#this sketch was a hit on twitter
melonsharks · 17 days
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dipcifica but like this. walk with me.
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biteurhip · 8 months
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Someone on twitter said this smelled like worn-out rosary
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naomistares · 4 months
even though rejoice mini comic #1 ended up doing really well on twitter, i'll use tumblr to post updates occasionally ! (twitter makes me nervous)
2nd mini comic is looking to be 19 pages (but ill probably make it 20... i hate odd pages). i have finals rn but i am gods most efficient machine watch me finish this mid finals.
it's a quite linear and silly, takes place 5 ish years before main comic events. kind of meaningless to all but me, but its the type of thing that's funny to look back at once you know more.
that is all, will probably take a few more weeks... but i'm enjoying working on this one way more! there r some cool panels in there
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boobgoogler · 6 months
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this drawing took shrimply everything from my soul and turned it into soup to bare at the turn of the century Haii kay bye
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momentomori24 · 1 month
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Forgot to post this. I haven't drawn anything based on Nankidai's little school au sketches in literal years so this was a very self-indulgent piece. I had a lot of fun making this ^-^
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dropoutfailure · 1 year
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one of Mishka's many attempts at getting with his dad. they definitely had a few months of "will-they-won't-they." Gustav was very against it for obvious reasons. following a copypasta and putting on an awkward debate stream about the morality of incest somehow didn't sway him.
OCs: Mishka aka August (22) + his dad Gustav (45)
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laquilasse · 10 months
hey! I'm trying to find a sketch that i think you did where baby franziska is saying 'you MUST hold my hand or youll get hit by a car and DIE', to edgeworth. if you werent the artist I'm going to feel very silly
YES that's mine, I only posted it to twitter though for whatever reason. here it is!
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azuries · 3 months
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here it is!! my VERY self indulging sees!ryoji au masterpost ;w; i hope you guys enjoy reading through it! i was heavily inspired by all the amazing art and content ive seen of the concept that i wanted to explore it too!
Moonlight Trio
Yukari and Ryoji going shopping (SEES!Ryoji winter clothes variations)
Ryoji accidentally hitting MC with his scythe
SEES!Ryoji sketch dump
SEES!Ryoji Theurgy splash
SEES!Ryoji Theurgy Storyboard
Ryomina in Tartarus
Cooking with Yukari
SEES!Ryoji Sprite edit
SEES!Ryoji fanmade P3RE screenshots
Ryomina SEES!Ryoji animatic
feral SEES!Ryoji
Clumsy SEES!Ryoji
Charmed Ryoji
All Out Attack Splash
SEES!Ryoji Cut In Splash
silly mitsuru and ryoji comic
Twitter post
After Ryoji finds his resolve through the Hero, he offers to join his team. He gives him a choice to go through a better, yet harder way to get through Tartarus, a way only he can access. It features new bosses, content, and a new spin of the final fight with Strega.
Contains: Art, battle stats, Theurgy, combat dialogue, Tartarus dialogue and banter, and more!
Full post under the cut:
This AU explores the idea that instead of Ryoji leaving for the last  month, he offers to join the team as a temporary team member to lend his power to help SEES reach the remaining floors of Tartarus before he merges with Nyx. More events happen that prolong the time you spend together. 
Ingame, it’s treated like a bonus mission and an addition to get to know Ryoji better during the aftermath of November. 
As a new addition to the team, he’ll join SEES in the dorm and have his own version of FTEs with plant tending, movie watching, book reading and cooking. He’ll have interactions with other party members. 
The player will also get to know more on his personal feelings as the Appriser. Through conversing with Ryoji, you learn in depth about Tartarus, and the player gets to see a more subdued side of him as he tries to come to terms with his identity. 
He uses an evoker to trigger his form as Thanatos instead of using it to summon a Persona.
The player can choose to go through this route, or play the game like how it was originally set. The ending remains the same.
Party Stats:
Level: Scaleable, 2 levels higher 
Element: Dark and Almighty
Weakness: None, reflects pierce damage 
Combat style: Prioritizes debuffing, tank 
Theurgy - Death’s Call: Deals massive almighty damage to all foes. Fears both enemies and allies. 
Theurgy condition: When Ryoji sees his friends suffer a lethal blow, he feels determined to take vengeance.
Theurgy Personality bonus:
Chance to grant Arcana Burst even without completing your Major Arcana stack.
+ More damage to weak foes. 
Inflicts distress to all foes in start of battle. 
Ryoji’s first Tartarus entrance dialogue: 
Ryoji: - So this is Tartarus.
I, I can feel her. She’s keeping an eye on us. On me.
