#this is trash i am so sorry
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lotus-slumbers · 4 months ago
— Yandere! Batfam would never hurt you. The world would sooner burn down or the sun would go out. Either way, you wouldn't have to worry. They'd hold you close, keep you warm and safe. That was what they liked to believe.
— The dreams that most would take as nightmares but to them turned into something more biblical, like visions sent to warn them of the dying of the human race— or, worse, just you— clouded there judgement for months up until that fateful day.
— Yandere! Batfam thinks, maybe, just maybe, if they had thought with a clearer mind, you could have been saved. You wouldn't have fallen from such a great height and sunk like a stone, into the bottom of the sea.
— Yandere! Batfam wouldn't have brought you there with them at all, if they weren't so paranoid. So hell-bent and sure of themselves.
— Yandere! Batfam jumped in after you, into the icy water but you were already gone. In the dark, under prepared. They spent hours out there in search for you, until daylight and until dusk again.
— Yandere! Batfam knows that you were never meant to be there in the first place. The blame is fully on them but none of them want the crushing guilt resting fully on their own chest, so everyone's at each others throat like starving dogs, fighting for a bone that— that doesn't even exist. Being guiltless, being clean after what just happened.
— Maybe it turns into something more like a fight for territory in the end, after time passes and they know you are gone for good.
— The vision of who you were, contorting and twisting and being molded into something other each day when someone else says something. A story of who you were that doesn't match their narrative of every member of Yandere! Batfam.
— Yandere! Batfam all had slightly different versions of you inside of their head. All perfect, of course, but different. They don't want their perfect vision of you to be tampered with when it's all they have left of you.
— Jason leaves immediately, cursing God and Bruce. Spitting venom at anyone he can and in the privacy of the hide out he runs to, himself. He turns to bad habits quickly.
— A few others follow his lead, just a few weeks later. One by one, half of the Yandere! Batfam split apart and the remaining few who still live in the same home start to feel dead themselves.
— It's been a long time since it's been this quiet in the manor. Everyone in Yandere! Batfam looks sick and pale, like a bunch of ghosts living out the same day over and over again.
— Although they still fight for what they believe in, to save the innocent, to protect Gotham, they're much more like walking dead now. Gotham's cursed protectors, rising every night and dying every morning.
— Something broke in Yandere! Batfam that day. Of course it did.
— If they ever managed to figure out you weren't stuck at the bottom of the ocean, that you had survived and this had all been one cruel plan you had careful devised throughout the year they had you?
— Yandere! Batfam wouldn't stop their hunt for you, like blood sniffing hounds ready to go all the way to the gates of hell to retrieve you. Even further, into the depths of hell, if need be.
— They were bad before, (Y/n), but now something is BROKEN inside of them.
— You must remain as dead as the bottom of the sea, if you ever wish to remain free...
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dathen · 2 years ago
Victorians in general: Eh Dracula is trash, we like The Beetle better ://
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askdrunkjimmy · 1 month ago
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When I got it Curly said "It looks like three G's" so I broke his fucking nose.
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jade-of-mourning · 4 months ago
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finished (please reblog that one!)
don't know shit about this fandom but my friend showed me the youtube videos and i was like oooooo… i have no idea what kinger looks like.
anywho; sketches. will probably clean these up & color properly at some point bc jax got so stretched that he is approximately 3 pixels now. but until then i figured i'd just put it out here bc i have to do college instead of drawing now!
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redbootsindoriath · 5 months ago
Oh look what day it is again!
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Happy Hobbit Day to all who celebrate! Here's a rushed doodle to assure you guys that I am in fact still out there somewhere on earth.
