#this not being my shellfish blog
nym-wibbly · 2 months
Cockles yes or no?
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You got me, Anon. I do not understand the question.
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remembered i can reblog my own stuff. get ready to see a bunch of shit you've all Already Seen <3
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nachtdrachen · 2 months
Different Things that Give me Otherkin/Species Euphoria as a Dragon!
seeing some other blogs post their version of this inspired me to finally free this from my drafts ^.=.^
eating sushi, shellfish, or any seafood in general!
smoking 🍃(specifically the act of inhaling and exhaling the smoke, I also rlly want to learn to blow smoke rings)
playing fantasy rpg/ttrpg games like Skyrim, Baldur’s Gate, and Dungeons & Dragons!
D&D dice! probably just an extension of D&D giving me euphoria, my love of shinies, and my need to acquire stuffs but I have a little dice hoard that’s ever-growing
The Renaissance Faire!!!
cozying up in bed with my pillows, blankets, and plushies! nest hours
nuzzling into, pressing my head against, and softly nipping at my partner (lovingly of course) and vocalizing with my partner! I’ve made weird noises at random the entire time I’ve known him so he’s very much used to it, to the point where we’ll screech at each other from different areas of our house like we’re calling out to each other
wearing open zip up jackets/cardigans!! They exaggerate my near constant wing shifts in a good way!
getting piercings/wearing fishnets! easily the best part about being a black dragon that also happens to be goth. I have facial spikes/horns, my piercings rlly remind me of them and make me feel a lot more comfortable with the way I look. Fishnets sort of mimic my scales, and they’re probably the closest I’ll ever get to actually having scales unless I get some tattooed lol
scrolling through kin tumblr, scouring the corners of the internet for anything related to dragonkin in general, looking for diff gear, planning out how I’m going to incorporate my identity into my den
being the mom friend of my irl friend group- something about watching out for everyone/being protective/maternal- it feels so instinctual to be the maternal protector figure in the group
power metal!! so many songs about dragons
burning incense, not sure if it’s lighting it, the smoke, the home-y smells or all three but incense is so comforting for me
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ask-nico-sdv · 23 days
Mod here, hello! Welcome to my SDV oc's ask blog!
Blog rules: No explicit NSFW, mod might be 19 but hakuna your tata's. Being flirty and jokingly suggestive (again, no explicit-ness) is A-Ok though!
Nico is polyamorous like me, just message me if you've got a ship in mind for him!
Character Lore!
Name: Nico, or Neeks if you'd like. (he/they/it/anything masc or neutral)
Age: Early 20's, just out of college.
Background: Fresh out of college and new to the Valley, Nico's still getting settled into small-town life and the peace it brings. Well, peaceful when he isn't running his shop, a small funeral home/undertaking to the west of town. Despite his line of work, he refuses to let it get him down, and would drop just about anything at anytime to spend an evening with friends!
Loved gifts: All gemstones/minerals, coffee, tea, strawberries.
Liked gifts: All flowers, most cooked meals, all artifacts, energy tonic.
Disliked gifts: Blueberry, melon, pumpkin.
Hated gifts: All fish/shellfish (probably allergic), all rice.
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autismtana · 5 months
santana lopez headcanons?
some of these i posted on my main blog but fuck it i'm just gonna post it here
ADHD/autism/CPTSD/anxiety (see here, here and here)
Lesbian (canon) but also lowkey demisexual, she/her/ella pronouns
Anxiety baby pretty much since birth
Has chronic migraines and pmdd
Either an only child or the eldest of 8 kids (there is no middle ground)
Abuela is Maribel’s mom (Santana was abuela’s favourite bc eldest granddaughter but that changed after she came out) 🥺
Likes peppermint and camomile tea
Lapsed catholic (St Vitus was her confirmation saint)
Treats Emma pillsbury’s office like her own personal church confessional (doesn’t actually tell her anything that warrants counsellor help though, mostly just vents about glee club)
Bardi gang and also loves Megan Thee Stallion
Not really a swiftie but likes a couple songs because Brittany likes them
Bad at math
Favourite school subjects were art and English 
Met Brittany in kindergarten and they’ve been best friends ever since (she hid under the table the second her mum left on the first day of kindergarten and Brittany was in her 'pretending to be a cat' era, crawled under the table and shoved her thumb in Santana's left dimple and that's how they became friends)
Had a pet rabbit when she was 11 but it unfortunately disappeared (abuela’s fault)
Used to do track and soccer and was very good at both but also kinda uncoordinated
Became friends with Mercedes first out of the original glee kids
Deathly afraid of clowns (especially Ronald McDonald)
Has never eaten McDonalds in her life
Has a mayonnaise phobia
Hates balloons being popped around her and people splashing water on her (unless she’s doing the splashing herself)
Used to climb a lot as a kid but is also weirdly afraid of rollercoasters
Secretly loves the joy of painting (Bob Ross’s show that puts everyone to sleep)
Likes to draw
Favourite animal is a hedgehog
Allergic to nuts and shellfish
Has sleep paralysis (rachel berry is her sleep paralysis demon lmaoooo)
Has a weighted blanket that she was really attached to but she was convinced it was giving her sleep paralysis so she stopped using it (it wasn't)
Ends up going to cosmetology school in NY
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rumin8ing-boy · 1 month
august 21, 2024
So this is the actual first post, despite a "hello world" I chucked into the mix like a true ditzy developer.
I don't know how Tumblr works, I haven't used it seriously since like 2018. And even then, it was mostly for the scanty images of men Instagram wouldn't let users post. But I'm here now, I suppose, and I don't know what I aim to get out of this. It's definitely not an audience. Social media sites are oversaturated and no one's really looking, they're just waiting their turn in the spotlight. I think I want to externalise what I'm thinking. To put out my words into the world, despite their absolute insignificance, and feel it sitting on a corporate overlord's server. I want to bathe in the delusion of feeling meaningful.
Just in case I'm not the only person who will be subjected to this word vomit, I want to set some ground rules for this space. I like to think of myself as an intellectual. But I know this means I know nothing in the grand scheme of things. That doesn't mean I'm not constantly existing in a state of hubris and utter humiliation at thinking I know anything. This will, unfortunately, be reflected here.
