#this reminds me of the one I had as a kid
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fixomnia-scribble · 1 day ago
This reminds me of my nephews. 18 months between them, so they were raised pretty much as twins at slightly different developmental stages. Of course the younger one was NOT having that, and tried to catch up or surpass his brother at everything. And the elder one was NOT having that, so he kept on moving fast and doing amazing things. (They are great kids and I am so stinkin' proud of them.)
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Anyway, yes, the shared stroller. They had one. The sketch above was done as quickly as possible during a brief nap in a park. They sat and yelled and threw tiny fists and feet in that thing for a couple of years. It didn't even matter if they were laughing and talking happily. Their bodies would be fighting. They weren't allowed to be on the same sports teams for this reason (and also because the little'un was always stronger but the biggun was always faster, and it never ended well).
And now at 19 and 21 years of age, the little'un is nearing 6'5" and the biggun is 6'3". And they're not allowed to sit together at family dinners because they will be doing battle constantly, while also keeping up a stream of charming table conversation and chatting together.
The best cosplay I ever saw at a convention was two kids in a dual stroller, who as their parents pushed them past me were whaling on each other, just, calmly but continually fighting like they didn’t know how not to fight, and as they drew closer I realized these tiny violent toddlers were dressed as Cyclops and Wolverine. 
I think about those parents a lot. 
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yuurei20 · 2 days ago
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Summarized transcript of the Twisted Radio episode with Diasomnia! 🐉🦇⚔️⚡️
Highlights: A very good episode, all the Diasomnia VAs love their characters and each other’s characters and each other and it is very obvious when they interact.
Disclaimer: These are not direct quotes, this is all general summarizations and paraphrasing~
Begins with how they are happy to be all together in one place, for the first time in two years.
The opening talk set by last week: what do you find yourself buying when you travel?
⚡️It seems 🦦-kun wanted to buy a dragon sword… 🐉 I’ve bought one before. 🦇 Why wwww 🐉 In elementary school
On topic: 🐉 I love milk. Every time I go some place I buy milk to drink. A recent musical I was in traveled nationwide and the milk in Hokkaido is different depending upon the area. I was so happy.
🦇I like to get things to remind me of the trip. It doesn’t matter what they are. It doesn’t even have to be related to the area. Just a prize from a Game Center or a gacha toy or anything is fine.
⚔️ Dragons. Apparently they’re growing in popularity. 
He talks about how around high school everyone loses interest, but then you become an adult and are like “actually yeah dragons are great” ww
🦇 We should get on that bandwagon. Officially recognized by Diasomnia ww ⚔️ We have the most noble and beautiful dragon of them all 🦇 Out of all the dragons that there are, he certainly stands out
(Everyone is laughing so much they are having so much fun)
⚡️I like getting fruit or something that was made from things grown in the area, even if it’s temporary, to remember the taste
(⚡️ is the host so it is his job to keep them on subject ww there are a lot of cuts in this episode, they must have talked for so long and needed to cut it down)
Fan letter: I had a dream where I talked about how wonderful Malleus-sama is for ten hours. What strange dreams have you had before?
⚡️I have been seeing the same dream since I was a kid. A kind of horror dream. The same dream where I am being chased by something. 
⚔️ There are dreams I had as a kid that really left an impression on me. I remember them pretty well. Like one where I became a character from a cartoon that could fly. I became one of the main characters. An enemy would appear, someone would say “Let’s go!” and they’d all naturally start to fly. And even though I was a main character, I’d say “Let’s go!” and I was the only one who wouldn’t be able to fly. Everyone else flew off and I couldn’t. I was the main character and they all left me behind. I started crying that I couldn’t fly and then I woke up.
🦇 I’ve had a dream about situation where I could fly, too. Even though I could fly, when I jumped from somewhere high up instead of going straight I would go fly upwards, then think, “Yeah, I can fly,” and that is when I could go forward. I perform safety checks within my dream.
🐉 In a dream I had in university I could fly, but just some light floating. Everyone else travels very quickly, and at first I can as well, but then I get lower and lower, and soon I am floating about 5cm. I’m technically flying, but…I saw that dream a lot.
(This entire story ⚔️ is in the background dying of laughter)
About Malleus
He was very mysterious when he first appeared. ⚡️ says he had the feeling from the start that he was a very good character. 
🦇 He had an atmosphere of someone who is difficult to go near.
⚔️ I like Malleus-sama even more now than I did before. Not just what about him that is firm but his soft side, his warm side, his cold side—we can see so many aspects of his character now, which has made him even more captivating. Because he is so mysterious something even more wonderful than what I had imagined has emerged—that is the impression I have of him now.
🦇 They did a great job with his casting. I didn’t really know anything at first, but doing this for so long, you can tell how perfect 🐉-kun is for this part. 
🐉 I’m so happy :D
🦇 Of course everyone wants to know more in the beginning because of his cool voice, but 🐉-kun has a kindness to him. And that is what I came to understand. They took that into account when they chose him. When I figured that out, I was extremely impressed. This isn’t something that just anyone can do. It’s not enough to just provide a cool character voice. It’s a distinct charm that he has.
⚔️ The character is really packed with substance, but there’s still space left, and you can sense that mysteriousness. Because there is so much going on inside of him there are things for you to grasp at while simultaneously stirring your imagination. I really sense that.
🦇 When you try to think of other seiyuu like that, no one really comes to mind. It has to be 🐉-kun.
🐉 Is it okay if I start to cry?
⚔️ And when he sings…
⚡️ That humming…
⚔️ That was amazing.
🐉 That was so hard to do. They told me, “please hum like you mean it,” and I thought, “what is humming that you mean?” Humming that follows a melody, that becomes a sound. I had never done that before. It was really hard. We tried several different patterns.
⚔️ It was scary. Both an ending and a beginning.
🦇 But as the story continues I find him cute, too. And 🐉-kun is cute, too.
(Everyone is laughing, I think ⚔️ is going to die here)
🦇 No I’m serious, really, really. 
🐉 While portraying Malleus the difficult thing is always not showing too much emotion,.The direction I am always receiving is “you can’t become human.” They’ll say, “that take sounded just like a regular guy.” The balance of how his normal is not normal for a human is always hard to do. And post-overblot Malleus—they’ll tell me, “Sorry, but Malleus sounds kind of scary.” I often get told “can you control the darkness a bit.” But through all that how do I still portray Malleus-ness…
🦇 The more you read for a character the more you come to understand them, but Malleus was last.
🐉 There was a lot of uncertainty in the beginning. I have concluded that he is cute. He’s a child. He’s been alive longer than the others, but his emotional state hasn’t caught up to that. He has so much power, but he lacks the normal concept of common sense. Things that are common sense to him are not so to others. I am always trying to portray that unusual dichotomy.
⚔️ talks about being able to see Malleus grow up in Book 7 through the different milestones were see in the flashbacks. There are places where he has always been the same but parts about him that have evolved. ⚔️ tells 🐉 that it seems like that must have been hard.
🐉 It was so hard.  I think there’s probably a way of interacting with Malleus that's in line with how he understands things, even though I don't fully understand it. When encountering him for the first time, people around him might think, 'Wow, he doesn’t react at all!' But Malleus does react in his own way. I would receive many detailed directions like 'Please be surprised!' or 'Please react!' I didn’t create this performance all by myself, it has come together from the efforts of the staff, and I’m really grateful for that. I tend to lose track of what was the right way to approach things as Malleus. You can get confused between doing events and the main story, so getting back into the right mindset every time is pretty tough.
About Silver
🐉 I thought he was really cool when I saw him the first time.
⚡️ I think it’s cute how he falls asleep—he’ll wake up, apologize, and then immediately sleep again.
🦇 He’s really pretty.
🐉 I thought he had a beautiful face the first time I saw him.
⚔️ My portrayal of him hasn’t really changed since the beginning. We’ve gotten more information and there is more of a backbone now, and of course things change when new things are revealed. Even from the beginning he wasn’t just a cool character, he had a naturalness to him, and not just that he spaces out, but he tries to solve his problems with physical strength. Like in Book 7 with “if I hit it that will fix it.” I think his humanity is being expressed more these days.
🦇 It took a while, yeah?
⚔️ It took so long.
🦇 It took us a while to get to Malleus, too, but he had the impact of his first appearance. Silver didn’t have anything.
Now they’re talking about Lilia’s farewell party and Malleus and Silver crying together and not knowing how to express their emotions. Trying to be mature. 
⚔️ He’s being a big brother to Silver!!
🦇 I figured something was coming soon, after that. And it went in an intense direction.
⚔️ There is so much about them that is a family. Father is Lilia, and Malleus-sama has a big-brother nature to him.
🐉 You really feel their familial relationship.
⚔️ He felt some responsibility. If the little brother starts to cry, the older brother—
🐉 He can’t cry.
⚔️ He’ll get desperate to try and be strong and try to solve the problem.
🐉 Like he has to step up.
🦇 So it was Silver’s fault.
⚔️Not all of it. Silver would never say this, but the reason things became so difficult for the two of them is…their love for their father.
🦇 Sebek and Silver are a good combination, too.
⚔️ Such a good combination~~~
🦇 They’re complete opposites but they’re also surprisingly similar.
⚡️They’re both so honest.
🐉 They’re honest and serious and good kids, both of them.
⚡️ They never had the opportunity to show emotion like that until 7. They are both very quick to cry.
🐉 They’re so much alike.
⚡️I guess this is what happens when you’re raised together with someone. I think Silver is the older brother, looking from Sebek’s perspective. There is a moment where Sebek is scolded for the first time. In the moment, when I was reading, ⚔️’s portrayal really is angry. I even said it, “He finally scolded him for the first time.”
About Sebek
⚡️I think he empowers himself by speaking so loudly. Once he decides on doing something, he goes straight for it, true to his unique magic. With how strongly he sticks to his principles it’s like he could overcome any obstacle, like in that scene he had with Silver, but it was very cute that he actually loses there.
⚔️THAT WAS SO CUTE. That was a great part. 
(⚔️ is literally yelling into his mic about how cute Sebek is)
⚡️The fact that he was able to get out the words he really wanted to say after he lost the fight shows that he does want to say what is on his mind but there is a wall that he has to break down, and then he can move forward. That is a moment where you can really understand Sebek-kun’s feelings. And once he lets his emotions out, they’re out w
🐉 He can’t put the lid back on. Everything spills out.
⚔️ (dying in the background)
⚡️talks about how much effort Sebek puts into everything and he reads so much and there is so much he wants people to know, which is why he is so loud.
🦇Sebek and Silver have both had a lot more lines recently. Doesn’t your voice get worn out during recordings?
⚡️It doesn’t! I do stretches and things before recordings. I figured out that I need that kind of physical exercise to prepare.
About Lilia
⚡️ Mom.
🐉 A cute mom.
⚡️There was a lot of gaps* in 7.
*I can’t figure out a good way to say this in English. It is the difference between what you expect and what something really is.
🐉 Too many gaps, it was so surprising.
🦇 I had heard nothing about any of that.
⚡️ I had an image of him as someone who is gentle and cute and a senpai who enjoys pranks and looks out for others…
🦇 He used to be completely different.
⚡️And there was egg-sama.
🐉 Egg-sama w
⚡️⚔️It’s not inaccurate.
🦇 I have done a lot of crying scenes before. When you first look at the script it hits you, and when you think about how you have to portray what you just read so that the people listening to your performance feel the same emotion—there is a pressure to that. I can’t be the only one crying. I have to make others cry.
⚔️ Something that 🦇-san said (during the special talk show that 🦇 and 🐉 did together last year talking about Book 7 just the two of them) that I really liked and wanted to ask about: You and Baul’s VA Koyasu-san (🐊) have been performing together a lot over the years. And you came back together for the first time in a while for this. You said that you didn’t want to give him the impression of “So this is what 🦇 is like these days.” So there was that pressure, you didn’t want to give an embarrassing performance in front of him, and I realized that you have a passionate spirit that you don’t really show, in my opinion—but it’s there! I got really excited about that.
🐉 I was surprised, too, that even 🦇-san has those same thoughts.
🦇 Of course I do. The pressure was intense. I am glad that we were able to record together, but…
And with the Chapter 13 release announcement they say they have permission to share this information:
🦇 and 🐉 were able to record together!
🐉 It was amazing. It was truly an amazing time for me.
🦇 It was our first time performing together.
Upcoming calendar review~ and done!
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astars-things · 2 days ago
"My baby, you did so well." For Quinn please 🙏
This is for 18+ readers only, if you are underage, I can't stop you from reading, just proceed with caution 
mention of- toys, sub!reader dom!Quinn hughes 
this is only my second time writing smut if you have any feedback that would be great x
smut content below 
Quinn had this rule when he was away on roadie, "no touching yourself", he went as far as hiding your toys in a locked box in your shared closet, hiding one of the keys in an old pair of shoes and the other he took away with him, he trusted you not to use your fingers, the only times you were allowed to was when he was on call giving you permission 
While cleaning out the closet, sorting through old clothes to decide what to keep and what to donate, your hand accidentally bumped into one of Quinn’s shoes. As it tipped over, a small, silver key tumbled to the floor, catching the light as it landed beside you.
You knew you shouldn’t. You knew exactly what that key unlocked. But the ache between your legs was impossible to ignore.
Without hesitation, you grabbed your vanity chair, setting it firmly on the floor before stepping up onto it. Your fingers reached for the familiar box tucked high on the shelf — your secret stash of toys and pleasures you hadn’t touched in far too long. 
You quickly grabbed one, placing it on charge because you knew it needed it after not being used for a little bit, when you placed it on charge, you made your way into the kitchen,n washing the dishes, you had sent a timer so you didn't accidently set the apartment on fire, soon the timer rang out threw your ears
Giggly like a little kid, you ran into your shared bedroom. You were lying on your back, opening up a locked folder where you and Quinn could share audios and videos to help pass the time of roadies, little did you know Quinn got a notification when you opened this shared folder, 
Soon, finding the one you wanted, it was an audio of Quinn dirty talking to you, helping you cum, you turned on your vibrator playing the buzzing toy on your clit, your phone placed next to your ear to simulate quinn being there with you, but you needed this after him sending you photos of him being sweaty and his abs on full display, 
moans were heard through the apartment as you kept your buzzing friend on your clit moving it around in circles, soon the sensation got to much and you turned it off, you gave yourself time to come back to earth, you went to the bathroom to clean yourself up and washing off your toy and placing it back into your nightstanding setting yourself a mental reminder to put it back, 
time skip 
It had been two days since you used your toy, it was weighing on you to tell Quinn, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? "hey honey i missed you" Quinn said as he wrapped his ams around you when he walked into the apartment "I missed you too bub" you replied giving him a long kiss "Needy aren't you" He whispered in your ear you gave him a shy smile "you can have me after my shower okay?" Quinn said before giving you a forehead kiss, making his way into your shared room, He didn't know why but he got a strong gut feeling to check your nightstand so he did 
Quinn’s curiosity got the better of him as he walked over to the nightstand, fingers curling around the handle before slowly pulling the drawer open. His eyes landed on it almost immediately, your favorite toy, tucked neatly under some random receipts and hair ties, but not quite hidden enough. His brows lifted slightly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You’d used it recently. He could tell. By the time he reappeared in the doorway, you were scrolling mindlessly on your phone, completely unaware of what he’d just discovered. “So…” his voice was low, playful, but with an edge to it. “Anything you wanna tell me, sweetheart?” You glanced up at him, confusion flickering across your face. “What do you mean?” He held up the toy between his fingers, the sight of it making your stomach flip. 
You were both looking at each other intensely, you knew you were in deep trouble, "Go lay on the bed, if I see one piece of clothing on you, you're going to be in even deeper trouble," he grumbled. You quickly followed behind Quinn, you watched as he went into the bathroom to take a shower, before dealing with you, 
You quickly lay there naked, your mind wandered to how stupid you could be for not putting it back, to use it in the first place, all the thoughts left your mind as you heard the bathroom door open, Quinn standing there with one look in his  eyes, to punish you 
"you ready?" Quinn asked as he sat in front of you on the bed, you could only nod, "Words y/n I need words," He said, grabbing a condom and sliding it down his length "Yes", you quickly rushed out "Good girl", He said before he moved toward you, broad chest pressing against yours as his mouth latched onto your already hard nipple. His tongue flicked, lips sucking greedily, his other hand finding your neglected breast. His fingers rolled your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger, tugging just enough to make you arch off the bed.
“Quinn, please” you whimpered, the need bubbling over too fast.
“Please what, baby? Please make you come on my cock after you couldn’t wait for me?” he teased, but you could feel the heat in his words. He loved that you needed him that badly, so badly you couldn’t resist touching yourself when he was gone. He didn’t make you answer. Instead, he slid his cock through your soaked folds, coating himself in your slick before sinking into you with one deep, slow thrust.
The stretch was perfect , the kind that made your toes curl and a broken moan slip past your lips.
“So fucking tight. Were you thinking about me when you fucked yourself with that toy?” His voice was a low growl in your ear. “Yes,” you gasped. “Yeah? Did it feel as good as this?” He thrust hard, pulling out almost entirely before slamming back in.“No no, only you ”, you babbled, already falling apart under his pace.
Quinn didn’t hold back. His hands gripped your hips, keeping you still as he pounded into you, his cock dragging against that perfect spot with every thrust. His lips were everywhere, your neck, your collarbone, the swell of your breast, leaving marks to remind you whose you were.
Just when you were right on the edge, he reached over to the nightstand, grabbing the vibrator you’d been caught with.“If you love this so much, let’s use it together.”
You barely had time to process his words before the toy was buzzing against your clit, the sensation making you cry out. The combined stimulation — his cock, the vibrator, the weight of him pressing you into the mattress — it was overwhelming. “Quinn, I can’t, it’s too much”
“You can.” His hand wrapped around your throat, gentle but firm. “You can, baby. You’re gonna give me everything. Every fucking drop.” The first orgasm hit fast and hard, your body seizing around him, clenching his cock so tightly he nearly lost it. But he didn’t stop. The vibrator stayed against your clit as he kept thrusting, dragging you into a second orgasm before you could even catch your breath.
“That’s my girl. So pretty when you come.” By the time your third orgasm hit, tears were slipping down your cheeks, the pleasure so intense it was almost too much. But Quinn wasn’t done. “One more, baby. Just one more.” His voice was softer now, coaxing, gentle even as he drove into you with deep, steady thrusts. The fourth orgasm ripped through you, leaving you boneless, trembling under him. Your body shook, thighs twitching, tears slipping down your temples as you whimpered his name.
That was enough. Quinn’s thrusts grew sloppy, his fingers digging into your hips as he spilled into the condom with a deep, guttural groan. He barely took a second to catch his breath before he was easing out of you, quickly discarding the condom and gathering you into his arms.“My baby,” he murmured, his lips pressing soft kisses along your hairline. “You did so well. So fucking good for me.”
His fingers traced soothing circles along your back, his touch gentle now, all of that dominance melted into soft, loving care.“Are you okay?” he whispered. You nodded sleepily against his chest, your body still trembling slightly. “I got you,” he promised, reaching for a warm washcloth to gently clean you up. Every touch was tender, every word soft, as if you were the most precious thing in the world — because to Quinn, you were. He tucked you under the covers, curling his body around yours, his hand resting over your heart.
“I love you,” he murmured.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, safe and warm and so completely his. 
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artemisiasmuse · 3 days ago
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always known | CH.4
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PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem! kook reader
CW: 18+ mdni, smut eventually, angst, mean rafe, jealousy, possessive rafe, kook typical classism (not from y/n tho), abusive family dynamics, not really canon/au, swearing, drinking, no coke tho, ward cameron
SUMMARY: rafe’s childhood best friend y/n returns to figure eight by herself and finds rafe hates her for some reason, their friendship has gone down the drain and they can hardly remain cordial, and there’s one thing causing all of it: why can’t rafe just move on?
TROPE: childhood best friends to enemies to lovers
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there was no ignoring your festering affection to rafe cameron when a girl is in his face, very obviously flirting. you’d stepped away for a few moments to greet your college friends when she took your place, well much more than just your place. jealousy flares in you hot and omnipresent and you can’t pretend you don’t recognize it so instead you try to dull it. you drink more than you should and none of the boys at the party look anywhere near attractive compared to him. even at school you had staved off the advances of anyone approaching you because no one seemed to cut it. not when your best friend was becoming your ideal man, he always had been if you were honest. if anyone looked at your ex’s next to him they would’ve realized it before you did. You hated how easy it was for her to make her intentions known, how he seemed to be enjoying the attention, when you couldn't even own up to your own feelings. topper noticed your continued return to the kitchen and eventually cut you off in your warpath.
“hey easy there, ‘can’t have you drinking us all under the table.” you stumbled into him, not really watching your steps and his hands steadied your shoulders, retreating like it burned him, in case rafe saw of course. the thought made your frown grow deeper, even if rafe shared an inkling of your feelings you couldn't make him jealous, you’d been off limits for as long as you or anyone else in figure 8 could remember.
“move topper, i flunked an exam okay?” it was a lame excuse, one that would’ve worked had you not known topper for the majority of your life. you’d never failed an exam, that still hadn’t changed. clearly your excuse didn’t work because rafe found you in the kitchen moments later, you relished slightly in the absence of the girl on his arm.
“hey kid, how much ‘you drink?” it was a nickname from your childhood, that and “baby” which now was also tarnished by your desire. you had constantly reminded him he was only five months older but in elementary school that meant a world of difference. you stopped correcting him, you would never admit it but the nicknames rolling off his tongue in that earth-shattering deep voice of his made your brain a bit foggy. he would never admit that he had long since learned the implications of calling you “baby” in public and it only spurred him on more. standing across the island from him, you took a few seconds to respond, walking yourself down from the jolt of need in your core. at least you could blame your slow reaction on the alcohol.
“i lost count.” rafe made his way around to you, an eyebrow raised at your response. by the looks of it you were already drunk. unfortunately you weren’t drunk enough to black out and ignore the eventuality of him leaving with the pretty blonde, not yet at least.
