#this is theoretically for you but you'll probably hate it
justawhitewall · 2 years
mirages of you [chapter 1/3, 12.9k]
After dying, becoming the Warrior Nun, and blowing up the goddamn Vatican to escape the devil himself, it's in a small apartment hidden in the Alps on a random Tuesday that Ava's life truly begins again (and again, and again).
Read on Ao3
for @gohandinhand's birthday :)
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genericpuff · 1 month
And so the titan finally falls.
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Its corpse will be hung on display for the public's gawking until August 29th, after which it will be sent into the lockup known as Daily Pass, where completed series go to die.
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Okay, all jokes aside though, this day was always coming so if you're unfamiliar with Daily Pass, here's the gist of how it works:
Any Originals series completed on Webtoons is eligible to go into their Daily Pass library. Any income made from this system is, theoretically, meant to go to the creator, but I say theoretically because we don't know what the split is between creators and WT's, and if there's any sort of Minimum Revenue Threshold shenanigans like with FastPass that would prevent a creator from receiving their share. That said, there are creators who have confirmed that Daily Pass is meant to help creators profit off their works after they're completed, so we at least know that.
As for how Daily Pass works:
Once behind Daily Pass, the majority of episodes (save for the first several episodes to give people enough content to get hooked on) are re-locked and only available under any of the three following conditions:
a.) Once per day you get one Daily Pass ticket per Daily Pass series to unlock any locked episode from that respective series. Meaning if you spend a Daily Pass ticket on Lore Olympus, you don't get another ticket to use for Lore Olympus for the day, but you'll still have a ticket to use for any other series you haven't unlocked yet that day. Ticket unlocks remain unlocked for 14 days, after which the episode will be locked again;
b.) If you have already spent your one Daily Pass ticket on a series you're reading but you REALLY want to read more episodes and don't want to wait until tomorrow, you will have the option to either pay for episodes with coins (which, unlike the Daily Pass ticket, is a permanent unlock) or use Ad Pass on eligible episodes (this is a temporary unlock like the Daily Pass ticket, but is only applied for THREE DAYS unlike the 14 you get from the Daily Pass ticket);
c.) Any episodes you FastPassed from a series original run are permanently unlocked, so if you were someone who paid for episode unlocks of LO every week, then congrats! None of those previous qualifications apply to you and you can re-read the series to your heart's content! You win at Daily Pass!
Now if you got through all that and are now thinking, "why is this so confusing???" don't worry, you're not alone! Readers fucking hate this system! I can't wrap my head around how it's in any way profitable for the creators when the people who are willing to pay for it ALREADY FUCKING PAID AND DON'T HAVE TO PAY AGAIN and the people who AREN'T willing to pay for it probably didn't see it as worth paying for the first time around when the comic was still new and updating - so why in the world would they pay for it NOW when they could just use Daily Pass tickets once per day when they were already willing to wait each WEEK for free unlocks?
Granted, the coin cost on Daily Pass series are usually lowered to accommodate the fact that they're completed, but the reality is that many Webtoon readers are already pretty reserved when it comes to spending coins on the app. This is largely due to WT's demographic being predominantly made up of teenagers and children, and while that can make for great viewing metrics, it's not so great in turning around a profit, because kids and teens don't typically have disposable income to spend on webcomics, let alone disposable income that has to be paid through an app store which typically requires credit cards/Paypal/etc.
The bitter irony is that the audience that has the most time to burn on the app also have the least amount of money to go around. So oftentimes - at least from what I've observed after using the app for years - readers will often be VERY picky with what they put their coins towards. Which begs the question again but in a different light - why in the world would someone choose to spend coins from their limited allowance on the app on a completed series that was once available to read for free and technically still can be read for free through ads and Daily Pass tickets?
I realize I'm digressing quite a bit, but all of what I'm going off about is already being reflected in the reactions I've seen from fans of LO who aren't excited to see it go behind Daily Pass (at least, the part of the audience that's been informed, god knows there will be a huge chunk of people asking where tf LO went after it goes behind DP lmao). Daily Pass in and of itself is just a crappy, inconvenient way to re-read completed comics. Even if you opt to do the Daily Pass ticket system, that's still essentially turning the act of re-reading comics into a chore, as it restricts you from binge-reading episodes which you typically would want to do with a series that's already been completed. The concept of new episodes every day might sound appealing as it's more frequent than the original once-a-week schedule, but in practice, it can often have the opposite effect of ruining the reading experience by turning it into a daily task rather than a pass-time the reader can freely participate in at their own pace.
All that said, it will definitely be interesting to see how LO does once it goes behind that Daily Pass wall. I think at best it will probably see an influx of traffic in the coming weeks from the people who either want to re-read it one more time, or the people who never finished it in the first place and see this as motivation to do so (and yes, if you haven't finished LO yourself yet, absolutely do so if you want to see for yourself how it ends BEFORE it becomes an inconvenience LOL). After that though, it'll probably be entirely on the physical copies to drive future sales, but those are a long way away from being completed.
When all is said and done, August 29th will mark the true end of the LO era of Webtoons. If the series finale was a funeral, then this is the moment we set its ashes adrift in the sea and say our final goodbyes.
It certainly was a hell of a ride. The good, the bad, and the absolutely insufferable.
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hellsite-proteins · 3 months
Super Hexagon. Terry Cavanagh's motherfucking Super Hexagon. The most ludicrously difficult game known to this guy in a bird mask. The SPINNING. The COLORS. The SPEED. Theoretically, this bitchass video game is SIX MINUTES LONG. YET IT IS SO OBNOXIOUSLY DIFFICULT IT TOOK ME SO MANY YEARS. I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER. SO MANY YEARS. I MAY BE A HYPER HEXAGONER NOW, BUT IT WAS A FUCKING STRUGGLE!!!!!!
why. why am i so entranced by the game. I'm hypnotized like a chicken with it's head on the ground, staring at a line. The spinning. It grips me in it's rotations, the dopamine surging through me with every new record despite the oh so inevitable squishing of the triangle by the walls closing in so imminently, a constant dance of evasion and unpreventable death. GAME OVER. AGAIN. GAME OVER. AGAIN. GAME OVER. AGAIN. it is driving me insane, but yet i love it.
