#this song came from a musical : romeo et juliette
omniavincitamor · 1 year
Mais non les rois du monde comme chanson de fin...C'est pour m'achever en faite !J'adore tellement cette chanson ! et merci à Skam France pour ces beaux moments !
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emptymasks · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot about your thoughts on Elisabeth and Tanz der Vampire, and they’ve been really helpful getting into those musicals! But you have a huge list of other musicals that people can get into…
So I was wondering if you had any musicals you hadn’t mentioned in a while that you really like or would like to talk about??? (preferably something from your lists that has a blue heart please?)
Oh if only you knew how long the list of European musicals really is... I however have only seen 9 (if I counted right) and I have a lot more that I still need to watch. Oh also, I only put the blue hearts on any musicals that I was providing multiple links for so people could see which version I reccoment the most highly. If a musical only had one link and didn't have a blue heart it doesn't mean I didn't like it.
I've watched: Mozart das Musical, Elisabeth das Musical, Tanz der Vampire, 3 Musketiers, Mozart L'Opéra Rock, Dracula (the Graz production), Rebecca das Musical, Roméo et Juliette and Schikaneder.
If you enjoyed those two you're likely to enjoy Rebecca! It's written by the same composer/lyricist team as Elisabeth and Mozart (and same lyricist as Tanz der Vampire - though if you're listening to any German musical, original or translated, 90% of the time the lyrics will have been done by Michael Kunze that man is everywhere). The Stuttgart production has my favourite set design of any musical! Well... Actually probably. There are so many big set pieces it's insane, way more than I've seen in some Broadway and West End musicals. You can tell so much work went into it and the visual effects that I won't spoil if you don't know the plot but if you know the plot you know what I mean by the effects at the end are so good and I didn't expect them at all and I freaked out so much the first time I watched it. Jan Ammann as Maxim in the Stuttgart production is the best Maxim. No I won't take any argument. Other actors feel a bit one-dimensional to me, but the way Maxim acts at times comes from trauma and some actors and productions seem to forget that, but Jan really goes for it and his Maxim is a lot more sympathetic and I just want to give him a hug. Pia Douwes as Mrs Danvers, if you've seen her in Elisabeth what more do I need to say, she's amazing. A musical goddess. Her Danny is a bit more wild than some, but she kills it. My favourite video, which I put the blue heart next to, has understudy Christina Patten as Ich/I, but I adore her she's my favourite. She adds some spunk to Ich in act 2 and her voice is so pretty and aaaa. I just love these three actors together in these roles.
Roméo et Juliette is another favourite of mine! It's hard to choose which one to recommend, but it has to be the original 2000/2001 production because of the sweetness and chemistry and voices of Damien Sargue and Cecilia Cara as Romeo and Juliet. They're so pretty and work together so well. The only reason I say it's hard to pick is Mercutio. I adore him, but in the original production they cut out a song they had planned for him and he doesn't really do much at all? In the 2010 revival they gave him two more songs and you care about him so much more and John Eyzen plays such a good Mercutio. So I'd recommend the original but if you want to like Mercutio more, which you should he's amazing, I'd recommend watching at least clips of John's. It's an interesting musical because all productions are non-replica and also change around the order of songs, add or take away characters, all sorts. The Hungarian production is also very popular and I'm sure it's great, I just haven't' gotten around to watching it yet.
Mozart das Musical was the first non-English language musicals I watched so I have a fondness for it, but it's not my favourite. However, I do realise I have forgotten most of the songs and the few I've gone back and listened to are better than I remember.
Dracula isn't super popular and I understand why, I don't love the plot of the Dracula/Mina romance in it, however. I do love this musical because despite how I find the plot lacking, the songs are so good! At least, I love them. And the actors are all doing a great job. And it's one of the few Dracula adaptions to keep Quincy Morris so they get bonus points for that.
Mozart L'Opéra Rock and modern French musicals... This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they're often more like pop-rock operas now. So if you're not into musicals with that style of music it might not be for you, but I still enjoyed it even though I didn't think I would because of the style of music. Mozart and Salieri's chemistry is very good, Salieri's bisexual crisis song is iconic, actually all of Salieri's songs are iconic.
Schikaneder... eh. I didn't like it that much and I didn't really like any of the songs. There's no English subtitles, but someone sent me the entire English synopsis and I watched it with a German friend so I had double the help of understanding it. Doesn't mean others might not like it, just none of the songs stood out to me and I had no desire to listen to any of them again. It's by Steven Scharwz of Wicked fame and I love Wicked, but I didn't love this.
3 Musketiers!! God it's so underrated and not spoken about within the European musical fandom that I even forget about it and literally forgot to write about it earlier in this post. It's a Dutch musical (though did also have a German production) and it's really good!? Faces you might know are Pia Douwes as Milady de Winter, Stanley Burlseon as Cardinal Richeliu (Netherlands Der Tod in Elisabeth), Henk Poort as Athos (Netherlands Phantom and Jean Valjean). The dialgoue is funny, the songs are good, some of the set pieces have no right to exist in this tiny musical?? They made this giant boat and pelt the actors with rain just for one 5 minute song and then we never see the boat again? And while I recommend the Dutch one because Dutch musicals deserve more love and it has official English subtitles!! Official ones, not fanmade! I have the DVD and it comes with English subtitles (and Dutch and German subtitles) which is so nice. The German version is also good, good cast, Pia came back and Uwe Kroger as Richeliu and omg they rearranged the songs and the German arrangement of Nicht Aus Stein is insane and amazing and frankly iconic.
That's all of the ones I have watched. Next on my list to watch are Rudolf and Notre Dame de Paris, both of which I have listened to some songs from and already love (I've listened to way too much of Notre Dame de Paris and am so in love).
I want to start organising streams where I'll host the musical either by getting the video from Youtube or my own files and anyone who wants to join can come along and watch with us, chat with us if you want or just watch there's no pressure to chat. I thought about doing weekly streams? This would also make me finally watch some of the ones I've been meaning to for ages. But I keep wondering about time zones. I'm in the UK and would want to stream at about 11pm at the latest (11pm BST/GMT+1 as we’re in daylight savings at the moment, if the streams continue past the end of October which would be wild then I’ll make a note of the time change that would be to 11pm GMT), which I know can work for other UK and Europeans, but for any Americans would be in the afternoon. So, I wondered if doing it on a weekend would be better? Then it doesn't matter if it's in the afternoon? Maybe Saturday evenings then? It would either be Saturday evenings UK time or Friday evenings UK time. What do you guys think? If people are down then I'll make a separate post with a list of what we'll be watching each week and if anything happens to me that means I can't stream one week then everything will just get pushed back a week, but I don't see that as likely to happen. And I'll only be streaming those that have English subtitles, so don't worry about not being able to understand anything.
edit: am also open to 10pm bst if others want that, im just trying to think of what time works best for everyone so sorry if 11pm is a little late for europeans, i know 10pm could be a little early for americans. also in case it sounded like these are the only musicals i will be streaming, thats not so, ive got more than just the ones mentioned on this list!
(Tagging some people who I know are or might be interested in streams to see what you think of that plan: @sirona-art @ringwraith100 @tanz-der-trash @smilingwoland @the-weird-dane @witchgaye @ami-fidele @kisstheghouls @looking-4-happiness @ladysapphire928 @sloanedestler @tinywound @persephonaae @phoenixdewinter @uwucoffee @freshbloodandgothicism )
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hhuta · 4 years
jhfadkjfg | actually the compilation i first saw it in didn't even have subs so i was sitting there like :) this slaps but i had NO idea what it was about (actually i kept going back to the video and rewatching the clip plus a clip from the hungarian production of romeo et juliette so many times because hey they slap) | when i watched the clip my various reactions ranged from this slaps to I AM TRANSCENDING THIS SLAPS SO MUCH so do w that what u will | yeah it's a lyric it means boobs/chest -3D
ldmaksldjs so u also saw how the scene looks like? bc ... wow its sooooo good and dramatic the whole thing is pure poetic cinema
the german version of a song from romeo et juliette came on shuffle on spotify and it fuckeddd i think it was verona so i really wanna watch that now!! god there are so many musicals i wanna watch bc of random songs i heard i will be spending the holidays doing that
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alleyskywalker · 5 years
hey! look, please tell me of I am mistaken, but there is a Romeo and Juliet Musical? I think I saw something like that in your blog, and it caught my eye. I really adore Shakespeare and I'd love to hear more about the musical (if there is one lol)
Yes, there is. It was originally a French musical that came out in 2001 called Romeo et Juliette. It’s been translated into a bunch of different languages and different countries have put on their own productions. It was also revived in France in 2010. There’s a bunch of different productions. For example, the Hungarian is quite different (in costuming/staging/design) from the others but absolutely excellent. (And we are blessed with both a proshot and subtitles.) The most recent is the Italian (proshot; boot - missing some of the dialogues and obv. video quality concerns but the Romeo casting is much better and it makes a lot of other things better tbh.) The Italian has canon gay :D The Russian is really fun (though, bootleg quality video and no subs) and the Austrian is super cute. (BN: version with no subs but also without text that takes up half the screen xD) Mexican version (I think a few of the songs are missing…) There are def other ones but finding video/audio for them can be really hard. Like there’s only an audio boot of the London one. (And good luck with any cast recordings that aren’t the French or Russian ones lol.)
The characterizations (and some plot points) vary between the musical(s) and Shakespeare canon as well as between the various musical productions themselves. Like, musical!Romeo is kind of a party boy who’s been with girls before, apparently, but just has never found the one to really go crazy about (until Juliet, supposedly). In contrast to Shakes!Romeo who is a quiet, moody dork who falls in love hard every time but just can’t seem to get a girl to like him back (until Juliet). Mercutio in the various productions runs the spectrum from spunky, flouncy gay (Hungarian) to lovable little shit (Russian) to really fucking Extra (French revival) to wtf this guy def has issues (Italian). Tybalt also spans the range from goon to Kylo Ren-eque woobie (Hungarian). 
