#this shit sat in my folder for almost 9 months now i want it FINISHED and GONE and OUT OF MY SIGHT
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vowofbrotherhood · 1 year ago
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they-lived · 4 months ago
3, 9, 18, 22
3) how you feel about your current wip
I’m SO into everything I’m writing right now! I find that June/July - January is my peak creative season for some reason and I’m LOVING IT!!! I will be riding the lightning until further notice!
9) start to finish how long did it take to write the last fic you posted?
Currently whumptober has me in a chokehold and I am pretty much writing a chapter or more a day so the last 17 days has taken maybe 20 or so days of writing and editing. As far as my last completed piece. We Don’t Stay Down sat in my drafts for almost six months but I finally found a way to finish it that I was happy with!
18) if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic.
So I do keep them but most often I’m keeping them to repurpose later down the line but I do have this:
Sometimes he feels like this love is a festering wound. Gaping and infected, killing them both with every second that passes. He likes the pain, likes pressing on a bruise so he can feel the soreness and know it’s still there. What they share is sin and spite and he bathes in it like sunlight.
22) do you ever worry about the public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past it?
I am a selfish writer this is truly my hobby that I do for me and nobody else. I post it because I don’t want it rotting in my folders and I know that someone out there is enjoying it. I don’t really consider most people when I’m writing though I will think “hell yeah Beth is gonna eat this shit up!” If I have a reader who is as invested as me.
I’d be lying if I said I never think about public perception. Especially when I write dark fic and the like - but it’s kind of negligible in my opinion because if I’m posting something it’s because I have really enjoyed writing it or reading it and want to share that. I’ve been very fortunate that I don’t receive much hate or anything and at the end of the day fandom is a community. In a community you don’t always like everyone and everyone doesn’t always like you but I have the power to curate my experience and make my own music to match to. So yeah long winded explanation complete lol
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darthwheezely · 4 years ago
grande - g.w.
Summary: George meets a mighty adorable barista in the new cafe on Diagon Alley and the man just can’t help himself... based off the song Coffee Girl by Johnny Socko! Sorry this took me absolute ages (9 days oops) to get out, guys :/
Warnings: DIABETIC FLUFF STUPID AMOUNTS OF CARDIAC ARREST INDUCING FLUFF UWU,mentions of sexism, Fred being Fred, cussing probably, alludes to sex, PG/PG-13
taglist or people that might like this but idk: @theweasleyslut @kitwalker02 @loony-loopy-lupinn @wand3ringr0s3 @gcdric @thehufflepuffwife @monoscandal @lupinsclassroom @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @rogueweasleys @band--psycho @lumosandnoxwriting @oh-for-merlins-sake @amxrtentias @virgohufflepuff @vivianweasley
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George Weasley didn’t sleep. This had long been the habit of his ever since he and his parents had discovered that his elder twin Fred had been an avid sleepwalker by age 4, then became a (minor) party animal in his Hogwarts days, and finally when he became the co-owner of one of the Wizard World’s most successful entrepreneurs and business owners.
The man hadn’t slept in about 18 years give or take. And days like this reminded him of it constantly.
It was a Saturday, the first of the month, and to boot, it was about to be Christmas in a little over a week. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes was packed with everyone from couples window shopping, children in desperate need of fun now that school was out, parents trying to keep them in line, and even some old lady named Ethel (who swore she was part Veela, and therefore Fred couldn’t “escape her girlish charm.”)
“Ethel, you have an absolutely ravishing day, and don’t even worry about that moisturizer it’d be a waste of product on a natural beauty like you” Fred winked and kissed the old lady’s hand, George watching from the top of the steps rolling his eyes.
“Oh, Freddie, you know how to keep a lady young, don’t you? Oh - goodbye, Georgie! Have a good rest of your day boys!” She waved majestically to the younger twin on the stairs and he bowed royally in response.
“Bye, Ethel!” They both called as she exited the building, the bells flurrying in her wake.
“Georgie, mate, hate to say it but you are being uncharacteristically quiet and it’s making me uncharacteristically uncomfortable.” Fred said bounding up the stairs to meet him, chuckling briefly.
“Freddie, mate, hate to say it but I’ve had absolutely no sleep as of late and it’s getting to me. But I’ll be back up to my usual antics in no time.” He padded down the stairs, winking at a couple young ladies ogling him, sending them into a fit of giggles. Fred sat down on the middle step eyeing his brother carefully. It didn’t take a genius to see George wasn’t holding on much longer, the dark circles littering his eyes and the way he mussed up his already purposely messy hair just...didn’t comfort his older twin at all.
“George.” Fred sighed, George looking back at him, confused. He took his hands away from the merchandise Wonder Witch he’d been rearranging and gave him full attention.
“Take your lunch break early. And longer if possible.”
“Pffft, why would I do that when I have women to woo and boxes to juggle?”
“Stop, I mean it. You look half dead as it is, just go take a nap or get an espresso from the cafe down the aisle or something that reinforces the idea that yes, you are a human being and no, not a zombie.” Fred crossed his arms feeling suddenly a lot like Molly and dropped the cross. George pretended to ponder this tapping his chin, rather finding the mature brother role reversal funny as hell.
“Oh, alright, but can I still be a zombie when I get back?”
Fred hit him with a folder and sent him on his way.
You had just finished the lunch rush, finally being able to calm down and not have to worry about making one more goddamn Butterbeer Latte for at least another 20 or so minutes...until there’d be another rush. You grabbed a lemon scone, took off your apron and sat against the back counter. You inhaled the citrus scent, it was always something that you loved to savor, and took a bite.
The holidays for the Merlin’s Mochas, the cafe, had been absolutely atrocious so far. All you had for customers were angry businessmen, bratty kids and their upper class parents who let them run around the already small place being rude to everyone, your boss Lionel who had an affinity for calling every woman who worked there a “bitch” (...ok lionel) and to top it all off: you’d been pulling 9 hour days every day except sundays. Needless to say: you kind of super hated your job.
You had just finished your scone when you heard the door chime signal a customer, immediately wiping your hands on your jeans and restrapping your apron.
“Hi how can I-“ oh Jesus this is the hottest man I have ever seen. He was easily no older than 23, fiery red hair, a perfectly tailored striped terracotta suit, green tie, and the most gorgeous doe brown eyes you’d ever seen.
“How can you...?”
“Help you, ohmygod, I am so sorry I’m super-“
“Tired? Yeah me too...interesting how similar we are this early in the game hmm?” He winked at you and your knees felt too weak. No he was just a stupid hot customer that also was really hot and also? Was super hot. No worries, Y/N, just don’t die by 22 okay thanks.
“Very funny...wait are you-“ your finger led from him to the statue outside Wizard Wheezes, realizing a simple oh shit
“Yeah, that would be me. Or my twin Fred but we never really decided, that’s why he kind of looks like both of us mixed. Although we’re twins so we basically look the same anyway. I mean because were identical. Twins, yeah.” George, what the fuck is wrong with you, why are you sweating? She’s just a simply beautiful girl in a simply maddeningly purple coffee shop can you please breathe and not make yourself look stupid-
“Oh, wow! I’ve never met a twin before - not like twins are anomalies or anything it’s just so crazy. Science. Science is crazy” You closed your eyes and took a breath
“We should probably start over shouldn’t we?” You wrinkled your nose.
“That sounds much more redeeming than anything we both were about to say” George breathed out laughing softly, rubbing his hand through his hair.
“I’m George. Weasley. Like I said, I work at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, the shop over there, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this place before...or you for that matter, I never forget a beautiful young woman.” He said smoothly, his heart steadily subsiding - something about you had the power to not only make him scared out of his mind, but also totally at ease.
You returned the smile, warmly, the blood rushing to your cheeks at his compliment and sticking your tongue to your teeth. “Well, George Weasley, of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes I’m Y/N Y/L/N. And yeah, we’re new around here,” you leaned further onto the counter, realizing, albeit a moment too late that your eye level was directly with his abs now, and although he was wearing a suit...you could definitely tell they were there.
“We erm, just opened three months ago. It’s honestly a bit of a time to work here.”
“Oh and why is that?”
“Well, nothing like a blatant sexist to run an entirely female employed establishment and weird stuffy rich people.” Your eyes widened suddenly, and you felt like you had said far too much far too soon. But he gasp-laughed - laugh that ended as soon as it began and burst into a smile...like you had shared a secret with him.
“What the hell is he doing here then? Got a boy’s club to run in a purple coffee shop?”
“I mean you never really know these days, George, imposters are among us at every moment” you purred and pushed off the counter, meaning it as a joke but George’s heart screamed when he heard your name. As you moved to the other edge of the counter, he followed you.
“What a resourceful and cruel young woman, I am starting to like you, Miss Y/L/N.” He clucked. “And do you think of me like you think of Mr. I-Hate-Women-That’s-Why-I-Hire-Them?” He got inches from your face, smelling the coffee beans and vanilla extract that riddled your skin.
“Hmm...Mr. Weasley, I’m not so sure.” You coyly stepped away from him and took long strides to the far end of the coffee bar by the wall. George immediately felt a pit of flirtatious butterflies and (arousal?) something more in his stomach, jaw dropped, he followed you again. He pressed his hands to the counter in front of you.
“Well, how can I convince you?” He asked rather quickly.
“Hmm...” you leaned forward like he did before and his breath hitched in his throat “...let’s get you a cuppa first.”
“Wait, okay let me get this straight-“
“You have 6 other siblings.”
“...because your mom wanted a girl?”
“That-that would in fact be true, yes.”
You thought for a moment.
“So you’re telling me after she made it through you two-“
“-she still wanted to have more of us, believe me, it races through my mind daily.” He nodded vehemently laughing with you. You two had taken to the empty cafe at a table nestled in the corner, him sitting in a chair across from you on a bench. You had both been cracking each other up with stories from your childhoods, like how you both had managed to never know of the other’s existence until now.
He’d discovered that you had transferred from Hogwarts to Beauxbatons early on in your fourth year. You, a Hufflepuff, loved the quiet and soft landscape of the French school. You both had absolutely no idea the other existed. How? The world may never know.
He was brash. You were careful.
He was already flying when you were just feeling comfortable learning how to walk.
But you sat there with him for the better amount of an hour and a half, laughing and interrupting each other with memories of the school years you had, some weird and strange, and especially during fourth year, hard for George to talk about.
Ginny, his baby sister, had almost died. And as he said to you in a candid and highly vulnerable state: he blamed himself for almost letting her go to this day.
“I...I really do believe it was my fault.”
“George, it couldn’t have been your fault. Hogwarts is a big freaking death trap - you and I both know that,” you had said with an exasperated laugh, eager to make him feel better in any facet.
“Yeah, but...I’m her big brother. Yes, she has five other older brothers but...we were supposed to protect her.” He swallowed and blinked back tears. “It was her first year, for Christ’s sake, and I paid about as much attention to her as a doorknob would.” He had rolled his jaw and taken a gulp of his gingerbread latte (you had said it was your favorite, and he was loathe to try anything else) and you had softly draped your hand on top of his.
