#this is why people bringing up the weapons thing as a gotcha never sat right with me because like. yes thats th. thats the point
kayvsworld · 1 month
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Reflecting Light
Chapter One
Chapter Seven:
Roman was pretty sure flying was something he wasn’t going to get sick of anytime soon.  How could anyone get sick of looking so far into the horizon?  They flew for a couple days before Shane told him they had to land and investigate this town and restock, and Roman absolutely adored every second of it.  He got up every morning and got to watch the sunrise with no obstacles in his way.  He got to see more constellations at night than he ever had before, which he was absolutely bragging to Logan about later.  He could stand near the front of the ship and feel the wind on his face.  Shane was clearly amused by the way that it all amazed Roman, but it was too wonderful an experience for Roman to really be bothered by it.
When they finally landed for the first time it was in a town that Janus Picani apparently stopped often in.  Shane was docking the ship when Roman decided to bring up what he was thinking about.  He headed over to stand behind Shane.  “Sir?” he asked hesitantly.
“Roman, if you call me sir for the next two months I’m going to lose my mind,” Shane said as he glanced backwards.  “Just use my name for now.”
“Okay, Shane,” Roman said, even more hesitantly.  “I don’t think we should wear our Light uniforms while we ask for information.”
Shane gave him a suspicious look, and Roman took a step back.  “Why would we do that?”
“Well, um,” Roman put his hands behind his back so he could fidget as he spoke.  “When we first left no one was being very cooperative until I covered the Light symbol on my shirt with Patton’s hoodie.  I think people might be more willing to help if we didn’t tell them we’re from The Light.”
Shane gave him a look like he was being an idiot.  “There’s a Light insignia on the side of the ship, Roman.  Anyone who sees us stepping off is going to see we’re from The Light.”
“Well, yeah, but the people in town—”
“Roman, if you want to wear a cat hoodie everywhere, you be my guest.  I intend to have a little pride in the place where I’m from.”
“Oh, that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“We don’t have all morning to argue anyway, Roman.” Shane finished docking the boat and turned around.  “I’ll ask around here at the docks.  You can go talk to people in town.  We’ll cover more ground that way.  Can you be back here in a couple hours?”
Roman nodded.  “I can do that.”
“Excellent.  I’ll see you then.”
Roman grabbed his cat hoodie from his bag and slipped it on as he walked away from the ship.  He headed into the town, waving back to a couple people who waved to him.  One young child came up to him and happily told him she liked his cat hoodie.
“Thank you,” Roman said, smiling brightly at her.
“Sweety, we don’t bother strangers,” said a woman who must have been the girl’s mother, as she walked up to her.
“Oh, she’s fine,” Roman said, waving off her concerns.  “This hoodie belongs to a dear friend of mine, he made it himself and I’m using it while I’m traveling.  Here, I could write down a list of the materials he used.”  Roman pulled out a notebook and wrote down what Patton had used to make the hoodie, and handed it to the girl’s mother.
“Thank you,” she said with a smile.  “My husband is excellent at making clothes, I’m sure this would be no trouble for him.”
“I get a cat hoodie?” the little girl exclaimed happily.  “Thank you, mister!”  She threw herself around Roman’s leg, and he laughed.
“It’s not a problem at all,” he said, ruffling her hair.  “I would stay and try to help make it, but unfortunately I’m on a bit of a desperate journey at the moment.  I’m looking for my brother.  We’re identical twins, so he looks just like me.  He’s also traveling with Janus and Virgil Picani.”
“Oh, you should ask Remy then,” the woman said, pointing across the street.  “They delivered to his shop about a week ago.  And I highly recommend his Coffee.  He finally got it to work.”
“I wanna try his Coffee!” the little girl complained.
“He says it’s not for kids, sweetheart,” the woman said, patting her child on the shoulder.  “Good luck on catching up with your brother.”
“Thank you.  I hope your husband does well with that hoodie!” Roman called, waving as the two walked away and heading towards the shop across the street.
A bell jingled over the door as Roman opened it, and a man at the counter glanced up.  “Hey babes, what can I help you— oh.  What are you doing back here, Remus?”
“You’ve seen him?” Roman said, brightening.  “Oh, sorry, that was weird.  Remus is my twin brother.”
The man, who must have been Remy, nodded in understanding.  “Oh, gotcha.  Oh, I see it now, no mustache.”
“Yeah.  Thanks,” Roman muttered, resisting the urge to rub at the spot over his lip.  That had always bugged him.  Why did only Remus get a mustache, they were identical twins.  “Do you know which direction he went?  I’m trying to find him.”
“He left without telling you?” Remy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, uh.  He was in trouble,” Roman said.  “Someone back home was threatening him.  I’m trying to find him because the problem’s been taken care of now.”
Remy nodded slightly.  “Yeesh.  No wonder he had that panic attack.  Babe’s gotta be under a ton of stress.”
Roman’s mouth went dry.  “What happened?” he asked.
“Oh shoot, you probably didn’t know that,” Remy said, laughing a little awkwardly.  “Yeah, that happened.  Don’t worry, he’s fine.  Virgil and Janus showed up after like a minute.  Good thing too, I had no clue what to do.  Hey, while you’re here, you want some Coffee—”
“Do you know which way they went?” Roman asked hurriedly.
Remy gave him a confused look.  “Yeah.  They’re making their rounds?  I think they’re coming back here in three months or so with more supplies for my Coffee.  Oh, and weapons I guess.”
“I don’t have three months,” Roman said, still a little stuck on the panic attack part.  Virgil and Janus showed up.  Roman wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, but Remus could be hard to deal with during panic attacks.  And if he was being kept prisoner, Janus and Virgil the rebellion members probably didn’t care too much about that.  Was this Remy person really so heartless that he wouldn’t care what they did as long as they took Remus away?  Why the hell did everyone hate people from The Light so much?  “I need to find him as quickly as possible.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you,” Remy said with a shrug.  “You can follow their travel route.  Do you want to buy some Coffee or not?”
Roman sighed.  “Alright,” he said.  “I’ll try some Coffee.”
Remy smiled brightly and walked into a back room, likely to get whatever the hell Coffee was.  He came back out a second later with a mug of some kind of dark liquid and passed it over to Roman.  “First try is free,” he said.  “Every following cup is ten each.”
Roman took a moment to consider how full of himself that made Remy sound as he picked up the mug and took a sip.
He immediately pulled back.  “Fuck that’s bitter,” he said.
“Yeah, I know.  I’m debating adding sugar.  But the drink should wake you up.  Give it a couple minutes.”
“Uh-huh,” Roman said, taking another drink just to avoid pissing Remy off.  He drank a couple more mouthfuls, which was about all he could stand, before he passed the cup back to Remy with a thanks for the drink and his help, as if either were particularly valuable.  At least he knew Remus had been here.
He pulled off his cat hoodie once he arrived back at the docks.  Shane was waiting over by the boat, and stood up from where he was leaning against a crate as Roman approached.
“Roman, finally.  Help me load these crates on board.”
“Sorry, this shopkeeper wanted me to try his shitty drink,” Roman said, wrinkling his nose.  “It was so incredibly bitter, I do not recommend it.”
“Noted,” Shane said, raising his eyebrows.  “Did you manage to get any information?”
“Oh, yeah, that same shopkeeper had seen Remus,” Roman said, moving to pick up a crate.  “He’s apparently a frequent stop when Janus and Virgil are making rounds.  He still wouldn’t say any of the travel path out loud, though.”
Roman carried the crate on board and set it down with an irritated sigh.  His least favorite thing about the outside world so far was that everyone seemed to know about Janus and Virgil Picani’s travel route but never said it out loud.  It was like they expected him to know it.
Roman gave that a moment of thought.  Maybe they did all know it.  They probably just refused to mention it around Light soldiers.  It would certainly make sense with how uncooperative they all were.  God, he couldn’t imagine how awful it was for Remus to have no idea where he was.  If he was a prisoner they probably wouldn’t even let him see the stars.  He must be so disoriented.
Roman finished carrying the rest of the crates on board as Shane bought them both some lunch, noting how they should have at least one fresh meal before they had to start eating out of crates again.  Roman sat on the far side of the ship and ate his sandwich while looking out at the sea.
Shane sat down next to him after a moment.  “You alright, kid?”
“I’m… worried,” Roman admitted.  “And pissed.  I’m not really sure who to direct that second one at yet.  I don’t want to think Remus is a traitor.”
“But a lot of signs are pointing that direction?” Shane asked, sounding surprisingly sympathetic.
Roman glanced over at him.  He didn’t really want to think about it.  He tried to think about Remus as a prisoner because it was the better alternative.
“It’s alright,” Shane said.  “He’s your brother.  It’s natural to care about him.  Even if he turns out to be a traitorous screw-up.  As usual,” Shane finished the last part in a mutter, taking another bite out of his sandwich.
Roman sighed.  “I know the kind of reputation my brother has, okay?  Believe me.”  He took a bite of his own sandwich.  “But I don’t think he’d betray anyone.  He tries really hard.  He’s just… accident prone.”
Shane chuckled.  “Tries really hard, huh?  I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Roman sighed.  He doubted he was actually going to get anywhere in this conversation.  Most people didn’t really seem to believe in Remus, and he wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t make it hard for him to believe in Remus sometimes.  He loved his brother, and he wasn’t going to start out by believing that Remus was a traitor, but the idea that he was kidnapped by two high ranking rebellion members didn’t seem to make a ton of sense.
He supposed it didn’t really matter in the long run.  He was going to get Remus back either way, it was just whether or not he would hug the living daylights out of him or smack him upside the head that was yet to be determined.
Roman ate the last of his sandwich and looked up towards the sky, trying to puzzle out the way he was feeling.  He didn’t really get anywhere before Shane said they had to go, and he stood up to go help fly the ship.
Chapter Eight
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knittingdreams · 4 years
Fireheart - Chapter 6
Short and sweet update today! The rest of the chapters are easy to find on my blog, there’s not many posts up yet n_n And remember, you can read more on Ao3, I uploaded a new chapter there today too! :D
The days turned into a week, and Celaena wasn’t any closer to finding out anything about what had happened with her family. She had managed to settle into a good routine, her body was almost used to daytime, and a little golden glow was starting to show on her cheeks and hands as well as her legs, the only parts of her body that were seeing the light of day. 
She was making up a plan to sneak into the top floor, where Dorian’s father's penthouse was, when she heard the front door of her suite creaking open. She stood up slowly and moved over to the wall, pressing her body behind her bedroom door, waiting. She listened to the light steps on the hallway getting closer, and her legs flexed a bit without even thinking about it. She had no weapons in hand, but she didn’t need any. She waited, crouching, listening.
As soon as the steps were on the threshold, they stopped, and Celaena could see the shadow of a man lurking, looking around the room, probably surprised to see it empty. Had Arobynn sent someone to check on her? Or had anybody found out about her? She didn’t have time to think about it because the figure jumped into the room, closing the door behind him in a quick motion and leaving her without cover.
“Gotcha!” A known voice yelled, and Celaena’s fist stopped mid-air as a palm collided against it.
“For fuck sake, Cortland!” she screamed. “What the fuck are you doing here? And why would you sneak up on me like that?” She took a step back, looking at Sam up and down and frowning as he let go of her fist.
“For fun?” 
Celaena pressed her palms against her face, not able to believe this intrusion to her privacy. Once the shock was gone, she walked over to her bed and dropped into it again, resuming her relaxed position from only a minute ago. 
"So, are you going to explain what brings you here?" She asked, nonchalant, as Sam still stood by the door. 
"Thought I'd check on you. We've been in school for two weeks already, you made it into the cheer squad and you start training on Monday, I'm just wondering what you're going to do about…" Sam looked lost for words and looked down, red colouring his cheeks. 
"Are you worrying about me wearing the uniform? Why don't you mind your own fucking business, Cortland?!" She said outraged, standing up and walking right past him and out of the room. Sam trailed behind her, and she could almost feel the apology stuck in his throat. 
"Sorry," he said once Celaena reached the minibar and pulled out a can of cream soda. 
"Why are you even here? What if anybody saw you coming in? Dorian could be around-" 
"Do you think I'm that stupid?" Sam cut in. "No one saw me, I can get in and out of this building without a single pair of eyes catching sight of me, and you more than anyone should know that!" He almost growled at her. 
They were standing right in front of each other now, anger burning their skins and flushing their cheeks. It was a stand-off, one that Celaena didn't plan on losing. 
"I don't need your help," she said for what felt like the millionth time. 
"You can't always do everything on your own, Celaena," Sam said, his voice turning softer as he said her name and took a step back. He turned his back on her, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for what happened that day, I could never apologize, you keep shutting me out, and I… I was only trying to help-" 
"Out!" Celaena growled. "Get out of here before I rip your throat out." Tears were threatening to come out, burning behind her eyes. 
Sam turned around slowly and looked at her with such sadness in his eyes, that she almost broke. 
"Now," she said, a bit softer. It was a plea, and she could tell Sam knew how she felt. After all, they had been close enough to know each other as no one else did. 
Sam nodded once, slowly, and made his way to the same door through which he had entered merely minutes ago. Before closing the door behind him, he peered in and looked at her turquoise eyes. 
"I really am sorry, I will forever feel guilty for what involvement I had in what happened, and I know I could never make it up to you, but I wish I could." And then he was gone, the door now closed between them. 
Celaena breathed in deeply, trying to avoid the memories from that night from catching up with her. She had been so close to getting out, so close to success before Arobynn's men had found her. She had been stupid, and reckless, and she had been fully aware of the consequences her actions could have brought. But no, it had been so much more, it had been torture, humiliation, and so much pain. 
Her hand mindlessly moved to her lower back, rubbing the harsh skin close to her tailbone. The worst of the scarring was low enough to be hidden by high-waisted pants, and she thought, hopeful, that she could adapt the uniform to hide them too. She went back to her bedroom, grabbed the cheerleader uniform off the dresser, and tried it on. 
"I can work with this," she told her reflection. She could raise the waistline without any problem.
She dropped back on the bed and opened up her computer, thinking about checking up the blueprint of the hotel again. She wanted to work out the best way to get to the penthouse on the floor above so she could set up some hidden cameras. To her surprise, she found a bunch of messages on the screen instead. 
Nehemia: Are you going to the party? I would love to see you there my dear friend!
Dorian: I'll have a cocktail made in your name if you delight me with your presence tonight. 
Lysandra: Party at Dorian's tonight, it's Friday, and you're part of the hive now, so I expect to see you there. 
Celaena wondered if that was the real reason Cortland had shown up at the hotel. Maybe he wanted to see if she was going to Dorian's party. She was absolutely sure the guy would have gotten an invite too. He had become a pretty popular kid, even if he didn't mingle with the same crowd she did. Sam had befriended almost everybody at Adarlan Elite High in as little as two weeks. He was the one every single girl was dreaming about, like a new toy that they wanted to possess. She could see the appeal, there was no denying that Sam was really good looking. 
There was a rough history between them, one that was a bit like a broken rollercoaster ride. 
Celaena still remembered the day she had arrived at Arobynn's mansion. He had carried her broken and tired body up the stairs, and had nested her in a bed with warm blankets. A doctor had come over to check on her, and multiple people had tried to ask what was wrong with her, what had happened. She couldn't talk about it, she couldn't get herself to express out loud what she thought had happened. 
In the middle of that first night, she had woken up screaming, terrified. She had had a nightmare about the plane crash, she had felt the collision against the water again, she had seen her parents disappear under a mass of water as her mother had pulled on the tag of her safety vest. The young version of herself had held her breath as soon as the water had filled the plane’s cabin, and her body had shot up through the surface, her shoulder bumping against the wreckage as she soared up. In reality, she had made it out, but she had dreamed of water filling up her lungs and flames engulfing her world instead. 
She had woken up sweaty, screaming, and had found a pair of small hands steading her, a little voice telling her everything was going to be alright. For a moment, she had thought it was Aedion by her side, but this kid hadn't had blond curls, but short light brown hair instead; and his eyes weren't bright turquoise as hers, they were the color of honey. 
"It's okay, you're okay, it was just a nightmare," the kid had said. 
"Who are you?" She had asked, feeling lost and confused. 
"I'm Sam, I live here, with Arobynn... The man who found you," he explained as the girl Celaena had been back then, had looked at him wide-eyed. 
She had remembered then that a man had found her on the shore after who knew how long. She had expected him to take her to the police as they did in the movies, but there had been no patrols, no lights, no ambulances. Just a black car with tinted windows taking her into a big house. 
"Where are my parents? Where's mum?" She had asked the boy when the memories had hit her all over again, her eyes still soaked with tears. 
"Girl," he had said softly. "Your parents are dead."
She had cursed and screamed and yelled, and through it all, Sam had sat there patiently, waiting for the tantrum to be over while he tried to comfort her with soft words. 
"It will be okay, you get used to it after some time.” He had said after she calmed down. “My parents died years ago, and I don't even remember them much." The young blond girl had thought he didn't sound as sad as he should have been about their deaths. 
"You know nothing!" She had spat on his face. "I'm not like you, and I will never forget my parents!" 
That had been the start or the turmoil. The first few weeks at Arobynn's place she had been so angry with the brown haired boy for implying such horrible things that she had stayed away from him, or insulted him whenever they crossed paths. Eventually, young Sam had stopped trying to befriend her. 
When they started training in combat by the age of 12, they automatically became rivals, like it was meant to be. There were other kids around, others that came and went, but the two of them were the best ones, the ones that were constantly in the spotlight of Arobynn’s attention. They pushed themselves to beat one another, and that’s why they had become the best.  That was the same reason why they had come to know each other so well. 
Celaena laughed at the memories, lying back on her bed. 
Their relationship had gotten better by the time they became teens as they had no other option but to work together. They had to learn how to fight side by side instead of always against each other when they had joined a few illegal tournaments as partners. It had helped them learn about teamwork and tolerance, but Celaena had still kept her distance. 
Teen fighting was something they had endured for the past three years. Arobynn was one of the biggest gamblers in the scene, and he had made a lot of money out of the pair. 
The rules were few, but they were inflexible: 
-No punching on the face, as no one wants to bring the authorities’ attention to a heap of kids with black eyes and broken jaws.
-Last kid standing, wins.
-Only kids under 17 years of age allowed.
Simple and efficient. The fights always took place in underground basements that looked more like dungeons in the middle of the night, and that had been most of Sam and Celaena’s lives for the past years. The fighting had only been interrupted by break and entry, and a few espionage missions. Just your typical teen life, Celaena thought and laughed to herself.
The guild though, was at another level. They were Arobynn’s most trained and elite fighters, the ones that formed his inner circle.
Celaena thought about the tournament Arobynn had talked about. She knew good money would be involved, and she couldn’t lie to herself, she enjoyed the fighting. She wondered why she hadn’t been selected for it. Truth was that there had never been any females in the guild, but Celaena had always been hopeful that she could be the first one, that she was strong enough to make it into Arobynn’s team of most skilled and profitable fighters. But that had been all before the incident. 
Suddenly pissed off, Celaena closed the computer and stood up from the bed, walking over to her dresser.
“Fucking Sam Cortland,” she muttered as she ruffled through her clothes.
Not only had he taken her place on the guild, but he had gone and fucked everything up a few months back. He had betrayed her, and it had cost her greatly. Not only physically, but her relationship with Arobynn was now strained, and she couldn’t help but blame her lack of involvement with the guild for what had happened back then. Arobynn didn't fully trust her anymore but she needed as much money as she could, she needed to solve her parents’ murder to make sure she could pay him back what she owed him, and move along. 
She was ready to buy her freedom. But Arobynn’s fees were high.
She put on her black leather leggings, the ones that had net cut outs and transparencies on the upper tights, and then laced up her black high heel boots. She found a V neck dark purple top with long sleeves, and then rolled them halfway up to her elbows. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment, putting on her contacts back, touching up her makeup and adding some deep purple lipstick. 
There was a party she needed to attend, and an office she wanted to break into.
