#this new character looks more ste's level
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robertsugden · 9 months ago
just seen hollyoaks has finally put an end to the abysmal ste and james about fucking time
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 1 year ago
hidden sadness.
pairings: Natasha X fem reader.
Warnings: depression, lots of sadness. Swearing. Thoughts of self harm. Yelling.
Happy ending tho.
A/n: this is a vent post. And Natasha is only a year older than y/n in this. Please do not mind me dumping my bottled up sadness here.
Y/n had joined the Avengers when she was 23. She had been hoping for a new start. And she had always been really good with daggers. Like exceptionally good. So she had gained the avengers trust quite easily.
The avengers would describe y/n as walking sunshine. She was always able to cheer someone up or just bring the happiness level up in general. It was a known fact that y/n was friends with every avenger. Every avenger other than Natasha Romanoff. For some inexplicable reason Natasha hated y/n. However despite Natashas dislike for her y/n was always kind towards her.
Natasha would describe y/n as a clingy childish girl who never experienced the hardships if the world and probably had everything handed to her on a silver platter. And the only reason that y/n was on the avengers was because her dad brought her a place and claimed she was good with daggers.
Nobody had actually seen y/n handle a dagger. But every mission y/n went on came out successful so they assumed she was as good as she claimed. Everyone but Natasha who suspected y/n just had someone else do the job for her.
Y/n however was far from either of the avengers expectations. She was a happy ball of sunshine on the outside but inside was a while nother story. In all reality y/n was sad. Desperately sad. Y/n found it hard to even get up of a morning. She forgot meals and basic health things. Luckily she could easily brush it off as simple forgetfulness as it fit her personality.
Despite y/n desperately wanting to tell someone, anyone, about her sadness she couldn't. Not the avengers. They had enough issues to deal with as well as their own sadness. Y/n's mother didn't understand. She tried to but she couldn't grasp her daughter's depression. And y/n's father had left for another woman a year ago. Not that that changed anything as he basically ignored y/n her whole life. So y/n bottled her sadness. Well she had one place she put it. A blog she had. There she could dump all her emotions under an alias where noone would recognise her and tell the other Avengers.
On social media y/n went under "inej". Her favourite book character whom she shared her dagger and knife skill with. Y/n's blog was her safe haven. The one place where she could be y/n y/l/n and not just "the silver blade" which was her hero name. Nobody but y/n's followers knew about y/n's depression. If it's even depression. Y/n don't know. All she knew was she was sad.
"hey y/n you think you could show us your daggers?"
Kate asked from beside yelena. The other Avengers turned to look at y/n.
"sorry Kate not today. Maybe another day."
Y/n responded shooting Kate an apologetic look. Y/n didn't like to show her daggers to others. They were special. Her grandma handcrafted them specially for y/n before she passed away. She had left y/n with twenty daggers in a wooden box with a glass lid. It was important to y/n as it was the last thing her grandma ever gave her.
"of course you cant. Because they don't exist. Admit it y/l/n you use your father's power to get your missions done."
Natashas voice broke y/n out of thought. It was cold and cruel but y/n was used to it.
"sorry to disappoint Natasha but I don't use my father's status to get missions done. I do have daggers but I can't show them to you. It's personal and I've said that."
Y/n gave Natasha smile. Natasha had always been y/n's favourite avenger. It saddened her more that Natasha hated y/n. Natasha simply scoffed at y/ns words and smile.
"what's personal about daggers. Their just fancy knives."
Natasha's insult hurt. Not that y/n would ever show it.
"leave it alone nat."
Steve said frowning. Natasha glared at him before leaving the room.
"sorry for her behaviour y/n."
Steve said then turning to y/n.
"it's fine Steve. I'm used to it. I know she'll eventually get over it."
Y/n responded calmly. She then hesitated.
"I'm gonna go to my room though. I feel awkward now. I'll see you all later ok."
Y/n then finished. The avengers nodded and y/n retreated to her room.
Y/n had a simple room in which no one but her was aloud in. It had bookcases lining two walls and a bunk bed with a study area underneath in the corner. There was a picture frame that held two photos. One of y/n with her mother and the other of y/n with her grandma the day she gifted y/n the daggers. Under said photos was the box contained the daggers. The daggers were intricately decorated with dragons or crows. Dragons because y/n adored them and crows as a reference to y/n's favourite book duology, six of crows.
Y/n climbed up to her bed and lay down grabbing her phone to dump her emotions on social media. Opening her blog she created a post. It just went on about how her friend group had one person who hated her despite her attempts at being friendly. And her slight struggles to deal with her depression and not being able to discuss it. After posting she turned off her phone and lay down sighing. Y/n didn't feel much better. She glanced back at the daggers. What if... No. She couldn't. She wouldn't. She didn't have the heart to do it. Let alone deal with her mother's sadness or the avengers sadness if she was caught. Besides her suit was sleeveless. Y/n buried the thought to the back if her mind.
A few hours had passed now. Wanda called everyone down for a team meal. Y/n wasn't hungry. She made the simple excuse of she wasn't hungry and went back to her room. Not after getting another snarky remark from Natasha though. This time a dig at her size. Y/n wasn't big but she wasn't skinny like the others either. It wasn't a bad thing and y/n knew that but it still hurt.
Once back in her room y/n turned in her music and as 'devil town' by cavetown came on she pulled out her sketchbook and drew. That was y/n's only other coping mechanism that kept her away from sh. Other than reading, drawing was one of the only things y/n legitimately enjoyed anymore. As the lines started to take a shape y/n realised she was drawing a realistic heart that was cracked open and bleeding. Disturbing but accurate to y/n's emotions currently. Mean while downstairs the other Avengers were arguing with Natasha.
"you can't say that natasha. It could really hurt her feelings y'know."
Wanda scolded. Natasha rolled her eyes.
"she's a cinnamon bun Wanda she's fine."
Natasha said. Wanda frowned at Natasha and was about to make another comment when Yelena interupted.
"can we not do this over dinner. You two can have your quarrel after food."
Wanda and Natasha sighed before sitting back down. Everyone ate in silence as the obvious tension between Wanda and Natasha was uncomfortable.
The next few weeks went by almost the same. Y/n continued her happy persona and Natasha continued to make hurtful jabs while the other Avengers disapproved. Y/n continued to act like it didn't matter. Then Natasha and y/n were assigned the same mission. It was simple. Break into HYDRA put the information on the hard drive and then blow up the place. Easy right. Wrong. Natasha was furious.
"why can't I do it on my own!?"
Natasha fumed at fury. Y/n stood there silent.
"I don't need some happy go lucky daddies girl bugging me as she fakes being an avenger!"
That actually hurt y/n and she flinched though nobody noticed.
"well there's obviously some drama between you both and you need to figure it out. Besides the other Avengers need a break."
Fury remained professional despite the red head yelling at him. Before Natasha could even think of a response fury left. Natasha whipped around to face y/n.
"you better not fuck this up or I will fuck you up got that daddies girl."
Natashas voiced dropped with venom at this statement and y/n simply nodded. The black widow proceeded to storm out of the room leaving y/n to mull over this situation.
The day of departure was the hardest y/n ever experienced. She felt so heavy. It was unbearable to leave the sanctuary of her bed let alone her bedroom. Despite all odds she managed to get up and grab her daggers and change in time to meet Natasha. Y/n had also grabbed a couple books and her sketchpad. This was not a single day mission and y/n knew she was gonna need some coping mechanisms or else things would go south.
Y/n met Natasha at the launch pad to board the quinjet. Natasha scowled at y/n and went on about her nearly being late. Y/n was early. They boarded and started the long flight to the HYDRA base.
The majority of the flight Natasha scowled at y/n and made harsh comments. Y/n simply read to drown it out. As soon as they landed and headed to the hotel they were staying at Natasha made almost silent judgements about the way y/n held and carried herself. Y/n simply sighed and tried to ignore it. They checked into the hotel and entered their room. Lucky for them it had two beds. Y/n set up to the one next to a window and natasha on the one closest to the door.
The first night y/n and Natasha needed to discuss plans if the break in. That was mostly Natasha telling y/n what to do and ignoring any statements y/n made before bringing them up later as if her own ideas. Y/n went along with it.
The next day they were to stake out the base. It went as well as one could anticipate from Natasha and y/n. Natasha constantly criticized y/n and said she was too obvious and how this was just proof of her faking her missions successes. It ended worse. Y/n had ended up in a trap and Natasha had to get her out before HYDRA agents found them. It was worse when back at the hotel.
"how could you be so stupid! Had I known you were this shitty I would've demanded a new partner till I got one! You jeopardized the whole mission you know that right!? Your not an avenger. Your a pathetic excuse who only got to join the team cos her daddy brought her a spot."
Natasha yelled. Y/n blocked out the rant. She had heard enough if Natashas rants to know the lines this one would take. Bla bla ball you could've got us caught. Bla bla bla your a failure. Bla bla bla daddy's girl. That was all Natasha's rants. Soon however Natasha ran out of air and stormed into the bathroom to take a shower. Y/n decided to make a post for her blog.
-hey guys. I think screwed up again. It's all I ever seen to do now a days. I truly feel like a failure. I could've gotten my friend in trouble on accident. I've also been left alone with the friend who hates me. I keep fucking up and I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm trying. But sometime it feels like it's not enough. Stay safe.-
Y/n posted it and then turned off her phone before pulling out a book to read the rest of the night. Y/n knew sleep was not gonna be an option tonight. Sleepless nights were more common now.
Today was the infiltration day. Today was the important day. And y/n could only think about how she was gonna fuck up. Natasha got ready and y/n joined her outside. They were soon both outside the base again.
"ok I'm doing all the work as your incapable of doing anything right. Just follow my orders and maybe you won't fuck this up."
Natasha demanded. Y/n nodded. Natasha then lead y/n in.
At first everything was going smoothly. Till Natasha was downloading the information and it tripped a security alarm. HYDRA agents filled the room and Natasha and y/n were fighting for their lives while gathering the information. Y/n didn't have time to grab her daggers and she wasn't too good at hand to hand combat without them. That and the sleepless night and y/n was fighting terribly. Natasha obviously noticed and took it as y/n being incapable of doing the mission and a liar like she thought. Then Natasha saw the files were downloaded. She quickly went to retrieve the USB and turned to yell at y/n to ditch before g/n barged into Natasha and a bullet was shot. Y/n yelled at Natasha to grab the USB and run and that she had the bombs to blow it up. Natasha did run. She felt no obligation to help y/n. Soon after Natasha was out y/n got the time to whip out her daggers and soon the agents were dead. Y/n planted the bombs and exited the building and blew it up. Y/n met with Natasha at the hotel room.
"what the fuck were you thinking!? You nearly got me killed. Your pathetic attacks were useless! We could if failed because of you. Let alone you jumping at me!? And where are you stupid daggers huh!? I never even saw a blade in your hands!"
Natasha screamed. Y/n was tired and bleeding. Littlest did Natasha realise was y/n had take a bullet for natasha. Had she not jumped at Natasha she would if died. But all Natasha was doing was yelling at y/n for saving her life. No. She had enough.
"I jumped at you to take a goddamn bullet!"
Y/n finally gestured to the bleeding wound in her chest. Natasha shit up but before she could speak y/n began to yell this time.
"and the reason I didn't pull out my daggers was because I didn't have an opening to! I saved your stupid life and what I get is being screamed at!? I've tried so hard to get to where I am now. And you daddies girl comments sting y'know. And if you knew jackshit you'd know that my father left my mother for another woman a year ago. Even before that he hardly acknowledged my existence! I have tried so hard to be good at this but I can't! I'm just sad all the time. I struggle to get out of bed. Yet I try to keep you and the other Avengers happy because I don't want to bring down high spirits! Maybe this was a mistake and that being an avenger was a shit decision but I enjoy it! Or I did."
Y/n finished her rant and then looked at a shell shocked Natasha. The y/n pulled out her bloody daggers.
"and those non existent daggers are here."
Natasha now stared at the daggers. Then she eyed the bullet wound.
"i.. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
She said almost shakily.
"no. You didn't know. You don't bother to know. To know Ive been miserable near you. I've thought about self harming before but you have nearly made me actually do it! And y'know what. Maybe I should. Just to relieve the pain you cause me!"
Y/n shouted. Natasha looked scared at the mention of self harm.
"don't do that. Don't even think of that. Please I'm sorry. I didnt... I'm sorry. I am truly sorry."
Natasha said. Concern was written all over natashas face as tears streamed down y/n's. Natasha stepped forward.
"Please dont, cut yourself..."
Natasha begged. Y/n looked away.
"it's just so hard.. you making comments. Being judged about the fact I won't show my daggers because I'm not ready to face the fact that if I show them I'll need to say who gave them to me and then that leads to grandma's death.. I cant. I can't admit she's gone because if she is then I'm lost.."
Y/n practically sobbs. Natashas eyes widen at your explanation of why you refused to show your daggers. Natasha then wrapped y/n in a hug.
"I'm sorry. I was just jealous. I thought you had a privileged childhood and got everything you needed and was upset because that privilege was taken from me. I'm so sorry. I never meant to take effect in you like I did."
Natasha whispered. Y/n simply leaned into Natasha's arms.
The rest of that night was filled with, Crying, hugs, admitting troubles and making up. The two women then became friends and returned to the compound as such. They proceeded to confuse the fuck out of the other Avengers as they had departed basically enemies and now y/n and Natasha were arm in arm. Natasha explained everything and y/n was taken to therapy. Things soon got better. And eventually Natasha and y/n grew into more than friends.
A/n: the ending is shit but I didn't know how else to do it. (I redid it like 20 times). Lmk if it's shit or not. Not that I care this is just me emotion dumping lol.
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ladyluscinia · 2 years ago
Idk if it's just a coincidence, but all of the sudden I keep seeing those "Izzy stans are so obsessed with this random white guy that they ignore or flatten every other character (especially poc)" takes all over and it's annoying me so much. So:
First, I'm going to link bromelads most recent attempt to get some actually constructive dialogue going about fandom racism because it has a whole section on this point. Technically two sections if you count the linked drive file as separate.
And then I'm going to ask all my fellow Izzy Hands lovers to add on to this post their favorite deep thoughts / burning questions / fun headcanons / etc. about your favorite non-Izzy characters. I know you all have a bunch of them. Bonus points for other side characters instead of Edward or Stede.
I'll start.
So I'm fascinated by the glimpses we get of pirate culture / the Queen Anne / the general environment that Edward is coming from and still half enmeshed in because I personally find the narrative push and pull there a lot more interesting than the whole running from one world to another that Stede (and to a lesser extent his crew) has going on. Which naturally leads to me finding Fang and Ivan so fucking interesting.
(Mandatory moment of sadness that Ivan won't be in season 2, because I was really hoping to see where his story was going 😭)
Not sure if I can really hypothesize many "hidden" depths to Fang because the show openly hit a pretty wide range. He cries over his dog and nude models for Lucius, but also skins a man with a snail fork and seems shockingly chill about Edward making an abrupt 180 to "maroon all your new friends to die". He's an obedient henchman in 1x02 and 1x04, but he also takes basically no prompting to go for the jugular on humiliating gossip the moment Edward seems disinclined to enforce Izzy's authority. The man contains multitudes already, minimal sleuthing required.
I am really looking forward to how S2 addresses his loyalty to Edward over the crew. Like at the end of 1x10 Fang and Ivan don't even really look that conflicted??? They were buddy buddy with these guys yesterday - moreso Fang than Ivan - but also seemed fully aware that Blackbeard could decide he was done playing around at any moment and then he did. Whoo boy. I mean, one genre of fic I'm usually not interested in is "Lucius in the walls" fic (I know he's alive, I just don't really care for that approach), but I will make an exception if it really explores Fang specifically hiding him because that's a big thing given he is openly afraid of defying Edward.
Like... Fang is a pretty friendly dude, and I can't imagine someone to fool around with was that impossible to find on Blackbeard's leatherman express. So it's really cool that despite very much not being, like, his true love or whatever, Lucius is apparently offering Fang something novel on the acceptance and connection front but maybe not something that wildly diverges from what he's had before. And I do think it's interesting to rotate how that tension could be playing out in his mind. He's got to be used to the whole flow of making and losing connections - that's just pirate life, nbd - except this time it's supposed to just be whatever, only... it's not? He actually misses Lucius and those other fun guys??? Maybe even enough to stand up to Edward over it?!
And Ivan! Man, Ivan has all kinds of potential stuff going on that I feel like people could talk about. I would probably talk about it more, only with the news he won't be in S2 it always makes me wonder how they are going to get rid of him and what that's going to imply about him (which might be contradictory to what they were intending). Which makes me sad.
Probably the biggest thing is like... I don't think Ivan actually likes Stede or the Revenge crew much? I mean on a personal level. Like, his only real friendship bond appears to be Fang, he's not noticeably trying to make new ones, and he's kinda fed up with Stede's people a few times? I'm thinking of rooting to kill them after 1x02, and scoffing at them during the raid in 1x05. And to me this is a really cool trait. I love it when "good" side characters have independent personalities enough to find the protagonist mildly annoying or something, instead of every single one of them perfectly correlating "good person" and "protagonist's friend". It prevents protagonist POV from becoming tunnel vision and accidentally making them seem like the center of the universe. (This is part of why the spn fandom loves Kevin.)
Not liking Stede isn't a character flaw, you know? And if you analyze Ivan's POV with just kinda not being impressed with these guys as an option, that leads to some really interesting places. Because in 1x06 he's actively encouraging Edward to just kill Stede like he said he would, not just following Izzy's lead, and then in 1x07 and 1x08 Ivan and Fang disappear. They don't show up again until Izzy does, but they also aren't seen leaving with Izzy or showing up in scenes like Jackie's bar like you would expect if they were just his loyal henchmen or whatever. So what are they doing in that gap???
I've said before that the adventures of Fang and Ivan is a completely wild story squeezed into the background and gaps of this show with two fascinatingly insane guys at the center of it, and I still think that's true. Fang goes right into becoming besties with the crew while still definitely thinking Edward is going to have him murder all of them in a few weeks. Ivan watches Izzy get banished, sleeps on it, and then fucking bounces with his buddy to go meet up with him... And then they praise Edward's punch and mutiny Izzy later! It's fun to think about!
...but I suppose my interest in Fang and Ivan does connect back up with my Izzyposting fairly often (since I like analyzing how characters interact and relate, and these two interact with Izzy), so how about another character?
Now obviously the well trodden path here is TealOranges thoughts and feels. Plenty of drama, development, struggles, etc. But actually what I most want to know about Oluwande is how he and Spanish Jackie know each other???
Like what was up with that??? 👀👀👀
Their interaction gives off sorta inner circle vibes to me. Jackie clearly suspects / knows he betrayed her, but she calls him over to chat like old friends and Oluwande is expected to play along to act normal. So like... Was that normal? Did he regularly sit at Jackie's table and chat about life with her? Jackie does not have the time of day for her own husbands' problems most of the time - she seems to reprimand Geraldo for expecting more attention than the others - but immediately asking after Oluwande's life doesn't ping "oh she's definitely onto us" for him???
