#this one took a hot sec but i'm glad i did it!
autistic-crypt1d · 1 month
Stargate (1994) live blogging:
Ok so I'm a huge fan of the SG-1 and Atlantis shows and have watched them in double digit amounts each, but I haven't seen the original movie since I was like 7. I'm about to rewatch SG-1 again and I've decided to finally watch it again, here's my thoughts!
- I'm nervous because all I remember is that I hated it which is why I never watched it again
- good lord this is a long ass intro
- ahhhh the did a shorter version for the show, I see
- did little Catherine just steal that necklace, girl wtf
- I miss my Daniel :(
- I miss my O'Neill :(
- yeesh, didn't realize how soon after his son's death this took place
- wow that was the worst sneeze I've ever heard in my life
- he's so tiny oh my god
- bro the sound mixing is killing me, Daniel is so fucking soft spoken compared to not only everyone else but the damn chalk he's drawing with
- he sounds horrifyingly identical to show Daniel
- "I'm Colonel Jack O'Neill", NUH UH
- pfffft, just yoinks his paper
- I can't look at Daniel in this outfit without immediately thinking of Anakin
- Daniel why would you draw on the screen
- I wonder why Catherine had an accent in the movie but not the show
- I'm currently unable to remember how this fits with the reveal of Earnest in that one episode
- ooooo the stargate is so much more water like here, it's even reflective
- Kaliam galaxy? That makes no sense, until the Ancient database episode, we're told it's impossible to dial outside of our galaxy without a serious amount of power like a ZPM aren't we? That's the whole reason Jack had to build that device in the ancient database episode and why they couldn't dial Atlantis again.
- she gave him the stolen necklace, how touching (sarcasm)
- does the stargate look bigger here or am I remembering wrong
- I'm so glad we got the Jack O'Neill we did, oof
- wtf is up with that stargate depiction
- why are they frosty and damp
- "that's a nice tent. Oh, we each get a rent, nice." Ah Daniel
- Ferretti, you such, and so do the rest of your buddies. The way he made fun of Jackson and threw the case at him only to then look back at his buddies for approval like the spineless jackass he is
- the captions spelled Jack's last name wrong *tsk tsk*
- of course Daniel gets dragged away by the weird alien thing
- oh shit it's the same Skaara!
- everyone being in neat lines is weirding me out
- oh boy, hate everyone kneeling for him, that's uncomfy
- ok wtf is that scanner thing cuz we sure as hell never see that again
- these creatures are clearly very prevalent in their society, it sucks so much we never see them in the show!!!
- and the same guy who plays Sha'uri's father!
- and we never see this much of their architecture again either! We only see tents as far as I can remember but they had this whole impressive city!!!
- I don't really understand why they would set up basecamp out in the open instead of inside the pyramid
- OOF that is a big ass storm
- another creature we never see again!!!!
- pffft there goes Daniel being taken again
- bro is being HANDLED
- oh dear
- oh man she looks like she's gonna cry, poor girl being offered up like that
- uh oh
- I have to say, the ship looks fucking AMAZING, respect given how old this movie is
- bitch the jack o'neill I know and love would NEVER, EVER give a child a cigarette and he would never teach him to smoke it either!!!
- OOOF, the gun reaction, ouch
- aw man them learning to communicate in the cave is so cute help
- hot damn this sarcophagus is like a blion times cooler wtf
- hang on a sec, wtf was the alien depicted in the walls, it looks like a freaky Asgard
- PFFFFT, not the band of kids following them back XD
- the staff blasts and effects are ROUGH
- has Daniel literally ever fired a gun in his life at this point?
- also, why're there Horus and Jackall guards here?
- uhhhh, do the ships ever open again? I don't remember that happening
- the throne room is much more throne roomy in the movie than the show
- uhhhhh why are all his servants children
- oh wow that mask removal cgi is rough
- aaaaand Ra also looks like a child for some reason
- does Daniel die here and get revied in the sarcophagus? He does that a lot so I'm not sure
- ah yeah, sarcophagus
- I'm so uncomfortable rn
- the Jaffa don't seem to have symbiote pouches
- Daniel that wasn't really an explicit invitation
- "cover me!" "cover you?!?!?!"
- Sha'uri dies and comes back too?? Man what a couple
- PFFFFT that ring transporter effect
- it really sucks that he saves her only for her to become possessed by a Goa'uld for the rest of her life
- doesn't make much sense for them to be wearing the big ass helmets while in the death gliders
- what the hell is up with his face glowing and the alien face being beneath his???? Huh???? Did they just like, change their mind about what the Goa'uld were once they started making the show?? But why would the one Jaffa that was left at the SGC have a symbiote pouch??? I'm so confused
- ok well at least she seems to like him back but still
Pretty good movie overall, but I don't think I ever wanna watch it again cuz the kids thing is hella fucking weird, but I understand the show a lot more now! Except for the parts that make no sense because they made hella lore changes between this and the show.
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everystephoftheway · 1 year
sdhashda I saw the miscellaneous sentence prompt list, and set a mental reminder to send you one, but then I forgot... wait, I forgot, right? I don't think I sent you a prompt, did I?
"Glad you think I'm hot... I guess." or "I wouldn't say no to getting lost with you." for Vaxleth. Would it be too much to ask for it to be set in Camp Cloudtop world? If it is too much, it's fine. I'll gladly read any setting, to be honest. <3
sdashdahs OKAY BYE
this took a very long time, but i hope you like it! the prompt came from this list!
Every summer the entirety of Camp Cloudtop went on a field trip together; one year it was to a water park, another year it was to a museum, and this year it was to the zoo. The zoo staff didn’t know what was coming as the front gates were flooded by a sea of purple shirts and the high pitched squeals of excited children. Vax and Keyleth had gone over the plan with their kids the day before: everyone had a zoo buddy that they were to stay with the entire time, and the group as a whole was to stay together the entire time. The last thing they needed was for someone to get lost.
It was just after lunch time, and the 7-9 age group had settled at a small animal show. Vax and Keyleth sat behind their kids, and a finger moved through the air as she counted the heads in front of them. Her brows furrowed and she restarted her count, finger moving slower this time.
“Hm?” Her co-counselor turned to her, Simon sitting on his lap. “What is it?”
“Someone’s missing.” 
His shoulders immediately pressed back, but he wasn’t quick to panic. “Did you count Simon?”
“I’m here!” the little boy raised his plush snake in his hand.
“Yup, got Simon.” Keyleth offered him a quick smile, but immediately went back to counting again. “We’re missing two.”
“Oh, shit.” Vax stood and put Simon in his seat. “You stay here, alright? And pretend you didn’t hear me say the word I just said.” 
Simon giggled and nodded, and Vax used his long legs to drop down the bleachers, getting in front of their group. He started to call out names, and Keyleth checked them off two by two on her roster.
“Clemyn and Tyne,” she muttered to herself as the last two names became clear on the roster. “Of course it’s Clemyn and Tyne.” 
“Twins,” Vax shook his head, coming back up to stand in front of Keyleth. “We’re always a nuisance.” “Vax, this is serious! You stay here and I can go look for them.” 
Keyleth started to stand, but Vax put a hand up, stopping her in a half-standing squat position. 
“No, no, let me. You stay here with the good ones. I have a knack for finding people.” 
“O…kay.” Keyleth sat back down. “Tell me as soon as you find them! Use the sending stone!”
Vax patted the pocket where his Camp Cloudtop provided sending stone was tucked away. “You got it, partner. I’ll be back as soon as I find them.” 
Vax made his way down the concrete steps and out of the little amphitheater, beginning his search. Keyleth’s eyes never once left the tiny heads of their group in front of her, not even as the show started and beautiful animals were introduced, not even as a baby owlbear was brought through the audience so everyone could get a closer look. Every minute that passed without an appearance from Vax and their missing campers had Keyleth’s mind racing faster and faster. What was Gilmore going to say? Would she and Vax get arrested for child endangerment? Child abandonment? 
After a final trick of a hawk flying above the audience, the show came to its end. The audience clapped, Keyleth half-heartedly, and as the rest of the people started to file out, Keyleth lingered.
“We’re going to sit tight for just a sec, guys. Mr. Vax should be back in just a second.”
“Where did he go?” Simon reached up for Keyleth’s hand.
“You don’t want to know.” 
Just as Keyleth took Simon’s hand, Vax came around the corner with both gnome twins in tow. They looked rather guilty, their clothes a bit dirty and hair disheveled. Keyleth raised an eyebrow and Vax rolled his eyes from the bottom of the amphitheater. 
The group finally left their seats, reuniting with Vax and their missing group members. They started to head for the bird enclosure, Vax and Keyleth lingering at the back of the pack.
“Where did they go?” she asked, leaning in to keep voices quiet. 
“A dumpster behind the gift shop.”
“A dumpster?” 
“In the parking lot.”
“They were looking for toys that were…heavily discounted.” 
“Oh my gods.” Keyleth shook her head, but she couldn’t quite stop the smile that formed at the same time. “You have to applaud them for their creativity.” 
“And they did stick to one of the rules. They stuck with their buddy.”
Keyleth nodded. “Yeah. I’m just glad you found them before we had to call in the cavalry.”
“I definitely earned my paycheck today.”
The two chuckled together and kept walking, watching the kids run toward the thick glass between them and a bunch of penguins swimming in their enclosure. 
“If I ever get lost,” Keyleth mused, “I hope it’s with you.”
Vax looked over at her, one hand now occupied by Simon who switched counselors as things became a bit more excitable around them. There was a moment where Vax’s brain didn’t provide any good responses, just a dumbfounded smile and bright eyes that couldn’t look away from his partner. His buddy. It wasn’t until Keyleth looked away from the birds to look at him that he managed to find something to say.
“I wouldn’t mind getting lost with you.” 
Keyleth smiled back, and she leaned over just enough to bump shoulders with him before she quickly jolted forward.
“Hey! No climbing on the enclosure!”
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This feels like the mortifying of being known, except I'm still mostly unknown, but desperate times (replaying ilitw) require desperate measures, ajsjsjdhjs I'm Identity Thief Anon (and Chilenon but I already told you that i think)
Anyways I NEED more thoughts on ilitw (if you can, if you already got too tired of it obviously you dont need to answer or anything)
Also I think there are plotholes about Ava ? But maybe not, pls tell me if you have any idea of her timeline being friends or friend-ish with the group, because she didn't know or didn't remember mr red but she was in the woods a few times? Idk maybe I got confused
And what do you think of Lucas's mom, like we barely get info on her but do you have any thoughts? (I still think the teacher was a jerk and Im glad the snake bite him ajsjs)
Also I do have the choices app hacked now (not sure if I told you or not before sorry) and I need to know
Do you get all the weapons / info / pet companies when you play?
Because when I first played I did but now I'm not sure if I want Everything-Everything because I want a bit more of pressure ? Like to feel even more concern for everyone, but also it feels like a waste not getting everything and I do want all the info so maybe not just all the weapons ? Idk, so I was wondering how did you played
And I was curiously if you ever ended up playing Perfect Match?
Okay, that's everything I think, sorry if this is like creepy or anything (?)
Also Andy is still the funniest guy
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[ID: Andy from ILITW smiling and saying, "Yeah, I know. I don't mind that you're Asian, either". End ID]
You had NOT told me that you're chilenon, although you did tell me that chilenon and identity thief anon were the same person. Hello! It's nice to see you. I've missed you a lot, I even thought of turning anon back on for you but unfortunately people are unbearable and turning off anon improved my mental health and general tumblr experience SO much
It's been a hot sec since I last replayed ILITW but from what I remember Ava does remember Mr Red? She even tells Stacy "you know damn well he wasn't imaginary" when she calls Mr Red their imaginary friend.
As for Lucas' mom... Now that's an interesting question. Again it's been a hot second, but I did rewatch the scene where MC finds out about Lucas' pills on youtube, which I'm pretty sure is the only scene where he talks about it in depth, and I think she has the potential to be pretty interesting
Like... The whole "she came to the US as a kid, was poor, worked 3 jobs, built herself from the ground up" story sounds pretty fucking traumatic to me, and I think it'd be interesting if that was the root of her.............. shortcomings as a mother
Lucas says that his parents "can't hide how disappointed they are" in him, but I'm not gonna take that at face value because we never see them interact except for a one-sided phone conversation. I'm not saying he's lying or making shit up or exaggerating to be clear, I just don't think Lucas is in the best place to evaluate his worth and the perception other people have of him right now. We know what anxiety is like, you assume everything means people are judging you, and you are actively turning whatever you see into proof of that
Not that she didn't push him very hard. She obviously did and it was traumatic as fuck and just, what the fuck, lady. I just think he may be misinterpreting her reasons for it. His mom had to suffer a lot to be able to survive, nevermind thrive, especially considering that she was a brown immigrant woman in the US. And I think she's kind of scared that she could lose what she built at any time, because it still feels so precarious, like if she ever took a break from all her stuff she'd be back to square 1. And I think she knows that, as a brown queer kid, Lucas will have to work twice as hard to get half the recognition, and I think that prospect scares her
Which is why I think that she pushes him so hard - because she wholeheartedly believes that he needs to if he's ever going to "make it". Unsure what "make it" means to her, but the truth is that in her experience she only had two things: horrifying poverty and back-breakingly hard work. So... I think that, in her head, if Lucas is not killing himself studying, he's gonna end up like she was at the beginning. And with him being a brown man there are other worries associated with that, like racial profiling with the police and etc (not that non-men don't have to worry about that, it's just more common among them)
In short, I think this might be coming from a genuine place of love and caring and just... Unprocessed trauma leading her to think this is the only way to make sure her son has a good life. And I think she could be a very interesting character to explore in that sense. Just... Pushing herself so hard because she feels like she's in a constant race against poverty, always looking behind her back, never truly believing that she can keep the good things she's earned
With that being said... Girl, go to therapy. She's rich as shit now so she can afford it. You're ruining a perfectly good Lucas. Look at him, he's got a pill addiction
In short, Lucas deserves better, but I like to believe that this is coming from a place of genuine love and care for him, especially because I think that's more interesting than just pushing him super hard for no reason. #Lucas'MomGoToTherapy2023
As for the weapons and info... The first time I played, yeah, because I wanted to have all the information possible, you know? Like I wanted to enjoy everything there is to enjoy about the story. But when choices matter I do always make a playthrough later where I make the same choices but without any diamond ones, just to see if I would still get a good result. I'm competitive :p and then if it doesn't matter I just get the ones I really want to or am curious to do. Like I'm not gonna go on the Connor dates cuz I don't give a fuck. But if I want to do something I see no reason not to, unless it's to test myself
I'd say just do what you want, tbh. There's no reason to feel like you "should" get everything, and it's fun to have a bit more pressure as you said. It's kind of sad that Choices keeps making diamond choices have a massive impact on the characters' wellbeing because it's frustrating both from the side where you don't use them (cuz you know... fuck you) and on the side where you DO (because I want to date Lucas but I also want to feel like I EARNED my good ending).
And I did end up playing Perfect Match! I can't believe I hadn't mentioned that to you before. I really liked it. Polyamory rights. Sloane is the best. I had fun daiuhsaiudhaiudash
And it's not creepy, I'm happy to have you <3
(And yes, Andy is perfect. But I'm biased)
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evereinefaust · 2 months
*.·:·.✧ 𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ✧.·:·.*
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"[Y/n], are you done?"
"Mhm! I'll be right there in a sec!" the girl shouted back, hurriedly dropping her necessities inside her sling bag.
After doing a final once-over of her appearance in the mirror, the young actress took her sling bag and exited her room. The loud sound of her hastened footsteps down the stairs notified them of her arrival. The twins glanced in her direction, sighing in relief as she was finally done dressing up.
"Sorry, I took so long!" [Y/n] apologetically chuckled, fixing her hair after that sprint.
"Come on, let's go. Rouin and Cannae are already waiting outside," Zelda said, ushering the girl through the front door.
