#this just makes sooo much more sense. all the math is mathing now also wow! edmond! you took your time!!
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kashilascorner · 6 months ago
According to the Sinbad chapter the story's now set in 1838, about nine years since Dantes' escape from prison, so Albert would actually be closer to 19-21 than to 15. 🤓
Anon, I love you. I think I missed the year of reference at some point I was so genuinely confused because from context he&Franz are obviously young adults but the math was not mathing at all 😭
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suckishima · 4 years ago
suckishima’s hq!! 30 day gif challenge masterpost
I’m doing the 30 Day Haikyu!! Gif/GFX challenge! But I’m slightly modifying the rules so it’s more fun for myself.
Link to the prompts here!
I’m skipping a few prompts because I felt like it lol. So I’m doing 22 of the 30 *shrugs*
I’m not allowed to repeat any characters, because if I did, well, basically the whole challenge would just be Tsukki gifsets and as much as I love him, that wouldn’t be much fun for me or for anyone else lol. This also works out for me because I’m generally bad at choosing definitive favorites, and now most everyone gets a turn.
I’m only choosing moments from the anime and therefore doing gifs only, because it would have just taken me too long to add colorings into the mix. Maybe one day I’ll do the challenge again but with only gfx/manga edits. That does sound fun lol, especially since a lot of my favorite moments haven’t actually been animated yet.
If I’ve done my math/timing right (and I stay on schedule) there should be one set every day from today until the second cour of Season 4 airs on October 2! So it’s kinda like a countdown event? idk lol
See which ones I’ve done so far here!
I’ve listed why I chose what I chose for each day under the cut if you wanna see me ramble on some more!
(I’ll update each prompt with a link to its post when it’s uploaded)
Favorite character: Yamaguchi Tadashi. Tsukki is probably more of my actual favorite, but he fits better for the character development category for me. So, I went with my second favorite, Yamaguchi! I love him so much, he’s such a sweetheart and I really like how we get to see him slowly grow more into his own. His big moments are some of my favorites of the entire series and I just really relate to his drive to just get to play with the rest of the first years.
Character first fell in love with: Hinata Shoyo. This one was easy peasy lol. Hinata is the light and love of my life and I’d honestly be surprised if anyone picked anyone other than Hinata for this prompt. He’s just so *clenches fist* good. Hard working, fun, determined, a little dumb, and so so caring and compassionate. And I’m so proud of him too tbh. I don’t care how cliche and overrated it is to say this, he is a ray of sunshine and I love him.
Character gradually warmed up to: Tendou Satori. Again, this could easily be Tsukki lmao since I didn’t like him at allll at first until he slowly began to grow on me in s2. Anyway, Tendou also grew on me. I tend not to like characters that feel chaotic just for the sake of it, and that’s how I felt about him at first. But as the Shiratorizawa match goes on, and especially in the Ball Boy arc as we see him interact with his teammates more I realized he just wants to have a good time and shame on me for wanting to be down on that. He’s funny, fun, doesn’t give a fuck what people think, and is a supportive friend. Nothing not to like tbh.
Favorite karasuno ship: Tsukkiyama. I mean, it’s my two favorite characters together lmao, it was bound to happen. Especially since a lot of the reasons they’re my favorites is because of their interactions together. I feel like each significant interaction between them isn’t just development for them together, but for them individually and I love that. There’s like this silent building each other up. They’re both there for each other without having to say anything, but then when they do voice it, it makes it that much more powerful. I just love how strong their friendship feels by the end of nationals arc, it feels so earned and genuine. I love that Tsukki is proud of how far Yamaguchi has grown, and that Yamaguchi is proud of not just Tsukki with volleyball, but Tsukki’s relationship with Akiteru. They’re both just so proud. I’m cool with all ships being just platonic too, but if we’re talking non-canonically, them being together just makes me happy. I’m a big ol’ sucker for friends to lovers.
Favorite episode/chapter: Illusionary Hero. Sensing a pattern yet? ha ha haaaa. The relationship between the Tsukishima brothers is one of my favorite in the series (i still cry over the peace signs), and this episode is where I really began to not only fall in love with Tsukki but the writing of the show. I too had been wondering “what IS the point of them working so hard,” and I loooooved how Furudate addresses that question through Tsukki’s backstory. Great stuff. (favorite manga chapter is 298 when yams and tsukki do their successful serve and block for the first time, if you were interested lol).
Favorite team: Karasuno. This was another easy choice. I love every single team in the series, truly. But I can’t just abandon my boys lmao. Karasuno is the heart and soul of the show, and they are also now my heart and soul.
Favorite position: Setter. “The setter is the information tower of the team” is the “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” of volleyball. Okay, not really, that quote was just repeating in my head while I made this set. I don’t have any cool meaningful reasons for this one. Setters are just cool.
Favorite wing spiker: Ushijima Wakatoshi. Ohhhh how I love Ushijima. At first you think he’s just big huge muscle baddie (and, like, he kinda is) BUT he’s also some of my absolute favorite comic relief in the whole series. He is so frickn earnest and blunt and doesn’t give a Fuck what people think and I love him.
Favorite middle blocker: Kuroo Tetsuro. This was a hard choice lol, because my top three favorite characters (tsukki, yamaguchi, and hinata) are all MBs, so I was like uhh which one do I choose? Aone was a close second to Kuroo too.
Favorite libero: Nishinoya Yuu. He’s just so dang cool.
Favorite setter: Kageyama Tobio. My boyyyyyy. God I love Kageyama. I’m not sure I can put into words how much he means to me. His character arc of shedding the King mantle only to pick it back up again with a new context is one of my favorite character developments of all time. His arc is all about learning to communicate and not only relying on others but learning to be relied on and I just ah - and the stuff about self care??? i love him.
Favorite captain: Sawamura Daichi. He just, is The Captain ya know. He’s got the vibe down pat. We love a good solid foundation for our team. He’s integral and Karasuno would have never made it as far as they do without him.
Favorite manager: Yachi Hitoka. I love Shimizu too, I do, but Yachi’s very unique brand of crazy is just too much fun lol. The first season feels so empty without her, and she brings so much joy to the team and to the show.
Favorite match: Shiratorizawa. Of the whole series, my favorites in order are actually, Nekoma, Inarizaki, Kamomedai and then Shiratorizawa, then Aoba Johsai 2. But since most of those aren’t animated yet, we get to focus on Shiratorizawa. Which I do still love, the hype is SO real the entire match, I still get chills at the end and during Tsukki’s Block.
Favorite non-match scene: BAR-BE-QUE!! Lmao tbh it was a close one between the fun of the bbq and heartwrench of the meal after the lose to Aoba Johsai in s1. Furudate said let them eat.
Favorite arc: Tokyo Training Camp. I love to see them improving and practicing and growing and ah it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Favorite underrated character: Tanaka Ryuunosuke. I LOVE HIM. HE IS SO FULL OF LOVE. And he’s so slept on I feel like. He is one of the most supportive characters in the show. He is always positive and is a great morale booster and is just an overall Good Boy. Yeah yeah he’s a bit intense with his crush, but he’s always respectful and I’ll fight anyone who thinks he’d do anything that makes Shimizu uncomfortable.
Favorite character development: Tsukishima Kei. Ah, we’re finally here lol. The top two reasons Tsukki is my favorite character is 1 because I relate to him sooo so much and I’ve never seen a character written in a way that feels so much like just how I personally think about and see things. 2, because of just how amazingly earned and cathartic his development is. I could ramble about this forever so I won’t. But when I found out he was still playing volleyball after the time-skip, I actually cried. Like, after everything, he’s still playing? He WANTS to play?? godddd.
Favorite non-player: Tsukishima Akiteru. Ah, I gotta say I relate to his struggle. Plus I love how expressive he is lmao, crying over like every little thing.
Favorite friendship(s): The Tsukishima Brothers. They are so important to me okay. The admiration, the falling out, the chasm for years that affects how they both interact and even see the world, the slowly piecing things back together, and then the reversal of the peace signs in the Kamomedai match, wow. (kageyama/hinata is a VERY close second, i’m bad at favorites)
Favorite pairing(s): Kageyama/Hinata, Bokuto/Akaashi, Shimizu/Yachi, Ushijima/Tendou. There’s so so many more tbh, but I had to narrow it down.
Favorite rare pair: skipped
1st, 2nd, or 3rd years: First Years. They’re my babies. I love them all and they way they all interact and I need them to be friends forever thanks.
Girls: skipped
Most relatable: skipped
Most like to be friends with: skipped
Most heartbreaking moment: skipped
Most heartwarming moment: skipped
Stage play day: skipped
Your choice: skipped
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tfw-no-tennis · 5 years ago
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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letthesparkleshine · 6 years ago
You remembered.
Part 6!
Hi everyone! I’ll try to include Jin’s and Jungkook’s POV in the next part as well! However there might be a little delay with it since I have a lot of things happening in private life. That’s why I tried to make this part a bit longer for you to read. Hope you enjoy it! :) 
Tumblr media
Words: around 5.1k
Group: BTS
Members: Jungkook and Taehyung X you X Jin (it’s a mess I’m sorry)
Part 1 *  Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5
You stopped for a moment to think. Your best friend had just asked you on a date I mean could it be any more perfect. People often speak about best friends dating and how it is on of the best things in the world. You always thought of Tae as you bff but he became that later. However, with Jungkook the situation was a little bit different. He was your friend before. He's your friend now. And yes he is handsome but you really didn't think of him like that. You didn't even have the time.
