#this laptop was running like it was on dial up...but we got here.......
briankang · 2 days
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A Day in the Life of Bang Chan 💫
Happy 27th Birthday, Chan! 💕 Thank you for always being the most shining star in the galaxy ✨
templates: blog/insta template | photobooth template | music player template
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mopopshop · 3 months
Complications (Paige Bueckers x OC)
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based on this request <-
okay so i lied, i wrote this like immediately after it was requested bcs i loved the idea sm, i’m actually really happy with this one and i hope y’all like it too
send more requests for this series if you’d like, enjoy and give feedback!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾😝
warnings: kinda angsty, swearing
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It's a warm Friday afternoon, and you’re caught up at work, your laptop pinging with notifications and emails that need immediate attention. You sigh, glancing at the clock, knowing you won't be able to make it home in time to drop Rya off at Caleb’s for the weekend.
You dial Paige’s number, and she picks up on the second ring. "Hey, baby," she says, her voice a comforting contrast to your stressful day.
"Hey, P. I'm so sorry, but I'm swamped at work. Can you drop Rya off at Caleb’s? He wants her over for the weekend"
"Of course," Paige replies without hesitation. "No problem. I’ll take care of it."
"Thank you," you say, feeling a rush of gratitude. "I owe you one."
Paige laughs softly. "You don’t owe me anything, babe. See you when you get home, love you”
“Love you,” you say then hang up and dive back into your work, trusting Paige completely.
Paige arrives at Caleb’s house with Rya, the little girl chattering excitedly about her day the whole way there. They approach the door, and Paige rings the bell. Caleb opens it, his expression immediately shifting to one of annoyance when he sees Paige.
"Hey, man" Paige murmurs. "Rya’s ready for the weekend."
Caleb ignores her, not meeting her eyes. "Rya, go put your stuff in your room."
Rya gives Paige a quick hug before running inside with her backpack.
“Where’s Alara?”
“Uhh she got caught up at work and asked me to drop off Ry” Paige says, standing there awkwardly and waiting to make sure everything is okay.
"Is there something you need?" Caleb asks, his tone clipped.
Paige is taken aback but remains calm. "Nah-no, I just wanted to make sure everything was good before I left."
"We’re good," he deadpans before shutting the door in her face.
Paige walks back to her car with her hands stuffed in her pockets, feeling a knot of unease in her stomach. She drives home, her mind replaying the interaction. When she arrives, she finds you sitting on the couch, finally off work and relaxing.
"Hey, how did it go?" you ask, looking up with a smile.
Paige sits beside you, her expression troubled. "Um.. It was weird? Caleb was real short with me and kind of rude. I don’t know what his problem is, but it felt off."
Your smile fades, replaced by a frown. "He did what?"
"He barely said anything to me and shut the door in my face" Paige explains, her discomfort evident.
Anger bubbles up inside you. "Are you fucking serious?"
"Lara, baby, maybe we should just let it go," Paige suggests, but you’re already grabbing your keys.
"Yeah no. He doesn't get to treat you like that," you say firmly, heading out the door.
You arrive at Caleb’s house, your anger simmering just below the surface. You knock on the door with more force than necessary. Caleb opens it, looking surprised to see you.
" What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk," you say, pushing past him into the house.
"About what?" Caleb asks, his tone defensive.
"About the way you treated Paige earlier," you snap. "She did me a favor by bringing Rya here because I was stuck at work, and you were being a dick to her. What's your problem?"
“I don’t have a fucking problem with her”
“Oh? Really? You barely spoke to her and slammed the door in her face but that’s you not having a problem with her?”
Caleb's face hardens, his jaw clenching. "I just don't think it's appropriate for her to be so involved in Rya's life. She's not Rya's parent."
"And you think you have the right to decide that?" you snap back. "Paige has been more of a parent to Rya than you ever have. She's there for her every day, supporting and loving her."
"I'm her father," Caleb insists, his voice growing louder. "I have a right to be concerned about who she's spending time with."
"And I'm her mother, who she happens to spend 95% of her time with” you counter. "And right now, Paige is the one who's consistently there. If you want to be more involved in Rya's life, then be here. Show up. Don't just pop in and out whenever it's convenient for you and then act like you have any authority over who can and can't be around her."
Caleb's fists clench at his sides. "I want to be there for Rya, but it’s not easy."
"But it is!" you laugh exasperatedly, covering your hands with your face. 
“My god, You didn’t even deal with the hard shit! Jesus, Caleb, do you know how dense you sound right now? You were barely fucking there for my pregnancy—“
“I had shit going on! I was a kid who was still in school, who had a year of school left—“
“So was I! Do you think I wanted to balance growing an entire human inside my body and school at the same time?”
Caleb stares back at you in silence as you continue.
“I was the one who had to get two jobs to support me and Rya. I was the one who still managed to finish school with an 8 month old. I was the one who managed— despite everything! to get into college and pursue a degree. So trust me, showing up for your daughter is the bare minimum at this point”
Caleb's face contorts with a mix of frustration and guilt, but you press on, your voice unwavering.
"You think it's so hard for you? Imagine how hard it is for Rya to have a father who shows up whenever he feels like it. Do you know how many times she's asked why you weren't there for her school events? Or why you missed her birthday last year? She deserves better than that."
Caleb looks away, his fists still clenched. "I know I've messed up. But I'm trying."
"Trying isn't good enough," you say firmly. "Actions speak louder than words, Caleb. If you really want to be a part of Rya's life, you need to prove it. Be a consistent presence in her life. Until you do, you don't get to undermine the people who are actually here for her."
Caleb glares at you, his eyes flashing with anger. "It's not that simple, Alara. You have no idea what I'm dealing with."
"You're right," you say, your voice steady but full of fury. "I don't know because you never communicate. You think you can just waltz in and out of Rya's life and dictate who gets to be involved? It doesn't work that way. Paige and I have been together for two and a half fucking years! I mean— when are you gonna accept that Rya sees her as a parent already??”
Caleb's face reddens, but he doesn't respond. The silence stretches between you, thick with unresolved tension.
"I'm— I’m done with this conversation," you say finally, turning to leave. "Just know this: Paige isn’t going anywhere. If you want to be a part of Rya's life, you need to accept that."
You slam the door behind you, your heart pounding with adrenaline and anger. As you drive home, your thoughts swirl with frustration.
When you walk in the door, Paige is waiting, concern etched on her face. 
"How did it go?" she asks softly, walking up to you and giving you a kiss
"Not great," you admit, reaching up around her neck to hug her. "But I made it clear that he doesn’t have a say in whether or not you can be around Rya”
Paige wraps her arms around you, providing the comfort you need. "We'll get through this," she whispers.
You nod, leaning into her embrace, knowing that no matter what happens with Caleb, you have a strong, loving family right here.
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arjwrites · 3 months
Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer- Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: While hunting with the Winchesters, you had picked up a disposable camera to capture some memories. Each photo represented an important point in your collective journey- all the while, hinting at a budding connection behind the scenes.  Warnings: None! Largely gn, but reader is occasionally referred to as "she." Slight language here and there, mostly just silly fluff! A/N: Another idea of mine that has been kicking around for a while. I hope the Sam crew appreciates this! <3
“Alright boys, hold up those shovels!!” You were perched on top of a neighboring gravestone, disposable camera held close to your face.
“You’re kidding, right? We are literally desecrating a grave, and you’re snapping pictures? This could be used as evidence one day!” Of course Sam was throwing sass. He could never just sit there and look pretty for you.
“C’mon, we’ve gotta preserve this stuff for posterity! Sam and Dean Winchester, in their natural habitat!” you laughed. 
Dean, in sharp contrast to his brother’s protests, instantly struck a pose, slinging the shovel over one shoulder and gazing dramatically to the horizon like an action hero. Huffing, realizing he was outnumbered on this matter, Sam limply lifted the shovel in one hand, popped a thumbs-up with the other hand, and slapped a forced, sarcastic smile on his face.
“Perfect! Now they’ll also get to witness each of your unique brands of bullshit!” 
Sam crossed his arms in a (slightly) feigned offense, looking to Dean for backup. Dean simply shrugged- “I mean, she’s got us there. That’s pretty much our bullshit in a nutshell.” 
Sam fought hard to stifle the smile that was working its way to the surface. She knew them too well. 
“What are you looking at?” Your voice broke the silence that had been dragging on for longer than you even remembered. The question had came out a little sassy, which you didn’t intend, but you were feeling a little defensive. There was no way Sam was staring at you for any good reason. You were nested against the arm of one of the motel couches, piled high in lore books, researching while sporting an unbrushed head of hair and last night’s pajamas. It was noon. Not your best look. 
“Nothing, nothing. Sorry.” He held your gaze just a moment longer before returning to his work, smiling down into his laptop. You hummed, satisfied, until you felt his eyes peek back up at you. 
“Hey, take a picture, Winchester! It’ll last longer!” You laughed, hiding your hint of insecurity with a bit of sass. It was a joke- completely a joke, and you thought Sam had taken it as such, until…
“You know what? You’re right. Don’t move a muscle.” Sam held his hands out as if to freeze you in your current position, turning on the dramatics as he backed away slowly before spinning on his heels to run to your side of the room.   
“I said don’t move!” He taunted over his shoulder. 
You heard Sam rustling through your bag, but you didn’t dare turn to look- you figured you’d humor him and comply with the ridiculous request. Sam returned to his perch on the couch across from you, a grin adorning his face and the camera looking comically small in his large hand. He cranked the dial, lined it up with his right eye, and called out- “Say cheese!”
“Cheeeeeese!” You laughed, bathing in the blinding brightness- both from the camera’s flash and Sam’s mile-wide smile. If only the photo had been captured from your point of view- you could stare at that face forever. 
“Alright everyone, gather around!” Dinner was finished, the dishes were done, a fresh round of beers were cracked. What better time for you to call for a little family photo?
“Here we go again with the paparazzi,” Bobby gruffed, ruffling your hair as he passed you. 
“Excuse me, it’s called being the family historian. We need to record this touching memory!” 
“Alright alright, get over here, everyone,” scolded Sam with a lighthearted tone. Having him on your side was helpful- his long arms corralled the whole crew with ease, gathering everyone in front of the couch. You smiled a silent thank you, and he winked at you in return, sending your heart aflutter. 
While the team of men behind you figured out the ideal photo formation amongst themselves, you prepped the camera, winding the dial and propping it up on the tv stand while making sure to get the angle just right. After this there would only be one picture left on the camera- you had to make sure to save it for something really good. 
Dean stood behind the couch, arms draped over the shoulders of Bobby to his left and Cas to his right. While Dean was already cheesing, Bobby and Cas weren’t quite as natural in front of the camera- it was taking them a second to settle in. Sam, however, was sat down on the couch, arms outstretched to beckon you in. Eager to get the picture taken, you clicked the button to trigger the countdown.
“Alright, we’ve got ten seconds everyone!” You raced over to plop yourself down next to Sam, who almost instictively wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in as close as possible. You tensed a bit, nerves on fire due to your intimate proximity to him, but your face beamed with joy. In the last few seconds before the photo snapped, Sam pressed a sneaky, soft kiss to the side of your head, returning to his former pose just before the final flash went off. Though you were able to calm your bugging eyes in the nick of time, there was little you could to stop the searing heat that flushed to your cheeks. God, you hoped that wouldn’t show up in the picture.
It had been a few months since any of you had so much as thought about that camera. Life had gotten a bit busy, to say the least. The end of the world had brought with it plenty of trials and tribulations, and left very little time for photo ops. That being said, you had finally reached a long awaited moment of peace. Things had died down, and there was a brief moment for you and the Winchesters to catch your breath and lay low for a bit. 
It was well past midnight, and a quiet had fallen over the bunker- not the usual tense, fearful, impending-doom type of quiet. This was much more peaceful. Typically, at this hour of the night, the three of you would still be up researching or figuring out plans for your next move. Tonight, however, Dean had been able to hole himself up in his room for a while, trying to get some kind of sleep, which wasn’t usually an option for him. After dozing off and on unsuccessfully for a few hours, he emerged from his room, in search of something he knew would help knock him right out- a snack. 
Drudging down the hall, Dean was drawn away from his intended destination after noticing the blue glow and soft buzz still emitting from the television. Thinking Sam had left it on before heading to bed, Dean rerouted his path in order to switch it off, mumbling to himself that this was not his job. His frustration remained up until he was able to fully take in the scene in front of him. There on the couch lay you and Sam, fast asleep. Sam’s massive frame dwarfed yours as he held you from behind, face firmly planted in your hair. One of your arms curved in front of you to wrap itself around Sam’s, and the other flopped off the couch, the TV remote dangling loosely in your grasp. Dean felt far too sappy even thinking it, but he could’ve sworn he had never seen either of you two so peaceful. 
After smiling down on the two of you for a few seconds shy of creepy, Dean had a realization. He tiptoed out, careful not to disturb you two, and beelined for a little something he had recently discovered, stashed in a junk drawer. The disposable camera, long forgotten, with only the space for one serendipitous photo remaining. “Finally, you two,” Dean whispered, punctuating his sentence with the quiet click of the camera. He’d been betting on this for months, and now, you and Sam could never live it down.
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paingoes · 2 months
Missed Calls
(Content: living weapon whumpee, dehumanization, kinda dubious caretakers???)
“No,” Iza said, “Yeah, I know. No, yeah. Yeah. Okay. No. No. I know.”
She pressed the phone tightly to her ear, her other hand pressed tightly to her forehead as she leaned over the kitchen table. She got up periodically to walk out on the porch if she really had to say her piece, but for the most part she just had to listen. She went minutes at a time without getting a single word in. 
The memo had taken about seven hours to circulate. It’d come in the dead of night, otherwise it probably would’ve received more attention. But by the time Iza had woken up, her phone was already buzzing, and she had a soft ringing in her ears like someone was talking about her. By noon, the phone was ringing nonstop. All of their phones were.
Kitty had stayed up all night. Now, she was crashed out on the couch, all curled up in a ball. Iza shook her gently.
“They want you to send everything. The chatlogs, the archives, everything. What you showed me,” she mouthed, still on the phone. Kitty yawned. She pulled out her laptop from beneath the couch, lazily hitting a few buttons. She’d been expecting this. Apollo told her to prepare their case in advance. It’d all felt very urgent at the time; now she just felt tired. She fell back asleep right after. It wasn’t for long.
“He wants to talk to us,” Apollo said, a weary determination in his voice. Kitty blinked her eyes open, sitting up quickly. Her tail flicked behind her. 
“I can’t believe it got to Levon already,” Willow sat on the counter, staring out into space. The horror had not left her face since yesterday. Apollo gave her a thumbs up. He could believe it just fine.
They went into the upstairs bedroom for privacy. Iza passed them the phone in the corridor. They sat cross legged on the bed as the dial-up sounded.
LEVON has entered a voice call with APOLLO.
LEVON: Hello?
APOLLO: Hey its Apollo. Kitty is here too she just woke up.
LEVON: Good morning, Kitty.
KITTY: good morning :3c
LEVON: Explain yourselves.
APOLLO: I want to say first that technically we had permission.
LEVON: Is that right?
APOLLO: We outlined that we were going to do a strike on the Centennial Ball and simultaneously run a rescue extraction and that is what we did.
LEVON: Very cute. The situation changes a bit when that rescue is of a million mega-joule atom bomb, living or otherwise. Do you disagree?
APOLLO: No. I know its a different situation.
LEVON: Kitty, do you disagree?
KITTY: no 
LEVON: So we understand each other?
KITTY: ya 
LEVON: I really don’t appreciate this kind of slickness when people’s lives are at stake. Lying by omission is still lying. 
LEVON: And to level with you I think it's kind of despicable that you are trying to pass this off as a rescue mission! It's a very transparent power grab and I am really not amused by it.
KITTY: levon
KITTY: thats not true
KITTY: we had plans to break him out well before we knew abt the psychic thing
KITTY: and actually we didnt even know we just suspected!! we didnt have confirmation until yesterday literally it was just a hunch
LEVON: That’s not what Iza said. Iza said you presented it to her as a weapons acquisition.
KITTY: thats because we were appealing to iza!!!!
LEVON: And now you’re appealing to me?
KITTY: yes!!!!
APOLLO: Can I interject? I don’t think thats fair. We briefed Iza on everything we knew for sure and everything that we suspected. The weapon thing only stood out to her because thats how her brain works. We told her we didnt have confirmation.
LEVON: She felt confident enough to bring dampers, which I’m sure you’re glad to have now.
APOLLO: It was better safe than sorry.
LEVON: Of course it was. Look, I’m reading over the logs right now. Tell me this. Why did you promise him amnesty?
KITTY: …becuz ur gonna give it to him right?
LEVON: Who said anything about that?
APOLLO: Captain?
LEVON: What? 
KITTY: ur not gonna give it to him????
LEVON: I’m not saying that. I’m just saying you shouldn’t have promised it.
LEVON: Frankly I don’t think that technology should even exist. Amnesty was not my first instinct.
APOLLO: Okay. I know we messed up. We should’ve told you. But you don’t need to take it out on him. 
LEVON: I’m not taking anything out on anyone. That’s not what this is about. I’m telling you the reality of situation. Just knowing the scale of destruction that he’s capable of, I can’t guarantee his safety.
KITTY: levon we’re sorry :(
LEVON: Stop that. Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to him.
KITTY: okiiiiii :(
APOLLO: We will. We know we overstepped. But it’s done now. We’re going to work with you from here and maybe we can figure it out together??
LEVON: For the life of me I can’t understand why you didn’t just come to me with this in the first place. 
KITTY: cause it was easier to ask forgiveness than permission :?
LEVON: Is it really? Is this situation any better for either of us? Better for him?
APOLLO: No, she has a point. Would you really have signed off on this if we asked you first?
LEVON: Probably not. Not the way you did it, anyway. I don’t like that you sent your poor brother in there alone.
APOLLO: Lun’s fine. I know the plan wasnt perfect but its the best we could do on short notice. 
APOLLO: If you saw the kid now, you’d understand. He’s not in good shape.
LEVON: I believe you. I’ve yet to hear anything positive about the treatment of psychics in Empire. 
APOLLO: Are we clear to bring him back then?
LEVON: Put Iza back on. We’ll talk about it.
APOLLO: Okay. Thank you Captain. 
KITTY: thank u!! 
Call with APOLLO has ended.
Tags: @catnykit@indigoviolet311@snakebites-and-ink@vivulapom@scoundrelwithboba@whatwhump@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire @micechomper
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electionfraudking · 1 year
(Takes place several hours before xigbar is brought to bfd)
Xigbar brought the cloak this time. Leaving it behind before was a mistake he wouldn't make twice. Blanket was NOT fuckin' enough.
He hauled the last of the bodies up from the sort of. Morgue/freezer setup Showie had up to the makeshift lab he'd put together under the Kins Storage. He didn't know how far underground he was, but it had to be pretty deep. All the better for human experimentation, he supposed. Not like that's an above ground activity.
He dialed her number on his phone, and she picked up instantly.
“Hey.” She said.
"Hey, doll. Finally got all the bodies down here."
“Great. And you brought the cloak?”
"Yeah. Not doing this without it again. The blanket was nowhere near enough."
“Ha-ha. Got you to admit you didn’t bring the cloak last time even though you said you did.”
"Boooooooo. You suck. Run me through the steps again?"
“You got the body all laid out, yeah?”
"Well. More or less. Kinda just flopped. Carrying a bunch of bodies down here is hard work, okay? Leave me alone." He didn't mean it do NOT leave him alone.
“Okay, okay. Pick one and get it in a separate area. For this experiment we’re gonna revive them over and over and over to see what happens. Run your choice by me, though. No one valuable.”
"Well, the options today are…" He checked the bodies. "Jeremy Heere, Sasha Waybright, Default Mii, Qifrey, and Stede Bonnet. Figured it'd be a good idea to start with the freshest ones."
“Ooooh-kay,” She said, and he heard a tapping noise.
"What's that sound?" He asked.
“Stanley brought me my laptop! I’m taking notes!” Her voice sounded bright. “Anyway, let’s start with,,,,, Stede. Not a teenager and not a non-human. Looking at his historical file there is little of value to lose, memory wise. Additionally, he was in team We Cause Problems.”
"Damn, alright. So I just kill and revive him over and over? How many times, do you think?"
“Take notes each time, maybe ask a set of questions? Record his responses as you go. Maybe,,,, Do you know where you are, do you know who i am, do you know who you are, etc? And keep an eye on his physical form as well. Uh- the kins, they put everyone in hospital gowns, yes?”
"Yeah, they're in the hospital gowns." He looked over the bodies and shook his head in disappointment. "Man, I was hoping Sasha was gonna win that round. I like her. Kid's got guts."
“Well, nothings permanent when you have necromancy!” She said brightly. “We can exclude her from the subject pool and- oh, here’s an idea. Start with her, she’ll be our control. Bring her back once and then set her aside.”
"Works for me." Xigbar grinned. "Perks of being named vice showrunner, huh?" He pulled Sasha aside and set her up to be resurrected.
“Oh, definitely. When this is through we can make you a bracket and switch places.”
"I could make you election fraud queen- we can have matching sashes."
“Maybe that’ll happen in the couple battle? That tournament runner and I had a very nice chat just last night.”
"Ha- why does that make me nervous?" He pulled on the cloak. Gonna remember that every goddamn time now. Hell, he even brought a couple spares.
"Going silent for a minute. Gotta do the thing." He set up the sigil and then lit it. He heard Showie quietly counting down on the other end of the line.
“Okay, get ready~” She said.
The room filled with frigid wind. Most of which went around the cloak, like it had a- No Shit, Xigbar, of course it had a force field. Not like that was Showie’s specialty or anything.
She waited a few more seconds until the real cold hit, then said, “Well, it probably makes you nervous because we were talking about you!”
"You wha-" the words were stolen from his lungs when the Real cold hit. Damn you, Showie. Why does he even work for you. You suck.
“Oh, it was nothing bad,” She said, and he could hear her grin. “15 more seconds until Sasha begins moving!”
"Then why did you say it like that?!" Oh. Cheat code. Breathe THROUGH the cloak. The air is still cold, but it doesn't straight up hurt like that.
“Say it like what?” She said innocently.
Sasha begin to writhe, 15 seconds after that, the air returned to normal and she sat up, gasping.
“The questions,” She reminded him. As if he needed reminding.
"Swear to god, I'm gonna-" Ough. This woman. Xigbar cleared his throat. He grabbed his notepad off the table. "Hey, kid. Can you tell me who you are?"
"S-Sasha Waybright," she responded. Still seeming a bit out of it. Xigbar wrote it all down, the name and her condition.
"And do you know where you are?"
"It was…" Sasha put her face in her hand, like she had a migraine. "Some kind of tournament. White Boy Bracket? I was in a round and-" she looked up, pale. "I died?"
"Sure did, kiddo. But hey, who cares, right? Not like you're still dead!" Never talk to children again.
“That was a bit insensitive,” She said, “Check her physical condition? Mark down any changes you can see and then ask her if anything feels different.”
"Hi, yeah, no?" Sasha snapped, shakily getting to her feet. "No one's checking any of my physical conditions, thanks."
"Kid, chill. You're not getting touched. Just trying to make sure you didn't get fucked up in the resurrection, like some people. One guy didn't have a mouth for a while."
Sasha didn't look convinced. Still, she held her arms out in a T and turned.
"Great. Thanks. Not seeing anything unusual."
"Yeah, no, I could've told you that."
“I did say to ask her.” Showie said.
"Yeah, well, nothing's weird." Sasha rolled her eyes.
"See what I mean?" Xigbar laughed. "The kid's got some balls! Fuckin' love that! Just mouthing off to the Showrunner like it's no biggie!"
