#this might be the softest gif i've ever made
A Misunderstanding
Summary: Bruce thinks the reader fears him when it's quite the opposite.
(The reader is gender-neutral and uses they/them pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably a person of color.)
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"Where's (Y/N)," Bruce asked, his eyes not lifting up from the beaker in front of him as he continued to pour more chemicals in.
"They're getting us coffee. Be here any minute," Tony replied, sitting in a seat not far away from Bruce's table, but still on his side of the lab, casually picking up a vial to play with.
"They're our assistant, not servant," Bruce told him, lifting his gaze and instantly furrowing his brow at seeing the vial in Tony's hands. "Put that back, please."
"I'll put it back, when I have my coffee," Tony told him, to which Bruce rolled his eyes, expecting Tony to be his usual difficult self, even when it's early in the morning.
The sound of the lab doors opening made both geniuses turn to see you entering, holding in both hands, cups of coffee, each one specifically made for them both. "Brought the coffee you wanted."
As Tony quickly grabbed his coffee, offering a quick 'thank you' before putting the vial back in its place, Bruce watched you carefully. He had a suspicion about you from the moment you began working in the lab with them and he wanted to confirm it to Tony.
"Hey (Y/N)," he said, watching your face and examining your body language closely. The second your name came out of his mouth, your body slightly jumped. He darted his eyes over to Tony to see if he was watching, and was quickly satisfied to find that he was.
"Could you just sit mine down, please?" He pointed to a far spot on the table.
He noticed the big gulp you made before nodding your head and making your way to his table and sitting down the coffee cup.
He pretended to pay close attention to the beaker, but really he slightly moved his eyes to your hand as you sat the coffee down and noticed the third sign that his suspicions about you were correct. Even though you tried to hide it, he could clearly see your hand slightly trembling. The fourth sign was revealed to him at the same time as he noticed that the hair on your arm was raised, as if in alarm. Every single time, he thought.
"Hey (Y/N), could you go upstairs, and tell Cap to come down here," Tony asked you, opening a drawer in his desk. "I wanna test something on his shield."
"Sure thing, Mr. Stark," You said, before leaving to do as directed, and Bruce couldn't help but notice the way you left was very quickly, almost as if you were hurrying out to get away from him.
When the sound of the lab doors closing behind you was heard that's when Bruce decided to speak up.
"You saw it, right," He asked Tony.
"Saw what?"
"Literally everything they just did," Bruce said, taking off his glasses and placing them on the table before walking over to Tony's side of the lab, and leaned against his desk. "The jumping, trembling, and even the way they hurried out of here just now."
"What does any of that mean, exactly?"
Sighing, Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, already knowing this might be difficult to speak with him about. "They're scare of me."
Tony tried to prevent the grin that wanted to appear and kept his face neutral as he responded, "Scared of you?"
"Yes. I know it."
"And why would they be so scared of you? You haven't hulked out in a while. They've only seen you in your nerdy, scientist attire, not as a green monster. There's no reason to be scared."
"We know why they're scared. Doesn't matter if I've hulked out or not. I'm still dangerous."
Taking a sip of his coffee, Tony sighed knowing that Bruce still wasn't sure of himself being on the team or being in such close proximity to any of them. "Banner, I'm gonna be as honest as I can with you," he said, stepping towards him, and putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You are literally the softest person ever."
"Tony," Bruce tried to interrupt him.
"You're basically a teddy bear with glasses. Nothing about you besides Hulk is dangerous, okay?"
Shaking his head, Bruce tried to ignore the growing frustration he was feeling. He didn't know why it bothered him so bad, but it did. Well, that was technically a lie. He knew why it bothered him, but he hoped that working with them for so long could have remedied that. He knows that he should be used to this by now, but knowing that you, of all people, was scared of him made him feel so much worse than any other person would. "I know what fear looks like, Tony, and it looked like they were scared."
"Please talk to them about it, before jumping to conclusions about this. Can you do that?" Tony had seen all the signs that Bruce had seen for a while and had come to understand what they really were, and hoped that Bruce would soon figure it out.
"Fine. I'll talk to them about it."
It was close to 1 in the morning, when Bruce looked away from the computer screen at the sound of the lab door opening, and when he turned to see who had entered, he found himself instantly become nervous seeing that it was you.
"Dr. Banner," You greeted him, smiling politely at him.
"(Y/N)," he greeted back. "What brings you here?"
"Mr. Stark told me to come down and check on you. Plus, he said that you wanted to talk to me about something important."
Of course, he did, Bruce thought, moving away from the computer and sitting down next to one of the lab tables. He couldn't help but notice you seemed to be staying far away from his side of the lab.
"Yeah, I did, (Y/N). It's important."
"Okay. What is it?"
"You do know that if you have any fears, any worries about working here, you can voice them, right?"
"Yeah, of course I do," you told him, nodding your head.
"So do you want to talk about you being scared of me?"
"What-What are you talking about?" You stammered, closing some of the distance between you two.
"(Y/N)," Bruce sighed, closing his eyes for a second before opening them again to look at you. "Ever since you've started here, you've been jumpy around me and keeping your distance from me. You always hesitate to come up to me, like you're scared I'm gonna hurt you."
A look of recognition and embarrassment came over your face and you opened your mouth to explain yourself to him, but before you could say anything, Bruce spoke again.
"I understand why you'd be feeling this way, but-"
"Dr. Banner, I'm so sorry. This is a big misunderstanding -"
"I promise you're not in any danger with me," he continued.
"I'm not scared of you, Dr. Banner-"
"I have control over the big guy. There won't be any incidents of him coming out-"
"Dr. Banner, I like you," you blurted out loudly, interrupting him in the middle of his sentence.
"What," he asked, a look of surprise and confusion upon his face.
Seeing how shocked he looked, you felt heat come to your face and quickly darted your eyes away from him. You never wanted to tell him like this, but to be really honest, you never wanted to tell him period.
"You-You like... me," he asked, shock and confusion still present on his face. "Why were you being so jumpy and-and weird around me then?"
"I didn't know I was being weird," you confessed, walking around the lab table and pulling a nearby chair to sit down next to him, ignoring the burning in your cheeks and your fast heartbeat. "I didn't know how to act around you, and not show my crush, so I thought I could keep my distance. Thought it would better hide it."
"Oh" was all he said, his face suddenly not revealing what he was feeling anymore.
"Um, if you don't want me to work here in the lab with you now, then I completely understand," you said to him, mistaking his silence as a silent rejection.
"Why would I want that?" He asked, confused. Now that you confessed how you felt about him, he thought that now is a great time to confess his feelings as well. "I like you too."
His confession shocked you and it took a second for you to reply.
"You do?"
"Yeah," he nodded, chuckling softly.
"Oh... Well, would you mind going on a date with me or are you uncomfortable with going with your assistant?" You asked, curious and wanting to make sure that he wouldn't feel too weird about it.
"That depends,...will you jump and keep your distance from me the whole time," he joked.
"No, I won't, Dr. Banner," you replied, laughing softly.
"Bruce," he corrected, smiling at you, making a fluttery feeling begin in your stomach. "Call me Bruce."
"Sure thing,... Bruce," you said, excited to finally go on a date with the man you've been secretly pining for forever. "Sure thing."
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purecantarella · 1 year
Too Little, Too Late
who missed meeee? HAHAHA but yeah, finals have come to a close and i now have a significant amount of free time!! so i will be back for the next week or so before the beginning of the next term kicks up but since i've been going through my own heartbreak as of recent, yall have to feel it with me HAHAHA enjoy lovelies!! update to this, not super heartbroken anymore and i might just wind up with this girl, so pray for me. shin yuna x reader ; chou tzuyu x reader disclaimer/s : nothing much, i had to change this disclaimer cause i ended up writing a fluff piece rather than the angst it shoulda been but there's a hint of angst if you squint.
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If you were asked just what you liked about her, you’d stare off and just be in awe of Shin Yuna’s whole being. The way she smiled, the way she made others feel, the way she dressed, the impeccable way her eyes would shine when she spoke.
It was just so perfectly her.
While others called her flighty, a loose cannon ready to leave at the drop of a hat, you looked passed that. You saw her at her best and loved her at her worst. You knew why she was the way she was.
You’re her best friend after all.
“Hey!” She cries while wrapping her arms around your neck, permeating the music blasting in your headphones. Any normal person’s response to that would be immanent shock or to be confused, but you were used to her antics at this point. You smile warmly and lay a hand on her forearm before pausing your music. “Hey yourself, your manager was up all night calling me asking where you were.”
A faint sense of bitterness rumbles in your chest as you face her, “I wondered the same thing if I’m honest.”
She giggles cutely before shrugging, “Here and there, you know how it is, N/n.”
You roll your eyes, a hint of jealousy in the action but it goes completely unnoticed. As it always does. Yuna’s always been the type to go out without a word to her managers or the rest of the girls, choosing that it’s better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Which lead you to often lie to her managers, telling them you were with her all night.
“So, N/n, my sweet girl, my partner in crime,” Her rattling off makes your heart melt ever so slightly but when that cheshire grin pulls up on her lips you know she means trouble. You shake your head with an adamant look on your face, you say, "Nope, I know what that look means."
She sighs dramatically before falling into your lap. You can't help the smile tugging on your lips, because even if she's a world-renowned idol, she was still this silly little kid. And you adored her for it. "It's a company party and Yeji and Ryujin are going together, Lia and Chaer are bringing separate dates, would you really want me to be going alone?" Yuna looks up at you with a pout and the softest eyes imaginable, completely obliterating whatever self-control you have.
You breathe a deep sigh before leaning back on your arm, running your hand comfortably through her long dark locks. Paying special attention to her bangs that began to grow out. The singer smiles under your touch as you mutter, "You are an agent of chaos, Yuna."
"That's not a no." She retorts sing-songy, letting her eyes slide shut for a moment. You laugh gently, and for a moment you allow yourself to take her in. The soft features she has, just how loudly your heart was beating in that moment, and how the afternoon wasn't so unbearable when she was here with you.
It was stupid that you couldn't say no to her, but there was no way she would have it any other way. "Fine, I'll go to your stupid party." A satisfied smile breaks onto her face as she cracks one eye open slightly, "I'm happy."
"I can tell." As you pull your hand away to try and look at your phone, Yuna's hand finds yours. You eye her curiously before she places it back atop her head. "Don't stop doing that, it..." She trails off for a moment, her voice becoming small, "It's comforting."
Your heart stops for a moment, before you smile down at her, both her eyes now open as she smiles the way she does. Her eyes bright and warm as stars, the afternoon just drifting away. All you can think in the moment is how radiant she looks under the light of the sun and just how lucky you were to have her in your lap.
Even if it were just as a friend.
The night of JYPE's ball, you anxiously stood in front of the off-site stylist's mirror. It was odd seeing yourself in a suit or a turtleneck, it wasn't often that you were given the opportunity to wear anything like it, much less how expensive you knew the items were. You sported a dark blue suit jacket over a black turtleneck with matching black slacks and dress shoes.
You stared at Yuna getting her make-up done from behind you, laughing and joking with staff and Chaeryeong who sat beside her. You couldn't keep your eyes off her, and it was becoming more and more difficult to hide. Chaer's date siddles up to you with a gleeful look on their face, "Someone's looking rather smashing."
You smile and pull the high neckline away from you, "Are these supposed to be that itchy?" You ask with a genuine look of discomfort. They laugh and pull at their own collar. "Well, we are walking in with Itchay."
You roll your eyes and push their shoulder gently, "You're awful." They smile at you with a toothy grin, "But now for the big reveal?" You feel a pang of nervousness before you're abruptly turned around and you hear Chaer's partner ask, "Ladies, don't we just look stunning?"
Their conversation is broken the moment you both turn around. Chear, unable to hide her excitement jumps up from her chair and embraces her partner, spewing compliment after compliment between kisses. You smile as you stare at them, wishing Yuna would give you the same attention.
But what you got was somehow better.
You look over at her and see a dumbstruck look on her face as stares you up and down with a shy smile on her face. She excuses herself from her make-up artist and saunters up to you. Before you know it she's in front of you, fixing the lapels of your jacket wordlessly. Hand snaking around your neck until both hands are interlocked behind your head.
"If I'd known I'd be walking in with the most dapper gentlewoman I've ever laid eyes on, I would've dressed up a bit more." You chuckle and wrap your arms around her waist. You raise a testing brow, "Dapper? Never thought I'd ever hear that from you..." You pause as she stomps her foot while whining, but before she can fully pull away, you pull her closer, "And you don't need to dress up when you're next to me. This is me keeping up with you, bareface, full face of make-up, or whatever."
There's a silence in the room as Yuna stares up at you with soft-eyes and while you break-down internally, thinking you said the wrong thing. Then her face breaks into that bunny smile you adore so much, adorned with a light coat of blush that you can't make out if it was there before she got up or not. Her hands unclasp and pinch your cheek hard, "You're an idiot, N/n."
You laugh nervously before she turns around and sits in her make-up chair again, talking to the make-up artist and stylist. You stand there dumbfounded and feel a sense of loss when she lets you go. Chaer looks over at you once she'd finished gushing, and whispers, "You did great, just give her a minute to figure everything out."
You smile at her, disappointment resonating in your chest, "Yeah, but I don't know if I have a minute to spare anymore."