“let’s stop hmm? i know you’ll be mad at me tomorrow otherwise.” he took the cup from your small hands, fingers grazing against yours and it jolted you. his voice was low and smooth against your senses, lulling you into submission, you were sure you’d do anything he asked if he said it like that. you looked up at him with crossed arms, rafe did his absolute best to ignore how your breasts propped up from the action, but really he couldn’t. you were too drunk to notice. you hoped you weren’t obvious when you looked at how his fingers wrapped around the plastic effortlessly, so much bigger and thicker than yours. he was too distracted to notice.
“it’s fine, go back to blondie.” your words slurred off at the end, you shouldn’t have said that out loud. again you could blame it on the alcohol.
“you jealous?” rafe found himself smiling at the notion, despite the glare you were fixing him with, he couldn’t pretend to be even slightly upset with you drinking yourself into a stupor if it was over him. he was sure that was unhealthy, whatever, you could lecture him later. you were always so good at telling him off, and he’d listen.
“what? no.” your immediate denial gave you away easily and rafe smiled wider, he felt too close all of a sudden and you stepped back, your back hitting a counter. rafe watched you try to make a distance between you two, adorably failing. he scanned your body for any sign that it actually hurt but from the way you were still trying to avoid his eyes he could see you were too preoccupied.
“it’s okay baby, i was jealous when you were hanging with top and kelc without me.” he practically purred the nickname, your hand clenching by your side. rafe wouldn’t tell you that he had purposefully been stringing along ‘blondie’ to make you jealous. your glares weren’t exactly subtle after a certain point. your heartbeat picks up at the pet name, at his honeyed voice lowering just for you. your fingers twitch at the urge to pull him close, as close as she had him, maybe even closer.
“okay yeah i am, but it’s not the same.” you huffed out, proud of yourself for sounding coherent. you really should be better at holding your tongue but rafe looked too good today and you burned with jealousy that another girl had been able to ogle him all night. not to mention he was wearing the cologne he knew was your favorite, you’d even said so when he hugged you goodbye before class. the scent alone was making your frown deepen.
“what?” rafe couldn’t believe how transparent you were, he hoped you’d remember this tomorrow or at the very least you’d feel the same tomorrow. there was no way you were being serious though, you were just fucking with him. either way he really hoped he was understanding you right because he couldn’t let this go.
“forget i said that i’m drunk.” you looked away, embarrassed by how little rafe was reciprocating.
“no no, what do you mean?” he stepped closer, an inch away from you, sandwiching you between the counter and his body. you had to look at him, your expression cracking, you couldn’t pretend much longer, your eyebrows pinched and rafe recognized that you might be about to cry.
“rafe please-“ a plea whispered into the space between you two and rafe’s heart skipped a beat. the sound of you so desperately calling his name would haunt him forever but despite his mind fracturing into a million pieces, he still had to know.
“it is the same, it’s the exact fucking same, baby.” he leaned down to your height, his palms flat on the counter on either side of you, blue eyes bore into yours, commanding you to listen. he wasn’t teasing you. he was being sincere and you couldn’t believe it.
“are you sure?” there was barely any space between you two and the way he was looking at you should’ve been your answer but your vision was hazy.
“of course i’m fucking sure, did you think i cut contact with you cause i was tired of you? i did it cause you got a boyfriend.” he looked upset, you almost cupped his face with your hands, your fingers itched to press down the crease forming on his forehead from frowning. he watches the words sink into your pretty little head, how can you be so insanely adorable even now? he didn't plan for them to come out like this, in fact he had rather assumed it would be better if you didn't know the reason but it slipped out before he could stop himself.
“that’s fucking stupid rafe,” you say without any malice, your lip is jutted out in a pout and your eyebrows pinch together, god he wants to kiss you so badly. he’s a bit tipsy but not enough to think your first kiss should be at a party where anywhere can walk in while you’re struggling to stand.
“i know sweetheart, just-let’s do this when you’re sober yeah?” rafe worries you might not even remember this tomorrow.
“yeah…can you take me home?” he knows you mean tannyhill, you’d been staying there ever since your place flooded and he wonders sometimes why you don’t just move in. one time out of sheer curiosity, and maybe the fact that you were passed out on his bed, he looked up how much rent you’d get for your place.
“sure.” you lean into his side, his arm curling protectively around you as he moves you through the party, your eyes flutter closed cause as stupid as it is you trust him to get you out safely. the room spins around you but even if you stumble he holds you upright. you must have fallen asleep at some point cause the next thing you remember is being coaxed out of rafe’s car to get inside. the next twenty minutes or so are a blur as the sequence of shots hit you at once, you remember relaxing into rafe’s bed, the scent of him and his cologne lingering on the sheets and it soothes you enough to sleep.
your headache is the first thing that you feel before you can even open your eyes, you groan as you shoot up and see that you’re for some reason in rafe’s room, with him nowhere to be seen, in his shirt with no pants on. you’re greeted by the framed picture of you two in middle school, pimply and greasy but somehow still adorable.
you pray to god that you didn’t embarrass yourself too much with him as you pull on a pair of sweats you find in his closet. there’s a glass of water and a bottle of pills next to you and you know who left it there for you. you text him asking if he’s awake, you can’t wait to see him, can’t wait to confirm if you dreamt your conversation in the kitchen. rafe knocks at his door before entering and you’re still sat up on his bed, he still can't get used to the sight. he’s wearing a plain white shirt and sweats, his chain peeking under the collar and you think he might be the hottest man alive. he sits down across you on his desk chair swiveling it to face you, adjusting his hips as he does it. you might just pass out.
“i didn’t do anything too embarrassing right?” you ask while trying to ignore how good he looks. rafe looks up at you with a grimace and you groan.
“you really wanna know?” he asks with a glimmer in his eyes and you massage your temples in anticipation for the oncoming headache.
“oh god…kill me now.” rafe laughs at your expression, your eyes are closed and he can’t help but appreciate how you drown in his clothes. that coupled with you sleeping in his bed makes his hands itch to take a picture. he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be this fortunate again.
“i’m messing with you, you were pretty sweet actually, makes me kinda miss it now.” your pretty eyes snap open to meet his and you grown at the vague comment. sweet could mean a lot of things and most of them would be embarrassing.
“fuck off, you gotta give me more than that rafey, im going crazy.”
“how much do you remember?” he’s giving you an out, one that you won’t take. rafe holds his breath, there’s no going back from your answer.
“i remember getting out of the car after we left the party and then it’s kinda fuzzy.” he breathes out in relief, nodding at your words and blushing at the realization that you were actually owning up to the conversation. he can’t meet your eyes for a few seconds as he responds.
“okay so you insisted on sleeping in my room, you actually kicked me out.” he said and you winced, forcing his gaze to yours.
“sorry-“ you start but he waves you off.
“something about you always sleep better there, but i made sure you washed your face and stuff before sleeping.” you already feel hot from embarrassment but this can’t be the worst of it, you’d told this to rafe sober.
“i can tell you’re holding back.” rafe should realize that you know him as well as he knows you. you’re too observant for your own good.
“fine okay, you may have been repeatedly telling me i’m pretty.”
“yeah okay so i’ll see you in a week.” he couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction. you got off his bed to leave, far too embarrassed to hear the rest, but he caught your wrist from where he sat near the door. he looked good looking up at you, you could get used to the angle.
“hey come on, i didn’t finish, i'm the one who started it for what it’s worth.” the hand around your wrist smoothly drifted to your hand, fingers intertwined with yours. you start to think crazy things like why was he was smooth? how many girls had he-rafe short circuits your brain as he brings your interlocked hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to your ring finger. you like to think it’s an accident for your sanity, it’s not.
“really?” your voice comes out small, nearly a squeak. you hardly notice it because you’re so entranced with his actions, by how small your hand feels and looks in his, how large his fingers are and the cold press of his signet ring against you. all the embarrassment flushed out of your system by a thrumming of need, of adoration, of-
“uh huh you look pretty right now too.” your gaze snaps to his, narrowing at his words, rafe hasn’t stopped smiling since he’s seen you today. how can he? he’s finally getting everything he’s ever wanted. you look so stunned by his words, mouth slightly agape and he’s relishing in the fact that for the first time in your lives he has the upper hand. he lightly tugs you closer by your hands and there’s zero resistance in your steps, you think you might be under a spell. it’s a miracle you can even respond.
“i definitely do not, i'm a hungover hot mess.” you know you look bad, you’re not fishing for compliments. you’re pretty sure you still have mascara smudged under your eyes and your hair is a whole other entity. but rafe doesn’t see any of that, he sees the girl he fell in love.
“nah you’re the prettiest girl i know.” he’s practically grinning up at you and the blue in his eyes is just right. he’s not lying to you and there’s a thick haze of feelings and unspoken words between you two. you know it’ll take a few words to change everything forever, the thought scares you, and you can’t handle the label you know you’re avoiding. the word that perfectly encapsulates what you already should’ve known for twenty years.
“can i shower and then maybe i’ll agree with you?” rafe lets you pull back, he knows he has you, and you know you have him. you just need a bit of space to catch your breath. he imagines these feelings sprouting up after so long can be overwhelming, they’re still overwhelming for him but he’s gotten used to relinquishing any rational thought when it comes to you. you just need time to get used to it too. you return to the guest room and hop in the shower. rafe put a set of his clothes next to yours and you don't even hesitate, they feel comfier on your skin and they smell like him, you wear his clothes and dry your hair before seeking him out. you feel more like a human, the sins of last night washed off you, and now you can finally give in.
you lean against his doorframe, his eyes already on you, as you say, “you’re gonna make me say it first aren’t you?”
a/n: i was geeking writing this (don’t hate me for the cliffhanger)
taglist: @clar2aa @ggraycelynn @rafestoothbrush @woweewoowa @mattyskies @always4tuesdayss @ashy-kit @chalahyung01 @rafeysslut @beabogsims @someoneisreading @rlalliehayes @artbymin @pogueprincesa @crvcified-kinx @ltristessedureratoujours @lilithblackkk @pluviophilis
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saltynsassy31 · 1 day ago
Full disclaimer, I have to read any of the fics written for Shockwave and the kids yet as I've been busy and off Tumblr for a bit for my own mental health lol
But I recently saw a photo of an abandoned carousel in some underground area filled with puddles and it reminded me of that one deleted scene from Detroit: Become Human where the Jerry's make a broken carousel work again for Alice and they all just watched her happily play on it as the world around them crumbled.
And, with that thought, it also reminded me of Shockwave and the kids and I simply HAD to write a small drabble fic of it. Sorry if it isn't accurate for the characters or the story already made, but I hope it's enjoyed regardless :3
And, I hope, with all the angst going on, this fluffy story will satisfy yall a bit XD
[This is the post I saw that inspired me to write this, if anyone wants a visual of the place: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGog_W_vDiR/?igsh=b3FsYm50enJhM3ln ]
AU belongs to @keferon
As the days went by, the situation they all found themselves in was slowly starting to get far too real. It was fun, at first, running around abandoned buildings and scavenging for whatever they could find, spending time with their newly acquired aquatic dad friend who kept them safe and well fed.
But then things started to show up and it scared them. Shockwave tried to avoid the areas with the most floating bodies, the children having seen enough of that (and he hoped they hadn't seen any they would recognise), but every now and then something would float up and startle them. Other times they'd run into bigger problems while scavenging and they had far too many close calls for Shockwave's liking.
They tend to keep themselves entertained, for the most part. Shockwave only occasionally indulged. But, usually, he could simply gently float on the surface of the water and let the kids tire themselves out. However, they've become more quiet lately.
It was hard to tell what caused it. Could be a myriad of things, as listed before, maybe it was finally starting to dawn on them how the situation was far from ideal. Maybe it was the conversation they had with that Orca - Jazz, was it? Shockwave couldn't tell, and it bothered him.
He missed their lively chatter (it still happened, but few and far between). A part of him was starting to wonder if the humans who called him out on the fact that this wasn't normal behaviour for human children were right, a small pang of regret reaching the back of his mind.
But he shook those thoughts away. Now wasn't the time. Nothing about their situation was normal anyway, he was already providing more than enough for them to survive this cruel world.
Shockwave was aggressively pulled out of his drifting thoughts by an ear piercing screech that immediately put him on high alert.
“Guys! Guys! Look!” He heard Skids say. Turning to look at him, he followed where the boy was pointing at.
It looked to be some kind of fair or theme part, it was a little hard to tell. Half of it was submerged, but there were some areas in which the water had receded. Shockwave relaxed once he deemed the situation safe, but still gave a small scrutinising glare at Skids for causing unnecessary concern - which went, of course, completely ignored.
“Oh wow, it looks pretty banged up, huh?” Tc noted, crawling closer to the edge of Shockwave's back to get a better look.
“But there might still be some things left over. You know how much they tend to sell in these places? And now we can just snag them!” Warp argued, already getting excited at the thought.
“Do we really need more useless things to carry around?” Trailbreaker argued, the bag he carried strangely heavier on his back.
“There are other things we could do there.” Skids quickly chimed in. “We could check out some of the games they have.”
“Would there be any still working?”
“Carnival games easy to fix, Soundwave up to the task.”
They all turned to look at Soundwave, seemingly to silently fall into an agreement.
Warp turned to face Shockwave, clasping his hands together as he pleaded. “Can we go there? Pretty pleaaaase?” Before he could even answer, the others had joined them.
He wasn't going to say no. This was the exact type of fun distraction they needed, maybe it would help them go back to their usual, energetic selves. So the theatrics were unnecessary. Still, he couldn't help the small amusement it brought him. He pretended to think it over, as if he didn't already have their answer.
“Hmm, I don't know…”
Those simple words were enough to make them all Start to plead harder, making their eyes as big as possible, throwing promises he knew they'd never actually follow through.
That broke the façade he was trying to play up, causing him to laugh. “Alright, alright. We can go.” The kids erupted into celebratory cheers, hugging each other and jumping on Shockwave's back. “But don't stray so far where I can't reach you, okay?”
They all nodded, but he only had trust in some of them to actually obey his orders.
Regardless, he swam over to the abandoned park and waited until they had slid off of him before crawling over onto land. The ground was still pretty wet, so it made it easier for him to slide around and follow them, keeping himself to the more deeper puddles when possible.
He watched as they all went to different directions with their own, small group. Tc and Warp, always tied to the hip, ran over to some of the stands that still had some prizes hanging. Windcharger and Trailbreaker followed Damus as he ran to play some of the games that didn't require power to work. And Skids and Soundwave went…
Where did they go?
Panic immediately followed the realisation. Shockwave stood up straighter and began to spin his head around in search of the two missing kids. The others didn't seem to have noticed their absence, too enthralled in their own activity.
He was about to start calling when he heard a familiar boisterous voice call from not too far. “Guys! Over here! Come see what me and Soundwave just discovered!”
Immediately, all of the attention was on Skids who had a smile so wide Shockwave was worried he'd hurt himself with it. The others looked at each other briefly before making their way over, Damus hesitating a bit before putting down the fishing rod he held and following the rest.
Shockwave did so as well, to the best of his abilities anyway. The further they went, the tighter the space became and less water reached the surface for him to easily slide around. He wanted to voice his complaint of them going too far, like he had explicitly told them not to before coming here (and really, he thought Warp would have disobeyed first before Soundwave. Skids made sense, but him?) But before he could even think of what to say, Skids noticed his struggle and seemed to remember something.
“Oh, right! Almost forgot.” He jogged over to the mer shark and gently grabbed at one of his fingers to guide him elsewhere. “There's an opening that takes you directly to the area we found. You have to swim underneath some rubble, but it should fit you.”
The boy took him to some dilapidated attraction of the park, it was too broken to tell what it used to be, but it did create an opening that allowed Shockwave to fit through perfectly fine. “Just swim straight ahead and it should take you to the area, we'll meet you there.”
Immediately, Shockwave didn't like that idea, and he didn't need to voice his thoughts for the teen to catch on, his glare doing the job just fine. “It'll be fine, don't worry! It's not that far. Less than a minute, probably less than a second for you since you're so big you'll just have to slide in and out. Besides, there's nothing here, the place is completely barren.”
Shockwave was still unconvinced.
Skids took to pleading. “Please! It'll be quick, I promise you. And worth it too! It's the exact thing we've been needing, and Soundwave put a lot of work on it. I know you don't like leaving us alone for even a second, but give it a chance?”
They stared at each other for a moment, Skids making his eyes as wide and innocent as possible and Shockwave hoping the stubborn teen would dispel this idea with his glare alone.
In the end, Skids guppy eyes were far too powerful even for a great shak such as Shockwave. And the kid was right, wasn't this what he wanted for them to begin with?
He let out a heavy sigh of defeat and reluctantly agreed to it. “Fine. I trust you, but if anything shows up–”
“We don't engage with it and call for you, yes, I know. Now go! Soundwave is waiting!” Skids ushered Shockwave to submerge himself into the large opening with the wave of his hands and only joined back with the others once he could no longer see the large mer.
One relief Shockwave had was that the tunnel formed was large enough that he could easily turn around and pop back out if he heard any of the kids in danger, though it also lacked any proper escape for him as it only had one direction for him to go. Straight ahead or backwards. 
But Skids was right in saying the trip was short, he could already hear the muffled voices of his children. Soon enough, he found himself resurfacing, the lively chatter being the first thing his senses picked up on.
When the children heard the splash of water, they all turned to look towards the source of the noise, their excitement almost blindingly radiat in contrast to the dark, murky room they found themselves in.
The place was closed off by fallen buildings that created a sort of cave around them, plenty of fauna already making its home here. It was fairly empty as well, save for the large, round attraction in the middle of the room. It had horses stuck to poles inside it, a dim pink and gold decorating the whole thing, the paintings that littered it had long since faded and it was hard to tell what it once was.
“Okay, you're here, good.” Skids turned to Soundwave, who was standing next to what looked to be a control panel. “Soundwave, would you do us the honours?”
The other teen nodded, bending down to start pulling at some wires in place of pressing the buttons offered. Warp scoffed, crossing his arms and looking skeptically at his friend. “There's no power here, how in the world are you going to get it to work? I swear, if you brought us all the way here for nothing I–”
Before he could finish his sentence, a blast of music and light echoed loudly around the empty space, causing everyone to flinch back and cover their ears. Shockwave nervously looked around, worried that the loud noise might have attracted some unwanted attention. Once the shock faded, Skids ran up to Soundwave and gestured proudly at the now working carousel.
“Wh…how is this possible!?” Warp questioned, looking at Soundwave for answers, to not only be ignored, but shoved around by the other kids who ran towards the attraction. “Seriously?! Is no one else even a little bit concerned on how this is possible?”
Tc placed a hand over his shoulder, bringing his attention to him. “Warp, just enjoy the miracle. When are we going to get another chance like this?”
Warp could only grumble. Tc was right, they wouldn't, not for a long time. That didn't mean he had to accept it though.
Shockwave watched as they all walked over and picked their favourite horse, Tc and Skids fighting over the same blue one before Trailbreaker broke their fight up and offered his to Tc, walking up to help Damus up and sit with him instead. Shockwave observed the way Soundwave continued to pick at the control panel and looked up at the other children, waiting for their confirmation that they were ready before clicking something and closing the panel. As soon as he did that, the carousel began to slowly move, the horses bobbing up and down in gentle motions, causing the kids to excitedly cheer.
Soundwave stepped on the moving platform while it was still picking up speed and sat on a random horse near Windcharger. Although not as vocal as the others, he was clearly enjoying it.
Shockwave couldn't quite get what was so entertaining about the thing. It was slow, even after it picked up some speed, and the music was painful to the ears. But that didn't quite matter, did it? They were happy, and they were having fun.
It clearly was something they knew about before the tsunami, before their civilization fell apart. A simple joy of life that they missed.
And, in a world dimmed by tragedy and destruction, where at every corner something threatens their very existence, isn't that all they could ask for?
So, in a small moment of peace, Shockwave let himself relax. He bent forward and rested his chin over his crossed arms and watched as his children sang along with the screechy music, bouncing on their fake horses and pretending they were in some high chase in their little imaginary world.
In this dreary reality, even the artificial light of a broken past could make it all worth it. 
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aspenmissing · 1 day ago
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The soft glow of Piltover's city lights filtered through the window, casting golden reflections across the nursery walls. Jayce stood near the crib, rocking back and forth in slow, steady motions, his arms cradling the small, fragile body of his newborn son.
The name felt right the moment you had suggested it. A name that carried weight but also warmth. It had been only a few days since Theon came into the world, and yet Jayce already felt the magnitude of fatherhood pressing down on him. It wasn't the kind of weight that burdened—but rather one that reminded him that everything had changed.
And now, for the first time, you weren’t here. You had barely left Theon’s side since his birth, but exhaustion had finally overtaken you. With a reluctant kiss to Jayce’s cheek and a soft whisper of reassurance, you had retreated to rest, leaving him alone with their child for the first time.
Jayce had fought Hextech-fueled battles, debated before the Council, and faced the pressures of being Piltover’s Golden Boy—but nothing compared to this. The tiny bundle in his arms let out a soft noise, a little whimper, and Jayce felt panic surge in his chest.
"Hey, hey... it's okay, buddy," he murmured, shifting Theon slightly, his large hands adjusting awkwardly but carefully. His son’s face scrunched up, his tiny fists waving in the air, as if protesting whatever discomfort he was feeling. "I’ve got you. I promise."
Theon's tiny, warm body fit against him so perfectly. He was so small. So impossibly small. Jayce exhaled, pressing his lips to the crown of his son’s head, his heart thudding in his chest as he tried to shake the uncertainty clinging to him.
He had never felt more unprepared for something in his life.
"I don’t really know what I’m doing yet, but..." He let out a soft chuckle, the weight of the moment settling deeper in his bones. "I swear I’ll figure it out."
Theon gurgled, his little hands twitching before settling against Jayce’s chest, his breathing evening out once more. Jayce swayed gently, looking down at him in awe. This was his son. His and yours. A piece of both of you, wrapped in warmth, in innocence, in all the hope that a future could bring.