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thenovelartist · 6 years
A Coat that Binds
@disorganizedkitten​, I’m your Confidential Cupid! :D So, I have some LadyNoir as well as some protective gal pal moments here for you ;) Hope you enjoy.
With the taverns he frequented masked as Chat Noir, bar fights were a common sight to Adrien. It wasn’t as though the most notorious pirate of the seven kingdoms would be visiting high class establishments. They usually were the kind filled with low class ruffians and poorly clad women throwing themselves at him in hopes he’d share a little of his spoils.
So when a woman dressed in a red coat, looking presentable as ever, walked into one of the aforementioned disreputable taverns, of course he would pay attention.
He may be a pirate, but he was raised as the child of a high-ranking naval commander. Morals and values and preserving women’s virtues were high on his list.
The woman looked around the room, clearly searching for someone. But as expected, she was quickly approached. He was a burly man whose leer made it very clear what he wanted from her.
Adrien sat at the edge of his seat, watching the scene from the corner of his eye in an attempt to not look overly interested. It was all he could do to not take her by the arm, pull her outside, and tell her that this tavern was no place for a lovely lady.
Thankfully, she wasn’t naïve enough to accept his advances despite being naïve enough to walk in here in the first place. Chat caught the tail end of him asking her to go upstairs with her. Thankfully, she was having none of it.
He backed her up to the bar, and Adrien was one step away from taking the guy by the neck and throttling him. But the woman shocked him along with everyone else in the bar when she flipped around, yanking the half-empty bottle of liquor straight from the bartender’s hand and smashing it into the guy’s head.
Adrien fell in love with her right then.
If that wasn’t enough, she held the neck of the bottle with the jagged edge against the man’s neck. “Leave. Me. Alone,” she growled.
Fierce little thing. Adrien grinned. He just fell a little more.
The burly man’s face was cut to pieces, blood trails dripping down his neck onto his shirt, but he didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he reached for the girl’s neck, ignorant to the fact she was holding broke glass at his own.
Before the man could grab her, Adrien took a chair and knocked him out cold.
The girl in the pretty, red coat turned to him, allowing him to see that her eyes were a lovely shade of blue.
“Forgive me, princess,” he purred, tossing on his signature cattish grin. “But it seemed you could use a little rescuing.”
Her brow furrowed in confusion. The pout on her lips was adorable, but it proved that she was far too naïve to be walking around without someone, particularly a male, with her. Meaning Adrien had a good excuse to escort her out of here and to wherever she should be. “What brings you here, anyway?”
She scowled at him, and for a moment, he thought she would refuse to answer. “I was looking for a friend, but it’s clear he’s not here.”
“Maybe I could help you find your friend. This cat is actually an expert at finding people.”
She looked him up and down before meeting his gaze again. “You’re not a cat.”
It drew a round of laughs, but something didn’t sit right in Adrien’s stomach. “I’m the great pirate Chat Noir, my lady.”
Something sparked in her eyes, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.
“Stay away from me, pirate.” And with that, she marched out of the tavern.
He followed her, of course, but she’d disappeared. However, one thing was for certain: he had to meet this girl again, and he had to woo her. No other girl would ever do.
“Just so you know, Marinette,” Alya began as they walked around the market. Where in the seven kingdoms they were, they weren’t sure, but when Rose wanted to see the spoils of a market, they went to see the spoils of the market. “The next time you decide to go off looking for Luka alone, I’m going to trap you in a net until you know better.”
“Yeah,” Mylene agreed. She shifted her head covering to further protect her face from the mid-day sun. “We were really worried about you.”
“And Luka can take care of himself,” Juleka, Luka’s younger sister, added. “He didn’t need you to go looking for him.”
“That may be so,” Marinette said. “But after he almost got caught after losing his coat, I don’t want to take any more chances.”
No one could disagree with her there.
There was a clamor of commotion coming from behind the four girls. While Mylene immediately suggested they escape for the day—she never liked being surrounded by people—there was one little catch.
Mainly, two of their group were missing.
“Alix,” Alya growled. “I swear if you started something again, I’ll—”
Unfortunately, Alya did not need to finish that sentence. Said girl stood between Rose and some big, fat merchant.
Marinette growled. Why did she have to face off big guys lately? She may not be anything extraordinary but she did feel the need to protect her friends, something much easier to accomplish when the men weren’t twice her size.
She looked around, desperately searching for a weapon. She smirked at the broken pot behind another merchant’s stand.
She always used the weapon as a last resort, and a man reaching for her friend’s coat counted as a dire emergency. Marinette had no choice but to break her weapon over the man’s head.
The pottery cracked, knocking the man down long enough for Alix, Rose, and Marinette to run. They had overstayed their welcome, it seemed, and now it was time to go.
“Get back here!” someone shouted, which only caused the girls to run faster through the crowd. Marinette lagged behind, constantly searching for whatever object might become useful should the man catch up to them. Their main priority was to get back to the water front while not being followed.
They were so close to being free, but Marinette always found that this form made her little clumsier than her other one. She tripped over something, crashing headlong onto the ground and sliding to a stop.
Fear pulsed though her as she looked up to see the man reaching for her. Only for a sword to block his path.
Startled, Marinette looked up to see who held that sword, and her gut instantly sank. Because she recognized that blonde mess of hair and black outfit.
“Chat Noir,” the fat merchant said, jaw on the ground as he quickly backed up.
“What seems to be the trouble here?” Chat Noir asked, a taunting smirk on his face.
“This,” the merchant gestured to Marinette, “wretch bashed me over the head after her friends were caught stealing.”
“They weren’t stealing!” Marinette quickly countered. Could she say she knew it for a fact? No. But she knew her friends, and while Rose and Alix were sometimes too nosey and curious for their own good, none of them could be accused of stealing.
“There, you see?” Chat Noir said, flashing the merchant a smile before leaning down to offer a hand to Marinette.
Marinette hesitated before taking his hand. He was a pirate. Pirates could not be trusted. That was a lecture she knew she would heed. However, in this one instance, she felt safe enough in at least letting him assist her to stand again.
The merchant sputtered. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that my Ladybug would never lie.”
Her eyes widened slightly, but he just smiled at her. “Go on, my lady. I’ll be waiting for you.” He sent her a wink.
She didn’t necessarily know what that meant, but she did see the opportunity to escape while Chat Noir chatted effortlessly with the merchant.
So that was exactly what she did.
Her friends were waiting for her, still in human form, as she ran to the water.
“Where were you?” Alya asked, clearly worried.
“I tripped, that’s all,” Marinette dismissed. “Now, come on. I’d like to forget this day ever happened.”
“Yeah,” Alya agreed. “Next time we go to a market, could we not anger the fat man?”
“Yeah, that’s the second time in a row,” Mylene added.
With a snort, Alix tossed her hands in the air. “It’s not my fault he didn’t like us looking at his trinkets.”
“I’m sorry,” Rose said.
Alix instantly softened. “It’s not your fault, Rose,” she assured. “He was being rude. I think you had every right to pick up the trinket.”
“Well, nevertheless,” Marinette interjected, “Could we just get back home?”
None of the girls could disagree. One by one, her friends dove into the water, each of them transforming. As she hit the water, Marinette couldn’t help but let her thoughts linger on a certain pirate with a strange name. That was twice he’d helped her. Which to her, that was extremely odd.
Weren’t pirates supposed to be the scum of the sea?
Normally, Adrien didn’t care what kind of animals followed his ship around. It didn’t matter. However, this particular seal had decided to linger for nearly a month now. He couldn’t help but think that the little red and black seal deserved a name.
“Morning, Tikki,” he hollered down at it.
The seal even looked up at him as though it could answer. He had to laugh. “The sea looking good today?”
That’s when the seal dove down to hide.
But it came back.
For two months straight.
“Marinette! Wait.”
She sighed. So much for sneaking out without being noticed.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Yeah. You’ve disappeared a lot lately.”
“Why are you so secretive?”
The questions came rapidly from her friends. So quick Marinette didn’t even have the time to answer a single one.
Not that she particularly wanted to. Where she was going and what she was doing would probably convince Alya to actually complete her favorite threat.
“Tell us, girl!” Alya finished.
By now, Marinette was staring at her five closest friends, their expressions varying from concerned to irritated. As much as Marinette didn’t want to tell them where she was going, the last thing she wanted was to lie. She just couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“I,” Marinette said, hoping her cringe wasn’t evident. “I might be going… to meet… someone.”
That was all it took for those five girls to start bombarding her with a whole new set of questions.
“Who is he?”
“Do we know him?”
“Is he handsome?
It wasn’t until Marinette managed to dodge all of their questions that Marinette was released to go meet her mystery man.
She knew her friends were irritated with her for not telling the whole truth, but she didn’t lie. Not even about going to meet a guy. Because today, after three months of following the Cataclysm around on the sea, her curiosity had finally gotten the better of her.
Today, she was going to meet Chat Noir out on land.
Her heart was racing with excitement. And nervousness. She knew she was taking a huge risk. She knew it. She also knew her friends would strangle her if they knew she was going up on land alone. However, she just had to meet him. He wasn’t like any of the other pirates of the sea. He was kind and had the nicest laugh.
He’d named her and called her his good luck charm. Surely, he wasn’t the average pirate.
She arrived at the town she knew he’d be in. He always came to this market and only this one, but to confirm it, she searched for his ship. When she spotted it docked at a harbor, she relaxed. Now, to get on land.
She found a secret spot to transform. With a flash, she stepped out of the ocean, her skin shedding to reveal a thinner one underneath while her first skin wrapped around her in a coat.  She still wore the clothes that she’d had on last time she stepped out of land, meaning she wouldn’t garner odd looks or unwanted attention.
It also meant she could immediately begin her search for Chat Noir. Considering it might very well take all day and she still might not be successful, getting started as soon as she could was an absolute must.
Adrien wandered the markets, looking for supplies. Being out in broad daylight didn’t quite bother him. At least, not at this market. He had to be careful where he showed himself, but since he thwarted the assassination of some high-ranking noble, he’d been given free-reign here.
It wasn’t exactly intentional. More of a pure coincidence that there had been a large bounty on the assassin’s head and Chat Noir had taken him out right before he could finish his kill. Really, it was a right-place-right-time situation.
“Miss, are you going to buy anything or not?”
Adrien glanced over to see what the shopkeeper was yelling about, only to do a doubletake. Standing in front of him was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen in his life, the one he swore would only ever do.
And right now, she was cowering under the gaze of the shopkeeper, a pretty trinket held against her chest as though she’d been frightened. Slowly, she unfurled herself from her cowered position, only to glance sadly at the trinket before putting it back.
But Adrien wouldn’t have it.
“Here,” he said, tossing a large coin in the shopkeeper’s direction.
The man barely caught it, but Adrien didn’t pay much attention. Instead, he was looking at the woman who was looking at him. With a grin, he pushed the trinket back up to her. “For you, milady.” He sent her a wink, hoping to get a blush out of her.
Instead, she tilted her head at the action. However, she did blush as she held the trinket close. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he said, his smile growing. “Tis a pleasure to see you again. Do you visit the market often?”
“On occasion,” she said. “But usually not alone.”
She was alone today? He had to work hard to shove down the satisfactory grin that threatened to bubble up at any moment. “Well, then, I see it my duty to escort you around. I simply cannot let such a lovely young woman walk around alone.”
Finally, there was a blush on her cheeks that caused his heart to pound with pride. “Then I suppose I can’t refuse.”
“I can’t believe you’re still seeing him!” Alya said, shaking her head in bewilderment.
Marinette hadn’t been able to keep her secret for long. After a full month, Alya finally dragged the truth out of Marinette. Which meant that fire rained down on her.
An impressive feat considering that they lived in the sea.
“I understand your doubts,” Marinette admitted. “But he’s wonderful and kind and charming and thoughtful and—”
“Whoa, slow down there, princess,” Alix interrupted with a smug grin.
Marinette could only glare at Alix. However, Rose was close enough to smack Alix’s shoulder. “Let her be!” she scolded. “I, for one, think it’s utterly adorable!”
“Of course, you would,” Alix mumbled.
“You have to admit,” Mylene spoke up. “That this Chat Noir has treated her really well for being a pirate.”
Seeing that her point was made, Marinette gestured wildly at Mylene. “Thank you!”
“Girl, we just want you taken care of and safe,” Alya spoke up again. “Don’t blame us for being a little concerned.”
At that, Marinette sobered. As she thought of it, she realized she would do the same to any of her friends if they found themselves in her situation. They were all very close and protective of each other. Was it wrong of them to be worried about her?
“I’m sorry,” Marinette said, the fight being drained out of her. “I guess I just… got excited about everything.”
Alya’s expression morphed to something soft before she grabbed her friend in a tight hug. “We just love you, that’s all. And we want the best for you.”
Within moments, Marinette was the center of a group hug, all her friends’ murmuring their agreements.
Marinette returned the hug as best she could. “Thank you, girls,” she said. “You’re the best friends a selkie could ask for.”
Marinette was up past her head in trouble.
Her coat was gone, leaving her feeling bare despite wearing a blouse that was a little too large for her and a skirt that she’d ripped when the captain of the ship she was trapped on dragged her down into his bedroom.
It was all her fault. She’d been so careless. It had become her favorite past-time to swim beside the Cataclysm, the ship owned by the man she swore was the love of her life. Chat Noir was the only pirate she could ever call trustworthy and kind. He showed her respect on land, but what she noticed was he even treated the sea creatures with respect. There was one time he’d caught a seal in his nets when fishing, and instead of calling it a meal, he’d cut it loose and smiled at it as it swam off.
It was the action that left all her friends admitting that maybe Chat Noir wasn’t such a terrible pirate after all. It at least got them to calm a bit about Marinette’s insistence on seeing him every chance she could.
He was always a perfect gentleman with her. It had been a year now that she had been scouting out his ship, waiting for whenever it would dock and allow her the chance to spend time by his side. He always made her feel treasured. He was never greedy with his money, instead throwing it at merchants whenever she found something pretty. She now harbored a collection hidden away in a secret grotto.
She suspected that Alya may be jealous of some of the trinkets considering the way she eyed them.
However, all of that seemed distant as her fear overtook her. Pirates were the ones that she was warned to stay away from while she was taught that the Royal Navy sailors weren’t too dangerous. But Marinette begged to differ. She’d been caught in one of their nets while trying to get to the Cataclysm, which hadn’t been that far off. Instead of letting her go free, the captain deemed her his prize. Marinette knew enough about human males from her time on land with Chat Noir to know that a man deeming her his “prize” meant “having his way with her”.
And that gleam in his eyes had terrified her.
There was a commotion on the other side of the doorway, shouting and screaming and the sound of metal against metal. And then the door handle jiggled.
A new wave of terror filled her as she searched to find anything that would allow her to defend herself.
She reached for a metal lamp just as the door burst open, but it wasn’t the captain who entered.  
Her heart fluttered in shock as she took in his black attire, and the lamp fell from her hands. “Chat Noir.”
He looked as surprised as she did. “Ladybug?”
At the sound of her nickname, she ran into his arms. He instantly embraced her, tucking her against his chest protectively. “What are you doing here?” he asked, stroking her hair affectionately. “Are you okay?”
No. She was most definitely not okay. She was trapped and the captain wanted to use her for his personal pleasure and-and-and—
“He took my coat.”
“I’ll get you a new one,” he quickly said.
“No,” she said, biting her lip. “No, you don’t understand. I have to have my coat.”
He pulled away just enough to look her in the eye. “It’s not worth it,” he said. “Leave it be, I’ll get you a—”
“No,” she interrupted. “No. You don’t… I can’t… I have to have that coat. You don’t understand what I am.”
His brow furrowed, which caused her gut to sink. Never once did she tell him that she wasn’t human. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized it would come out one of these days, but she never thought she would be so worried about his reaction. “What do you mean? What you a—” He stopped short, his eyes widening.
“I’m a selkie,” she confirmed. “I’ve always met you on land, so you wouldn’t have any reason to believe it. But that’s why I need my coat so badly. I…”
He looked at her a while longer before shaking his head. “Okay. It’s okay. I’ll find your coat. Just stay here. I will come back for you.”
“Promise?” Her voice came out soft and weak and uncertain.
He looked at her, his green eyes turning hard. Despite his expression being fierce, it was with a certain gentleness that he pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her temple. “I will be back,” he repeated on a whisper. “I promise. Stay here, out of the fighting, please.”
Her heart was pounding in her chest so hard that it was difficult to say, “okay.”
He pulled himself away, and with one last meaningful glance, he rushed out the door.
Before she could fall over, Marinette found a place to sit. While her heart was pounding with the fear that someone other than Chat was going to burst though that door at any minute, her mind was reeling from the kiss. She reached up to touch her temple, and a smile crossed her lips at the thought of his kiss.
She needed to pull herself back down to earth.
His entrance the second time still scared her as much as the first. Relief flooded her when she realized it was Chat, her coat in hand.
She gasped happily, reaching out for it, but she quickly pulled her hand back. He gave her a smile that momentarily caused her to forget why she’d pulled her hand back in the first place. Only when she realized he was about to wrap her up in it did her mind start working again. Backing up, she cried for him to stop.
He froze in place, though he looked worried. “What is it?”
“You have to know,” she warned, looking at the man she loved, “the lore of selkies.”
His brow furrowed. “The lore of selkies?”
She nodded. “If… if you give that back to me, I’ll become completely and totally besotted with you.” She’d heard that it was as though a magic spell would be cast over her and she would have eyes for no man other than him.
Slowly, a wide grin stretched across his face as he continued to approach her. “Are you okay with that?”
Her heart thumped oddly in her chest. “Wh… what?”
“Are you okay with being besotted with me?” he asked. “Because frankly, miladybug, I’m pretty besotted with you already.”
Again, her heart did an odd dance while her stomach twisted into shy knots. “And are you okay that I kinda lied?”
His brow furrowed again as he took a half step back. “Lied?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but the words were difficult to come by. It was only because of the banging and screaming above that reminded her that they trapped on a ship that words suddenly appeared on her tongue. “Returning a coat is also a selkie marriage custom.”
His eyes seemed to widen at that. She couldn’t blame him. Of course, it would scare him. He was a pirate. And pirates flirted with women, not married them.
Her eyes sank to the ground as she took another step back. “I’m sorry. Just drop the coat on the floor and I’ll pick it up and—”
She froze. He’d come very close to her; she could feel it. She opened her eyes, only to confirm that his boots were right before her, and when she looked up, she noticed his arms were around her, ready to drape the coat over her shoulders with her say so.
Her eyes locked on his, and she felt herself warm as a lopsided grin graced his face. “Say the word and I’m yours,” he whispered.
The world faded away as her heart pounded in her chest. He wanted her? He wanted to marry her? A pirate? Take a selkie wife? “You… want to marry me?”
He smiled.
“A selkie?”
He shrugged.
“There is no going back.”
“It’s a marriage. Of course, there isn’t.” He said it with such certainty that her fear dissipated.
She licked her suddenly dry lips, then swallowed. “Give me my coat.”
In one smooth motion, he wrapped the coat over her shoulders, and Marinette felt everything change in that moment. All she wanted to do was get lost in those eyes that were gleaming as they gazed back into hers. She was acutely aware of how tightly he was holding her coat to her body, as though he could wrap her up and protect her from the world.
“Now, let’s get you out of here.”
He smirked in a way that was strictly Chat Noir, then picked her up, garnering a squeak from her. “Out the window, my ladybug. And I will find you again later tonight.”
“What?” she repeated, trying to make sure she’d heard him right.
He chuckled as he managed to open the window with one hand, then set her down on the sill. “You are getting out of here, am I clear?”
Her heart jumped nervously, and she grabbed his shirt. “I don’t want to leave you.”
With a cattish grin, he took one of her hands off his shoulder and pressed a kiss to the back. “We’ll meet again,” he said, leaning closer to her, “my wife.”
Her heart pounded at those words.
He gave her a smile. “Now,” he said, his hands now resting on her waist. He looked like he was going to kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her.