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mayhasopinions · 2 years ago
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i may be really reaching here but when crowley says 'who tried very hard to kill you, to cast you into hellfire and destroy you', that's the only reason he gives to hating gabriel. he's not willing to give this clearly ditzy and amnesic archangel a single chance because he was involved in aziraphale's execution and he clocked that he's a generally shitty guy. he doesn't say 'he's an asshole' or anything like that, it's the only reason he gives.
plus, he says 'he's not OUR friend'. He could have easily said 'he's not YOUR friend', but gabriel's actions was an attack on crowley as well as aziraphale, as crowley was the one to stand in the burning bookshop, thinking that his angel had been killed, and was ordered to step into hellfire in a cutthroat manner posed as aziraphale. it gets to the point to the point where aziraphale, the one who was attempted to be executed and has been pushed around by gabriel all his life, gives gabriel more slack than crowley, who only knows gabriel off of the fact that a. he tried to kill azi b. he's been treating azi badly for millenia
plus, we don't know if he knew gabriel before he fell from heaven, and if he did, he doesn't mention it in the 'why gabriel is a bad person so he should not be our adopted son 101' mini presentation, so if he did know gabriel before and gabriel was most likely part of the falling, he doesn't mention anything like 'i knew him before he was a dick', because the ONLY THING that matters to crowley is that gabriel's a dick to aziraphale, something that even AZIRAPHALE HIMSELF cast aside because he wanted to help gabriel, it doesn't matter what gabriel did to him, it doesn't matter that he inadvertantly tried to execute crowley, it only matters what he did to azi, and he's afraid that he'll do it again now he's back. crowley is so scared to lose aziraphale again it's insane also... 'precious, peaceful, fragile'... sideye
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overwatch-oven · 3 months ago
I'd like to make a formal apology to all support mains. I have just been informed Venture cannot be healed while burrowing. My bad. I am so sorry. My brain is just. So smooth. Tysm.
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malarkgirlypop · 1 year ago
He's the Boss Part 1(Bull Randleman x F!Reader)
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Guys I don't know how I feel about this. Ah! There is a second part, yay, but let me if this one is good. If it's not I can write another one. IDK ahh having imposter syndrome. I feel like it's not good, which makes me sad. I was so excited for the story. I feel bad if it's trash cause I hyped it up. Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the people involved.
I stifle my laughter seeing Perconte’s small figure clinging onto the back of Bull. Poor Perco got shot in the ass, and George owed me a fiver. I made my way over to the radio-man already grinning at him. He rolled his eyes knowing what I was smiling about. 
“I’m not making any more bets with you Y/N!” He huffed, coughing up the cash. I pocketed it with a chuckle. 
“You say that every time Luz!” I told him. 
“What can I say, I'm a gambling man.” He grinned at me, as I gave him a playful elbow. He slapped me on the back as we walked to the house we made our base. We were all weary from the long stay in Bastogne, it was one of the hardest stints I’ve had in the paratroopers. We lost a lot of good men. However there was some relief, we had finally taken Foy. Which was one of the attacks we had been dreading for a while. I think we were all ready for a break but it wasn’t to be, ordered to go forth and take more towns that the Germans occupied. But for tonight we finally had a roof over our head and some proper shelter from the freezing cold. 
We made our way into the house, the men quickly claiming their spots on the floor with their gear. Luz fortunately was thoughtful enough to save me a spot beside him. 
“How’s your ass Perco?” I asked as we stepped over the man who was lying on the floor being tended to by Gene. 
“Never had any complaints!” He retorted quickly, sending Luz and I into hysterics. Bull rested next to him, keeping him company. I straighten. “Sir.” I said, clearing my throat. He glanced at me unamused at my antics. 
The Sergeant had never liked me. I’m not sure why, maybe because I mucked around with Luz all the time. I was serious when I needed to be but more often than not I was getting into mischief. Bull had never said anything to me or scolded me. But his disappointed stare was all he needed to send in my direction to send me running with my tail between my legs. He intimidated me. someone that large was intimidating, he didn’t have to say a thing. 
“Give me your smokes, Y/N.” George nudged me as we got comfy on the floor. 
“No way! People pay good money for these!” I shook my head. I didn’t smoke like everyone else, which meant I could use the packs to my advantage. I would trade and sell them to the other men when they ran out. I had gotten a lot of neat things by trading my packs. But George, who smoked like a chimney, was always bugging me for freebies. 
“Oh come on Y/N!” He pouted. 
“Fine! Fine! You’re a dick you know that.” He grinned happily as I handed him one of the hoarded packs I had in my bag. Picking one out he quickly lit it, puffing away. He offered me the smoke to which I shook my head. 
“Where do you think Bull gets all his Cigars? I mean those aren’t part of the ration packs are they?” I asked, watching the man, he always had a cigar hanging from his lips. It always baffled me where they came from.
