#this isnt as pretty as i would want but i tried
shebbart · 9 days
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Sky: Children of the Light (1993)
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serendipitous-mage · 3 months
i am SICK and TIRED of all these recipes online that aren't even trying, like yes of Course it will be *tasty* but raspberries blueberries and vanilla ice cream will Not taste like The Grimace Shake it will taste like a Froot Smoothie
when i tried the mcdicks version, the two flavors that immediately stood out insanely clearly to me were:
creamsicle ... and berry cap'n crunch
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i was 94% sure i was riight, but didn't have a chance to test that theory ... until today >:3
that's all for my yappin here's that recipe! ingredients:
berry cap'n crunch cereal (we didn't have the 'oops all berries' it had regular mixed in, i just picked out the berry ones). blend or crush as finely as you can!
orange creamsicles
additional vanilla ice cream
milk (as needed to thin mixture)
optional black raspberry ice cream (for additional fruitiness if desired, purple colour also!)
optional whipped cream (topping)
i've only tried this once and it tasted too strongly of the cereal so i used too much of that, and i don't have exact measurements(sorry, if i try again and get closer i'll keep track and update!), but this go i did the following:
put approx 1 cup of berry crunch in blender and mix to break apart
add 3 creamsicles (minus sticks), and milk as needed, blend together
optional taste test
add 2 large scoops of ice cream, vanilla or black raspberry, depending what you have and/or how fruity the current mixture tastes, blend (add more milk if needed)
pour into cups and add whipped cream on top :3
it made about~ two good sized cupfuls, we split it in three unevenly so i'm not 100% sure lol. if you let the ice cream/creamsicles melt enough to be mixable by hand and went to absolute town on the cereal you could probably make this without a blender!
anyway go be free summon grimace and ik they dont have these anymore but dont give those clowns any money
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nataliekabra · 8 days
I feel like I've regressed right back to my fourth grade self except I actually am lowkey justified in hating my body now I've lost count of how many times I've thought some version of "im so fat and ugly and disgusting" this week it's definitely over a hundred times
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jkslipppiercing · 2 months
Horny For My Bestie | Jeon JK | Oneshot
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☆ Synopsis: Your best friend, jungkook, is dared to take a Viagra pill at a party. He's horny for his bestie...in this case, you.
☆ Genre: Smut, angst, EXPLICIT CONTENT!!, JK'S POV
☆ Pairing: Bsf!oc, horny!jk.
☆ Warnings: honestly just a loooot of smut, Jungkook is horny out of his damn mind, horny thoughts, angst, dirty talk, oc cries during sex, oral (f receiving), spanking, a lot of kissing (duh), penetrative sex, unsafe sex (be safe out there x), he cums inside her, bitch idk what else just read it and find out 😜 oh yeah dry humping, animalistic fucking, shit like that
☆ WC: 8.5K
a/n: AHHHHHH it's finally here!! this is my longest fic yet so.i hope you enjoy it. im so so so excited everyone support and show love!! i love you all ♡
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Her lips move, but i'm not listening.
She looks at me expectantly, like though she's waiting for a response.
Had she just spoken to me right now?
Because, not to be one of rude mannerisms, I couldn’t give a shit if I wanted to.
My body's on fire. Heat pulses through ny veins and my cock visibly throbs, and her bare thigh peeking out from the slit of her tiny dress isnt helping.
it's a given rule, not to be sexually drawn to your best friend.
I shouldn't see her this way.
I shouldn’t picture her lips sloppily sucking around me just because theyre swollen and inviting. Red and fucking attracting the hell out of my attention.
I shouldn’t picture her under me.
Above me.
On me.
Fucking hell.
Im aware of the sweat trickling down my temple.
Im highly aware of how uncomfortable I’d make her feel if I tried to adjust my seating position.
The raging hard-on would be hard to conceal if I tried to move a sliver of an inch.
Fuck, im horny.
Horny for her.
Thanks to fucking Viagra falls and Kim Fucking Taehyung.
Damn him.
the party music’s bass still rings in my ears, a reminder of how loud and chaotic taehyung’s parties always are. It breaches the peaceful silence one would usually experience sitting in a car half past midnight.
I’d picked my best friend up earlier this evening so we could go there together.
It was a weekly taehyung frat party. The usual.
The dress she chose to wear hugs her curves nicely, her makeup simple, but complimenting her features. High heels adorn her feet and that fucking dress adorns my conscience.
The tiny slit.
Tiny, tiny, little, slit.
She shifts her feet, and the dress hikes up higher.
The viagra I'd been dared to take just a little over half an hour ago had taken effect pretty harshly on my body.
My poor, poor body.
Stray strands of my hair are sticking to my forehead, my cock is growing harder by the second, and my heartbeat is beating faster than I could fucking breathe.
I cant even breathe properly.
And the damn sex appeal goddess sitting across from me in my car’s passenger seat is not making it any easier.
We’ve been sitting in this car for I don’t know how long, after I'd called out for her and asked her to leave, and drove us both to my apartment.
She didn’t look at me long enough then to notice all the distress literally draping over my body and ambushing it like a blanket, so she just obliged by my request, following me away and to my car.
Should I tell her? About the viagra?
Would it be weird?
Of course it’d be weird, you dumbass.
She’d probably be uncomfortable.
Fuck, since when was she so damn irresistible?
Fuck, just make out with me already.
Fuck, wanna fuck?
I’d love to fuck.
“kook.” she moans.
No she does NOT.
She didn’t moan. She just asked. But I’d love to hear her moan. When I ease into her and start fucking her with slow, languid strokes…I'd fucking love to hear that voice moan for me. For my cock.
Is she the loud type? Would she scream? Whimper? Cry?
My cock twitches, hardening by the second. It’s almost painful at this point, the viagra pumping in my veins and throwing my head in a frenzy.
Fuck, I literally want to fuck the shit outta her.
My eyes snap back to her eyes, cheeks growing red when I notice I’ve been staring at her thighs.
Now I look like a perverted asshole.
“sorry,” took me too long to respond.
I try to adjust my position, throwing an arm over my crotch to cover the raging hard-on. Casually.
Almost too casually, apparently, because that catches her attention.
She bats her eyelashes once at me, in what seems to me a mix of perplexity and frustration.
Same. Im also frustrated out of my mind.
But apart from that, im disappointed.
Almost angry, even.
I love y/n. as a fucking friend. Not literally. I mean, at the moment, I’d love to fuck her-
Ive said that too many times, havent i?
Anyway, she’s a friend. A really good friend. A best friend.
I always had a deep care towards her, always felt the need to be there for her just as she was for me.
So that proves the point as to why im damn disappointed in myself.
When I took that viagra pill, I hadn’t expected to be so drawn to her. I never saw myself thinking- more accurately, fantasizing- about her this way.
She’s comfortable. Platonic.
I thought it wasn’t a big deal. Thought I'd get myself a one night stand and satiate the horniness I'd feel when I took the damn pill. Call y/n a cab and go back home with a hooker on my dick.
I almost cringe.
But instead of doing just that? I panicked and looked for her. Searched the crowds for her. Called out for her and asked her to come with me.
I thought it was a good idea to take her to my car. Drive her to my apartment. Where I live alone. At half-passed midnight.
My thoughts were driven by her, seeming to believe that I’d calm down if I set my eyes on her.
I was the biggest dumbass.
Here I fucking am, horny out of my mind, for my best friend of all people.
I want her as a friend. No…need. I need her as my friend.
And lord help me, I'm horny for my bestie.
“was distracted.” I clear my throat, scratching at my nape awkwardly.
“why are you blushing?” there's the slightest hint of amusement in her tone, curiosity clouding her soft irises.
“me? Blushing?” I snort. I don’t blush. What a stupid question to ask.
Instead of verbally replying to me, she shifts her eyes rapidly towards the rear view mirror then flicks them back to me, as if telling me to ‘see for myself’.
I do just that, and all earlier amusement is replaced with embarrassment when I realize that, fuck, I am blushing.
Im fucking blushing.
My cock hurts.
Im sweating.
Discomfort swirls in my mind.
Horniness clouds my vision.
She laughs at me expression, which only deepens my frustration.
Only when I remain stoic, does her laugh die down. She looks to be confused once again, probably because she’s not used to me being so serious.
Usually, we’d laugh it off. We make fun of anything and everything, even sometimes each other.
So for her to burst out laughing and me not to join her?
that’s weird for us.
Honestly, she has a right to be confused.
Never once since I had met y/n had I seen her in the light im seeing her in right now.
My eyes glue to her lips and I can’t seem to tear my gaze away.
I cant help it.
Im not even aware im doing it.
How would they feel? Soft?
Would she kiss slow, soft, and passionate?
Or rough, hard, and hungry?
When I remain silent and tense, she speaks with even more evident amusement.
“if you wanna kiss me, you could just ask…” she trails off into another light laugh.
Okay, she’s trying to lighten up the mood.
Except, my eyes cant help but flutter shut at the image of her lips on my own with her on my lap. Grinding on my lap. Moaning into my mouth. Smiling against my lips.
My cock fucking hurts.
This time, when I pull my eyebrows together and pinch my nose bridge in exasperation, she doesn’t let it slide.
Her brows pull in their own adorable frown as she eyes me weird.
She’s trying to read me, I realize.
She opens her mouth, but I beat her to it.
“don’t say things like that.” Just above a hard whisper. my cock throbs and I have to lean my head against the headrest. I face forward, not wanting to torture my poor dick any longer by looking at her. “not to me, y/n.”
I cant fucking breathe.
My eyes hooded and on the dark, moonlit sidewalk facing the forefront of my apartment, I try to calm my breathing.
Not working.
“relax.” She's growing irritated.
Maybe then she'd leave so I can stop myself from doing something I'd regret.
Except im parked in front of my building in my car.
And it’s way too late for her to go back to her place alone.
I almost scoff at how ridiculous that sounds.
y/n? alone? On the streets? Wearing that?
Fuck no.
I cant relax.
“you went quiet again.” Huh?
I turn my neck to her, head still on the headrest.
She reads the question in my eyes, “you wandered off. Again. You’ve done it multiple times by now.” She mumbles.
Well, I cant just tell her Im horny out of my mind for her.
Instead, I say, “just got something on my mind. A little distracted.”
“but you’re never distracted like this, jungkook.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means you're giving me excuses.” She speaks louder now, more clearly. “you chew on your bottom lip when you're distracted. Your eyes grow doe and wide, giving you a ‘deer in the headlights’ type of look. You run your hands through your hair too many times, as well.”
Ignoring the flutter in my chest because ‘damn, she noticed all those things about me?’, I stare at her in question. “so?”
“so, you’re not distracted. Something's obviously wrong and you’re not telling me.” She lets a hint of frustration slip through. “you seem angry. Irritated. Your hand's clenching around the wheel so hard, your knuckles are white.”
I loosen my hold, now realizing I am.
“your eyes arent round and thoughtful. Theyre hard and hooded. You havent ran your hands through your hair once- and you even scratched your neck.”
“you’ve been doing that tongue thing with your cheek for the last twenty minutes!”
Throwing her hands around the cramped space of the car in exasperation, her voice raises.
My mouth opens only to close again.
She’s left me speechless, and fuck, I want her even more badly than ever before.
I panic.
It’s between picking her up and taking her up to my bedroom, or finding a way to get her out of here…fast.
“take my keys.” I remove my car key from the ignition, opening her palm and closing it around it. “drive to your apartment.”
She gapes at me.
“I’ll take a taxi to yours and get the car back tomorrow morning. Or you can come pick me up and we'll figure something out. Call if anything happens.”
I grab my jacket from the backseat, discreetly concealing my crotch with it as I hop out of the car.
The cold night's breeze smacks my cheeks harshly, giving me a weird type of relief.
I relish the distraction from my thoughts for as long as possible as I walk to the building without looking back.
If I turn around and find her staring at me, she’ll be sore and begging by tomorrow morning.
Limping to the bathroom to wash my cum off.
I shake my head at my immaturity.
Get a godforsaken grip.
Except when im just about taking the first steps toward the apartment building, I hear my passenger car's door open and close, with the clanking of high heels against asphalt reaching my ears.
y/n halts in front of me when I remain frozen in place, and all I can do is curse under my breath at the absurdity of the situation.
“what you're doing is unfair.” With her head held high, she cranes her neck back to stare at me.
She’s hella irritated.
And frustrated.
Again, bestie, same.
“go home, y/n.” or else I'll do something that we’ll both regret.
“or what?”
Or I’ll ruin our friendship.
But I don’t say that.
“why am I expected to just listen?” her voice hardens with distaste. “you’ve ruined my night.”