“Yeah, well,” Showie said, “There should be a room off to the side. New clothes, food, place to rest. Put her there.”
Xigbar gestured with his head the direction she was supposed to go in. Sasha rolled her eyes again, but went into the designated room.
“Alright,” Showie said, “Pretty successful control. Personality seemed intact, yes?”
"Most personality I've seen from a kid her age in a while." When it came to personality, Roxas and Xion were Not It. At least, not for a while.
“Oh, you should meet Annabeth. Percy, too. But they’re both solidly off limits. If Percy lost, I think I’d rig it. Anyway, onto Stede.”
"Right. So, rinse and repeat with what happened with Sasha, then just kill him again? Just to confirm."
“Yes. Avoid too much blood loss or head trauma, though, Blood loss would only frighten the others once it was their turn. Head trauma could muddy the results.”
"Cauterizing shot through the heart. Got it."
She hummed in agreement. He reset the ritual, this time using Stede, and relit it. Time for cold again. "So if the conversation wasn't 'that bad', then why did you say I should be nervous?" He chuckled.
A sort of evil giggle, “Oh, you don’t need to be nervous.”
Chuckle revoked.
"Okay, now I am nervous."
“No, no it’s fine! We just- you know, I didn’t really have anyone to talk to, so we talked! And it was fine! Now, the cold.”
He was ready this time.
"... You can talk to me-" That came out way more pitiful than he meant. Good job beating the poor little meow meow allegations, Xigbar.
“Not about this,” She laughed, “Anyway, did you put all of Team We Cause Problems into the match? Sasha, Stede- Virgil?”
"Nah, just Sasha and Stede. If I'm going purple, it's gonna be that Afton guy."
“Oooooh,” She said, “Oh, the effects of degradation on him would be fascinating. You know he’s already a living rotting corpse? That’s why he’s purple, he’s decayed! We might even do him a favor, reviving him. Set him right.”
"You want me to save him for when you get back, then? So you can see?"
“Hmm. Yes.” She sounded pleased, “It'll be interesting. He moving now?”
"Yeah, doin' the floppy thing." Don't make a dick joke. Don't make a dick joke. Don't make a dick joke.
“Pfft,” She laughed, “You know what else?”
"What? Did you just-?!"
“Oh, you know! Ah! He awakens!” She said, apparently she had the timing memorized, because Stede did, in fact, Awaken.
"Hang on- did you seriously just make a dick joke-"
“You walked right into it! Now, pay attention to our guest.”
Dear fucking god he was in love.
"Right, ah-" he cleared his throat, and rattled off the questions.
When Stede answered accordingly, Xigbar wrote everything down. Then, without giving him a chance to react, shot him right through the heart. Stede was dead before he hit the ground, and not a single drop of blood spilled. Goddamn he's good.
"Goddamn, I'm good."
“Yeah, yeah. Bring him back. Pretend like the first one didn’t happen, but ask him if he’s seen you recently.”
"Alright, fine."
Run through of the ritual again. Did it Have to be this cold? There is no reason anything should be this cold. Christmastown wasn't even this cold. Stede still answered appropriately. Seemed a little frightened.
Now for the good question.
"Have you seen me at all recently?"
"Y-yes, you just shot me."
"Oh, did I? My bad."
Xigbar laughed like it was the best joke he'd seen in forever. It kinda was. I mean, the look on that guy's face? Absolutely priceless.
“Okay, okay, look him over for non-arrowgun damage and then bring him back,” She said, trying not to laugh, “Just turn him over with your foot or something.”
"Alright, alright, just- give me a second-" He needed to calm down. "Fuck, I wish you were here. You should've seen his face when I shot him!"
“I wish we could do video call, but then-” She paused, “But then tu-sais-qui would be able to hear you. And I don't mean, you know. Mon ex-mari. If only I had headphones.”
"Ah, well. When you're here, we can do this again."
Xigbar nudged Stede over, looking him over for wounds. "Well… He's missing an eyebrow, but nothing else."
“Oh, weird. That’s new. Mark it down- that’s near the head, so. Hm. Carry on.”
Ran through it again. Still cold. Less bad though. Getting used to it?
From the get go, Stede looked scared. Especially once he laid eyes on Xigbar. Good. Be afraid. Xigbar had barely even opened his mouth before the guy took off running. He made it past him, but not much farther before he slipped and fell. In a moment of total clarity and definitely not panic, Xigbar may have. Accidentally slipped and shot Stede perfectly through the heart again. Whoopsie.
“What happened?”
"So. Totally normal, but uh- I may have jumped the gun. Literally. He tried to make a run for it. Knee jerk reaction, I killed him again."
“Oh. Well. Try not to do that,” She didn’t sound mad, “But we have the answer to at least one question. He definitely remembered you.”
"Tell me about it." Xigbar kicked the body- wait. No wonder he fell. "Dude's got two left feet. No wonder he ate floor."
“What, literally? Bizarre. I wonder if it’s just the degradation or if it’s how soon they’re happening, one after the other. Uh, hm. How unethical are we willing to get?”
"Doll, I'm willing to do a lot more than you'll make me. I'm ready to get downright heinous in here."
“Nothing heinous, just… perhaps a bit psychologically cruel? It would be interesting to see what would happen if we spaced the deaths out a little more. Once a day? Once a week? But I- I wouldn’t want to leave them in that sort of consistent, unending fear. Can you kill subtly? I don’t want them to see it coming. Perhaps we can hook them up to some sort of drip? We do have a hospital room adjacent to the lab… we could tell them that they’re hurt, that it’s a sedative? Pretend they’re in a hospital, so they don’t run? And of course I would work to undo any degradation they experienced once I got back.”
"... Good fucking lord." He needed a second. "You have no idea how hot that was, oh my god."
“W-well now I’m worried, was that worse than just killing them? I don’t want them to, like, sit in the fear!”
"No, no, you're fine. Just. Wow. I wanna study your brain." And also maybe. Yeah. Please laugh.
Small laugh, “That’s not very reassuring. I-is that a good idea or should we think of something else? Or, in either case, who should it be? Our test subject I mean.”
“Hm,” He checked his notes, “Washington?”
“Oooh, yes. I wouldn’t mind getting unethical with that creep. That came out wrong.”
"HA! You can get unethical with me anytime." The floodgates are open. Here come the sex jokes.
“Just revive him!” She said, laughing, “We can do this later!”
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tex-was-taken · 2 years
So I caved and decided to make an OC for COD. Why? Because why the hell not.
"At a press of a button, I'll be the one laughing here."
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Picrew used (I WISH A COULD DRAW)
Meet 141's target new recruit: Angelo 'TeX' Salvador.
He is Task Force 141's new fillipino cyber expert and excels as a frightening hacker. Unlike the operatives in the team, he is unable to take arms on the field due to missing a leg the frontline.
But that doesn't mean can't put his skill to use!
Short story ahead!
Once a soldier, always a soldier. But in Angelo's case, losing a leg meant he couldn't fight in the frontlines anymore. Nowadays, he is a freelance hacker who takes on contracts from even the shadiest of people, all for the fun and money.
As long as they don't involve the government that is.
"Here's your coffee, Angelo." A waiter approached the table where Angelo sat, holding a cup of hot liquid and offered to the man. "Busy as always, huh?"
"You betcha, salamat." He takes the cup in his hand, the warmth absorbed into his hand as the aroma of freshly brewed java filled his nostrils. "Got tons of report to analyse and send off. Can't waste time, and besides why not enjoy it with the best coffee in town?"
The waiter chuckled, "The best indeed. Anyways, howl if you need me."
Before he said anything, his phone began to let out a buzz. Every second, it vibrates. Angelo frowned to see the name that popped on the screen, 'Annoying', he was hoping it was someone completely different.
He sighs, picking up the phone.
"TeX, have you gotten our information yet?"
Of course.
Straight to the point.
"Their systems are slightly outdated but their security is hardcore." He responded, observing his screen as the loading bar continued to increment.
"So you can't get crack it?" The voice sounded disappointed. "Such a shame, I thought—"
"Now hold on a minute, buddy. I didn't say I gave up, didn't I? Took a couple of days to break their encryption. Had to sacrifice a shit tons of resources to keep them from tracing me."
"Cut the bullshit, TeX. Our deal?"
Angelo rolled his eyes. Quite a persistent fellow. "Yes, I have it here. Will have a drop point ready for you in a few hours." Twirling a USB around his finger.
"Good. You'll have your pay as soon as the exchange is made."
"Pleasure doing business with ya." Angelo smirked, the files finally ready to be transferred. The call ended and he sets the phone done next to the laptop, plugging the drive into the port. "What did this guy want anyways..." he uttered as he browsed through the files.
It didn't take long to realise what he had stolen.
Reports, logs, secrets, and Operative information. A file drew his attention as it was clearly out of the ordinary in a directory full of sub directories.
Read me
A bright red laser appeared on his chest, moving carefully towards the top of his head like. Even if he moved, he wouldn't get away with a leg like his.
He was caught.
"Ah shit."
He clicked his mouse on the text file, reading what was saved as he felt sweat dropping from his temple. He never felt this pressure since he was a soldier.
The fear running down his spine as he is in enemies sight.
Not bad. Your actions haven't gone unnoticed but I'm impressed you made it this far. We had our eyes on you for quite some time now, TeX.
You got two choice.
Angelo read the next lines, it looks like he will have to decide what comes next. Surrender and confess to his crimes or...
He slowly picked up his phone. Dialing the number that was on the screen and waited.
Angelo drew his sight towards the source of the light.
"I'm in."
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November 18, 2022
Nightly RP              (Ruby write this outline)
Sitting on the sofa in Ruby’s apartment, I balance my laptop on its arm and try to jot down notes from the research page I’m looking at. So far, I’d been able to connect a few of the dots that Charlie had given me a couple of months ago and I was starting to get a little more excited that she might really be on to something.
Standing in front of the open fridge, I turn to Sam.  Anything, in particular, you want for lunch?
Not really paying attention, I answer without even looking up. Uhhh, whatever you want is fine…
Mumbling to myself Of course it is. Grabbing the covered bowl already in the fridge, I set it on the counter. Tuna it is.
With pickles…
Oooof course…
after having several visions of Sam standing over Ruby with a knife it's time I call Sam. dialing Sam's number and hearing eye of the tiger play
My phone starts to ring, and I have to juggle everything in order to bend forward and scoop it up off the floor. I can see from the caller ID that it’s a call from Patience and right away feel a rush of worry. Hey, Patience, What’s up?
Hey Sam do I've had this vision 4 times now and really feel like we should meet up. I can't tell where it's but it's dark and you are standing over Ruby with a knife and I'm really afraid of what this means
Patience, slow down…slow down. This is a vision you had? You gotta know that it’s pretty much a sure thing that I won’t be doing anything like that, right?
I don't know Sam they've been pretty close lately to being right. I just don't know what to think
Alright, alright… want to meet and talk about it some more, maybe you'll feel better. I'm at Ruby’s right now, is it okay if I bring her?
Yes Sam I think we should and yes please bring her. I really want to see you both together
Okay, great. Meet us at the park in Beloit near the college. There are some benches near the west end, we’ll meet you there.
Thank you Sam be safe hangs up my phone and getting ready to leave
I hang up the phone and think about what she’s just told me about her vision.
Waiting for Sam to explain……I finally ask.. We got trouble?
That was Patience, she’s had one of her visions and says it included you and me. She wants to meet, feel like coming with?
Puts everything back in the fridge Sure.
I get up and go get dressed. Coming out of the bedroom, I look all around the living room and then yell out for Ruby. Hey, have you seen my shoes?
Already holding his shoes out to him with them hanging off my first two fingers, I smile, without a word.
I hold up a finger and try not to grin. Don’t you say it… I take the shoes and quickly sit down and slip them on.
Once Sam is ready, I quickly pop us to the Park to wait for Patience.
I see Patience coming towards us and I stand up to greet her. You made it…
running towards Sam and Ruby I grab them both for a group hug I'm so happy to see you both maybe you help me make sense of these visions
Have a seat Patience, I offer, standing up too.
Hey, it’s okay… Here, sit down… we’re gonna figure this out, honest.
Thank you Ruby
I glance over at Ruby and give her my best It’s okay look. Patience, Why don’t you just tell us exactly what you saw, don’t leave anything out, okay?
Ok so the vision I have had 4 times now all with you Sam standing over Ruby holding a knife ready to stab her in the chest trying to catch my breath from running"
Do you see anything around you? What time of day do you think it was?
as I'm telling them another piece of the vision comes to me I can see clearly as I walk around Sam seeing Ruby lying on the ground I shake myself out of it
When it becomes clear that she’s seeing something else, I squat down beside the bench and take hold of her hands. Try to stay with it…
Sam you and Ruby are in a forest the clouds open up a bit and with the moon I see you standing over her ready to stab her in the chest Sam you stabbed her in heart
Looking up at Ruby, I can see that she’s as disturbed by this as I am by all this. What the hell was going on?
Starting to pace, my frustration builds What is it with this bunch? It’s one disaster after another. There’s never a lull in between crises! Is there a curse on this crew? Is it impossible to have a quiet, uneventful week? Hell, even a couple of days would be a fluke.
I stand up and walk over to Ruby. Hey, Hey, you know this isn’t a real thing, right?
Looking at him bewildered. What do you mean? Every vision Patience has had has happened. Maybe not exactly as seen, but they happened.
I know that this all sounds… bad. But I’m also sure that nothing like that is ever going to happen. It’s just not. I look at both of them and can see that neither are in agreement with me. Okay Look, how about this, let’s go back to the Bunker and get the others to listen to the vision and see what they all think. Yeah?
I'm really sorry you two but I had to tell you I agree Sam picking up my bag
Whatever you say, Sam. I reluctantly agree with him. Let’s get this over with. I pop the three of us to the bunker.
sitting at the map table on my laptop when I see Sam, Ruby and Pay appear hey guys
sitting at the map table with group hey Charlie
wringing my hands not knowing what is going to happen
just sitting down with a beer well howdy guys. seeing their faces what's wrong now??
Now what would make you say that? I ask sarcastically.
Cuz you guys look a little freaked...? shrugging
Ok as I try and sit still so I've had this vision four make that five times now. At first I could only see Sam standing over Ruby with a knife and she was lying on the ground. Then I saw them surrounded by lots of trees   this one I felt like I was there and watched him stab her in the heart.
That’s ridiculous Sam will never hurt her
knowing that it would not happen that way, I smile a small smile to myself yea, I don't think that would happen. Ruby would easily woop your ass first! chuckling
I grin at her remark
smirking while I don’t disagree with you Meg, patience is always spot on. I’ve never seen her have a vision that we haven’t seen happen… I think we need to be worried
Look, I agree with all of you that I’d never use a blade against Ruby. I get up from the table and pace as I think and speak. But we’ve also seen Patience’s visions come to pass over and over again. I think we just need to find a way to SEE more of what’s coming to her.
That would be a good place to start.
That gives me an idea that might actually help us. Patience maybe between all of us we can come up with a way to… I don’t know, Boost your gift maybe?
That sounds good to me whatever we need to do to figure this one cause I must say I am NOT liking these visions
I look around at the others hoping that maybe I’ve hit on something. I’m worried that time might be a factor here, guys. What do you all think?
I think you might be on to something… I mean Missouri used to touch things…. And I’ve seen patience do that before…
shrugging and taking a sip of my beer I have nothing better to do. I'm game. looking at the others
I think you're right Charlie maybe I can do that again here
That sounds like an idea. Let’s try that not sure how phsycs do things
trying to relax sitting at the map table
thinking of how to help, and who might be responsible for this fucked up vision, I offer well, maybe it could be lucifer...?
Spell ritual maybe. I’m not really good at this stuff.
Turning to Patience When you think about the vision, do you get a feel for any location?
I feel like it's really close by, but can't tell where
I may have an idea that might help. Turning to Sam  Sam, do you have a map of Kansas?
I go over to the roll top desk and look through the maps in the drawer, pulling out one of Kansas. Here use this Ruby.
Taking the map from Sam, I spread it out on the table in front of Patience Ok, calm yourself and clear your mind. Let all thought go. With your hand, hold it over the center of the map. When you’re ready just let your hand guide you.
sitting up a little straighter and leaning in a bit to see better
Close your eyes
holding my hand over the map I closed my eyes and relaxed I can feel my hand moving on on it's own then I feel a tug and my hand drops to the map
Seeing Beloit below Patience’s stilled hand, I quickly look at Sam, worried.
When I see where Patience’s hands stops, I can’t keep, Shit from escaping my lips.
worried as I see the look on Sam and Ruby's face what what's it mean?
giving them a look, as Beloit is familiar and I know Sam and ruby have had dealings there in the past
I think maybe we really are in trouble here.
If it’s that close, shouldn’t take us too long to get there…. Right?
Hang on… I go into my room and pull out the notebook I used when I’d originally been looking for a safe place to stash Ruby. Inside was the City map of Beloit, and I take it back out to the rest. Here Patience, see if you can make it work on this one… I unfold the city map and lay it on the table.
Giving Patience a look of encouragement, This should help us pinpoint the location even further. A little nervous, I watch as Patience’s hand moves once again.
still relaxed I closed my eyes and hold my hand over the map. Again feeling my hand moving on its own. Then my hand drops to the table.
standing now, concerned for Ruby and Sam
Seeing it's not inside Beloit, I have a sense of relief It's outside the city at the State Park.
Relieved that the place we’re looking for is nowhere near the apartment.
We have a place to start I guess
nodding at henry sure do.
A thought occurs to me. Patience, what if I were to stay behind? If I’m not there, Sam can’t kill me, right?
looking at Ruby I answer her Ruby I wish it were that simple but I have tried in the past but the visions just readjust themselves to get the exact same results, I'm really sorry
Ruby, I’m not doin’ this…Getting my go bag together, I grab the keys to the Charger and head outside. Opening the trunk, I drop my pack inside and leave it open while I get in and start it up.
Well… getting up to grab my go bag we won’t find out much sitting here …. grabbing the keys to my bug I head out to the garage
Following Sam out, I take shot gun
Charlie, just follow me. I know exactly where we’re going.
grabs my bag and gets in Sam’s car hope it goes well
nodding take the lead then
getting my go bag and following Sam and the rest to car dropping my bag in the trunk should I ride with you and Ruby?
Yes, so we can maybe narrow down where we're going
That's my thought as well
stashing a couple knives up my sleeves, I catch up to them
Once everyone is inside, I pull out and head for the freeway exit. The ride is quiet, and the sun is starting to set as we pass the first Beloit exit. I can feel the tension in the car and can’t be sure that I’m not the one who’s putting it out. I reach over and squeeze Ruby’s leg, smiling to try and let her know that everything is going to be fine.
I return his smile with my half-hearted one, I know he means well. I still can’t help but be nervous. I’ve never doubted that visions are real.
We will stop whatever comes
I follow closely behind Sam, keeping my eyes on the charger, thoughts racing about what is to come
When we reach the area Patience pointed out on the map, I look back at Patience in the rear view mirror. I’m just going to drive slowly through this area. Patience see if you can feel anything that might lead us in the right direction.
noticing Sam slowing down, I match his speed and stay close
After a while of riding through sitting in the back seat watching as the trees go by when I start to feel strange  STOP SAM WE'RE CLOSE trying not to yell but did anyway
I pull the car over underneath a large tree and stop.
seeing the brake lights on the charger, I pull over behind Sam and look around at the setting sun
getting out of the car, I look around
gets out of the car, what now?
getting out of the car looking around
As the sun slips below the horizon, I watch Charlie pull in right behind me and I get out of the car.
Getting out of the Charger into the darkness, I look around at what the headlights show.
Charlie, Patience had a feel about this area.  How about we split up and see what we can find? Patience you and Henry come with me. Ruby you stay with them and away from where I am, agreed?
That's a good idea Sam.
I think that’s a good idea… I’ll take Meg and ruby… I think it’s best you and ruby aren’t together
That’s good with me
standing next to Sam and Henry good with me
I’ve got radios in my trunk if you don’t…
Good Idea. Henry will you man the radio for us?
Do you get a feeling for any particular direction Patience?
going back to my bug I grab a couple of radios, making sure they’re both turned on and charged I pass one to Henry
looking around the wooded area, waiting to start our search
Meg, I’ll let you take the lead on our side passing her the radio
with the strange feeling I point  over toward the bunch of trees to the south ( I think)
I look off in the direction Patience indicates. Let’s come at this from two sides… meet in the middle. That way if we flush anything out it’ll be between us.
takes it thanks
I turn on my flashlight and wait to follow Charlie.
Sounds like a plan
taking the radio, I smirk at Charlie that's cuz I'm awesome.  Let's go. walking slowly away from the other group
following behind Meg I keep my eyes peeled for anything strange
Pulling out my flashlight, I lead my group off to the left, through the woods.
walking  as quiet as mouse
I was moving slowly, trying not to make a whole lot of noise. Patience just let me know if you feel anything…
a small rustle can be heard in the woods close by
follows Sam like a duckling. Hoping it’s nothing to bad
I will Sam promise
Suddenly I hear what sounds like snapping wood off to my left. I hold up my fist to signal the others to stop. With only hand signals, I let Henry and Patience know that I heard something and that they should stay right here. I point to myself, pull the demon blade from my jacket pocket and then head off alone to see if I can find the source of the noise.
Anything yet, meg?
waits for Sam to come back
not happy with staying behind but I agree to stay behind with Henry
Not yet. staring around as I walk
…..coming up behind Ruby, I cover her mouth and knock her to the ground without a sound, and drag her off further into the forest
Something grabs me from behind and throws me to the ground. I fall hard, hitting my head on a rock in the middle. I lose consciousness.
Turning I look for Ruby Ruby?? Meg??!!! Where’s ruby?!?!
something comes out of nowhere knocking me down
scrambling back to my feet I run over to Meg and extend my hand to help her up
dizzyingly looking around what the hell was that!? taking Charlie's hand, I stand up I don't see her.
Me either… we need to tell the others…..
Shaking my head to clear it yea. Let's go.
Moving cautiously through the woods, I’m listening intently for the slightest sound.
seeing ‘Sam’ in the distance I decide now is the time to move, running up behind him i grab him by the hair and pull him backwards, slamming him into the ground
The attack catches me off guard, and I spin around hitting the ground flat on my back. Rolling to the right, I use a tree to get back to my feet.
lunging again I throw Sam towards another tree close by, my claws extended
Dropping the flashlight, I grab the arm that is clawing towards my face, and bend my body forward with enough force to throw the person to the ground. As I step back, breathing hard, I see that the person on the ground is Ruby!!
with a snarl on my face I try to attack again
I glance up just as the moon comes out from behind a cloud to shine its full light on Ruby as she gets up and runs towards me. In the silvery moonlight, I can see her clearly.
raising my arms I try to strike again
With a sudden rush of relief, I jump forward taking the attack to her! Grabbing her arm, I sweep my leg against hers and knock her to the ground. In one fluid movement, I straddle her prone form and before she has a chance to recover, plunge my Blade deep into her heart with all the force I have.
screams out in pain, until the sound ends
Blood sprays from her death-wound and I look up just in time to see the others come running with looks of horror on their faces.
seeing Ruby on the ground dead, Sam holding the knife seriously!?? That's what we were trying avoid!! How could you!!?????
I come upon the scene just as I see Sam pull the blade from Ruby’s chest What did you do?!?!
comes running not wanting to wait any longer you promised to not
walking up to the others with Henry SAM W'WHAT HAVE YOU DINEY
Standing up, I pull my blade from the body and all can now see it’s true form. It wasn’t Ruby. This was a shapeshifter that had just taken her form. I wipe the blood off the blade and walk over to the others.