“Eh, I don’t know, never thought about it.” George shrugged. 
“George, you don’t think about anything.” I said knocking on his skull proving my point that it was empty up there. 
I watched Bull curiously. He was one of the quieter men in the company. He liked to sit and watch, rather than join in on the shenanigans. But whenever he did speak everyone hung on his every word. Even if it was only one comment it would be the funniest comment of the whole night. That would have everyone keeling over in laughter. He would just grin. When I first met the man I assumed he would be a brute, a man of that stature was surely big and scary. But he was kind and soft spoken in his thick country accent. No one really took too kindly to me though in the beginning, I was a replacement, and a female one at that. They all avoided me, scattered when I walked into a conversation, like I was infectious. After weeks of trying to prove my worth to the original Easy company men, I had befriended George. Well I say befriend, he says bribe. If he talked to me for more than a couple of sentences I would give him some smokes. So at first he would only talk to me to get smokes, but he found that we were similar and had become good friends. Always joking and laughing. He still says he only hangs out with me for the free smokes. But it’s ok I have him trained well. Bull was one of the ones who still hadn’t warmed up to me, I seemed to be able to make friends with the rest of the men. But the tall man was an enigma. If he was so kind and gentle, why did he dislike me so?     
Gun fire pelted down on our position as we crouched behind a rock wall. Every time I poked my head up to see if the cost was clear the shooting would start again. 
“Goddammit they got us pinned.” I yelled over the noise to the men I hid with. 
We needed to move forward into the town for this attack to be successful. It was currently not going the way we had planned. 
“Shifty!” I called our sharpshooter over to help me. 
“I need you to take out that sniper!” He nodded looking over the wall, only for us to flinch back as the machine gun fired on our position. 
“I can’t, not with him firing at us like this!” I sighed, racking my brain for a way we could distract them. 
“You’ve had an idea.” Shifty said, watching my face as if he had seen the mental light bulb go off in my brain. 
“Don’t let him shoot me Shifty!” I said to him, he gave me a curt nod. I shuffled my way to the end of the wall, I took a deep breath. I stood up from my position, sprinting forward. The sniper was on me in seconds, bullets landing close to me, I could feel them whooshing past my face. Anytime now Shifty. I thought as I ran as fast as I could, the sniper barely missing me each time. I looked back over my shoulder to our original position, I could see Shifty but he wasn’t shooting. He motioned to one of the other men for another gun. Oh shit! Not looking where I was going, I stumbled, falling forward onto my hands and knees. Oh fuck! I was now a sitting duck, fun fact it’s easier to hit a still target than a moving one, which right now I currently am. I groaned out in pain as one of the bullets finally hit its target, lodging itself in my arm. 
“Y/N!” I heard booming across the open field. “Get your ass moving!” Bull and his men hunched behind a broken down car. I got to my feet, making my way quickly over to where Bull was. The Sniper was hot on my tail, hitting the ground I had just left behind me. So close, so close! I dove forward, careening into Bull’s open arms. He caught me, but the force at which I flew was stronger than we both expected, as we fell back in a heap on the ground. I panted, my lungs burned from the effort. I sighed in relief at being safe again. I pushed myself off of the man, clearing my throat in an awkward way. 
“Thank you Sarge!” I said straightening myself, and putting my helmet back on my head. 
“What the hell were you thinking private, are you trying to get yourself killed?” Bull yelled angrily at me. My eyes widened. I don’t think I have ever heard him use that tone of voice with anyone. I flushed with embarrassment. 
“I was just a distraction for Shifty.” I replied, my voice slightly shaky. 
“Don’t ever do that again, you hear!” He reprimanded me. I nodded my head, tears welling in my eyes. It was one thing to be told off, but to be scolded by the Sergeant that never raised his voice at anyone, was humiliating. 
“We’re moving out, Y/N you’re with us now!” I didn’t have time to be upset, we were in the middle of an assault, for christ sake. I took a breath, gathering my thoughts. I followed behind Bull’s team of men. 
The assault was a success. I had found Shifty afterwards to ask him what had happened. His gun got jammed, he did eventually get the sniper with someone else's gun. We finally had cleaned up the town and were getting ready for the night. 
“Y/N I heard you were up to no good today. Being told off by Bull.” George grinned at me punching me in the shoulder. 