Remember that I’m here to help. Tartarus is Nyx’s realm, but I should know a better way to help you get to the top. 
Keep in mind that I may not be as impenetrable while I’m here, and shadows will be a lot more hostile if we go this way. Are you sure you wanna do this?
> Nowhere to go but up.
> Let’s do this.
> Are you sure there’s no other way?
Don’t worry. Whatever‘s waiting for us, I won’t let anything happen to you. They’ll have to get through me first. 
First Summon dialogue: 
I have to do this. Everyone..I’m sorry for what you’re about to see. 
Get out here, Thanatos! 
Turning into Thanatos (Persona Summon) 
If this is what it takes.
Please look away.
Do what you must!
Shift dialogue:
All up to you! 
We’re in this together!
Receiving end of shift dialogue: 
I’m on it! 
They’ll get what's coming to them.
Item use: 
This will help, right? 
Getting healed:
I don’t deserve this.
I-I hope it was enough. 
It’s over.. Why do we still try?
Guys? What’s going on?!
Come on! Take me down if you can! 
So, how about dinner?~
You’re kidding me! 
What is this?! 
Before All Out Attack:  
We’re going in! 
Before splash art: 
And that's how it's done! 
Splash art Caption: 
All Out Attack splash art line:
Pointless to deny your fate.
Basic victory dialogue: 
I hope it was worth it. 
Heh, how was that? 
Battle aftermath:
That was impressive. You’re all amazing!
Stairs discovery
Found the stairs. There’s no time to lose! 
Found the way up! You know best, leader.
Ooh, something shiny! 
Hey, guys! Found something useful? Maybe?
SEES advantage: 
They never saw it coming! 
Ambush / enemy advantage: 
Leader, stay close to me!
Hit by crit: 
That’s impossible! 
SEES Tartarus dialogue w/Ryoji 
Junpei: Hey, so.. Ryoji… What’s with the long scarf? And how do you not slip from it when you run? 
Ryoji: I don’t think it’s that long! 
Yukari: Seriously? Out of all the questions you can ask him, that’s what you go with? 
Mitsuru: For someone with no prior experience, you’ve been keeping up well, Ryoji-kun. 
Ryoji: I’m glad you think so, Kirijo-senpai.
Akihiko: Don’t push yourself, though, alright?
Junpei: Ryoji! Now that you live with us, we have got to continue the game we were playing! 
Ryoji: I don’t think you’d want to…Didn’t I delete your save on accident?
Junpei: Eh, I wasn’t paying much attention to the story in the first place. 
Ryoji: I never got to thank you before for helping me settle in, Fuuka. How about I take you out? 
Fuuka: Oh, of course! Let’s invite the others too!
Junpei: …Yikes, dude.
Fuuka: I’ve always wanted to do karaoke with you all. You should join us, Ryoji-kun!
Ryoji: Oh, m-me...?
Junpei: Yeah, you’re always holed up in your room and we never know where you’re out at night! How about we sing our hearts out instead? 
Ryoji: Ahh.. haha..I… I’ll think about it. 
Ryoji: *Humming Mass Destruction* 
Aigis: Ryoji-san. Were you the one making those sounds? 
Ryoji: Sorry! Makoto-kun and I were listening to some songs, and now I can’t get it out of my head. 
Ryoji: Aigis..About what happened before. I feel like I should apologize one more time. 
Aigis: Instead of apologies, let’s make a promise. That we’ll see this through, together.
Ryoji: …Yeah. You’re right.  
Aigis: It’s strange. In the real world, you’re impenetrable. But in Tartarus...
Ryoji: Until the promised day, I’m an obstacle to Nyx. I wouldn’t put it past her to limit my power. 
Mitsuru: So she was expecting this. Well, we just have to plan accordingly, then.
Aigis: I decided to live, but…how do I even begin? How would I know? 
Ryoji: I already sense life within you, Aigis. You’re doing more than enough.
Ryoji: Wandering Tartarus must feel repetitive. Maybe I can try something! I can add some arcade machines? 
Ryoji: Oh… but if I do that, Tartarus will just take it away again. *sigh* Nevermind, then.
Ken: Can.. Can you actually do that?!
Yukari: *sigh* Of course he can’t. 
Akihiko: How are you holding up, Mochizuki? Think you can still keep up?
Ryoji: Heh, that’s not even a question, Senpai.
Ryoji: I hope I’m not bringing you guys down. What do you think, Koromaru-san? 
Koromaru: *barks enthusiastically*
Fuuka: Hahaha. Koro-chan seems to enjoy your company!
