#this one hurts so bad bc it was my first fandom that I really got into
densi-obsessed · 2 years
Honestly devastated by the news tonight I knew that the end was coming but just did not expect this. I know I’ve been a little inactive on this blog. I had some personal things go down but I’m gonna try to be more active again for the remainder of the show (and beyond just bc it’s ending doesn’t mean there’s still not fics to write 😉) Thanks to everyone who welcomed me to the fandom and for all the amazing fics and GIFs everyone made! I know nobody is planning on stopping anytime soon but I just wanted to show some gratitude bc I know this is tough news for all of us ❤️
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First, let me apologise for making people worry. I appreciate all those who reached out and I'm sorry that I couldn't get back to you all.
I have been through a very rough spiral. It was building for months, and I am still not fully okay.
For those who want context, it's under the cut.
I bought a house in May. It's expensive. I wasn't ready financially or in many ways for that step, but my partner convinced me. I told him as much but I was not heard. Alas, I have a mortgage, full time work, astudent loan, and an ongoing school program to contend with. It hasn't been easy and it caught up to me.
At the same time, a person who traumatised me and I have no way of fully extricating from my life, has moved closer. To keep the peace, I have to associate with him to a degree and he pretends that nothing ever happened. To him, it was nothing.
In June, I moved. It was hard and fast paced. I did most of the paperwork etc for the whole process and obv helped with the physical transition as well. I was responsible for deadlines and checklists for not just myself but my partner.
I was plugging holes in a sinking boat.
At the same time, I had obligations to my family. Every weekend if I wasn't dealing with the house and all that goes into it, I was running around to babysit or see family or whathave you.
In July, I pinched a nerve behind my tailbone. I missed a week of work bc my injury but it took longer for my to recover. I am still feeling it today. It was more than physical, but emotional.
I also got three periods that month. Hormonal can't begin to explain how fucked up I've been.
On top of all that, there are underlying issues associated with other trauma and discontent. I'm realising that I have been loyal and tolerant to the point of my own detriment.
I don't want to hurt people how I've been hurt, so I don't speak up. When people tell me something about myself, I let all the doubts planted in my mind from years of abuse convince me that they're right. I can admit my faults but often times I will think that proof of one flaw means everything about me is rotten.
People forget about me or just don't care. Both or either. They don't put the same effort in that I do. I find it hard to connect because years of disregard and neglect have told me that the other side just won't care.
But I'm not just hurt, I'm angry. I'm seeking therapy and trying to figure this out.
It all boiled over after my last post. Nothing I do is enough. For anyone. Not even when it's a hobby. I was frustrated bc the place I use for escape just made me feel like less than.
Obviously, I don't mean everyone or even the majority. I appreciate the discourse and fun and everything here! There are so many awesome people to interact with and I have missed you all, however, my headspace was bad. Very bad. I had thoughts I haven't dealt with in years.
I put my nose down and just went to work. I didn't wanna talk to anyone. I didn't wanna be in the world.
I did some reading, eventually some non-fandom writing, and sometimes, I just stayed alive.
I don't know if I'm really okay but I'm trying.
To those who have been so patient and supportive, you deserve everything. To those who are silent supporters, you do too. And even to those people who send me the most vile hate, you deserve to lift yourself out of the dark space you're stuck in. Hopefully, I can, too.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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sh1-n0bu · 2 months
hii ☆
totally random question
which is your favorite hsr character and what headcanons do you have for them? :3
but for now my favorite hsr character is blade (still). i really don’t have much headcanons unless it’s smt very popular the fandom agrees on. most i have for blade is
a found family trope with the rest of the stellaron hunters. kafka, silver wolf and firefly braids his hair, paints his nails and has weekly self care routine with him. at first he is grumpy abt it but learns to accept it
runs errands for the girls, hes an honorary girlie(●’◡’●)ノ has memorized their tampon, pad sizes, preferences and favorite snacks when going for emergency errand runs. tho sometimes calls them to ask “what size pussy is it again?” cuz hes an old man😔
the new recruits or rookies of the stellaron hunters are afraid of him bc he looks so scary and is always glaring at everyone. tho they all look on from the sidelines and gawk when they see traces of the girlies marks on him. kafkas pins, silver wolf drawing on his bandages, soft teal ribbons in his hair etc etc. maybe he isnt so scary after all?
hates anything to do with the xianzhou alliance, it makes his former lifes memories come back and with it, his mara flares up. refuses to accept any mission that has smt to do with the xianzhou alliance but sometimes accepts them if he can get to kill dan heng or be killed by jingliu
wants to fulfill silver wolfs wish and play games with her but his hand hurts whenever he tries to hold a controller. but the two managed and found games they could play together without putting strain on his hand AKA dance games etc
lets the girls choose his clothes when going for a mission that requires him a change of clothes. although he dislikes suits for it kinda takes away his mobility, he lets it be since the girls chose it for him
soft for kids!!! hopes that he doesnt seem too scary when one stands beside him. if the kids are brave and asks him for it, he will let them play with his hair. if it gets tangled, thats fine, hell just chop it off. thanks to his super fast regeneration, his hair grows very quickly too
isnt very keen on acting on his crush or romantic interest bc he will soon die and he doesnt want to leave his lover behind all by themselves. tho he is terrible at hiding his infatuation and the girlies has to play as the ultimate wingmen to set him up for a date with you
cant ask you out for a date for SHIT. he wants to ask you out for a date, any sort of date, but he just doesnt know if he can or what to say
“uhmm… [name]? dinner?”
thats the most you will get from him after a mission, surrounded by corpses the two of you just created. bro is bad with his words, hes more of an action speaks louder type of guy so keep a close eye on his actions instead
always looking out for you even before you got into a relationship. injuries? strange, there are painkillers and bandages on your doorstep. hungry? he has a ration bar in his pocket. and look, its your fav type too. shopping together? let him hold the bags. dw its not heavy, he holds a 1500kg sword on the daily after all
TOUCH STARVED!!!! wants to be close to people or to even hold you against his chest but is afraid that he might scare you away or his mara would ruin the moment. he wants to be soft, genuinely does, but at the same so scared of his own self. when it cones to a relationship, you would have to take the lead. hold his hand, give him a hug, kiss his cheek, but take it slow or you will spook him away like hes a scared cat
speaking of cats, a cat person. you will even find him playing with one of the strays or patting the felines gently
lets you put stickers into his scars at times. finds it adorable how he is such a scary and tough person but has hello kitty stickers decorating his scars and body. the type to let you draw hearts on the back of his hand and say that its childish but refuse to wash it out when in the shower. like that one meme picture where the person has his hand out in the shower
kisses your forehead or cheek after you fall asleep. hes still not quite comfortable with the relationship he stepped into but he is easing into it. just give him some time and maybe, one night when youre pretending to be asleep, you might hear him recite love poems from his home to you in the xianzhou language. is a bit old fashioned so definitely expect yourself to be called “qīn’ài” (my beloved)
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lilac-rose-writes · 5 months
also she's a lunch lady now bc she knows nothing about teaching <3 girlie got demoted on her first day <33
the new characters look interesting! i think it's very curious that davey is the "former principal's son"- we see no principal at all throughout the trailer. where the heck are they??? what happened?? and why is davey's mission to "stop the janitor"?? which janitor???? the one with the murder hole or the one with the bloody mop?????