The responsibility was terrifying—but it was also everything.
Jayce let out a slow breath and shifted his grip slightly, adjusting Theon in his arms. He gently ran a hand over the fine wisps of hair covering his son's head, marveling at the softness of it. His son’s skin was so smooth, his breaths light and even against Jayce’s chest. Every small movement felt like an entire world shifting in his arms.
"You’re lucky, you know?" Jayce whispered, his voice barely audible over the quiet hum of the city beyond the window. "You have the best mom in the world. She’s gonna teach you so much. And me? Well... I’m still figuring this out. But I swear, I’m gonna be the best dad I can be."
He sighed, rocking slightly in place, letting the silence settle between them. A faint smile touched his lips as he imagined the future—Theon’s first steps, his first words, the way he’d grow into someone brilliant and strong, just like his mother. He wondered if Theon would inherit your kindness, your stubborn streak, the way you could always see the best in people.
"I hope you get her patience, kid. Because let’s be real, you’re gonna need it with me."
Theon shifted slightly, his tiny fingers twitching against Jayce’s chest. Jayce felt his heart tighten, overwhelmed with an emotion too vast to name. This was love in its purest form—unshakable, boundless, the kind of devotion that settled deep in the bones and never left.
With one last lingering look at the sleeping child in his arms, Jayce shifted toward the rocking chair, easing down carefully so as not to disturb Theon’s peaceful slumber. He traced a fingertip along the curve of his son’s cheek, his heart swelling in a way that made his throat tighten.
"You’re gonna be okay," he whispered, voice soft but sure. "Because I’ll always be here. No matter what."
And as the city hummed outside, as the world beyond their walls continued on, Jayce held his son close, letting the quiet promise settle between them.
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The soft glow of the lamp flickered, casting long shadows across the quiet room. Viktor shifted slightly, leaning on his cane as he gazed down at the tiny bundle cradled in his arms. Nikola. His child. His and Y/N’s.
The thought still sent a shiver through him, one of disbelief and awe. He had spent so long immersed in progress, in science, in the pursuit of understanding the world’s mysteries. Yet, here was a mystery more profound than anything he had ever encountered—a small, warm, fragile being, barely days old, now curled against his chest, trusting him entirely.
“Ah, little one,” Viktor murmured, his accent thick with emotion, “it seems it is just you and I tonight.”
Y/N had finally succumbed to exhaustion and was fast asleep in their shared bed. She had insisted she would stay up, but Viktor had gently persuaded her otherwise. She had done so much, carried so much, brought Nikola into this world with a strength that left him speechless. The least he could do was hold their child for a little while longer, allowing her some rest.
Nikola stirred, letting out a tiny, barely-there whimper. Viktor’s breath hitched. He had faced great challenges in his life, but this—this small sound of distress from his child—sent his heart racing. He adjusted his hold carefully, mindful of his weaker leg as he settled into the armchair by the window. The city lights of Piltover shimmered in the distance, and for once, he paid them no mind. The only light that mattered was the one nestled against him.
He rocked the baby gently, uncertain but careful, his hand supporting the delicate weight of Nikola’s tiny back. His touch was hesitant at first, afraid that he was too rough, too clumsy. But then, as the minutes passed, he felt Nikola relax, their little body molding against him as if this was where they belonged.
His heart clenched.
A father. He was a father now.
Would he be enough? Could he be? He was not the strongest, nor the most stable, not in body, and often, not in mind. He had always been consumed by his work, by the ceaseless hunger to be more. And yet… here in this moment, none of that mattered. Here, all that mattered was the steady rise and fall of his child’s breath, the faint warmth of their tiny fingers curling against the fabric of his shirt.
A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest. “You have me utterly defeated, Nikola,” he whispered, brushing the lightest of kisses against the baby’s forehead. “And I surrender gladly.”
Nikola sighed in their sleep, their tiny fist pressing against his chest. Viktor swallowed hard, adjusting his grip slightly as he traced the curve of their small face with his thumb. They were so impossibly small. He had spent years perfecting intricate inventions, but nothing had ever felt as delicate, as precious, as this.
The quiet stretched on, filled only with the occasional creak of the chair and the soft sounds of Nikola’s breathing. Viktor let his eyes drift closed for a moment, letting the peace wash over him.
When he opened them again, he found himself whispering words he had never spoken aloud before.
“I do not know what kind of father I will be,” he admitted, his voice barely above a breath, “but I will be here. I will love you. Always.”
Nikola stirred but did not wake. Viktor smiled softly, allowing his body to relax against the chair. He would stay like this for a while longer, just him and his child, in the quiet safety of their home.
For the first time in a long time, Viktor felt no rush to move forward. No need to chase the future.
Because, at last, the most important part of his life was right here in his arms.
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Viktor adjusted his brace as he shifted to sit more comfortably on the floor beside Jayce, their new-born daughter, Lina, wiggling happily between them on a thick, plush blanket. Y/N had left them to run a few errands, and now, the two men found themselves alone with their child for the first time.
Lina cooed, her tiny hands reaching toward the air as if grasping at the faint sunlight filtering through the workshop window. Her bright eyes darted between her two fathers, and then she let out an excited squeal, kicking her little legs in delight.
Jayce chuckled. "She's got some strong lungs, huh?"
Viktor smirked, watching Lina with a look of awe. "That is an understatement. She is already making her presence known—just like her parents."
Jayce leaned down, his large hands gently adjusting the blanket around Lina. "You think she'll take after you? Smart, inventive, a little stubborn?"
Viktor tilted his head. "And what if she takes after you? Charismatic, ambitious, and, of course, reckless?"
"Reckless?" Jayce scoffed playfully. "I prefer bold."
Lina giggled as if entertained by their banter, her tiny fingers curling and uncurling. Viktor's gaze softened, and despite his usual careful movements, he hesitantly reached out, his fingers ghosting over Lina’s small hand before finally letting the infant wrap around his index finger.
A warmth spread through Viktor’s chest. He had built many things in his life—machines, inventions, theories that shaped Piltover—but none of them compared to this tiny, breathing miracle before him.
"Here, let me help," Jayce said as he scooted closer, reaching out.
Viktor gave him a mock-exasperated look. "Are you implying I am not capable?"
Jayce smirked. "Just saying—it wouldn’t hurt to have a little support."
Despite his teasing, he carefully adjusted Viktor’s brace to give him better leverage, making it easier for him to lean forward without straining too much. Together, they carefully scooped up Lina, Viktor cradling her first while Jayce hovered, ready to assist.
The baby gurgled, perfectly content in her father’s arms. Viktor swallowed hard, something unspoken in his amber eyes as he met Jayce’s gaze.
"You okay?" Jayce asked softly.
Viktor nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never thought… I would hold something so fragile, so important."
Jayce reached over, his large hand covering Viktor’s where it supported Lina. "Well, now you have us. You're not doing this alone."
Viktor exhaled, a small, rare smile curling his lips. He looked down at Lina, who blinked up at them before yawning, her tiny body relaxing.
"Look at us," Viktor murmured. "The great inventors of Piltover, reduced to mere fools over a child."
Jayce chuckled. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
For a moment, there was nothing but the soft breaths of their daughter and the quiet understanding between them. Then, just as Lina began to doze, the door creaked open, and Y/N stepped in.
"You two survived?" Y/N teased, setting down their bags.
Jayce grinned. "Barely. But I think we managed."
Viktor gave Y/N a tired but content look. "She is quite the experiment—unpredictable, full of potential… and impossible to control."
Y/N chuckled as they leaned down, kissing Viktor’s temple and ruffling Jayce’s hair before pressing a soft kiss to their daughter’s forehead. "Sounds just like her fathers."
Jayce laughed, and Viktor hummed in amusement, all three of them watching as Lina let out a soft sigh in her sleep.
A new kind of invention. One they’d build together, one day at a time.
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Vander had never been afraid of holding a child before. He had cradled Vi and Powder as newborns, had soothed them through fevers, had taught them to walk, to fight, to survive. He was a father in all but blood to them, but this—this was different.
Ren was so small in his arms, barely bigger than one of his broad hands. Their tiny fingers curled and uncurled against his chest, their breath soft, warm, and utterly trusting. Vander had been certain he would be ready for this moment—he had prepared, after all. But now, alone in the dim light of the bar, the weight of his own child nestled against his heart, he found himself speechless.
A deep, rumbling chuckle escaped him as he traced a rough, calloused finger over the delicate line of their nose. “You’re a miracle, little one,” he murmured. “Didn’t think I had it in me, y’know?”
Ren yawned in response, their tiny mouth stretching wide before settling back into sleep. Vander smiled, the sight warming something deep in his chest. He had spent years protecting the children of Zaun, fighting for them, sacrificing for them, but this—this was a piece of him, of you. His own flesh and blood.
A loud creak signaled the opening of the Last Drop’s door, and Vander turned, grinning as one of his regulars stepped inside. He wasted no time.
“Oi, Mica—c’mere, c’mere.” He gestured eagerly with his free hand, his broad shoulders practically vibrating with excitement. “Look at this. Look at my kid.”
Mica blinked, stepping closer to peer at the tiny bundle in Vander’s arms. “Sweet Shimmer, Vander, you finally made one of your own, huh?”
“Damn right, I did,” Vander said, his chest swelling with pride. He shifted Ren just enough to give the old patron a better view. “Ain’t they perfect?”
Another patron wandered in, then another, and soon the small crowd had gathered around, all drawn in by the rare sight of Zaun’s protector reduced to a soft-spoken, doting father.
You had warned him not to overwhelm the baby, but Vander couldn’t help himself. He wanted everyone to see. He wanted the whole damn Undercity to know that Ren was here, that they were his. That they were loved.
And when the night deepened and the bar emptied, Vander stayed where he was, cradling Ren close, whispering quiet promises against their soft little forehead. Promises of protection, of warmth, of love. Of a future where they would never have to fight alone.
Because this time, Vander wasn’t just the protector of Zaun.
He was a father. And nothing in the world could take that away from him.
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The apartment above The Last Drop was quiet, save for the occasional distant murmur of Zaun’s nightlife below. The neon glow from the city seeped in through the window, casting shifting patterns across the walls. It was a stark contrast to the usual clamor of the bar beneath them, to the world Silco commanded with an iron will.
But up here? Up here, there was peace. A kind of peace he had never known before. Because now, nestled securely in his arms, was something far more precious than power.
His daughter.
She was barely a few weeks old, her tiny hands curling and uncurling against the fabric of his vest. He sat in his office chair, his usual place of scheming and strategy, but now? It was something else entirely. A sanctuary. A place where the weight of ambition gave way to something far softer, something warmer—the quiet breaths of his newborn.
Behind the closed bedroom door, Y/N was asleep, exhaustion having claimed her after yet another long night. He had told her to rest, promised he would look after Veyna while she slept. And he kept his promises.
She had been fussy at first, stirring in her bassinet as if sensing Y/N’s absence. But the moment he had scooped her up into his arms, she had settled, her tiny form curling into his chest like she belonged there.
Which, of course, she did. She was so small. So delicate. So innocent. And she was his.
He traced a finger down her cheek, marvelling at how soft her skin was. The scarred and calloused hands that had built an empire, that had struck down enemies and shaped the future of Zaun, were now cradling something so… pure.
Veyna stirred, her little face scrunching up before relaxing again. Silco let out a quiet chuckle.
“Demanding, just like your mother,” he murmured, rocking her slightly.
There was something about holding her that steadied him, something that made the weight of the world feel distant, if only for a moment. He loved coming home to this—to her. To the soft, rhythmic thrum of her heartbeat against his chest, to the way her tiny fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, as if she already knew this was where she belonged.
And Silco—ruthless, cunning, feared by many—tightened his hold, as if she were the only thing in this world that truly mattered. The one thing he would protect above all else.
Because she was. Because she was his. And that was something no one could ever take from him.
A faint rustling came from her, followed by the tiniest sound—a whimper, barely above a whisper. Silco glanced down, watching as her little face twisted in discomfort, her tiny body shifting in his arms. He sighed through his nose, pressing another kiss to her forehead.
“Hush, now, little one” he murmured, voice low and smooth, a tone he rarely used with anyone. "We don't want to wake your mother."
Carefully, he rose from his chair, adjusting her in his arms. The movement made her stir, but she settled quickly when he pressed her to his chest. One hand supporting her head, he strode across the dimly lit room, boots silent against the wooden floor, until he reached the large window overlooking Zaun.
His city.
It stretched beneath them, a sprawling, breathing thing—alive with neon lights and restless movement. Even in the dead of night, Zaun never truly slept. Pipes hissed, distant voices carried through the streets, and the ever-present hum of industry filled the air.
"This," he whispered, looking down at her, “is your home.”
His free hand reached for the latch, pushing the window open just slightly. The air that wafted in was thick with the scent of oil, smoke, and metal—a scent Silco had long since grown used to.
“I built this,” he continued, voice softer now. “For you. For your mother. For all of Zaun. A future free from the grasp of Piltover.”
Veyna made another small noise, shifting just enough to peek open unfocused, sleepy eyes. Silco huffed a quiet laugh, watching her face.
She wouldn’t understand, not yet.
But one day… one day, she would.
He turned his gaze back to the city, his grip on her tightening ever so slightly.
“You’ll come to know it as I do,” he promised. “Its beauty. Its cruelty. But you, little one… you will never have to fight for your place in it. Because it’s already yours.”
She let out a soft sigh, her tiny fingers curling against the fabric of his vest once more.
Silco pressed another lingering kiss to her forehead before shutting the window, sealing them both in the quiet warmth of his office. For now, she didn’t need to know the weight of the world. For now, she only needed this.
And he would give her that, for as long as he could.
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The world outside their small home in the Firelights’ hidden sanctuary pulsed with life. The soft glow of lanterns swayed with the shifting air currents in the underground tunnels, their light casting flickering patterns against the walls. From a distance, the familiar hum of hoverboards echoed��young Firelights weaving through the metal and stone of their hideout, their laughter mixing with the occasional crackle of an old, half-broken radio sputtering music from a forgotten age.
But inside their home, the world was still. Ekko stood frozen, barely breathing, his arms wrapped around the impossibly tiny bundle cradled against his chest.
His daughter. His and Y/N’s daughter.
Her presence was both familiar and alien all at once. She was small, delicate, warm—an entire future wrapped in soft blankets, her tiny hands curled into delicate fists. She had Y/N’s nose, his deep brown complexion, and when her eyes flickered open—just for a second—he could see a glimpse of something bigger than either of them staring back at him.
Y/N had only left for a little while—just to step outside, just for a breath of fresh air after the exhausting whirlwind of childbirth and sleepless nights. “You got this,” she had whispered, pressing a lingering kiss against his temple before slipping through the door, her touch grounding him for just a moment.
But now, standing here alone with their newborn daughter, Ekko wasn’t sure he did have this.
He had faced enemies twice his size, led the Firelights against the worst of Zaun’s threats, and survived things that would haunt him forever. He had taken beatings, stolen from those who would kill him if they caught him, and carried the weight of an entire rebellion on his back.
But this?
This was different. This was fragile. Precious. This was something he couldn’t afford to mess up.
Nia stirred against him, shifting in his arms, a soft, breathy gurgle escaping her lips. One of her tiny hands twitched, fingers uncurling before gripping onto the loose fabric of his shirt.
Ekko held his breath.
“Uh… hey, baby girl,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper, afraid too much noise might break the delicate moment between them. “It’s just me and you now.”
Nia didn’t respond—obviously. But she blinked up at him, eyes big and unfocused, her soft face scrunching up as she worked through whatever newborn thoughts babies had.
A breathless chuckle escaped him, the corner of his lips tugging into a small smile. He shifted his hold slightly, carefully supporting her head the way Y/N had shown him so many times. He had watched her do it effortlessly, adjusting without even thinking, but now that it was his turn, everything felt impossibly complicated.
“I think we’re gonna be cool, right?” he tried, rocking her slightly. “Just don’t—uh—start crying. Please?”
Silence stretched between them for a heartbeat.
Then, as if sensing his hesitation, Nia’s lips trembled, her tiny face turning an alarming shade of red. Ekko’s stomach dropped.
“Wait—no, no, no, no—” A sharp, piercing wail tore through the quiet. Ekko panicked. His brain short-circuited, running in every possible direction at once. What was he supposed to do again?!
He bounced her a little, a movement he had seen Y/N do countless times, hoping it would work like magic. “Shhh, hey, hey—it’s alright, I got you, I got you,” he soothed, voice soft but uncertain.
No luck.
Her cries only grew louder, her tiny body wriggling against his hold, her distress clear in every shuddering sob. His mind scrambled for answers. Was she hungry? No—she had just eaten. Diaper? Maybe. Tired? Definitely.
“Okay, okay, uh—” He moved toward the small pile of supplies nearby, balancing Nia with one arm, fumbling clumsily with the blankets and spare cloths with the other. He felt like a fool, one wrong move away from dropping everything—including her.
“You’re good, Nia, Daddy’s got you,” he murmured, more to convince himself than anything else.
He paused.
The word felt strange in his mouth. Foreign. Unfamiliar. And yet, saying it aloud sent a slow, deep warmth curling through his chest.
He was a father.
Not just a leader, not just the boy who had once tried to outrun time itself, not just the kid who had watched everything around him fall apart.
A father.
A real one. A present one. Someone who would never leave, never abandon, never let his daughter grow up in a world that had already taken too much.
The weight of that realization settled on him like a heavy cloak, pressing down, grounding him.
Nia sniffled, her wails quieting for a brief moment as Ekko finally managed to tuck her into the soft swaddle again, wrapping her securely the way Y/N had taught him. He adjusted his grip, cradling her close to his chest, her tiny body warm and fragile in his hands.
Slowly, gently, he began to rock side to side, his movements instinctual now, his voice dropping to a quiet hum.
A song.
A melody from his childhood. Something old, something distant—a lullaby his mother used to sing before the world had stolen his innocence. The words were faint on his tongue, the memory blurred by time, but the rhythm, the feeling—it was still there.
Nia’s breathing slowed. Her fingers uncurled from his shirt. Her eyelids fluttered shut.
Ekko let out a deep breath, relief washing over him like a tide. He rested his forehead lightly against hers, his heart hammering against his ribs, overwhelmed and yet—oddly at peace.
“You got me wrapped around your tiny little fingers already, huh?” he murmured. The door creaked open.
Ekko looked up, caught in the soft glow of the moment as Y/N stepped inside. She looked exhausted—so exhausted—but the smile on her lips was nothing short of radiant.
She paused in the doorway, eyes flicking between him and their now-sleeping daughter, taking in the sight before her.
Ekko, rocking their child in his arms. The dim, golden light casting a halo around them, the soft lull of his voice still lingering in the air.
It was a picture she would never forget.
“How’d it go?” she asked, voice quiet.
Ekko glanced at her, his grip on Nia tightening just slightly, his lips curling into a lopsided grin. “Terrifying,” he admitted, his voice light but honest.
Y/N chuckled softly, stepping closer, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek before brushing her fingers over Nia’s soft curls. “You did good,” she murmured.
Ekko leaned into her touch, his free arm slipping around her waist, pulling her close.
Maybe he didn’t have all the answers. Maybe raising a child in a world like theirs would be the hardest thing he’d ever do. But he had them.
His family.
And that was all he needed.
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shanastoryteller · 1 day ago
Tracking down a prince of hell is surprisingly easy. The other demons can’t avoid them if they don’t know where they are, after all.
Castiel gives up arguing against it, but instead he’s taken to brooding in the corner, arms crossed, and glaring at him. As his main source of human bodily expression, Sam wishes he wasn’t so good at it. He doesn’t look like that, does he? Jesus.
Sam knocks on Ramiel’s door. There’s no reason to be impolite.
“Huh,” Ramiel answers, wearing the face of a weathered old fisherman. Which, from all accounts, is exactly how he’s been spending his infinite life. Sam learned how to fish like he learned all of his father’s lessons, grudgingly, but compared to how he’s living now, he has to admit it sounds peaceful. “You’re the kid that killed my brother.”
“What,” he says, raising an eyebrow, “were you close?”
Castiel makes some sort of choking sound that Sam knows he didn’t learn from him. Maybe he should be monitoring his television usage.
Ramiel cracks a grin. “You here to kill me, boy?”
“Do you want to be killed?” he asks.
“Not especially,” he says. “But if you killed Azazel, then you can kill me. We going to fight about it?”
“You’re not hurting anyone,” Sam says. He’d checked. “I don’t think you’re especially loyal to Lucifer.” If he was, he would have made an appearance during the apocalypse, would have been helping Azazel find Lucifer’s vessel, not hiding out in the middle of nowhere fishing and drinking. “If he comes back, that’ll be a problem for you, I think. So helping me is in your best interest.”
“Well, if it’s in my best interest.” He steps back, nudging the door open a little wider. “Come on in.”
Ramiel is surprisingly open giving Sam his blood. He looks fascinated and doesn’t question what Sam wants it for, apparently already well aware that Sam and Castiel are in the process of destroying the remaining seals.
“He wants to destroy Lilith,” Castiel says, the first thing he’s said since Ramiel opened the door. Sam wishes he was close enough to hit, which is probably one of the reasons Castiel is staying propped against the wall rather than sitting down with them. His vessel doesn’t feel tiredness, so Sam’s impressed he’s leaning at all.
“You don’t think he can?” Ramiel asks. “Sure, not now, but at all?”
“You think I can?” Sam interrupts, hope causing his stomach to flip over. This whole thing is his idea, he remembers killing Lilith before, but Castiel has been so sure it wouldn’t work.
Ramiel looks him over, something in his eyes that he can’t quite place. “You remind me of him.”
Sam tenses.
“You must see it more clearly than I do,” Ramiel says to Castiel. “You knew him before the fall. I only met him after, obviously.”
“Lucifer and I were not well acquainted,” Castiel says stiffly.