Yukari: Whew..! You guys notice the shadows have gotten…much more alert?
Akihiko: You’re right. It’s like we unlocked the deepest depths of Tartarus that Nyx didn’t want us to see.
Junpei: Jeez Ryoji, you weren’t kidding. The shadows of this detour are a whole different monster! 
Ryoji: I’m sorry, Junpei. But I promise it’s just a little longer. 
Junpei: Who am I to back down from a challenge? This’ll be a piece of cake! 
Mitsuru: Are you settling in the dorm well, Ryoji-kun?
Ryoji: Oh. I am, thank you. 
Mitsuru: Of course. Just let us know if you need anything.
Ken: Did anyone hear footsteps in the boys’ dorm last night? 
Yukari: Must have been Aigis sneaking to Makoto’s room, even if I told her to not leave past curfew…
Aigis: It was not me. I was out for my monthly checkup. 
Yukari: Then… who was it?
Ryoji: It wasn’t me! 
Yukari: No one said it was you! 
Ken: So, where have you been living before, well, all of this, Ryoji-senpai?
Ryoji: I-I actually don’t know. Anything outside of school and Makoto-kun becomes a blur.
Fuuka: Ryoji-kun…
Ryoji: You’re amazing to lead such a capable team, Makoto-kun. You look good like this. 
Yukari: Ryoji-kun and I went thrift shopping the other day. It was actually pretty fun!
Ryoji: Thanks for taking me out, Takeba-san. I wanted that jacket, though.. 
Yukari: Unless you wanna blind someone with that thing, there’s no good reason to wear it! 
Ryoji: *sighs sadly*
Ryoji: There were so many couples on Paulownia Mall for Christmas Eve. It was lovely to see.
Junpei: Ooo, does our newest member have a special someone they have in mind?
Ryoji: I-I wouldn’t say that..
Junpei: Hahaha! You’re like a tomato right now, dude! 
Ryoji: Hey, knock it off!
Ryoji: Wait, you’ve reached past the 200th floor?! Akihiko: All in a day’s work. Everyone has been putting in their all. 
Akihiko: You’re hardly breaking a sweat. What’s your routine, Mochizuki?
Ken: I’m guessing it’s him not being human in the first place?
Akihiko: Ken, that’s not..!
Ryoji: It’s alright, I don’t mind. He has a point, though.
Yukari: I won these chocolate bars, I brought them in case anyone wanted a snack. Want some? 
Ryoji: Oh, that’s okay. I don’t eat sweets that much. 
Mitsuru: I have to say it was quite convenient for the Kirijo Group to have an extra weapon. 
Ken: Yeah, and what’re the odds it was a scythe too?
Ryoji: Hahaha…. I guess.
Koromaru *bark*
Aigis: Koromaru-san is asking that if you’re Death, what will that make of the Reaper?
Junpei: I bet Ryoji here can take him down, no problem! 
Ryoji: I’d rather not stick around to find out. For your sakes.
Ryoji: I was told you lost a close friend to the Dark Hour. I’m sorry for your loss.
Mitsuru: …Thank you, Ryoji-kun.
Akihiko: He’d want us to move forward. There’s no use dwelling in the past.
Ryoji: I guess you’re right. I’m here to help however I can. 
Koromaru: *bark bark* 
Junpei: Hey… you think Koromaru sensed Ryoji’s true identity? 
Ken: Oh, do you mean because  of dogs’  intuition to ghosts and spirits? 
Fuuka: I don’t think Ryoji-kun’s just any ghost though..!
Ryoji: Hey Takeba-san. Can I ask you something?
Yukari: I swear, if it’s you trying to ask me out again…
Ryoji: Oh, that’s not what I was gonna- Wait, do you want me to? Because-
Mitsuru: -I think I saw something important there, leader. Let’s check it out.
Ryoji: This feels too familiar.
Junpei: Kyoto was so fun! School trips should happen more often. 
Yukari: *glare*
Junpei: Eep! 
Ryoji: Ah-! I-I swear, that wasn’t our intention! It was all a misunderstanding! Leader, tell her! 
Mitsuru: Ryoji-kun. Make sure not to strain yourself. 
Ryoji: I’m fine, please don’t worry. I can’t let up in front of a pretty girl like you, now can I? 
Fuuka: Leader… Ryoji seems tired. 
If Makoto has low SP: 
Ryoji: You don’t look good…Please, pace yourself. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.
Plant tending event
anddd thats it so far!! if this post ever needs updating, i definitely will!
thank you so much for reading! it really means a lot!
