#this screenshot is from chapter 1 page 7 of “Strange Case...” on one of the Google Books versions
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luc1ferian · 10 months ago
I know we all love Utterson's "If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek." But why are we all sleeping on this one comment from Enfield
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About as emotional as a bagpipe.
406 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years ago
Trial 5 - Pre-Execution
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Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial.
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Hnngh - okay, this is actually happening now. We’re having a post-trial talk with Kaito before we send him off to the gallows. Cool. Cool. Cool cool cool cool -
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marvels again that on the most basic detail I was right but as a whole I was very, incredibly wrong about what went down
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This is going to be a weight for her to bear for a long time, huh.
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He’s trying so hard to stay positive and cheer everyone up - how can you be so upbeat right now???
well I guess there’s the fact that he’s had plenty of time to come to terms with his own death since yesterday’s events but -
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get this man an Oscar 
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Kaito is low-key impressed just saying.
I’m sorry when the fuck between the extreme muscle spasms, seizures and general shut down of his body was he supposed to have written this? Was this something he started before all this happened? Was this a contingency plan? omg - was he thinking of Shuichi when he originally wrote the script and came up with a ‘in  case something happens to me’ trial plan, then filled in the details up until he died to match the exact circumstances of what actually happened? He did ask Shuichi to be his partner last chapter... how long has this particular plan been in his head for???
How hard was it to swallow his pride and ask Kaito for help instead of Shuichi?
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going for those Beatrice vibes even beyond the grave, huh
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okay I see what the game is trying to do here. And I appreciate it going and highlighting how clever Kokichi is for his foresight, his planning, and his general awareness and understanding of the people around him. That is coming through loud and clear.
But can we talk about Kaito’s ability to ad-lib on the fly, in character, and react to all the situations he was presented? Because Kokichi could not predict the exact future. He clearly planned things, not just in the general sense, but there is only so far a mere mortal could go.
“When Shuichi brings up these points, counter with those.”
“Flatter Himiko to throw her off. Here are some sample lines. Push it as far as you need to to make her flustered.”
“Play on Tsumugi’s ‘everyday boring girl’ syndrome.”
“Here are all the insults I’ve come up with to use at K1-b0 to distract him. Choose the ones that fit the moment, or use them to come up with your own if needed.”
“These are turns of phrases I use to project my incredibly important image.”
“Here’s a 20 paragraph speech I’ve prepped as a giant SCREW YOU to Monokuma, you can break it up as you need to but you have to make sure you get through all of it at some point because I want to rub this in his face and if I’m not there to do it you NEED to do it for me.”
I’d laugh if he had scripts and script notes denoting possible variations, but there’s just a bookmarked page partway through the script and it’s this long  anti-Monokuma manifesto
Anyway, I want to admire Kokichi’s planning, absolutely - but I also want to appreciate Kaito’s own skill along with it, because I don’t think they should take from each other at all. Even if he broke character a few times (which is even more hilarious in hindsight), he was utterly convincing in full acting mode!
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.... does K1-b0 power off his eyes when he wants to look incredibly depressed... sorry, utterly distracted for a moment...
(Himiko looks depressed too - I’m just trying to not literally upload every single frame of the scene already and it’s HARD.)
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Fucking hell Kaito, with all of your self-aggrandising talk why is it now that you can’t understand why everyone is upset?!
Well... I mean, I do kind of get it. Trying to make everyone around you happy - in general, and with themselves - is practically your raison d'être. And right now, you’re the reason everyone is so upset. But still, it’s only because everyone cares about you so much!!!
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Kaito put on a pedestal and pushed off of it - check. 
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How?? Like, how did he phrase it??? Did he decorate it with his normal sureme leader talk? Did he lay out that Kaito basically owed him a debt now? Or did he leave it with just ‘Maki will be the blackened if you don’t do this’?? I have a feeling that whatever I get from the flashbacks, it still won’t be enough 8′D
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In the last chapter? Or longer? ... It must have been longer, right? He was writing on that stone since at least chapter... 2? 3? and was talking to Monokuma in Chapter 4. 
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“Oh shit really? Wow, go figure.”
i enjoy kaito’s mildly shocked face here
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HOW MUCH GEAR DID YOU GET MIU TO MAKE FOR YOU??? Am I going to have to pore over all of your interactions after all??? You guys gave each other so much crap during the trials and outside of them??? You had that ridiculous black-and-white scene in front of the computer??? How close WERE you two before she lost herself to paranoia?!
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I can’t help but think everything with Gonta was improvised based on how events were unfolding around him. Would he have still tried to do the same thing if Miu hadn’t been making an attempt on his life? Or did he know that at some point down the line he would have to orchestrate a murder to convince everyone that he was the mastermind? Was this something he had to steel himself to do, or was that always in the back of his mind as an option from the beginning?
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I’m sure that last bit upset Kaito the most - he was Gonta’s most stalwart defender in the last trial.
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I haven’t seen this sprite in a while, jeez. Or... have I seen this sprite before??? It’s definitely similar to the ones he showed in Gonta’s trial, but I don’t recall him being so, erm, sweaty then.
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That has to rankle more than anything. He highlighted Maki’s talent repeatedly and continuously called her out about it, and then this. 
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The fact that he’s framing it as ‘the true mastermind is at fault’ and not putting it all on Maki is interesting. I wonder if Kokichi just sees Maki as a weapon as opposed to a person? Accurately in this case, perhaps...
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Frowning/serious Kokichi is so strange?!?! Not that there’s any reason for him to be smiling here, but it’s really telling that he can’t even bring himself to do it here. This is probably the closest we’ll get to seeing his true feelings and thought process, huh...
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Whelp I just went back to this part after writing a whole blurb a few screenshots down and the ‘mastermind doesn’t remember they’re the mastermind’ theory I concocted for fun just died an unceremonious death. I did enjoy those brief few minutes of my oddball ‘Maki doesn’t remember she’s the mastermind’ theory while it lasted so I’ll leave it up for you guys to laugh at enjoy! Unfortunately Monokuma being in time-out debunks it unless there are two masterminds.
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If we tie this to the funeral scene... I proposed the idea that the flashback lights give their brains scenes to work with - aka that they aren’t necessarily actually their memories, but perhaps someone else’s, for example - and that their brain works to interpret them and make sense of them, and generally fit them into their own world view. I think it’s becoming accepted now that memories themselves are somewhat pliable and can even change during each ‘recall’. So if they were given the flashback light that said, ‘hey, there’s a cult working to destroy you all and it’s led by the traitor in the group, X’, their brains would fill in ‘X’ with Kokichi based on the context at the time. It also gives room for the idea that I originally had, aka that the talents and perhaps even memories they all have aren’t necessarily their own - that they could have easily had their talents switched between them in the prologue, and the fact they landed like this was just a coincidence - and the one known as ‘Kokichi, Supreme Leader’ could have easily one of the other classmates in a different timeline. The mastermind would be able to have the ability to adapt to any scenario, if that was the case...
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lmao yeah that was pretty obvious
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So even Kokichi never figured it out in the end? That’s pretty significant - the kid is basically a living lie detector. That leaves four possibilities that I can think of:
1) The mastermind isn’t actually among us. I highly doubt that - we’ve been building to a reveal from the beginning, even as far as having Shuichi find the door in the library. 
2) The mastermind is among the dead - someone Kokichi never got a chance to ‘read’. The best candidates for that would be Rantaro and Kaede. Rantaro would be the almost too obvious choice, between his memory loss, the video where he tells himself ‘you wanted this’, and his general intelligence and knowledge of the proceedings - and, hell, his lab door. Alternatively, this would be a good way to bring Kaede back into the game - we did see a shot of her wearing that helmet too, and also it would be nice to see her again tbh 
I just... don’t think this is the case though. Not only because we’ve done that with Junko already, though that’s a bit one, but because everything was set for DR1′s twist from the beginning - 15 students and 16 stands, the ‘odd one out’ murder aka Mukuro, etc. Rantaro’s video is certainly hinting at something, but I’d be shocked if it was leading to his reveal as the mastermind.
DEBUNKED :( 3) The mastermind doesn’t have their memory. Now, we’ve already done this with SDR2 so I really, highly doubt this is the case but if it is this way the best choice would be for it at this point in the game to be Maki. I mean, Shuichi would have been viable too... if he wasn’t the protagonist, because then we’d really be retreading old territory. Anyway, here’s the fun ‘what if’ for why Maki!mastermind could potentially work - it would really add onto Kaito and Kokichi’s conflict. Kokichi never liked Maki from the start, and antagonized her repeatedly - what if it was he sensed that potential in her? What if she was sent to infiltrate the mission by the cult and have everyone killed like this? And on Kaito’s side, he spends big chunks of the game trying to redeem her. What if it worked? What if it turned out that both Kaito and Kokichi were right, as a follow-up to this chapter where they both set aside their differences and work with each other (and, well, are killed by Maki). What if Kaito turned someone who had the capability to set up this game into someone that wouldn’t? There’s so ground that could be covered in this direction - I mean, I doubt it’s true which is why I said from the getgo that I highly doubt it’s the case, but it would be a fantastic reason to have highlighted her character so much and really give depth to, well, ‘tsundere assassin learns to love’. I could go on about this tbh...