And while no one asked, my favorite production is the Hungarian. But it’s also quite unique in its feel and approach to the other ones. The original French is, well, the original, but oddly enough, it’s probably one of my least favorite ones.
Anyway, yea, it’s a lot. But it can be fun too. The fandom is its own story.
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salmon2245 · 5 years
Rewrite the Stars
Romeo et Juliette fanfic
Paris/Benvolio, Romeo/Juliet, Mercutio&Tybalt mentioned in the background
The Greatest Show au
Characters based on R&J French musical 2018 China tour
Translated from Chinese. Apologize for any grammar mistakes cause I suck at it.
Feel free to ask me anything
    It all started with Juliet's unreasonable little wish.
    Tired of high-end restaurants, classical music concerts and art exhibitions in museums, Paris's fiancée decided to go to the eastside of the city for a popular circus show on her next date.
    Can you imagine? circus! Only Juliet dared to make such a request to him. Paris, the youngest son of the Escalus, being a play actor more like a hobby than a job. And the kind of performance that only high-class families can afford to enjoy. After his marriage with Miss Capulet, he will have to inherit the huge industry of his family as his real living method.
    Considering of his status as well as his own occupation, he naturally put himself and the circus on the opposite side. Even if the performance of the now more than famous Circus has been discussed all over the streets, he has never thought of stepping into that low-level entertainment site. However, lady first, since his fiancée made such a request, Paris has no reason to refuse. It was just an innocuous circus show, he thought, just a date as usual.
    He likes Juliet. Miss Capulet is as sweet, kind and clever as people say. He certainly appreciates such kind of girls, but what outsiders don't know is that Juliet is far from the virtuous wife they need who can be pushed around by her man. So Paris won't treat her like his wife-to-be. Juliet doesn't love him. Paris knew that very well. He didn't care about spending the rest of his life with such a perfect girl, but Juliet herself obviously is waiting for a gentleman who she is willingly to give up everything for.
    Before that, they will just allow their parents to match a couple who certainly don't fit together. Anyway, their lives are already trapped like this, and there is no other bird in the cage to accompany them.
    Juliet didn't like holding Paris's arm. Except where she had to do this. She prefers to drag Paris through the crowd, and often when Paris turned around, the girl is nowhere to see. When she appeared again, Juliet shoved the propaganda poster she had bought after the ticket into Paris's arms, pointed to the black silhouette with excitement and said, "Look, it’s the trapeze!"
    Paris frowned and flattened the ink-rich poster. He checked his shirt to make sure there isn’t any ink trace. He saw the two little men pointed by his fiancée's finger. "It must be interesting." Paris nodded in concurrence.
    It turns out more than just fun.
    When the two trapeze actors made their final appearances, Juliet squeezed his hands. Paris is incompatible with the noisy surroundings. He embarrassedly lowered his head and played with his pocket watch all the time. He lifted his head feeling the pain caused by Juliet on his hand, and right at that moment, he saw the most breathtaking scene that he had seen in his short life. A brown-haired boy hung upside down on a swing and flew towards him with a gentle and confident smile. When Paris thought he could reach him with a hand, he fell back and accelerated. He doesn't have wings, right? Or is he actually an angel with beautiful wings on his back, and Paris as a stupid mortal has no right to see the white feather? He knew the circus were all freaks, but this was different from what he imagined.
    "Who is that?" He asked.
    Juliet let go of his hand and pulled out a poster sheet that had been folded into a small piece. In the dim light of the auditorium, she was struggling to identify the small line below the picture.
    His fiancée told him: "It's Montague brothers."
    Juliet showed extraordinary enthusiasm for the circus in the east of the city. The following month, she took Paris to the circus performance three times, and made an excuse to leave when the third performance was about to end. She told Paris: "The housekeeper will come to pick me up, I’m sorry you have to go back alone, sir. Forgive me."
    Even though it was an engaged relationship, Juliet still called him sir of Mister but not his name. Well, Paris doesn't care. He figured out the names of the trapeze brothers at the ticket seller today, the one who flew to Paris is the older brother Benvolio. He wonders if it was a coincidence that he and Juliet always buy the seat close to the trapeze show every time.
    Paris found that he had already begun to appreciate this critic's farce. The surrounding audience was infected with this pure happiness, they exclaimed, laughed loudly, and even stood up and danced at the final climax! He had never seen such a scene in his own performance before, and this wonderful experience made him overwhelmed. The most important thing is that every time the flying boy swayed in front of his eyes, Paris's heart seemed to stop beating, he held his breath unconsciously, catching the flashing light in the maroon pupils.
    The show is over, Juliet probably has already gone back, and Paris walked out of the theater somewhat dreamily. The carriage he had hired would arrive later, he thought he would go to the park after show with Juliet as usual, and he was left alone with nothing to do but wait. He lit a cigarette, standing against the wall and couldn't help recalling the trapeze actor named Benvolio. Paris hasn’t figure out what was special about that boy, he was a circus actor, Paris’ worst counterpart. But he smiled so nicely that he seemed to be the most free bird in his flying posture. Paris couldn't see the chains on his body, and Paris himself had always been with them.
    "Mr. Escalus?"
    The lighted cigarette was dyed because he didn't get two sips, the burning feeling on his fingertips brings him back and he turned his head. The face that had been seen on the stage several times reached his eyes.
    Paris did not expect that the person who had just disturbed his mind would suddenly appear beside him. He hesitated before responding and asked him, "Do you know me?"
    Benvolio tilted his head and looked at him with a funny look, and asked, "Can anyone in this city not know you? The most famous young actor, you can be on the newspaper just because of your engagement!"
    "I'm not saying that I want to be in the newspaper like this," Paris shrugged a little helplessly. "You know; the reporters just don't want to let me go."
    "Yeah, what a big piece of cake you are!" Benvolio said and patted Paris's arm with the back of his hand. Wow, he mumbled that it was quite strong.
    Paris took out a new cigarette and handed it to Benvolio. He pushed back with a smile: "I don't smoke, besides the flying performance, the circus also needs me to sing."
    Paris didn't notice, Benvolio also participated in the collective song and dance performance of the circus, but there were too many people at that time, and he couldn't tell which voice belonged to him.
    He knew that singers have to protect their throats, feeling embarrassed, Paris took the cigarette back, thinking about it and saying, "Your performance ... is very interesting, although I can’t actually get it from a professional perspective. Proper words to describe ... "
    "Are you happy?" Benvolio interrupted him.
    "Well," Paris agreed, "yes. I believe I am. Happy."
    "This is what we hope to achieve, Mr. Escalus," the boy smiled at him again. "We are a circus, which just need everyone to be happy, happiness is the most important thing."
    "Call me Paris." He raised an eyebrow. Why do people like to call him Mister that much, it sounds a bit of distanced?
    "Well, then my name is Benvolio," Benvolio reached out to him, Paris shook his hand, and felt several rough cocoons in the acrobat's palm. "Next time you come to the circus, try to find my sound will you?"
    In fact, every time he came to the circus, he thought it would be the last time, at least he believed so. Moreover, Juliet left the scene early today. The girl might have finally lost interest in this circus thing, and he would never come see the circus alone. Even so, Paris nodded.
    Romeo removed his bandages that help to protect his hands and feet in their small dormitory. Banvolio pushed the door open. His brother was lying on the bed, holding the bandage, apparently thoughts lost in somewhere else. Benvolio tugged him on his shoulder. With a bounce, Romeo patted his chest in guilty conscience, and asked, pretending to be okay, "Where have you just been, brother?"
    Benvolio sat down next to Romeo's bed and slipped off his shoes. "I ran into a big bug at the exit of the theater, and just talked to him by the way."
    "Which big bug?"
    "Oh, you won’t believe me," Benvolio sneered. "The famous drama actor Paris Escalus, never seems to be the one who come for circus."
    Romeo's expression seemed like he has just crewed a fly, he swallowed hard and asked: "Is that Mr. Escalus who recently engaged?"
    "Yeah, what's the name of his fiancée ..." Benvolio helped Romeo remove the bandages and put them away, then turned around to arrange the clothes they left at the end of the bed, while racking his brain he remember, "Juliet or something, right? I don't remember the last name."
    Romeo's face was even more pale. He is lucky that Benvolio just turned his back on him at the moment, and quickly adjusted his emotions before his brother can find out.
    "I want to take a leave form rehearsal tomorrow," Romeo grabbed Benvolio's hand, "please help me to tell the boss."
    "Just take your break then, what are you so nervous about?" Benvolio looked at him confused. "Our performances during this season are all current projects, and you are already very skilled, I’m sure there won’t be any problems for one day off."
    Romeo dropped his shoulders with relief: "That's good."
    Benvolio thought about it and realized there was something wrong. He asked again, "What do you need the break for? It’s not like you have other things to do anyway."
    His brother blushed.
    "Oh," Benvolio went to slap Romeo's arm until he howled. "My little boy finally grows up, now he knows to go out with the girl and entertain himself."
    "It's a date! It's serious!" Romeo explained anxiously.
    "Date it is, whatever you say." Benvolio grinned and couldn't stop grinning. He reached out and rubbed Romeo's face, and he was still happy when his brother managed to punch his stomach.
    Before Paris realized, he bought another ticket for the circus show. For the price of a few coins, he comforted himself, watching 10,000 shows like this was nothing to him. Though he also knew that this was not about money at all.
    This time he still smoked against the corner of the theater after leaving, and Benvolio actually did appear like last time.
    "Did you hear me singing?" The flying boy hasn’t changed his costume off, just added a coat over it. Paris noticed that he was just a lean acrobat without scary large muscles, when wearing normal clothe he still looked a little thin.
    As Benvolio approached, Paris stopped his smoke.
    "No," Paris told the truth. "There are too many people, forgive me for not hearing so well."
    "And now I know that well-educated people do speak differently. Even this thing can be expressed as an apology for you," Benvolio joked. "It doesn't matter; I can sing again if you want."