Stumbling into the open with the others, I hear them accusing Sam and see them surrounding him. Stop! It’s not what you think!
my shoulders sag in relief hearing Ruby shout
How you know?
relieved to see Ruby I run to her. Oh Ruby I was so scared
relief washes over me as Sam tells us it's a shifter seeing ruby I relax
I smile and reach out and take hold of Ruby’s hand, turning her wrist up to the moon light. The shifter didn’t have this mark. I pull back my sleeve to show them that we have the same scar on our wrists. Looking directly at Ruby, I nod to her. I knew it wasn’t you.
I punch Sam's shoulder Smart ass
That was insane! Shaking my head and putting my knife back in my sleeve
I knew there had to be an explanation.
I’m just glad it wasn’t Ruby…. I don’t know that I can talk anyone into bringing you back next time Sam ….
Charlie... let's not test that out
grinning agreed
grabs the legs we probably should hide the body
looking at the body good idea. You take the legs, henry.
Let's them take care of the clean up, picks up my flashlight and heads back towards the cars.
Grabbing the hands I start walking backward we need a shovel.
The animals around here will probably take care of it
starts walking forward ugh this is heavy
sighs of relief as I watch Henry and Meg hide the body
grunting with the effort let's set it over here. jerking my head toward a large trunk of a tree
I slip my arms around Patience's shoulders Your vision was right again, well, basically. I think you're getting the hang of it all
Ok drags it to the tree
I pose the body in a sitting position, then return to the group thanx buddy.
Yup returns to the group
Thank you Sam I am really working on them I'm just happy now that you and Ruby are both safe, by the am I ridding back with you guys?
holding up keys well I’m ready to go home and get back to my game
Whew what a night. Next time I am not waiting so long to say anything
hops into Sam’s car
hops in Sam's car with Henry
Heads back to the Bunker, happy that everything worked out so well.
I'll see you guys later. waving at the group
Point 1
Sam is in ruby’s apartment seated at the table looking at his laptop when his phone goes off. It’s a worried Patience asking for help. She tells him she’s had a partial vision that shows Sam standing over Ruby (who is lying on the ground), ready to stab her in the chest with a large knife. She can’t tell where they are, but it’s after dark. She tells him she has had the vision four times now but that it is still only a partial vision. She wants to meet.
Sam asks if she would like Ruby to be there, too. She agrees.
They plan to meet up at the local park. Sam and Ruby have a bit of small talk while waiting for Patience to show up.
Sam has filled Ruby in as much as he can and Ruby is anxious to find out more
Point 2
Patience is understandably upset with her vision. She tells them that she’s had this vision four times and it’s always the same. She is concerned and doesn’t understand why more is not showing up.
Sam asks her to go through the vision from the beginning and tell him and Ruby everything that she has seen.
During her telling them the vision, she gets another small piece. The background starts to become clearer. She sees Sam standing in a forested area with lots of trees and Ruby is lying on the ground in front of him. It’s after dark, clouds open up and the moonlight shows Sam, standing over Ruby, raising a knife and stabbing her in the heart.
Point 3
Ruby is concerned about the vision. Sam suggests they go to the bunker and see what the rest think. Patience agrees and grabs her bag. Sam says they should try to figure this one out.
Point 4
Seated at the bunker table, the group go over the vision. Henry says that is ridiculous, Sam would never hurt ruby.  Meg agrees commenting on how ruby could and would kick his ass if he tried. Charlie listens and agrees with Meg but reminds everyone patience is usually spot on with her visions. Sam says that they need to find a way to help Patience ‘see’ the rest of the vision. Ruby agrees that that should be the first thing they do.
Sam tells Patience that maybe between all of them, they can figure out the vision and as quickly as possible. Patience agrees.
Point 5
The group starts throwing out ideas. Meg thinks Luci is behind it. Henry thinks maybe it’s a ritual of some sort. Ruby asks Patience if she can get a feel for the location. Patience tells them she knows it’s nearby. Ruby helps her use her intuition to find the location. She tells Patience to hold her hand over the map of Kansas. Patience centers herself again. She holds her hand over the map. As she moves her hand over it, she feels a tug, allowing her hand to move freely. It stops over the city of Beloit. Sam and Ruby look at each other with concern. Charlie gives them a knowing look. The rest talk about it being close by and they should be able to get there quickly.
Point 6
Sam gets a map of Beloit and they have Patience try one more time. When her hand stops, it is outside the city (bringing relief to Sam and Ruby) in a forested area. That would match with what Patience saw. She centers over Rock Cut State Park, south of Beloit. They now have a place to start. They will try to find the location once they get to the park. Ruby asks Patience if she should stay behind. If she’s not there, how can Sam kill her? Patience tells her she’s tried that in the past but unfortunately, she can’t beat the visions. It would just readjust for the same result.
Point 7
Everyone gears up and gets ready to leave. It takes a little while for them to get there. The sun is starting to set. Sam can see Ruby getting anxious. He puts his hand on her leg to reassure her and smiles at her. The smile she returns is more of a grimace. Henry and Charlie reassure them that they’ll stop whatever is coming. Once they get to the park Sam suggests they drive through it to see if Patience can pick up anything. After a while, she tells Sam to stop the car. She feels they are near the location.
Point 8
It is after dark now. Sam parks and everyone gets out. They divide into groups.  Sam Patience and Henry in one group.  Ruby Charlie and met in another. Patience points in a direction where she gets the greatest feeling. Sam suggests they try coming to the area on two sides and then meeting up at the end. They will keep in touch with radios. They carefully and quietly move forward.
Point 9
As they are walking, Sam thinks he hears something. He tells Patience and  Henry to stay there while he checks it out.
Meanwhile, the other team moves forward when, after a short time, something runs through them pushing them down. Ruby is pushed back into the bushes and hits her head, knocking her out. Meg gets back on their feet and looks around for Ruby. She’s nowhere to be found. She and Charlie start to panic a little.
Point 10
Sam is looking around, knowing he heard something. He’s holding his flashlight out in front of him in one hand and the demon knife in the other, just in case. Suddenly, he’s jumped from behind. Something has latched onto his back and is trying to claw at him.
He struggles to get it off him. Finally throwing it to the ground, he sees….Ruby. He glances up and sees the moon, just like Patience said. She gets up and charges at him again, arms raised, hands clawed. The moon comes out from behind the clouds, and he gets a good look. Suddenly feeling relieved, he rushes forward knocks Ruby down then stabs her with the demon blade, killing her.  He hears the others, and looking up, he sees everyone, coming through the brush. Ruby isn’t with them.
The group panics that Sam has actually killed Ruby. The others circle Sam and ask how could he kill Ruby. Suddenly Ruby comes up behind the others telling them it’s not what they think. Sam tells them it was a shapeshifter that looked just like Ruby. He smiles and lifts her arm showing the others her blood spell scar in the moonlight. The shifter didn’t have one.
Henry and Meg hide the body in the underbrush.
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justmicro · 2 years
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Here’s the full list of all of Watch Dogs 2’s advanced video options so you can see ahead of time just what can be dialed up or down to achieve those FPS boosts. Should you not have an uber powerful rig that sounds like a jet engine and runs like a nuclear reactor then you’re probably going to have to fiddle around with Watch Dogs 2’s graphics settings in order to achieve optimum performance. Let’s hope the extra fortnight in the oven means Ubisoft has got Watch Dogs 2 running in tip-top condition. Looking good is one thing, performing well is another thing entirely. FSR 2.Our friends over in console land have been emptying granny’s bank accounts and smacking folk around the chops with a ball on a string for a couple of weeks now, but Watch Dogs 2 will be with us on PC looking better than ever from tomorrow.
Sep 8th, 2022 Red Dead Redemption 2: DLSS vs.
Aug 25th, 2022 be quiet! Pure Rock 2 FX Review.
Aug 25th, 2022 Upcoming Hardware Launches 2022 (Updated Aug 2022).
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Aug 30th, 2022 SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless Review - The King of Gaming Headsets.
Sep 2nd, 2022 Lenovo Legion 5 Pro Review - Alder Lake 16:10 Laptop.
Sep 2nd, 2022 Channel Well Technology CSX 850M-G Review - The first PCIe 5.0 ready SFX PSU.
We look forward to adding this game to our VGA bench. It's reasonably well coded so far and the game's rendition of San Francisco is gorgeous. I'm also happy to report that there is no weird mouse acceleration and the driving controls have been significantly improved over the first Watch_Dogs. What's also worth mentioning is that gameplay feels very smooth, even at sub-60 FPS rates. Given that the game supports both NVIDIA SLI and AMD CrossFire, you could look into something like GTX 1070 SLI or R9 Fury X CrossFire to tame this beast. Even the GeForce GTX 1080 barely holds things above the 30 fps mark. 4K Ultra HD is a daunting task for all single-GPU graphics cards we have. The performance-segment cards run close to the 30 fps mark. To enjoy the game at 2560 x 1440 with the highest details, you need to invest in a GeForce GTX 1070, which can be had for around $390 right now. AMD's fastest GPU, the R9 Fury X, still doesn't breach the 60 fps mark. The GTX 1060 6 GB is comfortably faster than the RX 480 8 GB. The RX 470 is a little more reassuring compared to the GTX 1050 Ti, which is too close to the 30 fps mark (below which playability degrades).
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 1080p#
With its details maxed out, Watch_Dogs 2 runs comfortably on most >$200 graphics cards, at 1080p resolution. VRAM usage is very reasonable, especially without the optional high-res texture pack. Overall performance is decent, but could be a bit more optimized - Watch_Dogs 2 certainly doesn't look as good as Battlefield 1 for example, which runs at higher FPS across the board.
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 drivers#
We used these GeForce 376.09 WHQL and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.5 drivers in this article.
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 driver#
Both companies have delivered game optimized drivers yesterday, which, especially on AMD, shows that the company is right on track with providing timely driver updates to gamers for new titles. Performance on AMD Radeon graphics cards is a little bit lower than what we would expect, but this is no surprise given Watch_Dogs 2 bears an NVIDIA "The Way It's Meant To Be Played" badge, inferring that NVIDIA helped Ubisoft in the development of this game. There is no frame-rate (FPS) cap and field of view can be adjusted by up to 110°, both of which are certainly welcome in the PC-gaming arena. An optional high-res texture pack is available as a freeload and the game settings provide tons of dials to adjust performance. Only flat areas like streets look a bit too flat, lacking some geometric detail. Graphics-wise, the game looks great, with good visual detail in all scenes. Unfortunately, it still uses DirectX 11, but given how bad the track record of DirectX 12 games is so far, this might not be bad thing. The new Disrupt 2.0 engine is a revamped version of the engine that powered the original. You play a hacktivist in San Francisco who has to team up with his buddies in DedSec to stop whatever ctOS 2.0 is doing with the data it's collecting from all citizens in the city. Conclusion"Watch_Dogs 2" is a significant improvement in gameplay over the original Watch_Dogs.
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
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               (   another gif by @unearthlydust​ from this beautiful set !   )
✪   —   VACANT MIRRORS  ;  B.B.  |  3/?
summary: you find out about bucky’s past, he finds out about yours. 
pairing: bucky barnes / f!reader
tags: set before & during tfatws, friends to lovers, therapy positive, trauma healing techniques, ptsd mentions, the normalization of anxiety disorders, and a good ol’ slow burn
word count: 6.4k, va va voom
a/n: oh look out here comes the plot, charactization, and growth between to pals who are maybe starting to feel a little something begin to take shape. but ignore that, there’s danger afoot. no spoilers for tfatws here!
    (   PREVIOUS   |    AO3    |    MASTERLIST  |   NEXT  )
“You know I have to ask these questions. It’s part of the check-in.”
“Yeah,” you fire back, flat enough to warrant Dr. Hart’s scowl to grow. You can’t see it over the phone, but you know the way her words whip around you means she’s upset, “I know.”
“If you’re not following the action plan set out by the judge,” she begins, leaning forward as her tone drops into a scalding hot sort of seriousness on the other end, “You will go to prison. You know this. So, do you want to spend ten years of your life behind bars? Are you trying to get yourself locked up? Come on.”
You can’t look up from your computer’s screen. Or maybe you can, but right now, there’s a dangerous mixture of anger and guilt and frustration boiling under your skin.
“I’m trying.”
“Trying isn’t good enough for the GRC,” Dr. Hart snaps, “You know this. They’re giving you a chance — they know you’re talented. You have the ability here to go straight, to earn a living, to finally make up for those years of blackhat work.”
“Everything I did,” you fire back, ripping your eyes up to meet Dr. Hart’s, “Was for others. I didn’t get a fucking penny.”
“You’re not Robin Hood,” she shakes her head as her tone softens, “We all make mistakes. But, everything has a consequence. You know this. And this conversation isn’t even considering the other charges.”
“You know the extortion case would never hold up in court.”
Dr. Hart sighs raggedly. “And I don’t intend on ever seeing it play out in court, because you’re going to follow the conditions of your pardon.”
“The GRC is a bunch of fascists—”
“Enough,” she snaps, “If you want to go and appeal your case with the judge, be my guest, but I can almost guarantee you’ll be perp-walked out of that Federal courtroom in cuffs.”
She’s right.
Dr. Hart is right.
Your knee is bouncing, up and down and up and down. You’re wound up around yourself, arms crossed tight, brows knotted. With a shaky exhale, you just nod. You breathe, and you remind yourself that she’s right. She’s right, she’s right, she’s right. It’s not worth it. Dipping yourself back into that world, the layer of the web beneath the surface, isn’t worth it.
The GRC is your way out.
Just be a good little girl and do as you're told.
“So, I’m going to ask you again,” Dr. Hart begins, pen clicking alive on the other end of the phone call, “...Have you engaged in any illegal activities online in the last seven days?”
                                                       ◦   ◦   ◦   ◦   
Inessa Sidrova’s photo stares up at him from its place on the speckled marble counter, stacked neatly next to his notebook where her name is scrawled in chicken scratch — between two other names: Zemo and Henrikson.
His laptop, technically on loan from the FBI, sits beside both.
(When Barnes had agreed in that closed doors meeting to the conditions of his pardon, a certain FBI agent by the name of Jimmy Woo had been rather insistent that Barnes needed a personal computer in order to carry out his portion of the conditions insofar as tracking down the remaining HYDRA pawns in the States. Woo had also insisted, to the agreement of Dr. Raynor, that a personal computer would help better acclimate Barnes to the new world he’d been dropped into.
Woo was even nice enough to take an hour of his own time to show Bucky enough to get started — but was whisked away for some investigation out in New Jersey.)
Bucky rubs the cold vibranium of his left palm into his eye, then exhales long and slow.
He’s done all he can. And still, no leads on the woman.
Rounding the kitchen island, he digs his cell from his pocket. He goes back to staring at that text — the one he’d laughed out loud at the moment it lit up his phone — and he can feel that ol’ bite of anxiousness creep into his arms. His fingertips tingle.
On the television, a laugh track plays over a clip of The Three Stooges. Blue eyes flick upward, and he partially wishes a ladder would put him out of his own self-induced misery.
Outside, the antics of a Saturday night in Brooklyn roll on.
In the last few days he’s parsed through his thoughts enough to realize it’s not telling you that scares him — no, it’s telling you the truth. The whole truth. All of it. After all, the good comes with a lot of bad; the sort of bad you chain in a chest and sink in the ocean. And Bucky finds that, even still, the good is questionable at best. The good is… small. Microscopic. Completely and totally tainted by the fuckin’ decades of brainwashed, war dog bullshit.
He groans and drops his head back against the wall.
He tries, for the next twenty minutes, to formulate some sort of reply to your text message. But, half the battle is figuring out what to say, and the other half is actually typing it out. This whole flip phone purchase was really starting to sting like regret — and as much as Bucky loved technology back before the war, and all the magical possibilities it held, he can’t help but feel like an ornery old man now.
It’s the change. Steve was right. Too much change.
He can’t find the space button and he can’t figure out how to delete the random 3 he’d accidentally punched in — so, with a grumpy huff of disapproval, Bucky simply dials your number.
You pick up on the third ring.
“Don’t you know it’s Saturday?” your voice is a welcomed sound, “The History Channel is running a bunch of old war documentaries you might enjoy, grandpa.”
Bucky snorts, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie. “What makes you think I’d wanna watch that shit?”
“Everyone knows that old men like two things,” your voice is light, half-distracted from the sounds of it, “World War Two, or grilling. And honestly, you don’t strike me as the grilling type.”
“I like a good burger.”
“Yeah?” you snort, and Bucky can hear you shift your phone from one ear to the other, “Is that why you called? To hint at being hungry?”
“No,” he exhales, looking out the window, “No, I was trying to reply to your text but I can’t find the fuckin’ space button. Calling is easier.”
“Oh my god—”
“Shut up,” he barks with a laugh, sitting up, “Don’t even start — are you hungry?”
“Almost always, why?”
“Got any plans tonight?”
“... You do know who you’re asking, right?”
Bucky grins, a little boyish and a little tired. “Good point. Loser.”
“Oh, shut up. You’re the one calling me to hangout,” you snort, leaning to prop your feet up on your desk and lean back. Your chair wheels backwards, far enough for you to get a good look down the street. It’s a nice night, cool enough, and it seems like the whole borough is awake, “But, I’m only hanging out if you tell me what the fuck is up with court mandated therapy. I can’t wait another three days.”
Your anxiety has been pricked the last few days over it.
“... Do I get to pick the place?”
You roll your eyes. “Fine.”
“Great,” he exhales tightly, “I hope you’re in the mood for sushi.”
                                                       ◦   ◦   ◦   ◦   
Izzy’s is busy, but there’s privacy in the bustle.
Bucky had buzzed your apartment’s ringer and you’d flown down the stairs, looking… alive. The sort of alive that was new — like a fresh bud beginning to bloom in spring. It had made him grin, and he’d watched you push a tress of hair behind your ear as you decided it was warm enough for no jacket tonight. The light of the crosswalk sign lit you up like a star.
He was sweating.
Dr. Raynor was right — that was it, of course it was — that it was getting too warm for his usual outfit. So, he’d settled on the next best thing: a sweatshirt that was big enough and black enough that he could bury himself in it. His hands are tucked neatly into the pockets.
No gloves tonight.
He feels naked.
He shoulders the door and holds it open with the toe of his boot as you duck towards the back of the restaurant. There’s a booth in the back by a large bamboo plant — you weave through the place with a new found confidence. There’s anxiousness in your shoulders but it melts when you look back at Bucky. Like a watchful guard dog, he nods.
You settle into the booth, toss your jacket in the corner, and smirk.
“I get out sometimes,” Bucky remarks before you can even say anything. He shifts in the booth and reaches up to scratch his cheek with his right hand, “Not often, but I do.”
“I didn’t say anything...”
“You were going to,” he nearly smirks back, his brows raised as he adjusts the chopsticks on the table, “I know that look.”
You snort, nudging his boot under the table. That works a huffed little laugh out the man across from you. Almost immediately you can sense anxiousness rolling off him — it’s the tightness in his mouth that gives him away, the way he’s fussing with the soy sauce dish and trying to get it to line up perfectly with the marbling on the table. Worry flashes in your eyes.
He raises his head.
“You alright?” you ask quietly.
“You have to promise not to flip out.”
Your brows knot tightly — but before you can even question what the fuck he means, he’s casually dropping his other hand onto the table.
And you almost don’t notice at first. Your brain fills the gaps in, figuring it’s his glove. But, then you blink and his hand catches the light and you realize it’s not leather. It’s glittering obsidian, garnished with gold, and it’s moving. Flexing. Seams bending and warping and there’s a gentle hum coming from the appendages and you squint because he’s tapping his fingers on the table and there’s a metallic tik-tik-tik that meets your ears.
Then, your eyes jump to his face.
He looks pained.
You’re confused.
And then you’re not.
“You’re —”
You slap a hand over your own mouth. You have to promise not to flip out. Your eyes are eighty miles wide and your jaw is falling open and you’re leaning forward, whispering in a rushed tone because what the fuck.
“You’re that Bucky?!”
Oh, you feel stupid.
The hostess appears, suddenly. You snap backwards in the booth, Bucky tucks his hand away, and you both muster forced smiles to the waitress. She’s young. Pretty. Her name-tag says Sarah.
She asks about drinks.
Bucky gets a beer.
Slowly, you knock your knuckles against the table and drop your head into your hand. The look on your face is exhausted. “Do you guys have Mai Tais?”
The answer is yes. And you’re glad. Because you’re going to fucking need it.
The two of you are quiet until the drinks come — avoiding one anothers gazes for completely different reasons. Bucky is sheepish, a bit mortified, like he always is when people recognize him. It’s why he shaved his fuckin’ head. It worked well enough but… the arm was usually a dead giveaway.
Meanwhile, you’re wondering if you could shave your own head and disappear. Because there’s no easy way to explain the weird elation swirling in your chest right now.
Bucky’s first to speak. His beer is in his good hand. He inhales quickly, eyes darting to you as he leans forward and whispers incredulously. He speaks quickly and his words are pointed with an edge of curiosity.
“...What do you mean ‘that Bucky’?”
“Y’know, I knew there was a reason you acted like you needed a senior citizen discount. And you know exactly what I mean,” you rush out all while waving your Mai Tai and jabbing the side with the umbrella towards him, “Listen, this is a lot to take in, Mr. Avenger.”
“I am not an Avenger—”
“You helped reverse the Snap. You’re the Winter Soldier. That makes you an Avenger—”
Bucky’s shaking his head, eye screwed shut tightly because the sudden equation to his past self being considered a hero is like being socked in the mouth. He stutters over his words and shakes his head more vigorously, like he’s trying not to hear what you’re saying.
“I am not the Winter Soldier. Not anymore. And it’s not like I’m not on the fuckin’ roster, doll—”
You hold a finger up, stopping him there, and take a long sip of your sunset colored drink. You swallow. You exhale. Bucky swigs his beer.
“One, don’t call me doll,” you say curtly, then raise a second finger. You lean in and squint, “Two… Christ, the haircut really makes a big difference, doesn’t it?”
“That’s what everyone keeps saying,” he sighs raggedly, dismissing your scrutiny.
You puff your cheeks out and exhale. Leaning back in the booth, you try not to feel so fucking insane.
“...I can never have you over now.”
Bucky’s brows narrow quickly and his eyes snap to yours. “What?”
“I can’t have you over,” you explain slower with your eyes rooted to the soy sauce in the corner, “Because I don’t think I could ever handle you seeing my signed and framed Captain America poster from his USO tour in 1943.”
Bucky’s face is deadpan. “You’re kidding.”
“I really wish I was,” you gripe, “It’s an original.”
“...You’re a Cap girl,” he says suddenly, leaning back with this look in his eye. It’s less of a question. You can’t pin it down. It looks like he's damn near traumatized.
Bucky thinks — honestly — that this is the cherry on top. Every girl back then was a Cap girl, too. It figures, now, in this new century where he’s making new friends that… as per usual, Steve gets the cake. That fuckin’ pint sized bastard.
He’ll have to tell him about this.
You yank your eyes up to Bucky’s face. His mortification is shifting to surprise to amusement. You’re fast to sit up, mouth opening to fire a retort — but Bucky’s suddenly really enjoying the look of pure horror on your face at the insinuation. He’s smirking. Plain as day. He swigs his beer.
“No, no—” you raise a finger, “No, stop it. Don’t make it fuckin’ weird, Bucky, it’s not like I have his name tattoo’d on my ass. And I knew a girl in college who did.”
His brows rise sharply and you’re finding you’re regretting everything that’s coming out of your mouth.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you guffaw, gesturing for him to show you his hand again, “I wanna see.”
Bucky sighs and plucks his hand from his hoodie pocket.
