#this kinda ties into my response about language and changes the internet has changed so much
It’s very strange that in online communities, multiple opinions on something seemingly can’t exist. Having differing ideas is the basis for solid, in-depth discussions. You don’t always have to agree with the same people all the time. It’s okay to think for yourself and have your own preferences.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
WAIT. I'm late to the party but I just remembered all those anons were sending in "why I send you asks" and their reasons and I actually really want to participate, so I hope you will accept late applications?
The reason I send you so many asks is because you've just...built such a nice feeling that anything can be discussed, and it's never too niche or cringy or boring, and that's really relieving and amazing.
I'm sure you (along with many others) have realized by now, but I suffer from....really bad anxiety, both social anxiety and just in general, and it very often gets in the way of my life. Because of this and past experiences, I'm always very scared and hesitant to talk about my interests and my thoughts on anything.
But every time I've sent you an ask, even if it was, in retrospect, probably really annoying to read through the one hundred "sorry"s and "my bad"s, you've always been nothing but kind and interested in my ideas, and that was just...so surprising. Because I never really knew anyone who was willing to talk about anything, and it was just...really amazing to meet someone who was! Especially because I love and am interested in so many different things and kind of need someone to bounce ideas at. And it was really cool to see someone that was unashamed of their own interests and thoughts, but didn't make others feel bad for having different ideas.
Every time I send you an ask, you always have something interesting to say back. Something I hadn't thought of or considered, or a query that would make me rethink my own theories, or just a very well-thought-out answer to a question. I remember sending in tons of asks about the wings AU before it was released, and writing those was probably the highlight of my day, because I knew you'd take them and run with the ideas, and do your best to match my energy, and I was really grateful for that. And you were always willing to dig deeper, to think "but what if there was more?" and that's just...incredible! I don't have any other word for it!
I love sending you asks because you don't dismiss an idea or deem it as stupid, and you're just...such a kind and wonderful person that can make even the most obscure subject infinitely more interesting than before, and you never fail to make me consider things again, to expand my thoughts and views, and I'm really grateful for that.
So, because it should definitely be said by now, thank you!
And, well, that's why I love sending you asks :]
- pyro
there is no timeline so there's no way to be late! and I'm answering this a few days after you sent this, so if you believe yourself to be late then we can both be late together :D. you are fully welcome to participate if you want to (which you said you did)! it was mostly just a random question I had because i'm just as analytical with myself as I am with keeper, and knowing how other perceive and think of me is helpful for that--and I was curious about how i'd aquired so many asks so quickly, and then you all just turned it into complimenting quil hours for some reason !! (but on to your ask before I get even more distracted)
(note from a quil who has answered all of this: got very long so that's why there's a readmore! i love you /p)
this means so much to me--specifically your use of "built" because I do try pretty hard to maintain a positive atmosphere and welcome everyone in and treat everyone with the same attention. it didn't just fall into place, i try to be encouraging to everyone and support all the amazing work--art, writing, ideas, etc--I see from people. (note: i've been wanting to do a thing where I ask for fic/art/other recommendations from others (can be friends or their own) so i can go through and reblog a bunch of them with comments and the like, I just want to get through more of my asks before I start something like that). But you're right--nothing is too niche! there's so many details in the story it's impossible for one person to notice anything, so people bringing up the obscure and their own thoughts makes the story richer and more fleshed out for everyone else! and i think it's really cool to just see what other people focus on (like I said, my analysis isn't limited to characters, but I'm not like dissecting you all to understand each of you in a creepy way or anything. I just like to get a better sense of someone so I can respond in a way more tailored to them when we interact)
anxiety can really suck, so as someone who also has anxiety i am giving you a comforting hug if you'd like one. it genuinely impacts everything you do and think about, rewriting how you experience life. a single, inconsequential experience to someone else can literally change major aspects of how we think, which makes interactions so scary sometimes. i remember things people said years ago and still base my actions around them, but those people have absolutely no recollection of ever saying it, but just the fear of having done something wrong once permanently altered my thinking. (this is not to make this about me, I'm just trying to show I understand by sharing an experience of my own).
reading through all your "i'm sorry"s and "my bad"s wasn't annoying and never will be. you have never had anything to apologize for, and I know that sometimes you feel you need to enter a conversation and first apologize for being there, but I'm thrilled to have you here and always love seeing you in my inbox. I don't know how to articulate this properly, but I'm going to try. i saw your apologies and your apprehension as...a puzzle? that's absolutely not the right word but I can't think of the right one so please let me explain (I don't mean to imply you're like something to be solved or a problem in any way. words can be difficult and I'm trying to describe something very intangible rn, so I hope this doesn't sound bad). I didn't see it as annoying (you're never annoying), I saw it like it was something to work through, and while it's not my job or anything to help other's with their personal problems, it was like if I could just provide one space where I could encourage you (not just you, but anyone) as a friend to try shifting your language and start thinking of yourself more positively, then I wanted to give that.
because I am interested in your ideas! and I want to be kind and welcoming to you! but I also want you to be kind to yourself, so any impact I've had to give anyone a safer, less scary space is really cool. I don't know if that made sense, but I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything or be like I'm this high and mighty figure harboring lost souls or something, just that connection is important and I like being there for people. kinda worried that sounded bad because it feels worded strange but I'm trying to reciprocate and say i appreciate you and am happy to talk about anything!
i love bouncing ideas back and forth and you are more than welcome to say anything and everything you're thinking about. talking to you is always an absolutely joy and I get so excited when you send me an ask and when you're reading my response, because it often feels like this like...buzz? like we're just vibing on this frequency and it makes it so much fun to throw ideas back and forth and just listen to each other talk. i am very glad to have surprised you and met you! I don't know a lot of people like myself either, so having someone like you interact with me and just go all out on these little things and what we personally like about different parts of the so much fun. a lot of the other people I know irl feel like they just scratch the surface, they say things just to get credit for it and to appear like they know what they're talking about while ignoring all these other things that have such an impact, so it's amazing to have found someone else who looks at everything and anything like I do. my brain really is "a little bit of everything all of the time" so knowing you have so many different interests too is really cool. i am giving you an internet high five and pretending you aren't so far away.
I spent so much of my life being quiet when I had so many thoughts, so now that I have this kind of outlet I just! want to say everything I can! i want to look at everything from every perspective possible! the world is a huge collection of things tied together and I love following the strings to find the connected pieces! but I think that's a way of approaching the world not a lot of people share (I could be wrong), so it's really cool to hear you think my thought process is interesting!! my brain is practically composed entirely of questions. any subject at any time of the day and nearly all of my thoughts are just wanting to know more and trying to understand things, so having that opportunity to ask further questions and just learn things (about what other's thing, how things work, etc) is so much fun. you might've seen me ask some questions of other's in a few of the asks I answer, but those barely scratch the surface of just how many I have. my handle is in_quil_sitive (inquisitve) on nearly every social media platform (except for this one) for a reason.
I remember some of your asks from before the wings au was published, too. those were absolutely incredible, and I got a rush of excitement every time I saw you sent another. those were the the highlight of my week, too!! your enthusiasm and excitement for something I hadn't even posted yet gave me so much motivation to continue and you helped me think through so many future ideas and consider things from new perspectives. i know i specifically wrote that you inspired one chapter in the notes, but you've had an impact on every single chapter of this story/ it wouldn't be what it is without you, and I mean that with complete sincerity. you were the one who made me think "what if there was more" so I could make this au even better and work towards something bigger. I just have so many thoughts about everything all of the time, I can't go more than a few minutes without being distracted by a different train of thought, but knowing there was someone who would want to hear all the weird, disjointed ideas i'd strung together and composed into a more cohesive format was so cool. there's just so much to think about!!