4) The one I’ve been partial to for a while now... the mastermind is someone who specializes in lying. In putting on a mask. In breathing life into a persona, inhabiting it, becoming it, until it’s indistinguishable from their own identity - perhaps becomes their identity in those moments, to the point that Kokichi wouldn’t be able to realize they were lying. Oh, Kokichi was incredibly adept at it, sure - but he was recognized for his leadership skills, as unorthodox as they may have been. There’s someone else still alive, however, whose talent addresses the concept of ‘becoming another person’ has not been showcased much if at all to this point. 
now mind you other than the proclivity for cults shown in chapter 3 and references to escapism, I still haven’t gotten a proper motive in mind but at all but hopefully that’ll come next chapter??? anyway I’m getting distracted again
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kokichi has the heart of a gamer
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You just know that’s Kokichi’s game face. I mean, Kaito has his ‘optimistic!’ face on right now to give him the strength to face his own execution - maybe this is Kokichi’s way of comforting himself too?
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Could it have worked the other way around? If Kaito let himself die, Kokichi pretended to be Kaito in the exisal and it was left decide whether ‘Kaito’ mercy-killed ‘Kokichi’ via the press or if he died by poison first, would that have been viable? Probably not as effectively... it would be a lot easier for them to believe Kokichi was pretending to be Kaito, less believable that Kaito wouldn’t show himself in the exisal, and a whole host of other factors. Maybe not, then.
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And of course Kaito asked Kokichi that, because if he’s going to be committing to a plan this wild he needs some assurance.
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Then there have to be people alive, right??? But they saw the burning ruins around them when they tried to leave, and even collapsed because of the air quality - so what, did they crash land in an area that was wiped out or something? But there are still places where people are alive?
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It was a test, then.
... Gonta... has to have been a heavy weight on his conscience. I think we can officially say his breakdown over him was real if he would go so far as to try and end the killing game like this - and if Gonta was a necessary sacrifice, it was one Kokichi was pushed to make when he had few options left.
I think the chess analogies I’ve been associating with him are accurate at this point, and it would even be fair to say that if you were to think about Kokichi’s strategic thought process, the allusions are almost necessary - the whole game is about exchanging pieces in order to get a more powerful position on the board and eventually corner the ‘king’, and at some point Kokichi looked at the board and his available moves, as well as the ‘piece’ Miu Iruma putting him in a ‘check’ position, and realized that his only option was to intercept her with ‘piece’ Gonta. I also like using chess here too because there’s duality in that too - there’s the side of Miu that Kokichi can and clearly did use for his strategies, and the side that the mastermind used by way of motive.
Ah, and of course I’d be remiss to not mention that Yu-Gi-Oh! the card game works well too here (hell, it comes up in his FTE) even though it’s less accessible; it’s a game where more powerful moves require sacrificing lower level ‘monsters’, and there’s a literal graveyard they’re sent to. Also, unlike chess, playing from the graveyard is a legitimate strategy in YGO . I’m sure, especially after this trial, Kokichi can relate to that strategy in particular.
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Or maybe as they’re suddenly starting to imply it’s more like the ‘Black Book Club’ ala YYH? There must be people alive then, right? ... So maybe... people who survived through unscrupulous means and sheer force of wealth and need some sort of entertainment??? They remembered being kidnapped at the beginning of everything, right? Were they intercepted before the gopher project had a chance to play out and now they’re being kept in an isolated facility somewhere meant to replicate the ship, but it actually isn’t the ship at all? Wait, when did I start wearing a tinfoil hat - ?!
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Kaito is defending Kokichi, everything is right in the world
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Shuichi: Please don’t redirect the spotlight at me - ah, shit shit damn it shit 
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“It’s just like Kokichi said!”
mm thank you game, keep feeding me merci beaucoup
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Himiko just gobbles up any bit of positive attention thrown her way with the obvious and incredibly glaring exception of Tenko??? man I really need to do her FTEs or something - does she just not know how to handle straight-up affection or -
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i n h a l e s
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This just makes me wonder if betting and big money in general is wrapped up in all of this. “Who is the mastermind? Now gentlemen, place your bets before the reveal!”
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dude he found a way to save Maki and potentially stop the game, I would hardly call it ‘evil’.
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“I mean, I was hoping we could cut straight to the chase, but you’re actually a decent guy at the end of the day, and unlike most of the rest of the class don’t actually want me dead. Damn it.”
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Fucking hell, between the music and his faces it so so easy to frame him as eeeeviiil!!! And yet just looking at the text in isolation, it reads:
“But are you sure you’re okay with that? Because if this poison kills me, then Maki would become the blackened. And her crime would be exposed so easily.
If that happened, then Maki and I would’ve died for no reason, right? Which is just what the true mastermind expects...”
And yeah sure it still has a bit of an edge to it, but it’s way more ambiguous when presented outside of his “Supreme Leader” aura which apparently can warp both his face and music.
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Kaito is still trying to filter this through his ‘hero vs villain’ narrative, bless his heart. Either that or this is a heavily edited version of events - it would be interesting, even if it’s unlikely, if we found out that Kokichi made Kaito promise to tell everyone a different story than what really happened in the event of being found out.
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There are gears turning in Kaito’s head right now, you can’t tell me there aren’t.
even if some of them are just him thinking ‘no seriously how are you doing that with your face’
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FUCK I want to have a montage of Kokichi doing incredibly kind-hearted and generous things and just doing his damnedest to spin it all in the most scary, ominous way possible!
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“To answer your question, it’s really hard for me to hold my face in these expressions and the muscle spasms beginning to wrack my body are making it that much harder.”
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But you can see shades of yourself in him, can’t you? That’s the scary part. Their goals aligned. This whole time, they’ve just wanted to help their classmates survive. They assigned themselves bombastic personalities in order to take the pressure off of those left in the class and damn it, they both prepared themselves to die alone in order to make good on their wish to save everyone left. Kaito made references to Kaede’s last wish - I wonder if Kokichi took it to heart as well?
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No you were, Kokichi! No you fucking weren’t! Fml I don’t know how much solace that gives you at the end of the line, but...
Okay I nearly ended the post here as a tribute to Kokichi’s efforts but I have a rule of doing a single post-trial, pre-execution post and I must resist that urge -
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I-It’s going to take you a while to warm up to the idea of ‘Kokichi actually wasn’t the dick he pretended to be’ huh. 8′D
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just. just want to make sure that point was clear for myself. Seems like it’s important characterization-wise, that’s all.
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This seems like a good time to note that I am 99% sure Kaito had those swirly despair!eyes DR is known for in the last image with him coughing up blood. That was definitely the turning point for the chapter.
Also, Kokichi didn’t just swallow his pride - Kaito did too. He’s wanted to be the hero who swooped in to save the day for how long??? And here he is, admitting that this was fully Kokichi’s plan, and acknowledging that Kokichi was correct in a lot of ways even if he didn’t agree with him on everything. Beautiful.
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“Ha ha yeah I could probably drop dead at any moment tbh ha ha why are you giving me those looks huh ha ha ha hrk -”
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I’m guessing the medical exam took place before all of these events happened. But wasn’t the whole point of selecting these guys that they were immune or something??? I mean clearly it wasn’t true - I guess it was dormant or - ?!
... which Monokuma then brings up himself. Cool, thanks.
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How dare you say that so cheerfully. >:(
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he’s so bloody casual about the whole thing
I mean I get that it’s because he’s come to terms with dying but
damn it Kaito
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A chance to end the killing game and save everyone, knowing he was on his way out either way, and a way to save Maki specifically - it really was the perfect storm, huh?
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Well damn it I know it’s implying this all happened after Kokichi died, but the idea of Kaito visibly fangirling over the plan in front of Kokichi, giving him a bit of external validation for the first and last time since his miserable life started here, makes me feel a little better. If nothing else, he would have at least felt good about the chances of success before he died.
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I’m not sure if he’s trying to comfort Shuichi after messing up Kokichi’s plan or not but if he is, he’s incredibly good at it.
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Was it????