I don't think he's a husband (feels like it would have been addressed) and them being related seems unlikely. He's got a good head on his shoulders but he's clearly not some notorious pirate or outlaw of great skill. Like Oluwande is just some guy! But also some guy that Jackie was personally invested in!
And then bringing Jim into this... So Oluwande is just some guy in Jackie's inner circle, finds out the new barmaid is out to kill Jackie's favorite husband, and just helps them out??? My dude??? He doesn't even get whirlwind romance privileges. He did all that for a mysterious yet compelling stranger and no shit is this man crazy enough for the Revenge.
My headcanon re: the murder is that Alfeo was universally loathed and literally only Jackie and his gang liked him. So when people (and let's be honest Jim is not the most subtle of assassins so probably more than just Oluwande) realized someone was legit after him, they pretty much shrugged and sent them good thoughts. Also I think Oluwande and Jim had a solid plan to get away with killing Alfeo that went completely sideways, which is how they ended up hiding on a pirate ship pretending they knew how to sail. Oluwande didn't actually intend to completely ruin his status with Jackie and he does lowkey regret it in some ways, so he's gonna be thrilled when Jim tells him all about how they are cool with Jackie now and he can go back to the bar to hang next time they are in Nassau.
Anyway that's another big thing I want from S2 Jackie is Oluwande backstory, because that would be such a treat.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Forever
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I Don’t Like Bullies
Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer:  This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
** If you haven’t read SSB in it’s entirety, this contains MAJOR spoilers**
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August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I’ll call Jen”
“It’s ok she can message…”
“I’ll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What’s for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we’re gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I’m gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve…” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted “Sweetheart, you’re forgetting who we know.”
“Oh, no…you can’t drag Sam into this.” Katie shook her head “Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble.”
“I’m not” Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I’m gonna drag Bucky into it instead.“
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…”  Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat.  Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad…she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top.  They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck.” he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing.  Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
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klarolinelibrary · 4 years ago
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Hi KC Readers, 
Happy Friday! 
We have another weekly releases for you to check out. The stories below were updated during the week of April 17 - April 23. 
Grab a snack and drink, then dive right into the new stories and reimagined characters of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes!
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 21)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: I think the title is self explanatory. The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: April 17 2021
SKULLS (Chapter 9)
Author: Lovely Vero
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Vampiro and El Diablo, aka: Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson, heads of the bikers SKULLS are fighting Gabriel Desperaldo, aka: El escorpión - head of the Spanish mafia - and his human trafficking in their city of Los Alamos in New Mexico. Never in a million years, did they imagine that the love of two captured women would change their life forever.
Date of update: April 17 2021
In the shelter of your light (Chapter 3)
Author: Clarity23
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline expected to face some challenges when she decided to foster a teenage girl. But she did not expect that the girl's older, annoyingly handsome brother would be in the picture as well. AU
Date of update: April 17 2021
Everything and anything for you (Chapter 13)
Author: thelibrarianofalexandria
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She had it all planned ahead. Graduate early, go to an Ivy League college, make her dreams come true. However, she has to change it a little when her whole life is thrown upside down and a handsome original takes an interest in her, the younger, shy, sister of Caroline Forbes.
Date of update: April 20 2021
You can't run from your past (Chapter 2)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is an FBI agent with secrets. Three years ago she fell in love with a target before she helped put him behind bars, and she faked her own death. Now he's escaped from prison and he's learned the truth, about who she is and the secret she's been keeping since he got sent away. Now she has to run, but he's determined to catch her. And he always gets what he wants.
Date of update: April 20 2021
Take on the world
Author: Logan27
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Starts near the end of 4x14 (I would rewatch that episode up until Klaus comes out onto the porch just for a refresher). Caroline makes a life altering decision and takes a big chance in order to move forward, heal and discover.
Date of update: April 21 2021
A Failed Sacrifice (Chapter 4)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She ruined the sacrifice to save her own life, and in order to survive she turned to the only other vampire who'd been able to survive the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. She gets away, and learns from the master, but when Klaus eventually catches up to her, her life will never be the same again.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Step Up Or Step Out
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: E
Length: One shot
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 7. For Caroline it's been a long time coming.
Date of update: April 17 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 9)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret.It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: April 17 2021
Turned Off or Turned On?
Author: Anonymous
Rating: E
Length: Drabble
Summary: Caroline-that-has-flipped-the-switch seeks out one Klaus Mikaelson. Deep down Caroline knew that seeking him out was wrong on so many levels, he had been responsible for so much death and destruction, but that didn’t stop her. Truthfully, it made her want to go to him more, now that her emotions had been turned off. There was nothing from keeping her from having him. Had she had them switched on it was doubtful she even would have gone out of the door, she would have just wistfully thought about going instead. Thinking about what might have been.
Date of update: April 17 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 10)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side. A fic that integrates Malivore and the larger supernatural universe into TVD from the start.
Date of update: April 17 2021
A Blonde, A Brit, and A Baby (Chapter 3)
Author: Books4eva180
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes life is right on schedule for her Twenty-Year plan that she created at 16 years old: at 23 years old she is a junior editor at a magazine company in NYC and she has fantastic friends; one of whom is about to get to married. Life couldn't be more perfect or at least that was until she slept with a British asshole. What was only supposed to be a one night stand has turned into a life changing night because Caroline is now pregnant. Klaus Mikaelson has always enjoyed the simple things in life. Bourbon, art, and an endless stream of girls who are more than willing to fall into his bed. This all changes when he is forced to move to America to join his father's law company and he isn't even really his father. Then to make matters worse he ends up sleeping with a girl and even worse she ends up pregnant. Forced together in a situation that neither of them could have planned for will feelings blossom (yes they definitely will) Will Caroline be able to handle this life changing event? Will Klaus be able to escape the demons from his past? Will the both of them be able to provide a happy and healthy home for their baby?
Date of update: April 18 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned. or my "Caroline is the serial killer Elizabeth Bathory" au.
Date of update: April 18 2021
Reunited (Chapter 13)
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Set after 5x12 TVD, where Caroline confesses what she did with Klaus to Katherine and Tyler hears. Katherine reveals that she’s dying and knows of a witch that could help her. But the witch is in New Orleans and that’s where Elijah and Klaus. Baby included but nice Hayley doesn't stick around. Also, Elena is supportive here.
Date of update: April 18 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: April 18 2021
american dream prom queen
Author: trashcanbarbie
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: “What would they say, if they knew you were here, on my birthday doing something almost…” she trails off, because she doesn't know the word. “Nice?” he suggests, then grins like a wolf, “They’d roll in their graves, my siblings.” “They're not dead.” He grins, and Caroline feels as if he’s laughing at a private joke when he says, “Aren't they?”
Date of update: April 19 2021
We are young (Chapter 12)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: One shot
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: April 19 2021
Nowhere Else To Go (Chapter 2)
Author: NerdyNostalgia
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: Klaus has an unexpected visitor while in New Orleans and is determined to show her a good time. He isn't going to let this chance pass him by, and if it means he and Caroline get closer...well, that was a bonus. But is Marcel planning something?
Date of update: April 19 2021
Part of Your World
Author: perfectpro
Rating: G
Length: One shot
Summary: After trading the loveliest thing she possessed to a sea witch in order to walk on land, Caroline realizes that she'd accidentally bargained her voice away. Human legs shouldn't always feel this sort of pain, should they? With only a week to go before the spell wears off, the bargain can be undone entirely with true love's first kiss. The only problem is... Who falls in love in less than a week?
Date of update: April 19 2021
I Don’t Want You To Die
Author: klarolinexluv
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Date of update: April 19 2021
Sibling Rivalry (Chapter 9)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: In which Klaus and Rebekah are both bi, their taste in men and women overlaps infuriatingly often, and they argue over their newest shared interest. Edit: This is going to be a full series now, I love it so much. Edit 2: Oops, I dropped a whole bucket of angst on Caroline's backstory. If only there were some Mikaelsons willing to help her work through it...
Date of update: April 20 2021
What Could Have Been (Chapter 37)
Author: TNaPKI
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: My impression of what Season 6 of The Originals would have been like post 5x13 where Klaroline becomes endgame. Is Klaus really gone or is there more to the story? Find out! FINAL CHAPTER out in a month!
Date of update: April 20 2021
The Salvatore Sisters (Chapter 19)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline and Davina Salvatore are Stefan and Damon's younger sister's, and they are far more than meets the eye. When Stefan and Damon's younger sisters show up during the beginning of season 2, what could possibly go wrong. The Salvatore girls have a dark past littered with their brother's enemies, the same enemies that just so happen to be their family. With Mikaelson's as husbands, miracle powers that could crush a Bennet witch, and whole life their brothers never knew about just how much have can these sisters and their family cause.
Date of update: April 21 2021
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Date of update: April 21 2021
Compromise Coffee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: One shot
Summary: Caroline Forbes has a coffee problem; or better described as a crush on the cute barista, Klaus, who knows how to make her large, non-fat latte with a caramel drizzle and two extra espresso shots just right. After years of coming to Compromise Coffee, Caroline thought he would have made a move by now, but he hasn't. Caroline has decided that it is time for her to make the move herself.
Date of update: April 22 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 4)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: April 22 2021
Give Me A Sign (Chapter 6)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is happy that she left founders' parties, competition over guys she'd known since elementary school, and even Mystic Falls itself behind years ago. She's not second-best to Elena anymore. Even Liz would be proud of her new life working on the side of the law. Mostly. (If you need to compel someone into giving up stolen goods, is it really a crime?) Of course he's the one person from her past who comes looking for her. Klaus does that.
Date of update: April 22 2021
Secrets Inside Us
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: Klaroline as actors falling in love on set.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 2)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: April 23 2021
There Is Nothing I Would Not Do
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: Drabble
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 8. Caroline and Bonnie reconnect.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 10)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: One shot
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: April 23 2021
FFN: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 5)
AO3: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 5)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Klaroline AU supernatural multi-chap - Original!Caroline has spent lifetimes running from her lover and his family. Despite the centuries of loneliness, she regrets nothing. Soon, she'll bring an end to this madness. Or bring the madness full circle.
Date of update: April 17 2021
FFN: Heartless to Heartfelt, Redone (Chapter 10)
AO3: Heartless to Heartfelt (Chapter 13)
Author: SmallTimeWriter
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Daggered and buried deep within the ocean, Klaus has spent the last 9 years in a torturous state. Haunted by memories of the past and images of a child he never got to meet. Now awakened, but not the same. He is faced with a decision, can he forgive those who wronged him when a threat larger then they could anticipate appears? They must reunited to survive. All Main Characters.
Date of update: April 18 2021
FFN: Divine Intervention (Chapter 13)
AO3: Divine Intervention (Chapter 13)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: This takes place in an alternate universe after Klaus seeks assistance from a certain blonde Norse goddess after Katerina has become a vampire and foiled his attempt at breaking his curse. Later chapters will follow this spicy "power" couple as they stir up all kinds of trouble in Mystic Falls. (Dark Klaroline) *Nominated for 2016 Klaroline Award - Best Original Story Concept
Date of update: April 19 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 154)
AO3:  A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 154)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: One Shot
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. *2019 KC Award - Best one-shot series* Chapter 154: Dimples and Domestics. The Mikaelsons are spoiled, selfish snobs — and unfortunately are art student Caroline and her parents' main source of income. At least she only has to put up with them over her summer break...
Date of update: April 21 2021
FFN: Through his eyes (Chapter 6)
AO3: Through his eyes (Chapter 6)
Author: TheAlllureOfDarkness
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The story of Klaus and Caroline, from Klaus POV.
Date of update: April 21 2021
FFN: Judgment Call (Chapter 5)
AO3: Judgment Call (Chapter 5)
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: T/G
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: As a Federal Agent, Caroline Forbes has always lived by a strict moral code. But when new evidence comes to light that Klaus Mikaelson, the first man she helped send to death row, may not be guilty hours before his execution, she begins to question everything she's ever known. As the investigation leads to the heartbreaking truth, she's forced to choose between right and just.
Date of update: April 23 2021
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osleyakomwonkru · 5 years ago
The Octavia Blake Guide to Surviving Lockdown (and What Comes Next)
So it’s been six weeks in isolation. I think? Time has long since become irrelevant. The world is stressed. I’m stressed. Not so much about the coronavirus itself, but everything else surrounding the situation. The isolation. The uncertainty. Society losing its shit. What the world will look like when it is all over, because everything will change whether we want it to or not.
You know, all that fun stuff our favourite characters on The 100 deal with each episode.
Which brings me to this post. What Would Octavia Blake Do?
I mean, she’s got the experience. Sixteen years of isolation in a single room, followed by a year of isolation in another room, then about six months on the ground, followed by six years locked under the ground... she knows better than anyone how to survive these sorts of trying times.
So here we have it - famous Octavia quotes and how to apply them to our current situation. Mostly serious, part irreverent, all of it a homage to the fact that stories matter and can help us figure out how to deal with this messy thing called life.
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“A warrior doesn’t worry about what she can’t control.”
This is a mantra I repeat to myself many times a day. Sometimes I believe it. It’s hard. But it really is the only way to keep yourself sane these days. The world has turned upside down, but you can’t control it. You can only control yourself.
I can’t control that 75% of my income earning potential vanished overnight. I can control how I budget the remaining 25%, credit cards and looking into new income streams.
I can’t control that I’m stuck in a country I was supposed to leave this week for however long this continues to go on. I can try and learn to love it again, because we’re going to be spending more time together.
So what else can I do to keep myself healthy and sane? Let’s look at what Octavia does.
Train. One of the first things I started doing as soon as the lockdown started in mid-March was set up an exercise plan. Now, I don’t typically “exercise” in my normal life. I just walk everywhere I need to go and call that good enough. But now that I’m not really doing that, I have to find a way to do so indoors. I started out with three half-hour Zumba sessions per day, and now I’ve worked my way into more specific and targeted workout sessions. YouTube is a godsend. Every type of exercise you could think of, in any time length you want, you can find there. I’m doing abs, arms, more squats than I’ve ever done in my life, kickboxing, etc.
Read. See all those books on your shelves collecting dust? Yeah, read them now. I haven’t been following this advice as much as I should, but I’m making an effort to get better. I have so many unread books and I really should read them. If you’re one of those strange people who don’t have unread books, embrace the opportunities that sites like Project Gutenberg provide and read all the classics online for free. Octavia loves the classics.
Eat healthy. I hadn’t eaten at home for six months before this all started, so I had to refill my pantry and remember how to cook. Keeping your body healthy is important. Get your fruits and vegetables. Also ensure a protein source. Don’t go full on prepper, don’t hoard, but if shit hits the fan and you want to avoid the Dark Year happening in real life, make sure you have a few jars of peanut butter and/or a few packs of beef jerky stashed away for a rainy day. Your neighbours will thank you.
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“Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.” (Get knocked down, get back up)
At the beginning of this year, no one could have predicted what the state of the world is right now. People made plans. People started putting their plans into action.
Enter coronavirus.
Everything changes.
I actually had a plan for this year. I was going to leave here this week, go back to Canada for six months, then move to Spain. Well... I don’t know what’s going to happen now. And because of the uncertainty, I can’t know. This has made me so mad, because for the first time in years I had a strategy for the changes I wanted to make in my life, and now they’d all been shot to sunshine.
Some days you have to just scream. (Or cry and spend the day eating quesadillas in a blanket fort. True story.) But then after that happens, you have to brush yourself off, get up again and keep going.
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.
I’m not making any plans further than today. I know that’s an exercise in futility right now. All I can do is focus on what I can control (see above point) and continue to focus on that and what I can do for myself until there are things that I can do in the world again.
Moral of the story: Yes, there are going to be shitty days. You’ve probably already had a bunch of them. But you have to pick yourself up again and keep going when they’re over. You might feel like you want to give up. Heaven knows Octavia’s felt like that a lot of times. But she still kept going. If she stubbornly fought through a cliff dive with a stab wound and a quicksand pool of Orbeez, we can handle some uncertainty and delayed life plans.
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“The sword doesn’t care what you meant, it just cuts.”
Time to step onto a soapbox for a bit.
Some world leaders and governments have done admirably with dealing with this crisis. Some have done okay. Some have done so fucking awful at their jobs and continue to spout nonsense from their podiums that it is going to cause real people to die. (Not naming any names, but I’m sure you know what I mean.)
Octavia is the only character on this show who understands that when you’re in a tough situation, what your intentions are doesn’t matter, it is only the results that do. This is applicable to our situation today in a twofold manner.
Point One: We can only control our own actions. That means being a responsible citizen, following public health guidelines. Stay home. If you have to go out, practice social distancing and any other recommendations set out by your public health authority. You might say you’re young and healthy, you’re not concerned about if you get the virus, but it is not about you. You could be asymptomatic and not know it. You might not mean to get someone else sick - someone who is more vulnerable - but it could still happen if you don’t behave responsibly. So take ownership of your actions and do what you can to minimize the spread.
Which brings us to Point Two: You can’t control other’s actions, but you can hold them accountable for them. Which in this situation mostly means your country’s leaders. Do not forget how they responded to this crisis. Remember. Remember when it is time to vote. Did they do a good job or did they do a bad job? How many people lived or died because of what they said? Did they follow the advice of medical experts? And so on. This isn’t a time for party politics, this is a time for “can we rely on this leader to do what’s right for the people of this country when we’re in a crisis?” If the answer is no, vote for somebody else.
The same applies to non-governmental leaders - leaders of business and charities and everything else that you can think of. Remember who stepped up and helped people when and how they needed it. Remember who didn’t. Remember who actively made lives worse. Budget your money accordingly.
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“Kom folau oso na gyon op.” (From the ashes we will rise)
This will pass.
When, we don’t know. How, we don’t know. But all we can do is work on ourselves and make ourselves as strong as we can for whatever the future brings us. 
Some people are optimists, believing that this will usher in a new world where more people understand the challenges that others have always faced with things like mental health or physical disabilities and issues of accessibility and so on. Where more people will be aware of the dangers of climate change. Where people who are now coming together online and building hope and change will continue to do so in person when we can leave our homes and meet up with others again.
Some people are pessimists, believing the world will collapse and we’ll enter into a post-apocalyptic scenario like The 100 or any of the other dozens of post-apocalyptic media offerings out there. Where it’ll be every person for themselves and panic and destruction will reign supreme.
You don’t have to speculate on the different scenarios. That’s not helpful right now. All you can do is work on yourself and make yourself ready for whatever the future will throw at us, and do your part in making a positive one.
This could be the point of lockdown where you’re starting to move out of the panic phase of ensuring survival, and are able to move into higher-level brain function again. If you’re not, that’s okay, it could still take some time. If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are people out there who can help. Just remember that this is a process, a process of so many different emotions, sometimes on a loop, sometimes all at once in a flurry of chaos, and that’s okay.
Take care of yourself. Survive. Find a new normal.