I probably sound repetitive at this point but I love answering your asks because you're so receptive to the way i say things and it's like you're actually listening and want to hear what I specifically have to say, not just the general ideas. you want to know my unique, personalized opinions and perspectives and don't just dismiss them when they're not what you expect to hear or aren't generic. you're incredibly kind, too, I hope you know. I love the description of how I can "make even the most obscure subject infinitely more interesting than before." that is such a meaningful compliment to me. I just keep thinking about this line over and over again and it just...it really means a lot. because you're saying it's me that interests you and not just what I talk about. I could talk about anything and you'd still want to interact with me and that's so fucking nice. I hope you know the same goes for you. we can challenge each other's thinking together and make things even deeper and more complex before together <33.
thank you for being here and being my friend, pyro. talking to you is always one of the highlights of my day and gives me a very positive feeling that I carry around for a while. I do this thing sometimes where I film myself to later observe my behaviors in the middle of intense emotions to understand myself better (back to that whole analysis thing again), but it's not just negative things, it's also when I'm really excited or pleased with something and jumping around and stimming and all that, and some of those are from when I interact with you. that might sound a little weird but I mean it positively, as in talking with you makes me ecstatic.
I have said. so many things. so I will stop (for now). but I really appreciate having you in my life <33
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ssnakey-b · 6 years
FF8 English-French translarison, part 18: A tribe called Side-quest
Hello again, everybody! It’s been a while but we’re back! Quick refresher: last time, we went over the many differences in the concert scene and the stuff leading up to it.
And now, Squall wakes up and is being summoned to the bridge, but before that, let’s take another look around Balamb Garden and see if there’s anything of interest, shall we?
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First little thing, the CC Club. For the most part the dialogue with Jack here (or Valet in French) is pretty much the same in both languages, but there is one small difference, in that in English, the CC members other than the King are described as “Card _____” whereas in French, they are just referred to as their title. So for example, you get “The Knight of Clubs” instead of “Card Knight Club” (by the way, “Knight Club” sounds like the name of a place that specializes in all-sorceress bachelorette parties).
Also, the Joker is referred to as just that, not Magician Joker, although the Jack does call him a magician once.
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Here’s something interesting if you talk to Irvine. Most of lines are pretty much the same, except for one, where in French, he says “There’s no big secret to hitting on girls, you gotta look cool!” whereas in English, he gives Squall the following advice: “Like... I’ve been thinking about this for a while now... Maybe you should loosen up a bit? You’ll be sure to get girls that way...!”
Weird that only that one line would be so different. Also, thanks for your input, mister Love Doctor, but I think Squall is going to stick to the patented Loire-Leonhart seduction technique: be lucky enough that you’re so hot girls go after you, and not you after them, in spite of your massive awkwardness”. Seriously, between Laguna’s cramp and Squall’s... self, their family line would have extinguished itself centuries ago if it weren’t for their absurdly good genes and actually had to put any effort into wooing ladies.
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Skipping ahead to plot stuff, this is a good spot to tell you that in French, Squall’s title isn’t “commander” but “chef”. And no, that doesn’t mean he’s a cook, that word actually just means “chief” or “boss”. The term used in English comes from the title “chef cuisinier”, which translates as “Head cook”.
But yeah, the French title is kinda lame regardless. It’s such a generic title. Don’t know why they couldn’t use “commandant”, which you know, actually is a military rank and would describe Squall’s role far better. “Chef” sounds more like something cops would call their boss in a TV show. Although I will say, now that I think of it, I so want a whodunnit series where Balamb Garden is a police headquarter.
More importantly, though, we have a very different reaction from Squall depending on the version. In English, he actually gets annoyed and asks Quistis not to call him that. In French, he’s more confused and just repeats “Chef?” as shown above.
Anyway, Squall’s filthy assistants suggest checking on Balamb but fuck that, we’re going on side quests! Yeah, I figure that now that the game world is finally almost completely opened up, it’s a good time to start doing these, and generally exploring. Plus, I’ve worked out a neat way to alternate between side quests and plot stuff at least until the battle of the Gardens, so it’s nice to have a bit of organization for a change.
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First stop, Obel Lake. We have another bizarre change here as in the English text, the shadow you can meet after humming a song sends you on a quest to find his friend, Mr. Monkey (and with that, it just occurred to me how freaking weird that game can get). But in the French version, his friend is called “Ryo the idiot”.
Yeah, they’re nothing a like and I really wonder what prompted each version. Again, if you played another localisation of the game and they call it something else, I’d love to hear what it is.
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After we find the idiot / monkey / idiot monkey and return to mr. Shadow (hm, is it the same one from Fifth Element?), we have another interesting difference as in French, the shadow says “Booyaka” to great you. Looks like Selphie’s catchphrase did catch on to someone after all!
Now then, you may be aware that relaying his friend’s whereabouts makes the shadow give you some helpful hints as a reward, and of them is to “take some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula”. Once you get there, you find some weird message, and the trick is to literally take the words “time” and “off” away from the message the reveal another hint.
Of course, that would only work in English, so what did they do for the French version? Well, the shadow tells you “Retire tes pompes à Eldbeak Peninsula”, which means “take off your shoes at Eldbeak Peninsula”. And indeed, removing the words “tes pompes” pulls the same trick.
Also, annoyingly, the shadow’s hint refers to the place as Eldbeak Peninsula despite being translated as “Crête d’Eldbeak” in French, and since the hint is in a very specific spot and could find it right away, I ended up wondering if I got to the wrong place at first and started looking futilely around for an Eldbeak Peninsule (or a “Péninsule d’Eldbeak”), until checking the Internet confirmed that I was in the right place at the beginning.
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If you go back to the dumbass ape after you manage to skip the rock “many, many times” (or “an incalculable amount of times” in French), he’ll get angry and start yelling “Ahhh! Darn it! Y-You’re just a big loser! I’m able to skip the rock as many times as I want! So there! Ha-Hah! Loser! Dork! Idiot! Your mom wears combat boots!”
Well that certainly was creative, although I think most of the cast except Linoa and Zell is immune to “yo mama” jokes, what with being orphans and all. ANyway, he is a bit more restrained in French, going “For God’ssake! How can anyone suck so bad? What a butterfingers, really! I can skip rocks 100 more times than you!”
Do note I specified “a bit”.
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Moving on to Timber, let’s see what’s new. This little girl says her mom will let her have a cat when Timber is independent in both versions, and in both versions, she struggles with the word “independent”, but they way to present it is different. In English, she slowly sounds it out. In French, she mispronounces it as “indéTendant”, with a T instead of a P. Well, can’t blame her, I’d rather have a T than a P too. Thank you all for coming, I’ll be here all week!
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This guy says that his girlfriend keeps nagging him, saying he’s a loser. In the English version, he than whines that if someone had told him not to give up back then, he would have tried harder, proving his girlfriend right. Oddly, he doesn’t say that second part in the French version, so you don’t get a hint that you should have encouraged him earlier, because apparently this guy makes career decisions based on the advice of random passers-by.