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again, more praise for him -
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Kokichi, beyond the grave: NO YOU DUMBASS I GAVE MY LIFE SO YOU COULD END IT IN A SINGLE TRIAL as soon as you join me in the afterlife I am going to KICK YOUR ASS -
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Oh you big hypocrite. Wait - no - let me check -
*takes off shipping glasses*
Nope, I still don’t buy it. Kaito has a tendency to go to an extreme with his words - he’s shown that time and time again. The fact that he’s already started layering praise on Kokichi at this point - that means something. The idea of him as a whole still rankles Kaito and he still has their clashing viewpoints and outlooks on life to work through, but his opinion on him has already turned so much at this point. If he had more time to think on it, I bet it would change that much further. And again - pointing to that love hotel scene - Kaito loves a challenge, and people that challenge him. Kokichi was a fantastic rival for him, and the fact that he knows now that he never meant any true harm to them is important. He also hasn’t been given a chance to really digest the importance of everything Kokichi revealed to him - he basically got the script and plan thrusted into his hands, spent whatever time he wasn’t sleeping and recuperating studying it and preparing for the trial, and now, well, we’re here. Kaito has been shown to be very good at reevaluating people once he’s cooled off, and he hasn’t had a chance to really do that!
.... If only he had more time to reflect. 8c
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!!!!!    g o d ........
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The darkened face sprite...
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Insert Himiko parallel here.
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If you really thought that, would you really share those words with everyone? In fact, just the fact that you said that in reference to being a ‘lying sack of shit’ in regards to his supposed feelings during the game and acting like everything happening was fun -  that, uh, kinda speaks for itself!
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Thank you K1-b0!!! I officially forgive you for calling Kokichi a Remnant of Despair again.
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don’t you pull this shit on me game
just because you have the class split down the middle doesn’t mean you can pull the wool over my eyes
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No seriously, what an odd thing to say. I... I don’t know what to make of it. Do actions not speak louder than words? Am I the crazy one here??
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Seriously I could probably learn a thing or two from it, damn.
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Chapter 5′s entire mission is to make me cry, I see, I see.
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Even now, three chapters later, I am still incredibly impressed by that move on Kaito’s part. He just knew exactly how to alleviate the pressure Shuichi was under.
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as;dlkfj Kaito you and Kokichi are tied in having the most horrifying sprites in the game. Congratulations! You did win at something after all!
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speaking of sprites that denote great terror!!
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I-It really is the Kaede scene all over again D: including them being willing to fight Monokuma and Kaede/Kaito protesting!
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I hope you do little man!!! 
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This was the strength Shuichi desperately wanted but didn’t have in chapter 1 - and man oh man it’s nice to see him showing it now, in full force!
but as usual Monokuma is off thinking about his own thing
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Okay they all introduce themselves here but you know what? No. No. I’m not dignifying you guys with your opening screenshots even if I do love your theme song. sorry monodam I like you but I’m lumping you in with the rest of them
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perhaps to make sure those that were immune to the virus were what humanity needed to survive or something???
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oh jeez okay we’re making a direct comparison then - I guess that’s fair at this point of the game, but I guess I just wasn’t ready for it?
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Except you. Only you. so basically the opposite of monokid. whatever i really don’t care about the kubs tbh
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........ oh fuck
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Sadly I’m on Kaito’s side in all of this.
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It really did grow on her, huh. When was the last time anyone showed her any sort of affection outside of that ‘childhood friend’ hinted at in her FTEs? :(
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I didn’t keep all of the interspersions of Kaito reacting in surprise to Maki’s statements but the fact that he didn’t realize his impact on her, that he was really getting through to her, is sad to me. Makes sense - the only indication he got that she was starting to respond to his ‘training’ was from Shuichi in the hangar bathroom scene, and then just a few hours later she busts in, completely throwing away everything he said about her being more than her talent, and basically acting as the mastermind’s weapon. It is incredibly interesting that he’s so shocked by all of her outbursts here - that he didn’t realize how much she actually cared about him.
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Aaaah she’s crying D: Those sound clips, man...
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And here’s the confession that was pretty much inevitable at this point.
For once Shuichi knew a matter of the heart before Kaito. That’s significant - in fact, it may actually say more about Kaito than Shuichi. You brag so much, but when it comes down to it, you really did underestimate the power your positivity had on people - or perhaps, more likely, your own self-confidence was shaken that badly in the last chapter?
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Figures you’d only let us see you bleed is when you physically can’t hide it anymore and are actually about to drop dead.
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You - are you not going to address her confession at all??? omg I... I think Kaito may not feel the same way about her. Oh. oh jeez this is awkward...
Seriously though, what a smart way for him to take that confession and use it to help her. Whether he likes her back or not, it doesn’t matter - he won’t be around much longer anyway. What’s most important to him right now is that his friends will be okay when he’s gone - and in this moment, that they stand down and live.
I mean. Come on. He’s literally dripping blood from the mouth and smiling through it. Kaito, you’re absolutely ridiculous and I love you.
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easy for you to say, you can’t see yourself right now
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whatever Kaito you can’t fucking stop me I’m on the other side of the screen
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Wait, that’s a reference to Ishimaru, right? Uh, Ishida?
.... does that mean this is him speaking for both him and Kokichi right now???
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“Like I did. Like Kokichi did. Learn from us. Grow in our absence. Thrive. And take that sonuvabitch down.”
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Man, you just weren’t ready for this game at all. Physically you were stronger than everyone else, but mentally...
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And just like that, he backs down. There’s probably some pretty valid criticism levelled at Kaito about being persistent and not always taking ‘no’ for an answer, but he does when it’s most important to, I think. And he knows to back down here because damn it, she needs to get this out of her system.
You’re not just some hero, Kaito, and that’s okay - you’re not some larger than life Ultimate Astronaut, Luminary of the Stars, just as Shuichi isn’t just the Ultimate Detective and Maki isn’t just the Ultimate Assassin -
You’re Kaito Momota, Shuichi and Maki’s friend. <3
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Just so you know, when I played this through initially I just. I just paused the game a few screenshots before this because it was late and FUCK THIS SHIT I’M NOT WATCHING HIM DIE BEFORE I SLEEP TONIGHT
not sure if delaying the inevitable was any better but anyway, that’s where my head was at. I was incredibly Not Ready either way.
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fuck it it is now
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holy shit it’s the execution that started the whole series off
Also I’m mad about how pretty the whole thing is. Is that the planetarium that we can use as a gift???
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Nice new threads, Monokuma.
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Usually these are ironic though??? His whole thing is about how he wants to  go to space, though I suppose the irony of being killed with what you love always fits like it did with the others...
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I didn’t notice it until I looked at this still, but aren’t those the headmaster’s bones???
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I-Is he still alive at this point??? The headmaster was reduced to bones at some point during the trip, right???
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oh god he
he smiled... for just a moment....
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Kaito, on his way to hell, at Monokuma: ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
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He died amongst the stars.... 
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Wait so does that mean they didn’t see any of this happen??? Or was it projected on a TV for them or something -
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oh jeez -
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Despite the smiling, despite him finally reaching space, there ultimately isn’t any happiness be found in death. He never wanted to go out like this. :(
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55 notes · View notes
Fracture 7/10
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Please note that this chapter references torture, drugging and character death. I sobbed some ugly tears writing this. It honestly hurt me
If you like Juyeon, go love on @yoosungshoodie, since Juyeon is her OC. The banner comes from @kiserusmoke!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue | AO3| Masterlist
Three months ago
Nari’s train was running late. She frowned at the timetable, muttering to herself that of course it was . She had chosen to take it as an experiment, one that she was careful to lie to her family and friends about. As far as they knew, she was doing it for the environment, when in reality she was considering selling her car. She doubted she would be unemployed for long, but if that proved to be the case, using the bullet train would be easier on her finances than a car.
She took a seat as she waited for the next train, taking her phone from her pocket. She had been checking the business and job listings of three different news sites and loaded up the first, frowning almost immediately when the page finally loaded.
KOREA’S MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR: an exclusive interview with the heir to C&R
She could not deny that he was handsome, but the carefully posed photograph inside of his office only added insult to injury. It was difficult not to imagine those stern features dismissing her from C&R.
Nari opened her emails instead, scrolling through the usual spam and lingering over a particularly curious entry.
Paradise awaits you, Nari Song
With a smirk, she opened the e-mail, expecting some kind of shopping coupon or horoscope spam. The actual e-mail was even more cryptic, though, and she read over it several times to try and gauge its meaning.
Don’t you want to escape from this filthy world?
This is an invitation to paradise.
Are you suffering from your past?
We will help the pain go away.
A world filled with pleasure…
A world filled with truth…
A world with no tears….
A world with no rejections…
Accept the angel’s invitation and enter the mysterious messenger.
