#this is worse than the carters in the elevator
zenzimma · 8 months
This beef has to end.
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navybrat817 · 3 months
💐Zombie's Bouquet Event💐
A bouquet for you! Featuring: Hal Carter; Only One Bed; Soulmate; Fluff
It figured. Less than a day until the magical timer on your wrist says you'll meet your soulmate, and you're at an event for work. To make things worse, Lance Tucker was your travel partner. The man was an oaf but he had a knack for sales that secured him the trip.
You tried to look on the positive. Maybe your soulmate would be some rich guy staying at the hotel that you meet in an elevator. Maybe they'd be a world traveler checking in to the hotel at the same time as you. At the very least, they could be someone who would be a buffer between you and Lance.
The first sign of trouble was when Lance checked you both in and you were in the same room. When he revealed this you gave him a look that said, "I have mace and I'm not afraid to use it." He didn't even flinch; the second sign of trouble. He even managed to crowd you in the large, open elevator.
He walks into the room ahead of you and stops. He says in a sarcastic surprised tone, "oh no! There's only one bed!" He turns back to you, a glint in his eyes, and you are beyond furious.
You confirm the one bed and walk out the door. When he calls after you, you flip him off and say, "nope. I quit. This job isn't worth putting up with you."
"Get your ass back here, Navy," he barks back. "I'd treat you damn well and you know it!"
You get to the elevator and wait while he storms after you. You do your best to ignore him, praying for the elevator to hurry the hell up.
There's a hand at your shoulder and you wince but then it's gone. You hear Lance give an angry yell at someone else. Curious, you turn around and see that Lance has been thrown against the wall by a stranger.
"I'm thinking the lady doesn't want anything to do with you," he tells Lance, a slight drawl in his voice.
"This has nothing to do with you," Lance argues. "Get lost!"
"Not happenin'," the stranger replies. "When that elevator opens, the lady is getting in and you're staying here."
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Doesn't matter who I am. I'm bigger than you."
The elevator dings and you grab you bag to head inside. Turning to the stranger you ask, "can you come with me?" He nods, his eyes never leaving Lance, even as he walks backwards into the elevator.
As soon as the doors close you both let out sighs of relief and laugh at the synchronized response. He holds out his hand, "I'm Hal."
"I'm Navy," you smile as you take his hand. That's when you both realize your soulmate timers had reached zero.
Hal smiles and rubs the back of his head nervously. "I hope it ain't to forward of me to ask for a date?"
"Not at all," you smile. You're looking forward to getting to know him.
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Zombie, I adore this! Hal is a hero, gentleman, and the perfect soulmate. And I love that he told Lance he's bigger than him. Yeah, he is. 😏
Love and thanks so much! ❤️
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jackiequick · 7 months
That’s Would Be Enough | Marvel Fanfic 🖋
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Summary: Elizabeth wants to be the best inventor and aunt. She’s overworked herself late into the night, but what she needs a break. And to be reminded that she is enough. And who other to do it than her own favorite blonde, aside from Captain America.
Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood & Elizabeth Stark
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe—> Agent Carter, Iron Man 1-2, The Avengers
Marvel timeline: Pre/During—Avengers 2012 (Phase 1)
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Characters mentioned: Tony Stark, The Young Avengers, Howard Stark and Jarvis
Song inspired fic: That Would Be Enough from Hamilton
A/N: I know it’s a simple fic but I was listening to this song and just had to write it.
Ship Name: JALIZZY
Sidenote: Jason’s nickname is JJ meanwhile Elizabeth is Liz
Click here to see the latest fanfic featuring this family
It’s been a few short weeks, Stark Tower was running high and low with noise.
New York City lights in contacts to the skyline views that the home brought to the world. Voices from the young heroes were softly heard. You could hear Liane and her friends screaming over the sound of the tv wired up in the living room and the hallways were being used as a reminder of how huge the building truly was.
But underneath the main lounge floor, past the elevator doors and across the narrow halls stood the tapping of nails against a keyboard humming a soft tune, that was played earlier from the afternoon radio. Files surrounding her desk as she spun in the chair for a while, as it reminded her of older memories at The Mansion’s lab.
The laughs and the louder bickering over bullshit that didn’t matter but it did at the time. Trinkets and posters surrounded the lab back then, it still does now but as many as Stark Tower.
She missed it, weather she liked to admit it or not.
And she wasn’t the only one.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking that belonged to a tall blonde with fluffy hair, sweatpants and a baby blue t-shirt, carrying two mugs of warm hot chocolate. She nodded, inviting him into the room as he took a seat near the empty chair, gently placing the mug into her palms as she took a peek noticing a few tiny marshmallows.
She hummed as she took a delightful sip of the warm drink.
He noticed she wasn’t upstairs for a while now. Something that never bothered him, he’s used to his creative minds spending longer than expected in the lab tinkering. However having seen what he would assume the worse of it from Tony in 2010, noticing his eyes bloodshot and the lights making his body appear weak, he made it a promise to watch the time to bring whoever was in the lab to bed.
Tonight it was Elizabeth.
She’s a Stark. So he can’t stop her being in a lab to invent something, since that’s one of places she shined. Aside from the stage of course. He have noticed her getting a new scope of the world, having been gone under the ice for a while now. He knew she had her own ways of doing things, as she handled the transition better than expected but it had him worried.
Does she believe that she’s not doing enough?
He has been there himself plenty of times, where he feels useless and annoyed around everyone but he never showed it. Everything phases him, just not exactly his face. With one swift look at her vulnerable face, the tired eyes and gentle smile that could light up the stars, he knew.
He has been around theses people long enough to not know. Especially since JARVIS tend to be the house’s eyes and ears, it all added up to this point and he wasn’t upset about it
Elizabeth’s eyes analyzed his facial expressions, noticing the small bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders dropped ever so slightly. He smiled softly at her, placing the mug of hot chocolate that was in his hand onto the desk. All she wanted was to rest her head on his shoulder and hear his smooth southern drawl as he hummed a old song while she drifted to sleep.
But she wonder, if she left asleep and let herself take a breath, then that would mean her inventions would be unfinished. Her work would’ve not been done and the studies she has been doing lately would have left aside. It was silly to think she was putting all this unnecessary work onto herself when she doesn’t need it but it made her feel like she was doing something.
Then it clicked.
“How long have you know?” She asked, running her fingers crossed the side of the mug
“A month or so.” He replied, playing with the fabric of his sweatpants.
“I never told you.”
“Jarvis told me a less than month ago.”
“We all just wanted you home.”
She sighed, “You should have told me.”
“I’m not sorry.” He added, with a honest smile.
He smiled placing a hand on her knee and said, “I knew you’ll work until the idea was done.”
“The idea’s not done.” She replied, placing a hand over his and sighed.
“But you’re tired and deserve a chance to be with our son.”
“He’s Howard’s son, I’m just his overprotective aunt.”
“We both know your more than that to him. You don’t need to prove anything, you said it yourself years ago.”
“I know…um but still my work, my life. I just want to make sure I’m worth all of it and I’m leaving a legacy behind..”
He sighs and smiled, “Just look around and you’ll see the difference you made.”
“We made.” She corrected him with a smile.
The two chuckled soft at that.
Nonetheless, Jason continued, “Look around at how lucky we are, just to be alive right now is a miracle. And that’s saying a lot knowing what we’ve been through.”
“Will you relish being a silly inventor’s spouse?” She added, as it sounded like a question, “Somewhat dependent, not about to provide for our life? It’s stupid I know, we’re in a good place but it feels like the roles are reversed and i don’t know why..I don’t feel as independent yet. I mean, we used to have Jarvis and Ana to help us. Peggy too! And now we’re sorta alone at this..”
“It’s not easy, it never was but we can handle it. And that not true, you’re more than confident and independent. Give it time.”
“How much time? How did you do it? Let’s face it, I’m here now, I have been awaken from the ice for a considerable period of time, but it still feels odd. We both has been working for a long time and sometimes it felt like we can’t breath again because of it. The world is changing a lot more than expected…so do you still relish all of this?”
“Your just tired and a little vulnerable right now, honey. It’s okay, no rush here. But to answer your question, yes, I do. I also relish you someday being my wife. Just look around, look at where you are. Look at where you started..the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. Just stay alive, that would be enough.”
She smiled hearing those words, “Yeah. I guess I am tired…and a little worried, I just want to be the best version I can be.”
“You already you.” He added with a chuckle, “Our child shares a fraction of your smile and dare I say, a fragment of your mind just as much as he does Howard!”
“Oh good god he’s smarter than I thought!”
“And his ego too. I love him but damn, it’s wild.”
“Oh yeah, he’s more than enough to make a difference in the world. We’re safe then.”
They both smiled and laughed harder than expected knowing how many godchildren Tony gave them. So look out world, that would be enough.
He looped a finger underneath her chin, “Look, I don’t pretend to know the challenges you’re facing. The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind. Your reading more than i do when it comes to understand everything we can.”
“Mhmm! It’s hard moving from one era to another.” She admits with a light chuckle, “..sometimes I don’t know how we’ve done it for so long and haven’t driven ourselves mad.”
“I know...but I’m not as afraid as I should. I know who I married. So long as we all come home at the end of the day..”
“That would be enough. Uh, about our legacy and the money?”
“Jason. I’m serious.”
“We already are creating one and we already have money. If I could grant you peace of mind, let us inside your heart…”
Those words shut her up, as her eyes watered a bit understanding everything he meant. That they are supposed to be made of steel but it takes the people you love to make it a strong material.
And truth be told, she told him those same words years ago. It wasn’t as gentle, heartfelt and darling as she said in her own way, but it was a similar format as theses line meant the same thing. She remembers telling him in a charming yet sweet manner.
“Just let us be apart of that narrative, in the story we are watching today.” He continued, with a gentle grin, “Let this be a new chapter where I hope we stay..”
“And I could be more than enough.” She finished for him with a gentle grin, “We could be enough…since that would be enough.”
“Took you long enough to get it.”
“I should’ve known by now, I just need the reminder...I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s alright, you didn’t mean it. Now, can we please go to bed?”
She smiled breathlessly and softly replied, “Yes please!”
He stood up, and walked away to the doorway thinking he was following her. But she wasn’t. He looked over his shoulder to to find her holding out her hands at arms length with a cheeky little smile that resulted him to snicker.
“Carry me?” She asked with a soft chuckle, tiredness laced in her voice.
“You’re so dramatic.” He replied with a similar tone as he walked over and picked her up bridal style.
“Shhhhhh babe, there are people trying to sleep here.”
“Oh my god.”
“I think I love you.”
“I know.”
The pair smiled as he carried her to bed, as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. She hummed a few words and cracking a couple of jokes while he rolled his eyes dropping her onto the bed. She swiftly crawled under the warm covers and laying her head on the pillow, smiling at the blonde who treated her well.
Sometimes she wonders how exactly did she deserve such a man? Guess she will never actually get that solid answer.
She reached for his hand, giving it a small squeeze as if to know she was real and not at all in that icey cold apartment she once placed into. He smiled in return and winked, as there was an unspoken feeling of love in the air.
He left her side and stepped over to the doorframe. He looked over his shoulder and whispered, “Night Liz.”
She yawned, about to ask, more like suggest something but choice against it. Save it for another night as she replied, “Night Jason.”
Just as Jason turned off the lights and leading himself towards the hallway, Elizabeth bite the bullet with a soft grin. She decided to go for it and muttered, “Grey?”
She wondered if he heard it but he did. It cause Jason to pause and turn around to face Elizabeth, because it was a rare but somewhat made common sense that he would hear his middle name being used. Not everyone called him that unless necessary and he secretly preferred it being used among certain people.
Usually it was a way to get his attention in an endearing manner, when it came to his plenty of nicknames over the years.
His mind was fighting off a nerve of worry, as he met her eyesight, and hummed, “Yeah?”
“C-can you stay with me tonight? In bed like old times…” She replied almost shyly, pushing away her curls. It was a rare moment for a woman as bold as she might be. Yet, there was gentle tired smile that tugged her lips.
“Y-you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be sure if I didn’t ask, would I?”
“Fair point. Uh, left side of the bed?”
“A-and you on right.”
“You’re positive about this?”
“Mhm, I am. If not, I can always buy a dog to keep me company instead. I heard Sal’s shelter is open this time and hour.”
“I’m kidding! But not about the dog thing.”
“Come on, I know you can’t resist waking up the next morning to a nice view.”
“You talking about yourself or the city’s morning skyline?”
“Both. We’re such amazing views, just sayin’.”
With a chuckle and a little eye roll, Jason climbed into bed and nuzzled himself underneath the covers next to her. Elizabeth’s giggles could be softly heard from her own cocky comments from earlier, as she rested against his shoulder blade humming gently.
She pressed a tiny kiss onto his cheek, as her eyes slowly dropped muttering a few words as she did. He wouldn’t admit it but he missed this, as he pressed a light kiss onto the top of head. With a swig of his arm, he reached forward and turned off the lamp that rested on the nightstand as the soft night sky peeked through the windowsill.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the fic
Please like, comment and share. Also let me know what you think in the comments below. Like suggestions for future content.
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @halesfavoriteharlot @starkleila @mallowbee4 @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @savemewattpad @ximehs and etc
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doctorhelena · 2 years
Steggy Fic: A Stutter in Time, chapter 15
I’ve created something for every day of Steggy Week 2022 over at @steggyfanevents! This is for Day 7 (Free Choice). Previous Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
Summary: 1945 Peggy Carter appears in Tony Stark’s lab, and immediately throws a wrench into everything.
Rating: PG
Read Chapter 15
Read from the beginning
As she waited for the elevator, Pepper checked her tablet one more time to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. The arrival of the Asgardians was by far, she thought, the most stressful single item on the wedding to-do list, not only because Thor and his mystery guest were representatives of another planet, but also because their arrival signified the moment of truth for the plan to send the time machine to Asgard. And yet, unexpectedly, it was only the second most stressful thing on her plate right now.
“Still staying off social media?” Bruce asked her as he joined her from down the hall, shooting her a grimace that spoke of his own experiences with trending on social media in ways he almost certainly wouldn’t have preferred.
Pepper sighed. “God, I wish I could. I’ve got JARVIS and my assistant monitoring the worst of it, but unfortunately I do need to keep generally on top of things.” She sighed again. “Everything else aside, hundreds of thousands of people are analyzing every picture of me to decide whether or not I have a baby bump, and some of them think I do.”
“Well, those people are clearly idiots,” said Peggy firmly, she and Steve joining Pepper and Bruce by the elevator. “Or perhaps they're looking at images that have been photo shopped.” Pepper smiled at that, and so did Bruce. Peggy always pronounced "Photoshop" as two separately enunciated words, although in this case Pepper wasn't actually sure if it was the unfamiliarity of the word itself, or simply Peggy's British accent falling on her own American ears. At any rate, Peggy had been utterly fascinated at the discovery that photographs could be altered so easily and, at least on the surface level, believably.
The elevator doors opened and they all stepped in. “Roof,” Pepper told JARVIS, and they began to move smoothly upward.
“Speaking of those people,” Steve said, glancing at Peggy, “Peggy and I have been thinking about our publicity issue. Pepper, we really appreciate what you're trying to do for us, but it’s been almost two weeks and it’s only getting worse. It's not fair to you.”
Peggy nodded immediately. “It isn't.” She turned to Pepper. “Since it seems that everybody is doggedly intent on believing that you’re lying about shopping with a publicity-shy pregnant friend, it’s high time for your publicity-shy pregnant friend to step forward.” She took a deep breath. “I’m feeling really tremendously better than I was, and I do have a visible ‘baby bump’, one that’s only going to become more evident over time. And once the public learns who the father of my baby is, I expect the attention will be taken off Pepper immediately.”
Read the rest of the chapter on A03
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seabass17 · 3 years
All that’s left | Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
A/n: So, this is... a different reader in comparison from the one in the first part but I kinda like it? Anyway, Im considering making a third part and im thinking it'll contain some smut. I used google translator so please don't judge me. Tell me what you think. Happy reading.
All that's left pt. 1
Warnings: angst, mentions of scars, swearing, implied smut?
Word count: 3.263
Summary: After moving from her life in New York, away from the Avengers and him, she finds happiness and a life that she actually enjoys, but that seems to last little when she spots the familiar jet on the roof of the building she lives in. Is she ready to face them? To face him?
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*Three months later*
The warm air surrounding my body made me take a deep breath and unconsciously smile. I was happy, I was free, I was whole. I was with my neighbor drinking coffee in our usual spot, which was a cafe near the main street of the place that I decided was going to become my new home.
“Продолжай рассказывать мне о своем боссе, который сводит тебя с ума” (Keep on telling me about your boss who drives you crazy) Andrei said making me laugh and shake my head.
“Не о чем говорить, он просто засранец, который дает мне слишком много работы и заставляет меня плакать” (Nothing to talk about, he's just an asshole who gives me too much work and makes me want to cry) I laughed. I had met Andrei a week after I moved in and there was an immediate connection. No, it wasn’t in a romantic one, god no, we were just really good friends that had a lot in common.
“Now now, that was not what i saw the other day when i went to pick you up from work” He said with a playful smirk plastered on his light brown face. I gasped, a fake indignant expression on my face while my hand went to my chest. He laughed loudly. “Don’t play that card, I saw you!” he added
“I don’t know what you are talking about” I said, trying to fight the smile that tried to come out but failing miserably, we both laughed.
He and I had become quite close in the little time that we had known each other. He was an American with a Russian name. He explained that his mother was from the states while his father was a russian spy, they fell in love against all odds and eventually, Andrei was brought to this world. When he was fifteen his father died and he and his mom went to America, where he finished high school and surprisingly, entered the military. He did two tours before he decided that he had enough and returned to Russia. Hence why he could speak both Russian and English fluently. As for me, I told him that I was in some sort of organization that worked for the government, and that’s why I knew russian. He believed me, thank God,  I didn’t want to talk about how I was part of the Avengers and why I left. Obviously I will tell him when the time is right and I know that he can be fully trusted.
“Oh, come on Ames, are you going to tell me that you don’t like him one bit? Not in the slightest?” he asked, smiling and I shook my head. He stayed silent for a second and stared at me, like he was considering whether he should ask me something or keep quiet. “Is it because of him?” he finally asked, watching me closely to see my reaction. I felt my stomach twist at the mention of him. Of course it was because of him, because of them, I couldn’t afford getting hurt and betrayed one more time. Andrei didn’t know his name, or theirs for that matter, so I smiled weakly and nodded.
