#this means my obsession is right in the eyes of god they're sending me signs can't you see??!!?!!!
ciricegh0st · 13 days
these two posts came one right after the other on my feed I had to do a double take and then i gasped like a middle ages dude would have had at the vision of a biblically accurate angel
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Hi ( ꈍᴗꈍ) my gay heart would like to request some wholesome Momo x fem!reader-ness. Complete with pining, love letters, and everyone is so done with them dancing around each other they're just screaming at them to get together but they still oblivious. It would just brighten my day and stars. Thank you so much, love ya, you're amazing.
So sorry that it took forever for me to get to this! Your gay heart deserves all the love in the world and I love you more!! And you’re amazinger~ mwah
Momo and Y/n... the two of the prettiest girls in the school, yet totally different.
Momo Yayorozu, known for her family name, intelligence, and sophistication. She was very tall, had black hair, and was very modernly pretty. Her dream was to become a pro hero, and once a mother to children. Then she would continue until she was old, and then retire. Hopefully along the way she would find someone to love, and someone to help make her life less boring. Because honestly, she didn’t like her life.
She didn’t want to become a housewife, she didn’t want to be so sophisticated, and she didn’t want a husband. She wanted Y/n L/n, and yes. Momo was secretly a very lesbianish lesbian. She wanted to learn how to party, how to let lose, and how to be crazy... like Y/n.
Y/n L/n was the absolute opposite. She had long red hair and vibrant blue eyes . At first, everyone had been convinced she was Todoroki’s sister. But no, she was not. Y/n was loud, crazy, did homework and assignments last minute, and was known for being an amazing singer. She did basketball, cross country and skateboarding. But even after all that, she was an amazing student and an even better student. 
That’s one of the reasons that Momo had first became obsessed with her. After seeing her act crazy, stay up late, and go absolutely wild all night, yet she was the top third in the class as of grades. She was an even better hero though, and had gotten recruited by Hawks for her work study, and went on them with Kirishima since they always patrolled the same route daily.
Momo sat on the couch with Mina and Todoroki, watching the fifteenth tv show of Stranger Things in a row. “What time does Y/n and them get off of work again?” Momo asked as Mina ran her fingers threw Momo’s hair. Todoroki and Mina glanced at each other, smirking happily. “She’ll be here in half an hour, don’t worry.” Mina assured her friend as Momo rolled her eyes. Mina didn’t give as good scalp massages as Y/n.
“Don’t worry, I bet your girlfriend is missing you too.” Denki teased as Momo blushed. “No! We are not dating! We’re just friends!” Momo protested as Bakugo looked up from his spot in the kitchen. “Oh please! I saw you checking out her ass yesterday in training!” Bakugo argued as she sighed. “Fine, but that doesn’t mean we’re dating. Why would she like me? I’m boring...” Momo became sad, causing everyone in the room, even Bakugo, to feel bad for her.
“Don’t say that! What about the time that she got you roses for Valentines day! Or you two danced at the dance that one time? That was cute.” Denki tried to make Momo feel better, but she just sank into the blankets, waiting. “Why don’t you just ask her? That’s what I did with Shitty Hair.” Bakugo played on his switch while talking, not even looking up. “Bakubro, I remember that you two got waisted and then made out on the kitchen floor.” Mina exclaimed as he just sighed, turning away.
“Maybe that’s my best bet. Y/n’s just so not like me, there’s no way she’d have feelings for me. At least not near the amount of feelings I have for her.” Momo sighed as Mina hugged her tightly. “Trust me, you just have to put yourself out there for her to realize. Trust me, it works.” Mina advised her as Momo nodded before closing her eyes. She was sleepy, and ready to cuddle with Y/n like she had been lately every night.
“Call Aizawa!” Everyone heard as they looked through the doors to see Kirishima and Denki helping Y/n walk. She was bloody, bruised, cut up, and only half awake. “Oh my god!” Momo exclaimed, jumping up and running to Y/n’s side as Denki and Mina ran to the phone. “What happened?!” Bakugo asked, looking at his bruised and beat up boyfriend. “FatGum left us to grab something at his agency when we got a call from Denki that there was a villain.”
Kirishima sighed, looking down at the beat up girl. “The villain’s quirk was to harvest energy for an hour when he cuts a limb on your body, and then he immediately got both Kirishima and I.” Denki nodded, wiping tears from his faces as he looked down at Y/n. “I’m so sorry Y/n! I’m so sorry! This is my fault! This is my fault...” Denki cried as Y/n looked up at him, shaking her head. “I had to save you...” She whispered as Momo began crying, seeing the girl so vulnerable and sad. 
