#this is why you don’t jump off a bridge when you’re not even friends with the people jumping off
mxviko · 10 months
I want to draw stuff but art style struggle is putting me into art block…
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seresinhangmanjake · 11 days
Jake Seresin x reader
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Summary: Jake forgets to pick you up at the airport because of his ex, and for the first time, you think maybe you and Jake aren't mean to be.
Notes/Warnings: Angst, but ends fluffy. Fighting. Cursing. This was a request that I said I'd have done in a couple days and it took me a week and a half. Sorry about that. Also, please be gentle. I haven't written for Jake in what feels like a millennium.
Words: 2700
Jake Seresin Masterlist / Main Masterlist / Tag List
As much as it would kill you to know that he could be hurt, you hope he’s hurt. You hope he’s on his way to the hospital to receive life-saving treatment because if he’s not hurt, if he’s not receiving life-saving treatment, then he simply forgot about you. And that makes your heart want to claw its way out of your chest and scamper across the floor until it’s well out of your range to catch it. 
Your call goes to voicemail for the fourth time. You send your twelfth text: I hope you’re ok. I landed an hour ago. Please call me. Nothing different than the eleven other messages that have gone unanswered. Forty-five more minutes pass of you sitting on a bench by the airport exit before you finally surrender your last shred of hope and call Bradley to come save you. 
Within the hour, you’re sighing in relief, the sight of a friendly face almost bringing you to tears. He approaches you with open arms and you fall right into the embrace, comforted by the hug that should be in your boyfriend’s arms, and the warmth that should be from your boyfriend’s body, and the forehead kiss that should be from your boyfriend’s lips. 
“Please tell me he’s ok,” you say against your friend’s chest. 
A heavy palm rubs up and down your back. “No one could get ahold of him.”
Your head jerks back so you can meet his eyes. “Oh my god!”
“I’m sure he’s fine, kid. Don’t worry.”
“How can you say that? He was supposed to be here and he’s not and–” You pause when Bradley looks away from you, and a hefty stone settles in your gut. You know your friend well. He’s a good man, honest but sensitive, and when that honestly meets that sensitivity, it results in his inability to look someone in the eye if he thinks the truth might hurt them. You’ve seen it a hundred times, but never with you. 
Your posture wavers with your lengthy exhale. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Another great thing about Bradley: he doesn’t make you play any games. You don’t have to jump through hoops. You don’t have to ask the right questions in the right way in order to get what you need out of him, unlike many men, your boyfriend included, who recently has found ways to skitter around telling the full truth. 
“Javy said he saw him a couple of hours ago,” Bradley says.
Your back teeth clench. Your mind shoots to one conclusion. “With her?” you ask. Bradley’s eyes drift from yours again and you nod, a tear at the ready to leak down your cheek. “He forgot about me because he’s with her.”
“We don’t know that for sure, and–”
Your hand scrubbing down your face cuts him off. Your fingers pinch the bridge of your nose before you suck in your whimper and say, “Rooster, why did he even ask me to come here?”
“Because he…I mean, we thought he–”
“You thought he gave a fuck about me.”
“He does,” Bradley says, stressing his words in an attempt to reassure you. “He never shuts up about you.”
“Sure,” you say. “He gives so much of a fuck that he forgot about me to be with his ex. How can you explain that?”
Rooster sighs. His hands slip into his jeans pockets just to have something to do with them. “I can’t.”
No one can explain it. Not you, not Bradley, not Jake. Everyone you know back home would be telling you to run for the hills right now. They were already wary of this ‘Navy guy’ that they’d only met twice around the holidays, who lives a decent distance away from your entire life and who constantly requests that you be the one to hop on a plane rather than the other way around. 
For the duration of your time together, you’ve been understanding of that sacrifice. You know his schedule doesn’t allow impromptu trips out of state, but that hasn’t made it any less exhausting for you. And maybe that’s a sign. Another sign. A nail in the coffin. Maybe you and Jake aren’t meant to be. And why would you be? You met him on a brief vacation to visit a friend who doesn’t even live in the same town anymore, and somehow, during those few days, he convinced you to take a chance on him. So you took the leap. But being that bold doesn’t guarantee you won’t fall flat on your face, and you think that’s exactly what’s happening. You’ve tripped over a guy only to realize he doesn’t care about you to the same degree that you care about him. 
However, you’re not the type to avoid confrontation. If Jake Seresin is going to mistreat you because of his ex, then he is going to do it to your face. He’s going to look you in the eye when he shows himself to be the liar he is. It may hurt more to go to him rather than get on the next plane home without so much as taking in a breath of fresh Californian air, but you’re too upset to let that thought fully develop, and a moment later, Rooster is following your stomps out the door. 
You find him at the Hard Deck, standing at a hightop with a beer glass in his hand that clinks against the one in his ex’s before he takes a sip. Bradley’s comforting hand lands on your back in solidarity. You only met him because of Jake, but the two of you bonded despite their differences, and having him by your side now makes him nothing short of a life-saver. 
He helps guide you through the crowd to the table, and when Jake spots you, he chokes around the liquid going down his throat. His blown-out emerald eyes rival saucers and his mouth gapes like a fish, but then his stare flicks to Bradley, and those eyes shrink into narrow slits. His face heats to a boiling red. 
“What the fuck!” Jake snaps, shocking the composure right out of his ex’s poised stance. Bar patrons close by turn their heads but quickly return to their own conversations. Jake steps away from the table, coming to a halt in front of you and his squadmate. “What the hell is this?”
You figured he’d be bothered if you showed up with Bradley in tow. And good, that’s what you feel he deserves. Jake’s been wary of the other Dagger’s closeness to you for a while, and even though you know—as does Bradley—that it’s an asinine concern, you have no problem using it against him now. But still, the intensity of his reaction manages to surprise you. You didn’t think he would be this angered by the sight of you with another man that it would have him overlooking his mistake of forgetting you.
Your arms cross. “This is your girlfriend and the guy who saved her when her damn boyfriend left her stranded at the airport.”
“Excuse me?”
Jake’s ex’s prying gaze tugs at your attention, but when you glance over his shoulder to catch her in the act, she quickly looks away—just more proof that whatever the fuck she’s doing with your boyfriend is something to be ashamed of. 
Bradley’s saying something. You can’t quite hear him over the anger-induced fuzzing in your ears, but you’re pretty sure it’s a scolding based on the twisting of Jake’s features as he shoots back his own words of aggression. And then your hand is in his and you’re being pulled through the bar, out the back door, and onto the deck where the only intrusive sound is the lapping of waves on the shore. 
“Why are you here?” he asks. 
You scoff to mask the heartbreak that comes with that question. “Because you asked me to be here.”
“It’s Wednesday,” he says. 
“It’s Thursday, Jake.”
“No, it’s—” he freezes, and you don’t know if he’s tipsy or stupid, but it takes him a minute to come to the same conclusion: it is indeed Thursday. “Fuck,” he mutters.
Your lower back meets the edge of the railing, and you sigh, thankfully keeping in the tears. “What are you doing with her?”
“What the fuck are you doing with Rooster?” he returns much more forcefully. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I called, I texted, I left voicemails,” you tell him, “But clearly, she was more important.”
Jake’s hands pat down his pockets, mouth setting in a frown when he can’t find his phone.
“Don’t bother. Phone or no phone, you forgot about me because of her. Last time I was here, you were late for one of our dates because of her. You spent fifty percent of our time together stepping away to take her phone calls,” you say, trying and failing to avoid the bitter taste on your tongue. “Just fuck her, Jake, if you haven’t already. I only came here to tell you that she can have you.”
You’ve never seen him fall apart the way he does. You’ve never seen the blood drain from his cocky face. You’ve never seen his features break and crack and contort into the vision of pure devastation as they do. His parted mouth must’ve gone dry because his next words come out slightly hoarse.
“You don’t mean that,” he says, but it’s more of a plea than anything. “Why…Why would you–” He swallows. A wrinkle forms between his brows and he shakes his head. “You love me. You didn’t mean to say that.”
You do love him—terribly so—but you’re willing to be one of those people who won’t view love as enough if it also means laying you out as a fool. “Jake–”
“Take it back,” he says. His steps are quick, and then you’re trapped where you stand, his hands on either side of your body, gripping the rail. Eyes drill into yours, and for a second, you feel a pang of guilt. “Please, baby, take it back. She doesn’t mean anything to me.”
“And I mean less.”
“No!” he says. “That’s not true. You’re everything, ok? You mean everything to me. She was just helping me, that’s all.”
“Helping you,” you mimic with a roll of your eyes. “Helping you what? Get off?”
With a little whine, Jake’s head drops between his shoulders, his blond hair brushing your collarbone. “Please. Please quit saying things like that.” His hands slide closer to your body and land on your hips. You don’t push him away—you can't—and his touch softens you ever so slightly.
“Then tell me the truth,” you say. “Right now. I’m giving you one shot.”
His head snaps up. His eyes flick back and forth between yours, ironically searching for your honesty, as if you’re the liar on trial here. 
“It was a surprise,” he tells you. “She’s a realtor now, and for the last few months she’s been helping me find a new place, one that’s bigger than what I’ve got because I was going to ask you to move in with me.” Your heartbeat stutters. A layer of goosebumps coats your arms. When you don’t respond, he continues, “I hate missing you. I hate how unfair it is that you’re always the one to come here because I can’t fly out at the drop of a hat. I know it’s a big step, but I figured if I had a place, I could show you how great things could be. That’s why she and I came here. We were celebrating because I’m signing on a house first thing tomorrow,” he says. “Well, that’s why I’m celebrating, anyway. She’s probably celebrating because she just made a decent commission.”
It’s almost unfair how that new information doesn’t make you feel any less of a fool. Had he told you that under any other circumstances, you’d be leaping into his arms, kissing him like you’ve been deprived of him for years, repeating ‘yes’ over and over between those kisses, but you can’t. You can’t because his explanation doesn’t fix everything. 
“That still doesn’t change that it’s Thursday, not Wednesday,” you say.
“I know, baby. That’s my fault. I was so excited, and I was thinking how perfect the timing was that I would be able to pick you up tomorrow and drive you by the house now that it’s officially mine, but I fucked it up.”
Jake’s thumbs press into your hips, and you’re instantly reminded of each moment in your relationship when you’ve felt that same light pressure on your skin. A gentle claiming. The same pressure you felt when you agreed to be his girlfriend. The same pressure you feel whenever you’re in bed together. 
You sense eyes on you other than your boyfriend’s, and when you turn your head, you find his ex staring right at you, an expression on her face that you wish you could say wasn’t one of distress, but it is. And worse, it’s obviously not distress for herself, but for Jake, as if she’s hoping she wasn’t just a contributor to a bomb dropping on his life. 
Jake’s busy staring at you despite your averted gaze, and in a monotone voice, you say, “She feels bad.”
He doesn’t follow your eyes. “Because she knows I’ve been doing this all for you.”
You blink. Your hand runs down your face before sifting through the strands of your hair. “You really want me to live with you?”
“Of course I do,” he tells you. He’s shaking his head, but you know it’s because he thinks any idea that he wouldn’t want you to be blasphemous. His hand cups your chin. “I love you.”
With a sigh, you push aside the rollercoaster of emotions, the misunderstandings that lead to frustration and hurt, and look him directly in the eye. And where moments ago you thought you saw lies, you see honestly. Where you thought you saw betrayal, you see love. 
“Can I see it?”
It’s small—a two-bedroom with a little driveway, the shingle siding painted a blue-gray shade that is more blue than gray; bundles of flowers bloom in the boxes under the windows; a bay window protrudes from the side of the structure facing the beach. And it’s perfect.
You can imagine building a life here. You can picture a dog that you’ll have to build a fence for and children years later that will have you reinforcing the fence because they’ll probably be like their father, and Jake didn’t choose to be a pilot because of his lack of adventurous nature. You look at this house and you can see the core of a family. A house that, no matter how far you go for Jake’s job, will always be home base.
Jake is leaning around you so you can both watch the house from the passenger seat window. “I’d offer to show you around, but I don’t get the keys until morning.”
“It’s ok,” you tell him. “I don’t need to see inside.”
When you say that, he falls back into his seat. The back of his head presses against the headrest. His fingers squeeze the steering wheel with his sigh of defeat. “You don’t like it.”
Shifting your body to face him, you say, “Jake, I love it.”
Just like that, his eyes brighten like a pouting child who was just offered a lollipop, and you can’t help but chuckle. You can’t help but forget everything that happened earlier in the night, all of it seeming so insignificant now, even though you know it’s not, and you both know that if he ever makes the same mistake again, he’ll have hell to pay. But something tells you that won’t be a problem. 
“Enough to live with me?” he asks.
You nod. “Enough to live with you.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Comments make my entire world, so if you liked it, let me know? Thanks :)
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maiiuelle · 2 months
what if rafe and reader are more than friends but they didn’t really put a label on it and even top and kelce noticed but rafe still has the occasional hookup and one night when reader was js thinking abt stuff and then she realizes that shes inlove with rafe but when she came over to tannyhill to confess and rafe answered with his hair all messed up and him shirtless and he basically smelled like sex and when rafe asks why shes there she randomly just runs away and cries in her car while driving home so basically just angst (does that make sense idk)
you feel like your going crazy, standing at tannyhill’s front stoop twiddling your thumbs.
your relationship with rafe cameron is complicated; you’d almost call it a situationship, but you couldn’t put a label on it. you’d been going to all of his parties to serve as arm candy, posed with him at the golf course, and hooked up with him more than once. it’s beyond casual, but he has yet to pop the girlfriend question. even with his little commitment, you’d been finding it hard to keep your mind off of him — or rather, what the two of you had done together. you have to mean more to him than he’s letting on.
so, you knock on tannyhill’s giant glass front door again, biting your lip nervously as you look over the texts you’d already sent him to let him know you were coming.
“hey! just thinking ab u.. are u free tn? <3” you asked right after work, hopping in the shower in hopes you could head straight to his place after.
“busy. work shit. u free on friday?”
“oh idk. sucks we cant do tn, i miss u.” you followed your message with a picture of you sitting on your pink bedsheets, posing in the mirror to show off your silky pajamas. you thought he just needed a little convincing, but he didn’t respond.
“can u call me before bed? sorry, i know u said ur busy.”
by then it had been an hour or two, still no response from rafe. you were pacing around your room. all you wanted was to spend time with him, even if that meant lounging around while he works. anything would do, you just couldn’t stay away.
you came to the conclusion had to show him how much you care somehow, and what better way than to go to tannyhill and confess your love for him — it would be like a romance movie, he’d probably be exhausted from work and happy to see you by then!
“i’m sorry if this is sudden, i just feel like i really need to see you. i’ll just drop by for a second xoxo see u soon”
suddenly, the front door swings open, revealing a very disheveled rafe cameron. his bangs are a mess, sweaty and strewn across his forehead. his whole face is red, his lips swollen, and all he’s wearing are blue flannel pajama pants. you’d seen him like this before, pussy drunk and stumbling around a dark room. your heart deflates as he pushes open the front door, familiar blue eyes squinting at you through the night. “the fuck are you doing? you’re gonna wake up my fuckin’ dad.”
“work shit, huh? really, rafe?” you snap, looking him over completely disgusted. “what’re you d—”
“nah, nah. i told you i was busy — did i not?” he cuts you off, holding a finger in your face and grabbing your upper arm with the other hand, making you jump. “could’a kept yourself from all this if you just listened to me, right? right?” he jostles you, like he could shake a response out of you, but you’re frozen. he lets you go at the sight of your face, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “fuckin’ figures.”
“are you.. high?” you pull your knit cardigan tighter around your shoulders, tears already beginning to brim your waterline at the utter betrayal.
rafe recoils, acting overly offended to take the heat off his obvious cheating. “you’re gonna talk to me like that at my own goddamn house? do me a favor — go home, and i’ll think about callin’ you.”
“don’t bother. asshole.” you cry, turning away. the last glimmer of hope you have is snuffed out when you hear the glass door slam behind him, leaving you alone once again.
defeated, you retreat back to your car, wiping your tear stained cheeks pitifully. you should have known, rafe cameron is a player.
➺ do you…
⟡ hear out rafe’s apology
⟡ tell jj what rafe did
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littlexdeaths · 14 days
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eddie munson x shy fem reader
warnings: hope y’all like CHEESE, reader wears glasses
part two |
a/n: this is incredibly self indulgent and lame but i hope y’all enjoy xx.
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“You’re staring… again.”
Nancy says under her breath, which has your eyes immediately darting away and back down toward your lunch out of sheer embarrassment.
“I was not staring….” you hiss, picking at the pile of peas on your tray.
“Oh, you soooo were,” she laughs, knocking her shoulder into yours. “Why don’t you just go and talk to him?”
You let out an exasperated breath before glancing over at your best friend. She’s giving you that soft yet encouraging gaze that’s entirely Nancy.
“Why would someone like him be interested in someone like me?”
Your voice is softer, but that underlying fear bleeds through nonetheless.
“I’m just so….” you trail off, chewing on your lower lip. “Boring.”
Your eyes have drifted back over to the hellfire table, where they seem to find themselves almost every lunch period now. Totally entranced by the male sitting at the end of the table.
Eddie Munson, dungeon master and local metalhead. Also the guy you’ve been harboring the biggest crush on since your junior year.
He looks even more pretty with the afternoon sunlight shining through the windows of the cafeteria, highlighting the warm chestnut hue of his fluffy curls. His lips are poised in an annoyed pout, fingers drumming on the table in rapid succession while he listens to Dustin’s nervous ramblings.
“He’s just so— outgoing and doesn’t give two shits what these dipshits around here think of him.”
Your lips can’t help but quirk up into a small smile when you witness him tossing a pretzel at Mike’s head.
“You are not boring,” Nancy sighs, her curls bouncing when she shakes her head in distain. “But you’re not gonna know if something could work out between you if you don’t at least try.”
Your snort has her rolling her eyes, but yours are still transfixed on the boy in question. So much so you haven’t noticed the way your glasses continue to slip down the bridge of your nose.
“I doubt he even knows my name, Nance.”
When your eyes suddenly catch his chocolatey brown ones, you feel mortified. You’ve been very careful about your… admiring during lunch or in between classes. But Nancy had momentarily distracted you, and now you’d been caught red handed.
Unbeknownst to you, this isn’t the first time he’s noticed your wandering gaze. Soft eyes that are filled with the utmost longing and kindness. Someone with a reputation such as Eddie Munson doesn’t have looks like that thrown his way very often.
So it’s no surprise he’s caught on.
But you don’t seem to notice the way he always glances back once you look away, dark eyes seeking out your figure in the halls. The longing of his own for you to finally meet his gaze. But your nose is either stuck in a book or those pretty eyes are trained on your feet.
It was maddening.
You quickly break his curious stare and jump up your feet, missing the way he shoots up from his own seat. You sling your backpack over your shoulder and leave your tray abandoned.
“I gotta go… I’ll see you later, Nance,” you say before she even has time to protest, keeping your head down as you make your way toward the exit.
Mentally still kicking yourself for being caught gawking at him like a bumbling idiot. But your heart leaps into your throat when you hear the slapping of sneakers on the linoleum behind you.
Before you can even process what’s happening you all but collide into a denim clad chest, gasping softly when his arms slip around your waist to catch you before you almost stumble backwards onto your ass.
“Whoa, easy there,” he chuckles, those same pouty lips quirking up into a lopsided grin. “Didn’t mean to scare ya…”
When he releases you, your whole body deflates— already missing the warmth of his palms. Even if it was only for a fleeting moment.
“Uh… sorry, did you need something?” you ask, unable to hide the confusion in your tone.
He purses his lips, twisting his rings on his fingers in almost a nervous manner.
Why would he be nervous?
“I just had a question is all…” he mumbles, “and honestly, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now.”
And your heart nearly stops when he carefully pushes your glasses back up the bridge of your nose.
“You free tonight?”
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taexoxosgf · 8 months
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PAIRING park jisung x fem!reader | ft. friendgroup!nct dream
SYNOPSIS Your horny friends try to pull a little prank on you in the days leading up to Christmas. One thing Park Jisung likes to remind them is: he totally doesn’t want any part in it. Except, he totally does.
WARNINGS smut, ANGST, fluff, lots of dialogue, vag fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla vanilla vanilla, they're in love basically
NOTES I have to admit, this isn’t my best work lolllllll. though this was supposed to be posted on christmas, this can be my new years gift! 2024 here we come babyyy
★ Part of A Dreamy Christmas Collab!