“Yeah, I know it sounds stupid but… I just can’t afford getting hurt, not again, not anymore” I said looking at my hands.
“I understand, believe me I do” he said, his hand reaching out to hold mine. I looked up to find his brown eyes looking for mine, I saw nothing but genuine love -the friendly kind- in them. I smiled and squeezed his hand. He was going to say something but his phone rang; a notification. He withdrew his hand to look at his phone and the moment he did, people around us started getting up and running in the same direction. I looked at him confused to find him frowning at his phone.
“What is it?” i asked.
“The Avengers are here…” He said and my heart skipped a beat and my body went rigid. Andrei noticed. “What 's wrong?”. Well, there’s no use keeping him from the truth anymore.
“So, remember when I told you that I worked for an organization for the government? Okay don’t freak out and hate me but, here it goes” I took a deep breath. “That organization was called The Red Room were they trained me from a very young age to be a perfect cold-blooded killer, years later i escaped and was on the run until i got a new identification, name, address, new everything and then joined the avengers to amend the wrongs I made in the past. To my luck, it didn’t go great because it ended up breaking me the same way The Red Room did, so I left to find a fresh start and came here where I met you. Please don’t hate me” I concluded in one breath. Andrei was silent with a straight face, which was hard to read, and eventually after a few seconds that felt like an eternity and shrugged his shoulders. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN.
“Believe it or not, I've heard worse” he simply said
“Worse than finding out that your best friend is a train killer and former avenger?” i asked incredulously and he tilted his head and smirked
“US Agent mother and Russian spy father” He said. I laughed and he followed right after. “So, I'm guessing we are running away?” he asked. Say what now?
“We?” I asked, almost in shock to which he simply nodded, “You don’t think im just gonna let you go like that, please, is not that easy to get rid of me” he snorted. “And I'm supposing Amelia is not your real name either, given the fact that you ran off,” he added. Damn, he is good.
“Y/n, y/n y/l/n” I said and he slowly smiled
“Well y/n, nice to meet you, my name is Andrei Petrova” he said, extending his hand, i repeated his action with the same smile. “I’ve got to say, I like the name y/n more than Amelia '' he added and laughed. We were brought back to the matter at hand when the screaming of the people were getting louder. I snapped my head up and saw the familiar jet on the roof of the building where I was living.
“Here’s what we are going to do, I’m going to my apartment and buy us some time while you go get a car and,” i handed him my card “you are going to get all the money from my bank account. I will meet you in front of the cafe that’s two blocks away from my place”
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked with clear worry in his eyes. I smiled and nodded
“Yes, I promised. Now go” I said before he got up and ran. I sighed and went to my apartment. Was I really going to do this? After months, was I ready to face them, already knowing the truth? Well, guess I'm going to find out.
Once in the building I decided to programmed the lights to go out in 50 minutes and then I went to the elevator, wanting to appear as normal as possible even though I felt like my heart was going to explode from how fast it was beating inside my rib cage. When the elevator stopped at my floor I walked until I was standing in front of my door. I didn’t need to wait and confirm, I knew they knew I was here, now there’s only one thing left to do. But before I did anything, the door creaked open.
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*10 hours earlier*
Bucky paced from one side to the other, finding himself incapable of staying put. Natasha sat silently on her chair, Tony was in the front with his head in between his hands, Steve was resting on the side of the wall looking at the floor, Bruce was just standing there holding his chin analyzing everyone in the room. Sam sat on the couch looking through his phone, Vision was sitting next to Wanda on the other couch, while Clint and Thor were sitting on the other chairs. Peter had some school stuff to deal with like the teenager that he was. They’ve been looking for her for the past three months, and about a week ago, a picture was found of someone that looked exactly like her, all except her hair that was a bit shorter and the color was different, but other than that, it was practically her.
Not wanting to get their hopes -or rather enthusiasm- up, they decided to look deeper and found out that the picture was taken a month ago in the city of Magadan located in Russia. They found out that before three months, the name Amelia Agapov, didn’t exist. The more they looked into it, the more they were convinced that it was her.
“The mission report from Agent Carter arrived, should i put it on the screen?” the voice of the AI filled the room. The team had been waiting for that report for days, the nerves of the question that lingered in the air ‘was it her?’ being present for that time only grew stronger as Stark asked FRIDAY to project the report on the screen.
Pictures were shown, most of them were about this woman buying in the market, having coffee with a guy, but there was one, where her face was looking straight into the lens of the camera, and it was that picture that left the people in the room absolutely rigid. It was her.
“We found her…” Tony said in a whisper. Everybody kept their gaze on the picture on the big screen. After months looking for her, they finally had found her. To everyone, it was like someone just discovered something new, a kind of relief and anxiety all at the same time.
“Suit up, we’re going to get her” Steve said to the group, but see, it was the choice of words from Cap that Bucky found unsettling.
“Get her? Like she is some kind of criminal?” he said, looking at his best friend dead in the eye. Steve opened his mouth to say something but Tony beat him to it.
“She was trained by The Red Room to be an assassin, we can expect nothing more from her '' He said, trying to calm Bucky down, but instead it only caused him to get angrier, and not only him.
“So was I” Natasha said, her voice low that could scare anyone to the bone if they weren’t so used to her.
"It's different" Tony said
“How is it different?” Wanda said this time, “It wasn’t when you practically recluded me after I helped Ultron and tried to kill you all” she added.
Tony sighed and looked down, realizing that he might be overreacting.
“Let’s just get suit up and get on with it” Steve said, cutting the rather awkward silence that filled the room.
The avengers were suit up and on the quinjet in less that forty-five minutes, and they were in Madagan in nine hours, it took them an hour to find her building, and once they found it, Clint landed the jet on the roof and they all got out and looked for her apartment. Funny enough, it was the same number as the one she used to live in New York; 108. They waited for what seemed an eternity until they heard footsteps just outside the door. Suddenly, the air felt thick with anticipation, but Bucky couldn’t wait any longer so he crossed the living room in two steps and opened the door. She was standing there. Silence took over the entire apartment until she broke it.
“Well, are you going to move so that I can get inside my goddamn apartment Barnes?” she said expectantly. Bucky realized that he had been staring at her since he opened the door. Her hair was different, more wavy and a shade or two lighter. He moved to the side and she was able to see the rest of the team. This was going to be one hell of an evening.
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Breathe. In… and out…
It was hard. Fuck. Okay i can do this.
“Well isn’t this nice. All the team back together again!” I said with sarcasm dripping from every letter.
“What the hell did we ever do to you?” Steve said firmly.
“Damn, getting straight into it. That’s okay” i shrugged as I went to my room but the sound of the blasters of Tony's suit stopped me.
“Stop, don’t take another step” He said, lifting his hands and I smiled.
“Really? Well unfortunately i have to change, so i’ll leave the door open if it makes you comfortable” i said as i continued to walk to my room, and like I said, i left the door open.
“Y-you don’t have to do that, you can…” Wanda said but trailed off. I had taken my shirt off; my scars were shown.
“So, Steve” I broke the silence as I put on a black shirt, “the thing that you did wasn’t as bad as tin man over there, but you still let Hydra take me the day we took out the helicaries” i added. His face got pale and started shaking his head.
“What? No, you made it out safe, you-” He started saying but i interrupted him
“You sure? Who do you think stopped Rumlow when he tried to interfere with the exchange of the chip when you were in the helicarrier with Bucky?” He started thinking for a moment until he realized what I said fell into place. “Yeah, I took one hell of a beating, and if that wasn’t enough, I fell to the water. I fell thirty floors down, and I alone got myself out, because I didn't have anyone to cover me or have my back” i concluded.
“Your scars…” Tony said this time and i turned to him
“Yeah, thanks to you Mr. Stark” i said and he looked at me. “Doctor said that 74% of my body is covered with scars, along with one or two burns”
“You were that girl in The Red Room” Natasha said, causing me to turn my head to look at her and I smiled cynically, “You are Eliza” she finished.
“Давно не виделись с Натальей” (Long time no see Natalia) i said and she looked at me in pure surprise in her faced. That’s something coming from the famous Black Widow.
“What about the rest of us y/n?”  Sam said this time, redirecting my attention from Natasha to the rest of the group. Thor was standing there holding his hammer, Bruce was next to the fridge, Clint was by the sink, Wanda was with Vision beside the kitchen table and Bucky was by the door. They were all looking at me. I took a look at the clock, I have to leave in less than thirty minutes.
“Long story short, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Wanda and Vision are the ones that didn’t do anything, so just chill out, you are still on my good side” I smiled and waved my hand.
“Hold on, but what did I do?” Thor asked and I looked at him.
“God it really is unfair how such a little thing can cause such a big problem. The first time you came down to earth, met Jane, bla bla bla… when her stuff was under custody of shield, and you took that notebook; they blamed me. I know it may seem weird because, how? Thing is, I was undercover at that time inside Shield, so when the notebook disappeared, guess who was the one that got beaten for it. I couldn’t move from the pain.”
Thor was standing completely still.
“Lady y/n…”
“How is it possible? I was there  and never saw you” Clint interrupted Thor.
“It was before the avengers, i was on the run and a girl's gotta eat. Don’t worry, I never gave them anything. Got the money and then killed them, they were nobodies” I shrugged off.
“So, that’s all you needed to know, so if you please leave my…” I said but then he interrupted me.
“No” I would be lying if I said it didn’t send shivers down my spine at his tone, and I hate even more that he noticed it. “You’re missing one doll” Well fuck me
I turned to see him and he was walking painfully slow towards me and I was praying for my legs to not give out.
“Barnes” I simply said, thanking God and all the saints that it didn’t come out as a whimper. I took a look at the clock once more. I have to leave. Now. “Such a shame, wish you had fought for us, I would have gone through hell and back for you, Buck” his eyes were looking straight to my own and I felt like he was staring at my bare soul. In a way, he was. I smiled and I saw behind my back that the team was looking at us, we’ve never been this close, not in public anyway. I standed on my tiptoes and reached for his right ear, he instinctively reached down so it was a bit easier for me.
“If you want to know, you’ll have to find me first дорогой” (Sweetheart) I whisper. Next thing, the light went out just like I programmed it to and I slid beside Bucky to reach out to the door and to the hall. I could hear the team screaming ‘what the hell just happened’. I ran to the emergency stairs, and once out I could still feel him behind me, getting close. I went into an alley, having to detour, knowing that he eventually was going to catch up to me and I couldn't have him follow where I was really going. A few seconds later, I felt him caging me to the wall on the alley, both of us breathing heavily. His flesh hand went to my throat and his metal one rested on the wall.
“Given a different occasion, I would have loved this, don’t get me wrong, I still love how you…”
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked huskily and I smiled.
“I told you, you’ll have to wait until you find me again. Alone.” i said
“Come on Barnes, do you really think that the charade of being your personal fuck toy would last forever?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It wasn’t like that, i…” he said but trailed off. The pain in my chest starting and clenching my heart.
“There it is…” i said lowly, the hurt in my voice evident, “listen, i’d love to keep talking about how you used me, but like i said,” i got close to his face, my nose touching his, “find me to found out” after that,  I raised my knee kicking him right in between his legs.
He let out a pained groan and fell to the floor, causing his grip in my neck to give out. I took advantage and ran. Two blocks away, I saw Andrei. When he saw me running to him, he immediately got in the car and turned the engine on, then I got in.
“Drive, fast” it was the first thing i said
“Where?” he asked while we took off. I smiled and looked at him
“You’ll see”
@silentkiller2374 @vikingqueenlove @girlfriday007 @supraveng
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thestorycfus · 3 years
The Sweetest Apparition - Part 1
Pairing: Peggy Carter x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and historian who specializes in the life and legacy of Captain Carter. After Nick Fury uses the Tesseract to bring Peggy back, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. contacts the reader to help her navigate life in the XXI century.
Warnings and notes: This series takes place after the last scene of What If… episode one, including spoilers to that episode. This chapter is more of an introduction before Peggy shows up. 
Word count: 847
Series Masterlist
They say you should never meet your heroes, but you would love to have the chance. It’s a shame that your hero was lost in some bizarre alien dimension since World War II. As a historian, your entire academic career was dedicated to studying the life of Captain Carter and of the people around her. Accessing all official and some unofficial sources, you knew almost everything there was to know about the Captain. Your interest in her life’s work and legacy had led you to work at S.H.I.E.L.D., the agency that Steve Rogers and Howard Stark founded in her homage, and you even got to interview Tony Stark a few of times.
Your job at S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn’t exactly action-packed, but it suited your tastes and abilities well. Your days were dedicated to historical research, sometimes working along with the scientists to find clues about how the super soldier program really came to be, or in the mission to better understand technologies of unknown origin. During that particular month, you had been tasked with revisiting the existing registers about the Tesseract. You didn’t have access to the artifact itself, of course, but that was not where your knowledge came in handy anyway. You just wished someone would tell you what this specific revising was for, so you could focus on the right information, but that was somehow classified, which probably meant someone in power wanted to play around with the shiny blue box for who knows what purposes, and they hoped you could find some relevant piece of information about how to use it.
All the pertinent files you had access to were already in your office. You spent the morning re-reading old journals and occasionally writing down your own observations. It was almost lunch time and you were ready for a break when you heard someone knocking on your door.
“It’s open. Please, come in.”
You expected it to be one of the other agents of the floor, probably calling you to go get lunch in the restaurant across the street. Instead, the door opened to reveal a less familiar face. You recognized the man as Agent Barton, though you had never met him before. He was one of the most known S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, often working with Director Fury himself. If Barton was at your office, something was probably wrong.
“Are you Agent L/N?” He sounded hesitant as he walked in, almost startled by something, and that was starting to freak you out.
“Yes, that’s me. How can I help you, Agent Barton? Is it about the Tesseract?”
“Something like that. Fury requested your assistance immediately.”
Oh, of course. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was calling you. No big deal. Just another Tuesday. You closed the journal you were working on, grabbed your bad and stood up. Barton was already walking out, so you locked your door and followed him.
“You are our Captain Carter specialist, right?” He asked, shaking his head as if he was still trying to process something.
“I believe so. What aspect of her history does the Director need to..?” You were not sure of what to ask. If this was related to the Tesseract, it should be more connected to Rogers or Stark (either of them) than to Captain Carter, but it would be happy to help with whatever you could.
“It’s more about her adaptation than her history, I guess.” Barton got to the elevator, with you following closely. You realized you were headed to the top floor, presumably to Fury’s office.
“Oh, her adaptation to the serum? I have some great articles on that on my laptop. Should I go back to my office to get it? It will only take a minute.” You should have brought it along anyway, but you were too surprised by Barton’s visit to remember that at first.
“No, there’s no need. You see, Director Fury was experimenting with the Tesseract, and we got more than we expected. He needs you to help Captain Carter with her adaptation to the XXI century. She’s in his office now.”
Maybe it was a good thing that you left your laptop behind, because you would have dropped it along with your bag. The elevator stopped moving and you bent down to get your bag just as the doors opened. At least, the movement bought you a few more seconds before you had to reply. You weren’t so sure you would be able to speak coherently.
“You mean the actual, real Captain Margaret Elizabeth Carter? Alive?” Yes, you sounded like a fool, but it was better if you got that out of the way before you sounded like a fool in front of Fury or, even worse, in front of real life Captain Carter.
“I’m still trying to figure that out myself, but yeah. The actual, real, alive one. Right behind that door.” Without giving you any time to prepare, Barton walked to that door, opening it like it was no big deal. You took a deep breath and followed his lead, entering Director Fury’s office for the first time.
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happy valentine's day! i hope you know how much i love your content! can we get some little lucy n her moms for v-day? if not it's fine! wishing you the best :)
D’aw, happy Valentine’s Day! I’d love to write something for Lucy and Her moms, but I’m doing older Lucy. Show off their dynamic as she gets bigger and more sarcastic 😂😂
“Oooooo, you look nice, Ma!” Lucy looks up from her skates. Her mother adjusts the hot pink skirt, clearly feeling herself in the clothes. Lucy knows they’re stolen and really can’t seem to care. Not like the person missed them.
“Thank ya, baby.” Harley leans over the couch, kissing her daughter’s head, “Your Mom’s takin’ me on a hot date. ‘Course any date with her is a hot date.”
“Ma, don’t be gross.”
“Petal, you didn’t seem to think it’s gross when you were little.” Pamela muses, coming out of the bedroom, heels clicking along the hardwood floor. The black skintight dress highlights her green skin.
“That’s because I was a dumb kid that didn’t know what sex or flirting was. You look great, Mom.”
“Thank you, sweet pea.” Pamela kisses Lucy’s head, “And don’t pretend like we don’t know about Rani Carter.”
To her credit, Lucy doesn’t give them any of the usual signs of embarrassment—just a light blush over her cheeks, “I have no idea what ya talkin’ ‘bout, Mom. Where are you two goin’ for dinner?”
“Interesting deflection, Dr. Quinzel. Your thoughts?”
Doing little to hide her grin, Harley taps her chin, “Well, Dr. Isley, I would classify this as typical teenage behavior, yet there are other signs this could be more serious.”
“More serious?”
“Yes. She might have a crush.”
Lucy gathers her skate tools, “Hate to break it to ya, Mothers of Mine, but I ain’t looking for a relationship. Rani and I have an arrangement that works for us.”
“Ah, yes, keeping the relationship purely physically as a way to satisfy half your needs, even though you crave that emotional connection.” Harley looks solemnly at her wife, “It’s worse than we feared.”
“Will you let me be a slut in peace?” Lucy huffs. Her moms laugh and pull her into a hug.
“We just want you happy, petal. That’s all.”
“Yeah, yeah, you two go make goo goo eyes at each other. I’ll be here with the plants and Hyenas.” Lucy does hug them back before heading to her room.
“If you want to invite Rani over, you can—“
As they step onto the elevator, Pamela glances at her wife, “What are the chances she’s talking to her now?”
“Oh, 100%.”
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thefallendivine · 3 years
Everly: Lost and Found
As I have already written the scenes where the MC and the Guardian companion met, I saw it fit to finally post the introductory shorts for the Guardians. This is for the first one.
WARNING: Minor spoilers ahead. If you want to keep your surprise about the Guardians for when the game releases in the distant future, then scroll past this post. 