Octavia’s journey in season six was about shedding the pain and trauma of her old life, and finding a new one to believe in. Until she did that, she didn’t have to worry about the greater plot nonsense that was going on. That’s our journey now too. The world is changing. How, we don’t know yet. But take this time to make yourself strong for whatever is to come, because whichever scenario wins out, a strong you will always be beneficial.
Ste yuj. (Stay strong.) Because humanity is resilient. And from the ashes, we will rise.
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diopetgal · 4 years ago
City High: Life is Here
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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Mahatma Gandhi
Kidapawan City National High School, also known as City High is located in the City of Fruits and Highland Springs, Kidapawan City.  Founded in 1970, KCNHS is celebrating its 50 years in delivering quality education for all. The School offers Science, Technology and Engineering Curriculum (STE), Enhanced Basic Education Program (EBEP), Special Program in Arts (SPA), Special Program in Sports (SPS), and Special Program in Journalism (SPJ), a variety of programs you can choose when you enter Junior High School. In Senior High School, you can choose from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand (STEM), Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS), and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL).
I can say that my roller coaster life in High School started when a representative from Kidapawan City National High School visited my school when I was about to graduate Elementary School, batch 2014. I do not remember her name anymore but she came there to tell as why we should choose City High as our next home. She talked about the school and what I remember the most is that the entrance examination for Grade 7 is fast approaching and she encouraged us to take participation in the said entrance examination.
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The first thing you will see upon entering City High before
The day of the examination came and I asked my mom if she could accompany me to the city but she is very busy that time so my brother, who is in college that time, came with me. The moment I enter the school campus of Kidapawan City National High School I was in awe, experiencing City High first hand. I was captivated of its beauty. Unfortunately, the entrance examination is already done but I did not stop there, because I was not able to take the entrance examination I have to rely on my grades to study in City High. 
During enrollment, I was really undecided which program to choose. At first, I wanted Special Program in Arts because I love arts and I have been joining on the spot painting or poster making contest while I was in Elementary School. At the back of my mind, I wanted to choose Special Program in Sports because I am a keen Badminton player and I grew up in a family who play and love sport. I can’t enter Science, Technology and Engineering Curriculum simply because I was not able to take the entrance examination which is intended for that program. Finally, I decided to choose Enhanced Basic Education Program because my grades are good and I really wanted to focus on my studies in preparation for Senior High School.
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Our very first class picture, the first people to welcome me
I came from a nearby Municipality so everything was new to me and I can’t handle the stressors around me just like how my classmates handle them smoothly because they were used to it. It is like I needed to start all over again. It is very different from how I was taught. Everyday there is a role playing, creative reporting, on the spot oral recitation, a lot of assignments, and other activities. Whenever I make mistakes, they laugh at me but I know that it is a friendly laugh only to motivate me to do better the next time. I still remember that I nearly gave up, while I was crying I told my mom that I can’t  take it anymore but she told me, “You will get used to it and probably even more.”
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My role as Chi-Fu in the Musical Play - Mulan
Before, I don’t really like acting because I am shy, I don’t know how to act, and it is not my forte. I did get used to it through the years and be confident enough to show other people the character I am portraying to the fullest of my ability.
I also got the role of Kapitan Heneral in a play in the novel Noli Me Tangere written by Jose Rizal. And I directed a play entitled Biag ni Lam-ang, an epic poem of the Ilocano people from the Ilocos Region of the Philippines. Both of these plays happened when I was in Junior High School. The role I got in Mulan took place when I was in Senior High School.
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Buwan ng Wika Celebration with our coach in Diwang Sagisag
This would probably be my most memorable celebration of Buwan ng Wika because I went to school wearing Barong Tagalog hoping to enjoy the day. I forgot that I have to have my review together with my coach ma’am Christel May Paguican and teammates for the upcoming 5th Regional Diwang Sagisag Competition to be held in General Santos City. So I ended up reviewing wearing Barong Tagalog while it’s very loud and vibrant outside.
Ma’am Christel Paguican is not only a teacher, she is a friend, and she is a sister to me. She was my very first classroom adviser in Kidapawan City National High School. I still remember when she scolded me during our oral recitation in her subject. She reads the question first before picking a name to answer it. And me being so talkative, I did not listen to the question because I was talking to my seatmate when suddenly my name was called. I asked ask her what was the question but she said she only reads it once so I had no choice but to tell her I did not know the answer. She then told me that she expected a lot from me and I am very sorry for that. I did not took it against her, instead I made it a lesson that I had to learn and inspiration to do my best. She is one of my mentors that I dearly love and respect.
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Dinner after a long day of review
At first I was hesitant to accept the invitation to join the competition because I have a lot of responsibilities as a student in school but ma’am Christel May Paguican is very good at convincing people and I also like history, tradition and culture so I accepted it.
The moment we stepped out of the room after a review, I do not see myself in a competition. I see myself with a family having a good time together sharing a meal.
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Division Eco-Scilympics 2017 - Create, Show and Tell
This competition started as a classroom project. Then we competed with other sections in our program. Next to that we competed representing our program. After that is the school level competition. Until we reached the Division level competition.
We started with 4 members. We went through a lot of challenges before coming into this competition. It was decided that the group will be cut into two so the work was doubled. In two hours we needed to create a diorama based on the topic given to us. After that we showed and presented it to the judges and answer all their questions.  
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Speech Choir - The Congo
The competition was between different programs or curriculum. The three sections in Enhance Basic Education Program was known to be rivals of each other. I was the leader assigned coming from our section. It was at this time that we started socializing with each other and became friends. From then on we have established good relationship with the other sections.
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Folk Dance - Class Presentation
If you try to look closely, you can’t see me in the picture. I was not around during this presentation for a very important reason. In order for me to have my grades, I was tasked by our subject teacher to compile all the videos and create a music video about it. This only shows that my High School life is not perfect and this is just one of those times.
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Power Dance Competition -  My classmates for 2 years in Senior High School
This was my last competition as a student of Kidapawan City National in Senior High School under Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It was hard considering that the school was affected by the destructive earthquake that hit Mindanao. We had limited time to practice and we needed to secure a good place to practice which can be accessed by everyone. Amidst the hardship we still managed to give our best during the competition proper and was hailed as the champion.
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Kidapawan City Sports Complex - Badminton Court
All throughout my Junior High School years, I have spent my intramurals in this court and I considered it as my playground. Although I was not enrolled in Special Program in Sports I made a way so that I could still play Badminton. Even though I am not very good at it, it is an honor playing with the Palarong Pambansa players coming from the different programs of the school.
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Team Makilala- Old Terminal, Kidapawan to Makilala
My friends for almost 9 years. We are all classmates way back Elementary School. We went to Kidapawan City National High Scholl but chose our own programs. For 4 years, they are the people who accompany me every day going home. When we graduated Junior High School, they transferred to other schools and I was left in City High. I miss those moments when we argue about who gets out of their room last because everyone is waiting outside and is eager to go home especially when we have night classes. Sometimes I feel lonely because I was used to riding the jeep with them by my side but since we started to take different paths those seats are occupied by strangers. That is the reason why I sleep in the jeep to my way home aside from I am so tired.
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The Panget Squad - smiling despite adversity
I became friends with these people throughout my Junior High School days. They are one of the people who know and understand me. We share a lot of commonalities in education, arts, music, and personality. We took different strands in Senior High School but we make time for each other as much as possible. The group is not complete in the absence of one member.
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WHTP Squad - after Hataw Presentation
When I enter Senior High School, I opened myself for the possibility to meet new friends. That’s where I got to meet them. Some are coming from other programs in Junior High School and others are transferees. We did not instantly had connection with each other but time made it possible.
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My classmates for 4 years in Junior High School
I consider all my friends my family. We don’t just celebrate happy moments. We are also there to accompany each other at our lows. When I am with them, my problems become small. They will always have a special place in my life.
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Moving-Up Ceremony
I spent 6 years of my life in Kidapawan City National High School. It gave me a sense of protection and an assurance of preparation from the outside world and what lies ahead. I am very happy I chose City High as my second home. It was the best decision I made and I did not regret anything about it. I was able to discover the best of my abilities and be able to share it to other people. Truly, Kidapawan City National High School is home to committed and passionate stakeholders which molds a well-educated and well-rounded individuals.
When I was about to give up, my mom was there to cheer me up. She was right when she told me I will get used to the things that is giving me stress in my first year of being part of the City High family and I had fun dealing with it. I was able to balance all my subjects together with my extra-curricular activities. I graduated Junior and Senior High School with High Honors. These achievements are not mine alone, thanks to my friends who made the journey worthwhile, my classmates for sharing their ideas with me, my teachers who taught me life lessons, my family who supported me big time, and most especially to the Father Almighty for giving me strength to endure everything.
Now, I am off to the next chapter of my life. I’m not going to ask for an easy journey but a strong will to finish what I have started.
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years ago
Throwback Thursday - Season 2 - Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @boomheda @osleyakomwonkru and @johnmurphysreddit Thanks as always, my friends.
Favourite look:
Lexa’s commander gear, specifically the moment where she and Clarke first meet, and she’s toying around with that little knife.
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Iconic, cool, just a lil bit extra. And so very like Lexa, to keep a weapon directly on hand while first meeting an adversary, yet remain cool as a cucumber during the conversation itself.
Favourite episode:
2x08 - “Spacewalker”
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In this moment, from this very line, you know Finn is gonna die. The rest of the episode is an excellent, slowly building tension, culminating with Clarke mercy-killing her first love, in front of their enemies, Finn’s people, and Finn’s only surviving family.
I’d been hot and cold on this show since 1x05, waiting for it to make full use of its premise in a compelling way. This episode, and the scene where Clarke kills Finn, is still the peak. It’s what finally let this show sink its claws into me, and somehow, years later, I’m still watching. Genuinely shocking, gut-wrenchingly emotional, and full of the interpersonal character moments that make such epic and difficult scenes worth it. From Finn and Raven’s last goodbye, to Clarke impaling herself on Indra’s pike to prove her determination, to Raven’s soul-searing shriek of despair when she realizes Finn is dead. It’s tense, emotional, and maybe my favorite episode of television, ever.
Favourite song: 
I also love the soundtrack of this series, so I’m 100% with you, Luce. I think “Home” is a great contender (linked here). It’s emotional without being overwrought, epic and soaring without being cheesy. It sets the tone for the rest of the season really well.
I also really love “Couldn’t Stop Caring” playing behind the moments where Abby confronts Clarke about the bombing of Tondc (linked here). The song doesn’t kick in until towards the end of the scene, and I think it’s a well done moment of soundtrack. It’s an interesting juxtaposition, because, at this point, Clarke has really lost touch with a lot of her humanity in her quest to save The 47 from Mt Weather. She’s embraced “love is weakness” - yet the climax of the song states: “I couldn’t stop caring.” The heavy beat, the rising wall of sound, the grim tone and expression on everyone’s faces as they march towards war - it’s effective, chilling, and kind of badass all at the same time.
Favourite scene: 
Season two is full of good scenes, honestly. I think one underrated, really well-done moment is Lincoln’s resurrection in 2x07, “Long Into an Abyss”. I was genuinely so scared as Lincoln seized and died, all while Lexa is approaching the dropship. She’s staring around in horror and rage at the burned bodies of the 300 warriors she sent to attack The Hundred.
You can see how ready for vengeance she is - and then, she arrives in the dropship, and it could not be clearer to her that Skaikru lied, that they couldn’t cure reapers, that Lincoln is dead. Octavia’s wailing, undercut by the tense, scared glances Skaikru share with one another, realizing they’re doomed -
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- and then, Clarke saves the day, telling Abby to use a shocklash as a makeshift defibrillator. Miraculously, it works. In the most dramatic, tense way possible, Skaikru proves their value to Lexa and to the grounders at large, and for a moment, it seems like things will be simple.
Least favourite scene:
Probably Ghost Finn, tbh. Wtf was that?? Clarke banished her delusions with the power of “love is weakness”! That’s so dumb!! Grief will do crazy things to a person, but damn!
Most interesting character on first watch: This is Clarke’s best season, hands down. She struggles so hard, but finds herself getting the short end of the stick, again and again. It turns her ruthless.
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Her desperation and slow descent into genocide is very compelling to watch. She goes through so much, and it’s only her single-minded determination to free her friends that keeps her going. She loses almost everything, is betrayed time and again, comes up against countless obstacles. At the end of it all, she finds herself with the blood of a civilization on her hands, and at a complete loss for who she is. That’s a compelling story.
Most interesting character on rewatch: 
Octavia Blake. It’s a sleeper season for her, but her transformation from plucky, mouthy scrapper into full-blown warrior is incredible.
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It has its downs. I don’t love the way she treats Lincoln upon his return from reaperdom, but overall, it’s a really exciting storyline, with a satisfying payoff. Seeing Octavia march among the rest of the grounders, finally content in her place, secure in her role, is so satisfying.
Favourite arc/storyline:  
This season is still my favorite, so it’s hard to choose. 
The beginnings of Clexa are the best part of Clexa - their uncertain yet undeniable connection carries the season through its lowest moments. 
Pike’s journey into the desert, Murphy tagging along because he “has nothing better to do.” That thread eventually leading to the insanity that is the CoL storyline - but the Prophet’s Quest through the Dead Zone is a really fun diversion from the rest of the season, which is particularly heavy.
Raven and Wick, genius-rivals-turned-lovers, providing a lot of very necessary comic relief. Raven’s struggle to adapt to life, now that her leg doesn’t work.
The struggle of The Delinquents inside Mt Weather, especially Jasper’s. He’s really the main character of that location, and it’s his best season. Watching him fall for Maya, feeling the dramatic tension of him trying to grab ahold of his own story, like the main protagonist he wants to be, only to have the actual main protagonists intervene out of nowhere, and ruin his life. It’s tragic. But getting there is actually a lot of fun, with juvenile delinquent shenanigans and scrappy underdog vibes.
Getting to know the Grounders on a cultural level, seeing what makes them tick, learning a bit more about how humanity survived in the 97 years since the bombs.
Favourite dynamic:
Clarke and Lexa; Octavia and Lincoln; Jasper and Monty; Jaha and Murphy; Raven and Wick; Bellamy and Octavia...
It’s a good season for most of the character dynamics, tbh.
Favourite New character introduced this season: 
It’s a toss-up between two of the best grounder women to ever exist -
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Favourite quote:
“Thanks, princess” is definitely up there. Heartbreaking, succinct, too perfect.
“We’ve all got a monster inside of us, and we’re all responsible for what it does when we let it out.” Lincoln was too good for this show.
“Yu gonplei ste udon” - I gotta include some Trigedasleng, as this was the season where it’s introduced.
Tagging: @lovelyrosaye @blodkru @captainwilldameron @dylanobrienisbatman @nightbleeder @bellarke-addict @spacegamora @imacreepygirl and anyone else who sees this and wants to throw it back!
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afriendlyirin · 5 years ago
Steven Universe Rewrite
So I’ve now finished my rewrite of the final arc (go read it and tell me all your thoughts), and while I’m satisfied with it in many respects, I still feel like it doesn’t properly resolve or engage with everything I’d like to, nor is it fully in keeping with the parts of Steven Universe I liked, despite that being my goal. There’s simply too much to get into and too little space to for it. To fully “fix” the narrative in my mind, I’d probably have to diverge much farther back.
I’m not interested in actually writing such a story, but I think it would be a good exercise to sketch an outline of what such a thing might look like.
I think the biggest problem is that Steven Universe has too many antagonists. The three initial Homeworld gems work well on their own – we spend a lot of time between each one, giving us time to process what’s happened before they return or a new antagonist gains focus. But with the diamonds, we don’t really get that breathing room. We barely know anything of Yellow before Blue shows up, we’re only just starting to really process them before White appears, and then the show ends. And throughout all of this, we have even more unresolved antagonists dangling – Jasper, the rubies, Topaz and Aquamarine, Homeworld’s system itself. To do justice to all of these characters at the previous pace of the show would probably have taken twice as many seasons.
My second problem, which is more personal preference, is that I don’t like how the plot ended up going epic, with Steven having to take on uberpowerful opponents with an entire empire of resources. I’d say this is also thematically confused – the show starts off making it seem like everyone is safe on Earth and the war is in the distant past, but it’s then revealed the war is very much still on and the plot becomes about Steven continuing the rebellion Rose left half-finished. My favorite parts of the show were seasons 1-3, which were much the antithesis of that – the conflicts were much more subdued, against lone actors or just interpersonal problems.
So, let us combine these things to give us a different starting state.
There was only one diamond, and she was destroyed during Rose’s rebellion. Either she blew herself up with a corruption bomb, or the shattering of a diamond is what makes a corruption blast. Down-scale the empire’s resources such that they were putting most of their manpower into fighting the rebellion, meaning that their population is utterly crippled by the fallout of the blast in addition to their loss of leadership. The gem empire still exists but as a shadow of its former self; it no longer has the manpower to invade new planets. (We can also tone down the oppression; no killing people just for being born. Whether or not that is still the case for Era 1, it’s just not possible to keep doing that with your population so crippled. Homeworld can still be oppressively conformist, but not to the point of EUGENICS EVERYWHERE.)
Right off the bat, this dodges a lot of awkward questions that are present in canon. Why did Rose stop fighting just because she saved one of many colonies, and why did she make Steven when Homeworld was still a threat that could endanger him – why, in sum, does she act like the war is over? Well, because it is, and she won.
This shifts the tone and focus of the story away from an epic rebellion plot and into one of postwar reconstruction. After the dust has settled, what happens? How do you pick up the pieces and move forward? Steven will only ever encounter pale shadows of Homeworld’s former power. Things like the Cluster become akin to forgotten landmines, echoes of a violent past that can still hurt people long after the conflict is over. He can still fight Homeworld gems, but they are lone agents acting on personal grudges; Jasper is not acting under orders, she just really wants to take a swing at Rose Quartz. (This setup even works a lot better with the threat level we actually see from canon, which is that Homeworld keeps sending weak scouts and small groups instead of bringing their full military might to bear against the Crystal Gems.)
This frees up a lot of space to just get into the characters talking about their feelings, which was always the real core of Steven Universe. In canon, Amethyst is the only Crystal Gem who really gets a full arc with a proper resolution (the battle with Jasper at the conclusion of season 3); Garnet’s gets flattened to just be about her relationship so it can be rushed through in Heart of the Crystal Gems, and Pearl’s arc gets completely substituted for something else that officially has no problem for her to resolve at all. The time spent on the diamonds and battle logistics could instead be spent on developing those arcs. With the antagonist compression, we could develop the Homeworld gems further as well, perhaps making them proper foils to Crystal Gems – something I get the impression canon was trying to go for but never seemed to really commit to.
Speaking of which, this would make the Homeworld gems much more tragic and sympathetic. Lapis’ despair over how different the new Homeworld is would no longer be about the simple passage of time, but because it is genuinely a shambling corpse of what it once was. And because Era 2 is so different than Era 1, Peridot, an Era 2 gem, would lack much of the shared culture and knowledge other gems have, justifying her naivete and social awkwardness. Finally, the rebellion destroying the entire army makes Jasper even more isolated – she is one of the very few survivors of the war, further justifying her fury at Rose and her inability to open up to her peers – she has none.
