#this isnt me saying that u canf want things fo happen
adoreyor · 1 year
i cant understand people who continue to read a story they are just not enjoying. if you dont like the pacing of something or the writing of something, you dont have to read it. if you’re just reading to complain after every update that it didn’t go the way you wanted it to, then write fanfiction.
spy family is slowwww burn. it’s going to take a while for a spy who’s had to shut all his feelings off to be a spy, to be able to admit to himself that he loves others. if it happened too fast, people would complain it was rushed and rightfully so, because it would be rushed. it would make no sense plot wise and timing wise for the reveal to happen right now and for a real relationship to start between twilight and yor. there would just be absolutely no story and it wouldnt make any sense at all.
if you want a fast paced manga, go read one. if you want twiyor to reveal their identities and get together immediately, write/read a fanfiction.
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