“It hurts...” She murmured, before looking at Momo, her eyes lighting up as she started at her beautiful crush. “So Y/n had to fight to save us. She killed the villain, and FatGum and all of the police had to be used to restrain him. The ambulance was going to take seven minutes, so we just ran her here.” Kirishima explained, grabbing Y/n’s hand. “Aizawa, All Might, and Recovery Girl are on their way!” Mina yelled, running to their side. 
“Hold in there bitch, you’re going to be okay. Where does it hurt?” Bakugo asked his friend, worried about her. Y/n had been one of his first friends at UA, and he was very worried, but he would never say that out loud. “My arm hurts, and the cuts hurt so much. He cut really deep into my right arm, and my forehead hurts. I can’t feel my leg, and I’m so tired. I don’t feel good Bakubro...” She murmured, unable to talk loudly.
“You saved us Y/n. We would have been cut up in a minute if you had not of been there. He wanted to kill us.” Kirishima smiled at the girl below him. She had gotten hurt because of their mistakes. “It’s going to be okay Y/n. Hang in there, Aizawa is going to be here any minute. You’re going to be fine.” Momo gripped her hand tightly, a single tear falling down her face. 
“Momo, I need to tell you something before I go.” Y/n began speaking before Aizawa rushed through, followed by All Might, Present Mic, and Recovery Girl. “Oh my god kid, what did you do?” Aizawa sighed, leaning down next to her. “My arm and leg feel broken, and my entire body is aching.” She explained as Recovery Girl kissed her cheek. “If your leg is broken and she’s bleeding majorly, she needs to go to the hospital.” Recovery Girl explained as everyone’s eyes widened.
“Don’t worry kids! You’re friend will be just- Oh my god she needs to go to the hospital!” Present Mic pointed to the large red spot on her upper chest, blood bleeding through her hero suit. “I will fly you to the hospital Young Y/n! Do not fret! Say goodbye to your friends dear!” All Might picked up Y/n and began walking out. “Wait, Y/n! You need to tell me what you meant to say!” Momo began to chase them before All Might jumped off the ground, leaving her.
“No...” Momo murmured to herself before walking inside to see all of her depressed classmates. Mina sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket burrito, Kirishima and Denki being stitched up and healed by Recovery Girl and Present Mic, who really was just putting the Band-Aids on them, Bakugo sitting on the kitchen counter with the switch in his lap, except he was just staring at the wall. Aizawa was just sitting there, looking up at the sky in a train of thought.
Everyone was sad, and worried about Y/n. “You wouldn’t believe how cool she was. We turned the corner and he cut both of us. She managed to pull us off to the side of the alley for safety, and then managed to take him down, even with her entire arm not working. He was passed out when the cops arrived.” Kirishima smiled at the thought of his friend being such a manly female hero, and that she would always be able to protect herself and others.
“When the cops and heroes got there, they were so impressed. They saw how beat up she was, but she was still standing, and they were so impressed. FatGum came and literally started complimenting her left and right. The police said that if she hadn’t been there, he would have killed us...” Denki smiled, shaking Kirishima’s shoulder to try to shake him out of thought.
Momo began to walk to her dorm when she was stopped by Aizawa. “Yayorozu. I am aware that Y/n doesn’t have any close family that she is still in contact with. Am I right?” Aizawa asked as Momo wiped a tear from her cheek again, trying to put herself together for her teacher. “Yes Sensei. She’s not talking with anyone except her aunt who sends her money every month, and they’re not close by far.” 
Aizawa sighed sadly, putting his phone back in his pocket. “Poor kid. Anyways, since you two are close, I would hope that you would feel alright helping her. All Might is at the hospital with her, and she’s going to have crutches and a broken arm, so if you could help her for a month that would be wonderful. You would have to get up earlier and help her walk to school and all of her c-” Momo jumped up, her eyes wide and full of glitter.
“I’ll do it Sensei! You can count on me, I’ll make sure she’s one-hundred-percent alright!” Momo smiled before running to the elevator and going to her dorm. ‘Strange child’ Aizawa thought before walking back to the main room. Momo sat down at her office, taking out a piece of paper. She was going to follow Denki’s advice for once, and follow her heart.