“ruined your night?” I can’t help the dry tone that bleeds into the rasp of my voice into the cold night air.
“I met this guy, you know.” She laughs, but it’s humorless. Sad. I use her tone to distract myself, knowing that if I dwelled on what she had just said too much, I was gonna bury that “guy” six feet under by tomorrow. “it was going well. Thought I had a chance with him.” Like hell she did.
A muscle in my jaw ticks.
She averts her gaze to look at the concrete beneath us, only to stare up at me with resignation.
“but then you came. You happened. You grabbed my wrist and told me to come with you. I didn’t ask, and here we are.”
My eyes soften.
“tell me what’s wrong, please.”
Her eyes brim with hope.
Fuck. Me.
“yeah. Let’s go up first. I cant have you freezing under my watch.”
She nods before a rough shiver racks her body, as if she’d just now realized how cold the night air kissing her cheeks really is.
Considering my still rock-hard cock and painful arousal, I can’t put my jacket on her. I cant give it to her, because then she’d see. Im already burning the hell up and am profusely sweating, which im sure she notices.
She’s been eying me with curiosity for a while now, trying to figure out what actually is wrong with me.
I don’t blame her.
Shivers relentlessly rack her body as her hair blows with the wind.
So I sling an arm over her shoulders and rub her arm with my hand, desperate for some sort of friction to warm her up, leading us both into and up the building to my apartment.
Unlocking the door and pushing it open, y/n walks in quietly behind me.
It’s unnerving.
She hasn’t said a thing.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
As soon as I turn around, her lips are moving in the softest rhythm imaginable.
She speaks and those bright pink pillows move, and the horny haze blocking my sight highlights her lips’ movements.
My cock pulses when she bites her lip.
What the fuck.
My eyes remain focused on her lips- and yes, im aware of how uncomfortable that must make her feel- even as she sways with a half-step.
She rubs her palms together, and when she looks up at me with innocent eyes and a sheepish smile?
I want to ruin her.
If she lets me…nothing about this night is going to end up “innocent”.
My eyes darken when I realize what she had just said.
“I noticed your boner, like, twenty minutes ago.”
I open my mouth to speak, but I close it right back when I don’t find anything to say.
Im at a loss for words.
Fuck, her lips are so soft. And swollen. And soft.
So fucking soft.
Focus, asshole.
Her lips tip up in an attempt of making me smile along with her, but all she gets in return is a grumpy scowl.
Not gonna lie, if I wasn’t such a horny prick right now? I wouldve laughed with her.
But now, all I could do is scowl in response.
Which makes her almost-smile fall.
I didn’t scowl at her. I scowled at the boner.
But she doesn’t know that, asshole.
Kill me now.
She clears her throat. “I also…um…” well that’s unlike her. “I saw you take that viagra thing. You know…the thing that made you so horny you’re scowling at me.”
Now that makes me snort. Loudly.
She laughs with me.
I almost forget my aching cock at the sight of her smile.
“so what happens now?”
“let me kiss you.”
We both speak at the same time, and my eyes widen in sync with hers.
Her mouth hangs open, and I look away in embarrassment.
Why the fuck is she eying me like that?!
What did she expect?
I’m horny.
She's here.
Doesn’t need a genius to piece it together.
Or maybe im an idiot who shouldn’t have thought about it that way.
But im also an idiot who took a viagra pill for a dare.
Im so horny I'd fuck a wall, for fuck’s sake!
I rake a hand through my hair in frustration…and something that achingly resembles resignation.
My cock hurts, man.
I’m sick of this shit.
“what?” I bite out.
She continues to gape at me.
My eyes droop low and slowly go over her dress.
My patience simmers on high heat as my anger almost boils over.
It’s either she gets the fuck out of my sight or she puts me out of my misery.
She's a goddess I’d be on my knees to worship in a heartbeat.
I can think of a lot of ways I can worship the effort she put into this goddamn dress.
I’m willing to fucking beg.
I am.
“you want to kiss me?”
Well, no shit, Sherlock. Didn’t she hear me zay exactly that?
“yes, y/n, I want to kiss you.” I snap impatiently.
Maybe if I wasn't in physical pain I wouldn't be such a prick.
When her eyes gloss over and she avoids eye-contact, there’s this prickly feeling that something’s on her mind.
“what is it?” I ask, making sure to soften my tone.
She shakes her head.
Fuck no.
I step closer to her, forgetting about my cock for the sake of communication, and swipe the hair barricading the frame of her face to tuck behind her ear.
Her neck remains craned down in an awkward situation, and im incredibly aware of how clear of an image she has of my boner.
She doesn't make fun of it, though.
She just stares at it, which kind of makes me uncomfortable.
So to get her to stare at my eyes, instead, I hook my index finger under her chin and lift her face up.
Her eyebrows pinch in a confused frown and her lips push forward in an adorable question.
I stroke her chin with my thumb.
What? It just feels right.
“I know you want to ask me something. You always go quiet when you do.”
She tries to avoid my gaze again, but I pinch her chin firmly, keeping her right where I want her to be.
She looks up at me, and fuck.
Those eyes.
“I know im being kind of an asshole.” She hums and I chuckle. “but don’t let that get to your head. Im also your best friend.”
She smiles.
“your very horny best friend.”
She breathes out a soft laugh.
“so, as your best friend, please tell me what is it?” I reason with her. she's always been this stubborn. Wont ever tell me what’s on her mind unless I pry. “Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
It’s like I can feel her resolve melt right in front of my eyes.
My pretty little y/n. all she needs is pretty words and empty promises to give in.
The reminder of the guy she met tonight sneaks back into my conscience, along with the tiny slit of the dress she was wearing.
High heels and high ponytails.
Sex, money, feelings.
I cant help but physically weaken at the thought of someone else touching her like this.
Their hand on her chin tilting her face up. The way she simply obliges by the movement and shows no intention of rebellion against it.
Fuck…what if she had refused to come with me tonight?
Would she have fucked him?
Should I even care?
“do you want to fuck me because im the only available option?”
The words are out of her mouth one second, and by the next, my lips are on hers’.
I kiss her with feverish dreams.
I kiss her with a hard cock.
I kiss her with a passion I had no idea of possessing.
Fuck, I kiss her.
I slip my tongue in her mouth with a moan.
I revel in the way her breath stops when I slide it against hers’.
I smile when she bites my lip for a stance of dominance.
Except I know for a fact that if I wanted to, I could have her punished and writhing for my cock in a minute.
I kiss her.
And she kisses me back.
When she scratches against my scalp and pulls at the strands of my hair, arching her back against me, I'm hit with the sudden realization of her earlier question.
She wants me to be attracted to her.
She’s kissing me- devouring my lips, even- pushing and pulling and arching her body against mine because she wants me to want her.
Dare I even say, she wants me to want her as much as she does me.
She wants me.
y/n desperately wants me.
The best friend I’ve known for years has been yearning for my touch, and I’ve been oblivious to it.
Stupid motherfucker.
My cock restrains when I slide my hands over her body, holding everything I can reach, but staying respectful. I inch toward the curve of her ass, but stop.
My hands barely graze the round of her breast, but I don’t go further.
Because I don’t know that she wants me. It’s a deducted conclusion, yet not a fully proven one.
Im giving her a chance to back down.
I rest my hands on her waist, and push her body closer to mine, craning my neck and giving in to the kiss deeper.
She bites my lip again, pulling it with her teeth and my eyes almost roll back at the feeling.
I'm torturing myself.
My cock aches for release and my body calls for her.
Yet, I just cant get enough of her damn lips.
She pulls away- reluctantly- with wide eyes and a crazed expression.
All swollen lips and smudged lipstick.
I almost whimper.
“wait.” She blinks away and I can almost feel her mind drift off.
She disentangles her body from mine and runs her hands through her hair, as if trying to regain a semblance of control over herself.
“hey.” Calling out softly, I reach out for her, for some of her.
I want her so fucking badly.
She doesn’t reply, only taking a step back and shaking her head.
My hand falls.
I push away my horny thoughts for a second.
Is that…regret I see on her face?
“y/n.” I call out again, mind swirling harder and only growing more drowsy by the second.
“you just kissed me.”
“I did.”
What's that supposed to mean?
“because I wanted to?” my confusion is palpable.
“you didn’t answer my earlier question.” She doesn’t look at me.
She doesn’t look at me and my heart near sinks.
What question?
“do you want to fuck me because im the only available option?”
Oh. That.
“what?” is all I can say.
I don’t know what to say.
“you want to fuck me, right?” she doesn’t fucking look at me.
Why wont she look at me?
My shoulders tense and my eyebrows knot.
Would that be such a crime? Us fucking?
Apparently so, to miss y/n.
I thought she wanted me?
Guess I was wrong.
“yes.” I do.
“what the fuck do you mean, y/n?” I cant help the rough edge that bleeds into my tone.
I thought we were getting somewhere.
She let me kiss her.
“why do you want to fuck me?”
“because I want to?”
I take a step closer, and she takes one back.
What the fuck?
“you’ve taken a sex pill, jungkook.” And?
I stay silent.
“that pill makes you horny.”
I hum impatiently, urging her on.
“we’ve been best friends for seven years, and you just now want to fuck me and do things to me?”
A sadistic chuckle rips out of my chest. I feel my heart bleed, but I try to shift the feeling to ice in my veins.
Except white hot lust is literally pumping through my system, and it’s with great effort that im able to contain my impulse.
Oh, and, by the way?
Pretty eyes still won't look at me, and it makes my blood boil.
Fucking boil, I tell you.
Would I pull her close and tell her to voice her insecurities if I didn’t want her?
If I didn’t care for her?
Would I kiss her?
“you’re not answering me, jungkook.”
Her eyes are not on mine and im panicking.
Does she think im using her?
“you wanna know why I want to fuck you?”
At my ice cold tone, she finally looks up.
And when I begin my stride toward her slowly cowering frame, she goes on with taking retreating steps.
“why I want to ruin you?”
Another step closer, met with another step back.
“why I want to hear your scream my name?”
I can see her clench her legs together, and when she bumps against the wall with a shiver, all I can do is laugh bitterly.
The predator and prey trance ceases when I halt in front of her with both hands against the wall on either side of her head.
Im caging her in, and she's shivering underneath my scrutiny.
It does little to satiate the inhumane sadistic urges containing me.
“tell me why.”
My hand slides down, down, down, until I find the curve of her hip and firmly hold my hand there.
“you don’t get to call the shots.” A squeeze at her hip. “not here,” my neck drops until my breath is met with the curve of her ear. I let my voice deepen into a rasp when I come dangerously close to the lobe of her ear. “not now.”
Her breath hitches, and when I step between her legs and pull her body flush against mine, all she's able to do is gasp.
My hand’s on her waist, arching her back as she’s pressed against me. The feeling of my thigh against her heat is driving me farther than insane.
I can feel the slick between her thighs on mine, wetness seeping through her panties and onto my jeans. I’m sure she can feel my rigid outline through my slacks, because she has the audacity to shift her thigh so that it connects with my arousal.
A little harsher contact than usual.
I cant help but hiss.
Everything she does now is ten times more heightened, but im not sure she knows that.
When I move my thigh toward her core in return, she grinds back onto it.
A small whimper graces my ears.
“now who’s being needy?” a humorless chuckle.
But she couldn’t care less as she breathlessly moans in return and starts to ride my thigh.
Turns me on.
I press my thigh even farther up her core as confirmation.
She moans louder this time, the sound like music to my ears.
“still wanna know the answer to your stupid question?” I smirk against her ear with a slight lilt of tease in my voice, knowing if she wasn’t riding high on a wave of pleasure, she would’ve- without a doubt- smacked me or poked my rib playfully.
But the thing is, she can’t.
She closes her eyes, frantically growing more needy with every bump and grind of her pussy against my clothed thigh.
She’s close when she gasps and clutches my bicep for support.
“not so easy.” I take her moment of vulnerability as payback for what she’s had me go through tonight.
Im in physical pain.
And im damn willing to make her suffer.
She audibly whines when I completely pull myself away from her, taking a victorious step back.
I just robbed her of her orgasm.
“what the fuck?” she grows defensive now, coming nose-to-nose with me as she gets all in my face.
My smile’s wolfish.
That only irritates her more, and I honest-to-god expect her to punch me right here and now…
But she doesn’t.
Instead, she lets out a huff- a fucking adorable one- and stalks off.
She hastily grabs her purse and shoves a hand in it, seemingly searching for her phone.
My smile instantly drops.
“what are you doing?” distaste.
She doesn’t answer me.