“I’m nothing like him,” Sam snaps. He can’t be. He won’t be. Even in the memories from the future, when he’s drinking demon blood, he’s not the damn devil.
“That’s a shame,” Ramiel says. Sam stares. “He was the strongest angel in heaven, a general among kings, God’s most beloved son.”
Sam swallows. “Propaganda.”
Ramiel raises an eyebrow and looks over at the angel in the corner.
Castiel holds out for several long moments before saying, “No. Lucifer was that. Once.”
“God asked of Abraham to do to Isaac what he could not do to Lucifer,” Ramiel says. “He had no deity of his own to appease and so Lucifer was cast out rather than eliminated. He was brilliant, in the beginning, of course we followed him. He shone so brightly, so righteous in his certainty, so compelling in his grief.” His hand falls heavily on Sam’s shoulder. “I see him in you so clearly. It’s not a damnation. Until the moment he fell, Lucifer was the brightest star in the sky.”
He's silent for probably too long, trying to find some way to respond to that. Finally he says, “I won’t fall then.”
He can’t.
He won’t.
He’s going to ensure Lucifer stays in the cage forever and whatever it costs him will be worth it. But he won’t fall.
Sam is startled out of a dead sleep by his name.
SAM! Echoes through his head and he’s rolling out of bed, rolling upright and still half asleep when he shifts from one place to the other. The urgency in the call has him standing there still half asleep, barefoot in sweatpants and a grey t shirt just tight enough in the shoulders that he thinks it’s his brother’s.
He runs a hair through his hair, smoothing it back from standing every which way, and blinks at the crowd of people in front of him. “Uh. Hi?”
He’s in the Roadhouse in the middle of standoff, a couple dozen people blocking off the door while pretty much everyone else in the bar has their guns drawn and pointed. He notices his father among them and refuses to react, not daring to look at his dad’s face for long enough to read anything there besides shock.
Ellen has her rifle aimed, but Jo’s slumped against the bar, her arm around – “Dean!”
He’s out of it, eyes squeezed shut and curled half over. It’s only Jo that’s keeping him partially upright. He sees the blood dripping on the ground and is already moving towards them, grabbing Dean’s shoulders and pushing him upright enough to see the blood soaked across his torso, his stomach split open just like Jessica’s had been, just like their mother.
Sam sees red.
“Sam,” Jo says in relief.
“Sammy,” says someone else, and this time when he looks over, those people in front of the door all have black eyes. “Samuel. You killed Azazel.”
“Loyalists?” he snarks, shifting to stand in front of Dean and Jo. He’s going to fix his brother, but he has to take care of this first. Dean’s not dead, and he’s stronger than he was when he brought Jo back, but he doesn’t know what kind of shape healing him is going to leave him in. Better not to risk it.
“Yes,” says the man, eyes still black. “You have earned the throne, Samuel, but it remains not empty. You’re meant to lead us, Samuel, but you’ve been missing. We’ve been forced to go to extreme measure to get your attention.”
“I’m not mean to do shit,” he snarls. He’s so tired of this crap. His future self had that part right – taking the destiny Lucifer had wanted for him and making him choke on it, using that infinite power to send his memories to his younger self so Lucifer wouldn’t ever get a chance to taste fresh air this time around – good. He didn’t like it when it was his dad trying to dictate how he lived his life, and he has even less tolerance for it from Lucifer. These ass clowns? It should be a joke, would be, even, if he didn’t have his brother’s blood on him.
He raises a hand and all the demons choke on air, eyes going wide and feet glued in place. He doesn’t pay any attention to the hunters at his back, hoping that they won’t be stupid enough to try and kill him while he’s saving their asses. Even if they succeed, Castiel will bring him back.
He walks forward, eyes narrowed, wondering if they’re flashing gold and not caring. “Well, good job, hurting my brother does get my attention.” He leans in close to the man who had spoken, voice whisper soft and yet carrying easily in the near silent bar. “You don’t want my attention.”
Pulling the demons from their hosts is easy. Smothering them into nothing, turning black smoke into black dust as he kills them permanently isn’t much harder than that. The people start coughing and groaning, others limp and likely in need of a hospital if they’re still alive, but Sam ignores them to focus on one woman who’s still trembling and terrified, the one demon he’d left behind.
He moves her hair away from her face, hoping the woman inside of her isn’t aware of what’s happened to her. The demon looks at him in terror. “You tell everyone. You tell them what happens when they spill my brother’s blood.”
“Yes,” she whispers. “Yes, I will, please. Please. I’ll tell everyone. I will.”
Her fear isn’t satisfying. He has to remind himself that it’s not this girl looking at him like this, but the demon inside of her. It doesn’t help much. He’d never wanted to be anyone’s nightmare. “Go.” Her head snaps back and he adds, “Gently.”
She hesitates then her head drops forward, black smoke oozing out her mouth, nothing quick or violent about it as the demon does it’s best to leave without doing any damage. As soon as it’s out, it disappears, running form him as quickly as it can.
The woman sways in front of him and he grabs her elbow to steady her. She blinks at him, dazed. “What happened?”
“You’re okay,” he says, patting her shoulder and letting go. She stays on her feet, although she still looks confused, but Sam turns away from them.
The hunters are still all silent, all still watching him. Most haven’t lowered their weapons, although some have. Ellen’s gun is still raised, but it’s not towards him, which is both comforting and not. He wonders who she thinks is most likely to try and kill him.
Dean’s passed out, out cold on the ground with Jo holding him up and pressing a hand towel from the bar against his stomach. “Sam,” she says again, eyes huge, but she doesn’t look afraid of him. That’s good.
“Thanks for calling me, Jo,” he says. “I’ve got him.”
He pulls Dean back against him, his brother’s chest rising and falling too quickly. He’s gone cold with blood loss and this wound might have even been the thing that killed him if Sam wasn’t here.
That’s never going to happen. Dean isn’t going to die. Dean isn’t going to go to hell. Sam is doing all this for his brother and just because he won’t be able to keep him doesn’t mean he’s willing to lose him.
He hooks his chin over Dean’s shoulder and presses is hands against the wound on his stomach, feeling fresh hot blood spill over his fingers. He tilts his head just enough to graze his lips against Dean’s cheek, holding him steady as his body seizes under him.
Castiel heals with a touch, all if it happening too quickly for it to hurt. Sam’s not that good at it yet.
“Sorry,” he whispers, feeling Dean’s skin knit back together and his body go warm with new blood. Dean groans and coughs, body rebelling against being healed but not having much choice.
“John,” Ellen barks. “Don’t do anything stupid now.”
Sam looks over his shoulder to see that his father has stepped forward, the Colt directed at him. Dean got hurt by demons and Dad had the Colt and didn’t use it. Only two bullets left and more than two demons, sure, he gets it. But still.
“Don’t waste a bullet, Dad,” he says. He's still refusing to look at his father's face. He doesn't need to know.
Any gun will do. Although he wonders if being killed by the Colt would prevent Castiel from bringing him back. He’s not much interested in testing it.
He tips Dean back towards Jo, who braces him with an arm around his waist. “Take care of him for me.”
“I’m trying,” she says, honesty and dry and exasperated, which is how he knows she means it. He smiles, might have even laughed if things were different. He likes Jo. He’d thought he did, from his memories, but he hadn’t felt it. He feels it now.
“Sammy,” Dean says, eyes glassy and movements still weak as he reaches out to him. “Sam.”
He grabs Dean’s reaching hand, gives it a quick squeeze, and is gone as soon as he hears the sound of a gun being cocked.
Apocalypse Never
They help Dad into the cabin, more coherent than he was when they first broke him out, and Sam heads back to the car for their bags, for the Colt, and tries not to think about how everything has gone so quickly to shit. Mom and Jessica’s killer got away, again, but they’re all alive. That’s not nothing, that’s –
The pain hits him so completely and suddenly that he has no chance to brace himself for it. Usually it builds, first prickling pain then greater, but this is something else. It feels like nails are being shoved into his skull, images coming almost too fast for him to follow. He doesn’t realize he’s screaming until it stops, until he comes to with his head in his brother’s lap, Dean’s arms pinning him down and his face white and terrified above him. “Sammy? Sammy, you’re bleeding. What’s wrong?”
His throat is too raw and tight to speak even if he wanted to. He does want to, but he can’t, he can’t say a goddamn thing.
I saved the world for you, he thinks wildly, and I didn’t even get to keep you. How fucked up is that?
He doesn’t know if his future self couldn’t send it all back any further, or if he thought that this would give Sam less time to fuck things up.
For a couple terrifying minutes, Sam had taken control of Lucifer. For a couple exhilarating minutes, Sam had the power of an archangel.
That sending the knowledge of the future back four years in the past was the best thing he could think to do with it leaves Sam with a poor opinion of the man he became. Then again, he had saved the world, so. There’s that.
He doesn’t want to think of the him that had fallen into the pit with Lucifer and Michael. He hopes he can save him by making different choices, but maybe he can’t. Alternate universes, or parallel ones, or whatever. Maybe that Sam is damned for good and the best he could do was save a different version of himself, a different version of his brother.
There’s not much point in wondering about it. He’ll never know either way.
It’s memories with no emotions, thank fuck, because just the knowledge of it all is enough to drive him to his knees, to edge him to weeping and whimpering and slitting his wrists if he lets it.
He’s not going to. He has work to do. There will be time to fall apart after, when the world is safe. When Dean is safe.
Dean after Dad had died and given him that ultimatum had been bad enough. Dean after forty years in hell had been nearly unrecognizable.
He wipes the blood from his face, ushers Dean back inside, and tries not to think too hard about what he’s about to do.
Dean figures out it’s Azazel in Dad’s body and they’re pinned to the wall and Sam waits until Azazel is hovering over him, hand next to his head as he tilts his head back and breathes over Sam’s lips. It’s a torture and a powerplay, to let the want in his eyes come out in his father’s face, to make it John’s body that’s pressed so nauseatingly close to his own.
Sam isn’t the same person he was four years ago, ten minutes ago.
Breaking out of Azazel’s hold is easy. He’s using the equivalent of a single finger to keep them down, like pinning down a butterfly, and it's only enough until it isn’t.
He grabs Azazel’s face and pulls him close, hears the beginning of his laughter before Sam seals their mouths together. He’s making a deal here, selling his soul sure as anything, just not with Azazel.
Azazel leans into it, just like Sam knew he would, shoving his tongue in Sam’s mouth and getting off at his instinctive flinch of disgust, of the way Dean’s screaming bloody murder behind him. Azazel hasn’t hurt Dean yet. Sam’s going to make sure he never will.
He bites down hard. Blood fills his mouth and he sucks on his tongue, drinking as much as he can. It doesn't tase like iron, not like it should, instead it's sweet and thick like honey. He thought Azazel would pull back now, but he’s still laughing into Sam’s mouth, even bites the inside of his cheek to add to the blood from his tongue, and he just lets Sam drink his fill. Of course, he doesn’t know what Sam knows. If Sam had done this the first time, the only thing the blood would have done would be to get him high and useless.
It means he gets more than a mouthful, that it’s long minutes of keeping his eyes closed and swallowing and trying not to think too hard about how it’s Dad’s hands on him and Dad’s hard on at his thigh and Dad’s tongue he’s sucking on. He’s already got four years’ worth of nightmares in his head. No need to add more than necessary.
His skin is buzzing, feeling stretched out over him like his body is too big for it suddenly, almost like the aches of growing pains but more electric. Azazel pulls back and licks up the side of his face, leaving blood and spit behind, and breathes into his ear, “If you missed me feeding you, boy, all you had to do was ask.”
Yeah, that’s enough of that.
He shoves Azazel back without moving his hands, hard enough that he stumbles, and he has to move fast, before he gets a smart idea like snapping Dad’s neck or bursting his heart. He raises his hand and he’d settle for an exorcism, but power is lying heavy and thick in his veins. Destroying Lilith nearly killed him and Azazel is more powerful than Lilith and the blood he drank shouldn’t be nearly enough.
But fear sparks in Azazel’s yellow eyes and he starts choking, black smoke leaking from his ears and out his mouth. “How-”
Sam doesn’t let him finish. He remembers killing Samhain, killing Alastair, killing Lilith. He knows what to do.
Azazel dies screaming. Mom and Jessica are avenged. It’s not as satisfying as he thought it’d be.
Dad is on his hands and knees, taking in deep lungfuls of air. Sam knows from experience that being possessed isn’t pleasant.
He forces himself to look over, sees his brother approaching him with hands outstretched. The fear hasn’t gone anywhere even with Azazel dead, even with Dad alive, even though he doesn’t have any of the devastating injuries he sustained last time.
He doesn’t have the emotions to go along with the memory of the first time Dean saw him drinking demon blood, but he imagines it was something like this. “I’m sorry.”
“Sammy,” Dean says again, but Dad’s getting to his feet, Dad’s looking at the Colt, and Sam can’t die yet. He still has work to do.
It’s not a conscious thought, not something he actively tries to do, it’s just one minute he’s there in a cabin with his father and brother and the next he’s in the middle of a field, the night air crisp and clear and a million stars shining above him.
He couldn’t do that before.
There’s something wrong, he thinks, because he doesn’t remember what drinking demon blood felt like, but he remembers describing it, and this isn’t right. He should be drained after that, should feel almost normal again, but instead it’s like there are bees pinging around inside him, like there’s molten lava in his veins, like he’s dying.
He’s dying, he realizes suddenly, the power threatening to eat him alive. He looks down at his arms, like he’s expecting to see them crisping up beneath moonlight, but they look normal, like skin. Of course it’s not killing him, no matter what it feels like. He’s Lucifer’s perfect vessel. There’s no power his body can’t contain, none except God’s, maybe, and it looks like he’s long past making house calls.
It won’t kill him, but it hurts like hell, and he can’t think, he needs to burn it off somehow. He’s never had this problem before, not even when he drank all that blood for Lucifer.
He’s standing in Bobby’s living room and he doesn’t understand why until he sees the body on his kitchen table wrapped in a white sheet. He doesn’t know how Bobby got rid of the paramedics, if he’s maybe holding the body for her family, but Sam thinks he knows how to get rid of some of the itching along his skin.
Sam died a lot, in those weeks he and Dean were apart. Lucifer was true to his word. Sam came back every time.
He pulls down the sheet, sees the ways Meg’s face has settled into death in the past day, how decay has started to take hold and left her blue and cold and her skin slack. He leans down, presses a kiss to her cheek, and thinks that this is the least he owes her, for what she endured because of him, for trying to help him even at the bitter end.
She gasps to life beneath him, warmth flooding her skin and air stuttering into her lungs. “Sam?” she asks, fear and confusion and a pain that’s not physical.
Maybe she won’t want to live, considering everything she’s been through, but at least now the choice is hers and not a demon’s. There are footsteps and he turns to see Bobby standing in the doorway, gun pointed to the ground and mouth open in shock. Sam doesn’t have time to worry about it, instead he’s gone, the same burning still clawing its way out of his bones.
Caleb lies slumped in the chair Meg had tied him to, throat slit and eyes empty. Sam puts his hands on his shoulders, presses his lips to his bald head, and feels the moment his heart starts beating again. He sends the ropes falling with barely a thought and he’s gone the moment he hears his first confused groan.
Pastor Jim is laid out in his home, church workers Sam vaguely recognize huddled around him in prayer, his final send off. He’s just glad he got here before they burned him. They start screaming when they see him but he leans down, internally wincing at how Jim’s going to explain his way out of this one, and kisses his forehead, a reversal of the paternal tenderness Jim had shown him as a child.
His chest rises and his eyes open and his eyebrows push together. “Sam, what-“
He doesn’t stick around to hear the end of that question, figures it’s not anything he can answer anyway.
It takes him a long moment of staring out at the snow covered peaks and too close sky and the brilliant sun hitting his face even though it was just the middle of the night for him to place himself, even though it shouldn’t be enough, but he knows where he is even though he shouldn’t.
The air’s too thin and he’s going to give himself altitude sickness if he lingers and he should probably be freezing to death but his blood is still running too hot. Not burning, not like it was before he brought three people back from the dead, but still far from comfortable.
Still. He can’t say he ever thought he’d ever get to see the view from Mt. Everest.
“Castiel,” he says. “It’s Sam Winchester. We need to talk.”
Nothing. Typical.
“I know about God’s plan, about Lucifer and Michael, about my role as his vessel. I know about you, Cas. You’re going to want to hear me out.”
There’s the rustle of wings behind him and he turns to see Cas, younger than he looked before. Jimmy Novak younger than he’d been before. He wonders about that for a moment. He’d half expected Cas to show up as a sherpa rather than nip to America for a vessel, but Cas had kept the shape of Jimmy Novak even after his physical body perished, so maybe there’s a deeper preference there than just convenience.
His face is as cold as their surroundings. “You have strayed from God’s light.”
“Yeah, well, what good has he ever done me?” he asks tiredly. He used to believe. He believed yesterday. He prayed this morning. Even when he met Cas the first time, he believed. “I can’t explain. Can you just read my mind? We don’t have time.”
His eyebrows push together, but Cas has to be curious, otherwise he wouldn’t have said anything. He steps forward and presses two fingers against Sam’s forehead. He doesn’t feel any different, but when Cas lowers his hand, he’s lost his stoicism. Shock, despair, and anger chase themselves across his feature and Sam can’t blame him.
He’s not the only who lost his faith in the future.
“You said there were thousands of seals,” he says. “How many exactly?”
His eyes snap to Sam’s. “What?”
“God loved Lucifer,” he says. “It’s why he imprisoned him rather than destroying him. It’s why he left him a way out. Maybe it’s why he set up the apocalypse in the first place. I don’t know, I don’t care. All I know is that I’m not letting him out, ever. So we’re going to destroy every seal we can.”
Some can’t be undone, like the first one, a righteous man torturing an innocent soul in hell. But there are plenty that can, hopefully enough, hopefully most. If there are less than sixty six seals available, then Lucifer is never getting out of his cage.
“There were originally ten thousand seals,” Cas answers and Sam gets lightheaded for reasons that have nothing to do with thin air. “Only two thousand and thirty four seals are still viable.”
Okay, that’s better. Not great, but better. “Let’s get that number down to sixty five.”
“You are different,” Cas says.
Of course he’s different. His father’s alive. His brother never went to hell. Sam has never known the utter desolation of being completely alone, of grief and guilt so heavy he’s surprised it didn’t break his spine as surely as Jake’s knife in his back. He doesn’t actually remember feeling it, which is no small mercy, but he saw the effects of living with it, which is almost as bed. He'd thought what he’s feeling because of Jessica is as low as he could get. It’s not even close.
He wants to dig up her bones and breathe life into them, but at almost a year dead he thinks that’s beyond even this strange new power. Even like this, he’s failing Jessica one more time.
“Got any ideas?” he asks. “It wasn’t like this before. With the blood.”
He’d drank Ruby nearly dry more than once. It had been a high and then a crash and never did it give him access to this type of power.
“Azazel is – was a prince of hell,” Cas answers.
Sam frowns. “I thought he was king?”
“He was regent,” he corrects, “but to be a prince is separate from being ruler of hell. Lucifer created Lilith from bone, as Adam and Eve were made. The princes were created from his blood. Azazel’s blood is, in a way, Lucifer’s.”
Lucifer’s blood. Sam, his vessel, drinking down Lucifer’s blood, as a baby and now. Except as a baby he’d only had a few drops. He’d consumed a lot more than that back at the cabin.
Demon blood always wore off. The few drops of Azazel’s blood he’d gotten as a baby never had. He probably should have taken that into consideration, but there hadn’t been any time.
“Lucifer is evil but he is not a demon,” Cas continues.
Sam realizes suddenly that he did have power like this once. When he locked away Lucifer inside of him and took his power for his own. It’s not the same, not even close, but it’s similar. “This is what angel blood does?”
“No,” he says. “This is what Archangel Lucifer’s blood does to his perfect vessel. I believe. This has never happened before, so I cannot be certain. You are, as always, one of kind, Sam Winchester.”
It’s not quite a compliment, but it’s not as combative as he remembers Castiel being in the beginning. He’ll take it. “Guess we’ll figure it out together, then. If you’re sticking around to help prevent the apocalypse.”
If he’s not, this is going to be more than difficult. Tracking down all the seals without an angel on his side isn’t going to be impossible, but pretty damn close. And he doesn’t know how much time he has. Hell is going to be pissed about him killing Azazel. Heaven is probably going to take notice once he starts destroying seals so they can never be opened. Not to mention, he’s definitely going to be on hunters’ radar. Even if Dad can keep his mouth shut about him drinking demon blood, which he knows better than to rely on, him bringing back people from the dead is going to spread quickly. He’s going to be hunted at all sides, just like last time.
At least last time he had Dean, even broken, even when he was broken himself. He still had his brother.
But this is the price for saving him. For making sure that Dean is never in the position to kick off the apocalypse in the first place, to make it so Lucifer never again walks the earth even if heaven and hell reincarnate him and Dean and try and start this all over again.
He’s going to be killed for it, he knows, by demons or angels or hunters. But that doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things.
“Yes,” Cas says. “It is better for us all if the future you saw never comes to pass. I will help you.”
He grins, clapping Cas on the shoulder, and only laughs at the glare he receives in return. They have to get out of here before the altitude makes him loopy. Maybe it already has.
He’s going to save the world for his brother and he’s not even going to get to keep him.
How fucked up is that?
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kathaelipwse · 13 hours ago
More Than Best Friends | L.Minho
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Synopsis: After being abandoned by your boyfriend upon discovering your pregnancy, you struggle to navigate motherhood alone—until your best friend, Lee Know, steps in. As he becomes your greatest support and the perfect father figure for your daughter, buried feelings resurface. But will you have the courage to confess that you have fallen in love with him?
Warnings: Just fluff honestly-
Word count: 1.1k
Authors Note: Ah!! Lino as a girl dad <33
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The pregnancy test sat on the bathroom counter, its two pink lines staring back at you like a reality you weren’t ready to accept. You felt your breath hitch as you sat on the floor, your arms wrapped around your knees. This wasn’t supposed to happen—at least, not like this. Your boyfriend, or rather, the man who was supposed to love you, had left as soon as you told him.
