#this post is a little long sorry lol
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birlwrites · 1 year ago
🎢, 🍦,💖,🤗,😬, 💔, 🤲?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
oh, definitely career goals: tyrant - it's unhinged from chapter 1 and only gets more so
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
i was torn so i picked 2 afslghjksdf - the first one is sun and shadow, aka the pjo au, and the second is the point of creation, which is a check please fic with lardo/ransom in which lardo is a composer and ransom is a poet and they make art for each other and it's very soft
💖 What made you start writing?
hmm i don't think there was ever a set Moment - i've always been coming up with stories, and i'm p sure my parents have some picture books/graphic novels/comics/idk what to call them drawn by yours truly at age <5. i started actually like, typing stories in a word processor in about 4th grade because my best friend was writing a story and i wanted to copy her
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
3 things: first of all, try not to jump straight into posting your stuff somewhere like ao3. get a feel for what you like writing and what makes you happy before you start introducing things like 'how many people kudosed my fic today' - there is SO MUCH fic out there, and it can be very hard to build an audience/find your people, especially when you're just starting out. there's no reason to demoralize yourself right away. build up your sense of what YOU like before you start worrying about whether other people like it. (sharing your writing with your friends is different - they're your friends, not faceless internet people ashfkjhsf)
second of all, it's important to make sure that you're actually enjoying the process. writing fanfic should be fun - if it feels like a chore or an obligation, it might be time to step back and see if you've accidentally turned it into a job instead of something you do solely because you enjoy it
third of all, writing a complete fic beginning to end is a skill in and of itself. don't expect yourself to just sit down and bang out a multichap fic with flawless pacing and an amazing ending. that's something that requires practice. the best way to practice is to finish what you start. you don't have to finish absolutely everything - as i said, this should be fun - but just be aware that if you want to complete your fics in a satisfying way, you need to practice writing complete stories. one-shots are a great way to start!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
ohhhh man
honestly, the entire concept makes me wince, but tbh probably lachrimae. i feel like that's the one most likely to inspire the 'why aren't you writing original stories, you should be writing original stories' reaction
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i have a few, all regulus angst - we've got implode--, survived by, and happy birthday, which i wrote when i was ~15 and, if i do say so myself, KILLED IT.
implode-- is about sirius rescuing a mostly-dead regulus from the cave, survived by is about sirius finding death eater regulus after evan's death (there's a theme LMAO - that's a fic i wouldn't be able to write these days, i'm too attached to evan now), and happy birthday is canon-compliant snapshots of regulus's life from age 11 to age 18
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Voldemort says, "Do you consider yourself a fighter, Regulus?"
It could pass for conversational—silk floating on water. He hisses the tiniest bit on Regulus, a tiny whistle of air after precisely pronounced syllables like an ice cube against the back of Regulus's neck. Regulus's mask gleams at his side, awkward and useless in his hand—he can't put it on, but he can't put it away, and so there it stays, a glimmering ghost in the sun.
What sort of answer does Voldemort want? He doesn't want Regulus to fight, he wants to keep his Seer safe, but there has to be a reason he's asking, a reason he called Regulus in the first place.
Regulus doesn't consider himself a fighter. He's... flexible. He bends, goes around instead of through. Fire and brimstone have always been more Bellatrix's thing, and Voldemort must know that.
"You," Voldemort says, "have a habit of responding to my questions with silence."
send me fic writer emoji asks!
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frm9pm · 1 year ago
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Sometimes I remember they lived through the 90’s which also means boybands
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graveyardgremlins · 1 year ago
“You have a bat themed computer?! This is somehow worse than my dad naming everything after our family.” “Wait, does he actually do that?” “Yeah, dude. We have the Fenton Bazooka, the Fenton Boo-merang, the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, the Fenton Phones, Fenton Rocket, Fenton Skateboard…” “Wait, wait. You own an assault vehicle? A rocket?” “What? You're saying it as if you don't.” “Yeah, but my… He is Batman. Not exactly the poster boy for sanity, you know?” “Well, look at the bright side! You don't have to feel awkward about it anymore. If anyone gets it, it's me.” Jason smiled, a bit dizzy, and guided him. Jason had never brought anyone to the cave before. It felt oddly heavy in his chest. He had to resist the urge to keep turning around to check on Danny. He felt a bit like Orpheus in a way.
