asakikuweek2024 · 6 days
Hello! Yes! We might be changing the blog name, but yes, planning starts in November so we have time to get ideas and take our time creating our art!
There's an asakiku week in January?? Guess I'm also starting to collect ideas
there is! @asakikuweek2024 ! I think planning for it, like choosing themes and stuff, will begin in November...? (I forgot. But I think it's November)
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asakikuweek2024 · 7 months
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"In sickness and in health,"
A little belated !! I was super busy. This was for their anniversary initially but Valentines Day works well too 🤭
For @asakikuweek2024 — day 8: wedding
Close up eheh...
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Day 5: Color / Needlework/ Flowers
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i had fun browsing the japanese stock image site ^_^
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
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"I wonder if you're somewhere, watching the same moon as it wanes before the rising sun."
Somewhat inspired by that one photo that included a British soldier and a Japanese soldier holding hands which briefly blew up on Japanese Twitter lol. Wish I could find it again.
For @asakikuweek2024 — day 2: nostalgia
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
As of now, Asakikuweek 2024 is officially over.
But never fear!
If you still have projects you haven’t submitted yet, you can still send them in. In fact, I encourage it! I am always excited to see Asakiku art! (No, seriously, do not be afraid to submit late art. I want to see it)
This was a lot of fun, but I think I’ll start earlier next year. Give you all some more wiggle room. After all, things happen, new video games that take over your life come out (okay that’s my excuse as to why I didn’t get anything out this year), and people get busy.
Most likely, the free day will be moved to the 31st, but ideally the days stay the same (unless enough people want it to end on the day of the alliance Jan 30), but we’ll figure that out later.
For now I simply want to thank everyone for participating in this week. If you want to continue to chat with me, I’ll be over at my main hetalia blog @arthurhonda and also @asakikulove (although that usually just goes on a queue, so ArthurHonda is the preferred way to chat to me)
Again. Thank you to everyone who participated! I was thrilled to see everyone’s artistic work for this pairing. I hope this won’t be the end to the friendships we’ve made here, but the start of a new community.
(Also sorry this sounds so formal. I’m not that scary I promise)
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
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AsaKiku Week Day 4: Modern AU / Gakuen AU / Islandol AU
Islandol (Island + Idol) AU is most likely the most popular setting for these two (in the JP fandom at least!) They even have their own virtual concerts set up by fans, it's so cool! I recommend giving this and this a listen to see how perfectly their voices fit together~ @asakikuweek2024
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: England/Japan (Hetalia) Characters: Japan (Hetalia), England (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff Summary:
“You know… If you want to, you can still have a wedding,” Kiku suggested.
“That might not be a bad idea,” Arthur chuckled weakly. “Maybe we should.”
Day 8: Wedding / Anniversary / Alliance
@asakikuweek2024 💕
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
> We will.
asakikuweek day 8: wedding
It was strange, in a nice nostalgic way, to be getting ready at that exact moment for something as important as his wedding.
Nice because he was about to link his destiny with the love of his life and nostalgic because Kiku had been feeling this urge to replay in his head every single one of the moments that had led them to this point. Hundreds of situations throughout the hundreds of years they had both lived, all concentrated in an instant. It was overwhelming to say the less, but beautiful. After all, to be able to love someone like this was a privilege.
A wedding is the culmination of a stage, it is to say "yes I do" and accept everything that comes with it both good and bad and to feel accepted, it is also to forget the past and focus on the future. A bright future in the company of the only person with whom and for whom it would be worth living it.
A wedding is giving your life away with open arms and receiving one loving heart in return; or at least that was what the japanese thought about this topics.
Getting married was not something nations did very often. Whether it was due to internal or external conflicts, disinterest in human traditions, lack of good candidates or simply because it was not required; his kind didn't think much about situations like that and it was fine. However, it was also not frowned upon to do so and he was glad that many of his peers accepted to come and celebrate such an important ceremony with them. He was glad because Arthur was also glad.
It was important to him and of course it was nice that they could have peace even if it was for a day.
The whole planet was there.
Old souls like the both of them.
But on that day only two people were needed. People, since "marriage-like unions" between countries were called alliances and were nothing more than a mere procedure based on a foundation as fragile as human existence. At that moment he was talking and thinking about himself as part of that humanity because it was not Japan allying with The United Kingdom like one hundred and twenty-two years ago, no, that day Kiku Honda was marrying Arthur Kirkland by mutual agreement and more importantly: by love.
There were no territorial benefits or promises of wealth or contracts involved, no, in that sunny day there were only two beings wanting to unite their personal history without expecting anything in return. They were there together for love, for company and because their hearts felt like it.
And that was enough.
And that was the only thing he needed.
And it was perfect.
Most of the time Kiku did not care about the image of his nation in the eyes of the world, he did not care about foreign opinion and it was no secret that he would not think twice about isolating his beloved island from everyone again; he was fine alone, but all that changed when it was about Arthur and Kiku was incredibly happy that the blonde continued to choose him day after day to the point of proposing marriage.