''Uh Y/N did you hear me?'' Jungkook's words snapped you out of your thoughts.
You didn't know what to say. You needed time. You just stood there like a statue. You felt as if even if you wanted to move you weren't able to.
''I know it's very sudden, you probably didn't expect this questio-''
''Yes it's very sudden'' you cut him off a little harshly. You didn't mean to come off as rude but you really didn't know how to react. How could he ask you. Not now.
''I'm sorry Jungkook, I'm just a little bit shocked that is all.''
''It's okay, I understand. You did just break up with Tae not a long ago.''
Oh Tae, why did he have to bring him up? you thought to yourself.
''But I still think that you should go out with me'' he sounded very confident. It was Jungkook we were talking about anyway.
''We know each other Y/N, don't you think it would be amazing?'' he took a step towards you. You still had no idea how to react, it was all very too sudden, and very odd as well.
He took your hand and intertwined it with his. You very shocked by his action reacted impulsively and pulled away taking a step away from him.
''I’m sorry Kookie this is all just very unexpected to me.'' you tried to explain yourself the best way you could at the moment.
''I'm not giving up Y/N. You're going to go out with me one of these days. I know that we would be just so great together.''
You slowly processed everything he said, but Kookie continued speaking: ''How about this? Come to our dorm tomorrow and we'll spend an evening like we used to. Playing games, messing around and other stuff. If you'll feel uncomfortable next to me, then I'll let go. We’ll stay friends like we are now.''
''But what do you get out of it? I mean it wouldn't be a date, we'd just hang out, of course I'm going to be comfortable next to you.''
Jungkook took a long sigh after you finished your sentence and if you were honest with yourself, it pissed you off. Who is he to be sighing when he had just asked you out out of blue.
''You really should let people finish their sentences Y/N.''
So that got you worked up even more but you decided to let it go this time. You crossed your hands and waited for him to finish.
''We'll be hanging out like always but I will do something I've never done before.''
''And what would that be smarty pants?'' you asked.
''I'll kiss you.''
If you thought him asking you out on a date before was a shocker to you, then this had to be a bomb. Your eyes became twice your normal size and your hands were no longer crossed. Jungkook was smirking at your reaction. This boy has always had a confidence when it came to girls and you saw him hitting on so many girls. You were always the person standing on the side and observing, but now roles have turned. You had become the girl he hits on. A very unusual feeling as well.
''Excuse me?'' was the only possible answer you could give him at the moment.
''You heard me, I'll kiss you and if it will be awkward for you, we can just remain friends. You were about to reply back but he cut you off. ''Before you interrupt me again let me finish. I won't tell you when I'll kiss you. I'll do it unexpectedly.''
You were standing as still as ever, with so many things going through your mind but the only thing you could say was: ''What sense does that make?''
''Now whenever you think about us hanging out tomorrow, you’ll think about me kissing you.'' Yeah the kid is not good with math but man he could win a woman’s heart.
''I swear Jungkook  I-''
''Nope, not even a word. You're coming tomorrow and that's the last of this conversation. Try not tho think about our kiss tomorrow.'' As he said that he finished it of with a wink and a smile. But it wasn't his kind smile, it was his f''boy smile. And if you were honest, you kind of liked it.
''Fine, challenge accepted, see you tomorrow Kook.”
Jungkook smiled to himself at your words and walked back to the dorm. As soon as he entered the dorm he felt something, it was a feeling you can’t describe easily. He came off so confident in front of you but now he was feeling like a five year old who just broke their mom’s favorite vase. Yoongi saw him and his state so he asked him: “You okay kid?”
“Yeah fine, I just need everyone to leave tomorrow around 3 o’clock and not come back until at least 9” he answered so simply but Suga wasn’t having any.
“Yeah right, what’s gotten into you?”
“No I mean it, Y/N is coming tomorrow to our kind of date and I need the dorm to be empty.”
At this point Yoongi saw that Kook wasn’t playing around so he asked: “Wait seriously? A date? What do you mean kind of?”
“Well it’s a date but we’re also hanging out as just friends. You can call it a pre-actual date preparation.”
“Listen, I have no idea what you’re talking about but I heard Y/N and date in the same sentence so that works for me.”
Jungkook definitely liked the words he was hearing.
“I’ll tell the others to leave.” Said Yoongi.
“Thanks, I appreciate the support.” Said Kookie very happily.
“No problem, it’s not everyday you lose your virginity.” Said Suga while heading to his room. Jungkook opened his mouth to protest but he was cut off yet again by Yoongi “Yeah yeah, you’re cool, you lost your virginity a long time ago, i don’t care I’m going to sleep.” And with those words said Yoongi was no where near Jungkook’s sight.
“Sometimes I wonder what would it be like if I lived alone, must be very peaceful.” Thought Kookie to himself. In the distance he heard some glass breaking and J-hope screaming.
“Very peaceful” he finished his thought.
On your way to Miri’s apartment countless thoughts passed by your mind, some passed rather quickly and other rather slowly. By the time you reached her apartment you were so deep in your thoughts you almost missed the building. As soon as you stepped into her apartment you sat on the couch in the living room taking some time to collect your thoughts. Miri had just gotten out of the shower and as soon as she saw you she asked: “Sooo?? How was it? Tell me everything!” She seemed very excited.
“Jungkook asked me out.” You cut straight to the ending, the ending that left Miri in complete shock. “And he said that he’ll kiss me tomorrow.”
At this point Miri looked as if all the air out of her lungs had been sucked out.
“What???” She screamed so loud, whole floor probably heard her.
You told her to sit down and you explained everything to her, you didn’t leave a single detail out.
After a good hour had passed Miri finally said:”Wow.. that was a lot of information to take in.”
“I know.” You agreed with her “So, what do you think I should do? Should I go out with Jungkook, he is Tae’s bes-“
“Yes!” Miri screamed cutting you off. “You should definitely go out with him Y/N, yes yes yes!” She continued speaking enthusiastically.
“What’s with the enthusiasm Miri?” You asked her.
“Oh come on, you and Jungkook Y/N that would be so good, even you have to admit it.”
“Whaat? I never thought of Jungkook in that way..” you tried playing dumb.
“Oh pleaase” said Miri “- like I don’t know you. Everybody looks at Jungkook that way, dont get me even started on you.”
“What? I never looked at him as a-“
Miri cut you off without saying a word. She gave you one of her significant looks. A look if which could speak, would say Really bitch.
“Yeah you’re right, why an I even trying with you?” You just admitted simply.
‘‘He is hot..’‘ you said that sentence rather as a question. ‘‘-Yeah he is hot, let’s try it why not?’‘ you asked yourself while talking out lout.
‘‘We’re very good friends Miri I cant.’‘ you also answered yourself.
‘‘Stooop! Go out with him Y/N, no overthinking ok?’‘ Miri tried to help you as much as she could without giving away Jungkook’s crush on you.
‘‘But what about Jin?’‘ you asked.
‘‘What about him?’‘ asked Miri as an answer.
‘‘Wouldn’t it be weird? I mean all things considered..’‘ you said the last word very silently. You regretted that night you spent with him. First of all you had just broken up with Tae and now you’re going out with another friend of his. You couldn’t help but to feel a little bit slutty. You never intended to sleep with him, it just happened.
‘‘Well how does he act around you?’‘ asked Miri.
‘‘Oh he’s great actually, he’s sticking to our deal and pretending like it didn’t happen at all. It’s just me, I have a problem with myself, I just feel so guilty Miri.’‘ you answered truthfully.
‘‘Well don’t  Y/N, it happened only once and you were drunk, also you and Tae broke up so you were a single lady at the time.’‘ she said.
‘‘But what if Kookie found out?’‘
Miri raised her hand at you telling you to basically stop talking.
‘‘I don’t want to hear it  Y/N, everyone makes mistakes, what happened with Jin was not much of a mistake really and besides even if it was, you don’t own anyone an explanation, especially Jungkook. You deal with your mistakes the way you want to.’‘
What Miri said made sense, you decided to let go of the topic for now and enjoy your date, but not really a date, with Jungkook tomorrow. You were rather excited for it. It was definitely making you nervous. It was something new.
‘‘Fine!’‘ you said, ‘‘Your right, I’m going to take a shower now If you don’t mind.’’
‘’What, you need to was the smell of their dorm that badly?’’ asked Miri in a jokingly way.
‘’No just the smell of Jimin.’’ you said while making your way to the bathroom.’’
‘’Hey!!’’ yelled Miri.
You laughed under your breath. ‘’Just joking girl.’’ 
Tomorrow has arrived. Today was the day of your and Jungkook’s kind of date.
You woke up not knowing how to feel, but there was not too much time left to think, you had to get ready for your job. You tried to go through day as normally as possible. You worked first shift, you had a break and then went back to work. Around 1 o’clock you finished and made your way to your home. The day was very lovely, sun was shining brightly so you deiced to go to home by foot.  You were enjoying the moment when suddenly your phone buzzed. It was a text from Jungkook.
‘‘Everything’s ready, I got the snacks and the movies, I only need you ;)’‘
‘‘Yeah,no winky face is going to work for a while Kookie, I’ll be there around 4ish’‘
‘‘Would you just play along, I swear Y/N you’re so obnoxious sometimes.’‘
‘‘And yet you still asked me on a date ;)’‘
It took Jungkook a couple of minutes before he replied back to you, it must’ve been a good response. Yep, today was a truly good day for you.