This would also make everything about Bismuth so, so much more reasonable. Instead of reacting to the fact that Rose lost the war that is very much still on, she’s advocating for igniting a brand new one before the ashes have even cooled on the first. (For extra horror, she might not even be dissuaded by the news Rose killed the diamond after all – they may have understood Homeworld’s soldiers were only following orders and assumed they would defect if they removed the command structure… but now you’re telling her they assassinated the head honcho and they’re still loyal to Homeworld? Clearly the only solution is to KILL ‘EM ALL.) It is far more understandable for Steven to keep her bubbled in that situation, and for the Crystal Gems to agree to it.
Ultimately, I think this plotline could remain very similar for seasons 1-3; perhaps move up the “Rose shattered Diamond” reveal to around season 2, and follow it with the Cluster plot to show why that really was necessary while emphasizing that yeah, war is horrible we really shouldn’t be starting another one, Bismuth!
The major difference would be swapping out Yellow Diamond for a lower administrative gem. I thought Yellow Diamond alone worked as a fine antagonist, really, so not much needs to change – just transplant her personality into another gem. This character could function as a foil to Garnet, someone thrust into overwhelming responsibility because there’s no one else qualified left alive. We could even double down on this and make her a permafusion; that maps really well onto modern conservatism, where people who would actually be hurt by the old hegemonies still romanticize them anyway. Season 4’s arc could revolve around her; having dealt with Lapis, Peridot, and Jasper, Steven must go to Homeworld and address the problem at its source. (The events of “Raising the Barn” could happen here, giving Lapis an extra season to work through her issues.) This could actually be resolved very similarly to the White Diamond resolution in canon, but it would fit with the earlier themes much better – this gem really would have reasons to feel insecure about her failure to live up to a perfect ideal. And for bonus points, that makes her a foil to Steven, too.
It would also make it a lot more believable that these gems would need Steven to teach them what is, if we’re being honest, pretty basic philosophy. If they are technically free of the old system but still stubbornly cling to its trappings, it makes sense that they’d need an outsider to tell them to think for themselves and that this would genuinely be a radical new perspective for them. Hauntings, again – just as in real life, the system still influences peoples’ thinking long after it was officially dismantled.
We could replace the Zoo arc with something that hits the same beats. The rubies return (or someone new gets sent) and capture Greg for some reason. Instead of seeing the Zoo we get to see Homeworld society directly during the trip. The events of That Will Be All still occur, as Not Yellow Diamond, cracking under the strain, unfuses and argues with herself behind closed doors.
Instead of the gems only being caught as a joke (and having that also be resolved as a joke), it’s a choice Steven makes. We invoke the hero’s last temptation: He has everything he’s ever wanted, his family in one piece and Homeworld beaten so thoroughly they’ll never threaten them again… but to take that offer means looking away, and abandoning everyone who is still suffering on Homeworld. He looks upon the gates of Heaven, but willingly chooses to walk back into Hell.
(Connie should probably be present to witness this so we can set up the falling-out arc, which is important for deconstructing Steven’s martyr complex.)
This leads to an analogous arc to Wanted and Diamond Days where Steven navigates Homeworld until he finally reaches Not Yellow Diamond. For added tension, the gems are separated somehow and Steven spends a significant time on his own befriending Homeworld gems. Garnet converges with him for the finale so we can make it about her (maybe extend her themes to the previous arc, focus on her stress and failures as leader during the heist).
Not Yellow Diamond is a noncombatant, but hides behind elite guards and defenses that Garnet and Steven can’t handle on their own, necessitating a fusion. The theme here could be that Garnet is paralyzed by her responsibilities, unable to both mount an offense while also keep Steven protected; Steven cuts through this by taking on his own responsibility, showing Garnet that she doesn’t have to do everything herself.
Not Yellow Diamond’s redemption happens similarly to White Diamond’s, but because she’s a noncombatant it is actually reasonable for Steven to spend so long on a nonviolent solution. Possibly Garnet even tries to shatter her (this could be what makes them unfuse), but Steven stops her. Not Yellow Diamond more explicitly agrees to change things and protect Earth.
So by this point, Steven will have dealt with all extant threats… but there are still issues left unresolved. The corrupted gems still aren’t healed, Bismuth’s still bubbled, Lapis is still missing, and Pearl hasn’t had a personal arc to resolve her issues. This would then turn season 5 into something of a denouement season, tying up all the remaining loose ends. This season’s theme could be one of self-actualization, revolving around Lapis and Pearl working through their difficult mental health problems and Steven, though seeing his own issues reflected in them, overcoming his own imposter syndrome in the process.
Season 5 starts after a timeskip. Steven is trying to heal the corrupted gems but is making no progress. Make this into a metaplot, with snippets in other episodes throughout the season showing he’s continuing to try and making more progress as his personal arc progresses.
Bismuth is already unbubbled to leapfrog over that awkward conversation, but still suffers from PTSD. She gets an episode (or two) about her issues, primarily grief. She bemoans the loss of her friends, and Steven tries to assure her that he’ll heal the corrupted gems any day now. She shows him the shards and says bitterly, “Can you heal these?” Spirals into a breakdown naming and remembering all the shattered gems. Steven tries to lay down some generic platitudes like he always does, but this time it doesn’t work; Bismuth calls him out on his ignorance and innocence, that he’s never lost anyone so he has no idea how she feels. This forces him to rethink things and actually listen to Bismuth, foreshadowing that that will be the theme of this season. (For bonus points, could also have her echo Pearl’s “She’s gone, but I’m still here,” re: the shattered gems.)
This could probably happen simultaneously with the falling-out arc (though that interacts awkwardly with the timeskip since Connie would probably be upset immediately after), could draw a connection by having Steven realize or Connie point out his god complex, he wants to help people for his sake not for theirs.
After that heavy opening we can have funtimes with human friends; Sadie Killer arc happens here plus any outstanding human subplots resolve. Should probably also have an episode about Pearl that touches on her issues since that’ll be the topic of the final stretch.
Then Lapis comes back. Have a conversation about PTSD and how she needed to do it on her own time etc., Steven can show his growth by accepting this and not pushing.
If the Lion chest is important, Lapis found the key while soul-searching (it was hidden somewhere on Earth the CGs didn’t look).
Next plot episode is Steven getting frustrated over his inability to heal the corrupted gems (can have a comedy bit where he tries increasingly absurd and convoluted methods), wonders what he’s doing wrong. Something happens that leads to him talking to Pearl about Rose. Possibly he thinks whatever’s in the chest is the cure, but that seems pretty stupid even for him. Events lead to Pearl revealing that she shattered Diamond and Steven has a fresh meltdown, accuses all the other gems of secretly being shatterers and not telling him (Garnet could react really awkwardly, implying she actually has killed people), decides that’s the problem and runs off.
(If there is a similar memory scene with Pearl, it’s via hologram; Diamond literally does not get a voice.)
Either Pearl tracks him down, or someone else brings him back only for him to discover that Pearl has run off because she agrees that she is horrible and shouldn’t be around Steven. Either way leads to a deep conversation about their issues. The climax here would result in Steven fusing with Pearl as he has with the others, but perhaps this time the context is peaceful rather than it being a tactic used in desperation, affirming the idea that fusions are a way of life and not just a tool.
As a result of his growth from this, Steven finally figures out the method to heal the corrupted gems, whatever that may be. We have a great happy ending montage where it looks like everything’s resolved – Steven has forged peace with Homeworld, and all the corrupted gems are healed, including Jasper…
…who immediately attacks him. We get one final episode, or perhaps even a full arc, revolving around a final fight with Jasper. Because Steven never actually resolved her issues before she got bubbled! She is still mad, still violent, and still hurting. This is the most narratively satisfying climax, because Jasper is all the story’s themes embodied: the sins of the past come back to haunt us, the scars left by war, and the pain of grief and acceptance. She always made the most sense as a “final villain” to me. Steven’s usual approach of steamrollering people with generic feel-good platitudes would not work here; he must actually use what he’s learned and engage with Jasper on her own terms.
(If this were an actual show THIS is where I would pull the surprise season extension, lead everyone to think the Pearl reconciliation is the grand finale and then surprise them with Jasper.)
The Jasper episode, or the finale if it’s a whole arc, would be titled “Under the Stars So Bright” as a reference to Trigun and also the imagery of being under the star of Diamond.
I feel the only way to make this work would be to intercut the Jasper ep with flashbacks to her time under Diamond, much like Trigun’s final episode. Only issue is that the sudden change in POV would be really weird; Trigun worked because the hero was there for those events and we only see his perspective, but Steven has no window into Jasper’s past.
Jasper poofs all the CGs and digs a hole to the core with the intent of popping the Cluster. Steven proceeds to get the crap beaten out of him protecting and bubbling the CGs like Vash vs. Midvalley in Trigun. Make this incredibly gruesome, even with the bubble shields she cracks his gem and draws blood.
Steven tries to reason with her like he did before, and like before it just makes her push back harder. Eventually she tries to pull a suicide by cop and bait Steven into shattering her. He gruesomely rams his fingers through her face to grab her gem and draws his fist back to kill her, and then we get a flashback montage of all his family memories – but in an inversion of Vash vs. Legato, this results in him not killing her. (For bonus creepy, he could also be stopped by Jasper flashing a grin or letting slip that she wants to die.)
Maybe as a compromise, he does poof her – this would be the only time in the series he intentionally does so.
(In the fantasy world where I have an animation studio at my beck and call, this would be filled with visual references to Trigun, both the Legato and Knives confrontations.)
Ending is Jasper going to prison to face trial for trying to blow up Earth. Lapis gets to say her piece, then Steven gives a more mature redemption speech than usual, about how he can’t make her change and she has to want to become a better person but he still believes in her anyway. This can perhaps be the nuanced message that the movie… appeared to be trying to go for with Spinel, that people can have understandable reasons for lashing out and doing bad things, but that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to exhaust yourself for them; you don’t have to be a martyr.
In the final montage, Jasper reunites with other jaspers who were corrupted in the war (maybe mirrored with a montage of Bismuth hugging formerly-corrupted Crystal Gems). Final message is what the canon ending claims to be: Steven has gained a more mature and complex outlook on “good” and “evil” but he still chooses to be optimistic and believe in the goodness of people. GOOD END.
That’s my take. Ultimately, it seems Steven Universe bit off more than it could chew, or perhaps had too many cooks. The most important takeaway from this, in my view, is to keep things to a manageable level in your story. Don’t introduce elements you know you won’t have time to adequately address; a few points done well will often land better than a lot of stuff done slapdashedly.
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Hi! I’d like to request a Steve x reader fic where Steve and reader started a relationship. Natasha being almost like a sister to reader, gets jealous & overprotective of her. Making sure Steve is treating her right & stealing her all the time for girl fun. Steve being clueless, thinks reader & Natasha have a secret affair going on because relationships are so different in 2017, & everything’s completely awkward later. Thank you! 😊 & sorry if the summery is a little long.
With her? - Steve Rogers x Reader (plus Natasha Romanoff x Reader - Platonic)
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Summary: Your newly formed relationship with one Steve Rogers doesn’t go over so well with the woman you used to spend all of your time with. Your almost sister, Natasha Romanoff starts getting jealous and Steve takes her jealousy the wrong way.
Word Count: 2134
Requests are currently open - characters are stated in my bio
A/N: I got this request a few days ago and had nO idea how to write for this. Inspiration just did not strike me, but seeing as this was my first request, I was only able to do a few others first without feeling guilty.
  @verdonafrost Hope you like it love!
Natasha Romanoff wasn’t usually a jealous person. She was strong, could hold her own, and definitely didn’t depend on someone else to make her happy. But you were just so damn cute. You had captured the team’s attention when you broke free from being a captive of Hydra, they were all amazed, you sure could fight. They had brought you into the tower since you had no place to stay, and your room had been close to Natasha’s. You woke up screaming one night, nightmares about Hydra still haunted you, and she was by your side in no time, reassuring you that even the strong had to break at some time. You were a few years younger than her, and from then on, she saw you as a younger sister.
No one was allowed to mess with you, literally ever. Bucky had startled you once, (you two had known each other fairly well during your stay at Hydra), he had come up behind you while you were on the couch and screamed. You, being rather frightened had screamed right back, and before Bucky knew what was happening she had sucker punched him right in the face. He still was afraid of her for this, seeing as she can be quite scary if you’ve messed with her.  
There was never any hesitation from you to be close to Nat, she was awesome! You two really were like sisters, sometimes when people would hit on either of you when the team went out, the other would get up in their face and screech, “That’s my sister!”, without even thinking about it. It was quite terrifying.
This is why it took so long for Steve to admit his feelings, even to himself. He and Nat were certainly not enemies, so he absolutely cared what she thought. The only reason he had even told her how he felt was because he had gotten pretty drunk one night, though he swore he never had more than one drink. Anyways, he had run out of the bar, Bucky stumbling after him, trying not to get lost because neither of them could really see more than blurry lines. He had drunkenly run all the way back to the tower, and had actually tripped over you while you were on your way to the kitchen. He had rammed right into you, picked you back up, and then shouted an apology in your ear.
“Sorry! Do you know where Y/N isss?”
The night had ended in several heated kisses and then Steve passing out on top of you on the couch. You woke up the next morning to a phone camera snapping a picture of the two of you, and then a hushed, exasperated, and very aggressive swear, as Tony realized that the sound had been too loud, waking the two of you up.
Almost a month later, you two were finally past the independent stage in your relationship, and spent every waking moment with each other. Natasha was not pleased. What used to be sleepovers turned into you and Nat trying to ignore Steve outside the door, listening to your conversations. Knowing that he was out there, your conversations turned to you gushing about him to her as though he couldn’t hear. What used to be training sessions between the two of you, became you gawking (understandably) at your new boyfriend’s incredible muscles. And worst of all, the number of hours she spent with you in general was decreasing rapidly. Five or six a day turned into three, three became one and a half, and finally, none. She had gone the whole day yesterday without even a hello from you. You had left your phone in your room, and apparently Steve had taken you out for a day of sightseeing, even though you lived in avengers tower and could see everything perfectly from the goddamned windows. She was certainly happy for you two, but she would appreciate if Mr. Muscles would stop whisking you away.
The morning after your tourist escapade, you woke up to the feeling of a vice around your arms. A vice with spectacular hair. He felt you shift slightly, trying to get a bit of wiggle room, and he squeezed you even tighter, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Not ready yet darlin’.”
“Steve it’s ten minutes to noon.”
“So breakfast?!?!”
“Mmmmm but lunch is closer, let’s just get up at noon.” And with that, you were enveloped once again in your snuggly boy’s arms. You were able to get one arm out without waking Steve, and you grabbed your phone which was softly playing “Black Widow” by Iggy Azalea, signaling that Nat was calling you. You smiled a bit at your clever choice in ringtones, and pressed the text button, not wanting to wake Steve. She was slightly annoyed at you, you hadn’t seen her at all for a whole day and now you were declining her calls? She read the text you sent, “Sorry Nat, Steve is still asleep and I’m trapped”, and decided that this demanded her action.
You and Steve both shot out of bed when an alarm sounded throughout the tower, this not having happened for quite a while now. Expecting the worst, you both got suited up and sprinted to the main level where everyone was standing. The moment you had your foot over the threshold of the elevator into the lounge, you were yanked back and your mouth was covered. You wanted to scream, but then you realized the familiar smell that enveloped you while in the “stranger’s” arms. Nat’s shampoo. You relaxed, having gone quite stiff when you were grabbed. She pushed you into the elevator and pressed the button for her floor. You gave her a questioning look, and she simply said, “I’m tired of him stealing you. You’re mine for today.”
You laughed, “let me at least tell Ste-”
“Nope, then he’ll try and join, I want a day of just us, like it used to be.”
“SO jealous,” You teased, and she smiled a little.
“Well I missed you!”
Steve was so confused. One minute you two were walking together and the next, you had vanished. He was concerned, but Tony gave him a small smile and told him not to worry. Nat had told Tony that whatever happened that day, to not ever let Steve out of his sight.
Natasha Romanoff was full of surprises. She took you all over the city, you two got ice cream, you went on a jet ride to Albany with a jet that you “borrowed” from Tony, and you finished the day with some shoe shopping, because why the hell not?
You two walked into the tower, out of the elevator, and you were immediately wrapped up in Steve’s arms. Nat rolled her eyes, flopping down onto the couch and groaning.
“Long day?” Tony laughed, looking at her eyes which were wide open, trying not to fall asleep right there.
“Yes” she breathed, just happy for a few hours with you before you were whisked away again.
The next day, she woke up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water on her way. She heard you giggle, and sighed, knowing that she would find you and Steve curled up on the couch. She walked in anyways. Oh look, there you were. She was right. She backed out, and got dressed, ready for day two. She walked back into the living room, finding you two in the same spot.
“Y/N? Get some popcorn, we’re having a movie day.”
“But you had her all of yesterday! Let me spend time with my girlfriend!” Steve whined, squeezing you tighter.
“You’ve had her for the past month!!! It’s my turn now!” Nat shrieked, grabbing your hand and pulling you to her room. Just before you left the room, you turned and mouthed ‘sorry’ to Steve.
“Nat! Wait!” She cringed, knowing your protests were coming.
“Yeah Y/N?”
“We can’t have a movie night without ice cream!” you laughed and ran to the freezer.
She smiled, knowing that you were back.
Now Steve was getting pissed. It was six days after Nat had stolen you, and he hadn’t seen you much since. He was getting worried that you two were… getting somewhere. He knew how different relationships were now, and he knew that you were openly accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. He just hoped you weren’t cheating on him with Natasha. He wanted to think you would never, but he really couldn’t tell, seeing as no one would let him within five feet of wherever the two of you were. He told himself that he would confront you tonight, and hope for the best.
You and Nat were laughing so loud, it should have been illegal. No one should be allowed to have that much fun. You had talked about Steve, only for a minute or two, Nat had demanded to know if he was treating you right, and you said yes, obviously. He wasn’t ever mentioned again. You two had watched four movies, with recouping breaks in between, because every single one of them made you two cry. You had each had a mountain of snacks, and were both so full it hurt.  It was getting late, the clock almost striking eleven, when there were a series of increasingly aggressive knocks on the door. You both shot up, Nat running to get the door, and behind it, you saw Steve, trying to look nonchalant about almost having broken Natasha’s door down.
“Yes, muscles?” she questioned, a bit harsh because she was comfy and now she wasn’t.
“I need to talk with you both.” He stated, pushing past her and into the room, leaving a dumbfounded Nat in the doorway.
You sat down beside him on the bed and grabbed his hand, looking questioningly at him. Your face flashed with hurt when he pulled his hand away as fast as possible, as thought he was burned by your touch. He tried not to let it affect him, seeing as he was here to ask you if you had been cheating on him. Nat closed the door and sat down opposite the two of you. Steve took a shaky breath and spoke.
