#this stater counts for:
scumashling · 3 months
Welcome newcomers! You can call me Ash (they/she).
About this account
•i made this account after realizing I've been into whump for years without knowing it and discovering that I'm not alone in finding comfort in fiction about characters being put through emotional and or physical hell. I've often struggled with intense shame related to my interest in whump, especially as it's tied to my own trauma, so learning about this community has felt like a huge weight off my chest.
•fan of: defiant whumpee, intimate whumper, Lady whump, living weapon, non con body modification, drugged Whumpee, revenge whump, dehumanization, fantasy whump,Bastard whumpee, religious whump, Whumpee turned Whumper, Bad Caretaker and nsfwhump,
•I'm fairly new to tumblr and am still trying to get a feel for how things work around here, both in terms of the people and the site itself, so I apologize in advance for any possible future faux pas. I'm also a novice writer and still building my confidence in it, but I do I intend to post some of my own fiction, art, and memes.
•I'm in too many fandoms to count but currently you can expect stuff related to Chainsaw Man, Berserk, Slay the Princess, The Boys, and Delicious in Dungeon
•DNIs: I don't intend for this to be an overtly political account, and i'm not into policing people's behavior so giving a list of opinions/positions I find morally objectionable and demanding you keep away from my account if you hold them isn't my style. If I think something you posted is wack then I will simply unfollow or block you, because I am an adult who knows and enforces their own boundaries. That being said, I am a leftist (socially, economically, foreign policy wise) and related themes are more then likely to show up in my fiction, so if you have a problem with that my account probably isn't for you. The one exception to the DNI is Zionists (including "progressive" two staters) in which case, fuck Israel, fuck genocide, fuck you for supporting it, you're a N@zi, Long Live a Free Palestine 🇵🇸
•WARNING: there will be non con stuff posted on this account, as well as general content related to abuse, kink, trauma and addiction, as well as the occasional gore post. I will use appropriate tags/cws but if that is not something you can handle, or just not something you're into hearing about, please take care of yourself and disengage. I use fiction to cope with my own history and truly do not want anyone else to be harmed by it
•I do not consider myself proship or antiship and as far as I'm concerned yall both have some weird people on your side. Basically as long as you aren't being creepy or harassing anyone, have common sense around media literacy/ engaging with fiction as fiction, but don't use the fact that it's fiction to avoid thinking about real world implications/themes, you are welcome on my page.
some facts about me:
•im a nonbinary femme lesbian who's currently studying fine arts.
•I'm mixed (Asian and white)
•I'm a 22 years old
•I was diagnosed with autism at age 18. Some of my special interests include manga, horror, feminist theory, animation, media analysis, mycology, vampires and cooking.
•i adore poetry, my favorites are Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath, Ozymandias by Percy Shelley, and She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo (specifically the canto Drowning Horses)
•I have been drawing for 7 years
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proudhamarsing · 6 months
[This Is a void state post]
Hello my lovely void staters and my fellow lovely people In general, long time no see, I hope that each one of you beautiful souls have and Is still doing great!
This post Is for void state Inducers who are expriencing difficulty with concentration and attention while Inducing the void state, I'd suggest doing this meditation/yoga that Is Inspired by the mala meditation, you don't need to own a mala, the Intension for this meditation/yoga Is not religious, neither for channeling any religious figures, hence why I said a meditation/yoga Inspired by the mala meditation and not mala meditation Itself.
Use your necklace, bracelet, or any other object that are built up by orbs that you can use/count like It Is a mala while affirming for the void state/to be literal pure consciousness.
It Is effective when you only want to repeat a mental mantra loud and clear without getting distracted and/or bored. Doing this mala meditation Inspired trancedental meditation Is a wonderful way to Induce the void state In my opinion.
I got the Idea of a mala meditation Inspired trancedental meditation for the void state because of a necklace and a bracelet that my mom purchased for me from a store in CC vest (a center mall that serves our home district and all of the districts on the west side of our city) that I not JUST wear but also use to count the orbs of It/use It exactly like a prayer bead.
Anyways, check these two videos that I've shared out, as they explain well how to do a mala meditation, just so that you have an Idea on how to count the orbs of a mala/how to use a mala/prayer bead.
Feel free to only watch one of the videos, or both, or If you already know or got an Idea from my describition on what a mala meditation/how you do It, then feel free to not watch any of them.