    So Benvolio sang their curtain call song. Paris listened very carefully. After all, he felt depressed for not recognizing Benvolio’s voice before. He has listened to too many well-known singers. He has been invited to the Golden Hall of Vienna. The golden voices that are proud of various countries have cooperated or communicated with him, but no one sings like Benvolio.
    What magic does he have that makes people so happy? Even his expression of singing was cute, and Paris can’t stop smiling.
    On the way back, Paris couldn't help but feel tangled. Juliet didn't mention to him the circus anymore. It is likely that he would not have chance to come with his fiancée, but he still wanted to see the show. God, Paris, what’s the matter with you, he asked himself in his mind. This is a circus! You are the most promising drama actor, but let yourself indulge in this stupid joy, you let yourself corrupt, Paris, which is not a good thing.
    But ... think about Benvolio, think about this magic boy.
    Paris covered his face and suddenly realized that it wasn't just about professional dignity. Fuck, he fell in love with the flying boy.
    It doesn't matter, Juliet doesn't love you either. He comforts himself, but couldn’t feel better. Damn, hell, he really can't go to the circus anymore.
    The last time always becomes the past time.
    It wasn't until he pressed Benvolio to kiss him on the wall of the alley behind the theater that Paris realized that there would never be the last time. Benvolio felt as good as he imagined. Long-term acrobatic training gifts him the perfect figure, and apart from those tight muscles, there were always some soft places that could surprise him.
    "This is not the usual service I would offer," Benvolio paused after Paris let go of his lips, "but ... it makes you happy, right?"
    Paris nodded.
    "Well," Benvolio seemed to have made a very important decision, "keep going then."
    Although Benvolio did not seem to disagree, Paris refused to have sex in such an inconsiderate place. He took Benvolio back to his home. Juliet never came, she would only wait for him at home and have date in public places. They huddled on the king size bed where Paris always sleeps alone.
    The boy is not particularly experienced, but he is enthusiastic enough, his soft body can be put into various poses, and Paris just have extraordinary patience. Their bodies fit perfectly. Sex is generally happy. But when your sex partner is Benvolio, Paris thinks of the sleeping person in his arms, then this happiness will exceed imagination.
    The next morning, when Paris opened his eyes, Benvolio was looking at him with a smile he was already familiar with, and he said, "How much would you pay me?"
    And Paris woke up completely. He bounced, for a moment has no idea what to say: "I don't, this is not ... you ..."
    "Not what?" Benvolio also sat up. "Paris, you are already engaged. There will be a new mistress in this bed six months later."
    "I don't want to," Paris rubbed his sleepy hair. "I won't think of you as ..."
    "It's okay," Benvolio sighed. He climbed out of the bed, with the body full of marks they made last night, picked up his clothes and put them on one by one. "I know you're a good gentleman. You don't do such indecent things. At least give me some money for the carriage?"
    Paris gave Benvolio a soaring amount of unnecessary carriage money, and he watched the boy wave at him on the carriage: "Anyway, you are welcome to come and enjoy our show."
    He watched the carriage go further and further, and his heart sinks into somewhere deep undersea. Well, there can’t be pure joy in real world, welcome back to reality, Paris, you should wake up.
    He didn’t know how Romeo and his mysterious girlfriend is going. Sitting in the carriage heading east, Benvolio thought so. His body is still a bit sour. If Romeo has a "dating day" today, he can practice less without cooperating with him, which is a good thing. Benvolio just hope that Romeo doesn't fall in love with some rich young lady. Benvolio laughed out, his silly little brother, how can any rich young lady fancy him? However, it reminded him of Paris. No, Paris is different.
    Paris appears unlike what he should be at all, which annoyed Benvolio. If he was just an aristocratic master with only sperm in his head, it would be much easy to deal with. The problem is that not only is he not, but he even actually knows how to be general and kind. And probably, know how to love another soul. Benvolio finds out for the first time, that he may be unable to handle him.
    Benvolio, stop dreaming. He rubbed his arm. Who do you think Paris is? The promising young actor, the cover character of newspapers and magazines, with a fiancée who is in the perfect matched status. The only thing you can get from him is money, nothing more.
    This thought did not make him feel better. The gentle touch seemed to remain on his body. The skin he had been kissed on shoulder and neck still feels on fire at this moment. Benvolio sighed and leaned back into the seat. It's best that Romeo doesn't have a "dating day" today. He doesn't want to think about something he shouldn't think because he has too much spare time to waste.
    Before any of them came up with a solution to current situation, Mercutio makes his move. Paris was surprised to be visited by the head of the circus. He couldn't think of any reason to let the freak come to see him.
    "Oh, I'm feel my heart broken," Mercutio pouted. "Don't you remember me ... my dear nephew?"
    The head of the circus is the one who ran away from the Escalus family?
    Paris didn't expect this. He only knew that there was a rebellious relative in his family. He had abandon his family name for a long time because of disagreement. It’s been years, and Paris barely had any impression of that guy. He only remembered that he had exaggerated black long curls and swagger through the street with no shame at all.
    Alright, Paris accepted that the head of the circus was his uncle who ran away from home. And his so called uncle is actually as young as him.
    "I'm here to offer you an opportunity," Mercutio looked at him confidently. "Look what a shit you live right now! Champagne, daydreams, messy parties ... Paris, we all come from the upper class, I bet you understand how boring and disgusting that circle is more than I do. I know you came to my circus, and you have been there several times. What do you think, interested? "
    He was right. Paris's life now is totally full of shit. He has a fiancée who doesn't love him and will never love him in the future. He has a job to please those peerages. He has a family property waiting to be taken over. He also has a little trapeze in his heart. Shit's fine. Definitely a huge bag of shit.
    "Join us, maybe you can make your life more miserable, who knows," Mercutio is really not a lobbyist, "but maybe you will get some happiness, happy is the product we yield."
    Paris took over the olive branch Mercutio offered, he became a member of the circus, he knows how to pack and promote, therefore the performance became more popular, he managed to attract more audiences, who sat below watching Benvolio flying in the air.
    Paris waited for Benvolio at the back door of the theater.
    He still went to bed with Benvolio, they also talked and did some causal things together. But Paris just couldn't talk about feelings in a serious way. After all, he didn't have the qualification. Fortunately, as long as he didn't bring it up, Benvolio won’t. He used to think that he would spent the rest of his life with Juliet. If the girl doesn’t like him, it’s fine. Given that they became married as the Escalus couple by name, it didn't matter what their real life is behind that reputation. He won’t mind Juliet falling in love with any other man, he was saying, this is the freedom she had, right? All they need is a paper confirmed engagement, a pair of rings, and they can continue their own lives afterwards.
    But now, he met Benvolio. Benvolio became the biggest change in life. The boy flew into his life and shone so bright that he failed to move away his eyes. Paris couldn't help thinking about what a whole different life he will live if having Benvolio by his side ... happiness, joyful, just like the best life in the world would be.
    The stage door of the theater was in an inconspicuous corner. There were no people passing by. A few of stinky trash cans standing in the night silently not far away. Paris walks as usual, and stood still, froze. He saw someone he never thought he would meet here.
    Juliet changed her usual luxurious dress and wrapped herself in a humble dark shawl. She waited there with a light smile, her blond hair fell out of her hood and hung on the girl's red fluttering face.
    "Juliet?" Paris tentatively called his fiancée's name.
    The girl was jumped by his voice. She saw Paris, and her face was completely bloodless. She opened her mouth for a long time without saying a word, and finally whispered to him: "Mr. Escalus."
    Paris could tell that Juliet was waiting for someone, she was holding a rose in her hand. He found it hidden under her shawl subconsciously. Well, Paris understood most of it. His lovely fiancée didn't lose interest in the circus, it’s just they are not appropriate to enjoy it together anymore. Like he said, Paris didn't mind this, he calmly asked: "Are you waiting for someone?"
    Seeing no sign of angry, Juliet gave her a sigh of relief and added: "the trapeze."
    Paris froze again. "Me too," he said.
    "Pardon?" Juliet looked at him puzzled.
    "The trapeze." Paris tried to smile at her.
    Well, things are getting awkward now. Paris recalled seeing the circus for the first time, and Juliet clenched his hands unconsciously at the beginning of the trapeze show. How likely is he and his fiancée to fell in love with the same person at the same time? There was the figure of Benvolio in his mind again, remembering that he smiled mildly and asked how much he could pay him ... his thoughts began to slide away in some unclear directions, and Paris clenched his fists. He did not want to speculate maliciously others, but, but. Even if Benvolio is Benvolio, he is still a low-ranking acrobat, how he grew up, if he will fall to his knees just to survive his life, and how much loyalty had left for people at the bottom of the society like him? Paris knew nothing.
    His fiancée looks no better than him. Paris didn't know if he should comfort him or not, poor girl.
    The door opened, and the two came out laughing and joking, then both stopped.
    "Romeo?" Juliet called Romeo's name carefully, as if asking for proof.
    Benvolio looked at his younger brother, Miss Capulet, who was still conspicuous even when dressed like this, and finally Paris.
   "Fuck," he groans, "fuck."
    Romeo and Juliet no longer have their love life underground.
    After the embarrassing showdown night at the back door of the theater, the little couple seemed to be finally freed from prison, and they started their sweet and bright dates. Romeo smiled even more often, and Benvolio didn’t know this can be possible for Romeo, who already wear a silly happy face most of the time.
    The boy writes poems, draws small greeting cards on his own, and picks up his old skill in childhood for handicrafts to make various gadgets for Juliet. Benvolio is wrapped in a quilt and shrunk on the bed to see his brother sitting on the floor ambitiously making gifts, with a slight headache . Romeo, like every young man out there who fell in love, went blind and hold his heart in his hands. Benvolio couldn't help worrying about him. It’s Juliet they are talking about, the well-known young lady who got the pure blue blood. The aristocratic stratum Romeo can never climb in all his life, let alone that she was half Step into the grave of marriage.