The [L/n] family exited their household, locking the doors to their home as they walked towards the car parked outside. Rouin rolled down the tinted car window, smiling at the three as they entered the vehicle. Cannae was already seated in the backseat, waiting for her two female relatives to join. As for Dietrich, he sat by the front seat.
Now that everyone was inside, the blue-haired adult drove off.
July 3rd.
This day is a special day for a particular group of people. After all, it's the precious birthday of their one and only childhood friend, Rouin Meijer.
Unlike the previous birthday parties [Y/n] had attended before, this time, it was just the five of them. Rouin was never a man of extravagant celebrations, nor did he like having big parties. Furthermore, he prefers spending time with his friends whom he already considered as family. Thus, the [L/n] children and their younger cousin, Cannae, were going to celebrate his birthday at a mall.
Since it was rare for them to spend time like this and even celebrate Rouin's birthday, they all decided to allocate this day to do so. The twins were lucky enough that they didn't have any appointments on this day, and despite being a weekday, the two girls were absent from their respective schools. Well, it's not like they care about going to school. What's more important was celebrating Rouin's birthday, right? Although the blue-haired adult was not particularly keen on them missing school for this reason, he was still glad that he was able to celebrate his birthday with them.
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"Do you girls want to eat lunch first?" Dietrich asked, getting out of the car and closing the door. "There's still time left before the movie starts."
"Fine by me," [Y/n] chirped, hopping out of the car and slamming the door shut. "Rouin-nii, you pick the venue!"
The blue-haired male simpered, getting out of the driver's seat and locking the car. He then turned towards the young [h/c]ette, seeing the bright smile plastered on her face. "Let's see. A client of mine recommended a good restaurant. Let's try it out, then?"
At that, [Y/n] nodded eagerly, linking her arm around the older adult. "Mhm!"
"Alright," the twins nodded, smiling at the youngster's upbeat disposition.
"I'm hungry~" Cannae piped in, rubbing her tummy.
Exiting the parking lot, the five of them finally entered the mall. The cool air of the air conditioning felt wonderful against their hot bodies. A lot of people walked past them and chatted with each other, adding noise to the ambiance. It seemed quite lively in the mall, but then again, it always was during the summer months. [Y/n] inhaled the sweet scent of the mall, reminiscing back to the times she, her family, and their childhood friend would regularly visit the mall twice a month.
Her [e/c] eyes softened, a small smile plastered on her face at the memories. When they were young, they would always go outside to bond. Just the five of them. Like now. And although the young actress thought that it would be even better if they could've invited their co-actors to the celebration, having a simple celebration with one's cherished people isn't all that bad. Especially now that they're older it's difficult to put time for a day like this. Nonetheless, as long as she could celebrate Rouin's birthday and let him enjoy it to the fullest, that's all that matters to her.
"What are you thinking about, [N/n]?" Rouin's silvery voice broke her out of her trance.
The mentioned female blinked, before glancing up to see the man's small smile. She could even notice the slight crinkle at the corner of his eyes. She smiled as well, shaking her head gently. "Nothing much. It's just nice to be here celebrating your birthday like this again."
Rouin chuckled into his other fist. "You're right. We rarely have free time to bond together like this."
"That's why I'll make sure that you'll enjoy today to the fullest!" she proclaimed confidently, giggling.
"Thank you [N/n]. You don't know how grateful I am for this," Rouin's face softened, a genuine smile making its way onto his features.
The group continued walking through the mall, conversing amongst themselves. They made their way to the nearest escalator, pushing their way toward the top floor, where the food court of the mall is located. Although the venue was jam-packed with people, the group was fortunate to find the restaurant Rouin was about. It was just right next to the spacious food court.
The restaurant was called 'Avene', which was very expensive. But then again, the siblings are wealthy enough to afford to treat themselves often and that's all that counts, especially when today's Rouin's birthday. The establishment itself looked classy, with marble floors that shined under light coming from the skylight above them. The interior was decorated similarly, albeit more modernly. Couches and small tables adorned the entire space, surrounded by colorful plants. The walls were covered with large paintings, mostly depicting scenes from Roman mythology.
"Whoah... So classy..."
Both Cannae and [Y/n]'s eyes widened in awe, their gaze fixated on the classy interior. Even the twins were amazed. The blue-haired adult simply let out a low chuckle at the reactions of the four. As the group entered, they scanned the area to find vacant seats. Fortunately, they found an empty booth near the windows. Rouin was seated at the head of the long table, on his right were the twins, and on his left were Cannae and [Y/n]. After they settled down, a waiter came and gave them each a menu.
"Uwah! So expensive! And the selection looks tasty!"
The young girl's eyes sparkled as she buried her head into the menu. She flipped through the pages, looking at pictures of different cuisines and trying to find something that could satisfy her taste buds. The twins briefly looked at their younger sister, seeing the concentrated expression on her face as she tried to decide what to order. Somehow, the two felt like they were going to regret some decisions for the remainder of the day, especially regarding this certain sister of theirs.
"Just pick whatever you want to eat, girls. Us adults will pay for it," Zelda said, a nervous sweat cascading down the side of her face.
"Just don't eat too much," Dietrich reminded his younger sister, giving her a sideways glance. "And don't request too much. We're not that rich."
"Yes~" the [h/c]ette sang, briefly making eye contact with her older twin siblings before focusing back on her menu.
After a few minutes of mulling over their meal, the group finally decided to order. [Y/n] ordered a couple of her favorites, even trying out meals that she hadn't had the chance to try out yet. The twins went for a combo meal, trying to save up money by doing this. Cannae ordered a whole chicken meal and a salad. While Rouin opted for a simple meal consisting of meat. Though, of course, they also picked out desserts. Dietrich chose a bowl of ice cream and a cup of vanilla latte while Zelda ordered an apple pie. The two younger girls each ordered a slice of cake, [f/f] for [Y/n], and matcha gateau au chocolat for Cannae. Last but not least, Rouin chose to have a fruit mille crepe.
The waitress took away their menus once all their orders were ready. The group sat there chatting with each other while waiting for the food to arrive. However, before long, the food arrived. Each dish carried an array of colors, from green vegetables and meat dishes to seafood dishes and soups. Once more, the four of them were in awe at the appetizing dishes on their table, feeling their stomach grumble and ready to consume the said meal.
"Everything looks yummy..." the [h/c]ette teen mumbled, pursing her lips thin in an attempt to not drool.
"You're right, nee..." the green-haired teen seconded, nodding vigorously.
Dietrich and Zelda glanced at [Y/n], who already had a plate full of food placed in front of her. The twins exchanged glances with each other, a knowing smile forming in their expressions. As for Rouin, he once more elicited a chuckle at the two's demeanor.
"Alright, let's dig in."
Cannae and [Y/n] didn't hesitate to dig in their respective meals. They started stuffing their faces, completely forgetting that they were supposed to take it slow until they got their fill. That was proven to fail when they almost choked on their food due to their lack of control over their food intake. They quickly grabbed a glass of water and gulped them down, clearing their throats once their thirst subsided.
Dietrich snorted upon seeing his younger sister's panicked face, and he received a kick to the shin under the table as retaliation. The man winced at the pain and glared at the [h/c]-haired teen, who only focused on her meal with a bubby aura surrounding her. Zelda had to place a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head to indicate not to press further. And in the end, he released an exasperated sigh and focused on eating instead.
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[Y/n] let out a restrained burp, rubbing her bloated stomach while fighting the urge to throw up. She let out another burp as she tried not to move that much. However, seeing that they're already walking towards the movie theaters to order a ticket, it seems that the young girl wouldn't be able to catch a break. Despite her older siblings' warnings, the young girl wasn't able to control the amount of food she stuffed herself with.
In the past hour, she ate a total of four servings of food, in addition to that, she also tried the meals of the others and even the dessert. The girl was so filled up that she couldn't even stand up straight anymore. Thankfully she didn't need to sit still for so long as the five of them kept moving.
"And this is why you need to watch yourself when eating," the raven-haired man scolded, clicking his tongue and shaking his head.
[Y/n] could only stare at him with narrowed eyes, not in the mood to even speak. "Ugh..."
"I hate this."
"Alright, I guess no more snacks for you at the movie later, huh?" Zelda laughed lightly, ruffling the young girl's hair.
[Y/n] simply huffed in response, pouting childishly as she crossed her arms. "Hmph."
Dietrich and Cannae snickered at the girl's pouty attitude as Rouin and Zelda simply smiled. After they bought the tickets and left the ticket counter, the group went to buy some popcorn and drinks for the movie, before finding their designated auditorium. The movie that they would be watching is The Meg 2, Rouin's choosing out of the available movies. Once they entered the cinema auditorium, they went to find their reserved seats. Cannae sat on the edge of the row, right next to the aisle. Right next to her was Zelda, and her twin next to her. [Y/n] sat next to her older brother and Rouin to her left.
"Why did you pick this movie, Rouin-nii?" the girl asked, still massaging her bloated stomach.
"Because I know that this movie is interesting enough for all of us to watch," he simply replied, setting his drink into the cup holder. "Besides, I know that you're interested in action suspense like shark movies."
"You know me too well, nii," she chuckled, feeling her cheeks heat up.
"Besides, it would be a waste to pick a horror movie and you're not watching," he mentioned, his gentle silver hues glancing down at the [h/c]ette. "Just like the last time we went out to watch a horror movie."
 At his words, the girl's cheeks bloomed red. She felt her heart racing in pure embarrassment at the memory.
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ࿐ྂ
It was [Y/n]'s birthday. The [L/n] children, including Rouin and Cannae, went out to celebrate the girl's birthday at a mall. The first thing they did was watch a movie of the girl's choosing, and [Y/n] decided that it would be fun to watch a horror movie.
When they arrived at the ticket booth and asked about the movies available, there were two options for a horror movie. However, one of them was already ongoing for about halfway into the movie, and they would have to wait until pretty late in the evening before they could watch the second schedule. This bummed out the twins because that means they'll have to miss out on IT.
"Do you want to watch IT even though we missed about half of the movie or do you want to watch another one?" Rouin asked, gazing down at the short [h/c]-haired girl.
"Hm..." a crease embedded in between her brows as she thought, her eyes scanning the people with her.
"I really want to watch a horror movie..." she started. "But since Niichan and Neechan's movie choice is already halfway through playing, we won't be able to enjoy much of it if we still watch it. How about the other horror movie?"
"I'm alright with that, it's your choice, after all," the blue-haired adult simpered. He then turned towards the twins. "How about you two?"
Dietrich pursed his lips. After a moment of silence, he sighed. "Well, I guess we could watch IT at another time. Sure, let's watch the other horror movie."
"Same here. I have no problem with it," Zelda nodded.
"I'm also in!" Cannae piped in.
"Alright," Rouin faced the employee behind the ticket counter. "Five tickets for the Dead Man's Wish please."
"Is everyone in your party over 13 years of age?" she asked her eyes briefly glancing behind Rouin.
The blue-haired man gazed back, seeing Cannae chatting with the twins and [Y/n] right beside him. He noticed her blank expression and he smiled. He then faced the woman once more. "Yes. These girls are over 13."
"Alright, sir."
During that exchange, [Y/n] felt a bit weird. Since her family would always watch movies with PG or even G ratings, there weren't any issues of an audience not suited to watch a particular movie because of their age. Furthermore, this is the very first that she is going to watch a horror movie with just her older siblings, younger cousin, and childhood friend — no parental guidance at all.
[Y/n] wasn't mad nor even upset when the woman asked Rouin that, she understood what her intentions were. However, what bothered her is that she doesn't look like her age. She knows that she's shorter than the average girl her age, but she tries not to think about it as much as possible.
"I bought the tickets, let's go," Rouin said, ushering everyone toward the designated auditorium. "There's only a few minutes left before the movie starts."
At that, everyone jogged towards the cinema entrance. Fortunately, there wasn't any line to the entrance, just a single employee waiting to get the tickets from the audience. As soon as she saw [Y/n]'s group, she motioned for them to give their tickets.
"Are you over 13 years old, Miss?" she turned to [Y/n], asking the question before taking her ticket.
The girl blinked, her heart beating hard. "...Yes, I am."
"I'm also over 13," the greenette said before she was asked.
"Alright," with that, the woman took both of their tickets and let them inside. 
On the way inside, the [h/c]-haired birthday girl brooded over what had transpired. Although the woman eventually allowed them inside, the look on her face shows that she was skeptical of [Y/n]'s words. She wasn't upset, just a bit bothered that people around her kept mistaking her for someone younger just because of her height.
"You do look like someone under 13," the raven-haired male snickered, sending a taunting look toward the girl.
[Y/n] glared at him in the dark, her heart pounding hard against her chest and cheeks flushed red. She could've punched his gut right then and there if it wasn't for her older sister yanking her twin away and Rouin gently entwining his hand in hers.
Speaking of which, his sudden warmth enveloped her small hands, making the girl curiously look up at him. "Rouin-nii?"
"Don't mind their words," he soothed, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. "As long as you enjoy this movie, it's all that matters."
She smiled softly, feeling her cheeks heat up at his words. "Mhm."
As soon as the five of them were seated, the movie started right away. Contrary to what she was hoping, [Y/n] found herself covering her eyes for the entirety of the movie. The cold air conditioning inside the auditorium, the very dim lighting, and the enclosed sound speakers surrounding them were enough to make the girl wired.
Although she has an interest in horror in general, she truly underestimated her capability to watch a horror movie even with companions. The young girl just can't help but place her hands on her eyes when anticipating a jump scare or something scary to show on the screen. And that's why the [h/c] left the auditorium with no understanding of what she just watched.
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐞𝐧𝐝 ࿐ྂ
"Please don't remind me, nii," she sighed in defeat, pursing her lips in embarrassment. "I'll try not to cover my eyes during a horror movie... But no promises!"
"Alright," Rouin chuckled, a slight tinge of pink also decorating his fair cheeks.
"Just admit that you're a scaredy cat," Dietrich piped in, leaning over to the young girl's side. "It'll just be a waste to watch a horror movie in the theaters with you."
"Shut up, Oniichan!" she quietly hissed, pushing his large body out of the space of her seat, a glare directed at her older brother.
Dietrich just chuckled and properly sat on his place, occasionally munching on popcorn. After that short ordeal, the lights dimmed and the chatters of the audience quietened. Soon, the movie started and everyone's attention was fixed on the large screen.
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After watching the movie — which [Y/n] was glad she didn't have to cover her eyes the whole time — the five of them walked around the mall to window shop. They were just passing the time and exploring the mall, checking out any shops and their products that interested them.
And even though Rouin had already received plenty of gifts coming from the five of them, from his clients and even from the LOH crew, [Y/n], the twins, and Cannae still decided to buy something for him. And despite the blue-haired male actively telling them not to, they just decided to ignore his words instead.
"Yes?" Turning around to face the [h/c]-haired female, Rouin immediately saw a pair of keychains in the girl's hold.
"How about we get some matching keychains?" she suggested, her [e/c] blinking expectantly as she held the items.
The keychains were a pair of acrylic — one is a quill pen while the other is a parchment. The two have indents that will let their pair fit when the two are put together. The quality and design of the keychains were so great that even Rouin was interested in them.
He then smiled at her. "Sure, let's get these."
The man chuckled, watching as the young actress proceeded to browse through other selections to add to the items she would gift him. In the end, she bought the matching keychains and even a journal notebook for Rouin. After they finished their short excursion at the gift shop, the group decided to go to a purikura machine and take commemorative photos of the man's birthday.
It didn't take long for them to reach the second floor where the entertainment site was located. The place was big, with an indoor rollercoaster and a couple of arcade games inside. There's even a go-kart racing track by the side and a VR game machine. Near the entrance were a row of private karaoke booths and the one they were searching for — a Purikura photo booth.
"Each of us will have a picture with Rouin," Zelda stated, a smirk playing on her lips. "So get ready, Rouin."
"I'm down with that," her twin smiled.
"Oh~ I like that!" Cannae's eyes sparkled.
[Y/n] grinned. "I'll be thinking of many poses for Rouin-nii and me to do."
"Isn't it better to have all of us take a picture instead?" the blue-haired man sweat-dropped, his lips curving to a faint smile.