There are a lot of videos on YouTube talking about mala & mantra chanting meditation.
I hope that at least one beautiful soul benefited from my post!! ❤️❤️
Peace out!
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thewordology · 6 months
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C o u n t r y l i n e.
Country fine
Raised near the country line
Southern demeanor
Scotty golds
under his brim
When he flashes a grin
Old school Chevy
While his rims keep
Raised in red clay
Bo-legged sway
spits game as his word play
oldest of 5
Built swole, Big-bone
Double cuppin’
Syrup sippin’
Never been an outer stater
Local street navigator
Collective reppin’
mean muggin’
Counting c-notes
Concrete hustla
turning heads
Catching ether
The breadwinner
bible stays on the dresser
Next to his steel protector
A quick-witted Gentleman
Blazing weed
behind the tinted
talking noise and
Babyface youngin’
Bucking on whoever
Slangin’ that country grammer
Knows how to treat a woman
Cause his momma taught him betta
Accent heavy
Walks in with confidence
glance on stiff mode
Giving out commands
He head honcho
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crawlingforwardx · 7 months
Stater for @havvkinsqueen based on this post.
In the wake of his break-up with Nancy, Steve found himself seeking comfort in the old familiarity of his popularity. Tina's parents were away for the weekend and she was having a party which offered the perfect distraction from his heartbreak (or so he had thought). He'd burned most of these bridges when he fell in love with the smart girl, thinking he'd found something real that would last forever. People like Tommy H. and Carol were not about to let him forget that.
Steve was never the type to roll over and take it. Whatever he was dealt, he could dish it back ten fold. It was only when Tommy H. made the comment about Nancy leaving school that one day with Jonathan that he had to walk away. If he didn't, he risked showing too much emotion because that one genuinely stung. That was when he realized there was no comfort in the familiar. He didn't belong with this crowd anymore.
Stepping out back for some air before he ended up punching Tommy in the face, Steve instead crushed his empty beer can in his hand and chucked it off to the side of the porch to vent his frustration. It didn't make him feel much better. "Asshole." He muttered quietly to himself. "Never did know when to shut the hell up."
As he leans against the porch railing with a sharp sigh and looks over, he's a bit startled to realize he wasn't alone. "Oh shit. Hey, Chrissy. Didn't think anyone was out here..." He said when he catches sight of the Queen of Hawkins High sitting on the top step. They weren't friends, exactly. More like acquaintances who had shared the same asshole friend group. He'd never had any problems with her though so he didn't really count her among them.
With the night he was having, he was half-expecting some kind of cold response in return. Catching her face in the porch light though, he thought that she pretty much mirrored him in spirits right about now. "Hey, uh, you okay?"
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demilypyro · 2 years
Honestly for gunpla if you want a specific series(ie: Witch from Mercury) just start with High Grade. They are not that difficult to assemble, they usually look pretty good without needing to apply all the decals, and if you want to try your hand at painting they are relatively inexpensive(not counting some Premium Bandai ones). If you just want to get a feel for building gunpla models in general but don't mind that it isn't a specific mobile suit the "30 Minute Missions" line are great staters/learners. As the name implies, they tend to take ~30 minutes to build.
That's what I ordered bruh I'm good alright
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I think its time...
I do not like the animaniacs reboot.
Hey all toony here. And prepare your pitchforks and torches for a guy having a opinion on the internet
Im going to start off by reiterating i dont mind if you like the reboot its your opinion and you shouldnt be crucified for it.
Allso most of my points here are ripped from a video by @lovelylivelyv on the media momentos channel (hey sneeks im sorry but its a obligation to ping you in a post once a week)
They feel very toned down and not as chaotic.its a god given magical moment whenever they feel like the warners. One skit thay feels like propper warners is ralph cam! Its the most warner feeling skit in the entire package and moment wise. I feel like in the tapestry songs opening is very warner like! The warners are being there classic zany selves to clear out the auction area to win said auction. But thats all i can give to that themselves the rest of the time they do just like one thing and its over. I feel like the warners work best when there not just playing around with a single gag idea and are raped firing through gags. Example is in taming of the screwy where they go from the misinterpreting bit to the bust and goodnight everybody joke.here we have.
