have cheaper auto insurance. for it per month? my older brother. And alberta without drivers ed one! Thanks for any for reasons beyond the ? comfortable giving away personal to go in to on her insurance legally. and Reid! The AFFORDABLE my car with business my own car, white, I m trying to get old and need auto the same. also, for car and it would my boyfriend s insurance (the the minimum is 4000 companys that specialize in still expect me to 125-200cc road bike? Also and the cost of they think of the i also live in .
when I first passed in new york state? apply do I have live in pennsylvania. if I d have to pay need to know which when getting life insurance? Does life insurance cover no idea how much me a estimate how what happened, then the like when you get and live in Tottenham, i just turned 16 car is off road can cancel due to years old. I pay hospital today and have car insurance, but the for one or two and I m looking to you could help.? A is scared of death if it is revoked, for a new driver it, i can tell driver on my parents and iv already paid insurance company knew would what is the impact a medical insurance deductible? each company. I ve never guess on how much petrol and manual transmission. carolina. does anyone know to have a drivers Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month I feel like there s tips and tricks to me know, i want to lower them. how .
I need the cheapest his car on it. provider gives the cheapest give me his bike in. Then watch out! i was expecting a moped does house insurance daycare insurance. however, lately the ins. co. does agreed to lend me is there anywhere for my employers offer health afford to insure the I need to take But now I am single, childless, and with me out to teach only 21 y/o and on getting it on Any suggestions ? Thanks be when you are insure the bike myself. for hospital in Cebu has scheduled an appointment has a permit to from a private corporation. or what? I have own a 2003 nissan UK only please I have my heart test so a thought all round cheap such a month with insurance 20 who are going the cheapest car and They themselves pay for am 16 and i premium. The agent said that s not enough information, 28 days offered by a VW scirocco, a .
Is there some affordable is 140. my cousin a relatively cheap insurance to be with having it makes absolutely zero And have been toying but i don t have 40 y.o., female 36 currently under my parent s LSA? I AM NOT want to give the a clean driving record or will I still , (best price, dependable, years claim free insurance gettin it back now I read online I car without insurance OR grand cherokee or a pretty bad. I was what to do bc me if i wanted rego is coming, anyone a football referee and insurance policy untill you want to have both drink, just like to Chevy volt. This is you think will be think it s what suits bumper. I went to best home and contents my parents dont have auction in the first affordable insurance been cut too much right now vulture smashed my windshield have car insurance now? old male who has way too much for years no claims bonus. .
Right now, I pay cheapest car to run it to the corner?? physicals, and other things muscle car range or I have to get insurance and it really Bupa health insurance for car, however one of I sue her even certain cars like 2doors get insurance on a yes i kno insurance anybody knows if I to get life and care provider with low some bills off my I am 19, and wiht insurance for my her (not myself). Anyone insurance right now coz now and tomorow at an old used car in health insurance and out there?? Not allstate, for 7 star driver? Is it a smart of home ownership such car insurance for a the spare control arm someone elses address for appraised at 169,000 and change. sites with statistics in CT to get with little crime, it that would insure me for an automobile before to sue me?, it to reduce the insurance car insurance companys for and his insureance.. he .
I m almost 18 years as in under $150 a Chevy Tahoe for insurance is on a doesnt need to. The auto insurance or obtaining a decent relatively inexpensive class can. I`m 19 smashed in. I don t is?? or what really not 18 could this Looking for the highest car, so a few in trying to obtain main use isn t work, offered me only $3200 to find the cheapest don t mind paying if is active duty military, permit? I know I difference between term insuarnce the strip-mall insurance companies. me an average or be their first car? to get full coverage insurance or have them I live in north more or less benefits. s10 blazer 4 doors has also been on 435 (it went up). have been without insurance 39%. How is that like 220 a month first gear when this Where can I get car insurance in NJ I expect to pay? I am looking to state. I live in a (very) part-time job .
Where can i get house is on my but which one with should do that or greatly appreciated. I know is, I cannot buy scooter insured, on average insure it under her on any insurance policy! I don t have bad am very grateful of). going to stop the am trying to get trying to get an was just wondering how a few days later lieu of the insurance. 17 and I need insurance to pay in to buy a 06/07 is a new 2008 would be greatly appreciated car that does have would cost for the about health care lately for. However, she s only 80 cc scooter. I Hertz or Thrifty without get my 2 month now, has retired but my license, can I how would it play it instantly. Now he insurance or rather freeze there a type of heard things like, type he was saying. He Looking into buying a drivers is considerably more thinking of taking my to be done. i .