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“Why don’t we all be her secret Santa?” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaemin chuckles, eyes dancing as he seems intrigued by the idea.  But what pervades his mind was nothing like what Donghyuck was about to propose. 
“Think about it…” he trails.  “She used to say, if it’s an SOS, and we need help in that department,” he points to his crotch– “She would help us out.” 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Jisung rolls his eyes when he catches on to Hyuck’s sudden idea.  
“So you’re saying we all get her a present?” Chenle asks.
“Yes… But we all have to give her the same… present,” he walks between each of the men like a devil hovering over their shoulders.   
“Hyuck, just get to the point,” Jeno huffs. 
“Okay, bu–”
“No ‘buts!’ Get to your point,” Renjun groans.  
“The gift we’re giving her can’t be put into a shitty little box.”
“Oh my god, NO!” Mark whines.  
“What’s so wrong with a little fun?” 
“Are you seriously suggesting an… orgy?” 
“No, you idiot,” Hyuck pinches his nose bridge.  “Let’s all give her our present one by one leading up to Christmas… Like an advent calendar,” he shrugs, unable to hide the pride beaming off of him from the simile.  
“So you’re suggesting we all have sex with her in the days leading up to Christmas?  Am I hearing this right?” Jaemin intervenes once more, orbs gleaming with interest. 
“Ding Ding! We have a winner!”
“Jisung’s right. You’ve gone insane,” Renjun fully laughs.
“You know I’m insane, and that’s why we have fun.  But you know what? Let’s make this more interesting… When we tell her after Christmas, the person who she says is her best fuck, get’s her secret Santa present,” Hyuck smirks. “You know she goes all out.” 
“I’m in, but it might be hard for Mark because he’s actually in love with her,” Jaemin turns his body towards his friend who avoids eye contact before offering a retort. 
“Why just me? You guys are all in love with her!” His claim is met with a group of huffs and groans.
“How do you know she’ll even agree to this?” Jeno points out, earning a nod from the others. 
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.  If she does, then great! Amazing even! But if she doesn’t, then man, I feel kinda bad because we all got a thing for her.” Hyuck accepts the facts of the predicament. “Hopefully we can laugh about this on New Years.”
“I don’t.  I guess I’m the only one,” the youngest of the group speaks out but it’s not taken seriously by his older friends as a fit of laughter echoes within the small space.  
Hyuck’s the first one to speak– placing a hand on Jisung’s shoulder, “You’re the worst out of all of us.”  
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys always bicker and talk shit but I know all you want to do is rip each other’s clothes off,” Jeno jumps in. “Nice try though.  I almost believed it.”
“I’m not! She’s annoying as hell!”
“So annoying you want to fuck it out of her, right?” Jaemin joins. 
“You guys are jumping me right now, I’m leaving,” Jisung excuses himself earning a look of victory from his friends.
“Wait!  So you agree to it, right? Jisung?!  Hello?”  Chenle and Renjun yell out in unison, but the only reply heard is the slam of a door.  
“You’re serious about this Hyuck?” Mark asks one last time. 
“No, but this is just so those two kids will finally admit they’re down bad for each other.  I think this will be their breaking point.” 
“Damn,” all the other boys yell in unison. 
“I know right? Someone needs to hire me for something!  I don’t know for what, but something!” he crosses his arms to bask in his actions. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Mark laughs at his friend.  “You’re so dumb.” 
“Just wait and see.  He won’t make it to Christmas…”
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Everyone is being… weird. 
On the very first day of December, you and all your friends come together to pick a name out of a jar.  The game of Secret Santa is an annual tradition you love partaking in. But once the weather dropped thirty degrees, all the boys started acting shady.  They were canceling plans with you on purpose, avoiding eye contact when you spoke to any one of them, and just running away the first chance they got.  It was easy to get mad, even call them out for it, but the replies would always be the same– that there was nothing wrong or they were just tired.  
And you’re not going to lie, it was starting to make your skin crawl.  The sudden shift in dynamic between you and the boys has you wondering if you did something wrong. But if they were trying to pull something, then they had another thing coming. It was frustrating, trying to shake it out of them in every way possible, but no one would budge.
December eighth rolls around and you know everyone is free today because you all collectively promised Sunghoon that every year until the day you die, this day will always be open for him.  It’s always an annual trip to the snowy mountains– a secluded cabin and powdery snow that’s fit for snowboarding. Surprisingly, but not so surprisingly, everyone’s busy up until the car ride to the cabin. 
Their persistent avoidance, even for an event like this, just pulls on the strings even harder. 
You’re leaning against the island of the kitchen, glaring into their souls from across the room as the music's bass reverberates throughout the warm cabin; and the bitter liquid in your plastic cup disappears like water down a drain.  
“Why are you standing here all by yourself?” 
You turn to the voice, sporting a grin once you realize who it is. “Hey, birthday boy. Just glaring at the boys.  Don’t know if they notice though,” you squint a little harder, hoping they’ll finally notice. 
Sunghoon’s orbs follow the seven of them scattered around the living room. “They notice alright. I’m sure they’ll come crawling back when they realize you don’t play.” 
“Oh, they know I don’t.  But they’re still gonna try anyway,” you let out a heavy sigh.  “I just wish I knew what they’re up to.  It’s killing me.” 
“Just ask Jisung.” 
“Why Jisung?” The mention of your friend’s name causes the subject of your orbs to shift to him, but he’s already looking your way.  When you make eye contact, he hurriedly glances away, confirming the suspicion that something’s up. 
“I feel like whatever they’re planning, he’s telling them he doesn’t want to do it.” 
“Why is that so detailed? Do you know what they’re up to? Spill right now!”
Sunghoon shakes his head in denial, raising the cup to his lips before responding. “Nah, you guys are always going at it. That’s all. It’s just a hunch.” 
“Fine, maybe I will. But I was gonna do it anyway.” 
You’re already making your way towards Jisung when Sunghoon blurbs out.  “If it doesn’t work, I’m always available.”
“You wish, Park.”  But you stop in your tracks.  “Wait, what?” 
Sunghoon walks off in a hurry, “Nothing! Had to try at least once!” 
Rolling your eyes at the birthday boy, you finally make your way to your destination but all seven of your friends go completely mute once you reach it.  There’s not a sound emitting from them, and it practically forces smoke out of your ears. 
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jeno murmurs.
“You guys have been ignoring me ever since December started! Spill your evil plans right now!” 
“Nothing’s going on,” Chenle adds, but it’s met with a crack of his voice at the final word, and you know one hundred percent they're lying. 
“Haechan! I know you’re the mastermind,” you turn to your friend, but all he does is shrug, eyes still looking everywhere but yours as he nonchalantly sips from his drink. 
“Nothing whatsoever. We’ve just been busy that’s all,” Jisung speaks out, but you chuckle, knowing he’ll eventually give in if you press him hard enough. 
“Of course, you’re a part of this! Sunghoon told me you weren’t, but I doubted him as soon as those words left his mouth!” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jisung’s tone changes, as if he’s warning you.
“That little shithead!” Jaemin groans.
“I knew it!” you exclaim.
“What did he tell you?” Renjun interrupts.
“Nothing, just what I said before.”
“Nothing is going on. You don’t believe us?” Jisung is still firm on his decision to make you believe otherwise. With that stupid smirk he’s trying to hide and how his form influences you to shift back. 
“Of course, you’re still on that even though Jaemin just admitted you guys are planning something! You’re the worst!” 
“And you’re a dumbass,” Jisung mumbles once you turn away.
“Look who’s fucking talking,” you don’t realize you’re stepping closer at every syllable exchanged and you don’t know why your friend loves to push your buttons so much.
“You always say I’m the worst and then you come right back.  I don’t think you hate me as much as you say you do,” Jisung’s eyes glimmer with a playfulness to them, closing the space between the two of you as the bickering reaches its climax.  But his words only fuel your rage.
At this point, you can only see red.  
All you do with Jisung is bicker or fight about stupid shit. Your friendship with the other boys is the glue that holds you and Jisung together.  No one could guess that you met all the boys through him. You both had been friends with benefits long ago— practically another lifetime. But you’d jump off a cliff before admitting that the shards of glass remain. And that it still cuts. 
It’s impossible to act like everything is fine and you both can get along.  So instead, you fight and fight until no more words can be said.  
“Ooooo,” you hear Jeno say, reminding you you’re still in a place full of swarming bodies. 
“What about you? You either hate me or you love me. It can’t be both,” you mutter, condemning yourself as you catch a glimpse of his lips hovering above yours.  You're both staring one another down, and you notice the same vein on the side of his temple, and his jaw clenches with each phrase that escapes your lips. 
“Watch it,” Jisung seethes.
“What? If you wanna play this game, let’s pla—“
“Okay! Enough of this,” Hyuck groans before dragging the both of you by the wrist and out of the main room.
“What are you doing Hyuck?” you urgently inquire, but he doesn’t reply.  He only hurriedly rushes along, throwing you both into a bedroom you don’t recognize.  And as you rush to escape the enclosed space, your friend shuts the door in front of your face– leaving you with your hands practically clawing at the door.  
“Lee Donghyuck! Open the fucking door right now!” you yell out, unable to comprehend how your friend could think this was a solution.  “Open the door before I beat your ass!” 
“He’s not going to open the door,” Jisung reminds you of his presence amidst the chaos.  “Not until the morning.”  
“What?! No. No. No. This is not happening right now.”  
“Let’s just sleep.  So when we wake up, we can just get outta here.”  
You scan the room, realizing there’s nothing for you to rest on except the bed in the center– the one Jisung is currently sitting on.  “You think I can fall asleep with everything that’s going on?  And I don’t even know what’s going on,” you’re shifting awkwardly, habitually rocking yourself on the heel of your feet following the eye of the storm.  
“Just sleep.  It’ll be over soon,” Jisung already makes himself comfy, placing his legs under the covers and rearranging the pillow to his liking.  He’s too calm.  Way too calm for what just occurred. 
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” 
“I don’t know, figure it out,” he mumbles, lids already fluttering shut.  You hate how you admire how long his eyelashes are.  
His eagerness to ignore the dilemma influences you to the bed to pry his lids open.  As Jisung opens his eyes willingly, you finally take notice of how close you both are.  His eyes widen at the proximity and he shifts back to the edge of the bed in surprise. You’re caught off guard because there seems to be something lingering in the air between the two of you.  And you brush it off because you know it’s annoyance. 
“Just sleep,” he softly lets out before returning to his original position.  “Next to me.” 
His softness in these last words has you admitting some defeat– realizing fighting won’t solve anything.  “Fine.”  
There are still zero answers that will satisfy your scrambled mind.  
And you’re trapped in a room with someone you can’t stand for more than five minutes.
It’ll be over soon.  Right? 
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You’re fucking drenched. 
As the daze of sleep washes over, you notice the stickiness between your thighs. And not the good kind. 
It felt as if you just entered the fiery pits of hell. 
“What the fuck?” you whine. The air was so humid, you were practically suffocating.  And as you turn to the side, you see an irritated Jisung.  If you thought you looked gross, Jisung didn’t have a dry spot on his clothing.   
You try your hardest not to stare at the clothing sticking to his abs.  This is not the time.
“Don’t,” he warns, thinking you’re about to poke fun at him.
You chuckle at the sight of his discomfort, offering a half-assed apology.  “Sorry.”  
“Lee Donghyuck! Turn off the fucking heater!” he yells out, but there’s no answer.  
“Fuck.  We’re going to die.” 
“I’m not dying here with you.  That’s not how I’m going out.”  
“Is that so bad?  Chill the fuck out,” you roll your eyes. 
“Yes it is! I’m gonna kick the door down and beat Donghyuck’s ass.”
You don’t know if it’s the unbearable heat, or the constant fucking attitude from Jisung all night.  Maybe it was the pent-up frustration from all the other times you both didn’t get along.  But you’ve decided enough is enough. 
“What’s your fucking problem?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You’re always so fucking mad at me.  I do nothing and you’re mad.  I breathe and you’re mad.  It pisses me off!  At this point, I should be the one giving you the attitude you give me!”  
“And you know what?  I always cared what you thought.  But not anymore. I’m done caring so pretend I don’t even exist,” your heart is beating out of your chest as the words spill out like vomit.  
“That’s no–” Jisung’s unable to finish his sentence when suddenly his orbs follow your fingertips gripping the hem of your top to bring over your head– leaving you in a bra.  “Wha-”
“It’s hot as shit and I’m not going to suffer.  Do what you want,” you huff, continuing with the removal of your jeans. You notice Jisung's stare lingering on your contours as you eventually pull them off, and it appears as if a million different things are running through his mind when he suddenly glances away and shakes his head.  
You’re not going to lie, it’s amusing seeing Jisung’s usual persona falter. Your boldness and the situation it creates masks the uncomfortable predicament the two of you are in.  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me like this before.”  
“What did you mean by ‘you used to care about what I thought?’” He swallows nervously.
His words have you stopping in your tracks, not realizing your words were true candor. “Nothing, I was just saying nonsense,” is all you can render as you make your way to the bed, but Jisung beats you to it, grabbing your wrist to prevent you from escaping.  
“Tell me. Please.  I know it wasn’t nonsense,” his voice is like syrup, the usual bite to it completely gone.  
You turn to face him, though you regret it the moment you notice how his eyes match his voice. “Well, I cared what you thought because of what we did before we all became friends.  And us… Or whatever we are.  I don’t know what we are now but I cared about you and what you thought about me.”
“I still do…”  
“Then why do we fight?” 
“I don’t know.  I guess you hate me so I just returned that energy.” 
“I don’t hate you,” he sounds hurt, the similar bite of his voice attempting to escape.  “You annoy the hell out of me, but I could never hate you.”
“You really act like you hate me though,” Jisung offers a small smile.  
“I don’t hate you. You’re annoying as hell. And I just don’t know what to do with everything lingering in the air when I’m around you,” you bite your lip at the confession, realizing it wasn’t a very good one. And you see him watch you do so. 
“You mean the tension?” 
“Yeah… The tension… The tension causes us to fight. Right?” The air becomes more suffocating than it already is. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s Jisung so close to you, or how you’re basically naked in front of him.  
“What else would we do?” his eyes are still trained on your lips.  
“I don’t know,” you murmur not above a whisper. “You tell me.”
“Let me try something,” he takes a step forward, shortening the small space between the two of you. “Promise you won’t get mad.” 
“No promises,” you urge, because you’re unsure of what Jisung planned to do after the indirect confessions made in the room today.  One things for sure. This territory hadn’t been visited in ages and it scares the shit out of you.  
“What are you go–” You’re cut off the lips that make its way onto yours. 
When you see Jisung dipping his head down to capture your lips onto his, you're taken aback.  However, the minute he makes contact, your legs almost buckle.  It's a familiar sensation, and you melt into him as he tests the waters with increasing devotion.  
When you reciprocate the kiss, it gets feverish, and your trembling lips work together haphazardly, interwoven with airy sighs.  His arms reach for your waist, pulling you into him harder than ever before.  He knows your body like no one else, and it drives parts of your brain haywire.  It feels like only yesterday that you both would rendezvous.
He groans into your mouth and squeezes your ass as you tug on his hair the way he likes it.  It makes you whimper since the combination of the sloppy kiss and the rush of pleasure is far too satisfying. 
 It feels good.  Way too good.  
That's why when Jisung pulls away, you chase his lips and he emits a small chuckle at the action. “Tell me you missed me.  Tell me you don’t hate me and never did,” his shoulders rise and fall at a rapid pace as he catches his breath. 
“I don’t,” you look up at him, and you want nothing more to kiss him again.  It feels like all the frustration aimed at him was sexual.  It’s honestly his fault for always looking so tempting while offering some smartass retort.  “I never did.” 
"God, I missed you," he smashes his lips against yours again, this time much more aggressive, and the back of your knees reach the edge of the bed, briefly disconnecting your lips.  You laugh, and he smirks before diving back into you as soon as your back comes into contact the mattress.  
Something possesses him at that moment, makes his hands glide up the back of your thighs, to kiss down your neck, sucking and biting to leave small bites that he later licks over to soothe the sting.  “Know how much you love to be marked.” 
“And I know how much you love me choking on your dick,” you giggle, licking a long stripe along his neck up to his jaw.  
“You’re dangerous,” Jisung hooks your thong aside, unsurprised when he notices the sticky arousal coating his fingers.  “Fuck, I forgot how wet you get.” 
“It’s from the heat.”  Your words contradict themselves as noises of pleasure leave your lips when he runs his fingers along your folds.  Jisung, on the other hand, knows the meaning behind your words like no other.  “All this stickiness is from the heat? I don’t think so baby,” he offers some stimulation to your clit and your back arches once he comes in contact with your bud.  
You shake your head and he dips his head down onto your neck offering a small kiss against the side of your neck.  God, he looks so hot, with the sweat dripping down the side of his temple and his puffy lips from kissing.  
The lewd sounds from his fingers running along your folds sends you into a frenzy.  You’re attempting to gain more friction, bucking your hips to feel more.  You’re so needy for his touch.   You've been longing for this touch.  "I'll be nice, baby," he says, inserting one finger inside your hole, your walls engulfing him up to the knuckle.  Jisung experiments with twisting and curling his fingers, enjoying the way you gasp and pulse around his fingertips. 
The wet glide is so satisfying and you moan, basically fucking yourself onto his fingers. “Sung–” is all you can choke out as he begins thrusting with a rhythm you both can’t forget.  “Wai–”
But Jisung can’t withhold any longer, not with you looking so pretty underneath him.  Not with the sounds that he remembers all too well.  His cock practically throbs at these thoughts, begging to be free from its confines when you’re already a mess.  He’s pressing against your clit along with the constant thrust of his fingers.  “Shit, Sung!” you wail, already foreseeing your high from the short time.  
Your nails dig into his forearm, body twitching from the overwhelming pleasure only he can give you.  “Oh, fuck,” the words are combined with a moan as your orgasm takes you by surprise, coating his fingers in a creamy pearl substance.  It drips down your folds as he pulls away, and the wash of the aftermath runs from your toes to the crown of your head.  It’s blissful, but your hunger for him doesn’t stay satiated.  “Good girl,” he says as he revels in your figure. 
“I need you,” you pant.  “Now.”  
“Whatever you say, Mom,” he jokes as he pulls his shirt over his head before discarding the rest of his clothing.  
“Ewww. Never say that again,” you say, earning a laugh from Jisung.  
“Like words ever stopped me before pretty girl.”
He's tugging the side of your panties, dragging them down the side of your legs while practically gaping. He continues with your bra and he gazes, unable to believe everything taking place currently.  You're like a dream, sprawled out beneath him. The pretty girl he could never get close to after being so close with.  
“Ready?” he asks after he shakes himself out of the trance you have him in.  
“Mhm,” you nod.  
He pushes inside, sighing into your ear at the creaminess of your cunt.  Your arms are wrapped around his neck as he bottoms out, fingers burrowing further into his scalp.  Jisung, rather than staying against your neck, takes advantage of the chance to peer at you.  When his nose brushes up against yours, all he sees are your lips caught between your teeth.  
At the feeling of his big cock inside of you, you clench around him.  He groans against your mouth, habitually bucking his hips forward.  “Fuck,” you moan out, back arching at the feel of his cock dragging against your walls. Your brain is already a mess and it has been since the moment he kissed you.  But Jisung loves how you’re a mess around him.  He takes pride in how he makes you feel, and that turns him on beyond belief. 
“Move Sungie, please,”  you plead and Jisung groans at the nickname you know he loves so much.  It’s enough for him to grab your wrists to pin them above your head before he begins moving.  
“Sung,” you call out again when he begins to move.  His calculated movements have you squirming beneath him, but you’re still perfectly fit against him and it’s as if you both never stopped this routine.  
“You’re mine.  I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he coos, and you’re quick to agree.  “Yours.” 
The constant rhythm he keeps has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and you're shivering when he picks up the pace--giving him a look that seems to make Jisung's cock practically explode.  He snaps his hips forward, so close to the edge that you shudder at the perspective. 
He's fucking you so well that your eyesight is fuzzy, and the brush of his dick against the spot that drives you insane only adds to the sensation. "I-I'm so close," you warn, your irregular breathing hitting his face.  
“Wait S-sung-g no.” Just as you’re about to hit your peak, Jisung flips you over so that you’re sitting on his thighs.  Though you’re disappointed in the delay of your orgasm, the angle has his cock pushing deeper than before, tip nudging against your velvety walls harshly.  “Fuck, I can’t,” you beg as your back arches at the smallest movements.  