The four of them exchanged looks for a second before looking back at him and smiling menacingly. Rouin gulped, bracing himself for whatever was going to happen in the next few minutes with these four.
"Nope~" the four of them sang.
"Oh, dear..."
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"Finally! It's my turn~"
[Y/n] stepped into the booth, closing the curtain behind her as she sat on the cushioned seat next to Rouin. Upon seeing his visage through the screen in front of her, the girl already noticed his drained expression. She blinked, before letting out a small chuckle.
"What's so funny?" he hummed, pulling the girl close to him so that they could fit in the frame.
"Just that you're already tired just by us each taking a picture with you," she tittered, amusement lacing her tone.
The man also chuckled into his fist, regaining a bit of his energy. "The tiring part wasn't taking the picture."
"I know, it was editing and decorating it," she answered for him, inserting a coin into the slot to activate the machine. Then, she slightly tilted her head to glance at the male beside her. "So, what poses should we do today?"
"Whatever you want," he simpered, his soft gray eyes sending a warm feeling in her chest.
"You'll regret your choice, nii~" she grinned, a tinge of pink dusting her cheeks.
He let out a hearty laugh. "I know I won't."
With that said, the two of them began posing for the camera. They have five shots for the picture, so [Y/n] had to carefully plan out what poses she wanted to do with the man. However, in the end, the two of them did some common poses such as peace signs for their first shot.
For the next four shots, however, that's when the young [h/c]ette decided to make the poses more intimate to fully remember this day. In their second shot, they made a heart with each hand — [Y/n] using her right and Rouin using his left. Since the two of them are close to each other, their arms inter-lap before forming a heart in the middle. Then, with their free hand, they both made a finger heart. The timer went off and snapped a picture of the pair.
Then, the two did some crazy and cute poses until it came down to the last shot to be taken. And for this one, [Y/n] had a special one in mind.
"Okay, last picture~" the girl hummed, pressing the button as the timer started going down.
"What pose are we going to do this time?" he asked, eyes watching the countdown.
"Just a regular one that you want to do," she simply answered, bringing her hand up for another peace sign.
Rouin's eyes widened, his heart thumping hard in his chest at the unexpected occurrence. He felt soft lips touching his left cheek, a warm feeling soon engulfing his whole body and even his pink-tinted cheeks. At the last second, [Y/n] dropped her previous pose and instead went to kiss the male's cheek, successfully catching him off-guard.
"Happy birthday, Rouin-nii~"
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somuchtowrite · 6 years
tagged by @alittlegoblinwrites, thank you!! i loved your questions:)
rules: answer my 11 questions, then add 11 of your own and tag 11 people!
Do you find it easier to be working on only one WIP are do you prefer to have multiple going at once?
i like to have multiple ideas circulating at once, but i’d rather put my focus on one at a time for my own peace of mind.
Do you give your favourite OCs special treatment or do you relish in torturing them?
i do whatever works for the story!! typically my favorite ocs are the shit ones who have awful personalities, and since i tend to be meaner to the wholesome characters, i guess you could say i give my favorites special treatment.
What do you feel is more important for your WIP, a good hero or a good villain?  Why?
definitely a good hero. for one thing, since the story is usually told from the hero’s perspective, i think it’s important to make them likable and easy to side with. plus, i feel like a bad villain is easier to overlook than a bad hero from a reader’s standpoint (but i think writers should put equal consideration into both and make them both “good” if they can!!)
What do you think is an underused trope? Have you included it in your WIP?
enemies to lovers. god, i love that trope with my whole entire heart. unfortunately, the closest i have right now is margot and evelyn in project same the universe, and even that isn’t the same (margot isn’t a big fan of evelyn, but evelyn is indifferent and they definitely aren’t enemies). hopefully i can work it into lark and eli somehow, though!!
How easy is it for you to kill off characters?
it’s not too difficult. i don’t use an outline and i’m not a big planner in general, but i tend to know the gist of who’s kicking the bucket. that way, i’m too surprised/sad when it happens.
Sci-fi or fantasy? How come?
fantasy for sure. i love reading sci-fi, but when i tried writing it a few years back i learned i’m not quiet smart enough for it lmao
Pick a fictional character from another piece of fiction (book, movie, tv show, etc) who you think would fit in with your universe perfectly:
ooohh, i would have to go with emma carstairs from the dark artifices series. i could definitely see her as a cimmerian god, totally accustomed to magic and gleefully showing the mages the ropes.
If there was a colour scheme for your WIP, what would it be?
lots, of blues and greys, i think. mostly because eli’s magic is blue and the castle is made of grey stone, so that’s the imagery that automatically pops into my head.
What is one song that reminds you of your WIP, and why?
i just talked about three big ones in this tag if anyone want to check it out!!
Have you ever drawn your OCs?
i have!! i’m constantly doodling them in class (not very well, though!!)
If there’s always a piece of writing advice or tip you have to remind yourself of before you write, what is it?
k.i.s.s. - keep it simple stupid. works just as well for writing as it does for dwight on sales calls. (hehe little office reference)
but really, it’s good advice, even if it mostly only applies to the first draft.
okay, so now for my eleven questions:
what draft of your current wip are you on?
do you prefer to write with a large cast of characters or a small one?
how do you choose names for your characters? (is it random, is it by meaning, etc)
where is your favorite place to write and how often can you go there?
is your favorite genre to read the same as your favorite genre to write? different? why?
what’s your absolute favorite piece of writing advice?
do you always adhere to that advice?
do you use prologues? epilogues? why or why not?
how well would you rate your titling skills on a scale of 1-10? why?
are you happy with the current title(s) of your wip(s)?
pretend this is a question and show some appreciation to your favorite writer, whether they’re on tumblr or not!
tagging (no pressure, of course!!): @writingtothestars, @marewriteblr, @marlettwrites, @caitwritesstuff, @things-waiting-to-be-written, @mybookisbad, @katerinarevel, @requiemesque, @whywritewhenyoucansleep, @onfablesandfiction, @tayluinwrites, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! (please haha, those questions took forever to come up with and i want to see someone answering them!!)<3
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
I'm loving your little mix works so much I wanted to request something if you're not too busy idk if you've seen the interview where perrie says that alex went to rehearsals with her because she couldn't get choreographies right and he would help her well what if tom did the same for reader??? and Jesy is soft for them but she won't admit it
Hi lovey! Thank you so much for the request! I added a little twist to it, but it’s still the same concept you wanted. AND YES, JESY LOVES THEM TOGETHER SHE JUST DOESN’T WANT TO ADMIT IT. I hope you like it, happy reading!💜✨
I hope you enjoy this! I honestly had so much fun rewatching Break Up Song over and over again to get the little dance they do in the chorus, it’s stuck in my head lol. That’s basically the dance the reader is trying to do, if you want to see the dance it’s somewhere towards the end of the Break Up Song video!
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You watched the video your choreographer sent to you and the girls. You watched it over and over again, taking a moment to study the moves before getting up from the bed and doing them yourself. The video was a little dance Kayleigh, your choreographer, created for the Break Up Song music video. Since the pandemic was still in full affect and everyone was still on lockdown, shooting a music video at a studio was an absolute no go. As much as it sadden you and the girls that you couldn’t film your original vision for the video, your health and the crew’s health meant the most to all of you at the moment. Instead of not filming a music video at all, you and the girls have decided that it would be fun to shoot the video on your own at your own homes.
Which brings you to today. You were in your room, that you shared with Tom, trying to learn the choreography. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard of a dance, it was quite simple. The video Kayleigh sent you all was probably less than a minute. The dance was supposed to be done during the chorus, the rest of the song would be freestyle or clips of you all doing some nonsense for fun.
Your brows furrowed together, eyes glaring at your phone screen while you tried to figure out how to sway your arms and circle them to make them cross. Like Perrie, it took you a while to learn choreography. Unlike the other three, you and Perrie took extra time studying the dancers and had extra sessions at the studio to get the choreography down. Though it was sometimes frustrating, the end result was always worth it.
You cursed to yourself as the video ended for the twentieth time. You tried repeating the steps, watching yourself in the mirror, but it just wasn’t coming out right. You felt your body growing hot as you became upset at yourself for not understanding a few simple steps. You thought learning through a video would be easier, but no, it’s more difficult for you. There was no guidance from Kayleigh, she wasn’t there to tell you what you were doing wrong or what you were doing right. You just felt lost and confused.
Groaning, you snatch your phone from the table and throw yourself onto your bed. You take Tom’s pillow, hugging it as you lay on your stomach. You shove your face into his pillow, the smell of him with a mix of his shampoo bringing you some kind of solace from your frustration.
(Y/n)🌺: Girls, do we really need to have a dance in the video?
Perrie🦋: Yeah I agree. Do we REALLY need one?
Jesy💖: Don’t tell me you guys can’t get that?
Do you not get it?
Leigh-Anne😻: Huns, it’s like learning a TikTok dance
Jade💜: It’s so easy! Girls, it’s like 30 secs of the video. We always have a dance choreo in our videos!
(Y/n)🌺: But we’re bad at dancing🥺
Perrie🦋: You all know how hard it is for me and (y/n) to pick up choreography:(
Jesy💖: (y/n), isn’t Tom a dancer?
(Y/n)🌺: He used to do ballet and he was in Billy Elliot, he won’t shut up about it.
Jesy💖: Ask twinkle toes to help you, he might be able to teach you.
If he can teach you how to spoil things, he can teach you how to dance👌🏽
Jade💜: ^^^ she’s got a point
Leigh-Anne😻: Omg Tom did ballet?
Jesy💖: Lmao what a loser
(Y/n)🌺: That’s actually a good idea, I’ll go bother him rn:))
Perrie🦋: Right I’m glad (y/n) has a way to learn the dance but what about me? I live with a football player🙁
Turning your phone off, you hop out of bed and skip your way out of the bedroom. You walk around the house looking for Tom, but instead bump into Harrison and Tuwaine.
“Boys, where’s Thomas?” You ask them, stealing one of the chips Harrison was eating. With a playful glare, he softly smacks your hand. You cheekily grin at him as you eat the chip.
“He’s outside with Harry, they’re cleaning the patio.” Tuwaine answers. Harrison snorts, “And doing a shit job at it.” You quickly thank them and pull on the glass sliding doors to get to the backyard. You see Harry with one of those power hoses spraying dirt off the concrete as Tom stood to the side filming him. You wait for him to end his video before coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
“I thought you were supposed to be cleaning with Harry?” You ask him, earning Harry’s attention.
“You know what (y/n), that’s exactly what I said!” Harry answered sarcasticly, spraying the hose dangerously close to Tom’s feet. Your boyfriend yelps, turning around to scoop you in his arms and move you both away from Harry and the hose.
“You dick!” He hissed at his brother. Harry chuckles satisfied at riling up his brother. He turns around and returns to his task at hand.
Tom puts you down on your feet though his hands remain at your hips. You look up at him, admiring the way his eyes and hair give off a sweet honey color in the sun.
“What’s up bub? Have you got the dance down yet?” He asks, thumbs rubbing circles onto your hips. Your face contorts together, nose scrunched up in irritation at the mention of the dance. Tom notices your change in expression and pouts at you.
“I’m gonna take that as a no?” You sigh, leaning into his chest and rest your head on his shoulder. Picking up on your exasperation, he pulls you in closer and places his palm on your back rubbing soothing circles onto it.
“I don’t know why I can’t just get it. It’s so bloody simple and I just can’t do it. Why am I like this?” You ramble, beating your head against his shoulder with every word. Tom makes a sound of disagreement as he gently pulls you away from his shoulder.
Before he can speak he presses multiple kisses onto your forehead making you giggle, “There’s nothing wrong with you, darling. It just takes you a little bit longer to properly learn choreography, there’s nothing wrong with that! You’re an excellent dancer in my eyes.”
You fondly roll your eyes at him, always one for the sweet talk, “You’re only saying that because you’re my boyfriend.”
“No, I’ve seen you dance before (y/n), you’re actually good.” His eyes quickly rake over your body, “But as your boyfriend, I think you look extremely hot when you dance. Especially in those little costumes you wear during tour.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, placing a light kiss on his lips. “Hmmm, ok. Well, then as my boyfriend, will you help me learn the dance?” You try to soften him up with some puppy eyes and a smile that made the corner of your lips squish up to your cheeks.
Without any hesitation, he agrees, not thinking of how difficult it would be to actually teach you the dance.
Hours pass and Tom was slowly losing his shit. He loves you, absolutely adores you, like nothing in the world will ever make him stop loving you. But trying to teach you simple choreography was making him loose his mind.
Tom stares blankly at the floor, sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. You stood a few feet away from him, cringing to yourself as you watched your boyfriend regain his patience with you.
“I love you.” You squeaked out sinking into your shoulders. Tom sighs and takes his head out his hands to look at you tiredly. He drags himself off the bed and stands in front of you. He cups your face in his hand, squishing it gently and playfully growls at you.
“Darling, I love you too.” He affirms with a fond smile. He lets out a breath before resting his forehead onto yours, “I just—why can’t you get it? I don’t understand.”
You pout at him and huff, “It’s not that easy, it’s really hard!” You and him had been practicing for a while now. For the first few minutes, Tom watched the video a number of times until he finally got the steps memorized. Then he took an hour of breaking down each step for you while you stood beside him repeating his moves. When he asked you to do it all together, all the steps you’ve rehearsed went out the window. Which lead to Tom breaking down the steps for you once again and so on.
“Baby, I did everything I can. I’ve done it really slow and explained each step to you.” He reasoned. “I don’t know what else to do.”
“But it’s hard Tommy!” You defended yourself, almost on the verge of crying because you still couldn’t comprehend the steps. Though you were probably overreacting, your whole day had been full of frustration; you were tired and mad at yourself for not understanding something so simple and now it was all coming together to make you explode.
“(Y/n), it’s like only ten to nine steps, you could do it.” Tom tried to encourage you. You groaned and pull yourself away from him. You plop yourself down to the bed, face smushed right into the pillows.
“I’m hopeless.” You said into the pillow, though it might have came out muffled for Tom. Tom frowned at your figure on the bed. He was upset at two things. One, he hated seeing you so frustrated with yourself. He just wanted to wrap you up in hugs and tell you that he was proud of you for trying your best. Two, he was mad at himself for kind of loosing his temper with you. You asked him for help and he did do that but he could have been a bit more patient. He knew you weren’t that good with rehearsing choreography so he should have expected the process to take a little bit slower.
“(Y/n), it’s swing, swing, round, swing, what’s so hard to understand?” Tom swung his arms like how Kayleigh did in the video, though his motions were quite harsh and sharp.
“I don’t know! I can’t swing my arms properly.” You complained, repeating his steps, your arms moving loosely.
“It’s just swinging your arms! There’s nothing hard about swinging your arms!” He exploded, throwing his arms in the air. An almost crazed look was in his eyes as he gripped onto the roots of his hair. Squeezing his eyes shut he took a breath in, “I need a break.”
Guilt filled him as he heard a sniff come from the pillow. Tom was immediately by your side trying to get you to look at him. “Darling, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled.”
He sees you move your face so he can hear you properly, “No, it’s okay, you were just expressing how you feel. It’s my fault I can’t comprehend simple choreograph.”
Tom sighs, shifting so he’s laying against you, head resting on the same pillow as yours while he waits for you to look at him again. One hand supports his head and the other rubs circles onto your back. He feels you relax under his touch making him pull you closer because he felt like you needed the comfort. You were trying your best, he knew you were. In fact, he even saw you getting some of the steps correct, you just instantly doubted yourself.
“No, I should’ve remembered that it takes a few times for you to memorize choreography. I should’ve been more patient.” He began. “And you came to me for help and I did nothing but make you even more upset, I’m sorry.” He apologized. Your head rises from the pillow, Tom softly chuckles at the strands of hair that covered your face.
“Don’t say that, you did a great job at helping me, I’m just—stupid.” You shrug nonchalantly. Tom rolls his eyes, brushing the strands of hair that covered your face behind your ear. “Now that’s stupid, you’re one of the smartest girls I know.”