    "Romeo, you get yourself too involved," Benvolio frowned at him, "this is not a good thing."
    "I love her, she loves me," Romeo didn't look up. "I don't think there is anything wrong. You should see how happy Juliet is with me. She is my rose, my star. I will marry her someday. "
    He raised the newly folded paper rose to his brother, and with a dreamy sweet smile on his face, Benvolio was stabbed in his heart, he grabbed the flower: "She won't marry your."
    "Why not?" Romeo was a little angry. "You don't know her. You don't get to say what kind of girl she is. Give the flower back."
    "It’s true I don’t know her," Benvolio wrinkled the paper rose in his hands without knowing it. "But I know what her family name is, and I know she has a fiancé that you absolutely can't compete with. I know what is waiting for them at the end of the year. A church wedding. Romeo, she may love you, but she won't marry you, even if she wants. "
    "I'll ask her myself, you don't speak for Juliet," Romeo snatched the paper flowers back, carefully flattening the folds. "And Paris loves you, why should I compete with him?"
    "Paris doesn't love me," Benvolio retorted without thinking. "We are just business, not love."
    "How can you think so?" Romeo looked at him in shock. "He loves you, and I can see that, you are so cruel!"
    It's not cruel or ruthless. Benvolio sighed in his heart. He began to reflect on whether he had protected Romeo so well in the years when the two brothers depended on each other, now that he became like this—simply ridiculous, unreserved, and too easy to be broken.
    Take a thousand steps back, even if Juliet really loves Romeo, and take another thousand steps ... even if Paris really loves him, this is impossible. They are trapeze, even if they are stars in the circus, even if they bring people joy and laughter, they are still the lowest entertainment practitioners when walking on the street. The job of trapeze performance is for the young. They can’t make a live by that for a lifetime. What will happen after they can no longer fly? How can they struggle to afford a roof and bread? They don’t have a future to be looking for. Mercutio gave them this home, but Benvolio knows that the good time is mean to be end. Moreover, the two trapeze brothers and Paris or Juliet, they were originally from two separate worlds.
    "She'll marry me," Romeo waved his fist violently at Banvolio. "You wait and see."
    Paris and Juliet's engagement was like a fishbone stuck in Benvolio's throat. Now he not only has to find a way to deal with his feelings for Paris, but also spread half his mind to worry about his little fool-like brother.
    The Mr. Escalus was not satisfied with just having sex with him. He invited Benvolio to see his drama performances. He took Benvolio to dinner with so much folks and knives that he couldn't figure out how to use. At least the food was delicious, Benvolio thought. He watched Paris's performance on the stage. He is another kind of star. He raised his hands and pitched his feet in an elegant and decent manner. Sometimes, Benvolio couldn't understand what he was saying. They were all in a state of contemplation. He was sleepy, and felt that it was unreasonable to fall asleep in the Grand Theater. After several too obvious yawns, the gentleman sitting beside him shoots him a glare.
    Even though he was uncomfortable staying in such a place, Benvolio persisted until the end of the show. Paris ran over to him and asked with anticipation how he performed. Benvolio smiled awkwardly, saying, "You look great."
    "This script is probably too rigid," Paris scratched Benvolio's shoulder indifferently. "After becoming a partner of the circus, I increasingly feel that such a drama is not interesting at all, your performance is the best. I’d like to see the audience laugh. You are the professor. I have tried to learn your skill for a long time and yet still making no progress at all. "
    Benvolio hums absent-minded. He followed Paris and walked out, feeling tired and sleepy as hell, worried that he would not have the strength to deal with the bedroom thing later tonight.
    However, the carriage called by Paris did not drive back to the man’s house, but instead it returned Benvolio to the dormitory where the circus lived. When the carriage stopped, he was awakened by Paris, not knowing where he is for a second. Paris walked him to the gate. Benvolio asked why he didn't return to his home.
    "I didn't really expect that you would come to see my show today," Paris hugged him. "This is a wonderful date, thank you. You have to be on stage tomorrow. Take a good rest."
    Before he could react, Paris kissed him with his face in his hands, his fingers brushed through Benvolio’s soft brown hair. Benvolio watched him leave blankly, pushing open the door of his dormitory. Romeo was doing his daily stretch before going to bed, and shocked to see him wearing the emotionless face. He ran over to support him and asked worryingly, "what happened?"
    "He said, this is a wonderful date," said Benvolio.
    Romeo didn't know where the problem was, and he asked with confusion, "Yeah, haven't you had a good date?"
    "We're not dating," Benvolio wide his eyes, "Romeo, that's the problem. We're not dating."
    "God," Romeo frowned his hair, "Benvolio Montague, don't you understand what is happening right now? You love him, he loves you, it's that simple! Bro, not I said, can’t you live even a tiny bit happier? I got tired just by looking you struggling. "
    "I do not……"
    "Don't you try to quibble with me," Romeo interrupted. "Is it that hard to follow your heart? It's just a matter of simple admission that you love him."
    Benvolio thrust his palm into his eye socket. The farce should have stopped, otherwise no matter he or Paris, no one will be able to retreat. He didn't want to end up like that. Too good memories are poison for people like him, and Paris's life can't bear such a stain.
     Critical comments appeared in the newspaper, and more and more people gathered to resist the circus performance, no matter how they shouted freaks, bullshit or social maggots, Benvolio tried to calm things down, but failed every time. From time to time, wounds appeared on Romeo’s body. Benvolio knew that they were not caused by the training. His righteous young brother always fearlessly rushed to the front of the theater to argue and protest, never really pay attention to what Benvolio used to warn him. When Benvolio is warping his wounds, the boy who used to be loud and sorrowful didn't say a word, just gnashed his teeth and let the anger grows in his heart silently.
    There is nothing Benvolio can help, and all he could do was telling Romeo to make sure he protects himself. Because of the frequent conflicts, everyone in the troupe has recently got bruises and cuts on them. Benvolio went to purchase medicines, and finally gave his mind a little time to think about Paris.
    He refused several dates to Paris for the passing weeks. But being a formal member of the circus, Paris came to the show as usual. Benvolio had already remembered where Paris was always sitting. He flew in the prescribed direction and Paris reached out to him.
I must tell him, Benvolio thought. With only two months left between Paris and Juliet's wedding, Benvolio knows that the two have begun to prepare. Juliet had complained to Romeo that there are too many cakes to taste, and the wedding invitation has been sent all over the world.
They have to stop.
    He walked back with a pack of pills and saw ominous black smoke coming out of the street. Benvolio hurried with fear, their flaming theater gradually became clear in his eyes. His friends stumbled out of it, panting awkwardly, and Romeo stood outside holding the elephant dragged by him coughing. Benvolio grabbed his arm and shouted in a mess: "Where is Paris? Where is Paris!"
    "I didn't, I didn't see him," Romeo said intermittently, shaking his head. "Mercutio, said he came to discuss the loan today."
    Benvolio looked around in a panic, and Mercutio was outside, hands supporting on the animal trainer girl to keep her from tremble--Paris was not with him.
    "Romeo!" Juliet didn't know when she came over, the girl cried and rushed into Romeo's arms, and the two clasped together, starting to control the sobbing voice. "God, gosh, you're fine, you're alive. "
    Benvolio dropped his bag and stormed into the sea of ​​fire.
    "Benvolio, come back!" Mercutio cought sight of the boy running toward the theater, and was about to pull him out. The fragile door finally collapsed after it’s long struggle in the fire, "Benvolio! "
    Romeo stood up in shock. He glanced at Juliet. Tears and sweat are all over her cheeks, but she firmly grasped Romeo's hand and nodded. However, Mercutio held him down and shouted: "You stay here."
    Their boss wrapped himself in a soaked curtain, breaking in the building through the side window.
    The fire made Benvolio's familiar theater strange. He couldn't see the path clearly and could only fumble forward with his impressions. Collapsed prop structures everywhere now became his roadblock. The thick smoke ran into his throat and he couldn't breathe. He was hurt and felt a burning pain in his body, but he kept walking inside.
    The wooden beam fell and rubbed his shoulder, Benvolio hissed in pain. He was smashed to his knees and climbed up on the hot ground. He called Paris' name, but his voice was hoarse enough that can’t make a sound. Since Paris was here to find Mercutio, he should be in the studio on the second floor ... Benvolio quickly ran towards the stairs and was hugged from behind when he stepped onto the first step.
    "Benvolio!" It was Mercutio calling him, "Get out with me!"
    "Let me go ..." Benvolio tried his best to push away Mercutio's arms around his waist, but he couldn't shake it, "Paris ..."
    "Paris is not here. He's gone to the bank!" Mercutio carried him to his shoulders without further explaining, and Benvolio struggled restlessly. Mercutio shouted at him, "I won't lie to you!"
    Mercutio ran out with him and fell out of the window at the last moment of the theatre dump. He didn’t see it when in the firing theatre, but now his vision became clear. Benvolio's shoulder and neck were burnt with flesh and blood, he carefully lowered the person, and Benvolio tried hard to open his eyes. He saw a white figure running towards him. Paris knelt beside him. For a while, his didn’t know where to place his hands. He wanted to hold the boy in his arms, but he dared not touch him anywhere. Benvolio pinched and reach out to hold his fingers, the stone in Paris’ heart finally fall. Benvolio smiled at Paris and lost consciousness.
    The rescue team called by Mercutio had arrived. They carried Benvolio on the stretcher, and the wound was urgently bandaged. Scarlet blood was still seeping through the thick gauze. Paris followed the way and they rushed to the hospital. only was left outside the operating room. Romeo and Juliet were sitting with him. Juliet grabbed Paris's hand. Romeo's eyes were terribly red. He whispered: "My brother rushed in because he can’t find you outside anywhere... I can't stop him."
    Paris closed his mouth and took a deep breath, he didn't know what to say, damn it, Paris, you're a lucky bastard, what the fuck are you still struggling with? You know he just doesn't say it.