‘‘I’m thinking about giving you up, but before I do the final decision, I’ll need to see you around 5 today. Practice at 3, Hoseok was panicking again this morning at practice so we need to work a bit more today.’‘
‘‘5 it is, see you then pretty boy ;)’‘
‘‘Thanks for stating the obvious.’‘
You laughed at his text and put away your phone. When you got home you tried to pass the time as quickly as possible. You couldn't wait to see Jungkook today, you were very shook by his question yesterday but not today. Today you were all hyped, I guess that’s what overthinking does. As time passed you got ready for your kind of date and around 4.30 left your apartment. You didn’t want to be late as you were never late to your hanging out. You arrived couple of minutes early. To use the best of those minutes you tried calling Miri but you were in no luck. However she texted you back immediately: ‘’Don't overthink, just enjoy!’’
You put away your phone and made your way to their entrance door. You took a deep breath and knocked. You waited for a couple of seconds before the door opened. It was Jin who greeted you.
Oh Y/N you’re here.’’ he says. ‘’Come in.’’ he moved and made a way for you to enter. 
‘‘I’m here to meet Kook.’‘ you say as you take off your shoes and head to their living room. ‘‘Where is he?’‘
‘‘He’ll be home any minute, they must’ve finished by now.’‘ he says.
‘‘Oh,, I see..’‘ you say taking a short breath. ‘‘And you, why are you the only one home?’‘
‘‘I got a little bit sick since yesterday so I decided to stay in bed this day, but don’t worry I’m leaving you two alone for your date.’‘ he says with a tone sounding bit different than his usual self.
‘‘Oh, I.?’‘ you start to say but don’t know how to finish so you just stay quiet.
‘‘Don’t worry.’‘ he says with a little smile ‘‘We’re good right? We decided to be good no matter what, right?’‘ Jin asked and you were a little relieved. He could see that so instead of letting you answer he said: ‘‘Good, because I still want to go on a date with your sister.’‘
And this is where the Jin as everyone knows him has entered the chat.
‘‘Man I didn’t miss jokes about my sister.’‘ you say a bit irritably but you’re laughing. And so is Jin. You guys take a seat while waiting for Jungkook to arrive. He didn’t want to leave you alone so you just start talking. The conversation goes on very easily with Jin. He’s a charismatic person so it doesn't surprise you. You two have a lovely chat for a short while when you suddenly get a message from Jungkook.
‘‘I’m sorry but I’m going to be late. Namjoon felt sick during practice so we had to take him to the hospital. Don’t worry he just had an allergic reaction, we’re on our way back but it’s going to take a while, the roads are very crowded. Tell Jin his husband is fine and if he could keep you company for half an hour maybe I’d owe him one?’‘
You read the message out loud to Jin. 
‘‘I’ll keep you company no problem but excuse me a moment I still need to call Namjoon to see how he is.’‘ he says while getting up.
‘‘Of course.’‘ you say. He goes to his room to make a phone call and leaves you alone.
You start to text Miri but in the middle of your text you decide to delete it. You’re just going to go with her advice and enjoy it. Well as much as you can. And all is good, you're with Jin, he is making things easy for you. 
You decide to go to the bathroom while waiting for him to finish. You head towards it but on your way you hear weird noises coming from Jin’s room. You want to make sure if everything is okay so you change your path but before you knock you hear interesting words coming out of his room: ‘’I love her so much it’s not fair, I can’t pretend to be friends with her.’’
The words were too juicy for you to turn around and leave him in his privacy. Your curiosity gets the best of you so you decide to listen. It was Jin on a phone with Namjoon you were assuming, but who was he talking about? you thought to yourself.
You wanted to turn away and give him some privacy, you knew it was wrong to stay and eavesdrop but you couldn't help yourself.
‘‘I know Joon, I know Jungkook is crazy about her but so am I. And it hurts because he gets to go on a date with her today and I get to look at them.’‘
Jin’s words stopped your breath for a moment. He loves me? It can’t be.. you tried to deny the words you just heard. You started thinking about everything. How? When? Why? So man questions passed by your mind, you got completely lost in your thoughts. So lost you didn’t realize that you didn’t move until Jin came out of his room and he almost crashed into you.
‘‘ Y/N?? What are you doing standing here?’‘ he asked
‘‘I- I..’‘ you started to stutter, you had no idea what to say to him.
‘‘Did you hear my conversation?’‘ he asked sounding a bit angrily.
You stood still completely quiet, you looked at him and his face changed completely. He started to breathe very loudly, you could see that he was very nervous.
‘‘I’m so sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to check if you were okay.’‘
Jin’s eyes were teary at this point, he turned around to not face you, he was embarrassed.
‘‘Please don’t be mad, I’m so sorry.’‘ you say.
‘‘I didn’t want you to ever find out  Y/N, I wanted you to be happy with Kook, I still want you so let’s just pretend you didn't hear a word just like we’re pretending that we never slept together.’‘ he said the last part with such a bitter feeling in his voice. You could sense that he was angry with you for hearing his private conversation. He wanted to enter his room, opening the door but all you could do in the moment was hug him.
You felt bad, he was in love with you this whole time. First you were with Tae, then something happened between you but instead of talking about it you completely ignored his feelings and decided not to, and now he had to watch you get together with yet another friend of his.
‘‘I’m so sorry Jin.’‘ you say while hugging him from behind. ‘‘Please don’t be mad at me, let’s just talk.’‘ you say.
‘‘I don’t think there’s anything to talk about.’‘ he says very quietly.
‘‘No please, you’re still my friend, I care about you.’‘ you try to reason.
He turns around breaking your hug, looks you in the eyes and says: ‘’That’s why we have nothing to talk about, you care about me, but I love you.’’
You could feel your heart breaking but most importantly you could hear Jin’s as well. All you ever wanted was to make things right but you didn’t know how to. Jin was at this point crying a little bit and you started to as well. The whole situation was completely unexpected to you. You hated losing yet another friend. You were about to say something when you heard the front door opening.
‘‘It must be Kookie, don’t worry I’ll get my things and leave.’‘ says Jin entering his room and leaving you alone in the hallway not giving you a chance to react.
‘‘ Y/N I’m here and I'm so sorry I’m late.’‘ he says while running to you to give you a hug.
You hurry up and wipe your tears as fast as possible for him to not see.
‘‘Oh Kookie, you’re here.’‘ you say with a bit shaky voice while hugging him back.
‘‘Are you crying, what’s wrong Y/N?’‘ he asks.
‘‘Oh nothing, just an allergy, that’s why I went to the bathroom in the first place.’‘ you point to the door hoping your excuse will work on him.
‘‘Oh okay, well then you get settled and I’ll talk to Jin, we need to be alone today.’‘ he says with a wink.
You didn’t want him to enter Jin’s room, but you also didn’t know what to do. Everything was just so new to you, all the information you received was too much for you at the moment.
‘’Actually Kookie, my allergy is really working up.’’ you say with tears in your eyes. All you wanted was to cry at the moment. You had no idea why, but it hit you harder than anything else in your life. You just simply felt so bad, so guilty towards Jin.
‘‘Please, let’s reschedule this.’‘ you say turning away from him, afraid he’ll see through you and realize those are actual tears. You want to move to get your things but he stops you by grabbing your hand.
‘‘Y/N wait please, I’ve been looking so forward to this day, please don’t leave.’‘ he says in such an honest way it breaks your heart even more. Not only did you hurt Jin, you were about to hurt your best friend too. One person you thought you weren’t capable of hurting. Jungkook still holds your hand not letting you go and you don’t move. You stay still for a couple of seconds only looking at his eyes. He suddenly moves closer to you letting go of your hand and instead grabbing you by your waist very gently. He pulls you closer to him leaving you completely in shock not knowing what he’s going to do next. His right hand makes its way to your neck pulling you even closer to him. In the moment you close your eyes not caring about a single thing. He presses his lips against yours and its the most amazing feeling you’ve ever felt. He starts to deepen the kiss and you go along. You forgot about everything, you just enjoyed the moment.
Soon the moment is over and you both move slowly apart. You are still very stunned by what had just happened. Your best friend had just kissed you and it felt incredible. But on the other side, your heart was hurting because of Jin. You start to overthink everything again but Jungkook stops you with saying: ‘’You kissed me back.’’
He had such a wide smile on his face as he was saying those words to you and you felt incredible. However, Jin was at the back of you mind the whole time. You were so happy yet so sad at the same time.
‘‘Jungkook, honestly, the kiss was amazing.’‘ you say making him smile even more, as it was even possible. ‘‘-but I have to go, I’m so so so sorry, but I just have so many things to think through.’‘ you say.
‘‘Wait, wait Y/N.’‘ he says running after you ‘‘- wha-?’‘
He didn’t know why you reacted in such way. ‘’Did it feel weird?’’ he asked very directly.
‘‘No, no, the kiss was great Jungkook, I promise you, I just have to go.’‘ you say. You wanted to leave as soon as possible, due to Jin still being in his room. Everything that had just happened, happened in front of his room. You were terrified of him coming out in the hallway at any moment.
‘‘Why Y/N? I don’t understand.’‘ says Kookie.
‘‘I promise, the kiss was amazing, but I have to go, I’ll call you, it’s another promise.’‘ you say to him and with those words you leave his dorm not giving him a chance to say something.
The outdoor fresh air felt like a bucket of ice cold water.
