#this ones for you michela
aelswiths · 2 years
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Alfred in his ✨Carpet Fashion Era✨ | 2x06
For @kingslionheart
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kingslionheart · 3 days
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The evil shall see God in the same way as the guilty man who is condemned by some king: when he sees the king and his favourites, then his punishment seems the greater to him. So too the king's dear ones see his torment in such a way that their own favour seems ever the greater to them — Alfred the Great's translation of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
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kqluckity · 1 year
my mom is watching an old podcast and they're talking about fandoms and I'm
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mcytblraufest · 2 months
*Ringing a large bell*
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As we get closer to the deadline, we have had a few more people who've had to drop their projects and thus, we are looking for pinch-hit writers. Are you able to take any of these projects?
PH16 is a Pirates SMP au focusing on Bekyamon, Willowmvp, Good times with Scar, Michela darkeyebrows, with shipping allowed but not the main focus. The AU is "Revival but came back super wrong au, canon divervgence" with themes of cult activity and religion. The author is open to Major Character Death, and they're a minor who is open to working with writers of all ages. CLAIMED
PH17 is a Dream SMP au focusing on Tommyinnit and Wilbur Soot, a Rebirth! au based on the webstoon Rebirth! (If you're not familiar with Rebirth, it's got elements of time loops, zombie apocolypse, superpowers, and modern au), focused on a platonic relationship. The author is open to Graphic Depictions of Violence or MCD, or you could go the other direction and do adoption narratives and fluff— they've opted into it all! The artist is a minor who is open to working with all ages. CLAIMED
PH7 is a a Life Series AU focusing on TangoTek, LDShadowLady, BdoubleO100, with platonic relationships being the focus. It's a detective/Mystery/Horror/Modern AU. The author has opted into Major Character Death and Graphic Depictions of Violence, and a wide list of fandom themes including everything from Body Horror to Hybrid Instincts and Neurodiverse or disability headcanons, so the options are broad! They're a minor open to working with all ages. CLAIMED
To fill these pinch hits we need 5k inspired by these art pieces, and the deadline is the 26th of July, but extensions are available if that works for you! To pick up one of these pinch hits (or to look at the art in detail), join the discord and talk to one of the mods!
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o0ogalaxyroseo0o · 1 year
Pirates SMP: Pronouns!
Here is a complete list of the pronouns of the Pirates SMP cast members (In alphabetical order)! Please tell me if I got something wrong.
Acho - He/They/Star
Aimsey - Any
Apo - Any
Bek - She/Her
Cleo - She/They
Eloise - She/Her
Eret - Any
Graecie - She/Her
Guqqie - She/They
Jojo - She/Her
Krow - It/He/She
Kyle - He/Him
Martyn - He/Him
Michela - She/Her
Oli - He/Him
Olive - They/Them
Owen - He/Him
Puffy - She/Her
Red - He/Him
Ros - She/Her
Sausage - He/Him
Scar - He/Him
Scott - He/Him
Seapeekay - He/Him
Shelby - She/They
Shep - He/Him
Snifferish - Any
Tubbo - He/Him
Water - Any
Willow - He/They
Please note that for a small number of the cast, these are not the same pronouns their characters use. These are just the ones the CCs themselves use. Also, if you know Shep’s pronouns, please tell me so I can add them.
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swordswoman97 · 1 year
Okay I just wanna take a moment to talk about just the little moments from the Sunday lore stream where the Pirates are trying to protect and care of each other, even people outside their faction. Like people have talked about Scott jumping into the whirlpool after Acho, but you also had Acho trying to ground himself on something to stop Owen getting dragged in, Water staying with Ros when she got frozen so she wouldn't be left behind, Owen staying at the entrance to the one water elevator people were struggling on to encourage them and make sure everyone got up, Kuervo actually put in the effort to count everyone to make sure no one got left behind. And Owen's gentleness when he had to tell Michela that Aimsey was full on dead. They're supposed to be competing, they're set up as enemies, but so many of them don't hesitate to help their fellow pirate out, even if they're not from their own faction. And even with Michela, people were so gentle with her after it all, like you'd understand people being mad at her for what she did, but once they were out I don't think a single person did? Owen, Acho, and Kyle were all trying so hard to let her down gently about what they saw with Aimsey, no one (verbally) blamed her.
They're supposed to be enemies. They're supposed to be enemies. And yet when lives were on the line, so many of them didn't hesitate to put their necks out to keep even other factions safe.