    "I shouldn't say that, but," Romeo paused. "He loves you."
    he knows. Paris lost his words under the huge impact. He couldn't speak, then Juliet turned and hugged him.
    Suddenly something coming to his head, Paris took Juliet's arm and asked her in a pleasurable tone: "Miss Juliet Capulet, I'm sorry, I beg you to cancel our engagement."
    "I will, I will," Juliet said with tears. "I'll tell my parents tomorrow."
    "No, you don't have to," Paris interrupted her. "It was me who broke the engagement, you didn't do anything, you know what I mean. You did nothing."
    Juliet knew she needs to play the role of a victim, and even if she didn't want Paris to take all the responsibility, the man didn't care about anything now. She nodded: "I understand."
    "Thank you." Romeo also took his hand.
    Benvolio fell into a long coma, during which he had many unreasonable dreams. However, these dreams had a strange similarity. His palms were always wrapped in something warm. He was unable to lift from the swing because of his weak arms. When he fell down, there would always be some invisible force grabbed him tightly to prevent him from falling, strong and eager.
    Until one day, the warm he feels disappeared, Benvolio fell to the floor of the stage, and woke up in severe pain. The nurse told him that during his unconscious days, someone came to see him every day, held his hand and said something bland. Benvolio opened his mouth and asked when he came, only to find his voice hoarse. He reached out to rub his itchy throat, accidentally touched a pothole in the side of his neck.
    That day he saw for the first time what he looks like now. The left shoulder and neck were covered with burn scars on his arm. He had recovered more after a few weeks of treatment, but still, he trembled in the mirror and touched it. He still felt the sharp pain of being licked by the fire. Which should be a psychological effect. The muscle was inevitably injured. At first, his left hand couldn’t even hold up a cup, in the future he can only recover to a normal life under rehabilitation training. Benvolio knew he couldn't return to the stage.
    He was already asleep when Paris came to see him later, but after he woke up, Paris never showed up again. Romeo came to see him and mentioned Paris, Benvolio just avoided the topic: "I don't want to talk about this."
    Benvolio had been in a coma for too long, weeks passing by, it was time for Paris and Juliet's wedding. He was probably so busy now that he didn't have much time to see himself ... not that Benvolio wanted him to come. He had better not come. It's better not to come now for everyone, not even Romeo.
    He didn't dare to look at himself now. After confirming with the doctor that he would not be infected, Benvolio covered himself with a high-necked coat and scarf. He decided to get discharged on a cold day, and predicted to leave alone, but ran into Mercutio who is waiting at the hospital door.
    When he was hospitalized, he read the newspaper and knew that the troupe had abandoned the reconstruction of the theater. They set up a tent. As usual, Mercutio quarreled with the critic named Tybalt on the media. They won’t get up on persuading each other.
    "The contract hasn't expired yet," said Mercutio, "I'm not about to fire you."
    When found by Mercutio, the desperate Montague brothers almost signed the longest contract allowed in their careers so they could play in the circus until their retirement.
    Benvolio shook his head: "I can't fly now, can't sing, can't move the props, what do you pay for my salary? I can't even sit in the ticket office ... people will be scared away."
    "In the beginning, everyone thought that others would be scared away by themselves," Mercutio laughed. "Isn't that why I start looking for all of you in the beginning?"
    "Everyone is waiting for you to come home."
    Benvolio finally determined to leave.
    He really didn't know what else he could do, and while there was still a little deposit, most of which was he saved from Paris's carriage money, he had the opportunity to start a new life elsewhere. He knows that no one has given up on him, he just, he just doesn't know how to face these familiar people, and Paris. Fortunately, Paris will not appear in the theater now.
    Romeo respected his decision, so there was nothing else to say. Benvolio said goodbye to everyone. He packed up his few luggage, bought the midnight train ticket, and received everyone's hug.
    Paris's residence was empty at the moment. Juliet knew that he had been taken away from his house by the elders of the family. Romeo ran on the wide street with Juliet. The girl stepped on Romeo's shoulder and climbed over the wall. Romeo was outside the wall. Anxiously waiting, Juliet picked up a stone and smashed it at Paris's window.
    Dissolution of the marriage was undoubtedly a scandal. The reason why there was no news yet was because Paris was under house arrest. He cheated, had an affair, deceived his fiancée, and broke the heart of a good girl. Juliet was at Capulet's house. That two lines of tears are the best proof. The Escalus insisted on keeping their marriage relationship. They came up the solution of keeping detain Paris before the wedding, and then forced him into the church until the raw rice was cooked.
    Paris opened the window, leaned forward and asked expectantly, "Has he been discharged?"
    "Benvolio is leaving!" Juliet jumped under the windowsill anxiously. "It's the train tonight!"
    Paris then noticed that Juliet was carrying a thin bundle of rope. The girl tried it several times, and finally threw the end with the heavy weight into Paris's room. Paris fixed it and flipped out of the window. He slipped too fast, wiped his palms with two bloodstains.
    The cloak with the big hood covered him with only one face exposed. Benvolio was sitting on the platform holding the box, and he kept looking up to see the clock in the hall. Passengers passed one by one, his tickets were tucked in his pockets and soaked with sweat. Benvolio couldn't tell what he was waiting for. Benvolio thought, maybe, just a little possible, that Paris would come to him. But it was Benvolio who chose not to tell him, how could Paris know? Even if he knew, he was about to get married in a week, this was probably a sensitive time.
    Benvolio waited quietly until his train enter the station, waited until he got on, and Paris didn't show up until his train set off. He had been out of the platform for a long time, with his luggage kept between his feet. He lowered his head to study the signature that everyone wrote to him, his nose started to feel sore. The circus no longer has its own theater. They are performing in tents. They will go to perform all over the world. They will meet again, Benvolio thought. He was worried what Romeo would become of after Juliet got married. How could his brother learn to accept the reality when his elder brother left him?
    There was a gentleman coming in this deck, it seemed that he had gone the wrong way before. From the perspective of Benvolio, he could only see one leg passing by him, and then stopped and sat down opposite him. He looked at the familiar white leather shoes, felt a stinging stab in his eyes, and turned to look out of the window. The reflection from the windowpane reflected the image of the person opposite him, it’s Paris waved to him in the window: "Hi, Peter Pan."
    Benvolio turned his head in shock, and Paris smiled at him.
    "I finally caught up with you."
    You may afraid that I will sacrifice other options for this choice. But I only want to give you the second half of my life.
    You are willing to do it for me, and I am willing to do it for you.
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marzipan-lady-art · 5 years
Your OG character designs are just abolsutely stunning! Where would you say your inspiration for them comes from?
Thank you so much! I’m glad you like them!
It’s a long story.
It all started almost 6 years ago - I was listening to Disney and french musicals songs. I imagined a story of two characters who came from two different worlds - one of them was royal the other was some kind of a forest creature.
They got their real shapes when I read The Darth Bane trilogy - there were two Jedi masters: Farfalla and Hoth. They were completely opposites - Farfalla was beautiful and lean while Hoth was strong and harsh - and because I’m a fan of contrast I decided to somehow use it. 
I didn’t want to draw fanarts of them because even though I’m a fan of Star Wars I don’t feel very well in creating something in this universe - so I made my ocs based on these two. The songs from Romeo et Juliette really helped in creating their world as well as The Prince of Egypt story for the brothers’ feud and a little of greek mythology for this universe’s myths.
Because I really love Farfalla’s name (it’s Italian word for butterfly) I decided to choose Italian words for characters’ names - Uccello, Orso, Fata, Alba, Pavone, etc.
When it goes to the title The Golden Cages it comes from this verse ‘brûler nos prisons dorées‘ (burn our golden prisons) from one of the Mozart l’Opera Rock songs. I changed ‘Prisons’ for ‘Cages’ simply for symbolism - Uccello means ‘bird’ and everyone try to protect him and somehow close him in these ‘golden cages’.
They looks evolded through time of course as well as the main story, I still remember when it was so short it took 5 minutes to tell it, and when Uccello didn’t have depression. 
The Golden Cages are still in progress but you can read the (unfinished) prologue here.
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freshprinceofverone · 6 years
Unpopular opinion, Romeo et Juliette edition: The British version is really underrated
(tl;dr) I’m not saying it’s Good, just that it’s not all bad. There’s good stuff in some of the texts of the songs. Also please take into account this is my opinion, no more. More under the cut:
Ok hear me out on this one. I’m not saying the BritVer should be your fave version of RetJ. We’ve all heard the Ball’s orchestration, the total lack of vocal technique of anyone (e.g. Mercutio’s falsetto in “Ugly or Beautiful”) or all out-of-character and either extra-dramatic or underwhelming lines (e.g. Romeo’s “Capulets are people too”). (Why have I chosen precisely this hill to die on I cannot tell you.) What’s interesting for me about the BritVer isn’t really the production as it is but what it Aims to accomplish. I wish I knew more about how it came to be to understand it more. Also I can’t really judge the music (apart from it sounding cheap) so I’m going to talk mostly about the text.
Take “These Are my Rivers” for instance. Most foreign adaptations have mimicked the original French in contriving to describe love and have ended up with lyrics that sound to me as “love is this, and love is that, and also did you know that love...” Problem is I don’t need to know what love is (I can use a dictionary thanks) I want to know how the characters  f e e l. And the British give me exactly that. I have found myself thinking of this song when having a crush, it works. It really shows how two lovers feel: each action is a journey, each moment is an adventure in itself; they feel as if they’re exploring the countryside along rivers, as if they’re reaching for the stars at the top of mountains, while simultaneously never wanting to move. About the structure, "Aimer” feels so… stilted, with its rigid structure (one verse for each, two verses together with the chorus, then two verses with the chorus but each does backup vocals), whereas the British flows more naturally. I could also argue that the song being cringy af (e.g. Romeo’s “These are my mountains!!”) is not a problem: love is weird and cringy and stupid – but couldn’t I argue that of most versions?