checked the character descriptions again and it turns out the new janitor has a NAME and is also the principal now. my bad. go regis. dubious kinggg. i wonder how the past principal disappeared,,
ms lovelett is so me-coded. i too would put on a play for five year olds and rhyme everything
can't believe they mashed up monty. AGAIN. at least he got to chuck food at the janitor first :))
HE'S IN A DRESS???? and he hates it. who put him in a dress??
who's been trying to hurt the crocodile? i just wanna give it a lil boop. regis did u try to hurt the crocodile??? for shameee
duck riddle's in the cafeteria this time! but whERE is jerome to tell us what it is??? D:
the nurse is smoking,,, right next to a big "no smoking" sign,,,, in her medical room,,,, that she presumably but there
it's gonna say "ducks", isn't it? we'll take off the odd sheet of paper and it will say "ducks". calling it now
ted-nugget friendship in the cafeteria???
bob,, bob i miss u bob,,, bob come bACK
genuinely though where the heckadoodle is felix?? he's like. the most popular character in the fandom. what HAPPENED?
more green goo here,, hmmm. applesoft is so shady, maybe felix'll be back later?
the timeline stuff is really weird. it seems like random events from each loop pass over while one timeline stays mostly the same. how is applegate not dead? she got really stabbed. like that was a whole thing. she should be very stabbed and dead right now. is felix dead from the cain's not able alt?
we're not done with monsters or bloody bags just yet! what are they doing in the principal's office..????
PLEASE tell me the twins are just investigating in secret again. there is SO MUCH to investigate. they would be in their ELEMENT here
the dustbin looks very suspicious. like why does it look like that. i don't trust it
some things never change <33 just like our inability to read <333
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umeqii · 4 months
What r your headcanons for dating Varian? 😋
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also for the sake of my hyperfixation; i'm yur older sister in this story ;33
also tw some mentions of death ☆
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fandom ; rapunzel tangled the series
character ; varian
reader ; gn
creator ; umeqii
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okay, varian is the sweetest ever ^_^
ym would have met after his villain arc, and probably through rapunzel (ofc she's the mc)
you and raps met when she was on her adventure trip thingy for the black rocks
by the time something went wild bc whenever the rocks are involved, something always goes wrong, you guys definitely got very close!
and you guys frfr clicked into older sister and younger sibling
speaking of older sister (lmao this is where the best character and person ever comes in)
you have an older sister mari 😙🙀😋😘
okay so long story short, mariya's only a few years older than you, so she's 17-18
she took you in bc idk ur parents left you or smth and you went to an orphanage and got adopted by mariya
well she didn't take you in, her older sister rosalyne did :3
but rosalynes dead now xoxo
so that's when mari stepped in to fulfill her older sister's dream of eternity and bringing peace between people !!
you were 12 when rosalyne died; when you first met mari, she seemed really intimidating and angry (like younger shinobu, so that's why i added her as the photo :3)
rosalyne however, was very gentle and kind and she saw the best in everyone (like rapunzel !)
the reason why she wanted her eternity was because of how her husband died and he said she was pretty like his eternal love for her or smth idrk i'm literally dying of laughter rn writing this sorry
but idrk how rosalyne died, she probs js tripped on a knife and it stabbed her or sum but she's dead for the sake of the plot ☠️☠️
but yeah, mari stepped in and basically mimicked everything about rosalyne and kept her anger to herself (shinobu kinnie guys xx)
anyways, back to varian
once you were back to rapunzel's palace so you could meet all of her friends, varian saw you
he wasn't the type of boy who believes in love at first sight; but let me tell you somethin' !!
since he was the royal engineer, one of his inventions went kinda wrong and he was walking around to greet rapunzel with black smoke on his face, but not on his eyes thanks to his goggles, and messy ass hair ://
he was originally gonna find more mechanics to use but he heard raps' voice so he went to go see her
and then he saw you
oh my golly goshers
you were smiling at rapunzel so sweetly and your eyes were so beautifully detailed??
were everyone's eyes like that?
this was the first time he ever stared at someone so much, not even when he had a puppy crush on cassandra
and the way the golden hour's light shone on one half of your face, it made you look angelic !
and when you opened your closed eyed smile, the light was obsorbed by the swirls of your iris (idk wtf an iris is i js saw it once in a book i thibk)
and then raps n you saw varian just standing there like he witnessed two people having the devils tango 😨😨
you ended up giggling slightly due to his current state and you brought your hand out, whilst introducing yourself, for a handshake
"hi there! i'm y/n!!" AND BROOO THE WAY YOU LOOKED AT HIM >
you looked at him so purely
he was down bad lowkey
"o-oh!! h-h-hi varian, i'm y-y/n..NO WAIT, I-i'm varian, nice to meet you y/n."
i got 2nd hand embarrassment for writing that much stutters goddamn .
he thought he was cringey and just ruined all changed to talk to you
but you thought it was cute and dorky
and you have a thing for dorks
anyways, you guys got close after talking about alchemy ig idrk my head hurts like crazy
and when he frfr realised he was inlove with you was when he was trying to sleep, and he looked out of a window and saw a pretty flower
"hm. y/n would like that."
then he clocked it
why tf was he thinking about you 😭😭??
i mean who wouldn't :33
then he was just all like "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh" as he stuffed his face into his pillow
oh and you knew you liked him from the first time ym met, bc dorks r cute idk
you asked him out though after about 6 months of being best friends
it don't matter if you get scared of rejection, your amazing older sister threatened that if you didn't ask him out, you wouldn't live with her anymore !!
(common mari W)
and yeah, you just said it randomly when he was working on a potion or whatever it's called
"hey y/n, this is an example on why you shouldn't put too much of this substance in-"
"i'm inlove with you, varian."
and cue the explosion because he infact did put too much of the substance inside his potion.
"oh crap, my bad."
"but if you don't like me in that way, please just forget this whole conversation happened."