Her eyes closed on their own accord.
“You are getting out of here.”
Suddenly, she felt herself falling. Her eyes burst open just as she hit the water. She was stunned for a second, but managed to grab her coat and wrap it around herself. It quickly became a second skin as she morphed back to her seal form.
She popped her head above water, only to see his smiling face. He shot her a salute before he disappeared.
Her heart taken and worried, she lingered around the ships, watching as treasure chests and goods were taken across a gang plank from the Papillion to the Cataclysm. Normally, she wouldn’t agree with the lawlessness, but in this case, she wouldn’t make a fuss. That captain had stolen her coat. How dare the man steal her from the sea and think he could use her for his pleasure. She held no pity for him as Chat Noir marched across the gang plank, taunting the man one last time before sailing off, leaving the crew of the Papillion tied up and without goods.
Marinette could only grin as she slipped away. She would find the Cataclysm again soon enough, but for now, she had some news to share with her friends.
“I’m married!”
In an instant, five selkies were staring at Marinette.
“Yeah!” Marinette cried as she rushed over, ready to explain everything that had transpired to her friends.
“You were captured?”
“On a royal ship?”
“That captain is going to pay!”
“Yes, yes, and my husband already made him.”
This got the girls to pause. “Your husband?” Alya asked.
“Oh, come on,” Alix scoffed. “Don’t look so surprised. With as much time as she’s spent around Chat Noir, it’s shocking she only just got married to him.”
None of the other girls could disagree with it.
“You have to admit,” Mylene said, breaking the silence. “He did seem nice the one time we saw him in the market.”
“And he paid for his things,” Rose pointed out.
“And he does make Marinette happy,” Juleka added.
Alya sighed. “Fine, so he’s a decent guy. Sorry for being picky over who gave my best friend’s coat to her.”
Marinette sided up to Alya and wrapped her arms around her. “He’s a good man, I promise.”
“Which is something I never thought I’d hear be said about a pirate,” Alya admitted. “So I want to meet him before you go away with him.”
Marinette frowned. “I usually have to find his ship—”
“Well, then, it seems like we are going to storm the Cataclysm.”
Marinette looked at her friend, whose expression showed she was completely serious. Glancing at her other friends, she noted that they all looked the same: hands on their hips and eyes fiery with determination.
She couldn’t help but smile. “I love you all.”
Their smiles faded pretty quickly as they attacked Marinette in a group hug. “We love you, too.”
Adrien sat on the rocky beach of the coast they docked at, waiting for his Ladybug. The moment he’d seen her seal form, he realized she was his Tikki, his little good luck charm. How appropriate that he called her Ladybug.
He was so eager for her to come back to him that he made it easy to find her, docking at this city, in this market where they always met. She would arrive; he knew it.
Off in the distance, he saw some creatures jump out of the sea, swimming towards shore while barking to each other. He smiled when he realized they were seals. The question remaining was if one of those seals was his selkie or not.
He didn’t have long to wait for that answer to become clear.
She appeared at the base of the rocks, looking up at him with her seal eyes. In a glow, he watched her transform, revealing glossy black hair tumbling over her blue, blue eyes as she stared up at him in reverence.
His heart pounded in his chest. Hard. “Why, fancy meeting you here, miladybug.”
Her grin glowed in the dusk sky. She pulled herself up out of the water onto the rocks, and that’s when five other seals appeared. In bright glows all their own, the five seals morphed to humans. And all of them glared up at him threateningly.
“Listen up,” the one in the center directed. Her hair was almost red in the light and her skin was darker than the rest. “That is our best friend whom you married. If we find out that you hurt her in any way, you will have five selkies ready to charge your ship and wreck all the havoc in the world, and I clear about that?”
“Alya,” Ladybug warned through gritted teeth.
She glared up at her friend. “Shush! I’m threatening your husband.”
Adrien felt a little lost and simply decided that staying quiet was the best option for now. He let this Alya yell at him a while before she finally ran out of words and settled for glaring at him.
“Forgive her,” Ladybug said, sliding up next to him and wrapping her arms around one of his. “She’s my best friend.”
‘But we’re all her friends,” the selkie with pink hair warned, glaring at Adrien. “And we all have her back. If you don’t treat her well, we’ll sink your ship and drag all your crew under and feast on their bodies.”
Considering the strange looks the other selkies gave her, Adrien was going to assume that wasn’t what selkies did.
Or, he hoped, anyway.
“Don’t worry,” he said, finally finding the words to say. “I plan to take good care of her.”
“But you’re a pirate,” a third selkie, one with long blonde hair spoke up. “Usually, we’re taught not to trust you.”
“I… true,” he admitted. “But I have morals,” he quickly defended. “I was raised as the son of a military commander. My father had failed for years trying to eradicate the pirate issue haunting the towns. So, in my rebellion, I became a pirate to take down other pirates. My crew consists entirely of kids who grew up in the military, like me.”
Adrien watched the girls’ expressions shift, partly out of surprise and partly confusion.
“If you don’t believe me, I understand,” he assured. “But I swear, my morals are of high standard, and I promise that your friend will be in safe hands.”
In a flash, he was being squeezed by the squealing girl at his side. “I knew I liked you!”
His cheeks warmed as he looked down at the girl who had thrown her arms around him and shoved her face against his shoulder. The way she was curled into his side made him want to just pull her into his lap already, so he could hold her the way she was holding him.
Slowly, Alya’s surprise faded into something smug. “Well then, military brat, we’ll hold you to those expectations.”
He had the district feeling that failing to meet her high expectations would bring more harm on him than he could imagine. “I won’t fail her.”
His Ladybug giggled happily.
“Before we go,” the selkie with pink hair spoke up, “we need to know one last thing.”
“And that is?”
“Marinette never told us your name, pirate.”
Suddenly, the girl at his side stiffened.
“Marinette?” he repeated quietly. It took him a few seconds to realize that that was the name of his Ladybug. “Your name’s Marinette.”
“No. Way.”
Adrien glanced back at the other selkies just in time to watch their shock give way to wild grins. “Girl! You never told him your name?”
“I…” Marinette began. She paused to swallow. “No?”
That sent the other girls into peals of laughter, slapping the water and splashing around.
“Marinette,” Alya said between fits of giggles. “What are we going to do with you!”
Marinette pouted and pressed her face into his shoulder again.
“Your name is beautiful,” he whispered to her, hoping to ease her clear embarrassment.
“Not helping,” she mumbled against his shirt.
He chuckled before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him.
“Just so you know,” he said against her hair. “My name is Adrien.”
“Adrien Agreste,” he confirmed.
“Adrien,” she said, letting the name roll off her tongue in a way that was far too alluring. His name never sounded so good. “Adrien.”
“Adrien?” one of the selkies repeated. “That’s your name?”
He nodded. “Adrien Agreste. But don’t let the name get out. I’m known only as Chat Noir and I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Who are we going to tell?” Alya smugly challenged.
Adrien had to admit she had a point.
“Well, Adrien,” Alya said. “You better take good care of her.”
“Yeah,” the pink-haired selkie agreed. “Or you’ll live to regret it.”
Alya may be scary, but that little pink-haired one was downright terrifying. “I understand,” he assured. “And I swear she will be well taken care of.”
“We trust you,” the petite blonde selkie piped up.
“We’re just protective of her,” the dark-haired selkie by her side quietly added.
“As good friends should be,” Adrien assured. “I understand.”
Somehow, it was those words that settled all five of the selkies.
“We’ll let you go, then,” the other blonde selkie said. “We just wanted to send Marinette off.”
“And, you know, meet her husband,” the pink-haired selkie added.
“Yeah,” the blonde agreed, “that too.”
With one last round of good-byes that turned into a somewhat tearful group hug, the five selkies shifted back to seals and slipped off into the sea.
Leaving Marinette looking longingly after them.
Adrien moved to be by her side.
At the sound of him shifting, she looked over to him and gave him a smile. “I’m sorry, it’s…” She turned back to the sea. “It’s harder than I thought it would be.”
He gave her a reassuring smile before wrapping his arms around her. “I won’t keep you from them, you know,” he said, giving her a comforting squeeze. “Our home will be on the sea, you’ll be able to visit whenever you wish.”
Marinette turned in his arms so as to meet his gaze, and he looked down at her lovingly. “My wife deserves to be happy, after all.”
Her smile turned real as she snuggled against him, her arms coming around his torso to return his embrace. “I knew you would be a good husband.”
“I have the rest of my life to continue proving that to you.”
With a giggle, she snuggled closer against him.
He was certain she could hear his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. “Now,” he began quietly, giving into the temptation to nuzzle her hair. “Would you like to stay here? Or may I take my wife home.”
“Take me home,” she answered. “Please.”
“Of course, my ladybug. Of course.”
Adrien loved being married. Waking up beside his lovely wife in the mornings and having her with him when going about his business made his day brighter. He also loved that his wife happened to be a selkie that somehow just knew how to find ships.
However, he wasn’t a fan of the harassment that came with it.
Nino, his first mate and best friend, was the biggest offender. Kim was the second. The only reason they were still on the ship was because they were exceedingly kind to Marinette. All the people on his ship were and finding new recruits was always a challenge.
“Where’s the wife at today, buddy?” Nino began. By the tone of his voice, Adrien knew he was itching to start something.
“She’s with her friends today,” Adrien said, hoping it would be the end of the conversation.
But it wasn’t. “Ah, so she’s off the ship?”
Adrien just glared at his friend. “Knock it off.”
Nino started laughing. “Sorry, buddy. I just can’t wrap my head around that you willingly got married to a selkie.”
“I hope that you fall in love one day just so I can spite you.”
Nino burst into a fit of laughter.
Before they could continue the conversation, Adrien watched a seal leap from the water right beside the ship, followed by a couple others.
He grinned fondly. There they were.
Soon enough, Marinette was at his side. He’d had latter rungs installed on the side of the ship so she would be able to get up and down between the water and deck easily. While it posed a slight hazard, he knew he would just have to be extra careful monitoring his ship.
“Adrien,” she asked, her voice soft and wonderful. She slipped a hand into his, wrapping her other hand around his bicep and resting her chin on his shoulder. “Could I bring my friends aboard? I want to show them my home.”
Adrien grinned. “Of course, my love. This is your home, too.”
“I don’t want to get in the way of the men.”
He shrugged. “They’ll be fine.”
With a squeak of happiness, she reached up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you!” In a second, she was gone again.
He heard Nino snort from beside him. “Letting your wife run all over you.” He shook his head. “Not fitting for the Pirate Chat Noir.”
“Keep this up, and you’ll be swabbing the deck.”
“Sure. I believe y—”
At Nino’s sudden silence, Adrien looked over at his buddy, only to see him frozen, staring off somewhere behind them. Curious, Adrien turned, trying to surmise what his friend was staring at.
Alya was there, hands on her hip as she appraised the ship. She looked over in Adrien’s direction and shot him a smirk. “Nice ship, captain. But looks like you got a broken sailor.”
Adrien looked over at Nino, who had quickly turned around to look out to the sea.
Feeling rather smug, Adrien leaned over toward his friend. “Karma’s arrived.”
“Shut up.”
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solei28 · 5 years
Coffee, Pie, You-Chapter 4
Your eyes went wide as Tony Stark came up to the counter. Holy shit! It’s Ironman and Captain America and Falcon!! What were the Avengers doing at your little kiosk?
Tony gave you that signature smile. “Hello, dear. It would seem you're the reason the Manchurian Candidate here has put on a few pounds.”
“I have not!” James protested standing up.
Tony didn’t even look behind him. He just waved his hand dismissively. “ Anyway, do you have a menu I can browse?”
You nodded your head, mouth slightly open and handed him a menu from behind the counter. You were at a complete loss for words. What does one say to Ironman, anyway?
Tony was enjoying the look on your face. “Is everything alright, dear? You haven’t said a word since we got here.”
You closed your eyes and shook your head. “I-I’m fine. I just- I mean, your Ironman, I mean Tony Stark, uh, Mr. Stark,” you stammered.
“Yes, I am. And, you can call me Tony,” he said sticking his hand out.
“Y/N,” you squeaked shaking his hand.
Tony’s smile grew wider. “I’m sure you know who these 2 are.” He gestured at Steve and Sam.
You nodded. Steve came over to you first and shook your hand. “Pleasure to meet you,” he said with a boyish smile.
“It’s an honor, Captain,” you managed in a normal tone.
Steve laughed. “Please, just call me Steve.”
Sam shook your hand next. “Can I just say how excited I am to finally try one of these treats?”
You tilted your head confused. “Why?”
“Because Bucky refuses to share,” Sam said glaring at the man.
This made you laugh. “Is that so? Hogging all the treats for yourself, eh, Buchanan?”
Steve gave his friend a smug look. “Buchanan has been selfish.”
James went red and he hid behind his long locks. He mumbled under his breath and sat back down. “Hurry up and order something so you all can leave.” He began shoveling food into his mouth.
“Um, is that the only seat, Y/N?” Tony asked.
“Yeah. Sorry, I don’t have anymore,” you said frowning.
“It’s fine. We’ll bring our own next time.” Tony was making sure to press all of James’s buttons.
James looked up at him, eyes intense, his mouth a thin line. “There won’t be a next time, Stark,” his warning was low.
“You are very selfish, Buchanan,” Tony emphasized his name with an evil smirk. Looking back at you, he said, “Can I have a bacon, egg and cheese, dear?”
“Coming right up!” you beamed at him.
James was annoyed at the fact that they were there, but seeing the way you lit up was well worth it. Cooking made you happy and happy looked so damned good on you.
Steve came over to stand by James and looked at what was left in his plate. “Whatcha got there, Buck?” he asked with genuine interest.
James told him what it was. “It’s really good. Never had an omelet like this before.”
Sam had taken the menu from Tony and was looking it over. “Hey, I don’t see that on here.”
“It’s part of the secret menu,” you teased over your shoulder. “Only, frequent customers get access to it.”
Steve was wearing that smug look again. “Looks like we gotta come here more often.” He chuckled at James’s face. “Stop being selfish, Buchanan.”
“Stop calling me that, punk,” James mumbled. He got up and walked over to the counter with his empty plate and cup. “Hey, doll. Can I get a refill?”
You turned smiling at him. “Of course. Just give me a sec.” You took the cup and plate from him. You turned back and finished up Tony’s sandwich. “Order’s up.”
Tony sauntered over to the counter. “I’ll have a cup of coffee, too. Cream, 3 sugars.”
“Sure. Small, medium, or large?” You ask as you made James’s coffee.
“Medium should suffice.” Tony looked at Sam and Steve. “Are you 2 gonna order, or what?”
Sam made his way to the counter first. “Yeah. Can I have the Curious Breakfast? That sounds interesting.”
“Sure thing.” You were handing James and Tony their coffees when you looked at Steve. “What would you like, Cap?”
“I wanna try what Bucky had, but it’s my first time here, so,” Steve gave you puppy dog eyes.
You threw your head back and laughed. They may be Avengers, but they definitely acted like children from this display. “I’ll let it slide since you’re an Avenger.”
Steve smiled widely. “Thank you, Y/N!”
Tony took a sip of his coffee. “Wow, this is great. Best coffee I have ever had,” he said astonished.
James nodded his head in agreement. “Wait till you try the food.” He winced at the thought. Now, they’ll be here all the time and that upset him. This had become a safe haven for him. He just wanted to spend some time with you after the Siberia mission. It had left him feeling uneasy and his nightmares had gotten worse since they got back 2 days ago.
As they got off the Quinjet, James tried not to think about how unsettling being back here was. He scanned the area for any possible immediate threats. Nothing seemed out of place for the most part.
“Stark, can you hack the door?” Steve asked.
“Just you try and stop me,” Tony said approaching the electronic lock. After a moment, the door opened. “Piece a cake. You, does your secret lover make cake to, Barnes?”
James rolled his eyes. “Focus on the task at hand.”
“I am while also focusing on cake. It’s called multitasking,” Tony said sarcastically.
“Guys, I picked up 4 heat signatures heading the door,” Sam said over the comms. He was in the air, scanning for outside threats with Redwing.
“Any outside?” Steve asked.
“None so far,” Sam answered.
James lifted his gun and aimed as he followed Steve through the door. He could hear the footsteps getting closer. He took a deep breath when they were only steps away.
“It has to be ready by tonight. I don’t care what it takes, just get it done!” a man’s voice echoed through the corridor.
American? James thought as 2 people came into view. Just as the 2 men noticed Steve and James, Tony shot them with tranq darts. They went down like a sack of potatoes. Tony shot out 2 more darts and hit the 2 men that were behind them.
“Sam, keep an eye on the door. We’re heading down,” Steve said over the comms.
“Gotcha Cap. Watch yourselves,” Sam said.
James continued to follow Steve to the elevator. He quickly scanned the unconscious men on the ground as the walk passed them. One was American, but the other 3 were German. What was the American doing here?
Tony had FRIDAY run a scan on the men to see what she could find. The A.I. informed him it will take a little while and she’ll update him soon. They got into the elevator and made there way down.
“Tony, picking up and heat signatures?” Steve whispered as the elevator slowed down.
“Yeah, a dozen spread out in the chamber ahead,” Tony confirmed. “Only 4 have visible automatic rifles. 2 at the entrance and 2 where Zemo locked himself in.”
Steve nodded and looked at James. His face was stern, but his eyes gave away his concern. “Ready, pal?”
“Ready,” James said, his voice even. He put his gun up and walked out of the elevator on Steve’s left.
They made quick work of the 2 guards at the entrance to the chamber. Tony tranqed the other 2 quickly before they could raise the alarm. The rest of the people there were scientists.
From the looks of it, they were working on a new serum. The scientists were terrified and surrendered themselves immediately once they saw who they were. One lady’s eyes were wide with terror when she saw James.
“Please, don’t kill me, Soldat. I was forced to work on the serum. They have my family,” she pleaded with him.
James’s mouth twisted into a snarl when she called him that. “Don’t call me that.” His face softens a bit when he saw the tears in her eyes. “I’m not here to kill you. Tell us everything about what’s going on here.” He hated when people looked at him like he was still the Winter Soldier.
She told him about the advancements that were made to the serum. Now, a person who survived the procedure would heal at a much faster rate than before. Their body didn’t need to intake as many calories as James and Steve’s did anymore. It could survive off of a third of what a normal body intake would need. They were much stronger, faster and agile than Steve and James also. It was much easier to brainwash them. The serum destroyed their brains, erasing all memories before regenerating ready to be filled by HYDRA’s lies.
“Have they used it on anyone, yet?” James demanded.
The woman nodded her head slowly. “Yes. On a woman a few months ago. She lived through the procedure and they moved to her another facility.”
“Which facility? Where?” James was sickened that HYDRA had claimed another victim.
“I don’t know. We aren’t privy to that information. We are just here to continuously produce the serum and enhance it. We aren’t even the ones who administer the serum. There’s a special team of doctors that do that.”
“Damn it,” James breathed.
Steve pulled him to the side. “Tony should be able to hack the system and find out more. I called Fury. SHIELD can handle this until a lead comes up.” He sighed heavily. “So, they found a way to make their victims more obedient on their quest to make the perfect weapon. We’re going to end their game once and for all.”
“We have to. There’s no telling what this woman will be capable of when they’re through with her,” James said. He shook his head and looked to the side, eyes falling onto the chair. His chair. The pain and torture he went through made him clench his fits and tighten his jaw. “HYDRA will be destroyed for everything they’ve done.”
“You sure about that, Soldat?” The woman’s voice was much deeper than before. When they looked at her, she a sinister smile on her lips. In an instance, it clicked. “You’re the woman.”
She smiled wickedly at them. “I’m the woman.”
James lifted his gun and shot at her, but she was too fast. She dodged out of the way and slammed into Steve. He flew back into the wall a few feet behind him. She turned and ran back at James, grabbing the barrel of the gun and bending it upwards.
He quickly let go of the gun and swung at her. She blocked it and punched him in the ribs, breaking 2 of them on impact. He spit up blood as he dropped to one knee. Her leg was coming around towards his face. He blocked her kick and swung her around into a table.