“If she’s as kind and loving and funny as you, I’d love to meet her.” You quipped, a small smile growing on your face in effort to soothe. He had smiled back at you, turning your hand over in his and drawing his digits lazily over your palm.
“Funny, because I was thinking the same thing.”
He had told you to close your eyes, that much had been true.
See, his coffee had started to get cold. So, like if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll have to have some milk-
If you give a George a latte he will have to not only have another one, but also feel the strenuous need to show off for you and take you to his place of work. Naturally. And it was so lucky that by the time he’d proposed you leave, he even helped you clean and lock up afterwards.
Truthfully, it almost scared you how much he had seemed to care.
“Alright, Y/N, darling, I’m going to release my hands on the count of three, yeah?”
“Perfect, Georgie” you giggled. You’d legitimately only knew him for so long, but you just...you trusted him. He grinned widely, his strong hands only applying a slight amount of pressure as not to hurt you.
“Alright, then. 1. 2-“ he took his hands off your eyes and watched you adjust not only to light, but to your surroundings as well.
“3.” He breathed out taking in the way you smiled like a teenager, face alight with pure inundating wonder. You squealed and started to run around the store.
“Look at these! Pygmy Puffs - ugh they’re so adorable look at this one! Oh, oh - ‘Fizzing Whizbees’ - these look absolutely wicked! And Per- ‘Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder’?” You picked up the glittery stone in your hand, and heard a smooth voice perk up behind you.
“A real money spinner, that one.” You turned around and there was a man that looked absolutely identical to George, although entirely different in the same way.
“Handy if you need to make a quick getaway,” you heard George on the other side of you. He smiled warmly down at you, nodding his head up to look at the twin across from him.
“Y/N, this is my-“
“-older, much more attractive and fiscally responsible brother.” He winked and you blushed almost immediately. “Fred. Weasley.”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Georgie has told me a lot about you and the shop - absolutely marvelous this place is, I cant believe you two created so much in such a short span of time. Brilliant it all is, really!” George had started to flush, rubbing his jaw to seemingly take the red away from his striking face. Fred, upon hearing the genuine warmth from your voice and the unmistakable use of “Georgie” had a small, but highly distinct aha moment:
“Well, we couldn’t have done it all on our own, one of our best friends helped us out a good lot. But thank you, really...it means so much when other people see how much we do and-” he looked directly at George.
“-acknowledge the things we love, right George?”
“Absolutely, Frederick.” Fred had given him the look that seemed to imply: “please, God, make a damn move.”
“Well, Y/N, I’m going to be off and woo some ladies, have a biscuit and do some paperwork” he smiled wide when you giggled, already enjoying your company.
“But I hope to see you again, very soon, yeah? Please stop by whenever you can, we’re alwYs just down the street.”
“Freddie, for your company, I’m not so sure, I’m still deciding.” You quipped. Fred laughed heartily at that and looked at George.
“Georgie, I like this one.” George looked at you and winked.
“Me, too Freddie, me too.” You leaned back on your heels as Fred padded back up the stairs to the flat, now completely alone with George. You threw your arms behind you back and forth and took a long stride to George.
“So...what are you those?” You nodded up to the array of pink bubbles in a clam shape in the corner. He hummed and reached to grab your hand.
“Love potions - c-can I show you?” He raised an eyebrow slightly, but he felt his whole body turn to mush when you accepted his hand and nodded slowly. As he walked with you, you memorized the feeling of his callouses and veins, the way your hand curled deliberately in his.
You wanted to make sure if it was the last time you felt something like that, you had that memory with you for a while.
“Essentially, if you give these to a person they will temporarily have feelings of love and attraction for you. Depending of course on the dosage you use and the weight of the person in question.” He explained. You watched the way his suit jacket pulled taut against his back muscles and instinctively wanted to honestly just take the whole thing off-
“Hmm...I don’t know about these, Georgie.” You hummed mischievously. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
He scoffed placing a dramatic hand over his heart. “Am i being questioned in my own establishment, Miss Y/L/N?”
You rolled your eyes and hit his arm, bowing slightly at him. “Well, do forgive my feminine insolence, Mr. Weasley, it’s not often I meet such bewitching mad scientists like you.” You watched his face grow blank for a moment at your compliment and immediately wanted to throw up.
“George, I’m really sorry, I know we just became friends-“
“Do you mean it?” He took a step towards you. You swallowed finding again his perfect milk chocolate eyes. You nodded.
“Hell yeah I did, you’re smart...and wicked hot” you both laughed at that. He took another step, the distance being unbearably harder to live in as his digits found a piece of hair and wound it behind your ear.
“Well, darling, the feeling is quite mutual.” He said quietly, taking in the whole of your face. He wanted to crash his lips onto every possible nook and crevice of your face, collide with you entirely.
“We’re going to have to do something about that, then, aren’t we?” You gently nudged his nose with yours and wrapped your arms around his neck, his strong and powerful arms pulling you to him gently. He wanted you to feel him not to break under his embrace. He leaned down and brushed his lips up to yours, feeling you whine and let out a minuscule sound.
“Got you making noises for me already and haven’t even kissed you yet, hmm?”
Your eyes fluttered close and one of your legs made it’s way in between his, snapping any chance at loose air between you two out of the way.
“Please, Weasley, pants a bit small for you?”
“Keep talking like that and they might, yeah.” You two laughed softly and with a final look to your lips he closed the last gap.
His mouth was perfect. His lips ghosted over yours one last time before wrapping every part of himself onto your frame, your lips entangled in each other like you’d never be able to taste him again.
But it was loving and slow and sweet. He tasted like gingerbread lattes and pastries and cinnamon and licking into his mouth you could feel the spice. He moaned lightly into your mouth, sending your knees buckling. He dipped you slightly, a hand traveling to your lower back to keep you steady, and his other hand coming up to nestle under the nape of your hair. Your hands caressed his face, his chest, needless to say? You wanted them everywhere. You wanted him everywhere.
The kiss broke and you and George were left breathless in each other’s hold, your foreheads pressed together as he kept you slightly dipped.
“Y/N, I’m feeling a bit tired” he quipped hoarsely, pressing a brief kiss to your lips and onto your neck. You hummed satisfactorily.
“Georgie, you’re gonna need another latte aren’t you?” You set multiple chaste kisses to his lips and cheeks, feeling him rumble with a small giggle. He caught your mouth with his and you moaned slightly.
“I’m gonna need a whole pot, to drink you in, love.”
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kpopnstuff1 · 6 years ago
Unrequited Love
AN: Hope you find this Namjoon x Reader fic intresting. I worked hard on this and I hope you like it. Sorry if there are mistakes. Please send feedback and or requests. BORAHAE <3 <3 <3 <3
Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 PT8 Finale
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Being out of school and into the real world had always scared you. Even if you were used to it. You had started working since you were 15 and you had always wanted it that way. Your family came from a lot of money, old money to be exact. Your great great something found oil somewhere and well the rest is history. You honestly didn’t care. You thought everything was so stupid. Your family always cared about social stance and stupid money related stuff. That is why you had left the U.S and moved to Korea. You wanted to separate yourself as much as you could.
You were lost in thought and had almost missed your bus stop. Today was your first day at a new job. You had applied as a secretary while you finished your schooling. It was going to be tough but you knew you could do both. Besides you weren't the only secretary. There were 2 secretaries above you. Apparently the CEO of this company needed 3 in order to function. You didn’t bother getting to know him since one of the other secretaries had told you that they would tell you everything you needed to know about your new boss. You had heard horror stories on how rude and how cold he could be so you had prepped yourself this morning. Making yourself feel so confidant, no one could make you feel bad.
“Ah you must be Y/N! You’re early, I like that. My name is Sunni and I’m Mr. Kim’s main secretary.” she extended her hand and you gave it a firm shake. “Tiffany is upstairs with Mr. Kim right now. She will be filling me in today. Poor girl.” she said as she gave you a sad look. “Okay follow me, I’m going to take you to our office.” You quickly followed behind. “We have an office?” you asked with a shaky voice. “Yes we have a small office. Mr. Kim gave us that room so all his things can be in one place. Plus that way all his paperwork is safe from prying eyes. It’s not too great but it’s better than a small desk in the halls like everyone else. Plus when Mr. Kim is busy outside of the office he has other secretaries. That’s when it gets fun because we can talk and listen to music while we work in our office. “Everything seems very fast paced. I’m kind of worried.” You laughed nervously as she opened a door. “Don’t worry, you will do fine. To be honest you have the easiest job out of the three of us. Anyway, please sit down.
You walked into the office, bigger than you had expected. There was a small grey couch and white rug in the center and three desks along the walls. The walls were a mint color and had twinkling lights on the wall. “This is so nice.” “Thank you Y/N. I hope you like it. Feel free to add things here and there.” you nodded.
It had been 2 hours since you had gotten there and she had gone over all the rules with you. You signed privacy papers and papers about falsification , you felt like you had signed your life away. “Mr. Kim is very careful huh?” “yes he is. That’s why he has a total of 5 secretaries. He keeps his life organized.” “Can I ask you a question Sunni?” she nodded putting all your papers in a folder. “So we basically went over everything he likes and how he is and all the rules. But what exactly am I going to be doing?” “oh Y/N, how silly of me. I forgot to tell you the most important thing. You will be taking care of his meetings. You will Schedule in any meetings that he might have and also schedule in his trips for said meetings. Also when he has meetings here in the office you will take notes for him. Any more questions?” You shook your head. “Let's go meet Mr. Kim.” your stomach turned. You were nervous to meet this man.
“Mr. Kim I would like you to meet Y/N. She is your meeting coordinator.” You bowed and he nodded. “Thank you Sunni, you can step out. I have some questions for miss Y/L/N.” She looked surprised as she left the room. “Please, sit down.” you sat down quickly. He kept looking you up and down, and that had made you so nervous. You felt your blood rush to your face and thinking about it only made your legs begin to shake. “So, why did you come to work for me miss Y/L/N?” “Well, I need a job to pay for school and i’m an organized person so I thought I would be great for this job.” He nodded. “I think you are in the wrong profession. You should be an idol or a model.” You were surprised by what he had said. You didn’t know how to respond so you just stayed quiet. He turned around to look at you. “You don’t think you’re pretty he?” he asked as he leaned on the desk in front of you. “I, ugh. I guess I am a little.” He smiled and it made you melt. Mr. Kim Namjoon was so handsome but you tried not to look at him or you would blush. “Pretty and modest. Hard to find these days. May I ask you something miss Y/L/N?” you nodded. “Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked as he sat next to you to rub your thigh.
“That is something private, but if you have to know. No I don’t.” you almost screamed. You had clearly cut the mood in him because he quickly stood up and walked to the door opening it for you. “That will be all, I will see you tomorrow.” he said without looking at you. You walked out and slammed the door. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to do on your first day on the job, but he had crossed the line by asking you personal stuff and touching you.