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So a little curveball. My oncologist told me that there’s a tiny spot under my nipple that hasn’t grown but hasn’t shrunk, so they want to do a biopsy on it just in case it’s something. I asked if it was cancer, why it wouldn’t have shrunk and she said the only reason is that it would be a different kind of cancer, though that would be rare. I had a flash of panic and despair and was so thankful Michela was there who asked several questions when I couldn’t. I bounced back and was able to ask a few more of my own- basically, if it is cancer, they want to know so they can remove it during the surgery. “We just want you to go in once so you know, we don’t look dumb.” and we all we laughed. It’s small.
As I was getting hooked up, I was emotional at the thought of another biopsy but M helped me reframe it. “This way we’ll know, it’s not going to require more chemotherapy, it’s likely nothing and if it’s something, they’ll just remove it in surgery. “ remembering what the doctor said, helping me tell others in a way that’s not frightening.
I’m so used to not having people in my really personal spaces, that having them here feels miraculous. Weird, but miraculous.
Round 5 +1d. I’m back on my routine and I will stay on it. I needed that rebellion to reset - so here we go and then one more after this. I’ll deal with this biopsy. I’m still on track to be cancer-free, I am not allowing this development to swirl in my mind, it can be there in the front yard but it’s not going through the gate. I’m not allowing it.
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pirates smp morality tier list based vaguely on canon and partially on vibes, 2024/04/23
as per usual, this is about the cubitos and not the real-life people
[link to tier list, 6 late additions were manually added]
Characters in each tier are listed based on alphabetical order of preferred names
Level 1: No one is on Level 1 / purely white morality because that's kind of hard to achieve at all, and especially not on the high seas.
Level 2:
Cleo: Doesn't partake in enough lore to do anything bad, one of the few consistent characters who actually didn't kill anyone.
Graecie: Trying so hard to hold it all together, may have had her fair share of interpersonal conflicts but generally plays a voice of reason.
Jojo: Probably one of the most emotionally stable people on the Isles, and tries to sympathize with others for the most part. Can't blame her for making incorrect inferences based on limited information.
Will: Had the potential of dropping lower according to data from the writer's room, but in canon? Not really, actions were all perfectly understandable and reasonable in accordance with present knowledge, just… the idealistic approach did NOT work out. (Nor would the cynical approach, according to the writer's room; my guy's just doomed by the narrative either way.)
Level 3:
Eloise: Mostly just living her life; points deducted for the occasional bounty.
Michela: Releasing the Corruption did seem like a bad idea… at the time. In hindsight, it was the right decision to make, but in the moment… IDK, this one is just vibes.
Ros: Generally just a nice and sweet person; points deducted for the Sabertooth ordeal, but in her defense, there was blackmail and threats involved. Points also deducted for verbally endorsing Sausage's more questionable ideas and suggestions. Based on vibes.
Scott: Didn't exactly do anything wrong; points deducted for occasional pettiness. Again, a vibes judgement.
Water: Again, just living her life and being mostly nice; points deducted for occasional mishaps like being Eloise's bounty accomplice.
Level 4:
Acho: Mainly just here for being way too Byronic for stars own good. And also the self-destructiveness and sunk cost fallacy ordeal towards the end. But mostly vibes.
Aimsey: Points deducted for the pride/thinking oneself invincible (to be quickly proven wrong) and dishonesty, but let's be real: they're mostly nice, and that's pretty good by our standards.
Kyle: I've either heard through the grapevine or vaguely recall that his character arc was going to go in a much darker direction, but didn't have time to play it out, so this is my compromise. Also, it would be funny to put him in the same level as p!Acho.
Seapeekay: Live fast, die young, but essentially did nothing particularly bad.
Level 5:
Apo: Essentially written to be True Neutral to be dragged in opposing directions, and out of respect for canon, he's smack in the middle of the scale.
Bek: Has jerkish moments but is willing to do the right thing. It's mostly just the mercenary business and all that.
Eret: Mostly keeps to themself and just cares about themself. The worst thing they actually did in canon was the bounty. Big True *Chaotic Neutral vibes.
Guqqie: The classism is what puts her as far down as here. Otherwise, she's capable of being nice, she's just… not usually nice, you know?
Oli: On the self-serving side and just wants to go home to his family and make big bucks and all. Points deducted for capitalism.
Owen: Big carpe diem energy and only really cares for himself, might need therapy to unpack all that but that would be anachronistic.
Sausage: Again, it's the joke-classism and the trolling. Capable of being nice and does care about people around him, but still has a jerkish streak. Technically dips down to Level 8 for a bit towards the end, but in his defense, he was possessed at the time and fighting it.