You snort shoving his hand away from you, “You said I was an excellent dancer and look at where that got us.”
“You are an excellent dancer, love. You just doubt yourself.” He gets up from the bed and holds his hand out for you. “Let’s try again?”
You glance at him then at his hand before finally giving in. You grasp his hand, using it as leverage to help yourself off the bed. Tom smiles proudly at you, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, “That’s my girl.”
Since standing beside each other was not doing the trick, Tom decided that he would try standing behind you. With your back against his chest, he outstretched his hands to hold onto your arms and guide them.
“Right, so we’re swinging this way, that way, then we go around and swing again.” Tom explained as he puppets your arms in those directions. You stare at yourself in the mirror and repeat Tom’s words to yourself. Tom glances at you from your shoulder, where his chin rested, seeing the gears shifting in your brain.
“Ok, we swing twice, then go around once, and swing again.”
Tom hums at you in response, “Yeah, you’ve got that part down.” He takes your left arm and brings it to your right shoulder, then your right arm to your left shoulder.
“After the swing we go chest, chest, so that it makes an x.” Tom continues to explain. You nod along, making mental notes to yourself. Suddenly, you jump, taking Tom by surprise.
“What happened?”
“I know the next move!” You beamed, shaking your arms from his grip and forming a heart with them. “After the X, we make a heart, and then it’s that shimmy thing.”
The grin on Tom’s face made the corners of his eyes crinkle and made his pearly whites twinkle at you, “Yeah, that’s right! Can you show me the stuff we’ve rehearsed so far?”
You purse your lips at yourself in the mirror, going over the mental notes you took in your head. The opening steps involved a little skipping in place while you punched the air three times; two punches on the left and one on the right. Then that would lead into the swinging, then the chests that make an X, the heart and shimmy.
“You remember darling, don’t doubt yourself.” He motivates you.
You jump around your spot and shake your limbs out, “Alright, I think I’m good.”
“Go for it, love.” Tom nods at you as he stands to the side with his hands on his hips, almost like a dance instructor or some teacher.
“I’m gonna sing the lyrics out, it helps.” You comment. Tom waves you off, “Whatever makes you comfortable.”
“So it’s—so tonight I’ll sing another,” You skip and do the punches.
“Another break up song,” You transition into the arm’s choreography, swinging them and going around once. You jump so your legs are together and do the X with your arms over you chest. You make the heart and do the shimmies, squealing excitedly when you finally get all the steps done correctly.
“I DID IT!” You happily yell jumping into Tom’s arms. He catches you right on time with just as much cheerfulness as you.
“I KNOW, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” He cheers making you both jump in celebration. You hug him tightly, continuously thanking him. Without Tom, you probably would’ve never learned the dance properly and would have given up the moment you felt like it. But thankfully, you had a loving boyfriend who never gave up on you. No matter how much you drove him mad.
“Seriously Tom, thank you for helping me. You didn’t have to, but I really appreciate it.” You tell him once he places you back on the ground.
“It’s no trouble, especially for you, I’d do anything for you.” He grins pecking your lips. You hum against his soft lips pulling him back in to meet yours again.
“Let’s just hope I can still remember this till tomorrow.” 
Tom chuckles against your lips, “Darling we aren’t even done yet, that was just the first bit.” You pull away from him, mouth agape, “Wait there’s more?”
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
Maybe you've already touched on this in another post, but Knight of the Thorn quest for Kerra (and bonus for Rhi as well, if you want)
Hi hi!! Sorry it took a sec for me to answer this; I did a Whole Lot Of Driving this weekend (for good reasons! I just had like Zero free time and this is a detailed answer asdlkjfs). But I can answer it now, so let's go! :D
I think the most I've touched on this in another post was when the ask game about what the boss fight for your character would look like--I talked about what the fight against Kerra as one of the Knight-of-the-Thorn echoes would look like. But I haven't actually discussed details for either of their quests beyond that, so:
She really hadn't ever planned on taking up the sword at all. Her canon might be different from the regular game canon (in that Trahearne survives the end of HoT), but Caladbolg is still very much broken when she and everyone else reaches "Hearts and Minds".
After Mordremoth's death, Kerra has fulfilled her Wyld Hunt. Aurene hasn't hatched yet, so as far as she knows, she isn't Champion to anyone or anything, and her future is her own. She's in a romantic relationship, she's still the Pact Commander, she's healing from both physical and mental wounds, and she's on shaky terms with both her siblings--Caithe because of everything that happened with the egg, and Trahearne because of the sacrifice she was willing to make.
Her relationship with Caithe starts to mend once Aurene hatches. They're able to sit down and talk, with the extra motivation that Aurene would be much happier if they both got along. Her relationship with Trahearne is on shaky ground for longer than that, but after "A Crack in the Ice", she can't stand that being the case at all for any longer and goes and has (another) long talk with him.
I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I'm not sorry for what I did, and I won't lie and say that I am. I know I don't value myself enough, I know, and I'm trying. I know my flaws and I know my choices, and it may be hypocritical but I hate that you ever thought that dying was all you were worth. I love you, you're my brother, you're here and I'm so glad, and I am so sorry that I hurt you but I will never not be glad that you're alive.
I was already wounded and dying, and I'd made peace with that, but I hadn't made peace with losing you, with losing another sibling. I'd done my job and my duty, and it was never one I wanted, and you still had so much more to do; the safest choice was to let me go. I would never want to be the reason Caithe lost you, Rel lost you, the world lost you. I was angry because I was, and am, afraid; I love you, and you risk so much so often, little sister, and I never wanted you to risk it for me.
That conversation is the catalyst for Kerra reforging Caladbolg--because Trahearne gives it to her. It's not another obligation, it's a weapon for her to protect herself. It's a legacy, to be sure, and she does take on the Knight of the Thorn title, but she is bestowed that title by her brother, not her Mother. It's a concession and an agreement--there will be risk, and there may be sacrifice, but Kerra will never do any of it alone. (And it's another part of Trahearne stepping down from a job he took out of obligation to his Mother and the world by giving up the sword. Protection for one sibling and freedom for the other.)
Kerra still ends up working with Ridhais here--though it's in a slightly different context than canon, the other sylvari still has a pertinent Wyld Hunt to this situation and helps her reforge the sword. She spends time on this quest specifically in-between "A Crack in the Ice" and "The Head of the Snake", so in that time, she's in Maguuma for a bit finding sword pieces (and spending time with Aurene). And the first two parts of the battles of the quest go very similarly to how they do in-game! She fights Riannoc's echo in the swamp, then Trahearne's in the canopy of Maguuma. But the third is different.
She goes to a small homestead in Wayfarer Foothills where a family lives. There are three children, two to three years older than they were last time she was there, and two parents. She greets them and explains why she's there, and though they're bemused (and confused, too), they nod. And they go inside, and they watch the Pact Commander battle an echo of herself, one from a time when she felt small and broken and overwhelmed with grief and self-hatred, outside in the snow.
Kerra carries Caladbolg with her for the rest of the time that she's the commander--through the very end of EoD.
When Kerra steps down as commander, it coincides with Rhi really...coming of age, so to speak. They're a big part of a lot of the events in EoD, from the original fight with the Aetherblades to the final battle with the Dragonvoid. They're not quite ready to strike out on their own yet, but they plan to do so within the next year, and Kerra offers Caladbolg to them. It's a passing of the torch--not of the job as commander, Rhi is very young for that responsibility and doesn't want it, but of this weapon meant (perhaps more than most) as a way to protect the one who carries it. And they accept.
Their first two battles mirror their mother's, in the swamp and the jungle. They meet Riannoc for the first time, and he might just be an echo, but he sees an echo of himself in them nonetheless. They see their uncle--younger, from years ago, back when he was a soldier--and he doesn't recognize them, not really, but the look in their eyes is familiar. And they battle their mother's echo, but it's not outside a hut in the snow. They've been inside Sun's Refuge, so they know a bit about Elona, but they've never been to the top of this tower before, with its ring of scorch marks and blasted stone.
This echo of Kerra is from the moment she died, when she was about to lose Aurene, when she was probably the most desperate she's ever been. And she recognizes, when Rhi manages to get through "round one", that she's an echo, because she's the only one of the previous Knights who's been through this specific process of attuning to the sword. She doesn't know who Rhi is, but she tells them that they remind her of someone--maybe a couple someones. And she smiles and tells them they're also entirely someone new.
They carry the sword proudly after that. It follows them onto the deck of a ship a year later--one on the sea, not the air--and they start their own journey of learning about the world.
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charlesleclerc2003 · 3 years
Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader (Platonic)
Summary: The reader finally escapes her abusive family covered in cuts and bruises. She unknowingly knocks on Jensen's door and promptly collapses.
Warnings: Assault, passing out, possible TRIGGERING content, hospital, talks of abuse, injuries, blood, scared reader, concerned Daneel and Jensen, Jensen and Daneel adopting reader.
If anyone can think of any warnings I've missed please let me know either in a ask or personal message. I want to make sur that I set Warnings correctly.
Word Count: 1,350
A/N: I thought of this off the top of my head whilst cooking dinner and thought I'd share it with all of you.
Requests are open
Dividers By: @firefly-graphics
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Your POV
You stumbled down the road, the screaming of your parents echoing in your ears. Tears steaming down your face you glance back at the hell hole that had been your home for the past Y/A years.
It all started when your parents came back drunk, yet again. Your father had stomped into your room, belt in hand and proceeded to hit you, you had grown accustomed to it. Usually he stopped within a few minuets, but not this time. He just kept hitting, the belt leaving large welts across your back. You tried getting away but he wasn't having any of it. Pulling you back by your hair. Gathering the strength you bring your elbow back into his groin, forcing him off you.
Scrambling to your feet you push towards the front door, only to be stopped by your mother. She had a beer bottle in her hand and started hitting you with it. Breaking immediately, shards of glass dug into your skin. Blood already dripping onto the floor. Shoving her hard, she landed on the glass coffee table knocking her out cold.
Forgoing shoes you threw open the front door and bolted out into the street. The pavement was hot against the soles of your feet, but you didn't care. You would do anything to get away. Your father stuck his head out of the door and started screaming profanities at you, along with your mother. It only succeeded in spurring you on further.
You ran until you could no longer hear their screams , until your lungs burned for air and your muscles screamed in protest. Glancing down at yourself, you saw the multitude of cuts and bruises that littered your body. Even though you were Y/A you were small.
Looking around you found you were in front of a fairly large house. Taking small steps, and stumbling occasionally, you reached the large black door and weakly knocked. Your vision swam as the door was pulled open. There was a tall man stood in grey sweatpants and a black tee stood in the door.
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Jensen POV
There was a light knock at the door, too light to be Jared. Getting up I opened it seeing a small girl, littered with cuts, swaying on my doorstep. All of a sudden she collapsed and whacked her head on the frame. Quickly crouching down I checked if she was breathing, letting out a sigh of relief when she was.
Pulling out my phone I called an ambulance.
"Jay? Who is it." Daneel asked walking towards me.
"She just showed up on the door step, Dee she's covered in cuts." I replied trying to rouse the girl. Nothing was working.
I told the 911 call handler what had happened and where we were, whilst Daneel kept the kids away. They didn't need to see this. Before long an ambulance and police pulled up to take the kid to hospital while the police questioned me on what happened.
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Your POV
You woke to the annoying sound of beeping in your ear. Groaning you open your eyes only to be met with bright white. Closing them again a soft female voice comes from your right.
"Hey, how you feeling?"
You open your eyes again, turning your head you see warm brown eyes and flowing red hair.
"Sore." You mumble, with a small smile. Glad to finally be away from them. After Y/A years you were free, or so you thought.
"Yeah, I'd imagine you would be. Your parents are in the waiting room, they want to see you."
Your eyes widened, as you shook your head violently.
"No please, don't let them in, please I beg you." Your heart rate sped up as well as your breathing.
"Hey calm down sweetie, we won't send them in if you don't want to see them. Just breathe for a sec." The red haired woman soothed.
Nodding, you sucked in a few heavy breaths, instantly feeling calmer.
"That's it, I'm Daneel but you can call me Dee if you want." You nodded as the door opened and a man walked in. Tensing up you grab Daneel's wrist, as you notice he had something in his hand.
"It's okay, it's only my husband. This is Jensen." Daneel wrapped your hand with hers.
"How are you?" Jensen asked, standing behind Daneel, bending down to give her a kiss on the cheek.
You shrugged, wincing when it pulled at the cuts on your back and chest.
"Her parents want to come in." Jensen whispered to Daneel. You didn't hear already feeling sleepy. Closing your eyes, sleep enveloped you.
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Jensen POV
"No don't send her parents in, she freaked out when I told her." Daneel replied, glancing at the now sleeping girl.
"Do you think they did this to her?"
"With her reaction, I'd say yes. Who would do this to their own flesh and blood?" Dee sighed, brushing some hair away from the girls face. A few tears slid down both of our cheeks as we sat in silence.
"What if we adopt her? Then she could have a loving family, one that wouldn't hurt her. That would give her unconditional love." She sniffled, looking up at me.
"Yeah, I think she'd like that." I smiled.
The next few days were long, or they seemed that way at least. We spent the entire time learning everything there was to know about this girl.
Her name was Y/N, she loves the colour Y/F/C, she's always wanted siblings, and a dog. She loved the idea of us adopting her. Her parents signed over custody immediately, with no hesitation.
We brought the kids to meet her, JJ insisted on calling Y/N het big sister already and Zeppelin and Arrow quickly warmed up to her. Jared came round with Gen and met her, they left the kids with Jared's parents so Y/N didn't get overwhelmed.
When the time came to take Y/N home Dee's parent's took the kids so she could settle in. She had a room close to ours, In case she had a nightmare. So far if one of us was in the room with her she would sleep peacefully.
We ordered pizza and watched tv for a while until Y/N fell asleep in my lap, my fingers running gently through her hair.
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6 Months Later
Your POV
You've been with the Ackles for six months now, and they've been the best six months of your life. They even threw you a birthday party, you've never had a birthday party before. Everyone accepted you so quickly, it was like you had always been a part of their family.
Sure there had been setbacks, like when Jensen's brother, Josh, met you the first time. He had came at you a bit too quickly and frightened you. You hid behind Jensen shaking for a while until Jensen calmed you. Now it was like that had never happened, Josh was always telling you funny stories about Jensen.
Or when you went up to Vancouver for the first time, to watch Jensen film. The yelling and noises sent you back almost all the way back to square one. From then on Jensen always made sure that if you were with him that during those scenes you were in either his or Jared's trailer.
For all the set backs, there has been massive steps forward. Like calling Jensen dad for the first time. There were lots of tears spilled and lots of hugs given, the same with calling Daneel mom for the first time.
The first time you went to a party or brought a boy home, those were especially big occasions.
You finally had a normal and happy life. With a family that didn't want to hurt you. One that loved you for who you were, they treated you like a person rather than a punching bag.
More importantly they treated you like you were their daughter. That was something you had never had, but now you had it you wouldn't change it for anything. They had rescued you, and for that you were forever thankful.
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TAGS: @sofreddie @hybrid-in-progress
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eddswrold-fandicc · 3 years
Matt X Reader
Fluff.... ish
Trigger warning: depression.
You're depressed.
You layed in your room, on the floor, in complete darkness.
Your head ached as much as your eyes did. Your body ached from being misused. You had body odor from not showering in a few days. Your hair is matted from not being brushed.
You hated this.
You just wanted to be happy and love yourself.
Like Matt.
He was basically perfect. He loved himself. He took care of his body. He was usually happy, and outgoing. He didn't stink or have messy hair.
Your thoughts were interrupted with someone knocking on the door, "Hey, Y/N, Edd said dinner is ready."
It was Tom. He opened your door, and switched your light on. Pain flooded your eyes from the sudden brightness.
"You need to eat something."
You turned to look at him, "I know. I'll be down in a sec."
And with that, Tom was gone and your door was shut again.