She got out a long piece of paper and began writing. She was going to write a love letter to Y/n, and it would be the best letter in the world if it killed Momo. She set the pen to paper, and signed it anonymously with Your Secret Admirer.
Momo rolled up the letter, put on her puffy jacket, Uggs, purse, and did something she thought she would never do. She snuck out of the dorms after hours. Momo did her best to quietly make her way out of the building, even if the elevator dinged louder than she would have liked it to. She walked out, and made sure to run once she could. If she was going to date Y/n, she would have to be more badass like her.
Running down the sidewalk and avoiding all the security, Momo found her way to the hospital Y/n was staying at. Using her sweet girl and innocent charms, Momo was easily able to get the old lady at the office to give her Y/n’s room number. As she walked down the empty, poorly lit halls that seemed like they were from a horror scene. 
As she got to room 231, she stopped hesitantly before throwing the letter under the door and running out of the hospital, seeing the light inside of the room turn on in response. Momo ran the entire way home, not stopping until she was in the elevator. She sighed, letting herself lean on the wall as she thought about how she had been so secretive. That was until the elevator door opened to reveal Iida, Mina, Denki, and Kirishima all standing there with smirks on their face. 
“I can let this time slip once Yayorozu… if you tell us where you were.” Iida smiled softly as Mina and the others grinned, winking and smiling at her cheesily. “I... didn’t go to see Y/n if that’s what your thinking. I just... went to the hospital.” She explained as they smiled, looking at each other as if they didn’t believe her. “Alright. Now everyone, goodnight!” Iida yelled out as everyone scattered back to their dorms, Momo included.
As she entered her room, she couldn’t help but feel so excited for Y/n’s return tomorrow. What would she say? What would she do? Momo didn’t care, but she was exhausted, and excited. All she wanted to do was make out with Y/n at that moment, but she would have to wait. She could only hope that everything would go okay tomorrow. As Momo slept, she felt happy and exhilarated as he began to dream.
The next day, Y/n’s return couldn't come soon enough. Denki and Kirishima happily got movies ready, Bakugo and Mina cooked, and Todoroki tried to comfort Momo as she waited on the couch for hours, just waiting. When All Might walked in, followed by Aizawa and Midnight walking with a Y/n on crutches. “Welcome back!” All Might yelled, before Y/n was almost knocked over by Momo jumping to hug her.
“Oh my god I missed you.” Y/n whispered, hugging her back tightly. “Me too. I talked to Aizawa and I’m not leaving your side until you’re 100% better!” Momo exclaimed as everyone in the class smirked at each other. The two girls were totally shipped together, yet oblivious to each other’s feelings. “Anyways, we have movies set up for you and food and everything ever! I also cleaned your room and did your homework for this week!”
Y/n and Momo ended up being surrounded by everyone as they ate Bakugo’s food and watched movies. Momo and Y/n ended up cuddling the entire time, receiving looks from their classmates the entire time. Of course everyone was almost too supportive, but it was hard to believe that those two weren’t making out by now. It was obvious they were into each other big time.
By the end of the night, Y/n was beyond tired. “I’m going to bed.” She murmured as Momo looked up, almost offended that she would end their cuddle session earlier than curfew. “Let me walk you to your room! What if you fall?” Momo began to get up before Y/n pushed her back down. “No, you need to relax. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.” She winked before walking away, leaving Momo blushing.
As soon as Y/n was out of her sight, she jumped up and ran to her room, going to get the second love letter than she had written that morning when she had been feeling poetic. As she walked out of her room, and to Y/n’s room, she looked behind herself to see everyone watching her, thumbs up and all. She sighed before walking to the room and beginning to slide the letter under the door.
Suddenly, Y/n opened the door to see Momo with the letter, smirking. She was in just her bra and athetlci shorts, and Momo couldn’t help but stare. “I knew it was you Mimi.” She smiled, grabbing Momo by the shirt and pulling her into the room, closing the door behind her. “W-what are you doing Y/n?” Momo asked, her face a whole cherry. “Well we wouldn’t want those nosy people to see us, would we?” Y/n asked before pulling Momo into a hot kiss.
Cute!!! Loved this!!! So sorry that this took forever for me to get to!!