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marybatson · 6 months ago
the only reason I hc billy as an emancipated minor is literally just so that mary can still live with the bromfields and freddy can be fostered by the vasquez family. so rosa and nora have no actual relation to each other or have the rights to tell billy what to do but theyll pick him up for school and have extra bedding and a toothbrush saved for sleepovers and knuckle down his head (rosa) and fix his collar (nora) and. will pick up a household object and swing harder than any mlb player could trying to protect him faster than he can blink
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hayaku14 · 3 months ago
pushing daisies kaishin au #2
pushing daisies au where shinichi has been able to revive dead animals, plants, even people since he was a child.
kudou "i can literally talk to the dead" shinichi
shinichi's parents didn’t exactly encouraged him to use this power. especially not in public. they’ve seen him revive and re-kill dead plants and animals in the same breath, it doesn’t take a detective to figure out what could happen near a human corpse.
but a young shinichi is curious, a young shinichi admired his father, and a young shinichi wanted to prove himself a detective. but most of all, a young shinichi wanted to help.
so when he saw his father struggle in solving a particular case, a young shinichi figured that maybe asking straight from the source would help give them a hint.
the complete horror in yusaku's eyes shinichi saw that day made him promise himself to never do it again.
shinichi realizes later on that reviving someone just for a clue on the whos, hows, and whys of their death only to touch them again, to basically kill them again, is sick and twisted and the realization leaves him feeling raw and dirty.
he then decides that if he’s gonna find out the truth, if he’s gonna bring justice, it’s not by making the victims suffer a second death. he will unravel the mystery not by magic but by logic.
the curious case of kuroba kaito
hakuba immediately contacts shinichi.
“he was...a friend. if i have to gather all the best detectives to catch his murderer then so be it.”
hakuba goes on to explain.
it was a kid heist. shots were fired. snipers. kaitou kid was caught on camera falling, as if he’d been shot, but he appears a minute later flying away on his glider with not a speck of blood on his suit. all should be well however, a few buildings away in an alleyway, the body of kuroba kaito is found dead. gunshots through the heart and chest.
a simple explanation would’ve been that the glider was a fake activated by kid’s assistant as a last ditch effort to save his legacy and this kuroba kaito was kaitou kid himself. he would’ve said it out loud but by the look on hakuba’s face, he can tell that he already connected those dots long before shinichi even stepped foot in the morgue. that wasn’t what hakuba called him for.
“can i...take a look at the body alone?”
hakuba raises an eye at him but moves to leave without questioning. "alright then. i have to check on another friend anyway. she's been...distraught ever since she heard the news and..." hakuba's words trail away as his eyes unconsciously drifted towards kuroba kaito's covered body. shinichi patiently waits through the quiet pain that he sees on hakuba. the pinch in his brows, the tenseness of his body. he must've been a really good friend.
hakuba shakes his head and turns his attention back to shinichi. "sorry, i...its been a long day. i'll leave you here then. call me if you find anything."
left alone, shinichi carefully zips open the body bag covering kaitou kid's upper body. he looked eerily similar to himself and imagining his own body cold and dead in the morgue sent a shiver down his spine. shaking his head, he pulls a chair close and reads through the file hakuba brought him.
