#this post is about uHHH. act 4(?) revelations i think. and the act 6 secret thing
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pkmoth ¡ 5 months ago
im like ahhh would putting this character in this role be spoilery, would doing this design be spoilery. the answer is probably Yes to a degree and it kills me dead
i am thinking so hard about the isat au im unwellllllll
its barely coherent so i cant write it down but you bet ur ass im just rotating them in my head.......
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turning-dreams-into-chaos ¡ 6 years ago
I knew
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*Not my Gif*
Request: Hi I love your writing so can I request a Sirius Black x Hufflepuff! Reader where reader is James’ younger sister and Sirius and Reader like each other but they don’t know but everyone else does with a really protective James pls 🤗
Requested By: @nerdbookish
Request: Hey I read your one shots and they are super amazing and basically I love Sirius Black and yoy write him really well. So, I know he isn’t in the request list but could you please do 10 and 29 for Sirius and reader?
Requested by: @ateliergrey
10. “You’re lying? Why are you lying? What are you not telling me?”
29. “You’re bleeding. On my floor.”
Paring: Sirius Black x Reader, James Potter x Sister!Reader
Post Date: 6-4-19
Word Count: 1876
~Prompt List~
~Master List~
~Open Requests~
Your 7th year had finally come. You couldn’t have been happier at Hogwarts than you were with your twin brother James and his best friends. You were placed in Hufflepuff and they were all in Gryffindor, but they took you in during your 3rd year and since then you’ve all become inseparable. It was a little weird at first for James’ to have his sister hanging out with him and his best friends, but he got over it. Although he never gave up an opportunity to remind you of the fact he was older.
“James! Stop acting like a child!” you yelled as your brother stole a parchment from your pile dangling it around you as you watched him unimpressed. James just started laughing at you.
“Oh, come one Y/N. I’m not a child, I’m older, remember?”
“Yeah, well you won’t be older for much longer if you don’t give me back my bloody parchment.” You mumbled trying to knock him down. Sirius, your knight in shining armor, had watched with an amused face before deciding to come to your rescue.
“Ok Mate, you’ve had your fun, now give the girl her homework back.” Sirius said before James huffed and handed over the paper. Sirius took the paper before turning to you, graciously bowing then giving it to you. You smile at his ridiculous actions as you shake your head. You hadn’t realized the slight blush on your cheeks, but James had. He watched as Sirius’ gaze lingered on you when you turned away, and he most definitely noticed the smile across his face. He didn’t like it, you were his sister and he didn’t like the idea of anyone liking you. You both argued a lot and he would mess with you far to often for your liking, but he didn’t want to see you get hurt and having a boyfriend wasn’t going to make matters better. A few minutes later, Lily had rushed into the library yelling something frantically then pulling you along. James watched as you left before turning to Sirius.
“What’s your plan with my sister, Padfoot?” He said quickly causing Remus and Peter’s attention to shift to them. Sirius just looked at James with confusion across his face.
“What plan? What are talking about?” he asked glancing at Remus and Peter as well. James just scoffed as he leant in closer to the boy, causing him to lean closer in defiance.
“You fancy her, don’t you?” Now Sirius’ eyes were wide as if this was the most prosperous thing ever. His mouth fell open and closed trying to form words but falling short. James shook his head as he stood up, towering over the boy. “Padfoot, I’m not playing here. You hurt her, and I’ll let Moony here go after you next moon, which just happens to be tonight.” He said as Remus groaned, slamming his head down on the table. Sirius was worried, this was James they were talking about and he wouldn’t do that, but it was also you. And James would do anything to protect you. Sirius didn’t like you, you were like a sister to him, right? As James sat back down, not looking away from a very awkward Sirius, Remus and Peter were trying not to laugh.
“Prongs, if it makes matters better, I think your sister fancies him as well.” Remus said, causing Peter to finally break out in laughter as both their eyes shot open and heads spun to face him. He tried to hold back his laughter once again but the smile he had was not helping. “I might have brought up the topic to her the other day.” He started as Peter’s cackles filled the air earning several shushes from the kids around them.
“What do mean she fancies me? She can’t fancy me, we’re friends. Just friends!” Sirius whispered, a little more on the loud side but still a whisper. His eyes darted between James’ shocked ones and Remus’ smug ones, waiting for more information.
“I told her I thought you and her had some… connection that she didn’t have with the rest of us and she practically flipped out the same as you are now. I can’t believe neither of you realized anything, Peter and I have been talking about it for, well I guess years now.” He said, Peter shaking his head in agreement. Sirius sat in silence at this new revelation, James still didn’t like it and he made it quite clear, staring at Sirius until it was almost nightfall. The four boys gathered their things, quickly heading out to the shrieking shack before it was to late. These night were never easy, and tonight was no exception, Remus transformed as well as the other 3 and they began their long night.