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Here’s a very interesting one as the dialogue with both NPCs goes in waaaaayyyy different directions. In English, the mom says “I’m so proud of my daughter. You guys help your parents out, too while you can. They may not ask for it, but it’ll make them really happy.”
Tssssss... about thaaaaat...
Let’s move swiftly on. In French, she instead says “From time to time, I feel like I am my daughter’s grandmother. Strange, isn’t it?”.
As for the daughter, in English, she says “It”s quite tough being the eldest daughter. I have a lot of responsibilities... But I love my parents who adopted me and my twin brothers.”
Gee whiz, it keeps getting more and more awkward. In French, she says “Sometimes, I feel like I’m my parents’ mom... That’s strange, right?”.
So yeah, very different and all kidding aside, I once again have to give it to the English version, as I like the mention of the kids being adopted. It goes to show that the main characters aren’t the only orphans in that world.
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Back to smaller differences with these two. For the most part, their dialogue is the same, with the girl saying she used to get fired up but calmed down later on, and in English, the guy says “you were just as attractive when you used to beat me up.” whereas in French, he says “Oh! The beatings she would give me whenever I tried ti give her a little kiss!”.
Well... still a healthier relationship than 50 Shades of Grey, I suppose. Not by much, but hey...
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Inside the pub, in the English version, the lady says it’s called Aphrora and that it’s related to an Aurora. However, in the French version, she straight-up says it’s called Aurora. In both versions, she then adds that it means “drink until you see [an/the] aurora,” but interestingly, in English, she tells us to come back for drinks when we’re older, while in French she jokes that “considering the décor, it should be ‘drink until you stop seeing the horror’.“
But far more importantly, this:
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Alright, so in the English version, she explains that her boss and his wife are part of different resistance groups, respectively, the Forrest Duck and the Forrest Fox, and that it resembles their relationship.
In French, she says her boss is a “Canard de la Forêt”, which does translate to “Forrest Duck”... but then adds that his wife is part of a different group (which she doesn’t name) and that she always changes one letter from he name of her husband’s group.
Now, this to me seems like a covert yet very obvious reference to the word “connard” (meaning she technically changes two letters but let’s not nitpick), which is a variation on “con” which is French for “cunt”. The closest I could translate that is would be “cunter”.
So yeah, that’s some classic crap getting past the radar right there, although I’m not sure it was even necessary considering the translations of later FF games include similarly coarse language such as “merde” and “connerie”, another variation on “con”.
I should point out that the French are generally way more cool with swearing than Americans seem to be, and boy howdy do we love ourselves some cunts and variations of it. We have cunters, cuntesses, cunteries, etc... Yeah, you’re not gonna have the outraged reactions you’d get from that in America over here. We basically use “cunt” the same way you guys use “fuck / fucker / fuckery / etc”.
In fact, I remember the French dub of one of the Harry Potter movies has Harry call Ron a cunt as well, at some point. It doesn’t help that with a few exceptions, we don’t really have mild swears in French, it’s usually either tame or strong, so translators often go for the stronger option when a scene needs the extra punch, with sometimes hilarious results.
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Anyway, let’s move on. I’m putting this above screenshot in English because this guy seems to have an accent or something, which is absent in the French version. Although that does seem to confirm the previous mention of accents in the FF world, which is a neat bit of lore.
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If you go back to the area where two kids are playing on the train tracks, you can rescue the little girl after she falls and nearly gets crushed by a train, because apparently Squall just wasn’t sexy enough, so he also has to save adorable little girls to make women will swoon some more. More relevantly, after the girl thanks you, a model train appears to bring some news, which apparently travel very fast in Timber.
In English, it says the girl was saved “in the nick of time” by a brave young man. The French version make sit a bit more grisly, saying she was saved “from a horrible death”.
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If you talk to this girl a couple times, she’ll tell you a story about how she was nearly hit by a train and was saved by a very handsome man named Loire (guess it runs in the family) and how he was the man of her dreams and Squall presumably starts feeling nauseated and ddoesn’t understand why. In French, she tells the same story but oddly, she can’t remember his name as well, and calls him La Gooma instead.
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And now we move on to Dollet, where there is quite a bit to look at. First thing of note is this guy and his sister; they have quite a bit to say, but the reason I bring him up is that at some point in the French version (and only that one as far as I’m aware), he name-drops Corto Maltese by saying he wants to be a sailor, like him.
For anyone who may not be aware, Corto Maltese is the titular character from a cult classic Italian adventure comic series by Hugo Pratt. Even though it never really became a huge mainstream name, it was still very popular, especially in the seventies it seems. As a result, you probably won’t be surprised to hear it often gets pretty psychedelic, not to mention the art style is rather unusual (but gorgeous) to begin with.
Corto is indeed a sailor, although I don’t remember him ever actually doing much sailing (not that I have read many of the albums although I do recommend them), to the point that in the movie adaptation (which, much like the comics, is excellent yet very obscure), he claims his sailor hat was a gift, and he always ends up embroiled in massive adventures and conspiracies, somewhere between Indiana Jones and James Bond.
And as I alluded to, although the comic is pretty famous, it’s still fairly obscure so it’s pretty amazing to see it brought up in Final Fantasy of all things.
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If you talk to this kid, whom is playing hide-and-seek, he tells Squall to go away in both versions, but there’s a slight difference. In English, the kid calls him “mister,” which surprises Squall a bit and he replies that he’s only 17. In French though, the kid calls the group “old guys” and Squall understandably gets more upset about it. Either way, I do love how that’s one of the few things that gets him to explicitly react to what an NPC is saying. Guess even he can’t always be above vanity.
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Here’s a bit I love. When you talk to the guy in the green vest and you tell him the town hasn’t changed, he then starts to recognize you as the kids who were being chased the giant robot spider (or robo-crab, as the French version puts it). You then get two options. The English ones are fairly standard: either “don’t know” or “can’t say who, but we know.”
The French one got a bit cute with it, and your choices are “Not at all, What robo-crab?” and “It was our brothers and sisters...”. If you pick the first answer, it’s also different. In English, he just says it’s his job to make repairs. In French, he says “forget it, I got you confused with those 3 kids who destroyed the town”.
Not sure why he’s blaming it on them though, considering it’s Galbadia who did it during the whole “invasion of your dukedom that these kids actually helped stop” thing. At most you could argue Seifer disobeying orders is what led to the Galbadians launching the robot, but that wouldn’t be the other kids’ fault. Also, that’s something to think about when you talk to that little girl by the beach who says she wants her mommy back.
But anyway, if you pick the other option, he more or less says the same thing, except in French, he of course says to tell their siblings they owe the town money and on top of that, while the English version has him mention the specific sum of  1 370 000 gils, the French one rounds it out to 1 000 000.
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Next is the painter’s house. Couple things here. First, in the French version, the grandpa explicitly says he’s going to spank the kid if he keeps messing with his paintings, whereas the English version had him says something about “cuchi-cuchi-coo” his neck, which frankly sounds worse. However, in both versions, in the last part of this quest, the grandpa does mention tickling the kid as “punishment”.
Also, in the English text, the kid says adding the white bones are his way of expressing himself and to be novel and original. In French, he just says that in comics, dogs always have a bone in their mouths, so why couldn’t Rex have one?
Finally, after you’ve ended the quest, the grandpa gives different lines depending on versions. In English, he figures that maybe he should have played with the kid more so he wouldn’t be so bored and trying to get his attention, but that he’s too old for sports, and is considering poker instead (so card games other than Triple Triad do exist in this universe!).