I think my favourite BritVer song is “I Can’t Do This”: The French “Comment lui dire” touches on a certain number of themes (like Mercutio’s death)  but doesn’t follow through much. I love the evolution in the chorus from “I can’t do this” to “I must do this, I will do this I must do this” at the end. I know it’s perhaps not the most inventive writing idea ever but it efficiently shows how Benvolio evolves throughout the song – in opposition to getting stuck on “comment lui dire?” (“how to say this to him?”) (and then in some versions just screaming out that Juliet died and leaving). There’s some real characterisation going on there. (Granted the “What if I break down and cry? It would be the worst thing I could do” is weak – even though it’s somehow relatable. As is “the news, this traagic news”) The reckoning of Mercutio’s death makes their friendship appear more real, as does the fact that Benvolio tries to put himself in Romeo’s place (“I know how I would be if he told me...”). And of course my favourite line: “We’re STILL kings of the world!” because it shows that, at this precise point, Benvolio still thinks there is an issue and that all this story will not end in tragedy. It pinpoints the last moment of hope of the musical. And that is fucking tragic.
Ok one last song explanation. (And this time no French version trash-talking!) “Et voilà qu’elle aime” is one of my favourite songs in 2001 (partly thanks to Rejane Perry’s beautiful interpretation) but “And Now She Is in Love” has a place in my heart too. The BritVer kept the most important elements of the original song (the main theme, the Nurse’s love for Juliet, her despising of Mrs Capulet…) but there’s a little more detail in descriptions, the Nurse talks a little of Romeo and, and she compares Juliet’s feelings to herself being in love (“the air I was breathing then was like vintage wine...” ok I love vintage wine comparisons I don’t know why I don’t even drink wine). I guess it just rings true for me.
Oh ok one last thing. I’m not convinced by how they did those but I love myself a good reprise (or 5 or 10 of them). I’m completely biased about that tbh (some of my favourite musicals include Tanz der Vampire and Mozart! Das Musical). For me the original French RetJ is just a long list of singles (unless you count “Coupables”). I want the music to tell me sometimes “hey remember when that happened?” or “here’s this character! it’s their song!” Did the British overdo it? Yes. Is the intention good? Fuck yes.
I guess I got carried away but my point is: there is good in there. Find beauty where it is hidden!!!
(Enough shitty takes for today byeeeee)
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shortviolet · 5 years
at one point in time france was trying to go full broadway and we got a lot of musicals in the 90s - 2000s (we still have some but i think a lot less are really original works ??? like they’re just american musicals adapted in french like chicago or cabaret) 
anyway they produced a lot of songs that i really loved as a kid and looking back, some of them are actually really good songs 
L’Envie D’Aimer from Les 10 Commandements 
Aimer  from Romeo et Juliette 
Etre A La Hauteur from Le Roi Soleil. Fun fact, Emmanuel Moire, the man who sings this song, came out as gay years ago despite everyone telling him it’d be bad for his career and guess what, he’s now onto his 5th album so fuck them home of phobes 
Tatoue Moi and L’Assasymphonie from Mozart, L’opéra Rock. Not so fun fact, Florent Mothe, the man who sings l’assasymphonie, had to do it SO many times and was under so much pressure during the recording of the song, because he didn’t sing it with the kind of emotions the producers wanted,  that he started crying while recording, and that’s the take they used 
 and a special shoutout to Le Temps des Cathédrales , just because my parents showed me home movies of baby me lifting my arms and spinning around to the chorus of this song lol 
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Below the fold you can read all about my time at Romeo e Giulietta in Milan (Friday, 12/10/18). I didn't want to forget anything so it's very chaotic, I'm sorry.
(edited on 29/01/19 - I added some things as well)
- I’d like to start by thanking the orderly who gave us 2nd category seats in the middle of the ground floor (we had 2nd gallery central tickets, aka almost the cheapest ones) because they didn’t sell out and he was impressed that we came all the way from Belgium to see the show. Grazie mille, sir! You made our night even better! He checked in on us twice during the break to ask if we liked our seats and the show, what a cutie.
- To understand why I would write an 2500 word post about this performance, you must know that I have been waiting to see this show since I was 6 years old (that’s 16 years!). I even have a very clear and detailed memory of the first time I heard a song from this musical, Koningen from the Flemish/Dutch production. This was my absolute number one bucketlist item and I still get teary eyed when I think about this experience.
- Lorenzo’s apprentice (I think his name is John in the play but don’t quote me on this) was scary as fuck before the show began. He was just roaming around the venue and stopped every once in a while to stare at someone without blinking for an uncomfortably long time.
- The costumes in this show are to die for! CAPES FOR DAYS!! This production works with the same choreographer and costume designer as La Légende du Roi Arthur and it’s just as beautiful.
- Tebaldo just casually hanging around ‘Capuletti House’, applying his Scar-like scar with eyeliner and then falling backwards onto his crew (my friend had a fit, she did not see it coming and genuinely thought he was going to fall flat on his back).
- The prince may sing that two families make the laws in Verona, but everything about him says he is in power. He is just so impressive, physically and  vocally so demanding. 
- Our Benvolio wasn’t bad but he didn’t make the part as interesting as Riccardo did. His Benvolio was pretty plain, okay vocal performance but he didn’t bring the same flare to the part that Riccardo did. Benny isn’t the most interesting part in the show and he didn’t add anything more to it than what the songbook or choreography said. Ric’s Benvolio was every bit as playful, joyful and a player as the other to two in the main trio but there was such grace and gentleness to him, whereas our Benvolio was more like the ‘no fun, boring’ friend. The original Italian trio has great chemistry and he just wasn’t very convincing.
- Davide as Romeo: his singing has improved so much, he seemed to sing with so much more ease compared to the dvd-version. During ‘Io Tremo’ he had a lot more interaction with the Montacrew. I absolutely love his Romeo, Damien always was a bit to fatalistic for me. He is much more youthful and moves quite impulsively on stage. In dutch I would say he is a ‘kwajong’ and a ‘spring in’t veld’, Google tells me it’s a ‘rascal’ and a ‘little filly’ but I don’t know if that really covers what I want to say. (He kinda gives of the same energy as Maria during ‘how to solve a problem like Maria’ in The sound of music.)
- On a related note: I only realised during the show how different the two houses are. The Montagues seem a lot closer than the Capulets. The reds are a divided house, they seem a lot more competitive and aggressive, only Tebaldo has an obvious bond with the rest of his family (maybe even a bit too close to his aunt, this production hints on a possible incestuous relationship between the two). The fact that they have a pretty scary cat only proves my idea about the house.
-  L’Oddio is a ride! I always loved the song but most of the time staging was off and boring which made it almost annoying to watch. I only listened to it but never watched any clips of it. This production however absolutely nails it and finally does the song justice. It’s one of my favourites parts in the show.
- Paride definitely changed a lot compared to the previous Italian production. He used to be innocent and polished, now he is arrogant and they changed his dancing style to a more modern vibe instead of ballet. Overall, I had a bad feeling about him and I was even happier that Giulietta didn’t have to marry him because she wouldn’t have been happy with him at all. I also miss Tebaldo singing the ‘give her to me’ part in the background,like they do in the French productions.
- I never liked the French Juliettes, Joy’s was like a spoiled brat sometimes and she wasn’t a great singer either. It’s mostly due to the way the production was written and the directors they worked with though. But Giulia Luzi is a perfect Giulietta for me, she is defiant, she has a mind of her own and her own ideas. This Giulietta isn’t a child, she is a young adult which makes more sense for a girl her age in this time.
- La Nutrice and both Ladies are such impressive vocalists! An absolute joy to hear them live!
- Il re del mondo live made me sooooo happy! (I don’t think I stopped grinning until the Duel started anyway)
- Luca GF!! What a performer!! You simply can’t look at anyone else when he’s on stage. He has such a fascinating way of moving around the stage and his vocals! I don’t have words! He was out of this world and I feel incredibly privileged to have seen him live. I was looking forward to his falsetto notes, but the dvd recording did not prepare me for his normal singing voice. The recording in no way does justice to how full and warm his voice is.
- The ball: they got rid of the ugly masks (thank the gods). This scene is so beautiful and I love the costumes. There is just so much going on I feel like I’d have to watch it at least 5 times to fully capture everything.
- The big ‘smack’-sound every time R e G kiss, because the microphones picked it up pretty hard.
- I like the order of the song better in this one then in the French production, it works better for the story (especially Tebaldo’s songs and the Verona reprise) and the acting is so much better!
- I have a hate-love thing going on for count Capulet. He seems tired of the feud when he fights with Tebaldo during the ball but he is such a dick to Giulietta and then has this solo song with a ‘Man only realise women are people once then have a daughter’-theme. Don’t get me wrong, I love this song and it’s always a song I look forward to in any production. You have to applaud the actor though for going from ‘Vedrai’ to ‘Avere te’ so fast, that’s one hell of an arc in so little time.
- I don’t get Belli e Brutti and I don’t think I ever will. But it gives me more stage time with the trio so I’m a happy girl. Also, the Montacrew eavesdropping on Romeo and Nutrice was really cute.
- The Balcony scene is so cute and I ship this R e G so hard. I usually care more for the supporting characters then the main pair in this story but I really believed these two.
- The official, original Shakespeare dialogues work better for me then the R et J dialogues. 
- Romeo’s relationship with Lorenzo is so wholesome, I love them.
- Tebaldo had a throne!! Like, Yaaasss Bitch!! I loved the choreo for this song (I’m a sucker for swords), especially is contrast with his other solo song. This one is pure lust and anger while the other is so much more intimate and shows his yearning for love. The musical has made me love Tebaldo so much as a character and Gianluca did a great job. I always underestimate him for some reason, he sometimes sounds like he won’t make it but he always hit’s the notes perfectly.
- Nutrice’s solo song gets me every time, fantastic performance. I think she had a problem with her earpiece because she kept fidgeting with it but it didn’t affect her singing at all.