What had just happened? you thought to yourself. On you way to your home your mind went blank, you couldn’t process what had just happened. You wanted to think about it, but something was stopping you. You changed your route and headed to the White cafe you and Kookie used to go to all the time. You ordered the same thing Jungkook would order. After taking a first sip it happened. Emotions have overcome you and after Jungkook popped in your head you started to smile. Your best friend had just kissed you, the guy you never thought would, excluding the crush you had on him the first year you became friends. He was the one you probably should have been with at the first place instead of Tae.
I just kissed Jungkook, omg I have to call Miri, you thought but stopped the same second you took your phone out. ‘’Jin.’’
Oh poor Jin, I’m such a terrible person, what am I going to do. Different thoughts have entered you mind, you really had no idea what to do. You wanted to think things through before you said anything to anyone.
After 7 minutes of deep thinking mode your thoughts were disturbed by your phone buzzing. It was a message from Jimin.
‘‘What did you do to Jungkook??’‘ The message left you very confused.
‘‘What do you mean?’‘
‘‘We came home like 15 min ago expecting him to be in a good mood, but he’s locked himself in his room not wanting to talk to anybody.’‘
On no, poor Kookie, he probably thinks he did something wrong. you thought.
‘‘I’ll call him later, but if he asks tell him he did nothing wrong, tell him that everything was just perfect to me.’‘
‘‘Ok, I have no idea what you’re talking about but I’ll tell him. Maybe he’ll cheer up.’‘
‘‘Thanks Jimin.’‘
The one person you never saw unhappy was now locked in his room, thinking about what he had done wrong. You hated this feeling, you wanted to go to him and talk to him like you talk about everything, but you had to think about Jin as well, he was his friend after all.
You decided to stop feeling terribly alone, so you called the one person who’ll probably help you feel even more terrible, but at least you weren’t alone. Miri. She came to the coffee shop pretty fast, obviously she was very excited for the news you had for her.
‘‘Talk woman, talk!!’‘ she yelled as soon as she entered, not caring about other guests in there. 
She listened carefully to every detail of you story and you explained it very thoroughly. After everything she heard the only thing that came out of her mouth was: ‘‘Holy shit!’‘ she took a moment to collect her thoughts and then she said: ‘‘Please tell me you’re still going to go out with Jungkook.’‘ she says.
‘‘Do you like him?’‘ she asked very firmly.
‘‘I don’t know, I mean he is my Kookie, the friend I’ve had for over 8 years.’‘ you try to answer.
‘‘Yeah Y/N that’s not an answer.’‘ she says.
‘‘I do like him Miri, of course I like him, I think I could even fall in love with him over time. I mean it’s Kookie for crying out loud.’‘ you say and Miri smiles upon hearing your words.
‘‘But Jin, I don’t know what to do Miri, he is obviously hurting because of me and I don’t want to be a bad guy.’‘ you finish saying.
‘‘Y/N you can’t think like that. You can’t block your happiness because of someone else’s. You need to be happy too, you deserve to be happy.’ she says taking your hand.
‘‘You’re my best friend and I’m going to be honest with you.’‘ her words make you look at her suspiciously.
‘‘Jungkook has had a crush on you for the longest time ever, even while you were dating Tae. And I was always rooting for him, since day 1. He could make you so happy Y/N, don’t ruin things for yourself.’‘
You had no idea about Jungkook’s crush, but after hearing it coming from Miri’s mouth it made you smile a little bit to yourself. He liked me? was everything that was going through your head.
‘‘And regarding Jin, yes, it’s a terrible timing but it’s not your fault. If you have a chance to be happy, you should be happy. As simple as that.’‘ 
‘‘I swear Miri, you always know what to say.’‘ you tell her.
‘‘Well of course, why do you think I majored in law?’‘ she says making you both laugh. She wipes the already dried tears off your face and says: ‘‘Go do the thing that would make you happy with the right person.’’ putting again a smile on your face. 
You get up to hug her and say: ‘’Thank you for everything. Really.’’
‘‘No problem, now go.’‘ she says pushing you out of the Cafe making you laugh.
Enjoy the moment, you deserve to be happy is what you are thinking as your walking towards you home. As soon as you reached your apartment you got cozy on your couch and texted Jungkook.
‘‘You awake?’‘
Why did I text that, it’s like 8PM, who goes to bed at 8?
He texted you back instantly.
‘‘I know I’m younger than you, but that doesn’t mean I go to sleep at 8 like a child..’‘
After reading his text you called him. He didn’t pick up for a couple of seconds which made you a bit nervous when suddenly you heard: ‘’Hello?’’
‘‘Kookie! Hi! What are you doing?’‘ you asked.
‘‘Umm.. nothing special, hanging out with the guys.’‘
‘‘Are you free?’‘ you went in directly with your intentions.
‘‘What? When? Now?’‘
‘‘Yes, now.’‘ you say.
‘‘Well, yeah, I don’t have any plans..’‘
You don’t know how you got the courage to say the following words but somehow you found it.
‘‘Come to my place.’‘
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peachiejihoonie · 8 years ago
yoon jisung - demigod!au; nemesis
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for those who dont know, nemesis is the goddess of revenge, retribution and balance
shocked? same for jisung.
jisung was adopted by a very loving and caring family with very accepting siblings.
no one knows about his family or past; it was the cliche, he was left on rhe porch of the family in basket wrapped in a ducky blanket, something he still dearly treasures since he feels its his only connection to his biological parents.
he was home schooled, so he had a limited amount of friends which meant he was very protective and loving of his family.  
he lived a pretty normal life, and since he wasn’t exactly the most powerful of demigods, monsters didn’t really bother to chase him down.
up until he was about to finish highschool with his home school program thing that is
he was at the grocery store, picking up produce for his family since he had promised to cook dinner that night,
he was reaching for the tomatoes when a big burly hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.
slowly looking up he saw a big muscular man looking down at him with the biggest huffs and puffs coming out out of his mouth.
“y-yo-you can ha-a-ave th-the to-to-toma-tomato if yo-you want” he stuttered, gulping a lump down his throat.
slowly, he watched the big man throws his wrist down and the tomato flung out of his hand smashing into the shelf, the force creating a hole through the shelf
luckily the civilians around only saw it splatter onto the cereal boxes because of the mist but many angry customers were watching in disgust
jisung ran over to the shelf and attempted to pick up the tomato but of course in his vision it wasn’t there but behind the shelf
he looked up, about to ask why the man did that but instead was meet with a kick in the gut that flung him into shelf
screams exploded around him and he gripped his stomach painfully
the man had reached his eye level, just grunting and smirking, through his blurry vision, jisung noticed his eyes slowly combining into one and he wanted to scream, realizing he was witnessing a cyclops about to beat him to pulp
instead only tears rolled down his checks and inaudible sounds escaped from his mouth. all he could think about was his family and how theyre going to react if he suddenly died or disappeared
as the cyclops was about to grab him, he squeezed his eyes shut, (causing more tears to spill) expecting to be crushed but instead he heard another loud crash
there you were, all bad ass in just a tshirt and jeans. he had realized you had kick down the cyclops twice your size.
before the cyclops could get back up your frame was already on top of him, your dagger already aligned with it’s eyes
jisung’s sobs erupted as you jabbed your dagger in and quickly jumped off the cyclops, grabbing his hands, pulling up his knees
“stop crying we gotta go okay" you said hurriedly, trying to calm him down
he’s a child; cheeks stained red, eyes shut tightly with over flowing tears and you raise a brow
“I ha-have t-t-to c-co-co-cook din-dinner"
you end up having to drag him out of the grocery store before the cyclops could attack again, you both run blocks until you make it to a parking lot
now he’s panting, sobbing and wont stop rambling about his family
“look as much as you love your family, you’re in danger okay” you’re trying not to rolling your eyes cause honestly what the fuck
you explain to him he NEEDS to bounce on over to camp half blood because monsters are after him since he’s a demigod
he’s stubborn though, he refuses to go with you he just needs to cook for his family
and you both just keep bickering like why can’t he understand he needs to fucking leave he’s in danger
and why cant you understand that family is important and that he can’t just disappear
you guys are having major culture shocks, it just something each of you weren’t used to
you weren’t used to the idea of a loving and tightly knitted family and he wasn’t used to “fending for yourself” 
so you guys compromise, he can finish this dinner thing and then the next morning he’ll leave with you with the condition that he can come back and that you’d stop bringing up this demigod nonsense for one night
so you guys go grocery shopping together again, he notices your uptight behavior and constant glances of worries and he tries to ease you by being his good ol happy self, all meme like and jolly 
you guys also end up introducing yourselves (finally)
as you guys are the leaving the store, he apologizes about your dagger and you blinked a couple times like “wdym?????”
and he’s like “your dagger ?????? the one you left in the cyclops???????”
“OOH, dw bout it, it’s gonna come back”
he’s dumbfounded, like what the fuck are you saying ?????
“it’s reappears when I need it, it’s name it’s emfanistei"
“oh that’s cute it’s literally named reappear”
and he catches himself, he’s wide eyed
“w HY dO I kNoW THa T?????????????” he freaks the fuck out
and you’re like chiiiiiilllll it’s cause you’re greek u demigod calm down
when you make it back to his place, you’re starting telling him you’ll be back at dawn he has math equations around his head
“where are you going?” 