In French, he says he’ll stop including dogs on his landscapes and that he’ll try painting cats instead, though he’s afraid the kid will start painting fish bones.
Also, while the kid feels like he’s grown a little from being able to express himself in English, the French one says he’s gonna stop his pranks and that he wants to be a veterinarian, now.
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In the bar, there are some changes in what the guy in the white shirt says. In English, he says it’s nice to have a drink after work, and his friend asks him what he’s talking about since he’s always drinking there. Then, if you talk to him again, either he or his friend drunkenly mentions playing ball.
In French, it’s kind of the opposite, as he asks for his last drink of the day, only for his friend to point out it’s only 7 in the morning (which still seems early to start drinking to me, but hey, you do you and your liver problems). Bizarrely, if you talk to him again, he says it’s time for his first cognac of the day, and his friends asks what he’s talking about since he finished the bottle an hour ago.
Speaking to the friend, we have a choice. In English, the prompt is “Yeah, that’s so true...” and the choices are “What is?” and “Yeah... sure...”. If you pick the first, he says life is nicer during peacetime. If you pick the second, he advises not to eat off the floor.
In French, the prompt is roughly “I needed that” and the answers are “What?” and “that hits the spot”. If you pick the first, he asks how many drinks an hour make you an alcoholic. If you pick the second, he says he doesn’t feel too good.
Boy, that sure was a rousing conversation! Let’s talk to the lady on the left.
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In both versions, she laments the fact that the rich young men in the dukedom are all married, then asks Squall what he thinks of her. Surprisingly, the answers are the exact same in both versions, but the woman’s reactions are quite different.
In English, picking “you’re very attractive” has her say maybe she should go for older men. In French, it has her say that while it’s true, only perverts like her. And then there’s the much ruder “Are you really a woman?!”. In English, she tries to laugh it off, saying she’s not his type, only to turn around and mumble to herself, wondering how Squall know (s)he was a man. Her French counterpart gets more offended, complaining about all the men she spends at beautician. After she turns around, she makes the more subtle remark that he must have a 6th sense.
WELP. Not opening THAT can of worms.
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Next, that female NPC who says she’s window-shopping. In English, she then asks Squall if he has a problem with that (not sure why he would, but okay). In French, she asks him if he wants to buy her something.
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In the town Square, we have this guy. In French, he says that due to taxes as a result of hiring SeeD, he’s gonna have to sell his cards collection, which is far nicer than in English, where he said "Better get ma young bride and start havin’ children”. What the actual fuck, dude?!
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In the hotel, the two employees have a weird accent which I think is supposed to be vaguely German, but I’m not sure. In the English version, only the one in the back has any sort of special speech pattern, and it’s just a habit of saying “y’all”. Either way, more accent shenanigans.
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And here we have one of the strangest differences yet, to the point it actually caught me off guard because I didn’t remember that text in French at all, and for good reasons since it says something completely unrelated! Right, so if you beat that guy in the upper floor of the bar, he’ll invite you to his private room(or secret room in French), where he’ll give you some cards and you can find some of other stuff.
There are also several piles of books, and when checking one of them, you’ll find what is presumably the previous owner’s diary telling a truly harrowing tale of meeting a woman who kept beating him at Triple Triad, eventually marrying her and having a daughter with her, but it ends with her trying to save their daughter from drowning, only to drown herself. It ends with the bleak statement that neither the daughter or he himself can comprehend their loss. Jesus Christ! Even for a Final Fantasy game, that’s dark.
But in the French version, it seems to just be a collection of random thoughts. For example, it first says that his son is studying the Sorceress War (one of the few times Sorceresses are referred to as such in French, instead of “priestesss”), and how he doesn’t understand any of it in spite of having lived it, then he ponders why extraterrestrials in movies always look like animals, and that maybe it’s because humans are bestial in nature as well, concluding that being at the pub sometimes feel like being at a zoo.
It just fascinates me that it could be so different. I can’t fathom what caused this and it’s one of those things that really makes me curious about other versions.
To make this even more baffling, if you check another book pile, the text is very similar, including a bit about Laguna coming along and getting his ass kicked at cards. Interestingly though, in the English version, he can’t quite remember his name, simply remembering it started with Lag, and says an easy win doesn’t leave much of an impression, but in French, he calls him La Gouma and says he’s a “nice guy, but sucks at cards”.
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And now we can continue onward to Deling City! First little thing, when asking Caraway about Edea, in the French text, he says that he fears her influence will lead to “a new world war”. Now, the French version does use the term “sorceress war”, so it’s interesting to see him also refer to it as a world war, and it seems fitting for a serious military type.
Another interesting tidbit comes when you ask him about Esthar. For starters, in English, he says that Esthar took over the world under Adel, which isn’t mentioned in French and I don’t remember being said at any other point. This makes me wonder if that was a strange decision on the English translator’s part, but that does make sense as Esthar making it to part of the Galbadian continent would explain why they’re even at war, why Galbadia started invading other countries and forcing them into their army, and even why Galbadian people where paranoid of Sorceresses before Edea.
At the same time, the French version also has an interesting detail, where they mention that even after Esthar went silent, relationships between the two nations remained strained, alluding to the situation turning from a world war to a cold war situation. He also theorizes that perhaps this is due to Galbadia being jealous of Esthar’s technological success and the efficiency of their democracy. Compelling, although I do wonder how Galbadia would know about “the efficiency of Esthar’s democracy” since it stopped all contact with the outside world right after Adel was dethroned.
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There isn’t a huge difference in what the various NPCs say, but this one’s pretty intriguing. In French, she just says that she heard a sorceress can transfer her powers to the person of their choosing. In English though, she explicitly says that she learned in the Garden that any person can receive a sorceress’ power, and I thought that’s obviously wrong since it’s stated multiple times that only women can inherit such powers,
But just as I thought that, the next speech box has her explain that while she did go to Garden, she wasn’t a very good student, which would explain why she wouldn’t have gotten it completely right.Cleverly done. Also, I like the implication that the average person isn’t all that aware of exactly what sorceresses are and how their powers work. It’s an interesting treatise on the link between fear, admiration and ignorance.
In fact, reading what the Deling City citizens have to say about Edea and how they blindly believe she’ll lead the country to greatness because she’s tough, promises a renaissance for their country and that even the smaller guys wild be able to make it is fascinating in general... and disturbingly true to real dictatorships.
There’s a small difference I find amusing where in English, one NPC says that people like Edea because “people follow strength, not charisma” whereas contrariwise, the same guy says in French that “Edea is much more charismatic than old Deling”.
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ANd here’s a guy who straight-up calls Edea their Messiah in French!In Eglish, he just says he now know he has to abide by Edea after feeling a surge of energy during the parade (which might allude to at least partial mind control).
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And finally, we finish with this NPC, whom in the English version, says she’s been sending Edea fan mail daily, but in French, she says, that she hopes Edea will publish a magic cookbook. Which does sound awesome, but unlikely. To be fair, what she says is literally “book of magical recipes”, so she may be referring to like, potions and stuff, but I prefer to believe she means how to use magic to enhance the flavour of your dishes.