Rain and an abandoned road: a depressing combination for a teamster.  Made worse by the slow pace of the pair of arcane oxen that pulls on the train of carts— ychen bannog, the Giants call them. They are a large, hairy, and long-horned bovine with a boulder-like hump between its shoulders that is magically bred to be a food source for the Giantkind of Rhal Vahald. As their meat is too tough for the tastes of other races, they instead use the ychen bannog as draft animals for their formidable strength and ability to traverse both dry and wet terrain.
Hitting bumps along the trail that cuts through a field of reed, the chains that secure the interlinked carts rattle as the cages teeter on top of the wheeled wood rafts. Along with the downpour and the occasional whimpers from the children gagged and hog-tied inside the canvased cages, they are the only tether the carter, Riegel, has to reality. Driving through the Secret Road is otherwise monotonous when the visibility is too poor that it truly shrouds its “secrets”.
People who use the road and the vast field embraced by its rain and mist know to look but never to tell, as legends proven true in the past hold a tight grip in the minds of those who hear them. Clandestine dealings, forbidden meetings, escapees in hiding, disposal of high profile bodies or unwanted children, all of these are common in the Secret Road. For slave traders, it is the perfect road to move their goods; it keeps their business afloat and away from attention during transport. It is a blessing. And it is a gold mine.
And today, Riegel has struck a vein.
From his elevated seat, Riegel can see a child in a black and white dress walking ahead, going in the same direction as his wagon train. He perks up, surprised at the quality of the girl’s attire. Whether lost or abandoned, there is no reason not to add such a find in the pile.
Tugging at the reins, Riegel halts the huge beasts of burden ways away from the child. A couple of snorts and a few clip-clops of hooves later, he is signaling to his co-workers in the carts to keep the children quiet before proceeding to approach the little girl, who has now turned around in apparent notice of the conspicuous large beasts, sleepy brown eyes watching as Riegel plants a practiced smile on his lips. Supplying a smooth wave of the hand, he calls out loudly to be heard in the rain yet friendly to match the expression he adopted.
“Hey, little girl, where did you come from?” Riegel proceeds to look around, a show of confusion despite having none. “What are you doing in the middle of the road? In the rain?”
The girl does not reply.
Riegel takes of his cloak before squatting down, encircling his arms to put the damp fabric around the girl. “Here,” he says, pulling the hood over her light blonde head. “I can take you home if you want.”
Still no reply.
Such a thing is not unusual when it comes to children who have been thrust into such misfortune. Uncontrollable sobs and fear usually keep them from even uttering something remotely discernible. The girl is overcome by neither, yet she does not speak.
Stranger still for Riegel is that the girl has not a trace of any kind of reaction on her face. Much like a doll, both physically and emotionally.
All alone up until now, in the dark, in the cold, and the young child is unafraid. Faced with a stranger brought by large beasts and she does not even bat an eye.
A sudden shudder creeps up his back but Riegel brushes it off as nothing more than a bodily reaction to exposure.
“Do you see my wagons?” Riegel asks, jerking his head back, at which the girl’s eyes finally moves to look. “It’s much warmer over there. Come on.”
His hand presented in invitation, Riegel gives the girl the chance to come amicably. For any bruise on such a fair skin will diminish the value that Riegel sees in her.
After what feels like a long wait under the heavy rain, the girl’s gaze trains back on Riegel’s. Her hand lifts slowly, the man's smile growing wider as it inches closer to his.
But her small hand moves higher, past Riegel’s laid out hand and stopping right in front of his face. The last thing he sees is the two overlapping squares on her palm before the scenery before him changes.
Riegel sees a house on a backdrop of a sweeping pasture. He stares up at the windmill that stands tall beside the Pasturian-style cabin. The door opens, and out comes a girl of eight twin moons.
It’s her birthday today.
There is an excited smile that lights up her face as she runs up to Riegel and screams out, “Dad!”
Stooping down, Riegel catches the child and spins her around as he does, legs swinging in the air as her giggles warms his chest. Riegel ends his welcome with an embrace, clutching the girl close to him. “Wow! I was gone for a day and you’ve grown this much? My little girl’s not so little anymore.”
Stretching her arms up, she replies proudly, “Yup! I’m a grown up!”
Riegel laughs, eyes shifting ahead to his approaching wife. A serious look on her face as she looks past him; to someone behind him.
Riegel turns to find three men, familiar ones. People he has worked with in the past.
“It’s time, Riegel,” the one ahead of the trio says. “Hand the girl over.”
“What?” Riegel asks, searching the faces in front of him. “What do you mean hand her over?”
The men do not reply, but their expressions tell everything Riegel needs to know about their intentions. He looks to his wife. “Take her inside,” he tells her as he hands over his daughter.
However, instead of doing what he asked her to, Riegel’s wife walks towards the men and gives their daughter willingly.
“What are you doing?!” Riegel lunges forward, but the other two men grab hold of his arms before pinning him to the ground. “Let me— Get your filthy hands off her! Give her back!”
Riegel’s frantic sputtering is matched by his daughter’s crying, confused and afraid of what is happening. The man who holds her looks down on Riegel with pity. “She doesn’t belong to you, Riegel.”
“She’s my daughter! She—“
Riegel freezes.
She’s my daughter. But… what’s her name?
Riegel’s eyes turn manic, disgusted at himself for forgetting his daughter’s name. He forces himself to remember, the times he calls to her to do some light chores, when he first started teaching her how to say her name, or the day she was born. But there is nothing there.
Riegel looks up, only to find the people who surrounded him to be all faceless. The men, his wife, and even his daughter.
But before Riegel can question what he is seeing, the gaps in his memory start to rebuild themselves, like pieces affixing into a broken puzzle to create a big picture, one that depicts his entire life.
From his time as a boy, when he met his wife, and when they had their daughter.
Just then, Riegel finally remembers her name.
He speaks it hurriedly.
It is certain that Riegel said the name.
However, Everly does not linger long to find out what the imaginary mortal girl is called. Despite her life of eternity, she does not have the time to waste on falsities. Even if in the fantasies she crafted, the karmic punishment of the trapped individual's hallucinatory future is quite satisfying to watch.
Everly looks back at Riegel, the slaver’s head is enclosed in her cube of illusions, one that contains a whole world and a whole life she concocted for him. There were a few complications, but in the end, Everly managed to use her Rune well.
She looks up ahead, to the other insects who feed on blooming flowers. It does not hurt to get a few practices in, the road will keep her secret. After all, Everly has a lot to live up to, a lot to prove, plenty of lost time to make up for, as the Goddess of Vision and Creation.
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
Vas Prizrak-Seven
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader. Slight Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1518
Warnings: swearing, some smut, fluff, lots of angst.
Summary:  Bucky and Reader’s life in Wakanda had been everything they ever wanted. But when they are told about the fight that was on it’s way to them, they fear that life would be dusted away for good.
A/N: I’m really hoping I can get another chapter out while my kiddo’s take a nap so fingers crossed! 
TAGS: @mggpleasedontlookhere @grey-force-jedi​ @austynparksandpizza​
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The ship landed outside of Avenger’s headquarters in New York and as soon as my feet landed on the grass, I was met with a bone crushing hug from Natasha. She pulled away and placed hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look into her eyes. 
She looked tired. 
“You alright?” Natasha asked. 
I nodded. “I’m not going to lie, I’m exhausted.” 
Nat wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started leading me towards the compound, leaving Steve to walk slowly behind us. 
“I’ve got your room setup with some clothes. Take all the time you want, we can catch you up to speed when you’re ready.” 
“Clint tell you about our rendezvous together?” I questioned, the familiar halls bringing a small smile to my face. 
She snorted. “It was nothing compared to our time in Budapest together.” 
Gently pushing her away, I came to a stop in front of my old room and told Natasha that I would be down in the living area soon. We said goodbye with a quick hug and I was alone, staring at the dark, wooden door. I only lived there for a week but it still held so many bad memories of mourning Bucky that I was nervous to step inside. 
After taking a deep breath, I entered the room and couldn’t help the very large smile that spread to my lips at the sight. On the nightstand was a beautiful bouquet of black roses next to an old picture of Bucky and I. My fingers traced over his face before picking up the note. 
Buck mentioned that black roses were your favorite. He also made me promise him that I would look after you if anything did happen to him. I have failed the last five years but I promise that I will make up for it by bringing Bucky back home to you. 
Xx Steve
“You knew I was going to come back with you?” I questioned the body that stood in the doorway behind me. 
I didn’t have to turn around to see that Steve was leaning against the doorway, watching me with intent eyes. 
“I knew that you would do anything to get him back, even if it meant seeing me again,” Steve admitted. 
Finally turning to face him, I gave him a confused look. “Do you think I hate you?” 
Steve shrugged and my heart dropped. 
“I never hated you, Steve. Five years ago when Thanos destroyed the stones, I felt like there was nothing left to live for. My life had no meaning so I took my anger out on the people I loved other than Bucky,” I admitted. 
“You know,” Steve started as we walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me, “I spent the last five years telling people that they have to move on but I can’t find it in myself too.” 
He pulled out a familiar compass from his pocket and once he opened it, I saw an old picture of someone that he never talked about in front of me. 
Peggy Carter. 
I knew about his past with her back in the 40’s and knew that he loved her but I didn’t know that he was still in love with her. 
“From what you told me about her, she seemed like a lovely woman,” I said. 
Steve nodded. “She was. I only wish that I had more time with her. We never got our dance.” 
I placed my hand on his thigh, giving it a loving squeeze. Our eyes locked for a brief moment and feeling the tension between us, I threw a thumb over my shoulder towards my bathroom. 
“Uh, I really should shower before the team meeting.” 
Steve reluctantly nodded and stood from the bed. “I’ll see you downstairs.” 
When I was alone yet again, I forced my tired muscles from the bed and to the shower, hot water calling my name. My suit peeled away like a second skin as I stepped out of it, tossing it to the floor. The bruises and old scars from the last five years shone bright in reflection of the mirror, my eyes refusing to look any longer. I then looked at the ink on my left arm, the tattoo mirroring Bucky’s old arm; the one he had when he was The Winter Soldier. 
You’re starting to look like me with the tattoo and mask. 
The familiar voice brought a soft smile to my face as I worked the shampoo deep into my long hair. The redness of my hair was still bright as the first day my powers changed it back in Romania, me even trying to die it a couple years ago, only having it turn red again the next day. 
I love your rose shampoo. The scent always stained my pillow case. 
“God, I miss you,” I muttered to the voice. 
My tears had mixed with the water from the shower head, unsure how hard I was actually crying until my loud sobs were heard echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. For the first time in five years, I allowed myself to mourn Bucky, the sobs racking my body, causing me to fall to my knees in the shower. 
“I need you, Bucky. I don’t think I can handle it if this doesn't work,” I sobbed. 
Dorogaya, don’t mourn me. I’m still here, watching over you. 
“It’s not fair, you should be here with me.” 
I love you, Y/N. 
A soft knock on my room's door caused me to immediately stand, wiping the tears from my face, and turning off the shower. Once the towel was tightly wrapped around myself, I padded barefoot over to the door. 
“Are you alright? I heard you crying.” 
Damn his super soldier hearing. 
“I’m fine,” I yelled through the door. “I just need to get dressed then I’ll be down stairs.” 
Once I was dressed, I opened the door and almost ran into the hard chest that still stood in the doorway. 
“Fuck, Steve. You scared me!” I curse, stepping back from him. 
“Are you okay?” He questioned again.
His soft gaze told me that he was truly worried about me so I gave him a reassuring nod. 
“I’m okay now. Want to walk with me?” 
Steve nodded and we started to walk side by side down to the living room of the compound, where everyone was waiting to give me the rundown of the plan. Steve hadn’t mentioned anything about it to me on the way here since I had opted for taking a much needed nap. 
“New tattoo?” Steve motioned to my arm.  
“Uh, yeah. Let’s say that it was a dark time in my life.” I admitted. 
A soft chuckle fell from Steve’s lips and we stepped onto the elevator, riding it down a few floors in a comfortable silence. 
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“Wait, say it again. My brain is having some trouble processing what you just said,” I spoke to Scott Lang. 
He sighed. “Basically it’s time travel.”
I scoffed before looking between Steve and Natasha. “This is the big plan? Fucking time travel?” 
“It’s going to work, Y/N,” Nat said. 
 My head shook with doubt as I leaned deeper into the couch, looking around the room at the faces I hadn’t seen in so long. 
Tony had a family now, him and Pepper having a daughter. 
Bruce had decided to live a life as the Hulk and Bruce Banner together. It was weird to look at first but eventually as time went on during the meeting, I got used to it. 
Thor, on the other hand, had looked worse than all of us. He had taken the loss to Thanos harder than some of us, choosing to numb his pain with alcohol and letting himself go. 
Clint sat next to me on the couch and he averted my attention from everyone else to him with a pat on my knee. 
“I’m still pissed at you for telling them where I was,” I semi-joked. 
He gave me a small laugh. “I know it sounds stupid but we have to try. For them.” 
We had become incredibly close in the time we went on our killing spree before we parted ways and considered him a good friend of mine so if he had some hope for this plan, the least I could do was to try. 
“Okay,” I nodded then turned my attention towards Steve. “How do we know it’s going to work?” 
“One of us will go back to a point in time. They’ll only get five minutes before we bring them back.” Steve stated. 
“So a test run?” I asked. 
Scott nodded. “Exactly, a test run. Now we have to decide who.” 
“I’ll do it,” I stood without a second thought. 
Dorogaya, no. 
“Not happening, Y/N.” Steve shook his head. 
I crossed my arms while looking at him, putting all the weight to my left foot. The voice in my head and Steve would not be able to change my decision. 
“Steve, you’ve known me for so long, you really expect to change my mind?” 
He sighed, defeated. 
“Let’s get you suited up then.”
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angstysebfan · 4 years
Choices - Chapter 16
Pairing: Steve X Reader, Bucky Reader (not Stucky)
Summary: You fall in love with a super soldier, but after a decision that leaves you heartbroken you find yourself needing to decide where your heart truly lies.
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You feel Steve’s lips lightly brush yours before you push him away. Steve keeps his hold on your waist, but looks at you surprised. “Bucky. I love Bucky.” you say confidently. At those words Steve drops his hands from your waist and takes a few steps away from you, hurt evident in his eyes, which causes anger to course through you.
“You have no right Steve! After everything you did to me, you think I would just take you back with open arms. Look at what you have become! I don’t even recognize you anymore!” you say, your eyes blazing. Steve looks down at his feet for a moment, before looking at you sadly. “I... I was hoping I could fix this, and everything else would...”
“Would what?!” you yell, interrupting him. “Steve, if you had just told me you wanted to be with Sharon, then I would have respected you, hell all of us would’ve respected you.” you say. “But no... you cheated on me and then left me to die because you chose her. I... I was so broken after that, you have no idea. I tried to kill myself! I had nightmares for months, reliving that moment. And you know who was there for me?” you ask angrily.
Steve just continues to look at you stunned at your outburst, but it felt so good that you kept going. “Bucky! Bucky’s been there for me during this whole thing! He’s the one who brought me back to life and made me realize that I am loved and deserve to be loved!” you yell. Steve sighs and sits down putting his head in his hands. 
“Y/N... I am so sorry about what happened. I really did have feelings for you, and I still do. I... I don’t know what happened on that mission, or what happened before that. I can’t even explain my actions recently, but I am sorry.” he begs. You shake your head at him, “Sorry does nothing when I could’ve died because of you.” you say.
At this point everyone else, including Bucky walked into the common room to listen to your outburst. Steve looks at everyone and stops when he sees Bucky who is glaring at him. Steve swallows a lump in his throat and stands, “I owe everyone, especially you Y/N a lifetime of apologies. I know nothing makes it right, but...” Steve was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. Everyone looks toward that direction to see Sharon Carter walk out with a smirk on her face.
The anger inside you gets worse when you see her smug face. Bucky quickly heads over toward you and grabs your arm gently. “Agent Carter, you are not supposed to be here,” Tony says. Sharon looks around the room, “Fury sent me over because there is a mission that just came up. It’s a long one, about 6 months and he wanted to know who was volunteering for it.” she says.
“What’s the mission?” Nat asks. Sharon looks at Steve and starts walking toward him, which you feel is too close to you. You squeeze both hands into fists. “There is a possible Hydra base in Holland. We need to study the area and then if it is true, infiltrate. We are estimating 6 months because we are not 100% sure where it is.” she says finally looking at you.
“Is it a solo mission?” Sam asks. Sharon shakes her head, “No... I will be going.” she says. You glare at her, wanting nothing more than to finally put her in her place. You take a step forward when a voice stops you in your tracks, “I’ll go.” Steve says.
Everyone looks at Steve in surprise. “I think having some separation from everything and... everyone,” he says looking at you. “Will be beneficial. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and have cause a lack of trust here, so I think me leaving is what’s best.” he says. Sharon smiles and looks at you, raising her eyebrows in a taunt.
You can’t take it anymore and pull your arm from Bucky before running and tackling Sharon to the ground. You black out for a moment but come to when you feel Bucky and Steve pulling you off of Sharon. You look at her and see blood coming from her mouth and nose, as well as immediate bruising and swelling on her cheek. Bucky pulls you against his chest and wraps his arms around you whispering calming words in your ear.
“Steve, I think you should go pack then,” Tony says, trying hard not to laugh along with Nat and Sam. Steve helps Sharon stand up before glancing at you for a moment and then leaving the common room, Sharon following close behind. Bucky pulls you to the couch and looks at you with pride and concern.
“Doll, you ok?” he asks, looking over your face to see what your reaction is. You suddenly start hysterically laughing, “I... I feel so much better now!” you say as you continue to laugh. Everyone else joins you in laughing, and it’s the lightest you’ve felt in a very long time.
Steve is heading toward the quinjet with his duffle bag and suitcase, Sharon already on board. “Steve!” Bucky calls, causing Steve to stop. “Buck, I know what you are going to say, and I know you want to punch my lights out, and I know I deserve it.” Steve says defeatedly. Bucky looks at him for a moment before sucker punching him across the face, causing Steve to hit the ground.
“Now you and your girlfriend will have matching bruises. You try to badmouth me to my girl and think you could get away with it? You use my past against me, when you always told me it wasn’t my fault. I thought I knew you, man. I thought we were brothers, but I don’t know who you are.” Bucky says before turning and walking away.