BUT HE DID?!?×??!?!
and yeah, since you guys are 14-16, you just hugged him and he spun you around as he kissed your cheek with a red face >3<!!
he's always so sweet and precious with you!!
dare i say rapunzel n mari made a bet to see who would ask the other out first
"ha. pay up, blondie."
rapunzel was rooting for varian and as already discussed, mari voted for yeewwww :333
varian however loved how enthusiastic yu were and how excited you were when talking about yur silly little interests >_<!!
whether yur a girl, guy, nb, or all of them, you fr taught varian skincare types of things to help with his eyebags
varian’s love language wld defo be acts of service and words of affirmation, so expect alot of that!1!
you would definitely hug and praiss him alot for his inventions, and even dating, he would always get stiff and flustered whenever any of this happened ^_^!!!
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cherrytinz · 4 months
Hello, I really like your character and I’m curious do you have any story on your oc if so, I would love to hear it (:
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Hello darling! First of all, thank you so much! It really makes me happy that people like my ocs! It really means a lot. Not to mention that I was generally surprised to see that so many liked Lucy's design! thanks yall! I was so happy to read those comments 🖤
And well, yeah! I want to write a fanfic with her so I have a few things planned. Lucy is an old oc frommmm 2019, but I decided to bring her back to life with a redising and all 🦇
Soooooo Lucy Fernby is a British girl who was born in 1975. Her parents are quite famous musical artists (especially her father) so she always had an approach to music. Actually, Lucy has absolute pitch and ease with some instruments, however she prefers to play the bass and write songs to cope with certain emotions that she doesn't know how to share. If I had to assign her a voice, I would say that she speaks like Gwen of Total Drama but with a British accent (although certainly Serena's voice from downtown is still an option lmao) , and when she sings it would sound like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn.
Even so, her parents (Emily, a goth singer and Luke, a rock band guitarist) got divorced when she was still a child. Her father returns to the USA but still tries to be as present in her life as possible. Despite this, due to a situation that Lucy does not want to talk about, they distance themselves when she is 14. I CLARIFY because I know it is very ambiguous, no, her father did not hurt her or anything, only Lucy keeps everything to herself.
Lucy had a lot of problems that affected her way of relating to others, both with people of her age and with her own parents. Due to a series of bad decisions she misses the school year and that's when her mother decides that it is best to send her to live with her father so that she can get away from "the toxic environment she is in."
(conclusion that Emily draws after brief questions that Lucy did not develop when she answering)
This is how Lucy ends up going to live with her father at the Addison Apartments because well, a rock star who lives in a town that no one knows = peace of mind and time which he can dedicate to his daughter and himself!
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oh, another fun fact of her! A year before moving to the Addison Apartments, she had a platonic friend/crush named Meri with whom she lost connection. I mention this because Lucy has a tendency to isolate herself when something happens and simply end a relationship instead of fighting for it, which she did at the time with Sally and the rest of the gang, but she has learned to be more open about how she feels.
thanks for asking! just in case, if anyone is interested feel free to ask me anything abt my ocs or even if you want to know my headcanons of Sally Face (in this case bc im in others fandoms like BG3 and Gorillaz) I'm more than happy to share them 💖💖💖
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heartsouls · 1 year
no plz tell me all your thoughts about the gregory hate so I can reblog it💀
OHHH boy this is gonna be a long one buckle up
Ever since Gregory was first announced I believe most of the fandom have interpreted him as this frail child who was always on the verge of tears and needed G.Freddy’s protection (think C.C 2.0), but once the game came out most ppl were shocked to see this kid actually has a lot of bite to him and kicked ass (ppl’s first reactions to him destroying the animatronics still make me laugh).
This was MY first introduction to him, so I wasn’t completely taken aback but still pleasantly surprised. Most if not all his actions made sense or at least made sense for a 10yr boy to think/act. Giant robots coming after me with the intention to kill (and insulting me for no damn reason)? Yeah I’d probably add an extra kick in there for good measure. Then came the first repair scene, when Vanessa revealed the high possibility of Gregory being an homeless orphan everything just clicked into place for me.
OF COURSE that’s why Gregory was so aggressive, he had to learn how to fight on his own to survive he’d probably had to face even worse than this! He wasn’t going to let that all go to waste bc some weird murderous rabbit lady wanted to drag him into her plans. It explains why he brushed off G.Freddy’s worries about him bc he’s used to have to just keep moving and bare thru pain, especially in an environment where that’s really the ONLY thing you can do. It’s why he’s so blunt and can come off as rude bc he was most likely never taught how to behave “correctly” bc really who has the time?
He was just using all the knowledge he learned on how to survive from a cruel and harsh environment for another. But this time he has an ally for once, an adult (father) figure who actually cares about his wellbeing, it’s no wonder why he became so attached (but struggles to show it bc he’s not used to it). And through all that easily irritable aggression, there are moments to remind us he’s still a kid.
A useless fridge magnet? Yeah that is pretty lame man.
Now imagine my shock when I see others hating on him and calling him a villain. “How could he KILL the poor animatronics? He was so mean, he’s the true monster!” Wh- DID WE WATCH THE SAME GAME? You mean the same animatronics that says he doesn’t have anyone to care about him? Yeah real sweethearts they are. Gregory isn’t a damn monster, he’s a survivor! He’s doing what he only knows best, IT’S TO SURVIVE!
“How could he be so mean to G.Freddy??? Those are his friends! He made Freddy feel bad!” Trust me when I say that Gregory cares about G.Freddy ALOT, did you see his reactions whenever G.Freddy got hurt??? That’s his father thank you very much!
“How could he have killed Vanny in that one ending?! He’s the real villain!” …Do I even need to explain this one?
And ohhhhhh don’t get me started on the awful “bratty gremlin devil” Gregory HCs. Now this isn’t to say that Gregory can’t be a gremlin or whatever. He can be, he is a bit cheeky, but then some started to intensify it and made it his entire personality. No, Gregory wasn’t just itching to rip Roxy’s eyes out or do the next batshit insane thing, he noticed the other upgrades and put two and two together (It gets more weird and slightly disrespectful when they add in the homeless thing as if that automatically makes someone act “feral”….tiktok.)
And then we have the complete opposite where some portray him as what I mentioned in the first paragraph. The poor helpless child who cant handle anything by himself…even though that’s complete bullshit (he’s also usually portrayed to be obnoxiously sweet for some reason). I don’t think many ppl realize how often were not in G.Freddy during SB, and Gregory is described to be quick on his feet and wits (plus his tools) and he doing damn well by himself! [Obviously this isnt to say that he didnt need G.Freddy’s help and protection, ofc he did, he just didnt need to RELY on it like some ppl make it seem he did].