Dot redirects a lion..yakko files a lawsuit a while after...
Jesus christ they massacred my boy. Im not at all agenst yakko being sort of a dad to his siblings but if they make him total dad mode no nonsense stuffs. That creates a rift between him and his siblings they dont feel as unified as before because of yakkos dad mode. I feel like that adds to the general toned down chaos of the three.
This ones short because honestly hes the most quote in quote faithfull of the three but i do have gripes on his depiction. For staters and this is kind of a nitpick. Mister "do you swear?" "Yes!" "Well you shouldn't its not nice" says hell. And yes its a more low tier curse and is ment via the setting but can still be counted as a curse at times. But they make him super duper dumb. Hes not suposed to be the smartest man in the world but hes not downright stupid. The ending of bun control gives me a hernia. I go to garage sale of the century where he fixes the garage door remote and makes it better!
Fuck reboot dot. She went from a feminist do a downright misandrist she constantly bullies her brothers and smashes them with mallets just for being dudes at times. Hell they even change yakko and wakko to act like this is something they deserve! Like yakko would not sing a "MaNsPlAiNiNg SoNg" in the 90s like at all. Plus there are like multiple times where there just like "hey guys lets sexualize this 9 year old girl!" And i guess you can argue they did that some in the 90s but AT LEAST THEY DIDNT GIVE HER A DEFINED CHEST AND JUST SEEMED LIKE A 9 YEAR OLD BEING A SILLY 9 YEAR OLD *breaaaaaaath* shoot me
I like pinky and the brain and thats about it lmao. If i have more to say that i realized i didnt talk about here i'll post more on my opinion
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mlobsters · 1 year
bear (get it??) witness to the painful process that was painting carmy's face. i have very bad spatial skills and i can't visualize and i think occasionally that bumps (hard) into me trying to paint a face. i can't explain it any other way than i get lost. i'm counting the squares, i'm following with my hand across the screen, yet still i can't translate the grid on the reference picture to what i'm painting. i had to paint a grid on top of the grid to wrap my head around the dimensions of his head. what even is happening? brute forcing my way, yet again. i also changed reference pictures at the end because i decided i wanted carmy looking at richie but then i had to change a bunch of other things too. but, worth it, i think!
song: a moment apart by hannah stater (harp cover)
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meroppi · 1 year
✧ —Rating 1 Pokemon every day because I have nothing else to do
#0001 - Bulbasaur
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Aww the skrunkly!! I love him so much, he was my first choice when I played Pokemon Blue for the first time. It wasn't my first ever Pokemon game (that was Pokemon Gold hehe) but I still count it as one of my first-ever stater choices (which it technically was I mean it was the second-ever choice I made so it must count as one of the first right??)
Anyway, I love Bulbasaur a whole lot, I hate that so many people dislike him and say he's the worst Gen 1 starter :((
probably not on Tumblr tho you guys don't seem like it
PLUS I'm not totally in love with this Bulbasaur plush my bf gifted me for Valentine's Day
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omg look at him he's so fucking cute
He also looks very tasty like I would bite into it if I could (nomnom)
✧ —Final Rating
Cuddliness: ❤❤❤❤❤
Edibleness: ❤❤❤❤♡ (I'm a picky eater soo)
Biasedness: ❤❤❤❤❤
Overall a solid 10/10!!
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modstarfell · 2 years
favorite pokemon and why (mine is empoleon)
depends on if legendaries are counted for.
top stater - piplup top legendary - shaymin (land form specifically) top normal pokemon - shinx or buneary
piplup: was my first starter when i first got into the pokemon series and penguins so heckin cool... also the fact it was dawn/lady berlitz starter across manga AND anime's. i loved it.
shaymin: HAVE. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE?! They just. precious. they had a minor role in comparison to the whole fight between interdimensional gods kdjfngkjn BUT they helped repair the land and the fact they can switch forms in general is cute... also hedgehog. flower headgehog.
shinx: its so cheeky of me to pick a pokemon you encounter so early on in the game generation i know BUT i love the color pallet + since the first time i've had shinx for as long as i can remember I've always found a way to have a shinx line (evolutions in general one of the trio) in my team post-game and just run around with them in the party
buneary: i love bunnies... also one point i had this like. REALLY cracked lopunny that was wondertraded to me. it had 3 punch attacks and a kick and it just. it felt like that one jojo meme.... also the fact this thing has absolutely 0 friendship with the player. why does one rabbit have so much hatred? the legendaries all have no friendship because theyre legends, BUT THIS THING? its just a bunny you find in the forest. and it hates your guts. its so funny.