“Buck!” Steve calls out to him. Bucky stops and looks at Steve, “Take care of her. Do what I didn’t do. I hope when I come back, maybe we can.. I don’t know... be better.” he says. Bucky looks at him curiously, “Don’t hold your breath on mending your relation with me or her.” he says before turning and walking back into the compound. 
You’re sitting in your room when you hear the quinjet take off, taking Steve and Sharon away. You release the breath you have been holding and again feel a weight leaving your shoulders. Bucky walks in and smiles at you, “They’re gone, Doll.” he says. You pat the bed next to you and Bucky comes and sits down. You grab his hands with yours and look deep into his beautiful eyes. 
“Bucky... thank you for everything you have done for me. Not just with Steve, but even before. I realize now how much you have always shown you loved me, and I just can’t thank you enough.” you say. Bucky smiles and squeezes your hands. “Doll, I would do anything for you. Even before this whole situation, you made my days so much better. I’m glad that I got to repay you by bringing you back.” he says. 
You cup his cheek, “Finally standing up to Steve and then kicking Sharon’s ass really lifted a weight off my chest. I feel like the ice that was around my heart has finally thawed. I... I love you Bucky, and I just wanted to know... if you would... go out on a date with me?” you ask shyly.
Bucky’s heart soared at your words, “You askin’ me on a date, Doll? I... I would love nothing more than to go out on a date with you.” he says. You smile before pulling his face to yours and kissing him with all the love in your heart. You finally felt free and happy.
Chapter 15 / Chapter 17 (End)
I know you wanted Steve to get a beat down. Sorry if I disappointed you, but Sharon got one!!! 1 more chapter to go! Feedback is appreciated.
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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Chapter 10- The Company Picnic— Sams POV
Book: The Nanny Affair
Characters: Sam, Ana Schuyler (MC), Robin, Mickey and Mason, Sofia, Mason Sr., Vivian,
Pairing: Sam Dalton (male) x Ana Schuyler (MC)
Rating: 18+
Content Warning: NSFW, Sexual Language, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
A/N This is a brand new series that I was inspired to write. I am going to go chapter by chapter in Sam Daltons POV. This story is completely inspired by Choices The Nanny Affair. I have used most of the dialogue from the actual story, anything written in BOLD was taken directly from the book and therefore is not my writing- credit to our good friends over at Pixelberry! All characters are credit to Pixelberry except for my OCs
Summary: When you let your guard down at the company picnic, will you be ambushed by friendly fire?
Word Count: 4740
Tag List: @txemrn @secretaryunpaid @lifeaskim @aussieez @pixie88 @thefrenchiemama @sfb123 @mainstreetreader @shewillreadyou @khoicesbyk @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations @somersetmummy @melalicious8383
Robin stood there, his eyes flicking between Ana and I with a knowing look.
I run my hands through my hair, trying to gather my bearings.
“Robin, what are you doing here? And why is Sofia calling you?” Wait, why is Sofia calling him… I have my cell on me…
“She was looking for you. Do I even want to know what you two were up to?” His eyes narrow at me.
“We were just working!” Ana says breathlessly. Not exactly the perfect cover, Ana.
“You know you don’t actually work here, right Ana?” Robin crosses his arms and widens his stance, his frown deepening.
“Sam was showing me the prototypes. That count as work…” Her voice has grown quiet.
“We don’t need to explain ourselves to you, Robin. Did you finish the press release for the Milan breach?” My anger evident in my tone.
“I’ve been a little busy, but apparently I’m not the only one.”
Fucking drop it Rob.
“Enough. If you have something to say, say it. If not, then get back to work.” My eyes narrow at him in challenge. I watch as he turns on his heel to leave the lab, pausing briefly at the door and looking over his shoulder.
“I almost forgot. Sofia had a message for you, Ana. She said since you were doing this office tour today, you should come to the company picnic this weekend.”
“Really? I thought she wanted me fired.” Her eyes grow wide as she looks between Robin and I.
“It’s probably a ‘keep your enemies closer’ type of thing. She already told Mom and Dad about the invite, so they’re expecting you to be there.”
I clench my jaw, fighting back my ever increasing desire to punch that look off of his face. God I have been wanting to do that to him a lot recently... I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose when I hear the door close to the lab, leaving Ana and I alone again.
The silence is palpable as I look at her, she is looking down as her fingers twist together.
“Ana, are you okay?”
“Sam, we have to be more careful. We’re lucky Robin was the one who walked in on us. It could’ve been much worse.” Her voice quiet as she continues to watch her hands.
“You’re right. It won’t happen again.” I don’t know how lucky we are that it was Robin… “You don’t have to come to the picnic, you know.”
Her emerald eyes lift to mine as she studies my face for a moment.
“If you… think it’s best I don’t-“ She takes a step away from me, looking back down at her hands. I reach out and gently place my hand on her arm.
“That’s not what I meant. I want you there. Against my better instincts… I always want you wherever I am.” Close to me.
Those words get her attention as she slowly rises her eyes to mine. I hear her breath catch and it sends a reminder of the passion that we just shared only moments before.
“Okay then, I’ll be there.” She gives me a small smile.
I return her smile as our eyes linger for a moment before my mind wanders to a less important question... Why was Sofia on the phone with Robin? I reach into my pocket and check my phone, no missed calls or texts. Weird…
I spend the rest of the day thinking of Ana, spread out before me on the lab table, the sound of pleasure that escaped her lips, and the sweet taste of her arousal on mine.
I wake up early the next morning, as I walk quietly into the kitchen, I pause outside of the door to Ana’s room. God how I want to just bring you into my bed and get lost in you… I shake my head, fuck these thoughts need to disappear… I need to escape while everyone is still asleep. I write a quick note and leave it on the counter- Went into the office early- will be home early to take the boys out for a treat. -Sam. Good enough.
I run my hands through my hair as I ride the elevator down to the lobby, Carter is waiting at the curb, always ready.
When I enter into my office the sun is just breaking above the skyline. The building is eerily quiet as I sit down in my chair, turning my attention to the waking of the city as the sunlight casts its morning shadows.
Suddenly I hear the door to my office open.
“How did I know you would be here already?” I close my eyes. Robin.
I hear him sit down in the leather chair on the other side of my desk and I turn my chair to face him, a smug look on his face.
“Sammy, what in the actual fuck is going on with you and Ana?”
I take a sharp inhale, “First of all, there is nothing going on between us. Second of all, even if there was, it would be none of your fucking business.”
“You are really going to lie to me? What I walked in on yesterday didn’t look like ‘nothing’.”
“Yeah, well, you know what happens when people make assumptions.”
“Sam, I thought by now you would understand that there are consequences to your actions.”
“Robin, save the kingly speech for someone who gives a damn. There is nothing going on between us.”
“You’re going to hurt her, and when all the chips fall, she is going to have nothing, and you are still going to have everything.”
I stare at him for a moment, biting the inside of my cheek.
“Why were you on the phone with Sofia?”
“I told you Sam, she was trying to find you.” He points a finger at me, before he shakes his head and stands up. “You better figure your shit out.”
Without another word he turns around and strides out of my office.
It’s going to be a long day.
I bring a glass of water to my lips for a sip as I type out a few quick texts, and alert Carter to be ready with the car in five minutes. Now where are the boys?
I make my way down the hall, and knock softly on Ana’s partially open door.
“Ana, have you seen the boys-“
“Dad, look! Ana’s wearing the outfit we picked out!” Mason pushes the glasses up his nose with a smile.
“Oh, wow. You look… nice.” My eyes flash as they run down the exposed skin of her delicate neck and her long legs. I swallow down a surge of desire.
“Just nice?” She asks with a coy smile.
I glance over at the twins who are now lost in a conversation between themselves before I lean in and the smell of jasmine fills my senses.
“Definitely not ‘just nice’, but I’m trying to be good.” My eyes flick to the twins.
“I think I like you better when you let yourself be bad.” Her emerald eyes darken and a memory flashes in my mind of the soft whimpers that escape her lips when I touch her.
I clear my throat, breaking myself of my trance as I stand up and look to the twins.
“Right. Is everyone ready to go in here?”
“I am!” Mason cheers running out of the door.
“Wait, I forgot my socks!” Mickey calls as he follows close behind.
My eyes linger on Ana before I reluctantly turn away.
Ana and I walk side by side down the large path in Central Park, the boys follow close behind.
“What’s the problem, you two? You don’t like picnics?” We stop and turn towards the boys who are kicking at the rocks on the pavement.
“Normal picnics, yeah. But who knows what Aunt Sofia has done to this one?” Mickey whines as he drags his feet.
“Boys, I promise you, Aunt Sofia didn’t have any part in planning this picnic.” I fight back the urge to laugh.
“But, we still have to follow her rules, don’t we?” Mason looks at Ana with a pleading look.
“You can still have fun too.” She gives him an encouraging smile. “Besides, there’ll be so much going on, I bet she won’t even notice if you sneak an ice cream cone. Assuming your dad says it’s okay, of course.”
“Really?” Mickey breaks out into a big grin.
“Sure. But just the one treat. We don’t want you to get a sugar overload.”
That seems to get them moving, because they run ahead. Ana and I share a look before we continue walking.
“It’s beautiful… I can see our building from here!” Mason shouts as we round the corner and the field comes into view.
My eyes meet Sofia’s as she starts walking towards us.
“Sam, you’ve got to see this. It’s accounting versus legal on the badminton court!” Her eyes are bright, you are unusually cheery today. Than her gaze falls on Ana, and I see a flash of something in her eyes, but it’s gone before I can tell what it is.
“Well, don’t you look adorable. You always know how to turn it on when it matters most, don’t you?” I resist the urge to close my eyes and sigh. Adorable, really Sofia?
“I try.” Ana gives her a confident smile.
“Can you also try to keep the boys from getting too dirty or being too loud or eating any sugar or running near the adults? Sam and I will be right back.” Sofia grabs my arm and leads me towards the badminton courts. I glance back at Ana who is herding the boys in the opposite direction.
“I am glad she decided to come today.” Sofia squeezes my arm. “Robin mentioned she had some hesitation.” My stomach sinks as I think about Robin… did he say anything to her?
“Yeah, so legal vs accounting huh?” I say effectively changing the topic.
After laughing a little too hard watching the accounting team get slaughtered by legal, I hear my dad’s voice calling over a megaphone.
“Welcome to the Annual Dalton Enterprises Company Picnic! I hope you’re ready for some good old-fashioned fun! We’ve got everything from giant Jenga to croquet to kickball.. But the highlight of the afternoon will be starting in five minutes… tug-of-war!” I hear a few good natured cheers and my eyes scan the field for Ana.
I see her talking to Robin, her brow furrowed.
“It’s Complex A versus Complex B! If you’re not an employee, pick a side.” My dad drops the megaphone and my eyes are still locked on Ana and Robin as I make my way across the field.
I don’t realize Sofia is behind me until I walk up on Ana and Robin and she is the first one to speak.
“Are you sitting out too, Ana? This game is so filthy and juvenile, I always sunbathe through it.” Sofia looks down at her manicured fingers and walks to the sidelines.
“Ana! You have to be on our team!” Mason shouts as him and Mason jog up to us.
“Yeah! Together we’ll be unstoppable!” Mickey chimes in as he gives Ana a smile. Ana’s eyes look between the boys then rise up to mine.
“We could use the extra hands…” I tell her.
“If Ana doesn’t want to play, she doesn’t have to play.” Robin’s eyes narrow at me.
I bite the urge to call Robin a petulant child.
“I can’t resist a good competition. I’m in!” She flashes a cocky smile at Robin.
“Yeah! Suck it, Uncle Robin!” Mickey jumps in the air and sticks his tongue out at Robin.
“I mean… you’re going down?” His eyes widen.
“We’ll see, kiddo.” Robins eyes soften as he looks down at Mickey, but harden immediately when he looks back at me. “At least we don’t have any distractions on our team.”
“Bring it on.” Ana turns on her heel and we walk towards our side of the rope.
We huddle together with the rest of the people on our team.
“First thing’s first, we need a team name!” Mason takes charge. That’s my boy.
“What about winners?” Ana says.
“Yeah, go winners!” Mason and the rest of the team cheers.
“Enough conferring! It’s time to play!” My dad’s voice booms over the megaphone.
We all line up as my mother explains the rules.
“Boys up front. Ana, you can stand by me.” I give Ana a smile as she stands directly in front of me.
I see Robin glaring daggers at Ana from the opposite side of the rope. My eyes dart back to Ana as I catch her sticking her tongue out at him. What were those two talking about earlier?
“Is that your method of long-distance trash talk?”
“It’s working, isn’t it? Robin’s head isn’t in the game, which means we’ve got this in the bag.” She gives me a confident smile.
“Let’s put that theory to theory to the test.” I give her a smile before she turns around, wrapping her hands around the rope.
My dad starts the pulling match and I lean back, digging in with my heels as the rope goes taught.
“You’’ll have to do better than that!” Ana shouts. You’re a competitive little thing aren’t you.
The boys are urging everyone to pull. I wrap my fingers tighter around the rope and heave and it seems to work, because the other side starts to give.
“That’s it, winners! We’ve got ‘em on the ropes!” I shout.
My eyes are locked on the muscles that are tense on Ana’s back.
“Almost… there!” Her voice rings out.
“We can’t… let them win… look at them!” Robin’s face is angry as he pulls. “Though I guess Ana does have some experience playing dirty.”
My eyes fly to Robin, but his gaze is focused on Ana. She ignores him and continues to pull, until we pull the marker onto our side. The momentum of her pulling causes her to stagger back… and right into my arms.
The smell of jasmine and Ana rush my senses as I squeeze my arms tightly around her, to steady her or hold her close I don’t know anymore. She looks over her shoulder and her emerald eyes meet mine, and for a moment the world fades away.
“…Hi.” A blush creeps up her neck as our eyes linger.
“Hi.” I smile.
Her eyes dart down to my lips as she takes her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes growing dark. I slide my tongue across my lip and I feel her body tense.
“Sam…” She whispers and the sound sends a shockwave through my body.
“Ana, I-“ Fuck, you are in public, and Sofia is here.
“And the winner is- Team Winners!” My dad’s voice booming over the megaphone breaks me from my trance.
“We did it!” Mason and Mickey jump around excitedly. I drop my arms from Ana just in time for Mason and Mickey to tackle me in a hug. My eyes never leave Ana as they wrap their arms around me.
“You did it, boys!” I finally break my gaze to ruffle the twins hair as they cheer.
“We did it, Dad!” Mason looks up at me with a grin.
“Yeah, we couldn’t have beat Uncle Robin without you and Ana!” Mickey looks over to Ana.
“And we couldn’t have done it without you two.” She reaches out and ruffles Mickey’s hair.
God, this just feels so right.
“That’s one way to put it.” Robin. Moment fucking broken.
My eyes fly up to Robin’s who has his eyes narrowed at Ana. I am about to snap when my mother walks up besides us.
“Nobody like a sore loser, Robin. Be a good example for your nephews.”
“Samuel, my big, strong man! I’ve got a wet wipe and a fresh shirt with your name on it.” Sofia walks up and wraps an arm through mine, and pulls me away from the group. I look down at her as she leads towards a tent, her eyes focused.
I stand silently next to my father as we watch everyone start to leave.
“I would call that a success.” He glances over at me.
“I would say so. You and mom should go, let me handle the clean up.” I clap him on the back as my mother walks up to us.
“Are you ready to go Mason, dear?”
“Yes, Viv.” He extends his arm for her to take before turning to me one last time. “Well done today, Sam.”
“Bye, Samuel.” My mother brushes a kiss to my cheek before I watch her and my father walk towards the edge of the park.
With a sigh I grab a few trash bags and begin walking around, picking up loose plates. My eyes fall on Ana and the boys and I make my way over to them.
“I’ll take those.” I hold open the trash bag for Ana and the boys to drop their used plates and napkins in. Ana and I fall into step next to each other as we follow the boys to the edge of the park.
“So, did you have a good time today?” I glance down at her and the sun has left a beautiful glow on her olive skin.
“Well, I missed you.” She says softly, turning her beautiful face towards mine. “I feel like I barely got to see you all day after tug-of-war. But this moment right here, with you? It’s been the best part of my day.”
“The party planning committee will be disappointed to hear it… but it’s my favorite too.” I chuckle, my eyes lingering on hers as I watch the sun reflect off of the little specs of gold amongst the emerald green.
As we round the corner I see Carter waiting at the curb, Robin and Sofia already there besides the car. Why are they always together…?
“Looks like the ride home will be a little crowded tonight.” Ana murmurs.
“Good thing I can get out of it for once, I always stay behind and help the cleaning crew after the picnic. It’s the least I can do to show my appreciation for everything.” I look down at her as our arms brush.
“No ones too good to clean up their own mess, right Dad?” Mason asks as he kicks a rock on the pavement.
“That’s exactly right, little man.” Damn proud.
“But we don’t have to stay… right?” Mickey’s eyes grow wide.
“Not until you’re a little older.” I smile at the look of relief on his face.
The boys climb into the car and I catch Sofia’s eye.
“Yes, honey, very inspiring. See you at home.” She leans in and brushes a kiss against my cheek then follows the boys into the car.
“Ana, are you coming?” Robin asks as his eyes scan Ana’s body.
Ana looks up at me with a question in her eyes.
“You’re welcome to stay and help, if you want. It won’t take long between us and the crew. We usually divide and conquer to cover more ground.” Please stay…
“Sounds like a great way to help out this afternoon.” She meets my eyes with a warm smile, her eyes not hiding her true intentions.
“Sure. Just… remember what I said.” Robin regards Ana with a firm look, before shifting his focus to me, and finally climbing into the backseat of the car.
Ana and I turn around and head back to the picnic area, our arms brushing lightly as we walk in a companionable silence.
“Have you ever been to a big picnic like this before?” The breeze blows through her hair as she looks up at me.
“I have never been to one before. Neither of my parents ever had a company picnic, so this was a first.”
“And? What’s the verdict?”
“I’ll let you know when I have one.” She gives me a coy smile before turning her attention back to the park.
I hand her a trash bag and she begins picking up stacks of paper plates.
“I bet you’ve been to a million of these over the years.”
“You could say that. I was still a kid when we held the first one, but it looked nothing like this. We could practically all fit on one blanket back then.” I smile at the fond memories… we have come a long way since then.
“It’s hard to imagine the company being that small.”