“I can’t do this,” he had said. “I’m not ready to be a father.”
And just like that, he was gone.
For days, you kept it to yourself, pushing away the one person you knew would see right through you—Lee Know, your best friend since childhood. If you told him, he’d worry, and you didn’t want to burden him. He had his own dreams, his own life to focus on.
So you avoided him.
You ignored his texts, dodged his calls, and canceled every plan you made. It wasn’t easy. Lee Know was persistent, showing up at your apartment unannounced, but you always found an excuse to push him away. He never pried, but you knew he was hurting.
Yet, even as you tried to keep your distance, you couldn’t erase him from your life completely. The ultrasound pictures sat on your bedside table—a reminder of the tiny life growing inside you. And, in some way, they were also a reminder of him. You had always imagined Lee Know being there, maybe as the fun uncle, spoiling your kid with treats and making them laugh. But never had you imagined him as more.
Until the day he found out.
Lee Know had finally had enough of your avoidance. He used the spare key you had given him years ago and let himself into your apartment, fully intending to scold you for acting weird.
“Alright, what’s your deal—” His voice cut off as his eyes landed on the small black and white images on your side table. He wasn’t stupid. He knew exactly what those were.
His heart pounded as he slowly stepped closer, picking up the ultrasound picture with shaky fingers.
“Is this…?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
You stood frozen in the doorway, your face drained of color.
“Lee Know, I—”
“Since when?” he demanded, turning to face you fully, his expression unreadable.
You swallowed hard, feeling the tears prick your eyes. “A few months.”
“A few months?” His voice rose. “You’ve been dealing with this alone for months?”
You looked away, shame washing over you. “I didn’t want to burden you.”
Lee Know let out a sharp breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Burden me? Are you serious right now? You’re my best friend! How could you think I wouldn’t be here for you?”
Tears finally spilled down your cheeks. “Because I was scared! He left, and I—”
Lee Know’s jaw clenched. “Who?”
You shook your head. “It doesn’t matter.”
“The hell it doesn’t,” he growled. “Tell me his name.”
You didn’t, but that didn’t stop Lee Know from feeling a burning rage in his chest. How could any man walk away from this? Walk away from you?
“I hate him,” he muttered under his breath before stepping closer. “But you’re not alone. You have me.”
And just like that, the weight you had been carrying for months felt a little lighter.
A few months later, you gave birth to a baby girl.
The moment you held your daughter in your arms, you felt an overwhelming sense of love and protection. But what surprised you most was the sight of Lee Know, standing by your side, looking down at the baby as if she were his own.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered, eyes soft.
You turned to him, exhaustion evident in your voice. “Will you name her?”
Lee Know’s eyes widened. “Me?”
You nodded. “You’ve been here more than anyone else. You deserve it.”
He looked down at the tiny baby in his arms, her little fingers wrapping around his. And with a soft smile, he whispered the name that felt perfect.
As the years passed, Lee Know became more than just your best friend. He became Minji’s protector, her playmate, her safe place. Even with his busy schedule, he always made time for her, whether it was bedtime stories, dance parties in the living room, or simply holding her when she had a bad dream.
And while you adored watching Lee Know bond with your daughter, a part of your heart ached. Because you had fallen in love with him.
But how could you ever tell him?
You weren’t the same as before. Motherhood had changed you—physically, emotionally. You weren’t the same girl Lee Know had grown up with. Your body had become curvier, softer, a reminder of the life you had brought into the world.
One night, you stood in front of the mirror, tugging at your oversized hoodie, trying to hide yourself. But Lee Know caught you.
“What are you doing?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You turned away. “Nothing.”
Lee Know stepped forward and gently pulled your hoodie up, revealing the small folds of your stomach. “Stop hiding.”
You flushed. “I just… don’t look the same.”
He scoffed. “So?”
“So, I don’t feel beautiful anymore.”
Lee Know stared at you before shaking his head. “You’re an idiot.”
Your eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
He leaned in, his hands resting on your waist. “You carried a whole human being. You think a few curves make you any less beautiful? If anything, you’re even sexier now.”
You felt your heart skip a beat as he smirked. “Seriously. I love every part of you.”
Your breath hitched. “Lee Know, I—”
“Mommy, Uncle Lino!” Minji ran into the room, interrupting the moment.
Lee Know laughed, picking her up effortlessly. “What’s up, princess?”
Minji pouted. “Why are you ‘Uncle Lino’ and not my daddy?”
Silence filled the room.
Your chest tightened as you looked at Lee Know, searching for an answer. But instead of hesitating, he just smiled.
“You can call me whatever you want, Minji.”
That night, you found the courage to confess.
“I love you, Lee Know,” you admitted, bracing yourself for rejection. “I know I come with baggage, and I—”
Lee Know rolled his eyes and closed the distance between you.
“Took you long enough,” he teased before lifting you onto the kitchen counter, trapping you between his arms.
You barely had time to process before his lips were on yours, soft yet demanding, as if he had been waiting for this moment forever.
When he pulled away, his forehead rested against yours. “I’ve been yours this whole time.”
Minji’s giggle rang out from the doorway. “Eww, Uncle Lino!”
Lee Know turned, smirking. “Guess I’ll have to get used to ‘Dad’ now.”
And just like that, your little family was complete.
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snowysosturn · 2 hours ago
Fire & Desire - Matt Sturniolo Part 21
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Pairing: Y/n x Matt Sturniolo
Summary: Y/n has always clashed with Matt. Despite working for Chris’s clothing brand and being close with Nick, her relationship with Matt has always been tense at best. While being forced to be around each other more, their animosity turns into something deeper. Can they overcome their differences, or will their fiery emotions tear them apart?
Warnings: Angst, tension, arguments, hurt.
Nick and I stand there, frozen.
My stomach drops to my ass.
Christina is in Matt’s bed.
Fast asleep, wrapped up in his sheets like she belongs there. It reminds me of when I stayed in his bed in the house.
How could he allow her to do the same.
I feel Nick tense beside me, he's silent but I can almost hear the cogs turning in his mind, like he’s piecing together the same horrifying realization I am.
Then the ensuite door swings open.
And out walks Matt.
Messy hair. Shirtless. Sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Looks like she helped him out last night instead.
The second he looks up, our eyes meet.
And everything inside me stops.
Nick moves first, he could never be silent for that long. “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Matt’s mouth parts slightly, but Nick doesn’t give him the chance.
“Seriously?” he seethes, stepping forward. His voice is a dangerous mix of betrayal and anger. “You fucking lied to me. To her.” His arm motions toward me, but I can’t move. I can’t even breathe.
Matt tries to speak.
But Nick gives him no mercy.
“I don’t wanna hear it!” he snaps, his voice rising. “I don’t wanna hear a single fucking word come out of your mouth right now.”
Matt’s face hardens, but he stays silent.
Nick scoffs. “You had one thing to prove, Matt. That you meant it this time.” He shakes his head. “And you couldn’t even do that.”
I can’t stand here anymore.
I need to be in my room. So I turn and leave the room.
Not fast. Not slow. I honestly feel like I'm floating.
I can hear Nick’s voice from down the hall, and he's not letting up easy.
“You either care about her or you don’t, Matt.” His words cut through the thick, suffocating silence.
“So which is it?”
I don’t hear Matt’s answer.
Because I don’t think I could handle it.
Nick’s POV
Y/n turns and walks away, and I don’t blame her.
I watch her go, watch the way her arms wrap around herself like she’s holding herself together, like she has to hold herself together because Matt sure as fuck won’t.
But I’m not done.
Not even close.
I turn back to Matt, still standing there like a fucking idiot, like he’s the one blindsided.
“You’ve gotta be fucking joking.” I breathe, the disbelief thick in my voice.
Matt doesn’t even try to defend himself.
Maybe he knows there’s no excuse.
Maybe he just doesn’t have one.
Matt motions me out of the bedroom before closing the door behind him, the two of us stood in the hallway.
“What, I might wake your precious Christina?” I sneer, pointing at the door. “Wouldn’t wanna interrupt her beauty sleep, huh?”
Matt exhales sharply. “It’s not like that.”
I laugh. “Oh, really? Because from where I’m standing, it looks exactly like that.”
He shakes his head, but I don’t soften.
“I’m so disgusted with you.” I shutter. “I thought you would be real this time. That if you were serious about Y/n, you’d to fucking act like it.”
Matt clenches his jaw. “Nick-”
“And what do you do?” I cut him off. “You self sabotage. Again. Like you always fucking do. Because you never know how to handle something real.”
Matt’s eyes darken.
I don’t care.
I take another step forward. “And Y/n?” I point a finger toward the door she just walked toward. “She’s the realest thing you’re ever gonna get. And you know that.”
He drops his gaze for a second, but it’s long enough for me to see it.
“You know it” I repeat, voice quieter but my tone stays the same. “And you just threw it away.”
Matt opens his mouth, but before he can get a word out, a door behind me swings open.
“Jesus Christ” Chris groans, stepping into the hall. He looks half asleep, rubbing a hand over his eyes. “Can you two shut the fuck up? Rachel’s asleep in my room.”
I whip around. “Oh, of course she is!” I snap. “So what, you’ve got a girl in your bed too?”
Chris blinks at me, like he wasn’t expecting that reaction. “What?”
I throw my hands up.  “Seriously, who the fuck thought it’d be a good idea to bring girls out here?” 
I don’t care who hears me.
I don’t care if I wake up the entire goddamn villa.
Chris shrugs, unfazed. “I did?” looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“The fuck are you freaking out about?” he scoffs. “I like Rachel, so I flew her out. I can do that, you know.”
I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “Oh yeah? And you think that was a good fucking idea?”
Chris crosses his arms. “Why the fuck wouldn’t it be?”
“Because look at what you just caused!” I snap, throwing a hand back toward Matt’s door. “You might not have been the fire, but you sure as fuck were the fuel.”
Chris rolls his eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
“No, I’m being real.” I hiss, stepping closer. “I want them out. Within the next two hours. I don’t give a fuck what needs to be done. I want them gone.”
Chris’ expression hardens. “That’s unfair.”
I shake my head. “Unfair?” I scoff. “You wanna talk about unfair? Y/n spent this whole trip thinking her and Matt were finally on the same fucking page, and now she walks in to find Christina, of all fucking people, in his bed? And you wanna stand there and act like I’m being unfair?
Chris opens his mouth, as Matt stands awkwardly next to me.
Chris locks eyes with him.
“Wait, what?” Chris’s brow furrows. “She’s in your bed?”
Matt still doesn’t say a word.
Chris shakes his head, exhaling sharply. “Jesus Christ, man.”
I shake my head in complete disgust, looking between the two of them.
“The two of you are fucking idiots” I say, my voice filled with nothing but disappointment. “Absolute fucking idiots.”
Chris exhales sharply, rubbing a hand down his face, while Matt just stands there, still not saying a goddamn word.
I don’t have the patience for this. Not right now.
Without another word, I turn on my heel and storm down the hallway, heading straight for Y/n’s room on the other side of the villa. My blood is boiling, not just at Matt but at Chris too. They both fucked up, and they both know it.
As I walk away, I hear Chris let out a frustrated sigh before opening his door and stepping into his room.
I don’t hear him move at all.
I get to Y/n’s room and try the handle, but the door doesn’t budge. It’s locked.
I sigh, knocking gently. “Y/n, it’s just me.”
A few seconds pass, and then I hear the soft click of the lock. The door opens, and there she is, completely wrecked, her eyes red and swollen, tears streaming down her face. My chest tightens at the sight of her.
“Ah no Y/n.” I mutter, stepping in without hesitation.
Before she can say a word, I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her tightly. The second she buries her face into my chest, she breaks, her sobs shaking her whole body. I squeeze her tighter, resting my chin on the top of her head.
“He’s an idiot” I tell her. “A fucking idiot.”
She doesn’t respond, just keeps crying, and I hold her through it.
After a minute, I guide her over to the bed, and we settle in. She wipes at her face, sniffling, and I wait, letting her take her time.
Finally, I ask, “What happened last night?”
Y/n takes a deep breath, wiping at her damp cheeks before finally looking up at me. Her voice is quiet, shaky.
“It was fine at first” she starts. “Obviously I was so happy for you, then you’s got up and left after Chris did.” She trails off, taking another breath.
“Then Chris came back with them.”
I already know exactly who she means.
“Christina and Rachel” I say, and she nods, pressing her lips together like even saying the name makes her sick.
“Chris kinda insinuated to Matt about them two catching up.. Nate and I felt awkward, so we went and did two shots and when we came back Matt and Chris were gone, it was just Rachel and Christina in the booth.” She says, staring blankly across the room.
“I mean, I knew things had happened between them before, but Matt told me.. he told me he hadn’t been with anyone since..” She pauses, blinking rapidly, like she’s trying to stop fresh tears from falling. “Since that night in the house. And Vegas was after that, so I didn’t think, I hoped, nothing happened. But the second she started talking, I just knew.”
She clenches her fists in her lap, shaking her head.
“She was smug. She kept making these little comments, insinuating that they were a thing. And when I asked her outright how Vegas was, she just smirked and said “WhAt HaPpEnS iN vEgAs StAyS iN vEgas.”
My jaw tightens.
“That was it for me” she says. “I didn’t want to be there anymore. I knew if I stayed, I’d just get more upset, and I didn’t want to make a scene. I just needed to leave.”
She looks at me with tired, blood shot eyes.
“Nate asked if I was okay, and I told him it was just a weird situation, but.. the truth is, it wasn’t just weird. It hurt.” She pauses. “I don’t think anything happened in Vegas.. Well, I didn’t. But the fact that she’s still here, still acting like she has some claim over him, and the fact that he-” Her voice breaks, and she swallows hard before continuing. “That he let it happen? That he didn’t even try to stop it? It just made me feel like a fool.”
I shake my head, anger building in my chest.
“You’re not a fool.” I tell her firmly. “He is.”
She gives me a weak smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Me and Nate ended up leaving then, he didn’t want to stay either” she says. “I didn’t even say goodbye to Matt, but at that point, I didn’t care. I just wanted to be away from it all.”
I nod. “Was anything said at all?”
She sighs. “Nope, when we got back to the villa. I checked my phone, hoping stupidly that maybe Matt had messaged me. I know he’d seen I left. I just hoped that he’d care.”
Her voice wavers on those last two words, and I clench my fists.
“But there was nothing” she whispers. “Not a single message. Not a bit of concern. And I just, got so angry because I knew why I was angry. Because I care. Because I have feelings for him.”
She blinks, a single tear slipping down her cheek.
“So I turned my phone off and went to bed, hoping that if I slept, the night would be over faster.”
I take a deep breath, letting everything she just told me sink in. I already was mad, but now? Now I’m fucking fuming.
I run a hand through my hair, shaking my head. “I'm going to say it again, but Matt’s a fucking idiot” I mutter.
She lets out a small, sad laugh. “Yeah. He is.”
I pull her in again, letting her rest against me.
I let out a deep sigh, rubbing my face. “I feel awful for not being there for you last night” I admit, my voice heavy with guilt.
Y/n immediately shakes her head. “No, don’t feel bad. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were living your life which you deserve, you were oblivious to everything.” She sniffles.
I lean my head back against the headboard, exhaling sharply. “Well, this whole situation has officially shocked me into being completely sober.”
That earns a small giggle from her, and I smile, relieved to see even the tiniest bit of light return to her eyes.
I tilt my head, looking at her. “Do you want me to stay in here for a bit?”
She hesitates for a second before shaking her head. “No, I think I’d like to be on my own for a little while.”
I nod, respecting her space. “Okay. But if you need anything, I mean it, Y/n, just come get me. I don’t care what time it is.”
She gives me a grateful smile. “Thanks, Nick.”
I squeeze her hand one last time before getting up, heading for the door. Before I step out, I glance back at her, still curled up in bed, her eyes staring off at nothing.
I want to fix this for her. I want to fix Matt. But for now, the only thing I can do is be here for her.
So I leave her room, closing the door gently behind me, and head to my own.
Y/n’s POV
I drag myself off of my bed to  push open the balcony door, letting the early morning air into my room. I feel like I’m suffocating in here, like the walls are closing in on me.
I crawl back into bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling nothing and everything all at once. Numbness settles over me, and I let it. I don’t know how long I lie there, my mind running in endless circles, but it must be at least an hour.
Then, faintly, I hear voices outside on the patio. My ears perk up at the low tones, one voice sharper than the other.
Nate and Chris.
I don’t move, barely breathing as I listen.
Nate’s voice is quiet, laced with disbelief. “I just don’t get it, man.”
Chris sighs. “What?”
“This whole thing. I came home with Y/n last night, and I thought-” He pauses, like he’s still processing it. “I thought Matt was different with her. That he actually gave a shit.”
Chris exhales, and I hear the scrape of a chair moving. “I don’t know what the fuck is going if I’m honest.”
Then followed by a pause.
“The girls are leaving soon” Chris says after a moment, his voice more certain. “I told them they have to go.”
Girls? So that means Rachel is in the villa, too.
I close my eyes, pressing my fingers into my temples. The thoughts of the four of them being in that booth all night. It’s not the four it should’ve been.
“Good” Nate finally says, though his voice is distant, still caught up in his thoughts. “That’s good.”
Neither of them says anything after that, just the occasional sound of movement. I don’t know what to do with any of this. Do I go back to sleep and pretend I didn’t hear? Do I stay curled up in bed and wait for them to leave?
I don’t know.
All I do know is that I don’t want to feel like this anymore.
I swallow the lump in my throat as I hear the girls voices outside, light and carefree, like they have no idea the storm they’ve left behind.
They laugh, saying their goodbyes, talking about how much fun they had. Christina’s voice is the loudest, going on about how this trip is "so needed." Rachel thanks Chris for having them over last night, her tone full of gratitude, like this was just some casual getaway and not the disaster it turned into.
“We’ll let you know when we’re back at our hotel” Rachel says smoothly.
Chris responds almost too casually, “Yeah, do that. Hopefully, we can meet later. One on one.”
I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the sting in my chest. Of course. Of course, he’s already setting up another meetup, like none of this meant anything. Like bringing them here, ruining everything, was just some minor inconvenience.
How long are they even here for?
I hear the shuffle of movement. I hear Christina giggle, making some passing comment about how wild the night was, and then the sound of the front door closing.
They’re gone.
But the mess they left behind? That’s still here.
I should feel relieved, but all I feel is exhausted.
I don’t move from my bed for the rest of the day. Not for food, not for water. I just lie there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of everything settle over me. My mind replays every moment, every touch, every look, every promise Matt ever gave me.
Was it all fake?
Did he ever mean any of it?
Or was his plan to play with me all along?
I feel stupid. Completely and utterly stupid. I let myself believe in something real. I let myself believe in him. And now, I’m left here, in this bed, in this villa, drowning in the realization that I was just another girl to him. Another meaningless moment in his never ending cycle of self sabotage.
Tears well up in my eyes, but I don’t let them fall. I’ve cried enough.
Instead, I just lay here. Empty.
Four more days in this place. Four more days of agony, of being in the same space as Matt, of pretending I don’t care when it’s eating me alive. Within the last 10 days, everything felt different, full of excitement, possibility. Now, it feels like I’m trapped in a nightmare I can’t wake up from.
It’s confusing. All of it. The way he looked at me before, the way he made me feel like I mattered. And now? Now he’s just another person who’s shown me that words mean nothing. That promises are empty.
But one thing is clear.
I don’t want to speak to Matt again.
a/n : GET HIM NICK GET HIM (dw any questions you may have will be answered)
taglist : @mattybearnard @sturn-33 @ncm9696 @yourfavsturniologirl @crazy4jewel @sodakid1234 @stupendoustreewinner @lovealwayssturniolos @matthewsturniolosss @m4ttsmunch @loveexxx @ilusa @starkeyszn @wonnieeluvvr @dylnblue @valxrieq @maggot3647 @cigarettecemetary @ribread03 @chrisstvrns @bandasaruswrx @noplaceissafeanymore @amexiass @witchofthehour @mattssgf @jetaimevous @v33angel  @ivysturnss @urmom69lol @ashlishes @watercolorskyy @sturnioloshottiekay @amelia-sturniolo3 @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @pvssychicken @alizestvrnss @chrisstxrnsaxe @sophand4n4 @vickytaa @marrykisskilled @bxtchboy69 @yourfavsturniologirl @julisturn @sydneyylainn @sophia-77n @trevorsgodmother @sturnslutz @yourmother29 @girl24cherry @astronea @pinkdyit
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steveseddie · 2 days ago
written for @steddielovemonth day twenty eight “endlessly” by the cab | rating: t | wc: 2,1k | tags: post s4, three years in the future, established relationship, marriage proposal, fluff
read on ao3
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There’s a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece and Eddie swears it might be his favorite thing about his and Steve’s apartment in Chicago.
Well, no. He really loves that it’s only five minutes away from Buckley’s dorm and that it has a fire exit that’s often visited by their downstairs neighbor’s cat. And of course, he also loves living there with Steve.
But that little shop is pretty sick too. Eddie is constantly misplacing his rings, and this way, it’s easier for him to replace them.
He stops by once or twice every week, which in Steve’s opinion is too much.
“You only have ten fingers, Eds, how many rings can you possibly need?” He tells him every time, but he always asks Eddie to show him his most recent buy.
Today’s visit has gotta be quick. Steve is waiting for Eddie and the black pepper he sent him to get for his homemade chili. So it’s in and out of the shop in less than five minutes, a new black band secured in his pocket, before Eddie hurries back home.
But even if he does, Steve still lets out an impatient little huff when he arrives.
“There you are!” He says, walking over to Eddie– and grabbing the black pepper from his hands, ignoring him.
Eddie lets out an offended string of noises. “And what am I? Chopped liver?”
“No, you are late,” Steve chastises, but still presses a placating kiss to Eddie’s lips before going back to the sizzling saucepan.