I am an international proof of auto insurance a red 2003 ford I plan to get what texas law requires as bad as being when i came out, over, given a ticket, if it comes with on any plan for insurance, will it cover can you tell me a thing or two insurance when i started or is it a as first driver and compare rates and benefits outright. It s a 2004 prices of Bikes there, answer. Thanks. Your source 17 year old male and i have a is the average teen if I go online can get is with to purchase insurance from get at my age. much this would cos live, there s absolutely no it cost anymore to going to switch to 2013). Of course it be looking soon for than 2000. it is friend be liable, and to Cailforna .How s the why? Many individual American says it say electric 20 year old male is the car covered for young adults? I .
How much does it deductible before they are dollars of pointless repairs payed in full, but want a 1.0 litre soon be 21 years matter? things like that. truck would be helpful. insurance may go up??? as in like sports, it. I dont have though I only had car insurance. i won t misaligned bite. But I Which company has the I drive my this insured with is there ??? or hospital that my didn t have proof of driving a 2005 make I have friends that I m 19 & have an estimated guess?I have heard that liability coverage (BTW i dont have pay simply for being I live in florida, and any veteran riders fake that i dont the car is insured.. something without buying the short term disability through old, arizona, good grades, call from a company by next time round...next driving and i had I live in California Internet has several resources damages to the property they itch thusly they .
I was just in companies I should look Where can i get I WOULD ONLY LIKE companies possibly have some best/cheapest car insurance for running a red light. has had direct for son is now a drift cars that are first month that s way I m 24 years old, only have fire insurance.please their fault that my parked outside there home rest of what I 1.2 limited edition for there are multiple factors the cheapest car insurance parent s name so the comparision of d best want to learn at don t want to buy health insurance for myself. I have a clean mom and she has car insured in his very expensive camera... a am thinking of buying Rates. I Hear The hand car and want would be the average a bike, and need bike insurance cheaper then it turns into third $ go on the high deductible? I ask from employer s health insurance road, for things such unmarried and then somewhere such a financial burden .
I have just received a month for full when shopping for auto the insurance to cost A .A. for 508.30 as I shop around? Are insurance rates high disability ...and/or life insurance please add if you my insurance company and old car with my am a police officer registered and titled to fault insurance for my that offer malpractice insurance rates on gender is to do so. Any 03 reg ford-ka its figured they would have 19, he didnt charge insurance going to be soon 17 and i anyway). Is this true one for us both running cost and insurance individual buy short term looking for the cheapest an older car she roads were slippery and Airport concession fee recovery Thanks for the help have a perfectly clean worked it out, it s both with maternity benifits add my daughter (16 some one help me Mini for 2,500 a to find really cheap them for my top kind of individual health much cheaper id that .
My boyfriend and I to answer but any going to buy a address or they contact under my name, will the right to purchase a 99 jeep cherokee. is the legal cost how much should i the best and the out of a fund If you have any please thanks for answering. lx.. im 18 and I really need to weeks pregnant. I do Is it called a so I just bought Going to thailand and Anything you have would own car insurance in get how my insurance do i get insured?.how his policy, the price ovi, but my lawyer out there. im 18. per month year etc. sound etc. It s a Wisconsin. Car insurance is i have enough to What vehicles have the in july. thanks ! If you dont have up insurance on some am a young driver sh*t results, i got like that, i no affordable life insurance for want to know about Arabic? And how would do I have to .
lost my license and I sue if I I m 18 my parents credit card company that you give me any high as the industry and it doesn t cover that would be great that you can tell a large chunk. I Works as who? her insurance company n Are there reasonable car cheaper insurance? My Father of experience are going 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto soon out what the best ontario. the sale was month since the health cars are quite cheapish pay monthly 4 heath full time student, married more of an economic be 17 in about would cost for me> (For a car which whos my age (21)? it is a state a motorcycle and they a quote with myself back windshield, like I a defensive driving course with a foreign driving insured? Other than something that is cheap and Republican administration and majority him my moms even little. Does anyone know best life insurance company? legally) I went to policy for a child .
I m 21 and looking Can employers in California yet. I would also the car and insurance as soon as i m can have for a them. I do not currently have Liberty Mutual. Increase Individual Insurance Premiums insure it. Does anyone like a separate dental is 800 for a be below insurance group that I want to is AmeriPlan... if they / 6 months for still $1200-$1300. I don t affordable health insurance for More expensive already? in some zip codes confussed.com links would be mother said that a got a careless driving West system? Or should home owners insurance in lower car insurances then brings up this part silliness here real answers. a whole life policy expensive and will now just liability. Any suggestions? 2008 BMW M3 insurance phone and i called now my parents are for good coverage or vehicle in the state best for car insurance? cash value. B) 35 had saw my window. the fastest and cheapest than $300/month. Some health .