Blasting chiptunes, patterns to memorize, heart thumping pace and the sheer chaos is so delicious. Controls buttery smooth, mind zoning out. Accept your courtesy, sharpen your hearing to the announcer, and focus. Focus with all of your mind. It spins so fast it makes no sense, but if you focus, you can see the patterns and how you need to move or you'll die. But yet, this is the most exquisite form of entertainment to me. About speed, grace under pressure, chasing further and further high scores, and it never gets tiring.
I do not have a love-hate relationship with this game. Unlike a rage game, i do not out of spite, this is by no means a rage game, but out of how spectacular and delicious the sheer sensory barrage is, and the thrilling chase of a new high score, a new dopamine rush. I love you Super Hexagon, game of focus and reaction.
are you doing okay?
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
this one looks similar to a lot of the other large proteins on this blog, which means it looks terrible. nothing is quite as compact as it should be and we barely have any secondary structure to speak of. if anyone ever makes a cursed structure bingo, long unstructured loops encircling half the protein should be on there. the similarities between the larger structures suggest to me that the patterns in the english language are wildly different from the patterns of sequences found in real proteins, which is probably why these things tend to get worse as they get bigger.
predicted protein structure:
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etoilesbienne · 10 months
hello hello! anon from earlier here ^^ yeah I meant characters bc rpf and cc shipping is a bit weird to me. Then again, I did just ask a stranger about the popular consensus on shipping minecraft men so maybe my opinion doesn't really matter here. Anyway, do you know the vod when ppl were saying marry him in chat? If not do you know what was happening in the scene? I want to go watch it! ty ty!!
yeah no i figured! i added the disclaimer so other people wouldn't misunderstand LOL
anyway, i theoretically could find the etoiles vod but i hate how etoiles's vod archive works (why are they split up in parts. whyyyyy.) so i'm grabbing from bbh's archive. but anyway, cross referencing from this post
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the vod moment is right here!
it goes from about 1:29:55 to 1:31:55 or so!
tbh i recommend watching the whole interaction of etoiles and bbh in this vod if you want starhalo content. it was like landmine after landmine of just the most gay nonsense i have ever seen. "badboy you can do whatever you want, just promise you'll never betray me" "badboy, all along who was right?" and more. they start interacting at about 47:30. highly recommend. probably one of the best starhalo vods of all time ever.
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milliemuus · 8 months
The True Mochi Mayhem (still thinking of canonity):
Kieran: ok, he’s almost down Millie, we can do this!
Millie: Right!
*the rest of the friends cheer them on*
PV! Pecharunt: …you really think you can stop us?
*smoke bellows out, from the smoke there are voices*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: Well, Lookie here!
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: It seems the runt has a little speech prepared,
@alatlus Pecharunt: You done with monologues?
*The fight begins*
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: Toil on, but, you shall fall,
PV! Pecharunt: Malice black as tar, our toxins, will corrode all!
Azure Dive Pecharunt: It’s quite amusing as the light of hope fades from existence,
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: With our mere chain we’ll quash the struggle of your last resistance!
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: Toxins of shadow…
@alatlus Pecharunt: …Conquest sears
Azure Dive Pecharunt: As the sovereign of fear,
PV Pecharunt: Tears away, your whole veneer!
All of the Pecharunts:
Who are you, To think that you could defy That which rules the night? We will bring forth your demise! So says us! And as the final spark of hope dies, Toxins shall swallow the land. Gales of miasma sweep life under black sand, And yet you stand up the miasma cloud, We’ll crush you by our own hands, We’re the soul of hate: ANNIHILATE! PV Pecharunt:
You'll bend the knee before us Like those other worthless cattle. As this whole world submits Locked tight within our toxic shackles!
Kieran & Carmine:
Yeah, yeah, that's nice and all, But I'm sick of your useless prattle! Put up your dukes, you fools So square up for the final battle!
(Basically, this is Au of what if Pecharunt won and recruited other Pecharunt that are the main antagonist, basically, other Aus Pecharunt. They are all the leaders of a new evil team for reasons I can’t disclose the name.)
(Also, this is just my imagination of what if all of these guys teamed up? Also, the leaders don’t have a ‘leader’ among them since they rotate being the leader but PV! Pecharunt is the leader most of the time since he was the one (I think) who trains the group, they all get along very well one another and arguments rarely happen, they are also a force to be reckoned with as they can all take down the Tao Trio with ease)
(Also, what they’re all saying are lyrics of ‘The Grand Finale by MOTI and Juno Songs, credits to them)
He's also secretly wondering what happens to Millie in each one, unaware that PV is really the only timeline that Millie exists in (theoretically)
He wants to keep his friends safe, that's for sure. Makes me wonder if PV!Pecha would see him and kinda antagonize him, vaguely hinting at possessing him in his own timeline. I coukd also see PV!Pecha leading them on, simply because it has a childlike arrogance to it. It would probably run the other Pechas like a clan (Think of Momotaro and the Edo Period)
Also I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT ONE YET, BUT ANOTHER JUNO SONGS FAN? HELL YES! Speaking of Mario, a lot of my stuff is inspired by BIS, which you esp already know
That being said, before Pecharunt's insides were revealed to us, I had thought abt making PV!Pecharunt looking like one of the bosses ftom BIS, or maybe the Dark Star, but could never visualize a design
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dragon-communion · 2 months
I need to hear more about Godwyn's dragon age (DA2 if you will lmao) because while I know he TECHNICALLY gets an age, I've always found it very dissatisfying since Fia's thing isn't *really* about restoring death tbh and TWLID simply looks to be a horrific state of existence. Making that be a normalized state does not look to be helping the world in the slightest.
Honestly agreed. I would actually argue that Duskborn isn't Godwyn's ending at all- it's specifically Fia's.
Fia doesn't really have a plan for structural and systemic change. She knows who she is and how she's been affected by the current order- as Tarnished, she identifies pretty closely with the undead, and I can see why. What's the difference between our grace-given resurrection and the way skeletons respawn? We were dead, and will eternally die- likewise deathroot came for the dead, who will eternally die unless "weeded".