- Ama e cambia il mondo was so beautiful and emotional. I really like this tagline for the story, it perfectly captures the message I take from it. This song is such a victorious celebration of love (and it has no gender pronouns) and I’m living for it. Lorenzo is like the head of R e G shippers, such a proud and smiley dad.
- Yes, thank you, a short version of ‘on dit dans la rue’ is enough. We don’t need a whole song about his friends knowing who he married and being unsupportive little shits.
- IL POTERE!! Need I say more? One of the songs I was looking forward to most. It suits this Prince so well and the whole scene is so beautiful! The choreo and the stage setting, ugh, so pwetty. 
- I just want to hug Tebaldo, what a lost puppy.
- the side door entrance of the Montacrew before the Duel! They were so close to us!!
- La Follia. That’s it. Just La Follia. I have no words.
- Okay, I have a few words: that last note. The entire audience lost their shit and was clapping and screaming for what felt like ages and he was still holding on to that note when we finally calmed down!! Again, what a performer.
- The Duel is a journey. What a scene! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more complicated and impressive scene in any show I’ve been to. I also want to take some time to talk about the ensemble in this show. These people are great dancers but their acting was so on point! Especially the crew guys. A show is nothing without the ensemble and they did so much more than just support the story. They really lift it to another level.
- That piece of bloody cloth they pull from Mercuzio’s wound had me gagging. I could almost feel it.
- I knew there would be a kiss when Mercuzio’s died but this was a full make out session. I was like ‘yeah, same, Mercuzio’. I made the mistake of looking at Benvolio during this scene. Pro tip: don’t. Just don’t. It’s painful and you don’t need more pain at this point.
- Romeo stabs Tebaldo in the stomach and not in the back, I don’t know what the original play says about it but I feel like it fits Romeo’s character better. My boy is no backstabber.
- La Vendetta and Duo de désespoir broke me. The Prince seemed really sad about losing his cousin. Lady Montague’s acting in this sequence was perfect. Lady Capulet is more sad when Tebaldo dies than when her own daughter does, he must have had a golden dick. Tebaldo and Mercuzio are dead on stage for a long long time, kudo’s to the actors for putting up with that and actually looking dead. 
- The Prince saying ‘mercy is the killer when it’s granted to the killer’ (that’s the best translation I can come up with right now) was such a deep mood, I haven’t stopped thinking about it. 
- Giulietta’s duet with Romeo’s Mom is the only time she wears her house color. For Tebaldo? I don’t know, if anyone has a theory on this please let me know.
- Romeo and Lorenzo crying next to each other at the altar. Romeo curled up like a baby, so sad. Poor, poor child.
- Romeo’s pj’s are really funny.
- Vedrai is such a heavy scene to watch. It’s very painful but I like it better than the French version. I was pretty mad at Lady Capulet for not standing up to her husband but she did push his hand away Melania-style when he tried to touch her after calling their daughter a whore. Also, Nutrice was so hard on poor Giulietta, I felt betrayed. I can’t help but feel like Count Capulet would have given his blessing for a wedding to Romeo if he had known, Lady Montague maybe too, she really did want her son to be happy. Lady Capulet would have been a problem though.
- Giulietta turning to Lorenzo for help and him turning her down! He is the only one they have left and he doesn’t want to help (at first)!
- Romeo being all alone during Mio Dio.
- There were Giulietta look-a-like dancers standing around her bed before she drank the poison and it was very creepy.
- The Verona reprise with a teary eyed prince like: “Look at this place! You thought I was joking the first time I said this?”
- another side door entrance for a very anxious Montacrew and Benvolio almost fainting when he hears the news about Giulietta’s death. These people are A+ friends. The stage was too small for the original choreo of ‘con che pieta’ but it was really beautifully staged anyway.
- Okay so now it’s time for one of my favourite solo songs in the whole entire show: Mai piu. I was very nervous for this one because it’s so important to me and our Lorenzo looked so much younger than others I’ve seen online, I was really curious as to how he would interpret the song. Throughout the musical the theme of doubting their religious beliefs is very present and it’s come to a climax during this song. Most interpretations I’ve seen where very angry and questioning, some even go slightly mad, but after the first few lines you could already see this Lorenzo had an entirely different take on the song. He was very accusing at first toward the crucified Christ and after a while he looked so disappointed and angry with himself for what he had done. He took of his robe and I thought it was a symbolic gesture to show he would leave his function, but he took of his belt to punish himself and it was so intense and sad and I was shocked at how beautifully raw and human he portrayed his character. Like I said, this performance would make or break the show for me for a big part, but it was so much better than I could have ever imagined.
- The songs Romeo and Giulietta sing before they die usually don’t really interest me on dvd because they drag on for too long in my opinion, but when you watch the show live you really need that time to process everything that has happened. Especially after such an intense Mai piu. The scene looks pretty uncomfortable on the tilted stone bed, I was scared that Romeo was going to fall off.
- Paride wasn’t killed even though this one deserved it more than the babyface from the 2013 version but he does appear next to Mercuzio at the end, I don’t really know why, it’s not like anyone cared about him anyway.
- Culpa Nostra is so beautiful. Everyone was dressed in white so you couldn’t see who belonged to which house. I’m pretty sure Benvolio forgot to put on his blue vest when they first came on because everyone takes their house colors off on stage except for him, he was already completely in white. Maybe because he is actually an innocent smoll bean? I do think he forgot though, because him and one the dancers had a short interaction with him nodding to Benny’s clothes with a confused face that seemed out of place. And the Ama e cambia il mondo reprise/theme; very strong ending for the musical.
End of PSA.
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SCENE VI: Kings of the World
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“Oh Romeo, what’s the matter with you? “  Benvolio asked. Since he met his cousin in the afternoon, he had been spreading such a horrible mood. He was simply sad and they all suspected what was wrong.
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“Sad hours seem long” Romeo said.
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“What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?” Actually, Benvolio didn’t want to know or he already knew. Romeo loved sweet Rosalina but Rosalina didn’t love him back. Old song.
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“You know, boy, I’m already twenty years old. Women desired me, they taught me what they know but I never felt… loved.”
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“You know that love is just a game for many?” Benvolio asked unnecessary. Actually, they came here to meet up with their friends. Mercutio wasn’t here yet, but he planned some fun for tonight…
“I hope to find true love once. My mother expects too much. Now she expects me to lead the Bank and soon she’ll want me to take a bride of her choosing…”
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“Then choose me, my beloved”, Mercutio approached from the dark. He was dressed up to the nines. Greek toga, golden horns and mask. He looked like a satyr.
And Benvolio wore a fool’s dress. The other’s as well. Only Romeo wasn’t masked. They wanted to go to some masquerade. He didn’t intend to be with them.
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“You know what day is today?” Mercutio asked as he began climbing to the edge of the fountain.
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“Saturday?” Romeo answered.
“It is but it is that day our old foe Capuletti celebrates every year.”
“The anniversary of his great victory?” asked Romeo. “The one at the battle of Pad… Pav…Pam…”
“Some stupid Italian town, certainly” said Mercutio. “But more important: We are going to crash his Masquerade tonight.”
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“Should we really make our entrance there in disguise?” Romeo protested and it was Benvolio who took the word:
“Oh, I hope Cupid’s arrow will hit the Capuletti girls when they see us!”
“We’ll kiss them and do thing a lot sweeter. And poor Tebaldo can’t do anything”, Mercutio announced. “Because we are young and fierce. We are the kings of the world!”
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Suddenly someone took out his flute. “Take your lute,Romeo!” All the youths were dancing and singing they tried to free Romeo from his sadness. And they sang:
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“We know how to live we squeeze the juice from every moment
We make love day after day night after night we sing we dance
It makes no sense in being careful not when time files like an arrow
We take every risk that's out there we're prepared to take that chance
We are the...
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 Kings of the world, free as the wind
Looking for sins that we haven't yet sinned
They think they're smart, but they're really quite dumb
You miss the tune when you're banging your drum”
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The Song Les Rois du Monde from the Musical Romeo et Juliette: French, English, German, Hungarian/Magyar, Italian
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zukalations · 7 years
Ryuu Masaki's #1!!
This survey of what all the Moon Troupe members like about their Top Star was published in the July 2016 GRAPH, a couple months before her retirement.
This feature always has a lot of emojis being used which I wasn’t able to entirely replicate since I need it to be readable on all platforms...I’m experimenting with how to deal with this sort of thing.
Please note: Ryuu makes a couple comments about her weight/body image that I imagine some readers would want advance warning of.
Ryuu Masaki's #1!!
We surveyed all the Moon Troupe members about what they thought was Ryuu Masaki’s ‘Number One’! And now, what are the results? Have a look, along with Ryuu Masaki’s comments!!
What is your favorite role she has performed?
1. Puck (PUCK) - 18 votes 
This is #1? I'm surprised!
"He's an adorable prankster, and sparkling with freedom...Masao's (Ryuu's) best qualities really came out. Also, her unique adlibs left a great impression!!" (Uzuki Hayate)
"I could tell how much fun she was having; she seemed like a real fairy of music!" (Tamaki Ryou)
Everyone, you've been deceived! (laughs) This role has a ton of aspects that aren't at all similar to me. I was longing to do it for so long that I got taken over by the image of it, that's all. However, I did have a ton of fun working on the role! I got to do as many adlibs as I liked (laughs).
2. Ronan Mazurier (1789: Les Amants de la Bastille) - 17 votes
"I thought Ronan's strength and zeal to live suited Masaki-san perfectly." (Harumi Yuu)
"I picked this one because I love Masaki-san's singing and this role had a lot of songs." (Urara Senri)
3. Romeo (Romeo et Juliette) - 8 votes
4. Hamlet (HAMLET!!) - 4 votes
"The rock songs and aesthetic were perfect, I thought." (Kio Kanade)
I thought Hamlet would turn up! (laughs) I loved the poster for that!