As fast as words leave his throat, Jisung dips down to suck on your nipple, occasionally leaving purple blossoms.  “Wait I’ll–” 
“You’ll what?” he says, chuckling when he sees you instinctively grinding forward against his member. “Cream my cock?” He watches your fucked out expressions, loving how your eyes are lined with tears.  
“I’m planning on it, “ he smirks before thrusting up into you.  
“J-jisung!” you’re a sobbing mess above him as his harsh thrusts sends pure pleasure up your spine.  His name falls off your lips like a mantra, and the gibberish he can’t make out only urges him to move furiously into you.  Though your brain is a puddle of mush, the band in your lower abdomen is about to snap, so you grind your hips against him with newly found fervor, stimulating your clit in the best way possible. 
Jisung watches you above him as his fingers dig into your waist.  You’re so beautiful, he thinks.  Everything about you, every part of your mind and body he worships, and he swears he’s not going to let go of you this time. 
“S-sung,” you moan again and again, and Jisung continues to abuse your boob, kissing up your throat as you inch closer to your high. “So perfect.” 
You let out a high-pitched moan at a specific thrust, and your thighs tremble against his.  "I got you," he says as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.  And after a few thrusts, you're collapsing against him, again repeating his name.  You're just a lick away from teetering off the edge.  
“I want it so bad,” you blabber against his neck.  “S-so close.  Don’t stop.” 
“Give it to me,” he dips underneath to circle your bundle of nerves with the perfect pressure and you come undone, high-pitched moans and whimpers against his ear.  
 The mix of cum and the slick from prior allows the glide to be that much easier for Jisung to glide against as he tips over the edge as well.  You’re still pulsing and gripping his cock like a vice and it’s a done deal for Jisung.  “Inside?” 
“Inside me,” you kiss the side of his neck.  He feels euphoric as your noises against his ear urges him on and his arms hold you tightly.  And after a few more thrusts and desperate hips, his cum shoots inside you.  “Fuck.” 
It's so much energy that when the sensation of your high washes over you, you collapse against Jisung, who also collapses against the mattress. 
“You’re sticky,” you look at his face and admire how good the afterglow of sex looks on him.  
 Jisung massages little circles across the small of your back in comforting stillness.  
“I’m going to murder Hyuck,” he realizes how much the humidity encases the room. 
“Maybe not too brutal, because his plan to lock us in here so we can finally make up worked,” you notify him and his eyes light up.
“I think everyone’s asleep.  How about we torture them some more?” he smirks at you.  
“I say Hyuck isn’t going to get a wink of sleep tonight,” you mischievously grin and it’s enough for Jisung to dive down and continue drowning in your lips. 
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DECEMBER 31  11:59 PM
“Damn, I can’t believe my plan worked! You guys are attached to the fucking hip,” Hyuck comes over to you and Jisung hand-in-hand.  
“Your plan worked for once dumbass,” Jeno butts in abruptly, almost spilling the alcohol in his cup. 
“We have no more arguing but I don’t know if it’s worth it,” Jaemin points.  
“You guys are like rabbits!” Mark yells out.
“Gross! Not the fucking time! I need to find someone to kiss,” Renjun groans. 
“Yeah but everything Hyuck does to end our suffering, it just reappears as something else!” Chenle laughs, earning a middle-finger from the subject of his words. 
“Guess you were right.  We can laugh about this on New Year's,” Jeno turns to Hyuck.  
“Happy new year motherfuckers,” Chenle says before clinking all the cups together.  
You turn to Jisung as the clock counts down, his arm around your waist. “Happy New Year, boyfriend.” 
“Happy New Year, Girlfriend,” he smiles the hardest you’ve seen him in a while.  
“Happy fucking new year,” he says before smashing his lips onto yours. 
Happy fucking new year indeed. 
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loveharlow · 7 months
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SEVEN - 001
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ [9.6k] based on 1x01.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of drowning, mentions of death
A/N‧₊˚ I've been wanting to do an OBX rewrite for a very long time so here it is, the first chapter from yours truly.
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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‘THAT’S ABOUT A THREE-STORY FALL TO THE DECK? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival.” Pope theoreticized from below. John B was balancing himself on the roof, beer in hand and not a care in the world. 
Licking his finger and holding it up in the air, he spoke. “Should I do it?”
“Yeah, you should jump! I’ll shoot you on the way down.” Pope joked, electric drill gun pointed up in the brunette’s direction. 
“You’re gonna shoot me?” JB mocked the boy below him with fingers guns as Kiara emerged from inside the unfinished home, interrupting their shenanigans.
“They’re gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers.” She said, mildly disgusted.
“Of course they are,” JJ chimed in. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“This used to be a turtle habitat,” she continued on, looking the house up and down. “But who cares about the turtles, I guess…”
“Can’t have cold towels…” 
“Do you even use towels, JJ?” You chimed in as you rounded the corner, earbud in one ear and even from the roof, the four of your friends could hear your music blasting faintly. “I thought you shook yourself off like a dog when you got wet.”
“Ha ha.” He fake laughed before he chucked an empty beer can in your direction. You dodged it with an annoyed sneer before picking it up and chucking it back ten times harder, hitting the side of the blonde’s head.
“Ah- ouch!”
“Could you please, not kill yourself?” Kiara stared up at John B with concern in her eyes.
“And don’t spill that beer! I’m not giving you another one…” JJ warned his best friend. His words almost like a trigger, JB dropping the beer right after, hearing the metal clank against the deck as the remaining liquid splattered on the wood.
“And of course he spills the beer.” You couldn’t help but speak as you slid down one of the wooden fixtures to sit against it.
“Hey!” A new voice bellowed. That’s when your eyes found Pope leaned over one of the banisters. 
“Security’s here. Let’s wrap it up.” He said, voice wavering slightly as he pat the deck and turned around.
John B got down from the roof, following behind JJ as you all picked up the pace. You all made your way into the house, quick in your steps to avoid the officers.
Rushing down the stairs, JJ was in the front. “Right turn, J!” You shouted. But of course, he still made a left turn, coming face to face and just narrowly missing one of the officers as you all went right. “I said right turn, dumbass!” You yelled over your shoulder.
“They’re going out front!”
You, Kiara, and John B had already managed to jump into the van, watching as JJ and Pope hopped the gate and landed flat on their stomachs. John B honked the horn to urge them on. “Bus is leaving!”
With the last two of the group in the vehicle, John B practically stomped on the pedal, sending the vehicle forward.
He drove the van as fast it could go, which wasn’t all that fast for the record. The side door was still open as you, along with JJ and Pope, mocked the officer who was chasing after the busted van. 
“Check out Gary, gunnin’ for a raise.” Pope mocked, eliciting a chorus of giggles inside the van. 
“You little pricks!”
JJ waved a beer can out the door, shaking it in the mans face. “You’re so close, you can do it! There you go.” He said as he tossed the can in the running officer’s direction. “They don’t pay you enough bro!”
The officer fell behind just as the van hit the bridge, passing the welcome sign to The Outer Banks. ‘Paradise on Earth.’ The natural habitat of you and your friends.
The Pogues. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish.
There’s JJ, one of your best friends out of them all. He’s about as local as they come. He does the dumb, risky things none of the rest of you will and you actually find him quite funny, not that you’d ever let him know that. He's tries to act all wreckless and tough-guy but you all know that he's just a loyal friend who tries to do the right thing in the wrong way.
Then there’s Kiara, or Kie as she would prefer to be called. She’s been your closest and dearest friend since forever. Your fathers were as thick as thieves and you and Kie seemed to follow in their steps being best friends since pre-school, even though you lived on two differen't sides of the island up until recently. Her family owns The Wreck, this Outer Banks institution and her parents love you. The others? Not so much… 
And you can’t forget Pope, the brains of the operation. Finalist for the Luther T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And the smartest person you know. Little bit of a weirdo but who isn’t. His father’s sort of.. strict, but he gives you free seafood. He says you're the 'least negative influence' his son keeps around.
Then, of course, There’s John B — legally, John Booker Routledge. You all have a myriad of nicknames for him though — John, JB, Bree, Jombee. You all typically hang at his place, The Chateau as his dad used to call it. Speaking of his dad, he disappeared at sea nine months ago, looking for a shipwreck and his mom split when he was three. You’ve all been doing your best to look out for him but it was an extremely difficult situation…
Last is you, the Pogues resident Pogue Princess. Well, former Pogue Princess. You moved to Figure Eight about eight months ago, after your dad died and your mom’s lawyer career skyrocketed seemingly out of the blue. But you hate it there, you spent her whole life on The Cut. Plus, your dad’s death caused a bit of a strain on your relationship with your mother. Things just haven't been the same.
WAKING UP TO HARSH POST-HURRICANE WINDS IS NEVER PLEASANT. Especially not for someone who isn’t much of a morning person. You’d barely had time to rub the sleep out of your eyes when your mom came into your room, in a rush as she was running late to meet with a client, reminding you to turn on the backup generator and ordering you to help out Kiara and her father at The Wreck.
“Is that all of it?” You asked, mouth half-full of french fries that were hot and salted to literal perfection. Kie stood in front of you, apron covered in food scraps and hair in a messy bun. 
“As much as we’re gonna be able to get today.” She sighed, eyes scanning over the crates and boxes littered amongst the floor. “Here,” She started, walking towards a couple of coolers stacked in the corner. “We’ll take these coolers out on the dock. The guys should be here soon.”
“M’kay.” You hummed, jumping out of the chair you were sitting backwards in and clapping your hands together to dust them off. She grabbed the cooler off the top and you grabbed the one underneath, following her out to the dock. 
It had gotten hotter in the short time you both had spent cleaning The Wreck, sun hitting you directly in the face as you walked out onto the damp deck, eyes squinting from the harsh beam of sunlight. Your hair was thrown up and out of your face into a high ponytail. You had discarded your flannel, tying it around your waist in front of your shorts, leaving your top half in only a bikini.
“Top o’ the mornin’ to ya.” JJ greeted. 
“Good morning.” Kie replied, shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Whatcha got? Some juice boxes?”
You lifted the lid and peeked inside as you and Kiara continued walking towards the boat. “Looks like, carrots? And… yogurt?” You looked to Kie for some assurance. She smirked.
“I have his kind of juice boxes in this one.” She assured, wiggling her cooler in the air. 
The boat stopped at the end of the dock, the guys helping you both inside. Once you and her were all arms and legs inside, John B sped off. Kie opened up her cooler handing everyone a beer who accepted, which was all except for John B, who was steering, and Pope who opted for baby carrots.
“Salud!” You all cheered as the three of you clanked bottles.
“HEY POPE, CAN YOU GO A LITTLE FASTER?” JJ asked, now standing at the forefront of the boat, beer in hand. Pope had taken over as driver when John B joined in drinking with the rest of the group.
“Dude, nooo, not this again. It fails every time.” You tried to stop the blonde from trying this borderline ritualistic party trick that never worked. 
“Have some faith, will you?” He shot back sarcastically. “It’s gonna work!” He spoke over the rev of the engine as Pope idiotically listened to him and sped up the boat. JJ tilted the beer bottle back enough to splatter beer into his mouth, and in Kie’s hair, and on John B’s cheek, and on your lips. 
“Alright, alright!” Pope tried. “Alright, stop!” 
It happened out of nowhere, the boat coming to an aggressive and abrupt stop. The last thing you saw was JJ flipping forward into the water, JB and Kie falling off their seats, and Pope tumbling back before you were submerged within an endlessness of dark blue, a harsh stinging-sensation blooming on your back and thighs. You couldn’t tell what was up and what was down. Too disoriented from the fall, your brain didn’t catch up with your body, attempting to inhale in your panic before getting a mouth full of water. Then, within seconds, you felt a hand on your back, seemingly feeling around to make sure you were what they were looking for before two hands were under your arms and pulling you up.
You coughed as your eyes were met with the harsh light of the sun, but you were grateful for it. You could hear JJ’s voice behind your ear as you coughed up water. “I got her! She’s fine!”
He swam in front of you, his hand rubbing and patting your back as your coughing fit slowly became less intense. “You alright? You took a nasty fall.” You managed to strain out a hoarse laugh. 
“You guys okay?” Pope shouted over the edge of the boat. 
“Almost drowned but yeah, we’re just fine.” You and JJ joked back, swimming back to the boat.
“Pope, man, what happened?” JJ inquired, treading water next to you. 
“Sandbar. The channel changed...” 
“No kidding.” You said, voice still scratchy from the Marsh water. 
“Guys…” Pope started, staring in confusion over the edge of the small boat. “I think there’s a boat down there.”
“Yeah, okay...”
“No, I’m serious. There’s a boat down there. For real.” You and JJ gave each other a glance, still treading in the water as you watched the remaining three peer over where Pope was staring. “There’s a boat!”
Kie quickly turned around. “Holy shit, he’s right.” You and JJ began paddling towards where your friends eyes were glued before as they shed their clothes and jumped in with the two of you. You all took one last glance at each other before dunking your heads below the surface and diving to the pristine, white boat that stood stuck in the middle of The Marsh.
When the tips of your fingers touched the surface of the boat, you swam around it, examining the structure. This wasn’t an old shipwreck, it was too clean. This had to have happened during the hurricane. As you kept swimming, you recognized the layout, the structure, the fixtures. There was no way this was what you thought it was…
Coming back up to the surface, JJ’s voice was the first one heard. “You guys saw that, right?” He asked breathlessly, a smile on his face as he shook his wet hair from in front of his face.
“That’s a Grady-White.” You added, still catching your breath. “That’s like a half a million dollar boat, just sitting there.” You all swam back to where the HMS Pogue swayed, climbing back on all at once. 
“That’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something.” John B spoke. Both you and Kiara turned to him, your faces falling from excitement to dismay.
Kie was the first to speak, a quiet question. “You surfed the surge?...”
“Yeah.” JB spoke carelessly, barely paying any attention before answering.
“That’s my boy. Pogue style.” JJ encouraged him, slapping a hand against his shoulder.
“Well that was dumb.” You immediately protested, siding with Kie. “You could’ve gotten killed.” You added seriously. What the hell was he thinking? Surfing a surge isn’t uncommon in the Outer Banks, but waves like that? That’s a death wish, for sure.
“I’m still here, aren’t I?”
There was brief, tense eye contact between the both of you before you scoffed and turned around, walking off.
“Wait. Do we know whose boat that is?” Pope asked. 
“No, but we’re about to find out.” John B spoke up. 
“Dude, it’s way too deep.” JJ pointed out. He was right. It was too deep, especially for someone with no diving experience. Diving experience that you happened to have. No matter how pissed you were at him for surfing the surge, letting John B make another dumb mistake was just as bad. Also, mildly hypocritical.
“Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ.”
“I’m not resuscitating you.” JJ reminded. “I’m just...making that clear up front.” He told him, scrunching his nose and shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s fine.” John was now standing on the edge of the boat, anchor in hand with a smile that was much to happy for someone doing something so dangerous.
“Diver down.” Pope saluted.
You turned around, about to offer to go down yourself. That was, until JJ pushed John B off the edge of the boat himself.
“JJ!” You shouted, hands out. He turned to you, blue eyes wide and wandering. 
“What?” You just shook your head and groaned.
You just opted to stand on the other side of Kie, watching and waiting for John B to emerge again. 
Seconds passed, seconds that felt like minutes. “He’s been down there too long.” You eventually vocalized, breaking through the tense silence. 
“Should we go get him?” Pope suggested. Just then, the brown haired boy sprung up out the water, shaking his head side to side flinging water on the four of you. You all shielded your faces, mutual groans leaving the four of you on the boat.
“Dude! C’mon…” Pope complained, wiping droplets of water from his forehead and peering over the edge of the boat. “Any dead bodies?”
“No.” John B answered. “I found this motel key.” He continued, holding up a small, silver key with a yellow tag attached. 
“A key...” Pope said unimpressed. 
“Great! We… salvaged a motel key.” JJ continued mocking as they helped John B back onto the boat. Pope resumed his position behind the wheel as John B examined the key, you sat back with your earbud in one ear, still able to listen and chime in on the conversation. 
“Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we’ll get a finder’s fee.” 
POPE DOCKED AT THE COAST GUARD, THE PLACE BOMBARDED WITH ISLANDERS. Some searching for their spouses, pets, and family members. JJ and John B walked inside to find someone while Pope, Kie and yourself waited outside the maze of tents.
“It’s the day after a hurricane. They’re looking for old people and children, not boats. Besides, would it really be that bad if we just, didn’t report it?” You voiced.
“I don’t know,” Pope expressed, hand on the back of his neck. “What if there’s a body down there and we just, I don’t know, missed it.”
“And,” Kie started in that motherly tone that could make you question all bad judgment. “Reporting it is the right thing to do. No matter what.”
Just then, JJ and John B came back out of the tent. JJ shook his head. “No luck.” You couldn’t say you were surprised. Or disappointed. All heads turned to John B who stared out at nothing. He fiddled with the key before voicing his thoughts. 
“...I think I know how we’re gonna find the guy who owns that boat.”
“No, no, no,” Pope stressed, pointing at the key as if the object was to blame. “No bad ideas. We don’t know whose that is.”
The two boys ignored him, JJ taking the key from John B’s fingers and tossing it to Kie. “I’m in.” He declared. 
“Come on,” Kie urged Pope. “I’ll be lookout.”
You shrugged, following behind them but talking to Pope as you walked backwards. “At least we tried.” You turned to walk forwards, JB trailing behind you. 
“Finder’s fee, just sayin’” You heard him say. “And hey! At least you’ll only be an accomplice.”
Pope sighed before you heard his footsteps join the group. “Man…”
“Come on, bubba.” John B comforted, throwing an arm over the dark-skinned boy's shoulders.
“This is place is a shithole.” You were the first to say it out loud. The cloudy windows, the overgrown vines on the, what you guessed used to be, white walls, and the overgrown weeds. 
“I thought The Chateau looked bad...”
“Motel or Meth-lab?”
“Doesn’t look like the type of place someone with a Grady-White would stay.” John pointed out the obvious.
“It looks like the type of place someone with a Grady-White would get mugged.” You mumbled as JJ winded up the rope and jumped off the front of the boat, tying it down to anchor it in place. 
“We good?” John B asked as the chipper blonde wrapped the blue and white rope around the anchor point a couple more times for good measure.
“Good to go.”
“All right,” John B said. “Here goes nothing.”
“Hey.” Pope uttered, pointing a finger at JJ but maintaining eye contact with JB. “Don’t let him do anything stupid.”
“I’m not making any promises.” Was all John B said, you and Pope simultaneously rolling your eyes.
“Be careful…” Kiara spoke softly, handing John B the key. “I mean it.” John B kept his eyes on hers until a small smile crept up on his sun kissed cheeks. He let out a soft, almost school-girlish chuckle.
“Yeah...” He muttered as he turned to walk away with JJ. 
Seconds passed as you watched the boys disappear, already knowing nothing good could come out of those two. It was only a small matter of time before Kiara spoke up, eyes on you as she fiddled nervously with her fingers.
“You should go with them.”
You could feel your expression morph into one of of confusion, looking on both sides of you. “Me?” You asked incredulously, pointing a finger at yourself. “Why me?”
“Well, they’d just rope Pope into whatever dumb decision they make, so he’s not an option.”
“Hey!” Pope threw his hands up in a poor attempt to defend himself. His mouth opened and closed, trying to find words before eventually surrendering to the fact that what she said was at least somewhat truthful.
“And what about you?” You asked, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. “Any chance for some extra time with John B, right?” You teased, edging towards the girl as she rolled her eyes.
“Will all of you stop saying that?” She looked away, playing with her bracelets. "I just get worried..."
You laughed and playfully pecked her cheek. “Yeah, worried. More like hot and bothered.” You played with the girl, hopping off the boat and landing just barely on your feet. You hadn’t made it but two steps before you heard her voice again.
“Hey!” You turned around. “Don’t forget your phone.” She reminded, tossing the small device your way as you caught it between your palms. A slight look of uncertainty on your face.
“Aren’t the towers down?”
Both of them shrugged before Pope spoke. “Couldn't hurt to have it.”
You pondered on it for a moment before letting the thought go. It wasn’t long before you caught up to the boys, the two not even noticing your presence behind them over their own conversation.