On top of that, Fia is functionally a surrogate mother for dead people. It's easy to take that concept and make it bigger. Plus, she was 100% part of a cult and never really unpacked that worldview. The Duskborn ending isn't about Godwyn, it's about Fia's decision to be a mother to the dead on a massive scale. She didn't choose Godwyn because she liked who he was when he was alive, she chose him because he's the first of the dead. If you'll forgive my sense of humor, she 100% objectified that man. And, like many mothers, I think she's potentially blind to the idea that her children suffer by existing.
Duskborn is only about Godwyn inasmuch as it enables his body's primal urge to feed, grow, and flourish unceasing like an eldritch cancer. So. If we're going to construct some kind of actually Godwyn-centric ending, it'd have to take his personhood and desires into account.
The captain of the Ressurecting Godwyn squad is Miquella, but as far as I can tell he's given up despite rigorous effort. Maybe true resurrection or even rebirth aren't really possible. Since souls and runes seem to be entwined, I actually think that the reason Miquella couldn't find him is because the Cursemark of Death snatched his soul and incorporated it or something. There's no soul to call because it's already bound to something physical. Could just be obliterated, of course, but let me dream.
Option 1: we use the Cursemark of Death to restore Godwyn's soul, allying specifically with him instead of Fia. He's still infected with deathroot, but there's also a literal dragon in his head doing its best to fight that, so he could theoretically sustain a state of perpetual chronic blight the way Malenia does. He would also probably hate it as much as she does. Still, he seemed to be a compassionate guy who liked allies better than enemies, so I could see him actively making an effort to figure out if the undead like existence, and then based on that information figuring out a proper response. Highly superior undead rights ending for all my fellow goths out there.
Also, he probably actually knows how to be a king and manage resources/politics/humanitarian work post-Shattering, which the other ending options distinctly lack.
Option 2: we ally with Fortissax and weed Godwyn's deathroot. It would be very hard and suck very much and probably involve body horror worm vines or something. I don't think deathroot itself is conscious- I think it's just mindless growth, the instinct of an empty body, combined with the seed that needs growing: the fragment of Death itself propagating in his flesh. It fits pretty nicely with the themes of grafting and such in the game- even the Elden Ring is supported by a trellis. Regardless, we exorcise Godwyn- maybe it needs Destined Death, the true blackflame rune that the Cursemark spawned from, to properly do the job.
Here's where I get crazy. I think the other way to get Godwyn's soul back would be to burn the Cursemark, and/or his body. When you look at Death in Elden Ring, the faction pretty explicitly called just Death used to process bodies and souls via cremation. It'd be cool if we could bring the Twinbird into this, as a purer and more correct form of Death than the blight. Free him with fire, let him be reborn. Depending on how long that takes, Fortissax can step in as regent since it actually knew him and what he'd want better than anyone else.
Most of the dragons have been hunted to the ends of the earth, but with the warring Shardbearers out of the way and the kingdoms of men and dragons broken across the landscape, the most logical move is to try rebuilding. Fortissax is probably significantly more biased than Godwyn and I could see it setting up dragon lords all over the major centers of civilization. People need leaders, okay, and dragons are naturally leaders, obviously this is the correct idea. We can only hope Godwyn gets himself together fast enough to counterbalance Fortissax's idea of a functional and just empire.
Also Crucible influence comes back into fashion and the Omens are treated like proper citizens, because Godwyn likely had Crucible Knights directly in his service and I can't see why he'd have a problem with them. In a way, Godwyn's age would be a slight reversion to Placidusax's age, just with a lot more tiny squishy people.
Is it a perfect fix? No. Is it better than the other endings? Depends on your opinion of "better", really. It's a step backwards in some ways, a step forward in others. But it's still an ending I could realistically see Godwyn at the head of (with a heavy dose of Fortissax).
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reachartwork · 5 months
DEVLOG #7 lets talk about getting sick and dying
this devlog is more theoretical given that i havent begun implementation yet but i do feel very solid on the systems in question.
so, i've been thinking about how to make status effects and ailments in GITFD feel a bit more realistic and impactful than your typical JRPG fare. you know, where getting poisoned just means watching a little health tick away after each battle and then magically being cured when the fight's over.
i want players to really feel the consequences of their actions and the dangers of the dungeon. if you get poisoned, that's not just a minor inconvenience - it's a serious problem that's going to stick with you for a while. we're talking in-game hours or even days, depending on the severity. and it's not going away on its own either - you'll need to find the right cure or treatment to get back in fighting shape.
so in the game there is not one generic "poisoned" status - there are 12. there's also not one generic "sickness" status - there are another 12. each one shows up on the UI as "poisoned" or "ill". but they're all different, and they all have different symptoms, and they are all cured differently. or, if you have HP to spare, you can have your cleric party member cure it which will cause you to painfully vomit up all the toxins in exchange for a max hp reduction.
the intent is to reward preparedness and memorization. the first time you are bitten by the first stratum snake your character will convulse painfully and die as you attempt to apply antivenom made from bee stingers unsuccessfully. the second time you will go out of your way to lure in snakes and kill them for their venom glands so you can get antivenom.
plus, enemies are NOT immune to poison. you can, in fact, poison a snake with spider venom and vice versa. they're generally only immune when its their own venoms or if theyre something that logically cant be poisoned like ghosts or golems. i HATE when jrpgs give you the ability to utilize every status effect and then they just universally whiff on all the hardest enemies. stupid! stupid! no, if a boss has eyes you can blind it and if it is an animal that logically requires sleep you can magically put it to sleep. if you do not master the art of inflicting status effects right back on enemies you will die, over and over, hilariously.