Tony shot 2 tranq darts at her, but again she was too fast. She jumped out of the way seconds before they hit their mark. “Damn, she’s fast.”
She ran at Steve, throwing punches he was having difficulty blocking and avoiding. James ran at her to help his friend. Even with 2 super soldiers attacking her, she was holding her own. They hardly landed any hits and each time she connected, slowed them down significantly.
James saw an opening as she was throwing a haymaker at Steve. He quickly wrapped his metal arm around her throat while stopping her fist from connecting with Steve’s face. She elbowed him in the ribs she broke earlier, only making him to tighten the choke hold he had her in. She grabbed his arm and started pulling it away. Steve grabbed her arm and she kicked him in the stomach. It hurt like hell but he didn’t let go.
“Tranq her, now!” Steve shouted.
Tony shot out 2 tranquilizer darts that hit her in the chest. It wasn’t enough, however. She was still struggling, kicking wildly trying to get the 2 men off of her.
“What is this woman made out of?” Tony asked bewildered before letting off 2 more shots. Her movements slowed, but she was still trying to fight them off. “Should I hit her with another dart?”
“Do it,” James said through gritted teeth. “She’ll survive.”
Tony sent one more at her, but just as it was going to hit her, she turned abruptly using James as a shield. The dart hit him in the neck. “Shit! I’m sorry!”
“Just shoot her again!” James said whirling her back around.
Tony did as he said, this time hitting his mark. She finally stopped flailing and her arms fell to her sides. James felt her breathing slow down before releasing her. Her body fell down to the floor and she let out a moan. She wasn’t completely out, but she couldn’t fight anymore.
James took the dart out of his neck. He felt a bit sluggish nothing more. He looked at the woman on the ground. Her eyes were glassy and she was mumbling incoherently. “We need to tie her up before the serum purges the tranquilizer out of her system.”
Steve started looking around. He knew there had to be some type of restraints lying around somewhere. HYDRA would be prepared for resistance from their subjects.
“How are you feeling there, Barnes?” Tony asked eyeing the woman on the ground.
“I’ll be fine,” he assured him. He looked over to where his now useless gun laid on the floor a few feet away. “I really liked that gun.”
“Alright, fellas. Order’s up!” You handed Sam his plate while Steve made his way over to get his. “So, how do you take your coffee?” Sam told you for both of them and you quickly put it together. “Enjoy,” you said handing them their cups.
James had stood at the counter and let Steve sit down to eat. You both stood, watching eagerly at their reactions after taking the first bite.
Sam’s eyes went wide as saucers. “Y/N, this is amazing! No wonder you’re always here, Bucky.”
Steve’s eyebrows almost touched his hairline and he moaned loudly. “This is delicious! What else is on the secret menu?”
You laughed. “I’ll print one out for tomorrow night.”
James shot you a look. He really didn’t want to encourage these fools to come back. Especially, so soon.
Tony took a bite from his sandwich and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. “I didn’t think a simple sandwich could taste so damn good. Y/N, I’m getting you a restaurant.”
Your jaw dropped. “Wh-what?”
“I’m getting you a restaurant,” he repeated nonchalantly. “If you can make food this good out of a kiosk, I can only imagine what you can do in a real kitchen.”
You opened and closed your mouth like a fish trying to process what Tony Stark was offering.
James looked at you and smiled. “You alright there, doll?”
“I’m just.” You shook your head. “Thank you, Mr. Stark-um, Tony, but I have to respectfully decline. I chose this spot and this kiosk for a reason. It’s how I give back to those who help others. The customers I get are doctors, nurses, EMTs, officers and the like. I can’t just leave.”
James felt his chest swell. You turned down an amazing opportunity so you could continue giving back. If wasn’t falling you before, he definitely was now.
Tony beamed at that response. “I respect that, Y/N. If you ever change your mind, though, just tell Frostbite and I’ll make it happen.”
“Thank you, Tony,” you said with sincerity.
“No problem, dear.” He looked at the array of baked goods under the counter. “So, what do you recommend?”
You smiled and began picking out some treats for them. They lingered around for about 20 more minutes before Tony paid for everything and they left. James was relieved they were finally going so he could spend time alone with you.
“So, the Avengers are made up of 5-year-olds?” you teased.
“What?” he asked you confused.
You giggled. “The way the lot of you interact with each other screams 5-year-olds. Just as an observation I made.”
James shook his head. When he thought about it, you were right. They did act like children. “Maybe. But, they started it.” Your laugh made his heart speed up. He loved that sound.
You looked down the street and saw some scrubs heading your way. “Ah, the hungry approach.”
James looked to where they were coming from. He was a little upset he was being interrupted again, but this was your job. He sighed and looked back at you.
You were busy making him a fresh cup of coffee. You knew he would be going now, too. You always sent him off with coffee and a treat. It was your way of thanking him and trying to express how much you enjoyed his company. You were hoping he would get the hint that you liked him. You couldn’t seem to work up the nerve to tell him. If only you knew that he felt the same way.
James walks into the apartment. Steve sitting at the kitchen table enjoying the cheesecake he got from Y/N. James: How's the cheesecake? Steve: Amazing, of course. James, smiling like an idiot: Just like her. Steve laughing: She really is something. I'm happy for ya, Buck. James: Thanks. I just wish I knew how to tell her I like her. Steve choking on cheesecake: Wait! You spend all that time together and you haven't to her you like her. What the hell is wrong with you!? James, flipping him off: Shut up, punk, eat your cake and mind ya damn business. Steve, exasperated: But, how have you not told her yet!!? James going into his room and slamming the door: Shut up, punk.
So, there might be another part to Siberia but I'm not entirely sure as of yet. Would really love to know what you think about it so far. I didn't plan this story at all. I'm just letting it flow. I hope you guys enjoy it.
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aalissy · 5 years
Lady Spectacle
Chapter 6 of Dreaming in Black and White is finally here! Sorry for the long wait guys! I’ve just been busy finishing up Marichat May and beginning Ladrien June. I hope this chapter makes up for it though <3. We have some Marichat, Ladynoir, and bitter Ladrien (hehe). And hmmm I wonder what’s happening with Adrien in this chapter?
Adrien had just managed to slip away from his latest photoshoot and was going to grab a bite to eat when the alarms started. Letting out a quiet groan, he was about to duck into a nearby alley to transform when he heard a panicked shout of, “Look out!” before he was tackled directly into the ground. Wincing as he glared at whoever decided to attack him, his eyes widened as he saw Ladybug. Her own eyes were widened in shock before they seemed to narrow in almost... anger? But what could she have to be mad about? She wasn’t the one who left him stranded last night. “You should pay more attention to where you’re going,” Ladybug almost huffed at him, “The akuma was about to shoot you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Ladybug,” Adrien shot her a fake smile, just barely refraining from rolling his eyes at the superheroine.
“Let’s get you to safety. Come on,” she yanked him up off of the ground with a harsh tug. The model winced slightly once she had turned around to scan the area for the akuma, rubbing his arm. Well, someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Hopefully, she leaves me alone quickly so I can transform, he thought to himself bitterly.
“Alright, it’s clear!” Ladybug replied in a clipped tone before yanking him to her forcefully once again. Adrien subtly glared at the superheroine as they began their journey across Paris. Of course there just had to be an akuma the day after Ladybug rejected me, Adrien bemoaned to himself silently, I wonder if she’s going to act this way when Chat Noir gets there. Upon landing at the front gate of his mansion, Ladybug quickly let go of him and immediately turned away, “Stay safe,” she called over her shoulder before swinging away.
“Well that was awkward,” Plagg winced, appearing out of his front pocket once Adrien had managed to find a quiet alley.
“You’re telling me. She couldn’t even drop me off in my bedroom... You don’t think she knows, do you?” Adrien questioned before shaking his head quickly, “No. If Ladybug knew there would be no reason for her to be angry.”
Plagg stared at him in concern, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“I’ve got to be,” Adrien shrugged before calling on his transformation, “Plagg, claws out!” The kwami was sent into his ring with an indignant squawk and Adrien was infused with a rush of power as he became Chat Noir. Stretching out his muscles he extended his baton and began rushing over to the last place he had spotted the akuma. Upon arrival, he found the superheroine ducking and weaving from the beams of light the akuma seemed to be shooting from her hair dryer.
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug shouted over to him, “Am I glad to see you! Lady Spectacle is able to turn people invisible with her hairdryer and I’m pretty certain that’s where the akuma is hiding!”
“Mhm,” Chat Noir stiffly nodded as he focused in on the girl. She was standing in front of them, a light smirk playing on her face as she shot beams of grey light over towards them.
The two superheroines ducked and weaved as Lady Spectacle cackled over at them, “Aww did the little Lady need to bring in her kitten to come and save her?” she grinned wickedly.
Chat scowled, practically bristling at her words, “Cataclysm!”
“Chat no!” Ladybug shouted back but it was too late, the superhero’s fist was glowing with the destructive energy.
Letting out an angry shout, he rushed at the akuma. As he reached out for her hairdryer the akuma smirked and shot a bright beam of light towards him. Chat ducked and winced as his claw grazed the floor, destroying the surface underneath him. He was dropped to the lower layer of dirt and looked up at the akuma above him.
“Hand over your miraculous or your Lady will never see you again!” Lady Spectacle aimed her hairdryer at him before she was struck in the side by a yo-yo. Distracted by the sharp pain in her side, the akuma turned both her glare and hairdryer on the superheroine instead.
Taking quick notice of the distraction, Chat jumped out of the small hole and moved to take cover. His ring gave a small beep of protest as he continued to narrowly dodge the blasts being shot at him.
“Keep on dancing my puppets! I’m really enjoying this! Sooner or later you’re bound to get tired!” Lady Spectacle cackled.
“I think a Lucky Charm would be really handy right now, Ladybug!” Chat Noir said as he just narrowly avoided getting hit, “She’s right! I am getting kinda tired over here!”
Giving him a short nod, Ladybug threw her yo-yo into the air, “Lucky Charm!” She blinked down in surprise at the small mirror in her hand before glancing around to see how it could be used. “You know Lady Spectacle, I don’t think your aim is very accurate!” Ladybug taunted with a proud smirk on her face as she hid the mirror behind her back, “You couldn’t even hit Chat Noir while he was in a hole. So I’m willing to bet you couldn’t hit me even if I just stood here!”
Growling in anger, Lady Spectacle shouted, “That’s because you distracted me!” Her eyes flamed with fury as she aimed the hairdryer at the frozen Ladybug.
“Ladybug! Look out!” Chat screamed as the light raced towards her. Quick as a flash, Ladybug whipped out the mirror at the last second, reflecting the beam of energy back at the girl.
“No!” Lady Spectacle shouted as she attempted to dodge but failed. The light struck her straight in the chest, sending the hairdryer flying out of her hands.
Though she scrambled to reach for it, Ladybug was faster and quickly wrapped her yo-yo around the small object. The hairdryer landed smoothly in her hands with a quick tug of her weapon. With a bright smile, Ladybug broke the object, “It’s time to de-evilize! Gotcha!” she shouted as her yo-yo captured the akuma, “Bye bye little butterfly!” she waved as the small creature flew away happily, “Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybug yelled as she threw the mirror into the air, restoring everything to what it once was. As she helped the young girl up, Chat turned to go as his ring gave off another beep.
“Chat wait!” a gloved hand latched around his arm. Ladybug turned him around to face her and stared into his eyes inquisitively, “Pound it?” she lifted her fist up slowly.
“Pound it,” he gave her a brisk nod, connecting their fists together before he turned around to leave once again.
“No Chat, wait!” Ladybug tightened her grip on his wrist, “I think we need to have a talk,” she was nibbling on her lip nervously as she looked up at him.
The superhero sighed, “About what?”
“About last night,” she threw her hands into the air exasperatedly and damn if he didn’t still find her hand movements utterly adorable.
“What about it?” Chat asked stiffly.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about Chat Noir. Don’t think I don’t know that last night was the reason as to why you used Cataclysm so early. We were lucky my Lucky Charm didn’t require your power,” Ladybug glared pointedly, poking a finger in his chest, “We need to get this behind us so that this doesn’t happen for future akuma battles.”
“Fine,” he sighed, “But can we save this discussion for later tonight? My miraculous is about to run out,” he waved his hand in her face as he blatantly showed off his ring which gave off another small beep.
“Later tonight?” she frowned, “I’m supposed to be meeting a friend tonight.” And why did she look so offended when she said that? “Can we do this tomorrow night instead?”
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Chat waved her off before extending his baton and fled away from the superheroine.
“Why does that cat have to be so stubborn?” Ladybug grumbled after his retreating form before heading off to her own home to detransform.
When Adrien got home he immediately called off his transformation, flopping onto his pillow as he buried his head in his hands. Plagg floated nearby, “What was that about?”
“I don’t know Plagg,” he mumbled into his pillow, “I got upset and then suddenly I was just rushing forward.”
“Well, hopefully, your talk tomorrow will help fix things between you. You need to get your head on straight,” the kwami rolled his eyes before poking the boy in the shoulder, “Now where’s my camembert?”
“Ugh, you’re incorrigible!” Adrien stood up frustratedly before walking over to his cabinet, “Here’s the cheese you so desperately wanted!”
The tiny cat’s eyes lit up as he engulfed the delicious camembert in one bite, “So, I assume we’re visiting your princess tonight, right? I’m hoping that will help you with the whole brooding thing you’ve got going on now,” his hand gestured to Adrien’s body.
The model gasped, “That’s right! I’m supposed to meet Marinette tonight! I completely forgot about that after the whole akuma attack and seeing Ladybug again,” he nibbled on his lip thoughtfully as he stared at Plagg, “Do you think it’s too early for me to go now? I could really use her advice on what happened today.”
“Sure,” the kwami shrugged, “It’s not me that still needs to do homework.”
“I can do homework tomorrow. It’ll be Sunday, after all,” Adrien waved off his concerns, “Plagg, claw-”
He was cut off by Plagg rushing over to him, “Wait! Before you become Chat Noir again, I have to ask you something!”
“Okay... What is it?” the boy lowered his fist to peer into the tiny cat’s eyes curiously.
“Don’t you find it odd how cold Ladybug acted around Adrien, yet didn’t act that way at all around Chat Noir?” Plagg said pointedly.
“Huh...” Adrien scratched his chin thoughtfully, “I hadn’t thought about that. It is funny. I mean it was Chat Noir she turned down not Adrien.”
The kwami flitted over to him as the model sat down on his bed once more, hand still rubbing his chin contemplatively. The cat’s eyes seemed to be widening as they stared at Adrien as though the boy should be realizing something important. “Well?” Plagg asked.
“I don’t know,” he ended up shrugging, “Maybe she just had a bad start to her day or something.”
“I give up, again!” the kwami muttered, “You’re absolutely hopeless.”
“Alright,” Adrien dragged the word out, “I’m going to transform now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just do whatever. I don’t care. You’ll figure it out eventually, I guess.”
Adrien’s eyebrow rose in confusion before he shrugged again, chalking up Plagg’s weird behavior to having to transform twice in one day, “Plagg! Claws out!” The kwami was sucked into his ring with an angry shout as Adrien completed his transformation.
The energy flooded through his bones, as usual, making him more alert and aware as he carefully snuck his way out of the Agreste manor. Once out, he began hopping from rooftop to rooftop as the wind casually brushed against his face. Chat noticed that the sun was slowly dipping down over the horizon as it became late afternoon. The superhero quickly found himself by the rooftop nearby Marinette’s as he noticed with relief that the girl was out on her balcony. He also saw the small cellphone in her hand and strained to listen as he managed to catch a small snippet of her conversation.
“Yes, Alya. Everything went fine until the akuma attack happened,” Marinette sighed over the phone before she caught sight of him and waved him over, “Now I have to go. I have a ton of homework I need to catch up on tonight.”
He landed behind her deftly as she hung up the phone and turned to look at him with a small smirk. Chat bowed graciously to her, “A fine night for a conversation, isn’t it purrincess?”
The fashion designer chuckled, “I suppose so. Aren’t you a bit early though? I figured you’d be coming later tonight.”
“You wound me,” he placed a hand over his heart, “Here I am thinking you actually enjoyed spending time with me.”
“Shut up,” she punched his shoulder lightly, “You know I do.”
“In all seriousness though, I saw Ladybug sooner then I expected and needed a friend to talk too,” Chat stared at her softly.
Marinette’s own eyes softened as she looked at him, “Yeah? I saw something about that on the news. You used your Cataclysm pretty early on...”
“Yeah,” he sighed before plopping into her lounge chair, “I didn’t even realize how angry I was until Lady Spectacle made a comment about me being her ‘kitty,’” he glared down at the floor.
Her hand gently tilted his chin up as she picked his gaze up from the floor, “It’s okay to be angry, Chat. Though I have to ask, would you like to come inside or are we gonna have the same issue with the chair that we did last night?” Marinette nodded at his seat with a small smirk teasing at her lips.
Chat chuckled at her, “I can share if you can,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her teasingly.
“You flirt,” she rolled her eyes before going over to her trapdoor and lifting it up, “Go inside and wait while I bring us up some treats ok?”
“Ooh! Do you have croissants?” he asked excitedly, tail swishing behind him as he jumped down onto her bed.
“Of course you want croissants,” Marinette laughed before following after him, “We probably do, but I’ll have to go check. I’ll be back soon! Don’t break or touch anything!” she glared before disappearing down the other trapdoor and headed downstairs to the bakery.
The superhero leaned back on Marinette’s headrest, eyes drifting lazily around her room. His gaze paused as he noticed something he hadn’t the last time he was here. Her Adrien posters were gone. Huh, did I just miss that last night or did she take them down this morning? Chat thought to himself curiously.
“I’m back!” Marinette’s head popped up from the trapdoor, her bright eyes sparkling at him adorably, “And I brought croissants!” she held up a plate full of the delectable treat.
He was by her side in an instant, picking up one of the delicious creations and shoving it into his mouth with one bite. The superhero moaned in satisfaction at the taste, the croissant warming his insides as it traveled down his throat, “Wonderful as always, Marinette!” he chirped cheerily at her.
“You’re disgusting!” she stared at him in disgust, “How do you know it’s wonderful if you just destroy it in one bite!” her lip jutted out in a pout.
“Because everything that comes out of this bakery is perfect,” Chat smiled happily at her.
The fashion designer glanced down shyly as she murmured, “Thank you.”
“So I have to ask because I just noticed this tonight, but when did you take down the Adrien posters?” he nodded at her empty wall.
Marinette glanced over curiously, “Oh, those. I took them down yesterday with Alya’s help,” she bit her lip after letting out a cute giggle, “She called it taking out the trash.”
“Alya? Isn’t that the girl you were on the phone with earlier?” he asked.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?” she shook her head with a bright laugh.
“Ah yes, but satisfaction brought it back after all,” Chat teased, “So?”
“You’re so nosy,” Marinette rolled her eyes at him before plopping down on her chaise, taking a bite out of one of the still warm croissants, “But yes, that was Alya I was talking too.”
“And?” he questioned further, wondering what she had meant about her day going fine until the akuma attack. Did she get hit? She does seem to be akuma friendly. Maybe I should be keeping a closer eye on her, Chat wondered to himself.
“What did I say about being nosy, kitty,” she rolled her eyes again as she took another bite out of the treat. He merely reached forward onto her plate, grabbing and stuffing another croissant down his throat much to Marinette’s displeased groan. “Fine. If you really must know Alya set me up on a date today.”
“Oh?” he managed to lightly smile at her as a weird feeling struck his chest. Clearing his throat in an attempt to shake off the odd swooping that was wrecking his insides, Chat focused back on what Marinette was saying to him.
“Yeah,” she sighed happily, “It was going great until the akuma attack happened. I was kinda worried after the whole Adrien thing but I’m glad I went out with him today. I think he actually likes being with me! Even if our date did end up getting cut short by Lady Spectacle.”