“finding a motel?”
this is also the first time you hear jisung go “what the fuck” and you see him with the most sassiest face that you didn’t think the crybaby happy go lucky boy could pull off
he forces you to eat dinner with his family, they’re all really sweet and all but you’ve never felt so out place
they’re all so sweet and caring it makes you feel bad for intruding
you both somehow bs an explanation and they’re convinced that he’s going to some intern summer camp thing
he insists you sleep on his bed and he takes the bean bag but you refuse, feeling bad for what you put him through all day
you both end up staying up a bit too late, discussing each other lives 
he was extremely fascinated by your demigod life
you also learn he’s adopted and that’s why hes so caring about his family
“i mean, i can’t loose two families right??”
he’s the type to suppress all his feelings in order to make other people feel better please protect the boy, hes actually sad deep down
he talked about how he used get bullied for it, how people told him how he was unwanted and useless 
it didn’t help that he was dyslexic and had adhd so he just turned to home schooling
he came to terms with it, knowing that he was loved by his family, whether or not they had the same dna and blood  
“I live a very happy and wholesome life now and that’s all that really matters right?” 
he doesn’t really hold a grudges against his biological parents, but he would just like to know why or what happened  
the next, he was all packed and ready to, packed as in just some essentials that he couldn’t survive without (his blanket)
it takes a lot of walking and buses to get to camp half blood, which makes a lot of room for conversations
there were a few awkward silences, good long talks (mainly him) and lots of exchanged jokes (also mainly him)
you guys end up talking about his potential parents and you were honest and said that he was probably demeter’s son but you really couldn’t tell
he realized that he knew nothing about your parentage so he was slightly surprised that you were ares’s child
“isn’t he like mean??? scary????? wAR??????”
and you kinda just chuckle because wow such stereotypes you’ve placed upon me
“but you’re so kind??? quiet??? i’m confused???”
and yall make it to camp half blood!!!!!
as soon as you get there your cabin mates kinda just scoff at him
“you got sooo lucky bro that they found you”
“ya, if we found you, you would’ve been done, you look like a twinkie”
and they snicker at each and you just roll your eyes
“leave him alone, its literally his first day”
he realizes that you’re really not the stereotypical ares kid
“oh shut up reject, this is why dad never sends you off to quests or gives you gifts.”
you’re walking away and jisung follows, trying to comfort you but you end up comforting him
“its fine, ares kids are always like that, just ignore them”
and this happens constantly and everytime jisung would just run by your side 
honestly since he’s so cheery and happy, he’s loved by many campers, except for the ares cabin
but he never ever drifts from you, you’re still his top priority 
you think he’s just being sweet and nice to you because you sorta saved his life
he always saves you a seat during meals and has your favorite drink already at the table 
at the bonfire, he’d always have an extra large blanket for you to share 
he even let you stay at his hermes cabin over night once because your siblings were being assholes
(he’s in the hermes cabin because he wasn’t claimed yet)
thats’ the night you realize how fast your heart races when you’re around him
you liked him
something about the two of you just clicked
it takes him a while to get claimed but he does, during a game of capture the flag
you get in a fight with your other cabin mates and they’re blaming you for losing 
even though jisung was on the other team, he came over and stood up for you
he cited how unfair your teammates were acting and insisted that they shouldn’t get to use the showers first since they were being assholes
“how does that even remotely make sense? that’s so petty, like showers???” your half siblings complained
“yea, cause you guys are complaining about something bratty, that means you get a bratty punishment”
even mr.d was amused by the solution since he was overhearing the argument
bam, he’s claimed by his mother nemesis
everyone is shook and he doesn’t understand why at first; theres a lot of scattered whispering
you have to explain to him that her children are known for being traitors, and self entitled assholes
it takes him a while to get used to, he’s angered by her because she’s kinda known for being a huge asshole and sorta evil and hes the polar opposite
but overtime he accepts himself like he always does, he realizes that he is a firm believer in balance
he doesn’t believe in irrational punishment and revenge, but he knows when its needed.
so he ends up becoming a referee for capture the flag occasionally when mr.d isn’t available because he’s “busy”
one time during another argument that involved you again, the ares cabin called him out for being your little guard dog
“so what if i stand up for them?” jisung responds “you guys are the ones treating them like shit”
“ya okay, go ahead, go to your little boy toy since you’re such a weakling and can’t stand up for yourself”
and jisung’s sassy side just goes OFF
“look here, you know damn well that y.n can literally beat the both of you into a pulp, unlike you though, they doesn’t feel the need to show off nor waste their energy on such useless statements, especially from low lifers like you guys.”
and the two ares children that were talking are furious but before they attack jisung you kinda just kick them down
“leave him alone okay, hes not my boy toy, I can genuinely for people unlike you inconsiderate assholes”
and as you two are walking away, he realized what you said
“you care for me?” he asked
“ya?” you bluntly replied
“like care care for me?”
“what does that even mean?”
“i like you” he blurts
and yall date,
and you perfectly balance each other ;-)
he’s really talkative and you’re a great listener 
he makes you laugh and relax and you keep him check 
you’re both protective of each other 
he really loves embarrassing you cause you’re still pretty shy about skinship, 
he finds you all red faced super cute
hes always sitting with the hermes cabin since he had been close with a lot of them since he wasn’t claimed for a long while and he has no one in the nemesis cabin that he isnt he afraid of 
and he always invites you over during meal times and the hermes cabin relentlessly tease you guys
he races you up the lava climbing wall and never wins
you help him with the history of greek mythology to which he always claims is boring and useless
when he sees you during sword fight class and defeating someone he would cheer so loud it almost embarrasses you 
“yEES thAtS mY ArES sIGnIFIcaNT OThER!!!!!!” “MY 10 OUT OF 10!!!!” “look did you see them just drop kicked that big guy?? tHEYrE mInE!!” 
and he’s all the way across the field near the cabin so everyone can hear him
your first kiss was at the armory while you guys were searching for a weapon for him
ya you both didn’t realize he was playing capture the flag weaponless
“what, i didn’t even do much anyways, i just kinda looked around, and if i found the flag i just told my teammates? besides, i don’t even play that often anyways”
“but yoU WeRE wEAPonlESS???? dEFenSeLeSS??????”
but you guys both find a him sword after sorting through all the too heavy and too light ones
“thanks babe youre the best! :-)))” and he kisses your cheek “perks of dating an ares child !!!!” 
god hes such a cutie
and you don’t realize that you’re staring at him, admiring his cute his smile and his half closed eyes
but he does, so he leans in to try to kiss you, but accidentally knocks down the barrel of spears, scaring the daylights out of you
he’s bright red and giggling and you just sigh and you end up kissing him, holding up the barrel of swords that was behind the spears just in cases it falls
you guys are exactly the the unexpected
the two scary mean violent cabins, dating in one peaceful harmony
how ironically fitting 
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chloe-elizabeth-price · 7 years ago
1-40 (take that)
A lot of questions as per usual, thanks for always being curious and cute @annoyinglyuniquebread!
I’ll put these under a cut as well as trigger warn you guys for mentions of mental illness, unhealthy coping mechanisms and abuse. 
Anyone who wants to, feel free to read what basically feels like my life story lol 
Here we goooo
1: Talk aboutthe first time you watched your favorite movie.
This question as well as numbers  11, 24, 28 and 38 where answered here and here
2: Talk aboutyour first kiss.
I was 7 and kissed a boy in my class behind the bushes at recess in a display of young  compulsory heterosexuality. He dumped me at a classmate’s birthday party a week later and I never looked at boys again lol
3: Talk aboutthe person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
This girl I met in my freshman year of college and fell hard and fast for. She clearly didn’t feel the same for me and very unceremoniously dumped me without much of an explanation, it sucked!  
4: Talk aboutthe thing you regret most so far.
That I didn’t break contact with my biological father much earlier than I did, his presence in my life made me feel like shit for way longer than I deserved and now that he’s out of my life I feel a lot better!
5: Talk aboutthe best birthday you’ve had.
l’m not actually much of a fan of birthdays and much prefer Christmas, never really liked the idea of growing up…But I guess my tenth birthday was cool. It was nice  to turn a two digit number for the first time and the pajama party I had that year was pretty sweet!
6: Talk aboutthe worst birthday you’ve had.
Well my fourth birthday sucked, it was my first birthday after my parents got divorced and I was worried my dad wouldn’t show up for the party and well…He didn’t……………….Yeah that sucked!
7: Talk aboutyour biggest insecurity.
I have many, many insecurities of different natures and can honestly not really narrow it down to one big one.
8: Talk aboutthe thing you are most proud of.
I’m proud of unapologetically being who I am despite breaking norms and societal expectations in more ways than one; as well as for standing up for others like me!
9: Talk aboutlittle things on your body that you like the most.
I like my eyes, they’re a nice shade of blue
10: Talk aboutthe biggest fight you’ve ever had.
Physical? Because I’ve never really been in a physical fight and I can’t really think of a huge verbal one either right now. Of course I’ve gotten into some arguments with my parents and stuff growing up, nothing major that I can remember though.
12: Talk aboutthe worst dream you’ve ever had.
 I rarely remember my dreams, but since I started taking sleeping pills I’ve had some really vivid and scary ones, nothing I feel like reliving by sharing though.
13: Talk aboutthe first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Yeah, nope, not happening, too demi and reserved to share that one with the internet, sorry!
14: Talk abouta vacation.
The best vacation I’ve ever been on was the one I got from my parents as a graduation gift. They accompanied me to Amsterdam (which is a beautiful, beautiful city) to see Taylor Swift live on the 1989 World Tour! It was one of the best trips/concerts of my life and I really look forward to seeing Tay again in 180 days! 
15: Talk aboutthe time you were most content in life.
Probably in my last year of middle school, when I was like 15. It was the last year before I developed mental illness and fell into this dark, dark hole…Wow, that sounds depressing af! Sorry for being such a bummer!
16: Talk aboutthe best party you’ve ever been to.