And so we reach the end of our first part dedicated entirely to side content and my God there was way more stuff to cover than I ever expected. I hope you enjoyed it because I certainly found a lot of these differences very interesting. As always, if you enjoyed this post, reblogging it would be very appreciated, do not hesitate to commentate or send me asks, maybe even suggest things you’d like to see that I may have missed, and I’ll be seeing you next time for part 19, where we return to Balamb City. Have a nice day, everyone!
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writingandmore · 6 years
Match-up submitted by totally-not-a-weirdo
i’d love to get a match-up from harry potter, hetalia, voltron and mystic messenger, if it isn’t too many fandoms! and i’m sorry for any mistakes in my description! 
(Note: The actual match ups start after the page break!) 
- i’m rather slim and tall (5’ 6.6"), but i like walking in heels, so i can look at almost everyone from above. i’m also pale (sometimes nearly white) what looks great with my golden, medium hair (ah, modesty, where are you) which pretty often are curly (they’re naturally straight, but i prefer them in a curly version). i’m blushing for most time of my life, but not because it’s easy to embarrass me (it’s very hard an actually). it’s just… everytime when i’m smiling, laughing or i’m excited my cheeks (and nose) start to blush and i can’t really help it. i don’t have precised style of clothing, everything depends on my mood or situation, but i truly enjoy clothes (especially dresses and skirts) from 40s, 50s.
- some people call me a sunshine, probably because of my happy attiude and just being a good person. i also love helping others (welp, my dream is being a psychologist, so) and make them happy, so if anyone has a problem, i’m always there for them. i’m rather patient and i’m a good listener, i’m trying advise them well and make them feel better. and i guess i’m good at it.
- laughing, i just love to laugh. my sense of humour is a mix of black and ironic humour, vines, memes, pick-up lines, so not everyone understand my jokes, but at least my and my friends have a good fun!
- i’m scatterbrained af, everyone can confirm that. i often forget to do something or i forget a word and my sentence doesn’t make sense and sometimes i don’t even notice my mistakes. i wasn’t born in city and i don’t visit any of them too often, so i’m pretty lost when i’m coming there; schedules of anythings are black magic for me, so i prefer going with someone more responsible than me.
- i’m quite confident i guess; even if i seem like a one, big extrovert (but i would call myself ambivert better; it’s like 40% of introversion and 60% of extraversion), the true is that most of my friends are introverts (still don’t know how and why), so if i see they’re feeling too troubled to ask someone about anything, i do it for them. sometimes i’m also leader of some groups, however i don’t mind it; i wouldn’t say that i’m a born leader, but i’m also not bad that much, i speak loudly and i always make sure that everyone is listening to me. my self-esteem for sure isn’t low, even if sometimes i have got my worse days, i don’t let them take over me.
- even if i seem like a someone confident, i’m often surprisingly awkward when it comes to meeting new people. like, i’m trying to be positive and confident, but my nervousness is pretty visible and it’s annoying me, but i can’t help it. so i’m truly thankful if someone talks to me first and is more confident than me; then for sure i won’t let him feel awkward too and i’ll try my best to be a good conversionalist!
- i love to discuss with other people, learn about someone’s point of view, exchanging opinions and beliefs. sometimes i can talk literaly for hours (as long as my conversionalist will respect me and my opinion at least). i’ve heard many times that i’m really open-minded and mature, because my vocabulary is more advanced than the rest of my peers. and well, i guess that’s true, because i read a lots of books (my favourite literary genres are probably autobiographies, dramas and historical books) since i was young and i’ve also written stories on my own, but for now, i simply can’t do it. it’s because of lack of afflatus, i have many ideas but i can’t realise them, eh.
- independence, oh independence~! it means a lot to me. really a lot. i hate when someone thinks that i’m their property and they can command me what can i do and what can’t i do. i usually very easily cut my ties with that person, because their behavior simply makes me feel sick. but also it depends. i’m very understanding so if i know this jealous person very well and i know that they truly care about me, i would try to help them somehow with their flaw. i really appreciate when someone jealous try to restrain themselves from being possesive and i will make sure to praise them for that.
- unfortunately, i’m a lazy ass and i’m quitter. i’d love to try many things, write many stories (yup, i’m a writer) but i often give up too fast; also, most of my friends are like me, so (again) unfortunately, i don’t have someone who would kick my ass when i’m too lazy to do something. motivating me isn’t too hard tho, i just need someone who would keep an eye on me (i’m such a big kid, grrr).
- i’m tolerant and understanding af. i don’t have any problem with someone who is different than rest of society (trans, non-hetero, non-catholic people, anyone and anything, really); duh, i respect and i simply love people like that! they fascinate me, i want to know more about them, i want to understand them. maybe because of that, that i’m also not like the rest of society; my thoughts about everything aren’t typical for sure. i easily forgive. very easily. too easily. no matter how much you hurt me, i just can’t be mad at you too long. everyone says that it’s a good quality, but sometimes i feel like i don’t have pride because of that, that i don’t know my own worth and i am pathetic (haha, tragic backstory, welcome).
- many people see me like a social, carefree and confident person, so they’re always surprised when they find out that i was bullied, because i don’t remind typical victim of bullying. maybe because i wasn’t so lonly and i had ‘friends’ (even if they never defended me, but they were still by my side, so) and maybe my bullying wasn’t too extreme; just some insults for a few years but it was enough to ruin my self-esteem and my confidence. because when i was younger i was full extrovert, i could make new friends very easily with everyone, i was truly a sunshine. now i’m only a ray of sunshine; i have problems with making new friends, i hate and i am even a little bit afraid passing by group of boys (because it were boys who bullied me). i lost a lots of my old attiude and sometimes i miss this ease of making new friends and adapting to new community, but these years of bullying also learned me a lot of empathy towards other, being observant and somehow, thanks to that i was able to made a lots of new friends on the internet who really helped me durning this hard time. i learned a lots of things and even if i wish that some things would be easier, i’m proud of this who i am now.
- i don’t like describing myself as a hetero, homo, be or whatever, especially when i’ve never fallen in love with anyone. indetify yourself as a full homo/hetero/bi is a little bit unreasonable i think. like, you don’t know what the future holds and you can’t be completly sure that you won’t fall in love with someone the same/opposite gender. life is one big surprise, so. but i think that i could be demiromantic and demisexual/asexual, but it’s only mine assumption. since i’m tolerant, i don’t care what gender will be my future partner, as long as they will be a good person.
- i’m ticlish and general, touch-sensitive, especially on my belly. and arms.
- i’m rather chilly person (expect summer), my hands are cold af and when everyone doesn’t complain about temperature and they’re pretty neutral, i almost always wear my leather jacket, because for me it isn’t warm enough (and here’s the other reason why i love lean on other people so much; i can steal their body heat~). but if someone say that he’s/she’s cold, i give them my jacket althought i’m also freezing. but tbh, my body temperature is really complicated, because when i’m at home and it isn’t too warm, i could normally walking in underwear, when others complain about coldness. idk how my body works, really.
- i’m a toucher, but not in a sexual way (for most of time at least). i just truly love to have physical contact with people i care about; i like to hold their hands or lean on them, hug them. it makes me very happy, relaxed and it’s a sooooo comfortable~! ♥ but i understand when someone isn’t too comfortable with so much affection and i’m not that clingy towards them even if i really want to.