A few more things. I hate shellfish and avocado and will use this platform to degrade those abominations accordingly. Also, unrelated, I am a boy who happens to like boys too. Of course, though. I'm AMAB and I'm on Tumblr writing a blog. I think I'm Carrie in the friend group but really, I'm kind of a mix between Samantha and Charlotte. I live with three chronic mental and physical ailments, only one of them slightly life-threatening and the other two just being mildly annoying. And, as I am typing this, I just told off someone who misunderstood a TikTok video of mine for not having comprehension skills.
I'll cut this off here now. I think I've real Cady-style word-vomited. I hope I can get the catharsis my heart wants from this project before my ADHD decides it's not worth it anymore. Have a good one, reader.
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mariasmemo · 2 months
The Ice Man Cometh
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This is a blog of the past.  I often think of this “story” when it’s hot and humid out.  So here it is again.
The past few weeks have been very un-Nantucket as far as the heat and the extreme humidity.  When I was a child and even a teenager, I remember that we always wore long pants and even sweaters in the summer evenings on island.  This does not seem to be the norm any longer unfortunately.  The heat also leads me to think about staying cool and what generations before us did to preserve food. 
Long before modern refrigeration, ice was used for preserving foods. Although the use of ice brought an end to salting and drying fish for local markets, with railroad development and western expansion in the 1850s, salt fish was still being shipped to inland domestic markets as well as abroad. As the fishing industry grew on Nantucket and elsewhere, however, so did the need for ice to keep the catch fresh for market.
On Nantucket, when a hard freeze produced ice of the necessary thickness, blocks were cut from Maxcey’s and Washing Ponds and the North Head of Hummock Pond and stored in nearby icehouses. This was a fairly long and tricky process that took skill to make sure the ice was the right thickness and that one did not fall through the ice.  Mainland icehouses typically used sawdust for insulation, but Nantucket ice was insulated with beach grass, seaweed, and eelgrass—sawdust not being readily available here.  The iceman would drive his cart around the streets with usually a gaggle of children trailing behind – or hitching a secretive ride on the back of the cart – hoping for a piece of ice to suck on and cool off with – back when something that simple was a pure delicacy.
When electricity was introduced on Nantucket in 1889, cutting pond ice was no longer necessary.  Captain John “Jack” Killen built the first ice-making plant, on Straight Wharf, opening it on May 5, 1902.  Several other plants, including that of the Island Service Company, followed—all operating until the Great Depression.  Nantucket’s early ice-making plants were established primarily for packing fish and shellfish, which were shipped in barrels or fish boxes layered with ice. Fishermen both on and off-island would stock up on ice before going out on long trips, and it is said that island ice was of a much higher quality than that from plants off-island—perhaps because of the purity of Nantucket’s water.
Some people still cut ice.  My parents had an elderly friend, now gone, and his family owned – and I assume still owns – a camp of cottages from the 19th century up in New Hampshire.  In the winter, the entire family shows up to harvest ice and store it in the icehouse.  The ice is then used in each of the cottages during the summer since they have no electricity or plumbing.  It is an art that is almost gone but happily there are still a few who have passed down the knowledge and skill for harvesting ice.  I recently took a look at his obituary and was blown away – I remember him for ice harvesting – but wow what a life!  One of service and seeking justice.
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Welcome to my blog documenting/listing allergen friendly food options at Walt Disney World in Orlando. I am an individual with severe food allergies, my allergens include Peanuts, Tree Nuts and Shellfish (Crustaceans). I created this blog because I wanted people who have similar allergies to myself to be able to know about what foods they could potentially have on any future trips they may take to the parks. I mostly list foods that are not already listed on the My Disney Experience App as being allergen friendly, for example the limited time foods from things like Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival and foods from various “sit down” restaurants across the parks and at the various on property resorts. Occasionally I mention if foods are safe for allergies other than my own, please note I most likely won’t list off items that are not safe for the allergens I’ve listed above as I’m not going to be consuming or purchasing those items. I also will be listing any discrepancies or issues I personally encounter at the parks/resorts regarding allergies and food safety practices. If you have any questions about any of the food I mention here on this blog feel free to ask about it and I will answer it to the best of my ability knowing that I am just one person and can only go off of my own experiences and the information I am given by chefs and cast members alike.
Thank you and have a nice day!
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Judaism and the concept of the Feminine Divine
Hi everybody ! Welcome Back : ) Today we are going to be discussing the work of Karen J. Warren and Carolyn Merchant. Karen J. Warren was an American philosopher and ecofeminist. She authored books such as Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, and Nature as well as Ecofeminist Philosophy: A Western Perspective on what it is. Today we will be discussing her work, The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism. Carolyn Merchant is an American Ecofeminist Philosopher and she is also a professor of Philosophy at The University of California, Berkeley. She has Authored books such as Radical Ecology and Earthcare. Today we will be discussing her piece, Feminism and the Philosophy of Nature. This blog post will probably be the most near and dear to my heart. As a woman and as a Jew I think this specific intersection is probably the blog I am most excited about but also most disappointed to talk about. No Jewish people want to hear and no Jewish people want to say it but the divine feminine in Judaism doesn’t exist , in fact the feminine is just something to wash away to make more room for the divine. 
Merchant’s work focuses largely on the historical contexts that led up to the issues ecofeminists are tackling today. One of her main arguments is that we as a society have turned nature into a commodity and that the side effect of that was detrimental to women and other marginalized groups. But where has this separation of woman and state started ? Why does society have this intrinsic belief , where do we even develop our beliefs ? you guessed it ! Religion. 
Let's be real here, Judaism is one of the most contradictory religions when it comes to women. On one hand you have rules about women's health and safety. One brought into public controversy recently is the laws regarding abortion. In Judaism, not only are women allowed to have abortions, but in cases where the mothers life is put at risk, it is required. On the flip side when a woman is on her period she is to sleep in a different bed , preferably in a different room, and she is to replace everything that her menstruating body comes into contact with due to the fact that she was “ dirty” when she touched it. In my personal opinion, there is nothing Jews find grosser than blood. It's in our homes and it invades our food , and here is where I really think Judaism gets not only anti feminist, but wasteful as well. 