(I know we went a bit off-topic for the last two paragraphs, trust me it connects)
All of this comes down to simply that some just can’t accept the fact that Gregory isn’t their perfect victim. He doesn’t crumble to the floor and beg for G.Freddy to help him up like they want him too. He’s not shy and sheepishly asking for help like they think he’s supposed to. And when they realize that part they try to push him into the other far end where he’s crazy, cold, and cruel. But he’s not. He cares, and he cares deeply. He’s still a little boy, he cried and tried to cover his face when he saw Vanny die. He should be leaping in victory, he killed his killer after all right? But he didn’t, bc despite everything she was still a human being, and he was so scared.
He has complex trauma (duh), he’s not this way or that way, and I get it. It’s hard to write or draw that kind of trauma for Gregory, especially when SB didn’t really give us much. But the way ppl act as if that’s what he actually is is soooooo frustrating. In my opinion the fact that his trauma is so complex and the fact he’s not your typical written victim is what makes him so interesting! And I feel like a lot ppl were slowly getting around to it…
Until GGY and Ruin happened and the hate came back so much worse, Welcome to the real Freddy Hell.
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
So it's not a short complaint no more. Sorry. Like I said, if you think im a whiny negress and hate fandom racism mentions bc they make you uncomfortable and "race isn't real in your fun safe space" gone head and block me. That's fine. I just gotta get this off my chest (and I'm musing CALMLY) and I'll be good.
Okay. So I've been trying not to say anything bc I know how it'll be perceived. I've really pulled myself back from participating in the Patrochilles fandom outside of making my own shit, bc I recognize that shouting to the uncaring wind isn't gonna do anything. Me focusing on my own work and what makes me happy is healthier. I make my stuff, you're spared hearing my concerns. Everyone wins. Fine.
I think what fucks with me is that as a whole, specifically in the Hades portion but also in response to it, is that half of the ship is of a (poorly canonically drawn) Black man... But none of the popular voices, writers, or artists in this space.... are openly Black. Even people who have Black/Ambiguously Brown™ Patroclus in their TSoA fic usually aren't. You would think that Black voices would be valued in a space like that.
(And ik what people are gonna say. "Oh you're just mad you're not popular!" Not really lol. I got my couple people that cheer me on, and I recognize the dehumanizing song and dance that is required to be popular in white fandoms and it's not for me.)
Like I just... No one white has ever had to experience that, you know? Of having a ship with a white person and everybody in the space DOESN'T look like you. And then, like 65% of them draw the character that's supposed to look like you kinda poorly. And you're supposed to accept that, or YOU'RE the problem. "You're not even supposed to be here" is what a good chunk of the racist adjacent ship fandom has BLATANTLY said or implied about you and that character, unwilling to even draw someone that looks like you despite historical and geographical evidence of your existence to the contrary (that's a jab at some of the severely racist takes I've seen on here of Black people somehow not existing in the Mediterranean, bc Jesus Christ).
And then everyone will ignore those occasionally overt, usually covert statements and continue to laugh along and share art bc they're entertained. Like... Wow. So antiblack racism really don't bother y'all, huh? You'd rather be a racist just to fit in? That's what's cool?
And what really hurts, is that I've found that I'll have similar ideas to other people, maybe even done them first, but I don't receive that hand in community in comparison and it's been hard not to let myself believe that the being openly Black has to do with it. Even in the ship sections that aren't Hades related. Bc ik if I said something directly to people for their actions, I'll just get dogpiled for "ruining the fun" or "hurting someones feelings for their art/writing style" or some shit, so I don't bother. Like, fine, I get it. Gone head and stay racist on your own time lmao 🤣
This was supposed to be short. My bad. I guess I'm just wondering if I wanna stick around bc I don't like self-questioning the value of my humanity, having to stay at the edge of a place that was supposed to be fun. Okay, I'm glad I got that out 😮‍💨 I feel better now.
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crinkled-emotions · 6 months
If you are taking prompts for buddie. Could you do one where Buck is sick maybe with food poisoning from the whumperil lists and Eddie ties care of him. If you don't like that prompt maye use the one "I think I need to sit down" for buck. Have eddie catch him and slowly lower him down.
If you arnet taking prompts that's ok! Thank.
Hehehehe anon I hope you're still here bc I'm BACK to be a menace to the 9-1-1 fandom (be completely ignored) and yet they can't get rid of me!)
I started a rewatch so I'd be ready for season 7 then I remembered it won't be (legally) available in Australia for ages... and kept watching anyway bc it's been so long since I did a complete rewatch from s1 e1. It's been SUCH a treat.
I've also got a friend watching for the first time and their excitement is reminding me so much of the first time I saw this bunch of adults in firefighter uniforms and went oh.
Anywho- on to the fic!
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"Eddie, hold up!"
Eddie glanced over his shoulder, frowning when he spotted Bobby jogging down the stairs.
"What's up, Cap?"
"I know you're going home but I was hoping you could check on Buck. He just called out and I need to organise someone to cover him."
Eddie paused, brows furrowed.
"Did he say why?"
"I was hoping he'd told you."
That reminded Eddie- he hadn't heard from Buck all shift which was very unusual. He shifted his bag to his other shoulder and reached into his back pocket for his phone, checking his messages.
"I've got nothing, but I'll let you know what I find."
"Thanks Eddie."
Bobby squeezed his arm then headed back upstairs, calling out goodbye to Hen, Chim and Ravi who were also going home after a long 24 hours. Eddie also waved at them, sending a quick text to Buck to warn him he was stopping by. He was hoping Buck had a minor cold but something told him to stop by a pharmacy on his way over just in case.
One visit to CVS later and Eddie was letting himself into Buck's apartment, plastic bag in hand. The apartment was eerily quiet as he stepped inside, unusual because even if he was upstairs for a moment Buck usually had the TV in the living room playing for background noise. Eddie dumped the plastic bag and double checked the living area for signs of life, poked his head into the downstairs bathroom, and then took the steps to the mezzanine level. His eyebrows knit together in confusion as he took in the rumpled blankets, the empty water bottles strewn throughout the room, and Buck-
"What happened to you?"
Eddie knelt by the Buck-shaped figure in bed, finding his shoulder and giving it a gentle shake.
"Ugh, Eddie no, don't. I'll puke again."
Buck groaned, turning his head. Blue eyes met brown and Eddie put the back of his hand to Buck's forehead.
"You're a little warm. How long have you been puking?"
"What time is it?"
"Nearly 1pm."
"Almost twelve hours."
Buck leaned into Eddie's touch, eyes fluttering shut into a grimace when Eddie pulled the blankets off.
"C'mon, sit up. Let me get a better look."
Unwillingly Buck did as asked, leaning against the headboard.
"Does anything else hurt?"
"My head and my stomach; I think I ate something bad."
"Wait here."
Eddie hefted himself back up, rounding the bed to go back downstairs. Buck huffed, swiping at his eyes.
"Not like I can go anywhere!"