- many people think that i never cry, even my friends, because durning so many years of our friendship they have never seen me crying and i hope it will be this way. it’s not like i don’t trust them or anything; in fact i trust them very much. i just hate crying in front of anyone, it makes me feel pathetic and weak, so i cry when no one looks, but i’m not sure if my “cry” could be called crying. because of many reasons, i get used to cry silently; i just let my tears run down my face for a few minutes and then i can easily settle down, so it’s hard to see if i was really crying, because my eyes aren’t even swollen. but idk why, after my “crying”,
- linguistic (i love talking and traveling, so languages are very helpful, for now i speak polish (but it’s my native language so), english (rather fluently, idk), i understand russian very well since it’s similiar to polish, but i’m trying to improve, because i’m still not good at it).
- psychology, i love helping people and i hope i will be able to do it in the future. one of my friends have got a mental problems and they go to the psychologist for a few years now, but it isn’t getting better, no matter how many times they changed psychologist, they couldn’t find someone who could help them. and it makes me so freaking frustrated that either psychologist or i can’t help them. but i truly hope that i will be a good psychologist, able to help anyone who needs me.
- reading and writing (it’s kinda sad but i’ve never written any good romance although i tried. my stories always were filled with magic (harry potter bish), darkness and a lots of action and i simply didn’t have a time to write a good romance, so i created some fleeting flirts to satisfied my readers, hah)
- writing letters (i’ve got some friends from other countries and we send each other letters about ourselves; it’s really great fun and experience)
- volleyball and physical activity (i love playing volleyball, it’s the only sport i’m getting involved that much. sometimes i spend with my bro hours on playing, but i’m still not enough and i wanna more. i even tried to create female’s volleyball club, but unfortunately, there weren’t enough girls who wanted to play, so club didn’t last. i tried reactivate it twice, but i failed every time. now i try don’t think too much about volleyball, because i don’t want to disappoint myself again), i also like vintage and folklore.
“from what i see, sometimes you worry too much about everything and you often get excited about something, you want to do it, but in the end, you don’t do it. also, you’re empathetic af. you’re very helpful, kind and you seem like you want to make everyone happy and you don’t have someone you truly hate. there’s something about you that makes unbosoming to you very easy; when i want to ask you about something, i’m not afraid that you will give me bad advice or you will think something bad about me”
“my frist impression about her? well, i thought that she was a really, like really friendly person. furthermore, open-minded, funny, motivated and full of attitude for life. she seemed like a someone very popular, someone unreachable for me, because she had a lots of friends. and was it only impression? nope. when i got to know her better, she still was very kind girl, who willingly wants to help other people. she can truly boost someone’s self-esteem and compliment them in a very uniqe way. she’s an observer, she easily sees someone’s good and bad qualities. she’s inspiring; her open-mindedness, her self-esteem. it’s impossible to not admire her. when you look at or talk with her, you want to be better person and love yourself more. just like kise from knb, she’s very independent; you better not try to tie her down. she’s also very funny and tolerant, she never exclude anyone.”
“i think you’re really stubborn, you always have opinion about everything and you aren’t afraid to say it out loud, what can be seem like a good or bad quality. you’re also really open and you never judge people by apperance, but by their actions and it’s very good. just like your desire to helping people, but sometimes i get the feeling that you focus too much on the one person and you don’t notice someone with even bigger problem, who hide their problems behind the ’'mask”. but i appreciate that when it starts making uncomfortable, you’re always trying to lighten up atmosphere with some funny joke. also, i really like your advanced voculabry and that, that you’re this type of person who inspire to being better human, not worse"
Match Ups- 
Harry Potter: Remus Lupin! 
 - Remus would be really drawn to someone who is happy and confident, since he’s pretty shy in general, and he needs someone to bring him out of his shell a little. 
 -He’s a really organized person too, so he’d definitely be willing to help make sure you remember everything and keep a pretty decent schedule. 
 -He’s also pretty well-rounded and smart, so he’d be all for having long discussions on different topics with you too! 
 - Being open-minded is a big factor too, obviously, since Remus is a werewolf and therefore needs someone who can handle that. Being understanding and kind to him would make a world of difference to him. 
Hetalia: Alfred F. Jones (APH America) 
 -Would love to be around you because of your bright personality, and also your sense of humor (he could quote vines all day). 
-Since he’s pretty extroverted too, he could help with meeting new people, because he wouldn’t mind starting up the conversation and you jumping in later since he knows you’re a little nervous about that. 
 -He’s not a big fan of giving up, especially on something someone’s passionate about, so he’d really encourage you to keep writing. 
-Alfred’s pretty clingy too, so he would have no problem with you being touchy either! 
Voltron: Prince Lotor 
 -With all of the things Lotor has had to go through in his life, he needs someone kind and compassionate to be around him, since he hasn’t really seen a lot of that in his life, and it would make him a better person. 
 -He is also interested in psychology, since it was a good topic to know about when planning tactics, so he’d love that he could talk to someone else about it. 
 -Although he would be protective of you, he would be very aware of giving you your own space, since he’s had to deal with that in the past. 
 -You being sweet and friendly would probably make the members of Voltron a lot more trusting of you, and therefore him as well, so you two would have a good relationship with all of them too. 
Mystic Messenger: Jaehee Kang
 -Jaehee has a ton of stressful days, so going to see someone so positive and good at listening would always make her feel better. This would really draw her closer to you!
 -If you are really serious about writing something consistently, she’d always be there to help you make a schedule and help you stick to it. She might even get things like your favorite foods or little presents on certain days if you reach your writing goal! 
 -She would also like having thoughtful conversations with you, and would always love to learn something new, so she’d love to listen to your interests in linguists and other subjects. 
 -If you told her, she’d try to be really aware of what the crowds were like when you two go out anywhere, so you don’t have to walk by any large groups that would make you nervous, but she wouldn’t outright say she was doing it for your sake because she’d get embarrassed. 
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princebxte-blog · 7 years
Understand that I specifically say timeline and not “ verse” for a good reason. I am going to be polishing this, and placing it in my backstory page towards the end for all to read. This is for those who do not have a historical era-ish -type muse. And for those who wish to rp in modern time! Only upon request and upon my request, though!  but I would like to keep ‘for funsies’ as minimal as possible. Because I rp Adam in late 18/early19th for a reason.
Anyways.--- Without further adieu.
After the second curse was placed, and Belle had gone from his life. Adam was left to help tend his country as Dauphin. A Dauphin is someone who is named heir to the throne; aka,  next-in-line.
The king was very ill, suffering a chronic condition that debilitated him-- to which shed most of his heavier, stressful responsibilities on to Adam.
Adam basically, was [king]-- doing everything His Majesty would, but without bearing the title. Which was probably best, considering the revolution and the numerous counts of kidnapping and executing of nobles.
At this time, Adam had reigned for about almost 10-ish?? years. Aging was slow, and to an extent. WHICH his aging eventually stopped due to his curse. [ details of curse will go into headcanon. Or another post about why this is] BUT Because his curse keeps him from dying, [wanting to keep him alive for as long as possible]. After a certain period, people began to question Adam’s youth [hello dorian gray ref. ;)] , and because the revolution was so conveniently placed-- he was able to make an escape.  Joining the barricades, and the fight for those who deserve equal treatment.