Warren's work focuses a lot on the policies and interjections being made during the current ecological crisis, and how it is critical to take into account how gender discrimination affects policy. Women are disproportionately affected by natural disasters when they occur, they are greatly affected by degradation and exploitation of resources and yet they are not listened to or consulted with when it comes to making decisions in these arenas. The result of this is continued marginalization and suffering but also damage to the environment, a lot of the current products for women are not ecologically sustainable and many don’t care to address it. But we are not here to discuss pink taxes or single use plastics ( although they are important ) but let's address the elephant in the blog here, religion. How does Judaism approach this problem, spoiler alert is not well. 
I think many people are familiar with the more day to day dietary regulations for Jewish people, no pork , no shellfish, the more orthodox will even not cross contaminate meat and dairy. The part many do not know about , and the part I am going to focus on is blood. Now we all know red meat can sometimes be bloody, and in Judaism you rinse it under water until all the blood is run out and then you must cook it until all the red is gone in order to keep the meat “clean”. Some Jewish people ignore that rule , and some just don’t eat red meat to make it easier. The surprise twist a lot of people do not see coming isn’t in meat , it is in eggs. When a hen lays an egg and that hen is going through their version of menstruation there can sometimes be blood in the yolk of the egg. According to Jewish law, blood is unclean, and therefore the egg must be thrown away. But how many of us inspect the egg in a separate container before adding it to our food ? not many, and so what happens if you notice the blood in the egg a bit too late? You guessed it , the whole thing has to be thrown away ! start over, the food isn’t clean anymore. This food law, not only adding to the stigma against people who menstruate, but also creating massive amounts of food waste and potentially placing people in food sensitive situations in a position where they have to choose between their health and their religion. This perpetuates the inequities highlighted in the concept of environmental feminism, the general attitudes towards the environment are inherently disproportionately affecting women, and now imagine you are a Jewish woman, already riddled with the inequalities coming from your own environment but now your religion is demanding you increase food waste, encourages the wastefulness of practicing “ clean menstruation habits” and calls a natural cycle you go through in tandem with the other women in your environment unclean. 
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I posted 2,877 times in 2022
That's 790 more posts than 2021!
1,795 posts created (62%)
1,082 posts reblogged (38%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,232 of my posts in 2022
#ooc - 409 posts
#watkyn - 134 posts
#rogue trader - 117 posts
#honoria - 80 posts
#wayward40k - 75 posts
#anastasia - 61 posts
#hessman - 57 posts
#i see no way this could lead to anything bad happening ever - 25 posts
#elizabeth - 13 posts
#cyborg angst - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#honoria was supposed to be a woodehousian character a la watkyn good at spending money and being out of touch and little else
My Top Posts in 2022:
(Going through my background stuff and being reminded that Roderick held the warrant for a good *130 years* if you want to know how utterly blacklisted House Castronova was that the Current Lord Captain was ~30 when he got the title meaning a good century passed between the house war ending and them having any new scions.)
13 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Ferrus Armoured Recovery Vehicle/Engineering Vehicle
(See I was thinking of a dreadnought for Reasons)
14 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
(@wayward40k, for some reason tumblr isn’t letting me reblog that post? so continuing here I guess. https://www.tumblr.com/wayward40k/702764621819510784/i-like-the-view?source=share )
He decides to end his staring contest with the floor, lacking eyes it would have won eventually. Carefully, he moved his eye to look into one of hers. “Why thank you my lady. I wasn’t sure if you had ever been to something like... this. Before.”
Be very careful. Very careful. “I must say you’re looking less. Wan. Than you were earlier.”
16 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
“Rogue trader vessel please be advised you are flying into a restricted zone. The planet of Zaer 7 is under quarantine by order of Chapter Master Darius, Revenants of the XIVth.” A bored sounding comms operator states.
Space Marines. Great. Anything space marines found quarentineable was obviously not worth the risk of figuring out what it was.
"Acknowledged, Noble Astartes, " his own comms operator replied. Castronova, flicked a switch on his throne. "Be advised there have been corsair sightings in this area. Cheerio, you lads have fun down there."
25 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
👫  for  a  reunion  starter
[[ :3c ]]
Another catering order for the Laurelletes, and this time there needed to be roe and shellfish. He loved return customers and hopefully this time there would be no kidnapping plots, assassination plots, or other forms of chicanery. Let alone Uninvited Guests, the Laurelletes had no dealings with Xenos as far as he knew.
He'd make sure to mingle this time, as he flew the gun cutter in, wondering what the occasion could be this time, doubtlessly the heiress had been married off by now, maybe this was the empty nest party, his mother had thrown those.
32 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Me: I did not add nearly enough red Chile to this spice mix. It’s spicier than last time but not enough.
Half of my very white family, who think that spaghetti is spicy and that salt is the only “spice” you need: Please stop
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miffyiffy · 2 years
One Piece Allergy Season
Sorry for being inactive for a while, im in my province rn so the internet here is whack. It's just hcs for today :)) and sorry if this is a mess, i only made this like a few minutes ago and im really tired but i had the urge to update this blog since it's been months since i posted fanfics or hcs. I will edit this once im back home and well rested enough <3
I'm allergic to pineapples, dust, sweat, animal fur, and had a lot of digestive and skin problems growing up (until now) so writing this was really fun !!
Characters: Luffy, Sabo, Usopp, Franky, Nami, Kaido
Let me know if you want a part 2 with different characters!