anyway back to the symptoms. every poison/illness uses the same generic poison icon (i havent made one for illnesses yet but i will)
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that is, until you have successfully manually cured it at least once (without using the 'cure all poisons' spell), in which case you'll get a different icon representing what it is as well as an actually helpful tooltip. or you can read about it in an in-game book which will also identify it. how do you identify what poison is what? inflictor and symptomology. a mundane snake will only ever inflict you with mundane poisons like hemotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and cardiotoxins. you'll never recieve a corrosive, or a magitoxin, or a mycotoxin from a normal snake. so then you have to figure out which of the options it could be by observing symptoms. if the character begins randomly bleeding it's probably a hemotoxin, and generally a given enemy will reliably inflict the same form of status effects from run to run.
the intent here is to reward knowledge without doing the coffee break roguelite thing of "you are continually getting stronger through artificial means until you can just roll over the game" because that demolishes the game's natural difficulty curve. you get stronger in GO INTO THE FUCKING DUNGEON by getting smarter, and being more prepared, and carrying your knowledge from run to run.
all of the above applies to illnesses, too, like tetanus and sepsis. you can get lockjaw in this game. you can even get lyme disease.
this seems almost miserable to most neurotypical people i ask about this but to me this is the RPG i've always wanted to play. its like having an OSR dm locked up in my basement.
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amai-no-ura · 1 year
I was sorted as lion primary a few times by people and the quiz, but I have such an irrational hate to that answer, it comes near to saying I hate myself and that part of me that makes everyone say that. Kind of a lion response probably. Maybe it's the way I thought the lion should work, and where it should lead me in the end, and that not working out, I'm not sure. There's a lot of other houses in me, and I could theoretically claim any and live there comfortably, but that wouldn't be the truth. I might stl be a lion, maybe not in the best shape even, and that thought would never abandon me. I have little hope that my reaction is fair and I'm not actually a lion, so is there anything you would think I could do to lessen this reaction and try to appreciate this primary? Sorry for this ramble, ignore this if needed. Thank you for your time.
There is the only way, from my experience.
Go out and live. Questioning this, obsessing over it won't give you any satisfaction. Go out and experience thing. Find a cause to fight for whether that's your ambition, your self-improvement, your dream job, your journey, whatever that is. Go out there, fall in love, get your heart broken, meet more people and befriend them. Get yourself out there and meet the hardship of life, the bitter sweet taste of failure and learn from it. From every moment of life.
There is no shortcut to any of these problems. The only way you can know yourself is by living a full life. And a full life isn't to live in a dank cellar pondering on question like this. It is to go out there and experience what life has to offer, good and bad. That's how you'll learn to know yourself and maybe love yourself.
There is no magic pill that will make you love yourself more or tell you who you are. Only your courage to live and learn from life will open the way for you.
@wisteria-lodge I can't think of other Lion Primary, do you have any advice for this anon?
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hryniewiecki · 1 month
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up drawing everyone's favorite character (work in progress)
the idea is based on a Polish socialist realism poster thing - for now it only says 'REMEMBER' with the rest cut out, but I'll obviously translate the slogan if I finish the drawing (then you'll find out what it is that you shouldn't forget about) I wanted to do this for a very long time, because I can't get over how Jayce looks exactly like the type of idealized men that the socialist propaganda posters would depict, and I find it extremely funny not only that, but also the slogans that were used back when Polish People's Republic was a thing are now hilarious
I also can't unsee how he kinda looks like or has the same weird, kinda cursed(?) energy as Alex the Lion from Madagascar, so that's what I used for his head for now (it is also great at conveying all of the feelings I was feeling when spending hours on the drawing) I've had a 4 months break from art and (as always) ended up setting the bar way too high, so this will most likely take forever I hate how I have no idea what I'm doing, but instead of actually learning I'll be wasting hours trying to figure things out on my own and getting angry with myself, because everything takes so much time and still doesn't look any good - I really wish I could work on my skill consistently and learn like a normal person, maybe then I wouldn't be so far behind despite (theoretically) doing digital art for half of my life
anyway, that's probably how my posts are going to look like for the most part, because I need a place to ramble (I have no one to talk to), which I used to do a lot on insta story; still figuring out how to do this on Tumblr without scaring people off with walls of text
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fereldanwench · 7 months
Hiya Wench! <3
It's me, the chick who always wants you to explain things xD. I have another polite request (won't be upset if you decline, but I have to try).
I had an epiphany about my posts today - I tag for other people, not myself (twitter influence). And I realized I don't even know how to quickly get to some of the older posts.
And then I remembered your page and how it's all neatly organized xD I previously haven't realized all your tags were actually separating your posts into categories and such... I love it. I had some big brain moments today xD
Would you please have any quick tips (perhaps you already do have them on your blog, I just forgot how to display the blog with the template on) for how to get started with your own template and neatly organized posts you can always find? Maybe even some template creators and such?
I used to do HTML & CSS back in the day, but it's been a long while, I don't have that much time to do trial and error anymore, and any actual coding is out of the question for me. It's gotta be user-friendly. (Free would be best, but I'm ready to reward the work done.)
I'm loving it here now and I post A LOT... I'd hate to reach a point where I don't even know what's on my page anymore.
Thanks! <3
Hi, bb! 💙
I've been asked about this a few times, and I honestly never feel I have a good answer for it, haha. I just like organizing and categorizing things, honestly. Best I can do is share my thought process and a couple of handy tools--Hopefully that'll help give you some inspiration!
My tagging habits actually come from ancient Tumblr functionality--Back in the day, the search function didn't exist as it does now (in which it will (theoretically) scan the body and tags in the post), and you could only find posts if they were tagged in a certain way. Sometimes I wanted to post about game stuff, like Dragon Age, but I didn't want my post to appear in the main tag (because of fanwank hell) BUT I also still wanted to be able to find it later because my blog is for me first and foremost.
So I started using "s: dragon age" to gather all things related to Dragon Age (in which "s" in my mind stands for "series") and "g: dao" for posts specifically about Dragon Age Origins, "g: da2" for Dragon Age II/2, and "g: dai" for Dragon Age Inquisition. And if it was a post I did want to go into the main tags, like a GIF set or fanart, I'd use both the default tags (Dragon Age, Dragon Age Inquisition) and my personal ones for my own blog cataloging.