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Jude & Jac
Jude: [sends her the snaps as if she hasn't seen that the fuckboy posted them like obvs she has seen them if you have gal but okay] Jude: ?! Jac: yeah Jac: bit rude he didn't tag us, I guess Jude: he never tags anyone Jude: idk if he knows how Jac: I'm sure I'll still get the ❤s Jude: & the dms Jac: alls well that ends well then Jude: at least your night didn't end in 🚔👮🚨 Jac: the joys of being of age Jac: what party got shutdown then Jude: Amelia's Jude: 🏡👀👵 Jac: No shit Jac: it's like throwing a party in a nursing home Jude: 🤣 it was decent before then though Jude: I'd give it an 8 Jac: @ her Jac: you know how to do them Jude: she ain't gonna take it on board when she's losing points for not enough straight boys Jude: just take it as a 🥇🏆 Jac: what do you expect Jude: 0 expectations Jac: yeah, that's something to shout about Jude: like you've got a leg to stand on there but alright Jac: ?! Jude: you were always going on at me about my rep before & you're not even bothered about yours now Jac: how do you know I'm not bothered Jude: ⬆ Jac: I'm not bothered about talking to you about Amelia's party Jac: that has no interest for me Jude: I only mentioned my 🏃 & my rating Jac: why? Jac: I didn't ask Jude: obvs you're 🤐 Jude: why would I wait for you to ask Jac: heaven forbid we aren't subjected to a never-ending stream of consciousness Jude: my bad for checking in, like Jude: 🙄 Jac: where, where'd you do that Jude: ⬆ Jac: you mean when you talk about yourself again, yeah, cool Jac: where would I be without that kind of care Jude: oh come on Jude: you don't have to @ me if there's owt you wanna say Jac: and clearly there isn't Jac: so don't bother rolling your eyes, you came into my inbox Jac: so you say what you want to say then piss off Jude: what are you so fuming for? Jac: Jesus, you're self-absorbed Jac: why the fuck do you think Jude: I 🤔💭 you know what he's like Jac: blame me then, that's a hot take Jude: nah, you don't do anything without your own 🥇💡 for every way it can play out Jac: and what possible reason would I have for doing this Jude: idk Jac: sherlock you ain't Jude: never said I was Jude: you're the 🧠 Jac: then you're chatting shit Jude: I can be the 🥊 if you want & you are bothered by the shit everyone's gonna chat Jac: I can handle it Jude: alright Jac: people are just jealous Jac: he's the hottest boy still at our school Jude: yeah, that's undeniable Jac: they judge but they all would if they could Jude: no shit Jude: how he gets away with being too thick to @ Jac: not as if I was there to do homework Jude: he has people he 💰 is what I heard Jude: for the homework bit Jac: yeah he's loaded Jac: might go out with him for the presents Jude: like I said 🥇💡 Jac: obviously Jude: I got asked out last night an' all but it was a no Jac: there were some straight boys that weren't our brother then Jac: interesting Jude: mates of mine Jude: or so I 🤔💭 Jac: that's all boys want Jude: it's whatever, I can handle it Jac: sure Jude: ? or ! Jac: . Jac: ... if you really wanna get a sense of my disbelief Jude: 👌 Jac: Cool, you can tell Jesse he's a traitor too Jude: he's not here Jude: hang on 📢🗨 Jude: probs helping her 🧼🧽🧹🗑 before her mum & dad get back Jac: Tragic Jude: bit weird that they're best mates now Jude: she 👻 us for ages after you fell out Jac: it's not weird, just sad, as aforementioned Jude: she loves his new 🎵 that'll do him Jude: 💃 to whatever the 💊 she was on though Jac: if you have to buy your fans with 🧼🧽🧹🗑 you can't be any good Jude: 🤣 Jac: 🙄 Jude: maybe he just can't get his head through her door Jac: yes, playing a party for free is really impressive Jac: especially when the host has no friends Jude: 💔 you're not 📢🗨 to him Jude: be a decent ego check, that Jac: I have no desire to talk to him either Jude: I know Jude: called him a traitor & then dragged him Jac: I'm glad that's clear Jude: 💎 Jac: then I won't have to hit him again Jude: & none of us will have to put up with him 😭 Jude: tah for that Jac: hardly my fault he's a pussy Jude: not getting the 🎻 out Jac: makes a change Jude: he had a go at me for being there Jude: such a dickhead Jac: wants his new best friend to himself Jac: has no one told him she's actually gay Jude: he'd have to be thicker than your new bf not to work it out Jac: probably thinks everyone puts it on like he does Jude: she's never got with a lad has she? Jac: I don't know Jude: it's what everyone says but loads of what they 🗨 is