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Allergies: Peanuts
I just feel like luffy has peanuts allergy that he totally does not know about. Makino knows it, Dadan knows it, Garp knows it, everyone else in the village knows it, even Shanks, just in case luffy gets a hold of peanut butter and other food that has peanuts in them. Luffy himself, didn't know he had peanut allergies until Sanji prepared some good old fashioned peanut butter and jam sandwiches for the crew. His whole head was swollen and everyone was panicking, asking Luffy why his head is swollen, Nami said that it looks like an allergic reaction so Chopper ran to the clinic to find an epipen. Ever since then, peanuts are banned on the Sunny, well at least when Luffy is around, the crew also carry at least 2 epipen with them
Allergies: Pinapple, dusts
Yes, I am projecting myself into sabo, I'm not sure if people would agree that he has pinapple allergy but he would definitely have dust allergy. Both allergies affect his skin, it gives him red rashes, itchy, swollen skin. He also have a skin condition —thus, having to carry a moisturizer, lotion, oitment, pills, or other things that would help him and his skin. He's not asthmatic that's why the dust only affects his skin, the pinapple would affect both his skin and throat, it would give him sore throat but it's not as sore to the point he has lost his voice, more like an itch that he can't reach and it's SUPERRRR annoying.
Allergies: Some shellfish
I would say that usopp has a seafood allergy but he's literally living on a sea so I'll go with shellfish. He's NOT allergic to shellfish, just some— like around 1-2 specie(s) of shellfish such as shrimps and clams or crabs and snails, and other shellfish. When usopp first said this to Sanji, he (sanji) always makes sure to make a different dish for usopp when having a banquet and making snacks, usopp also told chopper so that he can have some allergy pills just in case.
Allergies: Chemical allergy
Franky is a self-built cyborg (or as i like to call it "DIY Robot") surely, he had some allergic reaction to some chemicals while building himself. I don't know much chemicals, but Franky doesn't show any allergic reaction when in touch with some chemicals since he's a cyborg now but he can feel it and it's SUPERRRR uncomfortable. Chopper made a special ointment for him :)), he tries to stay away and avoid using that certain chemical as much as possible. Robin also lent him some further knowledge on what to do, how to prevent, and what's the cause of it.
Allergies: Lactose intolerance
Ok, I know that lactose intolerance is a digestive problem and isn't an allergy but I want to include nami in this and again as I said, I am projecting myself into these characters. Nami always buys a different kind of milk, much likely almond milk (since it makes your 🍒 bigger). She can handle dairy pretty well, but not so often. Yeah she can hadle eating ice cream, carbonara, milkshakes, and creamy coffee in a day, but she wouldn't eat anything dairy after that in the next couple of days. Nami also said it to Sanji so he can find other substitutes for dairy products, she also said it to chopper so he can give her some pain killers if she's having a hard time, especially when they're always on the sea.
Allergies: Death
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whoreforthemandalor · 2 years
the waves clasp one another (chapter three)
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Pairing: Ezra x afab!reader (no physical descriptions, no y/n)
Series Rating: M for now, will be updated to E in later chapters and will be tagged as such
Chapter Rating: T, but this blog is 18+ so MINORS SCRAM
Tags/Content Warnings for Series: SLOW BURN!!; adventure; peril; discussions of disease; canon typical violence; thalassophobia tw; Ezra is his own warning; Smut (eventually!)
Tags/Content Warnings for Chapter: disease/brief mentions of death; animal neglect; humans being shitty; teenage angst.
Series Summary: When Cee is required to complete an internship to graduate from The Euphrate, Ezra insists on accompanying her off-world. You are a conservationist with a vested interest in preventing a mass outbreak of a transmissible brain disease, and your new intern has brought along a companion. When things suddenly go sideways, will all three of you make it out alive?  
Chapter Summary: Several explanations and a few introductions.
Word Count: 2.3k
a/n: thank you once again to my lovely @imtryingmybeskar @darkstarcomics for beta reading this for me!! I really appreciate you!! ❤️
Honest to Kevva, it wasn’t like you were always pissed off. It was more the fact that your job wasn’t exactly...simple. 
Keeping an endangered species away from the perilous edge of extinction wasn’t a task that most would willingly commit themselves to, but this subspecies of mustelidae was especially difficult. On top of their niche diet of a certain species of shellfish being hard to come by due to poaching by humans, and the problem of their preferred natural environment being isolated, underwater caverns, it was nigh on impossible to figure out a way to turn your sweet little albino charges into the sex-crazed heathens that their Terran-born counterparts had been, but frankly, the creature’s low birth rate was the least of your problems. The enhydra Chelrothica fodiens had gone completely undiscovered for millennia, and had managed to keep themselves unbothered for many hundreds of years past that. Things had truly been fine for your charges until some rich assholes discovered that the shellfish that made up the majority of their diet were, allegedly, an incredible aphrodisiac. 
The little blue-shelled creatures were almost hunted to extinction half a hundred years before, nearly wiping out the fodiens at the same time. The only thing that had stopped both species’ complete erasure was a group of scientists that had stepped in at the second-to-last moment, determined to prevent the loss of yet another micro-ecosystem to the greed of people who had more money than sense. The Conservation for the Proliferation of Endangered Species had been founded by your biologist grandparents and a number of other like-minded scientists, and they had passed their passion project onto their children, and then their grandchildren later. Between you and all your cousins, not to mention the children and grandchildren of all the other founding members, the fodiens and other endangered species on this side of the galaxy were being closely monitored at all times. Sometimes it felt like overkill to have such a tight grip on the fodiens, but the Conservation’s collective zealotry was the only thing keeping a dangerous problem at bay.
What all those rich assholes didn’t realize was that, though they had enough money to pay hundreds of points per shell to fuel for their hedonistic lifestyles, there was no amount of money in the galaxy that could save them from a potentially hideous end. The molluscs that they loved so much were potential carriers for a prion disease, a type of misfolded protein contained in the deoxyribose nucleic acid of the molluscs that was transmissible to humans in the event that they slurped down enough of the wrong ones. The disease would then be passed onto the next unsuspecting host, the person unlucky enough to have shot blindly in the dark and sent a thrower bolt through their own brain. The prions would then take up a sinisterly quiet residence in their grey matter, staying dormant for years before ripping the rug out from under the person within a matter of weeks. 
The infected person would seem fine for at least a few years post-exposure, with the first signs that something was wrong being issues with balance and fine motor skills, followed by general memory loss and personality changes. It always progressed quickly after the memory loss began; the victims wouldn’t know up from down within the week and it ended with the poor unfortunate bedridden and unable to move or speak, wasting away in front of their loved ones without a treatment or any answers until they died. If they were suspected to have partaken of the molluscs within the previous two decades, a biopsy of the deceased’s brain was always ordered, conducted under vacuum and with the medical examiners in entirely self-contained hazmat suits, since it wasn’t clear how prolific the disease could become once the human host had passed from it. That was how serious this problem was.