A couple hours and about a million photos for their Instagram, you found yourself in the middle of a party with aspiring stars and some of the most recognizable face in Korean pop music standing with you waiting for their drinks. You were there primarily to get a breath away from Yuna, someone who was supposed to be your best friend.
Who you promised to sit next to and whisper random gossip you'd heard or seen across the room. But after the debacle in the dressing room and how much it muddled your sense of self and how much you felt for her, you needed a break.
The bartender walks back and forth trying to get everyone's orders right, "Excuse-Can I-? Fuck it this is pointless." You grumble to yourself as you take the napkin in your hands, tearing it to little shreds.
"Yeah, they can be brutal on guests they don't know by face or name." A voice called from behind you. You turned and saw the face of the youngest member of TWICE, Chou Tzuyu herself. You blush seeing her this close, you'd always confided in Yuna that you found her the most attractive of the members of TWICE after a long drunken night on the phone. To which Yuna cussed you out and laughed.
You never thought you'd get to see her in person.
You gulped as she walked up to the bar, catching the barkeep's attention. He attended to her immediately, "A mojito and..." She trails off looking at you, you nod to the man, "Whisky on ice, please." He whips them up almost instantly, and it wasn't long before they were both in your hands.
You smile tipping your drink towards her. "Thanks, I really needed a drink to handle tonight." Tzuyu nods solemnly, before taking a sip of her own drink, cringing a bit at the taste. You laugh as you take your own sip. "Stronger than you thought?"
"No- I mean, yes?" You laugh again, staring at the singer with a quirked brow, "I saw that you needed help with the bartender and I wanted to sound cool, the other members usually order a drink for me." She says with a light flush over her tanned cheeks, you feel a flutter in your chest as she does.
You smile before nodding off to the balcony, "I think some fresh air would do me some good," You pause as you watch her face falter a little. "Care to join me?"
You were absolutely right.
The night air did you so well, and being around Tzuyu definitely helped. She was easy to talk to and even when you'd both finished your drinks, you didn't want to leave. She told you an assortment of stories about what happens behind the scenes. How Dahyun and Momo are almost always late cause they're too busy with each other, Nayeon and Jeongyeon's arguments in the morning, and how she and Sana got together. It twinged you a little to know your bias was taken but she just seemed so happy.
"Short to say, Nayeon-unnie was not very happy about the compilations of Jeongyeon-unnie with Jihyo-unnie." The young woman finished as you cracked up.
"I didn't realize just how jealous she was." Tzuyu shakes her head with a goofy smile. "There's a lot you all don't see, which sometimes I think is a good thing." She says again quietly, you look at her.
With a small gust of wind of wind takes you both by surprise. Tzuyu shudders under the cold blow and wraps her arms around herself. Mindlessly, you take your suit jacket off and drape it over her. She looks at you, her cheeks an embarrassing shade of red which makes you smile.
"Sana's lucky to have you." Tzuyu smiles up at you before the glass doors of the balcony open up. Revealing an disheveled and irritated looking Yuna. She grins at Tzuyu with a sickeningly sweet smile. Your eyes go wide before you look down at your phone screen. You'd told her you were going to get a drink almost an hour ago.
Tzuyu stifles a giggle before nodding of to you, "I have to go, N/n. I'll just get your number from Yuna then?"
You were fully aware of what she was doing, you nod off before she pushes away from the railing with her empty glass in hand. Before she can walk in though, Yuna clears her throat, "Unnie, Y/n's jacket please."
The older woman chuckles and slips off the jacket, gingerly placing it in Yuna's open palm. Your best friend's gaze never wavering, baring imaginary holes into yours. Yuna rattles off before Tzuyu can even get into the building, "I've been looking for you for the past half hour, Y/n."
The older woman pulls a sour face and shoots you finger guns, mouthing, 'good luck' before finally closing the door behind her. "I've just been here, Yuna. Socializing. Isn't that what you wanted?" You ask pointedly, spinning the empty glass in your hand.
"What I wanted was for us to be here together." She pauses taking a step closer. "What I wanted was for my best friend to be with me, smiling and chatting with me. Not sneaking off to a secluded spot to make out with her bias."
You laugh, completely blown away by Yuna's outlandish statements. "Did it look like I was anywhere near doing that?!" You call out, hands up in the air. "What if I had been just a second late, you two were standing awfully close for two people who were, just as you say, 'socializing'."
You roll your eyes and begin to walk off when Yuna puts her hand in front of you. "You don't get to walk away, Y/n."
You rub your eyes tiredly as Yuna flares her nose and stares up at you with the eyes you'd normally swoon over. "You think I didn't want to do that? Walk in with you be all cheery and make fun of the execs who are wearing suits too trendy for their own good?" Your voice softer now, not wanting to escalate the argument further.
"I wanted to be there with you, hell..." You pause, your confession on the tip of your tongue but you bite it back. Knowing that once it's out you'll never see Shin Yuna again. "You know what, forget it."
Her hand is on your wrist pulling you back, she's still fuming. "What? What were you about to say, Y/n?" Her saying your name was nails on a chalkboard to you, she never calls you by your full name, even when you had arguments.
In your mind, you really fucked it up this time.
"I can't say it."
"Well, if you aren't I am. I wanted you there with me not as my friend, not as a guest, but as mine. Because I like you so fucking much! It's insane to me just how much I like you." Your breath catches in your throat as her confession spills messily.
She pants madly as she pulls her hand away from yours stepping away from you. Normally, you'd catch her hand in yours and tell her everything's going to be okay but you're stunned in place. Yuna covers her face, no doubt red as a tomato at this point as she tries to recompose herself.
"I've done everything I can to avoid this feeling, going out to parties, taking more hours rehearsing, talked to different people. But then I saw you in the park yesterday, being your geeky self, reading the book I suggested to you and something snapped." She releases another breath, "Then I saw you out here with Chou Tzuyu, someone you said you'd leave me in the dust for..."
"That was a joke, Yuna..." You finally say before walking up to her. Before you could touch her though, she shys away from you. Leaning on the stone railing of whatever building JYP could book for his lavish event. "I know it's too little, too late. I...I'm happy for you if you want to go chase after Tzuyu."
Finally, the storm clears and Yuna looks up at you with the same puppy-dog eyes she gave you when first saw you tonight. Your stomach leaped over and over as you looked into her eyes. "Yuna...Tzuyu..." You pause, watching her cringe at the sound of her name rolling off your tongue. You smile, "Tzuyu's dating Minatozaki Sana."
She whips her head over to you with a look of shock on her face. A smile blooms on her face, "I fucking knew it! I saw them behind the scenes of one of their music videos once and I-"
Before she could finish her thought, your lips were on hers, cutting her off. Her words muffled and eyes wide as your hands cup her warm, defined cheeks. In an instant, she melts and leans into you. Arms draping over your shoulders, pulling you closer.
You pull away, just a hair apart you smile down at her, "Suffice to say, I'm no where near dating or making out with Chou Tzuyu. You were right, I'm all yours."
Yuna says nothing but pulls you closer, the noises of the party inside completely vanishing as you held her under the moonlight. Like you'd both always wanted. Completely numb to her members all crowding towards the glass doors, abruptly screaming and cheering.
You both pull away from one another, and laugh at the enthusiasm her members and their partners had for you both. You look down at your best friend, planting a lingering kiss over her cheek, making her blush deepen.
A warm and delicate smile over your lips as you say, "Not too little, not too late, Yuna." Another kiss to her nose. "You were right on time."
and there's another one!! this was what i was meant to post as my comeback but i went back to workshop it a bit. i hope you all enjoyed it!! i'll try to keep posting but given my classes begin again next week, i won't promise much. i'll crank out as many as i can this week tho HAHAAH i love you all vv much and i will see you all soon!! bye lovelies 💕 - r
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bogginswritings · 11 months
Lil Astarion x Barbarian!Tav
This isn't the best I've written, but I didn't feel like fixing it. Have some fluff. Astarion might be a bit OOC, still getting the hang f that mf. I made a Tav barbarian named HERman as a joke. Now I love her more than anything. So yes that is where I got the inspiration from.
Pairing: Astarion x fem!barbarian!tav
Word count: 1100+
Contents: FLUFF. JUST. THAT. ALso some mentions of nude cuddling, but in only innocent context.
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She was rough.
During battle at the goblin camp she threw the goblins on each other, into fire pits, or simply against walls.
When they fought larger, heavier, enemies, she swinged around with her great axe as if it was nothing. There was no grace to her movements, none at all, but still they were calculated (or he thiught they were. Whatever they were, they worked). She’d be covered in blood, grinning at her victory (Astarion would never admit how attractive she looked during those moments).
She raged, entering some frenzy during battle. Her mind having a pretty simple goal; kill and win. She’ll cry out during it, her voice hoarse. And she’d urge on the others of the party, praising them afterwards for a battle well-fought (Astarion was sure that if blushing was possible for him, he’d be a tomato).
Not only while fighting was she rough. Talking to others she was, too. Often on accident, choosing the wrong words; sometimes on purpose.
And man, her hands. They were calloused, the wooden handle of her axe leaving it dry. They were also big, and strong, but honestly that was another topic to Astarion.
Her touch, however, was the softest. So, so gentle. Right now as she had him cooped up in her arms, her fingers trailing over his bare back. The occasional kiss she planted on his head so sweet it made him mentally swoon. SWOON! He couldn’t remember the last time he did that, or if he ever had.
He was in a little cocoon, one she created for him. Her big arms wrapped around his frame, keeping him close. He doubted he could fight his way out, with the way her strong grip engulfed him. Not that he wanted, he was fine just being there. His chest pressed against her bare one, soaking in all of her natural body heat. His head tucked under her chin, in her shoulder, basically hidden from the world.
Her being in his tent was routine at this point. He can’t remember the last time she set up her own. Instead she’d come to help set up his. Not without complaining about his amount of pillows, though. Which he thought of as quite hypocritical, since she was happy to plop onto them after a long travel.
Astarion wasn’t sure when this started as him trying to seduce her for his safety, and ended with him head over heels. Not that he was complaining, she seemed to return his feelings. When he told her about his simple plan, and how it backfired (‘I was supposed to seduce you, now I’m in love with you,’ kinda thing) she was hurt. Telling him she thought it was real, while he was desperate to explain he did want it to be real.
A long talk followed, with her reassuring him he didn’t need to ‘seduce’ her for her to keep him safe. Or, in her flattering words, ‘I haven’t sucked off Gale’s dick, but I still saved him from those goblins’. She then clarified she would very much like to be ‘something real’ with him, but that if this still was a trick (somehow), she’d respect his choice. She’d have his back, regardless of what he wanted with her.
Astarion hasn’t gotten that option often before.
It’s probably why he felt so comfortable in her arms right now, so safe. He had the knowledge she wouldn’t do anything to him, try anything with him. She was fine doing whatever he wanted, made sure he was comfortable.
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Her voice that was so deep, yet so silky and warm. “Hm?”
“Lost you there for a moment,” she muttered. His lips pressed an apologizing kiss to her shoulder, “I’m sorry. Were you saying something, my darling?”
“Nothing important,” she whispered, “are you okay?”
She asked that question many times, and every time it made his heart flutter. He expected to be tired of that question by now, but she was sincere when she asked it. genuinely wanted to know. He nodded, “More than, dare I say.”
She chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to his head, “That’s good.”
“Hmhm,” he hummed, “What is it you were saying?”
“I need to pee.”
“No,” his arms tightened around her waist (as if that did anything against her, but it’s the idea that counts). She snorted, “What do you mean no?”
“I’m comfortable, so you’re not leaving.”
“I’ll come back after.”
“Afraid the answer is still no, dear.”
“However cute I think this is, I really have to go. I’ll pee myself.”
“Then by all means go ahead.” He could feel her chest moving against his own, soon giggles were leaving her mouth, “You’re so gross, and that’s me saying this.”
Astarion laughed, “I’ll have to get warm all over again.”
“Too bad, so sad,” She pried his arm away from her waist, with little effort (Astarion didn’t feel the need to express how her casual strength made him feel) might he add. Astarion let out a sound of protest that sounded a suspicious amount like a whine, but didn’t make a move to stop her. Once untangled, she pressed a kiss on his nose, leaving the tent to do her thing.
He simply flopped back in position, star-fish pose on the bedrolls. It didn’t take long for the tent flap to be opened again, a cold gush of air from the outside hitting him. She sat down next to him again, nudging him to make space. With a dramatic sigh he moved away, and she slipped in next to him again. “Was that so bad?”
“Horrible, I’m freezing to death over here.”
She laughed, “You’re such a fucking drama queen,” she commented, squeezing his waist. He yelped in response, moving away from her. She raised an intrigued brow, “Ticklish?”
He met her eyes, the grin on her face anything but comforting, “No.”
“Sure?” she squeezed at his side again, his body jerking away making her laugh, “I’m going to have so much fun with this new piece of information.”
“You’d torture me,” he commented, “You wouldn’t dare.”
She smiled, pulling him closer into her arms again, “Oh no, of course i wouldn't,” she feigned, and Astarion pouted into her shoulder, “I’m serious!”
“Luckily you are oh so threatening.”
“I do believe this is a category of bullying.”
“Yes,” she confirmed, “But lovingly.”