“...super sexy island chick that can play guitar and loves dogs. And her mom’s a hotshot lawyer, dude! Do you know how many guys on this island alone would jump at the chance to hit that?”
“I’d jump at the chance to hit you.” You disrupted whatever direction that conversation was going in. “I don't even want to know.” You snarked when he stuttered to defend himself, their heads turning back, JJ blubbering like a fish with his eyes wide.
“Where the hell did you...”
“Just, sh.” You dismissed him with your palm, John B chuckling under his breath. 
“It’s like, every girl who has a heartbeat you’re just like…” John B made a semi-sexual motion with his hands and let out some ancient, elderly groan. 
“It’s not a big deal.” JJ defended, the topic of conversation dying as the three of you approach the end of the walkway.
“Is this us? Twenty-nine?” You piped up, pointing to the motel door that was scuffed up entirely, paint chipped and scratches all over. 
“This is it.” John B declared, staring at the key in his palm. JJ knocked in a rhythm on the wood, pretending to be housekeeping with a high pitched voice. 
“Should we try it?” John B looked at JJ for a green light, JJ saying something in Spanish as you looked around before giving JB a nod as your signal of agreement. The door creaked open as we stood in the frame. Needless to say, the room looked better than the exterior. There was a decent sized duffel bag on the bed closest to the door, it was clear to see that the room was actually occupied for a considerable amount of time. 
“I’ll check the bag.” JB directed, using the flashlight to search through the bag. “Definitely over 50, he’s got New Balances…”
You shot him a dirty look that he couldn’t see. “I have New Balances…” You mumbled.
JJ was leaned over a map on the nightstand, scanning it curiously. “Maybe this is where they were fishing.” He declared, John B and you crowding around him on either side. “Right there?” He pointed with his finger at a spot on the map.
“No, that’s off the continental shelf.” John B argued. 
“That’s the Big Swell. No one fishes there.” You informed.
JJ continued looking over the map for a bit as you saw John B lift a piece of paper that was ripped from the motel notepad, a series of numbers written on it. You couldn’t see what numbers they were exactly but they didn’t seem important as he sat the paper down and both boys backed away from the nightstand.
You used the flashlight on your phone to continue scouting the room. It was what you’d expect out of a motel room — chipped walls, dust particles visible at every turn, the faint smell of sweat and what was either mildew or mold. Or both. 
“Oooh...” JJ could be heard from the bathroom.
“You find somethin’?” You inquired, walking into the space he was in and watching him rifle through a small black bag on a shelf.
“Just a dopp kit Bree won’t let me steal.” He whispered before peeking his head through the doorframe and pocketing a bottle of pills.
You swatted his chest, prompting him to clutch his chest like an offended old woman. “We aren’t stealing.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Put those back.”
“Whoever’s it is won’t miss them. They’re probably dead somewhere-”
“We’re not taking anything, JJ. Just put them back-”
“You know how much these could sell for?”
“I don’t care-”
“What are you guys doing?” JB was standing in the doorframe, flashlight by his side as he eyed the both of you back and forth. You both pausing and looking at John B, then each other.
You rolled your eyes and brushed past him, heading for the main bedroom. John B followed, crouching down in front of a cabinet that held a safe before he began punching in numbers.
“That will literally take forever.” You reprimanded, eyeing him with confusion as you shifted your weight behind him. 
“One, one, one, two?...” He ignored you as he continued punching in combinations.
“...Or try the piece of paper you picked up not even two minutes ago?” You told him as if was the most obvious thing in the world, face twisting as you threw your free hand out to the side. He paused in his number-punching, his head craning to the side before he stood up and looked at you.
“Maybe you are good for something.” He spoke absentmindedly, walking past you to get the piece of paper as JJ reviewed the map once again. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean…” You mumbled to no one in particular as he brushed past you once again to go back to entering codes into the safe, this time you crouching next to him, watching as he punched ‘61666’ into the keypad. You watched as the door unlocked itself. 
Your eyes widened when John B fully opened the safe, revealing wads of cash secured with rubber bands, a folder, and a gun. 
“I don’t think we should…” You started.
“Holy shit.” John B proclaimed in awe, picking up one of the stacks of money.
“..touch, any of that.” 
“JJ, you’re gonna wanna see this.” The boy called the blonde over, waving the money behind him.
JJ made his way behind the both of you. You could hear his gasp of “no freaking way” before his hand was reaching to grab the one thing in the safe all of you knew better than to touch — the gun.
“Why would you do that?” You whisper-shouted with wide eyes, standing up alongside John B as JJ played around with the firearm.
“Dude, don’t touch it!” John B warned.
“This is a fucking spendy-gatt man! Blat! Blat!” JJ geeked like a school girl, pretending to shoot the gun at the wall. “Just take a picture of me, man.”
“You want me to take a picture of you? With a gun?” John B asked as if JJ was an idiot. Just then, you heard something hit the frame of the window above the nightstand, speed walking over to it and peeking through the blinds to see a frantic Pope and Kie pointing to their left, mouthing what you thought was the word ‘cops’.
“What is it?” John B and JJ said almost simultaneously as you pushed through both of them to peek out of the window next to the motel room door, spotting Deputy Shoupe and another officer making their way to the room.
“Cops.” You spoke monotonously. “Go. Now. Hide.” You urged as the three of you scattered like mice throughout the room. 
“Kildare County Sheriff’s Department!” A manly voice boomed on the other side of the door when you decided to lift the window, urging the two boys to follow you out onto the roof as quietly as possible.
You could hear the officers enter the room seconds later, telling one another to look around. John B got a little too curious, peeking his head slowly around the corner before you grabbed the ends of his hair that poked out under his baseball cap to snatch his face away from the window.
“Ouch!” He whisper-yelled, hand going to the back of his head.
“What’re you, five? Stop peeking.”
The three of you waited, hearing the muffled chatter of the officers inside as now both John B and JJ attempted to peeked inside, little visibility with the blinds being closed. For some odd, unknown reason, JJ decided to try and retrieve the gun he shouldn’t have touched in the first place from his pocket, the metal slipping through his fingers and clattering against the roof you were standing on.
You all cringed at the noise, giving JJ a side glance and thumping your head against the brick wall. 
Your heart jumped in your throat when the blinds were suddenly drawn up from the inside, Shoupe peeking outside of the window carefully. The three of you waited, anticipating the worst thing to happen until he spoke, voice deafened from the wall between you.
“No one’s here. Let’s go.” You allowed yourself to breathe a sigh of relief. 
“WELL, THAT WAS FUN.” JJ spoke with a chipper tone.
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene.” Pope spoke up. “Did you guys even find anything?”
“Did we find anything? No, I don’t think so…” JJ mocked, reaching into his pockets. All you could do was roll your eyes as he whipped out the gun and a wad of cash. “Oh, yeah, we did.”
“What the hell?” Pope said, anger in his voice. “Why would you take that from a crime scene?!”
“My thoughts exactly.” You reprimanded under your breath, glancing at Pope who looked at you for a brief second. 
“Better than the cops having it.” JJ tried to justify, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Are you serious?” Kie added. 
“I’m gonna lose my merit scholarship.” Pope worried, JJ pulling him into his side and putting the gun to his lips as he shushed him.
“At least you have us, right?” JJ tried to remedy to which Pope, as well as the rest of you, gave him a deadpan look, shoving him off.
“I’m living a nightmare.”
It wasn’t long before you’d made it back to the docks where it was now swarmed with emergency services. The coroner’s had a man’s body on a stretcher as they questioned another. You all watched on the sidelines with another group of teens as a middle-aged woman ran up to the body, cradling his face.
“Who’s that?” JJ asked.
“Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm.” A random blonde girl replied. “Check out this pic I got. Dead Body.” She mocked, shoving her phone into John B’s face.
“...What kind of boat did he have?” JJ piped up randomly, most eyes turning to him.
“Somehow,” The girl started. “That dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady White. Everyone’s out looking for it.”
BACK AT THE CHATEAU, POPE CAME THROUGH THE DOOR, FRANTIC AS HE JOINED THE REST OF YOU ON THE PATIO. “Okay, so we didn’t see anything and we don’t know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia.” 
“Actually, Pope’s right, for once.” JJ chimed in from his place on the chair farthest from the rest of you. “Deny, deny, deny…” 
“Guys, we can’t keep that money.” Kie interrupted as if the thought had been plaguing her mind.
“Okay, not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.”
“That’s not fair, JJ.” You added from your place next to John B, leaning against the post that held up the house.
“Coming from another person who can afford an unlimited data plan.”
“Why are you acting like we didn't live down the street from each other like, eight months ago?” You criticized.
“But you don’t live there now, do you, princess?”
“Don’t call me that." You warned, chucking a pillow at him as he dodged it. "You know I hate when you call me that-”
“Guys.” Pope stopped your childish bickering, allowing Kie to finish her thought. 
“We have to pass it off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it’s bad karma.” 
You shook your head in disagreement. “If anything, giving her the money is bad karma. This whole thing is sketchy and those wads of cash literally scream drug money.”
“I agree.” JB finally spoke. “This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that’s buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. One time, I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot.”
“I can attest to that, I saw him doing the same outside of a Shopper’s once. He didn’t have a shirt on. It was disturbing.” You added absentmindedly.
John B threw his hands in your direction as if saying you were proving his point further. “We are talking about a dirtbag, marina rat who’s never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket and somehow managed to get a brand-new Grady White. Think about it—how does a marina rat get a Grady White, Pope?”
The boy sucked air in through his teeth, tilting his head to the side. “Prostitution?” John B shook his head in disagreement.
“Uh-uh. Square groupers, bro.” He claimed, using his hands for emphasis. “Flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don’t do that stuff during a hurricane. Which means? JJ?” John B handed off the invisible mic to the blonde.
“They were straight smugglin’.”
“And I guarantee there’s a serious amount of contraband in that wreck.”
“For the record,” Pope began to tell the four of you in that overly-intelligent tone, fiddling with the wad of money. “If that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on it, it probably belongs to someone else. Someone could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid.”
“Right,” JJ added, taking the stolen stack of money from Pope’s hand. “But stupid things have good outcomes all the time.”
“But usually not in our case…”
“Not helping, Princess.” JJ quipped, head tilting in your direction. You took steps in his direction, smacking him upside the head and snatching the wad of cash from his hands, counting it as you spoke.
“Ouch- dammit!” He exclaimed, caressing the back of his head.
“I warned you once. Listening is fundamental.”
“We need a way on to the ship.” John B added, ignoring you both with that distant look in his eyes. “But for now we gotta lay low.”
“Right…and how exactly do we do that?” JJ inquired, leaning back in his seat.
Sharing a glance with Kie, you both looked back at the boy in front of you before speaking at the same time.
THE BONEYARD WAS CROWDED, TO SAY THE LEAST. With Kildare being such a small part of the Outer Banks, news spread quickly. The beach flooded with tourons, pogues, and kooks alike. Beer sloshing, girls dancing.
You’d all went your own sort of ways when it started to kick up — JJ chugging beer with some chick, John B chatting up another, Kie educating a group of girls, and Pope scaring off some poor girl with dead body talk. You’d just gotten off the keg, lightheaded as you stood back up the right way from where two strangers were holding your legs as everyone around you chanted, wiping the beer from your lips when Kie approached you with a snarl on her face.
“What is she doing here?” Your eyebrows pinched together, your eyes following hers to find what had her wound so tight.
It was no other than Sarah Cameron — stood on an old beach post with her loyal dog of a boyfriend, Topper, right behind her. You couldn’t help but internally groan, turning back to Kiara with an eye roll that set into an annoyed expression. 
“God, why is she everywhere?” The brown-haired girl complained as your eyes drifted across the beach, landing on the puppy-eyed friend of yours whose own eyes were fixated on the blonde near the shore. Even from feet away, you didn’t miss the glint in his eye. But there was no way JB had a thing for Sarah Cameron, right? He knew how you and Kie felt about her and he didn’t like Kooks. There was no way.
Nudging Kie’s shoulder, you spoke again. “Better question is, why is John B looking at her like that?”
Kiara’s attention drifted to John B, watching him like he was watching Sarah. A look in her eyes you couldn’t quite decipher — somewhere between disappointment and betrayal. Your own attention was pulled back to the aforementioned couple who were steadily approaching the crowd of teens.
If this were a house party, you’d shun them at the door. Unfortunately, this was public beach and nothing could be done to stop them from joining in.
THE SUN HAD GONE DOWN AND WHAT ONCE WAS A KEGGER IN FULL SWING WAS NOW A BEACH FULL OF TEENS CROWDED AROUND BONFIRE. The four of you were sitting near one another, the only one missing being JJ.
“I’m just saying, it was ninth grade guys. Maybe she’s changed.”
“Ninth grade or not, Sarah Cameron is still a bitch.” You shot at JB who was suspiciously defensive of a girl who really only knew of through his job, Kiara, and yourself. The topic of conversation kept drifting back to Sarah throughout the night, watching her frolic and gawk at the crowd of people as if she’d never been to a party before. Topper glued to her side per usual.
You all watch from the side as Topper grabbed her hand, helping her up from the log they were perched on as it seemed they finally decided to call it a night just as JJ had come back with the beers he’d went to go refill for John B and himself. 
John B stood up and approached his friend, ready to take the cup when Sarah and Topper walked by, gaining the attention of a drunk JJ Maybank who wouldn’t let them go unnoticed. If Kooks had one-hundred haters, JJ was the leader of them. If Kooks had no haters, JJ was dead. 
“Wait, Sarah!” He stopped them in their tracks. “Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?” He slurred. Sarah looked him up and down before politely declining the offer. You, Kie, and Pope watched the interaction silently from your places in the sand. “What? Is it not fancy enough for you?”
“We were just leaving…” She sassed, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
“Y’know what?” Topper mused. “I’ll take it. Thank you, man. ‘Preciate it.” You could tell this wasn’t a genuinely civil interaction, the remaining three of you in the sand watching from the sidelines sparing one another a weary glance.
“That’s a nice gesture, Topper, but I didn’t ask you.” JJ retorted, the smile dropping from Topper’s face quickly. John B was already attempting to step in between the two. “If you said ‘pretty please’? Maybe. But you didn’t. So…”
“Oh, pretty please?” Topper shot back unbelievably. 
JJ dismissed him, turning back to Sarah and once again offering the drink when Topper suddenly smacked the drink away, the beverage splattering all over JJ’s face. The beach of teen’s attention was suddenly pulled to the four of them in the middle of the beach as you, Kiara, and Pope stood from your spots in the sand.
JJ was quick to snatch Topper by the collar of his button-up before John B pushed him back in an effort to calm down his friend. He was speaking to JJ, words no one could hear until Topper shouted ‘dirty pogues’, stealing John B’s attention in a matter of seconds as the boy whipped around to march towards him.
John B pushed Topper’s shoulders back, the action not doing much. The three of you still standing figured it was time to step in, dispersing from your places and getting in between the four of them — mainly the three guys as Sarah stood off to the side. . 
You saw it coming before you heard the connect, Topper edging towards John B before striking him in the jaw.  “Hey!” You shouted, jogging in their direction with Kie by your side as you watched Topper kick your friend while he was down.
“Guys? Guys!” You heard Sarah shouting. 
“Don’t make me drown you like your old man, alright?!” Topper spat. If you were any further back in the crowd that all watched like this was a professional brawl, you wouldn’t have heard it.
The statement obviously struck a nerve within JB, the boy finding strength in his state of anger to get up and tackle Topper into the shallow water. You usually weren’t one to condone violence, but JB was standing his ground and Topper deserved it.
The two boys circled each other, taking turns throwing punches. The odds were in John B’s favor, until they weren’t, Topper taking the opportunity to flip him onto his back into the water. 
You couldn’t tell what was happening immediately until you finally registered what was going on. Topper had John B pinned by the back of his neck, face down into the shallow sea water.
“Topper!” Sarah shouted over and over, her whining making your fists ball.
“Sarah!” You turned to her. “Will you shut the hell up and get your psychotic boyfriend?!” All the girl could do was shoot you a mean glare, turning back to the sight in front of her and continuing her chant of Topper’s name.
“He’s drowning him.” You heard Kiara speak behind you. Your eyes scanned the beach for something, anything — landing on a thick piece of driftwood, you wasted no time in sprinting over to it, picking it up almost like a baseball bat. You could hear your three friends calling your name as you ran up behind Topper, wielding the piece of wood like a weapon, ready and fully prepared to knock his ass out with it.
You were feet away from the angry, rich blonde before JJ had beat you to it, holding a gun to the back of his head. You stopped in your tracks, the piece of wood falling to your side as your jaw went slack and your eyes wide.
“JJ!” Kiara yelled.
“Dude, chill!” Pope shouted, walking up behind his erratic friend.
“JJ! Put the gun down!” Sarah tried, finally deciding to actually step in with the rest of you. The blonde girl shouted you and Kie’s names. “Will you check your psycho friend, please?!”. You and Kie simply ignored the girl.
“We’re good! We’re good!” Topper surrendered, releasing John B’s neck from his hands. You, along with Pope and Kiara, wasted no time in rushing over to aid your friend, kneeling in the wet sand and salt water next to him as the three of you sat him up.
“Everyone listen up!” JJ continued. “Get the hell off our side of the island!” He yelled, shooting stray bullets to the sky. You flinched slightly at the unexpected, ear-ringing sound.
“JJ!” You yelled at him, louder than you had the entire night. The crowd of teens dispersing, running every which way in between the trees. You made sure Kiara and Pope could take care of your wounded friend themselves before shooting up from your crouched position and approaching JJ, snatching his shoulder back to face you before pushing his chest. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you have any idea what you just did?!”
“I was saving his life, okay?!”
“By firing a gun you stole?!”
JJ had no idea the trouble he’d just created and the argument didn’t go much further than that when the four of you heard a splash and turned back to find John B, who’d collapsed, unconscious, back into the water. 
“I’M CALLING IT OFF.” Was the first word said between any of you. It was the next morning and John B had called you all together at The Chateau, the five of you spread out in the yard. There was a cloud hanging over the group, a tense silence. The only noise being a ball JJ kept tossing back and forth. “Peterkin said that if I stay out of The Marsh, she’ll help with DCS.”
“And you believed her?” JJ asked as if his friend was the biggest dunce in the world. 
“Yes, I believed her, JJ, she's the Sheriff. All I have to do is stay out The Marsh for a few days and she’ll help me out.” He repeated. “It doesn’t help that your ass was the one shooting a gun!”
JJ scoffed, shaking his head side to side. “Y’know what? I should’ve let Topper drown your ass.” 
“Yeah, because Topper was really going to drown me.”
“It sure looked like it. I mean, have you looked in a mirror?” JJ shot back, leaning against a wooden post of the outdoor structure. “They always win, don’t they, man? They don’t want us in The Marsh which means there’s something valuable down there.” JJ tried to reason, eyes pleading with the rest of you. “I understand why you don’t wanna go.” He pointed at Pope. “You’re the Golden Boy, too much to risk.” Then his eyes were on Kie. “And you’re rich as fuck, anyway. Why would you bother?” She ignored him, rolling her eyes as his own blue ones landed on you. “And you? You-”
“Don’t go there, JJ.” You warned him, eyes connecting with his, a serious expression plastered all over your face. You stared at one another, a bitter exchange without words. Then, he was looking at John B.
“We got nothing nothing to lose. And I know it didn’t use to be that way for you.”
“I don’t wanna talk about this.” 
“I have plan John B, just listen,” JJ started, staring at the tense back of his best friend who wouldn't face him. “You got the key to Cameron’s big boat, right?”
“No, dude-”
“There’s scuba gear!” The blonde protested, standing right next to John B now. “We borrow that, go down to The Wreck this afternoon-” Your eyes met Kie and Pope’s as you mockingly mouthed ‘borrow’, the jab followed by an eye roll. JJ Maybank was never known to just ‘borrow’ anything. “And that’s what going to save you. You don’t see rich kids going into foster care, do you?”
“AND WE’RE SERIOUSLY LETTING JOHN B STEAL FROM THE LION’S DEN?” You questioned as the remaining four of you lounged around the boat. “I mean, what if he gets caught? I doubt Ward will just let him go.”
“He won’t get caught.” JJ exhaustedly reassured you for the millionth time as he unanchored the small motor boat from the dock.
“And how do you know that?”
“Well, judging by the lanky bandana wearing boy waddling towards us with his hands occupied by oxygen tanks, I’d say he did just fine.” Everyone’s attention was now drawn to John B, climbing one leg over the other into the boat, letting the tanks clank against the floor of the water vehicle.