Level 6:
Kuervo: Only ranked this far down for the mass murder. The fact it was tyrannicide is pretty much the only thing that keeps him from dropping to a lower level. Otherwise, probably a 4, but by that point, he wouldn't be here at all.
Scar: May have questionably left his old crew to die to save himself. Whether he actually killed them himself is never confirmed. Scamming leaves him in this tier. Didn't stick around for long enough to confirm or deny this level.
Tubbo: Here for the casual non-canonical murders and theft and vandalism and all that. Didn't stick around for long enough for further judgement, but from the ~2 weeks he was here, this is what leaves him at.
Level 7:
Shep: This man's moral compass is not pointing north!! Let's check off the canonical murder and voluntary manslaughter first! But then he's also capable of being nice to some people and he doesn't exactly take pleasure in hurting others or go out of his way to do so, so… compared to, say, his mentor, he's already somewhat decent.
Level 8:
Martyn: Being from the Datastream means he's playing 4-D chess with the world but I am not excusing his tomfoolery, especially since he is having a hard time comprehending that HIS ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES on the world! The whole Blondbeard arc. Just… that. And also how he acts towards p!Ros in canon is just plain mean… laughing about wanting to see her cry as her castle gets burnt and bombed to its foundations is… ARGH. THIS MAN. HE IS SO CLOSE TO CROSSING THE LINE.
Levels 9 and 10: Special spot reserved for Iris and co. for crossing the Line.
Everyone else: Didn't stick around for long enough, but I can vaguely clear a few off or speculate:
Olive: Definitely below a 5; probably 2–3 based on their one (1) stream.
Shelby: Maybe Level 5 for being kind of a rude snob, but didn't stick around to complete her Alexis Rose arc, so I'd say there is potential for her to be Level 4 (or lower), but we don't know with what our information is.
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fishwithlegsandaheart · 5 months
most guiseppe pilled vers of mychem members
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^sweet little guiseppe popped out a twink. italian grandparents MAD
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you may be thinking "oh this frank duh!!!!!!" WRONG AS FUCk
^thats uncle tony who had an affair with a man named fabio
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^now THIS is what i call guiseppe.
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oh now michela. this was a hard one. but i must say danzig hair won this battle
^strange child who smells like an odd mixture of ham and BO
no ray only bc he isnt italian.............guiseppe card not found.
now that is all.
my credentials?
my dad almost named me guiseppe. the life i mourn
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ivyithink · 8 months
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chilling with the lads!
as always, thanks michela (@kingslionheart), you’re entirely at fault here, putting some cute tlk tags in front of my eyes (that I’m too lazy to find right now, I’m so sorry…, you might even remember which ones BUT ANYWAYS). the result. have some more modern au family stuff!
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aelswiths · 2 years
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For @kingslionheart
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kingslionheart · 11 months
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If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. That's why bad things happen to me. It is about the sins of my father. And my sins.
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chirpingfromthebox · 4 months
Post Game 5 press session with Taylor Heise
You can find the entire interview here! Be sure to go show them some love/views/likes/nice comments/etc for the work they put in making these so accessible for everyone.
I'm putting basically the whole thing in, or I guess I'm putting in all the questions at least. I did cut out all the bits where they were having issues with their mic setup and their occasional banter while doing so. But if you want to see and hear such exciting things as people fiddling with levels while Taylor reties her hair back and people swapping mics around and doing checks, you'll definitely want to check out the full thing.
Transcription under the break.
[Taylor approaches the table and begins to sit down]
TAYLOR HEISE: I’ve never done this with my skates still on.
REPORTER: It’s a season of firsts.
TAYLOR: It really is. I would agree.
REPORTER: Taylor Heise, PWHL champion, Walter Cup champion, Ilana Kloss MVP award winner. Just put into words us.
TAYLOR HEISE: It’s hard to. You know, I’ve been honored to be part of such an unreal organization that has had our backs since day one. It’s awesome to know that this is the only pro that I know. Coming out of college and making so many strides with, whether that be the league coming together as one right after I came out of college, not quite sure where I was gonna go. But this league came a part of an amazing time and people like Kendall Coyne, Hilary Knight, anyone that’s put together hours and hours and hours to have this be a thing. And I’m very honored to be a part of it. Because like I said, it’s the only thing I know. And I haven’t had to go through the grunge of, you know, the ice times in the morning and not getting to games, not having a place to play and practice. So I’m honored to be a part of this great group.
REPORTER: Taylor, you’re the one voted MVP, but certainly a lot of big efforts from teammates tonight. Nicole Hensley, captain Kendall Coyne Schofield. Can we just get a few words about those around you and just how the entire team came together?