“Yeah?” he rubbed at his stomach with a light frown. Maybe Marinette was right and I did eat those croissants too quickly... “Who was the guy?”
“Luka Couffaine,” a bright beam grew across her features as she stared off into space, “But enough about my love life. What happened with you and Ladybug today?” Marinette shook herself as she turned to stare at him again.
Luka? Luka? Where had he heard that name before? Chat racked his brain furiously for any mention of the boy before he noticed the young designer staring at him expectantly. “What?” the superhero chuckled nervously, “Sorry I zoned out a bit there. Think I had too many croissants.”
Her lips pursed as her brow creased, “See I told you!” Marinette placed the plate to the other side of her, away from Chat, much to his pout, “But I was asking you about what happened between you and Ladybug today.”
Oh, right. That was the reason he was here today after all. He sighed before he stood up and began pacing the floor of her bedroom, “I don’t even know really. Like I said before, I just wasn’t able to control my anger after Lady Spectacle made a dumb comment.”
“And like I told you it’s okay to be angry, Chat,” Marinette nodded, “But you guys are protecting Paris, and you might not get as lucky with Ladybug’s Lucky Charm next time,” she pointed out logically.
“I know,” the superhero sighed dejectedly, his ears drooping, “And it’s not like I want to see either her or Paris hurt but it was like I just lost my head there.”
“I understand,” Marinette stood up and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “You were still angry at her after last night and lost control of your emotions. I think the best thing for the two of you is to meet up and actually talk about what happened that night. It sounds like some sort of miscommunication is happening here to me.”
“Yeah, we’re meeting up tomorrow after she rushed to talk to me after the akuma attack. I could barely even look at her though, Mari. I don’t know how this conversation is going to go tomorrow. I’m actually kind of scared,” his eyes turned to her worriedly.
Marinette’s own eyes softened at his look before she pulled him in for a tight hug, standing up on her tip-toes as her arms locked around his neck, “Oh, don’t say that kitty. It sounds like this whole situation was her fault, to begin with. I mean, did she give you any sign that she was angry at you?”
“No, it was the opposite actually,” Chat’s head shook slightly as his own hands came up to lock her in a tight embrace, “She seemed more scared to talk to me actually.”
“Then there you go,” the designer leaned back away from their hug with a bright smile, much to his disappointment, “Maybe she feels just as bad as you do about this whole situation.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he sighed as he looked away from her.
She turned back to the chaise as she picked up a croissant, “I know I said that you shouldn’t eat another one of these... but my parents have always told me that food makes everything better,” Marinette chuckled happily, capturing her bottom lip between her teeth, “So eat one, just not as quickly this time!” she placed the slightly warm croissant in his gloved hand.
The superhero took a bite of the delicious treat, chewing slowly this time though his stomach pain had gone away long ago. His eyes fluttered closed as he savored the delicate crispiness of the pastry.
“Better when you aren’t shoving down the whole thing in one bite, right?” she smirked at him proudly.
“Right as always, purrincess,” he chuckled before smiling brightly back at her.
“But of course,” Marinette’s enchanting laughter filled the room, “But let me know how that talk goes tomorrow. Maybe she’ll explain her side of the story and you two will become a better team again!”
Chat smiled softly at her, “I hope so, Mari. Your optimism as always is just purrfect.”
Her face dropped into a grimace, “Seriously! I think that’s the first cat pun you’ve made throughout this conversation.”
“Oh mew know you love them. They’re clawsome afur all,” he winked at her, “But how could you forget about purrincess. That’s a cat pun too you know,” a pout took over Chat’s features.
“You’re terrible,” Marinette rolled her eyes before going over and sitting in her desk chair, “And you say purrincess around me so often that I don’t even associate it with a pun at this point.”
He threw his head back and laughed, the angry bitterness he had been feeling about Ladybug completely disappearing as he spent more time around Marinette. “Is that so, purrincess?” Chat dragged out the purr obnoxiously.
The designer dropped her head into her hands with a groan, “Why did I invite you over again?”
“Because I’m pawsome,” he smirked.
“You’re insufferable is what you are,” she muttered before picking her head up from her hands, “And I think you’ve used that pun already today.”
“No I said clawsome,” he leaned into her face, “Two different puns I think you’ll find.”
“Ugh!” she pushed his face away as she stood up, “You smell like cheese!”
“That’ll be Plagg’s fault,” Chat walked back over to her chaise as he picked up another croissant and began eating the treat.
“Plagg?” Marinette blinked innocently as she followed after him and yanking the half-eaten croissant away from him, “And I thought I told you to stop eating these! You already had one stomachache, you don’t need another one!”
He pouted at her before picking up a croissant on the plate next to him and eating the whole thing in one bite as a smirk grew on his features, “A wise woman told me that food makes everything better,” Chat winked, “And Plagg’s my kwami who will only eat cheese, particularly stinky camembert.”
Her eyes darted nervously over to a side of her room before they flicked back to him. Her fierce glare trained on his eyes before she looked at the empty plate, “You’re an idiot who must be trying to give themselves a stomachache! I gave you one croissant to eat slowly. I didn’t mean for you to devour a whole plate!”
Chat yanked the croissant out of her hand deftly before popping the treat in his mouth, “But they taste so good! And you’re not going to ask about kwamis?”
Again he watched as Marinette’s eyes darted around the room nervously before settling on his own once again, “I didn’t want to ask for more information then you’re willing to give. These, um, kwamis sound important.”
He nodded at her with a small smile, “They are. Most people would be consumed with curiosity, you know, and wouldn’t be able to stop themselves from asking.”
The designer rolled her eyes before sitting next to him, “You know that I was only able to eat one croissant, right? You’re a pig!”
“And you’re avoiding the subject,” he touched her nose playfully.
“Fine then! If you want to tell me so badly, what’s a kwami?”
“Well now I’m thinking about not telling you,” Chat smirked, “After all you don’t seem all that curious,” he shrugged.
“Chat,” Marinette’s eyes narrowed pointedly as her voice lowered.
“Alright! Alright!” the superhero laughed, “It’s a small creature that gives me my powers.”
“Oh really?” her head tilted to the side, “Interesting. So do you know about Ladybug’s kwami then?”
“No. We’ve never met,” he shook his head, “I wonder if her kwami is as stubborn as Plagg is?”
“Is he normally stubborn then?” Marinette snickered at him.
“Yes,” Chat rolled his eyes, “They’re not as meowvulous as you might think.”
“Well maybe you can ask Ladybug about her kwami tomorrow,” she suggested.
“I’m not certain she’d tell me,” Chat shook his head, “She rarely talks about personal things like that.”
Marinette’s lips pursed, “Well it doesn’t hurt to ask. Quit pouting about it!”
“Hey! I thought you told me it was okay for me to be angry.”
“I said you could be angry, not bitter,” she rolled her eyes, “Those are two different emotions.”
“Oh like you weren’t bitter when Adrien rejected you,” he remarked before wincing. Was that too insensitive?
Luckily she merely chuckled at him and shook her head, “See. Told you that you were being bitter.”
“I think you may be right about that,” Chat stood up and stretched, “I believe it may be time for me to go now though. Don’t want to miss my bedtime afur all,” he winked.
Marinette stood up with him and followed him over to the trapdoor, “I hope I managed to make you feel at least a little better than,” she smiled after he opened the hatch above him.
“Marinette you did more than just manage,” he beamed softly down at her, “It’s like you always know just what to say to make me feel better.”
She grinned as she looked down at the ground shyly, “Thank you. I just don’t want my favorite feline to feel down after all.”
He blew out a breath gently, “No, thank you. I was having a hard time today after seeing Ladybug and you turned my whole day around.”
“Well, again if you ever need to talk to anyone, I’m right here,” Marinette smiled happily up at him, “It helps when I talk to you about Adrien and I hope it feels better whenever you talk about Ladybug with me.”
“It does. I can come over Monday after my talk with her tomorrow if you’d like.”
“That’d be great!” Marinette smiled happily, “Goodnight!”
“Goodnight!” Chat nodded down at her before taking off into the night. His cheeks hurt from smiling so hard as he barely felt the cold air of the night. When he released his transformation, he flopped down onto his bed, only this time it was with a happy sigh.
“Feeling better, lover boy?” Plagg snickered above him.
“Shut up!” Adrien grouched as he threw a pillow at the small creature, “And yeah, you know, I am feeling better. Marinette is really nice!”
His kwami shook his head at him, “I just hope you realize before it’s too late.”
“I still don’t know what you mean by that, but even you can’t ruin my good mood,” he said happily.
“Yeah, yeah, enjoy it right now while you still can,” Plagg rolled his eyes, “By the way did you figure out who Luka was yet?”
“Luka,” Adrien frowned, “Oh yeah! That’s right! We’re in that band together called um... Kitty Section!” he snapped his fingers in satisfaction.
“I think he and Marinette will do well together, don’t you?”
The model hesitated, “You’re probably right. She told Alya their first date went pretty well. But I mean, he is older than her and he doesn’t exactly seem like Marinette’s type...” his brow creased as the strange feeling in his stomach came back. That was odd, Adrien thought, Marinette was probably right about eating all those croissants.
“Not Marinette’s type?” Plagg snickered quietly as he watched Adrien’s face fall subtly, “And what is her type? Beautiful models and powerful superheroes?”
“Shut up, Plagg!” he hurled a pillow at the annoying kwami, “I’m only saying!”
“Mhm, I’m sure you’re right. Anyways, all this talk about love is making me hungry. Where’s the camembert?”
“You only love with your stomach, Plagg,” Adrien muttered as he got up from the bed to get the treat for the small cat.
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acre1984-blog · 5 years
Here are some good alternate endings!
1. Dany and Jon destroy the Throne together, ending the Game of Thrones.
"In short, the story should have been the last two Targaryens in the world finding their way back to each other and destroying the Throne (which was ultimately the downfall of their house) and thus ending the 'game.'
Rheagal should have lived and Dany and Jon should have used their dragons to burn the throne. The wheel would be broken — the throne having been created by dragon fire (and the Targaryens), and then destroyed by dragon fire (and the Targaryens) – bringing the story full circle.
It would have been clever if throughout the whole story we were made to believe that Dany wanted to sit on the Iron Throne when really all she wanted to do was destroy it."
2. Jon kills himself after killing Dany.
"Jon Snow should have died a la Melisandre after Dany (in a sort of Romeo & Juliet type manner) as he had fulfilled the Lord of Light's purpose. Drogon should have taken both of them away."
3. Brienne decides to be with Tormund.
Gendry on that effing boat [with Arya]. Sandor still alive with both his eyes and on the boat with him. I shipped Brienne with Jaime, but since he chose his sister...Brienne getting knighted and then choosing Tormund. Jon, King of the Seven Kingdoms.
Dany would still be dead. Since Mereen, I felt that she was a different person and lost her morals."
4. Bran is actually...the Night King?
"Everything stays the same. The credits roll then go to a cut scene of Bran warging out. The camera zooms in closer and closer until the shot is just Bran’s eyes. He blinks. His eyes flash to Night King blue. The end.
George R. R. Martin trolls all of us. The show's ending is actually the ending to The Winds of Winter. A Song of Spring will be where we are given the true ending."
5. We see where Drogon takes Dany.
"Keeping it as is cuz whatevs, but we actually see where Drogon takes Dany. He lands on a field full of dragon eggs because come on, we really think there were only three dragon eggs left in the world? He puts Dany on the eggs and sets the whole thing on fire. Dany is reborn again, but spends the rest of her days on the other side of the world just chilling."
6. Arya wears Grey Worm's face to kill Dany.
"We watched Arya for TWO GOD DAMN SEASONS learning to become a faceless man and she used it once to kill Walder Frey?!?
Arya should have killed Grey Worm and worn his face to kill Dany. Also, Arya needed a bad ass kill in the finale. That would have put Jon on the throne and Jon could have then exiled Arya so she could sail the world like she wanted."
7. Arya wears Jon's face to kill Dany.
"I wish Jon had realized he wouldn’t be able to kill Dany, so he sacrifices himself so Arya can take his face, get close enough to Dany and kill her. Jon is dead, but he did it to save everyone and still show some love for Dany. Arya would be exiled to go west anyway in my brain. Same general story but with a bit of umph to it, I guess. But I must say I thought it was very good in its simplicity."
8. Dany and Jon rule together.
"I’m such a sucker for happy endings that I really hoped Dany and Jon would just rule together, and because of that Sansa would still have the independent North. I understand the Mad Queen thing probably made for a more interesting plot, but I still hated watching Dany’s downfall considering everything she’d ever been through and coming out even stronger for it. I still hoped for them to rule together or at worst Jon giving up his right to the throne so she could rule on her own. But again, I’m just a sucker for happy endings, so to each their own."
9. Dany kills herself.
"All could be the same until after Danys Speech...Tyrion is sentenced to death by fire. Jon stands in front of Drogon and stops the execution. Tyrion explains to the Army why Jon was able to stop Drogon – because he's the rightful ruler. The army, and Grey Worm bend the knee to Jon. Dany is upset at losing power to Jon, losing the army, and losing power over Drogon, so she kills herself."
10. Bronn isn't on the small council because "that makes literally no sense."
"I don't know how it should have ended but I would personally like to have seen:
Brienne starting the next page of the knight book with her name and the first sentence would be that she's the first female head of the Kingsguard, and she helped form a constitutional monarchy.
Bronn NOT on the small council because that makes literally no sense.
Ending shot of the show should be a shadow of Drogon flying and a faint dragon's cry over some land that we've never seen before.
Sam should have said A Song of Ice and Fire is not yet finished.
Dany's eyes should have turned purple to honour the original writing, and she should have sat on the throne."
11. Bran was actually able to walk all along.
"Honestly I wish it would’ve just ended with Bran standing up and being like 'HAHA GOTCHA I could walk this whole time.'"
12. Brienne is pregnant with Jaime's baby.
"A glimpse of Brienne’s writing should have revealed: 'Fathered a child with Brienne of Tarth.'"
13. Dany melts the throne, then flies away with Drogon. Westeros becomes seven independent nations.
"Dany melts the throne, then her and Drogon fuck off. Jon and Tyrion are held responsible. It's decided that Westeros will be seven independent nations, with Bran serving as the protector. Jon is still banished to the Night's Watch (but we all know he's now King Beyond the Wall).
Final scene is an elderly woman tending to a lemon tree in the yard of a house with a red door. She looks up and smiles as Drogon flies over."
14. Jaime kills Cersei.
"Basically the gists of what I was hoping would go down is:
Jaime kills Cersei (thus fulfilling Maggy's prophecy).
Arya kills Dany (thus fulfilling Melisandre’s prophecy and completing her ‘no one’ arc).
Jon is nominated as King of Westeros (whether he rejects it or not is up to him, but damn his name should really be among the nominees, not because he’s a Targaryen, but because of his credibility).
Sansa remains Queen of the independent North.
If Arya exploring west has to remain the same, then I hope this happens: Gendry eventually realized that he’s not really feeling the ‘Lord’ title anyway and suddenly shows up at the harbor and tells Arya he wants to join her.
The people in the court council remain the same.
Flash forward to coronation day like in the finale, with Jon Snow visiting Castle Black (now no longer a place for the banished, but a middle meeting point for Westerosi and Freefolk to discuss matters when needed) to say hi to old friend Tormund and to pet Ghost."
15. The white walkers are the final enemy, and Jon has defeat them by killing Daenerys.
"I wanted the white walkers to be the final enemy and hoped for a more literal re-telling of the Last Hero/Prince story that was promised. Basically the winter is getting worse and people are losing the fight. The hero (Jon) tragically puts his sword through his lover (Daenerys) to create the weapon that drives the Others back where they came from and ends the winter... At least for the next couple thousand years. Jon, wounded and having nothing left to lose, is last seen chasing the remaining enemy way beyond the wall, knowing he won't make it back."
16. Sansa is queen of the seven kingdoms.
"I wish Arya was the one that killed Dany, but Jon still refuses the throne, and Sansa ends up on the throne of the seven kingdoms. She’s so level-headed and would’ve been so much better than Bran. And I wish Arya ended up with Gendry so that at least one couple could have a happy ending. But seriously, anyone but Bran."
17. Gendry becomes king.
"Should have been Gendry. Do you know how much fanfiction I'm going to have to read to make up for this?"
18. Dany gets killed, then is brought back to life, then kills everyone...again?
"Tyrion is killed by Dany for betraying her. Arya kills Dany. Drogon takes Dany to a wizard that brings her back to life, and comes back and torches everyone again to take back the Iron Throne."
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osmw1 · 5 years
Dimension Wave  Chapter 33 — A Battle under Moonlight
It was our fourth day out venturing on the Sea of No Return.
The waters were calm, making for easy experience and loot. That was of course a good thing, but a few problems had surfaced.
“We’ve finished all the food that we brought.” “… ‘Kay.” “Oh, and we’re also out of bait. Once we eat through the fish I’ve caught, then we’re out of luck.” “W-Whatever shall we do?!” “There’s nothing worse than an empty stomach~”
We never planned to be on a long voyage. I mean, when I said that we brought food, it’s really nothing more than just simple rations. Well, it’s not like I can’t fish without bait, but it’ll be a little tricky to feed all six of us. My cooking skill isn’t that refined either, so it’s more than likely it’ll result in a few failed attempts. That means we absolutely need to obtain and maintain our supply level.
“It ain’t all bad though.” “What do you mean?” “See, we’ve been without fresh water for a few days and we’re alright, aren’t we?” “… I see.” “Altorese is indeed correct.”
It’s true. Water should have been a problem long ago. I remember someone saying that if you go hungry in the game, it might become a problem once you’re finished playing. It probably has something to do with the program that brings us back to real life. As my real life friend once said, Dimension Wave is like a dream that you can vividly remember. There’s something sad about that, but hey, at least playing this probably won’t hurt your school grades too bad, unlike video games. … Let’s get back on track to the problem at hand.
“It’s a game after all. We might feel hungry, but that’s just a virtual thing and we won’t die from hunger. Worst case scenario might actually be overeating.” “I don’t think that far ahead… Well, anyway, let me see if I can’t do anything about getting us more food.”
In the end, I was thrown back into fishing, which was what I wanted to do from the beginning. No more high-quality bait means that I won’t be able to catch us anything big like tuna but I’ll still be able to get smaller fish. Here was where my shining lure came into play. Since it’s always lit up, I’ve been using it as my light source at night. I also found out that the lure can’t catch me anything during daytime, but it attracts squid at night. Or so says Alto anyway.
“Hello, shining squid lure.”
Makes sense that you need a squid lure for squid. I mean, it looks like a normal lure… except for the part where it lights up. In any case, I could solve our hunger problem with it. Let’s get that squid. Not that I can catch anything but squid at night. In mere days, I caught myself close to 500 of them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
“I bite my thumb at thee, Miss Kizuna!”
Such were the hurtful words hurled unto me. Even Sheryl needed to vent her frustration of too much squid. That was by shooting them out of her ballista.
    Day in, day out, it was me, my fishing rod, and squid. Never mind the fact that I had over 1,000 of them in my inventory. What a lure. I still stood by the words I said that day at that time at that location: it’s worth every penny.
But there’s something about the Sea of No Return. Not sure what it is, but monsters come out only during the day. Even back at the outskirts of the First City, monsters would come out at night. What, did the devs want to give us a break or something? Seems highly unlikely. In any ordinary RPG, you’d find old clichéd dungeons like The Labyrinth or The Endless Desert where every route takes you down a different path and you can’t get out unless you solve a puzzle. It kinda feels like that. It’s getting close to a week out here at sea and we’re all getting a little stressed. Of course, the fact that we only have squid definitely contributes to it. We’ve gotta do something about this.
“Are they biting?” “… Oh, it’s you, Shouko.”
I was a little surprised when someone spoke to me since I get lost in my thoughts while late night fishing. Shouko sat down beside me and gazed up at the moon. The moon’s out tonight… It sure looks bigger in this world than the real thing. Big as it is though, it doesn’t shine very bright.