“Yeah, we’ve definitely grown a lot since then. But as much as I sometimes miss how… simple things were back then, we also couldn’t make as big of a difference. We can help so many more people now that we’re bigger.”
“I bet that feels good.”
“It does. And it definitely makes the hard days a little easier.”
“Speaking of, I can’t believe you’re not soaking in a bubble bath right now. You were at the center of all of the activity today.” She glances at me. I want to be in a bubble bath with you.
We bend down to pick up a red solo cup at the same time, our fingers brushing, and a blush spreading across her cheeks as her eyes snap away from mine.
“Sorry.” She says quickly.
“No worries.” I smile at her, but I can sense a change in her mood. “I am pretty tired, but it’s a Dalton family tradition to stay behind with the workers and, well, work. My father always stayed behind, but now that he’s older, the mantle falls on me.”
“You know, Robin mentioned one time that he’s also being considered for CEO… but I can’t really picture him staying behind, even if it’s part of the job description.” What else has Robin told you about my family? Yeah, well, if there is anything I know about Robin is that he does the bare minimum.
“Yeah, well, he probably wouldn’t have to, even if he were CEO. My dad has always held Robin to different standards than me. But at this point, that would only happen if I really, really, messed up.”
She glances around and when I follow her eyes, I realize we are all alone on this side of the park.
“Taking responsibility has never been Robin’s strong suit. Great at making messes though.” I flash her a smile but she seems to be avoiding my gaze. “You’re being awfully quiet over there.”
“Hmm? Oh, I just… have a lot on my mind.” She replies without looking at me. There is definitely something wrong… and fuck I hope it doesn’t have to do with Robin. “Actually, Sam… there’s something I wanted to talk to you about…” Her lips turn down in a frown. Definitely Robin.
“What did Robin do now?”
“Earlier today, he pulled me aside and demanded that I leave you alone…” I stare into her eyes, trying to read the expression on her face.
“What did you say?” Please tell me you didn’t tell him anything…
“I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about… but I don’t think he believed me.”
I let out a deep breath and reach up to rub the knots in my neck. Fuck…
“I’m so sorry I’ve put you in this position, Ana. You shouldn’t have to deal with my brother confronting you like this.” What are you doing to her?
I reach out and cup her cheek and I can see the pain in her eyes.
“Robin seemed pretty sure that at the en dog all of this… I would be the one who ends up hurt.” Fuck Robin, stay out of my business.
“As much as I hate to say it- and as much as I will do everything in my power to prevent it- he’s probably right.” I cringe as the words come out of my mouth. “But Ana, my parents’ expectations, the company politics, Sofia… it all just fades away when I look at you.”
“Sam…” My name rolls off her lips in a whisper.
In that instant, the sprinklers turn on, sending a jetting stream of water onto both of us.
She cries out and leans into me as I wrap my arms around her, trying my best to shield her from the water.
“Okay, seriously, who sets their sprinklers to go off in the middle of the afternoon.” I laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, even though I can’t complain having Ana in my arms.
“Someone who got AM and PM mixed up?” She laughs and the sound brings an even bigger smile to my face.
I lean away from her slightly, my eyes roaming her face as I smooth the hair from her face. She is so beautiful…
“You look beautiful like this… I’ve never seen you wet before.”
“You don’t know that.”
Her words send a shockwave to my cock. I definitely didn’t mean it like that, but fuck am I glad you did.
“That’s not fair. Now that’s all I can think about…” You, wet, in my arms, in our home, in the car… fuck…
“Sam, now you know how I feel.”
“Does this mean you think about me all the time? At night, in bed, alone…?” My voice has dropped to a husky whisper as images of her on her back, naked, and moaning fill my head.
“Yes… touching myself, thinking of you, wondering if you’re turned on because of me.” The huskiness of her voice matches mine as her eyes wander my face and linger on my lips.
Holy fuck, you naughty little thing.
“Always…” I tighten my grip on her waste as her breath catches in her throat.
“Sam… kiss me.”
I was hoping you would say that.
I lean down and capture her perfect pink lips in mine, my hands roam her every curve, trying my hardest to memorize the twists and turns. Our kiss grows in passion as she lets out a moan into my mouth.
I grab her hips, pulling her against my growing desire.
“Ana… what are you doing to me?” I whisper against her mouth… I have never been so out of control in my life as I am when I am around you…
I drop my lips to her jaw, trailing light kisses up to her ear, the smell of Ana, sunshine and jasmine, fills my senses as I taste her sweet skin.
“I can’t seem to control myself around you…” I whisper into her ear.
“Maybe I want you to lose control…” She whispers, her lips lightly grazing mine.
She tangles her fingers into my hair and drags my lips back to hers. I want to lose control with you… My fingers continue their exploration as I graze my fingers over her erect nipples through her shirt, god this wet shirt is doing wonders for you…
“I want nothing more than to lay you down and take you right here, but…” I whisper in her ear as I blaze a trail of kisses down her neck, her body responding to my every touch with soft whimpers and gasps.
“We are still in public… and broad daylight.” Her breathing is erratic as I press my forehead to hers. I close my eyes, and listen to her erratic breathing and feel the rise and fall of her chest.
“Dammit.” I whisper. I lean in and press a soft, slow kiss to her lips before I pull away. My body instantly missing the contact. I grab one of her hands in mine and give it a light squeeze. “You’re going to be the death of me, Ana. Or at least, the death of my reputation.” I take a moment to check my surroundings, fortunately we are still alone.
“…You’re welcome?” Her soft laugh ringing through my ears.
“We should probably get back to cleaning, or we’ll never finish.”
“Oh, I’m desperate to finish, alright.” Her coy smile spreading across her lips.
I smile at her with a shake of my head, her lips red from our kisses and her skin flushed… so damn beautiful…
We make our way out of the line of fire of the sprinklers and continue working, well into the evening. My fingers moving in time with the rise and fall of her curves, remembering the sparks of electricity and the sound of her moans.
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ethvn-torchio · 3 years
Walls Could Talk | Chapter Two
a/n: sorry this chapter took so long! writer’s block is a bitch 😩✌
Summary: Steve and Peggy's search brings them to Paris - where they happen to meet up with an old friend.
Warnings: an intense makeout session/implied sexual content (it’s not smut, i haven’t decided if I’m putting actual smut in this fic)
Wordcount: 1.5k (unedited, also I'm sorry it's so short 🙃)
AO3 | prev chapter | next chapter (coming soon!)
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ᴏᴄᴛ 𝟸𝟿, 𝟷𝟿𝟺𝟿
ᴏxғᴏʀᴅ, ᴇɴɢʟᴀɴᴅ
Steve wakes up in a cold sweat, bolting upright in bed. Was he still dreaming? Was this...was this real?
He gazes at Peggy - to make sure she was there, that all of this wasn't a mere fantasy, who begins to stir.
So, not a dream then, at least. His heart is racing, his mind buzzing and yet still confused and his breathing erratic. She's speaking to him, saying something, and he isn't quite listening, his heart thundering his ears. Adrenaline surges through his veins.
“I’m...I’m sorry, Peg. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispers. His pulse was still racing.
Lightning illuminates the room for a split second and he can see the sympathy in her eyes.
"It's quite alright, Darling. Will you tell me what's wrong?" She asks, trailing her fingers through his hair.
"I...I don't- I don't remember much," he admits. "It was just...some stuff from the past...or, future..." he could almost laugh at that if he was in a better mood.
She nods sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
He drinks in her appearance, nodding slightly. He presses his lips against hers softly.
He kisses her, gently and imploringly at first.
His one hand softly trails down her back, and he notices her sharp intake of breath when his hand ghosts over her lower back.
"This hurt?" he asks.
She nods stiffly. "I do believe I forgot to tell you with everything that happened tonight. I had a bit of a scuffle in the restroom with a Hydra agent. She slammed me against the sink," Peggy explains.
An idea forms in Steve's head; a single minded goal to make her forget.
He would make the only thing on her mind be him.
Wordlessly, he smiles and dips his head towards her neck, brushing his lips against it. His teeth graze against a sensitive spot on her neck and she makes a soft "Oh,"
His hands go to rest against either of her thighs. He pulls back, pupils blown.
“Steve,” she whispers. She lifts her hips in a silent invitation.
He leans down to kiss her, his lips against hers, and she's already breathless. He doesn't want to rush things, but he can't resist her.
Her hand slides down his back, and she lets out a soft moan against his mouth. His hands trail up her shirt, he can feel the goosebumps on her skin. He kisses her neck, and she can feel his hot breath against her skin.
"God, you're so beautiful. I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," she replies.
He pulls her in for a desperate kiss once again, pulling her close.
The rain came and went, and with it sunshine followed.
“Peggy. Peggy, wake up,” is the first thing Peggy is greeted with in the morning.
Peggy groans, rolling over in an effort to ignore him. “No, not now,” she mutters, burying her face in the pillow.
Peggy feels weight on the bed as Steve sits down next to her. She tries in vain to ignore him.
"Oh, c'mon now, Peg. It's a new day, it's time to get up," he says.
“You are far too cheerful considering how early it is,” Peggy complains, shielding her eyes from the light pouring in from the blinds.
“...Peggy, it’s eleven in the morning.”
Peggy groans, glancing at the clock as if to make sure he’s right. “Point withstanding, you’re still too cheerful.”
“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Steve teases, narrowly missing a pillow flung haphazardly at him.
“Do shut up, Steve.”
He snickers.
Peggy yawns, stretching her sleep-infused joints. "Where are we going, again?"
"Word is our target's in Paris,” Steve replies. “Or at the very least, someone important is.”
Peggy hums, sitting up. The blanket wrapped around her falls off, revealing her bruised back.
"Jesus, Peg. Have you seen your back? That looks like it hurts," Steve notes.
"Yes, thank you for that insightful observation."
"I just mean- do you want ice or something?"
Peggy shrugs nonchalantly. "It doesn’t quite hurt. I can deal with it, I’ve faced worse."
“To be fair, you are the woman who fell asleep standing up in a trench.”
“Exactly,” Peggy winks. She stands up, beginning to sift through her suitcase. “So tell me, Steve. When’s our train leaving?”
ᴘᴀʀɪs, ғʀᴀɴᴄᴇ
A few hours later, they arrive at their dingy, rundown hotel just outside of Paris. The lobby smells like bleach and old carpet, and a radio plays a somber, mellow jazz tune.
Peggy clears her throat, waiting for the receptionist to acknowledge them.
The receptionist does not, however, care to notice.
“Can we have a room, please?” Peggy asks the woman at the front desk.
The woman hardly looks up from her magazine. “Name?”
“Carver,” Peggy answers automatically before Steve can.
The receptionist takes a long, seemingly never ending sip of her tea. Finally, she says. “Take the elevator to the third room, first one on the left. Here’s your key,” the woman says, sounding as disinterested as she possibly can. “Enjoy your stay,” she adds dryly.
Peggy eyes her warily. There was something a bit...off, about that woman.
Perhaps it was just her imagination.
They make their way to the elevator, and Steve finally breaks the silence. “So...is it just me or was there something weird about her? I mean, she could’ve just been a disgruntled employee, but…” he trails off, scratching the back of his neck.
Peggy hums. “No, I happen to agree. Though, perhaps we were just inconveniencing her by making her do her job.”
The smile fades from her face. “Stop,” Peggy whispers. She tilts her head toward the door, which was ajar. She clutches her gun in her purse.
Steve snorts. “Maybe,”
She laughs right along with him, but she pauses abruptly outside their door.
It could be the maid...but they haven’t even gotten into the room once.
Silently, the two stalk toward the door. The smell of smoke escapes from the room when Steve nudges the door open.
Which, in both of their experiences, usually did not happen to be a good thing.
In the chair in the corner, there sat...
Howard Stark.
A collective groan escapes the couple.
“Howard, must you break into our hotel room?” Peggy scolds, turning on the light.
“We thought you were an intruder.” Steve adds.
Howard smirks, taking a long drag of his cigar. “Technically, I am. But don’t you kids worry - I bring a peace offering. By peace offering, I mean I’m inviting you to stay in my Paris apartment instead of this dump,” Howard gestures loosely. “I mean, I don’t think this building even has heat.”
Steve shrugs. “Wouldn’t it be better to stay somewhere inconspicuous?”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Peggy agrees, her arms crossed.
Howard sniffs. “Okay, fine, don’t accept my extremely generous offer to let you stay at my apartment. I know when I’m not wanted. Just know I’ll remember that in the summer when you want to come over because I have air conditioning and you don’t.”
Peggy rolls her eyes. “Quit the melodramatics, Howard. We’ll stay with you,”
Steve wraps an arm around her. “Yeah, we- wait, we will?”
“...What? This building doesn’t have heat, and quite frankly I enjoy summer visits to Howard’s house.”
“Attagirl, Peg.” Howard beams. “I’ll meet you two in the lobby,”
Later, the trio eats lunch at Howard’s apartment.
"-you are not funny, Howard." Peggy informs him, pointing at him with her fork. "You could've at least feigned innocence."
"Innocent? If you looked up "innocent' in the dictionary, you'd see my picture on it," Howard says defensively.
Peggy snorts at that. "Oh, please, Howard. With your history you could easily father a small country,"
Howard grimaces. "Eugh, kids hate me. Plus, who has time to tend to a baby all the time? I mean sure, kids probably aren't annoying when they're...late teenagers? But for most of their lives, kids just seem so clingy and needy."
Steve picks at his plate absentmindedly, reminded of a conversation he had with Tony.
"Clearly, you must've met a different version of my father. He was cold. He was calculating. He never told me he loved me, he never even told me he liked me."
The sound of Peggy’s voice brings him back to reality. "...That's because they're children, Howard. Babies aren't self-sufficient from birth. Do you expect them to come out of the womb ready for rocket science?"
"Well, thank you for absolutely shattering my argument, Agent Carter." Howard mutters, downing his coffee. Deciding to change the subject in order to deflect attention off of himself, he says, "Steve, you still with us?"
Steve snaps to attention. "I, uh, yeah. I was just daydreaming, I guess."
Peggy makes a mental note to ask Steve about that later.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Howard asks.
Steve shrugs noncommittally, continuing to eat with much less gusto than before. "Just thinking about our mission,”
Peggy eyes him carefully, choosing to say nothing but clearly knowing something was wrong. In due time, she would ask.
In due time hopefully meant whenever Howard left the room.
lmao so like i was listening to a bunch of james bond songs bc they’re dramatic and spy-ey right (cough cough tho a song that fits the general tone of the fic would be "the world is not enough" by garbage)?? and then there’s absolutely none of that in this chapter lmao. sorry if this chapter was boring compared to last one but i mean we can’t have constant action in the fic, silly goose. 
also can we talk about how it took me like 8 DAYS TO WRITE THIS and it’s this short i’m sorry ajsjdfkgjjklk 😶✌
taglist (dm me if you’d like to be added!):
everything taglist: @return-of-the-simp​ @thereblogcrusader @stillmourningtonystark ​
walls could talk taglist: @deedepee​ @rizwritesfandom​ (extra thanks to riz for helping me when i was struggling with being descriptive u a real one) @mcu-academy​​
If you enjoyed, please rb/leave a comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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ba-cute · 4 years
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Part 2
1980 Words
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape and the typical Criminal Minds stuff
It didn’t take the team long to come in after your little talk with Hotch. They all came walking in, looking pretty deflated, since they knew they had no new clues on the case. But then Spencer came, almost running into the Meeting Room. „Guys I had an idea..“ And he started rambling about the new connection he made. With that new revelation it didn’t take you long to solve the case and give the name to all the police officers on the street and not long after that one of the patrolling police caught him as he was trying to leave the town. So your Job was done and the team made its way back to the jet and back to Quantico. You all were on the jet babbling excited.
„Okay so we’re definitely going to get black out drunk tonight right?“ Morgan asked the team. „Oh you bet we are.“ you said leaning back in your seat and rubbing your hands over your face. „You know what Girls want.“ you added smirking at Morgan who blew you a kiss. The rest of the team just joined in with their excitement about going out for the night. They didn’t even say anything about your exchange with Morgan. You two were always bantering like that. You were thankful for Morgan. He was always lighting up your mood with those little interactions. „Yes. Margaritas all night.“ Penelope chimed in from the laptop she was on and you all laughed.
But first you had to finish your reports at the office. So before going out you all had to go back and do the paperwork. So here you were right now. Putting the finishing touches on your report. „Aaaaaand done.“ You said as you put the papers down with a thud onto your desk. The rest of the team also being in the last rounds of their paperwork. So you all packed up your stuff and made your way towards the elevator with the rest of your team. Well not the whole rest. Hotch was still in his office as well as Rossi. „Wait guys I’ll ask Rossi if he wants to join.“ you were turning around and making your way back, when you heard Emily shout. „Yeah oh and Hotch is also still there. Ask him too.“ you froze for a second. Yeah Hotch right. Just ask him if he wants to join. I mean what could be better than having the reason why you wanted to get black out drunk sitting right next to you while you were getting black out drunk. Yeah nothing. Right? Right?
You knocked on Rossi’s door first. Hoping that maybe he was so scared of your knocking that he would shoot you and you wouldn’t have to ask Hotch about joining you at the bar. But of course. That didn’t happen. Great. Rossi was at his desk reading through some files as you opened his door. „Hey Rossi, we want to grab a few beers tonight. Wanna join?“ you asked your hand still on the door knob. „Yeah sure.“ He smiled at you. „Just text me when and where.“ he looked back down at his files. „Cool.“ you said. Your hand not moving away from the doorknob. „Is there something else?“ he looked up at you. Concern flashing in his kind eyes. ‚yeah can you shoot me so I don’t have to talk to Hotch?‘ No Y/N just handle this like an adult. „No. Sorry everything’s fine“ you gave him a small smile. „See you later“ you said as you closed the door behind you. You turned around stopping at Hotchs door. You knocked very lightly. Hoping he wouldn’t notice. Then you could just say that he didn’t answer. But again. No luck. You heard him say „come in“ as you were about to run away, jumping over the desks to get as much distance between the two of you, as possible. Hesitantly you opened the door. He didn’t even look up, when you entered. Only focusing on his laptop. „Aar..I mean Hotch. Uhm. The team wants to grab some drinks tonight. I just wanted to know if you want to join?“ He didn’t even look at you. „Uhm yeah I just have to finish a few more papers. I’ll join you later.“ „Okay cool. See you later then.“ You said as you already left his office. You knew if you stayed longer he would try to talk about your relationship and you were passionate to delay that as long as possible. As you closed the door quickly you sighed and made your way to the elevator wanting to drown out all those feelings that were making their way back up right now. ---
To say you had a hangover was an understatement. You were having a near death experience. Seriously. Your head was pounding. Your stomach was protesting and you felt like the whole world was still turning faster than ever. Being on the Jet, already on the way to a new case, didn’t help.