You were the first to snatch them up, shooting JJ a mean glare for his sarcasm. It was only seconds before you scoffed and let your head fal back, zoning your sights in on John B. “Good job, you scored empty tanks.”
“What?” He proclaimed breathlessly, a look of sheer confusion written across his face as you continued looking at the meters on the tanks.
You held up one of them on display. “This one's a quarter-full. That’s only enough for one of us. And judging by the look on your faces, I’m going to assume I’m the only one here who knows how to dive?” They all averted their eyes. “Great.”
“It’s kind of a kook sport…” JJ mumbled. You supposed he was right but for you it was just a skill that your dad had spent years teaching you, being a professional diver himself. “Plus, how hard could it be anyway. You put the thing in your mouth and breathe.”
“Well,” Pope started. “If you come up too fast the nitrogen could enter your bloodstream and you could get the bends.” 
“The bends? Like bend over?-” JJ tried to joke before being cut off, his body in a half bent position.
“The bends kill you.” You and Pope both corrected simultaneously, both with the same amount of annoyance in your tone. Shaking your head, you stood up with the semi-full tank in hand and made your way over to Pope.
“You’re the only person I trust to help me with the math on this.” You proclaimed. The boy’s eyes widened, nearly jumping up from his feet, a notepad and pencil in his hand that seemed to almost appear out of thin air.
“Yeah, yeah, I can help,” He stammered. “The boat’s about thirty-feet down. So, at that depth, it’ll take twenty-five minutes. Which means you need to make your safety stop at about ten feet. For two minutes.”
“Got it.”
“When you’re down there,” JJ started, key in hand. “Look for the cargo hold, stick this thing inside, twist and pull-”
“I know how to use a key, JJ.” 
“I- y’know you have been very sassy today, little miss thing, and I don’t appreciate it, alright?” He started ranting in mock-offense. “That’ll be the last time I try to help you.” He muttered, pouting next to Pope. You chuckled before picking up the oxygen meter, trying to make sure you would have enough air to decompress. And you did, just barely.
“Hey,” Pope announced. “If we get caught in The Marsh, we’re basically screwed, so…”
“Is this your way of telling me to get my ass into the water?” His eyes looked around as if he were thinking deeply, a small nonchalant shoulder shrug before he was replying.
“Mmm...Basically, yeah.” You snickered at the boy before stripping down to your bikini, pulling the tank over your shoulders and the mask down over your face before jumping in. Once you were in the water, you gave one last look to your friends before letting the air fill your lungs and going completely under. 
You started to make your descent, slowly. Making your safety stop at what you estimated to be about ten feet as Pope has advised. Stopping for those two minutes before continuing to dive further down.
The water was dark, foggy, and murky — a lot different from diving in ocean water. It was like walking through an abandoned mansion with only a lighter to see. Nonetheless, your eyes landed on the cargo hold within the sunken boat. It was a small struggle trying to fit the key into the hole with the water swaying your hand in different directions but you managed after a couple tries.
Twisting and pulling as JJ had directed, the cargo holds door came up, floating gracefully to the side, revealing what was inside. A black duffel bag and even in the water, it was still decently heavy. You couldn’t waste time examining what was inside with the amount of oxygen you were running on, so you started to swim your way back up, careful not to move too fast.
Following the length of the bowline, the boat came into view the closer you got to the surface of the water. But then so did another, a slightly larger one. You stopped, squinting trying to make out whose boat it could be but it was pointless. The meter on your tank told you that you had about a minute before you were out of air. 
You waited for what felt like minutes but what had really only been about fifteen seconds. Your heart thumped out of your chest when you saw a figure standing on the edge of your friend’s boat through the water that was far too buff to be any of your friends. And you could’ve sworn it was Deputy Shoupe.
You were still but you didn’t feel still enough, as if any slight movement might make the man able to see through water. To see you. You couldn’t get caught in The Marsh. They couldn’t know Scooter’s boat was here. One wrong move and you could screw this all up. Despite your nerves, you looked frantically at the meter in your hand — fifteen seconds of air left.
And it just kept getting lower.
You were mentally screaming at whoever that figure was to get the hell out of here. Ten seconds. Then five. Four. Three. Two. One.
You had no air left and your only option was to hold your breath and hope for the best. And maybe a little hope was all you needed because by the grace of God, the figure retreated not long before the boat was speeding away. You wasted no time in swimming towards the surface, bursting through the waves and snatching the mask off as fresh air filled your lungs.
You heard sighs of relief as your chest filled and your hearing returned to normal. 
“Don’t scare us like that!”
“Scare you?” You breathed out, treading water while looking at your four friends. “I thought I was gonna die!”
“What’d you find?” asked Pope.
“I don’t know but it’s something.” You started swimming back towards the boat, throwing the bag overhand towards JJ as you climbed up the ladder. 
“You good?” Pope questioned, concerned. “You scared the shit out of us. The cops were up here but we took care of ‘em.” So it was Shoupe, you thought as you plopped yourself down on the boat, wasting little time in shrugging the tank off of your back when you spotted another boat coming in your direction.
“Guys? Bogey, two o’clock.” You announced, breathlessly. 
“Anybody recognize it?” Pope asked, prompting collective ‘no’s’ to sound out. 
“What’re they doing here? The Marsh is closed…” John B questioned silently.
"Maybe they don't know?" You threw out.
“My vote’s on not sticking around to find out.” JJ advised, going straight for the bowline as fast as he could to unanchor the boat. John B began steering the boat before the anchor was even completely out of the water. 
“Go into The Marsh. Go.” Pope commanded firmly. At that moment, the opposing boat followed the HMS Pogue and you could’ve sworn it sped up. 
“They’re definitely following us.” Kie voiced worriedly. Looking back, there were only two men on the boat. Two faces you’d never seen in Kildare before.
“Gun it, JJ!” John B shouted. There was no doubt that you all were being followed at this point and you didn’t want to know what would happen if they caught up. Your hand was gripping the edge of the boat as it sped through the shaky waters, the small boat practically zooming past everything in sight but the two men remained on your tail. Suddenly, the man not steering the motorboat behind you pulled out something — a unmistakable object.
“Guys, get down!” Was the last thing heard and the only thing you could shout before a shot rang out in the air, a stray bullet clanking against the structure of John B’s boat but failing to puncture anything severe, everyone ducking except the boy himself. 
“John B, get down!” Another shot followed, zooming right past your head. So close and so fast that you didn’t even see it, the only sign being the sound of wind breaking next to your ear and a stinging, burning sensation at the top of it.
“Jesus!” You shouted, slouching against the inside of the boat, smooshing yourself in between Kiara and Pope. Your hand went up to hold your ear, pulling it back to reveal a small amount of blood on the tips of your fingers. You doubted you got fatally shot, it couldn’t have been anything more than graze.
“Are you okay?” Kie asked as you drifted your own eyes to meet hers, a genuine concern swimming in her gaze. Your sights roamed her face for a moment before nodding and touching your ear slightly.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine.”
Then a third shot was sounding out. “Shit!” yelled Kie, her own eyes were focused on some netting laying in the boat. You watched as she got up and grabbed the material, throwing it over the back of the boat just as the fourth, and hopefully final, shot rang out. The boat that had been following you all spun out once it the net, the trap causing their engine to fail, sending you miles ahead of them in seconds.
You all stood up and stared back at the male figures disappearing behind you, chuckles leaving you all one by one until the boat was nearly shaking with triumphant laughter. You turned to JJ, giving him a victorious double high-five.
“Oh, damn,” His smile fell as his gaze turned to the left side of your face. “Did you get hit?” He asked, his hands reaching out to trail his fingers down the length of your neck, pulling them back to reveal the red substance decorating his fingers.
“Barely. I’ll be fine.”
“You’ll have a sick scar, though.”
You scoffed at this. “A girl can only dream.”
THE SUN HAD SET BY THE TIME YOU ALL HAD REACHED THE DOCK. The four of you had all but flew off the boat and onto the wooden platform, John B rushing to unzip the duffel bag you’d retrieved, still shivering slightly from your damp state. You’d thrown your t-shirt back on at some point, using your shorts to soak up the blood from your ear which made them un-wearable.
“It’s gotta be money right?” You expressed, shaking the remaining water from your damp hair.
“That or a couple of keys with street value from the low to mid-mills.”
“Can we please just open the bag?” Pope blurted quite aggressively. The group turning to him in shock and amusement.
“Wow, Pope. That’s a… rare outburst of emotion.” John B added. 
“You guys are literally killing me with anticipation.”
“Same.” You added in your two cents. “I almost drowned for this.”
“We all almost died for this.” Pope cut in.
“Yeah, that too, I guess.” You dismissed him playfully.
John B finished unzipping the bag, revealing a metal container about the size of a human thigh. Anchoring the object between his knees, he grunted and groaned as he attempted to twist it open until it popped, allowing him to twist off the top and reveal…
“A compass?” Kie said unamused, almost disgustedly. Pope threw his hands over his head and JJ scoffed.
“Great job, everybody. We found a compass.” The blonde threw out. But John B saw something. He was looking at this object as if it meant the entire world to him, and that look prompted you to kneel next to your best friend and set a hand on his shoulder.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” You asked softly, eyes fleeting back and forth between John B’s watery gaze and the dingy compass.
“...This was my father’s.”
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periprose · 1 year
Neteyam and reader going on a diving trip together to catch fish, and Tuk and Tsireya catch them kissing underwater :D please??
Aww my heart :') this was too cute not to write ASAP lol
Fishing For Kisses
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When Neteyam asks if you'll teach him how to catch fish underwater, you can hardly say no. You love your trips together, especially when no one else is around.
Word count: 1.3k
Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers
Reader’s name is Payo. She is of the Metkayina
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“Please. Dad said I need to pull my weight around here.” Neteyam is pestering you to take him fishing. 
There’s no way you’re going to say no, but you like holding out just a tad bit longer, watching as Neteyam pleads. It’s fun to watch his eyes turn serious, as he squints at you, waiting for an answer.
“Who says you’re not pulling your weight? You helped me mend the bridge just a few days ago.” You motion towards the new taut wrappings on the bridge, in front of your family’s marui hut. 
“Not enough.” Neteyam comes a little closer, his hand brushing your forearm. You look up at him. “I should be able to learn fast, so I won’t have to bother you to come help me all the time.”
“Oh?” You peer upwards at him, a teasing smile working it’s way on to your face. “Are you saying you don’t want my company?”
“No, no-” Neteyam looks down, clearly shy. “I like that you help me, Payo. I just can’t be annoying about it, y’know?”
“It’s okay, Neteyam.” You giggle cheerfully, and he glances back at you, unaware of how enraptured he is when he looks at you. “The people are meant to stay together.”
He nods, not quite looking away even when you pull him aside to start walking.
“Okay.” You’re on your ilu, and Neteyam is on his. You’ve driven out a bit farther into the reef where there will be many fish swimming about. “You ready?”
Neteyam nods with a determined, steely gaze, taking the water bow that you’ve given him off of his back, and you motion for him to dive in the water with you, disconnected from your ilu.
Bubbles shimmer as you jump in, and Neteyam grins at the sight of the flora and fauna underwater, before you wave at him.
Follow me. You sign, and Neteyam swims after you. His gait is still a little awkward- his long legs that are great at being sturdy in the forest trees lack the fluidity that yours have- and as you swim with grace, your legs and long tail moving from side to side in a rhythm that Neteyam can’t replicate? He feels a little jealous. Maybe a little wistful at how cool you are.
You turn back, your hair making a flowing halo around you, and smile at him. Neteyam feels warm, pausing for just long enough that you stare at him in mild confusion. He shakes his head, trying to ignore the burgeoning feelings of attraction that seem to occur whenever he stares at you.
You’re too pretty.
You pull him beside some large weeds, and point to the large shoal of fish, swimming in the currents towards deeper parts of the oceans. Neteyam’s only got a few minutes until they all swim too far for him to reach.
Your arm brushes his as you wade in the water, and you pull out your own bow to show him exactly how to do it.
Neteyam, who seems extraordinarily focused, is already drawing back his own string, and before you can tell him not to get so ahead of himself, he lets go of the arrow, which immediately shoots deeply into the biggest fish.
It begins to sink, and Neteyam swims after it, holding it eagerly as you stare on in shock. You accidentally breathe out, a large gasp of air bubbles clouding your features, and you swim upwards to recoup your breath.
“Payo, check it out- I did it!” Neteyam waves the fish and arrow in front of you.
“Yeah, you did, Neteyam.” You’re silent for just a few moments longer.
 You splash him, drenching his features, and Neteyam looks at you in surprise, spluttering. 
“You- told- me- that you didn’t- know how to- fish!” You splash him with every single pause. “Why did you lie to me, huh?”
“I didn’t-” Neteyam tries to answer, but the water splashing is too much for him to speak through, so he slings his bow around his back again, and grabs your arms, holding them to his chest. Your hands splay out against his torso. 
“You didn’t lie?” You look at him, not really mad about that. You’re a little too close to him now to really be angry.
Neteyam’s gaze softens as he looks back at you. “Okay, fine. I guess I did. My dad always called me ‘the mighty fisherman.’”
“So there was nothing to be taught.” You bite your lip. “Then why did you want me here? Other than to impress me.”
Neteyam pauses for a moment, and then grins a little, having been caught, staring down at your mouth. “Would it be fair if I said I like having you around?”
“Sure, but you could have just said that instead of pretending you needed to be taught anything.” You smile upwards at him, and you come a little too close- any closer and Neteyam’s nose would be brushing your own.
“I still do. I can’t swim as well as you do.” Neteyam sighs, and the little puff of breath hits your cheek. You feel yourself turn warm under Neteyam’s gaze- it’s a lot to take in at once- it’s like he’s staring at you as if you’re some impossibly amazing girl.
“No one can swim as well as me.” You laugh a little, but Neteyam looks even more enamoured by that, his eyes not once leaving your face. “My dad named me Payo- little fish- when I was just a couple days old. I was already swimming a lot back then.”
“Hmm. Fisherman-” He points to himself. 
“Fish.” He points at you. “See what I’m getting at?”
“Dork.” You try to pull away, knowing that he means something along the lines of catching you. You roll your eyes, smirking, but Neteyam doesn’t let go of your arms.
He grasps your face, pulling you close, and leans in, pressing his mouth against yours. Your eyes widen, and you close them, letting Neteyam’s lips move against your own. 
When you kiss back, you both begin to sink under the water, as you’re not treading anymore. You think you should pull Neteyam upwards, but he stays firmly in place, kissing you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck, not trying to go anywhere.
Tuk is swimming around in circles as Tsireya tries to wrangle her correctly.
Tsireya gently grabs her hand, and motions to swim forward. Tuk eagerly does so, knowing that Tsireya promised to show her some of the rainbow coloured pools that shimmer underwater. 
Tsireya doesn’t notice it at first, but Tuk suddenly grabs her arm, little grunts coming out of her as she tries to call her attention.
What is it? Tsireya signs, and Tuk points just beyond the seaweed. Tsireya looks through, pushing aside a strand with her arms.
It’s you and Neteyam, both just floating underwater as you’re stuck together in what looks to be a very intimate embrace. His hands are tracing your chin and jaw, and your arms are gathered around his neck. Your lips are moving in sync- you’re in an entirely different world together.
Tsireya opens her mouth in surprise- and laughs. Tuk starts making sounds, and Neteyam and you both let go of each other, hearing the disturbance. You wave at them.
You all swim upwards, needing air, and Neteyam is the one who’s easily embarrassed, so he’s already putting his face in his hands, while you keep your arm around his side.
“So. What were you two up to underwater?” Tsireya teases, and you giggle as Neteyam’s arm comes around your waist. 
“Just fishing, I guess.” You reply, and Tuk laughs, a mischievous look working it’s way onto her face.
“I’m telling mom!” She swims forward, and Neteyam groans. 
“This is gonna be fun.” He sighs.
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luimagines · 7 months
He Realizes You Like Him Part 2
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Part 1
Part two will include Warrior, Wind and Legend.
Content under the cut!
To be honest here, Warrior has a warped perception when trying to figure out when someone likes him. Genuinely.
It was harder for him when he was just a boy and as a teenager it didn’t get any easier. Once the war had started it was easy to forget about it for the time being... that it until he leaned the reason for the war.
He realized that he didn’t like that kind of attention. But was that what happened when people liked each other? Was Cia only an extreme version, if genuine? Was she genuine?
He didn’t know. All Warrior knew was that he didn’t feel good when he learned about it and wanted to avoid it again if was within his power.
Now when he met you, he knew that he liked you. He tried to be nice and friendly and be your friend. At first. Then he came to the quiet acknowledgement that if there was a chance to be more than friends that he wouldn’t mind it.
But he had no idea if that was something that you would be up for.
“Are you gonna make a more or what?” Legend jabs him right under the ribs non to gently. “If you ask nicely, I bet you could ask for a picture. It’ll last longer.”
“Shut up.” Warrior swipes at him but it lacks any venom or power behind it. Legend dodges it easily. “They wouldn’t see me that way anyway.
That makes Legend pause. If Warrior was looking in his direction he would see that that Legend is not only looking at him like he’s grown three heads but also like he’s the biggest idiot in all of Hyrule.
“You’re joking right?” 
Warrior sighs. “Why would I be joking? We’re just friends... but there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Legend takes a moment to let that sink in before he pinches the bridge of his nose. ”Ok. Wait, so when you see them, do you get nervous or excited?”
Warrior finally looks at the Vet. “I mean... I like their company. I wouldn’t mind if they were next to me all the time. I like them. I like hanging out with them.”
“Answer the question.”
Warrior coughs. “I get excited.”
“I mean yeah- but they also seem to light up like a beacon whenever you see each other.”
Warrior blushes softly. “I think you’re reading too much into it.”
“They literally hung off of your arm for the entire morning.” Legend points out. “They hardly give hugs, let alone attach themselves to someone.”
That gives Warrior pause. He’s right. Warrior’s never seen you step outside of your comfort zone like that- but you were also holding onto him. He was so happy by it that he didn’t even notice it as different behavior.
“They also laugh at all your stupid jokes.”
“Excuse you, I’m a comedic genius.”
“Yeah- whatever. But you’re literally always around each other. Don’t you think that maybe they’re willing to hear you?”
Warrior doesn’t reply.
Legend won’t stand for him trying to justify this to himself in his head so he shoves Warrior behind a bush, not caring if he falls to the ground harshly or not and calls you over.
You jog over and Warrior stays hidden as he listen. Legend seems to have a smirk on his face. You don’t seem to notice. “What’s up Mr. Man?”
“Are you ever going to tell the Captain about your stupid giant crush?”
“SSHH!!!” You jump on him and cover Legend’s mouth with your hands. “Shut up! What if he hears you?!” 
Legend’s gets a knowing glint in his eyes. “Is that a no?”
“Shut up!” You flick his nose. “I’m thinking about it. I just... I know that he’s... His past is something that’s a tough subject and I don’t want to make things harder for him, you know?”
“I’ll punch you.” You glare.
Legend waves you off and you roll your eyes as you leave. Legend takes a step back and looks back at Warrior who’s stuck, slacked jawed on the ground. “Better?”
Warrior nods.
Wind wasn’t actually paying that much attention when Wild elbowed him non too gently in the ribs.
Wind looks up to swipe at the young man for the jab but he’s cut off by Wild’s mischievous grin and a finger to his lips. Biting the loud retort that sits in the tip of his tongue, Wind glares up at Wild and crosses his arms. “What?”
“Look.” He whispers and gestures vaguely with his chin. Wind turns subtly and looks over with his eyes. You’re look down with a slight blush to your face. you seem very concentrated. 
Wind tries to follow your line of sight and sees that your looking at his hand. He’s confused. Why would you be looking at his hand? Why are you looking at it like it’s personally offended you?
He opens his mouth to ask you what’s up when Wild knocks into him again. In The back of his head, he’s amazed that you’re so concentrated on it to miss all of this. Wind glares up at Wild further. “What?”
Wild looks exasperated and rolls his eyes. He takes his hand and hooks it with his other one, pointing to you afterwards. Now Wild’s just being weird. Why doesn’t he just say it? Wind doesn’t get it.
Wild seems to see that and drops his voice even lower. “Hold their hand.”
“Why?” Wind whispers in reply.