I don’t really do parties, I prefer to hang out with my friends casually and just play video games and cook/have dinner together or whatever. We’ve had many awesome hangouts like these over the years and I can’t really pick a specific one as the best one!
17: Talk aboutsomeone you want to be friends with.
I’d love to be friends with Carrie Fisher, we’d get along famously and she seems like the kind of person you could just talk to you know? Carrie, if you can hear me up in heaven, please consider being my friend and save me a cloud to sit on next to you, cool?
18: Talk aboutsomething that happened in elementary school.
I got dumped at that birthday party, lol…No but really I don’t remember much of elementary school, except that one time a bitch stole my tamagotchi, that wasn’t cool Sally, so not cool!
19: Talk aboutsomething that happened in middle school.
My teacher surprised me by sneaking me into another school’s library so that I could join this class of strangers in meeting one of my favorite authors at the time and get my books signed as well as give her a book i’d written and exchange email addresses with her. We still emailed occasionally years later, it was dope!!
20: Talk aboutsomething that happened in high school.
I came out of the closet, that was pretty damn dope too!
21: Talk abouta time you had to turn someone down.
During my freshman year of college (wow, a lot sure did happen that year, huh?) this guy in my class basically started stalking me and obsess over me despite me repeatedly telling him I’m gay and wasn’t interested. It got pretty badly out of hand and it ended with the school suspending him after me having complained to the student council after he failed to recognize my rejections for what they were, FUCKING REJECTIONS!!! 
22: Talk aboutyour worst fear.
i’m TERRIFIED of failure in any and all forms! Don’t wanna talk about it though, it’ll probably trigger unnecessary anxiety…
23: Talk abouta time someone turned you down.
I’m too shy to ask people out so I have never really been turned down in that sense, have been dumped tho, that’s………..unfun!
25: Talk aboutan ex-best friend.
During elementary and middle school I was best friends with this guy i’d known since kindergarten, we drifted apart since we went to different high schools and haven’t really hung out since sophomore year which is too bad really because we were like siblings at one point and I’d like to have that back someday.
26: Talk aboutthings you do when you’re sick.
I try to drink a lot of tea and stay as comfortable as possible while watching something that makes me happy and distracts me from feeling badly. Like Buffy, Brooklyn 99 or F.r.i.e.n.d.s
27: Talk aboutyour favorite part of someone else’s body.
My dog’s tail is fluffy and adorable just like the rest of her! :)
29: Talk aboutwhat turns you on.
I feel like I’ve talked about this before, but open-minded people who aren’t afraid of having frank, honest conversations in which the express their opinions. Girls are beautiful and physically most parts of girls’ bodies honestly turn me on buuuut again, too awkward for this discussion on the net.
30: Talk aboutwhat turns you off.
Close-minded and bigoted people disgust me!
31: Talk aboutwhat you think death is like.
I’m not really sure, but a quote from John Green’s Looking For Alaska comes to mind: “Thomas Edison’s last words were “It’s very beautiful over there”. I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.”
32: Talk abouta place you remember from your childhood.
When I was younger my grandparents lived in this big, yellow house in the countryside and I remember it as this bright, warm and very positive place! It was surrounded by  a large, dark forest that my grandma used to call The Forest of Fairy Tales” and in their huge garden they had an abundance of sweet berries and I had a legit fort my grandpa had built for me at the edge of the forest. I really miss that place, almost as much as I miss my grandma!
33: Talk aboutwhat you do when you are sad.
Pretty much the same thing I do when I’m sick, I try to drink gallons of tea, stay comfy and watch something lighthearted and uplifting. Listening to Taylor Swift also helps me a lot if I feel down. The sound of her voice makes me feel at home and reminds me that things are gonna be okay, ya feel?
34: Talk aboutthe worst physical pain you’ve endured.
As a kid with cerebral palsy I pretty much grew up in hospitals and was subject to a lot of pretty painful stuff before I even turned ten, as a result my pain threshold is very high. Despite this I can’t really say breaking my wrist in a biking accident at about nine didn’t suck.
35: Talk aboutthings you wish you could stop doing.
I wish I could stop clinging to some of the more unhealthy coping mechanisms I have when it comes to my mental illness…Like I wish I’d stop starving myself and make myself sleep deprived on purpose and stuff…That’s not really healthy and I wish I didn’t cling to these things and instead could find healthier ways to deal with bad mental health situations. I’m working on this though!
36: Talk aboutyour guilty pleasures.
I don’t believe in guilt associated with interests of any kind. If I like something I like it, plain and simple!
37: Talk aboutsomeone you thought you were in love with.
This boy that sat next to me in my eighth grade math class, he was super nice and we were friends. Secretly though I was like OBSESSED with him, it was actually kinda cute. Sadly for 14 year old me I was too shy to ask him out though, which was just as well since it was clearly compulsory again and I was really crushing super hard on the cool punk girl in my social studies class who I just thought i really, really, REALLY wanted to be friends with at the time…I was too shy to talk to her too though sooo
39: Talk aboutthings you wish you’d known earlier.
That it’s okay to be both disabled and queer, the belief that you couldn’t caused me to stay in the closet (even to myself) for far longer than I needed to. you’re not “too much” just because you happen to be part of several minority groups, never forget that, kids!
40: Talk aboutthe end of something in your life.
When I was 13 I finally broke contact with my biological father and that was the end of a cycle of mental and psychological abuse. It was one of the best decision I’ve ever made and the most cathartic ending to any period  in my life so far. 
Thanks for all those questions, Bellz and sorry it took some time for me to answer them, I’ve had a busy week!
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impatient-traveler · 8 years ago
Poet!Ardyn AU
Requested by and dedicated to @hi-im-captain-bullshit :) Thank you for being a friend and an inspiration!! <3 
A sort of Wolf’s Rain anime ending style AU, aka after the tragic end of everything our heroes just randomly get reincarnated in a world that’s just like theirs, minus all of the bad. Ardyn gets reincarnated in Noct’s times because they died at the same time, despite being born 2k years apart. Enjoy the fluff!
The Prince had just finished school and was leaving the building with Prompto, his best friend. It was a gorgeous, sunny day very close to summer break and he was itching to spend it on something fun.
“Uh, isn’t Ignis gonna be waiting for you?” his buddy asked when he turned towards the back exit. Noctis shrugged.
“I guess.” he kept walking.
“Sooo... are you ditching him?” the blond inquired, jogging to catch up with him.
“What does it look like?” 
“He’s gonna be pissed you know.”
“Yes, well. It’s either that or I get to spend the day studying.” the Prince explained.
“Wait, for what??”
“There’s a math test tomorrow.”
“...Oh. Is there? Oh right.” the other boy muttered to himself. “Hey, we got answers to this one!” he yelled, finally figuring out why he’d allowed himself to forget about it.
“Shhh!!” the Prince whirled on him, already reaching to cover his mouth. His friend evaded swiftly. “Don’t yell about that.” he paused as he got through the door, then waited for the other to catch up. “Ignis isn’t gonna like me cheating. And I don’t feel like pretending I’m studying for the entire day, alright?” Prompto grinned.
“Sure thing. Where are we going?” he asked excitedly.
“I don’t know.” Noct shrugged. “The arcade?”
“Good enough.” his companion agreed.
Soon they were walking hand in hand through the busy, bright streets. There were plenty of people out and about, enjoying the weather. Blessedly when he was wearing his school uniform and accompanied by a kid his age instead of royal bodyguards Noctis could walk around unrecognized. There’d been a few occasions when someone figured out who he was, but they were rare enough that he saw no reason to change his habits. They were slowly making their way from the centre full of wide windows and colorful displays into the older, narrower parts of the city where the less flashy establishments were. They were by no means back streets, but they were out of the way and mostly inhabited by small restaurants, music and book stores. Just a few minutes and they’d find the familiar sign of the arcade that was their favorite. As they walked, absentmindedly chatting about their school day, Noct’s attention was drawn to a man standing at the corner a little ahead of them. He was wearing the oddest ensemble of clothes he’d ever seen, especially for the early summer heat. Heavy black cloak, no less than three scarves and a hat tipped playfully on top of dark ruby locks. That was an odd sight in itself, on someone who looked to be in his thirties at least, but Noctis supposed with every year the older generations got more progressive and he shouldn’t be surprised by the occasional crazy hair color. As they got closer he returned his attention to what Prompto was saying.
“What a pleasure to see you, your Highness!” a pleasant, honey-sweet tone called after them. Noct whirled on the spot, shocked to see anyone recognize him. It was the man he’d been eyeing, now observing them with a kind smile and a mischievous twinkle in his amber eyes. Reluctantly, the Prince stepped closer, an anxious Prompto at his heels.
“I, uh.” he struggled to switch to his royal tone for a moment. “The pleasure is mine.” he ground out awkwardly, not at all pleased. “How did you recognize me?” the boy failed to keep the grumble from his tone. He enjoyed his privacy and hated to be denied it. The stranger only smiled wider.
“I couldn’t help it, your Highness, I apologize. Perhaps it’s the royal aura.” the man gestured at Noct with a flourish, an edge of mockery entering his voice. The Prince bristled.
“Yeah, I bet it is.” he muttered. Prom shifted awkwardly next to him, obviously wanting to say something but not sure how to react.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure I interrupted something important.” the stranger said, almost genuine. Noctis didn’t miss the jab.
“I don’t always have to be working, you know.” he pointed out, narrowing his blue eyes.