“Nature sure is wonderful.” “Something bothering you?” “Oh, no… Though I realize this world was created by people, who would think that a single storm would change all of our lives?” “Yeah, you’re right.”
We were unlucky getting sucked in by the storm, but I didn’t think that would result in all six of us living together on this ship. Up until now, we all had our individual rooms at our accommodation. It almost feels like we’re on a field trip together, at the risk of sounding like I’m taking this a little too lightly. But especially because of that, we must find a way to get through this together. Games are designed to be figured out if you pay close enough attention to the details. If we can’t find the answer, it means we’re not looking hard enough.
“Kizuna, you have a bite.” “S’alright. Squid aren’t that hard to catch.”
The tip of my line was bobbing up and down.
… No, wait. That’s no squid.
I had tirelessly fished for the past few days, so I know what squid feels like. There’s nothing but squid around here at night and it’s not because of my light-up lure. But that’s the problem. I’ve caught a thousand of them but this ain’t one. This had to be a rare catch. Literally. Anyway, time to reel…
—Kathunk! I’ve had a bite like this before and it’s a day and night difference compared to my normal catches. This… this was it. This was the Giant Herring.
“No, can’t be. This is more powerful…!” “Kizuna, it’s pulling our ship.” “… Damn! Go get Sheryl for me! I need her Harpoon skills or maybe…” “On it!”
I didn’t have the mental capacity to track Shouko as she disappeared under deck. My full attention was on the tip of my fishing rod. The line was connected directly to my cranial nerves. And when I felt it, I pulled… and reeled.
The reel, a compatible pairing to deep sea fishing and lures, was a new addition to my rod. It wasn’t too easy to the hang of it, but it provides a lot more leverage. The complex part is casting with a lure. It seems like it’s not too dissimilar to how they work in real life. Anyway, trust me when I say I feel like I’m one with my rod.
“… Here, Kizuna.” “Sheryl, you think you can use your harpoon and hit where I tell you to?” “… Possibly.” “Please! I won’t be able to do this alone.”
I mean, harpoons were originally for spearfishing anyway. It makes for a perfect weapon against a huge sea creature. That’s why I don’t think anyone would be more suited for this job other than Sheryl.
“… Where?” “Hold on…”
While we attacked and defended, I also tried to locate where the aquatic animal was. My mind and my rod are one. I… should know where it is. It should be like searching through with my mind, probably. Oh, I see. The Crystal of Mediation must’ve pulled its aggro. Maybe that’s why I was able to catch a thousand of them squid. But this… thing… I feel its hatred searing my skin. And it’s…
“Right there!” “… Bomber Lancer.”
A mid-tier skill for Harpoon-type weapons. It was a mid-range combat skill where you throw the harpoon like a javelin. With one hand on the cord, Sheryl chucked her harpoon out with an explosive visual effect. The missile audibly sunk deep into the creature. Reeling it in was instantly easier, but it started moving again.
“How many more can you do?” “I’m fine.” “I’m counting on you.” “‘Kay.”
It wouldn’t sit well with my pride if I let Sheryl do all the heavy lifting. As difficult as it was, I kept on reeling. From time to time, her harpoon would whiz by… It was strong enough to nearly stunlock the bastard. It helped immensely as I tried to fish it up.
“Keep it up!” “Mm.”
The battle dragged on, wearing down on our spirits. At least our enemy’s stamina is also being exhausted. But of course. It’s a 2v1. No way we’d lose.
“Sheryl, our next bout will end it!” “… Aight.”
With her harpoon gripped firmly, I signaled her to attack with all her might. And our enemy…
    “… I mean, I get it, but.”
We fished up—or rather, hunted—a humongous squid. It’s apparent that it’s related to the Giant Herring. Thank you very much. We couldn’t exactly heft it up on board, so we had it towed along with a rope. I mean, I say hunted, but we’re not sure yet if it’s a monster or not. “Kraken” wouldn’t be an unfair name for it. … I mean, Sheryl took it down with her attacks, so I guess it is a monster? Anyway, the harpoon is perfectly suited for fighting sea creatures.
“… Kizuna.” “Hmm? What’s up?” “I think you should gut it soon.” “Why do you… Ah, whatever. Gotcha. I’ll do it.” “Hm.”
I didn’t get the feeling she would answer even if I were to finish asking her, though there was something like a gleam in her eye. I guess shooting squid out of the ballista would’ve been effective, but eating nothing but it is another story. Not to mention that Sheryl had eaten the most out of any of us. … Maybe she likes squid? I decided it would’ve been wiser to not ask her and just to gut the Humongous Squid in silence. What I got was:
Water Deity’s Tentacle, Water Deity’s Fin, Water Deity’s Head, Water Deity’s Arm, Water Deity’s Mantle, Water Deity’s Heart, Water Deity’s Eye, Water Deity’s Shell, Top Quality Squid Ink, Top Quality Trimmed Squid
Just like with the Giant Herring, I received a surprising number of items from gutting. Maybe all of them boss creatures are like this, eh? And I suppose it was originally a squid turned water deity? Hmm, I wonder… what kind of weapons I could make with these parts…
“Sheryl, we’ll discuss it with everyone else, but have these items.” “… You sure?” “Why do you question it?” “Hm.” “I don’t have any ulterior motives. I just feel like it would be better if you held on to them.” “Hm.” “Call it a gut feeling. Speaking of which… that was kinda uncharacteristic of what you said earlier.” “… Not really.”
Whatever. Not like it’d help if I hounded her over it anyway. In any event, I handed over all the items I received by gutting the Humongous Squid. We’re still undecided, but it’d be nice if she could make a good weapon out of its parts.
“Kizuna! Sheryl!”
While we were basking in the glory of defeating the Humongous Squid, Shouko called out to us in a less delighted tone. I’ve seen her flustered only a handful of times since we’ve first met.
“What’s wrong?” “The ship is moving by itself.” “I’m pretty sure that’s what ships do.” “No, I don’t mean it like th—” “Kizuna.”
Sheryl interrupted Shouko as she pointed upwards. Our sails were furled. I looked around. A calm night without so much wind or waves. There was no one using Helmsmanship. And yet, despite so.
… Our ship was traveling at an unnatural speed.
contents: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /ch006/ /ch007/ /ch008/ /ch009/ /ch010/ /ch011/ /ch012/ /ch013/ /ch014/ /ch015/ /ch016/ /ch017/ /ch018/ /ch019/ /ch020/ /ch021/ /ch022/ /ch023/ /ch024/ /ch025/ /ch026/ /ch027/ /ch028/ /ch029/ /ch030/ /ch031/ /ch032/ /ch033/ /next/
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snow-lavender · 5 years
Hey @beerecordings​ @florenceisfalling​, you remember that silly conversation you guys had a few days ago? I did a thing! 
“Do we plan to have a bonfire tomorrow?” Henrik asked, glancing up from his book.
“Huh?” Sean replied. “I mean, I guess we could. Any reason?” 
 Henrik looked confused. “Did I not get the date correct? It is the thirtieth tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, and?”
Henrik sat up, closing his book. “Do you not do Walpurgisnacht in Ireland?”
“What, like the big baddy from Madoka Magica?” Jackie piped up from the couch. 
Henrik pinched the bridge of his nose in reply. “Gott gibt mir kraft.” he muttered. “No, Jackie, not like the anime. Saint Walburga’s feast. Hexennacht. Whatever you want to call it.”
Sean shook his head. “Never heard of it. But yeah, sure, I’m always down for a bonfire. What exactly are we celebrating?”
“Ah, I have not been to church in awhile, but I believe she battles against sickness and pests. I vaguely remember something about oil. Today it is mostly an excuse for hoodlums to make problems for everyone. Graffiti, vandalism, you know.”
“Oh, so like how Halloween is back in the States?” 
Sean glanced at Chase. “I thought you guys just did the candy thing?”
Chase scoffed. “Hell no, Halloween is all about eggs and toilet paper once you’re old enough.”
Henrik shook his head. “You Americans. But yes, I suppose it is similar. For a select few.”
Sean raised an eyebrow. “Careful, all that condescension will get to you one day. I still don’t see what any of this has to do with bonfires.” 
“Sean, I thought you were raised Catholic? How do you not know this?”
Sean threw his hands in the air. “There’s a bajillion saints, Hen. No one person can memorize all of them. Why the fire?”
Henrik frowned suddenly. “Ach, my brain is shorting out. Hexen. What is that in english?”
“Hexes? Spells?” Chase supplied.
“No, no, the people.”
“Yes!” Henrik leaned back. “Witches. The bonfire is because in the old days, they would burn...ah…” he turned awkwardly to the corner of the room by the bookshelf.
Marvin had a shit eating grin spanning ear to ear. “No, Schneep, by all means, continue.” he said teasingly.
Jackie sat up with a gasp. “We should have a witch hunt tomorrow!”
“Uhh, it won’t be much of a ‘hunt’.” Marvin said. “You all know where my bedroom is.”
“And technically the actual feast isn’t until Sunday.” Henrik added.
“Okay then, so we make some rules. Like, not until after breakfast. And no hiding in your room all day.”
Marvin stood still for a few moments. Then he shrugged. “You know what? Fuck it, sure. First one to hug me on Sunday gets...I dunno, I’ll take you out for drinks or something.”
“Wait, first one?” Sean asked. “Are we all doing this? Why?”
“Family bonding!” Jackie yelled.
“Sure, ‘cause nothing says ‘family bonding’ like trying to tackle each other for an entire day.” snorted Chase. 
Jackie turned to Marvin, grinning even wider than the magician had been moments before. “I’m gonna hug the shit out of you on Sunday.”
“Try it, spandex.”
When Jameson walked into the kitchen with the breakfast dishes, Jackie and Chase were using the breakfast bar to stretch. He shook his head, dropping the dishes in the sink. 
“Is there any reason for the calisthenics, gents?” he signed.
“It’s May first.” Chase replied, his voice muffled by his thigh.
Jackie bent backwards to face him. “We do this thing for Wali- Walspi- fuck.”
“Walpurgisnacht.” Chase said.
“Right. That.”
“I’m sorry, I still don’t follow.” Jameson signed. “Isn’t that the German May Day? When they have campfires?”
“We do it different in this family. We’re having ourselves a good old fashioned witch hunt!”
Jameson blinked. “What?”
Chase stood up from his spot on the floor. “First one to hug Marv after breakfast wins. No serious damage or drawing blood. No weapons, super strength, or bribery. Other than that, all bets are off.”
“Jack won last year on a technicality, but this year, I’m ready!” Jackie declared.
Chase rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a technicality, you’re just a sore loser.” He glanced back at Jameson. “Marvin shifted into a cat for most of the day. He was hanging around out back, and Sean went to cuddle the cat without knowing who it was.”
“...I see.” Jameson signed slowly. “Well, what about me? I can do magic as well.”
Chase and Jackie froze. Then their faces broke into matching smiles. “New rules,” Chase said. “First person to hug Marv and Jamie wins.” 
Jameson’s eyes widened, then in a blink, he vanished.
“Hey!” Chase yelled, running into the living room. “No time jumping! That’s cheating!”
Jackie’s laughter coming from behind him was borderline maniacal. 
“Aah!” He lurched forward as the sudden noise woke him up. “Was?”
Chase and Jackie were standing in the doorway. Jackie winced as he saw that Henrik was still in bed. “Shit, sorry Schneep, I forgot you had a late shift last night.”
Henrik waved a hand. “It’s alright, I slept enough. Is everything okay? What do you two need?”
Jackie plopped onto the bed while Chase pulled over his desk chair. “We need a game plan.”
“....for what, exactly?”
“The thing! Waluigi night! Witch hunt!” 
“Neither of us managed to win last year,” Chase added. “We need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Henrik blinked a couple times. “You did that without me?” 
“Is that bad?” Jackie asked.
‘No, no, I’m just surprised. I didn’t think..” He shook his head. “Game plan. Right. Did you change any of the rules while I was gone?”
“Jamie counts now too, you need to get both of’em to win.”
Henrik sat up straighter. “Alright, so first things first…”
By the afternoon, all three of them had managed to hug Jameson, who was now reading in the living room. But no one had seen Marvin since breakfast. The others figured he’d just upped the ante this year, but personally, JJ was starting to worry a bit. Marvin had seemed impish when they talked yesterday, like he was planning to spend the day taunting them. Popping in and out, always vanishing at the last second. Not disappearing completely. Jameson finished his cup of tea and stood up. Marvin’s room wasn’t off limits to him, so what was the harm in checking on him? 
He passed Chase on the stairs. The American was whacking his cap, trying to brush cobwebs off it. He smiled at Jameson. “Nothing in the attic. You two really brought it this year.”
JJ smiled back. “I’m just going to see if Marvin’s in his room,” he signed.
“Gotcha. If you find him, could you give him one of these for me?” Chase asked, flipping the bird. Jameson laughed, and climbed the rest of the stairs. 
He passed Jackie’s room, which had loud music and thumping sounds coming from within. Sounded like he was working out to let off some steam. 
Jameson knocked thrice on Marvin’s door, the signal he used to identify himself when out of sight. There was no reply. He frowned, trying again. On the third knock, the door creaked open, with no one behind it. 
That was definitely worrying. Marvin never left his door unlocked. His room had too many unstable spells and in-progress potions, it was dangerous for any of them to randomly burst in. 
Jameson carefully stepped in. He continued knocking, to no avail. The only light source came from an open laptop. The light wavered as the screen glitched and shifted. Jameson’s eyes widened as he read the message. 
D͇̖o̼͍͚ ͘I̪ ͙̭w͇͈̺̘̭͓̻͞i͚̲̫̪͙n̛̦͍͎̣͚͔ ̙t͇̱ḫ͇̖͝e̹͕̣͕̭͓̞ ̹̹̩͍̲ẉ̣i̙̪̪̤t̲̱̱̱̞͈͖͡c̸͖͚̦̼h̟̻͕̙̙͕ ̷h̘̩͕̭̤͎͖un̸̘̖̰͇ț̯?̰
He grabbed the computer and ran downstairs.
After that, the hours flew by in a flurry. Jackie managed to track the signal provided, but it took him until after supper to do so. Chase spent most of that time comforting an (understandably) distraught Henrik, who had numerous panic attacks and more than one shutdown. That left Jameson to do nothing but pace and fret, caught up in his thoughts. 
“How? How did he manage to subdue Marvin, of all people?!” Henrik yelled from the living room. 
“I don’t know,” said Chase.
Jameson didn’t know either. 
The next thing he knew, the four of them were standing in front of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Jackie checked his phone. “This should be it. Okay, we’ll pair off. JJ, you and Schneep try and find Marvin while Chase and I distract Anti. Got it?”
Jameson nodded, slightly perturbed. He hadn’t seen Jackie this serious in months. 
Jackie turned back to the building. “Alright, so first things first…” He paused, then his eyes widened. “Get down, now!”
It looked like a bomb had gone off. The windows were simultaneously blown out as fire poured out of them. Sparks filled the air. It might have just been shock, but Jameson though the embers floating around them looked like feathers. 
The entire building was ablaze in a matter of seconds. All of them just gaped, frozen on the spot. Eventually, Chase snapped out of it and ran toward the entrance. “Marvin!”
Out of the door stumbled a figure. He walked a few steps, then swayed forward into Chase’s open arms. Chase slowly walked him over to where the rest of them were standing.
Marvin was a mess. His hair was haphazardly chopped into different lengths. Most of it was singed, and there were still a few small flames that Jameson patted out for him. His clothes were torn, and bruises were visible through the holes. There were a few nasty looking gashes on his chest. His tattoos were still glowing from overuse. 
He smiled dazedly up at the group. “Sorry guys, I think I got the day wrong for the bonfire.”
Henrik made a noise that was halfway between a sob and a laugh. “You’re right, the bonfires were supposed to happen yesterday.”
“Ah well, never was very good with dates.” He leaned further into Chase’s shoulder. “Congrats, man. Where d’you wanna go for drinks.” 
Chase’s grip on Marvin’s arm tightened. “Let’s focus on getting you better first, okay?” He motioned with his head for Jackie to support Marvin’s other side. “Jameson, go bring my truck around.” he whispered.
JJ nodded as Henrik rushed forward with his bag. The doctor leaned in, feeling around for breaks and assessing the cuts. Marvin slowly nodded along to what he was saying, clearly out of it. 
The drive home was somber. Marvin started dozing as soon as the truck got moving, and the rest of them sat in silence.
Eventually, Chase spoke up. “Aw, don’t look so bummed Jackie. Maybe you’ll win next year.”
There was another stretch of silence, then all of them burst out laughing.
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gattius-starfrost · 6 years
Weekend of Indulgences
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The week had been long, busy, and irritating in Starfrost Clinic. Success was one thing, but Gattius quickly became overwhelmed by the number of new clients coming through the door. He was only one elf, after all. Managing financing, scheduling, and the actual practice of medicine all on his own! Not to mention his duties to take care of Tannis when Syrielle was off at the Sun Spire doing… whatever it was those Magisters did on a daily basis! He debated turning some patients away… but he just couldn’t bring himself to. Helping people was his goal in all this, after all. No, less patients wasn’t the answer. More staff… that made more sense. It came with its own set of challenges, though - Syrielle had just hired a few new guards for the Manor. More hires so soon after that would stretch their coffers thinner. House Starfrost was well off… but not that well off!
It didn’t matter, in the moment. The clinic was closed, and would be for the weekend. Gattius had finished his paperwork - records and ledgers, both - rather late into the night. All the same, he needed to decompress. He needed some time to himself, away from work, from Tannis’ constant needs, away from the busy Manor…
He needed a fishing trip.
Syrielle, of course, was all for it. The thought alone of how supportive and loving she could be at times brought a smile to his face. She came home early from her business to tend to Tannis and allow Gattius to promptly finish his work and head out for some evening fishing; the start of his weekend away! He packed his fishing supplies and overnight gear - the latter of which consisted of a shoddy tent, hammock, rations, and about half a crate of cigarettes - and set off south to start his mini-vacation!
The Elrendar River babbled on as it always had, setting a soothing soundtrack to his weekend of relaxation. Gattius loved fishing here; his hidden fishing hole, just above the falls. He cozied up against a small angled rock facing, which served faithfully as his fishing chair for years now, and cast out his line. He’d always had some success at this spot. Some days more than others, it all depended on the season. But he expected he’d pull a fish or two before bed. Ten or so the next day. The rations were really just in case, honestly - he intended to be well fed through the weekend by the rod alone!
Gattius smoked. A lot. He’d cut down a bit, between his time in the clinic, and interacting with Tannis. Neither were suitable environments for such a habit. He’d sneak out for breaks every now and again, but those had become few and far between with how busy he’d been lately. But out here, alone, he indulged himself. The taste, the feel, it relaxed him all the more!
His ear flickered, as he felt a nibble at his line. Then another. He cast his golden eyes to the water’s surface, watchfully. A firm tug caused his rod to bow ever-so-slightly. He responded in kind by jerking up quickly to try and snag the fish!--- but it got away! He exhaled a smoke-filled sigh, as he reeled in his line to cast it once more. It seemed he was a bit out of practice.
His line was back in the water before too long. He lit up another cigarette… his fourth now? Or fifth? He’d lost count. It didn’t matter, though - he was happy enough to indulge in his old vice, freely. It seemed like a good weekend to indulge, anyway. In old habits, old hobbies… time to cut loose and enjoy himself!
Gattius’ ear flickered again… but this time, it had nothing to do with his line. He heard something. Felt something. The evening Eversong breeze grew somehow cold, heralding an uneasy feeling that gripped him at his core. He sat up, eyes wide and alert, as he looked around for something - anything - out of place. It was quiet. Nothing but him, the trees, and the calmly babbling river bend stirred here, at this hour. He relaxed a bit, as he ashed his cigarette.
“... Lad…?”
He heard a whisper on the winds; quiet, but as clear as his own voice. He recognized it… and yet it sounded foreign. Distorted. He leapt up from his seat, hands glowing with radiant Light energy as he looked around once more.