Eddie follows him and hops on the counter, his legs dangling back and forth as he watches Steve stir. “Unless everyone’s hiding in our bathroom, and I would be impressed, given how small it is, there’s no one here yet so there’s no way I’m late,” Eddie says petulantly.
Steve rolls his eyes, adding the black pepper to the chili. “They’ll be here soon. Rob called to say she was leaving her dorm and the kids said they’d get here around two, and you know they’ll be starving from the three hour ride. And they’ll bitch if lunch isn’t ready.”
“They’ll bitch either way,” Eddie says with a snort. “If not because of the food, then for the fact that they’re all sleeping on the floor since we only have one couch.”
Their apartment is hardly the Harringtons’ mansion, and while it’s more than enough for Eddie and Steve, it doesn’t have multiple guest rooms and mattresses to fit nine people for a weekend.
Chuckling, Steve stirs the black pepper in. “You’re probably right, remind me why we agreed to this again?”
Eddie taps his bottom lip with his finger, pretending to think. “Mm, because you can’t say no to them, and because Lucas was excited to use his newly acquired license to get them all here. Oh, and because you miss them.”
“You miss them too,” Steve points out, one hand on his hip while the other brandishes the wooden spoon in front of Eddie’s face.
“I admit to nothing!” Eddie says, but the truth is that he does.
The last time they saw the kids was a couple of months ago, when he and Steve drove to Hawkins for Wayne’s birthday and it had really hit Eddie just how much they’ve grown in the time they were away. Mike had been taller than both him and Steve, Lucas had actual facial hair. El’s curls were almost as long as Eddie’s while Max had chopped hers off and was rocking a badass bob. Will had a boyfriend and Henderson had a goddamned tattoo, for God’s sake.
Needless to say that visit had left Eddie reeling, Steve too. And while they were both excited to see them and show them around Chicago over the weekend, neither is ready to see how many other things have changed since then.
God, is this how parents feel when they watch their kids grow up? Maybe all those jokes about him and Steve co-parenting these shitheads were right all along.
“Here, try this,” Steve says, snapping Eddie out of his spiral. He holds the spoon in front of Eddie’s lips for him to taste it in a move that’s become familiar since they moved in together. Eddie leans forward and takes it into his mouth.
Then he lets out a moan.
“Fuck, Steve,” he says, watching Steve’s cheeks go pink, either at the praise or the familiar obscene sound. “That’s so good, oh my God.”
Steve ducks his head, smiling. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Eddie hums, licking his lips. “I’d marry you for that alone.”
It’s hardly the first time Eddie has said that, but Steve’s reaction is the same as always. His cheeks pink up even more and a pleased bashful smile stretches over his lips. He puts the spoon in the sink and covers the saucepan to let the chili simmer before he stands between Eddie’s legs.
“You keep saying that, but I’ve yet to see the ring,” Steve says, teasingly, only Eddie’s mind goes to the ring in his pocket, the black band that would look so good in Steve’s ring finger–
And before he knows it, he’s jumping off the counter and dropping to his knees.
With a raised eyebrow, Steve takes half a step back. “Eds, you know I’d let you blow me for how good my food is any day, but the kids will be here soon–”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Steve,” Eddie scoffs. “This isn’t that, although that chili is definitely blow job worthy.”
“Well, if it isn’t that then what are you doing down there?”
Hell if I know, Eddie thinks before digging into his jeans, taking the ring out.
Steve blinks down at it. “Did you stop by that shop again?”
“Yes,” Eddie says and before Steve can protest, he adds, “But this one isn’t for me. It’s for you.”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up in his forehead and when Eddie holds it up to him, his eyes widen, his jaw going slack.
“Oh my god.”
Eddie clears his throat. “Steve, these last three years with you have felt like a dream. Most of the time, I still can’t believe they weren’t one. That I won’t wake up from a coma at that damned secret hospital to find that none of it happened or that I died that day in the Upside Down and this is actually heaven. Life with you is just that good, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch because I get to come home to you every day and wake up next to you and your ridiculously bad bed head.” At that, Steve makes the first noise since Eddie started his speech– a soft wet chuckle.
“And I might be pushing my luck here, Stevie, because half the time I think I don’t deserve you. You deserve a– a gold ring and a beautiful house and someone who doesn’t think that jeans without holes in them counts as formal wear. But while I might not be able to give you that, I can and I will love you endlessly. So, ignoring the fact that legally we can’t, because fuck society, will you, Steve Harrington, marry me?”
Steve’s mouth opens with a gasp but before Eddie can get his answer, the door to their apartment swings open and in walks Robin.
She learned the hard way to use the key that they gave her cautiously after she walked in on them going at it half naked in the kitchen. The only reason why she used it today is probably because she thought it was safe to do it, knowing that they wouldn’t get up to any funny business while they were expecting the kids.
She probably didn’t expect to walk in on this instead.
To be fair, Eddie didn’t expect to do this at all today.
“Boys, look who I ran into downstairs!” She says, holding the door open for the kids before freezing on the spot. “Oh my God!”
“They’re naked, aren’t they?” Dustin groans. That damn tone is the one thing that hasn’t changed at all.
Robin sputters. “Uh, no, they’re–”
“Oh my God!” Mike gasps, echoing Robin’s words as he steps in and sees Eddie on his knees in front of Steve, the ring still held between his fingers.
“What? What?” The others ask, trying to get a look while stuck behind Mike’s tall frame.
They see El’s head pop up under his arm. “Eddie is proposing to Steve!”
“What?” Max and Dustin shriek, shoving Mike out of the way and stumbling into the apartment with Lucas and Will in tow.
Lucas gasps. “Holy shit!”
“Did he say yes?” Will asks, glancing between the two.
Dustin gives his arm a light slap. “Of course he said yes, he’s just as obsessed with Eddie as Eddie is with him.”
“Actually,” Eddie cuts in, speaking for the first time since they all barged in. “He hasn’t, you shitheads interrupted him.”
“Dude!” Max lets out an indignant huff. “What are you waiting for?”
“Yeah, Steve!” The boys all agree, El’s wide eyes do too.
“Children–” Robin chastises, but Eddie can see the curious glint in her eyes.
“I–” Steve starts, finally saying something but he doesn’t get far before Eddie interrupts him.
“Stevie, it’s okay, you just can tell me later–”
He firmly shakes his head. “No, Eds, I don’t mind that the kids are here,” he says, his lips tugging upwards as he starts his own speech. “I don’t mind that you got that ring from that shop down the street that I insist you spend way too much time in, or that we live in this small apartment and that you only own a single pair of jeans without any rips on them. I don’t care about any of that because I love you, and I love our life, and nothing would make me happier than being married to you even if it’s not official. Actually, fuck that, we can have our own wedding and it can be real to us. All that matters is that I get to love you. Endlessly.”
Eddie gapes at Steve, his heart in his throat. He wants to say something, anything, but he’s afraid he might embarrass himself by starting to cry.
“Dude,” Mike says, breaking the silence for him. “That was so sappy.”
“Shhhh!” They all say in unison while Max delivers a slap to the back of his head.
Eddie can’t help but laugh– a happy, giddy sound. “No, Wheeler is right. That was sappy.”
Steve shoots him a betrayed look. “Shut up. You’re lucky they didn’t hear your speech!”
“Don’t act like it didn’t make you swoon,” he teases.
Steve’s cheeks go red. “You’re insufferable, I take it back, I won’t marry you.”
“No take backsies!” Eddie protests, grabbing Steve’s hand and sliding the ring on. “You’re stuck with me now.”
“I know,” Steve says, his smile tipping into something soft as he hauls Eddie to his feet so he can kiss him.
Their friends cheer but the sounds quickly turn into groans as they both get a little carried away with their kiss.
“Do you guys need us to go back to the car and give you a minute to be gross?” Lucas asks after a while.
Eddie feels tempted to say yes but before he can Dustin jumps in protest. “No way! We’ve been in that car for hours and I’m starving!”
Steve and Eddie exchange a bemused look. They know their kids well.
“Well, lunch is ready, so go wash up and then you shitheads can eat.”
As soon as Steve says it, they all barrel into the apartment, squeezing into their tiny bathroom so they can wash their hands, arguing over who goes first the whole time.
Robin closes the door behind her and hands Steve her key. “I don’t think it’s not safe for me to have that,” she says sheepishly.
Eddie snorts. “Your timing really is impeccable, Buckley.”
Pulling them both in for a hug, she says, “I love you, dinguses and I’m happy for you, but if you make anyone else your Maid of Honor, I’ll kill you.”
“We love you too,” Steve chuckles, and Eddie agrees with a nod.
She pulls away, heading to the bathroom so she can also wash up.
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “And I love you,” he says with a kiss to his temple. “Endlessly.”
Eddie intertwines his fingers with the hand that rests over his shoulder, feeling the ring on Steve’s finger. It causes a flutter in his chest.
“Yeah, Stevie,” he says, giving his fingers a squeeze. “Endlessly.”
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i-dared-myself · 3 days ago
Name on My Skin
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Jisung x reader
In which you meet the perfect soulmate for you.
In a world of soulmates, it is chaos. Oftentimes, meeting your soulmate is love at first sight. Other times, they meet their best friend. Occasionally people die before meeting theirs.
Or there are the times that people’s soulmates weren’t nice people. You would meet someone who you had positive ideas about for your entire life, only for them to be an asshole.
Your greatest fear is for your soulmate to be a jerk. For them to be some kind of psychopath or someone who should be in prison.
That is why you always avoid any chances of meeting your soulmate. You don’t go on blind dates. You refrain from physical touch, not wanting a mark to linger on your skin.
Your mother is not pleased. 
“Who’s going to take care of you?” she yells, hands on her hips. 
“I have friends,” you tiredly remind her. “And why are you here?”
She huffs and turns around, looking at all the shirts. “I don’t know why you even bother buying it. It’s not like the love of your life is going to appreciate it.”
“I have a job interview.” You rub at your forehead, fighting off a headache. “This is very important to me, okay?”
Your mother breathes out through her nose, barely hiding her disdain. “I don’t know how you expect to make any money there. Makeup? For men?”
“Men can wear makeup.” You peruse the options carefully. You don’t want anything too flashy, but you do want to stand out from all the other candidates. “And it’s their job, too.”
“What are they, models?” Your mother shakes her head and scoffs. “I don’t think this is a good fit for you, dear.”
“It’s just an interview.” You select a shirt off the rack and hold it up. You smile as you bring it out to checkout with your mother trailing after you. “It’s no guarantee of a job.”
Your mother sighs. “You’re right. You probably won’t even get it.”
But you do.
You get the job.
Now you’re a makeup artist for Stray Kids, finally making use of your degree. You had always been told it was a mistake to go into the field, but here you are.
When you walk in on your first day, you’re given the run down. Where the styling room is, who your coworkers are, and everything important.
You’re slightly ashamed to admit to your coworkers that you’d never listened to Stray Kids.
You had heard of them, just never gotten into it. You had never listened to them, nor watched anything with them.
You weren’t against them; it just had never peaked your interest enough to risk your mother’s wrath. She deeply disapproved of most things; boy bands being one of them.
So when they walk in, you might possibly be confused.
A man sits at your station, settling onto the raised stool. He smiles at you, eyes crinkling at the corners. “You’re new.”
“Uh, yes.” You bob your head, reaching past him for your tools.
“So who’s your bias?” he asks, making you pause. 
You hesitate because you don’t know any of their names. “Uh, you?”
He grins, poking the one next to him. “Do you hear that, Hyunjin? I’m the favourite!”
Hyunjin scowls and closes his eyes as his makeup artist moves to his eyes. “And?”
You try to swipe the brush over this man’s face, but he’s bouncing around wildly. You’re attempting to wrangle him back into his seat when a man walking by frowns.
“Stop it!” he scolds. “Can’t you see they’re trying to work?”
You smile softly. “It’s okay. We have time.”
“Sorry,” the man mutters. He slumps back and looks up at you, smiling sweetly. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Jeongin gave him too much coffee. I swear, I have to limit their caffeine intake.” The man shakes his head with a heavy sigh. “Anyways, you are…?”
You tell him your name before hesitating. “Right. Um, it’s nice to meet you…”
“Bang Chan.” Dimples form at the corners of his mouth. 
“Wait.” The man sitting in your chair frowns. He straightens and looks at you in horror. “Do you not know who I am, either?”
Hyunjin laughs, shoulders shaking. “This took a turn.”
“Sorry, no.” You wring your hands nervously. “I promise I’m not trying to disrespect you and- and-“
“I’m Jisung,” he declares. He crosses his arms over his chest and lifts his chin. “You lied to me.”
Your face burns with embarrassment. “Sorry. I just- You-“
“So I was your favourite without you even knowing who I was!” Jisung exclaims. He begins to slap Hyunjin’s arm excitedly. “Did you hear that! Did you hear that?”
Hyunjin wordlessly slides out of his seat and pads towards the door.
Jisung winces at you. “He’s not a morning person.”
“Jisung!” Bang Chan calls from the other side of the room. “Hurry up!”
Jisung grimaces. “Right. Sorry, let’s do this.”
You finish the rest of his face, smiling gently at him as he bounces away. He tries to take you with him, but you dodge his hand. 
“I’ll be here if you need a touch-up,” you tell him, feeling bad when he pouts. 
“I’ll try my best to not smudge it!” Jisung vows solemnly, as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “I don’t want you working so hard on your first day.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” You laugh lightly. It’s nice that he cares so much. “But that’s why I’m here. Don’t worry about it.”
Jisung just giggles as he runs off, going the way Bang Chan had gone. You shake your head, hiding a smile as you clean up your station. You have no idea how it got so messy already.
You hoist your bag over your shoulder, checking your phone. You don’t have any notifications so you open the weather app so it looks like you’re still busy. You love your new job, but you’re tired after training and training and smalltalk galore.
Your nose is so buried in your screen that you don’t even notice the man sprinting in your path, head turned in the other direction. He knocks into you and your phone clatters tk the ground. You collapse as well, and his hands grip your forearms to help you up.
“Jisung?” You frown as he bends down to pick your phone up. “Are you okay?”
“I should be asking you that.” He scratches the back of his neck, eyes flicking up from where they had been focused on the ground. They widen a fraction and his lips part in surprise.
“Jisung?” You wave a palm in front of his face. “You good?”
“You- I-“ He gasps and points frantically to your arm, where there’s a tattoo of his name.
You blink at it. “That’s new.”
“Oh my gosh.” Jisung stumbles away from you. “You’re a crazy stalker!”
You shake your head desperately. “No! I have no idea how that got there!”
He wets his lips with his tongue. “Then that means…”
You both stare at each other for a minute. Neither of you seems to want to say it, but the words seem to hang in the air.
You found your soulmate, and he’s Jisung. Jisung is your soulmate. What you had been avoiding for years finally arrived.
“Um.” Jisung’s throat flexed as he swallows. “This is a thing.”
“Yes,” you agree. “This is a thing.”
Jisung watches as his name fades from your skin, never to be seen again. Now that you know who the other is, the only thing left to do is discuss where this leads.
“Are you gay?” Jisung blurts out. He winces. “I mean- I’m totally okay if you are. I support! I love, um, lesbians? Okay that came out wrong. I just mean that like-“
“I like men,” you assure him, heart melting. This… Jisung is the type that you wouldn’t be scared of. “And I would be willing to explore a relationship.”
His shoulder slump as he blows out a heavy breath of relief. “Okay, I’d like that. Can I buy you dinner?”
“Sure.” You nod and tuck your phone in your bag. “How was your day?”
Jisung seems taken aback by your question, but walks by your side as the two of you go out the door. “It was really good. I bet you can guess why.”
You smile, feeling all gooey inside. “I bet I can. Uh, I know it’s not great if we’re seen in public together, so is there anywhere specific you want to eat? Somewhere you go often?”
Jisung considers it for a moment before brightening. “Oh! There’s a really small shop near here. Good food, and no one is ever there.”
“Lead the way,” you say. You’re so glad your soulmate is someone like him. 
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic @imeverycliche @strawberryscentedd @iwuberic @lezleeferguson-120
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thranduel · 3 days ago
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reminder: mike was will’s friend first. will loved mike first.
el wouldn’t have even met mike if she didn’t open the gate that resulted in will’s disappearance where mike ended up searching for him.
mike and el’s relationship would be over and mike never would’ve told el he loves her if WILL didn’t lie to him in the van with his own painting and confession and pretend it was all from el when it wasn’t.
so really, if you want to talk about “stealing” (even though none of these kids would intentionally steal anything from each other and i’m obviously not directly blaming them, but i’m definitely blaming the writers), wouldn’t it be correct to say that everything was stolen from will?
his first love, his best friend, his childhood.
oh, and don’t even get me started on entire plot points and things mike does - most of the things people romanticise about mike doing for el (looking out for her, giving her a safe space, crying when he loses her, hugging his mother after she disappears, holding something that reminds him of her in his basement, never giving up on trying to contact her, being extremely worried and protective of her when she returns) is literally what he did for will first. every single thing i listed is what he did for will first. yet of course, no one seems to care about the closeness of their relationship and loves pretending that mike only did these things for el.
anyways, back to what i was saying before - the moment that gate opened because of el, will’s life changed in a way that could never, ever go back to how it once was.
while will was all alone in the upside down suffering, el randomly appeared out of nowhere, met mike and became closer to him, and they eventually started a romantic relationship at 12 years old after knowing each other for 6 days when mike kissed her.
when will returns, not only does he have ptsd and physical symptoms from the upside down, but he also has to live with the fact that the boy he loves most is now focused on someone else - the same person that caused his disappearance in the first place. i could truly think of no bigger slap in the face for this character… this is unbearable and cruel and the writers did all of it on purpose knowing that he loved mike the entire time too.
how could they do this and not intend for will to finally get the boy he loves in the end?
how do you have the audacity to say that will would be “stealing” mike from el when mike was the one stolen from HIM in the first place? and in case you had forgotten, will is the only reason mike said he loved el because he sacrificed his OWN feelings for mike and lied about the painting. he didn’t have to do any of that for them, but he did. i don’t even know why, after all the suffering he’s been put through, but it just shows he’s too good and kind. so don’t you dare ever say that will would be “stealing” mike from el when he loved him first AND sacrificed so much for him. THAT is the definition of true, unconditional love, the type of love that mike wants and needs, and it’s all from will.
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starrbar · 1 day ago
Thanks for the tag x3 Sorry it took me so long to get to it haha. I'll highlight characters in red if I had a lot to say about multiples in one answer.
Favorite girl: I think I'd say Jinx because I love her character. All her scenes in S1 are compelling and tense, and I found her to be thoroughly tragic by the end. She's the thread that holds everything else together and it's beautiful. Also Ambessa and Sevika are both super hot and I always look forward to seeing them.
Favorite boy: I like boys. O_O My favorites are Silco, Singed, and Viktor. Silco is one of my favorite villain characters, very layered and complex, and I was genuinely intrigued and excited as I learned more of his story in S1. I'm also totally guilty of mega-simping for him in S2 despite how my opinions of the story would later sour. Singed honestly just has a fantastic voice and animation that hits me the same way Rango's animation does, where "ugly" characters are treated with such care that they're a treat to watch anyway. He's so stimulating aaaa. Finally, Viktor's arc in S1 is one of my favorites, handled patiently and expertly, and his arc in S2 has quite a few problems, but I still... really enjoy seeing him, and seeing him with Jayce, so I don't tend to be bothered by how S2 handled Viktor.
Least favorite character: You know what? I was so close to posting this with "S2 Caitlyn" because she's a nasty person who never gets to have a proper arc in any direction, but I think a more fitting answer would be S2 Vi. Caitlyn being an awful person in some scenes was still interesting and believable, if a bit rushed, and I would have been fine with her character going that path had it been executed a bit better. Vi, though, is just... turned into a sad lapdog who doesn't act on her own at any point and is just depressing to watch, even in her "happy" moments. God damn, they destroyed her this season. ><
Favorite ships: Zaundads, Sinco, JayVik, and Jilco. If I elaborated on each, I'd feel like I spent way too much time on this, but they each have dynamics I enjoy for different reasons.
Least favorite ship: S2 Caitvi. They were cute in S1, but S2 made Caitlyn an abusive war criminal and then pretended that didn't need to be properly addressed before Vi just gave herself to her. Blegh.
Favorite side character: Lately, it's Salo because I like em pathetic ahaha~ I've always loved Mylo too, adorable little Junkrat kid. x3c
Favorite songs: Oooooh this is a hard one. x3 Goodbye and What Could Have Been will always hit me so hard and remind me how watching Arcane for the first time felt, and for that, they're extra special. I think Playground still gives me those vibes too. I also adore Guns For Hire, and Dirty Little Animals goes so hard. S2 introduced quite a few songs I love too. Ashes and Blood, Renegade, and Spin the Wheel are favorites. Favorite score songs are: The Bridge, The City of Progress, You're Stronger Than You Think, You Can't Escape the Past, A Story of Opposites, Stubborn to the End, I Can Help Them, The Era of Hextech, Revenge, You're a Jinx, A Bicentennial, The Assailant, Romance, Traitor, She's Back, The Toy Boat, I'm Right Here, Showdown, First Steps, You're Perfect, and I'm far less familiar with S2's score, but I can't stop listening to I Promised You. <3
Favorite episode: S1 episode 3. There are tons of scenes I love throughout the story, but this episode marked one of the greatest experiences I've ever had watching a show.
Least favorite episode: So like... I'm not entirely sure which entire episode is my least favorite, so it might be easier to list "chunks", like all the Mel/Black Rose stuff is a boring waste of time to me, and all the final battle stuff is like... uuuuugh. But I didn't just wanna say s2 episode 9 because I do still like the Jayce and Viktor stuff even if, critically, I don't think most of it makes sense x'D. Those two are legit just a guilty pleasure this season and I'm okay with that.