He grumbled, playing with a loose thread on his boxers.
"Not without puking at least."
He glanced up when he heard footsteps on the stairs and Eddie reappeared, plastic CVS bag in hand.
"What are you doing?" Buck asked, watching Eddie dump it on the end of the bed and rifle through it for a moment.
"I got you something... aha!"
He produced a bottle of Pedialyte and a plastic cup he must have grabbed from downstairs, pouring a serving of the liquid and then handing it to Buck.
"Bottoms up."
"Eddie," Buck groaned, "I-"
"-I know, you're really nauseous. Just trust me."
Eddie's never led him astray before and he's not likely to start now. Not after everything. Not after last summer.
Eddie still gets a funny look on his face when Buck brings up that random Friday morning kiss. It's not regret, it's never regret, just... well. Buck's not really sure. He's never seen Eddie like that.
He downed the Pedialyte.
The nausea reached its peak a few minutes later and it was only Eddie's quick dad/medic responses that got the trash can under Buck's chin in time. He'd been sitting on the other side of the bed, flicking through the channels to find something to watch considering it was almost 2pm. The minute Buck scrambled to sit up again after being asleep for almost an hour Eddie had grabbed the trash can and handed it to him with lightning fast reflexes, instinctively rubbing Buck's back. When Buck resurfaced Eddie handed him a tissue, switching that for the soiled bin liner.
"Here. You- uh."
Buck's voice was hoarse as he wiped himself off, cheeks flushed a gentle pink. Whether that was from the fever, the humiliation of throwing up in front of his crush or a combination of both he wasn't willing to think too hard about. Eddie hefted himself off the bed, taking the trash can from his hands.
"Back in a sec."
He headed for the ensuite and Buck listened to the toilet flush then the sink run, hand slapping out to reach for his water bottle Eddie had kindly refilled earlier. A couple sips settled without issue in his stomach and he adjusted when Eddie reappeared, placing the bin back down beside Buck before flopping on to the bed with him and reaching into his back pocket for his phone.
"Chris said they're starting Earth Sciences this week," he said absentmindedly as he replied to whatever was going on then tossed his phone on to the bedside table and glanced over at Buck.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm gonna sue them," Buck complained pitfully as he lay back down, burying his head into his pillow. Eddie snorted.
"Careful Buck, remember last time you did that?"
An eye opened, the blue a stark contrast against the dark sheets, but then Buck smiled.
"I'll sue you too Eddie Diaz."
Eddie rolled his eyes as he swatted at Buck's shoulder, grabbing the remote again.
"Sure you will, man. Now what do you want to watch?"
Buck hummed, scrubbing at his eyes.
"Mmmmm... nothing food related."
Eddie flicked past an old rerun of Martha Stewart, nodding.
"Of course."
The clock struck five and Eddie carefully extracted himself from where Buck had somehow managed to curl up with his head on Eddie's thigh and was having another sick nap. He checked his phone and saw the notification that the food was almost there so he went into the kitchen and grabbed bowls. He heard someone knock on the door and went over to take the food from the delivery guy, thanking him as he carried it back to the kitchen island. In a couple minutes he had Buck's broth in a bowl and warm, his own stir fry hot and begging to be eaten. Considering Eddie had just come off a 24 hour shift when he headed to "check" on Buck, the food was very welcome and he took a couple bites for himself before sneaking upstairs to check on Buck. He was still asleep and for the first time since Eddie had barged into his apartment, he didn't look like he was uncomfortable. A part of Eddie felt cruel for waking him but the other part of him, the medic part, knew Buck needed something in his stomach that wasn't Pedialyte or water.
"Hey, Buck, come eat something," he called up the stairs. Eddie heard Buck groan followed by the sound of him trying to get out of bed.
"Eddie I'm dying," he groaned. Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You're clearly feeling better if you're complaining about dying. C'mon, come down here."
Sure enough, Buck made his way downstairs in a pair of athletic shorts and a shirt just as Eddie tossed a spoon down on the table beside the bowl. He collapsed into the seat in front of the soup, one eye on the downstairs bathroom door.
"Try and keep that down then we can talk about something solid."
"Thanks, Eds."
Buck picked up the spoon and tentatively worked on getting the soup down; Eddie joined him after a minute and practically chewed through his stir fry without even thinking about it. Nothing could ever be as good as Bobby's-
Oh, that's what he forgot.
Bobby: is everything okay?
Bobby: Eddie?
Eddie: sorry Bobby I completely forgot
Eddie: he's got food poisoning but he's already coming out the other side
Bobby: I figured you'd call if there were issues. Thanks Eddie
Buck, sitting beside Eddie working on his soup, raised an eyebrow as Eddie put his phone down.
"What's Chris up to?"
"Hopefully not begging Carla for a second serving of ice cream. No; that was Bobby. He was worried when you called in."
Buck frowned; Eddie could see where his mind was going and touched his shoulder.
"I would have come to check on you if I'd known even if he didn't ask. You don't call out of work unless you're contagious or it's serious."
Buck pushed away the soup, elbow on the table so he could rest his head on his hand. Eddie reached over to check him for a fever again.
"How do you feel?" He asked. Buck made the so-so motion.
"My head hurts."
"Go lie on the couch; I'll change your sheets so you can go to bed."
"Eddie no, you don't have to-"
"-Buck, it's clean sheets; not a marriage proposal."
Buck's mouth twitched upward into a smile; Eddie squeezed his shoulder and left the table to go upstairs. Buck watched after him with a warm feeling in his stomach.
It wasn't nausea.
When Buck stirred the next morning he paused, grimacing to take stock of the situation. His head was down to a gentle (irritating) throb against his temples but his stomach was staying put for the time being. The sheets were still tucked over him and he yawned into his hand, rolling over and tossing an arm over his bed mate-
Cracking his eyes open Buck took stock of the situation. He knew he'd been sick again sometime overnight, barely able to remember tossing cookies (soup) because it had come out of nowhere in his doze. Part of him remembered Eddie being there, a figure in the darkness and he'd-
He'd stayed.
"Eddie," Buck whispered. Eddie cracked an eye open and reached his arm out, brushing a thumb over Buck's cheek.
"You look better," he rasped. Buck hummed.
"You didn't have to stay."
"Hm, well, maybe I wanted to."
Buck's eyes fluttered shut as he revelled in the feeling of Eddie's thumb on his cheek. When Eddie was half asleep he could be incredibly tactile and Buck lived for when he got to see Eddie like that.
"No one needs to see-"
"-Buck. I want to know when you're sick, or you're hurting. Whatever it is."
Buck's cheeks flushed and he buried his face back against his pillow. Eddie's hand moved to the back of his neck, brushing through the ends of his hair like it was something he did all the time.