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mouseclarke · 2 years
WIP Titles Thing
Unoffically tagged by @chaosintheavenue (I was mentioned in the post it fuckin counts)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
These are so dumb, and most have not been written down apart from a few ideas. (Also, nearly 99% are in script format :) Actual writing is HARD)
David comits assult and battery for 500th time
Nuka World On Tour
Midnight Blues
Dancing in the moonlight
Postcard from The Pitt
Jamison talks to a free stater after getting beat the fuck up and finds out who killed his family
Around the Toxic Valley
A reservation at the reservation
Meat so tender it’s to die for
California nights
Scince Worst Wonders
Close as Hornwrights and Garrahans
Gay Women
Gay Women 2
Calling Back
Sunny Side of The Street
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
♚ — @empyreous ;; Wyatt & Jian. Stater Call.
It's Friday Night and for the Starlight Bar that meant it was half-off drinks and kareoke night. On nights like this, Wyatt likes to bartend, but mostly just to help rather than working as a staff that counted. So that he didn't need to rush around and could leave the bar to help out on the floor if he needed to. Drunk people tended to be rough on the kareoke machine and they've broken it more than once while swinging the micophone around.
He also carried drinks to tables that were ordered and made sure no one was doing anything dangerous or agressive. Since Friday Nights could be quite busy they tended to be overwhelmed with everything, making the night a bit more difficult, till the wave of peple started to calm down or they threw people out.
Wyatt already had broken up two fights, threw them out and spent half an hour in the back doing dishes. He had just carried them back up to the bar and placed them away when the bartenders asked for his help catching up with the orders. They had three bartenders on shift and weren't doing horrible, but one of them they were still training on making drinks.
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He nodded his head and tucked the drink tray away before looking across the bar for someone who hadn't been served yet. Spotting a man he moved his way over to the bar and leaned against the counter top. He spoke loud enough to be heard over the music but not enough to shout at the customer. "What can I get you?"
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? I like the foaming soaps best.
What’s the speed limit on your street? I’m not sure, there aren’t signs posted and I don’t know the laws regarding side streets like that. I THINK the limit is 30mph unless otherwise posted, but I can’t find something that confirms that for small side streets.
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? I am wearing one of them right now. It’s a black Fleetwood Mac hoodie with the Rumors album cover on it.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? The next one is my sister’s in July.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. Always a 5 :) .
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? Watermelon.
Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? Starved Rock Stater Park.
Do your parents smoke? My mother did.
Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Definitely depends on my mood.
Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? My niece.
Do you live close to a park? Yes, there’s one right around the corner.
Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is.
Have you eaten pizza in the last week? I have. There was pizza for lunch/dinner yesterday at the event I worked.
Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? One of the people I worked with at the event I just mentioned.
How long does it take you to shower? like 10-20 minutes depending.
Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? I don’t really care, but I tend to favor Smart Water thanks to a certain spokesperson lol.
Have you used Wikipedia today? I tried to find out one of the new SNL cast members’ birthday and the first search result was a snippet from their Wiki page, if that counts.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Neither.
Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? Yes, a handful of people I went to high school with have moved to different states, as well as a couple cousins.
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? A bunch. I have a pen/pencil cup on my desk that I like to keep well stocked lol.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? I never really dated anyone in school.
What language do you think you’d be good at? I don’t know. What language do you think you’d fail at? I don’t know.
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Nope.
What is your current desktop background? Here at work it’s a fan art drawing of the mountains of “Hollywoo” from BoJack, including the sign and.BoJack’s house.
How big is the television you last watched? It’s 55in.
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Nah.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Preschool, K-8th, high school. two colleges.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Allen.
Are you of legal age in your country? Yes.
Why did you last visit a doctor? New glasses.
Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Both are good.
How old is your best friend? 29, 34, 35, 39.
What is/was your high school’s mascot? Wildcats.
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? No. But I have a “travel” backpack that has essentials in it that I take if I am going to be gone somewhere all day, and that includes pain relievers.
Where is your mother right now? Dead.