/You were really having a fun time at the bar. Until Hotch joined the group. Than you seriously just wanted to drown every last thought that might make it’s way to the surface with alcohol./ /So you challenged Emily to a drinking contest and that didn’t end well. When you were about to get the next round of shots a good-looking man at the bar started talking to you. You didn’t remember what the two of you talked about before he asked if you wanted to get out./
„I know we all went a little overboard last night.“ Hotch said. Pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to get rid of his pounding headache. When you left the bar with that wanna be, he may have had a drink or two too much. Which he definitely regretted now. „But we have to focus on this new unsub. No our time at the bar.“ „YN definitely had the most fun last night.“ Derek said. You had your head against the headrest. Eyes closed but you could literally feel the smug smile on his face. Oh if he only knew.. you thought. „Shut up. Asshead.“ you just groaned. But he wouldn’t drop the topic. „Bet you weren’t sleeping in the few hours that were left between the bar and now.“ Emily and JJ chuckled at that comment. „Can we please drop that topic now?“ You switched your position dropping your head into your crossed arms that were laying on the table. „What was it that bad?“ Emily asked with a scoff. You sighed. „Okay you know what. The only thing I'll tell you is that it didn't go the way you might think. There was no sex, okay?“ your words were muffled from your head still laying in your arms. You wanted to drop that topic. Especially with Hotch sitting in hearing distance and especially especially because of what really happened with Carter? Chris? Caleb? You seriously had no idea. Man you really were black out drunk. „Wait.. but. You left the bar three hours before we took of? What did you do in those three hours? Longest foreplay in the world?“ Derek started again. Gosh. That stupid little ass face couldn’t stop digging. Could you shoot him? Right here? Maybe just in the leg so he would stop talking? The tips of your ears started to get red at the thought of the probably most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you. You sighed sitting up and looking at Derek. Emily, who sat on the opposite side of the table and JJ, who was sitting next to you, also leaned in. „Come on.“ Emily said pleadingly „We won’t tell anyone.“ „Yeah“ jj said chiming in. You rubbed your temples trying to stop the headache from getting worse. You looked at the others on the plane. Rossi and Reid were playing chess at the other table. Hotch was sitting next to Reid, reading the case files. „Okay“ you said looking back at Derek. „But you have to swear you won’t tease me with it or ask further questions.“ you held your pinky out at him and he intertwined his pinky with yours. „Okay deal.“ You heaved a sigh. „Okay. Gosh that’s so embarrassing. So we were at his flat. Making out. You know. Hot and heavy. And we made it to his bedroom. We were taking off our clothes. And he started kissing down my body. And when he went to work. You know. Down there. I... oh god that’s so embarrassing. I moaned the wrong name.“ Derek looked at you as if you just gave him the best present ever. His eyes were wide open sparkling like a kids eyes on Christmas Eve, ahis much almost dropping to the floor. „No way.“ he exclaimed and started to laugh. You looked away from Morgen, embarrassed, and for a split second you made Eye Contact with Hotch and you could swear you saw a small smile crossing his features. That shithead. „So know you know it and we promised to never talk about it again.“ You slumped back again in your seat. Covering your eyes with your hands. ___ You landed shortly after that little conversation at LA. You kind of liked being back in LA. You studied here, having a lot of great memories to this place. It almost felt like a second home to you. The people and the general vibe here really had a special place in your heart. Right after landing the team made their way to the police station to get the case briefing. The officer only gave Hotch a small overview of the case on the phone. The team didn’t really have much time before jumping onto the jet. So you had very little information until then. Sheriff Terra Jackson was the one that filled you in. „So we don’t really know much about this unsub. He is changing his pattern so quickly. All of his 5 victims were killed differently.“ She started. „How do you know it is the same killer then?“ Morgan asked, leaning forward on the table. She nervously looked at you for a second. „They have a lot in common“. All of you gasped a little, when she showed you the pictures of the victims. They could easily be your sisters. All of them had Y/H/C Hair an Y/E/C Eyes. Some of them even having really similar facial features to yours. The team was still silent all of them , you including, trying to make put some differences in them, so that no one hat to believe what they were seeing. „The obvious similarities aren’t the only connection. They were all studying her in LA. Not all at the same university but all majoring in Psychology.“ That was it. That was the last info they needed. Those weren’t only girls that looked like you. They were almost exit copies of you. Even studying the same thing as you. The room was awfully silent after Sheriff Jackson stopped talking. „How were they killed“ you were the first one that started talking again. „All of them were shot straight in the head. Their wrists and ankles showing signs of rope burn, meaning they were tied to a chair before they were killed. And“ she stopped talking for a second. „All of them were raped before they were shot. The words ‚come back‘ carved into their arms. Originally we thought it was a sign of remorse, but now“ she looked at you „I think it’s more of a message.“
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anthonyed · 4 years
Finding Bucky : stevetony for @stonyweek day 1, universe:mcu (Ao3)
They win the battle. They lose the tesseract.
“I was having a heart attack,” Tony points out when Fury glares. “What’s his excuse?”
Captain America stands, head hung and silent, he looks far away from this world, stripped off of his title and for the first time, he looks like a Steve Rogers.
Tony pointedly looks away, something coiling akin to guilt in his gut and he chases that away. “What’s the plan?” He asks Fury.
“For you people? Nothing,” Fury spits. “SHIELD will handle this from now on. You can help with the clean up.”
“Not a janitor,” Tony takes his leave, marching out of the office and he soothes at the loud slam of the door at his departure.
He taps away an assuring text to Pepper and Rhodey each, steps into the elevator blindly and right before the door closes, someone catches him by his shoulder and he startles so badly that his chest aches, reminding him of how fresh the attack was.
“Mr Stark,” Rogers starts, looking harried yet sounding composed. “I need to look at the surveillance footage.”
“I thought we did. Six times and they’re still running it somewhere in here for SHIELD cretins to catch what we didn’t. So you can go join them.” Tony rattles off dryly, rubbing his chest with one hand while he jabs the button for lobby with the other.
Rogers doesn’t bother, making it clear that he’s only in here because he wanted to corner Tony. “Do you have another copy?” He asks, glancing at the shifting numbers as the elevator moves and he turns to Tony urgently, “The other me. He said something and I -,” he pauses, blue eyes bright and searching and Tony tries hard not to blink, as surprised as he is by this new information.
“You said he was taunting you.”
Rogers looks sick for a second, jaw working tightly and he mutters low, “I may not have told everything.”
Tony blinks. Well, will you look at that, “Captain America; the paradigm of virtue. Did you just admit to lying?”
The elevator pings. Tony steps out, the prickling in his chest now a growing burning sensation, travelling from gut up to his mouth and he swallows with a shudder.
“Are you coming or not?” He glances over his shoulder. Rogers barely hides his surprise before he follows.
Tony’s body demands medical attention and vasodilators with an extended leave from physical duty but the six years old Captain America fan in his head is thriving from this attention. He might as well risk another attack if he could be of use for Cap.
“You sure about this?” Steve asks, two months after the New York battle. He desperately needs a stylist, Tony keeps telling him. But the man is stubborn and irrationally fond of dull checkered shirts that make Tony run in the other direction.
Maybe that’s why I wear them, Steve had shrugged casually, when Tony asked him about it and that’s when it properly cemented in Tony’s brain that Steve Rogers is not that much of a stick in the mud. Guy can joke too, apart from looking like the pinnacle of perfection. Not Fair.
Two months later, they’re what Tony begrudgingly (and Steve, with fond exasperation) admits are friends and that’s that.
“I don’t trust them.” Tony murmurs, tapping away at codes, infiltrating yet another layer of security in the SHIELD’s dark system. That’s what he dubs it based on its unusuality and how discretely it was hidden. At least, before Tony spotted the layers and started digging.
“What does that have to do with Bucky?” Steve asks from where he’s sat on the couch, flicking the top end of his New York Times to look at Tony.
Tony minimises the window and pulls out another, zooms it out and crooks a finger at Steve, calling him in.
“Look at this,” he says, pointing at the virtual webs of connection he’d spun out of all the datas he’d gathered. “All these people. I know SHIELD is not squeaky clean but some of their connections are concerning. This one,” he jabs at Senator Stern.
“Tried to take away my suit two years ago. Wanted to make it government property to ensure safety. Personally, I think the government gives shit about people’s safety so I dug up and found he’s had a standing appointment with Obadiah Stane before his passing. Had a few before and one of it was about the secret project Stane had brewing in SI’s basement; trying to replicate the Iron Man armour. They fixed a deal under the table. No government overlooking it.” Tony sinks back in his chair, arms across his chest and surprise flicks across his face when Steve holds out a water bottle for him.
“Thanks,” he says dubiously, screwing open the cap. Steve grunts distractedly, eyes dancing across the screen, studying all the details. He waits until Tony’s done drinking to ask, “What’s that?” He points at a different folder, on a different window. Tony sits up, holding out the bottle which Steve silently accepts and he taps on that folder. “An algorithm,” he states.
“For what?”
“That,” Tony leans back, taking in the list for the umpteenth time. “I’m still trying to figure out.”
He follows pages as Steve scrolls down, stopping at the end and he takes a step back, standing next to Tony. “All the Avengers are in there.”
“As well as a disturbing number of children.”
Six months after the New York Battle, Tony gets a call from Fury which he promptly dismisses. And another and another and - “Mute.”
He asks Jarvis for his email folder and finds a bunch from [email protected]. He clicks on the latest one and it’s a clipped paragraph demanding him to consider a proposition. He clicks on the attached folder and it’s the Hellicarrier’s engineering plan with its flight system replaced by what looks like a resized repulsor tech. Tony stares at it for a minute before exiting.
“Tell Happy I’m on my way, J.”
He brings it up to Steve, over fish chips in the heart of London and he regrets their pick.
“Should have known to not trust the brochure,” he sighs, giving up on the fries that are too limp to be saved.
“I’m hungry,” Steve mumbles, shoveling another forkful of the equally limp fillet and Tony makes a face at that. “Had worse,” Steve grins.
“Not on my watch,” Tony grumbles.
“So what did you say?” Steve asks, leaning back in his chair once he’s done demolishing both of their orders.
“To what?” Tony hums, scrolling up his inbox and shooting a quick reply to Pepper.
There’s a part of him that shrivels when he thinks about her while sitting with Steve, across the ocean. It’s been like that lately. Ever since she walked in on them playing FIFA one evening and quietly reminded Tony that it was supposed to be their date night before she turned away, leaving Tony hugging a pillow to sleep.
“To Hill.” Steve says, “Come on, let’s go.” he catches Tony by his elbow and pulls him towards the exit, Tony’s coat is already in one hand as he holds the door open with the other.
“We haven’t paid,” Tony tells him, louder when the outside air hits and his voice gets drowned by London traffic.
The door snaps close with a jingle and Steve hops down onto the pavement with a grin, “I did,” he tugs urgently.
“Slow down, eager beaver. She’s not running away. In fact, I don’t think she physic-,”
“Please don’t complete that sentence.” Steve warns lightly.
Tony shuts up, puts up his hands in apology and chuckles when Steve shakes his head.
It’s barely a walk to their destination. Steve stops by at one of the fruit stalls to buy some apples and oranges and,
“They’re yours. You didn’t eat your lunch,” Steve hands the box to him, and a bottle of water. “Wash them first.”
Tony wrinkles his nose, “The hassle… I much prefer bananas,” he sniffs, pouring the water over the berries and he shakes them a little.
“C’mere,” Steve snags them. He holds out the other fruits wordlessly and Tony takes them, watching him march towards the vendor again and for the love of God, he purchases bananas just because Tony asked.
“You’re scary,” Tony tells him when Steve demands he finishes both blueberries and a banana before their journey ends.
Peggy Carter is lucid. Sometimes, not so. But she recognizes Tony and twists his ear for missing her birthday.
“I was busy pulling out your Steve,” Tony lies. He doesn’t say he was flying a nuke into the space and almost died from a heart attack that day.
She forgives him for Steve. He leaves them be for an hour and a half before Steve peeks out of the door and says she’s asking for him.
“Your father and I founded SHIELD,” she tells them, wrinkled hand in Steve’s careful grasp and she looks adrift as she recalls. “Colonel Phillips was in it because the government needed an insight and what was better than the entire military.”
Tony suspects Steve must have brought up their private little investigation, and he’s miffed, but he nods along.
“We made a lot of adjustments along the way. A lot of compromises,” and she pauses, placing another hand over Steve’s. “Some of them, you wouldn’t approve, but Howard had his reasons.”
Tony’s breath stutters. Starks seem to fuck up through the history. “It must be the gene,” he mutters blithely.
Peggy turns to look at him and she blinks. Something shifts in her eyes and the next second, she’s slapping him hard across the face.
“Ow,” Tony cries.
Steve splutters their names, grabbing onto Peggy’s hands and he asks concernedly if Tony’s okay.
“Tough smack right there, Auntie,” Tony grins.
“Steve Rogers dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the SSR and to this country. Not to your bank account.” Peggy snarls, her shaky voice breaking in anger even as she holds composed under Steve’s hands.
Tony stares at her, unblinking. “Peggy?” he calls faintly, blood sizzling up his veins, and he clenches his fists, sitting straight in his chair. “Peggy, it’s me. Tony.”
But Peggy Carter is lost. Somewhere between old memories and contained anger, and she sniffles, “I will not let you replicate the serum.”
No. He sends to Hill.
No. He receives from Pepper when he asks if she wants to go on an impromptu vacation with him.
No. He tells her when she asks if he’ll ever put down the armour.
No, he tells her when she asks if he wants to have a kid one day.
“White picket fence is a fairytale, babe. Howard fucked me over seven ways to hell. I wouldn’t be a good father or a husband.”
“You have potential,” she murmurs, brushing his hair back, manicured nails scraping soothingly over his scalp and Tony sighs. He leans back into her and she secures her hold around him. “I love you, you know that?” She asks softly.
“Love you too,” he breathes, sinking into the mattress and the pillow and he’s so warm and safe, he’s tipping out of consciousness.
“I know,” she says, one arm around Tony’s midriff tightening before it loosens. “It’s not working is it?”
Tony stops breathing. Pepper’s fingers don’t, sticking to their rhythm and she’s so strong, she’s lending her strength for him. She presses a kiss over his head and she tells him gently, “We’re not working.”
“We want different things,” Tony works his mouth. Sleep lost to nerves and the cruel ache in his heart.
She says, “I want a kid, or two. I want a family. I want to settle down when I’m forty.”
“I want to save the world,” says Tony.
Tony stares at the text, Saturday morning bright as the Sun beams from over the adjacent building. Rays spilling in rainbows over the white tiles of his living room as he sits gloomily at the dining table.
Did you find out?
He discards his half-written reply, taps back, eyes catching Fury’s 21 unreplied texts and voice messages and he ignores them all.
“Call Rhodey.”
The dial tone goes; on and on and on and -
“Can you come over?”
A short pause, and then, “I’m not in the States, Tony.”
Tony taps twice over the table; two fingers up and down and up and down, a little over the edge and he says, “They were murdered.”
“Howard.” Tony stops. “Mom and him. They were murdered. It wasn’t a car crash.”
There’s a beat of silence down the line. Longer than before. Strenuous and Tony can hear when Rhodey pulls in a breath.
“How did you find out?”
Long story is, he started looking into super serum replication. Found the connection between Peggy’s accusation and his dear old father and Tony latched onto until the report ended at Howard Stark’s successful experimentation in 1991. He dug deeper and he recovered filth.
Short story is, “I hacked into SHIELD’s server.”
There’s an exasperated sigh on the other end but Rhodey doesn’t follow through. “I’m sorry,” he says instead. There’s a slight hesitation and he adds, “I’ll be over next weekend.”
“You don’t have to,” Tony says. “I’m fine.”
“Like hell you are.”
The truth is, Tony cannot hold it in until next weekend.
He calls Steve.
“How did you find him?” Steve asks, half in awe, half in agony.
“Easy,” Tony says, pulling out the file JARVIS has picked up for him. “When you dig at the right spot, you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
He takes a step back and watches every flicker of emotions that flit across Steve’s face; from relief to horror to determination.
“They brainwashed him,” Tony briefs, “Electric shocks to meddle with his memories and they groomed him to be their weapon.”
“He doesn’t look a year old,” Steve sounds faint, sick to his bone, and he shakes minutely when he reaches to touch the image. “I went back. I swear. I went back.”
“I’m sorry,” Tony says. He is. Truthfully, he is. But it’s largely polluted by his boiling rage. The need for retribution.
He grips onto the logical part of his brain and he turns away. Dum-E nudges his elbow, holding out a wrench and Tony is not working on anything that needs it but he grabs it for the desperate need to ground himself. Channel all the vengeance into the metal and he’ll fling it later; hard and swift and it’ll break all of his glass panels and he’ll be satisfied for a bit.
“How did you find him?” Steve asks, rough edged and unaware.
“I was looking for my parents’ murderer,” Tony tells him.
There’s a period between Steve’s departure and Rhodey’s arrival that Tony feels slightly unhinged. Prone to stupidity more than usual and he refuses to call Pepper because she deserves better.
They just parted, he knows she loves him, and he knows he loves her. But he’s too fragile for her. If she touches him, he’ll shatter and she’ll break her skin and bones trying to hold him. He told Steve to leave - “I need some time to digest this” - and he waits for Rhodey to arrive to get drunk on whiskey, rum and too much skittles.
They puke rainbow the next morning.
“I’m never doing this,” Rhodey swears, but he’d broken that over ten times going steady. Tony grunts at him and wipes his face. They have brunch in front of the TV and Tony grunts from his hangover headache, “I think I have feelings for Steve.”
Rhodey chokes on orange juice, spits it all over the coffee table and Tony groans in disgust. “Exactly,” Rhodey says. “You’re emoting what I feel.”
He piles plies over plies of tissues over the spill and turns to Tony. “You’re serious.”
“Don’t,” Tony says. He doesn’t know where he’s going with that. He sighs. “I guess.”