With a sort of tenderness Bucky wasn’t prepared to handle, you take his metallic hand into your own. There’s an immediate twinge — one that’s procured by flashes of violence from years of being a walking weapon. He breathes, and he reminds himself that this arm is not the same that tethered him to HYDRA all those years ago.
This arm is his, it is not him.
The sensation is different. He isn’t used to anyone touching him like this; he’s used to the feeling of flesh on the other end of a punch, or a throat caught in his palm. Not the gentle pass of your fingers, delicate and purposeful, over his knuckles.
You turn over his hand, eyes alight with curiosity — and Bucky, desperate to stamp out the hotness growing in his gut, moves quickly to flick your nose.
“Don’t stare,” he says coyly, “It’s rude.”
The waitress is back. His hand is tucked away, and you wrestle the stupid expression off your face long enough to order a plate of assorted maki rolls and some fried tofu. Bucky orders what seems like his usual — shrimp tempura and spicy tuna rolls.
The waitress, Sarah, disappears with a smile.
You’re grinning.
“So… Does this make me the sidekick?” you whisper playfully.
“Shut up,” Bucky laughs, his lips almost darting into a smile.
You cock your head, pushing your chopsticks across the table with a horribly coy look on your face. It’s comical. “...I think this makes me the sidekick.”
“It — stop it — it does not make you the sidekick,” Bucky says slowly as he sips his beer and pins you in the booth across from him, “I’m not a hero. You’d have better luck asking Cap on that one.”
You grow silent. There’s a question hanging on your tongue. You’re wrestling with yourself — Bucky can see that much. He frowns.
“Spit it out, Goose.”
You blink. “Was that a Top Gun reference?”
“You wanted to be the sidekick.”
You wave it off, blinking into your Mai Tai. Your voice is quiet. Even as you speak, there’s a hesitancy akin to walking on eggshells. “What happened to Cap? Is he… alive? He’s gone off the grid. It’s, like, this massive conspiracy theory online.”
“He’s upstate.”
You blink.
“That’s ominous.”
Bucky shrugs. “Someday I’ll take you. It’s… nice.”
You go quiet. You freeze, drink halfway to your mouth. Bucky can’t help but smirk at that. His laugh is more of a scoff than anything.
“Relax, Miss America.”
“Shut up — do you mean that?”
“What, that I think you’re in love with Captain America?”
“No, you bastard, that you’ll take me. To meet him.”
Bucky’s words are easy. They roll off his tongue without a second thought. He feels… okay. Like this part is okay. Not as bad as he thought it could be. His anxiousness isn’t as heavy now. He feels like he isn’t losing you. But then again, he hasn’t gotten to the bad part yet.
“He’s my best friend,” Bucky explains plainly, “And so are you.”
The admission is warm. As easy as breathing. Two months in the making.
“Your only friend,” you say quietly, offering the joke as a cover for the softening tone that dances over your words. It’s affection, you realize, as you mimic his shrug, “But, go on.”
“Thanks for the reminder,” Bucky chirps, “But, yea, I mean it. He’d like you.”
You raise your chin, wiggling a bit in the booth. It’s pride — and as much as Bucky likes the look of it, he can’t handle the ridiculousness that comes along with it. But, it’s sort of comforting. He knows this playfulness, this easiness, it’s all because he’s him. You trust him. In.a way, it strikes Bucky with guilt. There are wall of his still built up high. Maybe they’re slowly coming down, but… he’s like a stray dog, slow to trust.
“Safe to say,” you breathe, “I have a few questions.”
“I figured as much.”
You sip your drink and swallow. You raise a hand. “But — I wanna know the boundaries. I don’t want to… I don’t want to pry about shit I have no business knowing, alright? It’s your life and even if we are friends, I don’t need to know everything.”
The relief is almost immediate. He thumbs the label of his beer.
“Ask anything. But I can’t promise I’ll be able to give you the answers.”
“And I’ll leave it at that,” you say sternly, propping your elbow up on the table and offering your pinky finger, “Until you want to talk about it. Promise.”
He crooks his pinky in yours, squeezing gently. You smile.
Sarah comes back with the food, and then Bucky offers his usual half-exhausted, half-amused smirk.
“You get three questions now. Then, we shut up and eat.”
You fold your hands neatly over themselves, eyeing your food as you try your best to sort out what questions come up with the most urgency. There’s… a lot. I mean, everyone knew about the Avengers — and everyone had their opinions. The Sokovia Accords, Lagos, the Blip… and SHIELD. Years of bullshit culminating around those who were considered the heroes. The kickback usually ended up on everyday citizens like you. After the initial amazement, the reality of it all set in.
But, to Bucky’s point, he wasn’t really an Avenger.
Nowadays, there really wasn’t a team at all. No up-state compound, no leader, no Stark and no Rogers.
You’re sure the GRC will try — that the military will try. Morale and hope and blah, blah, blah.
You narrow your eyes. “How old are you?”
It’s quick. “One hundred and six.”
“How’d they keep you alive that long?”
There’s a wince that flashes across his face like he’s been stabbed with a white hot poker in the ribs. You see a twitch of irritation bubble across his lips. Not with you. No, it’s that this question is still hard for him to answer. Bucky exhales sharply.
“Next question.”
You feel a pang of guilt flare in your chest. You move along.
“Who kept you alive that long?”
“The Russians. HYDRA, if you wanna get specific.”
You exhale and settle on the fact you now have more questions than answers. But, you nod and snatch up your chopsticks. Enough of the twenty questions game.
In all honesty, it’s not like Bucky’s existence was common knowledge. The Winter Soldier was known mostly, sure, to those who had floated in the same circles as him when he was nothing but a rabid cur on a choke chain. He can’t help but be a bit thankful for the minor erasure of his new self — sure, in the eyes of the U.S. government he was a high-level threat to be reintegrated as soon as possible and surveyed at all times. But, to the average New Yorker, he was just another person. Everyone was so used to seeing the heroes in their costumes with their bigger than life personas and…
Bucky was just Bucky.
Even he didn’t really know who that was. He was starting to.
His pardon had come with some flak from some of the more political news outlets but… somehow, the details of the Winter Soldier’s exact crimes were being kept silent. Probably to avoid panic. And, even then, the connection between the newly alive James Buchanan Barnes and The Winter Soldier hadn’t been made yet in the public eye. He was glad.
The haircut definitely helped.
It’s like he was a walking classified redaction.
Bucky has a sushi roll in his mouth when he finally speaks. “For such a Captain American fan, I’m surprised you didn’t recognize me.”
“Oh, you’re really not gonna let that go, huh?” you say as you chew, covering your mouth. You swallow and waggle your chopsticks at him, “Listen, it’s been a while since I’ve… y’know, had my Avengers phase. That was years ago. It was at its peak when I worked for SHIELD. And besides, you’re kinda new to the whole superhero scene.”
Bucky frowns. “You worked for SHIELD...?”
“For a year,” you say tightly, “Back before the collapse.”
“Only a year?”
“It was for my graduate program,” you wave it off, “I won out on the most competitive internship NYU had to offer. I was working within their cybersecurity division. I will say I spent more time trying to sort of email phishing scams than anything else, though. I’m sure they saw my record and wanted to keep me away from the juicy stuff.”
Bucky squints.
You offer a sheepish shrug.
“I got into trouble when I was younger,” you sip your drink and sigh, “I always liked computers. I used to spend all my time on forum sites just… reading and talking to people and figuring out how these sites actually worked, so learning how to write my own code was just the next step. When I was fifteen, I learned how to tap phones. At sixteen, I was hijacking my neighbor’s internet conenctions and remotely controlling his laptop.”
“Sounds like a good time.”
“Yea, well, he was a sitting Senator who was having an affair with the nanny,” you mutter, “And I was stupid enough to try and blackmail him for cash. I wish I could say I learned my lesson.”
Bucky exhales long and hard at that, like he knows where that snap of misguided judgement goes. It’s not like he’s passing judgement onto you, but… like he knows the feeling. And you manage to not feel so small, then — telling him this is easy. It’s not your favorite part of your life by any means, but Bucky is listening. Really listening.
He fiddles with the paper wrapper of the chopsticks.
“So, less a Goose and more a Kevin Poulsen type, huh?”
You snort. “For an old man, I’m surprised you know who that is. But, I wasn’t hacking into the Pentagon at seventeen. I was too busy doing community service.”
“HYDRA had their eyes on him in the 90s,” Bucky mumbles through a bite of spicy tuna, the memory popping into his mind and flying out before he can stop it, “I remember… I thought his username was stupid.”
“Oh, you didn’t like Dark Dante?”
“Like I said,” Bucky chortles, “Stupid.”
“You wouldn’t have liked mine, then,” you smirk lightly, “It’s worse.”
Bucky raises his brows, somehow doubting that entirely. “Really?”
“...I was hackrabb1t for a long time. Y’know, with a ‘one’ for the ‘i’,” you cringe, “People kept thinking I was a furry.”
There’s a pause. Bucky’s face is set in an unreadable emotion. It’s confusion mixed with amusement mixed with… something else. When he speaks, he clears his throat and tilts his head.
“It’s clever. But,” a pause, “What is a furry? I’ve been seeing that word all over PlentyOfFish.”
Your jaw flies open. You raise your hands as your head reels around. Bucky has a look on his face like he knows, he knows he shouldn’t have asked and he definitely shouldn’t have given you enough context to know where he’s seen that phrase before, because now you’re looking at him like he has seventeen heads and they’re all on fire.
“Y’know what, nevermind—”
“—Oh, no, no, there’s way too much to unpack here,” you lean forward, “You’re on PlentyOfFish?”
“ChristianMingle wasn’t really my speed — stop laughing.”
“Shut up — stop it, stop — this is too much,” you say with a high voice, “If you get catfished, I’m not helping you track the person down…”
“—What the hell is a catfish?” he nearly cries, raising both hands in a desperate shrug, “I don’t even know what any of these words mean.”
“Oh, you sweet, naive, innocent, man—”
“No, no, no, no,” he chirps, raising a finger with a deadly look of seriousness on his face, “No, I am not naive or sweet or any of the above. I’ll take ‘cute’, sure, but none a’ those.”
“Is that what the furries call you on PlentyOfFish? Cute?”
He drops his head back against the booth and stares at the ceiling.
“Our friendship was a mistake, rabbit.”
You choke out a laugh. “Shut up, you walking claw machine.”
You’re both laughing now — quieter but sustained and everytime you think you’ve calmed down enough to sip your Mai Tai, you just have to look at the distraught, scruffy man across from you to break into another fit of muffled laughter. Finally, after what feels like forever, you both manage to calm down enough to finish the plates in front of you.
There’s a warmth that’s settled in Bucky’s chest — it’s eaten away at the usual jitter in his legs, the anxious twitch of his fingers. It’s a different emotion. Acceptance, maybe. Comfort. Affection.  
Then, while you’re piling the last bit of sushi rice into your mouth when your phone, set on the side of the table, begins to go off. It hums erratically, dancing in a circle, and all you do is stare at the name flashing across the screen. You’re smiling, hugging her. It’s from Jaimie’s wedding — out in some big, wide open orchard with the sun setting behind you. The picture there is old; you were both different people then.
Before… everything.
MOM Morristown, NJ
You scowl and stare.
Bucky blinks.
“You gonna get that?”
Quickly, you snap out of it. You reach and silence the buzzing with two quick taps. Quietly, you offer up a somber sigh.
“I never do.”
Bucky frowns again, this time with a worried look that digs deep into his eyebrows. You ignore it on purpose, pushing your plate away and leaning back in the booth. He knows what you’re doing — you’re avoiding his gaze, and therefore his own questions.
“Oh, is that my new nickname, then?”
“It fits,” he chirps before crossing his arms, strategically hiding his metallic hand, “What’s up?”
You grow quiet — then it spills out.
“I can’t talk to her.”
You chew your lip. You bite your tongue and you hold back on the finer points of your anger — ones dredged up by the still present sting of your check-in with Dr. Hart this afternoon.
Here it comes.
“As a part of my pardon, I was ordered no-contact with my family,” you exhale, controlling the level of your voice, reciting the court papers you’d read over and over and over, “It was deemed that further contact would impact my progress towards reformed behavior and judgment.”
Bucky’s eyes are wide. His jaw is tight.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘pardon’?”
It’s your turn to cross your arms now, to ignore the sting of his look. It’s the kind that screams disappointment more than anything. You hate that you’re getting it from Bucky of all people.
“Like I said, I didn’t learn my lesson when I was a kid,” you shirk, “Last year I was arrested on a number of counts — I’d been evading the FBI, CIA, all of them, for years. I was doing it all for people like me. The ones who got left behind.”
Bucky’s tone is flat. It’s serious. His next sentence is less of a question, more of an order. The cadence is rhythmic and it reminds you of your brother the night he found out about the first time you’d been arrested; you decide, then, that Jaimie and Bucky would have gotten along.
“What did you do?”
“Whatever I could,” you wave your hands, “Identity theft, falsified documents, insurance fraud. Anything. There were people, like me, that in a blink, lost everything. Accidents, deaths, evictions and no one did anything for us. The insurance agencies wouldn’t cover damages related to The Snap. Life insurance policies, social security… It all got snatched up by people at the top while the system collapsed around us. I had to pay for my brother’s funeral out of pocket. And there were hundreds of thousands of people just like me, just trying to get by. And everything failed us.”
Bucky is stuck in silence. It’s like mud, dragging him to the bottom of a pond — the sort that’s dredged with misery. In an instant, his veins are on fire with an anger he hadn’t felt in a while. It manifests itself in the tightening of his jaw. He rubs his face and props his elbows up on the table.
“Why won’t they let you see your family?”
You fiddle with your napkin.
“My brother… His wife was on maternity leave when she disappeared in the Blip,” you mutter, “She came back to no job, a dead husband, and no home. Their apartment complex had been abandoned. She’s trying her best to make ends meet. She lives with my Mom in our old home. Neither of them can find work. They… The court thought that I’d be influenced to do something if I was around them.”
“What, like help?”
“They see me as a criminal,” you manage, “But I’m useful, so they’re keeping me around.”
Silence falls between the two of you once more — and the sad look on your face makes Bucky’s chest tight. He can see anxiety beginning to spill over; you’re wringing the napkin, fiddling with the edges. Suddenly, Bucky realizes you’re feeling exactly how he was an hour or so ago.
Your voice is soft. “I’m sorry. I was going to tell you.”
“Looks like we’re two birds of a feather,” he says, knocking the toe of your sneaker with his boot, “Listen, we all do stupid shit. I’ve got a lot worse weighing me down. I get it.”
You look up, sadness glistening in your expression like sun off a lake. It’s harsh. He wants to look away.
He doesn’t.
“... So, that means you’re good with computers?”
                                                      ◦   ◦   ◦   ◦  
That’s how you find yourself in Bucky’s Brooklyn apartment at almost midnight, wandering behind him in the long halls and watching curiously as he digs his key from his pocket and shoulders the door open.
It’s a small apartment. One bed, one bath, a kitchenette and that’s really it.
For its size, it’s hardly lived in.
You suppose it makes sense — Bucky didn’t have a lot of personal belongings, and with the hints he’d dropped about his life before The Blip, you were beginning to understand that he may have never really had that much to begin with.
There’s a blanket on the floor by the television and a single couch pillow. It’s tucked in the corner, behind a small sofa. There’s a chair in the living room, one from an old dining set. At the kitchen counter, there’s a stack of papers and a single laptop. Even though all the kitchen’s wares are older models, the bones of the apartment are good. Bare, but good.
You stop in the doorway to the bedroom and stare at the untouched bed. The sheets are tucked tightly in the corners — there’s something militaristic about it. Across the hall is the bathroom. It’s small. You can see a few amenities scattered across the sink’s top.
Being in here feels something like an open wound.
It was lonely. Quiet. Cold.
“We need to make a trip to HomeGoods,” you mumble as Bucky flicks on the lights, “I get the whole minimalist thing, but sheesh.”
“I don’t have a lot,” he says, kicking off his boots by the door and shrugging off his jacket, “And I don’t need a lot either.”
You watch as his shoulders sag a bit, like he can finally let down his guard just a little in his own space. It’s endearing. You perch yourself up on the kitchen counter as your eyes follow him; he moves to fling open a cabinet and grabs a mug. Then, he hesitates.
“You want tea?” he asks over his shoulder.
“Dr. Raynor said,” Bucky reaches for a container of tea bags from the top shelf. His henley lifts enough to flash a bit of skin along his lower back and you swear you see a scar, “It would help with my anxiety.”
You swing your legs a little. “Then sure.”
“You can use my Captain America mug,” he chirps, laughing a little to himself, “Seeing as you’re such a big fan…”
“God, I regret even saying anything to you,” you spit as you hop down and lean around him to get a look at the mug, “Did you seriously buy that?”
“It was a gift.”
Bucky snorts as you shake your head and wander backwards, eyeing the rest of his apartment with a bit of astonishment. It’s really nothing impressive — but, you suppose it makes sense. Whatever meager disbursement that the government was willing to give Bucky for his efforts in fixing the Snap was better than nothing.
Your gaze hangs on the blanket in the corner.
He watches you; and he notes the sore sadness that dissolves your posture at the sight of the nest in the corner. A bit of shame colors his cheeks as he heats up the water. When Bucky speaks, it’s slow.
“The bed was too soft. I couldn’t sleep on it,” he shifts from foot to foot and focuses on taking the tea bags out and methodically wrapping the strings around the handles, “Dr. Raynor said that’s a typical thing for soldiers to experience when they come home from war.”
You’re quiet for a while after that, only speaking when he rounds the counter with your tea. He offers it up with a tilt of the head.
“You never got to come home, though, right?”
“No,” comes the short reply as you both watch the lights outside the window, “No, I didn’t. Not until now.”
You nudge his arm with yours. You lean a bit. Bucky leans back.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he manages after a sigh and sip of the tea, “I can’t just feel sorry for myself anymore. I’m trying to fix the wrongs I did — and that’s why I need your help.”
You quirk a brow. He reaches around you and grabs the stack of papers on the counter. With a steady grip, Bucky presents the photo of a woman who looks strikingly familiar. You can’t place her face, but there’s something about her that feels like a slap across the cheek. She’s young here, in a faded photo with tattered edges. Beside her is a man who is laughing. The photo is candid, and they’re both beautiful. They’re both  wearing a uniform — but you can’t place the era or location.
You turn to Bucky for answers.
“Back in the 70s, at the height of the Cold War, HYDRA was working in tandem with the Russians to spy on American forces,” he offers easily, staring out the window, “The American HYDRA cell hadn’t yet been planted. This man, Andrei Kuznetzov, was a spy. He was feeding the Americans information on the Russian nuclear program. His wife, the one in the photo, was ordered to kill him. She refused.”
Bucky’s fingers twitch.
His words are soaked through with pain.
“I,” he continues, “killed him.”
You hold your breath. Then you spare him a mournful look.
“Inessa Sidrova went on to help form the same HYDRA cell that ended up taking over SHIELD here in America,” Bucky mumbles, “She’s dangerous. There’s others like her, ones who I helped create, all over the world. But, she’s my top priority. I just haven’t had much luck tracking her down.”
“That’s why you need my help.”
“I’m 106 years old,” Bucky deadpans, “The microfiches at the library were getting a little tedious.”
“But,” you chirp with a sly smirk, “You figured out how to set up a PlentyOfFish account?”
He shoulders you again as you sip your tea and laugh.
“Shoulda never said anything,” Bucky grumbles, “Dr. Raynor thought it was a good idea. Y’know, to get back out in the world.”
“I can promise you,” you say with a stern shake of the head, “The metal arm will get you plenty of chicks and dudes in due time.”
“Good to know,” Bucky replies as his words lilt with a playful sort of questioning that you purposefully ignore. You’re not feeding his ego today. Maybe tomorrow, after you take a crack at figuring out where this woman is.
It’s going to be a long night.
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ramblesanddragons · 3 years
Your hot drink is stirring itself.
You watch in shock as it does so and resist the screaming in your head telling you to run. You resist calling your partner because that would be admitting that they were right, and the place was haunted. They were right of course but you’d deal with the playful “I told you so” later. You have to focus on the right now. It takes several deep breaths before you decide how you’re going to handle this.
You start by clearing your throat and the stirring stops, the spoon dropping onto the saucer with a clatter.
“Um hello?”
No response.
“Hey, I didn’t scare you off, did I? Look I just want to talk.”
The radio in the kitchen buzzes and you follow the sound. You adjust the dial until you hear the faintest of noises.
“Hi there. So, turns out my spouse was right. Go figure. Do you have a name? I feel bad just calling you The Ghost.”
The radio buzzed. “Martha.”
“I guess you know our names by now. I’m sorry if we’re disturbing you.”
You got a bit of non-descript static in response. The worse thing they’ve done so far is they keep moving where you keep the bread. A few doors have shut too but it’s less slamming and more a gentle push.
“Is there a way that we can make our stay here better for you? Because this...this place is all we can afford. The housing market was a nightmare. I think I know why we got a semi-decent price on this place now.”
“L-lonely,” Martha said.
“Oh, we can fix that. I’m working from home right now. Probably will be for a while. We can hang out when I’m not on a call.”
“Do I like... scrabble? I love scrabble.” You picked up the radio and placed it on the table next to your laptop. There was a sound almost like a relieved laugh. “Let me go get my game.”
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4awny · 3 years
UPDATE ALERT: A Helping Hand
Cartman leaned in to get a closer look. "So that's where you've been."
"I'm running on fumes right now, so I need to get there tonight or I'm gonna be stranded out here."
"What the hell are you doing all the way in Nevada?" Kyle questioned and reached out to grab his laptop sitting on top of the dresser. The tips of his wiggling fingers just about made contact, when Cartman abruptly swiped it away.
"You asshole."
Cartman dropped the laptop onto his lap. "I'm trying to help you, retard."
Usually when the brunette did something nice, it was either to benefit himself or he expected something in return. Kyle eyed him like the sceptic that he was.
"I'll tell ya what. When I get back, I'll come and tuck you into bed, read ya a nice bedtime story and I can tell you all about my lil trip up here in The Silver State. Sound good?"
"Sounds great." Kyle agreed, despite wanting to know more. "Maybe then we could actually celebrate your birthday."
"Ah, and there's me thinking y'all forgot."
"I didn't forget." Cartman confessed proudly. "I knew and then made a conscious decision to not give a fuck."
"Heh." It took Kenny a moment to think of something to come back with. And then he remembered all about the juicy material he had on him. The smirk could be heard in his voice. "You got a habit of ignoring things, ya know that?"
Kyle was too distracted with setting up his laptop to notice the sudden change in the brunette's expression. "Cartman's got a lot of habits, Kenny."
"You know what, Kyle? You are so right, he does! You wanna know what my favourite one is?"
"Kenny." Cartman warned when he felt his face starting to flush.
"Okay, okay. Seeing as we're best buds and all, I won't go into it. Like the good friend that I am, I ain't saying nuthin."
He knew what game Kenny was playing. He knew, because he would have done the exact same thing if he managed to play his cards right. "Fuck you."
Kyle paid no attention to the conversation and assumed they were just talking shit to each other. "Photo's kinda blurry, dude. I'll fix the resolution and then I'll look for anything that stands out so I can pinpoint where it is. Might take a while."
"Thanks, man. You're a big help. I would kiss ya if I could." He snickered and Cartman could sense a storm heading his way. "Actually, second thought, I better not. If I did that, Cartman might-"
"BAH BAH BAH, ENOUGH." He swiped the phone from Kyle's grasp and quickly switched off the loud speaker. When his ear met with hysterical laughter, his blood boiled and he growled out, like a bear protecting a secret. "I swear to god, you scrawny piece of shit, the next time I see you?! I'm gonna take a knife and kill you my goddamn self! Slow and painful, how about that?!"