"no witnesses. no camera. not a trace nor lead to anything. just some reports on mysterious gunshots in previous heists that lead to nowhere." they were professionals, whoever did this, shinichi thought. it was not going to be an easy case.
he takes another peek at the body. so this was kaitou kid, huh. too young to be the same as the one before his hiatus. perhaps a successor? motive could be related to his predecessor. his mother hasn't said anything of interest. does she really not know or is she protecting him? he runs his hand through his hair. there's too little information to go on...unless...
temptation rears its head. the source of information is right there in front of him. one touch and it could open up new leads to the case. an immediate disgust twists deep into his gut. he promised himself to never use it on people. to never kill. his father's haunted eyes embedded in his mind. he shouldn't. he really shouldn't. but he remembers the anguished look on hakuba's face. if he was going to do it, this might be the only good time. any longer and his touch would not revive kid. and gone along with him would be vital information to catch his murderer.
shinichi heaves a deep sigh. he has never used his abilities on dead people since that one incident as a child but he couldn't shake off the look on hakuba's face. it was now or never. shinichi reaches for kid's hand.
pushing daisies au #1
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zipora666 · 6 months ago
I know I said welcome home but-..I add some fandoms they be happy to be with it!
my happy energetic girls!!!✨💖🧡❤️
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Pinkie pie Mabel and Julie just fitting so well! My fav girls!!!
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summerslushies · 1 year ago
motor city/monster posting simulator
🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
don't even think about interacting with me if you're a construct of any kind. some of us had to be turned to be considered monsters, you guys had to be built into it smh
#being metal or flesh cobbled together doesn't make you special #it just means that whoever made you took extra steps to make a human😒 #rattle groans #constructs DNI
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🌕 fullmoonmayhem Follow
why are you mad about some people not going through an experience that can be severely traumatizing? that's weird, dude.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
yeah wouldn't it be easier for someone to be a monster at the start rather than going through something horrific?
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🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
i don't want to hear anything from you. you're a corpse faker.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
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🩷 cybercds Follow
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🧠 deadguysincorporated Follow
you're not even fully undead! you have NO business commenting on this.
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🩷 cybercds Follow
i literally come back to life every time i die?? i'd say that counts as being pretty frickin undead LMAOOO
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👽 sleepspacenine Follow
i went and checked op's blog and their description says they were zombified three months ago.
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🌕 fullmoonmayhem Follow
of course.
#not even the slightest bit surprised by that tbh #i cant even imagine acting like that on TOMBLR of all places
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💀 bonezzz Follow
I swear it's always newer undead pulling this gatekeeping shit. It's so fucking embarrassing, you guys.
#i am so sorry on ops behalf #i doubt they'll apologize but i'm so sorry you guys had to deal with them #i thought we got out of what makes a monster discourse years ago this is ridiculous
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👻 ghostbriide Follow
anyone in this thread haunt warehouses
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skunkes · 1 year ago
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something silly and badly formatted
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hood-ex · 2 months ago
@dustorange you are so insane for this, I love yooou.
“You resent me,” Dick says quietly, breaking the silence. “Don’t you?” Bruce’s hand spasms. He jerks his chin to his chest hastily, surprised. He tries to cover it.  “No, I don’t.” “Yes, you do,” Dick says. “You do. Because I’m not him. You resent me for being something different from what he was. For not remembering. I can tell.” Bruce exhales sharply. It’s unsettling how well he knows him even now. But it’s still not the same.  “I don’t begrudge you having your life taken away from you, D—” he stops. “I don’t begrudge you anything. I—you are significant, to me, and I—” There is another silence, the trees rustling.  “...I wanted you back more than I ever wanted anyone else back from the dead. More than I ever wanted anything in my entire life.”