Luckily for the fodiens, their digestive enzymes contained something of an antiserum for the prion, causing it to be neutralized before absorption, which was another part of the problem. The fodiens were being farm-raised for that property alone, and The Conservation was left to deal with the consequences of abandoned fodiens after their prime breeding year. The intergalactic-government sponsored scientists who were charged with optimizing this program, to harvest the enzymes at their peak, at least had the wherewithal to dump the animals past their peak usefulness onto a planet that actually contained a flourishing population of their main food group. So, here you were, working with the fodiens to prepare them for reintroduction to the wild environment they were meant to be born into.
The weight of this burden had been feeling heavier in recent years, and you were almost ready to let someone else carry that mantle for a while. The pressures of the job aside, you also had the expectations of your family and cohort on your shoulders; graduating with two post-doctorates at a tender age, when most of your peers had only just finished their undergraduate work, meant that you were not only the head of the research division but also the liaison between The Conservation and those knuckleheaded scientists and their flippant, flagrant neglect of the fodiens.
Hence why you’re waiting in The Blind Shark for your understudy to arrive. A sweet little gal named Cee, whom you had exchanged quite a few messages with after her acceptance. She was a girl on the cusp of womanhood, trying to find her way and passion in the vast galaxy. She had written at length about her qualifications for the program as well as her travels as an assistant to her father’s ambitions. She had touched on his death on the Green Moon, which was as infamous for its aurelac as it was its poisoned atmosphere.
You had cried for Cee, after that last message. Not for losing her father, but for being alone in such an inhospitable place.
You drum your fingers against the surface of the small high top table, waiting for the exterior bar door to open. You had been sitting there drowsily watching people come and go for close to an hour before the door banged open and caused you to jerk to attention in your seat.
The first thing you notice is the fresh-faced young blonde, standing in the doorway and shivering from the cool air outside. On your first glance, your eyes land on the utility pants and heavy jacket she wears, as well as the long blade strapped to her thigh. Ah, a wary traveler. She’s seen more than her fair share of the world, you surmise.
The young woman peers around the dimly lit interior of the bar and you feel your eyes catch hers for a moment longer than would be appropriate for someone just passing through. A grin lights her face, and she makes a quick path through the tables to the empty seat beside you. She plops down unceremoniously and sticks out a hand to shake.
“My name’s Cee, you must be the one I’m looking for.”
Her introduction is succinct, and she carries a calm presence now that she is sitting next to you and you instantly feel yourself relax a bit. You give her your name and confirm that you are the one she had been seeking out. Both of your smiles are warm enough to dissipate any lingering awkwardness.
“I’m surprised you were able to pick me out so easily in this crowd,” you tell her. You’d tried your best to blend into the patrons at the bar so you could get a true reckoning of your charge, so the fact that she was able to pick you out almost immediately spoke of an astuteness that was unexpected. 
Cee’s lips twisted wryly and she leaned closer into your side before speaking. “It wasn’t hard to find the only female xeno in here that’s dressed for practicality.”
You give her a wide grin, but it falters a bit when you see who had been hidden behind Cee’s approaching form.
The tall, golden-skinned man who ambles up to the table is a pleasant surprise. He’s disarmingly handsome, with wavy, deep brown hair a shade lighter than his warm eyes and a surprisingly lithe curved nose. His full lips part to reveal a gleaming smile directed at you. A blonde streak above his right temple peeks out from under his bright blue beanie and is charming in a way you hadn't been expecting, falling gently over his forehead to accentuate his dark eyes and brows. You were so captivated by his face that it took you a moment to notice the most obvious thing about him.
His right arm was missing. At least partially, anyway.
At your first cursory glance it had escaped you, as it was well hidden by his jacket. The loose way that the sleeve moved had your eyes tracing down the arterial seam to where his right hand should be, but it was conspicuously absent. Your eyes skimmed over it, noting it but not lingering long. It piqued your curiosity to learn how that had happened; it looked like a somewhat fresh injury from the way the man turned his body half-away from you, as if he didn’t want you to see it. You feel a heat creep up your neck when you realize you’d been staring at the man for a bit too long, but Cee thankfully saves the moment without calling attention to the long silence.
“This is my guardian Ezra. He absolutely insisted on coming with me, even though he read through your credentials and said that he had the utmost faith in you to protect me,” Cee announced, glancing between you and Ezra with a roll of her eyes.
You stick your left hand out, palm open to him in an invitation to grasp it, and peer up at Ezra with a wide, genuine smile on your face.
“It’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, Ezra. Cee waxed poetic about you in our messages before our meeting today so I feel privy to almost all of your secrets.” Your smug smirk is met with a glow in Ezra’s sparkling dark eyes, as if he’s sizing you up. His warm, large hand meets your own and his handshake is firm but surprisingly gentle.
“The pleasure is entirely mine, doctor.” He lowers his lips to your hand, and the breath he expels before pressing those plush lips against your knuckles, the warmth of it, makes your own breath hitch in your throat. You try to keep your expression as neutral as possible but your eyes soften sweetly as Ezra raises his gaze to look at you. “My apologies for the intrusion onto your routine, my headstrong ideals concerning guardianship required that I accompany my little Birdie here on one last foray before she sets off into the vast unknown upon completion of this program and obtaining her degree.”
“Kevva above, can you rein it in, Ezra?” Cee huffs from your left side. You break eye contact with Ezra to turn toward Cee, and see that her expression is almost thunderous but not directed at you. She has her eyes firmly on Ezra, and he releases your hand and lifts his own as if in apology. The slightly chagrined look on his face is enough to have you biting back a laugh. 
“It’s completely fine Cee, Ezra was just-” you start to say, but Cee cuts you off with an exasperated sigh. From the look on Ezra’s face, a rant is incoming.