In an instant, she’s shoving the door open and the next, im walking over to her, pushing the door closed and turning her around.
I have no fleeting idea how the fuck I managed to keep myself controlled.
I pin her against the wooden door with a hand on the side of her neck and another on her middle.
“when I ask you a question,” my head dips down and I gently graze my nose against her jaw. “you answer it.”
She shoves me, clutching my shirt and crumpling it when she tries to push me away.
But her body does otherwise.
She arches against me and her breathing grows ragged.
She’s almost as turned on as I am, her nipples pebbled and hard through the sheer material of the dress.
So when she pushes me away, I remain rooted in place with a mocking smile on my lips.
“no?” she echoes, infuriated and almost resigned.
A low hum reverberates as my confirmation.
“why?” she asks so quietly I strain to hear her, even through our very close proximity.
I can hear her heartbeat racing.
But it’s not even close to the rate of mine.
“because I want you.” A rough whisper.
A vulnerable confession.
“then kiss me.”
She wont have to ask me twice.
When my lips finally reconnect with hers’ in a dreamy haze, she kisses me back with insane need.
Im afraid once I start, I wont be able to stop.
Im not even sure I would want to.
Her purse falls to the floor as she circles her arms around my neck, pulling me down and further into the poison that is her.
She’s a drug.
And count me fucking addicted.
She bites my lower lip and tugs, shamelessly drawing blood and fuck if this girl will be able to walk tomorrow.
“I want you.”
I pull away as much as she allows me to, but my lips are barely off of hers’ and on her throat before she grabs my face and makes out with me again.
All I can do is moan into the dream that is her mouth in return.
She tries to take her heels off- failing miserably with her growing more preoccupied with my mouth by the second.
I groan impatiently and bite her lip, tasting her with my tongue and never getting enough it.
Her whimpers and my grunts get lost somewhere along our undying need for each other.
“up.” She jumps at the command, legs latching onto my middle which I catch and hold on to.
Our mouths remain one as I carry us both to my bedroom.
Fuck me if I aint taking this seriously.
Ive been wanting this girl for I don’t know how long, been in denial for even longer.
How could anyone not want her?
Her hair, her lips, her body, her eyes, her nose, her damn lips.
Those fucking lips.
My end, my demise.
She detangles them from our very sloppy make-out to lazily drag them along the column of my throat.
I cant help but grind up into her in response.
I guess the low approving growl that reaches her ears turns her on, because she grinds back even wilder.
Feeling like I will most definitely combust, I set her on her feet in the middle of the hallway.
Her eyes round in confusion as to why I stopped just barely two steps away from my bedroom.
I could take her there.
On her knees, ass up.
On her back, knees apart.
On me, back arched.
But my cock aches and im two minutes away from begging if she doesn’t let me be inside her for another second.
This is torture.
She is torture.
So I give her mouth one last sloppy kiss before turning her around and-gently- pushing her against the wall. She winds up with her cheek pressing against it as well as her tits restrained in the tight confinement between her body and the solid concrete wall.
Pressing the palms of her hands on it for balance, she yelps when I grab her hips and pull them towards me.
She’s like a doll I can throw around however I like.
And im bewildered how easy she’s letting me off.
Under other circumstances, I would’ve gotten a huff or a whine in protest, but now?
She pushes her ass farther against my crotch and grinds.
She grinds her fucking ass on my dick and I think I might cry from the pain of wanting to be inside her.
Enough waiting.
I roughly pull the hem of her dress above the arch of her ass and fuck if it isnt the prettiest sight.
She lets out a sigh which turns into a moan when I land a light-careful- spank on her ass.
It’s careful because I don’t know what she likes.
Rough and hungry?
Sweet and slow?
The former would be more convenient, considering the circumstances of us being horny out of our minds.
But the latter would be more pleasant, especially since her body is way more delicate than I could ever imagine.
I wouldn’t force anything on her, of course.
Goddamn it, im gagged.
She spreads her legs wider for me as she grinds, moaning “more” in the most pornographic voice ive ever heard.
A pained groan and a harder slap is what she gets for that.
That torment.
The thong she’s wearing almost bares her pussy to me, and at that particular sight, I am a mad man.
I pull her thong down down down, and pull her ass up up up.
She glistens with the evidence of her arousal, and a low groan of pleasure shamelessly escapes me.
“You’re unbelievable.” Shock.
“In a good way?” Confused.
Getting on my knees as fast as I can, I latch my mouth onto her opening and do what I shouldve done a long time ago.
I worship the incredible goddess that’s been right in front of my eyes for ages.
I nibble, lick, and suck, moaning into her pretty pretty pussy.
She’s so fucking pretty.
I hope she knows it.
At least after this, I’ll make damn sure she gets that fact straight.
She is.
She moans and moans and moans, and all I need is a little friction to cum in my restraining boxers.
So I do what I need to; palm my dick through my jeans while I bury my face into her pussy.
So fucking beautiful.
Just like I imagined.
I suck her clit into my mouth and suck, in which she bucks her hips into my face in a moaning plea for more.
Toying with her clit and nibbling on her sinful taste has me on my knees. Literally.
I wouldn’t hesitate to fucking beg this woman.
If she asked me to? There’s probably nothing that would make me say no to her.
Im afraid im already obsessed.
She grinds once onto my mouth, gasping once she’s realized what she'd done.
“it feels good?” I press an open-mouthed kiss on her opening, using my tongue to tease into it.
She whimpers loudly, her legs opening wider for me.
“such a needy slut.”
She whines at that, and with no warning I push two fingers into her aching heat.
Her very, very, wet and soaking heat.
A barely audible gasp is out of her mouth when I push another finger in and take her clit back into my mouth, squeezing her ass-cheek with my free hand.
“what do you want?” and I start fucking her with my fingers.
“please…” her breath hitches right when I curl them, reaching a spot that made her clench around me and buck her hips wildly against my face.
“you wanna cum? Huh? All up against my mouth?”
She’s fucking dripping all over me, and it's just about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
I continue my ruthless finger-fucking until I feel her moans build up so high I have to spank her ass.
“shhh, baby. You’re doing so well.” I massage the red hand-print gently, slightly guilty at the rough spank I delivered. “let’s not give the neighbors a show they didn't ask for.”
But fuck, I love hearing her moan for me.
My movements don’t stop as they even heighten in intensity, but all I hear is her harsh breathing in return.
She chose to be obedient.
“Good girl.”
She whines quietly, and she clenches around my moving fingers again as she inches closer to her orgasm.
“yeah?” im waiting for her confirmation.
“yeah.” She says breathlessly, her hips arching further as she shamelessly offers her dripping pussy to me.
Goddamn the effect this woman has on me.
My cock twitches with the reminder of my horniness, and my breath grows ragged along with hers.
My fingers remain unrelenting as I pick the pace up further and curl them, sucking her clit into my mouth and toying with it using my tongue.
Breathing seems to be a far possibility for me when she clenches her pussy so tight it's almost hard for me to move.
Like she’s holding me there.
“Cum for me, baby.”
A high moan barely escapes her as she muffles the sound with her hand. Biting on her hand to quiet down, she reaches her orgasm and I moan when her legs shake.
She’s trembling, fucked out as she grinds back on my mouth with her hand covering hers.
I rub my cock through my jeans only once, and that’s all it takes for me to cum with her.
I tongue-fuck her through her orgasm, my hand on my clothed cock persistent, even as it gets a little uncomfortable.
She quietly begs me when I’ve overstimulated her, so I press one last kiss to her pussy and get on my feet.
Y/n holds onto the wall for support before straightening her back and leaning her weight against me.
She breathes heavily and her eyes are closed when she wobbles around to look at me.
Is she too spent already?
Too bad.
We’re nowhere near done.
“take me to bed.”
“we’re not done yet.”
“I didn’t say we were.”
She gets on her toes, pressing a sloppy kiss to my mouth as she fondles with my shirt.
I suck on her tongue when she opens a button and slips a hand into my shirt, feeling me up with her nails. She scratches me on my chest, on my abs, and wherever her hands can reach.
My cock goes back to its aching state, at that.
“mm, baby.” I pull back and exhale a sigh when she successfully unbuttons my shirt and throws it on the ground.
She guides a single finger over my abs- which flex as an approving reflex- and plays with the waistband of my boxers peeking out of my pants.
I’m reminded with the sticky material pressing against me right then and there, and she noticed the damp spot over my crotch when she pulls my pants down.
She looks up in surprise, apparently shocked that I’m so horny I came in my damn boxers.
Not gonna lie, a first for me, too.
I smirk. “surprised?”
“very.” She laughs.
I like this. Her. I can be who I am with this woman.
I can laugh with her during foreplay, for example.
On her knees, she looks up at me through innocent eyes and dark lashes as she pulls the barrier of my boxers down.
She stares at my length, appearing impressed- and scared- at the sheer size of it.
“fuck. You drive me insane.” A low grumble of bewilderment.
“I know.” A giggle of satisfaction. “you wanna fuck my throat?”
Judging off the fact that she goes to take me in her mouth, probably thinking I’ll say ‘yes’, she presses a kiss to the tip of my cock before sucking it into her mouth.
Such a fucking tease.
But we’re not doing this.
Not now.
I struggle to suppress a moan, pulling her up by her hand as I shake my head.
“Maybe another time.”
She stares at me with a scrunch of confusion in her brows before nodding in understanding.
I take her hand in mine and wrap it around my cock, stroking it once
Her eyes droop low in a shadow of wanting need as she watches the movement with her bottom lip between her teeth.
As I guide her through the hand job, I pull her to me by the neck, her hand in mine stuck between our bodies as I kiss her with feverish need.
Her rhythm accelerates and she squeezes me, making my orgasm almost tip over the edge.
I hold back with all my might as I loudly release a pornographic moan in her mouth, as to which she smiles into the kiss in return.
She bites my lips and pulls it to her before releasing it, sucking on my tongue right after. Stroking me even faster as she presses her mouth to me farther.
I can barely keep up, bur I’m not complaining.
It’s been a while since I’ve had sex this hungry.
She’s impatient and I’m testing her limits.
But I’m afraid my limits were crossed over in the process.
Apparently in the mood to torture myself now more than ever, I pull both of our hands away from my cock right as I’m about to cum.
“what’s wrong-“
“I need to be inside you.” She closes her mouth shut.
“need to feel you around me.” I kiss her.
“need to cum inside of you.” She moans.
“who's stopping you?”
Well damn.
Right to the point.
“shut up.” As I carry her to my bedroom.
Neither of us have time to contemplate anything as I set her gently on the bed.
She slightly bounces, at which she giggles at as I get rid of the bunched up dress at her waist.
Pulling it over her head, her tits bounce as she plops back onto the mattress and takes me down to her by her grip on my neck.
“easy, baby.” I smirk before her lips are on mine. “I’m not going anywhere.”
We're both naked.
Skin to skin.
Me and my best friend.
My cock glides easily along her pussy, a result of her being so wet.
For me.
Pretty baby’s as horny for me as I am for her.
“gonna let me fuck you good?” I pant as my hips accelerate in rhythm, bumping and grinding against her. “huh?”
She moans when my tip nudges her clit, and I do it again and again as we both grow needier.
More and more desperate for the feel of each other.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back once I’ve gotten a taste of her.
So I take my damn time.
Her hot, wet pussy glides smoothly along my length as I grind on her frantically.
We’re like horny bunnies in heat, eager for release.
Unable to wait any longer, I stroke my cock once before nudging it along her entrance.
She moans at that, and looks down as she watches me jerk myself off with the tip inside her.
I stroke myself only once more, and she says, “do that again.”
She likes watching me jerk-off?
Well, fuck.
“you like that?”
She moans and clenches around my tip when I stroke myself again. Writhing underneath me makes her look borderline desperate as she pants.
Her tits go up and down in rhythm with her rushed breathing, and her peaked nipples beg for attention.
I take a nipple in my mouth, entering y/n one inch further.
A little sigh of contentment is all I get before she clenches around me so hard my breath is cut off.
I groan around her nipple, slightly biting on it as I release it with a pop.
I go slow the rest of the way it takes me to fully nestle inside y/n’s pussy.
She feels heavenly, so warm and wet and- heavenly.
My eyes are hard on the spot where my pelvis meets hers in an incredible show of intimacy, and my jaw clenches from how fucking tight she is.
y/n catches my attention by digging her nails into my forearm, silently pleading me to look at her.
So I do.
And, fuck. I might bust a nut right here and now.
y/n’s crying.
A tear runs down her face and she sniffles. Once.
I smooth a palm down her cheek, pushing stray strands away from her pretty face.