4. Scarlett O'Hara (Gome with the Wind) - 4 votes
"It was perfect for her~" (Moeka Yuria)
4. Charles de Durant (Manon) - 4 votes
From Manaki Reika: Andre Grandier <3 (Rose of Versailles: Fersen Edition) “Well...I like Romeo and Bill and Oscar...I like all your roles...but I was able to see your special appearance from the audience, and when I watched you and Oscar's (Sagiri) one night together and how you protected her with everything you had...it was just like you and so cool! I adore Masaki-san's receptiveness <3 <3 I've totally fallen for Masaki-san's Andre <3 LOL”
What, I'm surprised! In that special appearance, I was just performing with my classmate like 'oh, I'm side entertainment' (laughs). It was my first time performing together with Chigi-chan (Sagiri), but we could understand each other's wavelength and it was really fun~
What is her best revue scene?
1. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 21: Black Rose, 'Black Rose S' - 19 points 
"It was really sexy and had a big impact on me as a debuting actress." (Sorashiro Yuu)
It was a bit...intense (laughs). Looking back on it I feel like I made it a bit too sexy since that was what came easiest...but there wasn't really any other approach!
2. All her parades - 8 votes
"She gives off such an aura she's like her own power generator and she's so dazzling!" (Saotome Wakaba)
I'll keep sparkling, you know! No worries! (laughs)
3. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scenes 19-20:  The Hundred Roses, 'Rose Etoille' - 6 votes 
Hahaha! This one!
"You didn't lose to that splendidly styled costume; I don't think anyone else could have produced that marvelous aura." (Natori Rei)
This scene actually had me down for a while...but because I was showing my legs I slimmed down and I felt really good about it (laughs).
4. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 14-16: Violet A-C, 'Top Star Gentleman'
"The way she sang and the way her atmosphere changed by the moment were amazing, and she was so gorgeous!" (Tamaki Ryou)
Ah~The French in this was so hard! The director praised me for how I pronounced 'bois' (forest). I can be relied on for at least that much! (laughs)
5. "Fantastic Energy" Scene 3: Passionate, 'Passionate Gentleman S' - 4 votes
From Manaki Reika: "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 21: Black Rose, 'Black Rose S' "If I'm thinking about Masaki-san, it sort of...has to be...this scene~ It's hardcore, and energetic, and sexy...the Black Rose was amazing!"
I see~ Everyone put it in first place! Well, you're exactly right! Full points! (laughs)
This is her coolest aspect in rehearsals!
1. Lines, music, choreography...she remembers everything so fast! - 20 votes
"She'll have the whole script perfectly memorized the day after we recieve it, and she remembers the choreography faster than anyone else too!!" (Kirami Ruise)
But I forget really fast too (laughs)
2. She has amazing concentration! - 14 votes
"And then when she finally gets tired out I love her playfulness as she's like 'No wa~y, I can't remember any mo~re'" (Nagina Ruumi)
As I thought, you're a good observer. When I say 'no way' I really can't manage any more (laughs)
3. Her fashionable rehearsal clothes - 13 votes
"I love when she wears outfits that work especially because it's Ryuu-san wearing them, or outfits that only Ryuu-san could look good in (like pattern on pattern on pattern)" (Ookusu Tera)
This must have been on a bit of an off day (laughs). It's more like, stars, then dots, then another pattern on top, and it all comes together like 'ahhhh~'. Everyone, pay attention please!
4. Her smile - 11 votes
5. The way she pays attention to everyone individually - 10 votes
5. Her glittering aura - 10 votes
"Basically, the way she never loses her sparkle." (Tamaki Ryou)
"The way she holds a little onigiri with both hands while she's eating it is so cute that I always end up watching (laughs)." (Hibiki Reona)
Ahaha! (laughs) I didn't even realize I do that! (laughs)
"She always has little bags of things like gummy candies or Jagarico* in her bag so I think it's cute how she'll just pull something out and start nibbling on it!" (Ren Tsukasa)
That's right, every morning I'll fill little ziploc bags with just enough snacks for me to eat (laughs).
From Manaki Reika "This isn't just rehearsal since it includes how she is onstage as well, but...that moment where she concentrates and you can see the switch flip instantly. That aura as she suddenly switches to 'Otokoyaku Ryuu Masaki' is really wonderful <3"
But isn't this what everyone does? The heck is this...are you trying to encourage me? Yes, that's definitely it.
We want to emulate this! (from otokoyaku)
1. Her sparkle - 10 votes
"It seems like she's creating her own light...it makes me wish I could somehow get even close to that level!" (Chinami Karan)
What is this...At times like that I'm putting forth all the energy I can like 'I want to convey my feelings!' so maybe that does it.
2. The way she uses her hands - 9 votes
"Her hand movements are really wonderful. Especially when she spreads out her hands during a revue!" (Miya Rurika)
"Her hand expressions!" (Tamaki Ryou)
I feel like for otokoyaku 'the hands speak more than words', so I really pay attention to what I'm doing with them. Recently my hands have finally stopped being so pudgy so I've started to like them at last.
3. Her gaze - 5 votes
4. Kiss scenes - 3 votes
"In the rehearsals for 1789 I got to be kissed once...it was so heart-pounding..." (Hayaki Yuuto)
Hahaha! (laughs) That's right, once I was wanting to practice the scene where I force a kiss on Olympe (Saotome Wakaba/Umino Mitsuki), so I suddenly got Tsucchii to do Olympe since you were close by. You said 'I've gone back to my real-life self' afterwards (laughs).
The way her wink almost seems to make a noise. (Ranze Keito)
I put a 'Ching!!' sound effect on it internally! (laughs)
We want her to do this! (from musumeyaku)
1. Gaze at us
"I want her to gaze at me with those sparkling eyes... But at the same time I'm sure I'd surely not be able to stand it so I'd definitely just flee D'X" (Shirayuki Sachika)
If it was junior actress me, I'd be like 'I'll just stare at her until she runs away' (laughs). And while I was staring I'd study your makeup techniques (laughs).
2. Wink
"I used to just blush and not be able to do it... Since becoming Top it's as if I've put a sign out saying 'Now offering: Winks!' (laughs)"
3. Be forceful...
"In The Scarlet Pimpernel, when Chauvelin (Ryuu) was being so forceful with Marguerite (Aono Yuuki), her gestures were really dazzling...I loved it." (Amana Ruria)
Ah, here's Chauvelin, I knew it. You watch a lot! (laughs) I like being forceful as well. But I also like being sweet. Ahahaha (laughs). But isn't that what being an otokoyaku is like?! (laughs)
From Manaki Reika: "I'd like her to gaze at me steadily and stroke my cheek... Eeee! >.< <3 LOL. Yes. I love the way Masaki-san looks at musumeyaku so lovingly, and her hands are so sensitive...the way she can stroke someone's cheek so elegantly and her hands give off a feeling like 'Waaaa' >.< It's really wonderful <3 <3"
You're getting carried away with your fantasy! (laughs) But really, I do it to you so much and you want more!? (laughs)
Final comments from Ryuu Masaki:
You've made me realize once again how much all of you look after me and support me. In these remaining months I want to be cozily surrounded by all of your love! Also, I was pretty surprised by the 'We want her to do this!' section (laughs). From now on I'm going to be looking at everyone like 'this person wants me to do that to them...' (laughs)
* Jagarico is a potato crisps snack.
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alleyskywalker · 5 years
2019 Fic Wrap Up Meme
Number of Fics: 20 Number of Unique Fandoms: 8 (ASOIF, Captive Prince, Ekaterina/Catherine (2014), GoT, Romeo and Juliet/Romeo et Juliette*, Star Wars, Unmistakable (song), War & Peace)
Number of Unique Pairings: 10 (repeat ships: Danatole [2], Romercutio [5], Sonyakhov [4])**
Total Number of Words: 65,165
*I’m counting Shakespeare canon and RetJ musical canon as one fandom here because I often didn’t make too much of a distinction between them/borrowed aspects from both.
**Only counting pairings which were primarily featured as a focus of the story. Often times parings would hover in the background but weren't counted. # Gen: 5 # Het: 6 # Slash: 15 (2 of these are pre-slash thought) # Fem: 0
*Some stories fall into more than one cat. # PG: 14 # PG-13: 6
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? More. I had no reason to think I would write more than last year, especially since I was taking a half-break from exchanges (I did a lot less than I usually would.) Although, the increase is in word count far more than in total number of fics, and one single fic is mostly responsible for that xD (Also, I wrote more original fic last year than this year, so the OF was tacking up some of that bandwidth.) Where did you publish/archive your stories? AO3 with some cross-posting to Tumblr. (I’m usually too lazy to cross-post to FFN these days, though I probably should.) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Romeo and Juliet. God, I have no idea how this happened.
Did you take any writing risks this year? It’s not a writing risk per se I guess, but I was really intimidated to write R&J fic at first… Do you have any writing goals for the new year? To write more or at least not less than I did in this year (well…2019. Technically that’s last year now lol.) Also, maybe write some of those plot bunnies I have…   What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Eleven Halloweens and a Coda. But Sine Qua Non is a close second.   Okay, NOW your most popular story? Going by kudos, Dawn. (Like last year it’s Kylux, which is predictable bc huge fandom, very popular ship (still!).) Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion? Any Romercutio fic, tbh, because that ship is tragically underappreciated to begin with. Story that could have been better? I had bigger plans for Distraction, tbh.   Most fun story to write? Confessions, actually. Closely followed by the Halloween fic.   Story with single sweetest moment?
OMG I don’t know…the Halloween fic has a LOT of really cute fluff though so probably somewhere in there.   The story that made you cry? I rarely cry at my own fic, but probably Benvolio’s Coda chapter in the Halloween fic came the closest. Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story? Not this year xD Sexiest story? Not this year either. Hardest story to write I struggled with a few different ones but in different ways. Easiest story to write? Ehhh Confessions kinda randomly wrote itself so probably that one. Most unintentionally telling story *shrug* Story you haven't yet written, but intend to Ahahah so many. As always.
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