"Thanks for coming, Eddie."
Eddie gently squeezed Buck's shoulder.
It felt like coming home.
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hstylesloverr · 2 years
can u do an instagram blurbs with evan peters with him reopening his insta and basically he’s just so lost and he’s a dad and his page is just a fan account for reader who is a famous actress ( or influencer or youtuber ). so both their fandom goes crazy in love even more about them
i rlly like this one so here u got it sweetie 🫶
evanpeters via instagram post
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liked by yourinstagram, ahsfan, taissafarmiga and more
evanpeters Hi again (I guess)? I had a hard time figuring out how this works again so thank my pretty girlfriend.
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evanfan i'm literally crying on the floor with happiness
taissafarmiga Welcome back 🙌
yourinstagram ur so father stop
yourinstagram i love you boo 🫶
ahsfan top 10 most unexpected things
evanfan2 not evan reopening his ig on a Monday at 9 in the morning 💀 it shows that he is rlly bored
username “thank my pretty girlfriend” this is my last straw
ynevan people died
ynfan he reopens his ig with a pic of y/n 😭😭😭 if my boy isn't like that i don't want anything
ynfan6 they are so beautiful 😭😭 i want to experience a love like this
username no bc the caption would be something that my father would perfectly put
ynfan3 he is already father material, he only lacks the son
evanfan3 seeing evan so established with his girlfriend and his life right now is very personal to me
gracieabrams if someone asks me who my parents are, i’ll show a picture of them
madisonbeer hi sis 💞
ahsfan4 i’m sure evan is going to get lost among so many other y/n fan accounts
y/nfan9 girl his first post was a pic of y/n😭 don't even doubt about that
username ok but it hurts a lot to know that evan and emma don't even follow each other now :( i really liked them
evanfan6 girl be fr
evanpeters via instagram post
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liked by ahsfan, kyliejenner, bellahadid, yourinstagram and more
evanpeters I had no idea how to do this so my girlfriend had to help me :) Anyway, that's been life lately.
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username just photos of his girlfriend, their dog and them together. i want my boyfriend's gallery to look like this
evanfan did the evan frat party boy era even existed? now i see him so calm
evanpeters I’m 36 now.
ynfan2 the day they get married we all act surprised, okay?
yourinstagram i can't believe that some day in the past you had ig
evanpeters Everything was easier before.
yourinstagram love you so so much my pretty boy
evanfan7 if one day they break up i’ll stop believing in love
ynfan8 don't even imagine that
ynfanO is it me or in the third photo you can see a ring like.. . very engagement
ynandevan the last picture i'm literally devastated
evanfan1 ok but can we talk about how fine y/n is?
liked by evanpeters
username evan aesthetic era
kendalljenner 💓💓💓
ahsfan6 i wanna die
ynfan1 i don't know why i get the feeling the rumor that they're engaged is true this time
ynupdates via instagram post
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liked by evanfan2, ynfan, evanahs and more
ynupdates Y/N and her boyfriend, Evan Peters, at her little sister's recital!
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evanfan stop they’re literally so cute
username ultra HD quality 😍
ynfan3 i love the fact that evan so involved with y/n’s family
evanfan7 yeah like lately the only pics we have of evan are with y/n's family
username so grateful to y/n for making evan so happy, especially from how insecure he is and how bad he's had it with his previous relationships
evanfan1 stargirl interlude vibes
ynfan2 can't wait for y/n's next vlog
evanfan take him to the moon for me
username they are literally the reason i get up every morning.
evanfan3 it really is so hard for me to assimilate the fact that evan is going to get married and start a family one day, i would be very happy if it is with y/n tho
username she has evan wrapped around her finger
ynfan and we live for it
ynandevan i’m the man behind when it comes to love
evanpeters vía instagram story
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vypridae · 3 months
9!!! 10!!! 11!! 12!! 13!!! or pick and choose <3
9. worst part of canon
ok the worst part of dgrp canon has to be the way they handle characterization, like especially with trauma. specifically in mind i have korekiyo rn, like they mega rushed his entire Thing and wrote it in a way that paints HIM in a terrible awful light when it very likely (or definitely) wasnt that at all, but the way it was written just fucks up so, so much. also the Danganronpa Repitition TM (flashbacks to
bsd uuuh oh my god i have to think about this one cuz i love bsd with a passion BAHAHA its hard to find flaws with that one (in part i havent consumed the media in forever), ik it might be just bc the series is still being written but its irritating that some things from like the first seasons are just not touched upon again? and maybe its because ihavent read the manga but like. did atsushi join the ada and suddenly the bounty on his head is just Gone? am i misremembering if they went back to that or not its been like a year since ive watched bsd i need to rewatch it but thats about all i can think of. im not even mad about the not killing any characters because fyodor is alive still
10. worst part of fanon
dgrp has a TERRIBLEEEE shipping fandom. i hated oumasai for the longest fucking time because i encountered this one rper way back when that like was a mega red flag SBGJKFDHGKA i hated them for a while after that (then they grew on me). you get shit on for liking, like, the more toxic ships in the fandom no matter your reasonings or whatever, and i feel like its just a really negative place to be a shipper that likes to explore bad dynamics (such as i)
i think the worst part of bsd fanon is similar. shipping sides of fandoms are ALWAYS bad i feel like, and there are a lot of people that will be like "skk is real fuck you for shipping anything else" or like "if u ship nikolai with anyone but fyodor i dont trust u" or something like??? its a fucking ship chill out its fictional it doesnt hurt anyone irl CALM DOWN
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
for bsd uh . only two surprisingly, and its two ships that i cannot physically make myself like?? thats all apparently
for dgrp i have uuh two and its literally also only two ships that i dont like BHASFKAHSK
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
for bsd am i allowed to say fyodor? idk if he necessarily counts as "unpopular" but i see way more hate of him than i see people liking him, but god fucking dammit i love him with my whole heart. hes so evil and those kinds of characters litearlly just make me gravitate towards them, hes so smart and cunning and you can do so much with his character, especially learning his ability oh my god? jhes so complex and i love him