After this, Adam picked up the pieces of his trading business, and disappeared. No one heard from him since
[[ during this gap of time -- I leave open because Adam may have gone and done multiple things all over the world. And included himself in many significant events--which, I will over time, list ]]
When Adam reappears in our modern world, of year 20XX, he is living a fairly busy life in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Work life;
Still in charge of his trading company from when he established  in the Early 19th century. It has become a pillar in the modern world as one of the older most successful of companies. However with multiple shifts, and changes. It diverged a bit, with changes to government and technology. Because of regulations, and the government’s shift in laws as well as policies. Adam’s business would have to pay it’s share of taxes and leave the people who work for him [ thousands] without much to what the earned. To which Adam highly disagrees with. It is not right. He has been always doing this a certain way, and he does not believe in change-- or such a negative change. It would damage his company. It would also damage his company if FBI catches on to him. Which he has had a few knocks on his door. BUT-- because of these things with government and his company etc.  he will place money in accounts all across the board between France, Switzerland, and the US to ensure people get their paychecks.This makes Adam a certified money launderer.
 Having also acquired a large enough $$$$  living over the years ADAM HAS ALSO become a GREAT big investor, as well as a major day trader to which he has hired assistants to help. He has bought out PROPERTY  in Vegas seeing the opportunity from back when, and owns about half the city. He keeps himself hidden by providing different names, or other people to stand in his place as a representative of own the land-- but behind the scenes he owns it.
Adam will get many emergency calls about his work which can be at any time of day. To which he might need to make a run to wire transfers and save his company from plummeting. His company is the only thing he has left from his past that he feels might be worth any merit, so he keeps a clean hold on it always. But because of his serious amounts of money. Adam leads a glamorous lifestyle as show.
And he works remotely, because he has assistants-- and mainly operates everything from his mobile device[s]
Social life; Adam has no real friends, besides his business partners who lean on him for his wit and skill in the market. Mainly Armenian, to which Adam has a hand in knowing some of the language. They like to drag him out to the exclusive clubs they all own, and party hard. A glamorous lifestyle. Some of which they bring Adam on purpose because they know that he covers their hefty bill, and that the dancers will gravitate towards them if a member of their party ain’t so bad on the eyes. And when this happens things get a little wild. Because Adam will drink to lose his anxiety, and drink to lose himself--- To which he goes a bit MANIC
Because Adam has been living so long-- he tries to ensure that his ‘secret’ for having lived this long does not get out. To which he has acquired multiple aliases. If one were to look into his wallet, they would find a multitude of IDs [kinda scary because people may put together that he is some serial murderer] he does his best to avoid anything that requires his name being put into the system. Such as police reports and medical records. He abstains-- by paying off the cops [they see his name, they let him move along-- ] and has his own sort of black market doctor who comes in when he needs help with a particular... task. [ will talk about this in a LATER as an ADD ON] forbes, rolling stones etc. etc. have tried getting him into interviews, for he raises so many questions and eyebrows-- but he makes sure to turn down and remain in the dark. Or breezing it off on a colleague who is actually born in this generation!!
Appearance; Adam still looks much the same, besides his strawberry blonde hair. Properly cut with a length that suits the time period better, groomed to make him appear professional.
So it has a little bit of length on the sides where there is a wave,
Other times it is a bit longer at the top.
--Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. His facial hair varies. As for attire, he wears fairly semi-formal business suits. With a few twists. Having picked up styles across the years. Like! suspenders!
BUT will wears ties to impress a potential client, or business exec. who he might have to potentially pitch a partnership or production idea to. BUT just like cravats---
Otherwise he just likes to feel comfy and wearing suits or sweaters over dress shirts with nice pants and shoes are comfortable. He likes looking sharp, but also playing the part of his company. Being at the top of it-- It is lonely at the top. So he wears suits in the way that he likes.
Unfortunately, this part about Adam gets a bit dark. Over the years Adam’s curse, and the loss of family, home, friends etc. His country, even! All things have disappeared and withers away, all bit himself. He feels alone, this world is a place he feels more unfit for than ever, and to make things worse, his curse does nothing but progress. His original method [will get to in a moment] is not enough to suppress the lows that he feels in this world. He makes enough to do drugs, and the current typical -- is the shooting up a heroin.
Highly addictive. It takes Adam to another world, to his old life where he feels like a human-- senses heighten. Worries wither-- he is without stress, or worry or knowledge of what or who or where he might be.
But just the feelings of his body in that exact moment. And because he cannot die [or die easily by typical means of a way a human would off themself] he does not mind his addiction. For there are no severe enough negative effects. Of course he gets sick from it-- he might suffer some other negative side effects-- and he becomes subject to paranoia, and happens to inherit other mental illnesses..... Otherwise this is his life. Especially when he feels most alone. He will go into withdrawal if it’s been longer than two days without the drug.
Another is his whiskey. It still provides a comfort, it is good for easing his anxiety, but it is the motions of drinking and tasting it that give Adam satisfaction. Pairing this with the H-- makes Adam feel alive, but also sick.
MORE Likes;
Adam loves to read the newspaper. Because he has been everywhere, he is up on worldly events. So he owns quite a few, and they kinda build up--he does not like throwing them away. Even though his assistants give him shit since he could just learn these things on the internet and bookmark them.
Piano -- Still loves to play. Occasionally he plays his violin, but not has kept up with it as much as his piano playing. There is just something about the comfort of pressing his fingers down on smooth, cool ivory.
Classic 1940s Jazz
Record player/phonograph!!
Dancing and classy Jazz lounges where he can just drink whiskey/scotch on the rocks and enjoy--despite... Himself.
The radio is the best thing! [hug music and podcast listener]
Loves coffee, it overtook his affinity for tea.
MORE Dislikes;
Denim. Wearing it, that is. It looks good on other people, but for him he does not feel attractive or comfortable in it very much. Which he probably is gorgeous in jeans, with his nice butt-- but if he can, he would rather wear the dress pants. Dockers.
Television. [a well- up to date one], kinda gave up on technology when film came out. He will go to movie, but after the radio came out that is where he keeps himself up to date. And Newspaper, why need TV?
Computers--  he owns laptops [credit to his assistants], but does not use them. His phone is a gateway to the internet, but he never uses that option either. Unless he HAS to. Like GPS or anything relating to his stocks, and his company.
 Adam  always tries to remain fairly upbeat.  For himself. For his business. He has to be this way! He owns a lot and is a great influence! Hell!! Forbes attempts to contact him to be listed as a top successful, young exec. which is completely untrue. He is the oldest. He must act like he has little conscientious, little anxiety, high self-esteem, high individuality, competitiveness-- he MUST display himself as being the Dark Triad type--mostly altruistic [ unless you catch his eye], extraverted[which is EXHAUSTING because he is not] and practically MANIC. Adam basically exploits himself--and the curse helps in this.
And --There is a darkness about this TRUE personality, of course. As the curse--the alter the BEAST is a complete psychopath. Adam sometimes feels himself phasing into his Alter personality, making true his ‘business’ type of façade. Slowly day after day, he feels his real self drifting into this ugly person-- he might as well become a Beast AGAIN. Which is not surprising considering all the years he has gone on like this.
Having lived so long, with such loneliness, he has had such a sad life thus far. As an aristocrat prince; things were tough. He was haunted-- jilted... But not like this. For he feels a jilt within himself. Not belonging to the century like he should, and he knows it. He should have passed on like everyone else. And feels this somewhat purgatory--type feeling where there is no up or down.. No direction. Going forward means moving on, but he cannot simply move on. Seeing as he has tried for 200 years. But this part of Adam is usually kept to himself. When one is close enough, there is an obvious sense of Adam having been jaded. For so long-- he feels almost nothing anymore.