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wyvernity · 7 months ago
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wip posting just to get something out there, and it's def a mixed bag!! the only thing more inconsistent than my posting schedule is my art style RIP
#wip#yapping below#1. sinnohtrio group pic where nothing bad has happened yet... dedicated sinnoh post coming soon#2. personalizing dawn and lyra's togekisses with different coloring and markings based on region. there's lyra's omelette :]#3. timeskip red and leaf except it's just pikachu#4. top left is all the assets i made for my cs final project! a little cherrim themed browser game#then there's sprites for my champion dawn; cool concept methinks but it's definitely a work in progress. peep the giratina hairclips#some vaugely lugia/ho-oh inspired protag ideas for a hgss sequel#anddd a bunch of background doodles. goldenrod flower shop and a very saturated mt. silver#in timeskip there shall be a proper town at mt. silver's base to officially bridge kanto and johto (and make lyra's work commute easier)#5-7 is me spitballing ideas abt pokemon biology#dratini & dragonair are forever sea snakes to me!!! though i do enjoy the amphibian interpretations#also i didn't know dragonite island was already a thing from pokeani... rip wyverse dragon master lore#i think crobat looks goofy no matter how you stylize it. silver and his big bumbling bat that insists on grooming its trainer. so unserious#there's a togekiss page too but then i remembered egg groups are a thing so i'm revising parts of it#i spent so long trying to come up with a reasonable wing-to-body ratio for togekiss and crobat. literally useless when dragonite can#apparently fly around the globe in 16 hours. are you Kidding me. dragons weren't even merging with jet planes until gen 3.#OK that is all. sorry for the lack of uploads wah#i'm like a ferret hoarding all my doodles until the quantity > quality lever switches in my brain to give the 👍 to post#i did made a spam blog but who knows if i'll actually post on there lol! probably for non-pkmn related stuff
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disasterhimbo · 10 months ago
Hey, can we take a moment to acknowledge it’s really fucked up how normalized ableism and eugenics were even before the pandemic? Yes, covid kills and disables way more people than the flu, and eugenics is even worse now, but the fact that we were just happily infecting each other with other illnesses pre-pandemic even though people died from them every year? That was a choice our society (and governments) made. We could’ve been masking and staying home when sick and doing way more to protect the vulnerable, and instead, we just… didn’t. It was just normal to go to school and work sick, and it was normal for tens of thousands of people to die from the flu every year. That’s horrible. Why were we doing that? I know the answer is probably capitalism, but that doesn’t make it better. How did we let our society get so bad that over 50,000 people (US statistic) dying of the flu (not even all preventable contagious illnesses) in a year wasn’t even a blip on the radar?
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doodleodds · 1 year ago
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An "Akechi in a nurse outfit w/ some shuake" comm for @edenfire! (I'm sorry if this isn't what you were looking for lol but this is just what came to mind ^^;) AND I'M NOT DEAD I PROMISE- I HAVEN'T STOLEN YOUR MONEY AND RAN!! I am sorry this took so long to get to you though. My job got very busy recently with school starting up and I just kept coming home too drained to do anything but sleep. But we're back on it now!!! There's a bonus below the cut since this is.... two weeks late, oh god:
So when i initially started this drawing i was like "hm are there any nurse outfits in cannon" and i was like "you know what. I bet Maruki had some nurses that were shadows." and that lead to this! It's not polished AT ALL because i was drawing it for fun, initially, and then the sunk cost fallacy kicked in and i had to finish it to include in the post because it'd already taken me a hot minute to get to you + i'd spent too much time goofing off drawing this to just post your thing with no explanation aside from work, so. Here!
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(Whats that saying about falling in love with sirens? Make sure they're saying “I love you” and not “you love me?”)
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tennessoui · 1 year ago
so i've been thinking about this premise for so long but it wasn't working for obikin (which of course i took as a challenge) and i think i finally got it where i want it so
au where 35 yo obi-wan is a music sensation across the world but he's recently divorced and going on tour again after releasing a very cutting, personal, and well-received album
and 19 yo anakin joins his tour with his very small band of two other people (ahsoka, padmé) to be his opening act - they have a small but loyal following, a pretty big social media presence, and there are even people who ship anakin and padmé which you know means these are die-hard fans
anakin has definitely looked up to obi-wan and his music for a good portion of his life and he's like. beyond excited that he's going to tour with The Obi-Wan Kenobi - this is big, not just for his music career but also for himself and the little boy he was listening to obi-wan's music for the first time!!
