#this isn’t The Who would win a fight tournament
redwalltournaments · 1 year
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shrowded-eng1ma · 1 year
Flirty Intro Dialogue’s
Characters; Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei x oblivious Gn!Reader
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Kitana; How could you be an earthrealmer with the looks of a Edenian?
Y/n; is… is that a pick up line? Even Raiden can do better.
Kitana; I may be a princess, but I’m also a woman who knows what she wants - and that’s you
Y/n; wait, isn’t Mileena the princess? Royal words are confusing.
Kitana; When I look into your eyes, I see a future where we’re unstoppable together
Y/n; why? Is outworld and earthrealm having a 2v2 tournament? Could I get Jade on my team?
Kitana; Just as my fans return to me, my thoughts keep returning to you
Y/n; oh crap.. look I apologized for taking your wine! I thought it was mine…
Kitana; Just as my blades are sharp, my attraction to you is equally cutting
Y/n; um… please don’t cut my limbs off?
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Sidnel; I’m the Empress of Outworld, and you could be the king of my heart, if you dare
Y/n; hey, Johnny said that too! I didn’t think you’d get along…
Sindel; You must be a powerful enchantress because you’ve cast a spell on my heart
Y/n; no I’m a copy ninja
Sindel; Just as my hair flows, so do my feelings when I’m around you
Y/n; um… I’m sorry for taking your daughters wine?
Sindel; Just like my scream, my heart skips a beat when I see you
Y/n; your.. screams skips beats?
Sindel; would you care to accompany me to my chambers? I have some-
Y/n; Nooo thanks. Tanya and li Mei would kill me, heir like.. really protective of you.
Li Mei
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Li mei; Your smile could rival the sunrise in Outworld
Y/n; really…? No wonder my jaw hurts when I smile.
Li mei; Just as I fight with determination, I’m determined to win your heart
Y/n; I-I think I’d rather NOT have my heart ripped out of my rib cage.
Li mei; If we were in a Mortal Kombat match, I’d choose you as my tag-team partner for life
Y/n; wait, so what kitana said was true?! We’re having a tag team battle with outworld!? Sick!
Li mei; Meeting you feels like finding a hidden treasure in the depths of Outworld
Y/n; you have time to go world exploring?
Li mei; Just as I’ve trained in martial arts, I’m ready to put in the effort for your heart
Y/n; please don’t kill me, this is just a spar… right?
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princessconsuela120 · 8 months
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Summary: Sebastian gets hit with a curse during crossed wands, and you treat his wounds.
Warnings: flirty shirtless Seb, fluff
Author's Note: this is kinda a part two to patching up, but it also stands alone. don't forget to vote on my page! enjoy guys!!!
YOU HAD BEEN SITTING WITH SEBASTIAN FOR ABOUT AN HOUR NOW, sitting in your usual spot in the room of requirements, just swapped spots. Normally it was you who would be patched up by your dear boyfriend, but he decided he wanted to give you the heart attack today. You were attending the most recent Crossed Wands tournament, watching as Sebastian was about to win before Leander Prewitt threw a final blow at Sebastian. Probably sour about the fact that Sebastian had beaten him, he threw a curse at Sebastian that wasn’t allowed in crossed wands, diffindo. Due to the harm it causes to the target, for safety reasons crossed wands forbid it. So of course somehow Sebastian managed to get hit with it anyway.
“Oh quit being such a baby.” You teased, making Sebastian wine as he moved his head away from the medicine you were applying. He scoffed, crossing his arms angrily.
“I’m not a baby. I’m a man.” He mumbled angrily, a deep pout on his face. You pouted at him mockingly, a teasing tilt to your head as you met eyes with him.
“Of course you are. You’re a very, manly baby.” You teased once again, pinching his cheek making him groan. Most of his wounds were spread across his chest, four large gashes that were now dry with blood. You had to struggle not to fall for his insistent flirting due to the fact you treated him with his shirt off.
“This isn’t fair.” He hissed, making you roll your eyes as you carefully padded at his chest with a wet rag.
“Yeah well, life isn’t fair.” You teased, holding one hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. “Now hold still baby.”
“Hmpf.” He mumbled, making you chuckle at the pout on his face.
“Maybe if you didn’t want this to happen you shouldn’t have been dueling with Leander anyway.” You explained, regardless of the fact that crossed wands decided the opponents. Well, that’s not exactly true. Sebastian had come to Lucan during 3rd period and pulled him by the collar, demanding that he assign Sebastian to Leander so he could knock some sense into him.
“He started it!” Sebastian shouted, his face growing red with anger.
“See, you say that every time, yet you’re always the one who’s starting it.”
He huffed angrily, not even responding and instead grumbling to himself. You could tell it was taking everything in Sebastian not to stomp his foot right now.
“Stupid Prewitt. I would have the right mind to report him to Weasley.” Sebastian’s fists clenched, causing you to intertwine your fingers in his, calming him down.
“And why aren’t you?”
“Cause then she’d cancel crossed wands.”
“Right, and then you wouldn’t be able to assert your dominance by fighting.” You teased, kissing his forehead as he rolled his eyes.
“Oh please. If I wanted to assert my dominance I’d just punch Leander in his slug nose.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” You said with a sigh, gently applying a wrap to the gashes on his chest. You tended to him with such care he almost forgot he was even injured. He honestly loved being taken care of, even if it bruised his pride, it led to quality time that just made him fall deeper in love with you.
“The prick had it coming.”
“Sebastian, you can’t just obliviate everybody that’s nice to me.” You lectured, pinching your forehead with frustration as you remembered the reason Sebastian had targeted Leander to begin with. (Though it usually didn’t take much for Sebastian to target him.)
“He wasn’t being nice, he was flirting. There’s a difference y/n.” Sebastian replied sarcastically, making you roll your eyes.
“Okay well, I’m sorry I didn’t realize asking what we did in Herbology yesterday was flirting.”
He shifted in his spot, pulling his shirt back over his head at he pointed at you defiantly.
“It is when he says ‘ oh, oh y/n, my favorite (your house). I missed Herbology yesterday, perhaps you could fill me in. Maybe then we can snog in the bathrooms!” He yelled, mimicking leanders voice with a high pitched whiny voice. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully at his jealousy.
“That’s not what he said.”
“Well, it was implied.” He sulked, crossing his arms as his eyebrows furrowed, turning away from you angrily. You couldn’t help but laugh, catching his attention. He turned back to you, the pour on his face almost adorable.
“What?” He asked angrily, only making you laugh harder.
“You’re adorable when you’re angry.” You teased, running a hand through his hair. His face softened, his eyes lighting up when you begin running your fingers gently against his forehead. “You get this cute little furrow in your brow.” You continued, tracing the indent that once sat between his eyebrows, which now turned into a flirtatious grin.
“Oh am I?” He flirted, raising an eyebrow as he pulled you into his lap, making you giggle at the tickled his hair caused when he kissed your neck.
“You are.”
“Well, lucky for me, you’re always cute.”
He continued to pepper her in kisses, making her sigh as she pulled away.
“Promise me you’ll stop getting in duels all the time?” You tried, glancing at him with a worried expression. You raised an eyebrow at him with warning, which he only minicked.
“Promise me you’ll stop getting into fights with poachers?” He countered, making you smirk at him.
“We both know that won’t happen, love.” You teased, running your fingers through his hair. He held you closer, burrying his face in your neck.
“Well then you have your answer.” He mumbled, causing you to roll your eyes as you both giggled, before soon pulling him into a sweet kiss. A kiss which was soon interrupted by a pain filled groan coming from Sebastians own stupidity.
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
hi!!!! i love your writing style, it’s so beautiful! when you have the time, could i request Ominis x reader where they have a really bad fight and Ominis says something really mean like totally out of pocket to where their relationship is cracking so he has to win her forgiveness and love back 😭 i love angst it hurts me so good
The 3 Boys & The Hogwarts Champion
{Garreth Weasley/Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
Introduction: The TriWizard Tournament was a tournament that promised glory, but also a tournament with a death toll so high, just surviving it would be the accomplishment of a lifetime. Your significant other had begged you not to put your name in the Goblet of Fire. You told him you wouldn’t, but you've done so anyway in secret. These are the reactions of Garreth, Ominis, and Sebastian when they not only realize you put your name in behind their back, but that you’ve also been chosen as the Hogwarts Champion.
Word Count: 
Garreth: ~ 2,200 words
Ominis: ~ 1,700 words
Sebastian: ~ 2,400 words
Warnings: Kissing, Angst
Author’s Note: Thanks for the request, anon! And I'm so happy you enjoy my writing ❤ I hope you don't mind I got Garreth and Sebastian in on your request haha. You can go ahead and jump to reader and Ominis' fight, there aren't any rules here. 😉 Sorry for taking so long on my fanfics! Work has been nuts lately, I've fit in writing whenever I had the drive and wasn't mentally burned out from my job. Hope you enjoy and have fun with it guys, got some good ol' angst written up for ya 😚
Songs (if interested):
Garreth’s song: War of Hearts (Acoustic Version) - Ruelle
Ominis’ song: Granite - Sleep Token
Sebastian’s song: Is It Really You? - Sleep Token, Loathe
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When Garreth heard Headmaster Black announce your name, his blood went cold, the entertained smile vanishing from his face. But - we agreed you wouldn’t… No. No, this isn’t fun anymore. Stop this. Stop all of this now. 
He watched you as you made your way up to stand with the other champions. You were smiling, happy, proud as can be that your name was chosen. But he caught the guilty look in your eye when you glanced his way. You lied to me.
The room seemed to be spinning while he sat still in his seat, looking Headmaster Black’s way but not listening to what he was saying about the tournament. His ears were ringing, he was starting to feel sick.
As soon as everyone was dismissed, Garreth shot up from his seat, wanting to get out of the Great Hall as fast as possible. You wanted to chase after him, explain yourself. But you could only watch Garreth’s form walk away as you were guided with the other champions out to discuss the tournament expectations. 
Garreth had gone numb. The one he loved most had lied to him, deciding some dangerous, unnecessary tournament was worth more than him. Without thinking, he had gone to Professor Sharp’s empty classroom and started brewing whatever came to mind. He wasn’t in the mood for experimenting, he wanted to put together ingredients that made sense, he couldn’t take anymore surprises.
You had been watching him silently from the doorway for a few minutes, trying to think of what you could possibly say to him after what you had done. 
Feeling someone’s presence, he turned to see who it was. He shook his head and scoffed humorlessly seeing it was you, turning back to his potions.
I deserved that welcome. “I -” You began but stopped short, not knowing how to continue.
He took a step back from his potion brew, resting his hands on the table, looking at the ground because he wasn’t quite ready to look at you. “I just want to know why. Why would you look me in the eye, promise me you wouldn’t put your name in the running, and then go off and do exactly that behind my back?” His voice was hard, his words direct. 