“So, uh, what’s that?” Prompto’s unnaturally cheerful voice interrupted them, a sure sign that the blond was anxious. The man looked at him, while Noct turned to search for what his friend was talking about. It turned out there was a stack of small books sitting on a windowsill next to the stranger, a few more visible peeking out from a torn and battered black canvas backpack underneath. Next to it stood, propped up against the wall, a pristine and pretty black umbrella, of all things. The only thing running through the Prince’s mind at the sight of the literature was ‘oh no, not a preacher!’
“Ah, those?” the man’s voice drew his attention back to his face, now smiling modestly. “Only some poetry, I’m afraid.” he shrugged apologetically. Prom nearly jumped.
“Really? Did you write it??” he asked, crowding the man’s personal space.
“Indeed. Would you like to see?” one of the thin books was passed into Prompto’s waiting hands. Intrigued, Noct looked at the cover and saw it showed a crystal, different from the Crystal, with two swords crossed underneath it and surrounded by sylleblossoms. Now he was seriously curious. His friend opened the book and scanned through it quickly, stopping as soon as he saw a block of text that seemed short enough to read on the spot. The stranger waited politely.
“Wow! This is really good!” the boy exclaimed a minute later. “Like, actually very good!” the man gave tham a sheepish smile.
“Thank you, young man.” he said, sounding oddly formal since he definitely wasn’t old enough to call them that.
“May I?” Noctis asked and was immediately handed a second book.
“Of course, your Highness.” he was told, accompanied by a small but respectful nod. At least the strange man had the sense to not bow in public. The boy opened the book on the first page. ‘Liber Crystallinus; poems by Ardyn Izunia’, it said.
“Ardyn, right?” Noct asked, raising his eyebrows skeptically.
“Yes, prince Noctis.” the stranger replied, letting the boy know he need not introduce himself. Meanwhile, Prompto sighed sadly and reluctantly handed the book back.
“Thanks, I really like it.” he said.
“Oh, keep it if you want.” Ardyn offered. The blond bounced once more.
“Really? Thank you!!” he yelled.
“Can I keep it too?” Noct asked, not overly excited at the prospect of poetry but intrigued enough to check it out. The man nodded with a pleasant smile.
“Oh! Oh! We need to get a selfie!!” Prom announced, already pulling out his camera and squeezing close to Ardyn. The man seemed less than thrilled at the idea but happy to humor the younger generation.
With not much choice left, Noctis stepped up at the other side of the peculiar stranger and grinned at the camera.
When they got to Prompto’s home that evening, after hours spent at the arcade, they looked at the picture again. The three of them, two cheerful boys and a scruffy but kind looking poet in too many scarves. Noct decided to keep the photo.
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stevethehairington · 8 years ago
Okay so I was tagged by @fairieswithoutwings to do one of those like “get to know me” kind of post things, which like wow, I’m surprised that I was tagged in one of these! Like I didn’t ever expect to be so it’s pretty cool! Thanks!! :)
Name/nickname/whatever you prefer to be called?
My friends usually just call me by my full name, Mackenzie, but sometimes they call me ‘Mack’. Some of my soccer coaches in the past have called me ‘G’ or “Gal’ because of my last name but yeah, I don’t really go by nicknames that much. Wouldn’t mind it though!
She/Her :)
I’m currently 17 (a little more than 4 months away from 18 though, but who’s counting?) (Me. I’m counting. I’m definitely counting)
Fav Skam character?
This is SUCH a tough question oh man. (I love them all is that an acceptable answer? lol) Ummm... I’m gonna have to go with either Isak or Even, as cliche as it seems. When I saw Isak in season one he was this cute, adorable, little bean and I dunno, it was kinda just love at first sight lol. And then in season three, my love for him just grew and grew and grew because throughout his season we see him going through some tough shit and the way he handles most of it and becomes more aware of things and is open to learning and exploring things is very admirable. Like ofc he definitely speaks before he thinks about what he’s going to say sometimes, like the comments he makes to Eskild about gay pride, and also the comment to Even in the locker room (we all know exactly what I’m talking about here), but the thing is, he doesn’t just let them go or deny that he said those things. He actively takes responsibility for them and realizes that he messed up or said something wrong and he tries to fix it, and I think that’s really important. He does a lot of growing and learning and I just love that he’s willing to do that growing and learning. Also, I really love how despite how much he tries to make himself seem like this ‘cool’ guy, like ‘look at me I wear snapbacks and listen to ‘90s hip hop and smoke weed’, he’s really just this big loving dork who gets blushy and embarrassed and is actually really intelligent and loves biology and old memes (honestly tho boy, you gotta get updated on your meme collection it’s looking very #yike) and has a soft spot for his friends. Like I just really love Isak. 
Okay and Even. Damn, where do I begin with Even? He’s such a complex character and I actually love that so much, like there are so many different layers to him and I felt like every episode we peeled one back and found another waiting to be explored. I really really love how he’s so much more than just the love interest. Like a lot of shows bring on a character as the love interest for the main character and they’re kind of just there and don’t really have that much background to them. But with Even... oh mannnn. Boy do we get background. He’s more than just Isak’s love interest and that makes me really appreciative. I also think his mental illness was dealt with in such a wonderful way. Now, I’m no expert on mental illnesses, but I feel like they did a fantastic job at portraying one. It seemed very real and I loved how it wasn’t just boom he had an episode which we didn’t witness and everything’s suddenly better within a day. Like even I know that’s not how it is, and they didn’t do that. They showed the good and the bad and I think that made me fall in love with Even too. Seeing the good and the bad just showed that he’s not perfect, nobody is, and we all have to go through shit. It’s part of life. And that just made him seem even more real. Also, I love how as the season progressed he became more real. Like in the beginning, since we’re seeing everything through Isak’s eyes, Even kinda appears like this gorgeous ‘way outta my league’ kind of guy, like he was the epitome of cool, super untouchable, right. But then throughout the episodes that air of ‘too cool’ kinda disappeared and once again we were left with this absolute dork, who loves movies and cooking and Gabrielle, who gets insecure about things too, who isn’t as perfect as we originally thought. Like I just want to be his best friend and sit and talk with him for hours about everything under the sun (god, he would be such a good conversationalist omg. He definitely strikes me as that person that can literally talk about anything and everything that comes to mind and actually make that conversation enjoyable. Like he could probably bring up like some dumb math theorum or whatever and I’d be intrigued lol). He’s precious and needs to be protected at all costs. (Honestly I could talk about him for HOURS. Hmu if ya wanna tho lol I’d be up for it)
When did you start watching Skam?
Okay so I started watching Skam midway through season 3, so episode 6 was the first episode I watched in ‘real time’. I was on Tumblr one day (instead of doing my homework... which is kind of what I’m doing now... lol sorry AP Gov, you’re not important right now) and I was scrolling through my dash and I kept seeing a bunch of posts with these two boys cuddling together (that first clip from episode 5 you know the one ;)) and I reblogged a couple of them even though I had no idea what this show was yet, but I remember thinking to myself okay s’cute I’ll check it out. And that’s when I fell down the rabbit hole lol. No, but honestly? Best decision I ever made. I remember it was the first day of Thanksgiving break when I found this show and I watched all of season 3 as of then that night, then Tuesday night I went back and watched season 1, Wednesday I watched all of season 2, and then Thursday I rewatched season 3 so I’d be ready for the new episode on Friday. And I was Hooked™. 
When did you make your blog?
Oh god, ummm, I honestly have no idea the date (or even the year for that matter lol). I know I’ve had it a few years though. I used to be a hardcore One Direction account, I shipped Larry (not super extra about it though I was super chill), like I was so invested in that band omfg, but now I kinda don’t care what’s going on with them? Like, I just gradually stopped caring. I stopped constantly checking for updates and now when new stuff happens I’m kinda just like oh okay cool whatever. Like I’m not badmouthing them, I still enjoy their music and all, I just stopped being obsessive I suppose. Which, I’m kinda glad about tbh lol. Idk I just don’t think it was very good to be that invested. But yeah, now this blog is kinda a mosh of different stuff I like. Like rn it’s mainly Skam but I’ll post about Harry Potter or Marvel or Sherlock.
Who are you cheering for to be s4′s main?
EVEN. Oh my god you have no idea how much I want Even to be the main. Like I’m probably HELLA getting my hopes up and I’m gonna be super disappointed if it’s not him (mainly bc I’m so convinced he should be (but ofc I’m gonna be thrilled with whoever they do choose!!)) But yeah, there’s just so many reasons why he should be the main. Like I said earlier he’s a super complex character and I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface. Like there’s so many things we don’t know about him and I’m so damn curious to find out everything about him. I also think it would be really cool if we had a season from the point of view of someone with a mental illness so we could see how normal they are. Because people sometimes think that just because someone’s mentally ill or something like that that they’re totally different, but in reality they’re probably not that different from you and me. I think it would provide so much exposure for that and be super informative and helpful and just lovely, because Skam always does the loveliest job portraying things. Not to mention, he’s graduating this year and I think it would be so good to see him successfully graduate. It would show people that yes, it’s possible and yes you can do it. (I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about my tol bean graduating omg!) Alsooo, this is literally our last chance to have Even as a main. Like I said, he’s graduating this year so once this year is over he won’t be at Nissen anymore, which is kind of like a requirement of the mains sooo. (Plus I was discussing this with someone I follow and we were talking about how it would make the most sense and be a very smart move from a marketing point of view to have Even as the main because a bunch of people are super invested in him and if he’s the main it would bring a lot of viewers because of that investment) (Plus the transition to s4 would be smooth as hell). Ideally, it would be perfect if it went like this: Even for S4, Sana for S5, and Vilde for S6. Fingers crossed this is what we get!!