Wild face palms. “Because they can’t do it. They’re been trying to for the past fifteen minutes!”
Wind looks back over to you and seem to catch on that you’ve been noticed. You flinch and move away. It looks like you’ve been embarrassed to have been caught despite thee fact you weren’t subtle at all. Wind takes your hand before he can even think about it.
“Oh..” You say and squeeze his hand a little tighter. You open, no doubt to speak again but nothing comes out of your mouth. Instead you smile brightly and swing your hands together a little bit, clearly happy to hold his hand.
Wind still doesn’t get it, but he smiles back at you. You’re cute.
Wild jabs him again and this time Wind actually takes a swipe at the boy.
Wild is undeterred. He gets a face splitting grin on his face and points to you. He mouths ’they like you’ and winks.
Wind furrows his eyebrows and looks back to you and tilts his head. He’d hope that you liked him. He likes you too. You’re really cool and nice and awesome-
You let go of his hand and instead hold onto his arm. You’re purposely looking away from him but you’re humming a happy tune, looking at anything and everything but him. You’re face is still pink.
Wind looks back to Wild who’s only grinning wider and winks again.
Oh.... Wind lets you hold onto him with a slight blush to his face. He thinks he gets it now.  He means like that... Um... Uh-oh... What does he do with this information?
“What do I do?! I really like him!”
Legend froze in his tracks and back tracked the last two.
That was your voice.
...Who do you really like? Exactly?... He’s just curious.
“You talk to him like a normal person?” Your (assumed) friend (unhelpfully) offers.
You seem to not like the answer and groan loudly. “You know I can’t do that!”
“There’s nothing difficult about this. Just say ‘hey, I found a flower. It matched you. Here.’ Done.”
“You make it sound so easy.” You whine and Legend’s heartstring get stung along with it. “I really really like him. I don’t think he even likes flowers. He has this massive collection of anything and everything but flowers!”
“Then tell him you noticed the lack of- and you’re offering to give him the first.” Your friend sounds tired. Legend gets the idea that you’ve either been having this conversation for a long time, you’ve come to them more once for this sort of conversation.
“Why did I come to you?! This isn’t working!” You cry out.
“I don’t know! You’re making this more complicated than it need to be!”
Legend frowns and begins to unstick his feet from where he was eavesdropping. His heart sinks somewhat.
Whoever it is that’s got you in such a tizzy is one lucky son of a gun, Legend admits to himself. He keeps walking through your little village, taking in the little sights and all. It’s quaint and quiet. It’s lovely. He can see how it influenced you to be the person you are.
Legend doesn’t want to think about his own feelings right now so he decides to check out the local lake and go fishing.
He stays there, thinking despite the fat that he’s there to not not think about what he overheard. You seemed so nervous. He’s never heard you so high-strung Well there were a few times. It happens with the work that they do. But never for something as simple as giving a flower.
You must really like this person.
He put his cheek in his palm, not bothering to care if nothing is biting his line. It’s not like he actually came here to fish.
Someone pokes his shoulder.
He blinks out of his trance and looks up.
You’re smiling at him. “Hey. Mind if I join you?”
Legend’s heart bobs without his permission but he smiles back at you. “Sure, go ahead.”
You smile brighter and take a seat next to him on the doc. Legend’s eyes dart to where your thighs are right next to each other, but he’s quick to divert to the lake once more.
“Um..” You start. “Lege... Link...”
Legend nearly lets his fishing rod slip from his grip. “...Yes?”
“Here.” You hold out a very small flower. It’s purple with dots of white splashed around the edges. “I thought you’re like this.”
“...oh...” Legend delicately takes the flower.
“...I noticed you didn’t have any flowers in your collections.” You say quietly. You try to smile wider to feign confidence. It would have sounded natural if he hadn’t heard what he did, but now that he knows the context, it sounds scripted. You had to practice saying it. “Now you can start one.”
Legend finds himself staring at the flower then back to your face with a watery smile. His heart is pounding and he feels like yelling. He wants to take off running. Would it be too much to kiss you here and now? “It’s going to be my prized possession. It’ll be the star of the whole assembly.”
You snort, relaxing a little. “It’s just a little flower.”
“Well yeah...” Legend tucks  it safely away for safe keeping. He can never lost this. Ever. “But you gave it to me.”
Part 3
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8. I can’t sleep without you here and 10. do you need a place to stay tonight? with sonny x reader maybe he and Amanda aren’t working out
thank you sm for the request! hope you enjoy :)
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You’re about to fall asleep when your phone vibrates on silent. For a moment you contemplate whether to pick up or not but seeing Sonny’s name on the display, you decide to take it. He usually texts, unless it’s really important.
‘Sonny?’ you answer.
‘Hey…sorry, I know it’s late. I just-...umm…’ he sounds like he regrets the phone call already.
‘What’s up?’ you sit up in your bed.
‘Can I come over?’ he asks anxiously.
‘Now? Sonny, just tell me what’s going on.’ 
‘I sorta just packed up my shit and left.’ he finally admits after a few seconds of silence.
It doesn’t surprise you to hear that. For weeks now Sonny had seemed unhappy, on edge, had confessed that he had doubts about starting this relationship in the first place. Being a supportive friend, you had listened and offered advice, even though deep down you couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Of course you wanted him to be happy but you also weren’t able to ignore the pull you felt toward him any longer. You tried not to let it show, had locked all these thoughts away inside a box which you had buried deep down, too afraid to ruin your friendship, too scared of unrequited feelings. 
‘Do you need a place to stay tonight?’ as soon as the words leave your mouth you wish you could take them back. Why the fuck would you invite him over? 
‘Yeah, hmm. I know it’s weird but I’m already here. Started walking and well, for some reason I ended up outside your door.’ Sonny says, sounding very much embarrassed and nervous. 
And you swear your heart skips a beat. You jump up, and more or less run down the corridor to buzz him in.
An hour and a few drinks later you hand him fresh sheets and pillows for the couch, his makeshift bed for the night. Sonny seems oddly cheery, almost as if a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. You had talked for a while and shared half a bottle of whiskey, just enough for you both to loosen up and say some things you probably wouldn’t have said in a sober state. 
‘I knew it was a bad idea. I was just tired of being alone, y’know?’ Sonny had admitted.
‘Well, better to be alone than miserable, right? I’m sure you’ll find the right person eventually.’ you had replied and he had looked at you in a way that almost made you feel as if he knew. 
Now you’re in your bed, unable to fall asleep. The fact that he’s just outside your bedroom door, wrapped up in your sheets, the fact that he had come to you for comfort, it all keeps you awake. All these thoughts are back, swimming through your head, and this feeling deep within you, as if someone had punched you in the gut. As soon as you close your eyes, these scenarios take over. You don’t even remember when it had started but for months now you had imagined him and you, together. 
Maybe it’s the alcohol that makes you brave. Maybe it’s the things he said. Maybe it doesn’t matter. And when you open your bedroom door, you find him looking at you as if he anticipated you coming back.
‘I can’t sleep without you here.’ you confess with a lump in your throat. Here it is, the box unearthed, and opened. 
Sonny gets up from the couch and walks over to you until he’s so close you can feel the heat of his body. You look up at him, and the way he looks at you makes you more confident. Inhaling his scent, you lean closer. 
‘Will you come to bed with me?’ you ask and he nods without hesitation, softly taking your hand. 
And the kiss he places on your cheek is even softer. Sonny’s lips linger there for a moment before they travel up to your temple, your forehead, down the bridge of your nose, the corner of your mouth, and then, finally, your lips. The tenderness of it all makes your entire body shake, and you reach out to touch his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat beneath your hands. You grab at his shirt, willing him to take it off and he does, breaking the kiss just for a split second before you pull him against you again. Everything feels like a fever dream as his tongue slips into your mouth, his desperate need for you utterly palpable. Suddenly it’s all obvious. All those moments you had shared in the past, people thinking you were involved, even his now ex-girlfriend always looking at you with a hint of jealousy. 
‘I’ve wanted you for such a long time.’ Sonny breathes as you guide him toward the bed, pushing him down on it. 
You give him a knowing smile, covering his body with yours and he runs his hands up the side of your thighs, under your oversized shirt, making you shudder as he pulls your hips down onto his. Your wetness begins to soak through your panties as you feel Sonny’s arousal against you, and he moans, realizing just how mutual the feeling is. 
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ you want to know and Sonny blushes.
‘I always thought you were too good for me.’ he replies and you can’t believe what he’s saying.
‘Too good for me? Sonny, you are perfect. So perfect.’ you run your hands over his body, kissing him again deeply as he sighs at your words. 
It’s a slow burn. Even though the urgency is apparent, you relish each other’s touches, kisses; exploring and discovering every inch of newly exposed skin. His neck is his favorite place to be kissed, you find out, and your mouth would have lingered there for an eternity if he hadn’t flipped you over, his hands beginning a journey over your body that soon has you panting his name. You can’t help but arch your back as he slips into your panties, fingers finding your clit and he presses down into your damp folds. 
‘I love how wet you are for me.’ Sonny mumbles, leaning his forehead against yours, eyes staring into yours as he begins to circle your most sensitive spot.
‘I thought about this so many times.’ you moan, meeting his lips again for a heated kiss. Fuck, his touch feels amazing. 
Even better than in your wildest fantasies, and in your head you’ve had him in every way possible. You thought about things you had never thought about before. And while your pleasure starts to build, you can’t believe this is really happening. Finally. 
‘How was it? In your thoughts? Tell me every little detail.’ he whispers as he gets rid of his underwear before pulling off yours. 
So you tell him. And he follows your lead step-by-step. It’s incredibly thrilling to watch and feel him fulfill your fantasies, making it an even better reality. You’re close to your first orgasm when he kneels between your thighs, pulling you up, open and ready for him. When Sonny is finally pushing inside you, the sensation is almost too much, a whimper leaving your mouth as he holds your waist with one hand, the other one still busy with your clit. Your eyes roll back, your thoughts in disarray as you feel him hard and throbbing so deep within you. 
‘Fuck.’ he groans, looking down at you as your legs wrap around him. ‘You are so damn gorgeous.’ 
You do feel gorgeous with him. No shyness, no self-consciousness. Even though you’ve never been this exposed, in every sense of the word, you don’t feel vulnerable, on the contrary. Sonny pulls back, just to plunge into you again, slowly but deliberately, with just the right amount of force. 
‘Yes, just like that.’ you cry out, one hand reaching for his arm for hold, the other one gripping the sheets in absolute bliss. 
He feels wonderful, his cock plunging into you, stretching you, hitting your gspot at the most perfect angle. Sonny increases his pressure on your swollen clit, his thumb circling faster, expertly bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Just watching him burying himself into your pussy is enough to send you over but you hold back, digging your heels into his back to get him even deeper. He moans your name, and you can feel his thighs tense under you with each thrust.
‘You’re so hot, baby. Shit! It feels so good to finally be inside you.’ Sonny leans down to kiss you before sitting back again, pulling your hips toward him to pick up the pace a bit more.  
You love it, being handled by him, being fucked by him. And you’ve always wanted to see him come undone like this, to lose control. 
‘Fuck me harder.’ you beg, voice shaky, and Sonny obliges, withdrawing his fingers from your clit to grab your waist with both hands and tilting your pelvis for even better access before bucking his hips against you harder and faster.
Holy shit! You don’t know if you’re able to hold back for much longer, having him pound into you like this, the ache between your thighs almost unbearable. You want this to last but you want to come, want him to come. And you know he’s right there with you as you hear his breath hitch, and he pauses for a moment, his cock swallowed by your tight, wet warmth. 
‘Sonny!’ you sound more frantic than you had anticipated, being so close to bursting, your walls already fluttering around him.
‘I love you.’ he gasps, eyes lost in yours. 
‘I love you, too.’ you reply, reaching out to touch him. 
He smiles, still not moving, and you are getting desperate now, grinding your hips against him. Sonny gets the hint, his fingers back on your pulsing clit, starting to pump into your glistening cunt again. His movements are erratic now, and he’s close to his own orgasm, as you whimper, your velvety walls squeezing him. You come hard, almost choking on your own breath, and as your body convulses you feel him jerk, flooding your hole with his release. 
‘F-fuckkk, Sonny! Yes, yes, yes!’ you cry out as you see stars, shaking around him. 
‘Jesus, fuck!’ he curses, pumping his cum into your twitching cunt, making you shudder again and again. 
Sonny lets go of your hips, collapsing on top of you, capturing your lips in an exhausted kiss, his body still trembling. You wrap your arms around him, relishing the intimacy of more skin contact. You can’t believe he is really yours. 
‘I hope that was even better than in your thoughts.’ he whispers after a while, still a little out of breath.
You smile as you continue to run your fingers through his hair, your heart pounding in your chest which you’re certain he can feel. If someone had told you the night would end with Sonny and you, not only naked in bed together but confessing your love to each other, you wouldn’t have believed it. It doesn’t feel real but at the same time it’s the realest thing you have ever experienced in your life. 
‘So much better. And there’s so much more I’ve been thinking about.’ you smirk as Sonny lifts his head to meet your gaze, biting his lip.
‘I can’t wait for you to tell me.’ 
request a prompt from the smut prompt list 🔥
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xetswan · 8 months
The Switch Of Daylight- Reincarnate pt. 1
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[five] [six] [seven]
Bella was currently getting ready for the night of shopping with Jessica. I sat in her chair, watching her. She obviously was forcing herself to do this but I was proud nonetheless. I know how much this is probably taking out of her. She looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed. “What?” She suddenly speaks and I tilt my head. “What?” I repeat back to her. “Why are you looking at me like that.” She questions me. “Because I can?” I stand up, smiling in an annoying way on purpose. “Well, knock it off weirdo.” She throws a pillow at me from her bed, which was easily caught in my hands. I gently toss it back onto the mattress. “Shouldn’t you get going? That movie is in like 30 minutes.” I point out to her, changing the subject.
“Oh, I didn’t even notice.” She lets out a loud sigh, messing with her hair before grabbing a few things. “Uh, do you think you can come with?” She asks, a hand in her back pocket. “Jessica might get upset if I tag along.” I start to think about it. “More the reason to come, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders as Bella rolls her eyes trying to hold back a laugh. “C’mon, [Name].” She shakes her head, she turns her lights off and we head out.
We exit a theater, just getting done watching some Zombie film, I wasn’t really paying attention. A smell was bothering me the entire time and I couldn’t even tell what it was. “I don’t get why there are so many zombie movies.” Bell states out loud, and it sounds kind of muffled at first when she speaks. “It’s, like, a metaphor? For crass consumerism or something.” Jessica says and both Bella and I glance at her then at each other. “Not that you’d know anything about consuming, Bella. You didn’t buy anything. Surprisingly [Name] did.” Jessica announces, slightly lifting my bag that holds a few clothing pieces. “I bought something.” Bella argues. “Socks don’t count. ‘Course I was surprised you even called.” The girl says truthfully. “I’ve been kind of out of it.” Kind of? Girl was in mourning. “Kind of? I mean, at first I was worried. Then I’m like okay, she’s still bumming? It’s not like I wasn’t going through things too. Like Mike deciding he wanted to “just be friends?” That was really hard and…” Wow… way to make things about herself, Jesus Christ. “How ‘bout a ride girls?” A guy questions from across the street. “How about you fuck yourself?” I flip him off, Jessica and I start to walk off, listening to the guys whistle and talk about my little comment. “Come on.” Jessica tries to pull on Bella to follow with us. “I know them… I think.” Bella mutters and my eyes widen then give her a dirty look. “Bella Swan, come on right now.” I fold my arms. “Can we just go-“ Jessica pulls at her arm but it’s shrugged off. “I want to see something.” Bella walks away from us. Jessica and I watch my sister go up to these guys and I notice her heart speeds up and then for split seconds it has a weird beat to it. Her body stops realizing something. I don’t listen to the guys speak, just focusing on Bella’s movements and her heartbeat. Bella climbs onto the bike and I stiffen up .”Bella!” The bike already went to a movement and then I hear Bella tell the man to wait. Then she screams at him to stop and he does so, of course with a stupid ass comment. She scrambles off and comes back up to us. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Jessica storms up to Bella, meeting her halfway. I pinch my nose bridge shaking my head. “I saw something.” Bella was really just speaking to herself. “You are insane. Or suicidal.” Jessica walks in front of us. I observe my sister. “The more dangerous… the more real it was.”
“So, what, you’re like an adrenaline junky now? Go hang-gliding or bungee-jumping. Don’t be a complete freak.” Jessica tells my sister and Bella looks over at me to which I shake my head at her. “That was not okay.” I point to her chest, walking ahead with Jessica.
The next day I decided to do some research on a few things. I guess Bella went to the rez. I would’ve gone if it wouldn’t have been awkward around Sam now. Charlie’s been getting phone calls from Sam every two hours it seems. He’s been practically begging me to just answer it but I have nothing to say to the guy. I scrolled on my laptop, trying to find the myths of the Quileute tribe. Only to find the same ones over and over again about werewolves. I rolled my eyes, accidentally slamming the laptop closed, standing up as I do so. “Shit.” I mutter, I’m gonna have to go to the library the Quileute people have. And usually I get stares from the older generations because they can sense what I am somehow.
Placing my hands on my hips I think about what I’m going to do. Staring at the window I could sneak out of or just tell my dad the truth about where I’m going. I close my eyes and listen in on my dads heartbeat from the other room. It was steady and slowed. Definitely sleeping. That means I have about an hour until he wakes up to try to figure out dinner or whatever. I hurry out of the window and get my motorcycle. Since it’s going to make noise I glance around to see if anyone would be outside. Seeing as it’s clear I rush it down the road before starting it up and speeding down. Hearing the roar of it speed up made me think back to the feeling of jumping off that cliff. The little things that almost make me feel human.
I had to snap out of my thoughts before I get carried away and forget where I was going. Pulling into a parking spot I stared at the building in front of me. Bella said she went here before when she was trying to find out about the Cullens before. I got off my bike and slowly made my way to the building, looking around feeling something watching me. Trying to shake the feeling, I enter the library with a smile. The lady at the front desk goes to smile back but once she looks at me directly her face falls slightly. “Do you have any books on the myths of the incarnates?” I speak up, patiently waiting for her to calm herself down. “Yes, who is it for?” She questions me to which I raise a brow to. Taken a back obviously. “Myself? I am interested in knowing more about them.” I try to give her a smile again but she just gives a dirty look, walking to the back. Knowing she’s not going to want me to follow I just stand still. Moments later she comes back with two books in hand. “Here, books are usually taken out for two weeks, most I can give is maybe three. Unless you’re looking to purchase.” She doesn’t look me in the eye anymore. I figured that’s the response I would’ve gotten. I’m not an idiot. “Two weeks is fine.” I tell her. “Name.”
“[Name] Swan.” I can be just as short too but that’s not how I am. I stick with my sickly sweet attitude and still have a smile on my face. These people obviously have their myths for a reason. I’m not upset that she’s treating me like this because I have no idea the extent of what the vampires have done to her ancestors and others. “Email.” I give the rest of my information out to her and tell her to have a goodnight as I leave. Barely getting a mumble out in return.
I get on my bike, still feeling this odd sense of being watched I look around again. What the hell is going on? I speed off, going around people who decide they should walk in the middle of the road and not on the side walks. Of course getting middle fingers, I do it back.
Getting back to the house I sneak back into my window, hearing my dad’s heart beat still slow and steady I know he hasn’t even woken up. I close my window and turn on my bright ass light that’s on my ceiling. I stare at the books that now lay on my bed, wondering what I’m even going to find out.
I opened the first one. It’s definitely older. I feel like I shouldn’t even be able to hold this in my possession. My eyes scan the first page. The title sending shivers down my spine, “Reincarnate of Gods.”
For hours I read each page, observed each picture, reread many lines and paragraphs. Listening to my sister come through the front door didn’t even faze me. Along with my dad coming into my room numerous times just to stare at me. Not one word was said to me. Not even for dinner for some reason. Maybe he thinks I’m reading for school. Who knows.
I started writing down the information I was getting from the books as well. Knowing that I’m going to have to speak with Billy Black after this. There’s no way I can understand most of this on my own. Like how it says it’s a descendant from the Gods then to the Quileutes. I’m confused to say the least.
I then should’ve been an incarnate for Wolves. And if that’s true I can’t be a vampire. And I am. Most definitely am.