You had never heard him be this stern with you. You didn’t think you’d ever heard him this stern with anyone. Way to go, you’ve managed to make the most fun loving, easy going person you know livid. “There’s no good excuse, Gar.”
“Don’t.” He said through gritted teeth. “You are not allowed to call me that.”
Your heart broke, but you knew you brought this on yourself.
He took a steadying breath, trying to push down his temper. “Either tell me why you did it or leave me alone.” His tone sounded like he was already done with you.
You nodded your head, quickly trying to find the words. “I… Natty put her name in.”
Garreth squeezed his eyes shut. He had heard Natty throwing the idea of entering around but he hadn’t realized she’d actually done it. If he had found out before you did, he would have done everything in his power to keep it hidden from you. Although, he didn’t know how successful he’d be when Natty was your best friend. “If she wanted to compete, that's her choice.”
“And this is mine. I’m not letting anything happen to her.”
He stood up straight then, looking at nothing in particular. He shouldn’t have expected anything different. You were the most capable person to compete for Hogwarts, and the only one in ages able to wield ancient magic, you both knew if you entered your name you’d get chosen. He had begged you to promise him you wouldn’t put your name in. But of course, it still ended up like this.
All it would take was one misstep, and you’d be taken from him forever. The thought had brought back the sickening feeling he had earlier. Wishing he had felt numb still, he sighed and rubbed at his brows with his thumb and forefinger. “Why do you have to be the hero every bloody time?” He grumbled, just loud enough for you to hear.
You looked down, feeling horrible seeing him this way. It was a new low knowing you had caused it. Garreth was always bright and full of good humor, and your betrayal seemed to wash that all away like it never existed. “I’m so sorry. I never… never wanted to hurt you.”
He finally turned your way and looked over you solemnly for a moment. You held his gaze as he walked up and cupped your cheek. “I just had to go after you, didn’t I? Why couldn’t I have gone after someone dull? Why’d it have to be you?” He gave a small shake of his head as he mused to himself. “It’s cruel being in love with you.”
It hit you then that you could lose him over this. “I know.” You whispered.
With a disappointed sigh, he released you and went back to his potions station. “You can go now.” He said with no emotion, as if he were dismissing you.
You stared after him a moment longer, then took your leave.
He poured some of the wiggenweld potion he brewed into a flask. Just as he was about to cap it, rage coursed through him and he threw the flask against the wall.
He wasn’t planning on attending any of your challenges, but he found he couldn’t keep away. He needed to keep an eye on you or he’d feel worse than he already did. He remained near the back of the audience, pacing back and forth, anxiously running his hand through his hair throughout the whole thing. The sick, nervous feeling never dissipated, he could have sworn the sensation was burning a hole through his insides.
He nearly collapsed when the challenge was over, breathing easier with so much relief washing over him. He ran down to the champions’ tent to wait for you to leave. He called your name as you walked out and you quickly turned in the direction of his voice, eyes wide that he had not only shown up, but approached you first.
He closed the distance between you two and pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you like he never wanted to let go. You wrapped your arms back around him, nearly crying at the collision. 
He pulled back just enough to cup your cheek and look over your features. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” His stomach dropped seeing all the gashes and bruises on your face. 
“I’m fine.” You tried to reassure him, but his eyes darting all over you told you your words hadn’t done much reassuring.
He took your hand in his and pulled you urgently along with him. “I’m getting you to the hospital wing, and I’m going to make you some wiggenweld potions.” He stopped briefly to look you dead in the eye, no nonsense. “And you’re going to drink every single one I put in front of you.” He turned and began tugging you along again.
You smiled to yourself, not daring to disagree with him. “Yes, sir.”
On your way to the hospital wing, you walked by the wall where the Room of Requirement would be. It never showed up when you were with someone else, but that day it did. Garreth slowed to a stop, furrowing his brows as he watched the door form before him. 
“What’s happening?” 
“It’s the Room of Requirement. Looks like it believes we both need it now.” You tugged him in with you and his eyes went wide at it all before him.
“You’ve had all this to yourself since fifth year?” He was in awe, how could you ever want to leave this place? As his eyes explored the room, they landed back on you, and he remembered in a panic what he was originally doing. “Sit down.” He commanded. He turned and scanned the room for your potions station. Spotting it, he strode up and began on some wiggenwelds. While those took a moment to brew, he looked around for some bandages, anything to patch you up with.
“Right here.” You held them up as you sat on the couch and began working them onto yourself.
He snatched them from you, sat down, and started doing it for you. You watched him as he fixated on your scrapes and bumps. Being this close again, you wanted to kiss his freckles more than ever before. He had been avoiding you since you last spoke, you were convinced you had lost him. You probably had and this was only a moment of weakness on his part. 
“I love you.” You found yourself saying. “I’d do anything for you, I hope you still know that.”
He seemed unphased by your words as he continued cleaning you up. “You’d do anything but keep your name out of a burning goblet, it seems.” 
You closed your eyes and sighed through your nose. He had you there.
He stopped his movements suddenly and shifted away from you, sighing himself and leaning his elbows on his knees. “You broke my heart, you know.” 
Tears stung at your eyes. But you refused to let them fall, you weren’t the victim here. All you could do was nod your head even though he wasn’t looking at you.
“You promised me you wouldn’t put your name in that damned goblet.” His voice was strained. He went silent for a moment, taking a steadying breath. “You got me thinking about life outside of Hogwarts.” He began again. “It’s only going to get worse once we leave here and we’re out there. You’re going to put yourself in worse and worse situations for others.” He rubbed his hand down his face roughly at the thought and let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to bear it.”
You sat up straight, trying to keep your composure as your nerves went into a stomach-turning frenzy. You knew what he was getting at.
“I don’t want to be in love with you… I don’t.” He admitted. He looked up to the potion pots and saw the wiggenwelds were done. He stood to his feet to grab them and bring them over. He knelt before you, holding up one of the flasks. “You’re to drink all three of these.” He looked up at you with a face of you don’t have a say, drink it.
You took the first one from him, downing it, then did the same for the following two. Once you finished he got up and discarded the flasks. He returned to your side on the couch and took your hand in his. He looked down at it in his lap, tracing shapes on your skin lightly with his thumb. “What I do know is that being apart from you feels so much worse. Now that… that I know I can’t bear.” He looked at you then, his face told you he was upset with himself for feeling this way, for choosing to stay by your side.
You had caused this. You had done him wrong. And he was right, things were going to get worse after Hogwarts. You really were a cruel one to love.
“I don’t know how long I'll be furious with you, but I’m thinking it’ll be a while.” He let himself get lost in your eyes for a moment. “Glad you’re okay at least.” He released your hand and got up to leave. 
You were going to let him go, but you stood to your feet and stormed after him. You grabbed at him to face you and then crashed your lips onto his. You cupped his face and he shot his hands to your waist, his fingers digging deep into your sides. 
He pulled away slightly, his eyes narrowed at you and he exhaled, frustrated. He was beyond exasperated with you, but he still craved you like no other. Furrowing his brows, he returned his lips to yours, moving his mouth against yours to satiate said craving. His hands slid up your back as he wrapped his arms around you. 
He hadn’t realized how starved he was for your taste until he had you there in his arms again. He licked at your bottom lip, wanting to get more of you, and you gladly granted him access. Anything he wanted, you’d give it to him. He could feel your compliance, and he was tempted to see just how sorry you were.
But his hands slowly moved up to yours and removed them from his face. He tore his lips from yours and looked over your flushed features, wanting more but not allowing himself more, then he released you. “Nice try.” He turned and made his way out. “Stay sweet and I might let you call me ‘Gar’ again.” He called over his shoulder.
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“You what?!” Ominis was fuming now, you had seen him angry with you before, but never like this.
“I thought,” You exhaled in frustration, “I thought it would help your family approve of me.”
“My family should be none of your concern!”
“I’m not a pure-blood, Ominis, you know they would never approve of me. Being the Hogwarts Champion has to mean something. If they ever find out we’re together, they’d arrange a marriage for you like that.” You said with a snap of your fingers. “This tournament could help prove my worth.”
He shook his head, pacing back and forth. “And you’d think I’d just roll over and let that happen?! This was not the answer, I’ll never understand why you thought it was.” 
“There’s no need to get this upset. I might not even get picked anyway.”
His pacing came to a sudden halt, his eyebrows shot up in incredulity. “Is that supposed to be a joke? Of course your name’s going to get picked!” His fury turned into something with a bit more worry then. “I can’t help you when you're out there, you’re going to have to do all those challenges on your own.”
“Whatever they throw at me, I’ll be able to handle it. I’m sure I’ve already survived through worse than what they’re planning.”
“That’s just it! You had no control over everything that’s happened and you survived through it! This? You’re actively seeking out danger now, it’s pointless! When did you become so dim-witted as to not see that?!” Ominis regretted his words immediately, desperately wanting to take them back but unable to do so.
You were stunned for a moment he had actually spoken to you in such a way. A petty smile formed on your face. “Seems we’re done here.” 
Ominis called your name in a panic as he heard you storm out of the undercroft, but you ignored him. He dug around frantically in his pocket for his wand, holding it up and having it guide him to follow where you had gone. He knew his wand didn’t work as a tracker, but he had the slightest bit of hope that if it sensed how much he needed to get to you it might help him out. But no such luck.
It had been a week since you and Ominis fought and the dreaded day had finally arrived to announce the TriWizard tournament champions. Every now and then his wand would sense you were in the same room as him, but he didn’t need his wand to be able to tell you were keeping your distance. 
How could I have spoken to you the way I had? Every time he thought back to it, he wanted to ask Sebastian to punch him, just bash his face right in.
Even though Ominis knew it was coming, he was still hit with an overwhelming sense of dread when Headmaster Black announced your name. He didn’t clap with everyone else and he hoped you noticed.
He left the Great Hall with everyone else and his wand sensed Poppy was near him. An idea instantly formed in his head. “Excuse me, Poppy?”
Poppy turned her head in surprise hearing Ominis call to her. “Y - Yes, Ominis?”
It was a relief hearing your best friend’s voice still sound so friendly to him. You must not have told anyone about how he spoke to you, which only made him feel worse. He was the villain here. “I need your help with something.”
He was leaning against a tree in the woods behind the beasts class stables, hands in his pockets and tapping his foot anxiously. He heard your footsteps crunching the leaves on your way over. 
“Poppy? Poppy, I’m here with the feed, what’s happened to High Wing?” You asked in a panic. When Poppy didn’t respond, you looked up from the feed in your arms and Ominis stepped forward.
You groaned and turned on your heel to leave. 
“Please - just wait -”
“Want to insult me some more, do you?” You snipped without looking back at him.