Tumblr search hasn't worked like this in years, but by the time it changed, I was already in this habit for a while so I've just kept doing it. I do change the way I organize stuff from time to time, and there are some tools that make that easier:
Xkit Rewritten This is a life-changer and has a ton of great features to improve your Tumblring experience, but the "Tag Replacer" specifically is awesome if you realize you want to change a tag en mass.
Tumblr Tag List Generator And this is really helpful if you need to do some tag wrangling and figure out what tags you've used. I periodically run my blog through this to catch inevitable typos in tags so I can change them, and see if I can consolidate any similar tags (e.g. catch if I was using both "g: da2" and "g: da ii" so I could figure out which one I liked more.)
As far as the organization itself and how I choose the categories, it's just vibes, haha. It's just how I catalog things in my brain. Which I know is probably unhelpful. Prefixes like "inspo: ###" and "shows: ###" are pretty self-explanatory. "extras: ###" is for the random stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else, like shitposts and cute animal pics. "topic: ###" is for more serious subjects and discussions, like LGBTQ+ issues. "mine: ###" is for the stuff I've made.
Two things I wish I had done a better job of is 1) organizing other people's OCs by fandom (if you visit me on Pillowfort, you'll notice I use tags like "other's ocs (cp77)" instead of just "other's ocs") and 2) separating my edits tag into a gifs and virtual photography tag. Calling all video game imagery "edits" is also sort of a holdover from Tumblr days of yore, but I wish I had made a distinction there. (I had never even heard the term "virtual photography" until about 2022, though, and I've been on Tumblr since 2010 so yanno. Whatever. This blog in particular is 8 years old, and I'm not sifting through thousands of posts just to amend that.)
And this is a mostly comprehensive list of all the tags I use, if you wanna see the categories and whatnot in action.
With regards to blog templates, I've actually decided to stop focusing on that here because Tumblr has increasingly become a more app-driven userbase, and the pretty blog templates are only visible on desktop. Tumblr also nuked a lot of functionality of the custom pages you can make, which is where I used to keep my tags displayed. I still have a custom theme, but it's pretty bare-bones compared to what I used to do. (Now I get my CSS fix working on my Neocities website, although that is very much still a WIP.)
But there are fortunately still a lot of folks keeping the custom Tumblr themes alive! You can browse some of my personal favorites under my tumblr: themes tag, and @theme-hunter is a fantastic resource to find free user-made templates.
Oh, and because Tumblr is pushing more for a generic and uniform app experience, you do have to opt-in to activate your custom blog. It's this option under your blog settings:
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And if you want to view someone's custom blog (if they have one), you'll have use the https://fereldanwench.tumblr.com/ URL. If you want to view the dashboard-like version of their blog, you'll have to use the https://www.tumblr.com/fereldanwench URL.
Hopefully this made sense and can give you some ideas to get started!
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arch-godenvy · 11 months
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name  serafin reyes nicknames  sera age  forty-three date of birth  september 27, 1980 zodiac  libra place of birth  el paso, texas current residence  manhattan gender  agender pronouns  they/them sexuality  bisexual occupation  psychiatrist
faceclaim  diego luna height  5'10 tattoos  none piercings  nonedistinguishing features  a look of comfort <3 is always in a big jacket or sweater and you cannot take that away from them. big sunglasses + a scarf or high collar or surgical mask covering the lower half of their face. scar from a bullet on the neck
positive traits  very good listener, accepting, empathetic negative traits  unfiltered, untrusting, very much currently at the end of their rope labels / tropes  anti-magic, brutal honesty, cool shades, death glare, magical eye, messy hair, reasonable authority figure likes  ummm later dislikes  also later. have mercy on me. fears  not knowing if what they're experiencing is real or not... hobbies  people watching mostly. also fucking their way out of strong emotions. habits  slutting it out. doodling while talking to people (oh you think theyre taking notes? absolutely not. thats flower #2793 today). absolutely terrible at concealing their facial expressions so thank god they wear sunglasses and try to hide their face.
near death experience… 
imagine this: finals week of your senior year of college. you hate yourself so you're doing a double major in psychology and sociology with a minor in criminal justice. school is kicking your ass. plus, you're working an on-campus job at the library (which really isn't so bad) & also acting as a research assistant to your favorite professor. hell, basically. whatever. it's fine.
you decide to cash in your final paycheck friday morning before your last final. normal things. until the horrors. how were you supposed to know that this was the day that the biggest bank robber group was planning to hit this branch? now you're going to be late for your final and have to repeat a semester because you failed.
or worse, you know, you could die.
there's a moment where everything you learned clicks. a guest lecturer last year from the fbi was talking about behavioral analysis and negotiation strategies and you immediately knew it wasn't your thing. but it could be. it's going to have to be.
despite what the robbers said, you stand up with your hands up in surrender from where you were kneeling with the rest of the hostages. you start running your mouth, trying to use the negotiation tactics the agent spoke about (later, you'll remember he said that it's only theoretical and shouldn't be done without practice and backup but if theory isn't applicable, then what's the point?). they listen. for a solid two and a half minutes. then they shoot you in the neck with horrifying accuracy. extraordinary accuracy, even.
you don't really get to mull on that thought for long because you're bleeding out on the linoleum floor of this bank when you're supposed to be taking your final final and everyone and their mother is screaming in terror. whatever.
you've died.
and then you wake up in the hospital and mourn the fact that you're going to have to wait another semester for your degree. your advisor already hates you. this is probably going to push her over the edge.
power negation ! whats that mean...
literally they can negate another eo's ability.
for activation they need to look at the person, but they do not need to maintain line of sight.
they can hold the negation on multiple eos at a time, though it is a more difficult endeavor
as soon as they blink, its deactivated and the eo has their ability back
the negation effects, essentially, powers that people control. it doesn't work so well on physiological powers (ie skeleton physiology) but will cancel something like superspeed immediately.