“Uh-huh,” he remarked, eyes closing as her hands went back to rubbing his back and playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
When he felt her lips in his hair, an ‘i love you’ muttered against it, her arms tightening around him while he slipped into slumber, he decided he wouldn’t mind staying there for the rest of their lives.
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I'm on my knees for your young and cute tony 😍 I would like see kinda a part two of "the love of my life" (your college student!tony stark x college student!female!reader).
I thought about they sleeping at his parent's house that day and this would be the first time they slept together. At night, tony got snacks and chocolate for them to watch a movie cuddled up in bed, but they start to make out, leading to them having sex, tony is the most romantic, shy and cute guy, but he's also kinky and have a dirty mouth too (romantic, shy and cute tony with dirty mouth and kinky? yes, I need this), they are so lost in each other, that they don't care about the noises and the possibility of his parents hearing them 😂 in the next day, they all have breakfast together and enjoy the summer day! Thanks in advance ❤️
The love of my life | Part 2
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PAIRING | College student!Tony Stark x College student!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony are spending the night at his parents' house, but the evening takes a delightful turn when you offer to watch Fifty Shades of Grey together. What follows is the perfect first time for you and Tony, and the two of you are even more in love with each other than you already were.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ D/S dynamics (Soft!Dom Tony & Sub!Reader), grinding/dry-humping, sir-kink, breeding kink, oral (F receiving), protected sex, squirting, dirty/filthy talk, squirting, fingering, implied aftercare ], swearing.
A/N | Oh, sweet Nonnie, I can't believe you are all trying to bring out my inner hoe with young Tony, but I'm not at all mad about it! I can't wait to find out what you think of the route I took with this one 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ only banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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You and Tony are in his bedroom at his parents' house since you'll be staying the night after the barbecue his parents hosted. Since it isn't safe to drive home for a long time, his parents prepared his bedroom, and now you two are getting ready to watch a movie together.
''Any preferences for the movie you'd like to watch?'' Tony asks, and the first movie that comes to mind immediately has you rubbing your thighs together for some relief.
He's standing in front of his closet to get you something comfortable to lounge and sleep in, so he grabs you one of his band shirts and a pair of pajama pants for himself.
''How about Fifty Shades Of Grey?'' you ask innocently as you can.
''What?!'' Tony says, and in his hurry, he hits his head against one of the shelves above his head with a loud thud.
''Oh my god, are you okay?!'' you ask, the movie completely forgotten about, instead making way for worry about your boyfriend.
''Y-yeah, I'm sorry. Did you suggest we watch Fifty Shades?'' he asks, still unsure if he's heard you correctly even though he is entirely correct. That is precisely what you said.
''Well, yeah? I've never seen it, and I thought it might be nice to watch together...'' you say as you shrug your shoulders, your cheeks red at the confession that you want to watch such a dirty movie with him.
''Let's change that then. I'm just going to grab some snacks; if you want, you can change into my shirt and get comfy in bed,'' Tony offers, and you nod.
He leans in for the softest kiss you've ever felt, and your heart might explode with all your love for him.
''Can't wait to have you back again,'' you say, and he gets the cutest shy smile on his face, and you love his shy side.
''Now get me some snacks, or I'll start without you!'' you joke, and he runs to get them.
You change out of your sundress and put Tony's shirt on, which is still long enough to act like a dress, making you giggle. You stand in front of the mirror that hangs on his closet door, and when Tony walks back into his room, he spots you looking at yourself.
''Do you like what you see, Sunshine?'' he asks, standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you close.
''I do. But I bet I would look even better when I'm cuddling with you in bed,'' you say as you turn around in his hold.
''Hm, I'm not sure about that, but there's only one way to find out!'' he jokes, grabbing the backs of your thighs, lifting you, and carrying you to the bed after you wrap your legs around him.
''Tony! Careful!'' You squeal as he throws you on the bed, and it's a good thing he has such a soft mattress; otherwise, it would have gone entirely different.
You get comfy under the covers while looking at the snacks he brought on a serving tray: popcorn (both caramel and salty), chocolate, M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and some drinks to wash it down.
''Hmm, you really know how to treat your girl,'' you say, and you can't help but sneak a peek or two when Tony's changing into his pajamas.
''How could I not treat you like this when you're nothing but perfect for me?'' he asks, and when he turns around, you can see the love sparkle in his eyes. God, you're so completely and utterly in love with this man.
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It didn't take long into the movie for you to end up on Tony's lap, grinding onto his hardening length while your tongues fight for dominance and your hands explore each other's bodies.
His hands have found their way under your shirt and home on your ass, where he kneads softly to encourage your grinding even more, making him groan softly at the feeling.
''Fuck, Sunshine, you're gonna be the death of me if you keep this up,'' he says as you pull his shirt over his head and throw it onto the floor, but before you can go any further, he stops you.
''Are you sure about this? I mean, I want you to be comfortable and not do anything you're not ready for,'' he says as he rubs your arms slowly and lovingly.
''I'm sure, Tony. I want you, all of you,'' you tell him, and your heart skips a beat at how he looks at you. Adoration, love, it's all visible in the soft features of his face. You cup his cheek with your hand and let your thumb rub gentle circles while you get lost in his eyes.
''I love you, Sunshine,'' he says, and nothing else needs to be said; the moment was perfect. His hands slide under your t-shirt, and he moves it up and over your head, uncovering the dark green lingerie you're wearing underneath.
You can hear Tony's breath hitch in his throat as he first lays eyes on the lacey fabric that's lying perfectly on your skin, all your curves accentuated to make you look angelic. And Tony? His jaw is practically on the floor right now.
Your hands slide over his abdomen and chest until they're wrapping around his neck, and you pull him in for a deep kiss, using the moment to your advantage by sliding your tongue into his mouth right away.
You moan into his mouth as he takes control almost immediately, and he pulls you flush against his chest, needing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
Your mind slowly gets a little fuzzy, your inner Sub taking over with the amount of dominance Tony shows, but it only makes you wetter by the minute.
''S-Sir...'' you moan softly when he starts kissing your jaw and hearing you say that makes his cock twitch in his underwear.
''Yeah, fuck, keep calling me that like the fucking slut you are,'' he says, and you moan loud at the words, combined with his kisses along your neck and over the tops of your breasts.
His hands slide over your back and find the clasp of your bra, which he unhooks in a smooth motion while you keep grinding onto him, his rock-hard cock sliding deliciously over your clit to give you the friction you're longing for.
When your bra falls, he throws it on the floor, eager to attach his mouth to your nipples and hear your delicious whines and moans.
''Hmm, sounds like an absolute angel for me,'' he says, and you're getting closer to reaching your orgasm from grinding on him, but you can't get there yet.
''Please, sir, need to cum!'' you moan, and Tony's hand slides between your bodies, his long fingers finding your clit and applying just enough pressure to get you to fall over the edge with a loud moan of his name.
''Hmm, those panties are soaked for me. I'm going to have an amazing feast with that,'' he tells you, and his eyes darken; your own are half-lidded as you look through your lashes at him. Your brain has turned to complete mush with that first orgasm, and all you can think about is him and how good he makes you feel.
''C'mon Sunshine, sit on your hands and knees for Sir,'' he says, pulling you off his lap, manhandling you onto your knees, and yanking your panties down and off your legs.
''Holy fuck,'' he whispers to himself as he sees how the slick drips out of your soaked cunt and onto your thighs, and he can't help but slap on each of your ass cheeks simultaneously.
You let out a high shriek, which only aroused you more, precisely what Tony had hoped for.
''Such a beautiful cunt for me to wreck, Sunshine. Can't believe you've been hiding this beauty from me this entire time,'' Tony says, and without warning, he attaches his mouth to your pussy, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance.
Your arms give out, you fall forward and present yourself even more for Tony, and he lets out a deep groan that crawls up your spine and goes straight into the fuzziness in your head.
''S-sir! Fuck- feels good!'' you moan as you try and push back against his face. His fingers find your clit once more, and he pinches and rolls it between his fingers, which makes your whine loudly, but neither of you cares about how loud you are being.
Tony keeps lapping at your cunt, his cock straining against his boxer briefs so he frees it, giving himself a little release by wrapping his free hand around the base and squeezing softly, pre-cum leaking from his reddened tip.
His tongue keeps working its way inside you, and you're already nearing your orgasm again.
''Need to cum, Sir! Please,'' you beg, and Tony isn't made of stone, so he permits you to do so.
''Cum for me, Sunshine, cum all over my fucking tongue and fingers. Need Sir's permission to cum, huh? Yeah, you do, you little slut,'' he says, and within no time, your legs start shaking as he picks up the pace, making you squirt all over his face and the bed with a loud moan.
''Sir, please-'' you say as he keeps going, drinking every last drop of your cum that he can, already addicted to your taste. When it's becoming too much, you push him away with the bit of power you have left since your limbs have turned to jelly.
You need a few minutes to regroup, and Tony happily gives you the time; the two of you have all evening.
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He gently guides you on your back and lays down beside you, your heart fluttering as he pulls you into his arms and cuddles with you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
After some cuddles, kisses, and sweet words, Tony's hand glides down your stomach and finds your cunt, still soaking from your orgasm. His fingers slide through your folds at a lazy pace, and you gasp from the feeling when he sees your clit again.
''Hmm, still so wet. And is that all for me? Is my needy slut still wet for Sir?'' he asks, and you can't answer because words are getting stuck in your throat because of how good you feel. Instead, you let out something between a moan and a whine.
''Gonna make you feel so good you can't think straight for a long time, Sunshine. Going to fucking ruin you for anyone, and you'll be mine forever. Yeah, you want that, huh? Wanna be Sir's little cumslut?'' he asks, and even though you probably shouldn't enjoy this as much as you are, you can't help but get even more aroused because of it.
''S-sir!'' you gasp as two of his fingers enter your entrance, curling immediately and hitting your perfect spot directly.
''Can't wait to pump you full of my cum, plug you up and let that cum stay inside until you're pregnant with my babies. Yeah, I'm going to keep you stuffed full, so you're always going to carry my babies,'' he says as he picks up the pace; you can almost taste the orgasm with how close it is, and your moans are getting desperate.
''Yeah, does my cumslut need my cum pumped inside her? And when it leaks out, she wants it stuffed back in? Fuck, CUM!'' he demands, and without a second thought, you do, again squirting but this time all over his hand and the bed.
''Jesus, such a good girl for me. Doing so perfect when you squirt for me, it's the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen,'' he says, and his cock throbs with anticipation, but he's going to wait just a little longer to touch himself, wanting to feel every single pull and squeeze of your tight cunt.
''Want Sir to stuff you with his cock, huh? Is that what my needy fucking slut needs?'' he asks, and you can't help but whine, tears forming in your eyes from all the pleasure of how good Tony makes you feel.
''Y-yes, please,'' you whisper, and within no time, Tony has grabbed a condom, opened the package, and rolled it on so he could fuck you senseless in his own words.
''I'm gonna go slow for you, Sunshine,'' he says, slowly pushing in, folding your legs and letting them wrap around his back so he has the perfect angle to slide in.
''Fuck, such a tight fucking cunt for me to use, gonna fucking wreck you, Sunshine,'' he says, and you moan softly while he stretches you out, making you feel somewhere north of heaven.
Once he's entirely in, he lets you adjust before setting an agonizingly slow pace to make sure he doesn't cum right away, but he also needs to tease you just enough to give you the most mindblowing orgasm, though that isn't too hard judging by how he fucked you dumb already.
''Gonna move now, Sunshine. God, I already fucked you completely dumb, and I hadn't even put this cock inside you yet. Can't wait to see what a dumb cumslut you're going to be on this fucking thick dick,'' he says, picking up the pace without warning.
''F-f-fuuuuuuck, Sir, yes!'' you scream out as he's pounding into you with a brutal pace, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly until you cum again, but it's not enough for Tony.
''Need one more, Sunshine,'' he says through gritted teeth, groans coming from deep within his chest, and with a few more strokes, he has you right where he wants you to be, right on the edge along with him.
He bends over and never falters his pace, capturing your lips in a soft and sweet kiss, opposite from the way he pounds you into oblivion, and it makes your head reel, but you're enjoying this so much.
''G-gonna cum!'' he almost roars, and with that, he cums inside you, and you're falling over the edge with him, again squirting from the force of your orgasm, and you're entirely spent while you're on cloud nine.
The two of you cuddle for a while until you're back on earth with him, and after, the two of you shower together to clean yourselves off, making sure the sheets are clean, too.
He plucks his shirt off the floor and pulls it over your head before capturing your lips in a sensual, loving kiss, and you've never felt better after having sex with someone.
''God should've done this way sooner,'' you whisper against him as he carries you to bed, having just pulled one of his boxer briefs onto your butt.
''I know, Sunshine. But I'm glad we finally did it. Right now felt like the perfect moment, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way,'' he says, putting you down so you can crawl under the covers, followed by Tony.
The two of you fall into a deep sleep and only wake up once the sun shines on your faces, telling you a new day has arrived.
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''G'morning Sunshine,'' Tony says, and he places soft kisses on your face so he can gently wake you up.
''Morning Love,'' you tell him, and he gets a huge smile, making him look incredibly handsome with the sun shining down on him.
''How did you sleep? And how are you feeling?'' he asks, his hands ghosting a small trail over your thigh, leaving a path of goosebumps behind.