“I’m going to have my family speak to Headmaster Black.” Ominis blurted, and you froze. “They’ll get you out of the games.”
He could hear you drop the feed to the ground. “Don’t you dare.” A chill went down his spine at your warning tone but he stood his ground.
“You don’t have a say in the matter. You’re not competing.”
He could hear you stomp up to him, could feel your presence, and you were close. His breath hitched when he realized you were close enough for him to feel your breath against his skin. It had hit him all at once how he hadn’t been able to touch you for a week, and he didn’t know if he was able to keep himself from closing the distance between you two right then and there.
“Back off, Gaunt. How about you sit down and shut up while I show this entire valley what this ‘dim-wit’ can do?” 
Ominis’ lips parted slightly. Oh... 
He fisted the fabric of your shirt and shot his lips in the direction of where he felt your breath and heard your voice. It was all too perfect getting your lips on the first try, especially with you having riled him up, speaking to him as you had.
He nipped at your lip and it drew the softest of moans from you, but he caught it. He always heard every little noise he could get out of you. Your hands went up and ran through his hair, you had missed him too, he could tell. Remembering where the tree he was leaning against was, he walked you back until you were pressed against it. 
He released your shirt and brought his hands to your waist. His kisses turned less ravenous and more apologetic. He slowed and deepened his mouth movements. “I’m sorry.” He whispered against your lips. “I’m so sorry. I had no right speaking to you that way.” He said in between kisses. “There’s no excuse. I’ll do everything in my power to make it up to you.”
“Ominis, stop talking.” You sighed, greedily taking his lips again. Though his body weight was against you, keeping you trapped between him and the tree, he was the compliant one.
Ominis pulled back, as much as he wanted to keep connected to you, you two had unfinished business. “I won’t go to my family… if it’s what you really want.” Ominis said, still a bit breathless from your kiss. “Just… don’t do it for them, I beg of you. They aren't worth it.” Ominis leaned forward to kiss at your neck tenderly as he waited for your answer.
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. “It’s what I want. If not me, then who?”
His mouth on your neck stilled. As much as he hated to agree with you on this, he did. If he sent his family to speak with Headmaster Black to have another student take your place, he’d practically be sending that student to their death. You were the most capable person he had ever known, and you didn’t even need dark magic to accomplish all that you had. If anyone was going to survive this thing, it was you.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a loving embrace. He nuzzled his face into your neck and took in your scent, reveling in this moment you had together. He thought he had ruined everything after your fight. 
More than anything, he wanted to go back in time and do everything he could to stop you from ever entering your name into that Goblet. But in the end, it was always your choice, not his.
The days leading up to your first challenge, Ominis kept close to your side, constantly asking you questions on how prepared you were. 
“Did you brew enough wiggenweld potions? How about we start on some thunderbrews for you as well?”
“I know how effective the chomping cabbages are, but let’s get some mandrakes and venomous tentaculas grown to be on the safe side.”
“Were you able to put that enchantment I showed you on your competition robes?”
The day of the challenge, he was able to keep his composure, but only because you asked him to. You were anxious as well, and him being sick with worry for you would only add to the frenzy of nerves within you.
He asked Sebastian to narrate everything that was happening while you were out there. Hearing Sebastian’s depiction and the blasting sounds of spells from the arena unraveled his calm exterior more and more by the second. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, leg bouncing up and down rapidly. He didn’t know how he was going to have to sit through two more of these.
Use the Unforgivables if you have to, I don’t care. He found himself thinking. Whatever it takes, just come back to me.
The sound of the crowd cheering and the feel of Sebastian roughly patting his back in excitement told him you had completed the first challenge. He immediately stood to his feet and took out his wand, his legs were jelly but he pushed through and went straight for the champions’ tent. As soon as he arrived you had run up and thrown your arms around him.
He didn’t hesitate to drop his wand to the ground and wrap his arms around you. He closed his eyes, holding you so close to him he had started to lift you off the ground a bit. He was beyond thankful to every little thing in the universe that aligned to help him get back to you.
“If you still believe my family would be able to tear me from you, you might actually be a dim-wit.”
He could feel you chuckle against him. “I’d like to see them try after what I just accomplished back there.”
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Sebastian had let his emotions get the better of him again. It was his fault you had been avoiding him for days now, and he couldn’t bear it any longer. He tried giving you your space but he needed to at least let you know how sorry he was. As soon as the TriWizard champions announcement ceremony was over, he’d find you and apologize. He needed to be better, he knew that.
But then your name was called. 
Wait, that can’t be right. You didn’t even put your name in so how…? His breathing grew a bit heavier. No, no Professor Black read the wrong name. You told each other everything. And he specifically had you promise him you wouldn’t enter. 
He watched for your features to see if you were just as confused as he was, but you weren’t. You were smiling, happily receiving congratulatory pats on the back as you walked up to stand with the champions already chosen, not glancing his way once.
He mentally willed you to look his way as you stood up there. Give me something, give me anything. Tell me with your eyes why you did this. But no use, you were up there looking as if you had no reason not to be.
When everyone was dismissed he stayed back a bit, wanting to go up to you. But you and the other champions were escorted away to discuss what was to be expected going into this tournament.
Sebastian waited outside the Great Hall until you were done. Once he saw you walking out, he pushed up off the wall he was leaning against and came up behind you, calling your name.
“Did you enter because of me? Is this my fault?”
You stopped in place, taking a moment to turn and face him. You had some trouble meeting his gaze. “You weren’t the main reason, but I’d be lying if I said you weren’t a part of it.”
“Then why? Why else would you do this?”
You looked over his dispirited features in silence for a moment. “Since the moment I arrived at Hogwarts, I felt as if I’ve been running around taking care of everyone else. And after our last fight, I… I don’t know. Something in me snapped, Sebastian. Putting my name in that Goblet, it -” You exhaled, feeling like he wouldn’t understand but you decided to tell him anyway, “it was the first time I felt like I was doing something for me.”
Sebastian looked down, it seemed you didn’t tell each other everything like he once believed. How could he have not known you felt this way? He was the one seeing you and he didn’t even realize something had been off with you.
“I know I made a promise not to do it. And for breaking that promise, I apologize. But… I don’t regret doing it.” You were ashamed at the admission, but you wanted him to know.
He realized it then when he met your gaze, he had lost you. You had been slipping away from him for a while, and he had been so blinded by his own issues he hadn’t noticed until it was too late.
A nasty, stomach turning feeling hit him all at once. “Is this… Are you ending things between us?”
His heart constricted painfully when you didn’t answer him right away, didn’t reassure him that he had it all wrong and you would never part from him. You were looking at him like you knew the next thing you were about to say would make him feel terrible. 
“Sebastian, I’ll always be around to help you with Anne -”
He huffed in disbelief and turned on his heel to get out of there, as far away from you as possible. He didn’t want to hear you finish that sentence, how you had started it had already broken him enough.
He fell back onto his bed, throwing an arm over his eyes. He couldn’t stop the tears from stinging at them but he could sure as hell keep them from falling. It hurt more thinking back to the conversation and realizing that not once had you called him ‘Seb’ like you normally did. How long has it been since you had? Even more indication of how far you had drifted away. How did this happen?
When was the last time you asked him to help you with anything? There were a few times in fifth year you had asked for his help getting the triptychs, but those outings had benefited him as well in trying to get a cure for Anne. Was there ever a time he had helped you with anything that was purely for you? He was disgusted with himself, not being able to name a single time. No wonder he lost you.
And now you were going to compete in a tournament famous for being so dangerous, it was common for the participants to die. Throwing yourself into jeopardy like this, you hadn’t asked for his help. No. You had banished him from your side. How could you expect him to keep his distance in circumstances such as these?
The tears were overflowing, escaping out of his shut eyelids and he pressed his arm over them tighter. Just come back. I need you back. I’ll be better, I promise.
Ominis had advised Sebastian to give you your space, if you wanted his help you would ask for it. But all these horrifying scenarios kept popping up in his head, scenarios where you die and he could have done something to prevent it. He didn’t care if you ignored him, didn’t care if you hated him, as long as you were alive, you could feel however you damn well pleased about him.
He had scoured the library for any enchantment you could put on your competition robes, any herbology methods to make your carnivorous plants more vicious, anything to make your potions more effective. 
He lost sleep over it, he didn’t mind. He’d much rather sneak into the restricted section late at night than face those nightmares of your corpse he’d been having the past week. Once he felt he had enough notes written out of all these things that could help you, he decided to find you.
He waited for you to come outside of the Room of Requirement with a notebook of everything he had researched for you. It was late but there was still a good amount of time before curfew. As the halls were getting darker and emptier, he sat on the ground, head back against the wall until you came out. 
He startled a bit when the door finally formed. He sprang to his feet and straightened out his clothes as he watched you walk out. Your eyes met his and it pained him that you looked uneasy to see him.
“I um -” He cleared his throat, a bit unsure of himself now that he had your full attention. “I have something for you.” He held out the notebook to you.
You glanced down at it in his hands, then eyed him as you took it. “What’s this?” 
Sebastian moved himself to your side, looking over your shoulder, opening the notebook as you held it in your hand and gave as brief an explanation as he could. He pointed out where you could find the herbology notes, the enchantment notes, and the potion notes. As he explained, your eyes drifted gradually up from the notebook to his face.
After a moment, he noticed you looking at him and not the notebook. “What?”
“Nothing.” You looked back down at the notebook. “Thank you for this.”
Sebastian didn’t say anything and stayed where he was next to you. You looked back up at him, wondering if there was something else he wanted. He hadn’t been this close to you for weeks. He missed your scent, your warmth, your lips being this close to his. He wanted to claim them again, but he knew he couldn’t. You weren’t his anymore. 
Rather than pulling you close, he kept his hands to himself and gave a single nod of his head to you. Then he turned on his heel and left.
You watched him walk away in silence. You were expecting him to ask for something in return, help with some cave that had some book that mentioned some untapped magic. Just like he had always done. But he had just given you the notebook and left it at that.
Where was this Sebastian before? Truth be told, you always felt like he could walk out on you at any moment. Especially if he ever felt like he no longer had a need for your ancient magic, there were many nights you’d be up wondering if that was the only reason he was with you. This along with the way he would snap at you whenever he was frustrated, taking it out on you. He had gotten better about it since fifth year, but it still occurred.
Whether he was doing this to get you or your ancient magic back, only time would tell.
The day of your first challenge arrived, and Sebastian hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep the night before. He debated not turning up at all, but the idea had made him feel nauseous. He needed to stay close to you throughout this whole thing.