i'm just imagining like....obi-wan and anakin meeting after a few days of rehearsal for opening night, and it's not the most auspicious start because obi-wan's going through like 20 different emotions at any given moment (he's on tour, he's divorced, he's tired, he loves the music, he can't be the person he was in his twenties when he was first on tour but that's a whole different matter, he has all the media training and charismatic instinct to cover up these less than savory emotions with flirtatious empty words) and anakin is just like. sorta starstruck sorta shy sorta eager sorta awkward so:
"i'm uh, i'm a singer it's nice to meet you. hi yeah. hello. i'm on tour. as well. with you. actually." "ah no, are you one of my backing vocal artists? we can't have that - you're much too gorgeous and my ego is much too dependent on the audience focusing on me." "um 😳"
so it's a relationship that begins with a lot of flirting and being flustered and progresses through moments of vulnerability and honest emotion which turns into mutual affection which turns into anakin's celebrity crush becoming very real....meanwhile obi-wan googled anakin and the opening band after the first show/introduction and finds all the stuff about him and padmé being together and that's. that's fine. young love. how sweet. any sort of disappointment obi-wan feels is because he's recently divorced and bitter about it and he's going to have to spend at least half his tour watching the lovebirds snuggling up together.
and even when all the misunderstandings about relationship statuses have been addressed and the pretense has fallen away to leave just attraction, both have to think about their careers - it's all well and good for obi-wan to date someone sixteen years his junior, post divorce, but that's an image he's never wanted to deal with or be associated with. and this is the biggest shot of anakin's career - his best chance to make it in the music industry. in the words of his bandmate, is he really, honestly thinking about risking it for a chance to sleep with The Obi-Wan Kenobi?
but what his bandmate doesn't seem to really understand is that for anakin, obi-wan hasn't been The Obi-Wan Kenobi in a long time. he's just been obi-wan. and that makes a world of difference.
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spiralstain · 2 years ago
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Herlock Sholmes sketchdump. As a treat.
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ruushes · 28 days ago
Hi I love your oc, ailill mahariel, especially the art of them and was wondering if I could ask questions?
If so, how would they handle meeting going to the dalish camp in dao? Would they feel like a ghost and out of place especially with their looks from the blight sickness? (not their clan but the one you go to for help) and how would they react to others asking about their recruitment into the grey wardens? (Especially when its still new and raw)
Like sarel asking if they were recruited to make sure the dalish followed through on the treaty, and while that might be true its also overshadowed by the tragedy of mahariel and tamlen finding the eluvian.
Hope you have a good day and again I love your art and ocs!
the answer to if it's ok to ask about my ocs is ALWAYS YES and also i would kill for you. it blows my mind honestly that i rarely talk abt ailill but people still remember him and bring him up to me independently like that's so so so cool im glad you like my little guy 😭😭
and YEAH nature of the beast was a very fraught chapter of the game for him haha. he didn't want to collect on that part of the treaty in the first place - part unconscious fear of returning to a place so like home, part equally unconscious protectiveness and indignation on behalf of the dalish - and they only went bc he can't put his foot down lol
as for responding to questions about his becoming a grey warden, i take every available dialog option for him to be bitter about his recruitment haha, he never rly gets over that hurt even after (much, much later) accepting duncan's reasons for doing it. but being with zathrian's clan rly brutally enforces to him that he can never undo what happened and can never go home
he already felt not really dalish anymore after being (in his mind) exiled from sabrae, but having been made into a warden, he doesn't even rly feel like a person anymore. i hc that the sister clans spent a good amt of time together and their members would know each other to some extent, and that familiarity makes it even more stark how they treat him differently now - not exactly like an outsider, but with pity and a poorly concealed measure of horror
not rly related but an old sketch as thanks bc u asked 😌
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neroclass · 3 months ago
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