"Ha! Bring it on, asshole. You're the one that outed me first. Mama always told me you get what ya get and you got what ya got. And you wanna know something? I have no fucking clue what she was talking about. Still don't. But I think I get it now. So yeah, you can go ahead and kiss my scrawny piece of shit ass. Yer fucking prick."
Cartman spat with pure rage. "You fucking-!"
Kyle's calm voice flinched him away from the phone. "What?!" He barked and regretted it immediately. Hearing the sound of the hangup dial, Cartman took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as a means of calming himself down before handing the phone back to its rightful owner.
Chapter 24 - A Helping Hand
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charlie-minion · 4 years
Could the same SPN finale make a little more sense with some additions/changes?
I’ve had the idea for this post stuck in my head for days now, but with every new conspiracy theory and every new eventuality in the fandom, it became difficult to cool down enough to write something less ship-related and more narrative-focused.
What Supernatural and non-SPN fans have to understand is that a lot of us have expressed disappointment and frustration after 15x20, not because of Destiel (that’s just one part of the whole problem), but because the finale doesn’t make sense. Everything was leading up to something beautifully crafted until the end of 15x19. Beyond that, it’s hard to understand what happened. The story rendered all the character growth irrelevant, invalidated the themes of free will and “family don’t end in blood”, regressed to the original brother codependency they spent 15 years trying to overcome, made a queer non-binary character in a male vessel and a deaf female character basically disposable, and kept the show’s reputation of queerbaiting and misogyny until its very last breath.
That’s not going out with a bang! At least not a positive one. We all were ready to mourn Supernatural, but we wanted to feel proud of its legacy, and somehow TPTB managed to tarnish that legacy in less than 45 minutes. What a way to ruin the other more than 13,600 minutes of story!
It doesn’t matter who is to blame (The CW, Robert Singer, Andrew Dabb). It doesn’t matter why it happened (homophobia, censorship, marketing for Walker, bad writing). What matters is that at the end of the day, the finale that aired is what we got and that’s going to hurt for a long time. It hurts even more when we realize that the same finale could have easily made more sense, even without being perfect.
That’s what I want to do in this post. I want to show you how things would have been less jarring (for the fandom), while still keeping the goal to please the general audience.
Before I begin rewriting 15x20, I have to mention that I talked to my conservative boomer sister about the finale. She hasn’t watched the second half of season 15 yet (she’s waiting for Netflix to have it), but she’s been watching the show for a long time (she introduced me to it 8 years ago). She’s the perfect example of a viewer from the general audience. Loves the show but doesn’t give a second thought to it and definitely isn’t paying attention to character development or themes. Doesn’t engage with fandom, actors, or any of the show’s social media. Pure GA! When I told her the series finale had aired, she asked me about it and I refused to give her spoilers. Because of that, she told me the ending SHE wanted. She said she would be happy with either of two possibilities: the boys retiring and finally living a normal life OR they going to heaven and finding peace at last. She saw Sam and Dean as a unit, which means: both retiring or both going to heaven. AND she saw Cas as part of that, too. She wasn’t so sure about Jack. And for her, we could use the “Eileen who?” and it wouldn’t be a joke. She didn’t remember her.
The opening remains almost the same. No “Carry on my wayward son” to induce feels. Too soon and too predictable! (Reasoning: Everyone was expecting it to play right there, so it would bring more tears at the end)
In the opening, after the scene where Jack says “People won’t need to pray to me or sacrifice to me”, we also see the scene from 15x19 where he says “I won’t be hands on”. Then we see the rest of the opening as it was. (Reasoning: People needed to be reminded that Jack would NOT intervene and that’s why later on, he would NOT save Dean).
We get the same montage, but when Sam takes a break from his morning run, we see him reading a message on his phone. A simple: “Hey Sam, what’s new?” from Eileen. Sam smiles fondly and begins to type a response we don’t get to see. The next scene continues the same, Sam making breakfast. (Reasoning: A text was a very simple way to show that Eileen was alive and still in communication with Sam).
The montage slowly ends as Sam enters the library (not after he sits down). He seems to be talking on the phone but we only hear an “I’ll tell him. Bye”. As he walks towards the table, he tells Dean: “Charlie says hi. Mentioned something about Stevie’s perfect scrambled eggs we have to try.” Dean’s answer is “Awesome!” (Reasoning: Just ONE line was needed to unbury Charlie and her girlfriend. ONE LINE).
Sam sits down, opens his laptop and everything continues the same. The title card shows for the last time.
YOU SEE? In the first 4 minutes they could have acknowledged that THREE WOMEN were alive and safe: Eileen, Charlie and Stevie. It wasn’t hard! Don’t blame bad writing on Covid! Now let’s continue.
Sam and Dean arrive at the Pie Fest just the same. Dean goes to get some “damn pie” and Sam takes out his phone. He dials and when someone picks up, he says “Hey, Jody, how are ya?” We don’t hear the rest of the conversation. The scene moves to Dean coming with his 6 portions of pie. Dean sits down and Sam tells him, “Talked to Jody. The other hunters haven’t had much work lately.” “That’s good, isn’t it?”, Dean says. All we get from Sam is “Yeah.” So, Dean looks at him and asks “what’s wrong?” like it happened in the episode. (Reasoning: Again, a couple of lines to make sure the people that were killed in 15x18 are safe and remembered by the boys in 15x20. Why is this important? Because they’re family!)
The conversation about Sam’s sad face happens the same. Sam is the one that mentions Cas and Jack. (Reasoning: Because this episode was so Sam-centered, it’s obvious he was the protagonist in the finale. If we see him communicating with Eileen, Charlie, and Jody, then it’s NORMAL, even expected of him to be the one to bring up Cas and Jack). Without these additions, it’s harder for people to understand that most of the finale was NOT from Dean’s POV but from Sam’s.
Dean’s “if we don’t keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing” stays the same. (Reasoning: I believe it’s necessary that the show sticks to the importance of “letting go” and “what is dead should stay dead” for the first time ever because the message is “even when you lose someone you love, you can still find some form of happiness and keep living, for you and for them, because that’s what they would have wanted”. Bringing someone back means “I can’t live without you”, and that’s just more codependency. It’s how the demon deals began in the Winchester family –Mary being the first one to do it. This would explain why Dean didn’t ask Jack to bring Cas back, as he asked Chuck. He understood Jack was NOT going to interfere anymore and accepted it. Besides, when Cas saved Dean from hell, Dean thought he didn’t deserve to be saved. This time that Cas saved him, Dean finally feels worthy enough to accept that YES, HE DESERVED TO BE SAVED ALL ALONG, just as much as he deserved to be loved by that angel of the Lord. In this scene, Dean also says that the pain is not gonna go away, which means that from HIS PERPECTIVE, it still hurts that Cas is not there. The problem is that the finale is not showing his POV but Sam’s.  
Sam pies Dean on the face just the same. (Reasoning: That part was just to avoid ending the scene on a sad note).
Everything related to the case happens exactly the same. (Reasoning: At this point, people don’t really care about the MoTW, they care about Sam and Dean).
NOTE 1: The case is important to show that even when the Winchesters are finally free of Chuck’s influence, they CHOOSE to keep hunting. It isn’t something they do out of revenge or because it is their destiny anymore. Maybe they were forced into the life at first, but they’ve learned to find joy in saving people. Being hunters is who they are. However, the fact that a job application was shown on Dean’s desk is also important because it means he was willing to explore what else was there for him besides hunting. Maybe he could find a balance? Maybe he was thinking it was time to quit? We will never know! The thing is that Sam only finds out about it when he goes into Dean’s room after his brother is dead, so maybe that’s when it hits him that Dean wanted to explore his options, and Sam starts to think it’s time for him to do the same.  
NOTE 2: I believe the masks the vampires are wearing is something we can blame on covid. If they had their faces covered, it was easier to use people from the SPN crew for some scenes, instead of using more actors unnecessarily.
NOTE 3: When Sam and Dean arrive at the barn, we get 3 visuals to remember Cas in the same scene (those are for the fandom, not for the general audience): a) the barn, obviously; b) the bag that resembles Cas’ trenchcoat so much that many people thought that’s what it was; and c) two feathers hanging on Dean’s right when he opens the trunk.
The scene with the throwing star happens the same. (Reasoning: The episode is still told from Sam’s point of view, so it makes sense that he fondly sees his brother as a man child).
Jenny the vampire? Uhhh… I mean, it’s not the best piece of writing I’ve ever seen, but it’s not the worst, so okay. That stays the same. (Reasoning: There is none, but she’s not what really ruined the finale, so whatever!)
Dean still dies impaled on a rebar. (Reasoning: OK. HERE ME OUT!!! I hate as much as everyone else that Dean is killed. I think it’s lazy writing, but that’s what we got and I can’t change that in this re-write, so if killing Dean is what we have to work around, then, memes aside, death by rebar is better and here’s why. There’s no one to blame for Dean’s death: no Chuck (the boys were willingly hunting even after Chuck was defeated), no vampires (they were all killed and were no real threat, so it was impossible for Sam to begin a quest for revenge against all vampires. What was Sam going to blame? A rebar? Can you kill it? Hunt it? NO. It was an ordinary death, a stupid accident. Just like any person can die at any moment by slipping on a banana peel. Is it a good death? No, but it’s good to know he doesn’t die trying to save Sam or Cas, because Dean Winchester is NOT willing to give up his life in exchange for anyone else’s anymore.
Sam takes out his phone and says he’ll call for help, but his phone is more visible to the audience. He dials and it’s almost to his ear when Dean stops him and Sam hesitantly hangs up. (Reasoning: People have complained that Sam didn’t call an ambulance, but actually he tried to. It’s just that people missed that part, maybe?)
After Sam puts his phone back in his pocket and says “OK” to Dean, he adds, “I’ll pray to Jack”. Dean’s immediate answer is: “No hands on, remember?” “But Dean”, Sam says, and Dean interrupts him with “OK listen to me” and tells Sam what to do with the kids they rescued. (Reasoning: Jack is God now and how come Sam didn’t remember? The viewers remembered, so it was necessary to include a line that ruled the option out and that showed Dean didn’t want Jack to intervene. The rest was fine).
The lines “You knew it was always gonna end like this for me. It was supposed to end like this, right?” disappear completely from Dean’s monologue. (Reasoning: This is the most problematic part of Dean’s dying speech. He fought God and earned free will, he is no longer controlled by fate or destiny. Accepting that he is supposed to die on a hunt regresses his character development and denies his desire to keep living. This was a total mistake and should be removed).
Instead, if going to heaven is the ending TPTB wanted to give Dean, at least he should say something more empowering. Sam tells him that both of them are going to take the kids somewhere safe. Dean answers and the scene follows like this: “No. Sammy, we made our choice, didn’t we?”, he smiles with difficulty. “We were free to write our own story and we did. We decided to keep saving people, hunting things. Because it’s what we love despite the risks.” (Reasoning: If Dean’s going to die it doesn’t have to feel like it was always meant to be that way. He should die knowing that he exerted his free will until his last breath).
The rest of the dialogue between Sam and Dean happens almost the same. Except that instead of Dean saying “‘cause when it all came down to it, it was always you and me. It’s always been you and me”, he says “’cause when it all came down to it, we’ve always had each other’s backs. Always.” And instead of Sam saying “Don’t leave me”, he says “I still can try to save you.” (Reasoning: It sounds way less codependent without diminishing the importance of their love and support for each other).
Besides, let’s change Dean’s “I’m not leaving you” for “You don’t have to be alone. You’ve still got family.” The rest stays the same word by word. (Reasoning: Dean reminds Sam that “family don’t end in blood” and there are still lots of people out there who love Sam and will be with him).
“I love you so much, my baby brother” stays exactly the same. (Reasoning: Dean always had trouble to express the big L word. I always believed and said many times that before Dean could say “I love you” to Cas or any other character, he had to say it to Sam. So, this is important as part of Dean speaking his truth).
The last part when Dean insists Sam tell him that it’s okay stays the same. (Reasoning: It’s the final moment when the codependency cycle breaks. No more running in circles).
The forehead touch between them stays the same. (Reasoning: I think I would do something similar if my sister were dying. I know there are w*ncest shippers out there, but it shouldn’t matter because the moment feels appropriate for that kind of goodbye). 
See? There are changes but not too many. That’s why I’ve been saying that it was easier to get it right, yet they still managed to screw it up.
The second montage stays the same. (Reasoning: Life goes on, but of course Sam has to mourn).
The call about a case in Austin remains the same. (Reasoning: It’s the only part of the episode where someone from the found family is mentioned, so I think that Donna’s name is perfect in that moment. However, without the other additions I’ve made in this re-write, that off-hand mention feels too little. Its purpose was to tell the viewers that if Donna was alive, so were the others, but the way the episode was executed gave us an isolated Sam, incapable of having friends and a family without Dean).  
After 30 minutes of Sam’s POV, let’s finally see the last bit of Dean’s POV that we’ll ever get.
Dean arrives in Heaven and Bobby receives him. All their conversation stays almost the same, except that after mentioning Rufus and before saying “and your mom and dad…”, Bobby adds an “Ellen and Jo let me borrow their place”. (Reasoning: If you’re gonna put the man outside the Harvelle’s place, at least mention them for Jack’s sake!).
Besides, after Bobby tells Dean that Sam will be along and that time in heaven is different, Dean gives a small smile and says, “Well, there’s no rush. I want him to have a long, happy life.” Bobby answers with: “I would expect nothing less from you, boy” and tells him he got everything he could ever want, etc., just like it happened in the episode, and finishes by asking “What are you gonna do now, Dean?” (Reasoning: It’s important we know for sure that Dean is NOT codependent anymore and that he doesn’t expect to have a miserable afterlife just because his brother is not there yet).
Instead of saying “I think I’ll go for a drive” Dean says, “I think I know what I want” and walks towards baby. Bobby still tells him to have fun. (Reasoning: “Know what I want” is ambiguous enough to help us introduce the last piece of the puzzle, the one thing Dean’s wanted for many seasons and has never been able to express).
 The biggest change is coming:
Dean gets on the Impala and has a moment of silence while he contemplates the wheel. He begins to pray: “Hey, Cas, you got your ears on? I hear you’ve been busy working on this updated Heaven with Jack. You were right about him, Cas. You had faith in him and he saved us all. You could always see the best in everyone, even when they couldn’t see it themselves. Even when I couldn’t see it myself. There’s so much I want to tell you. Maybe you can visit sometime. I hope prayer’s still a thing up here.” (Reasoning: Dean’s side of the confession was unaddressed and that was terrible writing. If there was no way to get him to speak his truth textually, at least take him as close to it as possible).
We listen to a flutter of wings and a “Hello, Dean” from the back seat. We don’t see Cas, but the camera shows us Dean’s cocky smile and he says “Took you long enough.” He turns around slowly. End of scene. (Reasoning: The flutter of wings confirms that angels have their wings back and ties that loose end. The final “hello, Dean” was highly anticipated and it made sense. If Misha couldn’t be there to film, for whatever reason, or if the problem was the kind of conversation Dean and Cas would have, then don’t show it, but leave the door open. Let us know that the two characters were reunited and will talk, but whatever Dean has to say is so private that it’s not for us to hear, only for Cas.  
We finally hear “Carry on my wayward son” and get a montage that begins with Sam playing with his kid. Then we see Dean driving, super happy, and Sam living his life to the fullest. We still get Sam’s Blurry Wife, BUT… we see pictures of Eileen in the living room (not just of John, Mary, Sam, and Dean). We also see photos of Jody, Donna, Charlie, and AU!Bobby. (Reasoning: FAMILY DON’T END IN BLOOD).
The scene where Sam is wearing the party wig and looks miserable inside the Impala is cut and nobody talks about it ever again because it never existed. We get a scene of Sam teaching his son how to fix the car instead. (Reasoning: First of all, don’t give Sam a life where years later he’s still in pain. Second of all, the fucking wig was a crime).
Sam’s dying scene stays the same. The only thing is that his son signs a couple of phrases to him before actually speaking. (Reasoning: More confirmation that Dean Jr. is Eileen’s son).
We hear the final “Evanescence-like Carry on my wayward son”. Again we see the photos and there’s family other than the Winchesters there. (Reasoning: Obvious at this point).
The rest is exactly the same. The show began with two brothers and it’s okay if the last scene is with the two brothers reunited in Heaven. At this point, the other parts of the story are acceptable enough for us to feel happy that they get to see each other again after years of a happy (after)life.
Now look me in the eye and tell me this was too hard to execute. I still think that bad writing is a thing we can’t deny here, adding to the possible meddling of the Network. Maybe Dabb wanted us to hate the finale because he couldn’t get away with what he truly wanted. If that was his intention, then kudos to him. He and The CW really gave us a finale that only 30% of the fandom liked.
I hope you guys have enjoyed this and it helps to give you some peace of mind. In my heart, this was the finale we got. It wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t drop the ball either.
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beauvibaby · 3 years
emergency contact — m.tkachuk
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a/n: a random fic that I finally finished!!
word count: 2.4K
You groaned, the buzzing from your phone was stirring you from your sleep, it was nearly three am. No one would call you this early for no reason, so you suddenly came to your senses, scrambling to answer it. “Hello, hello.” You rushed, hardly getting to it in time. “Is this Y/F/N?” The lady’s voice came across delicately which only caused your heart rate to pick up. “Yes.” You sat up in the bed, flipping your lamp on as she began speaking across the line. “My name is Diane, I’m calling from St. Alexius Hospital, your brother, Matthew has been brought in from a car accident, you were listed as his emergency contact.” She explained, you flew out of the bed, “is he ok?” You were rushing around, pulling on whatever clean clothes you could find first. “He’ll be fine, I’m not at liberty to discuss the details over the phone.” She spoke calmly, you nodded, before realizing she couldn’t see you. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You quickly hung up, yanking your jeans on in a rush, you forced any nervous thoughts to the back of your mind. He would be fine, that’s what you kept repeating to yourself, he was the only family you had left, he had to be fine.
Your feet carried you into the hospital emergency room before your mind could catch up, you reached the counter and blankly stared for a moment, you read her name tag, Diane. “I’m Y/F/N, I’m here to see-” “Ah, yes, for Matthew?” She cut you off, flipping through the papers on her desk. “Room 113.” She pointed you down the hall, and you were off, speed walking down the hall, your shoes sounding loud against the linoleum floor in the early morning. 109, 110, 111, 112, you froze outside of his room, clearly it couldn’t have been that bad if he was alone. You heard a groan from inside the room and you came to your senses, you pushed the curtain aside, “Matthew.” You whispered, and then looked up, the stranger in the bed looking at you with raised eyebrows. “You’re not my brother.” You gasped, and then realized you were standing in his room still, “I’m so sorry, uh, feel better.” You saw the cast on his arm and a bruise forming just under his eyes. “I’m not complaining.” He mumbled with a lazy smile, it captivated you, the way his blue eyes lit up as you smiled back at him. “But no I’m not, my name is Matthew though.” He muttered, coughing lightly, reaching for the water, it was just out of his reach so you walked over and handed it to him. “Here you go.” You whispered, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the cup, “I have to go, I-I’m here to see my brother.” You gave him a smile, going to rush out of the room but as you turned, Diane came running in, out of breath.
“There was a mix up, I’m so sorry.” She rushed, Matthew looking between you and her, eyebrows raised in amusement. “Is my brother even here?!” You snapped, relieved but angry at the same time. She shook her head and you scrambled to pull your phone out of your pocket, dialing your brother’s number. You bounced on your feet as it rang and rang, “Y/N? Why are you calling so late?” He grumbled into the phone, “Matthew!” You cried in relief, “you’re ok?” You asked, “of course I’m ok, why wouldn’t I be?” He sounded confused, “nothing, uh, it’s a long story, I’ll call you later.” You hung up, arms crossed as you glared at Diane. “Miss Y/L/N, I am so sorry.” She apologized again, you could only nod weakly. “I’m so sorry, uh, Matthew.” You turned to the guy in the bed, he had to be right around your age. “I really hope you feel better.” And with that, you rushed out the door, over run by the emotions you just went through.
That was almost a week ago.
Five days if we’re being specific.
“Mom is going to kill me if she finds out I let you drive.” You tuned into the conversation a girl was having with what you could only assume is her brother from the way she spoke to him. You kept your eyes focused down on the cup of coffee and laptop before you, but your ears perked up. “That’s why she isn’t going to find out, right Taryn?” He quipped back at her, you couldn’t fully place it but his voice had an oddly familiar tone. Not one that you knew well, but as if you had heard it before. You continued typing away on your laptop, forcing yourself to stop eavesdropping on their conversation, a message came up on your screen and you became so engrossed in it that you didn’t even notice as Matthew walked past your table with a small gasp, dragging his sister along.
“That’s her!” He whispered to his sister, who only looked at him confused, “that’s the girl from the hospital.” He groaned, running a hand through his curly hair. Only making it look messier. Taryn glanced at you, and at him, then back and forth once more. “You couldn’t pull her.” She teased him, earning a light flick to the arm from him. “I totally could!” He defended, panicking when your head popped up, you glanced around but didn’t notice him. “Well aren’t you going to go say something?” Taryn nudged him, taking his coffee from his not broken arm, and setting it down beside hers on the table. “What am I going to say? ‘Oh hey, not sure if you remember me but you barged into my hospital room last week because you thought I was your brother’? That’s not going to work.” He rambled, too caught up in his own words to notice his sister walking towards you until it was too late. She simply sat across from you, making your body jump back.
“Uh, hello?” You spoke hesitantly, sliding your laptop closer to you, eyeing the random girl skeptically. “Hi, my name is Taryn, I think you met my brother, Matthew over there, in the hospital last week?” She smiled politely at you, pointing to the corner of the cafe were you turned and saw Matthew looking over with wide eyes and pink cheeks, he offered a small wave, wincing when he used the arm in a cast. You giggled under your breath, waving back, “I did.” You confirmed, “I’m Y/N.” You added, turning back to Taryn, “well you see, he hasn’t really shut up about you since then, he thinks you’re really pretty, so I figured I’d come try and help him have a chance to talk to you.” She explained with a grin, occasionally glancing at her brother, who you could only assume had turned more red. “I’d love to talk to him.” You assured her, slowly closing your laptop, holding back a large smile when she grinned, rushing off, you heard them bickering before Matthew approached, awkwardly sitting where his sister just was. “Hi.” He hadn’t struck you as one to be shy when you first met him, “hi.” You repeated, leaning back in your seat. “How’s the arm?” You teased, glancing down to his cast. “It’s getting there.” He shrugged, looking up and meeting your eyes. “I’m really glad they called you.” He added, ah, there’s the confidence you were looking for. You rested your elbows on the table, holding your chin lightly in your hand, “are you?” You cocked your head to the side, smiling as he blushed.
“I am.” He confirmed, placing his phone up on the table, “so why don’t you give me your number, and I’ll take you out to dinner.” He spoke softly, a small hint of nervousness to his voice. “You know, as payment for emotional trauma at the very least.” He joked, earning a genuine laugh from you. “I think that sounds fair.” You picked up his phone, adding yourself to his contacts. “Good thing I’m the only Y/N you know.” You handed him his phone, smiling as his fingers brushed yours, it sounded cliche, and you hated to even think it, but even the simple touch sent your heart into a frenzy. “Mhm, good thing.” He agreed, staying seated, “you know, if we kept talking this could almost be like a first date.” He raised an eyebrow, you noticed the small smirk on his lips. “I think I can spare some time.” You smiled sweetly at him, diving into conversation. You both covered a lot of things, from work, which caught you off guard for sure when you heard what he does, to family, all the way down to embarrassing childhood stories.