for dgrp, i feel like every character is "unpopular" BAHSAJKAHk but for this i think i wanna go with chiaki. people hate chiaki because shes "boring" or at least they Did back when i first got into the series but shes so different in the game compared to the anime because the game shes based on her classmates' memories of her! shes only this "perfect" individual because thats how her entire class saw her, like she was made the class rep for a reason
13. worst blorboficiation
ok this one im trying to figure out what the fuck the definition is BAHAJSHFAJK from what im SEEING its like, the character that doesnt deserve to be liked as much as they are. (i dont think i answered this one correctly but shh its fine)
for bsd thats really hard for me to think of because i like literally every character but uuh if i had to say one ig i'd say uuh . maybe dazai? i feel like this is in part because people typically take away from dazai's entire complex everything because he's too complex for a lot of people (including me) to truly understand, like im not saying i understand him but i feel like a lot of people will take the wrong parts of him/exclude anything they dont like about him and go with that? if that counts but idk i still like dazai so i cant say that too much
for dgrp its the exact same situation with kokichi. they take his character, of which is incredibly complex, and dumb it down into the typical fandom woobification of "uwu baby who cant do anything wrong" LIKE!!! STOP!!! NO HE IS NOT!!! HE IS SO COMPLEX AND YOU'RE LIKING HIS CHARACTER FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!!! people that dont understand the complexity behind certain characters and are incapable of taking that as their blorbo and instead creating this silly incorrect version in their mind and making THAT their blorbo i just. thats not ur blorbo atp thats ur oc my guy
hazbin/helluva answers
9. worst part of canon
both of these shows are kinda not the best when it comes to being serious???? like there are some topics that shouldnt be joked about i feel like, and there are points in the shows that joke in relation to these topics. also theres not enough voxval but thats a criticism for another time
10. worst part of fanon
not even just the ships tbh, its liking any character thats either painted in a negative light or is just generally unpopular. the ships too but i could get to that another time. for EXAMPLE, me, i like valentino. a lot. he's one of my favorite characters. i feel like i cannot express the fact i love val because i will get called an ACTUAL rapist for saying it because "if you like val you condone his actions and thus are a rapist/terrible person/etc" when thats absolutely not at all how it works. i acknowledge that val is terrible, i understand that its bad, but i can still enjoy him as a character otherwise. his actions are what i dont like, ive never liked him (i actually hated him at first because of it but then i saw him being more silly in the series with vox and he grew on me), but you will actively get told to kys if you say that you even REMOTELY enjoy vals character
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
i have none for helluva but for hazbin i have four. three of which are for the sAME SHIP and one is another ship i dont like
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MIMZYYYY dude she gets so much unnecessary hate. like, everyone sees her as annoying and terrible and i GUESS i can see where they're coming from but a. theyre in hell, everyone's terrible, b. people just see her as annoying because she interrupted hells greatest dad and they dont like that because they want their radioapple song or wtvr. i love her and no one can convince me otherwise
13. worst blorboficiation
ok THIS one i might actually be able to answer with the correct definition of blorboification. i feel like alastor gets way too much unnecessary love, and maybe thats just because i think hes too popular for being what he is but hes just not all that to me. like, hes a good character, yes, but some people like him to an extent that i feel like doesnt do him justice?? its like i said with uuuuuh the dgrp side of this question, they dumb down his character a lot and are just generally bad at making him ACCURATE to the point its irritating. (hey so yk how i said i could answer with the right definition of this i lied)
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darisu-chan · 1 year
I was using my personal Twitter (or I guess X now) account that has nothing about B//leach on it, and I still saw tweets calling us IRs toxic and the worst part of the fandom, and I just remembered the terrible messages I got for years just for liking IR
The reason why I saw it was someone else saying that they still didn’t animate R//enji in that scene where R//ukia thinks about other people but him, which I found it weird back then myself how she never really gave all that much thought to him, and seemed annoyed by him. I know many IRs hate him, but as someone who was back then a huge R//enji fan I still found it weird how one sided a lot of that relationship seemed. That’s why I stopped shipping them. I shipped R//enruki before I even shipped IR, but I have no proof bc I wasn’t in B//leach spaces when I first read the manga, if anyone wonders.
It’s still weird to me how I just can’t enjoy my ship in peace without seeing something online about the fans/my ship outside of Tumblr or even my fan account on Twitter (which I no longer use for this reason)
Like I just see all these amazing people I’ve met in my years in the fandom painted as the bad guy, even when they were there for me during some of my worst moments or even recently to just say “I’m so sorry for your loss” after a post I made, and I just feel powerless. And I know now in anime history we’re gonna be remembered as shitty people and not as some of the most creative people I know, and honestly we put more thought in our analysis than K//ubo himself probably did, all because of a ship.
I rue the day when the ships became canon instead of simply, everyone just staying friends and not having time skips that added nothing to the story except some weird analogy with the first chapter, that made 0 sense as an allusion bc the kids don’t even look that much like the parent they’re supposedly alluding too, and then the story never continued
I tried to be happy for finally seeing Kia’s bankai animated but I’m just sad that I can’t escape the hellhole that is B//leach
I adored most of the characters and the story and it got me through tough times as a teen/young adult, but after everything, yeah, I’m not ashamed to say I care for about 4 or 5 characters and their interactions and I don’t want to even watch the anime ever again or have got to do anything with other work by K//ubo. The fandom just makes me sad. Not even mad. Just sad. Like I wasted 8 years of my life liking something I can now only relate to the people who hurt rewriting history and coming of as victims
Idk if some of you have seen those tweets and I’m gonna assume tiktoks, but if you guys are just as tired as I am, I’m here for you
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captainshyguy · 2 months
6 bc im curious and 9 bc i wanna see ur hit list /hj
aaa ty belle!!