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choochooboss · 3 days
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Sketch dump! Vol. 3 August 2022
Literally dumping all the presentable works here as promised, whether I’m proud of them or not!
The first image was inspired by a color palette of a random YT playlist thumbnail! I really loved it and wanted to turn it into a cosy travel & rain scene with colorful city lights smeared like dripping wet watercolors. The second one is a KH3 reference! Do you recognise this scene? I don't know how he would possibly end up there in the first place, but he sure is determined to find his dear brother by breaking through the edge of the world!
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How to make Ingo smile, step 1: Make him spell "Emmet"! And a goofy cartoon collision moment ahah!
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They are very satisfied after a challenging match, win or lose, and they want you to come back for another ride! I love the twins as they appear in Pokémas the most and try to capture the personalities their English VAs give in my art. They are adorable, excitable, cool and very much admirable!
Emmet always wants to look cool, and Ingo surely gives the most heartfelt handshakes! This piece was to celebrate 1K followers on Twitter! The first three months were wild as so many people found my works!! I fondly reminisce that time, not only I was doing well with my first fanart account, I also felt very happy in general! I was so in the zone with art, being super creative free of worries. It's awesome to see most of the people who commented this back then are still posting/in contact with me!! Thank you so much for sticking with me and my little shenanigans!
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I still really like these sketches here, love to see this trio having a blast together! The clips are from a movie classic "Singing in the Rain", and below is the final piece:
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Early Breakmas AU sketch (Team Break Submas); going full speed after trainers to collect their pokémon... What would you do if these two giant traffic cones approached you at high velocities?
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Excadrill & Archeops, the soft & fluffy guys! Some of my first sketches of the submas mons. Excadrill has become my no. 1 submas mon, I adore that tough little missile knight! Archeops is definitely one of the most appealing ones! I love how he kinda has 4 wings he glides with. However I cannot unsee the snake in a parrot suit ahahah, pardon me! Also I pity the poor guy's in-battle idle animation where he has to flap SO HARD just to stay afloat!
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Also Durant & Galvantula! I never was a fan of Durant but I've found ways to have fun drawing this little mischievous creature. They're after your ankles nyehehehe~ Galvantula also wasn't appealing to me until submas fever hit but now I think it's a pretty cute beast! I really like how I drew that fur, which is funny because it was that bristly blue fur that didn't strike my fancy back then!
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Still enjoying this sketch! Took me some time to read the lines though ahah, the sketch so loose. He's leading a complete opposite life now...
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Surprise!!! I held an art raffle on my Twitter account once but I never finished the piece for no good explanation other than getting stuck with the depot agent designs. I wanted to finish this so badly but just couldn't get over that mental block. It still bothers me I couldn't do it!
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More KH inspired attempts, this time the stained glass!
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Some expressions! Those snouts I draw for them are so silly ahah
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Oh yikes, mood shift! The situation is looking dire, is his brother okay?? I like how the pose & water turned out!
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'How's it hanging bro?' Who hung him up there anyway?
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Another intense situation, what could this Team Break guy possibly want from him..?! Man, this piece feels so old now but I still like the movie like vibe! That's all just from August!! I was extremely productive back then ahah, it's cool to see how creative and varied stuff I could do!
More and more sketches & WIPs are waiting in the queue! Hope you had fun checking these out!
UPDATE: I had accidentally uploaded some sketches I had already shared in the July 2022 sketchdump so I replaced them with other sketches I had actually forgot I made in August!
Sketch dump Vol. 1: April-June 2022 Sketch dump Vol. 2: July 2022
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pitafish · 9 months
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When the survivor's guilt hits hard, and all you've got under your belt to help are show tunes. --- Cleaned up something I initially shared on Twitter where the first panel was a traditional sketch I did at work.
I haven't seen it dominating the tag, but I have noticed this sort-of unspoken dynamic in depictions of Rayfrog where Rayman/Ramon is the one in need of support and Bullfrog acting as his rock. This is nice, but let's consider how Bullfrog's essentially avoided death three times and might need to process it? He's the last assassin he knows of, the last living Ghost, and he barely escaped a public execution. That shit's gonna hit hard.
And the only thing Rayman/Ramon can do is what he's good at--giving hope and dreams. Song referenced is "Rider's Lullaby" from Centaurworld.
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snepfeathers · 1 month
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Summer's not over quite yet, there's still time to hit the beach! You might want to check the integrity of your chairs though, especially if you plan to indulge while you're there...
sketch comms for @snepperminze and IFeline66 on twitter!