You sighed before getting off the floor. You clipped your nasty hair in a bun and put on a yellow sweater before making your way to the kitchen.
Everyone was sat around the table, eating dinner.
"Welcome, Y/N! I made you a plate!" Edd greeted and pointed to an empty chair.
You weren't going to lie, the food did smell great and made your mouth water. But could you keep it down is the question.
You sat between Tord and Matt. Tord was gnawing on some meat, and Matt was eating some fruit.
Matt's mirror was sitting between you and him, facing up. You could see some of your reflection, and you hated it. You didn't want to see what you looked like.
You ignored it and started eating. You ate a few bites of everything, and stopping when you got to the fruit. You were debating on eating it.
"Aw, come on, Y/N! Fruit gives you vitamins and helps your skin!" Matt took another bite of his fruit.
You weakly smiled and took a bite, eating every last bit of fruit for Matt.
You finished your dinner and decided that you were going to take a shower tonight. Not a bath, a shower. And maybe a warm shower.
You grabbed a couple of towels and made your way to the bathroom. No need to grab clothes; the guys have saw you in just a towel plenty of times.
You placed your towels on the sink and sat on the toilet to start taking your clothes off.
You slowly stripped off articles of clothing, now out of the mood for a shower.
You sighed and put your clothes back on, walking out of the bathroom.
You looked to the floor, walking back to yourbedroom, lost in thought. That is, until you bumped into something.
Or someone.
You quickly looked up to start apologizing, but before you could you were hit with a, "Oh, hi, Y/N! I thought you were taking a shower?"
"Oh, um. I changed my mind, I guess. Sorry for bumping into you, Matt."
Matt stood silent for a moment.
"Let's go, Y/N."
He took you by the hand and led you back to the bathroom.
"W-What are we doing?" You questioned.
Matt smiled at you, "Taking a shower, of course!"
Matt took his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants before stopping to turn on the water.
You stood there, very confused, beginning to feel tired.
"Are you getting undressed?" Matt turned to you.
You blinked, "Why? Why are we doing this?"
Matt smiled before coming to place his hands on your shoulders, "Because I know you need it. I know how you've been feeling lately, and I want to help you."
"Are you saying that I stink?" You deadpanned.
"That too. Now take your clothes off, Y/N"
Matt started sliding his pants down his legs.
You slowly pulled your shirt over your head. You felt embarrassed for showing your body. You know Matt doesnt mean anything sexual with this, but you can't help but feel like it somehow is. I mean, he IS seeing your greatest assets.
You slid your shorts down your legs, leaving you only in your bra and panties.
Matt was already butt naked and in the shower. It's like he didn't care if you saw him.
You stood there, hesitant to take off your bra.
Matt poked his head from the curtain, "Are you coming, or do I need to help you?"
His hair was wet and slicked down. He already had soap in it, hinting the suds and bubbles.
You nodded and took a deep breath and unclipped your bra. Matt went back under the water to rinse.
Your bra dropped to the floor, along with your panties. You took the clip from your bun, letting your messy and dirty hair fall.
You took slow steps to the shower, and finally stepped in.
"Glad you could join me!"
You smiled, completely embarrassed, and raised your arms to cover your breasts.
"Oh, it's okay, Y/N. I don't really care, as you can probably tell already." Matt assured you.
He gently grabbed you by your shoulders and switched your positions. Now you were under the water. It was warm.
Your back was facing Matt, so you let down your arms. You let the hot water beat against your chest and slide down your stomach.
"I'm about to turn you back around, by the way," Matt warned.
You put your arms back up, and turned around yourself. Matt smiled at that.
He gently leaned your head into the water, getting your hair wet. Then he grabbed a shampoo bottle and squeezed a good proportion into his hand before working it into your hair.
He used his fingertips to massage your scalp, and it felt good. It felt good to be taken care of like this. It felt good to be with Matt.
He rinsed your hair and put conditioner in it, "Okay, let's wash our bodies. This needs to sit for a few minutes anyways."
You nodded, grabbing your loofah and putting a rose scented body wash on it. You started to wash yourself, not caring if Matt saw your body parts anymore. He didn't seem to care anyways, he was in his own paradise with washing his own body.
You let Matt wash the bubbles off himself first, then you washed yourself off.
Matt gently washed the conditioner out of your hair, continuing to massage your scalp.
After you were both clean, you shut the water off. Matt hopped out and grabbed your towel to hand it to you, and used his to dry himself off.
You wiped the water off your face, torso, basically every part of your body, before wrapping the towel around your body and stepping out of the shower.
Matt had already dried himself off and had his towel wrapped around his waist.
Matt offered you his hand, which you took. You don't know why, but you didn't want to argue. You were too tired for it.
Matt dragged you to his bedroom, and sat you on his bed. He gave you one of his outfits to change into, and then he sat you back down.
He went to his desk and started to dig around for something. You watched him patiently as he pulled out a hair brush.
"Matt, please don't brush my hair..." you whined.
Your hair was an absolute mess still.
"Oh, I'm brushing your hair, Y/N. It needs it."
And before you could speak again, Matt shushed you and sat behind you.
He started to gently untangle and brush your hair. It didn't hurt as much as you thought it would. It actually felt nice.
You closed your eyes and let Matt do his work. You liked that he was being gentle. Everything he did was gentle towards you. You liked it.
You started to lean back onto him, too tired to pick yourself back up. Your body was exhausted.
You felt Matt set the hairbrush aside, and he embraced you.
You smiled as you fell asleep on him.
A real smile.
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
[Hello The Local Demon's here! Well, it does indeed seem like Tumblr has eaten my ask. I am disappointed at this hellsite, but not surprised. I'll have to rewrite it, I guess, wait a hot sec! Think I'll sent it in parts this time, so at least some of it is bound to make it in.
(Also I saw the Tuxedo Mask meme and loved it! It got a chuckle put of me, and I want it back in the reply to this if you still have it please.)
Oh and congrats on the gender, btw! You're right that the reason you're getting those early isn't the best, but honestly I'm just glad you are getting 'em! SUPER HAPPY FOR YOU!! LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!!! I shall now stop screaming support at my screen at 1AM, but know that it is very much given!]
:(( im sorry tumblr ate the ask. i dont know how much time y'all people spend on writing these asks but it still sucks no matter how fast theyre done. Is it possible for you to maybe like copy paste them into a notes app or something before sending them so theyre saved even if tumblr eats them? or like taking screenshots of them before sending them. i sure know that the moment i hit post i forget every word i've written hdfkjhdf so it might help? i dunno just brainstorming. Also thanks for the congrats! 🐹🧡
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"And one snake goes here and one snakes goes there and a truckload of snakes fall into the river" Remus singsang while braiding Janus' hair.
Rowan had left for her flight this morning and Janus had come over soon after. They were laying on their back on the couch with their head leant in Remus' lap. Keeping his hands busy with their hair helped against the dissociation, though it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday.
"HEllo!!! Demon!!!" Remus exclaimed when he saw the dark void like appearance filling the corners of the room "I love you too!!"
Janus gave you a wave "Greetings Gemon"
The shadows spread over the floor and weblike spirals grew onto the entrance door. A loud creak boomed as the door seemed to contort for just a second before going back to looking perfectly normal while the shadows returned to the corners. No Oswalds would ever be able to go through that door ever again.
Remus froze at the mention of the name. He stared blankly at the door. Janus quickly took his hand in theirs and massaged their thumb against his palm.
"Thanks Demon" They replied in his place.
He shook his head around and blinked over and over to focus "Sorry, zoned out a little. Thought about uhhh butt stuff" He blurted out.
Remus was actually sitting crosslegged on the couch and was turned towards his friend. So when you dropped the octopus near his feet it landed directly onto Janus' face.
He flailed around for a few seconds before the octopus turned into a squishy soft plushie. His face was still dripping with octopus liquid as Remus grinned down at him.
"How did it feel? I've always wanted to get suffocated by an octopus, ever since I saw Octopussy's octopus strangle a dude"
"I only understand half of those words" They replied while wiping their face. Remus helpfully rubbed his t-shirt against their cheeks "It felt...slimy"
"OHOHOHOH! Great!" He picked up the plushed octopus and hugged it "It feels so octopus like!! like a water bed! Oh I'm loving this duder"
The shadows near the walls started to move closer towards the exit as your message continued.
"We are still friends indeed!! Never worry about that!" He made grabby hands towards you "I would super love a hug!"
The shadows swallowed him and limbs somewhat resembling arms emerged to hug him. Janus tentativelys at up to see if he was welcome to join. A third limb emerged to pull him into the hug.
Before suddenly all the shadows all at once retreated once more and the last part of your message came out. Remus waved you goodbye.
"Good luck with the rescuing!! Salt helps to get rid of blood stains! Just so you know in case you gotta pummel some people!"
The shadows respectfully opened the entrance door, stepped out and closed it again. Right after you had left Remus turned to Janus and held up the new octopus plushie.
"Wanna go get your pet snake so we can test out how she reacts to different kinds of plushies??"
Janus squinted at him "That.....That does sound interesting. I'll ask Logan if he can get her, he loves this kind of experiment stuff"
"Like a nerd"
"Like a nerd yes"
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
i missed you
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request : this one
pairing : derek morgan x cadet!reader
summary : an fbi cadet reader asks her old friend, derek morgan, to help her train and suppressed feelings surface.
content warnings : annoying time jumps (leave me alone), swearing, awkward ass reader, insecurity, good old sexual tension
gif credit : @rewrotethestars
All it took was a call to an old friend. One who'd left for the FBI not long after you'd met. Communication didn't completely fizzle out, every once in a while you'd see how the other was doing. You'd crossed each other's minds as something that could have been but simply weren't-- and that was okay. So why did you reach out? You can't really say.
Derek's phone rings in the back pocket of his jeans, barely noticable over the blaring music of the dim lit club. The name appears in large letters and he redirects his attention with dark furrowed brows, earning pouts from the women fawning over him.
"Y/N?" His deep voice questions and you almost hang up. He doesn't sound very happy to hear from you.
"Hey Derek, it's me. I mean clearly it's me, since you already saw my caller ID. What I mean is..." you trail off, fumbling over your own words. Surprisingly he chuckles and puts you at ease.
"It's nice to know you're still you, hot stuff. So what's up?"
Hot stuff.
His stupid nicknames always felt like home in an odd way.
"Sorry if you're busy but I'm finishing up my time at the academy and I was wondering if you'd help me train." God, you sound ridiculous. "S-Since you're all badass and built and I'm not, you know?"
You wince at your sentence. Why didn't you stop talking? A warm laugh escapes him and you can hear a smile in his voice that makes you smile too, despite the fact that it's probably at your expense.
"You think I'm badass and built? I'm glad that's what stuck in your mind about me after all these years. I'd be more than happy to help you, just let me know when."
"I will, thanks Derek."
And you did. The rest is history.
Derek was ecstatic to hear from you. Your presence always lingered in his heart like a beautiful ghost.
"Okay, spill." Penelope's flirty tone sings to the unsuspecting profiler in the elevator.
"Spill?" Derek cocks an eyebrow.
"Spill about where you've been so excited to go. It doesn't take a profiler to figure out when someone captivates the Derek Morgan."
"It's not like that, babygirl. I'm helping a friend in the academy train, that's all."
That's all? Rich, Morgan.
"A female friend I presume? One who makes the sexy biceps of your heart flex?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part but yes, Y/N is a woman. It doesn't mean anything."
An exaggerated sigh leaves the blonde and she taps a finger on the desk.
"Whatever you say, twelve-pack. Just know that your girl's rooting for ya. Not that she'll be able to resist you exercising."
Derek laughs heartily at her wink and steps out of the building.
"Is that her?" she gasps, seeing you leaned against his car awaiting the dark man. "She might just be sexier than you are."
You wave innocently and give a hopefully not too awkward, tight lipped smile. Penelope smirks at Derek's obvious awe of you, taking in the sight as if you were a vivid sunset about to disappear. You'd never guess that though, would you? Why would a man like him want you? The answer is he wouldn't. But a girl can dream.
"Took you long enough," you laugh and turn to the brightly dressed woman beside him. "You must be Penelope? Der's mentioned you before."
Der? Penelope taunts with silent feline eyes.
"The one and only! I've heard about you too, Y/N."
"Oh!" you're startled when she brings you into a hug and whispers, not at all subtly.
"Have fun training."
Derek scrunches his face in embarrassment. You must know why she's teasing.
"Goodbye lovelies, enjoy yourselves!" She waves goodbye.
"She was... interesting," you say playfully. "I like her."
Is that all you have to say? Judging by the way you open the car door and plop down, yes. Yes, it is.
Arriving at the Quantico gym, you turn to your new trainer and beam.
"Alright. Where do we start, teach?"
"The fitness test is going to put you through core challenges and test your overall endurance out in the field. It's best to take this at your best level so we'll start wherever you want."
How does he make an FBI qualification sound sexy?
"Uh... core is a good place to start. Give me a sec to change."
"No problem."
Of course he'd change too. But it still catches you by-- very pleasant-- surprise when you return to see him in gym clothes. His dark, toned arms are completely exposed and the built pecs of his chest are barely covered by his tank top. It grips to his abs and the shorts he's wearing... they do not leave his calves to the imagination.
"Like what you see?" he teases confidentally, showcasing his perfect white teeth. Shit, he caught you staring. And of course had to taunt you.
As if he isn't enjoying the view too. Your sports bra and active wear shorts aren't exactly modest.
"No! I mean yes! I was just admiring, you're very fit."
You want to cringe at yourself. Way to go Y/N, not creepy at all.
"Not so bad yourself, Y/N. Why don't we start with stretching?"
"Okay," you nod and follow his movements. Bringing an arm up over your head, you turn and gasp lightly at the sight of his tank top lifting. If one thing hasn't changed, it's those fucking abs. Being distracted while exercising isn't such a good thing however and you topple over into his arms.
"Woah! I got you," Derek reassures and steadies you.
"Yeah I'm alright-- thanks."
His eyes are so pretty. They scan yours with a love you wouldn't comprehend. So chocolate and ocean like. You could lose yourself in them... Oh god. You are losing yourself in them.
"So, what now?" you blurt, jumping back from his grasp and almost making him frown. He'd rather be close to you but he'd never let you know. A womanizer, isn't he? He's on Reid's level of charm when it comes to you. You're different, somehow, some way.
"The best core exercises to begin with are crunches and sit ups, we can move on to variations afterwards." he explains, lips moving with silk precision.
"Got it!" you nod enthusiastically. Derek lays on his back for a demonstration, allowing you to enjoy the show as his arms bend behind his head and his body curls up to his knees.
Always the charmer, always the angel.
Something about him right now, whatever it is.
It's too much to ignore anymore.
With a burst of confidence and passion, you hop onto his lap and rest your hands on his racing chest.
"I really missed you Derek."
As scandalous as this would seem to anyone who walked in right now, the moment was nothing if not pure.
"I missed you too baby."
You lower your body and gently brush his lips with yours. His hands find their rightful place in your hair and his tongue guides yours into bliss. Tilting your head, you melt deeper into the long overdue kiss and breathlessly pull back.
"Training's a lot more fun than I thought it'd be." You whisper and rest your head against his.
"We should do it again sometime." He returns.
"Is that a promise?"
He chuckles and brings music to your ears.
"It always has been, pretty lady."
And it always will be.
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hanamakkiss · 4 years
One Dumb Deed Deserves Another
Iwaizumi Hajime x f!reader
Summary: Five times Iwaizumi and you meet.
Word count: 4k+
A/n: this took so long... but I quite like it! Pretty much just fluff and shenanigans. As u can tell I’m in love with him.
Your first meeting was nothing short of disastrous, Iwaizumi fondly recalls.
His peaceful morning walk through the park to campus was shattered by one very loud, very directed at him shouting.
“HEY! HEY YOU!!! THE GUY IN THE DENIM JACKET!!!! HOLD ON A SEC!” a high-pitched yet commanding voice echoes through the practically empty park, clueing him in that it was probably him you were referring to.