There was a link at the bottom and Nari clicked it, curious of the messenger and quietly acknowledging the clever marketing at play. No matter how many pretty words an advertisement had, there was no match for a person’s natural curiosity. The appstore entry was equally as vague, listed as the angel’s invitation with no screenshots. Two people before her had offered reviews, claiming their lives were changed as a result of the app, offering no further details than that. Nari read over the page twice before clicking download. She had nothing better to do, after all.
Her train arrived as the app finished downloading and she watched her screen as she gripped the nearest railing. By the first stop, she had created a login and proceeded to the opening screen, which offered no answers either, looking exactly like a messenger platform, with icons for e-mail and some form of texting function. She tapped at each, taking in the empty contact pages and coming to the conclusion that it was some kind of chat room, even if no one appeared to be online.
She was about to put her phone away, deciding to take another look later on, when the screen went blank, displaying green letters of code that she did not recognise.
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Three months later
“What foods do you like?” Ray asked, arranging a fresh napkin on a saucer for his guest.
Judging from her expression, she was curious of his motives and he couldn’t find it in himself to blame her. The elixir of salvation was, after all, bitter on the senses and he did not want her to suffer any more than was necessary. The very thought of her face crumbling into one of agony left his heart skipping beats and palms clammy.
He had never been able to stand the thought of her coming to harm; had picked her out from hundreds based on that fact alone. She was different to the others: fragile and mysterious and completely out of place in the ordinary world.
“Ah! I’m sorry to ask such a strange question,” he said, “I just wondered if my cooking suited your tastes. If you’d rather something else, I can go and prepare it for you.”
“Oh,” she said, “please don’t worry! Everything here is…”
She gestured at the table, at all of the pastries and soups and other dishes that he had prepared for her.
“This is more than enough.”
“I’m so happy you think so! Although…I must say I am still curious. I’ve never had the chance to cook for someone like you before.”
“Someone like me?”
Ray blushed, realising too late that his words might come across as offensive.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to insult you!”
“You didn’t,” said Nari, her smile softening into one of sympathy. “Hmmm…let me think.”
She never got the chance to tell him, however, for C607 entered the garden and shattered the relative peace.
“Miss Song!” She called, waving and running towards the pavilion as fast as her heels would allow. “Miss Song, good morning!”
C607 had taken to her role as Assistant Park almost too well. Most of the clothes she used when in character came from her own personal collection, which she had abandoned upon her initiation into Mint Eye. The boldness of it made Ray’s toes curl; C607 discarded her beliefs as quickly as her clothes and her love for the paradise was transparently insincere.
“You weren’t in your room,” breathed C607, “I’ve been looking for you.”
She took a seat at the table and helped herself to a cup of coffee, quite deliberately not acknowledging him. He knew it was deliberate; that Miss Park had no reason to interact with him and going out of her way to do so might arouse suspicions, yet he would be lying if he said it didn’t bother him.
“Have you heard from Driver Kim?”
Nari was straight to business and Ray spotted the mean edge to C607’s smile even if she didn’t.
“I spoke to him just a few minutes ago, actually. He’s really sorry about the delay.”
“Is he…” Nari hesitated, thumbs tracing the edge of her cup, “alright?”
“Of course he is! He’s never been better.”
C607 took a sip of her coffee, leaning forward as if to whisper a secret.
“Actually,” she said, “he told me to tell you that we can leave as soon as you finish breakfast.”
Ray pretended he didn’t notice the joy in Nari’s eyes; the way she gulped down the rest of her coffee and dusted crumbs from her lap. He pretended he didn’t notice C607 reaching for her hand and guiding her away from the pavilion; away from him.
And he absolutely pretended he did not see C607 sneering over her shoulder at him.
Nari couldn’t believe her luck any more than she could hide her excitement to go home.
She all but threw her belongings together to the amusement of Juyeon, who lingered in the doorway and pointed out the things she missed.
“At this rate, that Ray guy will think you’re running away from him,” she laughed. “He is a little weird, don’t you think?”
Nari disapprovingly glanced up from her purse.
“He’s a little… enthusiastic,” she said, “but he means well.”
“Haven’t you seen those long lingering looks he gives you? I think he has a crush on you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!”
“I’m not being ridiculous! It’s clear to anyone!”
Nari sighed, turning to chastise Juyeon, only to freeze at the sight of her swooping forward with a cloth in her hand. It smelled of something, something sweet and artificial, and she writhed against Juyeon’s grasp, digging her nails into the nearest arm and throwing back her head to try and loosen the one gripping her hair.
She realised it was chloroform only moments before her eyes fell shut and her body limp. She stared at her own outstretched hand, reaching and flailing, convinced she would remember Juyeon’s smile forever.
Jumin’s upcoming wedding had had something of a ripple effect on C&R. For the majority of employees it was gossip; hushed comments and carefully hidden tabloids. For the other select few, it was extra work. Almost overnight, the country had grown fascinated with Nari Song, whether it was the clothes she wore, her origins, the hidden truth of her relationship with Jumin; there was some part of her that intrigued everyone.
Suddenly the PR department had not only the prospect of a scandal to deal with, but weeks of careful research into a person that ordinarily would take months. They needed answers for any given official statement and ideas for how best to build her public image, whether it was denying the engagement came as a result of a pregnancy or scripting her replies to interview questions.
On the receiving end of arguably the highest amount of fallout was one Jaehee Kang, who found herself in an endless cycle of adjusting schedules, advising the PR department, passing on memos and more.
She had come to dread it whenever Jumin called her to his office because it never preceded anything good. This time around was no exception to the rule and she mentally reshuffled all of her recent e-mails and phone calls in an attempt to gauge exactly what Jumin was about to tell her. It seemed almost optimistic to wonder if he had a new pet project in mind.
“Mr Han?” She said, after knocking at his door. “You asked to see me?”
Jumin was in the process of flipping through the pages of one of the files from the mountain at his desk.
“Ah, Assistant Kang,” he said and waved her over, though never looked up from the file. “I have a task for you. It’s of the utmost priority.”
“Of course,” she said, pulling out the notebook she had been keeping her pocket. The constant adjustments and additions and reshuffles were difficult to keep up with at the best of times and she had taken to scribbling them down where possible.
“I need you to make a cancellation.”
“A cancellation,” she said, pen at the ready. “Of which particular appointment?”
“All of them.”
Jaehee glanced up from her notebook.
Surely she had misheard, though that hope rapidly dissolved as he finally set aside the file in his hands.
“Sorry…that was vague,” he said. “I would like for you to cancel everything in regards to my engagement. My regular business appointments may remain the same.”
He said it casually, though Jaehee could only stare. He had finalised the design for the cufflinks he would wear on his wedding day only the night before and cancelling months of work in a single day never happened without a good reason. She wondered if she ought to ask about Nari, though decided against it. If the worst truly had happened, then reminding Jumin of the incident would only make matters worse.
Instead she accepted his task and pulled her phone from her pocket after sitting back down at her own desk.
Nari….is everything okay?
Ray had spent most of the evening and some of the morning preparing dishes for Nari’s breakfast. He had chosen each and every one based on things he had watched her eat through hacked security cameras in the penthouse she called home. He had cast his mind back to mornings in which she made coffee and wrapped her arms around Jumin’s shoulders, stepping up onto her tiptoes for kisses as he picked up his cup. He had remembered chefs entering the premises and anxiously waiting at the side of their dining table until dismissed. He also remembered Nari reaching into the back of the kitchen cupboard for sugary cereal: the same sugary cereal that Jumin occasionally reached for when he ate breakfast alone.
Ray wasn’t sure when exactly he had mentally inserted himself into every situation; cooking Nari pancakes instead of Jumin Han. He was not sure when he had decided she was miserable and only he could make her smile. They were selfish thoughts, out of line with the Saviour’s teachings, but his mind drifted nonetheless.
After Nari left with Juyeon, he returned to the kitchen, sinking his hands into the steaming dishwater and scrubbing each plate at a time. Technically speaking, he did not need to undertake such a task himself. Any given believer would happily have accepted any such order. He wanted to clear his thoughts, though, wanted to scrub the scrub the plates clean where he could not his mind. He wanted to wash away Nari’s happy expression at the prospect of returning home.
He had always condemned Juyeon and her selfishness; her desire for approval more so than paradise. The irony of it was clear to him now that he wanted Nari to smile and laugh for no one but him. He wanted her to smooth the creases out of his shirt, rearrange his tie, rush to greet him when he walked through the door. Even the sting of the hot water could not erase it.
The previous night he had reached for elixir, desperate to quieten his mind and focus. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the dark thoughts at the back of his mind, though. The whispers that repeated everything he did not want to hear.
The saviour will use her to convert Jumin Han.
He scrubbed harder.
She will choose him at the everlasting party
Harder, he scrubbed harder.
Even in paradise, she won’t love you.
He stopped, the water from the sink spilling onto the floor.