“Alright, I’ve waited as long as I can wait, Matty, we need to go.” Taryn interrupted, looking down at her brother from where he was still sitting, you checked the time on your phone and you were embarrassed to see it had been nearly two hours. “Oh my god, Taryn, I’m so sorry.” You apologized, Matthew smiling at the interaction as his sister brushed it off. “It’s fine.” She turned back to him, who was lost in his happiness, “so, Matty.” You teased, gathering your things, “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” You stood up, pushing your purse onto your shoulder, he followed, standing in front of you, he ducked down to press a kiss to your cheek. “You’ll definitely be hearing from me.” He smirked, walking off with his sister while you blushed furiously, he glanced back and you shot him a wink, you two were made for each other.
“So, tomorrow?”
You giggled at your phone as you walked to your car, already getting a message from him. You bit your lip as you smiled, typing a quick response to leave him on his toes while you drive home.
“I’m sorry, who is this?”
You put your phone on silent to avoid getting distracted while you drove, but you could tell it vibrated a couple of times on the seat. It felt like forever until you got home, but once you did, you and Matthew texted the rest of the day, setting up plans for you both to meet at a restaurant not too far from your house the next day.
You were a little nervous, just because first dates were always nerve wracking, but otherwise you were calm, you knew you’d have a good time. You smoothed out your pants, looking down at the printed material, you adjusted your tucked in lace camisole, tugging your cardigan on over top, a chic yet comfortable outfit, paired with some heeled boots. Your hair falling down your back in loose curls, you gave yourself one last adjustment before you made your way out the door, hoping you wouldn’t be too early, you wouldn’t want to ruin his manly pride.
You were excitedly surprised when you arrived and Matthew was already standing outside the restaurant waiting for you. “Hi, Matthew.” You called as you climbed out of your car, his head snapped up, a grin covering his face as a couple of his curls bouncing in front of his eyes. “Hey. You look great.” He met you in front of your car, his jacket hanging off on one side because of his cast. “Clean up nice yourself.” You replied with ease, “how’s your arm?” You added, lightly touching it where he had scribbled on it. A chuckle falling from your lips at the stick figure he’d left on it. “Better now.” He smirked, earning a snort in return, your hand shooting to your mouth. “Oh my god.” He broke into laughter, using his good arm to move your hand from your face, “that was equally cute and funny.”
“I’m glad you thought so.” You breathed out, giggling as he led you inside.
“Oh, Matty. She’s lovely, I’m so happy for you.” Chantal grinned, looking at the ring he had picked out for you. You’d been together for just over a year, you both fell quick and hard, you moving to Calgary with him halfway through the season. “Thanks mom.” He sighed in relief, it was the last few weeks of the off season, and it was a no brainer for you both to come back to St. Louis for the summer to see your families.
What you didn’t know, is that he ended up holding onto that ring for almost a year before asking you to marry him, two years to the day when you ran into his hospital room.
“Matty, what are you doing?” You asked breathlessly as you walked into the living room after your shower, in frumpy pajamas and a wet messy bun. You looked at the candles that were scattered around, and him in a pregame suit, despite there being no game tonight. “You can’t cry when I haven’t even said anything yet.” He whispered as you approached him in shock, he pulled the velvet box from his jacket pocket. “Matthew.” You gasped, cupping his bearded jaw, he wiped under your eyes lightly, “Y/N.” He murmured, lightly kissing your forehead before getting down on one knee.
“As much as I hate how that mix up in the hospital scared you that night, I’m so grateful for it, you were right in front of me that whole time in St. Louis, but I wouldn’t have met you if it wasn’t for that.” He explained, popping the box open, you started nodding instantly, “ask me.” You begged. “Will you marry me?” He cut straight to it, grinning when you dropped down on your knees in front of him. You nodded furiously, holding his face in your hands, “yes. Oh my god, yes.” You pulled him in for a kiss, squealing in delight when he yanked you closer, “Mrs. Tkachuk sounds nice, doesn't it?”
You leaned in the doorway to your son's room, smiling as Matthew theatrically recalled your meeting story, your son, who was only four, looking up at his dad like he just told him how the earth spins. You giggled, making your presence known, you joined them on the floor, draping your legs over your husband’s lap, your son climbing onto yours, hugging you tightly as you played with his curly hair. “Is daddy telling your favorite story again?” You asked him, smiling when he nodded enthusiastically, “I really like that story too.” You told him, feeling Matthew squeeze your hip as your son giggled.
taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @leafs-forever
262 notes · View notes
the Original Vampire | Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!reader
Requested by @nalledimessi​ / Summary: You finally tell the truth to your supernatural killing brothers; you’re dating the Original vampire Elijah Mikaelson. 
A/N: I’m so sorry for the wait, had some things come up at home. I hope you enjoy!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
*oh my this gif; he’s a freaking hottie UGH
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“What is your story?” Elijah asked as his fingers ran up and down your arm. You were laying on his chest between the sheets of his bed. 
You hummed as you stared up to him with a soft smile, your index finger caressing his cheek, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” You whispered against his lips. 
He chuckles, pulling you closer against his chest, “That’s such a cliche.” 
You sat up next him, holding the sheet against your chest, “If I did tell you, you’d never forgive me.. You wouldn’t look at me the same.” 
He furrows his eyebrows as he stares at you, “It can’t be that bad.” He sits up and leans back against the headboard and reaches for your hand, but you pull away, tears already forming. 
“I should go.” 
Elijah is confused with the change of emotion in you. The two of you had been dating for close to three months now. He’d met you in a bar located in the French Quarter and the two of you had been inseparable since. 
You hated lying to him like this. You knew his secret; He was a vampire, an original vampire. The same one you and your brothers were hunting at the moment. You, Dean and Sam had drove down to New Orleans after hearing word vampires were taking over the French Quarter. So far during the two months, you’d killed 2 vampires and were no closer to killing the original vampires. Thanks to you. You’d kept your brothers away this long, sending them in the opposite direction. 
You were really going to kill Elijah that night you met him. That was your plan but he’d shown you a side of him, the good side that you couldn’t believe he was this evil vampire everyone spoke about. 
“You don’t have to go so soon.” He reaches for your arm, stopping you, “What is bothering you?” 
You shook your head, slipping your arm from his grasp, “It’d be better to be kept a secret.” You gave him a begging look, “Please just let this go.” 
He gives you a nod and waves his hand toward the door, “Then go.” 
You silently thanked him and hurried to get dressed.
“Will you still come to the party this evening? You are my date.” He asks, getting dressed himself. 
Shit. You’d completely forgot about the party tonight. You wondered if you could get passed your brothers tonight to attend. “Yes, I’ll be there.” 
Elijah came to your side after you’d completely dressed and put his hand on your cheek, “You can tell me anything.” 
“Not this.” 
“Where the hell have you been?” Dean stood from his seat at the table, anger written all over his face. 
You shrugged him off, tossing your jacket on the bed, “I was following a lead.” 
“We were worried sick.” Sam closes his laptop in front of him, “We tried calling and you didn’t answer.” 
“Sorry.” You mumble, sitting on the bed to slip your shoes off, “Phone died.” 
“Well, we got a good lead.” Dean tosses the paper next to you, “Hope you brought a fancy dress with you.” 
You picked up the piece of paper and read it over. 
“Cause we’re going to a party tonight.” Dean smirks. 
It was a poster for the same party you’d be attending tonight with Elijah. The same party that the Mikaelson’s were throwing at their home. Oh this wasn’t good at all. 
“Go get ready. We leave in an hour.” Sam orders. 
“We can’t go to this party.” You stand and look between the both of them, “We’d be walking straight to our death.” There would be multiple vampires there, you just knew it. 
Dean waves you off, “I think we’ll be fine.” 
“No, I don’t think you guys understand.” 
They have a look of confusion on their face, “Please. Elaborate.” 
“Yes please, elaborate, little sister.” Dean huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Never mind.” You shook your head, “forget I said anything.” You head for the bathroom but Sam stops you, “Is there something you know that we dont?”
You shook your head, “No.” 
“You wouldn’t lie to us, would you?” Dean asks, skeptical. 
“Fuck you, Dean.” Looking between the two, “I’m going to get ready.” 
Sam and Dean made sure you were packing heat underneath your dress. Mostly wooden bullet filled guns and a couple wooden stakes in case you were to run into a vampire. How were you supposed to walk in there and not be spotted by Elijah? it was his family’s party and he’d be expecting you, looking for you in the crowd. 
You knew as soon as Sam and Dean laid eyes on one of the Mikaelson’s, they’d be dead. Oh god, what did you get yourself into? 
You followed behind the two brothers, sick to your stomach. You just had a feeling this night wouldn’t end well. “Should we get a drink first?” You suggested. 
Dean nods, “I could use a drink.” He lead the two of you toward the bar and was preoccupied by ordering, giving you time to look over the place. You spotted him instantly at the balcony above the courtyard. He hadn’t noticed you just yet. 
“Going to find a bathroom.” you said to Sam, who gave a nod, “Be careful.” His attention was then back toward the bar.
You quickly slipped through the crowd, looking back up where you’d spotted Elijah. He was already looking down at you with a smile. You returned the smile and headed up the stairs toward him. 
“You look stunning.” He compliments, leaning in for a kiss, but you’ve grabbed his arm and lead him toward his bedroom, “This morning wasn’t enough for you?” 
“We need to talk.” You quickly turned around to shut the french doors behind you. “I don’t have time but you and your family are in trouble.” 
“In trouble? What the hell is going on?” 
You glanced back at the door, Sam and Dean would be looking for you soon, “Elijah..” 
“Tell me why my family is in trouble.” He growled, becoming protective of his family and taking a step toward you. 
“I’m not who you think I am.” 
“Then tell me who you are.” He didn’t know if he could harm you if it came down to it. His heart was yours and the thought of harming you in anyway, made him sick. “I told you earlier, you can tell me anything, my love.” He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckles, “Who are you?” 
Your eyes became glossy as you stared up at him, “We.. me and my brothers are hunters. We hunt the supernatural and we got word of vampires taking over the French Quarter. The night we met, I was going to kill you but you showed such.. such a different side of what I thought vampires were. You showed me compassion and kindness.” You let out a soft sob, “I fell for you, Elijah and I couldn’t do it. I’ve tried to push them in the opposite direction from you and your family, but they saw the poster and they’re here.” 
He couldn’t help but grow angry at what you’d just told him. You lied to him, betrayed him. “you lied to me.” He took a step away from you. 
“Elijah please.. I wanted to tell you.” You begged, “I wanted to tell you so many times but I just didn’t know how.” 
“You betrayed me. Me and my family. We opened our home to you! We trusted you.” 
“Elijah, please. You have to know keeping you and your family safe was my main priority. I’ve kept them in the opposite direction so they wouldn’t find you. I’ve been feeding them the wrong information for weeks.” 
“Why not tell me the truth? Why lie to me?” 
“Because if you knew the truth you would have killed them.. or killed me. I couldn’t risk my family getting hurt either. But I wanted to protect both your family and mine.”
“So they are here now to kill my family? You brought them here?” 
You shook your head, “I would never. They saw the posters Rebekah put up this morning about the party.” 
“I wish you would have told me the truth sooner.” Pulling out the phone he starts to dial Klaus’ number to warn him. 
“Elijah I’m so sorry.” You let out a soft sob and hung your head. 
“Shh shh..” He gathers you in his free arm. He could see the hurt on your face and deep down he knew if you’d wanted to kill him, you’d done it already. “It’s alright.” He kisses the top of your head. 
“Niklaus-” He started but was interrupted as Sam and Dean bursted into the room, guns drawn, “get away from her!” 
Elijah went into protective mode, pushing your body behind is. 
“No-” You tried to interject, but it was too late. Sam pulled the trigger and the wooden bullet went straight through Elijah’s heart. You watched as he landed on his back with a thump, his body going grey with death.  
“No!” You cried out, “No! What did you do?!” You dropped to your knees next to Elijah, “No No no..” You gripped his hand in yours, laying your head on his chest and sobbed. This is what you’d tried to protect him from but you’d failed. You failed him. 
“Get away from him, y/n!” Dean ordered. 
“What the hell are you doing!” Sam went to grab you by the arms but you shook him off, falling back at Elijah’s side, “You killed him!” 
“Yeah I did!” Sam yells back, “That was the damn plan!” 
“What the hell is your problem?” Dean asks, reaching for you. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Your hands gripped Elijah’s shirt, your head going to his chest, “I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry Elijah.” 
Dean and Sam had no idea what was going on and were confused with your outburst. Why were you crying over this mans, not man but vampire’s body? You’d think they’d killed the love of your life. 
“Oh my god.” Sam is the first to realize it, but Dean lags behind, “What?” 
Elijah gasps as he comes back to life, your name the first thing on his lips, “y/n” 
Your hands went to his face as the grey disappeared, “oh Elijah.. what is.. you’re alive?” Your hand went to his heart. The wound was still opened. 
He growls in pain as he pulls the bullet from his chest, examining it, “It’s not white oak.” Tossing it away from him, the wound healing, “You can’t kill an original vampire without white oak.” 
Sam and Dean are flabbergasted, that was not in any of their books. “You’re alive.” You sobbed, wrapping your arms around him, “I thought I lost you.” 
“Shh.. it’s alright my love.” He wipes a tear from your cheek, “I’m alright.” 
“What in the hell is going on?” Dean is still not caught up. 
“You’ve been screwing with our investigation this whole time, haven’t you?” Sam asked as he put the gun back in his holster, “Leading us in the wrong direction?” 
Elijah slowly pulled himself off the ground and helped you to your feet, “I love him, Sam.” 
“you gotta be fucking kidding me.” Dean growls, “you in love with a vampire?!” 
You flinched at his outburst. Elijah’s arm protectively wraps around you, “He’s been nothing but compassionate and kind.. He’s not like the stories dad would tell you. He’s a good man and yeah I love him.” 
Dean starts toward you but Sam grabs him by the shoulder, “Don’t Dean.” 
“You’re not on her side.” Dean looks at Sam in disbelief, “You can’t be okay with our little sister being in love with a vampire!” 
“She loves him, Dean, what the hell are we supposed to do?! We kill him, she’d never forgive us.” Sam looks at Elijah, “You love her?” 
Elijah looks down at you with such admiration and wipes a stray tear from your cheek, “With everything I have.” 
Sam takes a step toward Elijah, giving him a warning point of his finger, “If.. If one hair on her head is ever injured because of you, mark my words, the next bullet that goes through you will not be wood. It will be white oak.” 
Dean can’t believe his eyes. His little sister in love with an original vampire and his brother just going along with it. Saying it’s okay. Deep down he knew Sam was right; if they were to kill him, you’d never forgive them and they would lose another family member. You and Sam were all Dean had left and he couldn’t lose either of you. He steps up beside Sam, “That warning comes from me too.” That was his way of giving you his approval. 
Stepping away you gather Dean in a hug. His body stiffens at the affection but he returns the hug, “Thank you.” 
“I’ll kill him y/n. I’ll kill him if he hurts you.” He whispers to you. 
You nodded, “I know.” You give him a soft smile and then turn to Sam, giving him a hug. 
“We’re going to head back to Kansas. I assume you’re staying here?” Sam asks. 
You nod and return to Elijah’s side, “I’m staying here.” 
Elijah holds his hand out toward Sam, “If you two ever need help on a hunt, I’m willing to lend a hand.” 
“We won’t need it.” Dean grumbles as Sam shakes his hand and thanks him for the offer. 
Dean doesn’t shake his hand right away and Sam nudges him, “Fine, whatever.” He huffs with a shake of Elijah’s hand. 
Sam and Dean returned to Kansas to find another case while you stayed with Elijah in New Orleans. It felt like a cloud had been lifted from your shoulders. No more lying to Elijah or your brothers; Everything was out in the open and you’d had their approval which made it even better. 
Supernatural tag list: @fanficscuziranout​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @hollymac79​ , @akshi8278​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @idkhaylijah​ , @dpaccione​ , @corishirogane3​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv95​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk ,  @idkhaylijah​ , @harpersmariano​ , @dpaccione​ , @hellotvshowtrash​ , @akshi8278​
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
I Fear We’re Facing A Problem
Pairing: Carol Danvers x enhanced!Fem Reader
Words: sorry, laptop is still being a bitch so it’s another mobile
Summary: You convince Carol to join you on a night out and a good time is had by all!
Warnings: WLW, explicit language, explicit sexual content (spanking, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of using a dildo), violence (but nothing too gory, just standard canon stuff), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: Another from my WIP folder and my second WLW fic! (Which I really need to write more of btw cus this was a real treat). I also may have accidentally stumbled on a little something that I had never thought of before but that is most likely going to be coming in the future, see if you can pick up those hints! 😉
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!!!
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Carol dodged a beer bottle as she stepped into the bar, cursing to herself before scanning the room for additional threats.
And boy were there a lot of them.
When you had drunk dialed her 20 minutes ago, noting your intention to start a fight with some chauvinist assholes, she hadn’t really believed you. But there you were in the middle of a full on brawl, punching some idiot in an army uniform in the mouth before grabbing a pitcher and breaking it over his head.
Carol moved forward as one of your victim’s companions grabbed you around the middle and lifted you off the floor. She tossed aside some moron in a leather jacket easily as he came at her with a broken bottle before wrapping her arm around the neck of the jackass that had you in a hold.
He choked and released you, his hands scrabbling at Carol’s forearm. She ignored him as you launched yourself over the table and kicked another of the army boys in the face before turning and shooting her a grin.
“Hey Danvers!” You said, grabbing another assailant by the back of the neck and tossing him across the room with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Y/N, what have I told you about drinking by yourself?” She said, dropping the man she was holding with a thud as he had finally passed out. She ducked as someone across the bar threw a stool, catching it in midair and hefting it back at him.
“I wasn’t by myself.” You said as you ripped a leg off one of the tables and cracked it across some guys back. “Thor was here, and he brought some bomb-ass mead.”
“That asshole left you here by yourself after getting you drunk on Asgardian mead?” She was going to have to have a talk with that idiot next time she saw him.
“Unlike someone, Thor knows I can take care of myself.” You said with an eye roll before breaking a beer bottle and plunging it into the thigh of some new moron.
“You’re not the one I’m worried about, sweetheart.” She scolded as she caught the leg of one of the idiots and threw him across the room.
“Oh, it’s sweetheart now?” You said with a snort before head butting someone.
“I am so not having this discussion with you right now.” She said before punching some asshole in the ribs.
“We gotta have it sometime, though.” You laughed as you caught a fist in your palm and drove your other hand into the idiot’s elbow until you heard a snap.
“Well maybe if you tried asking me out when you were sober, we’d get somewhere.” She said sarcastically, dodging a punch and throwing the puncher one handed into the ceiling.
“What?!? Y/N, I leave to get you sustenance and you start a fight?” Thor thundered, absorbing a couple of blows before picking up one of the army brats with one hand and striding towards you, hefting the grease soaked bag above the fray.
“Thorsie baby, you got my burrito!!!” You said giddily, tossing the man who was trying to stab you aside as you hopped on a table and pounced on the Asgardian, making grabby hands at the food.
“I can’t believe you left her unsupervised after giving her mead.” Carol said as things finally started to calm down as the bar patrons eyed the god who had just strode in with wariness. She slapped down a giant wad of cash on the bar, hoping it would be enough to cover all the damages.
“She was hungry and getting insistent, I didn’t think she could start anything in half an hour.” He said with a bit of a pout as he ignored your eating, your legs still wrapped around him as you moaned around your burrito.
“You’re a fucking enabler, Odinson.” Carol said with a shake of her head. “Did you forget about Helsinki?”
“Ha, that was a good time!” You said around a mouth full of burrito.
“It was an international shitshow, Y/N.” She said as Thor guffawed. “Poor Nat had to do damage control for a month. What am I gonna do with you?”
“You could make me your housewife.” You said teasingly before taking another giant bite of your burrito, slowly unwrapping yourself from Thor as you arrived at Carol’s Jeep.
She rolled her eyes at you as you gave her the most ridiculous doe eyes she’d ever seen. “You’re so fucking manipulative.”
“Please, I’d be a damn amazing housewife.” You grumbled, waiting for Thor to crawl into the backseat. “Isn’t that right, Thorsie?”
“Her pancakes are delectable.” Thor said with an appreciative nod.
“See?! I’d make you pancakes everyday baby!” You whined as you buckled yourself in.
She just shook her head at you as she started the engine and pulled out.
You stuck out your tongue at her before turning to Thor over your shoulder. “Well, since Danvers here has a fear of commitment,” you said, ignoring her scoff. “ you want to make an honest woman out of me, Odinson?”
He threw his head back and laughed heartily before clapping a hand on your shoulder. “I would be honored to have you for my queen, Y/N.”
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Carol growled. She was starting to get annoyed with your antics.
“Oh, are you jealous?” You said as you turned back to her, grinning like an idiot. “Cuz just say the word babe and I’d leave Mr. Asgard in a heartbeat, sorry Thor.”
He just chuckled at the two of you as Carol finally pulled into the compound, a scowl on her face.
“Let’s get you back to your room, Y/N.” She said resignedly, climbing down from the front seat and shaking her head at you.
“Are you gonna take advantage of me in my inebriated state, Danvers?” You teased as you stumbled out of the vehicle, Thor catching your arm and steadying you as he followed. “Cuz I’m down.”
“I’m gonna sober you up so you’re ready for the shitstorm that’s coming your way once your little bar brawl hits the news.”
“Ugh, lame!!!” You said with a roll of your eyes as you followed after her.
The three of you made your way to the living quarters, Thor holding you steady as you wobbled on still drunk legs, grinning and laughing with him as Carol marched in front of you. She shook her head at you two as you reached the door to your room. You leaned against the wall with a huff and a pout as she worked on unlocking your door.
“I’ve got her from here, Odinson.” She said as she got the door open, swinging it onwards and giving him his own look of reproach. “And don’t think your getting off easy, I already apprised Rogers of your role in this fiasco.”
“Ha, the Captain doesn’t scare me!” He said, doing a piss poor job of hiding the flash of worry that crossed his face. He turned to give you a grin and a kiss on the forehead before turning to leave. “Have a good night ladies.”
You turned to give Carol a knowing grin before she shoved you inside and followed after you, slamming the door behind her.
She finally let her face split into a massive grin now that the two of you were alone, a hearty laugh ripping from her chest that you reciprocated as she stepped into you.
“So, Thor knows then?” She said as she ripped off her leather jacket and tossed it aside, working on unbuttoning her flannel.
“Of course he knows, babe.” You said as you wrenched your tee over your head, moving to unbutton your jeans. “Pretty sure he figured it out as soon as it happened.”
“You didn’t tell him then?” She asked you with a cocked eyebrow as she stepped out of her boots and kicked them aside.
You rolled your eyes as you bent to untie your sneakers. “No, I don’t know why you want to keep it a secret though.”
“Mmm, I just like knowing that I get to do all these filthy things to you and no one has any idea about it.” She said as she watched you straighten back up, wearing nothing but your bralette and thong. “Now bend over the couch.”
“What?!?! Oh c’mon babe, we weren’t serious when we made that deal!”
“I was absolutely serious, sweetie. Now bend over and take your punishment like a good girl.”
You pouted and did as you were told, supporting yourself on your elbows as you presented your ass to her.
“Spread those legs further.” She ordered, tapping her toes against the inside of your ankle until you complied. “There she is. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous, we’re only gonna do 10 tonight, since you managed to keep your antics local.”
“Yes ma’am.” You said grudgingly, a shiver running up your spine as she ran her fingers up the back of your thigh.