they need to know that a person has a power to be able to cancel it, so those with 'silent' powers won't be effected unless they know you have it and know when you are using it
but it's not like they really do anything with their power lolz... its mostly just used to help patients with alleviating any side effects & relaxation
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
if something happens to their eyes they're fucked essentially. thats why theyre almost always wearing sunglasses/goggles (also helps conceal who they're looking at)
constant dry eye. and i mean constant. it's really bad and they have to carry around a case of special eye drops
major headaches because of having to keep their eyes open
absolutely no defensive capabilities lol. they should learn how to fight but they dont <3 theyre just a psychiatrist who's gonna hurt them? <3
(if applicable)  cerberus corp… 
not part of cerberus but they do see patients who are cerberus agents and sera is paid well to make sure they keep that information extra confidential. doesn't really gaf about cerberus
some of their younger patients came up with it as a joke during a group session and it stuck
their power is. known. they are a known psych for extra ordinaries in particular and as a way to connect they do advertise that they can cancel out patients' powers during sessions. do what you will with that
was married to daphne torres for a few years until their divorce in 2020. :) why? well. thats for me and daisy to know.
since 2020 has gotten a bit... reckless.......... still has a tendency to therapize friends / dates / hookups but now theyre more casual about umm patient details ..... sprinkles some hipaa violations into here...
has a fish. unnamed.
does Not Care about villains or heroes or anything anymore like YOU ALL HAVE ISSUES
likes swords :)
a strong gust of wind could probably knock them over.
sometimes guest lectures at universities
hook ups/ one night stands..... any gender preferably 38+ in age. villain hero etc doesnt matter to them anymore
patients. anyone. doesnt matter to them anymore
idk i think someone should teach them how to fight because if they are ever in a combat situation they r not convinced talking is gonna get them out of it but theyre gonna Try and its gonna end messily
??????????????? profit. idk.
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legolasghosty · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Aaaaaa thanks @1mnobodywhoareyou for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms mainly, though I have a single Harry Potter fic I wrote for a friend, one Lockwood & Co ficlet floating around Tumblr somewhere, and a couple of Red White and Royal Blue ideas/wips that may end up on something someday.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe You Can't But That's Why I'm Here (90)
Your Colors Show Me Your History (81)
It's New, It Looks Good On You (76)
I Shouldn't Keep Loving You (But I Like it When You Hold My Hand) (66)
I'll be Here, I'll Hold You Through It (64)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I know I'm very behind on it though. It's on my list of things to catch up on in the next few weeks now that I'm done with school.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm I'm honestly not sure out of the ones I have posted. I know I have an older Bobby Angst fic that I didn't post that is probably the angstiest ending I've written, but out of ones I've put online... I'll be Here, I'll Hold You Through It maybe? It's not exactly angst, but it's lighter in the actual comfort than most of my angstier ones? Or Screw Your Family (You Have Us)?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh so many, I love a happy ending! I Know I Can Fall (Because You'll be there to Catch Me) is a lovely one with a cool happy ending I think! But really most of mine have happy or at least hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't really gotten any to my face so far. Yay for tiny fandom where people are mostly nice!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't up to this point, no.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't really in the past, at least not anything I might consider posting, but I'm not opposed.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope :(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but not posted, @valiantlyweepingdreamer and I have a longrunning soulmate AU we started together a couple of years ago, and there's been a couple of other little things I've helped friends write.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Either Percy/Annabeth from PJO or Willie/Alex from JatP! I love the both of them with my entire soul!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Besides the aforementioned soulmate AU, uhhh... oh I have this old idea for a JatP Camp Halfblood/PJO AU that I started but I don't think I have a solid enough grasp on where I want it to go to finish it :(((
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told I'm good at writing feels and softness?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst, super long ideas, and dialogue can be hard sometimes for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Theoretically cool, but I would absolutely not do it beyond like using a pet name in another language unless I had someone else who actually spoke that language to help me. I've seen too many badly translated bits in books and fics to feel comfortable with that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Julie and the Phantoms
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh gosh... I'll go with Maybe You Can't, But That's Why I'm Here, because it was just pure projection, but it was the first thing I ever posted and people were so sweet about it, so it holds a special place in my heart!
Okay no pressure tagging @linden-after-hours, @fandomscraziness22, @keepingthepeaceinouterspace, and anyone else who wants to play!
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shipcestuous · 2 years
What's your other favorite genres and tropes? Favorite shipping dynamics in addiction to sibling or cousin couples?
So many wonderful questions! Thank you!
I like most genres. If you look at all of my many works in progress, you'll see a lot of different settings/backgrounds for the various romances. I don't really think I have favorites.
One thing that I prefer and that you will almost always see in my writing is two people who don't realize they're in love yet. They don't realize it, they don't want it, and when they do realize it, they're doing to do their best to deny it. That kind of thing. Established relationships, mutual pining, one-sided (possibly eventually leading to mutual) is not what I am into as much. I like to be at the beginning of things and see it build from innocent interactions to romantically meaningful ones.
Though I will say I like the dynamic of a brother and sister who briefly gave in to a mutual attraction when they were young and now, many years later, aggressively pretend like it never happened but deep down what they really want is to be together. And the similar situation of a sibling who left to get away from it – took a job in another city, that kind of thing – and the other one wants them to be together and lots of angst.
I could probably talk about about dynamics all day. In addition to bro/sis, I like a lot of different uncle/niece dynamics. I really don't think I could categorize them all in any simple way. I prefer paternal uncle/niece, generally with the father/brother still alive. Bu in terms of the rapport, there's too much to describe. With father/daughter, I lean towards the daughter taking a surrogate wife role following the death of her mother, or some kind of dynamic where the daughter considers herself to be the mature one out of the two of them and the father may have been slightly absent. I always go fast to uptight girl laid back dude dynamic, I can't help it. For mother/son, I'm always drawn towards the sort of controlling almost manipulative mother, beautiful but not very moral, and the son who is resentful of being under his mother's thumb but also very comfortable there. Like a war between self-respect and the bad thing he knows he wants. For example.
Of course, as into incest shipping as I am, I like to play around with a lot of different dynamics.
I remember I was watching Return to Cranford and there was this brother/sister relationship where the brother was just awful. Awful to her, awful in general. He was written to be hated and she was written to be perfect. And, just as a theoretical exercise, I asked myself how I could tell a story that would make me ship this. What that story would be, what small tweaks could be made to make it shippable. And you know what? I did it. So I like a lot of things.