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hmmm, not to my knowledge! the closest has been somthing ve been neutral bout/thought was kinda silly like melli and ingo lol, like i didnt hate it, but was neutral, and now i think its hilariousKJDSNGSDJ
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
(if these end up in characters tag i apologise but i aint censoring every single damn name! im not tagging and that should be enough)
oooh im gonna expand this bit beyond my regular fandoms bc there are some little fuckers out there i really hatein othe thinhs gkgjd, lets do regular fandoms first though
hollow knght: tpk, lurien, tiso. tpk for obvious reasons (plus i dont really like a lot of high up characters in general like focusing on tpk in fics kinda makes me eyes roll when the vessels are right there. lurien for reasons :). tiso because people went through a stint where he was just silly himbo and kept shippig him with quirrel nd i fucking hated that lol. his design slaps though
tcw: the bad batch lol fucking HATE them. tech is tolerable, and i dont even count echo one of them, free him!!! but the rest are condesceding assholes sorry idc if they get better in their own show like sorry you sold them to me as 'ooo arent they soooo cool theyre so much better than those Regulr Clones Boooo, look at them!!! like fuck off lol. you will never be captain rex
pokemon: not a big fan of 'hehee im a cutesy quirky little girl!! chracters, like sabi or poppy like. theyre fine i guess but eh. not for me. otherwise swordbert and shieldbert were also annoying kjgskgj
off the top of my head i cant really think of many for mario besides like...idk cranky kong specifically in the mario movie? awful voice perfromace. i guess waluigi too sorry, i m not a fan of like..idk, more basic mario chracters who dont really show up in non mulitplyar games, bc they end up beign sooo known and its like. bro they didnt even put him in wonder or 3d world or anything. like if u want him to be a staple mario character to me then put him in other games too, or i'll just roll my eyes that he's taking up space where someone like cpatain toad or peasley could be taking it lol
undertale/deltarune: detanged one but ice-e. ex went through a period where he as weirdly obsessed with him and thought he'd be super important and it annoyed me :)
ok now outside of my regular fdoms, characters i still loathe include
ralph from the flash- he was this stretchy dude who was awful abt women and like sure he kiiiida got over it but it felt weak and i hated him and the actor ended up being shitty anyway.. in the same universe i didnt like either oliver or barry's daughters from the future, both were very annoying lol
mon el from super girl. i hate him. kill him.annoying boring no chemistry love interest. kill him
eric sparrow from tony hawks underground- though i will concede that like the hollow knight characters, he contrbutes in really important ways to the story. like your'e SUPPOSED to hate him thats the point, they do a very good job with it. like he's written fantastically, and i want to kill him. i alway think of this article i read about him that was like 'eric sparrow is my best friend and he wants to hurt me' like yeah thats it thats the character. like i LIKE WHAT THEY DID, which sets him apart from almost everyone else here, its just what they did makes you hate him lol
ross from friends. miserable, insecure little creep. kill him
there are little charcters i loathe more than peter griffin family guy. kill bite explode
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
📚 🦷 ❄️
i put this in my notes and thought i answered but i didn’t oopsies
📚what’s the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
this! i copy and paste the questions from there lol
but other than thatttt a list of milestones i need my sims (based on leo and layla!) to hit
and then other than that i wrote the epilogue to a fic at 1:50 am last night and i shall include the very last sentence here bc it’s. nothing lmao.
“The place that gave her everything.”
🦷 share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
personal wisdom: think about fruit more. genuinely. i’m not in like the best of places mentally (i am fine i’ve been here for five years please don’t worry) but when things get extra bad i’m just like “i live in a universe where bananas have that texture. that’s weird” and suddenly i am curious about the world. i live in a world with strawberries and watermelons and grapes. how wonderful.
personal life hack: hold your hairbrush vertically instead of diagonal or sideways it makes it hurt less. also shampoo twice then condition once.
writing life hack: READ. especially if you want to write fic CONSUME THAT GOTDANG CHARACTER. watch the media they’re from. read other fic. even if it’s not great it’ll teach you what you don’t want to do. if it’s good fic you can learn sentence structure and characterizations and little quirks and words and all sorts of shit.
also extra pro tip if your character is from a musical: their songs are CHOCK FULL of characterization. when i first started i would listen to their songs when i was writing their respective characters and it helps get their voice sorta cemented in your head.
❄️ what’s your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
uhhhh honestly every time i have a dream plot i’m like EEEEE and i start it? in terms of literal dreams i had guess who? and i got you in my head for a solid four months before i wrote them and six-seven before i published them and they’re why i started writing
in terms of like pure selfish guilty pleasure idea i’ve had this one i’m currently working on (which i’ll say is related to this emoji and i found it very fitting) in the back of my head for literally my entire writing career and i got a similar request and now finally have an excuse to do it!! and it has become a three part series i’m hoping and really trying to have done to post for christmas :)
and beyond that it’s mostly just like cute cliches i’ve read for other fandoms and have added to my “someone has to make this cadnis and it looks like it might as well be me” like my coffee shop au. i’ve been working on a tattooist/florist au for almost three years. and another i’m very very very excited for but i’m not gonna say what it is bc i’m again hoping to have it done as a christmas gift for a friend here :D
i like doing them myself because i can get all the little details exactly how i want them to be and tweak things to my liking
BUT if i were to choose anyone else it would always be @sprnklersplashes
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
Have you seen the argument that SnC can't be pulling away from the fans on social media because their 'social media stars' and that their entire job is social media so they are required to give fans tweets and instagram posts etcetc?
My opinion is no they're not social media stars anymore, they are YOUTUBERS, Instagram, twitter, tiktok and snapchat are just extras that these days they could stop if they so wanted. Their job is to create youtube videos, everything else they give us is given to us by their choice, they don't have to do any of that. They could if they wanted just use their social media accounts to promote only their videos and merch and nothing else like a lot of other youtubers do. They CHOOSE not to because in the past they have enjoyed the social side of things, but with their fans being assholes they are allowed to pull away from socials as they are not social media stars, it is not required of their job anymore. They are YOUTUBERS.
What are your thoughts?
it is very funny to hear ppl say this, especially when for years i thought the general consensus was that snc need to take a break and they deserve one. but now… no one wants them to have one. how weird.
first off, the main problem with this argument is that fans expect something for staying so long when we've never been guaranteed anything. i've been here for years, i don't expect snc to do dick all except give me content occasionally that i enjoy and continue to post on xplrclub where i pay to be/get exclusive content. that's all i'm owed. anything else is an added bonus.
fans that think they are owed something just bc they bought the most amount of merch or have been here for years or whatever other reason need a reality check. you are mistaking a past time of yours as a job. you aren't getting paid to be here. you can leave whenever. if you are no longer entertained, go.
snc haven't been consistent posters in years. like, yeah, there was a period of time from like 2015-2017 when snc were constantly posting on insta or twitter or snapchat or youtube. but it has not been like that in a very long time. snc don't have to put in that kind of work bc they have blown up already and now it's quality over quantity.
the problem i have with all of this is that snc have made it abundantly clear why they have started pulling back. EVERYONE IN THIS FANDOM IS AN ASSHOLE. what's not to get??
colby can't read comments anymore and has admitted so, he gets emails and loses followers over him growing facial hair, has been picked apart for years over his choice in gfs, got a terrible death threat a couple years ago that made him basically leave twitter, has gotten constant and dumb hate on there for years, got made fun of for being "fat" when it really him being sick with undiagnosed cancer, literally questioned even telling the fandom he had cancer in the first place bc he knew how they would react if he went bald, plus a mirade of other shit i can't get into. and even sam, the miracle child who rarely has ever had to face consequence for anything he's done or said, is now saying that fans are mean and words can hurt. so you KNOW it has to be bad for him to say something.
and they both said that they put too much of their personal life out there for everyone to see and it wasn't good for them, that they regret doing that.
this fandom thinks it "can say whatever it wants" without snc seeing it. or at the very least, they don't care if snc see. and in what universe would the idol want to stick around when it's fans are shitting on it?? you tell me. they're pulling back bc you all fucking suck. and when they eventually remove themselves entirely bc you want to bitch about their gfs or their face puffing up or whatever random other nonsense you deem worthy of a tweet, i don't want to fucking hear a peep. shut up, for once.
(none of this directed at you anon)
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