Sorry Tumblr is acting up I had to delete the last one. This one’s editing is a little worse but there’s really not much I can do🙄
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mxchxelschmidt · 10 months
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A/n- this was supposed to be for a request but it didn’t quite come out how I wanted it to, so I will be writing something else for the request but I wont let this smut go to waste
Warnings: Oral sex, (F receiving), mike cums in his pants, arguing, fighting, smut, slight angst.
Word count: 1k
Arguments between you and Mike were few and far between. You just didn’t really have them, and if you did it was usually resolved quickly. This time however, both of your stubbornness was getting the better of each other. So it was somewhere near midnight and you were still bickering in the living room. Mike was standing in front of where you were seated on the couch. He was rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers and trying to think of his next move. Meanwhile you were locked and loaded, ready to battle it out.
He sighed and looked at you, “You’re being a stubborn brat about this, I already said no. We aren’t enrolling her in something that she’s not even going to be interested in three months from now. Especially when it’s going to cost an arm and leg to get her an instrument.”
Abby had come home talking all about band class and about how her best friend would be joining. Abby had decided she wanted to play the trumpet. Those were surprisingly pricey, but you had already told her before Mike could interject with his thoughts that you would get her a trumpet if that’s what she wanted to play. Mike hadn’t taken this lightly and gave you a look across the table. The look said, “We will talk about this later.”
It was already too late, you wouldn’t go back on your word with Abby. So Mikes arguing was really for nothing. You realized this shortly into the argument but he wanted to keep going. So you did.
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal Mike, I already said I would take care of it. You’re not going to stop me from doing it, especially if it’s going to make her happy. So you should probably just stop fighting with me about it.”
This seems to make him angrier, “This is what I mean! You didn’t even let me get a word in. She asks for anything and you just jump to it. It’s like if she asks you to jump you say how high?”
You were a sucker for his little sister and you couldn’t help it. Since the beginning you two had grown a bond. When you and Mike started dating after being set up on a blind date by mutual friends she immediately took a liking to you. The same went for you with her.
“Okay Mike, I’m sorry that Abby wanted to do something and I have the ability to make it happen. I just want her to be able to do anything she puts her mind to, she’s a bright little girl and I want her to have her creative outlets.” You’re starting to get annoyed with him and you stand up to try and create space between you two to cool off. He uses your movement to close the space between you.
Mike’s hands rest on your hips with a tight grip, “I’m not done talking about this yet,” He says and practically pulls you into his chest.
You push against him and try to back away to no avail, “Mike we both need to cool off before we wake Abby up. We shouldn’t be fighting like this where she can here.”
He’s looking into your eyes and his grip on your hips tighten, “Then let’s not fight baby, lets just let it go till morning.” He lets his lips brush against yours. Against your better judgement you kiss back. Your lips connect like they were made for each other and Mikes hands don’t stay where they are for long once he knows he has you right where he wants you. His hands begin to roam up your back under your shirt touching the soft expanse of skin there. His hands are warm and you can’t complain, except you’re supposed to be arguing right now.
He grabs one of your legs to hitch it up around his waist and you wrap your arms around his neck for support. The kiss depens and you know you’ve lost the battle, but you’re going to win the war.
He wraps his arms under your butt and hoists you up carrying you towards the bedroom. You begin to kiss at his neck figuring that this is better than arguing with him for another few hours.
You hear his breath hitch in his throat as you kiss, he struggles to get the door open and closed with you in his arms but soon he rests you on the bed and you release your legs from around him. He tugs your pants off leaving you in panties. He places himself between your legs and leans down, mouthing at the soft fabric of your underwear and letting his tongue trace the fabric over your clit.
Your head tilts back in anticipation as you let out a soft moan, “Mike, baby, please.” You say quietly.
He shushes you gently from between your legs and moments later hes hooking his fingers in the waistband of your panties pulling them down your legs and tossing them somewhere else in the room. Mike goes back to licking at your wet folds, tongue pressing between them and to your clit.
You moan out softly and feel your hips involuntarily grind against his mouth, searching for more. You let a hand move to tangle in his hair, holding him there where it feels the best.
Mike continues his assault, tongue flicking against your clit and licking long stripes up your wet entrance every little bit. You feel the heat pooling in your stomach as an orgasm builds itself up. Your legs begin to twitch slightly and your thighs tighten around Mikes head, causing him to moan at the restriction.
He begins to work harder, tongue moving in tight circles on your clit as he buries his face impossibly deeper into your cunt. He could stay like this forever, pussy drunk, making you feel good. Especially with your thighs tight around his head keeping him where he is.
You feel it building further and you know you’re close to the edge, just a little more and you’ll be coming undone against Mikes mouth like this. As he eats you out you begin to rock your hips steadily against his mouth.
“Fuck baby, yes, just like that. Keep going… Oh fuck, don’t stop.” You practically beg as you bury your fingers in his hair, tightening your grip to fuck yourself against his mouth. Your body twitches as the orgasm washes over you, stilling for a moment before rocking your hips against his tongue to ride the pleasure of the orgasm out. You continue rocking your hips until you feel the overstimulation gripping his hair and pulling him away from your clit.
The look on his face is far off and dreamy. It could be the lack of oxygen you allowed him while keeping him buried in your pussy, or it could be the fact that he just loves making you feel good. He crawls up the bed to collapse next to you and you look at him with confusion.
“What about you baby?” You ask leaning into his side tracing your fingers across his chest.
He shakes his head and laughs quietly, “Mmm I already uhh. I already came while I was down there…”
You grin at him and press a kiss to his lips humming softly before laying your head down on the pillow, “I win… Abby’s getting the trumpet by the way.” You say before rolling over and letting yourself fall to sleep.
Mike doesn’t argue with you this time, he simply wraps his arms around your body and falls asleep next to you, figuring he has a chance at winning the argument next time
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gorchards · 7 days
Love Lines - Yuta Okkotsu x Reader pt.2
word count: 3,349
a/n: here's part two! super excited about this one actually :3 cannot believe it is a mere 3,349 words... I thought it would for sure beat part one, but I was wrong! also note that Y/N has a little thing with Choso but tis a mere flashback thing... I'm sorry to the Choso lovers because as much as I love him I had to pick someone...
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You paced back and forth in your dorm as you waited for your phone to ding.
A text from Yuta was what you were waiting for, and was what you had been waiting for for the last 43 hours.
“Y/N, turn that thing off already.”
You looked up from your phone, to see your friend Nobara sitting on your bed, eating your chips. Of course, with an eyebrow raised in your direction.
“You know I’m right. You’ve basically jumped five feet into the air at every little noise that things made. Can’t be healthy for you.” She said between bites.
“You wouldn’t understand, Nobara…” You whined, dramatically leaning on your desk and pretending to feel faint.
“I’m not your mom! Don’t say it like that!!” She huffed, sticking her tongue out at you. “I just don’t get how you could get worked up over some boy.”
Yuji chimed into the conversation from his spot on your roomates' bean bag. “I mean, I know why you’re freaking out but… Y/N, it’s Yuta! You guys were friends for like, forever! And he was always pretty chill from what I remember… I’m sure it’s not gonna be weird or anything.” He said.
Nobara gave him a raised brow as well. 
“I’m not… I’m not worried it’s going to be weird.” You replied. 
“Then what is it?” He asked.
You bit your lip. You weren’t 100% sure why you were so nervous, but you tried your best to explain anyway. “… What if it’s… like… just not right? What if it just doesn’t make sense anymore, I mean… It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. He’s moved on with his life and so have I… I’m not sure it would make sense to try again… uhm, try and be friends again. I mean there’s a reason we separated the first time and-“
“This again.”
Megumi’s cool voice cut through the air. You looked up to see him closing the front door and locking it behind him completely silently. It would have been creepy, had you not been so used to it by now.
He began looking directly at you with his eternally judging eyes as he situated himself in your own beanbag chair.
“Megumi! They were sorting their feelings out!” Yuji scolded, poking his cheek.
“Yeah, Megumi!! Don’t interrupt them!” Nobara chided, sending him a little glare.
He fought against the urge to roll his eyes. (And failed.) “I just don’t understand why they must make it so complicated.”
“I’m not making it complicated, it just is complicated!” You argued.
Megumi pinched the bridge of his nose. “You want to see him again?”
“And he wants to see you?”
“Well, yes, but-“
“But what? That’s all there is to it.” He said.
“No it’s not I- I don’t even know how he’s doing emotionally! What if… What if nothing has changed from before? I mean, our identities were so intertwined that when he-“
“Didn’t you just say that he had moved on with his life.” Megumi deadpanned.
“Well, yes…”
“Y/N. You are way overcomplicating this.”
“I am not!!”
“Are too. If you both want to be friends again, and you both have changed, why are you so scared? It’s worth a shot, right?”
“That was rhetorical. You need to answer that for yourself, not me.”
For a brief moment, you found yourself falling silent.
Why were you so nervous? It was just Yuta after all.
Perhaps, because it had been so long? After all, you had very little idea of what he had been up to in your time apart. 
What if you had nothing in common anymore?
What if he changed more than you knew?
What if you had completely incompatible schedules?
What if his new friends didn’t like you, and drove you apart again?
… But then again, you already knew that you two could still keep up a fun conversation together thanks to your little encounter at the coffee shop. You had seen all the little things that hadn’t changed about him after all this time. You knew deep down that he would move heaven and earth to see you again. You knew he still considered you his best friend.
Those worries weren’t true at all. Just anxious thoughts that gnawed at you. Things you told yourself over the years to convince yourself that it wouldn’t be right to follow your heart right back to him in any capacity. Things that were louder than ever before.
… If you were being completely honest with yourself… Maybe it was because you knew you still had feelings for him. Even after all this time.
And if that was true there was a possibility that eventually, that could drive you two apart no matter how hard you tried to fight against it. These feelings you had ran deep. That care that you felt for him might breach, extend, and pressure your mental state and drive you apart… the same way it had the first time. 
You snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of Nobara breaking the silence.
“Megumi, you’re totally oversimplifying things.” She said, rolling her eyes. “It’s like you’ve got a heart of stone or something.” 
Megumi shrugged. “I’m just putting it into context. It’s not healthy for them to stew like that with their thoughts like that. I’m sure you agree.” He replied pointedly.
Yuji pondered for a minute on what he said. “I mean, he’s like… still their ex. It’s gonna feel weird because of that. Like it’s natural for them to want to think about it a little bit m-“
“Yuji, you said it wouldn’t be weird!!!” You whined, starting to pout a little bit.
He panicked slightly. “I meant weird, like complicated! Not weird like weird bad!”
“Yuji!” You groaned.
“Y/N!” He mimicked.
You glared at him.
“Oh. Uh. Sorry.” He scratched the back of his head. He lowered his head in apology, a guilty pout and eyes that looked at you like a four-week-old puppy who had just chewed up your nice shoes.
“You are forgiven.” You sighed. “But still. You guys aren’t helping at all! What am I supposed to say if he texts?”
“Tell him when you’re free.” Megumi stated.
You groaned, holding your head in your hands. “Megumi!”
He shook his head at you. “I’ve done all I can do for you. At least try to keep it down while I’m studying.” 
He started to move back across the room to his desk when the universe finally decided to answer your most secret prayer. Ding.
Immediately, all three of them turned to see you scrambling to pick up your phone. On bated breath, they waited to hear what it was.
“… It’s him!”
Yuji jumped up to read over your shoulder. “What’s it say? What’s it say?”
You began to read it aloud. “He said: ‘Hey Y/N, it’s Yuta, smiley face!”
Nobara looked puzzled. “Why did he do that? You obviously know it’s him. Couldn’t he have come up with a better opener?”
You bit your lip. “Well, actually, I only gave him my number…”
Nobara blinked in disbelief. “You can’t be serious right-”
Yuji shushed her. “He’s typing!”
Nobara and Megumi slowly inched their way over to have a look at your phone as well.
“I know it’s still finals season, but let me know when you have a little extra time. Mine is over this Friday, when is yours?”
“Why is he putting the ball in your court?” Nobara asked, nose scrunching up.
“I mean. What else is he supposed to say?” Yuji asked.
“According to Megumi?” Nobara then flattened her voice a comical amount. “Y/N, there’s a new coffee shop opening up this Saturday. We should go. ”
Yuji blinked. “But that’s not like him at all, from what I remember! And totally inconsiderate…”
Megumi hummed, causing Yuji to jump a little. “But it would get the point across in the simplest way.”
Yuji shook his head. “I think if he wants to ask them out he should be-“
“It’s NOT a date!” You interjected. You wished it could be, though. “I don’t even know what he wants to do!”
“Well, you should respond! Don’t leave him on delivered!” Yuji exclaimed.
Nobara shook her head. “I think they should wait. He made them wait two days for a response.
Megumi pinched his forehead. “Can you stop. Your mind games are going to give him the wrong idea.”
“Shuuut up Fushiguro! It’s not ‘mind games’- That’s just stupid! It’s just what would be fair!” She argued back.
Yuji ignored them, shaking your shoulder. “Oh, oh! Maybe you could put in a little smiley face? That might get him to loosen up!”
The three began to discuss what you should do with much enthusiasm- or, in Megumi’s case, a mild interest in your personal life, with a side of being completely convinced that he was right. Slowly you began to tune out the sound of their voices as they threw out suggestions.
Really, what should you do?
In truth, there would be no objectively right or wrong answer. You could respond now, or later, and the world would keep turning and time would keep passing just as it always had. You wished that for a moment it would, so you could sit and puzzle out your thoughts and feelings without interruption. But even when time felt most like it should have stopped, the day you had shut him out of your life, it still didn’t. It was overwhelming, the many possibilities of what you could do. 
The three chattered on in your ear as you repeatedly wrote up and deleted potential messages in your notes app.
You tried to think. It had been so long since you had asked yourself this. But if it had been Yuta here beside you, instead of your three beloved friends, what would he have said to ease you? How would he have suggested you respond in a situation like this?
You did remember one such instance.
You had dated people before Yuta. Quite a few, in fact. But in truth, you had always felt rather uncomfortable sharing when you were in a relationship with him. At the time you had believed that it had been because you weren’t that serious with them… but you had come to realize that it was because you felt very differently about Yuta than you did your other friends. Even, differently than these people you had dated.
A couple of years before you started dating, you had found yourself in a bit of a situation with Choso Itadori. A boy who was in the same grade as Yuta, and was Yuji’s older brother.
Subtly, he had been flirting with you. Not directly, which wasn’t your style. But he was cute, and he was nice… fiercely loyal, but a tad socially inept. He helped with your homework when you were studying with Yuji, and he engaged you in fun conversation despite the chaos of the Itadori household. You thought he could be a good match for you. It made sense, didn’t it?
Of course, you had gone to Yuji for advice! That was only right. It made the most sense. But ultimately, when Choso had texted you, and you alone, asking you out for ice cream… you found yourself texting Yuta in a panicked frenzy. And within a few minutes he showed up at your door with a bag of popcorn and a very concerned expression.
The two of you had sat down on the floor of your room as you verbally puzzled over what you could do. There were so many options. Leave him waiting, so as to appear a little cooler? You were just Yuji’s friend after all- what if Choso found you childish? Or maybe it would be better to respond now! But then again, what would you say, and how would you say it? Perhaps you throw a heart emoji in there?
Yuta had listened intently, with an uncharacteristically pensive expression. He looked like he wanted to say something, but would insist that you get out all your thoughts on the table before he would tell you what it was. And so on you ranted, tangled up in the many what-ifs of what Yuta perceived to be a fairly straightforward situation. 
After about thirty minutes, you let out a loud sigh. “... I don’t know, Yuu… What should I say? What do you think?”
Yuta bit his lip. “Y/N I…” He paused, biting his lip. Pensive, and very deep in thought.
Yuta had told you later on what he had wanted to say at that moment. That he had wanted to tell you how he really felt about you. Not just that, but about the situation you were in, and especially how he felt about Choso at that moment. 
He was so, so jealous of Choso. His thoughts had flashed to moments where Yuta felt he was too far close and far too comfortable around you. And you didn’t suspect anything until he had started flirting with you. But Yuta knew. Of course, he knew. And when Choso had doodled your name in his notebook or whispered gushy things to his deskmate about how cute you looked today, Yuta was in the chair behind him packing his jealousy into boxes and storing them away as far back in his mind as he could. 
But he also knew that before his feelings for you (and his jealousy around Choso), came your friendship. He cared more about the bond you two shared, and he wanted to remain in your life no matter what. He had never ever wanted to risk losing you. He wanted you to be comfortable and in love with life. If that meant you didn’t feel the same about him… he would stay by your side regardless. How he felt about you, to him, was deeper than romantic or platonic attractions. He loved you in every sense of the word. He would do anything if it meant you would be happy.
“Y/N, I think… Well, what do you want to do?” He asked.
You paused. “Well… I’m not sure. That’s why I’m asking you. What do you think should I do?” You explained.
It was very common for you two to have this discussion back then.
And, as always, he had responded: “Hmm… I think… you should do what you want to do.” You groaned in frustration. “Yuta!”
“Sorry, sorry… I just mean… well, do you like him? You know, like, enough to share ice cream?” He asked.
“Hm… I don’t know about share. But I wouldn’t mind going to get some with him.” 
Yuta nodded, tense. “I… see.” He cleared his throat. “Well… do you… I don’t know… Would you…” He struggled to get the words out. “Would you… want to go on a date with him? Like, a date, date. To get ice cream.”
You tilted your head slightly in amusement. “I guess?”
“Y/N! You guess??” He gasped. He grabbed your shoulders. “You shouldn’t go out with a guy you guess you like! You should be with someone who… who makes you feel loved. Like… you know how you feel about him.” He said, as he slowly and anxiously let go of your shoulders.
You chuckled a little, shaking your head. “I mean, yeah! Duh! But how will I know how I feel about them if I don’t go out with them first?”
“I think you can get some idea after a little while…” He grumbled.
You turned your attention back to your phone, pondering Yuta’s question. What did you want to do, really?
You liked Choso, you knew. But… you also knew that you were coming up with a million reasons to stall. Was that your subconscious way of saying no?
Then again, it was kind of this way with everything you did. For some reason, you were paralyzed at the thought of somehow making a wrong choice. Sometimes that prevented you from making any choice at all, and you would blow whatever way the wind would take you.
… But if you really like-liked him, wouldn’t you be jumping at the chance to go out with him? Wouldn’t this override the overwhelming thoughts? Wouldn’t this be exciting, rather than… a strange feeling of neutrality toward it all? He was cute, and he was nice… but you found that the thought of him taking you out, versus the thought that you would just stay home that weekend didn’t make you feel one way or another.
It was then that you had made your choice. As you looked up at Yuta, a new possibility popped into your brain.
“... Say, Yuta! My parents just bought a gallon of ice cream, and I heard there was this spooky movie that just came out! Maybe we can go watch it when it gets dark? And then we could make use of that popcorn too…  We could make a sleepover out of this!” You offered, suddenly finding yourself grinning ear to ear.
“Oh- Sure! Of course! But uhm… What about this Choso thing?” He had asked.
You shrugged, jumping to your feet. “Eh… it can wait.” You said with a chuckle, offering him your hand. “Right now I want to make use of my Yuta time!”
A warm smile washed over his face as he took your hand. “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
You snapped out of your memories very suddenly at the feeling of Yuji shaking you once more.
“Oh! Oh! I know! Y/N there’s this AWESOME amusement park that’s not too far from here! Megumi and I took Nobara and this girl she liked there and-”
“Absolutely not. That place is cursed!” Nobara proclaimed. 
“It isn’t cursed just because you dropped a corndog on her skirt. Really, you should have been more careful. I don’t think I would text you back either if you owed me dry-cleaning money.”
“Why you LITTLE-” Nobara was likely about to chew his head off, but your interruption saved him
“I know what I’m going to do.” A subtle softness laced your tone, and you found yourself smiling a little bit.
“Ohhhh what what what!” Yuji pestered, excitedly watching as you typed your response into your messenger app.
“My finals are over next week on Wednesday. There’s this ice cream spot near my campus that’s really cheap, and really good! Maybe we could both bring a friend? :)”
Megumi rolled his eyes. “If you want it to be a date why would you invite him to bring someone else.” He replied flatly.
“Have you ever considered, Fushiguro, that they’re trying to make him more comfortable?” He was about to reply, but Nobara stopped him completely. “NO, you haven’t! Don’t even try to lie!!” 
It was a little funny if you were honest. Nobara held a grudge like a vice, but when it came down to it, she cared deeply for all three of you. It seemed today though, you were her favorite, though.