Whether or not he actually watched was still up in the air. He stood behind one of the wooden beams in the audience stands, arms crossed over his chest tightly in hopes of keeping himself from throwing up. When it was announced you were up next, he squeezed his eyes shut and the blood drained from his face. This could be it, these could be your last few moments alive. He could hear you start the challenge below and sweat began to form on his forehead.
“Sebastian, you've got to see this!” Lucan Brattleby shouted to him over the crowd’s cheers.
Sebastian’s head snapped his direction, and he noticed the crowd’s faces. They weren’t biting their nails or covering their eyes in horror, they were ecstatic, brows raised and eyes wide in awe. Sebastian came out from behind the pillar and looked down into the arena below.
A rousing sensation coursed through him as he watched you. You’re glorious. He always knew you were capable and talented. He’d caught glimpses of your skill with a wand when you competed in Crossed Wands or fought side by side on your outings together. But he had never just… watched you. His worry for you in this tournament was fizzling away the more he witnessed you practically dance through this challenge in the arena below. Your footwork was clean, your defensive reflexes quick, and your offensive casts brutal.
He could watch you do this all day.
When the challenge ended, you had placed first with a sweeping victory. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to run to you and congratulate you, tell you how amazing you were himself. Even if you only gave him a fleeting glance, even if you ignored him.
His nerves went into a frenzy seeing you come out of the tent. You had spotted him right away, and you seemed genuinely pleased to see him. He was taken aback and thought his heart would burst out of his chest.
You made your way up to him and he stuttered trying to get his words out. “I - I just wanted to come by and tell you -”
“Come here.” He was silenced when you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He was stunned but quickly shook himself out of it, wrapping his arms around you to keep you on him like this. 
You were in complete control of this kiss, and Sebastian had no complaints. Your hands moved to cup his jaw, holding him in a way that you could move his head so his mouth was right where you wanted it at all times. His heart was racing in anticipation while yours raced with adrenaline. His body was turning into a furnace for you. He knew this wasn’t a makeup kiss, this was a passionate, emotions are high kind of kiss. But he’d give it to you all the same, anything you wanted, it was yours.
You had never felt so on top of the world in your life. The sound of the crowd cheering you on so loudly the arena began to shake, completing the first challenge like it was nothing, and taking charge of Sebastian Sallow’s lips, it was all unbelievably intoxicating.
“Thank you.” You said breathily, breaking from him. “For that notebook, it helped more than you know, thank you.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done for me.” He shook his head, then placed his forehead on yours. “You deserve so much more.”
You stroked his cheek with your thumb, taking in his freckles, soaking in this short moment where you two were close again.
“Can you see yourself coming back to me?” He found himself asking.
You took a moment to answer as you kept your hold on each other. “I don’t know… I still love you. I think I always will. But -” You thought on your words carefully and Sebastian stiffened, tightening his hold on you, afraid of letting you slip away again. “I don’t know if I have anything more to give.”
“I’m not asking you to give anything.” He said quickly, voice just above a whisper. “I don’t care if you never help me with finding a cure again. Just… Please, don’t tear yourself away from me.”
You looked into his eyes, not wanting to break this moment, unsure of what was supposed to happen next. “I need more time.”
He closed his eyes briefly at that answer, then gave a small nod. It wasn’t what he wanted you to say, but there was still hope in it. He’d wait, as long as it took. And he’d continue helping you in this tournament whether you liked it or not.
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yourdoseofapple · 6 months
I think there should be a building game show for Minecraft. Like Lego Masters, most cooking shows, etc. Like listen. I think fighting is cool and all, and I myself was raised on watching bed wars and Minecraft hunger games and all that, but like also… builder are insane? Like I love watching, Empires, Hermitcraft, other big builders (and redstoners for that matter) because I’m so fascinated by how their brains work???? Like you’re telling me Bdubs took some dirt and made a literal mountain as a BACKDROP for his build in a season??????? Bro????? Like I want some builders to go head to head in a building challenge.
Like, okay hear me out, each week their “building themes” could go from mimicking IRL architecture styles - medieval, French colonial, minimalism, etc - OR could rely on game mechanics. Like you gotta make a build, but it must include five red stone functions - could be as simple of auto lighting and stuff - all the way to farms included into the make of the build!
Judging wise, I think that would be the hardest thing to pin down, because the issue with Minecraft building is that there are a lot of factors when it comes to the concept of building because every builder has an inherent “style” they have and so to compare isn’t necessarily fair???? Because what one person likes may not be the same as another person, so I don’t believe you can judge inherently on how a build looks, but more so if it fits the criteria - did you do your research and keep to the prompt 100% or did you take some liberties in the favor of making it seem stylistically “better” - also, while I am inclined to be like “hey look we could have it audience choice” I am aware that in previous Minecraft events - every tournament event live-streamed like ever - every YouTuber is gonna have bias on their side, and if there is someone with a larger viewership that others, there is of course going to be favor towards them. The ONLY way I could see this being different is if it was all pre-recorded and episodic, but I still believe there would be a heavy amount of bias if someone was on the show with more viewership than others. We would want it to be fair. I do think audience participation is important though, and should be a major inclusion! Like, before an event is to occur I think it would be fun to choose the prompt of what they’re building that week, but the contenders just can’t tweet/say/promote one they wish to do, so it is STRICTLY up to the audience without bias.
Also, I think everyone should come out a winner, not in the “No one came out on top because we are all equal” way - because while that is important it is still a tournament, and as we’ve seen in literally every competition show ever there is always a first place winner - but more so in the, while you didn’t win, let’s reflect on how you are still fantastic and getting something out of this. I know it sounds a little basic, so I do think it would need to be extrapolated on. But I wouldn’t want anyone who “loses” to just go away with “you got clout” award. You were featured on the show, that’s inherent, you deserve more than that, again this can be fleshed out later, but they deserve more too, somehow.
Also for the finalists - I’m thinking either 3 left or 2 left - it should be a mega build level prompt. Could be something like “build a city!” Or just “build a mega base with x block being the main block” and, again, not sure how it would be judged, but winner comes out, with second/third place having some reward as well, not as good, but still considerably great. I also think it would be fun to have prior contestants come on and have to participate in the “here is your block that I got to choose for you” to add some spice to it. IDK what the prize would be, I know it is normally money, and while it could be that, I think it would be more fun to have something a little different that would still be fun and a true “winners” item. Again, not sure what it could be, but it would need to hold to the truth of “oh, hey, this is a true prize and its still fun and I’m getting something out of this!”
Anyhow, enjoy the strange thoughts of my brain and if any streamers/youtubers are out there reading this, lemme know what you think cuz I’m curious. Do I think I could ever do this? Probably not cuz I’m an opera singer doing my masters so time is bet a dream to me at this point, but like. I think it is interesting and would love opinions on it just from the standpoint of discussion. I streamed at one point, maybe I’ll start back up again one day if only to have fun. I feel like that should be what it is, fun, that is the most important thing at the end of the day and builders should have some competitive fun too!
Also, I will admit that I am obviously not knowledgeable on everything - again opera singers not full time Minecraft anything - so I don’t know if something like this has been done before, and while I think it would be cool if something like this existed, it may already exist and I quite simply don’t know! Thoughts, opinions, anything else?
Anyway, if anything, have a good day!
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fave-fight · 1 year
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Kaz Brekker:
“brilliant criminal mastermind. canoncially took down a group of twenty or so gang members with only a cane. excellent at playing mind tricks on people.”
“He’s the most ruthless bastard the world has ever seen, is filled with pent-up rage, and can easily ass-kick whole groups in a fight. And as added bonus, he looks great covered in blood.”
“He’s a gang leader known to have ripped a man’s eye out once for his greatest investment. Has a limp due to a long ago broken leg, but it isn’t treated as a weakness. He uses it as a distraction to get the upper hand. Fought his whole gang on a staircase and won.”
“She's in Smash, also she's best friends with Doom Guy”
“She's probably got some pent up rage about being stuck with mayor duties, especially when the player neglects the games. She's cute and this tournament need more women. I'm so happy someone else thought about her, too.”
“If she can hold her own in Smash she can hold her own here. She deserves the chance let loose too. Let her wreck some people!”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Jack, Hercules, Rudra, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Qin Shi Huang, Hermes, Buddha and Platonic Adam and Zerofuku with Fem!Loid Reader?
During her fight with (God/Human) she wins and for her wish, wants her Daughter to be accepted in the prestigious Valhalla Academy where Deity Children go (Daughter isn’t hers biologically, but she took her in as her kid because she’s an orphan, similar to Reader, and even took Zerofuku in as her kid too) she’s still is a spy, but she mainly keeps an eye on those that look like they’ll cause trouble in Valhalla (Zeus agrees, trusting her to be his eyes and ears for this kind of stuff)
However, the only problem is the School needs the children to have both parents come in, cue Reader screaming/panicking in front of (Human/God) how is she supposed to find a man that would marry her in 48 hours?! Which he tells her he’ll do it (He refuses to miss this opportunity of a lifetime to marry the woman that stole his heart) causing Reader to fall face first to the floor in shock (As they’re running away from some of Reader’s ‘Patients’) and she uses a Grenade‘s Safety Pin to give (Love) as an Engagement Ring (He can’t decide if he should be impressed by her creativity or amazed by Reader’s ‘boldness’ to do a role-reversal on asking him the marriage proposal) Girl Boss Reader
Cue Boss Music as Adam isn’t very happy with what (Love) just said (And proceeds to chase him around yelling how a relationship is supposed to go, with dates and getting to know each other, not immediate marriage)
-You did it, you had won your fight! Mission accomplished, and now you would get your wish from Zeus!
-You had become eyes and ears for Zeus, after he learned that you were a spy on earth, and a damn good one at that, and you had the job of keeping an eye on those who would cause problems around Valhalla.
-Your reports were always thorough and detailed, proving that you were very diligent at your job, but recently, you had an additional job, becoming a parent! You had recently adopted two children, one god and one human child, Zerofuku and Eri (I’m feeling lazy and she’s an easy character to write).
-Eri was an orphan, much like you were, and she was just a little girl, needing someone to protect her in this world, and as Zerofuku had been the one to first find Eri, he came along but was happy to join a family like yours, as you were warm feeling, being a good parent.
-You had heard both Zerofuku and Eri cheering for you in your fight, showing your combat skills, even Zeus was surprised by your skills, you could be quite dangerous if you really wanted to be!
-Ragnarok was now a yearly tournament, no longer a fight to the death, and the winner of each round would get one wish granted, which is the reason you joined.
-You wanted nothing more than for Eri to get a good education, as you didn’t get one, having grown up in a time of war, and your wish was for her to be able to go to the very prestigious Valhalla Academy, a school for both gods and humans, but it was notoriously difficult to get in.
-So that was your wish, for Eri to be able to go to school, something that made her beam, as she wanted to go to school, having not been allowed when she was alive on earth and Zerofuku was elated as well, seeing his little sister and mama so happy!