You’re wrong, he thought to himself. You’re wrong and I’m not listening to you anymore.
He squeezed his eyes open and shut, reaching to place the dish he had been washing alongside all of the others. There was no dish, though, only his hands; hands that he had so vigorously scrubbed that they were bleeding.
I won’t listen
His squeezed his hands into fists, the sting of his broken skin satisfying on the senses.
I won’t listen.
I won’t
Posing undercover as an acolyte came with an equal amount of perks and downsides. Nobody questioned Jihyun’s ignorance on the matter of their special guest and he found that some believers had curiosities of their own. It was, however, increasingly difficult to continue feigning ignorance. Even as someone outside of the castle for an extended period of time, he should have known which rooms were normally out of bounds. Twice they caught him at the stairwell and twice he lied about his presence there. Finally, on the third attempt, he changed his tactics and told a half truth.
“I want to see her,” he said, shrugging off the believer’s hand on his shoulder. “The Saviour thinks she is special…I want to see it for myself.”
It was a risky move, considering, but ultimately one that paid off. The three of them climbed the stairs to an empty floor, eerily silent to the point that everything they said and did left an echo.
“I heard her ceremony is tonight,” said one of his group, a woman, whose pretty face lay obscured by her hood. “I overheard Mister Ray telling Miss Jenny that the elixir would be ready once he added the final touches.”
Just the word sent shivers up his spine. He knew the implications even if he did not the finer details. Jihyun stopped in his tracks, wanting nothing more than to steal Nari away from that terrible place. He opened his mouth to demand they take him to the saviour; to tell them that he was no believer. Before he could, though, footsteps rang out in the empty corridor and his heart skipped a beat.
A handful of other believers were coming towards them, led by a woman in a magenta uniform. He knew her face, despite the fact that he had only seen her on a couple of occasions.
Back when he was still recovering from his eye surgery at Jumin’s penthouse, he had taken every chance to help Nari adjust to her new role. Sometimes that amounted to describing the personality of interviewers or the places she should avoid if she didn’t want to be swarmed by the media. At other times, his help arrived in the form of making tea and reading through the seemingly endless lists of things that needed her attention.
On a few of those occasions, Nari’s assistant had visited the penthouse, though for the most part he only ever encountered her as a disembodied voice on the other end of the phone. The few times he had seen her, she had been clutching bubble tea or informing Nari of appointments added to her schedule at the last moment. He was sure he had seen her at one of his exhibitions too, though the last time he had had one he and Rika were still together, so he was sure he must have been mistaken.
The more he thought about it, the more it made sense for Rika to plant someone like her so close to Nari and he wondered exactly how long she had been planning such a move. How long had Juyeon known about Rika’s plans? In any case, he realised that she must have been the ‘Miss Jenny’ the other acolytes had spoken of.
He clenched his hands into fists at what followed her; she led a number of hooded believers, one of whom cradled a body in their arms.
No. Not a body. Nari.
The acolyte held her with the same amount of care one would expect of a ragdoll, allowing one of her arms to dangle to the floor as the other lay crushed against their body.
All he could think about was her laughter all of those months ago. The three of them once played poker; Nari setting down her earrings and Jumin a book from his shelf. He had long wondered what to bet himself and ultimately set down an IOU.
“An IOU?” Jumin had said, examining the paper.
“Yes,” he said. “Whoever wins this can ask one thing of me in the future.”
“That’s potentially dangerous.”
“Are you suggesting either of us would take advantage of him?” Nari had laughed and, beaten, Jumin shuffled the cards.
Unsurprisingly, she won, and Jihyun knew from Jumin’s soft smile as she turned the pages of her new book that he was not the only one who had allowed her to win.
Of late, her laughter only left him guilty. It was his fault that she had been tricked into the apartment; his fault that she lay unconscious in front of him. Every time she laughed, he remembered Jumin’s lips against his own and his own deep, dark need to believe she could not be trusted.
He remembered Jumin’s insistences as they sat on the roof of the penthouse that they tell her about the kiss they had shared. He wanted her to know everything, and it was Jihyun who protested. He hated change, yet wanted everything to. He did not want to hurt her even slightly, yet wanted to steal away everything she held dear.
He was the one who couldn’t be trusted; Nari’s bright smile when she returned to the penthouse only serving as a cruel reminder of his betrayal. She was so eager to know if they had enjoyed the meteor shower and he realised too late her full intentions. It was no coincidence that she had left them alone together; that she had orchestrated everything in the hopes that they would repair their friendship.
He could not bring himself to regret the kiss, but he was sure he would regret the betrayal for the rest of his life.
“Juyeon,” he called, dragging down the hood of his cloak.
She seemed surprised that anyone had called out to her by name, though the shock left her as soon as she saw him standing there.
“Let her go,” he said, gaze drifting from her to Nari, his trembling hands breaking any illusion of composure.
“Well, well, well,” said Juyeon, approaching him in the same slow, practised fashion a tiger might. “What have we here?”
They took him to a cell in the basement. Jihyun knew from observations and conversations with acolytes that up until recently, such a thing was rarely done; it was the norm to take prisoners and any intruders before the saviour until they were cleansed and no longer deemed dangerous or, alternatively, died in captivity. For him to be isolated so quickly meant only one thing: he was considered an enemy of the organisation and if Rika came to see him at all, it would be to announce whatever torture she had in mind for him.
The guards draped a hood over his head that smelled mouldy, as if it was designated for drownings, and he choked at the smell as they pushed his shoulder to get him moving. They probably only walked down a couple of short flights of stairs, but it felt like he walked for miles. Finally, the guard tugged the cloak from his head and kicked him into the back of his new prison, locking it behind them with a mutter that they would come back once they had received orders.
“Come back and let me out of here,” Jihyun threw his body against the bars. “Tell the saviour to come!”
They did not acknowledge him, though, no matter how hard he shook the bars. He slumped to the floor despairingly, considering Nari’s limp body in the acolyte’s arms. In retrospect everything was obvious to him; he should never have suspected her, should never have fallen into the trap of questioning her intentions solely because she had won the heart of his friend. He should have told her everything from the beginning instead of succumbing to jealousy.
He wondered if he would ever get the chance to explain her current circumstances; if he would ever be able to take her hands in his and explain how he had kissed Jumin on the roof of the penthouse. The latter scared him most of all and he could not bear to imagine her reaction. In his heart, she would always be happy and smiling, brewing good coffee and pouring bad wine. She would always be the one who laughed at his double entendres and scolded him for missing meals.
And in that moment, just like Ray before him, he realised his love for her like a storm cloud overhead.
“M….Mathter V, thir,” someone mumbled in the adjoining cell, dragging him out of his thoughts. He peered into the darkness to make out the owner and gasped when he saw.
“Driver Kim!”
This was not the Driver Kim of days past, however. This man drooled blood and had cuts across his temples.
“What happened to you?” Jihyun said, holding onto the bars that separated them. “Who did this?”
Driver Kim’s eyes glazed over at the memory and Jihyun regretted asking him.
“I’ll get you out of here,” said Jihyun, seeing the occupants of the other cells for the first time. He recognised them all; had seen their faces in Luciel’s files. They were all members of the agency and all MIA. The ones that weren’t unconscious groaned in pain at their injuries, some even chained to the floor of their cell.
“I’ll save you,” Jihyun muttered. “I’ll save you all.”
Nari’s senses were muffled when she opened her eyes. For a moment, she thought she was back in the penthouse and half expected Jumin to be beside her.
It came as something of a surprise when she found herself tied to a chair in a strange room, arms bound behind her back and someone, whose voice she only half recognised, muttering that she was waking up.
Nari lifted her head, instantly regretting it as a sharp headache flooded her senses. She hissed with pain, leaning over until she could see straight ahead before making a second attempt to sit up.
Juyeon was standing on the other side of the room… or at least she thought it was Juyeon. This Juyeon had on a strange magenta uniform with a rose fixed to her blazer. What’s more, even though that Juyeon stared her in the face, there was no hint of recognition in her features.
Juyeon did not reply. It was someone else who reached for her face: someone with sharp nails and a black mask that obscured their features.
“Welcome to paradise, Nari Song.”
They reached to clamp their hand down over her nose, clutching a vial of a bright blue liquid in the other. Nari clenched her mouth shut, unable to tear her eyes away from Juyeon, who watched her struggle without a reaction. Beside her stood Ray, who fiddled with his hands and avoided her gaze.
Her chest burned and she gasped for air, giving her assailant the opportunity to force the bottle against her lips. The liquid inside was bitter, burning her throat and insides, through when she tried to spit it out the masked stranger slammed her hand over her lips, forcing them shut until she had no choice but to swallow.