“what’s wrong?”
My cock is so deep in her that I’m 100% sure, if I press down on her stomach, I'll feel it there.
She struggles to answer me, her voice barely above a whisper when she whispers to me.
“it hurts.” Her voice breaks. “it hurts s-so good.”
The way her voice trembles and shakes is making it hard for me to breath.
She’s an emotional fuck.
Such a pretty emotional fuck.
“You’re too big.”
I lock eyes with her when I slightly nudge my hips forward, her eyes snapping shut right when I do so.
Silently, I press a reassuring kiss to her lips which makes her open those pretty dreamy eyes for me.
“we’ll make it work.” With a deep sigh, I pull out of her only to slowly thrust my way back inside. “I’ll make it fit…” I snake a hand down her body to circle her clit gently. She whimpers. “…and it’ll feel good.”
She hums when I repeat my movements with slow reassurance, letting her adjust and take her time.
“look at you. Doing such a good job for me.”
She pulls me in deeper with her legs as they circle around my hips, caging me in as her nails graze my back.
She moans in my ears and I’m barely able to contain my damn hunger when she bites her lip while maintaining eye contact.
What on earth is happening to me.
Must be an insane amount of lust injected into my veins.
Does viagra have this long of an effect?
I’ve swam deep into this pool of desire, so lost in her eyes and breathy moans that I don’t notice how fast my thrusts have grown.
On a particularly harsh thrust, my hips brutally snap into hers as I pull out and do it again and again until she’s breathlessly moaning my name with tears in her eyes.
“yeah?” I dip my head into the damp crook of her neck.
She smells so damn sweet.
Like cherries, and….strawberries?
Maybe even a hint of vanilla.
Jesus christ.
Get a damn grip.
“it feels so good.” As she chokes on a sob.
“mhm?” I groan into her neck, the sound a low grumble of approval. “you wanna say that again?”
My hips are moving an animalistic speed at this point as she claws at my back and cries my name.
“jungkook!” a sob.
“you gonna cum for me? Huh?” I circle her clit again, and when I feel her clench so tight around me I can barely move, I know she’s cumming.
Without removing my face from her neck, I cover her mouth with my hand and snap my hips into hers again and again. Relentlessly.
“cum for me.”
She screams into my hand and bites it to muffle the sound, her body shaking under my own trembling body.
She whimpers as she comes down from her high, kissing my hand as a way of asking me to remove it.
My rhythm grows sloppy and lazy as my thrusts slow down, and with one last hard thrust into her, I’m biting into her neck with a rough “holy fuck” as I cum the hardest I've ever have in my whole 26 years of living.
I still inside her, unmoving as I kiss her neck lazily- apparently unable of giving up the sweet scent of her- as she runs her hands over my back and into my hair.
We stay like that for a while, both silent and content, the post-orgasm glow evident on both of our high faces.
Humming into the sweet taste of her throat, she giggles as the gesture seems to tickle her. One last kiss to her neck.
I roll off of her, careful not to crush her with my weight. We both grimace when I pull out of her, equally overstimulated.
We were horny best friends, frustrated and bothered just a little while ago.
We’re still best friends…I think.
Best friends who fucked like animals in heat.
But, unlike how I expected it to be, it’s not awkward at all.
When I turn my head to look at the beauty lying next to me, she has her eyes already closed as she seems to be dozing off to sleep.
I get up, making quick work to grab a glass of water and some damp towels, sitting back down next to her.
Cleaning her up only takes me a couple minutes to do the task as gently as I could, careful not to hurt her. I almost feel bad from how swollen and sore she’s going to be tomorrow.
I bend down and press a peck on her clit, the intention one of pure apology.
Maybe I went too hard.
“what’s that look for?” her voice speaks up from next to me.
“you’re frowning. Why?”
“I just- I'm sorry if I hurt you.” A small smile. “I got a bit carried away.”
“mm, you did.” She agrees.
Wait…did I actually hurt her?
She cackles at the hint of alarm in my eyes as she swats my arm.
“you’re okay, big guy. You didn’t hurt me…much.” She smiles a cheeky smile as she tries to stand up, wobbling as I grab her arm.
“you cried.” My voice is hoarse when I tell her that. It’s true. She cried, and it was the second hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed, first being her pretty pussy. “it was hot.”
She shyly smiles at me, bending down to kiss me softly. She waddles to the bathroom- naked- as she stops at the entryway to look back at me over her shoulder.
“come shower with me.”
Should I?
Don’t mind if I do.
“okay.” The soft look in my eyes disappears to make way to mischief. She cathces onto that too quick. “round two?”
She snorts at that. “I’m afraid I’d pass out.”
“I mean…”
She gasps, as if in betrayal.
“you’re not seriously considering it, are you?!”
I step closer to her, my hand on her neck before I claim her lips. “and what if I am?”
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how's may treating everyone so far?
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xx0yeet-everything0xx · 11 months
I love your blog. It's just, I don't know. I love that you seem to love the Hazel and Jason duo as much as I do. Like I literally need to see those two being iconic together and kicking ass. And my god you seem to express everything I can't about Jason and the minor deities. (Shrines would be so pretty) (Yes, I know it's not a question but I had to say it)
ajwgdsekufdhkuds OMGGG ANON this ask literally brought such a huge smile on my face 😭🥹❤️❤️
thank you sooo much for this!! and yeah haha its good to see someone else is so obsessed with them <3 those two deserved to go batshit TOGETHER in canon omg!! plus the minor gods hehe :))
once again, tysmmm for this! it's made me so happy!! and if you ever have any thoughts about hazel or jason or minor gods or anything really— you can feel free to drop them in my inbox 👀👀👀👀 or maybe even tag me in a post haha! love u anon <33333
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cinnamon girl // theodore nott x fem reader
"violet blue green red to keep me at arms length dont work"
playlist : cinnamon girl - lana del rey
summary : everyone knows you have a crush on theo , even he knows! so when you randomly start avoiding him one day , theodore cant help but go crazy.
sunshine reader , y/n used , hufflepuff reader
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"theo!" you called out happily , running to the boys side and catching his wrist to stop his strides down the corridor, "hi, ive been meaning to talk to you!".
he looked at you , seeming displeased and just grunted in response , turning away and not even looking at your smiling face that admired him so softly.
"so you have a match on saturday and i was just wondering wether i should support you or hufflepuff? i always try and do my best in encouraging you but when youre against my house it becomes difficult-"
"i dont care do whatever." he said simply , finally turning to look back at you with an annoyed face.
your expression dropped for a split second , a moment so small it was hardly detectable but for that single second your smile dropped completely. and theo noticed. he thought that was probably the first time in your whole life youve stopped smiling. and the first time youve dropped your delicate hold on his wrist.
but you quickly regained composure , smiling up at him although not as sweetly as before , it almost seemed strained this time , "right , thats fine. ill just see what i can do closer to the time. bye theodore"
theodore. ouch. theo watched as you walked away silently , not turning back at all. he tried not to read too much into you , he didnt want to think he cared enough to, but hearing you call him by his full name and not theo? he hated to admit it stung a little more than he thought it would.
"hey!" you said enthusiatically as you sat down besides your close friend hannah , she looked up from the desk and greeted you back.
usually in charms you found yourself sat besides her , talking all lesson or admiring theodore , but you could help but avoid his side of the room like its the plague.
the plague being the pretty ravenclaw girl that for some reason was sat next to him as they discussed something civilly. usually theo sat with mattheo or alone since mattheo wasnt regularly spotted in charms , so to see him sat next to a girl youve never seen him with? you felt your heart shatter right onto the ground around you.
"y/n? are you listening?" hannah tried to ask you until she followed where you stared and saw theodore with the ravenclaw , "oh".
you nodded besides her , forcing a tight smile onto your lips and finally dragging your eyes from them , "its fine , everyone knows he doesnt like me back, i guess i was just in denial about it."
hannah saddened at the forced laugh that you let out , pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back , "he was never good enough for you anyways. youre a whole galaxy and theodore nott is the moon , nothing compared to you."
"i love the moon," you said softly as your eyes began to well up with tears.
hannah pulled back and scanned the room before grabbing your hand , "professor flitwick isnt here yet , leave now and if he asks ill say you were sick. go to our dorms and ill get snacks from the kitchen and we can stay in tonight , sound good?"
you smiled happily at her , "thank you hannah"
she returned the smile with a light nod before handing you your bag and shooing you away , watching as you left the classroom hastily.
failing to feel theos eyes that burned into your fleeting figure.
the next few days were odd for theodore nott. something felt missing but he couldnt quite place his finger on it...
that was until he made eye contact with you in the hall and watched in suprise as you looked away and practically sprinted down the corridor , rather than coming up to him with a bright small and a new topic to rant about.
and he didnt like it. not one bit.
for the rest of the week he picked up on the things that you did - or didnt do.
how your smile would drop when you made eye contact with theodore. how youd talk happily to lorenzo and then make an excuse to leave as soon as theo tried to join the coversation. how you stopped sitting next to him in potions and instead sat with hermione , chatting away to her and not noticing the glare theodore sent towards the both of you.
but the one thing that pushed him over the edge was when he flew out onto the quidditch pitch and immediately searched for you in the stands , only to spot you waving at diggory , wearing his jersey?!
theodore had never felt jealous before -lies- but in that moment he held onto his broom a lot harder than before , his whole body felt hotter and his eyes glared holes into cedric diggorys back.
lets just say that throughout the match he made sure to shove diggory with every chance he got , eventhough none of it was necessary as they had completely different roles in the game.
"nott get off diggorys fucking broom and do your job!" adrian shouted at him from across the pitch , making theodore roll his eyes before giving cedric a last shove and flying away.
from the stands you watched theodore in confusion ,along with the rest of the audience , staring as he yet again flew in the path of cedric and shoved him to the side before contiuing to chase the hufflepuff chaser.
"it seems like nott is more concered in giving the golden boy diggory a good push rather than actually fulfilling his job , typical slytherins playing dirty in my opinion-" lees comentating was cut off by professor mcgonagall clearing her throat , "sorry professor."
the match had ended and purely because of the rest of the slytherin team , they won , however the poor performance of theodore threw the whole teams goal points off.
"what the fuck is wrong with you theodore!?" draco shouted as the team entered the changing tents , "if i hadnt gotten that golden snitch we wouldve lost AND been the comedic relief of all the other houses!"
theodore let out a heavy sigh before sitting down on one of the benches with his head in his hands , pulling his hair aggresively, "shove off malfoy im not in the mood".
"all this because of some hufflepuff mudblood wearing diggorys jersey-" draco started again , before being pushing harshly by a now infuriated theodore.
"the FUCK did you say malfoy?!" theo screamed in his face , being pulled away by lorenzo who tried to calm the situation.
"guys we won and thats all that matters!" enzo tried to reason with the furious boys.
"barley , berkshire! theo over here nearly fucked everything up because of childish jealousy!" draco shouted back , venom dripping off his words.
"who said i was fucking jealous?" theo shouted back as majority of the team turned to him with disbelief.
"you nearly dropped the quaffle twice because you were too busy figuring out how you could shove cedric on the way to the goalhoops-" mattheo started before being cut off by the curtain of the tent being pulled back.
revealing a girl covered in bright yellow , covering her eyes and trying to walk into the tent without falling, "c-can i look?".
the whole tent gaped in shock before lorenzo finally spoke up , "yeah..yeah you can look y/n dont worry."
you quickly uncovered your eyes and blinked as they adjusted to the light , looking at the scene before you which showed theodore being held back from draco by lorenzo and a disapproving mattheo stood in front of the lockers.
"theodore what are you-" you started before being cut off by the boy shaking his head rapidly.
"stop - stop calling me theodore i cant stand when you call me that."
you stared in suprise as theodore shrugged off lorenzos hands and walked over to you, this was possibly the most emotion the boy had shown to you.
"oh uh right sorry , i just wanted to say well done for the match. i was rooting for hufflepuff but there isnt any other team that deserve it more than you guys!" you smiled awkwardly as the team thanked you a short silence following , "anyways , theres a certain hufflepuff thats a bit gutted about his loss so im gonna-"
"diggory?" theo asked with a sour tone as he stepped closer to you , not breaking eye contact.
"yeah , hes upset but i said if he lost id make him a crochet blanket to make him feel better so-"
"but you only make me crochet things." theodore said coldly as you stuttered again , unfamiliar with this behaviour from theo.
"ha , yeah i do but um , i didnt think you liked them so i thought id just put my efforts elsewhere!" you laughed awkwardly.
"the blanket you made him's on his bed , he takes it home aswell because he cant sleep without it-" mattheos teasing was cut off by a sharp glare from theo.