“Alright, I know Y/N and I haven’t been together for that long, but I also haven’t been around for very long since 1945, so I can’t really do anything about that. What I can do, is observe the current world, and I know that lesbians are a lot more common now than they were back then. If you guys have something going on, it’s gonna hurt a lot, but I’m gonna support you, even if it means losing you. That’s how much I love you darling. So, are you cheating on me? With her?” he finished with a strangled attempt at keeping his cool, and looked straight into your eyes. You traded open-mouthed gazes with Nat, and then burst out laughing.
Steve’s face turned into one of annoyance, pissed off that the two people he had just asked a very crucial question were laughing at him. You placed a hand on his knee in between fits of laughter, and looked him dead in the eye.
“I’m not cheating on you babe, especially not with someone I consider as close as a sister. I love you romantically, and her platonically. I hope you know I will hold this over your head for the rest of your life, dork.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and, giving a small smile, apologized for the accusations.
“It’s alright captain I guess being frozen for a few decades does really mess up the brain,” Natasha teased, still giggling.
Little did the three of you know, Bucky was laughing to the point of hyperventilation outside of the door. To this day, he has NEVER let his best friend forget the time he thought his girlfriend might have been cheating on him with her “sister”.
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luxremodelscompany · 3 years ago
4 Ways to Tell You Are Working with a Trusted Phoenix Custom Home Builder
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Your home is your castle, so when it’s time to do some remodeling or repairs, or even to build something new, you want to be sure that you are using a trusted Phoenix custom home builder. The phone book is full of outfits claiming to be home builders. But, do you know you can trust them? How do you know that they have the proper training, credentialing, and insurance? Here are 4 ways you can be sure that you have a trusted Phoenix custom home builder on the job for you.
Check the Licenses and Permits
There are some tasks that are simply too dangerous to even attempt unless you are qualified. For example, stringing wiring may seem like a simple task, but the fact of the matter is that even a minor error could end up causing serious injury to you or your family, or the loss of your beloved home.
A trusted Phoenix custom home builder will have all the permits and licenses required by law. In contrast, some fly by night business that just throws up a website may employ “contractors” who have little or no training. They may put these “contractors” in a uniform shirt and hope that you never think to question what’s going on. This is dangerous and irresponsible.
Don’t Forget References
An established custom home builder is going to have a list of happy clients who can vouch for his or her character, work ethic, and skill. If the person who comes to your house or business cannot produce some references for past jobs, you should be very careful about proceeding. It’s true that everyone has to start somewhere, but you don’t want to chance hiring someone of an unknown skill level.
Is the Training Up to Date?
A legitimate home builder will have all the latest training in the newest methods used in his or her area of expertise. Check with the person you are thinking of using for your home. Is he or she trained in the latest developments? Or are you looking at someone who is using techniques from 20 years ago? The difference matters.
Member Associations
Many associations and guilds require that their members maintain a specific level of training and proficiency. Check to see what area builder’s organizations there are, and see whether the builder you are using is a member.
Hiring the right builder is very important. For more information, contact us at Luxury Remodels Company. We’re here to help!
To know more about custom home remodelers in phoenix please visit the website.
Name: Luxury Remodels Company
Address: 8350 E. Evans Rd STE B7 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Call Us Now: 480.550.8774
Email: info@luxremodels.com
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candidlytaron · 7 years ago
Chapter four: τέσσερα
You’re a star and everyone knows, maybe thats why I can never get close I can barely remember most of what was said during our last conversation
— Tori Kelly • Eyelashes
• • •
   It didn't take long for Taron to realise his worth and stop reaching out as much as he wanted to. It's only been two months since his break-up with Delilah, but now he's slowly coming to his senses and realise that trying to get her back might just be a big mistake. Or at least that's what he's been telling himself.
    Though now, she's completely out of his mind now that Taron's got a new project. He's going to be able to focus in something that doesn't concern his past relationship. He's been wanting to get a part on something, and he's glad it's in this project, of all the roles that he's auditioned on last month and these past few weeks.
    He's quite unfamiliar with the other artists that had landed a role. This is practically his first day on the job, and he's nervous. The only one he knows is Isla Constantine and that's it. And the only interaction he's ever had with her is two months ago during the award show. The only thing they did was smile and nod at each other. So Taron doesn't know how he's going to start a conversation with her, or with anyone in general. This is going to be a new world that he's going to be in, filled with unfamiliarity, and people will be pretty much different than the cast in his old projects. But he convinces himself that he'll be able to click with at least one cast member, just like how he clicked with Ed Holcroft, and the friendship is all going to start from there.
    He hops out of the cab and gaze at the gargantuan house that faces that's about to meet him in about a minute. The black gates look ancient, but well-preserved, still, as if this house had been passed on for generations. He proceeds to the small gate for the entrance and he taps the doorbell, then tuck his hands on his jean jacket's pockets awaiting for the guards' response.
    After about five seconds, the door swings inward and a guard meets him. "Name?"
    "Taron Egerton," he replies. Then the guard presses a button on the phone beside the gate. He says his name and awaits for the response of the person at the other end.
    "He is one of the casts. Let him in," cues a man from the other end of the line. So, the guard moves out of the way and let Taron step in the mansion and the breathtaking view of the modern approach stuns him, his jaw dropping to the floor.
    The guard taps his shoulder and scans his body with a metal detector, observing his reaction. "We've all had the same reactions, bruv," He says. "I can no longer count on my fingers how many celebrities had entered this home that painted the same expression as you. Not just celebrities, actually, but literally just anyone." He smiles at him, and Taron smiles back, still anxious and, now, intimidated too. But this is the director's house. Of course it is going to be massive, although he didn't expect it to be this massive.
    The guard gestures at his fellow guard to attend to the next guests as he leads Taron inside. Taron looks around the place and observe that there just might be a lot of pricey stuff that's put on display around the exterior of the house. No wonder why the director has so many guards around.
    When they reach the lobby, which is the expected area to meet the artists, Taron realises that he apparently went in too early, because there are only two people that's already around, and, in Taron's fear, they are talking, and it gives him anxiety that he might just have to barge in and join in their conversation. He hated doing it as he's used to finding someone who's not talking to anyone and just start interacting with them. It's always been like that for him, but not anymore.
    The two possible co-actors shifts their gaze from each other to Taron, and he feels so much more awkward than he was when he first entered. He badly wants to ask them to quit looking at him because for the first time in a while, he actually feels shy—an unlikely trait especially because he's an actor, but not all the time someone would be as confident as they are in front of the camera, Taron keeps reminding himself as a way of comfort. But he feels even more uneasy when the two begins to whisper whilst looking at him. He feels his heart racing, though he thinks he doesn't have the right to assume things because he doesn't exactly know what's going on and what they are really talking about.
    He gathers his guts and approach them, and with a much clearer sight does he realise: the girl that's been conversing with one of his co-actors is Isla. He smiles, a bit assured that she might have recognised him. And upon even closer inspection, he realises that the guy Isla is chatting with is Georgios Alanis. He remembers that he's Isla's best friend and that he's met him on one party but he can't remember what party it is. He walks towards them, smiles and greets. "Hi there."
    Isla already looks stunned. She shakes her head and gesture at Taron to sit beside her so he does. A side of Taron keeps on ruining the scene and reminding him that these two are best friends, you are a stranger. He just wishes that the voices would stop and let him have this moment. He's had enough of the voices bothering him on his everyday life since the break-up. He doesn't need it right now too.
    "I'm Isla," she greets, inviting Taron to shake her hand so he takes it, nodding at her.
    "I know who you are. You've wiped out all four categories you were nominated in just last month. That's amazing. I'm Taron Egerton."
    Georgios raises his eyebrows. "Oh, she knows who you are," he says, smirking. "Oh, and I believe we may have met. Oscars after-party. But in case you don't remember, I'm George Alanis." He invites Taron for a handshake too and, again, he takes it.
    "I remember," Taron chuckles. "No worries."
     "Anyway, Isla has been so keen to meet you. She's a big fan." His eyebrows raise as he stands up. "I'll just go get some water for the three of us. Vincent's just waiting for everyone to gather up. Until then, you two; chat. I'll go find the butler."
    Taron faces a nervous Isla, and he can hint out the anxiousness, so he starts the conversation. "So, Isla...who are you playing?"
    "Heather Wallace. I know you're playing Howell Ellis and I'm looking forward to working with you if I get the job."
    Taron smirks. "I am looking forward to working with you if I get the job as well. Frankly, this makes me nervous as I've heard that Vincent is very picky when it comes to actors. Explains why all of his movies and shows have the perfect cast."
    Vincent Pace is a well-known director and word on the street is that he's very strict when it comes to directing a movie. He wants everything to go his way, hence, his pickiness on the cast, because he wants to know that everyone can follow through with what he wants. The cast still have no clue if they are compatible to work with each other so all of them share the same nervousness that Taron has been feeling since the start of the day. Everyone wants to take part in this, so they have to be really good with each other. They all have to impress the Vincent Pace.
    "We need to be amazing. This is like, the level two audition that we have to overcome to move on to the next chapter."
    Taron cocks his head sideways and smiles. "Are you a gamer or something?"
    Isla's eyes widens and she laughs. "Oh god no. As much as I want to be, I'm only ever interested in certain games. Also, I've got better things to spend my money on than buying a console. That's got to be the last one on my list of things to buy as much as I want it. Practicality, as taught by my mother. However, George is a gamer and he's taught me everything I know...which is very limited, to be honest."
    Taron chuckles. "Are you two dating? I kind of fear he would be jealous on our...romantic parts."
    Out comes the typical question Isla's been asked too many times. But she gives Taron a free-pass because he's only met them formally now, and has probably never heard of her until the award show.
    "Hell no. We're just best friends, although I do understand how you would think that, but I assure you he's not going to beat you up after the romantic scenes. Besides, if I were together with him, we're all professionals. We should all be professionals. It's a normal nature for actors to come across romantic scenes every once in a while, especially now. This is a romantic comedy."
     Taron cringes at the term 'romantic comedy'. Despite the fact that he's been wanting to be a part of this project, romantic comedy is such a new thing for him. He's used to dealing with movies with more action scenes, one of the reasons why he's unsure whether he's going to get this part. He feels like he's not fit to play Howell Ellis, but he got accepted, so that has to be something.
    The room begins to fill up, and Vincent finally shows up on the lobby wearing his casual house clothing (cargo shorts and regular t-shirt) with the script on one hand, which reminds everyone to bring up their scripts too. He beckons to the artists when everyone's present and lead them to his lanai, and everyone in the room is in awe with the interior of the house. When they are all settled in, Vincent stands near the door to welcome his guests.
    "Hello, everyone, and welcome to my home. We will be roaming around my house to get the perfect ambience depending on the scene we will do, but when you are not included in the scene, you will stay in here. My butler and maid who will be here in a minute will get you drinks, finger-foods, whatever you need. Understood?"
    "Understood," everyone collectively replies.
    Vincent nods and turns to his copy of the script and everyone does too. "First scene will be held in the bridge across my koi pond. Characters: Heather Wallace and Howell Ellis. So Taron and Isla, come with me."
    Taron gulps. The butterflies on his stomach grows stronger with every step approaching the koi pond. This could either make him or break him. Either way, it's showtime.
• • •
    After the trials, Vincent announces who will stay as the character and who will be recast. Everyone in the room is just as nervous as they were when they first entered Vincent's intimidating house.
    "I'm only going to mention the name of those who will be replaced. If you don't hear your name, that means you stay. And if you stay, you stay in the house because I still got something to tell you," he explains, which heightens up the tension in the room. This had Taron and Isla holding each others hands but not couple-like. It's the kind that's like in singing shows such as American Idol where the contestants that are in trouble hold hands, praying that their name wouldn't be mentioned by the host because it means they are eliminated. They, together with George are looking down as Vincent start to announce the names.
    He stops mentioning names and a lot of 'contestants' for the roles get out of the house gazing down, as if they're ashamed. Taron, whose eyes are closed, opens one eye and looks at Isla, who is smiling.
    "Taron, we're staying," she announces excitedly and he can't believe the news. He looks at Vincent wide-eyed and he nods at him. Then, he turns back to Isla and George and shake their hands, congratulating each other. He, then, notices another guy standing in front of them. Westley Jones. The four congratulates each other and take a seat. Isla and George on the love seat and Taron and West on the bench across them. Vincent stands in the middle, beginning to discuss something as all of them clutch on their half-drunken wine glasses.
    Taron remembers West. He was introduced to him by Elle because she also attended to him. Though, they haven't actually had a proper conversation with each other, and Taron has always seen his aura as a nice guy.
    As Vincent pauses in his discussion regarding what Taron deems as 'boring business stuff' because of a phone call, he faces West, and he smiles at him. West smiles back, even pointing at Taron. "I remember you. Ella is your publicist!" He says, face lighting up.
    Taron nods in reply, pressing his lips together and forming a straight line. "She is. We met at a management party, if you can recall?"
    "I do. I do recall," West grins. "I'm looking forward to work with you, man. I've seen Eddie, Sing and Kingsman and you were amazing on all of them."
    Then the wave begins to hit him once again, after an entire week of not crossing his mind. He has watched each and every of West's films because Delilah loved him as much as Isla loves Taron. He remembers the first time he and West met clearly now: he had to take a video of West greeting Delilah and he remembers how she flooded his messages with 'OMG's when he sent it to her, out of her excitement.
    But of course, it will be a pretty weird thing to tell West immediately that he has seen all of his films, specifically because he wants to avoid a conversation about his ex-girfriend. But by the looks of it, West already knew what happened because the news is all over the place—Taron badly hopes. So he just says "I've seen a lot of your movies too and you were also amazing in all of them." He remembers a movie where West also played a spy named Samuel, so he decides to add in "it's an Eggsy and Sam crossover."
    "Now that is a movie crossover that needs to happen," West agrees, clinking glasses with Taron. "It's a great concept since both are action-comedy already. They should have done that when Kingsman needed help. My spy agency could have helped out. We've a lot of sources" which is true. They have a lot of devices that Kingsman and Statesman doesn't have, including the revival for agents who died in an explosion.
    Vincent comes back in the room, which breaks Taron and West's chat and discusses some more technical stuff regarding the set, the dates and where it's going to be filmed.
    After the long discussion, all the actors rise up and head outside to go home. Taron feels relieved somehow that it's one less problem to worry about being cast in this movie. West easily warms up to Taron, placing his arm around him as Taron drops his gaze at his phone to see if Byron had already messaged but there's none, so he looks up to West and realise how short he is compared to him. West is about six feet and four inches tall not counting the height of his curly hair, and Taron had never felt so little.
     "Man, we are going to crush it. I've been looking forward to this project because of all the hype and now I get to be in it, officially."
    "I have the same feeling. This is something that I've been waiting for because I've been rejected tons of times these past few weeks. Months, actually."
    "Have you got somewhere to be? We can hang for some coffee and talk about it," West invites enthusiastically. Taron feels assured that he might have found his set best friend that he can hang with without things getting immediately awkward. West had obviously warmed up to him pretty quickly.
    Taron shrugs. He has texted Byron several times but there's still no response. "I guess I could go for some coffee and small talk. I mean, I definitely need it."
    Isla and George walk past them, and Isla squeezes Taron's shoulder. "Hey, we'll be bouncing off. Need a ride?" George offers, but Taron just gives him a smile.
    "No. We're good. My best friend is picking me up tonight."
    "And my car is in the parking lot of this massive house," West adds, his tone joking, even emphasizing the word 'massive'.
    Isla raises her shoulders. "Okay, then. I'll see you both soon? I'm so looking forward to working with the both of you. I've watched your films and I can already tell that this movie is going to be really good. Vincent makes no mistake in casting. Anyway, I'll see you guys." She smiles before walking off with George.
• • •
    The ride on the way to Starbucks wasn't at all awkward as Taron had thought. In fact, him and West really clicked and sang along to a bunch of throwback tunes loudly in the car, even awkwardly dancing along and sharing a laugh. Now, they have reached Starbucks. Taron sits on a table and West volunteers to order for the both of them. The place is crowded, so there really needs to be someone left on the seats so it won't be taken.
    Taron scans the room for a free seat, and finds one by the window designed with pink hearts that's sprawled all over the glass, so he approached the seat as quickly as possible, mentally calling dibs.
    When he finally sits down, he looks beside him again on the decorated glass and feel lonely. Here he realises that Valentine's day is fast approaching, and this is his first year of Valentine's day without burning his money buying generic gifts like flowers and chocolates and movie dates. Despite this thought, he still feels that way. He wants and likes the feeling of burning money in order to make the person he loves happy. Here, he begins to plan out his next move. Perhaps, knock on Delilah's doorstep and ask for forgiveness with her favorite, overpriced bouquet of roses in his hands.
    That's stupid. Don't do that, Taron. Know your worth, he says to himself. He had already gone weeks without thinking about her because of the stress on getting accepted in a role, but everything seems to come crawling back now that he is relieved off stressing to be a part of a movie, and how he despises the repeated overthinking.
    Taron is dumbfounded, but he snaps back when he sees West sit down in front of him, situating the tray down the coffee table. Now, two cups of coffee, a huge doughnut and a cheesecake rests in front of the lads and West lifts his cup and takes a sip of his coffee, wincing.
    "That is scorching. Wait for five minutes before drinking," he advises, and Taron, whose hands is already on the cup, lets go and nods.
    "So T, let's talk about Isla. Where did you guys first meet?"
    Taron sighs. "Umm, well we didn't really meet on that award show we both attended last January, but we did smile at each other. That was the first interaction somehow. Second, today where we formally met. Why'd you ask?"
    West smiles. "Oh, have you recognised her from all the gossip articles?"
     Taron narrows his eyes and tilts his head, curious. "What do you mean, exactly? Is she problematic?"
     "No. God, not at all. In fact, she's a really sweet girl. What I meant to say is, if you've read gossip articles about her, more or less you have encountered her mentioning you, specifically because she has a huge crush on you and everyone knows it."
    "Oh, scratch that. Let me correct myself. Everyone knows it except you, man. I'm surprised no one actually bothered telling you about that."
    "No. No one did."
    Everyone might have collectively agreed that it's a bad idea to tell Taron about it when he already had a girlfriend who was a bit insane. If he knew, she'd also know, and she would be extremely paranoid around Isla. But did she already knew? Since way back in January when she saw Taron catching a glimpse of Isla, she looked at her threateningly, causing a mini-argument between the couple because of Delilah's intimidating stare.
    "I thought you knew. I didn't intend to make you feel weird around her, most especially because you will be playing a couple in the film."
    Taron shakes his head. "Not at all. Everyone in the show business is a professional when it comes to stuff like this. I reckon she's the same. So, I don't think there will be any weird feeling around her. Plus, she doesn't appear fazed when I talked to her? Perhaps, it's just a celebrity crush if you will."
    West smirks. "All right. Anyway, I'm excited to meet the other casts for the table read. It will be amazing."