Rhodey chews on his cronut thoughtfully and makes a face. He switches the cronut with a strawberry sprinkled donut and asks, “Does he know?”
“No!” Tony seizes, his own big bite of the chocolate sprinkled suddenly dry and lumpy in his esophagus. He swallows painfully and shrugs, “I don’t know? I didn’t tell him.”
“Are you going to?” Rhodey asks, not missing a beat.
“I don’t know,” Tony snaps. “What is this? Make Tony feel bad Sunday?”
Rhodey flicks a sprinkle at his face. “You brought it up first,” he says, facing back the TV, and he switches the channel. “I was trying to enjoy my hangover donuts in peace and you ruined it.”
Tony grumbles something under his breath but otherwise he lets it go.
“Let me know if I have to give a shovel talk,” Rhodey says conversationally, stepping into his War Machine armour.
Tony punches his fists into his pants’ pockets and leans against the rail, “Not happening,” he tells him.
“Don’t drink without me.” The helmet closes, the eye slits come to life.
Tony grins at him. “I thought it’s not happening again.”
“It’s not,” comes the mechanical voice. Rhodey takes a step closer and ruffles his hair with a gauntleted hand.
Tony swats at it, hurting himself more than the other and he hisses, glaring at the mechanically cackling Rhodey.
“Take care.” Rhodey says before he shoots up into the night sky, like a blinding star, growing further and further out of reach and Tony whispers a thank you after him.
Two days later, someone disengaged JARVIS and tried to break in.
“They must have found out about my SHIELD servers’ break ins,” Tony groans, scrubbing his face as he paces.
JARVIS had sent out a help signal to Steve’s phone before he was shut down. Tony was awake during the attempt so he managed to not only stop it but garner evidence in the process as well.
“Do not come,” he tells Steve over the phone. “They don’t know your involvement. Let’s keep it that way.”
Thirty minutes later, Steve’s in the elevator.
“Let him in,” Tony permits weakly. The door opens, and Steve walks in, calm and composed. His eyes however are a whirlwind of storms brewing up an apocalypse.
They study Tony from head to toe and all over until satisfied, and he nods, “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” Tony exhales, turning towards the kitchen. “There’s no need for you to come.” He fetches a glass and fills it with water, holding it out for Steve. Once taken, he fetches another and repeats the process, draining the content in a second. Steve offers his for taking and Tony chugs that down too.
“How are you?” Steve asks.
Tony leaves the glasses in the sink and moves to the living room. “I’m fine. Startled. But, fine.” He insists. “Are you staying over?” There’s a lilt to his question, an accidental giveaway; hopeful.
“Yes,” Steve says. Period. No place for arguments and it’s definite. I’m staying. Whether or not you like it.
Tony glances at him over a shoulder, “You know where your room is. I’ve got some work to do, I’ll be in the shop.”
Steve follows him instead. Sits on the couch and reads a book while Tony does his work. When the Sun comes up, he excuses himself to freshen up and make breakfast. When he returns, Tony’s face down on the couch, drooling into Steve’s jacket.
Steve stays.
“I’m not running a free bed-and-breakfast,” Tony tells him on day seven.
“Nope,” Steve agrees. “It’s bed, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks,” he crunches pointedly on the Cheetos. Tony glares at him.
The alarm blares. The lights shut down. JARVIS is unreachable again. Tony’s insides clamp down painfully and he shoves the sickening feel away to retrieve him.
Before he could move, he’s shoved down hard behind the couch and something shatters in the near distance. Once, twice and then several times.  
He grappled for Steve but couldn’t find him. He tries not to worry about JARVIS, confident he’ll find his own way back but -
“Steve,” he hisses into the darkness, temporarily blinded and he’s shivering from fright. His entire core is shut down; from electricity to the armour’s response signal. He feels as naked and vulnerable as he was in that cave in Afghanistan but this time, it’s in his own home.  
“Steve?” he calls again, crawling blindly. Something breaks the window and lands next to him and hits his toe. Barely a time to react, and he’s flung across the room and he only remembers a clean thud to his skull before he blacks out.
He wakes up with JARVIS’s name on the tip of his tongue and an irritating beeping sound surrounding him. He swats at it. Someone catches his hand.
“He’s fine,” They say. It’s Steve. “Natasha fixed him.”
Tony probably scrapes his throat trying to swallow dryly and rasps out, “He doesn’t need fixing.”
“Of course,” Steve hums, holding out a glass of water and Tony struggles to take; hand shaking like a leaf. He curses and Steve stands, tipping the glass closer to his mouth, placing the end of the straw in between his lips and he casually confesses, “I thought I’d lost you,” while Tony sips.
“Thought I killed you with my own hand.”
“There was,” Tony pauses to cough, “A grenade,” he finishes exhaustedly.
“I threw you across the room,” Steve informs in that same disconnected voice. Tony catches his free hand and gives it a squeeze, albeit weakly. Steve’s hand starts to shake.
“How long?” Tony asks.
“Two days,” Steve exhales, his head falls, forehead hits the edge of the bed and there’s a shiver that wrecks through his spine as he holds onto Tony’s hand through it. “Fuck,” he swears airily.
Tony shifts a little so he could card his other fingers through Steve’s hair and pets him idly.
“It’s him, wasn’t it?” He asks.
Steve nods, “We caught him.”
Turns out, Fury had Tony tracked without his consent and Natasha was strategically there to shoot Bucky Barnes in the abdomen. Two bullets through and through; both in the right hypogastric region and Steve got there just in time to knock him unconscious.
“Sorry, I don’t really know where to keep him,” Steve says abashedly, explaining why Bucky Barnes is now in the tower in Hulk’s containment, being treated by Bruce and Helen Cho.
“Where else would he go?” Tony shrugs, adjusting the strap holding his broken left arm for the nth time. When he looks up, Steve’s staring at him with some skin to bewilderment and fondness. He doesn’t know where he falls in between those two emotions so he huffs disgruntledly and tugs again at the strap. “I hate this.”
“Leave it be,” Steve’s voice is soft, his fingers gentle when they pry away Tony’s. “I know what you’re doing,” he tells him.
“What?” Tony scoffs.
Steve’s eyes are a brilliant shade of blue and they stay fixed on his as he fixes the strap, Tony’s collar and he says, “Sometimes when I look at you, what I feel shows and everytime you catch that instance, you look away. You change topics or you do something absurd to burst the moment. Either you choose to pretend that you don’t know how I feel for you or you don’t feel the same so you’re trying to be polite for my sake.”
Tony’s throat runs dry. This time, he can’t look away. Try as he might, his breath catches and his heart stutters. “The former,” he confirms shamefully.  
Steve’s hand over his chest stills, plastered over his breastbone, fingers tickling the edge of his collar and he asks, “Why?”
“Because I’m terrified of the idea that if I tell you how I feel, you will reject me.” Tony pauses. And then, because he’s got nothing else to lose, he adds, “There’s also the fact that you deserve so much better than me.”
Steve swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing along his throat and Tony glances at it distractedly, promptly snapping back to the sea of blue; now bleeding black, inside out.
“What if I want you?” Steve licks his lips.
Tony follows that motion, eyes zeroing in on there. Longing and lust all melting into something warm and thick and he rasps, “Then you have me.”
“This is so not how I imagined it.” Tony pulls away. He wastes two seconds glaring at his useless left arm and goes back in.
Steve’s chuckle breaks into a gasp when Tony yanks at his hair hard, nips at his lips, licks into his mouth and kisses him stupid.
“This is so not how I imagined it.” he groans.
“How’d you imagined it?” Steve asks, pressing the elevator button up and he turns to face Tony. “Do you imagine making out with me often?” There’s a leer to his smile, hidden behind mischief and pure Steve-ness and Tony leans in to taste it. “I imagine doing a lot of things to you, Rogers. Kissing is just the tip of the iceberg.”
They step out of the observation room; Barnes still drugged up to the gills until his bullet wounds heal and Bruce kindly let Tony know that his penthouse is destroyed while Steve winced.
Tony enters the elevator and he’s lost for a second before Steve follows in and presses the button to his guest suite. He takes Tony’s uninjured hand and kisses the inside of his wrist. “In your imaginations,” he asks, still not letting up and Tony snorts at him. But Steve persists, “Am I getting fucked or are you?” He’s a little flushed in the cheeks and that’s all there is to give away his abashment.
Tony hums, deliberately stalling. “How about I show you?” he offers impishly.
Steve stares him down, full Captain mode, sending shivers down his spine. “You’re not doing any strenuous activities until you heal.”
Tony stares him back, “Pretty sure, sucking your cock doesn’t fall in strenuous activities. Or laying there, letting you fuck me,” he taps at his chin thoughtfully. “Although, riding you would probably have to wait.”
Steve shudders. The elevator door splits open and Tony steps out.
Steve wasn’t kidding about the celibacy. Tony looks at him gravely and declares, “I am injured and horny and you are making this especially difficult for me.”
He receives a soft shirt to his face and a towering Steve who orders, “Stay still,” while he methodically helps Tony out of the arm sling and his t-shirt and into a new one. “I’m not doing your pants,” he draws the line.
Ten minutes later, Tony climbs onto the bed and shuffles closer to Steve. “I’m holding you accountable for this,” he points at his half-erection. Steve rolls his eyes and coaxes him into a prone position; tucks his broken arm safely out of the way and Tony’s body snuggly into his curves. There’s a hard line pressing into Tony’s ass cleft and he digs his fingers into Tony’s hip when Tony tries to rub up.
“Stop,” he warns, lips brushing over Tony’s nape. Breath hot and wet and something clench and shiver in Tony’s chest. “Once you’re healed, I’ll fuck you so hard you forget your name so, be patient. For now.”
“Fucking tease.” Tony growls into his pillow. Steve’s thumb over the arch of his hip bone rubs a circle and he nips at Tony’s lobe, “I know.”
There’s a war coming on; it’s somewhere near the horizon and Tony can almost taste it on his tongue, his bones ache from the revelations. There’s a prisoner of war two floors below who needs more than regular healing. Upstairs, his penthouse is in crumbles but that’s for next morning. Along with the calls he has to make to Pepper and Rhodey to elaborate what short-sentenced assurance Steve has given them when he was out of it.
For now, he’s right where he wants to be and he savours the feel; grabs onto Steve’s arm around his chest, sinks closer into his hold and he falls asleep to the pulse of Steve’s heartbeats.
48 notes · View notes
Flatbush & Atlantic: part viii
part i part ii part iii part iv part v part vi part vii
Here’s part viii! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your dog, tell the nosy woman who lives in the apartment above you. Remember to reblog, it helps the series reach more people, and as always - tell me what you think! I haven’t gotten much feedback so far and would love to know everyone’s thoughts, even if it’s only a few words.
part viii
April 19 (sun)
Cass was the most nervous she had been in her entire life. Okay, well maybe that was an overstatement. That honor probably went to the night law school acceptances went out, or when she sat with Alejandra — a friend from back in Texas — as they thought DACA was going to get rescinded, or when her dad lost his job when she was in middle school and their family was living paycheck-to-paycheck. It was Game 6 of the first round, the Islanders leading the series 3-2. The score was tied 1-1 halfway through the second period, a beautiful tip-in by Nelson that managed to just squeak past Mrazek. They had been up 3 games to none at the start of the series, with every intention to sweep the Hurricanes in Game 4 at home. But then they dropped two in a row — needless to say, tensions were running high coming into the night. 
She was sat up in the club box with the WAGs and some other family members who had flown in for the occasion, in hopes that they’d be able to celebrate a win and a move to the conference semifinals. The team probably could have used with tightening up their backcheck, but the passes were spot-on and Cass didn’t see much room to complain. Lauren on the chair opposite, she sat next to Paige as the clock hit eight minutes left, clutching a glass of white wine as her foot nervously tapped the carpet. Paige placed a steadying hand on her arm. “They’re going to pull it off, you know.”
Cass ran a hand through her hair. “That’s what I keep trying to tell myself. And I know they’ve got the talent, and these guys are some of the hardest workers I know, but—”
“It’s hard trying to rationalize it,” Paige finished.
“Yeah,” Cass nodded, “and especially knowing how long the team’s gone without a cup, like it’s been, what,” she glanced at the banners in the rafters, “38 years since they’ve won?. That’s 13 years before I was even born.”
Paige looked down at the ice thoughtfully. “I guess there’s really not much you can do in these situations but have faith that all the training and all the effort’s going to eventually pay off.”
“I guess you’re right,” Cass said, though if she was being honest she didn’t like the subjectivity of the statement. Shitty things happen to good people all the time, bad people get away with terrible things all the time, and people who have worked their asses off don’t always get what they’ve spent their entire lives working toward. 
There were just under six minutes left on the clock, and the first line had just gone back on. Anders took the faceoff, and Cass was so focused on the puck that she didn’t notice the gloves dropping on the other side of the ice until Paige let out a gasp, gently shaking her out of her trance. She was thrown for a minute; sure, fights were more uncommon since the league started cracking down on penalties, but they weren’t uncommon, so why did it matter that she paid any attention? 
Five seconds later, and she understood. It was Mat. It took Cass a few seconds to really grasp it — Mat wasn’t a fighter by any means, she had never seen him in one even before they got together, so what had finally set him off? They traded punches as the refs struggled to get a handle on the situation, jerseys riding up as Cass’ hand squeezed like a vice grip on Paige’s knee. She was too anxious to even figure out who the other player was, just that he was tall and blond and had one fist gripping Mat’s collar as he dodged one of his blows. Mat tried to steady himself, tried to realign his center of gravity, but then the other player threw a punch at the side of his face and it clipped his cheek as he tried to avoid it and he couldn’t get his balance back and he fell. Hard. Helmets had gone off before the fight had even started, so there was nothing in between his head and the ice. 
Cass’ hands flew up to her mouth, and Lauren had to stop her from sliding off the edge of her lounge chair. There was blood, and it was coming from his head, and if there was one thing her mother’s 30 years as a nurse had taught her, it was that blood from the head was never a good sign. “I think I’m going to be sick,” she whispered, feeling the bile rise up in her throat. Scratch anything she had said before, this was hands-down the most scared she’d ever been in her life. The love of her life was bleeding from his head down on the ice, and he wasn’t moving. 
You could have heard a pin drop in Barclay’s Center as the whole crowd waited for Mat to get up. And waited. And waited. Cassidy barely noticed him being helped up by Jordan; she was already running through the halls, Paige right beside her, frantically pressing the down button on the elevator to take them to the dressing room. She didn’t pay any attention to the usher who was telling her that they were private elevators because Mat was hurt and he was bleeding and oh God oh God oh God I need to get to him I need to get to him. 
She leaned her head against the cool metal of the side panel, long since having abandoned her efforts to control her tears as Paige tried desperately to comfort her. “The team has really good doctors, and if he needs a hospital, we have the best ones in the world right here in New York,” she said, but her words fell on deaf ears. Cass’ head jerked up. The elevator had dinged, indicating that they had finally reached the underground level. She turned left, headed straight for the locker room. There was no way he would have been left on the bench. Cass knew enough about hockey and enough about injuries to know that a hit that hard and blood that bad meant that he’d be taken right back.
By this time, she knew the way as good as anyone, and didn’t care who would try and stop her from getting in the room. Come hell or high water, she was going to see Mat. She passed the handful of puzzled arena staff, bursting into the locker room. “I’ll be out here,” Paige had said, but it barely registered. Mat was in a room off to the side, and thank God the trainer was one who recognized her, because he nodded at her as she lingered by the door, unspoken permission that she could enter. Cass rushed to Mat’s side, his eyes screwed shut in pain as the trainer  — Carter, was it? Nick? She really couldn’t remember much of anything at the moment  — held a pad of gauze to his head with a gloved hand. 
“Doctor should be here any minute, Mat, just hang on,” he said. 
Cass knelt down, hands shaking as she laced her fingers through his. “It’s going to be okay, Mat. You’re going to be okay.”
Mat opened his eyes just a sliver. “Cass?”
“Yeah, babe. I’m here.”
The door opened again, a man with a medical bag walking through the corridor and into the side room. “Dr. Khan,” he said to the trainer as he set the bag down, unclasping it. “Nick,” he responded. So it was Nick, Cass thought absentmindedly. 
“I was watching from a box when it happened, got down as soon as I could. So, his head hit the ice? No helmet?” Nick nodded as Dr. Khan snapped his own pair of gloves on. He turned to Cass. “Are you the wife?” For a moment, Cass was thrown. He may have been a doctor, but this man really couldn’t have known much about the team if he thought one of their star players was married. If Mat Barzal was married, everyone would know. 
After a moment, she shook her head. “No. Girlfriend.”
He nodded. “Okay. I’m fine with you staying as long as you keep out of the way, it shouldn’t take too long.” He turned to Nick. “A/O questions?”
“Knew his name, knew the year, knew where we are, knew who she is,” he tilted his head over at Cass. 
“Good, good,” Dr. Khan said, moving over to take his place at the head of the table. “Head wounds bleed a lot,” he said reassuringly, looking over at where Cass stood, her nails bit down to nubs. She thought she’d quit the habit in fifth grade. “It shouldn’t need more than a staple or two.” 
True to his word, fifteen minutes later the bleeding had subsided substantially, and Mat was sporting two very shiny, brand-new staples. “I’m sorry we had to shave a little, your lovely girlfriend was telling me how much pride you take in your hair. It’ll grow back quickly,” the doctor said. 
Mat let out a groan. “I’m going to lose all of my millions of adoring fans. The hair’s all I got, you know.”
Dr. Khan chuckled. “I’m glad to see you’re in good spirits. I’m going to diagnose you with a moderate concussion. It could have been a lot worse, but you got lucky this time.” He turned to Cass. “Would you be able to stay with him for the next few days? He should be able to manage, but it’s always better safe than sorry and it would be good for him to have someone around in case anything comes up.” 
Cass nodded. “Yeah. I’m in school, but outside of that. Yeah. I can stay.” 
Nick walked back through the door, handing a few printouts to Cass. “Just some concussion stuff for you to know. Activities for him to avoid, symptoms to be aware of, what to do if things get worse. That kind of thing.” 
Cass took the sheets. “Do you think things will get worse?” She asked worriedly. 
Dr. Khan shook his head. “It’s not likely, seeing as how he’s relatively aware and the concussion could have been much more severe. But it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to any medical situation.”