''Slept like a log; you wore me out last night. And other than feeling sore, I'm good. Never been better, actually,'' you tell him, and he's happy to hear it. He gives a few soft pecks on your lips before the two of you cuddle some more, and it's officially time to get up.
You get up and put on your underwear this time, followed by the striped sundress that Tony goes wild for.
Tony wears a casual summer outfit, and once you have finished your hair and decided against wearing makeup today, the two of you go down to the kitchen, where Tony's parents are already preparing breakfast.
''Mornin' lovebirds!'' Maria says your cheeks turn red, realizing they must have heard everything you did.
''Don't worry darling, it's normal,'' Howard assures you, but it doesn't make it any better, so they decide to leave it at that and not embarrass you any further.
''Tony, will you set up the outside eating area? I thought we could all enjoy a nice breakfast outside before enjoying the rest of our day,'' Maria asks, and he nods. You walk outside with him while bringing some plates and cutlery, and he tells you to sit down.
''Don't worry, Sunshine. You can sit that gorgeous butt of yours down and relax. You're a guest in our house, and I refuse to let you lift a single finger if you don't have to,'' he says, giving a small kiss before walking inside and leaving you behind with a huge grin.
''So, what do you guys think of Y/N?'' Tony asks when he walks back into the kitchen, and Maria immediately pulls him in for a hug.
''Don't you dare to let that girl go, Tony. She's the best thing that ever happened to you, and the two of you are made for each other,'' she tells him, and he nods when they pull apart.
''Don't worry, I won't. I plan on marrying her one day,'' he tells his parents, and they have the biggest smiles.
''And when that day comes, we will be right there by your sides, just like we were from the beginning,'' Howard says, and that's the last thing they say before having breakfast outside.
Howard and Maria see how much you love each other; it drips off you. They give each other a knowing look and then continue the conversation like nothing happened, and you immediately feel at ease again.
After breakfast, Howard and Maria went to do some groceries, and you and Tony decided to swim in his pool and take advantage of the beautiful day.
''I love you, Sunshine. I still feel like an idiot when I think about how many times I tried to ask you to dance, but I'm so happy I did it. You're the piece I was missing, and now that I found you, my life is complete,'' he says, and you're getting tears in your eyes.
''I love you too, My Love. I feel like the luckiest woman on this earth to call you my boyfriend, to have you by my side through everything. And I can't wait to grow old with you and start a big family together,'' you say.
The two of you are in a tight embrace for a while, not ready to let each other go yet, but when Howard and Maria are back from the shops, you both get out and help them put everything away.
You still can't believe how fortunate you are, and you feel the most happy and loved when you're with these three people. They all make life worth living, and you thank your lucky stars daily.
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
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Loving Lesson
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: afab!reader, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, fapping, pretty fluffy ngl
A/N: This is the softest smut I've ever written. Very fluffy, very domestic, very loving. For once there's not even any dirty talk which is crazy for me. If you're looking for more intense Gaara stuff don't worry, there will be later. Hope you enjoy!
Read it on AO3
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Physical affections were something foreign to you, but you were learning and adapting quickly. Your boyfriend was rather similar in his comfortability with touching. You both had overcome much, initially hand holding had been the extent of both of your tolerances for a few months before moving forward to embraces and continuing the progress to get to what you were so anxiously excited about. Both of you had been together long enough, longer than most other couples before they passed the stage you had yet to take on but that didn’t matter, what mattered is that you both felt ready.
He had broached the subject first, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and an avoidant stare to the side the only tells as to his own mental anxiety about the question. You had agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. The both of you had decided on a night where you both had a relatively lax schedule and you waited anxiously for the day to arrive. When it came, you had to ask your best friend to help you prepare.
She had helped you choose clothes, specifically underwear, that you had no idea even counted as underwear. You had never felt so pretty before, it was a good feeling but an unfamiliar one. When you arrived at his door you felt like your heart might burst from your chest. It’s just a regular date, you reminded yourself. A regular date with a little extra after dinner.
Before you could even knock on the door it opened and your favorite redhead stood before you, his body language giving more away than his face. He was a bit tense, his shoulders set back and straight, his hands clenching and unclenching, and there was an unrest to the sand around him. His nerves made you feel a bit better about your own. You smiled at him, wide and loving before he let you in and your date began.
The food was delicious, the conversation lighthearted and mostly steered away from work. When it came time for the after-dinner portion you were so comfortable you had almost forgotten about your plans. He held your hand gently, stroking the roughened skin from years of ninja work and training, as you both sat on the couch. Was he procrastinating or was he just taking your comforts into consideration? Either way you didn’t mind, you knew that he wanted you and that you wanted him too. Hesitation always came with change. Even if he suddenly changed his mind, you would be alright, maybe a bit disappointed, but respecting his boundaries was more important.
He hesitated a moment, his gentle strokes pausing as he looked you in the eyes. That lovely seafoam green made you melt a little bit. His gaze was meaningful and endearing. “Are you ready? We can do this later if you need more time.”
You thought for a moment, despite already knowing your answer, you wanted to be as sure as you could be; masturbating, but together, that was a big step after all. The farthest you both had gotten was some light under the clothes exploration, nothing too heavy. But you wanted more, much more. You wanted the full relationship experience and you only wanted to share it with him. He was the love of your life after all.
“No, I’m ready. Are you ready?”
His light strokes resumed as he gave the same amount of contemplation you did before he nodded seriously. “Yes, I want to—” he cut himself off and looked to the coffee table for a moment. The young Kazekage turned back to watch you intensely, his eyes looked like molten colored glass. “I want to learn how to make you feel good.”
You didn’t think it was possible for your cheeks to feel any warmer.
“Me too,” you muttered, feeling the twisting nerves in your gut from excitement and nerves. A lump began to form in your throat and to distract yourself from the thrum of your overly-excited heart you leaned forward to press you lips to his. You noticed that his were a bit chapped, not that yours weren’t, but you decided that when this was all over you were going to tell him to drink more water. Should you gift him a bottle for your anniversary? Maybe a big one, with cute cactus stickers—focus on Gaara, dummy.
Right, focus, you chastised yourself. He kept his hold on one of your hands as he gently reached behind your head with the other one. Carefully, with little pressure, he brought you closer to deepen the kiss. Your tongue moved first, licking against him and coaxing his own into action. His tongue met yours and they stroked one another with a soft eagerness. You pulled your hand from his and wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his now free hand on your hip. His tongue moved back first, allowing yours access to his mouth which you took full advantage of.
On average, you found that he tasted like sand. Not terrible, but also not the best flavor, but to your pleasure he tasted more like dinner with a hint of sand. A pleasurable change that made you hum into his mouth. Once your tongue was finished stroking the roof of his mouth his tongue entered yours. He dragged his tongue against the inside of your cheek and you begin to run your fingers through his crimson hair.
When you both pulled away you felt alight with excitement, you both watched each other as you breathed before you nodded and detangled yourself for a moment, beginning to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “Here or the bedroom?”
He took a moment before replying, “Bedroom.”
With eagerness, you both stood at the same time and began to walk, albeit a bit quickly, toward his room. After you both entered, he shut and locked the door, and you took off your fancy shirt and folded it before setting it off to the side. You fiddled with the frilled bow at the front of your bra for a minute before working up the courage to look at him. He seemed enamored, his hands unsure of what to do but his eyes soft and heated as they took in your rarely bare form. Gaara, whether to level the field or to get to the pleasure quicker, he took his shirt off as well.
You’d seen his bare chest only a handful of times, but the more you saw of it the better. His pale skin and lithe muscled form always excited you. For a moment you contemplated removing your pants too before deciding that was indeed the best option. When you had finished folding and setting down your clothes you waited anxiously for his next move. Likewise, he removed his pants and placed them neatly on top of his dresser. “Should we sit on the bed?”
He nodded, and you both got on opposite sides and faced each other. The redhead kissed you this time, and you ran your hands along his exposed chest until he began to shudder. His hands wandered and gently pressed against your covered breasts before stroking along your sides. You shivered when his strong fingers settled on your naked inner thighs. When you both pulled away, a small string of saliva connected your mouths for a moment before it broke and you asked, “Should we get started?”
Gaara’s serious nod made you giggle a bit, feeling high off of your nerves, and he gave you a small smile. You took a deep breath as you sat back from him and he from you, making sure that both got a good view of each other. He kept his boxers on, you didn’t push him to remove them, but his hands shook as he removed his erection from the black material. Your breath hitched in your throat. He was on the longer side with a thickness that looked just right. You felt your sex throb.
Your staring seemed to get to him, as he looked away with cheeks and chest almost as red as his hair. His adam’s apple bobbed, “Can I see you to?”
Broken out of solo staring contest, you nod nervously before hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your panties and sliding them down your hips. You almost squeaked when you realized how wet your underwear had gotten, and when you spread your legs for him you bit your bottom lip as you showed him just how excited you were. His breathing audibly stuttered, and your fingers twitched as they rested on your trembling thighs.
You wanted to squirm as his eyes were glued to you, and you understood how he felt while you stared at him. Were you pleasing? You thought you looked relatively normal but maybe there was something weird you hadn’t seen. “I-I’m going to s-start, okay?”
“Right,” he swallowed thickly. “Right, me too.”
Slowly, you brought your fingers to the wet skin of your lower lips and ran them over your excited flesh. You didn’t masturbate often, but you had once or twice to the thought of your boyfriend. But when he was there in front of you, doing something similar while watching you, it made it hard to think about anything. Your eyes were drawn to the slow up and down stroke of his fist as he began his own show, you became transfixed.
As you watched his rhythm, your own naturally followed. When he thumbed his tip, you circled your thumb on your clit, when he stroked all the way down before slowly stroking up again, you gently inserted a finger into yourself and moaned. Your thumb stayed on your clit and you pumped your finger to the same speed of his hand. It seemed like he hadn’t been fully erect when the two of you started, as his member had only gotten bigger and more agitated as you continued.
Eventually you decided one of your fingers wasn’t enough, especially while looking at such a lovely example of what could be stuffed inside of you instead, and you added a second. The stretch was something you weren’t entirely used to, but Gaara seemed to thoroughly enjoy the sight. His cock had throbbed, so much so that even you could see it, and the tip had dribbled more of the clear fluid than it had been releasing before. He groaned and you moaned in response.
You moved your free hand up and removed your bra, beginning to feel impatient. Your thumb sped its circling as you heard the sounds of his wet skin and your own slick meld together, accompanied by your soft noises and his pants and grunts, in a sensual symphony. “Gaara,” you let out as you thumbed your left breast until your nipple pebbled under your touch. The tightening in your abdomen grew stronger and it became harder to not close your eyes and revel in the feeling, but you didn’t want to miss a second of him.
The tips of his ears, his cheeks, neck and top of his chest was flushed a delicious shade of pink. His brow bone and forehead were furrowed in concentration and his eyes remained glued to your slick soaked fingers and thrumming clit. He had yet to notice your naked breasts. Your boyfriend let out a moan of your name and you mewled and began to scissor yourself. You didn’t think you would last much longer. His lust blown eyes trailed up your body and took in your naked breasts eagerly. The redhead watched them rise and fall with every shaky breath you took, and jiggle with every thrust of your fingers.
“Not much l-longer,” you whimpered. Your skin tingled and you began to feel the pleasure more and more intensely.
“Me too,” his gravelly voice took on an extra level of baritone. So deep that if he had spoken it in your ear you would have cum just from the sound alone. “T-Together?”
“Together.” You nodded, still breathy and on edge.
Your eyes met and stayed glued together. If only you were the one stroking him, if he was inside would it feel even better than this? He reached his free hand out and you leaned toward it, placing your cheek in his warm hand and tentatively licking his open palm. The redhead flinched, his eyes squeezed shut and he gasped your name.
You felt it before you realized, and you let out your own gasp when the hot fluid hit your leg. “G-Gaara,” you moaned out, over drawn and breathy as your orgasm flowed through you. Your eyes squeeze shut and your toes curled as your hands stopped their motion and you tried to catch your breath. His thumb rubbed your cheek continuously, his other hand still as he remained hunched over.
“I didn’t learn anything,” he huffed, slight amusement to his tone. A breathy laugh left your lips and you brought your head down to rest against his forehead, in a teasing lilt you said, “Really? I learned that you need to drink more water and,” you licked your lips before lowering your eyelids in an attempt at being sultry, “I memorized every little move you made, love.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
derek morgan with smut starters, 5, 19, and 25. loss of virginity fic
"Thank You" ~ D. Morgan
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Summary: Just a fun lil short story about Reader losing her V-card to Derek
Pairing: Derek Morgan x AFAB!BAU!Reader
Word Count: 1,521
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) protected piv sex, use of lube and a condom, praise out the wazoo, nicknames out the wazoo, mentions of toys (no use), thoughts about edging, thoughts about creampie, fingering f!receiving for like a second, Reader has watched porn in the past, Derek Morgan has a massive shlong because I said so
Extra Notes: this might be my favorite smut i've ever written, i love this sm
Originally Written: between 05/15/2023 and 05/23/2023
Smut Starters can be found here!
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
hornyhornyhimbos ask box can be found here!
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Despite trying your hardest, it was no small secret that you were a virgin.