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kattaloop · 7 years ago
Why Lexa? Because It’s Lexa!
Stories have the power to change the world. As Dustin Lance-Black so eloquently put, “telling stories is one of the most potent skills in changing culture, because it starts with changing hearts.” It does not matter if those stories are real or fictional. Good storytelling will draw you in and make you feel. You won’t have to look very far for writers who will attest to ugly sobbing or feeling elated while writing a story, even. We are supposed to feel, and the more empathetic you are, the more you become emotionally attached. It is not unusual or even abnormal to feel a real connection with fictional characters. Can you fall in love with a fictional character? Of course you can. Just like you can fall in love with the idea (or rather an ideal) of an actual person, a common problem in many relationships. Can you grieve and mourn a fictional character? Absolutely yes, and there is nothing wrong with it or wrong with you.
The 100 is like any other story, in that it has the potential to change hearts and minds, for better or for worse. That is part of the responsibility of every creator, and they are fools if they claim otherwise. It may not reach millions and millions of people, but the hundreds of thousands it does will take away a message and, unfortunately for those of us who are progressive and part of a minority, that message has turned from a positive to a negative in its third season. I will, without a doubt, take another look at its fall from grace another time, but as someone who instantly connected with Lexa, it was bad news all around.
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From the moment Lexa first appeared on screen, as the timid servant girl transformed into the powerful Commander of the 12 Clans, I was spellbound. With little screen time or initial purpose, the writers perhaps unknowingly gave Alycia Debnam-Carey just enough good material to work with to make this minor character larger and compelling than anything else on the show. She became, as show creator Jason Rothenberg put it, “an internet sensation.” I watched her reveal layer after layer, nuance after nuance, dark secrets and stories yet to be unveiled, emotions boiling underneath a stoic surface - and then the kiss between Lexa and Clarke happened and I swear I have never seen anything more beautiful on screen. I had been questioning my sexuality for a while, but in that moment I knew that I identified, in fact, LGBT.
Does Lexa mean so much to me because she is gay? Nope. And sorry, not sorry if that does not correlate with anyone’s limited view of the world. Lexa is gay, yes, and that means something, a lot, and I’ll come to that in a moment, but Lexa is so much more. Which, in my opinion, is the reason why she had and continues to have such a tremendous impact on people, why she crossed the boundaries into mainstream media and attention so effortlessly, why she became so incredibly important both as a character and as a symbol. Because, oh boy, did she become a symbol after her death.
Viewers from all walks of life connected with Lexa on different levels. All of her layers, which we have not even seen half of, in my opinion, offer points of connection, of attachment. Heck, even the haters cannot get enough of her, blindly latching on to her flaws, to the point of demonizing her, which becomes an issue because that truly is not her and skims along a damaging stereotype as the writers only continue to give more fodder to, rather than contradict those problematic viewpoints. Either way, Lexa calls to your emotions like hardly any other character I have seen, and you are still asking, why Lexa?
If you consider yourself part of the LGBT community, you quickly learn that you are part of a minority. But just like with any other minority, circumstances differ for everyone. I had to learn that myself as I dipped my toe in for the first time. I never talked to my parents about my sexuality in any capacity, and they never cared either way. I guess I can count myself lucky in that regard, because I have since learned that too many LGBT, male or female or fluent, feel the need to continue to hide their true selves from their families even throughout adulthood or worse, fear and suffer the consequences of loving someone they do not approve of and in turn will reject their own. Imagine living in fear of your own father’s reaction to who you are and who you love, only to see Lexa’s father figure being the one to shoot her because she allowed herself to love again, to love Clarke. It is not poetic, Jason, it is just cruel and disgusting.
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Finding representation at all, never mind good representation, on screen for LGBT is not easy. We cannot just switch the channel to see another Commander Lexa or a loving relationship between two female leaders. Much of the representation is flawed, if not harmful, as it is riddled with stereotypes, or sidelined, or a plot device, or the bait to draw in LGBT viewers. Lexa and Clarke, for a while, were amazing representation. They were groundbreaking and truly could have been a game-changer, if not for Rothenberg’s ignorance. Or was it arrogance? Something more nefarious? I will let you be the judge of that.
Why is representation so important? Remember, it is the story that can change the hearts and minds of people, which in turn can change our culture, our society, our world. As long as we continue to see POCs executed reminiscent of the slavery era, women propping up men for their redemption arc while sacrificing their own character development, bisexual females more often than not ending up with the male hero, and lesbians killed within the context of love is weakness, being undeserving of love and not having any chance at being happy whatsoever - as long as that is the message viewers see on screen, prejudice and fear will continue to reign over love and compassion.
Why does it have to be Lexa, why won’t I move on to another lesbian character? Because it was never about the lesbian character. It is about Lexa, who also, gloriously (which apparently corresponds with fatally), happens to be gay. The world is not black and white. Lexa is not either this or that. She is special, a fantastically complex and multilayered character we do not see very often, if at all. My heart bleeds at the thought that we might never see her full potential because of one ignorant creator, lacking both creative skills and any sense of responsibility.
If I ever were to blame Alycia (which I am not) for anything, it would be that she is too damn good at what she does. She made us fall in love with this outstanding character, she gave her depth and emotions that far surpassed anything written on the page, and gave her the humanity to make her utterly real. Unfortunately, Lexa and Alycia both were at the mercy of Rothenberg who, as far as I can tell, has no empathy or awareness or an ounce of compassion and no creative vision past his admittedly humongous ego. But none of that, no time or financial constrictions could excuse his decision to kill off this one in a million character with a homophobic trope, without giving everyone, himself included, the chance to have her back at some point.
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Lexa means the world to me and to so many others, she is as real as she is fictional, and that’s that. Her story has the power to change hearts, and that is why she is worth more alive than dead. As she is, indeed, a fictional character, there are multitudes of ways to rewrite her fate, to bring her back to us, if Alycia is willing. Because it should be crystal clear by now that Alycia gave us Lexa, not Rothenberg.
Ai gonplei nou ste odon!
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tsgdenvercolorado · 5 years ago
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Anyone else having Spring Fever?  I'm ready for longer days and all the exciting events going on in our TSG Community.
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REBEL: Scratch off and Save
Stop into Rebel and pick up your scratch-off card to be used for the month of March and save 15-25% off one item.
5910 S University Blvd
VISIONS WEST CONTEMPORARY: Current Exhibit: Beau Carey’s recent work Basin and Range
Beau Carey is a landscape and en plein air painter based in New Mexico. The work in Basin and Range look at landscapes as a series of repeated journeys. Each is made of the same mountain ranges repeated and flipped. Carey’s work becomes defined by time; painted with different light, from different angles, some with suns and moons shown in varying states of rising and setting. His work explores and subverts the typical traditions of Western landscape art. Finding new ways to paint landscapes of the West, while recognizing the history of globalism and the new environmental dangers these landscapes face today. Inspired by John McPhee’s geological travel novel by the same name, Carey’s Basin and Range becomes a beautiful journey through time depicting a new perspective on the landscapes of the West.
Visions West Contemporary
2605 Walnut St
THRIVE Lifestyle Solutions: Date Planning Services
THRIVE Lifestyle Solutions is a full-service individual and personal concierge company and is offering a 2 for 1 special if you book a date planning session between now and April 30th. THRIVE offers complimentary phone consultations to brainstorm your date needs.
Call or Email to schedule today - info@thrivelifestylesolutions.com or 720-487-1965
THE VINTAGE LABEL: Pop-Up at Free Market in the Dairy Block
A thoughtfully curated collection of luxury designer vintage clothing & accessories.
Open Daily 11-7
Free Market
1801 Blake St
HOWARD LORTON: Pre-Season Patio Sale now through May 10th
Because your style doesn't stop at the back door....Now is the time to find patio furniture at great prices so you can enjoy it all season long. Discover Howard Lorton's newly renovated patio shop, and experience our new arrivals. Find quality, comfortable patio furniture that is designed to last. Take an EXTRA 10% off our already low prices, including clearance items and special orders.
Howard Lorton
12 E 12th Ave
PLUM SAGE FLOWERS: Treat yourself or give the gift of fresh flowers with a Plum Sage Flowers floral subscription. Their arrangements feature seasonal blooms designed in a stylish vessel that we can select to complement your space. The arrangements are available for pickup or delivery - once every week or once a month. Colors can be specified but all flower varieties are chosen based on health and seasonality. Pricing is custom but the average is $65 for a small arrangement, $85 for a medium and $100+ for a large arrangement.
Plum Sage Flowers
(720) 328-2190
CCRM: Struggling To Get Pregnant? Don’t know what to do next? The first steps in your fertility journey can be overwhelming—Fertility House Calls is here to help. Fertility House Calls is a program that connects you to an experienced CCRM fertility nurse so that you can ask questions and explore care options, all from the comfort of your home or wherever is most convenient for you. Fertility House Calls is currently a free service to Denver area residents. Schedule today at www.fertilityhousecalls.com.
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“Winning the Inner Game” led by Trisha Lee. A study by Cornell University found that men overestimate their abilities and their performance, while women underestimate both. Of course, not all men ooze self-confidence, and not all women lack it. However, the 'gender confidence gap' is real and closing it is imperative to women’s business and career success. Come participate in a discussion with Trisha Lee – Senior VP, Lockton Companies, mother of two young adults, widow, and the 7th of 9 children – to hear her top insights and tactics to overcome confidence challenges so that you can catapult your happiness and success.
Thursday, March 5th 12pm
RISE Collaborative Workspace
730 Colorado Blvd
Click here to learn more about Rise Memberships
WANDER + IVY: Wine Tasting Event
Complimentary wine tasting featuring Wander + Ivy’s premium, organic, single-serve wines from family-owned vineyards around the world.
Thursday, March 5th 4:45-6pm
Natural Grocers
3757 Brighton Blvd
FUSION ACADEMY & EQUINOX COUNSELING & WELLNESS CENTER: Academic Anxiety: Understanding & Intervening with School Refusal
Equinox parenting and mental health experts will help parents and teachers identify and understand the complexities of mental, emotional, and behavior health issues.  In addition, they will explore how issues related to neuro-developmental disorders, neurodiversity, executive functioning disorder, anxiety, and depression influence school refusal
Understanding & Intervening with School Refusal
Thursday, March 5th 6-8pm
Fusion Academy
5340 S. Quebec St. Ste 100N
Click Here to Register
HOMEFEST: Spring Decor Event
It’s Spring preview time! New arrivals are pouring in and it’s the perfect time to refresh your home for Spring. Shop our latest arrivals and save 15% on furniture, rugs, lighting, art & mirrors, pillows, throws, and florals.
Thursday, March 5th meet Pam Vincent of Maple Leaf at Home. Inspired by a love of entertaining and spending time with family and friends, Maple Leaf serving boards make a cherished personalized gift for all of life’s celebrations.
Friday, March 6th Emme Siegall of Michael Aram will showcase Aram’s beautiful collection of handcrafted designs. A celebration of nature and ancient craftsmanship, these pieces are as much fine art as functional serving pieces.
Saturday, March 7th Beatriz Ball will share her collection of lustrous metal-ware. Made entirely by hand, using the ancient art of sand casting, these pieces have a depth of character and personality that only a handcrafted product can.
Thursday, March 5th - Monday, March 9th
5912 S. Holly Street
Open to all RISE membership levels and fitness levels, this class will be a core blast class. Bring a yoga mat and we'll see you there!
Friday, March 6th 12pm
RISE Collaborative Workspace
730 Colorado Blvd
Click here to learn more about Rise Memberships
ANDRISEN MORTON: Weekend Trunk Show featuring Samuelsohn
Preview Samuelsohn’s new Spring/Summer 2020 collection of superior made-to-measure clothing. Choose from exclusive fabrics and details to create a unique garment catered to your individual style.  Save $150 on every made-to-measure suit or sport coat.  Refreshments will be served.
`Friday and Saturday, March 6th & 7th
Andrisen Morton
3rd & St. Paul
Appointments are appreciated
WANDER + IVY: Wine Tasting Event
Complimentary wine tasting featuring Wander + Ivy’s premium, organic, single-serve wines from family-owned vineyards around the world.
Saturday, March 7th 2-5pm
Total Wine & More
9505 E. County Line Rd
"Confidence in the Boardroom" led by Michele Ashby. Research shows that companies with a higher participation of women in decision-making roles generate higher returns on equity. Yet in the US, only 16.6% of corporate board seats are held by women. Come hear from Michele Ashby (Founder of Ace Board Training for Women) about executive presence, what it takes to get on a board, and what it's like once you're there!
Wednesday, March 11th 8:30am
RISE Collaborative Workspace
730 Colorado Blvd
Click here to learn more about Rise Memberships
STYLE TM & REBEL: Spring Styling Event
Rebel is teaming up with Tina Friedman of Style TM to shop and style for Spring.
Thursday, March 12th
5910 S University Blvd
KITTO KATTO SKINCARE: Moisture Silk Product Launch
Kitto Katto Skincare is exciting to announce a new product in their line called Moisture Silk and are hosting a Happy Hour to celebrate.
Enjoy 25% off Moisture Silk at the celebration.
Friday, March 13th 4-7pm
Kitto Katto Skincare
601 N Corona
WANDER + IVY: Wine Tasting Event
Complimentary wine tasting featuring Wander + Ivy’s premium, organic, single-serve wines from family-owned vineyards around the world.
Friday, March 13th 4-7pm
Mayfair Liquors
1385 Krameria St
CLP JEWELRY: ADORNED Permanet Welded Bracelets
Our Adorned bracelets and rings are the perfect complement to your jewelry collection.  These delicate threads are cut and welded directly onto your wrist.  They are a perfect daily reminder of the intentions that you set while having them added to your wrist.
We offer 18 karat yellow gold, 18 karat rose gold and sterling silver.
Saturday, March 14th
CLP Jewelry
1464 S Broadway
HALCYON, A HOTEL IN CHERRY CREEK: Wellness Series - Turn Up The Heat
Turn up the heat, get your burn on, and transform your week when you attend TruFusion Fitness Series at Halcyon. Discover your mental and physical edge with dynamic exercises led by your favorite fitness experts, all in a supportive wellness community. We’ve got everything you need to crank up your personal and fitness goals! Bring your friends and après with us for an hour class, followed by complimentary wine and beer.
This is a barefoot class, be sure to bring your yoga mat!
Power Vinyasa with TruFusion
Monday, March 16th 5:30-7pm
Halcyon, a hotel in Cherry Creek
245 Columbine St
Click Here to Register
VERT BEAUTY: Intuitive Eating and Ritual Readings
Spring Equinox is all about new growth! It is the perfect opportunity to manifest renewal and new beginnings. We will be discussing health, beauty and connectivity to spirit during this wellness event. Learn how to eat in a more embodied way through the practice of Intuitive Eating with Soshy from Embody Nutrition. Intuitive Eating simply means, eat when you’re hungry, stop when your full, eat food that you love and food that feels good in your body. Imagine if you could feel at peace with all foods and be able to listen to your body on a deep intrinsic level when you’re eating! Rory, our favorite tarot-card reader, priestess, witch and spiritual guidance counselor will quickly tune in to your energy with an individualized one-on-one reading.
Monday, March 16th 6-7:30pm
Vert Beauty
3442 W 32nd Ave
Space is limited, call 303-623-8378 to RSVP
WANDER + IVY: Wine Tasting Event
Complimentary wine tasting featuring Wander + Ivy’s premium, organic, single-serve wines from family-owned vineyards around the world.
Wednesday, March 19th 2:30-5pm
Total Wine & More
3905 E Evans Ave
The 9&CO development a block away from RISE is close to completion! One of the establishments, TruFusion, is offering RISE Collaborative an exclusive sneak peek into one of their classes! Join us for a yoga class at 4 PM in the RISE classroom. This event is open to the public.
Wednesday, March 19th 4pm
RISE Collaborative Workspace
730 Colorado Blvd
Click to RSVP
WANDER + IVY: Wine Tasting Event
Complimentary wine tasting featuring Wander + Ivy’s premium, organic, single-serve wines from family-owned vineyards around the world.
Thursday, March 20th 4-7pm
Warehouse Liquor Mart
3371 W Hampden Ave
RISE COLLABORATIVE WORKSPACE: Member Event - Food for Thought
“The Art and Science of Getting What you Deserve” led by Amy Reczek. Negotiation and self-advocacy can make many of us cringe. From pricing your services to asking for a raise or a promotion, it takes planning, research, and strategy to feel confident to go after - and GET - what you truly deserve. Amy Reczek, Owner of Sales and Presence, is a sales executive with a distinguished 15-year career occupying high-level positions, and it took training and empowered self-advocacy to get where she is today. She will share with us why everyone needs a negotiation strategy in place, what negotiation strategies are most impactful, and how to create a code of conduct to help you execute that strategy. Lunch will be sponsored by Chook Charcoal Chicken.
Wednesday, March 24th 12pm
RISE Collaborative Workspace
730 Colorado Blvd
Click here to learn more about Rise Memberships
HALCYON, A HOTEL IN CHERRY CREEK: Apres Hour: Whole Leaf, Whole Life
Reinvigorating the ritual and art of tea drinking, Ku Cha House of Tea is making a celebratory experience out of every cup. The owners are unabashedly obsessed with all varieties and types—in fact, they offer more than 170 whole-leaf teas! Join us and tea master, Rong Pan, for an authentic Chinese tea ceremony and become familiar with every type of tea from green, white, rooibos to oolong.
Thursday, March 26th 5-6pm
Halcyon, a hotel in Cherry Creek
245 Columbine St
Click Here to Register
BLANCHARD FAMILY WINES: Mermaids Under the Mirror - A Charity Dinner for Fins Attached.
You are invited to enjoy our Sonoma County wines, unique as a mermaids’ tail. We value sustainable wine-making processes and are proud to partner with like-minded organizations such as Fins Attached. This non-profit is dedicated to conducting research, promoting conservation, and providing education for the protection of the marine ecosystem.
Join us for an exclusive dinner in the (heated) Dairy Block Alleyway, benefiting one of our favorite aquatic organizations!
Your $125 Ticket Includes:
• A Wine Paired 5 Course Dinner by Foraged
• Silent Auction Benefitting Fins Attached
• Guest Speakers and Mermaid Appearances
• Hand-painted Wine Labels Available for Purchase to Benefit Fins Attached
Thursday, March 26th 6-9pm
Blanchard Family Wines
Dairy Block
1855 Blake St #120
Click Here to Purchase Your Ticket
CLP JEWELRY: ADORNED Permanent Welded Bracelets
Our Adorned bracelets and rings are the perfect complement to your jewelry collection.  These delicate threads are cut and welded directly onto your wrist.  They are a perfect daily reminder of the intentions that you set while having them added to your wrist.
We offer 18 karat yellow gold, 18 karat rose gold and sterling silver.