"shut up riddle!" theo seethed before turning back to you.
"no dont be embarassed theo - its nice to know you love it!" you said , finally regaining a comfort in theos presence at this news.
"i love you." he stated simply as the whole room fell into a dead silence.
your mouth hung wide open , as did his teamates before they were ushered out of the room by enzo , your moment with theo requiring the upmost privacy.
"you- you what?!" you asked in pure shock as the final player exited the tent.
"i love you," theo stated again as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"but- but you like hate me , you dont even reply when i talk or smile at me-" you ranted.
"youre right, i hate you. i hate how you love me more than anyone else has before you... i hate your hair and your perfect smile.... and i despise how you make me feel," he stepped so close that your bodies touched and his hand rested on your cheek firmly , "but theres a very thin line between love and hate."
you gaped up at him in suprise , "theo-"
he quickly took a step back and walked to his locker , pulling out a top, more specifically his jersey that he now handed to you.
"take that god awful jersey off i dont think i can handle looking at it for one more second" he said bitterly , staring down at the yellow top you wore with distaste.
"i love you too." you said , still frozen in place and staring up at him.
"i think everyone knows that princess." he said with a laugh , the first laugh youd heard from him in a long time.
a blush spread to your cheeks , both at his words and the addictive sound of his soft chuckle.
"why have you always ignored me if you love me?" you asked still being slightly unpleased with his random confession.
his smile dropped as he frowned and looked at you sympathetically , "i just thought you were doing it all for fun , maybe to mock me or something. i tried to shut out the fact i like you and it clearly didnt work , i was just ...scared." he confessed in a moment of complete vunerability.
you admired him with care and empathy as he spoke from his heart so purely , before your face cracked into a teasing smile , "you know i wasnt actually rooting for hufflepuff?"
he smirked wrapping arms around your waist and pulling you in closer ,"oh really?"
you nodded and pulled the braid in your hair over your shoulder , to reveal the dark green bow that wrapped around the end of it.
theodore grinned upon seeing this as you both giggled , a sweet first kiss following the heart to heart.
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strnlio · 9 days
Can you write about matt being your first boyfriend ever so you're always worrying and nervous around him and him comforting you?
PAIRING: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
SUMMARY: matt comforts you after you admit to being nervous as he’s your first bf
WARNINGS: none just some fluff !!!!
a/n: i haven’t proofread this yet lmao😭 english isnt my first language so don’t mind any spelling errors i’ve made😭 sorry this took so long hope u like it anon!!
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you had never been in a relationship before. its not like you didn’t want to; you’d see your friends talk about their partners and feel a pang of jealousy in your stomach. sure you’d had situationships, but nothing close to an actual boyfriend. you didn’t want anything meaningless, or to be with anyone just for the sake of it. you wanted genuine attraction, like how they portray in movies, even if it meant you had to wait for years before you found the right one.
this was all before you met him. his name was matt. matt was different, different than all the boys you had ever had liked. you had been introduced by some mutual friends, and you quickly formed a close bond with him and his brothers. you loved hanging out with them, whether it was impromptu lunches, drive-through car dinners, gaming over the computer or karaoke nights.
chris and nick were great, but it was different with matt- anytime you talked to him you felt nervous, butterflies swarmed in your stomach and your cheeks felt hot. you’d catch yourself smiling like an idiot everytime he talked in that silly high pitched voice, laughing at his lame jokes and grinning like an idiot as you talked with him over the phone for hours on end.
guess he felt the same way, because he asked you out a fine tuesday evening. the first date led to another one- and a handful more before he officially asked you to be his girlfriend.
you were excited. this was something new, something you had yearned for, wanted for so long; and now you had it. however, there was a feeling of uncertainty bubbling through your chest everytime you thought about this. you had never been someone’s girlfriend before- you were inexperienced at this. you didn’t want to mess things up- especially with matt. everything was going perfectly and you were terrified of ruining it all.
the other day matt had texted you that he would be picking you up for a lunch date. you were excited, you got ready and waited for him outside your appointment. his black van pulled into your driveway and you got into the car, glancing at him. god he looked so pretty.
his brown hair looked extra fluffy today, resting on top of his forehead. his blue eyes looked like crystals in the sunlight, like glistening waves in the ocean. his face broke into a happy smile as he saw you come in, his lips were a perfect hue of pink- they looked so kissable.
theres was nothing more you wanted than to cup his soft cheeks and place a kiss on his lips. obviously you had kissed before, but you were never the one to initiate the kiss, it was always matt. his eyes flicked down to your lips and a wave of anxiety hit you- does he want me to kiss him? what if he doesn’t? what if my brain is making it all up?
negative thoughts filled your brain as you looked away from him. he let out a sigh as he started the car. he tried to make conversation- but you just kept giving short abrupt answers, overthinking every word. eventually he gave up as the car was filled awkward silence while frank ocean played in the background .
all your dates with matt before were romantic but casual- it was more of two friends hanging out and talking. now there was this label of ‘boyfriend- girlfriend’ you were scared because you felt like you had an obligation to be the ‘ideal’ girlfriend.
as you sat in the restaurant, you both talked and you felt a little more calmer than before. matts sweet laughter and light blue eyes peering into yours made it much better. that was until you noticed his hand inch closer to yours from across the table.
you felt your heartbeat go faster as you stared at your own hand wondering if you should move it to meet his or not. what if hes doing it subconsciously? what if he doesn’t want to hold my hand? what if he gets uncomfortable if i do so? all you wished for was the voices in your head to stop talking.
with much contemplation you decided against it as you took your hand off the table and folded your arms while attempting to continue your conversation.
matt noticed. he noticed your unusual silence, lack of eye contact. he was an observer, and it was weird to see your usual talkative this closed off. assuming you had a bad day, he decided to ask you about it when they reached the triplets house.
“hey,” he said stopping in front of her abruptly, looking into her eyes, “is everything all right?” your face scrunched up in confusion replying, “what do you mean?”
“its just…. you’ve been so quiet today. its not like you so… did anything happen? did i say something?” he asked letting out a soft sigh and putting his hands over your shoulders. “you know you can talk to me right?”
you broke eye contact as you stared at the floor. “oh matt- its not you. its just …. i dont know its quite stupid really” he brought up one of his hands towards your chin and tilted it upwards, so that you both held eye contact again. “tell me,” he whispered. his low voice and icy blue eyes staring into yours sent shivers down your spine.
“i don’t know. i just… you’re my first boyfriend and i just…. get nervous around you. i don’t want to mess this up i don’t want to mess us up. i feel like i’m so unexperienced that i’m going to do some stupid shit and ruin it all. and i don’t want this to end… ever. so… this is just kind of scary ,” you confessed.
“heyyy- come here,” he said, his eyes softening. he took your arms and slung them over his shoulders while wrapping his around your waist as he pulled you in for a hug. you rested your head on his shoulder, a feeling comfort spreading throughout your body as he held you in his arms. you stayed like this, holding each other in a tight embrace for a few seconds. matt broke the hug, his hands still on your waist, caressing your exposed skin slightly.
“i understand. but you dont have to be nervous- not around me. you’re doing so good and you’re already a great girlfriend. god i like you so much- nothing you do will ever piss me off ever. i know its scary… but try not to think about that alright? if i’m taking things too fast you can talk to me sweetheart,” he said while studying your face with his eyes. “can i kiss you?” he whispered, his eyes now looking at your lips.
you grinned as you both leant in and your lips connected. you pressed your body against his as your soft lips moved against his. you felt goosebumps cover every inch of your skin and butterflies in your stomach. god you were so grateful for someone like him.
a/n: i always rush the endings because idk how to end ts properly sorry 😭😭✊ lowkey hate thjs but whtev next one will b better trust
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j8kethewizz · 2 years
There's a guy in one of my art classes who was going off the other day about how he thinks the owl house is animated poorly. Specifically, he thinks the scenes where characters are just talking don't have enough movement in them. We are in the same year of the same major program (the same ANIMATION major mind you) and we're probably going to be seeing each other a lot over the next several years. I'm trying so fucking hard to be nice and remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but this guy has already used one of his three strikes with me.
#the owl house is a story about interactions bwtween characters and it tells that story mainly through dialogue#the most impotant part of the immersion there is the solid voice acting paired with the characters' body language and facial expressions#it makes sens that the talking scenes dont have much movement because how much can you honestly say that you move while talking#the magic fight scenes are where all the motion is and he admits that those are well animated#and i tried engaging him in good faith by bringing up the counterpoint that Disney has given TOH the short end of the stick#but i can tell that he hasnt actually been following the story and hes just writing it off as a bad show#which would be fine but he has some pretty bad takes about 'bad shows' as well#namely that being underfunded and not given much time doesnt excuse a bad end product#and yeah knowing the backstory behind some of the production choices doesnt make them any less 'bad'#but he frames what he doesnt like as though its morally inferior to what he does#and once something is 'bad' it cant be made better#this is the stupidest post ive ever made because this basically equates to me having an imaginary battle with another autistic person#like some kind of autism proxy war or something except the other person doesnt even know its happening and it all exists in my head#but also this guy is very loud#i didnt want to hear his opinions on the matter but despite sitting on the other side of the room i could still very clearly hear them#beginning my karkat arc or whatever where i feel personally attacked when people dont like the media i like#it could be worse tho#at least this isnt Twitter#ask to rb
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ghostieyanyan · 7 months
I like to stir up some drama for the Yandere twst boys 😈 I always would like to think that what if a few of the boys fell for MC but they turned them down because they already have a lover back in their world. Or their old lover is dead and MC would never love again since they’re still grieving. I would like to see the boys reactions, especially the more jealous and dangerous ones like Floyd, Jamil, Malleus or even Ace
oohhh yess the drama~ we gotta love some good dangerous jealous boys. i bet theyll get mad and they might do something... awful.
~Mc with lover at home/dead~
Yan!Floyd x mc
Yan!Jamil x mc
Yan!Malleus x mc
Yan!Ace x mc
Warnings: drowning, kidnapping, threats, game of cat and mouse?, stalking, blood, broken mirror
Floyd doesnt like a lot of things... he doesnt like it when things dont go his way.. especially if that thing makes him work his butt off. a thing like... you.
From the day you caught his eye, it was when you stood up to azul to protect baby seal, crabby, and little mackerel. For one, a magicless human demanding something of azul was laughable, hilarious even. Plus how persistence you were, which was also a great charm he liked, when your little group, plus sea urchin, had get that photo azul requested. even when you knew you didnt have a chance to pass 2 mermen eels, you still got the photo and tricked azul and destroying all his contacts?! you were tough and he loved it.
after that, he tried to get to know you better any chance he got!!
theres a basket ball game and he wants you to come? he will annoy crabby and sea snake, with his poor performance, saying "if shrimpy isnt going, whats the point..?" he does it so much that the entire team goes to the ramshackle dorm, begging you to come to the game. floyd played great and won the match.
if there was a group assignment in class? Floyd will throw a fit and threaten anyone that even looks at you to be their partner. to the point, where the teachers just have to comply to his demands.
if you and your group of first years come to the Louge, he'll shove everyone off to lay on your lap. isnt he a cute eel?
After a while of this, floyd finally decided to ask you out (from Azul and Jade's suggestion because they were getting tired of complains about floyd's behavior).
He asked if you could come with him, outside of NRC. He wanted to show you something. He brought you to the beach shore. the sun was setting and it shine beautifully on the surface of the water. you thanked him for the pretty view, it almost made up for everything he's been putting you through recently.
when you turned to Floyd, he got on one knee and asked... he had a ring! it was a pretty pearl ring that he got himself. he had to go through a lot of clams to find the "perfect one for shimpy"
you were, of course, startled. but you explained to him that you had someone at home and you bet they missed you a lot. you tried to laugh the awkwardness away but before you could apologized again. floyd stood up and pulled out a potion vile? he quickly gulped it down and grabbed you, shoving you into the ocean with him!
when you opened your eyes, you were underwater and he was in his mermen form. he pulls you into a hug, a tight one. you thought it was sweet at first until..- you needed air! you tried to struggle against him and tapping him repeatedly, in a way to say "i to go up for air!" but he just wouldnt move.
"you arent going to that home. your new home... is with me, shrimpy~ we'll make a new home here~"
you tried to struggle more but it was pointless, you were losing air and it hurts. your lungs burned and his grip on you, his claws were digging into your flesh! you tried to dig your fingers into his sides but it was pointless.
you let out a finally gasp before falling limp into Floyd's arms.