He pauses to look skyward, making a silent prayer for the strength to make it through the day, before turning around. He’s met with a red-faced young woman who was currently struggling to catch up to him.
You stopped a few feet in front of him, hands on your knees, panting, and he waits for you to catch your breath.
“Hi,” you look up, unabashedly grinning, and he finds you have a surprisingly sweet voice when not shouting. He quirks a brow, inquiring.
“Yea so, uh, I'm a photographer," you hold up the camera around your neck, "student, actually, and uh, I just took a photo of you? I mean, I did, cause your back looked really nice with the surrounding trees and sky, especially when you were staring at something, a bird maybe? And with a little colour editing the image would really pop, so the photo turned out really nice," you smiled shyly, looking at the photo in question (presumably).
“O...kay?” he’s not sure how to respond.
“Do you want to see it?” your smile is infectious.
His lips quirk up as he steps closer to you, peering over your arm (it really was a cool photo), “But you’re telling me all this why...?”
“Oh! Right. So, uh, I wanted to know if you would be okay with me using your photo in an assignment? I understand if you want to say no, but that would be such a pity, cause you look so cool here, and if no one else got to see it it would be a tragedy. But it’s up to you really! I could just keep it in my files maybe? If you would allow me!” your face has steadily gotten redder with every word that tumbled out of your mouth, and at the end of your spiel you were looking absolutely mortified, using your camera to hide your face.
“Hey, calm down, it’s fine, you can use it,” he latches on to your shoulders hoping to keep you grounded as you looked on the verge of hyperventilating, “Are you alright?”
“Yea! Yea, I’m fine, I just didn’t expect you to be so,” he tilts his head slightly, brows furrowing, “hot,” you squeaked out.
At your response Iwaizumi's face burns up. He knew people generally found him attractive, but to have it so bluntly said to his face, was not exactly something he was used to. Especially when said with such sincerity.
His hands immediately retract.
“Oh. Thanks, I guess? Uh, I’ll be seeing you then, good luck with your assignment.” He scratches the back of his neck.
“Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!” you gave him a low bow, nearly slamming into his chest in the process. Standing back up equally as suddenly, you rushed to introduce yourself, face still the shade of ruby.
He can’t help but chuckle, “Iwaizumi Hajime,” he offers.
Opening your mouth, you’re cut off by an alarm that blares from your bag. As you scramble to shut it off, your eyes bulge. “Shit! I’m gonna be late! Sorry! I need to go now!” You shoot him an apologetic smile before sprinting.
“Thank you again! I’ll treat you someday!” he sees you wave from afar.
Iwaizumi is just left in your dust, amused and wondering how would you, considering he never even gave you his number.
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Your second meeting was pure coincidence.
He was in line at the campus cafe, when the short person in front sneezed so hard they fell backwards into him.
Oof. His hands reached out instinctively to catch them.
“Hey, you alright?” he peers down into their face-
“I’m so sorry!” they tilt up-
and the two heads collide.
He grunts, rubbing his chin where it hurt. The hood falls off their head.
“It’s you.” he could almost laugh at the comedic timing, of course it’s you.
You look up, hands still covering your forehead, and exclaim excitedly, “Iwaizumi! Fancy seeing you here! How are you?”
He chuckles at your enthusiasm, ruffling your (already mussed up) hair, “I’m good, how did your assignment go?”
“It went great! My tutor only had constructive criticism for it. Speaking about that, let me buy you a drink,” you attempt to tame the mess he created, “as thanks,” you grin.
Any refusal on his part was washed away by your insistence, leaving the two of you on the side waiting for your morning brews.
“By the way, is it okay if I ask you something else?”
“Ever since that day, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” you tuck your hair behind your ear, shyly, (he tenses, vaguely aware of where this might go) “and I was wondering if you would maybe, you know, if you’re free, would you be willing to” you took a deep breath, “be my model?” your eyes were practically sparkling.
Iwaizumi feels light-headed. It's amazing how every other sentence from you gives me whiplash, he thinks, it must be a skill. He mentally heaves a relieved sigh, happy that he didn’t need to reject another date offer.
His silence causes you to fidget, looking away, “Uh, it’s really okay if you don’t want to, I just thought you would be a good fit for my next project, and you seemed like a nice guy, so I thought it would be worth a shot, and I could always-”
"No, no, I’d be glad to help you out," he finds he prefers you when your eyes have a shine to them, and it’s not like he had too much on his plate at the moment.
The smile you show him is infectious, and he really can’t stop his features from mirroring your own.
You actually remember to exchange numbers this time, promising to text him about the specifics of the photoshoot soon before (once again) rushing off for class.
As he’s walking, iced coffee in hand, he mulls over the fact that he’s entirely comfortable around you, despite barely even knowing you.
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Your third meeting was certainly a colourful experience.
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On the mentioned day, Iwaizumi finds himself sighing when Hanamaki ushers a mousy looking you into the gymnasium.
“Found this one outside muttering “Iwaizumi” in a panic,” he gives a good natured laugh, “figured she could use some help.”
“Thank you so much! There’s way too many people here, I thought this was just a practice match…” you trailed off.
Iwaizumi’s nostrils flare, “It is, and it’s all because of a specific bastard,” he jabs a finger in the direction of Oikawa, who was currently surrounded by girls.
You take a quick photo, “And who is he? Seems popular,” you inspect the photo.
“Oh? You’ve never heard of Oikawa Tooru? College superstar?” Hanamaki leans in towards you, smirk in place.
Seeing you shrink back, Iwaizumi instinctively moves closer. Makkis eyebrows lift.
“Oh! I’ve heard that name before! My friends talk about him sometimes! This is my first time seeing him though,” you happily snap another shot, “they’ll like these.”
He watches you review the photos when Matsukawa appears next to Makki, “Who’s this?”
“Oh right, let me introduce you guys,” and he calls over the rest of the team for a round of introductions, ending with Oikawa, who waves at you from across the court before calling everyone to start warm-up.
Throughout the game you stay near the sideline, careful to keep away from the ball’s trajectory (you can’t afford another camera), snapping as many impactful shots as you could. You managed to get a few good shots of everyone, and some satisfactory shots of Iwaizumi.
It comes to a close with him scoring the winning spike and you rush to get every possible second of it. As you watch the team celebrate the point through the lens he suddenly looks straight at you, and flashes you the biggest grin you’ve ever seen him sport.
And it’s like the world goes silent and you’ve forgotten how to breathe. The only saving grace you have is your fingers instinctively pressing the trigger, cementing this moment in time.
You’re shocked out of your reverie by the shutter clicking and you hurriedly smile and flash him a thumbs up, hoping the warmth of your cheeks was unnoticeable from the distance.
As soon as he’s done with the after match meeting he rushes over to you, followed by a couple of teammates who were interested in the photos.
“You alright?”
“More than alright! This was my first time watching volleyball and so close to boot! You were amazing! Spectacular! Especially that last point! I got some good shots of it! Wanna see?”
In your excited rambling you failed to notice the faint pinkness of his face, thrusting your camera towards him.
Soon a little group had gathered around you, jostling to get a better view of the shots you took. Scrolling through one by one each shot was met by rambunctious comments as they marvel at how they match looked through a camera. Nearing the end of your roll, Matsukawa makes a comment.
“Why are so many of these photos of Iwaizumi though?” his eyes hold a teasing glint that looks out of place with his mouth still in a fine line. (You choose to ignore the concealed assumption for the sake of your heart.)
Your mouth forms an O, looking straight at the person in question, “Did you not tell them?”
He avoids your gaze, “I didn’t, only said that you were our photographer for this match,” he scratches his neck.
You let out a mirthful laugh at his embarrassment, eyes twinkling, “To answer, the only reason I’m being your photographer is cause Iwaizumi agreed to be my model for school, and I’m doing it as thanks,”
"If you need a model, wouldn't someone like me be better?" Oikawa flashes you a cheeky smile.
You cock your head, appraising Oikawa. He preens under your stare.
"It wouldn't work for this project,” shaking your head slightly, “you know your own attractiveness, and have made it a part of your identity. On the other hand, Iwaizumi has confidence that solely stems from other aspects of his life, this causes him to radiate a kind of rugged charm that just pulls people to him. Like some kind of reliable pillar, it makes you want to depend on him. That kind of energy was exactly what I was looking for!" you beam.
The boys blink, clearly surprised at your answer. Oikawa is the first to break the silence, laughing.
"Wow, Iwa! I didn't know you had such amazing energy! Wonder if you would share any of that with me someday!" he pats him on the back harder than necessary. Iwaizumis’ face burns as he glares at his best friend, daring him to say another word.
At Iwaizumi's less than stellar response, you start to worry you’ve said something wrong, "Oh, uh, I didn't mean to imply you weren't attractive! In fact I think you're probably one of the most attractive people I know, uh and I didn't mean to call you a pillar! It's just a phrase!" you slap a hand across your mouth, eyes going wide. A pillar? Seriously? God, could this get any worse?
“Let me walk you out,” Iwaizumi grits out as his friends laugh.
Newsflash, it can.
You withdrew into yourself, resigned to just let him push you out. The walk to the gym entrance is silent.
Just as you were about to split, he speaks.
“Sorry...about them,”
You look back, surprised. “Uh…?”
He gives you an embarrassed smile, “They can be a bit much, but they mean no harm.”
Oh. It still takes you a second to realise that his earlier irritation was not directed at you, and you mentally sigh in relief. “It’s cool, they were nice,” you smile.
“You looked really uncomfortable in there,”
“Ah,” you rub your neck. “I’m just... not the best around big groups,”
The two of you shift awkwardly.
“I’ll be going now,” you make to leave, “Thanks again,”
“No problem.” He laughs, ”Think you gave me too much praise back there,”
“Nah, just cause you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there,”
The huge smile that accompanied your words causes his heart to skip a beat.
“See you around,” you give a little wave.
“Uh-yea, see ya.”
He watches you walk away, heart threatening to jump right out his chest. Before he can even begin to contemplate what just happened, an all too annoying voice interrupts him.
“You’re into her.”
“Am not.” He huffs toward the brunet.
Oikawa just laughs, “She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s into you too.”
“Keep talking and I’ll kick your ass.”
The taller boy skirts away, giggling. He doesn’t miss the way Iwaizumi’s cheeks pink.
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Your fourth meeting was Iwaizumi’s’ prayers answered.
After the match, the two of you don’t cross paths much, opting instead for online communication.
Due to both of you being terrible texters, the text conversation never goes too in-depth. Mostly keeping to studies, interests and random topics. It’s only when one of you calls the other, that the conversation intensifies, lasting several hours.
After one such call, Oikawa groans from the doorway. Iwaizumi instantly springs up from his bed.
“Why don’t the two of you get together already,” he drags out the last word.
“Why are you in my room.”
“It’s 1am, you’re messing up my beauty sleep.”
“You were eavesdropping,” he squints, tone accusing.
“The walls are thin! It’s hard not to,” Oikawa defends himself, “besides, you laugh like a goddamn horse.”
At Iwaizumi’s glare, he backtracks, hands raised defensively, “I’m kidding! Kidding! Goodnight Iwa,”
“Close the damn door!”
He sighs, finally alone and wonders how is he going to ask you out for a meal. (Just to hang out, definitely not a date)
When you text him again.
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Damn, this is as close as he’ll come to believing in higher power.
The next week, he rushes down to the gallery after his evening class. He makes it with half an hour to spare.
Looking around, he quickly spots some familiar portraits and makes his way over. He sees you engaged in conversation, and he likes to think that the way your face lit up upon eye contact has something to do with him.
You cut the conversation and step towards him.
“You made it!”
He lets out a chuckle, “Course I would, sorry I’m late, class got dragged,”
“No, no, glad you’re even here,” you wave your hand flippantly, drawing his eyes to the rest of your body, where you had worn a simple cocktail dress that fit you well.
He takes in a sharp breath, “You look great,” slips out.
“Oh, um, thank you, you don’t look too shabby yourself,” your smile takes on a bashful shade and he looks around at the other patrons, grimacing.
“Bullshit, I didn’t know it was such a formal event, otherwise I would have dressed better,”
Your eyes quickly scanned his outfit, dark wash jeans paired with a white tee and bomber jacket, “You look fine,” leaning in, you stage-whisper, “If you ask me, you look a lot more put together than most of the people I’ve seen today.”
“Earlier on someone even came in piss-drunk,” you laugh.
“No way, midday?”
“Yes! Security had to escort them out, total mess. It was entertaining though,” you gently guide him towards your portion of the exhibition.
5 portraits titled Magnetism hung neatly on a wall. Two of them of him, he notes.
“It’s just a student exhibition, so it’s not much,” you explain, chuckling.
He frowns, “Don’t downplay your skills, you worked hard and got selected right? That counts for something,”
Your face goes slack for a moment before morphing into a soft smile, “Thank you, I do have a bad habit of that.”
He feels a warmth creep up his neck, shitshitshit, that’s not good for my heart, quick-
“So what’s the inspiration behind your portraits?” He shifts his attention towards the exhibition (ie. away from your warm eyes)
This easily distracts you and you go into an excited monologue about your motivations and what you were trying to convey through the atmosphere, lighting and editing. He only manages to keep up with half of it (it has nothing to do with how cute you looked animatedly waving your hands around).
You move on to explain each photo and how they embodied a different aspect of Magnetism that you wanted to convey to the viewer, ending with the photo you took of him the day you met.
“Fun fact: this is my second favourite photo of you,” you grin cheekily.
He plays along, “Why so?”
“Caaaaause it led to us meeting!” Your playful demeanour shoots an arrow straight to his heart.
Now grinning, he continues the banter, “And is the other photo your favourite?”
“Nope! That’s the third, because it shows everyone’s trust in you,”
He’s a little intrigued now, “Then which is the first?”
“Thaaaat’s a secret!” You wink, cheeks flushed.
Andddddd there goes his heart.
He’s forced to come to terms with the fact that his infatuation with you has turned into a full blown, rock to the face, crush. And all in the span of a second.
He flushes, “Well, maybe another day then,” and turns back to the photos.
“None of these people are facing the camera. Why is that,”
“I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me that all day!” And you go into another spiel. He realises just how much he enjoys listening to you speak about your passions.
Soon the curator announces the closing of the gallery and the two of you make your way out. You make an offhand remark about still needing to cook. He immediately suggests grabbing a bite together and you are just as quick to agree.
After enjoying a wonderful dinner at a local restaurant, you stop him just as he tries to get away with paying the bill.
“Hey! I’ll pay half, let me see the receipt,” you reach for the check, only to have it pulled out of your grasp.
“Nah, my treat,” he continues to wave the check out of your reach. This goes on for a little while before you cry out in annoyance.
“Oh come on, you don’t have to, this isn’t a date or anything,” and he freezes at your words.
He’s caught off guard by how much he wishes it was, if only the little words would dislodge themselves from his throat and let him ask you out.
With him distracted you lunge for the check and succeed, happily scanning through and making calculations. Once done you hand it back to him and promptly transfer the money.
You leave the restaurant in high spirits while Iwaizumi feels kind of feels defeated. He still offers to walk you back to your dorm, which you agree to after minimal convincing.
The walk back is filled with conversation that flows naturally between the two of you, making up for your horrendous texting game. It’s something he finds he doesn’t mind, as long as he knows you actually like talking to him, he’s fine with waiting hours for a reply.
“So, this is me,” you come to a stop in front of an old building. It’s not far from his apartment, he makes a mental note.
“This is you,” he cringes inwardly.
Thankfully, you just laugh, “Thanks for coming to the exhibition and spending time with me, I really enjoyed that…uh...”
His lips turn up, teasing, “Not-date?”
You flush, “Yea, that not-date,”
Both of you stand in comfortable silence, unwilling to part. He knows how stupid this is, two idiots just skirting around a relationship, but he doesn’t know what he should do. Sometimes he wishes he was a teensy bit more like Oikawa, but the thought is vanquished before it could even begin to take root.
“So,” you break the silence, “see you around?”