Did that answer your question? I don't even know. When I get going, it can go anywhere.
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sweaterspoons · 2 years
i can't rememnber if you have a maze tag and a separate labyrinth tag but im so curious either way. what the fuck are you talking about please elaborate *kicking feet in the air twirling a phone ckrd*
GRABS YOU!!!! THANK U FOR ASKING i will now be typing for four hours<333
the labyrinth is the maze!!!!!! The Maze refers both to the play-by-post d&d campaign im running, and its setting :D
the pitch, essentially, is this:
the maze is a very little-known legend. and even if you're among the few who learn about it, it's incredibly difficult to find... and even fewer people ever make it back out.
but those who DO make it out return with their heart's greatest desire.
riches, power, immortality, knowledge, a cure for all disease, a really fucking awesome sandwich... it's all possible in the maze :)
the maze itself is its own world, with... maybe its own consciousness? it bumps up into other planes of existence every so often, and when that happens, it creates Doors, which one can enter the maze through.
the challenge, theoretically, is simple. you enter through your door. the door locks. you go find your desire. when you achieve that, you ALSO get a key! the key unlocks your door. you go home.
in practice, it's.. well... a little more complicated <3
the maze is composed of an endless series of little worlds. some parts of it are pretty classic winding tunnels, hedges, what have you. some parts of it are... cities. forests. graveyards. oceans. etc etc etc. the dream is to feel a little bit infinity train : )
geeenerally you'll get pushed in a direction that'll get you toward your goal, but. you're gonna have to work for it baby!!!
we have FOUR player characters, all from different worlds <3
the guy, played by @spookyhetero ; a warforged barbarian, a father, an all around very strange fella from a very strange world. his face is an orb. his dad is a frat boy wizard. his son is a cactus. he's friends with the maze.
mara, played by @fia-bonkginya ; a half-elf oathbreaker paladin + undying warlock!! also the love of my life honestly. they're trying to get out of their warlock pact and it's going... swell :)
nadzeya oja, played by @eldathe ; a goblin druid, my darling, my angel, my emotional punching bag. she just wants to help. she just wants to prove herself. she just wants to find-- um... who... who was it she was looking for, again? (she can't remember. why can't she remember?)
and last, but CERTAINLY not least, is doctor charles jefferson atelier, played by @electricpoolshark ; a human artificer, former army medic, current engineer and rat enthusiast. he has a giant metal rat named algernon and she's his best friend. he's just here to learn about the maze, and accidentally doomed his own ass to walk its halls forever in like... the first five minutes.
honorable npc mentions include clementine, who's been here for quite some time; titan, whom everybody hates but is also the biggest and the sexiest and is my number one committer of nonbinary wrongs; and tetsuya, who is probably not a ghost but IS a little bit haunting the narrative right now.
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autistickfigure · 2 months
ALSO THINKING. ABOUT SA2 mechanics and ideas for them (a little bit with my characters.) NOW!
I have no idea how the combo system works. i think its a set timer BUT thats kinda lame. if it was based on you not touching the ground it would be way cooler and easier to rack up points. it would feel REALLY good to grind rails and hit robots and get 100000 points.. But that doesnt happen.
its cool that the goalpost gives you things but its kinda random so i dont know how helpful it really is. i think its based on points but i have different points everytime so.. Come on. I DO LIKE that whenever you have a normal shield and keep it all the way to another goal post it upgrades.
i watched a video someone said about how sonic's transition to 3d was "rough" because it didnt capture aspects from sonics 2d years. (keeping momentum when hitting enemies being hit being his main. thing. He didnt like the homing attack.) WHAT HE DOESNT understand is that sonic is a mix of flashy and speed. LOOP DE LOOPS ARE important. THE CAMERA ANGLES are cool. speed is cool up to a point but it kinda means having lots of empty space under the assumption you'll just be going fast. its a lot harder to work that into a 3d space.
to appeal to this 1 GUY. i think a theoretical "pacifist" character is in order. WHO IS IT? Its bobkins.
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DESIGN PENDING: FOREVER. Well. bobkins would jump off of enemies as apposed to kara's Homing attack (name pending). they would only be able to reflect projectiles with a sort of parry thing THAT DOES kill enemies BUT it means melee enemies are unkillable on their own. (and you wont get points for jumping off the same enemy over and over.) it would probably have a little cool down so you cant just spam it. they would be the 2 runner characters of the game. Probably.
(BY the way they're family But kara hates that word so they're friends they maybe don't talk that much. Probably for the better.. They're very different.)
UNRELATED THOUGHT: if sonic team gets rid of m speed in the sonic generations remake. Kill them.
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wroteonedad · 2 years
Unboxing Cold War Steve
Politics in England. It's never a good thing. Every politician seems to hate each other, they're the reason why the country is falling apart and probably also the reason why you'll fall out with your family over Christmas dinner this year, 'Oh, but Boris wasn't that bad' Your nan will say after her 5th Bailey's before claiming that he was just a very social guy,,,, perhaps a little bit too social though. Politics are full of scandal, especially in England anyway. Rumour has it that parliament has some of the best class a dealers in the country. And through the scandals, pig shagging, cheating, drug scandals and Eat Out To Help Out, there was one artist who through it all kept shedding light on the endless situations.
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Cold War Steve, Christopher Spencer is a British based montage artist has been poking fun at the way politics in England have been going for years, to the point that a few famous faces have been upset about being featured in his works and have decided to block the man via Twitter. He takes concepts of many minor and major things in the country happening at the same time and condenses it all into surreal montaged scenes. Cutting and pasting already existing digital images into newly formed digital spaces, he creates worlds that don't exist, but also do exist theoretically all together. The montages at first were typically created on his phone while he would be on the way to work, when he was a probationary officer. Now I don't know about you, but with the themes of Britishness and politics in his works, it just makes sense to me that that was his job.
I've talked about the works of montage before and how it can be such a fantastic form of art, but I've also spoken about how photomontage can be frustrating and lazy What I'm trying to say here is don't be Richard Prince. Photomontage can be used as a way to take something that already exists and replace it into something that writes a completely different narrative. For example, in this montage below where Cold War Steve pokes fun at Piers Morgan and his obsession (derogatory) with the Royal Family.