“OW!” I flinched away holding my arm, George laughed, then realised the tears in my eyes. 
“Oh shit, Y/N are you ok?” He looked concerned, tears spilling down my cheeks. 
“I got shot, I forgot. I had so much adrenaline, I guess I didn’t feel the pain.” We had been so busy, and I was so caught up in my own head about Bull yelling at me I completely forgot I had been injured.  
“You forgot? Medic!” George looked shocked. Gene rushed over quickly, as everyone also looked. It was late in the evening to declare a wound. 
“What happened?” Gene asked, also confused. 
“She got shot and apparently forgot.” George tells the medic. 
“Come on.” Gene moves me to a more private room, away from everyone else. I take off my jacket and top, leaving me in my white t-shirt. I lift the sleeve to expose the wound. I look down at my arm which is covered in dried blood down to my wrist. The bullet hole itself looked red and angry, a perfect circle had been punched into my skin. 
“The bullet is still in there.” Gene said as he assessed the laceration. “I have to get it out, or it could cause infection. It’s going to hurt.” I nodded defeated. I watched him pick up big tweezers, and my stomach dropped. I turned away when he moved towards the wound with the instrument. Not wanting to see him plunge them into my skin. I winced, trying my best not to make any noise. I bite on my lip, trying to remain as still as possible for the medic. I gripped onto my leg, digging my nails into my flesh. My eyes shot open when I felt my hand being taken off my leg and squeezed. To my surprise Bull sat in front of me clasping my hand in his. It caught me so off guard I forgot I was trying to be quiet. 
“AHH.” I yelped as I felt Gene twisted the tweezers in my skin. I gripped onto Bull’s hand tightly. 
“Sorry Y/N, almost there, you’re doing good.” Gene muttered as he concentrated. 
“Breath, Y/N!” Bull ordered, I hadn’t noticed but I was holding my breath as Gene worked. I gulped in air. Bull nodded, reassuring me. My cheeks were wet with my tears. 
“Got it!” I heard the bullet clatter into the metal kidney dish Gene had with him. I sigh with relief, thankful the ordeal was over. He finished the dressing, leaving Bull and I in the room by ourselves. I didn’t speak, feeling awkward. 
“Y/N I wanted to apologise for today.” Bull started, in his low country drawl. It was so smooth and silky, I’m sure if he read me a bedtime story I would be asleep in seconds. 
“I only reacted like that because I was concerned.” I laughed, his brows furrowed with my reaction. 
“You were concerned about me?” I asked unsure if I had heard him correctly. 
“Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?” He asked, genuinely confused. 
“Well, you hate me.” His eyebrows shot up, surprised by my accusation. 
“I don’t hate you. Who told you that?” He leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knees. He looks pissed. 
“No-no one, I just thought.” Saying this out loud to him now makes me feel stupid. 
“You just thought what?” He squints at me, tilting his head for emphasis. 
“You always glare at me.” I defend myself. “And you don’t talk to me.” 
“You avoid me!” He counteracts. “You run away from me.” 
“Well because…” He waits for my answer. 
“I think there has been some miscommunication between us, don’t you think?” I nod. 
“Well Y/N I can tell you now I certainly don’t hate you, in fact I quite like you. You’re good for the men, especially George, someone needs to keep him on a leash.” My mouth falls open, never in a million years would I have expected those words to come from Bull’s mouth. “I think we got off on the wrong foot. I will admit I was weary of you in the beginning. But that was because you were a replacement and the men we have had in the past have not been the best soldiers. You on the other hand, you did good.” I felt my face flush, I wanted to pinch my cheek, surely I was dreaming. Bull’s laughter shocked me, big and booming it filled the small room we sat in. It was rich in tone, just like his voice. I liked his laugh. 
“Don’t look so shocked, darling!” He chuckles, he pulls his gun from the floor, opening the butt of it. From the compartment he pulls his signature cigar, he lights it, inhaling deeply as it glows a cherry red. He blows out the smoke, leaning back in his chair. 
“I think I’ve sent you into shock.” He joked, pulling me from my surprise. 
“I just-I don’t think I have heard you speak so much in one go.” He laughs again, a smile forms on his lips. My heart fluttered, it felt nice to make him laugh. 