-You went to the school to get the application, but when you exited, you were surrounded by gloom, your whole body pure white in shock as you sunk into a park bench, burying your face in your hands.
-You knew this was a prestigious school, but you hadn’t realized all the requirements, all students had to have both parents come in for the interview, no single parents allowed!! How were you going to do this in less than 48 hours?!?!
-(Love) saw you lamenting on the bench, as the gloomy aura you were projecting wasn’t easily ignored. You had proven yourself a worthy opponent in this years Ragnarok, beating him of all people, and you had gotten your wish, so why did you look so gloomy now?
-He sat next to you, “Y/N?” you looked up and immediately your eyes went huge, and you grabbed his hands, “Marry me (Love)!!” he froze in shock at your sudden and very bold proposal.
-He could see the fire in your eyes, there was some reason behind it, and while elated at your proposal, as you had managed to steal his heart in your fight, kicking his ass while still looking so prim and beautiful, he spoke, “Before I say yes, I need to know why first.”
-You explained that your wish was for Eri to go to this school, but for the interview process that was in less than 48 hours, every child needed both parents, as single parents weren’t permitted, something that he grew angry at as there were lots of single parents out there.
-He fell for you even harder, seeing the lengths you were willing to go for your daughter, as he had seen you out and about with Eri and Zerofuku, the two of them holding your hands, you were a perfect mother!
-He instantly smiled and went to accept when you heard a voice shout out, “Oh no you don’t!!” you both turned, seeing your adopted father Adam there, surrounded by flames of rage, “That’s not how marriage works! You’re supposed to court each other and go on dates! Not jump right into marriage!!”
-You tried to explain your reasoning, and while honorable, Papa Adam wasn’t happy about it, chasing the two of you around.
-(Love) swept you up princess style and leapt down off a bridge onto another path, running away as he beamed at you, “I’ll marry you Y/N!” you beamed brightly up at him, showing your own joy, your arms around his neck, “I’m so happy!”
-You managed to lose Adam, but he called you later, still fuming and you told him that your plan was to do things the old-fashioned way, once Eri was accepted into the school, which placated him for the moment, but threatened (Love) to not hut or upset you, Eri, or Zerofuku.
-Eri and Zerofuku were elated to see that you now had a husband, and they had a father figure now. Zerofuku was instantly getting along with (Love) which made you happy, while Eri clung to you, a big shy with this new man.
-You watched him kneel down, getting down to her level, a gentle smile on his face, greeting her kindly. You explained to your children the reasoning behind the sudden marriage and Zerofuku grew upset, changing into his Envy mode, which caused you to pull him into your arms, trying to calm him down.
-Eri looked up at (Love), “So we’re playing pretend family so I can get into school?” He nodded softly, before giving you a small smile, “At first yes we are playing pretend, but I want us to become a real family, Eri, Zerofuku, Y/N- I want to be a part of this family.”
-Your bright red face was rather cute to see, holding your cheeks, which immediately brought Zerofuku back to normal, as both of your children cuddled you, thinking you were adorable!
-Eri got in with no issues, something you all cheered for, taking her out to her favorite bakery to celebrate, and you hugged (Love), overwhelmed with joy.
-When you tried to pull back, he embraced you back, hugging you close, a smile on his own face, making a silent vow that he was going to be a part of this family, no matter what.
-Became the best father possible to your children, he would read to them, help Eri with her homework, and always made time to take them out to parks to go and play. Your kids were easily won over by his devotion, making good on his promise that he was going to become a perfect father for them. He doted on your just as much, helping you around the house, cuddling you close like you were his real wife, and even taking you out on dates, proving to you that he was a good husband for you. It was hard not to fall for him, especially when he would accompany you and Eri to school, proving to everyone that he was indeed a good father and would defend you against others who didn’t believe you were a good mother. Both he and Zerofuku were very protective of you and Eri, and they wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place to defend both of you.
-Jack, Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, and Qin Shi Huang.
-Took to being a father naturally, would cry when Eri would cry, would hug Zerofuku close when he would get upset and go into his Envy form, doting on him. You were impressed with his skills, and he showed you what a good father and husband he was for you, showering you with love while out and about, something other mothers grew a bit jealous of when you would drop Eri off at school, seeing how attentive your husband was to both you and Eri. If she would tear him, not wanting to leave, he would kneel and hug her close, giving her a pinkie promise that you both would be there to pick her up at the end of the day. Then he would peck your cheek, beaming brightly, “C’mon Y/N- let’s go on a date!” he loved seeing the envious glares on others, he was the one who had your heart, who had such a lovely family, not them, and he was going to keep it that way.
-Hercules, Ares, Rudra and Buddha
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pirate-deathmatch · 1 year
Final: Anne Bonny (Black Sails) vs Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
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Anne's quick with knives, excellent at murder, once killed a man with a piece of broken glass, but doesn't go for long-term strategy. Luffy has stretchy powers, super strength, and super endurance... unless he's in water.
The pirates MAY use any special skills or equipment they possess. They may NOT call on any friends or creatures to assist them. For the sake of this tournament, all pirates CAN be killed and cannot come back to life during the fight. Remember, this isn’t about favorites, this is about combat power. Reblog to throw a vegetable at the opponent. Deathmatch masterpost here.
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vipvesper · 1 month
all is fair in love and war
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pairing: octavian x child of bacchus!reader
warnings: octavian 😞, pining, minor cursing, spoilers for son of neptune!!
word count: 1.3k+
“i wish reyna would let me strangle you.”
Octavian? You hate him for the most part. You hate the storm swirling above the Temple of Jupiter that crackles with electricity as another teddy bear augury is completed. You hate the way his piercing blue eyes mock you from behind Reyna as you sit at a Centurion’s meeting. You hate his insane laughter that echoed in your ears 6 years ago when he mutilated your stuffed animal. You roll your eyes. Dakota’s red-ringed lips lazily speak orders to the Fifth Cohort, but nobody’s listening. We’re gonna soften the defenses. Again. Great. As if the looks on our faces afer stepping away from the Officer’s conference wasn’t bad enough, Dakota’s speech isn’t helping. He squeezes a packet of Kool-Aid.
“Listen, guys. This is gonna be a good one, I can feel it!” You take charge, opting to do the talking. “Hazel and Frank, I know you guys are still on the new side, but I think you can do this. First row, create a shield wall with Dakota as you advance to soften the blow. Second row from Cecil over, hide behind the shields to fight off any advancing defenses. The other twelve, try to sneak around the flanks and find a way in.” A smile pulls at your lips, moving your brother aside. “Let’s move out, troops! Victory for the Fifth!”
The child army echoes your cheer as your ranks break. A looming wall stands in front of you, cohorts three and four standing guard behind. How do we see past the wall? When it’s so tall? “I suppose we’re acting as bait again,” you murmur to Dakota.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Hannibal’s all ready?” You inquire, wanting to make sure your cohort gets the win they deserve. He nods, grabbing another juice out of his pocket.
The war games start, Reyna hovering overhead with Scipio. A circle of eagles fly in tandem with her, awaiting injury. You tag along with the twelve soldiers, attempting to find a crack in the wall, an unguarded plate. A tug pulls in your stomach, long green vines pushing out of the ground of the Field of Mars. Branches split off to grab your cohort, gently placing my teammates over the wall. It’s a struggle to keep Hazel and Frank quiet as they’re plopped right into enemy territory. The sounds of swords clashing rings out before you can even climb up yourself.
As you drop down, armor clinking together, the vines recede to leave a small scar in the earth. Wide blue eyes immediately stare back at you, coupled with the golden glint of a spatha. Great. Octavian’s here. Can’t give him a chance to think, you remind yourself. Your gladius makes a nice noise as you remove it from its sheath, pressing the flat against his smaller weapon. Before long, he’s disarmed. Unfortunately for you, he immediately starts to squawk, alerting any soldiers who might’ve still been preoccupied by their Mythomagic tournament.
“Backup! I need backup!” The lanky blonde yells, fumbling for his secondary weapon. A stray arrow whizzes past your ear as you lunge, grabbing him by his shoulder.
“Fifth cohort, for the colors!” Jonathan and Frank rush for their emblem, narrowly dodging flying furniture. Hazel’s backed into a corner by a First cohort member, her golden eyes filled with determination.
But, Tyche really isn’t on your side, is she?
A last minute elephant mishap knocks your troops away from the battlefield, wiping the scoreboard clean. Eagles swoop down to snatch up a good portion of the teenage militia.
You sit on a stone wall overlooking the city of New Rome, holding an icepack to your cheek. Guess Octavian had gotten you after all. A sigh rolls past your lips. The win was so close, it was right there. Bandages wrap around any minor cuts you may have acquired during the game. The all-too familiar crinkle of a Kool-Aid pouch makes you assume that Dakota had finally found you.
A rather soft object hits the back of your head.
It’s a freaking Kool-Aid packet. Grape flavored, at that.
“Wouldn’t Reyna like to know that her favorite Centurion is throwing a fit over a loss? What a sore loser,” a sarcastic voice jests. You grit your teeth, turning to face Octavian.
Curse him and his skinny body, his stupidly gorgeous blue eyes, his unblemished skin—
Where did that come from?
“I’m looking for ways to better myself for my cohort. Not like you’d know anything about self-reflection,” You scoff. Much to your chagrin, the augur sits beside you. Phoebus Apollo rides close to the horizon, signaling the nearing arrival of dinnertime. “Do you mind?”
“No, I don’t,” he smirks. He looks quite stupid with those stuffed animals hanging from his belt, in your opinion. Seven stripes burn on his forearm under the symbol of an eagle, much like your own. His loose white toga hangs off his clothed shoulders. The sun radiates onto his pale skin, bathing him in a warm glow. Cocky bastard. He knows he’s pretty. “Do you have a staring problem?”
You snap back to reality real quick.
“No, I don’t.” You turn your head away, embarrassed. You weren’t staring, were you? Small vines decorated by bundles of purple grapes pop up around you, encircling the area. “Is there a reason you’re here? Or would you just like to gloat.”
Octavian reclines, pressing his hands on the green grass behind him. He picks a grape, tossing it at your temple. “I’m simply encouraging your improvement,” he teases.
“I wish Reyna would let me strangle you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
As you look out at the sunset, you don’t notice his eyes on you. You don’t notice the way his gaze trails over the bridge of your nose and your freckles and the rosy hue covering your cheeks like he’s committing the way you look at dusk to memory.
“Pretty night, huh?”
That’s unusual. Octavian making small talk?
“Yeah, it is.”
“You weren’t too bad today,” he mutters, very clearly avoiding his gaze. It’s very much unlike him to butter you up, even if he wants something.
“Thanks?” you tilt your head, confused by his praise. Should you be offended?