“What have you….done to me?” She asked, trying to spit out the remainder of the liquid, stomach churning so forcefully that she was sure she was going to throw up.  
“Please,” she murmured, the shakiness of her hands transferring into her voice. “Let me go.”
“Don’t look so sad,” they said, so close that their breath was warm against her face. “I would never hurt someone so precious to Ray.”
Nari’s heart skipped a beat and Ray called out from the other side of the room.
“You may leave.”
Nari’s thoughts had been muddled and confused even before having a chemical forced down her throat and she dug her nails into her palms in an attempt to stop the room spinning. She remembered Juyeon’s words only a short time earlier:
At this rate, that Ray guy will think you’re running away from him. He is a little weird, don’t you think?
Haven’t you seen those long lingering looks he gives you? I think he has a crush on you.
As Ray and Juyeon left the room, Ray’s hands twitching and his expression one of concern, Nari could not help but think about how comforting it was that at least one part of her stay had been real. Perhaps it was the drug, or her own fear, but when the door closed it echoed in her senses. What was going to happen to her now? She wished Juyeon and Ray would just come back, for even if their intentions were far from pleasant, she would at the very least recognise their faces. There was something strange about their ‘saviour’; a kind of familiarity that she did not understand.
“You have such beautiful eyes,” said the saviour, “I can see why Jumin favours you.”
Nari’s heart skipped a beat.
“What do you know about Jumin?”
“I know that Jumin is the CEO in-line,” said the saviour. “I know that he prefers the finer things in life… Egyptian cotton, aged whiskeys…intelligent women. Most importantly, I know that he wouldn’t let just anybody into his inner circle. Tell me, how do you find my RFA?”
Up until that point, C&R was the most obvious reason she had been kidnapped. She had, of course, forgotten that without enemies to the RFA she might never have arrived in the apartment all of those months ago.
“ Your RFA?” She said, realisation rapidly sinking in.
She finally understood why the masked woman looked familiar. Even with the mask on, her resemblance to the girl in V’s photographs was obvious.
“No,” said Nari. “You- you’re dead!”
“That’s what V told you,” said Rika, “and you must not believe his lies.”
Nari was not so naive as to think V had never lied to or kept information from her. She had watched him play poker, after all. He had an excellent poker face even as he let her win.
“I’m sure he had his reasons.”
“It seems he has already poisoned you,” laughed Rika. “I wonder what sweet promises he whispered in your ear to make you trust him so much.”
“He didn’t whisper anything! I know he’s a good man.”
Rika sighed, clearly unimpressed with her answer.
“Tell me Miss Song,” she said softly, placing a hand on Nari’s shoulder, “what are you afraid of? Shall I guess?”
“Hmmmm,” Rika searched her face. “You stayed with the RFA even after there was no need for you to. You attend every meeting Jumin asks of you… could it be?”
She smiled cruelly, sending shivers down Nari’s spine.
“Are you afraid of being alone?”
Suddenly Nari was fourteen again, sticking pictures of idols she did not even like to the inside of her locker. Rika pressed a finger against her lips, coming to a conclusion before she could confirm or deny it.
“Sssssh, it’s okay,” she said. “In this place, no one will leave you. We will be kinder to you than the RFA. Nobody here will dictate how you dress or what you eat. We will not lie to you or ignore you, like Jumin and the rest of the RFA.”
Nari thrashed, eager to shake off Rika’s touch.
“I LOVE Jumin,” she protested. “I want to make him happy.”
Even as she said it, she knew how it sounded. She would not have believed her either.
“You’re very kind,” said Rika. “And so simple minded. What makes you so sure that he cares for you?”
Ordinarily, Nari would have been offended by such an insinuation. Ever since news of her engagement went public, she had scowled at so many articles about the status of her private life that Jumin had stroked her hair and warned her that she would age prematurely. Now, though, all she could think about was the clatter of her engagement ring against the kitchen tiles and Jumin’s words on the messenger.
Perhaps I only loved you because I thought you were something more. Perhaps you were always meant to be a stranger to the RFA. I think… that if I had not proposed to you so publicly, in such a way, I might never have married you.
Every breath left her mind and body fluttering, as if she bobbed up and down on a stormy sea. She hated herself and her own naivety. How had she never realised that she was being manipulated? How had she allowed herself into such a situation?
“He loves me!” She spat, closing her eyes. She refused to believe Jumin’s affection was a dream; just another stain in her ivory tower.
Rika seemed delighted by her responses, reaching out a finger to catch her tears.
“Jumin…loves me,” said Nari, more to herself than to Rika. “He loves me.”
He loves me.
She remembered Sarah Choi’s horrified expression as he leaned in for their first kiss; a kiss that tasted of pancakes and gave her butterflies.
She remembered how her hand trembled when he fell to one knee at the party.
She remembered the scent of roses against her skin as he sat behind her in the bathtub to wash her back.
He loves me .
She also remembered his expression in their last argument; the sound of him moving around the kitchen as she waited for him to knock on her bedroom door.
He loves me
He loves
She repeated it even as everything went black and her head lolled over onto her chest.
“Don’t worry,” said Rika, stroking her hair. “I’m not the same as them. I want you exactly as you are.”
She cupped a hand around Nari’s face, feeling for her breath against her skin. She had made such a powerful elixir and many people were not strong enough to survive the ordinary batches. Those that did came out transformed, butterflies from a painful chrysalis, wiser for their introduction into the truth of the world.
Nari’s breaths did not come, however. Rika’s hand remained as cold as it had always been. With a frown, she pressed her fingers against the other woman’s neck, feeling for a pulse where there was none.
She let go of Nari’s head, then, sighing deeply and crossing the room to pour herself a cup of tea.
Perhaps they were not so similar after all.
Three months earlier
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retrogamestoreblr-blog · 5 years ago
25 Red Hot Facebook Group Hacks
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Do You Know What Gets 10 Times The Engagement Of A Facebook Page? A Facebook Group.
If you’re still using Facebook Pages, welcome to 2020, where Facebook Groups are the now way to win new customers and make sales.I’m about to show you how to get people to automatically WANT to join your group, how to grow your email list and how to get your group members to TELL you want they want to BUY from you, too.
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“While you can utilize your Facebook group to grow your email list, I realize that some folks might wonder why you should bother. But It's Important To Do So.”