Friday, March 27th
CLP Jewelry
1464 S Broadway
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0 notes
dazstormretro · 6 years ago
My PS1 gets Stolen! - Spring 1998
My first Mario experience had been way back in 1992 with Super Mario 3 on my mates NES. Being a hardcore Sega fan during this period the thought of playing a Nintendo console felt simply.... wrong. But as it turns out my first encounter with the little Italian plumber had a lasting impression on me, so much so that later that year I would sell my Sega Mega Drive, say goodbye to Sonic and purchase a Super Nintendo. Bundled with a free copy of Super Mario World I powered up the system and from that moment on I became a huge Mario fan, spending the next few months unlocking all 72 levels, finding all the coloured Yoshi’s and making it my mission to complete Star Road.
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Fast forward to March of 1997 and the eagerly anticipated Super Mario 64 was finally released in the UK after much speculation and hype. All over the country eager gamers had been reading about this new Mario title for years, drooling over every leaked screen shot and hoping this new game could live up to its predecessor. Turns out it did and then some with magazine scores nearing 100% all through the board. At the time of the games release I didn’t yet own an N64 so I had to wait until the following year before I got my teeth into Nintendo’s breathtaking new platformer.
Funnily enough Mario 64 wouldn’t be my first N64 purchase, that honour was given to Goldeneye. Being a skint student I wasn't in a situation of being able to afford more than one game so decided to wait until my birthday in the February. Before I knew it that day had arrived and by the end of February of 98 the Super Mario 64 game cart had been permanently locked into my console.
It now sounds like the old cliché but it really did feel life changing (at least in the mind of a gamer) playing Mario 64 for the first time. I’ll never forget being greeted by a giant 3D Mario face on the games title screen before hearing Princes Toadstools voice for the first time as she read out loud a letter to our hero. From here I was met with an open world where the player was encouraged to explore huge environments which felt so cutting edge. Add to this Mario’s new and diverse range of moves, the ability to access so many different levels from the off with no time limits and the stunning 3D polygonal graphics made Nintendo’s latest instalment unforgettable.
It was now approaching the end of spring, Easter had been and gone and I was back at university ready for the summer semester. Having sunk countless hours into this fantastic title trying to discover every level and every hidden feature the game still drew me in. Between lectures, exams and drunken student nights Mario 64 was always sat there waiting to tempt me back, beaconing me to complete just one more level, find one more of its 120 power stars or simply explore its free roaming world.
Eventually I would dust down my PlayStation and play a quick game of Doom or attempt to try and beat Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy 7 (without any luck might I add) but I would always find myself returning to Mario.
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After receiving the next instalment of my student later that year I decided to treat myself. Having played mainly N64 games since January I thought I would give the old PlayStation a bit of love and opted for a new fighting game for a change of pace. I had always been a massive Street Fighter 2 fan but hadn’t owned a title from the franchise since Super Street Fighter 2 on the SNES so decided to pick up a version. For some reason I came across Street Fighter Plus EX in my local Game Station. Unlike previous Street Fighter titles this version was a 3D polygonal fighter similar to Soul Blade which my mate Ste had brought over earlier that year. Having thoroughly enjoyed Soul Blade and with my love of all things Street Fighter I presumed this would be a good investment, turns out I was very wrong. The blocky graphics, the sluggish gameplay and the obscure cast of characters made for a terrible gaming experience so soon found itself back on the shelf with the console.
It was now late July and my first year of university would soon be over. Most of my course work was finished and I was preparing to move out of my student dorm and head back to my parents house for the summer vacation. Having already sorted out my student house for the following year the final week of term was mostly dedicated to partying, playing video games and packing my bags.
It was during this last week that one of my dorm mates asked for a favour, could he borrow my PS1 over the summer? Still heavy invested in my N64 having not yet tired of Mario 64 and Goldeneye I happy agreed, after all I didn’t even have the console currently set up. Later that day I packed up my boxed PS1, two controllers with a bunch of games and handed them over for my mate to look after until the new semester in the September.
Unfortunately that would be the last time I would ever see my precious PlayStation as this ‘so called friend’ for some unknown reason never returned to university the following year, taking both my console and games with him. This was a harsh lesson to never lend out video games to mates, especially mates who live at the other side of the country and who you’ve only known for nine bloody months!
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Having lost one of my gaming consoles was extremely annoying back in 1998 but there was a silver lining on the horizon with a massive new release about to hit the shops, a release which I had been waiting for since my Super Nintendo days.
0 notes
puchittothelimit · 8 years ago
i'm in the mood for something depressing. can you write something where suku dies and awilix's subsequent reaction
Author’s Notes
Fan-fiction:Blood Moon
Summary: The Night of the New Moon:  Awilix’s time of rest. Although she may havewanted a relatively calm evening to herself, invading Chaos forces deny herthat right. Her and Suku must rally up the other nocturnal Gods and bring themback to the safety of their Treehouse but even in their own realm, venturing outinto the night leaves them very exposed and though Gods are immortal, animalsare not and arrows are neutral.
Characters:Ah Puch, Artemis, Awilix, Suku, Tusky
Warnings:Character Death, Strong Language
Listen to thiswhilst you’re reading. It’ll compliment the atmosphere.
In the absence of the moonlight, the Lacandon Jungle stoodstill, devoid of any activity. So many relied on Awilix to illuminate thelandscape during the night, even she when traversing the jungle on foot. Thoughshe was a God, her body was that of a human and she couldn’t see all that wellin darkness.
There was to be no moon tonight and Awilix took thisopportunity to spend some time on the ground. She jumped down from theTreehouse, gliding to the jungle floor. As she descended, the gentle glow fromthe lit candles above faded but were replaced by a bright, white light that wasemanating from Awilix. In the sky, at a distance, it was comforting but upclose, it was very harsh. The jungle seemed to recoil when she landed, shyingaway. One entity came towards her. He was unfazed by the light, his steps evenlypaced and without hesitation. His eyes were wide open with a sense of urgencyabout them. Awilix could see the reflections of the plants around them danceacross his gaze. She came down to his level and opened up her arms.
“Hey boy! How are you Suku?” Thejaguar ignored her gesture, instead darting around to her rear. She waspuzzled. There was nothing Suku loved more than a cuddle, except maybe food andsleep, “Oh, don’t be like that.” She turned to face him and opened her armsonce again. He came towards her and licked her face a few times but that wasabout as much affection as they had time for. He circled once more beforebowing his head, beckoning her to mount him. “Eager to get going, are we?”Awilix tried to appear cheery although Suku’s lack of affection had disenchantedher. She mounted him as requested and settled in his harness. As soon as hefelt she had a tight grip, he took off.
Suku lowered his head, allowing Awilix to slide down hisneck and back onto solid ground. When her feet touched down, it was far fromsolid. The dirt slid between her toes and she grimaced at its surprising chill.Then again, they were by the river.
Now that they were closer, the light emanating from Awilixrevealed the black mass that had once been concealed in darkness to be ripplingand pulsating. It was the Usumacinta River, its flow as constant as it had everbeen. Awilix didn’t see anything to be concerned about. Her eyes darted asrapidly as waters of river travelled, searching for any abnormal movement thatmight resemble a drowning animal or a human. She eventually spotted somethingstill: another black mass on the other side of the river. It was prominentagainst the lighter sandy shores in rest upon. She figured that this was whatSuku wanted her to see and a quick nudge from his nose against her leg impliedthat she take a better look at it. Awilix squinted her eyes to no avail and shewas too far away to light it, but she was already on the ball with that.
She relayed the moonlight into her palm, forming a sphere oflight. She clutched it and brought her arm behind her, and then turned her headto face Suku, “Don’t try and fetch this, okay?” Suku’s growl undulated in pitchbut she wasn’t sure whether he was frustrated with her lack of seriousness orwas genuinely disappointed that she’d prohibited him from chasing it. She swungher arm and the moonlight flew gracefully from her palm. As it descended uponthe mass in the distance, it partially revealed the structure. She could see itwas made from wood as were the oars attached to it, blatantly revealing it tobe a ship of some kind.
Awilix had never noticed it before and like her kin, sheknew the jungle like she knew her own skin, so it had to have been mooredrecently. To make sure, she conducted the sphere to shine upon the underside ofthe boat. The material was still darkened from the water which proved hersuspicions. That’s why Suku hadn’t brought her to the ship itself, in casethere were passengers still inside that posed a threat. She brought the light further up and followed the side of the boat, toget a better outlook on its, size. She seemed to be dragging the sphere for awhile. The size of the vessel dwarfed the shore it sat upon by far, havingknocked down a few trees in order to make room. The sheer size of it impliedthat it was made for international travel by the Greeks. Now, she feltthreatened but her concerns should’ve been focused elsewhere.
Her vision became lopsided and then she realised that shewas falling. The ledge couldn’t withstand her weight and the mud had crumbledbeneath her. She yelped as it gave way and her feet hit the water. The strengthof the river tore her legs from beneath her but she did not fall. As she’dflailed her arms, Suku had leapt and took one them in his mouth. The grip ofhis jaw was strong but it did not hurt her. He hauled her back onto the shore,unintentionally dragging her through the mud.
When she felt the chill of the water leave her body, she letherself go limp and relaxed, taking deep long breaths. Suku didn’t like this.It alarmed him. He hung his head over hers and licked her foreheadaggressively. She wafted him away with her hand, only to show that she wasfine, and then gave him a gentle pat on the head. “Thank you Suku!” She said,chipper as ever. She didn’t even wait to catch her breath before haulingherself off of the ground, with Suku helping to support her; her legs werestill a little shaky from the chill of the water.
Once she’d steadied herself, she focused on the matter athand: why were the Greeks here, and did they come with hostile intent? Shecould only imagine why they were here, and she didn’t consider their arrivaland the fact that war had recently been declared between the Gods to becoincidence.
Gods from all over the world were losing worshippers toman-made deities, given power and authority by those who’d created them. SomeGods made this into an issue, claiming that they needed worshippers in order tosurvive (though this was up for debate). These Gods revealed themselves tohumanity and punished them, in ways that would make even a demon envious. Theirwrath shook the very core of beings that favoured balance in the world. Someopenly condemned these attacks and thus created the divide. There were othersthat had simply said nothing. The Mayan’s were the latter. Separated from theconflict by several vast oceans, they felt that they needn’t comment on thesehappenings. If they had, their people may be endangered.
The Greeks, referring to those belonging to the family ofOlympus, had made it all to clear they would descend upon those who dared speakout against Zeus’ rage, which had unsurprisingly started the conflict . But theMayan’s hadn’t said a word, let along condemned the attacks on his own people(even though they certainly didn’t approve of it). Surely, they couldn’t behere to counterattack, worried that they were a threat, Awilix thought. Maybethey had come to make the Mayans swear allegiance to their cause. There shewas, making these assumptions, and she wasn’t even sure how many were there orif the crew were even all Greek. After all, the conflict spread across allPantheons and most of the Egyptian and Chinese Gods were openly siding with theGreeks. Maybe they weren’t here to attack at all, but there was no warning orannouncement of their visit.
All of this uncertainty only made Awilix more apprehensive andSuku could sense her tension. He gently stroked her leg with his cheek. Shesolemnly smiled and gave him a pat on the head. Without him, she wouldn’t even knowthey were here, regardless of why they were here. Only he had seen them thusfar, so she decided to stop speculating and just ask. She came down to hislevel. She knew he understood her but his communication was still limited soshe kept it simple, “Suku, was there a lot of them?” He nodded. “Okay. Werethey armed?” He nodded again, with a grunt. She gulped, “Okay, Suku, where didthey go?” Suku tilted his head towards the river, and pointed downstream withhis paw, “North West,” There was a bridge further along the river in thatdirection, that would allow the Greeks to cross to the other side of the river asthey’d failed to dock their ship on the ‘right’ side of the river, assumingthey wanted to visit the Mayans at their Treehouse.
Awilix could only assume that was where they were going. Shesneered at the prospect of them attempting to assault the Treehouse. Though itseemed fragile, it was a fortress, well supplied and well protected, concealedby the upper canopies of the trees and with spells that only the Mayans could seethrough. She and the rest of her pantheon would be safe up there. There was nodoubt that they would make it there before the Greeks did with Suku’s speed(and prior knowledge of how to get there quickly as she doubted that anyonewould remember the route from the port from the last time they’d visited, thejungle an ever-changing landscape). She gave him one final pat on the head,“Okay boy, let’s get back to the Treehouse.” Her words were assertive but shefroze suddenly. Suku slowly circled her, confused.
Awilix had just remembered that before she was about toleave the Treehouse, Ah Puch had departed for his hunt. Although it wasunlikely that he would be spotted by their visitors, as hunting requiredstealth for which Ah Puch had an unparalleled skill for, Awilix wanted everyoneback at the Treehouse for her peace of mind.
She turned to face Suku, “Ah Puch is still out there. Do youthink you can track him down? I know he can handle himself and if Chaac washere, he’d just say I was mothering him too much but better to be safe thansorry. We need everyone back at the Treehouse, ready to defend if we need to.”She trailed off as she finally realised that Suku had been continually dippinghis head as she spoke. She tilted her head, rather like a confused animal. Hegrunted at her lack of understanding and also tilted his head to the side, nowgazing at something behind her. Awilix slowly turned her head to look behindher, a little apprehensive.
She yelped when she saw that there was something behind herthat wasn’t there before, quickly turning away but then turning back to seewhat it was. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar body with goldmarkings on a darkened skin tone, glinting in her moonlight. The reflection inthem shook as the being who possessed them laughed at Awilix’s reaction.
She was not so amused, “Dammit Ah Puch, why did you dothat?”
“You know, it’s rude to talk about people behind their back,or behind your back,” Ah Puch wasn’t offended, but his gag still earned him asoft slap on the shoulder. “I see you’ve noticed our visitors,” He gesturedtowards the ship on the other side of the river. Although no longer illuminatedby Awilix’s moonlight, he could still make out its shape. Unlike Awilix, hiseyes were made for the night.
“Actually, Suku did. He came to warn me,” Awilix wasn’tabout to take credit for her partner’s findings.
“Good kitty,” Ah Puch rubbed his thumb and fingers together,beckoning Suku to come to him. Though Suku despised his pet-name, hecouldn’t resist being petted by the God and his longer nails. He sat next tohim and Ah Puch fulfilled his gesture, dragging his nails across Suku’s headand pinching them together. He did this several times and a satisfied purrechoed from Suku’s snout.
Awilix smiled at the jaguar’s content but knew there werebigger cats to pet, as it were; She was still concerned about the Greeks,“Where did you see them?”
“The settlement near Yaxchilan, where I was hunting,” AhPuch said it so plainly, it made Awilix cringe. His need to hunt for humanflesh was something that the Mayan’s were desperately trying to ween him offof, trying to find a more humane way to satisfy his craving.
“Did they hurt anyone?” She felt like such hypocrite,letting Ah Puch hunt their own people but also being concerned for theirsafety, even though the Greeks could do far tamer things.
“No, they didn’t touch them. It was kind of amusing actually.They’re trying to set fire to the trees around the village,” Again, his tone ofvoice made Awilix feel so uncomfortable. He was usually pleasant company(despite his vulgar needs) so she didn’t understand why he was being so blunt.
“How is that funny?” She said sternly.
“Because they’re trying to start a fire, outside, during ourrainy season,” He slapped his foot into the mud, proving his point, “They wereat it for a while. Even as I left, they were still trying.”
“You have a weird sense of humour,” She murmured, “At leasttheir main method of assault won’t work.” Forest fires. She didn’t think theyhad it in them.  A widespread fire, ifthey did manage to light one, would completely obliterate their Treehouse andnearby settlements, both homes to many people. She scowled at their brutality.Suku could see she was getting distracted. She often found her overthinking,halted her in her tracks. He gave her an aggressive nudge to snap her out ofit. Both gave each other an assertive nod before acting, “Come on, we need toget back.”
“Agreed. I feel safer in the Treehouse.” Awilix thenremembered that Ah Puch was there and would need to ride on Suku too. Shedidn’t want to overbear her partner but also didn’t have the heart to leave AhPuch to find his own way back.
“Suku, can you manage two of us?” She knelt by her partner’sside and adjusted his harness, making sure it wasn’t too tight. It was a vaineffort to make sure he wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with two people on hisback. He gave a determined grunt. She smiled and mounted him, and encouraged AhPuch to do so, “Hop on.”
“I’m pretty light; I’m only eight and a half stone. Sukuwill be fine,” Ah Puch sat on Suku’s back, behind Awilix.
“If you only weight that much, you need to eat more,” Shefelt his hands slip onto her shoulders. There was no way he’d be able to stayon with his current grip, “Ah Puch, you need to hold on tighter than that. Putyour arms around my waist.” Suku nodded in agreement. He was scraping his clawsinto the dirt in anticipation.
Ah Puch didn’t feel comfortable holding her that way, evenif it was out of practicality. He ignored her, “I never thought you’d beencouraging me to eat more-.”
“Ah Puch, put your arms around my waist, come on,” Shechuckled when she heard him groan. He complied and slipped his arms around andclutched her waist. She wiggled ever so slightly to make sure he was securedand then tapped Suku’s belly with her foot. He took off. She felt Ah Puch pullher closer to him and giggled. He’d clearly underestimated Suku’s drive. Heloosened his grip quickly once he’d gotten used to the ride. She smiled, “Iwouldn’t have though that this type of stuff would’ve made you uncomfortableafter all of the spooning you and Hades did.” She teased him to lighten up themood, damped by the circumstances and the thick fragrance of the jungle.
“Awilix, really? You want to bring this up now?” He furrowedhis brow. Awilix could tell as she felt the mask move against her back.
Suddenly, she had an epiphany, “Wouldn’t Hades have warnedyou about this, if he knew that his brother was going to invade?” In allhonestly, she wasn’t sure whether Hades cared enough about the Mayans, letalone Ah Puch, to tell them anything that might benefit them.
Ah Puch quickly interjected, not wanting to prolong theconversation, “Awilix, I don’t know what you think is going on between me andHades or what we talk about, but it’s nothing I haven’t already told you about,which is nothing; we don’t talk.” His words were final, and she remained respectfullysilent. He realised that didn’t answer her question though, “Anyway, he wantsnothing to do with the conflict either so he wouldn’t know.”
“Ah-ha! So you have been talking? I knew it. I knew youcouldn’t let it go,” Of course, she didn’t know what their intentions were (andshe would interrogate him about that later) but it was entertaining to catchhim out. He snarled at his own stupidity. She carried on talking. She said herthoughts aloud to herself, knowing she wouldn’t get anything resembling aconversation from Ah Puch now. “At least one of those brothers have sense,” Shegrimaced at the thought of Zeus and Poseidon’s horrific ideals, “And Zeus’ kidshave turned out okay,” She mused.
Ah Puch snorted, “Are you sure about that?”
She was confused, “What do you mean?”
“They were all there Awilix, all of Zeus’ kids, even theones that were born out of wedlock,” He said that last part quietly.
“Who exactly was there at Yaxchilan?”