Favorite duo: Oooooh, mmmm..... I think Jayce and Viktor fit the term "duo" best out of my favorites. My other fave is Jinx and Silco, even though they basically never work together, but their interactions are priceless. <3
Favorite design: Aaaaa so many good ones, ummm... honestly? Powder is one of my favorite characters to watch and her design is adorable and complex (a lot of characters are complex in design, but ye). I really love the mismatched look of a lot of Zaun outfits. Also past Silco is um, I'm locking him in my basement. >u>
Least favorite design: Hm... so... I don't think I've looked at any design and hated it, just felt like a few of them were kinda... not as appealing to me as previous versions. So, I prefer Ambessa's pre-S2A3 designs, and I think it's because she looks too slender in her final look compared to previous ones making her look so big and imposing. I think Jinx's newest design is... overrated and kind of messy to look at. I know she's a messy character, so that would fit, but I dunno, there's something missing or... something. It's also hard not to let my feelings on the story taint my feelings for some of the designs, like Vi and Caitlyn's, which look pretty damn cool actually, but I just always picture that final cuddly scene with them and it makes me feel icky.
Favorite scene: The Guns For Hire sequence ✨
Least favorite scene: The Silco, Vander, and Felicia flashback because it ruins the motivations of Silco and Vander, not just to adopt their kids, but to free Zaun from Piltover's oppressive hold. Felicia is pretty and even has some fun sassiness to her personality, but I want her far away from my boys.
I don't like this ending on a negative, so Imma add one more question myself:
Favorite visual moment: Of course, I can hardly pick less than a dozen, but I'll just list a couple off the top of my head, not counting previously mentioned stuff of course. I love the scene of the mage saving young Jayce and his mother. It's so gorgeous and fluid and the music adds so much too. Gahhhh- I also super love that shot of Silco leaning back while smoking right after he talks to Marcus.
I'm always bad at tagging, so just like, do it if you feel like! 8D
On tiktok there was this arcane trend that was just about stating some basic arcane opinions of yours and I thought it would be fun to do something similar here! You can tag others and make it a tagging game or you can just answer the questions do what you want :)
Favorite girl:
Favorite boy:
Least favorite character:
Favorite ship:
Least favorite ship:
Favorite side character:
Favorite song:
Favorite episode:
Least favorite episode:
Favorite duo:
Favorite design:
Least favorite design:
Favorite scene:
Least favorite scene:
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paucubarsisimp · 1 day ago
Pau with reader that also has a cute lil scar on her face <33
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pairing: pau cubarsi x reader
summary: in which pau finds your scar adorable
warnings: none!
you were curled up in pau’s arms, the soft hum of the music from the speakers filling the air around you. the evening was quiet, peaceful, and felt like it was made for moments like this—just the two of you, wrapped up in each other’s warmth.
pau’s hand traced small circles on your back, his fingers dancing lightly over the fabric of your shirt. he had a way of making you feel like you were the only thing in the world that mattered. his chest rose and fell rhythmically beneath your ear, and you felt your breath sync with his, like the two of you were in perfect harmony.
as your eyes began to close, the quiet comfort of his touch lulling you deeper into the moment, his hand drifted upwards. his fingers gently grazed your cheek, as if memorizing every detail of your face. when they paused near your left cheek, just below your eye, you felt him linger there longer than usual.
you blinked and shifted your gaze up to him, wondering why he’d stopped. his eyes were soft, focused, as his thumb hovered just over the small scar that rested on your skin.
“what’s this?” pau asked in a whisper, his voice full of genuine curiosity, yet there was something in his tone that made you feel safe, as though he was studying something precious.
you immediately stiffened, a little embarrassed. the scar wasn’t big, but it had always been a reminder of something you weren’t exactly proud of. “oh… it’s just from when i was younger,” you explained, trying to brush it off. “i was a clumsy kid. tripped over my own feet and got scraped.”
pau’s gaze softened, and his thumb gently caressed the scar, moving with such care that it almost made you forget you had one. “it’s cute,” he murmured, almost too quietly, as though he didn’t want to disturb the fragile moment. “it makes you even more beautiful.”
you blinked, unsure if you had heard him right. “cute?” you asked, your voice unsure. you hadn’t exactly considered the scar “cute” before.
he smiled, the warmth of it spreading across his face as he continued to softly trace the mark. “yeah,” he said, his voice gentle but certain. “it’s like a little piece of you that no one else has. like a secret that only i get to see. it’s… it’s part of who you are, and i love it.”
your heart fluttered in your chest, and you felt your face warm up at his words. he always had this way of making you feel so comfortable in your own skin, like every little thing about you was special to him.
“you’re the only person who could think a scar is cute,” you teased, trying to hide the little blush creeping up your neck.
pau chuckled softly, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to your forehead. “i’m serious,” he said, his voice low and tender. “it makes you… you. and i love you. all of you.” his thumb continued to move gently over the scar, as though it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
you let out a small sigh, melting into the embrace, the simple act of him being so present with you making everything feel right. “you always know how to make me feel better about myself,” you murmured, closing your eyes again, letting yourself sink deeper into the warmth of his arms.
“i don’t think you need much help,” pau whispered, his voice full of affection. “you’re already perfect to me.”
you smiled, feeling the weight of his words settle over you, and for once, you didn’t feel self-conscious about the scar. with pau, you felt like you were exactly who you were meant to be, and that was more than enough.
don’t hesitate to leave a request!
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currentfandomkick · 12 hours ago
Pt2 reincarnated Tim gets the Wail aka Phantom Shrike
Part one here
Virgil let Tim in, leaning against the wall as Tim looked about his room, clearly searching for where to start as his head looked everywhere, largely at the walls and floor, but not directly at Virgil.
“So," Tim began as he wrung with his hands awkwardly. "I’m going to guess you noticed the early reflexes thing and flinching when you use your powers or Nightwing lights up his escrima sticks?”
Vigil raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t need to be a detective to see that a mile away.”
Tim took a seat at last, settling the urge to scream as the beanbag chair engulfed him. “So, Dick told you all about the uh, JJ incident, or do i get to explain that?”
Virgil moved back to his desk, moving his project to the side. “Just that it was bad.”
“It was.” Bad enough to revive a former lifetime and activate his meta gene. “Kind of shot him, but not me? He’s still in a coma from it.”
Tim waited for Virgil’s reaction. Virgil merely turned to face Tim again, sitting backwards in his swivel chair with an unusually neutral expression.
“I, uh, always had a thing with electricity before that.”
Tim fiddled with his hands again. Counting taps in twos and threes. Dad mentioned it after his last anger management session as a grounding technique. Tim found it… useful. For other things. Largely subduing shrieks, and kicking his trauma triggers in the nuts—when he was certain it was rude to break out tetris anyways.
“Mom called it ‘soul memory hugs’, and not to look into it when I was a kid.” Tim continued, tapping out one of his favorite songs in a modified version of morse code.
He remembers going to Janet in the middle of the night, asking where the nice red head girl went, and why she was crying when he got shocked in his sleep and everything went green. Janet just soothed his concerns and reminded him that the Talons don't go for society kids, but maybe the little girl lost someone and Tim reminded her of him. That he was not responsible for the girl and to let her come to him on her own terms, but to keep a few back ups prepared "just in case" and had him sleep with salt in hand and an iron bracelet.
“Didn’t stop the flashes of," he still couldn't adequately describe the flickers of his pre-Tim life. Of a realm made of ectoplasm the way theirs was made of carbon. The sentient food, watching people walk off injuries that should have crippled them, or the Fenton Driving Watch for the weather. Tucker's laugh and his varied PDAs, or Sam's smile promising someone pain. Dani's joy when she stabilized and befriended Val. Val's everything. "Of something,” he finished lamely.
It'd all been so difficult to pin down back then, as it was too vague without the rest of his memories giving context. A hand holding his. Someone protecting him, other times being punched in the arm or patted on his shoulder almost in condolence of some sort.
“Usually just a warm feeling that uh, stuck if it was static, no pun intended!”
Virgil shook his head with a smile, leaning into the cushion of the chair. “Sure thing Rob, keep going.”
“But when I started going out as Robin," it began a bit before, when he was gathering more evidence of Bruce as Batman to validate his threat of exposing Bruce's secret identity if that was the only way to the man to stop and get help. The sense of dejavu and the stray thought of 'Wes is rolling in his grave' that he never could explain away…
"As Robin," Tim repeated after a beat of silence. "and got hit anytime? It, it changed." his taps stopped being to any song at all. Mouth pulled to one flat, Tim continued. "Flickers of something," he leaned his head to one side, before moving it to the other as he spoke. "Became more and bits of something else.”
Virgil leaned back minutely, face starting to tinge with pinches of worry. “Do any of the Bats know about that?”
Tim shook his head. “B wasn’t, uh,” Tim fiddled with his hands more, not taps or morse code. More hand wringing and flexing phalanges. “In any state to even recognize I wasn’t Robin the Second when I started,” he confessed.
Virgil seemed frozen, like he was mentally recoiling as he moved from his chair to perch on his bed to see Tim and be closer to him for some reason. And now far more attentive than the earlier lull.
Tim shrugged off his concern, as it wasn't like anybody was unaware of how badly Bruce took losing Jason, or how badly Batman took flying solo. People are excellent at ignoring inconveniences to them. and a compromised bad was inconvenient to the GEL.
“No one noticed in the field as Robin was still who he called. My job was to deescalate him, not the other way around.”
Virgil pinched his brow. “So your mentor was violent, and you mentored him rather than mentoring you.”
“Yeah, for most of the three years I pieced him back together. He had me go through the ringer and work under a lot of mentors for combat. Some villains too.”
Tim briefly wondered if Lady Shiva’s offer would extend to helping him take out Joker… And if he could live with himself if he did. Joker killed Jason and was a contributing reason to his parents' hesitation to letting him take up a mantel again in Gotham.
Tim ran a hand through his hair, trying to push that thought aside and the relief of it out of his mind. “Didn’t really tell B things until it was mandatory or necessary. And I wasn’t Robin like Dick and Jay were. I wasn’t and won’t be his son. Just the kid pulling his ass out of his own head and enforcing his old code on his ass. With whatever weapon I need to keep others safe.”
“Hey, Rob?" Virgil interrupted. "You do realize what that sounds like out loud, right?” Virgil's form radiated tension.
Tim could only give a strained smile in return. “Dad and Step Mom lectured me on it and not sacrificing myself for someone that can’t even see me, not the people they wish I was.”
Virgil shook his head as he leaned back. “No wonder you’re off patrol in Gotham.”
Tim let out a long exhale through his nose. “Yeah. Dad sort of wasn’t around until after Mom died, and uh, fixed his priorities.”
“Deathlike do it,” Virgil muttered to himself bitterly.
Tim tactfully ignored that as he knew it was something for Virgil to reveal to his family (not being dead) not Tim’s brand of meddling.
“So uh, Dad always knew about the memory hugs, and more recently the uh, flickers? I've been calling the longer and more detailed memory hugs that. A lot of people get flickers of previous lives and shit, so no need to tell Bats when he frankly couldn’t tell ass, elbow and knees apart.”
Virgil whistled long and low. “Cool, cool… so what does that have to do with the Joker Incident and the extra sensory shit you’ve clearly got going on.”
Tim took a deep breath. “Joker uh, used electric shock repeatedly as a way to torture me. Tried to re-write my memories to be his kid, not B's."
Virgil froze.
“Which is ridiculous. If anything, B was my kid." Tim curled his toes as the memories tried to creep back in. He wished that etiquette allowed him to play tetris right now—to distract him from the phantom sensations.
"Same thing happened in the last life and it," he struggled how to articulate the change of impressions and images to the meshing of time and emotional intermingling. "It stopped being flickers."
He bite his inner cheek and could feel the barely noticeable mouth scars pinking as he bit down. All while Virgil's eyes watched his every move. "More, more like flashbacks, I guess. A lot of time being tied down with an asshole demanding I kill my dad and join him as his evil apprentice. Sometimes it was bleeding memories and superimposed images of people I knew then onto people I know now. And it uh, kicked my meta-gene into activating.”
Virgil finally moved, visibly tabling most of what he said. The tension in his own shoulders dropped when he realized he wouldn't have to go back to that horrid laughing place in his mind . “What kinds of activating, and how’d they emerge?”
“A few my step mom clocked—I could hear better and had a larger pitch range that my voice cracking couldn’t hide. Mostly on their own but the uh, scream one is uh, a work in progress on emerging still.”
“So you can hear people coming from further away?” Virgil surmised.
“Not exactly. Its uh, complicated<" Tim let his shoulders and hands do the talking again. "A local eco-terrorist and meta is helping me with where it overlaps on her turf. Apparently plants can hear a lot more than we thought and have opinions on my singing skills. Mainly, that they suck.”
Virgil took a deep breath and looked up. Tim waited for him to give the okay to keep going.
Virgil waved him on once he was done pleading to the ceiling for something to make this more bearable.
“So uh, Ivy is teaching me how to understand plant languages, in exchange for beach cleanups and something I already planned to and had in the works.”
“A rogue is teaching you about your powers, and the adult who you were monitoring in hindsight has no clue.” Virgil rubbed his face before looking up. “And Dick, he looped in?”
“Not yet, I uh, want to know more before becoming a pet project for the extended Bats, you know?”
Virgil conceded that much.
“And its only one aspect the rogue knows! She helps a lot of metas hide their abilities and teaches them how to cope and work with it on their terms. B knows about her doing that and doesn’t interfere with that part of her work. Everyone knows about her doing it.”
“But not regarding you?”
“Its," Tim scrambled to find the right word. "Its complicated.”
“A lot of things with Bats are.”
“Look," Tim held his hands up in surrender. "My dad will go down for attempted murder, if not murder one, if B is around me anymore. I don’t know what they said, but Dad found out about Robin a few weeks after I escaped the JJ incident…”
Virgil paused, face loosening as something clicked. Shoulders slack, he muttered, “you almost died, didn’t you?”
Tim bit his inner cheeks and scars, tapping a littler harder than before. “Legally dead a few times during it, and uh, got to relive the times I died in my last life.”
“How Bad?”
Tim could feel Maddie cutting into him, could see her comparing his insides to Ember’s.
“Mad scientist parents found out I stopped being fully human. It, it was, it was bad.”
Tim swallowed dryly. “Yeah. Uh, I was hoping, no pressure or obligation, if you’d be okay helping with exposure therapy with electricity. Yours doesn’t sound the same as, as,” Tim felt that urge to scream grow in his throat. He clamped his hands over his mouth and used that trick from Fear Toxin.
“Tim?!”Virgil stood up.
5 things he could touch. His mouth, shoes, ground under his feet, the chair he was sitting on, his clothes.
4 things he can see. Virgil, door, poster, desk.
3 things he can hear. His breathing (too quick), Virgil’s static field, hum from the lights.
2 things he can smell. Stress and BO.
1 thing he can taste. His teeth.
Tim dropped his hands as his throat loosened to safe speaking levels as he repeated the steps. “Sorry, just uh, some stress requires screaming now and it, its not safe to be in the blast radius.” Tim ran a hand over his face. “Learning pitch control still and the screams tend to uh, level things. Missions are fine, the, the flashbacks…”
Virgil nodded slowly. “Not far off from Canary then. Talking about JJ triggers it?”
Tim nodded with a hard swallow. “Talking about the, the memories from the life where my parents uh, killed me and the dying by them after half dying from fixing an invention of theirs and having multi-dimensional portal kill and revive me simultaneously multiple times does it too.”
Static opened and shut his mouth. “Flashbacks frequent?”
“Yeah, kinda. Telling my body we’re not being strapped down and vivisected is uh, not something it likes to believe. And survival first, questions later. Fear gas is so much easier to handle,” he complained.
Virgil nodded slower this time. Tim knew it was a lot to take in.
“So, a Canary Cry?” Virgil began once the silence began to stretch to uncomfortable.
“Kind of?” Tim read her file enough before just in case, and he had clear add-ons she didn’t have. “Enhanced hearing too, but I can use infra sound and hear it if I tune into it. Also can hear the weather more than usual.”
“More than—you could hear the weather before?” Virgil stared at him.
“Assumed it was the autism,” Tim dismissed. “Could be both now.”
Virgil shook his head, possibly grumbling about 'white boys' under his breath. “Any other metas in the family?”
“Not that are still around. Dad’s cousin had a similar voice ability,” Tim talked around the issue of Black Canary Senior being his disowned cousin. “But never met her. Fled long before I was born on Dad’s side. Mom’s is a mystery in general unless you ask for someone specific about a specific event or topic.”
Virgil shook his head. “Okay, but are you sure nothing else has gone on, anything unusual?”
“Not that I can think of off the top of my head. Broke down Batman’s resistance to me being Robin using what Mom taught me about destroying my enemy’s mental fortitude, so… I don’t think so.”
“Think on it. And I can help with the exposure therapy thing if you want, but getting any help for all of this besides me?”
“Step mom, Dad, and Ivy. Robin’s supportive but doesn’t know any specifics… I think. She caught me during training on a surveillance mission, only knows some powers. Dad, step mom and me are the only ones that know about all of them.”
Virgil sighed. “Bats can’t know?”
“Not if we want my dad to stay out jail.”
Virgil looked up at his ceiling. “Planning to your tell your friends?”
“…When I have a better idea of how to control the screaming part. They were already convinced I’ve been meta since we met.”
“Might have been.”
Oh, Tim had not thought that part through.
“…maybe? I’ll have to work that out at home… and thanks. I mean it.”
“No problem man, just try not to mix me with anyone you knew last life, or not too bad.”
“You’re safe. More worried about mixing current friends with my dead ones.”
Virgil shooed Tim out.
Tim relaxed, just a touch, before going back to cases in the commons and catching Stephanie up on Titans BS with everyone chiming in.
It was good to be home.
Tim knows, logically, he can tell his team about being murdered by his parents in his last life. He also remembers meeting Greta and knowing she wasn’t truly Dead, which is something he can’t explain fully still…
Virgil might have had a point about being some sort of meta (or maybe magic?) long before the JJ incident. Most kids can’t evade Batman and Robin for years just to take pictures of them mid-flight.
Maybe a sound nullification ability or something to that effect… he can bribe Ivy to help experiment with it later.
The problem is he doubts Kon wouldn’t lead the charge with his dad to summon and beat up said former filicidal parents. And he knows that the whole team would be on board if they knew.
He would rather not see Maddie or Jack again. Especially while awake. Jazz showing up a bit different in his dreams and complaining about his broken sleep schedule making it harder to visit was something he remained on the fence about telling anyone.
Possibly harass Captain Marvel about it as that guy said nothing about people’s shit unless it becomes a game of which plane of existence you can stay on… but even then, tracking him down without bat-tech is a game of whackamole.
There’s also the complication of Tim being very aware he likes Kon, and not necessarily as a friend alone. Which. He doesn’t have time for the additional sexuality crisis on top of his varied identity crises at the moment and the media’s questions about the two Robins and if Robin was gender fluid, flux or only out as a girl in Gotham and a young man elsewhere. He cannot add ‘crushing on a teammate’ to his list when he and Stephanie only broke up a week before the JJ incident and are just now easing back into their old friendship. He doesn’t want the amputated feeling of losing a friend again because he keeps catching feelings for them, and is 10,000% certain he should not touch romance until he’s in a better mental state.
He has Problems on his plate, and it’s already overflowing. He’d rather not break.
And he loves his friends. But he has no doubt that Cassie would set up the pitchforks rather than stop any of the retribution his father was undoubtedly planning. He can’t gift-wrap his friends as minions in his dad’s crusade to fuck over the Fentons across dimensions, spacetime and afterlife status.
He did manage to make a small list of oddities for himself about his capacity to do things that were vaguely ghostly or similar to powers he’d pieced together.
So far potential intangibility or density shifting, invisibility, faster recovery rate than non-metas yet slow for a meta—speed seems dependent on how likely the injury is to kill him. His high tolerance for the cold was making sense the further in Winter he got and the more he’d see flickers of Frostbite training him in his last life.
Whatever an ‘ice core’ is, seems cool. He may have taken to playing with discarded freeze guns and be reworking them to be smaller and more compact. Possibly to add to his future vigilante ID, or to be a general weapon as a civilian given non-lethal status and his ability to add a melting rate adjustment knob of some sort, and call 911.
Bart saw him with it, grinned manically, and joined in helping him improve and adjust it. Slobo joined them both.
Cassie took one look at them and declared it ‘not her problem if they freeze themselves’ while Kon was out on another press tour thing.
Tim pretended not to note those had increased lately only on days Tim was staying with Just Us for non-mission things and Kon’s increase in excuses to avoid him in general.
If Kon wanted distance, then he’d get it. Even if it stung. Kon’s time and his life to spend as he pleases. And clearly, Tim displeases him. /worthless. Monster. Failure. Stand-in. No wonder you’ve always been a loser—/
“So, for Robin time or outside the mask?” Greta asked when she caught the three near the end of a schematics debate.
“Not sure yet,” Tim admitted. “Rogues are weirdly chill with me in civvies lately. But that could be Ivy being Ivy.”
Bart and Slobo’s debate died at that. “Ivy?”
“Uh, Poison Ivy’s plants outted civilian me for something i was dealing with. She’s decided she’s helping with fine-tuning my control on it and gave me one of her ‘protected by’ pins.”
Greta hummed, floating nearer while Bart was buzzing in his place.
“and its a good thing?”
“Other than her shipping me and my ex? Parents approve of the additional support and it’s made intel gathering easier. She was right about the hearing range increase being a bitch to deal with daily.”
Cassie came in with their takeout then, and everyone dispelled to their usual nonsense.
“So, Ivy ships you and your ex?” Greta began with innocently enough.
Tim debated banging his head against the table.
“My civvie self and Gotham’s Robin,” he clarified. “And only enough to throw cuddle pollen on her and lock us together in… varied situations. And laugh about it.”
Cassie blinked at him slowly. “You are being teased by a Rogue who ships civilian you, with a vigilante.”
“… to be fair I am getting plant speak lessons, but yeah.”
“Rob, what the fuck,” Cassie shook her head.