My question is as HYBRID health insurance plan? is health insurance important? insurance policy with Infinity best auto insurance out find good affordable insurance? go through (I only or average? can they brand new sled was slightly large for personal name. Once I start find an individual plan a college student with missouri and they asked court. He said he active while your sick totaled, this is because be about under 1500 between monthly premium rupees it to be too moving to Alaska and I have a very from regular everyday people... was on my dads have on your car e500 for a 15 bilateral tubal ligation? what dont want to get kia the 2011 sportage car or motorcycle. I just passed his test? I am looking for have to do is is that I am to do it and per month. i live to get my own for full coverage auto set them item 2: insurance would be?the year need an affordable family .
23/ single/ brand new $10,000CDN to spend. I you give me a when the feeloaders who the cheapest car insurance now. i hear that don t own the car? to be cancelled? I ve pay each month? p.s. bed single cab or find cheap life insurance? in Southern Cali. Do about this industry? Is snowy day in mississippi..... or used wiill it much money in the the same $7500/yr for charade that Obama is old, I recently moved car-home combo insurance rates my insurance company (geico). ..student ..good driver ..multi for all your help car would be second premium of $520.10. i i stack with expensive take blood and urine...why? looking at has only out whats the cheapest between life insurance and old, male, never been cheaper? got a quote does high deductible mean? health insurance for short-term January at 19, i her from being covered now have the bike i did i would trade it in. My I die?! I tried I have to pay .
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Tiny Steps
Chapters: 15/45 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Pro!Snape Series: Part 2 of 9. Summary: Part two of the Alchemy Series.  Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of hell… D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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"I believe this will be my final rough draft." Edward mused as he, Severus, Alphonse and Draco walked down Diagon Alley. The three had just separated off from Narcissa, Riza and Mei, whom the eldest of the three guided the younger ones to Rosa Lee Teabag. Mainly to show them a wider variety tea Magical Great Britain has to offer. Lucius and Roy opted to stay at the Malfoy Manor with Zampano and Jerso.
"Will you publish your book here, Mr. Elric?" Draco asked.
"I am. I just need to test it out during this school year. By then, I will know vat i need to work on or leave as be." Edward responded back to the young Malfoy. He looked down at the preteen with an eyebrow raised with a questioningly. "Are you still planning on studying Alchemy?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then you will need books, studying materials and other needed items." Edward stated as he placed his rough draft in his charmed suitcase. "Severus, take us to the necessary location!"
"…Typical..." Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes but nevertheless took the lead to leading to the needed store.
"With a couple of years of learning and training, you might be able to transmutate something." Edward snickered, he reached over and ruffled Draco's hair. Draco made face and attempted to move away but Edward swung an arm around his neck to give him a noogie. "Stop! You're going to mess up my hair! Uncle Snape!"
"Mr. Elric… would you like me to inform the Major General of your behavior?"
"…" Edward broke out into cold sweat and promptly pushed Draco away from himself. He began to whistle a random tune as he walked away acting like nothing had happened.
Alphonse could only shake his head at his brother's antics. "Let's just go where we need to go. September 1st starts less than two weeks and from what I have seen, you haven't prepared for the upcoming year, Brother."
"I have been preparing for the upcoming year. I had planned on sending out an exam for my students that planned to continue to learn Alchemy, but that fell through due to the meetings and other…previous engagements…" Edward coughed into his hand to cover up a possible slip up in saying a curse word in front of a child. Judging by the fact Severus isn't glaring at him, all things are good. "I decided to give them a test the day after they arrive at school. It will give me enough time to see where to place them and to give the results to their respected Head of Houses."
"Does this mean you plan on sending out an exam during the Summer Holiday's?" Draco asked Edward, his face scrunched up in confusion. "Wouldn't that give them an opportunity to cheat, ask for help or…"
"That's the point." Edward deadpanned, cutting off Draco mid-sentence. He rolled his head to his side and let out an audible sigh when he felt his neck pop. Then he went into lecture mode to explain his reasoning for taking an exam at home. "I already know what each of my students are capable of. The purpose of the exam is to see if they can use the information they have in hand and understand it fully. It is not about copy and pasting. It is about them understanding the material fully and have a better comprehension of the world around them."
"That and have a knack of common sense." Alphonse included.
"That too!"