bollocks Jac: makes no odds to the fact everyone will be saying that he clearly fancies her Jude: yeah Jude: do you reckon he does? Jac: why else would he do that for her Jude: she's got no mates, might just reckon she needs one Jac: sure Jude: like when you took Savannah in Jac: not really Jac: she had friends Jude: not proper ones Jac: still, she weren't begging for friends Jac: or approaching the kind of pathetic Amelia is these days Jude: I guess Jac: there's no question Jude: she did seem really 💔😭🎻 Jude: I'd be well chuffed if mum & dad pissed off for the weekend Jac: you know they're weirdly close Jude: I bet her mum has shut down loads of parties she's 👀👂 in everyone's business Jude: bit of karma there or whatever Jac: surprising they've gone away Jac: she's clearly miserable with her life Jude: her house is wild Jude: I'd never been before Jac: if wild meant insanely boring, yeah, sure Jude: nursing home is right Jude: that's what I meant Jac: I know Jude: my mates who don't have 🐶🐱 live in 🏠 that look like they belong on the telly Jude: not that Jac: like I said, her mum has no life Jac: when she's not got her nose in everyone's business, she's making ugly shit for their house Jude: making it? Jude: 🥉 Jac: pinterest Jac: hope Jesse knows the future he's signing up for Jude: not 🤘🎸😎🏆 Jac: 🔪👀 🤯🔫 more like Jude: *🤪👵 Jac: if you think her mum is miserable, imagine how her dad feels Jac: is my point Jude: god yeah Jude: 💀 Jac: no wonder she's dating girls Jude: I wonder if she is going out with anyone Jac: why would you care Jude: if Jess does Jude: he's a dickhead but I don't want him to be 💔 Jac: 🙄 Jude: is dad down there with you? Jac: no clue Jude: is his 🚪🔐? Jac: they never forget now they're obsessed with trying to imprison me Jude: ugh Jac: still, I'm going out Jude: let me out with you, I g2g & mum's being aggro about it Jac: why would I Jude: why not? Jac: because I have no reason to help you Jude: 🤔💭 of a reason then Jude: I'll do it if you help me Jac: there's nothing you could offer me, thanks Jude: come on Jac: why do you think they're any more likely to let me out Jude: cos they do Jude: you're officially off the rails Jac: no, the difference is, I don't care if they say I can or not Jac: that's your problem that you do Jude: I still have things I care about that they can take off me Jac: sucks to be you then Jude: cheers Jude: top quality sisterly advice Jac: I don't care about you Jude: I got that cos you keep saying it over & over Jac: Why are you still here Jude: what else am I gonna do? homework? Jude: not allowed to go nowhere Jac: might be an idea Jude: 💩💡 Jac: you'll live Jude: 🤏 Jac: you're all so pathetic Jude: it's you acting so hard done by Jac: yeah Jac: how'd you work that one out, genius Jude: the whinging happening Jude: just mute me like you have irl Jac: I'm not the one begging to go out Jac: but sure Jude: I asked, once, but alright Jac: and now you're moaning about having to do homework, which you won't do anyway Jac: and this whole time have been talking about things I don't care about ad nausea Jac: but you're SO right Jude: nah, I answered that I'd rather stay here 🗨 than do it since you asked Jac: you're boring, Jude Jude: you can't be bothered to chuck out a decent insult, nowt to do with me Jac: it's just the truth Jac: you wish there was anything more colourful to call you Jac: you just are Jude: you wish I was 💔😭 like Jess when you start on him Jac: if you get it, like you say, then you'd realise I literally don't think about you at all Jude: I get that you want me to piss off rn, it ain't happening Jac: I want you to piss off, that's about your lot Jac: so have at it Jude: yeah yeah Jude: just said that myself Jac: then do it Jude: what you gonna do 🥊 me? Jac: don't start or you'll find out Jude: you start everything Jac: so? Jude: so 🥊 me Jude: idc about that Jude: I'll smack you back Jac: then I'll fucking kill you Jac: leave me alone, I have nothing to say to you, I don't want to hear anything from you Jac: it's as simple as that Jude: but why? Jude: you've never said Jac: I don't like you Jude: it's more than that Jac: What could be more than that Jude: you didn't like me before, we still 🗨 Jac: and what was the point Jude: you're my sister Jac: and Jude: and you used to be bothered about it Jac: not now Jude: what happened? Jac: I got bored of you Jude: alright Jac: great Jude: [no reply I can really give so I'll just leave that there lol]
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