He lets out a breath and nods, “Yea, definitely,” and you wave.
He waits until you’re safely in the building before making his way back, sighing way too much for someone in college.
He spends the walk thinking about how much he enjoyed that “not-date”, and hopes soon he could enjoy an actual date with you.
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Your fifth meeting was the end of Iwaizumi’s patience.
It’s been weeks since he’d realised his feelings for you. And he knows you feel the same way towards him too. You’re not subtle.
You are, however, extremely oblivious and respectful. Ever since he had mentioned early on in the friendship that he wasn’t looking for anything relationship-wise, you had dutifully dodged every single one of his advances. At this rate, your non-existent relationship was on the road to nowhere.
He’s sick of it, and at his wits end.
He finds Makki and Mattsun lounging in the living room.
“Hey, uh,” both heads turn his way. “I need some advice.”
“Well, my friend,” Makki moves, patting the newly vacated seat next to him, “you’ve come to the right place,”
As the couch dips under him, he takes a moment to register that Yes, he is really doing this, before he launches into detail about his feelings, frustration with the state of things and asks for help.
"Simply put,” Makki interjects, “you want to do the do, want to pound that duck, want to woohoo her-"
"What the fuck is a woohoo," Iwaizumi cuts him off sharply.
Mattsun's jaw drops. Makki gasps in delight, clapping his hands together, "A woohoo is when two sims who love each other very much-"
"Oh my god," he sinks his head into his hands, "you're referencing the sims, to talk about sex."
Oikawa sticks his head through the door, "Who's trying to woohoo who?"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Iwaizumi screams.
Oikawa dramatically places a hand on his heart and almost looks hurt before realisation dawns. “This is about little miss photographer, isn’t it?” He smirks when Mattsun wiggles his brows suggestively as a response.
Iwaizumi lets out a heavy sigh, resigned, "Yes, it's about her. Also, no," he looks to the strawberry blond, "I don't just want to have sex with her."
"So you do want to bang her," he could feel the smugness emanating from all three of them. The vein on his forehead threatens to pop. He passes a hand over his face, wondering if an aspirin could save him now.
"Just... just help me think of a way to ask her out,"
"Why don't you just ask her straight out? Always works," Oikawa supplied.
Iwa groans, “If I ask her out normally she’ll think its just as friends,”
A pause.
"Also I want it to be special, like a cute story for the future, you know?" he admits. Makki coos.
Silence falls as they brainstorm.
After some time Matsukawa pipes up, "I... might have an idea,"
All heads swivel towards him.
"She's a photographer, right?"
"Iwaizumi! Over here!" you excitedly wave him over.
"Thanks for willingly being my model again," you grinned, "somehow that physique of yours seems to get me better critiques. ...Wait a minute, does my tutor have a crush on you?" he sighed when you seriously pondered that thought for a moment.
You give him a brief rundown of your assignment and what you needed him to do. It was rather simple this time as the focus was more on lighting, you just needed him to walk casually and look at the camera every once in a while.
After the first couple of shots you see him reach into his pocket and pull out some sort of... banner? Your brows furrow as you continue snapping shots. Only when he fully unfurls it do you cease movement, letting your camera slip out of your hands entirely.
Thankfully, your camera strap works perfectly and the weight of it dropping against your neck brings you back to life, snapping your mouth shut.
Iwaizumi Hajime stands five feet away from you, holding up a small banner that reads “Please go on an actual date with me.”
“I- You- what….?” Is the best you come up with.
He grins, “It reads, I really like you, please go out with me,”
“You like…?” Seems like you’re full on malfunctioning now, and about to overheat too.
“I like you, have been liking you for a while now,” he rubs his neck nervously, “so, what’s your answer?”
You nod frantically, no longer trusting your mouth. His grin stretches impossibly wide.
You’ve always known you were a bumbling idiot and a mess. But now looking at his laughing face backlit by the setting sun, you can’t help thinking that maybe being an idiot wasn’t all that bad.
The shutter clicks.
This might just be your favourite photo yet.
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(Matsukawa is later asked how he knew you would like such a gesture. “Judging from the way you spoke of her, I figured she was into sappy shit, and that you probably was into it too.” He gets headlocked for a full five minutes.)
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Mellilla || Owen P. Joyner
Chapter three~ is it a date?
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"We'll end up late, come on Val," Dahlia knocked on the bathroom door. Valerie grabs as she exits the bathroom.
"Finally," Dahlia remarks and grabs her bag.
The girls arrived just in time at the gym.
"See you later and good luck," she gave Dahlia a hug and kissed her cheek.
"Love you," the brunette shouts as she enters the gym.
All the girls on the team were ready and waiting for Dahlia as she changes into her knee guard and trainers.
"Okay girls. This is the last game before the state championship tournament next month. We're already qualified but don't take this easy, yeah? We still wanna be leader of the league right?" The girls nod in unison.
"Great so give everything." Everybody put their hand in the middle as they screamed their slogan.
When the team made a short break, until the last ten minutes before the game started. Dahlias graze wandered through the crowd on the stand. Her eyes stopped as she recognized a golden haired boy in the middle of it. His blue eyes, she thought they'd be blue, already glued on her and he began to smile as he saw her sweaty face.
"Why are you staring at Joyner?" Amber interrupted their graze.
"I am not," she shrugged her shoulders and walked away from her not wanting to hold this conversation with her.
It was obvious that Amber had the biggest crush on the boy since they began their freshman year.
"Wait I wanna know," she ran after the brunette.
"He's all yours," she gestures with her hand to go on.
"I know, I know but he's looking at you and not me," she humps.
"Well I can't control his eyes, Amber," Dahlia exclaims, finally leaving her behind.
The game came to a happy end for Dahlia's team and they were making their way into the locker room. A hand grabbing her arm making her stop, she turned around and now she can definitely say that there are blue eyes looking at her.
"Can I help you?" Her eyebrows knitted.
"I.. maybe you wanna grab some food when you're finished," he suggests.
"Ye.. yeah why not. In twenty minutes at the front?" He nodded and went to the door.
Dahlia finished up a few minutes early. Her hair still wet but she didn't want to dry it.
"You're already here," Owen remarks.
"Yeah. Hopefully you don't mind my hair or my outfit," she points up to her ponytail and then down to her leggings and her long sleeve shirt.
"No. No it's alright," he insists. Owen began to lead the way to his car.
He opens the door for her and she hoped in mumbling a small thanks.
"Can I ask you something?" Dahlia turns in her seat.
"You already did but yeah go on," he watches her out of his periphery.
"Why me?" Her graze fell down to her lap where her hands were fiddling with the fabric of her shirt.
"I..I really don't know. We've great conversations and I mean you're the only one that doesn't bother me during rehearsal or any other period of school. You're also not talking about me or my acting."
"Nothing you'd know about," she mutters.
"What," he faces her a millisecond and then back to the street.
"Nothing. Go on," she insists.
"It's like all this doesn't matter to you. That I was away filming the whole summer."
"Which was three years ago and I was still in middle school," she explains.
"Why are you in the senior band?"
"Mr. Trent wanted me to"
"He'd all reasons to," he compliments and she feels her palm beginning to sweat.
"Well thank you, Owen," her cheeks turned pink which caused him to smirk. "But you're really good yourself, Mr Joyner," she teased pushing his shoulder slightly.
The teenager arrived at a diner which had a big neon sign on its exterior boomerang diner.
"I love this place," Dahlia remarks as he parked the car in the lot.
"Good choice," his eyes lit up as he looked at her excited frame.
He walked to her door and opened it, she mumbles a thank you and took his hand as he helped her exit the car.
They entered the diner and the smell of bacon, Pancakes and marble hit their nose.
"I reserved a table," he walked over to the waitress and implies with with two finger the number.
"Yeah, follow me," the two were glued to her heels as they step to the table.
The teenager thanked her as she walked away.
"Soo," Dahlia began, nervously fiddling with the hem of her sleeve.
"Soo," he mirrors her gesture. "I don't want to be inappropriate and pushy but can I.. can I maybe ask you something," his hand were on the table and played with the napkin holder.
"No. Go ahead."
"Do you and Hunt.."
"NO. No. I mean he's Val's brother and my sisters boyfriend. I wouldn't, no," she interrupted him.
"Good. Good," his tensed body eased a bit.
"Do you have a boyfriend right now?" She just shakes her head.
"That's great," he mutters.
"You're ready to order?" The waitress was back at their table.
"Can I get a grilled chicken salad and a chocolate shake please," Dahlia explains.
"For me please the bacon ranch burger, fries and a Pepsi please."
"Of course. This takes a moment," she left them.
"I took you here to eat some lunch and not only salad," he erupts in laughter which she joined.
"I'm just not hungry." Her phone began to ring. "Just a sec okay?" Her forehead creased and he simply nods. She walks out accepting the call.
"Val? What's wrong?"
"Maybe I'm at the gym right now but yore not there." Shit.
"I totally forgot to write you. We ended earlier and now.. well..," she stutters.
"Iamatthedinerwithowen," she adds in one breath.
"You what?" Her voice becoming louder.
"That's awesome. Have fun. Call me if I'd pick you up." Without another word she ended the call, leaving Dahlia speechless.
She decides to write Emma a quick text that she wouldn't made it tonight and then getting back inside.
"Well that was fast," he comments when Dahlia was seated again.
"Yeah we understand each other without much words," she chuckles shyly, tugging a strand behind her ear.
"Beautiful," he mutters under his breath.
"What?" She heard, she definitely heard what he'd said but she wants to hear him say it clearly.
"Nothing" his voice just above a whisper. He runs his hand through his hair, biting his bottom lip.
It was an understatement calling him cute, he was hot almost steamy.
"Yes?" Her head snapped up.
"Enjoy your meal," he beams towards her.
"You too," she radiates more power than the sun.
"So. How's your salad?" He swallows his bite.
"Really fresh and your burger?"
"You wanna try?" He raises it and hold it to her.
"Well yeah." She bit a tiny piece off. She chew it and swallowed before humming.
"Relly great, a bit greasy, but delicious," she states.
"Wait you got something on your," he gestures on his cheek but she wipes with her index on the point he implied.
"No. Let ne help you," he grabs a tissue and wipes the ranch dressing off of her cheek, they began to flush.
"Thanks," she whispers, a shy smile on her lips. A smirk creeping on his lips.
"So Lia, can I call you that?" She nodds.
"When and where was the first time you had you first date?"
"I didn't have one yet," she shruggs her shoulder.
"You don't think this is one?"
"Well, I don't know. Is it?" She requests.
"If you want to," his eyes observing her features, her small scare on her cheek moves lightly when she smiles. He thinks it cute, she's cute.
"Where do you got this from?" His index fell on the scar.
"That's a fun story, actually. I was in the garden and we have a sandbox. My brother, my sister and myself played in there, a lot, and one time my brother peed in there while we were sitting in it and we laughed so hard. My sister had the shovel in her hand, sways it frantic," she stopped due to her laughter.
"And she hit it right there and I cried cause of the laugher and the pain," he joined her.
"That sounds painful," Owen states.
"It was. It really was but in that moment it didn't hurt, you know what I mean?"
"I totally do!"
"When did you start to play the drums?"
"I wished one for my seventh birthday. At first I didn't started to play but someday I did and I'm glad I did," he winked at the brunette in front of him.
"Yeah kinda," she rolled her eyes.
"You like it," she stole one of his fries and shoved it into her mouth.
"Hey," he grabs her hand pulling it close to his face, taking the last bite.
"You're rude,"
"I am? Who stole the fries?" He rose an eyebrow and she nodds.
His graze wanders through the diner falling on a karaoke machine.
"No no no," her view laid on the item he observed.
"Come on, one song,"
"What's my profit of it."
"A great performance with me," he laid his head into his palms, his elbow resting on the table.
"Well, okay let's do it," he stands up, reaching for her hand and pulling her towards the machine.
"Okay so we've Something just like this; Don't stop me now; Shape of you; Time after time; Closer; Fireflies. What do you wanna sing?" He turns around to her.
"Time after time?" It was more like a question itself.
"Sounds good."
He pressed the song and it was his turn to start.
Lyin' in my bed I hear the clock tick
And think of you
Caught up in circles confusion
Is nothing new
Flashback warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcase of memories
Time after
He grabs Dahlia's hand spinning her under his arm.
When the refrain came the teenager sung together.
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting
Time after time
Now it was Dahlia's time to sing alone, her hands began to shake and he squeezed it lightly, still holding it.
After my picture fades and darkness
Has turned to gray
Watching through windows
You're wondering if I'm okay
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting
Time after time
You said go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds
They stood close together, swaying from foot on the other. Owen takes her microphone, lowering his head to sing the last strophe with her.
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
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honeyimthedevil · 4 years
I got inspired by @starker-sorbet 's moodboard
And I love mermaids. I couldn't not do this.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Tony Stark
Word count: 1,8K
Tony doesn't know what made him go down to the beach that day. But he was glad he did. As he was walking down the sand he saw something. And the person he is he went to investigate. He, for sure, didn't expected to find that. So beautiful, half in the ocean, half laying on the sand. Tony went closer and touched it softly. He didn't receive a reaction.
"What are you?" Tony muttered under his breath, "you look like a mermaid. But what are you doing here? What should I do?"
The man stood there for a while, thinking. Should he leave it here? Should he take it to the house and put it in the pool so he can get some information? But the mermaid didn't look good. It might've been injured.
He took his final decision and walked closer. He picked it up carefully and walked back to the mansion. Where should he put it? He only wanted to help but it'll probably be scared when it wake up. Tony stopped for a moment considering his next move again. He can leave it here and still help it. But if he brings it to the house he can have a closer look and be able to be more helpful. He continued walking. The door automatically opening as he approached it, he walked in the mansion. That was the moment he appreciated his enormously big bathtub. He set the mermaid in it and turned on the water. He made sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold and walked out of the bathroom to do some research. He needed to know more about the mermaid kind.
An hour later he went back to his bathroom to turn off the water. He looked over the mermaid after he stopped the water. It was beautiful. The tale was a beautiful orange with light blue and some white here and there. It's skin was slightly pink from being under the sun for god knows how long. And on top of it's head was a mop of curls for a hair. Tony took one last look and walked out. Just as he was nearing the living room he heard a scream. He ran back to the bathroom and looked at the tub. The mermaid has curled in itself at the side.
"Hey," Tony said in gentle voice, "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Do you understand me?" The mermaid nodded, "My name is Tony Stark. Can I know yours?"
The man barely heard the faint, "Peter" that left the mermaid's lips.
"It's really nice to meet you Peter. Please correct me if I'm assuming wrong, but you're male, right?" The small nod answered his question.
Tony nodded back at him and gave him a small smile.
"How did you ended on the beach, Peter?"
"I got caught in a fishman's fishnet. I passed out. And then I woke up here" the merman explained.
"Are you feeling well? Do you need something?"
"My tail hurts, where it was caught in the fishing net. And I'm kind of hungry"
"Is there anything to help your tail?" Tony asked.
"I just won't move it for awhile. I'll be alright"
"Okay. Um, what do you wanna eat?"
"Do you have tuna?"
"Yes, I do. I'll bring you a can"
Tony went to the pantry and took a can of tuna. He opened it and walked back to Peter.
"Here you go" Tony handed him the can. He was now laying near the edge, tail expanded across the tub.
"What's that?" Peter looked up at Tony.
"It's tuna. It's not the best you can find but that's what I have now"
Peter smelled it and digged his fingers in the can, bringing them to his mouth and trying the fish. He chewed it and then looked back up at Tony with big eyes.
"It's good!" He exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it. I'll be back in a sec. You can finish it"
Tony walked out of the bathroom and was in his room. He changed out of his swim shorts to a normal pair of shorts and took of his sweaty shirt, not putting on another one. It was hot. He made himself a quick sandwich and walked back to Peter. The can was laying empty on the floor and the merman was looking at himself in the mirror across the room.
"Hey" Tony said and took a bite from his sandwich.
"That's me!" He pointed at his reflections.