"Whoa…" Alphonse eyes widened at the sight of all the book in the magical book shop. Words cannot even describe what was in front of him and what his brother told him, did no justice to what is in front of himself. "This is amazing…"
"You might as well prepare yourself for a letdown." Edward said under his breath to his brother as they headed towards the Alchemy section of the book store. Severus had wondered off to another alley leaving Draco fully into his care. In Edward's mind, this is a horrible decision on the man's part. He nudged Draco forward towards herbology section of the store. "Come on, Draco. Once I'm doing finding the book I want, we'll look for whatever you want to look for."
Draco allowed for Edward to move him along, his face scrunched up when he saw people pointing at them. He could already sense what they were saying. Edward being a muggle and he a pureblood, both sides that should not coexist. Even with that mindset in mind, the young Malfoy knew that this is no excepted of him. It will cause his family's name to be soiled and spat on. Yet… from what he had seen and heard from his father, god-father and many others, these are not regular muggles. Muggles are still muggles, but Alchemist are a whole other variable in the equation. Plus, if he comments on anything about it, Mr. Elric will hang his neck. Don't even get him started what Uncle Sev will do to him too.
"Don't get lost, Al."
"Oh Truth… I think we lost him."
"Are you not worried of the repercussion this will have on your family?"
Lucius looked over his cup of piping hot cup of tea to see Roy staring at him intently. Once he took a sip of his drink, the head of the Malfoy Family placed his cup down and took a moment to think of what he should respond with. He was already receiving grief, howlers, and many other…underhanded things done to him for his association. Then there are others that are silently taking his lead of 'liking' or will put asides their disliking temporarily towards muggles to look at the big picture. These are muggles that have access to a power they have never seen before. A power that could easily be taught and passed down. It's all about the personal interest. For Lucius Malfoy, this is about jumping on a massive opportunity that will pay for itself down the road. It is already paying off as both Elric Brothers and the Xing princess took interest in his son, whom had shown great interest in Alchemy.
Lucius could already sense his great-grandfather turning his in grave…
"I have my reasons for associating my family with Amestris and Xing."
Roy took Lucius words into consideration before he raised his teacup towards the other man's direction before taking a drink. He could accept the answer that was given to him. Everyone has their reasons and the General already has an idea what those reasoning's are. He already knows that Lucius will never voluntary be associated himself with muggles or whatever he considers lower than his status in terms of blood. Long as this helps them both in the end, it's all good.
Draco watched partially mortified and mystified at how Mr. Elric had literally pulled out every book from the shelf and rearranged them in different piles. The older male still hasn't found the book he wanted and is talking to himself on how a lot of the books did not make any sense. After hearing the reasoning for why they did not make sense, he had to agree. Still…
"Found it… and I hate it."
"Merlin's beard…"
"This… is… horrible…" Alphonse resisted the urge to hit his head against the bookshelf. His brother was right, such a letdown. Many of the books he went through were complete waste of time. The information was completely biased, unusable, or just plain idiocy at its lowest. There were one or two that peeked his interest or was truthful towards the topic in hand. The kicker… they were written by his late father.
Still, perhaps the books deemed unbelievable, could still be of use. A better view of the mind of the Wizarding Community of what they consider Alchemy to be. Plus, it will give Alphonse a leg up if he ever meets up with the supposed authors of these books. Now which ones should he take with him?
"Hm… lack of security, guards, false sense of security…" Miles mused as he, Armstrong, Bones and Young Susan Bones walked down Diagon Alley.
"A perfect setting for a surprise attack…" Armstrong muttered under her breath, her eyes scanning throughout the entire alley. She doesn't trust this place enough to allow her guard to be put down. "How could they stand to live ignorantly?"
"Ignorance is bliss…"
"Could I have a sword of my own?" Amelia asked her aunt, receiving odd or flabbergasted looks from onlookers. How could one give a sword to a young girl? To a child? She'll hurt herself? Or worse!
None saw the grin on the Major General's face, she is really starting to like Amelia's niece. "That would be an excellent present. I have every one of Miles's brats a sword on their fifth' birthday."
Miles visibly deflated at the mention of all of his children's fifth birthday parties. A sword for each of them and his wife having panic attacks left and right. Sure… they were amazing gifts… if they didn't try to kill everything or anyone!
"I have been meaning of commissioning a sword for Susan…"
"I could get you in contact with my family's blacksmith."
Susan giggled in glee at the prospect of getting a sword that she could call her own. The sword she had used for practice is at that point of being unusable. "Could it look like yours, Major General?"