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Jamil doesnt really get attached to people a lot. everyone always wanted the "great an amazing Kalim," leaving him on the side lines. it hurt a lot at first but now he's just came to expect it...
Even in NRC, kalim still gets the spot light and jamil gets kicked to the side lines.
Kalim wanted to throw a party in the middle of the school week and jamil was in the kitchen. he was studying for an exam coming up and he needs to be "close" if anything were to happen. Meanwhile, kalim was in the main lounge partying with everyone... we know hes not gonna pass...
while Jamil was trying to study... you step in. you both stared at each other for a second... then you asked if you could get a cup of water? Jamil sighs and stood up to get you a glass..
"why are you here..? shouldn't you be.. partying too..?"
"im just refreshing on the material for the exam.."
Jamil hands you the cup and walks back to his spot on the kitchen table. you meekly followed him. on the table there were textbooks, notebooks, and different types of pens and pencils. you looked at his noted and you noticed how neat they were! some words were under-lined and bolded, some had highlights to help catch the eye. jamil noticed your stare and looks up at you.
"is there anything else i could help you with..?"
"o-oh! sorry, i just... your notes look really nice.."
you awkwardly sipped your cup. Jamil rolled his eyes and got back to his notes.
"ya.. its for kalim, whenever hes done partying, hell look at my notes right before the exam and fails the exam anyways.."
he dropped his pen on the table and rubbed his face, sighing heavily.
"haha! that's what ace, deuce, and grim do! out of the 4 of us, i write the notes! deuce tries to, ace doesn't bother, and grim.. sleeps. and with our study sesh, its not like it helps much. as an 'other worlder' i have better grades then they do combined! haha"
jamil stares at you as you laughed and he cracks a smile. its been a while since someone's situation was similar to his.
"hey... do you need any help with the up coming exam..?"
he's voice stammered while saying that... why? you looked at him and smiled. you both spend the rest of the night studying together. this was only the beginning.
now whenever you're alone, jamil will come by to give a helping hand. grim ate all your food? here, he accidentally made extras. do you need help with homework? meet him in the court yard, he'll help. the more he helped, the more his feelings for you grew, he only wished the feelings were mutual.
but the dreaded day came.. you had to return home. he chose that night to finally confess his feelings for you, hoping you'll throw away this vision on returning home and just come home with him.
when you told him that you had a past-lover that died and that you'll never love anyone again. he just snapped.
with blood mix with mirror shards in his hand, he used snake whisper on you and brought you... home. good thing he did this after you said good bye to everyone.
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to say malleus had an eye for the perfect is an understatement. from the day he met them, to the silly nickname they gave him, he had fallen hard.
he had to ask lilia for advice on how to charm the perfect. if flowers were too much for after knowing them for a week..? is his gifts in the night too much?
he just had to leave the gifts in your room because you were either not home or sleeping and he didn't want to disturb you. you liked so peaceful when you slept...
he wanted so badly to make you his then and there but he wanted the moment to be special for both of you. for him, he'll get someone who loves him and charish him. as much as he does you. For you, getting a loving dragon fae husband and becoming a queen of the briar valley. youre guarantee a great life with him! you wouldnt have to be hungry or buying the cheapies things that sam could offer. you will eat and sleep and care for like you are royalty because you will be royalty and be viewed with the highs respect, like malleus.
lilia had warned him to not rush this process. humans can be delikit creatures and some can get startled easiely. Sadly malleus didnt heed his warning and malleus choose to confess to you!
He choose a beautiful forest openning. he had a picnic set up with your favorites and he planned it so that you and malleus would watch the sunset and be out there to watch the stars. it would have been perfect... if it wasn't for you different views.
"oh! im really sorry, hornton.. um.. im actually taken! theyre back in my world but i bet theyre problay worried sicked about now. hehe.."
malleus was still... very still. in that moment, he didnt see red like he thought he would... everything just got dark for him. he wanted so badly to just disappeared and leave you there to be lost in the forest.. but he loved you too much for that. even when you ripped out his heart. the nerve you have to act like this to The malleus draconia...
he walked you home that night.. and told lilia what happened.
"oh dear... im sorry malleus. i didnt know someone has already stolen their heart."
lilia was flying over malleus's head, patting it. the head pats werent helping. the only head pats that will sooth him would be from his child of man, apologizing for their silly joke and saying its just a silly human tradition for courting...
"but... if perfect were to be persweaed into staying in twisted wonderland~ their world would... be nothing but a dream, right~?"
Malleus later asked you to stop by his dorm. he wanted to talk about that night. which you were happy for, you got worried when he didnt come to your dorm at his usial time..
when you got there, it was early quiet... no one in sight. you knew your way around so it wasnt a problem but every fiber in your body was screaming for you to go.
When you got to malleus room. he was at his desk writing something.
"Child of man... i have put some thought on what you said on our outing and ive decided to forgive you."
he stood up and walked over you. it never scared you before but him being so close and how its dark in his room, plus his glowing green eyes, didnt calm your nervse.
"ive decided to show you how prefect we are together... youll love the life i can give you in briar valley~"
in your panick, you pushed him away and made a ran for it to the doors. the last thing you heard made your blood run cold.
"Lilia, silver, Sebek.... after them."
"khee hee~ /Yes, sir. /Yes sir!"
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Ace is a lot of things! Mean, sneaky, and a liar! He likes to tease you a lot. sometimes it fine cause "youre with your friends and hes just teasing everyone" but sometimes hes comments to you feel too... personal..
"haha! perfect, bet no one is looking for you back home! i mean why would they? youre problay useless there as like here."
you grew quiet as your other friends come to your defence from ace's comment.
"well.. jokes on you ace. i do have someone waiting for me back at home! they are sweet and i know for a fact that they are worried sick about me right now! so HA!"
your other friends started to ask questions about your world and this mysterious person that stole your heart. which you were happy to answer their question.
sadly, you didnt notice a sad looking red head as he thought about you returning to this person...
during his afternoon club activities, ace was so out of it, he had to be benched for most the the games...
"aww~ did shrimpy leave crabby high and dry~? hehe~"
"stop teasing him floyd. but really ace.. whats going on? your game play sucks today."
"jamil.. i-"
"hehe~ its because crabby found out that when shrimpy leaves, theyre not gonna think about him at all any more. youll be washed up on the shore, stuck on your back, and shrimpy wont be there to help."
with every word floyd said, he got closer to ace. really digging deep that ace is losing you. in ace's fustrastion, he pushed the two guys away, grabbed his stuff, and headed out..
time had past and crowley (finally) gave you the mirror to return home! you were going around each and every dorm to give them gifts and saying your good byes.. but when you were in Heartlabyul, ace wasnt there..? Deuce explained that he problay when out but he'll make sure he'll stop by your dorm to say his good byes..
he didnt come by... and you had to leave without saying good bye to him..
it took a long while to get used to everything back in your world and explaining twisted wonderland to your parnter could have gone better. (they were on the fence to bring you to a pysc wraned..). your partner left to get you some of your favorite food that you missed since coming back.
you walked to the mirror that you came from and stared at your reflection.. will your first years be okay without you..? will grim be okay..? you closed your eyes to think on all your adventures, you heard a very familiar sound...
you looked at the mirror and you watched as the mirror ribbles... and then... ace appears.
"hehe~ its been a while, hasnt it? sorry i didnt get to see you when you visited. it just took me a while to make sure your new home.. is ready."
before you could step back, his hands reached for you, grabbing your shirt and pulling you into the mirror.
"i got a nice place for both of us. its a bit far from campus, but for you its worth it~ also~ you problay shouldnt run... or ill make sure you wont have anyone to return to here.."
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nichoskittycorner · 9 months
So... a random drabble thing I wrote. Like you know that trope about adopting a pet and it shifts into a hot person? Yeah it's like that except it's a werewolf and a wolf plush. This isnt complete and only like a lil nsfw but yeah-
Oh yeah its like gn! reader x Male werewolf-
Imagine going to a thrift shop looking for supplies for a project and see the cutest littlw wolf plushie you've ever seen- You just had to have it! It had black soft fluff, little golden eyes and even felt warm to hug. Hey, things were already cheap here- why not treat yourself with this?
So you took the little plush home. Happy with your new friend, you set it on your bed and continued to set up for the project. Once you got started, you felt lonely. Reaching over without thinking and holding the plush in your lap. Squeezing and cuddling them as you worked.
Tine flew by as you worked- eventually yawning and pushing the supplies aside. Taking the plush with you as you ate, cleaned up and got ready for bed.
As you laid in bed, you looked into your new friend's eyes and brainstormed some names. "Hm, what about something cute? You are cute afterall." With a half asleep brain, you settled on the first thing you thought of- giggling before falling asleep.
The next few weeks went by as normal. Well that and you almost always had 'Muffin' with you. You really didnt know why but they were good company. Sure the toy never answered you but their pretty golden eyes seemed to twinkle as you spoke and when you cuddled with them. As if a soul was really in there...
Plus that warmth you got from them always made you feel good, like you were hugging something alive. It became a habit to kiss their snout Goodnight and pet the soft fur covering their body. Telling them any and everything on your heart without restraint.
'It was just a doll, right?'-
It's what you had to tell yourself as you found yourself in a predicament. Horny but too lazy to get out of bed to do anything about it. So as you snuggled into Muffin, you started grinding your hips into the plush to get off.
This would have to be something you never told anyone- your body burned hot as you got the much desired friction you craved. Your underwear quickly turning into a soaking and cum filled mess as you got more bold over the long hours of the night.
Peeling your underwear off and rubbing your bare self against the doll that was bringing you such pleasure. It didnt surprise you that you had climaxed several times- leaving your precious plushie covered in your fluids. The streaks standing out greatly in compared to the black fur.
You wouldve been embarrassed but your mind was already floating. This was a problem for the you of tomorrow. So with a satisfied body and brain, you hugged Muffin close, still covered in your mess and fell asleep.
The next morning you were confused and scared by your predicament- your vision was blacked out and you could barely breath. Panic instantly took over as you pushed and clawed at the darkness to get free.
A low growling was heard as you managed to shuffle free. Gasping for air once your face was out of the darkness. It took a little more effort to finally get out of bed and check the scene before you.
Covering about 75% of your bed space was a giant mass of deep black fur, rising and falling very steadily. Whatever this thing was, it was sleeping peacefully despite nearly suffocating you.
As you assessed the situation, the mass woke up and took on more distinct features. Pointy ears, a long snout and sharp but sleepy golden eyes. Was that... a wolf in your bed?!
You wanted to run but was scared frozen. If you tried to run from said wolf it's very likely it would give chase. As you stepped back slowly, the creature seemed excited to see you.
A long tail thumping against your sheets and their eyes sparkled. Lazily crawling out of bed, standing on two legs as they approached you. Using their mouth to pick you up by the shirt like a small kitten and carried you back to bed.
Wrapping around you and trapping you in their embrace. Large clawed hands roaming under your shirt and all over your body. Growling in content as they buried their nose into your neck.
"W-whats going on...?"
The fluffy wolf mass mumbled and licked your neck, making you shiver all over. "Its me human... The curse is broken."
Curse? Now that was bizarre. Plus it still didnt give you much information. "What curse, and who are you?"
The wolf... werewolf(?) wagged their tail, their response shaking your whole mind up. "Muffin! At least, that's what you named me-"
You nearly choked on your own spit. Muffin?! Your little plushie? No way-
As you questioned the wolf still holding and snuggling you, it all started to make sense. 'Muffin' explained that he had accidentally gotten separated from his pack at some point and cursed by a spiteful witch.
Transformed into a useless plush toy and circulated around house and home with no control of his actions. It was miserable and terrifying. That was until he met you.
You took him home and took good care of him. He was sure your instant connection meant he was your mate but he couldnt be sure as a doll. But now he was, and he wanted you badly.
A part of you was still confused. Werewolves, witches and curses werent unheard of but were extremely rare in these parts. And how did you of all people break such a curse?
As you pondered these thoughts out loud, he nodded and continued to fondle your body, pressing kisses against your neck and shoulder and peeling off the rest of your clothing.
Part 2
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andersonfilms · 9 months
★⠀warning y disclaimers — eighteen+, wlw sex, mommy!kink, fem!reader, poc!friendly (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT ISNT AND I WILL EDIT), bi!reader, riding abby like a cowgrl, dom!abby, cheating!reader (not on abby), ceo coded!abby, strap r!receiving, abby having a dirty fucking mouth, mention of future voyeriusm, praise!kink if you blink, brief of mention of ass eating.
RAYNE RAMBLES ★ first abby!smut. this is very sloppy and i literally wrote this in less than an hour. it is what it is. hope you enjoy! please reblog if you like it.