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Living in a council estate home, sitting in bed all day and not having the guts to just go outside and touch grass. The walls immersed with images of Meghan Markle because for whatever reason Piers Morgan cannot seem to comprehend or accept that she is married to Prince Harry. For years, Piers hasn't been able to stop talking about it and to be honest, I'm not sure he ever will. The final touch of this image is Steve McFadden, also known as Phil Mitchell from EastEnders, entering through the doorway. One of the main themes throughout Cold War Steve's body of work, is that in most montages our beloved Phil Mitchell will be placed somewhere in the montages. He has nothing to do with any of the politics or the narrative behind the works, he's just there. When the artist was asked about this, he did not have a full reason as to why he was always placed in the works, he just was. Perhaps this is to add to the concept of having a national treasure placed through the ever growing body of works. He stated; 'He's an everyman, an observer, the hero of the pieces, the anchor to the real world. He's me looking on in disbelief really.'
Spencer went on to then publish books, Cold War Steve Presents... The Festival of Brexit was the photobook I'd asked for Christmas, so I could use it as a reference point when I was creating my final major project for uni. The works throughout this book are all channelled through anxieties which are under Spencer's persona of Cold War Steve. They all tackled real situations that happened within the country, something that we are still reeling from long term affects with. The collages then begin from high res background images being purchased and thus, the image is used as the initial background for the work. Through this, people and events are then placed in the space to create a mish mash of a hellscape.
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The works of Cold War Steve became so popular that he was then commissioned for the cover of Time in 2019. The issue featuring titled pieces such as 'How Britain Went Bonkers.' and 'The Brexit Fiasco', and the cover featuring a lovely double decker bus crashing into the Thames, it is so so British. If there was anything that could be created to be the perfect summary of the Festival of Brexit book this would be it. But truthfully, if I had one thing to say against the work, it would be that I was a bit miffed by the lack of creative control that Spencer had over this. The magazine really wanted Meghan and Harry to be in the piece, not that they were 'bad guys' or that they really had anything to do with the work at all. Its only staple to the people at Time was that it was British, and that was its perfect end result. Original ideas were also taken out of the cover piece because it was feared it was just 'too offensive' for people to be looking at. I suppose its utter Britishness makes sense when it comes to designing a brief for an American audience, I mean does anyone know an American person who knows who Phil Mitchell is? The best part? Mr McFadden is so small, but he still made the cut to the final cover, if you squint he's sitting on the bottom deck of the bus.
'I think in one of the early drafts I put a sleeping Alan Brazil on the back of the bus and they circled it and said 'who is this?''. I imagine this would be the same with a lot of the typical characters used throughout the works.
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In another piece for the magazine, he has an image of McFadden and Bungle the bear selling cups of tea in a takeaway van to the side of London Bridge. When asked about it, it was to ensure that the montages stayed classic to the way that Spencer makes them,,, otherwise Time may as well have designed the cover themselves. What I really love about all of these works is that I feel as though it should be a regular for Private Eye, which if you're not familiar with that sector of works then you should be. The regularly published newspaper styled magazine features a large array of certified politician moments. It uses all of their slipups, scandals and downright silly things they have done and is then redesigned as satire for the publication. It is not just specifically featured on England itself and tends to go worldwide. Of course though, the main face of the magazine is a bald beer bellied man wearing an England shirt, otherwise known as our beloved Barry 63. Know Your Meme describes it as 'Barry 63 is a series of memes that use a photograph of a British man man with a pint of beer in his hand, while smiling into the camera, referred to as 'Barry 63'.'
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In 2020, Spencer was also commissioned to display his works as part of the Arts By The Sea Festival, an event which I wrote about a few months ago. He put together a 5m high and 25m long windbreaker displaying a selection of works, but mostly to display Bournemouth in a positive light.
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The original works submitted were hopeful positivity vs dystopia with political evil sandworms and a naked Boris Johnson, the council then agreed to display the works so long as the dystopian side was not on public view. This was pretty much to ensure that people didn't get upset from the local works made for the show. The council commented saying they didn't want to display anything with political undertones and yet decided to let one of the most political artists out there create works for the show. I mean, make it make sense. They stated, 'the beach is a public space and it is a privilege for anyone to be granted an opportunity to use it to promote their work. While we would like to see more art on the seafront, this wonderful space is used by people from all walks of life.' The whole concept of this seems crazy to me. I feel that if you are commissioned to create something for an arts festival then you should be able to curate whatever you want, to be able to express yourself as an artist. Art is made to sometimes be bold, controversial and sometimes to anger you because you don't agree with the overall message. I think that this is clearly displayed through Spencer's works. 'I feel that the dystopian images risks causing further division at a time when we need to come together as a population.' This feels like it was the councils way of saying I mean yeah we like your work, but also don't make anything you normally do because we can't upset Gary walking his dogs this weekend. Although they didn't allow the whole piece to physically be on show, thank God the council allowed for you to look at the works on the Arts By The Sea website.
At the end of the day, I think Spencer tackled some very strong events happening and left these open to a discussion, I'm a firm believer that they should have been displayed as they were because it almost takes away a lot of the meaning if you're just showing the more positive and hopeful side on its lonesome.
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To put it bluntly, I love Cold War Steve. The type of work he creates allows you to both laugh along with the works, but to also understand the type of frustration that is felt through the works. I love that they are all literal, it's hard not to know what is happening when we live in a world that is swarmed by politics and their daily scandals. I love the roughly created cut and paste job, it makes me feel a bit nostalgic. It looks like when you get a piece of card and then you physically cut all of these images out of a magazine to create a physical product. However, I really think there is a charm to all of these works being digitally created. It's like a homage to when you see the news digitally online and then you immediately create something in response to that piece of news you read. His Twitter feed is full of daily montages ready to feast your eyes on and with that are accompanying photobooks. There is nothing I love more than to check my feed and see a new Cold War Steve montage.
Cold War Steve's archival works can be found here
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