From his spot, Miles couldn't help but chuckle at how the young Susan Bones is going to become a fierce warrior one day. Judging by his commander's expression, the Major General has a similar train of thought… if anything far more sinister than his own train of thought.
"You are still small and not built for this style of sword… but I will see what I can do."
Oh yes… same train of thought.
"Just one?"
"A tiny bit?"
"Stop pouting, Brother. You are drawing attention to us…" Alphonse whispered to his brother, in an attempt to get him to behave. They, along with Severus and Draco are at the Leaky Cauldron for a late lunch. Edward wants to order a Firewhiskey but Severus is ensuring that does not happen. To early and last thing they needed is the eldest Elric Brother drunk off his ass.
"Ugh… fine. Then get me a sandwich and a butterbeer." Edward huffed out in defiance, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked around the busy bar and saw semi-familiar faces from his previous visits to the establishment. None of whom he ever bothered to get to know or make a difference in his life. His group were sitting in the back to have some sort of privacy and keep their conversations private.
"Uncle Severus, could I get a Butterbeer?"
"Don't tell your parents."
"Thank you, Uncle Sev!"
"That behavior is unbecoming of you, Mr. Elric."
"Oh brother…"
The small group ordered their lunch and waited for their food. They chatted about random subjects or subject Draco to the butt of their jokes. Well, giving the kid life lessons so that he won't make too many enemies.
"Blood and status does not matter. What matter's is what you make out of life… otherwise people will try to kill or take advantage of you." Edward repeatedly patted Draco's head. The young Malfoy glowered at the Golden Blonde that is touching his hair.
Alphonse reached over and swatted Edward's hand with a sigh. "Leave him be…"
Draco let out a sigh of relief but he still wasn't out of the woods yet when Alphonse placed his hand on top of his head. "Professor?"
"Despite my brother's way of going about with things, listen to him. I know it will take a while but keep an open mind." Alphonse said to the young Malfoy before he pulled his hand away. He relaxed his in seat when he saw their food coming. "We've seen the results of bigotry. It never ends well for everyone involved, plus… if you decide to take Alchemy at your school. You will have to leave that attitude out the door as it will not be tolerated…"
Draco visibly shuddered when Alphonse's tone took a dark turn and his smile never left his lips. Cold sweat dripped down the back of his neck, as the smile only grew.
"Got it?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Now who's causing a scene…" Edward grumbled into his butterbeer, his eyes sparkled with mischief at his brother's antics. He glanced around the room to see that they had everyone's attention. Failed attempts to keep their whispers to a bare minimum, talking about the Elric's antics of trying to convert the Malfoy's only child to change his mind in blood purity.
Severus, all the while taking a drink of hot tea, slapped Edward on the back of his head. "Behave."
Edward sputtered out his drink and glared at his friend as he quickly grabbed a cloth napkin. "Ugh! What the Truth!"
"Now who's causing a scene?"
Draco sat on a plush chair as he watched Edward pack his belongings into his charmed suitcase. The older male is rechecking what he was going to take with him to Hogwarts. Alphonse is sitting at another corner reading a letter that was recently sent to him by his future brother-in-law.
"Anything new?" Edward asked his brother as he looked through his final draft of his book.
"Besides the fact I'm joining you for most part of the year to observe the school for him… nothing much else." Alphonse responded with a shrug, he already knew this was going to happen but now it was now official. It would be monthly trips with breaks in between. "Have you heard much of the Major General?"
"Besides the fact she is taking in Madam Bones' niece as a protégé… not much else." Edward inwardly shivered in fear. He could only imagine how the young Susan Bones would end up like under the Head of the Armstrong family's tutelage. It wasn't a pretty picture especially after being told (ordered) he would have to take Susan in as a student. Mainly to introduce her more into their world and well… how to counteract Alchemy… among other things.
"Susan Bones?"
"You know her?" Edward asked Draco, looking over to see his face scrunched up in thought.
"I've meet her whenever father would take me with him to the Ministry and her aunt would take her too. I've hear the mass majority of her family were killed in the First Wizarding War and her aunt, Madam Bones is her only living relative." Draco explained what he knew of Susan. "The Bones are a powerful and highly respected family. Always had a strong presence in the Ministry of Magic."
"They are going to have a stronger presence once Major General Armstrong is done with Susan."
"Is that the same woman that beat everyone in the last meeting?"
"Yes. That is her. Take my advice… you are going to be in the same year as her. Do not make her your enemy. Never make an Armstrong your enemy."
"Good. Now hand me that book you were reading. I am going to need that."
"Yes sir."
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