Your coworkers at the BAU had acted fairly normal about this fact, which was a huge relief. Ever since a previous group of friends had teased you for it—made you the butt of their jokes, even—you'd been afraid to let anyone know about your "problem."
At some point, you started to wonder if there was something wrong with you. Every time you'd find someone who made you comfortable enough to finally try, you'd pull back. Try to find a new way to say, "Maybe next time."
That was, until Derek Morgan finally asked you to be his girlfriend.
Derek had been an absolute sweetheart about the whole thing. Taking things at your pace, never pressuring you into anything you didn't want, finding ways to make sure you felt nothing short of loved and comfortable.
The night had started out romantically, Derek taking you out to your favorite restaurant, buying a bottle of your favorite wine, all in honor of it being your six month anniversary.
His hands had been on you all night to some capacity. His hand holding yours for the majority of dinner, his arm around your shoulders as you took an after dinner walk, his palm settling on your leg as he drove you home. Subtle touches, nothing overly sexual, but somehow managing to stir your sex drive wide awake.
Still, you willed yourself to stay calm as he walked you to the door, forcing away the urge to jump his bones right there in the stairwell. He pressed the softest kiss imaginable to the top of your head, a kind smile meeting you as you unlocked the front door.
"I had a wonderful time tonight," he said for probably the hundredth time since picking you up earlier in the night.
An ear-to-ear grin flashed across your face as you stepped inside your apartment. "Me too, Derek."
For the first time that night, an uncomfortable silence fell over the both of you. He stood there quietly, waiting for either a signal to leave or one to let him know that he could follow you inside. When you stayed silent for another fifteen seconds, he took that as his cue to leave, placing a delicate kiss on your lips before stepping toward the stairs. "Happy six months," he said, an almost sad look coming over his face.
It took even yourself by surprise when your hand reached out, wrapping around his bicep to stop him from walking away. "Derek, wait."
He turned to face you, a hopeful glint in his coffee colored eyes. "Yeah?"
You willed yourself to get the words out, knowing your body was ready even if your mouth wasn't ready to admit it. "I think I'm ready."
A confused crease formed between his brows. "Ready for?" his voice trailed as he tried to piece together your statement.
"If you would like," you started, "I am ready for you to take my virginity."
Derek's tongue swiped over his lips as he stepped into your apartment. He nodded softly, his hands settling on your waist and his foot managing to kick the door shut. "I would like that. But I think there's something we need to establish first."
The playful tone on the edge of his tongue indicated that he was already dedicated to making you feel as comfortable as he could. "What's that?"
His lips hovered near your ear, a hand reaching behind him to lock the door. "Virginity is a social construct, baby. I'm not taking anything. Just hoping to give you a hell of a good time."
You already started to feel wet just from the sexy tone on his lips. Your breath hitched when his mouth connected to your neck, sucking tenderly beneath your ear.
He led you toward the hall, hands entangling around each other and breath hot against both of your bodies. Two digits fumbled with the zipper of your dress, Derek already craving to see what you hid underneath. Your own fingers fumbled with the button of his slacks, a moan threatening to tumble off your lips as your hand accidentally met the tent in his boxers.
"You're so pretty," he sighed as finally pulled off your dress, his lips melding to the dip of your breasts once he gained access to them. "Can you tell me what you want?"
You finished stripping him down to his underwear before answering his question. "Touch me."
A smirk appeared on his face before he leaned in, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. "Where?"
Much in the same fashion as earlier, your hand wrapped tight around his wrist, pulling his hand to your front, placing his palm against your covered clit. "Right there."
"Your wish is my command, princess," Derek smirked, driving a finger over the pretty black fabric you'd worn underneath that dress he simultaneously loved and hated.
You stumbled back onto the bed, his thumb rubbing mesmerizing circles over your sensitive bud. It hadn't been the first time your clit had been touched, but it was the first time Derek had touched it, and you hoped to god it wouldn't be the last. Your folds practically swallowed the fabric as you pulsed around nothing, eager for his cock to be buried deep inside you.
"How am I doing so far?" he asked, that sexy smirk still not having retreated.
Your hips bucked as he finally slipped his hand into your soaked panties, one of his long fingers teasing your entrance. "Please, Derek, I need you."
His finger slipped inside you with ease, flexing at the perfect pace. Whimpers fell from your tongue as you tossed your head back against the headboard. "How's this?"
"Derek," you called out, your eyes squeezing shut. "Need you. Your cock."
He pulled his hand away, and you groaned at the loss of contact. "So needy," he teased, fingers hooking around your panties and bringing them down your legs.
In swift motions, he tossed his boxers aside, grabbed the condom he kept in his wallet, and tugged it on. While you didn't have much hands-on experience with dicks, you'd seen them enough in porn and pictures to know that he was big.
Your eyes glassed over as you reached for the lube you kept on the nightstand, secretly grateful for buying yourself a vibrator a few months prior. A small thought of Derek edging you with the toy flooded your mind, a moan coming from your lips as you lubed yourself to the thought.
"What're you thinking about?" he asked as he finished rolling on the latex, moving up onto the bed and hovering above you.
"All the things I want you to do to me," you answered truthfully, rubbing the excess lube over his dick. Derek sucked in a breath at your touch, nearly pushing your hand away.
His hand wrapped around his cock, nudging the head of it against your folds. "Gonna be a big stretch, okay? Just gotta trust me."
You nodded, taking his opposite hand in yours and entwining your fingers through his. "I trust you."
The stretch was massive compared to your toy, though you were glad for the previous experience having prepared you in a way. Derek's hips began to sway, filling you up deliciously. He was barely halfway in before you started to mutter profanities from the painful pleasure he was providing you with.
"That's it, babygirl," he whispered with one particularly hard thrust. "Doing so well. Taking me so well."
Your hips rutted against his, your pussy swallowing him even deeper inside you until his cockhead brushed your g-spot, your head falling against the pillow behind you. "Derek, please," you whimpered, "don't stop."
"Wasn't planning on it," he reminded you, hips bucking faster as he chased your releases.
Your orgasm built like it never had before, your hips meeting Derek's in a frenzied but perfect rhythm. You fluttered around him, pulling him even further into you as the coil in your stomach began to tighten. "I'm gonna-" your words were cut short by a moan as his hand met your clit, soft figure-eights bringing you closer to the edge.
"You can cum. Go ahead, sweetheart," he whispered, and as if on cue, your orgasm washed over you in euphoric relief, white spots blurring your vision as your eyes locked with Derek's.
His own release followed soon after, and while you were sure you didn't want kids any time soon, you secretly wondered what it would've felt like had his seed filled you up rather than the condom. His body rested softly atop yours, making sure not to squish you with his giant frame. Your fingers swiped tiredly at the sweat that had formed on his forehead, your own hair sticking to your face as well.
"Thank you," you sighed, connecting your lips to the soft hair that prickled the top of his head.
His thumb swiped gentle strokes over one of your love handles, his heart beating in a way that only you could make it beat. "No, thank you, sweetheart."
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-> taglist: @hotchandspencearedilfs @1234-angelika @leigh70 @ah-blossom @alexxavicry @topguncultleader @sammyrenae68 @raeluvshammett @esposadomd
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amoreeny · 2 years
Oh Mr. Evans
pairings : Chris Evans & Fem!Reader
synopsis : Chris suggest that you and him should go out with his friends for a celebration.
warnings : none i think
*also, english is not my first language so sorry if theyre any grammar or spelling mistakes!*
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She winked at me and I had the softest smile on my face, she really makes me feel like I can be myself without making me feel bad about myself.
I walked into my room which is just a few doors down from her room. Dodger went with her to her room so im by myself. Dodger never left her side since I got him, its honestly cute seeing Dodge being so happy with her.
"I should start getting ready, we'll be leaving in an hour" I think while looking at my phone for the time.
I walk into my closet and pick out an outfit. Then I lay it on my bed while making my way to my bathroom in my room. I undress and put on some music like I always do. I hop into the shower. I hum some of the songs on the playlist made for me.
-A couple minutes later-
I get out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk into my room and see that Dodge's on my bed and my outfit that I had originally picked out is now a black and white tropical flannel with a tank top, some black jeans and sneakers. I chuckle and pet Dodge while taking me phone looking for Y/N's contact texting her.
Thank you for the new outfit
It was no problem, and you weren't leaving the house with that outfit you picked out, especially when you're going out with me and there'll be paparazzi.
I- what was wrong with the outfit I picked? I thought it looked good
A blue shirt w/ red pairs of pants yellow socks and boots. Might as well be Superman instead of Captain America bc what was that outfit Christopher
You are honestly the meanest person I've ever met.
Not mean, just honest :)
Whatever, are you almost ready?
Yeah almost
Alright see you soon, let me get ready now
Alright <3
I smile as I close my phone while putting it down, I look at Dodger who's drooling all over my comforter, but I didn't mind. I pet him and smile while changing.
-Y/N's POV-
You put your phone down while putting the finishing touches on my makeup. YOU then stand up from your vanity and head over to you closet and put on my lace underwear and bra. You then take about 20 minutes finding a perfect outfit because you know they'll be paparazzi and fans there so you'll love to have at least decent looking photos of you tonight.
You put on a short silk green dress with black heels/ sandal. You went back to your vanity and sat down while slicking you hair back in the low bun (like in the photo) and put on some rings and small gold hoop earring not being extra.
I then send a text to Chris asking if he was ready.
Hey you almost ready?
Yeah, im just checking on Seb to see if he's ready.
Alright, ill call Lisa and ask if she can come over and watch Dodge, I don't want leave him alone
I just talked to Seb he's bringing a friend, his names Anthony.
More people haha... yay! ha..
Everything okay?
yeah everything's great 👍🏽
Im coming over to you Y/N.
Chris has always been protective of you ever since you came to the US from England in your high school years. You guys have been inseparable since you guys met and Chris always finds a way to find out when somethings wrong. Its like his sixth sense or something.
You didn't really want to go to the bar with Chris and his friends, you just wanted to stay home and watch some movies. But Chris put in all the effort to make you have the best night for getting the new role, so you're going along with it because you didn't want him to feel bad.
I exhale softly while looking at the texts between me and Y/N. I knew something was wrong, she's been acting weird since I told her we're going out to celebrate for her getting the new role.
"I need to see what's up with her.." I think while putting my phone in my pocket and walking over to her room.
I knock at her door and she opens the door. I see something is wrong but I don't want to bring it up.
"are you okay?" I asked.
 "Im okay Chris" She gives me a reassuring smile, but I know somethings bothering her but Ill let her tell me when she's ready too, I don't want to push her.
"Alright, uh we're about to leave are you ready?" I look at her while trying to change the topic.
 "Yeah let me just get my bag and i'll meet you outside" She smiles softly at me and I leave her room.
Hey Guys!
I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll make sure to add some smut and some seggsy stuff in the next chapter! Make sure to leave a vote and comment what you thought of the chapter ill love to hear your guys opinions on this story. <3 And also this is my story on Wattpad with the same title! That story is currently in editing so im not posting there, so there maybe some different things from here and the book. So i hoped you enjoyed it!
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archives-of-camelot · 8 months
Lap Pillow
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
The night was long, and the room was filled with the sounds of clicking and typing, occasionally broken by a yawn or two. Eli was hard at work, focused on the task at hand...or at least trying to focus. This project was going on for a long time, and as a freelance video editor, he felt a commitment to deliver as fast as possible...even as he only accepted the job earlier that day.
Off and on his eyes would glaze over, and his eyelids grew heavy, before springing to attention for a moment, only to feel heavier than before. The timeline of his edits were starting to blur together, as he was unable to focus on the timing of the audio, causing it to desync with the visuals. He couldn't even tell what he was listening to anymore, as the commentary and music blended together, causing further desyncing.
One would take this as a sign to step back, and take a break. One might even say sleep, which he was in desperate need of.
'No, I can do this' he thought. 'Just gotta press a little harder, and this'll be done by tonight. Easy'. But with each passing second, that seemed more and more unrealistic.
Tap tap tap
A noise caught his attention. Maybe it was an error in the audio? He rechecked the timeline, despite his inability to tell anyways.
Tap tap tap
No, it couldn't be that. It was getting...louder? He took off his headphones and-
The sudden voice started him into a small jump in his seat.
"Are you still working on that video?" upfront as always.
"Y-Yeah...I almost got it done, I just need a little longer" he said with a weak smile.
"I've seen you work enough times to know that isn't true" she said, looking at his screen. Even someone who wasn't well versed in editing could tell it was a mess.
Eli looked to the side, a little embarrassed. He always preferred when people saw his best. He never did like it when his flaws were out for all to see. Be it in his work, or as a person. Evelin made that impossible though. To her credit, it was for the best. It reminded him that he was only human, and that he could only do so much. He wasn't perfect, no matter how hard he tried.
She was always there to pull him back to reason if he delved too deep into his own expectations for himself.
"You need rest"
"J-Just a little longer. I Promise"
"That wasn't a suggestion"
Evelin sat on the bed and patted her lap. An invitation. One that became more enticing as he considered from his rickety old armchair. It looked comfy. But the stubborn part of him knew that if he laid down, he'd never get up. He needed to get this done! . . . But...did it have to get done tonight...? Surely a well earned break wouldn't hurt...right?
"A-Alright...but just for a few minutes..." he half heartedly stated, knowing he didn't have the willpower to pull through on that.