Who do you think is most likely to be s4′s main?
I feel like Even’s definitely got a chance. But I also think Sana does too. If it’s not Even (I’m in too deep help) I think it’ll for sure be Sana (which yessss, I love Sana omg). 
What are your main interests?
Main interests... welllll, if it’s not already obvious I love obsessing over tv shows lol. Nah, but I’m super into watching movies (not quite on Even’s level but I’m working my way up there), like marathoning is my fave. I’m super into photography. I’m in a photography class in school right now, but I love taking pictures of everything really. And I’m super happy because I just got my own camera for Hanukkah this year and I’ve been asking for the past few years so I’m so happy about that. I enjoy reading too, I’m a sucker for a good book. (recs anyone? lol) I also like to write, even though I’ve never actually sat down and written anything completely. Like seriously, look at my computer and you’ll see a million files of half written, started and abandoned fics. I’ve been trying to get myself to actually finish one but who knows if that’ll ever happen lol. Oh and I play soccer too, have been since I was 4! Definitely one of my favorite things to do! 
Something you’re always up to discuss?
Literally anyting? Like hmu I’m always open to talk about things. I love love love Harry Potter so if you ever want to talk about anything that has to do with Harry Potter I’m soo beyond down. I really enjoy talking about Literature as well. I’m in an AP Lit class this year and it’s actually my favorite class ever. We’ve read so many interesting books and I’ve learned so much and me and my pals are literally the biggest Lit nerds you’d ever find, we’ll sit and discuss our books for hours when we go out to coffee or are at lunch. Speaking of coffee, whenever me and my friends get coffee we always end up having these super deep conversations about politics or religion or things like that and those conversations are actually so enjoyable, so like if you’re an open minded person and you’re not trying to shove your belief/opinion down my throat I could definitely talk with you about those things. I think talking about politics or religion and stuff like that really helps you keep an open mind because it allows you to see things from other people’s point of view, and that’s pretty cool. 
I’m always up for making new friends, especially here, so I’m up for chatting if anyone wants to!! :))
Something you refuse to discuss?
Umm, nothing super specific is coming to mind. But when it comes to politics or religion I refuse to speak to someone about these things if they only want to explain their views/opinions and think that it’s their way or the highway and try to shove it down my throat and aren’t open to hearing what other people think. Like you don’t have to like what I’m saying and you definitely don’t have to agree, but you need to be able to listen and at least be open to hearing a different point of view. So yeah, I guess it’s not really a what I refuse to discuss but more of a who I refuse to discuss with lol.
Other favorite shows aside from Skam?
Too many. Omfg. Okay I’m hella into Criminal Minds. That show is one of my all time favorites. I actually decided that I want to study Criminal Justice and Psychology and actually become a profiler because of that lol. I just think it’s such a cool show and what they do is so interesting so yeah, that show has actually influenced my career goals haha. I also love Parks and Rec- that show is funny as hell and it’s one of those shows I’m always down to rewatch. Oh, I watched Stranger Things this year and that show is just yes. So good oh man. I love the movie Super 8 with a passion and when I watched Stranger Things I got such a Super 8 vibe which I looooved so yeah I definitely love that show and would consider it a favorite. American Horror Story is pretty awesome too, though I haven’t been that impressed with their last few seasons, still a great show though! Ooh I just started watching Sherlock this year (I watched it all in like a week oops?), love that show! Supernatural oh my god I loove that show so much! Jensen and Jared are my absolute favorites oh man. I haven’t finished the show yet I’m only about halfway through season 6 lol but I heard it was renewed for season 13 so that’s pretty cool! Some honorable mentions: How I Met Your Mother was good, I watched That ‘70s Show not that long ago, that was pretty funny, I just finished The Office. I feel like I’m missing some key shows I love but yeah that’s all I can think of right now.
Anyways, I hope some of you take the time to read this, I know I don’t have that many followers and I’m not like a popular blog or anything lol. But yeah this took me a while to write and it was pretty fun to do. 
I dunno if any of the people I’m about to tag have done this or not yet but I’m too lazy to scroll through all their blogs and see so if I tag you and you’ve already done it cool, my bad. (Tagging some of my favorite accounts and people I consdier pals! :))
@desert-pluviophile @skammed @adamparishe @isakneven @shadeandadidas @skamwhat @ravenclawisak @bloonstuff @skamz
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vivicavira · 7 years ago
Tag Game
sooo i was tagged by some thicc bich @your-taxidermy :0
tag people you want to know better!!
Appearance: hm i’m real short like i’m 5’0 and a half. i have tiny hands and tiny feets. i’m hispanic (puerto rican and cuban) so i’m a little tan but still light skinned. i have a lil beauty mark on my right cheek. i have brown eyes and long eyelashes that instead of fuckin sticking up they stick out so you would never know my eyelashes are so long -_-. i have like brown…reddish…blackish..hair??? but then there’s some blonde?? idk it’s weird i dyed it red last year but my mama wanted me to go back to my original hair and go black soo now i’m stuck with whatever this is?? my hair is medium length AND WONT FUCKIN GROW FOR SHIT. it’s like wavy but straight?? idk man. i have tiny tits and my body is mostly legs which makes me want to cut them off :). i’m like skinny…but not?? it’s weird. my back has this weird natural arch (which i hate). my nose is like a rats from the side but isn’t that bad from the front?? my eyebrows are naturally thin and arched and let’s just say i always look angry… i have braces and…yeah. there’s nothing else really to me.
Personality: i’m gullible, easy to please with certain things, i’m a really deep thinker, i worry too much, i’m shy around people i think are cooler than me, i’m an open book but slowly i’m closing up more and more, i’m bipolar, i fall in love too easily, i’m actually rlly funny, i’m nice when i want to be, i’m constantly going between what i need and what i want, i like when ppl listen to what i say and take it in. i’m good at giving advice for some things. i’m super emotional and a lot of things get to me. it’s so hard for me to stick to one thing for a long amount of time. like i could be in love with someone but then one day my brain tells me “let’s stop loving this person for the little reasons that will mean nothing in a week. idc if they’re the only person that truly loves you. sounds like a you problem” like i ruin things for myself. it’s like my heart and my brain are two separate beings. i’m indecisive. i’m gentle and warm and soft with others and i’m aggressive, cold, and harsh with myself. i have extremely high expectations for myself and for (some) others which when i’m brought back to reality, i’m then disappointed always. i have trust issues when it comes to my heart.
Ability: i can sing (im self taught and never had any classes but i’m actually kinda good), i can draw sorta, i can dance (also self taught never had classes), i’m good at acting (this is my first year being in theatre but i’ve been acting my whole life with my sister. we used to do skits and stuff together but not like funny ones. like straight drama and tragedy. i’m good at making things make sense and wording things a certain way that just makes things click.
Hobbies: o god uh watching youtube, drawing, singing, acting, dancing, crying, being confused, and…tumblr
Experiences: i went to my first youth convention this year and it was rlly amazing. ummm wow i love how can’t remember any thing i’ve ever done?? trust me i’ve done a lot more o god. um oh!! we drove from florida all the way to new york and on the way we almost fell in a corn field in pennsylvania, we were about to sleep in a gross motel but there were roaches in the mattress so we somehow found a much better hotel and when we got to new york my mom pissed herself. i went to china town and the city and it was just such a good time. one time our car broke down on our way to north carolina and it was horrible. also hurricane irma was terrifying. i live in florida so where i live got hit hard. i’ve been through a lot of other shite but this is all that’s coming to mind rn for some reason.
My Life: for some reason my life is so depressing. my mom is always miserable and crying and sick and in pain. my sister is always sick and she’s rlly ill and has a lot of physical issues, my dad works like a dog but still doesn’t make enough money, my mom hates her job too. we’ve never owned a house, always rented. i go through my own problems mentally and emotionally. but my sister and parents are always fighting which makes me shake and scared and it’s hard to sleep. my parents aren’t very understanding (at all) and it’s just rlly hard. but other ppl have gone through and STILL go through much much worse. i have a more than sturdy roof over my head, good quality clothes, a warm bed to sleep in, a surplus of good food to eat, and for the most part love.
Random Stuff: i was in swim this year for my school and i fucking hated it but hey i got my varsity letter so whatever.
i’m horrible at math but i have honors english and i’ve always been on top when it comes to english and language arts but at the bottom with math of any kind. the only math i can kinda do is algebra 1 math.
i like every genre of music. like yes i even like this one country song. don’t judge. i mean i never listen to it but i like it. if you were to shuffle my songs 10 times you’d get 10 different genres. i just love music so much and i have a very strong passion for it. well i have a strong passion for the arts in general.
i’m a freshman but im supposed to be a sophomore but because my birthday is in november florida decided to hold me back in pre-k for an extra year just cuz of that??? it’s rlly dumb i hate florida.
i secretly would love to do cosplay in the future and go to those cosplay con thingies with some other friends of mine (none that i have rn would be interested in doing that in the future so i mean hopefully i’ll make friends like that and we’ll be able to ya know...do that stuff??
i like ensemble stars which i never post about for some reason idk
this is becoming wayyyyyy too long wow
i tag: @itsadarkparadize @hanaejun @lunar-intoxication @jjkboo @fictional-serial-killer @enaaaaaam @anonsx2 @sangweewoo @noodlesforlyfe @mangomud
i mean if you…if you want to of course…heh
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