The day had been so long, and you were exhausted. You never imagined being a secretary would take this much out of you. You arrived home and took a shower. When you were about to sit down to eat your phone rang.
“Y/N! How are you?”
“What do you need Mother?”
“How rude of you honey. Who says I need anything.” you sighed
“Because mother, every time you call me it's either to yell at me or because you need a favor.”
“Fine, I’ll get to the point. We have an emergency and we need you to step in. I know you hate these things but everything is set all you have to do is go and sign the papers.”
You rolled your eyes at your phone.
“Mother, I moved here to avoid all this shit. Why do I have to do it. Can’t my father come and do it.”
“We are on our way to the airport now but i’m afraid we won’t make it on time.”
You hated dealing with their important stuff. But at the end of the day they were your family and you were not about to let them down more that you already had.
“Fine, Where and what time?” the line went quiet. “Mother?”
“Well, were you work at 9. With Mr. Kim Namjoon. And honey please wear something nice. Something better than today.” she quickly hung up.
What!! My mother would pull something like this. She had probably sent the investigator to check up on me and she took the opportunity to send me on her errands because of that. My mother had the habit of not talking to me for months but every so often she would send PIs to check up on me. It was annoying really, but it made me feel safer knowing they kept an eye on me.
I lost my appetite so I went to my room to look for something to wear. I found a maroon dress in the back of my closet and set it aside for tomorrow.
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I shot up disoriented, I quickly looked at my phone. I had slept through my alarm. I quickly got in the shower and changed. I was going to miss my bus if I didn’t hurry up. I put on some makeup and brushed out my hair. I threw on some nude heels and grabbed the only designer bag I had brought to Korea. I caught a glance at myself in a hall mirror. It was funny how clothes made me look like a totally different person. The person in front of me looked  like a million dollars. I laughed and quickly walked out of the building. “Miss Y/L/N.” “Oh my gosh, Sebastian! I haven’t seen you in ages.” “Hello to you too. I missed you Y/N. How is my munchkin doing?” Sebastian had been my driver since I was 11 so when I moved he had stayed back in the U.S. Sebastian was basically my father. Him and my nanny Marisol raised me while my parents were busy doing other things. I started to feel the tears coming. “Lets go Sebastian. I’m going to be late.”
“Thank you for the ride Sebastian. Lets eat lunch later okay.” he nodded and waved as I scurried into the building. I walked up to Tiffany’s desk a little shy. “Hi Tiffany, is Mr. Kim available for his 9 o’clock?” she was busy typing something in. “yea, but they are in his office now.” “who is that?” I asked a little shocked. Had I gotten the wrong time from my mother. Tiffany looked up “woah, Y/N you look….so different.” a nervous laugh escaped my mouth. “Well I’m supposed to be meeting him on a non work related thing.” “wait, are you the Y/L/N daughter. The millionaire family from the U.S?” shit, well there goes my job. “Yea, thats me. But please don’t change with me just because of that.” she smiled and nodded. “Well I believe your mother and father are inside. You can go in if you’d like.” “Thanks.” I said a little confused. I knocked on his office door and walked in without getting an answer first. “Ah the woman of the hour.” I rolled my eyes at him. He was looking out the window not even paying attention to me. “Mother...father. What are you doing here. I thought you weren’t coming until later tonight.” I said as I took a seat next to my mother. “Why would they not come to sign you over to me. It's the least they can do for all the trouble they have caused me and my family.” I shot up in my chair. “Sign over? What do you mean sign over?”
Namjoons POV
It's the least they can do for all the trouble they have caused me and my family.” I turned around. Right as I was going to say something I lost all track of thought. Y/N looked stunning and it shocked me a little. Yesterday she was cute and all but today she looked stunning, so beautiful. Almost angelic in a strange way. I sat down and tried to explain everything. “You see, your father here tried doing bad business with one of my competitors even though he has a contract with me. And I won’t except it. I’m going to blacklist your family.” “What! You can’t” she slammed her hands on my desk. She was inches away from my face. She smelled so sweet. “I Was going to blacklist your family, but your mother here saved the day. She came up with a better plan.” Y/N turned around and gave her mother a confused look. “Honey, you see we had to do this. We can’t ruin everything because of your stupid father. You have always done what you wanted and we let you. So you have to do this for us. Please just this once.” “Mother what are you talking about. Can anyone tell me what’s going on.” Her father finally spoke “You are marrying Namjoon. His family will spare us if you marry him.”
You couldn’t believe what was happening. How could your parents sign you away without remorse. You snapped out of it and hit the first thing you saw, which was Namjoon’s face. “You two are done here. Leave me with Y/N.” Namjoon said in a stern face. Your parents quickly got up and left without speaking a word. “If you are going to be mad, be mad at your parents. Don’t take it out on me.” he said as he grabbed you by the wrist and lead you to the chair. You couldn’t help but begin to cry. You knew in your heart you wouldn’t deny the proposal and that’s what made you sad. That even though your parents didn’t  give a crap about you. You still cared about them and of course your two younger siblings. “Look, I’m not as bad as you think. I’m really not too horrible. Yes I have my temper and maybe i’m kind of cold with people but we won’t even see each other much.” Namjoon said as he rubbed your shoulder. “Why me? Why marriage. Do you want someone to fuck then let's do that. But don’t make me give up my opportunity to marry someone that I love.” You started to reach for his pant zipper but Namjoon stopped you. “Look, to be honest i’m stuck in this just as you are. My parents arranged this with your parents. To me it's not a big deal because you’re beautiful and well I do what they want.” he stayed quiet. Almost showing you he was sad. “Why would they arrange something like this?” you asked as you got up to get some water. “I’m getting older and My father is sick and dying. When he leaves us he will leave everything to me. It looks better if i’m married. The investors will feel more secure in me managing the family companies. I don’t have time to mingle and go out so this is just easier for me.” You didn’t like any of it but you knew it was the right thing to do. “I understand, I will do it. Not for me, but for them. Even if they don’t think about my future I think about theirs and my siblings. “So how should we get to this?” “Well, you can hire anyone you want and plan the whole thing. I don’t care. We need to do it as soon as possible so please keep that in mind.”
“I don’t care about planning anything.” He rolled his eyes. “Okay I will have my secretaries plan everything. After the wedding you will move in with me. We have to keep up with appearances. Speaking of which. You will no longer work here. My wife will not be a secretary. And you might as well forget about school. You’re going to be a housewife like all the women I my family.” You were going to start fighting, but you had no strength. You simply nodded and walked out of the office. In that short amount of time your life changed. And not for the better.
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mellicose · 7 years ago
That Woman Over There - Chapter 23
A You Me and Him Fix-it Fic
Rating: Teen, for some mature themes
Word count: 3832
Warnings: none
Summary: ~ Set after the birth of Monty, Olivia’s baby ~ A dear friend of Olivia comes to visit for a week, and she disturbs the fragile peace between her, Alex, and John.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 |
Alex slammed into the gallery, cursing. She forgot to bring a damn umbrella, of all things. She shook herself off and threw down her bag. Rainwater dripped off it, to the parquet floor. The place was eerily dark. She wondered whether it was on purpose. She sniffed at the air. It smelled a bit like John’s house.
Her chest burned. “Fuck,” she said out loud. She wondered whether he hated her, and whether she’d ever smell his house again. She looked around and noticed pieces of art in pools of light. She walked to the closest one.
A painting. Fleshtones. Abstract, but the image began to take form in her brain almost immediately. Bodies. There was something about the sumptuous curves of the negative spaces … but she felt like she was missing something. The paint had a matte quality, a texture that fascinated her.
“It looks like living, breathing flesh, no?”
“Goddamnit!” she said, jumping aside. A lithe man in a striped t-shirt and a pair of jeans stood behind her.
He stood beside her and smiled a cheshire cat grin that was oddly nostalgic. He hugged his slim arms.
“Flesh, no?” he repeated.
“Yes, but there’s something off. I can’t tell where one body ends and the other begins,” she said. Her heart was only slowing now. He drifted the scent of cedar to her. Cedar and … violet? Her eyes drifted to him again. He wore a neat goatee and mustache, and his eyes were the color of his hair - golden brown.
He nodded, and stretched. His shirt rode nearly to the bottom of his ribcage. His smooth belly flexed. His jeans rode low on his hips, and she saw so much happy trail it made her blush.
“You can look away at any time,” he said, giving her a half grin. She didn’t know she was staring. “Not that I mind. You’re cute.”
Her cheeks were hot. Whether it was embarrassment or something else, she didn’t care to figure out.
“You are Alex?” he said, turning to her.
“How’d they get the paint to look like that?” she said, looking back at the painting.
“I don’t know how she does it. That’s why it’s here,” he said.
“Ah,” she said. “Yeah. I’m Alex.” She held out her hand. Again, he smiled as they shook hands.
“How professional,” he said. “You’ve got a firm handshake.”
She shrugged. “Want to see my work?”
“Of course. No more flirting. Straight to business.”
“I’m not flirting,” she said, walking to her bag and digging in it for her laptop. “I’m-” she stopped. She was going to say she was gay. But it wasn’t true. At least, not all the way true. But she could still say it. She gave him a sidelong glance. She decided against it.
“You’re what?” he said. “Taken? If so, I’m sorry.”
She frowned. “No. Not taken.” She coughed.
He nodded. “Come, let’s go upstairs. There’s more light in my flat.” He walked to the far corner. He opened a door to an elevator.
“It’s one of those fancy personal ones,” she said as she entered behind him.
“Yeah. I don’t want a nosy visitor finding their way to my personal space,” he said. He punched in a code. It moved up smoothly. She caught another whiff of cedar.
“Again, you’re sniffing,” he said, smiling.
“Oh. Yeah. You smell a lot like a friend of mine,” she said, smiling bashfully.
“You close?” he said, opening the door. Beyond, was open space with islands of tasteful furniture.
“He’s my best mate,” she said. She hoped it was still true.
“He has good taste, then.”
“It’s not a perfume. It’s, uh, he works with wood, so the smell sticks to him.”
“Carpenter?” he said as he guided her to what looked like an office.
“Artist,” she said confidently. “He makes beautiful things. Precious things. You know, keepsakes.”
“Ouiai,” Alphonse said, and offered her a seat in front of his computer.
“The screen big enough for ye?” she said, and chuckled. It was at least 45 inches.
“I use this to view art,” he said.
“Sure, mate. Art.” she said, and handed him her USB with a sardonic grin she couldn’t wipe off.
His lips trembled with mirth. “You’re not terribly formal, are you?” he said.
“Should I be? This isn’t like, a proper interview, is it?” she said, and slung a leg over the arm of the office chair. “This chair’s rad, by the way. It’s ergonomic, right?”
“Maybe not how you’re using it,” he said. The screen came on and she lost her balance and fell back.