He stood up, walked a few steps to the bed, and then collapsed into the soft embrace of his girlfriend's thighs.
Immediately he melted into the warmth. Like a cloud, compared to the hours he spent sat in that chair.
"Was that so hard?" she asked rhetorically as she pat his head.
Even while laying down on what he argued were the world's softest pillow, he still tried to stay awake. Just a few minutes, then back to-
Her voice rang in his ears as she bent over next to them. Repeatedly, only-
Ever so softly and gently, directly into his ear. In his position he couldn't escape...not that he had the strength to resist in the first place, mental or physical. It worked like a charm, literally. Like some kind of magic spell, compelling him to give in with a simple sound.
His eyelids hung heavier and heavier with each reciting, gently chanting to his weary mind and body. He should have known this was her plan. This wasn't the first time...nor would it be the last. Time spent together made him weak to her voice. A certain tone, a certain word or phrase, was often all it took. But that was only natural, wasn't it? A common symptom of lovers.
She continued, not stopping. Who knows how long this went on for? Eli couldn't recount as his muscles and mind were reduced to mush before finally...
" . . . Z Z Z . . . "
He finally fell asleep. Evelin stopped her chanting, but continued to pat her special one's head.
"Sometimes you're such a handful..." she said hushed between pats. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything..." she added with a gentle smile.
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hanrinz · 2 years
give your moots a valentine's day ship <3
༊*·˚ rosie's notes — okay okay so first of all, thank you nonnie for this ask & second i'm very sorry for my other moots i haven't added :( i tried my best to include all of you, but it's really hard & the ones who i wrote for were mostly the ones who i knew the best !!
+ for those who have received two characters, I can't really decide which one who goes with u better, so why not make it both?
༊*·˚ if you don't like this i would throw myself out of the window /hj if you're uncomfortable with this pls ignore it and you have the green light to bonk me in the head
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@gettinshiggywithit with touya !!
༉‧₊˚ my first ever moot !! i'm pairing you up with dabi, wbk you'll get dabi! touya has never spent valentine's with anyone before and this would be his first time with you. he had planned it out a week before (he might have asked and research for things to do on valentine's, but that's not for u to worry about) and he's so nervous of what you might think about his idea. nonetheless, he had put so much effort in this particular day <33 he'll be giving you his famous hot chocolates that literally melts your tongue!! i now hereby declare that touya would give you matching rings :))
@popkorrn with akaashi !!
༉‧₊˚ love love love my fave moot of all time, you're my sun and the light of my world <33 i would've gone with yamaguchi, but u and akaashi would be so cute together!! please i hope u like this :') i feel like the both of you would be a fashion icon & imagine matching clothes together! the both of you are just being so adorable <33 and omg akaashi with acts of service and words of affirmation as his love language. he would be giving you all the love on this particular day & he just can't help himself fall in love with you more :(( hand holding with him on the street as the both of stroll and just spend time with each other. he has the softest smile on his face when you look at him!!
@uravichii with bakugou !!
༉‧₊˚ now hold on listen to me, i've been shipping the two of you since day one!! ik u like shinsou but idc lmao/j (i'm literally thinking of you and him as an old married couple fr) PLS katsuki would definitely bake you sweets for valentines (took extra classes for baking, when he's supposed to be sleeping early- he didn't tell u that) & when he gives it to you, he gets so shy??? and he would try to be so nonchalant about it too!! like "happy valentines day or whatever" but please give him a kiss on the cheeks as a thank you, he would be expecting it so much ;)
@suguful with shoto todoroki !
༉‧₊˚ vivi it's been so long :(( i'm pairing you up with the one and only shoto! he'll be giving you little gifts, like a matching bracelet with his color scheme on it and him with yours, he'll also be taking you out for a date or maybe simply just spend time with each other <33 omg and imagine hand kisses !! random hand & forehead kisses! by the end of the day, you'll be seeing something from your bag that looks like a love letter (he secretly slipped it while you were distracted)
@loving-august with childe !
༉‧₊˚ you & childe go together (we forgetting about scara & diluc for now🤭) mans would go all out for valentines day!! never expect less from THE eleventh fatui harbinger 😤 a bouquet of your favorite flowers? fuck that he had a field made of it just for you! sweets you say that are from another nation? no worries, he already contacted the owner of that confectionery to deliver boxes of it. or if you're not feeling any of it, he would gladly stay at home with you and cook your favorite meal <33 he's so sweet and tries his best to show you how much he appreciates you!
@escapenightmare with denki & reo mf mikage !!
༉‧₊˚ what can i say, i'm a multi-shipper. denki would literally burn you a playlist of songs that makes him remind of you :( and omg arcade dates with him!! you'll probably make it a competition (he'll get pouty every time you win lmao) and like !! physical touch with him he's so cute <33 okay we have talked about this! and reo would treat u like a royalty !! he would literally rent the whole amusement park just for you — honestly not just that,, whatever you wanted to do or go to he would just make a quick call and bam the both of you had a whole place to yourselves at your favorite cafe/restaurant, resort, island, maybe he would fly with you to paris because he's romantic & corny he loves you a lot <33
@kiiraes with kuroo !
༉‧₊˚ stop i literally just guessed that kuroo would be your fave 😭 I WAS SO GLAD anyways my rae bby, kuroo is a dork fr!! he would be using those table of elements pick-up lines "are you made of copper and tellurium?" because you're CuTe" he's so goofy. but fr he would take you out on a date, he would literally show up at your door in a tuxedo and a flower in his hands <33 or maybe the two of you would go on a trip on a beach house 🤭 he got the money okay? he would be the sweetest partner you could ever have!!
@angelshimaa with aone & kirishima !!
༉‧₊˚ i've gone with both aone & kiri <33 i couldn't decide which one so why not both? aone is so cute and very shy when he asked you to be his valentine :(( he would be standing outside your door with your favorite flower in one hand, he would give it to you without any words — the note attached to it says "my valentine?" please, say yes :(( & kiri would be taking u out on a date, he's so prepared for this day he got lots of things for you to do on that particular day! (imagine going on a picnic date with him !! all the food is valentine's theme — hearts, red, even your ship name was frosted at least one of them! he would give you a mini plushy of him <33
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muqiing · 3 years
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@mdzsnet jiang yanli birthday event ✧ may 2nd
raise your words, not your voice. it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Boys like girls who like girls who like boys (Robin x Female reader, Steve x male reader a tiny bit)
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(Based on the drabble I made earlier. Each time Robin is working this one stupid boy always tries to flirt with her. He's gone on and on about how she should just give him one date, when she finally snaps and bites the bullet all she expects is bad conversation and some free food not his beautiful sister sitting in his place.)
"Hey Robin! You're boyfriend's here!"
Robin groaned into her hands, she was so close to just quicking. The last three weeks the same guy had come in everyday asking her the same question.
"Would you like to go out to marinas and get some dinner after you're shift?"
And every time she turned him down with no sympathy.
"No and please don't ask again."
He had willpower made of iron. Honestly he was just breaking her down. Which seemed like a shame since he had never struck Robin as been a disconnected asshole. He used to be in band camp, playing his acoustic by the the fire. He was farely gentle and had never showed and interested in her romantically.
"God please don't tell me the same thing you said for the past three weeks!"
He gave her the softest kicked puppy eyes.
"Please, just one night."
"I've told you no already-"
"Robin. Just Gove him this one night. He promised me he will stop."
Robin flumed at steve. How could he be so dumb sometimes?!
"Fine. But you're paying and it's just tonight. If you try anything else I'm gonna call the cops understand?"
He nodded before finally leaving.
"What the hell was that steve?! You're supposed to keep creeps away from me!"
To her surprise, Steve grinned.
"I'll think you'll like tonight more than you think."
Before she could could answer he slipped away to restock shelves.
That night robin walked to the dinner dragging her feet the whole way. The place was nearly empty and the boy was nowhere to be seen. Had he really begged her to go out for so long just to ghost her? She sat at the table he told had told her he'd reserve.
"You came!!"
Robin froze. She whipped her head to see a tall beautiful girl open mouth smiling having just left the bathroom.
"I thought you'd never come. After three weeks u was starting to think I tell him to stop."
The girl pulled back a chair for Robin.
"I...I heard from steve you weren't into boys, in that way."
Robin's eyes went massive.
"I've been wanting to ask you out since band camp but I thought people might get suspicious. So I begged my brother to help me. I hope you're not mad."
Mad? Robin was a blushing mess. A girl had been so interested in her and that had gonna after her for THREE FULL WEEKS.
"That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."
She held back tears. The other girl smiled biting down on her lip to keep it from trembling.
"So you'll stay?"
"Of course!"
She squeezed Robin into a hug.
"This is the best day of my life!!!"
Two tables away Steve sat next to his boyfriend watching both girls stumble over each romantically.
"So since Robin's dating your sister does that mean me and her are related?"
He boy grinned
"Are you proposing to me Harrington?"
Steve turned red.
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conretewings · 2 years
what about some random dude out in public sees viktor’s cane and limp and tells reader he could show her what it’s like to be with a ‘real man.’ back home, viktor shows her just what a real man can do (wink wink)
-Aaaah, intriguing. *runs hands together* I've never written for Viktor but! I do also love him, and I'll do my best here. :)
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Viktor x fem!reader (NSFW! 18+ only!!)
"Can you believe they mixed up the Acacia and Acaena genuses? I mean, I understand they're similarly spelled but honestly..."
"Well, not everyone is as passionate and sharp-eyed as you, dear."
Stars twinkle above in the blue-purple evening skies, the rain shower from earlier making the cobblestones shine under the light from streetlamps and windows as you walk arm-in-arm with Viktor down a shop-lined street. Having both been cooped up in your respective labs for the greater part of a week and not having time to see each other, you'd finally managed to find said time (and managed to pry him away from his desk) to head out on a much-needed date.
You'd heard about an upcoming exhibition on plants, flowers and their various adaptations to different environments at the largest and nicest museum in Piltover, and being an enthusiastic botanist you couldn't pass up the chance. When you'd suggested the idea Viktor had been...less enthused yet still intrigued; perhaps this would be a welcome distraction from his own intense schedule, a breath of fresh air to help him refocus. Not to mention, spending an evening with you was a delightful idea in itself.
"One would think that, being a scientific institution, they would make certain displays were correctly labeled before it opened. What if people learned the wrong plant names and made a fool of themselves? Or which would be pleasant in your home and which would release revolting smelling pollen?!" you continue with self-assured indignation.
A bemused, teasing smile tugs at Viktor's mouth, "What indeed. Goodness it would be a shame if someone walked into their kitchen to find it ruined by a houseplant. Truly a tragedy."
"Very funny, Viktor." you dryly reply, then pause suddenly, gently pulling your arm from his and gazing forlornly at your feet. He stops as well, eyebrow raised in question and you sigh, "I'm...sorry I get so...into my field. I know it's not your thing."
He hums, shifting his weight and giving his cane a few thoughtful taps on the ground, then points to a nearby planter overflowing with red and pink blooms, "What are those flowers called?"
"They're begonias...?" you reply, mildly confused.
"Ah, see, without you I might never have known that," he turns to look at you, "But now I do. The point is, though our passions and fields of study are different, it doesn't mean we can't appreciate and even learn from each other's," his lips quirk up in a small smile, slender fingers on your chin to tilt your face upward and you almost have to stop yourself from kissing him right then, "Sometimes looking at different things, or the same from a new angle, affords you a better understanding and love for them."
Touched, you break into a shy yet beaming grin, simultaneously hating and loving how easily he could make your face warm and heart flutter. You lean forward enough to bump your nose against his with a tiny huff of a laugh.
"How dare you make me blush like a smitten teenager...but thank you..."
He tilts his head ever so much, a silent signal and you do the same, your lips finally meeting with the softest touch and you swear you could melt to join the puddles in the cobblestones below. Pulling away, he moves to take your arm again and you both resume walking, chatting more about the exhibit and Viktor's newest discoveries with his own research.
A few minutes later, among the many small shops you pass a bakery and patisserie, it's windows bordered with tiny lights and displaying a neatly written sign declaring a '50% off sale on our famous macaroons!'
"I've actually never had a macaroon." you muse aloud, and Viktor shrugs, "Nor have I."
An idea grabs hold and you grin, telling him with a quick peck on the cheek you'll 'be right back!' and pull away to slip inside. Viktor shakes his head lightly with another crooked smile, then pulls a book from his coat pocket and steps off more out of the way to await.
Mere minutes later, you emerge cradling a neatly folded white paper bag containing four assorted flavors-in your enthusiasm you'd forgotten to ask Viktor what sort he may like-when you pass an all-too-familiar figure just entering the shop, who does a double-take and smirks, faking surprise.
"Ah, we meet again, miss." he says coolly, his voice like velvet and yet sandpaper.
Oh no. Your smile and stomach drop as you remember dealing with him a mere couple hours before at the very exhibit you and Viktor had recently left; he'd approached you when you'd wandered away from your date for a moment to more closely inspect a display, asking if you'd like to join him for drinks...and it had taken several increasingly curt refusals before he'd begrudgingly given up.
"That offer still stands, you know," he continues with a clumsy bow, "I would love to show such a lovely creature a lovely time..."