“Who’s there?” he demanded!
“Easy… relax, lad…” the whisper came again. “Don’t need yeh slashin’ m’throat again…”
Gattius gasped, as a shadowy figure emerged from behind a tree before him. He scowled, hands clenching to fists… and yet his feet kept still. He’d seen this figure before… in the manor. The ren’dorei infiltrator! He was stunned-- didn’t he kill him? No, he’d vanished… was it an illusion? Was this an illusion, too? His mind was bombarded with questions as his eyes kept affixed to the elven figure.
“Who… who are you?” he demanded again. “What do you want?”
“Thinkin’ I’ll keep m’distance this time, lad.” the figure replied, smirking. “Yeh’ve gotten jumpy on me. Last time I tried gettin’ close, well… lucky slash, lad.”
The figure pulled his collar down a bit, as he brushed the darkened, pallid skin on his neck - no scar, no sign of a cut.
“It’s me, lad! It’s Alteris. Was try’na tell yeh in yer study, there, but…” he shrugged, words fading to a simple, familiar chuckle.
“Kodo-shit!” Gattius shot back! “Alteris is dead! This is a trick!”
The Blood Elf’s hands thrummed with holy power, as his golden eyes flared. He’d heard this before, fallen for such tricks in the past. Not again! In lieu of a weapon, the fishing rod in his hand illuminated with a fiery glow. An extension of Gattius’ divine power! He pointed it at the shadowy figure, scowling!
“Leave now! This is your only chance!”
There was silence for a moment, as the two stared each other down. Gattius, staring in anger and determination. The void elf… staring in disbelief. Awestruck! He blinked his eyes. Then again… the his lips curled to a grin. It started low… then became more pronounced as his shoulders bounced; he was laughing!?
“Hehe… ehehehe… Haha! Hahaha! HAH!” the void elf threw his head back, as the laughter overcame him! “HAHAHA--OH HO HO! Y’look like a feckin’ idiot, lad! What’re y’gonna do with that, now? Plannin’ ta smite me with yer open-face reel? Hahah!”
Gattius was not amused. He sighed, as the flames that glowed about his fishing rod flickered out. He scoffed.
“I could, y’know!” he said, defiantly! … but it came out borderline childishly. “I mean… Bah! Nevermind! If you’re Alteris, prove it!”
As if laughing and demeaning him wasn’t proof enough… Gattius lowered the fishing rod, but kept his guard up. His ears flickered about, eyes watching not just the Void elf, but the area around him. The void elf leaned against the tree from behind which he’d emerged, relaxed, casual, not at all appearing threatened by Gattius and his radiant glow.
“Oi, an’ how do yeh want me t’ do that, lad?”
Gattius frowned. He wasn’t entirely sure HOW this void elf could prove such a thing! What would serve as a suitable test? If this was Alteris, by some strange happenstance… how would Gattius know for sure?
“... Tell me something only Alteris would know.” he said. “About… us. About me. Something personal, aye? Not my name or favorite color… something Alteris would know about me that no one else would.”
The void elf raised his brow. He pushed up off the tree, and took a few tentative steps forward.
“A’ight… lemme think, aye? Could go int’a our relationship. First time we fucked? --No, no no, y’might’ve told that story to yer new-ish wife.” he tapped his chin, thoughtfully. “Maybe a war story, campaign we fought t’gether? Or… well, other folks were there fer most’ve ‘em…”
Gattius shook his head. None of that would really be proof. Stories about events like that were easy enough to overhear and recite. He’d told Syrielle a lot about his time with Alteris. Who knows who overheard him? The Guard was infiltrated by void elves once… was this a continuation of that? He couldn’t risk it, no. It had to be something he never told anyone.
“... Tell me about Grim Batol.” he ordered, sternly. “If you’re really Alteris… you’d know that story.”
The void elf’s shoulders slumped a bit, expression growing serious. He swallowed hard, and exhaled a sigh.
“... Aye. I remember it well, lad.” he replied, tone even. “You an’ me ventured in t’gether. Was late night, pitch black sky - dinnae think it could get any darker, until we slipped inside. Y’went in first, told me t’ watch our backs. An’ I did that, until we fell. Slid down that pit trap, remember?”
Gattius watched, rather surprised the void elf knew even that much! Could it be Alteris…?
“... What happened then?”
“Tch… well… yer leg got impaled on an iron spike, if I recall it right. Clean puncture, cleare through yer thigh. I set t’ treatin’ yeh. Bandagin’ yer leg up, best I could. ‘Course y’were criticizin’ my technique e’ry step o’ th’ way…” he chuckled, then shook his head. “... Then, I found it. Tucked in yer pocket, just above where th’ spike gotcha. Pulled it out, an’ I asked yeh, straight up… I said ‘What’re yeh carryin’ round this ring for, lad?’”
The void elf sighed, and shook his head.
“... I got mad ‘bout it, then. Chastised yeh pretty good about it. I remember th’ look on yer face durin’ it. Shocked, hurt… But I weren’t ready t’ git married, lad. An’ I knew y’weren’t then, either.” he sighed. “Took it, threw it across th’ pit, kept treatin’ yer leg. Reckon it’s still down there today, aye?
The ring y’were gonna propose t’me with.”
Gattius was silent. His golden eyes welled up with tears, as his ears pinned back flat along the sides of his head. There was a good reason why he didn’t talk about Grim Batol. To anyone. No one else, not even Syrielle, knew that story. Only he did. Only him… and Alteris. He looked him over, and shook his head.
“... How? You died. I saw you die. And then… you were in my head for so… so long… How’d you come back?”
“Th’ power o’ th’ Void is… strange, lad. Complicated. It’s kept me ‘round in yer head awhile… an’ now it’s brought me back fully.” Alteris shrugged, stepping a bit closer. “Guess that was always th’ point in stickin’ ‘round, but… this weren’t quite how I wanted t’ return to yeh.”
Gattius was speechless. His cigarette fell from between his lips, dying in the moist riverside grass beneath him. He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face - tears of sorrow, tears of joy… tears of anger… the complex bundle of emotions running through him seemed to paralyze him in the moment. He could only look at Alteris, both grateful for his return and disgusted by what he had become. Alteris frowned, nearing closer still until he stood directly before Gattius. He knelt down, and gazed into his luminous eyes. Reaching out, he wiped the stream of tears from the Blood Elf’s cheek, his other hand resting on his shoulder.
“It’s me, lad. I’m back - lookin’ a bit different, I know. Reborn by somethin’ I know yer not fond of…” he sighed, shaking his head. “But this was the only way I could come back to yeh.”
Alteris’ hand slipped up behind Gattius’ neck, as he pulled him up against him. Slowly, he leaned in, and presses his lips to Gattius - retrying that kiss that confusion and doubt had rudely interrupted last time. Gattius didn’t fight it. Now that he knew it was Alteris - truly knew it - he didn’t want to resist. He couldn’t! His arms came up, slipping behind Alteris’ back as he embraced his old lover once again.
It felt different; the energy coursing through Alteris was definitely different, but he felt a familiarity in the movements. The way Alteris kissed him, and the way he kissed him back in return. It was different… yet felt so right! He relaxed, letting out a light moan as he surrendered to the desire. The spark between him and Alteris hadn’t diminished, even after all this time. Despite Alteris’ cold touch, the flames of passion were most assuredly rekindled. He pressed up against his old lover, firmly and commandingly, pushing Alteris down beneath him as they shifted to a horizontal position.
After all, what was one more indulgence this weekend?
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clementineverett · 7 years
Summary: Gabe tries to get Clementine to make a promise she can’t keep.
[AO3 link]
Clementine kicks open the door, pistol raised and quickly scanning the small space for walkers before calling over her shoulder, “It’s clear!”
Gabe stumbles in, and Clementine moves to catch him before he can collapse to the floor. She shuts the door, shaking a bit of snow off her boots before setting Gabe on the floor against the wall.
The wooden shack creaks with the force of the wind outside, but otherwise it seems steady. Despite not having stepped inside this particular shack before, it feels eerily familiar to Clementine. She shakes off thoughts of stitches and peroxide before turning her attention to Gabe instead.
The blood has already soaked through the parka, staining his left shoulder and the surrounding area. Clementine grimaces.
“You okay?” She asks.
“I’ll manage,” Gabe replies. He winces as he adjusts himself to a more comfortable sitting position.
“Let me check your shoulder.” Clementine crouches beside him. “Do you think you can take off your coat for me?”
Gabe unzips his parka with his uninjured arm and attempts to shrug it off when he hisses in pain. “I don’t think I can.”
“I’ll help.” Clementine peels back his parka slowly, watching his face for signs of pain. Then she unzips his hoodie and lifts the collar of his shirt to study the wound. “Doesn’t seem too bad. A lot of blood, though.” Clementine frowns. “If I had a needle and some thread right now…”
“Don’t worry about it.” Gabe offers her a pained and uneasy smile. Despite how worried she is, Clementine can’t help smile back. She helps him put his parka back on with as much caution as she can muster.
“Wound infection is a very real thing, you know.” Clementine moves to sit beside him on his uninjured side. She leans back against the wooden wall and brings her knees to her chest, shoulders touching with the boy next to her.
“I’m aware,” Gabe replies. “What a plot twist, huh?”
Clementine raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”
“Remember when Javi got stabbed in the shoulder a while back? It was because of me. I mean, I wasn’t the one who stabbed him, but I might as well have.” Gabe lets out a sardonic chuckle. “Must be karma.”
Clementine frowns. “Gabe.” She looks him square in the eye. “Don’t say that.”
He returns her gaze for a solid moment before looking away. “Just pointing out coincidence, that’s all.” His teeth chatter. “God, it’s freezing in here, but hey. If I don’t bleed out, at least I’ll die of hypothermia. I hear it’s a pretty peaceful way to go.”
“What the fuck, Gabe.” She looks at him incredulously. The thought of losing him makes her chest twinge so painfully she can barely breathe.
“Sorry. Bad joke.”
“I’m sorry, Clem. I shouldn’t have said that.” Gabe sighs. “I’m just… trying not to freak out right now, so I’m dealing with this through really bad humour instead, I guess. But still. Bad joke. Sorry.”
“You’re not gonna die, you moron,” Clementine replies softly. “I won’t allow it.” She removes her coat.
“What the hell are you doing?” Gabe glares at her.
“Not letting you freeze to death?”
“So you’re gonna be the one to freeze to death?”
“Not exactly. Remove your coat.”
“So we’re both gonna freeze to death, then. Glad you’re including me, too.” Gabe drawls sarcastically. “Hey, help me out?”
“Gotcha.” She helps Gabe out of his coat. It’s slick with blood but she doesn’t particularly care at the moment. Clementine scooches closer to him before draping her coat over them, and his parka on top as a second layer. “Sharing body heat. It’s how I kept AJ warm during the winter. I’d just tuck him under my jacket and zip up. Keeps away the hypothermia.”
It’s a very true and factual statement, but it’s maybe not the only reason. Despite the cold, Clementine feels a blush rise in her face at the contact of her arm against his. Which is dumb because it’s not like she’s never touched him before? Clementine has hugged Gabe and sat next to him plenty of times. So why does she react like this every single time? This is so stupid, Clementine thinks to herself. And yet she doesn’t shy away.
“Good thinking,” Gabe says. “You know, I’ve never seen it snow this bad before.” The snowstorm outside seems to blow even harder in response.
“At least it’ll keep that group of bastards away for a while,” Clementine responds, teeth gritting. “But we need to move once it gets better outside. They might be back. Can’t take any chances.”
A wave of silence washes over them. The loud whistling of the winds and the swaying of branches from nearby trees are the only sounds echoing through the shack. “Hey Clem?” Gabe calls out.
“I’m sorry.”
“You already apologized.”
“Well, yeah. But I’m apologizing for a different thing, now.”
Clementine quirks up an eyebrow. “For what?”
“This is all my fault.” Gabe mumbles, scowling. “If I hadn’t offered to help them out, we wouldn’t be stuck in this mess.”
“It isn’t your fault, Gabe. It’s not.” Clementine reassures him. His frown only grows deeper. “Hey, look at me.” He meets her gaze with his own. His eyes are hesitant. Unsure. “They’re the ones who decided to be assholes and take advantage of you. This is on them. It’s not your fault.”
“Hey, honestly?” She nudges at his uninjured arm lightly. “I think it’s a good thing that you want to help,” Clementine admits. Gabe only raises an eyebrow at her in question. “I got us into trouble, Clem.” He says with uncertainty.
“Listen,” Clementine begins, “when the New Frontier kicked me out, when I thought AJ died…” She shrugs. “I figured: fuck the world. I had nothing else left to lose. Figured I didn’t owe shit to anyone now, you know? That’s how I’ve been able to survive, but… I really lost myself along the way.”
“What do you mean?”
“This for that. Me or them. Screw them over because they could screw me.” Clementine explains. “But it didn’t always have to be like that. Your uncle stuck his neck out for me -- saved me -- more times than I can count. Even when it really screwed him over.” She shakes her head, smiling to herself. “In a weird way, it’s reminded me of everyone who’s ever helped me all these years. People who have helped me and expected nothing back. People who helped because it was the right thing to do. Sometimes you don’t survive doing the right thing, but it’s what makes us, us.”
Gabe smiles at her. “Thanks, Clem.”
She only nods at him before looking away, feeling her stomach start to flutter. Not again…
“I still feel like a jackass, though,” Gabe continues.
“Thought you’ve gotten used to the feeling?” Clementine remarks.
“Wow.” Gabe rolls his eyes playfully. “Too soon.”
Clementine chuckles. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Gabe nudges her with his free arm. “But seriously: how can you tell when someone’s trying to screw you over, versus someone who’s legit?”
Clementine hums, thinking for a moment, before answering: “When their actions don’t match their words. Like, they’ll say one thing but then they do the other. They’re unreliable at best, but dishonest at worst. Either way, you can’t trust them. But there are people who are awfully good at lying, so even I’m not one hundred percent sure all the time.”
Gabe nods. “Javi told me something like that once. He said that sometimes people will try to confuse you with their words, but you can tell what kind of person they really are through their actions.”
“That’s one way to put it.” Clementine says. “When did he say that to you, by the way?”
“We were getting some weapons from the armory, back when Joan was still in power,” Gabe replies. “Right before we found you at the hospital, actually.”
“Huh. No way.”
“Yeah,” Gabe says. “You know, Javi’s taken care of me and had my back even when I didn’t deserve it. God knows I made life hard for everyone sometimes.” Gabe sighs regretfully. “I wish I thanked him more.”
“You can thank him when we get back,” Clementine suggests.
“What if they find us?” Gabe asks, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“They won’t, Gabe.” Clementine promises. “We’re gonna make it out of here.”
“But worst case scenario,” Gabe begins, “if they find us and I slow you down, just leave me, okay?”
“What the hell--”
“I’m serious, Clem.” Gabe turns his head to looks her dead in the eye. “I’m just going to slow you down--”
“Gabe, no.” Clementine interrupts, meeting his eyes with a defiant stare of her own. “I’m not leaving you behind.”
“You just got AJ back, Clem.” Gabe replies softly. “Go home. Give him the childhood we never got.”
“You know I’m right.”
Deep down, Clementine knows that a long time ago she wouldn’t have hesitated. A long time ago, she would’ve agreed that leaving him behind was the right thing to do. But at this very moment, deep down she knows that Gabe couldn’t be even more wrong than he is right now.
“I’m not leaving you,” Clementine bites back, glaring at him. Why can’t he see? “Goddammit, Gabe.” She quickly wipes the tears starting to roll down her face, eyes watering in both sadness and frustration.
“I can’t lose another person who’s important to me, okay?” Clementine inhales a deep breath. “I just can’t. I can’t…” She trails off, bowing her head, too proud to reveal the distress on her face and the redness of her eyes. But Clementine surrenders the rest of her pride, nonetheless, when she murmurs with quiet vulnerability, “I can’t lose you too.” She shuts her eyes, trying to will away the tears.
She feels Gabe press his forehead against hers. “Okay.” He mumbles. Clementine can feel his breath on her cheek. “We’ll get out. Both of us. I trust you.”
She’s not sure which of them is the first to close the gap but suddenly their lips are pressing and they’re kissing. It’s short and sweet, because they both rear back in surprise after a moment, breathless and blushing furiously. Despite how embarrassed Clementine feels right now, a smile plays on her lips.
“Um,” Gabe sputters out. “So. Uh. Yeah.”
“Yeah,” Clementine replies awkwardly. She quietly takes comfort in the fact that Gabe is probably more red than she is right now. He’s cute when he’s nervous. “I think the storm’s settled. Can’t hear the wind anymore.” Though she’s not sure if it’s because her heart is beating so fast or if the wind has actually died down. “We should head back.”
“That’s a good idea. Heading back. We, uh, we should do that.” Gabe tries to get up, and ends up leaning on his injured arm. “Ow. Fuck.” He curses under his breath. “Shit. I forgot about that.”
“You forgot that you were stabbed in the shoulder?” Clementine asks, bemused. She stands up before pulling Gabe onto his feet by his uninjured arm. She helps him into his parka before shrugging her coat back on.
“Pretty sure my brain just short-circuited,” Gabe replies. “We just…” He trails off, his face growing even more red. Clementine feels her smile grow wider, and the heat in her face grow deeper. “You know…” Gabe scratches the back of his neck. “Kissed.”
He lets out a nervous laugh. She lets out a nervous laugh. Soon, both of them dissolve into a fit of quiet giggles. “Yeah, we did,” Clementine finally replies.
“Think I can get another one?” Gabe murmurs, smiling and turning his head away.
“Of course, you dork.” Clementine replies softly. “But I can’t kiss you if you’re turned away like that.”
Gabe rolls his eyes before facing her again. They both lean in, and the kiss is a little bit longer this time -- slower, softer, and somehow just as sweet.
They pull back, grinning shyly.
“Let’s go,” Clementine says before opening the door, and the two of them step outside.
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owlish-peacock36 · 8 years
Two Sugars, Extra Cream
Hello, lovelies! 
I do not expect chapter 2 of Bid Ye Soft Farewell to be up until next week (My SO is in town and I haven’t seen him in a while). SO, I’ve created this silly little ficlet in the meantime. Kind of crazy, kind of out of character. But I had a hell of a good time writing it! Hope you enjoy!
Caramel-Nut Latte, extra hot. Okay, 2 pumps caramel, 3 pumps hazelnut. 2 shots of espresso. Steam milk for extra 20 seconds and a caramel drizzle on top…
Beautiful, Beauchamp. You’re a goddamn coffee wizard.
“Caramel-Nut Latte for Duncan!”
I had been working for Mrs. Fitz for nearly a year at this point while putting myself through school. Though I loved the work that I did at university, there was always something so comforting and homey about the café. Perhaps it was the mismatched green walls, the exposed brick. Perhaps it was the baubles thrown haphazardly on the shelves, or the odd paintings Mrs. Fitz liked to pick up at second-hand shops. (The one with the chimpanzee queen was my favorite). Perhaps it was just the constant smell of coffee that reminded me of my Uncle Lamb-- God rest his soul. It was an odd little place, but it was mine. I belonged here.
As if conjured by my own thoughts, I heard the tell-tale backfire of Mrs. Fitz’s ridiculously old car.  She really needed to upgrade.
“Ooooh, Claire, lass! Come help me with the milk! I heard we were runnin’ low, so I bought three crates full!!” Mrs. Fitz was terribly excited about that milk. I, however, did not share in that joy. I knew “helping” in this case meant “carry them all in for me.”
“Aye, aye, Captain Fitz,” I saluted her before going into the trenches. Or the trunk of her car. They looked similar at any rate.
She was making herself a latte when I walked back in with the third crate of milk.
“Mrs. Fitz! I’m utterly shocked that you would waste company products for your own use!” I placed my hand over my heart dramatically.
“Ach. I bought the stuff. I’ll do wi’ it what I please.” And with that she took a sip, smiling the whole time. Should I tell her she had foam on her lip? “Help yourself? I need to speak wi’ ye for a moment.” I waved her off.