The two of you look out at the little Tiber rolling over the hills, basking in the golden hue painting the heavens. A long, cold hand drapes over yours eventually, gently squeezing. You jolt away, face pink as the clouds in the sky.
“The Pluto?!”
“Shut up.” He shoves something in your lap, and for a second you think it’s a grenade of Greek fire, set to explode as soon as he’s out of range. Tyche must feel sorry for her absence earlier.
A soft green material, as green as the grass, sits against your thighs, a happy smile staring up at you. It can’t be. A fuzzy memory returns to you, a feeling of nostalgia washing over you. A frog plush from long ago. Stitches a bit darker than the original fuzzy fabric reach from seam to seam, head to toe.
“Seriously, shut up. I found it tucked away, thought you’d like to see it again before it gets sacrificed to the gods again.”
You scoop up the piece of your childhood in your free hand, eyes wide as the cosmos. Before that little smirk on Octavian’s face can grow any further, a cold, hard object smacks him right across the face, sending him reeling.
“What the—?!”
“You little dick,” you huff, placing the icepack on the ground. “Thanks, I guess.”
He smiles—a real smile, however small—as he stares into your eyes. “You’re very welcome, love.” His alabaster face is painted red.
You shake your head, amused. “Don’t ever call me that again.”
Like a scene from a fairytale, his hand snakes its way onto your waist, the proximity only forcing more of your father’s fruit out of the ground.
“Like I’d listen to you,” he chides.
You lean forward, pressing your lips against his in a gentle kiss.
“I really am irresistible.”
“Shut up, you’re ruining the moment.”
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mr-president · 26 days
if sean and yun met would they explode i neeed to know
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TLDR; i think they meet, maybe get into a fight, realize their mental illnesses are compatible, and then explode into a fire of pure bromance.
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i really don’t know how i’d describe their dynamic the moment they meet—yun, for one, is waaaaaaaaaay stronger than sean, considering that everyone kind of is. yun’s kind of a huge narcissistic asshole sometimes, so if they had met through a fight (perhaps gill’s tournament or just being like ‘yo are those the twin dragons? let’s fight!’), then he’d probably just clown on and torment sean with taunts. or, based on yun’s win quotes, pity him and not try at all in the fight and still win. not a great start (i have my own headcanons about that tournament, and i like to think sean faced alex).
either way, it’d be interesting to explore on sean’s part: how do you forgive/bear with someone like that? how can you consolidate being friends having also been hurt quite deeply with regards to something you’ve tried so hard with? it would be interesting for yun, who’s used to being superior and holding it over people’s head, to try and not be an asshole, be a good friend that recognizes sean’s worth. i think this goes for sean’s relationships in general, and part of why i include him in my art is to show that he has other elements and skills that are valuable.
like, sure i think the 3rd strike kiddos all fight each other and spar for fun, but most people aren’t friends with each other to do one thing. elena and yun complain about shitty customers at their part time jobs over ice cream, makoto and sean ramble about their respective masters and martial arts movies they’ve watched, and ibuki and yang (i’ve already drawn) swap daydreams and go to pet cafés. there is more to sean than being ass at fighting—he is worth more than that, and though the series itself can’t explore that by the nature of being “street fighter,” guess what, i’m a fan artist, and i can explore that.
i like to think they either met through elena, but they probably jsut met at gill’s tournament or the classic “yo you’re that guy? let’s fight” plot. when they first meet though, they definitely click personality-wise, and yes, they explode.
what’s important about sean is that he’s the one who doesn’t just tolerate yun’s mischievous bullshit, he fully understands and bounces it back. it’s like, jock-to-jock communication (yang’s tired of living with his brother’s bullshit for the entirety of his existence, makoto gets pissed and kicks the shit outta him, ibuki tolerates it to an extent when their goals match up but also jsut punches him when she gets annoyed, and elena’s autism isn’t on the same wavelength and yun feels bad teasing her).
yun says something weird and sean just nods and it becomes a whole bit between them, growing more and more absurd that the others are like “we don’t know these people.” pure bro-i-ness, and i’m sure it’s nice for sean to be involved in things, and yun enjoys a willing accomplice in his bullshit.
that being said, they balance each other out really nicely. sean’s a loser younger sibling, neglected by a shitty mentor, and what skills he does have are understated and belittled. he’s trying to carve out his own path, but despite trying so hard, it isn’t enough to impress anyone much less win.
yun’s an older sibling, and i’m sure he’s handled yang and jamie’s feelings of inadequacy quite well (yang hasn’t dumped yun onto the street yet, and jamie’s…like that now). hence, i think he’s really good at boosting sean’s confidence when they’re not fighting, and he has the balls to be like “ken masters is a bitch for doing that to you, man.”
meanwhile, yun’s never taken seriously, so he doesn’t try at anything. at the same time, he’s the eldest sibling in an asian “family,” and though they don’t have parents, there’s still that expectation that he is the best, that he is the role model his brothers should look up to and try to become. not to mention, he’s the beloved protector/peacekeeper of hong kong—that’s a lot of pressure, but he’s the chill, swag party boy he always is anyway.
i think yun would have a hard time talking about anything emotional—he’s the role model to yang and jamie, so he can’t falter there. hoimei is seemingly hostile to him, and though i could see ibuki and elena lending a helpful ear, i don’t think yun would be comfortable talking to them (partly due to internalized misogyny, but also he’s not as close with them) beyond everyday issues. sean’s just a good friend for him in this regard, and they could learn a lot from each other by sharing their upbringings and experiences.
it’s a comfortable role/dynamic they’re accustomed to—teasing, older brother and teased, younger sibling—but because they’re not actually siblings, the “sibling dynamic” and the expectations that come with isnt so rigid. sean can tell yun when his teasing gets too harsh without fear of being electrocuted, and yun can seem “weak” without the fear that he’s not living up to the expectations of his brothers. additionally, yun build’s sean’s confidence while sean keeps yun grounded, not becoming too cocky.
but of course, that’s later into their friendship! i think they meet, maybe get into a fight, realize their mental illnesses are compatible, and then become close friends. close bros, even.
early in their friendship, i think both kind of “test the waters” with jokes, saying something weird and then seeing if the other will continue the joke. when it becomes clear they’re on the same wavelength all the time somehow, yun starts hanging out with sean without yang (very significant), and keeps doing that. it helps they have similar interests—the skate park is pretty close to the basketball court, infinite—the guy who does the third strike opening and select—is the greatest rapper of all time, the arcade’s the absolute shit, and a quick spar’s always welcome.
you probably did notice that i “paired up” the third strike kiddos, but i hope to mix and match them more! i kinda didn’t have much yun and sean drawn, mostly because their dynamic feels very obvious to me, and i usually draw to “make a statement.”
thanks for reading, if you got this far! here’s some seanyun yaoi as a reward.
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maybe i’ll write a bit about that; haven’t thought about it very much
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bestworstcase · 6 months
Fingers crossed on the 'Yang's dad reconsiders about her' thing, mainly 'cuz it seems like an effortless failure mode for their particular dynamic (and one she's super likely to keep internalizing) would be 'huh, guess you're finally using the ol' noggin for more than headbutts, proud of ya sport'. And that's IF both parties aren't too swept up (or unalived in Taiyang's case) by Events for such fine-tuned cognitive script-flipping. Plus, 'we all pedestalized Ruby into a breakdown' does strike me as a higher-priority family crisis if there is any breathing room.
i’m not sure how much i buy the reading that yang internalizes what tai tells her about herself, in all honesty, ’cause like
everything tai says is a generalization from her vytal tournament fights, which:
team rwby won on the strength of their superior tactics and teamwork
yang fired burn because those two were being assholes after her teammate got (possibly, as far as yang knew) seriously injured, then used the power her semblance gave her to take control of the battlefield and turn her opponents’ advantages against them; she wins by applying her strength very tactically.
yang and mercury are very evenly matched, the whole fight is a nail-biter, and yang uses burn to tank mercury’s big finisher, then wins because he assumes he’s won before the match is called. (<- which is merc’s plan, but tai didn’t know that when he formed these impressions.)
tai’s takeaway is:
burn is “basically a temper tantrum”
yang relies on it because she’s “predictable, and stubborn, and maybe a little bone-headed”
yang uses her semblance to make herself strong so she can brute force her way through problems.
except that doesn’t line up with what yang does in either of the fights where she uses her semblance! in the 2v2, she’s angry and she uses that anger to juice her semblance, but she’s not lashing out or blowing things up at random, she’s disrupting the terrain so her roller-blading opponent can’t maneuver; in the 1v1, her use of burn is defensive—she activates it to strengthen herself enough to outlast a volley she couldn’t dodge or otherwise avoid, and she stays focused.
yang, of course, knows this. she’s the one who was in her head when she made the decision to fire her semblance in those fights. she pushes back on the idea that burn is any different from any other semblance, but she’s also able to filter out tai’s specific bias against her semblance to extract some actually good advice, specifically “make sure you’re not getting yourself stuck in a rut, think outside the box.”
which is what we see her doing with burn after v4; she uses her semblance more, in more varied ways. she completely ignores the advice tai gave her to stop “relying” on her semblance because she knows she hasn’t ever been someone who thinks raw strength is the only thing that matters in a fight.
and then when adam taunts her, he doesn’t make jabs about her strength—he says “do you think you’re faster than you were at beacon?”—because he knows, and yang knows, that the reason yang lost her arm is she underestimated how fast he could strike. strength had fuck all to do with it; he hit her before she could reach him.
the thing about that is… sword. fists. adam will always be able to hit yang before yang gets close enough to hit him back, not because he’s a better fighter or faster or stronger but simply because his weapon gives him way more reach. yang is faster than she was at beacon, but is she fast enough to eliminate his mechanical advantage?
adam doesn’t think so. yang doesn’t either. so she doesn’t try—she stands her ground and lets adam come at HER, because she’s been feeling out his semblance the whole fight and she’s confident she can catch his blade. this is why she tells him she’s “smarter;” adam expects a repeat of their last confrontation whereas yang uses what she knows about him to trick him into overextending.
his advantage is superior range, which yang isn’t fast enough to overcome. (sword. fists.) her advantage is strength. being smart, in this case, means using her strength instead of letting adam sting her into a contest of speed she knows she can’t win.
yang is a very agile, precise fighter who’s smart enough to know when to plant her feet and use her strength. she took a risk that she could catch that sword, but 1. that was really her best option, and 2. she spent the whole fight prior testing his limits and her own to prepare herself as much as possible. and in reverse, there have been times—like at haven—where yang decided speed was the most important thing and took the risk of literally disarming herself to get down to the vault as fast as possible.
did she really internalize that she’s a dum-dum who tries to hulk smash her way through every problem, or did she go “well i’m not going to stop using my semblance because that’s bullshit, but maybe i can get more out of it than i have been,” cue experimenting with things like different intensities.
i do think—if there’s a moment of reevaluation from tai—it’ll probably incited by blake or yang or ruby? because, returning to the salem comparison: salem understands who cinder is but doesn’t know what cinder really wants, so when cinder defies her she is able to immediately grasp why. whereas tai generally knows what yang wants (protect her sister, find her mother) but doesn’t understand who she is, so when he tries to explain why she does something he’s likely to be wrong every time. “you’ve fought your whole life unwaveringly for what you want, and here i am holding you back” vs “your semblance is a temper tantrum and you’re a little boneheaded”—salem gets cinder whereas tai probably needs to be told he doesn’t get yang.