"As I've already stated, several times if I recall, I'm not interested, and happily spoken for thank you-" close to him as you are, you're able to catch the whiff of alcohol on his breath and clothes; apparently he'd already started without you and your nose wrinkles, "And it seems my company wasn't needed for your inebriation anyway. Good night."
Without waiting you turn on your heel and stalk back to Viktor, your heart instantly at ease when he looks up-then his expression shifts as his eyes dart behind you, and you glance to see you, unfortunately, had a tag along. Reaching Viktor you immediately link your arm with his and spin to face the absolute buffoon who it seemed was more determined than you thought.
"Erm, who...?" wonders Viktor aloud, catching your gaze as he slips the book back into his pocket.
That gaze then settles fiercely on the man, silently warning him to leave, "He asked if I wished to join him. I politely declined. Multiple times. Let's go, darling."
The man takes a quick step to the side, blocking your paths. His face has warped from a cool yet polite smile to one of irritable disgust as he suddenly scans Viktor up and down, noting his slender frame, cane and slightly unsteady gait. Viktor glowers back at him, as much for your sake as his own, knowing exactly what the man was thinking.
Unable or unwilling to suppress a sarcastic laugh the man scoffs, "Really now? You would choose him, this frail thing, over someone like myself? Goodness my sweet, you're beautiful and vibrant! Surely you can find a real man to attach yourself to! Luckily for you," he tugs on his lapels and tosses you a wink, "I'm more than happy to show you what it's like to be with a real man..."
You feel your rage bubble up so swiftly it steals your voice for a moment, but just as you open your mouth, Viktor lays his hand across your arm reassuringly before standing up tall, a cold fire in his eyes and voice steely, "In my experience, sir, I've always observed that those who feel it necessary to declare themselves 'real men' with the most conviction are often, ironically, farthest from it."
The silence that follows is deafening, as the man's face reddens from indignation and fury. It takes much of your self-control not to laugh at the sight, and without another word you and Viktor quickly step around him and vanish into the crowd.
-When you two finally reach your humble but cozy apartment, you were both chuckling about the whole situation, though you were still fuming as well. You toss your coat over a chair, kick off your high-heeled shoes and stalk to your kitchenette to prep some tea, having to move a tray of seedlings you'd placed on the stovetop earlier.
"The sheer audacity-!" you huff, grabbing two mugs from a cupboard, "Who does he think he is?! Pestering me and insulting you! What an oaf."
Viktor has, meanwhile, settled himself into a cushion covered dining chair and rests his chin on his knuckles as he watches you bustle about. Observing you work, whether in your greenhouse lab or here, is something he always enjoys; your quick, graceful movements almost like a dance, he realizes. He smiles, remembering what he'd said earlier about appreciating different ways of looking at things.
Bringing over both your steaming, fragrant mugs on a small tray with proper accompaniments and a plate containing the macaroons you set the lot on the table and flop into a high back wicker chair next to him, still mumbling about what the man had said to Viktor and move to prep your tea.
At last you register him watching you, a bemused smile tugging at his mouth and wonder, "What?"
"It seems you're more upset by this matter than myself."
"Well how could I not be upset after what he said to you? Insinuating you're somehow lesser than him just because you need a cane. If ever we see him again you should see how he would like it stuck in certain places."
Viktor snorts out a laugh, then gestures to your leg, and you gracefully lift it to rest your ankle across his knee as he begins to massage the muscles of your foot and calf with one slender hand, the other holding his mug, "No, no, that would be terrible, and besides I like this one..." a mischievous smirk tugs at his mouth, "Perhaps we'll find a more suitable item instead."
You both share a devious laugh, turning the conversation then to other topics, sipping your tea and enjoying this treasured, all-too-brief time together. Lazily, you stretch out the leg Viktor was still absently massaging with a contented sigh, "Thnak you again for this, love. It's so wonderfully soothing..."
As you stretch, your dress slips, sliding down your legs so far your upper thighs are fully exposed, a tantalizing glimpse of the garter straps that hold your stockings and lace-edged panties just visible. Viktor's sharp eyes do not fail to notice, and a jolt of heat courses through him to settle in his core, spreading to other areas and words are suddenly harder to grasp. The ever-constant analytical portion of his mind turns this over, pondering why his reaction is so strong and quickly finds the answer; your intellect and passion for knowledge has been on full display tonight, as well as your ferocity and unwillingness to roll over and let injustices toward things or people you care about stand. All of these are things he finds irresistibly magnetic about you, and though he dared not admit it aloud, quite arousing. Those coupled with the lack of any time for...intimate activity lately and now abrutply finding your negligee on display combine to temporarily muddle his senses.
You can't help but notice his silence, nor the way his cheeks and ears redden or the sudden flash in his golden eyes.
"What is it-oh, goodness-" you ask then stammer upon glancing down and seeing the state you're in. You reach to pull your dress back into place when his hand shoots forward and covers yours, holding it fast. His skin is so warm, and his thumb rubs small circles on your inner thigh; between his touch and the intensity of his gaze you feel a shiver dance up your spine. The mood in the air between the both of you shifts, and you barely resist biting your lip at the anticipation of what that gaze promised.
"What's all this about?" you smirk, full well recognizing the suggestive gleam in his eyes and welcoming what came with it but playing coyly innocent.
He huffs out a small laugh and answers in a low tone, "It just occurred to me what would have been, perhaps, an even better answer for that bastard..." just as slowly, he moves himself off his chair to kneel in front of you, gliding his hands up both your legs until they rest against your hips, enjoying your ever reddening face as you realize his intentions, "A real man is one who loves and appreciates his partner, one who helps and supports them..." his lips graze the inside of your thigh, thumb gliding under the edge of your panties as he moves your legs apart more and you let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a sigh. He can feel his cock twitch at the noise and knowing how much he's already turning you on but focuses.
"And also..." he hums, breath ghosting over your most sensitive spots, making you have to fight back a squirm, "One who loves to please and make them happy..."
Your heart is racing, heat pooling in your belly and hands gripping the chair, marveling at and welcoming this unexpected boldness, but you have little more time to admire the downright sinful look in his eyes before he moves your panties aside with deft fingers and plants a soft kiss upon your mound. That alone is enough to elicit a gasp, yet those gasps swiftly turn to soft moans as his tongue joins in, gently and lovingly lapping at your folds. One shaking hand goes to his hair, tangling itself in his deep chocolate tresses and you whisper his name.
His gaze, now positively burning with desire, meets yours and you can feel more than see his smile, free hand gripping the smooth skin of your thigh to keep you where he wanted. He moves his attentions upwards, dragging his tongue over your clit and gently sucking and you nearly come undone right then, head falling back against the wicker with a loud whine.
It's far too short a time, not that either of you are noting it's passage, before you can feel the burning, familiar coiling in your core, threatening to snap and your back involuntarily arches, your body seeming to move on it's own toward his, seeking more of the pleasure coursing through you.
"V-Viktor-!" you groan, "I-!"
His own groans, lustful and encouraging, rumble from deep in his chest and reverberate through you, aided by his tongue delving briefly inside you before sliding up again to circle that sensitive pearl, faster this time and finally, you fall over the edge.
Gasping, shaking, your body arcs, moaning his name repeatedly like a prayer while the waves of ecstasy wash over you and his strong grip holds you in place as much as possible as his mouth continues it's work until you're almost overstimulated and definitely spent.
Both your breaths ragged, he tenderly kisses the inside of your thighs again, one then the other before meeting your eyes with his golden ones, the smugness and desire burning there. You reach a shaking hand to run your fingers down his face and murmur your love for him, still half out of it from the intensity of your orgasm.
A tiny, falsely innocent grin graces his handsome face, "You seem a bit, eh, out of sorts darling. What happened?"
You chuckle, "Cheeky man...I wasn't expecting, well, that."
He helps you stand, pulling you into a hug and you shudder anew at feeling a familiar pressure against your lower belly. Smirking up at him you raise your eyebrow, "What do you think about continuing this in my room love...?"
"What about the tea? It'll get cold." he teases, pulling you a little closer.
"Oh sweet Viktor..." you smirk, running your hands from his shoulders to his waist, letting them drift to his ass and biting your lip, "I trust it's going to be hot enough in here it won't matter..."
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crescendohowell · 7 years
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imtryingmybeskar · 3 years
Congrats on the follower milestone, you 100% deserve it! I get the fuzzies when I get a notification because I know I'm in for a treat. If it hasn't been requested could you do something with 13 (how much of this did you hear?) tied with 21 (I want to help you, so please let me) with a f!reader?
I see that being either Din fluff (reader is a fellow bounty hunter traveling on the Crest to help with Grogu and gets a comm from an old friend/family about trouble at home with raiders or Imps and since he has the big feels that she don't know about he wants to make sure she's safe) or maybe something with Marcus Pike (reader owns his favorite small bookstore/cafe and has a family member treating them like crap and he's the softest so he refuses to let someone walk all over his secret crush)
I'm sorry this has taken so long my lovely! And I still might do the Din prompt (honestly, I've already started writing it😅)
But for now here's Marcus Pike x Reader. Word count 2187. Warnings for swearing and familial emotional and psychological abuse.
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Rescue Me
Marcus Pike enjoyed routine. His job could be so unpredictable day to day that he found that the older he got, the more he craved stability in his private life. Perhaps that's why he was so desperate to be married again, he mused. No. Desperate was the wrong word. He didn't want to marry just anyone of course. They had to be special, or at the very least love him for who he was. He didn't think that was too much to ask, though with the way his love life was going perhaps he was wrong about that...
"Penny for them."
"Huh?" Marcus startled and then grinned sheepishly when he saw who had spoken to him.
"Penny for your thoughts," you repeated. "Or have you suddenly developed a fascination with-" you craned your neck to look at the spines of the books facing Marcus "-heavy agricultural machinery?"
"No, I'm...I'm just a million miles away today. I was wandering through the shelves and somehow ended up here. Why do you have books on this stuff anyway?" he asked. You laughed and the sound drew his grin wider over his face.
"Marcus, you know I'm convinced that this bookshop contains a portal to some other place. I swear I don't remember ordering half of the things back here. That's why they're under "Miscellaneous", so I don't have to keep an eye on them!" You winked conspiratorially at him. "Can I recommend something that's just come in that might be more to your taste?"
Marcus nodded and followed you through the maze of bookshelves that made up your shop. He liked it here - had done ever since he had come in some six months back looking for some holiday reading (the break sorely needed after his heartbreak over Theresa). You had been enthusiastic and helpful and the shop had delighted him - the barely controlled chaos and cosiness speaking to something in his soul. Well...it looked like barely controlled chaos to his eyes, but you always seemed to know precisely where everything was, even if you claimed you had no knowledge of where it had appeared from.
You hummed softly as you led him over to the horror section and handed him a book that you yourself had read and enjoyed only the previous week.
"A ghost story?" he said dubiously. "I dunno…"
"Do you trust me?" you asked.
Marcus's breath caught in his chest. The two of you had developed a rapport since he had started to come in regularly, had made the bookshop part of his routine. He knew that the question was an innocent one on your part, but the crush on you that he had discovered lurking within him wouldn't let him believe that entirely. Oh crap. He had to answer, before he looked like a weirdo.
"Yes," he exclaimed a little too forcefully.
"Good," you smiled. "Then how about you sit right here and take in a chapter? If you hate it, we'll say no more and I'll let you get back to your tractors!" Marcus allowed himself to be steered toward one of the comfortable looking chairs at the front of the store. "I was just about to make myself a tea. Would you like some?"
Marcus was a little surprised. This was new territory. On occasion he had sat and perused the books he had intended to purchase, using it as an excuse to glance up at you occasionally as you dealt with other customers and generally ran the shop. But he'd never been invited to have tea before. He eagerly accepted before he could talk himself out of it and you smiled broadly at him again, causing a flare of heat to ignite in his chest.
"Peppermint okay?"
"Perfect," he replied before sinking into the soft velvety embrace of the comfortable chair. He opened the book and tried to focus on the opening paragraph. It was no good - his mind kept sliding from the words on the page back to you. To the warmth of your smile, to the waft of vanilla he would get whenever he was close to you, to the way your eyes lit up when you discussed literature with him. And his thoughts drifted further - speculating on what this could mean. Did you want to spend more time with him? Would you sit and have tea opposite him? Almost like a...date? Or was this merely customer care? A friendly overture to ensure he came back again?
Marcus realised he had been staring unseeing at the book for several minutes while the cogs in his mind turned and contemplated you. Contemplated this. He was also aware that you had been gone for a while and he was starting to become a little concerned. He made his way toward the slightly ajar door that proclaimed to lead to the "Staff Only" area, intent on calling out to you.
Instead his heart gave a painful squeeze in his chest as he recognised your voice - not full of joy and laughter as it usually was, but hitching with sobs that you were clearly trying to contain. He knew that he really shouldn't listen to whatever you were in the middle of, but the shock of hearing you so upset seemed to have rooted him to the spot temporarily.
"-can't do this," you were saying in a low and desperate tone of voice. "You-" Marcus heard the muffled reply at the other end and even from here could tell that the reply was both terse and irritated. "But...where will I go?" you whispered. "What shall I-" At this point it seemed that whomever you were talking to lost their temper. Even from this distance, Marcus could very clearly hear the shouting as you held the phone away from your ear to get some distance from the deafening screams.