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halveablock · 10 months
hi!! i literally do not know how to use tumblr but i made an account so i could reach out bc i just wanted to say that your jjk art is just so ??? aaaaaa especially your maki art/comics since she's by far one of my favorite characters, i feel like you've got her character down so well and all of your ideas really just hit me fmksfsdfs,,, the first time i saw your work was with your pyre maki zine and when i tell you every time you pop up on my pinterest or twitter feed i go a little bit insane
aw thank you so much anon 🥺 i'm so happy for all the maki love
this msg also made me miss drawing her so i sketch
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novaandmali · 6 months
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We’re making a new book filled with pulpy sci-fi illustrations based on classic artworks (pre-1800), and, as always, LGBT and POC inclusive <3
Applications open March 25th at noon - the application will NOT be available before that time and will be removed after apps close. HUGE shout out to @ Nukeillustrate for this absolutely stunning piece, lovingly borrowed from “And They Were Monsters.”
The application will NOT be available until that date - we will post it here, instagram (nova_mali), bluesky, and tumblr (novaandmali). The application will be open for five days (March 29th) or until we hit 1000 applications. Please be sure to set an alarm and get your application in ASAP - we will not be able to take any applications through email, dms, or after they close.
A tentative schedule:
Results emailed by April 3rd - everyone will get an email! Sketch due May 15 Final work due June 15 Kickstarter runs July 1-31
We are looking for 50-60 artists (who MUST be 18+ years old by April 3) to join us to create a piece of digital art and/or merch. Traditional art is also accepted if scanned/photographed at a professional level.
We're looking specifically to increase the diversity of our artists, both in regards to race and gender - we want to be including all kinds of voices. Same thing with our art - we're looking to increase the variety of cultures, body types, and disabilities represented.
This is a PAID job. We’ve paid in the range of 200-300 for similar projects in the past, based on a set contract amount plus anything left over after production and shipping, split between everyone. Example: $150 in the contract and $100 extra per artist share. The additional amount will depend on how successful the Kickstarter campaign is.
I’ll post more later this week but first and foremost, get ready to go looking for interesting classical art to re-do into pulpy sci-fi! Your app will ask you what you’re thinking about creating. This is not a final answer but we want to know what vibe, what era, etc what you’re thinking about. 
We’re asking for art pieces that are pre-1800. I want you to really get digging and find some epic cool old stuff, particularly from more women artists and artists of color. Non-Western art is very very much included in our scope of work - we can’t wait to see your ideas!
I know older art tends to have weird people or weird perspectives - that doesn't need to translate to your final art. Just get funky with where you're finding inspiration! We will discuss this in more detail once we’ve hired everyone.
We really want to play with the idea of taking something very very old and make it very very futuristic - it should be funky and fun, and of course full of delightfully gay art <3
I’ll post exactly what questions the app will entail later this week.
The application will include things like: a link to your portfolio (instagram and twitter are NOT accepted as a portfolio) and an idea of what art pieces you’re thinking about and how to transform them.
We also ask for a short artist bio, like twitter style - short and sweet. Please don’t talk down about yourself or your skills - talk yourself up! Make me excited to see your art!!
About us: we’re two non-binary lesbians who really love cats and gay art. We’ve enjoyed our work as a queer publishing house and can’t wait to do more! Some of our previous works include classics but make it gay, And They Were Monsters, and Cover Me Queer.
Check out our work at www.novaandmali.com . 
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neragranic · 7 months
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The Final Border
Another Kingdom Hearts sketch finalized! Still trying out the style to learn which steps I prefer and what I need to twist to suit my needs.
I think it actually went smoother than the last one, despite the added complexity - because I started to hit my stride with the style.
Time: 4h 20min
Textures from Pixabay
Process will be posted on my Youtube Channel on a Sunday!
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zigster-ao3 · 21 days
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Redraw of a sketch I did for an older fandom. I posted this to twitter and someone immediately said, "Oh, that's The First Hit's Free, Qimir, isn't it?" Yes, my dude. It is. Tagging @goodbyerobot for this reason hehe
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fullychaotichell · 3 months
Btw I made a twitter!! (I'm not calling it anything else)
I've never had twitter before and I mostly made it so I can check out other cool art! I'm not sure if I'll post much artwork there, I'll have to see, since I mostly just like to post for fun, so if I had to keep up with multiple platforms, that would be too much for me pfff
But who knows! Maybe I'll post work in progress stuff on there, I'm not sure. If anyone has any tips on do's and don't's of twitter, hit me up yeah?
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Anyway, here's some sketches of me trying to figure out my Radioapple Week Day 5 drawing when I didn't have access to my tablet pff (yes, it's been almost a month. Yes, I am determined to finish it anyways)
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