“I’m all right. What’s going on?”
“My nephew is moving back into town, and he was needin’ a job. I told him he could work here. Could ye train him a bit? Show him how everything works?”
“Mrs. Fitz…” I was feeling extra dramatic today.
“Claire, dinna…”
“I am appalled that you would use your position as owner and operator of this establishment to hire those you are close to. Where is the democracy?”
“Tis no a democracy. Tis a dictatorship.” Mrs. Fitz was the great-auntie I never knew I wanted. I couldn’t help but laugh at her wit.
“Of, course I’ll help. When is he coming?”
“This Saturday, he’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here. Oh, and Mrs. Fitz?”
“You’ve got some foam on your lip.”
Saturday mornings were slow mornings. No one had to be at work. Well, besides me, I suppose.
I was leaning against the counter when the overhead door bell jingled. Perk up, Beauchamp. Don’t look like a slacker.
“First customer of the day! Congrats! What can I get for you?” I looked up at the man. I mean, really up. Could a man really be that tall, or were two kids pulling a Little Rascals on me? He leaned down, elbows on the counter. Now, I could really see him. Red curls. Blue eyes. Freckled nose. Was he made out of marble? I had never seen features so sharp.
“Are ye Claire?” His voice was like the honey I put in my Darjeeling.
“Yes, I am. Who wants to know?”
“I do. I’m Jamie. Mrs. Fitz is my great-auntie. She said ye’d be helping me? Learn, I mean.”
“OH! Of course! I’m sorry. Come in, come in,” I said as I lifted the flip-counter. He ducked under my arm to get through. “Sorry, that was a bit awkward. You could have lifted it yourself.”
“Aye, it’s all right. I appreciate the chivalry, madam.” He drew out the word ‘madam’ as long as he could. I bowed in return. He chuckled. We were off to a good start, here.
“So, Jamie what to you know about coffee?” His cat-eyes went totally round at the question.
“Well, ye drink it.”
“Mmhmm. And have you ever made coffee before?” I was skeptical that he had even heard the word coffee before today.
“Aye! I make it every day in my Bunn coffeemaker.”
“Bunns are for shmucks. This is the big league. Can you handle it?” He faked a look of concern before turning his attention back on me.
“Aye, I think so.” He nodded as if trying to convince himself.
“Can you take the heat?!” I was starting to sound like a coach, and he, my star player.
“All right! Let’s start with espresso, shall we?”
“So, you’ve grinded the espresso beans. Now what?”
“I put it in the machine…”
“No, no! You’re missing a step!”
“I tamp it!”
“Yes!” Jamie was a quick learner, his brain absorbing the things I said and did. Like a big ole ginger sponge. “You’re really getting the hang of it, especially for someone who didn’t even know what a tamper was when he woke up this morning.”
“It looks a bit like a weapon.” He rolled the bell shaped instrument in his hands.
“Perhaps to people with violent tendencies,” I said, giving him a pointed look. He just rolled his eyes. “How about you try to make yourself a latte or cappuccino?”
“Nay. I dinna drink lattes,” he answered distractedly, still playing with the tamper.
“Have you ever tried one?”
“No. I’m a simple man. Dark roast. Two sugars. Extra cream. These other drinks, they’re much too fancy for me.”
“Oh, Jamie,” I whined. “Be adventurous. Live a little!”
“Aye! All right! If it’ll get ye to stop squealing like a wee hog!”
“Did you just call me a hog?” I should be offended shouldn’t I?
“No, I said ye were like a hog. Big difference.” Yeah, definitely offended.
“Oh, well. Of course. Huge difference.”
“Oh, come, Sassenach. I was only teasing ye.” Oh, no, Mr. Fraser. You would not get off that easily.
“I know,” I mustered to most dejected voice. “No, big deal, right?” Could I fake cry right now? That would be the icing on this revenge cake.
“Claire, lass. Truly. I dinna mean it. Ye’re no like a hog. Ye ken that right?” God, that sincerity was killing me. I’d have to put him out of his misery…
“Oh, I know,” I perked up with a huge smile on my face. I’m pretty sure I was showing top and bottom teeth. Realization cam over his face.
“You wee-“
“Ye’ll pay for that. Make no mistake.”
“Bring it on, Fraser,” I crooked my fingers at him, and then quickly let them fall. “Later. We have a task to accomplish.”
“Which would be…?”
“You. Drinking some frilly, fancy coffee you wouldn’t have otherwise.”
               I decided to make Jamie my favorite specialty latte. 1 pump chocolate. 2 pumps almond. 2 pumps coconut. 3 shots of espresso. Extra hot. Whipped cream and chocolate drizzle. I handed it to him hesitantly.
“What did ye put in this potion?”
“Just drink it, Ron Weasley.”
He took a small sip, smacking his lips a bit and licking cream off his mouth. That motion was a bit distracting.
“So…?” He contemplated for a second, eyes studying the ceiling.
“Weel, tis a bit sweeter than I like…”
“But, it’s no bad. Well done, Sassenach.” I blushed prettily and batted my lashes.
“They do say I make the best coffee in town.” This wasn’t a lie. Some people did say that.
“Do they now? Well, I’m glad I was adventurous and tried one of your frilly lattes.”
“Good.” We sat in silence for a few moments, as customers milled around. He was sipping coffee. I was day dreaming about that argument I had with a customer last month… What an arse.
“Claire.” Jamie broke me from my reverie.  
“Jamie,” I answered just as formally.
“Since I’m being daring, I’d like to ask ye a question.”
“Um, sure.” Weird, but okay. He took a deep breath.
“Would ye like to go to dinner wi’ me sometime?” That was definitely not the question I was expecting. I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Not to be rude, but why does your hair look like that?’ or ‘Can you help me bury a body?’
“I’m sorry?”
“Dinner. Wi’ me. Tonight, possibly?”
“I wasn’t expecting that, but yes. Jamie, I would love to have dinner with you.” I pleasant surprise, that was.
“Aye? Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Thank God. That could have been embarrassing. Is 7 okay?”
“7 sound perfect.” Jamie Fraser, prepare to get the pants charmed off of you.
Hopefully literally.
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justadump · 8 years
Shifter - Ch2 - Boombox Fanfic
Chapter Two – Junkrat
 Warnings - Heist/Hostage Situation, Some mild Injury, Violence, Usage of Guns.
“Eh Roadie… this city is choc-a-bloc of civvies… should be a piece of piss to get away in this crowd, huh?”
  “Concentrate, Rat.”
  It was midday, the city that never slept was busy with the rush hour. Two individuals were sat in an inconspicuous vehicle… although the individuals themselves were rather not.
Although Roadhog insisted on civilian disguises, at least before the heist, the normal clothes could not hide his enormous size, his obvious pig mask to be replaced by a black ski mask and goggles. Thankfully, it was winter, and he could get away with wearing such a thing.
Junkrat was the complete opposite to his partner, whereas Roadhog was large, Junkrat was very skinny, tall and had a messy bed of blonde hair with some missing patches- from where he got a little too excited with his explosives. His amber eyes were wide, full of maniac excitement.
“Remember the plan?” Roadhog asked, voice deep and gruff. Junkrat nodded.
“Course’ I do mate!” Junkrat grinned, although he did had a track record of forgetting everything, and just making up as he went along- this led to a lot of close calls that Roadhog had to drag him out of. “I go in, make a nice distraction for ya. You go in through the back way, whilst I ave’ a lovely ol’ time with the civvies. Simple.”
“No civilian casualties Rat.” Roadhog reminded him. “We don’t need any more heat after us. Got it?”
“Roger!” Junkrat mock-saluted, causing Roadhog to shove him out of the truck. Junkrat only stumbled once. “Okay, okay. I’m on it Roadie. See ya in 10.”
Roadhog simply grunted, and Junkrat made his way across the street to the bank. He tried to control his erratic movements, thanks to his prosthetics he had quite the recognisable gait, and after hitting up almost ten different banks in the same state, the last thing Junkrat needed was to be recognised.
…well, not until they got the money at least.
It’s not like they need it, the rich wankers... Junkrat thought, as he was approaching the main doors- not surprised to see the usual two security guards stationed at the front. Both he and Roadhog had been staking out this place for a couple weeks now- the guard placement was predicatable, as well as the cameras, and the location of the vaults wasn’t too difficult to figure out.
They had beaten better odds, so Junkrat confidently strolled past the armed guards- they glanced at his wrist, but seeing nothing, didn’t bother to stop him.
Junkrat gritted his teeth, picking up on this interaction almost immediately.
He would be the first to admit that causing anarchy and mayhem was great fun, and his speciality. Most people who knew of the Australian fugitives only thought they cared about the money, it was a very big plus side to the heists, but their plan was bigger than that.
Well, at least Junkrat’s.
Junkrat was determined to get revenge against the anti-shifters, those who dared to take away his rights and those who left his home country in state it was now. Junkrat knew most of them were rich suits with too much money, and with money came power.
Take away the money…
“G’day Sheila, hope ya don’t mind me asking a question?” Junkrat had approached the main desk of the bank, where a rather long queue was forming. He poked one of the customers to get her attention, it was a petite woman, short and sweet looking.
The perfect hostage.
“Oh?” The woman turned around, and in that moment Junkrat grabbed her arm- bringing her close to him, whilst holding a gun to her head. She stared in shock, unable to process exactly what was happening.
“Try to run and I’ll shoot, got it?” Junkrat told the woman, turning to face the rest of the building with the hostage in front- everyone was slowly becoming aware of the danger, the two security guards fully alert, as they had their guns pointed to Junkrat. But he could detect their nervousness, their faces twitching with insecurity. 
“Anyone try to leave this buildin’, and this poor sheila will ave’ her brains all over the floor, got it?” Junkrat raised his voice, finally gathering the attention of everyone. Everyone was frozen in shock. “Now, get yourselves to the floor with hands on ya head, nice and easy does it. You two coppers as well, drop ya weapons.”
Everyone began lowering themselves to the floor, the two security guards lowering their weapons to the ground. Junkrat glanced behind the counter, to the woman that was still behind it. She hadn’t moved yet, and Junkrat could see her hand inching downwards.
“Oi, ya better not press that button.” Junkrat said, and couldn’t help the maniac giggle that left his lips. “I can see ya tryin’, so unless you want blood on ya hands- I suggest you step away and get on the floor.”
The woman made the wise decision to listen, pale and shaking as she lowered herself to the ground- away from the desk. It was at this moment that Junkrat’s watch buzzed. He grinned, and with one hand, he grabbed his detonator. Pressing the red button, a rather large explosion shook through the ground- causing some of the hostages to cower and even scream.
“Now, now, no need ta’ panic.” Junkrat chuckled, knowing that Roadhog was already in the vaults was exhilarating. “I just came to make a withdrawal, y’know how it is.”
“W-why are you doing this?” Junkrat’s meek hostage cried out, causing him to tighten his hold on his. She whimpered.
“Nothin’ personal love, well, unless ya one of those Shifter hating wankers.” Junkrat said, his grin becoming furious. His hold even tighter. “Do ya even know what this bank does to us Shifters, I bet ya don’t even care!”
The woman sobbed.
“That’s what I thought,” Junkrat growled, his angry gaze landing on every trembling hostage. “You lot are just ignorant cunts, I don’t even feel sorry for ya!”
Junkrat continued his half-coherent rant, the pent up anger barely controlled. If he could, he would level the entire building- it was a very tempting thought.
  His watch buzzed again.
  “Oh, well, look at that time!” Junkrat sighed, peering over the hostage’s shoulder to look at his watch. “Wish I could stay and chat some more, but duty calls. Come on sheila, time to move.”
Junkrat pressed the gun closer to the hostage’s head, which caused her to gasp. Junkrat pushed her forward, ensuring she was in front of him the whole time for cover. Junkrat may have been scatter-brained, but he wasn’t stupid enough to let go of the hostage yet, not when he wasn’t a good distance away from the bank and guards.
Junkrat hurried outside, the hostage barely keeping up. He saw in the distance the black truck, which Roadhog was hopefully in.
  Junkrat was starting to think this heist was going far too well, when loud sirens blared down the street.
  “Fuck!” Junkrat jumped, and roughly pushed the hostage to the ground as he took off in a sprint towards the car. He just barely got in when the gun shots rang out. “Hit it Roadie!”
Roadhog didn’t respond, too focused on driving and getting them out of there. Despite his large size Roadhog was very adept at getting the vehicle to move, quite quickly, even if it wasn’t his dear motorcycle.
Junkrat held on for dear life as he booted it down the street- a growing number of copper cars after them. At least twenty, Junkrat counted.
“Honestly, I’m flattered so many coppers came to see us off!” Junkrat said, laughing manically. Roadhog grunted, swerving past the many cars on the road. Junkrat’s cackling and the wail of sirens the only sound present. It was mayhem.
“I can throw them off. Try and shoot their wheels.” Roadhog instructed, and he sped around a corner. That motion alone caused two of the cop cars to nearly crash into eachother- it seemed they were desperate.
“Gotcha’,” Junkrat nodded, opening the widow and leaning out. He would throw some grenades, but knew it would only piss Roadhog off as it would bring more heat to them if a civvie got caught in it. Junkrat mentally sighed as he shot some rounds at the cars. His aim was piss poor, but the threat alone was enough to keep the cars at bay. The risk of civilian casualty was too much for the coppers to retaliate.
The chase seemed to go on for forever, whenever they turned a corner, another cop car would follow. Roads soon were being blocked, traffic stopped, it seemed the coppers were leading them to somewhere specific.
“Uh, Roadie-“
“I know.” Roadhog grumbled, speeding up even more. They were nearing the docks, soon there would be nowhere to go except the water. Except-
“Is that a bloody drawbridge?” Junkrat pointed out with a frown, the coppers were smart- they led the two towards a dock, the only escape a drawbridge that was currently lifting upwards. Junkrat’s frown turned into a comically wide grin. “Roadhog, we can make it- boot it!”
“You’re crazy.” Roadhog huffed, but he was smiling beneath his mask. The car was now as fast as it could be, and only a few metres away from the still moving drawbridge. Junkrat braced himself as the car flew up the ramp, letting out crazed laughter as the vehicle was suspended in the air.
It would be one hell of a way to go, they both thought.
  Somehow, the vehicle landed. The fact they didn’t instantly crash and die was surprising, but not unwelcome. The wail of sirens a distant reminder of the still present danger.
However, as Roadhog went to accelerate, the engine cut off.
“Shit.” Roadhog grunted, Junkrat staring at him. “We gotta walk.”
“Fuck, where’s the money?” Junkrat asked, as they jumped out. Roadhog gestured to the large potato sack he grabbed out of the boot, hefting it with one hand easily despite the fact it was filled to the brim. Junkrat simply nodded, and led the way. The two fugitives slipped into an alleyway.
“We got one of our safe houses this side of the city?” Junkrat asked as they jogged, glancing around every corner with unrestrained paranoia. Roadhog grunted.
“East Street, few blocks away.” Roadhog said, pointing towards the end of the alleyway. “Out this way.”
  The sound of sirens had disappeared, but Junkrat still couldn’t relax. He felt so on edge, as if the coppers would jump out on them any moment. He could tell Roadhog felt the same, his large friend tense, with his massive fists clenched.
They were not far from the safehouse, an abandoned apartment not far from the docks. The coast seemed clear, but as they turned the final corner out of the alleyway- they came face-to-face with a fully armed police barricade on the street. Junkrat glanced back- a small fleet of discreet copper cars blocking when they came from.
Both Roadhog and Junkrat glanced to eachother, they had faced worse odds, but this wasn’t going to be easy, or… clean.
“Drop your weapons and hands up!” An officer yelled into a microphone, and as if to enunciate his words, the guns pointed to them were cocked and loaded quite audibly. “Roadhog and Junkrat, you are under arrest-“
“Oh, will ya just shut it!” Junkrat cackled, hands inching towards his explosives. “We all know we ain’t going down easy- let’s just cut it short, eh?”
With that, Junkrat lobbed a mine which landed quite nicely on one of the copper trucks. Without hesitation he detonated it, causing a large explosion among the first line of vehicles. Coppers jumped out of the way, those who weren’t caught up in the explosion started to shoot.
Junkrat dodged out of the way of the bullets, finding a nice car to hide behind. He threw an array of bombs towards the cops, as Roadhog charged them with his massive shotgun. The coppers didn’t seem to know what to do at first, but gathered their wit and began focusing on Roadhog.
Junkrat noticed this.
“Oi, over here you fucking cunts!” Junkrat yelled, gathering attention of some of the officers. He grinned when some dared to come closer, in the distraction he planted a few mines in ground, in hope some dumb copper would step on it.
Five managed to.
“Hahaha, take that!” Junkrat cackled, not caring that some blood splattered on his crazed face. He looked around for Roadhog, only to find him being surrounded. Whilst Roadhog was very capable on taking on a group of armed men with just one hand, he looked injured, and quite heavily so.
Junkrat swore, and went to leave cover and blow up the wankers that dared try to hurt his friend. Roadhog fell to his knees, Junkrat saw red-
“Get out of here rat!” Roadhog roared, startling Junkrat. He froze, the urge to escape conflicting with protecting Roadhog.
In his moment of hesitation, a copper managed to sneak up behind Junkrat. Junkrat could barely react as he was pinned to the floor, but once he realised what was happening he began to fight back.
Junkrat snarled as he kicked the pistol out of the officer’s hand, the weapon sliding across the gravel a few paces away. Junkrat got to his feet, barely dodging a bullet that grazed his ear from behind. Turning to the offender- Junkrat realised he couldn’t spot Roadhog amongst the crowd of coppers that were beginning to advance on him.
“What did you cunts do ta him!?” Junkrat gritted his teeth, realising that he was becoming surrounded.
Junkrat swallowed heavily, his chest becoming tight with a familiar sensation.
“Ya better be alive, Roadie...” Junkrat whispered, throat tight. Finally Shifting.
It was a quick, painless transformation, and the suddenness of it gave Junkrat the opportunity to escape. It seemed the coppers didn’t expect it, as they looked around in a panic.
Junkrat scurried past them.
  The wail of sirens echoed through the streets, a signal for Junkrat to stay hidden. He was still in his shifted form, a small rat.
It made it easy to hide, and blend in with the cityscape. But it was starting to get too cold for his small body, Junkrat shivered as he hid underneath a dumpster.
He was more worried that the coppers now knew he was a Shifter, and whether Roadhog was still alive or if he had managed to escape.
The death of either of them was always a possibility, they lived life dangerously- with a large bounty on their head, and many authorities after them for so many reasons. But Junkrat always thought that if they were going to die, or be arrested, that it would be together.
And with a bang… Junkrat thought. The very idea that he may be alone again was terrifying. Junkrat didn’t want to even consider it. So he decided he would search all of their safe houses, knowing that if Roadhog got out of there, it was very likely he was holed up in one of them.
With that in mind, Junkrat peered out from under the dumpster, the sirens were beginning to die down- although he knew he was far from safe. As Junkrat scurried out of the tight space, something grabbed him.
  Junkrat stared up in horror, as a scruffy street cat pinned him to the ground.
  So… cold…
  Still in his small rodent form, shaking from the cold and the shock of the situation, Junkrat collapsed.
He had managed to escape from the hungry feline, but not without injury. It was laughable, he thought. That he managed to get away from a whole precinct of police with virtually little to none harm, but a skinny, mangled street cat nearly ate him alive.
Junkrat whimpered, letting out pathetic, small squeaks he couldn’t control. He didn’t have the energy to change back, too focused on the pain of bleeding out, the ever biting cold that seeped into his very bones…
Is this how the infamous Junkrat really goes..? Junkrat thought, and if he could, he would laugh. Maybe cry too, if he had the energy.
Closing his eyes, Junkrat let out a ragged breath. He was losing consciousness fast, and if he had held on for longer, he might’ve noticed the silhouette of man approaching him.
  “Hey little buddy.”
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