“Holy fuck! I can see colors I didn’t even know existed,” she said, crawling back up to the desk and standing up. “Sorry about the language.”
“Speak however you like. This isn’t the Vatican,” he said.
She looked over his shoulder.”There’s the folder with my work.”
She swore when he clicked on the first photo. “That’s bloody gorgeous,” she said. “Okay, you’re absolutely right. This screen is a requirement. All I’ve got is my mam’s grotty little 200 quid laptop. I can see every single brush stroke with this thing.” She leaned forward. “It’s brilliant.”
“Now you see the method to my madness,” he said.
“Yah, I do. It’s definitely not just for porn,” she said. She nodded.
He burst out laughing. “You have absolutely no filter, do you?” he said.
“Why? Should I? I have a feeling the posh art buyers might cringe at me, eh?” she said.
“Maybe you’re not the affected art school type, but it honestly doesn’t matter. Most of them don’t even know what they’re looking at anyway. They just buy to say they did. It’s very rare to find collectors with an actual eye for talent. That’s where I come in.”
“You’re an art dealer,” she said, emphasizing the last word. “You make the good shit available to ‘em.”
“Exactly,” he said. 
“You scare your fancy customers down there?”
“You were in my space,” he said.
“You could’ve made noise walking up, like normal people.”
He crossed his legs, and she noticed that he was barefoot. “Again, my space.”
She smiled. “Sorry. But I almost wee’d myself.” She squirmed.
“You need the loo?” he said.
“I think so,” she said. He pointed to a frosted glass cube in a corner of the apartment. She sighed. “Seriously?”
He winked. He watched her walk away. She was a bit rough around the edges, but her honesty was refreshing. Perhaps he had been around posh art students for too long. Even her shape was more inviting – curvy in places where so many others had on-trend angles.
“This is ridiculous,” she yelled as she closed the glass door behind her. “There’s no privacy whatsoever.”
“I live alone,” he said. He felt strange yelling in his own apartment.
“And when you have … guests?” she said.
“I don’t really hold parties in this space – any guests here are usually beyond that kind of embarrassment.”
“Oh. Yeah,” she said, and flushed. She looked around. There was a large shower in front of her, also glass. It was fancy in a way that made her uncomfortable. She couldn’t imagine washing her body in a place like that. And it was a place, not just a shower. The chrome fixtures gleamed, and the bottles on the shelf were not in English. She wondered whether they smelled like wood. She washed her hands, saw no towel, and dried them on her shorts. She felt weird letting the water dry on the sink. It would get spots.
“Hey, do you wipe down the sink?” she said as she walked back up.
“Shhhhhhh,” he said. He leaned forward, looking intently at one of her blue period pieces. At least, that’s what she called it. It was not naturalistic, but also not as abstract as some of the pieces she saw downstairs. “Viens-ici,” he said, and beckoned to her. “Tell me about this.”
She took a deep breath. “It’s the last piece I painted before I stopped for a while. I just sort of … sat in front of a canvas and let the brush do the talking.”
“Yes, it speaks volumes,” he said. He hugged himself again. “What’s most striking is that although the composition hints at desolation, you did not use the stereotypical washed out palette. It’s searingly bright.”
“I couldn’t stand using muted colors.” She echoed his action, hugging herself. “She deserves better than shades of gray.” She shivered.
“She?” he said.
“Jo,” she said softly.
“An ex?” he said.
“My daughter, who died last year right before being born.”
He gasped.”Ah, petite. J'en suis désolé,” he said. He patted her hand, and for some reason, she burst into tears again. He stood and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his narrow frame and wept into his chest.
“I’m a mess. I’ve had the worst day ever. I think I just lost everything.”
“How do you mean?” he said.
It surprised her that he even cared. She didn’t know where to start. He was a stranger, so lying wasn’t worth the effort.
“My fiancee just broke up with me. She was right to do it. And I just fucked up my relationship with my best mate. At least, if he’s got any sense.”
“Eh,” he said. He didn’t expect the full truth. She was extraordinary.
“When you say “just”, do you mean in the last month or something?” he said. He rubbed her back. Her hair smelled like cigarette smoke and satsuma.
“I mean, today. Earlier.”
He pulled her away to look at her. “Putain. And you’re here?”
“I’ve got nothing left … what’s your name again?” She wiped her face with her arm.
“Alphonse. You can call me Alfie if you like.”
“Alfie. Sounds posh,” she said. “You don’t like Alphonse?”
“I’m named after my dad. He’s as asshole,” he said.
“‘Least you know ‘im,” she said, and sniffed.” I’ll call you Alfie, then. Don’t wanna be bringing back any bad memories. I don’t usually get like this.” She finished wiping her eyes, but her lips still quivered.
“You want a beer?” he said.
“God yes,” she said. He ran to the kitchen space and opened a giant fridge built into a brick wall “Jesus, man, got enough space in there?” she said. There was actual food in it. Like John, he liked to cook.
“You peckish? I’ve got some leftover cold sesame noodles,” he said, putting two bottles of beer on the counter. She shrugged, but approached the counter, curious. He pulled out a plastic tub and opened it.
“It’s not takeaway,” she said. The noodles were glossy with oil, and dotted with toasted sesame seed and green onion. “Smells amazing.”
“I made them for dinner. As ever, I made too much. I suppose some habits die hard,” he said, and handed her a fork.
“Cooking a lot?” she said around a mouthful of noodles.
“Adjusting to cooking for one again,” he said, and sat on a stool opposite her. “Tell me more about that piece. I noticed that it’s unfinished. Or am I wrong?”
She took a sip of her beer. “That’s perceptive,” she said. “This is delicious, by the way. Better than from a restaurant.”
“Merci,” he said. “I have a mild obsession with asian cuisine.”
“Was your ex girlfriend from there?” she said, taking another generous mouthful.
“Perceptive,” he said. She winked. “No, she isn’t. She’s Portuguese. But she’s a chef who specializes in pan-asian cuisine. She got me hooked.”
“She’s a chef? If I dated a chef I’d gain two stone in a year,” she said. “I’d wear it as a point of pride.”
He laughed. “I wish, but I can’t. Genetics won’t really let me gain much of anything. Some might consider it a blessing. I guess it is.” He shrugged.
“Uhuh,” she said. “I was like that until I hit 25. After that, things started happening in this area,” she said, gesturing to her middle.
“I’m quite a few years over that, and nothing’s happened yet,” he said.
“How old are you?”
“39,” he said.
“Really? You look amazin’, bruv,” she said. She blushed at the ease with which she gave him the compliment, but she didn’t regret it. He beamed.
“I avoid sunlight whenever possible,” he said.
“Okay, Nosferatu,” she said. She looked at the sweating bottle of beer in front of her. She liked him. He seemed like a good bloke, and he hadn’t acted funny when she burst into tears. She didn’t know what she expected when she came, but definitely not him. She looked at him. His eyes were gold, with flecks of green near the iris. It was one of her favorite color combinations.
“You’re staring again,” he said. She was so zoned in she didn’t see his smile.
“Your eyes. The green is nice,” she said, then stuffed her hands in her pockets.
“Thanks. My maman has Persian blood. I get my eyes from her,” he said. “And in more ways than one. She’s the artist. My father thinks art is a hobby.”
She snorted. “My mam’s the same. She thinks I should go to school to become a nurse’s assistant. But I can’t stand the sight of blood. I’m working on being a teacher, maybe.”
“Maybe?” he said, opening another beer for her. She took it gratefully.
“Liv, my fi-my ex-fiancee, suggested it. She had a baby too, Monty. He’s the sweetest little guy you’ll ever meet. He’s gonna be one year old in a month and a half.” She took a deep swig of beer. Her eyes started to swim again. He walked beside her.
“He’s going to be one. And you said you lost Jo last year…” he said.
“It’s a hella long story, mate,” she said. “And you’re a stranger.”
“I’ve got an empty dance card and a case of beer,” he said, walking to a nearby sofa. “Let’s get acquainted.”
She stared out one of his large windows. The night was setting in, and it was pouring rain.
“I think we should wrap up the art stuff. It’s pissing outside and I’ve got to take a train back to Bristol...” her voice failed. She didn’t know where she was gonna go once she got there. She would have to speak to Olivia, then her mam. She dreaded the latter far more than the former.
“I can give you a ride to the station, if you like,” he said.
“Ah,” she said. “You that bored that you wanna listen to my long list of fuck ups?” she said. She sat on the other side of the sofa. She wished she could kick off her boots.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” he said.
“You just wait till I get into it, boyo,” she said.
“So that means you’ll stay for a bit,” he said. “I will open my ears and refrain from any possible censure until you’re done.”
“Century what?” she said, making a face.
“Censure. It means a strong or vehement expression of disapproval.”
“Huh. Whatever.” She looked down at her lap. She looked so lost. It made him want to stroke her rain-frizzy blond hair. She broke up with her fiancee just today, yet here she was, braving wind and rain to show him her worth. It was beyond his capacity to understand. He had not gotten out of bed for three weeks after Lorena left him, and it had been over two months until he was able to face the world. It was still difficult to adjust. She had been his life for six years.
“Where are you?” he said.
“I couldn’t finish it,” she said, tracing the shapes printed on her tights. She took a deep breath. He waited patiently. “At the time. It was, like…”
He moved a little closer, but made sure to give her plenty of space.
“It was like admitting she was finished. That her story was over,” she said. “I couldn’t bear it.” She hiccuped, but kept her composure. “I don’t even know why that’s in there. It’s a mess.”
“You keep saying that,” he said.
“Because it’s true. My life’s a mess. My work. My brain. They’re all one great big horrible mess.”
“You also said it’s unfinished,” he said softly.
“The painting? Yeah.”
“You don’t get me,” he said. He used his hands to speak, and it was beautiful to see. “I mean, it’s unfinished. Your life. Your brain. You. You’re young, no?”
“Old enough to know better about things, though,” she said, crossing her arms.
“You haven’t told me your unforgivable trespasses, but obviously not,” he said.
Her mouth dropped open.
He smiled. “I know you can’t see it from the inside looking out, but I have faith in you. You’ll right the wrongs of which you speak.”
“You don’t know me, bruv,” she said, taking a sip of beer. “I’m, like, the queen of fuckups.”
“That’s why it’s faith. If 2.2 billion Christians can believe in an invisible God, I can believe you’re not an incorrigible fuck up.”
She scratched her head. This bloke was something else. She rolled her eyes and gave him a half-grin.
“Alright. But you haven’t heard what I did yet,” she said.
“Will it explain the mystery of you and your ex being with child at the same time at some point? I am very rudely curious about that. Did you do it on purpose?”
“No,” she said loudly. “I didn’t.”
“Okay,” he said, and stretched his legs out. “We’re getting to the meat of the story.”
“I’ll bore you with my stupidity, but what does this have to do with my art?”
“We’ll figure it out along the way,” he said. “Talk to me.”