“Sorry doctor, it’s just that I barely received clearance from my prison warden here to come on this trip. I don’t need him making eyes at you and making this weird. You know, Ez, none of my classmates had their programs chaperoned by their parents,” the last part being directed at Ezra makes a slight scowl form on his face, eyebrows drawing together and you can’t help but to find the little crease between them terribly endearing.
“Birdie, I thought we had resolved this back home. You know I would never do anything to jeopardize the completion of your program, and far be it from me to make a mess of something so important to you.” Ezra’s placating tone does little to soothe Cee’s ruffled feathers, but regardless he turns to you to apologize. “Doctor, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your work here. I won’t meddle in your plans for Cee while we’re here with you, just consider me an extra set of hands-” Ezra cuts himself off, his mouth snapping shut abruptly. 
Cee’s sudden, loud bubble of laughter makes a smile ripple its way across his lips, until Ezra is cracking up too and they laugh themselves breathless until Cee’s addition of “Well, just the one, really” has you joining in the mirth. Once the three of you have calmed and a warm silence between you has fallen again, you feel it’s an appropriate time to bring up your earlier thought.
“Well, now that it’s been acknowledged, I would love to hear the story of how you came to be permanently left-handed, Ezra,” you say, hoping you aren’t overstepping the bounds of propriety by asking so early in your acquaintance but still burning with curiosity to hear the tale. Ezra and Cee exchange a loaded look across the table, and you feel as though there’s much more to their partnership than you originally gleaned, and Cee is actually the one to address your question.
“Well doctor, I know you’ve just met us and don’t know us from the first man, but I truly hope that you can…look past what I’m about to say. To be fair though, Ezra had just killed my father so I was just returning the favor. My aim was worse than his, though.”
Shocked isn’t the right word. 
Maybe horrified is better?
Thanks for reading! If you see any subjects that I should content tag, feel free to shoot me a message. if you want to be tagged, let me know! my askbox is open, or you can shoot me a DM @tentacruels
@darkstarcomics @imtryingmybeskar
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acenvs3000w22 · 3 years
Week 09: Oh What a Wonder Nature Is
Hi everyone,
Seeing as this week’s blog prompt is about how amazing nature is, what could be more amazing than the 7 natural wonders of the world?! Nature has some of its own amazing features and in 1997, the Cable News Network (CNN) constructed a list of the most amazing creations of nature (Andrews, 2020).  I myself have yet to experience any of these natural wonders but someday I am hoping to cross them off my bucket list! Have you experienced any of these places? If so, where? Alright, now let’s get to it!
1) The Aurora Borealis – Northern Hemisphere Did you know that the aurora borealis (also known as northern lights) is named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek word for the north wind, boreas (Andrews, 2020).  This captivating display of dancing colours paints the sky in ripples of blues, greens, pinks, violets, and yellows (Andrews, 2020).  These mystifying lights have various meanings to different groups.  In medieval times, these lights were perceived as an indication of famine or war, however, the Inuit believed them to be spirits of the beluga whales, deer, salmon and seals they hunted for survival (Andrews, 2020).  
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The Northern Lights. Image retrieved from: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/12/09/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-visible-across-northern-us/3866912001/
2) The Grand Canyon – Arizona, United States This stunning natural wonder was formed by the natural erosion of rock and soil from the Colorado River over billions of years (Dodd,2021).  The Colorado Plateau was once the floor of a shallow sea and fossilized corals, shellfish, and snails from 20 million years ago can still be found today (Andrews, 2020). Known for its deep red rust, visible rock stratification, and most notably its size and depth (roughly 446 kilometers long, 29 kilometers wide, and 1.8 kilometers deep), this is truly a breath-taking wonder (Dodd,2021).  
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The Grand Canyon. Image retrieved from: https://www.smartertravel.com/planning-a-trip-to-the-grand-canyon/
3) Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe and Zambia Despite not being the tallest or the widest fall on earth, with a combined height and width of 1,708 meters wide by 108 meters high, it does make it the largest (Dodd,2021).  This fall spills about 625 million liters of water every minute -  how incredible is that (Andrews, 2020)?!
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Victoria Falls. Image Retrieved from: https://www.traveller.com.au/victoria-falls-zimbabwe-travel-guide-the-mustdo-highlights-h1kc5m
4) The Harbour of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil This bay Is considered the world’s largest natural bay based on volume (Dodd,2021).  This gorgeous harbour is encased by granite mountains and monoliths, which creates a striking visual appearance to all visitors (Law, 2020; Dodd,2021).  
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Harbour of RIo de Janeiro. Image retrieved from: https://www.worldatlas.com/bays/guanabara-bay.html
5) Great Barrier Reef – Queensland Australia This spectacular feature includes over 900 islands, spanning over 344,400 square kilometers of the ocean (Law, 2020; Dodd,2021).  This makes it the largest coral reef system in the world and as a result, supports a plethora of life including 215 species of birds, 133 species of rays and sharks, and 30 species of dolphins (Dodd,2021; Andrews, 2020).  However, this natural wonder contains many endangered and endemic species and is currently being threatened by factors such as climate change and mass coral bleaching (Andrews, 2020)
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Great Barrier Reef.  Image retrieved from: https://www.cntraveler.com/stories/2016-04-21/the-great-barrier-reef-is-dying-says-new-report
6) Paricutin Volcano – Michoacan, Mexico Paricutin is a cinder cone shaped volcano which last erupted in 1952 (over a 9-year period) (Law, 2020).  It was deemed as a natural wonder given that mankind was able to witness its birth and rapidly growing formation (Law, 2022). This volcano has only existed as it has since 1943 when it first appeared from a relatively flat corn field, making it the youngest volcano in the Northern Hemisphere (Dodd,2021).
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Paricutin Volcano.  Image retrieved from: https://www.worldatlas.com/volcanoes/paricutin-volcano.html
7) Mount Everest – China and Nepal Debatably the most famous mountain on planet earth – Mount Everest.  This massive formation has an approximate elevation of 29,029 feet (Law, 2020). Did you know that this actually isn’t the tallest mountain in the world?  That title belongs to Mauna Kea in Hawaii, however, most of it is underwater and so it does not have the tallest peak ‘above sea level’ (Dodd,2021).  