To him, not to Japan.
Him, among the many options they both had.
Him, despite his personality, temper and unwavering pride.
It was nice to be so open about something for once, and he was happy it was about love.
A couple of knocks on the door of the small room he had been assigned took him out of his daydreams bringing him back to a reality that promised to be just as bright as his deepest dreams.
"Honey, would you help me with my tie?" the blonde asked, shyly, sticking his head out from the door.
"Sure, come in, allow me"
And so he did, walking directly up to meet him and steal a kiss from his lips.
"Aren't you supposed to not kiss me until we're officially married?" the black-haired man asked with an amused tone.
"I'm not supposed to see you before the ceremony either, bad luck and all of that, but I honestly can't wait. I knew you would look beautiful and I had to see it with my own eyes"
And that desire was mutual.
Attending to the british's request, he took both ends of the piece of soft and fine fabric around his neck tying it with a skill learned over the years. Now that he remembered it, it had been the man in front of him who had help him to perfect his skills with ties, suits, and western ways of dressing.
It had been so many years since that, a mere sigh in the long existence to which they were destined.
"Are you nervous, Arthur?"
"No, not really. It's just that my hands refuse to cooperate since this morning, goodness gracious maybe I'm a little nervous."
"Me too, so it's okay."
"We will be fine, sweetheart. There is nothing to worry about"
And Kiku had always felt like he could believe in his everything. If it was Arthur (as he always had been) then everything was all right.
"Yes, we will"
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Day 7: Free Day - 1960s
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It was free day yesterday! So I drew some of my designs for these two. I normally draw Arthur a bit more formal— but I’ve been thinking about London 1960s counterculture recently. My man’s was on the King’s Road at the Chelsea Drug Store constantly. And then, Kiku in da suit, Kiku in da suit, thank you.
Also forgive me it’s not entirely historically accurate because I wasn’t thinking this was 60s when I went into it.
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Ahhh I guess it's too late to join the party by now? 😂
Oh may I ask until when you'll stop tracking the tags? Btw Ty for hosting the week! 💖 Glad to know we have a lot of lovely submissions!
It’s still the last day! You still have time!
But also just tag the blog with your creation. Doesn’t matter how late it is. It could be June and I’ll still reblog it.
I do intend to get started on 2025 a little earlier than I did this time, and advertise it a little more. This was my first time hosting an event, so I’m glad you all enjoyed it as much as you have.
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Day 7: 🌸Free day🌹
@asakikuweek2024 💕
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models: rio, moki
stage: StarNoodle495
skydome: 怪獣対若大将P
effects: o_tamon / jyoko / そぼろ / HariganeP / 緋色・壱歩 / ikeno / BeammanP / 東郷 ���
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Day 6: Ghost
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( do you see me now? )
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
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"If we suspend our disbelief, we'll play an alluring, frenzied capriccio!"
Silly detective arthur x ghost kiku au I had in my mind huehue
For @asakikuweek2024 — day 6: ghosts (spirits)
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
> Of best friends and first loves.
asakikuweek day 4: gakuen/school au.
There was that look again.
Invisible to anyone who didn't pay enough attention to his surroundings. Invisible and ephemeral to the eyes of anyone except his own; cause Feliciano knew Kiku like the back of his hand and he had noticed some changes in his person even before the japanese himself.
They were both best and inseparable friends since kindergarten, so, for the brunette, it was natural to notice even the smallest details about his very special very loved friend, especially when this "detail" wasn't minimal at all and spoke volumes to him directly from the another's heart.
That's right, Kiku Honda, his best friend was in love.
His first love!
Feliciano could not contain his emotion.
It all happened on an October day, one of those where the sky is gray and the wind blows strongly bringing with it the change of season, where what the italian wanted the most in this world was to stay at home, warm, and help his mother in the kitchen.
"I hope it doesn't rain, I hope it doesn't rain! Kiku, what are we going to do if it rains?"
"I have an umbrella with me" responded with that calmness always so contrary to his own lively personality. In the eyes of the world the pair of friends were like water and oil, but that difference was exactly what made things work between them.
"And will it be enough for everyone? What about Ludwig? He is very macho, have you seen the size of his arms lately? Maybe I should join the gym too!"
A soft laughter coming from the other was what he got in response. Daily mission accomplished, make his friends laugh.
"I'm sure Ludwig will bring an umbrella with him, so you and I can share mine."
"It's decided then! Anyway I hope it doesn't rain, I didn't bring another sweater because none of them went well with the uniform, I have to start looking for my winter clothes cause i don't want to get sick, if I get sick Lovino will go crazy and start yelling at me. You know how he is "I don't want your germs in the--- huh?"
Interrupting what almost seemed like a monologue of his daily life to follow with his gaze the point that his companion was observing so attentively, curious, because Kiku was not one of those who just stared at others for fear of being rude. His eyes took him straight to an elegant black car, one that every student knew very well and from which was descending the owner of said car; his royal highness, heir to the crown and all the jewels of the British family and president of the student council Arthur Kirkland.