“Whatever. So my girlfriend got pregnant without telling me. I was really angry, and I got blind drunk and got off with our next door neighbor, John…”
“Wait. You’re gay?” he said.
She bit her lip. This was the first time she was going to say it out loud to someone she didn’t really know. But considering the stuff she was sharing, it couldn’t be that bad.
“I’m bi. I go both ways,” she said. She paused, as if waiting for peals of thunder and lightning, but the rain continued, silent and dark. “I didn’t know it at the time. But that comes later.”
“I see,” he said. “Take your time. I’m here all night.”
“Yeah. So, all it took was one night, and I was well preggers.”
“By the neighbor? Fuck,” he said. “And he was okay with it?”
“John? We became best mates during the pregnancy. He was in love with me or whatever, but we dealt with it. Now he’s in love with Connie.”
“What?” he said up. “So your ex girlfriend got pregnant without telling you. Then, you got off with your neighbor John, got pregnant after one night, and you’re still living by each other?”
“Yep,” she said.
“And now Encarnacion is with John, the father of Jo, and in love? Wasn’t she with Ella?
“Her and Ella went kaput last year. Big drama – at least, the bits I heard. Super messy.”
“I believe you now,” he said, eyes wide. He had to call Encarnacion. Her and Ella had once felt as immutable as a mountain. But Vesuvius most probably felt the same to the Pompeiians. “You remained friends?”
“Of course. Even after Jo. Like I said, he’s my absolute best mate. Or, possibly, was.”
“If you could endure that triangle, what happened to break it?”
She looked out the window again. She wondered what he was doing. Connie, most probably. He deserved happiness. She couldn’t get the indignant look on his face when she confessed. She never wanted to see that look on his face again.
“Oh,” he said softly. “Oui.”
“What?” she said, snapping out of her train of thought.
“You developed feelings for him. That’s why you broke up with your fiancee.”
She kicked off her books and started pacing the open space in front of the window.
“I’ll have you know she broke up with me,” she said. “He’s the father of my girl,” she said. “Jo was ours.”
“You said he was in love with you. What happened to change that?”
She snorted. “I’m a fool. A damn fool.” His brows rose. “He moved on. I suppose to keep his sanity, but he did. Fully.”
“With Encarnacion,” he said.
“Who is Olivia’s best friend,” she said.
He brightened up. “How is Olivia? She was a hell of a drinking buddy, back in the day.”
“Drinking buddy, huh? Of course,” she said, but she didn’t ask. It was just another story Liv hadn’t bother to tell her. “She’s fine, I hope.”
“You’ve given me only the blurb, but it already sounds like a hell of a story,” he said.
She sat on the windowsill, which was lined with silk pillows. “I think I’ll need something stronger than lager to really get into it,” she said. She held out the half-empty beer bottle.
“I’ve got vodka in a freezer,” he said, taking it.
“That’s good. Pour a drop of juice in. I’m still nursing a hangover.”
“As one does,” he said with a smile, and handed her a glass. He sat against the wall, at her feet. “So, start at the beginning.”
“At the actual beginning, or when everything got fucked?”
“At the very beginning,” he said, nursing his beer. He was a believer that you could tell a lot by a person by the kind of conversation they had. There are people who could talk your ear off for hours, but in the end, you didn’t know them any better. And there were people like Alex – open to a beautiful fault. He already knew he would be crazy about her. Whether it was romantically or not, he couldn’t ascertain now. But he’d know soon enough.
“I met Olivia online, on a dating site. I’d joined as a gag, but in less that 24 hours, I had over 30 messages…”
They talked until dawn, and in the interim, he figured it out.
Next Chapter
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smutbangtan · 8 years ago
Office Files - Chapter 2 “Case File”
Tumblr media
Word Count: 5,174
Summary: You are a lawyer at a major company. You’ve been given the responsibility to oversee an intern.
Paring: Reader x Jimin x Namjoon x Jungkook
Genre: Smut
When Jimin walked into your office, he was expecting some 50 year old woman stomping around and angrily talking on her phone. But that wasn't what he saw at all. Instead, he saw a woman in her later 20's dressed in sleek office wear and heels which shouted money. Your hair draped off one shoulder like silk curtains. He wasn't going to let your soft features fool him. From what he's heard, you're dangerous and not the person to cross over. He mentally prepared himself, and knew that if he really wanted a place in this company, he's going to work hard. Even harder, knowing now that you're his boss now. He had to ooze confidence and knowledge.
"Ice Queen" He thought.
There was a moment of silence between you and Jimin, as both of you stood there inside your office. Jimin hesitated a little and started drumming his fingers on his side, not entirely sure what to say or even do. You stared at him, eyeing him down then letting out a sigh. You were given an intern in the last minute, and you had no idea what to do with him. You could make him do a paper run, possibly a lunch run and do orders for everyone in the office? You thought. There was knock on your door that broke the silence and both of you turned to see who it was.
"Come in" You said.
Katy opened the door a little and popped her head in with a small smile. She looked over at Jimin then at you again. Jimin smiled at her a little, remembering her from earlier. At least he knew a familiar face.
"I have your coffee here Ms Y/N"
"Oh yes, thank you for that." You walked past Jimin and grabbed the coffee off her with a nod. You closed the door when Katy left then you turned around, looking over at your files piled on your desk. An idea popped into your mind. This entire time Jimin was shitting bricks. He didn't know what you had in store for him, and he had a small feeling that he might end up being the paper boy, and doing small errands around the office instead of taking in real cases. He understood that one must to start from the bottom and work to the top, if you assigned him to be a errand boy, so be it.
"What do you know about the Carter case?" You asked him softly after taking a sip of your coffee, eyeing him above the curve of your cup. His right hand moved out of his pocket then scratched the back of his neck, with a slight frown as though trying to remember something.
"Oh, I believe it's about an apartment complex dispute and a community hub?" He looked over at you, unsure of his answer. You lifted a brow, impressed by his answer. I guess he's not that stupid after all.
You took a few steps to your desk and lifted one of the three files that you had to complete. Without looking at him, you stretched out your hand with the file and expected him to walk over and take it as you spoke.
"You're in charge of the case. Go through the dispute and paper work and tell me if you find any inconsistencies. There's a few contacts in there that you might need to speak to in case you need further information. Tell them you speak on behalf of me."
Jimin's eyes widened a little, and felt a little excited but he kept it all hidden under his cool demeanor. He stepped forward and took the file, opening the manila folder and scanning through the documents. You turned and looked at him once more.
"I wasn't told that I will be taking in a intern until 5 minutes ago." You said bluntly.
"Tell me what you find, you'll have until 4pm today to complete it. I need it ready by tomorrow" You added.
Jimin nodded "I'll get it done." Ran his fingers through his hair.
He then asked "Have I been assigned a desk?" shutting the folder and holding it to his side.
You lifted a finger at him, as though you just remembered something then leaned back to press the red button on your desk phone. "Katy could you please come here" Seconds later, Katy walked in with a paper and note pad expecting to take notes. You set the coffee cup down pointed at Jimin "Could you find Mr Park a desk, and preferably a place where I can keep an eye on him" You added. When Jimin heard this, he pursed his lips. He wasn't going to be intimidated he reminded himself.
Katy smiled and wriggled her fingers at Jimin with a silent 'hello'. Jimin smiled at her softly and nodded in return. "Sure thing, I'll find a desk" Katy motioned Jimin to follow behind her. When they both left you sighed then headed back towards you desk and sat down. Without another word, or contemplation you began working.
When Katy and Jimin left your office, Katy looked over her shoulder at Jimin and smiled while he followed.
"I see you haven't pissed your pants yet." Katy giggled. Jimin chuckled at her words then ran his hand through his hair again. A nervous tick. "I seriously thought she was some old lady with a temper" Katy stopped at an empty desk with a few basic stationary that was only metres away from your office and her own. It was a plain cubicle with a phone, chair and a computer.
"Everyone thinks that before they meet her" She added with a smile. Katy waved her hand, indicating the desk before them.
"You can sit here, lf you need anything I'm just over there" she point to her area. Jimin followed her gaze and saw her desk, he then looked behind him and saw your office. His back would be facing you where he worked. He watched you type away on your laptop, sipping on your coffee and looking over your folders.
"Thank's I'll definitely need your help if I don't know how things run around here" He added then looked back at Katy with a sheepish smile, his eyes turning to half moons.
"Katy, right? I'm Jimin" he reached his hand out. Katy shook it with a smile, her cheeks flushing with pink.
When Katy returned to her work station, Jimin dropped the folder on the desk and sat down. He eagerly started reading through the documents, taking a pen and sticky note that was provided on his desk and started jotting down notes and placing them in various sections.
A few hours had already passed and you were almost completed with one of the files. You had called back to those who left messages and arranged a few more meetings. You slowly stopped typing and saved a final document you were working on. As you leaned back on your chair and looked over to your right. Through your glass office wall, you could see the back of Jimin. He had already taken off his blazer and placed it at the back of his hair. He ran his fingers through his dark red hair then continued typing, and writing into the folder you gave him. Does he even know what he's doing?
The file needed to be completed for a meeting tomorrow and you couldn't entirely rely on a intern to do everything. What he fucked it up? Or he's just pretending that he's working? You were about to buzz in Katy, but your desk phone rang. You looked down at the I.D call and knew who it was. You picked up the phone then leaned back on your chair again, relaxing into the leather.
"Yes?" You said bluntly. You could hear Namjoon chuckle on the other end of the phone. You were still upset about the whole intern ordeal.
"I see you're still pissed?" said Namjoon, you could practically see the grin on his face. He then continued.
"What are you making the poor kid do? Massage you're feet? Oh wait! You turned him into a paper boy! " He laughed. You rolled your eyes at his comment, not falling for his stupid charms like you used too.
"He's working on the Carter case." You cut off Namjoon, before he added another one of his jokes. There was silence and he spoke in all seriousness.
"Are you serious?" He asked. He could hear him shifting in his chair a little. "Shit, you threw him into the deep end. Generally an intern doesn't take a case until 3 months in. I'm making mine do lunch and coffee orders" He ended with an amused tone. You weren't impressed. You turned on your chair and faced Jimin. You saw the back of him, watching him work away.
"I know, but I decided he could take it on. I see it as a test. If he pulls through, it means he's actually worthy of being here. For now anyway. Besides, you're the one who through this shit on me so I can do anything I like. Bend the rules a bit." You added the last part with a grin.
"I'll meet you at 9 tomorrow, bring your intern to the case meeting. I'll bring mine." said Namjoon. He felt a little bad now, knowing that you had made your intern actually do 'work' while he made his do remedial tasks. You hung up after he spoke. If the conversation continued any longer, you knew that he'll start a casual conversation which may lead to dirty talk. You didn't want to deal with that right now.
You pressed the red button. "Katy could you please call Mr. Park into my office. And tell him to bring his work." You ended the call. Thankfully you're office walls was glass, so you could practically see if people were wasted time. You shifted your gaze to Katy and saw how she called out Jimin. You watched how his red head moved up, looking at Katy then his shoulders stiffening. He shuffled his papers then stood up. It was like watching a silent movie playing before you.