“Zeus. There was no sign of Hera. Ares. Athena. Artemis.Apollo. Hercules…” His voice trailed off as Awilix’s mind became preoccupiedwith panic once again. Zeus, by himself, was hardly a formidable advisory, aslong as you knew what made him lose his focus. He was a blind fool with notactical knowledge. His children were truly blessed to have more desirabletraits, despite their upbringing and lineage. And yet, they were supposedlyaligned with him in this conflict which went against everything Awilix thoughtthey were. She was baffled, and anxious; they were his greatest asset. She wasmostly concerned for Artemis. Though she was not entirely familiar with theenvironment, one of her greatest skills was her ability to adapt. If she hadTusky at her side, they would track down Suku and his passengers, even if theirpaths met only slightly.
Although the intentions of the Greeks weren’t clear, Awilixwould rather not find out what would happen if they got caught. She tappedSuku’s belly with both of her feet, which told him to speed up. With twopassengers, she knew that would be hard on him but she knew that, with theright encouragement, he could make it. “Go boy. When we get back, I’ve got someof those treats you really like. I picked them up from the market today.” Hisears perked up. His whole body jerked forward sharply and he picked up speed.
“You spoil this cat,” Ah Puch said.
“He deserves it,” Awilix replied plainly, trying to focus onher surroundings. She knew that more speed meant more noise so she’d toned downher moonlight to compensate in an attempt to reduce their chances of gettingcaught.
Suku knew exactly what was at stake. His feet pounded intothe ground as he hauled himself and two Gods to safety. With his vision, hecould see the light of the Treehouse ahead. Though it seemed further than hisenergy could take him at this speed, he remained determined.
The sudden sound of shattering wood made him panic but herelayed it into a wheeze, not letting it deter his movement.
Awilix hadn’t notice the sound, her eyes also on theTreehouse. Ah Puch had (he couldn’t see much with Awilix’s large hairstyle inthe way). He listened carefully this time, to see if it came again, attemptingto ignore the sound of Suku’s steps.
He heard the sound again, as he also saw a thin tree shatterand crumble before them. It fell into their path but an alert Suku leapt overit. As they passed the area, Ah Puch could see an arrow resting amongst thedebris, parallel to their path. They were firing at them or, rather, Artemiswas firing at them.
Ah Puch slowly and carefully took one hand and placed it onAwilix’s shoulder. He pressed down firmly in an attempt to elevate himself andbring Awilix down. He spoke when he saw that she was about to question him,“Head down. Artemis is onto us.” She happily complied, knowing Ah Puch could takean arrow.
Ah Puch, even when you stripped away his god-hood, was muchmore than just a man. He was a creature that possessed incredible strength andagility. His skin was also impenetrable, a protective layer shielding the softskin beneath. This layer was only permeable to fire and could be burned away,but a lit fire wasn’t going to be a possibility tonight. Awilix didn’t havesuch a privilege as invulnerability so Ah Puch tried to use his body to shieldher as thoroughly as he could.
With Awilix ducking, Ah Puch finally had a view of theTreehouse. They weren’t far and as soon as they passed the threshold, they’d beout of sight, invisible to all except themselves. Artemis can’t hit what shecan’t see. He knew they both weren’t blind but Ah Puch still wanted to giveAwilix, and Suku especially, some encouragement, “Keep going Suku, we’re almostth-egh.” He spluttered as an arrow sharply hit his back. It hurt but it didn’tpenetrate him. He looked behind him and snarled, though he knew that wouldn’tdeter them (even if they could see it). He couldn’t see Artemis. As he scannedthe horizon, Tusky popped out from behind the trees. He landed with a thud andpropelled himself forward, continuing his chase. He squealed loudly, to attractthe attention of his master.
A loud rumble of yells and shouting could be heard in thedistance. This was the final push Suku needed. He went faster still. But Tuskywas still that little bit quicker.
He was gaining on them slowly but surely, with as muchdetermination as Suku. Ah Puch summoned his staff to his hand and Awilix caughtsight of it out of the corner of her eye. It alarmed her but she knew Ah Puchcould handle whatever was happening behind her. Though she was finding it hardnot to let her anxiety show, she kept her focus on Suku and his morale.
Ah Puch scowled at the boar chasing them, hoping their eyesmet and Tusky could see what he was in for. He swept his staff behind Suku anda horde of decaying corpses of varying levels of wholeness rose swiftly fromthe ground. They stood lifelessly. They were still and not intimidating in theslightest (unless dead bodies made you squeamish). They were still in the way though and Tusky, large and clunky, a complete contrast to Suku, couldn’t dodge them andcollided with them. He tripped and slid through the mud. A sadistic grin curledonto Ah Puch’s face. He kind of hoped Tusky had broken a bone from thecollision. Much to his annoyance, he scrambled back on to his four legs anddarted after them, relentless in his pursuit. Ah Puch audibly growled. Awilix’sstomach tensed upon hearing that sound, knowing how relentless he could alsobe.
“Alright, you little shit, don’t make me have to come downthere and deal with you myself,” Ah Puchmade the claws on his free hand visible to Tusky, trying to intimidate him. Theboar was still undeterred, grunting with every stride. Ah Puch effortlesslysummoned another horde in Tusky’s path. He was expecting it this time and leaptin anticipation. His jump was just not high enough as he collided with thebodies once again. He hit the floor but was back up on his feet just as quickas last time. Now Ah Puch was beyond irritated. In haste, he summoned a hordedouble the size to get in Tusky’s way. As they rose from the ground, he visionslowly became more and more fuzzy. Then, his head became heavy, made more so bythe extravagant mask he wore. His body went limp and he slumped againstAwilix’s back.
She gasped from the shock and her body jerked, alarmingSuku, “Ah Puch, are you okay?” She reached one hand behind her and rubbed hisback.
His head became clear again but he was still lethargic. Hecouldn’t even turn his head to check if Tusky was still chasing them. In a vainattempt to relay some of his energy, Ah Puch dropped his staff, knowing hecouldn’t use it anymore. It turned to ash as it hit the ground. “Sorry. Out ofmana.”
“Out of-? What the fuck have you been doing?” Awilix wasbeside herself with panic. Not only was Ah Puch devoid of energy, he’d beenusing his magic to defend against something. Probably a chaser. Probably Tusky.She couldn’t tell. She couldn’t see what was happening.
“Not that we’re…hmm, on a schedule or anything but are we…are we there yet?” Ah Puch voice was sporadic as he was beginning to regain hisenergy. He clutched Awilix’s hand behind him and stroked Suku with the other,to show that he wasn’t pestering him.
She looked up, hopeful. The Treehouse was closer,understandably so, but she genuinely didn’t know if they’d make it. She tightlyheld Ah Puch’s hand and lied, for his benefit and her own, “Don’t worry, we’realmost-. Woah!”
Awilix has felt this sensation before: her vision becominglopsided and then her realising that she was moving. This time, she was rising.She flew across the jungle, a relatively small distance from the ground.Noticing a tree in her path, she shielded her face with arms and they took thebrunt of the blow. She fell to the floor with a sharp thud.
The impact and the chill of the wet ground gave her a newlease of life. She could have lay there and let the pain soak and then dispel.But she got herself up and still had the energy to encourage Suku that therewas just a little bit further to go. She looked for him, expecting him toalready be on his feet and ready to go.
A sorry sight dragged her hopesto Xibalba.
She dragged her feet sluggishly through the leaves on thejungle floor, drawn towards Suku’s eyes. She hoped to see something in theblack expanse, but they were as lifeless as his body. If it weren’t for the eyes,she would’ve thought he was just resting, his head resting on a fallen tree forcomfort. She tried to so hard to believe that he was just sleeping but therealisation and grief inevitably slipped through. There was a huge weight onher shoulders that brought her to her knees and then her tears fell, just asheavy. She scrambled to Suku’s body, before she became so overcome with griefthat she couldn’t move. She took his head in her hands, and pressed their nosestogether. Holding her breath, she waited for any sign of life from the jaguar,his own muggy breath on her face.
There was silence for so long. Then, her own breathing couldbe heard as it echoed in the small clearing. It was sporadic and laced with herown cries. Maybe the noise would stir him.
It stirred Ah Puch. He shook his head where he lay to dispelthe aches, though he hurt all over, “Fuck me, that hurt,” He groaned. As he gotup, the sounds around him became clearer though he did not expect to hearsniffles. He thought Awilix would’ve made another joke about him and Hades. Afamiliar sensation travelled up his spine. A shiver. He knew exactly what thatmeant. He saw Awilix first. She was fine. Then he notice Suku beneath her withan arrow lodged in his spine, in a place right behind where Ah Puch wassitting, where he’d failed to protect.
Everything seemed to slow down: the trees waving in thebreeze, the sound of the jungle, the way Awilix’s body jerked and her moonlightflickered as she cried and his own movement. He felt hot with anger and thoughtif he lost focus for a second, he’d tear apart the first thing he could sinkhis claws into. Awilix’s voice, though slightly unpleasant to listen to as itcarried her emotions, still had a calming remedy. He sighed in place of tearsas she spoke to Suku.
Awilix caught her breath, “Suku, you can’t go to sleep now.Don’t you want your bed?” She knew he could hear her from wherever he may bebut still felt delusional. The softness of Suku’s fur as she nuzzled into hisneck melted away her paranoia but then only made her more sad when she thoughtof a life without Suku’s presence. Even in her grief, it was in her nature toacknowledge the practical things but what that too masked by the delusion thathe could smell the treats she’d just summoned to her palm. “Come on, I can’teat these. What am I going to do with them? You know you want them. They’reyour favourite.” The longer he remained motionless, the more Awilix squirmed,shifting herself and stroking him in various places she knew he loved. Maybethe movement would stir him.
But alas, she didn’t want to disturb him. She whisperedsoftly, “Okay boy, you have a rest now. You’ve earned it.” She popped a kissonto his back and another on the top of his head, though she could not bringherself to move away. She sank her face into his fur and twiddled some betweenher fingers. She was all too familiar with the comfort it provided but it stillfelt refreshing, as if she was meeting him for the first time.
Though her head was down, she could still sense a figurebehind her but paid it no mind.
Ah Puch didn’t want to touch her though he felt like heshould, like it would help. He knelt beside her and slipped a palm around theback of her neck, taking care not to catch his nails on her intricately styled hair (that was, astonishingly, still intact).
This familiarity of his palm told Awilix who it was. She knewit was for comfort but every stroke of his thumb against her neck made hertears run hot and sting her eyes. She quick swung her head round, alarming himbut he did not remove his palm. He gripped tighter, thinking it would groundher as her face was managing to muster up a look of hatred.
“Bring him back,” She said suddenly, not vicious but certainlywith conviction.
He wasn’t alarmed by her question but still recoiled,knowing he couldn’t give her the answer she wanted, “I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” She stood up, her tonedangerously quiet and then loud and overpowering, “You’re the God of the MayanUnderworld. Bring him back!” She jabbed a finger into his chest, forcing himback with every word.
Ah Puch bit his lip. Someone must have heard that. ThoughTusky has seemingly given up the chase, there was little doubt that he’dreturned to find Artemis and bring her to them. His tone remained soft, though hefelt it was useless at this point, “It doesn’t work like that. Artemis killedhim. He’s hers for the taking.”
“He doesn’t belong to her. He’s mine. He was mine,” Awilixbegan strong but then trailed off as the realisation of the tense she was usingbrought her emotions to the brink once again. Her head sunk, her eyes heavywith tears. Her forehead ended up resting on Ah Puch’s chest. When she did notmove, he took it as she wanted contact, by something alive (though he was barely),and so he wrapped one arm around her shoulder and put another on her head butwas neither pushing it down nor pulling it away from his chest, it was justthere. Awilix clung to his arms. She did pull down slightly, if only to focusher energies elsewhere. The grief was overcoming her body, and now being awayfrom Suku caused her to ache. She looked up at Ah Puch and gently pushed on hischest, trying to pry herself away so she could return to Suku’s side.
His grip around her stayed firm, “Awilix, we need to go.”His tone was still soft.
“Ah Puch, I can’t leave him yet,” She shook her head andtears fell from her cheek.
Ah Puch couldn’t afford to be gentle anymore. He had to layit down, “Artemis is going to come and find us. We’re not safe.”
“We can carry him back.”
“We can’t. We’re not strong enough,” He began to slowly andsubtly pull her away from the clearing, towards the Treehouse. Not subtlyenough, she noticed immediately and tore away from him. Ah Puch recoveredquickly and attempted to grab her arm, earning him a much harder slap on hishand.
He couldn’t be angry at her. The way she helplessly fell toher knees, back at Suku’s side was pitiful. Ah Puch could feel his own eyes wellingbeneath his mask. He blinked to release the tears. Immediately, a strikingorange colour caught his attention that wasn’t their previously. Damn, Artemisis quick, he thought.
Her bow was still drawn and she had both eyes firmly on AhPuch. He didn’t move, so neither did she. He seemed isolated at first glanceand he still must have been low on mana so there was no reason to attack. Tuskyhad already flanked him and was prepared to strike so she used this as an opportunityto assess her surroundings, to make sure he was alone. He was not. At first,she saw two accomplices – Awilix and Suku, but neither seemed too animated. Sheflitted between them and Ah Puch before finally resting her gaze on the silverarrow in Suku’s back, striking against his dark fur.
Her hands began to shake, causing her drawn arrow to tiltbefore falling to the floor. Tusky was beside himself, his master never losingfocus like this. He darted to her side, not before stopping to pick up thearrow in his mouth. He prodded her with it gently to get her attention but tono avail. A little harder and she glanced down at him, if only for a second. Sheshooed him away absentmindedly, prompting a protest squeal but after stern lookand sharp nod from Artemis, he complied and trotted away, the arrow still inhis mouth.
Artemis though it would be insensitive to have her own,living animal companion by her side as she spoke to Awilix though it was only asmall gesture, given what she’d done. Her breaths became heavy as she thoughtof Tusky and what she would do if anything happened to him. She didn’t want to findout and didn’t want anyone else to find out either, but Awilix had and she was responsible.
She’d suspected that they were an attacker or someone withill intent. Why else would they be running? She was acting in self-defence andthough she could justify it logically, it still didn’t satisfy her and she knewit wouldn’t satisfy Awilix either. As she squatted by Suku, pulling her bowover her head, she couldn’t tell what Awilix was thinking and what she mightappreciate from her. He face was devoid of feeling, though she suspected a sadnesshad stripped her away of everything else. She didn’t know what else she couldoffer other than an apology.
She took a deep breath, choking back her guilt, “Awilix, Ican’t… I don’t know where to-.”
“Get away from her.”
She noticed Ah Puch move straight away but couldn’t reactquick enough to stop him from yanking on her bow. He hauled Artemis into theair before slamming her face-down onto the ground. She yelped but it becamestretched into a gasp as she felt her hair being pulled up, forcing her to archher neck. She couldn’t arch the rest of her spine to ease the tension as AhPuch had his foot firmly planted on her back. Sharp pains prickled across herbody from the shock of his brutality.
“Did you enjoy your little hunting trip?” Her stomachcramped at his words. She hadn’t expected such a reaction from Awilix which hadled her into a false sense of security but Ah Puch was making sure she got her comeuppance.Truly, she’d already been punished enough. She closed her eyes in shame. Soonafter, she felt her hair be let loose but she didn’t have much time to recoverbefore she felt a different kind of pain as Ah Puch gripped her head, his nailsdigging into her skin and turned her head to face Suku. “Take a good look atyour prize.” Her eyes had already been forced open from the shock, and hers andAwilix’s gaze finally met. Again, there was very little that could be told fromher expression. Her moonlight revealed eyes, unblinking, damp from her tears and as empty as Suku’s.
“I’m sorry,” Artemis was forced to say. It was all she couldmuster.
“Why don’t you do something useful, that’s actually going todo something?”
She already knew her words were empty to them both but evenunder pressure, she couldn’t think, “I know that nothing will bring him backbut I can-.”
“Stop talking to her,” Ah Puch snarled, tightening his gripon Artemis’ head. Her ginger locks were now stained with blood. It was makinghim kind of hungry but his mind didn’t wander as drastically as Awilix’s did;He remained focused, “Do something useful: Tell me why you and your family arehere, armed and unprovoked.”
“It may look unprovoked but we know better. We know what you’replanning.” She seemed smug. Ah Puch didn’t like that.
“And what is that?”
“We got a tip off; Order forces are assembling here,readying for an attack on Chaos soil.”
Ah Puch was baffled by this assumption, “Well, that’s the first I’ve heard of it. Who told you that?” There was apause. He saw her grimace so he knew wasthinking about it, “Who said that there were Order forces here?” He repeatedslower.
Now that she had thought about it, Artemis realised howridiculous it sounded. But her Father preferred to act than to waste timecontemplating the possibilities. Though that was her style too, Athena didn’tquestion him so Artemis didn’t think to either. She sighed, “Ratatoskr.”
His eyes widened so much Ah Puch thought they might burst, “Rat’?”He roared, “You trusted Rat’? Hah! If it was Loki, fair enough. When he triesto start something, he tells the truth, but Rat’s just a shit stirrer.”
She wouldn’t be made out to be stupid, “No one would suspectyou guys,” She protested, “You haven’t openly declared your side so it’s theperfect alibi.”
“It’s the perfect alibi because it’s the truth. Look aroundyou!” He yanked her hair again, “Have you seen anyone around you that’sthreatening? Because all I’ve seen is you turning up unannounced and attemptingto burn our villages. And, by the way, nice job, trying to start a forest fireduring our rainy season.” There was a pause and he knew that he’d shut her downbut he still couldn’t resist, “I knew Athena was the wise one, but I still didn’tthink you’d be this stupid Art’.” He looked for his impact, and she smiled whichwas not quite what he was expecting.
He also wasn’t expecting a huge boar to slam into and sendhim hurtling towards a tree for the second time tonight.
As swift as he was in getting himself back up, fuelled byanger, her and Tusky were gone from the clearing.
“Don’t you think you can run from me.”
“No, wait. Let me,” Awilix perked up. Ah Puch only just noticed she was standing, staring blankly at someplants, still waving from when Artemis and Tusky had brushed passed them andfled.
He shook his head and advanced towards the spot, “Awilix,you’ll never catch her on foot.” He was halted in his tracks by her spear thatshe’d recently summoned.
“I’m not going for her.” Shewhistled loudly and a jaguar leapt into the clearing, immediately bowing hishead for the Goddess. “I’m going for Tusky.” She mounted, and they took off.
Author’s Notes
So, here’s what we’velearnt:
I kind oflike writing angst.
I stillthrow in the occasional joke every now and then because I can’t resist.
I canincorporate Ah Puch into any fic.
Given that all I’vewritten about so far has involved the Gods drinking and going to bars orsuffering from hangovers, it’s kind of refreshing to write something a littledarker. I even made a playlist I was that into it.
So, @give-her-the-sunny-d,thank you for such a stimulating request! I hope you enjoy reading it as muchas I enjoyed writing it. I’m just sorry it took so long to write.
Please give this story a like and reblog if you enjoyed it! It really helps me out! Thanks for reading!
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