“Y/N get off George, the poor man can’t breathe.” Bull said from behind me, he had walked in on me attacking George, poking him in his sides until he couldn’t breath from laughing. He had been teasing me insistently about Babe having a crush on me. Babe did not have a crush on me. We were friendly and that’s all it was, but George liked to wind me up. I stood up giving Bull a toothy grin as he shook his head, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Bull, thank god you came, I thought she was about to kill me.” I sent a look to George, it wasn’t a threat but a promise that I would get him again if he wasn’t careful.    
“Look at her, those eyes, she’s a killer I tell you.” George pointed at me. Bull chuckled. 
After I had figured out that Bull in fact did not hate me like I suspected, we turned into close friends. We were polar opposites but we worked well together. I was a chatter-box and he was a listener. But I could get him to say more than any of the other men in the company could. He had the most interesting stories. I would listen intently as he spoke, sometimes getting distracted, just listening to his voice. His velvety rich accent always gave me goosebumps, so I would get him to talk as much as I could just so I could hear him speak. I found that he was just a big teddy bear. Very country boy, raised on manners and good faith. I liked to call him Ferdinand the bull off of the cartoon of the sweet bull who would rather sit and smell flowers than fight. It perfectly encapsulated the Sergeant. He was so gentle in everything he did. I didn’t want to admit it but I had grown quite attached to him, and differently to the other men of Easy. I made all the men laugh all the time, sure it felt good. But when Bull laughed at my jokes, I felt giddy. When he smiled at me my heart fluttered. I have never felt this from anyone. But I was sure it was just because I looked up to him, and not literally. He was my boss so of course I wanted to impress him. 
“Bull, we are going to one of the pub’s tonight are you coming?” I sidled up to the man as he walked. His eyes flick down to look at me, as he puffs on his cigar. I smiled up at him. 
“Sure I will, just because you asked.” I grin, I hold onto his arm giving it a squeeze. 
“Alright, get to your task, Y/N.” He shoos me away with a small smirk. 
“Yes Sir.” He laughs as I salute him walking away. 
“Is he coming?” George asks from behind me, I turn, nodding my head. “See I told you he would come if you asked!” He wiggles his eyebrows. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” I scoff mocking offence. 
“Oh please, you two are smitten with each other!” I glare at him, as he stares at me with wide eyes. 
“George you think I’m smitten with everyone, five minutes ago you said that Babe and I had something with each other.” I point out to him as we walk to help with the stock take. 
“But I actually mean it with you and Bull. I have seen the way you two look at each other.” He pouts, fluttering his eyelashes, pretending to be me. I shake my head, shoving him. 
“Ok if it's about how we look at each other, then you and that hershey bar you were eating the other day were totally in love.” I mimic the way he ate the bar, moaning with each bite. 
“You’re not wrong, that hershey bar really rocked my world.” He grinned at me. 
“You’re gross.” But we crack up laughing.   
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illicien · 2 years ago
Every so often I see... interesting takes about Zemo that leave me questioning if we... all saw the same stuff.
Like, you know he commanded a death squad before his fam even died, right? This man is not a good dude. Sure, maybe it was in the name of his country but also... his country was a shit show and he said as much.
So I am absolutely perplexed by the number of "he wouldn't do x" and "why does everyone make him so toxic" kinds of things. He actively waterboarded Vasily Karpov like one of the first times we saw him. He was put in the RAFT because he is a fucking terrorist.
This feels like another one of those things I guess that reminds me of Hannibal. Him being polite doesn't make him any less of a cannibal. You can be both polite and a bad person.
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viridian-house · 7 months ago
Do you have any favorite naruto fics you’d recommend? Any pairing, complete or not, on-hiatus, gen, oneshots, anything is fine lol
I was legitimately just pruning my bookmarks the other day!! thank you so much for asking.
I don't read too much fanfic these days, and I'm picky when I do--only about grammar/punctuation and immersion though. I ship a LOT of stuff (I guess The Youth would call me a proshipper) and although I never read darkfic, I don't shy away from weirder kinks and unhealthy relationship stuff.
categorizing by pairing, if applicable. some of them are smutty, and please note that the first 3 come from FFN which doesn't have a tagging system, but there is some SA CW I'll give in advance.