What was the last thing to make you smile? Something my coworkers were talking about.
Are you currently saving up for anything? A new mattress. And spending money for when Ellen and Sarah are here.
What’s the view like from your bedroom window? We are in the basement and our bedroom window is level with the driveway.
Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? They have different connotations for me. Like “savory” is a whole meal and “sweet” is just a dessert or treat, so they are different and I can’t really choose one over the other?
What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Blah.
When did you last go outside, and what for? Earlier this morning when I came to work.
Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Cookie Monster. Though the recent Elmo memes made me a fan.
How often do you check your emails? My job consists of me answering emails all day. And I only check my personal email if I am expecting something lol.
Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? Probably eat?
What colour is your backpack? I have a mini pink iridescent one I use daily.
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? No.
What search engine do you usually use? Google.
How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? I’m not sure, I bought it a long time ago.
Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I’m good.
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? A little bit, yeah.
What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? Depends.
Have you whispered today? Probably. I’m always whispering shit to myself lol.
What grade did you get on the last test you took? I have no idea.
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deblala · 2 years
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bayterri · 2 years
Squirrel catapult
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22 or a BB gun, but it takes pure skill to nail a squirrel with a slingshot. It’s easy to kill the little rodents with a. We're talking about problematic thinking.Whether you’re 8 or 60, you’ve probably had the urge to hunt squirrels. So ultimately we're not really talking about a squirrel problem. If you can rationalize that sort of thought process with squirrels then it's a very short step to bring it into the human realm. Formally, it's the same sort of thinking. And when we translate that sort of thinking into the human realm, well, we get all the fun and games we see around us in our society. Eg: catapulting squirrels is justified because they eat wires in people's homes. Rationalization and justification." First comes the behaviour/attitude and then the manufacture of the rationalization and justification in defense so you can maintain the behaviour and attitude. I tried really really hard to stay outta this thread but finally fell for it.Īnd catapulting them shows indifference does it? Interesting way to demonstrate neutrality, no?Īnd the opposite (and far more reasonable attitude) of fetishizing animals is to view them as objects provided for your personal pleasure and entertainment?Īs Telemnenomics has adroitly stated: " Humans are interesting. Or the charity table staffer`` collecting money for their favorite causes.įorcing values on others is unattractive. Much like the little old lady with a ratty snapping dog in a handbag. I can relate to being annoyed by folks who fetishize wildlife. Hoping he or she got them all as last summers yellowjackets up my pants was worse than anything coons and skunks ever did to me! I was pretty durn pleased when a raccoon dug up the yellowjacket nest in my garden this fall. I don't blame the doves for pooping or the hawks for eating the doves. I interact with the uglies in my community just the same as the pretties. OK I used to shoot squirrels for sport but no longer.įor the record, I'm not sure everybody who enjoys visits from wildlife does so because of a cute factor. Guess I killed one raccoon and one woodchuck. Keeping critters out of the chicken pen took a lotta schoolin' in my youth! So I try to remember them and just not mention visits from any wildlife they disapprove of. I feel bad for these folks who get upset if I mention feeding a raccoon or a skunk. The more outta staters move to Maine the more towns get bans on chickens and other family livestock. I know quite a few Mainers who feel that once they own some land they can ban wildlife from entering the property. I got some tricks for you.Īnd my wife has some inside secrets. Whether my response be stealthy airsoft assault, squirrel catapult or "inhumane" trap and release method, the bottom line is that I didnt propagate those tomatoes for the squirrels, and may the better fighter prevail.īring it on squirrel. Literally.įeed my bird population = a squirrel population explosion. I personally hope it scares a few to death. (Yes, they love pvc insulation)Īnd after seeing the way they leap, fall and jump, I doubt launching the tree rats across the yard does more damage than the jack in the box clown. Then have the car develop a no start condition that turns out to be caused by 2 thousand dollars of wiring damage with obvious signs of bite marks. I feed the birds and put an effort into keeping track, and count of the various visitors.īut in the same vein, I also trim the trees to keep critters off my roof and out of my attic, and tire of the critters dumping my bird feed all over the yard.Īnybody defending the tree rats has not likely spent hours and thousands$ on planting tomatoes only to have BOTH of your mega priced heirlooms cut down and chomped on just as they blush. I love critters as much as the next tree hugger. Now, as proud as my wife may be about her long and talented line of squirrel lineage, we both get a chuckle when a youngster misses a jump and takes a long and noisy tumble.