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Here are 25 rapid fire tips to help you master any Facebook group you're using for business.1: Invite Them to Join Your Facebook Group Right Away.When someone comes to your website, send them to your ‘start here’ page.Give them a little bit of an introduction, and then immediately invite them to join your community on Facebook, a group of friendly members who are all there to help each other succeed.Give them the link with the words, “Click here to request to join.” Or right after they subscribe to your email list, ask them to join your Facebook Group.If you’re doing a promotion of some kind, maybe step 1 is to share the promotion and ​market it on Twitter or LinkedIn, and step 2 is to join the Facebook Group.You get the idea – make it easy, invite them early and often, and tell them why they want to join you group.2: Invite Them Again.Yes you read that correctly!Invite them AGAIN to join your Facebook Group.Place an invitation at the end of your emails in the signature section.Place it in forum signatures and any and everywhere else that it’s appropriate.3: Create an Effective Link.Create a link that is YourWebsite.com/community to take people to your Facebook Group to join.Why not use the word “Group” or “FBGroup” instead of “Community?”Because a community implies a sense of connection and belonging – two things people crave.4: Sprinkle that Link EVERYWHERE.Do you have your own podcast?Mention the link.Are you a guest on someone else’s podcast or webinar?Mention the link.Social media?Use the link.Hand out your Group Link like a business card.Or like candy.Or both.5: Link Your Groups Together.If you have multiple Facebook Groups, link them together like this:Go to a different group than the one you want to promote.Go to ‘more’.Click on ‘link existing group'.Then type in the group your linking and hit ‘link’.Now it will say that the Group Admin recommends this other Group.6: Feature a Group Member Outside of the Group.Choose someone inside your Group to feature in a blogpost, podcast, video, social media, or wherever you like.This lets people know that there’s a community they can join, and that you’re featuring people from there, giving them free publicity.7: Get Personal.Write personal messages to the top contributors in your group.To find them, go to your Group and click on “Group Insights.”Click on “members” and you’ll see a list of the top contributors, how many posts they've created and even the comments they've made.Send them a personal message THANKING them.In most cases you will totally make their day. They’ll feel the warm fuzzies and they’ll want to contribute even more to the Group.8: Share the Prestige.Choose some of your top contributors to be moderators.By giving your top people authority to moderate, they can help you control the spam and police the trolls.They can also remove and delete posts, as well as approving new members into the group.Perhaps best of all, it rewards your top contributors and allows them to feel chosen and special.This takes work off of your shoulders and creates ‘superfans’ who have your back and know they are part of your team.9: Share Exclusive Content.Show them stuff behind the scenes that no one else gets to see.Make them feel like they're a part of something special and exclusive.You might show them your process, what you’re working on, or give them info or stories that you share with no one else online.Tell them what you're dealing with right now, and even go live and share something important about yourself or your business.You might also give them first looks at a new product you have in development, and even get feedback on it, too.If you’re writing a book, share a chapter with them, or a first look at the cover. People want to feel like they are on the ‘inside,’ and they’re interested in the processes that bring things to fruition, too.And they even love hearing about the mistakes you’ve made and what you learned from them – maybe even more so than hearing about your triumphs.10: Ask for Their Help.People love to be asked for their opinion and advice.Maybe you’re working on something and you have multiple options - share those options with your group members and see what they think.Are you designing a logo or book cover? Show them the options and ask which one they like, and why.Are you debating between two courses of action? Let them know and ask for their advice.These will likely be some of the most active posts you make, as people get involved and talking, weighing in with their own thoughts and ideas.And they can be tremendously helpful for you, too, by providing insights and ideas you never even thought of before.11: Share Short, Highly Actionable Info.Post things that can be consumed quite quickly but yield powerful results.For example, the exact formula you use to create a winning product.Or the 3 questions you ask every single outsourcer that guarantees great results.Or the 8 words that reduce refunds by 50%.Post something super quick and easy for people to take action on and get results that make them happy.And by the way, this is a great way to turn your members into raving fans, too.I actually use this technique in my Q&A Forum.12: Do a Monthly Survey.Again, people love to give their opinion, so why not give them a poll or survey now and then? This can help you to better understand your audience, who they are and what they want.It’s also a great way to inject some humor as well.Make a couple of your possible answers silly, funny or even ridiculous.Stuck for questions?How about… What is the one thing that is driving you crazy about ___?What is one small secret about your experience with ___ that you have never told anyone?If you could choose any small superpower that would change your business for the better, what would it be?What’s the stupidest advice you’ve ever heard in this niche?What was the best advice?To create a poll, under the status area click “poll.” You can add different options, then click “post” and you're done.13: Start a Discussion.One of the reasons why groups are better than pages is because of the discussions.And if you choose something that has some controversy behind it, you can get a lot of people talking.How controversial you want to get is entirely up to you.I once saw a debate that raged on for three days on social media, about what was better: Smooth or chunky peanut butter.I can’t imagine anyone’s feelings were hurt during this great debate, but there sure were a lot of opinions.14: Pop a Quiz.With a poll you’re looking for opinions. But with a quiz you’re looking for specific answers.Maybe you pose a riddle or a question, giving a scenario and asking what the answer is.Don’t make it too easy, but don’t make it so hard that nobody gets it, either.People love to shout out the answers to those game shows on television, and a quiz in your Facebook Group should garner plenty of responses, too.15: Go Live.Have a regular schedule of going live.It will do wonders for connecting with your group and increasing your authority with your members.Pick a specific topic or maybe just go on to say hello and answer questions.To go live, go into your group and click live video.Start your live video by acknowledging the replay viewers, so they feel welcomed, too, when they see the video later.Then talk to your live viewers, say hi and just be yourself.16: Spam Day.This one is a little strange, but it works.You can go a long way towards controlling the spam in the group by letting it all happen in one post on one day.Choose a day of the week where you give your members total permission to promote whatever they want to promote. You’ll make a post just for this.Once you have a lot of members, you’ll find there are hundreds of comments in there.It gets people to talk and communicate, which is a wonderful thing because the more engagement there is, the more likely members are to see your posts in their newsfeed.It gives your folks a chance to promote what they’re working on, which makes them feel good and might even send them a little traffic.And when they post on any other day, it’s easy to give them a warning and let them know that you do allow them to do this on that one day you’ve chosen, which makes them more receptive to not posting spam the other six days of the week.If you see certain kinds of spam in this weekly post – things that just don’t belong in your group – get rid of those posts right away.By training your audience to promote their own stuff only in a specific place and day, it makes it easy to clean up the rest of the group. 17: Automate.Choose a tool to post automatically on Facebook and even Twitter and other places, too.Meet Edgar and Buffer are both good, and there are dozens of others to choose from.The more you can automate, the more time you have for other things.Realize you can’t automate everything, since social media is supposed to be social.You do need to respond and interact.But there are posts you can plan for and have the software take care of it for you.18: Educate on Notifications.You want to show members how they can get notified when new posts are up in the group.You might create a video for this or show a screenshot with an arrow.Have them click on the notifications box that's right under the cover art, and then click on highlights.They can choose if they want all posts or just ones from friends. And they can even click the off button, too if they want to.Adjusting notifications allows the posts they want from this group to be shown in their newsfeed.On a mobile device they need to look for the blue checkmark to the left, underneath the cover art, or they can click on the information bar or icon at the top right and then hit notification settings from there.19: Be Open and Honest.This one is maybe so obvious, I don’t have to spell it out, but I will anyway just in case.You always want to be honest and authentic with your members.It’s even okay to be vulnerable with them as well.We all love to connect with other people in general, but we especially love to connect with people who are real.Don't be afraid to be open, to talk about the tough times, to just be honest and authentic.Doing this is going to take you a very long way when it comes to them seeing you as a leader.And of course, never speak down to your members.Speak on the same level and even ask them for help if needed. They're going to respect you a lot more for that.20: Use Facebook Group Insights.Facebook collects a ton of data on our members and luckily, they share some of it with us.To get access to this data, just go to your group and click “group insights” on the left-hand side.It's going to tell you a few things such as how many new members you've gotten, how many posts and comments and reactions and so forth.But the most important thing here is the member details on the right-hand side.Click on that and you'll see a list of the top contributors which you may recognize from earlier.Scroll down and you're going to get some good demographic data such as age and gender, and also geographical data such as top countries and top cities.This can be especially useful if you’re doing Facebook advertising, since it is giving you a very good idea of who to target.You get key insights on who is actually interested in your group and how to find more of those people.21: Facebook Content Polls.You’re going to create another poll, but this time it’s not on a random topic.Your one goal with this poll is to understand more about what your audience needs and wants.Give them a choice of topics for your next live training.This will not only tell you what topics they’re interested in – it will also tell you what topics they’re NOT interested in.You can use this information to help you choose which product to make next.One time I was all set to create a new product on a certain topic, but when I did a poll to see what kinds of training my group wanted, that particular topic received almost no votes.That little poll saved me from creating a product that my members simply weren’t interested in, which was almost as valuable to me as finding out what they did want to learn.22: Crowdsource Information.You can collect information from your members that you can use elsewhere.For example, you might ask for case studies, testimonials, success stories, tips and even resources they found especially helpful.I once asked my group what was the best product they had purchased in the last six months. I was astonished to find that a large number of them said the same thing, and yet it was a product I had never taken notice of before.I ordered a copy, loved it and started promoting it, banking an extra $4,300 over the next month from that one product recommendation.I’ve also gotten some of my very best testimonials from my Group, as well as hot tips that I’ve expanded upon and then posted back onto the Group, using them in a lead magnet and a product, too.It’s amazing what the collective minds of your group can offer you, if you only ask.23: Create Events for Launches.You’ve got a product coming out, or a book or some type of event.To get your members to join you for this event and even help support it, create an event.Go to events on the left-hand side of your group and then click on “create event.”Fill out the information, include an image, and start creating buzz.It will also send out a notification at the time at which this event is about to happen. 24: Grow Your Email List.While you can utilize your Facebook group to grow your email list, I realize that some folks might wonder why you should bother.After all, you’re getting fabulous interaction with your group.There’s plenty of activity and communication and it's thriving which is fantastic.But you still want the email for a couple of reasons.Email is a great personal one to one way to communicate with somebody, especially if you're promoting something or sharing something important, because it goes directly into their inbox.And while Facebook Groups are great, what happens if Facebook changes the rules for the groups?What if they throttle how often people see your messages, just like they did with pages?And what if Facebook goes away altogether?Not likely, but definitely possible.In that case, at least if you have your email list. You have a list of people who are interested in what it is that you're doing, and you could setup shop somewhere else.This is why growing your email list is one of the most important things that you could do.One more thing – the more people see your name, the more you are remembered, the easier it is to sell to them.If they have contact with you in your Facebook Group and in their inbox, you become someone even more familiar to them, and familiarity breeds trust.25: New Member Questions.You can ask questions to members before you let them into your group.You setup these questions ahead of time so that you can collect answers from people before they get access to the group.To do this, go to your group, click on ‘more’ and then click “edit group settings.”Some sample questions you might ask are:How did you find this group?What's your biggest struggle when it comes to building your online business?Which of the following best describes your situation? I want to start an online business. I have an online business but I’m struggling to make it profitable. I have an online business and it’s doing great, but I want to grow it even bigger.The first question tells you where your traffic is coming from, which also tells you where to focus your attention to get even more traffic.The second question is important because that's how you find out what they need.And the third question tells you if you should address your content mainly to brand new marketers, marketers with some experience or seasoned marketers who want to grow their business even bigger. There you have it – 25 tips for growing, managing and scaling your Facebook Group to get more engagement and grow your business. Read the full article
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asarenanews-blog · 8 years ago
The (refreshed) history of Android Take after the unlimited emphasess from Android 0.5 to Android 7 and beyond.