Jimin was halfway done going through the documents. He heard his name get called out and he looked over in Katy's direction. He lifted his brows, looking a little surprised.
"Miss Y/N wants to see you Jimin" Katy said from across the room. Jimin swallowed hard. Did you expect him to finish already? You did say that he had till 4 pm. Unless this was some kind of test? He hesitated then asked Katy
"Did she tell you why?"Asked Jimin, sounding a little worried than he wanted it.
"No, I'm sure it's fine though!. Oh excuse me I need to take this call!" Katy smiled at Jimin, then took the call quickly.
He shuffled his papers into the folder then stood up. Pushing his chair into his desk. He looked a little disheveled than this morning. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms and his hair a little more ruffled. He walked casually towards your office, hoping you wouldn't hear his heart beating so fast from feeling nervous.
You turned in your chair before he caught you watching him, and you looked back at your laptop. He entered into your office carefully and closed the door behind him. You motioned your hand to the chair in front of your desk, asking him to sit down.
"Please take a seat. I called you in too see how you were going. I'm heading to a meeting and won't return till 4 to collect your work" you smiled briefly then waited for him to sit.
"Oh okay, sure. I looked over some of the documents and called some of the land owners to confirm a few of the statements. I did find at least 3 inconsistencies so far. They have sticky notes next to them." Said Jimin formally as he sat down. He handed you the file and leaned back, rubbing his hands on his thighs a little nervously. He felt as though he was in the principal's office, reporting on his good behavior.
You hummed in response and took the file. You opened the manila folder and scanned through each of the edited documents by Jimin. He scribbled a few things here and there, but the sticky notes is what you wanted to read. You read each note carefully. There was silence in the room.
Fuck, he's really good. You thought to yourself. You lifted your eyes at him for a moment, then continued reading his notes. He was able to find the building contract code law and it's flaw in the document. Interesting.
You closed the folder then handed it back to him. He took it suddenly, and paused for a moment expecting you to say something about his work. Your gaze moved to this Adams apple and saw it bob slightly. Sure, you found him extremely attractive. But you had no intentions of pursuing him. Attractive guys like him are dangerous. You leant your lesson from dating Namjoon.
"You're lunch break starts at 12, and you have an hour break. Use it wisely. I'll see you at 4pm Mr Park." You moved your attention back to your laptop and continued typing.
"Er.. okay. I'll see you then." Jimin stood up, and paused for a moment wanting to ask something about the work that he did. He assumed, if he's doing something wrong then you would've said something by now. Instead he turned and headed out the door and headed to Katy's desk first. Your eyes followed him, then at Katy. You watched him exchange a few words with her. Even though you only saw the back of Jimin, you could see Katy's face. She was smiling like always. Remembering that you head to send a few more emails before leaving, you resumed working.
Jimin left your office and felt a whole weight lift off his shoulders when he existed. He wasn't sure if he was relieved from leaving your presence or that he's on the right track. Jimin however never recalled you mentioning if he was. He sighed then headed towards Katy.
"Is she always like that?" asked Jimin. He arched a brow, crossing his arms over his chest with the file in his hand. Katy pulled down her headset, and laughed at Jimin. She looked up at him and grinned.
"Yep! She has her good and bad days. Today is a good day." Katy watched Jimin, admiring his body and his red hair. Katy knew that he will be eye candy for everyone in this department. She can't wait to speak to the other girls during lunch about him.
"Wait! This is a good day?" His eyes widened, looking surprised. "I'd hate to know what a bad day looks like. Jesus christ!" His joke made Katy laugh a little too loud. He chuckled at her response then lifted his file "Better get to work then!" They both resumed working silently from across the room.
You reached over and grabbed your bag. Ensuring you had everything and your file. You stood up and walked out your door. Passing Katy and Jimin, you spoke to her "If I get any calls please tell them that I'll call them back tomorrow. If it's urgent, call my phone. No interruptions otherwise"
Katy nodded and saluted you with a smile. "Sure thing!"
You added "I'll be back at 4" You passed the cubicles and desks then left the department with the sound of your heels disappearing.
Jimin looked up from his desk and watched you leave. He shifted his gaze to Katy and they both made eye contact he then watched you again, till you left the double glass doors. He noticed how everyone on the floor changed their demeanor and the vibe of the department changed. People started to talk a little more loudly about useless things. Another worker, standing up with his phone and claiming he got a date from the girl he likes from down the road to a friend across the room. He grinned to himself and knew that he will definitely enjoy being here despite the fact that your his boss.
It was lunch break and Jimin decided to use half of it to do more work. Once it was 12:30, he headed to the staff room which was explained by Katy before she hurriedly met up with a group of ladies down the hall for lunch. The staff room had a full furnished kitchen and lounges and tables. Majority of the workers usually eat outside of the building at neighboring cafe's or restaurants. Jimin walked into the staff room and saw the two other interns he met early that morning. The two guys turned and recognized him. Jungkook lifted his hand and motioned him to come over to sit with them.
"Hey man! Surprised you haven't been fired yet by Ice Queen!" laughed Jungkook. He quickly reached over and checked Jimn's wrist. Jimin arched a brow at, wondering what he's doing. "Nope! he's still human" said Jungkook with a grin. Jimin chuckled at Jungkook's lame joke and pulled out a chair and sat with Hoseok and Jungkook.
"How's your day been so far?" asked Jimin. He didn't feel that hungry, he was still buzzed over the fact that he was given a case on his first day. He'll buy something on his way home.
Hoseok was on his phone then he set it down, with a soft smile looking over at Jimin "It's been okay, I've been doing a few odd jobs here and there. Nothing interesting though" Jungkook groaned after hearing Hoseok's response and replied to Jimin with an annoyed look.
"It's fucking stupid. I've taking coffee and lunch orders all day. I had one guy getting pissed at me because I forgot he wanted soy milk in his coffee. Are you fucking serious? I mean I know as an intern it doesn't start very nice but..shit. Namjoon seems like he's all cool, but really he's an ass"
Jimin paused for a moment, listening to Hoseok and Jungkook's responses, but wasn't too sure he should say what he's been up too, feeling a little guilty. He leaned back on his chair and sighed.
Hoseok turned to Jimin "What about you?, what have you been up to today?"
Jimin grinned, his eyes creasing a little. "I've been working on a case"
"WHAT?!!?" Hoseok and Jungkook said in unison, then looked at each other completely shocked.
"What the fuck!? How is that possible?" asked Jungkook, looking extremely frustrated now then flicking hair off his eyes. He leaned back and slipped his hands back onto his pockets, clenching his fists. Jimin shrugged at Hoseok and Jimin then continued talking.
"I don't know, she just decided to give me a case. I have until 4pm today to complete it. She needs it tomorrow for a meeting I think" There was silence between the three of them for a moment then Jimin continued.
"She's not as bad as I thought though." he added. He wasn't sure what he meant by that.
It was 4pm and you still hadn't arrived yet. Jimin shuffled his papers and adjusted the folder neatly while he waited for you. He remembered that you didn't want to be disturbed, so he couldn't ask Katy to call you. He thought about leaving the folder on your desk and going home, but what if you didn't like his work? What if he needed to add a few more things? which would result in him staying back longer. He looked around the office floor and it was already empty. Katy had already gone home, and only other person in the area was the cleaning guy who was vacuuming a meeting room. He groaned loudly and leaned back on his chair, ignoring his rumbling stomach. Jimin leaned forward again, ran his hand through his hair with a sigh before reading through his notes for the millionth time. Moments later he could hear your heels in the distance, slowly becoming louder and louder as you approached the department. You pushed the glass door and headed straight to your office. Jimin immediately saw you and stood up, shuffling the papers back into the folder. As you passed him, you spoke.
"Mr Park, please follow me" You said softly, then entered into your office. Jimin followed closely behind and in time opened the door for you. You passed him and walked towards your desk, setting down your cloak and bag then turned towards him. You reached out your hand, expecting the folder to be given which it was instantly and you opened it to read. You both stood in the centre of your office in silence. You scanned passed his previous annotations then read through the other documents and his notes placed in different sections. You didn't have to read all of it, cause you knew that this particular intern knew exactly what he was doing. The previous ones you had were either useless or clueless about this company. However Park Jimin, was different.
You closed the file and looked at him for a moment, and placed the file down behind you. Jimin stood there with his hands in his pocket's waiting for your response.
"Good, it seems like you know what you're doing." you nodded at him.
"Oh thanks!" Jimin smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels briefly. He continued "In that third contract, I knew there was something odd and when I read through it closely. It did seem dodgy. Whoever this construction company is, they seems quite shady."
"Indeed, thank you for pin pointing it" You crossed your arms "And apologies for being late Mr. Park." Jimin lifted his hand and motioned it as a 'don't worry about it' gesture
After speaking, you walked around to your desk and sat down, turning on your laptop to resume work. "You can leave" You said without looking at him. Jimin looked out of your office at the empty depatment then back at you with an arched brow.
"Wait, you're not leaving?" Looking at little confused. He knew that people generally stay back to complete work however, you were the manager. You could leave at any time if you wanted too. Hearing Jimin's words you looked up at him feeling a little amused.
"It's nice to know that you're concerned about my wellbeing Mr Park. " You grinned. Jimin blinked, seeing how your facial expression changed from a cold stone face to something as bright as sunshine.
"Call me Jimin" He smirked back.
"You can leave now... Jimin" you added then resumed typing away on your laptop. Without another word, Jimin left your office. He felt a little more relaxed knowing that he had done a good job to impress you.
Next Day
Namjoon casually walked into your office, and found you standing there reading into the file that will be used at today's client meeting. He admired the way you looked so elegant but authoritative at the same time. You were leaning back against your desk, with your legs crossed at your ankles. He licked his lips then walked over to your side. He knew you were ignoring him, and he loved it. Namjoon leaned down and peeked over the file, seeing a few annotations and notes placed here and there. He knew instantly that it wasn't your handwriting.
"Ready?" He asked, moving his face a little too close. You hummed in response "Give me a few more minutes." You added. You scanned the documents a few more times, and reading Jimin's notes that was extremely useful. Because of Namjoon's height, he towered over you. He wore all black suit with red sleeve shirt inside and his hair combed to the side in that specific style. He knew that dark tailored suits was your thing. He reached over your desk and pressed a pressed a button. Immediately the glass walls of your office frosted and the doors locked. From the outside, people could only see blurred shadows but no distinctive features or shapes.
You instantly heard the click and looked up from the file to see Namjoon standing in front of you with a grin. You watched as he licked his lower lip slowly and stepped forward again, his chest pressing against the file you were holding in front of you. Using his longer slender fingers he slowly pulled the file away from your hands and closed it shut then setting it the side of you.
"What do you think you're doing?" You asked with a quirked brow.