The first smack jolted you forward suddenly, almost sending you tumbling over the couch as you dug your hands into the cushions. Carol ran her hand soothingly over the red handprint that she’d raised on your left ass cheek before bracing her other hand over your back and grinning down at you.
“That’s one.” She said, her fingers brushing over your clothed core and making you whine before she slapped your other cheek just has hard. “Two.”
She made the same soothing gesture over your right cheek before spanking you directly above your clenching pussy and making you scream.
“Ooh, three.” She said, biting her lip as she rubbed her hand in a big circle over your sex, feeling the dampening cloth of your panties with a satisfied smirk. “Fuck, baby.”
She gave two more slaps to each cheek in a quick succession that had you whimpering and sinking into the sofa, your knees starting to give out. Her next smack was over your core again, and you whined as a fresh rush of arousal flowed out of you and started to leak down your thighs, the fabric of your panties now soaked completely through.
“Love how wet my baby gets.” Carol cooed before shredding your panties with a quick twist of her wrist and flinging the ruins aside. She sucked in a breath as she got a look at the mess between your legs; plump swollen folds flushed with heat and pulsing with need as juices flowed out you. “Just two more. Think I can make you cum from just a spanking?”
Her ninth slap was right over your entrance and made you twitch as she kept her hand curled over your mound, just pressing against you as she felt the muscles of your core throbbing under her fingers. She took a layer of slick with her when she withdrew her hand, and you peeked over your shoulder to watch her suck your arousal from her fingers.
“Carol...” you whined, your breath coming in needy little pants as you waited for her to give you your last spank.
“Such a needy little baby. You better ask me real nice sweetie, otherwise I might just tie you up and leave you all frustrated. Maybe I’ll make you watch me fuck myself on that stormbreaker dildo you’ve been keeping secret. Would you like that?”
“Fuck, Carol! Please, please fucking spank me! I promise I’ll be your good girl!” You moaned, trying to press yourself back into her hand, desperate for release.
“Aww, but I don’t want you to be a good girl.” She said.
Her final spank was a direct hit to your clit, and you screamed as your entire body spasmed. Your fingers dug into the couch cushions as you squirted all over Carol’s hand, your knees finally giving out as you sobbed with pleasure.
“Oh, I knew you could do it baby.” She said as she started to press soft kisses down your back, her hand still in between your legs rubbing in big, slow circles over your pussy with just enough pressure to drive you crazy. “Love making my bad girl fall apart. Don’t you dare start behaving now.”
“Yes ma’am.” You sighed into the cushions as you came down.
Carol ran her lips and tongue over the swollen marks she’d left on you, her hand an your core starting to press into you harder. You gasped when she suddenly pulled you apart, her fingers spreading your folds and barely giving you a chance to adjust before her tongue ran over your slit in a heavy stripe.
“Shit!” You cried as you thumped your first against the sofa, your cunt clenching around nothing as Carol lapped at your sex like it was the first drink she’d had in weeks.
She grinned against you, slipping a finger inside you and making your keen as her lips wrapped around your clit. You had to fight to stay upright as she slipped in a second finger, scissoring them inside you and stretching you open as she suckled at your tiny button, making you clench around her.
You let out an inhuman shriek when she added the third finger, thrusting yourself backwards into her face and fucking yourself on her hand as her mouth still worked at taking you apart. She shook her head to bury her face even deeper and you lost it, sobbing as your body tried to curl in on itself as your orgasm crashed over you.
Carol brought both hands to keep you from collapsing at the same time she pressed the flat of her tongue over your pussy, moaning as you throbbed against her face and she caught your release as it squirted out of you, swallowing it greedily as her lips wrapped around your sex.
Your body finally stopped shaking and she stood up behind you, curling over your back and turning your head so she could press her lips against yours. She teased your lips with your tongue and you opened up to her, whining into her mouth as you tasted yourself.
“Mmm, how you feeling baby?” She asked with a grin as she pulled away from you, taking your breath with her.
“Pretty fucking fantastic.” You said, beaming back at her. You flipped yourself over until you landed on the couch with a huff, making her roll her eyes at you. “Really wanna make you feel good too, beautiful.” You said with a wink.
“Yeah? How you gonna do that?” She said as she watched you reach under the couch, searching for something.
“Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea.” You said as you straightened back up, placing a long black box on your lap. “I don’t know how you found out about this, but it’s gonna blow your fucking mind. Say hello to the stormbreaker.”
You opened the box to reveal a massive, pretty realistic looking dildo and Carol let out a guffaw as you wiggled your eyebrows at her suggestively.
“I love you sweetheart, but I’m not letting you fuck me with a dildo based off one of our best friends!”
“Don’t be such a square, baby!” You said, standing up to chase after her as she headed into the bedroom. “He’d be flattered!!”
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
out of the ordinary (chip taylor/reader)
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Title: Out Of The Ordinary
Request: no
Couple: Chip Taylor/Fem!Reader
Category: smut/angst
Content Warning: SEXUAL CONTENT (penetrative sex, fingering, oral (fem), sex while someone is injured, breeding kink, groping, praise kink, multiple orgasms, hair pulling), swearing, blood and other bodily fluids, graphic descriptions of violence(!!!!), mentions of sexual acts, 68 Kill Spoilers, mentions of a dead partner, mentions of drugs (unknown), guns and gun violence, talks about kids (in the very far future),
Word Count: 9,562
Summary: Reader works at a hotel where she sees a lot of things out of the ordinary… Including a man running across the parking lot wearing nothing but a small towel around his waist. If only she knew her day was about to get weirder
A/N: day three of what might have been the biggest mistake of my life. But i had fun! Idk how april does it bc i was struggling. Anyways, here is some chip smut. I didn’t edit this too super well, so please pardon any of the editing errors/grammatical issues. The next ones will/are beta’d and edited… thank you so much for sticking with me on this! Tomorrow is something i had a lot of fun writing!  Here is the masterlist for 7days 7fics! And here’s my main masterlist! Thank you all for the love and support! 
I wish that even though I lived in a small town, in the middle of butt-fucking nowhere, I would see normal things. You know? Things that happen in small towns in the middle fucking nowhere. But, because it’s in the middle of nowhere, and the highway goes right through the middle of our town, we get a lot of… interesting guests. Which makes my job a little entertaining, sometimes. 
Sitting behind a window at a tiny, run-down hotel early morning to mid-afternoon was what I did for a living. 90% of the time I spent my time just sitting there, reading a book/magazine, messing around on my phone, or working on an assignment for my class. That other 10% is checking people in or out of their rooms. 
My day was so close to coming to an end. 11:30… I just needed to be here for one more hour, and then I can go home and go to bed. And, surprisingly, nothing weird had happened. It was a successful day, praise the fucking Lord or whoever is watching down. 
Until, I jinxed myself…I thought I had hit the one allotted out of the ordinary thing for the day. That was until, as I was finishing up this essay, and I heard something from out in the parking lot. When I looked away from my laptop to investigate. And what I saw was not what I was expecting, at all.
A tall man was running across the parking lot, coming right towards the check-in/out window. Now, you might be wondering why this was out of the ordinary. Well, you see, he was running across the parking lot wearing nothing but a face washcloth around his waist. Let’s just say it left little to nothing to the imagination. 
“H-hey! Hi,” he spoke, coming right up to the counter. I was more than happy that there was a counter and window between the two of us. I’m happy he was attractive, in all sense of the words. He was very attractive.  “Do… Do you have a phone… That I could borrow?” he asked, looking at me with actual worry and terror in his eyes and face. I stared at him with a raised brow.
“What happened to the one in your room?” I moved away from my laptop and leaned on the counter beside it. He looked over his shoulder at the room he stayed in. I cocked my head to my shoulder and stared at him. “What room number are you?”
“Uh, that… That doesn’t really matter? Um, I’m running late,” he cringed as he looked back at me. I blinked slowly before looking down at the clipboard with the most recent check-ins. 
“Sure,” I looked right at the last name and noted the time he checked in, “Mister Delacroix?” I slowly looked back at him.
“Well, listen, Chop,” I paused my words as I walked over to the door to let him in. I was just happy he didn’t correct me when I called him the wrong name. I could have corrected myself, but I was just annoyed that I’d probably have to take care of the mess in his room.
“The owner’s son texted me, telling me that the people in your room had a rager last night… So, if I have to go clean that room and see cum and piss all over the room, and a coke tray on the counters, I’m charging you double,” I looked up at him as he entered the office. He was a lot taller standing in front of me. I don’t know why I thought he was shorter. Maybe its because he was standing on lower ground and I was inside.
  “I… Rager?” He stared at me with a confused crease in his brow. I stared at him before slowly nodding. “Do… Do you know who came over? Do you know who it was?”
“I… Uh, I’ll have to ask the owner’s son. But, by the sounds of it, it was a little rough. I’m surprised you’re still up and walking without a limp,” I chuckled. I slowly looked up and down his body, taking in how he looked. He was slightly muscular, and though he had abs, his tummy was slightly pudgy. Which I could get with. I could appreciate a bit of a tummy on a guy like him. 
“Listen,” he started, his words showing more urgency than before. I looked up, away from his body and at his face. It was probably his urgency that got my attention because I definitely almost went a little lower than the towel. “I need to know-Do you have any clothes? This is slightly distracting,” he looked at me. I wasn’t too sure if he was talking distracting for me, or for him. But I do agree, it was very distracting.
“Uhm,” I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled my stare off him and went to look for the lost and found box, “There’s not much in here, but I’m sure there’s something,” I glanced at him as I placed the box on the counter. 
“Right, thanks,” Chip looked at me before going to dig around in the box, “Do you know who came to my room last night?” 
“I think… Hold on,” I muttered before rushing to the counter, shuffling some papers to find a random sticky note with some sloppy hand writing, “Christ, I forget he doesn’t speak english,” I shook my head as I stared at the writing. “Some goth chick and her boyfriend, or whatever. Uh, yeah, he told me about it this morning before he left. Like, 6 other people I think,” I swallowed roughly and shook my head, “It sounds like they roughed the place up?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” he looked away from the box for a brief moment. I watched as he pulled out a white and red t-shirt (that was left behind by a group of younger women) and a pair of sweat-shorts. “Great, now I gotta go back to that fucking gas station. Fucking fuck,” he muttered to himself as he dropped the towel to the ground. I widened my eyes and couldn’t help but stare at his ass.
“Gas station?” I asked, keeping my eyes on his body as he turned to face me. That was when I got a view of the full frontal package. I swallowed roughly.
“Are… Are you going to turn around?” he looked at me with nervousness in his eyes as he held the pants and shirt close to his body, lower towards his crotchal region. I smirked, raising an eyebrow and cocking my head to the side.
“Nope,” I looked up at him with a smile. When I noticed that he wasn’t going to move to get dressed, I dropped my shoulders before turning around.
“Which gas station are you talking about?” I asked, looking at the ground. I wasn’t entirely sure why I asked which gas station it was he was talking about. There was just one gas station in the whole town, and I knew he was in a bit of trouble.
  From behind me, I could hear Chip muttering strings of profanities to himself. Part of me wondered if he needed help with anything, or if I was just a disposable person in his day. Probably the latter. 
“The one down the street,” his voice was low. I wondered what he was thinking about and what his urgency was all about. “You can turn around. Can I use the phone,” he asked as I turned to face him. I looked at him and held back a laugh. Which, in turn, earned a glare from him. 
“Yeah, yeah, you have to dial 1 before the number you’re calling,” I went to move the phone closer to him, nearly pushing/pulling everything off the counter. 
“Thanks,” he looked over at me before picking up the phone and dialing his number. I watched as he turned away from me. He wasn’t on the phone for very long, and it didn’t sound like it was a good call. 
“I… I gotta go. Can I use your car?” Chip asked as he looked out at the only car in the lot. I followed his gaze at my shitty 2001 Saturn. I furrowed my eyebrows before looking back at him.  
“I can just give you a ride, you know… And, it’d probably be better if you had a partner with you. That phone call didn’t sound good… At all. And, no one will take you seriously dressed like that,” I nodded at his attire. He looked down at what he was wearing before looking back at me. “Back up just in case? No one will notice I’m gone,” I let out a dry laugh. 
“It’ll be dangerous,” he looked at me with worry in his eyes. I shrugged before looking at the ground.
“I could use a little danger in my life,” I laughed before looking back at him, “I’ve been sitting in this stupid office, doing this stupid job since I was 16. The hundreds of people I’ve seen is crazy. This job is boring, I need something risky.” I explained when I noticed he needed more information.
“You could die,” he pointed out. I shrugged like it was no big deal.
“I could die just sitting here. Let me help you,” I stare at him with wide eyes. He looked at the ground and sighed. I could tell he wanted to fight with me, to get me to stay. But I could also tell he really needed help, and really needed to get out of this stupid town and state. 
“Fine, you can come. But, you can’t ask any questions,” he pointed at me. I smiled before closing my laptop and grabbing for my car keys.
“Fine, let’s go,” I looked at him before pushing past him and leaving the office.  
Chip was close behind me, still muttering to himself. From what I did hear, I heard the number 68,000 and then the word dollars. 68,000 dollars??? And he’s in a shit town like this?! What the fuck? What the fuck am I getting myself into? Fuck, this is a mistake… Fuck. 
The ride to the gas station was quiet. Chip must have been thinking of what he was going to say or do when he got there. Let’s just hope it wasn’t Monica there. Bitch is crazy.
“Stay here, I have a feeling what I need isn’t here,” he muttered as he got out of the car. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“W-w-wait, you don’t want me to go with?” I asked as I slipped out of the car too, “Listen, I know the family that owns this gas station. They’re crazy. They’re nuts.”
“I got it. Just… just wait here,” he looked over at me one last time before going in. I stared at the door that he disappeared into before slamming the door shut. I leaned against the side of my car, patiently waiting for Chip to come back out. 
I don’t even know how long he was in there for. But, it was a very long time. Worry took over as I began to overthink things. That dumb bitch probably killed him. 
My worry melted away once he stepped outside with nothing but shame on his face. I raised an eyebrow, watching as he walked closer to me and my car. 
“You look like you saw a ghost or something,” I chuckled as I pushed myself off my car and back around to the drivers’ side of the car.
“No, no it was much worse than a ghost,” he muttered before getting in the car himself. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked towards the doors of the gas station. 
“Whatever,” I shook my head before slipping into the car, “Where to now? Monica’s trailer?” I raised an eyebrow as I glanced over at Chip. I watched as he pulled something out of his mouth and wrinkled his nose. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he looked over at me before looking around my car. 
“Do you have a plan? Or… Or a gun?” I asked as we got closer to the trailer park. He looked at me with a little terror in his eye. No plan or gun? Seriously? Good thing there’s a gun in my glove box. “You can’t go to these guys with just luck, Chip. That’ll get you killed,” I glanced at him as I reached over for the glove box, pulling it open and pulling out the gun.
“What the fuck! Where did that come from?” he asked, watching as I placed the gun on my lap. I glanced at him as I pressed down on the gas, speeding down the highway. “Jesus! Slow down,”
“You’re the one who fucking lost $68,000 to fucking Monica! You go in and get her money-”
“It’s not her-”
“It’s her money now, Chip. Jesus, she stole 3 of my bikes when we were little,” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Chip looked at me again and nodded. “You’re lucky you have help,” I muttered as I kept my eyes on the road. 
“You know this bitch?” Chip stared at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“She’s my, like, second cousin. My Dad’s niece’s kid,” I shrugged before shaking my head, “She’s a cunt. A fucking cunt,” I scoffed as I remembered my childhood with her. Chip was silent as I pulled into a driveway and parked the car. 
“Oh good, looks like there’s a metal baseball bat in the yard,” I smiled at him. Chip looked at me with wide eyes, actual terror sitting in his eyes. I watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and rested his hand on the latch to my car. He stayed still for a moment before turning to face me. I could tell that there was a moment of hesitation. I don’t blame him, do be honest. I hesitated to bring him here. Taking him here is basically signing his death warrant.
“Stay… Stay here… If I’m not out in an hour… Call the cops,” he looked at me before slipping out of the car. I watched as he walked up the driveway, picking up the metal bat, and walked towards the door. I almost got out of the car and went after him, but I didn’t. I’ll listen to him. He must have a plan worked out if he didn’t need my help yet.
I swallowed roughly, watching him knock on the door and wait for it to swing open. And when it did, a familiar looking guy stepped out of the trailer. It was obvious he was sizing Chip up, mocking him as he spoke. Chip looked over his shoulder at me, silently pleading for help of some sort. I shrugged, pretending like I didn’t understand what he was asking for. 
A bell ringing came up the driveway and passed me. A familiar blonde riding a bike rode up the driveway. 
“Oh, you again,” Chip spoke out loud at the blonde woman. Amy… Of course. Of course she shows up. She’s probably the one who told him where that bitch, Monica, even lived. I was just happy she didn’t even see me when she rode past me. I didn’t want to be a part of any of that bullshit.
Then he was pulled into the trailer. 
“Fuck, this… This isn’t going to be good,” I muttered as I slouched down into my seat in the safety of my car. I wished there was something more that I could do to help him. Because just sitting here for an hour and waiting to call the cops won’t help me or him, specifically Chip. Fucking around with Monica and her… I don’t even know what to call the people she hands out with. 
I grabbed for my gun again, pulling out the magazine and looking at how much ammo I had. Just as I put my hand on the handle to get out, a loud bang came from near the trailer, causing me to nearly jump out of my seat. I sat, frozen, paralyzed in my spot, staring at the trailer. They’ve just killed Chip. Or, Chip just killed them 
“I don’t know what… What do I do…” I whispered to myself as I stared at the door from the safety of my car. I wasn’t prepared for this at all. What I should have done was follow my own advice to Chip and come up with a secondary plan… I can’t exactly go in there guns blazing… Unless, that’s exactly what I do. They won’t expect Chip to have a partner with him. 
Okay, that’s it… That’s my plan… Bust into the trailer, and just go for it… But, I think… Should I wait the hour Chip told me to wait? What if he’s in trouble? Who am I kidding, he’s totally in trouble. 
I just wish I hadn’t fallen asleep. Because, the next thing I knew it  was morning and Chip was still in Monica’s trailer. Chip was still in danger.  
I quickly fumbled my way out of the back seat and into the front. It was even worse as I rushed to get out of the car, my body nearly falling to the ground. When I was finally out of the car, I recollected myself, hyping myself up as I walked towards the trailer. 
 I had my gun tucked into the back of my pants as I walked. I didn’t want to be quick, but I also didn’t want to be slow. Chip could be in danger, and it was a little bit my fault. He’d be out of that situation if I hadn’t fallen asleep.
My fist carefully knocked on the door, hoping someone would answer sooner rather than later. When the door flew open, Monica was standing in the door frame, looking down at me with slight disgust.
“We don’t want girl scout cookies,” she looked down at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Good thing I’m not a girl scout, Monica,” I took a deep breath before pulling the gun out from my pants. I lifted it up and pointed it right at her chest. “Where’s Chip,” 
“You want him?” Monica asked, cocking a hip as she leaned against the door frame. She wasn’t even bothered by my weapon being pointed at her chest. It was like she was used to it. “He brought you as back up? Oh that poor boy?” she looked down at the gun. I took a deep breath as I stared at her.  
She knew I wasn’t going to use it. She knew me well enough to know that I just had this stupid gun for looks, and that I wasn’t going to shoot anyone. But, what she doesn’t know is that I’m not afraid of her anymore. She may have tormented me when we were kids. But I’m taking it all back now. 
“Where’s Chip and the money, Monica,” I spoke, my voice low as I spoke. I slowly cocked my gun as I stared at her. 
“Oh, you know about the money too?” she asked before looking into the trailer at her friends and, I’d assume, Chip. “Did you hear that? This slut knows about the money,” she spoke, looking at everyone. I swallowed roughly as she looked back at me, “Is she replacing that other slut we killed last night?” 
“Just go! Get out of here!” I could hear Chip yell from somewhere in the trailer. Monica stared down at me, watching me as my hands shook with the weapon in hand. 
“Too afraid to use that gun?” she mocked in a whiny tone. I blinked slowly as I moved my finger to the trigger. Everything happened so fast, when I opened my eyes, Monica was stumbling back, her hand over stomach where blood was spilling out. Blood was being coughed up as she fell against the couch, looking up at me with wide eyes. “You actually did it,” she coughed, staring at me terror in her eyes. 
“I’m not scared of you anymore, Monica,” I spoke as I stepped into the trailer. I smiled as I looked down at her, cocking my gun and pointing it down at her again, “You terrorized me when we were kids… But not anymore… No,” I took a deep breath before as we made eye contact.
“You don’t have to do this,” she whimpered, looking at me, struggling to move as I got closer to her, “Listen, you can take Chip, and… and the money and go… I’ll leave you alone now…” 
“Sorry just isn’t going to do it, Monica, not this time… Not ever,” I shook my head, “You can burn in hell for all I care,” I scoffed as I stared at her. Blood was dripping down the sides of her lips as she pleaded with me, but at this point I didn’t care about anything she was saying. 
Chip called my name, causing me to look over at him. They really did a number on him. I wonder if they would have gotten this bad had I actually called the cops and did something last night. 
My hands and shoulders dropped as I looked at him. I didn’t even bother with the others around me, I’d take care of them after. 
Or, so I thought… One of Monica’s friends stood up and charged after me. I stumbled back, fumbling to cock the gun before pulling the trigger at him, getting him right in the head. He fell to the ground with a thud, a slab of meat just on the floor. 
“Anyone else?” I looked at the others around me, really feeling my sudden anger and annoyance come through for everyone. The people around me backed away from me. I looked back at Chip, appreciating the way he was looking up at me. Just as I went to my knees to help him, the sound of a shotgun being cocked came from behind me. I froze as the barrel of a gun was pressed right to my head.
“Whatcha doin’ there, Sweet Heart?” a woman’s voice asked from behind me. I took a deep breath as I dropped my gun to the ground. I looked back at Chip and noted how the adoration he had in his eyes slowly turned into terror and fear. “Where’s my money, Chip?” the woman asked. There was a certain fakeness in her words that scared me a bit. 
“I… I don’t have it!” Chip shouted as he struggled to stand up. I cringed as Liza pushed the barrel into my head a bit more. I swallowed roughly as I looked at Chip. 
“L-liza? H-h-how did you… How did you find me?” Chip exclaimed as he looked past me and at the woman.
“I told you, Chip, I always know where you are,” her fake sweetness really struck a chord in me, pissing me off more than I was before. “Now… Where’s my money?”
Someone from the sidelines jumped to their feet and instantly charged at Liza. It was terrifying how quick Liza was to turn and shoot the gun at the man. I quickly moved away and grabbed my gun from the ground. I felt a little bad for moving behind Chip, using him as a shield from this new woman.
“You’re so quick to move on, Chippy,” Liza spoke as she looked back at me. I appreciated that Chip actually covered me instead of cowering away like I half expected him to. “First the whore from last night and now her?” 
“I’m not a slut or a whore,” I stared at her. She cocked her head as she looked over at me. Yet, again another one of Monica’s people came after us, only to be stopped by a different person, their arm being sliced off in one swift motion. If you blinked you would have missed it. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” one of the three girls shouted front he couch. Liza turned to face the person behind her before saying something else. 
“What… What do we do, Chip,” I whispered as I tugged gently on his shirt. He looked over his shoulder at me before lifting his finger to his lips. I stared at him for a moment, watching as he thought of a plan. The level of chaos in the building was starting to stress me out. I wasn’t expecting two terrifying people to show up at an already terrifying place. 
“Go have fun with that one, Dwayne-y,” Liza pointed towards one of the girls on the couch. The guy looked over at the girl before grabbing her and pushing past Chip and I. I fell against the wall and blacked out for a moment. 