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vvu-kong · 4 years
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna fight you all, eventually.
 It’s gonna happen, so you shouldn’t try to hide!
 Unless you’re a sore loser, then I suppose I better leave you alone...
 ... Nah!”
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spade-snax · 3 years
Alright! Here goes my Bugsnax Grumpus last name headcanon!
(This ended up being way longer than I thought it would've been, oh god-)
I think we all can agree that the headcanon where a Grumpus child has their parent's combined last names as their own last name is a very common headcanon people share. It's a good one! Even I like it a lot. And when applied to OCs or fankids it makes for some hilarious names.
It'd make sense in-canon and I feel like it gives the Grumpus world more depth as their own little tradition. (Honestly give me ANY culture/tradition headcanon for Grumpuses PLEASE THOSE ARE MY FAVORITEEEE I even had one for teeth a while ago that I may share publicly one day!!)
But I've been thinking about this, especially because of Cromdo and my own OCs - Neddy and Rason Honeyfidget. With Rason being Neddy's dad, if we only used this headcanon then Neddy shouldn't have this last name... Well, there's a lore reason why he doesnt and that is that his mother has died while he was still an egg, a while before hatching. Rason made him take on "Honeyfidget" only.
But that's just the backstory that got me thinking at the name traditions as a whole, so I'll try to avoid OC talk any further to make this friendlier for others who do not know about my OCs and are just interested in reading this headcanon.
Another headcanon I want to mention as I apply it to my own is the headcanon that Triffany changed her last name to Bronica's last name as a way to honor her. You can definitely change your name to anything you want in the Grumpus world, but changing your last name to a relative's like your grandparent's last name is possibly quite common!
And now I want to bring up Cromdo and the fact he is divorced. It has been confirmed that Cromdo is divorced and that his name may reflect that. (Though originally it was answered in the AMA that "Cromdo Face" just sounded funny at first and that it is possible that he did loose a half of his last name this way!)
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Also I want to say that he wasn't abusive to the child mentioned! I remember there was a small confusion and drama about that. And I believe one of the devs on the YH discord mentioned that the 1# tie was a reference to Octodad. I do not remember if that confirmed that he is a father or if this answer by Sage was possibly wrong. He cannot see the child because he lost custody of them and lost in court. I do not have screenshot evidence of this. On a side-note I believe this could be one of the reasons he grew to be so money hungry. He didn't have enough money back then to keep his child. Again I want to say it could be ONE of the reasons and not the exact reason why he is this way.
This is more so of an ramble about my headcanon and what I want to say rather than some comprehensive thing, I am so sorry dfwergeg it's just how I write and explain things and I gotta mention it ALL (Great addition to "Guzma, your ADHD is showing")
Anyways, back on track with my HC.
But in this/my headcanon - Cromdo is divorced, he has had a child, and lost a part of his last name because of the divorce. I do not know how human marriage last name and stuff works properly so uh, see this as just speculation about a fictional species' culture rather than a carbon copy of our own. Which it clearly isn't LOL
I personally think that you can do multiple things with your last name when you get married! (And how it can affect the child's last name!)
Let's use Chandlo and Snorpy as examples, because I think they make great last name combinations. (And Snorplo is HELLA !!/pos)
- You can change your last name to your partner's last name, like we do commonly. (At least, with all the cultures I'm aware of and how marriage works for us.) Examples: Snorpy Funkbun, Chandlo Fizzlebean
(This one isn't very common to do!)
- You can change one half of your last name to a half from your partner's last name. Examples: Snorpy/Chandlo Funkbun/Fizzlebun
(Not as common either, but it still happens. It is actually more common than the first example. This was the case for Cromdo. I'll get back to this later. Grumps usually reserve this for their childen, which is the most common way of naming your children!)
- You keep your last name after marriage! Example: Snorpy Fizzlebean. Chandlo Funkbun. Canon examples would be Wambus and Triffany as well!
(Most common one to do as many wear their last names with pride or for other reasons - such as Trifanny when she changed her last name to Bronica's last name in this headcanon.)
Before we get to the kids again, I'm gonna go back to Cromdo and what can happen during divorce.