Why was Kiku watching Arthur so attentive? Why did his eyes shine brighter than usual and his breathing seemed almost contained in a...? Oh...
That was it! That must be it! But really? Was it?
Without wanting to possibly embarrass by asking out of nowhere or maybe confuse him if that was not the case he decided to be prudent and gather more information on his own.
The school bell, always his ally, ringing and bringing the black-haired boy out of his stupor. Maybe it hadn't been such a bad idea to attend class that day.
-. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -.
His suspicions were confirmed that afternoon. The day had passed normally the classes were boring as always and at lunch time Lud had joined the duo. A copious rain was now falling from the still gray sky, tapping on the windows of the school's newspaper club in which the three and only members worked in silence. Comforted by the company and the atmosphere that only rainy days could bring with them.
A couple of knocks on the door broke that idyllic moment, surprising those present and stealing their concentration.
"Kirkland, is something wrong?" the taller blonde asked after opening the door and finding the student president behind it.
"Nothing to worry about, Ludwig, I'm just carrying out an inspection, rutine. Yes! That's it, you know, I have to make sure the school clubs are working perfectly" he explained with that diplomacy in which there was no doubt about his actions.
Not wanting to go against student council's activities or rules the blonde german stepped aside to allow the other to enter. Arthur, for his part, dedicated himself to observing the place for a few minutes and then ask Kiku some questions (to him and only him and not a single about the newspaper) under the watchful eye of Feliciano who now not only confirmed his suspicions but was also sure of the feelings forming inside his best friend; They were mutual and reciprocated if the shy smiles and nervous stance could indicate something. Yeah, that was it.
Arthur Kirkland liked Kiku Honda.
Kiku Honda liked Arthur Kirkland.
And Feliciano didn't know what to do with that information.
Should he do something? Should he try to get them a little closer? Should he just pretend to be an idiot more often and gain Arthur's attention to direct it toward Kiku?
He was in a predicament.
-. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -.
"Maybe you shouldn't do anything" Ludwig replied on the way home as they both shared their umbrella. Not wanting to waste any more time, Feliciano had seen Kiku off at the school gate after telling him that he had forgotten he was going to visit Gilbert, Ludwig's older brother, to pick up some video games he lent him. Kiku had piano lessons so couldn't accompany them. Which was perfect since the italian wanted to tell the german the good news.
"You think so? But Ludo, we both know very well how Kiku is like. At this rate they're going to end up getting married until we're eighty years old. I know I'll be a very handsome old man, because my grandpa Roma is, but I don't want to attend the wedding of my best friend being soooo old"
"And how do you know they're going to get married?" added the other, blushing. These topics were definitely not his best.
"I just know. I have seen it"
Ludwig would never understand Feliciano's blind trust in his "fortune-telling skills".
"What about you? Will you be married... at eighty?"
"That's why we shouldn't wait so long for these two to take the first step, it's at Kiku's wedding where maybe I can find the love of my life. This is a matter of life or death! Ah! My Kiku is in love, they grow up so fast"
Clearing his throat the German continued.
"Anyway I don't think it's our place to get involved in their business, it's not right. This is something the both of them should figure out on their own"
"Maybe you're right, you're always right" spirits plummet in a second.
"C-Cheer up, Feli" turning his face to prevent the other from seeing the blush that covered his cheeks "I promise to accompany you to Kiku and Arthur's wedding... if at eighty you have no one to go with?"
"Eh!? Really?"
Renewed spirits.
Ah, nothing compared to the emotion he felt in those moments for his best friend. Kiku deserved everything beautiful, perfect and precious in that world and Feli was sure that one day life would give it to him.
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Day 5: Colour
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(I have been so very busy so this is the first doodle I could do.)
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers, コーヒーが冷めないうちにシリーズ - 川口俊和 | Before The Coffee Gets Cold Series - Kawaguchi Toshikazu Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: England/Japan (Hetalia) Characters: Japan (Hetalia), England (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Time Travel, Temporary Break Up, Angst with a Happy Ending, Miscommunication Summary:
Two years ago, Arthur graduated and went back to London. Kiku lost all contact with him the day a month before he boarded the plane, when in an odd little café, they decided that a long-distance relationship wouldn’t work for them and that breaking up would be for the best. Now that these two years have passed, Kiku knows that that was not true. He sits in that same café, at that same table, and wishes there was a way to turn back time…
Day 6: Ghosts(Spirits) / Crossover / Isekai
@asakikuweek2024 💕
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asakikuweek2024 · 8 months
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AsaKiku Week Day 3: Food / Tea / Coffee
When I was reading the character profiles Himaruya wrote for England and Japan in the recent artbooks, both of them said they 'want to cook/try out food from around the world'!! I think it's so cute that they just want to travel the world eating various cuisine...
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