"Yes, that's you. By the way, I like your tail. It's very pretty"
"Thanks! You can touch it if you want to" Peter said.
Tony leaned forwards, his hand sinking in the water. He touched the little scales and ran his fingers over them.
"Thank you for letting me touch your tail"
"No problem!" Peter beamed.
"You seem happy now. Does that mean you're not scared of me?"
"I'm not scared of you. You're a very nice human!"
"Thanks. Do you want me to move you to the pool? It's bigger"
"I like it here for now. You're gonna let me back in the ocean, right?" Peter asked.
"Of course I will. I just wanna make sure you're all right"
They fell in comfortable silence. Tony was sitting on the floor, his hands floating through the water, making little waves.
"I have a question" he suddenly blurted out.
"So, we have this thing where we all agreed that when mermaids dry out they get legs. Is it true?"
"Technically, yes. But I haven't tried it before"
"Okay. But, have you considered doing it?"
"A few times, yes"
"Tony, are you here?" A new voice asked.
"I'll be back in a sec, Pete"
Tony walked in the hall and closed the door to his bedroom.
"Hey Pep. I didn't expected you today"
"I wasn't supposed to be here. There are some changes in your scedual and I know that you won't open an e-mail that sais, 'new scedual', that's why I came here to give it to you in person"
"You know me so well, Pep. Um, can you leave it in the living room. I have something to do. I'll look at it later"
"What are you up to, Tony?" The woman asked, suspiciously.
"It's nothing you should worry about. It's nothing bad, I promise"
"Okay. I'm gonna be going now. Bye, Tony. Don't do anything stupid"
"I won't, Pep, don't worry. Bye"
The man watched as she walked away. He went back to Peter.
"Do you wanna do something?" Tony asked as he entered the room.
"What can we do?"
"I can ask FRIDAY to project a movie"
"A movie? We can do that"
"Would you mind if I join you in the tub?"
"No, it's your... tub"
"Cool. Let me change out of those" he pointed at his shorts.
A minute later Tony was back in his swim trucks. He got in the tub and layed next to Peter.
"What muvei are we gonna watch?"
"It's called movie," Tony chuckled, "and I was thinking about watching 'Bambi'. I think you'll like it"
"Okay! Let's watch this Bambi"
"Baby girl, can you project it on the wall?" Peter looked around confused.
"Of course, boss" the AI responded.
"Wow! I didn't know you humans have this kind of things!"
"We humans don't have this kind of things. Only I have it. I made her myself"
"You must be smart!"
"One of the smartest"
The movie appeared on the light tales and the scenes started rolling. Peter moved closer to Tony and laid his head on the man's shoulder. Tony wrapped his arm around the merman. When the movie was over the man looked at Peter. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady.
"FRIDAY, what am I supposed to do?" Tony asked with a low voice.
"There's nothing about what you should do with a sleeping merman in the internet, sir"
"I'm gonna take him to the guest room" Tony muttered to himself. He got out of the tub and got Peter in his arms. He walked to the bedroom next to his and put the merman on the bed, covering him with a blanket.
"Have sweet dreams, Pete"
Tony dried himself off and climbed in bed completely naked.
The man was awaken early in the morning by FRIDAY.
"Sir, Peter seems to by trying to walk by himself and not being able to"
Tony quickly put on a pair of underwear and ran to the room next to him. He found the merman now with legs on the floor, naked. Tony crunched down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Pete, do you need help?"
"Yes, please"
"Do you want me to pick you up or help you walk?"
"Pick me up"
Tony got him in his hands and stood up. He walked to the living room and set him down on the couch.
"I'm gonna get you some clothes" he walked back to his room and took a T-shirt and briefs. When he got back to the living room Peter was sitting, looking around.
"This place is very nice"
"Thank you. Here, you can put this on"
Peter took the clothes from Tony and observed them. He slipped his legs in the briefs and pulled them up. He looked at the shirt and tried to put it on but ended up with his head in the sleeve. Tony chuckled at him but went to help him.
"Why didn't you leave me in the tub last night?" Peter asked once he got the shirt on himself the right way.
"I didn't know if you would drown if I leave you underwater and I didn't know what to do"
"It's okay" he lifted one of his leg in the air then the other.
"Do you wanna try to walk?" Tony asked.
"Yes, but I'm scared"
"I'm gonna hold you"
The man walked to Peter and helped him get to his feet. He made one, two, three steps.
"Look, you can do it!" Tony encouraged.
"Please don't let me go"
"I won't, Pete"
They walked around the living room, went to the kitchen and back to the living room.
"Do you wanna try by yourself?" Tony asked.
"O- okay. Will you catch me?"
"Of course"
Tony took his hands from Peter and walked in front of him. The merman took a step forwards and didn't fall. He smiled up at Tony and took another one. On the third step Peter stumbled over his feet and fell in Tony's arms, their lips crashing together. Tony pulled away and gazed in Peter's eyes, the merman looking back at him. The man leaned back in, capturing Peter's lips in a sweet kiss, the other kissing him back with the same passion.
"I might stay for longer that I expected" Peter said when they broke the kiss, his hands on Tony's shoulders.
"I won't mind" the man breathed out and leaned in again.
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babypinkstyles94 · 6 years
Sunshine, Sex, Summer
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When you and Jim had first bought this house you were a bit hesitant about the pool that came with it. Pools were a lot of work and Jim was almost always on the beach surfing and you had no idea how to to check the chlorine levels. But on days like today when it's 90 plus degrees outside and Jim was to stubborn to drive down to the beach, you were glad he convinced you on it.  
It was about 1 in the afternoon and Jim had just gotten back from picking up pizza for lunch. You were making some drinks and trying to find the stereo to listen to music. " What a nice view to come home to..." You were bending down wearing your bathing suit, looking for the cup sleeves. "Shut up you pervert." He laughed and gave your butt a small smack as he set the pizza boxes down. Finally finding the sleeves, you put them on the counter and leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips.  
"Thank you for getting the pizza baby!" You whispered and he ran his fingers through your hair, kissing the side of your neck. "Mmm sure thing baby...did you figure out the speakers yet?" Pulling back you nodded and grabbed the two drinks to take outside where some music was already playing and the hot tub was bubbling.   There were some floaty's already blown up and sitting on the water, a shark, a donut, and an ice cream sandwich. Jim had been very excited when you had come home with them from target one afternoon. He'd set the pizza boxes on the table that was just high enough so your two dogs couldn't reach.  
You were currently sitting on the edge on the chair and rubbing in sunscreen to Jim's body, his back much more muscular since he’d gotten back to surfing. You took notice at how much his shoulders had widened out and the faint scratch marks that were still there from the other night. "Sorry about the scratches..." You said and he shrugged. " it’s fine babe, I don't mind them at all."
Jim was the first to be in the pool, you had decided to munch on some pizza and get some sun before getting in. Your legs dangling into the pool while you laid back. "Jimmy just a few more minutes please!" You whined as you felt his hands creep up your thighs and grip onto your waist. "Come on baby, been sitting here forever you know what it's like just watching you in this swim suit?"  
He'd lifted his sunglasses of his face and into his wavy hair so he could get a better look at you. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck, sliding into the pool and his arms. "Oh..." There was a distinct bulge pressing to the inside of your thigh. "See what you do to me? Almost came when I walked in on you bending over." He said and leaned in to kiss you, the sun seeming to not be the source of your hotness anymore.  His hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you in closer to his body, his bulge brushing closer against you.
The kiss was turning desperate and you blindly reached up to pull his sunglasses away for your fingers to grip into his hair. His tongue slipped into your mouth and there was a moan that left his throat when you brushed his bulge. "Look so sexy..." He breathed when he pulled away from the kiss.   A gasp left your lips when his fingers slipped past your bottoms and you felt him stroke over your clit a few times before one finger found its way past your folds and inside of you. "Jimmy!" Their was a smirk that snuck onto his lips and he leaned back in to capture your mouth. "So wet love...can feel you even in the water."  
There was no stopping the moans coming from you, the feeling of his fingers on you and his lips sucking onto your neck was getting to be to much. "J-Jim I can't...I don't wanna...oh god!" He took that as his sign to stop because you were getting close and the two of you needed him to be inside of you right now. "Hot tub..." Was all he muttered before getting out of the pool, you hot on his heels.  
The moment he sat down, his fingers worked to get your bathing suit off. His eyes locking onto your breasts as they came into full view, and he leaned down to suck onto your nipples. Your fingers ranked through his hair and pulled hopefully not to hard but if Jim was bothered by it he wasn't showing it. You began rocking on his bulge and his hand creeped back down to your center.   "N-need to be inside you...fuck baby!"   It took milliseconds for Jim to take his bathing suit off and position himself at your entrance. You were holding your breath and your hands were settled on his shoulders. Finally sinking down on top of him, taking him all the way in and digging your nails into his shoulders. "Ughhh yes..." He growled and smashed his lips onto yours.  
You began rocking back and fourth on him and Jim let his hips flex up right as you rocked forward. His arms wound around you again and his lips dropped to your neck, biting and sucking as he thrust up into you. "Feel so tight baby girl... 'S like I'm fuckin you for the first time no matter how much I do."    
It was all starting to get to be to much, the sun beating down on the two of you and the warm water still beating around. His thumb was working your clit and you buried your lips onto his neck. Kissing and sucking along his jaw and the spot where it connects to his neck just behind his ear. It drove him up the wall and you were rewarded with a deep groan in your own ear. "Fuck baby 'm not gonna last long you feel so bloody good."   "James...I'm gonna- fuck I can't..."   Your orgasm had completely crept up on you and the coil in your belly was unraveling from you very fast.
You clenched around Jim's cock and pulled at the hair on the back of his neck, surely leaving marks. A small scream left you as he thrust up into you and the coil snapped. You were shaking and could feel him deep inside of you as he kept thrusting up into while you were releasing.   "Holy FUCK!"   Jim leaned his head back and groaned, a smile spreading onto his lips. You captured them for another kiss but he pulled away to lay his head onto your chest. "Come on baby...let it go I've got you." Puffs of his breath were felt on your breast as he was close to coming undone himself.
"That's it James...cum for me yeah? Fill me up please baby? I want it...I want you to cum for me...hmm yes baby please."   His thrusts stilled and his grip on your waist tightened up. You could have sworn that his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let out a very loud moan of your name and a simple, "oh fuck me!" as he spurt himself inside of you. "You okay babe?" You asked when he finished and his forehead was still resting on your chest.
"Just gimme a sec yeah? I'm a bit fucked." He breathed out and you both giggled at his statement. "Guess we should use the pool more often then." You said and smoothed his forehead lines away when he finally looked up at you, placing a small kiss between his eyes.  "If I get to fuck you like that every time hell yeah we'll be using this thing more often." Now you were defiantly glad Jim had convinced you to buy this pool.
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deuce-duce · 4 years
Back Story
So if you have been following along then I have previously mentioned my stint in jail for a dui and what was going on... let me add i was on the medication the entire time while in custody that the doctors prescribed to keep me from essentially dealing with what we all know i deal with... not anything I seek out on my own accord but literally something I deal with.. i had an inpatient stay before turning myself in. Once again giving everyone a clean slate! While there i met a woman that i fooled around with that was married. When she left we exchanged info.
when i got out of jail i stayed in an air bnb and since i was concerned about not dealing with what I had dealt with in jail i got addicted to meth for about 2 weeks. I got the meth from the woman and her husband that I met in the psych hospital. They had expressed to me that they liked having threesomes primarily with other men. Her husband expressed how much he like to give head so on and so fourth. I explained to them my situation and how I needed to experience a either bi or gay experience in a conscious state. Since the wife told her husband about our behavior in the psych ward a bi experience it was going to be. One night after getting high I experimented... unnerving to say the least I was asked if the husband could give me head... i agreed but at no point did I ever get hard. The whole time I was getting felatio I was knee deep in trying to get his wife involved but she just wasn't into it. After about an hour the husband said all the times i have done this I have never gotten anyone to cum... so i started fingering and eating out his wife while he blew away. About ten minutes later I finally came. Still never got hard but that doesn't necessarily mean that constant stimulation won't make you cum, especially when. You neck deep in some vagina! After that i stopped doing meth and nothing happened for a while.
This didnt stop the constant surveillance... and the Truman show ensued. it wasnt until i met a woman on pof and asked her if she knew who I was because everyone lies to me about it that she said yes it made me livid! Ill post the the screens hot at the bottom. And i started flipping shit about wanting anonymity and a clean slate like I had given to everyone so many times before... this caused for everything to start all over again... but 10 times worse at this point. Which is why i went on a bail Mary of a mission to get the fuck out! I'm sorry but I really dont know what I did to be everybodys form of entertainment. im glad you enjoy yourselves carry on...
Today I asked for some help... it will probably end up being something I regret, just like it's always been but like my momma always said... life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what gon get!!
I dont know if i have mentioned this before but it occurred to me today while presenting a condensed version of my story. When I consider whats occurred and the usual reason people bulky others... its usually because the bullying party is jealous of the individual that they are bullying... what is it that makes you jealous of who I am...? I mean cmon...! From your point of view I fucking suck and I'm stupid so whats the deal!! But on a previous stint in jail when I got in trouble for my fight or flight night i explained to you previously, i received a letter for my brother saying oh i miss you so much blah di blah blah! But one thing that still is concrete in my mind is his reference to how everything literally everything has been taken from me and it still hasn't changed who I was!! Idk what you think but if what im telling you is true remember that essentially is up to you... but that mother fucker is amazing!
When i mention the basis of jealousy i had never heard from my brothers mouth such words until one specific occasion. I was being careless one night. My brother was a painter and had paint buckets around the house. When i was walking into my room one night I tipped one over and spilled exterior house paint all over the carpet. I knew I was in it at that point. Immediately I was like oh shit! Bro I'm sorry man what should I do?? He was like WTF! Im sorry bro what should I do?? He's like idk its in the fucking carpet!! I was like shit your right... i thought for a second, then was like do you have a shop vac??!! Yea...?? He said!? Ok one sec, go grab it, I said. He went to grab the vacuum. And i went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of 💧. When we both got back to the spill he was like what are you going to do...?? I took the water, poured it over the paint and then vacuumed it up. After a few pours and a couple vroom vrooms the paint was gone! As my brother walked away he said quietly, thats why I'm jealous of you...
although i understood what he meant, it really disappointed me. I dont want anyone to be jealous of me! It fucking sucks! I cant help it that what I have been through has shaped my mind the way it has and geared my thought process differently. What kills me the most is that he's the one thats caused my different mindset, yet causes people to resent me... do you know how messed up that is??!! Although I had been told by my mom on countless occasions that my brother did what he did to only because he was jealous of me. It wasnt until that moment that I had heard it from his lips. I hate that people feel the need to implement destruction and chaos into my life simply because they are jealous of who and what i am... is it sad...?? Yes do i understand the answer is also yes.. it just fucking sucks! Why can't there be some kind of middle ground where brilliant minds from both sides work together to make the world a better place!?
Another controversial subject is whether or not a human is born innately good or innately evil...?! I really couldnt tell you all I can say is that I have been told since I was young that I was special. My grandma would tell my mom along with others I was always the head of my class and social group until I moved away from my hometown. When I think back knowing what I know now about different personality types and peoples mental capacities that they are born with one be sociopaths. Id have to say people born that way definitely aren't heading down a path of philanthropy if you catch my drift... now no matter what someones mental condition is, that doesn't stop them from being extremely intelligent! Now my parents had four kids two daughters one from each of their previous relationships but when my parents met eachother they had two boys 18 months apart. Both with an unexplainable grasp of life and an inconceivable amount of intelligence. Now although during my years as a teenager and into my twenties I didnt really do much with said intelligence other then try to be something I wasn't (drug dealing thug...), i knew there was an insurmountable amount of intelligence a lurking! One song i really shouldn't share with you because it speaks to me and my situation by 100%. I dont like sharing my favorite songs because they are part of my fabric and dont want them used against me. But one you should ✔ out, is Rose Golden, by Kid Cudi. With that ill end the evening have a good night.
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