"Oh nothing.." He replied with a cocky tone. He placed a finger on to your collar bone then traced it down the shape of your left breast and towards your stomach. You eyed his slender as it made its way down towards your shirt. Y
Even though things didn't work out, there still was sexual tension between the two of you. You had no one else in your life right now and Namjoon was the closest thing you had to a booty call.
Your lips parted at the feel of his hand tracing up your inner thigh. You let out a sigh of relief, the feel of a hand so close to your centre and the touch so intimate. Namjoon watched your facial expression, changing from nothing to pure relief. Instinctively you reached back behind and clenched the edge of your desk with white knuckles. You didn't want to look at him, you didn't want to see his splendid face so you tilted your head back, exposing the length of your neck.
Namjoon's leaned forward and placed his free hand on the desk beside you, supporting his own weight. Your bodies so close. His head leaned into the corner of your shoulder and neck, wanting you to feel his hot breath. His fingers brushed the outer edge of your panties, then with a finger he traced the line of your folds.
"Remember when we used to do this, almost every morning?" He breathed over your skin with a grin.
"Do you miss it?" You asked softly then licking your lower lip, loving the feel of his finger over your hot core.
He didn't plant a kiss or brush his face onto your neck, he wanted to make you melt just by his finger alone. After hearing your words, he rubbed over your clothed clit very slowly in a circle as he spoke.
"I might, do you miss me?" Namjoon moved his head back a little too look at your face closely. He was addicted to you, like a user addicted to ice. He knew that things were meant to be back to normal, but he just could help himself.
You opened your mouth, about to reply but a voice was heard from your office phone. It was Katy.
"Mr Namjoon and Miss Y/N, your interns are here to see you" You immediately open your eyes and pushed Namjoon's hand away from between your legs and stood straight. You started adjusting your skirt a little and your hair. Namjoon 'tsk' in disappointment at the interruption and moved away, picking up your file and opening it to read but not really paying attention to whatever was in the there. You cleared your throat then reached over, pressing the button again to respond.
"Okay, thank you Katy" With another push of a button, the door was unlocked and the walls became transparent again. Namjoon had already made his way to the door with the file in his hand and opened it for the interns to enter.
"Please come in!" Namjoon said brightly, patting Jungkook on the back and a slight wave to Jimin who stood next to him. When Jimin looked at you, something was off. He could tell by the way you shifted your eyes away from the pair walking in. He also noticed a small flush of pink over your cheeks, but he didn't pay much mind to it.
Jungkook looked around the office, impressed by the furnishing and the view. His dark eyes move over and saw you standing across from him. He scanned you and your attire and immediately he was drawn in. In his eyes, you were the meaning of pure sexiness. He licked his lips nervously.
"Ah, Jungkook this is Y/N" said Namjoon formally, but noticed how his intern watched you. Namjoon knows that look. As a man himself, he knows when a guy is thinking dirty thoughts. You hadn't paid mind to the other intern just yet as you were too busy finding your phone for the client meeting. You briefly smiled at the young man and took his hand.
"Hello Mr Jeon" You said formally. With the same hand you moved it towards Jimin who stood there with a small smile on his face, happy to be in the room.
"Namjoon this is Mr Park, he was the one who went through our client's file, and seemed to have done an impressive job" Jimin chuckled at your words and scratched his head.
"Ah! It was nothing, I just did was I was told.." Jimin smiled. In his mind though, he wondered why you praised him more in front of other colleagues but not when it was just you and him.
Jungkook stood there, watching how the others exchanged words and felt a little useless. Namjoon nodded at Jimin in greeting then patted Jungkook's back, somehow knowing what he was feeling. "You'll be dealing with cases in no time my friend" Jungkook forced a smile at Namjoon.
"Are we all ready?" You asked, Namjoon and Jungkook nodded headed towards the door and exited. Jimin froze, for a moment, looking at the other intern leave then at you. "Are we going somewhere?" He asked.
"Well, yes..." You said bluntly, as though it was obvious. You slipped your phone into your skirt pocket which was the only thing you needed since Namjoon already had the file. You walked past him for a moment then paused, noticing how he was hesitating and running his hand through his hair briefly.
"Oh right.." You just remembered "I forgot to tell you, you're coming with me to a client meeting."
Jungkook had to look away from you, every time you moved your eyes towards him in your office. He didn't want you catching him perv at you. Had he known that you were the Ice Queen, hell he'd sell his soul to have you as boss. He noticed how the curves on your body was in all the right places, and the way your silky hair flowed off your shoulder. Even though you're attire was simple, it was oozing with sex appeal. He licked his lower lip, then looked away. He wanted to make it his mission to get into your pants.
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The Summer in Georgia
Chapter 36. Kiss and Make Up
Daryl got out of Isabella’s bed at 5:00 am. He needed to beat Rick into the office, so he could put the file back, before he knew it was missing. He left Isabella a note, saying that he’d be back later in the morning and took off. When he got to the station, only Glenn and Jenner were there. They were busy with paperwork, so it was easy for Daryl to sneak into Rick’s office and replace the folder. When he came out, he didn’t see anyone, so he made a clean exit.
He went home to work on his bike, he just had to reattach the muffler and he was good to go. He’d known Isabella almost a month and he still hadn’t given her a ride. He thought he’d ride over to Rick’s later and take her out. Daryl finished the job and headed inside to take a shower. He thought that working on his bike would take his mind off what he’d learned about Isabella, but it didn’t. It was still clear as day in his mind and when he thought about his little rabbit going through so much pain, it made his gut hurt. He wished he could talk to her about it, but she would probably be furious with him for reading it, same with Rick, if Rick knew he’d read it, he’d be in deep shit. So, for now he had to deal with it all by himself.
When he was ready to go, he went out and tried to start the bike, but it wouldn’t start. He messed around with a few things and then got pissed, because he got oil on his shirt. So, he said, ‘fuck it’ went in and changed and left in his truck. As he drove, his mind pictured Isabella sitting on that fire escape, crying, and calling for her mama. He had to get those thoughts out of his head or it was going to drive him nuts. He wanted more than ever to make her happy and to take care of her. Daryl had an idea that would most definitely put a smile on her face.
Isabella got up and made Rick some breakfast. He ate quickly because he running late and he had a meeting with the District Attorney, late that morning. After he left, she went and showered and got dressed. She was on cloud 9, visions of the night before were dancing through her mind, making her giggle aloud. She was glad no one was there to see her acting silly. Every time she thought about the way Daryl touched her, the way he knew just what to do, her face would flush. She thought about the website she’d seen on his computer that night and wondered if he’d learned those moves from that. She made a mental note to check out ‘theultimateorgasm.com’ maybe she could learn a few tricks too. People always talked about having an orgasm and how great it was, she believed them, but what she experienced last night was euphoria, something she could not explain with words. Isabella couldn’t wait to have sex with Daryl, if it felt that good using his fingers, then the other was going to be mind blowing.
She didn’t know what Daryl had planned for the day, she wasn’t sure if they’d just hang out at Rick’s or what, so she didn’t know how to dress. She decided to go with something simple and feminine, so she went up to Lori’s closet and picked out a beautiful baby doll sundress. Pale yellow with little green flowers all over it. She straightened her hair and applied just a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. She sprayed on her Shalimar and she was ready for whatever the day had in store.
Daryl left the mall and headed to Rick’s, on his way there, he decided to stop by the station and ask Rick if he could possibly take another week off. Rick was on the phone in his office. He saw Daryl and waved him in, Daryl came in and sat down and waited for Rick to get off the phone. Rick finished his call and hung up.
“What’s up?” Rick asked Daryl.
“Nothin’ really, I just wanted to ask if I could take another week off. We didn’t get to go campin’ or nothin’ and I really want to take Isabella, I think she’d like it. So, can I?”
“I don’t see why not. You’ve got 11 more weeks of vacation time left. Hell, you could take off the whole summer and then go back to work when Isabella went back to school.” Rick laughed.
Daryl didn’t laugh. He’d never really put too much thought into it, but it just hit him. Isabella was eventually going to leave. His heart sunk into his stomach.
“Yeah, be careful, I might just take ya’ up on that. So, it’s cool then?” Daryl asked.
“It’s cool, my friend.” Rick joked. Daryl was getting ready to leave when Rick spoke up. “So, what’d you think?” Rick asked.
“Think about what?” Daryl asked back.
“Don’t play stupid with me, Daryl. I know you read the file.”
Daryl looked shocked. “How’d ya’ know that?”
Rick stood up and closed the door. “I came back to the office last night before I went home. I needed a report for a meeting I had this morning, it was in that cabinet.” He said, pointing at the file cabinet closest to his desk. “Isabella’s file was in that cabinet, but when I opened it last night, hers was gone.”
Daryl didn’t know what to say, he sat back down started to bite on his thumb nervously. “I’m sorry, Rick. I had to read it, I had to know what happened to her. Are ya’ pissed?”
“As your boss and as a government employee, I’m livid. I could suspend you indefinitely for not only violating her privacy, but also sneaking into my private office and going through my files. Do you understand how serious of offense this is? You could get fired.”
“So, are ya’ gonna’ fire me? Just tell me.” Daryl asked with attitude.
“Don’t get fucking smart with me, Daryl. I wasn’t finished. As a boss, I’m pissed, but as a friend, I understand. That doesn’t mean you get carte blanche to do whatever you feel like. You need to NOT screw with me again and stay out of my file cabinets. Do you understand?”
“Yeah. Sorry.” Daryl said.
“I hope you don’t think you’re going to go and tell her everything you read. You can’t let her know that you know her whole life story, especially when she can’t remember it herself. Just be smart with what you do with that information and for God’s sake don’t take her meds again.”
Daryl nodded his head in agreement. “Do you think her brother did all that shit? Ya’ know, hurtin’ her and puttin’ her out there on that fire escape, lockin’ her in that empty apartment for 2 days?”
“I don’t know. If I’m going with my gut, I’m going to say, ‘yes’. Can anyone prove it? Obviously not, or there would have been charges filed against him. Only he and Isabella know for sure what happened. God damn, it makes me sick thinking about that little girl sitting on a fire escape for 12 hours in the wind and rain, then left in a condemned apartment for 2 days, all alone. If it was him, there’s a special place in hell waiting for him.”
“I’m gonna’ find out if it was him and I’m gonna’ kill him.” Daryl growled.
“Just settle down, we can’t prove anything and I doubt he’s going to confess after all this time. Be smart, Daryl.” Rick warned him.
“How come no one ever told her what happened to her mom and dad? Didn’t she ask where they were? What does she think happened, ya’ know? She told me she don’t remember nothin’, just wakin’ up in that hospital all alone. Why wouldn’t she try and find out what happened, specially now?” Daryl questioned.
“Because I think witnessing that kind of horrible thing traumatized her, I think all that information is repressed and I think that it’s trying to surface through her nightmares. She was only 4. Can you remember when you were 4?”
“I don’t know!”