It's been over a long time since we initially ran Ron's epic 40,000-word history of the Android working framework, and in that time Android has kept on advancing and include rendition numbers. Ron has refreshed the piece with just about 11,000 extra words, conveying the history fully informed regarding data on Kit-Kat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, and Android Wear. On the off chance that you'd get a kick out of the chance to bounce straightforwardly to the new area, click appropriate here (or, in case you're a supporter in single-site hit, utilize this connection).
Android has been with us in some frame for over eight years. Amid that time, we've seen a totally stunning rate of progress dissimilar to whatever other advancement cycle that has ever existed. When it came time for Google to jump into the cell phone wars, the organization took its fast emphasis, Web-style refresh cycle and connected it to a working framework, and the outcome has been an invasion of nonstop change. Recently, Android has even been running on a formerly incomprehensible six-month improvement cycle, and that is slower than it used to be. For the principal year of Android's business presence, Google was putting out another adaptation each over two months.Looking back, Android's presence has been an obscure. It's presently a generally huge working framework. Just about a billion aggregate gadgets have been sold, and 1.5 million gadgets are enacted every day—except how did Google arrive? With this level of scale and achievement, you would think there would be huge amounts of scope of Android's ascent from zero to legend. Be that as it may, there simply isn't. Android wasn't extremely prevalent in the good 'ol days, and until Android 4.0, screenshots must be brought with the designer pack. These two components mean you wouldn't discover a ton of pictures or data out there about the early forms of Android.
The issue now with the absence of early scope is that early forms of Android are kicking the bucket. While something like Windows 1.0 will be around always—simply snatch an old PC and introduce it—Android could be viewed as the main cloud-based working framework. Many components are vigorously dependent on Google's servers to work. With less and less individuals utilizing old adaptations of Android, those servers are being closed down. What's more, when a cloud-dependent application has its server bolster stop, it will never work again—the application crashes and shows a clear screen, or it just declines to begin.
Because of this "cloud spoil," an Android review won't be conceivable in a couple of years. Early forms of Android will be void, broken husks that won't work without cloud bolster. While it's anything but difficult to think about this as far off, it's going on right at this point. While composing this piece, we kept running into huge amounts of applications that no longer capacity in light of the fact that the server bolster has been killed. Early customers for Google Maps and the Android Market, for example, are no longer ready to speak with Google. They either toss a blunder message and crash or show clear screens. Some applications even worked one week and passed on the following, since Google was effectively closing down servers amid our written work!
To keep any a greater amount of Android's past from being lost to the chronicles of history, we did what should have been finished. This is 25+ variants of Android, a bunch of gadgets, and parts and loads of screenshots cobbled together in one space. This is The History of Android, from the principal open forms to today.
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Chapter by chapter guide
Android 0.5, Milestone 3—the primary open form
Android 0.5, Milestone 5—the place where there is rejected interfaces
Android 0.9, Beta—hello, this looks well known!
Android 1.0—presenting Google Apps and real equipment
Android 1.1—the primary really incremental refresh
Android 1.5, Cupcake—a virtual console opens up gadget plan
Google Maps is the principal worked in application to hit the Android Market
Android 1.6, Donut—CDMA bolster conveys Android to any bearer
Android 2.0, Éclair‎—exploding the GPS business
The Nexus One—enter the Google Phone
Android 2.1—the disclosure (and mishandle) of movements
Android 2.1, refresh 1—the begin of a perpetual war
Android 2.2 Froyo—speedier and Flash-ier
Voice Actions—a supercomputer in your pocket
Android 2.3 Gingerbread—the primary major UI update
Android 3.0 Honeycomb—tablets and a plan renaissance
Google Music Beta—distributed storage in lieu of a substance store
Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich—the cutting edge time
Google Play and the arrival of direct-to-purchaser gadget deals
Android 4.1, Jelly Bean—Google Now indicates what's to come
Google Play Services—discontinuity and making OS forms (about) out of date
Android 4.2, Jelly Bean—new Nexus gadgets, new tablet interface
Out-of-cycle updates—who needs another OS?
Android 4.3, Jelly Bean—getting wearable support out ahead of schedule
Android 4.4, KitKat—more clean; less memory utilization
Android Wear
Android 5.0 Lollipop—The most imperative Android discharge ever
Material Design gives Android (and all of Google) a personality
Craftsmanship—The Android Runtime gives a stage to what's to come
A framework wide interface invigorate
Work Scheduler whips the application environment into shape
Gadget setup gets future-sealed
Android TV
Android 5.1 Lollipop
Android Auto
Android 6.0 Marshmallow
The new Google App
Google Now on Tap—an element that didn't exactly work out
The Fingerprint API
In the background changes
Volume and Notifications
Month to month security refreshes
Android 7.0 Nougat, Pixel Phones, and what's to come
Android 0.5, Milestone 3—the principal open form
Before we go plunging into Android on genuine equipment, will begin with the early, beginning of Android. While 1.0 was the primary variant to send on equipment, there were a few beta forms just discharged in emulator shape with the SDK. The emulators were implied for improvement purposes just, so they do exclude any of the Google Apps, or even many center OS applications. Still, they're our best investigate the pre-discharge days of Android.Before offbeat treat code names and cross-special manages multinational nourishment companies, the primary open arrival of Android was marked "m3-rc20a"— "m3" remaining for "Turning point 3." While Google might not have advanced the rendition number—and this assemble didn't have a settings application to check—the program client operator distinguishes this as "Android 0.5."
In November 2007, two years after Google obtained Android and five months after the dispatch of the iPhone, Android was declared, and the primary emulator was discharged. In those days, the OS was all the while getting its feet under it. It was effortlessly expelled as "only a BlackBerry clone." The emulator utilized a qwerty-bar skin with a 320x240 show, duplicating a real model gadget. The gadget was worked by HTC, and it is by all accounts the gadget that was codenamed "Sooner" as indicated by numerous early Android accounts. In any case, the Sooner was never discharged to showcase.
As per records of the early improvement days of Android, when Apple at long last flaunted its progressive cell phone in January 2007, Google needed to "begin once again" with Android—including rejecting the Sooner. Considering the Milestone 3 emulator turned out right around a year after Apple's iPhone disclosing, it's astonishing to see the gadget interface still nearly impersonated the Blackberry display. While work had most likely been done on the hidden framework amid that time of post-iPhone advancement, the emulator still propelled with what was seen as an "old school" interface. It didn't make a decent initial introduction.
At this early stage, it appears like the Android catch design had not been settled yet. While the principal business Android gadgets would utilize "Home," "Back," "Menu," and "Hunt" as the standard arrangement of catches, the emulator had a clear space set apart as a "X" where you would anticipate that the inquiry catch will be. The "Sooner" equipment model was much more abnormal—it had a star image as the fourth button.There was no configurable home screen or gadgets, only a straightforward dock of symbols at the base that could be pushed through or tapped on. While touch screen bolster worked for a few elements, Milestone 3 was basically controlled with a five-way d-cushion—a chronological error that Android still backings right up 'til today. Indeed, even this early form of Android could do movements. Symbols would develop and recoil as they entered and left the dock's inside window.
There was no notice board yet, either. Warning symbols appeared in the status bar (appeared above as a smiley confront), and the best way to open them was to press "up" on the d-cushion while on the home screen. You couldn't tap on the symbol to open it, nor would you be able to get to warnings from any screen other than home. At the point when a notice was opened, the status bar extended somewhat, and the content of the warning showed up in a discourse bubble. When you had a notice, there was no manual approach to clear it—applications were in charge of clearing their own warnings.
Application drawer obligations were dealt with by a straightforward "Applications" organizer on the left of the dock. In spite of having a lot of capacities, the Milestone 3 emulator was not exceptionally pending with application symbols. "Program," "Contacts," and "Maps" were the main genuine applications here. Strangely, "late calls" was lifted to an independent symbol. Since this was only an emulator, symbols for center cell phone usefulness were missing, similar to caution, schedule, dialer, number cruncher, camera, exhibition, and settings. Equipment models demoed to the press had a number of these, and there was a suite of Google Apps up and running by this point. Unfortunately, there's no chance to get for us to take a gander at them.
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