The next morning you woke up to the moans of an unknown person. You knew you were the only person in your room as your roommates had all spent the night in the common room, and they said they weren’t planning to come back up the next morning. You sat up in your bed, scanning for the person before you saw a bloodied and moaning Sirius laying on your floor. You didn’t know how to feel when you saw him, your eyes blinking as they adjusted to the sight.
“You’re bleeding. On my floor. Right, okay… OH MY GOD SIRIUS YOU’RE BLEEDING!” you said, your breathing becoming more and more difficult to do as you look at his mauled leg. You didn’t want him to see you yelling right after this, so you tried to calm down. “What the bloody hell happened.?”
“Ughh, just… just help me, Y/N. Please.” He said, moving up against the wall as you looked for something to quickly wrap around his leg. You acted quick, pulling a discarded shirt from the floor. He watched as you tied it, making sure it was tight around his leg.
“Ok, we have to take you to the nurse. She’ll definitely be able to do something more than I can.” You picked him up, swinging his arm over your shoulder as you helped he walk, careful not to let him walk on his bad leg. He watched you, trying to keep his mind off the injury. He wasn’t sure how he ended up there. He remembers getting hurt but nothing after that. He didn’t mind though, he kept thinking back on what his friends said, maybe just maybe he liked you in a more than friend type of way. His thoughts were interrupted when you arrived at the hospital wing, you threw him down on a bed, quickly apologizing when he groaned in pain. The nurse had come over and took a look at his leg, you pulled up a chair beside him and leaned onto the mattress, not touching him but close enough. Sirius’ breathing quickened when you got closer. He didn’t know what changed, yesterday you were just a friend and now all of a sudden you made his heart race? What changed, or did he always feel that way and just never realized it. He looked up at you as you bit your bottom lip, worried about the boy next to you.
“Ok, let’s distract you. uhhh… how did you get into my room? I mean, past the Hufflepuff common room?” you said hoping that he won’t pay attention to what the nurse was doing.
“I uhh, I don’t know. I was just there, I guess.” He grunted. You looked down at him, confused at his statement.
“You don’t know? Ok fine. What happened? How did you get- you know” your hands gestured to his leg as you frowned again. You hoped that the answer he could give you now was better than ‘I don’t know’. When he didn’t answer you, you moved away from the bed, a little jumbled as to why he wasn’t answering.
His eyes harden as he cleared his throat, looking away from your face, “I fell down the stairs, got scrapped up.” His voice showing his discomfort. You frowned again but said nothing, just waiting until the nurse left you alone.
“You’re lying. Why are you lying? What are you not telling me?” you said, standing over the boy. He didn’t look up, fiddling with his fingers as you rolled your eyes, falling back down into the chair with a sigh. “Oh, come on Padfoot! James is my brother! You don’t think I hadn’t realized James is an Animagus, Peter’s an Animagus, you’re an Animagus, and Remus is a- “
“Animagus?” He said quickly hoping that you hadn’t figured everything out.
“No, I was going to say Moony’s a werewolf.” His eyes nearly doubled at your words.
“You knew?”
“Of course, I knew. Your nicknames are a dead giveaway.” He just stared at you, unable to come up with anything. This whole time you knew and didn’t say anything. You even knew about Remus’ lycanthropy, he was just surprised. When he asked you if James told you, you shook your head.
“No… No, it was actually something Peter said a while ago. Something about getting Remus safe for the night. You know, he really isn’t good at keeping secrets, but don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Padfoot.” You laughed as he laughed, somehow amongst the hilarity his hand found yours, giving it a little squeeze. Your cheeks started to blush once more as you remembered you talk with Remus. He was right, you liked him. you just didn’t want to admit it at first, but you knew deep down, it was true. He was also right about Sirius, and like you he didn’t realize it but now he did, and he wasn’t going to deny it.
“I like you.” he blurted out, mouth speaking faster than his brain could think. Your breath hitched as you smiled, letting out a gentle giggle Sirius realized he loved it so much. Your fingers graced the back of his hands as you leaned over kiss him. As soon as his lips hit yours the doors busted open, 3 sore boys came flying towards you only to stop at the scene. You pulled away, unsure of what to tell them.
“H-hey James. Uhh- so what’s up?” you asked, trying to divert the attention away from you and Sirius, unaware of the fact that your hands were still connected. Sirius couldn’t help the cheeky grin on his face as he looked up at you. Your eyes glancing worriedly between the boys. Without wasting another second, he pulled you back for another kiss as the boys just stared. James was shocked while Remus and Peter were proud. They always thought you both made a good couple and now they were sure.
“Alright, Alright, stop snogging my sister. You can date but my threat from earlier still stands Padfoot.” James grumbles as he turns to leave, dragging the other boys along. You turned to look at Sirius, unsure of what just happened.
“Threat? What did he say?” you asked as Sirius just chuckled.
“I’ll explain it later, love. Right now, maybe you could help distract me from the pain in my leg.” He said as he pulled you over him, you straddle him as your hands fell onto his chest. You chuckled before leaning down, smiling into a kiss.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
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