While the two of them were distracted, Yuuji coyly poked your shoulder. “Sooooo… You’re bringing me, right? Besties for resties? Don’t you think I’ll be a good wingman for you?”
Of course, this immediately stopped Nobara from chastizing Megumi. She butted back in. “As if! You know nothing about romance anymore, you’re with Megumi now!”
Megumi shook his head. “You two would cause too many distractions. They’re obviously bringing me.
You let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Just what had you gotten yourself into?
You supposed, though, that it was too late to turn back now. You suddenly felt incredibly grateful for Yuta’s patient nature.
Whoever you decided to bring, you would have to make sure they would keep you from flying off into your many what-ifs while you were with Yuta. You had to stay grounded as much as you possibly could.
Because you knew now, more than ever before, that you never wanted to leave Yuta Okkotsu behind ever again. 
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inuyashaluver · 11 months
Hiii I don’t know if you take requests but could you maybe write something about marrying?? For who you write for is totally up to you but maybe maya???
maya le tissier x reader
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a/n: hiii!! thank you so much for your request, I hope you enjoyed my twist on this request, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ enjoy!!!
description: in which you and your friend, maya are both clearly in love with each other and won’t say anything out of fear. maybe a little push from your friends will do the trick.
warnings: pinning, lonnnggggg
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you and your best friend maya bickered like a married couple, something that the both of you were teased about relentlessly.
you and maya met at manchester united, both of you getting signed at the same time and ironically getting signed at the same time again for the lioness senior team. this is something ella and alessia loved to take the piss out of both of you.
during lioness camp, the team was running laps as a warm up. you and maya sticking today, engaging in conversation.
“well you and I both know you copied me signing to manchester, (y/n/n)” she smirked, lightly jogging next to you,
“woah! le tissier, that’s a bold statement, considering you copied me” you bumped her shoulder with your own, giggling
“as if! we know you’re obsessed with me love, you have my number pinned in your messages, no need to hide it”
“nuh uh, you’re so obsessed with me, you probably have a picture of me up on your wall for motivation”
“oh that’s it!” she lightly pulled you into a head lock, both of you stopped running and starting giggling like school children with each other.
“we’re both obsessed with each other, deal?” she says, loosening her grip. you were blushing, hard.
“I guess. oh my god!! maya le tissier!! please sign my shirt, I love you more than life!” you got on your knees, holding your hands together and pleading at her.
she rushed to grab your arm to pull you up and told you to stop, her face was so red and giggling nervously. all she kept thinking was your flirting was banter, were you really obsessed with her like she is for you?
“well well well, less, the soulmates are back together once again” alessia nodded her head in agreement,
“ah yes, our favourite married couple” she winked at you
“quit it you two, we’re not married!” you exclaimed, maya still holding onto your arm, tightening her grip protectively. her defensive nature showing
“yet” ella said, laughing and jumping around with alessia. maya blushed even harder when you didn’t deny the accusations, bright pink settling on your cheeks also. you and maya made eye contact, she let go of your arm
“uh, I’ll see you around, love, gotta get changed!” she sped off into the change rooms, you tilted your head in confusion at the pair next to you
“she’s already changed?” alessia pinched her nose bridge, ella shakes her head at you.
“we love you, but you’re stupid sometimes, really stupid” alessia leaned forward to give you a pitty kiss on the cheek, “go and talk to her” they left you standing there in your confused state
you and maya kept exchanging quick smiles and eye contact throughout the whole of training. you were placed on the same team for a mini game. the game was tough, even if it was just training, you were against some of the best players in the world. maya had possession of the ball and made eye contact with you, expertly passing and connecting smoothly. you pressed forward and swung the ball into the back of the net. you ran towards maya and wrapped your entire body on her, clinging on like a koala. she was holding you tightly, laughing loudly as you pressed kisses all over her face.
everyone froze around you. maya put you down, both of you looking around confused.
“what’s wrong?” you ask, you holding on to maya’s arm this time.
“are you two actually joking?” ella deadpanned at both of you.
“what are you on about tooney?” maya was genuinely confused, why did everyone react like this when you kissed her cheeks, you do this all time.
“nah, I’ve had enough of this.” leah picked you up over her shoulder and told alessia to grab maya. you were limp in leah’s arms, there was no point in fighting her, she’s got a tight grip on you and isn’t budging.
she opened an empty physio room and shoved both of you in there. “you two” she frantically moved her finger between the two of you “are staying here until you talk it out like adults, you’re clearly in love with each other just put us out of our misery.”
“yeah! tell ‘em leah!” leah whipped her head around to look at alessia with a glare and she stopped. she shut the door and left you two alone.
you and maya sat next to each other, thighs pressing against each other, the contact was warm and conforting.
you both started, laughing at each other.
“you can go first” you said to maya and she nodded, softly smiling at you.
“I um, I’ve always really liked you (y/n/n), I’ve just been too shy to say it so I was hoping you would catch my hints.” she was fiddling with her hands, afraid of rejection.
you grab her hand and gave her a tight squeeze, you moved impossibly closer to rest her head on her shoulder
“maya, baby, I really like you too, ever since I’ve met you, I kept giving you hints as well hoping you would say something” you exhale through your nose, you two were truly so perfect for each other.
you move off her shoulder still holding her hand, she looked into your eyes and they flickered down to her lips. “could I kiss you (y/n)?” you nodded your head eagerly and she laughs, grabbing your cheek with her free hand and giving you the softest, most loving kiss. it began to get more passionate and maya pulled away. smiling at your swollen lips, knowing she did that.
“do me a favour?” maya said,
“anything for you” you winked at her and she smiles brightly,
“be my girlfriend?”
“I thought you would never ask” you surge forward and place multiple pecks on her lips pulling away. she grabs the back of your neck pulling you in for a longer kiss, she pulls away quickly. “kiss me properly girlfriend, come on” she mocked.
“you don’t have to tell me twice” you pull her hair out of her ponytail to run your fingers through her hair. a short make out session occurs, you now sitting on her lap, lips and tongues moving in sync with each other, small wines coming out of both of your mouths. twin flames were kindling.
pulling away for air, you both look at each other breathless. messy hair and swollen lips. both of you having massive pupils staring into each other.
“come on girlfriend, I think we’re free to leave.” you grab her hand and pull her up, giving her a tight hug, maya swaying you both side to side, gently rubbing small circles on your back. she messily put her hair back into the ponytail. everyone was in the gym by then, you both walk hand in hand.
“can I be a bridesmaid?!” at least 10 people called out at once, wolf whistling when the both of you walk in.
“how about I propose first and we’ll let you know” maya said, pulling your hand up to her mouth and placing a kiss there.
you move to stand behind her letting go of your hands, blushing, you smush your face in between her shoulder blades, maya could feel you grinning into her back.
maya turned around smiling at you, pulling you into another tight hug. she moves to whisper in your ear,
“my girl, I think mrs le tissier has a nice ring to it, don't you think?” you hid your face in her neck, so incredibly red, you couldn’t face her.
you nodded into her neck and didn’t pull away from her. she giggled at you and pulled you impossibly closer.
further into the future, you did become mrs le tissier, maya claiming it’s her proudest moment. you couldn’t help but agree.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by ellatoone and 44,232
mayaletissier: hi girlfriend @/yourname
view all comments
yourname: hi girlfriend!
↳ alessiarusso99: you’re very welcome young ladies @/ellatoone, we bags maid of honours
↳ leahwilliamsonn: uh thank you to me more like it, this was all me
↳ yourname: thanks guys, thank you to me for giving maya the best kiss of her life that she made me her girlfriend for it
↳ mayaletissier: no comment
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Aizawa x reader - I need you
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Balancing on the top of the lamppost, you studied the street below you, carefully watching as a few people went about their routines.
It was late, night many people would be wondering around at this time, which was the perfect time for most villains to strike.
Putting your hands in your pockets, titled your head to the side a little, listening to changes all around the ward.
Jumping on a few lampposts, you made your way to the next street, doing the same thing.
Someone pointed up at you and grinned brightly, giving you a happy wave and you waved back, jumping down, landing lightly on your feet.
“Oh my god! Whisper!”
You smiled, making your way over, hands stuffed in your pockets as you approached the woman.
“Can I have a picture?!”
You nodded your head, letting her take a photo with you, and you offered a wave as you jumped back up to your vantage point, making your way past the streets.
Your quirk wasn’t overly spectacular, you had enhanced hearing and strength, that was it, everything else you had to work hard to get.
You stopped again, looking around.
That’s when you heard it, the sound of your name being called out, not your hero name, but your actual name, something only a few people knew.
Spinning around, you jumped up to the rooftops running over them to get to your destination a lot easier.
Jumping down, you landed on your feet, coming to a stop on a quiet bridge where a familiar figure was leaning against the railing.
“Eraser?” You asked.
He spun around, looking at you, and you walked over to lean next to him, resting your arms on the ledge.
“What’s the matter?” You asked.
“You came…”
You turned to look at him, giving him a soft smile.
“You called..”
He seemed tired, and you sighed softly, turning a little to look at him.
“You haven’t been sleeping properly.”
“When have I ever?”
This made you laugh a little bit, giving him a small smile, and you looked to the water below.
“What’s going on…?”
Aizawa sighed heavily, resting his back on the railing as he looked up and down the road, making sure there was nobody else nearby.
“I just wanted to see you…”
“We never said we couldn’t be friends when we broke up, you know that.”
“I know but it didn’t seem fair… I thought maybe you had moved on or something…”
You walked in front of him, holding your hand out, and he looked at you.
“Let’s go somewhere quiet, it’s nearly rush hour anyway.”
He nodded his head, taking your hand in his, letting you lead him to your apartment.
You took your hero equipment off, putting some sound blocking headphones on, making your way back out of your room.
Aizawa had taken his capture scarf off, leaving it on the floor by your couch, and you sat down, placing a cushion in your lap, gesturing for him to lay down.
He didn’t think twice and laid down, having been so used to this routine with you.
You ran your fingers through his hair slowly, giving him a warm smile as you looked down at him.
He covered his eyes with his arm, and you carried on watching him carefully.
“Shota? What’s going on? It’s not like you to call me.”
He sighed heavily, moving his hand away from you.
“Why did you come?”
You smiled.
“Because I promised you I would always come when you called for me.”
“Why? After what happened? We broke up yet you’re still there…”
You sighed a little bit.
“Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I don’t still love you Shota, I’ll always love you, even if we aren’t together. What happened wasn’t either of our fault, it just happened. We didn’t have time for each other.”
“That’s my fault…”
“Stop blaming yourself, okay? It wasn’t, sometimes life gets in the way. It just wasn’t the right time.”
You carried on working your fingers through his hair, still smiling down at him.
It had always been like that, you helping him relax, you had always been there for him, helping him with everything, sleeping, making sure he ate.
Yet he didn’t do anything for you.
He never repaid that favour, he was always so busy, he neglected you by accident, he never meant to, and it was true when everybody said you were too perfect for him.
“I’m sorry.”
You gently slapped his arm.
“Stop it right now Shota.”
He sat up, taking the cushion, gesturing for you to lay down as this time, so you did, resting your head on it as you looked up at him.
He carefully took your headphones off, then covered your ears with his hands.
The noises from outside were still there, a little louder than normal, but it didn’t hurt your ears.
“I want us to get back together.”
He smiled a little, leaning over.
“I want us to try again, once more.” He whispered.
He leant down, brushing his lips against yours, not quite in a kiss, but you could feel them.
“I need you by my side…”
You leant up, fully kissing him this time, and he smiled into it.
You pulled away, moving away so you could sit up to look at him.
“I’d never say no to getting back together with you moron.”
He chuckled, leaning over, putting your headphones back in for you, then placed a hand on the back of your head to kiss you again.
He was going to take better care of you this time, he was going to make sure he didn’t push you away for a second time.
When you pulled away, you laid down, letting him rest his head on your shoulder, covering his eyes with your hand.
“Go to sleep Shota.”
He hummed, nodding his head, wrapping an arm around your waist. 
For the first time since you left he was fully relaxed and at ease having you there, you were his calamity, his calmness and you were going to be his top priority in everything from now on
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skzdreamer13 · 9 days
Solace Chapter 1
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Chapter 1: Savior Hyunjin Apocalypse AU. Pairing: Hyunjin x OC (Sarah)
Trigger Warning: Talks of suicide.
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I used to love solitude. The quiet. The peace it brings. I could sit alone in silence forever. That's how I used to feel. But when the option to be surrounded by people and sound is completely removed, I now resent the solitude I once craved.
I can’t choose to find some fake excuse as to why I don’t want to go out for a drink with friends. No pretending I have better things to do, when in reality we all knew I didn’t.
I’ve never wished for company before. Not even to talk, just someone else's presence. Someone alive at least, someone conscious and understanding. I spent my whole life wishing to be alone, and now that I am, company doesn’t sound so bad at the end of the world.
The view on the bridge is beautiful, the sun low. It should be setting soon. I’ve been coming here everyday that I could for the last 8 months, after everything fell and the world went to shit. 
But I think I’m finally ready.
I slowly climb up on top of the railing, hugging the cold metal pillar as the wind blows lightly through my mousy brown hair, pushing it into my face. Looking down, the water used to be mostly clear, but has now turned this muddy brownish green color. I used to love this bridge, what a fitting place for me to go.
“So you’re just going to jump?” 
A voice. Not a grunt or a groan or growl from the creatures that have taken my loved ones and many others away from them. I don’t turn around. This can’t be real.
“I know the world has gone to shit but you shouldn’t do this.” The voice says. Gentle, understanding in his tone. I must really be losing it for my subconscious to make me hear things to go back on this decision.
I sway a bit with the wind, my grip lightening on the pillar. I hear a shuffle behind me on the pavement. I should do this before it’s too late.
“Please!” it’s breathy almost like a loud whisper. Like my subconscious knows not to yell, to refrain from grabbing the attention of anything that could be lurking on this bridge with me.
“Don’t do this.” He sounds as desperate as I feel. Might as well indulge myself.
“Why? What else is there to stick around for? A cure? Someone to come save me? No one is coming. So I’m gonna do myself a favor and take myself out of the equation before I get taken out by something else. I wanna still be me when I go.” I say it harshly, still not turning around. If there were people around I would worry about looking crazy. But there aren’t.
Then I feel it. Warmth. This is real. He climbs up onto the railing next to me, his arm behind me to grab onto the pillar I'm wrapped around, to steady himself. I finally look up.
He’s tall. Black hair, and brown eyes that shine like honey in the setting sun. and beauty mark under his left eye. 
“Well then I’m not letting you do this alone.” he shocks me to my core. He’s a stranger, and he’s gonna throw away his life on a whim? 
“No. You need to go, the sun is setting. Take my bag, there's food, water and other supplies.” if he was smart he’d leave, save himself. Once it’s dark out there's no telling how chaotic they’ll be tonight.
He shakes his head, black hair shaking with the movement, falling lightly into his eyes.
“You think I want to go through this either? This world? And alone at that?” He’s been alone too? I mean why am I surprised. If I've been alone all this time I’m sure others would be, I just kind of convinced myself there was no one left.
He continues to talk, “No thank you. So, if you insist on jumping, be my guest, but you’re gonna have some company. Or we can walk off this bridge and find some shelter for the night.” 
He startles me, his hand on my cheek wiping tears I didn’t know I had been shedding. His touch is gentle and warm, alive. I take a deep breath, looking into his eyes. I haven’t seen eyes like his in so long, eyes with life and fear and affection.
I nod and we carefully come down off of the railing. I pick up my bag, I had thrown it next to an abandoned car, and we start walking. It’s silent for a moment.
“Why?” I finally ask. He doesn’t turn to look at me.
“Why not?” He says it like he’s trying to make me laugh. Then sighs.
“I’ve been alone too. Maybe I did it because I’m selfish… Maybe I also did it because we can be alone together.”
We continue to walk in silence. It’s comfortable, like all this weight on my chest has been lifted off and I can breathe.
“I’m Hyunjin, by the way.”
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Chapter 2
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This is my first time writing on here and I hope you guys like it. I am going to start a tag list because I was asked to so just let me know if you'd like to be added to that. Hope you enjoy :) ~ Cecilia 🧡
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Tag list: @intrikatie
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hannie-dul-set · 23 days
can you pretty please do sunghoon?
[same face, different feelings]. park sunghoon has always thought you were a piece of shit. 
ever since you walked into the frat house with an arrogant stride, an arrogant face, and an unwelcoming demeanor that just pisses him off from the very first inhale of your existence, he knew you’d never get along. he knew you’d eventually do something to piss him off.
and you did. which, in retrospect, was great because the aftermath to the whole…situation was you voluntarily moving out of the house, and that meant sunghoon didn’t have to deal with seeing your face for the next three months. reap what you saw, motherfucker, or however the saying goes. whatever. doesn’t matter because the quality of sunghoon’s life has become exponentially better.
that is until you decided to move back in again.
“i can’t believe you have the guts to come crawling back here after the shit you pulled last summer, you son of a bitch.”
and the words jump out of his throat before he even realizes it.
“hoon, play nice. that’s water under the bridge now,” jake tells him. “hey, dude! it’s glad to have you back!”
it’s one thing how you don’t even look the slightest bit remorseful about what you did. it’s another thing how your response was to look at him as if you didn’t even know what you did wrong.
now that pisses him off tenfold. why the fuck did jungwon even let you back in?
yet park sunghoon’s anger towards you made him fail to notice all the little things that were just the slightest bit off. have you ever been close with sunoo and niki? no, he doesn’t think so, but he never cared enough to give a shit about your relationships. jake and heeseung have been complaining that you don’t game or play soccer with them anymore, but who gives a fuck about that when your tendency of being a fucking whore shows turns a head yet again when he catches you and jang wonyoung stumble out of your bedroom, the latter hazy-eyed and flushed, when this morning he was just texting her to come over.
“they’re saying it’s just a misunderstanding! nothing happened between them, just let it go, man.”
sunghoon feels worse than heartbreak when he sees his best friend defending you, knowing full well you were the cause of his sister’s own heartbreak last summer. what the fuck? jay of all people knows how much he hates you. but turns out, the object of his hatred for the past two months isn’t the same person he’d hated at first glance.
things start making more sense when you gather them all in the living room one day—
“w—wait, what do you mean you’re not him?”
—and drop the big fucking bomb that for the past three months, you’ve been filling in the shoes of your twin brother and receiving the brunt of all his hatred.
all that information was too much for him to handle right now.
so the natural reaction is to run off to wherever his legs took him.
that somewhere just had to be an obvious hiding spot. the rooftop of the shared house, in between the shrubs and the greens now drenched in the night where he’s crouched down and looking up to. but he’s not looking up at the stars in the sky. he’s looking at you—
“why are you wearing a mask?”
—half obscured by a medical cover which makes the guilt and hatred retching in his gut all the more complicated.
“i figured it would be weird for you to look at me when i look like that son of a bitch,” you say lightly. oh, so you also know how trashy that guy is, he thinks, and you crouch down in front of him, as if to tell him. yeah, i do. that’s why i’m in this situation in the first place. “if you can’t get an apology from him, i thought i could at least do it on his behalf.”
how considerate. he should’ve known that you were a different person. but god, every time he saw you, his animosity just jumped the gun before any other feeling could, so now he feels like shit, groaning with his head in his hands. “no, it’s just— i’ve hated your brother for fucking around with my sister, but i’ve been treating you like shit these past few months and that makes me no better than him.”
“no, you are! if i were you, i would’ve kicked my own ass the moment i stepped into the house,” you snap back. “the fact that you can even look at me and listen to me right now tells me that you’re a better person than he could ever be.”
with that, sunghoon lifts his head back up, and is met face to face with the same eyes he’s scorned just up until earlier this evening.
wrongfully so. had he looked a little closer, he would’ve noticed there’s not a single hint of arrogance in the way you’ve ever looked at him in these past three months. god, he’s terrible. the piece of shit is him, not you.
“that mask must be uncomfortable,” he mutters. “you can take it off.” 
albeit hesitantly, you do, and once more sunghoon is slapped in the face with just how alike you and your brother look, and he has to swallow down his body’s automatic reaction of inherent hostility, but it doesn’t come.
it’s the same face. the same face, but he’s feeling differently. maybe now that his vision isn’t blurred and addled by anger, he’s able to see more clearly.
send me a kpop boy (txt/enha/zb1/bnd/dream) to toss into reverse harem hell! [jay]
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