TAYLOR: Yeah, I’ve been ecstatic to play with Kendall and [Michela] Cava here the past few games.* Not to say that they’re the only ones that have done things, because we have had so many amazing performances from every single line on our team. And whether that comes from Liz [Scheper]’s first goal that Syd [Brodt] brought, having two really big- a big point and a big assist, big goal the other day. Nic [Hensley] playing a hell of a game- but you gotta look at Maddie Rooney too. She’s one of the ones that got us through to this point too. So both of them. And then we got Kendall, who’s not only the mom of the league, but the mom of the team. She’s someone who does everything and anything and somehow still has a child. Not really sure how she can do it all, but she does and she manages it quite well. And then Cava. I don’t know if everyone knows this but she’s a four-time champion. Back-to-back-to-back-to-back. She’s had MVPs at almost every single level. She coulda had this right now too. It’s our to share. She’s a special player. She’s someone I’ve been very honored to have played with. There’s so many amazing people on our team that deserve so many props. I couldn’t sit here and name everyone on our team, but we’re excited to go and have some fun here.
REPORTER: Taylor, first of all, congratulations.
TAYLOR HEISE: Thank you.
R: Second thing, after Game 4, you come out of that, you think you’ve won.
TH: Yeah.
R: How do you mentally reset, come back into this one ready to play, ready to go, and then pull off the victory Away in front of a raucous crowd here at Tsongas Center?
TH: Yeah. I think they robbed us in Game 4 and we all felt that very, very much so. I think to have the feeling of being a champion taken from you is one of the worst things ever. I can’t say that that’s happened to me before, other than last time.
So I think we came into today knowing if we weathered the storm the first 10 minutes we were going to come out on top as long as we put the first goal in. You know, that’s what we did. We weathered the storm and we put the first goal in. So you look at both those things and I think we had a full team effort for today. We allowed, I think, 3 shots in an amount of 20 minutes at one point? It’s hard to win a game when you get 3 shots on net like that. We’re excited to continue this with this group, but it’s just a special moment and I’m excited to share it with the girls.
REPORTER: Whirlwind year for you, Taylor. For you, to put it into perspective, Billie Jean King calling your name first overall pick, first MVP award winner.
TAYLOR: Yeah, you know, I’m not someone to make anything about me. I’ve never been like that. But you know, it’s a special moment. It’s something I’m going to chalk up to- you know, this [taps the MVP trophy] will sit, probably, in my basement somewhere. But I’m more excited about the group. I’m more excited that I get to live this life with this group of girls who has cared about me since day one. And I’ve known that they’ve had confidence in me and everything I can do. I think recently they’ve really stepped up and put their hand on my back, and made sure I knew that I was loved and cared for no matter what happens: points on the board or wins or losses.
But I just feel very loved and cared for by this group. And that’s something that we’re really happy and special to be a part of. And every team has had great years so far, but I think for us we just came out and gave everything we had at the end of the year. That’s playoff hockey. Being the fourth seed and coming in and not knowing where we were going to be at, is special.
end of interview
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aimseytv · 1 year
How did c!Aimsey meet all of the people in the town like c!Michela & Gravel? Also do you think c!Aimseys daughter and Michael have play dates?
c!aimsey has been friends with michela for a long time, as michela used to work at a small tavern a few towns over and one drunken night the pair jokingly rambled about making a new town where michela runs her own big tavern and aimsey runs the town and has blooms own cottage and cafe.
gravel is good friends with michela and has been for way longer, and gravel being a travelling merchant with a bit too many contacts, thought this idea of making a new town was brilliant and wanted to help as long as he could live there :)
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goldstargloww · 10 months
martyn: [reading chat] "are we allowed out on the ship?" martyn: okay you are, if i see one comment, about the sails, and their colour, you're going back in the boots. martyn: so out you get, rats michela: i've got a- i've got a kestrel color boat right now martyn: yeahh, you don't wanna know what they're saying about them michela: [stifled laugh] martyn: NO, THAT'S IT- BACK IN THE BOOTS sausage: yeah, get em in! put em back! martyn: only three of you climbed out my boots and you started saying it! everyone back in martyn: nah, that's it- back in the boots, everyone
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darkeyebrowsss · 1 year
Hi Michela! if you don't mind me asking what are your pronouns and sexuality?
Hiya! I get asked this waaaaaaay too much loll: I don’t/can’t/won’t talk about it much, mostly for personal reasons, though one day, I would like to. But my pronouns are she/her (i don’t mind she/they) and im definitely on the ace spectrum :)) but im just michela. i love who i want!
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