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st6rly · 2 years
about us: valentine's day.
synopsis: love me, love me, love me, love me,love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more than you possibly can | wc — 0.5k
[ !! ] — masterlist.
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characters: alhaitham, childe, heizou, itto, kazuha, xiao x gn!reader
categories: fluff, fake voice lines
warnings: dearest used as a nickname, mentions of food
note: late valentine's day post. reblogs are greatly appreciated, more so than likes
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ALHAITHAM — “A day dedicated to love is quite a useless use of time. Enthusiasm towards a subject matter such as this one seems pointless. But, Kaveh kept going on about how special today is and that if he were me, he’d be working towards some grandiose display in the name of love. *scoffs* As if he’d ever have a stable enough income to do so in the first place. Now then, physical objects are not able to provide a suitable explanation for my affections so, you have my utmost attention in compensation. I believe a nice trip to the tavern is well overdue for the both of us, isn’t it?”
CHILDE — "Most joyous valentine's day, comrade! Say, what if you and I- … No, no, as much as I'd like to spar with you, a little birdie told me today is about spending time with your lover. While I believe a little play fighting is a perfectly fine thing between partners, I've been told otherwise. So, how about we go for a walk around the harbour instead, or maybe a nice dinner date! Anything you wish, dearest. Don’t let your guard down though, you never know what’s going to hit you.
HEIZOU — “Say, I have a new commission for you. …Don’t worry, it won't take up too much of your time. It’s a simple puzzle really; one could even say it’s an easy one out of love. There’s been a recent case that has popped up and it has me a little stumped. You see, it appears that a certain someone has stolen my heart and I’m not quite sure who it is exactly. They’re about this tall, have the best smile I’ve ever seen, and… mhm? …Oh, It’s you! See, dear partner? I knew you could do it, hehe.
ITTO — "It is I, Arataki “Numero Uno” Itto, and as the head honcho of the Arataki Gang, on this day of love, I would like to give you an offer you just can’t resist. So …*coughs* Imagine this: you, me, a day of relaxation, a beetle fighting tournament, us getting the grand prize and big champions feast, you winning the greatest meal of your life, and finally, me winning over your heart! Sounds great, right? Quite the irresistible deal, if I do say so myself, hehe.
KAZUHA — “Oh, you’re just the person I was looking for. I have found a wonderful spot to rest in and I have picked up a couple of those cakes you liked if you wish to join me. But before that, I’ve been practising my haikus as of late and I believe I have just the right one for today’s occasion. “You have struck my heart / the sun, the moon, even the stars / Your beauty outshines.” … Happy Valentine’s Day. Shall we head off now?
XIAO — “Here. Qixing flowers. ..tsk don’t act so surprised. It is a custom for mortals to fetch gifts for their loved ones on this day, is it not? .. If they aren’t to your liking then I will not mind having to take them bac- oh. You… enjoy my gift? *he clears his throat* I’m not one to partake in such… leisurely activities, ones by mortals especially, but I suppose… for you it is bearable.
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blorbofightclub · 6 months
The first rule of Blorbo Fight Club: you don’t talk about Blorbo Fight Club.
Welcome to the Blorbo Fight Club. Here, you can send in your Blorbo to be beat the shit out of other competitors in a “who would kick the others ass hardest” poll match. Winning Blorbos will be returned to the fighting pool and matched again at a later time. Losers are removed from the Club.
Any Blorbo may be submitted, excepting real life serial killers, dictators, and otherwise in-poor-taste submissions. I reserve the right to remove any Blorbo from Fight Club if I feel it crosses the line of poor taste, which is the second rule of Blorbo Fight Club.
Please submit your Blorbo via askbox. If asked off anon, I will answer privately when your Blorbo has been added to the pool. If anon, your ask will be deleted after your Blorbo has been added.
Matches will be queued in advance once I have enough Blorbos to fill the pool. Two Matches per day will be posted.
More information can be found under the cut.
When will we find out the Ultimate Winner?
This is not a bracket tournament. Blorbo Fight Club will go on for as long as there are Blorbos to pit against one another! But after a few matches have passed, I may create a Blorbo Leaderboard to show which Blorbos have won the most matches.
How do you choose the Blorbo matches?
It is done randomly. Blorbos are weighted by the number of matches they’ve already been in, in an attempt to keep one Blorbo from showing up seven times while another has only been in one match. Sometimes I might also pair a match on purpose if I think it’s really, really funny, but for the vast majority of matches, Blorbos are selected at random.
Has my Blorbo already been submitted?
As time goes on, I’ll find a way to streamline the Blorbo submission process. Right now, I’m okay with duplicate submissions; no worries about checking if your Blorbo is there first, you can just submit them.
What if I think the Matched Blorbos wouldn’t fight/would kiss instead/etc?
You should write a fanfiction about that. For the purposes of this blog, only one of them can win, and one of them MUST win.
Okay, so what if it’s a tie?
If a Match ends on exactly 50/50, I’ll consider it a draw and both Blorbos will return to the pool, but neither will get a win.
My question isn’t answered here!
Send me an ask! This FAQ will grow as time goes on, I’m sure.
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hubristicassholefight · 10 months
Swordswoman Showdown 3rd place
Camilla Hect (The Locked Tomb) vs Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Camilla art by @friendamedes, used with permission
Propaganda below cut
trained w a rapier & knives. practical. handsome. extremely efficient and capable.; she’s my boyfriend and I love her. Please vote for cam she is my life
Gideon Nav uses one very large sword in defiance of the expectation that a cavalier should use a rapier, but Camilla Hect instead uses two. Just as much defiance of social expectation, twice as many blades. The reveal of her specific brand of swordiness is the heart of one of the book's most iconic lines: "Cam? Go loud."; In the spirit of the laconic charm of the Warden's Hand I will simply say "Camilla's competent."
She prefers two short swords but has been know to wield a rapier and other such bladder instruments; She also loves to organize spreadsheets
Go loud.
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
I'm going to put some propaganda for Brienne, because she deserves the world.
Some people have been quoting the "no chance, no choice" in the tags, but for those that don't know it comes from this scene:
...she could hear the faint clink of swords and mail from beneath their ragged cloaks. She counted them as they came. Two, four, six, seven. (...) Brienne sucked in her breath and drew Oathkeeper. Too many, she thought, with a start of fear, they are too many.(...) Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. The children, she thought. The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound’s helm say, “Loose a quarrel at me and I’ll shove that crossbow up your cunt and fuck you with it. Then I’ll pop your fucking eyes out and make you eat them.” The fury in the man’s voice drove Willow back a step, trembling. Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. “Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me.”
This is basically one of the most badass and awesome moments of the series... because here, Brienne is not guarding a King, vanquishing a great Evil Lord, or fighting a big glorious battle... this is an inn full of orphans being attacked by raiders, children whose lives really don't matter in the great scheme of things. If they were all to be killed, nobody powerful would really care, no history book would write their names.
The logical thing is to run away from there as fast as she could. And yet, Brienne decides to enter an unwinnable nightmarish battle (one where she gets her arm broken and her face eaten) because is the right thing to do. She is a true knight.
Because, in the dark pseudo-medieval world of Westeros, where the patriarchal martial system reigns supreme, there is no space for someone like Brienne, she herself said it best:
"You have a noble father who must surely love you. (...) I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield." "A daughter." Brienne's eyes filled with tears. "He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. (...) I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."
And yet, despite being on the fringe of this society that doesn't accept nonconforming gender expression, despite not being able to be named knight, Brienne is still the embodiment of the ideal of knighthood. She is a true hero, who over and over decides to defend the innocents and do the right thing.
So yeah, my conclusion here is... I think she and kiku should kiss <3
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thelazuliwitch · 5 months
Black Clover timeline Headcanon
(but gives numbers for happy brain)
Okay! Gonna put my timeline math into a post! Feel free to alter!
So Under the presumption that the average Wizard King term is 10 years, and a Wizard King can have multiple terms. And there has been 28 in the past 500 years. 
Lemiel was the first and he was one for a day
Princia was the 11th (died at 22)
Jester the 16th  (died at 23)
Edward the 20th (died at 66)
Conrad the 27th (stripped of power at 35)
Julius the 28th (stops being Wizard king at 44 presumably, but it’s hard to say)
Black Bulls and Golden Dawn are created when Yami is 22 and William is 20, to which Julius is Wizard King (age 37) at this point. 6 years ago. And we know he became WK 10 years ago from Spade Arc (was he 33 when he became WK?) Damn. Wait… Rill is the youngest ever captain at 19.  And Rill even states he isn’t anymore when Yuno becomes a Grand Master. 
So who was Captain prior to Rill? 
And that means Julius had to become a Captain at at least 20 years old.
Yami meets Julius as a captain at 15 (14 years ago)
The fight with Conrad had Nozell, Yami, Kaiser, Merelona, Feugolean 
Mathamatically Yami should be 19 (Charlotte just joined the magic Knights by this point)
Probably right after Morgen’s death as he isn’t in the fight
Say Julius is 33 here, Julius could have been 20 when meeting Yami which fits in the timeline better.