Tim shrugged. “Its Ivy. A safe distraction for the minors she fights is her preferred MO. if it’s just Bats she can and will use sex pollen. If kids or unclear on minor status are involved, cuddle pollen galore.”
“Uh huh.” Cassie and Greta share a look. “So you dated girl Robin, before she became Robin?”
“She was Spoiler first, and I gave her tips on managing Bruce’s ass when I uh,” Tim still didn’t know how to explain ‘forcibly removed from vigilante activities as his dad worried about him dying in a cape like the last Robin, so Tim was forced to pass the buck of Bruce’s mental instability onto his ex-girlfriend and close friend, Spoiler, and coaches her in Bruce Wrangling at a distance’.
“Forced semi-retirement?” Cissie suggested as she stole a slice of pizza, cringing at Tim’s. Which was all his as Bart didn’t care for it. Sucker’s bet on keeping their slices safe from speedster snatching. Amateurs; clearly they never went to boarding school.
“That,” Tim took a bite of his Canadian bacon and pineapple goodness. “And also she’s officially Oracle’s Robin," he swallowed. "Just B’s for combat scenarios. Dad has decided to threaten B’s living status for her too.”
“Rob,” Slobo interrupted. “The fuck.”
“…in my defense, she asked me out a week after almost killing me the first time.”
“Your dad, not other Robin!”
“First time?!”
“She prefers bricks as her projectiles.” Tim wiped his hands clean after his first slice, humming as he went over the blueprint… how should he compensate for his screams and Wail?
“Oh, and she aimed at my head. She’s into three section staffs lately which is a lot less deadly.”
“Rob. She asked you out after almost killing you?” Bart clarified.
“… not on purpose but yeah.”
“She asked you out by accident?”
“No, almost killing part. She’s gotten better aim since, and is following the no killing until you’re not a bat-affiliate rule.”
His team shared looks he didn't bother to check. The urge to analyze could spiral into another screaming attack if he didn't nip it in the bud.
“So not getting back together with her?” Greta clarified with a smile that screamed Gossip Detected.
He let her have either way, even with the looks Cissie, Bart, and Cassie shared.
Let me know if i missed any tags ^^
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4zahara · 2 days ago
02 | Let's Stay Home
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←Previous. Masterlist. Next→
Word Count: +4k
A/N: English is not my first language. Please be patient with the grammar. I really tried to finish this chapter earlier. I had it written halfway but things happened and it arrived a week early! I think... my sense of time has left me and this ship.
His sister was weird.
Jason had no idea what, exactly, to pinpoint—other than her general demeanor made him reach the conclusion. It wasn’t just your eyes, which always seemed to search for a face on his head, or hair which looked like it had survived electrocution. Maybe it was your personality.
Whatever had been bothering him seemed to settle the longer he sat on the floor, however, processing his new situation.
He wasn't comfortable. He shifted onto the couch when (Name) returned with towels—actually clean ones. Jason placed a folded one on the cushions under him and sat down again, another draped over his shoulders to warm him up—you looked genuinely worried about him getting sick and needing a hospital visit neither of you could afford—the third was involuntarily forced over his head for good measure. He might as well cross "Halloween costume" off his to-do list. He'd be Casper the Friendly Ghost this year.
Although, he wiped the metallic taste of either blood or hunger with the back of his sleeve to speak again, a yawn won its way out. Swallowing saliva could only do so much for him the longer the night got.
"I have—" a voice called from the kitchen, about five feet from where he sat. "Pizza? There are some leftovers too, but I doubt you'll want that."
Jason's drifting attention focus for once and he perked up immediately.
"You have pizza?" he asked—not exactly excited.
Unlike most kids, Jason didn’t get excited at the mere thought of bread with things on top. Even if beloved for many the dish had long since lost its appeal to him. When had a large pizza not been cheaper than a bag of vegetables around here? Too much of anything was unhealthy—not that he really thought about that. He had eaten enough in a single week to make him want to avoid cheese altogether. Eating healthy was expensive. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out.
"What are the leftovers?" he asked, forcing a strained smile through gritted teeth.
"I'll heat it up for you. It's just rice, chicken, corn—basically a salad."
Jason quickly stood on shaky legs, his eyes never leaving the silhouette of you. Obviously there was lack of trust. Maybe—and just maybe—you reminded him too much of Catherine too.
Weirdly enough, the thought eased his sore chest. Something about seeing you, Jason didn’t want to think too hard about.
He missed his mom.
You looked like her.
Without another word from you, he trailed into the kitchen, dismissing the ache spreading everywhere.
"So... you came because of Mom? What happened?" You hesitated. "Did she and Dad got into another fight? Is that why he's arrested?"
A complicated look crossed his eyes just as he forced the noncommittal response.
"No, it wasn't like that. Willis went away for something else... Mom is—she's not taking it well and... needs you," he leaned against the counter, facing away but still watching you.
Ever since hearing you describe Catherine as unfit to be left alone—even if she not alone with Willis anymore but by herself—Jason’s worry skyrocketed. He kept telling himself she’d be fine without him for one night...
Now keeping his jaw clenched at the thought.
Willis could shove a rusty pipe up his ass.
As the stove flickered to life, heating up the so-called "salad", it was safe to say, a microwave-sized box was too big to hide and too heavy to run with, when you had none.
His sister glanced at him briefly then back to the stove—an action you repeated often. It was obvious you had questions enough for Jason to notice.
Even admitting it would be wishful thinking; to assume it was for his sake you were keeping all of them in.
His gaze flickered around the room to nothing in particular, as if wasn't even made aware of how restless his mind had become—grasping for anything to distract him.
Old bruises and burns on his skin layered with the fresh ones from getting mugged, started to ache. Random memories surfaced, each more unwelcome than the last. And then, the worst thought of all—what else was happening back home?
Dad was gone. But when he realized Jason had up and left, he would’ve been furious.
He’d probably have taken it out on Catherine.
Jason took a shaky breath, trying to suppress the anxiety clawing its way up his throat. He looked at the ceiling, at the stains there, forcing himself to focus. Trying to calm down.
Everything around him seemed to halt—until you placed a plate in front of him. Only then did Jason snap back to himself.
It took him a moment to pull out of his thoughts, and when he did, his eyes widened slightly. He stared down at the plate—rice, chicken, and whatever else you'd thrown in.
You didn’t have anything for yourself, but he caught you eyeing the pizza slices in the fridge.
“…Thanks,” he muttered before shoving a bite into his mouth. It wasn’t poisoned. And, surprisingly, it was good. Then again, maybe that was just the hunger talking.
It took him barely thirty seconds to finish half the plate. He wanted more—needed more—but forced himself to slow down. His body wouldn’t handle too much too soon.
You watched for a moment.
You handed him a glass of water.
Jason glanced at it, then back at you, silently studying your expression, trying to figure you out.
You were… kind. You’d taken him in, given him food—at the very least, you pitied him.
God knows why.
Jason knew why. He knew exactly what he looked like. But he figured you had no business judging him, considering your own appearance.
Not that he was one to judge, either.
He reached out and gently grabbed the glass, taking a sip and letting the cool liquid soothe his dry throat. He would’ve thanked her, but he didn’t.
“What’s with the name on that mug?”
He asked, glancing beside her at a Christmas-themed cup with a name that definitely wasn’t yours.
"Ah. Dunno... I guess it’s the lady who’s supposed to be living here?"
"Someone lives with you?"
"If someone taller than you asks, then yes. Auntie—" She squinted, holding up the mug to read the name. "Gloria... Huh."
Yup. Definitely weird.
Jason knew it wasn’t true the second the name passed her lips because Catherine never mentioned a sister or an aunt. But Willis? That was a different story…
Jason blinked on edge again.
“Auntie Gloria?” he repeats, his eyebrows furrowed together as he tries to think of how to face a possible adult. The idea of an older relative living with you and him not noticing until now was confusing enough on its own, but the name was unfamiliar.
“Wait… she’s related to us?” Carefully adding himself to the mix, but for the sake of his mental health, he indulged for the first of many times to come in not asking about it again when you looked even slightly conflicted.
Ignorance was a blessing and you were underage, so it'll make sense you'll lie to adults about an imaginary aunt.
Jason couldn't risk slipping. You'd be everything he'd had to rely on when he manages to convince you to come with him back home to help with mom.
No doubt that he'll drag you home if he had to.
He had no choice.
He needed your help with Mom and he hated it. Hated how the air felt heavier the longer he stood there. Hated that his sister had chosen *this* place over home.
But mostly, he hated the gnawing fear in his chest—the one that had only grown stronger ever since he walked through that door.
"You need to come back," he said, voice tighter than he meant it to be. He’d practiced what he was going to say on the way here, but now it was all unraveling like the blocks he walked talking to himself under the rain meant nothing. "Mom’s sick, and I—I can’t do this alone, (Name)."
It was a rare admission for him.
You took a seat in front of him and his half eaten plate. Cross-legged under the table but changing your posture as if never truly settled. Probably why you didn’t look up right away. The dim light made your already hard to read face, harder than it was, casting sharp angles where softness used to be.
You exhaled through your nose. "Jason—"
"Please," he cut in, wanting to stand up, heart hammering against his ribs made his legs disobey. "I need you. She needs you."
Something flickered across your face then, quick and uncertain that made you chew on your bottom lip and your fingers tangle absentmindedly, and for a second—a brief, agonizing second—Jason thought you might refuse outright.
He readied himself and picked a counter argument of which he had a lot.
Instead, you sighed.
"Tomorrow," you said. "It’s dark. And it’s raining."
His breath caught. "So… you’ll come back?"
You hesitated. Just for a moment.
Then you nodded. "Tomorrow."
Relief crashed into him like a wave, but it didn’t settle right. There was something about the way you said it—vague, distant, reluctant.
Telling him what he wanted to hear. Just to soothe him.
Jason swallowed hard, pushing that thought down. Tomorrow. You said tomorrow. He'll only calm down once you are at home, but this was enough for now.
Even if something about the way you sat in that dit felt like you were slipping through his fingers.
══════════════ • ✧ • ══════════════
The rain hadn’t let up. If anything, it was getting worse—pounding against the windows, turning the city outside into a smear of dim streetlights and endless shadows.
Jason had refused the bed you so kindly offered him in favor of dozing off curled up awkwardly in the couch, exhaustion pulling him under despite the unease still crawling under his skin.
You sat by the window, knees drawn to your chest, eyes distant, not going to bed yourself because you'll feel guilty for sleeping comfortably while your baby brother struggled to sleep on the couch with a humid towel as a blanket.
And just maybe he thought you were weird for that.
The silence stretched, thick and heavy, until his voice—low from disuse but child-like pitched—broke through it.
"Is it bad to miss someone you can’t even remember?"
For a moment, you didn’t move.
Didn’t even breathe.
Then, slowly, you turned your head.
The words settled deep into your bones, curling around old wounds, reopening stitches sewed with dental floss you have been holding shut with both hands around the stretch marks simulating fingers.
It was not the time for an analogy but your unaware grip tightened slightly against the fabric of your sleeves.
"I missed you," words pushed through softly.
The rain kept falling.
No memory could fill the gap—it had been too long ago, and he had been too young. All he could do was piece together imagined scenarios, trying to soothe himself, only to shudder at the thought of them.
Maybe wanting a real family had been too much to ask for.
A home without a deadbeat dad. A mother who wasn’t drowning in addiction. A sister who never would have left him—never would have left him like you did. And maybe even a family dog.
But that wasn’t the life he got.
And you? You failed.
A bad sister to Jason. A bad daughter to Catherine. You left them with your father, and that truth weighed on you like an unshakable burden. The one absolute you carried on your shoulders.
You felt cold as the monster of your own making clawed at your ribcage from the inside, desperate to break free.
But the real problem—the one you couldn’t afford to face—was how much you missed home.
You couldn't do that to yourself. You couldn't want what you ran from.
Because nothing was more dangerous than the illusion of a family that never really existed.
Jason paused at your words, glancing up.
Normally, your carefree nature would have prompted some teasing remark about staring. But now, the silence stretched between you, heavy and unbroken.
Something he had to say without letting himself stutter.
"You missed… me?"
Almost wanting to brush it off as an empty platitude, something said out of obligation. But deep down, in the twisting knot of his gut, Jason knew you meant every single word. The weight of it had been steeping in years of regret and unspoken sorrow.
And then there was the very idea of you missing him—which was both baffling and, to his surprise, oddly comforting.
"A little weird, out of the blue. I know," you admitted, backpedaling. "I just don’t get why you hardly remember me… I wasn’t gone that long."
Yet weird was putting it lightly.
Jason swallowed hard, his heart clenching painfully under the weight of emotions he couldn’t fully name.
He wanted to remember. God, he wanted to remember you—everything about you. Whatever moments you’d shared, whatever time you'd had together before it all went to hell. He reached for those memories, clawed for them, but nothing surfaced. Nothing real.
His breath wavered as he forced himself to stay steady.
"I… I wish I did. Dammit." His voice was quiet, edged with frustration.
"It 's okay. I'll remember. It’s not enough, but it’s what we get."
Jason nodded slightly, but something about that statement stuck with him.
He couldn’t remember you. And he probably never would.
Other people got their warm family moments, their second chances. But not them.
He took another shaky breath, fighting the lump in his throat, while you turned away, staring blankly out the window.
"It sucks," he murmured, avoiding your gaze. There were no portraits on the walls, just a scattering of trinkets everywhere.
"Like Dad used to say—‘Life’s a bitch, and then you die.’"
Jason scoffed. Of course that was something Dad would say.
"Don’t do that, though..."
He looked up, meeting your tired expression as you side-eyed him.
“Don’t die…?” he echoed, lacing his words with sarcasm. “Yeah, okay… I’ll get right on that.”
"Good boy." You offered a thumbs-up.
Jason snorted in disbelief, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.
Still… he appreciated it. Keeping himself alive had been hard, but something about the praise made his chest feel a little warmer. Not that he was about to acknowledge it.
"You talk like some old lady," he teased.
"You eat like a dog."
Jason gasped, feigning offense. "I do not eat like a dog," he argued, his voice dripping with exaggerated indignation. "I eat like a growing boy who’s going through puberty and also hadn’t eaten in days and was basically starving, thank you very much."
"What puberty could you possibly be going through? You're eight."
Jason huffed, rolling his eyes before responding, utterly insulted. "I’m turning eleven next month. Which means I’m almost twelve. And then thirteen."
He sounded genuinely offended.
"And I’ve already started growing," he added, even though it was painfully obvious he hadn’t—still a four-foot ball of snark.
"Oh? Growing roots or…?"
Jason groaned, pouting in annoyance. He clearly hated the teasing.
"I've grown, I’ll have you know," he insisted, trying his best to sound confident. "I can cook now and—and I found my way here alone, too."
"I can tell you did," you said, watching him carefully. "Can’t imagine what that must’ve been like."
It was subtle. A small probe, a quiet way of fishing for details.
Maybe Catherine had known you were here.
The smirk faltered—but Jason covered it with a scoff. Mouth opened to ask how you ended up here. But then he hesitated, remembering the promise you’d made him make earlier. He didn’t want to risk breaking it.
Still, it tugged at him.
He thought about asking anyway. But it could hurt.
“…Why here, anyway?” His voice held a tinge of curiosity. “Do you really live here alone?”
"You met the neighbor," you replied, lips curling into a squinting little smile.
Glasses. That had to be it. You probably needed glasses—that’s why your eyes looked so weird.
Focusing on that theory was a hundred times better than thinking about the kind of people who might live here. The kind that had you so scared before.
Because he’d already decided—he was going to believe you weren’t scary.
His gaze flickered around the abandoned building again. Yeah… still not convinced.
It was subtle, but Jason had a habit of checking his surroundings. Always. And you noticed.
“How bad is your vision?” he asked bluntly.
"My vision?" You raised an eyebrow. "I can see you just fine."
Jason rolled his eyes, smirking. "I’m not saying you’re completely blind. I’m asking if you need glasses."
He didn’t add that the squinting seemed suspicious. Instead, he flashed you an innocent smile before adding,
“You look like an owl when you do that, you know that, right?”
"Do what?"
You tilted your head slightly, just like a bird—clearly on purpose, just to mess with him.
Jason couldn't help the small smile tugging at his lips.
"That." He motioned toward your head. "Stop that."
He wasn’t really annoyed, though. He was amused.
Something about the way you focused on him, how you responded to everything he said, how you kept looking at him—not just hearing him but listening…
It made his chest feel warm.
Jason shifted, reluctant to leave the warmth of the couch. Exhaustion clung to him, but something about the quiet moment pulled him up.
With a sluggish motion, he pushed himself upright, the towels draped over his shoulders slipping slightly. Instinctively he grabbed onto them, pulling as they were his armor against the lingering cold. The one on his head slid forward though, nearly covering his eyes, and he huffed. There had to be a reason why he tugged it back into place before letting out a quiet sigh when he could have just thrown them around.
Bare feet padding softly against the floor, made his way to your side. Towels rustling with every step. The warmth they held was fading, but he kept them wrapped around him anyway.
By the window, he didn’t say anything at first—just gave a little jump to sit on the counter with you, close enough that his shoulder nearly brushed yours, staring out at whatever had your attention.
Jason reached out, one hand wrapping around your arm while the other cupped your cheek, gently but firmly keeping your head still.
His eyes narrowed studying you—staring at you—his expression unreadable.
“Do you need glasses or something?” he asked bluntly.
"You keep closing one eye like that," he pointed out, tilting his head slightly. "You kinda look like an owl."
"An owl? Like... hoot hoot?"
Jason scoffed at your lame attempt at an owl impression.
“Owls don’t even make that sound,” he shot back, his voice dripping with sarcasm—but the amused smirk tugging at his lips betrayed any real annoyance.
"I tried," you defended with a small shrug. "I’ve never seen an owl in my life."
"Me neither. But I know they don't sound like that,"
With a sigh, Jason finally let go of your face and arm, but not before tapping the top of your head in some vague, brotherly gesture.
“Now answer me. Glasses—yes or no?”
"Probably?" You popped the *p* before hesitating, still smiling but uncertain.
"I can see…" Your eyes narrowed, focusing like it required actual effort. Finally, with newfound, almost forced optimism, you pointed.
"The couch," you declared with newfound optimism from somewhere.
Jason didn’t even bother holding back his expression—half unimpressed, half entertained.
You just couldn’t help it. Something about him was so amusing. If not a little annoying.
“You’re nearly blind, then,” Jason said, his eyes widening like he had just stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery. Somehow, despite being as blunt as ever, he didn’t sound mean—just genuinely baffled.
“So, the door? You can barely see that behind me? And—and when you stared at me outside, it was because you couldn’t see me?"
“Yeaaaah, sure,” you drawled, dragging out the word. “That’s why I stared at you for so long…”
Jason didn’t catch the sarcasm. If anything, the idea only made him more fascinated, his eyes practically glowing with curiosity.
He turned his head away, trying (and failing) to hide the red creeping up his face behind a cough.
“Wait, wait, wait—you mean to tell me that you were just standing there, squinting at me like that because you couldn’t even tell it was me at the door?”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth, not when he looked at you like that—like a kid uncovering some great mystery.
The truth was, you hadn’t recognized him at first. And then, when you did, you had hesitated for too many seconds, unwilling to acknowledge it.
So instead, you just stained your smile onto your face, squinted at him again, and shrugged.
“A bit.”
You’d rather let him think you were blind than admit to the real reason. And, to be fair, it wasn’t entirely a lie—your vision did blur every so often.
Jason let out a short laugh at your answer, shaking his head.
“A bit, you say? You straight up stared at me, and I thought you were just crazy or something.” He laughed again, but after a second, his expression shifted. His gaze flickered over the way your eyes kept narrowing and refocusing, and a small frown tugged at his lips.
“…You can’t see anything far away at all, can you?”
Jason raised a brow, crossing his arms as he held up two fingers right in front of your face.
“You can see what… how many fingers am I holding up, then?”
Deciding to humor him, you rolled your eyes before deliberately answering wrong.
“Ha! Nope, wrong.” Jason waved the two fingers closer to your face, smirking as if he’d just won a game. “You really got that wrong? C’mon, try again.”
His grin was practically gleeful as he held up the same two fingers, waiting expectantly.
You squinted dramatically, leaning in like a grandma reading the fine print on a receipt.
“Oh! …Two!”
Jason narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Is that an actual answer or a guess, you blind bat?”
Before you could answer, he held up four fingers this time, wiggling them teasingly.
“How about this number?”
“Okay, okay, enough eye testing for tonight,” you dismissed, waving a hand.
Jason snickered, finally lowering his hand, but the playful spark in his eyes remained.
“But I was just getting to the fun part.”
Then, as his laughter faded, he leaned in slightly. His smirk stayed, but his expression turned more serious.
“Seriously, though. You’re basically blind,” he said, shaking his head. “You gotta get glasses.”
You shrugged, giving a half-smile. “Maybe one day.”
And why wouldn't he catch the way your voice dipped slightly? Or how your fingers twitched against the counter? Obviously something about the way you said it—too casual.
Jason was young, not stupid.
Of course you didn’t have glasses. Of course, you couldn't just get them. Just like how dinner was either pizza or leftovers. Just like how there was no microwave.
His stomach twisted uncomfortably.
“…You can’t get them, can you?” he asked, quieter this time.
You blinked at him, “I could if I wanted to.”
Jason stared.
You sighed, finally breaking on that front.
“No, I can’t.”
Surprising even if it shouldn't have been. And for some reason, it made his chest feel tight. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much—just one more thing neither of you could have. Jason nudged you lightly with his elbow, like he wasn’t about to say what he was about to say.
“…Guess I’ll just have to be your seeing-eye dog or something,” he muttered.
You snorted. “Oh, so now you admit you eat like a dog?”
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “Okay, no! That’s not what I meant.”
But when your expression had softened—not in pity, but in something almost grateful, so did he.
And Jason decided right then that until you could afford glasses, he’d just have to be your extra pair of eyes.
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