During divorce you can simply change your name back if you changed it, or keep the last name you took from your partner. Many simply change their last names back to what they were originally. Some, if they went by the half/half method, take away the half from their ex-partner only. This leaves some Grumpuses with one worded last names, such as Cromdo.
I think he changed a half of his last name during marriage. After the divorce, he didn't want to "wear" his partner's name anymore and changed his name to Cromdo Face only as Face was a part of his last name he was given at birth. This is most often the default for Grumpuses who have been divorced and took only half of their partner's last name.
If Cromdo - (or any Grumpus with a one-word last name! There's certainly rare cases of Grumpuses who have one word that didn't go through divorce. Possibly Grumpuses with bad attachment to one of their parents - so they change or remove that half of the last name they got from said parent. If their last name was a combination.) - were to re-marry he could take one half of his new partner's last name, or not change his name at all.
I want to get onto how naming a child would work with this situation, so I will talk about ways of naming children before I get back to this! And by naming I of course mean the last names only, lol.
(One rule is that, unless you change your name later in real life for any reason, it's gonna have to be one of these otherwise! Your Grump parent cannot make you up a new last name. It is just a part of the tradition they have. Though re-naming isn't looked upon in any way by the majority of Grumpuses as there are many reasons to do so!! Unless you're a jerk or you value your last name TOO much.) (Also when I say "you" I don't mean YOU as the reader literally. I mean a hypothetical Grumpus child!! It's just how I like wording things.
(...I've been writing for almost an hour, brain scrampled eg)
- Your last name is the combined name of your parent's last names. Examples: Fizzlebun, Funkbean
(VERY COMMON! Most Grumpuses will do this when first naming their child!)
- Your keep one of your parent's last name! Fizzlebean or Funkbun.
(This all works if you have multiple parents btw! Can make for SUPER crazy long and funny last names. This *all* applies to marriage, too! I hope it is easily applicable. I do not want to go in depth on that. Feel free to hit me an ask about this if you want me to explain it more in depth!! I wouldn't want to exclude polyamorous relationships ^^ )
(Also yes, last names that are just the same word repeated twice/multiple times are possible too. Fizzlefizzle, Funkfunk... How fun are these to say? Gives me Grumpus OC name ideas already.)
But yes! Back to Cromdo! Or any Grumpus in the same situation, but as I've stater earlier, Cromdo is just an example here. If he were to re-marry and NOT change his name, there's two posibilities:
His new partner has a full last name.
In this situation, if they have a child they can keep the full last name from Cromdo's partner. Or they can have one word from his partner + Face. For reasons stated below the child cannot have "Face" as their only last name.
His new partner has a one-worded, short last name like he does.
In this situation, if they have a child they have to name it a combination of their last name's. No exception. Having a short last name is a sign of something happening in your life, and it is traditionally not put onto a child, unless they are adopted with no last name. That still counts as something that happened in their life, as their birth parents possibly just gave them away with no care in the world.
At this point I am almost completely off track, so please do ask me questions as I am not sure where I completely left off - Or rather if there is something I forgot that I wanted to mention.
By the way, for combining last names and such, you can also mis-match! Doesn't even have to be combinations. This applies to everything, even for (Full last name + one-word last names) where it makes sense the most. Examples: Beanfizzle, Bunfunk, Bunbean, Bunfizzle, Beanbun, Beanfunk. I'm personally a big fan of Bunfunk and Beanbun :P)
And this applies to siblings, too! It isn't uncommon for parents naming their children mis-matched last name combinations if they have multiple ones. (This ties into my headcanon for Filbo's many siblings and that he isn't a single child. He's in a big household and has at least 2 siblings. ONE OF WHICH I want to make into an OC! This requires me to make the parents, too, but I am not so bothered about that :P)
I'm out for now, all my brain power has left me a few paragraphs ago and I've got to go eat lunch
But again I encourage people to ask me questions (If anyone was brave enough to read through this!!)
And if I got anything wrong, do let me know! I am not all-knowing and I could've missed some VERY OBVIOUS mistakes.
And sorry if the writing is wonky at times! Sometimes it is done on purpose but sometimes the fact I only pretend I know how to write + the fact English is my second language IS SHOWING
(Also I sometimes just write how I think, without much thought put into the sentence if I don't proof read, so HSDFWERGRGT)
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