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You had a boyfriend. Maybe there should be guilt weighing heavily on you, yet it was nowhere to be found. God, you couldn't locate a bone in your body regretting it, not now — you didn’t think ever. He worked for her for fuck sake. 
Yet, as she had you on her bed, riding her cock while the party remained downstairs, not a pretty thought racing through this head of yours. All you could think about was her. Big, calloused hands on your waist, guiding you into a rhythm as she bucked her hips upwards into yours. 
“Abby, fuck, baby, you feel so good.” Your tits bounced for her, nipples she had teased and sucked, nearly making you cum with her tongue alone. The blonde couldn’t help but tweak them with a twist of her fingers, reveling in the moan you offered on a silver platter.  
“This is all I wanna do, all day. ‘Jus ride you.” You slurred out to Abby. She could hear how much she was affecting you. Your wet cunt crying from being fucked. She just wanted to eat you out again, and she would. Certainly not before she had you come again. 
“Yeah, pretty girl? We can make that happen.” You moaned out her name as she hit a particular spot, one your boyfriend couldn’t even find in his dreams. 
“You know what I want?” Before you knew it, Abby grabbed your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number. “I want you to talk about to your boyfriend while I fuck my favorite cunt. you can do that for me, right? My good girl.” 
“Hi, hun.” Your grip remained on the phone as you half-heartedly gave a response as Abby positioned you on all fours, before sinking back into you. Eyes rolling to the back of your head as she did. 
“H-hi, sweetheart.” Abby was relentless as she fucked you, slowly pulling out until only the head of her cock was in, until she slammed all of her back in one thrust. Tears brought to your eyes as you tried to focus on the man you claimed to love, the sweet, dumb boy he always is. 
"Thank god you called, baby. Been looking for you everywhere.” Abby leaned her massive frame over you, kissing the back of your neck softly. as her pace increased, you felt so full of her, her hands slapping your ass now and then, knowing what the fuck that did to you.
“Yeah?” The question came out as a moan, more than a question. Abby giggled in your ear, knowing you were far too cock drunk to respond to her.
“Of course. Sorry. I worry just because of my boss, Abby.”
“Oh, really?” You questioned as Abby pulled away from you, hands gripping your waist as she settled into a rhythm you could barely handle. Intensely, pounding into over and over, at her mercy.
You were sure you were biting so harshly on your lip that you could taste the iron. 
“It’s stupid, really.” What was stupid was how easily Abby was manhandling you, her perfect little fuck toy bent to her will. She was moaning your name now, her heavy breath stuttering as the strap rubbed against her, and god, you could have cum right there.
“W-what is?” Now abby was thumbing your clit as her hips punished you. Fully settled in your pussy, as she fucks the sense right out of you.
“The guys at work told me to watch out for her. As soon as they saw the picture of you I kept on my desk, they said you were her type.”
Your boyfriend started rambling on but then Abby was whispering in your ear, “He’s not fucking wrong. I fucked this pussy the first day we met.” 
Abby’s filthy mouth leaves you light-headed and breathless.
“The darling boyfriend doesn't even know we fucked on his bed, does he? I guess you couldn’t tell him my pussy on yours feels better than his dick ever could. That would not be very nice, would it? My good fucking girl." 
Truly, after she whispered her sultry words you were gone. On the entire face of this god forsaken planet, you wouldn't be redeemed now. 
“So close, baby,” you murmured, forgetting he could hear you.
“What?” You asked. 
“Fuck. God.” The moans ripped out by her cock were music to her ears. 
“S-sorry, I meant, so close to being done here. I’ll meet you by the car?”
“Of course. see you soon, hun.”
As soon as you hung up, you threw the phone across the bed, and Abby pulled you up until you practically sat on her meaty thighs as she fucked you.
Her experienced hands grabbing onto your breasts, heavy in her hand as she felt your body convulse around her. Feeling yourself become closer and closer to your peak.
Her hips snapping harshly as she fucked you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as she did. She applied more pressure to your clit, her thumb rubbing circles having you cry out the name she craved to hear.
“Mommy, please let me come. Fuck, I need it so bad.”
“I bet you do, pretty. but make me a promise?”
“Yes, mommy. Whatever you want. I’ll do fucking anything. I just want to come for you. Be your good girl.”
“Next time I’m going to eat out your beautiful ass in front of him. Wanna Give him a lesson on how you like it. Then I’m going to show him how you love to eat mommy’s pussy. would you like that baby? wanna eat my cum right in front of him?”
“Fuck, yes. Holy fuck.” Your body dropped, face first as white ropes of cum coated her cock, your body twitching violently. Abby still fucked you through it. 
“I’m coming, oh fuck. God, mommy, your cock feels so good.”
“You like that?” Her giggle taunted you. Making you love her for it. “I know you do, baby.”
“My legs spread out for you, pussy wet and ready. I can see it now. do you think he’ll cry? I hope he does.” she laughs cruelly.
“Now, come show Mommy how grateful you are.”
“But, he’ll come looking for me.”
“Yeah, I know.”
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sttoru · 9 months
hai this isnt the same anon that initally requested it but i too would love to see brat! reader :3 maybe with gojo? <3
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⟣ sypnosis. satoru eating you out simply because you had been pushing his buttons for too long.
⟣ note. has been in my inbox for a while but i finally got the inspiration for it nyom nyom enjoy
⟣ tags. dom!gojo satoru x sub!female reader. smut. pwp (diving right into it), sprinkle of degredation, edging, cunnilingus, spanking, uhh hes eating it out from the back, pre-mature ejaculation almostttt, mention of creampie.
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“fuckin’ wet already, shit.”
satoru groans as his hands grasp at your hips, keeping your lower body in place — palm harshly making contact with your ass each time you tried to take away his view of your pussy lips spread out so nicely.
it had only been a minute since satoru’s switch was flipped; since he had enough of your games and placed you on your stomach, forcing your ass up like you asked for. you had been provoking him all afternoon — on purpose — to make him lose his temper. it was your own curiosity and stubbornness that led you to this current predicament;
you simply wanted to get a reaction out of your lover whilst he was busy checking some paper work for his upcoming mission. that reaction turned into your ass up in the air, panties down at your ankles, pretty cunny right in front of satoru’s face.
“‘toru, please — want you.” you still had the guts to beg him. satoru wasn’t taking any of it, not when he was already planning on how to take revenge on your earlier actions by edging you until you start to cry tears of frustration.
your lover flicks his finger against your wetness for a second. it felt like a pinch, yet you couldn’t help but be absolutely turned on by it. the slightest of touches made your sensitive body jolt. satoru’s hot breath on your gaping pussy was just adding to the overwhelming need to be eaten out;
“hmm. . i can tell you were touching yourself before this,” the white-haired man sighs, that exhale of air making you once again squirm — gaining another heavy slap to your left buttock, “sit still. i’m not repeating myself, baby.”
you try your best to keep your own (involuntary) reactions in check. maybe if you listened to satoru, he’d reward you by tasting your pussy. he was dying to do it — to put his tongue against you, use it in ways that were going to make you come undone in just a few seconds.
though, he also did want to punish you for messing with him. as much as he wanted to eat you out — bury his face in your folds and lap up your juices diligently.
“ohh? seems like you can listen to me now, huh?” satoru chuckles, seeing how you were trying so hard not to take matters into your own hands and push your hips back against his face, “if you had just behaved and listened to me earlier like you were doing right now, i probably would’ve eaten you out long time ago.”
“too bad ya decided to be a brat today.”
all you could do in that situation was whine and beg satoru in such a lewd tone that it got him gripping your hips tighter, almost leaving bruises by how hard he was trying to hold on to his current desire to edge you. to not give you what you want until you—
“satoru, please — i’m sorry. i need you, baby.” you moan and try to look over your shoulder at your lover. if your words weren’t convincing enough to make him forgive you, your pleading looks certainly will.
and you were right; that was his breaking point. to hear you moan out his name and the nickname ‘baby’ so erotically whilst also staring at him with those glimmering eyes of yours. . . he’s given up.
his mouth immediately latches onto your soaking cunt, sucking on it to relinquish in the taste of your wetness. his nose was buried between your pussy lips, skilled tongue working circles around your clit and below the bud — swallowing his own saliva which was mixed with your slick,
“mmph—fuck—you got me good this time.” he mutters whilst his eyes rolled back into his head from the way you were trying to ride the feeling of his tongue. his big hands held your hips down as he knelt behind you, keeping you from escaping even if the stimulation was becoming too much.
satoru could feel his cock stir in his trousers. it begged for a release - for a release deep inside your walls - the place his cum belongs. your loud moans and your round ass that jiggled slightly as you tried to grind against his tongue, made the sorcerer want to cum already.
“shiiit, yeah—show me that fucking ass.” satoru grunts once he feels you clench around nothing due to the feeling of his fingers digging into the fat of your ass. his mouth continues its magic on your dripping cunt, keeping your lips spread so his tongue could tease and dip the slightest bit into your throbbing entrance.
his own hips buck up into nothing—an automatic reaction to your needy whines and motions, along with the delicious taste of your tight little cunt. satoru could feel you shake, your noises of pleasure increasing — which could only be due to one thing;
“aht, aht. not yet,” your lover chuckles and pulls his mouth away last minute, before you could finish and hit your long-awaited release. you groan in frustration, though that only turned satoru on even more as he watched the sloppy mess around the skin of your pussy. a mixture of his saliva and your sticky wetness;
satoru could’ve sworn that he almost felt himself cum in his pants. if he hadn’t pulled back, he would’ve orgasmed right along with you — which he doesn’t want. he wants it to be with you and in you.
though, you’d still have to earn that latter. you’d have to earn your orgasm and his body if you wanted to get anything out of your current situation.
“did ya really think i forgot how much of a tease you were earlier?” satoru coos, almost in a condescending manner, his finger tracing your vulva slightly to keep you wanting more.
“how adorable of you.” he purrs before placing a soft kiss against your aching pussy — one that made it tingle and tighten up around nothing again.
it was in that moment that you knew: you weren’t going to catch a break tonight.
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fanofthelamb · 1 month
I need more of ur narilamb developments IMMEDIATELY that shit is AMAZING I love a Narinder who can out-crazy the lamb.
(is anyone going to inform lamb that u don't need to marry someone to torment them or-)
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ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE. more narilamb shit under da cut <333 (aka MORE DOODLES!!!)
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nari's crush on the lamb started at their first meeting. there was just something that hit a TINY bit different about the lamb. he won't admit it but even now thinking about how the lamb was back when he was in chains makes his heart skip a beat. ruthless, violent, full of pure hatred... its just kinda sexy, isnt it? (that's only you, narinder.)
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the lamb absolutely HATES all of narinders hobbies, too. especially his plays. they think its beyond pathetic that he would want to prance around on stage in silly costumes and play pretend with others. that was not a hobby fit for the ex-god of death, why couldn't he just do something better like making shit with bones or drawing with ashes?! something edgy like that....
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..... which is why it was so shocking to him that the lamb is his #1 supporter. they helped him find a play to host the plays, assigned people to specifically work on costumes and props for him, crusade like it's going out of style to make sure he has more than enough materials. it doesn't make any sense to him, but he appreciates the help! (they are madly in love with him and even though they don't like his hobbies they will be DAMNED if he can't enjoy them.)
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of course, making sure narinder is cared for isn't the end of the lamb loving narinder. they also have been snuggling and petting and loving on him randomly too. (and testing out his statue abilities) mostly when they THINK he's asleep, but once in a full moon they might come give him a smooch when he's up and moving.
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narinder doesn't get much luck returning the favor though. most of it ends with the lamb beating the hell out of him. (out of love <3) not that narinder can't take it, and even if he can't, isnt that what resurrection rituals are for?
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even while in chains, i can't say who out-crazied who. the lamb has also done some pretty fucking vile shit because of their own little crush. both of these motherfuckers are absolutely NOT ok and they make it each others problem. narinder HAS cooled down a decent bit now that he has hobbies to focus on besides of thinking about the lamb and revenge all day. the lamb no longer has a goal to think about and just tries to focus on running the cult now.
... anyway!! more narilamb nonsense. i hope it fed you well? ^^"
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teddybeartoji · 25 days
lets pretend that i didnt lost this and had to retype it
listen me listen me right !!! back to wolf toji and bunny reader with shiu as the caretaker that lets toji get away with too much but also loves spoiling you bc your just so sweet and adorable
one day, shiu comes home after running errands and tells you and toji that he got a collar to help with toji's biting problem since he knows the both of you will be going into heat soon and he doesn't want toji biting you like a chew toy
toji's grumbling, snarling at shiu that he's not putting on a damn collar but he's confused at the tiny pink thing shiu pulls out. its a cute pink collar, thick but with soft cushioning on the inside a big heart ring in the front. probably for a leash or something, but toji knows that thing isnt going to fit on him.