No sadness, no pain-- no happiness.. simply nothing. The glass if not half full, not half empty-- the glass is simply not even there! It is like being a shell, with a small essence of him there. So RPING with a modern Adam is probably going to be quite depressing for a person. Even if he is smooth, even if he is suave and has mature tastes-- in him there is a numbness that cannot really be removed. Not unless you have heroin, not unless you can make him feel something-- He might as well pretend to be James Bond, his fake personality does the job right-- though, deep down. Adam just wants to go home to his family. He misses his loved ones. Which makes this character; like I said-- unbelievably heart breaking.
Of course when he IS happy in this time-- he is genuine upbeat, genuinely suave-- and extremely generous with protectiveness of whomever is helping achieve these genuine feelings. Without the heroin.
Going off personality, it would be important to sort-of explain what is going on with Adam and his curse.
IN A NUTSHELL IF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY BACKSTORY [[WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR MAKING SENSE OF ANY OF THIS  NEXT LITTLE BIT]]:;;; Having manifested IT AS a young child BEFORE he had become THE OFFICIAL  Beast, THERE WAS ALWAYS this other personality, this possessive entity--BECAUSE OF WHAT ADAM WENT THROUGH AS A CHILD HE DEVELOPED THIS OTHER PERSONALITY AS A MEANS TO COPE AND FIND SOLACE AND CONSOLATION. AN IMAGINARY FRIEND BUT IT WAS MORE THEN THAT. IT WAS ANOTHER PERSONALITY A THING--  it HAD grown!! and completely gone out of control. Sipping off the agony and negative energies Adam gave off day after day, it became stronger, however it remain trapped. Unable to really control the prince-- As a beast FOR 10 YEARS it was able to INFLUENCE  him, but the presence of Belle within Adam had overridden any of those negative feelings... After the spell from the enchantress broke and Adam’s death between that time and returning to his human form, it ALL activated this other personality MORE SO. Enabling it to become more of a split entity. Jealous of Belle’s control on him. And when he passed away again, but more officially without magic, the SECOND TIME-- he had made a deal with this personality, this demon/fallen angel that had clung to him as a child to return to him his life in return for a portion of himself. His soul-- so he could rescue someone he loves. BUT IT WOULD NOT BE SO PRETTY. And after doing so, lost everything including the very person he sold himself for.  Over the years this thing has fed off Adam more and more-- his agony, his suffering-- it keeps him alive and well, it keeps his body from breaking down [aka aging to a point and then he stops]-- his metabolism and muscle content are in primal shape. He can become ill, it is rare-- but he can... He can have flesh wounds. But any mortally damaging situation will always transform [ INTO THE BEAST] the prince and return to him his health and life he was in process of losing. SO after the years of living this way, with this
ALTER/BEAST/DEMON/DARKNESS [Adam has many names for it] it has almost managed to phase into Adam’s original personality-- at times. Adam might lose control--sometimes black out, sometimes awake, and this thing will become a part of him as human, awake and a live and he cannot control it. As it plays him as a Beast-- Adam will chain himself to a wall, in a space he has created for this Alter’s episodes. But at times when he is most negative, most tired-- Adam cannot fight this thing wanting to come to life. It can take over. Does not matter how long. It is still much the same as before, only it has become more sophisticated. It displays the traits of  a psychopath, a narcissist, ruled by machiavelliansim--altruistic, less agreeable, neurotic, and conscientious. All the types of Adam’s ‘fake façade’ he plays in front of his coworkers and partner exec.s Except with a little twist. It likes to go out at night, when Adam is most vulnerable-- it likes to take the blood AND THE FLESH  of another and drink & EAT, for when this thing does it feels as close to a human as it can be. AND IT KNOWS that if ADAM KNOWS, Adam’s sel loathing will only make it’s power grow.
Sometimes this personality/demon will come into control within Adam for MONTHS at a time. That is what’s most frightening.
Adam will sometimes wake up having blood all over himself. Only finding that none of it is his own. Shaking. Vomiting-- disgusted with himself, with the smell and taste.
This is most damaging to the old prince-- for he leads such a glamorous lifestyle, and yet he has such a jekyll&Hyde living inside him. A beast, unchanging-- always wanting to get out.
This is probably another reason why Adam goes manic, and gets himself involved in heroin. For if he drugs himself hard enough, he might wake up drooling-- and looking like a fool, but he will wake up with just drool. And that is all. Everyone besides himself remains SAFE.
[this will probably be polished and edited-- and added on to later]
Car; Aventador [AKA Lamborghini]  
Classic rally in black, scissor doors-- probably the most noticeable thing on the strip. Adam would not try to make a getaway in this-- even though he could, it is too easy to spot. We will just use UBER for chases.
Adam lives in a condo/penthouse in a 27 floor dark gray building, highly secure. Adam holds the top two floors, a penthouse that has high ceilings and a spiral staircase. With large windows. The style is this sort of 18th century contemporary--
THE WEST ROOM [see what i did there?? West wing]-- no one is allowed to go in here, because it looks like it might be a s copy to Christian Grey-- only instead of a play room, it is a chain, and heroin room, full of scratches and blood stains--All the horrible things.
Furnished to the NINES with antique 18th century furniture.  
Almost a tad gaudy-- and his decorator will give him shit too [yes he has a decorator!]  Of course this keeps getting more depressing--
having a his and hers  his/his her/her any/any?? THE POINT he has a double bathroom to NOT share with anyone. B’((((((    my child suffers
And you get the main idea! Adam holds on to some furniture, some books, some original paintings-- etc.
Because of Adam’s heroin addiction. Here are some things that go with his behavior.
| | ----| | PHYSICAL THINGS FROM THE H | |---- | |
Shortness of breath, Dry mouth, Constricted (small) pupils
Needle track marks visible on arms
Cycles of hyper alertness followed by suddenly nodding off, Droopy appearance, as if extremities are heavy
Substantial increases in time spent sleeping, Increase in slurred, garbled or incoherent speech
Wearing long pants or long sleeves to hide needle marks, even in very warm weather
Depressed respiration (shallow breathing)
Clouded mental functioning, Decreased pain from either physical conditions or emotional challenges
Chronic pneumonia for Adam he has this is on and off
Adam does not share his needles with anyone. He does not get disease or much infections because of his curse. But he has seizures time to time, especially if he has been in withdrawal for too long-- which will probably more than likely cause him to transform into the Beast anyway.
| | ----| |  BEHAVIORAL THINGS  FROM THE H | |---- | |
Lying or other deceptive behavior
Avoiding eye contact, or distant field of vision,
Withdrawal from friends and family, instead spending time with new friends with no natural tie, Lack of interest in hobbies and favorite activities,
Hostile behaviors toward loved ones, including blaming them for withdrawal or broken commitments
Uncontrollable feelings of itching that result in compulsive scratching or picking at skin (itchy blood)
Regular comments indicating a decline in self esteem or worsening body image
Some of these are well hidden. Adam DOES keep some interest in certain activities, but they are not as grand as they could be if he were not addicted.
Adam exhibits swings in his moods at times , mostly effected by the drugs he uses. However, on the outside- he might appear to have subclinical dissociative personality disorder.
He suffers anxiety
a lot of coping for depression
SPEECH; [[coming]]
MILITIA; [[coming]]
[[anything else I must add that I may have forgotten for this-- i will place on the page!]]
ALL in all Adam is a giant ass gary stu who hates himself.
The end!
0 notes