"That's YOUR problem! You should have thought about that before you opened that stupid fucking shop. In fact, why don't you sleep there? This is so like you. Never thinking of anyone but yourself! Selfish, stupid, waste of fucking oxygen!"
Then they hung up.
Marcus could just about see you through the gap of the slightly open door, leaning over the kitchen counter into your folded arms, your shoulders shaking with silent misery. He couldn't bear it..
"Hey," he said softly. "Are you okay?" He winced at the stupidity and awkwardness of the question, but allowed it to hang nonetheless. He was looking firmly at the floor now, not wanting to make you embarrassed on top of everything else.
"I'm fine," you replied in a quavery voice, clearly not fine in the slightest. "Just give me a sec." There were some rustling, shuffling sounds and then the door opened fully to reveal you, looking dishevelled and miserable. As if you had been punctured and all the joy was leaking out of you. "How much of this did you hear?" you asked bluntly in a miserable tone of voice.
"Enough," he replied softly. "What happened? He hadn't expected you to actually answer him, had expected another polite declaration that you were just fine, but it was as if a boil was being lanced and all of the poison just gushed from you.
"Its my parents," you confessed. "I live in a little annexe at the end of their garden. I can't afford my own place yet because...well you know city prices. And I took out a loan to get this place up and running and I stupidly borrowed money from them too. And between the rent they charge and both loan repayments its tough. But I was getting by. This place is finally starting to turn a profit and I tutor kids on the side in English and History so that was a little more income, and I had just about scraped a deposit together to finally start looking for somewhere by myself. But now..." Your eyes filled with tears again and Marcus stepped forward, intending to hug you but thinking the better of it last minute and placing what he hoped was a reassuring hand on your shoulder instead. You wiped the tears away and continued, your voice still wobbly. "They just told me that I have to get out. Now. Tonight. They've already moved all my stuff on to the lawn. They want to move my brother in there. He lost his job because of his drinking and his marriage just broke up because of his cheating, but he's still their golden baby boy and I...I'm just a fucking irritation to them. A loser. Who will never amount to anything. I have no other family here and nowhere to go and even if I do manage to find somewhere to rent I don't know how I'm going to live because they're demanding I pay the entire loan back in a month so that my brother has money to live on. And they...they brought my cat to the shelter. This is going to sound so pathetic but she was my one friend, you know. They begrudged me having her, but it meant I bothered them less so they tolerated it. And they just...gave her up. Like...like..."
You dissolved into tears again and this time Marcus did hug you, wrapping his arms tight around your back and letting you cry everything out until you were a sodden, hiccupping mess on him. Then he drew you back gently and looked into your eyes as he spoke, desperately wanting you to truly understand and accept what he was telling you. "You are not a waste of space. You're thoughtful and kind and forgive me for saying it, but your family sounds like they're monsters. You don't deserve what they've put you through in the past and you don't deserve what they're putting you through now. I...have a few ideas of how we can make this better."
You gave him a defeated, slightly incredulous look. "You're very kind Marcus, but I couldn't impose upon you. I'm sorry I blurted all that out just now. And for crying on you. And...oh god your suit is all gross now-" You made as if to brush his lapel down and Marcus caught your hand gently. Your eyes raised to his once more.
"I want to help you. So please let me." You held his gaze for a few moments and he could see your eyes soften from flinty rejection to a wary trust. You swallowed thickly and nodded your assent. "Thank you," he said, sincerely. "First of all, you can stay at my place. No arguments," he added as you began to protest. "I have a two bed apartment, but I'm happy to stay in a hotel until you get your feet under you again. I don't want anything in return. Its not like that. I just...I want you to be okay. Secondly my apartment allows pets, so we're going to drive to the shelter and get your cat back as soon as you've locked up for the night." At this your chin wobbled madly again and the tears started falling freely down your face. "Hey, its okay. It's all okay," he reassured you, holding your upper arms gently. "Thirdly, I'm going to drive you to your parents house and help you collect all your stuff. I uh...I moved to DC in a hurry. I had a much bigger place when I lived in Texas and I've been renting a storage unit to store stuff so you can use that too."
"Marcus," you whispered. "Thank you. I mean...I don't know what to say apart from that. You're amazing. Literally saving me right now!"
"Hey, its what I do," he smiled casually, and at your confused look he elaborated. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I work for the FBI. Art fraud, so I save paintings more than people, but still. That brings me on to my fourth point. I assume you have some sort of contract with your parents about all of this?" At your nod of affirmation, he smiled again. "I know a few legal experts to say the least. If you want to, we can pursue this further once you feel up to it. No one's family should treat them this way. Not when you're so-" He stopped himself abruptly. He was about to say how lovely you were, but felt perhaps it would be taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state, so he left the sentence hanging. But you seemed to understand because you gave him the most true smile he'd seen since you'd offered him tea.
"Thank you Marcus," you said again, your voice a little hoarse from crying. "Thank you for everything. And...um...I don't want you to get that hotel. It wouldn't feel right me kicking you out of your own apartment when you've been so kind."
"You might change your mind once you taste my cooking," he joked and was rewarded with a choked laughed that was still half a sob. "Come on," he said gently. "Let's get you out of there."
Taglist - @thisshipwillsail316 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @elegantduckturtle @dihra-vesa @midwesternwitchery @just-here-for-the-moment @eri16
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lit-in-thy-heart · 4 years
i'd just like a to take a moment to talk about this gif
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more specifically, the dynamic between merlin and gwaine.
warning: s5 finale spoilers
this is the episode where merlin has lost his magic and every time i see it i just want to cry. you can see that, to begin with, merlin is just standing back and assessing the situation -- like he always does -- to see where he can discreetly help. then the bandit comes towards him and he completely flips out (understandably).
initially he obviously backs away, but he doesn't cover his head until the very last second, and his scream is honestly chilling because i don't think merlin has ever been this vulnerable before and it's terrifying him. but he also doesn't call for gwaine until the very last moment. he sees that the bandit is getting up and pushing him back but it's not until the blow is about to be dealt that he screams for his love friend. there is still a part of him that hasn't processed he no longer has magic and cannot defend himself. (it also begs the question why the knights haven't given merlin some sort of weapon in the last ten years, unless they think he repels death or something, but anyway.) and does he hesitate because he doesn't want gwaine to be hurt in saving him? or is it that, in that moment, the belief that gwaine can protect him slips and that's why he cries out?
and merlin is definitely shaken by this encounter. it's excellent acting on colin's part to convey the sheer terror at merlin being unable to defend himself and potentially put gwaine at risk by being unable to do so. afterwards, you can see just how deeply he's breathing and just how stunned he actually is. it's the first time that he has had to entirely rely on someone else.
gwaine, though. maybe it's my merwaine brain going into overdrive, but he is making merlin a priority. you can see that he's clocked the bandit going for merlin and is actually moving to stop him before merlin shouts. he doesn't even properly dispose of the bandit he's dealing with in his desperation to get to merlin in time.
and when they first attack, he angles his body so it acts as a shield for merlin. of course, that doesn't really work out because he gets too drawn into combat with one which allows the the other to attack merlin, but he tries.
i don't know why but it's the last bit that really gets me. the whole i'll-stab-you-without-looking thing is just urgh perfection, but it's his consistent eye contact with merlin. gwaine's expression isn't the softest because he's killing someone, but you can see that he's keeping his eyes on merlin to check that he's alright. and almost like he's saying 'this is for them attacking you'. we will never know what his expression was when the camera flicks back to merlin, but it is highly likely that he's silently asking merlin if he's alright, given their Interaction in the next bit:
(please ignore the juddering text, it's the first time i've giffed dialogue and I'm still figuring out text and frames)
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so there's quite a bit that i want to say about this moment.
first of all, merlin is avoiding eye contact when gwaine helps him up. is this because he's embarrassed at being so dependent on gwaine or is it because watching gwaine fight made him feel things that are not helpful to feel on the eve of battle? probably. gwaine has obviously fought and protected merlin before, but (as far as i recall) never has had to save him from a death blow. this is the first time in a long while (again, i might be wrong, feel free to correct me) that merlin owes his life to anyone but arthur, who is part of his destiny. lancelot saved him when they first met, but that was years ago. merlin isn't used to be indebted to someone who he isn't duty-bound to protect, and if he wanted to repay the debt then, currently, he'd have to wrangle it without magic.
(merlin's eyes also go to gwaine's left hand which makes me question what on earth that knight is doing out of shot.)
and gwaine isn't smiling for a start: you can tell that he is genuinely concerned about merlin. and it must be pretty unnerving for gwaine, as well. despite all arthur's comments about merlin being a coward, gwaine probably sees merlin as incredibly scrappy when it comes to survival. he's always thrown himself into dangerous situations without a moment's hesitation and never shown fear. so for merlin to scream for him so desperately (i wish gifs could convey tone because my heart honestly breaks) must be incredibly unsettling and gwaine instantly jumps to merlin being injured. and when he does smile, it's not in the (seemingly) self-assured manner that we're all used to, it's in a very tender manner, as if he's trying to reassure merlin.
'there's no need to thank me, merlin. it's the least i could do.'
merlin makes eye contact here. i appreciate that it's not wonderfully giffed to align, but when gwaine says the first part merlin looks up. he definitely looks surprised at the fact that gwaine says he doesn't need gratitude, almost as if he's shocked by the implication that gwaine would do something like that and not want recognition, if that makes sense? merlin has never once received a word of thanks for saving arthur, and to have gwaine say that he doesn't want it possibly strikes a chord in merlin. because merlin doesn't save arthur for the gratitude; he saves arthur because (in whichever context you perceive it) he loves him (yeah, it started off as destiny for a start, but he does obviously grow to love arthur). so. if gwaine doesn't want thanks...then that means he loves merlin (again, platonically or romantically, it works both ways). and, just like the 'not arthur' s3 moment, merlin is caught off guard by the concept that someone cares for him enough to risk their life for him without a moment's hesitation.
and then -- 'it's the least i could do'. what more would gwaine do for merlin? or is it, perhaps, that he has some inkling that merlin has also saved his life many times over, and just wants to do the same for him? does he perhaps suspect that merlin does have magic? this line hits me so hard because you can see how much he cares for merlin, and just how blind merlin is to it.
and then the touch. the touch on the arm that is very similar to the one arthur gives to merlin. the touch that serves as reassurance and affection and i actually can't talk about this further because i will explode.
to summarise this stream of consciousness, then:
when it comes to himself, merlin doesn't know when to ask for help, mainly because he has taught himself that his needs are secondary and he shouldn't require it. but gwaine knows exactly when to give it because merlin deserves it, and would give him the world on a plate if he could.
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awkwardpaulie · 3 years
Hi again! I've come to ask for a concept where y/n has some sort of breakdown and becomes nonverbal for a bit and Brahms tries his best to comfort them, not understanding fully (or maybe he has experienced it personally) but trying his best to make them feel better
o o f, I've experienced that a few times and full-on sobbing breakdowns. It hurts so much, in the moment, but getting through it is the only way out. It sucks, majorly, but it's also one of the ways you/we gotta let all that emotions out.
Remember to take your meds, drink some water, and do at least 1 act of self-care every day!
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The first time you've gone nonverbal, Brahms wondered if he had done something wrong.
You didn't expect this to happen so soon and regretted not alerting Brahms about these episodes ahead of time.
Of course, Brahms tries to get you to talk. He missed your voice. He wanted only a little 'yes' or 'no' from you, but you were all but catatonic.
Soon, Brahms understood because he had gone nonverbal in the past. It was usually when uninvited guests, more than 3, came over. After they've left, he didn't say anything to his parents the rest of the day - and the next. Multiple visitors triggered his trauma of the days after the fire.
So, he only talked to you, like he would to a teddy bear, and do his best to keep you involved in his activities.
He would let the routine change a bit - like he would read the poetry instead, while you sat at his little desk with Doll Brahms in your lap.
He wasn't sure if you wanted physical contact or not, so he decided to tread lightly this time.
Both of you made small meals - more like a buffet of snacks - that both of you ate on the parlor room couch.
Brahms would definitely bundle you under the softest blanket he can find.
Eventually, he'd get bored and a bit annoyed, but when he looked at you... He remembered why he did everything differently today. He didn't want you, his person, to be overwhelmed.
When you cuddled into him on the couch, his heart was ready to beat out of his chest.
He refused to let you go.
He will hold you close while you get through the trauma. Even if it meant he'd hold you for days.
This would be one of the rare instances he would raise his mask, only slightly, so he could kiss you on the forehead.
Heck, if you wanted to stay in bed all day, then he'd be right next to you.
Of course, he'd remind you to eat and drink water.
He would try - keyword: t r y - to help you with hygiene, like you had done for him many times before.
Brahms might even find himself talking less and less as well - but only because he doesn't have much to say. The silence between you two wasn't awkward, but comforting.
Brahms would be leaned against the headboard of the bed, you tucked between his legs, a huge blanket wrapped around both of you, and he would read one of your books.
He only knows how to take care of you because he had seen you do this for him. He had paid close attention to how soft and sweet you were towards him - so he decided to show you the same caring and loving energy back.
But, if this lasts for more than 2 days, then he'd start complaining.
Once you're ready to talk again, he is all over you - kissing you, hugging you, holding you close - because you had gotten through it and your voice is the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.
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