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Mount Everest.  Image retrieved from: https://explorerspassage.com/chronicles/facts-mount-everest/
In the textbook reading from Beck et al. (2018), it mentions the emotional state of being in ‘awe’, where “fleeting and rare experiences of awe can change the course of a life in profound and permanent ways”.  I believe that being able to experience the totality of these natural wonders would definitely elicit this ‘awe’ feeling.  Being in this state has the ability to elicit curiosity, purpose, creativity, improve mood, and reduce stress (Beck et al. 2018).  Although I provided some facts and information on these places, being physically present in nature and soaking in the surrounding can be more than enough to understand the beauty of nature and no interpretation is required (Beck et al. 2018).  This can also increase the use of citizen science as by experiencing these places first hand, this will provide the visitor with an authentic experience and hopefully encourage them to participate in the evolving community science that serves to benefit these natural places (Beck et al. 2018).  
I realize this post was a bit of a long one but I hope you got to learn something and feel inspired along the way!
Thanks for reading,
Andrews, C. (2020). See the Natural Wonders of the World in 2021. Retrieved 19 March 2022, from https://www.nathab.com/blog/see-the-natural-wonders-of-the-world-in-2021/
Beck, L., Cable, T.T., & Knudson, D.M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World. Sagamore-Venture Publishing LLC.
Dodd, C. (2021). The 7 Natural Wonders Of The World. Retrieved 19 March 2022, from https://www.worldatlas.com/places/the-7-natural-wonders-of-the-world.html#h_51335814238881631701075573
Law, L. (2020). A Guide to the 7 Natural Wonders of the World | PlanetWare. Retrieved 19 March 2022, from https://www.planetware.com/magic-travel-a-guide-to-the-seven-natural-wonders-of-the-world.htm
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mariasmemo · 10 months
The Ice Man Cometh
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This is a blog of the past.  I did post it long ago when I wrote for “Nantucket Chronicle” and have posted it on this blog. But with winter upon us, I decided it was time to think about ice harvesting again.
The past few weeks have been very un-Nantucket as far as the heat and the extreme humidity.  When I was a child and even a teenager, I remember that we always wore long pants and even sweaters in the summer evenings on island.  This does not seem to be the norm any longer unfortunately.  The heat also leads me to think about staying cool and what generations before us did to preserve food. 
Long before modern refrigeration, ice was used for preserving foods. Although the use of ice brought an end to salting and drying fish for local markets, with railroad development and western expansion in the 1850s, salt fish was still being shipped to inland domestic markets as well as abroad. As the fishing industry grew on Nantucket and elsewhere, however, so did the need for ice to keep the catch fresh for market.
On Nantucket, when a hard freeze produced ice of the necessary thickness, blocks were cut from Maxcey’s and Washing Ponds and the North Head of Hummock Pond and stored in nearby icehouses. This was a fairly long and tricky process that took skill to make sure the ice was the right thickness and that one did not fall through the ice.  Mainland icehouses typically used sawdust for insulation, but Nantucket ice was insulated with beach grass, seaweed, and eelgrass—sawdust not being readily available here.  The iceman would drive his cart around the streets with usually a gaggle of children trailing behind – or hitching a secretive ride on the back of the cart – hoping for a piece of ice to suck on and cool off with – back when something that simple was a pure delicacy.
When electricity was introduced on Nantucket in 1889, cutting pond ice was no longer necessary.  Captain John “Jack” Killen built the first ice-making plant, on Straight Wharf, opening it on May 5, 1902.  Several other plants, including that of the Island Service Company, followed—all operating until the Great Depression.  Nantucket’s early ice-making plants were established primarily for packing fish and shellfish, which were shipped in barrels or fish boxes layered with ice. Fishermen both on and off-island would stock up on ice before going out on long trips, and it is said that island ice was of a much higher quality than that from plants off-island—perhaps because of the purity of Nantucket’s water.
Some people still cut ice.  My parents had an elderly friend, now gone, and his family owned – and I assume still owns – a camp of cottages from the 19th century up in New Hampshire.  In the winter, the entire family shows up to harvest ice and store it in the icehouse.  The ice is then used in each of the cottages during the summer since they have no electricity or plumbing.  It is an art that is almost gone but happily there are still a few who have passed down the knowledge and skill for harvesting ice.  I recently took a look at his obituary and was blown away – I remember him for ice harvesting – but wow what a life!  One of service and seeking justice.
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the-himawari · 4 years
A3! Sakuma Sakuya - Translation [SR] MANKAI Playback (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakuya: Uwahh… It’s full of people!
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Izumi: (Sakuya-kun looks happy… I’m glad.) (…As expected, the uniform is a bit embarrassing though.)
Masumi: *Sigh*… Director’s cute… Our uniform really suits you…
Izumi: D-does it…?
Tsuzuru: How many times are you gonna go on with that? I’ve heard you say that 5 times already…
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Masumi: I’ll say it countless times. At least 100 more times.
Izumi: Ummm… Where are the other three?
Tsuzuru: In the changing room. Itaru-san still hasn’t prepared his heart yet.
Izumi: Yeah, I understand how he feels. I never thought that it would actually turn out like this…
*flashback starts*
Izumi: I’m fine with going to an amusement park, but even without uniforms…
Masumi: You can’t, I want to go on a uniform date with Director.
Itaru: Alright, so only Director-san.
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Izumi: Hey, that’s not fair..! If I’m doing this, then I’m taking everyone with me!
Itaru: Ehh… Tsuzuru, you’re against the uniforms, right?
Tsuzuru: I wore a school uniform in our performance the other day, so I don’t really mind.
Itaru: Seriously? An unexpected betrayal.
Citron: Give up!
Itaru: Now, now, we still have senpai.
Chikage: Well it’s true I’d like to decline… Give me a break and let me be the teacher in charge.
Citron: No way! It’s meaningful if everyone does it together!
Itaru: —Oh yeah, we don’t have enough uniforms! I mean we don’t have 4 sets of them, right?
Masumi: If it’s uniforms, we can borrow one from Banri; Banri and I both have spares.
