#this one was just so heart warming. every single sid with kids interaction makes me melt
sportsthoughts · 3 months
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Day 57 of offseason gifs - Sid's Little Penguins - In The Room S04E06
Bonus flower:
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taylorj8771 · 7 years
Prompts from this post: the way you said "I love you". My intention was to write small fills for all of these prompts when I hit blocks on other works. I had all the prompts in this one post and, with a bunch still unwritten, Tumblr told me I hit the maximum amount of text blocks allowed in a post. So I'm going to do this in sections.
All fills are Sid/Geno, not all in the same verse though some very well could be. I don't think any of these ones are a first-time-saying-it, but more during their day to day interactions. Also, I'm not very angsty so some of the sadder prompts were interpreted differently than they were likely meant to be.
There is one that's explicit. Be forewarned.
More prompts here
As a hello
Sidney can't control his excitement when he hears Geno's key in the front door. It's been a long summer spent on two different continents and they're finally together. Fit to bursting, Sidney races down the steps and slides into their entrance-way just as Geno pushes the door open. He stands there staring, just sharing a smile neither of them can contain, before Geno steps inside and Sidney throws himself in his boyfriend's arms.
He holds on tight and whispers, "I love you," over and over until Geno being there finally feels real.
Over a beer bottle
Riding high on their win and a few victory shots, Sidney's relaxing at their table in the bar and nursing a beer.
It was a hell of an evening, a 5-4 win over the Flyers, a moral victory just as much as a physical one. Most of the guys are still recapping the game in the booth but a few of the singles are mingling around, looking for a warm body for the night.
Sidney toes the arch of Geno's foot where his is pressed against it under the table. Geno looks up at him so Sidney fiddled with the wet label on the beer bottle and turns so his eyes are on the other side of the room. Out of the corner of his mouth he says, low enough that only Geno will hear, "Love you."
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
Sidney loves the porch swing at his house in Cole Harbour. He spends hours at a time on it, reading, watching the lake, talking on the phone, each day he's home. It's the perfect length for him to lay back on, one leg curled up on the swing and the other pushing lazily at the porch to sway him to and fro.
It's also the perfect length — Sidney finds out the first time Geno visits him at this home — for Sidney to sit tucked into one corner and Geno to lay draped across him, head resting in the crook of Sidney's arm on the armrest. They've spent hours here just listening to the calm, Geno drifting in and out of consciousness.
The sun has been setting for a while and Sidney really should get up to start on their dinner, but the sun's last rays have them both cast in fiery hues and Geno is lit up like a God, every part of his summer tan shimmering and his hair glowing in the light. It hits Sidney like this sometimes, like a Mack truck he's just slammed into, a suddenly overwhelming wave of love that leaves him breathless, achy and clingy all at once. He brushes his hand through Geno's hair, as soft as he can so they can sit undisturbed just a little while longer, and whispers so feverently even he can hear the ache in his voice, "I love you."
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble
Sidney grips at Geno's back, arms wrapped around his shoulders and his face tucked into Geno's neck. He's only holding on at this point, his back arched off the bed and his hips moving in time with Geno's. There are tears pricking his eyes and Sidney gasps every time Geno thrusts into him, clutching harder at Geno's back.
Hes so close to the edge, his cock rubbing against Geno's stomach with every movement. His spine is lit up in pleasure from the overwhelming sensations and Sidney feels torn, wanting to come and wanting to stay in stasis just as he is for the rest of his life.
His mouth is moving but he's to the point where he can't tell what he's even saying anymore. He shouts when Geno wraps a hand around him between their bodies, coming on an upstroke, throwing his headback and riding the sensation of white-hot bliss.
When he comes down, still writhing beneath Geno while the other man holds still, he can recognize his babble for what it is; a constant stream of "I love you".
From very far away
Geno's been back in Russia for a few days now and Sidney's yet to go home to Cole Harbour. The season took so much out of them both, Geno was happy to leave town and leave another year without the cup behind him. Sidney prefers to drag these things out rather than try to run away from his problems. He's been sulking around the house since Geno left 5 days ago, only just getting started on closing down the house for summer.
He wants to give Geno his space — it's the least he could do after the blowup that was their round one exit — but he misses him. He misses the low rumble of his voice in his chest when Sidney would lay with an ear pressed against it. He misses how Geno's hugs are more like an envelope of love surrounding him, drowning him. Sidney wraps his own arms around himself in lieu of Geno's and tries to get on with his packing; the sooner he goes home the sooner he's back in Pittsburgh with Geno.
Later that night, Sidney's in the kitchen, trying to satisfy a late night hunger for junk food that just won't leave. He gives it all up for the summer every year, the last piece of it always being before the potential last game of the season so there's no excuse to not start on his summer diet right away. He hasn't touched it in more than a week but figures he can have just one more bowl of ice cream, if to do nothing other but soothe the ache in his heart where Geno sits. He pulls open the freezer and grabs his tub of chocolate ice cream. He's skipping the bowl — Geno isn't there to judge him while he eats it straight from the container — and notices a small piece of paper tucked into the edge of the lid once he sets the ice cream down on the kitchen island. It wasn't there the last time he has a bowl, he knows that for sure, and his heart beat picks up as he pulls it off the lid and flips the paper open.
It reads, "я люблю тебя".
Over your shoulder
It's the start of a new season. The ice is fresh, smooth and cold, ready for their blades to slice through it. The crowd is roaring itself into a frenzy after having gone months without their sport, their team.
Sidney feels the anxiousness of it all boiling through his blood. He feels on fire, lit up and aware like only hockey can make him. He's ready, the motions of his game-day routine already broken in like an old hat. Warmup gear, peanut butter sandwich, soccer, and warmups, all before changing into his pads and skates, freshly taped sticks leaning on the bench to his left.
The last part is with Geno, their handshake engrained in both their routines. He's doesn't know how he ever stepped onto ice before it. They bump fists first and then to the crest on each other's chest, before they lean in, helmets tapping. Geno swats his stick softly at Sidney's ass as he turns to head to the ice, crowd drawing him out. Sidney turns his head over his shoulder and glances back at Geno, mouth where the cameras can't see. "Love you."
Muffled, from the other side of the door
"What were you even thinking? Locking them in the closet like this?"
"You're not Flower."
"This isn't even a funny prank."
"I'm sorry, okay? They were fighting and I've heard locking people in a room together can make them sort it out. I've even seen you guys do it!" Rusty flails to explain.
Sidney sighs and tips his forehead against the door. Ian's been wiggling a credit card through the lock for a solid five minutes now while Dana searches for the key. It isn't a well used storage closet, and who knows how long Geno and Phil have been in it for. Rusty makes it sound like it was a while before he came to get help.
"Guys?" Sidney calls softly through the space where the door meets the jam. "We're working on getting you out, okay? Bryan's sorry." He throws a glare over his shoulder to watch the young kid hang his head.
"I'm lucky Geno hasn't eaten me yet with the way his stomach keeps growling. Can you guys work faster?" Phil calls through the door, voice muffled.
The door creaks with weight as someone on the other side shifts. Sidney feels it press into where his shoulder is, just a little.
Geno's "Love you, Sid," is right in his ear.
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