She nodded, nervously rubbing Mat’s thumb. “Should I...take him home now?” She asked, trying to think of how she was going to take him back to Manhattan on the train when lights and loud noises were the exact thing he was supposed to be avoiding right now, or how much an hour long Uber would cost. 
“I’d like to keep him for a little longer, an hour or so, just for observation to make sure symptoms don’t get any worse.”
The next hour seemed to inch by, dotted with visits from Nick and Dr. Khan and one from Trotz during the second intermission. Mat was going to be out for somewhere in the vicinity of two weeks; everything was dependent on him being medically cleared and a slow return to training and team practices. The news gutted him. It wasn’t just that Mat loved hockey, he loved being out on the ice and in the thick of the action and with his team, his brothers, and it just seemed so patently unfair that he wasn’t going to be able to do that when they needed him the most. Doing the math, he had realized with heart-wrenching certainty that that meant he would maybe be able to make the last few games of the conference semifinals, and that was only if they made it that far. It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith in his team, but the knowledge that he wouldn’t be able to do anything but sit on the bench in a suit and hand out waters ate away at him. 
Someone, maybe one of the equipment managers, had taken the liberty of packing up Mat’s things, and Cass was poking around trying to find his keys. He was pretty coherent by then, but still in no state to drive. She slung the bag over her shoulder, trying not to groan at its weight — she’d definitely be sore tomorrow — and helped him out of the locker room and back to the players’ parking lot, half-heartedly waving goodbye to the handful of players and staff that were still trickling out. The ride back to his apartment was quiet, and Mat barely acknowledged the news that the team had eked out a win with a powerplay goal late in the third. They were going to the second round, and it killed him that he might not get to be a part of it. 
She parked in the underground lot, taking the bag once again despite Mat’s insistence that he could carry it himself, their ride up the elevator accompanied by a strangely specific playlist that was mostly comprised of late 2000s pop. “I slow danced with my first boyfriend to this song at our freshman year homecoming dance,” Cass said. 
The corner of Mat’s mouth twitched up. “I Won’t Give Up?” She nodded. “What was his name?” 
“Justin. He played varsity basketball, I did lacrosse and field hockey. We were the jockiest couple at school for the all of four months we dated,” she said wistfully. “He was a good guy, but I should have known things weren’t going to work out. He had a lot of growing up to do.”
Mat hummed in acknowledgement as she opened the door. “I didn’t know you played field hockey.”
Cass let out a laugh. “Wrong surface, I know. But yeah, I did, through junior year of high school. Dropped it senior year to focus on lacrosse and college stuff.”
“But you still did lacrosse in university,” he said, more like a statement than anything. 
She nodded. “Club, yeah. It would have been cool to be on the school team, but D1 sports are super competitive, and I didn’t have time between A Phi and the Mexican Student Association and honors stuff there would have been no way I could have made it all work.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Anyone ever told you you’re a bit of an overachiever?”
She glared at him. “You’re lucky you’re injured, or I would have slapped you.” Heading over to the kitchen, she called over her shoulder, “I’m getting some water, do you want anything?” 
“Water would be great.” Cass came back a minute later, handing him his glass. She looked at her watch. Past midnight. Then she looked at her phone, which she hadn’t checked since the middle of the game and which had understandably blown up since then. She responded to texts from Paige and Lauren and Kerry, sent Chris a message that she’d need tomorrow off to look after Mat, reassured Noah that Mat was fine and would be back on the ice as soon as humanly possible. Her brow furrowed. Three missed messages from the apartment’s group chat, The Fantastic Four, named largely due to the fact that Cass may or may not have had a not-so-little crush on Human Torch as a middle schooler; once the girls had gotten the story out of her, they never let her live it down. 
10:44 - Ryanne: When do you think you’ll be back? Made spaghetti and wasn’t sure if I should leave it out for you or put it in the fridge.
11:17 - Stella: Were you taking the subway home?
11:39 - Alicia: I saw on Twitter Mat got hurt, is everything okay? Do you need anything?
11:55 - Alicia: Cass? You good?
“Shit,” Cass breathed, shutting her eyes for a moment. 
Mat looked concerned, scratching at an itch under his gauze. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Cass said, typing a response. There was almost nothing she hated more than worrying people. Oh my gosh I’m so sorry guys! Yes, I’m good, Mat’s okay too. It’s a concussion so he’ll be out of play for a few weeks, but thank God it’s not worse. I hadn’t checked my phone since he got hurt, I’m so sorry to worry y’all!! I’m over at his, the doctor said he should have someone watching him for a few days just in case. I might come pick up a few things tomorrow, but I’ll be back Wednesday :)
Mat stuck his tongue through his teeth and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry you have to deal with all this,” he gestured at his head, “it shouldn’t be your responsibility.” 
Cass smiled softly at him, leaning gently into his side. “It’s okay, I don’t mind it, taking care of you and all. Plus, acts of service are my number one love language.” He laughed. “But,” she started hesitantly, “I’ve got to ask. You’re not really a fighter.” His arm tensed around her, knowing what was coming. “So what made you drop the gloves? You don’t really ever let these things get to you.”
“Yeah,” Mat sighed. He really should have expected the question sooner, it wasn’t like it was an avoidable situation. “Um, he had just been chirping me for most of the game, just stuff about how I’m all talk and no talent, about my points drought earlier in the season, stuff like that.”
“And?” Cass pressed, knowing that there was something he was holding back. She wanted to help him, and she couldn’t do that without the full story. 
“And you,” he admitted. “It’s not really that unusual for guys to chirp each other about girlfriends, but he was just saying some pretty nasty stuff about you. Just sexist, gross stuff. No one should say that about a girl, doesn’t matter who she is.” 
As unfortunate as it was, Cass was pretty sure she knew exactly what had been said about her. She was a woman — a young, attractive woman — living in New York City, which was practically the world capital of catcalling, and her earbuds could only drown out so much. But still, Mat’s response had her heart skip a beat. “Thank you for defending my honor,” she said sweetly, turning her head to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
He blushed. “If I could go back? I’d do it all over again.”
 April 27 (tues)
 Cass scrolled through her Twitter feed as she waited for Mat to arrive at the deli for lunch. It had been a week and a half since the injury, and things were definitely progressing — though not as fast as Mat would have hoped. She had stayed with him for a few days until he was feeling back to his old self, and though Mat hadn’t exactly been thrilled by Cass having to wake him up every three hours to be sure that he wasn’t, you know, dead, he had been a pretty good sport overall. 
Reading and excessive screen use was on the no-no list she’d been given by Dr. Khan, so Mat had taken to a lot of listening to music and trying valiantly to pick back up his guitar skills once he was feeling up to it. Skills was perhaps a generous word, Cass thought, since the only song he had been able to play with any confidence by the end of the week was Rockstar by Nickleback. “It’s not that bad,” he had said defensively. “They get a bad rep.” Cass wasn’t so sure about that, but thought it would be a bit of a dick move to criticize his music taste, so she refrained. 
She was jerked out of her thoughts by Mat, who greeted her with a bright smile and a kiss on the forehead. “How was your day, babe?” 
She shrugged. “Pretty good, nothing special. Just got out of a Contracts seminar. Nothing quite as thrilling as debating the precedent set by Supreme Court cases from the 1980s.” 
Mat barked out a laugh. “I’m sure. I don’t think I’d understand a single word of what they said, but that just proves what I already knew.”
“Which is?”
“That you’re ten times smarter than I am.” Cass laughed, and he opened the door. “Now, I’m starving. I want food.”
“Good thing we came to a deli, then,” Cass said dryly. 
He snickered. “Guess I walked right into that one.” The couple stopped in front of the menu. “What’s good here?”
“Besides everything?” Cass asked. “Roast beef sandwich, grilled chicken’s pretty good too. And obviously the pastrami.”
Mat shifted from one food to another. “I’ve never actually had one,” he admitted. 
Cass turned to look at him slowly, eyes wide. “You’ve never had a pastrami on rye?” He shook his head. “You’ve lived in New York for, what, almost four years now? And you’ve never had a pastrami sandwich?” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Mat mumbled. 
“Oh, it is,” Cass said, as they reached the counter. “I take my sandwiches very seriously, Mathew, and you’re about to find out why.” She waved to the man behind the counter. “Carlos!” Jabbering in rapid-fire Spanish as he assembled the sandwiches, she pulled out her wallet to pay before Mat even got the chance. “Él es mi novio,” she said, answering Carlos’ unspoken question and tapping her card on the reader. “Gracias, te veré pronto!” She grabbed the bag of sandwiches, Mat following her out the door as they walked down the block, peeling off to a side road with a small park. Cass shifted her backpack off, setting it on the ground beneath a small table that had become one of her go-to lunch spots since she, Les, and Fiona stumbled across it in their first year. 
“So it seems like you’ve known Carlos for awhile?” Mat asked, unwrapping the sandwich.
Cass nodded, biting into hers and letting out an almost-euphoric moan. 
Mat raised an eyebrow. “You usually save that for the bedroom.”
Almost choking, she swallowed the bite, leaning over the table and lightly slapping his arm. “Mat! But yeah, he started working at the deli sometime in spring of my first year. He moved from Puerto Rico, so that’s why we were speaking Spanish.”
“What was that you called me back there, anyways? Nuevo?”
Cass snorted into her coffee. “Nuevo means new. I called you my novio. It’s the word for serious boyfriend. Or fiancé, really. The language doesn’t make much of a distinction.” Cass sipped slowly, deciding to hazard a question. “How has your recovery been going?”
Mat perked up. Anything relating to hockey and he was all ears. “It’s going well, yeah. I was cleared to start working out the other day, they did some scans and said that everything looks like how it should, which is a relief. I’ve been a little dizzy but nothing serious,” he quickly added, seeing Cass’ nervous glance, “and I go back in two days to see if I can get back to training with the team. A day or two of that and fingers crossed, I’d be ready to play a game if we’re still in it.” The team was down 2-1 to the Capitals, and Mat had been tearing his hair out the entire week, frustrated beyond belief that he couldn’t do anything to help. He was a hockey player, a damn good one at that, and there was nothing he could do but sit in front of his TV and watch his team fall behind in the series. That wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to be out there, scoring and making hits and making a difference, not cooped up like some toddler with a list of things he couldn’t do and couldn’t touch.
Cass could see that he was starting to retreat a little bit, so she reached out, squeezing his hand. “Hey, chou, listen to me.” He looked up. “I know it’s frustrating for you. Believe me, I know how much you want to be out there and how useless you might feel right now, but that’s all bullshit, you hear me?” Her eyes softened. “The best thing you can do for the boys right now is work out when you can, listen to your doctors, and focus on getting better. The city wants their golden boy back, and as cute as your pout is,” Mat’s lips twitched, “it doesn’t do anyone any good, least of all you.”
Cass was nearly done with her sandwich when Mat spoke again. “Graduation’s coming up fast, huh? What is it, a month from now?”
She nodded, picking up a napkin and dabbing at the mustard by the corner of her mouth. “Yeah, it’s the 22, so a little under a month now.”
“Is your whole family coming down?” 
“Yeah,” Cass said, bounding her head. “Everyone’s able to make it, which is awesome, and so much more than I expected. Eliana gets out of school the week earlier, so it’s not a problem for her, and it’s on a Saturday so it’s a non-issue for Noah and my parents. My nana’s driving down with my family, and my mom’s parents are flying from Hermosillo.”
Mat gave her a confused look. “I thought they lived in Texas?”
“They started splitting time after they retired, they were the only ones who immigrated so all of their relatives were still down in Mexico,” Cass explained.
“Got it.”
She continued. “Yeah, so I’m really lucky that everyone’s able to make it, it’s been forever since the whole family was together. Which reminds me,” she said, pulling out her phone and sending a quick text, “I need to get their flight info. I promised to pick them up from JFK.” 
“Why don’t I come with you?” Mat asked quickly.
Cass was confused. “What if you’re still playing?”
He waved his hand. “Obviously not then. But if we’re not, I’d love to come. I could drive around so you wouldn’t have to pay for parking, and it would be nice to meet them before your graduation.” The unspoken addendum was if I’m able to make it. Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals was scheduled on the day of Cass’ graduation; Mat knew that realistically, the chances of making it that far were slim, but the thought of not being able to celebrate with her, celebrate her, caused a pang in his heart. 
Her smile could have lit up the sun. “I’d love that, I really would. And you’re going to love my grandparents. I’ve told them so much about you and they’re excited to finally meet you in person.”
Mat beamed. “I’m glad. Hey,” he added, treading lightly. “Have you heard back from any of the places you’ve applied yet?” He knew of at least a half-dozen firms and nonprofits she’d interviewed with, but if any of them had resulted in an offer yet, she hadn’t told him.
Cass looked down at her hands. This was the conversation she had been dreading ever since last week. “Cass?” Mat asked again, more hesitantly this time. He could tell something was up. “Uh, yeah.” She said, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. “Yeah, I have. You remember that tech company I interviewed with the other week?
“Yeah, the ones that do computers and stuff?” Mat asked, confused. If she got the job, then why did she seem so nervous?
She nodded. “Yeah. They got back to me a few days ago...and they offered a position.” 
Mat stood up, ready to walk around the table and wrap her in a massive bear hug. “Cass!” He exclaimed. “That’s awesome! You said it sounded like really interesting stuff, and the company’s in New York so you wouldn’t even have to move—”
“That’s the thing,” Cass said, cutting him off. “They’re headquartered in New York, and I thought I was applying for a position in New York, but it turns out everything was ‘space available,’ whatever that means.” She finally looked up at Mat. “The job’s in Hong Kong.”
He feels like he’s had the wind knocked out of him, and sat back down in his seat hard. So hard, in fact, that he almost knocked it over, but he barely noticed. Hong Kong? That’s a whole country and the world’s largest ocean away, and the thought of losing her to a whole different country wasn’t something he ever could have anticipated. He’s finally gotten something so good, someone so good, and the thought that it could all be taken away in the blink of an eye was a possibility he hadn’t even allowed himself to consider. 
Mat swallows. “Are you...Are you going to take it?” He asks thickly. She looks down at the coffee cup in her hands, the same speckled white-and-blue one Mat gave her back in the fall. God, October seems like a lifetime away from where they are now. “I don’t know,” she admitted, and he felt a weight lifted off of his chest. “I don’t even know if I want it, and I didn’t want…,” she tapped her fingers on the scratched stone table, “I didn’t want to decide anything without talking it over with you first.” 
His head felt like lead when he tried to nod. “Okay, yeah. That makes sense. So, let’s talk.”
“It’s not something I ever saw myself doing,” Cass said.
“The moving to a foreign country part or the job itself?” Mat asked. 
Cass scrunched her nose. “Both, I guess. Sure, I applied to places all across the country, but that was more for job security than anything. I needed cash flow to start paying off my loans, and as much as I love nonprofit and pro-bono work, it doesn’t really pay well. That’s sort of the whole point. 
Mat reached behind himself to throw the sandwich wrapper into the trash can. “Do you like what they’d be having you do?”
“It’s contracts and negotiations, so it’s interesting enough. I like the topic and I know I’m good at it. But it’s not what I originally imagined for myself,” she conceded.
“What did you think you’d be doing?”
Cass let out a strained breath. “When I first got to law school, I was convinced I’d do immigration law. I’m passionate about it, feel like I’ve got a stake in the matter, and Spanish fluency is a really good skill to have in the field. And I loved getting to work in the clinic on deportation appeals. The day I got a stay for my first client was one of the happiest days of my life,” she added. Mat couldn’t help but smile. Even with mountains of uncertainty threatening to topple over on them, Cass had such a good heart and he’d always be proud of that. “But I’ve loved what I’ve gotten to do with Chris in the office. If I’m being honest, I didn’t think that I’d like it.”
Mat’s curiosity was piqued. “How come?”
“I think part of it had to do with how rushed and nervous I felt about the whole thing. It was pretty much my last chance and I really just threw my application together without thinking. I didn’t have time to worry if I’d actually like what I was going to be doing. It might just be my Rangers bias coming through, but I think I thought it would just be Scandal-type dealing with dumb shit players did, getting them off the hook for drunken escapades or finding contractual loopholes to save the team money on the salary cap.” She shrugged. “I’m glad I was wrong.”
“So,” Mat said said slowly, “if this isn’t the kind of work you wantedto do, why are you thinking about taking the job?”
“Couple of things,” Cass said. “The company culture is really good, by all accounts they hanuinely care about their environmental impact and worker’s rights, they make sure everyone on the supply chain is given a living wage. Good upward mobility, and there’s a half-dozen offices around the world that you can apply to transfer to after five years. Benefits and salary are are some of the best I’ve seen for new hires.”
“But would you be happy?” Mat asked, so softly that she almost missed it. 
Would I? Cass thought. It was never the plan for her to move so far away; she’s never lived further than a few hours from home and as much as she hated to admit it, the prospect of not being in the same time zone as her family terrified her. What if her abuelo has another stroke, and she’s halfway across the world? What if she’s not able to hold her brother when he goes through his first heartbreak? What if she isn’t there to kiss Mat when he hoists the Stanley Cup for the first time? But what if she hates herself because she never took the chance? She finally looks back up, feeling like Mat’s hazel eyes are boring straight into her soul. “I don’t know.”
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hey-rissyroo · 4 years
Yeah, I NEVER thought Peggy was all that honorable and ethical, tbh
Same, but whenever i brought it up, I was attacked for being misogynistic against her.  Honestly, it's not just that Endgame has made the entire MCU look worse in retrospect, it's that recent current events have inspired fandom to take a closer look at the underlying message of these films.  The idea that Peggy Carter would be the one "moral" director of a spy agency during the Cold War is propaganda just as damaging as a cop show that frames them as anything other than a institution infected by corruption and white supremacy.  
I need people to research what the CIA has done to other countries.  I need people to research what the FBI did to black activists (and anyone seen as a "communist sympathizer", etc) in our country.  Peggy exists as someone who broke the glass ceiling by propping up these kinds of systems and shutting the door behind her.  
She didn't elevate other women (or POC), and she certainly didn't do anything but exist as a male writer's idea of what a "feminist" character is.  Like that article said, they could have made her a truly great character if they'd leaned into her questionable morals and made her almost an antagonist who Steve realizes was working at cross purposes with him the entire time he was in the ice. But alas... all we got was victory-rolled hair, fire engine red lipstick, and the idea that she was somehow just as "perfect" as her aesthetic.
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