So let’s say vaguely 10 years is a single term, if each Wizard King stuck to that then there would have been 50 Wizard Kings instead, but clearly that isn’t the case. Unless the average Wizard King goes at it for about 2 or more terms. A WK isn’t limited to a set amount of terms, but a decade is 1 term. If the average is 2 terms per WK, that is 25 Wizard Kings, for a perfect 20 years divided, but we know Lumeire, Princia, Jester, Edward, and Conrad all had short terms.  All of these are assumptions, so head canon territory
Lumiere (Age of WK, year 1)
? WK 2 for ten years (the start of a single ‘term’ (year 11)
? WK 3 eighteen years (dies as WK) (year 29)
? WK 4  seven years (Year 35)
?  WK 5 for 23 years (died in third term) (Year 58)
? WK 6 for nineteen years (year 67)
? WK 7 for for twenty years (year 87)
?  Wk 8 had a term for four years, WK for forty years, retires to the next WK who wins in the tournament ( Year 127)
? WK 9 for 22 years ( year 149)
? Wk 10 for 27 years  (year 176)
Princia (based on age of death 2 years) (year 178)
? WK 12 for 36 years (year 214)
? Terms: 33 years (year 247)
? Wk for 35 years (282 EWK)
3 Wk terms for 24 years  (303 EWK)
Jester (Three years based on age of death) (306 EWK)
Terms: 40 years (346 Ewk)
term: 32 (378 Ewk)
? Wk for 16 years (394 EWK)
Edward (harder to say, he could have become the WK at 46 and had a twenty year term, but I don’t think he was. He was also a priest, which takes 5 years, and you have to be 25 years old. So say he became a priest at 30 years old, orphanage he cared for was burned down at 40 years of age, he became a WK, average time to rise for someone talented enough to be the WK is probably around 3-5 years to be a Captain, and then after that who knows. So became WK at maybe 46-47. Died twenty years later at 66, for his beliefs, but lived a fairly long term as WK (4th  century) (414 Ewk)
Term: 15 years (429 EWK)
Term: 8 years (437 EWK)
Term: 20 years (457 EWK)
Term: 7 years (464 EWK)
Term: 15 years (479 EWK)
Term: term 13 years (492 EWk)
Conrad (term: 8 years) (500 EWK)
Was a captain, so had to be at least 20
revoked of power at 35
It seems he was WK for a good while, probably at least 5 years, so giving him a 8 year term
Julius (11 years)  (511 EWK on Judgment day) ----- SO! My guess is that Grimoire ceremonies are in spring as we know, probably the equinox, because celestial event and all that. So makes sense that when we know that magic knight exam is 6 months later on the Autumn equinox! Which September 22nd! Which is 12 days until Asta turns 16!
So Day 2: Mission with Magna and Noelle about boar hunting which spirals out of control
Day 3: Dungeon with Luck and Noelle
Day: 4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10  Asta was asleep for a whole 7 days, and then the magic knight meeting and the attack on Capital…. 
Day 11: Asta goes out on the mixer, saying he is 15 (and it fits because it technically is October 3rd here).
Day 12: Asta’s birthday, hanging out with Rebecca, her siblings, and also Marie. (Ironic since it's supposed to be her birthday, but Asta literally calls himself 15 the day before)... So Asta is 16 from here on, and we know that he is part of the Black Bulls for a whole year before training begins! So training begins right before he turns 17. So a timeline!
January 508 EWK
Alecdora turns 23
Gordan turns 25
February 508 EWK
Fragil turns 19
Henry turns 25
Finral turns 21
Grey turns 24
Solid turns 17
March 508 EWK
Show begins!!!
Asta and Yuno get grimoire
Rill turns 19
Recca turns 13
Dorothy turns 27
Theresa turns 64 (yeah... her birthday is gonna get confusing, I don't know what to do with her birthday ngl)
April 508 EWK
Magna turns 18
Nash turns 10
Klaus turns 18
Hamon turns 19 (this both shocks and saddens me) 
Sekke turns 16
Nacht turns 28
Kirsch turns 20
May 508 EWK
Sol turns 17
Vanessa turns 24
Late May is the dinner with Charlotte or something 
Siren turns 22 : ’(
Ichika turned 21
June 508 EWK
Charmy turns 19
Jack turns 28
Nero’s human form turns 17, but she is turning 517
Gauche turnes 19
July 508 EWK
Mereoleona turns 31
August 508 EWK
Feugoleon turns 30
Mimosa turns 15 (how does she have a grimoire???)
Altering it to her turning 16, because I don’t think grimoires can be collected early royalty or not
Leo turns 16 ( not 15 for the same reason as Mimosa)
September  508 EWK
Yami turned 28 (9/17/480)
Charlotte turns 27 (9/18/481)
Langris turns 20 
Asta  joins Black Bulls (9/22/492)
Yuno joins Golden Dawn
En turns 24
October 508 EWK
Asta being Fifteen during Mixer adds up as long as his birthday is the day after and turns 16
Yuno turns 16
Leibe turns 16 trapped inside Grimoire still so no cake (unless Charmy put’s some in Asta’s grimoire for no reason)
Luck turns 19 shortly after???? This works if the reason he said he was 19 in anime  (if he did) was only because he was literally a few days a way.
Marie kindapping
Nebre turns 24
Julius tuns 42
Kaiser turns 49
November 508 EWK
Noelle turns 16
Sea Temple
Everyone searching ways to cure Asta
December 508 EWK
Witch Forest
Zora turned 25
William turns 26
Marie turns 10… and minor plot hole (or headcanon hole, who knows??) !!! Her birthday was the episode she was kidnapped and ironically plot wise it lands on Asta’s birthday actually. I could spin this that Gauche lied to see her??? BC how else would that make sense?
Nozel turns 29
January 509 EWK
Alecdora turns 24
Gordan turns 26
February 509 EWK
Star Festival (tournament is announced)
Fragil turns 20
Henry turns 26
Finral turns 22
Grey turns 25
Solid turns 18
March 509 EWK
The Tournment
Rill turns 20
Royal Knights Unite! 
Elf Madness
Recca turns 14
Julius is in body of a 13 year old
Dorothy turns 28 (she is revealed to be 27 during elf arc, and birthday is after, so she is now 28)!
Theresa turns 65 (yeah... this confuses me too, I don't know what to do with her birthday ngl)
April 509 EWK
Asta’s trial
Devil/curse  research begins! 
Magna turns 19
Nash turns 11
Klaus turns 19
Hamon turns 20 (this both shocks and saddens me) 
Sekke turns 17
Nacht turns 29
Kirsch turns 21
May 509 EWK
More devil research with little results 
Sol turns 18
Vanessa turns 25
Late May is the dinner with Charlotte or something 
Siren turns 23 : ’(
Ichika turned 22
June 509 EWK
Charmy turns 20
Jack turns 29
Nero’s human form turns 18, but she is turning 518
Gauche turnes 20
The Agrippa visit
Mimosa puts in application for Heart visit (It takes a month)
July 509 EWK
Mereoleona turns 32
Asta, Mimosa, Noelle, Nero, and Finral go to Heart
August 509 EWK
Feugoleon turns 31
Leo turns 17 (same reason as Mimosa)
Mimosa turns 17
September 509 EWK
Yami turns 29
Charlotte turns 28
Langris turns 21
Asta and Noelle have their little yearly reunion to the knights exam though (implied close to going to Heart)
Theresa's turns 65 1/2?
Filler arcs, but training as started
Charmy, Rill, Luck, Noelle, Finral, Leopold, Charlotte, Asta, Nero, Mimosa train in Heart with Lolopechka and the Spirit Guardians. 
En turns 25
October 509 EWK
Asta  turn 17
Yuno turns 17
Leibe turns 17
Luck turns 20
Nebre turns 25
Julius tuns 43/14
Kaiser turns 50
November 509 EWK
Noelle turns 17
December 509 EWK
Zora turns 26
William turns 27
Marie turns 11
Nozel turns 30
January 510 EWK
Alecdora turns 25
Gordon turns 27
February 510 EWK
Julius became Wizard King Ten years ago!
Either he is Wizard King longer because the tournament was postponed due to the drama of everything
Fragil turns 21
Henry turns 27
Finral turns 23
Gray turns 26
Solid turns 19
March 510 EWK
Spade Arc should start here actually (6 months of training ends)
Rill turns 21
Theresa turns 66
Dorothy turns 29
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randomidiocyncrazies · 5 months
i think you’re forgetting that till got to top 2 on his own merits even with his rebellious personality and him literally running away from attempts to market him. he dropped heavily from the rankings for killing freddie the alien guitar and STILL managed to make a comeback, only losing to the previous champion. saying that he “only won because ivan threw his round” is such an insult to his skills. i don’t deny that ivan’s sacrifice secured till’s victory, but that doesn’t mean till isn’t a strong competitor in his own right. ivan’s stunts definitely hindered his own score, but that doesn’t change the fact that till still got 89. im not arguing that till will beat luka, im just thinking you’re underestimating till
Oh I completely agree that Till has a very good chance under normal circumstances, but. Till stopped singing before Ivan threw his mic to the ground and started assaulting him to distract the audience—us and the aliens—from that, so I think it's pretty clear that Till was trying to lose (or at least not trying to win) and probably wouldn't have gotten such a high score if Ivan didn't cause a distraction, because the aliens would definitely have noticed that he wasn't singing. Like I said in the tags of the post, I think Till's singing is obviously very good in the song, I just think Till was also very obviously engaging in passive suicide by making it clear he's not trying to win (I'd argue he was actively trying to lose by stopping his singing before the song is over).
That's why I said the only way he won was because Ivan threw his round—not because he didn't have enough skill and charisma by himself, but because he had disengaged from the performance by literally not singing, and the aliens would've noticed & punished him for it if Ivan didn't flip from "obedient show dog" to "rabid dog" on stage. (Again, to be clear, the "rabid dog" comparison is from the aliens' perspective; we, the human audience, have access to their interiority and care about them for more than their function as performers.)
(That said, the audience in-universe did not notice Till stopped singing, so you're right that alien audiences would've anticipated a closer fight than what I've said in the tags I assume you're responding to. I do think the win would be complicated by the fact that imo quite a lot of aliens in both camps see it as an unsatisfying win? For Ivan fans obviously, but for in-universe Till fans, their boy's win is gonna be tainted by "his opponent went crazy and attacked him." I'd imagine in-universe fans are having similar discussions to what we're having now, which is completely intentional—it's pretty obvious that ALNST is a critique of the irl idol industry/elimination style tournaments, and we're intended to be the aliens in this scenario, albeit ones who have some access to their inner lives.)
Now onto Till vs Luka. I think we all want Till to beat Luka, or at least put up a good fight, but. Will Till really bounce back/regain his fire, or did Ivan's sacrifice only compounded the fact that he lost someone else, and that he'll keep losing—both in the sense that he'll keep losing people he cares about, and also in the sense that there's no real victory under this oppressive system? Given his actions in R6 (i.e. stop singing when the song is ongoing), I think Till's final rebellion would be a quiet thing—to just not perform from the start and refuse to give the aliens a show.
Tldr: Till is a very strong performer. I just also think Till would've lost in R6, not because he wasn't "good enough" in his own right, but because he disengaged from his performance in what would've been a pretty dang obvious way bc i think he just wanted an escape/wanted it to end.
Going into R7, I'm honestly not sure if Till even wants to 'put up a good fight' against Luka anymore, or if he'd rather be free and spite the system by denying aliens of what they wanted from him by not engaging at all. It'd be cool to see Till beat Luka, but I'm having trouble seeing how he'll do that: while he has the skills to at least come close, idk if he's in the right headspace to want that.
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