"it's not for you, mutt," shiu grins playfully, ignoring the glare toji shoots his way at the nickname. instead, he walks up to you and clicks the collar on you, stroking your hair as he coos at how pretty it looks on you !! "its so that if the big guy goes into rut while im away, he wont rip into your throat because he can't think with the right head," shiu jokes, flicking tojis nose.
but a week had passed since then and you had come to like the collar. not just because of how toji would tug on it to pull you into a kiss or how shiu would tug it to get your attention on him when you were fixated on something else. no, it just looked pretty on you!!
one day ur left at home with toji while shiu goes out for the day for business stuff, whatever boring things he had to do. that poor man didnt realize you were going to literally get turned into a creampuff with in 30 minutes of him leaving
toji is INSTANTLY on you when he realizes shiu is gone. poor thing is too rut-brained that he cant even figure out how to get the collar off so he's just gnawing on it, sinking his teeth into the leather as he growls about how stupid the collar is for covering up your pretty neck from him, that shiu doesn't know what he's talking about, all while he's ripping off your clothes.
shiu told the BOTH of you to let him know if either of you go into heat so he can come home and be a good caretaker and make sure you both are still eating and drinking water and that toji doesn't accidentally bite his cute lil' bun too hard anywhere. so, he expects you to tell him to calm down and wait for shiu to get home like a good little bunny, but instead you just look at him over your shoulder with the cutest little pout and tell him 'jus' the tip won't get us in trouble, right?'
and he tries, he tries soooo hard, just fucking his tip in and out of you but then you get pushed into your own heat and you go from reminding him only the tip to 'why aren't you putting in more?? do i not feel good enough??? why dont u wanna be all the way inside me toj???'
and he's shutting you up with one thrust to push all the way inside, shushing you through huffs and growls, telling you he'd stay inside of your sticky cunt for the rest of his life if he could, that you were so hot and wet just for him and he never wanted to pull out of you, keep you nice and stuffed full of his cock and cum until your tummy gets a little bigger from how full he's pumped you with his seed
cue shiu coming home to the two of you fucking like animals (hehe) on the living room couch, your face pushed into the cushions and ears flopped down while your little cotton tail is swishing around like crazy, hearts practically in your eyes when you realize shiu's home, because now he can watch and see how good toji is, see that the big wolf should be able to bite you because hes so good, he's fucking you so deep.
plus, you'd look even prettier with toji's bite on your neck instead of a collar :33
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dollcherray · 2 months
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A/N:Yahoo! im back babeyyy,way better now and, btw ik smg4's fandom isnt that famous and this will probably only get 2/3 views, but im doing this anyways, this is NOT PROOFREAD edit: this aged like milk
Type: Headcanons, romantic, fluff/light angst.
Tw/Cw: Yandere topics, he hypnotizes you, obsessive behavior, paranoia, delusion, possessiveness, overprotection, suggestive(?), he literally worships you so much, emotional dependence .
Song recommendation: Creative control - Mr puzzles
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୨୧ He got so hooked up on you, and he doesnt know how or why, but he just knew he needed you when he first landed his cameras on you, you were so captivating, he had to understand why.
୨୧ Before he hypnotized everyone, he kept a big eye on you, that were blissfully unaware of his obsession or existence, sometimes he got so excited of looking at you that he almost got to capture you to himself, but he had to control himself, he could do that later.
୨୧ When puzzles finally hypnotized everyone, he needed to see you first than EVERYBODY else and my god, you were so precious and beautiful in person, he couldnt get enough from looking at you, he was so glad he finally got to see your pretty face in person.
୨୧ During the shows, whenever you were on screen, he would display you always as the most perfect character in the story and sometimes he would even insert himself in them just to be more close to you or to be your love interest.
୨୧ He enjoys watching your performances so much, you were just made for the screens! you easily highlighted yourself in every show, even if you were just standing, or staying in the background, he would pay attention to you everytime, every single move you do or word you say, he is paying full attention.
୨୧ He would be extra touchy with you, since he was very lonely when a child, he would take all the years of him wishing there was someone to hug him and etc. On you, he would be soo touch starved.
୨୧ Puzzles would get a bit paranoid and feared when you get your conscience back, he tried to comfort himself with the "they'll never know" mindset, protected by the delusion that he did the right thing of hypnotizing you.
୨୧ Puzzles would panic when you got your conscience and memories back, but relieved that you wouldnt remember the stories where he inserted himself in so he could be creepily more close to you.
୨୧ But when he heard you also wanted to leave, he was furious, how could his own darling try and leave him?! hes the one who can make u a real star, the real deal, and the others are just... second characters, how can you want to stay with such pesky brats?! they were nothing compared to you!
୨୧ But he didnt blame you, you were with those weirdos since the beginning consequently making you not even know half of your potential since you were brainwashed by that pesky crew, so, he had to show you that your place was with him, on the big screens with only him, nobody else.
୨୧ If you wanted to stay with him or not didnt really matter, you were in his reality, he could make you his whenever, he just felt like giving you the illusion of a choice in hopes you would "choose" the right decision. (hes not insane at all! hes just silly!)
୨୧ You were his precious puppet, his puppet, his companion, he couldnt let you leave, no, he couldnt, he needs you and you will need him, he would show you your place, he eventually would.
୨୧ "When i saw you, i instantly knew that you were a natural star, so be good and stay with me, okay?"
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cranberryjuice-posts · 5 months
(and pls a lil make out im begging you😔)
(also i love your work stay strong girl‼️🔥)
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Let’s give this thing a try
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! daughter of Athena! Reader
Pt 1 — pt 2
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The big house was quiet. Quiet was something you had to fight for, being a demigod your life was always chaotic and well noisy— so when you wanted to actually spend some time reading you would make arrangements to spend time in the big houses libary.
That’s how you now found yourself sitting in the library’s floor with multiple astrology books open around you and a note book filled to the brim with your findings
You heard the door open behind you, you looked back and saw clarisse standing in the door way with a few books in hand. Confused you raised an eyebrow studying the beautiful girls collected face. “What’s with the books?” You asked.
At first she didn’t respond, only setting them down on a chair. “Chiron asked me to leave some books here.” Her tone flat and uninterested, in the pile however you noticed a book about the stars that you had been searching for for hours.
You practically ran across the room grabbing the book like it was going to disappear. You looked down smiling at the cover— your excitement was innerupted as clarisse scoffed.
“I swear only Athena kids get off on this shit.” She rolled her eyes while turning to leave.
“Excuse me?” You spoke harshly.
Clarisse let out an irritated sigh. “What?— did I stutter I said Athena kids are the only people I know who can actually enjoy crap like this” she gestured her head towards the mess you had made earlier. “All you guys are the same boring blueprint of your mom”
“I’m not boring” you let out a scoff like laugh. Setting the book down on a table you crossed your arms not wanting to stand down from where you were.
Clarisse raised an eyebrow, it was clear she didn’t believe you. “Know what fine” you walked towards her. “Come here tomorrow midnight and I’ll show you that I’m not boring”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because I can get you out of whatever trouble your in with Chiron”
There was silence for a moment until clarisse rolled her eyes once more, threatening you to make it worth her time before actually leaving
You laid face down in your bed with Annabeth standing near by. You screamed into your pillow fustrated “and who does she think she is! I’m not boring she’s suc—“ you continued to complain until annabeth stopped you
“And Why do You Care what she thinks?” Annabeth sighed while sketching on a map of the forest, making plans for the upcoming capture the flag game.
You kept quiet.. annabeth turned in her seat looking over at you, her sharp grey eyes analyzed you until you knew the secret was you. You groaned in you pillow while annabeth sighed. “Her?! Really.. y/n there’s so many better options here but her your really gonna go with her?” She scolded you.
“Look, It’s.. fuck ok she’s really pretty and her being a bitch is attractive sue me” you rolled over in your bed embarrassed. Annabeth shook her head in disapproval. “Besides your not so innocent I see how you look at the son of Poseidon, uh Percy right? Yeah how does mom feel again about you fraternizing with the man she hates son”
She threw a pillow at your head in response. You just held the soft fabric close wondering how the hell you were gonna survive clarisse, you didn’t even like her that much
You did like her that much.. fuck
You sat in the big house looking out the wall length window admiring the stars. You had a telescope set up propped outside the window with a few books opened around you. Annabeth so graciously and forced helped you set up a cosy scene with some blankets and pillows.
You wore a cute form fitting black jumper dress with a light blue camp sweater underneath and a white ribbion in the back of your half pulled up hair. But this wasn’t a date. You had to constantly remind yourself that you were just proving you weren’t boring.
In mid thought you heard the libary door open, stepping in clarisse wearing some red plaid pj pants and her normal orange camp shirt. You felt your voice get stuck in your throat.
Clearing your throat you patted beside you. “Common”
“This looks boring I’m going back to my cabin”
Clarisse rolled her eyes and sat down— only there because you could get her out of cleaning the big house which you found out was because she may or may not of broke a kids jaw.
There was uncomfortable silence, it clear she was just trying to psyc you out so you would call quits but being the stuborn girl you were you refused.
You saw a shine in the corner of you eye making your face light up. “Look” you smiled. Clarisse groaned as she moved over and looked into the telescope. “It’s a meteor shower”
“I’ve been studying the stars for years but recently I’ve noticed a shift in some of the stars usual locations, see a meteor shower happens when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid, As a comet gets closer to the sun, some of its icy surface boils off, releasing lots of particles of dust and rock—“
You had to stop yourself from continuing, proving you weren’t boring didn’t include you yapping about stars. The shower ended quickly and which was normal for a small storm like that one. While clarisse continued to look at the sky however You put a hand on the tool.
“Right here” you shifted it, you showed her the Aries constellation. “There’s Aries, and that red circle underneath it is mars” shifting the telescope some more you continued to talk “and there is the great square of Pegasus”
It was still quite the only round being the creaking from the telescope. You pulled away fiddling with your hands. “I—“
“It’s cool” clarisse mumbled “i guess” she looked over at you from where she was laying. Your cheeks flushed from the sudden compliment. “I still think your boring though spending all your time reading in here, but this” she titled her head more toward the window “this is all right”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not boring”
“Mmhm” she sat up stretching as she did.
The two just sat there looking at eachother. You now taking the chance to really admire the girls features with the only source of light being the moon. “Your hair.. I like it, the way you style it and keep your curls in such good condition… it’s pretty”
“You can touch them if you want” her offer took you back, but you didn’t deny her. You reached out and touch her soft hair wrapping a curl around your finger. “Your hair smells like fruit punch” you giggled.
“Thanks?” She laughed softly, her hand now tracing gentle circles on your thigh. You could tell she liked the jumper dress on you, making your heart beat faster.
You leaned closer to clarisse nervous you read the situation wrong. Your lips were close just barley brushing against eachother.
You felt your heart start to race, you’ve kissed girls before but something about clarisse made you nervous, nervous like you wanted to run away but excited like you needed more.
Clarisses hand trailed up your body and found its way to your waist, she gently pulled you forward finally kissing you. The kiss was short repeating a few times adding a sense of hesitation.
You felt clarisses Hands squeeze you lightly as you both looked into each others eyes. Your left arm was now around the girls shoulder with your other hand keeping you up for balance.
You moved you hand to her hair before leading her in for a more passionate kiss. It was immature and inexperienced but needy. Clarisse Bit You bottom lip making you moan allowing her to move her tongue into the mix, you moved while kissing her to sit on the girls waist.
You both fell now with clarisse laying on her back and you pinning her down, both panting while looking deeply into each others eyes. You kissed her again with a sense of urgency.
Whines and soft moans filled the air as you kissed. Clarisses hands finding themselves under your tight jumper dress resting on the sides of your thighs while you had your hands held the girls face.
Pulling away you hid you face in the crook of clarisses neck allowing her to shift positions around now with her on top, trailing kisses down your cheek jaw and neck.
She pulled back panting. “How far are we going” her eyes meeting yours.
“Only.. only this” You whispered, clarisse nodded before kissing your neck again while softly nipping leaving dark hickeys.
The following morning you had to hear a long lecture from annabeth about the marks on your neck and the new found relationship between you and the daughter of ares
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Annabeth - shes a terrible Person
Y/n - now it’s suddenly a crime for a woman to have a personality?
Go look at this persons post about Palestine and aid links
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