When I came too, Liza was standing in front of Chip, talking to him about something. It was eerily quiet in the trailer now, other than Liza and Chip’s voice. My guess was Liza took everyone out. But, why’d she keep me alive? Chip probably bargained for my life. I’m honestly just a bystander in this whole thing, wasn’t I? 
“You can let him run away… you can hunt him down, and kill him… Or… Or you can discipline him.. Teach him to heel or whatever he’s supposed to do,” Liza cocked her head as she looked at Chip. I took a deep breath, looking at the ground and noticed the gun on the ground right behind Chip. “So, Chip, what option do you want?” her tone was filled with that sickening sweetness, and it made me want to beat the shit out of her. 
“Violet said there’s always another option,” Chip spoke softly as he looked at Liza. I carefully moved and grabbed the gun. 
“Oh, she… She did? Well, I don’t see her here… Because she’s dead, Chip,” Liza scoffed. I took a deep and shaky breath before moving around the chair and aiming the gun right at Liza. “Oh, look who’s got the balls now,” Liza looked past Chip and at me. I stared down at her, feeling nervousness in the form of bile rise up my throat. “Are you gonna shoot me? Baby’s gonna sho-” her statement was finished short by a bullet to her head. I closed my eyes and looked down at the ground. 
“Jesus Christ!” Chip shouted as Liza’s body fell to the ground. I took a deep breath before looking down at him. “She’s dead!” 
“She was going to fucking kill both of us, Chip!” I shouted back, looking at him with wide eyes. Chip looked up at me as he stumbled to his feet. 
“Okay, okay,” Chip looked down at me, placing his hand on my shoulder to steady himself. I looked up at him with wide eyes. “$68,000… My clothes, and then we fucking ditch this fucking place,” he pointed towards the door where the creepy man from before dragged a girl. I swallowed roughly as I looked towards the door.
“Here,” I handed him my gun before nodding towards the door. Chip looked down at me, a slight glare in his eyes before he took a step forward. I followed behind him, staying close to his body. He pushed the door open and immediately fired the gun, killing the guy instantly. 
“I’m never going to sleep again, holy fucking shit,” I muttered as I looked at the horrors in front of me. He fucking ripped the girl a part. 
“Stay here for a minute,” Chip muttered before stepping away from me. He didn’t seem bothered by everything. I was impressed that he was able to step into the room more and move stuff around. One he found what he was looking for he came back beside me.
“Let’s fucking go,” he muttered, holding a shoe box under his arm. I looked at the box as I followed behind him. I could kill him right now, and take that 68grand. I could start a new life on my own… 
“Yeah, let’s go,” I looked down at the ground, “Shouldn’t we clean up the place first? Our fingerprints and DNA is all over the place,” I looked around the trailer and at all the dead bodies. Is it bad this didn’t phase me at all? 
“You’re right. Hold this,” he muttered as he shoved the box into my hands. I looked down at it with wide eyes before looking back at Chip. He had a bottle of straight whiskey in his hand and was splashing it around the room, going into the other rooms before coming back. “You think this will be enough?” he asked, looking down at me with a certain exhaustion in his eyes. I tried to look past all the injuries he had earned, but it was hard when they covered his whole face. 
“Hopefully,” I shoved the box back into his arm before leaving the building. I waited just outside as he lit a lighter and tossed it to the floor, causing the whole building to be engulfed in flames. 
“Where to?” Chip asked as we walked back to my car. I looked over my shoulder at the blazing trailer and shrugged.
“Somewhere away from here. But first, we should get you a first aid kit,” 
We drove for a long time. A very long time. I think we both wanted to make sure we were away from Monica’s trailer before we rested for the night. Which also meant we had to wait a long time before Chip could get the proper care he needed. It wasn’t fair to either of us that this was the case at the moment. I wasn’t ever expecting this to be what happened to me the other day when I woke up. I was just happy that after the second day of driving, he was actually okay.
“I’ll go get a room, you stay here,” I looked over at Chip. It looked like he was asleep, which I was expecting, so when he lifted his head and looked over at me I was a little confused. 
“No, no let me,” he mumbled as he fought to get his seatbelt undone.
“Chip, you look like you just got out of Fight Club… Let me go get the room,” I placed a hand on his to stop him from moving anymore. He looked up at me with a little bit of terror in his eyes, “I’ll be right back, I promise,” I kept my voice low as I spoke to him. 
“Okay, you’re right,” he mumbled before moving his hand away from the buckle. Chip rested his head against the head rest before closing his eyes lightly. I sighed deeply before sliding out of the car and towards the entrance of the hotel lobby. 
I kept my voice low the entire time as I spoke to the front desk manager. It was hard when I also looked like I just got out of a war and the manager kept looking at me like that was the case. When they finally handed me the room key, I let out the deepest sigh of relief and returned out to the car. 
“We have a room… Two days…” I looked over at Chip as I drove to a parking spot near our room. 
“Two days… Nice, nice,” he murmured and nodded. I looked over at him and watched as he slowly unbuckled. 
“You go into the room, I’ll grab the food and first aid kit,” I handed him the key before we both got out. Chip nodded before leaving and going towards the room. I made sure to be quick as I grabbed the stuff from the back.
“Should I shower?” 
“No, no, let me clean your wounds up first,” I nodded towards the bed. Chip looked over at the bed before going to sit on it. I was relieved when he laid back on the bed like nothing mattered in the world. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
 “Are you going to play nurse with me?” he asked, looking at me with a playful smirk on his lips. I laughed and nodded as I approached the bed. 
“Unfortunately, I think I’m all you got,” I laughed as I sat on the bed beside him. He sat up and moved closer to him. We were both quiet as I pulled out alcohol wipes and gauze. I looked at his face, trying to figure out where to start. Thankfully the swelling in his eyes went down, but I cracked an ice pack to help. 
“This is gonna sting,” I looked at his face as I lifted the wipe to his face. He winced as I began wiping the wounds on his face.
“Are you okay?” I looked up at him as I carefully placed butterfly band-aids and regular band-aids over the wounds. He looked back at me, a certain softness in his eyes. I was happy that he’d probably just need a few band-aids on his face instead of gauze and stitches like I’d thought. We both didn’t want to go to the hospital… 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” he whispered as he tried to not move away from my touch. I frowned looking at his face. “You didn’t have to do this, you know,” he added. I looked down at his hands and nodded. 
“Did you want to go to the hospital and tell them the truth?” I raised an eyebrow as I shifted closer to him with an alcohol pad. He cringed as I pressed it to the open wound on his hand. “Sorry,” I cringed as he flinched.
“You’re right, though… I don't think I could make up a believable lie in the hospital,” he looked at me, watching me clean the injuries.. 
“Was it worth it?” I asked, feeling a small smile grow on my lips. Chip shrugged a bit like he wasn’t too sure what I was talking about.
“Was… Was what worth it?” he asked, trying not to furrow his eyebrows. I laughed lightly and shrugged.
“The 68 grand that you risked your life for, Chip,” I laughed as I grabbed a bandage and picked it open, “Is it okay if the band-aid is pink with butterflies?” I held it up to show him the design. He swallowed roughly before nodding.
“Yeah, it was worth it,” he whispered, causing me to look back at his face. I furrowed my eyebrows when it became my turn to stare at him. “Because if I didn’t lose the $68 thousand... I probably wouldn’t have met you… And you saved my life,” 
“Oh please, don’t compare me to Violet,” I laughed and shook my head. I felt a little bad for bringing up his dead friend, but I personally felt like he was comparing me to her. Just a little bit. 
“I’m not,” he looked taken aback by my sudden statement. I shrugged, not entirely believing him. He knew that too. I looked at him, noting the cut and bruise across his nose. Who knows how long that was going to take to heal, but I hope it didn’t hurt him too much. “I’m being serious,”
“That makes me feel better,” I smiled as I began cleaning up the first aid kit we had bought when we pulled into a new town, “I should probably let you go your own way, come morning. I don’t want to get in the way of you while you’re trying to flee everything” I laughed as I clicked the first aid kit shut, “I’ll let you have my car,” 
“Please stay,” he whispered, watching as I stood and walked across the room. I almost didn’t hear him. But I was preoccupied with my thoughts, trying to figure out how I’d get home if I had given him my car to leave. I was 2 days away from home… That’d be a long way back. “I probably would die if you didn’t come with me,” he added as I turned to face him.
“I’d be pretty useless if I came with. Is your life always like that, Chip?” I asked, placing my fists on my hips. He stayed quiet. “Because if it’s always like that, running from danger and shooting guns…”
“You’ll go back home, I get it. What happened the other day was-”
“I never said that,” I cut him off, “Yeah, what happened the other day was terrifying, Chip. But, I don’t think I’ve ever had such an eventful day in my entire life. I just don’t think I would be able to do that again. That parts gotta go,”
“Consider it gone,” Chip shook his head, watching as I slowly walked back over towards him. I looked down at him, appreciating the way he looked back up at me. “Forgotten. We can… We can buy a house in… In Iowa. Have kids, have a family. Get as far as we can from that place,” he moved his legs and allowed me to stand between them. 
“Iowa?” I scoffed, wrinkling my nose at the thought of moving to Iowa. “And… You want to have kids? After everything that happened? You want to bring kids into this world?” I sighed deeply as I looked down at him. I left out the part of how we just met 4 days ago. He doesn’t even know me. 
“Yeah, but if you were their mother, I think they’d be pretty safe,” Chip laughed as he reached up to grab my hand. I stared at him, feeling my heart swell in my chest. 
“You don’t even know me, Chip,” I laughed lightly. He furrowed his eyebrows before shrugging. “And you already want to have kids with me?”
“I don’t think… I don’t think it matters. You saved my life,” he pointed out. I bit my lower lip as he brushed his thumb across the back of my hand. 
“Yeah,” I paused, taking a deep breath as I stared at him, “You saved mine too, Chip,” I smiled at him, “I think Liza might have killed me if it wasn’t for you,” I laughed lightly out my nose. And, it was true. She probably would have killed me after she knocked me out...
“Well, good thing Dwayne was easy enough to take care of,” he returned the laughter, “Can’t believe I dated that bitch,” he sighed as he looked up at me. 
“Yeah, I was about to say…” I smiled softly. Chip smiled as he carefully tugged my hand so I would fall forward slightly. 
“Kiss me,” he whispered as I braced myself on his shoulder with one hand. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down at his lips. The cut on his upper lip had thankfully stopped bleeding. 
“Is that a good idea,” I pulled my hand off his shoulder and gently held his face. He wrinkled his nose and closed his eyes. “Chip, I’m serious,” 
“I am too,” he begged as he looked at me, “I could di-”
“You won’t die tomorrow. You’re safe now,” I smiled softly as I looked at him.
“So, what’s stopping you from kissing me,” he asked, pointing out the fact that there was indeed nothing stopping me from kissing him. 
“Why you gotta be like that?” I asked, moving my hand up his face. I carefully brushed the wound on his temple before carding my fingers through his hair. 
“Be like what?” Chip asked as I pushed my hand through his hair and rested it on the back of his head. 
“You’re so… nice. You’re not like other men, the ones who look at women like objects,” I laughed and shook my head, “You wouldn’t even hurt a fly.” 
“You do know I killed, like, bunch of people yesterday,” he asked. I smiled and nodded. He pulled his hand from mine and rested both his hands on my hips. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him.
“Okay, yeah, that’s fair…” I sighed deeply and cocked my head, “You won’t regret it, will you?” I asked, my voice hardly a whisper.
“Regret what? Kissing you?” He asked, his thumbs playing with the hem of my shirt, just barely touching the skin of my hip. I nodded lightly. “Why would I regret kissing you?” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time a guy regret kissing me,” I whispered as I looked away from him, “The last guy I dated… He dated me as a joke… It wasn’t till after we… Well, we did a little bit more than kissing, did he tell me that it was all a joke,” I whispered before looking down at the ground.  
“Nothing about me asking for a kiss is a joke, I promise,” Chip replied, his voice causing me to look back at him. He lifted a hand and rested it on my shoulder. “We don’t even have to do anything… You don’t have to ki-”
“I do… I do want to kiss you, Chip,” I whispered softly, “I’m just scared, that’s all,” I stared down at him.
“You don’t have to be scared,” he smiled softly, running his hand down my arm before grasping my hand. I swallowed roughly before moving to straddle his legs. He took a sharp breath as I adjusted myself on his legs.
“Sorry,” I cringed as I tried to get off his legs. Chip looked at me before resting his hands on my hips, keeping me in place on his lap. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered, bringing a hand back to my face. I stared at him, feeling a small smile grow on my lips.  
After a moment of just staring at each other, I moved forward, closing the space between. Our lips connected, and it was the softest, gentlest kiss ever. Although my lips were still dry, his lips felt dry, drier than the sand on the beach. The blood that was on his lips dried slightly, but it didn’t bother me at all. 
Chip placed his hand on my lower back, moving me closer to his body. My arms wrapped around his neck, my body willingly moving closer to him as if it couldn’t get enough of him. I could tell that he craved me too, his other hand moving hastily around my body. 
“Is this a good idea?” I murmured against his lips. I was careful as I pressed my forehead to his, feeling a small smile tug on my lips. “You’re like… Seriously…” I stopped myself from saying ‘seriously injured’. 
“I’m okay. I’m fine with it if… If you’re fine with it,” he whispered, his hands going back to the hem of my shirt. I closed my eyes and let a deep breath of air out my nose. A small smile grew across my lips as his hand finally slipped up my shirt and up to my bra. “Please tell me your fine with it,” his voice wavered slightly with his words. I swallowed roughly and nodded, our noses brushing together as my head moved.  
“Yeah, yeah it’s… I’m fine with it…” I nodded, taking a deep breath before opening my eyes, “I’m more than fine with it,” I whispered as I looked at him.  
That was when he kissed me again. It was different than before. Because, before it was gentle and soft, like he didn’t want me to melt away. But also it was soft because we both had mild- not so mild injuries, and I knew he didn’t want to hurt me. The differences between this one and that one is, fervent and passionate, it took my breath away.
Chip’s hand on my back fiddled with my bra as he tried to unclasp it. I couldn’t help but laugh as he began to struggle. It was clear he was getting frustrated with the struggle, so when I went to help him, he let out a sigh of relief. 
“Sorry,” he muttered as he fought to pull my shirt off. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, it’s okay,” I whispered before lifting my arms in the air. Chip smiled before pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it somewhere behind me. I sucked in a sharp breath as the cool air hit my bare chest. Chip was careful as he pressed his lips back to mine, then on the side of my mouth, before trailing down my neck. It was gentle, and soft, but it was enough for me to notice him sucking soft spots on my skin. My hands went back to his head, carefully pulling at the hair on the back of his head.  
My head tilted to the side the further down my neck he went. A small gasp fell from my mouth as he attached his lips to my breast. My fingers gently pulled his hair, causing him to hum lightly. It was hard not to react to him and his touch. I needed him more than I needed air.
“D-don’t stop,” I whispered, my words wavering with each syllable. It was so hard to concentrate on anything as he placed his lips around my nipple. A shiver went down my spine, causing me to arch my back into him more. 
Chip stood up, causing me to latch on to him so I wouldn’t fall, before turning around to put me on the bed. I looked up at him, my breathing picking up slightly as he stared down at me. His lower lip was pulled between his teeth as he looked at me.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” I whispered, lifting a hand to his face. He could hear the worry in my words as I spoke, letting his lower lip fall from his mouth. “Your lip is bleeding.” I left out that it was only bleeding a little bit, but it was enough to notice the red. 
“It’s fine,” he whispered, bringing his hand to rest on my cheek. His thumb brushed against my lower lip. My body shivered slightly before I opened my mouth slightly. He smirked before slipping his thumb between my lips. I swirled my tongue around his thumb as I stared at him. 
“Good girl,” Chip hummed, resting his other hand on the mattress by my head. I swallowed roughly before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to my face. He moved his thumb from my mouth and looked down at me.
“Please don’t make me ask more than once,” I whispered, releasing my hand from his shirt to lift it to his face. He flinched away slightly as my hand barely touched his face. I could feel my face soften as I looked at him. “I won’t hurt you, Chip. You’re safe now,” I whispered as I moved my hand from his face.
“I know, I know,” he shook his head before lowering his face to mine, lightly pressing his lips to mine. I hummed, wrapping my arms around his neck again. “You won’t have to ask more than once,” he murmured against my lips. He looked down at me before pressing his lips to mine again, slowly kissing down my neck and chest. 
Although he was quick to move down my chest, he was slow once he got to my hips. 
“Hold on,” he stepped away from me, rushing to the bathroom real quick. I sat up, resting back on my hands, as I waited for him to come back. 
“What… What are you doing, Chip?” I asked, my patience starting to wear thin as the seconds ticked by. I swallowed roughly as he stepped back out of the bathroom.
“Cleaning my face a little bit more,” he looked at me with a small smile on his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows as he came back to stand between my legs. 
“I-I’m confused,” I looked up at him. Although, I really shouldn’t be confused. I’m the one who said ‘Please don’t make me ask more than once.’ and he obviously wanted it as badly as I did.
“You know,” he smiled as he lifted my hips a little bit before pulling my pants off my body. I suddenly couldn’t control my breathing anymore, and I was left trying to control myself. “Wouldn’t want to get blood everywhere,” he looked up at me as he dropped my pants to the ground.  
I stared at him watching as he lowered to his knees between my legs. He was gentle as pressed his lips to the soft skin on my inner thigh. I took a deep breath, trying so hard to regulate my breathing. My elbows and arms gave out, causing me to lie back hard on the bed. 
“So beautiful,” Chip whispered before blowing softly at my core. I gasped and pressed my head into the bed beneath me. My hands and fingers got knotted up in his hair again, slowly pulling his head closer to my body. 
Chip laughed at me before peppering butterfly kisses over my pussy. I gasped, tugging lightly on his hair. He looked up at me before grasping both of my hands and holding them down on the bed. 
“Ch-chip, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I whimpered pulling at his hands. He hummed before licking a stripe right up my cunt. I swear, I couldn’t even breathe. He squeezed my hands as he kept licking at me. After a moment, his lips attached around my clit, sucking softly at the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck,” I cried out as he pulled a hand from one of mine. I didn’t even notice that he pushed a finger into me. My free hand went over my mouth as a moan fell from me. Chip obviously enjoyed that sudden reaction, causing him to moan too. The vibrations from him caused me to moan again. 
“ ‘m so close. Please, Chip, so close,” I moved my hand to his hair and pulled on it a lot harder than before. It was like I couldn’t breathe, the wind being knocked from my lungs like I was punched in the gut. “Fuck, Chip,” I moaned, my hips jerking at him. He pulled his hand from mine and placed it firmly on my stomach, holding me down. 
“You’re doing so good, Princess,” he murmured against my body. I cried out when he pressed his lips back on me. 
My mind went fuzzy and my vision turned white. I could feel my toes curling against the rough, scratchy comforter beneath me. My hands gripped his hair and the blanket so tightly I was sure my knuckles would blanch. And the only thing I could say was his name as I came.
My chest heaved as I tried to breathe. When I opened my eyes, Chip was back over me. He smiled, clearly enjoying what had just happened. 
“That was… That was good,” I laughed lightly. Chip returned the laughter before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed following after him as he pulled away from me. 
“That was, like, barely the pregame,” Chip laughed as he looked down at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled softly. “If at all the pregame,”
“Well are you going to get started on the actual game or just leave me alone?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow as I stared at him. Chip laughed again before standing up right to rid himself of his jeans. I quickly moved so I was lying up by the pillows. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asked once he was back over me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m positive. If I wasn’t… I wouldn’t have let you eat me out the way you did,” I laughed as I brought my hands to his face, “I appreciate you cleaning your face a bit before you did that though. I don’t really want the staph infection or STD,” I laughed harder than I should have. But that in turn caused Chip to glare at me.
“Well, now I don’t think I want to have sex with you,” he looked away from me before sitting up right. I stopped laughing before sitting up to look at him. 
“C’mon, Chip, I was just joking.” I moved so I was closer to him, “I’d love to get a STD from you,” I bit back my laughter as I looked at him. He glared at me again. 
“Shut up,” he muttered, looking down at the bed. I smiled before lifting a hand to his face.
“You’re the one who wants to fuck the girl you just met 4 days ago,” I pointed out as I moved to straddle his waist. He looked at me as I sat on him. “But, to be fair, I also want to have sex with the guy I met 4 days ago so it’d be a little hypocritical of me to judge you,” I shrugged. I tried really hard not to look at his cock, but it was right there… It was obvious that he was painfully hard. “Use me, Chip,” I swallowed roughly as I looked up at his face. His eyes were scanning my face as his hands were resting on my hips. I could feel his fingers digging into my skin, and I was more than happy to let that happen.
What he did next surprised me. He lifted my hips up so I was hovering over him, before slamming me on his cock. A shout came from my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed my face into his shoulder as I tried to breathe properly after the sudden intrusion. 
“Fuck,” I panted before looking up at him after a moment. My muscles clenched around him as I slowly got used to his size. Chip pressed his lips to mine before carefully thrusting up into me. My hips slowly moved, meeting him at the perfect spots. His lips hardly left mine, and when they did it was only for a few moments.
“Gonna fill you up,” Chip mumbled as he pressed his lips to my neck, “Gonna put a baby in you,”
“Please! Don’t stop, fuck,” I cried, rolling my hips against his. My mouth opened around his shoulder, my teeth carefully sinking into his skin. “God,” I whined looking back up at him, “Do it, please, do it,” 
“Yeah? You like that?” Chip groaned as he brought a hand to my chest. I let out a shaky breath and nodded as he massaged my breast. “Being filled with my cum, carrying my child,” he looked up at me. I pressed my lips together and nodded, feeling myself get closer to the edge. 
“Fuck, Chip, please,” I placed my hands on either side of his face and pulling him closer to my face. I pressed my lips to his as he pulled me closer to his body, my chest pressing against his. 
My breathing grew raged as he picked up his pace. His hand dropped to where our bodies met, his finger encircling around my clit. I was pushed right to the edge, calling out his name as he called out mine. His hips faltered slightly as he filled me with his essence. 
My head dropped to his shoulder and my arms wrapped around his chest. It took a while for either of us to move, the intensity of the moment catching up with us. Although, the last few days in general were catching up with me. 
“I gotta clean you up,” Chip finally whispered after a moment. I swallowed roughly before I struggled to get off his lap. 
“You really do want to have kids with me,” I laughed as we finally broke a part, “I mean, yeah I want kids too. But not for a while,” 
“I told you, we gotta get to Iowa first,” Chip looked over at me as he got off the bed. When he noticed that I was a little nervous about that, he came over to my side, “We don’t have to go to Iowa,”
“No, no, I know… It’s just… The thought of leaving… And going with you. The other day was terrifying, with everything th-What if I just left?” 
“I know you're nervous. You have every right to be nervous. If we leave, we can get as far from that place as possible. We can find a safe place and be safe… Together,” he knelt on the ground beside me. I looked down at him and nodded, “Besides, you had the most boring life in that stupid motel,”
“True, true,” I laughed and shook my head, “You’re not going to, like, murder me… Are you?” I looked at him as I carefully grasped his hand.
“No! I wouldn’t do that! After the shit I just said to you with my cock in you? You think I’d kill you?” Chip nearly fell back on the ground, causing me to laugh again. I smiled and nodded.
“Okay, I… I guess if the worst thing you’ll do to me is get me pregnant… Then I think I’m safe.” I looked at him with a small smile, “And that’s not even bad,” I shrugged as I looked at the bed in front of me.
“I won’t murder you if you won’t murder me,” he spoke, lifting his hand and showing me his pinkie. I looked back at him and nodded.
“Promise,” I whispered before interlocking my pinkie with his. 
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