“All right, but do you think you could remember watching your dad kill your mom and then killing himself?”
“I remember my dad beatin’ my mom my whole life. Why didn’t I bury that shit in my mind?” Daryl asked.
“At that age, it’s easy to forget things, even trauma like that. Like I said, I think in her subconscious she knows what happened, but her conscious mind won’t let her face it. She’s going to have to work through this on her own. It doesn’t mean you can’t be there to support her, but you sure as hell can’t go telling her what happened. She’d have a melt down and it would be far worse than the one the other day.”
“How come that didn’t happen to me?” Daryl questioned.
“I don’t know, Daryl. Everyone’s different, we all handle shit in our own way. I mean, look at you. You took the wrong road, you dropped out of school, you were getting in trouble all the time, drinking and womanizing, fighting. You hated everybody and everything. Then look at her. She’s sweeter than honey, she’s worked hard to do well in school, she’s optimistic, happy, tries to see the best in people. Even though she’s lived the way she did, in all those horrible foster care homes and her problems with her brother, she’s still innocent and naïve. Instead of hardened and cynical. What’s really a trip is that she studies human behavior and personality, but she can’t seem to read herself.”
“Yeah, I thought about that too She can do it though, she always knows what I’m thinkin’ or why I’m doin’ what I’m doin. It pisses me off. She’s good at it, but yer right, she don’t know herself. All I know is I’m not gonna’ let no one else hurt her ever again, I’m gonna’ take care of her. She’ll be so happy, maybe she’ll just forget about all that other shit, all them bad memories.” Daryl said, hoping it was true.
“If only life were that easy. If it were, I’d go fall in love and forget about the fact that my wife is pregnant with my ex-best friend’s baby. Pregnant, just like that. After we tried for 12 years to get pregnant. I tell ya’, I’d like to forget too.”
Charlie knocked on Rick’s office door and then popped his head in. He totally ignored Daryl again. Daryl just smiled to himself.
“Hey, you got that meeting with the D.A. in 20 minutes. Do ya’ want me to go with you or are you handling it yourself?” Charlie asked.
“Chris is going with me, but thanks Charlie.” Charlie turned to walk out when Rick stopped him. “Hold on, Charlie. Come back in here. Now are you guys going to kiss and make up or am I going to have to kick both your asses?”
Daryl and Charlie looked at each other and the very same time they both said. “He started it.” Then they both said. “I started it? You started it.”
Rick laughed and shook his head. “Ok, jinx. You owe each other a coke. I’ve got…” He stopped and looked at his watch. “I’ve got exactly 15 minutes before I have to head over to the court house. We’re settling this shit now.” He turned and looked at Daryl. “Daryl, what’s your beef with Charlie?”
“He knows.” Daryl said.
“Maybe he doesn’t know and even if he does, I don’t. Now, again. What’s your beef with Charlie?”
Daryl glared over at Charlie and said. “I don’t like the way he’s always hangin’ all over Isabella. He’s jealous cuz she asked me out. I don’t trust him.”
What the fuck?” Charlie hollered.
“Wait a minute, let him explain.” Rick said to Charlie. “Use an example, Daryl.”
“Well, like at the dance. He was dancin’ with her and holdin’ her tight and shit. He’s always tellin’ her how beautiful she is, he even brought her flowers.” Daryl said accusingly.
“That’s bullshit, Daryl. Ok, I brought her flowers, but I’m just being nice to her, because apparently, you can’t.” Charlie spit out.
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Daryl asked.
“Gee, Daryl, I don’t know. You called her a whore in front of everyone. You took her medication and caused her to have a really bad panic attack. You wouldn’t dance with her, so I did. If you weren’t such a prick… “Charlie stopped before he said something he would regret.
“Go ahead and say it. What were ya’ gonna’ say?” Daryl taunted.
“Nothing, I wasn’t going say anything.” Charlie said.
“You like her, right? You wanted ta’ go out with her, now yer always starin’ at her and shit. It pisses me off.” Daryl said.
“I doesn’t matter how I feel about her, Daryl. She’s in love with you. God only knows why, but she is. I’m not trying to steal her away, because I know I can’t, but that’s not going to stop me from being nice to her and complimenting her. She’s great, she’s really, really great.” Charlie explained.
“Yeah, well. Just keep yer distance, that’s all I’m sayin’. She’s mine.” Daryl spat out like a child.
Rick laughed at that. “You sound like a 5-year-old. She’s not a box of crayons, Daryl. That means, I’m not going to tell you to share, but I don’t think she’d like to be referred to as property. Now I have to go.” Rick said, standing up and straightening his pants. “Come on. Do it.”
They both said. “Do what?”
“Shake, shake and mean it. God, I feel like I’m talking to 5-year old’s. Come on, I’m running late.”
Daryl and Charlie both looked at each other with the evil eye. Charlie was the first one to put his hand out, then Daryl put his out and they shook.
“All right, let’s get outta’ here.” Rick said, pushing them both out of his office. “Daryl, we’ll pick up where we left off later, ok?”
Daryl nodded, he watched Rick walk out the front door and then he turned to Charlie and said in a whisper. “Ya’ better stay the fuck away from her. I ain’t kiddin’.”
Charlie smiled and whispered back. “Watch your back, Daryl. You can only screw up so many times until she realizes you’re an asshole. Then you’re out and I’m in.” He laughed and walked away.
Daryl was fuming. If he hadn’t been in the Sherriff’s Station, he would have beat the holy hell out of him. He swallowed hard and left.
Isabella was in the bedroom when Daryl came in. He walked back there and stood in the doorway waiting for her to noticed him. ‘God! She’s beautiful!’ Daryl thought. Sitting there in that baby doll dress, straight hair, tucked behind her ears and barefoot. She was a vision. When she finally looked up, she first jumped and then she smiled and ran over to him to give him a big hug. But she couldn’t because he was holding some large shopping bags.
“What’s in the bags?” She asked with curiosity.
“Surprises for ya’.” Daryl answered handing her the bags.
She got all excited and start ripping through the bags. In the first on there was a down comforter and a set of pink sheets, in the next one were two king size down pillows. She was squealing with delight, but when she got to the last one, she almost started crying. Inside were three things. A Barbie coloring book, the big box of crayons with the sharpener on the back and a black and gold box, she turned it around and gasped. Inside was a limited addition Oscar de la Renta Barbie Doll.
“Oh, my God! Where did you find this? This is a rare doll and it’s expensive.”
“Do ya’ like it? Is it like the one ya’ wanted? Cuz, if ya’ don’t like it, we can take it back.” Daryl said.
She started to cry. “I love it. It’s the most beautiful Barbie I’ve ever seen. It’s Oscar de la Renta. I can’t believe you bought this for me. I can’t believe you bought all this for me. I love you!” She realized what she’d just said, but it was too late to take it back. “I mean… I didn’t mean that I… well, I’m sorry. Are you mad? I know I shouldn’t have said that, just pretend I didn’t, ok?” She said with happy tear filled eyes.
He completely ignored what she’d said. He loved her too, feeling it was bad enough, but saying it was a whole different story, he wasn’t ready for that. “So, ya’ like everything? They had that doll at Macy’s. It the only one they got in. It came in at Christmas, but it got misplaced in their store room. They just put it out today. Do ya’ really like it? Do ya’ like yer blanket and pillows? Them sheets are the good kind the lady told me. They got the big thread count. I know ya’ like pink, so I… I just thought you’d like ‘em, that’s all.” He said excitedly. He was just as excited as she was.
“I love everything. It’s all wonderful and perfect. Just like you.” She said, still crying. She got up and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you so much, Daryl. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
He hugged her back, then he lifted her chin so he could see her face. He wiped the tears off her cheeks and bent down and kissed her. A long, romantic kiss, like in the movies. She even bent her knee and lifted her foot up. When they parted, she started taking out the comforter from the packaging and getting the sheets ready to wash.
“Hey, I got ya’ some of them pillows for over at my house too. Ya’ know, for when ya’ stay over. Did ya’ like the coloring book? I remembered the story of that one Christmas when that prick tore up yours and broke the crayons. Them are the good crayons too. They’re not all waxy. It’s even got a sharpener on the back of the box.” Daryl said excitedly.
“I know! I can’t believe you remembered that story. I told you that when we first me. Thank you so much for everything, Daryl. You’re so good to me. Be careful, you might spoil me.” Isabella said shyly.
“Good, cuz I want to. Hey, guess what?”
“What?” Isabella asked.
“I’m takin’ another week off, so we can still go campin’. That is if ya’ still wanna’ go.” Daryl said.
“Really? I totally still want to go. It’s ok with Rick? You won’t get in trouble?” Isabella asked.
“Nah. I got 11 weeks of vacation time left and it’s all paid. I might take some more time off next month too.”
“11 weeks? I can’t believe you’ve never taken a vacation.” She said, rolling around of the comforter and pillows. “When are we going camping?”
“Today’s Friday, so we can get shit ready this weekend and we can go like, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Maybe longer if ya’ want. We’ll see. Is that ok?” Daryl asked her.
“Sounds perfects.” She smiled up at him, he smiled back all dreamy eyed.
She picked up the sheets and headed for the laundry room. Daryl sat down on the floor and started flipping through the color book. ‘Barbie?’ He thought. ‘What the hell’s so great about her?’ But as long it made her happy, who cared. He picked up the box with the Barbie in it and yelled down the hallway.
“Can I open the box? Can I take her out?” He had to check this doll out for himself. He wanted to know why a doll cost almost $300.00. “Who the fuck is Oscar de la Renta? Is that her name?” Daryl asked sincerely. “Ain’t Oscar a dude’s name?”
He could hear Isabella’s rolling laughter coming from down the hall. “I don’t know. Fuck, I was just askin’.” He said to himself. She continued to laugh, it embarrassed him, but he ignored it. “What’s her name then?” He wanted to know.
Isabella walked back into the bedroom, still laughing. “Oscar de la Renta is a fashion designer. Her dress is an original from his collection. That doll is rare and pretty expensive. Thank you, so much. You know I’ve always wanted a Barbie, but I never dreamed I’d have one like this.”
“Oscar de la whatever made this little dress?” Daryl questioned.
Isabella laughed again. “No, it’s made for Barbie from one of his designs. You’re so cute!”
Daryl shrugged his shoulder as he fumbled with the box, trying to take her out. “What’s her name?”
“Barbie, I guess.” Isabella answered.
“Nah, it’s gotta’ be somethin’ else. She don’t look like a Barbie. Barbie is a California beach bimbo’s name. She looks like one of them fancy ass French names or Italian. But she’s got blonde hair, so I guess she can’t be Italian. Whatta’ ya’ think?” He said, holding the doll up for Isabella to see.
“I don’t know, what names do you like? Something feminine.” She suggested.
“I like Sofie. Whatta’ about you?” Darly asked.
“She looks like a Sofie. I like it!” She said.
“Ok, Sofie it is.” He said, trying to get Sofie to stand on her platform.
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