Tsuzuru: Just give up already, you three. At this point, we’re all in the same boat.
Sakuya: I’ll ask my friends too!
Itaru: GG…
Chikage: Good grief…
Izumi: We have no choice but to give up, huh…
*flashback ends*
Tsuzuru: We told them we were forcing them to come along and then finally… Ah, they’re here, they’re here.
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Itaru: Ugh, this is seriously cringe! Let me go home right now, I beg you!
Chikage: Give up. You’re not the only one suffering.
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Citron: You’re horrible at sports!*
Itaru: You mean we’re terrible sports.
Chikage: Sorry for the wait.
Sakuya: Wahh! Both Itaru-san and Chikage-san look great in their uniforms!
Chikage: Thank you, Sakuya. …I should’ve avoided the role of a high school student though.
Itaru: Serves you right for tripping the flag… is what I want to say, but I’m also involved here.
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Tsuzuru: Anyways, everyone’s here now so let’s go in.
Chikage: Ah, before that, I have something I want you to promise me. It’s that we definitely won’t take any photos.
Itaru: It’s legit a matter of life or death if I’m seen by the people at the office like this. So it’s especially the worst of the worst if Kazunari finds out. So pictures are absolutely NG, kthx.
Tsuzuru: Ahh, that guy… He’ll probably post it to instablam in the blink of an eye.
Izumi: That’d be rough for me too…
Sakuya: I understand! Though that’s kind of too bad.
Citron: It can’t be helped. If the birthday boy can live with that, then I can live with it too!
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Masumi: Let’s go already. My date time with Director is decreasing.
Tsuzuru: You seriously don’t waver, huh…
Citron: Sakuya, you’ve put your birthday badge on properly, right?
Sakuya: Yes!
Izumi: You get various benefits when you’re wearing the birthday badge, right?
Sakuya: Yes, I can’t wait!
Cast member A: Happy birthday!
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
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Izumi: The effect of the birthday badge really is impressive, huh?
Sakuya: I’m happy various cast members called out to me and also put on performances for me.
Tsuzuru: For now, what should we ride first?
Masumi: The Ferris wheel.
Sakuya: It seems fun if we ride it together, right!
Izumi: If it’s the Ferris wheel here, then it looks like we can all fit inside.
Masumi: Even though I wanted the two of us to ride it together, why did it turn out everyone’s joining…
Tsuzuru: Alright, alright, you can do that next time. Sakuya said he wants everyone to ride it together.
Masumi: …I got it. But I’m the one who will sit next to Director.
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Izumi:  The haunted house was pretty scary and intense…!
Sakuya: Right? At first, it was scary and intense. But Citron-san taught me all the names of the ghosts so then rather than being scared, I started to feel a bond with them.
Tsuzuru: The names of the ghosts…
Sakuya: Mii-chan, Takkun, he knew everyone’s names!
Citron: The other day on TV, they said when you think you’re scared, if you give them names then you can be content** over your fear!
Itaru: You mean you can conquer your fear.
Citron: That’s it!
Izumi: (That sounds like a lesson from a children’s education program…)
Chikage: It’s about lunch time, right?
Izumi: Fufufu, I’ve been waiting to hear those words! Tah daaah! Actually, I made lunch boxes!
Masumi: Director’s handmade lunch box…! I’ll eat them all.
Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun and I made them together for everyone.
Masumi: …Then I’ll only eat the parts that were made by Director.
Tsuzuru: You get nothing.
Sakuya: Ah! It’s napolitan!
Option 1: “Because that’s what Sakuya-kun likes.”
Izumi: Yeah, because that’s what Sakuya-kun likes!
Sakuya: Thank you very much… I’m happy!
Chikage: As expected of Director-san. By the way, I’d be glad if you had tabasco sauce.
Masumi: I don’t understand why you’d put tabasco in the precious food she made.
Option 2: “Its colour combination is nice too, right?”
Izumi: Its colour combination is nice too, right!
Sakuya: That’s true… there’s a lot of garnishes put in.
Itaru: This isn’t the amount you put in for garnishes. They’re the main dish.
Izumi: Eat up, alright, Sakuya-kun!
Sakuya: Yes!
Citron: And now, we can’t forget about this! Happy birthday~!
Sakuya: That’s a big cake! Wait, from where!?
Citron: Fufufu… The surprise is a huge success! Our preparations were perfect!
Sakuya: I’m really happy! Thank you very much, everyone! I was longing for this a little—going out and having fun to my fullest in my uniform. I never imagined it would come true after I graduated…
Izumi: …That’s so great, right, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Yes! U-um… I have something I'd like to do.
Tsuzuru: It’s rare for Sakuya to say something like that.
Izumi: That’s true… What is it that you want to do?
Sakuya: Would you please allow me to take a picture with my smartphone? Just one photo for my memories is enough, so…!
Izumi: A picture…?
Sakuya: I definitely won’t show it to anyone else!
Tsuzuru: That’s fine with me but… How about Itaru-san and you guys?
Chikage: …If the main lead today says so then it can’t be helped.
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Itaru: Well, I guess it’s only fine if Sakuya’s the one who takes it. Since I’m sure he won’t send it to anyone.
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Citron: I brought a shellfish stick!***
Sakuya: Shellfish stick?
Tsuzuru: Could you mean a selfie stick?
Citron: That’s it!
Izumi: …Alright. I think everyone’s in frame. Make sure to smile properly, alright, Itaru-san and Chikage-san.
Chikage: I understand.
Itaru: Roger.
Izumi: Then once again, Sakuya-kun…
Troupe members: Happy birthday!
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*Citron says "お嬢様が悪い" (ojou-sama ga warui: ~the young mistress is bad), which Itaru corrects as "往生際が悪い" (oujougiwa ga warui: a phrase meaning ~being a sore loser/not knowing when to give up) **Citron says "幸福" (koufuku: happiness/joy), which Itaru corrects as "克服" (kokufuku: overcome/conquer) **Citron says "千鳥足" (chidoriashi: staggering/drunken steps), which Tsuzuru corrects as "自撮り棒" (jidoribou: selfie stick)
And here’s a clear shot for everyone~
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