KAKASAKU | my first OTP! formative fics that totally reshaped my understanding of what fanfiction could be, and how well-written chemistry can make it or break it
HOUSE OF CROWS is the quintessential kakasaku fanfic. it was written during shippuden and so is canon divergent because of that, but also tells a comprehensive story of its own right that is intriguing and well planned. excellent characterization and world building. leaves me gutted in the best way on my yearly reread.
DUTY BEFORE HONOR is another silvershine classic. I don't reread is as often as House of Crows but they are just about equal in quality. again, the chemistry between them is off the charts, and the world feels so alive.
WILL OF FIRE for me is up there with House of Crows in being essential kakasaku reading. cynchick is a multisaku champion and a wonderful storyteller. the stakes in this one are stressful, the romance tense and believable, and we once again get lovely world building and great chemistry.
ITAKISA | a pairing near and dear to me, because men who do everything wrong are so deeply relatable. they both know they don't deserve anything good ever again but they found each other!!!! ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS--
A SHARK HIDDEN INN THE LEAVES doesn't have my favorite version of Kisame, but he's plenty close enough. it's a lengthy oneshot that got me into certain *ahem* kinks. it is a very fun and wild fic that is entirely self-aware of how absurd it's being, and manages to have nothing but sincerity at the same time (and I highly recommend the author's other stories as well)
AN ORCHESTRA PLAYING ON, INSANE is a modern AU (extremely rare in my bookmarks) that absolutely tore my heart out. god is it SO much to ask for these losers to be happy?! yes, it is, and I love every moment of it
MADAMITO | a rarepair I am SUCH a sucker for that has some of the most talented authors writing for it. lots of them have ot3 elements between them and hashirama, often angsty, but stuff like that is part of the appeal for me, lol
A HANDFUL OF SKY is an unfinished fic that I genuinely think about like once a week. if it ever updates then I will be over the moon. technically hashimadamito but it hadn't quite gotten there yet
LIKE ALTARS is just such a beautiful piece of writing, mostly on madara. it is everything, that is all
BLOOD AND RIVER WATER is more mito-centric but has one of my favorite madaras of all time
YOURS ARE RATTLED BONES is another short, mito-centric but gut-wrenching piece featuring the opposite type of madara from the last one
OTHER | character-centric stuff that isn't necessarily shippy but also doesn't have a very "gen" vibe either?
A SERPENT IN THE RICE is a little series about orochimaru that makes me feel so so so many things. highly recommended
HERETIC is such a love letter to kushina, and kurama too. cannot stress enough how much I adore this one
there's a few others that I probably won't link on tumblr, mostly unhealthy and/or "problematic" smut hhfhdj but maybe I'll make a public rec list on ao3 for these different categories and stuff like that.
but yeah that's pretty much it!!! I know it's not a huge list with a lot of variety but it's what I've enjoyed over the last 15+ years in the naruto fandom.
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jade-of-mourning · 8 months ago
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to see the next part of the dream
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the-insanity-of-mojiru · 10 months ago
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How high is the rent in Nijigao City that MADGUY just decided they were going to play a 1000 IQ move and live in a secret base?
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brainrot-mx · 1 year ago
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(the unstuck pant leg makes his legs look a lil weird but that's alright👍)
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firelise · 23 days ago
I think this might be my favorite QL show this year i hate to say it
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the-one-that-weeps · 4 months ago
Apologies for the timing of this but I found this incredibly interesting and evil decision colorpalet has done for the new anni commission.
Kanade and Tsukasa's lyric distribution parallel one another and they swap
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Colorpalet stop making everything about Niigosho parallels challenge /j
NIIGOSHO PARALELLS.... you also sent me this on the day when I was rereading my own niigosho fanfic inspired by an au.
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year ago
Was looking at some bootleg sites lately to see if I could find some weird stuff, but I found bootlegged merch of a legit collab from Pop Mart with the reboot designs (I know, it has the original logo on this graphic, but every other product uses the reboot logo and once again they don’t know what they’re doing with the branding 😭) and I SWORE it must have been bootlegged.
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these are just ugly as hell like what????
And I mean, there are some actual cool figurines from Pop Mart, but these are just…….. so gross, not even good bootleg kind of gross. I hate this.
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